#whatever aleks it’s been days let it go
quinloki · 8 months
Roronoa Zoro - Semi-Sweet
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Requestor: @aleks-chan Reader Vibes Requested: AFAB CW: Falling from a great height, angst, amnesia
Your fingers’ tips had barely grazed his as gravity pulled you from the bird’s nest toward the deck. The fear on Zoro’s face was burned into your eyes, and the scream that filled the air had alerted the Captain.
Zoro had screamed your name, you had just screamed.
You weren’t keen on heights, but you trusted Zoro, trusted him to keep you safe if you became too scared while in the bird’s nest with him. Even as you fell that trust wasn’t broken. You’d felt fine, assured, and hadn’t asked him for any help. He’d been halfway across the nest when the storm bucked Sunny.
You’d opened the hatch and turned to let him know you were leaving. The shift had thrown you off balance and when you’d went to set your footing again, your leg had gone through the hatch.
The first impact made you growl in pain as your shoulders hit the rim of the opening hard, the second lurch tossed you inside the small area and you hit your forehead on the lip.
The impact and blood had disoriented you enough your grip slipped.
Zoro had managed to clear the distance despite the turbulence, but you lost your grip a split second too soon.
Luffy broke your fall enough that you weren’t mortally wounded, but you’d bounced off his inflated stomach and slammed right into the foremast. You didn’t remember anything after that.
When you first woke up you didn’t remember much of anything. You couldn’t place Luffy, or anyone else on the crew. You weren’t scared, or uncomfortable though, and admitted you at least felt like you belonged with them all, but you just couldn’t remember.
For days you healed.
For days he avoided you.
Like a cat, he would be just on your peripherals. Never in your line of sight, never looking at you, but always there, like he was watching you.
You were starting to think he didn’t like you.
Everyone else had seemed to fall back into easy routines with you to the point you’d often have to ask them what they were talking about, because the memory had escaped you. They’d cheerfully fill you in and include you smoothly. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, Nami, Franky, Brook, and especially Sanji.
But he stayed back.
After a couple weeks, you’d gone from worrying he hated you, to being angry you couldn’t seem to get him to even talk to you. You couldn’t fix what was wrong if he wasn’t going to let you within 50 feet of him.
A need for sleep seemed to finally catch up with him, and soon after you caught him napping. Deeply enough that he didn’t wake up from the other side of the ship and leave before you could close the distance.
You woke him up by sitting in his lap.
His eyes open a moment too late, your hips already dropping onto his crossed ankles, draping your legs over his thighs, your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself as you settle in. Your gaze doesn’t break away from his, and you’re not trying to hide your irritation.
“Oi!” He grumbles before you grab his collar.
“Why are you avoiding me?” You ask, cheeks puffed despite your efforts to maintain anger over irritation. You feel him jerk under you, but he doesn’t say anything and just looks away. “I can’t fix whatever I messed up if you won’t talk to me.”
“You didn’t!” He looks back at you before crossing his arms over his chest. “… You didn’t mess up anything.”
“Then… is it ‘cause I can’t remember?” You question, your voice dropping. Your gaze shifts down, your stomach knotting, and your grip on his collar loosens. You’d been keeping it under wraps as much as possible, but your inability to remember everyone was eating you alive.
“No! It’s…” Zoro bites the words off and furrows his brows. He looks angry, but you aren’t sure where it’s directed. “It’s not that.” He says finally.
You’re both quiet for a moment, and a question swirls in your chest, but you aren’t sure you want to ask it. You aren’t certain you could, but you’re never going to corner him like this again.
“Is there… no way to fix this then?” You question quietly.
“There’s nothing to fix.” He grumbles, and the words thread through your heart like a blade.
“Oh, all… all right then.” You try to get the words out evenly, lightly, flippantly even, but you couldn’t. They hitched in your throat with your own breath and tears filled your eyes before you could get up.
Zoro grabs your arm as you start to move away and pulls you close, yanking you into a hug. The desperation of it is warm. One hand on the back of your head, the other across your back.
“I mean, nothing is broken to need fixing.” He clarifies, rough and quiet voice by your ear. He’s quiet for a moment, still save for the occasional tremble in his fingers as he holds you close. “I’m…
The words are hard to comprehend. You aren’t sure if he said them, or if you just felt his soul cry against your heart. You can’t even ask why, but you relax in his arms, wrapping yourself around him in return.
“Scared, that you’ll remember, and blame me.” He says in a voice that’s almost flat. “And if you do, I’ll accept it.”
“Why… would I blame you?”
He shakes his head slowly, nuzzling into your shoulder a little as he does. “You’ll remember.”
You stay like that with him, until someone calls for one of you, or food is announced, it doesn’t matter. The words of the crew cause you to part, but afterward he doesn’t distance himself as much. Doesn’t ignore you. He’s still laconic, but something in your skin tells you that’s how he is.
The day shifts to the next, and another, and one afternoon you’re looking off the rail of the ship, eyes losing themselves in the horizon, and your wandering mind finally wanders back into your memories. Like a gentle tide coming in, all the forgotten steps return to you, your fingers tight against the railing as emotions fill you up.
Tears fall quietly for a moment, before sobs wreck your bones. You wail into the calm air, unable to keep the feeling inside your lungs. All the moments of being unable to remember, all the things you had to ask, all the subtle looks of concern and fear on the faces of your friends.
Your crew.
Your family.
You can feel them, in their own way, standing back and giving you space, but also support. Waiting for you to ask, to request, silently or otherwise.
But there’s only one that presses against your emotions, and when you turn away from the ocean he’s there. Stone-faced, white-knuckled, and with an implausible emotion chiseled into his face.
One you hadn’t seen for years.
“It’s my fault.” He says in a voice resigned to its fate, steel eye focused on you, resolute.
“It was a storm.” You argue.
“I promised.” He nearly hisses the words, his stony expression cracking in pain.
“I’m alive.” You reply, stepping toward him.
“But -.”
“Luffy heard you.” You interrupt. “Chopper told me.” You point out, stepping closer again. “No one heard me scream. It was swept away by the storm, but your voice cut through.”
You reach out, slipping gentle fingers against his arm. “Whether by your own hand, or because you command the very world to comply, I know you’ll protect me.”
Your fingers move against his knuckles, insistent and pushing their way into the tight grip, forcing his hand to relax and accept them.
His fingers relax on his other hand and he slips his between yours. His eye is focused on you, the tension finally giving way. Memories slip between you as you move closer to one another.
The request is on the curve of your lips, but the words are devoured by his before you can say them.
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For day 4 of the @bahrynfestival I really wanted to use the prompt It's time to let go, so I turned it into a little scene!
This is inspired by some things that I've planned to have happen in my Kalluzeb series, and I might adapt this moment to fit in there at some point 👀
Zeb knew the tentative look in Alexsandr’s eyes as he approached him, and he decided to keep standing where he was, overlooking the beautiful swamps of Rodia. Allowing his friend to come up to him at his own pace, voice his thoughts only when he was ready.
Alexsandr came to stand next to him, following his gaze.
They remained silent for a while, Zeb trying not to look at the wistful golden eyes trailing the landscape in front of them, the strong, long-fingered hand raking through the soft blond hair, the muscular chest above a too small waist.
Alexsandr was the one to break the silence, eventually. “It reminds you of Lasan, doesn’t it?” he asked, his voice timid.
Zeb sighed, knowing there was no sense in denying. The human knew him too well for that. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry” Alexsandr mumbled, turning to leave.
Zeb caught his wrist, pulling him back towards the railing. “Don’t go.”
Alexsandr looked down, pressing his lips together in a thin line. To anyone else it might look cold and disapproving, but Zeb knew better. That was one of his masking expressions, the way he would look when he desperately tried not to show how much he yearned to give in.
Zeb sighed. “It’s been years” he mumbled. “I’ve been away from Lasan almost as long as I’ve lived there. I should be over it. It’s time to let go.”
Alexsandr turned to look him in the eye, and now the uncertainty in his face was gone, a steely determination taking its place. “It’s not. It never needs to be” he said, his voice hard. “You lost everything, Zeb.”
Because of me. He didn’t say it, but Zeb heard it in his words just the same.
“You don’t have to get over Lasan” Alexsandr went on, almost heatedly. “It was your home, a part of you, the place you would have lived out your life if – if it hadn’t been taken from you.”
Once again the word I lingered on his tongue, but he didn’t utter it. Zeb had told him countless times not to, and at least on this he listened. Sometimes.
“Still” he said. “I’ve found a new family, a new life, a new purpose. I can’t keep dwelling on it, I should get over it.”
Alexsandr let out a long, deep breath, almost literally deflating next to Zeb, all resistance bleeding out of him. “I haven’t gotten over it” he said softly.
“No” Zeb replied. “But it’s time for you to let go as well.”
Alexsandr pursed his lips again.
“Aleks…” Zeb said softly.
His friend abruptly pushed away from the railing. “I have something to show you.”
“Oh?” Zeb said, intrigued.
Alexsandr starting walking back inside the apartment, gesturing for Zeb to join him. “When I was back there” he started, and Zeb didn’t need to ask for clarification, realising he was talking about his time undercover with the Empire on this very planet, “I managed to build a network of fellow defectors, spies, informants.”
Zeb nodded. This wasn’t news to him. Even if Alexsandr hadn’t already told him upon his return, he would have known his friend well enough to guess. He was always thorough like that.
“A few days ago, one of them contacted me.” Alexsandr had come to a halt in front of the holo console. His face was apprehensive again as he reached into his jacket to withdraw a datastick. “They gave me this.”
His expression was cautious, waiting for Zeb to react, to give him whatever permission he needed to go on.
“What’s that?” Zeb asked, hoping to encourage him.
Alexsandr’s fingers subtly tightened around the stick, knuckles turning white as he looked away. “Pictures and holos of Lasan.”
Zeb’s jaw dropped, all the thoughts in his mind coming to an abrupt halt.
“How… how…” he stuttered. “How did you manage that?”
Alexsandr grimaced. “I told my informants to contact me about anything regarding Lasan or Lasats they would find.”
Zeb stared at him, speechless. Alexsandr had risked his life, going back to the Empire for as long as he had this time. Save for the occasional Fulcrum transmission he had stayed completely out of contact, knowing that in a position that high any slight hint at his real identity could cost him. And he had thrown all that caution away on the off chance of finding Zeb a reminder of his home world.
And here he’d thought he couldn’t love the man any more than he already did.
“Can I… can I see?” he asked, his voice trembling dangerously.
“Obviously” Alexsandr said, in that steely tone of his he got when not even his trained ISB neutrality was enough to hide the emotion lingering in his voice. “Though some of it is Imperial recordings from the Purge. I would…” He took a deep breath, visibly fighting to keep himself together. “I’d understand if you wouldn’t want to see that. It’s just… this one picture I thought you might appreciate seeing.”
He turned on the console, inserting the stick and scrolling through its files. Zeb saw the one he was looking for before he selected it, and his blood froze in his veins.
F. Ardyli & G. Orrelios, it said, followed by a date somewhere around the time the Empire took over.
Alexsandr hesitated, his finger hovering over the switch. “I’m not –”
“Show me” Zeb said tonelessly. He couldn’t recall who F. Ardyli might have been, but he needed to know it now.
Alexsandr flipped the switch, and the picture appeared.
Zeb stopped breathing.
He only very vaguely recognised F. Ardyli, but he didn’t care to look further into them. His eyes were drawn to the Lasat they were with. G. Orrelios.
It wasn’t him.
“Zan” he breathed.
“Is that your sister?” Alexsandr asked tentatively.
Zeb nodded, unable to talk. Alexsandr seemed to understand, patiently waiting until he found his voice again. “I’d… I’d almost forgotten what she looked like.”
“She’s beautiful” Alexsandr muttered, and the genuineness in his voice caused Zeb’s heart to burst open. Despite the Imperial xenophobia he spent most of his life around, Alexsandr was still able to see the beauty in another species.
“She was” he mumbled, reaching out in a desperate attempt to touch the hologram, and before he knew it his face was wet with tears.
Alexsandr was right. He could never fully get over Lasan. It would remain a part of him forever.
“Zeb –”
Alexsandr made an aborted move, like he wanted to put his arms around Zeb but thought the better of it. But Zeb immediately moved towards him, and after an awkward second Alexsandr carefully embraced him.
“I don’t think you have to worry about forgetting what she looks like” Alexsandr said softly, in a voice that was equal parts soothing and anxious. “You see her spitting image every time you look at your reflection.”
A howl escaped Zeb’s throat and he buried his face in the curve of Alexsandr’s shoulder. His friend just held him, a little stiffly and awkwardly, but clearly trying so hard. Like he clearly fought to keep the memory of Lasan alive, to ensure that the culture he had helped destroy wouldn’t be lost forever, that Zeb would never forget about the people who had meant the world to him.
“She would have loved you” he sniffled wetly into Alexsandr’s shoulder.
“I highly doubt that” Alexsandr replied, his voice hard again.
Zeb pulled back a bit to look him in the eye. “She would have” he said firmly. “We were very alike, we usually agreed on people.”
She would have loved you because I love you.
A powerful longing struck him all of a sudden, an overwhelming desire to do what Zan had done countless times: bring his newest flame back home to meet the family. How he wished he could introduce Alexsandr to his family, his friends, his home…
When the war is over, he vowed quietly, I’ll show you Lira San.
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cecexwrites · 6 months
Aleks x Cosette + Kinktober 6
Aleks was eight years old the first time he learned about the concept of torture. It had been late- probably one or two am and he was awoken from his bed by his father. He'd padded down, barefoot, through the family home to the basement- where he'd been told over and over, never go down there without permission. 
That night he learned why. 
He watched, wide eyed, through two way glass as his cousin Vasilisa tortured a man for two hours. 
To this day, Aleks had no idea why. He couldn't really process what was going on. His brain tried to protect him from the harsh reality. But nothing could protect him from the image of Vasilia taking a hammer to that man's fingers one at a time. 
Ten years later, Aleks was the one doing the torture. But his 'weapon' of choice wasn't a hammer. No. It was the little remote in his pocket. The one he idly played with, turning up, up, up, then back down. 
In a desk three rows up and one column to the left, Cosette Bellefleur shifted, her knees pressed together, a thin sheen of sweat just around her hairline. Aleks wasn't close enough, but he knew there was a very good chance that the people in the desks closest to her could hear the muffled buzz of the vibrator nestled snugly inside her cunt. 
"Who would like to pass out the graded tests?" Professor Loren asked. Aleks's hand went up first and the professor nodded for him to come do it. Aleks stood, one hand in his pocket to turn down the vibrator, walking up to the front and grabbing the pile of papers. He glanced just at the name, not the grade as he put the tests down on Mal's desk. Cassim's desk. Jay's desk. When he got to Cosette's name, he did take a peek at the grade. 
He gave her a genuine grin and put it down face up for her. 
"That's my good girl." He said to her, his voice low. He took note of the flash of pleasure in her eyes, her tongue darting out to wet her lower lip at the compliment. He stood upright and continued to pass out the graded tests, sitting down and turn the vibrator back up. He wanted to see her cum. 
She let out a small squeak, people turning to look at her, but none of them knew her the way Aleks did. They didn't see the muscles in her legs tightening, the way she gripped the edge of the desk, her perfectly manicured nails digging into the wood. 
She was cumming and his only regret was that he couldn't see her face. He'd do it again later, he'd get to see the dreamy look she got when she came, but had to do it quietly. 
When class was over, Aleks waited, turning down the toy and watching her gather all of her stuff, putting everything into her bag. He stood, grabbing his own bag and took hers from her, to carry it to her next class. 
"You got an A on the history test." He noted, walking alongside her. People paused to watch them as they walked. People still weren't used to the two of them it seemed. King Ben dating a VK, somehow, made more sense than Aleks's connection with Cosette in most people's eyes. Cosette didn't seem bothered. Aleks got the impression she was used to having all eyes on her. Aleks found he also couldn't be bothered. He didn't care about what other people thought nearly enough for him to break off whatever this was with Cosette. 
Were they dating? Maybe. he wasn't fucking around with anyone else. But he hadn't asked the same of her. And he didn't know if she was or wasn't. It was a conversation they'd have eventually but today he had other things on his mind. They were about halfway to her next class when he reached over, gripping her arm and roughly pulling her into a nook. 
He knew every last inch of this school. part of his 'job' was to be able to protect the royals and that meant knowing any place that someone with ill intentions could be hiding. This particular little cove was one where they could see out at others, they could definitely hear everyone else- and they could be heard, but to see them and what they were doing, one had to be at the exact right angle. It wasn't impossible- but it wasn't likely either. 
"Yes?" Cosette asked with a knowing smirk. 
"You got an A on your history test." He repeated. "You did well, and good girls get rewarded." He knelt down at her feet on the concrete, Cosette wore a short pink skirt and he knew the tights were actually thigh highs, something he'd been thrilled to find when he spread her open earlier to fit the toy into her cunt. "How many times did you cum during class?" He asked. He knew the number, he'd watched carefully. He had definitely paid more attention to Cosette than he had to the teacher, but he was fine with that. He would get notes from someone later. 
"Three." she answered breathlessly as he lifted her leg, setting her foot, high heel and all, on his shoulder, her skirt bunching around her waist. 
She was soaked, her cum and arousal leaving a shining sticky mess on her inner thighs. He inhaled deeply and reached up, carefully pulling the toy out of her cunt. She released a soft whimper as he 'cleaned it up' a little, running it up and down over her clit. 
"Aleks." She groaned. 
He placed it in her hand, closing her fingers around it. 
"Suck it clean, Cosette." He ordered. His eyes glued to her face as she lifted the toy up to her lips. It wasn't that large, it had to be small enough that the others in class couldn't hear it unless they were close to her. She sucked it until it no longer tasted like her pussy and she handed it back, he slipped it into the back pocket of his pants and turned his attention to her cunt. 
"You said three orgasms?" he asked. She nodded and he reached into his bag, pulling out a marker. He uncapped it and made three hash marks. Cosette's gaze turned interested- turned hungry. "You took them so well, Cosette." He praised her, capping the marker. 
"I did?" She stared down, her eyes on the three marks on her inner thigh. 
"Yes, you did, you took it so fucking well." He moved her leg, letting it drape over his shoulder, bringing him in closer to her pussy. "And good girls get rewarded." He informed her. He pulled her in closer with one hand, that hand gripping her tight, he knew that it would leave bruises on her pale skin. Aleks never in his life thought he would like seeing a woman with a bruise in the shape of his hand, but as long as it was on her hips or her thighs, it turned him rock hard every single time he saw it. 
And he saw it often. 
Cosette was impossible to satisfy in the best way. It seems like she never got enough. But Aleks was willing to try and try and try. However much it took. 
He pulled her in close and he started to eat. Licking and sucking, nipping at her clit. She cried out, her hands shooting down to tangle into his hair. She didn't really care if anyone heard or saw them- if anything, it made it better. Cosette was made to be watched, to be admired, and if she could get someone to catch them, to watch them as She came- usually loudly- then she would be happy. 
She kept one hand tangled in Aleks's blonde hair, the other pressed up against the wall as her already sensitive pussy was used. But when two thick, slightly calloused fingers pushed deep inside of her- that was it. She came, crying out even louder. Her legs shaking as he pulled back, as much as he could without moving her leg off of his shoulder.
Aleks licked his lips and smirked, opening the marker to make a fourth mark on her inner thigh. 
"So fucking good." He groaned, taking the vibrator out of his pocket, he checked it, made sure it was clean, then slipped it inside of her, she was still so fucking wet that there was no resistance. "I can't wait to see how many tallies I have on you by the end of the day." He carefully moved her leg and stood up, grabbing their bags and hefting them over his shoulders. 
He held out a hand to her, which she took, her legs still shaking as he walked her out of the nook and to her next class. Halfway there, he hit the remote, grinning as her legs nearly gave out and she gripped his arm to stay upright. 
"Keep walking, Cosette." He half mocked, his arm moving around her waist to actually help her stay up. Oh yeah, he was going to get her to ten tallies by the end of the day, at least. He had no doubt in his mind about that one. 
Their next class was- interesting. It was remedial goodness. A class that he didn't technically take but he was the TA for. Did Fairy Godmother need a TA for a class with 5 students? No. But when Aleks found out about it, and more importantly that Cosette was in it, he pulled some strings to make sure he got that spot. He had that period open anyway, so there was no reason why he couldn't help her out. 
He turned off the vibrator as they walked into the classroom. He went to the front of the room where Fairy Godmother was erasing the board from the class before that. Not Remedial Goodness. This was the only class of its kind. It had five students and it would only ever have those five students. Unless of course, Ben followed through with his proclamation and actually brought over more of the kids of the Isle. 
The other students- Mal, Carlos, Evie and Jay filed in, taking their seats and getting settled in for another hour of explaining to them how to be good. 
It was kind of a silly class. Aleks was pretty sure it could be taught in a single seminar, but no one asked his opinion on it. 
"Alright, since we are all here let's get started-" The doors in the back of the room opened and a young woman came speed walking in. When everyone stopped to look back at her- she froze, her cheeks flaming red. 
"Um- There is- there is a problem in the office- you might want to come..." Jane, Fairy Godmother's daughter stammered. 
"What is it?" FG asked. 
"Someone fed a potion to one of the pumpkins- it's gone mad."
"It's alive?" FG's eyes widened. Jane nodded vigorously and FG turned to Aleks, handing him the pointer she used. "Aleks, the lesson is written in the book- just- TA." She got out before she hurried away after her daughter. 
"Aren't you like- the protector of Auradon or something?" Mal deadpanned, propping her feet up on the table. "Shouldn't you go handle that with her?"
"Divide and conquer, Mal." Aleks answered, trailing over to the book. Today was the dos and don'ts of party etiquette. Do bring a present, don't curse the infant. So on so forth. 
"So the lesson says don't be a dick at parties." He shrugged. "Any questions?" Evie raised her hand, he pointed at her with the stick. 
"What kind of parties?"
"Any parties. If you're invited somewhere, and you go, don't be a dick." 
"What if you don't get invited?" Mal drawled. 
"Then you don't go."
"Even if everyone else was invited?"
"Yeah. Maybe do some self reflection on why you were the only one left out." Cosette offered. Aleks smiled at her response.
"Anything else?" He asked. They shook their heads and he nodded. "Great. Class is over early. Miss Bellefleur? I need to speak with you after class." 
Mal and her friends wasted no time in gathering their stuff and rushing out to enjoy the free period. 
Cosette stood up after the doors had closed behind them and she trailed up to the front of the room, where Aleks was leaning against the desk. 
"You wanted to see me, Sir?" She emphasized the last work, a wicked grin on her lips. 
"I did."
"Am I in trouble?" She asked, widening her eyes innocently. 
"No, quite the opposite really. You've been doing- exceedingly well in your classes. Your answer in class today was inspired." He informed her, toying with the pointer. 
"Yeah?" She asked, the smile faltered a bit as she tried to determine if he was serious or if it was part of the bit. He straightened, closing the gap between them, one hand coming up to the back of her neck, squeezing the nape gently to bring her in close. 
"Yes. You're doing great, Cosette." He promised. "And you deserve a reward for that." He used his grip on her neck to turn her body around, bending her over the table. "There was an assignment for you all to do." He admitted. "But I think that instead of having you write out your answers, we'll do an oral exam instead. For every answer you get right, you get a reward, for every question you get wrong, you get a punishment. Understood?"
Cosette nodded, her head turned to the side, resting against the cool desktop. 
"Say it, Cosette." He ordered. "Understood?"
"Yes sir." 
"Good girl." He flipped up the back of her skirt, exposing her to the open air. He could smell how fucking horny she was and it just made him hard- his cock tenting up in his slacks. 
"Question number one." He picked up the quiz that FG had left for the VKs to do. He figured he would talk around the fact that he let them out without doing it. Claim they all were involved- and properly clothed- for the oral exam. "You've been invited to a party, which of the following is an inappropriate hostess gift? A) a bottle of sparking juice. B) a tray of fresh baked cookies. C) a poison apple?" He shook his head at the question. 
Cosette remained silent for a moment, debating between reward or punishment. Finally, she opened her mouth. 
"C) a poison apple." She answered. He grinned, resting his hand on her back, running it down over her bare ass. 
"Very good, Cosette." He lifted that hand and brought it down on her ass with a resounding 'smack'. He watched as the pale skin turned pink, Cosette gasping. 
"Next question." He continued. "The hostess appreciated your gift very much. She puts it out on the table of refreshments and tells you to help yourself. Which of the following should you do? A) poison the punch. B) fill a cup with punch and enjoy. C) touch all the sandwiches with your bare hands?"
Cosette didn't hesitate this time answering,
"A) Poison the punch." Aleks clicked his tongue and shook his head. 
"No, Cosette, you don't poison the punch. You touch all the sandwiches, because now they're yours." He teased, then turned on the vibrator still nestled inside of her, but turned down to the first level, enough to feel- but not enough to make her cum. 
"That's not fair." She whined. 
"Good girls get to cum. If you want to cum, then you're going to need to be My Good Girl." He warned. She huffed but nodded. "Say it Cosette." 
"Yes sir." She pouted. 
"Very good." He smirked and picked up the paper. 
Cosette got the next question right, and the one after that, each time she got a firm smack on the ass, the next question, he turned the vibrator up one level. She let out a whine as it still wasn't enough. She wanted more- she needed more. She was going to go out of her mind with the slow pace of the toy. 
Aleks was very much aware of this fact, However, he made no move to fix the problem for her. Instead he went through the rest of the test. The next question she got wrong and he dropped it back down, she let out a dramatic sob but he didn't relent. Instead, it either went up or she got a smack on the ass for each correct answer she got after that. 
When the got to the last question, he turned the vibrator up to a 5, half of it's highest possible strength. 
"After you've been to a party at someone else's home, the correct follow up is A) Break into their house and steal their stereo. B) send a thank you note. C) plot to throw an even better party to upstage them?"
"B, it's fucking B- please, Aleks." Cosette gasped, 
"Please what?" He asked innocently, running the tip of the pointer over her ass. 
"Please- I need more." her voice cracked and he put down the pointer, swiftly unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, with one hand he slipped the vibrator out of her and with the other he pulled his cock out- rock fucking hard from all the teasing and he pushed right into her pussy. She cried out at the change from the vibrator to his cock- which was much thicker. 
He bent over her, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear. 
"I told you, good girls get rewards. You got an A on the test." It wasn't technically a test- at least he didn't think so but whatever. He gripped her hips tight with his free hand, pounding into her hard and fast. Part of him was aware- again, that someone could come in at any time and find them. But he found that just spurred him to go harder and faster, to make her scream louder. The threat of getting caught turned him on almost as much as it did for her. 
He held the vibrator in his other hand, wrapping around her body and pressing it to her clit. She cried out, slamming her hips back away from it but then towards it again, effectively fucking herself on his cock. 
"Fuck- Cosette, you feel so fucking good baby, You're so fucking wet and tight." He groaned, letting her move herself for a bit before ramming himself into her up to the hilt, pressing the toy tight against her clit until she was cumming, her legs giving out, but he held her up against his body until she'd ridden out the orgasm, then he bent her back over the desk, fucking her hard until he came, filling her up, every thrust forward shooting out another load of cum until he was spent. 
He left her against the desk, pulling out and using tissues from FG's desk to clean himself up. He gave her a moment to gather her bearings, digging through his bag and coming back, kicking her feet further apart and squatting down to add another tally to her leg. 
"That's five, Cosette." He noted, tugging her skirt down to hide the mess between her legs. "Let's get you to your dorm. You did such a good fucking job, baby, you deserve a rest." He grabbed her stuff and by this point, her legs had recovered. 
"We're not done yet right?" She asked, a note of horror in her voice. Aleks laughed and shook his head. 
"Not even close." He promised. "Not. Even. Close."
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goatsandgangsters · 2 years
shadow and bone episode 7: suddenly the kudos emails I’ve been getting from ao3 make a lot of sense
also you know what was NOT on my bingo card for this season? getting CONTENT for my TINY LITTLE RAREPAIR DOMINIKOLAI HEART?? 
previous liveblogs should you require more thoughts yelling flailing etc
……okay one more belated comment on episode 6, because I was so floored by the existence of dominik and the intense homoerotic eye contact that I forgot to process dominik calling young nikolai a “quiet wisp.” dominik. dominik he has undiagnosed adhd. they hired you as a whipping boy because it was the only way they could think to make him sit still or shut up dominik. dominik he merrily chattered your ear off for your entire childhood dominik. he recreationally caused explosions with you dominik.
OKAY! HOLD ON! THAT INTRO! A BODY OF WATER BEING FROZEN AROUND A ROCK??????? HAVE MY DEMON IN THE WOOD PRAYERS BEEN ANSWERED? DID I JUST NEED TO BE PATIENT??????????? are we perhaps going to tie the destruction of Keramzin into his own childhood trauma, thus linking together these two events as a loss of innocence and commentary on the cycles of violence wrought from the desperation Ravka creates? is that too much to hope for?
“The tracker is not to be touched by anyone other than me” oh is THAT why my ao3 email every day has a SIZABLE CHUNK of kudos on my Malarkling fic? I’ve been wondering at that one getting more attention than I expected, I really didn’t think it was gonna have much readership
I really like the costume design for his grisha, the richer gem tones are really nice
I knew I’d have to see it based on the episode title, but oh my godddddd do I really need to see this flashback again? it was in THE FIRST FOUR EPISODES of season 1! every single episode! burn it down aleks I have seen this meadow way too many goddamn times
OH OKAY. MALARKLING TETHER SCENE????????? I understand the kudos emails, I understand the kudos emails. “I knew there was something I liked about you,” he said, like a liar. or maybe he’s not lying, we all saw that electricity in season 1. oh my god. the wheezy fucking laugh of disbelief I just made. “DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU’RE THE ONE IN CONTROL HERE”???????? I understand why I’m getting so many kudos now on my kinky Malarkling smut, I understand it.
Ben, I think this is more than 10 book lines you squeezed in. anyway, “you have a bad habit of acting the fool and calling it heroic” IS an underrated book line, thank you Ben for your service and your post-it note covered books and your list of favorite quotes
like obviously we know his prime motivation is not wanting alina to have enough power to tear down the fold, but I DO actually like that he’s arguing from the angle of “what’s going to happen to her without you” because. like. yeah. it’s good, it’s that thing he does where even when he’s arguing for his own ends, he’s NOT WRONG about what he’s saying. he’s using something totally true to make his point. he knows exactly what losing someone important will do to a person. let’s revisit those mal luda parallels we were making in season 1 with this new content/context
I really just don’t know why, of all the people on this show, Archie and Ben have more sexual tension than any other pair of characters. none of the canon ships can hold a candle to …. whatever these two are doing anytime they’re on screen together
RETROACTIVE PREFACE TO THIS BULLET POINT: I wrote this whole spiel about Appreciating The Ambiguity Of Nikolai and Alina’s Relationship, only for that to immediately dissolve a scene later, BUT WHATEVER, HERE WERE MY FEELINGS: I’m really pleased by how they’re doing Nikolai and Alina’s relationship this season. I love that the exact nature of their dynamic is sort of open to interpretation with what/if there are Feelings Feelings, but the trust and warmth and genuine friendship between them is still palpable. like, I have A LOT of feelings about these two and I’m in the “queerplatonic soulmate” camp with them, the “love has many forms and sometimes love is stronger if it’s not romantic” camp, but in a very adamant THAT ISN’T LESSER THAN IF I SHIPPED IT ROMANTICALLY way, like I am DEEPLY FEELINGS about them, because I think they see through each other and understand each other intrinsically. they’re both characters who have been given A Role To Play as a figurehead and I think that when they’re together that’s the one space where they can set those roles aside and find comfort with the only one who really understands the weight of Being A Figurehead (and I think too much emphasis on romantic pining would get in the way of allowing them that vulnerability with each other, and I like The Vulnerability Space more than I like Romance). I’ve never Queerplatonically Shipped something this passionately, but god I have feelings in my hEART about them!! and I like that canon sort of…. lets you go shippy if you want to go shippy, and it lets me go Queerplatonic Soulmate because I want to go Queerplatonic Soulmate
me, writing an entire paragraph about how I like that the show kept the nikolina relationship ambiguous. dominik, five seconds later: sO THOSE ROMANTIC FEELINGS YOU HAVE. me: god fucking dammit. you two, kiss instead. it’s time to make nikolai lantsov canonically bisexual. the people have waited long enough.
okay well as long as I’m paused to tell you My Many Many Headcanons About The Delicate Ambiguity of Nikolai’s Love Life: despite me yelling KISS, my actual default interpretation of Dominikolai is not childhood sweethearts but that there was either a) pining that never got acted on, and then it was too late, or b) nikolai not even realizing until he’s older and dominik’s long dead that in retrospect, Those Were Feelings, bc I think that’s a very first queer love mood. anyway, I will be choosing to interpret dominik asking after alina as being infused with some jealousy, because poor dominik has been quietly carrying a torch for Years  
DOMINIK IS CLEARLY IN LOVE WITH HIM, LOOK AT THIS EXCHANGE. “a king who won’t shut up.” feelings about it, thank you!! much as I have fun with nikolai’s self-aggrandizing humor, I do love that the self-aggrandizement is covering for his very self-deprecating inner monologue
Mal fixing the thing that’s clanking by retying the rope is SUCH a good quiet character moment, it’s the kind of quiet character moment I love, it’s one of those small little actions with a character alone that tells you so much about them, I LOVE THAT WE’RE TAKING MORE TIME FOR QUIET CHARACTER MOMENTS THIS SEASON, I LOVE THAT DESPITE DOING THREE ENTIRE BOOKS WE’RE GIVING THE STORY MORE BREATHING ROOM
this long shot of mal’s face while hugging nikolai has got me like ;____; ARCHIE IS REALLY GOOD, he’s doing “man heading willingly to the gallows” SO fucking well!!!!!
“then I met you and for the very first time I thought this is the life”? oh, we’re even feeding the malolais this episode (malolai? is that accurate? sounds better than nikmal). crumbs for ALL the multishippers of Ravka!
nikolai’s face like “iiiiiiiii also envy Sturmhond’s life. oh god, mY PATH IS ALSO SET. OH GOD.” you can watch in real-time as Mal’s talking that Nikolai is having a whole-ass realization that he’s actually king now oh god
THE “DESERVE HER” HITTIN REAL HARD NOW THAT I ACTUALLY LIKE MAL. god, I will say, “you can’t win unless you kill your love personally” is one HELL of a fucking trope. that is narratively delicious. that is juicy as fuck. but the question remains: do we actually follow through on this emotional set up? or will it all be a convenient bait and switch? Will We Be Brave Enough To Stick To Our Narrative Stakes?
David is So Fucking Cute
oh don’t stop his heart for two minutes, that’s CHEATING! it’s ALWAYS BEEN CHEATING! if you set up emotional stakes and then TAKE A SHORTCUT AROUND THEM, you are SHORT-CHANGING THE WEIGHT OF YOUR OWN NARRATIVE!
“SO WHAT SHOULD WE AMPUTATE” oh david. you’re iconic.
hm. turning Epilogue Narration into Dialogue. that’s Suspicious. are we….. are we perhaps………. making the brave writing choice?
god there are truly SO MANY book lines in this season, WAY MORE than season 1. it’s making me glad I have as good a memory as I do for Sentences. because I’m constantly like AYYY THAT LINE. AAYY!! THAT LINE!!!! AYYYYYYY THAT LINE!!!!!!
my boy my beautiful boy my beautiful perfect boy, I love him so much
also are we gonna have time to volcrafy him? is that coming soon?
“that your religion would deny you satisfaction” “there is other satisfaction” and on that day pekkathias was born and everyone felt confused about it
“HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED” kjshdfgkjhfdg god Archie’s comedic timing / dark humor is SO good this season
“fOR REAL NOW” how is this scene simultaneously so funny and so Deeply Uncomfortably Emotional
Dominik helping an injured Nikolai along :3333333
YOU KNOW, WHEN I WOKE UP THIS MORNING, “DOMINIKOLAI CONTENT” WAS NOT SOMETHING I EXPECTED I’D BE EXPERIENCING. DID NOT SEE THAT ONE COMING. I know Nikolai mentioned a Dominik a couple episodes ago but I was like “don’t put your clown shoes on, it’s just a guy with the same name” but for once! for ONCE! the shoes were not clown shoes. and here I thought I was gonna have to use that guy from the WWI period drama Paddy did in order to make a very niche Dominikolai gifset. NOPE, I CAN JUST GIF THE GODDAMN SHOW! insane! this is insane to me!
Vladim having an amplifier tattoo instead of bone is a really cool concept
also cool concepts: 1. expanding the fold to cover your battleground, THAT IS A FUCKING STAKE THAT YOU ARE RAISING, I’m extremely excited about it 2. the nichevo’ya popping up and grabbing the volcra by the throat, I love it. this escalation is exciting as hell.
that now that was an ENTRANCE Inej!!!
“BIG FAN” I love Nina
“NO NO NO NO NO! NO HEROICS!” have you ever seen a man more in love than Dominik I-didn’t-catch-whatever-last-name-the-show-gave-him?
TAMAR AND NIKOLAI HUG!!!! one of my beefs with the later books is that there’s not enough…. friendship between Nikolai and the twins. BUT THERE SHOULD BE. THEY HAVE A LOT OF HISTORY.
Zhaban siblings Squalling together with each of them having only one good arm is Really Good, and I might have to finally forgive Adrik for the crime of being super annoying in King of Scars
Dominikolai shooting together is Really Good, and I don’t know what crime it’s going to make me forgive, but I’ll find one and assign that as my recompense. lack of Oncat, maybe.
me every single time Dominik does Literally Anything in this fight sequence: no don’t be a hero, you’ve already been doomed by the narrative from the start!!!! I know I’m going to watch you die in Nikolai’s arms, I just don’t know WHEN
has anyone in the history of storytelling ever said “cover me” in a heterosexual way? I Think Not
watching Lewis Tan do stunts is EXACTLY as beautiful as I’ve heard. he really does have a beautiful fluid way of moving
if you’d allow me to put on my literary analysis hat for a moment, I will say that I do think it’s thematically more important that Dominik was originally killed on the Fjerdan front, because it taught Nikolai the ordinary everyday ongoing horrors of Ravka, and the casual violence and loss of life that everyone is subjected to. It’s important that Dominik represents the “every man” killed in the mud and bleeding in the snow, as so many have. That he was just one more death of many—on a regular day, in a regular war, not even particularly noteworthy except to the one person who cared about him—in an endless and ongoing war that treated the entire country as cannon fodder. if you’d allow me to take off my literary analysis hat for a moment, I will say I CANNOT BELIEVE I GOT A MINI-DOMINIKOLAI ARC ON MY ACTUAL TV SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you’d allow me to put on my literary analysis hat for a moment, I will say that I do think it’s thematically more important that David was originally killed BY FJERDAN BOMBERS, THUS DEMONSTRATING THE SENSELESS ONGOING VIOLENCE OF RAVKA’S WARS—
I am actually going to give props for the camera lingering on Enemy Inferni dying and the other two being gutted about it. most things don’t usually show The Bad Guys mourning their losses, I am going to give a point for that
okay Jesper taking Sankta Neyar’s advice and using his buttons as bullets is Very Good
alright well Dominik’s dead, time to shift into Kazolai mode
augghhhh Nikolai casting that finally look at where Dominik’s lying as they leave, even though he’s out of frame of the camera
we don’t have a lot of time left in this episode, are we going to follow up on the very Demon in the Wood intro sequence, or have I been BAITED AGAIN. hAVE I BEEN DECEIVED. LIED TO. TRICKED. are we not doing that thing I said about the loss of innocence and the cycles of violence, because like, I had a point with that. they need to listen to me, because I have POINTS about THEMES and how to dO STUFF WITH THEM
The visuals on the firebird light streams is VERY good with the red and the wing-like formations
oh god the silence on the end credits oH GOD
anyway, that was some genuinely incredible extended fight choreography that didn’t skimp on the emotional moments in favor of the action, I had a good time
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zahryaofdawn · 2 years
where?: lupo grass patch
✿*° ‘° ・
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During their cute little Lubercalia, Zahrya was careful to limit his proximity to Alek except in private. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to think Alek's ascension had anything to do with the fey. With all that over and their alliance cemented, Zahrya sees no reason to hold back. He loves all of his new pets, even the more difficult ones, but Alek will always be his favorite. Optics and pecking order meant little to someone who was born into uncontested power, so when the fog rolls over the Lupo territory and Zahrya seemingly materializes from it, he’s laughing and gleefully throwing his arms around Alek's neck. He nuzzles the lycan with his forehead in full view of all the wolves there. “Alek let’s go play a game! You hardly give me any attention these days,” he pouts briefly but returns to smiling once he starts stroking Alek’s messy hair back. “I can set up a hunting game, or I can play a song for you to dance to. Or maybe we can try the game of fetch! Whatever you want, you've been such a good boy.”
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ergomaria · 1 year
Miles To Go Before I Sleep - Epilogue
Several months after cleansing the Telos Academy, Meetra Surik and her loved ones reflect on all that has happened and what the future holds. Once broken and blind to the Force, she now sees herself as an individual who holds endless potential. Vann has finally accepted his past as Revan and embraces that identity as he forges his new place in the galaxy. Alek, who caused the Republic so much pain now walks the slow road to redemption. And through it all, their friends and allies help them pave the path to a better, and Lighter, new day.
"Speaking of Atris…"
Glaring venomously at Alek, Vann hissed, "Can we… not?"
But the former Supreme Commander ignored his friend as he mused, "I'm a bit surprised she didn't end up here with the rest of us. I'm also shocked that the Council has been so forgiving of her transgressions. After all, she's the reason Master Lestin was killed…"
A wave of anger roiled around both men and Meetra was suddenly reminded of how close they were to the Twi'lek Master during their time as Padawans. There was nothing she could say to ease the pain of that loss other than to explain what little she knew. "Atris always viewed herself as a Jedi, even after her fall. For now, she'd rather beg forgiveness from the remaining Council, though… I'm not sure if she'll find the absolution she's looking for."
"So, you do think she'll end up here?"
"No. At least, not anytime soon." Smiling wistfully, Meetra glanced knowingly at Alek. "But there's a whole galaxy out there where she can finally find the answers she needs."
"For now, the Council continues to be cowards who'd rather keep Atris around as a probationary Jedi than go through the trouble of training a new archivist. I'm glad some things never change." Snorting in disgust at the Jedi's continuing weakness, Vann seemed content to leave them behind. But then he noted the former Consular's lingering sadness. "Well, at least Kavar finally seems to have learned real compassion and forgiveness thanks to you."
"I hope they all have… for the Order's sake."
Alek nodded, even as he dismissively snorted, "Well, if they kark-up again, at least there's another academy where Force-sensitive sentients can seek training for generations to come."
Phrasing it like that suddenly made the importance of Telos's academy feel impossibly monumental. Swallowing to hide her discomfort, Meeta hastily asked, "Speaking of generations… how's Dustil? He and Carth seem to be getting along lately."
"They are! Dustil is old enough to see his dad as a real person and not a looming parental figure he needs to rebel against on principle." Humming thoughtfully, Vann admitted, "The fact that Carth spends half of his time on Coruscant with me also helps their relationship. 'Absence makes you less likely to Force-choke your father', or whatever the old saying is."
"And how does Onasi like being a politician's husband?"
"I already told you, I'm not a politician! Thank the Force, because Carth can't stand Coruscant. The traffic alone is enough to give him a migraine. He's looking forward to these negotiations finally ending so that he can put in a transfer to be moved to Telos full-time. I keep telling him to retire from the Navy and join the… wait." The moment that Vann's mind caught up to the rest of the conversation was only made funnier by his flustered indignation. "What did you call him?! We're not…! He's not…!"
"I can guarantee that Onasi has been considering the prospect for months now, even if he hasn't said anything out loud. I can also guarantee that you would have found some way to ruin whatever plans he has in mind, likely in the most dramatic way possible." Fixing his gaze on his still-sputtering friend, Alek told the other man, "Consider this a warning to sit back and let someone else strategize this aspect of your life."
"Relax. I'm sure that whatever Carth has planned will be very sweet." Meetra nodded to the reformed Sith, confirming that they shared suspicions regarding Carth's impending proposal and Vann's inexplicable ability to kriff up his personal life. "So, please do your best to not ruin it."
Sighing as panic overtook the prodigy, Alek chose to talk around him rather than fight the growing wave of anxiety. "I assume that your previous comment was going to reference the Telos Restoration Project." He turned to Meetra. "One of your students is currently heading the efforts, correct?"
"Yes!" Another flush of pride filled the former Consular's presence. "Bao-Dur is back to working with the Ithorians to terraform the landscape in the wake of the fires. He's actually using the Force to connect with the native flora and fauna to better understand the needs of the planet. It's really beautiful."
"I admittedly didn't know that was possible."
Meetra grinned at Alek as she declared, "Neither did I! Either way, it's incredible and I'm so happy for him. This project is finally letting him heal after the Mass Shadow Generator."
"And how are you… healing?"
Noting her friend's concern, the blonde attempted to shrug off the question. The truth was that she would never return to the person she was before Malachor, something she'd finally accepted. "I am what I am. Some may sense a void, but I prefer to see my own potential."
"That's… a good way to view things." Alek's sorrow was fading, replaced by a sense of hope that he hadn't carried for a long time. His expression remained somber as he warned, "You'll need that type of optimism as this academy grows. While it's not surprising that most of your students are older than the average Initiate, it certainly makes for a more… rambunctious population."
It seemed that Vann had finally found his voice again, his tone growing thoughtful. "With a lot more older students and none of the Jedi's objections to romantic attachment, it wouldn't be surprising if you see some younglings born here. And, if they turn out to be Force-sensitive, their parents will probably want them trained as well."
The possibility hadn't occurred to Meetra and she suddenly felt light-headed at the idea. "That would certainly lower the average age of the student population…"
"It's an event worth preparing for even if nobody is planning to be in that situation any time soon."
Meeting Alek's contemplative expression with a scowl, Vann snapped, "Don't look at me! Dustil is the closest thing I'll ever have to a child of my own. Need I remind you of some very specific biological reasons why Carth and I can't reproduce together?"
"There are ways around that." Waving away her friend's excuses, Meetra assured him, "But don't feel like you need to have children just because you agreed to train generations of Force users. At this point, the two of us have practically adopted an entire orphanage and I'm sure someone you know will have plenty of younglings for you to train."
"On that note, you and Rand have significantly fewer obstacles than Vann and Carth."
"Technically true, but that doesn't matter." Offering Alek a soft smile, Meetra admitted, "I think we're both a little too scarred by the war and everything that came after to make good parents. But who knows? Ask us again in five years."
"Can I add that it's deeply unfair that you're purposely excluding yourself from this kriffing conversation?"
Alek was unmoved by Vann's disapproval. "I understand your criticism but will continue to recuse myself from the subject."
But the prodigy wasn't willing to accept that answer. For an instant his gaze grew distant, a sure sign of returning memories, only for his focus to sharpen into an accusatory glare. "Hey, you're the only one here who ever wanted children! Or, at least you had strong feelings about the Jedi's non-attachment policies. You once told me that the children of Jedi are often strong with the Force, so the Order should be practical about the whole thing."
Turning bright red, Alek muttered, "And you always find the worst moment to remember these things!"
"It's alright, we understand." Meetra placed a comforting hand on her friend's arm even as she noted Vann's continued amusement. "You were twelve when you lost your entire family to the Mandalorians and it makes sense that you would want to reclaim some aspect of that life. And you can have it, at least when you feel ready."
"I doubt it." Tapping his prosthetic, Alek told the blonde, "You're not the only one scarred by war."
"Well, what a delightfully depressing conversation! I guess the best we can hope for is that one of our adopted students decides to make us the fun aunt and uncles."
That idea honestly warmed Meetra's heart, dragging her from her emotional slump. As images of her friends' potential children filled her mind, round-faced and calling her 'Auntie Meetra', she couldn't help but blurt, "My credits are on Bastila."
"It would be fitting if the Republic had to deal with generations of Shans influencing major events for the next several generations."
Nodding to Alek, the former Consular raised a mock toast. "May they all share her conviction and fortitude."
"Perhaps with less sass."
Vann could only snort at the notion, declaring, "I think the sass might be a genetic trait."
Read the whole chapter on FF.net or AO3!
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maverickbackalley · 2 years
For the fun asks game - 5, 19, 32! Hope you're having a great day ^^!!
Thank you, Aleks! I hope your day has been, and will continue to be, simply wonderful.
5. what made you start your blog?
I initially started this side blog because I didn't want to spam my art blog with my musing, ramblings and ranting. If it's not painfully obvious by now, it's easy for me to go off on a tangent. It also gave me a space to collect all the posts I agreed with or found helpful on the site that didn't pertain to art. I wanted people who solely wanted to view my art to have that space while giving myself a separate area to just let my mind wander freely.
19. favourite thing about the day?
Honestly, being able to sit down, chat and interact with you guys. I love reading what you have to say, hearing about your days, or simply being asked questions to help me get my mind off of whatever other thing is bothering me at the time. You all are wonderful.
As for a literal day: Seeing the sun shine above the trees and feeling it upon my face. Hearing the birds sing as I take in the colours of everything around me. Feeling a cool breeze wash over me and take with it my worries for but a brief moment.
32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
Hmm, it has increased to 5 since my last answer... We are reaching a dangerously high number, my friends.
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jimpcttcr · 2 years
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 Go ahead and read on, if you think you’re ready for that.                Here’s a james playlist to set the mood.
THE INSPIRATIONS (because they are, in truth, delightful):
sirius black - his main inspiration for all things in life, without whom, naturally, he would be nothing, and would have no one to show off for
peteykins, wormy, the man, the big cheese himself 
and remus, mr moonpie, without whom I might have actually done some prison time. thanks buddy, I hope you have a good nap, okay?
mister bingley
himself (he insists)
genie - (RW)
John Lennon - james, ffs we’re talking about how I write you, not who actually inspires you, idiot.
→ NAME: james charlus danger fleamont potter ––– “danger is not your middle name, james.” “yes it is, it literally is.” “I didn’t name you that.” “I know, I added it myself.” → NICKNAMES: prongs, jimothy, jimmy jams – honestly, you could call this kid just about anything but JIM. or sue. or late for dinner.   → AGE / D.O.B.: 20 / 27 march → SPECIES: human? (we think) → GENDER / PRONOUNS: cismale || he/him → SEXUALITY: he’s never thought about it too hard
FAMILY → PARENTS: fleamont and euphemia potter → SIBLINGS: alphabetically: peter, remus, sirius → COUSINS: hahahhahahaha hi i’m related to most of you fuckers in some way or other → ESTRANGED:  probably like half of you technically, I don’t know I stopped counting → PETS: next question!
LIFESTYLE → BORN: london → DIED: london → RAISED: london → CURRENT RESIDENCE: see above  → NATIONALITY: english → SPOKEN LANGUAGES: english, drunken idiot, pete with his mouth full, sirius with his mouth full, sleepy/cranky remus (v v fluent, yeah) → OCCUPATION: pain in minnie’s ass TRUST. FUND. BABY. (we don’t work unless dad needs a favor) → DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: sometimes, sometimes, what are you, the police? go away! that’s my purse, I don’t know you! → RELIGION: who?
PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES → FACE CLAIM: noah centineo → ETHNICITY: caucasian → HEIGHT: 6′3″ → WEIGHT: 175 lbs → BUILD: tall, looks really gangly and awkward until he rolls his sleeves up or takes his shirt off it’s fine, he’s (mostly not at all) over It  → HAIR: gorgeous black curly mess (and he likes it that way, much to his father, the inventor of some really dope hair products, dismay) → EYE COLOR: hazel → DOMINANT HAND: right → SCENT: grass, sweat (faint), and cedar, usually → NERVOUS HABITS: the hair thing, fucking with his sleeves (if they’re already rolled up), paces EXTRA
CHARACTER → MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good → MBTI: esfp → WESTERN ZODIAC: aries (that’s the ram, alek) → SONG: don’t stop me now - queen
bobby newport james charlus danger fleamont potter has never worked a day in his life
at anything
the kid is efficient, but he’s dumb as hell (he’s not) and TRYING HARD AT ANYTHING LIKE IT MATTERS TO YOU just isn’t cool, alright??? it’s just not
so james works hard behind closed doors, when no one is looking
and that went doubly so for his schoolwork (detention, what a blessing, and you know what? even if did separate the marauders for detention, all that meant was he got more finished, and that’s fine, because no one knew he did his assignments)
because james potter was ranked in the top 5 students of their class …. but you wouldn’t have known it would you?
nope, because james potter was ALSO the guy who regularly said his dog ate his homework with a straight face, tackled nerds other students when they reminded professors to assign or collect things, ran in late and cut out early….FULL of excuses
and he was always in detention, it seemed.
and he WAS, at least once a week
but he was still the Gryffindor team captain for a good many years
and he was NOT “like, a total hitler” 
and for whatever reason, they let THAT guy be the Head Boy
it really should have been, like, literally anyone else, probably
but the reasons why, over the years, this troublemaking hellion with little regard for anything but a good time, was given so many priveleges and responsibilities were things that James doesn’t think .... count.
he thinks everyone does that (and he is wrong)
they’re pretty much his main redeeming qualities, and again, the very same reasons why people continue to believe (foolishly) that he has ever grown up:
like the way he loves and looks after his friends, every last one of them
or the dedication and passion behind every single thing james decides he wants to do
or the way his eyes light up when he gets excited
or that burning feeling in your chest, all fired up, after a James Potter Peptalk™ because you can take on. the world now and nothing can touch you
or the way he is with the boys
he’s a good kid ….. you just have to KNOW him to know that
but you don’t have to know him to like him, and most people do, because he’s likable ... despite literally every other facet of his personality.
and he plans to keep riding that high for a very long time.
oh, also?
BIG FAT MOMMA’S BOY – and unashamed about it.
keeps a drawer full of spare glasses AND spare phones, because he ruins at least one each per week.
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stuckysdaughter · 3 years
Kinktober 2021
Day 2 - Against A Wall With Aleksander
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Summary: Aleksander Morozova didn't get jealous, absolutely not. But, when he sees you talking to another man at the fete, something in him snaps.
TW: explicit, 18+, smut, cursing
You caught his eye from the very beginning. You in your blue kefta, standing across the room with your friends. The Winter Fete had rolled around again, and everyone was dressed in their very best. Aleksander hated these things, hated putting on a show for the monarchy and all those who hated his kind. But seeing you there seemed to make it that much better.
Y/N Y/LN and General Kirigan had been meeting in secrecy for several months now. You didn’t know where it was going, or if it was even going to last, but you enjoyed every moment you could get. Many nights were spent in his bed, and you always awaited his call each night that inevitably came around dinner. He would leave a note with a servant to give you anonymously, and it didn’t take much to figure out who sent it and what it was about. So while you didn’t quite know what you were to him, you were going to take whatever you could get.
Tonight you were supposed to be on your best behavior. You and the other tidemakers put on your little display, and then dispersed around the room to do what you pleased. You and your friends decided to congregate around the table of food, preferring to be at the back of the celebrations. Soon, however, someone came over to talk to you. And it wasn’t your lover.
“Good evening, Miss Y/LN. How are you enjoying the festivities?”
“Good evening, moi tsarevich. I am finding them very enjoyable, thank you. Yourself?”
Nikolai flashed you a smile. “Very well, thank you. Although,” he leaned in closer to you. “You and I have known each other long enough to know that we both deplore this. You don’t have to pretend for me, Y/N, I know you too well.”
You smiled at your childhood friend, finally letting go of the facade and feeling more comfortable. “Good for you, Nikolai, you caught me. I’m hiding here with my friends waiting for an acceptable time to leave.”
“And eyeing a certain general in the process.”
“And eyeing a- hey! I am not,” You huffed in annoyance.
You weren’t upset with him, per se, but more at yourself for being obvious. Aleksander always looked handsome, but there was something about seeing him in this new kefta that made him extra sexy. You had been good so far about not going over to him, but your resolve was breaking the longer the night went on. So was his, although you didn’t know it yet.
The blond prince laughed at your face, as you had for a moment assumed the same pout of a small child. “You so are! You have never been subtle, Y/N. But you know,” he leaned in to whisper in your ear again. “So is he. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you the whole night. He’s also been glaring daggers at me this whole exchange, so I think I’ll take my leave. I’d rather keep my life, thank you.” He stepped back, and stuck out his hand with a smile. You went to shake it, but he raised it up to his lips instead, kissing your knuckles. “See you soon, Miss Y/LN.”
You curtsied with a laugh. “Until next time, Your Highness.”
You should’ve known by his smirk that Aleksander was right behind you. You were met with his signature scowl when you turned around. Oh no.
“Moi Soverenyi,” you bowed quickly, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Don’t play around with me, Y/N. You know why I’m here. What were you doing with him?”
“Who, Nikolai?” His scowl deepened, giving you the silent confirmation to the question you already knew the answer to. “He’s an old friend, Aleksander, nothing more. He was checking in on me to see how I was enjoying the fete.”
“I’m sure he was. Are you sure there was nothing else he was over here for?”
Aleks’ dark eyes met yours, and you could see the jealousy and annoyance swirling around in his eyes. You were slightly annoyed in turn that he thought you’d sleep around with people like that, but then again, you weren’t officially anything. Who was he to stop you when he had no real claim to you? But, you decided to try to defuse the situation instead of make it worse. That conversation could come later when you were in private.
“Quite sure.” You lowered your voice so no one nearby could hear you. “You are the only person I spend my nights with, Aleksander. I have no intention of finding someone else when you already bring me such pleasure.”
The onyx eyes that were locked on your Y/EC ones darkened, and the man in front of you gripped your wrist and leaned forward.
He murmured in your ear, “There better not be. Five minutes, Miss Y/LN. Meet me out in the hall. I’ll be waiting.”
And with that, your lover walked away from you. You noticed people’s gaze flit between the pair of you. You rooted in your place by the small table, and him making his way towards the door, stopping just before it to talk to one of the royal officers that he needed to do business with. You could feel the tension between you, and you could feel your stomach knot with anticipation of what was to come.
Although he wouldn’t admit it, Aleks was definitely jealous of Nikolai. How close you two were, and how happy you seemed to be in his company. He made you laugh, and you seemed to share secrets with each other with ease. You didn’t do that with him. Then again, he thought with satisfaction, I am the one who warms her bed at night. No one else can say that.
Soon enough the five minutes had passed, and you made your way into the hall. It was fairly empty, since most of the crowd was inside dancing. You slowly walked down the passageway, looking for Aleksander, when you were swiftly grabbed by the wrist and pressed against the wall of a dark corner. Aleks took both of your wrists in hand and pressed them above your head. He spread your legs so he could stand between them.
“Shh.” He was brusque, and you could tell he was pissed. “Why don’t we try this again. Just what were you doing with that idiot prince?”
“I told you before-“
He wasn’t having it, pressing you even harder into the wall. You wondered if your Dark General could feel the wetness of your arousal growing between your thighs where he stood.
“Not good enough.”
“That’s the truth, Aleksander. We’re just friends having a friendly chat.”
“So he doesn’t do this to you?”
He kissed you furiously, as if staking his claim. You were quick to respond, your lips moving along with his. He released his grip on your wrists, and your hands flew to his hair. Running your hands through it, you gave it light tugs on the ends. Aleksander groaned, and you could feel the beginnings of an erection growing. He buried his head in your neck as his hands tangled in your hair, leaving hard kisses you were sure would bruise by morning. You moaned, and he smirked at the sound.
“That prince can’t make you feel as good as I can, can he?”
“No, Aleks, only you. Only you…”
“That’s right, lapushka. Only me.”
He gave you another chaste kiss, before undoing his belt buckle. He pulled down the zipper in his pants, freeing his now fully erect cock. He released a small moan as he pumped himself a few times, before coming closer to you again. He lifted the hem of your skirt underneath your kefta and lowered your panties so they hung around your thighs.
“Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you? You’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you? You wanted me to fuck you here against the wall where anyone could see. You wanted my cock inside you so badly you had to get my attention? Oh, milaya, all you had to do was ask.”
Aleksander wasted no time, thrusting deep in you with one stroke. You gasped, desperately trying to adjust to the feeling of him inside you. It felt good, he was just the right length and girth to give you the pleasure you were after.
“Aleks, fuck… feels so good…”
“Quiet, sweetheart, or someone will hear. We don’t want to get caught, do we?”
He started to move, going at a slow pace you both knew wouldn’t last too long. You buried your head in the crook of his neck as he got faster. You felt your knees start to give out, but your lover supported you against the wall as he pounded into you.
“Look at me, darling. I want to see you when you cum.”
You met his gaze, and you pulled his face towards you for another searing kiss. This time you both moaned in tandem, reveling in each other’s touch. You could feel the coil in your stomach tightening, signaling your release was coming fast.
“Fuck, Aleks… I’m gonna…”
“I’m close too, Y/N. Cum for me, lapushka.”
You felt your orgasm wash over you in a strong wave that would’ve made you collapse to the floor. Aleksander held you closer as he came to his own finish, yours spurring on his. Your general caught you, holding you close to him. You both were panting, trying to catch your breath. Deciding you both had been gone too long, you pulled apart. He stuffed himself back in his trousers, pulling up his zipper. You knew you both looked disheveled, so you started trying to fix your hair. He smirked when he saw that, a wolfish grin you knew meant trouble.
“Now now, Y/N. You’re not going back into the fete. No,” He stepped closer to you. “You’re going to go to my chambers and wait for me. When I get back,” One more step closer. “I’m going to show you just what happens to girls who don’t behave.”
He cast you one last look, before turning on his heel and walking back into the ballroom. You could feel another arousal beginning, and you rushed to Aleksander’s room. Trying not to be suspicious, you tried to slow your pace to be inconspicuous. Your excitement got the best of you, however, and you arrived in record time.
You didn’t know what you were to the Dark General Aleksander Kirigan, and you didn’t know how long your nightly activities would continue. But he was like a drug, and you were hooked. He was all you needed, and you hoped he felt the same way.
Author's Notes: Another one done! I definitely let my mind run a bit with this one, but I enjoyed it a lot. If you enjoyed it, like, reblog, and leave a comment. I always enjoy getting feedback. You can request something if you'd like, but I probably won't get to it for a little while. If you want to be added to the taglist (all, or a specific character, etc.) please message me and I'll add you to it. I love y'all so much! - Butterfly
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch - Part 3
The Darkling x Reader
The next day you woke up with a full belly and a rested mind. Your body no longer ached as you took a well-deserved bath. The servants knocked on your door in the early morning, however, you refused them but not after taking the food they offered. You looked through the wardrobe, finding nothing to your liking, so you were forced to wear something you had taken with you to the little palace. It was still too simple- too plain for your taste. You managed to speak to a seamstress about some clothing, but upon her finding out you don't belong to a single Grisha order, she scurried off, afraid she was being made a fool. You sighed and settled down. you have no right to be mad, nobody knows who you are. It is as you intended it to be, and looks like Aleksander wanted it that way too. To the Grisha, your order, or lack-there-of, is a myth, a fantasy. Some even consider it as heresy, a betrayal to the order of Grisha and the Saints, a mistake and abomination.
The stigma always caused you to hold back on your potential, never fully pushing yourself to your limits. At one point, Aleksander was scared of you; of what you couldn't do yet. Every day you learned something new, but every day you lost the knowledge to do another thing. It was a vicious cycle. But one day you tried yourself, you felt euphoria. It was a feeling like none other. But with it came destruction and death. You couldn't control yourself. The cycle continued until you pushed yourself too much, power overtook your being, let you slip away for a brief moment. A moment that decided the next 98 years of your life.
You knew how to control yourself now. It took years and the touch of many others, but here you were, an Elemental. A Grisha with the power of all orders, you could do what the Etherialki could do with ease, you could manipulate metals and chemicals and could stop a heart at your will. The healing wasn't yet a skill you had yet.
You weren't born with these powers though. You have to acquire them in a certain way, 'take them' if you will. It's what gets your tale the bad rep. A touch is all it takes. A simple touch of the hand when a Grisha is practicing the small science. It doesn't hurt anybody, you always swore it didn't. But once you acquire a power, it doesn't mean you know how to control it. It gets out of hand, it's as if it has a mind of its own, like Aleksander's shadows, and that's what causes carnage. Sometimes you could still remember what it felt like to summon those glorious shadows.
With that thought, you quickly go back to real life. You were standing outside Aleksander's door. Did you have to knock? The oprichniki let you through immediately and didn't look in your eyes as you stood at the door. You let yourself in, forgoing your manners.
'Oh um hi, I was just wondering if you could tell somebody to actually make me some keftas, they're all running away from m-'.
You noticed he wasn't alone. The heartrenderer from yesterday was standing at the end of the room with another one of his kind. A woman in a Squaller attire along with them.
'-Am I interrupting? I can come back later'
You said that but didn't move a muscle. Like hell you would leave a room that almost belonged to you all those years ago.
'That would be ideal' Aleksander looked at you, waiting.
'I changed my mind. I'll stay-'
'-until you sort my keftas out. Saints what did I tell you about interrupting me. It's quite rude' You seen the girl's eyes widen.
'So is barging into a meeting unannounced'
'General Kirigan, please can you do something about my keftas before I run out of clothes and have to walk the halls of the Little Palace bare' You jest. You were itching to wear a kefta. It had been way too long. He flushed and his eyes flashed an emotion of... longing? You couldn't tell but you knew that did the trick.
'Ivan please escort Ms.Y/L/N to the seamstress quarters and tell them to do whatever she wants.'
Aleksander spoke calmly looking directly at you. So his name was Ivan? You could finally put a name to the face.
'No, I'd rather go with the other one' You whispered so only he could hear with side-eye. He looked at you with an amused grin.
'Nevermind, Fedyor you go' The brunette heartrenderer got up with a smile on his face. He looked kind.
'Ms.Y/L/N, follow me'
He hooked your hand onto his elbow and you contained your girlish giggle. It had been so long since you were treated with this respect. It made you giddy.
'I'll see you around, General.' You looked at him and then at your audience. Ivan looked mad, as he always did, the girl looked jealous. You wondered if she and Aleksander had a thing going on, you wouldn't be surprised. She was beautiful. Once out the door, Fedyor started speaking
'That was Zoya. Mean little thing. But an amazing soldier. I'm Fedyor if you didn't catch that. Ivan isn't all that bad when you get to know him. He's my boyfriend. I've never seen you around, are you new?'
You struggled to process the information as it came. After stuttering twice, you managed to get out a simple:
'Yes, I am new here.'
'You seem to know the General quite well, are you two friends?'
'Of sorts yes, old friends'
'It's nice to know he has friends, that man works so hard to keep us all safe I sometimes worry he has no downtime.' He sighs.
You look at him confused, was this man definitely his guard?
'I'm sure he manages on his own well enough' Some part of you still loved Aleksander, but over time you learned to recognize that the man loves working towards his plans more than anything or anyone.
Fedyor wouldn't stop talking about the Litlle Palace as you walked. Had you not known the place inside out and back to front, you would've been very impressed. Once you reached your destination. You threw ideas at the seamstresses. Fedyor stood by and looked perplexed at all the ideas and at one point, left. You requested keftas of all colors and styles, completely breaking the traditions of orders. You didn't care to explain why fearing that Aleksander didn't want people knowing of your kind just yet. You walked back to your chamber content with your day so far. You wanted to train once you got back, away from the prying eyes of other Grisha. You needed peace. You walked in and snuffed out the burning fire with a hand motion. The room was now silent, too quiet.
You whipped your head around and found an angry Aleksander at your door, looking at the fireplace absent of the fire.
'We need to have a proper conversation where you tell me what in Saint's name you are doing here, back in my palace, I have entertained your little game enough.'
You kept silent much to his annoyance.
Part 4
@xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @cleverzonkwombatsludge
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katehuntington · 3 years
Blog status: life form detected
Yes, you read it right. After a seven months long hiatus, I’m back.
First off, I want to apologize for going MIA the way I did. I was going through a really difficult time (depression is no joke, and neither is bipolar disorder) and I just had to remove myself from all social media for a while in order to cast out the triggers. I’m sure that if I hadn’t taken that break, I would have been worse off. I know I left a lot of you worried, judging from the ton of messages that were waiting in my inbox. Reading all those sweet words have warmed my heart, though, and I really appreciate them.
Thankfully, I’m doing better. I’m not stable yet, so I’m still kind of waiting for a curveball, but for now, I’m brave enough to dip my toes back into Tumblr waters. As some of you know I’m working with professionals to get through these rough patches, and it seems to be working. There have been a lot of developments in my personal life lately, all for the better, so I’m confident that I will be able to improve a little bit more every day. 
In recent weeks, I picked up writing again, so I have a few things in the works. (Ride With Me, anyone?) I’m also planning to read more stories, as much as continuing the Kate Huntington’s Authors & Fanfiction Recommendations, and I will eventually be joining the Bunker Parties again that I hosted together with @winchest09. I will also figure out how to deal with the Going Dutch Challenge, since the deadline was in January, but more about that later.
Thank you to those who reached out to either me or my friends. Special thanks to the people who are close to me and helped me get to where I am now. Tabby, Sian, Mert, Teri, Alex, Jenny, Jules, Marcie, Michelle, Kay, Syd, Aleks, and many more; your support and messages have lifted me up and reminded me that I’m not alone. I’m also incredibly grateful for the friends and family who refused to leave my side, come whatever.
I missed you all dearly and I can’t wait to read your stories, see your artwork, and interact with you all again. So let me know what you’re up to, if you have fanfiction you want to recommend or send me a message just to say ‘hi’! My inbox is open.
Love you all, Kate
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starsstruck · 4 years
under the amber light
an enemies-to-lovers (kind of) where mc finds herself working in a darkroom along with harry, who she has never gotten along with. 35mm film, watermelon slices, and a lot of dim amber lighting.
pairing: harry x reader words: 12.5 k rated: M
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an: hello ! i am back w another little something. i hope everyone enjoys, and im sorry if i got any technical things wrong i havent stepped foot in a darkroom in like 3 years, but yeah ! let me know your feelings and thoughts, enjoy !💘                                                              ***
A breathless ‘hello’ accompanied by a smile as you opened the front door, waving as heads turned towards you.
“Sorry we’re late,” you grinned as Margot pulled you in for a quick hug. You had to work a bit later than usual, Aiden meeting you after your shift ended, both heading to your shared place to change and have a few drinks before heading over to Margot’s. “Work was busy today.”
“Don’t worry about it,” beaming at you, you could tell she’s already had quite a few drinks herself. “People are just getting here now.”
She and her roommates had decided to throw a little party, using the excuse of exams being over for nearly everyone. Her place was usually designated as the ‘party house’ as they had the whole house, not having to deal with irritated landlords, and the neighbours never seemed to mind. Their place was also a bit bigger, even having a little porch to sit out on and a small backyard space.
After waving hello to a few more of your friends that sat on the couches, both Aiden and you headed over to Margot’s room to leave your jackets and bags.
Hearing your name being called from the kitchen as you carried the beers that you had brought over caught your attention. “Hey!”
The familiar voice of Margot’s partner carried through the kitchen, opening your arms wide as you accepted his hug. “Haven’t seen you in a while.” Aleks seemed to have also had more drinks than you, eyelids a bit heavy as he grinned down at you.
“Busy couple of weeks,” you hummed, small frown on your lips as you recalled the final weeks of the semester. You were lucky to only have one exam this semester, but the numerous final papers and assignments were just as bad.
Placing the beers you had brought into the fridge after grabbing one for yourself, you paused for a second when you noticed the fridge magnet bottle opener was not at its usual place.
Glancing across the kitchen at Harry, who’s only acknowledgement of you was a brief glance in your direction when Aleks had called your name. Noticing he had the bottle opener in question, you pulled your attention back to Aleks. “You all done for the term?”
“Yeah,” Aleks sighed, taking a sip of his own drink. “Not as heavy course load this term so I was done fairly early. What about you? Harry mentioned you guys were in the same art history class; I heard the final was pretty tough.”
Glancing over at Harry, you saw his attention was also pulled to Aleks at the mention of his name. His eyes paused on you for a beat, before moving past you to place the magnetic bottle opener back on the fridge.
You knew Harry was the in the same class as you, but there had been very little interaction. In fact, there has been very little interaction between the two of you in general in the months that you had known each other. He was a good friend of Aleks’, and had been quickly integrated into your friend group after Margot started dating Aleks, but you had yet to have any kind of real conversation with him. Quite frankly, you had no idea why Harry seemed to have such distaste for you. His attitude towards you had giving you a bad impression of him, but you had remained polite as ever. Although after nearly four months, it was starting to get irritating.
Grabbing the bottle opener from the fridge, you popped open your own beer before answering Aleks’ question as Harry gave no indication of butting in.
“’M all done as well yeah,” you mused over the stressful weeks that had passed. “I only had one exam, for that art history class. Prof was pretty tough, but she was good. I liked the class a lot.”
You could feel Harry’s eyes burning into the side of your face as you spoke about your shared class, but you refused to look at him.
“Sounds like you had a better time in that class than Harry,” your friend turned to Harry once again, teasingly swatting at his arm.
You only hummed at his words, taking a big gulp of your beer so you wouldn’t have to speak. You could hear friends in the other room laughing loudly, wanting to go join them rather than stand in the kitchen with someone who wanted nothing to do with you.
“You’re here for the summer, aren’t you? Margot mentioned you guys might head out for a little road trip.” Aleks directed his question to you once again.
“Yeah! That’ll be really good. Otherwise I don’t have any big plans. I’m not taking any summer courses, just working. I also started some part time work at a photo lab, developing some film.”
“You started working at a darkroom?”
Both you and Aleks turned to Harry as he spoke for the first time since you’d joined them in the kitchen. He was still leaning back on the counter, eyes narrowed on you. You met his gaze, holding it for a second before slowly nodding.
“Yeah…” muttering, you shot him another glance before focusing your attention back on Aleks. “I’m going to go say hey to everyone else, I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
Taking your chance to leave the kitchen and to head to where nearly everyone sat in the living room, you quickly turned the corner to go catch up with everyone else. It’s not that you didn’t enjoy Aleks’ company, you just wanted a chance to talk to everyone, and quite frankly you weren’t really in the mood to deal with Harry’s broodiness towards you. You didn’t understand it, to be honest. You’d seen him chatty and animated with nearly everyone else, leaving you to think he had some kind of problem with you personally.
Sliding in on the couch next to Margot and some other friends, easily joining in their conversation as you finished off the beer in your hand. The drink was soon replaced, as Margot bounced off to make the two of you some cocktails with whatever liquor she had in her kitchen.
Soon, you had caught up with your friends and were feeling the perfect amount of tipsy. You were resting your head on Aiden’s legs, as you sat on the floor in front of where he sat on the couch, as you both listened to Margot’s animated story about something that had happened during one of her finals.
Someone had grabbed the AUX, deciding to play some Dolly Parton, and you weren’t complaining at the choice. Aiden was playing with your hair, and you felt so content, so at peace. That peace was quickly interrupted, as Margot was tugging at your hand to pull you outside for a smoke.
“How are you,” she hummed, once the two of you were alone sitting across from each other on the porch steps.
“Good,” nodding, as you finally felt relieved from the stressful couple of weeks. “Happy to be done. This summer should be really good as well, everyone’s sticking around. What about you, how are you?”
Margot nodded at your words, smirk playing at her lips. “I’m good, yeah. Aleks wants me to go home with him for a week, meet his family.”
“Really,” drawing out the word, tapping her leg with your foot as you grinned at her. They hadn’t been going out that long, but you knew she was feeling good about their relationship. “You gonna go?”
“I think so,” she nodded, putting out her cigarette as she seemed to think it over. “I really want to. Bit nervous though.”
“They’ll love you,” you reassured. “I know Aleks does.”
“Yeah he does, doesn’t he,” she giggled, scooting over on the step you were sitting on to move closer to you, wrapping an arm you.
“How are things with that guy, what’s his name,” she spoke up after a moment, as you tapped the ash off your own cigarette.
“Nate?” Scoffing as she asked about the last guy you had a small fling with. “Haven’t really talked to him. Honestly he was a bit of a dick, didn’t really get along with him.”
“Yeah you mentioned that,” Margot hummed, resting her head on your shoulder. “Deserve someone better. Maybe you’ll meet someone at the photo lab you’re starting at.”
“Maybe,” you mused, trying not to romanticize the idea of meeting someone cute at your new summer job.
The door clicking open pulled your attention, as you watched Aiden come outside. “I’m heading over to Will’s.”
“You’re leaving?” Both Margot and you spoke the same thing at the same time, as Aiden wrapped his arms around the two of you for a tight hug.
“I’ll see you soon,” he grinned as he made his way down the steps. “You’re okay to get home?”
“Think I’m gonna crash here, I’ll be good.” Aiden nodded as you confirmed you would be okay. “Have fun!”
“I’ll grab you a shirt,” Margot mumbled, riffling through her drawers.
Nearly everyone had left, and you were ready to lie down. Both of you had had a little too much to drink having the alcohol eventually making you tired, especially after your long day at work.
Aleks of course got the spot in Margot’s bed, so you were taking one of the couches, having already grabbed a mountain of blankets for yourself.
She passed you a big teeshirt, recognizing it as one she had found at a thrift store with you. “Harry’s crashing here too.”
“What?” Your voice dropped to a whisper-shout, in case someone outside her room could hear. “Where’s he sleeping?”
“On the other couch,” she shrugged. They had two couches in the living room, one much smaller than the other. You sighed, knowing you would inevitably be the one taking the shorter couch.
“That okay?”
“’Course,” you muttered. “It’s your house. Plus Harry’s the one that has a problem, not me.”
Margot rolled her eyes, changing into her pyjamas. “Harry doesn’t hate you,” she knew very well about your issues with him.
“He totally does!” Keeping your voice at a whisper in case the sound carried past the closed door.
“No one hates you.” Margot grinned at you, sitting next to you on her bed as you riffled through your bag. “I told you, he’s just like that with people he doesn’t know.”
“Known him nearly four months,” you mumbled under your breath.
“Well,” she paused. “He’s a sweet guy, I promise.”
Dropping the subject, you made your way over to the washroom and tried your best at taking off your makeup, borrowing a bit of Margot’s moisturizer so your skin wouldn’t freak out on you.
Realizing that everyone had left except for those spending the night, you bid your goodnight to Margot and Aleks before bringing your things to the living room. You were surprised to see Harry already there, distracted by whatever he was doing on his phone.
He glanced up as you dropped some blankets on the couch, eyes holding yours for barely a second. You suddenly felt self-conscious, his ever-intense gaze dropping to your bare legs for a second.
“I can take the small couch,” you mumbled, grabbing hold of a blanket for your makeshift bed.
“Right,” Harry coughed, placing his phone on the coffee table in front of him.
He watched you unfold the blankets, laying them down on the couch. You silently passed him some of the blankets you had gathered, noticing he only had one.
You also couldn’t help but notice he had also changed, wearing a pair of black joggers you could only assume he had borrowed from Aleks. His chest was bare, and you found yourself annoyed with how good he looked like that, forcing yourself not to try and make out newly exposed tattoos.
“Sorry,” he suddenly blurted, breaking the crisp silence as you both made your beds on the couches. “I know this is your usual sleeping spot.”
His words slurred slightly, but his expression was just as unreadable as ever. It was the most he’d said to you all night.
“S’no problem,” you offered him a small smile as your eyes met his. He caught you slightly off guard when he didn’t look away like he usually did. Holding your gaze for a second longer than he should have, you felt the beginning of a flush across your cheeks. His gaze was so intense on you, so nearly hot.
Still, he failed to return your smile, or any other sense of comradery towards you. Once again self-conscious under his stare, you were the one to look away. Muttering a small ‘night’ to him, you slid through the pile of blankets you had created for yourself.
If he had returned the bid goodnight, you hadn’t heard it.
Fine. Quietly huffing to yourself, rolling over on the couch with your legs having to lay a bit folded. You were grateful for how tired you were, not having to think too much about the fact that this situation otherwise would’ve made you nervous.
As with any new job, you still felt a bit anxious as you came in for work, even if it had been nearly two weeks of working. As you pulled open the door, smiling at the woman behind the counter at the photo lab.
“Hi!” She greeted you immediately. “How are you?”
“Good thanks,” returning her smile as you moved past the door that separated the customer waiting area, to the behind the counter. “How about you? Busy today?”
“Not too bad, yeah. Mostly pickups. Some rolls back there for you to start on.”
“Perfect,” you smiled at her again, before opening the door that you knew led to the back. You were still a bit nervous, even after a couple shifts. You knew that you knew your way around a darkroom, but it was more daunting when you were working with paying customers photos, and not just your own.
Eyes scanning the room, trying to recall everything you had been told in training. Soon everything slipped your mind, as your eyes fell on a familiar face.
Mouth gaping slightly as if you were to speak, Harry met your gaze. Did he work here too? Why hadn’t you known that. You recalled that night at Margot’s a couple days ago, when you were talking about starting a new job at a darkroom. Why hadn’t he said anything?
“Hi,” you finally spoke, placing your bag on the table.
He was standing across the room, seeming to be mix solvents in the beginning stages of developing his film. He was looking at you from over his shoulder, dressed casually with a bandana pushed through his hair.
“Hi,” he mirrored, briefly looking down to what he was doing before fully turning to face you. “You started working here?”
Nodding slowly, expression matching his. “Yeah,” you smiled a bit, though he didn’t return it. “Just working in the back.” You pointed to the door that led to the darkroom.
He simply nodded, turning away from you again as he reached for something next to him. “These need to be printed.” He passed you a plastic cover filled with film strips, taking a step towards you.
“Right,” nodding, deciding if he wasn’t going to be decently nice you didn’t have to be either.
“You know how everything works, right?” The question irritated you, but your tried not to let it show. Of course you knew how everything worked, you had been hired here.
“Yeah,” was all you said, before opening up the door that brought you into a dark room, faced with another door. Once in the actual darkroom, you felt the wall for where you knew sat the switch for the dim amber lights.
Immediately getting to work, starting with preparing your separate baths filled with solvents. It was when you were pulling sheets of photo paper that you heard the door click open, eyes focusing to see Harry having joined you.
“Forgot to give you this,” he said quickly, sounding almost out of breath. Narrowing your eyes as you grabbed the sheet from his hands, squinting in the dim light to read the words written on the top of the page.
You felt irritated again. It was the basic information sheet on what settings to leave the enlarger at, and how many seconds you should expose for. “Just in case.”
He was practically smirking.
“Thanks.” Voice clipped; you knew it wasn’t best to be a bit moody with him but it wasn’t like he was your boss. You placed the sheet next to you on the counter, waiting for Harry to leave. He only nodded once more, before slipping out the door.
You got back to work, having fake arguments in your head with Harry after he left you bothered. How was it that you had never seen him here before? There wasn’t much of a set schedule per se, so it was completely possible that the two of you had missed each other like this, but it still took you by surprise.
It was nice that you could work more or less by yourself, since at your other job you were constantly dealing with customers and never had a shift alone unless it was a morning shift. Obviously working at the same place as Harry wasn’t going to be a big problem, it was just the way he acted towards you that bugged you.
Weeks had gone since you first saw Harry at the studio. It had gotten a bit better; he wasn’t so much being cold with you as he was getting on your nerves. Instead of being passive and ignoring you, he had progressed to badgering you, clearly noticing it bothered you. That was at least, when he was talking to you.
He made sure to double check that the images you were exposing came through correctly, saying things like ‘just have to make sure everything’s good’, and ‘they all should be similar, don’t want any inconsistencies’.
It was irritating to say the least. He never really talked about you about anything outside of work, even though technically he was in your friend group, and that irritated you even more. Neither of you had actually seen each other outside of work, something that usually happened at Margot’s or Aleks’ house.
One of your coworkers, Shane, was shocked when he said Harry had mentioned that the two of you knew each other outside of work.
“Would think that he’s never known to talk to you a day in his life.” Shane had commented with a laugh.
Margot, and even Aleks, had heard all about it, only ever really assuring you that ‘he doesn’t hate you’ and ‘he’s never said a bad thing about you’.
That being said, at least he wasn’t avoiding you like the plague anymore.
“Are you just finishing up?”
Harry had come into the darkroom to gather up some photographs, stacking them in a neat pile before slipping them into an envelope. The two of you were the only one’s left for the evening, the shop closed to the public.
“Yeah, just cleaning up now.”
Just making out his nod in the amber light, he paused before speaking again. “D’you need a ride home?”
That took you by surprise. The two of you hadn’t closed up just the two of you before, but you would have never though he’d ben offering to give you a drive home.
“You don’t have to –”
“It’s no trouble,” he interrupted, reaching for the handle to leave the room.
“I – yeah thank you.”
Nodding at your confirmation, he stepped out of the dark room leaving you to finish up packing everything for the day.
You found Harry sitting in the back room, preoccupied by his phone as he waited for you. “Ready?” He stood suddenly, slipping his phone in his jeans pocket as you reached through your bag for some lip balm.
Following him through the front door, waiting as he locked up before leading you over to where he had parked down the street. Sliding into the passenger seat of his car, the first few minutes of your ride in silence expect for your directions to your place.
“You make other art outside of film. Right?” Harry suddenly spoke, drawing your attention to him as his eyes remained on the road.
“Yeah,” pausing for a second, “I mean, it is my major.”
That caused him to glance at you with a laugh. “I know. I’ve just never seen any of it is all.”
“Never asked.”
“Right,” he said quietly, before clearing his throat and giving you another glance. “Well consider this me asking.”
You bit back a smile. “Next time.”
Nodding with a breathy laugh, just as you recognized the beginning of your street outside. “Here’s fine,” you turned to him, not needing him to go all the way into the winding residential area.
“I can go right to your door,” he turned on his right turn single. “Through here?”
“Yeah,” you directed him through the neighbourhood until he pulled in on the side of the road.
Grabbing for your bag at your feet, digging in it until you reached your keys. “You going to Margot’s on Friday?” Harry pulled your attention back to him.
“Of course,” you smiled slightly, hand on the door as you readied to leave. He nodded, eyes remaining on you as you went to step out of the car. “Thanks for the ride, I’ll see you then?”
“See you then,” he confirmed with a perk in his lips, just as you turned around and shut the door behind you.
“Don’t know what to wear,” Margot was muttering to herself as she surveyed the clothes she had just grabbed from her closet.
You had your own outfit crisis at home before coming over to Margot’s, coming over early for once. Aiden was still at work, and you had the day off so you and Margot had spent the afternoon together before everyone would be coming over later on in the night.
“I like that,” you hummed, pointing to the shirt she had just thrown aside.
“I guess,” she mumbled, looking at her outfit in her mirror. “Not really the vibe though, is it?”
Giggling at her words, you rolled over on her bed to fully face her. “And what is the vibe?”
“I don’t know,” she sighed, going back to her closet. “You’re wearing a dress.” Glancing down at your own red sundress at her words, you laughed. Summer was well on its way by now, and you were a sucker for a good sundress. “Plus,” Margot continued as she changed her shirt once again. “I’m mad at Aleks.”
“What’d he do?”
She sighed, sitting down next to you on her bed. “I’m not really mad at him; we got into a little fight and I just wanna look good and ignore him for a bit.”
Humourless laugh leaving her lips, she rose again and took another look at her outfit. “I like this, think I’m happy with it.”
Heading over to the kitchen, you guys took out the big bottle of margarita mix and tequila, deciding to have a nice cocktail outside as the sun set, before everyone else arrived.
“How’s work going?” Margot asked, once the margs were made and the two of you sat outside in the slowly cooling air.
“Work is the same,” you hummed licking salt from your lips. “Nothing really new.”
“What about the new place, with Harry? He said you were doing really good.”
Now that was a surprise to you.
“He did? The jobs good, but honestly working with Harry…” trailing off, you wanted to be delicate with your wording. “He’s still acting like a bit of a pain. Not as much as before but, I dunno…” trailing your finger over the salted rim of the glass, you thought it over. “Like I’ve said, he just doesn’t like me.”
“He likes you fine,” Margot hummed, small laugh in her voice
“Oh well,” muttering into your glass, “finish up your marg.”
Soon, both of you were a couple drinks in and more people had started arriving at Margot’s. The back door was open, spending most of your time outside before the sun fully set just to savour the last bits of the summer night.
You don’t know how much time has gone by, nor how many drinks you’d had, but soon you were slouched on the couch next to your friends, happy grin on your lips. That grin didn’t last long however, as your eyes scanned the room and landed on a familiar face.
“Fuck,” sliding even closer to Margot and Aiden. “That’s Nate.” Pointing with your head to where he stood by the hallway.
Margot lifted her head, not so subtly glancing to the direction you were motioning. “That’s him? He knows Aleks I think.”
“Oh,” you muttered, shooting the guy you didn’t want to see another glance. It wasn’t that things were bad with the two of you, but you had decided you didn’t want to ever see him again.
“I didn’t realize he was coming,” Margot shot you a sympathetic smile.
“It’s okay,” you nodded, cozying up with the two of them and deciding to keep him out of your mind. “Just won’t talk to him.”
You had managed to stick to that, never even interacting with him the majority of the night. It wasn’t until you had stepped out on the front porch for a breather and a smoke, that you suddenly found yourself along with Nate who had apparently followed you out.
Leaning your back against the wooden railing behind you, offering him a small smile and nothing else. “Didn’t know you would be here.” He was the first to speak.
“It’s my friends place,” you hummed, tapping out your cigarette.
“Missed you these past couple of weeks,” his words made you glance at him, only for a second.
“Nate,” you sighed, putting out your smoke. “I told you –”
He cut you off. “I know what you told me. Like I said, I just miss you. You here with anyone?”
“No,” you breathed out, not knowing why you couldn’t just lie to him.
“Why don’t you come home with me?” He bumped his knee with yours, as you still didn’t look over at him.
“Not in the mood,” you muttered, resting your head back against the beam behind you.
“I can get you in the mood,” he shuffled closer to you, as you tightened your arms around your chest.
“Fuck off Nate,” muttering as you finally glared up at him.
Calling your name, he didn’t stop in his pursuit. “Come on –”
“Think she told you to fuck off, mate.”
Both of you turned your heads to the voice coming from the door, seeing Harry standing in the frame, arms folded across his chest.
Christ. You didn’t have the energy to deal with Harry as well, even if in this moment he was helping you out.
As annoyed as you were over the testosterone swirling around you like leaves in the wind, Nate took a step away. He slid away from the two of you with a ‘whatever’ muttered underneath his breath.
Blowing out a sigh, you sank down to sit on the wooden step, extending your legs out in front of you. You could practically hear Harry hesitating behind you, before he finally made his way to you and tentatively sat down.
“Thanks,” your voice was quiet as you finally spoke, face forward as you kept your eyes focused on your sock covered feet that you knocked together.
“He’s a dick,” his voice was soft, in fact you think that was the softest you’d ever heard it.
“Yeah,” humourless laugh leaving your lips as you nodded. “He is.” You were annoyed with yourself of how you had let Nate ruin your evening.
Finally facing Harry, you found his eyes already on you. “Do you like margaritas?”
You knew your way around Margot’s kitchen well, spending enough time at her place to call it your second home.
“Not going to blend them, hope that’s okay.” You shot Harry a glance as you grabbed an ice cube tray from the freezer. “Don’t wanna leave dishes.”
“’s no problem at all,” he spoke quietly, almost cautiously. You nodded, not measuring as you poured tequila in each cup.
“Lime?” Grabbing a knife from the drawer, cutting a lime into quarters.
“Please,” he nodded, watching as you squeezed the juice into the glasses. You brought one cup to your lips, taking a quick taste of your cocktail. Hearing a breathy chuckle from Harry as you added a splash more tequila, you handed him a cup.
“Cheers,” the corners of your lips perking up to a small smile as you clinked glasses with him. He returned the sentiment, each taking a big sip of your drinks.
“It’s good,” he smirked, tongue darting out to lick the liquor off his lips.
You hummed in agreement, taking another sip of the cocktail. Wordlessly moving past Harry, you opened the fridge next to him and searched around for the fruit you knew sat somewhere in the back.
Fingers gripping the cold ceramic bowl, you shut the door with your hip. “You want some?”
Handful of berries in your own hand, you tilted the bowl in Harry’s direction. He seemed to hesitate again, eyes flicking between your own and the bowl of raspberries pointed at him. “I – yeah, thank you.”
“I love raspberries,” you hummed, placing the bowl between the two of you on the counter before grabbing another handful.
Harry couldn’t help the small smile that pulled on his lips as he watched you enjoyed the red fruit. Just as he was trying to think up something, anything, to say to you, Margot and Aleks crashed through the kitchen.
“There you are!” Margot exclaimed, swinging one arm around you as she grabbed some raspberries herself. “Was looking for you, are you having fun?”
“Yes,” you smiled at your friend, taking another sip of your drink. “Just making some more cocktails.” Passing Margot your cup, offering a sip to which she refused.
Aleks had caught Harry in conversation, neither of them seeing as Margot wordlessly glanced between you and Harry, eyebrows furrowing at you quizzically, as if asking you what was going on. You simply shrugged, mouthing ‘I don’t know’ before you drank more of your margarita.
She nodded, your silent conversation coming to an end.
The four of you soon pulled out of the kitchen, joining the remaining party-goers in the living room. You had had 2 more margaritas, eventually settling into a corner of the couch as you were slowly letting yourself relax, even in the excited atmosphere.
The night progressed as it usually did, a few remaining as late hours of the night rolled in. Aleks had out on some movie he wanted to share with everyone, and at that point you knew if you stayed for any longer you would completely fall asleep.
Jumping up to grab your jacket, hovering on top of Margot from where she sat. “I’m heading out,” you mumbled, arms wrapping her in a hug. “I’ll see you soon! We’ll have that beach day.”
“You sure you don’t want to stay here?”
Shaking your head, you reached for your bag sitting on her floor. “I have work tomorrow pretty early, and I’m already going to be a bit hungover.”
The two of you headed to her front door as she walked you out, as you bid goodnight to the few remaining friends on your way. “You okay to walk home?”
“Yes, of course.” Waving off her concern, although grateful she always checked with you before you leave her house. You were a bit drunker than you’d like to be for the walk home, but it was a fairly short walk.
“Okay well text me when you get home,” she slurred, pulling you in for another hug once you reached the front door.
“Are you leaving?” Aleks, followed by Harry, appeared behind Margot as you broke apart.
Nodding as you bid him goodnight as well, voice being interrupted by your own yawn.
“I can walk with you.”
Harry’s voice pipped up from behind Aleks, head turning to him to see him slipping on his jacket. “I –” about to refuse, but realizing he properly had to walk home as well, “– yeah that’d be good.”
Soon you were both walking side by side in the empty street as it was well into the night, the cool air not too much of a bother after the drinks you’d had.
“Where’s Aiden?” Harry’s voice broke the silence after a good five minutes.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “He left the party a while ago, he usually goes over to his ex’s.” He only nodded, remaining silent for another short moment.
“You don’t have to walk all the way with me,” you suddenly spoke, turning to look at him. “If it’s out of your way.”
He turned to you, light smile on his face. “It’s no problem, really.”
“Where’s your place?”
“Couple blocks past yours. Like an extra fifteen minute walk or so.” Nodding at his words, about to ask how he knew how far away from your place he lived, before remembering he had given you a ride home a couple days ago.
“You don’t have to walk all the way if its easier –”
“It’s no problem at all!” He stressed with a light laugh, interrupting you as he knew what you were going to say. “Plus,” he smirked, “it’ll give me some piece of mind knowing you got home safe.”
Heat building in your cheeks at his words, suddenly unsure of what to say. Your relationship with him thus far had only been practically nonexistent. Choosing not to say anything, a silence fell over the pair of you once more.
“Never showed me any of your work,” Harry suddenly spoke up again.
“What?” Alcohol and exhaust clouding your brain, taking a second to understand what he was talking about.
“Last time, you mentioned you’d show me your work outside of film.”
Right. “Oh yeah,” words were a breath from your lips. “Well, next time. Promise.” You don’t know why you always felt a bit weird when someone asked you to show them what you did. It wasn’t like you shared some publicly, but when someone asked you personally it made you hesitate.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he nodded, as you realized you had made to the end of your street.
Harry still next to you, as you dug through your bag until you held you keys in your hand. Once again hesitating, unsure of why you felt so unsure. “Well,” you coughed, looking up at him. “Thank you.”
“Really no problem,” he hummed, and you realized you didn’t know how to say goodnight to him. Suddenly in your overthinking, you found yourself wrapping your arms around him to pull him in for a hug.
He seemed just as surprised by your action, though quickly softening up to you and wrapped an arm around your back. “Night,” he was warm against you, the feeling of being in his arms had found to be quite comforting in fact.
“Yeah,” he cleared his throat as you pulled away. “Night.”
The following weekend, it was a miraculous day where nearly everyone had the day off. Everyone had met at the beach, enjoying a full day in the sun.
“You coming?” Margot’s voice pulled you out of your daydreams, turning over to where she stood above you.
“We’re gonna try and play some volleyball. Key word is try.”
Giggling at her words, you shook your head. “No, I’m good for now. Honestly I might end up napping for a bit.”
“We’re just over there if you want to join!” You watched as she headed in the same direction she pointed, a bit down the beach where nets had been set up.
Once alone you reached for your back, immediately realizing you had forgotten to bring your book with you. Maybe a nap really was in the stars.
Already having applied enough sunscreen for the time being, you settled yourself on your back and placed your hat just over your eyes.
The quiet moment didn’t last long, however, as soon someone was standing over you, blocking the sun.
Reaching up to move the hat from your face, your eyes readjusting to the light to see Harry standing over you. “Can I join?”
“Up to you,” you hummed. You could just make out the faintest hints of a smirk at your passive answer. Hearing him readjust the beach towel next to you, as he claimed that spot.
Peeking an eye open, you saw as his head rested in his arms, tilting dangerously close to the exposed skin of your waist. He was resting on his front, facing you as his eyes peered up towards you. “Y’not playing volleyball?”
“Don’t feel like it,” muttering, you readjusted yourself slightly. “Why don’t you go play?”
“Don’t feel like it,” he mirrored.
You only hummed in response, moving your head to face the sky once again. Silence falling between the two of you as you tried to focus on the sound of the waves, and not on Harry laying next to you.
The silence didn’t last long however, as Harry shifted closer to you. “Why’re you ignoring me?”
You nearly snorted at his comment, propping yourself up on your elbow to gaze down at him. “I’m not ignoring you Harry. Just trying to relax.”
He let out a breath, turning his head to rest his cheek on his arm, facing you. You dropped your head back down on your towel, not without feeling his breath tickle your skin.
Your body betrayed you, just as you felt goosebumps rise on your skin.
Harry seemed to notice as well, and soon his breath wasn’t the only thing tickling you. Bringing a finger up to the skin of your tummy, he lightly traced his fingertip over the bumps rising over your abdomen.
Muscles tensing at his sudden touch, you moved your own hand down to your stomach and peeked an eye open to see him. His cheek remained on his forearm, hair falling around him on the towel.
“What are you…” you trailed off, honestly not being bothered by his touch. It was light, fingertips smoothing over your exposed skin.
“Jus’ relaxing, love.” The pet name slipped from between his lips, your body flushing even more at the way he said it so effortlessly.
“This okay?” he spoke again, quieter as you relaxed back onto the towel.
Humming in approval, you willed yourself to seem unbothered. His fingertips moved along your stomach, tracing mindless circles into the skin as his palm rested flat. It was nice, the light tickling and trailing on your skin, he was right to say it was relaxing.
You don’t know how long the two of your rested like that. Not many words were shared, both resting in a peaceful silence. You had slightly dozed off, never fully falling asleep as you were always aware of where Harry’s hand was on you.
At one point he wrapped his hand nearly completely around you, staying like that as he dozed off himself. You realized that he was basically cuddled around you, his head having shifted closer with his forehead resting on the skin over your ribs.
“Skin’s getting warm,” after a moment, you don’t really know how long, Harry’s voice pulled you out of your sleep. Sliding his arm off of you and lifted himself to rest on his elbows. “Y’should put on more sunscreen.”
Rising to a seated position, you crossed your legs as you glanced over at him. All you could do was nod dumbly at Harry’s comment, reaching out for your bag to grab the sunscreen that you had packed.
As you rubbed the sun block down your shins, you watched as Harry turned over to sit up as well and pulled out a couple containers that seemed to be filled with fruit.
“Brought snacks?”
“Just some fruits,” he shrugged, pushing his sunglasses off the bridge of his nose and onto the top of his head.
Just as you were repositioning the hat on your head, and digging through your mess of a tote back for your own sunglasses, you gasped as you felt something cold and wet on your thigh.
Glancing down, you saw a big slice of watermelon sitting on your leg.
“Heard you liked watermelon,” he shrugged again, and you looked at him just as he took and obscenely big bite of his own slice of fruit.
“Love fruits,” you murmured, as you picked the fruit up from where it sat on your leg. You were grateful to be wearing sunglasses now, as you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off of him as he ate his piece of watermelon.
“Y’got,” his voice broke the silence once again, pulling your attention back to him. Eyes wide as you watched his hand reach forward towards you, thumb swiping over your thigh. Collecting the watermelon juice that had trickled down your leg, sticking the digit past his lips.
“Sweet,” he hummed, lips perking into a smirk as he reached for another piece of fruit.
“You’re a pest,” shaking your head, with a giggle in your voice.
Watching as he reached across for his bag again, flashing you a mock pout. “Not very nice of you, love.” Turning away from you for a beat, facing you again with his 35mm.
“Stay still,” he murmured after bringing the camera to his eye, lens pointed towards you.
“Hey!” covering your face with the slice of watermelon in your hand, bringing your other hand down to readjust your bikini top that had slid down a bit.
“Stay still!’ He repeated, swatting his hand in your direction, fingertips brushing over your arm as he wordlessly told you to move it down.
Moving your arm, hovering the half-eaten slice of fruit next to your face, you complied to his request and stayed still while he took a picture of you.
Eyes lingering on you after he placed the camera aside with a smirk still playing at his lips with a gleam in his eyes. “What?” Giggling almost nervously as you shifted under his stare.
Sucking his bottom lip between his teeth, he paused before looking forward towards the water. “Nice day out, is all.”
He didn’t say anything more, leaning back on one arm as he finished off the rest of the fruit in hand. You watched him for another beat, eyes trialing from his face to the muscles that flexed under the skin of his arm.
Not immediately adverting your eyes you squinted a bit as you took in every detail of the tattoos covering his skin. You couldn’t help but wonder about them, so many for someone still reasonably young.
Just as you wondered if he had any particular reason for all of them, warm hands landed on your shoulder and a new body hovered over you.
“Hey,” a breathless Aiden reached over you to pluck a slice of watermelon from where they sat. “As it turns out, I do not like volleyball. Want to come to the water with me? I need a little cool off.”
Harry’s gaze met yours again for less than a second, before glancing up at where Aiden sat kneeling behind you. “I’m good, I can stay back and watch our stuff.”
Being pulled up to your feet, you left your hat and sunglasses in a pile on your towel before sauntering off with Aiden in the direction of where the water hit the land. Shooting another brief look behind you to see Harry’s eyes on you again. Sending a smile his way as you tugged up the thin straps of your bottoms that rested at your hips, just as Aiden pulled at your wrist as he skipped towards the water.
“Feels nice,” Aiden hummed, once both of you were ankle deep in the cold water. The sun was shinning hot today, only a barely there breeze present to cool you down. Aiden was right, soaking in the water doing wonders for your bodily temperature.
Taking the plunge, literally, as the two of you submerging yourselves under water as you played around. Once the water was leaving goosebumps on your skin you guys wandered around the shore, picking up odd rocks as if you were birds looking for something flashy.
“He’s always staring at you,” Aiden bumped his arm with yours, nodding his head towards where the group sat after abandoning the volleyball game.
“Harry,” mindlessly looking up from the rocks by your feet, squinting in the sun. “You guys seem much more amicable.”
“Yeah,” nodding as you thought over his words. “Working with him has been good lately. He’s like, kind of intense, but in a hot way y’know?”
Aiden laughed at your description. “I think he’s into you. Probably has been into you this entire time.”
Scoffing at his words, you glanced at your friend. “I don’t know about that.” Your words were a lie, having thought about the possibility a couple times but you didn’t want to overthink it.
“Don’t be dense.” Aiden laughed, suddenly bending over to pick up a rock and holding it in front you. “Here, this one reminds me of Margot.”
No one was in the dark room when you got there, working alone as you worked though a roll for a customer. Moving your paper into the developer, you nearly forgot about them as pictures drying off caught your attention.
They were obviously Harry’s and not one of a client, as you recognized nearly everyone photographed. Your gaze moved over every image, quickly moving your own roll over to the stop bath, before looking back at Harry’s pictures.
There were a few from that day at the beach, times when you hadn’t even realized Harry had the camera pointed at anyone. You saw yourself in some of them, laughing away with Margot as the sun set behind the pair of you, distant shots of you and Aiden sticking out of the water.
They were beautifully candid, the evidence of Harry’s visual eye very clear in all the images.
The picture of you with the watermelon he had snapped was probably one of the best pictures someone had taken of you in years. You looked relaxed, small smile playing at your lips as you looked down at the lens, the sun glowing on half of your face.
Small gasp at the sound of the door opening behind you, spinning around to barely make out Harry’s frame. “Scared me,” you murmured, letting out a sigh as you moved back to your solvents and moved your paper to the fixing solvent.
“Didn’t realize anyone was here,” his voice carried through the room as he walked in, standing by where you just admiring his work.
“Thought I’d get a start on those,” you hummed, pointed to where you still had film to expose. “Those are really great,” you saw his head turn to you as you complimented his work he had just started gathering up. “Didn’t realize you’d been taking so many pictures.”
“Thanks,” just making out the shine in his eyes, he flipped through them before shuffling over to you. “Did you see this one?”
Squinting, you saw him holding up the image of you with the watermelon. “I did. Really like it.”
“It’s my favourite,” Harry nodded, glancing down at it.
You were happy to be standing in a literal dark room, as you felt a flush rise up your neck. It was a compliment to his photography skills really, but it was also a compliment to you. A silence overtook the room, and you suddenly felt so incredibly nervous for very little reason.
“Why did you hate me?”
What the hell was that. Blurting things out wasn’t really your style as you were fairly good at keeping a tight filter on the words that left your mouth, except maybe after a couple drinks. But in this moment, for some reason, you truly needed to know why Harry had seemed to resent you so much when you first met.
His head turned back to yours in a quick motion, nearly unable to see it in the dim amber light. His mouth opened, as if to speak, but no words came out.
“I mean –” you sighed, glancing away from him as embarrassment trickled through your skin. “You just seemed not very… fond of me.”
“I never hated you,” his words were laced with a sigh, shoulders dropping a bit as he turned his body to face yours. His face glowed the soft orange from the room that surrounded you. “You should move your papers out of the fix bath.”
“What?” You blinked as if broken out of a daze.
“The fix bath, it’s been a couple minutes.”
“Fuck,” muttering as you spun around, grabbing your abandoned tongs and moved the paper into the water for its wash. Watching your image float around for a second, prodding it gently with the tongs.
“I never hated you,” Harry repeated from next to you, making you turn to him once again as you dropped the tongs on the counter. “I was just – I guess I was intimidated? Not really the right word but,”
He trailed off, showing no sign of continuing as you couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your mouth. “Why?”
The beginnings of a smile grew on his lips at your lighter tone. “I guess… I don’t know. Saw you around campus a lot, I guess I froze up.”
“Froze up?” Questioning him again and not fully understanding his explanation.
“I mean,” he paused again, averting his gaze as he fiddled with a ring around his finger, “yeah something like that.”
You could only nod, still not fully understanding what he was trying to communicate.
“Plus,” he added, seemingly to recover form his uncertain composure with a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. “Like getting a rise out of you.”
“Clearly,” you laughed, matching his smile. “Seem to be pretty good at it, too.”
He didn’t say anything, letting your words hang around the two of you for a bit too long. He wasn’t avoiding your eyes anymore, and you were once again grateful for being in a dark room so he couldn’t see the warmth that spread over your skin.
“Well,” you finally spoke again, voice suddenly quiet. “I have more film to get to.”
“Right,” Harry nodded as he stepped away from you, grabbing his images he had left on the counter. “I should go. I’ll see you soon.”
Watching as he gathered everything he had come for, bidding his goodbye to you and reaching for the doorknob.
“See you, Harry.”
“Did you do a test strip for these?”
“Yeah,” you called over your shoulder, moving your images into their third and final solvent.
“And they turned out well?” His voice grew louder, causing you to spin around to face him. “Because the setting on the enlarger is really not what it should be.”
“Harry –”
“They’re not gonna come out, you’re going to have to redo them. How many have you done like this now?” Even under the barely there light you could make out the hard expression on his face.
“I know what I’m doing. I did a bunch of trials with my own film and paper that are ready right over there.”
Letting out an irritated breath as you turned around, gripping a corner of the photo that was currently floating in its bath.
“Look,” you held up the wet photo paper with the tongs. Harry took a step closer, eyes narrowing on the image you held up. “They’re exactly what they should be.”
He was silent for a bit, you could hear his agitated exhales puff out next you. Leaning in to the image, you heard a small ‘fuck’ leave his lips.
“Don’t let this go to your head,” he muttered eyes flicking between yours and the image.
“Already has. Harry we’ve been through this. You need to trust me, I know what I’m doing.” Narrowing your eyes at him slightly, as is if challenging him.
“You can’t just go around changing everything, there’s a process.”
“Yeah and I followed it. And they turned out really well, so don’t give me shit.”
He took a pause, eyeing you down. Pushing hair off his forehead, he placed his hand on the counter next to you. “You’re unbelievable.”
You didn’t know if he meant it in a good way or bad way.
His eyes on you were as intent as ever, burning right through your own; his face an unreadable as ever.
“Fuckin’ unbelievable.”
Lips pressed to yours in a fast kiss. Both the shock of the action and his body knocking yours as his hand came to cup your face caused you to step back, hitting the edge of the counter.
As quickly as it happened it was over, your eyes remaining wide open on him. His gaze was dropped down to the small space between the two of you, breath leaving his lips in small puffs.
“I – fuck – that’s not how I wanted that to happen,” his eyes lifted to yours, hand still holding the side of your face as his thumb stroked your cheek.
The feeling of his lips lingered on yours. “I couldn’t help myself,” his voice dropped, eyes glazing over your lips again.
Tongue quickly licking your lips, tentatively you lifted your own hands up, trailing your fingertips lightly over the fabric of his shirt, gripping the neckline. “You wanted to kiss me?”
His shoulders dropped slightly, smile pulled at his lips, as he visibly swallowed before speaking. “I – always.”
His words sent a rush through your body, wanting to feel him on you again. “Want to again?”
Harry didn’t waste a second, hand sliding to the back of your head. His other hand lifted to the small of your back, pushing your body closer to his. His kiss was a bit more tentative, pulling you gently against him.
Growing in confidence as you tugged on the fabric of his shirt, his mouth sliding open over yours and he pulled you in for more. Lips slotting open on yours as he pulled you in for more, and more.
A sigh being pulled from the back of your throat catches in his mouth as his fingers gripped tightly into the loose fabric of your dress. Your own hand wrapping around his shoulders, moving to pull at the hair that hung at the nape of his neck.
Greedily licking into your mouth as if he would die without the taste of you. Back arching as you pushed yourself against him, hips knocking with his.
Lips parting away with a ‘Christ’ grunted from Harry, uneven breaths swirling together. Dark eyes burning into your own, you felt a hand drop from your hip down your thigh, fingers fidgeting with the hem of your dress.
His lips met the skin of your jaw, hand on the back of your head tugging at your hair to tilt your head back, exposing your neck to him. His lips dipped down, a trail of wet kisses along your skin, teeth nipping at the skin that elicited a pitched gasp to leave your parted lips.
His body kept yours pinned against the counter, fingertips tickling the bare skin on your thigh as your own weaved through his hair. Your name tumbling from his lips as you pushed your hips against his. “What’re you doing to me, love.”
Fingertips easing down his shirt covered chest, pushing at him the slightest bit until his lips broke away from your skin. “We should,” your voice was so nearly breathless, “finish up here.”
Hand moving from his shoulder as you weakly motioned to the room around you, remembering you were both technically on the clock. “Yeah,” Harry blew out a sigh, his forehead resting on your shoulder momentarily. “We should.”
Taking a small step away from you as his eyes landed on your, hands moving to brush over your bare arms until his fingertips fiddled with yours. “You’re done working for the day, right?”
“I could be.”
Lips kinked into a smirk.  “Do you,” Harry paused, interlocking your fingers as his hands continued to fidget with your own. “Come home with me? Promise just for dinner, a drink, whatever you want.”
Biting back a smile, you thought over his words.  “Plus,” he added. “Got a killer view of the sunset.”
You couldn’t help the grin that broke out on your face. “Won me over.”
The two of you finished off cleaning up the room quickly, properly emptying out baths of solvent, putting away all photopaper and making sure everything was turned off.
The front of the shop had already been seen to, only needing to punch in the code and lock the door before you were walking over to where Harry had parked down the street.
His arm had bumped yours as you left the shop, just before his fingers brushed over your hand to grab hold of it.
Once seated in the passenger seat of his car, he passed you his phone letting you have free reign over the music. The drive was quick, you were soon walking up steps in an apartment building you had passed countless times.
“Do you have a roommate?” Realizing he had never seemed to mention anything about his living situation.
“No,” Harry unlocked his door as you followed close behind. “Kind of lucky I guess, I was able to find this place.”
Nodding, very familiar with the joys of having the house to yourself. Following Harry as he kicked off his shoes, walking through his studio. You loved seeing inside people’s places, how they arranged their things, what they had lying around. It was also nice to see that the place had actually feel to it, seeming like he didn’t just have a mattress on the floor.
Standing in his kitchen, you watched as he placed his things on the counter by the door. Curiously glancing at the space around you, loving to snoop on the banality of the way other people lived.
“So, where’s this killer view?” Being on the fourth flour of the building, you didn’t doubt the view was nice, not having that luxury at your own place.
“Patience, darling.” He grinned at you from across the kitchen. “First, you want anything to drink? I’ve got water, tea…” he trailed off, brows furrowing as he seemed to have run out of things to offer you.
“Tea’s good,” you laughed, watching as he nodded and grabbed his kettle to fill with water. “Where’s your washroom?”
“Just around the corner,” he pointed, as you headed in that direction. Taking extra time to observe his things in the washroom, forever curious about how other people lived and taking it as a good sign seeing his washroom clean and fairly organized.
You were soon sitting on a on a little bench that he had out on a tiny balcony, tea in hand as you sat side by side. He was right, the sun was just setting and it lit up the sky with an orange glow.
As per Harry’s request, you had finally shown him some pictures of your art off your phone. You had blushed under his compliments, leaving your phone by your side as conversation died between the two of you and you both enjoyed the view. His arm wrapped around you, pulling you to rest against his chest.
It wasn’t long until Harry’s lips were on your skin once again. Starting with small kisses on you’re your shoulder, his head dipping down behind you. Innocent at first, you didn’t move in your position. Craning his head until his mouth met your neck, tongue darting out between parted lips.
You didn’t move until his teeth nipped the skin, eliciting a jolt from you in shock. Moving his head from the crook of your neck, hand coming up to your cheek, single finger pushing your head around to face him.
His mouth met yours, hesitant at first as he let you adjust yourself slightly so you wouldn’t have your neck twisted. His arm around you pulled you in closer, as your brought one leg up on the bench next to you so that you could press your chest against his.
Your own hands came up around his neck as your mouth opened with his, kissing him deeper and deeper while the sun set behind you. He held you tightly against him as if you’d slip away from him if he didn’t, as he selfishly pulled unrelenting kisses from you.
Moving his hand from your cheek to your waist, fingertips trailing over your dress until they were on your bare thigh, palm smoothing over your skin. Shivering at his touch, you shifted yourself even closer to him as you accepted the warmth coming off of him, as if he was replacing the setting sun.
Lips parting with a pant, heavy eyes darting from his swollen lips, his tousled hair to meet his own dazed gaze. Watching his eyes drop to the small space between you, to the fabric of the dress that he was fiddling with in one hand.
“Always wearing these little dresses,” he muttered, eyes narrowing on where the fabric rode up to expose more of your leg. His hand on your thigh pushing under the skirt, fingertips gripping tightly on your skin.
Lips nearing your ear, nipping at the spot under the lobe. “Always teasing me.”
Feeble whimper at his words, as he payed close attention to your neck, memorizing which spots made your gasp against him and retaining the subtle hint of your perfume to memory.
All while his hand smoothed over the outside of your thigh, pushing your dress up as he went over your hip. Fingers spreading over the extent of your hips, lightly pinching the skin of your ass. You felt them move over the band of your underwear, toying with the thin material.
“Let me,” he muttered against your skin, voice nearly incoherent. “Le’ me – can I? Please.”
“Yes,” the word was a whine, quick and rushed from your mouth. And his hand dipped down over your underwear and between your thighs. You jolt against him, fingers easily finding and pressing over your clothed clit.
“Fuck me, you’re wet.” His hand palmed over your center, pressing against you in a way that made you press your lips tightly together, head dipping down to the crook of his neck.
A single finger pushed your underwear aside, pushing through your folds. “Soaked through,” humming appreciatively, circling around your wetness.
A whimper against him had him wanting to hear more, other hand moving around your hips as you ground down over his hand.
Suddenly pulling his hand away, you lifted your head up to gaze up at him. Mouth gaping open as you wanted to whine, not a single sound coming out when you watched him slip his fingers past his lips, humming around them tasting you.
“Sweet,” he muttered, wet hand gripping your thigh once again as he trapped your lips in for a kiss. “Hop on my thigh,” he spoke into your mouth, posing it as a question but it was more of a demand.
He moved a hand to his own jean covered leg, patting it twice. “Wan’ you to get off on m’thigh.”
Blinking at his words, you found yourself nodding and readjusted with both legs now on the bench, a leg on either side of his thigh. You’d never gotten off this way before, especially not sitting outside on a balcony while the world quieted around you.
“Tha’s it, finally listening to me,” he hummed, hands reaching under your dress to grip your hips firmly. Your own hands wrapped around his neck, gripping onto his hair.
Pressing your heat onto his leg, grinding and rolling onto him. Gasping as you moved back and forth over him, fingers tight in his hair and chest every so often pressing into his. He kept encouraging you, watching every movement and motion you were making on top of him.
“Is it good?” He mumbled, lips sucking between his teeth as he kept his eyes narrowed on the way your hips moved on top of him.
“Yes,” you sighed, finding that sweet spot that sent sparks trough your legs. “’M gonna get your thigh all wet.”
“Good,” fingertips digging into your skin, “want you to.”
Lips stuck between your teeth as you tried to stay quiet, small whimpers building through your throat while he aided you on top of him. “Go a bit’ rougher love, that’s it.”
Grinding tightly on top of him, rough fabric pulling at you in ways you thought it couldn’t. He dipped back down to your neck, biting and sucking at the sensitive skin as he whispered hot words of encouragements.
Winding yourself up as you got off, shivering as he moaned your name into your skin and begged you to cum. Messily rolling your hips as he sucked hotly on a particular spot under your jaw, tension in your stomach building and building until you couldn’t keep your lips tight together anymore.
“Cum f’me, wan’ you to,” Harry grunted into the air when he pulled away from you, eyes focused on the way your eyes shut and teeth pulled at your lip.
“Look so pretty right now, with the sky glowing behind you – fuck, wish I had my camera.”
A string of nearly incomprehensible words urging you on, wanting nothing more than to see you come undone on top of him.
“Harry! Feels so good I’m –”
His mouth met yours as you chased your high, hot open mouth catching your whines in a messy kiss. “Go on,” he spurred, “gimme a good one.”
Tugging at his hair tightly as you found your orgasm, thighs squeezing his as your mouth dropped open. Shuddering against him as your limbs numbed at the intensity, pushing your chest on his with a sharp arch in your back.
You hang off him as your try to even your breathing, his lips finding the top of your head with a series of chaste kisses. “Did so good,” he praises.
Lifting your head after a moment, kissing a line from his cheek to his mouth. Shakily moving a leg to the wooden floor, lifting yourself off of Harry and onto your feet. “You got a bed?”
“Fuckin’ – follow me.” Harry scrambled up behind you, shutting the glass doors that led to the balcony to keep out the flying bugs and the cool night air. He led you through the studio, watching with heavy eyelids as you undid the small buttons that went from the top to the bottom on the front of your dress.
Kneeling on the mattress in front of him, you watched as he tugged his shirt over his head, standing at the foot of the bed in front of you. Immediately reaching a hand to his bare chest, fingertips lightly trancing over the tattoos on his skin until they reached the band of his jeans.
He visibly swallowed as you narrowed your eyes on your fingers, tugging his belt loose and reaching for the zipper.
“Darling,” his voice was clipped, watching your every move. Pulling his jeans past his hips along with his briefs, head tilting further down as your hand wrapped around his length.
He was hard, seemingly painfully so. Especially after your lips pressed to his skin with wandering hands, and especially after you got off on him with his name falling from your lips. Your grasp light, thumb moving over his tip to collect the drops of precum between your fingers, smoothing your palm around him. Inhaling sharply through his teeth, with a tight lipped ‘fuck’ being muttered under his breath.
“’s pretty,” you silently wondered how far back he’d reach in your mouth.
He leaned into your touch, teeth worrying over his bottom lip with a quick exhale. “I – I’m already worked up,” his voice was deep, pulling your attention to his face.
He slowly blinked, shaky breath as you let go of your grasp around his cock. His own hands came down sliding around your back, helping you out of your flimsy bralette. “Let’s get you out of this.”
Eyes falling over your newly exposed skin, as you shifted further back on the bed. He came down on top of you in a blink of an eye, tongue licking into your mouth deeply as you eased you down under him.
His hands were everywhere, cradling your head, massaging your breasts, digging into to your thigh. You accepted him on top of you, feeling his length laying heavy on your thigh as he rutted against you. Lips moving down, seemingly also wanting to lick and suck on every inch of your skin.
“How do you want to –” you didn’t finish your sentence, as Harry’s fingers tugged down your thin underwear, last piece of clothing tossed aside.
“Could have you any way love,” he quickly spoke, propping himself up on an arm to lift himself a bit. “Want you under me though. Want you close.”
Whining at his words, wordlessly begging him to hurry. He suddenly leaned over you, arm reaching aside as he dug through the drawer next to the bed. In a moment he was up on his knees, rolling a condom down his length, and the next he was back on top of you.
“Want you deep,” moaning into his mouth as you felt his cock rest heavy against your thigh, legs spreading as you hooked a leg around his waist.
Shifting his hips, he rubbed himself through your folds, collecting your wetness on his cock. Lips parting as he pushed himself in with a grunt, slowly easing his way in with a pressured stretch.
“Bleedin’ – y’feel amazing,” his voice was quick, eyes squeezed shut as you wrapped around him. “Good?”
“Yes,” you whined, pushing your hips up to meet his. “S’full.”
One hand wrapping under your knee to pull your leg up higher, lips pressed in quick kisses from the corner of your mouth down to your jaw. He slowly moved his hips, pushing deeply into you. Your own hands were tight around him, palms digging into the skin of his back.
He continued with languid thrusts, slow but tough. “S’ this good? You want more?”
“Please,” you whimpered, back arching and head pushing into the pillows as you ached for more. Your hands were wound in his hair, fingertips scratching into his scalp.
“Who would’ve thought,” a smirk lined his lips, though his voice was strained as he started a slow pace thrusting into you. “Suddenly listening to every word I say.”
“Fuck,” you couldn’t conjure up any kind of remark, as he finally pushed into you with force, one hand gripping tightly onto your hip, his fingertips sure to leave marks on your skin.
He was everywhere: his lips on your shoulder, hand flat around your hip, and he was deep.
Keeping a somewhat steady pace, lifting himself slightly over you when he dipped his head down and watched where the two of you connected. “S’pretty cunt,” he moaned, head hovering over yours before his lips slotted over yours in a sloppy kiss.
He pressed inside of you in every right way, the feeling of your second orgasm of the night already building. Tugging at his skin with one hand as you pushed yourself against him, other hand reaching to grip his hand that was currently massaging your chest.
Pulling his hand up, his pace faltered a bit as you pushed his thumb into your mouth. Lips enclosing around it, tongue licking and sucking on the digit. He watched you, eyes narrowed on your mouth.
Releasing it with a breath, his eyes flicked between his hand and your face. Understanding your intention, arm quickly snaking in the space between the two of you until his thumb was on your clit.
“Harry,” you shuddered under him, the sensation in the put of your stomach built. Clenching around him, his lips moved to your neck again with a grunt. “Love m’name on your lips.”
Shifting your hips again, widening your legs around him as you felt him even deeper. The overwhelming sensation of Harry filling all of your senses. “Can’t – please tell me your close, darling.”
“So close,” whimpering under him, “please.” You don’t know what you were begging for, you just needed something, anything.
Fingers gripping you tight as his thumb pressed onto your clit, thrusts getting sloppier but hitting just right inside of you. You had your own hands weaved around his neck, nails digging into his skin as you pushed you head back into the pillow.
“Harry,” you reached you peak, thighs squeezing him tight and chest pushing into his as your back arched. “Tha’s it,” he moaned your name against your skin, easing you through your orgasm. Grip on him tight as you bit your lip so hard you were sure it could bleed, you writhed under his grasp as the high died down.
“I can’t – so good,” his voice was nearly incomprehensible, lips muffled and words nonsensical. Clenching around him, he couldn’t hold back anymore after the way you came around him. He gripped you tightly with a couple final thrusts, calling your name and for god as he came into the condom.
“You’re unbelievable,” he muttered, remaining pressed on top of you as he tried to regain his breath. Your hand moving through his hair, pushing it off his forehead as he kissed you once more before lifting himself off of you.
You stayed still, already feeling a colder without his body heat over top of you. Rolling your head to face with him with a grin, he returned the smile before quickly rising to a seated position on the mattress.
Getting up and going to discard of the condom, he suddenly disappeared from your view completely. “Where –”
Before you could ask, he reappeared with his 35mm in hand, coming over to kneel above you. “Stay still,” he mumbled as you moved to prop yourself up on your elbow, taking a moment to process what he was doing. “’S just your face I promise.”
Nodding with a breathless laugh, pushing one hand over your hair knowing that you surely didn’t look your best.
“Told you to stay still,” he hummed, as you gazed up at him. Inched the lens closer to you, hearing the click of the film a second later as he took a picture.
“Bet I look completely fucked out.”
“You do look completely fucked out.” He laughed, placing his camera next to you as he moved back to sit on the bed.
“Almost done with this roll, want to get this developed as soon as possible.”
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delos-mio · 3 years
Out Of The Woods - college!AU - PART 3
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A/N: I’m partial to this chapter, but perhaps that’s just me. I’ve not gotten a lot of feedback on this series sooooo idk if I’m just sharing it for me at this point lol but I’m having fun and that’s what matters, right?! Anyways I’m always around for thoughts, feelings, questions!
Only an essay, a few chapters of reading, and a couple shifts at work separated you from your hang out with Nikolai. You found yourself wondering what he was up to, what made him smile that day, what he’d look like on top of you now. That last one tended to linger a minute before you violently shook it from your head. You hardly knew each other anymore, not to mention you had a boyfriend- you couldn’t let yourself start to fantasize about him like that. But he was so sweet and gentle, so sassy and smart. It didn’t hurt that he was still painfully handsome either.
You were sitting at work, more or less twiddling your thumbs, when you felt a buzzing against the white countertop of the receptionist desk you sat behind. When you looked at the screen, an unknown number appeared. You unlocked your phone and opened your texts. Seeing the first line preview made your heart leap into your throat immediately.
N: Hey it’s Nik. Just thought you should have my number too :)
Y: Hey there you glad you didn’t lose that paper
N: I could never! What are you up to?
Y: Just at work, pretty slow today so I’m kinda bored
N: Hopefully I can keep you a little company. Where do you work?
Y: John Richard Salon- it’s that one downtown across from that hot dog place
N: Oh yeah! Seen it a million times. Do you do hair? Is that a secret talent of yours?
Y: God no lol I’d be horrible at it. I don’t have the dexterity for it. I’m just their receptionist
N: “Just” please I’m sure you’re their best employee
You stopped to roll your eyes, but also couldn’t stop the heat from rising on your cheeks.
N: Do you like it?
Y: It’s pretty good for a low responsibility job- it pays the bills too so I’m not complaining
N: That always helps
Your name had been called from off to your side, making your head snap up and you locked eyes with Deja, who was easily your favorite coworker. “And just what has you smiling like an idiot? Hm?” she asked with a smirk and leaned across the counter from you.
“Remember that guy I was telling you about from the party?”
“Oh yeah, the one you fucked in high school?” she teased.
You let out a long sigh. “Well, he just texted me. We’re supposed to hang out on Friday,” you said confidently, raising your chin in her direction to show her there was nothing of consequence going on between you and Nikolai.
“Hang out. Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Deja looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you could only respond with a look of your own.
“Oh my god, shut up,” you laughed. “Seriously. We haven’t hung out in years and it’s nice to have someone to hang out with who knows me. And wants to hang out with me,” you added under your breath.
“Don’t tell me Matt is back on his bullshit…”
You simply raised your thumb and index finger just slightly apart, squinting at the space between them.
As you were catching her up on the last week, John walked over and flipped over the open sign, locking the glass door in front of him. You took that as your sign to help clean up so you could get out of there as soon as possible. The girls all pitched in, sweeping up the few stray clumps of hair on the old wooden floor and wiped down all the counters for the morning.
While you were on the bus for the short ride back to your apartment, you suddenly remembered the conversation you were having with Nikolai before you closed up shop. You cursed under your breath and pulled out your phone again, quickly thumbing a message back.
Y: Sorry! I got caught up closing
N: No sorry needed, you were at work after all
Y: lol I suppose that’s true. They don’t pay me to sit around and look pretty
N: They should
Y: Oh god lol stop
N: Have I told you that I’m really looking forward to Friday?
Y: No but I’m looking forward to it too
You had since made it home and crawled into bed, happy to finally be off your feet and talking to the boy who disarmed you with a single smile. For the next few hours, the two of you texted back and forth, mostly about classes and work, but you couldn’t stop yourself from occasionally flirting with Nikolai. You really needed to work on actively not doing that, but you allowed yourself one last evening of toying with him. When the clock rolled over to 1am, the lids of your eyes were beginning to grow heavy and a long yawn escaped from your lips.
Y: I think I’m going to fall asleep on you I’m sorry
N: Holy shit I didn’t realize it was so late
N: I should get to bed too. I have a presentation in the morning
Y: Don’t let me keep you up!
N: But darling that’s all I want ;)
N: Sweet dreams- I’ll see you Friday
Y: Goodnight Nik
Friday finally came and you were nervous as you fixed your hair one last time in the wide bathroom mirror. You opted for tight jeans, a pretty low cut tank, and a zip up hoodie. There was no way you were going to just hang out at his house looking like you were ready for the club, but you still wanted to remind Nikolai that you were cute. Genya had already left for the night, so you weren’t able to have a second set of eyes give your outfit the final approval; you could really use the reassurance right about now. As you casually boosted your chest one more time, there was a light knock at the front door. You opened it to Nikolai in a skin-tight tee for your school and a light canvas jacket. His hair was perfectly disheveled and his jeans clung tight to his thick thighs. You caught him giving you a long onceover before giving you a wide smile.
“You look amazing,” he breathed out, pulling you in for a tight embrace. You let your hands wander over his broad back, exploring the pull of his muscles under his jacket.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you smirked as you pulled apart. You locked up behind you and let Nikolai walk you downstairs and out to his car.
“Pizza?” he asked, one hand low on your back, the other gesturing vaguely you assumed in the direction of the car.
“I thought you’d never ask,” you smiled from ear to ear. Immediately, you could see the tension leave Nikolai’s shoulders. As you stepped foot into the parking lot, the sky decided it was the perfect time to open up and unleashed a sheet of rain unlike any you’d had so far this fall. You yelped as it began to pour, throwing your hood over your head. Nikolai acted quickly and threw off his jacket, holding it high above your head to keep you dry as you both splashed quickly to his car. This gesture made your heart swell; you were starting to think Nikolai may be a real lift knight in shining armor. He opened your door and made sure you were out of the rain before joining you and whipping his soaked coat in the backseat. You were both laughing at the situation and he was visibly relieved that you took the whole hiccup in stride. “Let’s get fucking dry ,” you laughed and he needed no further request to set off in the direction of his apartment.
Nikolai actually didn’t live too far from you, you realized when he pulled up across the street from the brown duplex. It was still raining when you parked and you again sprinted to the front porch in a desperate attempt to stay a little dry. When you got close to the door, you realized that it was a lot louder inside than you thought it would be. Nikolai must have noticed too because his jaw immediately set, irritation flashing behind his hazel eyes.
“Fucking Aleks,” he muttered under his breath before pushing the door open. A large party was taking place, unbeknownst to Nikolai. There were people passing in front of them, a lively game of beer pong in process, and more than one person going through their cupboards. Nikolai gestured for you to head inside and he slammed the door shut behind him. “Do you mind waiting here for just one second? I have to talk to Aleks quick,” he asked quietly into your ear, his hand resting on the side of your face. You nodded and he gave you a small smile before setting off for the kitchen. Aleks was laughing against the fridge with a couple other guys, barely registering it when Nikolai was standing in front of him, arms crossed tight over his chest.
“Dude! I thought you said you were going to the baseball house!” Nikolai scolded.
“Nikolai! I’m so glad you’re here, man. No, we decided to have people over here instead. We’re always at the baseball house,” Aleks smiled, giving Nikolai a friendly punch to his shoulder; Nikolai didn’t budge an inch.
“I kinda had plans here tonight, remember?” he said through gritted teeth, giving a small nod back towards where you stood. Aleks’s face dropped as it all came back to him.
“I am so sorry man, I totally forgot.”
“Obviously,” Nikolai scoffed.
“I mean it. It slipped my mind. I’m really sorry dude.” It was hard for Nikolai to stay mad at Aleks for long, if at all. You saw Aleks give Nikolai a long hug, evidently sorting out whatever disagreement they just had. Nikolai made his way back to you, a little less high strung.
“C’mon,” he said and took your hand, leading you around the corner to a short hallway. He led you into a room and quietly shut the door behind you. The first thing that struck you was all of the maps and works in progress strewn across his desk and hanging on the walls. You walked around in awe and marveled at Nikolai’s decor. He had numerous prints of classic paintings and frescoes, almost all of them related to myths or historical events.
“Nikolai, this is amazing! It’s so,” your head was spinning as you looked at all of his art, “it’s incredible.” You turned back to him and he was right behind you, an amused smile pulling at his lips.
“I’m so sorry. I thought we’d be able to come and spend some time together without 80 other people.” He looked genuinely upset that he couldn’t follow through with his plan of having dinner and talking all night on the couch.
“Hey, it’s ok. We can still hang out. Why don’t we make an appearance, play a game of beer pong or whatever, and then we can watch a movie in here or something?” you offered. Nikolai’s face lifted a little at that and he lightly squeezed your hand, nodding his head in agreement. “I gotta get out of this hoodie, though. It’s fucking soaking,” you laughed.
You shed the wet garment and hung it carefully on the back of one of the chairs near you. Nikolai had changed out of his wet shirt as well; he must have moved in the blink of an eye because you didn’t even notice him switch clothes. When you looked at him again, his gaze was fixed on you, his expression hard to read. “What is it?” you finally asked with a nervous laugh as punctuation.
“You’re so pretty,” he said with a small smile. You looked down at yourself- your hair was a complete rat's nest, shirt and jeans soaked through, and though you hadn’t looked in a mirror you could feel your makeup was a mess too. And here he was, arguably the most handsome man you’d ever met, lost for words as you stood in front of him. You bit down on your bottom lip and shook your head before taking him by the hand and leading him back into the party.
Nikolai grabbed each of you a drink and you wandered together to the beer pong table where Aleks was taking his last shot with his partner. Aleks grinned when he saw the two of you walk up and declared he was playing you next after he ‘kicked their ass’. He sunk the last shot and whooped loudly, high-fiving with his partner. Nikolai took his place on the opposite end of the table with you and re-racked the cups.
“Sorry I’m about to embarrass you in front of your date, Nik,” Aleks smirked arrogantly. Nikolai only bounced the light ball against the table top, catching it swiftly on the back of his long fingers. He repeated the trick, unbothered by Aleks and his shit talking, also not correcting him that you were not in fact on a date.
“We’ll just see about that,” he laughed as his first shot sank directly into the front cup. You giggled with him and took a shot of your own, somehow making another shot. You’d played a few times before, but you didn’t consider yourself skilled by any means- certainly not as skilled as these boys. Nikolai was so proud of you, he threw his arm over your shoulder and pulled you into his side. “Good luck, man.”
Aleks was frustrated as his winning streak began to slip through his fingers. Nikolai was clearly the better player, which was making Aleks crazy, though he had also had about five more drinks than Nikolai. You only made one more shot after your beginner’s luck, but Nikolai didn’t mind at all. He happily carried your team and took care of the remaining cups, always encouraging you when you made a lousy toss. Before long, Nikolai was flicking his wrists high over his head like he was making a free throw and sinking the winning shot. The small crowd around the table cheered and Aleks grumpily crossed his arms. Nikolai gathered you in his arms and lifted you easily off the ground, spinning you with him as you celebrated your very first beer pong victory, all thanks to Nikolai.
“Better luck next time!” you taunted sarcastically and Aleks finally gave you a small smile. The next team in line took your spot and you slid back into the crowd undetected and back to Nikolai’s room. “I didn’t know you were good at every sport,” you teased before taking a seat on the edge of his bed.
“Is beer pong really a sport?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. He walked over to stand in front of you and ran his hand over your finally drying hair. “Movie time?”
“Yes,” you replied simply, possibly a little too quickly. Nikolai smiled at you before walking over to his bed. He pulled back the covers and crawled onto his side of the bed, patting the spot next to him, inviting you in. He had chosen some movie to put on evidently, but you truthfully didn’t notice what. You flicked off the lights and jumped in next to him with a smile. Nikolai laid out on his back and you curled up comfortably on his chest.
“I had a really good time tonight, rain storm and surprise party and all,” he said, his voice low in your ear.
“Me too,” you said with a smile, still distracted by the art on his walls. “What inspired your decor choices?”
Nikolai turned his head to look at the picture of the Minotaur over his desk. “As you know, I’m a history major,” he started. “My concentration is in classical studies, specifically the Hellenistic period.” He rolled his neck to face you again. “That’s actually my favorite myth.”
“You know, for being a creative writing major, my Greek mythology is a little rusty,” you prompted, leveling your most charming smile at Nikolai.
“Would you like me to regale you with the tale?” he asked with a dramatic flourish.
“I’m all ears, Mr. Lantsov,” you laughed, positioning yourself so you could rest your chin on your hands laying on his chest and gaze up at him.
“Alright. So, Minos had just become the ruler of the island of Crete, but was still in competition with his brother for power. He prayed to Poseidon to send him a sign of the god’s favor- a bright white bull. Minos was tasked to sacrifice the bull to honor Poseidon, but he was so enamored with the bull that he decided to keep him, believing Poseidon would accept an alternate sacrifice.” Nikolai absently petted your hair.
“But he didn’t?”
“He did not,” Nikolai laughed. “As punishment, Poseidon made Minos’ wife, Pasipahae, fall in love with the bull.”
“Such a Greek god thing to do.” You smiled up at him.
“Isn’t it?” Nikolai beamed back. “Pasiphae had the master craftsman Daedalus create a hollow, wooden cow for her to climb in so she could mate with the bull. And thus, the Minotaur was created. Pasiphae did her best to nurse and raise the Minotaur as a babe, but he grew too fast and became unruly. Minos consulted the oracle at Delphi on what to do, and as a result commissioned Daedalus to construct a gigantic labyrinth to house the Minotaur under the palace in Knossos.”
“Years go by, and one of Minos’ sons is killed by the Athenians, who I guess were jealous of a string of recent victories by the king. From here, there are a few versions on why Athens begins sending youths as tribute, but the most common is that Minos waged and won a war to avenge the death of his son. As the losers, Minos required the Athenians to send seven youths and seven maidens to be sent every seventh year to cast into the labyrinth to be consumed by the Minotaur.”
“The third sacrifice came around and the hero Theseus,” Nikolai started, contempt clear in his voice, “volunteered to go as a sacrifice to Crete to slay the Minotaur. He told his father, Aegeus, that he would put up a white sail when he came back home if he was successful, but would have the crew put up black sails if he was killed by the Minotaur. Once he was in Crete, Minos' daughter Ariadne fell head over heels for Theseus and helped him navigate the labyrinth. In most versions of the story, she gave him a ball of string so he could retrace his steps and a sword to slay the beast. Story goes that he killed the Minotaur and led the Athenians out of the labyrinth, sailing away with them and Ariadne away from Crete.”
“I’m gathering that you’re not a Theseus fan,” you said, eyes still trained on Nikolai’s face. “Why?”
“A number of reasons.” Nikolai paused, clearly deciding on how much he wanted to nerd out. “One being that on the way back to Athens, Theseus abandoned Ariadne on the island of Naxos. He forgot, however, to put up the white sail like he told his father he would. Aegeus saw the black-sailed ship approach and threw himself into the sea, presuming Theseus was dead. But doing so just secured the throne for Theseus. The other being that he murdered the Minotaur.”
“But didn’t the Minotaur kill a bunch of kids?”
“Or was he fed children after being abandoned by his mother, unaware of any other way to live? I don’t subscribe to the idea that the Minotaur is a monster. There’s also quite a bit of evidence that suggests Ariadne saw him as a brother, having to make the impossible choice of her ‘abomination’ of a brother and a man who had convinced her he was in love with her.” Nikolai spoke with such passion and knowledge that it made your stomach tighten. This was a Nikolai not many got to see, a Nikolai you wanted to hold and kiss and laugh with. Fuck, you were in so far over your head.
He’d never been more attractive to you than in that moment. The light from the TV dancing on his perfect cheekbones, his hazel eyes dark as he spoke. “I don’t know. I have a soft spot for him. I feel like the Minotaur got a raw deal.”
“Well, you’ve made me a believer,” you smiled and the way Nickolai beamed back at you made the heat rise in your chest.
“You should stay here tonight.”
“Nik,” you sighed, rolling off him. “You know I can’t do that.” He had no idea how badly you wanted to just scream out ‘yes’.
“I know, I know,” he conceded, staring straight up at the ceiling. “Really wish you could, though.”
“Is that a promise?” he asked with an arched eyebrow.
“I’m not the oracle at Delphi,” you said over your shoulder, making him snort. “I can’t tell the future.”
TAGGED: @agentsofsheilds
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girlmaster132 · 3 years
(Yan)Childe x Reader: Remember Me?
This is like my first in this app please bare with me lmao.
Rated: Mature Words: 3.1k Warning: Kidnapping, Name Calling, Bullying.
Second-Person POV:
You wince as you pick up the burnt food on the ground. You accidentally poured in too much oil and you threw the fish away. This was a simple Grilled-Tiger Fish yet you can't even do it. How clumsy are you? You picked up the failed meal and threw it in the trash. You sigh as you shook your head and went to the table to eat one of the fruits on the table.
    You moved to the window and opened it. The sun shined bright, the sounds of people enticing customers to their stalls can be heard up to your house. Liyue Harbor is such a calm and relaxing place. Well, as long as you don't evade tax that is.
    It's been years since you've lived in Liyue, in contrast to most people here who have a specialty in cooking. You only ever bought food here. You took a bite into the apple and got ready for the day.
    You leave your house and walk down the stairs. Opening the door you're met with the friendly people of Liyue.
    "Goodmorning Y/N off to work?" You turn around and see Ganyu walking towards you.
    "Yes Ms. Ganyu, it's the last day before a week's break. I decided to get there earlier so I can get all my work done. I hate going on the weekends. Also, it's rare to see you out of your workplace, what brings you here?" You say. Ganyu giggles and pats you on the back.
    "Well, I have some important business to do. Don't waste time and off to work you go! Can't miss any seconds, time is gold!"
    You smile at Ganyu and continue your stroll to the outskirts of Liyue. You pass children playing with their kites, tag, and some even roleplayed as the Millelith. The vendors yell as they advertise their product in any way they can. You reached the bridge and continued your way to the statue of the seven.
    You bow down to the statue of Rex Lapis. He was such a different god from the previous one you had. Reaching the building of your office, you fixed your clothing and walked proudly. Opening the door and walking, Something felt off. There would usually be people welcoming you inside. The room should have open lights and a warm temperature. Instead, the building was dark, and it's eerily quiet. You sharply inhale.
    "Guys? Where are you?" You shouted as you searched each room you pass through. Was it a holiday and you accidentally went to work? But Ganyu would've told you earlier.
    The moment you arrived at the secluded area, you felt a hand with a handkerchief pressed over your mouth. You look back and attempt to punch them. Your heart beats rapidly and you squirm. More men appear and one of them punches you hard in the stomach. You fall to your knees as they hold you down and suffocate you. Black spots forming in your eyes as the world around you is rapidly fading quickly.
    "Is this one of the people on the list?"
    "Yeah, he's the last one." The man says.
    You try to struggle one last time as you close your eyes and drift to sleep. You squirm, punch, do anything. You struggle.
    And struggle, and struggle.
    And for the last time, you—
    You were being held down by Alek. He has always done this to you for as long as you can remember. Your face smeared across the snowy floor. It was cold and freezing, why is your life like this?
    "Y/N! I thought you wanted to be in the military!" He laughed, "Is it because your father is so poor he'd sacrifice you anytime to get money!"
    You sob and try to push yourself up, but Alek steps at your back. Leo, your other tormentor kicks you in the face, "How about your mom? Is she selling herself again to earn money? What a whore!"
    "My... Mom's not a whore..." You whimpered as the two boys made fun of you more. Blood trickles down your nose, you have a black eye and a broken self-esteem.
    "Hey!" A familiar voice shouted. He aimed his arrow and shot it right beside you threatening the two other kids. Your eyes light up and you see your best friend Ajax. He slides down the snow hill and directs the bow at the two boys. "Let him go! Or I will shoot."
    The two boys stare at Ajax. "And who might you be? We haven't met you before."
    "Someone that will kick your ass and make you fear my name." The two looked at each other and laughed. They glance back at you and Leo picks you up. Ajax glare would be enough to kill these two. Without warning rushes at them. He raises his fist and punches Alek right in the nose. Leo drops you roughly into the ground and before he could do anything, Ajax swings his bow at him and uppercuts him in the jaw.
    Your eyes light up as you watch Ajax beating them up a bit too hard. He strikes them with his bow without mercy. "Don't you fucking dare, return to this village. You got me!"
    "Ajax..." You call out, he stops and faces you. "I think they had enough." He shoves Leo into a tree and approaches you. The two boys ran away with fear. He crouches and touches your face.
    "Ajax, thanks for saving me again." You breathe out. He hugs you and lifts you. "Hey! This is embarrassing!" You hide your face and he bursts out laughing.
    "You can barely even stand, don't get shy of a friend helping you out." He carries you and runs you back to his place. The wind was a gentle breeze you blush slightly as he passes through the village. He sits you on the porch and opens the door.
    "Wait, is anyone home? I might disturb them,"
    "Nonsense!" He pulls you into a room and opens the lights. "Stay here, I'll get something for that black eye and a broken nose." He rushes into a room. You hum and wait, he returns with an entire medkit.
    "You don't have to, that's a waste of supplies. I thought you were just going to give me a cold compress—"
    "Here have some of this, your nose is bleeding," He ignores your complaints and brings you a cloth. "Now for that eye," He takes out a cold compress and gives it to your other hand. You apply it to your eye as you wipe your face off the blood. He happily sits beside you.
    "I wish I can be like you, strong, powerful, and brave. Do you ever wish to be part of the military?"
    "Nah, I don't think I'll ever join the military soon. I like to fight but you're more fit for that."
    "You're just wasting your time, thanks for being my sparring partner and the person that always saves me but..." You trail off.
    "But what?"
    "I'm someone you can leave behind. I'm the one getting prepared to become a soldier but I can't even fight those two. You don't even get training yet you're better than me. I bet you're just doing this because you don't want to hurt my feelings."
    "Y/N don't think about that!" Ajax smiles, "I enjoy your company! Even if you win or lose as long as you learn with me I am fine with that!" your face heats up and you look down at the floor.
    "That's sweet of you to say..." You whisper.
    His demeanor changes, "Y/N I've always wanted to tell you something, I've—"
    The door opens, "Y/N I knew you'd be here. Your father is calling you, he orders you to go home now," He walks towards you, "Yeesh, what happened to you kid?"
    "Oh just Alek and Leo doing their thing again... Your son saved me again sir! He's such a nice friend," You compliment. "I'm sorry I used some of your medical supplies."
    "It's okay boy, I don't mind. No hurry, your father needs you."
    "See you Ajax and thank you so much for helping me!" You bow down and run outside, waving goodbye.
You walk through the snow and trees. You arrive home and see a carriage and a ton of boxes everywhere. "What's this all about?"
    "We're leaving, pack your things before afternoon." You stand there in shock. Leaving? To where?
    "W-what! Father, why do we have to leave again? Where are we even going? Aren't we fine? You say if I trained and got in the military we'd be safe. W-why?" You stuttered. Looking at your father who's hastily fixing the bags. He grabs your shoulders.
    "Liyue, we have the biggest chance of surviving there. We can't pay off our debt anymore, they'd kill us!" He yells at your face, making you shake in fear.
    "B-but where's mom? And Ajax— I still haven't said my goodbyes to him." He grabs your hand and pulls you roughly.
    "Your mom won't be returning any time soon, we have to hurry. And as for Ajax, I told him about the two of us leaving for Liyue. You're not good enough, look at you. Whenever you get back here you get beaten up by such a useless piece of shit. There's no time so get your goddamn stuff and let's leave this hell hole!" He pushes you and his words echoed through your mind. You wipe a tear threatening to fall down your face.
    You pack all your clothes and whatever you can hoard in a box. You throw it in the carriage and your father commands you to get in. You are sad, at the sudden change.
    "Hey! Wait up!" Ajax shouts. You see him out of breath, his eyes full of worry.
    "It's best if you don't follow us..." You say. Your eyelids get heavy and hide your face. You look back once more to see Ajax chasing you with full speed. Your father grunts and whips the horse to go faster. You watch as he fails to match the speed.
    "Wait, Y/N! Don't leave me please!"
    And that was the last you've heard of your best friend.
The room is silent and uncanny. You squirm around and freedom has no avail. Your eyes are covered and your hands are tied. You start to panic and hyperventilate.
    "Looks like the last one woke up," you hear a voice.
    "Are these the hostages?"
    "Yes, we're just waiting for the boss to return," says the other. Footsteps were circling the room. You feel like you're about to vomit. Your insides churn at the fact that you're kidnapped by other people in the room.
    "This one seems to be eager for a beating!" The agent jokes. The blindfold tightly wrapped around your face stops you from absorbing info about the matter. Your hair gets roughly pulled and you gasp. They laugh at your attempt to escape from them. You hear the door creak open.
    "Well hello there, you did a great job you two, now would you mind if you avoid touching the hostages?"
    "Yes sir!" And with that, the two men drop you down. The newcomer arrives and clears his throat.
    "All of you calm down. We're waiting for your greedy scum of a boss to pick you up from here in about an hour. There are 6 people in here, If he arrives early and pays, we'll set you free. If he doesn't," You hear him chuckle. "Every 10 minutes wasted I will pick one of you and make sure none of you get out of here without a broken bone or two. So hopefully he responds and gives the money he owes us. Just hope this boss of yours is kind."
    Time ticks the sounds of your co-workers begging for freedom gets hushed by threats and punches.
    10 minutes had passed.
    "Looks like one of you is lucky," You hear a loud slap and a person groan. You witness your co-worker get beaten up. You flinch every time he begs for mercy. You hid in the corner of the room, hoping to dear god your boss would arrive now. You didn't even know nor want to do anything about this debt they were talking about. With one last punch, you hear a thud, ending one's suffering.
    You try to calm yourself down but you can't stop it. You huff and puff loudly, sweating bullets, stomach-churning, dying from the anticipation. All of these give all the attention to you.
    Another 10 minutes passed, it didn't even feel like it. Time was ticking too fast you've lost all hope of getting out of here.
    "Sheesh, that old geezer really does not care about you folks does he? Now, who should the lucky winner be?" His steps got louder and you know he's going to hurt you. He grabs your hair and pulls your blindfold and throws it. He raises his fist ready to strike. "Now you little-"
    "Ajax? Is that you?" You asked, blinking to clear the light. He's taller and has a Fatui mask on his face. He still looks as handsome as you remember. He halts and stammers.
    "H-how do you know about that? Are you one of Liyue's spies? Or are you an eavesdropper that knows too much?" He studies you before saying, "Keep an eye on the other 5, I have to deal with this one." You gulp as he harshly tugs your arm. He drags you into the room beside and throws you into the wall. Your heart sinks, whatever happened to your best friend? You feel the tears swell up in your eyes as sadness overtakes you.
    "A-ajax don't you remember me?"
    "As far as I can remember, I don't know anyone that's part of an organization that borrowed money from us. I only know your boss, and his subordinates are going to get a good beating if he doesn't arrive with the money."
    You stare at his eyes, it's devoid of the sparkling light of hope and kindness. It's empty and dark, soulless and heartless. You gulp and a tear escapes out of your eye.
    "I'm a coward..."
    "Save the tears and sad story for later. I'll get back to you after your boss returns." He rolls his eyes and scoffs. He stands up and he quickly walks to the door.
    "I'M A COWARD THAT LEFT THE MILITARY AND YOU ALONE!" You shout as you reach your hand up to him. "I was never fit to become a soldier! And I made you suffer!" You sat down and tears streamed down your face.
    Childe stops walking and looks back at you. His eyes widened and his mouth agape.
    "Y/N? How're you— alive? My father told me you were taken away and you... died...."
    "W-what? My father said that he informed you about the two of us leaving Snezhnaya to hide in Liyue. We couldn't pay off our debt, and mom never returned the same day you rescued me from those two asshats."
    His eyes softened like every memory of you two together came crashing to him. A small smile appeared on his face as he approached you slowly. Each step he takes, you take one back.
    "I'm sorry I- just hurt me..." His hand reaches for your face and he looks directly into your eyes. He leans in and you feel his soft lips touch with yours. The moment was bliss, you close your eyes and hold onto him. You breathe in sharply as he pulls out. He wipes away your tears and lets out a laugh.
    "I can't believe you're alive Y/N. I missed you, and you aren't a coward," he says. Your stomach somersaults and you hug him. "Now, let's get to it." You look up to him and then A sudden sharp pain surges and paralyzes you. A knife digs into your abdomen. You widen your eyes and more tears stream down your face.
    "A-Ajax?" You whimper and your body numbs. Your legs weaken and Childe catches you. He chuckles as he runs his hand through your hair. You cough out blood and he whispers into your ear.
     "Shh... it will be okay. Y/N just relax, you'll be fine with me. Just sleep, we'll talk in a bit."
You flutter your eyes. Everything was so blurry, your body is ready to fall apart from exhaustion. The pain of your best friend betraying you loomed and haunted your thoughts. You sluggishly move and the pain shoots through your stomach. You wince and attempt to cover it. You realize something is attached to your wrists. You move your hand and hear the clanks of chains. You dart in that direction and see that both of them were chained in the wall. The room is pitch black.
    Your heart races and you panic. You struggle but your efforts are futile. Something heavy was weighing you down. You look down to your feet to see chains shackled on your ankles.
    Your breathing gets erratic, and adrenaline rushes through you. The sounds of footsteps came near and you waited for the danger. The door loudly opens and you see Childe enter.
    "You're finally awake! Took you long enough, I know you don't like to keep friends waiting," He exclaims while crouching down to your level.
    "Where am I? Ajax why the fuck am I chained?"
    "You'll never be able to leave me anymore. We're going to be together just like before! Aren't you excited! We have so much to catch up to, after you left I thought you died! So I chased after you and fell to the abyss—"
    "Abyss?! Is that why you've cracked your head and went mad!" His grin widens and he giggles.
    "You've always been funny Y/N I've loved your jokes. The abyss was such a fun place. I always thought that if you weren't in this world anymore, you'd be there! But foolish little ol' me remembered you are an angel, they don't fall into the abyss. They fly up into the sky," He rambles with a twisted smile on his face. You raise your brow, scared for dear life.
    "This isn't right Ajax! Y-you fell into the abyss?! What happened to you! Why are you doing this to me? Let me go!" You yell. His face drops and he laughs maniacally. He comes closer and rubs your shoulders. His hand runs down to your chest. He licks his lips and stares at your eyes, piercing through your soul.
    "We're going to have some fun."
Author's Note: I swear to God idk what I just wrote ;-;
If you enjoy whatever the hell I wrote you can follow me on WP too! 
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sirenprincess15 · 3 years
Please Don't Leave Me Chapter 9
Title: Please Don’t Leave Me
Author: SirenPrincess
Description: What if Aleksander hadn’t answered the door when Ivan interrupted the war room kissing? What if Aleksander and Alina had a bit more time to get to know each other before Baghra told her his true identity? Alina is the only one who can comfort Aleksander through his nightmares. Will she leave once she knows who he is?
This story is based on the show version and features a soft on the inside, hard on the outside Aleksander with an emphasis on emotional hurt/comfort and angst. If you are looking for lots of hurt!Aleksander thoughts, then this story is for you. Mal exists but pretty much solely to cause Aleksander some angst. Don’t worry. It will be a Darklina ending.
Chapter 1 is a missing scene at the end of Ep 4, and Chapter 2 takes place alongside Ep 5 and then diverges from canon there.
Pairings: Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, bits of Ivan/Fedyor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Grisha are oppressed in this universe, and I don’t shy away from showing the horrors of that. There may eventually be mentions of canon-typical torture (Fjerdan pyres), death of family members, and cruelty to Grisha children. It’s not the focus, but that backdrop is definitely there and comes up as characters discuss their past.
In this chapter: After centuries of being alone, Aleksander struggles to share his problems.
Chapter 9
Aleksander was busy working in his office. The roaring fire warmed him as he poured over ship manifests and army documentation on this Dmitry. If they could find who Dmitry traveled with, who was likely to be loyal to him, then perhaps they could identify any threats before they even came to the Little Palace.
When Inessa and Fedyor delivered Alina, Aleksander rushed to her side. “Thank you,” he said, dismissing them. He pulled her into his arms, rested his chin on top of her head, and deeply inhaled the scent of her. She was safe. “How was your day?”
“Boring. Fedyor and Inessa wouldn’t even let me go outside, not even for training. I’m never going to get stronger if I don’t train.”
“It’s just a precaution.”
“A precaution for what?”
He ignored her. She didn’t need the stress of knowing how anxious their enemies were to kill her. “I thought we’d take dinner in here tonight, if that’s okay with you.” His emotions were a mess. As haunted as he had been since Marie’s death, it was even worse now that the continued active threat was confirmed. He was relieved to be with her because he could see she was safe, but he was also still deeply ashamed of his panic attack from the nightmare the night before. He feared she would bring it up. He couldn’t talk about it. Eating in the main hall would stop her from doing so, but he was worried about security and didn’t want her with a large crowd. Her food would be easier to poison there, even with her taster. Truthfully, though, Aleksander wasn’t sure he had it in him to perform the intimidating General Kirigan act tonight, and he wanted her nearby for safety. Then he worried about what would happen when it was time for sleep. He had unleashed shadows last night, and they could have hurt her. He would never be able to forgive himself if he harmed her. That morning he had decided they’d have to sleep apart, but that was before he’d known of this new threat, of spies sneaking into the palace to check her routines. There was no way to know if the man he’d killed had been the first or the last. He couldn’t risk letting her sleep without someone strong guarding over her, and she’d never agree to let someone like Ivan stand over her bed. She had to stay here. Selfishly, he was grateful to have the excuse to keep her in his bed.
“Of course.” Her expression begged him to answer her previous question, but he didn’t. He well remembered what it was like to be afraid everywhere you went at all times. He could protect her from that.
“I do have quite a bit of work to complete, though. I’m afraid I’ll be quite busy. I did take the liberty of having Genya select some books from the library for you.”
She raised an eyebrow, as if signaling to him that she saw right through his attempts to distract her, but all she said was, “That was kind of you.”
He sat back at his desk and tried to focus on the lists in front of him. Something wasn’t adding up. Dmitry would appear on a ship crossing into West Ravka, but not on a return, and then somehow a time later be on a manifest for a ship crossing the wrong way. How was that possible? Was he missing manifests or was Dmitry paying someone off to keep his name off the lists?
Alina stepped behind him and started rubbing his shoulders. “Alek, you’re so tense. The stress coming off you is nearly unbearable. What happened today?”
“It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
She sighed. “Are we really going to do this thing tonight?”
He lifted his eyes to take in the annoyed look on her face. “Thing?”
“You know, where you pretend to be the oh so busy and important General Kirigan who uses his sense of authority to push people away? And then acts like he couldn’t possibly have any feelings or needs of his own? He’s fine. Everything is fine. He doesn’t need any help.”
He hadn’t even realized he was doing it, but she had. “Accurate,” he admitted.
“I’m going to let you in on a secret. The act doesn’t work with girls who have shared your bed.”
He laughed. Only she could call him on his behavior like this without irritating him. Only she could make him smile when he was otherwise so miserable. “I can assure you it worked fine on girls who have shared my bed. Apparently, it doesn’t work on the one girl I have let into my heart.”
“You’ve let me into your heart? So … let me help you.”
“Alina, it’s not that simple …”
“You can’t bear this burden alone, Aleksander. I won’t let you. Whatever is happening, it is crushing you. If not me, then get Ivan in here and talk to him. ”
“You want me to summon Ivan in here? This must be serious.”
“He is a good friend to you, and I know you trust him. I just want you to let someone help. You are not alone. This,” she said, putting her hand over the papers, “is not yours alone to figure out. Stop trying to solve everything with no support.”
“I’m not … used to having support.”
She nodded, took his hand, and squeezed it. “I know. I’m not really either. We’ve learned to do things alone, to hide pain and keep it to ourselves, but I know that problems are better solved together. Together, Aleksander. Stop trying to protect me from scary truths. Fedyor scanned every room we went into before he’d let me enter. I’m not stupid, Aleksander. If I can handle you cutting a Druskelle in half on top of me, I can handle whatever is threatening us now. Stop trying to push me away when it comes to important things. Let me help.”
He sighed. She was frightened already; she might as well know the truth. “Zoya caught a man trying to break in today. I have her guarding the palace exterior since she can’t seem to behave herself around you. He is working for Zlatan and was sent to spy on you. They’re making a plan for a better attempt on your life.”
Her shoulders slumped and her gaze fell to the floor as she took that in. “Hunted wherever I go. Still not used to that.”
He stood and wrapped his arms around her. “I will not let them succeed. I promise you that you will come to no harm.”
She looked into his eyes, stared there for a while, then found her strength. “Tell me about the papers.”
He quickly filled her in on what he had discovered about Dmitry and the mystery of the paperwork. It did actually feel good to have someone to discuss his findings with and not keep the thoughts spinning in his head. He talked through all of his ideas, no matter if they led nowhere. She indulged him and asked appropriate questions at all the right times. Finally, he arrived out loud at the stuck place he was in his head. He had so many theories, but how did he figure out if any of them were right?
She was quiet as she turned from page to page. Dinner arrived, and they ate in silence as they continued to try to find a pattern among the papers--the same captain, the same record keeper, accomplices that might travel with him. All ideas led nowhere, but they continued to look.
Hours later, Alina stood and walked into the war room.
“Alina?” He trailed after her. She was staring at the map. After a long time, he prompted her. “What is it?”
“I’m sure it’s stupid.” She shook her head and hugged herself.
He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t like it when you put yourself down like that. That’s not you. Those are words from your past.”
She shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Hmm, well then, let’s hear it. I’m frustrated. Maybe if it’s really stupid we can have a good laugh about it.”
“I used to stare at the map and dream of finding a way around. I was told there is no around, but … is there? Any secret path or …”
Aleksander felt his stomach twist as the implications became clear. “There are reports of Fjerdans in West Ravka, rumors that Zlatan is aligning with them, letting Druseklle ...” A vision of Nina being tortured popped into his head. He had to fight his jaw from trembling so she couldn’t see how upset this made him. “There is an around if you’re in bed with the enemy. He’s going through Fjerda.”
She gasped as it came together in her head. “He sends his emissary to Fjerda with messages, who then gets a free pass into our country to deliver orders to his spies, but then he needs the quick return across to do it again. How long would it take to travel through Fjerda? Check the dates. Do they match?”
“Fjerdans. It’s worse than I thought.” He could feel the Fjerdan fires licking at his skin.
They spent another hour pouring over records and checking their theory. Finally, Alina yawned. “We should get some sleep.”
He wanted to tell her to go on ahead, but he didn’t want her sleeping in a room away from him. He almost offered to just watch over her, but he feared he would accidentally fall asleep and end up as he had the night before. His chest tightened with worry as he considered possibilities, none of which were acceptable.
“I tell you to come to bed, and that sense of dread is what I get? I might think you don’t want to …” she tried to lightly tease.
“You know why,” he whispered, still not wanting to talk about it.
“Which is all the more reason to get you to sleep soon. Your nightmares are worse the longer you try to keep yourself awake. Have you noticed?”
He sighed. “This morning I was trying to work myself up to telling you that it’s not safe to sleep with me anymore, but now with this information on this potential attack, it’s not safe to sleep away from me either.”
“Don’t you dare do that to me!”
“What?” To her?
“Don’t you realize what you do for me? For years I cried myself to sleep every night, Aleksander. For years! I used to lie there and wonder what was wrong with me that no one could want me, how it was possible for me to not belong anywhere. I slept with a weapon under my pillow to fend off anyone who might come to hurt me. And now I sleep in your arms. Desired. Loved. Don’t you dare take that away from me.”
His heart ached for her. Was it possible she needed him as much as he needed her? “I hadn’t realized …”
“No matter how bad our nightmares get, we stay together. You make sure I can sleep, and I will do the same for you. Just promise to wake me up tonight. You can’t get yourself overtired like that again.”
“And you will wake me if the shadows start again?”
“I promise. Right away.”
“Okay,” he agreed, feeling less selfish about allowing it if it benefited her too. It was better than the alternative of some spy finding her room in the night or her lying awake with a knife under her pillow wondering if someone was coming to kill her. He would have to take care of himself more for her--get an adequate amount of sleep, actually stop and eat meals instead of working through every waking hour, maybe even share some of his stresses with her. He would do those things if it meant he could be there to protect her.
“Now,” she said, kissing him gently. “What do I have to do to get you out of that kefta so I can kiss away all those battle scars?”
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theladysherlock · 3 years
Dalek Week 2021: Day 7
"Full reverse," The captain said. "Get us away from that tower."
"We've lost the Clanker engines, sir," one of the officers said. 
The captain nodded. "The motivator engines won't be far behind. Let us hope the Leviathan understands what we're trying to do before we are unable to propel her at all."
Deryn felt the hairs on her arm stand on end. Everything felt alive with electricity, just waiting for something to release it. If a bolt leapt from Goliath to the ship, they'd all be done for. She tried very hard not to think about fire tearing its way through the airbeast, igniting the hydrogen and all those aboard.
For a moment, Deryn's hand started to burn, as though she had placed it palm-first on a stovetop. She yanked her hand away from the railing, briefly wondering if the sheer amount of electricity in the air had also superheated the metal. 
Then her entire body seized. Burning fire coursed through her whole body, running from her right hand all the way down to her feet. Her muscles clenched tight and for long, agonizing seconds she couldn't even breathe. Something was squeezing the life out of her as she stood, her heart and lungs seized by whatever fire shot through her. 
Suddenly it stopped. Deryn doubled over, finally able to cry out in pain, clutching her burned hand to her chest and feeling her own racing heartbeat once more.
This wasn't her pain. This was Alek's. Their link had never been this visceral before. A new fear coursed through her, one that rose above the potential for a fiery end. 
Alek was dying.  
Everyone on the bridge was staring at her, stunned into silence. "Are you quite alright, Mr. Sharp?" Dr. Barlow finally asked. 
She swallowed hard, unable to slow her breathing. All she could do was nod. Deryn tried to straighten herself and stand tall, but the muscles in her back were tensed up from stress and the recent convulsions. She frantically tried to look out the windows of the bridge to catch whatever glimpses of the compound as she could, but the Leviathan was slipping further and further away. 
"Perhaps I should take young Dylan here to get some air," Dr. Barlow said. 
"No!" She cried, desperate not to leave the bridge. "No, no, I can stay, I'm alright-"
Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Dr. Barlow gently but firmly pushed her out of the bridge into the hallway, all the way to the middies' mess. She tried to fight it, but her knee burned angrily from all the exercise this morning and offered little physical resistance.
Deryn's chest felt tight and her breathing was increasingly shallow. "Dr. Barlow, please, I need to know what's going on down there, you don't understand-"
"I think I understand plenty," the lady boffin said, her voice softer than she'd heard it in months. "You and Alek are Linked, aren't you?"
"I think so? He doesn't- it hasn't ever been like this- he got barking shot, and it wasn't- only a dull ache-" Deryn grabbed both of Dr. Barlow's hands with enough force to make the lady boffin wince. "Something terrible happened, I need to save him-"
"Please breathe, Mr. Sharp. What did you feel?"
Deryn took a deep, shuddering breath. "Like... like some horrible giant fist squeezed my heart and my lungs. And I couldn't move, just- just this fire scorching through my body-" she swallowed hard. "If they've killed him-"
Dr. Barlow shook her head. "The good news, however little of it we may have, is that your Aleksandar is still alive," she said. "Research shows that a severed Link makes the surviving member feel numb for twenty-four hours. So as long as you feel his pain, or any pain at all, we know there's still hope."
Deryn could barely pay attention. She had to save him. "Please let me back onto the bridge, ma'am, I have to-"
"Unfortunately, given the current state of the ship, your Link to Aleksandar is giving us more information than anything we could observe on the bridge."
"But the Germans-" Sharp, stabbing pain cut into her palms and she winced, sucking in air to bite back the sensation. She let go of Dr. Barlow to try and shake the pain away. 
"What is it this time?" Dr. Barlow asked, her voice gentle. 
"Hands," she said. "He grabbed something. It's cutting into his hands." She stared at her own, expecting to see blood trickling out of her phantom wounds. 
"We can't do anything for now," Dr. Barlow said. "We have to trust that he can handle himself."
Deryn shook her head. "But-"
A massive peal of thunder rang out, shaking the gondola of the ship so hard she thought for a horrifying moment it might break off. 
"What in blazes was that?" Had they been hit? Deryn scrambled for the nearest window, pressing her face against the glass. The Leviathan's glow was gone, the electrical energy having been expended elsewhere. The water walker sat at the edge of the compound, smoldering, the surrounding trees and scrub on the shore alight with flame. The lights in the control room remained out.
"It appears the danger, at least for now, has subsided," Dr. Barlow said. 
Deryn sank to the floor and buried her head in her knees, momentarily overwhelmed by emotions. Alek was alive. The ship was okay. They weren't all going to die in a fiery wreck. 
She felt a phantom pressure around her shoulders, the feeling of someone hugging her just a little too tight.
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