lemonbreelnd · 6 months
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theladyyavilee · 5 months
I know we've talked about this season thematically being a bit of a s4 speed-rerun, but the more I think about it the more it feels so real (I mean it follows similar beats not even just for buddie, with the mid-season jee-birth/wedding parallel for madney and the juxtaposition of giving up nia/taking in mara for henren, and presumably Bobby's arc now having similar beats to the lead up to his and athena's fight at the end of s4 and Bobby in peril, as well as the bathena mud slide and bathena cruise ship parallel 👀😌) and I am just over here like 👀👀
with the way "this doesn't change a thing" felt similarly foreshadowy/famous last words as "the universe doesn't scream" and the way the will reveal invoked the Diaz parents and now we get actual Diaz parents and everything is pointing to Eddie (and/or Chris tbf) in serious peril, I kinda can't help but to expect the ghost of Shannon (in whatever way she appears, be it a lookalike or family member or hallucination/dream/memory) to give an equivalent to "make sure you are following YOUR heart, not christopher's" and I am sooooo 👀👀👀 over that possibility
(also man I keep coming back to remembering convos about the shooting scene and how hard it'll be to top that scene, but if any show could do it it'd be 911, and like buck in the room and the lightning strike and the kinkley kiss came close in feeling monumental as scenes, but had not quite this same feeling of every single frame and choice being a masterpiece and so full of intention, but they haven't done a scene quite like it since and now I can fucking TASTE the fucking potential for a scene that will be an equivalent and will top the shooting scene and IT IS SERIOUSLY HAUNTING MY EVERY WAKING THOUGHT)
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
I wanna start this post out by saying I'm saying this as a writer not a hater, but I'm legit obsessed with the way the show is not giving Buck and Tommy a fighting chance in a very similar way that they handled the Taylor of it all. Because, here's the thing, there's a narrative to be told and while I think Buck and Taylor were fundamentally too different to ever work, they are not real people with real agency so the show runners made a conscious choice of not giving Taylor a fighting chance, while they try to humanize Taylor during s4 and 5a, we never feel like she's the right person for Buck and I think it's mostly because she's never as intense about Buck as we know she can be about other things, and that's very interesting narratively considering the way Taylor is this multiseason love interest. Taylor could've been an interesting match for Buck if the show had made her actually love Buck, and make her use the multiple opportunities she had to be the type of partner Buck needed, but they chose not to let her do it and that led to whatever bucktaylor actually is, and considering how long Taylor was in Buck's life, I think that's fascinating. And I think they are taking a similar approach with Buck and Tommy and every time I see them interact I wonder where they are actually going. I have a few problems surrounding the consent of their first kiss, but all things considered that's a great scene, they are talking, and flirting, and Buck is all flustered, and it works, but it's all been downhill from there. They chose to make Tommy leave Buck on the curb and fail to communicate he was going to do it until Tommy was actually in the car leaving. They chose to make Tommy not wear something that would be on theme for the party even though the job requires them to change into a uniform, so as long as he didn't do something too elaborate he could've been on theme and make it a cute moment for the both of them. They chose to not let Tommy be at the actual wedding and while I understand why they made Buck walk around with his face covered in soot for the narrative, so that he could come out to everyone without actually having to come out, a great moment that could've been added to the show to add some softness to the relationship, would've been showing a shot of them smiling at each other while Tommy cleans Buck's face. There is a very cute scene of Tommy dragging Buck to the bathroom and cleaning his face for him in this cutesy moment of getting caught up in the new relationship bubble that would divert from giving the impression that the relationship is strictly physical that was right there and they didn't use. And they did that again with the ceremony, they could've been walking closer to each other, they could've been holding hands, Buck could've taken Tommy somewhere so they could have a moment, especially because their scene comes after moments of physical affection from other couples, madney dancing and henren clustered together with the kids, they even had Buck put his hand on his pocket even though both of their hands are right there and it legit reminded me of the way in 517 there the illusion that Buck is going to put his arm around Taylor but he just leans into the railing. There are so many things that are right there and they are not doing and that's fascinating. I am seriously fascinated by it. From a storytelling perspective, it is all so so so interesting to watch unfold. I'm curious to see where it goes next no joke.
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matan4il · 5 months
911 ep 706 first watch reactions
Buck and Eddie setting up the bachelor party are so funny. They're married to a degree that the bride and groom can only aspire to one day achieve. And Madney are raising a kid together! Then again, so are Buddie, and have been since day 2... (day 1 is forever Buck ogling Eddie at the station, and Eddie strutting his stuff for him, with Buck's now canonically jealou-traction being the, ummm, lubricant)
Oh, Tommy just arrived, Buck and him have done nothing but hug, and Eddie's already bringing on the jealousy jealou-traction. IDK what is the etiquette about bringing your date to a bachelor party, but what's the rule about bringing your hubby who's jealous of your bf?
Oh, and an extra jab at Buck bringing Tommy officially as his date to the wedding. I love me a jealous Eddie. My dude, your closet is shaking so hard, it's about to push you out of itself if you don't make the move already.
Okay, in all seriousness, Tommy not dressing like the 80's, Buck showing that he really cared about that silly party theme, Eddie rolling with it, the two of them being dressed more as a couple than the actual guys dating, Buddie seeing things so much in the same way (down to both seeing themselves as the same character from Miami Vice) while Buck and Tommy are totally out of sync... I love that Tommy is there to help Buck figure himself out, but also, this is the stuff that will forever keep me shipping Buddie.
I know the flashback is mainly to show that the bachelor party is Buck's idea, and goes against Chim's wishes, but Eddie suggests the couple costume? And Buck was so readily on board? Even when he knew Tommy would also be invited? This is my house catching fire, while I sit here, mumbling to myself how fine it all is...
Okay, everyone leaving the bachelor party, even the guy Buck is dating, while Eddie stays, sure is something. And by "something" I mean "a couple." That's a couple. That's Buck's partner in everything, even dumb ass 80's costumes and failed bachelor parties, he's the one who jumps in whatever stupid plan Buck comes up with, and stays to deal with the mess.
LOL And then we got some REAL mess. Again, dumb Buck idea, and Eddie just rolling with it. Making it worse even, by suggesting how to take the party (made up of people who don't even know the groom) to Chimney. These two deserve each other. XD
Buck was behind Eddie while his shirt was being torn? Presumably helping with the tearing? That's it, 911 does not want me to make it to the end of the season with my sanity intact. I guess it's good that I'm not even trying...
I'm glad there was a representation of Chim and Kevin, and a Korean tradition, I just hope it was a truthful one. (do we have Korean viewers in our midst to chime in on this?)
Maddie using her 911 skills to find and help Chim is pretty badass (and a nice gender reversal of the 'damsel in distress needing to be saved a sec before her wedding' tale). Love it!
Maddie and Chim looked so happy during their wedding. Honestly, at the end of the day, my little hopelessly romantic heart doesn't need more than that. <3
Awwww, the Buck and Tommy kiss was nice. I think the most important part of it is we got to see Buck for the first time daring to kiss another guy, rather than wait to be kissed. I may bbe a Buddie shipper, but I think this r/s is important to Buck as well, to his ability to find what he wants, to not be scared of it, to not wait for others to want him as was the case with all the women he'd dated, but rather figure out what he wants in a certain moment, and that it's okay for him to go get it.
(I still don't think Tommy is Buck's endgame, though. Much as his probably my fave Buck r/s so far other than Eddie. Tommy not being there for Buck when the bachelor party flunked, him not being there at the wedding itself, to share this significant moment with Buck, being almost incidental to Buck's coming out to his colleagues and parents, other than being a gay that was obviously kissed by Buck just a short while ago... Again, just not the stuff great love stories are made of)
Hen going, "Finally!" to Karen was funny and cute. Everyone (almost) just smiling at Buck's coming out was nice. But the way his mom reacted in particular felt more realistic, and made me wish that at least with his parents, who we know he has a strained r/s with, the should would have allowed this to be more explored. Hopefully in a future ep if not now.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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cap1412-assistant · 5 months
So... hear me out. (idk if someone already talked about this)
I've been thinking about that reel from the 911 ig account that said "5 Top thing to remember from season 6":
#5 Chris has his first crush
#4 Hen stays a firefighter
#3 Buck delivers his (sperm donor) baby
#2 Maddie proposes to Chimney
#1 Athena and Boby goes on a cruise
And we saw Chris on his Buck 1.0 phase (kid version), Hen still is at the 118 (I don't know if they are gonna do something more with that), Madney's wedding happend and, of course, we saw the 3 episode Cruise disaster (because it capsized)...
I know everyone hate the sperm donor arc but it happened and they said to remember.
So what if something happens to Connor and Kameron and Buck ends up being a father to his sperm donor baby?
I love Buddie as much as the next person and I'm here for Tommy as the love interest cause he's great and makes Buck happy (yeah, I can ship Buck with both of them and love both pairings) BUT what if an accidental baby is a deal breaker for Tommy. Maybe he doesn't want kids or he doesn't want to be lees of a firefighter to become a dad or whatever.
WHAT IF that is what separates them? (I will hope for Buddie to become a thing as much as I'm still waiting for Supernatural to come back and give Destiel a happy ending. I know. I'm hopeless)
I mean... maybe I'm making no sense and reading too much into that list. Maybe I'm delusional. But I feel like everyone forgot that baby and I want Buddie endgame but I don't want Tommy being a bad guy or dying or breaking up with Buck over something stupid or cheating on him. I still want his first boyfriend to leave a good mark on him, you know.
Any thoughts?
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lemotmo · 5 months
My 7X06 thoughts and observations
I watched 7x06 and these are my thought and observations as I was watching the episode.
Disclaimer: This episode is mainly about Madney, but there is quite some Buddie and Bucktommy stuff as well, since they were prominently featured. Because of that I have tagged this post ‘bucktommy’ and ‘buddie’. Now, I’m a Buddie shipper who is sure that Buddie will happen on the show. Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate Buck’s journey so far and I can definitely see Tommy’s importance in that journey. But I did watch this episode with Buddie in mind. So, if you don’t like that, don’t read. Also, please don’t hate on me in my ask or in the comments. I believe in ‘Ship and let ship’ and I respect people shipping different things than I do. Please show me the same respect by not being mean. Thank you.
1. The opening scene is so lovely. What a beautiful venue to get married in. I somehow suspect that they won’t get married there in the end. I love Maddie’s wedding dress. It really suits her character.
Got to love Hen giving Buck and Eddie the ‘what the f*ck’ look when they walk in. They look so rough.
‘Where is Chimney?’ Maddie’s face. Noooo!
YAY! Flashback!
2. Ah, the Buck, Eddie and Tommy scene at the bachelor’s party. I’ve already seen this seen before as a sneak peak.
I’m sorry, but yes… Eddie is a lot more bitchy towards Tommy here compared to episode 7x04. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that 7x04 was from Buck’s point of view? Just a thought.
I like how Eddie seems to be very accepting of Buck and Tommy dating. I know he said it wouldn’t change a thing, but in real life it sometimes does change things between friends and I’d hate for Eddie to be that guy. But he clearly isn’t.
So, whatever it is that causes Eddie to react a little passive-aggressively towards Tommy doesn’t have to do with them dating. He’s okay with that. Buck and Eddie have always just been Buck and Eddie. They’ve shared everything together by now. There’s this deep bond between them. That won’t change because his best friend is dating a guy.
I doubt that he himself knows why he does what he does when it comes to Buck. I’m convinced at this point that he has some very complicated emotions and feelings for Buck brewing underneath the surface, but he doesn’t really know what they mean
But the way he makes Buck think about the whole coming out at Madney’s wedding? *chef’s kiss*
As for Tommy. When he high fives Eddie it almost seems as if he is going for the ass-slap. That would have been very awkward in front of the guy you’re dating.
When Buck and Tommy hug, we can see Tommy give Buck an appreciatively once over. I mean… I can relate. Although Eddie is more to my taste, I have to admit. That pink suit does things to me.
I know that a lot of people are like: Tommy’s on call, he can’t wear anything 80’s. But he could have at least put in a little effort to do something. Maybe an 80’s clothing accent? Something small. It would have been so nice to do that for Buck. It’s only a detail, but it does stand out to me. This was a deliberate choice made by the writers. For what purpose? Not clear yet. But everything in TV-shows has a purpose. I’ve learned that over the years.
It's also interesting how they specifically had Tommy talking about henley’s and wearing one. A henley is definitely a typical Eddie thing as well. They keep comparing Tommy and Eddie. I’m not saying it has to mean anything, but it is very interesting from a narrative perspective.
I also love the way Tommy seems to experience the chaos that is Buck and Eddie for the first time. His head just swivels from right to left, not sure what to think. He also clearly picked up on some of that passive-aggressiveness Eddie was serving.
As for the direction’s choices in this scene? Again *chef’s kiss* The way they show Eddie in between Buck and Tommy? Ryan’s acting choices when delivering his lines? Yeah, something is brewing there. It’s small, but it’s there. It will all come back to the ‘My attention?’ line from 7x04 in the end. I can smell it.
3. Hen and Karen look gorgeous! And Ravi is there!!! Love Eddie’s side eye as Ravi eats a slider and Buck is angry at him.
What? Chimney didn’t want a party? Well, that explains a lot.
4. Oh my, Eddie is the one who suggests Crockett and Tubbs? And Buck’s little ‘absolutely!’ is sending me. He’s so happy.
Seriously though, why Crockett and Tubbs? They have been queer-coded ever since the 80’s. It does once again show how in tune Buck and Eddie are. They didn’t even have to discuss anything. Eddie knows Buck well enough to know he’ll love his suggestion and Buck trusts Eddie to be right in this. It’s beautiful.
5. Everyone is leaving the party? Seriously? Come one, Buck made the effort to organise all of it and you leave? And now Tommy has to leave for work too?
I love how they keep Eddie in the shot when everyone is leaving. He’s just sitting there, drinking and not budging. He’s determined to stay and Buck doesn’t question him staying for a second. He knows Eddie won’t leave.
6. Okay, the party is about to begin! Aaaah! This is so much fun! It’s cringe, but so much fun! The drinking, the way they are so in tune with each other, the hanging onto each other… I can’t. My poor Buddie heart won’t survive this.
No Eddie NOOOO! You can’t just force your way into that room! Wait, where is Chimney? Those people ripping off Eddie’s shirt is such a choice though. Interesting, very interesting.
Why is this scene so short? I wanted more of Buddie shenanigans!
7. Ah, the morning after. Another sneak peak that was released.
Well, that hotel room is completely ruined. Who is going to pay for that? I love that split second where Buck’s face is terrified that Eddie is dead or something.
Oh, did I spot a second of ‘Wow! Eddie’s naked chest. I shouldn't look at it.’ moment?
I repeat: Where is Chimney?
8. Maddie, my love! Oh, she seems so worried.
Oh, Chimney? What is going on? Does he have amnesia?
Nooooo, Chimney! Don’t trust this guy. I don’t trust this guy! What is going on? He is going to steal your car!!!
9. Oooh, Chimney flashback.
Nooo, Kevin. I’m crying now.
Something is going on with Chim. Please don’t give him a tumor or something! I would never forgive Tim for that.
He’s complaining about Buck wanting a bachelor’s party for him to the Lee’s.
10. What is going on???????? Oh, Maddie getting in action! You go girl!
Noooo, Doug?! Is he hallucinating? What is going on?
Illusion Doug needs to stop talking about Maddie like that! Asshole! Nooooo, don’t stab him!!!!
It’s not real! It’s not real! It’s not real!!!!!!
I love dispatch so much right now!
I want to reach into my screen and hug Chimney!
No Maddie no! Marrying you isn’t stressing him out! Thank you Hen for being the voice of reason!
He’s revisiting places he used to live. Interesting. It almost feels like another ‘Chimney begins.’
Go away Doug!
Go Athena! Go do your thing!
Hen is figuring things out! He’s forgotten 2 weeks of his life? Wow!
11. Ah, my two favourite idiots are back! 😊
There’s someone stuck in a vent. Ooooh, he sneezed in Chimney’s face. Bet he has a disease and Chimney caught it. That’s why he forgot everything. This guy thinks the girl is his fiancée, but she no longer is.
12. Buck and Eddie bringing clothes and food to Maddie. So cute.
Encephalites? Well well well!
Save Chimney now! Please!
Even when sick, he wants to help people. Chimney, how I love you!
13. Oh no, Buck… find him!!!! He needs help!!!!
Shut up Doug! Chimney, don’t listen to him. Go to Buck!
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up Doug!!!!
Yes baby, you’re supposed to be somewhere! Exactly!
Side note: The actor that plays Doug is legit scary as hell. It’s jarring, because he’s such a nice guy in real life and married to Jen as well. I love him.
No, don’t go to sleep!!!!!
Oh God, I’m crying so hard right now! Kevin!!! It’s Kevin! You tell hm Kevin! You tell him!!!
This is the best scene ever!!! I love this show!
Home, brother!!! Tears are legit streaming down my face right now.
14. He’s at the Lee’s. He’s safe.
Oh Maddie. I love you. Yes! He remembers!
Yes, Maddie. You always find your way back to each other!
15. OOOOOH, hospital wedding!
I like how the Buckley parents are making an effort for Maddie.
The Lee’s are amazing.
This wedding is making me feel all the emotions! Bobby is officiating? YES!
16. Tommy being all dirty, but still showing up to the wedding. I like that he made the effort for Chim and Buck.
Buck being high on love, walking right up to him and laying one on him. Good for him.
Look, I love that Buck has figured this out about himself and I love that he seems to be so happy at the moment. I even quite like Tommy. The real Tommy, not the one some people have made up out of thin air. He seems nice, but we know next to nothing about him. Right now all I know is that he definitely has a crush on Buck.
That being said though, I’m still not feeling the Bucktommy relationship. It’s all so… lackluster. No offence to the people who love them together and ship them together. I see where you’re coming from. I do. I just don’t personally feel it. I do appreciate that this is the path Buck is on right now, but I really don’t see it lasting very long.
Can’t help but notice that the line ‘And you did walk in the night. Slowly losing sight of the real thing’ plays in the background at the end of that kiss, while the shot changes to Christopher and Eddie eating cake (right at the moment when the singer sings: ‘the real thing’). Directional choices choices choices! I’m eyeing you 911!
Nooo! Not Buck coming out by looking all sooty after kissing Tommy! :D This is so typically Buck. He looks so happy! Hen is all like: It was about damn time! She knew!!!! Okay, if she has clocked him, she has to know there is something there with Eddie as well.
Ooooh, the Buckley parents don’t look all that happy. Don’t be bitches about this! I will throw hands if you two decide to be mean to Buck about him being bisexual. No, you know what? Maddie will take care of it for me. And then Eddie will weigh in as well. He’ll let loose all his bitchiness on you! Be aware!
17. Were Buck and Tommy a thing before my amnesia? :D I love how he just accepts it, no questions asked. Love that for Buck!
Why do they call me Chimney? Nooo, don’t cut the scene now! I want to know!
Conclusion: Oh man, what a ride this was. It was such a great episode, filled with great things. Madney is the best 911 couple I swear. I’m still on the Buddie train guys. After this episode even more than before. I can’t help it. Choices were made in this episode.
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laylawatermelon · 5 months
Side Eyes or Raised Eyebrows
Buddie: Marketing Tatic or Something Else?
Hello! Back on my big brain I cant sleep stuff.
I've been a Buddie fan for over a few months now (idk how time works) and have lived through the beautiful bi buck confirmation.
Now I do have some think pieces about queer representation in American media and in different countries (i literally spend all my time watching tv I'm a conessiur or sorts) and how they differ on impact/deal with issues etc.
What I woke up thinking about is something that's bugging me a bit about Oliver and his interviews.
If we're (both the ga and buddie fans) supposed to be convinced about this new relationship the writing and promotion MUST be changed.
Let me explain.
Tommy, Tevan whatever you want to call it is Buck's newest relationship.
It's a new relationship with a similar set up/feeling around it.
The only way I think Buddie can be override/mitigated is if they have a doctor love interest who consistently stays over the course of seasons who has their own backstory and storyline.
I'm starting to swing my eyes at ABC and their marketing team now.
Madney's wedding coming up and we barely saw either of them ( granted kudos on keeping this all under wraps y'all) and they've been hanging a shiny bell in front of us as distraction like a baby.
Look at the shiny buddie then BAM character death!
Tumblr media
Please don't take this serious, please don't take this serious, Tim! PLEASE don't take this serious.
But anyways, I have been thinking about Oliver and all of his recent press and just the way Busdie has been uttered and whipped around like a tennis ball.
He currently has a boyfriend but the way it's been discussed and portrayed has me a bit dazed.
I wanna be a bit objective (I'm asking the big questions here)
The main problem is the Buddie relationship and how it's portrayed/written and had continued to be this season.
If you compare the past seasons and how they've developed as let's face it a couple, because there's no way to deny it as they've been written to parallel in unverse and other show romantic heterosexual relationships.
They quite literally qualified for a queer platonic relationship (if you wanted to view it that way. I however have not. I say let the gays free!/j)
If they intended for it to be platonic let it BE platonic.
They shouldn't be doing an if, of the gender was swapped would it be romantic/ship coded?
They literally have that in the show already. Bobby and Chim, Bobby and Eddie, hell Chim and Eddie (do they even have solo scenes together???).
Bathena is a blatant parallel. The main one almost beat for beat is the orchard shooting and the hostage situation. (Pretty sure it's the same season I believe)
But those are just some examples of the show.
My main gripe is if it's not about buddie don't make it/lean to heavily into it as it can backfire.
I'm not gonna lie, bi buck episode was a bait and switch (beautifully done and still very infuriating all the same).
Oliver I gotta bone to pick with you (I really don't I'm side eyeing the network i know they approve questions).
He's also a Buddie warrior so I can't really fault him on how he talks about it it's been like 6 years he's had the same partner with the domestic (cough sexual tension cough) with.
So I don't really blame him tbh.
*Swings around and points fonger at marketing team*
It's all your fault.
I know the episode will feature Madney (duh it's their wedding episode and I'm ready to cry) but I'm pretty sure there could've been another way to advertise this occasion.
Use flyers (similar to the ones used to say that one of the dispatch crew was attending) to get fans buzzed about watching the show in a few weeks as though they're rsvp'ing, talk about past scenes, more interviews centering the couple and what they thought about the episode, a promotional photoshoot?
Photoshoot in a magazine with jlh and Ken would've been really cute. Madney fans would then be happy. (I'm included🙋🏾‍♀️ give the beautiful couple their photos i wanna see it😤 my little queer heart and eyes demands it)
Literally would've been the perfect time to pair up with some wedding magazine or something. Literally a million ways to go about it.
Madney in formal wedding clothes, then a dystopian kind of dress clothes to reflect the chaotic wedding ending.
Use a highlight reel.
Similar you are cordially invited to a 911 wedding -
Show madney karaoke, engagement ring being missing, proposal, hugs after hostage, this season cute date idea and excitement for the wedding then a simple where's chimney.
Then put the bachelor stuff then have him crawling.
Something as simple as that puts more of the focus on madney visually and marketing wise.
For the interviews they could've split it between Oliver talking about bisexuality and the other two talking about relationship and the high beats and low beats and how it felt to play.
How their relationship developed as costars and what the characters mean to them.
Split it down the middle so both fans are appeased.
I am a fan of all characters and this is really funny because I the first half of this one morning I woke up before the scene was even mentioned being cut but i was like there's a shift in something and it's not good🤣 as expected something went wrong)
Though I'm pretty sure the fans of both will be happy because Buddie are going to be the comic relief so they'll have a decent amount of time as the blockers so to say because we will know who's gonna kidnap Chimney. He only had one enemy??
But yeah this was a Tuesday thing I wrote and it's now very hilarious in hindsight and in the future.
Happy Madney day i guess!
This will be linked to Twitter cause whew...
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
Can I ask you to list a couple things you do like about the show? Or the actors? Or the characters? Or heck anything 911 related? Because it seems like you and your other anons don’t like anything to do with any aspect of it at all from the writers down to the smallest of storyline details 😅
which at that point is probably a good time to step back and stop engaging with it either temporarily or permanently since all it’s gonna do is continue to feed into the negativity your having over it since nothing seems to be bringing you joy about it.
can yall not read? like seriously can yall not read the words when i say “i am not goign to watch season 8 until something good happens”
i feel like a goddamn parrot on here when people like you keep coming into my inbox with this same fucking “maybe you should step back” thing like yeah that’s what i have been fucking saying????
im not going to stop interacting with my friends on here- that’s out of the question. i still love being involved in the fanfic community and i still love the first 5 seasons of the show, but im not going to lie and say that i have been pleased with the most recent installments. if you actually took the time to read my blog and what i talk about you would see that i adore eddie and his queer subtext. i adore buddie as a ship, probably to a crazy degree. i love henren, and bathena, and madney. josh russo is literally one if my favorite canonically queer characters on tv.
i adore this cast with the exception of the talentless nepo baby half the fandom wanna suck the dick of (god knows why other than he’s a fugly white man who kissed their favorite white boy) i love seeing them interact with each other outside of the show.
can i ask you what the writers have given us to actually enjoy the past two seasons? other than the madney wedding? nothing else has been decently written, or taken the story in a positive direction. yeah, we got bi buck but he’s in a relationship with a literal misogynistic racist man who has had repeatedly treated buck horribly with no acknowledgement whatsoever. so no, i don’t like the writers or tim minear at the moment because they have had every opportunity to usher in something positive for eddie, but no bc tim “this show is a drama” minear would rather give the happy plots to his white characters while running his poc characters through more unnecessary trauma and pain (with the exception of chimney, although his happy plotline only happened after he was near-fatally sick an entire episode and bobby whose plotline was centered around a black man’s trauma being dug up and thrown in his face)
the earlier season of this show were such a joy to watch live when it felt like there was actually care going into it from the showrunners and writing team, but lately it’s just them throwing darts at whatever wack-ass drama plot they can think of.
this cast works too fucking hard for the vapid shit they get given to act out each week.
which is why i (once again, in case you were about to gloss over this) I AM NOT WATCHING SEASON EIGHT UNTIL SOMETHING IS DONE TO FIX THE MESS THEY MADE
perhaps writing it in bold, italicized caps will make it easier for you to get it through your head.
and as far as “my anons” if you actually had enough confidence in your message, then why are you hiding behind anon, hm?
i have said multiple times i love interracting with my friends and fandom content that doesn’t have to do with spec. i have said multiple times im holding off on season 8. i have never said i hate the cast or i hate every single plotline the show has ever had, but you know what i did hate? how s6 and s7 turned the show into a fucking ooc mess. it is within my rights as a fan to dislike a season of a show for valid reasons.
what’s not okay is you coming into my inbox repeatedly saying “take a break” when i’ve said multiple fucking times that i plan to rather than just blocking me if youre so offended by people agreeing with me that the show is at a make it or break it point.
please kindly take yourself out of my space if you’re not going to actually take the time to read the words i post and just immediately send me anonymous hate because you didn’t like my posts
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daniwib · 10 months
Fic Writing Review 2023
Words and fics
• 281,412 words published to ao3
• approx. 150,000 more unpublished (unfinished WIP’s)
• 2 fandoms (911 & 911 Lonestar)
• Most recent drop: Night at the (Wax) Museum – an utterly cursed piece of work that is virtually unreadable. Seriously. I dare you to try. I wrote this for a guess-the-writer event and made it so unrecognisable as my own work that virtually no one read it at all. It’s a fun story and I hope that more people will read the grammatically correct version that I’ll be posting hopefully today.  
• Longest fic in 2023: empty, broken, lonely, hoping at 44k (Buck and Christopher are presumed dead when Buck’s building burns down) This is one of my favourites this year.
Top 2023 fics by kudos
• empty, broken, lonely, hoping (Buck and Christopher are presumed dead when Buck’s building burns down). I really like this one and am quite proud of it. One of my favourites I’ve written this year.
• Losing Hope (Buck gets pregnant right before the lawsuit but loses the baby). Huh. This surprised me. I never thought I’d write mpreg or lawsuit fic OR that it would be one of my highest kudos’d fic this year. How bizarre!
Upcoming events and projects for 2024
Gah this is scary, I have so many.
Reluctant Werewolf crack – I really need to sit down and finish the last chapter of this. It’s about half done.
Coronation crack – likewise. I got blocked when RWRB was released and featured a polo scene very similar to what I was planning for Buddie in England and haven’t been able to get back to it since. I think I’ll scrap that chapter and just finish it off. I loathe having unfinished wip’s partly posted, it does my head in.
Big werewolf AU – featuring all my favourite tropes of kidnapped Buck, worried Eddie, Buck whump and Eddie whump too. I started it in January 2023. It’s fully plotted and maybe 2/3’s written at around 70k.
Navy Seal Buck – there’s something so fun about secretly bamf! Buck going all out to protect his firefam. He gets whumped during the course of, naturally. Again, started in January 2023, fully plotted and is maybe half done at about 50k-ish.
Angsty Buckley family drama set around the Madney wedding aka the one that will make you all weep. Fully plotted, partly begun.
Kidnapped TK – this one is so big and complex that I’m thinking of turning it into a novel some day. Fully plotted and partially written.
Eddie porn reviewer. Plotted only.
Buck sex worker. Plotted, partially written.
Carla romance novelist gets Buddie together. Plotted, partially written.
Plus the other 90+ ideas in my Ideas folder!
I’m unlikely to get much done before Christmas, too busy with family stuff and am recovering from having to have an emergency appendectomy while also having Influenza A this week. It’s been… rough.
Same for January as hubby and I are going on the first holiday alone together since having kids – Tasmania here we come! I am very glad my surgery didn’t ruin that.
Thank you for the tag @sherlockcrossing  
No pressure tagging: @daughterofscotland  @rogerzsteven @cal-daisies-and-briars @ronordmann and anyone else who wants to share!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Ok. I'm going to say it. What if the surprise wedding is Buck and Taylor? I hate the thought but honestly? I don't imagine Hen and Karen having a surprise renewal. Or maybe a Madney wedding? I'm too hesitant to think it will be related to Buddie. I love the Eddie coming out theory and Buddie getting together but.... I've been burned before so I'm not getting my hopes up. That's what fics are for, lol.
Nonnie, Nonnie, Nonnie.
Where oh where did you get this ridiculous idea from? (That is a retorical question - I don’t need or want to know!) What have I posted, or has anyone else posted that would give you the impression that they’re going to get married?!! Every. Single. Thing. We’ve seen from the bts to the interviews to the content of the actual show is saying the very opposite. I’m not going to go into the details - if you can’t see that I can’t help! BT will be over - probably in the first 1/3 of 5x18.
The surprise wedding has two likely options - it’s Tony and Clive getting married or it’s going to be a HenRen vow renewal - the latter being the most likely - we’ve seen enough bts to show us this - Bia and Evangeline being there is also a big clue!
As much as I would love a Madney wedding, they’re only just going to be getting back together in the finale so a wedding is highly unlikely - especially when you remember Maddies last marriage - let them just be happy together for a while and explore it down the line.
Buddie isn’t going to have anything to do with the wedding apart from giving us some good buddifer scenes of them being a family.
Eddie will only just be back from Texas, having reconciled (or not) with his father, accepting and embracing his queerness and heading back to work with the 118. Buck will be newly single and going through whatever that entails (finding a new apartment or who knows) and supporting Eddie .
There is an outside chance that ‘Eddie makes a decision about his future’ could be a love confession, from him to Buck but it will come with the caveat of ‘we’re not there yet and we need some time before we cross that line’ which would set up nicely for season 6 pining Eddie and Buck dealing with his own mental health stuff and being single for a little bit. But that’s an outside chance.
If you’re basing your experience of 911 with other fandom experiences you will always set yourself up for disappointment and angst. Each fandom and ship is unique and should be treated as such. I’ve been burned before - in fact, I’ve never had a ship actually go properly canon. That isn’t stopping me from enjoying the journey we’re on here - embrace the happy and the fun stuff and enjoy the ride - life is about the journey not the destination. When Buddie goes canon we will be celebrating the greatest queer slow burn ever - but we’re not there yet and the whole point of a slow burn is that it’s… slow! Trust me it will be all the more satisfying for it - rushed romance storylines are rarely satisfying beyond the initial ahhh.
I’m saying this once and once only. Anyone else who asks me about a BT wedding in the finale will be deleted so don’t bother clogging up my inbox people! I’ve managed to avoid the meltdown that seems to have happened elsewhere and I intend to keep it that way.
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fictionalreads · 2 years
9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 18
Bobby’s being a bad ass. I’m here for it but I wish it was just cause he wanted to be a badass and not cause he felt bad cause of Jonah.
Damn Bobby you strong as hell, just out here breaking glasses.
LMAO Bobby had no clue about the kiss
Awe Bobby and Eddie convo! It’s gonna be a heart to heart.
Look at Eddie, being the voice of reason for Bobby.
Oh EDDIE! “Take credit for me.”
Oh no Bobby! You bought alcohol? You were really about to let Jonah win?
I really hope Bobby gets the help he needs. Talk to his sponsor, go to AA meetings. Whatever it takes.
You did look like that when you were dosed Hen.
I’m with Karen. New conversation. Please
What’s Karen’s deal with the backyard?
Oh. She’s upset cause she didn’t come to the wedding. Not for herself, but for Hen.
I mean I would be mad too. Not cause of you, cause she betrayed the trust. Then again we knew she would.
Ugh Taylor gets on my nerves. She didn’t think about how it would affect Buck and make him look.
Buck this is starting to sound a little pointed.
Oh it’s happening. The blowup is here.
Awe. Madney having lunch.
LOL Why did he drink water like that? Oh he thought she wanted to say she wanted to date again.
She doesn’t need your permission to date.
I mean yeah it does seem like a sign. She texted you before her brother but y’all are supposed to be broken up.
Awe everyone misses her.
I wonder what the new place is gonna look like. Will we see an upgrade or will it be the same?
Uh….the butterfly doesn’t come from a snake shedding its skin.
I wouldn’t drink that.
LMAO There’s mushrooms in it. Told you I wouldn’t drink it.
Sir. She said it was too tight. You don’t need to get an attitude.
Made me feel all over my head.
I didn’t need to see that. Hen really needs to shut up. I was eating rice. I can’t anymore. I feel sick.
She said “it’s time” and he was like “give me a second. Sir. Babies don’t wait.
Don’t let anything horrible happen to this family. Please. Oh fuck.
No no no. They can’t do this to me. They need to be okay. Man don’t even remember his wife is pregnant. HE DON’T EVEN REMEMBER HE’S MARRIED
That’s a big baby.
Awe they’re so cute! Why did they do them like that?!
Awe crap they’re stuck until someone comes to get them.
CHRIS! “Remember, talking about it makes it less scary”
I’m really mad the season is over.
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