#what would they think of her? the only thing she's poised to do is kill
false-oasis · 2 years
(CW: EoD Spoilers — What Lies Beneath Spoilers)
So I was talking with @/saladposse last night about the oni section and what the oni might use to torment our Commanders.
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sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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jinwoo sung x fem.reader
sung jinwoo walked into the hunter association building for a scheduled meeting with the chairman. while taking casual strides into the building, he let out a yawn. jinwoo believed that nothing out of the ordinary would happen today-
only to be proven wrong the moment he opens the double doors to the conference room as a sudden weight was felt shoved against his chest.
had jinwoo been any normal man, he would have quickly been toppled over. but thanks to the newfound poise he had gained since becoming an s-rank, jinwoo manages to steady himself while keeping an arm around the stranger’s form.
“whoa, be careful.” his voice was gentle and not at all spoken in a manner that was meant to be like a scolding. yet still, he hears the gasp and looks down-
only to be met with someone unfamiliar-
only to be met with you.
your eyes widen with surprise with your lips halfway parted. incoherent sputtering were all he could hear when you back away from him. clearly sensing your embarrassment and discomfort, jinwoo lets go of you while keeping a hand shoved into the pockets of his coat, grey eyes shining with mirth for you.
“sorry for bumping into you, moonlight! i’ll be more careful next time!”
now this was interesting.
never before had he been referred to by such a nickname before.
he replays the word you had uttered in your panicked state over and over again before deciding that he liked it.
ready to say something to you, he was given little time to react when you suddenly bowed down to him, “sorry, but i’m late for a very important mission!”
you end up stepping off to the side, running past jinwoo as the young hunter was left staring off at you with pure amusement in his eyes.
“ah, hunter sung jinwoo! it’s nice to see you again, come on in, there’s a few things i’d like to discuss with you.” chairman go gunhee greets him with a hearty laugh.
despite his reluctance to look away from you, jinwoo enters the conference room with chairman go. during the meeting, the chairman spoke about the hundreds of sponsorship offers he had received for ahjin guild, yet as jinwoo poured over the paperwork, not a single one of those offers stood out to him. clearly, he had you other things on his mind.
why would i need any of these deals when the system provides me with far superior weapons?
jinwoo was dimly aware of the chairman letting out a sigh before saying a name he had never heard of before.
“excuse me?” jinwoo looks up expectantly to see a smile painted on the chairman’s features.
“that’s the name of the new healer that ran into you just now. she gets a bit scatterbrained when she’s nervous, but the young woman has a good heart. ever since ms. joohee lee retired, i have seen her transfer and appearance at our association as a blessing.”
jinwoo winces at the mention of joohee, recalling back their last meeting together when she announced her retirement to him. perhaps he should figure out her address and mail a gift to her?
but chairman go’s next words was what ultimately breaks him out of his reveries, making jinwoo do a double take, “today was her first raid.”
knowing that it was your first raid fills jinwoo with a strange discomfort, his chest tightening as the urge to protect you fills his veins. “you sent her off without me?”
the chairman gives him a confused expression, “i assure you, hunter sung, that this is a low level gate; a mere c-rank. the woman is a certified a-rank healer, and i’m certain she can handle healing her comrades.”
jinwoo’s heart suddenly began to stop just then, being filled with fear as he had flashbacks pertaining to the cartenon temple-
the same double dungeon that had killed him before deciding to choose him as the system’s player.
without even thinking about it, he looks towards the exit and asks for the exact location of where the c-level gate had spawned. chairman go lets out a sigh, collecting all of the documents together into one neat pile before answering him.
“it’s in the middle of the city, you wouldn’t miss it, hunter sung.”
jinwoo thanks the chairman before making a mad dash out of the association’s building and into the busy streets of the city. as he ran, he was able to sense the gate’s power quickly dwindling as it seemed to be on the cusp of disappearing.
hm? that’s strange; is the raid already over?
within the next few minutes, jinwoo arrives at the location where the gate had supposedly been, being filled with a relief when he saw a group of hunters and you in the midst of the crowd. they each call out your name, giving you a thumbs up while expressing their gratitude towards you and your healing abilities.
in return, your expression was sheepish, and a little embarrassed, waving to your comrades as they each returned home for the day. your hand was still kept in an upright position when you finally noticed him standing a few feet away from you with a lazy smile on his face.
you appeared to be flustered now, hands now gripping on tightly to your satchel as you attempted to run away from him by going in the opposite direction-
lucky for jinwoo, he was fast enough, already able to cut off your escape as he appears directly in front of you, eyes glowing a faint hue as his lips were turned up in a smile.
“why did you start running right after seeing me?” jinwoo made sure his voice was soothing and smooth so as to not scare you away. he could see the way your eyes darted everywhere else but at him, cheeks seeming to warm up in response to his question.
“u-uhm, well, it’s because i had run into you earlier and uhm-“
“you had called me moonlight, right?”
it seems he had nailed it, for your expression became even more panicked as you tried to take several steps away from him. but jinwoo, still filled with amusement and joy, was simply having too much fun to let you go.
“come on, there’s no need to look so panicked. your nickname for me actually intrigued me a lot.” he keeps a hand behind your back, preventing you from moving away from him.
“i’m just curious about your nickname for me, that’s all.”
jinwoo had to fight back the grin and chuckle that threatens to escape from his lips (he physically had to purse them in response to your flustered state.)
“uhm, well, that i-is…” you kept stuttering the tiniest bit, even fanning your face in response before setting the palm of your hands against your heated cheeks. “i’m sorry, i’d rather not say, hunter sung.”
jinwoo didn’t like how stifling his title sounded against your pretty, parted lips, making him sigh as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
after all, he would much rather be your moonlight.
“come on, let’s celebrate.” he decides to change the subject then in hopes of getting you to relax around him.
“huh? what? did you say celebrate?”
not even giving you a chance to reject him, he places a hand behind your back while leading you into the city.
“wait… where are you taking me?”
“out to eat at this steakhouse as celebration for your first successful raid.” jinwoo admits to you with a wink and a grin, making you even more flustered in response.
“oh, there’s no need! besides, i’m a little sweaty a-and-“
“don’t worry about it; it’s more of a casual dining experience, and i’m certain no one will be opposed to a healer like yourself dining at their establishment.”
you were ready to protest once more when jinwoo could detect a low, grumbling sound coming from your stomach. a cheeky grin was felt spreading when he looks down at your abdomen. unable to meet his gaze, you fold your arms across your chest, “okay, f-fine! i’ll join you for dinner…”
knowing he had won, jinwoo takes a hold of your hand in his, weaving across the city with a bright smile on his face when he takes you to the restaurant. upon arrival, he felt a little disheartened to see how busy it was, but when the hostess saw him, he was immediately offered a private table near the back of the restaurant.
“hm, i guess it pays off to be an s-rank…” once they were both seated, jinwoo takes a look at the menu while offering you the basket of warm rolls with butter for you to munch on to help with easing your hunger. losing all of your prior shyness now, you take two rolls and place them on your plate, spreading the butter on it before taking a bite. basking in your eager moans as you ate, jinwoo couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle in response.
“is there anything in particular that you’d like to order?”
between bites of your rolls, you shake your head before swallowing. “n-no, i don’t mind having what you’re having…”
jinwoo hums in response, collecting both of the menus when the waiter comes by to take his order.
“we’ll have two 16 ounce steaks cooked medium rare please.”
the waiter nods and writes down the order, “and what would you like to drink?”
“red wine and two waters.”
the waiter then takes the menu while smiling, “got it. it will be out soon, sir.”
jinwoo was finally left alone with you, seeing the basket of rolls already half empty as you worked on what he assumed was your last roll. he smiles at you before taking a roll himself, “do you feel better now?”
“oh, yes! ah, sorry if i looked like a pig, scarfing down all that buttery bread.” you had a sheepish expression on your face now, scratching the back of your head while letting out a nervous giggle.
jinwoo shakes his head in response, “there’s no need to apologize, pig out all you want. you can always be yourself around me.”
he listens to the way you proceed to swallow thickly, not quite brave enough to meet his gaze when you thanked him. humming in response, jinwoo also starts enjoying the dinner rolls while making small talk with you, wishing to get to know you better as you both waited for your food to arrive.
and truly, jinwoo did not hold back with his questions that were strangely intimate.
were you seeing anyone at the moment?
what was your last relationship like?
what was your childhood like?
do you have any siblings? if so, are you the eldest, middle, or youngest child?
when did you awaken your powers as a healer?
what is your…
favorite food-
favorite color-
favorite song?
the moment his questioning ceased was when their food finally arrived, as two large plates steaks with mashed potatoes and broccoli were placed before them.
“well, dig in. and don’t be shy, i know you still must be starving, especially after your first raid.” jinwoo had to make sure to reassure you as he could see the way your mouth was practically salivating at the food.
“t-thank you so much!” picking up your knife and fork, you began cutting into the juicy and tender piece of steak, placing the morsel within your mouth as you let out a happy moan in response.
jinwoo was filled with utter delight as he watched you eating your meal, taking casual bites of his own food, but never once straying his gaze too far away from you. you continue eating in silence, not saying a word as it was clear that you wanted to savor this meal to its fullest.
you and jinwoo continued to eat in a comfortable silence for the next hour, with jinwoo letting out a whistle at your own, empty plate. “wow, that’s pretty amazing. i thought i was the only one who could polish off this meal.”
you were in the middle of taking gulps of your iced water, setting down your glass before wiping at your lips, “sorry, it was so good… and i guess i was pretty hungry. i had skipped lunch earlier because i was so nervous about my first raid.”
“that’s understandable.” jinwoo nods while taking sips of his red wine. “just… don’t skip meals ever again, okay? your body needs it- especially now that you’re a healer.”
you nod in agreement while giving him a smile. “thank you, i’ll definitely keep that in mind… hunter sung.”
“jinwoo.” he ends up correcting you with a sigh. if you weren’t going to call him moonlight again, then he would much rather you refer to him by his first name.
“ah, what…? you’re giving me permission to call you by your first name?”
jinwoo leans back against his seat with his arms crossed over his chest, “is that a problem?”
you shake your head while clearing your throat, “n-no, it’s no problem at all! if that’s the case, then you may call me by my first name, too.”
when the waiter returns, he asks if you or jinwoo would like dessert, but you both shake your head at the offer. jinwoo gives the waiter his card, paying for both of the meals, which earned another smile from you.
with the dinner date completed, jinwoo places his card back within his wallet, pocketing it before casually walking beside you. you were playing with the straps of your satchel, mouth opening and closing, like you wanted to say something to him.
“the reason i called you moonlight was because your radiance is as gentle as the moon.”
your sudden words makes jinwoo stops in his tracks, feeling his heart begin to pound when he heard that nickname again-
his attention was fully on you now, facing you completely as he rests both of his hands within the pocket of his coat. you did not meet his gaze, clearly embarrassed as you forced yourself to tell him the truth.
“i spent some time perfecting my healing abilities because i held a deep admiration for you… you were achingly beautiful to me, jinwoo… you filled my life with such motivation and light- however, your presence and beauty wasn’t harsh like looking up at the sun, shining so brightly that it may blind me.”
you take another moment to yourself before finally meeting his gaze, eyes shining with a look akin to adoration for him.
“no, instead, your brilliance was more like that of the moon. your gentle rays was like a beacon for me… that’s why, you’re my moonlight.”
once you had finished your explanation, jinwoo felt as though his heart was floating in response. never before had such unbidden happiness filled his veins, the feeling becoming so potent that he had to take a step closer to you.
“oh? that’s why you called me moonlight?” he asks with another grin spreading across his handsome features.
“ah, yes. in my rush… i didn’t want to say your name and my secret nickname for you kind of slipped…?” you admit with a bit of a tremor in your voice.
his rich chuckle was heard echoing into the night air when he leans down, placing a hand on your chin while admitting, “to be honest, i’m glad that your secret nickname for me slipped.”
he hums a bit while brushing the tip of his nose against your forehead. you end up clinging to the front of his coat while shakily calling out to him.
“please, refer to me as your moonlight from now on.” jinwoo gives you a soft smile, taking your hand in his while pressing a kiss against the back of it.
“i can be your moonlight, and you can be my love. how does that sound?”
he basks in the way your smile widens in response to his proposition, giving him an eager nod before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“that sounds perfect to me, moonlight.”
and when he finally leans down to press his lips against yours, it was a sensation jinwoo knew that he would never once forget for the rest of his life.
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a.n. - i’ve had this daydream stewing in my head for a while now, and finally decided to write it all down in a more coherent story 。゚(TヮT)゚。 i wanted to post this real quick before spending the following weeks doing research with my professor, so please do enjoy!
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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1chaerry · 2 months
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Poised and Reckless
Summary: Kim Dokja read TWSA more times than he knew and then when the fiction became reality, he felt like he could perhaps deal with it somehow. Until he meets a woman who doesn't exist in the novel and has turned the experiences of the Apocalypse questionable.
KimCom has a reckless member, even more than Kim Dokja (shocking) who always keeps them and the Constellations on their toes with her antics. Maybe also causing a few admirers down the road.
w.c 2.5+
Reader is called "Saram", the Korean version of "Human/Person"
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"Dokja, look, look, I found a sword" The woman grinned as she walked over to Kim Dokja in an excited manner. The KimCom group paused and looked at the woman who practically skipped over to the white coat wearing man. Kim Dokja had a baffled look on his face as she held a sword that was thrice her size. Even Lee Hyunsung felt his jaw hit the broken ground as he saw her carry a sword that was obviously too big for her.
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is confused where Incarnation Saram got that sword ]
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband feels stress at the sight of Incarnation Saram with the sword ]
[ Constellation Sleeping Lady of Brocade is screaming for someone to take away the sword from Incarnation Saram before she causes another mess ]
"H-hey, be careful with that!" Jihye panicked, immediately she moved away from the woman who was carelessly swinging the sword around. Yoo Sangah and Lee Seolhwa sighed tiredly, already used to her antics. Meanwhile, Han Sooyoung was snickering at the looks of terror on Hyunsung and Jihye's faces. How amusing.
Yoosung and Gilyoung exclaimed, their eyes glittering as they watched Saram stumble around with the sword. They were rather enthusiastic about Sarah's questionable antics. The kids being the only ones who could keep up with her hyper nature. Dokja sweatdropped, he wondered how a person who never appeared in TWSA could impact their lives so much. However, Dokja would never be unhappy that Saram had joined them, her antics, her behaviour, she, herself, was perhaps the only bit of normalcy they had left to the world that once existed.
Even if her antics caused them to age twenty years every time they saw her.
"Hyuk-ie, look!" Saram smiles as she ran over to the tall man, the sword making her off balance. Kim Dokja sighed at the scene, for some reason, this Sunfish, didn't react or say anything whenever Saram called him that. And to think Yoo Joonghyuk threw Kim Dokja into the river when they first met.
[ Constellation Goryeo's First Swordsman is amused how such a tiny incarnation is carrying such a huge sword ]
[ Constellation Goryeo's First Swordsman has sponsored 300 coins ]
"Where did you find that?" Yoo Joonghyuk asked calmly, as if seeing Saram with a sword thrice her size was normal - well, Saram never did normal things - as he eyed the sword. Saram practically sparkled before pointing towards a building.
"I killed that Monster and stole it." She grinned
"What monster—" Heewon regretted even asking the question as they turned to the direction where Saram was pointing. Everyone froze. Perhaps the Constellations also froze. Kim Dokja was speechless as he walked towards the woman, blinking owlishly as she stared up at Yoo Joonghyuk.
"Saram-ssi, by monster do you mean that 25 feet headless monster that is crashed into the building right now?" Sangah said slowly, her eyes stuck on the monster.
Saram grinned, "Yep!"
And a silence fell over the area.
"Hyuk-ie, see, I'm strong." Saram grinned as her balance was off due to the sword. Yoo Joonghyuk didn't say anything. More like he couldn't say anything. A sigh left his mouth and he extended his hand towards Saram, "I'll carry that sword."
Saram handed it over immediately.
Yoo Joonghyuk awkwardly pats her head.
"Just like that?!" Han Sooyoung, Gong Pildu and Lee Jihye exclaimed at the sight of Yoo Joonghyuk and Saram.
[ Constellation God of Wine and Ecstasy is wondering when that even happened ]
[ Constellation Secretive Plotter is amused at Incarnation Saram taking down a monster so quietly ]
[ Constellation Secretive Plotter has sponsored 500 coins ]
"Thanks for carrying it, Hyuk-ie." Saram hugged the man who stilled. Yoo Mia held back a chuckle as she watched her brother freeze up. Not just Joonghyuk, even the members of KimCom froze. The Supreme King Yoo Joonghyuk let someone hug him. And he didn't kill that person?
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is flabbergasted ]
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire has sponsored 500 coins ]
"Kim Dokja, I think that is an imposter—" Han Sooyoung began.
"No, it's just Saram being Saram." Kim Dokja sighed as he walked pass the writer.
"But she- that guy- whaaaa?" Han Sooyoung was shocked, she walked baffled.
"Saram-unni is amazing." Yoosung said in admiration.
"Don't take her as an example." Dokja sweatdropped.
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Yoo Joonghyuk wondered if he was being punished.
Saram dragged him with her as she walked through the broken and littered streets of Seoul excitedly. The KimCom was trailing behind them, he was sure he heard someone laughing - squid calamari sounded nice for dinner, maybe he'll make that for Mia and Saram - he thought when he caught sight of who laughed.
Kim Dokja had stored away the sword somewhere, Yoo Joonghyuk did not question as he was already being dragged by Saram. It was strange. Saram had a strange clinginess to him and Kim Dokja. Sometimes she would run up to him with sparkling eyes, showing things she found, walk behind him, cling to him, call him that damn name 'Hyuk-ie' and then again scold him when he got hurt.
She was strange. Yet, she was someone who drew people in. Yoo Joonghyuk, despite hating people hugging him or touching him in general, could not bring himself to push away Saram whenever she hugged him. It was as if he unconsciously felt that she needed it. A strange emotion. And she was a hurricane. One would never know what she would do the next moment.
Perhaps that's why he was currently being dragged by the woman to a clear stream with trees and a waterfall. He sighed as Saram let go of his hand and ran off with the kids- Yoosung and Gilyoung - coming back with the kids in bathing suits with her having a cover up; Joonghyuk didn't notice her coming back, opting to set up a grill and cook for Mia (and Saram). Everyone was unwinding, setting up a bonfire, playing games, strategizing, cooking when a barrage of messages suddenly appeared.
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is blushing at the sight of Incarnation Saram ]
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband is quiet ]
[ Constellation Queen of the Darkest Spring is wondering where Incarnation Saram got that outfit ]
"What outfit?" Heewon said in confusion.
Before a silence echoes.
And then screaming.
"Which one of you left Saram unattended?"
"What is happening?"
"Why is the Prisoner of the Golden Headband quiet? Saram?!"
Panic broke out and a message appeared,
[ Constellation Abyssal Black Flame Dragon is wondering why everyone is stupid to not go to the waterfall ]
And so they all did.
Joonghyuk was dragged by Yoo Mia.
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"Bihyung." Saram quietly called for the Dokkaebi. He appeared in a flurry of stars and constellations, the white fluff and horns always the same as always.
"You called?"
"Turn the channel around me off for a few moments please, the kids and I want to get changed."
"Let me know when you're done." Bihyung nodded and disappeared away. For some reason, Bihyung listened to Saram, even more so than, Kim Dokja. But, he wouldn't tell Kim Dokja that.
"Saram-unni, this is so cute!" Yoosung excitedly looked at her light blue wetsuit. Saram smiled at the young girl as she helped Gilyoung zip up the back of his wetsuit as well. Gilyoung also hugged Saram as a thanks and ran off with Yoosung towards the waterfall while Saram hummed to herself, looking through her inventory for a particular item she had bought a while back.
Saram changed into her own suit and pulled on a mesh cover up on top. She put her hair down and walked over to the kids - she found them quite easily - who were already in the water. Placing a towel on the ground, she sat there and watched them play in the water for awhile before telling Bihyung that he could turn on the camera now.
[ Constellation Queen of the Darkest Night finds the scene of the kids playing amusing. ]
Saram chuckled at the message and heard the kids call her as well, "Saram-unni/noona, come in the water already!"
And who was she to decline such a great offer?
Saram took off the cover up and walked into the water as well. The water felt nice and cool again her skin.
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is blushing at the sight of Incarnation Saram. ]
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband is quiet. ]
[ Constellation Queen of the Darkest Spring is wondering where Incarnation Saram got that. ]
Saram didn't pay much attention to any of that, simply having fun in the water with the kids. Even if the world went to ruin, she wanted to at least give the gives these small moments of happiness and peace. Yoosung and Gilyoung splashed her with water at the same time, causing her to be drenched completely, complaining, "You little—" She swam towards the two in a mock threatening way.
The kids laughed as Saram sent a small wave of water in their direction.
[ Constellation Last Pharaoh is enjoying the clothing choices of Incarnation Saram. ]
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire finds that scene to be really heartwarming. ]
The KimCom group ran over to find Saram, Gilyoung and Yoosung leisurely playing in the water. They stared at the scene with bafflement.
Kim Dokja had seen many things since this apocalypse began. But Saram was an entity that just always exceeded his expectations.
"Where did they even get those swimsuits?" Jihye blinked.
"Saram looks hella fine— ack!" Han Sooyoung was immediately hit on her head by Yoo Sangah.
"Saram is just full of surprises." Seolhwa chuckled and walked towards the shallow ends, waving at the three. Saram and the kids saw the group and swam over in their direction - the kids running when they were in shallow ends - while Saram took her time. A few jaws dropped when they saw her, a few faces blushed and a lot of them were left staring in bafflement.
"Where did you get this from?" Jung Heewon asked asked as she stood near the woman.
"I bought it awhile back, along with those suits for the kids but I stored them away in the inventory because there wasn't a place to keep them." Saram shrugged before her eyes caught her next target. She grinned and ran.
"Mia!" The younger Yoo was surprised at being called, she stood by Yoo Joonghyuk who was quiet, eyes staring at Saram. The woman smiled at Joonghyuk before grabbing Mia's hand, "Come on, I have a suit for you too." And Yoo Joonghyuk was left there as his sister was whisked away by the hurricane known as Saram.
"You know, if you stare anymore, you'll burn holes into her." Han Sooyoung teased Yoo Joonghyuk with a smirk on her face, "You perv."
[ Constellation Secretive Plotter is enjoying the spectacle ]
[ 300 coins have been sponsored ]
Han Sooyoung's screams of terror rang out a moment as she was chased by a raging Yoo Joonghyuk with Lee Jihye running after Yoo Joonghyuk with gleaming eyes.
Kim Dokja and Lee Hyunsung sighed but then froze when they were also approached by Saram with a glint in her eyes, "Dokja, Hyunsung~"
They ran off.
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Dokja and Hyunsung were caught. Saram now had one hand around each of their arms as she walked towards the water with them, a wide grin on her face. Sangah chuckled at the sight, only Saram could do things like this.
[ Constellation One Who Changes His Existence is interested by Incarnation Saram's actions. ]
[ 500 coins have been sponsored. ]
Somehow, Saram had gotten everyone, except for Pildu - he wouldn't budge no matter what - in the water. She paused, not everyone was in the water. A certain King was missing. She grinned.
Kim Dokja shivered at the sight of her grin. That didn't mean anything good. Before he could say anything, Saram had already ran off - Dokja realised why she ran off when his eyes skimmed over this companions - in search of someone.
Saram returned a few moments later, practically pulling Yoo Joonghyuk - Dokja didn't know how that was possible either - with her as she had a huge smile on her lips. Yoo Joonghyuk was not someone who would indulge in all this. He would probably say no.
That was what everyone thought until —
Saram literally pushed the man into the water.
Jaws dropped.
"That's what I'm talking about!"
"Unni/Noona is so cool!"
"Seolhwa-ssi please give me a painkiller for my headache."
[ Constellation Secretive Plotter is amused by the actions of Incarnation Saram ]
[ 500 coins have been sponsored ]
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband fell off his chair laughing ]
[ Constellation Abyssal Black Flame Dragon is laughing ]
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is grinning like crazy ]
Saram jumped into the water as well. However, she was soon held in a headlock by Yoo Joonghyuk. A dark expression on his face.
"Saram-unni is turning blue!"
"Hey, you damn King!"
Saram in return pulled the man's cheek harshly causing him to jolt in surprise.
"Rest in peace, Saram."
"Nice Saram!"
"Saram-ssi, I'll pray for you."
Surprisingly, Yoo Joonghyuk didn't do anything and simply let her go. Jaws dropped.
Kim Dokja wondered, what was even happening at this point?
"HEY THAT'S TOO MUCH FAVOURITISM!" Han Sooyoung yelled and then screamed as a large wave was sent in her direction, flushing her away.
"Sooyoung-ssi got washed away!?"
"Would you like some chocolate, Yoosung and Gilyoung?" Sangah asked - ignoring the chaos - and the kids nodded, walking with her to the shallow ends.
"Saram put that boulder down—"
Gong Pildu yawned as he read his newspaper.
"Don't throw it on Yoo Joonghyuk!"
Seolhwa checked her medication supply.
"Don't throw it on Kim Dokja either!"
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband is wondering if that boulder can kill ]
"Don't encourage her, you monkey!"
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danikamariewrites · 5 months
Okay but being mated to Az, Cass, and Nesta but you don’t know and a foreign dignitary comes to stay at the House of Wind with the four of you and Rhys asks you to seduce/be flirty with them and the three of them are absolutely feral trying to keep their jealousy down
Just One Night
Nessian x Azriel x reader
A/n: I’ve been dying to write another fic with these four! They would absolutely want to kill Rhys for this especially Nesta.
Warnings: possessive Nessian & Azriel
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Today is the day. Nesta had decided for the group that today they would tell you about the bond. She was just waiting for you all to get out of a meeting with Rhys and her sister. The last thing Nesta wanted was to confess the bond - and her love for you - in front of Rhys.
Nesta heard the angry footsteps echoing off the marble floor of her mates before she saw them. Setting her book down she tilted her head curiously at their disgruntled looks. The males dropped into their respective arms chairs letting out dejected sighs. Nesta stood with her arms crossed and a raised brow as she looked between the two.
“Well.” She said sharply. Azriel let out a low growl from the back of his throat. She felt his annoyance down the bond and looked to Cassian for an answer. Sighing through his mouth and rubbing the bridge of his nose Cassian bites out, “Rhys is having her seduce the emissary from Montesere. Cyrus Yarrow.”
When they looked up at Nesta those silver flames were dancing with anger in her eyes. Her left one practically twitching. “He’s having her do what?” She growled. Nesta turned on her heel, black dress flaring dramatically. Cassian grabbed her wrist before she could go give Rhys a piece of her mind.
Her fist balled. The first and only warning Cassian would get to release her. Letting go his open hand hovered cautiously. “Wait. She, just…she took the job. She knows what to get from the guy and we won’t let it get farther than that, yeah?” Nesta cracked her neck, letting out an annoyed sigh. “Fine.”
“You don’t want to be overbearing, Nes.” Azriel said. That deep, even voice relaxing her. “You’re right.” She looked back at her mates as Azriel waved her over. His arms open for her. Without hesitating Nesta sat on Azriel’s thigh, resting her head against his chest. “I know you’re impatient,” he says against her hair, “the Mother knows we are too, but we want to make it special for her.”
Pulling out the garment bag from your closet a knock sounded at your bedroom door. “Come in!” You hear whom ever enter, shuffling around the room. Nesta poked her head in your closet. You smile at her, “Hey you.” She gives you an equally dazzling smile. For a moment you swear something like love sparkles in her eyes.
Your heart leaped at the thought then quickly sunk. Remembering how in love she is with Cass. Blinking rapidly you plaster that smile back on your face. “What’s up?” You ask lightly. “I thought we could get ready for the ball together.��
You nod vigorously. “I would love that.” You and Mor used to get ready together - Feyre too - until she found Emerie. Usually when Rhys gave you a job for the evening you liked to get ready alone. Being alone lets you think through your plan for the night. Being with Nesta will be a nice change though. She was able to distract you from the awaiting nightmare of Cyrus.
Cyrus Yarrow was renowned for the females he chose to surround himself with. Always beautiful and charming. He was also quite demanding and handsy when he found something he liked. A shiver runs down your spine causing you to shake, your chin dropping to your chest.
Looking back up you saw Nesta had moved closer to your face. Her hand poised to draw with the kohl on your lid. “Are you ok?” You give her a small nod. “Stay still,” she giggled. A warmth bloomed in your chest at the sound.
The ball was in full swing. Nesta had stolen you for the first dance before you were swept away by Cyrus. Azriel had grabbed her waist before she could kill the male, dragging her into a waltz she could do in her sleep. Cassian was sending waves of calm to her down the bond. He stepped in for Az once the song was over. Also so Azriel could keep an eye on you for the night.
“Remember what Azriel said, Nes.” She gave him a curt nod, looking over her shoulder for you as they spin around the floor. “Hey,” Cass demanded, taking his hand from her waist to grip her chin. “She is fine. She is capable. I know the instinct to protect her and be by her is intense, we’re feeling it too. But tomorrow, he will be gone.” “Yeah.” She mumbled. Cassian pressed a quick kiss to Nesta’s lips before dipping her dramatically.
Azriel watched from the shadows as you entertained Cyrus. His party from Montesere was nothing like him. Kind and proper as they chatted with Mor and Feyre. His eyes bounced between the groups wanting to make sure that his court was safe. Feyre stood up straighter. A shocked and confused look pulling at her features.
He met his High Lady’s gaze and she tapped on his mental shield wasting no time in updating her spymaster. Cyrus no longer held the power they were told about. His Lord had stripped his title a week ago. This relieved Azriel. It meant he wouldn’t feel guilty about pulling you away from work and that Rhys wouldn’t give him a tongue lashing.
The Shadowsinger was about to step in and save you from Cyrus’s awfulness when a panicked feeling froze him in place. His shadows had reported Nesta and Cassian were safe. He even spotted them smiling and laughing as they danced.
When the realization hit Azriel that it was you projecting your feelings down the bond ran to you, sending his shadows ahead to pull Cyrus off of you. The look of disgust on your face had his instincts to protect you screaming at him to go.
Azriel drew Truth Teller, holding it to Cyrus’s neck. “Back away from my mate.” Azriel said practically roared. The fae around them stopped, gasps sounded through the crowd as they stared. You clung to Azriel’s arm through the whole ordeal. As the word mate left his mouth you stared up at Az, your eyes twinkling with love.
You had always had a crush on Azriel. But Nesta, you thought to yourself. No, you’d let her go. You have Az now. “Mate,” you repeat. Azriel stilled as the realization of the word he just spoke dawned on him. He slowly turned to look at you. The corners of your lip turning up at the his shock.
“Yeah, umm…” His gaze drifted behind you. You followed his gaze to find a stunned Cassian and a fuming Nesta. “Az?” You ask softly. The party had resumed around you as the couple stepped closer. Cassian placed his hands on Nesta’s shoulders in a calming manner. “Why don’t we all go talk somewhere else.” Cass suggested. “Why do we all,” you trail off as Nesta grabs your hand to drag you out of the ball room.
You kept looking between Nesta, Azriel, and Cassian as she leads you to the living quarters of the House of Wind. Her iron grip never leaving you. Entering the main living room Nesta drops your hand making a beeline for the bar cart housing one of Rhys’s expensive bottles of whiskey. Pouring herself a finger she downs the amber liquid in one go.
“I thought,” she started, her tone dangerously calm, “we wanted to make it special. To do something sweet for our mate.” Nesta flashed her perfect canines in a saccharine smile at the males. Azriel’s jaw tightened. His head dropped, clearly frustrated with himself.
You hold his hand with both of yours. Running your thumb across the back of his hand in calming circles. Nesta’s words caught up with your brain. Our, she had said.
You looked at her with wide eyes. “Our? As in all three of you are my mates.” Cassian couldn’t help but grin. “Yeah sweetheart. You have all three of us. We’ve been waiting to tell you and we wanted to make it special. Cyrus just got in the way.” You covered your mouth as happy tears lined your eyes. That warm feeling in your chest that appeared with Nesta earlier returning. The bond glowing fiercely as it branched out to all three of them.
You sink on to the plush couch taking in the information. You have been blessed with three mates. Each one you were madly in love with. And you get to love them all for the rest of your life!
Cassian came to sit beside you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you into his side. You could sense the apology on his lips before he could even say it. Cassian has always been too apologetic for his own good. You grabbed his hand resting on his thigh. “I’m not mad. I am incredibly happy to hear this.” Cassian’s head dropped to rest on yours. Azriel takes the spot next to you wrapping his arms around your waist pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You stare at Nesta who hadn’t moved an inch since you entered the room. You wave her over to join couch snuggles, tugging on the bond to entice her. Nesta ran at you. Jumping to straddle your lap and pushing Cass and Az off you. You hugged her tightly inhaling her scent of fire and steel masked by the vanilla and almond perfume she wears.
“I love you so much, y/n.” She whispered just for you to hear. “I love you, Nes. With all my heart.” You whispered back, just for her to hear.
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Swallowed Whole by The Flame (Messmer the Impaler x Tarnished! Reader) 4
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Summary: You and Messmer come to some sort of agreement.
A/N: This is a shorter chapter, but I promise to provide something juicy for the next one!
A03 link
Chapter 4: An Accord
When you're dressed in a cleaner pair of knight's trousers, boots and shirt, you are directed back to the room you dreaded returning to. Messmer's throne room was just as dimly lit as when you first entered, with the Lord awaiting you like an emperor on his throne. 
He was regal and poised, wracking his sharp nails against the armrest as if awaiting your arrival. The other was curled around his spear, an intimidating sight to behold. Once you had been deposited in front of him, his fire knights bowed in respect, taking their spots positioned in areas around the room, eyes directed only on you.
"Tarnished," he announced, his voice booming through the empty hall with the exceptionalism of someone like him, "thou art not much of a beast after all."
He was discussing the matters of being cleaned up, both through your wounds and through being cleaned. Though, if being kept alive was not seen as a sign of mercy from him, there had to be some ulterior motives. 
"Yes, nothing screams relaxation than being drowned in a bath with nowhere to hide." You spoke comically, but Messmer found no amusement in your words. He hadn't since you arrived. You did wonder if he had made friendships in his years, through his soldiers, or did they find him to be some enigma.
You filled the silence with a question. "Now that you so kindly mended me and had me bathed, am I to be on my way?"
Messmer's eye squinted subtly, tapping his fingers impatiently like a cat would swish its tail. You were slowly ebbing your way through to irritating him more and more. "And wherefore doth thee think I wouldst?"
Nerves bubble to your throat, as you're ready to throw up or wish upon his flames to take you out now. "I told you of Miquella's plans. That would make me not your enemy nor your ally." You spoke incredulously. "I am not wanting any part of this, on either side. I am simply telling you the truth so I may leave."
"So thee may betray another?"
"So I may survive." You corrected. Messmer didn't seem convinced. "Do you know how exhausting it is to fight against your family? Your siblings betray and scheme, your mother is imprisoned by some greater will none could even open, and yet, I am in the midst of it all."
He doesn't speak, simply surveying you as do his serpents, all eyes that seem to read right through you, reading whether you speak the truth or not. Truth be told, you do not know if you know what of Marika's whereabouts, only that war after war has been fought, with no sight of a true victor. A Tarnished like yourself could never be loved, nor accepted, it was known. How they mocked you, but still, you endured.
"T'is a shame," Messmer spoke. "It seemeth one of thy friends already knoweth of thy whereabouts."
You held no allies that you knew of who held your trust, alive or dead. None came to your head. "Who?"
"There has't been sightings of one of Miquella's followers, the former follower of Radahn, Freyja." His fingers scratched lightly against the wood of the throne, irking you greatly. "I want thee to deal with her."
You scoff, crossing your arms, glowering back at him with as much fire as he does. So all those things he did rather than kill you were for something. "What would you have me do?"
"Simple," Messmer leans back on his throne, a small smirk on his face. "Kill her and bringeth the proof."
You could only wish he had been joking at this moment, for the urge to laugh washed over you. Indeed it would've been an awkward time to do so. "You wish for me to kill her? Shall I make it clear that she is not the only one? If they hear one of theirs are killed by my own hands, they will not stop until they have me dead. And they will hear of it, one way or another."
"It should not be an issue for you, Tarnished." Messmer holds no sympathy for you, rather he looks even more bored by you. You think if you don't answer him a simple yes or no, he will just catch you alight on the very spot you stand in, imprisoning you again and again.
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. "Where was she spotted?"
"Mine own soldiers sayeth the Moorth Ruins. It is a two-day ride."
Great. You could only wish you could fly out the highest window and end in a place far from the Keep, riding on Torrent out of here, away from strange cult-like followers and tyrants. "And if I don't do this?"
"Oh, I'm sure thee shall," Messmer rises, his chainmail rattling with each methodical step he takes towards you. "Not only wouldst thee be wanted by me and mine own men, but by them as well.  Wouldst thee rather has't the safety of these walls or the bitter cold world to swallow thee whole?"
Neither were good options, but despite your odds, you'd rather go against each of them individually than face Messmer alone as the full force.
A hundred cuts then to be burnt over and over again.
He has made his way down towards you now, standing in front of you in all his glory. Now that you're not fighting him, you realise up close that behind the scowl, there is a handsomeness to him. You have to admit that the kin of Marika were very comely.
"What doth thee sayeth?" Messmer's voice is a mere whisper, his voice reverberates out and through your chest, and you can't help but shudder at how he enunciates each word thoughtfully. 
Sorry Miquella. You think, signing away your life once again. "I accept."
For the first time, Messmer seems... relieved by your choice. You visibly see the way the lines in his forehead relax slightly, his golden snake-like eye lessens its intensity as if even he is surprised you would say yes.
Messmer gestures for you to follow him. "Cometh, mine own men shalt handeth thee thy weapons and armour."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your amour feels heavy from how long you have not worn it. In those three days imprisoned, you feel the relief of the 'fresh' air hitting your skin, sighing deeply as you take it all in. Messmer stands slightly off to the side behind you, arms folded behind his back, but you're certain you can feel either his gaze or one of his snakes on you.
His soldiers hand you the necessary things, your bag full of your flasks and the map in case you need it to find the ruins, but you're sure you know where they are. 
There is a tense build-up in the air as you stand before Messmer, dressed and armed with his knights ready to wave you off. How you thought Messmer could trust you to do this, you weren't sure. You still thought this was all some trap, bringing the other into a false sense of security before the other could stab them in the back.
Messmer walked over to you, his red hair was even brighter in the cold outside world. "Shalt thee needeth a horse?"
"No need." You responded, pulling forth your whistle and blowing into it, the high-pitched screech bringing forth the long-awaited Torrent at last. Torrent materialises out of nowhere, startling Messmer's knights as if unsure what it was you had conjured. You greet him as he strides towards you, bonking his snout to you as you chuckle, bringing forth a sweet for him to savour. Messmer watched silently until you spoke to him. "This is Torrent. He has been by my side ever since."
Messmer seemed awkward with the small talk, simply nodding but as if he wished to say more. "Very well." He gave a nod, to which gave the thumbs up for the drawbridge to be lowered. The heavy gate groaned with life as it slowly fell, giving you time to hop onto Torrent, finalising everything you had.
When the bridge was finally opened, you gave a final look to Messmer, and his knights, as if you were waving off a dear friend, not the one who had you imprisoned for so long. It felt odd, to say the least, rather than relief to be going, it felt strange to be sent off only to come back to him when all was done.
Messmer was still towering over you when he tugged on your arm, startling you with how warm he felt even through the leather of your gloves. It could almost be unbearable if he held on much longer.
Now almost at eye level with him, you stared back at him, realising just how close he was to your face and-- since when did he have freckles? And when had he ever looked so calm when looking at you? It brought this unknown heat to rise to your face, thankful that your face was covered. 
It was only when the tension was eased that Messmer leant further, whispering something close to your ears that brought the ripples of a shudder to pass through you. In that very moment, you had wished you hadn't touched the withered arm and stepped forth to get to these lands:
"If thee dare betray me, I shall maketh sure thou art never blessed by mine own mother's grace again."
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vickyvicarious · 11 months
To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks.
Jonathan, 3 October
She lay in her Vampire sleep, so full of life and voluptuous beauty that I shudder as though I have come to do murder. Ah, I doubt not that in old time, when such things were, many a man who set forth to do such a task as mine, found at the last his heart fail him, and then his nerve. So he delay, and delay, and delay, till the mere beauty and the fascination of the wanton Un-Dead have hypnotise him; and he remain on and on, till sunset come, and the Vampire sleep be over. Then the beautiful eyes of the fair woman open and look love, and the voluptuous mouth present to a kiss—and man is weak. And there remain one more victim in the Vampire fold; one more to swell the grim and grisly ranks of the Un-Dead!…
Van Helsing, 5 November
One thing I noticed this year was the way Van Helsing echoed Jonathan's declaration about lovers joining the ranks of the undead. They both use very similar language, but with a couple huge differences. This makes these quotes almost a reverse of one another in a really interesting way.
Van Helsing's theoretical men who become vampires out of love are very clearly victims. They are foolish, fascinated by a vampire woman's beauty, and don't need to have known her beforehand to be mesmerized. Their hearts fail them, when they allow beauty to stay their hand which had previously been poised to kill the undead they've been hunting.
Jonathan's very real man willing to become a vampire (and his presumed others before him) is making a deliberate choice. He is not being tricked into anything. He knows exactly how horrible a choice he is making, and is in fact doing so well away from the sight of any supernatural beauty or mesmeric power. His heart feels the holiest love, which guides it into darkness rather than ever even consider harming the undead he loves.
Van Helsing's assumption is that the men who falter didn't already know the vampire who eventually turned them, and thus no deeper love is really possible. This is very much not the case for Jonathan's quote. But I think even in that situation, the Professor would still consider Jonathan himself much closer to the foolish, mistaken victims of his own quote - rather than recognizing the agency and deliberate nature of Jonathan's choice. That's the main difference for me - even more than the depth of the connection/length of association (though of course that hugely informs the situation and is a necessary distinction), it's the knowing/unknowing nature of each one.
In both (hypothetical) situations the men are guided by their hearts, but Jonathan knows the truth even as he declares he would join his love to be a vampire. In Van Helsing's scenario, the men act against what they know by feeling pity and affection for what they intended to treat as a monster. They forget that the ranks of the undead are "grim and grisly" just long enough to fall prey. But Jonathan never does. He knows Mina would become a monster, knows that in this scenario he'd be joining the "ghastly ranks" of the undead. He doesn't forget that fact. He just considers his love to be more important, enough that he is willing to subject himself to such a terrible fate rather than harm or be separated from her. It's the opposite of someone mesmerized into delaying and being enticed into putting down their weapon. Instead he resists entreaties to pick it up in the first place. (At least to point towards Mina.)
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hubristicassholefight · 11 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 3
Malenia (Elden Ring) vs Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
She is arguably the hardest boss in any Fromsoft game.; She is the favorited boss of Animal from the Muppets.
"Arguably" the hardest boss in any fromsoft game? You don't even know. She is OBJECTIVELY the hardest boss in any fromsoft game. On march 1st 2023, a bit more than a full year since the game's release, From Software released the stats on the amount of attempts each boss took for the players collectively. As of march 1st 2023 Malenia has killed the players 329.000.000 times. That's 10 Tarnished every second. That's almost the entire population of the United States. Malenia is also an optional boss in a secluded area hidden away from everyone. According to PlayStation trophy statistics, only 37.9% of people who ever bought the game managed to even REACH Malenia in the first place. Which means among those 329.000.000 people she has obliterated were only the most dedicated of Fromsoft fans. Only 33.3% of people even managed to beat her. That number also includes everyone who beat her with summons, which makes her significantly easier. This means out of all people who bought the game on PlayStation 4 or 5 and reached Malenia which is about 3 million people, 377.000 just fucking dropped her, they didn't even do it with summons. Difficulty aside. Malenia is also extremely pretty and has the softest lips, her Goddess form looks like a painting. She fights with elegance and style unrivalled by any boss in the game, dancing through the battlefield with deadly, fluid motions. Malenia is also 256cm or 8'4" tall. Huge woman.
post let me solo her
#malenia is 8'4“ flat chested and broad shouldered#she kills you with incredible grace and poise#trans icon#id let her Waterfowl Dance on me and Infect Me with her Scarlet Rot...
#malenia is so dedicated to the sword it mends her failing body. she lives by fighting#her strongest attack is a technique that halts the progress of her terminal illness#i can never stop thinking about that. by all means she couldve rotted into a mile of mush before the game started#but she persists!! she persists!!!
#malenia blade of 15 layers of contradictory goals and personality traits summed up in like twelve total lines of dialogue#she's a stupidly good character but shes also a woman who did horrible things in a game with a deliberately vague narrative#so everyone just enters What A Bitch / Step On Me mode with her#as they are wont to do. the lowlives.#anyway what would happen if you hated yourself and successfully became someone who can do plenty of good#and yet the only way to live on and keep doing good would be to embrace the self who causes so much pain#but there's nothing left. so you wait and you rot and you keep telling yourself that you're still the self you love#and then you have to do it again. and now your conflictual agony is over because clearly you lost yourself long ago#and you look up knowing that you're the danger you've always feared you were. and you smile#and turn john eldenring into filet in 2 seconds flat
Warrior Princess
She wields a sword and chakram. Just had to submit a biconic swordswoman.
i love her. she made me gay as a kid. Anyway, her weapon of choice is her sword, she is obviously very good with it
#unfortunately i have to choose and i have to choose xena#a) utena had no warcry. b) xena fought gods. c) xena has kickass goofy comic book combat which is my favorite
xena didn’t just fight gods. she fucked up a girl’s life so bad that she (calisto) devoted her entire being to destroying everything that xena loved that ended up with calisto becoming a god in order to destroy xena, which didnt work because xena entombed her in lava. and then when xena and gabrielle encountered calisto in the (christian) afterlife (different from the greek one which they also fought her in), calisto dragged gabrielle to hell so xena became an archangel in order to save gabrielle and then sacrificed herself in order to undo all the harm that she did in calisto’s life and then when not!jesus (played by timothy omundson) revives xena and gabrielle, calisto impregnates xena with the reincarnation of calisto’s soul in order to end the cycle of hate. xena doesnt just fight gods. she creates and destroys them
#this isnt even mentioning her fighting julius ceasar several times#telling brutus that caesar is not his friend#xena and gabrielle’s souls reincarnating across centuries in order to kick ass and fall in love all over again#or the time xena became a god but tbh that ep is kinda ‘uhhhhh…..’ even if they did hire a consultant for it
#I think everyone here knows to vote for Xena. I think a couple people here might have some propaganda for Xena saved already#everyone remember that Xena/Gabrielle is CANON and that's a pretty big deal also#(does anyone have that Xena Loves Trans People interview around because that would also make good propaganda)7:47 PM
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fazedlight · 6 months
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Oath (Alex character study, of a sort)
She swore an oath.
“Kara,” Alex said, “What happened? Are you alright?”
“I have to find Lena-” Kara said, racing out of her kryptonite prison towards the Fortress computer.
Is Lena okay? “What did Rama Khan do?” Alex demanded.
She swore an oath. 
And as she heard Kara’s next words, she knew somewhere in back of her mind that her oath was about to be tested. “It was Lena,” Kara said, fighting back tears as she tapped at the Fortress computer. “She knew.”
Alex’s eyes widened as she processed what Kara said. She tried to focus - Lena had Myriad, and there was only one thing she could do with it - but there was an image being conjured in the back of Alex’s mind. She trapped my sister in kryptonite, Alex thought, her gut churning uncomfortably, She killed Lex, she knew for months…
Something like rage ran along the back of her neck, her jaw tensing with the idea of Kara, trapped and alone, watching as the woman she loved callously walked away. Alex had long known where that relationship was headed - or she thought she had, until now.
Adrenaline poured through her veins as they raced to find Myriad - portaling from the Fortress to the DEO - though her heart nearly stopped as Malefic stepped in front of her. Gun drawn, she demanded answers, but she regretted what she found. With Myriad and the q-waves Lena had isolated from Malefic, Lena was poised to take worldwide control.
She swore an oath.
“I can still save her,” Kara pleaded, as Alex’s mind scrambled for a plan. Something, anything to stop Lena from brainwashing the world. “You don’t know that,” Alex responded.
The litany ran through her mind - how she had cast suspicion on Lena at every turn, and yet the Luthor always came through. Even when a rift had developed between Lena and Supergirl, Lena showed up to clear the air of kryptonite when Kara fell. When Alex had lost her memory, she had seen so much of the Luthor’s nobility, her curiosity. She’s hurt, Alex knew, she’s misguided. 
But she swore an oath.
Claymore, Alex thought, her mind formulating a plan - trying to push out the empathy for how Lena must be aching, trying to chase away her anger that Lena had trapped her baby sister in a torturous cage. Her friend was now her adversary, and there was no longer room for anything personal. If Lena succeeded, the world might be lost. If Alex succeeded, she knew Kara would never forgive her - and she doubted she could ever forgive herself.
She swore an oath.
“We have to start thinking with our heads,” Alex said, “Not with our hearts.”
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riewritten · 2 months
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TAGS: explicit sexual content, first time, squirting, manipulation if you squint, slight dumbification, also my first sapphic fanfic HAHAHDHSSHSHSHS KILL MEEEEE
INSPIRED BY: susu. my goodness. you and the abominations you cause
You just came; the satin bedsheet and her futon are a fucking mess—Anna who has always been poised and regal would usually clean the filth immediately, you know her so much that a slight flinch on her face whenever you two are outside means she just saw dirt and wants to clean it—and yet, in this first time you two have sex together, she couldn’t even bring herself to usher you up the bed with all the squirt you had done.
You don’t know what boiled things down to this. You and Anna were best friends. Best friends are not supposed to strip you naked and give you the most toe-curling orgasm of your life. All you knew was that you asked Anna if she was fine (she seemed more grim than usual), and while she didn’t answer the question, she said it'd help if you accompanied her home. The next thing you know, you’re naked and her fingers are inside you.
And now you just came—squirted, even.
What you thought of as a rest and aftercare session was actually Anna licking her fingers clean with your cum, savoring her own hard work. She then plunges it in again, gently so, very contrary to how she thrust it after that. In and out, in and out, scissoring inside, then she cups your cheeks with a smile, head on top of yours. Strands of her blonde hair falling to your sweaty face, she mentally takes in your fucked out state—eyes hazy, tears threatening to fall due to overstimulation, mouth slightly parted due to moaning. She memorizes that very expression, then finally scoots down to kiss you wet and messy. Anna doesn’t expect you to kiss her back because of how loud you're getting, so she opens your leg wider instead. She pushes it to your shoulders, paving the way to a deeper penetration. Your back arches, your mouth forms a bigger O, and your moans tip higher and louder.
Oh, how beautiful her loveliest girl is.
This is one of the few moments she wishes to have a dick but perhaps god intended it that way, for she couldn’t imagine how wrecked you’re gonna be had she gotten the privilege to flood your insides with her cum.
You call for her name in between her wet kisses, begging and panting, “Please please please.“ What a pity. Do you think this calm stoic, and constantly smiling angel still has the headspace to grant your imploring requests?
“I know, baby,” Anna coos either way. She barely even knows what you want to happen. “I know. Come on.”
“The sheets are—ah, oh god—sheets ’re wet—”
“Uh huh… What are we gonna do?”
“And—hah, I’m about to—”
“Mhm,” Anna peppers kisses at the edge of your lips, then she goes to your neck, languidly, softly, and sneaks a lick here and there. Then she bites a deeper spot on the crook of it. this is the first time you two have sex, might as well leave a mark. It wouldn’t kill you, right? “you’re about to what, darling?”
“Wait, Anna!” you rasp. “Wouldn’t that leave a mark?”
Instead of confirming, however, she just pistons her fingers deeper, squelching sounds of your heat echo across the room, forming a melody with your pleasured moans. You quickly forget your concern. Anna is in absolute bliss.
“About to what, hm? Tell me, lovely.”
“About to cum! Oh god,” you let out a gasp, unconsciously grasping onto Anna's head and leading her to your breast. “Please, I-I’m sorry—”
You’re sorry about what? That you’re gonna soak her sheets with the fluid about to gush out of your heat? That you suddenly grabbed her head towards your breast, non-verbally begging her to latch her pretty mouth on your nipple?
Anna could only wonder because she doesn’t say more, she sucks on it like the actual depraved woman that she is—so thirsty for your body, of your affection, of your begging and moaning, everything. Everything about you. She has been feigning a wholesome friendship when in reality this is what she wants to do—to pamper you dearly with her affection. Full of sweat, spit, hazy mind riddled with lust, just as you should, only for her.
Much to Anna's pleasure, you grip her hair hard as you attempt to lock your legs together (which she quickly stops. If you squirt again you’re gonna do it messily—exactly the way she wants you to). The heat in your stomach erupts, and with the last flick of Anna's tongue on your nib, you squirt again. Your high is much more intense than the previous one. More fluid gushes out of you that it even reaches Anna's upper thighs. Your breathing slows down, and your eyes flutter until it shuts close. Your grip on her hair softens until it drops down to the satin sheets.
She had ruined you, hadn’t she? Fucked stupid until you had lost consciousness. She didn’t even know what came to her. She thought she’d play around the best friend role for a while because it’s fun, but what happened today triggered something inside of her. It's as if it almost awakened a sleeping monster. No worries, though! The monster is all tamed now, sleeping soundly just like you are. Hell, you didn’t even notice she’s still very much clothed.
Your time will come, though. Anna wants to make sure your eyes are fully fixated on hers before she lets you explore her body the same way she just explored yours.
She sits down and leans back at the crown of the bed. After lighting a cig, one hand starts petting your head, while the other reaches for your phone at the bedside table. She unlocks it with ease (you never told her your password). As soon as you drift to sleep, Anna's agenda quickly shifts: the colleague who confessed to you earlier in front of her before she asked you to come over, what was his name again?
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@flashfictionfridayofficial Never done one of these before but inspiration struck so here goes.
It is 1256 words which is too many but I have never been good at word limits. Not bothered if that disqualifies me from official recognition.
Content includes: death (minor characters), animal death (wild animals), gore (lightly described), mention of noncon (does not happen)
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“I’ll kill them for you,” it says. “No. No, absolutely do not. I don’t want that.” “Why not?” it asks. Light ripples along its sides in calm, steady patterns.
She sighs. “It was just an argument,” she explains. “It’s not serious. I still want to work with them. I definitely don’t want them dead.” “You are angry,” it observes. “Yes,” she says. “But only a little bit angry. Angry enough to shout at them. Not angry enough to want them dead.”
The core of it stretches and flexes, stretches and flexes, all coiled potential. “Okay,” it says.
In the long quiet journeys, it rests at the back of her cabin, poised but utterly still. Every time her eyes slip open, they settle on the curves of its form.
“Can you turn your lights off? I’m trying to sleep.”
Without comment, the lights go out. In the blackness, it is invisible.
It’s not better.
“We should kill them,” it suggests. “Then we could go past.” She groans and rubs her temples. “That,” she says, “would cause a lot more problems than it solves. Murder is illegal.” “You do not need to fear the police. I will defend you.” “No! I don’t want to live that way. I don’t want to be some – outlaw. Killing won’t solve – so many things. So many.”
It paces circles around her cabin, feet soundless on the brushed steel.
She breathes out.
“What about you?” she asks. “What do you want, or need? Other than killing. You must have other wants.” “I am bored.” “I can see that. What would help? Other than killing.”
It paces circles. Its feet land in the exact same spots on each circuit.
“You like to… move, yes? Would it help to go outside and run around? When we stop?” “I would like that,” it agrees.
She opens her door onto a neat row of carcasses. Blood soaks the soil. Each would have stood taller than her at the shoulder in life.
“What the fuck is this?” “You said not to kill anyone. These are not anyone. They are animals.” “How many –” There are six. She can count them.
“I did not think you would be angry,” it says. “They are only animals.”
She opens her mouth, but can find nothing to say. Shaking her head, she closes it again slowly.
“I like to hunt,” it adds. “I feel better now.”
“You are hurt,” it says. “No,” she shakes her head. “I’m not. Look, nothing wrong.” “You smell of fear,” it says, “and distress.” “I had a bit of a scare. Nothing happened though. Everything’s fine.”
Everything is not fine, but she cannot expect it to understand, and she cannot stomach the thought of trying to explain.
“I should have been with you. Then you would not need to be afraid.” “I know.” “I would have killed them for you.” “I know!” She throws up her hands. “I don’t want that! I never wanted this, I never wanted –”
She cuts herself off, expecting it to be hurt. It cocks its head. Its lights pulse the same steady, soothing tempo as always.
“I only want to defend you,” it says. “It didn’t help your other owners, did it,” she snaps. “Did you start the fight that killed them?” It only looks at her. “... I’m sorry. That, that was uncalled for. I’m sorry.” “Why?” it asks.
They found it in the ruins of a failed revolution, sitting tamely among the flies and the bodies.
The salvagers expected to fight for their lives.
“There is no one left to defend,” it said.
They thought about taking it. These things are expensive – but dangerous, so dangerous. They decided to leave it. But when they tried to leave, it followed.
“I am hungry,” it said. “I do not know what to do, alone. Will you take me with you?”
She lets it out to hunt again. She gives it rules this time. Which local wildlife is okay to hunt, which species to leave alone.
It follows the rules precisely. She sells the carcasses for meat, and feels less bad. At least they aren’t going to waste this time.
Afterwards it seems calmer. It paces less. It speaks less of killing.
“Could you… defend me without killing?” she asks. “If someone tried to hurt me, could you stop them without killing them, or maiming them, or… causing any serious injury?” It is quiet for a minute. Its lights turn on and off in twos and threes, spelling out some pattern she cannot read. “Yes,” it says.
“If I ordered you not to harm anyone, would you be bound by that? If you came with me outside, and I told you absolutely not to hurt people even if I’m in danger, would you obey?” “Yes,” it says. Its tone is the exact same as ever, but she thinks she senses reluctance. Maybe it’s in her head. “Are you sure?” “Yes.”
“Would you… like that? If you could come out with me, under those conditions?” “No,” it says. “I would not like to see you get hurt, and do nothing.” She exhales. “And if… you were allowed to defend me but without ... badly hurting anyone?” “What if it was not enough?” “What if it was enough,” she retorts, “and you just didn’t believe it?”
It has no answer.
She does not take it out with her. Not anywhere there might be people.
They come at night. They come with crowbars and with guns. They come with silent vehicles to carry away everything they can take.
There is every chance they would have killed her. These parts are lawless. There is every chance they would have raped her, maimed her, or taken her for a slave.
But they might also have robbed her and let her live, left her enough fuel to get back to safety. It happens. Not every robber is a savage.
She will never know their intentions, because they are dead before she finishes waking.
They didn’t get a chance to scream.
The weapon stands in the centre of her little cabin, surrounded by gore. The lights down its sides blink in unison.
She throws up, right there on the floor.
It doesn’t stop her from leaving, from stumbling out into the night crying.
When she returns, the bodies are gone. The floor is – not clean, but it has made an effort. The smears left behind make her nauseous, but the puddled blood is gone. The pieces are gone.
“You… you cleaned up?” “The mess upset you,” it says. “Was that wrong?” “No,” she says… “no.”
She wants to ask what it did with the bodies. She also does not want to ask.
It’s stripped the sheets from her bed, but drops of blood have soaked through to the mattress. She sits down anyway.
“Your sheets are in the back room,” it says. “I do not know how to launder.” “That’s… okay,” she says.
She puts her head in her hands.
“What was that?” she asks, despairing. “What the hell was that? You… you said you could defend me without killing.” “You never gave me that order,” it says. “You only asked.”
She thinks of hands pinning her down in the night, stripping the sheets from her body, grabbing and hurting and taking. 
She thinks of losing everything that she has worked so hard for, trying to start over from scratch.
She thinks of the bodies, of the blood spray across the ceiling that it has not even tried to clean up.
She cries.
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badkitty3000 · 2 months
Prompt: Five against his will had a crush on Handler in the early days of the commission. She was the first person he met in years and the only one he really talked to back then and was also pretty, smart and competent. However he also hated her for leaving him there for years but then how much was she individually responsible for that when she was also a cog in the machine etc so it's just this turmoil he feels (until something happens that completely kills his crush? maybe, maybe not. your choice)
Just a little side note: for me, personally, I do not believe anything sexual went down with Five and The Handler. I know this is a hotly debated subject, but that's just my personal feelings about it, and I totally understand how others can see it the other way because of the things she says and how she acts around him in the show. Instead of anything physical, I think she just acts like that to assume her control over him and be manipulative. However, I definitely think she messed with his head and loved doing it. I can imagine when Five first arrived at the Commission, that he would be all sorts of confused. So, this short story highlights that, and is a little glimpse into his mind during that time.
Thank you for this request! It was a good way to step out of my little writing box of mostly romance and dive into this more psychological genre ❤️
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A Company Man
Five Hargreeves, The Handler, Words: 2,514, One-shot
Warnings: None
Five watched as The Handler took her time in addressing him directly. He’d been standing in front of her desk for several minutes now and she had yet to look up. She had summoned him to her and waved him in with a passive flick of her wrist, and now she was ignoring him. Pretending to be engrossed in a file, she took a drag off her cigarette and exhaled a plume of smoke upwards. Five resisted the urge to audibly sigh. Instead, he put his hands in his pockets and continued to wait.
As he waited, Five wondered how much abuse he was willing to take from this woman. Since his rescue from the Apocalypse 6 weeks earlier, it had been a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions running through his head. And most of them centered around her. It was…complicated, to say the least.
Five shifted on his feet and The Handler finally looked up, her red lips arranged perfectly in that permanent, dangerous smile. She leaned back in her chair, her long cigarette holder poised in the air. Her eyes traveled over Five’s body, exposing him without saying a word. She gestured for him to take a seat in front of her desk.
“So, Number Five, tell me. How are you liking your accommodations since joining us here?”
Five cleared his throat. “They’re just fine, thank you.”
The Handler nodded. “I expect having a real bed and indoor plumbing is quite a luxury for you, isn’t it?”
No thanks to you, Five thought, but he kept that to himself. “What can I do for you?” he asked instead.
She laughed that laugh that he had come to realize was laced with arsenic but disguised as sugar. “That’s what I like about you, Five. Never one for idle chit-chat, always straight to the point.”
Five said nothing, but he pressed his lips into a thin line while she continued.
“I’ve been watching you, as I’m sure you know. And I think you are ready to go out into the field.”
He sat up a little straighter in his chair. Any opportunity to get out of that building and into the real world again would be welcome. “I am,” he said, although as soon as he realized how eager he’d sounded, he wanted to take it back. He’d already learned that showing her any signs of desperation or want for anything was never a good thing.
The Handler’s eyes sparkled and she snuffed out her cigarette into an ashtray. Then she stood up, coming around to stand directly in front of Five, leaning back against her desk. Five swallowed nervously as he looked up at her. He hated this; how he, a grown man, felt so small next to her. Which, of course, was her intent. She leaned in so that he could smell her noxious perfume. He shifted in his chair.
“Now, just remember, Number Five; don’t try anything stupid. I can see what is going on in that brilliant head of yours.”
Her words sent a shiver down his spine. She leaned in closer, resting her hands on the armrests of the chair, so she could speak close to his ear. Five could see down a small portion of the off-the-shoulder dress she was wearing; her creamy white skin just inches from his own.
“I own you,” she whispered, dark and menacingly; her warm breath blowing against the fine hairs on his neck.
There was a pause while she waited for that to sink in before she was straightening up and walking around to sit at her desk again, that perky smile back on her face. She clapped her hands together.
“Perfect!” she chirped, as if Five had agreed to something. “I just know you’re going to do great things, Five. Now, if you go downstairs to collect your assignment and a briefcase, you can get started right away. Isn’t this so exciting?”
Five stared, not sure what was expected of him, but seeing the raised eyebrow of his boss who was clearly waiting for a response from him, he nodded. “Yes.”
The Handler looked pleased for a second, and then her focus dropped back to the file on her desk. That was his cue for dismissal.
Five stood up and made his way to the door. On his way out, he took one last, brief look back at the woman that loved nothing more than to screw with his head. She crossed her legs and lit up another cigarette, not bothering to glance in his direction. Five turned and left, closing the door behind him. Then he set off to retrieve his first assignment as a field agent for the Commission.
As he made his way down the stairs and corridors of headquarters, he tried to make sense of everything that had been rattling through his brain since he had arrived there. The Handler was not good, and she certainly didn’t have his best interests at heart, that was perfectly obvious. But he couldn’t figure out why, which was really throwing him for a loop. Why him? Why leave him to rot on his own all of those years just to pluck him out of that wasteland and put him here, of all places? And why couldn’t he stop thinking about her?
When she had appeared out of thin air that day, and after she convinced him not to blow her away, the first thing he thought was, ‘Thank god, I can finally go home.’ The second thing he thought was how attractive and put-together she was. That thought was quickly brushed away, though. It only made sense that he found the first living, breathing being he’d seen in 45 years attractive. Especially if they were going to pull him out of that hell hole. If Frankenstein’s monster showed up in a thong and flip flops, telling him to pack up his shit because they were getting out of there, Five would have thought he was the most beautiful thing in the world, too.
The problem was that those feelings lingered. He was brought to the Commission, cleaned up, fed, injected with whatever secret serum they had, and made to feel somewhat human again. And the entire time this was happening, she kept watch over him.
Five noticed she didn’t give the same attention to the other employees that scurried past her and talked in hushed tones any time they were in her vicinity. She wasn’t constantly brushing against them or finding any excuse to touch them, even in the most innocent seeming ways. Every time those lacquered nails reached out to graze across his skin, Five recoiled. He hadn’t been touched in so long, his body didn’t even know what to do with the sensation, and it was unsettling. But then again…maybe he liked it.
That’s what this all came down to, didn’t it? Human touch. That’s what his body both loathed and craved at the same time. Five wasn’t stupid. He knew what was happening to his psyche when it would conjure up some weird thought or vision that he tried to immediately shake from his head. The real shit part was that he couldn’t help it.
From the first moment he stepped foot in this building, she’d isolated him. At first, it was welcomed. Having to be shoved into a bustling community filled with people after his decades of solitude would have been too much to handle. But after a while Five started to notice it was very much on purpose. She made sure she was the only person he really got to interact with. Therefore, she was all he knew. He became reliant on her for everything. She may have saved him from living out his final years alone, but now he was her indentured servant. 
Five knew The Handler was manipulating him. There had to be an end game, but that was another puzzle he couldn’t figure out. In the meantime, he tried to focus on his goals. Although he had been brought to this weird, timeless machine of bureaucracy, at least he was one step closer to getting back to his family. So, when he was alone and away from her watchful eyes and calculating stares, Five did what he had done for most of his life. He ran the numbers.
Even so, on those nights when he would be wide awake and staring up at the ceiling from his Commission-issued bed, he found it hard to focus. She would interrupt his thoughts with face and body appearing before him like a hazy daydream. He couldn’t help it, they just materialized out of nowhere.
The only touch he’d known for so long was hers, and he could feel her fingers tracing their way down his neck and over the backs of his hands. He could hear the rustle of her dresses and the clacks of her heels on the floor. He could smell her perfume and the lingering cigarette smoke. And he would wonder…what would it be like if he kissed her? Or hugged her body to his?
That’s when he would push those thoughts away with a shake of his head, disgusted with himself that they had even crept in there in the first place. He had no desire to actually do these things. It could only be explained, Five supposed, by the fact that he was so fucking lonely.
He was an adult man who had never touched an adult woman before, aside from his mother (who was technically not even a human). It was to be expected that his mind and body were confused. The Handler, in all of her tenuous scheming, had made it so that Five only had her to think these thoughts about. She had designed it for this very purpose. To leave him disoriented and anxious. Trapped in his own head.
Five received his first assignment and briefcase, and he was released into the world. No partner, no code name, no mask. He was told it was because he was different from everyone else. He had his powers, obviously, but they had also altered his body in some way. It was never fully explained to him, but he could feel it coursing through his veins. He looked like the same, gray-haired man that had arrived there weeks earlier, but inside he was changed.
And so, at almost 60 years-old, Five was back to being told he was “exceptional” and he began killing in the name of the greater good because he had no other choice. He adapted quickly, which was to be expected considering his upbringing, and sometimes he even got that rush of satisfaction when he completed a job particularly well. He had to admit, it was nice to have a directive some days.
Unfortunately for Five, he would have to return to the Commission headquarters after each assignment. Which meant more time with her. She would be waiting for him when he got back, praising him for his resourcefulness, and making sure she touched him in some way before sending him right back out there again. It was gradual, so that Five didn’t even realize it at first. But she molded him into the perfect soldier. A loyal dog that inexplicably craved his owner’s approval, despite being starved and beaten.
He started wondering what her reaction would be when he arrived back each time. How would she greet him when she saw him again? How would her mood be? How would she touch him? It simultaneously filled him with dread and longing. There was no other way to see it. The Handler had reprogrammed him to only think of her. To associate his return to his new home with her and only her.
Five was a smart guy, but just like when he got stuck in the apocalypse, he couldn’t find a way out. And it just got worse. He found himself laughing with her when she made a joke; smiling when he saw her walking in his direction. He felt dejected when she would dismiss him coldly. Then, when she made a vaguely suggestive remark, crossing her legs so that her skirt hitched up ever so slightly, he felt a warming sensation in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t want to; it had happened against his will.
All of that ended, however, with one fateful day. He was suspicious from the beginning, but too nervous and well-trained to say anything. Five had no idea why she would want to accompany him on this job, of all jobs. It was no one famous; no world-changing event that may have been interesting to witness first-hand. Just a couple of flower merchants that needed eliminating to correct the timeline. No different than most of the assignments he’d had before.
His suspicions doubled when she started barking directions at him. Instead of using his sniper rifle to pick them off from a safe distance, she wanted him to blink inside their home. When Five hesitated and began to argue when she instructed him to tie them up first, she threatened to send him back to that hellscape she had rescued him from. And when The Handler viciously ordered him to shoot both of them in the head at close range while they begged for their lives, he followed through. When Five looked down at their innocent, blood-splattered faces, he felt a little piece of himself die inside.
That was the last time he let The Handler get the best of him. He left immediately after he pulled the trigger; the less time spent in her company the better. He still had his contract to carry out, at least until he figured out how to break it, and he would play along until that time came. But he no longer wanted her praise. He didn’t crave her attention or think of her in any way other than pure disgust. She continued to smile, and flirt, and touch him when he was near, but Five no longer had mixed feelings. It was hate. Pure, concentrated hate for her.
She was the reason he lived so many years alone. She was the reason he had no one else to turn to. She was the reason he would never be comfortable with affection or another person’s touch. The Handler was the reason he was who he was now, and the other version of himself ceased to exist. And he hated her for it.
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miissmm · 2 months
I don't speak English, it's bad. This is machine translation.
Summary: The story is about Kibutsuji Muzan's younger sister. About how she became a demon with him, he has no power over her.
tw: Yandere behavior,blood,mentions of murder,mention of mental disorders
platonic yandere muzan x reader
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The only lady of the Kibutsuji house is truly elegant. She must be elegant, like any other decent lady in society.
Always dressed to the nines, even if the decorations weren’t the latest in fashion, as they used to be. She is intelligent, never speaks without a man's permission, and respects those of lower status.
Her smile always complements the atmosphere of meetings and not a single extra word is said.
People would be sad to know that she just doesn’t want to communicate with them.
To the lady of the house, Kibutsuji, everything seemed gray. Existence for the sake of marriage, lessons for the sake of marriage, all for the sake of being sold to a man. It was so familiar, like the flow of water or a beating heart in the chest. Rishi was disgusted by this. She didn’t want to live for something like that, but the lack of choice only forced her to accept everything, and then a thought arose in her head. Everything that happens in any case had to happen. Is there any point in doing, thinking and reacting?
There is not a drop of emotion in her eyes, even when she smiles. There is no love or joy in her eyes. Rishi, at 10, believes that she has lived too little for such a deep concept as feelings. I sincerely believe that this will definitely come with age.
She well remembered the expressions of pain, sadness and despair on the faces of her parents when both died from illness. She felt nothing, but perfectly imitated new emotions at the funeral.
Soon her older brother also fell ill. This was something new, his steadfastly calm and loving expression suddenly changed to pain and rare rage. Her interest didn't last long.
When she turned 15, her brother could no longer get out of bed and a new doctor arrived at the house. The doctor discovered the first symptoms of the disease in the young rishi, forcing her to drink the same medicine that he gave to her older brother.
Rishi believed that this was not at all necessary.
An unknown mixture could had a bad influence on one’s appearance, which, while still alive at that time, my mother diligently took care of for her daughter’s future husband.
Rishi believes that if she dies, only one thing will happen, their family will cease to exist, but the dead no longer care. Skipping medication as naturally as meals, she continued to live as before. Until the moment when her brother, suddenly, was able to get out of bed.
This was the first time Rishi experienced fear. She couldn’t lie, this situation launched the processes of inevitable learning about emotions and new sensations.
He appeared loudly, moving his legs heavily. Suddenly and covered in blood.
- I just killed the doctor.
drop by drop of blood flowed onto the floor of her room, wiped to a shine, drop by drop her poise flowed away and a long-forgotten horror awoke in her eyes.
- Brother?
She tried to breathe, intermittently, gasping for breath. I heard how her heart was beating and how the picture was smeared with tears.
- He was an ordinary charlatan, like thousands of others before him. What happened to you? You feel bad?
He began to approach, step by step, drop by drop.
- You killed a man.
She moved back, right up to the wall, ready to open the window in an attempt to escape somehow.
- I said a regular charlatan.
- This is not a reason to kill a person!
The voice breaks, the scream becomes more like a squeak.
He stops.
She grabs the window sill and stares at the floor. She breathes, thinking frantically.
- They don’t deserve to live, – the voice that sounds after a minute of silence, – are you afraid that I will kill you too? Honey, don't panic.
Deceptively sweet voice. He smiles.
He smiles, covered in someone else's blood, and she already turns to the window, immediately jumping back, as soon as she leans out, the sun burns terribly.
- Honey?
She bumps into his back, immediately falling into a trap of his hands.
Her clothes immediately become dirty, her expensive silks become heavier than ever, and she is unable to even whisper.
Losing consciousness from shock, little fifteen-year-old Rishi really did not realize how much her life would change after she opened her eyes again.
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nestaismommy · 4 months
“What did Nesta even do”
“She’s so useless”
Yeah I’ll show you what she did
A Court Of Thorns and Roses
My hands slackened at my sides. “You went after me,” I said. “You went after me—to Prythian.”
“I got to the wall. I couldn’t find a way through.”
I raised a shaking hand to my throat. “You trekked two days there and two days back—through the winter woods?”
She shrugged, looking at the sliver she’d pried from the table.
“I hired that mercenary from town to bring me a week after you were taken. With the money from your pelt. She was the only one who seemed like she would believe me.”
“What happened to Tomas Mandray?” I asked, the words strangled.
“I realized he wouldn’t have gone with me to save you from Prythian.”
A Court of Mist and Fury
I didn’t dare look at my sisters. Look at this house, that might very well be turned to rubble. I rasped, “There are good people here.”
The golden queen sweetly parried with, “Then let the High Fae of Prythian defend them.”
And it was Nesta who hissed from behind us, “We have servants here. With families. There are children in these lands. And you mean to leave us all in the hands of the Fae?”
The eldest one’s face softened. “It is no easy choice, girl—”
“It is the choice of cowards,” Nesta snapped.
A Court of Wings and Ruin
Chapter 18
“By the end of this war, I want them dead. The king, the queens—all of them. Promise me you’ll kill them all, and I’ll help you patch up the wall. I’ll train with her”—a jerk of her chin to Amren—“I’ll go to the Hewn City or whatever it is … I’ll do it. But only if you promise me that.”
Chapter 30
“My sister, it seemed, had found nothing in her books about repairing the wall”
So I just said, “Rhys gave me a layout of the stacks. I think there might be more on the Cauldron and wall a few levels down. You can wait here, or—”
“I’ll help you look.”
Chapter 42
“It was some distant thing,” she said. “War. Battle. It … it’s not anymore. I will help, if I can. If it means … telling them what happened.”
“You went off to battle for a court you barely know—who barely see you as friends. Amren showed me the blood ruby. And when I asked you why … you said because it was the right thing. People needed help.” Her throat bobbed. “No one is going to fight to save the humans beneath the wall. No one cares. But I do.” She toyed with a fold in her dress. “I do.”
Chapter 45
“Its queens sold us out,” Nesta said. She lifted her chin, poised as any emissary. “For the gift of immortality, the human queens will allow Hybern in to sweep away any resistance. They might very well hand over control of their armies to him.” Nesta looked to me, to Rhys. “Where do the humans on our island go? We cannot evacuate them to the continent, and with the wall intact … Many might rather risk waiting than cross over the wall anyway.”
“Armies take time to raise,” Cassian said. “You don’t have the luxury of sitting on your ass. You need to rally your soldiers now.”
Beron only sneered. “I don’t take orders from the bastards of lesser fae whores.”
“That bastard,” Nesta said with utter coolness, though her eyes began to burn, “may wind up being the only person standing in the way of Hybern’s forces and your people.”
“Beron shot to his feet, not bothering to brush off the dust, and declared to no one in particular, “This meeting is over. I hope Hybern butchers you all.”
But Nesta rose from her chair. “This meeting is not over.”
She stood tall, a pillar of steel. “You are all there is,” she said to Beron, to all of us. “You are all that there is between Hybern and the end of everything that is good and decent.” She settled her stare on Beron, unflinching and fierce. “You fought against Hybern in the last war. Why do you refuse to do so now?”
“You may hate us. I don’t care if you do. But I do care if you let innocents suffer and die. At least stand for them. Your people. For Hybern will make an example of them. Of all of us.”
“And you know this how?” Beron sneered.
“I went into the Cauldron,” Nesta said flatly. “It showed me his heart. He will bring down the wall, and butcher those on either side of it.”
She looked to Kallias and Viviane. “I am sorry for the loss of those children. The loss of one is abhorrent.” She shook her head. “But beneath the wall, I witnessed children—entire families—starve to death.” She jerked her chin at me. “Were it not for my sister … I would be among them.”
“Too long,” Nesta said. “For too long have humans beneath the wall suffered and died while you in Prythian thrived. Not during that—queen’s reign.” She recoiled, as if hating to even speak Amarantha’s name. “But long before. If you fight for anything—fight now, to protect those you forgot. Let them know they’re not forgotten. Just this once.”
Nesta remained standing. “The past is the past. What I care about is the road ahead. What I care about is making sure no children—Fae or human—are harmed. You have been entrusted with protecting this land.” She scanned the faces around her. “How can you not fight for it?”
Chapter 49
“You come with us—to Graysen’s estate, and then travel with the army. If you’re connected with the Cauldron, then we’ll need you close. Need you to tell us if it’s being wielded again.”Not quite a mission, but Nesta nodded all the same.
Chapter 52
“I was kidnapped,” Nesta answered coolly, not one flicker of fear in her eyes. “I was taken by the army invading these lands and turned against my will.”
“How,” Nolan echoed.
“There is a Cauldron—a weapon. It grants its owner power to … do such things. I was a test.” Nesta then launched into a sharp, short explanation of the queens, of Hybern, of why the wall had fallen.
Chapter 56
“No, Nesta only made sure that Elain was dozing in her tent, and then offered to help cut up linen for bandages.”
“Faint color had stained her cheeks from the sun, and her forearms, bare beneath the sleeves she’d rolled up, were flecked with mud. Cassian slowly sat on the log where she’d been perched a moment before, groaning softly—as if even that movement taxed him. “Icing it usually helps, but wrapping it will just lock it in place long enough for the sprain to repair itself—”
She reached for the basket of bandages she’d been preparing, then for the pitcher at her feet.
I was too tired to do anything other than watch as she washed his wrist, his hand, her own fingers gentle. Too tired to ask if she possessed the magic to heal it herself. Cassian seemed too weary to speak as well while she wrapped bandages around his wrist, only grunting to confirm if it was too tight or too loose, if it helped at all. But he watched her—didn’t take his eyes off her face, the brows bunched and lips pursed in concentration.
“I helped with the wounded long into the night, Mor and Nesta working alongside me”
Chapter 62
“Your sister came immediately when I explained what we needed,” Rhys said.
“Nesta stood before the map, a fist of bones and stones clenched over it.”
Her eyes shifted beneath their lids, as if scanning the world. “I don’t see anything.”
“Go deeper,” Amren urged. “Find that tether between you.”
A muscle twitched on Nesta’s brow. Her hand bobbed. Her breath then came fast and hard, her lips curling back as she panted through her teeth.
A small noise came out of her—one of terror.
“Where is it, girl,” Amren coaxed. “Open your hand. Let us see.”
Nesta’s fingers only clutched tighter, the whites of her knuckles as stark as the stones held within them.
Chapter 64
“Nesta had stolen something vital from the Cauldron. And in those moments Nesta had hunted it down for us … The Cauldron had learned what was vital to her.”
“We’d landed inside of them, thanks to Nesta’s specifics. With a perfect view of the city of soldiers that sprawled away into the night.”
Chapter 70
“Nesta had known. She gaped up at me, terror and agony on her face, then scanned the sky for Cassian, who flapped in place, as if torn between coming for us and charging back to the scattering Illyrian and Peregryn ranks. She’d known where that blast was about to hit.
Cassian had been right in the center of it.
Or would have been, if she hadn’t called him away.”
Chapter 71
“It’s gone quiet again,” Nesta breathed, letting Cassian haul her into a sitting position as he scanned her face. Devastation and rage lay in his own. Did he know? That she had screamed for him, knowing he’d come … That she’d done it to save him?”
Chapter 72
Nesta stared toward that armada, toward our father fighting in it. “Use me. As bait.”
I blinked at the same moment Cassian said, “No.”
Nesta ignored him. “The king is probably waiting beside that Cauldron. Even if you get there, you’ll have him to contend with. Draw him out. Draw him far away. To me.”
“How,” Rhys said softly.
“It goes both ways,” Nesta murmured, as if my mate’s words moments before had triggered the idea. “He doesn’t know how much I took. And if … if I make it seem like I’m about to use his power … He’ll come running. Just to kill me.”
Chapter 74
Nesta rushed to him, kneeling.
Not to comfort.
But to pick up his Illyrian blade.
Cassian tried to stop her as she stood. As Nesta lifted that sword before the King of Hybern.
She said nothing. Only held her ground.
Nesta jumped back, clipping his sword with her own, eyes flaring wide. The king lunged again, and Nesta again dodged and retreated through the trees.
Leading him away—away from Cassian.”
“Nesta turned over, and threw out a hand.
White, burning power shot out of her palm and slammed into his chest.
A ploy. To get him close. To lower his guard.
Her power sent him flying back, trees snapping under him. One after another after another.”
“And even the Cauldron seemed to pause in surprise—surprise or some … feeling as Nesta looked at the king with death twining around his hands, then down at Cassian.
And covered Cassian’s body with her own.”
I’m not even done but I’m too lazy to complete
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galaxygolfergirl · 11 months
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Some of my favorite Helsa fan arts I’ve done throughout the years (dates are in the alt text).
I’ve been thinking about this ship recently, especially its place in the fandom, and I have some thoughts (read below)
Ever since I was roped into this franchise 10 years ago, I think I’ve almost always drawn Hans with a beard. Primarily, it was because I felt that if he ever did show up again in Frozen media, he would be more weathered and unpretentious about his appearance since dropping his facade in the first film. Also because I just thought he would look better with more facial hair (it’s a me thing).
As for Elsa, I’ve never been consistent in drawing her, as it was hard for me to read her animated model, what with her huge eyes and baby nose, as normal, so that’s evolved over the years to a happy medium where it still reads as Elsa, but also reads as human with normal face proportions.
As to why I’ve shipped helsa all these years? Hans and Elsa are two sides of the same coin to me, the main difference being that one of them succumbed to their worst intentions and desires, while the other freed themselves and learned to embrace love and peace in their life. Both were isolated during their childhoods, resulting in years of loneliness, misery, and bitterness; both try to appear poised and reserved, hiding their inner self-loathing; both are intelligent and cunning, both have a definite aggressive streak, and both have interesting chemistry in their very few scenes together. Hans seems to be the only one on equal footing with Elsa who can get through to her throughout the film, mainly for his own ambition, of course, but it intrigued me to see even all these years later how compelling their interactions are.
Why would he sympathetically plead, “don’t be the monster they fear you are,” and stop her from killing those two guards? If he was planning on killing her, why would he go to her and ask if she could stop the winter? Why does he look shocked, almost sad when she tells him that she can’t, like he’s regretting having to kill her? It’s moments like these that paint these characters with more nuance than meets the eye.
I’ve always thought after the first movie, there was definitely potential for a more nuanced and interesting story if Hans were to return. Not simply for revenge, but rather an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” situation, where Frohana would have to work with Hans somehow to fend off an invading force or adversary, like the Southern Isles, to stick it to his family. He and Elsa would be adversarial, for sure, but through forced cooperation, they could open up and become more vulnerable with one another. The amount of angst and turmoil over their feelings for one another would be doubly engrossing. The drama would be incredible.
Now listen: I don’t really expect any of that to happen. I got off the Helsa or die party bus years ago and I’m just mainly enjoying it as it’s own non-canon concept. Believe me, I would love it if it did happen, god willing and the creek don’t rise. But really, when you get down to it, these are movies marketed at little girls, and I don’t think it would really go that far. It’s not easy to come back from holding a sword over a girl’s head, as quoted by Santino Fontana himself.
I grew up with this fandom, I started all the way back in middle school 10 years ago, and this has been a definite learning experience for me in separating the extrapolated world of fan-fiction and the reality of a pg animated musical. I’ve grown up and my expectations are different, and now I understand that canon doesn’t mean shit. I beg, do not take any of this seriously. Just because it has the Disney trademark slapped on it does not mean it’s the end all be all of a story. Stories are fluid things that adapt and evolve in each of the hands they pass through. No one interpretation of a story or a character or a relationship has to be “the right one,” and not every character has to sit on a black and white scale of moral dichotomy, there are always shades of gray.
I’m not saying all of this to be deep about a ship between a Disney princess and a Disney villain that I got into when I was 13, believe I know it’s not that deep. I’m saying this because I’ve lived through fandom and set myself up with false expectations, only to be disappointed. Hell, I took a break from helsa for a solid 3 years because of how burnt out I was. It’s far too easy to dissociate from the text and treat fanon as canon; you’re just setting yourself up to be disappointed. Just let it be its own thing! Like I said, canon does not mean shit! Don’t take things so seriously! Feel free to tell your own stories!
Anyways, I still love this ship, or at least the version I came up with in my head, because I am a storyteller, and I saw potential in these two that could be realized through other means. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s canon or not. Just enjoy it as it is.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Yes, she decided. The moment she continued to go in his chamber, she could advice him to wed laena instead of trying to have a relationship with him, she could have remember him of his duty. She had a choice as everyone has
clearly logic is something that will not reach you no matter what I say but let's try again shall we.
first off, Viserys married for pleasure, not power or political gain. he knew his duties he knew what was best and had no interest. he married Alicent because that's what he wanted. it would be insanely inappropriate for a girl to advise a king on political matters AND it should not be the job of a 14 year old child to tell a king what he should be doing.
second off, she had a father to please, cause again, to reiterate, she was his daughter and she had a duty to him and her house. this was not a duty she wanted, but she didn't have a choice. she was young but se wasn't stupid she knew what her father expected of her, and if word got back from Viserys that she was actively advising him to marry someone else, she would then not only bring disobeying her father but going against him.
thirdly, and more minorly, "she should have pushed him to marry laena" isn't the gotcha you think it is. laena was even younger than her, and even if it was politically expected of him, still fucking gross.
lastly, cause I apparently can't stress this enough, SHE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE, plain and simple. she had no agency, she had no power, she had no out, she was at the mercy of her father, she had to obey him, she had to do what he said, even if it meant walking herself to slaughter. once she met with the king, he took a liking to her and DEMANDED her presence, he the DEMANDED her hand. again, there was no point she could have said no. she couldn't say no to her father, she couldn't advise the king (he barely tolerated it when she was literally the queen, let alone if she had just been some girl entertaining him in his chambers), she couldn't deny the king of anything, she didn't have a choice.
she was 14 and scared, 14 and trying to survive, 14 and trying to please her father, 14 and sent to a man 3 times her age's chambers, 14 and lusted after by the king, 14 and knowing of her place in the world and what was expected of her. like every other woman in their history, she couldn't escape, she couldn't, there's no plainer way to say it. she faced her duty with poise and a stiff lip, cause that's what you had to do, but she was just a child.
you can't expect her to have been some radical icon, there were none, women who went against their station in life were punished or killed or put into god awful betrothals to lessen the shame brought to her family. she was a nobleman's daughter, she had a house to bring honor to. she did the heartbreaking thing of giving up, for the benefit of her father and house, doesn't mean she wanted it, doesn't mean it was ok, doesn't mean she isn't deserving of pity. giving in to your duty =/= wanting it.
"she had a choice as everyone has" she had a choice every woman has; accept it with grace, be forced into it, or damn herself to a fate much worse (and that's being generous, most didn't even have that many choices). it's the men who had choices, Otto offered his daughter up, he didn't have to, he had no obligation and nothing to lose if he didn't. Viserys had every choice, he could have married whoever he wanted, he could have denied her the second she entered his chambers. the men in her life had every choice to change her fate, yet they didn't take it, and you would rather blame her over them?
and listen, I know your set in your mindset of victim blaming a child bride who was raped until her husband didn't have the health or stamina to keep it up, and that you'll choose to blame her over the men in her life who damned her to such a fate. nothing I say will ever convince you, cause you clearly hate her past where logic will reach. you can keep sending asks with your terrible takes that have no backing or logic and actively ignore the political and societal state of the times and what it means for her as a young noble girl, and I'll keep answering them cause I have nothing better to do and I'll defend my girl to the grave.
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onceuponastory · 6 months
raindrops on windows - court gentry x reader
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Plot: In the aftermath of another agent's betrayal. Y/N and Court rethink their feelings for one another. Pairing: Court Gentry/Sierra Six x Agent!Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of death/reader almost dying, violence (nothing graphic though), reader and Court doubting themselves and their feelings. As always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know! Notes: I swear I've been listening to Ryan singing I'm Just Ken at the Oscars on repeat since it happened, so it somehow led to...this. But I also missed writing for Court :)
Not beta'd, so any mistakes are my own.
Apart from the rain pelting down outside. Y/N rests her head on the window, watching as the raindrops race each other down the window. She’s only just calmed down after the horrible events of the night, since she came face to face with death. Sniffling, she rubs her eyes. 
How could she have been so stupid? 
How could she not have known?
“You alright?” Court’s husky voice asks as he gets in beside her, the sound making her jump. “Shit, sorry.”
“It’s okay. And yeah, I’m fine.” She lies. He raises a brow. 
“You know I can tell when you’re lying.” Dammit. He’s good. Court sighs. “You almost got killed by a double agent tonight, Y/N. Nobody expects you to be fine. You don’t need to pretend, least of all to me.” Usually, Court teases her about how he knows her better than anyone. Most of the time, it’s about his constant snarky and sarcastic comments at her expense, and how much he knows she likes them, despite her insisting otherwise.
But this time… she notices there isn’t any snark or a sarcastic comment building.
No. Court Gentry genuinely cares about her feelings for the first time in well… forever. 
“I know. I don’t need the reminder.” She snaps, a little harsher than intended. Each time she closes her eyes, the agent’s face looms, poised to take her life. At the last second, Court came in and rescued her, beating the agent to a pulp. She owes her life to him, yet here she is, snapping at him when he’s being nice to her for once. “Shit, sorry, just…. It’s been a horrible night.” She sighs, and Court nods.
“It’s alright.” He smiles. 
“No, it’s not. If it weren't for you, I would have been killed. You really saved my ass, and I should be more grateful.” Y/N sighs. “So, thank you for saving my life. Really.” He cracks a grin at that, one which drives her crazy.
“Let me take you home.” He suggests, and she nods, glad to not be alone right now. Although there’s not really another alternative, save for Court dragging her back to the car the second she tries to leave. So, the drive continues in silence. Court glances at Y/N every so often, concern filling his gut. This isn’t what he’s supposed to do. Care for someone else. Or at least, it’s not what Court does. He works alone, he always has. He can’t let anyone else into his life.
Especially not Y/N. The agent he just loves to tease, the one he frequently snarks at. And the one who snarks right back at him, too. 
The one he’s so irrevocably in love with. Honestly, he probably has been in love with her for a long time, but tonight was the first time he actually realised it.
When he found out she was in danger, he almost ripped the door to the warehouse off its hinges to get to her in time. That agent was lucky the others got to him before Court. Because Court would have killed him for daring to hurt a hair on Y/N's head. Honestly, he’d burn the world down for her, and she doesn’t even know it.
But he’s always such a pain in the ass to her, annoying her when she’s just trying to do her job. If he told her the truth, how much he loves her… she’d probably just think it’s a joke, or tell him to fuck off. And maybe he deserves it, after the shit he’s been through in this life. Another bad thing to add to the many he’s already experienced. He glances over at Y/N, who's still avoiding his gaze.
Yet, he saved Y/N. That’s one good thing he’s done.
In fact, in Court’s eyes… That's the best thing he’s ever done.
“It’s not your fault.” He murmurs. Y/N shakes her head, not even looking at him, still watching the raindrops as they batter the car. He hates seeing her like this. Usually, she’s so outgoing, ready to take his sarcastic, witty remarks and fire them right back. He’s never seen her so quiet before, so upset.
And it scares him to death.
“Yes, it is. I worked right next to him. I should’ve seen something was wrong. I could’ve stopped this!” she insists. “I’m smarter than this.” Court shakes his head.
“I met him too, remember? We all did. And none of us spotted him.” He points out. “Stop beating yourself up. Please.” His voice carries a hint of begging, an urging she’s never experienced from him before. It’s strange, realising he cares so much about her. But…she likes it.
“I’ll…I’ll try not to.” She says, and Court nods, going back to driving. Y/N looks over at him. He’s focused on the car in front of them at the stop sign, so he doesn’t notice her staring. The street lights illuminate him slightly, and her breath catches in her throat.
God, he's so handsome.
The silence continues, but this time, it’s more awkward, with each person suddenly realising that the feelings they hid for so long, the ones they ignored, might actually mean something different. Y/N gulps. What would happen, if she laid her heart on the line, admitted that she might be falling for the Sierra Six himself? She opens her mouth, wanting to speak.
“I think you should take some time off for a while.” Court says.
“Yeah, but-”
“No buts.” He cuts her off. Y/N sighs, deciding it’s best to stay quiet than argue with Court.
And besides, if she does, she doesn’t trust herself not to admit that she might be falling in love with him. And that’s not a chance she’s prepared to take, to admit everything. After all, maybe she only feels that way because he saved her life? Surely she doesn’t actually love him…
Yet, she can’t ignore the way her heart twinges when she thinks that. 
Court soon pulls up outside her apartment, turning to say goodbye. In an instant, the scent of Court’s cologne, mixed with his sweat, hits her nostrils as he leans in closer, and it sends her senses ablaze. “Think you’ll be alright? Want me to walk you inside?” He asks, his voice husky. Y/N’s cheeks heat up. Court raises a brow at her, something else that sends her heart into a frenzy. “Hm?” He asks.
“Y-Yeah. I’ll be okay.” She murmurs. “Thanks again.” He looks her up and down, and she gulps. Now her heart is beating so much she swears it could break free from her chest. 
Just tell him. What’s the worst that could happen?
Everything could crash down around you. That’s what.
“Night Court.” She murmurs. For a moment, his face falls. But before she can dwell on it, wonder if it’s because of her and if he feels the same way about her, his smile is back, and he nods.
“Night Y/N.” Y/N reaches for her door handle. A strange feeling builds in her gut, as if she wants him to tell her to stay. But she pushes it down and opens her door, stepping out into the night. With one last wave, he drives away.
And Y/N is alone.
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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