#whatever shall i doooo
laugbergine · 6 months
I have read guidestuck
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I like them bunches :)))
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hoppinkiss · 2 years
[dramatically drapes myself over my stuffed animals] it seems I'm having trouble winding down for bed, if only I had a strong, handsome, and very fluffy archer to hold me until I fall asleep 😔
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yearning-gay · 24 days
plans for tomorrow got cancelled so i think i will put on panties and prepare to lounge around the house like a slut of some kind
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Working hands
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lepetitfruit · 1 year
Trust me, you need these in your life
And by the way, the first one is just so you get the full picture (his personality, the way he hits on ethan, the way he just generally talks, and his showy ness, etc)
What a fantastic voice!!!! The "Oh, you're not local! Even better" Goes so hard. The SWAGGER. And you were right I 100% needed that in my life tyyyyy
Am I... going to have to get resident evil. Because that seems to be the direction I'm headed lmao
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hemeruni · 4 months
Anyways I’m going to be gone for the next
Eleven days or so
So not a lot of art will be posted between now and then, oopsie daisy whatever shall I doooo
Anyways here’s the one piece of art that I’m posting throughout this whole thing
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I love this fox dearly. He’s my son and you will respect him /silly
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I just think the whole Home Alone type thing is fun. Like “Oh noooo you’ve invaded my home whatever shall I doooo }:) psych.” Full-out guerilla warfare tactics. Maybe the bad guys have superior forces and firepower, but the good guys know that if you get that one doorknob wet the jerry-rigged electric wiring system will give you a, well, maybe not technically lethal shock, but it’s not gonna be pleasant. “Oh nooo our Star Trek ship has been boarded by hostile forces,” the entire engineering department has been fantasizing about this day since they were kids, you’ve got gleeful combatants popping up out of the air vents. “Alas and alack, our castle has fallen to the foe,” turns out the servants know all of the back ways and aren’t particularly interested in switching employers. It’s just fun!
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gallade-x-treme · 1 year
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"uwaaaah!~ oh no, i'm running late for school (featuring toast) & now i bumped into the hot new kid next door, whatever shall i doooo--"
"u good 🅱️"
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spectator-zee · 28 days
hehheheh. Hellloooo Orion and Asha. We meet once more 😈
Anywaysssss, jokes aside...
*★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。
What is Magnifico and Amaya going to be like in your story?
2. Why is Orion helping Asha? Did she wish on him?
3. What's her owl's name? (I saw you mention something about an owl sooooooo)
5. Some Orion backstory dump??
6. What does Asha think about Orion? Same with him?
7. Does Asha have any friends, or is she alone?
8. Does Asha know magic?
9. How do Maggy and Amaya treat Asha? Is it good? Is it bad??
10. Stupid and random ass question, butttt how would Hiccup and Orion get along (that is, if you like the movies/show). If you dunno, then how would he get along with Nimona or Jack Frost?
11. What inspirations did you take and put into your au?
12. Does Amaya know magic too? Or is she an Alchemist? Same goes with Asha. Does she know Magic as well, or no?
13. Nicknames. What would Asha and Orion nickname each other?
14. Why does Mag take wishes? Is Amaya on his side?
15. Ahh I see what you did there, but imma ask it anyway:
Is Charo (if it is their name) a lynx or just a house cat? Do him and Asha's owl get along, or does Charo just want to eat him?
16. Oh no! Cannon Asha appears in Asha's room! WHatever shall she doooo????
17. If you don't know the name for your au, thats okay. I'm just wondering what your AU is named :3
18. Ah shit. How would Orion feel around this certain Mickey Mouse?
19. Is there gonna be songs in your AU? Or no?
20. Design inspirations you got from designing Asha and Orion!
21. Do you have the Maggy and Amaya designs, or are you still exploring that?
22. Wait what if they both visit Eden in Sky Children of the Light? What would they do (yes ik im asking stupid questions I just wanna have some fun with it yk???).
23. Is Orion seen as a monster (rawr rawr rawr) by the people of Rosas? By Asha? By Magnifico? Or no??
24. This is gonna hurt your soul, but....
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25. There is no 25. I ran out of questions to ask uhhhh.....
Odesseus verses Magnifico. Who would win?
Okok, I think I'm done.
Hope you enjoyed these questions 😈
Anyways, gooodnighttttt Rosas
1.) What is Magnifico and Amaya going to be like in your story?
I mean, I have an IDEA on how I want them to be like, but for some reason, I don't know how to put it to words.
But they're definitely this AU's main antagonists.
2.) Why is Orion helping Asha? Did she wish on him?
They both have the same goal of taking down the royal couple, Orion mainly wants to prevent them from shooting down and capturing stars and turning them into [redacted]. Asha wants to retrieve the wishes that Magnifico has collected from the citizens of Rosas and return it back to them and help them achieve their dreams without relying on magic to make it come true.
Well, That's their main motivations at least. (unless i change my mind and change their main motivations or something-)
3.) What's her owl's name? (I saw you mention something about an owl sooooooo)
Chará. It means Joy in Greek! Asha named her that because Chará always brings her joy whenever she feels down.
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This cutie patootie right here :3
4.) Some Orion backstory dump??
I'll tell you some things that happened there instead :)
His first wishmaker died
He manifested an ability to tell when someone is lying after someone deceived him and it led to people getting hurt and maybe killed
He abandons his first name due to the events that happened there, feeling like he doesn't deserve it
He harbors hate for Magnifico and Amaya due to events that happened there
5.) What does Asha think about Orion? Same with him?
They were totally not entirely trusting of each other at first. Especially Orion, with Asha being the Royal couple's ward he was waiting for the other shoe drop and for her to reveal that she was working for Magnifico the whole time and now he's gonna end up as the rest of them-
Asha, while sort of cautious of Orion at first, definitely noticed that he acts like he's not bothered by the fact that she's the royal couple's ward but she knows that Orion always casts suspicious glances towards her whenever he thinks that she wouldn't notice.
She tries her best to not make him uncomfortable because of that, and Orion notices and secretly appreciates it.
After some misunderstandings, getting to know each other and some near death experiences they'd have some sort of ride or die relationship with each other.
6.) Does Asha have any friends, or is she alone?
She only had Chará as her friend after finding her injured and tended to her until she got better, she pleaded for Amaya to let her keep the owl and Amaya reluctantly agreed, as long as Asha takes full responsibility for the owl herself.
As the story goes on though she eventually befriends Flazino first (due to some Orion shenanigans and then Flazino almost getting kidnapped and Orion kidnaps him before he gets kidnapped) and then eventually working their way to befriending the seven teens due to Flazino being acquaintances with them.
I actually have some of Flazino's interactions with Asha and Orion written in my notes here:
Flazino tied in a chair, Eugene style: What the- where am I?!
Orion: You have been kidnapped for your own protection! Your boss is evil by the way.
Flazino: No shit- WHAT?!
Asha in the background with a pleased expression: I'm so glad they're getting along!
Asha: Flazino, do you know where Orion is?
Flazino: Who?
Asha: You know...
Asha: My partner in stopping crimes?
Asha: The Star?
Asha: He kidnapped you once.
Flazino: Hmm, sounds familiar
Asha: He pranked you yesterday by turning all your clothes pink
Flazino massaging his temples: Ah yes, my favorite headache
7.) Does Asha know magic?
She does, but she struggles with it. Magnifico is often disappointed with her for not being able to keep up with him.
Magnifico just has a natural talent for magic and he sucks at teaching other people so she shouldn't be upset. nope she beats herself for not being better
Her strength actually lies in potionmaking, she takes after Amaya more than Maggy. she was first (and still is) Amaya's apprentice in Alchemy before she is Magnifico's student in sorcery.
But it doesn't mean she didn't learn a few magic tricks though.
8.) How do Maggy and Amaya treat Asha? Is it good? Is it bad??
Maggy isn't really fond of Asha. He took her on as his student due to Amaya's request as she wants Asha to have some experience with it. But Asha can't keep up with him in sorcery as he has a natural talent with magic and she...just doesn't. He looks down on her for it as a result.
Well, at least she's useful when it comes to castle duties like managing the palace budget and overseeing trade. (Hey idk what a princesses's job is inside a castle, do they just sit around inside or...?)
Amaya took on Asha as her little apprentice when the girl was young, she saw the kid wander inside her study and create a potion without blowing something up on the first attempt and figured she has potential and it might be good to have a little helper. Asha's mother, the royal seamstress Sakina, saw no harm in it and allowed Asha to be Amaya's helper.
And cue Asha's parents dying
So when those two died, Amaya adopted Asha as the child had no other relatives, at least from what Asha remembers. Asha would drown herself in her duties to force herself to forget and not think about the loss of her parents, isolating herself from the outside world.
Amaya does care for Asha, but if there comes a time that she would have to choose between Magnifico and Asha...well...
Let's just say there will be heartbreak.
9.) Stupid and random ass question, butttt how would Hiccup and Orion get along (that is, if you like the movies/show). If you dunno, then how would he get along with Nimona or Jack Frost?
Orion being amazed with his sword Inferno, and suggests that he should also get himself a long ranged weapon too, like a crossbow with fire arrows! >:D
(Oh boy once he find out that Hiccup has a shield that can turn into a crossbow he's gonna beg Hiccup to make him one)
It pains me to say that i haven't watched Nimona...YET. But Orion would probably have a shapeshifting battle with them or something
Orion would beg Jack Frost to teach him ice magic cause it looks so cool! Moving frost bunnies!! It looks so cute!! And he's more attuned to fire so he has a hard time doing ice magic
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Couldn't find a GIF :(
10.) What inspirations did you take and put into your au?
A bunch of Webtoons I've recently read for Inspirations for clothing designs and kingdom stuff.
Epic the Musical
The concept arts for Wish
And Animes!
11.) Does Amaya know magic too? Or is she an Alchemist? Same goes with Asha. Does she know Magic as well, or no?
She's mostly an Alchemist, maybe she knows some magic too but she's not as good as Magnifico. She does know how to use a blade though :D
12.) Nicknames. What would Asha and Orion nickname each other?
Asha's nicknames to Orion would be:
That damn mischief maker
Annoying furball
Polly :)
Orion's nicknames to Asha would be:
Your highness
Miss Stabby
My lady
ASHAAA!!! ❤️❤️❤️ :D
There could be more in the future who knows
13.) Why does Mag take wishes? Is Amaya on his side?
Yep he still does, When he became king, he made a rule that when they come of age, every citizen of Rosas must give their wish to him if they want to live there. His reasons is that its to prevent the tragedy that happened to his father, the previous king and his brother, Prince Philip that involved a Star and a wish, it was said that the Star took the prince's life to consume his wish to become more powerful and the previous king died protecting the prince.
He actually uses Wishes to trick stars to coming into Rosas.
You see in my au, whenever someone on earth makes a wish, when a star hears it, it's like LITERAL MUSIC to their ears (that is, if they even have ears but you get the point). And there's a difference between a real person making a wish and Magnifico using a wish to trick stars. Fake wishes by Magnifico sounds a bit distorted and it's like there's some off keys about it, like hitting a wrong note when playing music on a piano. Younger stars are more prone to being tricked due to not being able the difference due to inexperience.
So Magnifico uses the wishes to trick stars to think that someone in Rosas is having a disney princess "i wish" moment and they go down there to assist the wishmaker in pursuing their wish.
But unfortunately for Maggy, a meddling star always intervenes whenever a star does get tricked and comes down to Rosas. The star that gets tricked gets dragged back to space by the meddling star and gets lectured for not listening to warnings. Magnifico also ends up getting burned and some of his belongings on fire because of this guy.
Yes Amaya is in on it, they're partners in crime :)
14.) Ahh I see what you did there, but imma ask it anyway: Is Charo (if it is their name) a lynx or just a house cat? Do him and Asha's owl get along, or does Charo just want to eat him?
Just an Aegean cat, though don't underestimate the little guy, Charo has probably clawed out a man's eyeball at some point.
Charo and Chará don't really like each other.
Whenever they're alone with each other they would often get into a fight. Lots of scratching and hissing and aggressive hooing.
Don't have your Starboys use magic to allow them to be able to talk, there would be lots of screaming and arguing and threats and the occasional profanity with those two. Orion is already traumatized.
15.) Oh no! Canon Asha appears in Asha's room! WHatever shall she doooo????
She'd wonder if Magnifico cloned her or something. Honestly, why is she not surprised she should've expected that he would get rid of her one day. Then she'd try to find a way to send her back where she came from.
16.) If you don't know the name for your au, that's okay. I'm just wondering what your AU is named :3
At first i named it Shoot for the Stars, but Flicker recently pointed out that it sounds a bit too similar to their Reach for the Stars AU and it might cause confusion, but they suggested the title Shooting Stars instead. Which is a wonderful name and so it's called Shooting Stars now!
The title (whether its the old or new one) references Starboy's name having a relation to archery, how my au Magnifico literally tries to shoot down stars, how my Starboy uses the archery skill he's known for to protect the stars that Magnifico is trying to shoot down and capture.
17.) Ah shit. How would Orion feel around this certain Mickey Mouse?
He sure hopes that Charo and Chará won't catch wind of his existence, they'd fight over who gets to eat him.
18.) Is there gonna be songs in your AU? Or no?
Answered this is Rascal's ask!
19.) Design inspirations you got from designing Asha and Orion!
Lots of Medieval themed dresses for Asha, there was so much saved on my phone that it already has low storage D':
But i settled with a mix of these three outfits instead:
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To add onto the Rose theme i gave her a Rose choker.
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I also gave some Thorny vine designs that would be seen on her dress.
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The idea was to give her some sort of Thorny Rose vibe. It's not just her that has a thorny vine design on her, citizens under the Royal couple's rule has a thorny vines design on their attires. Anyone who opposes or has doubts or doesn't like the royal couple does NOT have this design, it would just be normal vines with leaves on it.
To finally finish off the Thorny Rose vibe of Asha, I (Magnifico actually) gave her a crown made of thorny vines that has a rose on the middle.
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Imagine this, but it's made of vines with thorns on it and a Rose on the middle.
For Orion, his outfit is a mix of Prince Florian and Prince Charming's outfit.
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Here's also some fun facts about his design!
There are three diamonds in his belt, it actually references the asterism called Orion's belt found in the Constellation Orion! (It's a silly little detail that i thought would be fun to share)
His main outfit colors consists of Dark colors (Blue and Black) to symbolize how he blends in the night sky, unnoticed so no one can wish on him. And some gold colors too but it doesn't really dominate his outfit.
Used a fur collar for a "Hunter" vibe (at least that's what my notes were telling me while i was looking through his old designs idk wth past me was talking about)
His outfit should not have too many layers, as it would hinder him using his Bow whenever he's trying to shoot something. But i still wanted to give some sort of princey vibe for reasons, and so his current design was born.
He can turn his cape intangible whenever he desires so it won't hinder him whenever he's trying to aim for something. But he can't turn it intangible for long periods of time.
He has a Star brooch on the middle of his fur collar thingy, it's default look is the one on the left. But whenever he uses magic it changes to the star on the right.
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20.) Do you have the Maggy and Amaya designs, or are you still exploring that?
Not yet, but i do already have ideas on what i should give them.
Maggy would have a collar like the Evil Queen, but a bit more smaller.
And with Amaya, I'm debating whether i should give her braided hair or short wavy hair
21.) Wait what if they both visit Eden in Sky Children of the Light? What would they do (yes ik im asking stupid questions I just wanna have some fun with it yk???)
Orion would protect Asha at all cost, and he would freak out A LOT when he discovers that they have to LITERALLY DIE to finish Eden.
Please man i don't think Orion would want another wishmaker dead-
22.) Is Orion seen as a monster (rawr rawr rawr) by the people of Rosas? By Asha? By Magnifico? Or no??
Asha is the only human that knows Orion exists in the early parts of the story.
Rosas though is scared of another Star named Apollo, it is told that the Star killed the previous King of Rosas and his younger son, Philip. (Which is Magnifico's dad and younger brother)
Magnifico doesn't know who tf this Orion guy is. He hates this star named Apollo though.
Orion only has one response to being compared to a mario fuzzy.
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He would eat it :)
(jk jk-)
Though he believes he's more fluffier compared to them.
24.) Odysseus versus Magnifico. Who would win?
Canon Magnifico got nothing on Odysseus 'i would trade the world to see my son and wife' of Ithaca.
I mean, have you seen him in the Thunder Saga? He's a Different Beast now-
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the-belle-siblings · 9 months
For 🗿
(Drops SCP-113 on his desk)
Oh noooo, it seems I have dropped the special anomalous piece of Jasper-like mineral that magically gives a perfect biological and physical sex change upon skin contact with iiiit! Whatever shall I doooo?
🗿*grabs it with my bare hands and rubs it on my face*
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xikyuu · 2 months
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oh yeagh this is us by the way. i funneled my thoughts like a rabid animal through a bendy straw and i came up with tgis
ur oc… and ur worldbuilding… have affected me greatly…….
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I wish I knew how to get more comfortable with my dynamics with my villain f/os and Sharing those dynamics. Because of irl trauma and disabilities I've always been a sucker for those super cheesy gothic romances? Those "I was swept off my feet by The Big Bad™ and now he -insert gasp- takes care of my every whim and I don't have to lift a finger as long as I stay with him forever? And he calls me pet and darling?? Oh whatever shall I doooo." (kiss him OBVIOUSLY? ma'am he's a vampire in a CASTLE) type of dramatics.
But I always feel. Idk ashamed? Like I shouldn't even fantasize about someone playing caretaker? Like I'm somehow idk bad disability or trauma representation despite being a real person? + I've always struggled with my words and I'm always a little worried it comes off as less "that's just Them" and more "uh this is a kink? ew?" and I'll make people uncomfortable without knowing.
(advice or handshaking similar situations is totally cool it's nice knowing I'm not the only one)
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oh no!! somebody stop me or i'll do an Izzy drawing with dog symbolism...! oh nooo... my totally original and never done before idea!! whatever shall i doooo...!
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mimicgender · 1 year
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@feathersfucksfluff Oh bless, another gorgeous person wants to bite me. Whatever shall I doooo?
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polarized-here · 11 months
POLAR you thought you could find my blog (@chronically-obsessed) and I wouldn't come shove this heart at you? 💖 whether or not you did, I'm here now, and have shoved that heart at you. Heheh >:D
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Ohhh noooo ive been found out,,, by such a cool person ooohhh dear me whatever shall i doooo *hand over head for dramatics* this totally wasn’t a trap at all, no sir e,,,, I’ve been found out,,, this is so devastating,,,
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sprite-periodt · 3 months
o noooo i just discovered a bungou stray dogs tickle fic. whatever shall I doooo,,,
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