#what the fuck was up with the phantom memory passage in the book like hello???
aria-i-adagio · 5 years
Ch 16: Directions to See a Ghost
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Fandom: The Arcana
Chapter Rating: Lime, very lime
Wordcount: 5600
Prior Chapter
a/n: @ilyarium co-wrote this chapter!  
Julian’s mood seems to improve as Portia leads us up the hill that I had stumbled my way down twice the other night.  Sunlight, perhaps, or the effect of the alcohol working its way out of his system.  He’s quiet, but as he promised, sure footed, even during a scramble up a particularly steep part of the path.  Portia unlocks the lemonstone gate that leads into the garden.  We follow her around one turn of the hedge maze and she two in front of two statues and grins.  “There are all these passages and portals throughout the palace.  I’ve been, um, mapping them in my free time.  Deep breath, both of you.”  She takes Julian’s hand and mine then steps between the statues, pulling us both with her.  There’s a sudden lurch and a sickening sensation of falling up, then we land in a dark hallway.  Julian loses his balance, pulling both Portia and me to the floor with him.  “Graceful, Ilya.”
“Sorry, I wasn’t, um, expecting that . . . damn, it’s dark in here . . .”
I try to summon a light to my hands.  Like the other night, my magic doesn’t quite seem to work.  The light flickers for a moment, then flares, and extinguishes itself.  “Sorry.  Not much help right now.”
“No matter.  This is Lucio’s old wing right?”  Julian’s long limbs unfolding as he gets to his feet is just barely visible as my eyes adjust to the dim light.  “There were candelabras all along the walls.  Sure there’s still a candle or two in one.”
As he paws along the wall, looking for something to create some light, I get to my feet and dust off my clothes.  Like before the air here doesn’t feel quite right - more that the staleness of an unused room.  It’s heavy around me and moving - slowly, but strongly, like a current in a river.  Hands extended in front of me, I walk down the hall, leaving Portia and Julian to their search for a candle.  My hand finds a door knob and without thinking I pull it open. 
The ground is cold under my feet, like ice through the soles of my shoes, and as slick as ice too. Did I step in? I can't really remember making that decision, but I must have made it. It feels oddly wet, and feel how I slide and start to fall and... something catches me. I think something did, or did I just react fast enough to catch myself for once?
 You. Again. I remember you.
 A little wisp of wind against my ear makes me shiver, the sudden little current like an unexpected breath.
"Hello?"  No response.  I'm not certain if I should even have expected one.  Or if I even wanted one.  There's a rectangle of light on the opposite wall, just barely pushing through heavy drapes.  I pick my way across to it, stepping with care on a floor that has no business being so slick.  The room smells of ash.  Ash and dogs and years of neglect.  A cloud of dust rises like smoke when I push aside the curtain.
The light that falls through a dirty window feels muted, faded like an old memory. This is... a bathroom? Polished marble and a giant bathtub with golden claws, somehow reminding me of the one in my own rooms, just far, far more... absurdly opulent? Is that a thing? The palace seemed a lot at first, but I've somehow grown used to it, but this....  A swan is engraved into the window, proud wings spread in flight, leaving a trail of little crystals set in the glass as he leaves the water. It must be a spectacle when the sun shines through it.
Something touches my back as I trail my finger through the dust on the edge of the tub.  I turn, expecting Julian or Portia, but there's no one behind me, at least not that I can see.  The sensation of fingers - icy cold -  close around my wrist.  "Who's there?"  My voice shakes softly.  Foolish question, really, how many ghosts could one expect from a single wing of the palace?  I glance to my right, at a wall of mirrors.  There's a faint form towering beside me, though it could be a trick of the light or the cobwebs that coat the surface.  I see the shape move, shimmering, just a slight tilt at the top - a nod to acknowledge my presence?  "Lucio?"
 Was that so hard? Foolish girl.  Of course it is I, always have been, always will be, and... ah, so warm, I have forgotten how warm you were. Can feel it down to my bones. Well, metaphorical bones, or metaphysical ones, whatever.  Pretty enough. You'll do for now.
 I step closer to the mirror, lifting my free hand, fingers skimming slowly over the surface.  My mind is one step behind my body and the cold is seeping slowly, so slowly into both.  "Can you speak?"  This might be a bad idea.  Or it could be a good one.  If he knows what happened, how he died, who killed him.  Do you even remember your life, once you're dead?
I see in the mirror how he leans down to me, about to whisper in my ear.  Maybe?  A cool gust of wind again, washing over my skin.  Is he touching me?
 Aah.  Your fragrance.  Human.  Not ash and not fire and not nothing, most of all not nothing, and I inhale again, deeply, trying to inhale some of your very life back into me.  Never thought I'd miss that so much.  A question.  What was it again? Oh, right.  Can I speak?  No, I say and giggle, because I can't, not here, not now, and yet your ears seem to prick like Melchior's when he hears something interesting. How I miss his soft fur...
 He's here.  Yet not here.  I take a deep, slow breath and close my eyes, thumbing through the pages of the books in my shop in my head.  At least one related to the question of spirits and communication between the living and the dead.  The twisting pattern of a sigil that strengthens the link between the spirit and our world appears behind my eyes.  At the shop, I'd use chalk or a sand tray, but technically anything will do, even the dust overlaying the surface of a mirror or a pattern held carefully in the mind.  I lift the hand that still feels like it's being held by cold fingers and carefully trace the design onto the mirror, hoping that my recall is clear enough.
 I put my hand on her shoulder, trying to remember how it felt. Touching someone out of pride, rare as it was, one of my mercenaries when he did a particularly good job, because I sense what she's doing, even if I don't know the details. Who needs details anyway? Bureaucrats and tailors, and that's it. She's drawing me towards her, or into the mirror, or in her head, and she feels almost solid under my palms, and I press down a little more. 
 The feeling of someone standing over me only grows stronger as I finish the sigil.  The cold touch shifts from my wrist to my shoulder, and I swear I can feel a breath on the top of my head like a lover’s faint sigh.  I shiver, both from the chill in the air and the thought of a ghost hovering so uncomfortably close.  Once I've drawn in the least few lines, I lean close to the diagram and breath on it, to activate spell.  Breath and blood - the two symbols of life, and I don't want to mess with blood magic.  Not unless I must.  Just for a moment, the diagram glows - a faint pulse of blue green light.  I wait, hands at my sides, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt as I tried to keep them from shaking.
 Are you scared? I whisper and chuckle. I'm scared too, or giddy, or maybe both. It's nice to see someone with actual competency trying for once, not the courtiers, not that one time - just a single time, that Val showed up, around deep in his cups and another bottle at hand.  I feel her magic wash over me like a wave, and then, it's almost there. I'm almost there, almost, can see myself forming in the mirror, my glorious human self, and then it's gone again.  Lost in the sea. That's how the afterlife feels for me. Sometimes almost at the safe shores, but then again so far out between the waves that I can feel myself drowning, becoming another one of the sad shapes that haunt the palace. But not me. Not Lucio.
 The presence was stronger, but only for a moment.  Breath alone isn't going to be enough.  I gnaw at my bottom lip, then with a sigh dig a penknife out of my bag.  The chance that he knows - that he could clear Julian of his death - it's too important to not pressure.  I add six lines to the diagram, a hexagon - regular as I can make without a compass - framing the sigil.  Any spellwork I do within the frame will last only as long as the frame itself, no matter how powerful.  The limiting frame might keep Asra from killing me, once he finds out about this little adventure.  I prick my finger and allow a bead of blood to form before touching it to the center of the diagram.
 The sensation is a bit like cumming, and I shudder in delight.  Maybe I just moaned, not quite sure.  A heartbeat full of life pumping through me from that tiny drop, and my nails dig into her clothes. Damn magicians, always holding back their power.  Greedy things.  More. I need more... but I smile.  My old charm is still there, somewhere.
 I wince.  The feeling of a hands grasping at my side is stronger.  Nearly painful.  I'd be proud of myself for recalling the sigil well enough for it to be effective, if there wasn't a very insistent voice in the back of my head declaring that I was certainly going to regret this mistake.  
"Speak if you can, Lucio."
Silence.  But the phantom hand tightens on my waist.  
 You'd be the first to want that. I chuckle. Does she hear me as I whisper in her ear? Briefly muse to lick along the shell, make her shudder as she made me.
 Rude, I think, even as I feel my head tipping just slightly to the side.  And not enough, yet, it seems.  Damn.  The trouble with this spell - with most spells - is the sequential increase in power that is geometric, not arithmetic in nature.  The next step adds four drops of blood to the cardinal points, not simply a second drop.  But I want - I need - answers.  Fuck it.  I squeeze the pad of that finger and touch it to the mirror right to left, lower to upper.  Whispering to myself, because it seems odd to work in silence when I know someone else is here, I dot more blood onto the diagram.  Sixteen drops more, makes for twenty one total, the product of three and seven.  Three for stability and creation, seven for completion and expectation.
The sigh of the dead man is clearly audible this time, or maybe it's a moan. I'm not quite sure.
"What gives me the pleasure of your presence?" The ghost’s voice grows stronger as he speaks. "Did you miss me so much?" 
I can feel sharp nails trailing along my jaw and a thumb being over my bottom lip.  Miss him?  Why would I, specifically, miss him?  Or does he simply assume that everyone in the city, process and paupers alike, long for his presence?  
"Nadia wants, needs to know . . .”  My voice shakes as I try to figure out a way to ask the question that will get me an answer.  “How did you die, Lucio?"
"Dead?"  A melancholic laugh. He's bitterly amused by the question it seems.  "I'm not dead, my dove.  I'm like you, not quite alive." 
 She's not.  I knew the first moment I touched her.  Two sides of the same coin, her side wiped clean, mine engraved too deeply.  I want to take her, suddenly, urgently, to become one, but know that won't do the trick.  I was told by trustworthy sources.
 "Like me?”  What does he mean by not quite alive?  Fingers trail through my hair.  I can make out more of his image now.  Blonde, average height, trim physique, face still lost in dust and shadow.  "How are you like me?"
"You do not know? Oh, of course not." 
 She's their pawn.  A perfect little doll, ignorant of how they toy with her.  Liars and cowards, all of them, and I feel the heat of my hate returning, and it feels so good.
 "There's quite a lot I don't know.”  For a second, my temper flares and I have to shove back thoughts of Asra and everything he's hidden from me - even if it's true that he withholds information to keep me safe.
"They are horrible, aren't they? Always telling that you don't need to concern yourself with this and that...."
  Heavens, I hate being sober.  Happier to be a drunken fool.  No wonder Val stays that way.  The realization they did that - that they lied, manipulated, despised me, only came after my little accident.  For a moment, her face has fallen. She knows what I mean.  Could I bring her around to my side?  Would she help me?  Not it she understood what would happen, how we're alike, but then she needn't understand, only obey.
 "Who are they?"  I can't decide whether he's being condescending or if he'd commenting on his own experience.  "For you, that is?"
"Take a wild guess, my dove. Isn't it always those that claim to love you?" 
 Liars, selfish liars, all of them!
 The people who claim to love us, eh?  The blood on the diagram drips slowly, pooling into oval drops.  The dream, the dream where Asra cut Julian's hand and allowed the blood to fall.  The one that was more than a dream, if what Julian said about Asra involving himself with blood magic was true.  I pull away from the cold hand on my shoulder and sit down on the edge of the tub.  The people who claim to love us and blood.  There's a connection here, one I can't quite put into language.  "What do you know about Asra?"
Any number of things would have met my expectations for what would happen next, but not hysterical laughter.  It starts with a low giggle and rises and rises until the whole room around me seems to be shaking with it.
 Of course that little bastard is behind this!  Of-fucking-course!  Not enough that he fucks my wife, he also sends -her- of all people to find out... find out... No.  Nonono. Not this time.  Fuck this.
 Suddenly, there is silence. I see one of the red pearls loose its shape, run down the shining surface like a tear, and then, I scream.  Scream before I realize that it was the mirror cracking into pieces, shattering the image of me and the room and the not-quite-there man, destroying the connection we had.
"Shit!  Shit, shit, shit!"  The mirror crumbles leaving between a raw plaster wall.  There's a shriek from the hallway - Portia, or maybe Julian.  They run in from the hallway, door slamming behind them.  
“Dema!  What is it are you alright?”  Julian fumbles with a half burned candle, that they appear to have finally managed to light.  “What happened?”
Portia runs a hand through her hair.  "My god, what a mess!  You didn't get hurt did you?"
"I'm okay.  Lucio, um, he's definitely here."
"You spoke to him?  What did he say? Does he know who killed him?”
"I - we didn't get that far.”
"Is he still here?"  Portia spins about on her heels.  "Hey, Count, I need to know who killed you.”
"I don't think it'll be that easy."  My spell is gone shattered along with the mirror.  Casting another one, well, it was possible, but I'm not at all sure that it would be wise.  No, definitely not.  The first hadn't been wise.
A crash from the next room interrupts Portia's next question.  Perhaps I won't need another spell, not if Lucio’s ghost is capable of property destruction.
Julian holds his candle to the door like some sort of ward.  It quivers against the darkness of the hall beyond.  "What was that?”
"Maybe the dogs."  Portia doesn't sound particularly convinced by her own statement.  
"Came from his bedroom."
 No, no, Mercedes, don't look at me like this and wag your tail just because daddy made a fun mess.  That bust was expensive and I looked so regal in it, and now it's gone just because of that damned witch.  He and his kind make me so angry, still do. What did I expect?  Anything Noddy does being actually useful and not another selfish act? Ha!
 Julian pushes the door to the bedchamber over and enters first, candle held out before him.  There's a pile of broken ceramic in the floor, flanked by Lucio's hounds.  They looked surprised for a moment, then rush Julian with happy barks, tails wagging as they prance around him, demanding attention.
"Old friends?"
"Umm, yeah."  Julian hands the candle to Portia before the dogs can knock it from his hands and kneels in the floor.  He rubs Melchior's ears as the hound pushes his nose against Julian’s face.  Mercedes huffs and sprawls in the floor, rolling over and exposing her belly for rubs.
 Jules. You too. Of course. We're getting the band back together, and the witch is the new lead singer. You're looking like shit, old friend, and I've seen you looking like shit before.
 A massive portrait of the Count in a gilded frame dominates the far wall of the bedroom.  Like the painting in the dining room, red is the dominant color.  Lucio is depicted in profile, standing with his heel on a horse’s skull, triumphant over the death’s head that haunted the right corner of the dining room portrait.  Death’s smiles is as pronounced as it is for any skull, but the cobwebs, dust, and ash surrounding it add an additional layer to the grin.
The door crashes shut.  Beside me, Julian jumps.  His fingers twist into mine, then just as quickly twist away.  “Helluva draft.”
Air pushes past my face, warmth incongruent with the rest of the room.  I don’t think that’s a draft.
At my feet lie the crumbled remains of a statue, gold and translucent oranges and browns, some precious stone.  Agate maybe?  I see the remains of an armored arm broken from the body that's lying over there, half of a sword still in its clutches.  It's gilded, and I know quite well whom it belongs to.  How can somebody have so many depictions of himself in his own bedroom?  I'm happy to avoid my face after waking up for the longest time, while the count seems to be somebody who'd consider a mirror over his mattress an excellent idea.
If Lucio has enough energy remaining from my spell to shatter a bust, perhaps he has enough left to interact with us.  "Lucio?"  There’s another push of air between me and Julian, and then his chin tilts down, as it touched by a hand.
“Now this is a face I didn’t expect to see again.”  The ghost’s voice is more distant than before, but still very present.
“Lucio?”  Julian’s whisper is barely audible.
A laugh from the ghost and a flash of white in the corner of my eye.  “Jules, you somehow escaped the dungeon.  And survived.  Fascinating.”  Air brushes past my face again, followed by the stinging sensation of claws brushing along my cheek.  "And your pretty little friend you brought to the Masquerade too."  Cold claws wrap around my hand, jerking me away from Julian.  "I almost didn't recognize her the other night."  The pale form spins me around.
 That's a lie. I do recognize her, the way she feels, something of Jules, but that she's another one of Asra's pawns... I should have known. Should have known from the start. Why are they looking like that? Don't they know? Don't they remember? I may be missing one thing or the other, that's a mix of booze and drugs and death, but they...
 "Montag . . .  Lucio, what happened to you?”  Julian speaks the first name - the one I don't recognize - softly, almost affectionately, and I’m reminded of Valerius’s comment that he and Julian knew the Count better than anyone else in the court.
 I let her go, suddenly losing all interest in her.  Jules sounds like he used to, back in the day, the good, old, bloody days, and I decide to be at his side to bop his silly old nose.  Always liked that nose.  Liked him.  Yes, I think I did?  Then something happened.  Did the magician fuck him, like he did with anybody back then?  Would you do that to me, Jules?  Could you?  Suddenly, I feel a bit like weeping, and don't like it at all.
My fingers are running through those red curls, and I grab one tweaking it sharply.  "Well, what's your diagnosis, doctor?"  I spit.  No need for them to think me sentimental.
 "I . . . I don't really know.  There was a fire.  Here, I thought I might have . . ."  Julian's voice trails off and he lifts his hand, as if he's trying to curl his fingers around Lucio's.  
Portia breaks in, hands on her hips and single minded.  "Who killed you, Lucio?"
"And who might you be, little girl?"  The ghost sounds lost in thought, hand still dancing over Julian's skin.  I feel a sudden wave of aggression rolling through the room. He doesn't like being spoken to like this.
Portia's own glare, as formidable as a thunderclap, knocks into the aggression rolling from Lucio's ghost.  "Ilya's my brother, and I'm not about to let him die for something he didn't do."
"Are you still trying to die dramatically, Jules?  I told you to stop that nonsense more than once, didn't I, my silly puppy?"  The claws follow the line of the high cheekbone.
 I choose to ignore the little brat for now, because there are tears forming in Jules' eyes, nostalgia, maybe love even, and they give me more than the witch ever could. He's the last one with a kind thought left for me, and a part of me cherishes that more than I expected.
The Count's obvious affection for Julian surprises me, but perhaps it's a way to persuade him to help us.  "Please, Lucio, the courtiers have Nadia convinced that Julian murdered you.  What really happened?”  The ghost returns his attention to me, red eyes flashing with anger.
"So Noddy is a beautiful and dumb as ever.  Ha!  Some things never change.  Noddy and Asra and their ilk . . ."  That obviously means means me, and it sounds amazingly offensive for such a little word.
Portia snaps again, fearless in her anger at the comment.  "Don't speak of Milady that way."
Julian sighs, but speaks kindly, as if he's had to calm the Count's temper many times before.  "Lucio, you know her better than that."
"And now she's looking for you to put up a statue of Vesuvia's hero?" 
I know what she thinks of me. Of course I do. I used to love the challenge I thought her to be, but now I know better. A beautiful waste of space.
"You don't know what happened to you, do you?"  I know that the question is going to piss him off even more, but pissed off people often reveal a lot.  "At least Nadia is interested in finding out the truth."
The witch is right. I do not know, and I wonder if I care.  When things come together, not a single one of them will remain anyway, and still...
"I have seen Jules try to kill as it was about saving his own bony ass. He didn't manage, even then."
"So what the hell happened?”  The limited amount of patience that Portia began with has clearly run its course, and if I haven’t managed to piss Lucio’s ghost off she certainly will.  "Why are you even still here?  You're dead."
The whole room seems to inhale and hold its breath, and I see Julian duck defensively. "Please, don't..." He whimpers, the sounds echoed by one of the dogs, obviously knowing and fearing what might come now, and I feel it too, feel death in the air and feel my fingers weave energy to fend off whatever might be coming and . . .
"Jules? Would you kindly take your lovely sister for a walk before I rip her fucking head off?”  The dead count's voice cuts like a knife, and suddenly I can imagine him wreaking havoc on the battlefield so very easily.
I take a step, placing myself between Portia and the Count's ghost.  Why the hell did I use blood to summon him?  And what did I do wrong with the framing that he still has residual power from it?  Better question: how do I undo the it now?  But it’s my blood he’s drawing energy from, that should give me some control over him.
"That's enough, Lucio."
Behind me, Julian is frantically pulling at Portia's hand, whatever spell Lucio had him under broken by the threat.  My fingers twitch through the movements of a ward to banish evil spirits, holding it in the air.  But I can't resist one last attempt to get something from him.  "What happened?  What did Asra and my 'ilk' have to do with it?”
"Sit down, witch, will you?" A nod towards the bed.  Now that his attention is on me, I have an idea what happened with Julian.  The world around us feels like it's under water, Julian's scramble to get Portia out before she tries to choke a dead goat somehow far away and not of any significance.  He is.  Lucio is.
Is this what people mean when they speak of charisma?  Or some perversion of the idea?  One foot starts to move in the direction of the bed, and I pull it back, trying to ignore the part of me that so very much wants to follow his command.
There's a sudden movement, a blur of white and red, and a cold arm wraps around my waist and tosses me onto the bed.  Greasy gray ash stirs around, clouding the air.  I cough, then choke as it dawns on me that this is all that remains of Lucio's body.
"Always resisting.  Just like him!  Just like Asra!  You want to know what happened?  Fine."  The pitch if the voice rises and a cold draft swirls around the room.  "It was supposed to be mine!  But Asra stole it.  Thief!  A new body for that dead lover he was always weeping about.”  When he speaks the last line, there’s sharp stab behind my eyes, like one of those claws pressed through my head.  All the air in the room seems to rise to the ceiling, lifting the drapes around the bed.  The draft becomes hotter as it swirls, painfully hot.  "Dirty, conniving little thief!"  The air settles and the voice lowers.  "So now, I'm . . . I'm this . . . But not for much longer."
The very thought of him makes my blood boil even worse than the impertinent little Devorak.  The witch remembers, almost does, I can feel her rising panic, washing away some of the things Asra did to her to wipe her clean for him.  His own little virgin sacrifice, tabula rasa because she could not stand him anymore, because nobody could, and I lie her down gently on my sorry remains.  It surely would have been a nice body. Drape myself at her side, looking down through glowing eyes.  Well, that maybe would work better if I was in better shape.  She's scared, and angry.  I like that in a lover.
"You know that you are like me, don't you?  Surrounded by liars and traitors, only thinking about their own desires.  Aah, yes, of course you know, and you also know your owner only means well.  Such a waste of talent, being nothing but an assistant to a thieving scalawag that took even your truth away."
His voice is low now, sensuous.
Truth?  My truth?  What is the truth?  A freezing finger traces along my jaw, and despite the cold - almost cold enough to burn, I want to tilt my face into his hand.  Let the chill of his fingers push back the pain in my skull.  Just give in and obey whatever command I'm given.  I also want to lash out at him!  Owner?  Oh hell no!  The second part of me wins and I roll away from him, catching another lungful of ash, escape interrupted by a second coughing fit.
A disappointed little sound, and then he chuckles, and it sounds more human than anything else that came from him.  "What is it, dove?"
A hand, both welcome and unwelcome, settles on my hip.  It would be easy enough to let him turn me back over, do whatever it is he wants . . .  No, no, no.  I don't want . . .
Portia's voice breaks the spell.  "Leave her the fuck alone!”
And suddenly, I can scramble backwards, our if the bed, nearly falling into floor before hands - warm, human - catch me and pull me tight against a chest that's rising and falling with breath.  Julian.
"Dema, are you alright?”
A laugh fills the room.  "You know I wouldn't hurt her, Jules, not unless she wanted me to.  And oh -"  I can see Lucio stand before Julian spins me around and tightens his arms around me, holding me close against him.  Another cold breath ghosts over my neck, and then a not quite solid, but ever so definitely present, weight presses against my back, as if the ghost leaned over me to press a kiss to Julian's cheek.  “I’d do that so well.”
I hold my hand over my mouth to stifle my laugh as they leave. This time, it's not an impressive, manly one, but the mad giggle the huff the ladies are in and the blush that threatens to burn Jules' cheeks deserve. I let them leave for now, even if it dreads me to be so awfully alone again. Melchior gives me one long longing look, and I allow him to go and play with them. Real pets are better than anything I can offer.
Why does Noddy want to know what happened all of a sudden? And why wasn't I informed about that new idiocy the courtiers are trying? If I didn't need them, I . . . .
Julian seems frozen in place.  I pull away from him and bolt for the door.  Lucio’s amused laugh follows me as I stumble out of his room and fall hard on my knees.  The hallway shifts in and out of focus along with the throbbing in my temples, stabbing through my skull each time I cough.  The ash still coats my mouth and throat, choking and disgusting.  A wave of nausea hits me and I curl over myself dry heaving in the floor.  A cold nose presses against the back of my next and one of the dogs whines, briefly pushing against me then pulling away.
Gentle hands close around my shoulder.  "It's okay.  He's gone."  Portia kneels beside me, sitting me up, a supportive arm around my shoulders.  "Ilya, do you have something, anything to drink?”
A rustling of fabric and then he closes by fingers around a metal flask.  The alcohol burn is a welcome distraction from the pain in my head as I swish the liquid around my mouth.  I spit it back out on the floor, more concerned with getting as much of the body remains of Lucio out of my mouth than with dignity.  Another sip.  This one I swallow and try to pay more attention to the cheap liquor burning it's way to my gut than to the pounding in my head.
"Dema?"  Julian's voice.  Cool fingers on my forehead.
"I'm -”  I want to say fine.  But I'm not.  Colors explode behind my eyes when I close them, but even the dim light of the hall is too much, too bright, too painful to keep them open.  The liquor washed the grit from my mouth and throat, but it's done nothing for the nausea.  "Head's killing me."
"Migraine like?”
Nodding is painful.  I feel like my skull is about to disintegrate, to crumble from the inside out.  My skin crawls over my arms, and where Lucio's ghost grabbed my shoulders, I can still feel his claws scorching my skin.  Despite the lingering heat, I'm shivering, the shakes starting in my chest and radiating out.
"Let's get you to your room."  Portia stands, pulling me along with her.  Even with her arm around me, I stumble, balance lost to the migraine.  The world turns around me, and I don't have enough concentration to both not throw up and to stay on my feet.  Strong arms catch me and lift me off my feet.   
"I've got you, darling."  He cradled me against him, one arm under my thighs, other pressing me to his chest.  I tuck my head against his neck, trying to block out as much light as I can from my eyes.
a/n: Directions to See a Ghost is the title of a nice, trippy album by The Black Angels.  Highly recommended.
Next chapter: SFW version and 18+ version
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clockworkfromspace · 4 years
The Book v2 Chapter 8
-the twins head to their Ultra Being class-
Chris walks there
*jeff’s already in his desk, playing with some water floating above it*
-Jolly Johnny and a beat up girl with tears in her eyes appear in front of the class-
Chris: zoey?
-Jolly Johnny turns to their teacher- "Hello there Mr. Taio. This girl here needs a favor from you."
Mr. Taio: Huh!? Who are you!?
Mr. Taio: McChevy.... Related to Chris McChevy?
She nods
Mr. Taio: If you want me to release another spirit, you'd need to give me something in return.
Jolly Johnny: Life for a life?
"N-not him someone else"
Mr. Taio: That will do.
-Jolly Johnny uses Jeff's power to teleport Neon here-
Jolly Johnny: Hi brother.
Chris looks at the girls confused
Jea: What's happening? -she falls asleep-
-Jolly Johnny stabs Neon-
"Ok then"
-he takes out the knife then slits his throat-
-students in the class look horrified-
Jolly Johnny: there ya go.
"Could i see cyberblast please?..."
Mr. Taio: The Cyberclad who recently died? Sure.
-Cyber blast appears as a phantom-
Cy: Zoey? -he looks at his hands- I actually died?
She nods
Cy: Have you told Cheenato and Kelly yet?
"T-they know"
Cy: How well are they taking it?
"V-very well actully..."
Jenifer: Anyone else extremely confused?
Chris: yes
*popcorn appears in his hand*
-Neon's body vanishes along with Jolly Johnny-
-Jea wakes up-
Mr. Taio: Do the two of you mind? I wish to return to my lesson.
Cy: Where are we Exactly?
keaton city
*pops over to him* i’m jeff
you are?
Cy: You live in Keaton City and you don't know who I am?
Jea: That's Cyber blast. One of Skull City's most famous heroes and that girl is Foxy Clockwork. His girlfriend and one of the members of his team.
Jea: They helped fight off the cyberclads years ago.
Jea: But... Why do you look like a ghost?
-she gets a worried look-
Cy: My jobs dangerous enough on it's own. That with the fact that I'm seen as a traitor to my own planet meant I had a high chance of being killed. Guess I couldn't beat the odds.
Jea: A cyberclad did this? There's still bad one's on this planet?
Cy: There's at least one thanks to that guy in the fucking bow tie. (Jolly Johnny)
-Mr. Taio looks at Jeff and Zoey with glowing white eyes-
Mr. Taio: Both of your souls are blinking. One of you will become the Divine Guardian of teleportation at some point.
Mr. Taio: At the moment. Jeff... You are in the lead.
-he turns back to Zoey- "It's either because he is better or because your other powers are getting in your way"
Mr. Taio: a Divine Guardian's soul is different from most. Their soul glows brightly. Both of yours are slowly fading between a normal soul and a Guardian soul.
"Cy can you teleport as a ghost"
well how do i become one?
Mr. Taio: He cannot. He can vanish, fly quickly, and phase through solid objects but he cannot teleport.
"I protect skull city and i will coutine to do that!"
Mr. Taio: No one truly knows all the rules of becoming a Devine Guardian. I'd suggest you prove that you have better mastered your ability than Zoey has
Mr. Taio: Once you prove you're the best, I'm sure you will become a Divine Guardian. Though to be honest there's nothing that special about it.
still seems awesome
so who are the divine guardians right now?
Mr. Taio: Depending on your power, it will either become easier to control or more powerful. Divine Guardians also reincarnate after death. Their memories are blank at first but slowly come back during adolescents and adult hood.
Mr. Taio: I only know of a few current Divine Guardians.
Mr. Taio: There's me, that guy who was just here, a criminal who's currently locked away at a SCOPE facility, Blue Rebel, and Shadow Walker.
Cy: I'm going back to check on the kids.
-he flies away-
Zoey goes with him
well i guess we got out ultra beings lesson for today. *smirks* you want me to clean up this blood?
Mr. Taio: What blood? [Neon's blood vanished along with his body]
ummm... o-kay...
-the dismissal bell rings-
Chris runs home
-he twins walk to their bus-
*jeff pops into the seat behind the twins* hey
Jenifer: Hey.
that was crazy
why does johnny always put you to sleep *looks at jea*
Jea: How should I know
Jenifer: It's for the best. She's far too innocent to have seen what he did.
Jea: I've seen him do many horrible things in the book.
Jenifer: Seeing him kill some random person in your book is different from seeing him killing his own brother with a knife.
Jea: WHAT!?
Jea: Neon? Noooo he was my favorite character!
Jenifer: Probably shouldn't have said that.
-the bus get to their stop-
-the girls walk to the house but see their dad's car parked out front-
Jenifer: He's home already?
Jenifer: I just realized. Dude, Jeff, you could totally build your own house will your ability. Hell, you could be rich dude.
Jea: Think of what that would do to the economy.
Jenifer: It's just one guy doing it. The economy will be fine
sounds like fun
what should we do first?
-Jenifer pulls up google maps on her phone- We'd need to find a place to build it.
Jea: He'd have to own the land to legally build a house there and we're not old enough to buy property
Jenifer: Shit, she's right
Jenifer: you think that Jolly Johnny guy could help us?
i doubt it but he might
-Jolly Johnny appears looking like a phantom- "What's in it for me?"
i don’t know. whatcha want? he said i might be the divine guardian; is there anything i can do for you when that happens?
Jolly Johnny: Nope. Hmm.... I'll do it and we'll just say that you owe me one. Both of you
Jenifer: So long as it doesn't get me arrested, sure.
already ripped a girl’s heart out so sure
Jolly Johnny: Look at you stealing young girl's hearts like a true lady killer
*busts out laughing*
-Jea walks home-
so... where do you recommend johnny
-he points out a spot near the edge of the city. Its about 40 miles from Skull City while still on one of Keaton High School's bus routes
what now?
Jolly Johnny: I'll go and buy the land. I'll get back to you when I'm done.
-he vanishes-
*looks at jenifer* you gonna help me build it?
Jenifer: What do you expect me to do?
Jenifer: Mr. Godly teleportation
you could help me design the layout
Jenifer: True
Jenifer: Alright.
-Jenifer walks into her house-
Mr. Kon: Hey sweetie, who was that guy you were talking to outside?
Jenifer: a friend from school. Mind if he comes in?
-Mr. Kon looks out the window and examines him- "sure."
-Jenifer walks out onto the porch- "Come on in."
ok *follows jenifer*
Jenifer: Him and... His god father are having a new house built and he asked me to help designing it.
Mr. Kon: Oh cool. A buddy of mine is an architect. I could give him a call if you want.
thanks, but we’re doing it as kind of a family project
Mr. Kon: oh, okay.
Jenifer: Hey dad. How come you're home so early?
Mr. Kon: Day off.
Jenifer: Oh. Okay. -she turns to Jeff- ready to get started?
-the next day-
Jolly Johnny: the land is all yours kid.
where would you recommend for me to get the resources?
Jolly Johnny: Sheldon Forest is full of pre-chopped lumber. Some Ultra being goes there whenever he's upset and kills off trees left and right.
that’s no fun
i could just steal a house
or pieces of some and fuse them together
Jolly Johnny: You could do that too I suppose.
Jenifer: What about SCOPE? Surely they'd notice.
Jolly Johnny: SCOPE's anti-teleportation devices are handy but I doubt they'd be much use against Jeff.
Jolly Johnny: Anyways, I'll leave the building to you guys. I own this place but as far as I'm concerned, its all yours.
this is gonna be fun... thanks johnny
Jolly Johnny: No problem. -he walks off-
so... what’s first jenny?
Jenifer: Game room.
oh yeah!
you know... since ur helping, this’ll be ur place, too.
Jenifer: In that case, I'd like my room to have a view of the back yard where we could have a pool.
Jenifer: I guess I could come here during nights that my dad is out late.
if you want, you can just tell him you’re going to bed and then signal me somehow. then i could teleport ya up here
I guess that could work.
Jenifer: *
just call me whenever you have time to come up here
Jenifer: Alright.
-looking at what's already been completed- "This place'll be great for parties."
Jenifer: Best part is, no neighbors.
hell yeah!
-Jea calls Jenifer-
oh i got an idea
Jenifer: Hello? Hold that thought.
-she puts Jea on Speaker-
Jenifer: What were you saying Jeff?
Jea: You're with Jeff? Where are you guys?
i can shift this hill around a bit and make it steeper and we can get one of those infinity pools that looks like it goes forever
Jenifer: Were working on his new house.
yeah she’s with me. why, is that bad?
Jea: It's not bad. I just don't trust you.
oh... thanks. that makes me feel good. *smiles*
Jenifer: He's not gonna kill me or anything Jea. Relax.
Jea: Just keep your guard up
-Jea sends her a text reading "he likes you"-
-Jenifer returns a text saying- "he knows I'm into girls"
Jea [aloud]: does he?
do i what?
-Jea hangs up in a mini panic-
-Jenifer shows him her phone-
what, know you’re into girls? no i didn’t know that. thanks for informing me, i guess?
Jenifer: I've said it before
i don’t pay attention
anyway, about the pool idea
Jenifer: Sounds like a plan to me
you might wanna stand back a bit. this is probably gonna cause a small earthquake!
-she hops up onto a branch of a nearby tree-
"Seems strong enough"
*puts his hands out and begins to concentrate. the hill begins to lose pieces, and then those pieces reform into a cliff, extending the hill about 100 feet, then dropping off*
nice. now we got more room to build.
Chris scratches on jea's door
-jea opens her door-
Jenifer: Sweet
Jea: Hey there Chris
jenny, you can get down now. we should make secret passages through the house that i can use when in snake form
-she picks him up-
Jenifer: Dude, that could lead to some great prankd
He licks her face
Jenifer: We could pretend to have a snake problem if we had any guests over and you could freak them out
Jea: What's with you and licking faces? -she laughs-
*there is a knock on the door*
ok so what else should we add. we got a game room, three bedrooms with bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room.
-Jea goes to answer it-
Jenifer: Mini gym?
Jenifer: I usually don't work out but we could have it just cause
A man pushes her aside and looks for Chris the man grabs him and runs out
-Mr. Kon comes out of his room and runs after him-
-Jea calls Jenifer-
-jenifer answers-
Jea: Some guy stormed into the house, pushed me, and grabbed Chris!
Jea: Dad's chasing him right now.
what’s wrong?
Jenifer: Some asshole pushed my sister and is trying to dog nap Chris
Jenifer: I need you to teleport me home.
oh shit. hold on... *grabs jenifers arm and they both teleport back to jenifers house*
-she looks around. When she spots her father she runs after him-
The man throws a knife at him
*jeff teleports in front of the attacker* boi put my friend down
He pushes him
-the knife barely scratches Mr. Kon's face-
Mr. Kon: the hell?
*teleports chris into jenifers arms and teleports the guy into the sky above jeff*
*jeff teleports up there too and they both just sit there*
excuse me sir
why did you take that dog?
Jenifer [shouting]: Thanks!
He shoots jeff and mr. kon
-she walks back home petting Chris-
Jea: DAD!
*jeff teleports the bullets away*
sir that’s not nice
-Jenifer turns her head-
Chris whimpers
-she looks back at Jea-
you see, if you hurt me, i stop keeping you here
Jenifer: Why'd you shout?
and you fall to your death
Jea: That guy shot at him.
He teleports down and shoots mr. Kon
"That dog is a person and beat up my family"
who are you
sam who?
chris wouldn’t hurt a fly so why would i believe you?
*teleports chris up there with them* chris who is this guy?
"You don't know his past"
Jenifer: 😐😑😐
"A friend from school"
why is he saying you hurt him?
ok well should i put him down or kill him? because he’s annoying the shit out of me
"Put him down"
*looks at sam* are you gonna try to shoot anyone else? if you do i will remove your kidneys and put them where your eyes go.
you can ask chris... that’s not a joke
so are you gonna refrain from shooting at people?
ok... *they all appear back on the ground*
guys... this is sam
he said he won’t shoot anyone
He runs off
should i bring him back?
or kill him?
Jenifer: I say kill him
what do you say, mr. kon?
Mr.Kon: I don't support murder
i guess i’m not killing him
*whispers to jenifer* yet
Mr. Kon: but you can bring him back though.
*sam appears in front of them*
sam stop running bro
eh i kinda wanna leave. *a metal cage appears in front of the house and sam gets teleported inside*
there ya go
jenifer wanna go back to working on the house?
Jenifer: Sure.
aight *grabs jenifers hand and they teleport back to the hill*
*a gym appears along with an infinity pool* what now?
Jenifer: Now, I guess we're done. Until we want to add more at least
noice, we have our own house now
Chris sleeps in jea's door way
-Mr. Kon texts Jenifer-
Jenifer: Gotta head home.
-Jea picks Chris up and brings him inside so she can close the door-
He groans
-she lays him down beside her bed before going to sleep-
ok. *teleports jenifer home and goes inside the newly constructed house*
He climbs on the end of the bed and sleeps
-the next day, Sunday-
Chris sleeps in
*jeff pops to the front door of the house and knocks on it*
-Jea opens it "Jenny, it's for you."
well, can i come in?
Jea: Oh yeah. Sorry, thought that was implied.
Jea: If I'm being honest, it's kinda strange hearing you ask permission to enter when you'd pop into my room unannounced.
i have some morals... jeez.
Chris groans
Jea: says the guy who literally stole a heart and put it in a girl's shirt.
that’s why i said some... duh... *walks inside*
He falls jea's bed
Jea: What was that thud?
Jenifer: Came from your room. Hey Jeff.
-Jea goes to her room to see what she heard-
Chris groans in pain
Jea: Was that you Chris?
jenny, wanna head up to the store so we can pick out some shit for the game room?
Jenifer: Sure
*grabs her hand and they both vanish, appearing at a furniture store*
Jenifer: Follow me. The best games are in the back.
*follows behind jenifer* we need a really big tv and some awesome chairs!
Jenifer: Indoor theatre?
i think we should go with that but also get a few flat screens
Chris calls jenny
-she answers-
Jenifer: Hello?
"Could i help design?"
Jenifer: Help design what?
Jenifer: Did you mean Jeff's house by any chance?
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