#what the fuck do people even tag acht as
sick-ada · 6 months
acht voice: wow i got turned into a drone this is awfully plot convenient
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phramboise · 1 year
— murder to excellence:: königxgn!reader
you know he’s going to pull the trigger eventually, how kind of him to wait a little longer. 💋
tags and warnings:: detailed torture (?), angst, hints of lovers to enemies, blood, character death, strong language, MDNI, 888 words, no gender related affirmations, no “y/n”s
Everybody knows he’s cruel. Now that you’re tied onto the chair with ropes cutting your joints, you are once more aware. With his figure looming over you, his head almost brushes the light bulb hanging down the ceiling, he could kill you on the spot. He could crush your skull with his bare hands and it would be no sweat to him, he would sickly enjoy it. A ruthless monster.
Your body winces in pain, the knife draws down on your skin, a trail of blood follows along. He tuts, such a pity, he says. You shake uncontrollably, fever takes over you. Such waste you will be. Blood drips down your chin with every drop of rusty water leaking from the ceiling above your head. They move in sync, both taking the heat off your body, sending you into a frenzy.
The room smells like dust, coppery with blood pooling around your heels, wall paint and gunpowder. This is the end, you think. Would you even survive at this state even if he were to let you go? You highly doubt that.
“It’s infected.” He digs deeper into the bullet wound on your shoulder with the metal pipe in his hand, it throbs, and you can smell the wrenching liquid if you lean your head towards it. It feels like your heart pulsates all over your body, “How long has it been? The bullet’s twisting inside you. You’d need this arm amputated to live. That is, if you tell me what I want.” Shut up and just end it already.
You’ve lost feeling on your fingertips of your injured arm days ago. Feeling it with your other hand, the skin is cooler, and you don’t even feel a single tingling, not even when you pinch it with all the remains of your power. It’s obvious that he pities you, he didn’t even bother tying your hands together. He knows you cannot make it.
He’s not halfway done yet.
Your ears ring as he slaps your face, the leather of his gloves imprinted on your cheek. Your head falls down. You feel the soft flesh bleeding inside your mouth, seeing the teeth on it now lay on the concrete floor. Tongue dancing over it, now blood fills your mouth too. It’s surprising that you have this much of it in you.
Is it better to speak or to die?
You never try.
He’s not that gone in the brain, he does not enjoy watching you groan in pain, maybe just a little, for the limitless authority it provides. He can do anything he wants to you. He could waste his bullets on you, he could reload and do it over and over even with one being enough to kill you. He could take the air off your writhing throat, make you go limp with one hand wrapped around your delicate neck. He can just snap it, he can just slit it.
Then, what’s stopping him? You’re not the vision he imagines in his dreams anymore, no. You’re a traitor. A bloody spy with a regret-filled past, tearing things just for the thrill. Look at you now. Tied helplessly for months. “Just tell me what I need, I’ll spare you. I truly mean to spare you.” You think he means it, that he’s beneath you, even now. He does not, and he surely isn’t.
Those days are long past gone.
Still, you’re one tough shit. Never parting lips, never making a word out. He decides to ask first. He’s been meaning to. Your lips twitch before putting on a smile as he tries to shake his thoughts off.
“It’s nothing personal, Liebling. Just business.” Last sentence can’t make it vocal, coarse feel of your throat barely makes it above a whisper.
He’s not good at reading people. All his life he believed the words they say are the ones they truly mean. He doesn’t get better this time either. He doesn’t need to anymore.
You’re the monster. A fucking siren that lured him into possessions he never thought he would experience, thinking you would get away without him realising you’ve been fooling him all this time.
He’s recluse indeed, but never is a coward.
You think you win. Can you ever?
He’s in a haze. He knew from the beginning what you are, yet he couldn’t stop himself from partaking in the compulsion you offer. He felt it on your skin, tasted it on your lips. The more venomous the feeling, the more it ignited.
Back then. Now he’s aware. That wasn’t love. That was an illusion. He was desperate back then to feel something, and you were there, giving it to him. He mistook it back then.
Not now, no.
Your head moves up as he grabs your chin firmly, lifting your head more than harsh, eyes meeting yours. You see, there’s no remorse when he looks down at you. Once with compassion, now with hatred. You missed the thin line, went overboard. You lost.
You see the slight tilt of his head, and the twitch at the corner of his eye. Forehead meets the muzzle of the pistol, the one you gifted him, it’s cold against your skin.
He’s never felt worthy of love anyway.
He pulls the trigger.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
Hello! I just wanted to mention that whenever I see your posts or reblogs, I smile. It's always wonderful hearing (reading?) your thoughts on random stuff, and the TAGS!! I'm relatively new to Tumblr, but something that I really love about it is the tags. You can put anything! It's like a little farewell message with bonus stuff for people who bother to read the whole thing (like me)! Especially on your posts, the little comments in them make me laugh.
For now, I am only a spectator; no posts of my own. But this place is pretty cool. Lots of cool people. Maybe I can start being cool, too.
Sorry for the spontaneous long "ask", but I figured it'd be nice to let you know how much I appreciate this blog. Even if you don't read it, it's nice to have it out there, y'know?
P. S. I'm a big fan of Splatoon and your takes on Pearl and Marina are really great to me. Especially the dynamic between Marina and Acht... (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Greetings and welcome, friend fish creature! Praise be that you have found the place of the tags, where we flop around muttering to ourselves for everyone else to hear!
i HIGHLY recommend sometimes checking out ALL the tags on a post also. Sometimes the resulting scrolling can be tons of fun XD
tbh coolness is not the word i'd use for this place or it's people- happily cringe more like?
don't bother about it, is what i mean, have fun and ruin the day of anyone looking through your blog by making them scroll past The Color Of The Sky or fifteen reblogs of Flat Fuck Friday or maybe a dissertation on squids <3 when i first came to tumblr, i think i mostly just reblogged pics of rocks? tagged "ooohhhh" and "aaaahhh".... tho, supposed i still do that too...
cheers be to the gay cephalopods! Can't BELEIVE there's new stuff for them after all this time- AND MARINA GOT A BUDDY- will NEVER be over dedf1sh getting brought back as Acht, Marina's old friend. that's just, an actual fever dream come true. amazing... ;_;
best of luck, o' tumblerina!
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stingrayloveblog · 5 days
Reading the tags about ded, while you're not entirely wrong there I feel like it was kind of hamstringed by how maybe (at least going by 2's QnA) Iso Padre wouldn't have any real reason per-say to be with the OtH and 8 team afterwards. He found their goal fascinating but not much more really. He probably rode that subway for 5 more years until he finally found purpose, ambiguous as said answer is.
Personally even if dedf1sh was not a png and was just a Turquoise October situation with pure album art they still likely would've added in a sanitized octo anyway to be like "hey Marina did in fact have more friends down underground" and to still showcase that idea of curing the sanitized through a roguelike experience. As 'physical evidence' that Marina's theory does have merit.
That's just me though, I wouldn't know what goes through storyboards or whatever. I'm just saying that if they wanted to avoid a CQ Cumber/ORCA situation they only had two choices: Iso Padre, who could be part of the self discovery journey (and would have even more awkward silence since he sticks out like a sore thumb and is ironically more connected to Cuttlefish then he is Off the Hook. Also elevator and big guys hard /j), or a sanitized octoling, not necessarily dedf1sh, but purely because we see and fought them in OE, so now that opens up so many to-be named faces who Marina likely once knew underground and again, is physical evidence that Marina's plan can work.
Overall conclusion? They would've been the 4th wheel in the Marina/Pearl watch fest and not likely have been able to contribute to much no matter who got the spot.
Yeah yeah but the problem with sanitized octolings that i have brought up like a billion times already if anyone even bothers to pay any attention is that they RETCONNED how it works. Knowing anything about octo expansion in and out of the game tells you exactly how it works and the conclusion marina comes to in side order is NOT it. Besides, youre also missing the fact that i literally admitted my hatred for dedf1sh was initially completely petty, i was just sick of seeing people push aside an actual character for a literal png, so you could imagine what it felt like for that very thing to actually canonically happen. Also, iso padre having less synergy with oth is another glaring issue with side order: it should not just be about whether these characters can have haha funny conversations with each other. It couldve been more in depth, make it truly about EVERYONE kamabo co screwed over and not JUST people marina knew. Because, again, if they hadnt retconned sanitization, you would know there is quite literally no hope for them (not to mention they dont even show any proof of it working in game if you pay any actual meaningful attention). It just made it all seem like they wanted to have a randomly popular character to do fuck all and in order to justify it they had to jump through several hoops. Plus, all of that ended up being completely meaningless once you take alterna into account and it just seems like the devs goal was to jingle some keys in front of people and unfortunately that seems to have worked extremely well for the lot of you. Also i literally dont care that acht was standing around during grandfest that is literally the least of my concerns.
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