#what no i’m not obsessed with umbrella academy what are you talking about?
agent-toast · 1 year
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i tried doing zukich’s art style (DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/zukich/art/Five-Hargreeves-862130232) because i really love the way they draw Five! make sure to check out the original using the link!
Original - left, My Version - right
The original work is NOT mine at all. It belongs to the original artist, zukich, completely. The work on the right is mine, but of course largely inspired by zukich. However, it’s not meant to be exactly perfect, it’s my own rendition of the original art style. I did not trace anything, I only used the original art as a reference.
i’m hoping i can learn how to do my own art style like this in the future!
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froggoon · 7 months
She's my Angel: Meet the Family Pt.2 I Five Hargreeves x Reader
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Post Apocalypse Au! pt.1 Pt2 Pt3
WC: ~2,709
Warnings/Tags: fluff, Allusions to sex, Mentions of Abuse, Agedup!Five, Mentions of previous trauma
Summary: The Umbrella Academy saved the world, the Commission is no longer after them, the moon is in one piece and everyone’s lives start to fall back into place. Five attempts to start his life over again when Klaus brings home a girl with unusual shadow powers.
Five and you had fallen into a comfortable rhythm that one would think the two of you had known each other for years. You started sleeping in the same bed together, getting ready together, eating together, and spending time together. Your routine had started to fall into place.
Somedays Five would ask you to show him your abilities. He was always astounded at how powerful you were. You could use shadows to teleport, physically manifest, store objects, and create weapons. To the regular person, or to anyone like his deceased father, these powers would intimidate them, scare them. But Five wasn’t scared of you,. Slowly you had become his Angel. Five found comfort in you, someone who would stick with him while his family scattered after his sacrifices.
“Come on Angel, I’m taking you out today.”
“Out?” You tilted your head.
“Yes like…a date” he blushed. He was wearing a white button-up shirt and black slacks, the shirt was pressed clean with no wrinkles, and the top 3 buttons were undone.
“Go put on your prettiest dress and some nice shoes.” He kissed the top of your head and watched you run off. Anyone who could see the two of you could see his adoration for you. You lived up to your nickname being a small beacon of light in his dark mind.
Despite your growing "relationship" Five still had his worries. It had been 2 weeks since he met you and he wasn’t any closer to finding who had taken you or figuring out your true identity. He had only know a few things from what you told him.
You had grown up in a lab isolated from everyone. The only way of understanding the outside world was through tv and books that a kind doctor had let you before he met an unfortunate end, not that you knew about that. He also learned about the environment you grew up in by your reactions. You hated loud noises, didn’t understand cultural norms, and feared violence and abuse. Knowing this, Five learned to adjust to your needs. He wanted to take care of you and help you. You had become his new family. Maybe it was obsession but it was feeling like love.
You came bouncing down the steps of the academy in a light blue dress with puffy sleeves and a soft ballerina like skirt. The neckline was square and above your cleavage was a gold heart necklace that Five had bought you on your last outing to the mall.
“Beautiful?” You looked at him and twirled.
“Very beautiful amore.” He kissed your cheek and led you out. As the two of you were about to leave the door opened revealing Viktor.
Viktor was in town having just gotten back from a trip to Italy and decided to stop by the academy.
“Oh Five! Who’s this? I came to check on you since you didn’t answer any of my calls.”
Oops well he wasn’t wrong. Five had ignored all Vitkors calls. It wasn’t out of spite it just felt like every-time he talked to his family he had to put on a front. He didn’t need therapy, didn’t want help, and was fine without them. But talking to them felt almost condescending and a very small part of him still harbored a grudge for them all leaving.
“Uh this is Angel. Klaus brought here and left her here so I’ve been taking care of her. We were just about to go out.”
“Angel!” You pointed to yourself.
“Viktor… Five’s family?”
Five sighed when he looked at you. So innocent , unaware to the trauma in his heart. “Yes this is my brother.”
“Brother.” You tested the word out loud.
“Brother!” You pointed to Five.
“No no not I’m not your brother.” Five shot down. He could see the tears in your eyes forming. “I’m sorry Angel, yes we are… family but I am not your brother okay? I’m your friend.”
Your eyes lit up at that notion. You were aware of what friendship was, there was a nice doctor in the facility who had befriended you and taught you all you knew about human interaction until… he met an unfortunate end, not that you knew about that though.
You jumped into Five wrapping your arms around his neck and burrowing your face in his shoulder.
Brown eyes made contact with green and Five felt uneasy in his brother's judgmental gaze. Before Viktor could get out another word Five blinked the two of you to the car. Standing in the doorway Viktor turned to look back at you guys. He was happy his brother had found someone, but you seemed off. He walked into the parlor and whipped out his phone to send a text to the family group chat. Viktor: Did you know Five got a girlfriend? He said Klaus brought her one day and left her. They just went out all dressed up. Allison: No way Diego: Finally that old timer can get some Lila: Who would let that little gremlin near them? Viktor: @Klaus how did you meet Angel. Klaus: On the street. Everyone mentally cringed at the thought of Klaus picking up a girl "off the street" Klaus: She ran into me and was in bad shape, She's super cute though! I knew she and little Five would get along, I'm going to go visit them tonight. Allison: I want to see her! Im coming too Diego: Me and Lila are coming too. Luther: I guess I'm coming as well. Viktor closed out his phone and began walking around the academy. It hadn't been too long since the world was almost destroyed but this place was riddled with mixed memories of sadness but also happiness in which he and his family had finally come together.
His eyes ran over the painting of Five above the mantle. Over his travels, he often thought about Five, but not at first. Initially, he was overjoyed with traveling, meeting people, and developing a few relationships, but his thoughts began to wander back to Five. The boy who had leaped across time, and had worked his ass off to get back to his family only for them to all leave again. It made him feel guilty every time he talked to Five over the phone only to get short responses. His thoughts went back to reminiscing. Five and Vitkor were closest when they were younger, Viktor even remembers the small crush he had on the boy as a kid. Five was cocky, arrogant, and thought to be better than everyone. But the way he looked at Angel had a softness that could rival a field of flowers. The fact he had let her touch him had given Viktor enough information to assume that you had helped Five for the better. ————————-On your date———————— Five had taken you first to a cute little dinner a bit out of the city. You two sat in a booth on the same side. He was a little confused when you sat next to him but decided against saying anything when you grabbed his hand under the table. The waiter came to take your orders, his name was Alek. He looked at you mostly with a predatory glint in his eyes. "What can I get for the pretty lady here?" He winked at you. You laughed and blushed before saying "Pasta!" Pasta was a favorite of yours. Five and you had made pasta together from scratch one night and it was one of your favorite moments with him. You remembered making the sauce together, him flicking some onto your face before kissing it off with his lips. He had looked so good kneading the dough and showing you how to make the sauce and noodles. It ended happily with you in his bed. Five also knew this was your favorite dish and why. It only made his heart beat for you more. Breaking the waiter's attention off you Five stood up and pushed Aleks chest back. "And I'll have the steak, rare I like it a little bloody, and bring us back a milkshake to share, strawberry." Five sat back while glaring at the waiter. Who did this guy even think he was anyway, he literally saw Five walk in with you. Before he could think anything else, his attention was pulled away when your hand traced his jaw.
"Prickly. Ouch." You ran your finger back and forth over his cheek. Five had been growing some facial hair recently.
"What princess? You don't like?" Five rubbed his face against yours while listening to the melodic laughter erupt from your lips. Alek came back with your meals and milkshake avoiding eye contact with you and Five. Excited for your food you kissed Five's cheek as a way to thank him. The two of you ate your food in comfortable silence and shared the milkshake, occasionally laughing when both of you reached for the straw at the same time.
————————-After your date————————
You and Five had left the dinner with full bellies and even fuller hearts. Hand in hand he led you to the street. "let's talk a walk, we need to digest all that food and I know a park nearby that you'll enjoy." "Okay!" you agreed. You had begun to trust Five with... everything in this short time. He cared for you and showed you how to cook, clean, and use a phone. You were growing to love him, not that you knew what love was. As the two of you came closer to the park your eyes lit up seeing the families and children running around and enjoying the warm summer day. Your expression made Five's heart beat faster. Your innocence and kindness were a nice contrast to his years of killings and suffering. Five led the two of you to a bench that looked out to the grassy playground. You leaned your head on his shoulder and let out a sign. You finally felt at peace. No electric chair, no pointy syringes, just the warmth of Five's hand in yours and the smell of his cologne. Five looked down at you staring out into the park. He felt lucky, how could someone like you just fall into his lap when he needed it most. A thought crossed his mind, what would happen if you remembered who you were, would you leave him? The last time he was in a relationship was with a mannequin. But this was different, you needed him just as much as he needed you. He pushed those thoughts aside when he watched your eyes close. He nudged your side "Come on Angel its been a long day lets get you home." Lazily you both stood up and walked back to the car not dare letting go of each others hands.
————————-At the Academy————————
Five was on high alert as the two of you arrived back at the Academy. The lights were on in the den and he could hear hushed voices as he approached. Opening the door he was met with 3 people, backs turned towards him. He instantly recognized these figures as his siblings, Diego, Luther, and Allison. Peaking around them he saw three more, Viktor, Klaus, and Lila. "Well, this is an unexpected visit," Five stated breaking the uncomfortable silence. The trio looked at each other before Allison spoke up. "We wanted to check up on you, we haven't heard from you in a while." She looked at you behind Five, "Is this uh your girlfriend?" Five's eyes narrowed at Viktor in the corner before sighing. "She's not my girlfriend, this is Angel, I've been taking care of her since Klaus brought her here."
"I'm not Five's friend." You looked up at him, tears forming in your eyes. "No, shit I'm sorry Angel, yes you are my friend you are more than my friend." His expression softened when you wrapped his arms around his neck once again to kiss his cheek. The rest of the superpowered bunch looked in awe. Their normally cocky and arrogant brother hadn't snapped at you or yelled at you. He was gentle and reassuring. Lila was the one to speak up next to Viktor "Wow the old man finally found someone." Ignoring Lila's statement Allison continued, "Wait Klaus brought her here?" Klaus surprisingly not sober, stood up. "Yeah she ran into me all banged up so I brought her to the one place I knew could fix her up. She's got powers like us!" The family turned to you and Five once more expecting you to demonstrate. Hesitating Five looked at you "Okay Angel, show them what we have been practicing." You nodded to Five before raising your hands. In an instant, shadows rose from the ground to the ceiling of the room, suffocating any light that had been previously there. Your hands swirled causing the shadows to form a vortex. You thew your fists down bringing the shadows to your side. One arm lifted up across your chest as you threw it to the opposite area, effectively slicing a potted plant in half. Your eyes glistened with pride as you looked to Five. "I did it!" You jumped into his open arms as Five twirled you around with joy. "I knew you could do it princess!" Luther who was silent in the beginning spoke up next. "So you just found her on the street and she has powers? We don't even know her she could be dangerous then! She could be Commission!" Being number one and the head of the family was difficult for Luther. He was always overprotective of his siblings and made hasty rash decisions believing that he knew what was best for everyone. But Five remembers what happened when Viktor was discovered to have powers and he was hell-bent on not repeating it again. Five paused before turning to you and blinking you upstairs. He had tucked you in and helped you into bed before kissing the corner of your lips. "Good night darling, let me talk to my family for a bit, and I'll join you okay?" "Okay Five, good night" And with one last glance at you he blinked back downstairs. "Trust me Luther I would know if she was commission or not, when she got here she could barely talk and didn't even know her own name!" "I've spent the last 2 weeks trying to figure out where she came from. All I know is that she was brought up in a lab that focused on human experimentation to try to recreate the original 43." "You can't...You honestly can't possibly imagine, the pain she has gone through. And let's not forget what happened the last time you tried to "help" a person who had just gained their powers." Five looked over at Viktor. Viktor couldn't help but look at his lap. "Five is right, let's give her a chance. She is obviously doing well under Five's care and he cares for her back." Five looked appreciative at Viktor although he was the one who originally ratted him and you to the family. "I know you guys haven't heard from me in a while, but trust me I'm doing fine. Let's... go out for breakfast tomorrow. I know a place that we all would like. Meet back here at 9am. I'm going to check on Angel and head to bed." And with that, he disappeared in a flash of blue. The Hagreeves siblings looked at each other in shock. Never had their brother been the first to reach out to spend time, it must be important to him. Diego walked towards and grabbed Lila's hand "Well I'm happy for the guy, it was about time he got some. See you all tomorrow." He waved to his siblings and headed out. The others slowly followed suit each one of them that night laid in bed thinking about the events that had transpired and mentally prepared for a family breakfast the next day.
Author's note: I had actually finished this before Tumblr decided to not save anything and I lost half the story T-T I was really good too. I tried to rewrite it the best I could.
Author's note: 9/14 part 3 is on its way ! Taglist: @groovydazephantom
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siriusblacksbxtch · 15 days
Do you still write for TUA? If so, could you do a Sparrow!Ben x mreader smut? 👀👀
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A/N: I haven’t written in years be gentle
Pairings: Sparrow!Ben x Hargreeves!male reader
Warnings: NSFW , top!ben x bottom!reader , arrogance , dirty talk , whatever else might happen
Summaru: After being sent to a new timeline the new Ben didn’t waste any time
He was such a goddamned asshole. From his emo hair cute to his evil smirk training you down, you already couldn’t stand him.
Your Ben was sweet, kind, gentle. This one seemed to be a spoiled brat who could take anything he wanted with simply a smile.
Diego had smacked you upside the head when he caught your gaze lingering far to long, although the dickhead behavior he was inexcusably attractive.
You slowly crept inside the Sparrow Academy, none of the rich prats insight as far as you could tell, your power being heat detection. You stared around the house, looking all too familiar to your own that had been thoroughly destroyed.
“What are you doing here asswipe?” Ben’s voice made your teeth immedialey grind, glaring down the egotistical maniac.
“Here to kick your ass if I gave a damn, but lucky for you I’m just visiting.” Ben scoffed at your comment, glaring you down but it seemed hard for the sweet looking boy to appear threatening.
“Do you always talk out of your ass or are you just feeling quirky?”
“At least I have an ass, bitch boy.” Ben snorted at your comment, obviously you had earned your mouth from Diego, the two of you stirring up the most trouble besides Klaus.
“What do you want?” He asked seriously ruffling his hair as he raised an eyebrow at you.
“I’m not sure,” you muttered your (e/c) eyes flickering to the ground.
“You’re not sure?”
“I just felt like I should come,” you shrugged. Ben stood for a moment in silence, glancing at the bar and wandering over to it.
“A drink?”
“Please.” You followed after him, the man pouring you and himself a glass of scotch as you leaned against the bar.
“What’s with your families’ obsession with me?” Ben rose an eyebrow taking a long sip from his drink as a soft sigh escaped you.
“You look just like him,” you muttered. “Ben was,” you shook your head, “Ben was the best of us. I had been picked up by Reggie at about ten, an old lady wanting her cut of the money brought me to the Umbrella Academy. He thought I could be useful, but really it was all just traumatizing. The others had been used to it, but I had gone from relaxation to army training.” You took a long sip from your drink as well, almost finishing it off. “Ben took care of me, was there for me. He was everything to me.”
Ben, not your Ben, but Ben none the less almost seemed to smile at the story, shaking his head.
“So when you look at me, you think of the boy that meant everything to you?”
You stared at him for a while, finishing the rest of your drink as you gave a slow nod.
“Yeah, of course I do.” Silence filled the giant room, still nodding your head. “Although you have caught my eye in the way he never could, we were just kids. We couldn’t explain how we felt. Seeing you is almost like, like a reminder. Knowing what I felt for him was real.”
Ben stared at you for a long time, all of the asshole personality you had seen seeming to fade away as he looked you up and down with a soft smirk.
“You sound like a genuine guy,” you scoffed at the half ass compliment, nudging him with your shoulder.
“And you seem like a pretty attractive guy if you weren’t such a dickhead.”
“Some guys like a dick,” he stepped closer to you, trapping you against the bar with his hands as a sly smile graced his lips.
“Oh, trust me,” you leaned closer your lips grazing his, “I love dick, but I like a sweetheart.”
“I could be a sweetheart for a night.”
You scoffed at him, nose brushing against his as you met his eyes.
“What makes you say that?” Ben swallowed harshly at the question, ghosting a hand over your cheek as he gave you a soft smile.
“Let’s just say, you’re our Ben in this world,” a soft air of calm fell over you both, “and I loved him how you loved your Ben.”
That seemed to be all the explanation you needed, leaning closer and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Ben’s hands tangled in your (h/c) hair like they had been there a thousand times, the boy gripping at your clothes like it was his life line.
It was almost familiar, both of you reminiscing on your lost loves, but it was also brand new. Filled with a fire neither of you had explored since the tragic days you had both been through. Ben pulled at your black sweater, nearly ripping the fabric as he pulled you closer, pinning you between him and the bar.
“You siblings-” You gasped, hands tangled in his hair.
“Gone,” he slammed his lips into yours, “I promise they’re gone.”
You took him by the shoulders, pushing him back until you were both falling over the couch, landing on top of the beautiful boy.
“Are you sure?” He gasped for air as you pulled off your sweater, pulling off his top as well, a grin grazing your lips.
“More than sure.”
Ben grabbed you by the neck, thrusting his hips into yours as he pulled you back into a deep kiss, working his tongue into your mouth. His hands fumbled for your belt, you assisting him as you both stripped yourself of your clothes.
It was all too good of a feeling, the man grinning up to you with hooded eyes as his hands explored you in so many different ways. It almost felt like you were meant to be right here, on top of each other with soft smiles.
Ben’s hands squeezed your ass roughly, you soft moans filling the room as you grinded down on him, his heavy breathing following yours.
“Are you sure?” He muttered as he began to enter.
“Please,” you replied, stroking his cheek with a lazy grin.
He shoved himself inside you, keeping a steady pace as you threw your head back in pleasure.
“Ben, please.” It felt like bliss, grinding down on the man as he guided his hips to meet your own.
“Fuck, (Y/N),” a shaky sigh fell from his lips. “Feels so good.”
“Kiss me,” you uttered. The man not hesitating to pull you to his lips as he sped up the pace.
Unwilling moans were falling from your lips as you sloppily kissed the man of your dreams, him hitting all the right spots as you did so.
“Fuck Ben! Fuck, you’re amazing.”
“It’s you,” he shakily replied. “You’re amazing. You feel so good (Y/N)”
“I want you to come in me,” you scratched at his chest. “Please Ben, you’re amazing. You’re so good please, please Ben.”
“I love you,” he muttered as he released inside of you, both of you moaning loudly as you came on his chest.
Both of you ignored the words that had slid past his lips, you more so ignoring the fact that they had almost spilled from your own.
You gasped for breath, sliding off of the Sparrow, knees touching as you gave soft glances to each other.
“Well that was—”
“Amazing,” Ben cut you off, no hint of sarcasm in his tone. “Will I see you again?”
You stared at the handsome man, a soft smile on your face as you leaned in for one more kiss.
“As long as my siblings don’t find out.”
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If you scroll back far enough you’ll see this account was mainly Umbrella Academy posting. I was OBSESSED with this show, especially when s3 came out despite the writing being objectively…iffy in some scenes. But I knew how GOOD the show could be, and hell, s3 WAS GOOD!
And then s4 happened.
And let’s just say
I’m disappointed :D
Spoilers for everything s4 here on out
Ok so watching this season was like being trapped in a burning building but you’re trying to rescue your things, but then you realize they’re also all on fire. I kept watching, thinking “oh, this is gonna lead to this” or “oh that’s a cool reference to that” and NOTHING HAPPENED???
Like in the beginning, with Alison. I thought for sure, everyone was just gonna not like her for a majority of the season, she does something really cool/saves them and then they go “ok, we aren’t gonna forgive you, because what you’ve done to all of us is not able to be forgiven, but we’re gonna try to be better and include each other in our lives”
They just forgave her off camera and she was just enjoying life with them
And so I’m like “ok, I can excuse that, besides there WAS a 6 year timeskip, maybe we’ll see something with th-“
Another thing, the sake bombs
My brother in christ Klaus THREW IT ON SOMEONE ELSE AND JUST??? THAT PERSON DIDNT GET HIS POWERS?? My partner legit turned to me and was like “oohhh he’s gonna get Klaus’ powers that’s gonna be so cool.”
But nope that guys never shown again!!
“Okay…” I say slightly nervous “but Klaus is objectively the fan favorite, they can’t fuck up his character”
But then they did. Now iirc, Vietnam wasn’t mentioned at all in s3, and if it was, it was minimum, but there were SO MANY INSTANCES TO BRING IT UP AND THEY JUST DIDNT??
And I tried to excuse it, but legit it was so obvious that they should’ve brought it up. Ignoring the fact Klaus GOT DAVES DOG TAGS BACK AND SAID/DID NOTHING BUT LOOK AT THEM?? you have the scene where everyone is shooting as each other and he’s hiding in the hallowed out part of a grave (which, idk, reminds me of TRENCHES??? Which I’m like 80% sure was used in the Vietnam war) and also, did NOTHING. He covered his ears and I’m sitting there, thinking “oh maybe a flashback”
Cuz when he got locked in the coffin, I’m thinking “oh perfect time to bring up the mausoleum-“
(Also the way the show tried to make it a joke that he was being used for sex to get money left such a bad taste in my mouth. Like we physically saw him get SA’d and just…it’s a joke??? Like already we had that gross SA of Luther in s3 does NO ONE UNDERSTAND HOW SENSITIVE OF A TOPIC THAT IS??)
Then, obvs there’s the fuckup with Five
At this point, I’m beaten and broken. I have a pounding headache, the dogs looking at me and my partner funny cuz we keep screaming and- HOLY FUCK FIVE IS KISSING LILA
Five, the physically-25-mentally-65 year old, whose ENTIRE CHARACTER MOTIVATION IS HIS FAMILY
Is kissing Lila, the 30 something WIFE OF HIS BROTHER
His brother. Who he saw DEAD IN A FUCKING APOCALYPSE.
I just ??? It’s so bad??? Why??? Did you think??? That was a good idea??? No one asked for that??
(+ there was no reason to include that arc, or the fact that Lila and Diego were unhappy in their marriage. Lila, maybe I can understand, but Diego had NO REASON. Get rid of those arcs, fucking nothing changes)
And I can talk about the bracelet inconsistency, or how they only made Luther a stripper for shock value, but this post is long enough so I’m just gonna mention one final grievance
The ending.
Now, I’ve enjoyed media where they permanently kill off the main characters. Like Magnus Archives (something I frequently would post here)
In the season five finale, they kill of Jon and Martin because it’s the only way to save their world. It makes sense, Jon is already the Pupil of the Ceaseless Watcher + for him and martin, it’s genuinely the only way they can have a decent ending
If they were to keep living, they’d doom the world to constantly be in the eyepocalypse. They address what could’ve been a plot hole by saying “no, living isn’t an option, as much as we want it to be.”
And it’s a satisfying ending! Ask any TMA fan, and they’ll agree that, while sad, it was a perfect ending. So when Umbrella Academy tried to do the same I was…confused? Because that truly WASNT THE ONLY OPTION??
The scene with all the Fives where they’re like “oh btw your family causes the apocalypse every time” I thought we all kinda new that by now….
But also it wasn’t. I am firm in my belief that what caused the apocalypse every time was
1) their powers
And 2) their REACTIONS to each other
S1, for example. Viktors powers inherently cause the apocalypse, but it’s the characters reaction TOWARDS VIKTOR (cough cough Luther) that REALLY seal the deal.
So, no diner Five, it wasn’t THE FAMILY, it was your POWERS. If y’all just…don’t use them and get some family therapy, you guys are FINE.
(Also my partner brought this up, but having a show that revolves around the trauma of the main cast ending with “killing yourself is the only option” is…definitely a choice!)
So yeah. This entire season was trash from start to finish. The songs were not good, the character arcs were not good, the story itself was not good. Everything done was either for shock value (ie making the astronaut a STRIPPER.), ruined characters in ways that didn’t make any narrative sense (Five kissing Lila), or were dragged on far too long (Diego and Luther in the CIA).
And I really don’t want to hate on it, because I love this show, but I really have nothing good to say. It was bad start to finish. Get me out of this burning building, ‘cause my stuffs already burnt.
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blakenation1 · 4 months
Introduction Post
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Hello, I've seen a lot of active tumblr folks make these things so I am too! Keep reading under the cut.
Name: Blake
Gender: male 🏳️‍⚧️
I don’t label my sexuality? Sexuality labels are not for me 👍🏻
he/him pronouns!!! please!!!
Unfortunately American
I’m 18!! If you’re under 15 I don’t mind if you follow but I probably won’t interact with you a ton
Also if you’re under 15, please don’t interact with me privately 🙏
Current fixation: Dead Boy Detectives/Dead Poets Society
random fandom thoughts (that rhymed haha)
me yapping about whatever my current fixation is
I do not shut up about what my current fixation is...
and uhhhh just me hanging out and talking with people who are also obsessed with the things I'm obsessed with?
maybe some poetry and other creations?
mainly fandom thoughts. random fandom thought. say that three times fast.
Fandoms: Dead Poets Society, Dead Boy Detectives, Good Omens, Stranger Things, Percy Jackson, Adventure Time, Welcome Home (by partycoffin), Umbrella Academy (or anything Robert Sheehan), Misfits, anything Super Mario Bros, Studio Ghibli, Over the Garden Wall, Haikyuu, FNAF, Heartstopper, Sports Night, RWRB, and honestly a lot of others I can’t think of right now.
Music I like: too much. Literally can get behind almost anything. ALMOST anything. Not everything. I love jazz, classical, indie, folk, rock. I love Papooz, berlioz, Beyoncé, Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Henry Mancini, Piero Piccioni, Jamiroquai, Alex G (🏳️‍⚧️), TV Girl, and SO much more. Please talk to me about my favorite music and fandoms I will talk nonstop.
My favorite animals are sharks, I will also talk about them nonstop. 🦈
Reading and writing are also hobbies of mine
Please send me scenarios to write or something I think they're so fun 🙏🏻
I sew a lot, I like turning my clothes into random stuff or something new
Or making clothes
I love art, literally any kind of art.
Oh! and I'm pagan, I currently worship Apollo, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Athena. I also practice witchcraft so that's a lot of fun. If you’re also pagan we should so totally talk!!
If you wanna follow me on other stuff (insta, tiktok, letterboxd, Twitter, WHATEVER!) My user is also blakenation1 on most things :)
Fair warning though I never get on Twitter so 😭
DONT BE SHY TO TALK TO ME IF WE HAVE STUFF IN COMMON!!! I’m so nice and friendly and awkward and cool.
Here’s a little picrew of me so you can kind of put a face with a name?? And get a rough idea of what I look like? LMAO!!
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//hey everyone I just wanted to give an update. I’m probably not gonna be posting on here anytime soon. I love this fandom and everyone posting on it, but I won’t be posting for two reasons. Reason number one is that I honestly realized with so many other blogs of the same character it was just effecting my mental health because (even tho I loved all the blogs) all I kept thinking was how I could be better, and what I could’ve done different…on the other hand I re-entered an old fandom and made another blog too ( it’s @imaginebatmanthengolower and umbrella academy blog) because this is how I deal with obsessions lol. I do hope to come back one day, and if any of my mutuals would wanna talk about anything please dm me! I still would love to get to talk to you all//
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brucewaynesmanor · 1 month
✨ little post to introduce myself ✨
🌟 Hi I’m Lily, I use they/them pronouns (I’m afab) and I’m 24.
Main account is @martingore101
🌟 I made this blog in 2022 because of my longtime hyperfixations on comics and I will use it to talk or reblog about that ! + movies/series adaptations
🌟 I’m obsessed with X Men, Wolverine, Moon Knight (if you think it is problematic/doesn’t depict DID decently pls hmu I am always interested in learning more and questioning/analyzing what I watch), Batman, Robin (esp. Tim Drake), John Constantine, Spiderman, Deadpool, The Umbrella Academy, The Killjoys (both Gerard Way Comics, National Anthem and the regular one), Watchmen, Invincible, Harley Quinn….
And as I discover new things I’ll reblog and talk about them here if fitting 💅
I made a lot of sideblogs about all my hyperfixations bc I love yapping about them
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devils-little-sista · 2 years
Tagged by @cityofdiangelo
What book are you currently reading?
The Stand by Stephen King, my ant got it for me for Christmas
What do you usually wear?
Random t-shirts and jeans, or that one skeleton hoodie I love so much
How tall are you?
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
Aires, and no not really, at least not anything I’m interested in
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
Just my name, except a few family members that have called me Banana since I was a kid
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?
Lol nope. I wanted to be a rockstar but mom quickly squashed all my hopes and dreams before I was a teenager.
What’s something you’re good at and something you’re bad at?
Uh I’m good at making kandi bracelets, and bad at literally everything else, but if you want specific, when I’m reading something new I’m really bad at imagining the surroundings of a scene or what the characters look like or talk like. I’m still struggling with this on The Stand. It was worse when I was younger, I’ve gotten a little better at imaging the scene and characters (mostly thanks to PJO and hunger games, I’ve read them so many times I can play them like a movie in my head without even looking at the books )
If you draw/write/or create in any way, what’s you’re favorite picture/favorite lime/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
I don’t know about this year, but my thing that I’ve created so far is song lyrics and a melody I made “loosely” based on Percabeth. Also really love a few of the kandi bracelets I made with band names.
Dogs or cats?
I really love both but I’ve only ever had dogs because growing up my parents didn’t want to deal with the kitty litter box thing also my ant found out a few years ago she’s allergic to cats and she comes over a lot so
What’s something you would like to create content for?
PJO, Hinger Games, Invader Zim, Umbrella Academy, Killjoys, would also love to start writing songs again but I don’t have much motivation these days.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
The Stand right now, always been obsessed with PJO and HG and music, the entire Ju Ju album by Siouxsie and the Banshees right now
What’s something you were exited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Disappointed in myself for not having my drivers license yet I’ve been learning how to drive for three years now. Hopefully get it in 2023.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Uh I don’t have many talents at all much less hidden ones so idk
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A back and legs and shoulder and a neck and a head that do not hurt, and some hot chocolate and tiny marshmallows
@allium218 @three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat @my-apollo-gies @italian-wall-lizard @burning-moths @the-ghost-king
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What are your favorite shows? With whom do you vibe the most in BSD? Which of your posts make you the most proud?
Honestly, I don’t watch a lot of shows or movies. I mostly play video games and read books. Recently though I really enjoyed Sk8 (eagerly waiting for the next season!) and though I don’t love all the creative decisions made, I do enjoy Umbrella Academy. I also keep up with the new Moominvalley series (again, I’m a big fan of the original books so I don’t love all the decisions made, but I do love this iteration of Little My). In terms of obsessions where I make a ton of unhinged analyses though, it’s not usually shows but games - the big one, and the one I can continue to talk about forever, has and always will be Hatoful Boyfriend. That’s. Not actually what you asked. Sorry.
Hmm… vibe as in “I’m a lot like them” or “we’d get along if we hung out”? I don’t know if I’m really a lot like any character, though an amalgamate of the ‘which character are you’ quizzes tell me I am some terrifying cross between Dazai, Fukuzawa and Rimbaud with like 80% Dazai… so idk man. Make of that what you will. As for hanging out with, I’d love to say Chuuya but idk if we’d really mesh… I honestly think I’d hang out with Atsushi. Most of my friends are on the socially anxious and kind side so I think that makes the most sense.
Agh honestly idk about proud… I just write things and eagerly check the tags for other people’s thoughts… chronic people pleaser brain… But I’d probably pick that one Dazai and Q post. I loved reading people’s thoughts so much and I loved that I had written something that kind of sparked that, I guess! Runner ups include the soukoku dead apple scene meta because I love the tags under it so much and the post-meursault road trip comic because I spent a fair amount of time on it and it did its job to get a laugh out of people. :)
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musicalsiphonophore · 2 years
introduction and tag system
Be gone with ye if your blog is nsfw, gore, or anything like that. I do not want to see it. I will not reblog anything like that. However, I might make references to sex / violence, and I do swear a lot, so if that bothers you probably best not follow.
If you’re new, and your blog is empty and unpersonalised, you look like a bot. I’ll block you thinking you are a bot. Please do something to show you aren’t a bot!
I welcome asks and tags!
Things I talk about:
Biology, especially marine biology and cladistics (I don’t know what I’m talking about with biology but i sure as hell will talk about it) (my favourite thing is when those better informed than I are explaining biology things and answering my questions so tell me all your biology facts 😌) (tag #biology)
Fluting and music stuff (tag #music)
Scavengers reign (tag #scavengers reign)
Annihilation, the book not the film (tag #annihilation)
Amusing and cute animal videos and photos (tag #cute creatures)
Umbrella academy, but on my side blog @its-raining-brellies, but s4 killed it for me ngl so I’m very inactive over there
Updates on whatever book I’ve read lately (tag #reading update)
Stuff about school is tagged #schoolposting
Famous memes or heritage posts or meta about tumblr is tagged #tumblr lore
Similar stuff for other sites is tagged #[site] lore
Maths is literally tagged #maths
Tag games are #tag game
General wisdoms are tagged #advice
Original posts are tagged #siph speaks
If you need me to tag anything else, send me an ask.
This is like my 4th attempt at implementing a tagging system 😭
My favourite things below the cut
Current obsession(s): annihilation, flute Other interests: taxonomy, wolf 359, hunger games, siphonophores, biology, maths, all the stuff in the tags Musical genres I like: Literally everything? 30% indie, 20% rock, 30% classical, and 20% pop/rap/metal/other stuff Favourite colour(s): orange Favourite book(s): ANNIHILATIONNNNN BY JEFF VANDERMEER!! also the unexpected truth about animals by lucy cooke. and neverwhere by neil gaiman. Favourite season: spring!! Favourite film(s): how to train your dragon, life of pi, knives out Favorite series: scavengers reign
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I posted 438 times in 2022
62 posts created (14%)
376 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 413 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#tegan and sara - 70 posts
#paramore - 40 posts
#hayley williams - 35 posts
#elliot page - 32 posts
#kristen stewart - 31 posts
#the umbrella academy - 29 posts
#taylor swift - 22 posts
#a league of their own - 22 posts
#the umbrella academy spoilers - 21 posts
#tegan quin - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#confirmed actually her baby from the liked comments on twitter and the podcast released today where she mentions installing a car seat cause
My Top Posts in 2022:
So, I took this guy’s information and maybe about a year later I emailed him and told him I was moving to Montreal. It was February the week I moved there and it was fucking freezing, the kind of cold where you know that if you stay out too long you’ll actually fucking die. Anyway, we began to hang out and go out for dinner, but I started to get the sense that maybe those dinners were like dates or something. I don’t know that to be true, and he seemed really cool and sweet, but after nine days or so I knew I had to just be straight up with him. I asked him if he knew any gay people and he said, ‘Actually I’m in art school with a girl and I think you’d really like her,’ and he took me over to introduce me to her. Her place was in a brownstone, kind of like in New York, and we climbed all the stairs up to the top apartment, and when we got inside there was what sounded to me like a horrible racket. The kind of music where you’re like, ‘What in the fuck is this?’. Then this girl comes around the corner and I was immediately kind of intimidated, because she was clearly gay and super cute. She took us into the living room and gave us a beer and then went to get ready because we were going to go to some kind of lesbian Meow Mix kind of event. I’ll never forget Antoine and I just looking at each other and I was like, ‘This song, right? Crazy!’ and it was “Fuck The Pain Away” by Peaches. Anyway, the end of that story is that I ended up dating that girl and she became our band’s art director, and has been our art director for almost 20 years. She absolutely fucking loved Peaches. I was so not ready for that electroclash sound at the time, but because I desperately wanted to be cool and I thought she was the coolest person in the world, I started to love everything that she loved. And so I became obsessed with Peaches too.
Sara Quin talking about meeting Emy for the first time
28 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
I felt so supported by everyone. We were shooting right after I disclosed that I’m trans, in total isolation. That was definitely an overwhelming period, but I feel so lucky that I was going to work and getting to be with so many supportive people. I’m so lucky to work with this cast. And in any moment that I did express fear and anxiety, I felt listened to and cared for. And obviously, that should be the case all the time, but we know how things are. So, it’s special. And that Steve, you would make the choice to do this and commit to doing it the right way. I feel like that’s the kind of showrunner you are and have been doing that the entire time we’ve been making the show, including last season with Sissy. So it was just building on already that you’re so wonderful because you have your distinct singular vision mixed with being so collaborative and I’m really grateful for that, always.
Elliot Page
30 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
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See the full post
31 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
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58 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“I am deeply gay - sorry concerned, deeply concerned. It just feels like this is gonna make kids gay and trans - sorry depressed and suicidal, and I just think these laws are lesbians - sorry unconscionable!”
88 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Wrestling and Reunions | Diego Hargreeves x Reader
Prompt: Time/Superhero
Words: 1037
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Summary: You had offered to follow Diego back to his childhood home for his father's funeral as emotional support, but it seemed that you were way out of your depth.
You were back to roaming the halls of the academy as Diego and his siblings caught up with Five. As much as you wanted to be in that room, you could sense that most of them did not want you there. You were still an outsider after all.
“Am I allowed to ask what happened to Ben and Five?” you asked Pogo as the two of you stopped to drink tea back in the library room with the portraits.
He hummed, looking up at the portrait of Five hanging above the fireplace. “I do not want to go into details. It is up to Diego or any of his siblings if they want to talk about it, but… Five disappeared seventeen years ago. No one knew what happened, they just assumed that he ran away. After that, Ben… what happened to him was horrible and it is a topic they try to avoid. That is all I can say.” Pogo placed his cup of tea down, the saucer and cup clinking onto the table. “Thank you for taking care of Diego. I can see that he is very happy.”
“Well, I hope so. I know that he’s been through a lot,” you said, staring down at the tea leaves that had gathered at the bottom of your cup as if there was a sign about the future, “He isn’t good with dealing with his emotions. I came so he doesn’t do anything stupid.”
Pogo chuckled. “Then, you’ve got your work cut out for you, I’m afraid.” He looked up and smiled. “It’s nice to see you again, dear boy. You don’t look a day over thirteen.”
Five stood with his hands in his pockets, donning the Umbrella Academy uniform. You guessed that it was the only thing available in his size right now. He nodded over at Pogo and gave a small fond smile.
“It’s good to see you, too.” His eyes landed on you. “You must be the future in-law, which is a surprise. I doubt any of us is psychologically capable of maintaining a steady and healthy relationship still.”
You set your cup down. “I could see that… no offense.” He shrugged. “How is this possible?”
“I’d explain, but I’ve already tried it with my idiot siblings. So, how long have you known my brother?”
With the way his eyes narrowed as he strode over to you, despite being in a teenager's body, you couldn’t help but think that he was interrogating you and you sitting down gave him an advantage.
“A while. Five years or so,” you said.
“A long term relationship. That doesn’t sound like Diego. What’s your deal here?”
“You have so much confidence in your brother,” you scoffed, standing up.
“Yes, well,” he rolled his shoulders as he stood his ground, “Let’s say that my line of business as well as traumatic childhood didn’t leave much room for trusting people. I’m assuming that I’m going to see you around a lot?”
“I’m not going to intrude in your space. If you guys don’t want me here, then I’ll leave,” you said.
“Then leave,” he said firmly, “You’re going to waste your time here. When Diego gets obsessed with something, he thinks of nothing else. Do what you want to do while you can.”
You didn’t even realize when Pogo slipped away, but you were too busy trying to figure Five out. He had the body of a kid, but his eyes looked exhausted, his shoulders tense as if he was straining to hold the world on them. His hands in his pockets was a sign of arrogance, something Diego had mentioned to you before, how he felt that he was the smartest person in the room. The way he spoke, though, made it seem like he had seen it all and knew it for a fact.
“You say that as if the world is ending,” you said quietly.
He sighed, looking away with a grimace. “You don’t know the half of it.”
You wanted to ask him more, but Vanya walked in. “Sorry, (Y/n), Diego was looking for you,” they said, pointing over their shoulder.
You gave Five one last look before walking away.
Diego held the umbrella above you, rain soaking through his coat despite the umbrella being big enough for the two of you. He’s so dramatic. Luther awkwardly held their father’s urn as Pogo stepped up to say a few words. Diego scoffed at the positive light that he had painted old Reginald Hargreeves, interjecting what type of father he really was. Klaus laughed as Allison rolled her eyes.
A fight breaks out between Diego and Luther, much to yours and Allison’s dismay. She pulled you back before you could step in. At the same time, Vanya pulled Grace out of the way as they tousled about in the courtyard. It was ramping up and up until Luther swung and knocked the statue of their late brother down.
The messy funeral was over just like that with Allison storming back into the mansion and Vanya upsettingly telling them off. Diego muttered a snide remark that you couldn’t quite hear as you looped an arm around Grace’s. Five shook his head, walking away without a word. Diego walked back to you after angering Vanya.
“Lets go inside,” he said softly, a strong contrast to the harsh display he had just done. He took Grace’s other arm and led you two inside without meeting your eye. This was why he was so hesitant to bring you. He never wanted you to see this side of him.
You laid on Diego’s old bed, the events of that morning alone still processing in your mind. When you met Diego, you didn’t know that he was a part of The Umbrella Academy. You were always curious about the group of kids that had superpowers and fought off criminals in their school uniforms and masks. Like anything, the academy had its dark side. Watching them fight crime and basically become celebrities, you never stopped to think until you were a little older that despite the glory and fame that the media portrayed, they didn’t have the chance to have a normal childhood.
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caitimetravels · 3 years
she's insignificant
chapter 9: i missed you.. say it back
the umbrella academy x (fem) reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters.
warnings: none
"klaus?" y/n stepped upstairs, hoping he was home. she was worried after he disappeared but was relieved to feel him now. she wandered through the house, looking around for him. she called out as she walked.
finally, she caught sight of him in the bathtub. he looked distressed, eyes blown wide and flickering around in fear. with quicker steps she knelt beside the bath, reaching out and shaking his arm. "klaus?" she called but he didn't seem to hear her.
"klaus?!" she shouted, worried. he shot up, shaking. "hey, hey, are you alright?" she placed her hand gently on his shoulder, speaking softly so as not to startle him. he breathed heavily before staring blankly at her for a moment, eyes teary.
"klaus? what happened to you?" she slowly moved to take his hands, examining them. she frowned at the blood and dirt adorning them. where had he been?
klaus didn't answer her question for a while, instead sobbing quietly, leaning back in the tub. he looked broken, it was the worst she had ever seen her brother in his life. she could practically see his heart torn to shreds in his chest. not wanting to worsen his mood she reached for some soap and a cloth, letting go of his hands for a moment. she moved back to sit beside him. she took his left hand first, softly wiping away the blood and dirt. 
neither of them spoke for a while, both just enjoying the others presence. 
"i was worried" she eventually broke the silence, voice almost a whisper, "i couldn't feel your soul and i thought.. i thought we lost you"  there was a pause, "where did you go?"
klaus frowned, looking up at her now, eyes still glassy with emotion. "i met someone" he slowly begun, "i time travelled, back to 1968 in vietnam.. i fought in a war" he chuckled bitterly, "he was.. beautiful, i loved him- i love him more than myself.. we spent almost a year together before.. " he begun to choke up, eyes filling with fresh tears.
"hey, hey, it's okay" y/n reached a hand up, caressing his hair. she shifted so that she sat on the side of the bath and he could lean his head against her hip while she continued to thoroughly clean his hands. "i'm sure he was lovely. probably sweet and he'd have to be able to keep up with you" she gently teased, poking his wrist. he laughed feebly, nodding against her side.
"he was so sweet. very handsome, he was so supportive.." 
"he sounds perfect for you" y/n smiled sadly, wishing she could have done something to bring him back for klaus.
"he was perfect" klaus sighed shakily, whispering quietly. y/n didn't want him to spiral, he was probably hurting a lot right now. so, she continued talking, anything to help ease his pain. she knew it wasn't much in comparison but she couldn't just let him hurt. 
"i'm sure he would have done well at a family dinner" she joked, hoping to direct the conversation elsewhere. klaus laughed a bit louder, imagining him interacting with their family.
"oh, he'd be so intimidated" she smiled, "you'd all probably scare him off"
y/n gasped in mock offence, "i would not! i'd be very nice, thank you very much!"
"hm, i'm sure you would. i can't say the same for diego and luther though" klaus hummed, much more at ease now.
"what about five? he'd be so grumpy" y/n teased her brother and klaus chuckled too, "that's if he even showed up though" 
"the little gremlin, probably wouldn't even acknowledge us" 
"gremlin?" y/n snorted, "i suppose he always has been, huh? i have to say, he's a lot worse now than he was"
"now?" klaus raised his eyebrows, pulling back to look at her. he thought about it for a moment, "he's not too bad i guess, just doesn't want to ask for our help" 
"we never really talked much so i can't accurately comment on when we were younger but he's definitely a solo rider now" she nodded, 
"what about me?" klaus gave a small grin, 
"what about you?" she hummed, amused.
klaus rested back against her, "how have i changed?"
"you didn't change that much, i suppose" she paused her movements with the wash cloth, thinking about it. "i think you've matured though, you've been through a lot, we all have and we've all done it alone.. i guess that's just made us all grow up a bit more.. depressed then we should've. you're still the same though, you're still funny, you make me laugh, you're still drug obsessed.. you should stop but i know you probably won't.." she gently resumed washing the blood away. "you're familiar, i guess.. i really did miss you, you know?" 
klaus smiled, although it looked a sadder than before. "i know, little sis. i missed you too.. sometimes i wish i had taken you with me when i left but i knew i couldn't.. i'm sorry i left you all alone"
"mm, well.. it's okay, while i was lonely i'm glad you all found your own lives" she shrugged it off, calmly. she dropped his arm now, standing up. "now, come on, the water's probably cold by now" 
"hey.. little sis" klaus made her stop and pause for a moment. "i lied to you.. when we were younger"
"what do you mean?" she frowned,
"about ben.. he was there, he's always been there" klaus looked down, "i should have told you when you asked but i.. i was scared dad would realise i wasn't completely hopeless or some crap like that"
"no, no, i get it.. sort of" she smiled, "i lied to everyone as well"
they shared a soft look, both really having missed each other.
she then turned to wash the cloth in the sink while klaus got out, he pulled the plug and took a towel with him to his room. while she washed the cloth he dried off and got dressed. she looked up as she heard footsteps. using her powers she knew it was five. he stood in the doorway to klaus' room, looking at the bloody hand prints on the bathtub and the red trail that lead to his room.
he slowly walked into the room as klaus pulled a shirt on. he knocked softly,
"you okay?"
"yeah.. just uh long night" klaus shrugged it off, shirt hanging on his arms. noticing that he begun to pull it over his head.
"more than one from the looks of it" five stepped into the room.
y/n wrung out the cloth, seeing as it was no longer red and left it on the side of the sink, folded over. she walked down the hall, grimacing at the trail klaus left.
"don't remember the dog tags" five pointed out as she stepped closer.
"yeah, they belong to a.. friend" klaus waved it off, pulling his shirt down.
"how 'bout that new tattoo?" five was obviously pushing him, wanting answers. 
"you know, i don't totally remember even getting it" klaus shrugged, "like i said, it was a long night"
"what are you questioning him for?" y/n spoke up, leaning against the door. klaus didn't need five picking on him right now. he glanced at her before looking between them.
"he did it.. didn't you?" he asked, smirking.
"what are you talking about?" klaus frowned, taking a seat.
"you know i can recognise the symptoms klaus" five walked further into the room, right up to him.
"symptoms of what?" 
"the jet lag, full body itch, the headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain" five paused, watching as klaus ran his hands down his face. "you gonna tell me about it?"
"your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you. they took me hostage instead" he
"and in return you stole their briefcase" five smirked,
"yeah, i thought there was money in it. or i could pawn it, you know, whatever" klaus looked away, sighing "and then i opened it.." he looked down and five begun pacing.
"and the next thing you knew, you were where? or should i say when?" he paused to look at klaus.
"what difference does it make?" klaus threw a hand up, annoyed.
"what diff-? okay, how long were you gone?" 
"almost a year" klaus sighed.
"a year.." five breathed before leaning in towards him. "do you know what this means?"
"yeah, i'm ten months older now" he joked, 
"no, this isn't any sort of joke, klaus. hazel and chacha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase" five leaned in, pausing his pacing "where is it now?"
"gone, i destroyed it. poof!" klaus made a motion with his hands,
"what the hell were you thinking?" five glared, speaking through gritted teeth,
"what do you care?" klaus annunciated, 
"what do i care?! i needed it, you moron- so i could- i could get back, i could start over!" five begun to yell, getting angry.
"just.." klaus stood, shaking his head. he was done.
"where are you going?" five asked, watching him walk away.
"interrogations over.. just.. leave!" klaus called back, annoyed.
"nice going, five" y/n called, rolling her eyes. five's head snapped towards her.
"nice going? y/n i needed that-" he seethed but she cut him off with a hiss,
"i don't care, that's not an excuse to harass your family. klaus is having a hard time right now and you just barged in here like you own the place, getting angry at him for getting kidnapped!"
"i don't have time-" five scowled, beginning to argue,
"for what, five?! for us? for your family?" y/n took a moment to calm down, glaring at him "you can save the world all you want but remember.. if you ruin your relationships with us, they can't be fixed with a simple equation" 
she was about to leave before five grabbed a piece of paper, sitting down and using his knee to write.
"what are you doing?" she leaned closer to get a good look,
"i have a plan" he simply stood up and walked to his room. what was he up to this time?
she followed along behind him, watching as he begun to write on his walls, having run out of books and paper. she sighed, flopping onto his bed, waiting for him to finish whatever he was doing so that he would finally talk to her.
"ben.. he was there, he's always been there" he was there when she felt him in the room, she knew she wasn't crazy. would he be happy.. proud of her? would he have seen her fighting with her siblings? did he know about her powers and her efforts to find five? did he see all her training with dad and the long days she would study to help their brother? 
she wondered if her father could see it too.. could he see them all fighting? their problems all resurfacing? did he see her possess that assassin.. see what he didn't discover?
ben stood in the doorway, watching as five wrote away on the walls. he walked over to the bed, reaching out to take y/n's hand. he frowned when their skin never made contact, he only phased right through her. 
y/n frowned, sensing someone else. she sat up slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed and concentrating. ben stood in front of her, confused. he bent down to see her face clearly, her eyes were black..
"ben.." she whispered with a smile, her normal e/c eyes returning. the said boy smiled back, at least she knew.
tag list: (if your name is crossed i couldnt tag you) @rxses-and-reverie @lostgreekgod @on-yourmark-99 @bicyhot1 @navs-bhat @midnightmystic @shawkneecaps @baby-bi-bi-bi-yeah @velveticxyyy
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jcmiesingh · 3 years
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honorable mentions that aren’t strong parallels but i’m including them just for laffs: dennis reynolds (it’s always sunny in philadelphia), klaus hargreeves (the umbrella academy), jj maybank (outer banks), roman roy (succession), michelle mallon (derry girls), and this text post 
see below for me going alligator_talking.gif about the six main parallels!
lip gallagher (shameless): ok i will not lie it has been years since i watched shameless so this one is mostly just vibes but his vibes are soooo jamie. especially the whole “feeling deeply but not knowing how to express feelings well so they come out in destructive ways” energy. i think the main similarity that differentiates lip from the other characters i included on here is that he’s smart in the same way that jamie is. sometimes i forget but jamie is actually very booksmart lmao it just doesn’t matter to him bc he never showed up to class and did not even consider college. so from what i remember of lip’s arc it’s the same kind of wasted potential energy where he could be applying his brain and succeeding in life but instead he does not give a flying fuck about academia and would rather be a menace to society.
dimitri (anastasia): i just thought of this parallel this morning and now i am absolutely obsessed with it. to be clear, i am not talking about the dimitri in the second half of the movie who learns to be selfless through falling in love and is sexily redeemed. i’m talking about the first half where he’s a lying con who manipulates others to his own ends and is a complete smooth-talking asshole. and also, the whole backstory of growing up poor and believing money will solve all of his problems? very jamie. even just the way he like, talks and carries himself is super similar to jamie’s mannerisms in my mind.
james cook (skins uk): once again i must include a disclaimer that i watched skins a super long time ago and my memory is poo. but ever since i came across this gifset, the jamie/cook parallel has lived rent-free in my head for months. i think the most distinctive thing he brings to the melting pot of jamie parallels is the fact that he is such a fucking survivor. like, no matter what bullshit he gets into & what kind of messes he creates for himself, he gets up and keeps going like a gross lil cockroach u keep trying to squish under your boot (thank you again to blair for that iconic comparison). and of course the general shitty troubled boy energy and the belief that he’s not really worth much at the end of the day.
john bender (the breakfast club): i know this movie is outdated and bender does some things that are straight up not okay but those are not included in this parallel thanks! we’re talking about the reckless disregard of rules and authority, the never knowing when to shut up, impulsivity and always fucking things up for himself. this is yet another case in which i don’t remember that much about the details of this movie lol but the vibes are 100% there.
jess mariano (gilmore girls): it’s this gifset for me if i’m being honest... the sarcasm is absolutely jamie vibes. i don’t think he has a ton in common with jess on a deep personality level but this one is mostly just based on energy? like the no-good kid who has a bad reputation in his small town, doesn’t give a shit what any of those people think, just walks around being a smartass instead. it’s also the mannerisms and the dry humor and emotionless witty facade.
rue bennett (euphoria): we’re just going to ignore rue’s whole addiction storyline because this one is also strong on just vibes! like if i had to describe how jamie carries himself through his day-to-day life, it’d be as a combination of dimitri, jess, and rue. i’m also including her because there is for sure something to be said for the fact that she believes the only thing she can do is hurt people, and there’s no point in trying to really better herself ‘cause she’s always just gonna be a shithead. that’s big jamie energy too.
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redleavesinthewind · 2 years
hii, thanks for the tag @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie <3
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
name: elliot
star sign: pisces
height: 165 cm
time: 11:30 am cet
birthday: 6th march
favourite bands/artists: ugh it changes all the time…. at the moment it’s fleetwood mac (though they’re kinda always up there), florence + the machine, the oh hellos, avatar, bear mccreary, barns courtney, john powell
last movie: i’m not a movie person, so i genuinely have no idea what the last thing is i watched. but i think it was ella enchanted
last show: i’m currently watching so many things at once it’s not even funny. rewatch of merlin (s1), black sails (s4), stranger things (s2) and i’ve started first kill
when did i create this blog: this one specifically? i genuinely don’t remember and i also don’t know how to check tbh
what i post: so much fandom stuff. sometimes i throw my writing in the mix. i also complain about uni a lot
last thing i googled: 33 degrees c to f because it’s fucking hot here and i got curious if this would get us into the 100s in fahrenheit (it doesn’t, it’s like 94)
other blogs: not really. i had a ted lasso sideblog but i barely use it, i prefer to stuff all my obsessions into one very chaotic and overfilled blog
do i get asks: sometimes! it’s mostly when i rb ask games, but sometimes i get some randomly. anyway, asks is one sure way of making me smile, my inbox is always open
following: 325. there was a time i tried to limit that number, but i’m in too many fandoms for that tbh
average hours of sleep: 7 or 8
instruments: learned to play the flute when i was a kid but hated it, so i switched over to piano. i haven’t actually played in a long time, but songs i was able to play include house of rising sun and nights in white satin
what i’m wearing: black joggers with my uni’s dance society’s logo on, a black stranger things shirt that my mom got me, my glasses (purple rims) and a purple bracelet/band that was a ticket to a party event a few days ago
dream job: i kinda just want to vibe and live in a house with my friends and write sometimes and raise a few children isn’t that enough?
dream trip: well it was the highlands, but i’ve been there, so now it’s norway
nationality: luxembourgish
favourite song: you want me to choose?? anyway, the chain by fleetwood mac, herzalarm by blümchen, the black sails theme, sinners by barns courtney, the only murders in the building intro, fast car by tracy chapman, talk by hozier, no light no light by florence + the machine, pompeii by bastille, caesar by the oh hellos, i could go on
last book i’ve read: solitaire by alice oseman
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: hmmm this is hard actually…. the pjo universe maybe. there are monsters but who doesn’t wanna be a demigod, really. also whatever the umbrella academy universe has going on (when the world is not ending of course). it’s just kinda weird on its own already, i’m intrigued
okayy, that’s it! no pressure to the people i’m tagging <3
@kafkaguy @oliverbanks @romasubrosa @cardsharps @scoobydoo-ghoulschool @emeraldcas @marlborocas @faithdeans and whoever else wants to (i know i should have tagged more people but i had barely any sleep and my mind is empty of people i know)
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more umbrella academy live-blogging that no one asked for but me~~~
episode 4:
- y’all i made a season 3 playlist over a year ago with songs that i wanted to be in the show and house of the rising sun was on it,, when i say i screamed,,,,,
- aww sissy got a girlfriend :,) who may or may not have left her after her son exploded a rabbit
- hey. hey harlan. What The Fuck
- NOOOOOOOOO SISSY 😭😭 i mean of course she’s dead she would be insanely fucking old if she wasn’t but still
- ok i’m obsessed with harlan
- i love how diego like,, whistles to his son
- the diego-stan hug i’m soft 🥺
- klaus arriving ten minutes late to the action looking fashionable as fuck
- i love that they’re all like ‘oHHHH harlan :) we remember that guy!!’ after he brutally murders two people in front of them
- wait no fuck they’re actually dead?? they’re just killing off sparrows left and right huh 😭
- i adore lila and five’s dynamic
- uhh,,, diego,, you are,,,, you’re hot.
- poor harlan he didn’t sign up for any of this shit :,/
- allison trying to rumor herself to be happy……….. perhaps,,,,,, perhaps i will sob.
- okay but the implication that fei’s own birds clawed her eyes out is horrifying
- klaus’ outfits are absolutely slaying this season
- uncle klaus :,)
- ahhhhhh poor sloane i just want to give her a hug
- luther’s “all i have is my family” speech,, i’m soft 🥺
- i’m loving this therapy session between stanley and klaus
- harlan being chill about viktor transitioning, we love to see it :)
- harlan and viktor talking about sissy made me sad :,//
- “tunde was not a prince, he was a king! 😡”
- whyyyyy does five have paradox psychosis right now 👀
- “do not disrespect the slushee.”
- “they call me dr. fuego 😏” “..no one calls you that.” “they should though.”
- i adore the diego-allison bonding
- YESS kill the white supremacists we love to see it!!!!!
- jesus christ, ben is such an asshole
- old five founding the entire commission,,, what the fuck,, ,,,,,,
- “an extra kinky kind of black hole”
- i just want everyone to know that when old five went “all that will be left is…” i whispered “oblivion” a second before he did because i’m just cool like that 😌
- i like five so much more this season,, he’s just a little guy,,,, i love him :)
- “whatever you do… don’t save the world.” well that isn’t foreboding at all ! !
- all this buildup to hotel oblivion is making me very excited but also very very scared
- “uncle klaus!” 😭😭 stan’s gonna have so much trauma from this :,(
- oh what the fuck,, i stg if harlan killed their moms,,,,,
- oh holy shit. jesus christ. that second house of the rising sun sequence was so good but so fucked up. what the fuck.
episode 5:
- what the fuck reginald why are you going all frankenstein on baby klaus
- mr. teen klaus sir i’m in love with you
- i kinda wish there was a klaus actual-death incident in vietnam shown because it seems likely that he would’ve died there and also because i want to see My Boy
- viktor and harlan going power to power is so cool looking
- ohhh my god he killed 27 women,, that’s why there were only 16 :0
- whoever harlan’s actor is, he’s really good
- raymond chestnut i’m in love with you <3
- allison is SO hot
- fei and ben are. also hot.
- oh finally five shows up
- awwwww lila hugging diego 🥺🥺
- ohhhh shit this is not going to go well
- this is simultaneously heartbreaking and kinda funny
- obsessed diego and stan having a breakdown and meanwhile klaus is just chilling in the afterlife
- i’m sorry,, 56 TIMES??!!!!!????!!
- aww i love klaus’ mom :,)
- why is his soup a buffalo.
- who are these fucks in the hotel being all suspicious (it’s probably hotel oblivion related isn’t it)
- “you LOVE to say i told you so.”
- oH i just noticed that allison wears her wedding ring around her neck 😭😭
- “you are my blood” 🥺🥺 (according to google translate,, i do not speak spanish)
- hit new game, guy in a carpet! (chet’s a real one though.. “i hope you win”)
- stan calling his dad a bitch in spanish >>>
- i’m very glad klaus woke up before the other siblings learned he was dead
- klaus out here being that one pedro pascal laughing/crying meme
- klaus crying and saying he thought he was dead while clutching dave’s dog tags… inch resting 🤨.
- WHY does no one react to klaus saying he had a speargun in his chest?!?
- “what did we miss?” “the universe is ending and we’re all going to die.”
- ahahahahah FUCK that’s not good
- me: oh finally a shot of the globe, i can figure out where this whole thing takes place! the shot of the globe: *is utterly incomprehensible*
- no allison baby </3
- “the stepsiblings from hell”
- when klaus says important things but no one listens to him 🙃
- “little britain” ahsktjdsk
- lowkey obsessed with lila calling klaus ‘kitten’
- when viktor is harlan’s father figure but harlan is simultaneously viktot’s grandpa figure
- “you know how many kids wish their cool dead uncle would come back to life!?” “that’s a bit random.” “not helping.” “okay.” pleaseee their banter >>>>
- WHYYY did a mysterious door open,,,,
- aww lila is so fond of her family
- ahsjtkdjakdkskdkfnkdkhh i missed diego and lila together
- not her basically calling diego a dilf 😳
- i am. too bi for this.
- the weird incest plot being turned into healthy sibling communication we love to see it
- thank fuck luther’s self aware now
- allison has a right to be mad but also i’m so glad luther is standing up for himself after two seasons of never standing up to anybody
- ohhhh allison no,,,,,,
- oh no oh fuck oh shit i spoke too soon the incest is back and it’s worse than before
- ohhh i don’t think harlan going with allison is a good idea
- ohhh luther that “again” was really low
- klaus’ gay little sit on the counter :)
- god i love the klaus and five dynamic
- “become an alpaca farmer”
- of fucking course klaus knows what the tattoo is
- pogo What The Fuck
- also wow what an ending montage
- this is not episode related but it’s a good summary of my internal struggle thus far: me: klaus should have his own plotline and character development outside of his trauma also me: give me dave 😭😭😭 bring back my darling boy 😭😭😭😭😭
episode 6:
- woah it’s weird to see (relatively) normal looking alphonso and long-haired fei
- jesus fucking christ ben you are. fully willing to murder your sister, huh?
- “suck it, squid boy” i’m actually so in love with her
- butler pogo? no, i only know sensei pogo.
- “what humanity?” oh right,, i forgot about that fun little plot point of reginald being a fucking alien
- holy shit pogo’s ponytail…. it’s magnificent..
- allison calling viktor ‘tiny’ <3
- the world: ending luther: hehe pretty girlfriend :)
- “the only thing we really have in common is childhood trauma” he’s right and he should say it
- luther you dumb fuck (affectionate)
- “we share a wall. and your bed squeaks.” i love you so much fei
- oh fuck oh no a cockroach
- “enjoy the view ;)” i love this smug bastard
- fuck yeah hotel oblivion time >:)
- holy shit harlan’s powerful
- “what’s your game?” “big fan of yahtzee :D”
- aww luther talking about ben :,( also what the fuck is the jennifer incident,,
- nooo don’t indoctrinate luther
- pogo having a human girlfriend is. deeply upsetting.
- not more william shatner 😩
- klaus baby i love you and also holy shit ur life was rough—
- lila being surprised that diego can’t read the sign that’s in japanese,, lila darling we learned last season that diego is in fact very dumb when it comes to reading other languages
- LILA WHAT THE FUCK??!!!!!!!!
- oh no reggie,,, just when he trusted you,, you fucking killed him 😩
- harlan have you ever just considered that you are autistic and viktor is not
- marigold 👀
- god allison i love you,, please let me hug you,,
- viktor done took his marigold back !!
- “i was adopted and i turned out pretty well” are we…… are we sure about that diego??
- “are you insane?!” “uhhh.. we met in an asylum.”
- i’m. uhh. i’m not sure how i feel about this twist with stan.
- noooo 😭😭 i was waiting for the stutter to make an appearance 😭
- god this show just keeps saying trans rights :,)
- ohhh fuck harlan no,, don’t tell her she doesn’t know
- allison please don’t hurt him
- hi what the fuck is that growling
- okay no but what the fuck,,, diego’s fingers,, the scythe,,, the growling,,,, WHO/WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!??!
- stanley you motherfucker
- oh fuck. allison NO did you fucking kill him?!
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