#what is soil remediation
deltaremediation · 2 years
Established in 2015, Delta Remediation was founded by a diverse team with decades of experience stemming from the fields of Industrial recycling, earthworks Remediation Biology, and hydrogeology.
What makes Delta different is its diversity in experience. By matching a boots-on-the-ground mentality with leading science and technology Delta created a naturally amplified solution to pollution.
Demonstrating success on hundreds of sites from the Arctic to Africa, Delta has created substantial savings for 100% of its clients… Doing the right thing does not cost more For more information visit us on the web at www.deltaremediation.com
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
🌌 and🕷 for each! 💗
Eep ** thanks dear!
I already replied to 🌌 here
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
This is a particularly cool one because I always mention some things here and there but I never elaborated on that, thank you so much for picking it!! <3
Her biggest fear is losing. A close second to that is the acknowledegment of the limited amount of time she has left before encountering every warden's fate. She doesn't want to consider failure, but seeing that her research is dragging what's left of her existence is eating her alive. Morrigan bought her and Alistair more time but she needs a definitive solution, one that saves him and her beloved comrades.
He's afraid to losing himself by being blindly loyal to his family and friends. He always gives, and gives, and gives... sometimes he just looks at himself in the mirror and sees emptiness. He asks himself: "Who am I? Is it worth it if I end up losing everything anyway?" Back to more mundane fears, he's terrified of wounds. He doesn't find them gross or unbearable, it's more like projecting the pain onto himself. His heart starts racing and he immediately wants to leave the room.
Quoting her character sheet: "She's terrified of spiders and the inevitable death of her culture if the Elders and Keepers mantain a seclusive attitude even towards their kind". She knows things are improving for her people, but at the slowest pace. She keeps hoping and doing, thankful that she's in a position that allows her to help her people out whenever they need it. It's a double edged knife (because when they fuck up it all falls on her shoulders), but it's better than nothing. A close second is the Blight. She saw its impact in the fereldan countryside and that scared the living hell out of her. Also, yeah, spiders. Loathes them, squeals / freezes whenever she finds one that walks onto her jacket. The small ones are the worst, in her opinion.
Emoji Ask Meme
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
me: stressing over not finding the metal garden boxes i want ANYWHERE in the county. exhausted.
also me: finding out the price of a cedar board rn:
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hyperfixating-rn-brb · 8 months
I think I'll be forever obsessed with nanny ashtoreth and brother francis. gardening is crowleys thing, so I want to see how that conversation went down. did crowley volunteer to be the nanny? did aziraphale just ask to be a gardener to troll crowley?
brother francis/aziraphale would end up talking to the plants so kindly but ultimately knowingnnothing about gardening besides the fact that plants should grow. then it got better when I pictured nanny at 2 am, smeared with dirt, doing some remedial gardening.
"oh, but Crowley, that poor orchid was positively shaking by the time you were finished berating it!"
"she knows what she did."
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yourlocaltreesimp · 2 months
What more is there?
Synopsis: Twilight reflects on his life and how far he’s come
Haven’t written for Twilight in a while, so I’d figured he deserved a little bit if love. (and a little bit of pain, i can’t ever write true fluff)
Tw: Cucoos.
There were many points through his various mishaps and misadventures where Twilight doubted the quality of his life. Through realms and eras he’d seen all sorts and sources of suffering. He’d become familiar with the sight of it, and was not really surprised when it began to embed itself within him.
Even before the story he’d be known by really began he’d known that aching part of himself. He was aware, distantly, that drifting along his life in Ordon day in and day out was not maintainable. That this life, one he had no right to not be content with, wasn’t fulfilling to him. He liked the work, the urge to leave his house in the morning and the satisfaction when he settles down in the evening. He quite enjoyed the people, sharing their laughter and being understood, wholly by another. The animals, too, were a facet of his life he enjoyed. Who wouldn’t find the goats, and the horses, and the cats, and… even perhaps the cucoos, endearing.
But there was always the gnawing sense of, ‘Is this really it?’
That want to see what’s at the horizon and live the life he saw whenever he could sneak a nap in the barn.
During his journey he was too preoccupied to worry about his life. Not when the grand scheme of both Hyrule and the Twilight realm was laid out before him. His life seemed so insignificant when compared to the hundreds of thousands he was working towards saving.
After the fight had been won and the mirror shattered, it began to come back. That once great ambition had soiled into regret.
It was hard to focus on work when he could now wonder if this was truly the right use for himself. It was hard to leave his house each morning without wondering if someone, somewhere was waiting on him. He couldn’t settle, he couldn’t sleep. Not when there always felt like there was more to be done.
It was hard to enjoy the company of others when now he felt so pointedly the company he lost. Midna, though at times she’d been irritating, was a never leaving sense of comfort and companionship. And even despite the fact they were so fundamentally different, they were quite similar as far as humour. They were friends not because of the circumstances they’d shared previously, but because even though they lived in different realms with vastly different lives, they were similar people.
For so long he’d longed to be loved in such a manner that it consumed him. Where that aching voice was finally put to rest. Where for once he didn’t feel out of place and incorrect on some fundamental level he couldn’t fix.
For a fleeting moment he did have that.
And now he was alone.
He had to deal with the isolation that no one in Hyrule understood fully what he was going through.
At least…
Not His Hyrule.
Joining the other heroes of the other times, or the ‘chain’ as they’d so lovingly dubbed themselves, he’d found a remedy to both problems. That call to adventure had been stated by the ever shifting landscape of an ever changing Hyrule. But now could literally stare at his predecessor and successor in the eyes and see parts of himself in them, literally and metaphorically. Of course not even mentioning the other six Links and you. He found familiarity among and between so many different people from so many walks and experiences of life. Hell- you weren’t even from Hyrule and yet he’d found so much of himself within you. And maybe even some of you in him, on those quiet days where he could stand to love himself a fraction of what he was beginning to feel for you.
Oh— and he got to keep Epona.
A very nice deal indeed.
This life he led was not normal, nor was it what many considered to be honourable, but it’s what made him happy. He awoke lighter each morning and he felt more sure of himself than he ever had prior.
Now, back home, he’s been able to make sense of it all. He can mesh together the easy parts of life at Ordon with the odd parts of life that fill his soul. His work is easy and routine, but aided by the ever lingering sense of his Twili form. His home is familiar and the company is much the same, though his spouse is one entirely foreign to Hyrule.
Regardless, they laugh over the same jokes and reference the same things.
His life is exactly how it was and what it used to be and yet he can reap so much more joy from it. He’s learned to embrace the chance and change of life, that he can’t enjoy each and every possible timeline at once. But this one, right here, with You by his side and the memories of all he’s done and seen? This one he’s content with what he’s made it.
He can wake up every morning, before the sun is even risen and still find things to look forward for. Sure, that ever nagging voice tells him not to leave the safe comfort of your arms. It urges and picks at him to stay sleepily intertwined with someone who he feels he is interwoven with on a spiritual level. But of course he leaves, knowing you’ll greet him with a hug and a kiss the second he’s returned to you. That you’ll share quiet moments, just like this, just as people.
He can throw his head back in laughter and truly revel in what he once might’ve found as a waste of time. But his life is too short and too singular to not spend the time cracking bad puns and horribly failing at dancing. What’s the point to living life if not to experience what’s available to him. And if that’s being chased around by his spouse holding a cucoo then so be it.
He’s seen the world and he can ponder every shifting mirage of what might have been. But here he is loved and understood.
And what more is there to ponder when he has that?
What more is there to want when he already has you?
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fabulouslyflamboyant5 · 8 months
The Unrighteous Knight Part 2
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pairing: azriel x second archeron sister!reader
summary: After the events that occurred between Azriel and you, nothingness seems rather appealing. (Also some insight into readers past, and how becoming fae has affected them)
warning: su**ci*al thoughts, canon typical violence, nesta slander…inner circle slander?
word count: 1.3k
a/n: Sorry for delay, my drafts got deleted! This chapter is a little slow, but necessary for character development. Turns out, reader isn’t such a meek character after all…
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
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To be, or not to be.
That is the question. The simple question, as mortals would insist. But what hold do the claws of mortality have upon an immortal being? How far must a cauldron made fae go to completely rid themselves of their humanity, with no guarantee that they will find solace in immortality?
That is the answer, the simple answer your youngest sister and her dashing mate insist upon.
You must go nowhere, because simply put, the act of searching for serenity is sure to attract confusion.
But the answer is surely not so simple. Is nowhere not anywhere when you have been dragged to a land different from the one you’d grown to love?
The soil of Prythian feels foreign beneath your feet. Then again, your own skin feels foreign against your blood, which feels volatile within your soul.
Prythian, the continent home to Feyre Cursbreaker, Lady Death, and the most beautiful of the three sisters, Elain, cannot possibly be home to you, (y/n) Archeron, the sister who stands out for no reason other than her own lack of brilliance.
While the cauldron may have lent your younger sister the power of a seer, you were left with nothing.
Not brave enough to take it for yourself, you have come to terms with the fact that you are once again, left behind.
The forgotten sister. Perhaps that is what you are. What you always have been.
They insist that this is your home, that Velaris will bathe you in its light and rid you of your struggles. But you have found that you quite hate the light. It is darkness that you seek. It is nothingness you yearn for, the absence of everything in its entirety.
You try not to let these thoughts fester for too long.
Writing, for all you know, is the only way to remedy the situation. After all, it is considerably easier to distract yourself when you have something to look forward to.
Something that you enjoy.
Perhaps it is the nothingness within your leather bound notebook that brings you peace. The unfilled pages are not lonely, but instead, freeing.
The cruelty of your reality leaves no mark on the pages of your worn book. Nothingness, or in this case, fiction, is all that lines its pages.
Stories of the past, present, and future are maimed into something foreign. You are the narrator, you are the creator, you are in control.
That is your answer. Supplied by none other than yourself, of course.
It is control you seek. The ability to lead a life you choose, without ever having to bow down to forces external to your own psyche.
Forces beyond the harsh stare of Azriel, the Night Court's Shadowsinger, and the bane of your eternal existence.
In the many years you’ve known him, he has never failed to remind you just how deep his hate for you went. Like a raft sailing down an empty river, your efforts to mend your relationship are continuously shut down.
Not that any of it matters, not anymore.
The second his blade made contact with your abdomen you knew, just knew that the two of you would never make peace.
Even now, days since the incident, a phantom pain remains, pulsing within the thin scar below your left rib.
It’s frustrating really, how do you move on from something you never want to forget?
Staring down at the tea stained pages of your journal, you let the question linger.
A whole bunch of nothing.
That is the answer you arrive at.
It should be familiar now, this nothingness within you. This nothingness you embody.
Your sisters, bless them, will never grasp the emptiness that resides within you. But how could they, for all they know you appreciate solitude, find serenity in the freedom this world has provided you.
But it is not freedom you embody, it is loneliness; nothingness in its purest form.
“What is it exactly you are working on?” Nesta’s cool voice asks you. Had you not known her better, you’d surely mistaken her inquiry for judgment. But you do know her, so you send her a hum too weak to be mistaken for one of contentment and forbid your eyes from leaving the shadow filled paper below you.
“Nothing,” you are working on absolutely nothing.
Had you looked up, you would have seen the two cups of tea in her hands.
Had you looked up, you would have seen the sheer weight of determination resting on her shoulders.
Had you looked up, perhaps the shadows moving slowly across your hands would have stopped their movements and removed themselves from your proximity.
But alas, your eyes remain on the dark creatures, hoping, praying, that they leave the library and take your loneliness with them.
“I know what you're doing,” she spoke once more, clearly set on making her presence felt.
“And what may that be?”
“You’re overthinking,” she moves across the shelves, elegantly placing herself onto one of the cushioned chairs in front of you.
“I can assure you, that is not the case.” Nothing, that is what you are doing, and have been doing since you were forced upon this planet.
“Come back to the training ground tomorrow, I’d like for you to be there,” her voice is sincere but it is dissatisfaction that overtakes you. Of course that is what this is about. You’re foolish for assuming she had come here with the answers to the questions you seek.
“I’ll consider it,” you say dryly, reverting back to the page below you, noticing the shadows have seemingly disappeared.
Whether or not Nesta is satisfied with your response means nothing to you.
It means nothing, really.
Nothing does.
“I don’t think he meant it.” And so Lady Death strikes again. As is if her words tore open your jugular, you find yourself recoiling into the chair. Of course she would think that, it’s not as though she were present to witness the hatred in his eyes, the malice within him as he raised his sword, the eagerness of his actions against the vulnerability of your torso.
“Oh?” The paper crinkles under your tight fist, its sound serving as a reminder of your demeanor.
“He was wrong to do what he did. He hurt you and I hate him for that,” she halts, carefully thinking of what to say, “That said, I don’t believe he meant to hurt you. Had he known your skills in combat, I think the situation would have been avoided.”
It’s your fault really, you should have guessed as much. The path of wrongness will always lead back to you. You shouldn’t have expected Nesta, of all people, to see through the situation.
“I’ll see you on the training grounds before sunrise tomorrow, because from what I am gathering, I cannot trust anyone here to not kill me if I don’t refine my skills.”
For a moment, guilt can be found on the face of your sister, though it is quickly replaced by something akin to anger.
Looking as though she intends to say more, Nesta rises from her chair and makes her way towards you. You find comfort in this, it reminds you of home, or something that once was home.
“If you despise your life that much then perhaps it is best you leave.” Too far, she’d gone too far. In typical Nesta fashion, she expresses her guilt through absence. The two filled tea cups serve as the only indicator she had even been present.
This is on you, completely your fault. You dared to welcome presence into nothingness and allowed for tension to fester. How foolish you were.
So with that, you begin to write.
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tags: @sidthedollface2 @marvelouslovely-barnes @impossibelle @chessebookgirl
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hystericstar · 1 year
maybe a headcanon or two for each link + sidon and how they do aftercare? I know it's not explicit but is still nsfw related, right? ;w;
Yeah, in my book it is! Just very soft :)
! MDNI !
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𐂅 Twilight princess link 𐂅
9/10 times you’re gonna end up really sore, so he remedies that for you by giving the best massages you’ve ever had
Rough, calloused hands rubbing your back was something you never knew you needed till now
has a whole conversation with you
asking about your day, if you felt okay, etc.
goes into golden retriever mode as if you don’t limp when you walk
“ I couldn’t be happier your day went well darlin’. As for me, just your smile makes me forget anything else even exists.”
༆ Skyward sword link ༆
bath time!!!
Carries you to the bathroom and has you sit in the warm water while he changes the soiled bedsheets
he joins you when he’s done and y’all bathe together
his favorite thing is to brush your hair while humming
your’e always out like a light within minutes
idk why I just feel like he has the voice of an angel
“ Are you comfy enough? Let me know if I pull too hard on your hair, okay? Is there anything in particular you want me to sing for you dove?”
ᘏ Botw/Totk link ᘎ
Cleans you up, leaves, and then comes back with a tray full of munchies
you guys spend like half an hour praising each other
and then another half is just you happily listening to him tell stories of his chaotic adventures
a tickle fight may or may not be involved
“no matter how hard the battle was, it’d do it all again if it meant I’d get to have you look in my direction.”
𝄞 Ocarina of time link 𝄞
Gently holds you and takes a moment to just press his forehead against yours, admiring every aspect of you
starts gently making out with you cause he just loves you so much he physically can’t contain it
he’ll hold you for as long as you let him, face buried in your neck the whole time
holds your hand too cause he’s soft and if you disagree then you’re wrong
“you are my sun, sky, and earth. I am nothing without you.”
➳ Hyrule warriors link ➳
“I want you to breathe in and out for me, kay?”
bro performs a whole wellness check
“ I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?”
”thank you for allowing me the honor to pleasure you m’lady.”
don’t ask me why but I feel like he calls you that
actually it’s cannon Zelda just told me herself
gentlemanly but can’t help tease you for that blissed out look in your eye
teaches you stretches to ease any kind of pain and exercises to help you catch your breath
ᖫ The fierce deity ᖭ
Asks you if you enjoyed it
wants to know if you did or didn’t like anything he did in particular
after all, he vowed he would serve you the moment he laid eyes on you
what kind of deity would he be if he couldn’t make his darling little human feel good?
“ I will do everything in my power to grant your every wish. I’d forge you jewelry made of the stars should you say the word.”
🜲 Sidon 🜲
Yk how I said twi would have golden retriever energy after?
yeah, scratch that
he is nothing compared to fish man
immediately sprints outside to get you some fresh zora spring water
don’t worry, he purified it like 5 times so that water is clean
you swear you can almost see the fin on his head wagging-
“are you hungry? Comfortable? Cold?”
eventually, he asks if you want to go for a swim
takes you to a private pond and lets ride on his back, or, if you’d prefer, you lay on his chest while he just floats along.
done 😩
it was so fun adding in little text lines for them. Writing lines for characters is so fun istg
thank you for requesting!
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
Beautiful memories — Chapter 2
— PAIRING: Sebastian Sallow x F!MC (aged up)
— SYNOPSIS: Sebastian is sentenced to Azkaban for six months. When he is released, he finds MC is expecting a child, and is filled with anger and jealousy and confusion. He just doesn't know the child is his yet.
— WARNINGS: angst, then a lot of fluff
— A/N: Here's part 2 of the fic requested by my dear @pugsnotdrugs92 💕 I expect the next chapter will be the last (and it will be the one with the smutt). Enjoy, my dears! 😘
— TAGGING: @rbdiggory @sammysgirl1997
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The house she rented was near London, on the outer edges. Looking out the window, Sebastian could see empty dirt fields all around, land prepared for more construction, and to the side toward the south plumes of chimney smoke coming from the city. The grey skies were turning red with sunset.
A couple of lamps turned on behind him in the room, he could see their glow reflected in the window. Cutting through them, a shadow approached. She hugged him from behind.
“I must’ve told you a hundred times today,” she said with her cheek pressed against his back, “but I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” he said.
It was true. He’d missed her every day, and every memory of her the Dementors pulled out was like a splinter chipped off of his heart. But since learning of her… situation, he no longer knew what he felt. Was it hatred? Was it rage? Was there even a feeling left inside of him for her, or was the hatred and the rage all for himself?
“Come on,” she said with a calm and loving voice, blissfully ignorant of the storm raging inside him, “let’s give you a little wash.”
She had him sit on the sofa in front of the lit fireplace, and one by one the space before him filled with bowls of water pitchers and little mounds of towels. He wasn’t sure how he looked anymore, he’d only caught the faintest reflection of himself in the window, but he imagined it wasn’t good. His hair felt matted, his skin crusted with dirt, and he didn’t even want to look at all the bruises anymore…
After she placed everything she needed, she brought him chocolate to eat, and on the table next to him she placed a steaming cup of hot cocoa. Sebastian smiled as he picked up a little chocolate square and let melt on his tongue. He remembered reading about this remedy against Dementors in his third year. How long ago that was…
While he ate the sweets, she tended to him. She took his jacket off, his boots, his tie and vest and shirt, and limb by limb she scraped the dirt away, while his feet rested in warm salt water. She had the nerve to blush when she cleaned down his chest, her hands moving slow and enticing. When she reached his thighs, she worked down each one with both hands, sneaking glances up at him through her long lashes.
Sebastian swallowed the knot in his throat, but he no longer had it in him to be aroused at the sight. At least, not yet. The picture of her at his feet, his naked skin beneath her hands — bruised and bony as he was — was soiled by the thought of what Ominis would think if he saw this…
The next hour was spent cleaning the wounds on his wrists and ankles, applying salves wherever she found the smallest scrape or bruise, and then washing his hair. She placed a basin on a table behind the sofa and had him lean back, close his eyes, and gave him a bit more chocolate. Her fingers soothed his nerves as they massaged his scalp, lathering him slowly, untangling the knots made across so many restless nights… She rinsed the foam out, and then lathered his hair again until she was satisfied that he was clean. He was covered in a blanket by now, feet warming by the fire.
Once he was dry, she brought new clothes out for him — just a comfortable pair of nightclothes to start.
Sebastian let her dress him, but stayed silent the whole while. Unnaturally silent.
“How do you feel?” she asked with an encouraging smile as she rubbed the towel against his still-damp hair.
He avoided the question. “I should be asking you that.”
“Oh?” she giggled. “How so?”
“How far along?” he asked brusquely, not even looking at her.
“Six months,” she said with a sad smile, her hands threading gently through his hair.
Sebastian nodded and was quiet for long moments while the feelings he’d kept trying to hold back bubbled to the surface. Then, all of a sudden, he got up and walked all the way around the sofa. He started to pace up and down the centre of the room.
It wasn’t exactly unexpected… What did he, a convicted murderer with a broken wand, have to offer somebody like her? And who else to take her from him than Ominis — wealthier, more handsome, well-connected, kind and gentle and always far more level-headed than he ever was.
He should be happy for her, if he loved her. But he couldn’t manage it.
“I’d like to go,” he said, looking aimlessly around, everywhere but at her.
“What? Why?”
“I can’t stay here…”
“But —”
“I can’t.”
“It was difficult enough,” he started, “to be in there, wondering about you all the time, doubting whether… whether you would even want to speak to me after everything. But to see… to see you and…”
“And what?” she asked tearfully.
Sebastian took a deep breath in, then out. His swallowed thoughts and feelings poured out of him faster than he could control them.
“Every good memory I ever had was drained out of me, every day, every day,” he mumbled, “but however bad it was, I still thought… I still had… you.”
“Sebastian,” she whispered, approaching him slowly, “what are you talking about? You do have me, you do.”
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, working up the courage to say it. The chime of her steps on the wooden floor rang like a death knell in his ears.
“Seeing you and Ominis today…” he spat, sounding exactly as angry and betrayed and lonely as he felt, “was worse than any thoughts the Dementors put in my head.”
She stood there quietly and listened in a state of shock. Nothing he was saying made sense. Wasn’t he happy to see his friends? Was this an effect of his imprisonment? Would it go away with time? He sounded jealous, but he couldn't be. Nothing had changed between the three of them since they were at Hogwarts — nothing aside from…
“I should have known,” he continued, shaking his head as if he could get rid of the awful thoughts, “I should have known when you were always at the trial together, always whispering to each other…”
“Sebastian,” she said, speaking more sharply than she meant to, “whatever you think happened between me and Ominis, it didn’t.”
He looked down at her, his eyes dull and bleary but full of anger.
She met his gaze and held it gently, and reached out to take his hand. “Is this what you’re worried about?” she asked as she placed his palm on her lightly swollen stomach. “Because this is ours.”
She said it as if it had been the most obvious thing, but it struck Sebastian like a revelation. Suddenly, he looked at her as if she were a new person, and as if he were new as well. His frown relaxed and his lips lost their tension and the brown in his eyes turned sweet again from the smoulder that was there before.
“That night after they announced your trial… Remember?” she said with a shy smile, blushing a little. “It’s ours. I was never involved with Ominis, we’re friends, like we’ve always been… It’s you I love, you I want, you I’ve been carrying this for.”
Sebastian swallowed the knot in his throat and looked down at her body, his hand still on her stomach. He nearly had forgotten… How could he? How could he? After years of circling around each other that night of finally confessing, finally accepting their love… It had meant everything to him, and if only for a moment it eclipsed his past sins and the looming trial and made everything fade into nothingness. Showing his love for her had been the sweetest moment of his life… So, how could he have forgotten it?
“The Dementors,” she frowned, answering it for him. “They steal happy memories, that is what they feed on.”
“I suppose they must’ve had a feast with that,” he said with a hoarse chuckle.
“My poor darling,” she whispered, her hand going up to cup his cheek. She knew she couldn’t begin to understand what had been done to him. Even seeing it unfold distraught her...
Sebastian, meanwhile, was fixated, fascinated, his hand warming on her tummy. “Mine,” he muttered, his hand caressing the expanse of her little swell. “W-wow…”
He was just beginning to understand what it meant: how wrong he’d been about her, about Ominis too, and about himself… And how beautiful of a future they had together now.
It also made him realise how horrible he’d been to her so far.
“I’m sorry,” he said briskly, looking into her eyes again.
“Why?” she frowned.
“For doubting you. For being ungrateful, most of all…”
“Oh Seb,” she sighed, and in the same breath reached up to hug him. “I’m sorry I didn’t explain it at first,” she whispered. “I know I should have. I just… felt so uncomfortable about it, so —”
“Yes,” she mumbled.
His arms tightened around her back. “We’re both ashamed then. And we both shouldn’t be.”
She laughed a little. “I suppose so…”
Sebastian leaned back enough to look into her eyes again and his right hand cupped her cheek. With a trembling thumb, he wiped away a little tear that beaded at her lashes.
“And I’ve been letting you fuss over me all day,” he smiled sadly, wanting to sink into the ground with guilt.
“Don’t be silly,” she chuckled. “I’ve been alright… It’s you I’m worried about.”
“There’s nothing to worry about anymore.”
He knew it wasn’t really true, he knew he was still troubled and far from the man she used to know, but he was determined — especially now — to put Azkaban and all its woes behind him.
She hugged him loosely at the hips and smiled up at him, drinking in the beautiful sight of her Sebastian with finally a little bit of hope in his eyes.
“So what do you think?” she grinned. “Will you let me take care of you now?”
“I should be taking care of you. I did this to you, after all,” he said with a cocked brow. His hands slid down her neck and to her shoulders before settling around her waist, and all the while he looked her up and down suggestively.
She blushed at the shamelessness of him. “How about we take care of each other?” she chuckled.
“Well, you’ve already taken care of me enough for today,” he said, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “I think it’s my turn now.”
She giggled and shook her head, but found her heart fluttering excitedly, just like it used to when they were still at Hogwarts, young and careless and in love… Of course, they were still quite young, and very much in love. They just needed to work on being careless again.
“And how do you propose to do that?” she whispered.
His arms wrapped around her waist more tightly and he tucked her head beneath his chin.
“That’s exactly how,” he said dreamily. “I’m going to propose.”
“You heard me.”
She pulled away enough to look at him. She could tell that he was being serious.
“You don’t expect I’ll let you go on this way, will you?” he said. His gaze was playful but with a serious edge beneath it. “We shall have to marry soon. This month. This week, if possible... Then we can go somewhere nice and quiet for a while, so neither your family nor any of our friends will be able to tell the months…”
“Seb, you’re not ready yet…”
“What am I, one of Garreth’s potions? I’m ready when I say I am.”
She laughed in spite of herself.
“So, what do you say?” he grinned.
And he pulled himself away from her, and held her hands in his, and with a surety that he had until now thought lost to him forever he got down on one knee.
“Will you marry me?”
She didn’t even need to think about it. “Yes. I will. I love you.”
Sebastian’s smile was so big and broad that it hurt his cheeks. It was so nice to have a dream come true every now and then… It felt like he’d been given a new life, a new soul that wasn’t tarnished, a fresh heart to love her with. His arms curled around her waist and he rested his weary head against her stomach, his eyes closed, and his ear to the little life inside her.
“I love you too,” he whispered. “Both of you.”
He heard and felt her giggle, and then her hands came down to his ruffled head. She covered him like a star-speckled and cloud-soft firmament, and he’d never felt more safe.
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the-kr8tor · 11 months
i wanna request for fluff friday!
i was very into mushroom these days, can i request mushroom hunting with hobie? hunting and study them a little (the reader brought a mushroom guide book)
Hi, angel! Thank you for the adorable request! A bit of a disclaimer I don't know anything about mushrooms so I researched a bit for this fic! So sorry if it's not accurate tho hope you like it ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Fluff.
"Is this what you're lookin' for, lovey?" Hobie calls you over from his crouched spot. The tall trees provide shade for your mushroom hunting. The cloudy sky and cold autumn air makes the hunt more comfortable for the two of you.
Dry leaves crunch under your hiking boots, carefully walking over to him, avoiding any obstacles that might trip you over.
"Lemme see!" You excitedly bend at your waist, eyes scanning the soil for a red and white mushroom top. "Oh, good eye, but that's not the fly agaric" you fully crouch next to him, taking out your trusted book of mushrooms, the edges are frayed, cover fading, a sign that it's well read and well loved. "Look, you found a puffball"
Pointing at a picture on a page that you didn't have to look at the index to search for, the white mushroom on the paper is a direct copy of what grows right in front of you. It clings right on the foot of a large tree, stark white, its spherical head adorable to look at. Hobie leans towards you, cheek to cheek, looking at the page.
"Puffball" Hobie repeats the name like he's memorizing a word from a different language. "Is it edible? Looks like it" even though the information is laid out on the page, he asks, knowing you like talking about your hobby. It doesn't hurt that he loves hearing your voice.
"You're right," you lean into his warm cheek, "it's edible. I don't know how to prepare it though"
"Let's take some, we'll figure it out together" Hobie plucks a few mushrooms gently, he puts them inside your wicker basket, the first of many specimens for you to study or eat apparently.
"You're right" you smile fondly, standing up, helping him carry the basket even though he doesn't need it. Hobie appreciates it nonetheless, you both carry the same handle, sort of like holding his hand in a way. "Cooking it is probably the same as the store bought ones"
"Not poisonous though, right?"
"Nope, it's fine to eat. If it makes you feel better I'll take the first bite" you smirk at him. Walking in step with him.
"My hero" you giggle at his comment. "Eugh, what is that?" Hobie stops mid-step, for a second you thought he's making fun of your laugh, but of course he wouldn't do that so you follow his line of sight. He stares at reddish brown mushrooms growing on a decaying tree trunk.
You gasp, skipping over to the dead tree, you inadvertently pull Hobie along. "Jelly ears! I Knew it!" Stopping right in front of it, you practically bounce in excitement. "They're early this year" you mumble to yourself.
"They do look like ears" he narrows his eyes at the wavy mushroom. Its gelatinous texture makes him feel icky inside.
"They're edible too!"
"Love, I love and support you but absolutely not, 'm not eating something that looks like that. 'm not a picky eater but fuck that"
You laugh loudly, the sound echoing off in the woods. "Okay, let's not eat them" letting go of the basket, you take his other hand instead, turning him away from the goosebumps inducing sight. "Come on you big baby. We're losing daylight"
"We've got plenty of time to find your fly agaric" Hobie rubs the back of your hand comfortingly, tracing circles over the smooth skin.
Your heart increases tenfold. "You remember the name"
"'Course I did, remember how it looks too. Red mushroom top with white spots, right?"
You let go of his hand to his dismay but you remedy it immediately with a half embrace. Face squished atop his upper arm, arms enveloping him completely. "Thank you for coming with me" nuzzling your nose over his hoodie, you let your actions talk for you.
"I take it 'm right?" He chuckles, arms trapped under your hug, he has an immense need to embrace you back. "D'you think I'd let you go alone in the woods? What if the fae gets you, huh?"
Your voice is muffled by his jacket, Hobie does all the work in guiding you both further into the woods. "I'll them I'm taken"
With his arms stuck to his sides, He could only manage to move his neck down to kiss the top of your head, he's sure there's a crick in his neck. Hobie doesn't mind though.
"Let's find Mario's mushroom" you guffaw loudly in reply.
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chase-prairie · 1 year
Does anyone have any favorite internet resources on food forest movement stuff? Academic stuff is one thing, but I'm trying to find things that are keyed to the pulse of what people are talking about outside of academia. I know a lot of that gets circulated here in the general solarpunk vibes zone.
part of my frustration that i'm trying to pinpoint here with concrete sources is that there's a middle ground here that has to be found between oblivious optimistic radicalism and like, the actual work it takes to *run* a food forest. I just read Make the Golf Course A Public Sex Forest and some of it is good, some of it is just "wow you have never actually gardened before, have you?"
The resistance organizations like park districts and forest services have to these well-intentioned, poorly-researched efforts stems a lot from the very practical logistics.
Yes, wouldn't it be great if you could eat wild berries from your local park. How the hell are we going to remediate all the lead out of the soil so those berries are safe? Yes, wouldn't it be cool to turn parts of golf courses into community gardens. How the hell are we going to remediate the decades of literal mercury application out of the soil? Those lawns weren't pest-free by default! Yes, wouldn't it be amazing to have a orchards in the city parks? Who is going to do the INTENSE work managing those trees? Picking all the apples? Dealing with the wasps and the mess coating the sidewalks?
There's so much good work that can be done but making the connections between the dreamers and the actual do-ers is overwhelming. Not least because many dreamers just love to talk and don't want to do. Meanwhile, the do-ers are terrified of getting their asses sued because some well-intentioned foragers are ingesting heavy metals.
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Strawberry Lemonade
Gardener!George Harrison × GN!Reader
Genre: About as close as it can get to smut without there actually being any sex
Warnings: Heavy makeout session, lotsa hickies, and a bit of a spit kink but who's counting, eh?
Words: 2.3k
Summary: 1971 era; Reader hires George as a gardener and quickly falls in love with him (Reader is wearing a dress but gender is unspecified)
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You had been trying to get closer with him for several days now. He was always busy working. After all, he was technically working for you.
To be fair, you had hired a gardener, and you didn't know what, or rather who, to expect. Although, had you been given a selection based on appearance, you would have gladly chosen him anyway.
There was something about him that was positively alluring. You thought he was so handsome. And in the three Saturdays he had been working in your backyard, all you managed to find out about him was his name. George.
George looked like your typical gardener, with his scruffy hair and worn out denim, his only focus being his craft. In all honesty, your favorite thing about his appearance was how little he cared for it. He had no desire to be neat. He found beauty in the natural world.
You enjoyed staying with George while he worked. He didn't seem to mind either. He loved telling you all kinds of things about each type of flower, such as where they originated from and which ones could be used for natural remedies in certain teas, soups, and medicines. You didn't even have to ask any questions. He was just ready and willing to share the information, which benefited you as you were still too shy to say much to him. His extensive knowledge was undoubtedly adorable. When you saw how excited he got every time he told you a fun fact, it only made you want to extend the conversation.
You loved George's voice. The way he spoke, slow and sultry, was so calculated in the best possible way. Every word he said was uttered with meaningful intent. He never spoke just to speak. He always spoke to connect. You noticed George licked his lips a lot when he spoke. You weren't sure if it was just a quirk, a nervous habit, or a flirtation technique.
Your fascination with him began on his first Saturday of coming to work. He noticed the rather large section of orange lilies in the center of your garden, acknowledging them as being your favorite. Before he left, he handed you a singular petal from said flower that had fallen off, placing it in the front pocket of the creamsicle colored dress you were wearing. After closing the gate behind him, he turned to look at you one last time.
“Orange is my favorite color, too.”
You allowed George to decorate the garden however he wished, which he was immensely appreciative of. If he felt that certain flowers looked better beside each other, or grew better in certain types of soil, who were you to oppose his artistic vision?
On this particular day, you had chosen to stay on the patio while he worked. You had prepared a plate of fresh strawberries, but knew that fruit could attract bugs that might eat your flowers. You had paired it with a tall glass of lemonade, and as you sat down, you questioned your decision. It was a particularly warm day, and George had already been working for a while. You thought he could use a refreshment too, or at least maybe some company. 
Careful not to startle him, you walked over and offered him the glass of lemonade. Looking up at you, he smiled and reached for the cup, his gloves leaving a trace of fresh soil along the bottom. You thought it was quite endearing. You admired the way the short, dark brown hairs of his mustache grazed the top of the straw.
After taking a single sip, he handed the glass back to you, smiled again and went back to work. You figured maybe he wasn't thirsty, so you returned the cup to the patio table. Instead, you plucked a single strawberry from the plate and offered him that as well. He hesitated before taking it, but decided to accept it, removing his left glove so as not to dirty your hand. The way George’s fingertips brushed your palm when he reached for the berry made you shiver, but you tried not to show it. You think he still noticed.
He ate the small fruit in one bite, leaving only the piece with the leaves. Seeing that a few seeds were still left on the tip, he moved to the edge of the garden, scooped out a small patch of dirt, and placed the fruit inside, covering it up. You looked down, accepting the fact that you owned a strawberry bush now.
You turned to walk back to the patio again, but he motioned towards the large tree next to where he was working.
"You can stay." His voice was almost a whisper. "I don't mind."
You fetched your snack from the table and sat down against the tree without a second thought. You knew you were going to have dirt all over your mulberry colored dress when you stood up, but you didn't care. You would do anything to spend time with him.
You didn't talk, but just being there with George felt like heaven. You would occasionally glance over at him while he trimmed the thorns from the rose patch. Or the way he moved the marigolds next to the daisies to create a pastel gradient. He turned around just as you were staring at him and made eye contact with you. Feeling your cheeks blush, you offered him another strawberry to ease the tension. He showed you his gloved hands as if to say he couldn't, to which you held the berry up to his lips, requesting he take it from you directly.
George leaned forward, lacking hesitation, and took a bite. His plush lips, which were now stained with strawberry juice, kissed your fingers as you held the heart-shaped fruit, the red pigment dripping down your hand. He gazed at you so intensely you felt like you were shaking. You placed the stem back on the plate and set it on your lap.
Returning his piercing stare, you placed your fingers in your mouth, sucking them clean. Three weeks ago, you didn't even know his name, and now you were licking his strawberry flavored spit off your fingers. But you could tell this had an effect on him.
You took another sip of lemonade, and, noticing the rapidly emptying glass, offered him the final sip. He accepted, finishing the rest and placing the cup on the grass beside you. Once he was close enough, he tucked his fingers under your chin, tilting your head up to place his lips against your own. He tasted like strawberry lemonade. When he pulled away, a thin string of saliva was bridged between your lips, the sunlight revealing the slightest tint of rose gold from the fruitful concoction. Your eyes widened when you looked back at him, perplexed by his actions despite you wanting this more than anything. You didn’t expect him to feel the same way.
Without saying another word, George removed the glove from his other hand, placing the now bare hand on the back of your head, his other hand resting on your shoulder. He gently guided you to lay back, his hand protecting your head as you made contact with the grass below. He briefly stroked your hair before removing his hands, instead placing them on both sides of your hips. He stared down at you, rubbing his hand over your stomach through the fabric of your dress.
“Do I have permission to touch you, my flower?”
You nearly moaned at his new name for you, although you were a bit confused as he was technically currently touching you. But still, you nodded, intrigued by what he would do next.
George trailed his fingers up your torso towards your shoulders. He stopped at your chest, eyeing it for a short while. Normally a position like this would’ve been quite compromising for you, but you were surprisingly comfortable. 
He hooked his fingers under the straps of your dress, dragging them down your shoulders, stopping right before they had completely fallen, preventing the fabric from leaving your chest entirely bare. He leaned forward to place small kisses across your chest, neck, and shoulders, occasionally biting softly. In one particular spot on the crease of your neck, he bit down a little too hard, but you didn’t even care. The gentle brushing from the coarse hairs of his beard provided a wonderful contrast between pain and pleasure. You threaded your hands through his hair, the loose waves beautifully framing his face. You felt his hands firmly massaging your hips with every breathy whimper that fell from your lips. 
Once George decided your upper body had been marked thoroughly, along with a few wine-colored shapes ever so slightly bubbling to the surface of your skin, he ended with one final kiss to your lips. Your hands moved from his hair to cradle his face, raking your fingers across his beard. He pulled back to look at you again, every monochromatic tone of his heavenly brown eyes twinkled in the evening sun. Even now, you were still utterly speechless.
Removing his hands from your hips, George began drawing small circles with his fingers on the exposed skin just below the hem of your dress. He looked back up at you, a small “May I?” leaving his lips, to which you nodded again. George shook his head.
“I need to hear you this time, flower.”
You felt your heart skip a beat. You were so overwhelmed by the current situation that even forming a phrase of one simple word felt like an arduous task.
“Yes.” You whispered. George nodded slowly, placing his hands flat against your thighs, sliding his fingers up underneath your dress until he reached your hips, rubbing his thumbs along the fabric of your underwear. Holding you by the hips over your dress was not enough. He wanted to feel the warm softness of your skin. He wanted to become one with you in any way that he could.
George laid on top of you, knees at your sides to support his weight as he resumed kissing you. But you wanted him closer. Lifting your legs, you locked them around his waist, pushing him flush against you, forcing his arms higher towards your chest. This caused the straps of your dress to fall completely down your arms and the hem to scrunch up past your hips, your entire dress rolled in the center of your body like a belt, rendering you almost fully nude while George was still fully clothed. But you didn’t care. Your actions could be so brave and bold, yet saying a single word to him felt far too intimate.
“So beautiful…” His words were lost in thought right along with him, his lustful stare raking over your neck and chest before moving back up to your face. While he may have had his full weight on you now, you tried your hardest to move your hips beneath him. Your body ached for the slightest of friction, wantonly arching up to grind against his clothed crotch. He looked down as you did this, the corners of his lips curling into a slight smirk, almost mocking your neediness. But as you moved, you could feel the outline of him, slowly nearing full hardness, straining against the confines of his jeans. He wasn’t fooling anyone. He wanted this just as much as you did.
You softly gripped him at the shoulders, massaging your hands up his neck and back into his hair as he laid atop you again, burying his face in your chest, adding more blushing roses to the already blooming garden just above your nipples. That was one place George would look, but never touch. He repeatedly got quite close with both his mouth and fingers, watching as your eyes pleaded for him to touch you everywhere, but decided to save that journey for another time. He opted for keeping his hands firmly at your hips, guiding you while you continued to grind against him, your eyes closed and your head tilted back, completely willing to lose yourself in the immense pleasure.
Just as you felt yourself beginning to falter in rhythm, nearing the edge, George pulled back and stared at the sky. Noticing the change in the amount of daylight, he sat up, much to your confusion.
“Unfortunately, it’s time for me to go.” He said matter-of-factly, pushing the straps back up to your shoulders before moving to pack up his tools.
“Already?” You whined. “Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“That wouldn’t be fair to my personal schedule, now would it?” He teased. You thought he was walking toward the gate but instead stopped at a small patch of red violets he was tending to earlier. He was there for a few seconds before returning to you, who was now standing up, dusting the dirt off of your dress. George reached for your hand, and you felt something touch your palm. He placed a small kiss on your lips before gazing into your eyes again with the same intense stare.
“We’ll make more time for each other next week, my flower.”
You opened your mouth as if to reply but was consistently halted by some invisible force. By the time you felt like you could respond, George was already closing the gate behind him. You peered down at what he had left in your hand: a single petal from one of your red violets. You looked back up to see George still standing at the gate, predicting your confusion. He met your puzzled expression with a punctuating wink before walking to his car. You twirled the plum-colored petal between your fingers as its inspiration caught your eye out of your peripheral. Your cheeks immediately blushed a light pink as you saw the same color in a series of small love bites that were currently forming across your chest.
I just got a new computer today, and I thought what better way to celebrate than to finish one of my fics! This was the one that got the most votes in my poll of which WIP y'all wanted first. And I know it's quite long overdue, but I hope you enjoy! 🥰
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suenitos · 10 months
What’s your favorite fic
like ever? ummmm well i wouldnt say i have a favorite but here are some dnf ones i bookmarked, that still exist, that i really enjoyed and still think about/come back to: the remedy of your touch, this time it's a tweet cute, van gogh out with me, me and my husband, lightning in a bottle, swapped, sunlight and soil, seventy two days, hop inside (come see my movie) , piece of clay, for you, the stars, say goodnight and stay together, awkward hearts (beating faster and faster), glisten, stage left, dream team cowboy au series, like nothing ever happened, all of you, a verb in perfect view, the gold room, triple dog dare, native tongue, four paws and an attitude, lucky (im in love with my best friend), im not gay. im just a fan, okay?, r/whothefuckisdnf. and of course. cheater cheater
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Medicinal Remedies
Medicinal Remedies-- This is a LONG one!
NOTE: This article is about 20 of my favorite medicinal healing herbs to grow in most garden areas and types of soil. There are 100’s more, though, that I just couldn’t include because of space. Enjoy this rundown of 20 of my favorites.
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1) Calendula:
Calendula is one of my top five favorite herbs of all time. It's sunny yellow or orange face can't help but make me smile. In summer time, it grows like crazy, just about anywhere, and like other flowers, the bees love it.
Calendula has some super skin healing and strengthening properties, and I always have some infusing in olive oil in a sunny window for use in salves, soaps, and other body products.
Calendula is also edible, and it's so fun to toss some blooms in your salad! It really brightens things up and adds excellent color. I love Calendula.
Calendula just makes you smile.
2) Cayenne:
Here is another herb I think should be in every garden. Cayenne is a very hot and pretty red pepper with some excellent culinary uses for adding spice to foods.
It's also great for helping with circulatory problems, can be used to help stop bleeding since it's a hemostatic herb, and has been shown to be useful in helping slow or even stop a heart attack until help can arrive.
It's also a very attractive plant, and the bright red of the pepper is just gorgeous mixed Into the dark green of the plant's leaves. This is one herb you should definitely grow if you can, and have handy in your herbal medicine chest.
Cayenne grows like crazy, especially in warmer climates. They dry well, too.
3) Chamomile:
Like Lavender, what would an herbal garden be without sweet Chamomile? It's honey scent and sweet taste are an absolute pleasure. Besides that....Chamomile is a popular relaxant and mild sedative herb.
Need to de-stress? Drink a bit of Chamomile tea!
Chamomile is also useful as an anti-inflammatory, as it contains high levels of azulene. It helps with pain relief, including for arthritis. If you are heading to bed and are bothered by mild pain, try drinking some chamomile tea! In one clinical study, this helped 10 out of 12 people fall into a restful sleep. (Gladstar)
Growing Chamomile can be tricky in very hot climates. It likes full sun, but a cooler climate. Chamomile is also best grown in less maintained soil and doesn't need the rich fertilization other plants require.
4) Chickweed:
Chickweed is another one of those "weeds" that is completely misunderstood and has some excellent medicinal qualities.
It's Latin name, (stellaria) means "star," and that is because of its small, pretty starlike white flowers. It's easy to grow, and has many uses.
Chickweed supports liver and kidney health due to its high nutrition and diuretic properties. It's also wonderful in salves for healing skin issues, including rashes, eczema, and very dry skin.
Chickweed is a great diuretic and blood purifier.
5) Dandelion:
This prolific weed, as some people see when they notice Dandelion in their yard, is actually a powerfully helpful medicinal herb! Dandelion is terrific for your liver and kidney health, having diuretic properties.
It's also an edible plant! You can roast the roots and add it to teas and even your coffee for a delicious flavor that also packs a healthy punch. The leaves can be eaten in salads and other foods.
6) Feverfew:
Feverfew has lovely white flowers and at least where I live, is rather invasive. I don't mind, though, because it has a great number of medicinal benefits.
As its name connotes, feverfew is helpful with reducing fevers. Most recently, however, feverfew has become rather well-known for helping with migraines, both preventing and reducing the intensity and time.
One of my favorite teas to provide for people who suffer from migraines is: 1 part feverfew, 1 part spearmint, and 1 part lemon balm. This is a soothing, nervine combination, that along with the powers of feverfew, can be used as daily tonic.
Feverfew is also great for minor bug bites. Just apply the tincture topically. Since it has mild pain relieving properties, it will help with the discomfort too.
7) Garlic:
Garlic is one of the BEST all around medicinal herbs anyone can grow, in my opinion. It's useful for treating colds, flus, sore throats, and digestive issues. Garlic boosts the immune system by increasing and stimulating the production of white blood cells.
Garlic is antiseptic, anti-bacterial, and vermifuge (kills parasites). It is also useful as a blood purifier and helps promote healthy circulation. It may also help regulate blood sugar levels in those with type 2 diabetes.
Besides all these wonderful benefits, garlic is delicious! It's added to so many foods and dishes because of the flavor it imparts. Granted, using garlic medicinally is different than in culinary uses, but if you really want to "eat thy medicine," as Hippocrates famously stated, garlic is a great place to start.
8) Ginger:
Oh, what would the herb world be without Ginger? This sweet and spicy pungent herb is actually a rhizome, not a root, as many believe. The useful part grows under ground, so is often confused.
Ginger is stimulating and is a great additive for teas, tinctures, and fermented foods, as well as culinary uses. Ginger is anti-inflammatory, decongesting, and increases circulation, promoting warmth. Ginger is also excellent for flatulence and stomach issues, including nausea.
Ginger likes a tropical environment---hot and humid. Therefore, unless you live down South, Ginger would most likely need to be grown in a green house.
9) Lavender:
What would the herbal world be without lavender? It's good for SO many things. Lavender smells wonderful, the bees love it, it's great for medicinal uses, AND it's a gorgeous flower. Lavender is useful for air freshening and cleaning the air or freshening closed up places such as drawers. It's popular in sachets for this reason.
Lavender is actually relatively hardy, growing well in Zones 5 through 8. If you are in a colder zone, be sure to plant your lavender in an area where it will get plenty of sunshine and be as warm as possible. If your winters are rough, you'll need to provide your lavender with some type of protection, especially from harsh winds.
I had some planted in pots here in the mountains, and it did very well all summer long. Even through snows, it was fine. But we get wind speeds over 125 miles an hour at times, and lavender just didn't last through that. Not much will, I guess.
Lavender is useful for so many things---AND it smells incredible.
10) Lemon Balm:
Lemon Balm....I LOVE this species of mint. It smells lovely, the bees love it, and it grows well nearly everywhere. Lemon Balm has a pleasant lemony taste and is a great additive in herbal teas, both for the nutritive value as well as the soothing nature and relaxing effects it has on the body.
11) Marshmallow:
This probably isn't included in too many herbalist's garden lists, but I think Marshmallow is seriously necessary. It's a demulcent and soothing herb, and it complements "hotter" herbs very well. It also soothes inflammation in mucous membranes and is one of my favorite herbs to use for allergy blends or teas for any kind of inflammation in the body for this reason.
Marshmallow is an upright plant, similar to a very small hollyhock. In fact, if you can grow hollyhocks where you are---you can use it pretty much interchangeably with Marshmallow as their chemical constituents are very similar.
The flowers are light pink and very pretty, too. The entire plant is edible and useful for medicinal purposes. Go ahead and throw a few flowers into your salad for a beautiful and surprising presentation!
Marshmallow is a demulcent anti-inflammatory. Plus, it's pretty.
12) Mullein:
This is yet another plant many see as just a weed, but has some truly wonderful medicinal qualities. Mullein is a plant that grows from a rosette of fuzzy large leaves into a tall stalk (sometimes as high as 7 feet tall) and is covered with yellow flowers in mid-summer.
Mullein does best in full sun, with lots of water, in cooler areas. It grows really well in the creek beds up here in our mountains, but I've heard it is very common in almost all places. It's worth trying to cultivate, in my opinion, if you don't have it growing naturally in your area.
Mullein is one of the best herbs you can use to support and heal the respiratory system and illnesses that affect the lungs, sinuses, and breathing. It's useful as a tea, tincture, and the large leaves can be used in an emergency to cover a poultice.
In my opinion, Mullein is the premier herb for respiratory issues.
13) Oregano
Oregano seems to be the bane of many gardener's existence. They plant it, and it just goes crazy. I can't tell you how many neighbors, family members, and friends have given me Oregano from their yards over the years! And I'm glad to have it! The thing with Oregano is you have to know how to manage it.
Oregano is a fabulous culinary herb, and if you have ever had pizza or marinara sauce, then you've tasted this delicious Mediterranean herb. Oregano grows best in warm, dry climates, but I have found in my experience that it is quite hardy and can survive winter lows in the single digits (at least it does in my yard).
Oregano (also known as Mountain of Joy in Greek) has some excellent medicinal uses, including having anti-viral, anti-biotic, anti-fungal properties, as well as being very high in anti-oxidants. It's a great skin care herb and also a digestive aid.
Oregano can be used in many forms, too: As a tincture, an herbal infused oil, eaten in foods, and as an essential oil. These all have different strengths, potencies, and uses.
The tincture is an easy way to use the herb medicinally, along with making or using in an herbal tea.
14) Peppermint:
Super easy to grow just about anywhere, Peppermint is a spreading perennial that has the propensity to take over your garden if you allow it! It's spicy, pungent scent is well known to just about everyone, since it's a popular culinary additive in many foods and candies.
Medicinally, Peppermint is useful for aiding digestion and getting rid of flatulence (gas). It has mild anti-spasmodic properties, so if you are experiencing cramps, especially digestive types or menstrual cramps, it can be very helpful.
15) Plantain:
Here is another weed that many people find repugnant, but that is actually an incredibly useful medicinal herb!
According to Rosemary Gladstar, Plantain grows everywhere, and if you invite it in, it will definitely show up.
Plantain is great for liver health, detoxifying and cleansing the blood, and drawing out toxins. I like to infuse it in oil for use in healing salves.
Like Dandelion, this easy to find weed is edible and useful.
16) Rosemary:
Rosemary is a famous culinary herb, and is great for use on red meats and very pungent dishes. Besides this, rosemary has been proven to be helpful for the brain, especially memory functions.
It's high in anti-oxidants, and has mild analgesic (pain relief) properties. Rosemary is a stimulant herb, and is helpful with circulation and low blood pressure. People with high blood pressure need to exercise caution using rosemary medicinally.
Rosemary grows best in hot, dry climates and is native to the Southern European countries.
Besides being a pungent and delicious culinary herb, rosemary provides medicinal qualities and enhances memory.
17) St. John's Wort:
St. John's Wort is a misunderstood plant, in my opinion. It went through a popular phase a few years ago and was touted as being the new natural anti-depressant. St. John's Wort can absolutely help with feelings of mild depression, sadness, grief, and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), but it's not a cure-all.
Important to know---St. John's Wort can interact with certain drugs, so be sure you discuss usage with your doctor (as you should with any of these herbs mentioned).
St. John's Wort is also great for neuralgia, and I personally use it as part of my back pain and sciatica regimen with excellent results. I also use it in a tincture form to lift my spirits if I'm feeling down.
Besides all the medicinal qualities of St. John's Wort, it's a really pretty plant. You won't be able to grow it in a super hot area, however, at least it's unlikely. I tried growing it in Las Vegas, and it was a total fail. However, it does well here in the mountains in full sun or partial shade and the cooler climate.
One of my favorite ways to prepare St. John's Wort is as an herbal infused oil. The medicinal species (H. perforatum) releases bright red juices into the oil, creating the most lovely infused oil.
Another safety note for the garden: St. John's Wort has been shown to have potential for phototoxicity, especially in grazing animals if they eat too much. Just be aware and watch what your pastured animals eat.
St. John's Wort is a wonderful healing herb that positively affects the emotions.
18) Thyme:
Thyme, in my opinion, is one of the best plants to use in your garden. It attracts bees, smells lovely, and is incredibly useful for medicinal purposes. It's a small, spreading herb (although some species will grow upright) that is fairly hardy, so if you have rough winters, it may do just fine---you'll be seeing it again in the Spring, with it's pretty scented purple flowers.
Many herbalists forget all about using thyme as a preventative medicinal herb or for helping heal quickly from colds and flus---but it has been shown to fight off colds.
It also has disinfectant properties, and can be used as an effective wash for skin infections or as great sore throat rinse. For medicinal purposes, Thymus vulgaris or Thymus citriodorus (Lemon Thyme) are the best to use.
19) Valerian:
This stately flowering plant can grow to about four feet tall and has lacy white flower clusters. Not only is it a lovely addition to your garden, but it is very useful. It's a strong but safe sedative and is very useful for helping with anxious feelings, sleep issues, and pain relief.
Contraindications: Valerian has the opposite effect on some people, so if you are using it for the first time, do so on a the eve of a day that won't affect you much. These folks are rare, but there are definitely some that don't tolerate it well.
One of nature's best gifts---Valerian is lovely and it is an excellent safe sedative.
20) Yarrow:
Yarrow has many tiny flowers that grow in bunches, and feathery grayish leaves. It's a very pretty plant for your garden. Besides, the parts that grow above ground (leaves, stems, flowers) have medicinal purposes and have been used for thousands of years.
Yarrow is a vulnerary, hemostatic herb. Besides helping with healing and clotting of wounds, yarrow is good for helping reduce fevers, hay fever, and fighting colds. As a fever reducer, it is important to note that yarrow induces sweating, so if the person already has a hot fever, yarrow is probably not the best choice to use.
Article: healing harvest homestead Picture: Nikolaydonetsk – photodune . net
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goblinpuppy35 · 1 year
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A Slip of the Tongue
Prof Remus x Male Prof Reader
Warning: Fluff, minor flirting
Summary: You agreed to help your crush/college with his class demonstration when something unexpected is said
As the new herbology professor Y/N had never anticipated to become a helping hand in a DATDA class, it certainly wasn't part of the job description when he applied. However over the last three months he had become increasingly close to another new teacher, Professor Remus Lupin, and it was in fact this specific teacher who had roped him into the lesson.
If Remus's kind eyes and crooked yet warm smile weren't enough to persuade Y/N, the simple fact of how helpful Remus had been in aiding him in his own classes had certainly put him in a position of owning Remus a favour. Y/N had been very grateful each time Remus had helped him carry bags of soil into the green house or stay  up late to repot his plants while listening to Bowie on his old gramophone. Y/N particular enjoyed those evenings. Remus always seemed happy and keen to help despite seeming to be rather tired and fragile for at least half of every month. Y/N felt like there was something Remus wasn't telling him but didn't want to push Remus just yet, currently settling to giving Remus a flask of herbal tea made with his own mint leaves whenever he noticed Remus looking extremely deflated.
All these previous encounters had made it impossible to say no when Remus had strolled into the green house yesterday evening, resting his tall body on the door frame and asked if Y/N would assist with his next practical lesson. Y/N now found himself in the DATDAs class room leaning against a wall, arms folded over his sweater vest and tie, nodding and smiling at the few students who said hello to him.
"Morning all, yes Good Morning. Everyone come to the center of the room now" called out Remus. It took Y/N by surprise seeing the rather quiet man he knew command a room to such an effect. All his students stood eagerly in a group waiting for what Proffesor Lupin would say next.
"You have all made excellent progress in your studies, I am really impressed! Now, in today's lesson you are going to test your skills against an opponent" on this last word Professor Lupins eyes glided towards Y/N still leaning against the wall. As all the students turned to stare at Y/N, his own eyes widened, this caused Remus to let out a soft chuckle. Taking a few steps back Professor Lupin lifted a white cloth up to reveal a medium sized pot with an overgrown vine like shrub. "Professor Y/L/N, if you would please" Lupin outstretched a hand in Y/N's direction inviting him to come forth.
Y/N briskly approached where Remus was standing, his work boots scuffing across the wooden floor boards slightly. Once standing next to the older Professor Y/N become highly aware of their height difference. Remus looked down at Y/N from the corner of his eye and gave him a comforting smile.
"The elemental world can be an essential asset when coming to poisons and remedies" Remus said addressing the class, "however when battling agaisnt another these elements can be used to casue great harm, whether that is fire, earth, water, even plants". Catching on to what Remus was getting at Y/N took out his wand and focused on the vined plant. With a deep breath through his exhale Y/N began to wave his wand up and with wordless magic and vines began to grow thick and long. With each flick of his wand the plant grow bigger in the direction Y/N waves his wand, as if he was a puppeteer and the vines were being controlled by strings. Turning his head Y/N caught Lupin watching him intently with an impressed smile across his face. This makes Y/N blush and frown as his focuses on his casting.
Proffesor Y/N had come to terms which the fact he had a small (major) crush on the other Proffesor. But chose to keep this to himself for now, it simply didn't feel appropriate in their professional context and anyway he was certain the handsome older Proffesor only saw him as a platonic college.
Proffesor Lupin instructed the class to take turns attempting to defeat the living viens Y/N controlled with the spells they had been learning. Y/N did his best to both allow the students to get a few good shots in but keep them on their toes as well, swishing the veins through the air as if they were cloth. "A confident stances is key" Lupins voices made its way to Y/N, realising that the taller man had walked behind him. He could almost feel Lupins breath on the back of his neck which made the hairs on his neck stand up.
"Take note of Proffesor Y/L/N's posture, shoulder pulled back and arm stretched out" while Lupin talked aloud he raised his arm up to match Y/N's, swaying it as the same time as Y/N did, their hands nearly touching. "Effortless flicks of the wrist and yet a strong grasp at the base of the wand... a rock hard grip", despite saying those last words aloud Lupin had leaned down enough that his lips were agaisnt Y/Ns ear as he said so. Y/N's eyes widened but he kept his gaze straight ahead, pretending he hadnt just heard these sinfully sweet words. Why had Remus said that? Had he meant to, was it a mistake? Slip of the Tongue? Surely that dosent imply which I think it dose"
The rest of the class goes by, each student getting a turn to challenge Y/N's casting, as the students leaves they all thanks Y/N for such a fun lesson, and he takes each compliment with a joyful smile. In a matter of minutes the classroom is empty just leaving the two Proffesors alone. "Was truly exquisite to watch you" Remus said, leaning against his desk with his hands in his cardigan pockets. Y/N's nervous nature instinctively brushes his hair back out of his face while letting out a weak laugh, his mind still racing over the words Remus has uttered behind him. "well I'm just happy to have been able to help, if you need assistance in your next class please feel free to come find me" and with a brief smile Y/N chose to turn on his heel and start to walk out of the room, before he says or dose something he'll regret.
"Of course, yes ... well actually" Remus trailed off and then spoke up against just before Y/N exited through the door way, causing him to turn around. Lupin suddenly looked incredibly bashful and looked down at the floor with every other word, " we'll see Y/N I was actually hoping the next time I could see you would be tonight.. after dinner". "Oh I see, do you need some extra help grading papers or something" Y/N asked innocently. "No ... I, I just wanted to spend some time alone with you" at the end of the sentence Remus' eyes stared deep into Y/N's from across the room. A sense of longing and desire swirling in them, Y/N was completely taken aback for a moment. Could this really be happening.
He took a deep breath which transformed into a light chuckle, "Yes Remus, I would like that very much". Remus' thin lips press tightly together and a smile stretches across his face. Y/N mirrors the smile before he walked out of the room "I will be sure to give you a more in depth demonstration of my rock hard grip then" called out Y/N as he walked down the corridor,  as he does he could hear Remus let out a soft chuckle.
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cryptid-ghoulette · 3 months
just some cute and fluffy ivy and kit mountain ramblings. (thank you @sister-nyx for the encouragement as always) this was not proof read at all, so if you see any mistakes, no you didnt. (mount does get slightly injured, but nothing bad)
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Every earth ghoul harnesses their element a little different, each one gravitating towards different types of plants and the various uses for them. Mount, ha always been drawn to herbs and remedial gardening, constantly fascinated by the multitude of ways plants and flowers can be made into healing potions and tinctures. Mountains green house is a relatively safe space, nothing too toxic or poisonous, and anything that might be harmful is well marked, so no ghouls or siblings accidentally poison themselves or others.
Ivy on the other-hand, is a bit more chaotic, interested in the darker side of plants, and all the various ways they guard and protect themselves against those who get too close, or ingest them. His greenhouse is off limits to others, with too many plants that could do serious harm with just a slight touch, let alone some small ghoul eating something they shouldn't.
Luckily the only ghoul kit that was regularly in Ivys greenhouse was fellow earth ghoul, mountain, who could withstand more than most ghouls, but Ivy still always kept a close eye on the smaller ghoul when he would come visit. He couldn't bear something happening to him on his watch,
Nothing serious ever happened to the little earth ghoul under ivys careful watch, but that doesn't mean they didn’t cause some mischief.
Mountain was immediately drawn to the Venus flytraps that ivy kept in little plastic trays of shallow water by the big front windows so they’d get plenty of light. He loved feeding them the live flys and grasshoppers, equal parts fascinated and scared as its jaws snapped shut around the doomed little insect.
He knew that they couldn’t hurt him, ivy had told him that many times, but that didn’t help the situation he found himself in one afternoon while ivy was outside talking to omega about some boring adult ghoul stuff (Mount wasn’t paying that much attention) leaving him on his own for just a moment.
he was carefully watering the fresh seedlings he’d planted in their little plastic trays earlier that day, humming happily to himself, his tail swishing behind him. He’d not realised the venus flytraps were behind him, until suddenly he felt a “snap” on his tail, and he let out a yelp, his tail quickly whipping from behind him, his eyes wide as he sees the plant dangling from the point of his tail.
Ivy comes running inside to find mountain sitting on the ground surrounded by clumps on dirt, softly sucking on the tail in his mouth in between sobs.
“Oh petal, what happened” ivy said as he sat down on the ground next to the little ghoul, wrapping one giant arm behind him.
He let out a small sniffle as he raised a finger, pointing to the flytrap on the ground, pot broken and the soil scattered around it. “Bi-Bit my tail…. Scared me” he said quietly, his tail still in his mouth.
Ivy pulled the little ghoul closer to him “it must have mistaken your tail for a fly” he said with a soft chuckle “can I see your tail please, petal?”
Mount nodded, letting him take the tail out of his mouth. Ivy knew there wouldn’t be any damage, but he knew Mount was frightened, and didn’t want to invalidate his feelings. He briefly inspected the end of his tail, humming softly to himself before getting up to grab a bandage from the first aid kit.
Ivy gently wrapped the fabric around where he knew the plant had bitten him, tying the ends together before sealing it all with a soft kiss.
“You’re good as new little one, you were so brave!”
Mountain sniffled one last time, a smile creeping across his face and he clung to the larger earth ghoul
“Thank you“ he murmured, his voice muffled against ivys chest.
Ivy ruffled his hair gently, his own smile growing as he felt the smaller ghoul purring gently against him
“Anytime, petal. Let's clean up this mess and then how about we head back inside, it must be diiner time and aether assures me he‘s making something tasty!“
Mount nodded eagerly, his tears forgotten, grabbing the broom from behind the door as Ivy picked up the shattered pot and the slightly sad looking plant that was once inside, making a mental note to replant it later.
Once the last shard collected and the dirt all swept into a neat pile, Ivy placed the plant on the bench “there we go, all done! Now how about that dinner?”
Mountain beamed up at him, his eyes sparking with excitement and love “yes! Yes! I’m starving!”
Ivy chuckled “let’s go then, we don’t want to keep aether waiting” ruffling mountains hair one last time, before watching the little ghoul eagerly race out the door and towards the main hall.
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friendsoup · 10 months
Hello, may I request dikke helping her gf out during her period while she has unbearable cramps pls? Have a nice day/night☆
Acts of Service
Recipe: Romantic fluff, tooth rotting sweetness, Dikke x reader, fem!reader, Reader is referred to as Dove and M'lady, Dikke's love language is acts of service, Miscommunication due to cultural differences WC: 1,346 Chef's Note: This is the third time I'm writing this today... Hopefully this works! This was all self-indulgent bc I was in a lot of pain last night. Might be a bit ooc.
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“M’lady, are you around? You were absent from the suitcase’s daily activities…” Dikke called, knocking on your door. You groaned. She was right, you had avoided your daily routine today, something which you were usually rigorous with. Though it wasn’t as though you were without reason! It just so happened that last night, your period had begun. And it was something fierce. You didn’t know exactly where to go with your troubles. Despite the suitcase being full of mostly women, no one discussed things such as periods. You were sure that if it came to it, you could scrounge around for a tampon or pad, but you hadn’t expected them to get this painful. You could hardly move, squirming around on your bed in pain. You were certain your sheets would be stained red forever, and you’d feel soiled for the rest of your life. “M’lady?” Dikke asked, her voice growing panicked. Before you began dating Dikke, you had seen her as someone to stay cool under all types of pressure. Which was true, for the most part. However, when it came to you, her composure seemed to crumble. Perhaps it was insecurity, or maybe she was less composed than you originally thought. Whatever it was, you didn’t want to make her more worried. “Don’t come in.” You called back. You were a mess, you were certain of it. You didn’t want Dikke to see you all sweaty and gross. “I’m fine. Just stay out there.” The pain in your voice was obvious, but Dikke tended to be on the more oblivious side. You hoped she’d take your word for it. “M’lady. Need I remind you my thoughts on liars?” Her voice was cold, but only for a moment. “If you require assistance, please let me in. Allow me to aid you.” The shift was quick, but noticeable. She sounded so desperate, it made your heart twist. “Fine.” You muttered, flipping yourself over so you could face the door. “Come in.”
Dikke opened the door slowly, keeping her gaze to the ground. She knew you were hesitant, and didn’t want to overwhelm you by barging in, though she truly wanted to. Upon seeing you in bed, her eyebrows drew together in quiet confusion. “M’lady. Are you sick?” She asked, kneeling by your bedside. “No. I mean, yes? I’m on the rag.” You admit. Dikke blinks, your words completely missing their mark. “I mean, my Aunt Flo is here.” You try again. Once more, her gaze goes right through you. “I’m on my period?” Perhaps being a bit more direct will work? She narrows her eyes, attempting to make sense of your words. “I’m menstruating.” You put bluntly. That seemed to do the trick. Dikke closed her eyes and nodded. “I see. That is why you isolated yourself.” Dikke gently placed her hand on your forehead, pushing hair out of your face. Her skin felt cool against your own. “I may not know the modern remedies for such a thing, as I imagine they have changed greatly between our times, but I will aid you the best I can.” You smile at her words. “That’s lovely, sweetheart.” The fact that she’s so eager to help warms your heart. “First, we must get you clean.” Dikke nods to herself, “I will run a warm bath with healing herbs.” Before you can object, she stands and runs off. You blink at the space she once inhabited, feeling a bit worried. What was she going to put in your bath? As much as you loved her, you knew that medieval medicine was not as accurate as today’s (or tomorrow’s?) science. You stayed in silence, with nothing but your pains to keep you company. It hurt greatly, but there was nothing you could do at the moment to stop it. Luckily, she arrived back shortly. “Your bath is ready, M’lady.” She announced, hovering over you again. “Dikke, I’m sure the bath is lovely, but I don’t really want to walk anywhere.” You protested meekly. “You think I’d make an ill woman walk?” Dikke scoffed, scooping you up in her arms. You felt so small in them, her strong arms wrapped around you. You put your head on her chest, feeling her heartbeat quicken beneath her armor. As you glanced up, you saw a hint of blush on her cheeks. “Now, let’s be off.” She quickly spoke, carrying you to the bathroom. The scent hit you at once. Rose, wormwood, and something close to peppermint filled the steamy air. It was as fragrant as tea, and you could see bits of the herbs floating around in the water. 
Dikke placed you close to the tub, before standing back up. “I will allow you your privacy while you bathe. In the meantime, I shall prepare your room for your return.” Before you could speak, she was gone again. You stripped yourself of your dirty clothes, and sank into the warm water. It was perfect. The right temperature to ease the pain in your gut, as the scent relaxed your muscles. You closed your eyes, picturing your Dikke perfectly measuring the herbs needed to go into the bath, making sure the temperature was right, all the while worrying about leaving you alone. 
The two of you had only started dating a few weeks ago, yet she treated you like a princess at every convenience. Roses would appear by your door, perfumed letters were handed to you by confused middle men. She had quite the bizarre way of showing her affections, always indirect and nervous, but you found that charming of her. Your favorite of her affections were the acts of service, which came endlessly with her. Chores would be done without you asking, meals would be prepared, and things like this bath were all reminders of just how much she cared for you. A lazy smile came to your face as you sunk deeper into the water, your heart warm with her love. A bit later, Dikke returned with new clothes to dress you with. The usually stone-faced girl was surprisingly giddy, unable to hide her slight smile. Forgetting her shyness, she helped you dry off, giving not so much as a bashful look away. You were confused, what had caused this change in personality? As she draped a plush robe around your shoulders, you decided to ask. “Dikke?” “Yes, dove?” She hummed. “What’s going on?” You blinked. She’d never called you a pet name before. “Am I not allowed to be joyful when with my partner?” She asked, innocently. “I suppose so. It’s just-” You had no time to complete your sentence, as Dikke once again lifted you into her arms. She marched back to your room, unable to wipe the smile from your face. Once she opened the door to your room, your jaw dropped. A display of warm foods and snacks lay on your table. Freshly washed blankets and sheets on your bed, creating almost a nest. Your tv was on, displaying one of your favorite movies. And to top it off, the entire place smelled like roses. “The captain is bringing tampons. She said she had to go out to fetch them, but it’ll only take a minute.” Dikke says, placing you on the bed. “I didn’t know you could buy such things now. How strange is that!” Once you were secure, she turned to leave. You couldn’t stand to see her go again, reaching out your hand and grabbing hers. “Dikke!” You called. “This is all nice, but I want one more thing.” Confused, she nodded. “Anything at all, I will provide.” “I want you to stay?” You timidly asked. Dikke’s face grew red once more, the shade you’d seen her wear the most. “Of course! Let me just rid myself of this armor, and I will be by your side!” With that, Dikke removed the plate armor, and took her side by you. You fiddled with the remote as she wrapped you in her arms. Feeling a sense of relief that has never come with your period before.
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