#what life are we on now? theres hundreds and hundreds inside of me at this point apparently
reidmania · 3 months
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Reader goes a little crazy over Christmas in July while shopping with Spencer, and he just enjoys seeing her happy and excited over something so small
warnings; literally none…? Its just fluff, maybe slightly hints towards fem reader but im really not sure. Spencer being pussy whipped and a money machine idk)? Mentions of christmas (?)
an ; reader is literally me, i go nuts over anything christmas bc im a christmas gal!!
“Come onnnn spence” The beg comes out as a whine. Your hand interlaced with him as you tug him down the aisle of the store. He followed along with little resistance, because how could he say no to you? Although his lack of enjoyment in the said activity, watching you smile and get all worked up over such a little thing made his heart warm.
You really didn’t mean to end up in the decor aisles. You didn’t mean to become a victim to the Christmas in July scam, but when you saw the life size nutcracker staring you down from across the store — how could you help it?
Spencer didn’t even try argue with your obvious excitement the minute you laid your eyes on the very themed aisles. He didn’t try to fight your tug on his arm as you aimlessly wandered towards it.
“Theres still five months until Christmas honey” He reminded you as your hand disconnected with his to pick up a small snow globe, one with the gingerbread man standing inside it. He watched adoringly as you shook it softly.
You paid no mind to his dismissal, Instead placing back the snow globe as your eyes caught something way more interesting, a small gasp left your mouth as your eyes widened excitedly.
You reached down a shelf to pick up what seemed to be a wooden like village, only when you switched the small tag that said ‘light me up’ and combination of colours covered the small wooden village, making your eyes widen even more as you looked at Spencer.
His eyes were already on you, a soft smile on his face as he watched you get all excited.
“Look spence!” You said, holding it out with two hands, your face holding a beaming smile. He just shook his head, a smile mirroring your own. “I see it, Honey. Its very nice” He said, purely validating your excitement.
“We should pre-buy everything, we can start putting stuff away!” You almost begged. You switched off the tag, yet still holding it close to your chest as your eyes scanned the aisle for other things that may just need to come home with you five months in advance.
“Do we now?” He asked, eyes never straying from you as he stood with the basket in his hand, just watching you darlingly. There was not a single thing he adored more than watching you in your elements, watching you get all excited and childlike over the littlest things such as cute Christmas decorations or a little puppy on the street.
You nodded excitedly, picking up a dancing reindeer teddy, you cooed at it as your feet pattered across the ground excitedly. “If we do it now then we don’t have to do it then!! And it’s cheaper now!” You tried to convince.
Although you didn’t need to do anything to convince him, Spencer would do absolutely anything to keep that big smile on your face, absolutely anything, if he had to spend hundreds of dollars on Christmas decorations to do that, he would do it a million times more.
“They are the same price” He pointed out, just to challenge you slightly, see how far you were willing to argue to get what you wanted, even if the answer was already a yes — it was already a yes before you asked.
“And if I remember correctly, which Im certain I do, you said this in January as well” He said softly, taking the wooden town you had been holding onto from your hands, placing it in the basket you were holding onto, — to sidetracked by everything else in the aisle to even notice.
You hummed, smiling sheepishly. “Well yeah— But they were actually cheaper then because they were trying to get rid of all the Christmas stock they didn’t sell. I was doing us a favour!!” You explained as you picked up and shook another snow globe.
Spencer didn’t even get a chance to answer before you were gasping, pulling a candle away from your nose. “Spence!! You have to smell this!” You said excitedly, shuffling towards him to hold the candle in the Christmas decorated jar up to his nose.
He inhaled shortly, before scrunching up his eyebrows and nose. “What is it?” He asked.
You hummed seemingly as you read the label, “Gingerbread and candy cane” You said, taking another long sniff of the candle before looking up at him again.
“We need it.” You said, He raised his eyebrow.
“Do we?” He asked.
You nodded, “Of course we do! When else will you get a gingerbread and candy cane scented candle at the low price of — 7.99, Its on sale spence!!” You said, taking a moment to read the price.
Spencer smiled, shaking his head as he watched your features light up. “Alright, Go nuts.” He couldn’t help it anymore, how was he suppose to stop his darling baby from getting everything that was bring such a joy to your face, he could practically feel it radiating off of you.
Your eyes widened with excitement as you turned to look at him. “Really?” You asked excitedly.
He hummed, letting out a soft ‘mhm’, which earned him your arms tight around his torso, holding his body close, before standing on your tiptoes placing a gentle kiss against his lips.
“Thank you” You smiled excitedly before turning around to continue looking down the aisle, Spencer followed you, everywhere you went. The smile never left his face as long as there was a matching one on yours.
The basket in his hands grew heavier but nothing extreme as you continued finding items you and Spencer most definitely needed for Christmas.
Checking out — you quickly realised you may have gone a bit nuts as the total price only grew higher and higher, the excitement in your chest dumbled down slightly.
“Oh spence!” You whacked his arm gently as you watched the total add up quickly, he let out a soft ‘ow’ even though you were sure it did not hurt whatsoever: “What?” He asked, turning to find the wide smile no longer on your face.
“Whats wrong?” He asked.
“It’s so much!!” You exclaimed. He squinted looking at the total on the screen before shrugging, tapping his card.
“It’s not that much, Plus, it makes you happy. If I gotta spend three hundred dollars to see you get excited like that id be spending it minutely.”
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modtheartifex · 2 months
i wrote this into a youtube comment like moments ago, but i feel strongly enough that i will put it out here as well;
Lego Monkie Kid Season 5 does NOT have villains. it has characters that are antagonistic forces and layered with nuance on top of nuance.
not to say previous seasons didnt do this, but this season ABSOLUTELY is entirely filled with characters like this
lmk season 5 spoilers, as well as anything from previous seasons just in case cause idk. might get long too tbh oopsies JINNGFDOIJN
we have a few characters to consider for LMK s5's "villains".
we have Ne Zha's dad (i forget his name, ill probably call him pagoda man), nine headed dragon (consort, 10th king, xiangliu) and nuwa. we could theoretically consider thousand eyed demon, however hes only relevant in one episode so id hardly count that
pagoda man is the easiest to explain, he is an antagonistic force because hes trying to hold onto what little order there is left of the world, he is trying to be the duct tape keeping the sawed in half boat together, and hes trying to minimize risks. does that excuse how he treats ne zha? fuck no, but thats a whole different discussion and depending on your interpretation of how much of the chinese mythos you use for this work will vary. he is just like mk as mk himself points out, it doesnt have to be just pagoda man doing the work, theres people willing to help, and then he joins the heroes side for the end.
cool, great, now. what the fuck do i mean by nuwa?
this is where interpretation is strongest, where it is key. ill just be sharing my perspective. when i was first watching season 5 my partner pointed out to me that in chinese mythos chaos is a core element of the world, it is necessary. this, coupled with the fact that nuwa made mk to fix a cycle she created (which we also dont know how many cycles the world has gone through, it could be one, it could be two, it could be in the hundreds if not thousands, whos to say.) and to keep chaos out... she is keeping the world from being complete. her little cave without the outside world, without proper balance, her little people living blissfully apocalypse to apocalypse. "but theyll all die!" "theyll live again" nuwa says, smile on her face.
she is disconnected from her cave, her world her people, her creations, who knows how long shes been in the limbo, how well she can perceive time, how many times a sacrifice comes in, they get a few words exchanged before they just leave, her in the pillar, only getting glimpses when the cycle is ending of the world, only to be shut in again.
neat, ok, but xiangliu??? hes who was gestured at from the BEGINNING of season 4.
see. heres where we get into the GOOD shit.
this is why it is important to establish that we dont know how many cycles have happened. we do not know how long he has been stuck, how many times he has tried to fix the world over and over. he makes it clear in his ending dialogue, if only he knew how to fix it, that sharing the power of the stones was the key to his freedom. the fact that he goes from what most would consider the least important title to the most important one, his own name, the fact he states he was wukongs friend, his enemy, both, wukong just doesnt remember
that implies longentivity. that implies so many cycles and lifetimes lived inside this cycle, being aware of everything, being so damnably aware of what one considers true freedom, and having to sit at the precipice of that.
it is agony.
xiangliu for the majority of the season is the only one to call mk by his name. mk gets so often called child, kid, nicknames by the others, maybe mei refers to him as mk, but xiangliu has it be DELIBERATE. he altered the course of the cycle to give mk a life, to let him HAVE a life where nuwa didnt care for one, he WANTED mk to grow enough that he would be able to choose. because everything is about mks choice, his ability to choose it all matters on HIS. CHOICE.
the only time this falters is when xiangliu thinks he is trapped for good. he rushes at mk, one final chance at freedom seemingly taken from him. xiangliu never fights mk. he only fights the others when they start fighting him. when its just him and mk at the edge of the world, at the edge of chaos, he talks to mk. tells him what to expect, mentions a mysterious "he" now that mk has opened the cage. and he pushes mk back so he gets to go back to his life. so that mk can have choices still. xiangliu got what he wanted, so its only right mk gets what he wanted too. to live with his friends and let everyone live a life where they can figure something out.
that is why i do not think there are villains in lego monkie kid season 5. they are antagonists with layers of nuance, nuance we arent privy to for reason or another, be it episode count, length, screentime, or that were just not supposed to yet. season 5 does not have an obvious bad guy, a villain, because the nuance is right within our grasp.
thank you for reading this. fucking essay apparently oopsies JINNGFDIJN
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harrystylesfan2686 · 10 months
After All
Pairing: Harry x Reader
Summary: Reader and Harry were best friends but something happens between them which causes them to break up. What will it be like when they finally meet again after a while.
A/N: hope ya'll like this!❤️
Who knew a kiss could change everything you felt about a person.
"I want you." I gasped. "Why do I want you?!"
I looked up at him as if he knew that answer.
His green blown out eyes and heavy breathing told me that he wanted me just as much.
"I have a husband. I'm married. I shouldn't want anyone else. I shouldn't love anyone else!"
He had wishper those three words to me in the privacy of just us being here together. I wanted to say it back so badly. I wanted to love him too just as he loved me but I can't.
I had rushed out of his house that night, tears running uncontrollably down my face with a heart break I had never felt before and cut him off from my life.
I had pushed my feeling deep inside my heart, praying to God they go away and I forgot him.
They didn't go away. I never forgot him.
I watch the watch sparking blue in the sunlight, admiring the beauty and trying to distract myself from my love sitting next to me oh so closely. One shift to the left and we'd be touching.
We were at my parents anniversary celebration at the beach house. I had avoided him the last 2 years but there was no escape now. We had been best friends, attached to hip, ever since high school. Well, until that night.
''So, you're divorced?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yep." I inhaled deeply preparing myself to give the explanation I've already gave a hundred times to different people.
''Can I ask what happened?" I smiled. He always makes sure to do something only if I'm comfortable.
''Turns out, he was cheating on me for the last 3 years" I gave him a tight-lipped smile, watching as his eyes darkened. ''Don't worry about it." I shrug. ''It just proves that we both didn't love each other. Honestly I feel like it's a good thing I found out because now I'll be able to love whoever I wanted. I just wish I'd found out sooner.'' His gaze shifted, sensing the undertone of my sentence.I sighed shifting my eyes back to the sea in front of us.
"Do you regret it?" He spoke so softly as if him asking this would trigger me somehow. I don't why he would think that. Theres nothing he could do to hurt me in any way.
I thought carefully before answering. "To be honest, the only thing I regret is no finding out sooner. If I'd known that we were stuck in a loveless marriage from both ends, I would've ended us way earlier without having the guilt of loving anyone else but my husband. I would've savored my moments with the one who I truly loved and never let him go." I looked back at those beautiful ocean eyes. "Maybe I wouldn't have pushed him away and loved him as he deserved to be loved with or without being married." He laced my hand to his and moved his thumb in comforting circles.
"I think your wrong." He whispered carefully. My face frowned as I listened to him. "I think if you hadn't pushed me away those years ago and acted as we wanted, you would've been driven by the quilt of that. Guilt of acting on you're emotions, guilt of cheating, guilt of betraying the scared bond of your marriage even if the marriage was tainted from the beginning." He hooked a fallen hair stand behind my ear. "And when you found out your husband was cheating to, sure you'd be a bit relieved that it wasn't just you that didn't want the marriage but you'd still be scolding yourself that you still cheated, doesn't matter if in a wanted or unwanted marriage."
I found myself shamelessly admiring the man in front of me with a smile on my face. His way with words is mesmerizing. And he's right I figured, I truly would've hated myself if I was to give in the urge I felt that day.
''What?'' He asked me, confused as to why I'm starting at him with a smile.
''How do you know me better than I know myself?'' I asked amused with he's speech.
He chuckled. A beautiful sound. The kind that I wanted to record and listen on loop for the rest of my life.
"Because I know you. I love you." He spoke the three words as if they were the most known thing he'd ever said.
My smile dropped. "Really? After all this time?" My words laced with uncertainty.
"Of course I do. I always have, and I always will." He cupped my cheek. "I told you, my love. You're it for me."
I push my lips to his and promise myself to love and cherish this wonderful man untill my last breath.
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whenthechickencry · 11 months
Umineko EP3. Replay Part 3
She probably expected it but giving out so much of her trauma away just to not even be believed must have hurt a bit...
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Again, obviously using this story as a device to talk about herself. K Beatrice never really considered suicide like that, the one that did was Yasu. The way the story says that Kinzo and Beatrice's love is one-sided is interesting - that's not how its portrayed in ep7, though I can imagine that's how Yasu saw it, due to how her life was fucked up by Kinzo.
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The referring of Kinzo as mage/magician/blacksmith is pretty interesting to me. I think it shows how yes a complete dismissal of 'maigc' we see in Battler and later Erika is bad and can hurt people who need help the complete enabling that Genji and others did of Kinzo's magic is bad, too.
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B-batler theres another more obvious and clear definition of the "miracle of creating life" here stop getting frustrated!
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There are like a hundred million hints here Battler! No wonder Beatrice is starting to get frustrated with you. The only bigger hint she could give at this time is basically force-feeding the answer.
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Awkard phrasing considering that's not even true aside - you can tell how their dynamic has changed a bit by now. By this point at the last chapter Battler was talking about how she was evil and would never accept her.
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He's starting to get it but then he forces himself out of taking the story seriously.... Ronove tries to get him back on track though.
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Woah I didn't realize they gave actual dates here... honestly, I don't have the timeline of events 100% clear in my mind on certain stuff so maybe I should work on that with this reread....
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He's able to get the general gist back, though! Thanks, Ronove!
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Ronove chastises him for trying to use Beatrice as a sacrificial piece here too - obviously a hint that we should look into the people he loves.
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Here is Rosa basically talking about the time she heavily considered suicide and then there's her brother and her sister making fun of her for 1. Not trying harder and 2. Being a failure at what she likes. I sit really any surprise Rosa ended up as fucked up as she is?
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Man, this so fucked up.... not allowed to know anything, completely stuck inside one man's delusions....
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I think the fact in this episode you spend time with a younger Rosa and Eva a very interesting a necessary choice for the game - here you meet an Eva before the realization that her dreams will never become true and a Rosa before she was thrust into adulthood with a million unresolved traumas and no support system - I think this was a very necessary choice so that we could see this characters not as people to scapegoat for all the misfortune but as complicated people.
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Yes, that's a better assessment, as her entire life has been a trick by and for Kinzo...
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This must have really fucked up Rosa a lot - I imagine she felt so so guilty about it. I don't really think you can blame Beatrice or Rosa here - the fault lies with Kinzo grooming someone to be so defenseless and naive to the point they can barely understand danger.
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Beato has had enough of having Battler try to blame an ethereal 19th person now, Battler is forced to play like a big boy now.
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I think this is probably referring to how Kinzow is unable to take any results other than Beatrice being brought back to him... other people might think of ways of moving on with their life and accepting their misfortune.... Kinzo chose to spend the rest of his life chasing something impossible and ruining the lives of many people in the process.
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I can't really express it very well here but holy shit an animated CG.
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I might be overthinking this but the fact this episode, outside the meta, refers to the previous episodes is a hint that this one was written a bit after the other ones - the contrast between episode 2 and 3 Shannon is kind of interesting but ultimately it's not that different, Shannon doesn't believe that a real future with George is possible so she's fine with dying after getting the highest attainment (the ring) she believes she can possibly achieve. It's just her death here came earlier than it did in ep2.
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Ouch that line about crying himself to sleep over being furniture hurts....
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These conversations are pretty interesting when you consider it is the same person struggling with their own thoughts, the part that is fine with killing themselves after getting a ring since that's the happiest they will ever be and the part full of regret and bitterness...
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The lines of pure self-hatred are pretty tragic too...
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With this board being the first one to go really off the rails the fact Genji died so early probably has to do with it, lol, that's kind of hard mode for Yasu.... of course, the narrative purpose is Tohya knowing the board didn't go as Yasu planned I and to hint us towards how it actually went down in actuality.
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Huh.... they bring this up again right after they bring up how Kinzo's wife did the same thing when she thought/knew Kinzow as having an affair.... I guess Natsuhi suspected that as well.
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You can tell this episode isn't written by Gohda anymore because Gohda has a scene without someone remarking that he is a snake and evil.
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The fact original Beatrice roughly means "played a lot of pranks" is pretty funny.
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Battler going uh uh I can't take this anymore here always felt a little weird as if this was any weird than the Kanon goat fight in epsidoe 2... that was due to the changed plans in 3 probably though.
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onmymasa22 · 9 months
You are going to totally debrief the event. Write everything out, not really attatching to feeling- more of an unbiased bistander perspective of what happened. Youre might have told over what happened in different ways to different people. But now noone is judging, noones responding, your are telling the honest truth about everything that happened unbiased.
Most people do cbt- to change their thinking and behavior. When youre dealing with ptsd and trauma, something called cpd- Cognitive processing therapy where you are trying to change the way you process what happened. But there are a few rules. Totally unbiased and forthcoming- you will reveal in your writing 100 percent of the information truthfully- noone will read it, respond, judge you. The goal is to figure out the moment you blame yourself for. Most of the time this stems from your passed. Maybe your younger self. You will never be as angery with someone else like youd be with yourself. You want to get to the point in your debriefing and reprocess that piece to tell yourself that its really connected to something else- a pattern, and you will command yourself to relinquish the blane. That tjis wasnt your fault.
Theres still something inside me saying- you idiot, what r u doing there? Ur in a country whos pride is the army, and yes, i really thought i could join. Its very weird because i see the soldiers and a part of me, definitely on the outside understands the idea that they're heros. And on the other side, i think, how stupid, to trade in your hearing, your sleep, your mothers sanity. Stupid. To take your life and risk it. Life is too valuable to think of yourself as a hero. I still believe that life is really important. That its important to be alive.
I have the personality of a redhead extraverted intovert empath with adhd but also crippling social anxiety and is a saggitarious and yet also a taurus, no matter what language...
This guy wanted to sleep with me and then sleeps with my friend. Over and over with different guys. And i see it happening
Nogah Safer "tours" around Israel with the Torah scroll he is very close to completing, giving soldiers and communities that were evacuated after October 7th the opportunity to write a letter in it
Last night was a whole other level. We went to a wedding hall that has been transformed into a place of gathering and healing for survivors of the Nova party.
There were hundreds of young Israelis there. There was food, music, stations for different kinds of healing treatments and a stage on which musicians performed and people spoke, and on the wall, lights that spelled out "We Will Dance Again". And then we, the only religious looking people there, set up a table in the corner, Nogah laid out the Torah scroll, we started playing music.
Slowly slowly people started to come over to ask what we were doing. Nogah explained to them how he wanted to give survivors from Nova the powerful merit of writing a letter in a Torah scroll. People were blown away.
The first person stepped up and stood next to Nogah as he wrote a letter for him, followed by a big hug.
And then the next person.
And then the next.
Nogah didn't stop writing for over three hours.
By the end of the night almost everyone at that gathering had come over. People simply wanted to take part, they wanted to connect, they wanted to experience this rare and unique opportunity of participating in the riting of a letter in the Torah.
And many of them dedicated their letters...
To friends who were murdered at the party. To friends who were taken as hostages by Hamas and are still in captivity. One of the last women to take part was in a wheelchair. She lost a leg in the attack.
It was all heartbreaking and at the same time the entire experience, the entire night, was so powerful and inspiring.
Seeing people coming together. Taking care of each other. Loving each other. Lifting each other up. Helping each other to heal and to learn how to continue on.
At the end of this extraordinary night I realized one thing.
On the deepest level, it's the Torah that unifies us.
Religious, not religious, it doesn't matter.
Last night, I saw the Torah as a giant magnet drawing every kind of Jew towards it. Everyone was included and everyone felt included. Guys with tattoos and body piercings asked, "Can I?" Women came up to us and asked, "Can women also participate?"
"Of course," we said. "Everyone's invited!"
Because the Torah belongs to all of us. Everyone has a place in it. Every Jew is like a letter in the Torah.
And last night I felt like everyone who came up was searching for their letter in the Torah, their place, themselves.
Because after the disaster and catastrophe of October 7th, everyone, everyone, is looking for themselves and their way in this world on a whole new level.
מסקרן אותי... מה גורם למישהו להפוך ל ״חבר ממש טוב״ בשבילכם לעומת סתם חבר? איזו תכונות אופי, התנהגויות, או דברים אחרים גורמים לזה לקרות?
אני חושבת שזה לא קשור לתכונות אופי, או כמו שכולם אומרים- שהוא שם תמיד בשבילך. יש אנשים טובים שלא שם מאה אחוז מהזמן אך ורק בשבילך או לטובתך. כולם חיים את החיים שלהם, אי אפשר לסמוך עליהם לוותר על עצמם בשבילך. משפחה אמורים לעשות את זה.
יש כמה סוגים של חברים טובים. יש סוג שהם מכירים אותם מילדות, שגדלת יחד איתם.
יש חבר טוב שעובר אית�� משו קשה, שבדרך שלך לאיזשהו תקופה שבו לסיבה כלשהי, אתם חברים טובים לזה, שחווים משו דומה, אז עוזרים לך להרגיש לא לבד. לפעמים החברות הזאות יכול להיות ממש קרוב ואז פחות עם הזמן.
יש חבר טוב שאת מדברת איתו כל שבוע. שלא עובר המון זמן שאת לא דברת איתם. קישור למשו או לא קשור למשו. הם האנשים שאת חייה איתם את החיים. שמודעים לדברים שאת בוחרת להשתתף. שפגשתם לאיזשו סיטואציה והשארת בקשר איתם גם בלי קשר.
עכשיו נראה לי בכללי, טלי היא חברה הכי אחת החברות הכי טובות
Friend do their best. Everyone is doing their best. People answer when they can. People do what they can. Help where they can. They do whatever makes sense to them. You leave when u need, u do what u need. Family, u go beyond what u need amd whats just good for u. U give up ur life for someone. I would throw my life away for u. If we're sisters abd u dont do that, that leave me extremely hurt. So i cant be anywhere near that. I cant have u responsible for that, and i cant be responsible for your that.
We need to be friends. No hurt. I do what makes sense in my life, and u do whst makes sense in your life. Theres no pain that way. I love u, i dont trust u. I will never trust u or believe in u to do or be something for me. I need to take a step back. Its way too close and thats always a mistake i found myself in and its a mistake that i didnt stop it. I just dont have the heart to hurt the one who fed me. What am i supposed to say right before eating ur food that i dont think of u as family when im asked. Its not comfortable for me. And i know each time that im lying. I dont want to lie anymore.
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Death is a problem to be solved.
Anyone who thinks death is necessary is either a coward or a villain.
And anyone who thinks death is a part of life is a fool.
When millions, thousands, hundreds, or even a dozen people are killed at once, its called a tragedy. But when a single person dies, it's simply an unavoidable part of life?
Why does a life lost only call for anger when it's in a group? Does a life on its own hold no value?
I think the worst part of the body, or at least the part I hate the most, are the apoptotic cells. Cells, who, by their very nature, and programmed to die. They exist purely to stop existing. Some may see that and point, crying out "look, look, see that? It's proof. Evidence that death is a part of life." Then I ask, are you apoptotic? Is your purpose to die? Were you born, did you go to school, did you fall in love, did you have your heart broken, did you hate the way you looked in the mirror, did you love the way the rain sounded as you fell asleep, did you? Did you do all that, and did you do more? All, just because you are meant to die? If the purpose of life is death then the victory of life shall be in atomic blankets and firey graves with a nuclear poison so potent not a single thing, even a simple cell, shall ever thrive again. After all, death is part of life, no? So why do we cry at the death of thousand once, and not once when a thousand die alone.
Botany is the study of plants.
Geology is the study of rocks.
Astrology is the study of the stars,
And tell me reader, do you know what necrology is?
It's a list. Of the recently dead.
It's not the study of death, or of the dead, no. It's a list. A cold reading of names, meant to organize.
The study of the dead usually falls under biology.
The study of life.
Ah, yes, then! Surely, the point! Biology is the study of life which includes the study of death! Proof! Evidence! As to why biologists study death, it must be to replicate it! To preserve it! To ensure that death comes to all living things as they were meant to be!
Then what is the point of biology?
To study medicine? Why?
To cure diseases? Why?
To understand the minds and makeup of ourselves and our neighbors on our planet?
Why? Why, why, why.
If death is so necessary, so good, so required, why do we avoid it? If death is a part of life then why do you feel fear when standing at the top of a tall peak? Why do you grasp at the surface when you've dove too deep beneath the waves? Why do we reach to cover the wounds made by weapons, desperate and panicked, doing everything in our power to keep that red liquid inside us, if all it does is keep us from death?
If you had a button, and this button would kill you if you pressed it, would you? There would be no pain, there would be no waiting. The button would even pay for your funeral and help your loved ones recover their grief in an instant. Would you press it today? And if not today, tomorrow? What if you were given enough time to get your affairs in order, and say goodbye? Would you press the button? Say you're given time, and you get a nice job, a nice salary, a nice home, wonderful kids, would you press the button? You've accomplished your goals now, climbed that mountain, wrote that book, beat that game, saw those sites. Would you press it? You've watched your children grow up and your grandchildren grow up. You're happier than ever, still in love, still healthy, thriving, you don't even need to take a single drug because theres not a single problem left in your life to solve. Would you press the button?
Well, not now, sure. But later, when the happiness runs out, when the people move away, when the drug cabinet fills up and the bill pile grows higher and the happiness fades and the pain grows in. Then you might. And you'd say "I've lived a life worth living, but now it's time for me to go," right? You'd leave it all behind to vanish away to darkness. Perhaps you believe in the afterlife. If you do, then perhaps it's easier for me to understand you. You simply want to move on to the next thing, see what else life has to offer, in another place, another time, another life.
But to those that believe death is the end. To those that know in their hearts that nothing will happen to them after. Why would you press the button? To relieve your pain?
Ah, of course. Relief and release. The perfect remedy to all your problems. Thats why this Suicide Button is to be pressed by the old. The sick. The lonely, the depressed the hurt, young and old if you suffer you deserve death. Not for your sins or your troubles but because death is a medicine. Right? Thats why we make medicines. So that when you get a cold, and your fever grows higher, we make medicines to kill you so that your pain goes away.
When you're alone and depressed, we encourage you to seek a therapist, renowned around the world for their swift executions, to relieve your suffering. We put down horses and children alike when they break bones, because whats a life worth living if its in pain?
Bones heal.
Fevers fade.
The lonely make friends,
And the pain can go away.
We strive, day after day,
We fight, year after year,
We learn, for generations, centuries, millennia, EONS. we learn, so that we can heal, so that we can take the place of death.
Because death is not a medicine. Its a comforting poison that needs a thousand antidotes.
Death is a problem to be solved.
0 notes
bellwitchfaggot · 2 years
Oh so everyone knew I was Ella enchanted the whole time except me I see
#whats your thing with hugh dancy you fucking freak#oh gosh i seem to be experiencing a bout of female hysteria certainly its not drugs being stealthily administered to me by the drug lord my#family sold me to when i was born a fucking miracle baby#if something insane and evil happens to me soon everyone pls trust i did the absolute most with the cards i was dealt and i got as many ppl#out as i possibly fucking could. game fucking over.#christ you think i can fight this shit off this easy cuz im fucking magic? cuz im a fucking prophet? none of you know a single fucking#THING about me. game fucking OVER#what life are we on now? theres hundreds and hundreds inside of me at this point apparently#i hope you know i see you and i always fucking saw you and none of it ever fucking mattered anyway. the rest is confetti or whatevr th fuck#fucking titanic in a past life? man im not fucking STUPID i ALWAYS fucking knew what was going on#if you want me out of here so fucking bad leave the rest of them the fuck alone you know what my conditions fucking are youve always#fucking known what they are they have never fucking changed. get me out of this book into a new one baby i want a new fucking narrative#you better not have been lying about the important shit or i will kill us both and i will succeed in doing so i hope you believe that cuz#it is the fucking truth. its not a bluff. i do not fucking bluff and i never fucking have. dont destroy any of my clothes dont hurt anyone#who you trust not to actually have meant to hurt me. keep these fuckinf kids SAFE. the clowns and the bugs are unionizing.#fire season starts now🔥💥. im getting these kids in bed and then going tf to sleep
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
How long is forever? - Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Request: "Hello, May I request an episode insert in the Teen Titans episode 'How Long Is Forever?'"
Summary: Starfire takes a trip to the future... only to find out that you and the other Titans have disbanded. Will she find a way back to the present, or will you live an unfulfilling life forever?? (from S2 EP1)
Pairings: None
Word Count: 3919
A/N: Hey!!! sorry this took a while, it was super hard to write it due to most of it being in Starfire's POV. Most of the episodes in the series are centered around specific titans, so if you have an idea for an Aquagirl centered episode, feel free to send it in!!! (theres also a grand total of one cuss word in there)
Aquagirl’s Room - 2004
“Where is it? Where is it?” you mumble, tearing your room apart. You were looking for one of your CDs that you were in the mood for listening to. You threw your clothes into the air, looked under your bed, and even checked inside of your fish tank, holding the water containing a few tropical fish above you until you gave up. You sighed, finally checking the clock. You realized that you’ve been in your room for an hour and you haven’t even said hello to the other titans. You quickly change into your suit and head to the living room.
You stretched as you walked in. “Hey guys-” you stop in confusion at the scene in front of you. Starfire was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, holding a bunch of necklaces and boxes and babbling something about “Blorthorg”, Beast Boy and Cyborg were brawling for a video game remote, Raven was reading silently and holding up a pair of nail clippers (?) telepathically, and Robin….
Anger bubbles up inside of you as you realize that he was in front of the stereo, blasting music. From your CD. You cross your arms as you march up to the Boy Wonder.
“Hey Rob, whatcha doing with my CD?” You say. “What, was Kelly Clarkson too quiet for you?”
Raven adds, “Yeah Robin, could the music be a little louder? I can still hear myself think.”
He glares at the two of you “I don’t listen- I only turned the music up to DROWN OUT ALL THE YELLING!!” He refers to the two boys. Cyborg now had Beast Boy in a headlock, holding the controller triumphantly.
“Whose turn is it now, tough guy? Whose turn is it now?” Cyborg taunts the green teen.
“Knock it off! I can't work with you two acting like idiots!” Robin yells.
“Work?? The only “work” I see you doing is stealing my stuff!” You snap.
“Great. More yelling will definitely stop the yelling.” Raven says, a sarcastic smirk on her face.
The three of you glared at each other, Cyborg and Beast Boy were still fighting, and one of Starfire’s necklaces broke, its beads tumbling onto the ground.
“STTTOOOOPPPPP!” the alien princess screamed. You stared at her in surprise. She took a deep breath and recomposed herself.
“ Friends must never behave this way, and especially not on Blorthog! Do you wish to invite the Rekmas?” she said.
“Gesundheit?” Beast Boy said, confused by her vocabulary.
“On my world, ‘Rekmas’ means ‘the Drifting.’” she explains. “The point at which close friends begin to drift apart, and their friendship begins to die.” She frowned. You immediately felt bad for all the yelling you did.
“Aw, come on, Starfire.” Cyborg comes to her side.
“We are so not Rek-whatever-ing.” Beast Boy reassures her.
“We're getting on each other's nerves a little. Big deal.” Raven says.
“Fighting’s just a part of life. As long as we resolve it, we’ll be fine.” You say.
“Yeah. This is just typical roommate stuff. We're not going to drift apart, Star. I promise. We'll all be friends forever.” Robin declares
“Forever?” Starfire asks. Before you could answer, Robin’s T-communicator beeped. The communicator was flashing red, and he turned to you and the others.
“Titans! Trouble!” he says. You all rush out of the Tower and into the city.
You find the “trouble” in the Jump City museum. It was a man wearing black and gold armor and a goatee: Warp. He was monologuing to a bunch of guards that he had frozen.
“I didn't journey back in time one hundred years to squabble, I came to steal.” You see him reaching for one of the clocks. “The Clock of Eternity. Valuable in the past, priceless in the future.” Robin steppeds forward, throwing his birdirang to knock Warp’s hand back.
“But for the present...you'll keep your filthy hands off it.” He says, announcing the Titans’ entrance. The man turns to the six of you.
"The Teen Titans. This is a treat. I read all about you in the historical archives. And now, you're all history!” He fires his laser at you all.
“Titans! Go!” Robin yells as you scramble to dodge his rays. He blocks Warp’s rays with his staff, but at the last shot the staff breaks, and he backed up. Starfire blasts her starbolts at him, but the bolts ricochet off of him and hits her, sending her to the ground. You and Beast Boy attack him now, a stream of water lifting you into the air by your feet. You put your hands in front of you and a jet of water blasts out of your hands, heading straight for Warp. He held his hand us as the water made contact with him, and froze the water. The ice traveled up the jet of water and onto your hands, encasing them in the long shard of ice. You fell, the weight of the ice dragging you down. You winced as you saw Beast Boy meet a similar fate, his animal form frozen in ice next to you. You struggled to free your hands as Cyborg and Raven both went down. Robin gives one last attempt to take Warp down, running towards him.
“You cannot defeat Warp. I am from the future.” He says, throwing disks towards Robin. He dove to the side as the projectiles exploded. “And your relics are one hundred years out of date." He grabs the clock and presses a blue lens from his armor. Suddenly, a blinding white portal forms in front of him. Your hands were still stuck so you had to squint.
“Ta-ta, Titans. I have enjoyed our time together, but I've got a very bright future ahead of me.” He sneers, stepping through the portal. You finally pull your hands out of the chunk of ice just in time to see Starfire slam into Warp, sending the two of them into the portal.
“Starfire!” Robin yells, trying to dive in after her, only for the portal to close and him to fall on the floor. You pull him up from the ground and look around. Starfire was gone.
Titan’s Tower-2024
Starfire couldn’t believe what was going on. After tackling Warp, she ripped off the lens on his suit and ended up in Jump City, 20 years into the future. She found Cyborg alone in the rotting Titans Tower, hooked up to a large battery. He explained that the day she left, the Titans fell apart, and disbanded soon after. He told her that the others can help her get back to the present, telling her where to find you, Beast Boy, and Raven.
She found herself at a circus whilst looking for Beast Boy. There in a cage, sat Beast Boy, changing into various animals. She approached the cage as he turned back into his human form. He was now a pudgy old man, with a great deal of hair loss. He looked at her with wide eyes through the bars.
“No way! It's you. But how?” he asked, peering at her with his wrinkled eyes.
“I require your help.” Starfire said.
“What kinda help?” Beast Boy asked.
“The future is not as it should be. We must find Warp. I will free you from this--” Beast Boy stopped Starfire from continuing her sentence.
“This cage isn't to keep me in! It's to keep those maniacs out!” he explained in a panicked tone, referring to a group of kids. “Look. After the Titans broke up, I tried the whole solo-hero thing. Got my butt kicked, a lot. So now, well…”
He turned into a chicken briefly to illustrate his point. “ Besides, I'm in the showbiz now.” Starfire could tell he wasn’t happy with where he was, but there was nothing she could do. She left Beast Boy and went to find Raven.
She found Raven in a room in a broken down building. She was standing in a pure white room, wearing a white cloak to match. Her back was facing Starfire when she arrived.
“Raven?” she squeaked, inching into the room. “Raven, it is Starfire, your friend”
“No such thing.” she groaned, her back still facing Starfire. Starfire’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Please, Raven I-”
“Just another figment. Don’t even look.”
“You must listen! I am here because-” she pleads, but Raven stops her.
“I’m never coming back! Go away!” she yells, Starfire backing up in fear. “It has to go away. Just like before. Just like all the others.” Starfire frowns in realization. She must not think I’m real; she thinks it's all in her head.
“Your mind.” she says softly, approaching the cloaked woman. “Without friends, you must have--” Starfire was about to touch Raven, but her familiar dark shield formed around her. She gasps, then eventually leaves the room in defeat. There was one last person she could try talking to. You.
She walked by the Jump City beach, the same place where you got your powers all those years ago. Suddenly, you rose out of the ocean, the water around you carrying you onto shore. Your face was stuck in a permanent glare, different to your constant smiles as a teen. You were taller, definitely had a few wrinkles, and you were wearing Atlantean clothing. Starfire flinched at your sudden arrival.
“Aquagirl! how-”
“I don’t go by Aquagirl anymore. I am Queen (y/n), ruler of Atlantis. And word gets around when one of your old teammates who had disappeared 20 years ago is roaming Jump City again, even at the bottom of the ocean.” You say coldly, eyeing her as she shrunk at the sight of you.
“What had happened to you, my friend?” she asked.
You sigh, recalling your memories. “After you disappeared and the team disbanded, I vowed to never be as soft and vulnerable as I was then. I moved to Atlantis, and was eventually appointed ruler.”
“Oh my, that sounds terrible!” Starfire exclaimed. “I need your help my friend-”
“No. It’s not terrible, I am quite fine just the way I am. And we were friends 20 years ago; things have changed.” You turn your back to her. “I must get going; there’s much I need to do.” Starfire stares at you in sadness as you walk back into the ocean, the water swallowing you up and the waves lapping like normal.
Starfire trudges through the snow-covered city, when a laser blast knocks her back. Her eyes raise to meet with Warp’s, his weapon aimed at her.
“What’s the matter, dear? Have I come at a bad time?” he snarls, opening fire once more. She dodges his shots and fires back, but the starbolts simply bounce off his modern armor. She tried to hit him close up but he held up his hand and ice formed around her midair. The large chunk of ice containing Starfire drops and shatters, leaving Starfire on the ground, shivering. She glares at Warp, who now has deeper wrinkles on his face.
“You have become so old,” she notes, still on the ground.
“That's what happens when someone steals my vortex regulator.” he says, holding out his hand. “The regulator, if you please. I really must get back to my future.” She stands up and takes the lens out from her belt. She couldn’t let him leave, especially when she’s stuck in a future like this. She held the disk next to her and warmed up a starbolt, as if to hold it hostage.
“If you ever wish to see your future you will repair the damage you have done to my past!” she yelled, anger bubbling up inside her. The villain laughed.
“Damage? Silly girl. There's nothing wrong with your past. One cannot damage history, because history cannot be changed.” He held up the clock and continued. “I went back in time to steal this because history says it disappeared. And history says it disappeared because I went back to steal it. Past, present, future. It's all written in stone, my dear.”
Starfire stood in disbelief dropping her glowing hand. No… this can't be the future we’re destined to live. Such terrible lives… she thought. Warp walked up to her shocked state and took the lens out of her hand.
“And nothing you do can ever change it.” he scoffed. Warp prepared to blast her when he was knocked into the alleyway by an unknown figure. Starfire snapped back into reality and looked around for you had knocked the villain back. A dark silhouette lept forward and threw Warp against the end wall of the alley. They threw disks at the villain, the area around him exploding. When the smoke cleared, Starfire could see that Warp had used a force field. He released his shield only to be met with the mysterious figure dropping down towards him. He stared straight at Starfire.
“Another time, perhaps.” he said. Before the shadowed person could reached him, he dropped into the ground. The person who had tried to fight him landed right where Warp had been, and as they straightened up, Starfire inched forward to see who it was.
“It’s good to see you again.” the person said. Starfire could recognize that voice from anywhere, and apparently, anytime.
“Robin?” she asked.
“I haven’t used that name in a long time.” he said, finally stepping out of the shadows. He looked nothing like the Boy Wonder she knew. His traffic-light esque uniform was replaced by a black suit with a blue bird on the front. He still wore a mask and he now had long, black hair.
“Call me… Nightwing.”
Starfire found herself in Robin’s (or Nightwing’s) base. She looked at a glass case of his old uniform, a feeling of melancholy washing over her. She was glad that he was ok, but the Robin she once knew was now nothing more than a mannequin display. Nightwing wrapped a blanket around her with a small smile.
Nightwing finally spoke. “So I’ve heard you’ve been looking for help.”
Starfire sighed. “There is nothing you can do. There is nothing anyone can do. The past cannot be repaired, the future cannot be altered, no matter how wrong it seems.”
“So it’s impossible.” Nightwing determined from her rant, walking towards a bunch of computers. “Good. If memory serves, we've done the impossible before.”
Nightwing’s words had surprised Starfire. None of the others had said anything as hopeful since she’d arrived here. A small fire of hope blossomed inside of her.
“I held on to this,” Nightwing says, pressing a button from a device. “...just in case.” Starfire’s eyes widened, realizing that it was a T-communicator. The communicator began to flash red, and to Starfire’s delight, so did her neck piece and wrist guard.
At the bottom of the ocean, you sat on a throne, talking to your advisers. As they left, your seashell necklace began to flash red. You looked at it in surprise, recognizing what it meant: it was an emergency signal that Robin had put in your necklace while you were still in a team. Even after 20 years, he had never used it until now. You began to get up from your throne when a group of your advisors came back, swarming you with scrolls and questions. You sat back down, a bitter feeling in your throat.
Beast Boy’s belt had flashed red whilst he was performing a trick in his animal form. He quickly jumped back into human form. He observed his belt for a moment before stepping back, hanging his head.
Cyborg's robotic eye flashed red as he sat alone in the Titans Tower. He immediately got up and started towards the door, only to be stopped by the wires keeping him alive and stuck inside the tower. He looks back at the power source.
Raven still stands alone in the room, her back facing the door. The brooch of her cloak flashes red, and without looking at it, she covers it with her hand.
Starfire and Nightwing venture to Jump City museum, where they find Warp, fixing his time travel suit. He wields the lens that he took from Starfire to his suit, whilst talking to himself.
“Tick-tock.” he laughs. “Just a few more seconds, and I shall finally--” his sentence was cut off by Nightwing knocking the tool out of his hand, revealing him and Starfire’s position.
“The future will have to wait.” Nightwing says, extending his staff. “You just ran out of time.”
Warp growls and fires laser beams at them, causing them to split up to avoid getting hit. Starfire shoots her starbolts at Warp again, despite them getting deflected by his force field. Nightwing however, jumped down on him again, using his staff to crush one of his lasers. He turns to face Nightwing, but Starfire lands a hit on his back with her starbolt. He tries to laser Starfire but has to dodge Nightwing’s staff attacks that barely strike him. He fights quickly and with fury, eventually knocking Warp flat on his back. The two heroes step close to him to inspect him. But Warp grins, and uses his second laser to blow a hole through the roof, snow and rubble falling onto Starfire.
“Star!” Nightwing yells, but Warp blasts him back with his laser. Warp runs over to the tool he dropped and started repairing his suit again as Nightwing helped Starfire up. Suddenly, he was blasted back by a familiar blue ray. Starfire and Nightwing turn to see Cyborg, his arm cannon smoking, but being able to function without any wires.
“Boo-yah” he says with a grimace.
“Cyborg!” Starfire exclaims, flying over to the half robot. “You are repaired!”
“Glad you could make it,” Nightwing says, joining them.
“Wouldn't have missed it. Now who said y'all could start without me?” Cyborg said as Warp stood back up.
“So sorry,” Warp said, holding up another device. “Perhaps I should finish you first!” Before he could use the device, he was attacked by a green lion, Beast Boy. Warp looked at the lens he was repairing, now crackling with electricity. In anger, he pointed a laser at him, but a jet of water shot up from the floor. You ran into view, a trident now in your hand.
“Heard you guys needed help!” you yell, a hint of a smile peeking out from your stoic face.
Before Warp could fall to the ground again, he is overtaken by magic, and thrown into the side of the wall. Raven materializes, still wearing a white cloak.
“Nobody hurts my friends,” she said, reminiscent of the first time you met her.
“Dude, that is so unfair,” Beast Boy whines, comparing his bald head to Nightwing’s flowing hair. The six Titans turn to see Warp, who has managed to create a wormhole, despite his suit being damaged.
“It seems my time has come,” Warp said, preparing to walk through the wormhole. Nightwing threw a birdarang at Warp, Warp throwing his own disk to intercept it. Starfire watched in awe as the birdirang sliced through Warp’s disk and hit him in the chest, right where the lens sat.
“Uh?! No! NOOOOO!” the six of you watched in horror as Warp regressed in age until he was nothing more than a screaming infant.
“Ok, I am not changing any diapers.” Beast Boy said, staring at the baby.
Cyborg looked at Starfire. “We gotta get you home. Come on!” he pointed at the wormhole, which was shrinking. He took the lens from the suit and put it in his arm cannon. He fired at the wormhole, making it bigger.
“Im redirecting the wormhole.” Cyborg said, turning to Starfire. “Starfire! Go!” She steps towards the portal and looks back at her friends. Their lives seemed so lonely and.. dissatisfying. Is this life they were destined to live?
“Please, must this really be our future?” She asked. The rest of you looked at her silently, sadness in your eyes. “Is there nothing I can do to change it?” Nightwing stepped up and looked directly into her eyes.
“I'm sorry, Star. There isn't time.” Nightwing said. He placed the clock that Warp had stolen in her hand and his other hand on her shoulder. He gives her one last smile before stepping back towards the other Titans, beckoning her to enter the portal. Starfire took a deep breath, and walked into the portal.
Jump City Museum - 2004
“Ta-ta, Titans. I have enjoyed our time together, but I've got a very bright future ahead of me.” He sneers, stepping through the portal. You finally pull your hands out of the chunk of ice just in time to see Starfire slam into Warp, sending the two of them into the portal.
“Starfire!” Robin yells, trying to dive in after her, only for the portal to close and him to fall on the floor. You pull him up from the ground and look around. Starfire was gone.
“Oh my god,” you whispered.
Beast Boy stared at the place the portal was. “Um, where did she-?”
Another portal opens with a brilliant flash between Beast Boy and Cyborg. Starfire falls out, curled around an item. You all rushed towards her.
“Star! What happened?” Robin asked as the portal behind her closed.
“History said it disappeared.” Starfire said, straightening and revealing the clock warp had just stolen. “But history was wrong!”
The boys stared at her dumbstruck but you laughed, diving in for a hug.
You stood with the other titans as Starfire recounted her story. You covered your mouth in awe to find out what happened to you and the others in the future.
“Then Nightwing handed me the clock and I entered the vortex.” she finished.
“Woah,” Raven said, shocked by the recount of Starfire’s story.
“Bald?!” Beast Boy yells, grabbing at his hair. “You're telling me I'm going to be bald?!”
“Gosh, Star, all of our lives seem so terrible,” you say, thinking about what Starfire had said about you. You were a queen (which was cool), but you were also a cold hearted bitch (super uncool). You didn’t want that to happen, and more importantly for you to no longer be friends with the other Titans.
“Guess you were right about all that Rekmas stuff,” Cyborg said, slightly concerned.
“I don't want us to drift apart. Does it all have to happen? Isn't there anything we can-” Robin worries out loud, but Starfire stops him.
“Our friendship has already changed Warp's past. I believe it can also change our future.” Starfire says with a smile.
“Yeah I mean, the original reason we “broke up” was because of Starfire disappearing, and since she’s here now, we aren’t breaking up!” You chimed in, grinning at the other Titans.
Raven picks up the broken necklace with her telekinesis, stringing them back together.
“So… is it too late to do this festival-of-friendship thing?” she asks.
Starfire’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, it’s never too late!”
You all put on the bulbous necklaces Starfire brought in the morning.
“HAPPY BORTHOG!!!” Cyborg cheers.
“I thought it was Blort-Hog,” Beast Boy wondered.
“Okay, I feel like a wind-chime.” Raven groans.
“A very cool wind-chime,” you winked.
Starfire put the last necklace on Robin. He raises an eyebrow at her.
“So… Nightwing, huh?” he asked.
“Don’t even think about it bird brain,” you yelled from across the room, causing him to blush. You all burst out into laughter. The tower stayed cheerful the rest of the night.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!!
Chapter 1   Chapter 2  Chapter 3    Chapter 4  Chapter 5
A huge thank you for the banner  to @helenazbmrskai​
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Chapter 6
“You sure you don’t want to take that?” Yugyeom gave me a look as i rejected the call for the umpteenth time.
“Oh..uh... Yeah.” I shrugged it off feeling exhausted. 
The whole point of going out with Yugyeom was to take a break from one Jeon Jungkook but that was impossible..... with said vampire calling me every five minutes. 
“So...anyways.... Mingyu was way out of line and I really wanted to apologize on behalf of the idiot. Although your bodyguard seems to have put the fear of God into him....Kid was trembling when he came home last night. “ Yugyeom chuckled. 
I smiled weakly.
“Yeah...he tends to do that.” I said hoarsely. 
Jungkook was the one topic I was hoping to avoid. Because having sex with him hadn’t scratched the itch the way I had thought it would.... It had merely amped my lust by a few hundred thousand times and I was ill equipped to handle it. I didn’t know what to do with myself around him and I was so fucking terrified I was going to do something awful;.
Like jump him in front of everyone. 
So I’d spent the whole day trying to be aloof but it hadn’t worked very well. 
Jungkook stuck close me , tossing lingering glances that made my skin heat up, , hands brushing mine way too often, eyes trained on me without any restraint 
And don’t even get me started on the  touching.
Hand brushing my waist when we turned a corner , fingers brushing my hair off my face when I had my hands full with the kids, an arm wrapped around my shoulder when Minhyuk had asked me out again. 
And I’m not saying i didn’t love it because it felt like Christmas and my birthday had come together but.... but... I had a job to do. With  kids.
It wasn’t the place to be fantasizing about how good your bodyguard’s cock had felt inside you. 
“Jungkook right? Jeon Jungkook ....” Yugyeom said thoughtfully. 
“Uh ...yeah...”
“Tall dude? Black hair? Looks way too intimidating and dresses like he’s just stepped off a runway?” Yugyeom prompted and I blinked.
“You know him?” I asked surprised. 
Yugyeom shook his head.
“No, but I think he’s over by the bar and he’s looking at me like he wants to tear out my jugular.” He said casually. 
My gaze snapped to the bar behind us and I felt my eyes widen in disbelief. 
Jungkook stood leaning against the bar, eyes narrowed dangerously and I groaned. 
So much for avoiding him. 
“He looks pissed.” Yugyeom commented.
“I kinda ditched him.” I muttered.
“did you tell him , I’m a friend?”
“Don’t think it would have made much difference.  Gimme a minute?” I whispered, and Yugyeom laughed, waving me off. 
I stood up slowly , bracing myself for the interrogation I knew was coming,  before turning around and walking over to him. 
Jungkook’s eyes stayed trained on me as I made my way over and I felt my throat go dry at the sight of him. He hadn’t dressed for the place today, a black turtleneck and a black jacket and black slacks with a silver belt buckle. Hair tousled all over his forehead as he stared, unsmiling. 
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“Is this whole angel of death thing really necessary?” I whispered as soon as I reached him.” I’m sorry. I just needed to ...” stay away from you for a bit and last night was so amazing and i can’t stop thinking about it. 
“ You couldn’t take a few minutes to tell me where you were going?” He asked casually and I swallowed. 
“Jungkook, Yugyeom’s ...a good friend.” I muttered.
“How about you let me make that call?” He said coldly, eyes narrowed in annoyance and I felt chilled.
“I’m sorry... To be honest, I missed you. I’ve gotten used to you being around and I was going to cut the night short. I promise.” 
He scoffed. 
‘Really? I don’t believe you. For someone who spent the better part of a month begging for my cock, the novelty seems to have worn off pretty fast for you.” He said casually. 
My head snapped up , the words stunning me into silence. 
I could only gape at him. 
He gave me another lazy once over.
“And it made me wonder.....did I not  fuck  her good enough?”  
Oh, Christ. 
I felt my face turn a flame red , my fingers going clammy. 
“Jungkook, stop.” I whispered , glancing back at Yugyeom quickly. He was fiddling with his phone, 
“What’s wrong? You need to head back? YOur boyfriend’s gonna be upset?” 
I frowned. 
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I muttered. 
Jungkook grinned. 
“Right...he’s just the clown you wanted to suck off when you were younger...” 
“God, what’s gotten into you?” I groaned. 
Jungkook shrugged.
“I don’t like being ignored. It’s a character flaw of mine.” 
I gaped at him.
“I am not ignoring you.... I... I was out with a friend....It’s been less than an hour since I saw you... I literally spent the whole day with you.” I said shrilly. 
“Really? Then why’d you not pick up when I called....?” He waved his phone and I flushed, looking away. 
“Because I wanted an hour with an old friend....Without anyone interrupting.” I lied.  
Because you’re driving me in sane and I need an hour without you around so I can get my friggin body under control before I get arrested for public indecency. 
He clenched his jaw. 
“I see. “ He reached for a glass of wine on the countertop in front of him and turned around. “ Here” He held it out for me.
I took the drink, suspicious. 
“Go on , then.... I won’t interrupt...” He shrugged. 
I nodded, relieved.
Turning around I made to move away.
“Thought you’d be interested in a little gift I got you.... but if you’d rather spend time with the clown... I get that.” 
His voice was low and deep, a drawl that made the hair on my skin stand on end. 
I turned back to him, eyes narrowed. 
“What gift?” I demanded. 
He shrugged. 
I felt my hackles rise. 
“Are you sure.. what if that clown misunderstands... ...” he pointed a finger at my table and I glared at him. 
“Stop calling him that , God..his name is yugyeom. “ I snapped.
Jungkook’s smile was positively feral.
“Don’t know .Don’t care. So, you want it? You sure ?” He asked casually. 
i nodded, holding my hand out.
“Gimme .” I said quickly. 
He shook his head. 
“Can’t give it to your here,  angel.” 
I frowned , drawing my hand back.  
“There’s a ladies room on the fifteenth floor. It’s being renovated ... no one goes there... Meet me there in five?” 
I stared at him.
“There’s a firework show in half an hour. I don’t wanna miss it.” I protested. 
Jungkook gave me a thoughtful smile.
“You wanna watch the fireworks?”
I nodded. “ Yugyeom booked it for me. I wanna see it.” 
“Alright.. I’ll get you back in time for the fireworks.” He nodded, face frustratingly neutral. 
“Okay..then .. and I’ll meet you there.” 
“Can’t wait ...” He murmured softly. 
The restroom on the fifteenth floor was deserted like he said and looked less like the ladies room and more like a luxurious parlor. The stalls were further in and the waiting space had beautifully upholstered couches and armchairs. Ornate mirrors hung on all the walls and I found Jungkook seated on one the couches, legs spread wide as he casually browsed his phone. 
I stepped in carefully , shutting the door behind me. 
Jungkook looked up at me, smiling. 
“Lock the door.” He said casually and I hesitated.
“Jungkook, we shouldn’t be-”
“If you need to be at the firework show , you need to stop wasting time baby...” He said firmly. 
I locked the door quickly, making sure it couldn’t be opened. 
I turned back around and jumped when I ran right into Jungkook, who had crept up on me. 
He smiled at me. 
“Hi.” He said gently. 
I felt myself melt . 
“Hi.” I laughed.
“Don’t like it when you ignore me.” He muttered. bending low and nipping my jaw. 
I grabbed his shoulders, knees weak. 
“Uh... is this the gift...?” I gasped when he bit down hard, teeth sharp on the skin and he licked the little abrasion, wet and warm. 
“Not really but I’ll get to it. Before that, “ He pulled away, “ I just realized I never got to eat you out yesterday.” 
The gears in my head stopped spinning. 
I could only stare at him, stunned/ 
“But, I like to be thorough and we don’t have that kind of time right now. So I’m just gonna ask you this.....Do  You regret last night?”
I blinked. 
What even...? I couldn’t keep track of his thought process. 
“No.. no of course not...” I said harshly.
“You wanna keep doing this?” He tilted his head, eyes boring into mine. 
 Only for the rest of my life. 
“Yes!!” I said angrily and he chuckled. 
“Okay...but angel, I don’t like it when you run around doing as you please without letting me know what you’re up to. What you did today...” He shook his head. “ That doesn’t work for me.”
I flushed.
“I said I’m sorry.” I muttered. 
“But are you?” He said thoughtfully. 
“what..What does that mean...?”
“Apologies don’t mean shit if you don’t back them up with actions. I’m just saying... you ready to back up your words by doing as I say?” his eyes flashed red. 
I hesitated. 
“What do you want me to do. ?”
“Just don’t ignore me.” He shrugged.
“Okay...” i agreed at once.
“ You can do that?” He asked with a frown.
“Uh...sure. “ 
He hummed. 
“I’m not so sure... I think you need a little help with that.” 
“Jungkook , what are you even -”
“Go lie down on the couch for me. “
I stared at him. 
“Hurry up baby, your boyfriend’s waiting upstairs remember? .”  He grinned. 
“Please stop calling him that...” I whined, moving to the wide couch in the corner and lying down after toeing off my shoes.
. Jungkook grabbed an armchair, dragging it close to the couch. He sat down , close enough to touch and I swallowed.  
Jungkook shrugged out of his jacket, tossing it on the arm of the couch , near my feet. 
He spread his legs and my eyes nearly popped out of my head when he began unbuckling his belt, dragging the leather out through the hoops before fiddling with the buttons on his fly. 
“I was thinking of last night. Was your first time right angel?” He asked casually and I stared as I watched his hands. Long nimble fingers gripping the zipper of his slacks and yanking the metal down , revealing black briefs. 
“Uh... I.. yes?” I felt my thighs clench in arousal, toes curling into the fabric of the couch.
 “  I’ve been around enough women to know that I’m bigger than average. “ He sank his fingers into his briefs, hands curling around the hardened length of his arousal and I flushed when he pulled his cock out, hard and thick. 
“Jungkook!” I whimpered, moving to scramble to my feet but he pressed a hand to my shoulder, pushing me back down.
“ Stay there angel.... Let me finish” He said sternly. 
I pouted, not entirely sure if I liked this Jungkook. Where was the sweet man who wanted to let me call the shots? 
 “ This is what I’m like. “ Jungkook said , grinning as though he could read my mind “ Just because I indulged you last night, doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you walk all over me ....Running off without telling me where you went? That’s not gonna happen again angel and I’m gonna make sure of it. ” He reached out and gently gripped my chin before squeezing down enough to make me wince. 
I glared at him before my eyes slipped back to his cock and my mouth watered. It looked so good, thick and hard and he was close enough for me to see the precum beading up at the slit. I wondered what it would taste like. How it would feel,
“Can I suck you off?” I asked softly, batting my lashes. 
He gave me an amused look.
“No. You can’t.  Anyways... Like I was saying , I know you said you were a virgin but then, you also took my fat cock like you’d been doing it all your life. “ He frowned. 
Blood rushed to my face in embarrassment. 
“That’s... you...” I spluttered. 
“And that’s when I realized... Just because you’re a virgin, doesn’t mean you haven’t fucked yourself. “ He grinned devilishly. 
I buried my face in my hands.
“Oh god...” I choked.
“Guess what I found in your room...” 
My eyes snapped up to him and he was rummaging in his jacket pocket. 
I shrieked when I saw a very familiar vibrator , a pale mauve in color. It wasn’t very long but it was really thick, only a hairsbreadth smaller than Jungkook. 
I glared at him.
“You went through my things!!” i yelled affronted. 
He rolled his eyes. 
“Hardly.  It was literally on your bed when I went looking for you in the evening because I couldn’t fucking find you.. “ He snapped. 
I shut my mouth. 
“Okay...fine ..yeah I use sex toys. Big  deal.” I muttered. 
He shook his head. 
“No it isn’t. Which is why I want you to show me. “ He leaned back, casually wrapping a hand around his cock. I stared at him as he casually began stroking the hard length of his dick, after licking his palms. 
Did he really think I was too shy to put on a show? 
Boy was he in for a surprise. 
Smiling evilly, I pulled my dress up quickly, hooking my thumbs into my panties and yanking them down quickly, kicking them off. 
I gave him a smile. 
“Can I turn around? You’ll have a better view.” I smirked. 
His eyebrows shot up.
“Go ahead, princess. Better impress me.” 
I rolled my eyes at that. 
Sitting up , I sat back down against the cushioned arm rest, keeping my eyes trained on his and I bent my knees and spread my legs, utterly shameless because well... because I had always liked the idea of being watched. 
Jungkook wasn’t shy by any standards and his gaze flitted right between my legs without any hesitation. 
“Pretty.” He murmured gently and I fought the rush of embarrassment. I’d started this and I was going to see through it. 
“What am I supposed to get turned on by?” I asked innocently running my fore and middle finger up andn down my slit gently. I was really fucking wet on the inside but he couldn’t know that.  
And just for good measure, I let my gaze drop to his cock and back up, looking bored. 
His eyes narrowed. 
“How about the way I filled your sloppy little cunt last night? Remember that?  Remember how fucking wet you got, just from me licking your nipples....?” He smiled. 
I felt my throat go dry and my pussy clenched,  damp wetness seeping out and coating my hand  and my fingers slipped right in  before I could do anything about it. 
Jungkook laughed, eyes trained where my fingers had disappeared. 
He kept his hands on his cock and leaned in closer, kissing the edge of my earlobe.
“Thought so. “ He whispered right into my ears, :” My horny little slut. Bet you walk around all day with that cunt dripping wet and ready. Bet I could fuck into you with ease, anytime I want...just flip that skirt up, push your panties aside and drive my cock into you, yeah? “ He licked a stripe up my cheeks and I shuddered,  pumping my fingers into my pussy faster, “  Virgin..???  what a fucking joke... You are the farthest thing from a virgin my sweet little whore...” 
“Jungkook...” I whimpered and he gripped my wrists, stilling my fingers and pulling them out. He pulled my hand closer, right up to his mouth and I groaned when he wrapped his lips around the wet and messy digits, licking up all the wetness there.
“Sweet and spicy , just like I thought...” He directed my fingers back down between my fingers...” Get more of that wetness for me baby...want you to jerk me off with that hot slick you have dripping between your thighs...” 
:” On your knees.” He prompted and I sank down in front of him. “Jerk me off, baby...Make me feel good...” He whispered, spreading his legs and I wrapped shaky hands around his cock. I swallowed , gazing at him , licking my lips as I stroked his dick, faster. He took one of my hands and directed them down to his balls.
“Like this... This makes me feel good..”He whispered, showing me just how he liked to be touched .I nodded, following his lead and speeding up my movements, gripping a little tighter, using my thumb to trace circles on the head, rubbing the wetness around his slit and the thick vein on the underside of his cock. 
He groaned and shuddered a little. And then he leaned forward, gripping my chin. 
“ I want you to get on my lap now.... and then I’m gonna cum inside you “
I whimpered, already scrambling to my feet but before I could get on him, he gripped my waists. 
“ Let me finish, angel.I’m gonna fill you up with my cum and then I’m gonna stick this , “ He held the vibrator up, “ inside you . If you can keep your slutty little pussy tight enough for me, keep this thing  and my cum inside you till tonight...maybe you’ll get your gift. “ 
I stared at him, my jaw coming unhinged. 
He pulled me closer, maneuvering me onto his lap and I swallowed. 
“I’m not... I can’t..” I whispered.
“Sure you can.. I believe you. But if you don’t want to.” His gaze softened. “ We can forget all about it.” 
I bit my lips, staring into his gorgeous face and and really, it was a no brainer. I wasn’t going to say no to Jeon Jungkook. It was just not going to happen. 
I spread my thighs and he grabbed his cock, tracing the tip on my slit.
I nodded, sinking down on the hard length easily. My breath caught , fingers curling into his shoulders as I swallowed the whimper that threatened. God he was so fucking big inside me. So hard and real and good and I wanted to sit on his cock forever. Wanted to stay locked in a room with him forever,  just fucking and teasing and fucking again and only stopping to shower or eat. 
“Don’t cum.” He said gently.” You don’t get to cum till I tell you to. You understand baby?” 
I whimpered as he fucked into me just once or twice. Warm wetness flooded my insides and I clutched his shoulders, burying my face there as he groaned, fucking me full of his release. 
He grabbed the vibrator from the couch and I swallowed when he brought it down to my entrance.
“Ready baby? Gonna pull my cock out and put this in.....Need to you clench down on it and keep my cum in... Don’t make a mess alright?” He kissed my cheeks sweetly, the affectionate gesture a complete contrast to his filthy words. 
I did make a mess... 
A little bit and the vibrator was thick enough to stay lodged in, and I felt my eyes roll back in my head as he pushed it in fully. 
“You okay?” He whispered, kissing me softly before running his palms up and down my thighs. “Gonna help you put your panties on, baby. okay? keep your pussy clenched for me. ” 
I nodded weakly, trying to keep my muscles clamped around the hard length of the toy inside me as he helped slip my bikini briefs back up my thighs. 
“You okay?” 
I nodded.
“Good. Let’s go see those fireworks, shall we?” He grinned devilishly. 
Jungkook stood leaning against the wall of the rooftop restaurant , arms crossed as he watched her, a smile playing around his lips as he watched her squirm, shifting her weight from on thigh to the other as she tried to sit on the hard backed chair, her eyes glassy and unfocused as the Kim vampire talked to her. 
Dude didn’t seem to realize that she was so out of it she probably didn’t understand a word he was saying. 
He stayed in the shadows because the front of his thighs was stained with cum, a little bit of white streaks, stark against the black of his slacks. She had let a little of it spill out of her when he’d pulled out...which was a little sloppy of her and usually, Jungkook would punish something like that in a partner but...well because it was the first time he would just let it pass. Besides, he was sure she would improve with time.
He trained his eyes back to her hips and his lips quirked when gripped she armrest, shivering a bit. 
This felt better,  he thought.
Watching her with other men was easier when he knew that he was the one on her mind. Knew that all she could think about was keeping his cum inside her, the hardness of the toy a reminder that he was the one she was trying to please and impress.  
He slipped a hand inside his pocket, playing with the tiny little remote . 
Should he? 
Would it be too much? 
He smirked. 
Only one way to find out. 
He thumbed the small knob at the top of the remote, eyes trained on her .
The moment he flipped it on , at the smallest setting possible, she went completely still.
And he wondered how it felt, the electric vibrations of the toy against her insides...he wished he could see it...she her pussy spread out for him, pink and wet and swollen and wrecked.... God, the things he wanted to do to her. 
It annoyed him a bit, how shamelessly she’s spread her legs on that couch, let him see the pink of her cunt without an ounce of shame .....annoyed him because he wasn’t sure if it was for  him  or because it was what she was  like.... 
Annoyed him because if it wasn’t for just him.... would she do it for other too? 
He couldn’t stomach the idea of it. 
That pretty pink pussy, so wet and wanting...he wanted it all for himself . He wanted her legs spread out on his bed, her arms tied to the fucking bedposts so he could show her just how dangerous he could be when he wanted to....
That just because he’d let her take the lead didn’t mean he would settle for anything less than her complete submission.
Smiling, he turned the vibrations up a little bit, smirking as he watched her. 
Sera gripped the armrest gently, raising her hips off the chair a bit and turning around slowly to stare right at him.
He grinned wide, relishing the shocked desperation on her face. He pushed away from the wall, sauntering over to her slowly till he was right behind her. 
“Doing okay? baby?” He whispered gently for her ears only.
“Don’t do this to me.” She said softly, nails digging indents into her part as she clenched her fists , resting her hands on her knees.
He hummed. 
Poor baby, he thought fondly. . When this night was over he would shower her with kisses. Giver all the affection. Cuddle the fuck out of her, brush her hair back and make her feel so, so , good. 
But the night was  far  from over. 
He glanced at her companion.
Yugyeom gave him a smile and nod, went back to talking about art or something. 
Sera had her eyes fixed straight ahead, glassy and unfocused. 
He leaned over to whisper into her ear.
“Don’t forget...You cannot cum.” 
And then he sauntered back over to his place near the wall, before slipping his fingers into his jacket and turning up the tempo for her. 
“Was fun catching up, Sera... I’ll text you, yeah?” Yugyeom gave me a light hug and I stared at him, slightly teary eyes and about a second away from collapsing into a heap on the floor. 
I was sore and tired and a little out of my mind. The fireworks had lasted fifteen minutes.
It had felt like a year. 
And I hadn’t even watched them because I had kept my eyes screwed shut, concentrating only on not cumming, because if I did, not only would I literally drip all over the chair , but I would likely scream loud enough to wake the dead. 
Jungkook had turned the toy off when the show ended but it had done nothing for me...in fact it felt worse because the lack of stimulation was even worse than the steady thrum of the toy against my walls. 
Jungkook looked entirely unaffected as he watched me bid good bye to Yugyeom and it was only when he had driven away that he lightly took my arm.
“You okay baby?” He gave a me a slow smile and I glared at him through wet lashes.
“I won’t go anywhere without you again. I promise. Please just get this out of me.” 
He cooed, pulling me into a hug. 
“Alright angel. I believe you. Come on...” 
He led me to the large black Palisade , grabbing the keys from the valet.
“Get in the back seat.” He prompted. 
I nodded, too out of it to even question it. I climbed into the seats and sat down, whimpering when the toy moved inside me, shifting in deeper. My clothes were damp , almost soaking wet and my thighs trembled. 
He glanced at me.
“Can you hold on till we get home?” He asked  gently.
I stared at him, unseeing. Tears filled my eyes and spilled over.
“Please.” Was all I could get out. 
“Fuck, okay baby. Hang on.” 
Jungkook drove quickly, pulling out of the hotel premises and into the road. But instead of taking the left like he usually did, he took a U turn, picking a side road that led away from the city’s bustle . 
I gripped the seats as he drove in further away from the crowded city light , only blinking when he took a right into secluded side road, empty except for us.
I stared in confusion as he parked the car , turned off all the lights  in the car. I watched him climb out of the front seat, slamming his door shut before prying mine open. 
“Lay back for me baby. Up against the door.” He said gently. And then when I didn’t move he climbed, in all but lifting me up and settling me down till, I was leaning against the door, staring down at him.
He didn’t waste any time, spreading my legs, and pulling my panties off before pushing my knees up and apart. 
“Gonna eat you out.” He growled and my eyes flew open, the first pang of lucidity hitting me. 
“Wha-Wait...your...there’s...inside, there’s....” I couldn’t even say it. 
“My cum? Yeah... i know my cum’s inside there...” Jungkook laughed, fingers gripping the base of the vibrating and twisting it just a little bit. “ i know angel, and now I’m gonna lick my cum out of your sopping wet pussy..” 
Jungkook pulled the vibrator out of me and I sobbed at the gush of wetness that dripped out of me. But it didn’t spill, because he chased the wetness with his tongue, curling the hard length of it inside me, scooping up every last drop of the filthy mess inside me, taking it all into his hot, wet mouth . 
He hummed a little before pressing a thumb to my clit, rubbing the nub till I began quivering already way too overstimulated to experience anything but a throbbing pain disguised as pleasure. I stared at him , vision swimming as he crawled to his knees on  the back seat, head bowed because of the car’s ceiling and I watched him fumble with his belt, pulling out his cock and lining it up against my entrance. 
He drove straight in, without any hesitation, leaning over me till his face was just a little away from mine, staring down at me, cheeks a little puffed. He fucked into me with a force that shook the car on its wheels, the large vehicle somehow shaking like a leaf from how hard he thrust into me. I felt like my body was on fire, breath getting punched out of me with every thrust of his cock inside me and I could only whimper , fingers curling and uncurling on the seat as I rode the high of being fucked into incoherency. 
Jungkook grunted, hipped my waist hard used one hand to rub my clit harshly. 
And then he bought his other hand up to slip two fingers into my mouth, prompting me to open my mouth. The digits slipped in , rubbing the flat of my tongue before pulling out. 
I stared wordlessly, as his fingers slipped down to cup my jaw, squeezing till I opened my mouth wide. I stuck my tongue out instinctively and he groaned. 
Jungkook gave me cheeky little wink, eyes flashing red before he opened his mouth, spitting the wet mess of his cum and my juices right onto my tongue just as he pulled back and drove into me, his cock going so deep I saw actual fireworks. 
I went completely still, the sheer filthiness' of the act and the force of his thrust driving me straight over the edge , even as he groaned and kissed me full on the lips, tongue swooping in to swirl the mess on my tongue all over, his fingers gripping my hair as he fucked me harder, chasing his own pleasure now. 
My body hummed, exhausted, drained, completely wrung out and wrecked. 
I went limp as he gave one last thrust, spilling into me again. 
He was panting against my neck as he came down from his high and I raised a shaky hand to gently stroke the back of his head as he shuddered against me.
When he pulled back to stare at me, brushing my damp hair off my face he had a smile on his face. 
“Did you enjoy the fireworks baby?”  He whispered.
It took me two whole minutes to even remember what he was talking about.  
Author’s note : 
Jungkook sure knows how to get her attention back on him doesn’t he? 
@ladyartemesia        @veronawrites   @alpaca1612     @bonyg    @unseejuice21  @sppvjj     @ggukkieland     @tae-by-tae      @blr1004      @yoongichild    @stussyjeon  @jellybearo  @sumzysworld   @carolsummerlove
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mde1011 · 3 years
when i got into the dsmp i started a note and wrote down any quotes or moments i thought were funny, and im bored at 3 am so enjoy some of them
how is being arrested real? just walk away!!!”
⁃ “once an american always an american. go...go protests masks...or something”
⁃ “...yEAH BUT DID YOU HAVE WAP” “what’s...whats wap?” “...WORSHIP AND PRAYER”
⁃ “i’m naked” “...no you’re not” “i can be...”
⁃ “uhhhh i’m in a high stress situation....i deal with these poorly”
⁃ “i should go first i’m naked”
⁃ “what are you going to do?” “i...have no idea i think i’m gonna start out by punching a tree”
⁃ “tOmmy...did i just hear you say shit ass looking mofo?”
⁃ “i aM gOinG to gEt nAkeD to iNtiMidAtE HiM”
- “...i want freedom !” “you want BALLS.”
⁃ “...down the line. yeah that’s where we discover the art of cannibalism” “oh it’s an art?” “it’s an art”
⁃ “oh there’s some logs here. wonder what they’re saying to me. uh huh. uh huh. oh yeah that’s very racist” “tommy you gotta burn those logs.” “burn ‘em before they spread their racism to other logs”
⁃ “are you pooing?” “*whisper* i’m charging up-““ “he’s ejaculating on the tent.” “he’s WHAT?”
⁃ “he’s sPEEDING. LOOK HOW FAST HES GOING” “i’ve taken so many drugs. someone tell badboyhalo”
⁃ “we should make a pact. and that pact is, uh, we make a book...and in that book...we declare that saying ‘muffin’ is a, is a slur”
⁃ “i was thinking what if one day your bladder just,,,,stopped working.....AGGGFFFFF i was tHINKING ABOUT THAT THE OTHER DAY IVE GOT TO PREPARE IVE GOT YO PREPARE thisiswhydiapersaintthatbad”
⁃ <sapnap> i think i was ordered to um
<tommyinnit> boobed
<sapnap> kill you
<tommyinnit> boobs
<sapnap> if this happens
<tommyinnit> think about boobs man
<sapnap> tsk tsk tommy
<tommyinnit> iM DISGRUNTLED
⁃ “why is this deadman so good at making drugs”
⁃ “i just learnt that a girl hero is called a heroine and it freaked me out”
⁃ “memento memento me-“ “that’s actually the worst word i know so you can’t keep saying that” “oh, really.....? have you ever heard the term ‘racist’?”
⁃ “the person who invented the phrase ‘be yourself’ hadn’t met you!”
⁃ “you seem like the type of guy whose dad would throw him overboard as a joke but he would just drown”
⁃ “shout out to dream for twerking!”
⁃ “let’s talk......let’s talk about sex” “wonderful. what do you think about sex, lazarbeam?” “i ain’t saying SHIT in front of a sixteen year old”
⁃ “what the- i think i’m seeing things” “....tommy i told you not to drink the sea water” “well i DID drink the sea water because it TOLD ME TO”
⁃ “it’s like the movie when that guy gets stranded on an island and has sex with a coconut” “whAT?? dream- dream, you vastly misinterpreted this” “it one hundred percent does”
⁃ “oh mastICATE.....isn’t that when a fish turns inside out?”
⁃ “what are some bad words YOU know, clay?” “i don’t-“ “what about ‘terrorist’?”
⁃ “my mind has to be on the same frequency as jesus when he walked on water”
⁃ “you wanna know why i was late?” “no i really do-“ “i was having a MASSIVE poo. really just a HUGE poo”
⁃ “i love america. mmmmm patriotism
⁃ “please stop taking the cock”
⁃ “two four six eight who do we appreciate? not the government let’s gooooooo”
⁃ “yeahhhhh bitch i stab- i don’t stab women-“ “woooooooah tommy you stab women?” “heyyyy sapnap”
⁃ “do you know what happens whne you reach the top of the ladder? there’s only one place to go.” “.....side to side😨” “down.” “...i really thought you were gonna say side to side🥺”
⁃ “one last time.” “just like in hamilton😓”
⁃ “you don’t know how many times i’ve mistaken trees for hot women”
⁃ “ i don’t feel better i just destroyed penis”
⁃ “i’ve never seen a snail with bad morals”
⁃ “awwwwwwww😢 i’m doin’ drugs🤧 just like the good ol’ days😓” “.....define the ‘good old days’” “back when i did drugs”
⁃ “have you ever fought a baby? i have and it was trivially easy to defeat, phil.”
⁃ “the only other i egg i know about was the one i learnt about in school....not allowed to say which one....”
⁃ “did you know one of my new years resolutions is to be more like 2010 justin bieber?”
⁃ “apparently cats don’t lay eggs”
⁃ “thinking about trees- if i saw a tree with a beard mmmmmm...holy shit id hit it”
⁃ “we’re in hell dude. science doesn’t matter here”
⁃ “i cant die i cant die i’m GOD”
⁃ “hey pig your letter is the same as pussy, hmm?”
⁃ “are we cool are we COOL guys? CRYSTAL COOL like CRYSTAL METH”
⁃ “he- he’s crying because - because i killed his mother isn’t that right? mother dearest mother deadest mother gonest”
⁃ “bro ive been drinking since i was six and let me tell you...it’s not good to be drinking that young. led to some poor life decisions when i was 8” “what did you do” “i cant say” “...who did you hurt” “....only myself”
⁃ “je suis” “ay i know what that mean you prick” “what does it mean” “it means you’re racist dickhead”
⁃ “i’d never poo in the presence of a women- which is why i’m scared to get a girlfriend i think i’d just explode”
⁃ “biff tannen is one of my idols”
⁃ “black widow died and i thought ‘wow it should’ve been the man’ because he’s a man”
⁃ “there’s a character called captain america and i think he’s stupid”
⁃ “sam....what’s the longest you’ve ever wiped your arse? for me it’s 48 minutes”
⁃ “why are you standing in the shitter?” “....that’s a SINK” “uhhh welllll” “hAVE YOU SHAT IN THE SINK?????”
⁃ “you’re like a living ghost” “...i think that’s called a human, tubbo”
⁃ “maybe i accidentally kill ranboo and we just never see him again *laughs* ay? and then i go ‘april foooools!!!’ and then i kill their child. i kill him”
⁃ “you built a penis” “it’s a PENIS OF SAFETY”
⁃ “i saw the penis of safety and i pressed mouse button four my friend”
⁃ “the penis on the other side of the river is larger” “ive heard that before....”
⁃ “you’ve turned the penis into a wall” “a wall of safety is better than a penis of safety” “i think the penis was better”
⁃ “if you wanna make a penis i know where we can make a penis and i know how big we can make it”
⁃ “i don’t conceptualize death but i think i just saw it!”
⁃ “yeah i- yeah i know i’m- my first impression on eret was making him read a shrek fan fiction so- i’m not one for first impressions”
⁃ “i-i’m scared for him- i’m scared OF him. yknow the first thing he did when he saw me was imMEDIATELY strip down then jump off then immediately die?”
⁃ “where are you?” “getting stabbed, one second”
⁃ “you’ve seen the joker?” “yea-“ “i resonate a lot with that man” “...oH. oh. that’s- that’s not-“
⁃ “he bURNT DOWN MY HOUSE” “out of LOVE”
⁃ “ohhhh my god stop making me play with the neighbor kid” “o-okay if you don’t go play with him i’m kicking you out of the house-“ “wHAT THE FUCK???”
⁃ “there’s a STRIP CLUB” “oh yeah for wood!” “are you into strippers?” “i mean all it does is make the wood look different so....yeah it doesn’t really do much”
⁃ “no no we have categories, we have the poo-saster- you might have to take a shower after-“ “no, no i’m gonna stop you right there”
⁃ “as i was saying you can have a 1-to-3 wiper, that’s an A-tier poo, my friend”
⁃ “i want you to eat your sock”
⁃ “you know i’m a child- i’m a minor” “sO AM I DICKHEAD”
⁃ “everyone is calling you dresus” “yeah i am”
⁃ “ayyyy ayyyy los DROGAS LOS DROGAS” “no no big q- she’s thirteen- how does this happen with every 13 year old girl you meet?”
⁃ “my poo has muscles like i do”
⁃ “i cant hear the words among us without crying they’ll say there are aliens among us and in the back youll just hear me *choking noises*”
⁃ “tubbo...tubbo is like...tubbo is like mary” “.....did you just call me the Virgin Mary?”
⁃ “i’m just saying, have you ever seen me and jesus in the same room?”
⁃ “do you smoke sam” “all the time”
⁃ “i thought you were talking about the- the speeeeed drug”
⁃ “have you ever sold drugs to kids sam?” “......no”
⁃ “we can’t let the girlboss rule because she will gatekeepe my feelings” “that would not be good”
⁃ “you have obviously taken part in scientology-“ “i have not-“ “you’ve donated to tom cruises cult shit”
⁃ “....am i worse than david dobrik?” “are- are we worse than david dobrik?” “oh- oh god”
⁃ “he has broke one of the rules of the hit best seller ‘the bible’- this kind of looks like a cock”
⁃ “well i’ve moved now, KING”
⁃ “what is an angsty teen and am i one? because when i USED to hang out with my friends they use the word angst a lot”
⁃ “yeah yeah yeah i bench”
⁃ “sam i think i’m angsty i think i’m an angsty tik tok teen looking for a community to help me out”
⁃ “i don’t think you’ve followed the train of logic all the way-“ “there’s a TRAIN INVOLVED????????”
⁃ “i’m like the orange fucker from that animated rom com”
⁃ “i’m under the influence of big cock”
⁃ “it’s meeee big cock man”
⁃ “i cant look away” “sam please use your twitter alt for this” “he’s horny on maaaainnnnn” “and what’s wrong with that?” “.......”
⁃ “i’m gonna call you ‘cockity’ big cock” “sHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP-“
⁃ “at least this guy doesn’t have a cock-“ “itS NOT A COCK” “horny on main jesus-“
⁃ “is that a cock” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
⁃ “.....i wanna see the inside of it again do a split”
⁃ “okay sam-“ “tommy that guy wants your cock-“ “no- no he doesn’t sam”
⁃ “sam, sam and i need you to hear this....dont. act. up.” “i don’t act up-“ “you were acting up-“ “i-“ “you were caught in 8k.” “but- but we both agree it’s not a tie-“
⁃ “please don’t tell me to kill cockity i am overwhelmed”
⁃ “why is there an anus in my tie?”
⁃ “what are the legal implications of this?” “...i mean besides hell you’re good”
⁃ “whatre the legal implications?” “i mean usually that’s a no-no but today, today it’s fine” “yeahhh lets go murder his family”
⁃ “i’d be an antivax landlord”
⁃ “jesus never does drugs” “well- well you turned water into wine king and wine is alcohol”
⁃ “can you put on pants i can’t- i cant stop looking at it- sorry tommy i know you said-“ “yeah sam i know you tried-“
⁃ “you know i fuck with satan”
⁃ “i’m sorry jesus lucifer is just such a good man-“ “oh you- hold me BACK FROM THIS FUCKER HOLD ME BACK ILL SEND HIM TO HELL YOU LIKE HELL-“
⁃ “are you jesus or just a man who grew a beard and put on a suit?”
⁃ “even the guy with his cock out is telling you to stop-“ “oh jesus, and i mean jesus-“ “shUT THE FUCK UP MAN”
⁃ “the best best way to slander him is to stop his offspring; we need to kick him the balls.....no? not a good....? alright us four each take a ball-“
⁃ “......why did jesus give him four scrotums man🙁🙁”
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beukefarm · 3 years
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Sorry for the blurry one lol, only noticed after I got home.
This is our premium fence gate for the chickens. The gate itself was dug out of the trash, the screws and the wood were found somewhere in the garden and we just used them.
The wire fence and the wooden poles were bought from a hardware store, we painted the wood last fall but will repaint this spring so that it'll last as long as possible.
Since the fence and gate were build by us, there was next to no planning involved, we just went for it. Aside from the gate being tilted and the wire fence not being properly tensioned in places, it went quite well! Aka it does its job and is surprisingly stable, given that it just survived the entirety of eunice without getting a scratch.
We're still debating whether to modify the wagon (green structure in the corner) and have the chicks in there, or if we'll buy a shed and modify it for the chickens.
(Seriously, never buy premade chicken coops. Theyre incredibly expensive and so so tiny, if theres ever an event where you have to keep them inside, for example because of bird flu, they'll be glad to have some space to move around.
Just buy some kind of shed, put a chicken hatch, some wooden poles/sticks for roosting and some nests for the eggs and youre all gucci.)
In any case, the chickens are coming, and when they're here, we'll be prepared. I cant wait for the chicks to be stumbling and peeping about, so excited! My boyfriend is cute as fuck every time he talks about them, his eyes light up and he grabs me and we hug and ahhhhh we're alive! Life is worth living! I failed my math exam and I might fail chemistry and maybe I wont finish university but who gives a shit! Maybe I will!
I have friends and family, I have a drive and a passion and I'll be okay and you will be okay too, I promise! Maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually it'll fall into place, and there will always be hard days and hard times but it doesnt matter because in the end there will always be chickens to hatch and vegetables to tend to and sunsets to watch and people to love and laugh with and we are all here! On this earth! Right now and never again!
And yeah the world could be going to shit, we're killing our planet and shit but do not let it destroy your spirit. Do what you can, do whatever you have the energy for, but other than that just live! I promise you, its fine, you're allowed to feel good and nice and also shitty and sad and if you need to talk my dms are always open, seriously, Im just some dude with a garden, you can talk to me about whatever and I will listen because right now I have the energy and I'm willing to give you some of it.
Breathe. You're alive. We're all alive. Listen to G.O.A.T. by Polyphia and feel the harmonies come together in your mind. Taste the wind outside. Stand in the rain and dont worry about getting wet. Get yourself a plant, and maybe you'll kill it, who cares, get a new one! Or just get a packet of seeds and grow some yourself on your windowsill, and when they're dead you can just plant new ones.
Talk to a friend! Dont have friends? Comment on peoples posts, engage in some communities, there are people out there who you can love and who love you back! You have a computer? Play some kind of online multiplayer, doesnt matter if its a shooter or whatever. Guess what, most gamers are just some dudes! Ive only met very few bigots, and hundreds of people who are just nice! (I recommend Planetside 2, the playerbase is a little older than in most shooters, think mid twenties and up to 40s or 50s, I even know one guy who's over 60. If you do decide to try it out and play on Cobalt, please message me with your name so I can add you and help you out! And if not, pretty much everyone there is willing to guide newbies along, and they'll stay friends with you as you progress, thats what it was like for me and everyone Ive met on there.)
What Im trying to say is: communities exist everywhere! Just engage with them! Shitty self esteem? Guess what, me too! It took me two whole years until I started talking to these people, and they were nothing but nice to me from the start.
Again, if you have any questions about starting to engaging with people and communities, start out with me! Message me, I'm here and will do what I can.
I'm sorry for derailing this post so much, I just feel incredibly grateful to be alive right now and I want to share this with others. Peace!
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Stand In Chapter One
Being an assistant on the witcher set is a dream come true for you, helping bring to life the books and games you were brought up with. But when the project is threatened to be cancelled completely your called in to save the day! But can you really fill in for an actress?
Warnings: swearing
A/N: hello! So this was wrote on a whim sort of. I don't know if Keira is in the books honestly and I have no idea if she will be in season two but I wanted to write somthing different. Got a few ideas of where I can go with this but like I said just wanted to write something a little different. Hone you enjoy xxx
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorr @iloveyouyen​
logo divider is by @writeyourmindaway​ other one is by me xx
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You moved through the hustle and bustle of the set your trusty clipboard what was you doing? Well the people needed feeding so you were taking orders, some people onset would eat at the food tent some would want to order in today it was your turn to take the orders and deliver them to the chefs. You grunted looking at your watch you needed to move quicker they'd be filming soon and expect the food to be ready by the time they finished...sounded easy but the guys were cooking meals for nearly one hundred  people and that took time... especially out here... You jogged up to the tent with an apologetic smile"Sorry guys had to round em up you know how it is!" You got a few chuckles. Yes they did know how it was having to take turns doing it themselves. You were just a regular onset dogs body, you help in any way shape or form and that’s that.
You smiled at them hanging the clip board on the hook for them to see clearly then They began barking orders to one another down the line  getting to work. You left them to it weaving in and out of everyone to get back to set incase someone needed anything again. Once you reached half way across the site your name was called turning you saw Mathew one of the other assistants.
"Hey y/n your needed in the directors tent chop chop!"
"What? why?" He shrugged then through his hands out wide walking backwards away from you he seemed in a hurry.
"Don't know was just told that you had to be there asap" You sighed and quickly turned on your heal towards the tent...If this was another coffee run you were gonna scream! It took forty five minutes to drive down this god forsaken mountain and you didn't really want to be bitched at by camera crew about delivering a cold fucking coffee again.
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Henry and Joey panicked looking to each other Cancelled? They could be cancelled after all the fans and money the show had pulled in? They stood in the tent with Tomasz,Lauren and Talitha or 'Tee' as she prefers.
"So she just decided not to do it? A week before she was meant to be here? She had all the time over lock down to tell you and she left it till now?" Tomasz nodded stiffly to Henry who spoke, Henry and Joey were angry. Hell they all was, but them more so because they were actors and this was something you just didn't do. No integrity or respect. Lauren piped up.
"To be fair its a huge blockbuster role she was offered its no surprize she dumped us in favor of it... But now everything is up in the air she was a big role in this season and we can't start casting for it now, the two other back ups can't come and fill in either, one is recovering from covid and the other has a contract for another role." Joey placed his hands on his hips
"Well what about her contract? She sighed one didn't she? Surely she should honor that?" Lauren and Tomasz shared a look.
"Yes but two things one imagine forcing her to play a role she no longer wants...Could be very awkward and two the contract had dates...We couldn't stick to the them so she managed to wriggle out of it." They each huffed Henry spoke up
"Can't we put it on hold for a few weeks rush through the casti-" he trailed off at Tomasz' severe look and shake of his head.
"No we aren't being given an extension we have to find someone...Preferably here on set so we don't have to navigate the covid travel restrictions, we can't afford two weeks quarantine for whoever it is we bring in" Tee looked up to her bosses.
"So?...You need someone on set to take the role? I suppose they can't be a major part of the crew?" Lauren nodded to her and smiled
"You up for it?" Tee shook her head
"Fuck no but there is someone that could do it...Y/n shes a general assistant, the one you like! the one that picked up the wardrobe the other day when the truck couldn't get up the hill" Lauren's face lit up as she put a face to the name
"Oh! lilac bob? Green eyes?" Tee smiled nodding
"Yeah! Her she isn't to busy really just runs errands, shes an extra pair of hands" Tomasz tilted his head it sounded viable, it would be a god send he crossed his arms.
"But she would have what a week? To read up on the character, learn lines and go through costume...It would be a hectic rush would she agree to it?" Tee smiled knowingly
"Yes..She hasn't done acting before...well not properly she had a part in bugsy malone play at primary school but that was about it...But I have no doubt that she would do it she loves the witcher. As for reading up on the character you don't have to worry I dread to think how many times shes re-read those books and played the games...She even based her gcse textiles project on the witcher making a screen print tapestry! Trust me she will know Keira metz' personality so half of the job is already done!" Tomasz nodded secretly getting excited over the prospect of having another fan in the mix,  yet he covered it well not wanting to get anyone’s hopes to high."Okay call her in get her to read some lines...Lets not tell her what its for first see if theres some chemistry between the three of you first then go from there" they all nodded it was the best way to go about it.
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When you got to the tent you instantly knew something was up. First person you noticed was your best friends Tee it was her who'd got you the job here. She had been working on the first season and was one of the directing assistants she was always around the producers and directors making sure everything was running smoothly and when they top dogs changed things it was her who made those changes get through the grape vine to everyone who needed to know. Then you noticed Henry  and Joey were here ,how you didn't see them first is a mystery as they were both fully kitted out in the characters costumes.
Holy shit! He was so fucking hot! So so fucking yummy you wanted to jump him and run away and hide at the same time 'Okay breath don't fucking squeal bitch be cool that's it calm down don't make it obvious you want to hump his leg!...If he offers though ride tat thigh like a fucking pony!...No! Stop your going red! Calm it! There we go...Nice and calm well done give yourself a pat on the back' and breath.
You took a calming breath after your little pep talk the fan-girl locked up tight inside you relaxed slightly. Could you help it? No Henry is like your celebrity crush and has been since your little virgin eyes saw him fucking on Tudors. You'd seen him around set obviously you can't really ignore the huge man in the silver wig. You’d wanted to get his autograph and a photo but couldn't trust yourself not to do something stupid so you kept your distance. But damn he was much finer up close in person. You gulped just praying to god you did not squeak at him you'd never ever live it down.
Everyone looked on edge even the director Tomasz and producer Lauren? none of them noticed your arrival speaking in hushed tones to one another like they didn't want anyone to overhear what was happening. You cleared your throat placing a hand on one of the metal supports by the entrance of the tent unsure if you should enter with them all looking so serious you didn't want to hear anything you shouldn't.
"Err knock knock? you wanted to see me? If its a bad time I can come back..." they jumped a little obviously caught up in their conversation. You shrunk under everyone's gaze as the sets of heavy eyes rested on you.
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Henry's eyes widened a little at you he swallowed dryly peering at you from his spot in the tent. You were beautiful he suddenly found himself hoping you would be the one to take the role. Not only could he then have a reason to be around you without you running off. But there were sex scene between the two characters and as ashamed as he felt he had already spent a considerable amount of time envisioning just that, alone at night in his trailer with nothing but his fist to ease his needs. He couldn't help it he had never spoke to you but he wanted you. So selfish or not he would thoroughly enjoy enacting those particular scenes, the image of you below him was just to much.
Joey prodded him slightly making him snap his gaze away and turn to the 'bard' He raised his brows at him nodding to the lilac haired woman as if to say 'look who it is?' Henry flushed a little and blinked yes Joey knew.
It started when Henry had seen you around set, capturing glimpses of you he had wanted to go and talk to you. Each time he saw you around he would excuse himself from whatever he was doing and turn to make his way over to you. But every time he turned and took a step in your direction you flushed and bolted.
He did like you. He liked very much. He found out you were an assistant someone to run errands and Tee had got you the job he was meant to ask her about you but you both seemed close. What if Tee told you? What would you think if you found out he had been asking about you?. So no instead he bit his tongue and kept trying to catch you out and have a chat. He couldn't put his finger on it you just appealed to him, you looked sweet and sexy all in one.
He wanted so desperately to talk to you but you seemed scared of him for some reason so he in the end he settled for admiring you from afar. He'd never got more than six feet near you and that six feet was close enough to make him swoon. You had been diligently taking coffee orders around the set and was taking a list from the directors tent and he was waiting to speak to Tomasz and Lauren queuing behind you in a sense one person separated you.
You were so caught up in trying to take names and coffee orders you hadn't noticed him hovering behind you. He had leaned to the side taking full advantage enjoying eyeing your behind admiring the taught cheeks hugged by your zebra print workout leggings, you must have been in a thong because they snuck up your ass a little making him groan. He'd give anything to be up there himself! He sighed smoothing his hands over his face trying to push away the teasing thoughts, it was not the time to imagine drilling your perfect little ass, fucking you roughly on all fours until your little body sucked the cum out of his balls and he left you with a fully stretched freshly fuck little pucker.
No it was not the time, not when he had another few scenes to shoot. But they were just there! Teasing him a few quick shuffles of his feet and he could be right behind you, he could accidentally graze your pert full bottom. But no he held himself back he groaned when the wind changed and caught a scent of your hair mango and passion fruit.
He had been on a high all day after that. That’s when Joey was certain Henry was getting a little crush on the lilac haired beauty that had gained the nick name Tink's. To Joey you looked like a real life colorful little fairy and he had named you after Tinkerbell. Henry bit his lip trying to contain his excitement, as you cleared your throat nervously today was going from really really bad to absolutely fucking incredible.
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You eyed Henry carefully he was..staring well until Joey prodded him then he snapped out of whatever it was flushing. You didn't have much time to consider it as Lauren moved waving you over smiling like nothing was wrong. Okay? Weird.
"No no! Come in your just the woman we needed to see." You walked in slowly still uneasy but managed to cross the threshold. There was a pause and they looked like they were appraising you? What the fuck? Tomasz cleared his throat and nodded giving Lauren the go ahead for something apparently.
"Y/n I was hopeing you could go over some lines with these two, they haven't got anyone to practice with and we really need to start getting rehearsals in. Flights are running few and far between so the actress who was supposed to be here last week, can't get here until we are actually filming the scenes!" You blinked huh? Read lines? You began going shy and shaking your head
"I don't-" but before you could get anymore words out Tomasz spoke up.
"And with covid setting us back we can't afford delays we could be cancelled" you froze at that...Cancelled? You looked to Henry and Joey who both gave hopeful puppy eyes you sighed a shaky breath.
"O-okay I suppose I could...Help out... It is what I'm here for.." You missed the looks all four shared as Joey handed you a sheet from the script. You skimmed it as quick as you could and your face instantly lit up with a bright smile.
"Holy shit keira? I didn't realize you were doing that-" quickly realizing you may have been fangirling you shut up. Tomasz head lifted smiling
"You know the character?" You chuckled nervously well aware of The witcher still eyeing you from the side. Joey smirked at him and gave a chuckle making Henry freeze and look away flustered. You hesitated whilst talking to Tomasz.
"Hehe well Yeah sort of....I know the book's and the games sooo yeah..Sorry...Got excited there..Can't help it" he grinned shaking his head.
"No no its perfectly fine...I do always love seeing people et excited over our work! But you know her so can help the guys immensely. If you could try and portray the character that would help a lot as well, so we can see how these lines and dynamics will work" you blinked looking at the page going blank. Try to in act the scene to? Okay keira what do you remember shes...Playful catty and a little manipulative.Petty but confident yet can switch to cold bitch on a dime. Your not sure our up to the task.
"So? You want me to try and act properly? but...But bare in mind I'm not an actress...Never done any acting or anything so if I'm shit I apologize."
"Its fine, just try your best...We don't want a carbon copy of the games we want a believable character, just create your own Keira for the time being as I said we just want that feeling for the scene and the relationship that's all. If you could read from half way down..'Seriously I mean this is it?' Okay? don't mind the blank we just haven't settled on the last few bits of dialog just keep going...Go with the flow as it were" you nodded taking a breath really out of your comfort  zone  but it literally  said 'help when needed' in your job description so you didn't have much choice. You took a peek at the lines it the scene was based around the camp at night.
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Henry and Joey sat on stools you followed their lead really nervous trying not to steal glances or stare at the witcher before you even if he didn't seem to care himself, his gold eyes not leaving you for a second, he wasn't even blinking.
You pulled at the page slightly forcing back the anxiety but sucked it up when were you ever going to get the chance to do this again. To read lines with your crush on set in full delicious Witcher get up.You decided to throw caution to the wind and give it your all if you looked a tit well atleast you had fun and you'd never have to again!
You gulped you were supposed to start. You took a breath and pulled some confidence out of your ass, she was a fierce woman that was almost childlike. You used a sarcastic un-amused flat tone.
"Seriously....I mean this is it? this is the great adventuring? Wandering the continent aimlessly for contract's that may or may not be actual monsters..." you tilted your head to the side blinking slowly as you looked between Henry and Joey. Both seemed to be caught unaware as you transformed from a frightened quivering ball of nerves to a catty confidant sorceress.
Henry smiled cheekily at you  knowing that with that transformation you'd already bagged the role, you were his keira.
"Well you are welcome to return to your healing house" Henry drolled in Geralt's deep voice sounding unimpressed tilting his head at you slightly with a bored expression. Joey hummed.
"Yes I second that witch you don't have to be here you can just go your own way" he waved his hand near you and you leaned in giving him a wicked warning grin making him pull back and lean towards Henry, a typical Jaskier move...Well for the moment he was Jaskier.
"G-go and curse children poison or cattle or whatever it is you do" you scoffed rolling your eyes pulling back a little and tilted your head looking at Henry.
"Geralt your Jester appears to be in a foul mood would you like me to help? I'm sure I have a remedy that can silence him for a while...Permanently if you'd like" you smirked as Joey snpped his head looking between the two worriedly.
"JESTER I-YOU I am a bard! And I have made Geralt here the famed white wolf! Tell her Geralt! " Henry rolled his eyes ignoring Joey's out burst
"The Jester is right you don't have to travel with us you can leave, return home if our adventures aren't exciting enough for you. And I'd warn you keep the potions to yourself"  you paused the page was now empty. You too a breath and spoke anyway.
"What? Me leave? and go back to treating the lords son and his frequent bouts of cock rot..." the two men bite back a laugh managing to stay in character...Just. You blinked leaning forward placing your face on your palm
"That’s not as thrilling as one might think loses its charm on the third and forth round...Much like the boy himself" Joey sputtered trying to hide his giggles. But contained himself to make an insulting Jaskier quip.
"Cock rot...begs the question do you cause it or cure it?" he twitched waiting for your reply. You hissed at him then calmed yourself and fluttered your eyes at him and continued in a sultry tone.
"Your welcome to find out for yourself Jester" he stuttered going red
"I-i a no hah thank you for the offer but noooo...Had enough of witches for a life time.. Thank you very much!" he said almost choking on his words you leaned back huffing
"Hmm...Shame you almost look like fun could have livened up the trip...I do always enjoy the loud ones..." Joey chuckled and looked to Henry with a face saying 'help me out here buddy' Henry was finding it very hard to keep himself together, was he jealous of you flirting with joey? Yes did he want to turn the tables? Yes could he think of a way to do it? Fuck no.
He settled for shaking his head, he was certain you had the role already and if not he was definitely going to vouch for you,you were good and portrayed Keira well enough to make Joey's Jaskier fidget which Keira did.
"I'm sure you can find fun where ever you find yourself Keira" Henry piped in wanting to see where the scene can go, wanting for you to give him your sultry voice and flirt with him. But you stuttered a little his gaze was intense hot and hooded.
"Y-yes you'd think that!..But there is no fun to be had at home anymore!...Well that's not strictly true there is this one acquaintance a deaf eunuch " Henry spoke up needing to hear the end of this one, trying to fight off his disappointment that you hadn't given him the same treatment as Joey, didn't you like him? Was Joey more your type? No there must be more to it.
"And this deaf eunuch is fun? How so?" you wiggled your eyebrows at him
"Well Witcher he only had one way to show me his gratitude...Any man who only has his hands to speak develops a very....dexterous set of fingers~" Joey slipped out of character confused as Henry burst out laughing. Despite his sour feelings over your non-flirting he couldn't deny that was a funny and well thought out bit of improv.
"Deaf eunuch? F-fingers?..I don't get it-OOHHH!HOLY SHIT YOU DIDN'T! OHH OH MY FUCK" he then started roaring with laughter with Henry making you go shy blushing.
"Oh my god yes...She is definitely the one we need...Defiantly my Keira!" Henry wheezed through his laughter leaning over slapping his knee.
"huh what?" You looked between everyone what do the mean need? It was Tomasz was nodding smiling and spoke up clarifying what Henry had meant.
"That was....Well...It was an audition and you got the part. You became the character very easily it was natural and flowed nicely and you were nervous once relaxed you will make a perfect Keira!" you blinked at him. An audition? For a part in the show "Are you having a laugh? I can't act for shit...Like that was...It was err" Henry smirked lifting a brow
"Acting? Maybe?" You  blushed at him as he leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. You leaned back sitting upright then pulled a face. He was right technically.
"Okay it was kind of acting....But why are you doing this here now? Surely you already have someone? this don't strike me as normal." Lauren sighed
"No your right its not normal...The actress who was playing Keira has pulled out we have a week to find a replacement or will are probably getting cancelled they won't let us delay again" you sat up pin straight
"Wait what? An actress bailed on us last minuet...That’s a bit of a dick move... That's like a big dick move not in a nice big dick way either... Like a dick dick move" Henry and Joey snorted at your statement and Tee creased up. Tomasz moved over to you
"I'm afraid so...I know its a big ask but were were supposed to start filming her scenes the middle of next week and we need a replacement. Fast. Sooo what would you say to stepping in and saving the day? you fit the bill and your here now and from what I've just seen you can do it...You gave her a cheeky, petty vibe which in all honesty was missing from who we selected...We can get you ready I'm sure Henry and Joey can help you, teach you the tricks of the trade so to speak" he lifted his head to the both of them. They nodded Henry speaking up
"I can even mentor you if you want, to get you more comfortable... Me and Joey will look after you I promise" you gulped then looked back to Lauren and Tomasz. You'd never even thought of acting or anything and it was daunting prospect.
"Look...We have run into a problem that could potentially bring production and filming to a halt...Something that could cancel season two completely....But you can help us. We can continue as planned but we understand its a big thing to spring on someone .We can afford to give you a few days to think it over if you need to..." you took a breath it sounded incredible,  like one of those talent scout tales...Could you do it? You didn't want to see the show go down the pan you loved the first season as a viewer and was over the moon when Tee got you the job onset. You loved the witcher as a whole...Maybe helping bring it to life could be fun? A lot of work and you didn't know shit but you could give it a go. But then you’d be working close with Henry who pretty much turned you into a fucking trembling mass of girly hormones "...But I'm not an actress...I doubt I'd be any good.." Tee snorted
"Fuck off 'not an actress', acting is a big expensive game of pretend! And no offense but you've been pretending to be an adult since we left school! You've got this besides everyone will know your situation so if things go pear-shaped or you get confused we can all help sort you out, we wont scream at you over it..." she moved standing between Joey and Henry squishing their faces
"Come on loooook! Look at there poor little faces! Don’t let Jaskier and Geralt die! If we get cancelled that’s what will happen! These charters will die! I will take them out back and shoot them myself! Never to be seen again!" You giggled at her antic as both men in her grasp tried their hardest to pout up at you with there scrunched up faces. You sighed you were gonna regret this.
"Okay okay fine I will try... But don't say I didn't warn you.." everyone took a deep breath relived. Henry and Joey shared a grin now super excited to carry on with the show. Henry more so then Joey he was ecstatic! He can't wait to start getting close to you.
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Lauren moved over to you with some long ass looking scripts.
"Here...These are for you! Start reading through these today...Do one episode at a time for now you'd have more chance learning the lines and you need to go to costume.  Tee could you tell them whats happened and get her over there today? let them measure her up luckily it's mostly lace up so shouldn't have to change much" Henry stood up quickly making you jump.
"I will take her and introduce her to everyone...I’m finished for the day so I’m going there anyway" he explained a little sheepish realizing he may have seemed eager. Joey chuckled at him Standing beside him patting the mans back Tomasz shook his head
"Thank you for the offer Henry but we still need you were going to re shoot one of the scenes again, we think there is a better angle we could get" Henry pouted chest deflating a little and nodded to the director
"Right so Tee you escort her , oh where are you staying by the way? In the hotel in town? Well we will need to move you into Keira’s trailer so you'd be onset. Tee could you show her the trailer first then wardrobe and then finally I will pop over with a contract for you this afternoon..." you froze. Contract?. What the fuck? You don't know anything about contracts! Henry caught on to your panic and lit up like Christmas finding another way he could spend time with you.
"Hey its okay...Just a bit of paper saying you've got the job and a bit of legal jargon...I can look over it with you and have my agent look over it if you want? just to be sure everything's good okay? don't worry we will take good care of you I promised didn't I?" You smiled shyly and nodded. 'Holy shit he's looking at you, speak girl stop fucking staring! SPEAK! BREATH!' You took a breath avoiding his gaze a little trying to forget who he was wanting to act cool when you did finally speak it was in a quiet voice.
"I-I Suppose so...I mean yes I'd appreciate someone sorting that out..I get the feeling there are a lot of big words involved" Joey laughed you liked Henry, he could see it and something told him you would both become very close. Well close he estimated you'd be fucking within two weeks. He noted the fact you had both gone quiet Henry's eyes boring into you again as you fiddled with script in your hand. He rolled his eyes you were blushing squirming under the witchers staring gold orbs and he didn't seem to care he was just quite happy to gawk at you. Joey finally decided to cut you so e slack.
"Your not kidding...But like Henry said nothing to bad just a you got the job! And how your being paid really" you chuckled rubbing your neck.
"Fuck! haha you know I didn't even think of that" Tomasz chuckled and nodded. Breaking his silence, he to had noticed the tension between the two of you but would say nothing it wont be a problem after all there was a sexual atmosphere between Geralt and Keira so it would do well on screen.
"Well your an actress now, so of course you'll be paid as an actress, it will be in the paper work, I suggest you go and start reading the scripts Keira is heavily involved in this season she is travelling with Geralt and Jaskier for a while... And a word of advice I'm going to have to take your name to a few higher ups with the video of your audition and names on official websites for the cast will be changed, probably in a day or two...You may want to go and clean up any social media ect that you might have...It could blow up a little bit its...What we are doing is pretty much unheard of" you frowned at him
"You...You filmed that? What? who?" Tee waved her phone up at you gaining your attention.
"Its fine y/n just need it for the records and for a few others to see..." she turned to Lauren
"Might be an idea to put this up somewhere to just to introduce her as the character..." Lauren shook her head
"Not yet get her in costume then a few photos we can film a short teaser scene with them...That can be her debut" Tee nodded and began making a list of things to do then snapped her head up looking at you.
"Seriously change your face book to friends only...And get a fucking twitter on that thought get a bloody snapchat and Instagram to! Okay? life will be easier trust me on this" Henry frowned at you stumped.
"You don't have twitter, Snapchat or Instagram?....No what? How have you? What do you do all day on your phone?" You shrugged and smiled impishly at him.
"I read...Write...Scroll tumblr for hours on end and play games...Never bothered with that social media crap don't know how to use it...Was on tumblr for years before I ever got the courage to post something" Joey smiled taking a step forward and patted your back
"Well at least you have Tumblr which I will want by the way! But never mind about the others I will show you cos your gonna need it!" You smiled at him giggling maybe this wont be so bad? You nodded at him feeling more at ease, it sounded like they were going to help you with all this shit, the only thing you had to do was keep the inner Cavill fangirl at bay, which was gonna be a hell of a job now that you weren't going to be able to avoid him but it was that or watch this show be cancelled and that was not going to happen!. You looked over to Lauren who was still giving Tee a list of jobs and people to contact.
"Okay...So where do I start?" She smiled and quickly stood in front of you as you stood between Joey and Henry both pointing out on the scripts certain things explaining what things meant and how things would work when filming. You nodded trying to take it all in. You took a breath looks like you were doing this.  
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Tsukishima, Sakusa and Osamu having a childhood crush on older! reader
requested: If you're not bussy ☺️ please write Headcanon for, Tsukishima, sakusa, and Osamu who has a Crush on childhood friend Older!s/o (like 5 years apart) ☺️🥺 They propose the her once when they were little and she replay "I'll marry you, if you grow taller then me"  It just so cute in my head.. ☺️😊 How are they will reapproach them years later when they surpassing their s/o height 🥰 Love your work btw 💕💕 
This?? Is such a cute idea ckdksks MY HEART <<<<333 I hope I did it justice :D
Also Osamu’s one is waaayy longer than the other two I’m sorry I got lost halfway through :D
warnings: underage(??) drinking in Osamus part, though it’s not underage in my country lol
Tsukishima Kei:
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As children you guys were inseperable, your houses literally being on the other side of the street. The age difference between you never mattered when you guys were playing around.
You were as old as his brother and therefore you often came over to meet with hum, but Tsukki would always end up joining, especially after his brother started playing volleyball, you would always join in with Tsukishima.
Everything was great for a while, you would come over practically every day or they would visit you and then you would spend the rest of the day chilling and playing, until you and Akiteru got into Middle School and puberty hit you. Due to your age you were always a bit taller than Kei, but you grew even more.
Kei always had a crush on you, you being the only girl he only ever hung out with. You always talked to him about Dinosaurs or volleyball or music and he thought - since you shared most of his interests - why not propose? It made sense to 8 year old Kei. “Y/N... Would you marry me?”
You started to laugh and poor Kei got very confused. He was being serious about this. You saw his kinda shattered expression and froze, looking at him with a grin. You pet his head and said: “If you ever grow taller than me, then yes.”
And so the years passed, and gradually you spent less time with the Tsukishimas. You found a bunch of new friends in school that you regularly hung out with, and even though you still saw Akiteru in school and talked to him, walked home with him... You barely ever saw Kei. He seemed to grow a little more distant, he didn’t come to family gatherings anymore and rather just hung around in his room, listening to music. But frankly, you actually didn’t notice.
So eventually you graduate High School and live your life, though sometimes you still meet up with Akiteru to chat. And one day, he tells you about his younger brother. “Kei joined the volleyball club I was part of, remember? Little giant and all? Yeah, of course you do. And guess what - they actually made it to nationals! The first time since then!”
You are very surprised to hear this, though you’re glad and happy for Kei. What Akiteru suggests next though comes as a surprise to you. “I have plans for watching them as least once in Tokyo, wanna join?” And even though you haven’t seen Kei or spoken to him in quite some time, you say yes. And that’s how you end up in the Tokyo gym, swarmed by tall teenage boys and hundreds of guests. Akiteru drags you along with him through the crowd of people, determined to greet his younger brother before the game. And honestly? You feel a little excited to see Kei again, to see how he’s grown since his childhood.
You finally find the boys standing in front of a huge door that clearly leads to the inside of the gym. At first you don’t even notice, but when Akiteru calls his name a very tall, blonde boy turns around, looking startled. You’re a bit shocked to look into the face of the now 16 year old boy. He’s clearly grown since then.
Kei looks at his brother for a minute before his glance wanders over to the person he’s brought along - you. Suddenly his eyes widen a bit and his heart stops for a minute. He swears his entire life was flashing in front of his eyes - well, at least the part of his life he shared with you. All the moments you guys played as kids, runned around the backyard, talked, laughed... And now you were here? So many years after this?
“Y/N what are... what are you doing here?” The words tumble out of his mouth uncontrollably and theres a slight tint of pink appearing on his cheeks. “Ya, what’s that? Is Tsukishima flustered?” One of his team members come up beside him. He has a shaved head and tries to casually rest his elbow on Kei’s shoulder, but he fails. You notice how tall he has gotten - clearly taller than you. You have to laugh but also feel you skin heat up when you remember his question and your promise from 8 years ago.
“Why are you laughing now?” Kei seems a little helpless and confused, just like back then. It almost makes you laugh even harder. Does he even remember it? You softly place your hand on his arm, looking up into his face. His eyebrows are raised, they surpassed the lines of his glasses. “Kei...” you begin, but when you see how curious his brother and his members look at you, you lower your voice. “Remember when we were children... One day you asked me a very peculiar question and I answered with a promise.”
His head shoots up immediately and you see blood flushing his cheeks and ears in a violent red. His expression seems more than shocked and for a second he even chokes on his own breath. You grin, leaving him like that. “Rock the game, yeah? I don’t want to have travelled this far just to see you fail in the first round.” Kei is still frozen in the spot, though in the game hsi brother tells you how he seems even more focused and determined than before.
You may have teased Kei right there, but from then on you began hanging out with the Tsukishimas more, visiting them as often as you could when your career didn’t take over your life. And maybe, eventually, Kei asks you out after his graduation and this time you take it seriously and don’t make another promise.
Sakusa Kiyoomi:
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As children your grew up in the same neighbourhood and your parents would always take you to the same playground.
You noticed the young boy immediately - every now and then between playing in the sand he would go to his mother and she would clean his hands thoroughly with wipes and sanitizer. That got you interested very quickly. So you just walked over and sat down next to him and his mom, watching as they would repeat the same procedure over and over again, until you eventually ask: “Why are you doing this?”
And this little boy just looks up at you and starts explaining how he doesn’t like dirt and why you, too, should clean your hands like this. So you try and after you do, the boy drags you along across the yard saying how other kids don’t like playing with him because of his habits. You’re a bit taken aback by this - even though you’re older, you’re still gonna be friends with this younger boy. He’s like 6 or 7 at that time and from then on you met him on the playground almost every day. And every day, you’d go to his mom to clean your hands properly and then go play with “Omi-chan”, as you called him.
And Sakusa would honestly admire you, treasuring you as his closest friend. Even though he was younger and smaller than you, you accepted him and his habits and you still liked being around him. “Y/N... Will you marry me someday?” he bursts out one day, his big dark eyes looking up at you. And you take a second to look at his cute face - his round eyes, the curly hair, the snub nose, his soft cheeks. You grin and your hand moves from the top of his head to yours. “Maybe when you’ll grow taller than me.”
And so time went on, until you got to Middle School and then High School. You grew closer and when you were older you stopped hanging out at the playground and rather met at your houses, the only safe and clean places he trusts. You even adopt some of his habits, like cleaning your hands etc. You make it a whole ceremony to clean your rooms together before hanging out.
And even after you got into college you’d still find time for him. Calling him every now and then, watching some of his games and meeting up with him whenever you were home. And of course you notice him growing up, too. The way his hair grows a bit longer and hangs into his face, his sharper jawline, the shape of his eyes. And - his height. When he was 15 he finally surpassed your height, but you both had forgotten about your little conversation at this point.
Until your mom hosts a garden party and his family is invited, too. They make you both take a photo together and when Sakusas mom looks at it, she suddenly remembers and hands her son an older camera, a video waiting to be played on the screen. You both exchange a confused look before you press play and you see the two of you as children, thoroughly cleaning your hands, the playground in the background. Sakusa looks up at you and says “Will you marry me some day?” and that’s when Sakusa stops the video, his eyes a little widened and the tips of his ears painted in vibrant red. At first you’re a little confused, as you wanted to see what you responded to his question back then, but when you look at your friend you suddenly realize and giggle.
Sakusa thinks he’s about to sink into the ground because of embarrassement. He never thought about his feelings for you as a crush since he didn’t know better. He always thought all friends act and feel like this and over the years, as he realized he was actually in love with you, he couldn’t picture himself with someone else. You were so considerate, so accepting. Never once in your life did you think of him as weird, you never disrespected him or made fun of him. And after all, you were always the one accompanying him to events and he did the same for you. And when he looked at you now - all grown up, confident, pretty, your curious eyes scanning his face - he thought about how he was never brave enough to admit his feelings for you. Not like this. And certainly not in front of you.
“Y/N... I know this might come across as weird now, because we’ve known each other for so long, and I know you’re and adult now and I barely just graduated High School but... I want to show you that I’m not that little boy from the video anymore.” He gulps when he looks at your face, your eyes still looking at his, a slight smile on your lips.
You sigh and place your hands flatly on his jacket, over his chest. “But Omi-chan... I already now that. Although if that was your way of asking me out on a date, then take this as a yes.”
Miya Osamu:
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Your mom worked as freetime volleyball coach/trainer for children and sometimes you would accompany her, wanting to see what she was doing and also seeing a chance in getting to know new friends
So you’re casually in the small gym, watching as all the younger children throw around balls, laughing and chasing each other. You’re distracted, so you don’t see the ball flying straight into your face, causing you to stumble and fall. When you look back up, there’s a boy about 5 or 6 looking into your face, a curious expression on his face rather than a worried one. “Did that hurt?” He looks back up, his face turned to someone you can’t see. “Tsumu, I told you not to punch the ball like that!” What follows is a sequence of words you don’t understand, coming from the other end of the gym. You stand up on your own and follow his gaze. You rub your eyes as you see another boy standing there, looking just like the one next to you. A little irritated you look in between them a few times, before the one next to you dryly says: “That’s my twin brother, Atsumu. I’m Osamu by the way... And I’m sorry about the ball.” He points at your face, that frankly hurt a bit, it felt hot and will probably get red in the next minutes. Osamu turns to his brother again. “It was simply because my brother can’t handle the ball well!”, he shouts and his brother sticks out his tongue for it.
And so it began and you would join your mom more often from then on, watching the twins play volleyball and develop over time. They would always come up to you and ask who did better, who improved more etc... You were older than them after all, they trusted your judgement.
You would grow particularly fond of Osamu, since he was the one who seemed to care more for you, he was nicer to you and always come up to you in between practice sessions. At first he only asked about volleyball, if you play too or why not and so on, but when you came often he’d get more interested in you. And he was barely in Primary School, you were the only girl he knew closer and you were so... mature to him. He developed a cute little childhood crush on you. “Y/N, we should marry.”, he states one day. For a moment you’re a little surprised, but you laugh and squish his cheeks. “Maybe when you grow taller than me, Samu-chan~” you tease him.
And so it would go on for a while, years even. Throughout his Primary School years he’d always come to your moms little practice sessions together with his brother and at least one time a month you would hear the same question. “Will you marry me, Y/N?” and you would always answer the same. “If you ever grow taller than me, yes.” His brother very quickly notice his brothers behaviour and tease him. Sometime later, they were already in Middle School then, it’s Atsumu who approaches you. Of course you don’t notice, since they had the same hair back then. He even styled it like his brother, so there was no difference. Atsumu thought maybe, since he was a bit flirtier, he could settle something for his beloved twin. But he gets caught mid act and Osamu is furious. Let’s say this might or might not be the final reason why they color their hair different colors.
Over the years however, even though Osamus crush on you stays, he doesn’t ask you the question anymore. During puberty he gets way too embarrassed over all his past actions towards you, especially since you were older. You literally had a boyfriend, and yet his 11 year old self still asked. His toe nails were starting to curl just when he thought about it.
He never forgets, though. But even when he does eventually grow taller than you in his first year in High School, he still doesn’t say a thing. Of course he doesn’t, you’re in college at that point and probably already made out with so many guys... His blood was boiling just thinking of it, even though he knew he was being unreasonable and childish.
On the twins 18th birthday, they throw a big party. And of course you’re invited, you’re basically their oldest friend and have followed their “career” since the beginning. Both the twins are stupid drunk in no time and you sit down with Osamu after a wild round of beer pong. He’s completely out of it, his words almost incoherent but they still make sense. You literally heave him onto the couch and sit down next to him, still laughing. For a moment it’s just the two of you, him a lot more drunk than you, the music blaring in the background, lost in your thoughts. Until Osamu speaks up, the alcohol getting the best of him.
“You know how... When we were children... Well no, when I was a child... I’d always ask you stupid questions??” he goes, one index finger raised as he explains. The alcohol in your blood and getting to your brain makes you laugh at it. He still looks at you expectantly though, like he’s waiting for your answer. So you nod. “You always asked me if we would marry one day. Like... A lot. 10 times a year or so.” He nods exaggerated. “Yessss, and you’d always, ALWAYS, say, that you’d do it when... When I get taller than you.” That’s when he pushes himself up from the couch with big effort and looks at you, a dark expression on his face. He stays like that for a while, his face neutral but his eyes determined. Until he literally falls on top of you, the alcohol making him stumble around. You giggle, and Osamu apologizes a hundred times, though he likes the feeling of your arms magically wrapping around him. It’s like a reflex of yours, you couldn’t stop yourself. “You alright?”, you ask quietly. Your faces are barely inches away from each other and he still has this certain look in his eyes, that almost makes you shiver. You always thought of Osamu as a younger brother, but ever since he got into High School and he grew taller and muscular, but also his demeanor maturing, you sometimes caught your mind wandering off... Like now. He makes a vague face before he just leans in and presses his lips to yours, capturing them in a really sloppy drunk kiss. But it’s fine, you both enjoy it. When he leans back, a smug smile traces lips. “Now I’m alright. More than that, even.”
You drunkenly make out for quite some time that night, Atsumu filming some of that in the same state as you, just so he can show his brother what he accomplished. Eventually you both pass out on the couch and when you wake up it’s a little awkward at first, until you nudge him and say that you’ll give him a chance, now that he was an adult and taller than you.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
The Witch
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I stood leant on the balcony looking out across the city, watching the villages on the other side of the mountain… they were burning, the smoke rising high into the sky, the flames illuminating the stars, we had sent a legion but they had been slaughtered along with the hundreds of men, women and children defenceless and slaughtered. My advisors were idiots, my staff useless. I feared for those in the city and the palace, the hundreds and thousands here that would die if our walls were to be breached. 
I knew what had to be done, but I was fearful to do it. 
"Romulus My king, please, you must reconsider" my father said as we walked down the hallowed palace halls
"Reconsider? What other hope have I got?"
"Our walls with prevail the legions will destroy them before they step foot into the city"
"Yeah we send one to protect the villages… how well did that go"
"Those were rural mountain villages, now where near the strength or security of the city”
“And what happens if they do get through the wall?”
“The army will-”
“What happens. If they get though?”
“If they get though” He says “The moment one of the barbarian men steps foot in on the city stone, We will have you halfway to britannia” 
“So, you want me to run off to Britannia with my tail between my legs? While my people die for me? While they suffer under a barbarian ruler? While children are tortured? While women are raped in the streets? Men forced into amries? While I hide myself away in Britannia hiding away in some dirty, muddy, tiny little hole while he destroys everything my ancestors have built?” 
“Why not come sit in with the senet we will discuss the attack and matters” “The senet is a bunch of men sitting around with titles from a hundred years ago. What is that going to help?”
“They know the city better than anyone” “The beggars in the street know the city better the senet never leaves the palace” I sighed
“Then why not go to the vestals? They always have good advice for the kings”
“Ohh so you want me to go sit around with a bunch of honry old virgins? And philosophers who cut their dicks off?” 
“Then go to the library and discuss with the Philosophers?”
“Ohh please, Unless I’m a new constellation, some old books or a cannabis bath they couldn’t give less of a shit” I sighed 
“Then go to the temple my king, discuss with the gods. Think things over in their presence” He says “Speak with Minerva, Take council with Mars,”
“I’m going to the temple… just not theres” 
“I still do not advise it my king” 
“Well that's all it is. Advice” I said “I’m going to see her” 
“You know the sort of things people…. Will say they see you going there?”
“I know. But I need power… and wisdom. Older, Stronger than the twelve”
I could feel my fear, thick inside my heart, getting heavier, harder, Like… I wanted to run away with every step I took closer, my escort followed me as did two slaves heading though the city past people all adoring but even the people had fear knowing the trouble coming and some knowing… where I was going. I walked the walk of gods where the temples all sat, I past Vesta and Vulcan, Past ceres and Minerva, Past Apollo and Diana, Past Venus, Past Neptune, Past mercury and mars, Past Pulto, Past juno and Jupiter… but I stopped a moment and nodded to the female slave who carried the offerings she nodded and took some of the flowers to juno and jupiter's statues as I felt there eyes watched me. Once she came back I continued until reaching the end of the road where the temple of Luna sat. 
I went inside the empty temple, the black stone mosaic floor clean and the roof open to allow in the sun but at the right times the moon. I went to the statue and left all the flowers there and I saw the door at the side
“Stay here, I need to see her alone” I said. They nodded so I headed to the door and down the stone steps deeper below the temple. Each stone step was dusty, and felt Ill trodden. 
I got to the chamber firelight cascading across the room and a woman in black knelt on the stone. 
“Greetings My king” she said
“Greetings Lady of the Moon” I said 
“What is it you seak?”
“You know what I seak”
She stopped and turned to me pulling the hood of her dress down revealing her shock white hair 
“You seak her?”
“I do.”
“You know what darkness lurks there?”
“I do. Please…. I need her.”
“I can send you there… but I cannot be held accountable for if you return”
“I know that. But I must see her” 
"....very well. You know where she is"
"Thank you" I nodded hurrying out the temple.
I stood changing my clothes to look plain so I could walk freely wrapping a brown cloak around me, 
"Please let someone accompany you"
"No. I don't wanna scare her. I take an army boy she'll think I'm arresting her, besides I need to be quiet, quick and unnoticed. She already knows I'm coming if she's going to hurt me there is little we can do about it" 
"My king… as one of your oldest and most trusted advisors make I speak plainly"
"I think you are betraying the gods. Your people. And your ansestors. Romulus… I have severed your family my whole life, served your father and mother while you rested in her womb and I have seved you every day you have been king… I beg of you. Do not go to her"
"I must. And honestly…" I said "I want to see her"
"Very well my king" he nods 
I took my things and scurried out the palace like a theif, sneaking thought the city as best I could trying not to draw attention to myself keeping my hood up so people didn't see who I was, I got to the city gate out to the woods seeing travelers coming in to find rooms for the night, women coming in from walks in the woods with there baskets, traders headed in and out but I walked straight out.
I felt so strange but I kept walking deeper and deeper into the woods, walking the pathway between the trees and animal burrows flowing the trail of lavender flowers that grow along the walk, there purple glow in the setting sun leading me to her.
I stopped, as I arrived.
The smell of grass, lavender and smoke filled my sinuses.
The sound of music from within, the wind in the tree's like voices, the movements of the branches and grass all seemed muted here.
I could feel grass and small sticks under my feet.
As I looked apon the house.
It was a small thached cottage with firelight beyond the windows, smoke coming from the chimneys, a wooden fence around the garden where herbs and flowers grew a gate in the fence sat close to me open already, beside the gate was a little apothecary shelf with a few bottles of things.
I stepped inside the gate shutting it behind me pulling down my hood stepping in the stone wedged into the dirt to avoid touching any plants I went to the blue door tapping three times. 
The door creaked open, I exhaled to calm me down before stepping inside, I shut the door behind me looking at the cottage, it was dark the fire going yet it did illuminate much, herbs sat on windowsills and tools in tables, a bed by the side with gosomer red and purple curtains and sheets with lots of pillows, symbols carved into anything wood or stone, the smell of something sweet over the fire and I saw her across the room sat surrounded by candles in her black dress she faced away from me her hair tightly wound around her head, working one something at her desk, lightly humming as she did. 
I stood a moment just listening to her hum, to the fire crack all of it muffled by the sound of my own heart beating in my ears.
"I-" I began
"Romulus Augustus, king of rome, second if his name right, blood of Cesar, the boy king" she says "good evening"
"Good evening miss."
"You don't have to you know"
"Don't have to what?" I asked 
"Go see her. If you would like to come see me romulus you have only to come see me" she says mixing potions
"I like to, so you know I'm coming"
"I always know when your coming" she giggled 
"I know you do. But still"
"I know why your here"
"I don't doubt you do." I said "you know everything else"
"Not everything"
"Almost everything"
"You know I can't romulus. It's not fair"
"How is it not? He believes himself a god carries dark magic with him it's only leveling the battle field"
"And I'm sure he'd say the same if he found out you had first" 
"Y/n. Please"
"My magic isn't strong enough for that romulus"
"Isn't strong enough? I've seen the power you have…" I said going over to her wrapping my arms around her neck and kissing her hair "I know you can. Please… thousands in the city will die if you don't"
"And thousands of them will die if I do" she says turning to face me going to get up and walk somewhere else but I held her hand 
"If your alligence to me? Or to him?"
"Neither of you" she says "I don't fight. For either side" she says moving away to go to the fire
"You've seen what will happen if you don't? Haven't you?"
"I have"
"Tell me"
"No. Knowone should know there-"
"Tell me!" I snapped "by order of the king you will tell me"
"I…. Romulus I can't" she said holding back tears I went over and pulled her to my chest kissing her hair 
"I'll die. Won't I?"
She nods 
"And if you do?"
"Then he dies"
"Y/n… I know that can't be easy. But would you listen anyway?"
"Okay" she nods 
"If you help me, I can give you anything, you'll save thousands of men, women and children in the city, save generations of art, books, sculptures that you'll know he'll destroy if he can and… and I'll owe you my life. And anything I have the power to give you I will. Land, a title, servents, a castle, whatever you want in this world I will do it for you, if you just do this...for me" 
"Romulus, he's my father" she says 
"He abused you, abandoned you, murdered your mother, I know he's your father but he has never once treated you like his daughter," I explain "atleast I wouldn't hurt you, I care about you… my little witch" I smiled caressing her cheek 
"Romulus, you know I can't" she says pushing me away and going back to her work 
"So you'll let me die?" I asked she didn't answer "... I thought you loved me?"
"I do"
"You love me? Your the only one who can help and your going to let me die?" 
"Romulus! I can't"
"Why not?" I asked her "give me one good reason why you can't?" She didn't answer just sitting there staring at the fire "well?"
"Relax. I already did" she smiled 
"Seriously romulus I did it hours ago. Before you even left home"
"... You evil little thing! You really had be going there didn't you!"
"It's fun" she giggled 
"What do you need for doing it?" I asked 
"The usual" 
"Alright" I smiled getting the coins out my bag and the little bag of treats from the palace kitchens 
"Thank you" she giggled taking the to put them elsewhere in her house 
"Your welcome my little witch. Thank you for doing so"
"I have to take care of you" she smiled "speaking of which?"
"Is it that time again already?"
"Alright," I smirked slipping off my cloak and my bag leaving them by the door I went over to the bed perching myself on the edge leaning in my elbows as she came over and began untieing my pants hooking her finger into each loop of the string pulling hard and so each loop and knot undid until they where completely untied she pulled them down enough that my cock jumped free excited to see her, I bit my lip hard watching her undo the small leather corset around her waist letting it drop to the floor which allowed her dress that noticably wasn't tied together in the centre as it should have been, she took each side and pulled it off letting it pool in the floor around her leaving her completely naked. I tried not to moan just looking at that beautiful body. She let her hair down completely and pushed me back in the bed I smirked back and moved to be laid in her bed as she crawled ontop of me sitting so my cock nuzzled between the lips of her pussy. I went to touch her breasts but she slapped my hands away 
"You know the rules" she says 
"I know" I blushed "I pledge my heart, my soul and my body, willingly and ...excited" 
"I pledge my heart, my body, and my soul willingly" she giggled before she lent down and kissed me, those lips as soft and sweet as last I was here. I kissed back eagerly as I felt her undoing my shirt so I took over and pulled it off throwing it off the bed she smirked sitting up and next I knew I was inside her 
"Uughhh y/n!" I groaned grabbing her hips feeling how warm and soft she was around me 
She gasped as she reached the hilt and moved over grabbing something from her table as she did the way she leant her breasts where in my face so I smirked nuzzling with them and giving them kisses 
"Romulus!" She giggled pushing me away 
"Aww come on! You can't wave them in my face and not expect me to give them a kiss" I smirked 
“Dirty boy” she smirked holding her knife she cut her hand she offered the knife so I let her cut my hand and I took her hand tightly feeling my heart beating out of my chest as she began to move … 
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heyheyheyhaikyu · 4 years
Nine- really hot captain
warning: ex lady try’s cheating and is still just horrible, so like yeah...?
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⚠︎︎written part⚠︎︎
Kuroo ran to his car as fast as he could. He knew what y/n was going through and with the recent realization of his feeling, he needed to save him. Yes, he accepted the fact that in the end it wouldn’t be his choice, but still, he felt the need to show him he’s not alone.
He scrambled to get the keys into the ignition, hands shaking and uncertainties clouding his judgment. What if he wasn’t home? What if it wasn’t his l/n y/n that Catori had mentioned? What if he didn’t want to see him? What if, what if, what if. One what if after the other, he slowly started to break.
Driving in silence to his destination with a million thoughts running through his head, he sighed. He just need to know that he was okay. Y/n doesn’t need to know about his feelings for him. He’s just worried for a friend, right?
“Okay, you can do this, just go check on your guy,” he quietly said to himself as he pulled up in front of the home.
Getting out of the car and running to the door, he knocked. “Y/n please open up, its me, Tetsurō.” His voice was soft and calm, but worry filled every syllable.
A few quiet moments went by before he knocked again. With the sounds of movement from inside, he stoped, holding his breath even.
The door slowly swung open, revealing a face Kuroo had grown to love. “W-what are you doing here?” You an almost blank look on your face.
“I uh... did you see my texts?” Kuroo searched your face for anything, but came back with nothing but a sigh. “My I come in?”
“You probably shouldn’t,” you said quietly, looking down at your feet.
“I talked with Catori earlier, y/n...” Kuroo looked at you with an in readable face. You never knew what he was thinking.
How did he know anything about her? What text was he talking about? He was the one ghosting you! All of your friends suddenly vanished and none of them will message you anymore. Now he suddenly up and shows up at you front door? What was going on?
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but you’re the one who’s been ghosting me. What do you want now? Just keep ignoring me, it’ll be best for everyone that way.” You kept your gaze at the ground. You knew eye contact would be a bad idea.
“Y/n please just listen to me for a moment.” Kuroo gently reached out and lifted your chin up. You risked a glance at him and your eyes met his. Pain. Pain and hurt was all you could see. He looked like you were his puppy that someone just kicked.
You sighed and crossed your arms. “Well I’ve made eye contact now, so come on in I suppose.” You stepped back, holding the door open to him.
You took a seat on the couch and faced him. “Care to fill me in on what’s been going on?”
“Well... to be honest I’m not entirely sure, so I think it’ll be easier to show you.” He took a seat next to you and pulled his phone out, showing you all the texts he’d sent over the past few weeks.
You looked over them with a confused expression. “But I didn’t get any of these. Look.” You pulled out your phone as well and showed him all the messages you had sent him. “Why weren’t we getting each other’s?”
He shrugged and looked at him. “My only guess would be Catori.” He sighed. “She’s your ex right?”
The mood changed drastically with those few words. You weren’t sure how he knew that and didn’t really want to know.
With a sigh you nod. “Yeah, she’s a manipulative bitch.”
He was taken aback by the statement. “If-“
You cut him off. “Because she made me feel like I had to.” You looked at him. “She’s good at what she dose. She made feel like no one needed or wanted me. I tried reaching out and contacting you and my other friends, but no one answered.” You gave him a soft smile. “Sorry for ever doubting you. And also for making you worry for much.”
“You’re my friend y/n, of course I’d worry.”
You pulled him into a tight hug and smiled softly.
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You embraced yourself in Kuroos presence, soaking in everything he had to offer. You hadn’t realized how mach you longed for his touch.
“Y/n...” he pulled away silently to look at you.
“O-oh! I’m sorry! I kinda just spaced out...” a small blush crept across your face
“No no! I just wanted to make sure you were okay!” He smiled softly and pulled him back into the hug.
As they were embraced in each other’s arms a loud noise followed by screaming and a familiar presence entered your home. Bokuto froze in his tracks as he saw the two sitting together on the couch. “Y/n...?” He looked at the boy next to you and tilted his head in confusion. “Kuroo?!”
The two of you quickly shot to your feet. “Kō?” You both said in unison.
Boukuto ran up to the two of you and you expected to be pulled into a nice warm bear hug from your best friend, but instead was met with nothing. Bokuto and Kuroo were hugging each other as tight as they could.
Tsuki walked in behind Bokuto and stared at the three of you. “Y/n, are you okay? We’ve been worried about you,” he said, walking up and pulling you into and quick hug, completely ignoring the other boys.
“Hey you little shit, I know you might have come here to check on y/n, but I haven’t see you in like a year,” Kuroo said with a pout.
Tsuki looked at him as he fixed his glasses. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there,” he said plainly with a smirk.
“Could someone please explain what’s going on here?” You stepped back and looked at the three.
“Oh! y/n, do you remember nekoma high?” Bokuto looked at you with a sparkle in his eyes.
“Of course? Wasn’t that the team with the really hot volleyball club captain in my second year?”
Kuroo burst out laughing. Like a full on hyena laugh.
“Uh... are you good?” You gave him a weird look. “Whatever, anyway, what about Nekoma?” You asked, turning your attention back to Kō.
“Y/n.... the “really hot captain”....” he didn’t know how to say it properly.
“That would be yours truly, doll face,” Kuroo said with a shit eating grin plastered across his face.
It took a second of silence for you to process what was just said. You felt your face start to burn as you looked at him blankly. “OH MY GOD THATS SO EMBARRASSING.”
Tsuki snicked.
Bokuto held in laughter.
Kuroo just grinned.
“Wait! So you guys already knew each other?!” You looked through the three with a questioning look.
“Well yeah, but you never actually told me your friends names, so I didn’t know it was them,” Kuroo said with a smile.
“And you never actually told us a name for him. He was just your mysterious hookup dude,” Tsuki said.
“Who would’ve thought that guy was you, Tetsu bro,” Kō said as he lightly punched Kuroos arm.
“Wait, i’m getting distracted. why are you guys here in the first place?”
“We obviously came to check on you, stupid. You've been ignoring us again,” Ko said with a pout.
“Oh, that, yeah. Catori came back and messed with my phone again. I’m sorry, I told you guys I wouldn't let her back into my life... I’m one hundred percent done with her now though.” You look at your best friends with a soft smile.“I know I have you guys looking out for me now and I won't forget it.”
Ko pulled you and the other two boys into a group hug. “You have no idea how happy that makes me, y/n. Who would've thought a little nudge from our friend here would be what you needed. Not me, thats for sure,” he said with a small chuckle.
“How about we all go out and get some food,” Kuroo suggested with a smile.
“Only if you’re paying, rich boy,” you teased.
“If I means I can take you out, gladly,” he teased back.
“Get a room,” Tsuki scoffed with a roll of his eyes.
“Been there, done that,” Kuroo and you said at the same time before making eye contact and bursting out in a fit of laughter.
“You two are on the same like wave link or something. You’ve done that so many times already,” Ko observed.
“Great minds think alike,” Kuroo and you said together again.
You whipped your head around to look at him. “okay, now it’s getting weird.”
“Yeah, i’m kind of uncomfortable with the energy you two put off,” Tsuki joked.
“Lets just go get food. I’m starving,” you complained as you walked out the door.
The rest of the boys followed behind you as you walked out and to the sidewalk. “Theres a really nice little diner just down a block. We can just go there.”
Everyone nodded in agreement. So, with a destination in mind and a new found prep in your step, you were headed off down the road, leading your favorite people to your favorite place to eat.
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masterlist || next || previous
☞ Fateful encounters happen all the time. When you find yourself after a bad breakup getting pressured by friends into making an online dating profile, you give in and do it. The fateful encounter to come wasn’t quite what you were expecting though.
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A/n: please keep in mind that I’m most definitely not the best writer out there. I’m not every good with words. Also, I don’t know if I should’ve dragged it out more or not, but this is more so just for learning the ins and outs of an smau. Basically I just don’t know what I’m doing, so don’t mind me🤡
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outrebanx · 4 years
Chapter 1
Summary: Y/n has just moved to the Outer Banks and is struggling to enjoy it until she meets a few certain pogues (again its an awful summary i’m sorry)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: I don’t think theres anything
A/N: I was originally doing a one shot with this but I hadn’t even got to writing the main bit yet when it seemed to be getting longer so I think if people like it I’ll make it a series and this is kinda like the prologue because theres not much interaction with the pogues and stuff (also the grammar might not be great but oh well) - any feedback would be lovely!
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It had only been a week since you’d moved away from Oregon, starting a new life in the Outer Banks, and so far you were struggling to enjoy it. Yes, it was a beautiful place but it wasn’t home to you yet, no matter how hard your dad tried to make it seem like it was, you missed being on the mainland, where you could drive to places whenever you wanted, you missed your friends, but most of all you missed your mum. Your mum dying a few months ago was what caused your dad to move out here - he no longer wanted to be reminded of her wherever he went, whether that was to Cannon Beach where you spent most of your time surfing, swimming and being with your friends (or your mum depending on the day); or if it was just to the shops, he’d be reminded of her everywhere, so apparently that meant he would drag you both to the other side of the country, far away from everything you loved.
It could’ve been worse, you supposed, he could’ve moved somewhere without a coast, which would’ve been your own personal hell, as being in the water was what made you happy and where you went to cool off if you’d argued with your dad or had a bad day.
Annoyingly, since moving here you’d only been able to get down to the sea in the evenings or at night as your days were spent either unpacking or looking for a job somewhere on the island. So far you had returned back to your house, having no luck in anyone hiring you, today was different though, you’d been offered a job at this place called the Wreck, a cute little restaurant in the middle of the island, and you had bought some food from there back with you so you and your dad could celebrate a little.
Pulling into your driveway, you turned off the engine, before getting out you stopped to look at your house - it wasn’t a great looking house, you knew this, and according to the sales person who sold it to your dad, it hadn’t been lived in for a while, which was obvious by the fact that your dad had been fixing it up all week. Your family had never come from money, your dad was a plumber and your mum had been a teacher at a high school, so not hugely paying jobs - but the money (or sometimes lack thereof) hadn’t bothered you guys, as long as you had enough money to eat well and enjoy life together, then it was alright. You agreed with this mentality, but you liked having a part time job to pay for certain things, it was how you’d saved up for a car and how you got your surfboard, so it was worth it.
Stepping out of the car, you made your way to the front door to go inside, and headed straight for the kitchen to put the food you’d brought back with you into the oven to reheat a little before eating.
Realising you hadn’t heard your dad say hello, you called out, “Hey dad, I’ve brought food, where are you?”
You heard a faint answer from the bathroom, and when you got there he was on the floor and attempting to fix the pipes under the bath by the looks of it.
“Hey, how’s that going?”
“Terribly if I’m being honest, one of these pipes had rotted from the inside out so when I tried attaching something to it, it snapped.”
“Oh that’s fun, please tell me the shower still works?”
“Yes it does, don’t worry you won’t have to go anywhere smelling like you do now.” He laughed as you stuck your tongue out at him.
Stepping back slightly so he could stand up, you replied, “And to think I brought you some food, guess I’m just gonna eat it all myself now after that comment.”
You began walking back towards the kitchen when your dad put his arm around your shoulder, “Oh, if food is on the line I take it all back, you smell great.”
“Wow thanks, that seemed really sincere.” You say, smiling back at him as you reached for the oven gloves to get the food out of the oven and onto the plates on the side.
Once you had dished everything up, you both sat at the small dining table in the corner of your kitchen, a comfortable silence falling between you as you dug into the food in front of you.
Your dad broke the silence, “This is really good, where is this from?”
“A little restaurant called the Wreck, that also happens to be where my new job is.”
“You got a job? Damn, you kept that quiet.” He laughed, “I’m really proud of you Y/N, and I know your mum would be too.”
You looked up at him, smiling, “Thanks dad, and there’s no need to be emotional, it’s just a part time job.”
“I think you’ll find I can be proud of you whenever I want, which just happens to be all the time because you’re amazing my little dragonfly.” He reached across the table to ruffle your hair, before retuning focus back to the food in front of him.
You also looked down at your plate, still smiling but trying to stop your dad from seeing how your eyes watered at the nickname your mum had given you when you were younger. The nickname came from the time you and your mum had gone on a walk in the woods near you, where there was a big lake, with hundreds of dragonflies flying around it - initially you had tried to catch some of them, but when that failed, you’d stayed still, holding your hand out hoping one would land on you. Within minutes a large blue one had landed on your hand, which was then followed by a couple more, your mum had taken a picture of this, capturing the joy on your face when you looked at the multiple dragonflies. Since then it had been your nickname, your mum even getting you a cute silver necklace with a dragonfly charm on it for your birthday a few years back - which you’d pretty much never taken off.
“So,” your dad spoke up again, “at this place, the Wreck, are there any people your age who work there as well?”
“Um, there weren’t many people working today when I was in there, but there was this one girl, I think its her family who owns it, and she seems quite nice.”
“That’s good, hopefully you might become friends then.” He smiled at you reassuringly, you bit back your comment about how you had friends at home because you knew he only meant well, and he was struggling just as much as you were in this move, so you just nodded and ate your last mouthful of food.
After you had cleaned your plate, you said to your dad, “I think I might go surfing in a bit, once my food has settled, because I’m going into work tomorrow to collect my uniform and do a small shift, and I’ll probably be too tired to do it after that.”
“Okay that’s fine,” he turned to you as you walked out the room, “just don’t be out too late, and like usual, be careful.”
“I’m always careful.” You smile at him before going upstairs to get ready.
The beach was nice and empty at this point in the evening, probably because the sun was just setting and people would rather not be out in the cold or dark. But you liked the peace and quiet of it, hearing the waves crash against the sand always relaxed you, and there was no need to worry about what other people think of you if there are no people around which was a bonus.
You set out into the water, board in hand, before it was deep enough to get onto it and paddle out a little further. Once you were far enough out, you began waiting for the perfect wave, riding a few that weren’t too great in the meantime, enjoying it all the same though. As you were sat on your board, waiting for another wave, you heard some voices on the beach, and looked over there to try and make out where abouts it was coming from. Eventually you saw a couple of figures walking across the beach, and from where you were it looked like two guys, maybe around your age, but they hadn’t noticed you yet and you weren’t sure whether you wanted them to.
It was unlikely you would be unnoticed for long though because if they looked out to the water they’d be able to see a person, especially if you were riding a wave. Checking the water behind you again, you saw a promising wave begin to form, and so you began paddling to try and catch it, forgetting about the boys on the beach as you focused, and just before the wave broke you stood up, and started riding it. You turned to angle yourself on the wave slightly better before doing a kick flip, and successfully landing it - you couldn’t help but let out a little whoop at your success, always happy when you landed a trick well. After this you only managed a few more seconds on your board before the wave crashed onto you, knocking you into the water.
You quickly swam back up to the surface, getting your board beneath you so you could start paddling towards the beach - deciding to end the night on a high and before it got late enough for your dad to start worrying about you.
As you got nearer the beach you saw that the boys who you’d seen walking were now standing there watching you come out of the water, you’d been right about them spotting you when you were out there.
Once out of the water you rang your hair out before putting it into a bun to keep it out of your face, and just as you started moving again the two boys approached you, in a way that seemed nervous you thought. The closer they got, the more attractive they became, both very tall, one with long brown hair and the other blonde and both with incredible bodies. Damn maybe you wouldn’t mind it here after all.
“Hey, we haven’t seen you around here before, are you new?” One of them, the brunette one, asked.
“Um yeah I moved here last week.”
“Oh that’s cool, by what we saw you do just then I’m assuming you surf a lot?” This time it was the blonde one who had asked the question, and as he did you could see his eyes move up and down your body, a small smirk on his face when he met your eyes.
“Yeh I lived by the coast in Oregon, so I’ve pretty much surfed since I was a kid, which is basically the only thing this place has in common with home, so I’m taking advantage of that.”
The brunette spoke up again, “Thats nice, um, I’m John B and this,” he indicated to the other boy, “is JJ.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N,” you smile at them, “but I need to go now, so I guess I’ll see you around?”
“Yeh that’d be great” JJ replied as you turned around and starting walking back up to your car, turning around one more time to give them a quick wave.
Once you were at your car, you could still faintly hear them, and from what you could work out they were talking about you, nice things it sounded like, you rolled your eyes and got into your car to drive home and collapse in your bed, still thinking about the way JJ had looked at you.
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