#whatsapp chatbot for ecommerce
askevawhatsappapi · 3 days
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whatsapp chatbot for education
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go4whatsup · 7 months
Transform your online business with eCommerce chatbots! Integrate cutting-edge chatbot technology to elevate customer engagement, streamline processes, and revolutionize the shopping experience. Enhance communication, provide instant support, and boost sales with intelligent chatbots tailored for your eCommerce platform. Elevate your customer service and redefine online shopping interactions for a seamless and delightful journey. Explore the future of eCommerce with integrated chatbots - the key to unlocking unparalleled customer satisfaction and business success.
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askeva12 · 1 year
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innojar · 2 years
What Can You Do With The WhatsApp Business API And What Are The Limitations?
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WhatsApp Business API has revolutionized the way businesses interact with customers. With this technology, businesses can now send messages, share images and videos, and even receive payments in a secure and efficient manner. But what are the limitations of this technology? Find out more in this article where we discuss the capabilities of WhatsApp Business API and its limitations.
What is the WhatsApp Business API?
The WhatsApp Business API enables businesses to interact with their customers through the WhatsApp messaging service. The API allows businesses to send and receive messages, track message delivery, and manage customer interactions. The WhatsApp Business API integration is a powerful tool that can help businesses improve customer service and operations. However, there are some limitations to the WhatsApp Business API that businesses should be aware of.
What Can You Do With The WhatsApp Business API?
The WhatsApp Business solution providers allows businesses to send and receive messages on WhatsApp. The API can be used to create, update, and delete contact lists, as well as to send and receive messages. The WhatsApp Business API has a number of limitations, including the following:
Businesses can only send messages to contacts who have opted in to receiving messages from the business.
2. The WhatsApp Business API pricing cannot be used to send promotional or marketing messages.
3. Messages sent through the WhatsApp API to send message must be personal, one-on-one messages between a business and a customer.
Limitations of the WhatsApp Business API
The WhatsApp Business API is a great tool for businesses to communicate with their customers, but there are some limitations to what it can do. For example, the API cannot be used to send promotional messages or spam. Additionally, it is not possible to send automated messages using the WhatsApp Business API. Finally, the best WhatsApp api provider is not currently available in all countries accept India.
In conclusion, the WhatsApp chatbot for ecommerce business can be a great tool for businesses to reach customers seamlessly and efficiently. It is easy to set up, has powerful features such as automated messages and customer segmentation, and it is secure and compliant with data privacy regulations. However, it does have some limitations in terms of message length, attachment size, location sharing etc., so make sure you understand these before getting started. With a bit of patience and understanding of the restrictions in place, the WhatsApp Business API can be an invaluable asset for any business looking to reach its audience quickly and effectively.
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thegrowthmarketer · 7 months
Conversation Marketing in WhatsApp with Hello24!
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Discover the power of conversation marketing on WhatsApp with Hello24! Revolutionize your outreach with personalized messages, real-time engagement, and insightful analytics. Say goodbye to tedious processes and hello to meaningful connections.
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dispersionsaas · 8 months
Impulsa tus ventas con los chatbots de Ventrix AI
En el mundo digital actual, en constante evolución, las empresas necesitan mantenerse por delante de la competencia y establecer interacciones efectivas con los clientes. ¿Estás buscando formas innovadoras de impulsar tus ventas y mejorar las interacciones con tus clientes? No busques más, porque los chatbots de Ventrix AI son la solución que estás buscando. En esta entrada de blog, vamos a explorar cómo los chatbots de Ventrix AI pueden revolucionar las operaciones de tu empresa y ayudarte a aumentar tus ventas.
Mejora el compromiso con tus clientes: Con los chatbots de Ventrix AI, puedes llevar el compromiso con tus clientes a nuevas alturas. Estos asistentes virtuales inteligentes están diseñados para ofrecer interacciones personalizadas en diversas plataformas, incluyendo la popular aplicación de mensajería Whatsapp. Al integrar los chatbots de Ventrix AI con Whatsapp, puedes proporcionar a tus clientes un soporte fluido y en tiempo real, respondiendo a sus consultas de manera rápida y eficiente.
Ahorra tiempo y dinero sin tarifas de API: Los métodos tradicionales de integración de Whatsapp con chatbots suelen implicar costosas tarifas de API, añadiendo gastos innecesarios a tu negocio. Sin embargo, con Ventrix AI, puedes eliminar estas tarifas y maximizar tu presupuesto. Nuestra solución innovadora garantiza una integración perfecta con Whatsapp sin gastos adicionales. Experimenta la rentabilidad como nunca antes, lo que te permitirá asignar recursos donde realmente importan.
Aplicaciones compatibles para una integración sin problemas: Ventrix AI no solo ofrece una integración sin complicaciones con Whatsapp, sino que también garantiza la compatibilidad con una amplia gama de aplicaciones populares. Conecta tus chatbots de manera fluida con el software existente en tu empresa, como herramientas de gestión de proyectos, sistemas de gestión de relaciones con los clientes (CRM) y más. Desbloquea todo el potencial de tus operaciones empresariales, optimizando flujos de trabajo y mejorando la colaboración.
Potencia las capacidades de los chatbots en Whatsapp: Ventrix AI proporciona a tus chatbots características y capacidades potentes en Whatsapp para brindar una experiencia excepcional a tus clientes. Desde respuestas automatizadas hasta flujos de conversación inteligentes, estos chatbots ofrecen asistencia las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, sin importar el tamaño de tu empresa. Garantiza que tus clientes reciban soluciones rápidas, recomendaciones de productos y atención personalizada, lo que conducirá a una mayor satisfacción y tasas de conversión más altas.
Obtén información con los permisos para bots en Whatsapp: ¿Preocupado por cumplir con las normativas de privacidad y proteger la información de tus clientes en Whatsapp? Con Ventrix AI, tienes control total sobre los permisos de tus chatbots en Whatsapp. Protege los datos sensibles de tus clientes y, al mismo tiempo, ofrece un servicio excepcional. Nuestra configuración completa de permisos te permite adaptar las interacciones y recopilar información valiosa, mientras te adhieres a las regulaciones de privacidad.
En esta era de una tecnología en constante evolución, incorporar los chatbots de Ventrix AI a tu estrategia empresarial puede proporcionarte la ventaja competitiva que necesitas. Mejora el compromiso con tus clientes, ahorra costos eliminando tarifas de API, integra sin problemas con aplicaciones compatibles, potencia las capacidades de los chatbots en Whatsapp y mantén el control con los permisos para bots en Whatsapp. Impulsa tus ventas y revoluciona las interacciones con tus clientes con la innovadora solución de chatbots de Ventrix AI. ¡Comienza hoy mismo y observa cómo tu empresa prospera como nunca antes!
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tanlakarix · 1 year
11 ways eCommerce chatbots can boost sales & lead generation!
E-commerce chatbots are becoming increasingly popular to improve customer service, boost sales, and generate leads. These chatbots can be programmed to answer customer questions, provide product recommendations, and even close sales.
Here are 11 ways that eCommerce chatbots can help you grow your business:
Provide 24/7 customer support: One of the biggest benefits of eCommerce chatbots is that they can provide 24/7 customer support. This is especially important for businesses that operate in multiple time zones or that have a large customer base. Chatbots can answer customer questions, troubleshoot problems, and even offer refunds or exchanges. This can help to reduce customer churn and improve customer satisfaction.
Personalize the shopping experience: Chatbots can be used to personalize the shopping experience for each customer. For example, a chatbot can remember a customer’s previous purchases and recommend similar products. It can also ask the customer questions about their needs and interests to provide more relevant recommendations. This can help to increase customer engagement and drive sales.
Generate leads: Chatbots can be used to generate leads by qualifying potential customers and collecting their contact information. For example, a chatbot can ask a customer about their pain points, interests, and budget. It can then use this information to qualify the customer as a lead and collect their contact information. This information can then be used to nurture the lead and eventually close the sale.
Increase sales: Chatbots can be used to increase sales by recommending products, offering discounts, and closing sales. For example, a chatbot can recommend products that are related to items that a customer has already viewed or purchased. It can also offer discounts to customers who are about to abandon their shopping cart. Additionally, chatbots can be used to close sales by answering customer questions and addressing any concerns that they may have.
Reduce costs: Chatbots can help to reduce costs by eliminating the need for human customer service representatives. This can save businesses money on salaries, benefits, and training. Additionally, chatbots can operate 24/7, which means that businesses don’t have to pay for overtime or night shifts.
Improve data collection: Chatbots can collect a wealth of data about customer interactions, including questions asked, products viewed, and purchases made. This data can be used to improve the customer experience, develop new products, and target marketing campaigns.
Automate tasks: Chatbots can be used to automate a variety of tasks, such as answering customer questions, processing orders, and providing refunds. This can free up human employees to focus on more strategic tasks, such as developing new products and marketing campaigns.
Improve customer satisfaction: Chatbots can improve customer satisfaction by providing a quick and easy way to get answers to questions. Additionally, chatbots can be used to resolve customer issues quickly and efficiently. This can help to reduce customer frustration and improve customer loyalty.
Increase brand awareness: Chatbots can be used to increase brand awareness by interacting with customers on social media and other channels. For example, a chatbot can be used to answer customer questions about the brand, promote new products, and run contests. This can help to build relationships with customers and generate interest in the brand.
Drive traffic to your website: Chatbots can be used to drive traffic to your website by including them on your website, social media pages, and other marketing materials. When a customer interacts with a chatbot, they are more likely to visit your website to learn more about your products or services.
Track customer behaviour: Chatbots can track customer behaviour, such as the pages they visit, the products they view, and the questions they ask. This data can be used to improve the customer experience and develop new products and marketing campaigns.
E-commerce chatbots are a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes improve customer service, boost sales, and generate leads. If you’re not already using a chatbot, I encourage you to consider doing so. It could be the best decision you ever make for your business.
Here are some additional tips for using eCommerce chatbots effectively:
· Make sure your chatbot is well-trained and can answer customer questions accurately.
· Personalize the chatbot’s interactions with each customer.
· Use the chatbot to collect data about customer interactions.
· Automate tasks to free up human employees for more strategic work.
· Use the chatbot to improve customer satisfaction.
· Increase brand awareness with the chatbot.
· Drive traffic to your website with the chatbot.
· Track customer behaviour with the chatbot.
By following these tips, you can use eCommerce chatbots to grow your business and improve the customer experience.
For More Info: https://www.karix.com/products/chatbot-solutions/
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spiderbotwhatsapp · 2 years
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syncloudsoftech · 2 years
What are the benefits of WhatsApp Marketing Platform?
- Using WhatsApp Marketing Software, you build personalized relationships with customers through 1:1 Live Chat support in real-time on WhatsApp.
- WhatsApp messages have a 98% message open rate & 45-60% click-through rate. This is 5x more than emails & SMS.
- WhatsApp Marketing Softwares allow you to send WhatsApp Broadcasts to unlimited users, thus helping you increase conversions by 45-60%.
-Using an official WhatsApp Marketing Software, apply for a verified Green Tick on WhatsApp which can boost your brand's credibility.
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mysmsmantraindia · 2 years
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chatbox360suite · 7 days
Unleash the Power of Business with Whatsapp Business API
The WhatsApp Business API is an unrivalled bridge between businesses and their customers across the globe. If leveraging the WhatsApp Business API for your business has piqued your interest but you still have questions and curiosity, this guide will help you. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the details of the whatsapp api integration for business, from understanding the basics to creating an account, managing contacts, and optimizing you’re messaging with best practices.
What is WhatsApp Business API?
WhatsApp Business API is a prominent player when it comes to navigating a variety of business communication tools. The WhatsApp Business API acts as a backend mechanism that allows businesses to manage and automate their WhatsApp conversations. Instead of using a physical app or interface that might be used on a personal device, the API integrates with other messaging platforms or systems that businesses already use. What is its purpose? Manage multiple conversations, create personalized conversations, and facilitate automated replies. All this is within the trusted confines of WhatsApp.
The Importance of Integrating Whatsapp Business API with Your Business:
Integrating WhatsApp Business API with your business offers a number of benefits. 
Real-time Interaction:
Integrating WhatsApp Business API with your business allows you to communicate with your customers in real-time. We can help them quickly, answer their questions, and provide them with regular updates. This causes them to feel like they can authorize you. Earlier, customers often missed out on delivery updates due to the constant pinging of emails or app notifications. Integrating with WhatsApp Business API has effectively solved this problem.
Improved Customer Experience:
Use data management to personalize your communication with customers on WhatsApp by leveraging customer data collected from various sources. With the help of customer data collected from multiple sources, you can personalize the way you communicate with your customers on WhatsApp. This personalized approach increases customer satisfaction by making them feel valued and understood.
Build A Strong Brand Identity:
The whatsapp api marketing helps in building this trust by building a strong brand identity with the prestigious WhatsApp green check mark. The green check mark is a direct confirmation from WhatsApp that confirms the credibility of your brand. Whenever a user sees a green check mark on their WhatsApp profile, they know that they are talking to a trusted brand. Furthermore, with the green check mark, your contacts appear with their names instead of their numbers. 
Marketing Opportunities:
You can use WhatsApp Business API for targeted marketing campaigns. For example, you can send personalized promotions or product recommendations based on your buyers’ previous interactions and purchase history. Some leading e-commerce brands in India have revolutionized the customer experience with WhatsApp Business API by sending rewards and offers via WhatsApp to customers on WhatsApp. 
Automation and Efficiency:
WhatsApp Business API helps you do repetitive tasks and answer questions on your own. When everything is integrated, you can make machines do the same repetitive tasks, saving you time and making things better and faster. You can create dynamic drag-and-drop chatbots that answer your customers’ most common questions. Save your customer support agents valuable time. 
Final Thoughts:
Taking a chance on the world of whatsapp business api for ecommerce is like trading in your old roller skates for turbocharged rollerblades. It speeds up, keeps it private, and makes every conversation count, and if you are a medium to large business, it is not just a plus; it is a game changer.
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askevawhatsappapi · 16 days
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WhatsApp Chatbot for your business
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go4whatsup · 6 months
Unlock the potential of WhatsApp chatbots to generate qualified leads for your business effortlessly. Discover how these powerful tools can revolutionize your lead generation strategy and drive growth. Get started today!
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askeva12 · 1 year
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singsys · 2 months
Latest Trends in Ecommerce Development in India
In recent years, India has emerged as a global powerhouse in the ecommerce sector. With a rapidly growing digital population and a burgeoning middle class, the Indian market is ripe for ecommerce growth.
As companies strive to meet the ever-evolving demands of consumers, they are adopting cutting-edge trends and technologies to stay competitive. 
Here, we explore some of the latest trends in ecommerce development company in India and the technologies driving this transformation.
1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionising the ecommerce landscape in India. These technologies are being used to enhance customer experience, optimise supply chain management, and personalise marketing efforts. AI-powered chatbots, for instance, provide instant customer support, answer queries, and assist with purchases, improving customer satisfaction and retention.
ML algorithms analyse customer behavior and preferences to offer personalised product recommendations, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty. Furthermore, AI-driven predictive analytics help businesses forecast demand, manage inventory more efficiently, and reduce operational costs.
2. Voice Commerce
Voice commerce is gaining traction as more consumers embrace smart speakers and voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple's Siri. Indian ecommerce companies are integrating voice search capabilities into their platforms, allowing customers to search for products, place orders, and track shipments using voice commands. This trend is particularly significant given the diverse linguistic landscape of India, making ecommerce more accessible to non-English speaking users.
3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
AR and VR technologies are transforming the online shopping experience by bridging the gap between physical and digital stores. Indian ecommerce platforms are leveraging AR to offer virtual try-ons for apparel, accessories, and even makeup, allowing customers to visualise products before making a purchase. VR, on the other hand, provides immersive virtual store tours, enhancing the shopping experience and boosting customer engagement.
4. Mobile-First Approach
With the proliferation of smartphones and affordable data plans, mobile commerce (m-commerce) is on the rise in India. Ecommerce companies are adopting a mobile-first approach, optimising their websites and apps for mobile devices. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are becoming popular as they combine the best of web and mobile apps, offering a seamless, fast, and reliable user experience even on low-bandwidth networks.
5. Social Commerce
Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp are becoming powerful ecommerce channels in India. Social commerce leverages the reach and influence of social media to drive sales. Indian businesses are utilising shoppable posts, in-app stores, and live-stream shopping events to engage with customers and boost conversions. Influencer marketing is also playing a crucial role, with influencers promoting products and driving traffic to ecommerce sites.
6. Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology is making inroads into the ecommerce sector, offering enhanced security, transparency, and efficiency. Indian ecommerce companies are exploring blockchain for secure payment processing, fraud prevention, and supply chain management. Smart contracts, enabled by blockchain, automate and streamline transactions, reducing the need for intermediaries and lowering costs.
7. Sustainable Ecommerce Practices
Sustainability is becoming a significant focus for Indian ecommerce businesses. Consumers are increasingly conscious of their environmental impact and are demanding eco-friendly products and practices. Companies are responding by adopting sustainable packaging, reducing carbon footprints, and promoting ethical sourcing. Some ecommerce platforms are also offering recycling programs and carbon offset options to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
8. Omnichannel Retailing
Omnichannel retailing is gaining momentum as businesses strive to provide a seamless shopping experience across multiple channels. Indian ecommerce companies are integrating their online and offline operations, allowing customers to browse, purchase, and return products through various touchpoints, including websites, mobile apps, physical stores, and social media. This approach enhances convenience and customer satisfaction.
9. Hyper-Personalisation
Hyper-personalisation takes customer experience to the next level by using real-time data and analytics to tailor every interaction. Indian ecommerce platforms are leveraging advanced analytics and AI to deliver highly personalised product recommendations, dynamic pricing, and targeted marketing campaigns. This trend is helping businesses build stronger relationships with customers and drive repeat purchases.
10. Subscription-Based Models
Subscription-based ecommerce models are gaining popularity in India, offering customers the convenience of regular deliveries of their favorite products. From beauty boxes to meal kits, subscription services cater to various needs and preferences, ensuring a steady revenue stream for businesses and enhancing customer loyalty.
The ecommerce  in India is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences. By embracing these latest trends and technologies, ecommerce development company in india are not only enhancing customer experience but also gaining a competitive edge in the global market. As these trends continue to shape the future of ecommerce, businesses that stay agile and innovative will be well-positioned to thrive in this dynamic environment.
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jejechat · 3 months
Every modern consumer has probably used a WhatsApp chatbot to connect with brands and resolve their queries at some point in time. The benefits of a WhatsApp chatbot are immense and companies have seen some incredible results. There are firms that have reduced their sales cycles from days to minutes. Some have achieved unparalleled reach. 10 benefits of using a WhatsApp chatbot for your business From better visibility to better marketing, a WhatsApp chatbot has a lot to offer. 1. Wide reach on the world’s most popular chat app WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging platform. Over 2.4 billion active customers talk to their friends and family every day. Even WhatsApp own numbers are enlightening. In 2021, the brand claimed that over 100 billion messages are exchanged daily on the platform. Companies follow customers on to platforms – and there is arguably none bigger today than WhatsApp. It is a household name. From children aged 5 to 80-year-old traditionalists, virtually almost everyone uses WhatsApp. The app is famed for having one of the most intuitive and simplistic interfaces around. Hence, ensuring that all customers can use the platform to its fullest – without necessarily having to be technologically adept. 2. 24×7 availability with high security WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption makes it one of the most secure platforms in the world. WhatsApp end-to-end encryption ensures only you and the person you are communicating with can read what is sent, and nobody in between, not even WhatsApp. Thus, making WhatsApp the ideal platform to send messages that contain sensitive information. OTPs, transactional updates, and follow-ups can all be sent using WhatsApp. And unlike conventional channels, the top benefit of WhatsApp chatbots is that they are available round-the-clock to assist users. 3. Omnipresence helps you build more visibility and better customer relationships Customers that enjoy hurdle-free support experiences are more likely to purchase from the company again. Companies need to be where customers are, whenever customers need them. With its 24/7 automation, a chatbot covers the “when”. And with its incredible market penetration, WhatsApp allows you to optimize for the “where”. WhatsApp ensures that your brand and company are never more than a click away. You can create a WhatsApp click-to-chat link and direct your users to your WhatsApp number, you can also include it in your email newsletter . Include WhatsApp Chat Button Widget on your website home page – a WhatsApp click-to-chat link or WhatsApp Chat Button Widget ensures your users know how and where to reach you in times of need. Your products are easy to reach and your services are convenient to avail. 4. Quicker, more agile, easy FAQ solving If you are a business, we know your users shower you with a plethora of doubts and questions every day. On refund and order statuses for eCommerce brands or on home loan applications for banks – users are always searching for answers. But for you, this is an everyday chore. A WhatsApp chatbot takes all of that burden off of you. So, all your most common, recurring questions are easily addressed by a WhatsApp chatbot – during the day or at night! But that’s just the beginning – JejeChat allows companies to automate even more. Transpose data from your chatbot to a CRM/OMS system of your choice automatically. Use webhooks to pull data from your systems to seamlessly provide your customers with the necessary information. 5. Happy user experiences with approved high-quality message templates Good conversational experience is paramount to WhatsApp. And the company does not budge on that! WhatsApp has always been maintained as a personal one-to-one chat app for its users. So, this means that brands are not allowed to send random, irrelevant messages that plummet the quality of user experiences you render. 6. Personalization with user data and rich media Beyond the WhatsApp chatbot’s ease and portability, a well-built and trained chatbot can try to emulate natural conversations.
During these interactions, the chatbot is able to collect and recall user data and context when it’s relevant. It offers a high level of personalization as now each of your individual users’ needs and behavior is easily mapped out and catered to by a chatbot that’s highly contextual in its responses. Moreover, its media richness makes it a great platform for companies to interact with customers. Unlike email or phone support, WhatsApp allows brands to send photos, videos, gifs, voice recordings, and documents. JejeChat helps you get the most out of conversations with personalized campaigns and a lot more! 7. Product range that’s accessible with ease WhatsApp is turning out to be the New York City of online shopping. While conventional eCommerce allowed users to shop online, WhatsApp conversational commerce is an upgrade to the user experience. With entry points planted at specific digital locations, you can drive users to your WhatsApp shop, converse and sell meaningfully, and offer post-purchase support – all on the same chat window! JejeChat is helping to build a cohesive and thriving conversational commerce space for modern users of the app! 8. Marketing and advertising that’s targeted and tailor-made One thing we are all clear about by now is that a WhatsApp chatbot ensures your user experience game stays on top of the ladder. While WhatsApp previously prohibited businesses from sending any marketing content, the rules have changed since September 2021. WhatsApp now lets businesses send message templates that are non-transactional, and purely promotional. But of course, this is subject to certain rules. To ensure a high degree of relevancy to the user, your WhatsApp chatbot can send templates that your users have explicitly opted-in to receive, are personalized and provide value to the user with a clear CTA. Such relevant messaging ensures higher open rates, better CTRs, more conversions, and simply more ROI for you. 9. Performance that’s measurable, tangible, and consequently, actionable A WhatsApp chatbot doesn’t just help you streamline communication at the front end. Another benefit of a WhatsApp chatbot is that gives you a peek into your team’s performance. For example, JejeChat’s smart dashboard helps you visualize your chatbot and your support agent’s performance from a single vantage point. You can find out the most common lags that need fixing and process gaps that need to be filled. 10. Faster, smarter agent routing The problem with the unmanned channels/tools brands use is that human intervention never comes quickly enough. An email thread needs hours to rope the right department/agent in. But, with a WhatsApp Business chatbot, however, humans can seamlessly and instantaneously pick up chats from the bot. This empowers agents to deliver excellent customer service, without having to work through thousands of monotonous chats.
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