#what if she'd wanted to get revenge?
iztopher · 11 months
i talk fairly often abt how much i love stella and galahad's friendship but i talk less about how fucking fascinating and interesting i find digging into stella and te'ijal's dynamic. none of my fics really focusing on their dynamic have managed to see the light of day (stella kills gyendal AU i will get to you one day) but there is so much potential there
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deathdxnces · 1 year
"I've never killed a person... just a lot of Noxians."
in-game quotes can’t be taken literally etc, but I think this one is pretty spot on in how irelia sees noxians in general. they are never people she has irreconcilable differences with; they’re not people period. it’s very different from her stance on other enemies, such as the shadow order or the navori brotherhood. 
not seeing noxians as people is a mix of rage/resent and a coping mechanism after having to fight and kill them when she was really young (and coming from a background that preached non-violence in any situation, as well). she hates them enough that seeing them as something other than people comes easy, and seeing them like that makes it easier to fight and kill without (as much) guilt. dehumanization isnt uncommon in soldiers, and it definitely plays a part on why she doesn't feel the same grief towards the noxians she killed and the ionians, even if none of them were innocents.
when it comes to the enemies she has to face in her own homeland, from her own people, the situation is very different.  stains on a name shows her facing an ionian enemy who wants to kill her, but she talks to him first, apologizes for disappointing, and only really uses her blades when it’s clear the man would die before being captured. 
and in this case, she can’t stop seeing them as people. she doesn’t hate the navori brotherhood even after they try to have her killed, regardless of their differences. which is also why killing ionians, even in self-defense, is something that weighs a lot heavier on her. they are people, and they are her people, even if they tried to take her life. she feels very guilty for killing them, even in self defense — her hands are permanently stained with their blood, and it’s something she doesn’t think there’s absolution from.
facing her people, even the more... villainous of them, is never really something she enjoys. still, looking at fighting and killing in general, i think part of why she feels so bad about it is precisely because she doesn't hate it as much as she should, when she outright enjoys ending noxians. because it's one thing to be incapable of just sitting and watching and following a non-violent philosophy while people destroy what’s important to you, and something else to actually rejoice in killing them. part of her will always feel guilty for leaving the beliefs of her family and the tradition of her people behind (and feel all the worse for the fact she doesn't hate her path as much as she thinks she should).
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cak31ssuperi04 · 2 years
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1bitJanuary Day 6- favorite ship
It's Izuchi/Sagara btw Kirai doesn't have anything to do with this.
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fellthemarvelous · 4 months
It pisses me off to see the way some Star Wars fans are so dismissive of Reva, Third Sister.
She's complex. She's interesting. She's clever. She's intelligent. She's strategic. She's conflicted. She's traumatized. She's scared. She's angry. She's a survivor.
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The Obi-Wan Kenobi series literally opens with her and her friends watching one of her Jedi mentors get gunned down by clone troopers during Order 66.
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She was a FUCKING CHILD!!! They were in the middle of a lesson when the clones walked in and started shooting everyone!! These were Anakin Skywalker's troopers and they were executing every single Jedi around them.
These children had NO idea what was going on. They were scared and they tried to run to safety.
We remember this scene from Revenge of the Sith and we all immediately knew what it meant.
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These are the same bodies that Obi-Wan Kenobi found when he and Yoda returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant after having to kill so many of Anakin's clone troopers just to survive.
These are children that the Jedi Council wasn't there to save.
Palpatine snuffed out the light of the Jedi in one swift act of terrorism and then blamed the Jedi for their own genocide after taking over the entire galaxy.
And in times of war, the weakest among everyone always suffer the most.
This is what Reva, Jedi youngling, remembers most about the end of the Clone Wars.
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Anakin Skywalker, hero of the Clone Wars and former padawan of the great Obi-Wan Kenobi, murdered all of her friends and injured her.
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She had to play dead amongst the dead bodies of her friends, and that's how she survived. She witnessed Anakin Skywalker murder all the Jedi in the temple with no one there to stop him because the other Jedi Masters were being executed in a war they had never wanted to enter into in the first place.
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She blames herself for not being able to save her friends because she wasn't strong enough to fight back. No youngling was ever going to be strong enough to stand against Anakin Skywalker. She wanted revenge against Anakin Skywalker, and she was just as desperate to get to Obi-Wan Kenobi as he was. She wanted to kill Anakin Skywalker just as badly as Darth Vader wanted to kill Obi-Wan.
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She was alone in a galaxy that tortured and executed surviving Jedi. She spent ten years plotting her revenge against Anakin. She was angry at Obi-Wan for not being there to stop Anakin, and rightfully so.
The Republic fell. Reva and her friends were left unprotected. She was the only person she relied on because everyone else failed her. She was only a child when she lost everyone.
And it's clear she was conflicted by her role as an Inquisitor. She doesn't have the training the other Inquisitors do because she volunteered to be an Inquisitor while all the others were tortured and terrorized into falling to the dark side. She only wanted access to Anakin so she could get justice for what he did to her and her family.
Unlike Anakin, Reva couldn't find it in herself to harm a child. She was seeking revenge solely against Anakin Skywalker. Luke and Leia are the same age she was when she watched her friends and family die in front of her.
Yes, she was prepared to torture Leia, but she consistently hesitated, and when Tala walked in, Reva turned away. She stopped. Yeah she was mad, but she didn't have to go through with it. She'd already planted a tracker on Lola. She was already planning on allowing them to escape so she could locate their secret base. She just needed to bait Obi-Wan. Her plan worked perfectly, and she didn't even have to hurt this child who was annoying the shit out of her (not realizing she was dealing with Anakin Skywalker's offspring).
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She went to Tatooine to kill Luke, but she couldn't. She hunted him down without bothering to kill Owen or Beru. She only cared about one thing. Getting justice for what happened to everyone she had been unable to save at the end of the war. She was only a child, and when she realized she was about to kill a defenseless child just to get revenge, she couldn't do it. She saw her face when she looked down at Luke and cried when she realized she couldn't do it.
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She was so horrified by what she had been prepared to do and returned him to Owen and Beru alive. She fell to her knees and sobbed because she thought she failed her family in the end.
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Obi-Wan was there for her this time. He reminded her that by showing mercy, she was giving her friends and family peace. She was not going to become the monster that Anakin Skywalker was.
Obi-Wan helped her and reminded her that she gets to decide who she wants to be from this point forward. She refused to become Anakin Skywalker, and a weight was finally starting to be lifted from her shoulders. A weight she had been carrying for ten long years.
She did what she thought she had to just to survive. She had only been a child with no guidance because everyone she loved died. She survived by joining the ranks of the enemy so she could plot her revenge. Obi-Wan showed her mercy at the moment she needed it most. He wasn't angry with her. He was compassionate. She survived Order 66 just like he did, but she had been defenseless when they were thrust into a galaxy that tortured and killed Force sensitive individuals and those who helped them. He had failed Reva during Order 66, and he wasn't going to fail her this time.
She is getting a second chance at finding her path in life despite the bad things she did. Everyone deserves a second chance. She was robbed of her childhood and had to grow up overnight. She had to learn how to survive. And that's exactly what she did. Just not in the way she expected.
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If you were to write Lila would you keep her being a con artist criminal with multiple identities but hinted at/revealed it earlier than S5 or would you cut that part down of her character entirely ?
It would really depend on how much space I had to fill. Gabriel is not the kind of villain that you can draw out forever. His story needs to have a clearly planned ending right from the start. In fact, I think they drew him out at least a season too long. So, if I also had to fill eight seasons, I could see myself going the Lila route. I'd just make a few changes. Off the top off my head, here's how I'd handle serious villain Lila as opposed to what canon wrote, which is petty school bully Lila who is entirely unbelievable as a serious villain.
First of all, Lila wouldn't be introduced at the end of season one. While her and Gabriel probably need to have some overlap, that's way too soon. In my version, she shows up at the start of season four and she'd be heavily toned down. We'd know that something was off about her, we may even keep the liar thing, but it would be a lot more subtle. Lies like, "Ladybug rescued me" and "I got to go backstage at a Jagged Stone concert" instead of "Ladybug is my bff" and "Jagged Stone wrote a song about me." Her goal would no longer be gaining peons, but instead gaining true close friends who like and trust her. The reason for this is that Lila is replacing Optigami as Mayura's last sentimonster.
See, season three ended with all those identity reveals and most of the revealed identities are in the same class. That's curious, so it makes perfect sense for Nathalie and Gabriel to want someone undercover in Adrien's class, but they can't do it. So Nathalie makes a sentikid of her own, gives her the power of manipulation, and sends her off to try to find Ladybug and/or Chat Noir by whatever means necessary.
This would give a clear reason for Gabriel to trust Lila, a clear reason for Lila to know all about the miraculous, and a clear reason for Lila to hate Ladybug. In this version, I wouldn't do Nathalie's lackluster redemption. Instead, Nathalie stays bad right up to her death. Perhaps her last act is getting the butterfly to her daughter and ordering her to get revenge on Ladybug and Chat Noir should Gabriel fail. After all, Gabriel can't wield more than six miraculous at once, so it makes sense for him to send Nathalie off with at least one of them while he enacts his master plan just in case it fails.
That's just one potential path to take. I also like the idea of having Lila be someone who came to Paris in order to find the miraculous, but who has no ties to the Agrestes. That would require some pretty big changes to her character, though, as I can't see that type of character caring about things like dating Adrien or being a model or all the other crap that has nothing to do with gaining a miraculous and everything to do with popularity and social clout. Lila canonically doesn't know that Gabriel even has a miraculous until the final of season four, so she basically just lucked into finding one instead of doing anything logical to find it because this show has no clue how to actually write smart, clever characters.
In summary, I'm totally fine with complex, master-manipulator Lila, it's just hard to figure out the best way to make her work when we don't know anything about her backstory or motivation. The version proposed above is just the best I can do to fit her into the role canon placed her in. A role I could easily see later seasons flat out ignoring.
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its-avalon-08 · 4 months
ADORE UR ANGST! Can you do a lando norris x y/n where lando is upset with y/n because she wasnt listening when he was ranting about something that happened. He feels annoyed. Y/N doesnt know why he's upset but then she realises. she tries to apoligise
can i just say i love it when y/n messes up, because writing reader groveling is my guilty pleasure <3 thanks anon
look up from your fucking phone (ln4)
✦ pairing - lando norris x female!reader
✦ genre - alot of fighting, y/n is being annoying, angst, fluffy ending
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Lando slammed the apartment door shut, the echo bouncing off the bare walls of their new place in Monaco. He threw his helmet on the couch, the familiar orange a stark contrast to the simmering red of his mood.
"Y/N, did you see that?!" he yelled, stomping towards the kitchen.
Y/N was hunched over the counter, phone glued to her ear, a frown etched on her face. "Ugh, why won't this load?..." she trailed off, finally noticing Lando's stormy entrance.
"Didn't you see what Yuki pulled out there?!" Lando practically exploded. "That dive bomb into Turn 12? I could've been wiped out!"
Y/N finally peeled her phone away from her ear. "Yeah, I saw it. Sounds scary," she said, her voice flat. She scrolled through her phone again, a picture of a cupcake taking center screen.
Lando's anger intensified. "Scary? Y/N, it was reckless! He could've ruined both our races!" He gestured wildly with his gloved hands. "And all he gets is a five-second penalty? That's a joke!"
Y/N sighed, a sound of exasperation that sent a fresh wave of irritation through Lando. "Look, I'm sure you'll bounce back. Maybe get some revenge on him next race?" She offered a tight smile, her eyes still glued to the phone.
Lando felt a knot tighten in his chest. "That's it? No 'are you okay?' No 'that was a dirty move?'" His voice dropped to a low growl. "Don't you even care?"
Y/N finally looked up, startled. "Of course I care, Lando! I just... I had a really stressful day too, okay?" She gestured vaguely at the phone. "Work stuff."
The knot in Lando's chest unraveled, replaced by a hollow ache. "Right," he muttered, his voice devoid of its usual spark. "Work stuff is always more important than your boyfriend getting wrecked on the track, apparently."
Y/N's eyes widened. "Hey, that's not fair! I wouldn't say that." She reached out a hand, but Lando flinched away.
"Just forget it," he said, his voice tight. "I need a shower."
He stormed past her, the slam of the bathroom door echoing through the apartment. Y/N stared after him, the phone clattering to the counter with a forgotten thud. The file which had now loaded mocked her from the screen.
Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribs. She'd been so caught up in her own problems, she hadn't realized Lando was having a terrible day. Shame washed over her as she remembered his frustrated yells, his need for support.
She jumped up, rushing to the bathroom door. "Lando, wait!" she called out, her voice laced with panic. "I'm so sorry, I was just..."
She tried the knob, but it wouldn't budge. He must've locked it. Lando, who never locked the bathroom door. A cold dread filled her.
He was mad. Really mad. And it was all her fault.
The silence stretched on for what felt like hours. Dinner, usually a time for shared laughter and stories, was a tense affair. Y/N cooked Lando's favorite pasta dish, but it sat untouched on the table, growing cold beside her untouched plate. Every time she stole a glance at the bathroom door, a knot tightened in her stomach.
Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, she cleared her throat. "Lando," she began tentatively, "I know you're upset, and I just wanted to say again that I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been on the phone. I was just..."
The clatter of the bathroom door slamming shut cut her off. Lando stormed into the living room, his face a mask of fury.
"Just what?" he spat out, his voice raw with emotion. "Just another bad day at work for you? Don't you get it, Y/N? Today was a nightmare! Yuki nearly took me out, the car felt off the entire race, and to top it all off, the media keeps hounding me about missing out on the podium."
He ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. "And you," he pointed a finger at her, his voice cracking, "you weren't even there for me. You were too busy with your stupid phone to even see how much I was fucking hurting."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes. "Lando, I-"
He cut her off again, his voice laced with a raw vulnerability that ripped at her heartstrings. "No, Y/N! You don't get to talk now. I had the worst fucking day of my life, and your sorry does. not. fix. that. You listening to me, maybe even caring, might have. But you weren't there. And frankly, right now, I don't even know if you care at all."
He stormed past her, grabbing his helmet from the couch. "I'm going for a drive. Don't wait up." The slam of the front door echoed through the apartment, leaving Y/N standing alone in the cold, sterile silence. Tears streamed down her face, a silent apology echoing in the empty room. She had messed up, badly. And now, she had to find a way to fix it, even if it meant facing Lando's anger and rebuilding the trust she had so carelessly shattered.
Lando's car tore down the familiar winding roads, the roar of the engine a poor substitute for the roar of frustration in his chest. Tears, hot and angry, blurred his vision as he navigated the steep climb towards his favorite spot - the very same hill where he'd asked Y/N to be his girlfriend.
"Stupid phone. Stupid fucking Yuki. Stupid me," he muttered under his breath, slamming the car into park with more force than necessary. He stormed out, the cool night air doing little to quell the fire burning inside him.
He reached the familiar crest of the hill, the city lights twinkling like scattered diamonds below. It was supposed to be a place of peace, a place where he could clear his head. But tonight, it was a stark reminder of everything he'd lost.
"Why couldn't you have listened to me Y/N," he growled, the words catching in his throat. He sat down on the familiar patch of grass, burying his head in his hands. A choked sob escaped his lips, the sound harsh and raw in the quiet night.
Suddenly, a soft voice broke through his despair. "Lando?"
He looked up, startled, to see Y/N standing hesitantly before him. She was holding a basket overflowing with snacks, drinks, and a familiar fluffy blanket. Her eyes were red-rimmed, her face etched with worry and regret.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice hoarse. His anger hadn't quite subsided, but it was overshadowed by a wave of surprise.
"I followed you," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. She set the basket down beside him cautiously, the woven handles creaking softly. "I know you needed some space, but I couldn't just stay there. I had to try and fix this."
Lando hesitated, then gestured towards the spot beside him. Y/N sat down, her gaze fixed on the glittering cityscape. Silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken emotions. Finally, Y/N reached out, placing a hand tentatively on his arm.
"Lando, I'm so, so sorry. There's no excuse for my behavior today. You were having a terrible day, and I completely ignored you. It was selfish and insensitive, and I hurt you. And for that, I am truly sorry."
Lando flinched, a tear rolling down his cheek. He looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and longing. "I just... I needed you, Y/N. Today was one of those days when everything felt like it was going wrong. And all I wanted was for you to be there for me, to listen, to just be you."
Y/N's hand tightened on his arm. "I understand now. And believe me, I was there in spirit. Every time you yelled, every time you slammed the door, it broke my heart a little more. But I was so caught up in my own problems, I didn't even see how much you were hurting."
She squeezed his arm gently. "Please, Lando. Let me try to make it up to you. Let's stay here, talk, share some snacks." She gestured towards the basket with a small, hopeful smile. "Maybe then we can face tomorrow together."
Lando looked from her hopeful face to the inviting spread in the basket. A flicker of his old smile played on his lips. He sighed, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Alright, Y/N. Snacks and talking it out sound pretty good right now."
As they settled under the blanket, the city lights twinkling around them, they began to talk. Lando poured out his frustrations about the race, Yuki, and the media. Y/N listened intently, offering words of encouragement and understanding. They reminisced about better races, laughed at silly inside jokes, and slowly, the rift between them began to heal.
The drive home was filled with a comfortable silence, a silent promise to communicate better in the future. As Lando pulled into their driveway, he turned to Y/N, a genuine smile warming his face.
"Thanks for coming after me, Y/N." He leaned in, his lips brushing softly against hers. "I love you."
Y/N smiled back, her heart overflowing with relief. "I love you too, Lando. And next time, I'm chucking the phone into the bin."
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roosterforme · 5 months
I feel like Bob would be really good at overstimulation because he's so patient. He'd have you naked and in tears, several orgasms deep before he even took his shirt off.
I'm going to pretend @attapullman sent this (but she'd never go nonny about Bob), because I wrote this little ficlet as a birthday treat in response to this sexy thought. Happy birthday, Morgan!
I Need a Minute (Bob Floyd x Reader)
contains smut, fingering, adult language, overstimulation and confident Bob
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Your boyfriend was not someone to mess with. You knew that for a fact. Sure, he looked sweet and innocent in his wire rimmed glasses and unassuming shirts, but inside, he was a thinker. A planner. Someone who took all the time necessary to make a decision and formulate a plan. And in your case, he was currently working on exacting his revenge.
Anyone else would have a hard time reading it on his face, but you knew him well enough to notice the soft twitch of his lips and the subtle glances he was sending your way. It was your own fault for the way you teased him at the diner, sliding your hand up inch by inch beneath the napkin that was spread out on his lap until you got to the sweet spot. While you casually talked to all of his aviator friends, you stroked him slowly through his jeans. As you laughed with Mickey and Javy, you gave him a little squeeze just to hear his soft grunt.
When everyone started to stand up, Bob was blushing as he said, "I need a minute." And you left him high and dry, climbing out of the oversized booth and making a mad dash for Natasha's car while Bob tried to hide what you did to him.
As you traipsed across the sandy beach with everyone else, Bob finally reached for your free hand. "Why don't we spread our blanket out over here?" he asked, tugging you to a stop. "The fireworks would be starting up in just a few minutes," he added. "We should get settled in."
He seemed completely calm, so you shook out the beach blanket and curled up with him so you were sitting between his legs. "Are you comfy?" you asked him over your shoulder, and he kissed the tip of your nose, making you smile.
"Very," he promised, and you turned to face the ocean just as the first red, green and orange fireworks lit up the sky. Even though you were wearing his Naval Academy sweatshirt over your sundress, you shivered as he whispered, "I'm about to be a lot more comfortable than you."
"What?" you gasped, realizing that everyone else was sitting in front of you. There was nobody watching as Bob gently pulled your legs further apart and kissed the side of your neck. Nobody noticed a damn thing when he tugged the fabric slowly up your legs and ran his thumb along your underwear, sending you scooting back against him. "What are you doing?" you whined softly, giving yourself away.
His fingers paused on the thin strip of cotton hiding your pussy from him. "Oh. You want this, huh?" When you nodded, dazed eyes focused on the fireworks, he kissed your earlobe. "You say that now."
One long finger slipped inside the elastic band of your underwear, and you gasped his name. Bob let his digit glide slowly up and down your slit while he made casually offhand comments like, "The green fireworks are my favorite. Did you know they are made out of barium salts?" Your only response was to moan a little louder, and he didn't stop you. The loud booming sounds blocked out your whines and breathy gasps as he slipped that finger inside you, lazily fucking you with it while his thumb found you clit.
He punctuated every thrust with a little swirl of his thumb, varying the speed as he went. You tried desperately to fuck yourself on that long finger, but he held you in place with his other hand. You were playing his little game now, and you knew it would be a little while before you came. 
His lips worked at your neck until you could feel a bruise forming. His teeth grazed your skin softly when you started to hiccup. You found out the hard way that the city of San Diego put on a glamorous thirty minute fireworks display for holidays, and Bob teased you for twenty-eight of them. Your breathing was so loud as he pumped his hand beneath your dress and whispered, "You want to come, don't you? You want to soak my hand even more, huh?"
"Bob!" you begged loud enough that one of the others must have heard, but Bob just kept slowing his pace until you felt tears in your eyes. Your makeup was probably a mess. Sweat broke out on your brow. But he just slowed down until he was gently tapping your pussy with his fingers.
"Ask me really nicely."
"Please, Bob!" Your voice broke on the words as he rammed two fingers deep inside you and stroked your clit with his thumb. The grand finale of fireworks blasted across the sky as you finally came, eyes closed and back arched. You didn't care who saw you like this as long as you got the relief you needed.
He kissed that tender spot behind your ear and whispered, "You're lucky I'm so nice," as you rolled your hips against the heel of his hand. And then he was slipping it back out of your panties and tugging your dress into place as everyone around you started to collect their things. When he stood up and looked down at you, he smirked as you sprawled out on your back, your limbs completely boneless. "You ready to go?" he asked with his hands on his hips.
"I need a minute."
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brighteuphony · 7 months
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Got a bunch of Sasuke-centric asks, so here we are!
Sakura has some complicated feelings about Sasuke.
In my AU, Sakura was born to civilian parents who didn't really want her to become shinobi, even though that had been her dream for as long as she could remember- and it was no secret in the Haruno household that they were hoping she'd drop out, or at the very most, be career genin.
So Sakura never really had anyone to believe in her and had to go into the academy (late!) as a civilian-born, meaning she was automatically behind in development (and status) compared to the clan kids. (I headcanon that until the Academy, Sakura didn't ever spar with anyone, versus clan kids who had probably learned how to wield kunai before they knew how to walk).
So Sakura worked hard and did her absolute best to get the barest minimum that clan kids were afforded by default. Unfortunately, her best, without the resources/opportunities, just wasn't good enough. And Sakura knew it. Academically, she was brilliant, but that's not enough to be a good shinobi. And somewhere deep down, Sakura (at the very least Inner Sakura) knew it.
It's why I headcanon that she developed such a violent temper. People who are secure in themselves don't have such explosive, uncontrolled outbursts- it's why she picked on people like Naruto, who was probably the only person below her in the pecking order (maybe Tenten? But they're equals I guess). It's why she's so quick to anger and usually has those responses OUT of combat- it's because that's the only place her violence is actually effective.
It's also why she's such a teacher's pet- she needs validation from others to try and fill the gaping void.
So when Sasuke appeared on the radar, and everyone wanted him, so did Sakura. Because if she got him, she would do something that no one else- clan-privileged and better- could do. In fact, she staked most of her identity (her hair, her diet, her clothing) on it.
None of this was conscious. She really did have a crush on Sasuke, but the seed of it was born from a very misguided desire to prove herself on an even playing field.
After all, she didn't have a clan upbringing/resources to teach her how to find self-worth and actualization through her skills (she went home, and her civilian parents praised her for things that absolutely didn't matter in shinobi reality, amazement that she could throw a kunai! how good her grades were! and how cool it was that she could jump high!)
(and Kakashi absolutely didn't help, lol), so she defaulted to what she knew- which was being a regular girl with a regular crush.
Now, as an ~adult, she's come to the painful realization that her love for Sasuke was just a goalpost. Ironically, she set her sights on someone who would inadvertently feed into all of those insecurities, and because Sakura didn't love/believe in herself, she accepted Sasuke's abuse.
She also understands that she ran into the Chidori/Rasengan deathmatch of her own stupidity, but she just can't forgive Sasuke for leaving. For never owning up. 'Cause that's just coward behavior..
Basically, Sasuke's cruelty was just a reflection of her own self-loathing, and unfortunately, Sakura just wallowed in denial and ended up paying a hefty-ass price.
So if she ever sees Sasuke again? Honestly, she doesn't know whether she wants justice or revenge. It's complicated.
Whew- that was a text dump....
Once again, thank you so much to everyone for all the interest and asks! I'm so happy we can all share Naruto rotbrain together.
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False volcano
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The skywings have been claiming the mountain near them has become a volcano. Saying that the nightwing volcano must have woken it up... highly doubtful to me, but when the tremors began the rumor grew more widespread... Which is why im now in this cave.
Toad stuffed the scroll back in his bag as the mountain shook again. He managed to pin pont the exact mountain the tremors were comming from. So far it was just a boring old mountain.
"You hear that? She says youll be released soon." The voice shouted with a nervous chuckle. Toad hesitated before following the voice.
"I... I was so worried she wouldnt believe me and she'd have me killed..." The voice continued as Toad curled around the dark stone corners. His thick mudwing scales scraping against them, the heat was rising. "Imagine what we can do once your out... Like we can go flying and hunting and and you gotta see some of the festivals!" the dragon stopped falling into a coughing fit.
The cave opened up... suffocating smoke filled the belly of the mountain. Chains scattered the walls all connected to somthing in the middle. It would shift and send a chorus of clangs echoing off the walls. Claw marks of varying sizes lined the walls among charred bones and ash.
Toad crept further out trying to see what was behind the smoke.... A dragon... a giant one...
He struggled to hold himself up from the weight of the chains. Anywhere he places his talons melted, even the mountain itself. He shifted toward the ant like form of the other dragon, a wing flew over toads head sending smoke swirling past. Toad bit his tongue to prevent himself from coughing.
"I cant wait..." His voice hissed. his tongue flicked out running it over his teeth "I need to stretch my wings and get this rope off..." his neck and wings were squished into the mountain. To toad this cave was giant but to him it was a cramped cage. "revenge will be sweet I promise you that little brother..."
The dragon below gave a whimper "I wish you wouldnt think of revenge. Let them ruin themselves... the war certainly isnt going in her favor.." The large dragon reared up, he slammed his wings and talons into the mountain. The treamors... it was him...
"Dont you DARE tell me what to do." He roared, another tremor, his jaws struggled against the rope "Once im free I will do what ive been wanting to do for CENTURIES..." The small dragon whined and whimpered apologies under him. The large dragon gave a sigh, rolling his eyes "but I also wish to hang out with you...I have plans but I do wish to catch up on our lost dragonet years..."
Toad had many questions. How could a dragon of his size stay hidden. How was he burning so much? Why dont his ropes or chains burn? but he was also terrified... he needed to leave. now.
Toad turned to escape but the large dragon moved his wing, it slammed into toad. Toad heaved as the wind left his lungs, he stumbled to catch himself in the air. The two whipped around to face the eavsdropper. Toad froze. It was like starring into the sun.
"Who whos that?" The small one yelped
The large dragon opened their mouth as much as they could with a hiss "An unlucky visitor..."
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lucyrose191 · 1 year
Paring Sebastian Vettel x Fem!driver!reader
Summary; Moments that Sebastian Vettel and reader have had throughout their careers together both on and off track.
Warnings; None, fluff.
F1 Master List , Part 2 , Part 3
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Sebastian and Y/N walked into the camera shot, sitting next to each other on the sofa, looking into the camera lens.
"We hereby announce our joint retirement at the end of the 2022 season" they spoke in unison.
📍Italian Grand Prix, 2008
"And Sebastian Vettel passes the checkered flag, taking his first ever win in formula one at the Italian Grand Prix!"
Y/N lifted herself out of her RedBull car after parking in the P2 slot, not wasting any time before running in the direction of her best friend who was getting hugs and pats from the Toro Rosso team.
She jumped into his arms just as he turned around causing him to let out an "Oof!" as he stumbled back into the barriers from the sudden surprise attack.
"I'm so proud of you, Seb! I wouldn't want to come second to anyone else!" Sebastian closed his eyes at her words before tightening his arms around her and lifted her feet from the ground, spinning her around and laughing happily.
"Sebastian, you're going to be joining Y/N at RedBull next year. What do you think she's going to be like as a teammate?"
Sebastian's face upturned into a smile at the mention of Y/N's name, to say he was looking forward to being teammates next year was an understatement. He had a very good feeling about it.
He leant towards the microphone that the interviewer was holding "Well I think it will be great, I've known her for a long time and I'm happy to say I'm at the point where I understand what she's saying, it's taken a while to get used to her accent"
"...You just wait sunshine, you just wait... I just need those two cars... Rosberg P4.... Kubica P5.... DU BIST WELTMEISTER!"
Sebastian immediately started crying, he was world champion! "Thank you boys! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Thank you, I love you"
"Let's not forget, mate. You are the youngest world champion in F1 history, you're allowed to cry mate, you're allowed to cry"
"Y/N L/N you are a formula one World Champion!!!!"
She couldn't believe what she was hearing through her head set as she flashed by the checkered flag, tears streamed down her face underneath her helmet as she raised her fist in victory whilst driving her cool down lap.
She had done it, she had actually gone and done it.
The first ever female formula one world champion!
"Sebastian Vettel you are a two time World Champion!"
"Sebastian Vettel, Three time World Champion!"
"Four time World Champion, Sebastian Vettel everyone!"
Y/N screamed as Sebastian jumped out of the door of her motor home just as she was about to open it, the German himself fell to the floor in hysterical laughter at the look of horror he saw on her face.
"What the fuck, Sebastian!" She yelled, Seb got up and ran away still laughing knowing she'd be out for revenge
Sebastian, Y/N, Fernando and Lewis sat down, strapping their microphones around their head for the press conference to begin.
"Okay, let's begin"
A tall male with balding hair stood up and introduced himself, then started "I want to start with Sebastian, both you and Y/N are leaving RedBull this year, you to Ferrari and Y/N to Mercedes. Do you think you'll be able to have as a good of a relationship with your new teammate as you've had with Y/N"
"You're trying to get me into trouble here" Sebastian laughed nervously, shifting under Y/N's expectant gaze.
"No uhm" he began to answer seriously "Y/N and I have known each other and raced together for years so it was easy to battle each other while also working together, it's important to get along with the person you spend so much time with and I'll be happy if I have half the relationship with Kimi as I do with Y/N"
Y/N smiled brightly "I'm just that great!" She joked causing Seb to roll his eyes.
"And Y/N, how do you feel about joining Lewis at Mercedes?"
Y/N shrugged "I'm excited to be hopefully moving up in my career, Mercedes feels like a right choice for me to continue progressing. Lewis is a great driver and hopefully an even better teammate. I'll enjoy racing beside him whilst battling against him"
Sebastian rested his forehead against Y/N's, closing his eyes as he relished in the comfort that their closeness brought him. "I love you, Schatz" he whispered, not even realising that the words had fallen from his lips until he felt her step away from him.
Y/N looked up at him, her mouth was gaped open, wondering if she had heard him right. She had. She looked into his eyes and could see every emotion as he looked at her and sure enough there was love, so much love as he looked at her. "I love you too, Seb" she told him, laughing at the utter joy that shot through his face.
Sebastian shook his head. She loved him.
She loved him!
"Y/N L/N you officially have two World Championship titles, what a star!"
"Y/N L/N, three time formula one World Champion!!"
Y/N leant her body back against Seb's chest, he stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist with his head resting against her shoulder. She was a three time world champion, that was now seven between them.
Between them they had matched Michael Schumacher. Now if that wasn't an accomplishment, what was?
Sebastian nuzzled his head against hers, she smelt so good. "Will you be mine?" He whispered in her ear, his lips curving into a soft smile as he felt her shiver.
She didn't answer for a while, continuing to look out at the ocean and for a moment Seb thought that she was going to say no, she shook her head and he felt his heart crack.
But she had a smile on her face. "I've been yours for years, Sebastian" she told him, surprised that he hadn't known that but he wasn't the most aware person she had ever met but she wouldn't change him for anything.
"Y/N L/N, four time formula one World Champion!!"
"The rear of the car was getting all loosey goosey in the last sector there"~Sebastian Vettel
"Y/N L/N, five time formula one World Champion!!"
"Y/N L/N, six time formula one World Champion!!"
Sebastian applauded as he looked up at podium with a look of pure pride on his face, that was his girlfriend up there that was making history, not only was she a six time world champion but she was the first ever woman to achieve a world championship title for the sport.
They had shared the track together for the entirety of their Formula One careers and he felt so lucky that he had been there to witness every one of her accomplishments as she had been there for him.
They had 10 world titles between the pair of them, the history of the sport meant so much to the couple and it was overwhelming knowing that they were now a part of it.
"Everybody's a Ferrari fan, even if they say they're not, they are a Ferrari fan" ~Sebastian Vettel
Sebastian looked up at the love of his life from his position knelt on the floor, this moment had been a long time coming but he had finally plucked up the courage to ask the most important question he would ever ask "Will you marry me, liebe?"
Y/N looked down at the man that owned her heart, there was no hesitation in her answer "Yes! Absolutely!" The tears that clouded her eyes had begun to drop down her cheeks.
Sebastian smiled brighter than ever at her answer, he lifted himself off the ground and took the diamond ring out of the velvet box, grabbing hold of her shaking hand and sliding the ring into her finger. He lifted her hand and pressed it to his lips before looking her in the eyes.
He had never been happier in this moment, no number of world titles would match the feeling of having her agree to spend forever with him.
Now he felt like a true champion.
"And the Vettel's are at it!" Crofty shouted as he spotted Y/N's Mercedes get up close to her husband's Ferrari, the battles between the two were something every Formula One fan looked forward too each season.
Sebastian grinned beneath his helmet as he eyed his wife's car through his mirrors. She loved to challenge him and he enjoyed the fight.
She tried to get the inside line going into the first corner but Seb managed to block her causing her to have to lock up, he went slightly wide on the second which left a gap that might be a little too small for most but she took the risk and ended up beside him on the straight.
Side by side they shot along but at the next corner. Y/N took the inside and had managed to pull away from him on the exit, successfully leaving Seb behind her.
He couldn't be mad, his wife did well, just as she always did.
Y/N got into the passenger seat of the Ferrari, her husband shutting the passenger door before making his way round to the drivers side.
She hadn't been told they were doing hot laps for Sky Sports, her PR Officer had suddenly sprung it on her but apparently Seb knew and was very excited about it.
Sebastian settled himself in behind the wheel smiling at the camera's before nudging his wife "Are you excited!?" He asked, a big smile on his face.
Y/N rolled her eyes "I'm so excited for you to kill us" her sarcasm was clear as day, she was only joking, they were both very good drivers and had 100% confidence in each other.
Sebastian's grin widened, he switched the car on after making sure Y/N had her belt on before slamming his foot down on the accelerator sending Y/N shooting back against her seat with a grunt. "Fuck me, a warning would've been nice" she huffed.
"You're meant to be asking me questions" Sebastian told her, trying not to laugh. He couldn't wait to watch this back and see her face.
Y/N picked up the cards she had in her hands as Seb skidded around a corner "Okay, What is it like to have a wife that is a better driver than you?" Her voice wavered from the movement to the car.
Sebastian scoffed "Come off it! That is not a question"
His wife laughed "It is, I mean I have the titles to prove it"
"Yeah and you never let me forget it, ask me a real question" Sebastian said, narrowly missing the track wall as he turned around another corner.
Y/N huffed, he was no fun "Okay fine, when are you going to get Instagram?" She read from the sheet.
"I'm not, I don't need it" he simply replied. Y/N sent him a cheeky smile "yeah that's because you use mine to do all of the stalking"
"Exactly" he replied, a smirk on his face. They both kept their home life private but they did share the rare photo of some of the activities they did away from racing.
Y/N laughed as she read the next question which made Seb a little nervous "Who do you prefer as a teammate, me or Kimi?" She asked.
Sebastian guffawed "I'm not answering that" he replied which earned him an incredulous look "oh so you have to think about it?" She asked.
"You're both good for different reasons" he said.
"Okay so what is Kimi good for that I'm not?" She asked with a look that dared him to answer.
"Some peace and quiet" he muttered under his breath causing Y/N to gasp and slap his arm "That is just rude!" She said, pretending to be offended.
"I'm joking" he told her with a cheeky grin before slamming on the brakes as they reached the pits.
Y/N crept up behind Sebastian who was in the middle of an interview, she looked at the camera and placed her finger to her lips, warning the interviewer and the camera man to be quiet.
Those who saw what she was up to stopped to watch, trying to hide their amused smirks and giggles as Sebastian remained blissfully unaware, too focused on answering questions.
She got up right behind him and before he could sense the presence behind him she raised her arm up and poured the ice cold water over his head.
Sebastian shrieked and spluttered as everyone laughed, turning around he came face to face with the proud smile of his wife. He shook his head like a wet dog causing water to splatter everywhere, he launched himself at her. Y/N screamed, trying to run away but she was too slow, her husband had caught her and had pulled her into his chest, rubbing himself all over her to get her wet as payback.
Everyone in the Formula One world loved the prank wars that occurred in the paddock between the married couple.
"My name is Sebastian Vettel and I'm a Formula One driver for Scuderia Ferrari"
"My name is Y/N Vettel and I'm a Formula One driver for Mercedes AMG Petronas... yes! Fuck you Lewis... that's how you do it!"
"Seb's a four time world champion, and one of the most ruthless, brilliantly effective racing drivers that I've ever seen... You don't lose that ability overnight" ~Will Buxton
"Y/N just has this fire about her when she's on the track, she's one of the most determined and skilled driver's in the whole of formula one, I think her six World titles show that" ~Toto Wolff
Daniel Ricciardo threw his head back and sighed "I think the Vettel's will get those, they're both nerds"
"I have all the time I need?" Sebastian asked the filming crew who nodded in response.
S: "Lewis 2020,
      Y/N 2019,2018,2017,2016,2015, 2014
Y: Seb was 2013,2012,2011 and 2010
     2009 was Jenson Button
     2008 Lewis
S: Kimi 2007
    2006 and 2005 was Fernando
    2004,2003,2002,2001,2000 was Michael
Y: 1999 and 1998 was Hakkinen
     1997.... Villeneuve
Time skip
S: 1953 and 1952 was Ascari
    1951 was Fangio
S&Y: and the first one was Farina
The filming crew couldn't believe it, they clapped for the pair whilst shaking their heads in disbelief. The couple really were a pair made in heaven.
Y/N looked at the crew with a proud, excited smile on her face "Did I do it!?"
The crew nodded, Y/N's mouth dropped open before she smiled at the camera and bowed "I'm so proud of myself right now"
"Sebastian got them all right too" the camera man told her. Y/N laughed "Of course he did, who do you think taught me"
Y/N and Sebastian had just raced their last ever race in formula one, she had managed to get on the podium which was a great way to finish her career, one last trophy.
The drivers had all lined up to give the couple a last send off which was really sweet.
"Y/N! Sebastian! Can I get you for one last interview before you leave? I know you're probably sick of all the questions" Natalie Pinkham asked.
She was right, they were tired of all the questions but everyone had a soft spot for Natalie so it only felt right that she should be their last interviewer of the paddock and so the couple walked up to her.
"I was wondering if you could tell us a bit about your decision to retire together, I know you already explained a lot when it was announced but is there anything else that you have to add?" She asked, holding out the microphone between the couple.
Sebastian's hand settled on Y/N's back, his thumb stoking up and down, encouraging her to speak first.
"It wasn't an easy decision and we know that we definitely had the opportunity to continue racing but we have goals outside of formula one that we want to accomplish together and feel now is the time to work towards those goals, Seb and I entered formula one together and it feels right to leave it together too, it's great knowing that we quite literally went through the entire thing with each other"
Sebastian smiled lovingly down at his wife, she had described it perfectly. He knew she still loved racing just as she had when she first started and truly she had only agreed to retire because he had chosen to and she didn't want to race without him on the grid with her but he had lost his spark, he has tried to persuade her to continue but she was adamant.
"How about you, Sebastian?" Natalie asked, tilting the microphone closer to him.
"I think she worded it perfectly, I couldn't think of anyone better to spend my career with, formula one has given us both a lot of special memories but it's time for us to move onto the next step and you'll probably still see us around at some point"
Natalie nodded with a smile and thanked them before letting them get on their way.
Sebastian brought Y/N into a hug, holding her tight against his chest. "This is it, it's over now." He mumbled.
Y/N hummed into his race suit "Maybe. But it's the start of something better"
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entitled-fangirl · 1 day
I can't promise that.
Jace Velaryon x wife!reader
Summary: Jace returns from the Wall, mourning the death of his brother. The reader comforts him in the dead of night.
Warnings: talks of death, mourning, making out, talks of sex, just sad Jace angst
A/n: If I had a nickel for every time I made a Jace fic, and it was an angst, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice. I need happy Jace prompts 😭
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Jace's back was to her, but even from there, it was clear something was wrong.
She stepped into the dark beside him and set the candle on the sturdy railing. "My love?"
He finally turned to face her. His eyes were puffy, cheeks red, and hot tears were falling down his face.
She cooed, "Oh, Jace." She rushed to him and took his face in her hands. 
His hands gripped her waist, afraid she'd disappear if he let go. She was almost worried there would be bruises. 
Her stomach dropped at the sound of his light sobs. "I'm sorry," she whispered as she wiped his tears. "I'm so sorry."
"I'll kill him," he muttered through the sniffles.
"Jace, I know you're upset-"
"-Do you expect me to sit here and allow him to get away with this?" He pulled away from her as pure anger came through his voice. "He's killed my brother. He's killed the son of the Queen, the heir to Driftmark!" He began to pace back and forth, the tears still falling. "I vow to kill Aemond Targaryen."
"Don't vow things while you are upset."
"I'm not upset! I'm enraged, wife!" He ran a hand through his hair as he tried to sigh out his frustration. "And you? You seem just fine!"
She let out a breath and gripped the railing. She forced her voice to stay calm. "Jace. You must understand that I've had more time to process this. I am just as horrified as you, I promise."
Jace's breath became shaky as he tried to control his anger. His jaw clenched harshly. He refused to speak, knowing that doing so would only worsen things. 
"I understand your grief, Jace, but you cannot let it cloud your judgment. To want revenge is to start the war your mother is trying to avoid."
"They began it," he sobbed. "If we do nothing then my brother died in vain! Does that mean nothing to you?"
Her eyes softened. "My love…"
"I cannot bear this."
She reached out and caressed his cheek again. "This will pass. You must not let the loss of Luke toil over the brothers you still have left."
He leaned into her palm as he considered her words.
Finally, he collected himself, pulling away and wiping at his face harshly. "Forgive me. For losing my temper with you."
Her brows furrowed at the force he wiped his face with. "It's quite reasonable to be upset. I just don't want you to do something you will regret." 
When he continued to sniffle and wipe at his face, she pulled his hands away. "Perhaps we should take this inside?" She offered.
He nodded and took her hand, grabbing the candle with the other and pulling her inside. Seated on the foot of the bed, he watched her wet a cloth from the tub where she had bathed only hours before.
She stood between his legs and pulled his face up, beginning to gently wipe the cloth over his puffy cheeks, cleaning them of his tears.
He only stared at her, his eyes roaming over her beautiful face studying him. "Promise me something?"
She hummed lightly in question.
"You'll not fight this war."
She opened her mouth to protest, but he beat her to it. "I could not bear to be on that bannister again in the night crying over you. I…" he voice faltered. "I cannot take another loss. Not you."
"I intend to do what the queen needs, Jace," she answered softly.
"What about what your future king needs?" He countered desperately as he gripped her wrist.
Her eyes met his. She was beginning to break down. "You know I can't…"
She turned her head away from him, a shaky breath leaving her lips.
"I've always said I'd do anything for you. And you know I will," Jace pushed. His eyes watered again with fresh tears and his voice shook, "Can you not do so for me?"
She opened her mouth and closed it again, finding no words that would suffice. She began to gently wipe at his face again, dragging it down his neck.
"Please, speak," he begged.
She fought the lump in her throat. "You know what I'll say."
He sniffled and nodded, "Then make me a different promise?"
"If I can."
He bit the inside of his cheek. "That if you must fight in this war, it will be by my side."
She smiled, and a small laugh of relief came from her. "That's the most foolish thing you've asked of me, husband. You know that answer as well."
The tension left his shoulders and he flashed that grin that she loves so much. "I suppose it was. Still," he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him, "I'd like to hear you say it aloud."
She looked down at him, abandoning the cloth and cradling his head in her hands as she spoke, "Jacaerys Velayron, whether I become your queen or I die at the hands of a usurper, I am yours, body and soul, and I will fight for you and with you until my fate is decided."
His thumb rubbed a soothing pattern on her hip bone. "I am yours until my body is buried in the ground with my ancestors. And even beyond then." He smirked, "And there will forever be one woman destined to be mine, I know that quite well. So I either have you as my queen, or we die together as one."
She leaned down and kissed him deeply.
He immediately groaned into her mouth and stood up, his hands pulling and tugging at her waist and lower back as if he could pull her closer.
As if everything else they could've said is shown through their actions.
His hands finally reached up her back to pull at the laces of her dress. His fingers tugged gently.
"J…Jace," she panted as their lips barely parted. "Jace…"
His lips moved down her jaw in fervent kisses, nipping and sucking lightly.
"St…" She gasped when he reached a particularly sensitive spot on her collarbone. Her hands moved to his hair and pulled him away, "Jace, stop."
The word "stop" pulled him from his trance, and he immediately moved away from her. His eyes were wide in worry, "What's wrong?"
"Not tonight," she reasoned. "We shouldn't."
"Why?" He asked softly.
"We're both upset. We may make a mistake if we're not careful."
He hummed, "Loving you is no mistake."
"I understand," he nodded, keeping disappointment from coming over his face. "Perhaps when our judgment returns?"
She nodded and gazed down at his lips. "I'd like that."
He grinned. "Alright." He stepped closer to her again. "Let us get to bed again."
She intwined her fingers with his and pulled him around the bed, the two settling in as they always do. 
"I miss you greatly, you know," she whispered against his neck as they held each other close. "Dragonstone was rather lonesome without a certain curly-haired prince to keep it company."
"The Wall was even colder than I thought it would be. And I saw snow. Felt it beneath my feet as it chilled me to the bone. And all the while, I thought of you."
 She nuzzled her nose to his jaw, making shivers run down his spine.
She sighed, "We'll make it, won't we? Through this war?"
"I shall pray so to any god that will listen."
She laughed, "I don't believe that's how it works." Her lips brushed up to his jaw.
A bright teasing smile came over him, "I have Targaryen blood, my love. Perhaps we are the gods."
"You surely are mine."
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thatfandomslut · 7 months
Fighting For You
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: reader was in the Burn Book, arguing, make outs
Valentine's / Followers Celebration; Regina George w/ quote 4 and piece of chocolate 7. Or: “So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” w/ falling in love
Valentine's / Follower's Celebration requests are closed.
Regina lay in the hospital bed wanting desperately to get up. She couldn't believe that she forgot to take out the page of the Burn Book about (Y/n). While she knew she was in the wrong, it was only made worse when she realized how distinct (Y/n)'s handwriting was when she held the page up to Regina with her eyes filled with tears. '(Y/n) (L/n), even more weird and gay than Janis Imi'ike.' While she felt the insult was tamer than the others, she still knew the gravity it held (Y/n). Hurting (Y/n) felt worse than getting hit by a bus, and Regina now knew both from experience.
With a groan, she reached over to find her phone on the side table, wincing when she stretched too far. When her fingers finally caught the sides of the phone, she drew it closer and held her phone up to where she could see it. Still nothing. (Y/n) hasn't responded to any of her calls or Regina's numerous messages. She was beginning to feel desperate for (Y/n)'s attention. This was something she wasn't used to feeling as she typically didn't have to beg for others to notice her. However, (Y/n) was proving harder and harder to get in touch with. So, it resulted in her finally giving in and calling the last person she thought she'd ever call, Janis Imi'ike.
It rang a few times, and Regina was about to just end the call when she heard a confused 'hello' on the other end. "Janis, perfect," she said, smirking to herself feeling like she finally found an in. "Is there any way you can get me in touch with (Y/n)? She's been ignoring all of my phone calls, and I just want to talk to her." The sooner the better. Regina was due for another dosage of her medicine, and her medication made her incredibly loopy.
There was an annoyed sigh from the other end. Regina gave a side-eye to her phone, despite Janis not even being able to see her. "Regina, first, why do you still have my number? We haven't talked since eighth grade." She stated over the phone, hoping Regina understood how strange it was to receive this call. At the same time, there was a bit of sympathy in her voice. "As for, (Y/n), whatever you wrote about her in the book, and yes, we know you had a part in it, really hurt (Y/n). I'll talk to her, but there that's all I can do. And, I can't make any promises that she'll want to talk to you." Janis said before hanging up, leaving Regina a bit more deflated.
She knew that Janis still might not be able to get (Y/n) to call. Regina also completely understood why (Y/n) was so upset. If it was the other way around, Regina would be plotting her revenge. She knew that (Y/n) deserved her space and that she couldn't force her way in, but she couldn't lose her. The only person that seemed to be inflicting any positive change in Regina was (Y/n). Now, there was a chance she might've ruined it forever, and that absolutely killed her. When the doctors came in to give her the medication, she sighed and decided to try and sleep.
When Regina woke up, she wasn't expecting (Y/n) to be seated beside her chair. She almost thought that she imagined the girl as she flipped through her chapter book. Her vision was still too bleary to see what the book was exactly. But a smile crept on her face as she looked over (Y/n) in a sleepy haze. "You came," she said, her words slurring slightly. It was a tell-tell sign that she was drugged up on medicine. (Y/n) looked up in surprise before a small smile appeared on her lips. Regina could barely see it but she recognized the small upturn of (Y/n)'s lips anywhere. "I thought you weren't gonna come," Regina spoke, peering up at the girl.
In an attempt to sit up, she smiled wide. "I wasn't planning on coming." (Y/n)'s words almost sobered Regina up instantly. There was a look of thought on (Y/n)'s face. Regina always knew when she was thinking because her brows would furrow and she would look down to whatever was at her feet. "Look, what you did was mean, but I want to forgive you. It’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” (Y/n) told her with a sheepish smile playing on her lips.
Regina swore that it was misty in the room all of a sudden. Her normally icy blue eyes were mellow and kind. "Okay, yeah, we'll work on it together." She said, holding out her hand. (Y/n) took it carefully, wondering if Regina would even remember this later. She wanted to say it when Regina was sober, but her thoughts were finally in one place, and the words spilled out naturally. Regina played with (Y/n)'s fingers as she danced in and out of sleep with (Y/n) in the room. While the air between them was still tense, there was a new calm that settled over the room. Regina felt more safe and comfortable with (Y/n) by her side. It almost made her forget about the corrective neck collar around her throat.
The two were fully aware forgiveness wasn't going to come overnight, nor would it be awarded just because Regina was in an accident. The two would need to work together, and when Regina felt better, there was bound to be a long discussion on the events. But, for now, (Y/n) decided it was okay to provide some temporary forgiveness as she allowed Regina to clutch her hand. The steady sound of the heart monitor beeping let (Y/n) know Regina was still there, and she fell into the same state of peace Regina was in.
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cammys-imagines24 · 9 months
°•Mizu Being Jealous•°
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Mizu isn't naturally a possessive person by any means. She knows the shit women have to go through, being controlled by others and the world.
So, she'd never be dominating towards you or think she has any say in what you do.
That being said, while she trusts you wholeheartedly... she doesn't trust other people. Particularly other men.
Men who view you as just a pretty face. A prize they'd want nothing more than to steal away from her.
Now that just won't do.
See, if it's an easy matter such as someone touching you or groping you without your consent, say no more.
Their fingers? Gone. Their arms? Sliced clean from their body.
If some sleazy flesh trader sets their eyes on you and begins chatting you up, their hand sneaking to places on your body only meant for her touch alone, well...
They're dead. Plain as that. She'll waste no time in tearing them to shreds with her sword, their viscera painting the walls.
And, with blood stained hands she'll cradle your face, her cold demon exterior vanished.
She'll look at you like you're her whole world, which you are. She will protect you to the ends of the earth.
When it's a lascivious man vying for your attention, Mizu doesn't get jealous. She gets protective.
But, when it's not? Well that's another story.
Sometimes it's a girl at a brothel and she takes a liking to you.
The girl will be sweet where most men aren't. She'll smile at you and gingerly slip her kimono off her shoulder.
The sex worker will talk with you, with the hope of something more. Her eyes shining and all the while you seem to be enjoying yourself.
That sets Mizu on edge. Leaves her feeling twisted inside.
Because you should be with someone else.
Someone not hellbent on revenge. An impure demon with a vengeful, angry soul.
The girl would be a better match maybe or someone like her.
Perhaps not a sex worker but someone who can take care of you better than the blue eyed Samurai. Give you a normal life in ways she cannot, at least not until her revenge is complete.
Mizu won't rescue you from the girl because you're smiling and content. Instead she will let you be, never mind the hollow ache in her chest when she sees you start to laugh.
You were just chatting with the sex worker, conversing on friendly terms, regardless of the girls intentions. But, how could your beloved Samurai know that from a distance?
Like an internal echo in your body, you'll feel Mizu's absence immediately and you'll go out into the snow capped village to find her.
She'll be alone beside a natural hot springs, sapphire eyes sad behind her orange lenses.
You'll curl up at her side as if she were your shelter, your blanket.
You'll know right away how she feels. Having learned how to read her slight expressions like the back of your hand.
Mizu is jealous but more than that. She's feeling like she's not good enough for you.
A ridiculous thought really. She couldn't be more wrong.
You'll reach out to take off her glasses and thread your fingers through her hair, undoing her up-do.
"I love you, Mizu. Only you. It will only ever be you who holds my heart."
Her gaze softens from your tender touch. She'll take your hands in hers and kiss every knuckle.
Her mouth, warm against your skin, travelling up your arm until her tongue reaches the moonlit column of your throat and she plants a wet kiss along your necks pulse.
Mizu doesn't deserve you, she thinks. Still, with you in her arms, open to her, your pupils blown wide with sudden lust... who is she to disagree with your choice?
Perhaps the gods gave you to her. A gift for her cursed existence.
"Say it again." She'll whisper against your flesh, hot to the touch despite the winter. Hot from her.
Her fingers deftly untying your kimono, her hands grabbing at your hips as she pulls into her lap.
Her calloused digits digging into your thighs to spread them for her, your chest pressed against hers...
Her fingers tracing your hipbones, making you shudder...
You gasp when they ghost over your navel and down... and further.
To in between your legs. The spot that craves her and is glistening like the hot springs rippling surface beneath the moon.
"I love you, Mizu." You'll moan.
She can't get enough of the sounds you make. Just for her.
"I belong to you." You'll whimper.
Ah, like music to her ears.
Despite Mizu's feeling of jealousy and her worry of being an undeserving partner, she believes you above all else.
You chose her, a miracle really, so she'll do anything to make you happy.
"You're only mine, huh?" She'll rasp, seeking reassurance, between kisses and gentle bites along your skin.
"Y-Yes. Only yours." You'll pant, her expert fingers bringing you to the edge.
Mizu smirks and holds you even closer. She could tease you longer, draw it out like usual but she wants to be good for you. Give you what you need.
In a moment of softness she brushes her lips against your collarbones...
"I love you. You are my life." She'll say to you before making you come.
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
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Well, I've had a High fever for a few days with Shingles that's preventing me from writing effectively, but has apparently given me new Clothing-Drawing Abilities, so here are Komamura and Tousen on their wedding day in AEIWAM.
AEIWAM!Tousen is a Trans Man who has mathematically worked out that God Is Dead, you want to complain about what he's wearing to his wedding?
There are Mild Spoilers hidden in both outfits.
They filled out the paperwork the night Tousen finally woke up after defeating Aizen, at Tousen's insistence before something else had the opportunity to get in the way.
They still want to have a ceremony, but it's going to be a bit awkward as both are orphans, both sets of godparents are deceased or otherwise unalive (a different thing than dead in Soul Society), and there is not *technically* a bride.
But the best place to hid something mildly ridiculous is in a sea of something extremely ridiculous.
The Wedding is an act of Aggravated Chicanery upon all their friends and loved ones: They tell everyone they're hosting a Halloween Party, please come in the most outrageous costumes Possible.
Then when everyone has arrived, they lock the doors, unfurl the decorations and thrust stage directions into the hands of the Unsuspecting Wedding Party.
Yachiru is having a GREAT time being a Flower Velociraptor (She'd seen Jurassic Park so the contingent from the 11th is all present as Dinosaurs).
Rankigu and Nanao are recruited to help organize.
And so they won't seek revenge.
Hitsugaya *KNEW* something was up when Matsumoto suggested they do LotR costumes together, but thought this was her way of doing Big Naturals Gandalf*, but it was actually a trick to make him Frodo. The Ringbearer.
*It was also very much a justification for her to do Big Naturals Gandalf.
Shuuhei got talked into doing a group costume with Renji and Izuru, where the redhead is dressed as a bottle of Ketchup and the blond is Mustard, and now Shuuhei is standing up there as his Mentor's Best Man while dressed as a Hot Dog.
Tetsuzaemon Iba Doesn't have the excuse of friends. He Dressed up like Vegas Elvis all on his own.
After what happened with Byakuya, Yamamoto refuses to officiate any more weddings, just in case he's bad luck. He will walk Kaname up the Aisle though. As Santa.
Retsu Unohana, officiating in her capacity as a Highly Venomous Sea Slug: Dearly Beloved and Barely Tolerated- We are gathered here today to witness the union of two of the most unhinged assholes I know-
The Reception only gets wilder as Rangiku has arranged for there to be both an Open Bar and a Karaoke Machine.
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jinnie-ret · 10 months
Ninth Member!Reader 🪻
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Fake Fights - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
You and Minho decide to strike revenge and prank the boys after they leave practice early because of the tense mood you both created.
Fallen Angel pt 2 - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
The Stray Kids members have two maknaes to comfort at the end of their 'I'll Be Your Man' cover. One upset because he thought he wasn't good enough, and the other an injured, fallen angel, left hurt because MNET hadn't done enough safety checks on their equipment.
Scarred Knees and Insecurities - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
When the old scars from your youth, become fresh wounds in your adulthood, the boys are there to pick up the pieces.
Heatstroke - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
Y/n suffers from heat stroke on the day of their performance at Lollapalooza.
Bite My Tongue - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A
When an interviewer decides to pick on you specifically, the boys do their best to hold back and get you out of the situation.
Daredevil - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
The boys never expected that their shy noona could be such a daredevil.
My Aegi - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
Y/n was glad she had the boys there to help her raise her kid sister. She didn't know what she'd do without them.
It's a Brit Thing - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
The boys find it hard to understand their British member a lot of the time...
Who I Am - Stray Kids x Ninth Member Non-binary!Reader (Platonic) A | F
The boys support Y/N for who they are, and show them that they truly have their back when a podcast goes wrong.
Don't Push Yourself - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
You thought you were doing the right thing for yourself, but it was only a matter of time before your habits became unhealthy, and the boys didn't even notice until it was too late.
Period Pains - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
You're keen to see the boys reactions to what you go through every month.
Super Shy - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
Y/N is surprised when the boys turn up at her album debut shoot, and they reassure her on her worries about her new daring look.
Let Noona Handle It - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
After a difficult, chaotic concert, you prepare a feast to take care of your beloved dongsaengs.
Family is Complicated - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
After your troubling phone call is overhead by all of the boys, they comfort you and reassure you that they are your true family.
Gyaru, Jjang Yeppeuda - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
Despite her normal confidence in owning her aesthetic, Y/N begins to feel uncomfortable when she feels the judging stares of other idols.
Togetherness - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A
Out of all things, the last thing you expected to hear was that your parents are getting a divorce, but it was fortunate that the boys were there to hold you together.
Generation Z - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
She's the youngest of the group and the boys can't keep up with her internet slang.
People Pleaser - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
In her One Kid's Room episode, Y/N reflects on how it was hard for her not to be so kind and sweet to everyone, because she just wanted them to like her.
Hellevator - Stray Kids x Ninth Member Male!Reader (Platonic) A 💚🖤
He's going through voice changes in their debut era and fans are already sending in hate.
Cigarette Duet - Poly!Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader | A 💚🖤
You get hounded by your boyfriends after they catch you smoking. How will they react when you disappear and go off the radar?
Placebo - Stray Kids x Hybrid!Ninth!Reader | A | F 💚🖤
The boys are shocked at how your hybrid features present themselves when you are feeling particularly emotional.
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ninii-winchester · 3 months
Unveiled Sorrows (Part 1)
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Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam Winchester x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 3k
Other Characters : Sam Winchester, John Winchester.
Warnings : spoilers for s1-5, heavy angst, canon violence, foul language, implied smut.
A/n: This series follows canon plot line but some scenes might happen differently or be completely changed. Check the warnings for each part before continuing.
Bad luck follows the Winchesters like the plague, they can't seem to outrun it. If someone asked Y/n to describe who the Winchesters were to her, she'd only have one word to say. Family. She wouldn't mind having bad luck on her tail if it meant staying with her family. Besides even if they can't seem to outrun it, they always fought it. And they always kicked ass.
Y/n was a solo hunter, a badass one at that, she never believed in partnering up with other hunters, because every hunter has a different motive and motives change. She's never trusted a hunter and she never would but that all changed a few years back when she met the Winchesters.
Now, typically one would think she'd dropped her guard because its 'The Winchesters' but she didn't. It was far from that. She met the two brothers when they were looking for their father. She told them to not waste their breaths since the man didn't want to be found. The two boys were curious as to how she knew about their father. She told them that she knew the man enough to know his intentions and that is, he didn't want to be found. The boys were intrigued by her and asked her to join them, help them find their father.
"I don't chase dead ends boys nor do I trust hunters."
That was the last thing she said before she walked out on them. The next time they met was in Manning, Colorado, Y/n was hunting the same vampire nest that the Winchesters were.
“I see you found daddy dearest.” Y/n said leaning against the Impala after they cleaned out the nest.
"I see you've met my boys, Y/n." John smiled.
"Yeah well they've been all over the place looking for you, kinda hard to miss." She smirked. Dean chuckled at her comment.
"You're a great hunter." Sam commented, a small smile gracing his lips. She nodded her head and she raised her beer bottle towards him.
"Alright, now my works done here so I'll be heading out." She said. "Later boys."
"Wait." Y/n turned to the owner of the voice. "I need your help."
"Did I hear it correctly? John Winchester asking for help I must've gotten hit pretty hard." She laughed. "What is it?"
"I need you to stay with them. We need all the help we could get." John said. "You're one of the best I know." Dean's brows furrowed at that, his dad complementing someone is big.
"And what makes you think I'd stay and help? I don't trust hunters. As if you didn't know that already. John." She gritted her teeth.
"I know but it's out there and you know it." John said knowingly. His sons looked back and forth between their father and the young girl.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Y/n." She knew what he was talking about, the yellow eyed demon. The one that killed her parents when she was a baby. The fire in the nursery when she was exactly six months old. Just like Sam. The Winchesters are obsessed with the yellow eyed demon and they wouldn't stop at nothing to kill that thing.
"It has nothing to do with me." It was the second time she walked away from them.
The yellow eyed demon killed her parents, she had been chasing the demon for years, it's what that made her the great hunter she is, that's how she met John in the first place but now she knew getting revenge wouldn't bring her parents back, it wouldn't bring her peace either. She needs to move on and focus on whatever life she has left. It may sound weird for a twenty two year old girl but that's how she thought.
But as if it was destiny. Y/n watched a truck crash into the same Impala she leaned on a few days back. She jumped out of her own car before calling 911.
"Damn it you boys." She slammed the car door as she got back in her car and followed the ambulance back to the hospital.
After John died, she decided she'd stick around Sam and Dean considering it their father's last wish. And the rest was history. If you'd ask her she wouldn't be able to tell when Sam Winchester became her best friend in the whole world. It might've been the fact that they share the same trauma or maybe that Sam compensated for Dean being a dick. Dean didn't like Y/n joining them, he didn't hate her per se, but he hated the fact that his father asked her to help them rather than telling them what he knew. They butted heads alot, both being stubborn and filled to brim with trust issues. They had a hard time around each. It took a while but they warmed up to each other.
Now for Y/n, the Winchester Brothers are her family. To them it's her. They've never hesitated to kill for one another and wouldn't hesitate to die either.
Sam and Y/n were deeply troubled when Dean started acting strange after a run in with a Djinn. Sam tried to coax it out of Dean but he remained unsuccessful.
"Hey, you." Y/n sat beside Dean as he tinkered with the Impala. He turned to look at her. "Mind telling me what's going on up there?" She gestured towards his head.
Dean froze for a second. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't tell her what the Djinn showed him. How was he supposed to tell her he saw her being his wife, them living the white picket fence life. The life he so desperately wanted yet couldn't have. She wouldn't understand. Nobody could. Even he couldn't understand why he saw her. Dean didn't love, as in committing in relationships. Dean loved, as in I would die for you but I'd never tell you that I love you.
"Nothing sweetheart, Its nothing." He smiled like he usually does. Y/n knew better than to push him. So she walked away.
The trio hunted down all sorts of supernatural beings. They stuck through everything together. Y/n was there when Dean stupidly made a deal to bring back Sam, she was there when the doors of Hell opened. She stuck by Sam when Dean was dragged to Hell. She even went up to the crossroads to sell her soul in exchange of Dean's. Clearly she was refused. When Dean came back from Hell, Sam and Y/n welcomed him back with open arms.
Everything was awful. It sucked but alteast they were in this together. They had each other and that's what all they needed. Y/n was there when they found out Dean broke the first seal in Hell and she was there when Sam broke the last. Y/n was there for the Winchesters when the apocalypse hit and she had hoped they would be together when it ends. They had been trough Hell and back together, literally, and she hoped her family would be by her side. But little did she know.
Dean hasn't been the same ever since he came back from Hell. Everyone noticed. He hadn't been sleeping, he kept drinking. He kept telling everyone that he doesn't remember what happened down in the pit. But he does, and little does he know, Y/n knew too. She could see it on his face that something is eating him away but she knew Dean, and she knew it would be a waste to ask because he wouldn't tell. She'd hear him scream at night, waking up from nightmares, she'd watch him drink himself to self to sleep only to be woken up by the nightmares, again.
The trio had turns sharing rooms while being on hunts, with whatever money they had they could only afford one room but when they could get two, they would. Y/n always shared with one of the boys since they don't want to risk her safety, clearly knowing she can handle herself but it helps them sleep at night.
"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" Y/n walked up to Dean as he poured himself another glass of whiskey.
"Sweetheart its 3am. What're you doing up late?" He ignored her comment.
"I could ask you the same thing." She shrugged.
"Its.." he started.
"Nothing." She finished for him. "I've heard it."
The two of them sat in silence as the clock ticked. Dean stood up from the the chair he was sitting on and made his way towards his bed. He dropped on it with a sigh.
"Dean." Y/n called out and he turned his face to look at her. "You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It's not your responsibility." She said softly.
"Isn't it though?" He asked sitting up.
"It isn't." She said firmly.
"You don't even have half the idea...-"
"Then tell me. Tell me what's bothering you, tell me we can get through this together." Dean shook his head at her words. "Like we always do."
"I started a goddamn apocalypse Y/n, I don't think there's anyone else to blame. Sam may have broken the last seal but I broke the first one. I..." Tears gathered in his eyes which made Y/n scared, if it was bad enough to make Dean cry, it was bad. She made her way towards her bed and sat infront of him.
"I know you broke the first seal Dean. You keep saying so but you never tell us what is it."
"They offered me to....they said they'd take me off the rack if i did the torturing. Time works differently there than here, for you it was four months but there it was forty years. They'd cut me up to nothing and then I'd be whole again and it'd start all over again. I held on for thirty years. But then I broke. I agreed and i did. And the most fucked up part is that I enjoyed doing it."
"It's okay Dean." She went to sit beside him and held him close. "You tried you best, you held on for thirty years Dean." She held back her own tears. "It's not your fault. If anything, I should be blamed equally for letting Sam fall for Ruby's trap. I should've been careful."
"No you're wrong if only I hadn't been so weak, if only i didn't break." He shook his head. "It was the first seal, a righteous man shedding blood in hell. I broke the first seal." He cried. She held him close hoping she could make him realise that it wasn't his fault.
"Now the refusal makes sense." Y/n mumbled under her breath.
"What refusal?" Dean sat up and stared down at her.
"Nothing." She avoided looking at him.
"Y/n." He said calmly but his tone was stern. "Tell me." Y/n looked away completely as she stood and turned away so she didn't have to look at him. "For the love of God tell me Y/n don't test my patience."
"I went to the crossroads demons but they refused. They said they had you exactly where they wanted, I didn't why back then, but now it makes sense."
"You did what?" Dean yelled and grabbed her arm to make her look at him. "You tried to sell your soul?"
"Don't Dean me.!! God damn it." He yelled and Y/n wondered how the hell Sam didn't hear them for the thin motel walls.
"Yes i tried to sell my soul so what huh? You're not the only one who cares okay? I wouldn't have minded giving my soul to bring you back." She yelled back.
"You can't go around doing stupid shit like that." Dean exclaimed clearly on the verge of losing his mind.
"Why do you get to deci-..."
"Because I can't lose you." Dean snapped cutting her mid sentence. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. He cupped her cheeks in his hands. "I can't lose you, sweetheart. I'd happily go back to hell if it means keeping you safe." He said resting his forehead on hers.
"Please, promise me you won't pull another stunt like that. I can bear those scratches and cuts on you from hunts but this is where i draw the line."
"Dean this isn't fair." She cried.
"There's nothing fair in this life, sweetheart. I've got angels on my ass asking me to say yes to being another angel's bitch. Do you think that's fair?" He chuckled a bit. Y/n shook her head. "Cmon darling, I'm waiting on that promise."
"I promise I won't try to sell my soul. But that's it."
"I can work with that." Dean looked at her teary eyed face as she looked up at him. "If you keep looking at me like that, my resolve will break." He said huskily.
"What're you talking abo-.."
"I really can't take this anymore." Dean mumbled before smashing his lips against hers. He knew he shouldn't have done that, he blamed the alcohol in his system, he tried to pull away as soon his brain registered what he had done but she snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
His hands immediately went to her waist and picked her up. He gently laid her on one of the beds and hovered above her.
"Please stop me right now or I won't be able to." He murmured against her neck, as he placed soft kisses against her skin.
"I don't want you to." Y/n pulled him up for another kiss. She tugged at his tshirt which he gladly removed. Their clothes were thrown around haphazardly. The two of them continued to bask in pleasure and euphoria as the night progressed they ended up falling asleep in each others arms.
The sun shone through the window of the motel room. Dean had woken up from his slumber as he felt Y/n stir in her sleep. He looked at her sleeping figure and smile appeared on his face. The ringing of a phone made Y/n open her eyes.
"Good morning, sweetheart." Dean pecked her lips and grabbed his phone from the nightstand.
"Morning." She snuggled closer to him.
"Sammy." He answered the phone. "Yeah, uh huh... yeah no, she's still sleeping.." He waited for Sam to finish speaking. "Alright see ya."
"Remind me again, why're we here?" Y/n yawned sitting up, clutching the sheets to hear chest.
"Here as in my bed or here as in this town." Dean grinned as he pulled her into his chest. Leaving kisses on her neck.
"Well Sammy thinks this girl killing another girl in a school bathroom is our kinda gig. He called to ask if you wanted to tag along to the mental hospital for interrogation i told him you're asleep."
"I see. Breakfast?" She turned to look at him.
"Sure sweetheart." He caressed her cheek. "Shower together? You know it'd save time." He smirked.
She rolled her eyes and went inside the bathroom but she didn't close the door. Dean understood and immediately joined her. To no one's surprise, they just showered together. Dean might've stolen a kiss here and there but that was it.
After shower the two of them got ready and met up with Sam. Y/n sat in the backseat of the Impala as they waited for Sam. As Sam told them what he found out Y/n spoke,
"I don't know if this is our thing Sammy, high schools can be brutal."
"You sound like Dean." Sam retorted.
"You're calling me dumb Sammy?" Y/n fake gasped.
"Sweetheart I'm offended!" Dean feigned hurt.
"Shut your trap you two. Im telling you she said she felt like she was possessed."
"Fine." Y/n groaned and they decided to check out the school.
Truman High School.
"Didn't you say you two went here for a while?" Y/n said as they walked down the hallway.
"A week." Dean replied.
"Reminiscing huh." Y/n teased nudging Sam with her shoulder and he rolled his eyes.
It did turn out be their kind of thing. First they found it was Sam's friend's spirit that was haunting the halls of the high school. After Salt and burning his bones they found out that Sam's friend's bully was messing around too.
"You just had to surround yourself with shitheads didn't you.!" Y/n exclaimed to Sam as they tried to find the piece of hair that kept Dirk's spirit connected to this world.
"I do keep you around so.." Sam shrugged with his famous bitch face making Dean laugh. 
Dirks spirit appeared at and lunged at Y/n who was standing the gate of the bus. He grabbed her in a chokehold while she tried to elbow him. Sam immediately shot him with his shotgun making him disappear but he appeared again. He grabbed Y/n by the arm and threw her at the nearest tree, knocking her out cold.
While Sam tried to wrestle the spirit Dean found the hair, burning it making the ghost disappear.
"Y/n." The two boys rushed to her side and helped her up.
"Hey hey...sweetheart you hear me?." Dean patted her face.
"Im alright." She wheezed before sitting up. "Son of a bitch." She groaned. "Is he gone?"
"For good." Sam replied.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @queensilber
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