#what the ffffffffff aaaaaaaaa
luxcruor · 2 years
❰❰ head kiss ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the forehead - post calquisitor for ruby 🙂
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keeping watch for a sniper wasn't simple. she had to be on constant guard for a flash of a lens. she'd snatched some sort of electronic view-finder from an unconscious trooper's helmet, scanning the surroundings for her. using the force next to the inquisitors hideout was like lighting a bright silver flare in a dark cave. her hand grips the "borrowed" blaster tighter as they make their way further into the tree-line. the building lifted out of sight as they made their way carefully down the steep incline. it was like any hill back on Patch 2.. except this was Kashyyyk.. way steeper hill. branches and rough leaves smack at her face as they gain momentum but the end was in sight. the end of the incline was approaching blindingly too fast.
" wooaaah okayyy ha! here we go.. here go." she encourages ( mostly to herself ) legs sore and stiff from sitting in the interrogation chairs she still decides to roll. feet bumping into a root sends her tumbling the rest of the way like a log instead. her vision is rattled as she bounces off something hard scrapping against her leg and bringing her slide to a violent halt. ruby skids a few feet as the leaves and dirt cradle her. " nngh here we don't.. i guess. why am i so clumsy at the worst times.. " she huffs out. suddenly something soft makes her eyes shoot open. a familiar sensation of lips against her forehead. she sees Cal. after everything.. she made it deep enough to get him out. enough to find the light he had tucked so far away it was nearly gone when she had found him. nearly. " hey... that's an unfair surprise attack. " her lips curve into a tired smile. / @jediliad
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