#what’s sexier than wizards N
mittysins · 9 months
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Uhhhhhh Essie enjoyers come get this wip ig?
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firbold · 2 years
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witchesoz · 1 year
Fashion in Oz: The Good Witches (6)
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Moving on to another Oz adaptation: The Muppets' Wizard of Oz, which - being based on the original book - has two good witches instead of one. Here we have the Good Witch of the North, who is basically sporting on a sexier version of the Good Witch's original look (because that's Miss Piggy, she has to be sexy in every scene she is). I mean, you have the pointy hat (though without the bells, making it more like a witch hat, it rather has a white-translucid veil on it), the white hair and a white dress like in the original, with the addition of white gloves and a more traditional "magic wand with the star at the top".  You might have noticed the Good Witch's color motif here is entirely white (which isn't the color of all witches in this iteration, just the North Witch's color). But the dress is definitively much sexier than what the Good Witch would have originally worn - with quite a prominent cleavage, and the sleeves being of the same translucid material than the witch's hat-veil. Of course, I also have to leave this clip:
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As for the Muppet's version of Glinda... she is basically Miss Piggy. Just Miss Piggy in Oz X) Mind you, she still has her own color palette - here a sort of mauve/lavender purple, with elbow-sized gloves, a big-cleavage sleeveless dress (just like her sister of the North), and the addition of a feather boa. Oh, and she also has blond hair, to match the idea of varying hair colors (East's red, West's black, North's white, South's blond)
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I've got one more show to end this series, which won't be this one but the next. This one is the anime adaptation of the Wizard of Oz. Not, not the movie adaptation, because that would be too many adaptations - rather the television series based on several of Baum's books. It is "Ozu no Mahotsukai" (or rather Ozu no Mahoutsukai), and this is their depiction of the Good Witch of the North. As you can see, they actually tried to stick to the original book description, of a little old woman with a pointy hat and a simple dress. They even went to the extend of adding the ruff collar, the similarly wavy end-of-sleeves, and a little magic wand with an N at the top. They didn't include the bells around the hat though, but I think no one does that to better have the witch be separated from the Munchkins. What the anime did add or change was making the Good Witch actually fat, the addition of little glasses, the detail of her having stripped socks (probably to evoke the stripped socks of the Wicked Witch), the addition of a cape in her back, and finally the color of her outfit, which goes from white to here orange. I guess they didn't want her to detone too much with the fantastical and weirdly-colored landscape they had created for Munchkinland, and wanted to rather give her a more... a warmer, softer color indicating she is indeed a nice little grandma-witch. (The fact they gave her a cape, stripped socks and a pointy hat makes me think maybe they tried to subvert the MGM movie - because in this movie, a cape with dress, stripped socks and pointy hat are the iconic look of the Wicked Witch(es). I don't remember any other Witch character, in the various adaptations, wearing a cape... so maybe this was the anime's attempt at truly making a reverse-Wicked Witch)
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And we get to the second Good Witch of "Ozu no Mahoutsukai" - Glinda, the Witch of the South! Here we also have some major changes compared to the book counterpart... She is definitively young and good-looking, and she has notes of white in her design - from her pale white skin to the white cape behind her back (which isn't actually white, but translucid, as you can see here:
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We also have some slight... "sexification" if I could say, with a sleeveless dress with a clear division between the skirt and a very torso-fitting bodice that visibly closes on the chest. We find back a headwear of royalty, here a silvery diadem. As for the color palettes, it is a bit muted here, but this Glinda has the usual choice of turquoise (for her hair and her skirt) and pale pink (for the bodice part of her dress, as well as the rest of her palace). You can see the color more vividly here:
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Overall this has to be one of the most unusual Glindas I have seen, to be fair, due to how... well, unusual her design is here. Or maybe it is just me?
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wizard-hubris · 2 years
N O T H I N GGG!!!!!!
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aaalllice · 3 years
Fred Weasley x reader - it's been a while ~
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Summary : The twins invite you to spend an evening with them, as in the good old days, between alcohol and drugs the old feelings return
Warning : none
(inspired by a wattpad I read a long time ago)
(I am not english)
The sun was already high in the sky, 1:30 pm, I was in my chair in front of the window reading a book with a small sandwich in my hand.
The room was quiet, immersed in the light of summer, a light breeze caressing the leaves of the trees, I put down my sandwich to take my glass of water and bring it to my lips
A thud coming from my window, made me spit out the water, I stand up and bend over to see what caused the noise
A big brown feather ball looks at me lying on the grass, it was Errol, the Weasley owl, I should have known, a smile appears on my face, I love this family, I’ve spent every Christmas holiday with them, even though it’s weird being the only Slytherin in the room
he gets up and jumps on the windowsill, I take the little envelope and hand him my glass of water
I sit beside the owl and open the letter, a strong smell of firecracker emerges, the twins!
I spent all my school years with them, even though I was less noticed, I remember all our hours of detention, even when I wasn’t in custody with them, we’d hang out with Lee in the hallways waiting for them, between each joke drawing we will train on the field of Quidditch, the twin drummer and I chaser
I was on Slytherin’s team and they Gryffindor, they train a lot more than me, drummers are the mainstay of the team without them it’s the shit, especially for those idiots from Gryffindors
I remember one day in May, we were in fifth grade, the weather was still cool but the sun was there. I was in the stands reading a special magazine great sorcerer stolen from Ron, and the Gryffondor team was on the field training, the training was rough, sweat flowed down their foreheads and they breathe hard
the captain had just given the team a minute of a pose, a sense of relief was heard, all the players rushed to the bench, I look up from the store and look at the players 
only one of them was still standing
Fred, it was him
he puts his hands under his shirt and lifts it revealing his beautifully drawn abs and shoulders and dripping sweat that made him even sexier
I couldn’t get my eyes off him, I was hypnotized, I didn’t even hear Lee sit next to me
(Lee) you hear me ? ; he put his hand before my eyes
(y/n) what’s up ; I say, without taking off my gaze of the big redhead
(Lee) I have a date ; he says proudly
but I was always in my thoughts and didn’t listen to him
(Lee) but are you listening to me ? ; he leaned towards me and he leaned over me
(Lee) and what are you looking at ?! ; he turned his head to see what captures my gaze
at the same time, Fred turned his head towards us, which made me come out of my trance and realize that I had been drooling for 3 minutes about him
he smiles, winks at me, and turns to one of his teammates
I shake my head and turn to Lee
(y/n) are you okay ? ;
(Lee) you ask me ! have you seen yourself, my poor old lady ? ;
(y/n) I don’t know what you’re talking about ; I’m taking over the magazine
he coughed 
(Lee) Fred ; and he coughed again
(y/n) you dream my poor ;
(Lee) oh yeah, of course, I was the one drooling about him just a minute ago ;
end of the story
I return to reality, my gaze returns to the letter, I unfold the paper
Darling, we invite you to spend a chill night with us and Lee like before Appointment at our store (Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes) this Saturday at 8 pm
Kiss, the troll, your Freddy and the other
I sketch a smile, head for my office, grab a paper and a pen
I give my answer to Eroll who had regained his strength and he flies away in the blue sky
All that remains is to wait
Saturday - 7 pm
I get out of the shower, head to my bed two dress choices,
either chill, mon jeans my white t-shirt a little over size or a small floral dress
let’s be realistic, with the twins have never know what to expect, so the jean
I leave but hair loose, and put on a little lip gloss, it’s a night between friends, I’m not going to make any effort
I say goodbye to my parents, yes I still live with my parents, waiting to find something to do with my life, I go into my fireplace
(y/n) Diagon Alley ! ;
green flames my surrounded and pouf I had arrived, I salute the concierge and leave the "station" (I believe it is the equivalent in the muggle world)
after the dark hours, the side road is back as before, there were a lot of people, I had a hard time making my way to the Weasley shop, finally at the door, we can see that he has a lot of people maybe even more than on the outside
I was going to come in when a weight fell on me, I turn around and see the young radio host, my old school buddy, Mr. Lee Jordan smiling
(y/n) hi little head ; I hold him in my arms
(Lee) we do the same fucking size ;
a group of girls pushes us for enter in the shop, as soon as the door is open, they start screaming and running around inside
(Lee) come on, let’s go inside before we get crushed by youngs teens full of hormones ;
Inside, after avoiding the Pygmy Puff herds, we went into the explosives department, there are plenty of them, big red and gold, little ones shaped like Chocolate Frogs
(Lee) you saw, that one, there wouldn’t be marked explosive, I would have eaten it ;
I nod my head and keep looking at the different types of explosives, a shadow draws my eye to the right, at the other end of the shelf, a girl our age looks at us, I lean back slightly, rectification she looks at Lee.
I hit him on the shoulder
(Lee) ouch, what !? ;
(y/n) you are still single ;  he looks at me sideways
(Lee) never, granny ;
(y/n) shut the fuck up, not me, her ; I show him, not very discreetly, the girl who had not moved
he stealthily looks, passes a hand through his dreadlocks, and advances towards the girl
(y/n) okay cool, leave me alone, I won’t say anything ; I say in an ironic tone
a few minutes later, he comes back to me
(Lee) I’ll be back later, I saw George at the top of the stairs, if you don’t want to pity being alone ;
(y/n) fuck you, hurry up your sex session is waiting ;
we make a high five and he leaves again two choices, either I cross the crowd of people to go to the stairs or stay quiet in this corner of the shop and wait for everyone to leave
I go ahead to see if there are still many people, and yes indeed the number of people in the shop had doubled, how is it possible I’m too lazy, I’ll wait and keep looking at the explosives
Have you found what you’re looking for, miss ;
the voice made me jump, I turn around and see a huge mass leaning over me with a big smile
I turn to the products with a smile on my face
(y/n) not yet, sir but you can help me since you work here ;
he stands next to me and pretends to be looking for something
indeed I work here, but as you can see I am the boss of this place ; he put a lock of my hair behind my ear
(y/n) The boss ? Really ? ;
yep ; he had his eyes on me
I look at him from top to bottom with a disgusted look on his face
(y/n) a redhead and a second-hand suit, you must be a Weasley ; he began to laugh
a second-hand suit ?! ; he pretends to be upset
( y/n) I missed you frederick gideon weasley ;
I step forward and hug him, he hugs me back. the hug may have lasted 2 sec but it was so nice, comforting, warm and peaceful
(Fred) me too, the troll ;
(Lee) fuck me, if I don’t see what I see ! ;
we parted slightly, he put his hand behind my back
(Fred) how you doing ; Lee comes running at us with a big smile
after a few minutes, Fred decides to take us up to the office
it was a large room with two desks, one in front of the other It was a mess, empty and full cauldrons, spilled position vials on the floor, half-torn books and a whole bunch of other things that I have a hard time figuring out
(Fred) make yourself comfortable ; he sits on the chair of the right desk
(Lee) cool ; he goes to the other chair in the room and falls into it, leaving me alone in the middle
(Fred) Behind you, there is plenty of product not yet put in shelves ; he pointed the finger to the box pile behind Lee
while Lee looks closer at the products, Fred beckons me to come to him
once arrived at his side, he taps his thigh and looks at me with a wide smile
(y/n) what? ;
(Fred) sit down ; he says calmly always with the same smile on his stupid face
(y/n) I would never do that Weasley ;
He was about to answer when someone came into the room abruptly, startling Lee who knocked down the explosive box that had previously held in his hands
(George) stops moving ; he shouts to Lee 
No one made a move after some second nothing had exploded, George walks up to the box and takes it in his hand, we all turned to Lee
(Lee) guys! how you doing, it’s been a long time hehe ; he stands up and stretched his arms to the sky
(George) instead of doing nothing came to help me close the shop ;
We go to the exit of their office, from the floor we can almost see the whole store and it was still full cracked
Fred leans towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder
(Fred) if you want to stay here ;
(y/n) no, I will help you, it’s not a few people that will kill me ; he smiles at me and we go down to help others
An hour later, the shop was practically empty, the streets emptied slowly and we could see above the roofs a magnificent sunset
(Fred) follow me, I’ll show you something ;
(y/n) waits, I have to help Lee at the checkout ;
(Fred) he doesn’t need help, come on ;
I follow him even if I’m not sure it’s a good idea, know it, it smells prank.
When we reach the floor, we pass in front of the office and arrive in front of a door, once opened we enter the part where they live.
It was small, in front of us a narrow and small staircase that gives to their room and the side of the stairs a small room that served as a kitchen with a small window in the background.
We go up the stairs, to the left George’s room and the right the bathroom and the side Fred’s room.
he opens the door to his room and beckons me in
(y/n) you’re not serious, are you ? ;
he rolled his eyes
(Fred) come, little perverse spirit ; he makes a mocking smile
I walk into his room at my own risk, like the rest, his room was small but "tidy", some clothing in disorder but I expected worse.
he sits on the bed and signals me to go to the window
From its window, we could see the roofs of the neighbourhood and even the bank in the distance, but especially the sunset, which was magnificent seen from here
(y/n) beautiful ; I turn to him with a smile
(Fred) isn't it, now we can do whatever you want ; he still had his stupid smile and he caressed the empty place next to him
I gave him a false smile, crossed my arms and prepared to answer, but the chaotic noise of Lee and George was heard.
(y/n) sooo bad, next time ; I say ironically and leave the room to join the others
They are in the kitchen, I lean in the door frame, they had their head in the cupboards
They take out their heads with Firewhisky bottles
(George) holds ; he hands me the two bottles, he searched one of the drawers and took out a small box
(Lee) what is that ? ;
(Fred) That, my dear friend, is what will make us spend an exceptional night ;
he appeared behind me and put his hand over my head
George comes out of the kitchen and comes down the stairs, followed by his brother and Lee and me with the bottles in our hands wondering what could hold the box.
We settle in the middle of the empty shop, Lee on my right, Fred on my left and George on the other side, the night was already here, only the moonlit the street and the neon lights of a bar at the other end of the street.
Fred casts a spell to create a campfire in the centre
(George) now, my friends, it’s time to have some fun ;
test what is your home and your Hogwarts aesthetic https://www.quotev.com/quiz/14079644/Your-Hogwarts-aesthetic
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
As a Kite | R.W
TW / mentions of ouid n getting h*gh , Smut, (Oral - female receiving, dirty talk, a lil dominance) other than that fluffy stuffs.
Fair warning this is basically pwp and I'm not ashamed because I am the biggest simp for my boy Ron 😍 I'll probably end up writing the 2nd part as I am a thirsty girl xoxox
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Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist ❤️
@witch-and-a-half @weasleysflowr @hufflepuffgirly @theweasleysredhair
Dragging my feet up the stairs to the Gryffindor commons was like hell after a long morning in the dungeons for potions.
I had a free afternoon, one that was usually spent pestering Ron to indulge in a food adventure or a trip to the astronomy tower to get away from it all. There's nothing that I wouldn't do for my best friend. In the summer before my first year, Ron and I made a promise to always look out for each other, mainly because I was way too scared to roam Hogwarts on my own but also because He had already had the craziest first year he could've imagined. We have been inseparable since, There were never any secrets between us and to him I was an open book.
I knock on the door to the boy's dorm, hearing the giggles of the weasley boys coming from within, after a few moments a glazed eyed Ron opens the door, smile beaming at me from ear to ear. "How're we feeling this afternoon, Ronald?" I ask, the faint smell of we*d hitting my senses as I step into the room, "brilliant thanks, I'm glad you're here," he says, I take a seat on his bed, greeting the twins with a smile, "you boys wouldn't happen to be high at all, would you now?" I laugh, "As a kite, dear Y/N" George speaks, "and Georgie made some if his signature brownies, just for you" Fred adds, handing me a foil packet, which I gladly take.
Getting high with the boys was not too unusual, It's been a smell I'd familiarised myself with during my childhood spent at the Weasley home, at first it was Bill's doing, then the Twins, with Ron, Ginny and I following along soon after. I've been lucky to have a wizarding family like the Weasleys, with Molly taking pity on my mother and sister who were both muggles, offering to step in and handle the wizarding side of things with my father out of the picture - a gesture I could never repay.
Fred and George left Ron's dorm to head back to their own after hours of giggles, deciding to take a not so simple detour through the kitchens to satisfy their newfound hunger. This left Ron and I in the room alone, my fingers running through his soft hair as his head lay in my lap, "If you keep doing that, ill fall asleep..." He hums, causing me to laugh gently, pulling a little at the hairs at the back of his head. He watched my every move, dopey grin still all over his face.
"Bloody hell, I think I'm in love." Ron admits, I roll my eyes, "I know Krum's in the castle, Ronald but you're going to need to win him over with more than that." He sits up, looking at me with all seriousness, before shaking his head, "Not Krum... You. I'm in love with you, Y/N." I freeze for a second, shock is not the word I was looking for, perhaps confusion? Sure Ron was an attractive young lad and he was funny, funnier than the twins (not that I'd tell them that), he was charming, kind, strong, caring and by godric he was perfect, but in love with me? He was everything I needed, he was patient with me, he listened to every worry, he was there on my good days and bad days, yet here i am staring at his lips, wanting nothing more than for him to just kiss me. That was it.
I think I love him too, how blind have I been to not have seen this sooner. "Ron, I-" I smile grabbing his hand that had found its way to my cheek, leaning into his touch. "I love you." I breathe out, looking deep into his eyes.
I found out a lot of things about Ron that night; Number one - Ron is absolutely adorable when he's high.
Number two - Ron is literal putty in my hands as soon as I'm playing with his hair
Number three - Ron was in love with me, and I with him.
And finally, Number four - Ron is not the gentle lover I thought he would be, and I am weak the second he's whispering about all the dirty things he wants to do to me. He is a Rough lover, rougher than I expected.
He liked to take control, pinning me against the sheets, placing kisses to every piece of skin he laid his eyes on. "I can't wait to hear you moan for me, darling" he places a kiss to my forehead before resting his own against it letting go of my wrists to pull me up, hand pressed against the small of my back, "tell me if it's too much, we go as far as you want." I run my hands through his soft hair, pulling him in for a kiss, I could smell the cinnamon, a scent I'd associated with him, his kisses were powerful and spoke a thousand words to me, I pull away from his lips for a moment, trailing kisses to his ear, whispering gently to him. "I want you Ron, I need this, make me feel good..."
That was all it took to send him to overdrive, I fell in love there and then with the way his eyes darkened as we fumbled to undress each other, frantic and needy kisses being pressed against each other's skin. He pushed me back against the bed, kneeling between my thighs, as he hooks his fingers into my underewear, pulling them down my legs, a hunger in his eyes, "fuck, you're already so wet," he hums, "what is it you want first baby, my fingers or my tongue? hm? I don't hear my girl begging for anything, I may have to leave her here, untouched and needy. That sounds like fun..." I roll my eyes, big mistake, his hand grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him, "I don't expect attitude from you so early on." he warns "Beg." he almost growls, fingers ghosting over my thighs, "Use your words and tell me what you want." This side of Ron I'd never seen before and it was unlike anything I'd expect from him, but I need him. "I need your tongue baby, please Ron, I need you." that was all he needed, kisses trailed down my body to between my legs, "Good girl," he smirks, blowing gently on my clit, causing a shiver to run through my body, his tongue already on me before i could register what was going on. His tongue was skilled, licking and sucking at my already wet pussy, It was pure heaven. He pulled my clit between his teeth, sucking on it, which in turn caused me to attach my hands to his soft, gorgeous hair, keeping his lips pressed firmly against me "Don't stop, Ron, It feels so good!" I moan out, my fingers in his hair only egging him on further.
"You have no idea what you do to me," he whispers, kissing his way up my body. The sounds of laughing boys echo through the hall, growing closer and closer to the door. "for fuck's sake," he groans, reaching over to grab his wand quickly locking the door with a spell, before anyone walks in on us "colloportus!" he looks down at me with a smile, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he helps me back into my clothes. "I hope I wasn't being too much, I don't want to scare you off." I laugh, reaching up to smooth down his hair, making it less obvious that my hands had previously been tangled in his gorgeous locks. "Bloody hell, as if you couldn't get any sexier... I don't think you were doing nearly enough" I tease, He smirks, picking me up off the bed and carrying me to the door, "good, because I've hardly even started with you, Princess"
"Ron, mate if you don't open this door ill kill you myself, I'm bloody exhausted." Dean groans from the other side of the door, banging on it a little harder than he had been before "Room of requirement after dinner?" I suggest, he nods, placing me down to my feet, pressing a kiss to my lips to say goodbye, "I don't want to open the door because I'm not finished kissing you yet." I roll my eyes, grabbing my wand to unlock the door again, before swinging it open.
Seamus, Harry and Dean burst into the room, swinging their bags onto their beds, "If it was just Y/N in here I don't see why you had to lock the door," Dean whines, Harry scanning over Ron's face, to his hand which is still gently holding onto mine, "I think we may have been interrupting something here, guys" he speaks, crossing his arms looking between the two of us, cueing me to slip out of the room before there are any more questions "Shove off, Harry" Ron jokes, his eyes following my movements to the door, I poke my head back into the room, "Oi, make sure you save me one of George's brownies for after dinner, don't scoff them all!" I smile at the boys innocently, "I will do, Ba-Y/N" Ron quickly corrects himself, nobody catching onto his slip up, "Don't have too much fun without me!" I laugh, Ron responding quickly "I wouldn't dream of it."
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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RICHARD ELLINGTON is THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and the MANAGER of FAIR FARIBAULT’S in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. He looks remarkably like JAMIE DORNAN and considers himself alligned with the DEATH EATERS. He is currently OPEN.
A heartbreaker with the taste for the finer things in life Richard Ellington is used to being the centre of attention and is only truly happy when all eyes are firmly on him. Raised in the beautiful county of Buckinghamshire, Richard has been sought after for as long as he can remember. The son of a half-veela Muggle and a Pure-Blood wizard, from the day he was born comments were made about his beauty. His fleeting time at Primary School was a blur of love notes and doodles from giggling little girls sending his tray overflowing with their innocent displays of childlike affection. His mother received similar more adult attention as teachers blushed when they made eye contact with LOUISA ELLINGTON, much to the amusement of her husband JAMES. Working in international relations before he had retired, Richard’s father had made a decidedly unpopular choice in his family through his marriage to Louisa. Though no one could deny she was the most beautiful woman they had ever laid eyes on, his family were not accepting of Muggles and even less so of “half-breeds”. A fairly self-entitled child, he was raised by his mother and father to believe the attention he received he did not need to earn. Receiving his letter to Hogwarts when he was eleven years old, his parents were overjoyed and he was whisked away to Diagon Alley to be bought the finest robes, colognes and equipment money could buy.
Arriving at school, Richard was sorted into Slytherin and quickly made waves amongst the students due to his beauty. From the Quidditch pitch where he would later play for the Slytherin team to his classes students stared at him. Richard didn’t mind, he liked the attention. The only other person who gained a fraction of love letters and had their drink spiked with love potion was fellow Slytherin students ADAIRIA LINWOOD and GARWAIN ROBARDS. Although Richard hated to admit it, Adairia and Gawain were the only people who could even potentially be seen as more beautiful than he was. Adairia was a rarity in Slytherin, a Muggle-Born which made her special and the target for a lot of hate she didn’t deserve was more likely due to jealousy. Something about her didn’t quite sit with Richard, she seemed more than just a witch and had a presence similar to his own which was beyond the realms of simple beauty and moved more into supernatural good looks only vampires and veelas had. Garwain on the other hand was simply a Welsh wizard from a Half-Blood family whose father had grown wealthy due to running a private detective agency. Garwain similarly admired Richard, flattering and flirting with him while Adairia rolled her eyes and scoffed. Richard did nothing to deter the attention however and the two became best friends, though at times it drifted into the realm of becoming slightly more. The three of them became insuperable, three dark and beautiful soul mates in a strange place but Richard always craved more. 
Although Richard was very fond of Garwain and couldn’t deny his beauty, he too worshipped him. Richard loved attention, but what he loved more was a challenge and one day he found her. CLARICE FARIBAULT was a few years his junior and a quiet yet beautiful Slytherin witch he had often seen sitting alone. Though she was quiet she was not meek. Despite her youth Clarice held herself like someone twice her age. When she spoke it was with conviction and she rarely shied away from confrontation, which made his pulse quicken when he watched her. Clarice Faribault was one of the most exciting people had ever met and once he had noticed her Richard could not stop pursuing her. Unlike anyone else in the castle Clarice seemed unphased by him. By the time Richard had graduated he had finally worn Clarice down, buying an apartment for them to live in together in London with his inheritance and beginning his life on the London social scene. Out every night drinking champagne and laughing with Gawain and other influential people in the city he was living his life to the max and hoping Clarice would come to join him. Though people still continued to throw themselves at him, he remained loyal to her. Richard hadn’t ever thought himself capable of falling in love but for a long while he believed Clarice was the one to change all that. When she finally graduated and came to London their life together was not what he imagined. His girlfriend seemed more preoccupied with her work than she did their relationship and without her at home or in bars each evening to tell her how much she meant to him he began to look elsewhere. 
In a last ditch effort on his part he proposed to her and for a while things where as he imagined they’d be. It couldn’t go on forever as more people kept disappearing and keeping her at work for longer, but for her he thought he could try his best to make it work. When Richard met Clarice’s younger sister GEORGINE FARIBAULT all of the plans he’d made to spend the rest of his life went out the window in a flash of her smile and a flick of her blonde curls. A fellow ¼ veela, Georgine understood him in a way Clarice couldn’t and he found himself unable to fight the urge to kiss her and take her for his own. Dating both sisters behind the back of his fiancée was surprisingly easy on his conscience. Everything was exciting, trying not to get caught by Clarice who sunk deeper into her work. Everything finally came to a head two years later when she caught Richard and Georgine in bed together, returning home early to surprise Richard for his birthday. It pained him somewhat to see a woman he’d once loved slam her engagement ring on their dining room table and walk out of his life, but the reality of it was Richard and Clarice were over the minute she took her job at the Ministry, Georgine was just the final nail in their coffin. Unlike Richard, Georgine seemed fairly upset by Clarice cutting them off. It only hurt him when he looked in Clarice’s eyes and saw the pain, but while he and Georgine were out drinking Clarice was working meaning the two rarely crossed paths. Richard loved his new life with Georgine, he was addicted to her the same way she was addicted to him, preying on unsuspecting members of society to entertain them before falling back into bed each evening.
When Georgine became a vampire he didn’t lose his attraction to her, though her soft skin was deathly pale and her eyes a ghostly blue she was still Georgine yet deadlier, sexier. Everyone around them noticed the change in his girlfriend as well, with people queuing up to dance with her and be in her presence. It was one evening after they’d been out dancing that Georgine had come with the idea for her escort business. The wizarding community hadn’t been kind to people like him and Georgine, who despite their beauty had been snubbed due to the way they had gotten it. Richard was hesitant at first to be bought out by people but quickly found it had been something he was built for. Dining for free and being paid to sit, speak and occasionally sleep with people if he liked them enough for a hefty fee was exactly up his alley. As word got out about their business Richard and Georgine found they no longer had to offer their own services, with Richard moving into a managerial role at Fair Faribault’s, finding clients, recruiting staff and dealing with the finances for the business. His life had been fun and carefree until Georgine had upped the stakes. Never satisfied and hungry for power, Georgine had signed a deal with the devil for a better place in the new world promised by the underground organisation. 
Though she loved the life they had forged for themselves Georgine longed for her rightful place in society as a member one one of the twelve original vampire families and the most beautiful of her kind. Despite his apprehension over joining the group, Richard wanted the same things. He knew he was better than everyone else and the fact he had to hide who he was to be taken seriously had bothered him ever since he’d learned of the prejudice on his father’s side of the family. Richard has little to do with Death Eaters if he can help it, preferring to spend time At The Grave Affair and managing the business. A sarcastic and rude man, Richard has little time for people he deems unworthy of his time and is incredibly short on occasion not allowing people to see the deeper parts of his personality which do lurk somewhere beyond the beauty of it’s surface. Someone who does see that side of him is a new recruit he’s currently trying to figure out. CELESTIA CLARKE is one of the news of their team with a beautiful face and a mysterious backstory. Celestia has little time for his wit and charm though he has noticed she isn’t afraid to flirt back with him despite hearing the horror stories about Georgine.  Her strong nature and odd personality are slowly taking a hold in him and although he hates to admit it, he’s beginning to grow intrigued by the beautiful Celestia. 
Blood Status → Half-Blood (¼ Veela)
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male
Sexual Orientation → Bisexual
Relationship Status → In a Relationship with Georgine Faribault 
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin) 
Societies → N/A
Family → N/A
Connections  → Georgine Faribault (girlfriend/boss), Garwain Robards (best friend/potential love interest), Adairia Linwood (best friend), John Matthews (close friend), Laurent Dane (close friend/employee), Laurel Linwood (friend/employee), Dahlia Blackwood (friend/employee), Celestia Clarke (friend/employee/potential love interest), Clarice Faribault (ex-fiancée/adversary) 
Future Information → N/A
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Flipping through the Memories of You - pt. 8
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A/N: Okay, so appereantly not the last part as I planned but ok. Maybe part 9 will be the last part. I’m just dragging this aren’t I?
It’s funny how everything turned out to be so easy. A week has passed and still Sirius hasn’t shown a sign of anger or irritation of why you kept yourself away from everybody. He was happy, he truly was. More than anything Sirius Black felt more full and loved than he ever did before in his entire life. 
He got you back. He found you yet he was confused how you haven’t shown a sign of anger or irritation of what he has done after the two of you left or what he said to you after. 
The two of you were walking down the street, hand in hand, both smiling and enjoying as the crowds passed by and the spring breeze blew gently and then aggressiavely, blowing both of your hair in all directions. 
The two of you laughed as your hair covered your face and tickled your skin and when the wind stopped, Sirius stood in front of you and tucked them away for you. His cold hands pressed themselves on your cheeks and he smiled. 
“You are beautiful as the last day I saw you.” he said and pulled you into a kiss, then brushing his nose with yours. 
“You got a bit grey and skinny but still kept the looks young.” you scrunched your nose at him and he stepped back.
“Grey?!” he licked his lips and tried no to smile, which he failed miserably at. “Are you saying I’m old?” he stared at you and you only grinned. 
“No?” you hid your face into the scarf and looked up at him with mischivious eyes, to which he just melted. “I’m just saying you’re older.” you brought your face back up from the scarf and let your hands slid up his coat to his collar. “And sexier with the beard.” you leaned in close, kissing him once. “I mean, you could trim it a bit.” kissing him twice. 
“Trim it?” he hummed against your lips, quirking one of his eyebrows.
“Just a little bit.” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, stepping to your side and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. 
“Somebody has gotten judgmental in the past few years.” he mocked and you laughed.
“And somebody has gotten more sensitive in the past few years.” you said. “Not that I’m not used to it.” 
“You know? Sometimes I think you might be related to Remus, since both of you like to attack me emotionally.”
“That’s because we care about your dramatic ass.” 
“I bet you do.” he kissed the side of your head and kept walking forward meanwhile your mind drifted a bit from this moment and into another.
‘ You were pacing up and down his office, stopping, turning to his blue eyes, then started pacing again.
“So what you’re saying is I have lived 7 years that I cannot remember and turned back into a fourteen year old?!” you shouted unwilingly but you were so furious. “HOW?!”
“Calm down, miss (y/l/n).” he stood up and moved to his pheonix. “I have an old friend in Ilvermony, school of witchcraft and wizardry in North America.”
“Old friend?” 
“You might know him as your classmate, Remus Lupin?” he smiled gently but you just stared.
“He can’t see me like this?! He’s what now? 21 years old? 22?” you exclaimed, staring at the old man. 
“He can help you but you must know that wizards in that school do not know of his condition and you must not tell them.” 
“I would never tell anybody of his condition but I would also not want to be his student! I want to remeber! I want to know what happened to me! Remus Lupin has no idea of how to do that! He can barely take care of himself!” ... ‘ 
So you lied. You lied to him about failing to find Remus but to be honest you couldn’t. They were your best friends and they were all older than you by 7 or 8 years. At that time, you were just a confused, hormonal teenager, again. 
You were lost and all by yourself. You never went to Ilvermony. You never continued your job as an Auror. Nobody knew that you were alive. 
Except him. 
“Where is Remus?” you asked, looking up at him. 
“He’s on some mission Dumbledore sent him.” he said, leading you forward. “But you can easily see Harry if you want?” 
“You know, I did a few years back. I saw him in the Diagon Alley with a pack of gingers and he saw me but... but...”
“He didn’t recognise you.” he finished, squeezing you closer. “I know. He hasn’t known of me for a long time as well. Don’t take it to heart, he’s aunt hasn’t let him known of his magic abilities until he got a letter from Hogwarts.” 
“I just need to see him.” 
“You will. All at its time.”
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animezing-fandoms · 5 years
Be My Valentine (Gruvia)
Warnings: Smut! 
Relationships: Gruvia. 
Summary: Set after the Wood God Dragon Arc. Juvia asks Gray to be her Valentine and to her surprise he accepts, and has another surprise waiting for her back at their hotel that she certainly wasn’t expecting but is nevertheless happy about. 
A/N: This takes during the same time as my Nalu V-Day fic! I hope you guys like it! 
When Juvia surprised Gray in town that day she had been expecting his usual rejection. At first she had gotten what she expected, but then Gray took her by surprise by whispering in her ear: “I’ll be your Valentine Juvia. In fact, I’ve got an idea for how I want to spend this Holiday with you back at the hotel.” 
As soon as she heard that sentence her consciousness had separated itself from reality and her mind flooded with romantic fantasies of what he could say to her to sweep her off of her feet once they got to his hotel room. Little did she know, what it actually was would be ten times better than her wildest fantasy could ever be. 
Once they reached the hotel, Gray pulled her into an alley to hide from Natsu who he spotted running towards the building. He sniffed around it for a few minutes before groaning and moving on. Gray was curious about what Natsu could be searching for, and Juvia couldn’t care less because right now she was pressed up against Gray’s bare chest (he had lost his shirt somewhere three blocks ago) and it was heaven for her. Little did she know she’d be reaching heaven many more times soon. 
Once the coast was clear Gray took her hand and ran with her into the hotel. They quickly made their way up the stairs, Gray being alert to the people around them, making Juvia wonder why he didn’t want too many people to notice them. 
When they enter his hotel room and he shuts the door behind them, the serious air he had about him since he whisked her away only intensifies as he walks towards the bed and stares at it. After a few moments of tense silence, Juvia opens her mouth to speak. 
“So what is Gray-sama’s idea for spending Valentine’s Day with Juvia?” She asks him shyly. 
He gulps, his adam’s apple bobbing as he turns to look at her with a soft look in his eyes that she rarely saw, because he only looked at her like that when he was about to open up to her about something that’s very emotional to him. He crosses the room to stand right in front of her, leaving barely any space between them as he cups her cheek and leans down to catch her lips in a soft kiss. 
When she saw his mouth coming to meet hers she made no move to pull away. This was everything she had been waiting for since the moment she met him, and now she finally had his lips against hers. This was the happiest she had ever felt since the day she met Gray. 
When Gray pulls back Juvia’s eyelids flutter back open and she looks into his eyes with tears of joy in the corners of hers. He gives her a small smile in return. 
“So that’s what Gray-sama wants to do with Juvia? She is so happy!” she cheers and bounces on her feet. “Kissing Gray-sama all day is a dream come true for Juvia!” 
“I figured as much” Gray chuckles before getting serious again. “But I want to do more than just kiss you tonight Juvia.” 
Juvia looks confused until she notices Gray’s gaze shift towards the bed, and then his hand that had been holding her hip during their kiss tightens and she turns back to look at his face and lets out a soft gasp when she sees him staring at her body. 
“I told you at Lucy’s award party that I might be into your body. Well...I am Juvia” He admits while looking her in the eyes. “I think you’re sexy. And I know it’s probably too soon to be asking you to do this with me since I only just told you that I love you but now that Fairy Tail is free from the White Wizard you’re going to be going back to Magnolia and I don’t know how long it’s going to be until I see you again so I want to do it with you now while we have the time because it could be awhile before we get another perfect moment like this again.”
Her heart was beating impossibly fast now. She was happy enough to just get a kiss from him, but now he wants to go all the way too! This was so much better than any fantasy she had imagined on their way over here and his words went straight to her core and she could feel her panties start to get damp. 
“But we definitely don’t have to do this if you don’t want to” Gray quickly adds to make sure she didn’t feel like he was pressuring her into this. “If this is moving too fast just say so and we can just spend the rest of the day in here talking and cuddling. Or you can leave if you want too. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this just because I want to. I love you Juvia, no matter what. As long as you’re happy, I’ll be happy too.” 
“Juvia...” She starts and looks up at Gray before stepping closer to him and placing her hand on his bare chest “agrees with Gray-sama. We should seize this chance now while we have it. Juvia wants Gray-sama to make love to her.”
Gray gulps again and his gaze shifts from her eyes down to her body and back up to her lips as she leans in to kiss him and he meets her halfway. 
The kisses start out soft and gentle. Gray had never kissed anyone before, and it had been awhile since Juvia had a boyfriend so it was awkward at first. But after some time they get into a rhythm and start making out. 
Gray’s palms were sweaty as his hands moved along her clothed figure, mapping out the shape of her body slowly so he didn’t startle her and the touch sent shivers down her spine. Then one of his hands slides to her rear and gently squeezes, making her gasp and push her body into his, which only surprises her more when she feels something hard poking against her lower abdomen, and his grunt tells her exactly what it was she was feeling against her.
Their lips part, and Gray keeps his eyes locked on hers as he unbuckles his belt with practiced ease before unbuttoning and unzipping his fly to let his pants drop to the floor. He steps out of his boots and then Juvia allows her gaze to wander down to his crotch and her breath hitches from the large tent in his black boxer-briefs. She knew his dick was going to be big but actually having that confirmed before her very eyes was exhilarating and her damp panties were now soaking from the sight of it. 
Gray blushes while she stares at it. He wanted her to see his erection. See what just the thought of having her naked in his arms did to him. She seemed surprised but he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. It was then that he remembered that he wasn’t the first man she was romantically involved with and he began to feel insecure about how much more experience she might have had than him. 
“Juvia, this may not be the right time to ask you this but uh...you know that I’ve never had a girlfriend before but I know you’ve had boyfriends before so uh, have you ever done this with another guy before?” He asks her shyly while looking away from her. 
“No” she answers and Gray lets out a sigh of relief. “Juvia has had other boyfriends before, but they would always break up with her way before we would get to this point.” 
Gray looks back at her and he feels his cock twitch at the revelation that no other man has been with Juvia like he was about to be. He would be her first, and in the back of his mind he knew he wanted to be her only too. 
Juvia carefully takes off her hat and places it on the table that was next to her. Then she began to undo the bow on the collar of her jacket and she places it next to the hat. She reaches up to unbutton her jacket then her hand stills and she looks at Gray. 
“Would Gray-sama like to undress Juvia?” She asks softly. 
Gray’s breath hitches and he steps towards her and reaches up to touch one of the buttons on her jacket. With each button he undoes he feels his body getting hotter and his breathing heavier. As more of Juvia’s creamy skin is revealed with each button he loosens on the jacket, he can see that her skin is just as flushed as his is. 
When he removes her jacket his eyes are immediately glued to her cleavage. He felt his erection get stiffer with each heavy breath she took, making her ample bosom press against her bra. She turns so her back is facing him so that he can undo the clasp in the back. She gasps and stiffens as his fingers touch her back and tug on the strap and he pauses his movements. 
“Keep going Gray-sama.” Juvia says, assuring him that she wants him to take off her bra. 
He fumbled a bit, but he soon managed to undo the clasp and as a reflex Juvia gasps and holds her bra to her chest before it can slide off of her. When she turns around she sees that Gray’s face is bright red and he’s looking away from her, showing the same reflexive embarrassment as her at her exposed state. But Juvia is quick to overcome it and with a deep breath she releases the undergarment from her chest and lets it fall to the floor. 
Once Gray hears the soft thud, he knows that’s her cue to give him consent to look at her. And when he does, he’s very turned on by what he sees. 
“Holy...” He mutters while staring at the large white mounds on her chest. 
Juvia blushes and smiles. 
“Does Gray-sama like what he sees?” Juvia asks. 
Gray gulps and nods. This wasn’t the first time he had seen a woman’s breasts before. He had seen Juvina’s and since she was Juvia’s counterpart, Juvia’s pretty much looked the same to him. But because they were his Juvia’s breasts, they were automatically way sexier than Juvina’s. 
Juvia gently took his hand.
“Then Gray-sama may touch them too if he wants.” She says as she brings his hand up to her chest. 
The second his palm touches her soft flesh she lets out a soft gasp and the lust that he had been keeping contained began to break free as he gently squeezes her tit before wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her towards him. 
“Gray-sama!” She moans as he squeezes her breast while squeezing her butt at the same time with his other hand. 
He groans and brings his hand to her other tit while he begins to kiss along her neck, making her gasp and push herself into him every time he bit down to leave a mark. 
With one arm under her thighs he scoops her up and lays her down on her back on the bed before crawling on top of her. He holds himself up by his arm, with his hand pressing on the mattress by her head while leaning down to kiss her, and then he undoes her belt and tugs her skirt down and lets it drop on the floor. 
While he undressed her, Juvia’s hands moved along his back, mapping out his body while his hands explored hers. Then she cries out in pleasure when Gray began to rub his crotch against hers, both still covered by their underwear but still pleasurable as Juvia begins to rock her hips back against his to match his rhythm. 
“Juvia...” He moans and Juvia blushes from how hot it sounded when he moaned her name. 
He put his mouth back on her again and she moans as he sucks a large love bite onto her neck, claiming her as his before his mouth begins to wander down to her chest. 
“Gray-sama!” She moans and grips the back of his head to hold him to her chest as his mouth leaves a trail of kisses along her cleavage before working his way towards one of her hardened nipples and taking it into his mouth and sucking it. 
Her moans got even louder after that and he felt a surge of pride run through him from his ability to make her feel good like this before moving to her other nipple. 
He hooks his fingers into her panties and his eyes lock with hers, silently asking for permission to remove them. She lifts her hips to allow him to remove them and he slowly pulls them down her hips, then along her supple thighs and smooth calves before pulling them off at her feet and dropping them to the ground with the rest of her clothes. 
He sat up and took a moment to admire her body now that she was bare before him. 
“Beautiful...” Is all he manages to say before his mouth is back at her breast, giving her a few more kisses there before working his way down to the space between her legs. 
Juvia began to breathe heavier again as Gray gently pushes her thighs open and his mouth moves closer to her bare sex. As much as Gray would have loved to just dive right in with his cock, he wanted to taste her first, and he also knew that he should prepare her with foreplay before he penetrates her. 
Once Gray reaches her mound he locks his eyes with hers, then he presses a kiss to her folds and she gasps. Then he gives them a long lick and she moans loudly. So he continues to lick her, and she continues to writhe on the bed in and scream his name in pleasure. She tasted divine, and he wanted every last drop of her on his tongue. As his licks got harsher and moved in-between her folds, he swiped against her clit and she cried out and arched her back, trapping his head between her thighs. He figured that was a good spot and decided to lick it more, and Juvia’s reactions told him that was definitely the right call. 
“Oh Gray-sama! You’re so good to Juvia! She loves this! Give her more! Please!” She begs. 
Her begging made him stick his tongue inside her entrance and she loved that. Then he took two of his fingers and replaced his tongue with them and she loved that even more. At first he was gentle, taking his time exploring sex to find her sweet spots. Once he did, he hit them hard, pumping his fingers hard and fast to bring her to a quick orgasm. Once he felt her clenching around him he licked her clit again and she screamed his name loudly and arched her back while she came. 
Gray pulls his fingers out and Juvia watches with hazy, lust-filled eyes as he licks them clean. Then she reaches forward and with his nod of approval, she tugs his underwear down and his erection springs free from it’s clothed confines. Once he’s removed his underwear, Juvia gently holds it in her hand and begins to stroke it gently to get it fully hard again. It didn’t take long, because the sight of Juvia touching his dick turned Gray on a lot more than he thought. And then when she leaned forward to kiss and lick his tip, Gray moaned and had to push her back onto her back because if she took him into her mouth he was positive he would have come right then and there. 
So she got herself lying in a comfortable position on her back, and spread her legs open for Gray to position himself between them. She held his shoulders and gripped them when she felt his tip press against her entrance. 
“Please Gray-sama don’t tease Juvia!” she begs and Gray realized he liked how it sounded. “Just take her, she’s yours. OH!” She shouts as Gray pushes himself halfway inside of her. 
“Fuck Juvia!” he groans. “You’re so tight.”
He gives her some time to adjust to his size before pushing more of himself in and she screams again as he penetrates her further. 
“Does it hurt?” He asks out of concern. 
“A little, but the pain doesn’t last long” Juvia assures him. “Juvia feels good now. You can continue to fuck her if you wish.” 
Shit hearing her curse like that went straight to his dick and he began to thrust inside of her, pulling his dick in and out of her, both of them moaning from the friction. 
While he continued his pace, he began to squeeze and suck on her breasts again and she caressed his body with her hands and her legs while he quickly brought her close to another orgasm. 
“Gray-sama you feel so good inside of Juvia.” She moans into his ear as he leaves more love-bites on her neck. 
“And you feel so good around me Juvia. I think I’m gonna come soon.” Gray moans. 
“Juvia is too. In fact, she is right-OH!” She cries out as Gray hits her g-spot with a rough thrust and she clenches around him as she orgasms. 
Her walls tightening around him triggered his orgasm as well and he gently rocked his hips against hers to ride out his high while her clenching walls milked him of his release. Once he was done, he pulls himself out and Juvia whines, feeling annoyingly empty without him inside of her, and he collapses next to her, breathing heavily and trying to regain his vision. 
“Wow. That was amazing.” He says and smiles. 
“Juvia agrees. Gray-sama you made her feel so good, she’s so happy you did this to her today, do you think you could do it again?” She asks and turns on her side to face him. 
His dick twitches from her request but remains flaccid since he was still recovering. 
“Just give me a few minutes, then we can go again” he tells her and kisses her gently. “I love you Juvia.” 
“Juvia loves you too Gray-sama. Happy Valentine’s Day” she says.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Please comment if you liked this! 
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birdberdburd · 5 years
What’s sexier than wizards??
N O T H I N G.
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methotrex8 · 5 years
Review of All Writing Utensils: College Edition
1. Regular Ol’ No. 2 Pencil
No obnoxious clicking
Always acceptable in every exam
Smells good
Can be made from recyclable materials
Can usually get them for free at any event
Kills vampires
Need to bring pencil sharpener or pray that there is one that *actually works* in the room
Why does the wood get longer than the GRAPHITE???
Once it touches a Bad Sharpener, it’s fucked up for life
Eraser just...falls off sometimes
Gets smaller and smaller until you can’t hold it without your hand hurting
2. Mechanical Pencil
If the eraser gets used too much, you can get a replacement!
No need for a sharpener
Always the same size
Sleek n sexy
Not as cheap as No. 2 pencils, but still really cheap
Little to no smearing whatsoever
I just put lead in you, why won’t you come out?!
Wait, what size lead does this one take again?
*scribble scribble scribble* *SNAP!* *lead flies away and into the eye of the person sitting next to you*
Banned from some exams because of cheating paranoia
3. Black or Blue Pen
Can’t run out of lead and no need to sharpen it
Always ready for official documents
Can also be gotten for free at banks and events
Oh, you made a mistake? It’s forever immortalized. Should’ve gotten the erasable pen.
Cheap ones smear all over your hand and the paper
Ink will come out when you scribble on a nearby paper, but not on the thing you’re actually trying to write on. Time to play the guessing game of, “Did this 5-year-old pen finally run out of ink or is it just being a diva?”
Not recognized by Scantron. But if you use a pen for a Scantron, you earned your suffering
I get that this lecture is boring you, but if you click that pen again, I’m legally and morally obligated to end you right here and right now
4. Gel Pens
Fun, funky colors
Some professors are suckers for seeing handwritten assignments in glitter
Using a gel pen in class? You absolute madman. You have no fears.
No clicking
Nostalgia of being a kid in the early 2000s with no worries
Even smearier than the blue/black pens
When used consistently, they have a life span of like, 4 months tops before they run out of ink or dry out. Some of them come dried up in the package. Ugh.
Caps get lost
If you bring this to an exam, you are a war criminal
5. Quill
Are you a vampire, wizard, or a pirate captain? Either way, you’re a fancy bitch. Godspeed!
Doubles as a dramatic murder weapon
You can make the quill yourself
Using one fucks with everyone that sees you in the most delicious way
Have to bring your own ink, which is messy. Where do you even find ink for this? You might be able to make ink, but I have no idea and I don’t care enough to google at the moment
Feather is fragile
Not portable or practical in any way, shape, or form
6. Fountain pen
Combines the class and drama of the quill with the portability and practicality of the pen
Makes your handwriting look 1000x sexier. Ideal for love letters.
Can also be a weapon and is the most effective potential murder/self-defense tool on this list. Won’t work on vampires, though
• Calligraphy
Expensive. The “cheapest” one that I can find is $65
You’re too afraid to use it or take it anywhere because of how expensive it is
Pressure to make your handwriting look way better than it normally does
7. Colored pencil
Randomly found at the bottom of your bag when you’ve lost all of your other writing utensils or the No. 2 pencil is too short. You have no idea where it came from.
Fun colors!
Same childhood nostalgia as the gel pen without the smearing
Sometimes glittery
Needs sharpened and is way softer than the No. 2 pencil, so you have to sharpen it every 5 minutes
Only acceptable in desperate times like when I wrote my wedding vows in colored pencil. I’m not joking.
If you’ve gotten to the point of using this, this semester probably isn’t going too well for you. It’ll be okay, I promise. You’ll get through this. I believe in you! ❤️
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