#when he's like hey lemme show you my legos
a-magical-evening · 2 years
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"It's just a little sunshine."
[#4 Fave Trey Moment 💕 Companion set: Top 5 Treys]
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To Raise Children: Chapter 10
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Chris Evans X Daughter!Reader, Grandpa!Chris Evans X Flynn and Felix Evans (OCs) Tom Holland X Single-Mom!Reader (Slow Burn)
Series Masterlist
Series Summary: It's been 4 years, your sons are starting kindergarten, you're starting junior year of college, a lot has changed.
Chapter Summary: It the day of their party!
Series Warnings: Age gap (Reader is 20, Tom is 29), absent father, mentions teen pregnancy, mentions abortion, if you see anymore please let me know politely.
Chapter Warnings: One cuss word.
Sequel to "It Takes A village"
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Flynn carefully climbed down the ladder. He then crawled into the bottom bunk before smacking his brother.
"Wake up! It's our birthday!"
"Lemme alone." Felix said pushing his brother causing the other boy to fall of the bed.
"Felix!" Flynn whined.
"I want to sleep."
"But it's our birthday! Mommy said we get a special breakfast!"
"Fine." Felix whined crawling out of bed. Flynn smiled before running out of the room. Felix quickly followed.
"Happy Birthday." Felix said before Flynn repeated it.
"Good morning boys! Happy birthday!" You exclaimed as the boys made it inside. Flynn and Felix looked around, there was a banner that said happy birthday, not that he could read it, there were also balloons around the room. You were at the stove making their favorite, chocolate chip pancakes. Chris wasn't in the room he was in the garage grabbing the bikes. You were going to give them their bikes, and helmets before the party but the horses after the party, Chris was just . The bikes were built but the horses weren't so Chris would probably build those tonight.
"Morning mom!" Flynn climbed onto one of the stools at the island.
"I made chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes for my birthday boys!" You said turning around with the plates.
"Yay!" Felix said happily reaching for the plastic plate that had chocolate chip pancakes on it.
They loved their bikes and we're riding them around the front yard while you finished setting the party up. You really couldn't believe it's been five years since the best day of your life. So many people thought it was going to ruin your life. A part of you thought that too. But here you were in college, not in debt, and you have the most amazing sons. You also did it on your own. Sure you're not rich, you still live with your dad and haven't dated anyone since high school but that's not a huge deal.
"Mommy! Uncle Scott is here! Can we open our presents from him and Steve?" Felix asked running into the living room where you were setting up party games.
"No sweetie you have to wait till after cake. Why don't you show Uncle Scott and Steve your new bike?"
"Fine." Felix rolls his eyes dragging Steve behind him as Scott stays to talk to you.
"Hey kid." Scott smiled setting the presents down.
"Hey Uncle Scott." You hug him.
"Hey kid. So do you mind if I made a post about Flynn and Felix?" He asked you.
"No people already know what they look like just... Don't use any photos that could be embarrassing when they're older." You told him as you taped pin the tail on the T-rex on the wall. You the party didn't have a theme but their interests did come out in the games and party favors. Which the party favors were just stuff from dollar tree, those wash clothes that pop out after getting wet, some basic toys like action figures or those cheap legos, some hot wheels, pencils, bubbles. Just basic stuff like that.
"Okay. Well the boys are going to love mine and Steve's gifts where did you want them?"
"Right there is fine. Oh so I heard from CJ that Jake might reach out. He heard something from Jake's grandma." You told your uncle.
"He can't do that. He didn't want them."
"I don't know. He doesn't even have any parental rights."
"Uncle Scott! Come see my bike." Flynn shouted from the front door.
"Coming Monkey man!" Scott hollered. He had interesting nicknamed for the boys. Though they're still better than what Chris calls them on occasion, which is Jellybeans. Scott's nicknames for them are all to do with monkeys, but then again their do like climbing, his favorite ones to use are chunky monkey and mini monkey.
You just laughed shaking your head as Scott ruffled your hair before joining his favorite/only great nephews outside. You finished getting the party ready just as your grandma walked in. She was carrying two rather large gift bags. Of course she'd spoil of her first great grandsons.
"Hey nana." You smiled.
"Hey dear! I can't believe those boys are already five. I remember meeting them for the first time they were so tiny."
"Yeah." You agreed.
"They are great kids baby, and you're a great mom." She smiled.
"Thank you." You nodded looking over to the mantel where many photos sit. Your eyes land on the baby photo of the twins playing with Dodger when they were around 8-11 months old. "They definitely grew fast."
"Do you need any help setting up?"
"Uh we need the drinks put into a cooler. Dad already brought it inside if your don't mind... There's bags of ice in the freezer."
"Okay will do darling."
People were now there. Tom and Harry had yet to get there but the boys were bothered too busy playing with their friends. You were talking with the other parents. Getting to know them and what not. The kids were having fun just running around with dodger. The door bell rings so you excuse yourself from the conversation you were having with, Kathleen to go get the door. You open it with a smile quickly noticing Tom and Harry.
"Hey come in!" You welcome them.
"Hi!" Tom smiled. "Hey I got a surprise for the boys but I want to cover it with you first." He said walking in.
"Hey Y/n! Where should I put the gifts?" Harry lifted two small gift bags up.
"You guys really didn't need to. But uh just right in the living room by the giant boxes."
"Giant boxes? Someone is spoiling them." Tom teased as Harry walked into the living room. "Okay so I may have a spiderman suit in my bag..." He said quietly.
"Do you just bring that with you everywhere?" You asked him smirking.
"I'm planning on going to some hospitals to visit sick kids. But since I have it, you mind if I surprise them?" He whispered.
"Of course not go ahead. You know where the bathroom is." You smiled. The boys are going to love this.
"Thanks can you gather them into one room please darling?" He asked, the nickname fell from his lips without him realizing it. He hurried to the restroom while you walked into the living room.
"Kids! Come to the living room real quick!" You shouted gaining the attention of everyone.
"What's going on sweet pea?" Chris asked as the kids hurried into the living as well as parents.
"We have a surprise guest." You said before Harry whispered in his ear.
"Oh!" Chris smiles.
"Kids sit down we have a special guest coming to say hi to the birthday boys!" You explained. "He'll be here in a little bit. Mr. Harry is gonna go get him." You motioned to Harry he smiled before nodding and leaving the room.
Soon Tom comes in, and of course most of the kids are really excited. One of the parents walk over to you and whisper;
"Where did you find that party performer he is amazing he even sound like him."
"Uh my dad has connections." You whispered back smiling. You watched tom interact with the kids, especially yours. He's so good with them. You can't believe he wanted to dress up for this party. You didn't ask him to, the boys would've been happy if he showed up in pajamas let alone the whole suit.
After about a half hour Tom tried to make his exit as Spiderman.
"Okay kids! I have to go save the day I'm sorry I can't spend more time with you all." Tom said in the queens accent.
"It's all right Spidey! Be safe!" Felix smiles.
"Of course. I need you to do me a favor? Can you save me a piece of cake?"
"Yeah!" Felix nods.
"Okay kids. Bye." Tom hugs Flynn and Felix goodbye as well as high-fiving the other kids before he "leaves" he comes back just in time for you to call about cake.
Scott flicked the lighted off as the twins sat down and their friends and cousins crowded around. You walked in carrying Flynn's cake and Chris walked in with Felix's. Tom found a spot by Harry as everyone started singing.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Flynn and Felix happy birthday to you!" Both boys blew out the candles.
"Okay. Let me cut these."
You looked at your phone that was vibrating. You looked around everyone was eating so you snuck outside. It was an unknown number, you answered.
"Hello is this y/n?" You recognized that voice.
"Anne?" You asked. It was Jake's grandma. Out of everyone in that family you are so glad it was her. You loved her you just couldn't give her your number before leaving.
"Oh hello! Your mom gave me this number and I didn't tell Jake or his parents about this though." The elderly woman spoke softly.
"Really? Please don't tell them you have my number. I heard from my one friend that Jake might trying reaching out and... I really don't want that." You said in a hushed tone as you looked into the dining room from the glass door.
"That's alright dear. I won't tell 'em." Her thick southern coming out as she spoke. "I just wanted to call and see how the baby is doing!" You weren't surprised she didn't know you had twins. You doubt Jake would mention such a thing, as she hasn't exactly figured out technology.
"Well I had twins! They're doing great, it's their birthday today. Their names are Flynn and Felix... I gave them my last name." You explained.
"Twins! Double the blessing! Are they both boys or is Flynn a girl? Those names are so sweet, oh I wish I could be there." She said.
"Yeah Flynn is a boy. They'd probably love you gran." You peaked through the window again and Chris saw you this time smiling at you.
"Yeah well I leave you to their birthday, I really want to keep in touch though."
"Of course we can. I'm not ready for you to like talk to them but we could work to that point." You assured as Chris joined you outside.
"Okay! Well enjoy their birthday! How old are they now?"
"Five." You answered. Chris mouthed; "You okay?" You answered with a nod.
"Oh my! Well I'll let you get back to their party sweetheart have a nice day." She said before hanging up.
"Are you okay bubba?"
"It was Jake's grandma." You said. "Mom gave her my number... I'm gonna text her." You texted telling her not to give your number out anymore. You changed it for a reason.
"Well sweetie the kids are getting pretty restless sin there u think it's about time for the presents. Don't dwell on that. You always talked about how much you like Anne." Chris assured wrapping an arm around you.
"Your right." You nodded but were still unsure. You walked inside the kids were hyped up on sugar and back to playing. You walked over to the pile of presents. It was a decent size seeing as most people brought separately wrapped presents. Though some brought gift bags with both gifts in them. You didn't ask for them to bring presents even said no one had to but they brought some which you were grateful for. You sorted the presents having two piles of gifts individually wrapped, one for Flynn, one for Felix. Most of which from you or your family. Then six gift bags with both presents in them.
"Present time!" You hollered. Felix was the first one into the living. You pointed to his pile and he sat down looking at the stack of around ten presents. One from Lisa, one from Scott and Steve, one from Carly and her family, one from Ethan your oldest cousin, one from Shanna, A smaller present from Chris not the horse, then one from Tom and Harry. Harry insisted in getting individual bags for the presents, but then again he's a twin so he gets it. The rest of the presents were from you.
Flynn and the rest of the kids came piling followed by their parents. Flynn sat by his gifts smiling. His pile looked pretty similar to his brothers, same amount of gifts from the same people. Just different wrapping paper or bags.
"Okay boys take turns. Who wants to go first?"
"Do rock paper scissors boys." You chuckled as they began. Flynn won and grabbed one of the wrapped boxs. You sat by the boys to help them read cards. "This one is from Ethan!" You told him.
"Thank you Ethan." Flynn said as he ripped the wrapping paper open. It was a small lego set that had dinosaurs in it of course. "Awesome! I love it! Mommy look it got a T-Rex!"
"I wanna see!" Henry, Flynn's friend said smiling. "Cool!" Felix leaned over looking at it.
"Cool! My turn!!" Felix grabbed a box that was wrapped.
"That is from me." You told him not even needing to look at tag. Felix rips the paper off, it was a new hoodie, it has dogs on it and says; "Tell your dog I said hi."
"I love it! It has a golden retriever! And dalmatian! And a bulldog! Like Rubble and Marshall!" Felix said, nodding to Paw patrol since him and his brother like the show.
"Yeah." You smiled.
"I love it thank you mommy!"
This went on until the only gifts left were from Tom and Harry, and the ones they have to open together. Flynn reached for his gift bag.
"That's from Tom and Harry." You told him. He smiled opening the bag and throwing the tissue paper behind him.
"Awesome!" He holds up a pair of "web" shooters. "Thank you!" He stood up and ran over to Tom to give him a hug.
"You're welcome Buddy." Tom smiled.
"Hey it's from me too." Harry joked. Flynn giggled hugging him too. "Thank you."
The party was over, the only people still there was your family along with Tom and Harry. Flynn and Felix were busy being superheroes and webbing everyone with their silly string web shooters. You were sitting on the couch watching them with a smile. Dodger was sleeping by your feet. Tom walked into the living and instantly got shot with "webs".
"Hey!" Tom exclaimed pouting. The twins looked at each other before at Tom.
"Run!" Flynn shouted running past the couch, and pushing through your cousins as Felix followed.
"Careful!" You shouted.
"Yes mom!"
Tom pet Dodger's head and sat down by you.
"At least they like 'em." Tom jokes as he holds a handful of silly string.
"Yeah you can say that but in a month I'll still be cleaning up silly string." You teased.
"Oh you'll be fine." Tom laughs. You smiled shaking your head.
"Sure I will be. You wouldn't be saying that of you had to clean it up."
"You're probably right." He chuckled.
"Always am." You smirk.
"Hey sweetpea can I give them their gift now?" Chris asked walking in. You looked at the large boxes.
"Yeah dad go ahead." You laughed at the amount of excitement he has over this gift. He calls both kids to the living room.
"Do we get to open the big one now?"
"Yep. I'll have to put them together so you too probably wont get to use them tonight though." Chris explains.
"Open them together."
The twins ripped the paper off the boxes.
"Hell yeah this is awesome!" Felix exclaims. You all look at the five year old shocked.
"Felix Evans! Where did you even learn that word?" You gasped as Scott started laughing but stopping when you glare.
"Poppy says it all the time." He explains.
"Hey! Don't throw me under the bus." Chris gasps.
"There's no buses around us Poppy." Flynn looked genuinely confused.
"It's an expression bubbie." Chris told him ruffling his hair. "So do you like 'em?"
"Yeah! can we ride them?" Felix answers.
"Open it please!!" Flynn begs.
"I have to build them. Then you can ride them."
"But we want to ride them now!"
"Boys, what do you say?"
"Thank you."
"Thank you poppy!"
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Taglist: @fic-for-readers @denisemarieangelina @thevelvetseries @kaitieskidmore1 @ellerosie2332 @tahniemarie @runawayolives @marajillana @buckybarnez @positivelyholland @firehoseevan @coldmuffinpartycloud @beautifulrose0809 @believinghurts @laura-naruto-fan1998 @shadow-dixon @claaaaaaire-blog @mrs-brekker15 @h-j-s-03 @moniffazictress11 @buxkybarnes @ducks118 @kalopsia-flaneur @silverrmist @some-lovely-day @peterparkerbae @Olivia197810 @gengen64 @snigdha-14 @hollzo-03 @bubb1eana1ee @cmalas
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A/n: Jeez I made this a little long 😅
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theworldofotps · 3 years
Letter From The Road
WWE Superstar: Finn Bálor and Bálor Word Count: 680 ~A series in which I write a letter from a superstar to their partner or friend back home while they’re touring.~
This is for @letsgivethisonemoreshot I truly hope you enjoy this and that I managed to get it the way you wanted.  Balor’s parts will be in bold writing. I got a little carried away with this one. _________ Tag list: @hungmanhorsecarriage @writtingrose @omg-im-such-a-masochist @sjwrites22 @new-zealand-chic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @xbreezymeadowsx @rebellious-desires @youcantreignonmyparade @melblacc @letsgivethisonemoreshot  @alination @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. __________ Dear princess, Hello, my queen, I know you’re missin me a lot right now and I wanted to surprise my favorite girl with a letter to hopefully cheer you up a bit! OUR girl Finn don’t forget that. Right right sorry, anyway I just wanted to let you know that I, we, miss you too. We miss waking up next to you every morning and falling asleep next to you at night. I can’t believe it’s already been three weeks and we still have another four to go. It sucks not getting to see you in person. Don’t get me wrong I’m thankful for the Facetime calls, texts etc but it’s not the same as holding our baby.
Finn here literally won’t shut the fuck up about you, everyone who stands near him for ten seconds has to be careful to avoid asking any questions about you or they’ll be forced to listen to him go on and on.
Hey! Leave me alone I can’t help it I miss her and I know you do too so don’t try and act all innocent.
I may miss me queen but you don’t see me droning on and on about it I’m surprised Seth hasn’t laid you out for how much you talk.
He already understands and told me he doesn’t mind, we got off track anyway we just wanted to tell you we love and miss you. I hope things are going well for you, I know this touring stuff is hard but I thank you for sticking around and supporting us through it. We love you for that baby more than we can ever tell you.
Right we love you so damn much we’re two of the luckiest people ever to have someone so incredible like you by our side. Oh, also I’m supposed to tell you that everyone says hi and they hope you come to a live show soon. Which I agree with, I don’t know if I can go seven weeks without my baby in my arms. It’s already driving me crazy with missing you.
As do I dove, this time apart has just proven what we already know. That this fool and myself love you more than life itself. 
We hope you don’t ever doubt how important you are to us, you mean so much we could go on and on but it would never be enough. I’ve noticed lately tho that you’ve been being kinda hard on yourself. Talking down about yourself and I hate seeing you so sad. You, my love, are absolutely perfect to me, us, you are so kind-hearted, always willing to go out of your way to help others. 
Not to mention how you put up with the two of us even when we’re being a handful. 
Right, we know dating us isn’t the easiest thing and sometimes you get treated poorly by others but just know we will always love you. For the rest of our existence. We love you more than Legos. Dude, I never thought I’d hear you say something like that before (I mean it’s true) but still. 
I’m just being honest baby, I want you to know how much you mean to us and never ever doubt that you are loved, you are wanted and we are going to spend the rest of our lives proving that to you lass I promise. We just have to get through these small amounts of time not being able to see each other and when we’re back together again we’ll make up for the missed time. 
I can’t wait till we can do the same my precious one, but unfortunately, Finn needs to close this letter it’s almost time to get ready and head to the arena. I love you and I’ll talk to you soon. Yeah, he’s right I better close this here please let me know when you get this because I’m so excited to see your reaction to it. I love you baby to the moon and past that.  
                                        Love you forever ever                                                Finn and Bálor
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zanybohbot · 4 years
The Outsiders: Squit's Sh*ttiest Birthday Ever!
The Outsiders: Squit's Sh*ttiest Birthday Ever! (Episode 6)
Published: 11-04-19 - Updated: 11-08-19
It's Squit's 29th birthday and he is planning a dinner party but it clashes with a more popular bash so that his only guests are Pinky, Brain, Wakko, Pesto and Brain's exchange neighbour Patrice. This is the 6th fanfic episode of The Outsiders. Thx. Rated R for Strong Language/Mature Themes/Sexual Language.
Part 1: About Squit's Girlfriend
(The main 5 are at Squit's house with Patrice, a 22 year-old French exchange neighbour. Squit is using his computer.)
Brain: [about the French exchange neighbour] I dunno, he seems a bit weird. He asked me if I've tried the "Sleeping Beauty?"
Wakko: Oh, it's so awesome.
Brain: What, you know it?
Wakko: Yeah, you sit on your arm 'til your hand goes dead. 10-15 minutes is normally enough. And then when you jerk off, it feels like someone else is doing it.
Brain: How do you know these things?
Pinky: Oh, everyone knows the Sleeping Beauty; that's so 1984.
Brain: Is it?
Pinky: Fuck yeah, my cousin's brother invented it. He and his bros used to be called The Dead Hand Gang.
Squit: They had a gang based on masturbation? Oh there's nothing gay about that.
Pinky: Yeah, well he's in the Air Force now, so how gay's that?
Squit: Still quite gay. (Charlotte's online on Skype) Oh, shit, Charlotte's online.
Wakko: You asked her along yet?
Squit: No. I don't know if I should.
Brain: Go on, it'll be great.
Squit: Really, do you think so?
Brain: Yeah, it's cool, just say, "Hi".
Squit: (finished typing) Done it. Oh, wow, she's come straight back. She says, "Hi, whassup". Smiley face.
Pinky: Now, ask her the fuck out!
Squit: No, can't just jump in, not the way things have been with us.
Brain: At least have to charm her a bit first.
Squit: (finished typing) I've written "Just hanging out with Brain and his French exchange". Okay, another smiley face. Can't bring myself to send a smiley back, but I could write "lol" if I absolutely had to.
Pinky: Do that. That'll be dope as hell!
Squit: "LOL! Anyway, it's my birthday. Come for dinner, please?" (silence) That pause isn't good.
Pesto: Calm down, it's only been a second, dummy!
(Another short silence)
(Charlotte's offline)
Squit: (annoyed) Oh, for Christ's sake! She's gone offline rather than answer whether or not she'll come to my birthday?!
Wakko: Maybe the connection dropped?
Squit: Nope, it was back and forward, back and forward. Then a question about dinner and she's gone.
Pinky: Look, she didn't say, "No" did she?
Squit: No. But she did hang up.
Brain: C'mon. I'm sure she'll be there.
Squit: Well, not sure, but y'know.
Anya: (came downstairs) Oh, hello, Brain.
Brain: Hey, An.
Patrice: Bonjour.
Anya: (giggled) Oh, my goodness, you're French.
Brain: This is Patrice, he's my sort of French exchange neighbour. Patrice, this is Squit's sis.
Anya: Hello. Well, I'm just gonna play tennis. Ha, don't know why I mentioned that. Bye.
Brain: See ya.
Squit: Thanks, bye!
Wakko: See ya lata.
Pinky: Peace.
Anya: Au revoir, Patrice.
Patrice: Au revoir. (She leaves the house.) Your sister is very ze sexy.
Squit: Uhhh...what?
Patrice: She has ze sex. (walks away awkwardly)
Pinky: Well, damn! He's a strange one. Fuck me, right?
Wakko: But he's French, they're sometimes weird?
Squit: Oh, god, please don't be racist.
Wakko: How's that racist, I'm just saying that he barely says anything and when he does speak it's always about sex. Just like all French people.
(Squit N/R: The next day was my birthday. Whilst I was making my final preparations, including putting on shit music girls would like, Patrice had been busy too.)
Patrice: I just had a really nice, er tug, thinking about your mother. I think some went on the floor. Sorry. (Shows Squit the liquid on his red sofa.)
Squit: (sarcastically/disgusted) Great, thanks, Patrice. (The door rang) I'll get it. It could be Charlotte. (He opens to see Pinky, Brain, Pesto and Wakko instead of Charlotte)
Pinky: Yo, bender. (Drinking Red Bull)
Squit: (looking unimpressed) Oh.
(Squit N/R: Happy birthday to me. It was 8.30pm on my 29th birthday in July 19th 2006, and my party was in full swing.)
Brain: Where's your plus one anyways, Pinky?
Pinky: Not coming. She got a modelling job, had to fly to Paris. Barmaid by day, supermodel by night.
Squit: (sarcastically) Sounds likely.
Pinky: Where's Little Miss Stuck-up Cock-tease?
Brain: Do you mean Billie?
Pinky: Uhhh...yeah. Duh.
Brain: I don't think Billie will make it.
Pesto: Why not?
Wakko: Is something up?
Brain: No, it's nothing like that. I just sort of didn't invite her in the end.
Pinky: Wow. You really are a pussy, why am I not surprised?!
Brain: Hey, at least I tried!
Squit: (slightly annoyed) So lemme get this straight, there are gonna be no women here then? None at all? I don't know why I bother.
Pinky: Well, I wouldn't say there will be no women.
Pesto: Yeah, not no women!
Squit: (confused) Wait. So there are some women coming?
Wakko: Maybe, maybe not.
(Pinky, Wakko and Pesto are smirking as their mischievous.)
Squit: (still not looking unimpressed) Look, it's very clear from your smirking faces and tone of voice that actually there are some women coming.
Pinky: We got you a special birthday treat.
Squit: Did you?
Wakko: (takes a deep breath) STRIPPER!
Squit: What?!
Wakko: Yup. (laughs)
Squit: Have you really bought a stripper?!
Pinky: Relax, she was only $5 million!
Squit: How have you paid for that?!
Wakko: We haven't yet, we'll just have a whip round when she gets here.
Brain: A whip round?! We don't have $1 million each!
Pinky: Nah, it's...oh...shit, you are absolutely right about dat, my paycheck doesn't come out till tomorrow at noon. Sorry, bruh.
Squit: (sarcastically) Great, so until a $5 million angry lap dancer turns up, we are without female company. Gee, thank you very much for my 29th birthday, I really appreciate it a lot.
Pinky: Okay fine, if ya gonna be savage about it, I will pick some girls up from outside.
Squit: (sarcastically) Oh, please! Pick me up some random girls from the street for me.
Brain: Or, we can go to Buster's party, it's happening right now.
Wakko: Yeah.
Pesto: As a matter of fact, why aren't we there in the first place? It will be much better than this shit joint.
Squit: (sarcastically) Why thank you very much for that remark right there. (grabs a bottle of wine) More wine!?
Pinky: Ohhh...I bet it reeks of ass in there.
Squit: Ohhh...and I bet it's not.
Pinky: Yes, it is.
Squit: No, it's not!
Pinky: Is!
Squit: Not!
Pinky: Is!
Squit: (getting angry) Not!
Pinky: Well, I don't see why NOT! (furious)
Wakko: Guys, please. Calm down.
Squit: Look, I put a lot of effort into this! I made a really nice coq au vin...
Pinky: Cock of WAT?! (laughs)
Pesto: Bruh...your fuckin' high.
Brain: You don't help yourself, do you?
Squit: Oh yeah, I see, 'coq' au vin, very mature! It actually means chicken in wine, doesn't it, Patrice?
Patrice: Quoi?
Squit: Well, it does, and it doesn't mean cock up my ass, or cock on my head, or...
Pesto: ...you got some cock in the back of a van.
Squit: Or that I got some cock in the back of a van! Look, all I wanted was a nice, civilised and sophisticated birthday party. Like we did back in 1993, when we first began out acting career back at Warner Bros. Just something a little different from the usual parties - maybe even the sort of party that girls are impressed by! OK, so there aren't any girls here, but why don't we at least attempt to have a sophisticated conversation? We are in the 20s and were not teenagers anymore. I know it's a tall order, and I'm not expecting sparkling, but let's give it a go, eh, fellas, since it is my FUCKING BIRTHDAY!
[everyone sits in chastened silence for a while. Then...]
Wakko: How much Lego can you stuff up your ass?
Squit: Oh, for Christ's sake!
Wakko: No not now, like when you were younger, how much did you get up there?
Pinky: Your fuckin' high.
Brain: Why were sticking Lego up your rear end?
Wakko: Not much, just rectangular ones. Unless, you wanna come to my house and prove it.
Squit: (stands up) FINE! Fine! Let's go to Buster Bunny's house!
Brain: (whispers to Squit) Are you sure?
Squit: Oh, please. It's the last thing I wanted to do. She's not coming, is she? And a skillful raconteur like Wakko is wasted on just us.
Pinky: Nice one. Now I get a proper three-course meal, hoe, puh and a V!
(They all leave Squit's house.)
Part 2: A Long Journey
(Squit N/R: So we headed into the night, and found Pinky's three courses sitting on a fence.)
Pinky: 'Allo, 'allo. (Points at 3 girls drinking wine on the street) Here they are.
Wakko: Nice.
Brain: I dunno. They look a bit rough. Are they drinking in the street?
Pinky: Dirty. I love it!
Squit: Not quite the sophisticates I had in mind, but at least they're female.
Pesto: I think you should go over, Pinky.
Pinky: Nah, B should.
Brain: What? Why me?
Pinky: Alphabetical. You got that bent look girls go for anyway.
Brain: Fine, if you're gonna be a douche, you go!
Pinky: Sorry for being "a douche"! Look, are ya gonna go or not!?
Pesto: Just go, B, it's freezing out here.
Squit: Come on, Brain. For me? For my birthday? Remember?!
Brain: (sigh) God, fine. (He comes up to the girls) Hi, there.
Girl 1: What ya fuckin' say!?
Brain: Uhhh...hello.
Girl 1: And what?
Brain: Uhhh...I wanted to ask you to a party?
Girl 1: I'm 13.
Brain: (in shock) Oh, sorry. I didn't know.
Girl 2: And I'm 11, you scum.
Brain: Yep, there's been a mistake, so...
Girl 1: Like looking at little girls, do ya?
Girl 2: Like getting 'em to parties where you can touch 'em, do ya?
Brain: No, God, no. Look, I'm going now.
Girl 3: Pedo!
Girl 1: You fuckin' pedo!
Girl 2: Yeah, run, you pedo.
(Patrice strokes his dick right in front of them.)
Brain: What the fuck, Patrice?!
Girl 1: Ewww! I'm gonna get my fuckin' brother on you!
Girl 3: Motherfucka!
(The others run away.)
Girl 1: That's it, run away, pedo boy!
Girl 2: Keep going, pedo! Keep walking, you fuckin' pedo!
Pinky: (sarcastically) Nice one, Brain.
Brain: Me?! It was fucking Patrice who pissed them off in the first place!
Pinky: You tried to scum them up, scumbag!
Brain: (grabs Pinky's snout with anger) I'm not in the mood for this, just warning you!
Pinky: "Ooh, watch out, Uncle Brain might give me a special bop with his stupid pencil!" Look, you're being awkward as fuck! Girls don't love dat shit!
Brain: (let's go of Pinky) Whatever!
Squit: (reads his text) Oh, fuck.
Pesto: What's for pudding, Squit?
Squit: (sarcastically) Oh, I dunno. Just a middle-aged woman demanding $5 million!
(The message from a stripper that says "WHERE'S MY FUCKING MONEY AND WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!")
Wakko: Oh, shit.
Pinky: What are we gonna do?
Brain: I think we should go.
Squit: (sigh) Yes, fine, I give up. Let's try to get in to Buster Bunny's.
Brain: What about your dinner party?
Squit: Forget it. You can lead a horse to water but can't stop it sticking Lego up its ass.
(Patrice started pissing in the street for no reason.)
Squit: Oh, for Christ's sake, Patrice, don't do that!
Wakko: God, Brain, he's a nightmare! We can't have him scare all the hoes away at the party, let's ditch him.
Brain: I'm looking after him, I can't leave him stranded in a strange country.
Pinky: Well he comes from a strange country!
Squit: Brain, for once, Pinky and Wakko are right. Patrice is weird and boring. Do you really think girls will be impressed when we turn up with that?
(Patrice is still pissing.)
Brain: Okay. Probably not.
Squit: Let's just leg it while his back is turned. It's now or never, B.
Brain: OK, fuck it!
(The others run away from Patrice.)
(Squit N/R: So we ran away. Yep, ran away. Something I hadn't done since John Cook discovered wedgies in 8th grade.)
Wakko: Crap! I've got a stitch wedgie. I need to itch!
Squit: That should be enough.
(Patrice was running from behind.)
Pinky: Fuck! He's behind us!
Wakko: No way!
Squit: Run! He's chasing us!
(Patrice is now next to them still running.)
Wakko: Holy fuck, he doesn't give up easily!
Squit: What does he think is happening?!
Pesto: I think he's caught us up.
Brain: (sarcastically) Yeah, good spot, Pesto.
Patrice: Brain, why we run?
Brain: Uhhh...I don't fuckin' know actually!
Patrice: You don't know?
Brain: Yeah.
Patrice: So we stop?
Brain: Yep, probably. Good idea.
(They stopped running.)
Brain: (sigh) Let's just go to the party.
(They are walking down the street to Buster's house.)
(Squit N/R: So after trying and failing to outrun a boy in Cuban heels, we headed for Buster Bunny's party, which we definitely wouldn't get into.)
Pesto: Who's gonna ask if we can come in, Squit?
Squit: I dunno, why are you asking me?!
Pinky: Outta the way you Kwik Shit Shitters, I'll do it myself!
Bull Gator: What?
Squit: Hello, Bull Gator. I'm Squit.
Bull Gator: Sorry. You can't come in, there's too many already.
Squit: Look, we'll be no trouble, I promise. I mean, look at us.
Bull Gator: Fine. One of you can come in.
Squit: One, five, there's hardly any difference, perhaps we could negotiate...
Bull Gator: No. (points at Patrice) Him. He can come in. (He lets him in)
Squit: Oh, right, well the thing is, Brain will have to come in, too, he's supposed to be looking after…
(Shuts the door.)
Squit: (sarcastically) Great. So we can add Patrice to the growing list of people more popular than us.
Pesto: DAT'S IT! (As he attacks Squit)
Pinky: (looking through the window) Fucking John's in there! And he's with a girl! He's got his hand on her tit!
Wakko: This is too tragic.
Brain: Holy shit.
Pinky: And Charlotte Big Jugs is in there.
Pesto: (as he finishes beating up Squit, leaving him with a black eye and bruises) Nice! (laughs)
Squit: (pushes Pesto away) Oh, c'mon!
Pinky: Time for Plan B.
Squit: (sarcastically) Oh, right, there's a Plan B, is there?! Plan A was so brilliantly devised I wouldn't have thought we'd need a Plan B! What is it?! Climb over a fuckin' fence?!
(The scene cuts to the Buster Bunny's fence near his backyard.)
Squit: I can't believe we're actually doing this!
Pinky: Don't shit yourself. It's only a fence, it won't bite.
Squit: Yes, Pinky, except I'm not worried about it biting, I'm worried about breaking my neck.
Pinky: Come on, it'll be sick, climbing and shit.
Squit: Will it tho? There must be another way.
Pinky: (looks at the backyard) Ah, it's full of puh. Give us a push, Wak.
(They all climb up the fence and jump into the backyard, except for Squit.)
Squit: Guys, c'mon, get a grip! I'm just not made for climbing, y'know? Maybe one of these panels is loose. (he saw a small gap in the fence) There's a gap here! (he gets into the backyard through the gap but struggles.)
Pinky: Jesus, did you even bother to lose weight at all? Just look ya, maybe that's why you're struggling!
Pesto: Come on, Squit. Just hurry up!
Squit: Huh? (He gets dog shit on his sleeve of his white suit) Oh, for Christ's sake!
Wakko: Why's he always gotta be different?
Pinky: Just hurry the fuck up, tubby, everyone's looking!
(Everyone was looking at them as Bull Gator came along.)
Bull Gator: The hell's going on?
Squit: Oh, hi, Bull. (he got out) As I was saying, it's quite important we look after Patrice.
Bull Gator: And you stepped on dog shit?
Squit: Yes, I have. But ask yourself why? That you've excluded us from this party because of some vague rules about popularity is ridiculous. Although it looks like we climbed a fence and crawled through dog shit, what we've done is challenged your social apartheid.
Bull Gator: You weren't invited 'coz you're not on the list.
Squit: That makes sense too, I suppose.
Buster: (he came to the backyard) The hell's going on? (saw Squit, Pinky, Brain, Pesto and Wakko) Guys! Long time so see!
Pinky: Nice to meet ya, bruh!
Buster: Welcome to my party, make yourselves at home! (looks at Bull Gator, angrily) Dude, why didn't you tell me about this?! (leaves)
Bull Gator: I dunno, they weren't on the list! (looks back at the others) God, if you're that desperate then just ask. But take that suit off before you go inside. (leaves)
Squit: Sweet, nice one!
Brain: He's right about the suit tho, it stinks.
Wakko: Oh, bruh, that is rank. It's all up your sleeve, look.
(Squit takes off his suit which it leads to the others laughing at his black vest he was wearing underneath.)
Wakko: Oh, Christ! (laughs)
Pinky: What the fuck is that?! (laughs)
(Pesto laughs hysterically)
Brain: Oh, my God. (holds in the laugher)
Squit: (annoyed) It was a present from my mom, okay!
Brain: And you've worn it?
Pinky: She been getting gift ideas from Pesto's old man?
Pesto: My dad's not bent!
Wakko: Honestly, that's not a good look.
Squit: Well, we've just gatecrashed a party that Big John was invited to, so none of us are winning the cool prize.
Wakko: But you are losing by a mile.
Squit: Hmph. Not for long. I'm gonna find Charlotte.
Pesto: Upstairs getting fucked, most likely.
Squit: Pesto, I've told you she's not like that! (pause) I'll check upstairs first.
(They went inside the house.)
(Squit N/R: The best thing about your birthday is everyone has to do exactly what you want.)
The Final Part: Worst Birthday Ever!
(Squit N/R: With this in mind, I went to find Charlotte.)
Plucky: (mocking Squit) Nice shirt! (laughs)
Max: (mocking Squit) Yeah, good look, briefcase.
Skippy: (mocking Squit) Someone's stolen your sleeves, boy!
Squit: (embarrassed) Yep, nice one.
Little Beeper: (mocking Squit) Where's the rest of N'Sync?
Squit: Retro, but a good one.
(Meanwhile, Pinky and Brain fight about who's using the bathroom first.)
Pinky: C'mon! Let me go first, you know I'm desperate.
Brain: Ha-ha! Unlucky. (shuts the door)
Pinky: Don't be an ass! Seriously, c'mon, bro, I'm bursting!
(Billie came along.)
Billie: Oh, hi, Pinky, are you waiting?
Pinky: Yeah! I might piss my pants any minute now.
Billie: Oh.
Pinky: Won't be too long tho!
Billie: Oh, right. I didn't know you were friends with Buster.
Pinky: Oh, no! We climbed over a fence.
(Billie looking confused)
Brain: (comes out of the bathroom as Pinky went in) Billie, hi.
Billie: Hi, Brain, how are you?
Brain: Good, you?
Billie: Yeah, pretty awesome.
Pinky: (comes out of the bathroom) Jesus Christ, Brain, what the fuck have you done in there?!
Brain: (confused) Uhhh...
Pinky: Have you been eating cat food again?! Oh, God, you've left skid marks down the bowl too! Nasty-ass!
Brain: (embarrassed) Uhhh...Billie, I didn't. I only went in for a piss.
Pinky: Oh, God, I can taste it.
Brain: (angrily) PINKY!
Billie: (disgusted) Okay, I might go upstairs now. (goes upstairs)
Brain: No, don't. I was only peeing. It was only a pee! I promise I didn't leave skid marks! (looks at Pinky, angrily) You fuckin' asshat! Why did you do that?!
Pinky: Your welcome. (Slams the door)
(Squit N/R: OK, so things weren't going exactly to plan. But if I could just find Charlotte, I was confident it would still be a birthday to remember.)
Squit: (he opens the door to see Charlotte in the bedroom) Oh, hi, Charlotte, there you are.
Charlotte: (shocked) Squit!
(Squit N/R: And I was right.)
Squit: (concerned, seeing Charlotte having sex with somebody) Uhhh...the hell's going on?!
Charlotte: Uhhh...please go away!
Squit: Time out, fella! You're not alone now. (he looks under the covers to see who it is, he noticed that it was Patrice) Oh, Patrice Salut.
Patrice: Salut.
Squit: (shocked) Wait. Are you two...?
Charlotte: (slightly annoyed) Seriously, what are you doing?
Squit: I thought we could do it together, y'know.
Charlotte: Squit, I don't know why you're doing this. And what are you wearing?
Squit: I've got a bottle of champagne at home, and I remembered when we first met we had champagne, as it's my birthday I thought maybe...I'm sorry, is he touching you right now?! (saw Patrice touching Charlotte)
Charlotte: Look, maybe we'll have a drink later.
Squit: (slightly upset) Yeah, later, of course. (he was about to leave)
Charlotte: Oh, Squit? Could you turn the light off?
Patrice: No, leave on.
Charlotte: OK. See ya, Squit.
Squit: See ya. (shuts the door)
(Squit N/R: Great. And I'd rather hoped the singlet was the worst birthday surprise. Meanwhile, my friends were making the most of finally gettin' into a cool party, by standing in a corridor, not talking to anyone, doing jack-shit.)
(Squit goes downstairs to see the others.)
Brain: Did you find Charlotte?
Squit: (upset) Um, yeah. Yeah, I did. Upstairs being fucked by Patrice!
Pesto: HA! Knew it.
Wakko: Ooh, unlucky!
Squit: Can you make him stop, please, Brain? As a birthday present?
Brain: Sorry, but no means no. That's just too weird.
Squit: Yeah, you're probably right. Let's just go home.
(Squit bumps into Newt.)
Squit: Oh, hi, Newt, I'm just going but if you were looking for Charlotte, I think she's upstairs.
Newt: (angrily) Fuck off, you prick!
Squit: (nervous) Thanks. Have a fun night!
(They all leave the party and walked down the street at night.)
(Squit N/R: So, ironically, it was Newt who gave me the best gift this year, a savagely beaten French perverted sicko.)
Brain: Holy shit! What if Newt kills him?
Squit: (annoyed) Good!
Brain: His parents will go satan on Newt's ass tho if Patrice is injured!
Pesto: (laughs evilly) Nice!
Pinky: Well, fuck 'em anyway, you'll never see him again, so what!
Brain: I meant to drop him off back at Paris and I...
Squit: (getting angry) I'm sorry, do you wanna go to France?
Brain: What? No!
Squit: Well then shut the fuck up! What about me, huh?! It's my birthday and I saw Patrice trying to mount Charlotte! The fucking baguette-eating dickhead frog!
Brain: Jesus Christ, dude. That's a bit racist.
Squit: Well he made me racist! He was racist back when he said he hates Irish-Americans, I mean c'mon, what did we do to you!?
Wakko: Did you get to see her boobies tho?
Squit: No, Wakko!
Wakko: (in disbelief) Ahhh...y'suck. Why am I not surprised?
Squit: Oh God, what if my birthdays just get worse and worse from now on?! What'll happen next year?!
Pinky: You get AIDS and die at the age of 30?
Squit: I'd have to have sex for that to happen.
Wakko: Or fuck a monkey?
Squit: Technically, that still counts as sex.
Brain: Or drink from the same cup as Pesto's dad.
Pesto: Fuck you, my dad does not have AIDS!
Pinky: Son, your dad is so AIDS, he's the one who gave it to your siblings!
Pesto: (furious) You take that back!
Pinky: That's what your siblings said to 'em. NARF!
Wakko: C'mon, bro, let's get back to yours. I'll let you beat me at Pro Evo.
Squit: Thanks, I just hope this night couldn't get worse than this.
Girl 1: (from the distance) That's them!
Newt: (from the distance, furious) What did ya say to my fuckin' sister, you fuckin scum!?
Girl 2: (from the distance) Fucking pedos!
(Newt and the girls started chasing them.)
Squit: RUN!
Pinky: Again?
Brain: Oh, shit!
(They started running as Newt and the 3 girls are still chasing them.)
Wakko: Split up, he can't get us all!
Pinky: He's got a fucking cricket bat! See ya around, bitches! (hides behind the car)
Brain: (pushing Pesto away) Pesto, go away!
Pesto: (pushes Brain back) Ayy, coo off!
Squit: This is the tin hat. Worst birthday ever!
(Squit N/R: So my birthday, or dog shit (Bull Gator: And you stepped on dog shit?), singlet, heartbreak day, as I've come to think of it, was over. It's fair to say it hadn't been the best. But I had learnt one important life lesson. If you go around to Wakko's, don't play with his Lego. EVER! (Wakko: How much Lego can you stuff up your ass?/Squit: Oh, for Christ's sake!)
I hope you enjoyed the 6th episode of The Outsiders. Thx. See ya lata! Peace! ;)
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faangirl101 · 6 years
Webbed and flirty, Peter x reader
Peter parker x reader
Anonymous asked: Could you write a Peter Parker x reader where the reader is Peter Quills daughter and when her and Peter meet its like flirting plus Tony and Peter Q being dad’s? Thank you
Authors note: all you have to know is that Peter Quiell is “papa” and Tony stark is “dad”
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“Parker”, my dad, tony stark, turned his back to me as he whispered low into the phone. The rest of the conversation was hard to judge from the whispered words i actually caught.
“tell your aunt it's the internship”
He was talking to peter parker, of course. I mean, i am Tony stark's daughter after all, did he really think he could hide the fact that spider boy is peter parker? We used to go to the same school, peter and i, and still after being extremely attracted to him, i did not once have a real conversation with him. Then we graduated and everything was lost, well until i eavesdropped on my dads and overheard them mention peter parker. After that it wasn't hard to figure out the rest.
Peter Quill, my papa (which i called him to not mix him him up with my other Tony), sat trying to handle the ipod he got from Tony on his birthday. “Yo”, he bumped his shoulder with mine “this thing can keep like, 300 songs, can you pinch me darling, i just wanna be sure i'm not dreaming”. I rolled my eyes, trying to look uninterested, even if a smile was threatening from him being this happy “Dad, its 2018, catch up”.
He pointed his tongue out at me before putting his headphone in. Music streamed out, reaching my ears.
I was bored again. “Daaaaaad”, i muttered getting up and started walking after Tony. “Not now, pumpkin”, he reached out a finger in front of me shushing me. I don't like being hushed, long story short. i tried to speak again but Tony hushed me again. “No you don't have to bring your own own pyjamas, i've told you i've already made you a new suit”.
Before any of us really could react, i snatched the phone out of Tony grip and placed it onto my own ear. “Heya peter”, i tried to calm my beating heart and rising blush. Tony tried to take the phone back but i slipped out of his reach and jumped up on the coach were Peter was sitting. “h-hey”, i heard the teenage boy stutter on the other line. “y/n Stark, Tony's daughter here, we went to Italien class together”. i heard a nervous laugh on the other line “right. Starks daughter. Ummm, we never really talked, not the same friend circle”. I felt the blush rising up in my scalp, no matter how hard i tried to cool it down. I saw Tony grimace behind the yellow sunglasses as he mouthed “give it back”. But i wasn't done messing with him just yet. “Well that's all going to be changed when you come here, Spider boy, i can't wait to catch up with you”, i said with the sweetest voice i had, fluttering my eyelashes even if dad was the only one who saw. Then i bounced down from the couch and handed Tony back his phone. He was surprised, to say at least, not only because i knew Peter was spiderman… but also because i just flirted with him. Dad gave me one last warning look before leaving the room with the phone pressed tight against his ear. Right before the door slammed shut i heard him say “That, Penis parker, is my daughter. She's off limits, don't look at her and don't even think of her”. I couldn't wait until Peter got here.
Two hours later, after 1 pound of makeup and the cutest summer dress i had Peter finally arrived to Avengers tower. My face was glistering of highlighter and my lips covered in a soft pink making them look more swollen. The dress was simple, yellow and off shoulder. The end of it reached my mid thighs and showed of my new shaved tanned legs. My hair was just half up and half down, to keep it out of my face. Okay, i will admit i made myself this cute because Peter fricking Parker, was going to show up. And… well because i wanted to piss of my dad. I looked in the mirror, grimacing in different “cute” smiles to myself. “Hey peter”, i said to my reflections while fingering on the end of my hair tipps. I wasn't being cute, i looked like a complete idiot. Plus, i had nothing on Liz, makeup or not. It was a well known fact about Peters crush and who really blames him. Liz was so cute and incredibly smart and supportive, you just couldn't hate her. Its weird i had two dads that both are considered beautiful but still ended up looking compelly average. “Peter”, i smiled honestly into the mirror “hows life?”. How's life? really? I blew out a nervous breath while fixing my hair. Maybe i should just stay up here, safe with a book.
“Y/n”, My papa called “That pete kid is here”. I could feel the familiar blush rising again, fuck, i never blush this often. “Umm, peter, Mr Quill”, i heard Peter correct him and just to hear his voice made butterflies scatter in the depths of my abdomen. “Coming!”, I called back as i took one last look in the mirror. At this point, he was probably dating Liz so it really doesn't matter what i look like. I swung up the door, tripping out in the corridor out in the living room. And my entire body went into “i'm screwed” mode. Peter fucking Parker got hit by puberty. Real good. His hair was longer now, flowing down his forehead in small curls. I could see pure muscles through his his tight star-wars t-shirt. His usual blue hoodie was wrapped around his firm waist, and i thanked god he made the day hot enough for him to take of the hoodie. He was taller now, at least a head taller than me. Jesus, this boy always found new ways to make me shake of adrenaline. I decided it was weird to continue to stare like this so i walked forward to my dad. Peter looked at me, his jaw fell open i shock at the look of me, but it looked like he caught himself when Tony gave him a warning look. “Peter!”, I smile at his t-shirt “ha, nice one”. He looks down the t-shirt which says “i could make a star wars pun, but i don't wanna force it”. He smiled back up to me as he rubbed the backside of his neck nervously “umm thanks, i like your dress”. I blush again, dammit. “Watch it, kid”, i heard Tony mumble under his breath. Papa put a hand dad's shoulder and gives him a meaning look. Dad seems to relax a bit of his husbands hand. “What are you working on”, I asked looking past Peters shoulder. On a table was peter suit firmly folded. “Well, Peter keeps cutting out the baby monitor protocol”, Tony put his arms over his chest stubbornly. I rolled my eyes “come on dad, he's 18”. Even if i know Dad probably mouthed my words childishly for himself i chose to look at Peter instead “you hacked into the suits safe system through the video cord right?”. Peter nodded and i laughed for myself “yeah, weak spot. That's how i hack myself into the surveillance camera he put in my room”.
Peter smiled impressed “well, i tried taking away the support wheel protocol with the same tactive but the video cord was too deep so i  needed Ned´s help, he was pissed at me cause he rather build the death star lego set with me…”. The Boys eyes shots upen as he looks down at the ground stumbling “why would you say that, peter”. His nervosity was adorable. “How many pieces?”, i ask and can't help but to look fairly intresseded. I'm such a nerd, jesus. Peter take a step closer like he's about to whisper “3803”. I wrinkle my forehead “what? no way? its like 4016”. He chuckles shaking his head “nah nah, its a common knowledge that its 3803 pieces”. I laugh mockingly at him “oh god, you're such a noob, everybody knows it's 4016, look it up, jar jar”.
He pretend to look offended by my comment “Did you just call me jar jar? i'm obviously Han”.
I take a step closer without really thinking about it “yeah? who am i then, obi wan?”. He gives me something i would judge as a flirty smile “More like Leia”.
We are so close to eachother now i can feel his breath on my face. I make sure to look at his lips before dropping my risky line “why? because you wanna see me in a golden bikini?”.
That shuts him up but i still catch him looking at my lips, if only for a second.
“Hey! Hey”, Tony push me gently out of the way “That's enough”. While Dragging Peter down to the lab i can hear him mumble something similar to “Kids nowadays”. Papa putts a arm around my shoulder “take it easy on your dad, kay?”. I nod but in the back of my head i'm screaming “lies”. My papa's beard tickle me as he bends down to whisper in my ear “yeah, by the way, keep messing with your dad. I haven't seen him this ireeterad since his and Stevens fight. he's really hot when he's bothered”. I groan pushing him away “Ewww, papa?! i didn't need to know that. Eeeww, pictures in my head”. Papa winked at me while clicking his tongue “plus i think that Peter kid really likes you. he's a good kid that would do  good to you”.
“Peter?”, i whisper scream while looking around the lab. According to JARVIS, Dad left about 20 minutes ago and Peter is still in the building. When i dint get an answer i tip toe further into the room “Parker?”. I hear a thumb followed by some swear words. On a bench, Peter sat grasping onto his head while groaning. I whine for myself before speaking out “I'm sorry if i startled you”. peter lets out a mix of a chuckle and a gasp “no problem, my spider senses should have sensed you coming in”. I walk over to him, seemed to surprise him the second time this hour by putting a hand on his head. “Lemme look at it”, i whisper as i try to ignore how good his soft locks feel between my fingers. He nod as he moves the chair under him so he sits right in front of me. I move my fingers gently through his hair, careful not to accidently press to hard. “You have soft hair, what conditioner do you use?”, i say jocklingy to light up the situation. It seems to work as he chuckles under me. It was like a silent approval to make him laugh as i smile proudly. Even if i'm way past looking for a wound, i continue to move my hands through his soft hair. i can't help it. it smells so good and i can't help but to think how it would feel between my hands while he eats me out. A warmth spreads through my stomach as i try to swallow down my desire. “That feels good”, he mumbles so low i just barely managed to hear him. “for both of us”, i whisper back as i can feel him push his head closer to me like he's chasing my touch. In the action the stroller on the chair bumps into my shoes, knocking me out of balance. But Peter seems to see this seconds before me as im suddenly  being catched by my waist and falls forward instead. I land on top of his lap, my sundress flying up to fall like a duvet over his jeans and my thighs. I'm out of breath, so surprised over the past seconds. His hands are still on my hips, keeping me from falling again.
I realize the situation i'm in. This looked wrong, sure, but it felt so right. “Thanks”, i mumble and do the mistake to look into his eyes. He's looking right ame me at the same time, and were stuck in eachothers iris. His eyes are dark, dangerously dark, like a promise about the things he could do. They pupil dilate at the sight of you. I lick my dry lips and he follows the action. I can feel the touch of his hands burn though the material of my dress and mek me all hot and giddy. I can feel his muscles as my hands are on top of his shoulders.
He looks down, like he's hiding a smile. I swallow the lump of anxiety threatening in my throat. “Umm”, he muttered as he slowly looks up at me “i really-y, like reeeeally want to kiss you right now”. I can feel the smile i try to hide escape and light up my face. My heart is so painfully big, that's what it feels like, like it's going to explode inside me. “You better, i've been waiting on it since the first year on collage. Kiss me now, Han”.
He gives me a honest smile, like a kid on christmas morning as he starts leaning in.
I close my eyes as i wait for his lips to meet mine. But instead i feel his hot breath on top them as he mumbles “you know, i had a major crush on you but then i became Spiderman and Tony and i decided to try to keep you out of this life”. I chaste a small peck against his soft lips “just kiss me, parker”. He olbigates at one's and move his head to the side to press his lips against mine. Finally after 3 years of longing he kiss me so i can't really hold back the moan. that only seems to spear him on as hand hug my neck so he can press me closer. He taste like green tea and lemon mints. My hands go back to his locks, still surprised over how soft they are. His tongue swipes over my inner lips, begging for permission. I smile against the soft sensation but dont grant him he pleasure. His hand suddenly squeeze my ass leaving me gasping of shook. He takes advantage of my open mouth to move his tongue inside my mouth. It's so much, his wet lips, his hand, his curls bouncing between my fingers. I press my lower part hard against him out of pure instinct. I realized it turned out almost like a grind against his pants. He didn't seem to mind. “Fuck”, he groans as he starts kissing my jaw in tickles soft pecks “you are perfect”. I giggle as his pecks finds their way to a ticklish point. “Come here, big boy”, i'm completely out of breath from the kissing but can't wait another minute for his lips against mine again. Just as he's about to kiss me again we get interrupted by a loud voice “Parker?!”. Fuck. We stumble away from him and i stroke down my dress as fast as i can. “I told you one thing”, My dad point at Peter, who looks like a scared child getting caught doing something bad “not to touch my daughter”. At this point i'm starting to get tired of Tony “please daddy’”. I rarely call him daddy, and it seems to actually catch is attention. I walk forward and place both of my hands on his bearded cheeks “Just.. its 2018 dad, i don't need your approval, okay. I really like Peter. Not to be rude or anything, but could you maybe leave not, old man, we were in the middle of something”.
Dad scoffs offended but still lowers his finger. I can hear Papa laughing from the middle of the lab “yeah, tony, let the kids have their fun”. Like usually, i'm thankful Peter is actually my cool dad. “You heard your husband”, i smile, almost mockingly “let me have my fun”. Tony scoff again before pointing at Peter “i swear on my stark industri, if i found out you two have…. cuddled, i'm going to make sure to pull enough strings so you can't get a job in all of America”. Peters is beyond terrified as his adams apple move “yes, sir”. i nod as a silent “thank you” to Tony as i make my way back to Peter. “So”, i slide my hands over his shoulders “where were we?”. He shift his eyes between my dad's and i “i don't really feel safe kissing in front of them”. I chuckle well pressing my nose against his “they will just have to deal with it”. Then he pressed his lips against mine softly and sweet. My dad might not be 100 % okay with Peter at the moment, but i know he will eventually. So right now, it's all good.
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fake it till (we) make it - Scene 1
the celebrity fake dating oumota au I started last month or smth and finally picked up again. I really love this au so uhh hopefully y’all do too! coughs bc it’s probably a slow burn and i have too many of those
(read on AO3)
Kaito Momota, up-and-coming actor newly known for his roles in various sci-fi films, has a problem. Said problem comes in the form of his frequent costar ringing insistently on his door at 2am.
“What the fuck,” is all his tired mind can create to greet him with. If Kokichi minds, he doesn’t show it, a wild grin filling his face.
“Good morning, Kaito!”
“It’s the middle of the night, this better be real fuckin’ important.” A headache is already starting to form right behind his eyes, so he really isn’t in the mood for-
“I’m bored; you should be a good host and entertain me!”
Three seconds later, Kaito slams the door in his face.
“Hey! Kaito! C’mooon!” The relief from his voice being muffled only lasts a matter of seconds, as Kokichi goes back to ringing the doorbell rapidly.
“Fine,” he groans, throwing the door back open, “Get in here before I call someone to get rid of you.”
He wastes no time obeying, hurrying past Kaito and straight to the living room, vaulting over and onto the couch.
He sighs, closing the door and massaging his aching head. “You could at least take off your shoes, asshole.”
“I’m good,” he cheekily replies, resting said shoes on the arm of the couch, “Come sit over here.” He pats the seat next to him. Kaito shakes his head and opts to sit on the opposite end.
“Are you gonna explain why the hell you’re awake at 2 in the morning or should I just assume you’re going out of your way to bother me?”
He hums in response, before his expression changes to a pout. “My manager wants me to change my sleep schedule so we can get some night scenes out of the way. But no one else is ever awake at this time of night unless they’re completely smashed.”
Kaito pinches his nose; what was Kokichi starring in again? He himself isn’t doing anything currently, waiting for preparations for the next film to wrap up. “Why don’t you go bother Miu then? She supposedly never sleeps.”
“She sleeps weird hours, but she’s in France with Kaede right now.”
Oh, yeah, that’s right. “Ugh, call her or text her or something then; it’s like normal morning hours there.”
“No thanks,” Kokichi declines, kicking off his shoes, “I don’t want to interrupt her honeymoon.”
He furrows his brows at his word choice; they’re there for Kaede’s piano concerts, right? Well, whatever. “Why don’t you go bother-” Fuck, who could he send Kokichi off to? He couldn’t bother Shuichi or Maki with him, and all their other mutual friends either expressed annoyance with him or didn’t stand up to him when he was being like this. Dammit. “... Fine, whatever, guess you can be my problem for tonight.”
It has to be illegal for him to look so happy at being the source of someone’s sleep deprivation. “Aw, I knew you’d come around. No one can resist me.” Fucking spoiled brat.
“Just find some way to entertain yourself; I got plenty of shit lying around. I'm goin' back to sleep.” He stands, waving him off, but doesn’t get far before Kokichi lunges forward and grabs his wrist.
“I have a huge Lego Star Destroyer in my car and if you don’t help me build it I’ll egg your house.”
... Well, how could he say no to that? “Dude, you act as if building that would be a bad thing.”
He hums in response, releasing Kaito and tossing his keys up to him without warning. He catches it midair, nearly missing the sly smirk that crosses Kokichi’s face. “You’ll see~!”
The box isn’t that big, but it’s heavier than he expected it to be. Not anything he can’t handle, but it still causes him some trouble getting it through the door, determined to be as difficult as its owner. He becomes very familiar with information on the side of the box as he’s bringing it in; 3152 pieces, recommended for ages 16 and up.
Looks like Kokichi would have to sit out, haha.
Relaying that joke to him when he finally sets it down in the living room earns him a huff and an annoyed shout reminding him that they’re the same age. Geez, it isn't Kaito’s fault he looks nothing like a 23 year old. He doesn't look a day over 15, and that's just a fact.
“So, why do you even have this? Don't tell me you bought it just to bribe me,” he asks as they pull out the bags of pieces from the box, Kokichi flipping through the first few pages.
“No way, it's just something I impulse bought last Christmas and never got around to building. I remembered it while I was sitting around bored and hey, you're the residential space freak.” He grabs the baggie labeled “1” from Kaito’s pile, tearing it open with more force than necessary.
“Hey, careful! You’ll lose pieces like that!”
“Relax, it's the first bag, and your house is surprisingly clean. Seriously, do you even live here?”
Kaito feels a bit offended at that. “What does that mean?! You think I live like a slob or somethin’?!”
“Uh, yeah? Your dressing room is always a mess.” He pauses. “Do you keep the mess in your bedroom then?” He gives him a teasing wink as he begins snapping pieces together.
“My room’s clean too, asshole. It's not hard to keep a clean house.”
“I bet it is, when you own literally nothing.” He shakes his head. “I was expecting collectables and spaceship models everywhere.”
Well... He does have those, but they're in his study where he can see them while he works out. “What, so are you saying you own a bunch of junk then?” He did say that he impulsively bought this.
Kokichi's face goes flat for a moment, before snapping back into a grin. “Yep! You caught me, I'm a huuuuge hoarder!” And a huge liar; anyone who works with him for even five minutes knows that.
“Yeah, sure.” Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. He can't judge a house he's never seen. Which begs the question- “Where the hell do you even live?”
“I wonder,” he answers with a non-answer, flipping to the next page. Kaito shakes his head, unsurprised.
After he grabs one of the other instruction booklets and his own bag of pieces - pushing Kokichi’s scattered pieces towards him to prevent mixing - the two of them work in silence for a long while. Kaito starts to yawn as he flips through the seemingly endless instructions, blurry vision causing him to keep misreading the pictures and forcing him to frequently tear apart sections of his progress.
“You're really bad at this,” Kokichi comments as he finally finishes his booklet, standing up and stretching.
“Fuck you, I'm doing my best on three hours of sleep.”
“Hmm, should've gone to bed earlier. Besides, I only got four and I'm perfectly fine.” Despite his words, the next sound to leave his mouth is a poorly disguised yawn. “Anyway, I'm gonna raid your pantry as punishment for being so slow.”
Ughhh. “Good luck finding anything, I haven't gone grocery shopping recently.”
There's a long pause as Kokichi inspects the food situation for himself. He returns a minute later with a tupperware container. “How are you alive?”
“Meal prep and tons of leftovers.” He hauls himself up with a low groan, before walking over and taking the container from him. “Don't eat this; it's my lunch for tomorrow.”
Kokichi sticks his tongue out at him. “Whatever, I didn't want your gross... whatever that is.” He huffs, turning back into the kitchen to poke around.
Kaito sighs. “Want me to order a pizza?” That's a better option than him getting into the little food that remains.
He perks up, closing the barren freezer. “I supposeee,” he drawls, pretending to be disinterested.
“What toppings?” He pulls up a list of nearby pizza places, hoping one of them would deliver at almost 3:30am. Closes at 3am, closes at 2am, midnight... Damn.
“None pizza with left beef, obviously.”
“C’mon Kokichi, a serious answer please.”
“Fine, pineapple with anchovies.”
“Alright, no take backs,” he answers, still squinting at his phone to find a place.
Kokichi sighs after a minute of unsuccessful searching. “Gimme that, I know a place.” Before he can object, his phone is in his hands and the pizza is ordered, along with some mystery combo items.
Afterwards, the phone is returned to him unharmed, thankfully. “It’s gonna be 34 dollars, spaceman.”
He scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah yeah, lemme go find my wallet.” He shakes his head and makes the mistake of leaving Kokichi alone unattended downstairs.
By the time he digs his wallet out of his nightstand and takes a quick piss, the doorbell rings. He splashes some water on his face to help keep himself awake, hurrying down the stairs as Kokichi’s opening the door.
“Thank you very much! Sorry, no autographs, but you can get one from Kaito if you want.” He hurries past Kaito and away from the delivery girl, a pile of boxed food in his arms.
Kaito sighs as he pulls a 50 out of his wallet. “Need me to sign anything? And keep the change, it’s fuck o’clock in the morning, I know.” Once he’s signed in three separate places aside from the receipt, she finally leaves, letting him turn his attention back to Kokichi.
“Hey, what’s your Netflix password?” He immediately asks once the door’s closed. “I tried a bunch of stupid space references but it’s not working.”
“Like hell I’ll tell you that, use your own.” He plopped himself back down at the abandoned Legos, trying to regain focus.
“I don’t have oneeee,” he whines in response, dropping the controller down onto the floor as he flops onto his side. Kaito resists sighing again and picks it up, turning the console off, ignoring Kokichi’s continued mumbled whines.
They sit in silence for a few long moments before Kaito realizes that something’s off with the Legos. “Hey, where the hell’d all my small gray pieces go?”
He shoots Kokichi a look, and he receives a toothy smile in response. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll step on them at some point!”
He scowls - like hell he will. “Seriously, do you want us to build this or not? If we lose a shit ton of pieces right off the bat, that’s not happening.”
“I mean...” Kokichi sat up, observing his nails for a moment before turning to the pizza box next to him and opening it. “I’m pretty bored with it now. I’m trying to think of a better game to play, since Netflix and chill is out of the question.”
He coughs. “Shuddit. Fuck, you’re such a pain.” He shakes his head and starts to pick up the pieces, taking the complete piece and the almost finished one to the empty bookshelf he’s been meaning to fill in the corner of the room. Once he’s finished, Kokichi beckons him back over, shoving a paper plate with a slice on it into his hands. He eats it, only because he paid for it and he’s hungry from sleep deprivation.
It’s not too bad, honestly.
“Hmmm, I wanna take a selfie...” Kokichi thinks aloud, leaning his full body weight of literally nothing against Kaito as he pulls out his phone and opens the camera app.
“Seriously?! I’m trying to eat!”
“Just one, promise! Say pineapple!” The circular button takes their picture silently, unlike paparazzi cameras. He lets Kaito approve of it before returning to his previous position.
“Satisfied? Will you let me sleep and not make a mess if I go back to bed?” Kaito asks after the pizza and half the breadsticks are gone, yawning again.
“Only if you answer my question.”
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, sure. Shoot.”
“What do you think about fake dating? Specifically, me ‘n’ you?”
His question is answered by him coughing to avoid choking on his own spit.
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donttellpeterparker · 7 years
Helping Hand P3
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Summary: Who knew that being saved by spiderman would start a blossoming friendship... or maybe something more?
Requested:  OMG I LOVE IT MORE PLEASE IM BEGGING (if u dont have an idea maybe she sees him at school i would love to see that) 
YOUR REQUEST IS MY DEMAND HUN! I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS! I kind of at the end lead it off for smut maybe.. idk I was trying something new XD LEMME KNOW WHAT YOU THINKKKK
Word Count: 3.9k (this one is a longy so enjoy)
Warning(s)?: Cursing, Some Sensual content I guess? If that’s a warning. CORNY AF! LIKE HELLA CHEESY OMG SORRY! And just to save confusion the parts where its all like 
this, this is like a flashback to her and spiderman talking if that makes sense as she’s in the present kinda thing.
masterlist (x) requests (x)
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Part 1  Part 2   Part 4
Helping Hand
To say you didn't get a wink of sleep that night would be an understatement. Peter Parker... His name sounded familiar.. Almost. You rolled over underneath your covers, plugging in your ear phones hoping some soft tunes will lull you to sleep. Of course unknowing about the surprise you were about to receive tomorrow.
You woke to the smell of waffles. Hoping out of bed quickly, you raced to your bedroom, quickly having a shower. Only spending 10 minutes in there, you get changed then whip out of your bedroom. You walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, grab an apple from the fruit ball. 
''Morning hun'' Your mom greeted you cheerily. You smiled through your food and she laughs. She sets a plate in front of you with two waffles and syrup. 
''What's the special occasion?'' You ask. Normally waffles were only done occasionally. Your mum shrugs your shoulders and turns back to her waffles.
''Okay your being weirdly quiet'' You state through your mouthful of food. 
''Eat with your mouth closed please young lady'' You smirk and raised your chin and let a bit of maple syrup run down before quickly wiping it off with the back of your hand. 
''Your in a good mood this morning'' You have no idea. 
''Yeah, I am actually'' You finish saying once your swallowed your food with a smile on your face. She looks down at her food and twiddles a bit of it with her fork. 
''Wouldn't have anything to do with.. a boy maybe?'' She asks not so subtly. You almost choke on your glass of water but refrain. You set it down before turning to your mother wide eyed. 
''Why do you think it's a boy? It could be a girl, you never know mom'' You state cheekily poking your tongue out at her. She laughs and shakes her head at your teenage antics. You quickly looked to the clock and realised you were going to be late. You quickly lean over the counter and give her a kiss on the cheek. 
''See you!'' You called out over your shoulder as you head for the front door. 
''You too! See you later 'Bug Boy!'" You froze. Damn. You turn around slowly to see her sitting there with a smirk. 
''I can explain-'' You begin before she points towards the door. 
''School. now'' She says with a smile. You smile back nervously and walk out the front door. You make your way over to your jeep, it was very old but you found the car's personality appealing, yes your car had a personality. 
~At school
You rush to your locker, quickly putting in your code before grabbing your books for calculus. Slamming the door shut quickly you see Liz out of the corner of your eye. 
''Hey Y/N!'' she greets with a hug. You return it happily and begin to strike up a conversation as you both made your way to calculus. 
#Peter's pov
I rush over to my locker, putting in my combination before grabbing out my physic books when I felt something touched my shoulder.
''Join me as we build the new lego death star'' Ned said from behind me using his 'yoda' voice. I turn around surprised with a huge smile. 
''Dude no way!'' I respond excitedly, we have been waiting for the death star to come out for ages!
''Lame'' I sigh at the comment from the cheerleaders behind us.
''That's awesome!'' I say to Ned totally stoked. This has seriously got to be the best day ever!
''Yeah so I was thinking tonight after your stark internship of course I could start building it, you know while your at the stark internship and get most of it done then pop around to yours-'' By this point I have zoned Ned out completely. In front of us was Liz and... Y/N? I scrunch my eyebrows slightly confused. Since when were they friends? 
But that wasn't what confused me the most... What confused me the most was when I saw Liz I felt nothing... normally i feel like she takes my breath away but seeing Y/N... She took my whole oxygen source.
''Yeah that'd be great"
Y/N's pov#
''I swear if I have to sit through one of Mrs Larbs (Im sorry I had to) lectures again I might just kill myself'' I over exaggerate. Plonking myself down on the seat in between Liz and Jenny. 
Unfortunately we were currently in gym class, the only class really were all year levels shared the same class, apart from sporting teams and the decathlon club. 
''Okay let's make this lesson fun then, for Y/N's sakeeee'' Liz says dramatically throwing an arm around your shoulder. You sigh in content and lean causing you both to laugh. 
''I have an idea!'' Jenny speaks up. 
''Let's play-''
''You say truth and day one more fucking time Jenny I swear to god I'll throw you on a mat and make you do crunches myself'' you say half jokingly. Her face slightly grows nervous cause if there was anything she hated doing, it was crunches. 
''You know getting yourself so worked up like that isn't healthy and isn't good for your brain cells'' Jenny retorts with a smirk causing Liz to 'ooohhhhh' from beside you. You just smiles and shake your head letting out a chuckle. 
''So Jenny, what is this ingenius game of yours?'' You as mischievously starting to giggle. 
''Kiss, Marry or fuck... Avengers edition'' Jenny says with a smirk. You shake my head, smiling. 
''Oh come onnnnnn'' Liz groans from beside me.
''Okay Liz you first!'' Jenny says excitingly, gathering a small crowd around. 
You begin to daze off, your eyes scanning over the entire gym. There was nothing special about it really... apart from the fact that Flash yet again was showing off. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him knowing he wasn't even worth it. Ever since second grade when he spilled his custard all over you on purpose you've kinda been frenemies. Darting your eyes across to the group of people on the mat doing sit ups, you notice one girl lying down lifting her book to and from her face. You laugh. 
''Good going Peter!'' Wait what? You head turned to the sound of the familiar name being spoken. What are you talking about, there are like at least 20 Peter's in your school. Your eyes follow over to the coach who was next to these two guys. You couldn't see their faces seeing their backs where to you. You looked down, beginning to remember details from last night. 
It was weird, the sensation, you couldn't describe it. It was so... foreign. You've never felt like this before and you weren't sure if that was a good thing. Well yeah you've had a boyfriend before but nothing serious and you rarely ever got crushes. You were one of those people to crush on celebs rather than the people who go to your local highschool. In your opinion celebs where just smarter, wiser, nicer and hotter. 
A feeling you definitely didn't miss was the zoo in your stomach. It was so bad that it actually almost physically wanted to make your hurl. I mean how could anyone like that feeling? It was like every time I could feel his breath, or when his skin came into contact with mine, I felt this... fire. Oh god this is so stupid. 
''Yo Y/n?'' You look up to see Liz looking at you with her eyebrows furrowed. You shake clear of your thoughts. 
''Yeah?'' you ask. In the distance you heard a thud, almost sounding like someone falling. All your heads snapped around to the sound to see it was one of the guys you were looking at the back of earlier on the ground. 
''Couldn't get enough of the floor Penis Parker? At least take it out to dinner first before you go down on it!'' Flash yells out causing a small erupter of laughs to echo in the gym. Parker? Wait, Penis Parker? Is that actually someones na-
Oh no. No, no, no god wouldn't do this to you. 
''So Y/N, Thor, Hulk or Spiderman?'' Liz asks. You were confused. Unfortunately you were still looking at the boys back as he began to rub his head slightly. His friend however seemed to notice and pointed in your direction. You quickly advert your guys. Gosh why were your palms sweating? What the hell. And why did it feel like suddenly I woke up a restless monster inside my stomach? 
''What?'' You ask. 
''Thor, Hulk or Spiderman?'' Liz asks again, giving you a funny look. You shook your head, still slightly confused.
''If you could fuck, Marry and kiss them which one of them would go with which?'' She asks. You could feel your throat immediately begin to close up. Almost like you were feeling claustrophobic. 
''Are you okay?'' She asks concerned. You nod your head in response, but you felt far from okay, you felt on edge. And you only ever felt on edge when you were near... him. 
''Wait so you got bitten on a school trip?'' You ask from your desk chair, spinning around to face 'bug boy'. 
''Yeah and the spider was only about this big'' He said showing you with his hands. You began to laugh again. He grabbed one of your cushions of your bed from where he was currently sitting and threw one at you. You ducked your head and came up with fake surprise on your face.
''How dare you want to hurt your nurse Bug boy! If I die so do you Spidey'' This sent you and Bug Boy through a fit of laughter. 
''Okay so the spider bit you-''
''Yeah and it hurt to, so bad that I fainted'' You laughed again. You threw your head back and laughed. You laughed so much you could feel tears welling up in the corner of your eyes. You rest your head back on the back of your chair and stare at him. 
''You weren't the one bit! I swear this one had like superpowers or something so when he bit it made me pass out from like shock or something!"
''You know for a genius you ain't sounding very genuisy'' You mock playfully. He grabs another cushion and hurls at you, this time it hitting you in the face. It came at you so fast you didn't have time to prepare. You began to laugh. 
''Holy hell how did you throw that so quick'' You state in between your laughter.
''Like I said, spider - superpowers, bite - superpowers - me'' 
"Are you high?'' You ask half seriously not understanding a word what he was saying. He threw his head back and laughed then groaned. 
''Wait, wait, wait I think I get it'' You state after thinking about it for a bit. 
''Are you saying that maybe.. after being bit from this spider you developed its... abilities?'' You asked amazed. How cool would that be!
He stared at you with a blank expression, well you assumed seeing he was still wearing his suit so you couldn't really tell.
''That's exactly what I'm saying Y/N'' He says causing you to laugh. 
''Stop making me feel dumb!'' You yell out dramatically before laughing again. 
''Gosh your laugh is so cute'' He says out of the blue. You hide your face in your arms to cover your blush, shaking you head disagreeing with him. 
''So what kind of abilities?'' You ask, immediately changing the subject. You couldn't tell for sure but he seemed kind of.. nervous, like he said something he didn't mean too maybe. You shrugged it off. 
''Well the first one was hearing'' Hearing? 
''I can hear from about 600 metres from me (making this up cause I actually dont know how far spiders can hear so just go with it)"
"Really?'' You ask kinda impressed. He just nods his head in response. 
''Y/N" You felt a hand gently shake you from your thoughts. You glanced to your left to see Liz with a worried expression. 
''What's going on with you?'' she asks. You shake your head and smile. 
''Sorry I was just... spacing out, what was the question again?'' You ask. 
''Out of Thor, Hulk and Spiderman, who would you marry, fuck and kiss'' Liz states seriously. You nervously gulp. Little did they know that spiderman was sitting less than 100 feet from you guys and could hear every word you guys were saying perfectly. 
''Well I'd kiss... Thor'' You say. You turned your head to face the boys direction again, their backs to you again. but unfortunately you couldn't make the beating of your heart slow down, if anything it sped up. your palms were coated in sweated to the point of discomfort that you had to wipe them across your shorts. You could feel the hairs on your back beginning to stand, almost like you had just been zapped.
''And...'' Liz states wanting you to go on. You bit your lip anxiously, crossing your legs over one another. You wiper your palms again, noticing your heart beating faster and faster. By this point you were sure he could hear it. 
''Yeah it's weird actually like one day I could hear a human heart beat!'' Spidey states excitedly. You smile at him and shake your head in disbelief.
''That's impossible'' You state. 
''It should be'' Was all he replied. You just shake your head and softly laughed. 
''Okay well... what else?'' You ask. 
''What do you mean what else?'' He asks confused. 
''Well you said ''The first one was hearing" so.. what was the second?''  You ask.
''Oh! strangely enough it was smell'' Smell? 
''What do you mean?'' You ask and he begins to laugh. 
''You mean like you can smell someones perfume from down the hall or something?'' He shrugs in response. 
''Yeah basically..'' He trails off. 
''Basically... what'' You say, urging him to keep going. 
''I don't know its like I can... sense someones emotions? if that makes sense? Like for instance right now your happy'' He states, You laugh. 
''Yeah you don't have to be a genius to figure that out'' You point out cheekily as the smile on your face grew wider. He sighs and rest his head back against the wall letting out a laugh.
''No but its more than that, it's like I can.. I don't know. It's hard to explain'' You decided to leave it at that, not wanting to push him further. 
''Okay what about the third thing?'' You asked excitedly.
''Uhhh Hulk?'' You question unsure. Liz just nods at you, eagerly waiting for an answer. To be honest you weren't ready to give her one. Well, you could lie but she would know straight away, let's just say.. your a horrible liar. 
''Uhhh'' you stuttered out, rubbing your legs together. You could feel a fire beginning to ignite inside your stomach and lower giving you sinful thoughts. Fuck, snap out of it Y/N! Now was not a time to be a typical teenager. 
''Ummm'' Gah you sounded so pathetic. You glanced back over towards tho boys. But this time you weren't looking at their backs but instead their fronts. 
You didn't want to look but you did. Your gaze lifting to meet Peter's gaze. Now you felt like you were trembling in your seat, not literally of course but it sure as hell felt like it. How could a simple looking leave you completely unhinged? This was bad, really bad. You were trying to get rid of the thoughts, the thoughts of him trailing kisses down your neck, across your torso down to your lower region, you wrapping your arms in his hair as this went on. 
Liz's fingers were quick to snap you out of your gaze. She snapped her fingers in front of your face and you and Peter immediately broke gazes. You looked at Liz uneasy before quickly turning to look at Peter again, this time he was glancing around the room confused, it was weird, he tilted his head up slightly, it was only then that you began to realise. You eyes widen in horror as you could begin to hear your heartbeat in your ears. You could feel the blood pumping through your veins, your body going warm. You began to shake your head rapidly probably looking like an idiot. Oh god please don't, please... don't. 
''Can I say something without it being totally weird?'' Bug boy mutters out nervously. you rested your head back on the back of your chair against your arms.
''Course'' you reply. 
''Won't laugh?'' He asks. You shook you head. 
''It's not just like.. smells... there's also chemosignals?'' it came out more of a question at the end like he sounded very unsure. chemosignals? 
''I'm confused'' you replied.
''okay this is going to sound really weird'' 
''Okay, it's okay I can handle weird have you met me?'' you finish with a small laugh. 
''I walked past this couple a few months back and they were walking down the streets, just side by side, not holding hands or anything-''
''Wait how did you know they were a couple?'' you ask confused. Normally seeing two people walking down the street side by side doesn't mean they're a couple. 
''It was like I could smell their... love? for each other I mean. Like how they desired each other I guess'' To say you were shocked would be an understatement. This definitely took you by surprise. 
''Did it happen only once or all the time?'' You ask curiously.
''It happened all the time but then I learnt to tune it out and only focus on it if I really wanted to'' You nodded your head. But there was just one lingering thought on your mind. For some reason your curiosity just needed to know.
''What do you mean by.. desire?'' you ask shyly. 
''Like they wanted to be together'' he replies calmly. That wasn't what I meant Bug Boy. You shifted on your chair getting comfortable. You took a deep breath, not really sure if you should ask this question or not. 
''Is there... other desire you can pick up on?'' you ask again shyly. He just shrugs his shoulders casually, obviously not getting your subtlety. 
''Like... sexual desire?'' You ask, your voice slightly squeaking at the end due to your nerves. Gosh that was so awkward, why would you ask that! Damn you and curiosity for wanting to know everything. 
At this he stiffened. Uh oh, you went too far, great, you ruined it Y/N, good job. 
''K-k-k-iss h-h-ulk'' Your voice came out shaky, you even managed to stutter as well. You squeezed your thighs together tighter, hoping to relieve a bit of pressure that has been building. You watched Peter nervously, hoping he has no clue as to what was going on and wasn't listening in, no matter how nosy that boy may be.
But of course fate wasn't on your side today. You watched as his eyes went from confusion to wide eyed. You were done, you were so done. If it was possible you wanted the ground to swallow you up whole right then and there. You watched as he quickly scanned the room. The guy beside him continuing on with his set of pull ups. Once his eyes finish scanning he looked over towards you. 
Fuck you couldn't be more embarrassed! It''s one thing to tell a guy your into him them for them to literally smell the desire rolling off of you. You bowed your head in embarrassment, feeling your cheeks heat up. 
''So, Jenny is is your turn?'' You ask out of the blue, spinning around to face Jenny. 
''No, no, no'' Liz says resting a hand on your shoulder spinning you back around. You groaned. 
''Say it'' She says. 
''Say what?'' you say innocently. Liz just smirks evilly at you. 
''Come on! Just say it! Say it and I'll stop'' she says. Yeah hell no. I turn back around to face Jenny to see that she was now also wearing a smirk. Great. 
''But you already know!'' you complained. 
''Oh we all know I just need to hear you say it'' She says cheekily. She was enjoying me being in torture way too much. It wasn't like I could just come out and say 'No I am not going to say it because little do you guys know, spiderman is actually sitting not 10 metres from us and he can smell things like desire and he can literally smell my arousal right now and that if he has been listening in this whole time which he probably has he knows what I'm about to say and I'm going to ruin the first amazing thing I've had in a very long time'
''I'm not saying it'' You respond, turning back to face the front of the gym, both Jenny and Liz leaning on you trying to get you to speak. You couldn't bring yourself to look at Peter, you were too afraid to see his reaction. In fact you knew what his reaction was, you just didn't want this whole situation to be actually real. 
''You'll feel better if you dooo'' she says in a sing-song voice. Yeah I'm sure I would, but after I do there is no going back from it. 
''I can't'' you whisper out. Now slowly bringing yours over to Peter. You looked him in the eyes and you felt your heart stop. Your breath caught in your throat and you froze. He was just staring at you, with what seem like a blank expression. Almost like he was dazed or something. His friend next to him nudged him in the rib and he snapped out of it quickly shaking his head, there conversation to each other inaudible to my ears. Fuck it, he already knows? What else do you have to lose? 
You weren't sure where this new set of confidence came from but you were going to use it before it went away. Pulling your nerves together and using them to your advantage you finally speak. 
''And Spiderman..'' You say trailing off, catching Peter's attention. He was listening. 
''Spiderman what?" Liz teases. You take in a deep breath. Mustering up every last courage you had you looked Peter straight in the eye, making your heart stop again. 
''Fuck spiderman'' You finally spat out. You immediately closed your mouth taking a nervous gulp, all the confidence in the world beginning to slip away. Jenny and Liz from beside you squealed happily and laughed into your sides. But your eyes never faltered from Peters. 
You felt so vulnerable. So bare. And it terrified you. 
Without realising your eyes followed his movements. His tongue came out to lick his lips. Subconsciously you licked yours too, immediately getting 100% more turned on from this simple movement. He made such a simple movement seemed incredibly... mezmerising. You watched as he licked his lips not once but twice, then slowly begin to pull his bottom lip between his teeth. You raised your eyes to meet his. 
And it only took one look. 
One look and you felt it.
He wanted you too. 
A/N: would you guys want a smut for part 4? I have never wrote smut and published it before but I'm willing to give it a go if you guys want?
Taglist: @cutie1365​
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kadtherine · 7 years
alec lightwood appreciation 2017
week 5 : family
Alec was going over a particular mission detail with Raj when he noticed both Isabelle and Max sneaking out of the OPS center. With a frown, he practically shoved the file in Raj’s head, stammering out a barely thought excuse before he took his leave, rushing after his siblings before either of them could disappear from his sight. He dodged returning patrols and avoided the crowded halls, where previously laughing shadowhunters pretended to busy themselves at the sight of the Head of the Institute. Alec payed them no mind, focused on following his siblings’ tracks. He eventually found them standing in front of the Institute’s front doors, both readying themselves to get out much to Alec’s confusion. He watched with crossed arms and a mix of curiosity and confusion, Isabelle wrap a thick scarf around Max’s neck, the latter mildly irritated by her fretting as he busied himself with filling a backpack. After making sure that every morsel of Max’s skin had been covered, Isabelle grabbed a leather jacket and quickly shrugged it on, taking her hair out the her jacket with a swift movement before she tied it up in a tight ponytail. Alec’s eyes widened when he watched Isabelle get her stele out of her back pocket - of all the places to keep it, he thought with aggravation - and started working on a Glamouring Rune.
Both were in the process of switching their combat boots to simple sneakers when Alec decided to make his presence known. Slipping out of his dark corner, he took a few steps toward them before Max lifted his head, a smile appearing on his face when he noticed him.
“Hey, Alec!”
“Hey…,” Alec tilted his head to the side, stuffing a hand in his pocket, “You guys are going on a trip or somethin’?”
“Simon told me about that comic store that I really want to visit,” Max informed him, bouncing on his toes in both excitement and impatience.
Alec frowned down at his little brother before looking back at Isabelle, an eyebrow cocked in question. How had the annoying mundane-turned-vampire spend enough time with Max for him to remember his name, Alec thought. Isabelle responded to his look with an eye roll and an annoyed sigh. Shrugging on her own backpack, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before fixing Max’s collar.
“Do you want to come with us?” Max offered, his tone slightly hopeful before he batted Isabelle’s hands away, “Jace is going to meet us in some coffee in a hour.”
Rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, Alec threw a quick look in a direction of the OPS, where things seemed to be strangely calm - the calm before the storm, nagged an irritating voice in his mid - before he looked up to the grandfather clock.
“It’s getting late.”
“It’s barely three,” Isabelle protested, her previous annoyance remplaced by excitement at the prospect of spending the afternoon with her brothers, “Come on, it’ll be fun. When was the last time we spend time with just the four of us?”
His jaw clenched, Alec dipped his head down, frowning at the groan in thought. He couldn’t actually remember the last time he had spend time with Isabelle and Jace because of something that wasn’t a mission. Now that he had been appointed as Head of the Institute, Alec barely had the time to see Max whenever the latter would visit. Alec looked back up and groaned when met with two matching pouts.
“I can’t. I’ve got to-”
“Oh come on!” Isabelle insisted, almost whining. “We’ll go to the zoo and we could have early dinner in Manhattan. You’ve got to come with us or it won’t be the same. I’m sure you can leave the Institute for the evening without it burning down,” she added, her tone softer.
Alec snorted, running his fingers through his hair a couple of times before he let his head fall onto the back of his neck. Looking back at his siblings, he found Isabelle staring at him, a knowing - seemingly victorious - smirk plastered on her face and her arms crossed against her chest in feigned patience while Max was holding both hands in front of his, as if begging for something. Letting his arms fall to his sides, Alec let out a sigh in resign - from the corner of his eye, he could see Isabelle’s smirk widen at his quiet abandon.
“Lemme grab my jacket.”
They stood in front of a street cart, both patiently waiting for their commands while observing their surroundings. A few steps away from them, Max stated wide eyed at the different cosplayers posing with tourists down Times Square, his bretzel forgotten in his hands. With a smirk, Alec turned back to Isabelle, the latter buried against him in search of some warmth.
“Does your special sibling outing activities include you catching a cold and/or us getting food intoxication from this dubious street cart?” he teased, propping his chin on her head.
He winced and leaned back when Isabelle responded by pinching his side. Detangling herself from Alec, she glared up at him before pulling down the scarf that covered half of her face.
“Don’t be rude,” she muttered.
At the call of their orders, Isabelle reached into his pocket, getting two bills of ten and putting them on a counter with a smile while Alec grabbed both his f their bretzels and sauces. Isabelle looped an arm through his, dragging them away from the booth before he could ask for or be given his change. She ignored Alec frowning down at her and grabbed her snack out of his hand.
“You’re aware all three bretzels only costed 15 bucks, right?”
“I wouldn’t have tipped him extra if you hadn’t been a jerk,” Isabelle knocked her hip against his, “come on, you grump. Admit you’re having fun.”
He rolled his eyes and bit into his salty treat as they both lazily strolled down the street, Max ahead of them and exchanging high fives with Spiderman. He was having fun. He had enjoyed their short promenade through Central Park, where both Max and Isabelle had been invited to feed the horses and responded with excited squeals. He then, had fun when they had moved further into the park’s zoo, tugging Max’s hood with an amused grin when the latter would get too close to the felines’ enclosure - like face-stuck-to-the-glass-panel-too close. He had watched fondly as Isabelle had stepped not the monkeys’ enclosure, feeding them popcorn as they climbed onto her shoulder.However, admitting to having fun was only asking Isabelle to smugly brag that she had been right and she probably drop her $5 dollar caramel bretzel to the ground while doing a victory dance.
Alec hummed in an noncommittal way, hiding a smirk when she groaned in frustration. He watched with a small smile as Max stopped in his tracks and walked back to them, a frown on his face and his soggy bretzel in his hand.
“Could I get another thing to eat when we get to the café?” he asked.
“You aren’t done with this,” Alec sighed, inwardly preparing himself for his brother’s arguing, “I thought we agreed on only getting something to drink once we get there.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t expect it to taste g- to not like it,” Max quickly corrected when Alec leveled a warning glare at him, “plus, I want some cheesecake.“
Before Alec could protest, Isabelle reached forward and plopped the rest of Max’s bretzel out of his hands before popping it in her mouth. Her mouth full, she looked up at Alec, her cheeks puffed as she grinned mischievously at him. He stared back at her, unimpressed, as she made a show of checking and swallowing the food with a loud gulp.
“Problem solved,” Isabelle said, her grin matching Max’s as she sucked salt pearls stuck on her thumb, “Where to next?”
They had decided that, next should be the infamous comic store Simon had talked to Max about. Store that was beyond crowded and did nothing to put the young vampire in Alec’s favors. While Isabelle’s arm was looped through his, Alec had to keep a hand on Max’s shoulder, stopping the over excited boy from wandering by himself and disappearing into the crowd. Max bounced from the comic section to the pop figure section, blabbering about such and such that both tired and amused Alec while Isabelle seemed to be following what he was such with no difficulty. He found himself thinking that it wasn’t only his baby brother that had been spending too much time with Simon. Before they walked out the store, Max insisted on buying a pop figure for each of his siblings - Alec ended up with a Hawkeye figure, Isabelle was the happy receivant of a Black Widow figure and all three agreed on buying a Captain America for Jace.
Isabelle, dragged them from the comic store to the Lego store where then, followed a competition between the three siblings on who coud build the most impressive monument or building. Isabelle was haflway through a perfect  Lego-repica of the Institute before a toddler rushed in and proceeded to destruct her piece, much too Alec and Max’s amusement. Isabelle lashed out of frustration, her fist crashing into Alec’s Eiffel Tower and sending Legos flying everywhere, shooting a mischievious grin in response to his protesting cries. Max was declared winnner by elimination.
They walked out of the store, Isabelle and Max ahead while Alec walked a few feet behind them. He snorted as they both began skipping in synch, arms linked together. They had to stop at a roadcrossings, laughing to themselves about something, falling silent when Alec joined them. He cocked an eyebrow at them, to which Isabelle and Max responded with smothered laughter. They sobered and resumed their skipping when the pedestrian turned green. Alec watched as they slowed down, waiting from him to catch up.
“Y’know, your hair’s getting kinda long,” Isabelle said with a frown, raking her fingers through Max’s blonde hair, “you’re in need of a haircut.”
“No, I’m not!” Max protested, batting her hand away and brushing his hair back, “Beside, it gives me an edge.”
“An edge?” Alec snorted, “You’re 11. Why would you need to look edgy?”
Max shrugged in response, oblivious to the look Isabelle and Alec exchanged over his head. Alec caught sight of Jace already in the café, sitting at a window’s seat. Jace lifted his head at the same momen and met his gaze, lifting a hand in greeting. Alec returned the greeting with a nod as he walked ahead to the café’s door, holding it opened for his younger siblings. Isabelle put both hands on Max’s shoulders and led him to the bathroom while Alec went to join Jace by the table.
“Hey, quick question,” Alec started as he caught the drink Jace slid his way, “what’s your opinion about Max cutting his hair?”
“Why should he? It’s giving him an edge,” Jace frowned, sipping on his coffee as he leaned back in his chair, “Why?”
“No reason,” Alec smirked, drumming his fingers against the table.
Narrowing his eyes at him, Jason run his fingers through his hair and crossed a leg over the other. He grinned when seeing both Isabelle and Max joined the table. Isabelle greeted Jace with a kiss on the cheek before grabbing the styrofoam cup of tea in front of her.
“Hey little man,” Jace bumped his fist against Max’ before handing him a cup of hot chocolate, “Ready to meet Lady Liberty? The next ferry’s for Manhattan is in ten,” he added while getting up.
“I thought we would’ve the time to eat before we go,” Max frowned, slightly disappointed.
As if on cue, Jace smirked and held up a paper bag, waggling his eyebrows at the younger boy.
“I gotcha, bro.” 
Chuckling at Max’s bright grin, Jace carefully slipped the paper back in his brother’s backpack before he tapped him on his shoulder, silently informing him to move forward.
“Vamos, people,” Jace prompted, earning a look from Isabelle.
The ferry’s bridge was surprisingly empty of people - Alec attributed the lack of crowds to the bad weather and the late hour. Not that it would usually deter New Yorkers or tourists, but for some reasons they had chosen to stay inside the boat. Not that he minded - according to Alec, the less people, the better. Alec had chosen to sit on a bench, safe from the big gushes of wind while keeping an eye on Jace and Max, both - dangerously - leaning over the railing and looking into the Hudson. If it wasn’t for Jace’s arm around Max’s waist, Alec would have already dragged them both away from it.
Stretching his legs over him, Alec pulled his hood over his head and downed the rest of the coffee, relishing in its warmth. He barely had the time to pull his arms away before Isabelle came to lay on him, bundled in her leather jacket, hoodie and scarf. Alec leaned his head back with a grunt and tilted it to the side so he wouldn’t get a mouth full of hair.
“Comfy?” Alec deadpanned.
“Very, thank you,” Isabelle shot back as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Alec scoffed and brushed her hair away before he wrapped his arms around her, swallowing a wince when her elbow dug into his ribs as she got comfortable. As if she heard his intake of breath, she shot him a small look and grimaced, mouthing a quiet apology. He pinced her side in respone before adjusting his hold on her. Isabelle turned back around and let out a content sigh.
“This is nice.”
Alec hummed, his hold tightening around her. A comfortable silence fell between the two, only broken by the sound of the wind and waves. Alec’s gaze turned to Jace and Max, smiling when he saw the both of them engage in an intense thumb-war. His eyes, then, fell to Isabelle at the sound of her laugh, the latter as engaged in the match as both of her brothers.
This is nice, Alec thought, almost surprised at the sound of his own laugh mixing with Isabelle. He pursed his lips, smothering his laughter when Isabelle sat up and threw him a look over her shoulder, a smirk tugging at her lips and a victorious glint in her eye. He narrowed his eyes at her.
“You really thought this through, didn’t you?”
Isabelle kept smirking and shrugged, running her fingers through her hair before she reached into her Pocket and got a familiar device out of it. Eyes wide-opened, Alec sat up, an arm automaticaly wrapping around Isabelle’s waist to prevent her from falling, and snatched his phone out of her hands.
“Izzy! What are you doing with my phone?”
“Had to make sure you wouldn’t spend the day on it, worrying about the Institute and stuff. Plus,” she shrugged in a nonchalant way, unbothered by his annoye glare, “Mom told me to do so.”
As if it were possible, Alec’s eyes grew wider and his eyebrows climbed higher on his forehead.
“Mom- told you to do so?! Mom knows about this?”
“Of course she does,” Isabelle retorted in a ‘duh, idiot’ tone before she took his phone and shoved it back in her pocket, “How do I think I got the four of us to leave the Institute without any resistance? Beside, I’m not an idiot: I wouldn’t leave the Institute without supervision.”
Alec was torn between bein angry or amused by this entire ordeal. He couldn’t help but laugh at the satisfied grin Isabelle wore and for the umptenth time in his lifetime, Alec was relieved that Isabelle was on their side. With her genius, strength and mischievousness, she’d be able to take over the world within hours. Shifting on his lap, Isabelle began poking his chest.
“Now admit it: this was the best idea ever and I’m a genius.”
Alec grabbed both of her hands with his free one, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I never denied the fact that you were a genius. As for this being the ‘best idea ever’,” he cocked his head to the side and smirked, “day’s still young, hermanita. It could all go to hell, knowing us.” 
Letting out a scoff, Isabelle freed her hands from his grasp and gave his chest a last shove.
Late into the evening, a couple of young men could be seen racing through the streets of New York, each carrying another person on their backs and each talking trash to the other. Pedestrians hastely moved out of their way as they jumped over benches and pratically flew to cross the pedestrian crossings before it turned red.
“Come on, Alec! They’re catching up,” Max urged him on, his arms tightening around his neck as Alec took a sharp turn.
Alec risked a look back, smirking at Isabelle screaming and almost kicking Jace’s sides for him to go faster. He heard his parabatai’s muffled ‘damn it, Iz” I’m not a freakin’ horse! stop digging your heels in’ as he turned back around, nearly crashing into a couple of women. He slowed down his pace with a gasp, ignoring Max’s whining in his ear as Jace and Isabelle flew pass them, the latter cackling at them. Swallowing a curse, Alec threw an apology over his shoulder before he resumed the horse, adjusting his hold on Max.
He breathed out a sigh when catching sight of the enlightened Institute and both Isabelle and Jace sitting at the front steps. Skidding to a stop, Alec let a petulant and arguing Max off his back as he rushed to his smug siblings’.
“I demand a rematch!” he declared, stomping his feet as he climbed the stairs.
“Aw, come on, Maxi-Max, don’t be such a sore-loser,” Jace said as he got up, dusting off his hands on his pants 
Max humphed, crossing his arms over his chest and avoiding Isabelle’s hands as he pushed in the heavy front door of the Institute, closely followed by his siblings. The OPS centre was still buzzing with activity at their arrival, Maryse standing in front of a multitude of screens, her lip stuck between her teeth as she listened to whatever was being said. She looked away at the sound of the bickering, her concentration replaced by amusement. Handing her tablet to a nearby Shadowhunter, Maryse quickly got down the stairs and walked toward her four children.
“And here I was thinking that this place was too quiet,” Maryse said, her smile widened when all heads swiveled to face her. Her gaze drifting to a still pouting Max, “Did you have fun, love?”
“It was fine, I guess,” he shrugged before glaring up at Isabelle and Jace, “before these two ruined it by cheating-”
“Hey now, dude,” Jace interrupted, frowning down at Max, “we won fair and square-”
A new wave of bickering erupted between the three younger siblings, causing Maryse to throw a look at Alec. Alec responded with an eye roll, cocking an eyebrow at her as if silently telling her that it was her fault. And technically, it was. Maryse returned the look, crossing her arms and cocking a head to the side : they’re your siblings. Deal with them. With a long sigh, Alec put both hands on Max’s shoulders, putting an end to the argument.
“We’ll have our rematch, Max. Promise. Just not today, it’s getting late.”
As Max was about to protest that he wasn’t tired, a traitorous yawn escaped his mouth. Alec smirked down at him, ruffling his hair before he looked up at his mother, the latter pursing her lips in attempt to smother her laugh. Clearing her threat, Maryse leaned down so she was eye-levelled with Max and brushed away the locks of hair that fell over his eyes. 
“How about you go up, put away your things and hop in the shower? I’ll come up later to check on you;” 
Max blew out a breath and nodded, dragging his feet as he made his way to his private quarters. Isabelle shot a small, tired smile at her mother and let out a yawn of her own, pulling her hair out of her ponytail. 
“I’m going to go up too. I’ll check on Max,” she reached for her mother, giving her a short embrace, “Night, losers,” she threw over her shoulders.
“Night, Iz’,” Alec retorted with an eyeroll. 
Jace muttered something about going to see if Clary had already turned up for the night before taking his leave, oblivious to Alec’s and Maryse’s amusement. He threw a look to his mother and let out a long-suffering sigh, earning a snort from the older woman. Alec shrugged off his leather jacket with a groan and fell into step with Maryse as they made their way around the OPS centre. 
“How were things around here?” Alec asked, rolling his neck and snapping back into leader mode.
Maryse stopped in her tracks and put a hand on his arm, forcing him to turn and face. 
“I’ve been handling this Institute long before you can walk, Alec. I’ve got things under control.”
“I know, b-”
“How about you tell me how about your day?” she interrupted,wrapping an arm around his, in a similar manner Isabelle had done earlier, “Did you have fun?”  
Alec blinked down at her, wondering for a second if something had gone wrong during his absence and she was trying to hide it from. But brown eyes stared back into his and Alec only saw genuine curiosity and affection. As if sensing his hesitation, Maryse squeezed his arm, snapping him out of his train of thoughts. 
“Uh, it was fine. Max didn’t get eaten by tigers, Izzy made friends with a capucin monkey and Jace didn’t fall into the Hudson. Sounds like a pretty good day to me,” he said, flashing his mother a sheepish smile. 
“While I’m glad that all your siblings are alive and well, this isn’t what I asked,” Maryse chuckled when he frowned down at her, as if genuinely confused, “Did you had fun?” 
Alec found himself pondering over the question. Unnecessarily, of course since he had already - although, albeit relucantly - admitted to himself that Isabelle’s idea hadn’t been as bad as he had thought it would be. He remembered genuinely enjoying himself when feeding the cows at the zoo - he might have named one or two, but that was his secret to know. Alec remembered laughing at loud during their sibling competition in the Lego store, wiping tears when Isabelle’s building had been rendered to pieces - literaly. Hell, Alec already pictured where he would put the Hawkeye pop figure Max had bought him - on his desk in the office, next to a photo they had taken in Central Park last year.
 Alec looked down at his mother,the latter staring back at her with a knowing smile. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“I won’t tell Isabelle, promise,” she whispered. 
“Well, in that case,” Alec snorted, “I guess I had fun.”
And while his tone was sarcastic, his words were as genuine as Maryse’s responding smile. 
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