#what if he was riddled with guilt i think that would be pretty cool
pa-rou · 1 year
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always within
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dotster001 · 2 years
I would very much like a gn version of the type of person they woukd like pretty please!
What Kind of Person they Like
Summary: gn! reader. What kind of person they say they want versus the one they end up with
CW: some of the boys are assholes with their answers, it's explained away in the who they end up with section, so take it with a grain of salt, also these are just my opinions. If you don't agree that's ok! Also, if you read the Fem/masc versions some of this is different but some of it is the same. Sorry if you were hoping your fave would have a different opinion.
A/n: putting the tag list in here as well in case some of you are gn. If you're Fem or masc! My bad guys! Also now that I finished the trilogy I'm so done 😭 formatting on this app takes so fucking long
Masc Version Fem Version
Ace Trappola
What he says
"hmm, a great bod and an ass you can't resist the urge to smack. Why are you giving me that look? Sevens, fine! Okay they're kind and have an ass that- hey don't throw stuff at me!"
Who he ends up with
Ace is going to be naturally attracted to a person that holds him accountable. He's also looking for someone who he can tease at all hours of the day. He wants someone he can have fun with, but who will also give him the cold hard facts. But they also take care of him when he's down. He's hiding a lot of insecurity under his cool guy exterior, so if they lets him snuggle, and let him whine, and then whisper how much they love him, he'll be a happy man. And he's really big on them not knowing anything about basketball. He's a fucking show off.
Deuce Spade
What he says
"Huh, I've never really thought about it. Um, I guess they're nice and funny, and aren't scared of my past. I'd also want them to be a little like you, Y/N….not that I like you! Well, I like you, not like like you, shit I'm sorry! This isn't sounding any better…"
Who he ends up with
He really means it when he says he wants someone like you. You're one of his first friends, and, in his mind, the person you date/marry should be your best friend. But if it's not you he ends up with, he will probably be attracted to someone who's book smart, but less street smart. A little "dumb" like him, in a cute kind of way. He likes a cuddler, and maybe someone who is shorter than him so that he can feel like he's swallowing them whole when he wraps his arms around them. Also, someone who encourages him and helps him with his homework/paperwork. 
Riddle Rosehearts
What he says
"I don't have time for a relationship right now….but I think I want someone well behaved who follows the rules- what are you smirking at? Just because you're a rule breaker doesn't mean everyone is. And maybe someone smart. No, definitely someone smart."
Who he ends up with
As much as he hates to admit it…he's attracted to rule breakers. Not as bad as Ace obviously, he's not trying to go gray early. But if they say something like "let's have a non herbal tea" when it's time for only herbal tea…damn what a rush. By the time he gets serious with someone, he'll be confident enough in himself to cut ties with his mother, so they have to be strong willed, and willing to live off of a low budget for a while.  He'll need someone understanding, who knows he'll have relapses and be too much and too angry sometimes, and they have to be understanding of that, and encouraging of improvement, or he'll live with guilt for the rest of his life. 
Trey Clover
What he says
"Someone who's willing to settle down and grow fat and old with me. You're laughing, but I'm going to be running my parents bakery, and feeding people is my love language. Speaking of, you better finish off that slice of cake before the others steal it."
Who he ends up with
Trey isn't that picky. He really means it when he says he wants someone to get old and fat with. That's his dream. Running a bakery with his spouse by his side, and growing old together as your own kids grow up and bring home their own spouses. But he also wants someone he can blindside with his sadistic side. Someone who'll enjoy that side of him, but also someone who easily forgets it's there. It makes things more fun for him.
Cater Diamond
What he says
"Ha ha someone trendy and totes hot. Someone totally cammable. Aw, are you jealous? Don't worry, you'll always be my fave, even if you're not my otp."
Who he ends up with
Cater wants someone who won't disappear when he looks away. Yes, if they're "cammable" that's the first thing he's looking for, but when all is said and done, if they seem like they're going to be flaky, he won't take it too seriously either, as a defense mechanism. He needs a person with mental endurance, because he's going to spend the beginning of the relationship trying to scare them off. Not that he wants to, he just needs to know he won't be left alone like he usually is. He is going to be attracted to someone who humors his trends and magicam addiction, but who also sees through him. Someone balanced.  They see the real Cay Cay, but they're also willing to be his "trophy spouse" online.
Jack Howl
What he says
"Oh, I uh, well someone who can keep up on a run with me I guess…"
Who he ends up with
Jack says he wants someone who can work out with him. And he would really be happy if he had a partner who was as active as him…but he'd also be happy  with a soft squishy partner. He gets blushy thinking about holding someone soft and plush against his firm muscles. But he's flexible. In the end he won't choose his future spouse based on appearances. Wolf beastmen mate for life, so the main thing he is looking for is loyalty. Loyalty, and someone who would want to raise lots of kids with him. As long as you have those two traits, nothing else really matters to him.
Ruggie Bucchi
What he says
"Relationships are expensive, shihihi. Tell you what, you find me someone with sticky fingers, and we'll eat the rich together."
Who he ends up with
This is a deflection.If you're asking about a specific gender, Ruggie has two drastically different responses, mostly due to the large and in charge hyena women. But if you take that aspect away, deep down he longs for someone who he can settle down with, who will call him a good boy and pamper him (whether he is the breadwinner or they are), and who he can just live a happy life, slowly rising up to middle class, with. He also is looking for someone to snuggle the night away with. He gets lonely at night.
Leona Kingscholar
What he says
"Body pillow"
"That's not-"
"Body pillow"
Who he ends up with
Like Hyena's, lion women are the boss. So take the gender aspect away, and what he's searching for is someone who will make him feel loved. Whether it's through shouting and dragging him to therapy or soft caresses and whispered praise, he doesn't mind. He wants to feel loved and first in someone's life. He doesn't care how it happens. He's a surprisingly flexible guy.
Also, they have to accept that nighttime is when they're a body pillow. That's an absolute must.
Azul Ashengrotto
What he says
"Why do you wish to know? Are you attempting to reach my standards? Ha ha, let's see. Someone who is mysterious, who is willing to dress stunningly, and sit in my lap when I make deals, so that competitors can see what a high value man I am."
Who he ends up with
If that didn't make you want to throw up 🤢. He'll be attracted to someone who makes him feel beautiful in subtle ways. He knows how easy it is to spin a verbal web of lies. But there's some things you can't fake. Like allowing someone to rest on your lap, and caressing their hair. Or squeezing someone's hand gently when you have to let go. Or pressing a kiss to someone's cheek after you help them straighten their outfit. It's the soft romantic moments that'll speak to Azul when he finds his love. Aside from that, he's not looking for anything in particular. Just someone who makes him feel loved and beautiful.
Jade Leech
What he says
"Fu fu who's to say? Perhaps you are the lover of my dreams. Or not."
Who he ends up with
They're someone who can see through him. Someone who never compares him or confuses him for his twin. They're smart. Very smart. They eat his mushrooms and go on hikes with him. They are  patient with Floyd. What Jade is looking for….is Jade. Someone like that is the only one who can truly keep up with him.
Floyd Leech
What he says
"Aw Shrimpy! Are you worried? Don't worry, whoever they are, I'll still squeeze ya!"
Who he ends up with
He's looking for someone fun. That's his only criteria. At least that's what he says. He can't be sure if he loves them because they're fun, or if they're fun because he loves them. In that sense, it's sort of a soulmate situation for Floyd. Whatever will be will be. He'll just know. 
Also they have to be squeezable. 
Kalim al Asim
What he says
"I love everybody!"
"Have some of this ice cream, it's amazing!"
Who he ends up with
He wants someone he can spoil, but he doesn't know that. It's something in his subconscious. He doesn't want things back either. So they have to be someone who is okay with being spoiled, and doesn't feel guilty about it. He's going to be attracted to someone who loves life like him, but also helps to keep him grounded. And if they have a spark of danger in them, oh man, he'll be simping so hard. 
Jamil Viper
What he says
"I'm not going to even think about it until my freedom is assured. Kalim has promised, but it would be irresponsible to force someone into servitude with me."
Who he ends up with
Jamil will fall for someone who truly appreciates him. Someone who will offer him help with his work (it doesn't matter if it's good help or not, he appreciates it either way). Someone who will pamper him. Someone who gets excited about the prospect of dropping everything and seeing the world with him. Someone who will be his partner, but who will also be willing to take turns ruling the house, so that they both can pretend to be the royal who is getting served from time to time.
Epel Felmier
What he says
"Um, someone buff who knows I wear the pants in the relationship. Don't laugh, I like the idea of being surrounded in a hug of muscles! Stop laughing!"
Who he ends up with
Epel wants someone he can provide for, who he never has to prove his masculinity to. Someone who supports his ambitions, and believes in him. Someone who he doesn't have to change for. And if they want to be a cutesie house spouse for him…he won't complain.
Rook Hunt
What he says
"Mon Trickster, I can find beauty in everyone."
Who he ends up with
What he says is actually true. He can and will fall in love with every kind of person. It's hard to say who he will tie himself to, in the end. It'll be someone who he heavily bonds with and imprints on. It's a lot like with Floyd. Essentially a soulmate situation.
Vil Schoenheit
What he says
"Hm. Why do you want to know, potato? I suppose they're professional, and beautiful, and care about their image enough that they don't cause a scandal."
Who he ends up with
The thing about Vil is, he's not that far off from Rook in his take on beauty. He doesn't so much believe in conventional beauty, or societal beauty standards. He knows everyone has an individual definition of health and beauty. When he says he's looking for a beautiful person, he's looking for someone who's willing to reach their full potential. Or, more accurately, to allow him to help them reach they're full potential. Vil never admits it, but he adores pampering and styling people. His love language is helping people look their best. So if they're someone who knows themself enough to know what style they like, he'll appreciate it, and take up the mantle of doing the hard work, ie making outfits, styling hair and makeup, formulating skin care etc.  TLDR, he wants a confident self possessed lover he can dress like a doll, and show off.
Idia Shroud
What he says
"-------------" mutes ipad.
In his head, he doesn't think any man would ever love him. But his dream lover is a sexy anime cat person.
Who he ends up with
What he'll be attracted to is someone who is patient, speaks at a reasonable volume, and is assertive enough to make him leave his room. Essentially, winning Idia's heart is a siege. You'll have to starve him out. That's the patience bit. The reasonable volume comes from him being easily scared by loud noises. Assertive enough to make him leave his room…well that speaks for itself. He wants to believe he can be part of the outside world, and the one he will fall for will be willing to show it to him.
Sebek Zigvolt
What he says
"They are someone of noble bearing, who shall help me defend my liege!"
Who he ends up with
He'll fall for a someone who is stronger, mentally, physically, etc., than him. A person who can put him in his place. A lover who speaks, and it makes him shut up, and sit pretty. They're assertive, and can come off as abrasive to others but to Sebek? Sevens, he'd die for a smidgen of their affection.
What he says
"I don't think it's worth it to try and define the one I'll fall in love with. There are so many wonderful people, and my father always told me that love is the greatest mystery in this world. Who's to say who I'll fall in love with?"
Who he ends up with
Silver will fall for someone soft. The entire romance will be soft. Soft caresses in the moonlight. Soft kisses in the morning. Soft fingers gently intertwining.  They'll be empathetic about his sleep condition, never blaming him since it's not his fault. They'll be gentle with his animal friends. But they'll also be strong in some ways. They'll be someone who will fight the metaphorical (or literal, Silver lives an interesting life) dragon for their sleeping Prince Silver. They'll be sweet and kind. Like a hybrid of Prince Philip and Princess Aurora.
Lilia Vanrouge
What he says
"Fu Fu Fu wouldn't you like to know."
Who he ends up with
Lilia can and has fallen for every kind of person. He's lived a long time. He's had the time to romance lots of lovers.  What he'd probably fall for in this stage of his life, is someone he can tease, and play around with, but who is also ready to settle down a little bit. Someone who enjoys the little things in life. He's getting a little old. He wants to build onto his family that he already has. Silver can stand to have three or ten more siblings, right?
Malleus Draconia
What he says
Who he ends up with
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic
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hinamie · 27 days
Not trying to start anything but is there a reason why you want Yuuji to have kept his injuries so badly? /gen
a ! part of it is the fact that I spent so long figuring out how I wanted to implement yuuji's scars into the way I draw him, n now to have had all that effort be for naught is salt in the non-existent wound :'> there were so many of them that I was pretty proud of myself when I settled on something I was happy with,,,, not to mention they looked so cool cries i was ROBBED
but even from a non-petty non-aesthetic standpoint i have some thoughts on why i think yuuji should have kept the scars. SPECIFICALLY the right eye injury. don't get me wrong megumi having the facial scars that echo sukuna's mask does look cool it's nice and angsty he looks good i do Like it. HOWEVER. i think from a narrative standpoint, to have Yuuji be the one to lose the right eye or have a significant scar in that spot would have been Better visual storytelling. Not only does yuuji spend more time as sukuna's vessel comparatively but Yuuji as sukuna's vessel n foil is SUCH a key plot point (mans literally says "you are me" like>?>??????????) n i feel like the scars n what they represent in that regard are better suited to him. family resemblance if u will.
ik this isn't rly taking into account megumi's torso scars but personally i got no beef with those I think they make sense. he was punched out of sukuna, obv that's gonna leave a mark . "but by that logic couldn't you make the same argument for why megumi keeps the facial scars?", I hear you ask. and to that i say you /could/ but imo megumi's torso scars also carry a symbolism that makes it Meaningful fr him to have them. i'm mostly thinking here about yuuji being better able to Suppress sukuna's true form whereas megumi Couldn't and him having to wear the reminder on his body as a result. at the end of the day though my main gripe really just boils down to the fact that not only does megumi end up with /more/ sukuna-related scars than yuuji, but Yuuji straight up loses /All/ of his. As far as we know he has none now and that's SUCH a shame imo.
I think if megumi were to keep the torso scars + slits where the second eyes used to be (+ some other misc LEFT SIDE facial scars from the fight w gojo and the jacob's ladder attack), with Yuuji instead being the one to sustain the main right eye injury as a visual reminder of sukuna, that would be ideal for Me. Have megumi be an echo of the body, have yuuji be an echo of the face. That way there's good symbolism - the size/placement of their marks better corresponds 2 the nature of the time they spent as vessels + the weight of their respective relationships with sukuna. simple, effective, matching angsty bfs. AND they get to look at themselves and each other and be riddled with intense soul crushing guilt!!!!!
anyway scarred!megu nation we won but scarred!yuuji nation suffered for it and i'm not going to take that slight lying down.
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twistmusings · 1 month
Shark anon (from the Florid and AzuJade post is back!) and has asked again but I wanted to put the ask under a read more as it contains spoilers.
(Same anon as last asks.) I love your character insight! I havnt fully read azuls dream yet but i cant wait to dissect it. Also i love the example of subtle growth the boys have gotten over tje chapters - azuls merform being a example between chapter 3 compared to 7 now. as an aside, whole riddle did start floyd waking up, the thing that fully broke through to him was octa's loss and calling azuls ob a mistake on the leech's part. A tiny line but i think its a good insight to his feelings - 🦈
Yep! Exactly this! Honestly more than just Jeiazu and Florid shippers ate with this chapter too - I feel like basically any ship that involves one of the three gets a nice little fundamental shift in this chapter just because of the way that all of the boys show growth.
You're 100% right, Riddle is what starts Floyd waking up, but what actually gets Floyd to wake up 100% is because he feels guilty and responsible for Azul overblotting. I have been waiting for this because... those three have been friends for years, and we know that Azul was pretty injured during that fight. I suspected that the Leech twins didn't get off without at least some trauma from the incident, and Floyd bringing up that he and Jade feel partially responsible for it is cool because like... they have survivors guilt, or at the very least Floyd does.
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Sure, Azul is alive, but we know that the entire experience was traumatic for him. And we also know that Azul has made significant progress in trying to heal those wounds from Azul's dream.
Again, this chapter shows so much genuine respect for each of them for each other both in regard to bodily autonomy but also in the way that they care for each other. Azul would likely not have been able to heal from that trauma as well as he has without a support system. I can't recall off the top of my head, but I believe one of his vignettes mentions that he does sit and chat with Jade and Floyd about his mental health pretty regularly. Regardless of if you view the relationships for the Octavinelle boys as platonic or not, they have pretty healthy boundaries established and go out of their way to be good friends and be present for each other.
I think you'll enjoy reading Azul's dream, anon! You do get quite a bit of additional information about these three and see how well they know each other and trust each other. Fingers crossed those translations are on the way for those of you who are waiting for them!
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vibingandsimping · 11 months
first and foremost thank you for taking this up ❤️ im demi straight 😚
i am 5'3 and a kiwi 🇳🇿 i have a slim build, bleached blonde hair down near my collarbone, blue eyes and dress super light academia!! i am an intp too!
i am a super big fan of ancient greece and the roman empire, and i am a very studious girl!! i am learning ancient greek actually, and i read a lot of books on homer sophocles socrates etc . i LOVE all things ancient. i am actually pretty dorky haha, and i tend to ramble about silly things im interested in and id def win a general knowlesge game show. 🥸 but initially upon meeting me there is a wall where i sort of have to mask a lot of my eccentric behaviour . i am also suppperr fidgety and love to bite & chew on things. around my neck is my car keys and my gym membership key card, and there is.... 2 many bite marks on that mf card. 💀 anywho i am often dazing off and stuck in my own head!
i guess finally i am super used to helping people without reciprocation, and feeling useful is super important for me !! and i hate asking people for things. it is very unusual feeling when people compliment/appreciate/help me and it comes with guilt(??) i am pretty oblivious so thats cool (flaws amiright). i am super dedicated and loyal for people i love and love having sole attention and praise 🤲 i can get skeptical of ppl easily though and i overthink!
THANK YOUUUU hopefully not too long i woke up to my air conditioning dripping on me .... it's 3am
(Commissions aren’t officially open yet but this was commissioned! Matchups are closed and I am answering those already in my inbox!)
This one feels obvious but you and Gale would get along!
You both share the qualities of being studious, bit of nerds/dorks and generally seem quite alike to me. Obviously not the exact same but my initial thought was Gale. He’d fall in love with listening to you talk about your interests (and hopefully you’d reciprocate the same for him.) To have someone as interested in the finer arts and general knowledge as him is such a thrill. Not everyone has such intellectual curiosity! He personally hasn’t much need for favors, besides early on when he needs assistance with the weave, but he appreciates it nonetheless. He’d prefer quality time and words of affirmation than anything. He has the patience to sit and get to know you beyond what you mask as. Gale would definitely find you interesting no matter the type of person you were. He just wants to get to know the real you.
The dust clouded your lungs as you wiped at a bookshelf in the dungeon. This place was long abandoned and was made clear from Shadowheart’s unease. Her complaining about being uncomfortable staying in this place for too long ringing in your ears nearly the entire time. Luckily, you found some time for yourself when this expansive library was uncovered. You were always seeking neat books and tomes to read, curse your curious nature, so the dust was a fair price to pay. Your finger scanned the wall before landing on one that caught your eye. Pulling it out carefully in fear of a trap. Once in your hands you scanned it over- audibly gasping in excitement. You felt as if you hit the jackpot. You tapped your feet a couple times and gnawed your lip as you opened the pages. You always had a fixation on ancient history of Faerûn. This, in particular, was about the Great Sphinx’s and their riddles. Telling the stories of ancient philosophers and the adventures they experienced. You read with rapt attention as your party conversed. The absence of yourself must’ve been noticed when Gale approached. A smile playing on his lips at how pleased you appeared. “I do hate interrupting the enjoyment of a well written book but everyone else seems to be getting antsy. I don’t think they can appreciate the finer details of historic libraries like we do.” The last sentence was spoken with a sarcastic humor that admittedly made you smile. Instead of responding to his comment, you closed the book and held it out to him. Gale leaning back a bit as you smiled sheepishly; realizing your enthusiasm got the better of you. “You must know this book, yes?” Gale clears his throat before nodding. You continue without skipping a beat. “This is a relic! My favorite riddle from the Sphinx’s comes straight from this! A first-hand copy.” Gale laughs and gently takes the book into his hands. Flipping through the pages with utmost care. Meanwhile, you watch and gnaw your lip once more. “What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two in the evening and three at night?” You recite in expertise. The wizard perks back up and joins you in unison for the answer. “A humanoid crawls on four legs as an infant, walks on two legs as an adult and walks with a cane in elder age!” You could very well see some side-eyes from the other party members. Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to care in the slightest. It wasn’t often since the tapdole you got to ever geek out on your interests. Nonetheless someone who shared them to some extent! Gale breaks the bated silence. “I do believe we should get going. Though, I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing a glass of wine and discussing the rest of this literature?” You only smile, nod, and follow as he leads the way back towards the entrance. Your poor lip was about chewed to bits, though.
As for an NSFW pairing… Halsin might be your pair!
He does believe you to be the most beautiful woman around. Even if you won’t share him in your heart explicitly- he will in your sheets (or wherever you’d like do to the do). Halsin can do just about anything you’d wish for. Beyond all that he is a very sweet, attentive and caring elf. He’ll make sure that every night you spend with him is just as satisfying as the last if not better. He has admired you for some time now.
Your lips clash in a shared desperation. The adventure long and the tension between you two palpable. As soon as you two settled into camp and night fell- he was on you like a beast. Hoisting you around his hips as his hands clasped your rear. Your arms slinked around his neck, the kiss feverish, as he guided you into your tent. Occasionally he’d growl into the kiss as he reeled himself inside. You both knew his nature of excitement. He carefully laid you out on the bedroll and broke the kiss to instead favor your neck. Your hair fell around you like a mock halo, golden and bright. Sucking and peppering the skin with his love. Blunt teeth grazing you each time he parted to move further down. All you could do is sit and whine pathetically as the sensations washed over. His fingers working quickly at your shirt and pants so he could admire you in your glory. You shimmied your hips to help assist him in ridding the clothing faster. Halsin straddled you a moment and watched you carefully. Pupils blown wide as his chest raised with each breath. “Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. You stun me every time I see your beauty.” He makes quick work of his own restrictions. As soon as he was fully nude you could clearly see his excitement. Cock standing at full attention at his stomach as he grabs your hips. There’s a fleeting moment of fear- thinking he’s going to enter you with little foreplay. Yet, that’s cut off when he only brings your core closer to his face. Inhaling deeply between your thighs before dipping into your sex. Tongue running over the folds to capture your essence and then lavishing your clit. Your shoulder-blade’s are pressed against the bedroll but it’s barely noticeable. Most of your weight was supported by the huge elf so all your attention could instead focus on the way he ate you like a man starved. The suckling and lapping was almost audible if not for the cries that escaped your chest. He relished in them and continued his efforts twofold to hear your beautiful sounds. Heels digging into his back as he edged you closer to the brink of ecstasy. Then, when you felt an orgasm creeping up on you, he slipped two fingers in. Lifting his head from your sex momentarily to speak with such a gruff you shuddered. “I intend on making you fall apart several times tonight. Once I am satisfied I will fuck you full. Breed you so prettily so that everyone will know. As if they can’t hear your delicious voice already.”
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Wow wow wow wow!!!! I love Lucretia!! She's so fun !! :3 gosh I just love love LOVE your takes on the Blacks!! I love your takes on everyone tbh but ahhhh she's just so fun! I bet Ignatius felt on top of the world with her lol !
Jeez idek what to say!! Aghhh such a good job like always! I love them! I love Remus! You just,,, get him so right! You understand him! I've never thought of Jewish/Polish/big noses LOL Remus but I'm in love w it now! Is his nose big in size or shape? Or both? :0 I really really like slash appreciate that you give him a good relationship with his parents! I've never really seen him as a mummy's boy but I've always Def thought that they all love each other!! A lot!! Ahhhh and Lyall's guilt,,,, ah! I love them! How do you think the dual religion works? :O
Umumumumumunumummmmmmmmmm if you're not tired of me yet LMAO I would really love to hear all about like,, pretty much everyone! Ik you'll probably talk more about them in your Knights post but if you have any thoughts about like,, the Averys that don't really fit in there I'd love to listen to them :3 I love your blabbers!!!!!!!! It'd also be really cool to hear about the Rosiers! Like Evan's dad :3 idkidk they're just so ! yk??
- 🍃
Ahhhh I'm so glad you love her!! She's seriously one of my favourites!!! I'm gonna do a yap on her brother and cousins at some point,,, I'm considering doing individual posts about the different families in the Sacred 28, mentioning things commonly associated with them, family scandals, known family members, family values etc jfnbjnjgb Ignatius was definitely in disbelief for a good bit honestly but once they got together I feel like he was over the moon,, it was one of those "pinch my arm so I know it's still real" situations for sure
Also ahhhh I'm so glad you see the vision for Remus,, I kinda feel like he's not the typical take people have on him?? Or maybe I've just seen a lot more of different takes which is making me feel like that vjnfjbngjbng
I think his nose is probably more noticeably big in shape? It's quite protruding I think vnjfnbjgb though it is also just a big nose in general. He's got a bit of a slope going on too, I think
YES YES YES!!! Remus having a good relationship with his parents is so important to me,, if I had to choose one Remus headcanon it might be that one tbh it just forms who he is for me in such a significant way. I think Remus being a mummy's boy or like,,, closer to his mother more so comes from the fact that Hope's trying to make up for Lyall not always being as present as he wants to be because of his guilt.
As for the dual religion, like I said, I don't think Lyall is extremely religious so as for holidays and traditions they'd likely be more Jewish leaning, especially cause I think Hope would be someone who got really focused on preparing everything etc. Depending on when Chanukah was they'd celebrate either Chanukah or Christmas but I could see them doing both if it fell on different dates? I'm not super sure but yeah!!!
I did a bit about the Avery family a few days ago jcnfjcnfj and I’m gonna do more in another post but yes, let me yap about the Rosiers!!!
So generally speaking I don’t portray Evan and Pandora as twins. Their parents are Druella’s older and younger brothers and their grandparents are Felix and Minette Rosier (I will likely be changing Minette’s name as I learned that there’s actually already a Minette Rosier, she just married into the Lestrange family). I think the Rosiers speak exclusively French when they’re home and they kinda look down on people who are able to but don’t.
Alabaster is the eldest, born in 1928 and he was the only Slytherin of his siblings. For context he’s a fifth year at Hogwarts when Tom Riddle, Edmund Avery Senior, Bruce Mulciber Senior and that whole gang are all in their sixth year. I’ve changed Cygnus Black’s age (so he doesn’t become a father at thirteen like Joanne apparently thought he should) so Alabaster and Cygnus are dorm mates in my head. Alabaster dies when he’s fairly young, either just before Evan is born or a month or so after,,, I haven’t decided yet. I just know Evan does not grow up with a dad. Alabaster married Ursa Brown (I might find a different last name for her cause I like the idea of her being French), a fellow Slytherin in his year.
Druella was born in 1930 and was a Hufflepuff. She enjoys watercolour paintings and home decorating and she’s quite close with her mother. She puts a lot of value on being a good future wife,,, there’s still a bit of drama that goes on when her and Cygnus gets engaged because before it gets announced she doesn’t know if she’s gonna marry Alphard or Cygnus (the latter who she’s had a bit of a crush on)
Acelin is the baby of the family born in 1931. He was sorted into Hufflepuff like his sister. He was noticeably close with a certain Eileen Prince who was also in both his year and house. Acelin marries Adaline, a French witch who attended Beauxbaton during her younger days
Also as it turns out, I’ve got a drawing of them from when they were in their fifth, third and second year!
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My favourite headcanon for the Rosiers is that they frequently mix with Veelas. Alabaster, Druella and Acelin’s grandmother was a Veela and so they’re a quarter Veela. I like the idea of the family frequently mixing with Veelas which is how they have the white-gold hair. I could see Adaline being part Veela tho how much idk. I’m also just a sucker for Rosier family who’s odd and alluring and in theory a good handful of them are so freaky no one should want to be near them but still there’s just something inexplainable about them. Also the Rosier family who use it to their advantage to gain relationships with important wizard in families,,,,
I don’t have a lot for Evan’s dad other than like,,, his design? Though I do really like that,,, Evan is pretty much identical to him the genes are strong lol. His marriage is arranged just as both his siblings are, though he ends up quite happy with Ursa for the short time that they have together before he passes away
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ohhhh my god mac. mac. part 2 of the cullen games. that was SO GOOD. i knew it wouldn't be that easy to kill edward bro i KNEW it couldn't be the real edward in the arena but god it was so satisfying just for a second to think that maybe he was dead. man. this campaign is everything. one minute arthur was agonizing over his own humanity and about to kill a woman and the next he was throwing it back on a tree branch. supermassive black hole playing in the background while arthur played vampire baseball. the boogie bombs. what the fuck was that <3
and OH MY GOD THEO WITH THE INSANE ROLLS????? BRO JUST DIDN'T DIE??????? WHAT THE FUCK????? CHARLIE'S DICE WERE BLESSED BY GOD OR SOMETHING THEO JUST DID NOT DIE. THAT'S MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!! also I Understand his true faith thing. i get it now. i'm losing my mind over it. fellas is it gay to have such devotion and complete and utter faith in your best friend of all time to the point where you are literally immune to vampiric mind control?????? fellas???? is this gay???? is it??? who knows. thats INSANE though dude i so thought emizel and theo would have to try killing each other but theo just went "nope <3" and it was so fucking epic oh my god. theo is the GOAT!!!! FR!!!!!!
and arthur oughghgh arthur slowly losing more and more humanity by consuming these other vampires. what if i exploded. HIS WINGS BRO. HIS WINGS WERE SO SICK. THAT WAS THE SICKEST THING EVER. OH MY GOD. AND THE SNIPER RIFLE WAS ALSO PRETTY SICK NGL. god im obsessed with arthur he's literally such a mary sue character and i love that for grizzly actually. arthur just kept getting more and more cool and angsty throughout the campaign. i love me a man with cool wings who is also riddled with guilt and struggles to keep hold of his humanity <3
SHILO........ THE FUCKING. GUY OF ALL TIME ACTUALLY. ugh. dude. lemme tell u i went insane when charlie told bizly to remove shilo's innocence specialty after turning "edward" ugly. fucked up oh my goddd i love shilo fucked up moments <3 i love when shilo is fucked up and also loses all his innocence <3 also FUCK YOU BIZLY FOR DESCRIBING BEN'S LAST MEMORY. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. WHAT THE FUCK. BIZLY WHEN I GET YOU. oh i am so so scared of what he will do as the dm for prime defenders. mac im scared. if he can make me almost cry with one (1) fucked up little guy i am TERRIFIED of what he can do guiding a whole story
EMIZEL MY BABYGIRL <3 he is my everything. my right hand arm. man. my confidant. my silly rabbit <3 THE LIL NOTE HE LEFT IN HIS OWN ASHESSSSSSSS BROOOOOOOO losing my mind im going to be thinking about that forever and ever. my favourite part was him sucking gabriel to death <3 i love those two and their homoerotic fights. i know gabriel is dead but how fucking funny would it be if he somehow came back next season just to fuck with emizel. i would love that so much. also theo is totally still alive trust me he is going to find emizel and they are going to kiss next season. trust me charlie slimecicle told me himself 👍
man. that was SO FUCKING GOOD. god. im excited im so so excited for if/when another suckening season comes out. i love these guys!!!!!! i want them back ASAP i miss them already!!!! i do like emizel and arthur but tbh shilo reallyyyyy really grew on me. innocent lil guy who gets his entire worldview turned upside down and then does extremely fucked up things and loses some of his humanity along the way but still has so so much love in him and will continue loving and caring despite how shitty the world is. what if i exploded and died right now i fucking love shilo bathroy so much i am putting him in a microwave in my mind and spinning him around i am throwing him against a wall so he makes a loud thud like a sopping wet beanie baby full of milk i am grabbing him in my teeth and flailing him around like a chew toy <3
OK. WONDERFUL. prime defenders next 👍 im so ready i am sure there will be no heartbreaking storylines and no angst and people will not die and it will be a good happy fun time for everyone!!!!!!
DUUUUUDE THE FUCKING. THEOS ROLLS WERE SO INCREDIBLE . BECAUSE THERE IS A RUNNING JOKE ACROSS EVERY SINGLE JRWI CAMPAIGN. THAT CHARLIE SLIMECICLE IS FUCKING CURSED . HIS ROLLS ARE ALWAYS SO FUCKING BAD AND KNOWING THIS GOING INTO THE THEO FIGHT I WAS SO FUCKING STRESSED DUDE. I WAS SO STRESSED. I WAS LIKE FUCK MAN CHSRLIE IS ROLLING FOR HIM HES GONNA DIE HERE. AND THAT SCENE WENT ON FOR SO FUCKING LONG . GOOD GOD. I love you theo soda i love you so dearly. ugahbhhhh. also yeah fellas it's totally fucking gay. they did a qna after the last ep and talk about the true faith thing and how it works mechanically and jonesy and i left matching comments on it that looked like this:
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dude yeah arthurs whole.diablerie arc was so fucked up. he lost so much of his humanity at the midnight circle. god. broke ass ugly vampire still manages to be the coolest fucking guy ever. the curse of being a grizzly pc.
also there is totally 100% a way gabriel can come back next season because IN THE FUCKING. DEFINITION FOR DIABLERIE IN THE HANDBOOK it says . when you do that theres a chance for the soul of the vampire you killed to stick around and haunt your ass. I need this to happen
I also love shilo so much i think if I had 2 pick a favorite it would be him. i just. he makes me so sad. he's my fucked up little prince I love him so much :( he's never gonna get to go home again dude. hhughghghhghh :((((
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Hello there! Firstly I’d like to say I absolutely love your art (I too am a big fan of people toying with Idia) and I admire your confidence in being yourself Once I realized you view Ortho as a top I became curious how exactly you viewed Ortho in an Ortho/Idia sense and what contexts you see them happening in. I personally see the two of them as not human and demigods to an extent so them being together is just copying their ancestors (lol)
I was also wondering what you thought of Riddle/Idia and/or Ortho/Vil
Sorry if this is too many questions or not super clear! Thank you for your time regardless though!
Anooon, thank you so much for your kind words! <3 Honestly, it’s super cool to get support for just posting whatever we want, so it means a lot. Let’s keep enjoying toying with Idia 😔💕
I am happy you are curious about our views on Ortho/Idia! To us, realizing that Ortho could be read as a top made the ship like platinum level gorgeous lol
One of the best things about these two is just how much possible scenarios and variations there are to them. Like you said, we could easily consider them demigods and give a nod to the way their ancestors didn’t really have a problem being quite close to each other lol it’s a wonderful idea and reading of these two, that makes sense and is fun to explore. Maybe there could be a theme of disconnect between what is considered taboo for other people but is pretty acceptable for the Shrouds.
We however don’t usually think about them potentially being demigods, even though, like I said, there are multiple ways for us to ship them. We really love the romance between the AI Ortho and Idia. I’ve mentioned it in this post: we just really really enjoy the trope of the AI that falls in love/becomes obsessed with a person it serves. Ortho is so focused on making Idia happy and so stubborn about it that he gives us a nice mix of almost aggressive care and super strong loyalty. And on the other hand, we have Idia who feels infinite guilt about every single thing regarding Ortho, but getting surprised every day by just how much his creation pushes through the limitations of his original code and becomes more and more independent, but still loyal and obsessively loving.
Another possible scenario would involve the original Ortho (in the AU where he is alive, for example) and Idia, and they would still have a similar dynamic. We love the idea of human!Ortho being the charismatic and extroverted one out of the two, so he’d make friends quite easily, but at the same time still be as protective and possessive of Idia as the AI Ortho. Idia, of course, would try his best to “let Ortho go” and let him live his best extraverted life with all of his friends, even though the idea of being separated from Ortho makes him super sad. But Ortho would never let go of his beloved brother, because these two are kind of separate from the rest of the world. All they have is each other, they’ve been together for so long and their bond is super strong. In a way, this is similar to the demigods scenario I guess.
So, something among those lines. TLDR; Ortho attacks Idia with his love and affection, Idia is shocked by how much he is loved but ultimately is very happy and grateful for it. And Ortho bullies Idia with his love lol
Also, here is a post of some OruIde headcanons we posted a while ago! In case you haven’t read it and are interested in it.
We don’t really ship Riddle and Idia, since we see both of them as bottoms, although their interactions could be amusing. I really love it when they argue lol
And Ortho/Vil is a quite an intriguing one! Vil clearly has a soft spot for Ortho, he used to have it even before Ch6, but afterwards he pretty much adopted him lol I really really enjoy their interactions and how much Vil plays into Ortho’s playfulness, and also how much Ortho admires Vil. With these two having a common ground that is movies, watching them is especially fun. But when it comes to shipping them romantically, we’re at the “hmmm 👀 “ stage for now: we’re looking, we’re clearly not opposed to it, we’ll see how it goes. Ortho deserves all the smooches from Vil, that’s for sure.
(I even have a sketch about this…)
Also we’re really really looking forward to their club cards… film research club let’s gooo 😭
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s-aprua · 1 year
//kaveh character story spoilers
tldr: kaveh has so much angst and I love him for that. babygirl is suffering (I am suffering with him) (also some sucrose parallels bc I'm sucrose's no.1 fan and also some flavors of haikaveh angst)
this is honestly just the word dump I threw together bc I couldn't sleep, thinking about angsty kaveh art and how he may now be my second fav character
what's not to love about a man so filled with angst, so riddled with guilt and unable to escape the ghosts of his past? who believes everyone can reach the same heights if they work together, but unable to let others see his own weaknesses? who hates loneliness, but would suffer through it for the happiness of others? wishing to attain the pinnacle of his craft, even if he has to give up everything to see it through? a man who wishes to love everyone around him, but is unable to accept any for himself?
ok this is the sucrose part and it is kinda a stretch but I like both of them very much and my target audience is always me, I do what I want
kaveh designs with practicality and artistry in mind, unwilling to give either up, to the point that when he finally gets to create something that he can go all out on both fronts on, he is willing to give up his home to see it through (even then he still owes dori for helping him find the project). when he works with others, he tries to help others keep up because there shouldn't be a gap between "geniuses" and those who aren't, even of it means more work for himself. sucrose is so intent on bioalchemy because of a childhood promise to reach a mythical domain from a fairytale with her ex-friends, both of which have moved on (one literally never returns to mondstadt, one breaking off their friendship after a domestic tragedy). regardless, she still works to achieve the paradise they wished to see as the only way she can make good on that promise. even now she hopes beyond hope that if she can create the wonderland from that fairytale, her friends will return. neither of them have accepted their reality; kaveh's idealism alone isn't enough to fund the construction of a palace, carrying extra burdens wasn't enough to bridge the gap between alhaitham and him and their fellow researchers; sucrose's friends are unlikely to return if she is even able to create that paradise in the first place
(bonus: not gonna type an essay for this one, but there's just something about the way they have lost people but don't let others know it hurt them; kaveh pretending it was fine when his mom left, sucrose never mentioning her friends or the wonderland to anyone)
I have been typing on mobile and frankly the word vomit and angst have quite thoroughly rotted my brain, sorry if this no longer makes sense
god these two are so. the whole opposites thing they have going on. yes ok shipping them is cool, I get it (roommates, bickering like they're married, opposites attract, etc) but like. imagine this. they both care about each other, ever since their akademiya days, but they express it differently; kaveh with his whole "I wanna help people unconditionally, but if you help me, I will return the favor even if I suffer for it" vs alhaitham with his "I don't care what other people think, I do what I want (and I want you to stop making yourself suffer, why won't you let me just help you)" (ok yeah I made that last part up, pretty sure that wasn't quite how it went) and because of this and on account of how stubborn they both are, neither of them are able to ever see eye to eye again. they eventually come to tolerate each other but they'll never be able to be what they once were; after all, their relationship as built on a foundation of sand. kaveh's mom had just left him, and he had heard about a genius new student; maybe someone who could fill a bit of the loneliness in him. they were perpendicular lines, different from the start, only intersecting once, and bount to drift down different paths
opposites angst aside though, an alternate flavor of angst: alhaitham tries to show care/affection for kaveh, but kaveh with his paranoia of abandonment and fear of loving and getting hurt again, rejects him (if anyone has heard 'namonaki kanjyou' by usotsuki, yea).
that's all I have for that one I am tired and the brainrot is getting harder to fight off
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Iota (Part 3)
“Aren’t you cold?” Sundara asked Mardan, rubbing his shoulders.
“Nope!” Mardan said, “Are you?”
Sundara glanced from side to side. Should he admit it? “Yeah, sort of.”
“Let me help.” Mardan wrapped one arm around Sundara’s neck, pulling him down to her height, and held her small egg-shaped flute in the other. She played a bouncy, jovial melody, and Sundara felt the air around him grow almost uncomfortably warm. “Better?”
Sundara was still rather taken aback by this display of what he could only describe as magic. Judging by her appearance, she didn’t seem like the type to have advanced invisible space-heaters or mind-warping powers to make him think he was warm. This was something weird, eldritch, alien. Something that people would post about on Nexus message boards and get laughed to the bottom of the page for. An affront to nature and reality itself. But the way she used it so… casually was nothing short of astonishing. If he were a different man, she would have swept him off his feet. “Quite. What was that?”
“I don’t know. It just sorta happens whenever I really concentrate on making it happen.”
“Is it… magic?”
Mardan giggled and slapped Sundara on the arm. Her small, sinewy body packed more punch than Sundara expected. “Magic isn’t real, silly!”
“What was that, then?”
“I have a theory,” Mardan said, not letting go of Sundara, “Not about the magic. About why you brought me out here.”
“Oh.” Sundara broke out in a cold sweat, which became a warm sweat in the presence of the hot air. 
“You wanted to ask me out, didn’t you?”
“What?” Sundara was certainly not expecting that theory.
“That’s a thing sailors do, right? Find a pretty girl on the shore and do… stuff?” 
Sundara felt a little scared of what this girl could be thinking. “What kind of ‘stuff’ were you thinking of?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Mardan said, scratching her chin and gazing up into the washed-out sky, “Get ice cream? Watch a movie? Hold hands?”
“Pretty’s the sticking point, innit?” Sundara said.
“What do you mean?!” Mardan asked.
“Look, your rags don’t match. The brownish-red top clashes with the brownish-green overalls -which you don’t even have buttoned, why not just wear jeans- and I can’t say I much approve of…” Sundara motioned to Mardan’s bare midriff. “This.” Mardan gasped and threw a hand to her chest. “Although that may just be my upbringing. It really makes no matter either way. I’ve only taken you outside to get twenty dollars from the owner. And now I’ve done that, so I really have no reason to be here.” 
With that, Sundara turned to go back inside.
“Do you think I’m dangerous?” asked Mardan.
“Ah, no. You’ve just got a massive bladed stick and odd plant powers. Perfectly safe.” Sundara put his hand on the door handle, but couldn’t bring himself to open it. He looked back at Mardan’s face. Oh no. There they were. Those sad puppy eyes he was afraid he’d see. A look of childlike guilt sunk into her rounded cheeks.
“Do they think I’m dangerous?” asked Mardan, pointing to the people inside.
Sundara tugged at the cuffs of his sleeves. “Well, I can’t let you wander back in. What… er… what did the vision quest tell you to do?”
Mardan shrugged and moved on. “It’s a little cryptic,” she said, stroking her chin, “the spirits gave it to me in a riddle: ‘In the land of endless snow and pine, you will find a new source of courage. Return to the village with this, and the rest of your journey shall be laid bare to you.’ I’m not sure what it means, but nothing cool has happened yet. I don’t even live in a ‘village’ like it says.” She just stood there for a while, letting the icy slush squish between her toes. “I want to go home! But if I come back empty-handed, everyone will know I failed.”
“What happens then?”
“I’m already such a failure at everything else. There’d be no reason to keep me around. I’d be all alone again.” Her head hung low, shaking a shower of dirt from her hair. Sundara thought he heard a sniffle against the howling blizzard. Then, her eyes grew wide with excitement. “Wait a minute! Maybe you’re the clue!” She grabbed Sundara by the wrist and started dragging him away from the lodge.
“Wait! Wait!” Sundara said, “That’s not likely.”
“You’re making me feel more confident just by standing there and doing nothing! Is this what therapy feels like?” Mardan shook her head, her blond curls bouncing around her face. “I’m getting sick of this snowy place. There’s nothing to do here!”
Just then, two men -though it was difficult to discern gender beneath the gas masks and full carapace armor- emerged from the forest. They carried high-powered military rifles. Steam rose from their Scoria-lined barrels. One had a short snow-camouflage cape draped over their shoulder. That one approached them.
“We’re looking for escaped fugitives,” they said, their voice unrecognizable beneath the layers of air filters and obfuscating voice modulators, “Have you seen anyone suspicious?”
“No one more sus than you,” Sundara replied in an unexpected surge of confidence.
“Thanks for your help,” they said in their robotic-toned voice. The two figures brushed past Mardan and Sundara into the establishment.
“Are you a real person?” asked Mardan.
Sundara shook himself out of his fear-induced paralysis. “What do you mean?”
“No one says something that cool and subtle just off the cuff!” She bounced between the balls of her feet like a little kid hopped up on sugar. “You’re some kind of quote-robot. A quote-bot! Or some kind of one-liner wizard. A mage of mockery. A-”
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axvwriter · 1 year
My Phantom Bride ideas
Making a list of some of the different ideas I've had for writing fanfiction for Twisted Wonderland's Phantom Bride Event. I don't know if I'll actually write them all out. If I do, a good amount will probably be done at later times since I don't have character intro posts for them all ready yet.
-Bobo challenges Eliza for Idia's hand in marriage. (Would technically be a au of an au- Twst Bobo follows the game's storyline pretty closely and this would deviate quite a bit.)
-Bobo joins the B Team as one of the Suitors. (This would be closer to how Bobo would follow the game event, though somewhat of an au offshoot since I think it would be fun for Bobo to try to win Eliza's heart, but the last group never really gets to try. They sorta do with the doorman ghost.)
-Hex joins in as one of the suitors and upon being rejected, he absolutely loses it. Eliza doesn't get a slap in in time as Hex uses his chaos magic as he throws a crybaby tantrum over being rejected. Using his chaos magic, he creates the illusion of him being Idia and Idia looking like someone.
-Sophia, who has adopted Idia and Ortho as her family, barges in with Ortho, crying about how cruel and mean it is for Eliza to take their brother away from them. The two trying to guilt-trip Eliza into releasing Idia. If that doesn't work, Sophia and Ortho are going to shoot up the place- and probably end up joining the failed suitors in being frozen. Maybe Idia loses his cool at his brother being slapped and breaks a bit of the delusional image Eliza has of him, but she is in heavy denial...
-Milo and CatMask? Milo, six or so-year-old mute mage is horrified by the idea of anyone being killed. So he tries to stop the wedding despite it being very scary to him. The ghosts cause young boy to cry and CatMask goes ballistic. CatMask already upset that Milo is trying to throw himself into danger, now has a proper target for its rage upon them making the boy cry. CatMask blazes through the ghosts and goes to attack Eliza, Puffy steps in the way and thus Eliza realizes her true love.
-Grim actually tries to win Eliza's heart. In the event the boys did goad him into helping by saying how he has no chance of winning her heart. So cue ghosts confusion upon this small cat saying he's a suitor and them asking if he's a cursed prince.
There are a few more of my ocs that I have imagined them if they were to interact with certain points in the game's story, but there isn't all that much interesting potential for them.
Like Riddles would be pretty similar to Hex's, except she's calm and using her illusion magic right away to confuse Eliza and the ghosts until they break down and give up. Cinder is absolutely useless- Psyfur would attend as a guest and point out Puffy to Eliza, just very calm and boring.
Piper could have potential except for the major thing of she wouldn't know how to do what I have in mind. CatMask without a ward wouldn't really feel motivated to help out. If it's directed by those it favors to help, it'll only give a half-hearted effort. Basically sneaking in and trying to carry Idia away. Then could just end up similar to Milo's ending wise.
The one's I really want to write are both versions of Bobo's and Hex's. I would love to show off how chaotic Hex's magic is. Especially give an idea of how dangerous Hex's duberio ancestors were.
If any of you find any of these ideas interesting and would like to see them, please send in an ask for one of the prompts after I get Bobo's fight for Idia's hand in marriage one up. That will help motivate me to write them as otherwise who knows if I'll actually write the others.
I forgot to add this idea!
-After event aftermath of Bobo fighting for Idia's hand where Crowley sets up a small class for a selective few to learn how to propose to royalty. He sets Bobo up as the teacher and doesn't even bother supervising or checking in on it at all. Leona and Malleus are the students, but perhaps a few other students get to try it upon showing interest. Bobo sets it up as a bit of a game, basing it off of her own kingdom's customs and hiding bits of knowledge of these customs amongst ghosts and the octavinelle trio.
Her reasoning being that if they're visitors to her kingdom, they'll have to go about to learn about it. Since she's pulling in some of the ghosts, the ramshackle three, to help her with this, she'll have them know. She'll hint to look about for this info, but wont tell them where the sources are. Will also give some knowledge to the Octavinelle trio along with telling them its up to them how they give out this knowledge and if they actually give it or lie since there's always the chance of learning the wrong stuff from the wrong sources. Also bringing up they should still be cautious about how they try to obtain information since the Octavinelle trio could choose to force them to sign contracts first.
For this aftermath prompt, I will take some character suggestions.
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slightlycrunchy · 3 years
Maybe ♟: Patching up a wound
For Dad might and Izuku, please?
I gave myself leave to just go ham on this one. Also, I really like to headcanon that Blackwhip leaves marks or at least causes some pain, because my angst brain said so. We got like one glimpse of it hurting Izuku during the joint training session and then he was fine. Ugh, my angst riddled heart was so disappointed XD
Dadmight patches up a wound, feelings realization, accidental kid acquisition? Purposeful father acquisition 😉
The red lacerations across his skin burn, but not more than he can handle. Whip-like tendrils of sensitive flesh wrap around his forearms, like lightning bolts carved from inside of him. If he’s honest, using Blackwhip feels a bit like that; electrifying, jolting. Like too many volts running under his skin. The feeling has gotten better with Izuku’s mastery over it, as have the marks left over after he has gone a round with Banjo’s quirk, but today had been a long training day.
All Might looks like he regrets suggesting putting in this many hours.
“I thought you said it was getting better, my boy,” the man says, slathering a cooling cream over Izuku’s skin that they have found works wonders. His face is pinched in concern, and Izuku can’t say he’ll ever get used to his hero fretting over him. He does it often enough that Izuku thinks he should be used to it. He feels guilty that he gives the man so much reason to.
“It is! I promise! It’s just...well, maybe we’re being too optimistic that someday it won’t happen. Maybe it’ll always leave red marks behind… I wonder if Banjo had the same issue?”
For some reason this only makes All Might look more miserable.
“I’m sorry that I have no insight to give you, young Midoriya. I’m sorry that you’re mostly going into this blind,” he says, and Izuku knows exactly where this is going. They’ve had this conversation multiple times, all ending in a spiral of guilt for the both of them that doesn’t really end, just peters out when they get tired of going around and around.
All Might feels responsible for the weight that he unknowingly put on Izuku concerning both One for All and All for One, a weight he didn’t truly know the mass of, and Izuku feels the pressure of not living up to his mentor’s legacy, the time it takes him to master even one quirk--let alone more--disappointing and embarrassing. It’s a tunnel of self-loathing that both of them travel together and well…
Izuku isn’t in the mood for it today.
“All Might...it’s fine, really. This is worth it to me. I know it upsets you, you make that pretty obvious,” Izuku smiles sheepishly, eyes catching All Might’s as the man switches arms and begins applying cream to the other, “but it’s alright. A little pain is unimportant in the long run, right?”
Izuku can tell immediately that the man doesn’t follow that train of thought for a second, but with a heavy sigh, he resigns himself to Izuku’s point.
“I don’t think you deserve any pain, my boy, and I wish I could do something to alleviate every bit of it.” All Might shakes his head. Izuku smirks.
“You sound just like Mom. She worries about me too much.”
“I think she worries about you just the right amount, thank you. That’s what parents do, young Midoriya. We worry.”
Izuku’s breath freezes in his chest as he stares at All Might’s fingers that have gone still. Izuku’s voice sounds like a squeak when he asks, “We…?”
It takes another few seconds, during which Izuku wonders if the world has stopped turning, an unnatural silence overtaking the clearing they are in, before All Might takes up his task again. His voice sounds strained, a little unsteady, but confident when he speaks.
“You know I care about you, my boy. I know you have a father already and I would never encroach upon that but...well, after all the time we’ve spent together, watching you grow into the young man you are, with such determination and fortitude, such a strength of character I’ve never seen in one so young...is it any surprise that I could love you as a parent? I never had children of my own--”
The man doesn’t get to finish, because Izuku can’t hold himself back any longer from throwing his arms around his mentor, long limbs pinned in awkwardly by shorter, stockier ones as Izuku buries his face into a bony chest.
“I love you too, All Might!” Izuku can’t believe how easy it is to say the words he’s felt for so long, kept written in secret upon his heart, heavy and ready to burst out of him at all times. And now he gets to just say them--like any other set of words that fall from his mouth, and while in theory they should be heavy in their importance and meaning, Izuku has never felt lighter.
He loves All Might and All Might loves him. His smile is so wide it hurts his cheeks.
Above him, All Might chuckles and pats at the small of Izuku’s back, the only part he can reach from his awkward position.
“That makes me...very happy, my boy. Now, shall we finish up here? I think tonight calls for an extra special dinner,” All Might says, his accompanying smile obvious in his voice. Izuku nods, his cheek rubbing into his mentor’s white dress shirt.
Where before the man had looked upset as long fingers trailed over reddened skin, now there is a soft smile on All Might’s face. Izuku finds he likes the way it looks.
“So what’s for dinner...Dad?” He tests the word in his mouth. It feels good, right.
All Might coughs, a small splatter of blood coating his lip. When he recovers, he grins. “Whatever you want, son.”
Izuku has never felt so warm.
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Hello, could I request the reactions of Lucio, Zenyatta, Genji and Doomfist to the reader actually being a deity
Tip Jar
Oh I could’ve told you that
Why do you think I worship you? -wink wonk-
Lucio, you’re such a dork, why
He’s more curious than anything
Like, what exactly does being a deity mean?
What does it entail?
Is it like? Your job?
Or is it more like a species/race thing? It’s just kind of… there
He has several questions
Tries to respect you being a deity while also not making it weird and still treating you like he would any other partner
If you have a church or an alter or something like that, he definitely wants to see them
Do you have devotees???
He’s vibing, honestly
He treats you more like you’re a celebrity than like a god or deity
Joke’s on you, you’re a god that settled for a dork who likes frogs and music
He teases you and makes puns every so often but overall he thinks it’s pretty cool
He’s hella respective of your deity-ness
Maybe a little too respectful
You probably have to remind him that you are in fact dating him and that he doesn’t need to put you on a pedestal or anything
He’s very curious about the religion/culture/etc that you belong to, if any
Curious about other deities as well
He makes a little shrine for you at his temple but instead of being all fancy it’s more like how a teenager would decorate their locker
A photoset from the time the two of you went in a photo booth at a carnival
Mementos from dates
He mainly likes to visit when you’re away
He wonders if you can somehow see him from it or something
Probably carries something akin to a pocket altar on his person when he travels, even though it’s more of a reminder of you than anything
His “offerings” are his cuddles and face-nuzzles
Genji Shimada
Probably immediately stressed at first
Please forgive him for his sins,,,
He is still occasionally riddled with guilt over his past, he can’t help it
When you come off as fairly normal, though, he eventually settles
When y’all start holding hands and snuggling and smooching is when he’s completely convinced
Still has no idea why a deity would want to be with him but he’s not really complaining
Asks you about your culture and work as a deity, and who else there is out there like you
And do they always date human-people?
Overall, treats you normally
If you do something like bless his scars or give him a protection talisman to take on his travels, you will make him blush, though
So, like, do it
Going to be hard to convince, tbh
If that’s something you try to do
He’s doesn’t not believe you
But he also doesn’t do
He’s not disrespectful or anything, just skeptical
He’s actually very respectful, and curious about your work and power
It doesn’t change how he feels about you
Just different cultures, y’know?
Would being a deity count as a different culture?
It doesn’t really affect your relationship at all
371 notes · View notes
Thanks for the tag @oseathepebble and @honeyuuyuu would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!): Probably just human! But mer sounds pretty cool...
would you be at rsa or nrc? NRC for sure.
what dorm would you belong to? Scarabia! It's the dorm I get all the time on quizes!
what character(s) would you be best friends with? Probably Kalim, Deuce, Ace, Ruggie eventually, Idia and Ortho eventually.
what character(s) would you hate? Azul and me are gonna have beef, Sebek just bc he's loud tbh.
what character(s) would you date? no one realistically. (but gamer boy if you're listening, maybe kalim to)
what would floyd’s nickname be for you? Clownfish (bc I love jokes but I'm also really shy so I hide away a lot. It reminds Floyd of clownfish hiding in sea anemones.)
and rook’s? Diamant brut (same as Yume's, the phrase has a lot of meaning for me personally, that's why I chose it for them as well.)
what twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise): Kalim, Ortho, Idia, Ruggie, with a dash of Riddle.
which subject(s) do you think you would excel at? History of Magic, Practical Spells, and Conjuration!
what club would you join? Out of the official ones. Board Game club seems the most low effort, but honestly I wasn't much of club person. (#Going home club)
how do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general? Guilt tripping crowely for basic neccesities and fighting for my life out here. Working for Sam part time!
[optional!] what would your unique magic be? not sure, I'd have to think on that
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kimnjss · 4 years
looks different | myg
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⤑ series: be my baby
⤑ pairing: rapper!yoongi x mom!reader
⤑ genre: angst, not even kidding...
⤑ rating: PG13.
⤑ word count: 4.2K
⤑ warnings: there aren’t any. except a very sad min yoongi :( yeah, if you got tissues - bring ‘em. 
⤑ A/N: okay so first of all?? guys!! thank you sooo much, for the quick support i’ve been getting for this fic! i mean we’re only five chapters in nd ., ugh!! just thank you sooo much i love you guyss!! also~ don’t get mad at yoongi, he’s just out here trying his best :(
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APRIL 13TH, 2020 | 15:31
It's automatic the way his heart stutters at the sight of you walking through the glass doors of the studio lobby. Every last moment he's rushed down to this very lobby to wait for you, the biggest of smiles taking over his features when you'd finally arrive. More often than not with something healthy for him to eat, paired with the nagging of how he should stop ordering out even if he was working late.
His heart would stutter than too.
Different this time, though. Feeling more relieved than anything. There's no telling the dark places his mind has gone in the years that you've been gone – wondering what could've happened to you. And now you're here – safe. Yoongi loved you, of course, he'd feel relieved knowing that you were fine.
Fine, but different. He can't help but notice all the things about you that just... looks different. Your hair, the long dark waves that he loved to bury his hands in now cut short falling just below your chin. Made you look much older than your new twenty-four. Birthday had just passed, he remembered.
Your hips much, much wider. He can't help but pick up on that huge detail as they sway with each step you take closer to him. Very slow steps, for the record. Nervous steps. The same way you'd approach him if you were wielding bad news. That didn't change. Neither did the tentative way you nibbled at your lower lip, fingers pushing your hair behind your ear as you locked eyes with him.
The nerve to smile. Actually push the corners of your lips up and smile at him, but he's reacting the way he always has. Mouth dropping in slight awe because you were so pretty when you smiled. Even if it was riddled with anxiety.
Yoongi stands just as you're stopping in front of him, eyes traveling over his frame in wonder. He had changed in the past three years too. The hair that he kept bleached now it's natural dark color, his once lanky skinny frame holding more muscle. He's been eating well lately and you can tell in the fullness of his face.
Never the type of guy to wear his wealth, but you can't help but notice the diamond-studded single chain that hangs from his neck. A dazzling 'A' pendant hanging from it. Just a plain black tee and sweats, probably spent the day mixing and didn't bother to change from his night clothes.
That was so like him. And you had no idea how much you missed him until now. Seeing him, so close that you could reach out and touch him. But you don't, given the circumstance. No matter how much you want to – it'd be inappropriate. Could basically feel how angry he was, keeping your distance was best.
Realizing, the two of you had been standing there for quite some time – speaking no words, you decide to be the one to break the ice. It was your fault you were even in this situation, to begin with, right?
“Yoongi-,” You start, ready to explain yourself. Right then and there, lay it out flat for him. Everything. Why you left. The baby. What has happened in the past three years. But you're not given the chance.
His dark eyes widen at the sound of your voice as if he hadn't expected to actually hear you speak, as if you weren't real. And he's reacting all at once, arms reaching out to circle around your waist and pulling you into his chest. The force of his pull surprises you, but not enough to keep you from closing him in.
He smells the same. Has definitely swapped his cologne in the time passed, but that doesn't change a thing. He still smells like him. And you missed him. The sob that breaks through his chest, vibrates your body. With his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck, arms clutching you close to his chest – he cries.
Not able to properly handle the emotions overwhelming his body, so he can't do anything but cry. Happy tears that you're safe, that none of the terrible things he thought had happened. Sad tears that you felt the need to leave him without a trace, leaving him to wonder what he could've done to make you feel so alone. Angry tears for all the shit you put him through by leaving, because he hadn't done anything wrong – it took him a while to realize that one.
All of those tears soaked the collar of your shirt, shaking his back. Fists clenching the fabric of his shirt, you forced yourself to keep your composure. To not break down the way you wanted because right now he needed you to be strong for him. You had no right to cry when this was your fault.
“I'm so sorry,” The words come out hushed at first before you're repeating louder. And then again. Until they're falling from your lips over and over again, you're worried they might lose their meaning. 
But you don't stop, because ever since you made the decision to leave him – apologizing was the only thing you wanted to do. Woke up every morning with a new way to tell him, to express to him, how sorry you were. How shitty you felt by doing this to him. And now that you had the chance, all your practice speeches were gone out the window.
All you could muster was a simple 'I'm sorry' and hope that it held as much weight as it did in your heart.
The two of you stay standing there for moments to pass, your hand soothingly rubbing his back as he let out the frustrations he had been feeling for the past years onto your shoulder.
He's pulling back only after he's calmed down, eyes glossed and cheeks flushed as he searches your features. A soft, cool hand finding the side of your face, his thumb brushing over your cheekbone. “Are you sure you're okay?” The slight crack in his voice from his crying nearly shatters your heart.
“I'm okay. I'm so sorry, Yoongi...” Again, you try to find the words, but you're at a loss. Don't know what to say, no matter how many times you’ve imagined this exact moment. Where do you start? How do you get him to see that this, him like this, was not what you wanted when you left?
“I can't believe it's really you.” Both hands sliding down the sides of your arms until he's able to reach for your hands, loosely holding them in his as he has done a thousand times before. “We have a son?”
The words that leave his lips are hushed as if he's afraid to say them out loud. Afraid to let you hear him. But you do. Loud and clear. And your eyes are widening at his words. He knew? How could he...
“Your Instagram. The pictures, that little boy. He's my son?” His ability to read your mind hasn't faltered. You can see the sadness in his eyes, clearly. And you know exactly why it's there and it's your fault. All because you were too much of a coward.
The weight starts in your chest, quickly rushing up your throat until a sob is breaking through. Eyes watering as fresh tears slide down your cheeks. “I'm so sorry, Yoongi. I-I should've... I didn't think-” You try to speak through your cries, but he stops your struggle; reaching to pull you into his chest again.
Gentle fingers stroke the back of your head, twisting in your short strands of hair. “Shh, it's okay. Relax, it's alright.” Except it wasn't. He knew that and you did too. Because of your stupidity, he lost the first three years of his son's life, time that he would never get back and it was all your fault.
He should be angry at you. Screaming at you. Cursing you ten times over. Not holding you and stroking your hair and telling you that it'll be okay. This was wrong. You didn't deserve his kindness, you didn't deserve him.
Lifting your hands to find his chest, you're gently pushing yourself back to create some distance between the two of you. “I'm sorry, Yoongi. I should've trusted you.” No idea that your trust in him and wavered, but Yoongi doesn't dwell on the small detail. He had a son now. He was a father. There were bigger things to focus on.
“Hey, listen. Whatever happened, happened. We can't change it, alright? Why don't we go somewhere? Get something to eat so we can talk properly?” You're nodding at the request despite the fact that you're not all that hungry. Can't eat with the guilt filling your stomach.
Yet, the last thing you want to do is stay in this studio. Haunted by the memories that the two of you made in this very lobby, every square inch of this place was covered with the two of you – and you ruined that.
Never realized how shitty being back here would make you feel and now you needed to get out.
An easy smile is spreading across his face at your agreement, a gentle hand rubbing at your shoulder. “Why don't you go wait outside? I'll call my driver.” You don't even bother to mull over the fact that he has his own driver now. One of the perks that came with his new lifestyle, you assume.
With another small nod, you're turning to exit the building to wait for him. Mind racing with how you'd be able to tell him about this without ruining everything he has now. He's accomplished so much and here you come ready to ruin everything. 
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Two large men lead you into a restaurant a bit too fancy for a late lunch that neither of you is in the mood for. Ushering you to a table hidden in the back corner before stealing seats a few feet away. Yoongi orders food for the both of you when the waitress is coming with waters. 
“Water? Think we might need something a little stronger for the conversation we're about to have.” Trying to lighten the mood, but the stone-cold expression on his face as the nervous laugh dying on your lips.
Lips pulled into a tight line, you watch as he reaches for the wrapped straw at the side of the table. He takes his time with peeling the paper from it before crumpling it between his fingers, dipping the straw into the iced drink with the other hand.
“I don't drink anymore.”
Eyebrows shooting up in surprise at his quiet admission. You had always known Yoongi to be a man that valued a good glass of whiskey. Liked to have a few sips while he worked, always brought his own bottle to parties claiming 'you young-ins don't know how to drink'.
He always knew his limit, a couple of glasses here and there but he'd never push it where it became an awful habit. Made sure of it. But the sound of his voice when telling you he quit? Told you that he might've slipped in that department. And you can't help but wonder if that was your fault too.
“Tell me about my kid. What's he like?” Clearing his throat, his back straightens slightly – in an attempt to change the subject. Put a halt to all the questions he knows are bouncing around in that head of yours.
And you know him well enough to know when he doesn't want to be pushed. So you allow the shift, unwrapping your straw and dropping it into the glass.
“He's like most three-year-olds, you know? I named him Hyunki.” Another thing that you had wanted to tell him since you left. 
It had only been a few months into your relationship when Yoongi told you. The largest of smiles on his face as he went through the list he kept locked away in his head, gauging your expressions as he listed each off. As if he was checking to see if you liked any of them.
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SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2015 | 21:42
“You're telling me you've never given it any thought?” The surprise is clear in your boyfriend's voice as he cranes his neck to get a better look at you. Arms wrapped securely around your waist, holding you to his chest.
The movie that he had picked out has faded to background noise since he started this random conversation. If you had been paying attention to the screen rather than noting every cute thing he did, you'd know that his words weren’t as random as you thought. That they were related to the passing scene.
It was so hard to concentrate around him, you were discovering. Could never focus too long on the things that didn't involve him when he was near you. Always found yourself lost in those pretty dark eyes or mesmerized by that gummy smile of his. 
How were you supposed to focus on the plot of a movie when the world's most attractive man was behind you? Holding you to him and chuckling so close to your ear it was like surround sound made just for you. You didn't even remember the name of the damn film.
“I can honestly say I don't have the identity of my future children chosen.” You speak through a laugh as he’s rolling his eyes, hands falling low on your waist until he's able to grasp your hips.
Easily, he's lifting your body from between his legs, turning you to straddle his lap. The movie has been forgotten in his mind too. Your hands find the sides of his neck, tips of your fingers tickling his blond hair. “That's not what I mean, you can't pick who your kids are gonna be.” He speaks in a matter-of-fact tone that has a smile tugging on your lips.
Soft hands find the backs of your thighs, holding your body to his. Yoongi tilts his head back just slightly so he can get a better view of your face. Searching your features carefully before he says what he's thinking.
Can basically see the wheels turning in his head as his nibbles on his lower lip, deep in thought while he watching you. And you watch him right back, lips pursed in an attempt to mask the smile threatening to take over your features. You had always loved the way he looked at you.
“What do you think of Hyunki, then?” Different from all the outrageous names he had listed before. Hyunki. You could definitely see yourself raising a little boy with his face and that name. But it's too early to say it, relationship still too new no matter how you felt. You didn't want to scare him away.
“Hyunki's nice.”
One of the hands he had rested on your back of your leg is shifting, moving forward so he can reach your stomach. Through the fabric of your t-shirt, he traces random patterns – eyes focused on the movement of his fingers.
“My first son. I want to call him Hyunki.” Eyes slowly traveling up the length of your body until he's pinning you with such an intense stare it has a gasp falling from your lips. A smile tugs at the corner of his lips, hopeful.
“Okay. I like Hyunki.” Yoongi's smile grows on his face, head tilting up to capture your lips with his. His grip tightening around your thigh to pull your body further onto his. Large hand flattening on the small of your back, guiding you until you were lying underneath him.
That was the first night you slept together.
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APRIL 13TH, 2020 | 15:58
Warmth spread through his limbs with the knowledge that you had remembered your conversation all those years ago. Not only remembered it but honored him by using the name he had wanted. Just knowing that was enough to take a bit of the sting of leaving him away. Just a bit.
“So? What does he do? What does he like?” Had expected him to have more questions about you leaving, but it seemed his interest was elsewhere. And the least you could do was tell him whatever he wanted to know.
He was in charge here.
“He doesn't do much, you know?” A soft laugh falls from your lips, hand reaching up to push the hair from your face. “He's been really interested in sports lately. Plays soft basketball with Taehyung sometimes and-”
“Taehyung?” Yoongi's brow lifts at the mention of the unfamiliar name. Head tilting to the side slightly. “Who's Taehyung? One of his friends?”
“Kookie's boyfriend. He hasn't started preschool yet, so he doesn't really have any friends.” The waitress is heading toward the table, food in hand as two other women follow her.
Yoongi considers your words as the food is set down in front of you. Willing himself to keep calm as he takes in all the information that you're giving him. All of the things he missed. The fact that he has to ask questions about his own son, things that he should already know.
But he doesn't go off the way that he wants to, doesn't chastise you and place the blame exactly where it belongs. Instead, he's blowing a thick breath through his lips – leaning back against the cushion chairs.
“You moved to Busan, then?” From your countless stories about your best friend from Busan, he remembered enough to know that the 'Kookie' you were talking about was that same friend. So, the nod of your head is expected.
You watch as he blinks slowly, hand reaching for the clean utensils on the table. He clears his throat slightly, head tilting to the side in the way it does when he's thinking things over. Distracting himself by filling his personal plate with the various foods spread out in front of you two.
Silently, he gestures for you to eat and despite your hesitance, you move to fill your plate as well. Nervous. Pondering on whether or not you should just blurt it out. Ignore how he obviously doesn't want to know the ins and outs of your disappearance, if he did then he would be hitting you with questions, right?
Wished you were able to read him. Know what he was thinking right now. It had been something that you could do easily, simple gestures and facial expressions giving way to exactly what was going on in the head of his. However, it seemed that through time you've lost that ability.
“If he's three... shouldn't he be in preschool by now?” Yoongi's asking casually, shoveling a spoonful of food into his mouth as he watches you. How could he eat? Why wasn't he yelling at you? Pissed out of his mind. He's being so cool and it was throwing you.
You begin to eat after the expectant stare he gives you. Taking small bites, sitting on pins and needles in front of him. “Tae stays at home with him, but we were planning to enroll him once he's settled here a bit.”
There it was again, that 'we'. The 'we' that didn't include him in decisions that he should very well be included in. Only in this case, you weren't referring to the 'we' who decided on your disappearance, just the 'we' that have been helping you raise the son he had no idea about.
Yoongi can't help but feel bitter at the small fact. But he wills himself to bury it. Can't argue with you. Not when there's now so much at stake. When you have a kid that he doesn't even know, a kid that he wants to know. Needs to.
You held all the cards and without the knowledge of why you left in the first place, he had no idea what might set you off to where you were packing up and leaving again. That was the last thing he wanted, then and now.
He had to play his cards right.
Casual conversation remains steady between the two of you as you're finishing your meal. Filling Yoongi in on all the things he's missed in the past three years has your heart growing heavy. He's missed so much and it was because of you. Because you couldn't stand your ground and be with him.
He'd only ask you for one thing. Expected just one thing from you. And you couldn't even handle that.
“Does he know about me?” The words are coming out hushed after a stretch of silence. You had just finished sharing with Yoongi the slight obsession Hyunki has with Lego sets. How he could spend hours at his play table, building. He smiled real big at that, but from the slow way it vanished you could tell something was weighing on his mind. And this was it.
It pains you to shake your head. Hurts even worse when you see the sadness that flashes through his eyes. “Why not?” He's almost afraid of the answer, but can't keep himself from asking. 
“It's always been us, you know. Me, him, Tae and Kookie. And he likes having them around. I didn't want him to feel like he was missing out on something.” So young that he hadn't started asking questions yet. Wondering why kids around him had two parents instead of one plus two respective uncles.
You thought you had been making the right decision, but as this week was set out to prove – you had no idea what the right decision was. And judging from the look on Yoongi's face, you were more than positive that you had made the wrong decision by keeping the fact that Hyunki had a father secret.
“So who does he think is his dad?” He's doing the thing where he's trying to keep himself from losing it. That hasn't changed.
The slight twitch of his brow, the flare of his nostrils as he took deep calming breaths. Desperately trying to keep his composure and not freak out on you the way he wanted to, you wished he just let go and give you what you knew you deserved.
“No one,” You're rushing out, hoping it could do something to relax him. “I don't even think he knows what that means.” Flinching at your own words, you force a breath from your lips. You try to change course. “I honestly thought it would be better for him this way.”
Hesitantly, you reach for his hand that had balled into a fist on the table. Soothing fingers running over his knuckles. “You can tell him if you want. Do you want to meet him?”
“Obviously, I'd like to meet my son. He's my son.” There's harshness in his tone that he doesn't bother to mask. That you don't miss as he's pulling his hand from your grasp, going back to the meal in front of him.
Lunch ends in silence. Yoongi quietly pays the bill, mumbles a goodbye to you as he puts you in a cab. Doesn't even bother to look back as he turns with his bodyguards to walk toward the car that had brought you here.
Yoongi is slouching in the back seat of his car, arms crossed over his knees and face pressed against his sleeve. Of all the scenarios he's imagined with seeing you again, he never thought it'd be like this. Had been so sure it would be clear where he'd stand with you if you were to ever appear in his life again.
But, it wasn't that simple. Because nothing in his life was ever that simple. Of course, he still loved you – an annoying fact that was hard to ignore. Yet, he'd be able to do it, would be able to move on despite his heart being filled with you, if it wasn't for the fact that you had a kid together now.
A human binding the two of you, of which he hadn't even met. And he wanted to. Wanted nothing more than to be apart of that kid's life, but that meant being apart of your life too. He had been too afraid to get the answer's from you today, not wanting his deepest worry to become true within your words.
Not knowing was better than knowing in his mind. Whatever it was, why you left him – took your unborn child and bolted, he didn't want to know. Afraid that it would be something so horrible that it'd crumble his already cracked heart.
“Everything alright back there, Mister Agust?” His driver speaks noticing the shake of Yoongi's back that accompanies the fresh tears that roll down his cheeks. Face hidden, he takes a moment to compose himself before lifting his head.
The back of his hand wiping at his damp eyes before he's pushing his hair back on his forehead. Eyes shifting to look out the window as he nods his head. A heavy sigh falls from his lips, dark sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose to cover his reddening eyes.
Tires skid to a complete stop in front of the building and Yoongi is stepping out of the car, hands shoved in his pockets as he takes slow steps to the front doors of the studio.
Words leave his lips as a hushed plea, a delayed answer to the question he had been asked in the car. What he had been thinking since he first scrolled through your pictures, seeing the life you had created without him.
“I just want to see my kid.”
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— when the love of his life suddenly vanishes, he drives himself mad looking for her. seemingly erased from the world, he’s forced to pick up the pieces of his life and move on… fast forward three years and someone who looks a lot like the woman he lost is being spotted, holding a kid with an oddly familiar gummy smile…
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A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. to be added to the taglist, send me an ask !! feedback is highly !! appreciated, it’s the motivation i need to keep the fic going nd fun for you guys!!<33
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More Vampire!Makarov content? Pwease? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻💖
Y E S YOU CAN !!! I love my vampy boys, I just never have an excuse to make content I feel like 😪 I didn’t quite know what to make, so here’s some head cannon/info dump and a sketchy, reference thing under the cut lol. Thank you 🥺💖💖
So I basically just take all of my vampire lore from Buffy-verse vampires tbh, so if you know what that is, cool, and if not I’ll talk about the important parts.
Ok, so there’s kind of two parts to a vampire: the deceased body of a human host, and the actual vampire demon that possesses the body
Now, vampire demons in their raw form are essentially just mindless killing machines, it’s only the memories and mannerisms of the deceased human host that create a creature with personality and direction
So all this to say, I feel like a vampire makarov would be and absolute killing terror
Sure he may not be getting paid to kill anymore, but now he has a legit need to kill in order to sustain himself
I mean, when you get down to it, a vampire is basically a psychopath (a person who literally doesn’t feel empathy and acts off of calculated, predatory/manipulative behavior) with superpowers and violent urges, and if “psychotic with violent urges” isn’t just what in game makarov is, then idk what to believe anymore
Like I said before, once the human has been resurrected as a vampire, they do remember parts of who they were and are thus capable of feeling certain emotions or connections to others
For example, a risen vampire may feel empathy towards a parent or loved one and chose to not harm them, despite knowing intimate details such as where they live
However, given the feral state of the vampire demon, they are pretty strictly unable to feel or reciprocate real, actual love
The closest they can come to it is a kind of stalker like obsession, where they kind of just want you for themselves and only themselves
If you were somehow able to get emotionally close to vamp makarov without getting killed, he’d be super protective of you, like mega ultra lmao
He 1000% lurks outside your house at night and follows you around if you leave
Surely there are other vampires and such around, so he does all this particularly out of a desire to protect you, rather then just obsessively wanting to be near you
A vampire can only enter a private dwelling if the occupant invites them in, so it’s up to you if you want to give him free access to your house or not
If you do decide to do this, he’d be about as close to pure joy as a vampire can be
After all, now he can just stay inside your house during the day instead of hiding in the sewers or whatever 👌🏻👌🏻
I don’t think vampire makarov would have any issues resisting the temptation to bite you tbh
He may have been a killer, but he had a looooot of control over himself, so you’re lucky there I suppose
Although, that brings me to the other point:
It’s a pretty big deal in Buffy-verse that vampires act the way they do bc they lack a human soul and the morality that comes with it
I’m not sure if it would actually do much, but I’m just imagining makarov going through the grueling process of trying to get his soul back so he can feel real love for you, instead of having all these urges to hurt you and others all the time
Maybe he gets a pure version of his soul back, one from when he was more innocent
It hurts so bad, hurts beyond words, when the weight of all the terrible things he’s done, but before and after his vampirism, hit him
You’d probably be quite stunned to have him come back to like that, half numb and riddled and crushed with guilt
But he did it aaaaall for you…
Bc as Spike once said:
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