#what if i slap that onto my wc ocs
penguuthegentoo · 1 year
I would love to hear more about Redsmoke and Wishlight!!
So I'm still fleshing them/their story out more but I got really inspired by some of the random events/dialogue that comes up in the clangen game
Wishlight and Redsmoke were 2 of my clan founders for my Blazeclan file and I hadn't expected to fall as much in love with them until they went on a patrol together and basically had the nala/simba "pined ya ;)" scene and I was sold from there
Wishlight is a loyal, forthright--sometimes rather blunt--she-cat with a prowess for fighting. It was how the two ended up bonding--Wishlight sparring with Redsmoke and helping him improve
Redsmoke is a much more level-headed, albeit ambitious, tom with his eyes set on leading the clan-- or at the very least, providing his skillset in a way that helps keep Blazeclan alive and thriving. He also has an incredibly close connection with starclan that actually ended up inspiring the story I want to explore with them. He had an interaction whilst on patrol where he was recalling ancient tales of long gone starclan warriors to his companions and it was almost as if he was there to witness such events.
So that got me thinking...
What IF Redsmoke WAS an ancient starclan cat, either reincarnated or sent to the mortal realm/Blazeclan to assist them in some great threat that is going to befall them??
Which this response is already getting way longer than anticipated so if peeps are interested I'll post some more indepth thoughts on their story as well as some doodles and other characters that would be apart of it :')
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s-4pphics · 1 year
dial. 1 (e.w.)
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wc;cw: 3.2k, all ocs r black coded<3, fratadjacent!ellie, she has community dick, dina being mawtha, mentions of psychs, weed n alcohol so dubcon, bad parties, light smut MDNI, pussy eating, err exhibitionism a lil bit, mentions of porn LOL
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“Hand me my mascara, pleeease.” 
“… Lemme connect to the speaker then.” 
You sighed in exasperation at your roommate’s bargaining, placing the blaring device into her devious hands before snatching your mascara from her. She was puffing from her dab as she connected it to her phone, her playlist blasting through your small, shared space. 
Niah returned to her ironing board, slicing and altering her ugly Christmas sweater so it was as revealing as possible. You should’ve followed in her lead; you were already burning up from your vanity lights and long, furry sleeves. 
You never attended holiday themed parties because they were the most packed, but Niah threatened to set your limited-edition vinyl set on fire if you didn’t show up. You did want to protect your rare records, but you were also planning to attend anyway for more selfish reasons. 
You hoped Dina didn’t hate you too much. 
Your good friend didn’t hesitate to scold you in person a couple of weeks ago, bursting into your room with a full IHOP platter and a sharp tongue. She was much calmer when she returned to her room after screaming at you, but you understood her initial anger. You definitely made a mistake. A pretty big mistake. 
Didn’t I tell your stupid ass to leave her alone! You don’t fucking listen, that’s your problem. 
Were you wrong for letting Dina’s best friend rearrange your guts in her roommate’s bed? Yes, without a doubt! 
Were you going to fuck her again despite her warnings? Absolutely! She fucks too good and finals are around the corner. You need a destressor!
Dina was able to let it go after reprimanding you, but you knew that she felt a bit uncomfortable whenever you two were in a room together. It wasn’t due to your private relationship, but because Ellie was a degenerate slut that greeted you by pinching your ass instead of waving like a normal person! 
You and Ellie’s newfound… friendship? Situation? You weren’t sure what the fuck this was. What do you call fucking someone you barely know four times a week and then seeing them in their Starbucks uniform every morning on your way to class? The main topic of conversation is always either can I get two cream cheeses instead of one? or hold this blunt so I can make you squirt. 
You know she likes turtles! She has a small tattoo of one right under her ear! You couldn’t stop poking it when she drove you back to your building after digging you out in her car last week. 
You knew Ellie had a reputation on campus for being a shroom-slinging whore, but she’s… more than that! She’s so funny! And cool. And pretty. And a sweet-talker and—
… You may have developed a little crush on her since you started fucking. You haven’t felt these high school butterflies since you were in high school. 
Plus, she rolls up for you sometimes! That counts for something, right?
You applied your mascara, wiggling in your desk chair excitedly while you downed the rest of your shot. You choked down the burning liquid, and your phone went off. 
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You sucked your teeth, turning in your seat to face an occupied Niah as she bobby-pinned her Santa hat onto her head. 
“Did you tell Dina t’come early? It’s not even eleven.” 
She looked over her shoulder at you, “Nah, is she coming?” 
“She’s almost here,” you showed your best friend the messages, and she shook her head, hastily retreating to the mirror to straighten her appearance. And show more cleavage!
“This bitch, I tell you.” 
You poured and downed two more shots for good luck, smudged your liner, and shoved your phone into your jean shorts pocket. You sprinted over to your roomie and slapped her ass with a bright grin, making her snort. 
“You’re a hoe. Hand me my phone.” 
You grabbed the plush on her hips and thrusted into her ass, “I’m getting fuuucked, I’m getti—“
She laughed hard, “Get off me!” 
You squealed and jumped in elation before Dina rang your line and summoned the both of you downstairs. 
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The music was the main reason you hated Christmas-themed parties. How are you supposed to bump and grind to The Little Boy that Santa Clause Forgot?! 
You, Niah, and Dina had been party-hopping for the last hour, and you were bored out of your fucking minds! You were more interested in watching the burning ash falling from Niah’s blunt than this packed house. 
The soccer house disappointed you. And you’re still horny! 
Dina grabbed you and Niah’s hands and ushered you onto the just as packed front porch, littered with drunk people singing and dancing in the middle of the blocked-off street. This seemed more fun than the party! 
You could see Jesse and his friends out of the corner of your eye, so you grabbed your friends’ arms and dragged them down the slippery steps; You were so desperate for entertainment that you surged through the freezing cold like nothing. 
“Jesse!” You waved your arms excitedly as you jogged up to him. 
Dina’s boyfriend whipped his head around and smiled once he saw you and the girls rushing up. You saw Ellie out of the corner of your eye, draped in her Nutcracker sweater that read CRACK DEEZ NUTZ in large white letters and an antler headband. She looked you up and down… a few times as she gawked at your bare legs. You were so happy you decided to risk hypothermia and wear fishnets!
Pretend you don’t see her! Don’t look desperate!
You threw your arms around an extremely high Jesse before greeting the rest of the soccer team with polite hugs. All except Ellie. You caught a glimpse of the small bong in her hand before she brought it up to her mouth to rip from it. 
Jesse’s slow drawl snapped you out of your leering, “Fuck, y’all aren’t cold?!” 
All three of you answered unanimously, “YES!”
The group erupted into light laughs before Niah cut in, “Bro not gon’ lie… the music’s trash in there— “
The entire soccer team concurred loudly, but you were hardly paying attention. Your hazy mind was hyper-focused on Ellie’s dirty sneakers, watching her weight shift from one foot to the other as she listened and laughed along to the complaints. 
“Hi, Ellie.” 
An… overtly flirty tone that you didn’t recognize caught you off guard, and you immediately stiffened. You peeped and eyed the girl that walked up with her friends, pulling her into an incredibly awkward hug. You took note of how offput Ellie was by public affection. 
She received it anyway, “Hey yourself. How you been?” 
Your ears grew, “Fine, chilling. You selling?” 
She tsked, “Not tonight, sorry. You can come by tomorrow or something if you have time.” 
“Alright cool, I’ll text you. Have a good night,” you saw Ellie’s head jerk in acknowledgment before the group departed. Your eyes dropped to the floor in front of you. 
… Ellie never gave her an address. Has she been to their apartment before? 
“You okay?” 
You jumped at Niah’s concerned tone from behind you. You sighed and nodded at her, “We can leave anytime.” 
Before you could reply, Jesse spun and interrupted, grabbing your shoulders, “Leave? What the fuck, it’s Christmas! Come back with us.” 
“Where, uh, where are we goin’?” 
He rolled his eyes like it was obvious, “Back to our place. I already know Michael isn’t gonna change the fucking playlist ‘cuz he’s a fucking loser! Let’s go, c’mon.” 
You mistakenly looked at Ellie, who was already looking at you. Her eyes were shining with mischief, the corner of her mouth lifting in a sly grin. She looked like she was waiting for your answer. An excited zap went through your chest. You spoke without hesitation. 
“Yeah! Let’s go!” 
You secretly watched Ellie take another hit. 
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That Uber XL was crammed as fuck, but at least the music banged! Finally! Future just saved your fucking night! 
And Jesse made edibles from scratch! Christmas came early!
Nothing about this night was going how you planned; You were supposed to be getting your shit wrecked by your newfound… whatever, but instead you were getting handed adult gifts from the soccer players! You were not expecting to receive a holiday-themed goodie bag filled to the brim with pungent, iced sugar cookies. 
Niah accepted both yours and hers eagerly before making her way towards the living room couch to dig in. You, Dina, and Jesse were all sitting at the small dining table playing Uno. Ellie was playing with you all, but she excused herself to her room to take a phone call, and you hadn’t seen her since. It was her turn! 
Dina and Jesse were having an intense argument about the 7 and 0 card rules, and you moved on autopilot. You looked around to see all the soccer players and Niah laughing and slumped on the couch before you stood and trekked down the hallway. You knocked on her door. 
“Ellie? It’s your turn to take!” 
… Silence. No response. 
You knocked on her door again, “Ellie?”
You heard some shuffling come from inside, so you decided to check on her. She smoked a lot; Maybe she needed some help getting into bed! 
You slowly twisted the doorknob and peeped through the small opening in the wood, and her raspy tone immediately filled your ears like warm honey. 
“Uh huh, rub that clit like I would. Nice’n slow.” 
Ellie was completely shirtless on her bed as she twirled her antlers with her free hand, shoes kicked off as she spewed filth to… whoever the fuck was on the other line. She couldn’t see you, and you felt guilty for spying, but the fire that she ignited in your stomach planted your feet to the floor. 
“Mhm, miss you so fucking bad.” 
… Why were you still fucking snooping! Shut the fucking door! 
“Yeah? Gonna let me?” 
Why’d you almost nod? You’re losing it; You need to fuck her!
“Wanna know something really hot?” She whispered. Your heart was pounding in your chest and your palms were sweaty. Yes, you do! Anything! 
“I think we have an audience,” she hummed with a sly grin, setting her headband on her thigh before looking up at you. You nearly hit the floor like your stomach just did. 
She chuckled and your clit throbbed. You hate how desperate she gets you, “Yeah, she’s cute. She has the wettest pussy I’ve ever fucked.” 
Your body was on fire and your breathing was shaky; You swore to send your hospital bill to her address. She was going to put you in a coma! 
“Yeah… tag team her with me,” she bit her lip after her suggestion and that was enough to get you to slam the door. For the first time in your life, your embarrassment overshadowed your arousal. You heard her giggling! You're never going outside again! 
“Why the fuck are you standing there like that.” 
You let out a shocked noise at Dina’s voice, trying to look as… not creepy as possible. 
“I, uh, Ellie… S-She fell asleep! It was, um, her turn to pull and I just— “ 
You felt your phone vibrate on your cheek. Dina crossed her arms in front of her, staring you down with an arched brow. You flinched and pulled your device out, Ellie’s message sitting on your bright screen.
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You held back your shudder. 
You heard Dina sigh, “Y’all better not be loud.” 
You glanced up at Dina’s hushed tone, her brow arched at you. 
“Niah isn’t going anywhere, and neither are you. Go see her,” she sighed and pointed at your snoring roomie. “Just don’t be loud. His room is right next to hers and I’m tired.” 
Your arms wrapped around her as you cheesed. 
“Ireallydidn’twantthistobeweirdIloveyousomuch— “
She snickered in your ear and patted your ass in encouragement, “Yeah, yeah, okay. Just… just try’n keep it light, okay? Have a good time and leave it at that.” 
“I will! Promise!” 
You planted a wet kiss on her cheek before turning to yank at Ellie’s doorknob again. 
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You busted into Ellie’s room and was immediately hit with the sound of your moans. 
She was sitting on the edge of her bed, nonchalantly packing the same bong from earlier as your… series of Snapchat memories played on the table. She looked up at you upon entry. 
You waved lamely and immediately cringed. Why does she make you so fucking nervous! 
“… Wanna hit?” She ushered the bong to you. You shook your head and… spoke. You’re such an idiot! 
“No thanks… but you can, uh… h-hit this pussy?” 
The shock on her face made you pray for lightning to strike you down, never to be seen or heard from again because what the fuck did you just say and why did it sound like your screams from her phone were increasing in volume—
Ellie giggled. She actually laughed, and it made you smile. She sounded so cute, like she doesn’t obliterate pussy on a day-to-day basis! 
She grabbed her lighter and lit her overstuffed bowl, muttering into the opening, “Come watch this with me.” 
Your gut erupted with excitement when you shuffled closer, taking a seat right next to her, your shoulders touching. She blew her smoke away from you before grabbing her phone from her nightstand! How long did these memories go on for!
“I never got to ask,” she swiped to the next video of you gagging on her fingers. “You do porn?” 
You choked on air, “… No?”
She looked at you blankly, her thumb moving mindlessly on the screen, “You should. You’re so good in front of a camera.” 
Your face burned like she called you the most beautiful person in the world. Don’t look at her titties!
“Thank you!” You squealed with a bright smile. 
“Mhm,” Ellie gawked at you before shutting her phone off and tossing it behind her, pulling at the hem of your shorts, “Lay down’n take these off.” 
Your shoes went flying across her room, almost hitting her dresser before yanking your shorts down your legs. Ellie stood and grabbed your chin, halting your frantic movements and pressing a light kiss to your lips. The feeling didn’t last a second, but you swore your heart grew a heart before it exploded into red glitter in your chest. You’re shocked the remaining specs didn’t land on her face. She hardly ever kisses you!
“Gonna let me eat this angel cunt before I knock out?” 
You were a mere dog on a leash. You know your eyes glossed over at her tone. She smirked knowingly, pushing your shoulder until you laid flat on her blanket before dropping to her knees in front of you. 
You didn’t have time to take your fishnets off, so she tore the crotch of them with her two veiny hands, —holy fuck—exposing the wet patch on your lace panties. 
She didn’t bother to remove flimsy, damp fabric, merely moving it to the side and revealing the soft, curly hairs on your pussy, your clit throbbing whenever her breath hit it. 
“You gotta pornstar pussy, swear to god.” 
You snorted and looked down, “Why do you want me to do porn so bad?!” 
She sneered playfully, “I’m a girl with needs and I’m asking my favorite link to help me out. You get a fat check and I nut, everybody wins!” 
You laughed brightly, “You’re annoying!” 
She rolled her eyes before licking deeply into you. Your whole body shuddered at the feeling of her soft tongue, your hand finding solace in the loose strands from her bun. You moved her hair from her face, sitting up on an elbow so you could watch her lick you out. She started slowly, swirling her wet muscle on your pulsing bud, spread your slick around before dipping down, shoving her tongue in your pussy, and coming back up to spit all your juices on your clit 
Your thighs were trying to jerk closed around her head, but she pried them open, digging her nails into your plush skin in warning. Your wet gasps were catching in your throat with every skilled swipe of her tongue, your lashes fluttering 
You couldn’t hold back the loud moan that escaped when her tongue pressed against your walls, and she pulled away, landing a harsh slap on your pussy, “Don’t wake my friend up.” 
Your head jerked, “M’—oh fuck— “
She murmured uh huh right on your clit, and eyes rolled, your hips bucking down to get her to drag her tongue over that one spot again you love it when she licks right there—
She sucked your clit into her mouth, her soft lips massaging your sensitive bundle. Your ankles locked behind her head, her bun completely dismantled in your tight grip. 
“Ellie— “
“Yeah, angel? Boutta cum?” she mumbled against your pussy. 
“Y-Yeah— “
She snatched a hand from your thigh and fucked her index finger into your cunt, hitting all your spots like it was in her nature. 
You tried your hardest to shut the fuck up, but you couldn’t! Whines escaped your mouth as quietly as they could as she fucked and ate your cunt at the same time. Your soft walls were squeezing around her calloused finger like it never wanted her to leave, completely drenched in your slick.
“Cutest fuckin’ pussy. Give it t’me, needa drink that cum— “
Your jaw dropped in a silent scream, your walls clenching and squeezing and leaking on her before your orgasm crashed into you. Your lashes fluttered and your eyes crossed in your head, a line a drool dripping off your tongue and onto your fuzzy sweater. Your toes won't uncurl in your damaged stockings; You definitely weren’t going home tonight! 
You watched Ellie swallow every drop of your cum, releasing hums of satisfaction after every pulse of your pussy. Her eyes were sparkling! 
She forced the last of your pleasure out of you until you went limp on her mattress and pushed her head away. She landed a light kiss on your thigh before standing to stretch. 
“Take this shit off and lay down with me.” 
She lightly pulled at your sweater sleeve and rejuvenated you, tearing it and your bra from your body. She eyed your tits before walking over to her side of the bed and shredding her jeans off, sliding under her cotton sheets.
She said nothing, her back turned to you as her body relaxed into her pillows. You felt a little shunned, but she took care of you like she always does when you come over! You tucked yourself in, hyper-focusing on the blotchy bruises on her neck and red lines that cascaded down her toned back until you drifted off with a dull sting in your chest. 
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omg the actual p1 ok slayyyy
taglist? :3
night yall LOL
teaser, 2, 3, four, five
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orangeinecstasy · 1 year
the strokes ࿐ ࿔*:・゚robert eating
paring: robert x fem!oc
summary: meeting rob in line for the strokes.
a/n: this isn't my favorite thing that i've ever written, but rob was on the brain so i had to do something about it
wc: 1.08 k
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*reblogs, notes, and feedback are greatly appreciated!!
I stood close to the bathroom mirror, focused on perfectly smudging out the black eyeliner around my eyes. My roommate and best friend, Sophia, played random music in the background as she lay on my bed, already ready for The Strokes concert that we were attending later that night. If I was honest with myself, I'd been thinking about this night for months. The strokes were my favorite band, my skin adorning my favorite song, Call It Fate, Call It Karma, in a soft feminine script above my forearms. 
"Avery, hurry up. We have to leave in like 15 minutes." Sophia shouted, propping herself up on the headboard. Setting the makeup brush down, I glance over my face, making sure that my makeup allows for my freckles to peek through while still giving me that bit of edge. I slipped my fingers through my fringe, fixing it to my liking before stepping out into my bedroom. 
"Does my outfit look okay?" Sophia tossed her phone onto the bed to focus on my outfit: low-rise, straight jeans, a black cropped shirt, and platform docs. She hummed softly as her eyes glanced up and down my body a few times. "I think you look fucking grand, babes! It's simple, but in a 'model off duty' way, y'know?" Her hand ran through her long black hair as she threw her legs off the side of the bed, settling her feet on the wooden floor and slipping them into her shoes. 
"You're the best friend I could ask for," I say as I walk to the other side of the room, putting my assortment of rings on my fingers and slipping my phone and wallet into my back pocket. "I know! Ready?" she said, getting up, her arms stretching over her head. I hum a response, the two of us heading out of our shared apartment into the warm Dublin summer night. 
Thankfully the venue was pretty close. We decided to walk there, chatting the whole way about various things before the two of us joined the queue. "Wow, we got here at the right time. There aren't a ton of people in front of us." I leaned to the side, looking up the line, and that's when I saw the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. I couldn't help but stare, but I was quickly snapped out of it by Sophia calling my name. "Yeah, what? Sorry," My eyes focus on hers for a moment before quickly flicking back to blue eyes. A smirk was spread across his face, clearly amused by my fixation. I felt my cheeks grow hot, having to scoot myself back into line with Sophia to try and stop myself from the temptation of looking at him again. 
"What? Is there a cute guy up the line?" Sophia gently slapped my shoulder as she laughed, her head popping out of the line, to which I quickly pulled her back in, trying to save myself the embarrassment. "Sophia, shut up!" I could tell my face was heating up, making the moment even more unbearable. Her laughing continued as she wrapped one of her arms around my shoulder, pulling me close. "Who knows, maybe you'll meet the love of your life tonight," my heart stopped for a second. I cleared my throat before responding, "Maybe."
After waiting in line for about an hour, I decided to set out and have a smoke. The sun was slowly setting as I pulled a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, slipping one between my lips and lighting it. I took a long drag, my eyes focused on the changing colors of the sky. However, my alone time was quickly interrupted by a voice behind me. "Do you have a light?" they said, causing me to turn around and face the blue-eyed boy from up the line. "Uh, yeah," I stumbled over my words slightly, pulling the lighter from my pocket and stretching my arm out to hand it to him. However, instead of taking it, he bent down, his topaz eyes never breaking away from mine. I felt my throat get tight as I lit his cigarette. I hadn't even known this guy for five minutes, but he had this ungodly control over me. 
"Thanks," as he spoke, smoke drifted from his lips. I gave a simple nod and a smile, expecting him to go back to his group of friends. But he just stood there next to me, clouds of smoke drifting between us and into the Dublin air. "Excited to see The Strokes?" he said, breaking the silence between us. I pull the cigarette from my lips, blowing out the smoke from my lungs before responding. "Yeah! They're my favorite band. I learned how to play Tap Out on the bass when Comedown Machine came out. Looking back, I was honestly kinda shit," I laugh before taking another drag. He smiles gently, a hand running through his hair. "That's funny. I'm actually the bass player for a band," he said, a chuckle following his words. 
"Ah, shit, ratting myself out to a professional." 
He shrugged, "Don't worry, we're not that big."
"Oh, bull shit. That is one hundred percent what someone in a popular band would say," the two of us look at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. 
"I'm Robert, by the way," He said, extending his hand for me to shake. 
I take it, giving it a genital shake. "Avery," I respond with a smile. 
The two of us chatted until the sun had set, the city lights only allowing for the brightest of stars to be shown. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I noticed it was about time for the venue to open. I glanced over at the line, then back at Robert. "I should probably get back to my friend. But it was really nice chatting with you!" I smiled, but I could feel my heart squeeze, knowing it wanted to stay with him for a little longer. He nodded, returning the smile. "Before you go, do you mind if I get your number? In case you want bass lessons or something," he said, holding out his phone to me. "Yeah, for bass lessons," I nod, the two of us exchanging phones and information. "See you soon," He tapped his phone against his palm before walking off. "Yeah, see ya," I responded before looking down at my phone and smiling.
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downbad4yoongi · 2 years
It Was Always You
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👑Jimin x OC
👑 Royalty AU
👑 2918 WC
👑 Warnings: Fluff, smut 🔞 (oral f receiving, edging, vaginal sex, orgasm denial)
With a nervous laugh, Seraphina nods, whispering, “Surprise!”
Jimin’s eyes bounce back and forth from her face to where his hands cup the swell of her belly. “Phín, what the hell? How long?”
Wrote this for @mrsparkjimin18 as a part of @bangtanwritershq Picture Perfect Valentine's Day Event.
Seraphina presses her face deeper into the pillow, humming pleasantly as soft, plush lips trail firm kisses down her spine.  A weight settles firmly against her lower body as a particularly stinging kiss is pressed into the dip of her lower back pulling a sharp gasp from her lips.
“Are you going to pretend to be asleep for much longer?” Jimin’s breath tickles across her flesh, raising goosebumps in its wake.
Seraphina giggles, settling her cheek onto the pillow, “I don’t know. I had a really, nice dream; I wouldn’t mind going back to it for a bit.”
“Was I in it?”
“Mmm, I don’t think so. There was someone there, but he was tall and incredibly broad–” her words are abruptly cut off with the sharp slap of Jimin’s hand to the firm globe of her asscheek.
“You were saying?”
Seraphina tilts her head to look over her shoulder at Jimin, gently chiding him, “Still as easy to rile up as ever, Captain.”
Jimin rolls his eyes to meet hers from under his lashes, his gaze weighted with dark intentions. “You say that so cavalierly while you are at my mercy.” The moist heat of his breath teases lower, caressing between her legs as he begins spreading them wider.
“Oh, would you look at that? It seems I don’t have the time to lay around and need to start getting ready for the day,” the words rush from her lips as she attempts to shuffle from beneath him. 
She doesn’t even make it an inch before his firm grip settles on her hips, pushing her back down on the mattress, his own body shifting to settle between her legs. “Where are you rushing off to? I know your schedule for the day doesn’t start until the afternoon.”  She can feel the indentation of each of his fingers as he grips her thighs and spreads her open wider to his gaze. 
Seraphina buried her face in her pillow, groaning with the realization that she may have stirred a beast that she wasn’t ready to deal with. With a deep breath, she lifts her head, her mind scrambling for a way to talk herself out of what she knows is going to happen if she doesn’t distract him from his intent.  “That is correct, but wouldn’t you want to spend that time attending to other aspects of your role since you don’t have to stand guard over me?” she asks in a rush.
The nearness of his dark chuckle radiates through her body, “You would like that, wouldn’t you? Fortunately, I’m very capable of delegating which allows me the free time to teach you a well-deserved lesson.” The words have barely finished leaving his mouth before he is pressing his lips to her center.  
“Shiiiiit!” she exhales as her upper body falls back to the bed. He caresses every part of her outer lips before using his fingers to spread her open and repeat it again over her inner labia.  Finishing with a sharp flick of his tongue directly against the tight bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. She can’t stop the sudden jerking of her hips at the jolt of pleasure, pushing her hips back silently begging for more.
She can feel the spread of his smile against her as he repeats the motion several more times before delving his tongue deep inside her. Seraphina buries her face back into her pillow moaning loudly as he yanks her back onto his mouth and devours her with luxurious licks and stinging nips to her pussy.  In no time at all, she has coated his mouth and jaw with her slick and is on the precipice of falling into that blissful oblivion when he pulls back. Jimin’s mouth shifts from her pulsing center to trail open-mouth kisses along the inside of her left thigh. 
Seraphina snaps her head up, arching to look back at him in bewilderment. As soon as her eyes land on his, she groans and collapses back onto her pillow, realizing his dark intent. Jimin was in his petty mode and was going to torture her by bringing her to the edge again and again but never satisfying the need he was creating. 
The muted pounding of her fists against the bed has Jimin laughing but doesn’t keep him from diving back in the moment the signs of her approaching orgasm fade completely. Seraphina’s knuckles are pale and her hands are aching from her grip on the bed linens as he brings her to the edge two more times but leaves her panting and desperate.
Every muscle within her is aching with tension as tendrils of pleasure fade away for the third time and leave her a whimpering mess on the damp sheets. She is so wrung out she can’t bring herself to react to the slow glide of Jimin’s tongue reversing course up her spine as he settles his weight on top of her. His lips wrap around her lobe and suck gently. 
“Baby, you still with me?” he asks softly, his hand gently stroking her arm as Seraphina struggles to regulate her breathing.
Moments pass before Seraphina is able to crack her eyes open, unleashing the wetness that was being held at bay. Tears track down her cheeks and nose as she weakly pushes her hips back against the heated weight of Jimin’s cock nestled against her ass in silent supplication for more.  Jimin presses his forehead to her temple and lifts her hips for a better angle, and between one breath and the next is slipping inside her swollen walls dragging moans out of them both. 
“Fuck,” he breathes heavily into her hair as the thick glide of his cock inside her ends with his hips pressed tightly against her ass. Despite the exhaustion radiating through her, Seraphina shifts pushing her hips back in a muted bid for more. Jimin is beyond his teasing mood and readily gives in to her plea. His fingers settle on her hips and he begins a deep, firm rhythm rocking into her depths. Each plunge of his thick cock has Seraphina moaning as she clenches tightly around him, her aching walls desperate to reach their release.
The steady sound of Jimin’s hips slapping against her ass echoes around them with the accompaniment of his groans and her moans. The tempo subtly crescendos as Jimin works them closer to a climax they both are desperate for. Suddenly, Seraphina is tensing underneath him as her walls clamp tightly before every muscle in her is spasming as she succumbs to waves of pleasure. 
Jimin follows after her momentarily, his body unable to resist the tight, warm clasping of her walls. His hips stutter a few more times before burying his cock in her depths, coating her insides with warmth. The strength of his arms drains from him, collapsing his body on top of hers; they rest there, heavily breathing, interspersed with gasps as aftershocks rack them.
“Your Majesty?... Your Majesty!”
Seraphina’s attention snaps back to the present, her gaze focusing on the townsperson sitting across from her. From the look he is giving her, this is not the first time he has tried to capture her attention. She glances over at Dahyun, and her assistant gives a slight nod, confirming that she had let her mind wander a bit too far.
“Apologies. I had let my mind wander and started thinking about a few meetings I have later in the day. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, can you tell me what you were saying again?” Seraphina works just the right amount of contrition into her tone and that paired with the heat flushing her cheeks at being caught daydreaming seems to go over well and the shopkeeper launches into his story again.
This time she listens despite holding back the slight wince from her low-grade headache that started this morning and has refused to ebb. The pitch of the man’s voice is causing her head to throb even more and she is not sure she can hide it for much longer. Not to mention, she can now feel her stomach rolling with queasiness. Her eyes flit to the ornate wall clock behind her current visitor and she holds back a sigh noting that there is still another hour of Tea with the Queen.
The monthly event typically is refreshing and provides insight into what is happening in her subjects’ lives and matters of importance to them. At this current moment though, she isn’t sure she can take even another minute of pretending to care about the trivial matters the people tend to bring forward. Sensing movement in the periphery, Seraphina watches her assistant, Dahyun, approach the small seating area that was staged for the session. The relief that washes through her is immediate and easily brings a genuine smile to her face, her first one all morning. 
Dahyun politely informs them both that it is time for the next subject and steps aside, body angled toward the door behind Seraphina to guide the local shop owner out. He stands and bows deeply to her and hurries out through the door. 
Seraphina slumps back in the stiff chair and slips her eyes closed, determined to enjoy the brief respite. Her new posture has ballooned out the deep purple peplum blouse she chose to wear today to continue hiding her swelling abdomen. It was the perfect top to continue the ruse that all was normal still; the fabric hugged her upper arms and chest but gently billowed out just enough to hide her baby bump while not drawing unwanted attention due to a sudden change in her wardrobe. She makes a mental note to have the royal tailor get her more of this style in a variety of hues.
She has zoned out so well she failed to notice that she is no longer alone. A gentle clearing of a throat alerts her to a new presence, figuring it must just be Dahyun returning. She pops open one eye and glances up, the snarky quip that she was poised to say catches in her throat. Seraphina pops up from her seat in shock, her hands reaching for the face she had been missing for weeks.
“Jimin! What are you doing back?” Her hands grip his shoulders, unable to remain aloof in front of prying eyes as she processes his surprise appearance. “You aren’t due back for another month.”
Jimin’s vigilant eyes flick to the palace staff loitering around the room and he gently takes Seraphina’s hands from his shoulders. He bows deeply over them, pressing his lips to the knuckles of one. “Good morning, Your Majesty. I felt my presence was no longer required on that scouting mission. I have left my best men in charge for the remainder of the excursion.”
Seraphina quickly catches the formality of Jimin’s tone and stiffens. His unexpected arrival made her forget all decorum and she is thankful at least one of them remained mindful. “Of course. I trust your judgment, Captain. I look forward to more details about what has been gathered thus far.”
Jimin nods his head slightly. “I’ll connect with Dahyun and have her schedule a time to meet.” He moves to take his leave, but that is the last thing she wants.
“Clear the room.”
A staffer steps forward. “Your Majesty, the Tea Time isn’t finished yet.”
Seraphina levels a weighted stare at her. “It is now. Now let’s not make me repeat myself.”
The color drains from the poor girl’s cheeks as she steps back and shuffles with the rest of the staff from the room. Seraphina watches Jimin suppress the smirk fighting to spread his plush lips, and in turn, has to hide her own. Finally, the last staff member leaves the room, and the door closes with a silent snick of the latch catching.
They both stand there watching each other for a moment; it has been so long since they have had the chance to be alone together, and this feels surreal. Another beat goes by accompanied by a giggle of disbelief before they snap into action and are folding into each other’s arms. His breath brushes the shell of her ear, “I missed you every day.” 
“I know it’s only been a few weeks but your absence has felt like it’s been at least a year!” Seraphina nuzzles into his neck as he pulls her closer, her body flush against him. The relief of having him back made her forget not to press so tightly against him; that reminder came to the forefront of her mind as his shoulders stiffened.
His hands travel from holding her back to her waist; the hands that used to be able to easily cup each side are now stretched a bit wider, enough to notice the difference. Jimin’s head lifts as he holds Seraphina away from him and looks down at where the blouse drapes over her obscured abdomen hiding what he can clearly feel is a roundness to an area of Seraphina’s body that was thick, but flat previously. 
Seraphina stills as Jimin drags his hand from her side around to the front of her belly. His brow furrows as his fingers gently prod. She observes him anxiously, his hands now resting closer to the front of her torso, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles. He lifts his head, the question plainly expressed in his eyes.
With a nervous laugh, Seraphina nods, whispering, “Surprise!”
Jimin’s eyes bounce back and forth from her face to where his hands cup the swell of her belly. “Phín, what the hell? How long?”
“I’m past the first trimester. I found out a couple of weeks after you left.”
“Why didn’t you summon me back?” Jimin’s expression is a mix of awe and apprehensiveness.
Seraphina gently strokes Jimin’s arm and gestures toward the French-style sofa on the other side of the room. He nods and follows her over to the ornate sitting area. Seraphina sits first, doing her best to mask the anxiety running through her as Jimin settles next to her, his body angled slightly toward her.
“Honestly, I don’t know. Part of me wanted to call for you immediately, but my mind was all over the place. There was so much to figure out and multiple factors to consider, I wasn’t sure what to do for a while. When I came to a decision, I knew you would be back soon enough so I waited.”
Seraphina watches Jimin’s jaw clench as he processes this news. She can’t get a read on how he is feeling like she is normally able to and it’s killing her to wait for his reaction. Her fingers knot together in her lap as she lets her gaze wander around the room giving him time to process this life-altering news.
Her attention is brought back to him when she feels his hand gently cup the swell of her belly. She catches his gaze and the ache in her chest grows as she watches his eyes swim with emotions. His breath shudders out before he finally asks, “What are you going to do?”
“What would you like to do?” she counters.
The corners of his lips twitch wistfully. “I would like many things, Phín, but I’ve long ago let go of such wishful thoughts.”
The ache in her chest grows tenfold urging her to move closer to him, her hand taking hold of his. “Jimin…”
Jimin shakes his head sharply. “Seraphina, I have always known my duty and the role I would play in your life.” He straightens his shoulders and pats her hand. “So Your Majesty, what are you going to do?”
Seraphina sucks in her breath sharply. She knows what he is doing, Jimin is pulling away in preparation for having to let her go. Her curls dance around her shoulders as she shakes her head, moving her hand to cup his cheek. “Well first off, you can stop doing whatever it is you think you’re doing.” Jimin’s mouth opens to protest but she doesn’t give him a chance. “No, Jimin. I know you. You’re trying to pull away because for some reason you think that is for the best. You know what I think is best?”
Jimin shakes his head. “Seraphina, we always knew sneaking around wouldn’t last forever. I’ve always known that at some point, I would need to step aside when you would have to marry someone else of nobility.”
“That’s not going to happen, Jimin. I could never marry someone who doesn’t have my heart. Don’t you see that this is our chance?”
“They still will fight it, Seraphina.”
She scoffs, “They can try, but they won’t deny me the opportunity to marry the father of my child.” She pauses, thumb stroking along the apple of his cheek, “The love of my life.”
Jimin’s eyes widened. They have never exchanged their true feelings before. They have tiptoed around it for years and just let it simmer under the surface. “Really?”
“Jimin, I love you. I always have, I always will.”
Jimin surges forward, hands cupping the back of her neck, “I love you, too, Phín.” His lips crash against hers, sealing the sentiment with a fervent kiss. The silence stretches around them, only broken by the sound of their lips moving together and their hearts racing. 
They break apart, breathing heavily. Seraphina presses her forehead to Jimin’s. “It was always you.”
©️    2023-02-19 downbad4yoongi
61 notes · View notes
ayyyez · 2 years
May I please request a scenario of a one night stand between Kame and Yaku @ Ayame's place w/ Kuroo camping outside the room in the morning waiting for the walk of shame, thank you ily bye
A/N: HAHAH alright alright you asked and I delivered our glorious creation. As usual I got carried away with Kuroo and Ayame in some parts and then swooped back in with Yaku and Kame haha ily <3
SUMMARY: Kuroo is in a friends with benefits relationship with Ayame while pining for more at a party she throws for the V.League. At the same event Yaku and Kame hook up and have a one night stand. Kuroo and Ayame happen to catch them sneaking into a guest room and Kuroo is determined to catch Yaku's walk of shame as pay back for all the years of teasing his situation. (Ayame is my OC and Kame is @loveskitkats OC)
TAGS: pining, friends with benefits (Kuroo), blowjobs (Kuroo), Making out, Kissing, smut, teasing, banter, fluff, Kuroo uses babe once, flirting, kind of peeping for a hot minute but not in a sexual way, begging, Kuroo being a simp, Bokutos strong drinks, drinking
WC: 4734
CHARACTERS: Kuroo Tetsurou/OC Ayame Saikawa, Yaku Morisuke/OC Kame, Bokuto Koutarou
It’s the last V.League game of the season. Since it’s in Tokyo Ayame naturally decides to throw one of her house parties. It makes it easier for those out of town to have a place to crash and keeps the players out of the public eye. Everyones free to do what they want without too many repercussions.
Ayame likes to joke with Kuroo that being friends with benefits with her seems to have a lot more benefits for him in the workplace than in the bedroom. He would argue that being with Ayame is nothing but beneficial. The only cons are the feelings he has to constantly keep in check.
Those pesky feelings he pretends not to have every time someone asks why they aren’t dating. The feelings that threaten to spill over every time he watches the V.League players he invited here carelessly flirt with her. 
Yeah those feelings. 
The ones he’s trying to swallow right now.
Kuroo curses his younger self for not fessing up sooner. He had plenty of opportunities during their on again and off again non-relationship. But he always chickens out. Scared of losing everything. So instead he clutches onto whatever they have now in the hopes it will work itself out. 
Even now, as he watches Ayame from the living room, with the party in full swing, he wonders how easily he could walk over there. How he’d push Bokuto’s stupid face out of the way and tell her everything. How he didn’t want to hover over her the whole party for her sake. That it just invites those kinds of questions. And sure she can handle it better than him but he doesn’t want to put that on her. She’s been too good for him. 
‘Whatcha drinking?’ Yaku says, slapping him on the shoulder.
‘Hmm.’ Kuroo is pulled from his daze as he turns to him. ‘What?’ 
‘I asked what you’re drinking, dumbass.’ 
‘Oh, just beer.’ He opens his hand a little to show the brand. 
Yaku raises his brow and nods. ‘Sure you haven’t had too much or…’ He follows where Kuroo’s eye-line was before. ‘You just pining over the girl you’ve had a heart eyes for since highschool?’ 
‘Shut up.’ Kuroo says, kicking his leg. ‘I was just thinking about getting a top up.’ 
‘Oh is that what the kids are calling it these days? She gets on top and does all the work while you–’ 
‘Oi, would you shut up?’ Kuroo goes to kick him again but Yaku dodges and retaliates by kicking him in the shin. 
‘Would you stop kicking me?’ He sighs. 
‘I’m giving you a taste of your own medicine.’ 
‘Wouldn’t be so salty if you didn’t deserve it, tch.’ Yaku takes a sip from his cup. ‘Seriously though, just tell her you love her already, sheesh.’ 
‘Who does Kuroo love?’ Comes a sing-song voice. 
‘Kame just in time!’ Yaku smirks, gesturing for her to come from the doorway. 
‘Oh, fun is this about Ayame?’ 
Yaku snorts. ‘Could it be about anyone else?’ 
‘Mm, Kenma?’ 
‘Nah, that’s old news, a passing crush.’
‘Excuse me!’ Kuroo interjects. ‘I am here you know? While you two graciously analyse my life.’ 
‘We know!’ Kame smirks, patting his head. ‘It’s fun too.’ 
‘Yeah, I’ve actually missed this.’ Yaku says more to the room than them. 
Kuroo watches as he swirls his cup in his hands. He and Kame swap a glance and he shrugs. 
‘Well, then I have an idea,’ Kame begins pushing Kuroo forward. ‘Why doesn’t Kuroo go over there and show us just how NOT in love he is while Yaku tells me all about Russia.’ 
‘Oh, now there’s an idea.’ Yaku agrees, giving Kuroo a whack on the back, shoving him even further forward. ‘How about you accompany me to the bar set up over here and get a drink with me?’ 
‘Why thank you, sir.’
Kuroo looks back at them with a glare, watching Yaku lead Kame by the hand to the bar. He wants to yell something at them but he knows it will be met with something at his expense back. They have too much on him. Both of them. 
Kame is Ayame’s twin and blood or not, that girl knows how to torture him should he ask for it. That’s not something he’s willing to test. 
With a sigh Kuroo heads for the kitchen seeking out the presence he craves the most. 
Coming up behind Ayame he wraps his arms around her core and plants his face on her shoulder. Rumours be damned he wants this right now. She’s cool and soothing and he wants to touch her. 
‘Now, which tall man would dare hold me from behind in my own kitchen?’ Ayame muses leaning back into his touch. 
‘Your sister is bullying me.’ Kuroo says, turning to bury his face in the safety of her neck. ‘Yaku too.’ He whispers against her smooth skin. 
Yeah this is nice. 
‘Ah, Kuroo of course.’ She chuckles and he can feel the vibrations run into his body. ‘What did you do?’ She asks, turning her head towards his, cheek purposefully brushing against his face. 
God he wants to press closer.
‘Hey! Who says I did anything?’ He squeezes her closer, prompting her to run her hands over his, their fingers interlocking. ‘I was over there minding my own business, thank you very much.’
‘Mmm, a likely story.’ Her lips move against his cheek with each word. ‘Do you need me to go over there and teach them a lesson?’ 
‘Yes, please protect me with your fearsome presence.’ 
Kuroo turns a little, ghosting his lips over her neck as they sit on his words for a second. 
The two of them are snickering a second later as the words sink in. 
‘You’re a loser.’ Ayame says, turning fully in his arms. 
‘Oh, yeah?’ Kuroo replies, pulling her in by the waist. ‘What does that make you?’ 
She hums thinking about it. ‘Someone who sometimes sleeps with a loser?’ 
Kuroo lets out a dramatic gasp. ‘You wound me!’ His grip on her tightens as he leans back feigning hurt. ‘I can’t believe you are so mean!’ There’s still a wide smirk on his face despite his dramatics. 
Ayame’s laughing, her hands coming to his chest as they stumble around the kitchen a little. Neither of them care about their surroundings. The party guests long forgotten. Most are too drunk or distracted to care anyway. 
‘Aw, I’m sorry.’ Ayame says, cupping Kuroo’s face, still letting bursts of laughter slip through. ‘Want me to make it up to you?’ 
His brows raise at that. Now this is an interesting proposition. 
‘Oh? How are you going to make up for such a painful slight?’ 
‘Want to go upstairs and I’ll blow you?’ She says seriously with the addition of a sultry brow wiggle. 
Now Kuroo thinks he has died and gone to heaven. He almost considers shoving his fist in his mouth to suppress the groan that wants to creep out. She is going to be the death of him. 
Fuck, he loves her. 
‘Yep.’ He says as casually as possible, noticing his voice has gone a little high. ‘I think that’s, yep, let’s do that.’ 
‘Easy there.’ Ayame strokes his cheeks a little, an effort surely meant to calm him down but all he can think about now is her touch. How he wants more. 
She seems to notice too. 
Ayame smirks and takes him by the hand and makes a break for the stairs. It’s when they’re halfway up, hearing the way their footfalls echo in their foyer that Kuroo is thoroughly aware of how hot his cheeks are burning. How hot his body is. It just seems to burn for her. 
The anticipation is killing him. He needs her now. 
The second they’re up the top of the stairs he’s pulling Ayame to him, taking her into a deep kiss. She kisses him back immediately, tugging him closer by the collar of his shirt. He almost stumbles when they reach the door of her room. 
‘Easy.’ She says, breaking the kiss. ‘I’ve got this, don't worry.’ 
There’s that reassuring smile across those perfect lips. Kuroo can’t take his eyes off them as he follows her into the room in a daze. He’s already on cloud nine and they’ve barely kissed. 
God, he’s probably a little hard already but he’s so tingly and worked up he can’t bear to look down. 
‘Wanna go sit on the bed?’ Ayame says shutting the door behind them.
He’s been in this room a thousand times before. The fact he knows his way around gives him both pride but also a craving for something more. He wants them to be something more. Right now though they need to take care of something else. That’s what they came here for after all. 
Kuroo wanders over to the edge of the bed and sits down. From there he watches Ayame take her shirt off so she stands there in her bra, which is one of her more fancy ones; black and lacey. He tickles himself with the idea that perhaps she wore it for him. 
She isn’t sleeping with anyone else, right?
Then reminding himself who Ayame is, perhaps it’s simply for herself. 
Kuroo feels a bit foolish trying to monumentalise himself in her life but he can’t help it. She’s so important to him that he just can’t help but crave for it to be the same way in reverse. God, please let it be so. 
‘Hey.’ Ayame taps his leg from below. ‘You good there, or you overthinking your life away?’ 
It’s only now Kuroo realises that she is already on her knees in front of him. That she has seen right through him, down to the overthinking mess that is his mind. Man, he loves her. Why can’t she just know that and make it all okay? 
‘I’m good.’ He says, forcing a smile. ‘Want a kiss first, though, if that’s okay?’ 
‘Of course.’ 
Ayame reaches up and pulls him down into a long drawn out kiss. When she goes to pull away Kuroo gently clasps the back of her head and pulls her back in. His mouth opens with purpose against her’s. Tongue slipping in and running in a smooth, drawn out rhythm. He knows he’s getting emotional. He can’t stop it. 
Finally, Kuroo breaks the kiss and lets her go. 
‘Okay,’ he says, voice hoarse, ‘I’m good.’ 
Ayame nods, a little dazed as she comes back down. 
Then her hands are on his thighs, slowly sliding their way up as Kuroo releases a shaky exhale. She slides one hand over his bulge—shit, he was already a little hard and sensitive too—and she rubs him in hard drawn out motions. 
Fuck—she knows just how he likes it. 
Kuroo lets out soft whines as he leans back a little. He could happily stay up there and forget about the party. He’s already forgetting. 
Ayame moves to unbuckle his belt and undo his pants. Kuroo raises his hips a little as she shimmies them down, leaving his briefs up for now. Ah, so it’s going to be a bit of teasing first. He can work with that if he needs—
‘Ah— shiiit.’ Kuroo hunches forward. 
Once again, Ayame’s palm pushes down hard against his shaft through the fabric of his briefs creating a maddening friction. He’s feeling extra sensitive from the build of anticipation. His head is already spinning. God, he’s not sure how long he is going to last at this rate. He doesn’t want to say that though because then she might edge him more and he really wants to cum. 
‘Yeahhhh–’ Kuroo urges, feeling Ayame’s ministrations lighten and quicken against the fabric of his briefs. ‘That’s mm, good.’
Ayame continues that lighter pressure, grazing her fingers over the head of his cock and gathering the fabric there over where the pre-cum seems to be building. It causes Kuroo to shudder. Between her hand and the fabric it’s tantalising. 
‘Look at you falling apart and I haven’t even put my mouth on you yet.’ Ayame says, pushing her hand down hard against his cock. 
Kuroo groans. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck.’ He squeezes his eyes closed suppressing a shudder. 
‘What’s wrong, you want me to stop?’ 
Ayame softens the pressure and speed. 
Kuroo furiously shakes his head. ‘Don’t stop.’ 
‘You want me to use my mouth though, right?’ Ayame gives him a hard squeeze for emphasis. 
‘Fuuuck.’ Kuroo quickly sits up, breathing heavily. ‘Ayame.’ He chastises, pouting. ‘Stop being a tease and blow me like you said you would.’ 
She smiles wide, like she’s having the time of her life. 
‘You want me to beg? I’ll beg, I don’t care.’ Kuroo grips the blankets hard. ‘Please suck my dick, I’m begging you to stop drawing it out, I’m going crazy.’ 
Ayame lets go of him altogether. 
‘Well, since you asked so nicely.’ She stands up and presses a gentle kiss to his lips. ‘I guess I’ll have to now, won’t I?’ 
Kuroo breathes a sigh of relief, watching her return to her knees and help him slide his briefs down out of the way. 
The cool air on his cock is a welcome sensation compared to the teasing beneath the confines of his briefs. Although he normally would let her do what she wished for hours, something about tonight is different. He’s got this new found sense of desperation. He needs to feel her. It’s like he’ll combust if he doesn’t. 
Ayame’s taking him into her mouth before he can think another thought. He gasps falling back onto his arms. The wet heat of her mouth is all consuming. It’s too good and he almost cums right then and there as she takes all of him. He has to reach one hand out and into her hair to ground himself. To keep from going over the edge. 
She hums as she pulls back, the vibrations running over his cock. It’s maddening. She’s licking a broad stroke up beneath his shaft all the way to the head. Kuroo squeezes his eyes closed as she works the head. It’s all too much as she takes him in again. 
Yeah he’s definitely not going to last. 
Between his feelings and the fact Ayame gives the best head ever, he’s a goner. 
Kuroo lets himself give in to the moment. He lets go of her hair and collapses back against the bed. He can’t even think straight. His whole body is on fire, tingling as the heat builds inside, threatening to push him over the edge each time she takes him in full. 
‘S-so good babe, so good.’ He’s a babbling mess and can’t stop the words spilling out of him. ‘Don’t stop. F-fuck. You’re so good. You’re s-so hot, mmm feel so good. Mmm, Ayame.’
He’s cumming hard. Fisting the sheets in an attempt to ground himself. It’s absolute bliss in this moment as he forgets that they are only friends with benefits and nothing more. He’s wrapped up in the fact he’s just had the best blowjob and he got it from the woman he loves. 
Ayame rides him through it. Swallowing all of his cum and cleans him up. That sight alone, as she pushes her hair out the way and pops off his cock, could make Kuroo cum all over again. 
‘Come here.’ He says, voice hoarse as he reaches out a hand to her. 
She takes it. Kuroo drags her on top of him, pulling her into a hot, messy kiss. He doesn’t care that he just came in her mouth. He doesn’t care that they still haven’t talked about furthering their relationship. He just wants her. 
‘You wanna fuck?’ Ayame asks, hands running down his chest.
Kuroo nods, pulling her against him. 
‘So yeah, it’s pretty interesting there but putting up with Lev is a whole other story.’ Yaku says, placing his drink on the counter. ‘But you know volleyball stuff is the same old. I’m sure the same could be said for half the people in this place.’ He gestures around the party. 
Kame chuckles. ‘You mean volleyball players actually pursue volleyball in their lives, who’d have thunk?’ She twirls her empty cup between her fingers. 
Yaku smiles. ‘You know what I’m saying. I just mean I’m sure you don’t want to just talk about that all night. I know I don’t.’ 
‘Oh, you didn’t hear? I live and breathe volleyball now.’ 
‘No.’ She shakes her head with a snort. ‘I’m still a swimmer at heart, sorry. Doesn’t mean I don’t like it though.’ 
‘Oh, of course, how else would you have been able to survive here all these years?’ Yaku playfully nudges her shoulder. 
‘Exactly!’ Kame nudges him back. ‘But it is a little bit of an exchange. I listen to the volleyball rants, they listen to me coo about turtles and swimming things. Win-win, really.’ 
‘I can think of worse things to listen to.’ There’s a pause as he frowns, like he’s thinking over something. ‘Hey, speaking of swimming, you still compete right?’ 
‘Yup, you’re looking at an olympic competitor, my friend.’ She gives him a finger gun gesture that turns into her poking his shoulder. 
‘Right! Duh.’ He smacks his head. ‘I knew that. In a: I totally don’t stalk and keep track of you sort of way.’ 
That makes Kame laugh hard. 
‘Of course, of course.’ She smiles against the palm of her hand. ‘Same here but I totally do stalk you.’ She winks at him. 
There’s a pregnant pause.
‘Okay, I know you’re joking but it doesn’t help that your nickname has wildcard in it!’ Yaku brings his hand to his chest. ‘You always have me going!’ 
Kame chuckles. ‘That’s the idea.’ She leans in close. ‘You never know when I’m going to strike.’ 
‘God, I thought Ayame was something.’ Yaku smiles, shaking his head. 
At her mention, Yaku automatically looks to the kitchen, finding Ayame is no longer there and there’s no sign of Kuroo either. 
‘Speaking of your sister, where is she?’ Yaku asks. 
‘Hm?’ Kame turns back to the kitchen too. ‘Huh, guess they’re off not being in love somewhere.’ She turns back with a smirk. 
‘They went upstairs.’ Bokuto says placing a martini shaker in front of them with a warm smile. ‘I saw them head up there a while ago holding hands.’ 
‘Pfft.’ Yaku can’t contain himself. ‘I guess Kuroo can’t even act like he’s not in love when there’s a party going on.’
‘I knew there was still something going on between them.’ Bokuto says, picking up the martini shaker and shaking it with two hands. 
‘Aw you know too?’ Kame asks, leaning against the bar. 
‘Of course, they’ve been hooking up since university when Kuroo lived with me, remember?’ Bokuto gestures the shaker toward them. ‘Drink?’ 
‘Oh, yes please!’
Yaku just nods. ‘It seems everyone on the planet knows Kuroo loves her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she knew too. He should just fess up like I said.’ 
‘Mmm would you?’ Kame asks, pulling away from sipping her drink. 
‘What just because it’s Ayame?’ Yaku asks, taking his drink from Bokuto. 
‘She’s scary hot but nice so I don’t see what the big deal is.’ 
‘Pfft it’s not that it's the history they have too.’ 
Yaku thinks about it and takes a sip from his drink. ‘Well, maybe if we all have some liquid courage, who knows what the night will bring?’ 
‘Why not.’ Kame agrees, cheersing her drink with his. 
Kuroo and Ayame lie there, limbs wrapped around each other entirely fucked out. Their bodies are sweaty and panting. 
Ayame presses a kiss to Kuroo’s chest. 
He doesn’t have the energy to reciprocate so he runs his fingers down her back, lightly tracing patterns. Her skin is so smooth and addicting. Truthfully he wants to go a few more rounds. He’s not sure he has the energy though. 
There’s the familiar clunk of footfalls coming up the stairs. They seem heavier than usual. Like they’re hurried and uneven. Then there’s more heavy thuds. And a loud almost clutter against the wall. 
‘What the hell is going on out there?’ Ayame asks, moving to sit up. 
‘Noooo.’ Kuroo protests, reaching out to her. ‘Come back!’ 
She’s already standing with the sheet wrapped around her. 
‘Pfft, I’ve got to make sure no one is dying or destroying my house, hang on.’ She starts to move away. 
‘No, don’t go please!’ Kuroo sits up. ‘Let them do it. I’ll pay for the damage.’ 
She snorts. ‘Don’t be a baby and come with me if you want.’ 
Kuroo huffs and climbs out of bed spinning around in search of his briefs. When he finds them he remembers the pre-cum conundrum and throws them off to the side. He quickly hurries over to the draw he happens to keep spare clothes in. Totally just a friend with benefits thing to do, have clothes there. 
‘Hurry up!’ Ayame whispers by the door. 
Kuroo quickly scrambles to get his briefs on, tripping onto the bed in the process. 
‘Fucking, shit, fuck.’ He says, scrambling back up. ‘I’m coming.’ 
He meets her by the door which she steadily cracks open. 
‘Oh shit.’ She says covering her smiling face with her hand. 
‘What?’ He asks, pushing over her to peer through. ‘Oh shit!’ 
He sees it immediately. 
Yaku and Kame are making out against the guest room door. And quite enthusiastically too. 
Kame is against the door, her leg wrapped around Yaku’s core, sliding it up and down in an attempt to bring him closer. Yaku is pushing against her, one hand flat against the wall to steady them. The other is both holding and kneading her thigh, occasionally moving it up to cup her ass. And their kissing is intense, each pushing like their lives depended on it with such passion and intensity. 
‘Well, well I never thought those two were going to give us a show.’ Ayame whispers up to Kuroo. 
‘You know if this was the other way around they’d never let us live this down.’ Kuroo says, snorting as he watches Yaku kiss down Kame’s neck. 
‘You? Definitely not.’ Ayame bites back a laugh. ‘I think he just grabbed her boob. Who knew Yaku was a tits guy?’ 
I did. Kuroo thinks. Remembering the times Yaku had made that clear with his crush on Ayame back in highschool. Luckily he has moved well beyond that. Well, right onto her sister it seems. 
‘I am not letting them get away with this.’ Kuroo decides. 
‘Oh? So are you just going to march right on out there and tell them you see them?’ 
‘What? No, I’m not that kind of guy, gosh.’ 
‘Then what?’ 
‘I’ll just wait here until Yaku comes out of the guest room in the morning.’ He gestures to the door. ‘I’m assuming that’s their destination and you can’t get downstairs without passing this room so guess who will be waiting for him.’ Kuroo smiles very smugly. 
‘God, Kuroo. You can’t just let them have their fun?’ 
‘No way they always tease me!’ 
‘About what?’ 
‘About…’ Oh shit he is really caught out here. About us obviously but he can’t really broach that subject yet. ‘Just…about everything, okay.’ He finally says with a pout.
‘Alright, whatever you want to do.’ Ayame relents, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. ‘It’s probably time to stop peeping and go to bed for now though.’ 
Kuroo turns to join Ayame, entirely caught off guard by the sweet gesture. 
Kame’s arms wrap around Yaku pulling him closer. His cologne fills her senses as her hands slide up into his hair giving it a little tug. It makes him moan into the kiss. She’s sure he’s hard but she doesn’t want to move yet. The wall is keeping her upright. Her legs are a little shaky. 
‘God.’ Yaku says, kissing down her neck and across her chest. ‘You’re so hot.’ 
‘Yeah.’ She says, pulling him back by the hair and looking him in the eye. ‘I know.’ 
He smirks and kisses her again, playfully nipping at her lips while groping her ass at the same time. 
Then she’s pushing him away. ‘Hang on.’ Her eyes scan the hall. ‘I know it’s here somewhe—there!’ She shuffles away to the hall table where a bowl sits and grabs it before returning to a panting, dishevelled Yaku. 
‘What’s that?’ He asks squinting a little, like it is a puzzle he needs to solve. 
‘Three guesses what.’ She says scooping the packeted contents out of the bowl and throwing them over his head, letting them rain over like confetti. 
Yaku looks down to see them clear as day. Condom and lube packets of various kinds laid out at his feet. He can’t contain his laughter at 1. Ayame has this in her house for guests and 2. Kame just knows exactly where they are. He can’t complain though. Safe sex is what he needs right now. 
Yaku takes a handful of the supplies in his hand and mimics Kame’s motion, throwing them over their heads. 
A wide smile crosses her lips. 
‘Condoms!’ She exclaims, twirling around in the rain down. ‘Woo!’ 
Yaku can’t even begin to describe the bizarre nature of this moment but he’s glad he’s there with Kame. Right now he wants her more than he’s wanted anyone in his life. And honestly, he can finally understand Kuroo a little now. He wants to keep this moment all to himself. 
‘Come on,’ he says, taking her hand, ‘let’s go in.’ 
She takes his hand and together they head into the guestroom and away from prying eyes with the condom bowl. They’re sure to leave a couple on the floor. They don’t want the other guests to go without. 
Ayame wakes up early to find Kuroo has dragged one of the arm chairs directly in front of the door and propped it open with the stopper. He’s drinking a coffee and reading the paper in said chair while looking up every now and again. It’s like he’s afraid he’s going to miss something. 
‘Morning.’ Ayame says, sitting up with narrowing eyes. 
‘Good morning.’ Kuroo says, a little too chipper. ‘Want some coffee?’ 
‘I’m good thanks.’ She reaches out to pet her cat Miso who is sleeping peacefully on the bed next to her. ‘Whatcha doing over there?’ 
‘Oh, me? Just enjoying the morning.’ 
‘I can see that. Would you perhaps be waiting for Yaku to emerge from the guest bedroom? 
‘Oh right! That!’ Kuroo fakes forgetfulness and badly. ‘They did that last night, didn't they?’ 
‘Alright! Yes, I’m waiting!’
Ayame sighs, rubbing her eyes. ‘So, no sign of either of them yet huh?’ 
‘Not a peep.’ 
‘How long have you been awake for?’ 
‘Since about 5am.’ 
‘Kuroo, what the fuck!’
‘What? I couldn’t sleep! What do you want from me?’ 
‘Nothing.’ Ayame sighs again, sliding her legs over the side of the bed and walking over to him. ‘I think I’ll have some coffee after all.’ 
 ‘Good, I brought up the milk you like.’ Kuroo starts pouring her a cup, eyes still flicking in the direction of the door. 
‘He’s not a ninja who is going to sneak past while you pour coffee.’ 
‘Right, right. Just keep an eye for me would you?’ 
‘Yeah whatever.’ She runs a hand through his hair which he pushes back into. ‘Nothing yet, commander.’ 
‘Oh commander, huh? I like that.’ 
‘Is that so, commander?’ 
‘Yeah, here’s your coffee, Ms.Subordinate.’ 
Ayame takes the coffee, eyebrows raised. ‘Mm I don’t care for that one.’ 
‘No? I’ll work on it.’ 
Then there’s a click, the sound of the door opening and Kuroo jumps to his feet rushing over to the open doorway. 
‘HA, I caught you!’ He says before even reaching the entrance. 
‘Oh, really?’ Comes a voice that is definitely not Yaku. ‘And what did you catch me doing?
Ayame snorts, recognising the voice. ‘Hey Kame.’ She walks over to the doorway. ‘Don’t mind him, he's had too much coffee and was waiting for Yaku.’ 
‘Goddamnit.’ Kuroo groans, smacking his forehead. ‘So close.’ 
‘So did you enjoy your night?’ Ayame asks, taking a quick sip of her coffee before adding, ‘Oh and I expect that bowl to be put back.’
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eventinelysplayground · 6 months
The Vixen and the Wolfhound
So this is another OC 'kids' fic of mine, I say 'kids' but they are young adults in this. I do plan to write more for these two just this was where I started because it was what came together. This fic follows one of Nokto and Emma's daughters (romantic route) and Silvio's son, they were very briefly referenced in a Nokto fic I did before. A sudden frigid storm leads to taking the first step towards a roaring flame. WC approx 1285.
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Two figures rode swiftly across the terrain as the sky around them turned dangerously gray. The rain came down hard and the wind whipped at them without mercy. They spurred their horses on but suddenly a loud clap of thunder echoed around them followed by a flash of lightning that lit up the sky in a blinding light.
“We can't stay out here!”
“Follow me, just inside the treeline there's a cave!”
The shorter rider turned taking off for the treeline and the other followed after a quick glance up at the sky. They broke through the trees and darted left going further inwards until they came to an outcropping of rock. As they dismounted their steads more lightning lit up the sky making them turn in unison to look upwards.
“Freaking weather.”
The taller rider pushed back their hood revealing long grayish blue hair pulled back into a ponytail, a chiseled jaw and deep blue eyes. He was often told he looked and acted eerily similar to his father and his current attitude did nothing to deter those sentiments as he stomped off towards the cave. As he approached the entrance he turned to the other rider and motioned to the cave entrance.
“After you Princess.”
“I'm fine out here.”
The princess shook her head vehemently and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Like hell I'm goin in there and leaving you out here! The whole damn royal family would have my head if they found out now, come on.”
“I said-”
The man roughly grabbed the princess’s arm causing her hood to fall from her head revealing long silver hair with a distinct chestnut streak and clear crimson eyes that sparkled like gemstones. As she was shoved into the cave she turned around, hand raised to slap the other but it was caught mid flight.
“Nice try but my reflexes are even sharper than your tongue. Why are you being so disagreeable anyways this was your idea?”
“Let go of me, Prince Dario.”
Prince Dario gave a wicked smile as the Princess tried to tug her wrist free from his grasp.
“Whatever you want Princess.”
Prince Dario let go as the Princess tugged hard and she fell backwards onto her behind causing him to burst out laughing. She quickly scrambled to her feet and smacked him on the chest before stomping off to the entrance of the cave in a huff. Silence fell for a long while after. Prince Dario sat on a rock absently fidgeting with a dagger while the princess remained standing at the entrance of the cave, her arms wrapped protectively around herself.
The time continued to pass in silence as the storm raged on outside the cave. Suddenly another loud crash of thunder broke the stillness and Prince Dario didn't miss the fact that the Princess jumped in place.
“What the hell, are you afraid of a little-”
Dario had been walking up to the princess ready to mock her at her fear of thunder but he stopped when he saw her close up. She was so pale, her eyes were shut firm and her hands clenched into her arms so tightly she could draw blood any second.
“Hey Maeve, are you ok?”
Dario reached out a big hand and placed it on Maeve's shoulder. Her eyes opened and she stared up at him looking lost and frightened, but only for a moment.
“It's pretty silly isn't it?”
“Nah, everybody is afraid of something.”
“Oh really, and what pray tell is the daring Prince of Benitoite afraid of?”
Dario knew Maeve's tone was mocking and that she clearly was not expecting him to answer.
Dario looked down into Maeve's earnest eyes and sighed before looking out the cave entrance.
“When I was little I accompanied my Dad on one of his voyages. We had to stop at this patch of shoreline and like any small kid I got bored, started throwing rocks around. Well guess I hit one or something cause this massive crab came out followed by a few more and started comin after me. I didn't really like em before that, they had always looked creepy as hell but these ones were huge and pissed off. I ran so fast, Carlo almost had a heart attack when he saw them all chasing after me. My Dad and some of the sailors took care of em though.”
Dario looked back down at Maeve who's expression wasn't one of mockery like he had expected but rather shock and curiosity.
“What about you, what's up with the thunder?”
“It's not the thunder, not really anyways. It's more the cave.”
“Huh, but the cave was your idea?”
“I'm aware of that.”
“So what's with the cave then?”
“When I was….maybe four years old, I was bored one day. Three of my older sisters were having lessons and my younger brothers were taking a nap. So after losing my nanny I was wandering around and eventually left the boundaries of where I was allowed to be.”
Dario let out a throaty chuckle.
“Why ain't I surprised.”
A small smile crept on to Maeve's face and she nudged Dario with her shoulder.
“Anyways as I was exploring I spotted my Uncle Clavis and Aurora pretty far up ahead and I gave chase calling for them but they didn't hear me and kept walking away. I ran faster and then suddenly the ground gave out underneath me. I had fallen into a pit trap, it was really deep and dark, and smelly. I tried reaching up but I was way too short plus it turns out I had sprained my ankle in the fall so I couldn't stand for long but at the time I just knew it hurt.
I shouted and screamed but I guess they were too far to hear me. I was in there for a really long time and then it started to rain badly, a lot like today actually. I didn't particularly like small places or thunder before that but….I spent all night in that pit. I was so cold and scared and all alone, at least it stopped raining during the night. My Uncle Licht finally found me just as the sun had started rising, I never saw him look so frightened and relieved at the same time.”
Another crash of thunder peeled through the sky causing Maeve to shut her eyes again as tears rolled down her cheeks while she curled into herself.
Dario looked at her not knowing what to say, he had never seen this side of her before. He hadn't been in Rhodolite very long but even just that short time was enough for him to figure out why she was called the beastly princess, not that he ever cared. He found her a refreshing change and he appreciated these glimpses of the side of her that she clearly kept hidden from most.
More thunder came followed by a fierce gust of wind and Dario watched Maeve try to make herself even smaller. Before he knew entirely what he was doing he had moved behind her and wrapped her tightly in his arms while covering her with his cloak.
“What are you doing?”
“Just this way you'll stay warm, and know you aren't alone.”
Dario could feel the heat in his cheeks but he didn't care, especially not when he noticed how red the tips of Maeve's ears were.
“I still don't like you.”
Dario smiled to himself not believing that for a second. He decided to take a risk and gently kissed the top of Maeve's head before resting his chin on it.
“Whatever you say Princess.”
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bluewhale52 · 2 years
Let Me Tell You About the Schonbek Chandelliers
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Summary: Yoongi comes home from the White House trip to his wife who is way too excited for... interior design
Pairing: Yoongi x f!reader
Rating: EXPLICIT. No minors allowed.
Genre: idol!au, established relationship, dad Yoongi + mom OC
WC: <1k
Warning: oral sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, our couple is horny for interior design, also author's very poor knowledge of interior design thus heavy reliance on google dot com
~Part of the Domestic Yoongi series~
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"So, how is it like? To walk around in the White House?" Yoongi rolls his eyes as he continues to towel dry his hair. You have been hot on his heels since he came back from the airport, impatiently waiting for him to wash the travel off of him before asking questions.
"We didn't walk around much, you know, just the areas we needed to be for the clips and stuff."
He grabs for a tshirt but you stop him. He raises an eyebrow. You simply pull him out of the walk-in wardrobe, directing him to the bed.
"How was the wainscoting?"
"Neatly done." Yoongi lets you push him down onto the bed. He tries to secure the towel around his waist, but you slap his hand away and straddle him.
"The colors? I read the President installed an inky blue rug in his office."
Yoongi swallows, feeling your heat even through the terry cloth. "Nice shade of blue."
You lean forward, eyes boring into your husband's. His hands reach up to hold your waist. He hears your breath hitch a little.
"Did you see the Zuber wallpaper?"
"What?" He pulls your oversize shirt off and bites back a groan. You have gone braless and your nipples are already hard.
"It's in the Family Dining Room. Did you get to see it?"
"What? Uh," Yoongi can't think clearly, not when you have plastered yourself on his chest, kissing and licking his collarbones. "No, I don't think so."
You tut, chiding him. "I told you to pay attention to all those things."
"I did, I did, babe," he wiggles his hips, loosening the towel around him more. "Just... wait, I can't think!"
"The Rose Garden?" You murmur your next question to his skin, mewling a little when he cups your ass.
"Yeah," he pants, "... think so."
"Still those icy white roses?" You grind your core harder to his crotch, feeling him hardening beneath you.
"Did you- Ah!"
You could barely ask the next question, for Yoongi flips you over and is now hovering above you. The towel is completely off, his erection hot above your panties.
"You're asking too many questions." He sits back on his heels, large veiny hands on your waist keeping you still.
You huff. "You know that building is on my design bucket li- ooh!"
Your panties are suddnely pulled off, your legs raised up in an erotic V in the air. And his tongue shoved inside you, reaching the depths to collect your juices.
"The stone..." you wreck your brain to find the name, amidst the carnal pleasure building, "... sandstone... Aquia Creek! Yoongi!"
He slurps and sucks for a few more seconds, then inserting two fingers to replace his wet appendage. "What about it?"
You look down at your husband, at his wet lips and chin. "Did... did you touch it?"
His free hand pulls back the skin over your clit, exposing it to his tongue. "Mmm hmmm." He grunts his answer.
"Oh fuck," your legs start shaking. "Fuck, Yoongi, tell me more."
His tongue leaves your nub, but his fingers move faster jackhammering into you.
"Damn, babe, you weren't this worked out when I went to Europe."
You blink, mind reeling from the almost-orgasm. "The... the... thing..."
He smirks at your state. "My tongue and finger got you dumb huh?"
You almost cry when he pulls his fingers out and uses your arousal to lubricate his cock. Panting, you welcome his weight on top of you, the head of his cock searching for your wet hole.
"Baby," he coos, "let me tell you..."
He trails off as he pushes inside you. Your walls welcome him eagerly. You wrap your legs and arms around him, wanting to feel him, all of him.
"... about the Schonbek chandelliers."
Your body shudders almost violently the moment the words leave his mouth, at the same time as his cock burying itself fully in you. He chuckles teasingly in your ears.
"Fuck baby, you're so worked up."
You can only moan in response.
"Gonna take you there hmm? Fly you out to DC," he raises himself only to put your legs over his shoulders. "Gonna take you on the tour then fuck you senseless after."
Your eyes fluter close at his words. His hips are snapping hard and fast, his cock splitting you open, determined to go as deep as he can get it to. You cry out when he leans down to roughly suck your nipple, and in your mind, you see it.
The crystal and gold hanging from the neoclassical ceiling, the lights sparkling with the sun rays that hit them, burning brighter and brighter as Yoongi's filthy words fill your ears, until you finally erupt.
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A/N: ahem, just a little short one of my favorite couple... and if you're not familiar with this universe, OC is an interior designer (hence probably where Yoongi got all those design trivia in that sexy brain of his). AND... we all have screamed over all the WH photos and how much YG prob has geeked out there, soooo naturally, his lovely interior designer wife very likely geeked out even more too in more ways than one.... and thus this little drabble was born. OK bye for now, I still have a lot of WIPs to go through.
Like this fic? Pls reblog so it can reach a wider audience!
Published 06062022. Crossposted to my AO3.
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s-4pphics · 1 year
scent of the pine. 5 (e.w)
*takes off grad cap* alright . here we go. 
wc;cw: 17.1k everybody died, sistersbestfriend!ellie, guitarist/producer!ellie, violinist!oc, age gap(three years), all ocs r blackcoded, SMUT!! MDNI!!!, phone sex, masturbation, mean ellie, weed alcohol nics yall know wassup, dubcon, virginity loss, masochism LOL, light bondage, dirty talk, ASSSPLAAAYYY😝, dp, mult. orgasms, subspace and drop, squirting, slapping(face ass tits pussy lol), toys, slight angst but also fluff, just lots of spit n cum
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You’ve been very gloomy these past couple of months. 
You hadn’t stopped thinking about Ellie since you left her home that morning, up until you and Arya jumped on the train to return to campus. 
You’d never be able to express to Arya how much you appreciated her presence: she allowed you to cry, whine, pout, and sniffle about how much you missed Ellie, and she comforted you through all of it with gentle whispers of you’re gonna be fine, bitch! you’re gonna get piped down soon! I promise! Although you felt a bit selfish dumping your girl problems on her, she never made you feel guilty and justified that you always listened to her ramble about her hook-ups and high rambles. The only time she’d ever complained about anything related to your sorrowful monologues about missing Ellie’s laugh and smile and tongue was when you two had to work on your Music & Production Theory assignment (I’m gonna kill you if we fail and you’ll die dickless! Don’t play with me!). 
…But other than that, she’s been so sweet!
Ellie has also been keeping in touch ever since you left. She sent you snaps of Duchess zooming around the house, her meals for the day, and three-second voice memos of her new project she was working on. You knew that she’d been flying back and forth to California and had a packed schedule with her producer friends whenever she was there, but your heart couldn’t help but turn gray when you wouldn’t hear from her for a few days. 
Now it's March, and you and Arya are sitting on the floor as you glared searing holes into your phone. Ellie sent you a text when you were in class earlier saying that she missed your voice and was going to call you the second she had the opportunity. And you weren’t going to miss it. Ellie was worth wasting your Saturday night on! 
“I’m not gonna lie girl,” Arya's voice cut through your intense phone-staring. “I’ve definitely had my dickmatized moments but you’re kinda crazy.” 
You looked up at Arya as she carefully packed her blunt to get ready for her smoke sesh with her friends, concerned look on her face. It made you frown. 
“What, why? What’d I do?” You asked with your brows pulled down. 
And before you could hear her answer, you got a notification. You nearly snapped your wrists at the speed your hands flew to grab your phone to see if it was Ellie, your eyes bulging at your screen, only to see that your sister snapped you. You sighed in slight disappointment before opening it. 
You ignored Arya’s snickering. 
Your sister sent you a picture of her with hairspray and a lighter in her hand with a caption IM MOVING TF OUT I CANT TAKE THIS SHIT NO MORE BUGS R EVERYWHERE WHAT IN THE FUCK.
You couldn’t hold in your laugh as you snapped her back before Arya stood and went to the bathroom with a change of clothes in hand. 
You heard the shower turn on as you got up and onto your bed to mindlessly scroll through Twitter. 
After ten minutes of scrolling through a Best Euphoria Character breakdown thread, you got a text from Ellie, and you nearly squealed in excitement. 
hiiii im sorry i havent been able to b on my phone like that :( been super busy with this sample
i just wanted 2 let u know that i might have 2 call u another time we still have a bunch of layering to do for this track n we’re on a timer. i miss u so fucking bad 
You couldn’t ignore the sadness in your chest, but you texted back understandingly anyway. 
it’s ok :( i miss u too. miss ur voice :( 
Her reply bubble immediately popped up. 
i know baby fuckkkk i miss ur voice so fucking bad im ab to start asking 4 daily voice memos 🤨
You smiled at your screen so wide. 
LOOOOOOOL ur annoying 
You typed and sent a follow up before she could. 
go back 2 work 🥰🥰
kiss :( 
mwah mwah mwah
You put your phone on your chest, and you couldn’t stop the smile that grew on your face. She made you so, so happy. 
The bathroom door opened, steam from the warm water exiting the room along with a towel-clad Arya. 
“What you cheesin’ so hard for, girl?” She said as she grabbed her edge control off her desk. 
“Nothin’,” you said with a dreamy sigh as you stared off past her. 
“…Uh huh, I’m heading out soon, I’ll be back late tonight, so don’t wait up.” She said with a smirk. 
“Don’t forget to send me your location,” you reminded her. 
She let out a quick course, baby before she went back into the bathroom. 
You went back to scrolling through Twitter until your eyelids got heavy. A comfortably dressed Arya—she’s definitely getting some— kissed your forehead and dimmed your dorm lights before she left, and you dozed off. 
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You jolted awake as Rotation blasted in your ears. You drowsily picked your phone up and saw a el:3🌲 and 2:34AM across your home screen. 
You perked up immediately to answer, sitting up so fast that you went lightheaded for a second. 
“Hi, you,” Ellie’s light voice rang through the phone. “Were you sleep? M’sorry, we can talk la— “
“No! No, I’m up, I was just napping, hi,” you said as you grinned softly at her laugh, laying on your back. “You’re up late. Did you guys finish?” 
“No, but we were exhausted, so we called off for the night. And one of my partners kept rambling about this girl he needed to call, so,” Her voice was already making you squirm. Thank god she couldn’t see you. “But I wanted to talk to you, couldn’t help myself.” 
“Oh my god, you’re so obsessed, damn,” you said with a giggle. 
“Fuuuuck yeah, sooo obsessed, need to drink your bath water, shit, I think I’m dying!” she said in an overly desperate, dried out tone, making you laugh harder. 
Both of your laughs calmed down before she started talking, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” 
“Umm…” She sounded a bit nervous, and it instantly made you antsy. “I know you’re not gonna be back for a couple weeks or whatever, but I just… like I was gonna ask if you wanted to do something, like just the two of us…” 
And a sly grin grew on your face. “Ellie… are you asking me out, right now?” 
The other line was silent as you heard her move around and sigh before she spoke. “…This was literally the worst way to ask a girl out, fuck, m’sorry— “
You cut through her jittery rambles. “Ellie, stop apologizing! That’s so cute! Of course, I’ll go out with you!” 
You heard her release a deep breath as she said, “Fuck, thank god, holy shit, I was so nervous. It’s been so long since I’ve done that. Almost shoved my vape down my throat.” 
You laughed as your heart beat quickened. “You really gonna wine and dine me when I come home? We’re that serious?” 
“Ohhh, we're that serious, you're eating nothing but lobster and pasta when I see you, swear to god.” 
You snorted at her, “Okay, sugar daddy, get me a new car while you're at it. With insurance.” 
“Anything you want, baby.” She said with a sleazy laugh. 
You hummed at her offer in attempts to mask the pounding of your heart, but she mocked you, humming back at you in a higher tone. 
“Shut up! I’m just thinking!” 
“Oh, yeah? About what?” 
You suddenly felt shy as her voice lowered. It was so much deeper. “Just… just you, I guess, I dunno, miss you.” 
You heard her shuffle again before she asked softly, a smirk evident in her tone, “You miss me?”
You let out a quiet, but eager mhm! as your tummy swirled with want. 
You listened to her gentle breathing before she asked, “Your roomie home?” 
And your heartbeat picked up, your eyes fluttering as your blinking slowed. 
“N-no, she’s gone.” 
“Then lay down for me, baby.” 
You instantly fell on your back, your scarfed head hitting your silk pillows. Your face was boiling hot, “I am.” 
“You sound nervous, you good?” she asked you gently. 
“M’great, just… yeah, I’m okay, want you to keep talking.” 
“Stop me whenever, you understand?” Her tone was much more serious, and it made your thighs clench, your boyshorts growing wetter. 
You whined out a uhhuh!, but she corrected you immediately, “Say you understand.” 
“I understand! I get it, El!” Fuck, you wished she were here to touch you. To scold you in person. 
You heard giggling and more shuffling around through the speaker, “You gotta shirt on?” 
She chuckled lightly, “Take it off, take off everything while you're at it.” 
Your heartbeat spiked, “But Arya might come back.” 
“That’s why you have a blanket, honey.” 
You quickly set your phone on your pillow, reaching for the hem of your shirt, lifting it up to pull it over your head, tossing it to the floor. You arched your ass up to pull your boyshorts off and kicked them to the foot of your bed. You reached for your phone again. 
“Okay, m’ready now.” 
“Such a cutie,” she cooed at you. You could hear the grin through her words. “Gonna make you cum so hard the second I get my hands on you.” 
You whimpered into the speaker as your walls squeezed. Fuck, fuckfuck. 
“You make me go fuckin’ crazy, can’t stop thinking about you.” 
“M-me, too.” 
“Yeah? What d’you think about?” 
Say it! your brain yelled at you. She already knows you’re a slut, just say what you want! 
“Talk to me, baby, about anything you want.” 
You gulped, heart pounding in your ears, “Your… your hands? They’re… really nice.” 
“Yeah? What about ‘em is nice?” 
“Like when they touch you all over, when they hold you down?” 
“Yes,” you barely whispered as your free hand traveled down your body. Not touching anywhere specifically, just roaming. 
“Know you do, they get you so fuckin’ hot,” She breathed through the line. “Wanna touch yourself?” 
“Yeah, w’na so bad.” 
“Say please.” 
“Ellieee— “ 
She cut off your embarrassed whines with a nastily casual tone, “I'll hang up right now. Ask nicely.” 
You balled your traveling hand up in a fist as you pleaded with an upset pout, “Please, Ellie.” 
“Please what.” 
“… Please help me?” 
“C’mon Ellie! Please make me cum! I wanna cum!” 
Her condescending laugh pierced through your ears, “Touch those pretty fuckin’ tits since I didn’t get to before you left.” 
You moaned out as your pointer finger and thumb rolled your stiffened nipple as you squirmed. 
“They’re so fucking sensitive, got my sheets so wet when I played with ‘em. Wan’em in my mouth again, shit.” 
You pulled at your other nipple, and you let out a moan into the speaker. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful, miss you so fucking bad.” 
“Miss you so much, Ellie, can’t wait t’see you.” You cried out quietly. Your pussy was clenching with need. 
“Touch your pussy, babygirl, rub your clit. Get it nice and wet f’me.” 
You followed her instructions at a lightning speed, spreading your legs wider and reaching your hand all the way down to bring your slick to your clit. Your breathing picked up as you slowly rubbed it into your bud, hips jerking. 
“Tell me how wet it is,” you could hear how shaky her voice was getting, breathing labored. She was touching herself to you touching yourself, and it was making you wetter. It made you burn. It made you want to get her there. 
“M’really wet, El,” you mewled out to her, trying to ignore your bashfulness. 
“Yeah? S’dripping on your bed like it did on mine?” 
“Shit, yes, I feel it.” 
“Fuuuck, bet it’s so fucking tight, gonna break that pretty pussy in so good.” 
“Want you to. Want you inside me s’bad, please.” 
“Gonna give you whatever you want, promise, shit.”
You felt that feeling coming over you before you could think, “Think m’gonna cum, baby—“
“Already? Always cum so fucking quick—“
“I-I just miss you!” 
“Then cum for me, love.” 
“G’na, daddy!” You heard her groan at the name. 
“Fuuuuck!” You heard the wet sounds from her pussy over her groans and whines of your name, and that swelling feeling in your gut exploded.
All you could get out was a garbled cumming! as your thighs shook in your pleasure, your fingers quickly rubbing your clit as your hips bucked towards the friction. It felt so much better because you knew she was listening. 
“Don’t fucking stop, you’re gonna cum again.” She scolded when your fingers slowed and your breathing slowed.
“You wanted to cum so bad, right? Then fucking cum, fuck that pussy,” she must’ve been close: her breathing was heavier and shaky, the wet sounds from her side increasing. 
You put your phone on speaker and set it on your pillow, propping yourself up on your elbow so you could fuck yourself easier. You’ve never successfully made yourself cum like this, but you slid your middle finger in experimentally anyway. You released a light gasp at the stretch. You were so soft and slippery on the inside, your clit twitching as you wiggled around in search for that spot that Ellie found so easily. 
“D-Do me a favor?” she gasped out to you. 
“U-Uh huh?” 
She let out a breathy laugh, “Put your pussy on the phone so I can nut?” 
You laughed with her, shaking your head as you grabbed it with your free hand. You placed it between your legs, thrusting your finger in and out, “Can you hear it?” 
“Yeah, babe, fuck.” 
You let out a moan with her, slowly fucking yourself and bringing your other hand over to rub your clit, hips jolting at the sensitivity. You both were moaning each other's name as you chased your pleasure in unison. You let out a loud moan when you prodded that squishy spot that made you black out the last time you saw Ellie. You hit it as hard as you could, pussy squelching around your fingers and belly swirling. 
“Gonna make me cum, shit, sounds so fucking hot,” she whined out in between heavy pants. 
“Cum with me, El? Please?” You rubbed your clit faster.
“Gonnagonna, fuck, m’so close—!”
You let out a shout of her name as it hit you, your fingers trapped between the tight grip of your walls. You rubbed your clit as you grinded into your pussy, your head falling back as your hips rocked back and forth to ride it out. You tried to quiet your wails as Ellie came with you, letting out obscenities while she talked you through it. You could hear how fast her fingers were moving and it made another wave wash over you, your cunt giving one last bone-crushing squeeze as its twitching calmed. 
You pulled your drenched fingers out and slowly rubbed your clit as you came down, listening to Ellie’s quieting gasps of pleasure. You reached to grab a couple tissues from your work desk, wiping your fingers and pussy before grabbing your phone to set on your pillow. You heard her shuffle before she spoke. 
“You okay, babe?”
“Yeah… wish you were here,” you answered with a pout. 
“I know, a couple more weeks’n I’m all yours.” 
“S’all I’m thinking about,” you said gently. “Go get some rest.” 
“Don’t want you to gooooo,” you heard her pouting. It made your heart skip. “Stay on the phone with me?
“Don’t you have to get up early tomorrow?” 
“Right. You had a long day, go to bed.” Even though the sound of her breathing would lull you to sleep faster, you could only imagine how drained she must’ve been. 
“Fine,” you heard her sigh in resignation. 
“Sleep well,” you cheesed widely. 
“I’ll try, promise. Mmmmwaaah!” she sent a goofy kiss through the speaker. You sent one back. 
“Night, El.” 
“Night, baby.” 
You hung up your line, throwing your phone on your pillow as you sat up to go to the bathroom. 
You missed her scent so much. 
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Your sister was very in love. And lonely. 
It’s been almost three weeks since she’s seen Isaiah. 
She was typically good at keeping her sneaky links on the low, only calling them to fulfill her needs in the middle of the night, buy her drinks, smoke her the fuck out whenever she wanted, but she never expected to miss one of them or wait for their calls. Fuck time zones!
When Isaiah and your sister first started hooking up, it started off normal. Quick, but nastily satisfying fucks in hotel rooms (that he paid for, city girl shit), smashing in his rental car before his studio session, in her car before she went to work; it was strictly sexual for months, and she was fine with him constantly flying back and forth! 
Until he returned from California with a new strain that he said reminded him of her. She damn near bought a ring to propose to him herself. He smoked her out, she had one of the best highs of her life, and he gave her the craziest head on her couch, how could she not want him?! 
And now he’s gone, making beats in California again as she sat and thought about his voice. His scent.
Why did California always keep the most important people away from her?! 
Thinking about that city always gives her a headache. She ignited the packed bowl of her pipe, staring holes into the black screen of her phone as she waited for his call. 
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You were editing another compilation of you playing all four seasons of Vivaldi as Arya snored on your shoulder. Your subs were going to eat this one up! 
The train Wi-Fi was kicking your ass and was this close to fucking up your render, but you were managing. 
You stretched your wrists, and you leaned back from your small tray table, resting against your head against the rest and grabbing your phone. 
You got a text from Ellie! 
hiiiii baby can’t wait 2 c u 
got smth cute planned :)
You didn’t notice the smile that spread on your face as you typed. 
so excited :( wanna smell u so bad 
You were about to set your phone down, but a text bubble popped up. 
yeah? wna smell u too 
gonna shove my nose in that pussy and inhale 😛
Your entire body flushed hot as you shook your head. 
kissie b4 i go? :(
You set your phone down as you cheesed dumbly. 
You wished this train would hurry the fuck up! 
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Your mom had come to pick you and Arya up from the station with slices of her freshly baked pineapple upside-down cake, kisses, and strong hugs. You never got used to being away from her months at a time; You'd missed her warm embrace so much. 
You had a couple of days to yourself before you and Ellie's first date and… just thinking about it made your heart beat faster. 
She’d texted you when you got home, telling you to dress up in something fancy. Would she buy you a fancy dinner? Take you to an art gallery? A night on the town in the city? The possibilities were endless with her! 
Arya had been telling you that you needed to buy some… things for when the two of you get “freak nasty”, so she offered to drive you to the mall (no more fruit panties, you're an adult now!, she’d scolded you). While you were excited for what happened after your date, you didn’t want it to be narrowed down to that; You loved spending time with Ellie. You just got her back in your life, and you wanted to appreciate every moment that you could get with her when she wasn't working. You felt so happy when she was around. 
… But of course, Arya wasn’t hearing that. 
“Girl, you can save all that sappy shit for the wedding, do you want crotchless panties under your—“ She paused her waving of the… very exposed pair of pink underwear as she remembered something. “Oh fuck, you don’t have a dress!” 
“…I was thinking about just wearing my prom dr— “
“Don’t even finish that fuckin’ sentence, are you serious?! Your prom dress? On your first date? You needa be slapped for that!” She said, irritated as she glared at you. You glared back at her attitude, now just as annoyed. 
“What do you expect me to do?! I’m not… I’m not like you guys, okay? This typa shit is easy for y’all. You know how hard it is for me to… do things like this. Why do you think I’ve been single this whole time?!” You said with a hurt frown. 
You knew she never meant any harm whenever she scolded you about your romantic situations, —or lack thereof—but that didn’t mean it hurt your feelings any less. You’re just starting to come into yourself and your appearance, and you need her, and everyone else, to be patient with you. 
Arya must’ve sensed the pain and discomfort in your voice because her glare slowly fell, a gentle replacement immediately overtaking her expression. She set the panties back down onto the display table and grabbed your shoulders. 
“M’sorry babe, okay?” She said softly, and you nodded as you looked off into the distance in rigid forgiveness; You knew she didn’t like that. “Look at me.” 
Your eyes slowly met hers before she quietly spoke. “I’m sorry, I want the best for you, that’s all.” 
She continued as your eyes watered. Just a little glisten! “You’re such a beautiful person—inside’n out and I want you to feel that way, even more so now because of that dick-slangin’ girlfriend of yours!” 
“You’re annoying,” you joked as you laughed quietly, making her smile. 
“It’s true! You’re my baby’n I love you.” 
“Love you,” you mumbled into her shoulder as she pulled you into a tight hug, pressing a light kiss to the side of your head before pulling back. 
She spun around and pointed towards the 30% off on all thongs! sign at the front of the store. 
“Can you buy one, at least?” she said in half-joking exasperation, pout on her face. 
“…Sure,” You relented with a sigh. “I might not wear it for the date, though!” 
“That’s fine, mama! Just wanna make sure you got one for safe keeping!” She said slyly as she stuck her tongue out. 
You shook your head as you made your way over to the rack, eyeing the pine green thong on the mannequin. 
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Two days passed and you were getting ready for your first date! You couldn’t believe it! 
After Arya drove the two of you to the airport to pick up Kris and Starr, they’d spent the night at your place so they could see you off before Ellie came to pick you up. 
Starr helped you wax your eyebrows and legs: she offered to wax your cooch, but you were scared and a little embarrassed at the thought of your friends seeing you so… exposed. You knew your friends didn’t care about seeing you naked, but you were still a bit sheltered with them. I’ll stick to my razor! you'd said. 
Kris was pressing your hair while Arya helped you glue your lashes on as you frantically checked the time with a bouncy knee. 6:33… 6:34… 6:36!
Even though Ellie said that your reservation was at seven-thirty, you still needed to get dressed, had to count for the drive, potential stops for gas… and what if there was an accident on the road and it made you both late… oh, god what if you both caused the accident—!
“Bro, can you calm the hell down— “ 
“Y’know, I’m getting really sick of y’all asking the girl with anxiety to calm down—!”
“Stop moving and hold your ear down!” 
You thanked god your mom was out on a wine night; She didn’t need her night ruined with you and your friends bickering. 
You grabbed your ear in a tight downward pinch with a harsh sigh, moving it so Kris could straighten your baby hairs. Even with all this frantic movement from everyone in the room, they made it clear that they didn’t want you to see your final look until the very end, blocking all mirrors available with their bodies. 
After fifteen minutes of… pure chaos, your hair laid flat, and your face was beat. You pressed kisses all over your friends’ faces with breathy iloveyouthankyou’s before grabbing your dress and undergarments to sprint to your bathroom, making sure not to look at yourself even though you desperately wanted to. 
You shut the door with a deep and heavy exhale. You looked at your dress with pounding in your ears: it was a floor length, black velvet maxi dress with lace detailed sleeves. It accentuated your bust so a little cleavage was showing (I, personally, would have my nipples out, but this is cute, too! you recalled Arya saying in the dressing room); It was so… classy. You felt like an adult when you tried it on. You hope Ellie likes it. 
You shook off your insecurities before they could terrorize you and removed your tee, underwear, and sweatpants. You put your pine green, lacy strapless bra on with the thong to match, adjusting it so… your pussy could fucking breathe how do people wear this shit everywhere they go! 
You grabbed your dress and stepped into it, carefully pulling it up and over your shoulders. You straightened it out with your hand, making sure no wrinkles were in it before you took a breath, opened the door, and walked out to your bedroom.
Starr was the first one you made eye-contact with and she damn near fell out of your desk chair and onto the floor. Your eyes widened as the other two turned with excited gasps and shrieks. 
“You’re so fucking fine, holy shit—!”
“If it don’t work out with ol’ girl, you know where to find me—!”
You shook your head at them before dropping your gaze to your floor so that they couldn’t see your small smile, your face flushed, “Okay, okay, can I look now?” 
“Yeah baby, turn around!” Kris said excitedly as she grabbed your shoulders with an encouraging squeeze. 
You spun around and was immediately met with someone who… did not look like you. At all. Even your brain was too stunned to speak. What the fuck? 
The girls' excited expressions slowly dropped when they witnessed your shocked reaction, but you weren’t upset at all. Just… surprised. In a good way. 
“What’s the matter, honey?” Kris asked you gently from behind with concerned eyes, meeting yours in the mirror. 
“…I’m just really— “ 
You jumped towards your phone on your dresser, nearly knocking your lamp off it. You answered immediately when you saw who it was. 
“Hiiiii, m’downstairs!” Ellie said giddily, and your spirit brightened. You smiled widely, and the girls followed. 
“I’m coming down right now, just needa put my shoes on!” 
“Ok, is it fine if I come in for a sec or?” 
“Yeah, it’s fine. The girls wanna meet you!” And they nodded eagerly in agreement. 
“… Fuck, now I’m scared.” 
“Don’t be! They’re so sweet, c’mon.” 
“K, gimme a sec, mmmmmwah!” she said goofily, you sending one back just as dopily before you ended the call. 
“Y’all gay as shit,” Starr said with a headshake, making the other girls snicker and jump in excitement. 
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You, heels in hand, and your friends nearly jumped down the staircase to rip the front door off the hinges. 
The minute your eyes connected with Ellie’s, you had to stop yourself from dropping to your knees and doing something crazy. Fuck.
She was dressed in an all-black suit with a… fucking turtleneck underneath her jacket. Her sleeves were rolled up so her forearm tattoo was exposed. She had…Cuban links around her neck and wrists. Her hair was cut into a mullet—when the fuck did that happen, holy shit?!— and the two slits in her brow were more prominent. You noticed one of her hands was behind her back, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to care about what she was hiding. You were, by all means, ready to fuck right now. You nearly said fuck the date. 
And by the darkening of her eyes as she took you in from head to toe, you could tell she was ready, too. 
“…Hey,” she said to all of you, but she kept eye contact with you. You stared back. 
“Hi! Nice to finally meet you, I’m Arya,” your best friend interrupted as she stuck her hand out towards your date. Her eyes left yours to politely greet your friends with cute smiles and handshakes. 
And then she turned to you, bringing her hidden arm around to hand you a burgundy sunflower wrapped in gold and pink ribbons and plastic. Evening sun! 
She stepped inside and into your space—she always smelled so fucking good! — as you took it from her hand with a gentle thank you. Her cheeks were so red as she whispered back of course before planting a soft kiss to your lips. You heard your friends squeal quietly. Neither of you cared, sucked into your own little universe. 
“Ready?” she whispered. You nodded excitedly with a toothy grin, stepping into your heels. She smiled back before taking your hand in hers. 
“Oh fuck, wait a second!” Kris said loudly before running upstairs. You looked at your two friends, confused. Starr smirked as Arya shrugged. 
Kris came running back down the stairs with a small backpack in her hand, giving it to you. 
“Packed you some… things. Might not see you for a few days,” she said slyly as she winked, causing Starr to snicker. What the hell was in this bag? 
“Be careful with our little baby, now! She’s fragile!” Starr called out. 
“Will do, don’t worry,” Ellie replied with a light laugh before turning to you to whisper, “C’mon, baby.” 
“Don’t forget to lock the door before you guys head out, keys under the mat,” you turned to say to your friends as you slowly walked out. “I love y’all!” 
Shouts of love you! and be safe! rung through your ears before you gently shut the door. Your back was immediately pressed up against it before you could think, Ellie craning her neck to connect your lips in a hot kiss. Your knees went weak. 
She pulled away before you could protest, looking you up and down, “Had to do that, fuck, you look gorgeous.” Your cheeks were so hot as you mumbled a quiet you, too!
“Think I’m gorgeous?” She hummed out with a small smile. You saw her cheeks shine a darker shade of pink.
You nodded with an mhm!, wrapping your arms around her neck to pull her in for another kiss. She grabbed your forearms and moved back with a shake of her head.
“Okay. No more bullshit, we’re classy tonight!” She said with a clap of her hands. 
“Just one more,” you shook your head with a pout as you attempted to move her closer. 
You shut your eyes when you saw her face move closer to yours before you heard her whisper a no against your lips. 
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late,” She said with a foxy grin. She took your hand in hers to lead you to her… sleek ass car, fucking shit! 
The heartbeat in your ears nearly deafened you. 
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The restaurant was… impeccable. You thought Cheesecake Factory was fancy; They were nothing compared to this spot. It was dimly lit, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, tables draped in a black cloth, marble plates, candles, bottles of champagne… This is wealth!
Ellie hadn’t let your hand go the entire car ride, all the way up until you reached the front desk to confirm your reservation. You both were led to an exclusive spot on the second-floor outdoor balcony so that the two of you were alone. You teared up at the sight in front of you.
Your small section was filled with lit lanterns, the decorative trees around your table wrapped in fairy lights, and your table was surrounded with rose petals. There was even a small flowerpot with an evening sun sticking out of it. The gesture was so simple, but your eyes watered with gratitude. You couldn’t believe she organized this for you.
“Like it?” She sounded so nervous next to you. You turned to face her and nodded with a sniffle.
“Such a crybaby, jesus,” she mumbled with a shaky laugh, reaching towards a napkin on the table to hand to you. You dabbed your eyes, minding your liner.
“This is so sweet, Ellie, oh my god,” you watched her expression fill with affection and doting before she pulled you in to kiss your forehead as she led you over to the table.
She grabbed the back of your chair to pull it out for you with an over-exaggerated call of m’lady!, ushering you to sit down. You laughed wetly before you sat with a thank you!
“I wasn’t joking when I said you can get whatever you want,” She stated as she circled the small table to get to her seat. “I’ll buy this place out if you ask, don’t give a fuck.” 
“Ellie, this is prettiest place I’ve ever fucking been in, oh my god!” You said as you glanced around the room. 
“Ehhh, it’s alright,” she said with a cocky smirk, shrugging as she shook her jacket off her shoulders. You tried not to look at her toned arms too closely as you rolled your eyes. “Want some wine?” 
“Is… is that allowed?” 
“… It is tonight, shit— “
A man dressed in a black shirt, slacks, and apron cut her off with an introduction as your server, bowing his head in greeting. You noticed how he kept returning his gaze to you as he described the specials, but you paid it no extra mind.
After Ellie asked for the most expensive wine, the server departed with a stiff nod in her direction. You noticed her intense gaze as she watched him leave. 
“You okay?” you asked gently. She silently shook her head yes before reaching out to you to grab your hand, playing with your fingers. 
Hm. That was weird. 
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Dinner was fucking incredible. Shrimps should’ve never been called the “roaches of the sea”, they tasted too good! 
You were two glasses of wine in, —nursing your third—and you were starting to feel warm and fuzzy, a smile permanently painted on your face as Ellie went on about astrology; You didn’t know what the fuck a mercury retrograde was, but you supported anything that kept that impassioned look in her eyes! She looked so excited! 
“—that fucker thought that because I’m a fucking Libra I wasn’t gonna say anything. Like, I literally have an Aquarius rising, you cunt! I’ll fuckin’ run you ov— “
“How’s everything?” 
You looked to your side and made eye contact with your server, you sipped from your glass as you eagerly nodded, “Oh my god, it was fucking incredible. Who knew shrimps could be that goddamn huge! Are we allowed to say bad words in here?!” 
He laughed while nodding, “Yes ma’am, you’re allowed to do whatever you want in here. Would you like any dessert with the rest of your wine?” 
“Yes, please!” You got giddy at the mention of sweets, “I saw this chocolate molten lava cake lookin’ thing on the menu, but there was no ice cream on top. Can y’all… à la mode it?” 
“Course we can, the Chocolate Fondant with ice cream!” He said as he pulled out his notepad from his apron pocket, scribbling before turning to Ellie. You noticed how tense she looked: she was sitting back in her chair with her legs crossed, her finger tapping on the arm rest, and her shoulders were stiff. You didn’t comment on it, but something was off. “And for you?” 
She didn’t answer, and her lack of response concerned you. You reached over to gently place your hand on top of her… clenched fist on the table, “El? You don’t have to get a whole one. You wanna share with me?” 
She hadn’t looked at you since he arrived, though: she continued to glare at the waiter, and when you turned to look at him, you saw him glare at her. What the hell? 
“We’re gonna get that to go, actually.” She demanded, her gaze sharp like knives. You recognized that tone of hers instantly. She was this close to swinging. Oh no. 
“I think that would be best. Cash or card?” He snarked. You whipped your head to glare at his tone. 
You felt the table shake as Ellie moved to stand. You jumped up and stood in front of her—almost breaking your damn ankle in these heels— before she could lunge at the waiter, letting out soft warnings of nononono as you blocked her off. This was an elitist establishment; you’re not trying to get arrested! The waiter scoffed and stomped off. 
You watched Ellie seethe in her chair as she pulled her wallet out of her slack pocket, throwing a stack of hundreds on the table before grabbing her jacket. She wrapped her hand around yours before pulling you towards the restaurant's staircase. 
She harshly pushed the doors of the restaurant open to lead you to the parking garage. You weren’t having it, though. 
“Ellie! Ellie, wait! What the hell just happened?” You asked, grabbing her wrist with your free hand to stop her pacing. 
“Doesn’t matter— “
“Yes, it does!” You said louder as you yanked your hand from hers. You grabbed her flushed face in your hands, but she wasn’t looking at you. She just continued to whisper obscenities under her breath. 
“Baby, look at me please, talk to me,” you said gently, rubbing her cheeks with your thumbs in an attempt to soothe her. 
She finally looked down at you, before looking around again, “Let’s get in the car first, c’mon.” 
You released her face from your grasp with a nod, letting her guide you. 
She let out a deep sigh when she shut her door. You leaned over to rub her knee comfortingly. 
She looked down at your hand as her expression softened, “M’sorry, I— “
You shook your head, “It’s okay, just, what was that? I’m so confused right now—” 
“Motherfucker wouldn’t stop glaring at me, pissed me the fuck off,” She said between grit teeth. “Kept lookin’ at you, the fuck was he smiling so hard for anyway—“
“A-at me?” 
“Yes, at you,” She said like it was obvious. Your brows furrowed in confusion. “The bastard almost broke his neck trying to show you the menu, ohhh of course I'll put ice cream on the chocolate fountain, sexy, I'll make sure the chocolate’s extra hot for you, like what the fuck— “
You couldn’t hold in your laughter at her exaggerated impressions, and you felt her relax as she scoffed a laugh out. You watched as she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her mint vape, pulling from it. She turned her head to blow the smoke away from your face. You leaned over the center console, grabbing the side of her face to turn towards you. You planted soft kisses to her cheek in between your chuckles as she shook her head, licking her chapped lips. 
“Dinner was really good,” you said in between kisses. 
She hummed before she sighed, “Sorry I ruined it, you didn’t even get your chocolate fountain.” 
You giggled, “Fondant, baby.” 
She grumbled out a whatever, making you laugh harder, “I had so much fun, El, love spending time with you.” 
She turned her face towards yours to whisper, “Me too babe. Missed you so much.” 
“You smell so fucking good,” you whispered against her mouth before you could think.
“Yeah?” You felt her smirk. 
You hummed in agreement before pressing your mouth to hers. She instantly reciprocated, turning her body so she could place a hand on the back of your neck to pull you closer. The kiss deepened, her tongue swiping against your bottom lip before she sucked on it. You let out a whine when her tongue licked into your mouth. Tongueringtongueringtongueri—
But then she pulled away. You followed her mouth with yours, making her smile. 
“Let’s go home.” 
You nodded so hard, you almost snapped your neck. 
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The minute you stepped foot into Ellie’s place, her mouth was on yours. 
Her strong hands were gripping your hips, your arms around her neck as you moaned in her mouth. 
You pulled away from her and turned the second you heard Duchess coming, her small, fluffy body descending the stairs. You pushed Ellie’s grabby, traveling hands away. 
“Baby! Oh my god! I missed you so much!” You squealed in excitement as you rushed over to her as quickly as your heeled feet would allow. She started purring and rubbing against your leg. You bent over to pet her little head as she nuzzled into your hand. 
“You really chose her over me, wow, okay,” Ellie called out from behind you as you heard the fridge open along with some clinking glass. 
Of course, Duchess’s demons took over as she whipped her head off into the distance, seemingly shocked by something, before sprinting back upstairs. There had to be a ghost or something in this bitch!
You shook your head before standing straight to turn towards the kitchen. You noticed Ellie shamelessly staring at your ass before she slowly dragged her eyes up connected with yours. And she just took a shot of pure vodka. No chaser. Fuck.
“You always talk about me staring, look at you!” 
“You’re lucky that’s all I did,” She said as she poured another shot for herself. “Was thiiis close to doing something outta pocket.” 
“Oh yeah? Like what?” you challenged. Yup, that wine was still kicking.
“Shoving my tongue in your ass,” she said casually with a shrug before leaning over the counter, taking sips from her shot glass. 
That familiar swirl in your gut quickly turned into a tornado. Your pussy clenched tight with want. Oh. Oh, wow. 
“Uh huh.” 
Do something! Say something sexy, you’re boring her! your brain shouted. 
“T-that guy was trash, huh?” you said with a sheepish laugh. 
“…Yup,” she said deeply as she watched you. Every breath you took, every nervous twitch of your body with that nasty little glint in her eyes. The one you recognized from New Year’s. You stepped out of your heels and took a stumbly step towards the counter. 
Confidence! Confidence, dammit! 
“Can I have some?” You said as you pointed towards the bottle of Absolut. 
She snorted a laugh before shrugging, “I dunno. Can you?” 
“Shut up, gimme some,” you said as you folded your arms over your chest. Her eyes dropped to your tits as she licked her lips; She wasn’t moving to get your drink, she just stared at your pushed up breasts. Your manicured nails dug into your lacy sleeve, but you stood your ground. “Right now.” 
She smirked at your tone before returning her gaze to yours, shaking her head no. She tilted her head condescendingly, lifting her brow at you. She was… fucking testing you! The goddamn nerve! 
“Pour me a shot!” 
“Or what?” Her tone was so low, so relaxed. You could feel yourself getting so wet.
“Or m’gonna…” Come up with something, what the fuck! “M’gonna…uh… fight you!” 
“…You’re gonna fight me?” She squinted her eyes at you, setting the small glass down on the counter before folding her hands. 
“…Yeah! Y’know what?! I’m actually mad, you ruined our first date because you thought some guy was staring at me!” There was a shakiness in your voice, but you waved your arms in anger as you started pacing, your bare feet stomping on the dark tile. Along with soft jingles. Duchess was back! “I’ve never been stared at by a stranger in my life!” 
Ellie wasn’t retaliating, but you noticed her jaw clenching. It made you clench, but you pressed anyway. 
“And you didn’t even get me my dessert! Maybe I wanted him to stare at me! Maybe I wanted the attention, for once! For fucking on—!” 
You hadn’t noticed Ellie circle the counter during your toothless rampage, but you felt a sharp tug of hair at the back of your head. Your neck forcibly craned up at her as you let out a wet gasp and pained whined, your fist clenching in your shock and… arousal. Your eyes met her dark, fiery ones, her lips slightly parted as her breath hit your face. You couldn’t stop fucking squirming, your thighs rubbing together to ease the sudden tightness of your core. 
“Don’t start acting like a fuckin’ brat,” She said lowly between grit teeth. “You’re cute, keep it that way.” 
Despite your eagerness for… her everything, you spat back, “S-Screw you, Ellie! You’re mean!” 
“Know I am. Seems like you don’t, though.” 
Your body involuntarily shuddered against her, and you mentally cursed yourself for being your biggest enemy! Your tough act faltered the second you put it on, and she smirked. “So fuckin’ easy, you wanna screw me, baby?”
You were easy. You were, you were, all for her! Fuck, you’d do anything she asked of you. You hadn’t even realized that your hands were slowly lifting your dress up on their own accord, bunching the fabric around your hips. She looked down and scoffed out a laugh, her grip in your hair tightening. You were moaning aloud already, what the fuck! 
“Givin’ it up like that? Like a filthy slut?” 
You nodded, your head filled with nothing but desire. Need. Instinct. You needed her to fuck you right now! 
“Get up those fucking stairs, gonna put the baby in the guest room.” You could hear her jingling on the couch. 
Her grip on you loosened as she backed away to walk towards Duchess with a soft hi, baby! missed you! 
That was a fast switch up! 
You turned towards the counter and downed the rest of Ellie’s discarded shot before you bolted up the steps. You never ran so fast in your life. 
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After Ellie took care of Duchess, you heard her tread up the stairs. You were sitting on the edge of her made bed with your hands folded in your lap and slick pooling your thong. She met your eyes from where she stood by the top of the steps.
“Look at you, already so well behaved,” she cooed at you. She sounded so demeaning, and you loved it. You were so embarrassed that you did. 
You didn’t reply but watched her slowly walk towards you. Your breathing picked up and your heart pounded in your ears and head and clit—
“You used to be so fuckin’ sweet,” she said down at you, her lustful eyes twinkling under the green and blue hues in her room. She shook her head at you. “You get some alcohol in you’n start acting out? That’s what you wanna do?” 
You slowly shook your head no, jutting your bottom lip out. 
“No, Ellie,” you could barely whisper. 
“Take this off,” she ordered abruptly, her pointer finger pulling at the bust of your dress. 
You stood at her command, pulling your arms out of your sleeves to pull the dress down your body. Was it always this tight?! 
After wrestling with your garb, it pooled at your feet. You stepped out of it clumsily as Ellie took in your appearance. You watched her rake her eyes over your body, chuckling softly at your undergarments. 
“These are cute,” she said as she snapped the band of your thong against your skin. It made you flinch… and wetter! “Give’em to me.” 
Your breath hitched, curling in on yourself slightly. 
She gently cut through your thoughts before you could gather them, “Don’t think about it, just do what I ask.” 
You hesitantly hooked your thumbs into your underwear and pulled them down on autopilot, cringing slightly at the large wet spot on the little triangle. You pressed your thighs together to help alleviate some tension. It didn’t help. 
“Get up there,” she nodded her head towards her bed frame. You sat on the bed to scoot up the mattress, but she stopped you, tightly gripping your ankle.
“Nuh uh, hands’n knees’ c’mon,” she scolded, “Wanna see that wet fuckin’ pussy.” 
You clumsily got up onto your knees, hands sinking into her pine-scented blankets. Your erratic breaths picked up as you nervously looked back at her over your shoulder. Her expression softened slightly, whispering okay, baby? and you nodded enthusiastically. You never would’ve thought that you would enjoy Ellie being mean to you, but it was making you drip. She smirked and her gaze dropped to stare at your wet cunt, and it squeezed in excitement. 
Be sexy! you thought. Make her want you! 
You deepened the arch in your back slightly before you slowly crawled up her bed like a cat until you were faced with her black, detailed bed frame. You boldly shoved your face into her pillows, —you sniffed them very deeply— making sure to keep your ass up as far as you could. 
“It’s like that?” You heard her scoff out. Your pussy twitched at her voice; You hoped she noticed.
You took a deep breath, “Is it?” 
“Fucking smartass. Show me your pussy.” 
Your body burned at her vulgarity; she had no shame! You whimpered before you reached your arms behind you to spread your asscheeks, both holes pulsing in excitement. 
You felt her move onto the bed before you heard the ripping of fabric. She grabbed both your wrists in one hand, knotting your soaking wet panties around them before dropping your bound hands onto your back. 
“ELL— “
You were going to scold her for ripping your new pair, but you were cut off by a stinging slap on your ass. You let out a pained groan in the pillow as your nails dug into your palms. Oh, you liked that. A lot. You wanted more. Fuck, you want her to hurt you. 
“Gotta beat it into you, huh? That’s the type of shit you like?” Ellie said in a nasty timbre. “The only way t’get you to behave?” 
You didn’t even get to lift your head to say yes! before another harsh slap landed on your other cheek and you let out a muffled squeal again. You knew your pussy was dripping onto her duvet in a puddle! 
“You’re lucky you’re only getting my fucking hand. Fuckin’ slut.” 
Why was the disgusting part of you wishing that she were using something more? Something that she could etch into your skin forever?
“E-Ell— “
“Be quiet.” 
You shut up. You shut up so quickly. 
“Fuuck, look at this fucking ass.” You felt her calloused hands massage both cheeks. She spread them, made them jiggle. Hit you again. 
“Gonna let me play with it, babygirl? Hm? Gonna let me touch you how I want to?” She cooed out at you. You knew she knew your answer, but you nodded your sweaty head into her pillow anyway. 
You felt her place a light kiss on the back of your thigh, right under your asscheek, before she got up. You heard a drawer slide open. Her… special drawer. Fuck, she was going to destroy you. 
You craned your neck as best as you could
to watch as she pulled out some items. She set them on the dresser before she undid her chains, bracelets, and earrings. She took her turtleneck and slacks off, leaving her with mussed hair and a black sports bra with matching boyshorts. Her back, her fucking back, holy fuck—
Your thoughts were halted by a thud near the edge of the bed: you couldn’t see anything that she chose, but you saw that familiar shade of purple in the middle of the small pile.
“You comfortable in that position?” She questioned you suddenly, her softness returning. 
“Umm… I like it, but my arms hurt a little, not gonna lie.” 
She tsked at you, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“M’sorry! I was really into the “don’t talk” thing— “
“If the don't talk thing makes you not tell me when you're uncomfortable, I’m not doing it. You gotta tell me when you feel off, I don’t care why or when it is,” She crawled up to you and undid the knot from your wrists before grabbing your hip to help move you onto your back. “Here, stretch out.” 
You laid your head on her pillow as you extended your arms and legs, sighing in relief before you rested, limbs spread out on the mattress, “M’okay now.” 
She hummed in acknowledgement, but she wasn’t looking at your face. She was staring at your wet cunt, and it made you squeeze hard. She licked her lips as more slick pooled at your hole before meeting your eyes. “I like you better like this actually.” 
You nodded as you offered her your wrists, signaling her to tie them again with a wide grin. 
She laughed at you before crawling up to pull at your bra wire, “Wait, take this off first.” 
“Want you to do it,” you sighed out dreamily.
She hummed at you, moving up to straddle your waist, “I meant it when I said this was cute, by the way.” 
“Exactly, was cute! You saw my panties for three seconds and ripped them to shreds,” you cackled out. 
“I was excited, felt a little frisky!” She laughed with you. 
You both slowed your giggles when she started rubbing them through the fabric, both hands massaging you through the cups. 
Your eyes fluttered when your nipples brushed up against the lace, your back arching into her touch. She slowly bent down to take one of them into her mouth, the bulb in her mouth circling the peak. You gasped sharply, arching deeper as your hand flew to the back of her head. You gently scratched her scalp with your nails, and she sucked on it. 
You jerked and your grip on her hair tightened, and she moaned around you. You moaned at the vibrations on your sensitive skin. 
You hadn’t noticed her hands snuck under you to undo the clasp of your bra as she pulled away from you, discarding the flimsy cloth and tossing it somewhere. 
“So much for a surprise,” you playfully rolled your eyes at her. Calloused fingers dug into your cheeks. Your smile dropped and your eyes fluttered as hers burned into yours.
“You’re not off the fuckin’ hook. Watch your mouth, you understand?” She said lowly, breath hitting your face. You nodded quickly.
“I understand,” you whimpered out. 
“Atta girl, you're learning,” she patronized with a satisfied grin, patting your cheek a couple times. You blushed harder. “Gimme those hands.” 
She sat up to reach for your destroyed panties, your wrists connected at the veins as she bound them together, much tighter than the first time. 
You rested your arms on the pillow behind you. She adjusted them so that your head was propped up and your neck was supported. You poked your chest out more as your tits jiggled with your movements. 
“I do anything you don’t like, you tell me.” She said in a hushed, but stern tone. 
“I will, El, promise.” 
“Okay,” she bent down to press a soft kiss to your mouth before moving off you and towards the pile of toys. 
She grabbed one of… what is that? 
It was a teal circle with a small hole at the top of it. Technology is so interesting—
“It’s clean, promise,” she must’ve noticed your furrowed brows and stare. You shook your head.
“S’not that, what… what is it?” 
“A vibrator, babe,” she said simply. 
“…Hm, never seen one like that before.” 
“I hadn’t either. It was a gift,” she snorted before she clicked a button on the top of it. A low vibration filled the room, “It feels good, though.” 
“What’s it feel like?” 
“It’s supposed to feel like you’re getting head… sorta,” She said in thought, “It kinda does, like a little bit… wanna see if you like it?” 
“Yeah, p-please?” 
“That’s cute.” 
She brought her free hand up to roll your nipples between her thumb and pointer finger, making you whine out and squirm and arch your back. Your eyes fluttered closed.
You felt the gentle vibrations on your inner thigh before they slowly trailed up with every twist and pinch Ellie gave your nipples. Your hips started bucking up before she brought her hand down to slap your pussy. You let out a loud moan as your eyes shot open to meet her dark ones.
“Stop moving.” 
“C-can't help it,” you said with pout. 
“Yeah, you can.” 
You let out a huff, and she gave your cunt another wet slap, much harder. You squealed loudly as your legs squeezed shut.  
“Don’t get a fuckin’ attitude.” 
You whimpered a sloppy slew of apologies, but you knew she wasn’t hearing it as she pried your legs apart with one strong hand to slap it one more time before slowly rubbing your clit. Your hips jerked, but you forced them not to lift.
“You get so fuckin’ wet,” she whispered in awe, the sticky noises of your pussy filling the room as she played with it. “Hear that? Shit.”
“Missed you s-so much— “ 
“Know you did.” 
You moaned her name, and she mockingly moaned yours back. It made you leak more. 
You felt her spread your lips open so she could watch your clit throb and jerk in need. You looked down and saw her eyes glued to your cunt, her freckled cheeks tinted red and her wet, pink lips parted. She looked up at you, smirking when she met your intrigued, needy eyes as she placed the vacant part of the vibrator over your clit.
“Like watching?” 
“Think so,” you shyly mumbled out. 
And then you felt the vibrations on your soaked bud. You gasped as your eyes closed. 
You felt her pull the toy away before she slapped your clit. You cried out as your eyes shot open to meet hers again.
“Watch me. Don’t close your eyes.” 
You jerkily nodded; You watched her so closely. She kissed your clit before spreading them with her fingers to bring the open part of the toy to your clit, trapping it inside once more. 
Your bud was surrounded by the pulsing sensations of the soft silicone and your eyes almost rolled back into your head, but you craved Ellie’s praise, her reassurance. You wanted to be good for her.
All you could do was moan and shudder and watch her.
“Feels good?” 
“Feels s’good, baby—” 
“Yeah? Want some more?” she said fondly with a filthy glare. 
You mumbled out a quiet yeah, wa’more! in between your pleas. 
She pressed another button on the toy, and the vibrations got stronger. Your cries got louder.
“Sloppy fucking pussy.” 
The tight pull in your gut was building, but you needed more. You wanted to pull on your nipples so bad but you fucking couldn’t! Why did you want your hands tied so badly? 
“El,” you barely got out between your heavy pants, “can you—mmh!” 
“T-ouch my tits? Please, m’right there!” 
She snickered at you before reaching up to slap one of them, leaving remnants of your slick on the soft skin. That wasn’t what you were expecting, but you want more of that! 
“Hit me more?” you keened, your eyes glossy.
“You asking?” she snickered, and you nodded so fast. 
She shook her head at you, “You’re gross.” 
For her! You’re so nasty for her her her—
You received another slap. And another. Then she reached up to dig her nails into your brown bud. You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling back, it hurt so good.
“Shit, m’gonna cum!” 
“Uh huh.” 
All you could do was moan out warnings of s’coming! and I feel it! and yes! It built and built until you could taste it and—
 … Everything you felt stopped. And Ellie was laughing. You were going to cry. 
No… nonono—
“Told you to keep your eyes open.” 
“E-Ellie, please no, I can’t— “
“Y’know, I was hoping you could follow simple instructions,” she cut you off as she moved towards the pile again, grabbing her… fat fucking dick, yes finally yesyesyes—
And lube… and an emerald green buttplug with a matching… remote? Oh, fuck—
“You don’t know how to fucking listen, do you?” She tossed the items next to you before grabbing your shaky thighs to pull you closer to her, your head dropping onto the soft mattress. You laid flat on your back as she loomed over you, your legs on either side of her. 
She watched your twitchy hole produce more slick, “Don’t even need to get you ready, could just slip right in and fuck you how I want.” 
“Wan’you to! Wann’it so bad— “ 
“Yeah? Want me t’use you?” 
“Fuck yes! Yeah!” 
“Keep these fuckin’ legs open, then,” she grabbed her dick and stood to step into it, adjusting the straps securing them around her hips. She climbed back between your legs as she intensely stared at your tits. She looked so deep in thought, brows furrowed with her bottom lip between her teeth; What the hell was her evil brain conjuring up?!
She gave your breast one last burning slap that made you cry out before grabbing the lube off the bed. You watched as she ripped the cap off, pouring some into the palm of her hand to bring down to her dick to massage it into the ridges. Your walls were squeezing so tight, your pussy begging for whatever she was about to do.
You almost flatlined on her bed when she straddled you, climbing up your body until her dick rested between your tits, the lube she smeared all over it transferring to your skin. Her thick, wet tip was almost touching your chin, and all you could do was gape at it before slowly blinking up at her, meeting her burning gaze. She bit her lip as she slowly tipped the bottle of lube, letting the thick consistency land your chest before she rubbed it into your skin with her cock. You felt so fucking dirty! 
“Stick that tongue out,” she ordered deeply as she closed and tossed the lube bottle. 
Your lips parted on command, your tongue slowly sliding between the two of them. She grabbed your face in a tight grip before letting a line of spit slip out of her mouth and onto your tongue. You felt it slide down your tongue before you happily swallowed
it. You lolled your tongue out, silently asking for more with pleading eyes. 
She sneered at you before she did it again, getting it all over your chin and cheeks. You couldn’t stop the whimper that left your mouth. She let a blob out onto your tits, mixing with the lube. 
But then you felt a fiery hand come down on your cheek, your head flying to the side as you let out a choked gasp. Your thighs clamped together on instinct as your walls quivered at the sting. You felt her place a hand on the side of your head, keeping it still as her nails dug into your scalp. 
“G’na fuck these tits s’good,” you heard her groan out. Your cunt throbbed in desperation. 
“Wan’ you to!” 
“Beg me to,” she hissed at you. 
“Please, baby, pleasefuck’em!—“
You felt her squeeze both your wet tits in one tight hand before she forced her dick between them, both of you letting out moans in between the squelchy noises from your bodies.
Her grip in your hair tightened as you heard her pleased sighs, her slurred curses, her whines of your name, why were you getting so tight, why did it feel like you were about to cum—
“Fuuuck, babygirl, feels s’fuckin’ good—!”
“E-El, please— “
“Yeah? What does my girl need? Wan’ some fuckin’ attention?” You hated how hard your core squeezed at her belittling tone. You nodded as fast as you could in her tight grasp. 
“Not g’na til I cum, you’re gonna fuckin’ lay there’n let me do what I want, tha’s what you wanted right? Huh?” 
More hot tears were falling to your hairline as you quietly sobbed and pleaded for her to touch your pussy, but she wasn’t hearing any of it. She released the grip she had on your head, but she just shoved her drenched, lubricated fingers into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered shut as you hummed around them, sucking them deeper.
“Gonna fuck that throat so hard one day, swear to god.” 
You hummed and garbled pleas around them in excitement. 
“Shit! Need that? Just wan’ something in that pretty mouth?”  
You nodded, you kept nodding, you want anything she’ll give you. 
“G’na fucking cum, all over that gorgeous face,” she gritted out as she snatched her fingers from your mouth. Her wet hand flew to your tits, pushing them closer together so that she could fuck her dick into the little hole she tightened. 
“W-Wan’ your cum, daddy!” you encouraged her as you watched, you needed her to cum!
“Shit, baby, stick your tongue out,” she whined out as she grinded her dick between your tits. Your eyes opened and your tongue immediately started swiping across her tip whenever it came up to your mouth. Her hips jolted and stuttered on top of you as she watched you, and you watched her. You hurriedly sucked her rubber tip into your mouth and sucked sloppily like you were trying to milk her. You knew she couldn’t feel the suctions, but you saw her eyes roll back into her skull as she let out a loud moan. She was bucking her hips into her strap as her nails dug into your tits. You kept the tip in your mouth as she rode out her pleasure. 
She looked so pretty and soft: fluttery lids, swollen lips, and her dotted cheeks flushed as quiet whines left her mouth. So pretty, she’s so fucking pretty—
Her tip suddenly slipped from your mouth as she scooted down your body. 
“K-Kiss?” you asked softly, voice unsteady.
She didn’t say anything as she leaned down to connect your lips. It was light and careful, both of you breathing into each other's whines. She made sure to check on you, mumbling an okay? against your mouth. You whined out a yesyeah m’okay before you reconnected your lips. 
You kissed for what felt like hours before she sat up to move off you. 
“W-Wan’more,” you mumbled with pleading expression. 
“Okay, babe.” 
You watched as she scooted down, shuffling until she was between your legs. She held one of them up with a hand under your knee to press it to your chest, playing with your entrance with her free hand. You felt her slide a finger in and your mouth fell open, your walls clinging to her the deeper she prodded. You were stunned at how fast she found that spongy spot inside you, and you squeezed her tighter. 
“Loosen up, can barely fucking move.”
You couldn’t do anything except wail out incoherencies about how fast you were going to cum, and you felt her slide another finger in. 
“Nuh uh, hold it.” 
“Can’t, Ellie, fuck— “
“Yeah you can, hold that shit.” 
You tried you tried, but you couldn’t. All you could get out was a cry of stop, baby! stopstopstop before your peak washed over you. 
But the pleasure left as fast as it came as she pulled out with a tsk, another slap landing on your pulsing clit. You sobbed her name, tears running down your temples.
“Couldn’t even hold it for a few seconds?” She scolded, and it made you and your pussy cry harder. 
“Stop crying,” you felt her releasing the tight grip from under your knee to softly wipe your tears off your face. “Look at me.” 
Your glossy eyes slowly peeled open, taking in the sight above you.
“Good?” she asked softly, and you nodded with a whimper of m’okay, El, I like it so much! please fuck me!
“Yeah? Babygirl wants some dick?” 
“Yes! Pleasefuckmee—!”
You let out a groan when you felt her dick slap on your pulsing bud. You were spewing pleas and curses and cries of her name; you wanted her inside! Wanted to feel her so deep in your stomach! 
You couldn’t help but lift your head to look down at her cock sliding between your folds, her thick tip nudging your clit with every thrust.
How were you about to cum from that alone? Your eyes were fluttering from the pleasure. You whimpered out a warning of your impending orgasm.
“You gonna cum from this? M’barely doing anything.” 
You couldn’t speak, you just nodded. Your mind was hazy and racing with thoughts of her at the same time, your core clenching tight. Yeah, you were going to cum! 
“Fuuuck yeah, need me, baby?” 
Your eyes rolled back so far back you swore you could see your brain shaking its head at you in disappointment, and you came so fucking hard. You felt her tip push past your spasming entrance as she quickly rubbed your clit with her thumb as it hit you. That stretch made you scream, and your head fell back. 
“S’so big!” You couldn’t even register what you were saying, your burning orgasm taking over your mouth. 
“Gonna be my good girl’n take it? Gonna make me proud?” Her voice sent another wave through your body as it shook in painful pleasure. 
“Yeah, daddy, m’your good girl!” 
“Then lemme in, love, c’mon,” she whispered out over your moans and groans and squeals. Your orgasm was still ripping through your body, your wetness dripping down your ass and onto the new puddle on the blanket. She was tearing you open with every shallow thrust, but you took every ridged, veiny inch like you were meant to. 
“Good, baby? Talk t’me,” she said gently, halting her thrusts as she caressed your thigh.
“M’sti—m’stillcummimg—! “
She scoffed a wet laugh at you and went even deeper, “I feel it, squeezing the fuck outta me. Dirty fucking whore.” 
You felt the balls of the strap resting against your ass as you slowly came down. She was all the way in, slowly pulling out only to push back in. Her tits were slightly jiggling in her bra every time she bottomed out. Your hands wriggled in the fabric; you wanted them in your mouth so bad. 
“Wan’touch you, daddy, please?” you moaned out in a gasp as she fucked back into you, stretching you out. 
“Touch me where?” She asked, thrusting deeper. 
“Mmh! Your tits, please!”
She huffed smugly before fucking into you faster. She brought her hand up to her chest, squeezing one of them through her bra, “These tits?” 
“Yeaah, fuck!” You could already feel another orgasm twisting in your gut at the painful stretch. 
She mumbled out an uh huh as she slowly pulled the elastic up, her breasts slowly dropping out. She slowed her thrusts and brought her other hand to pull the cotton over her head, throwing her head back as both hands played with her nipples. Her moaning made you moan and fuck, you were in love! 
“Lemme go, El, fuck!” you pleaded, your hands pulling at the restraints. How was such fragile cloth so resistant!
“Shit, baby, feels s’fucking good,” you watched her pull and twist them as she whimpered your name as she ignored you. She’d stopped thrusting to play with herself, only slowly grinding her hips into you, so you planted your feet on the bed to thrust your hips downward, clumsily bouncing up and down on her dick as you watched her. 
She looked down at you and sneered, “Yeah? Wanna fuck me?” 
“Yes, w’na make you cum, daddy.” 
“Here, baby, gimme your hands,” you halted your movements bringing your arms to hers. She tore the knot in your panties and tossed them before slowly pulling out fully, a nasty shhlck! filling the room. You were so wet. 
She leaned above you, reaching over your head to grab some pillows, setting them beside you. Her tits were in your face, so you slowly brought an inexperienced hand up to touch one softly. You gave it a gentle squeeze, bringing your other hand up to rub into the other. She let out a satisfied sigh of your name. You leaned up, boldly taking a soft nipple into your mouth. You sucked at it softly as your eyes fluttered shut, swirling your tongue around the sensitive skin. 
“Shit, tha’s so good,” she moaned out before pulling at your now sweated out hair. You gave her one last hard suck before your head fell back on the bed, her mouth instantly connecting with yours in a spit-filled, smacking kiss. Her tongue was sliding all over yours before you sucked it into your mouth, making her moan into your mouth. She brought her hand up to wrap around your throat, gently squeezing the sides. She pulled back with a look of concern on her face, grip immediately loosening at your whimper, but you brought a hand up to cover hers on your throat, squeezing tighter. Your eyes nearly crossed when she hummed with a knowing smirk, pressing her middle finger and thumb into the sides again. She pulled away, licking your bottom lip before bending down to whisper in your ear. 
“Turn over.” 
You stumblingly flipped onto your stomach as she shoved two plush pillows under your hips to support them, even though you were poking your ass out towards her anyway. You felt her slap it playfully before kissing it. 
You felt her hands pulling your cheeks apart like she told you to do to yourself earlier. You felt her staring and it made your heart beat faster. 
“Okay, El?” 
“Mhm, just looking.” 
You looked at her over your shoulder, “You can… um… y’know?” 
“No, I don’t know,” she snickered. 
“What… what you said earlier?” 
“What’d I say?” 
“About me! The thing you said!” 
“Want me t’eat your ass?” She said in between kisses on your cheek. She was grinning so hard. 
“Then ask me.” 
You looked forward with a harsh sigh, “You’re so annoyi— “
A tight hand grabbed your hair to pull your head back roughly. You let out a pained moan at the ceiling before you felt her lips at your ear, “What’d I tell you about that fuckin’ mouth?” 
You instinctively pushed back on her with a whine of m’sorry daddy!
“No, you’re not, you keep talking shit’n it’s pissing me off. I’ve been trying to be nice t’you.” 
Nice?! She almost made you black out with one orgasm! 
You didn’t have a response, but your eyes actually did cross when you felt a thumb prod your ass. 
“Should just shove m’dick in here, huh? I bet that’d get you to shut the fuck up,” she spat out and your back arched deeper at her proposal.
You felt another glob of spit land on your other hole, her thumb immediately circling it before popping the tip of it in. You let out a loud moan at the intrusive sting. 
“Been wanting me to fuck this ass since I said it, haven’t you?” She rasped at you. 
“Yeah!” She mocked you in a squeaky tone. “You’re disgusting, who woulda thought you would like this type of shit.” 
Her thumb was fucking in and out of your hole as fast as she could manage. You shouldn’t like how much it hurts, that burn shouldn’t be making your orgasm build up again. 
She let your hair go and your head flopped onto the pillow in front of you. Your nails dug into it when you felt her dick line up at the entrance of your pussy before she shoved it in. You let out a muffled shout.
You didn’t have a chance to adjust before she started fucking into you hard. Squelchy noises, slaps of skin, and your screams of pleasure immediately filled the room, her headboard knocking against the black walls. It was so fast and hot and made you feel cheap, and you fucking loved it. It made you feel desired. 
“This is what you wanted me to do in that fuckin’ closet?” 
“Yeah, daddy, fuck!” 
“Wanted me t’fuck you up? Make you m’fucking bitch?” 
“Uggh! El—!”
“Shouldn’t even be fucking you in this bed,” She groaned out, grinding her thumb deep into your ass.
“Should’ve bent you over that dinner table, right in front of that fucker.” 
The imagery of Ellie fucking into you in front of your asshole of a waiter, making you scream out in front of everyone eating and drinking, claiming you as hers so that they know who you belong to made you see white. You bit down on the pillow in front of you as bursts of wetness left your cunt and splattered onto your thighs, the pillows, and Ellie’s dick. But she didn’t stop, you felt her go faster. Hit deeper.
“M’cu-mming!” you screamed, shouts of prickling pleasure muffled by the material in your mouth.
“Yeah? Tha’s making you cum? Wanna get fucked in public like a whore?” 
“D-ahh! Fuckme!”
“Baby’s so stupid for this dick,” Her tip was hitting your fucking cervix and it hurt so good. You were about to cum again! “Who’s pussy is this?” 
“S’your pussy! S’daddy’s pussy!” 
“Keep sayin’ that, s’gonna make me cum so hard,” she groaned out, her thumb leaving your ass and ripping the pillows from underneath you, your hips dropping onto the bed. You felt her push back into you, her chest on your back as she grinded deep into you. Her arm came around your neck, your throat right in the crevice of her elbow as you let the pillow fall from your mouth. Your nails were digging into the covers as your cunt gushed on her.
“You’re getting so fucking wet. Like when I fuck you up? Treat you like shit?” 
“Yeah yeahyeah—!” 
“Make me cum, babygirl,” she whispered in your ear. “Fuck me back, c’mon.” 
You pushed back onto her as best as you could as she grinded forward, even though it was quick and sloppy and desperate. She started moaning out fucks and like thats and all you could mumble out was slurry s’yours, daddy! because you knew she liked it. Her voice on its own was getting you there.
“Fuck, m’gonna fucking cum— “
“Uh huh! Cum in me, daddy pleasepleaseplease!” you squealed out in dazed excitement. You want her cum you want her cum! 
“Fuuuck, babygirl, s’coming—!”
“Please make my p-pussy sloppy?” you could barely get your pleas out as your mind fogged. You couldn’t even bring yourself to feel embarrassed at your eagerness for her cum, and by the way Ellie shouted your name in your ear as her body shook on top of yours, she must’ve somewhat liked it? Right? 
Your second thoughts quickly died as you fucked back onto her, helping her ride out her orgasm. She was crying out as her nails dug into your shoulder, and the sharp pierce made you cum again! You let out babbles of her name in your pleasure. You were both messes in each other's arms, you pushing back while she pushed forward, trying to make it last as long as you could before it died down.
You let out wet groans as she grinded you both to the ends of your orgasms, and you collapsed. 
You felt a light kiss on your shoulder before Ellie gently pulled out of you, falling onto the bed so that you were side by side. You both tried to catch your breath in your exhaustion. 
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After minutes of heavy breathing and light caresses from Ellie, you reached under to grab the object that was digging into your side. When you saw what it was, your eyes widened, and stomach twisted. 
You heard Ellie laugh softly next to you, “We didn’t get to use it.” 
You paused as you stared at the buttplug that she’d thrown on the bed, the faux emerald at the end of it shining under the green fairy lights. 
“It’s pretty,” you said in a hoarse whisper. 
“Mhm,” she nodded. “Feels good, too.” 
Your toes curled.
“What’s it feel like?” 
She smiled, “You sound cute when you ask that.” 
You shook your head and grinned shyly, “I’m just curious, I assume it’s… nice, or whatever! People on Twitter always talk about it.” 
“Yeah, it’s really fucking nice.” 
“Have you used it?” She nodded. 
“Course I have, used all of ‘em.” 
“Tell me what happened!” you said, dropping the toy on the bed before giddily flipping onto your side to face her. It made her giggle; You loved that sound. 
“I was… like in this sex shop in Cali, and the cashier was like ‘heyyy, your orders over a hundred dollars, you can get a free item, blah blah blah’— “ 
“Not that, you bonehead! I mean when you use it!” You both let out loud laughs. 
Her smile dropped slowly before she whispered, “Came really fuckin’ hard the first time I tried it, like… really hard. Swore I saw god.” 
Your core squeezed in intrigue. You listened closely as she continued, “Like, I was still cumming even after I switched it off. There was a giant puddle on the floor when I finally stopp—.” 
“Ellie?” you softly cut her off.
“Yeah, honey?” 
“Can you… will you… I wanna try?” you said as your face burned, hoping she would accept your poor proposal to take your… other virginity. 
You watched a sly grin slowly grow on her face.
“Lemme go check on Duchess’n smoke.” 
You nodded slowly with a fluttery blink. 
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It was almost midnight, and you were laying next to Ellie on her couch in her Lauryn Hill shirt as you nursed a bottle of water. You watched as she exhaled the smoke from her pre-roll. 
After chasing Duchess around the kitchen and living room, you both covered her in kisses before filling her food bowl and shutting the guest door as she ate. 
“Such a nice view,” you mumbled as you gazed out the large window. You’d never been fond of the city: you always appreciated the stillness of your town, the close community where everyone knew each other, but the scenery in front of you almost makes you want to change your mind. It was always so lively and bright, even in the darkness. 
“Right? When I first moved in, I slept in front of the window for weeks. The noise helped me sleep a bit better and the lights are pretty,” She said quietly before taking a puff. You listened and watched as she exhaled the smoke. You sat your bottle on the floor before speaking.
“Can I try?” 
“You know how?” She asked impishly with a raise of her brow as the remnants of her puff left her mouth and nose. 
“Fuck you! I know how to smoke, I just choose not to!” 
“Right,” she said with an eye roll, gently tapping the ashes off on the ashtray in front of her before passing the joint to you. 
You propped yourself up on your elbows before taking it between your thumb and pointer finger, watching the smoke leave the lit end before sticking it between your lips. You only inhaled for a couple seconds before pulling it from your mouth, softly coughing. 
You slowly turned your head to look at her for approval, finding that she was already watching you. Her hair was still damp from earlier, her lips were swollen, and she was still in her boyshorts. 
“Meh. Still a fucking rookie,” she said in a light tone as she wet her lips. You shoved her shoulder with yours, making her laugh. 
“That strain’s supposed to make you horny,” she whispered, attempting to grab the joint from you. Something nasty curled in your gut at her tone, mindlessly bringing the joint back to your lips and inhaled some more before she could snatch it. You held it much longer than the first puff before choking on the carbon, making her laugh at you. You felt her pat your back gently through your coughs. You passed it back to her and she took it with a shake of her head. 
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After she smoked her joint down, she bolted upstairs, swiftly returning to the couch with full hands. 
You flipped onto your back as she pressed the button on the buttplug remote, and it immediately started pulsing. She smirked down at you. 
“There’s a couple settings, we can try ‘em all and see which one you like the most, ‘kay?” 
You nodded eagerly as she switched it off and threw the toy on the couch next to her dick and flavored lube. She straddled you, grabbing your face in both hands to connect your lips in a soft kiss. You hummed into her mouth before she pulled away. 
“Lemme give you head first, though.” 
She hummed before smacking her wet lips onto yours. She planted wet, sucking kisses on your jaw, neck, and shoulder before she moved down your body. She lifted the shirt you had on just under your tits before she went crazy on your clit. She was flicking and licking and sucking between your legs as your fingers ran through her soft hair to pull her closer. Your moans and noises of your pussy as she fucked you with her tongue and fingers filled the entire first floor of her home. You came so quickly on her tongue, squeezing the muscle and fingers in a bone-crushing grip. You could tell she liked it as much as you did by how she moaned into your cunt. 
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After you came down, Ellie instructed you to hold your legs up so she could see your ass. They were pressed to your chest, both your arms tucked into the crevice of your knees as Ellie prepped you for the toy. 
She’d rubbed some of your cum in before she spat on it, and now she was drenching her fingers and opening in the lubricant as you watched. 
“Just relax, ‘kay?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded. You were a bit nervous, but your walls were clenching with want. 
She nodded before gently rubbing your drenched hole with her pointer and middle finger, making you sigh. You felt her slowly push a finger in and you immediately started to squirm. Your body was so hot already. 
“Okay?” She asked you gently. 
“Yeah m’good,” you said in a wanton sigh. 
She grinned before kissing the back of your thigh. You felt another finger at your entrance before a burning sensation took over when she slowly pressed it in, and your head dropped onto the cushion in a choked gasp. 
“Yeah? You like this shit?” She asked snarkily, but shock was evident in her voice. 
“Y-yeah, El, like it!”
“So fucking cute, gonna fuck this ass so hard,” she whispered out, grinding her fingers deeper before pulling them out to squirt more lube on them. 
She slowly pushed them back in and the lack of resistance made your toes curl. 
“Do me a favor?” 
“Get that nice’n wet for me,” she said, shoving the emerald plug in between your twitchy fingers. You gripped it tight, releasing the hold you had on your legs so you could spread them. You brought your free hand down to your drippy cunt to spread the lips, exposing your clit. You slowly dragged the toy up and down your folds, a quiet, squishy sound joining the already sloppy noises in the room from Ellie’s fingers in your ass. 
You could see her watching with a blush on her face, licking her lips as she prodded another finger at your clenching opening. You could feel the stretch more as she slowly popped the tip of it in, so you distracted yourself. You propped yourself on one elbow to bring the plug down to the entrance of your cunt, slowly fucking it into you. The silicone ridges dragged on your walls, and it made your eyes roll as you moaned softly. Ellie let out a shocked moan as she watched you fuck the plug in and out of your pussy. She leaned forward to spit on your clit, and you brought your shaky hand down to rub it. She mumbled curses out. 
“Thinking about me fucking this pretty pussy? Wan’me t’split you open again?” She hummed out messily. She was just as fucked up as you were, and it made you squeeze. 
“Yeah, daddy,” you moaned out softly, fucking the toy into yourself faster as Ellie fucked three fingers into your ass. “Shit!” 
“Uh huh, nasty slut, look at you milking that fuckin’ toy.” 
You picked up the pace of your shallow thrusts and she matched you, fucking even harder into your ass. You brainlessly brought your wet fingers up to your tits, roughly grabbing at both your nipples in attempts to mimic Ellie’s hands on you. You felt the familiar pull in your gut, but it was so much stronger, and you knew it was going to hit you hard. You were going to cum so quick! 
“Ellie,” you could barely get your squeaky warning out, “Thi-think m’gonna, g’na make a m-ess!” 
“Yeah, wan‘it baby, make me wet— “
You cut yourself off with a sharp gasp as colors exploded behind your eyelids, the hand at your tits slamming onto the cushion to dig your nails into it. Your shouts of pleasure overtook the sputtering sounds of wetness that shot out of you. You pulled the toy out and rubbed quick circles on your clit with it, making you release more juices all over Ellie’s expensive couch. She didn’t even seem to care with how hard she was still fucking your ass, whispering nasty curses at you, talking you through it, calling you sloppy, calling you hers. Your legs were trembling as both holes quivered in release. 
Your sprays were starting to die down with the circles on your clit, Ellie’s fingers slowing. 
Your eyes slowly peeled open, and you were met with her… high ass ceiling! You smiled as you felt her place kisses all over your thighs. 
“Tired?” she mumbled out against your knee. 
You slowly shook your head when you regained your ability to move.
And she smirked. 
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Ellie moved you onto your stomach, —if she kept fucking you like this, you were going to die! — your face shoved into her cushion so you were surrounded by her scent. Your ass was, once again, propped up on Ellie’s expensive fucking pillows that you were about to stain with your sopping cunt, but neither of you cared. She was lubricating the plug from behind you, the gooey noises from the slippery liquid filling your ears. 
You should’ve never hit that fucking aphrodisiac of a joint when she passed it to you: you never wanted to have sex so fucking bad in your life. You just lost your virginity a few hours ago; What’s happening to you?!
You couldn’t think of anything except Ellie and cumming and Ellie’s cum! You wanted her cum inside you so bad, you want to drown in her with every chance she’d give you—
“Ready, baby?” 
“Yes, daddy, m’ready, need it s’bad,” you muffled into the cushion, your cheek squished against it. You sounded so… far away. 
“Listen t’you, all floaty,” she murmured. You could hear her grin through it, it made your toes curl, “Feelin’ good?” 
“S’good, daddy, fuck me please?” 
“…Look at me, babe.” 
You used all your energy to lift yourself up onto your elbows turning your sweaty, thoughtless head towards her, gazing over your shoulder and into her gentle, concerned eyes. She’s so beautiful—
“Why're you smilin’?” 
“M’happy,” you felt yourself grin harder. 
“Mhm,” you nodded lightly. “W’na fuck.” 
“‘Kay,” she nodded, her searching gaze still lingering on your face. “Tap my thigh twice.” 
You reached a limp hand behind you, immediately following her instructions. 
“You do that when you wanna stop, okay?” You nodded, you felt like a bobble head. You want her in your guts now. 
“What're you gonna do when you wanna stop?” 
You paused.
Then tapped her thigh twice. You dropped your head on the cushion again. 
You felt her kiss down your back. You sighed happily. 
She slowly rubbed your clit and you jolted, before pushing your hips back onto her fingers. She was planting gentle kisses all over your back and shoulders to relax you. You let out a whine at the feel of her lips on you. 
Then you felt the silicone on your hole. You moaned into the cushion in excitement and anticipation, you needed it to pulse inside you so badly. 
“What’re gonna do when you wanna stop?” She repeated, her breathing heavy. 
You slapped her thigh a bunch of times. You needed her to know you wanted it. You needed this so badly! You needed to know she wanted you!
Then you felt her pop the tip of it inside you. You cried out in appreciation as your holes clenched tight, trying to suck the toy deeper into you. She was pressing soft kisses all over your spine as she slowly pushed it in. You hadn’t realized that you were grinding your clit into the soft fabric of the pillow under you.  
“Such a good girl, taking it so easy,” You felt her push the last little part of it inside your ass before the little jewel at the end of it was poking out of you. It was so foreign, but you couldn’t help the satisfied sighs and soft cries as you pussy dripped all over her pillows and couch. 
You felt her plant one more kiss at the end of your spine before you felt the vibrations stir in your ass. 
“Fuck, oh god! M’—aah!”
“Yeah? Feels fucking good, doesn’t it?” 
You didn’t even have the ability to think of an answer before you felt her dick poke at the entrance of your cunt, slowly sliding in. Every wire in your brain went into overdrive as the pulsing of the toy and her cock rattled your insides in unison. She was slowly fucking her dick into you, sliding in deep so her tip bumped into your cervix, making you let out a muffled shout into the couch cushion. 
Your quick babbles were cut off as she sped up her thrusts, both her hands planted at the end of your back so she could rock you back and forth on her dick. She was drilling you, your slick coating the balls of her strap. You felt yourself slowly drifting away, your eyes crossed in your head and drool spilling down your cheek. All you could think about was Ellie. EllieEllieEllie—!
“M’right here, babygirl, I gotchu,” she cooed at you as she dug you out and you went limp. You heard the gushy sounds of your pussy and fuck, you were going to squirt so hard you felt it in your toes—
You felt the vibrations in your ass increase and you let out shouts of bliss, her tip beating your cervix just how you needed with every thrust. For the first time in your life, your brain was silent: no doubt, no loathing, no anxiety. Just pure ecstasy. You felt so fucking full. Full of her and joy and love! You love her and you never wanted her to leave you again. You love her you love her—
“M’yours, daddy, promise!” Tears pricked at your eyes as that hot feeling grew in your stomach. Your heart was pounding, and you couldn’t think, you just rambled as pleasure and happiness and love rushed through you. You were about to cum, all over her, all for her—!
“Shhh, I know, baby, it’s okay— “
“Don’t wan’anyone else! M’yours, always yours!”
You don’t remember when, but Ellie had pulled out of you. And the vibrations stopped. But you were still riding that edge, this close to your peak. Your fists clenched tight, and your hips bucked back to meet hers even though she wasn’t there to catch them. You heard Ellie gently call out your name from your side as she rubbed your back in attempts to slow your fuzzy babbling, “Look at m— “
“Always loved you, daddy, always been you, m’yours, m’all you— “
You cut yourself off with moans of her name and incoherent shouts and sobs of love you so much! I love you! as your orgasm ripped through you. Your thighs trembled as colorful specs of glitter exploded in your vision. You heard yourself screaming out as wetness splattered all over you and the couch and everywhere, and it didn’t stop. Your euphoria was so strong, your clenching cunt spraying as your ass squeezed around the plug shoved deep inside you. You were just shaking and crying and cumming and cumming and cumming—
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You don’t know how much time passed, but you were still shaking as tears rolled down your cheeks. You couldn’t feel the plug inside you and Ellie’s strap was gone: you were pressed against her bare chest, your tits pressed together as she held you close. She was rubbing your back as she pressed gentle kisses to the side of your sweaty head, gently humming in your ear. You slowly brought your arm up to limply throw around her waist. You couldn’t say anything.
“Hi, honey,” She barely whispered in your ear. “Can you look at me?” 
You slowly shook your head. You felt her kiss your head again. 
“S’fine, just breath, okay?” 
You nodded again. And your eyes welled up some more. 
She must’ve heard your sniffling because she immediately pulled back to gently caress your cheek. You tried to turn your head to hide in the cushion, but she wasn’t having it. 
“C’mon angel, it’s just me, okay?”
You slowly redirected your gaze to hers, your vision blurry as you studied her features. You cried harder, sobbing as you nestled into her shoulder. 
She didn’t press you after that, she only held you tighter. She whispered gentle shhhs and s’okay, baby, m’heres as you wept into her sweaty skin. 
You know she heard your confession of your long-lasting feelings for her, and even though she didn’t seem upset with you, you couldn’t shake the embarrassment, confusion, and despair that overtook you. 
But she held you. She held you so tight. 
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After your gasped sobs eased into soft whimpers and shaky exhales, Ellie guided you upstairs and into her bathroom, strong arms wrapped around your waist to steady your uncoordinated movements. 
She lifted you onto the counter and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before moving to the shower to turn it on. All you did was stare at her black towel hanging from the wall rack. You still couldn’t think. 
You heard her shuffling around before she moved back to you, easily easing you off the counter and into the shower, making sure to place you under the warm water first. 
You gaped at the droplets sliding down the shower wall and she rubbed the lathered sponge into your skin softly. She littered you with kisses the entire time: on your face, shoulder, fingers, anywhere she could reach. But you couldn’t move, and neither of you said anything. 
After Ellie rinsed you off, she gently dried your coils and face while kissing your nose. You allowed her to wrap you in a towel, gently drying off the rest of your body as you looked off into nothing. 
“C’mon, honey,” she whispered into your ear as she moved behind you, holding onto your waist and walking you to her bed to sit you down, her soiled blanket already discarded on the floor. 
It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion as you gazed around her room: the lights were twinkling like fireflies, her fan in the corner of the room whirring like gusts of wind in your ears, the strings of the rug under your feet reminding you of clouds. 
She softly called your name as she walked in front of you. Your legs fell open so she could stand between them, “Look at me.” 
You took a deep breath before meeting her tender gaze. She cupped your cheeks, softly rubbing her thumbs into them, “You needa eat and drink something, okay? Want some water?” 
You nodded.
“Is it okay if I leave for a sec— “
You shook your head quickly as tears filled your eyes at the thought of her leaving. You need her close, you need her here with you—
“Shhh, not gonna go, not leaving, I’m right here,” she comforted immediately, planting more kisses all over your face. 
“Want some clothes?” You shook your head, and she nodded gently. She gave your lips one more kiss before ushering you to stand. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed her pine-scented lotion and ointment. She moved behind you, rubbing the soothing cream on your ass before moisturizing your skin, the pine surrounding you. You calmed down at the smell.
“Okay, baby, come lay down.” 
She grabbed your wrist gently as she moved you to your side, telling you to lay on your stomach as she pulled a new blanket from her linen cabinet. You obeyed silently. 
You were instantly surrounded by warmth as she tucked you into her forest-scented covers. You heard her shuffling behind you before she walked around to her side in a new pair of boxers. 
She laid next to you, pulling you into her chest as you breathed her in, sighing contently into her skin. She smelled so fucking good! You grinned.
She must’ve felt it as she pressed kisses to your head, “What’re you cheesing for?” 
You shook your head and grinned harder, nestling deeper into her neck. She laughed lightly. 
“We’ll talk in the morning, okay?” She whispered out to you.
You nodded, eyes shut. 
You dreamt of pine-filled meadows. 
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OOOOOOWEEEE alright bookies that’s it :p i already got ideas 4 the next part LOOOOOL so yeah gonna start writing that soon. hope y’all liked it and the wait 4 the real smut was worth it. lots to comeeee 
hope its proofread enough lol i always think that it is n then i go back and see a bunch of errors
pt. 6
shoutout to my wittle taglist🥺 love yall so bad n thank u for being interested in this little project i created :D @fandomshitpostingqueen, @nymphetkoo, @sawaagyapong , @gold-dustwomxn , @amitycat , @nil-eena , @elsivy , @constellieationn , @letsreadsomesins-shallwe :3
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ereardon · 1 year
Friends Don't || Chapter 11
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Summary: Bob Floyd has been your best friend for almost a decade, ever since he quietly agreed to tutor you in college. The two of you have spent years chasing each other around the globe – Bob as a WSO, you as a travel blogger. You’ve always been the anywhere-but-here girl, and he’s been your rock. But when a surprise diagnosis threatens to crumble your picture-perfect life, you’re on the first flight back to San Diego, desperate to put down roots for the first time. Will Bob finally have it in him to admit that you could be the love of his life? What will he say when he finds out the secret you’ve been skillfully hiding from him? Or worse, what if he doesn’t find out until it’s too late? 
Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x OC [Reid] 
Tropes: Friends to lovers
Warnings: Cursing, angst, cancer, alcohol, mentions of death
WC: 3.3K
Series masterlist here; previous chapter here; next chapter here
Your skin was on fire. 
Everything felt like it was melting and in slow motion. Like you were inside a raging tornado, just you and Bob staring at each other in the midst of the destruction. Nothing else but his blue eyes on yours, drowning in sorrow and pain and anguish. 
A bottle shattered in the distance, ruining the illusion. And then you were yanked back to reality. 
“Reid?” Bob’s voice was quiet. Shaky. Just your name on his lips, saturated in pain. 
“You fucking asshole,” Phoenix hissed at Jake, shoving his arm and he tipped over into the railing of the deck in his drunken stupor. 
He righted himself, half-lidded eyes finding yours. “Sorry.” It came out cheap and you stepped forward, slapping him clear across the face, the sound of your palm hitting his face echoing in the clear California night. 
“Fuck you, Bagman!” you shouted, winding your hand back for another slap before you felt thick limbs grabbing you from behind, pulling you back. 
“Stop it,” Bradley whispered, his hands hot on your arms as he physically held you back from striking Jake again. “He’s not worth it.” 
The air was heavy. Desperate. You let out an angry sigh, looking over at Bob. His mouth was wide open. Your outburst at Jake confirmed his deepest fears. 
It was true. 
“Bobby,” you whispered, wiggling out of Bradley’s embrace, stepping toward him. He held out a hand, stopping you mid step, and you let out a guttural gasp. 
He shook his head. “No. Don’t touch me.” 
You crumpled to the ground, Bradley catching you before you almost smacked your head against the wooden flooring. Looking up at Bob from the ground you saw him turn, Phoenix’s hand light on his arm, her face drawn in concern. She looked down at you and Bradley before nodding her head, following Bob back into the bar. 
It wasn’t until a thin breeze floated off of the ocean that you realized your cheeks were streaked with tears. 
Bradley held you, cradled against his chest, as you sobbed on the dirty patio floor of the Hard Deck. After a few minutes, the crowd had thinned and he leaned in, whispering into your ear. “Come on,” he murmured softly. “Let’s get you up, OK?” 
Slowly, Bradley pulled you to standing. You felt wobbly and he slipped one arm around your back, gripping your waist tight. 
Phoenix and Bob were still gone. Jake sat in the corner, perched on top of a picnic table, Coyote at his side. Fanboy came up and whispered in Bradley’s ear, who nodded, a frown spread across his face. He turned to you. “Better take you to my place tonight,” he said. “I, uh, think you should give Floyd some space right now.” 
You nodded silently, following his lead as he steered you toward the stairs near the side of the patio, out toward the parking lot. But you pivoted in his arms, stepping directly in front of the picnic table, Jake and Coyote looking up in shock. Your slap had sobered Jake up, at least a little bit, and his eyes looked less glazed as they locked onto yours. 
“I hate you for doing that to him,” you whispered hotly, anger dripping out of every single one of your pores.
Bradley reattached his palm to the small of your back, guiding you away. But not before you saw Jake’s face fall with the realization of what he had done. Of what he had caused. 
Back at the house, you showered in Bradley’s bathroom. When you emerged in a towel, he had an old Naval Academy t-shirt and a pair of boxers laying out on the bed for you. After slipping them on, you wandered down the hall where the back of his head was plainly visible over the edge of the couch. 
He looked up as you rounded the corner of the couch, settling easily onto the other end, your bare feet landing in his lap. Bradley looked down at them before smiling. “Just like old times, huh?” he asked. 
“Shit,” you muttered, pulling your legs to your chest, creating distance between the two of you. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think.” 
He shook his head. “Reid. It’s fine. I promise.”
You frowned. “I’m guessing you hate me, too.” 
“What?” Bradley reached out, placing one hand on your ankle, gripping you tightly. “No. Not at all. If anything, I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell us.” 
A tear slid down your cheek. You knew it was just the start. “I just wanted everything to be normal for as long as possible,” you whispered. “And then everything with Bob.” You sighed. “I knew the moment I told him, everything would change. And I didn’t want it to change. I wanted to stay like that forever.” 
Bradley dropped his hand. “Why did you tell Jake?” 
“I didn’t. He figured it out himself.” 
“Fucking hell,” Bradley muttered to himself. “Well I spoke to Nat. She’s with Bob at the house. He, uh, he doesn’t want to see you right now.” 
You hung your head. 
“So you can stay here. As long as you need.” Bradley grinned. “Looks like we’re finally spending the night.” 
You laughed, despite yourself. “Thank you, Bradley.” 
He stood up, holding out a hand, pulling you to standing. “Are you going to be OK?” he whispered softly, never dropping your hand. 
You felt his thumb stroke the backside of your hand. “I’ll be fine,” you replied quietly. 
The next day, Bradley drove you back to Bob’s. You sat in the passenger seat of his old Bronco, tapping your foot nervously, as Bradley went to the door, ringing the bell. Phoenix opened it and they chatted for a few minutes before she looked over at you sadly, closing the door. 
Bradley climbed into the driver’s seat. “Let’s give him one more day. Want to go grab breakfast?” 
You laid back against the seat, dejected. “Sure,” you whispered. 
You felt guilty. For a myriad of reasons. First, that you had hid the truth from Bob for so long. That he had to find out from Hangman of all people. Every time you thought of how broken and devastated he had looked that night on the patio you disintegrated into tears. 
You also felt guilty for letting Bradley take care of you. After everything that the two of you had gone through, he stepped up. While Nat took care of Bob, Bradley took care of you. He coordinated with Natasha to get an overnight bag packed, he tried to entertain you all day and keep your mind off of Bob and the fight. But still, when you went to bed in Bradley’s guest room, you couldn’t sleep. 
So you pulled out your phone to call Bob again. You had called him five times already and left him a dozen messages. All unanswered. The clock in the upper right hand corner of the screen said it was after midnight, but you didn’t care. 
You hit his contact and waited. Just as you were about to hang up, you heard a voice. “Hello?” 
You almost choked. “Bobby.” 
There was a pause. And then, “Reid. I can’t do this right now.” 
“Wait!” You cleared your throat, trying to will away the lump that had taken up residence there. “Honey please. I just, I needed to hear your voice.” 
He sighed. “Well you heard it.” 
A sob rose in your throat. “I know you hate me,” you whispered hoarsely, “and I don’t blame you. I’m sorry, Bobby. I hope you know that no matter what, I love you.” 
“I don’t hate you,” Bob said quietly, his voice low and slow and it felt like in a dream when something you were chasing was just out of reach. “I just can’t believe you hid this from me. I thought after everything, that you’d at least be honest with me. I’ve always been honest with you.” 
A tear slid down your cheek and you let it blaze a path toward your chin. “I’m sorry.” 
“I have to go,” Bob said and your heart constricted in your chest. “I’ll let you know tomorrow if I want to talk.” 
“Okay.” You didn’t hang up. “I miss you, Bobby.” 
Bob let out another sigh. This one sounded dejected. “You’re at Bradley’s? You’re OK?” 
You nodded. “I’m here. I’m alright, given the circumstances.” 
A pause. “Goodnight, Sunny.” 
You closed your eyes, letting the tears stream down your cheeks. “Goodnight, Bobby. I love you.” 
And then the line went dead. 
You laid there for a few minutes in tears, before sitting up. Bradley or Natasha or whoever had packed your overnight bag had included a rather skimpy pajama set that you were now wearing and you shivered. 
Quietly, you tiptoed out of the guest room into the hallway. The light near the kitchen was on and you entered the kitchen toward the back of the house. 
Bradley had his head in the fridge and when he closed it he jumped. “Fuck!” 
You stood a foot away, nonplussed. 
He leaned back, resting against the kitchen counter, shaking his head. “Reid, you scared the shit out of me.” Bradley looked at the clock on the microwave. “It’s late, what are you doing up?” 
“Couldn’t sleep.”
Bradley sighed. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of gray boxers. You stepped closer until the two of you were only a foot apart. Maybe it was the emotions coursing through your veins. Or the fact that you had time on your mind. Or that you were seeking comfort. 
Either way, you looked up at Bradley before slotting yourself between his legs, pressing your body against his, tilting your head up for a kiss. You felt him stir in his boxers against your stomach. 
“Reid.” Bradley pressed his hands against the tops of your arms, pushing you away softly, air rushing between your bodies. “Don’t do this. I know you’re upset and sad and confused, but this isn’t going to help anything. It’ll only make things worse.” 
He was right. You knew that he was right. It’s why you sagged against him as he pulled you into a hug, your tears soaking the front of his shirt, Bradley’s large embrace grounding you, absorbing your shakes and sobs. 
Bradley held you in the kitchen as you cried. And once your well of tears was empty, he led you softly to the couch. “Reid,” he said quietly. “You gotta tell us what’s going on. All of it. So we can help you.” 
You closed your eyes tightly. When you opened them, Bradley stared back at you expectantly. He should have hated you. He should have wanted you out of his life after you had toyed with him and then hung him out to dry. Instead, he had taken you in. They all had. 
They deserved to know. 
You opened your mouth and sighed. The truth came out. All of it. And you watched tears gather in Bradley’s eyes. He leaned forward, his hands clasped around your smaller ones. When you were finished, he wiped away the tears that had gathered on his lashes. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, pulling you into a hug. 
You nodded against his chest. “So am I.” 
Watching Bob grieve for Denver had been one of the hardest things you’d ever done. More difficult than leaving Bridgeport. More difficult than almost flunking out your first year of college because you hadn’t been able to properly balance work and play. 
Watching as your best friend grieved the loss of a woman he spent every day with, a person he trusted with his life, almost broke you. 
You held his hand in silence at her funeral, Bob’s eyes misting behind his glasses, his cap perched on his head. You stood next to him in a black shift dress as he wore his service dress uniform, his legs shaky, your heart dropped in your stomach. 
It was Bob who stepped forward and presented Denver’s parents with a perfectly folded flag. 
You watched as he nodded and spoke quietly with the other aviators at the memorial service. You watched carefully when he excused himself from a conversation with Omaha and Fritz, slipping out the back door. A few minutes later, you followed him, finding Bob sitting on a bench facing the hills, his head in his hands. 
Instinctively, you sat down next to him, wrapping your hand around his arm. “I’m sorry,” you whispered quietly. 
When he looked up at you, your heart snapped in half. His eyes were ringed with red, his face blotchy, his nose running. “It should have been me,” he whispered. “That should be me in there, in a casket. Not her.” 
“You can’t say that.” 
“But it’s true. She was the better aviator. She knew exactly what she was doing.” He hung his head. “She was protecting me.” 
“You both did everything you could,” you replied softly, running one hand through the hair at the base of his neck. “She loved you. She wanted you to be safe.” 
He raised his eyes to yours. “How can I keep going when she’s not here?” he asked softly. “How do you just keep living?” 
“I don’t know,” you replied. “You just do. Because if you don’t, then everything she did to save you was wasted. Do you think that’s what she would want? Wouldn’t Denver want her death to mean something?” 
He nodded, tears dripping down onto his slacks. You scratched your nails down his back in calming circles. “No, I guess not.” 
You rested your head on his shoulder. In the distance, the sun was starting its descent toward the horizon, blurring the whole sky in orange. You closed your eyes, sinking in the feeling of Bob’s warmth under your cheek. 
Thankful that he had been the one to come home. 
“I love you, Bobby,” you whispered. 
“I love you too, Sunny,” he replied quietly. 
The two of you sat there, side-by-side, gazing out at the sunset. He was held together with tape and glue. And you were his rock. 
On the third day after the incident, Bob reached out via Phoenix. Bradley grabbed his phone off the counter, answering it in a swift motion, nodding along. He turned around, catching your eye. “We’ll be there in ten.” 
He hung up. You held your breath. 
“He’s ready to talk.” 
The fifteen steps from Bradley’s car to the front door felt like an eternity. Only a few weeks ago, the three of you had been arguing on the cement driveway and you had gone inside and slept with Bob for the first time. 
So much had changed in such a little amount of time. 
Everything was different. 
You looked at the front door. It was a normal front door, but it felt like you were about to breach an impenetrable force field. Bradley looked at you from where he stood at your side. “Are you OK?” he asked. 
You looked up at him. He had been so good to you. Too good, arguably. You nodded, leaning in and pressing your lips to his cheek softly, squeezing his hand at his side. “Thank you, Brad. For everything.” 
He nodded. “Of course.” 
You sucked in a deep breath and pressed the doorbell. 
A moment later, the door swung open. Phoenix answered, wearing a pair of jeans and a simple white t-shirt, her face tight. Bob appeared behind her, his head slightly dipped. She opened the door wide and you slipped inside into the foyer. 
“We’ll give you guys some space,” she said, grabbing her keys from the table by the door, nodding to Bob. “Talk to you later, Floyd.” 
He nodded back at her and she walked through the doorway. Bradley lingered for a moment, his eyes on you. You smiled at him. “I’ll text you, OK?” 
He looked at Bob, and then back at you before finally agreeing. “Alright. See you later.” 
And then he was gone. Bob moved forward, shutting the door behind them. 
You took a long look at him. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a soft olive green henley shirt, feet bare. His normally slicked hair was soft, falling a bit into his eyes. Your heart ached. All you wanted to do was throw yourself into his arms, feel him hold you tight, tell you it would be alright. 
“Hi,” you said softly, putting your duffle bag down on the floor. 
“I made coffee,” Bob said, heading for the kitchen. It wasn’t a request or a question. Just a statement. You followed him wordlessly and sat on a bar stool as he poured you a mugful of coffee, adding in heavy cream before you could even ask. 
The silence was painful. Normally, silence with Bob was tolerable. Being with him was like an extension of yourself. But this was strained. Unnatural. There was tension. 
You wrapped your fingers around the mug and took a sip, sputtering at how hot it was. 
“Shit,” you whispered, setting it back down. 
“Are you OK?” 
You nodded. “I’ll be fine.” When you raised your eyes to his, he was pleading with you. 
There was no more time. No more space. No more avoidance. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Bob’s blue eyes flooded with tears. “Were you ever going to tell me?” 
“Of course I was going to tell you,” you said softly, fingers trembling as you held onto the sides of the ceramic mug. “I just didn’t know how. We were good, we were happy. And I knew this would ruin everything.” 
“But by not telling me, you ruined things.” 
A fresh flood of tears pummeled out of your eyes and down your cheeks. You closed your eyes, trying to blink them away. 
“Reid,” Bob whispered. “Honey, God, after everything that’s happened over the last few weeks, I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me. Maybe before I could have understood. But I thought this, us,” he waved his hand between the two of you, “was serious.” 
You lifted your gaze to him. “I wanted you to want me for me. Not because you thought I was dying.” 
Bob froze. “Reid. Tell me exactly what’s wrong with you.” 
You smiled at him softly. Broken. “I have cancer, Bobby. Uterine cancer. It's, well it's not good. The doctors aren't sure how much time I have.” 
Bob bent in half, a sob falling from his mouth as he softly crumpled to the ground, his back against the cabinets beneath the sink. You pushed to standing from your bar stool, walking over and crouching down next to him, putting one hand gently on his knee. 
“Honey,” you whispered softly. “Bobby, please don’t cry.” 
He looked up at you, pushing away the tears from his face with his rough palms. “What does this mean, Sunny?” he asked. 
You sank to the ground between his legs, your hands cupping his cheeks. “It means I’m sick, Bobby. And I’m probably not going to get any better.” 
Bob pulled you into his arms until the two of you were a mass of tangled limbs and you weren’t sure if his tears were the ones soaking your shirt or if they were yours. He held you for so long that you almost forgot what it was like not to be wrapped in Bob’s embrace. You closed your eyes and waited. 
Waited for a break from the grief. But you were waiting for something that simply would never come. 
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
Come Again and Again and Again
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↬ pairing: jungkook x f. reader
↬ genre: established relationship au, smut
↬ summary: Maybe purple is your new favorite color...
↬ wc: 4.9k
↬ warnings: warnings: pet names, cursing, insecurity, marking (biting, scratching, hickeys, bruises), hair pulling, use of a sex toy (Lush), fingering (f. receiving), oral sex (f. receiving and giving), mutual masturbation(?), multiple orgasms, squirting/gushing (it’s a come fic), overstimulation, orgasm denial (jk tried lmao), pussy slapping, manhandling, degradation, oc wants jungkook to smother her with his body and step on her (so do i tho), cum swallowing
↬ a/n: the last installment of this series... unless Jungkook decides otherwise RIP. please let me know what you think in an ask or a comment, they make my heart happy! thank you for reading! 
↬ date: June 22, 2021
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Okay… so maybe you lied once… or twice. But at the time silver and blue were your favorite colors and sure, that decision may have been influenced by your boyfriend’s hair color at the time, but who could blame you?
There was just something magical about your boyfriend and the colors he chose to dye his hair. But the real winner— the killer— and your new favorite color (you’re 99% sure of it) is purple!
Yes, purple was your favorite color now. It was majestic! It made you feel some type of way— horny.
Jungkook’s been experimenting with hair colors as of late, because why the fuck not? He liked it and he liked the way you reacted to them. It was always a surprise, especially when he came home one day with his hair bleached and it was all uphill from there. Blonde led to blue and a brief stint with mint, into silver before he blessed you with purple.
Jungkook had also let his hair grow out some more, something that made you ravenous when he was clutching your thighs in each of his hands while his tongue worked wonders on your clit. Fuck, just thinking of how his purple hair would look between your thighs and in between your fingers had you feeling hot.
“What?” Jungkook asks with a coy smile. “You don’t like it?”
You can hear the uncertainty in his voice, your heart sinking in your chest.
“It’s beautiful, babe. It suits you well. I love it! You know purple is my favorite color,” you assure him as you wrap your arms around him to bring him closer to your chest. He goes easily, settling on the couch as you run your fingers through his hair.
“You said that about blue and silver,” he reminds you but you click your tongue.
“But purple is truly my favorite. You know that.” you poke his cheek, making him look up at you. His doe eyes glitter with wonder, love, happiness, and it makes your heart pound in your chest knowing you’re the reason it’s there.
“I do know,” he chuckles as a shit-eating grin illuminates his face. “That’s why I dyed it purple. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me.”
“I can never resist you, baby. You’re too cute for your own good,” you laugh, pecking his cheek.
“I am, aren’t I?” He asks with a cocky, toothy grin that has you tickling his sides. He laughs, gripping your hands in his, to not only stop you from tickling but to bring them to his lips and cover them in kisses.
“So modest,” you scoff sarcastically. Your boyfriend rolls his eyes but smiles, regardless. “All in a day’s work, my love. All in a day’s work.”
“Oh? What else is in a day’s work?” you smirk, your hands running through his beautiful purple locks. He hums in content, loving the feel of your hands in his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. Although, before he allows himself to fall into a soft, cuddly mood, he grabs your wrist, bringing it to his lips.
“How about I let you find out?” he smirks, nipping at the sensitive skin of your wrist before he’s pining it over your head. He smiles, pressing his lips onto yours gently. His other hand moves to your bare thigh, your breath hitching in your throat as his fingers dance upward underneath the oversized shirt you’ve stolen from his drawer. Dating Jungkook had only doubled your wardrobe and Jungkook never complained. He loved seeing you in his clothes. He loved how delectable you looked, reminding him of how easily he could devour you whole if he pleased.
Jungkook’s lips trail kisses to your neck, one hand holding your wrist in place while his other hand traced the waistband of your panties, not wanting to give you any relief just yet. He thrived on watching you squirm, watching you melt like butter in his hands.
“Jungkook.” The breathy sigh of his name draws his attention, his tongue licking a broad stripe on your neck, feeling you tremble beneath him.
“Yes, my love?” he asks, and you can hear the smirk in his voice. His lips press a kiss to your neck, teeth nipping at the skin as his fingers grip your panties, ready to pull them down your pretty thighs.
To live between your thighs was Jungkook’s only dream. He’d spend eternity between them, wrapped around his head while you suffocated him, your fingers weaved in his thick locks. The thought alone was enough to make his cock throb in his pants.
All thoughts fizzle in your mind as Jungkook releases your wrist, his hands moving to pull your panties down your thighs and you can barely lift your hips off the bed to aid him. He chuckles, tossing your panties over his shoulder to be forgotten. Your hands reach out for him but he shakes his head, tutting as he pulls his shirt over his head by gripping the material on the back of his neck and tugging upward. You scoff, biting your tongue to keep from commenting on how he removed his shirt. It was a habit he picked up and although he tried teaching you how to do it, one elbow to the face was enough to keep you from trying again.
A smile tugs at your boyfriend’s lips as he catches your gaze, and it’s obvious the memory has popped into his head. You stick your tongue out at him, and he laughs.
“Careful with that tongue, baby. I’m not scared to put it to good use,” he says. His fingers grip your chin and you stare up at him, his eyes dark and hooded when they meet yours.
“Do it then,” you challenge him but Jungkook knows better. He shakes his head, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“No, I have something else in mind for you tonight. Take your shirt off for me and lie back with your legs spread open for me. Think you can do that, baby?” Jungkook raises a brow, expecting a smart retort from you, but all you do is as he says, tossing the shirt on the floor. His eyes linger on your bare breasts, admiring how radiant you look lying in the bed, spread open and pussy glistening with arousal for him. All for him.
Jungkook absentmindedly rubs his dick over his pants, squeezing once as he tries to focus his thoughts. He’d planned something for tonight, and he wanted to at least get you off one time before he took his cock out of his jeans.
You eye him curiously, watching him as he walks to the nightstand by your bed. He opens the second drawer, taking out a small box and opening it. His back is to you and he effortlessly blocks your view of his actions, but soon you hear a familiar hum. Jungkook’s got a new toy for you.
Excitement and arousal bubble in your stomach. A smile on your lips as you take a peek at your boyfriend, who’s got his hair tied into a ponytail now. He was going to be the death of you, and he didn’t even realize it. How could he not know the effect he had on you? How easily you would drop your panties for him and bend over if he only asked? How you’d let him consume you if he pleased. Jeon Jungkook was a sex god and wasn’t even aware of it.
Heat pools deep in your abdomen, sparking a fire in your veins that smothers you all too soon. Jungkook smirks, his eyes obsidian as he looks at you. In his hand, he holds a small pink toy.
“It’s a Lush,” he tells you as he walks over to the recliner that sits in the corner of the room. He looks down at the toy, turning it over in his hand before pressing the button.
“A Lush?” you repeat, brows furrowed as he rises from his seat to walk over to you. He places the toy in your hands, allowing you to study it as his hands grip your thighs, lips kissing any inch he can reach. You moan when his fingers brush your clit, moving down to feel how wet you’ve become for him. He’s not surprised to find you dripping.
With almost no hesitation, he pushes two fingers into you rather easily. His lips capture the moan that escapes you, a groan leaving his lips. Jungkook wants you. Wants to fuck you. Wants to bury himself in you. Wants to marry you. He just wants you in any way he can have you. You overwhelm all his senses, and he loves it, loves you.
Jungkook kisses you, caresses you, fingers you until you assure him you’re ready to take the toy. He nods, kissing his way down your body just to listen to the symphony of moans that tumble from your lips.
The toy circles around your entrance, collecting a generous amount of your arousal before he slowly pushes it in. You gasp, the vibrations making your head spin right off the bat. Jungkook kisses your thigh, praising you before his lips wrap around your clit. Your hand immediately threads through his hair, holding him in place as pleasure bubbles inside you.
“Perfect,” Jungkook comments as he rises off the bed after untangling your fingers from his hair. He glances at you, but you don’t seem to notice as you grip the sheets harshly.
Jungkook takes a seat in the recliner, his phone in his hand as he works off the button and zipper of his jeans. He palms himself lazily as he unlocks his phone, scrolling to the app and opening it.
“What to play? What to play?” he murmurs to himself as he looks through the playlists he’s made for this moment. You do not realize what’s happening until the song starts and the vibrator follows the rhythm.
“Jungkook!” you gasp, eyes wide as you sit upon your elbows.
“Yes?” Jungkook’s smiling like the cat that ate the canary as he sits back and enjoys watching you.
“You did not get a vibrator that vibrates to music,” you’re surprised but happy. You’d been wanting one for a while now and you were thankful he’d gotten one. Of course, you didn’t think this would be the first time you used it, but what better way to try it out than at the hands of your boyfriend?
“I did,” he chuckles as he tells you to lie back and enjoy. Your thighs press together, back arched as a wanton moan slips past your lips despite biting down on it. Jungkook eyes you from his seat, one hand on his phone and the other palming his cock over his black boxer briefs. His head lolls back as he bites back a moan.
Your thighs tremble. One hand on your breast, fingertips rolling and pinching your nipple while the other moves between your thighs, gathering your arousal before rubbing your clit. Pleasure courses through your veins, your sweet moans filling your bedroom as your boyfriend’s name rolled off your tongue in a heady cry.
Jungkook forces himself to look at you, ignoring the throbbing of his erection. He does his best to pull his pants off with one hand, raising the vibrations from 65% to 85%. Your body contorts, a needy whine escaping you as you rub your clit faster. Your eyes flutter shut, curses escaping you as you whine, thrashing from side to side.
Jungkook chuckles, watching your demise. His tongue peeks between his pretty pink lips, licking them as his hand cards the strands of hair that have escaped his ponytail out of his eyes.
How are you so beautiful as you unravel on your shared bed?
“Jungkook,” your saccharine voice calls out to him, back arching off the bed. Your thighs press together, mind fogged with lust as you feel your orgasm building. Your body tingles, toes curling as your hand grips the sheets tightly, but it’s not enough. You want Jungkook, you need to touch him, to feel him as you fall over the edge into a sea of euphoria. “Jungkook! Please!”
“Come for me, baby. Come for me and I’ll go over to you,” Jungkook hisses, his cock leaking pre-cum into the cotton material of his boxers. He’s so hard. He can barely focus on anything else, but the way you’re squirming and crying out for him nearly drowns out the song playing on his phone. You’re so close. Nearly there, and as you stuff the sheet into your mouth to muffle the lewd scream of his name, you come undone.
“Jungkook. Jungkook!” you gasp, eyes squeezed shut as you tremble on the bed. You kick your legs out, the vibrations of the toy make you cry out and whimper.
Jungkook is at your side immediately, kissing you.
“I’m here, love. I’m right here, baby. You did so well, didn’t you?” he asks softly, stroking your hair. You nod in agreement, loving the small kisses he plants on your forehead, cheeks, and nose before his lips are meeting yours once again.
“Can you do another one, baby?” he asks, his hand kneading your breast, thumb brushing your peaked nipple. You nod, agreeing as the vibrator continues to move to the beat of a new song.
Your body is so sensitive, tingling even more so now that Jungkook’s got his hands on you. You reach out for his cock, still in the confines of his boxers, but he grabs your wrist, bringing it to his lips.
“Tonight is about you, baby.” You try to protest, but he silences you with a kiss, his tongue twining with yours as his hand moves between your thighs. A throaty groan escapes him as he feels the arousal dripping between your thighs. He just knows the sheets are a mess beneath you.
“Do you like that, baby? Like how I’m in control of your pleasure?” Jungkook smirks, eyes dark with lust as you nod in response. His lips trail kisses down to your neck, nipping at the skin as his finger rubs your clit gently.
“More,” you beg, hands gripping his purple locks to hold him to your neck as his teeth sink into the column of your throat. You arch into him, hands roaming over the broadness of his back, nails digging into his honeyed skin.
He chuckles, “can’t get enough of me, love?”
“Never,” you reply honestly, earning a sweet kiss to your lips before he’s kissing his way down your body until he’s settled between your quivering thighs.
His phone lays forgotten on the bed at his side, his hips low enough to rut into the mattress in search of any relief.
“Fuck,” you curse, feeling Jungkook’s lips pressing featherlight kisses on your thighs, holding them tight enough to bruise in his large hands. You look down at him, the feral look in his eyes making you clench around the toy. Jungkook smiles smugly, his tongue licking your heated skin as he inched upward until you feel his tongue on your clit. He’s merciless. Licking and sucking at your clit as you claw at his arm until he’s lacing his fingers to hold you in place. You’re shaking like a leaf, incoherent moans (of what he assumes is his name) tumble from your hips.
“I can’t,” you whimper, eyes squeezing shut as Jungkook rises, licking his lips to get a taste of your essence. It sits thickly on his tongue. He grins down at you, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as his hair spills free from the hair tie and adorns his face beautifully. Your gaze meets his, your heart thundering in your chest at the sight of your ethereal boyfriend. He was unreal. Fucking unreal.
“Do you want to stop, baby?” he asks softly, hand already reaching for his phone. You stop him, “kiss me.”
Jungkook hesitates for a moment, eyes reading yours before moving closer to you. His hand cups your cheek, lips brushing against yours delicately until you’re threading your fingers into his pretty purple locks to deepen the kiss, moaning into his mouth as his hand kneads your breast.
“So pretty,” he moans in between kisses, teeth nipping at your bottom lip before releasing it. You moan, writhing beneath him as his lips kiss between your breast before they’re wrapped around a pert nipple. His teeth gently tug on it, releasing it before his tongue circles it and he’s suckling once again. You yank on his hair, holding him in place as his thumb rubs rigid circles into your clit.
Euphoria bubbles up inside you. Pleasure coursing through your veins as your cries of pleasure grow in octaves as they grow lewder.
Jungkook is living for it, pride swelling in his chest knowing that all these delectable dulcet sounds are for him and only for him.
Everything is too much. Way too much. But… you love it all the same as you feel the familiar feeling building once again. Your thighs press together, but Jungkook growls against your breast, pushing your thighs apart with his elbow to not move his thumb off your clit.
“Don’t come yet,” he demands, earning a whimper from you.
Jungkook raises a brow, your mouth running dry as you see the heated look in his eyes. He’s serious.
“Don’t come.”
You beg, eyes pleading, but he doesn’t budge. You know you’re going to, there’s no way to stop it as you arch on the bed, eyes fluttering shut as you’re hit with a wave of unadulterated pleasure.
You come.
“Jungkook! Baby! Oh, fuck! I’m sorry,” you cry out, hands tugging on his hair, your lips connecting with his. Jungkook kisses you deeply, thumb still rubbing circles into your clit as a gush of arousal covers your thighs, dripping onto the bed.
“Fuck, baby,” Jungkook grunts against your lips, kissing you once again. You whine, too sensitive and mind fogging further as the vibrator continues to vibrate inside you. Your eyes flutter shut, stars bursting behind your eyelids as you tremble in your lover’s muscular arms.
Jungkook tuts, shaking his head as you go lax in his arms. “Bad girl.”
You smile sheepishly. “Oops?”
“Oops,” he mocks with a chuckle, spreading your legs to see the mess you’ve made. He smacks your cunt and you groan, biting your bottom lip. You spread your legs further, tempting him with a lustful look.
“Insatiable, aren’t you?” he smiles darkly as he pulls you onto his lap. You’re soaking his boxers but he doesn’t care as he eyes the wet spot on the sheets. He shakes his head, “such a messy, messy girl.”
A whine of his name leaves your lips, earning another smack to your cunt. You sigh, your back meeting Jungkook’s chest as he moves your hair over your left shoulder, his lips kissing the right side of your neck as he places each of your thighs over his to spread you further.
The toy continues to vibrate inside you, your soft whimpers going straight to Jungkook’s dick. You feel it twitch underneath you, and you want him desperately.
“Fuck me,” you plead, your head falling back onto his shoulder, unintentionally allowing him more access to the column of your throat.
“Hmm, should I?” he murmurs against your skin, his hand kneading your breast absentmindedly. You nod, sighing airily, too consumed by lust. You don’t notice Jungkook’s mischievous smile as he reaches for his phone to turn the vibrations up to 90%.
“Kook!” you shriek, gripping his muscular thighs in search of purchase, hips rolling back and forth as an immeasurable amount of pleasure wracks through your body. “Fuck!!!”
Another smack to your pussy has your eyes rolling to the back of your head, begging Jungkook to fuck you. He ignores your pleas, his hands grabbing your breasts, nipples pinched between his fingertips as he sucks his mark on your neck.
“You like that, baby? Like how I can make you turn into a needy slut for me?” He hums as you moan, nodding in response. “Only yours.”
“Mmm, good girl,” he praises as his hand slides down your heated body. The coolness of his rings comes as a brief relief. You try to muffle a moan by pressing your lips to his chest, but it’s useless when his fingers brush your clit.
“Let me hear you, love.”
You swallow thickly, gripping his arm.
Another slap to your cunt has you crying out his name. The vibrations of the toy, your boyfriend’s voice, his touch… it’s all becoming too much for you. You’ve passed oversensitivity eons ago, and you’re ready to crumble into nothing.
Jungkook can sense it, can see it as your chest rises and falls heavily. Sweat beads on the crease between your brows, and your grinding has grown rushed.
“So c-close, Kook!” you stutter, uncaring about how whiny and desperate you sound. Jungkook takes his phone, putting the vibrations up to 100. You squirm in his lap, crying his name as he rubs your clit faster.
You’re done.
You cry out for Jungkook, tears rolling down your cheeks as your cunt pulsates around the silicone vibrator. Jungkook sucks at your neck. One hand rolls your nipple between his fingertips as his other rubs your clit until you’re thrashing in his lap.
“Fuck! Jungkook!” you sob, pussy pulsating as the vibrator has you seeing stars.
“Come for me, baby. Come. Let go for me. You can do it, babe,” Jungkook encourages, eyes roaming over your body as you squeeze his arm. His eyes settle between your thighs, cursing up a storm when you fucking come, squirting hard and fast.
“Fuck! Yes! Fuck.” his eyes are dark with lust, unable to pry them away as you tremble in his lap, soaking him and yourself.
Your body spasms, unable to control yourself as you ride out your orgasm. Jungkook watches you, enamored with how you fall apart; with how he made you fall apart.
Your body slumps against Jungkook’s, taking a moment to catch your breath and gather your thoughts as you sniffle. Jungkook chuckles, wiping the tears from your eyes and planting a kiss on your cheeks while his hands caress your body.
He turns the vibrator off on his phone, giving you instant relief. You whine when he gently tugs at the antenna to pull it out. It’s soaked in your essence. It makes Jungkook’s cock throb, groaning into your neck as he sets it aside. You’ve made a complete mess of yourself and his boxers, but it’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen you do.
“My messy girl. Couldn’t help yourself, could you? You just had to squirt all over me.” Jungkook shakes his head, feigning disappointment in his tone and his smile. You smile weakly, your hand reaching out to touch his chest.
Jungkook brings your hand to his lips, pressing kisses to your knuckles before capturing your lips with his. His hand cups your face, holding you close as he deepens the kiss. He groans when your hand slips into his boxers, wrapping around his erection. He hisses as your thumb brushes his slit, dribbling pre-cum. He won’t last long, not after watching you come for him and making a mess of yourself and him.
“Lay down, baby.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “you don’t have to.”
“I want to,” you state firmly, pushing him onto his back.
His fiery gaze meets yours as you easily discard his boxers, tossing them to the bedroom floor to be forgotten. You lick your lips, admiring the firmness of his muscular body. You kiss him, hands running up and down his torso, moaning when your fingertips brush the ridges of his abs.
Did he have to be so fit? He was pure muscle, and you’d let him absolutely crush you beneath him. Hell, you’d begged him to step on you in his boots, but that was a story for another time. You need to focus on him and his cock that’s aching for release.
A soft whine escapes Jungkook’s lips, his body writhing beneath you as your lips trail kisses down his chest, tongue swiping across one nipple and onto the other before you’re going down to his navel.
“Fuck,” he breathes, purple hair splayed on the pillow beneath his head. He knows he won’t last, but he’s desperate for your touch, desperate to cum.
“Don’t tease,” he pleads breathlessly.
You smile, pressing a kiss to his hip as your hand wraps around his cock. He cries out for you, melting at your touch.
You use his pre-cum to make the glide a little easier before you decide to lean down and spit on the head. Jungkook sits up on his elbows, watching your saliva run down the length of his cock. His head lolls back, “fuck yes!”
You smirk, planting a kiss on the underside of his cock. He twitches at the action, another sweet moan of your name tumbling from his lips. You push your hair behind your ears as you wrap your mouth around him. You feel his fingers thread in your hair, helping to keep it out of the way as you bob up and down.
Jungkook’s thighs quiver, whimpering as he feels his abdomen pool with heat, tightening. He grunts, falling onto the pillow as he raises his hips, making you gag. You pull off him, lips covered in saliva and pre-cum as you inhale deeply before taking his cock back in your mouth. He feels heavy on your tongue, and you moan as you build up your tempo once again, egged on by the saccharine sounds of your loving boyfriend.
“Baby,” Jungkook gasps, eyes rolling back as his hold on your hair tightens, hips uselessly grinding upward as you deep throat him, your hand rolling his balls.
“Oh, oh! Fuck, please!” he cries out, your name rolling off his tongue over and over again as you feel the first rope of cum hit the back of your throat, followed by another and another. You continue to suck him off, hand milking every last drop into your mouth until Jungkook’s hold on your hair goes lax and his hand falls limply on the bed.
“Fuck,” he grunts, eyes squeezed shut as you give his dick one last hearty lick. He mewls, pushing your head away from him with a giggle.
“Come here, baby.” he reaches out for you, smiling warmly when you lie at his side. He wraps one arm around your shoulder as you place your head on his chest, ignoring the stickiness of it. He drapes his tattooed arm over his eyes, sighing heavily. “Fuck.”
“I know,” you agree, giggling.
“That’s on the top three best sexcapades we’ve engaged in,” he states as he looks down at you.
“I think so, plus the playlist you had going was so good! We need to use that again,” you say, planting a kiss to his chest.
“I’m glad you liked it. You made such a mess,” he laughs. You poke his ribs, sticking your tongue out at him. “I’m teasing.”
“Uh-huh.” You roll your eyes.
“Hey, at least you’re not on the wet spot!” He exclaims, giggling when you see he’s half on it, and fuck, it was a big one. Heat rushes to your skin, hiding your face in his neck as you squeal in embarrassment. Jungkook cackles, pressing kisses to your head.
“It’s hot! Don’t be embarrassed, baby.”
“Easy for you to say!”
“I like it. I don’t care too much for the sheet sticking to my ass, but it’s not so bad.” Jungkook shrugs, his soft touch easing you out of his neck until you’re meeting his eyes once again. “There’s my sweet girl. Hi.”
“Hi,” you mumble, still feeling embarrassed.
Jungkook quickly picks up on it, his finger lifting your chin. “There’s no need for you to ever feel embarrassed with me, especially not over that. I enjoyed myself and I hope you enjoyed yourself as well.”
“I did,” you assure him, cuddling into his side.
He smiles, “good. I only want to make you feel good, baby. I love you so much. I just want to make you happy in any way I can.”
“Jungkook… I love you too.”
“Good.” He grins, pushing his hair out of his eyes. The purple captures your attention, your fingers reaching to play with it. You wonder what color he’ll do next.
Jungkook leans into your touch as you gently scratch his scalp. A soft moan leaves his lips as he melts into your touch. He doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy, this content.
You’re surprised when his hand grabs your wrist, stopping your ministrations. He brings your left hand to his lips, kissing your ring finger. “Save this spot for me.”
You look at him with wide, startled eyes.
“Jungkook-” he doesn’t let you finish your sentence before he kisses you, gently pushing you onto your back. Your arms wrap around his neck, fingers weaving in his beautiful violet tresses.
“Shh,” he hushes you, pressing a kiss to your jaw. “Just let me love you, baby. Let me love you.”
And so you do, melting into his touch as he kisses you once again. His purple hair falls over his eyes, brushing your nose as you caress his face, his eyes glittering when he looks down at you, settling between your thighs.
Your hand grips his hair, threading between your fingers as he leans into your touch. His little smile, making your heartbeat erratically in your chest.
Yes, purple was definitely your favorite color.
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thank you for reading! ♡ if you liked it, please let me know! 💌
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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1kook · 4 years
card swiped (3)
→ jeon jungkook x (f) reader
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→ Now, Jungkook was never one for romance, far from the sappy type. But why couldn’t he word it more softly, gently? He wasn’t just trying to fuck you, he was trying to… make love.  GENRE romance, smut, teensy angst WARNINGS eventual smut, mentions of sex, virginity plays a huge role OTHER college crushes, childhood friends to lovers, besties to lovers, volleyball player!jk, student council pres!oc, seokjin is 32... and a a coach lol<3 RATING m (18+) WC 1.5k
NOTES (!) seokjin being a hot 32 year old <3 jk gets progressively more dumb as it goes, prayer circle <3 lmk what u think !
[ masterlist ]
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The truth is, the reason Jungkook doesn’t lie that much is because he’s terrible at it. 
His mother had found out soon enough who put that dent on the car after a slip-up at the dinner table. His high school coach had learned he had purposely skipped out on practice after an accidental snapchat and jealous teammate had snitched. And, well. Fifteen minutes after the end of practice finds him sitting outside the gymnasium, a grimace on his face as he considers running back to your room and confessing to all his lies. Admitting he’s still a virgin— which was practically of no use to you —and maybe even revealing his own recently uncovered feelings was the easy way out. 
Thankfully, Assistant Coach Kim Seokjin is there to knock some sense into him. The hard plastic of the clipboard they use to outline their attacks smacks him hard over the head, making Jungkook’s bones rattle from his skull down to his toes as he steps up behind him. He whirls around to glare at the perpetrator, only to come face to face with the aforementioned assistant coach. “Go home,” Seokjin says, twirling the gym keys in one hand. “I’m trying to lock up.”
“What’s stopping you,” Jungkook huffs, tucking his knees to his chest, ignoring the awfully rude manner in which Seokjin nudges him away, foot against his back as if he’s just an annoying pile of cardboard boxes in his way.
“What’s wrong with you today?” Seokjin asks casually, doesn’t sit next to Jungkook on the steps because he’s always been a little too posh. According to Taehyung, Kim Seokjin graduated from some elite university in another country with near immaculate all-around player statistics before Jungkook even knew what a volleyball was. His success and fame in the world of collegiate volleyball is why he never wears the standard-issued slippers around the court, always some high-end, luxury brand. One glance slightly to his left has Jungkook meeting the black stripe of the frequently sought after Givenchy sneakers head on. 
He scoffs, a sound that Seokjin doesn’t approve of if the karate chop he lands on the back of his neck is anything to go by. “Ow,” Jungkook flinches, pushing him away with an irritated sigh before eventually slumping over his knees again because it’s the exact same thing you do to him sometimes. Study nights— dates, his brain supplies now —where he begins gazing off into space are filled with numerous karate chops to the neck in an effort to get him to focus on his homework. “Come on, Jungkookie,” you always tease, playful smile, lithe fingers toying with the corners of the pages in your book in a way that was almost sensual. But then he does a double-take because he’s aware of the rose-tinted lens he’s unknowingly slapped over it, something he would have maybe not noticed pre-realization of his feelings. And even he is shocked by the absolute seductiveness his brain inserts into an otherwise innocent memory. He’s pretty sure you haven’t called him Jungkookie in years— was his brain trying to hint at something here?
Jungkook groans, knocking his head against his knees as a form of self-punishment for his lecherous thoughts concerning his best friend. 
But his show of emotions must move Assistant Coach Kim because, after a moment of trying to concuss himself against his own knee, there’s a hand placed on his shoulder that makes Jungkook pause. He doesn’t even bother turning around, just throws his head back to look at Seokjin upside down. He’s got a double chin from this angle. “It’s a girl, isn’t it,” his coach sighs, looking at Jungkook with what can only be described as an unimpressed expression. 
“No,” Jungkook defends even though it’s true. “Can’t I just be sad for oth—“
“I heard Jimin call you a simp on the way out,” Seokjin says rather bluntly. And then he surprises Jungkook a second time as he throws aside his posh status to sit on the dirty concrete steps beside him with a sigh. “What did you do?” 
See, Jungkook could lie here and prance off to deal with his own problems. Leaving Seokjin and everyone else in the dark concerning his personal life was, honestly speaking, the smartest thing to do. He didn’t mind his volleyball teammates and friends (in this case, his coach), but he also wasn’t too fond of being relentlessly teased throughout the entire five or more hours they spent together almost every day of the week. 
But also… 
If what Taehyung had said is true— that being, if Kim Seokjin is the illustrious bachelor who charmed his way into multiple foreign panties all whilst demolishing the spirits of liberos and defensive specialists in another country —then Jungkook needed to capitalize off his presence immediately. 
So he lays his cards out flat. “I… might’ve told my best friend I’d take her virginity,” he blurts out, turning to face Seokjin. For the most part, the older man doesn’t look too surprised. If anything, mildly amused. Jungkook quickly adds, “while also being a virgin.” 
“You’re a what,” Seokjin exclaims, chokes on his own saliva in an admittedly not Casanova, bachelor-esque fashion that ends with him coughing into his elbow and Jungkook hurriedly patting his back. “You?” Seokjin repeats once he’s composed himself. “Are a— don’t you have a girlfriend?”
Jungkook’s cheeks warm. “No, Coach. I do not have a girlfriend,” he emphasizes, because who knew sharing the details of his (lack of) sex life would be this embarrassing? 
Seokjin frowns. “What about that girl?” he asks, and Jungkook raises his brows. “You know the one. Carries around stacks of papers to sign, goes to all the games. The one who pats you on head all the time.” And he’s talking about you, of course he is, but the insinuation that other people might, maybe, possibly, perceive you as his girlfriend makes Jungkook malfunction. 
“She’s— That’s—“ he sighs, dropping his head down until his chin touches his chest, brushed against the lucky necklace you’d given him two years ago during their first trip to Nationals. “That’s… my best friend.” 
Beside him, Seokjin says, “the one you’re gonna fuck?” 
Jungkook lets out a long exhale. “Yes. The one I’m going to fuck.” And it’s so blunt and crude, not that it’s surprising coming from him, but it’s surprising because he’s talking about you. Now, Jungkook was never one for romance, far from the sappy type. But why couldn’t he word it more softly, gently? He wasn’t just trying to fuck you, he was trying to… make love. 
The thought must show on his face because Seokjin snorts. “Well, good luck.” 
And then he stands up and begins walking down the sidewalk and Jungkook can’t spring up fast enough. “Wait,” he gasps, clutching at his forearm. He feels like a dorky character in those dramas you like so much, the ones you force him into watching every time he comes over. Like he’s some disgraced son looking for his father’s approval. Except Assistant Coach Kim is neither his father nor someone he really wants approval from anyway. 
What he does want is pointers. From an experienced pro, if you will. 
Jungkook has to swallow down all his pride as a man to ask his next question. “H- How do I—“
Seokjin beats to it him with a flick to the forehead. “I’m your volleyball coach, kid,” he frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. “Not your sex coach.” It’s a sensible rejection, one that Jungkook expected, but still. He deflates, let’s the weight of the world and his heavy gym bag nearly knock him onto the ground. 
But Assistant Coach Kim Seokjin is kinder than he lets on and, after one annoyed sigh, let’s him in on the secret Jungkook has been chasing for all his life. (Or, well, for the past few hours since he first propositioned you.)
“The key to impressing your partner is to always act like you know what you’re doing,” he tells him, arms crossed over his shoulders. It’s night now, the campus shrouded in darkness. But Jungkook swears a heavenly light shines down on Kim Seokjin just then, a halo appearing over his head when he jabs a finger against Jungkook’s chest. “Confidence is sexy.” 
“Confidence is sexy,” Jungkook repeats, feels like a kid who’s just met his favorite wrestler after years of being an avid fan, watching every match, memorizing every finishing move, collecting every figurine— it’s a little too specific but it makes sense in Jungkook’s case. You would understand this analogy perfectly, having grown alongside him during his iconic wrestling phase (before volleyball). You had indulged him in his interest, had let him practice those Do Not Try at Home moves on you again and again, even when you knew it ended with you bruised and crying, the twin pigtails you used to rock as a kid uneven and messy. But as your best friend, you had let him twist your arm and pin you to the count of three, because that’s what a good best friend did. 
And as your best friend, Jungkook was gearing himself up to completely, thoroughly rock your virgin world. Because that’s what a good best friend did.
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Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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lue-arlert · 3 years
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Image source @pico9gvn on Twitter
Summary: Porco is the younger heir to Galliard Oils, but an experience from his childhood has left him turned off to the idea of old money; he decides at a young age that he wants to earn his keep by finding work, and as he grows closer to graduating college, he discovers that life is harder than expected, and turns to temporary means of income—becoming a sugar baby to local business owner Prudence Rousseau.
WC: 2.1k
Chapter content warnings: OC content, modern au, mentions of virginity
A/N at the end of the chapter
Previous Chapter 1 Next
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It’s a Hard-knock Life
Another red stamp; another yellow notice.
They sat in a scattered pile, staring back at Porco Galliard as he slouched in his desk chair, his hands dropped in defeat in his lap as his speaker phone rang out to his best friend while a frustrated sigh escaped his lips.
Finally, the line picked up:
“Hey,” Reiner Braun’s voice chirped from the other side.
“Hey, man,” Porco grumbled. “You got a minute?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I, uh…” he scratched nervously at his bare forearm and scooted his chair forward, leaning on his elbows as he eyed a Past Due date. “I was wondering if your job was still hiring.”
“Pock, are you behind again?”
He winced at the harsh tone from his friend. “Yeah… just one month, though. I’m almost caught up.”
“What happened to your job at the warehouse?”
“They let me go.”
He paused with his lips tight against his teeth, before timidly answering. “Last month…”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I thought I had another job lined up.” He sighed again and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and middle finger.
“What about the cafe?”
“I’m not making enough hours there, I need another—”
He was cut off by the sound of the call beeping, disconnecting and closing back to his Home Screen.
“Shit,” Porco cursed, grabbing his phone and tapping Reiner’s name once more.
“I’m sorry,” the female audio recording spoke, “but you cannot make calls at this time. Please check with your provider and try again. Goodbye.” There was a click, the line disconnecting once more.
“Fuck!” He stood and frantically swiped through the stacks of papers on his desk until he found his most recent phone bill, holding it to his face to read the bold red line:
Bill is past due: services will be shut off on 1/17
He swiped his phone screen down to check the date: 1/17
“Son of a bitch.” Porco slapped the top of his desk as he stood and shoved his (now useless) phone into his pocket before grabbing his hoodie and storming out of his apartment to drive to Reiner’s… he just prayed he had enough gas to make it across town.
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Knocking back another drink, Porco coughed at the burn and dropped the thick glass back onto the bar counter, rubbing his wrist across his nose while Reiner sipped at his own drink, the music of the bar blaring loudly around them.
It took Reiner an hour of convincing him to let him lend Porco money for his phone bill before he caved, and they called his provider to switch the services back on before dragging their asses out to drink away Pock’s stress (on Reiner’s tab, of course).
It was never easy for Porco to accept money. He wanted to earn everything on his own, didn’t want things handed to him, didn’t want anyone to think of him as a rich kid who could get anything he wanted at the snap of his fingers—though, this was the case, being that he was the second-in-line heir to the second largest oil company in the country.
“Pock,” Reiner cleared his throat and shifted in his stool, facing his friend with an elbow resting on the counter. “Why is it you can’t keep a job?”
“I dunno.” He grumbled and stared at his knuckles as his hand sat limply around his glass. “I’m a hard worker. The cafe has been my only consistent source of income since I was nineteen.”
“Sounds like you thrive with service work, then.” He took another drink. “Get another job as a server if this place isn’t giving you enough hours.”
“I’ve tried, they won’t hire me.”
“A restaurant won’t hire you?” Reiner quirked up an eyebrow as he watched his friend slouch forward more until his forehead rested on his arm, completely hunched over the bar.
“Reiner, what am I gonna do?”
“Call Marcel. See if he’ll help you catch up on your bills, at least.”
“No, I’m not asking him for money, it’s gonna come from his trust fund.” He sat back up and shook his head, stray hairs falling in his eyes from where they had previously been neatly slicked back.
“So what, Porco, you need help—it’s okay to ask for help.” He rested his hand on his friend’s shoulder, but jumped and retracted his hand when Porco yanked away from him.
“Not from them.” He stared at his glass again for a short moment, before sniffing and pushing it away from him, then burying his face in his hands. “Can you look over my resume again tonight?”
“I’ve looked over your resume six times, and each time, it’s perfect. There’s nothing else for you to do to it.”
“I need to do something, Reiner.” Porco spat, spinning to face him in his seat.
“Get a sugar mommy, then.” Reiner shrugged as he finished his drink.
“A—a what?” Porco blinked and relaxed his shoulders from the confusion. “Did you say a ‘sugar mommy’?”
“Yeah. That’s, like, ‘in,’ right now.”
“What are you talking about?” He squeaked.
“I mean, it’s more common among women to get sugar daddies, but who’s to say you can’t get a sugar mommy?” He shrugged gently, tilting his head to the side.
“You’re serious?” Porco’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline, his forehead wrinkling at the idea. A sugar mommy, Reiner was suggesting he find a sugar mommy.
“Yeah.” He shrugged again. “A girl in my economics class has a sugar daddy, she speaks highly of him.”
“I don’t even know how to look for that kind of thing.” Porco was still in shock at the idea, staring at his best friend with bewildered eyes.
Reiner pursed his lips and pulled his phone from his pocket, opening a social media messaging app and scrolling through until he found the name of the girl he mentioned, then quickly typed a question to her.
“What’re you doing?” Pock eyed him skeptically.
“Finding out where it was she met him.” He stared at his screen for a moment, then a little popping sound from his phone, indicating a new message, made his head perk up and he nodded, typing a reply and shoving the device back into his pocket.
He turned to Porco again with a grin. “Let’s go set up an account for you.”
“‘An account’? For what?” Porco’s eyes widened.
“C’mon.” Reiner pulled his wallet out and dropped some cash beside his empty glass, enough to cover his tab and a hefty tip for the bartender.
“Reiner, what are you—”
“We’re gonna set you up for a sugar mommy.”
“Reiner, please—”
He immediately stopped his protest as Reiner playfully glared at him, knowing the look all too well for him to shut up.
“At least give it a shot. Maybe you need to get laid to calm you down, too.” He snickered the last part, dragging his now embarrassed friend from the bar and out to the parking lot.
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“Okay,” Reiner sighed as he plopped into a seat in Porco’s living room, sitting across from him as he perched himself on the edge of his couch. “Gimme your phone.”
“I’m gonna download that app, stupid.” Reiner scoffed and snatched his phone from him as he pulled it from his pocket.
“Pock, I’m trying to help you, man.”
“This is ridiculous.” He blushed furiously and leaned forward to watch Reiner navigate on his phone. When he saw him tap the Download button next to an app, he looked up at him again with a curiously raised eyebrow.
“This app is called Sugar!Me,” Reiner started.
“‘Sugar!Me’?” Porco questioned. “That sounds dumb.”
“I don’t care how it sounds, as long as you get something out of it.” He tapped around the app for a moment, filling in the basic information for Porco. “Your birthday is the eleventh, right?”
“Right.” He leaned forward more, watching him as he worked away at his phone.
“How tall are you?”
“Why is it asking for my height?”
“I don’t know, man, just answer the question.” Reiner rolled his eyes.
“Hundred-seventy-five,” Porco grumbled, sitting back into his couch and crossing his arms with a pout.
“Okay,” Reiner nodded, tapping away again. “Would you say you’re just looking for extra cash for bills? Or do you wanna mark down that you’re looking for play money, too?”
“What does that even mean?”
“It wants to know how much you’re looking for.”
“Reiner, this is fucking stupid, can we just just—?”
“Pock, I’m trying to help you.” He spat, holding his hands out to his side. “How much do you want her to spend on you?”
He scoffed again and shook his head. “I dunno, I guess I just want my bills paid.”
“Alright.” He nodded and rested his elbows on his knees again, turning his attention back to Porco’s phone. “What do you want your bio to say?”
“Does it have to say anything?”
“Well, yeah it—do you even have a dating app on here?” Reiner looked at him with a cocked head.
“N-no,” Porco stammered, trying to hide his blushing cheeks as he sulked further down into his couch.
Reiner only stared at him before nodding and turning back to the phone. “Ah—” He chuckled. “It’s asking if you’re a virgin.”
“Reiner, this is stupid,” he blurted again, face hotter than ever. “Why the fuck is it asking if I’m a virgin?”
“What do you think the ‘sugar’ is for a ‘sugar mommy,’ Pock?”
He stared at his friend, eyebrows scrunched together, lips pulled down into a frown as he paused his answer.
Reiner’s eyebrows slowly raised as he waited, leaning further forward. “Pock.”
“Are… are you a virgin?”
“Of course not.” He could no longer maintain eye contact with the judging, golden irises that peered into him, and he glanced away, rubbing his face with the back of his hand to hide his embarrassment. “Of course I’m not a virgin.”
“It’s okay if you are.” Reiner smirked, egging him on.
“I’m not, okay?”
“How many girls have you slept with? I just realized we never talk about your sex life.”
“C’mon, Pock, what’s your body count?”
“One, okay?” He continued to avert his gaze, his plump lips ever pouting.
“‘One’? You’ve only ever slept with one girl?” Reiner’s amused grin faded as he thought, before peeking back up and shouting, “Just Pieck?! Is Pieck the only person you’ve ever fucked?”
The burly blond began to laugh. “When I walked in on you guys, is that the only time you’ve had sex, did you lose your virginity then?”
“Reiner!” Porco buried his face into his hands and groaned. “Can you just hurry up and finish with this goddamn app and go home?”
Reiner laughed, holding his hand to his stomach as he leaned forward. “That was five years ago! You haven’t had sex in five years?!”
“Two! It’s been two years!” Porco was growing more and more frustrated with his friend pestering him over his sex life.
“Oh, jeez,” he chuckled, wiping away a stray tear that threatened to spill over his lashes. “And still just Pieck?”
“Can you fucking hurry?”
“Alright, alright,” he waved a dismissive hand and turned back to Porco’s phone, moving on through the remaining questions for several more minutes before handing it back to him.
“Pick out your profile picture and add your bio, and you’re all set.”
“What should my bio even say?” Porco started to tap away at the screen, searching for a decent picture of himself to add to the profile.
“I dunno, say what you’re looking for, what your interests are.”
Porco mulled over his thoughts for a while, wondering what it was he was even interested in. He never thought much about himself like that, so creating this bio was going to be a bit of a challenge.
He finally settled for a generic one, shrugging as he finished typing.
Porco. 24. Just trying to get through school.
Reiner nodded as he approved the basic statement, figuring that he would finally drop the conversation and wait to see what happens with Porco.
“Call me if you need me, Pock.” He stood while patting his friend’s shoulder and left the apartment.
The grumpy Porco stared out the window of his living room at the skyline of roofs, his phone face down in his lap while he sighed heavily, bringing a hand to his face.
It was sinking in for him that he had to do something, he had to find a way to get some quick income to keep his utilities from shutting off, again—he had to do this soon. Hopefully he would match with someone on this fucking app, and find a quick hookup and take his dirty money and move on.
He would finish getting himself ready for bed, tuck himself into his comforter, and begin browsing the app to see what it was all about.
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A/N: Hey y’all, me again! I hope you’ll enjoy this work! As always, I’m open to comments and feedback, my ask box and dm’s are open! Thanks so much for checking out my work 🥰😚
Taglist: @seriouslyprongsies @coffeeforday @lavenderdaisyhoney @sinnerofthewalls @fierydiamond @porcoqalliard @reiner69er @loitering-in-levis-tea-shop @vabthehobbit @sly-d @pockcock
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Deserve (KSJ x reader) 🔞
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Genres: angst, smut, & fluff
Tags: brat tamer ksj, brat!reader, dom/sub elements (obv LMAO), references to cheating (no actual cheating by jin or oc dw), spanking, fingering, established relationship, possessive sex, unsafe sex (be safe irl y’all), insecurity, mentioned breeding kink, mentioned hand kink, sexting, jealousy, aftercare (always important!), lots of hickeys, whooo this one is wild
Warnings: ksj uses some mean language in this fic (slut, bitch, etc.)
WC: 3835
Reminder: 18+ ONLY
You grin to yourself at the sight of Seokjin readjusting his pants to hide his erection. The camera is angled low enough that no one notices, especially with the winter coat on top of his clothes, but Seokjin is embarrassed, you can read him well.
You love the sight of his large member tenting in his pants, even more so when it’s because of your actions.
You stopped by the set today to surprise him with dinner after a long shoot, but then you got jealous.
You and Seokjin haven’t seen each other in a few weeks due to his work, and he hasn’t been picking up your calls lately. You decided to put up with that, since it hasn’t even been a year of dating yet. Most people don’t call ten month long relationships “serious”. But when you were waiting on him to finish work, you saw Seokjin’s fans talking about his newest interview on Twitter.
Seokjin has such good chemistry with her! One fan commented.
Yeah he totally does 😍😍 I wonder if they’re dating on the DL HAHAHA. Another added.
That makes sense actually! I hear she also majored in acting, and at Seokjin’s college, too!
You watched the interview and you agreed, he had been too friendly with her. You know it’s all work, as an actor Seokjin has to be charming and suave. It’s the only way he can convince the audience he is deserving of the roles he plays. But something bothers you about the way they interact. It almost feels real.
Out of jealousy, you go to the bathroom and take a picture of yourself topless and send it to Seokjin. You pinch a bit of your skin until it reddens, making it look like a hickey. Then you do it again, in another place. They’re hard enough pinches to start to bruise, and you bet they’ll be deep purple in a couple hours. You caption the picture as if you don’t hurry, I’ll go back to him soon.
There is no ‘him’ of course. You’re exclusive to Seokjin, both romantically and sexually. But hey, you can’t be the only one that’s a little jealous.
You leave the dinner you packed for Seokjin in his dressing room and leave just in time to see him open the text out of anyone else’s sight (as he opens all your texts to prevent people finding out about your relationship).
You turn around and happily skip back to your car. Seokjin can be the frustrated one now, you’ve had it.
When Seokjin comes home, it’s nearing midnight. The shoot went on another 3 hours after you left, 3 painstaking hours you laid in bed and pretended to sleep.
Seokjin knows it, too.
“Covers off.” He says instead of hello, not even turning the lights on. When you stay still, he shuts the bedroom door and locks it even though you’re home alone in his apartment. You don’t usually use the house key he gave you since you always felt it was a bit early for you to even have one, but Seokjin had insisted on giving one to you (although oddly he never demanded one to your house in return). But tonight, you’re not shirking away from any sort of commitment. You don’t care what Seokjin thinks of you using his house key and waiting in his bed, if it looks clingy. You’re clearly not that important to him anyway.
The only light Seokjin turns on is a small bedside lamp he only keeps on when you have sex, to be able to read your facial expressions even when you’re tied up or blind folded.
Seokjin pulls the covers off you, leaving you cold. “Y/N. I’m here. Quit pretending to be asleep. If you want to come tonight, show some fucking respect.” He snaps, shaking your shoulder. You open your eyes and glare up at him. Seokjin rolls his eyes. “Get on your knees.” He orders.
You do so. You’re dressed in only a pair of black lace panties and one of his oversized long sleeve shirts. You showered and shaved for tonight, and you’re sure he can smell his own body wash on you. But you’re not anywhere close to behaving yet, and you stare ahead. Seokjin tugs down the collar of your shirt to reveal your collarbone and the top of your chest where there are two bruises that look uncannily like hickeys.
At your unusual silence, Seokjin stops to check on you. “Colour.” He states rather than asks.
Seokjin clicks his tongue in disapproval at you. His temper is worse with you today. You have obviously pushed him further than he has ever gone tonight with your picture. “Look me in the eye when you tell me your colour. Have I not trained you well?”
You look him in the eye, anger flashing on your face. “No, you haven’t.”
Seokjin tightens his jaw. A muscle quivers in his cheek as he does it. “Is that the right way to ask sir to fuck you, princess?” He asks in a threateningly calm voice. His voice is just above a whisper and sends a chill down your spine.
You know what you’re asking for though. You both do. You smirk up at him. “Green.”
Seokjin sits at the edge of the bed. “Over my lap this instant.” He tells you. When you continue to glare, he smirks. “You know it’s been a month since we did this. I won’t fuck you for another month if you push me any further. Write down the fucking date if you want to, Y/N.”
Knowing Seokjin always keeps his promises, you quietly bend over his lap. You can deal with being spanked or even edged until you’re crying, but being deprived of Seokjin’s touch altogether is the worst and you both know it.
Seokjin chuckles, tugging his shirt up and over your ass. He begins to knead your ass between his hands roughly, making you whine. “Who asked you to stop by the set today?”
“No one.” You answer.
Seokjin slaps your ass hard. “Does this look like a regular conversation to you? Use your manners.”
“No one, sir. I stopped by because I wanted to.” You correct, already breathless. Seokjin’s first few hits are usually lighter, but he doesn’t have that kind of patience with you tonight. He gives you the kind of smacks he saves for the end right at the start.
Seokjin scoffs, continuing to knead at the same part he just hit. You wriggle in his lap at the touch, making him laugh at you. “Are you that sensitive because I haven’t fucked you in so long? Or is it because your new dom is too soft on you?”
Another hit to the opposite cheek when you take too long to answer. “Do you want to go another month without coming?” Seokjin growls in your ear.
“N-No, sir.” You answer.
Seokjin scoffs at your answer. “Sir, my ass. If you had any respect for me you wouldn’t cheat. I bet you act all coy with him because he doesn’t know you like I do. I bet he thinks you’re some soft little sub that can only be fucked in missionary position. But he doesn’t know you’re a disobedient bitch, does he, Y/N?”
Two more hard smacks, followed immediately by him kneading your ass. “N-No, sir.” You reply breathlessly. Seokjin didn’t give you a number of hits tonight, which means he is going to punish you until you’re crying. Those nights always left you sore the next day, but tonight you feel sore already. Even just sitting tomorrow will be an achievement, forget walking.
“What do you even like about him?” Seokjin asks in a cold voice. “Is he your ideal ‘type’ or some bullshit?”
You close your eyes, envisioning your ideal man. Tall and muscular. Large biceps but a small waist. Cute dimples and round cheeks and shiny eyes when he smiles. Long fingers with rounded nails that look beautiful adorned with jewellery, but the most beautiful when wrapped around your hips, your neck, and especially when inside your––
Four hard smacks in succession, two to each ass cheek. “I asked you a fucking question, didn’t I?” Seokjin asks coldly. When you tremble under him, he pauses. “Colour.”
You sniffle, brushing tears away. “Green.”
“You already took eight. You don’t have to take anymore if you don’t want to, you know that.” Seokjin reminds you, no longer angry. He actually sounds a bit guilty. He gently rubs over your ass, making you wince. “Sorry. I did too much this time, right?” He whispers, now rubbing your lower back in apology.
“I want more.” You tell him through your tears. You turn your head so you can look him in the eye. “I want as much as sir thinks I deserve.”
Seokjin considers it for a moment. Then, he chuckles. “There’s my girl.” He says softly, even though there’s nothing soft about how his hands come down on your ass.
He gives you four more, two to each ass cheek. By the time he’s done, you’re sobbing. It burns, it really does. But you like it like this, like being all his. Even if he’s smiling at some other woman while he’s working or even dating her, you like being just his in this moment. And because you’ve made him jealous too, Seokjin will definitely remind you of that fact tonight. Even if he doesn’t really believe it anymore.
Seokjin manhandles you onto the bed, making you lay down against his pillow. You hiss in pain but Seokjin is quick to kiss you. He does a great job of distracting you, kissing you deep and making you moan in his mouth. He only breaks away from the kiss to unbutton the shirt you’re wearing.
“So fucking dirty. Letting some asshole get his hands on what’s mine all because I left you alone for a few weeks.” Seokjin curses, pushing you further into the mattress as he lays on top of you. You gasp as he sucks hard hickeys on your neck, your collarbones, and the top of your chest. Seokjin takes special care to cover the two bruises you made with larger ones, pinning you down by the waist as you wriggle against him.
“S-Sir.” You whimper, but Seokjin keeps going lower. He even leaves hickeys on your breasts and on your ribcage, refusing to leave you unmarked anywhere. You’re sure you will have over a dozen on you tomorrow morning.
When he’s satisfied, Seokjin returns to your breasts. He is all tongue and teeth as he sucks at them until they’re both hard. You whine as he pinches them both hard afterwards. “You let some other guy do this to you? When only I can fucking work you up like this?” Seokjin demands, anger returning to his voice. He clamps one hand over your throat, not hard enough to block your breathing but enough to make your head spin. “Answer me, Y/N. Right fucking now.”
“S-Sorry, sir.” You answer, not really sure what you’re sorry for. You haven’t cheated on him, but his reaction makes you more sorry than if you had. You hadn’t known Seokjin could look at you with that kind of fire in his eyes. It’s different from other scenes, where Seokjin was turned on but carefully in control. Tonight, Seokjin is angry. But under it, there’s another emotion that shines just as brightly. Hurt. Seokjin is hurt by what he thinks you did.
Seokjin takes his hand off you. “You’re not sorry yet, princess. But you will be.” He warns.
Seokjin sinks lower, pressing kisses to your pubic bone and lower. He pulls your panties down and discards them. Then, Seokjin starts making new hickeys on the insides of your thighs without breaking eye contact.
When Seokjin finally pushes his middle finger into you, you’re half out of your mind and so wet it makes the insides of your thighs glisten. “Did he do this to you, princess?” Seokjin asks you, stretching you easily.
You shake your head, pushing your hips to get him to touch that spot. Seokjin grips your hip with one hand, nails digging into the skin as he holds you in place. The pain is what reminds you that he asked a question. “No! No one can do this to me.” You answer honestly, panting from the force of not coming. It would be so embarrassing to come from being fingered a little, and knowing Seokjin’s mood, he might not let you come the rest of the night if you come without permission.
Seokjin re-enters, two fingers this time. When you moan, he kisses one of the hickeys he made to cover your bruise. “That’s what I thought.” He says in a sing-song voice, mocking you. You grip his shoulders, grateful that Seokjin hadn’t tied you up as part of punishment. You dig your nails into the strong skin there, feeling him tense at how hard you do it. You don’t mean it as pay back or anything for him gripping your hip, you’re truly just that worked up tonight. But no matter his anger, Seokjin always checks on you. “Colour.”
“Green, green. Oh fuck Seokjin. Please can I come, please, please?” You beg, tipping your head back as tears roll out of them. As you clench around his fingers, Seokjin just chuckles and scissors you.
A few pumps later, he adds a third finger. “Do you think you deserve to come tonight?” He mocks you. “Look at how tight you are, I don’t even think you can take my cock tonight. That’s what happens when you fuck someone that isn’t as good as me, I guess.” Seokjin mocks you, rubbing his thumb against your clit to rile you up more.
“Ugh, I said I’m s-sorry! Sir, please.” You wriggle.
Seokjin smirks down at you. “You said it yourself, princess. ‘As much as sir thinks I deserve.’ And I think you deserve to be reminded who you fucking belong to, not to come. But if you beg really well, I might come in you. I bet you’d love to be bred by me after so long, stuffed full of my come like a dumb little slut.” Seokjin slows down, tightening his jaw again. “That is if it’s even special to you anymore. Assuming you don’t let him come in you too, of fucking course.” Seokjin punctuates each word with a hard thrust that has you scrambling for purchase on the bed sheets.
“I don’t, sir! I don’t! No one has except you.” You tell him. It’s true. You have been on birth control for years, but have never done it raw with any man until you met Seokjin. You had always been too afraid in case you missed your pill a day and wound up pregnant. But Seokjin had made you feel safer than any ex-boyfriend of yours had. Only a few months into dating, Seokjin made you feel safe enough to let him go raw, and never made you regret it. Hell, he even picked up your prescription for you when you worked late.
Seokjin’s fingers slip out of you. He pushes a stray hair back from your face, making you shiver as he gets some pre-come on your forehead. “And why’s that, princess?”
“I belong to you. I’m yours.”
You jolt in surprise as you feel the head of Seokjin’s cock press against your entrance. You grip his wide shoulders as he eases into you, but Seokjin pulls your hands off. He pins you down against the mattress, a hand to each wrist. “Correct.” He replies, before starting to move.
You can’t help the moans that fall from your lips with each of his movements. They’re not loud, actually the opposite. Seokjin’s punishment and teasing tired you out, so you can only let out soft moans and whines now. Seokjin pins you down, eyes pitch black and piercing in the dim light. There are no words needed for what Seokjin is doing right now. He’s trying to prove himself to you.
That only makes you feel more guilty. Even a simple nude while he was working would’ve riled Seokjin up, why did you have to make him think you cheated? In hindsight, you hadn’t been thinking straight. “I-I’m sorry.” You whisper as you look at Seokjin.
Seokjin looks away from you and down at your chest, at the darkening spots on your body. “Shut up.” He whispers back. His grip tightens on your wrists and he picks up the pace.
You’re getting close and you know Seokjin is, too. “S-Sir. Please.” You beg.
Seokjin pulls your arms up, taking both of your wrists in one hand and holding them away. You arch your back as the head of his cock rubs against your g-spot. “Sir!” You cry out. When Seokjin’s hips start to stutter, you finally lose your patience. “Fuck, Seokjin!”
Seokjin lets go of your wrists. One hand comes to grip your thigh hard, pushing it as far out as it can go. The other comes to rub at your clit. His pace picks up again, filling you up in a way that feels entirely different this time.
When you come, it feels like a flood of emotion. You tremble and clench around Seokjin, moaning his name and crying. When Seokjin comes, it’s with a deep moan and his fingernails digging into your skin, sure to leave marks tomorrow morning. You both know it, but you’re not upset at all. You have always liked the reminder that you’re his and only his.
Seokjin collapses on top of you as you both come down from your high. Seokjin pushes his bangs back from his forehead, wiping at the sweat on his face with one hand. He doesn’t look you in the eye. You try to kiss him, but he pulls away. He sits up, pulling out of you. Seokjin grabs tissues off the nightstand and wipes himself and you down gently.
“You can use the shower in the guest bedroom.” Seokjin says.
You grab his hand before he can go. “Why can’t I use your shower? We’ve showered together before.”
Seokjin pulls his hand away. “That was before you cheated on me, Y/N. I know we fucked tonight, but this is it. I’m not your boyfriend after tonight.”
Your heart sinks. “Seokjin. I didn’t actually cheat on you.”
That makes Seokjin look at you, eyes still dark but now sad. “Don’t lie to me now, Y/N. You told me clearly in your text that another guy made hickeys on you and that you were going to go back to him.”
You shake your head, taking his hands in yours. “I actually pinched myself. I only meant to make it look real and tease you, but I went too far. I’m sorry baby. I really am.”
Seokjin looks at you like he can’t believe his own ears. “You gave yourself bruises that look like hickeys just to make me mad?”
When you nod and look honest, Seokjin pulls you close. “Why?”
“I watched your newest interview.” You say.
A long moment passes and then Seokjin seems to get what you’re saying. “Were you jealous of me interacting with her?” Seokjin asks, surprised. When you pout he starts to laugh. He tips his head back and closes his eyes at how funny it is to him but it’s not funny to you. When you smack his chest lightly, he looks at you with a fond smile. He brushes your hair behind your ear. “Say it. Were you jealous?”
You bite your lip. Seokjin notices immediately you’re not finding this funny and grows serious. You look away from him. “I was jealous. But I was also insecure.”
“Insecure?” Seokjin repeats the word. “Why?”
You play with his hands. “Don’t know.” You mumble.
Seokjin cups your face and makes you look at him. “Be honest.” He tells you. “You know I like it when you’re honest the most, right?”
You chew your bottom lip. “I...I saw some stuff on Twitter. They said you two looked like a couple. And to be honest, you were kinda too friendly with her.”
Seokjin looks sad. “And that’s why you teased me? Even though you knew I’d think you were just playing and punish you?” You nod. Seokjin’s brows knit together. He pulls you into a tight hug. “I’m sorry baby. I should’ve thought more.”
You shake your head, but tears fall on Seokjin’s shoulder anyway. “I liked it. I always like it when we have sex like that. But I also wanted your attention.”
“You always have my attention.” Seokjin pulls back, cupping your face again. His eyes are wide and genuine. You love that the most about Seokjin; even though he’s an actor, he’s never lied to you. “Let’s take a shower.”
So you do. The two of you get in the shower together. Seokjin washes your chest and between your thighs for you, gentle as he touches the hickeys he made. You wash his back for him and his hair, giving him little kisses every now and then. You grab a spare pair of panties you left at his house and another one of his shirts.
When you get in bed, Seokjin turns you onto your back and applies lotion onto your ass. You wince at the burn of lotion on your sore spots. “Sorry baby. I got really angry thinking about you sleeping with someone else and lost my control.” Seokjin apologizes for the 1000th time.
“It’s okay. I wanted this.” You reply to him for the 1000th time. But still, Seokjin is really gentle with you.
“I only want you, okay?” You tell him when you lay on top of his chest later. “Even though I know after tonight, I don’t deserve you.”
Seokjin kisses your forehead. “Don’t ever say that baby. Of course you deserve me.”
You make yourself comfortable against him and he tucks the blankets in around both of you. “Do I?”
Seokjin rubs your back. “Someone like you deserves the best, Y/N. And naturally, that’s me, Kim Seokjin.” He ends jokingly.
You scoff but kiss his cheek anyway. “That’s true. My boyfriend is the best.”
Seokjin smiles at you lovingly. “I love you.”
Your eyes widen. Seokjin’s eyes widen too. “Shit. I mean, no. Well, no, I mean yes.” Seokjin stammers, ears turning pink. “Sorry, this is too quick right? Fuck, we haven’t even dated a year but I already said that.”
“I love you too.” You reply, feeling yourself blush too. It’s so odd how you’ve been entirely naked before him before but you feel more vulnerable now.
You and Seokjin smile at each other. “I must’ve saved the country in my past life to deserve you.” You whisper.
“That’s my line, baby.” Seokjin teases, kissing your lips sweetly. You melt into him, safe and comfortable. This is home.
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1ce-in-a-lifetime · 3 years
A Surprise Date
Toji x BabysitterOC drabble
Fluffy af
wc: 2431
A/N: Megumi's 2-3 years old in this. OC is a third year uni student.
It was Sunday. Amaya was finally free from her exams. She had been working nonstop for the past two weeks, determined not to let her grades drop. And her hard work was not in vain as she returned from every exam with a gigantic smile on her face.
The only downside that both Toji and she noticed was that Megumi felt neglected. She had tried extremely hard to give time to Megumi, but only so much could be done when she had to memorise mountains worth of information.
“Gumi’ , what’re you doin over there?” Amaya watched over Megumi as he messed with his building blocks. She was sitting directly behind him on the floor, leaning against the wall.
“Hmph.” He turned away, showing clear disdain.
“Ouch- “she pouted, trying to get his attention, “-you going to ignore me forever now?”
The statement was ignored as he subtly turned away from her.
She suppressed a smile. “Come on now-“
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING.” A thunderous voice echoed throughout the room.
Both of them gasped. It didn’t take Megumi two seconds to abandon his blocks and run straight to Amaya. Her arms instinctively tightened around him as he buried his face into her neck.
A loud laugh replaced the silence. She looked up to see Toji holding the doorway for support as he doubled over.
“Should’ve looked at your faces!” Megumi’s glare countered his never ending chuckles as he got off of Amaya’s lap.
He jogged towards Toji as fast as his little legs could carry, maintaining the glare effortlessly. Without any word, he held onto the door, and then smashed his foot right onto Toji’s.
“What ya trynna do, squirt. Want me to help?” Toji put his foot forward and laughed again, which irked Megumi.
Megumi doubled his efforts, jumping on Toji’s foot with everything he got. Toji quickly assessed the reasoning behind Megumi’s actions.
“Your little attacks don’t compare to stubbing my foot against furniture-” He patted Megumi’s head, “-Hey, ya wanna go to Shins’ for dinner?”
Toji had seen Amaya wracking her brain for the past half month, and he felt she deserved some sort of celebration. And a dinner would be a perfect way to celebrate.
“What’s the occasion?” She acted nonchalant, but there was a spark in her eyes.
“Nothing special, just wanted a day off with you.” Her shining eyes were quickly overshadowed by the blush creeping up her face.
“Ok, you can stop that now.” Toji picked Megumi up by the scruff of his neck. But the youngster wasn’t the type to forgive and forget. He instantly tried to slap his fathers’ wrist away, but to no avail.
“Alright, I’ll get Gumi ready.” She swooped in to save Toji from further assaults. The annoyance on Megumi’s face didn’t falter, but his attacks effectively stopped as soon as he was in her arms again.
“Maybe we should leave him here, we’ll both enjoy ourselves and he’ll learn a life lesson.” Toji walked beside her as she walked towards Megumi’s room. “You’d like that, wouldn’t ya?” His question was directed towards Megumi.
“NO!” came an instant reply.
“Alright, stop teasing him. What life lesson would he learn anyway?” Amaya patted the little boy’s back, assuring him he wasn’t getting left behind.
“I dunno, being independent, I guess.” Toji scratched his head. She just shook her head.
“Whatd’ya wanna wear, bud?” She asked Megumi, focusing her attention on him.
Toji interjected before Megumi could answer. “Dress him up as a big baby.”
“Not a baby!” Megumi protested.
“I think you are.” He ruffled the boy's hair.
“How about you wear that Bear hoodie? It’ll match with your backpack. You want that right?” Amaya diffused the situation, smiling as the little boy brightened up immediately, nodding his head excitedly.
“Ok then, let’s get you dressed up, shall we?”
The weather had significantly cooled down since they’d left the house. Amaya was glad that they had their jackets on, with her wearing a cape shawl, Toji wearing his usual leather jacket, and little Megumi adorned in his promised Bear hoodie.
The dinner went well, except for when Toji let Megumi choose his own dish, which turned out to be a spicy Unagi. Megumi didn’t even entertain the thought of eating it, which resulted in Amaya ordering something off of the kid’s menu, and Toji eating the disregarded Unagi along with his own Tempura Udon bowl.
After dinner, Amaya was surprised when the car turned opposite to where they were supposed to go. “What do you have in mind?”
Toji waved her off. “You’ll like it.”
And like she did, when after a peaceful half hour drive, they rolled to a stop in front of the beach strip. Since it wasn’t the usual beach-enjoying weather, the area was vacant, save for a few people scattered throughout. Her eyes widened as she took in the mind-boggling scenery.
An array of mesmerising oranges and reds adorned the sky, stretching far and wide. The waves looked as if they were fire, getting ready to swallow the sun whole. The sand also glimmered in the setting sun, adding to the beauty of the scene.
Amaya quickly got Megumi out of his car seat, eager to go near the lapping water. Toji could see her excitement as she jumped from one foot to the other to get her shoes off. He followed her lead, placing his shoes on the floor mat of the car.
“Me too!” Megumi also went to work, his little hands tangling up his shoelaces.
“Alright, but don’t get your feet wet. Don’t want you catching a cold, now do we?” She said, getting down on her knees to untangle the cords.
“Nuh-uh.” Megumi shook his head.
“That’s a good boy.” the boy’s eyes sparkled at the compliment.
As soon as his bare feet touched the gravel, he was thrown up over Toji’s shoulder, who had already begun running. “Last one to the water is a sore loser!”
“Wha-“ She yelled in surprise. “YOU DIDNT EVEN LOCK THE CAR!”
“No one’s gonna steal it, sweetie.” Toji laughed, already halfway to the crashing waves.
Toji’s laugh, mixed with Megumi’s high-pitched squeals, urged her to pick up speed as her feet kicked up a trail of dry sand behind her. The salty mist rising from the sea hit her with full force as she ran. The dry sand quickly turned damp under her, but she was too late as the duo was already standing just a few meters away from the foams of the sea.
“You’re the loser, by the way.” Amusement rang clearly in Toji’s voice.
She immediately put up a fake pout, turning to Megumi,asking in a dramatic tone: “Am I the loser, Gumi?”
The giggles of the small boy melted away as he saw Amaya cover her face with both hands.
“No. No, no no.” He reached up to take her hands off her face, tugging at her elbows, but she persisted.
“Then who’s the loser if I’m not?” Her lower lip wobbled as she continued her performance.
Megumi thought for a while, then chimed, “Daddy is!”
All the composure she had was lost as she let out a laugh that equaled the sounds of the waves. She pulled Megumi in a hug, and the boy was more than happy to comply.
“I make you win and this is the thanks I get? Ungrateful child.” Toji huffed, clearly not amused.
“Come on now, don’t be grumpy, loser boy.” She teased, enjoying the situation more than she should.
She grabbed Megumi’s hand and started walking along the shoreline, the damped out waves barely grazing her feet. Toji also kept up with both of them, his hands stuffed in his jackets’ pockets.
“Ooh, there comes a big wave. Up up up!” Toji quickly held Megumi’s other hand at her exclamation, swinging Megumi up just as the water flooded around both their feet’s.
“Fucking shit. What the fuck, why is the water so fucking cold?” Toji jumped up, the icy water receding as his feet touched back on the wet sand.
Amaya stared plainly at him, and then looked to Megumi as she lowered him down, then back at him.
“You didn’t hear that, right?” He asked Megumi, grinning when he was met with a shake of head from the boy.
“Good.” He ruffled the boy’s hair.
She just shook her head. “The water’s cold because the weather’s cold, genius.”
“Thanks for the clarification.” He gave her a tight-lipped smile.
“You’re welcome.” She replied.
They started walking again, but were stopped soon after, as Megumi wiggled his hand out of Amaya’s, squatting down to look at something.
Amaya also sat on her tiptoes, peeking from behind him to see what made the boy stop. His hands were clasped around a glistening seashell, the wet sand shedding off from the shell onto his hands.
“Hey, we should wash th-“ She didn’t get to complete her sentence as Megumi swiped the seashell against Toji’s pants, effectively getting rid of the majority of the sand.
He didn’t get to do much more as he was immediately up in the air, his legs dangling as Toji held him in front of his face. “Give me one reason not to punt your little ass into the ocean.”
Megumi gave a toothy grin instead of a reply, and placed his little chubby hands on his dad’s cheeks, wiping even more sand on him.
“Ok that’s it.” He wrapped an arm around the boy’s torso while the other arm held his legs, swinging him back as if really getting ready to throw him. He mimed letting go of him when the kid was at the peak, but brought him back to dangle in front of his face, relishing in the loud giggles escaping his son.
“Again! Again!” Megumi clapped his hands.
“No, not again.” Toji stuck out his tongue as he set Megumi down.
Amaya handed Megumi the seashell, which he had dropped when Toji picked him up. She had cleaned it in the water in the time it took both of the boys to bicker.
Megumi held out the seashell to Toji. “Hold, daddy, hold.”
“Why’d I have to hold it? You’re the one with a big backpack.” He complained, taking the shell nonetheless.
And that’s how most of the walk went. With Megumi stopping after every few feet to pick up shells, washing them and then handing them to Toji to store in his huge jacket pockets. Occasionally, some big waves made it past Amaya’s feet, at which Megumi was swung up in the air till it receded back.
The sky was losing its warm hues, choosing enchanting purples and blues as its new look. The wind also picked up, bringing gusts of misted salt infused water along with it. Almost all the people were gone, as it was getting colder by the minute.
The trio also decided it was time to head back, walking parallel to the waves, which were steadily climbing up the sandy shores as glimpses of the moon started to appear in the sky.
A particularly strong gust had Megumi clinging onto Amaya. “Up! Up!”
She smiled, bending down to pick the boy up. As soon as he was in her arms, he nuzzled his nose into her neck, savouring the warmth emanating from her.
“You getting cold, buddy?” Her voice was sincere. Megumi nodded, head still buried in the crook of her neck.
“So I’m the handkerchief, and she’s the blanket? Good to know we’re of use to you, your majesty.” Toji said, voice devoid of any emotion.
“Should’ve thought that before having a son.” She laughed as she knelt to set Megumi down, his hands not letting go of her collar. She took off her cape,swiftly wrapping Megumi in it, and picked him back up. His head immediately came down to rest on her shoulder.
The day had clearly worn him out.
She was surprised, as she felt something drape around her. The scent alerted her of what it was before she could even look. She smiled up at Toji as he adjusted his jacket around her shoulders, making sure Megumi was also covered.
“Sorry, I would’ve brought a blanket for him if I knew we were coming here.” She apologised, which was immediately waved off by him.
“It was supposed to be a surprise, anyway.” He sneaked a kiss on her cheek. She lit up red as her brain registered what had happened. While Megumi didn’t waste a second in trying to wiggle his hands out of the burrito wrap to push the older man away from her. “No, daddy, no!”
“Quiet down, you little rascal.” Toji zipped up the front of the jacket, trapping Megumi inside.
“Nyahhhhhhhhhh.” The little boy squirmed, doing his best to escape, but to no avail. Amaya couldn’t do anything except to hold the boy tightly as her hands were trapped inside too.
Toji reluctantly undid the zipper as she looked at him with order in her eyes, releasing both of them from the restraints of his tent-like jacket.
A glare was planted on Megumi’s face as soon as he popped his head out. Toji only grinned at him, making the boy even more upset.
“Come on, ignore him.” She slowly coaxed Megumi’s head to her shoulder, her hand slowly patting his cheeks. The temptation was hard to resist, and soon he was fast asleep, snuggled cozily in her arms.
“You’re spoil him too much.” Toji spoke up, breaking the silent atmosphere that had been established.
“It’s not spoiling, it’s treating a kid right. He deserves as much.” She said softly, holding him a tad bit tighter.
‘Treating a kid right’
A smile blossomed on his face, realisation settling in that his son was getting what he never had. He looked at Amaya, who was carefully holding Megumi, as they reached the car.
Toji helped her untangle Megumi from her shawl, and then held the door open as she strapped him in his car seat, draping the shawl over him so he didn’t get cold.
Amaya held the jacket closer around her as she settled down in the passenger seat. Toji got in the driver’s seat, his hand seeking hers as soon as the door closed.
“Thank you for today.” She threaded her fingers through his, bringing his hand up to place a soft kiss on the knuckles.
“Thank you for being here.” His hand tightened around hers as he turned the key in the ignition.
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angelicmark · 5 years
sweet loving (m)
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pairing: college!mark x college!reader
genre: fluff, smut, angst, lovers!au
warnings: cursing, unprotected sex (wrap it up!), love making, dry humping, sexual themes, a whole lot of fluff please be warned lmao
wc: 8.1k
summary: being a total opposite from mark, you never imagined you would be able to last a whole year with him. until mark proves you wrong, and you both fall sweetly in love.
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oct. 2; day 37
you look at mark, your eyes trailing all over him and his face. he was handsome, and you would sometimes wonder why he even asked you out just barely over a month ago. the relationship was still fresh, and the two of you were still getting to know each other. it was a nice feeling, and you actually quite enjoyed being around him. he was cute, the way he would laugh at almost anything and sometimes slap his knee when he did laugh. it was endearing, you found him endearing.
“you okay?” he asks when he catches you staring for too long, going to take a bite out of his muffin. the two of you were at his apartment, eating at the breakfast bar. it was a peaceful morning, and also the first time spending the night together as boyfriend and girlfriend, as an official couple. you were nervous at first, but as the night unveiled, you were more at ease with him.
“yeah, just thinking,” you softly smile at him, taking a bite out of your cereal. you were a bit on the quieter side while he was more outgoing and courageous. you wouldn’t call yourself a nerd, just dedicated and knowing what you wanted in life. not that mark wasn’t, he was just less uptight about his studying, not in the slightest worried when he got a couple failed grades here and there.
“what about?” he takes a sip of his drink, looking at you with big curious eyes. you were both complete opposites, now that you think about it. and you wondered if he even noticed that himself.
you adjust in your seat, looking at him with articulate eyes, “i don’t know,” you breathe, slightly feeling stressed, “i’m just not sure how this even works, to be honest. i’ve never exactly had a serious relationship, and we’re actually really different. have you noticed that?”
he swallows, his demeanor calm while you were still fidgeting in your seat, “well, yeah, i think it’s a bit hard to miss,” he chuckles, “but i don’t think we should worry about it too much. i like you, there’s something about you and your personality that makes me want to be better. i think that’s good, at least.”
you feel as if he knocked the wind right out of you, and it almost felt refreshing being around him. you nod your head, “and you make me feel good. like, better about myself and life in general. it’s less stressful with you around.”
he smiles, “see?” he can’t help from leaning in to give you a soft kiss, looking at you with bright optimistic eyes, “there we go.”
you smile back, unable to give in to his cute gestures, “thank you, for putting me at ease. it’s a bit hard to do that.”
he kisses you again, a lot slower and more reassuring, “always.”
oct. 31; day 66
“it’s halloween, baby!” mark cheers, looking at you as he stands there in his spider-man costume. you can’t help the laugh that escapes passed your lips, looking at the way he starts to imitate spider-man’s webs.
you stroll towards him, walking right to him and he can’t help the way his eyes travel all along your figure. you were only just a cat this year, but you were wearing a tightly fitted black dress and the cat ears were really adding to the outfit. you had high-rise boots reaching just above your knees, and he couldn’t stop himself from looking at your legs, seeing the way everything wrapped around you like a glove. you were so beautiful, he decided. really beautiful.
he swallows, “you look good, really good.” his eyes ate you up hungrily, and you caught the way his eyes darkened just a bit.
you avoid eyes for a few, before looking back at him with a shy look, “so do you, spidey.” you kiss him, and his hands were quick to grasp onto you. he couldn’t seem to keep his hands to himself, not with you walking around like that.
“thanks,” he breathes out when you pull away, looking at your lips like he was about to chase after them again. you could feel your body heating up under his gaze, and you truly did like the feeling he gave you. two months does a lot to a relationship, you think to yourself.
you look at him, his hands still on your waist and holding you incredibly close to him, “you ready to go?”
he nods, taking your hand and finally pulling away. he was close to just saying fuck the party and staying home with you all night long. he so desperately wanted to, but he spent days just trying to convince you to even go with him. he couldn’t let all that begging go to waste. plus, a part of him wanted to let everyone know just who you belonged to. you were his, and his ego was inflated the whole entire night over that thought.
“this is jaehyun,” mark introduces, and he sees the jaehyun smiles at you with bright eyes, “and this is johnny.” the boys were staring at you with pretty smiles, jaehyun being a bit bolder in kissing the back of your hand. your eyes went wide, watching as mark hissed at jaehyun, “back off.”
jaehyun laughs, backing away from you, “i’m not interested, mark. she’s yours, i’m not a woman stealer.”
mark couldn’t help but feel insecure, in a way. jaehyun had killer dimples, and a cute smile. mark felt basic compared to him. but the moment he feels a small, soft hand on his shoulder, he could feel his body starting to loosen up again. mark wasn’t used to feeling jealous or possessive, so when he saw the way jaehyun kissed your hand, he wasn’t exactly sure what to do with these kinds of feelings. but, as his eyes travel to your own, he feels like the weight of the world had been lifted. you were such a calming soul, always so gentle when around him. it was charming, and mark liked that about you.
“sorry,” he sighed, looking at you wide apologetic eyes.
you shake your head, smiling at him, “if my friends were to ever flirt with you, i might have gone crazy. you’re a lot better than me,” you laugh.
he can’t help the smile that reaches his face, “good think i’d never leave you, then.” he places an arm around your shoulder.
you snuggle closer to him, the night turning for the better, “me neither.”
the rest of the night was just soft, loving kisses. the two of you exhausted by the time you made it back to mark’s apartment, cuddling so incredibly close to each other. you were starting to get more and more comfortable around mark, and a part of you was terrified. you were scared you would get too attached, and be left heartbroken. but, as the two of you doze off, holding each other as the two of you start to fall in love together, you felt like it would be worth it.
mark was so worth it.
nov. 29; day 95
thanksgiving holiday was good. you both went home to your parents, and your family was unable to stop talking about this marvelous mark you had. they wished to one day meet him, but you decided it was a bit early to introduce each other to your families. your three months together was spent over the phone, celebrating and sending air kisses with plenty of giggles and wishing the two of you were together. it was always nice talking to mark, but you missed him. you missed being around him in real life, and being able to hold him. a week was way too long without him.
“mark!” you bang on his apartment door, excited to finally see him after all this time. you had arrived home just a few hours later than him, and he waited patiently for you, well, as patiently as he could. he was just as anxious as you, although.
he swings the door open, catching sight of your bright eyes. you jump in his arms, unable to contain your excitement. you were so happy to finally be in his arms again. being around family is always nice, but you missed your boyfriend. you missed kissing him, holding him, being around him. as he lets you in and closes the door with his foot, you kiss him. and he melts into you, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. he missed this, he really missed this.
“missed you,” he lets out between kisses, his voice gravely.
you hum back, your arms reach up and you drag your fingers through his scalp, “missed you, too.”
the two of you are unable to stop kissing, to stop touching each other. it was amazing just how much the two of you could miss each other. he drags you to the couch, expecting you to sit beside him. but, to his surprise, you jump in his lap and continue kissing him like that. it felt so good having you so close, he could feel his heart tightening at the thought of you becoming more and more comfortable around him. it had only been three months together, and he could easily feel himself falling in love with you. it was hard to say you didn’t feel the same way, because you know you did. it was so hard not to love mark.
you pull back for air, and he’s already trailing his kisses down your neck. you can’t help the noises that escape you, your hands clawing through his hair. he loved the pressure your nails put on his scalp, and he couldn’t help from groaning and biting down onto your neck. you let out a small gasp, and he tugs you closer to his chest. the both of you were breathing heavily when he pulls back to look at you directly in the eyes. your body felt like it was burning, and you knew he could feel the heat because his hands trailed up your shirt on your hips. his hands were cold against your hot skin, and you were unsure if you could wait any longer for him to finally touch you.
“mark,” you say, making direct eye contact as you both watch one another’s every move, “do- do you want to...” you trail off, hoping he got the message. you felt embarrassed, avoiding his eyes for a minute before looking back at him again. he had a goofy nervous smile on his face.
“i would love to,” he whispers, leaning in to kiss you again. he was stealing the air right out of your lungs, you felt like you were drowning in an ocean of mark. and it was so intoxicating. everything about mark was intoxicating, so captivating you were afraid of losing yourself to him. but, as the two of you ended up tangled in his sheets by the end of the night, you think to yourself that maybe it would be worth it. he was such a sweet, kind soul. he thought of you and you only, your hands intertwined the whole entire time. it felt like you were dreaming, and he had to bring you back to reality with each kiss.
mark was starting to feel like home.
dec. 31; day 127
you were expecting mark to want to go out on new year’s, even offering to go with him if he wanted. but he ended up smiling and shaking his head no, claiming he would like to spend this moment alone with you, and you only. it made your heart flutter, and you began to wonder what went through that cute boy’s head sometimes.
“alright,” he passes you non-alcoholic champagne, and you let out a little chuckle as he plops down beside you on the couch.
“why non-alcoholic?” you laugh, and he pouts a bit before seeing your smile and perking right back up. your smile was too contagious to not smile back.
“it was all they had at the store,” he mumbles, “and i didn’t feel like driving across town for real champagne. truly wasn’t worth it,” he shakes his head.
you nod back, kissing his cheek, “thank you.”
he looks at you, his cheeks starting to heat up as he nods back, “of course, baby.”
you smile softly at the name, every time it fell from his lips, it sounded so cute. and you could never stop the smile that would form. he seemed to notice, because he leaned over and kissed you shortly. when he pulled back from the soft kiss, he stared at you before leaning back in, the kiss a lot slower and more passionate than the last. it always felt nice kissing mark, his lips always soft and tasting like coconut lip balm. it was endearing, to say the least. you could tell he puts a lot of effort into looking good and smelling good for you, but you wouldn’t care if he simply just wore sweats and had no lip balm on. he was still your mark, still the same goof you were falling so easily for. he will always be the mark you’re starting to love more and more along the way.
“3,” he hears this, pulling away from your lips to look at the screen, “2!” he looks at you smiling as he places his hand along your cheek and leaning back in, “1!” he closes his eyes, “happy new years!” kiss. kiss after kiss after kiss as you hear fireworks going off in the background. but you can’t find it in yourself to care as mark pulls you into his lap. this was comfortable, such easy access to kiss him just the way you want.
he pulls back, looking at you with big bright wide eyes, and you swear you could see the stars in his eyes. he looked like he was thinking so deeply, and you were wondering just what it was. he was such a curious boy, but you knew he was ambitious, never ending when it comes to getting what he wanted. it’s why he kept chasing after you all that time. and you were so glad you finally agreed to date him. mark was such a gift, being nothing but the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. this was the first serious relationship you had been in, and he was the perfect fit for you. he had to be.
“i love you, y/n,” he says, his eyes glossy.
you freeze in your spot, looking at him for what felt like years. he could feel his heart beating right out of his chest. maybe it’s too soon? did he just fuck up? he was overthinking, he couldn’t help it. did you not love him back? did you-
you smile, “i love you, too, mark.”
he breathes out a sigh of relief, and you laugh a bit, “holy fuck,” he says, “i got so nervous right there.”
you laugh again, “sorry, i just love messing with you. your scared face is too cute,” you kiss his cheek.
he steals a real kiss after that, repeating those same three words over and over again the whole entire night. this was heaven, this was what being happy truly was, you were his first love. and he was yours. this was love, in so many different ways.
you were his home. and he was yours.
jan. 26; day 153
“happy five months!” mark busts through your bedroom door, and you roll over on your bed to see him holding up balloons and some flowers and chocolates. you snort at him, seeing the way he’s all dressed up and smiling so dorkishly.
“it’s 9am, mark,” you laugh, sitting up and yawning. he places the things down, walking towards you and climbing in front of you. he goes for a kiss, but you lean away and shove your hand in his face, “i have morning breath.”
he pouts, pushing your hand away, “i don’t care. i want to kiss you.”
you roll your eyes, giving him a peck before jumping out of bed and seeing the way he pouts like a child, “y/nnn..”
you laugh, “i’ll be five minutes, mark. just let me brush my teeth.”
when you come out of the bathroom, he’s laying all across your bed. he looked really good, his black jeans and fitted black shirt looking impeccably good on him. he always looked good, but for some reason he looked extra good. he had his hat on backwards, and it was attractive to say the least. he catches you staring, smiling at you when he notices you standing there.
“hi, baby,” he sits up on the edge of the bed. you smile at him, boldly sitting right into his lap. his hands instinctively rest on your hips, “i love you.”
you smile, kissing him properly, “i love you, too, mark.” you kiss along his jaw, “so much.” your breath was hot against his skin, and you were so pretty, so good to him. “happy five months.” you lean back and see that he’s smiling again.
“i’m lucky to have you,” he says to you, his hands roaming all along your body. but his touches had no alternative intentions, and you couldn’t help from smiling along with him. he was such a good boyfriend.
“me too, mark,” you whisper back, looking him right in the eyes, “i didn’t imagine us making it this far, but i’m so happy we did. you’re so good to me, and i can’t thank you enough for loving me.”
he smiles, “thank you for loving me, y/n.” he kisses you, and you melt into him. you were so used to kissing mark, it felt like you were made just for kissing him, but each and every time still never failed to make you crumble. it was a blessing to be able to kiss mark, and to be able to call him your boyfriend. he felt the same exact way about you, pride constantly filling up each and every time someone saw that you were his, and his only. you will always be his, he’ll make sure of it.
mark was a dream boy, your dream boy. so perfect in every single way. “i love you so much, mark.” you whisper against his lips.
he looks you in the eye, “i love you so much, too, y/n.”
tears start to well in your eyes, and you can’t help but wonder if he’ll end up leaving you one day. mark could probably find someone a lot better than you in every way imaginable, you can’t help but wonder why he constantly chooses you over everyone else. but you’re not complaining. not in the slightest. as long as you had mark, you didn’t have time to worry about those things. you were lucky enough to love him in the first place, and you knew this.
you run your fingers through his soft hair, and he leans his head into your soft touch, “i may not be able to give you everything you need all the time,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper, “but i will remind you every day of my life that i love you.”
he looks at you with a soft smile stretched on his perfectly shaped lips, “me too, baby. always.”
you lean to kiss him again, “always.”
feb. 14; day 172 
“mark, it’s jaehyun’s birthday,” you pout. mark was being stubborn, he didn’t want to go out for his birthday, wanting to stay with you and spend valentine’s day with you only. he was afraid jaehyun would get too friendly with you again, insecurity starting to bubble up again. “we have to at least go and wish him happy birthday.”
“he doesn’t deserve one after last time i saw him,” he mumbles, avoiding eye contact with you. you heard him despite him looking away from you, it was hard to miss the jealousy dripping from his voice.
“mark,” you sit down next to him on the couch, looking him in the eyes. you brush some of his hair out of his face as he stares at you, “there isn’t anyone on this earth that could steal me away from you.”
he sighs, “i know,” he pauses, looking away, “i guess i’m just..” he takes a breath as he stops again. he looked as if he was struggling getting the words out. “i just don’t want to lose you, or feel like i could. i’m not used to feeling like this.” he shifts in his seat and avoids eye contact. he couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eye.
you smile to yourself, making him face you again, “me neither, mark. but you have to trust me when i say i love you, and only you.”
his eyes were getting glossy the longer he stared, “i trust you.”
“and i trust you, mark. there’s no taking me away.”
he felt as if a whole weight had been lifted. he knew he couldn’t help the jealousy that would bubble up, but you were his. and he needed to realize that no one would ever take you away from him. he wasn’t sure why he was so possessive in the first place, but you always seemed to reassure no matter what. and he was grateful for you. he was especially grateful that you weren’t creeped out by it, or thought he was being weird and over reacting. he was lucky, and he didn’t want anyone else to have you this way.
“thank you,” he breathes out, leaning over and giving you a kiss. you kiss back, and you could feel everything falling in to place all over again. life seemed to be a lot easier with mark around. it was as if time was flying, but in the best way possible. it was always like that with mark, and you know that will never change.
“let’s get going then,” you say, smiling as you pull away and stand up. you offer a hand to him, and he takes it as he gets up. “you can stick by me like glue if you want.”
he laughs at that, “i just might.”
the whole night was congratulating jaehyun on another year, and mark constantly having an arm around you. it was comforting, and you could tell mark was more at ease now. you were happy he was feeling better. every now and then he would give you a quick peck, smiling down at you. he looked pretty under all the lights. he even looked pretty in the dark with just the moonlight shining on him. mark was so incredible. and as the night came to an end, you were holding onto each other tightly.
he whispered into your ear just how much he loved you, and you would say it back as the two of you doze off to sleep. there was no describing the feeling he gave you.
mar. 22; day 209
the air was thick, you felt like you were suffocating. mark’s hips were working so deliciously, shoving his cock inside you and out over and over again. he was always so good with his hips, you felt like you were going to pass out. you were a moaning, writhing mess. and he, personally, loved it. you were so easy please around him, and he loved the noises you made each time the head of his cock teased right against your sweet spot. you were so beautiful.
“so good,” he mumbles, his hands intertwining with yours. he held your hands above your head, your fingers locking together. mark was a love maker, he showed you just how much he cared each and every time. it was pure, sweet bliss being with him. “so tight, baby.”
you whined in his hold, your back arching as you looked right into his dark colored eyes. he was so beautiful up close. you were amazed how you even got him. “you’re so good, mark,” you gasp, “so fucking good.”
he chuckles, leaning down to press his lips to yours, “all for you.” he emphasizes his words by thrusting deeper and faster. he reaches a hand down to start rubbing at your clit, feeling the way your walls would start to flutter around his throbbing dick. it felt so good. his other hand stayed connected with yours, and you were grateful for it. your other hand, however, was clawing all along his back. you were holding on for dear life, wanting so desperately to cum for him.
“fuck, mark,” you choke out, feeling as you start to come undone around him, “oh god, so good. so, so good.” your whines edged him on, and soon enough you were cumming around him sweetly, his name being repeated over and over again until all you could remember was mark, mark, mark. it was always mark. never not him.
“such a good girl,” you hear his whisper as he cums right after you, filling you up so well. you rarely let him cum inside, so this was a treat for him. your were slick as he came, feeling his body shudder against yours as you whine for him all through it. “i love you.” he kisses you softly.
you return the kiss, in a trance, “i love you so much.”
he smiles at you, admiring the way you look. you were always such a sight to see. he loved you so much, he was afraid of losing you.
april 17; day 235
you were going to cry. you were convinced you were going to cry. you never cried, or rather showed much emotion, but this very moment, all you could think about was breaking down. nothing was right. nothing was ever right. why did you even do this? why did you even agree to be with mark? what was happening to the two of you?
it was your first fight. your first real fight. and you could feel your world crashing in on you. it was terrifying, and you were scared shitless. you had never experienced this kind of fear. never once in your life had to deal with this kind of stress. mark was your first real relationship, so you weren’t exactly sure what to do. for the first time ever, you were clueless. you wished they had some kind of book written for this. but maybe you shouldn’t wish that, because that’s why you were both fighting in the first place.
“i barely see you anymore,” he sighed, roughly running his fingers through his hair, “it’s like all you can think about is those damn books. and i know you care a lot about studying, but i need you to be my girlfriend sometimes, too.” his eyes were sparkling under the light, and it wasn’t the way he used to look at you. his eyes were filled with tears this time, looking at you with despair and anger.
but, your blood boiled against your own will, “you think i chose this?” you ask, eyes narrowing at him, “you know how important all of this is to me. i need to pass my exams. i need this in order to live a nice easy life. i’m sorry i’m not worried about the next party available.” you scoffed.
he was hurt. his heart was pounding against his chest as he saw another side of you that he had yet to see. it was painful, and he wished to never see it again. he sighed as the two of you sat in an awkward, tense silence. it was eating the two of you alive. but it took forever before either one of you spoke up.
“do you love me?”
the words hit you hard. you felt as if you just got cold water dumped on you. was he really doubting your love for him? was this what the two of you were coming down to? you let out a huff of breath, obviously hurt. but his eyes were serious, and he glanced at the clock beside you, before looking back at you. it was late, you knew this. but you couldn’t let it end like this, you couldn’t have him walk away thinking you don’t love him.
“mark,” you step forward, “there isn’t a day where i don’t.”
he looks away from you, tears now falling freely from his big bright eyes. he was hurting, and you were the cause of it. you felt so terrible. you felt like hell, only wanting to make it up to him at this point. but he was doubting your love for him. how could you two ever go back after that?
“it’s so hard to tell sometimes,” he looks up at you again. his eyes were puffy already, his lips quivering and his nose turning red, “some days, i’m surprised when you say you love me back. other days i’m wondering if you’re lying to me. it’s hard not knowing what you’re thinking.”
mark was always someone who needed that kind of reassurance, and you knew this. you just always forgot to give it to him every single day, the way he deserved. is this what he was really thinking all this time? did mark really have this kind of perspective on you?
“mark, i love you.” you start, reaching a hand out to make him look at you, “i may not be able to express it the way i should most of the time, but that doesn’t mean i don’t love you. because i do. i really do, mark. there isn’t anyone in this world that could make me feel the way you do, and i will stand by that for the rest of my life.” you lean into him as he grasps at your waist, “you were made just for me, i’m sure of it, mark. i love you, a whole lot more than you could ever imagine.”
he was breaking, and you were picking up the pieces one by one. he kisses you, and you could taste the salty tears that were earlier running down his face, but you really couldn’t find it in yourself to care. not when the love of your life was doubting your love for him. the kiss was so slow, soft, unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. it was passionate, no hidden meanings and no rising intentions coming by. it was just you, and mark. no one else.
“i’ll remind you forever, mark,” you whisper against his lips, “i love you, forever.”
may 14; day 262
three days. it’s been three whole days since mark last texted you. and, honestly, you were starting to get tired. you’ve been trying to reach out to him, but nothing seemed to work. today, though, you finally decided to drive your ass over there and see why the hell he was ignoring you in the first place. could he still be stuck on your last fight? was that why he was ignoring you? you were starting to get drained from everything, not realizing how hard it really was holding together a relationship.
you don’t even bother knocking on the door, helping yourself in with the key he gave you a couple months ago. the minute you walk in, you could feel the air was cold. how the hell could he live in such a cold temperature? you were starting to doubt he was even here by how cold and lonely it felt. it was quiet, no sign of life from the looks of it. but you make your way towards his door anyway. you see it slightly open, and you push it softly to expose the area.
there he was. sitting on his bed, facing away from the door and looking out of the window. but you doubted he found the tree in front of him interesting. you stepped inside the room, careful not to disturb him. you needed to know why he was ignoring you, though. so you timidly sat by him. he could feel your presence the minute you opened the door, but refused to move or say anything. you both sat in silence. the sound of breathing starting to become louder and louder in your ears. you felt as if you were being tortured with his silence.
“mark,” you say softly, your voice cracking in the loud silence. he sat still, not even exchanging you a look. his jaw was tightened, and you could see the way his fingers were tightly grasping each other. it was a painful, deafening silence that was being released into the air.
he sighed, closing his eyes as yours stayed glued in on him. he finally says something, your heart suffocating at the sight of his soft stubble he had yet to shave, “i’m sorry for ghosting you.” it was a quiet apology.
you look away from him, looking at the tree, “it’s fine.”
he opened his eyes finally to look at you for the first time that night. for the first time in three days. and you were still as beautiful as ever. you had a glow on your face as the moonlight struck you in all kinds of different ways. it was stunning, you were always stunning. he could feel tears prickling in the corners of his eyes, you would always be too good for him. he always believed that. even when he didn’t know how to treat you half the time, you were still there to pick him right back up. even when he decided to run away from his emotions rather than sort them out, you would always come right to him. even when ignored you for three whole days, you would still come and check in on him, no questions truly asked. a pain struck him right through the heart the longer he looked at you.
“why do you always come back?” he huffs, and this makes you whip your head in his direction. “i mean.. i can’t be good for you. you will always be more-”
“i’m not more of anything, mark.” you say to him, your voice leveled, while his was shaking. “my heart hasn’t changed. not for you. you’re my boyfriend, someone i love like no one else. there hasn’t been anyone like you. i don’t want you doubting yourself just because i’m a bit more stern than you. you’re allowed to be messy, mark. i love you. stop thinking you aren’t good enough for me. you’re more than that.”
he cried. the whole entire night, he was curled in your arms as you held him while he cried and sobbed into your soft shirt. you could feel his tears trailing along your arm, but you could care less. the hold he had on you was tight, and it was starting to feel like he was afraid you were going to poof right out of his grip. your fingers stayed in his hair, tangled around the soft strands as you soothed him. eventually, you dragged the both of you under the covers of the bed and he was soon lulled to sleep, his arms grasping tightly around your waist while yours were still coaxing him in a soft, loving hug. mark had a lot of doubts, a lot of stress on his shoulders. and he was afraid of showing it, but he felt like he could around you. and it was such a blessing having you by his side.
“i love you, mark,” you kiss the top of his forehead as his puffy eyes shut and his swollen lips started to pout in a deep sleep. “you’re worth so much to me.”
and you really did mean it.
june 23; day 302
“mark!” you squeal as he tickles along your sides. you were starting to lose your breath, but he just couldn’t help himself. your laugh was so luxurious in his eyes, and your smile was so pretty. “stop! oh my g- god!” you laugh out loud, trying to break free from his arms.
he finally pulls back, grinning at you wildly, “you’re so cute, y/n.” he kisses you, his mood changing significantly. you wanted to be mad at him, but with the way his lips were tightly pressed against yours, you couldn’t find it in yourself to be completely angry. when he pulled away, he had a look of love written on his features. it was endearing, and you couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips. he was so pretty up close.
“where do you think we’ll be in ten years?” he says, easily flopping on top of you. you let out a huff because his strong weight, but nonetheless started to run your fingers through his hair as he looked up at you like a cat in love.
you chuckle, “together.” you say simply, and heat seemed to have rose onto his cheeks because he looked away briefly before making eye contact again. his cheeks were painted pink.
“you think so?” he asks, leaning into the touch of your hand.
“yeah,” you breathe, “i really do. do you?”
he nods his head, “always.”
you smile at him, and he could feel the winds knocking him right out the longer he looked at you. you always seemed to have a hold on him that he wasn’t even aware of. he felt like he could be with you forever. he knew he could. anywhere you went, he would follow. no doubt about it.
“it’s hot outside,” you look out the window in his bedroom, seeing the way the sun was blazing in the room. he had his ac as low as it could go, but nothing seemed to be enough.
he nodded in agreement, getting up off of you to let you breathe, “yeah, wanna get ice cream?” his eyes lit up as he mentioned ice cream, and you laughed as you quickly nodded your head, getting up off the bed to join him in getting up.
“lead the way, my prince,” you your arms out in front of you, bowing at him and he couldn’t help the laugh that slipped past his lips. you smiled up at him as you straightened.
he ruffles your hair, “will do, my princess.”
he catches the way you got shy at the nickname.
july 18; day 327
“can you believe it’s been almost a year since we got together?” mark asks, watching as you eat your food in front of him. you cooked each other dinner tonight, him helping in the minor things as you took over. you loved the boy, but he really didn’t know how to cook.
you swallow, “i know, it feels like time really passed by too quickly,” you pout, taking a sip of your drink.
“it’s been the best year ever,” he says moreso to himself, but you hear it anyway and you can’t stop the smile that raises along your cheeks. he notices and he smiles right back, his nose scrunching up.
“for a boy who hates cheesy things, you sure are cheesy,” you lean your head on your hand, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
he chuckles at your expression while taking a bite of his food, “yeah, that was until you came into my life. everything just turned cheesy.”
you roll your eyes, yet you were still smiling, “dork.”
he shrugs his shoulder, “and you’re the one dating the dork.”
you narrow your eyes, before smirking and getting up from your seat, coming towards his. he sips on his water, curious on what you were doing. you were quick to sit on his lap, making him almost choke on the liquid in his throat. he looked nervous, but his hands were quick to grab onto your hips. he was surprised, but it was still pleasantly. you rolled your hips into his, watching as his eyes flutter shut and you feel his fingernails starting to dig into your flesh. you were wearing shorts and a tanktop, perfect easy access for everything.
“fuck,” he huffs out, his head resting against your shoulder. your hips were relentless, and he was getting harder and harder with every movement. you could feel his dick through his sweatpants, and it was rubbing deliciously against your clit. his hands roamed your body as he started to suck on your neck messily. you were so wet, and you knew you had to be soaking through your shorts at this point.
“you’re so hard, mark,” you let out, craining your neck for him to have more access.
“and you’re so wet,” he groans, feeling as your hips swiveled in circles before picking up pace. it felt so damn good. “you wanna cum in your pants, baby?”
“do you?” you retort, grinding heavily against him. the air was thick, and you felt like you could burst at any second now. he laughs against your neck, before gripping your hips and helping you guide along his dick easily through your clothes. it felt so good, and you were so close. he could tell with the way your fingers were starting to dig into his shoulders and your moans were getting more and more loud. you were unintentionally vocal, but it always seemed to please him either way.
“such a dirty girl,” he whispers, one of his hands traveling up your back and along your spine through your shirt. you arch into him and he groans. “so close,” he mumbles, licking along your neck.
“fuck, mark,” you moan, “me too, so close. gonna cum in my cute little shorts for you.”
his eyes went wide, not used to the way you were talking so dirty. it wasn’t like you, but he wasn’t complaining. not in the slightest. he moans with you, “come on, baby. cum in those cute little shorts of yours like you said. make yourself cum without my dick even being in you. such a naughty girl,” he hums in your ear.
“oh fuck!” you fall foward onto him, your hips faltering in pace as you cum. it was such a euphoric feeling when it came to mark, so much better than when you did it alone. you were chanting his name, and soon enough he was cumming with you. he stains his sweatpants and boxers, some leaking through and onto your shorts. you could feel his dick twitching below you as you both settled down, your breathing heavy.
“so good,” he rubs your back, watching as your body slumps into his. “let’s go get cleaned, baby. we’ll wash the dishes later.” he kisses your temple as you softly nod your head. “perfect.”
august 2; day 342
“happy birthday, mark!” you scream as you rush towards his room. you had been saying happy birthday to him every single hour, texting him while you were out getting cake and his favorite foods. he said he preferred staying in with you for the day, and you only pouted and agreed to his wishes. whatever he wanted today, he would get. a lot of people seemed to wish him happy birthday, and he only thanked them with a small smiley face.
he smiled at you, happy to finally see you, “baby! thank you,” he laughs, “but you’ve been telling me all day long.” he kisses you sweetly, and you can’t help the smile that stretches along your face.
“you only deserve the best,” you pull his face into yours again, and he sighs sweetly against your lips. he tasted like mint, while you tastes like watermelon. you wore his favorite chapstick.
“i love you,” he whispers against your lips, arms greedily wrapping around you.
“i love you more,” you mumble back. before it gets too far, you push him back and show him the cake you bought. “look! i got you a spiderman cake!”
he laughs out loud, “from halloween?”
“yeah,” you smile back, “i think halloween was around the time when i really started to fall for you, so i bought you a spiderman cake for your birthday to kind of relive that moment.”
he smiles at you before quickly picking you up and twirling you around a couple of times. he laughs at the squeaks you let out, demanding he put you down. “i love you so fucking much,” he says as he places you down, “i don’t know how i ever got this lucky.”
your cheeks feel hot as you look up at him, “i love you, too, mark.” you kiss his cheek, and he smiles at the tender action. “now, let’s eat your cake, birthday boy.”
the rest of the day was filled with laughter, talks of the future, and slow, loving sex as he discovered the sweet dark lace beneath your clothes. everything felt like heaven with him, and you were so in love with this boy. no one compares to him, you decided.
“happy birthday, mark,” you moan in his ear as his hips work fluidly with yours. you say atop him, riding him sweetly, “i love you.”
he kisses you messily, his dick trapped between your heat and his head swimming in thoughts of you, and you alone, “i love you, too, baby.” he groans, his fingers digging into your back as he trails them down and leaves scratching marks, “so much.”
this was heaven, and you weren’t planning on leaving anytime soon.
august 26; day 366
one year.
a whole entire year of loving mark lee.
and, in all honesty, you were overwhelmed. how could you have spent that much time with someone, every single day for a year? it was insane in your eyes, but you truly couldn’t see yourself with anyone else. you wouldn’t want to have it any other way. not when mark was, quite literally, your dream boy. loving him for a whole year feels surreal, and you really weren’t complaining.
“happy one year,” you breathe, leaning in for a kiss. you both stood on the balcony of his apartment, the warm summer night air flowing through your hair. it just turned midnight, and you can’t help the smile that spread across your face as you watched it turn midnight.
“happy one year, baby,” he bites his bottom lip, “this is crazy.”
you laugh, “it is, but i wouldn’t want it any other way,” you lean into his grip, “we’ve had our moments, but i truly think it has made us a whole lot stronger as a couple.” you look deeply into his eyes, “i love you, mark lee. there will never be a day where i don’t, and there will never be a day where i stop thinking of you. you will forever be the boy i love, the boy i truly fell in love with. i can never thank you enough for showing me the love i thought i’d never get, or even be able to reciprocate. i hope i make you as happy as you make me, mark.”
tears form in his eyes as he pouts, “you do, y/n. i want no one else but you, and i will keep saying that for the rest of my life. i love you, so damn much it hurts. i can’t imagine my life without you, y/n. i have never loved someone as much as i have loved you, and i can truly say that,” he kisses you softly, “you are forever mine, and i am forever yours.”
you smile against his lips, running your fingers through his hair. this, this was love. this was what being loved, and being in love felt like. the pain, the heartbreak, the aching. all of it was worth it, as long as it was with mark. everything was worth it, as long as it was with mark lee. and no matter where life took the both of you, you swore you would always love him. through thick and thin, you would love him.
“move in with me,” he hushes, breaking apart from your lips briefly.
you smile and only nod your head, “i basically live here, anyway.” he was expecting a bigger, more dramatic reaction, but he could only laugh and sweetly kiss you again. he was living in a world that smelled like watermelon and roses around you, and he loved it.
“i love you forever.”
“and ever,” you whisper back.
now that i know the soft magic of your laugh and how your body moves like art, why would i ever go back? what was before you?
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a/n: I’m aware this includes leap year, please don’t judge haha i based it off of 2020
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wwilloww · 4 years
assless chaos | jjk
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Pairing: Cowboy!Jungkook x OC!Lainey
Genre: Wild West. Crack. Fluff.
Rating: 18+
WC: 1.5k
Warnings: Assless chaps. Swearing. Bad dialogue. Like really bad dialogue. Ass worship. Infidelity. Making out against a portrait of Colonel Mustard.
A/N: This is for @hobiance. Meant to be read with a nice little western twang to it. Like you’re chewing a piece of straw and tellin’ a story round a fire. I let my dramatic self out on this one, so please judge this fic based on the description of Jungkook’s ass, not the quality of writing, thank you very much.
Based on this ask:
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©️wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or copy without express permission of the author. 
“Ma’am?” The graveled voice of the cook crackles through the still air of the parlor as she sticks her head through the door. “You have a visitor.”
Lainey sighs, tipping the heavy book back just enough to peer over at the woman standing in the doorframe.
“Who is it?” she says, boredom lacing her tone, going back to her reading.
“A very handsome young man.” The older woman winks at her. “He says he has something to show you.”
Lainey’s brow furrows in confusion. Her cook speaks up over the silence, placating her uncertainty.
“He seems like a nice young man, ma’am. I think I recognize him as one of your husband’s men.”
“Alright, Bonnie, let him in.”
The double doors to Lainey’s parlor swing open — and then slam shut again with a loud bang. However, despite the loud noise, she doesn’t bother to look up from the book propped up in her hands.
“If you’re here to see my husband, he should be back by supper,” she calls from behind the pages. No one answers. The heavy but familiar sound of honest to goodness cowboy boots clicking against the hardwood floor echos through the office and it’s not until she hears them come to a halt in front of her desk that she looks up.
“Jungkook,” Lainey gasps, standing from her chair.
“Ma’am.” Jungkook tips his hat towards her before taking it off in a sign of respect. He tosses it casually onto a chair in the corner of the large room.
“I-I thought I told you—”
“To stay away?” Jungkook cocks an eyebrow and leans over the desk towards her, hands flat on the mahogany.
“You can’t be here,” she hisses. “Not now, not in my home, not—”
Her words are cut short by Jungkook’s hand reaching up to pinch her chin. Her eyes shoot open in shock. Such a simple gesture — and yet, she can’t help but feel her body react to the electricity that zings through her body as skin meets skin. It’s been so long since her husband, Taehyung — or really anyone for that matter had touched her like this — trapping such gentleness, such love in the smallest of movements.
“It wasn’t fair for you to ask me to stay away,” he pouts. “How could I? Especially when you look like this.”
He straightens up again, releasing her from his grasp. Lainey watches, mouth gaping as he rounds the desk to come stand before her.
“How could you,” she pokes him in the chest, “when you know exactly who my husband is? As the mayor, and soon to be governor, he runs this town. He’ll have his gun cocked and pointed at your head as soon as he sees you here.”
“You really think I’m worried about that?” Jungkook drawls. “You don’t think I didn’t know exactly what I was riskin’ when I came here?” He stands hardly a foot away and Lainey is forced to look up at the handsome man. His hair is parted sleekly to the side, the deep, rich color gleaming in the golden evening light that shines through the window. As much as she knows she should tell off the man standing before her, something in her chest tugs, begs, Please. Let him stay. He stands so close that she can smell his natural mix of sun and desert emanating off of him. He smells like something comfortable, like something she wants to fall into, like — dare she say it? — like sex.
Just as he’s leaning in, his lips parted oh-so devilishly, Lainey puts her hand to his chest, stopping him.
“You said you had something to show me,” she says hurriedly, her voice quacking ever so slightly.
Gaze still locked on her lips, he smirks. “Of course, I nearly forgot.”
“What is it?”
“Remember the governor’s ball, nary a month ago?”
How could she forget? The fateful night Jungkook finally pulled her behind the curtain of the stage and asked if her lingering gaze meant that she felt the same way he did. They exchanged confessions of adoration as Lainey’s husband stood just twenty feet away, giving his speech for his governor’s candidacy. The two of them confessed their love to one another behind the rich velvet curtains, only to swear any action on behalf of their throbbing hearts. Even after Lainey had slipped back to her husband’s side, her gaze hadn’t left the figure of the young cowboy, eyes roving over his strong frame and supple ass. Drinking him in was like tasting the sweetest of poisons.
“I remember,” she says softly. “How could I forget?”
“Then you’ll appreciate these.”
Jungkook rips of his chaps, the snaps popping off and scattering across the floor. As she takes in what lays beneath, Lainey slaps a hand to her mouth, a gasp ringing through the air.  
Below lay a second pair of chaps.
Assless chaps.
“What in gods good tarnation are those,” Lainey gasps.
“Chaos. Assless chaos.” Jungkook takes a step closer until the pair stands chest to chest. “I know how much you like my ass —” Warmth creeps up her cheeks and she attempts to duck her head in embarrassment of his acknowledgment. But he’s quick to put a finger below her chin, nudging her head up so that she’s looking at him again. “—The way you can’t keep your eyes off of my blessed cheeks, even when your husband is standing right beside you with his arm around your waist.”
“I—” Her words stutter to a halt. All Lainey can think is that behind the beautiful man in front of her are two shining, round, perfect peaches, juicy and just begging to be squeezed. She nearly swoons at the thought of all of that cake, exposed to the room.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Jungkook murmurs. “I know what you’re thinking.” He takes her hands, which have been clutched to her chest, one in each of his large palms. Ever-so slowly, he brings them around his back and places her palms on his exposed ass.
She can’t help but give the slightest of squeezes.
Firm. Juicy. Perfectly round.
“It’s like they were sculpted by the gods,” Lainey murmurs, breath stolen by the utopian orbs beneath her hands. Never in all of her prairie-roving, stallion-taming days has she ever come into contact with such a faultless ass. Even without sight, she knows there’s no ass in this whole country that could rival the one she grasps in hands this very moment.
“My heart though,” Jungkook whispers. “My heart has been sculpted by you.”
Brought back to the moment, Lainey realizes who she is, where she is, who she’s with. She takes a step back, releasing Jungkook’s beautiful ass as she does. Her heart flutters at his words. Even as the sound has long cleared the space, she feels like she can still feel the vibrations of its echoes.
“We can’t,” she breathes, hand snaking up her torso and coming to rest above her pounding heart. “You know how I feel. You know how I… how I love you. Love you and that matchless ass of yours. But there’s so much more to consider.”
“Is it not enough for you?” He takes a step forward, just as she steps back again. “Is having me and a show-stealing ass not enough you? I fucking won the county fair with this beaut.”
“I know you did. And you won this heart, too,” you add so softly the words barely lift into the air.
If only she could melt into him, allow him to take her away somewhere far from the plaid ballgowns, the cow auctions, the dry desert of this town. Wasn’t she made for something so much bigger? For the great beyond of life? Not the smallness that her husband expected her to don, the repetitive role he asked her to play every day the sun poked her head above the dusty earth and the cows woke for their milking. A role he never thanked her for, either.
“I’m here to ask you to run away with me,” Jungkook says. 
Lainey looks up at him.
The man before her holds a great expanse within his stallion soul. One she wanted to fall into. One she wanted to explore and map and know like the back of her palm.
Like being struck by lightning during the rainy season, a bolt of understanding hits her. She wants this. Wants him.
Jungkook has her backed up against the large painting of Colonel Mustard that decorates the parlor, the yellow of his turtle neck casting a glow about the darkening room.
“Can I—”
“Kiss me, Jungkook.”
Jungkook leans down to her, his palms coming to cradle her face as he brushes his lips against hers. Soft at first. And then all at once.
It is a kiss that consumes. One that swirls up all the feeling in the world into one large tumbleweed of emotion and sensation.
She pulls away, just enough to let a single word slip from her swollen lips.
The moment the word slips out, she knows it’s true.
“Take me with you when you leave this godforsaken town.”
“I’m all yours, cowboy.”
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taglist: @usuallynervoussheep @hesperantha​ @myimaginationsrunningwild​ @ladyartemesia​ @thatlongspringnight​ @ppersonna​
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