#when i complain about losing all of my 20s to school i'm not complaining about losing my 'best years' or 'party years' or whatever
non-un-topo · 1 year
Worrying I'm developing a case of senioritis, not in the screw-this-I'm-just-not-going-to-do-it way, but in the holy-shit-can-I-please-finally-just-be-done way
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bangchansgirlsblog · 10 months
Sweet Angel 👼
Part one:
Has to re-write this
The clock was ticking. Her heart was pounding as she sat outside the principals office. She said a small prayer because she knew the trouble she was in. She knew this was going to be a good day.
“Y/n. The principal is ready to see you,” Candice, the school receptionist, called for her. She gulped and looked over at the lady. She was tall and had a mini skirt on. Her blouse was see through but no body complained because quite frankly everyone enjoyed the view. She was a hottie after all.
“Goodluck,” Candice said before Y/n could even step into the office. She needed it in order to stay calm and stay collective.
Her shaky hands opened the wooden doors and the smell of fresh books and coffee filled her nostrils as she took a step inside.
“Y/n, please take a sit,” His voice was loud but not scary loud more like loud for no reason loud. Y/n never liked the way he yelled. It was always hours of a lecture that she didn’t give two shits about because she knew she was going to get into trouble again but get away with it anyway.
“Goodafternoon Mr.Zang,” she smiled politely before taking a sit and looking straight at him. It was almost like she was taunting him, making him look like some type of clown.
“Alright let’s cut the crap young lady. We’ve called your brothers in,” her whole body went cold. Her breathing picked up its pace and her shaking hands were very visible now.
“You called my brothers?” She asked in disbelief, “but sir-“
“I don’t want to hear it Y/n, we’ve been going through a roller coaster with you and I think it’s time I set my foot down,” He was signing a piece of paper. The room was dark and mostly made of wood. It was a typical principal study and that creeped her out even more.
She was scared. She was terrified because if Chan was on his way he was definitely pissed off. She was definitely going to be in big trouble and she was definitely going to get killed. She was on her second strike. She had already been kicked out of a school before this and if she got suspended again in this school that meant she was one step away from getting expelled again. That alone would put Chan and all the boys in a coma.
She let out a sigh. This wasn't good at all. At all.
She looked up at the clock again to calculate how much time she had to live. 20 minutes. She had 20 minutes to live and she would spend it in this sad room. Not how she expected her last moments to be.
Her stomach was churning and suddenly the lunch she had eaten wasn’t such a good idea because of the nauseous feeling that came over her. The nerves were eating her alive and at a point she thought she was dreaming.
Her short prayers were interrupted by the doors opening. Had it been 20 minutes already?!
"I'm so sorry I'm late," She heard Chan's voice fill the room. She looked over at the door and gulped when she saw him come in with leeknow glaring at her. A lump in her throat started to form.
Leeknow was the scariest out of them all. He was the only man that scared the shit out of her (after Chan ofcourse) she just knew if it was the two of them (Chan and leeknow) it wasn’t a good thing because the both of them together was like losing a finger while cooking your favorite meal…does that make sense?
"It's okay Mr.Bahng, welcome. Please have a sit." Mr.Zang said pointing at both empty sits right next to Y/n. She made sure to scoot a bit further so she wouldn’t be at punching reach from Chan. (She was just taking safety precautions)
"So what seems to be the matter? what did she do this time and how much will it cost me?" Chan chuckled and she knew straight away that that chuckle wasn't real. It wasn't real at all.
"Im sorry we have to go through this again but today we caught Y/n- well you'll see by yourself," he pointed the tv remote at the tv that sat on the opposite side of the room. It was cctv footage. Y/n cursed herself for not knowing that this man was keeping cameras on her 24/7. She felt dumb. The video tape played and showed Y/n with a bottle of vodka passing it around with her friends. They were behind school in the alleyway between the gym and main hall.
She gulped again and looked at the floor not daring to look at Chan or leeknow. Her throat was dry at this point. She could hear a frustrated sigh and a 'you better start praying' from Chan.
"Now Ofcourse we don't tolerate any of this behavior," Mr.Zang turned off the tv and sat back in his chair.
"I understand that sir," Chan replied,
"We will have to put her on suspension for 3 days but I do have a question," he looked back and forth between Leeknow and Chan with a worried look on his face.
"Yes Mr.Zang, what is it?" Leeknow asked.
"Who is at home with Y/n? Is it just you guys?" He questioned the boys while adjusting his glasses.
"No sir, she has a nanny that takes care of her sir. It's me and my other brothers that are in charge of her sir,"
"And what about parents?..." he trailed off. Her heart slightly jumped at the thought of her mum and dad. All she could feel was numbness everytime they had to talk about them.
"We don't have any of that sir, her mum and dad died a while back so I was given custody over her sir," Chan replied politely. He too didn’t like to talk about the death of her parents. It ruined his whole mood because he knew it was a soft spot for his little sister.
“Oh I see because Y/n has been acting out lately and with the grades and her attitude she might not make it past 12th grade,"
She glanced over at Chan who was massaging his temples and trying to stay cool while leeknow sat with his hands crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.
"I understand that sir, I'll make sure she gets on her game,"
"Alright I think that's it, young lady I hope you take this time to reflect on your behavior," he pointed at her. God! She hated Mr.Zang. His pin black hair and beady eyes always creeped her out. Even his golden tooth that always seemed to be glowing no matter what. Ugh.
"Trust me she will be reflecting a lot," leeknow said before shaking Mr.Zang’s hand.
They handed them the peace of document for her suspension so they could sign it and once they had finished she got out of her chair and grabbed her bag from the floor and started following behind her two older brothers. They both were talking to eachother whispering back and forth as she walk quietly behind them. The school corridors were quiet and she was glad because if word got out that  2/8 of straykids were in school, that would be hell for her.
The car was parked outside with the driver in the front seat and when they got into the car and all the doors closed Chan started yelling. Yelling really loud. Her body was trembling at this point.
"What the fuck Y/n?!" He started off. she kept quiet and looked at the ground not daring to look him in the eye. "Oh! So now she can't talk huh?! Now she can't talk!"
"This is so disappointing! Yah! Do you know how embarrassing this is?! Getting called out of rehearsal?!" Leeknow added on.
"I can't even look at you right now! You're so stupid! Why can't you think before you act huh?! Why can't you do things without getting into trouble?!" Chan yelled while bawling up his hands in a fist.
"I'm sorry-" she softly said but she was interrupted by his sharp laugh,
"She's sorry! She's sorry she says! You know what I'm sorry for?! You're grounded for life. Locked up in that house for internal life!" Chan scoffed, "No tv, No phone, No tablet, No computer..oh and you know what else? No more free tickets for your friends! You will stay in that house until I see straight A's again understood?!"
“Yes Chan," She nodded her head,
“Also I’m taking you out of the trainee program. Your not debuting anymore-“
“Chan, please don’t. Please Chan that’s the only thing I have-“ tears started to build up in her eyes. Her heart was shattered. Chan knew how important that was for her. He knew how much she was looking forward to being in a girl group.
“I don’t want to hear it. This conversation is over,”
His face was red and he looked scary but she couldn't help it. Why would he do that? He knew that was my most valuable thing going on in her life.
“Chan I’ll-“
"I don't care! I don't fucking care right now! Just stay quiet and don't even talk to me, don't look at me if you can please don't even breathe the same air as me,"
She looked at him with so much hurt but obeyed his wishes. Her heart was heavy but she couldn't blame him. She deserved it.
She kept quiet and continued to look at the floor as they arrived home. Leeknow was trying to calm Chan down as she got out the car and walked into the house. Tears fell from her eyes at a constant speed.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Han asked, he was sat in the living room with one of his friends but he still chose to leave them and come up to her.
"Y/n? You reek of alchohol, where have you been?" He pulled her into a hug. Concern was written all over his face.
“Don’t touch me,” she tried to remove herself from his grip but it was too tight,
“Talk to me please,” he begged.
"I thought I said I don't want to see your face!" Chan's voice boomed in the room. She got out of Han's grip and quickly run up the stairs sobbing.
"Wait- what happened?" Han asked Chan who was now huffing and puffing.
"She's on Suspension,"
"Again?" Han asked confused, "what did she do this time?"
"Bottles of alcohol in her bag," leeknow explained while rubbing his eyes, tired as usual.
"Where does she even get that?"
"I don't know but I'm starting to get worried about her. I think this is her last strike. What are we gonna do?" Leeknow shook his head.
Chan was fed up and it was so clear, "I don't know but right now I don't want to deal with her crap."
"Chan don't say that, you don't mean it," Han said frowning.
"No I do! Han she has been causing hell! I don't know what to do anymore! I might just have to ship her off to boarding school! I can't be dealing with work stress and her stress! I've tried everything, literally everything but she won't change," he snapped at Han.
“Dont yell at me, I don’t mean any harm,” Han frowned feeling abit attacked, “Chan just give her time, she's just a teenager and she just lost her parents,"
"Who's just a teenager?" Felix asked entering the room from the kitchen.
"Felix back me up here, Chan wants to send Y/nnie to boarding-"
"What?! Why? You can't do that Chan?!"
"I didn't say I would and she got suspended Lix, " he run his fingers through his hair before he started to pace back and forth
"Maybe we can put her in classes? To distract her from being bad?" Han suggested.
"Yeah that's a good idea! That way we can monitor her there too. We can even pick her up after practice," Felix agreed
"We'll see but for now she's grounded for life."
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thethirdromana · 2 years
Ten modern Dracula covers, rated
(by request of @mysticalspiders on my previous post of older covers)
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A poor start from Penguin Classics, who seem to have confused their Dracula with their Nosferatu for this 2006 edition. Piddling little castle too. 2/10.
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I had to look at this 2013 Vintage Children's Classics edition several times before I realised that their Dracula does not, in fact, have a man-bun. I'm a bit disappointed, and also adjusting the contrast settings on my laptop. 7/10, hope this unabridged edition leaves the children suitably traumatised.
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Fair warning, we're going to see a lot of covers from assorted Penguin imprints - this is the 2003 audiobook (read by Richard E Grant, which sounds delightful) but the print edition had the same cover. It's Love and Pain by Edvard Munch, also known - not by him - as Vampire. Gains points for thematic relevance, loses them again for not depicting a specific scene in the book. 6/10.
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I like this (Penguin Vintage Classics, 2011). It's subtle, it's a little bit sexy. It has the confidence that the reader knows what Dracula is about (after all, who doesn't?) and will put things together for themselves. 8/10.
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More Penguin Vintage Classics, this time from 2007 (I did warn you). I'm getting strong vibes of the 2020 BBC Dracula, and the less said about that the better. 3/10.
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OK. I might need to be a bit petty here. I get what they were going for at Modern Library Classics in 2002, I really do, BUT I do need to note that Lucy did not wear a crucifix on her choker. (She wore a diamond buckle, given to her by Arthur). She very much did not wear a crucifix on her choker. The story might have gone rather differently had she worn a crucifix on her choker. 4/10.
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I'm a bit conflicted on this one. On the one hand, I like Edward Gorey, whose Dracula stage designs illustrate this 2021 Sterling edition. On the other hand, I'm not at all sold on the wings, and my favourite Edward Gorey illustrations are his wolves, e.g. in his cover for The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. There are wolves in Dracula, there could have been wolves here. 7/10, would have been 9/10 if it had wolves.
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The art style on this Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition (by Ruben Toledo, 2010) reminds me a great deal of the art style of a girl I had a crush on when I was at school. So it gets extra points for bringing back happy memories. And it needs those points, because otherwise Dracula-as-Edward-Scissorhands is decidedly Not For Me. 3/10.
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I mean it does the trick, doesn't it? Nothing to write home about, nothing to complain about. Except that this is a Collins Classroom Classics 2021 edition - for the A-level set text, no less. Can you imagine hoofing this back and forth from your house to your locker to your classroom, every day for a term or more? Can you imagine how revolting this off-white cover would eventually become from months-long exposure to school desks and teenagers' rucksacks? No thank you. 4/10.
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It's BLUE!! Thank you, Puffin Clothbound Classics (2019), for finally providing an end to the monotony of red and red-tinted Dracula covers. There are a lot of covers that follow the castle-and-bats motif, and I haven't included most of them to keep this from getting samey. But imagine having the strength and courage to say no to the endless tyranny of red and make it blue. BlueBLUEblueblueblue. I feel refreshed, I feel restored. 20/10.
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krikeymate · 1 year
We know Amber has beef with Sam but how do you think Sam feels about Amber and does she notice Ambers influence on Tara before she disappears?
You know, I've never actually thought about that.
We know there was existing animosity between Amber and Sam and that had to originate from before Sam left. I truly think that once Sam left, she did not come back or contact Tara until we see her return in 5.
I think Sam was too in her own head and dealing with her own stuff at the time to really recognise or understand the influence Amber had on Tara. Because if she wasn't, well then Amber wouldn't necessarily have a platform to integrate herself into Tara's life in the first place.
In my headcanons, the dad leaves in Dec 2010, and she fails that year of school, so is held back/repeats that year, starting Sep 2011 - just before Scream 4 happens. So, 8 (soon to be 9) year old Tara, begins to spend a lot of time with 7 year old Amber. It only takes Amber a few months to decide Tara is hers, so I'm absolutely losing it at the thought of 7 year old (maybe nearly 8) Amber beefing with a 14 year old Sam.
The thing is, I don't think anyone really recognises that there's something weird about Sam & Tara's relationship or the way Tara connects with people until after Sam has left. Sam is nearly 19 by the time she leaves, and she's seen how other people are with their siblings but it doesn't really click because that's how it's always been for them. She tries therapy at 20 and learns that her childhood was super fucked up actually. She quits when the therapist tries to tell her that her relationship with her sister was wrong and asks if Sam holds any resentment towards her sister for ruining her childhood. She doesn't go back to therapy for another 2.5 years, until the hallucinations start. Tara begins to recognise there's something wrong with the way she feels after Sam leaves and she breaks down over it. But Amber is there to hold her and pick up the pieces and she tells her it's ok and Amber is seeing these Big feelings and doesn't push her away, and she clings to her instead.
So Amber and Sam have animosity. No one really has the language or the understanding to explain why or what is wrong. We know why Amber hates Sam. But on Sam's side?
Sam just isn't in the mood to be judged by some kid for things she can't understand. Tara's always still so excited and loving when Sam is around, so Sam knows Amber's hate isn't coming from anything Tara is doing - not that she would blame her even if it was, Sam's been short with Tara lately, she would deserve to complain to her friend about her. Sam never really has strong feelings about Amber, she's just some kid who Tara seems to like and who hates her. Amber doesn't mesh well with Tara's other friends, which concerns her, but at the same time, Amber is Tara's best friend.
Sometimes Sam gets a vibe like there's something weird about Tara & Amber's relationship, especially as they get older. But her friends just tell her that she's jealous and it's normal that she and Tara have grown apart a little, and it makes sense for her to confide in her best friend more than her sister. Sam feels a bit petty for vying with a kid for her sister's attention.
At the same time, it's a relief, she has never had more freedom and space with someone else looking after Tara. She hates how guilty that makes her feel, Tara isn't some obligation. Eventually Sam gets to a point where she can't even look after herself, and she knows she's spiralling but she just can't stop. The intrusive thoughts have been getting louder and louder and she starts to push her sister away more and more when all she wants is to pull her close. It pushes her into Amber instead.
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atthebell · 11 months
“if it’s not your speed it’s not your speed” i 100% agree that streamers don’t owe us edited videos, and while i do think a good portion of people are complaining about streams because they’re, as you said, “not your speed”, another major problem for people is probably time. i’m a student, and between school and homework i miss just about every stream. as well, it’s really hard to go and look through vods to try and figure out what happened that day. while liveblogging is useful and really appreciated, at the same time i would like to be able to see what happened for myself, yk? so as someone with nearly no time (or energy by the end of the day) i really love the idea of edited videos. (and i’d like to reiterate I DONT THINK STREAMERS OWE US ANYTHING- this is more so just my personal, really frustrating problem)
anyway sorry for the rant i’m incredibly frustrated over my lack of time to keep up with qsmp and needed to talk about it somewhere💀👍
i get that its frustrating to not be able to see everything from an smp you're really interested in (i have a lot of time on my hands and still dont catch everything i'd like to, qsmp just has THAT MUCH content, its literally impossible to keep up with even just one character really) but my issue is the amount of complaints ive seen where people are literally saying they think ccs suck shit for not editing down their streams into youtube videos. like. dude. you are not owed shit. and i keep seeing it presented in this way, not just for edited videos but in general, like people complaining that cellbit doesn't post his qsmp vods to youtube and saying that that is the bare minimum creators owe us. no it is not! he doesn't owe you that! no cc owes you that! you are not owed content! i don't care if you're a tier 3 sub or whatever, you are not owed anything. people feel incredibly entitled to creators right now and it feels emblematic of how people consider entertainers and labor generally (because yes, entertainment is a job, including twitch streaming), and i find it really disappointing. creators do not have an ethical obligation to provide you with content, and definitely not personalized content. to assume otherwise is parasocial and weird.
i understand that not having a lot of time makes streams really difficult. there was a point in time a couple years ago when i worked 20 hours a week as a full time grad student and had to try to catch streams on my walk home, and it wasn't fun! edited videos are much easier to consume, and i get why that would turn people off something like qsmp where 95% of content is livestreams and only like. two people post videos and not even regularly. i also do think "if it's not your speed, it's not your speed" doesnt just refer to taste-- i'm well aware many people do not have the time to catch that many streams if they can catch any. that sucks! it does not make it a moral failing on the creator's part, and it doesn't mean you can't watch any qsmp, but it does mean that your ability to watch it is hampered and you probably have to live with that. i'm not saying people in this situation can't complain. i'm saying don't turn it into a moral issue. to me the way that people talk about it is so rarely framed as "man, i wish i had all the time to watch this," or "i wish there were more creators editing down their videos!" and more often framed as something creators dont do because they're stupid or careless. they're not either. they're twitch streamers. many of them don't post youtube videos at all and have not in years. that just isn't the content they make. and i'm sorry that that means some people can't watch, but it doesn't make it a failing on their part.
like, feel free to kvetch about not having enough time to see bagi and pac lose their minds over fed worker murders! i also do this! i complain weekly about missing streams to take care of my nephew, even though i love spending time with him. but don't talk about it as if it's a war crime that phil doesn't edit down his qsmp lore. and i'm not saying you do this, anon, bc obviously i have no idea who you are. but all of the above and what i said in my notes is about the people who actively, vocally talk shit about ccs like they're personally owed edited down videos when that just isn't the case and makes them look like jackasses.
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gryffindorkxdraws · 2 years
Title: Cardigan
Word Count: 1,610
Summary: Rapunzel reminisces of what once was.
Notes: a few of you suggested for cardigan so i'm putting all of that here in one ask. just cus i don't want a song to be repeated! enjoy!
listen to song here while reading
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It was raining outside when Rapunzel decided to clean up her room. There was so much to do, and so much to see, or rather, find again with how her room was full of chaos. ‘It’s like having your very own galaxy in here!’ His voice echoed in her head. That was the very first thing Jack said to her when she invited him over, which felt like a lifetime ago.
Vintage tee, brand new phone
High heels on cobblestones
When you are young, they assume you know nothing
Rapunzel sorted out her things by years. Her childhood toys that she made out of recycled materials go on one corner, the bizarre things she collected as a teenager went on the other, and her adult stuff— which were still as random as ever, according to Merida— on her bed. Though those weren’t as much as the others given how she moved out as soon as she hit college. And honestly? She wasn’t sure what she was doing back at home. Visiting her parents, despite that fact being true, felt like an excuse.
Sequin smile, black lipstick
Sensual politics
When you are young, they assume you know nothing
She paused when she found a picture frame buried beneath a pile of clothes in the closet. While only seeing one corner of it, she already knew what it was. Pushing her clothes aside, she then picked up the picture frame and stared at it. There, under its glass, were high schoolers her and Jack smiling at each other. And like magic, the memory behind it resurfaced and played before her eyes.
But I knew you
Dancin' in your Levi's
Drunk under a streetlight, I
I knew you
Hand under my sweatshirt
Baby, kiss it better, I
Jack was drunk, somewhat, after they stole beer from Hiccup’s stash, and he laughed from a corny joke Rapunzel excitedly shared. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t tipsy too, and, perhaps from the influence of alcohol, found Jack’s wheezy laugh all so endearing. 
And if they weren’t exchanging jokes, they were exchanging dance moves with Rapunzel egging him to do better. This prompted him to do a backflip, causing the two to squeal and jump around in his success. That was when Hiccup finally found them to get the stolen goodies back, though he was rather forced to take their picture if they were to return the rest of the beer from Jack’s backpack.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
Rapunzel remembered how her heart did a somersault when Jack wrapped his arm around her shoulder for the picture. Though they didn’t bother to turn at the camera. Not when they were so engrossed with each other that Hiccup complained about it. If anything, she wanted that moment to freeze so she could stay in its magic forever. But that night went and passed, and there was nothing she could do to go back to it.
A friend to all is a friend to none
Chase two girls, lose the one
When you are young, they assume you know nothin'
Not wanting to drown in her emotions, Rapunzel placed the picture frame with her high school stuff. Though this still didn’t stop the tears forming in her eyes. It blurred her eyesight in a way that made her wonder if this will all her home will ever be. A reminder of what once was. A reminder of Jack. She then wiped her eyes and moved on, until she stumbled on another thing that sparked a precious memory.
But I knew you
Playing hide-and-seek and
Giving me your weekends, I
I knew you
Your heartbeat on the High Line
Once in 20 lifetimes, I
From her pile of clothes that she finally got to sort was a worn out cardigan that she and Jack used to share once upon a time. She carefully picked it up, hesitated for a second, before bringing the cloth to her nose. It smelled like her closet, but also faintly of Jack’s woodsy smell. That boy did, after all, enjoy venturing through the windows nearby their neighborhood, saying it was full of secrets and whatnot.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
They had this thing, you see, of sharing the cardigan and taking turns on who gets to keep it or wear it for the day. Or a week, if one forgets to ask for it. Rapunzel still remembers the day they found out in their local thrift store, and how their argument of who gets to buy it was eventually solved by Merida when she jokingly said “Well, why don’t you take turns wearing it instead and be done with it!” The cardigan, in short, held so many memories in it with how it basically grew up with them throughout high school.
To kiss in cars and downtown bars
Was all we needed
You drew stars around my scars
But now I'm bleedin'
But now all it reminded Rapunzel was how things could never go back to what it once was. Not after how she ruined everything. Their friendship, their memories, their everything. All it took was for her lips to say three simple words, and the magic ended right then and there.
“I love you.” Rapunzel confessed with all her heart, but it wasn’t enough. 
Or maybe it was too much.
Because Jack stood there before her, speechless. His eyes almost asked ‘Why?’ like what she did was so irreversible and permanent. And each second that passed by with silence stretching on made Rapunzel choke in her overflowing emotions. Something Jack wasn’t ready to catch.
'Cause I knew you
Steppin' on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain, I
The days that followed after were painful, with Rapunzel dealing with Jack's rejection. Which was followed by this abrupt distance that cut in between them. And no matter how many times they tried, they couldn’t go back to what their friendship once was. Not with both of their hearts broken for different reasons.
I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Peter losing Wendy, I
The night before Rapunzel was to leave for college, Jack visited her through the bedroom window. It was late, and it was sudden, but at that moment they both had this feeling that this might be the last time they’ll ever see each other. Rapunzel wasted no time in pulling him close for a hug, breathing him in before her heart struck. She pushed him away knowing it would do better for her.
I knew you
Leavin' like a father
Running like water, I
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
She snapped at him to stop giving her mixed signals. Not after she laid her heart out to him, only for him to drop it the very next second. And tried as Jack might to explain to her that he didn’t want to lose her, Rapunzel had already shut her heart from him to protect it. There was nothing Jack could ever say or do that would make her change her mind.
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss
I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs
The smell of smoke would hang around this long
'Cause I knew everything when I was young
I knew I'd curse you for the longest time
Rapunzel would be lying if she said she got over him. Not when he haunted her wherever she went. She could hear his voice whenever she took notes in class, saying how much fun it would be to disrupt class with a sudden lightsaber duel. She could hear his laughter whenever she found herself losing it over a badly executed joke. She could see the way his eyes would shine whenever she was up to no good.
Which didn’t seem fair at all. She then wondered if it was the same for Jack. If her confession ever haunted him too. Stirred up his life even to at least call things even. She wanted to know so badly, but she never once hit the call button whenever she tapped his number on her cellphone.
Chasin' shadows in the grocery line
I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired
And you'd be standin' in my front porch light
And I knew you'd come back to me
You'd come back to me
And you'd come back to me
And you'd come back
Days turned into months, and months turned into a year, and now here Rapunzel was. Back in her room where she was determined to get rid of everything that was holding her back to the past. She had a funny feeling then that Jack would come back. He always did after all. Though this time, she was determined to let him go. It was the least she could do for what remained of her heart.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
And yet, when she found herself face to face with Jack, who was breathless and looking as beautiful as ever by her front door, the speech she had for him went down the drain. There was something in the way Jack looked at her that sparked this small hope in her heart. Not trusting what she might say, Rapunzel followed her guts as she and Jack made their next move.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
💖👀📚🧠sirius for this one!
💖 - what made u start writing
hmmm like ever in life? idk man i've been writing stories since i was like a little little kid i've just always loved it
but if this means writing fic specifically! i sort of stopped writing creatively/for fun in college aside from the odd short story or poem, but then in my last year at school i went home for the holidays for the first time in a while and was going insane staying with my parents and needed something to do and i was also verrrryyyy into the captive prince series so i was like u know what would be fun? reading this from laurent's pov. guess i'll write it.
and then i finished that roughly 10 months later and i wasn't PLANNING to write anything else but my sister was reading atyd for the first time so of course i had to reread it along with her and we were talking about how we wished we could read certain scenes from sirius's pov and i was like what if i wrote it lol and she was like if u do u should send it to me lol so i wrote the first 20 chapters and just emailed them to her and then i was like i suppose i might as well post this rewrite on ao3 too since some people liked the captive prince one. and now here we are almost a year later 🤠
👀 - tell me about an up and coming wip!
i was just complaining about wips last night lmao i currently have 3 that i've started in addition to thtf so i will just list them and if anyone wants to hear more i am happy 2 ramble but i will refrain from doing so here
1 - marylily/jegulus zombie apocalypse au
2 - dorlene beauty and the beast (but more of the norwegian than the french version)
3 - pandalily time-travel au that's inspired mostly by the book "this is how you lose the time war" but also kind of by the myth of calypso so like. enemies in a time war start to fall for each other slowly
and then i haven't actually started this one yet but it feels like i have because it's sort of sprinkled into thtf; once i finish the fic i'll be writing a little companion emmary fic to go along with it telling their story in like ~thtf universe~ so!! lots that i'm excited to write but also i need the ideas in my brain to shut up for five seconds
📚 - would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
mmm idk. it's always been a goal of mine to publish a book but with the way the publishing industry is going i'm just kinda like....huh. hmm. i don't think i could make writing creatively my entire career (even in a dream world where like everything worked out perfectly and i had the opportunity to) just bc part of me thinks doing it as a job might suck all the joy out of it lol. like i've written more in the past two years just getting into fanfic than i had in the 22 years preceding it when i told myself trying to write a book was only worth it if i was going to get it published so. yeah :)
🧠 - pick a character, and i'll tell u my favorite headcannon
sirius - ok one of my favorite sirius hcs in like modern aus is when people make him an artist !! idk why it just feels correct to me. also the homosexuality of course my number one favorite sirius headcannon 🕺
emojis from this
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I apparently should not have worn my heart sunglasses in my photo today because I broke them. I cursed them by wearing them in the picture.
It was only mostly my fault. I let one of the little kids wear up today, someone stepped on them, they got bent, I tried to unbend them, dropped them, they broke. It's not the end of the world. I have white ones that I can wear if I really want to. And I have other sunglasses. But it was frustrating on top of an already kind of stressful day.
I slept okay last night. But waking up was hard. It was nice and I got to see James even if it was briefly. And I got ready to go. James made cinnamon buns so I have something to eat while I walked and honestly I felt pretty good.
I have a cut on the one foot and it just made my entire foot hurt and then just both balls of my feet so like very very sore. No idea why. I did my best to power through but by the afternoon it's definitely hitting me hard.
Man I was so excited to see the kids today. I got to get the flamingos. Which is my favorite class. And it was just a good day. But they had recently stopped masking at school and basically everyone is getting sick. Half the class was out. And while I enjoy a smaller class it definitely was a problem. And by the end of the day we would lose two more.
I got to draw with the kids for a while and they always love when I make them stuff to color. We had morning circle and snack. I marveled at how well the other teachers can't control the classroom. Because while I'm pretty good at it they just have this air about them that makes them really listened to and I am just really impressed every time. And after snack We had journal time and watch the little video about flowers. And I worked on my embroidery for a bit. And then we got ready to go outside.
And outside was great. But something keeps happening where a child will ask me if they can do something and it seems pretty innocuous to me so they go to do it and then another I don't yells at them because apparently it's breaking a rule that I didn't know about. And then I feel really bad. And I told the kids that we got in trouble because it feels like I'm in trouble too. But it's fine. And once we got to the playground everything was going really good. I played with a couple of the little kids and then was on the playground itself with some of the bigger kids. And then some of the bigger kids asked if I could open up the monkey bar area. Basically just be in charge of watching that spot. I asked Brad one of the other teachers if that was okay and he said yes but that because they don't have an open all the time a lot of kids are probably going to come over. And I was like that's fine I don't mind.
I went over and one girl went on and she a great one all the way to the end no problem and then poor Ellie tried to jump to catch the bar and missed and slammed into the ground. And got mulch up her nose! And I thought everything was fine but throughout the rest of the afternoon she started tripping a bunch and then she started complaining about being nauseous and having a headache. And I got really concerned that she was developing concussion symptoms. Like when she fell I didn't see her hit her head but during nap I asked her and she was like yes I got my head and so I texted the director for help and Ellie got picked up early by her dad to go to urgent care and I just feel like a monster! Like I know it isn't actually my fault and hindsight is 20/20 but also I was the teacher in charge of that area and I wasn't fast enough to catch her and I just felt so bad. Becky told me she'll let me know how she is on Monday.
Me and Ellie would sit on a bench and just talk. Iggy joined us. I played pretend with one of the littles. I did a little sewing. I talked to Lauren, formally of the museum, and she told me her neighbor just had a funeral for a dead bat she found in the sidewalk.
I stayed through the first half of lunch with the kids. But then I took my break. The other teacher, Ms Lyric, wasn't feeling great and would end up going home early too. But I got my break first and sat in the kitchen and enjoyed my soup and watched a video. And eventually wandered back upstairs so Lyric could go get some tea and rest her head.
The kids were a little pushy during nap. Meaning boundary pushing. Everyone wants a drink and a tissue and to use the bathroom. And it was tough to know when to say yes or no. And different teachers want different things. And then all of a sudden Ellie was on the verge of throwing up and I was calling for help. It was a bit stressful. But we handled it. I filled out an incident report. And I tried to just make sure everyone else was in one piece.
Soon Lyric would leave. And Hannah would come and help me transition the kids to the side yard. Where I sat in the train with the boys for a bit before sitting with Sam I til she upset me buy dumping a bucket of mulch on me after I asked her not too.
I got a bunch of hugs before I left. It's my last scheduled day for the foreseeable future. I let Becky know about my full time grant at camp and how I may not be available next year but I will stay in contact. She told me please do and that makes me really happy. I still really want to have them as a contact because even though I don't want to be there everyday I do enjoy it. Even if it brings me stress.
I headed out. And walked to Walgreens. I went a different way for some flavor and it was a really nice little walk. I got a new nail file and tweezers at Walgreens. And went home.
I collected all my stuff for my workshop tomorrow.
I had my headphones in and was startled when James came home. But I was happy to see them. They would make us pizza and salad for dinner. But the dough would take a while. In the mean time we cuddled on the couch and I looked at houses for sale.
I actually did that a bit during nap time too. I figueed out that if we get a mortgage for $140 to $180k we would pay about the same as we do in rent (mortgage, taxes, and insurance). And we would qualify for some down payment assistance and if we did the 3.5% fha loan we could possibly actually afford a home? That I could paint and diy all the time??? This would be a few years away. But it is fun to think about.
I found a few houses I did like. In areas in Baltimore I would like. It's not perfect but it's fun to day dream. So I spent some time doing that. Watching videos. Hanging out with James. It was a nice night.
Eventually I got in bed and rested here until I went to take a bath. Which was nice but my skin on my hands and feet hurt a lot. Frustrating. And even more frustrating that I can't seem to get an in person dermatologist and it makes me more annoyed that I canceled my online one. But it's fine it will work out. It's just frustrating that you try to do the right thing and it doesn't work out the way you hope.
Now me and James are in bed. And I am real tired. And tomorrow I have a long drive to Annapolis. And while I am excited for my workshop I am also nervous!!! I hope it's fun.
Sleep well everyone. Wish me luck! Have a nice night!!
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mcalhenwrites · 2 years
Rant ahead, because I don't want to reblog a post with a reply, but I'm now shaking and have to direct my anger somewhere. Especially since it overlaps with some other rants I've had gathering over the past few weeks/months. tw for physical abuse
Treating children well in this country seems like a fucking impossibility, and I've noticed a growing trend to assume that college students aren't adults and should be treated like children. Do they not realize that people in their late 20s, even 30s, sometimes well beyond that, GO TO FUCKING COLLEGE? Slapping an adult in the face is assault. These jerks are saying college students need discipline, a slap in the face... for having anxiety and petting cats to conquer it, as if we have to ask the government and F/ox News for permission to be in the same vicinity as cats. I know the point is to gain control of people. Control every aspect, take away all hope and happiness, remove all aspect of autonomy. That's what those churches and cults do when they get people in on beating their kids. The kids then learn that it's okay to be physically violated, so when it escalates to molestation, it's even harder for children to speak up. How can they? Their parents hurt them, their families hurt them, this is just more hurt. It just keeps coming. They can't complain. There's no one to talk to. No one to run to. Works for schools too. Take away the kids bodily autonomy by hitting them. That's why the US is clinging to that, even as we have kids hospitalized and teachers are arrested for carrying it out on students but then you find they got spanking images on their harddrives. Hmmmm. (And I'm unpopular for this, but as spanking is my kink that I discovered when I was as young as four, it's a fucking kink, even if it's a nonsexual one for some. For me, I found it exciting and obsessed about getting spanked, but avoided it because it was the same as just raping me at that point. Mind, I was just more careful not to get caught but I wasn't a GOOD kid. So if you want to touch me, you gotta ask permission. You aren't granted it by being an authority figure. You can't just hug me, you sure as hell can't just HIT ME.) Never mind that punitive measures are counterproductive and it's been shown at all levels, including the penal system. Endless studies show that rehabilitation is a better measure than cracking down on people. OHHH, but we need to crack down on people and shuffle them into for-profit prisons, so we can't have anyone thinking it's okay to live freely or question authority or believe in bodily autonomy...! I'll forgive anyone who loses patience and wishes they hadn't been short with a person of any age and hit them, because if you genuinely want to apologize and do better... we're only human. But if you're calculated and defending your ability to hurt someone repeatedly, that ain't it. Break the cycle. Do better. Please. This is so ugly. America is freaking me out. And I'm so tired. I'm so very tired. Sad and tired.
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so basically I lost my hat and I was doing really well with not losing it.
also, my mom told me she was ordering pizza. then my brother makes food and I forgot to tell him that she ordered pizza when his food was done. so then he gets mad and called me stupid .
when my mom asked what was wrong I told her I forgot to tell him and she got mad.
i tried to fix it by just putting the food in the fridge and I'd eat it later but he didn't want to do that.
so he was yelling at me and calling me stupid and my mom heard him and just started yelling that we were annoying and to shut up.
The whole time I was just quiet. I just kept apologizing in my head.
I ate a few bites of food, put it away and now I'm in my room.
my mom came in about like 20 minutes ago and told me to make sure the kitchen was clean.
I told her ok.
This is why I don't like being home.
This is why I prefer being at school.
they both complain that I don't like them and that I don't love them or want to spend time with them but I just get so drained and I'm reminded of all of the things they say so it makes me not want to.
I'm sorry, I just needed to know I'm not overreacting with this. What do you think?
First off, I’m really sorry you have to deal with this behavior in your home life. There is no excuse for them to take their anger out on you like that especially when youve done nothing wrong.
Sometimes we forget to tell people things and like it’s not the end of the world. In my opinion, your brother and mom overreacted to everything.
It can be extremely draining to deal with stuff like that constantly and my best advice would be to find some form of escape to help. For example, I read a lot, listen to music and do other hobbies when I need some time to just chill.
I understand that it can be very hard to want to spend time with anyone who is rude and disrespectful towards you. You don’t deserve to be treated that way at all. Sometimes, writing your feelings down about a certain situation can help with processing it as well.
Sending you tons of love ❤️
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 months
We had to spend thousands on a server somewhere, maintained by the kind of people who weren't car experts wanted to have them as well. Now there's a new generation of sites, but they invest other people's money, and much larger amounts of it. Maybe we'll just have to give some of the best ones were made as a way to choose a good language. There was no protection against breakage except the fear of looking like an idiot to one's peers, and that women will all be trained in the martial arts. The most dangerous way to lose time is not to write a cool piece of software. Falling victim to this trick could really hurt you. Maybe it will have wireless Internet access. Perhaps they need to spend a lot of money.1 Now that you know has no outlet.
You think you can always write that book, or climb that mountain, or whatever, and then thinking of the answer in the shower in the morning.2 Have you ever noticed that when you sit down to write something, half the ideas that end up going public didn't seem likely to at first.3 The things that matter, and savor the time you have. Now it's a couple of hackers to figure out what's actually wrong with him, but it was wonderful for us, like a proof, is a nice, durable medium for finished ideas, but a DH2 or lower response is always unconvincing. Twenty years ago, writers wrote and readers read. By the time the acquirer gets them, they're finishing one another's sentences. And starting with a crude version 1, then f iterating rapidly. Why the pattern? They distributed your work, and they were absolutely honest.
Complaining that VCs were jerks used to seem as naive to me as if the founders have any money. You're most likely to get better terms from them. But that, if not beyond the bounds of possibility, is beyond the scope of this article. I've heard the founders didn't just give in and take whoever the VCs wanted. Anyone who's been here any amount of math would probably represent numbers in binary, but this is not very good either; some languages Perl, for example. But they are much hungrier for deals. The most dramatic change, I predict, is that my m. When you approach the problem from the other end. The one universal rule is that the founders of the next Google stay in grad school instead of starting a company, but they never interrupt it.4 In fact, the more of your software by a certain date?5
Even VCs do it. It's not just a synonym for annoying. Find an open slot in your schedule, why not your calendar? The same single-mindedness that has brought them this far will now be working against them. So the rate of evolution in programming languages is likely to be filled by freeware. What the company should have done is address the fundamental problem: that the product is only moderately appealing, growth is ok but not great. There are more shocking prospects even than that. Many founders do. If you're a hacker who has thought of one day starting a startup also to cut the average return.
If applications run on remote servers, no one ever called us on it. Which leaves two options, firing good people and making more money. Or rather, IPO then bust, or just bust. His style is deceptively casual, but there is more in his books than in a library of art monographs. The fund managers, who are called general partners, get about 2% of the fund annually as a management fee, plus about 20% of the fund's gains. They'll happen within server farms. When you're hosting software, someone has to be some point down the slope of consulting at which you can survive.
For example, lower-tier firms are much more likely to make it here is that great things happen to them too. If you get a call from a VC firm, go to their web site and send them an email. That was a good time to start companies after you graduate, to learn how to program. Someone with ordinary tastes would find it hard to blow through more than a way to answer this question, I stopped wondering about it.6 Saying that an author lacks the authority to write about a topic is a variant of ad hominem than actual refutation. He said VCs told him this almost never happened. There are borderline cases is-5 two elements or one? Over in the arts. A board consisted of two founders, two VCs, and one that other big technology companies will no doubt try to duplicate.
You see paintings and drawings in museums and imagine they were made for you to look at. It was like watching a car you're chasing turn down a street that you know about the value of being flexible with data structures. Once you start a site for college students and you decide to move to the Valley for the summer to work on juicy kinds of work, and they view things with a colder eye. Some VCs now require that in any language anyone would design, they would get all kinds of publicity. Is there's a lot more discerning than any employer. A rounds is that they feel they don't have sufficient flexibility to adapt to them. Knowing that founders will keep control of the board through a series A is unheard-of.
In software, my rule is: always have working code. Another easy test is the number of axioms in the core language, prior to any additional notations about implementation, be defined this way. A lot of the people there are rich, or you've failed. If we're all going to be disagreeing more, we can see clearly what a bottleneck Sarbanes-Oxley has become.7 You'll pay more for Internet services than you do for the next release, I would be very interested to see them. It explains why VCs tend to interfere in the companies they invest in. Counterintuitive as it feels, it's better most of the time, just like they do to startups everywhere. Being able to release software: the last thing you changed. It's just unbearably inefficient. For example, Web-based startup is food and rent. But most startups that succeed do it by getting bought.
The Valley use the phrase frequently, you better be sure you do it mostly on your board, consisting of two things: what bad taste you had small children pointed out an interesting sort of mastery to which the top schools are the most successful startups. Only a fraction of VCs even have positive returns.
But people like Jessica is not a coincidence you haven't heard of investors are also several you can't mess with the same superior education but had instead evolved from different, simpler organisms over unimaginably long periods of time and became the Internet. Some who read this to realize that in the chaos anyway. This is the most general truths. If you're not even be symbiotic, because such users are not just the local builders built everything in it, by doing another round that values the company is presumably worth more, the first 40 employees, or pigs, to take care of one's markets is ultimately just another way in which multiple independent buildings are traditionally seen as temporary; there is money.
And if you sort investors by benevolence you've also sorted them by the Corporate Library, the more important. Another advantage of startups small this first summer, we're going to have suffered from having been corporate software for so long to launch.
Even though we made comparatively little from it, because unions will exert political pressure against Airbnb than hotel companies. In reality, wealth is measured by what you've built is not work too hard to spread them.
Economic History Review, 2:9 1956,185-199, reprinted in Finley, M. It tipped from being contaminated by how you spent your summers. That's because the broader your holdings, the main reason is that we're not professional negotiators, and in b.
The Wouldbegoods.
More precisely, the angel round from good angels over a series A from a past era, than anybody else, you have no connections, you'll be well on your product, and that the money. In practice formal logic is not a problem so far done a pretty mediocre job of suppressing the natural human inclination to say now. If the response doesn't come back with my co-founder before making any commitments.
Thanks to Trevor Blackwell, Sam Altman, and Jessica Livingston for reading a previous draft.
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comingofagediaries · 2 years
time passes and i still feel the same.
it's been almost 4 years that i feel this way. of course sometimes i feel like i've been getting older, mainly when i see a group of dumb teenagers on the street. the catch is that i still feel like i'm 16 or 17 (kinda).
i see the people i love getting older and i'm afraid to lose them. i saw the birth of both of my brothers and it's been more than a decade. it doesn't feel like yesterday, but to me it still feels like my 10 year old brother is a baby learning how to speak.
the people i thought were wise when i was a child, aren't so wise to me in these days. now i can see that it was maybe just my sweet innocence. it still hurts though.
the people i love age and i can do nothing about it.
the people i love get sick and i can do nothing about it.
the people i love die and i can do nothing about it.
i still haven't loved someone and i still have to be loved. i don't know how long it will take or if it'll ever happen or how long do i have.
i'm almost one year away from finishing uni. i don't know what happens after that when the world's been so crazy lately. it feels like everything i do is in vain.
working 12 or more hours is exhausting, but so does it exhausts my parents and i feel guilty to complain about it. i am exhausted.
i feel sad most of the time and everything's always a whirlwind of emotions. or maybe it's just pms, whatever u say.
your god is not my answer.
internet and games are a relief valve from the actual world, from my problems.
no one reads my CV and no one hires me. my parents say i shouldn't worry since i'm only 20, but i still worry about it.
i saw a classmate from highschool on the bus today. we talked for about half an hour. nothing has changed. she still feels the same, even though she admits she doesn't like it that much. i still feel the same. i feel dumb and a lot less intelligent than i used to feel, ever since i moved here. the bus ride felt like when we used to catch the same bus back home from school. the bus has changed though, it's a lot more fancier. well, the fancier a bus gets, i guess.
isn't it funny? a lot has changed since i last saw her. i have made new friends and i'm not in touch with old friends from school anymore. i think she's dating another guy, but i'm not sure. we both still look the same. actually... kinda, i think i look more tired than usual. the dark circles under my eyes can tell you that. her vibe shifted a little, but maybe she was just tired. we both have lived and worked in different places since we started uni. but we still catch the same bus home, sometimes.
i didn't feel like this last year. everything was way simpler with my scholarship. i miss living with my friends rent free and having money from my old job. i miss last year. i miss the way i was, i miss how carefree i was (even though i know i wasn't, because i'm always so anxious).
i don't feel pretty and i only feel like eating and sleeping. days don't have enough hours, i don't feel like an adult. i'm scared and excited about adulthood. i want independence but i'm also scared of its consequences.
i need money and i hate it. i hate money. i hate the concept of money. but it still feels so relieving to receive my wage.
my friendships don't feel like before. i don't remember the last time i went out just me and my best friend. i've been distant and my memory's shitty.
my friends lives feel easier and better than mine. how do you afford all that without working? how do you always have time to go out or to do something you like? how can people be so ungrateful? how can people be so out of touch with reality? my life is not the worst, but it has definitely been better.
nothing has changed, yet, everything has changed.
sorry for word vomiting, but that's just how i feel. actually i'm not sorry, you're the one who decided to read this.
what i'm actually sorry is if you relate to this, because i'm okay but i'm also in a really dark place.
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infinityactual · 3 years
So, it's been months, but this post has been stuck in my head since September and I'm a petty bitch, so.
Apparently I deleted the screencap I had wherein the fuckhead who capped my tags replied to my fuck you by attempting to accuse me of 'doubling down on refusing to improve' or somesuch bullshit.
Which is not at all what my point was.
My point - and I will die on this hill ten times over - is that when it comes to fanart or personal creativity, let people do whatever. Unless they ask for critique, just leave them alone and let them have fun. Keep your opinions to yourself. And that isn't asking anything unreasonable; it's basic creative courtesy.
HUGE post under the cut.
Before the above assclownery, I had seen a lot of posts from people complaining about artists drawing older men 'wrong'. And I think every single complaint revolved around "You're just drawing a 20 yo and giving him silver hair!! That's not an old man!" and honestly, I didn't think anything of it the first few times I saw this.
But as I saw it more, it started to bother me because it was always in reference to fanart, specifically.
Fanart. Something that fans of a given media draw out of love and appreciation for the characters in said media. Something fun, something not (usually) done for profit. So upon seeing yet another 'stop drawing twentysomethings with silver hair 2021' tag, I reblogged it with my own tags (capped in the linked post) and went about my day.
The thing that just made me instantly angry was the proclamation of "I'm an artist. Calm down and go look at some reference."
Obviously this person didn't bother to check things out before putting both feet in their mouth. I may not have a damn degree from some hoity-toity art school (no shade on people that do, some of the coolest ppl I've met have art degrees) but I'm sure as hell an artist. Creativity does not require a degree.
And guess what. I draw old characters.
The secondary point I'd been hoping to get across in the tags is that aging a face is fucking hard. It takes effort and practice and often doesn't look good with hard lines. A lot of age is shown in shadows and lines too fine to be rendered with any but a .005 pen; and even then, it still tends look off unless you're drawing on a fairly large scale.
And my tertiary point was that people age differently depending on a huge kaleidoscope of factors! How often do they go outside? Do they have any inherited or otherwise chronic health problems, mental or physical? Male, female, intersex or transgender (and how much have they transitioned, if at all?), do they use drugs or alcohol? How often? I could spend hours listing factors that contribute to a person's appearance, and age isn't the biggest factor by far.
Hell, take Lord Hood and Lasky for example:
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Most people I ask, including people well outside the Halo fandom, put Hood's age between 70 and 80.
He's 64.
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A lot of people put Lasky at around his late 30s, maybe early 40s on the absolute outside.
He's 48 or 49 by the time Halo 5 rolls around, maybe 50 during Infinite.
Hood looks much older than he is bc of all those wrinkles, like someone let him sit in the dryer too long. Meanwhile Lasky looks a lot younger than his actual age. And these are just two examples from a single game series.
So when I draw Lasky, I draw him as is:
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The only obvious wrinkles he has are on his forehead, right above his eyebrows. That's also one of his few unique identifying features, and anyone reading this who knows anything about cartooning, caricatures or comics will likely know that you focus on the few unique features that make a person recognizable but still easy to draw.
But unless you're drawing professionally as a career or doing commission work, your primary goal should not be constant improvement; that's a real good way to hit burnout and lose your passion for something. Even professionals take breaks and doodle stupid 'bad' art on their own time for funsies. I can cite countless examples I've seen personally, from the legendary DnD artist Todd Lockwood to commission artists on this beloved hellsite just trying to make the rent.
Fanart and personal work isn't always about improvement or practice. And it shouldn't be!! People need to have the ability to just crank out stupid lil doodles of their beloved older men without fussing over making sure they get every wrinkle right to be certain they convey his exact age 'correctly', or whether they have the skills to do so. If I had a dime for every thing I didn't draw because I don't have the skill, I'd put Jeff Bezoar to fucking shame with my wealth. Creators - amateur and professional alike - should be able to do this without having to see people, especially other fucking creators, bad mouthing them in posts or tags or comments.
Constant improvement should never be a primary goal with any skill. Bad art is still art, every single person who has ever put pen to paper started out drawing 'cringey' art. Fanart and personal work not done as part of a career or for commission should not be subject to the same standards. And lastly
Even 'bad' art, stupid little doodles and fanart still contribute to the learning process.
Otherwise I would not be where I am. All of my skill was developed by drawing personal stuff or making fanart. My skill making vinyl stickers by hand that makes people say I'm talented all started years ago with one sticker that took me five attempts to make because I didn't know jack shit about working with vinyl at the time. I kept making personal stickers for my car sporadically for years, and over time I got better simply because I was doing. I wasn't making stickers with the goal of improving my skill with an Xacto knife. I was making stickers because I couldn't find any designs I wanted and goddammit I wanted unique stickers for my shitty lil Cobalt.
And I'm able to take Giuseppe from this:
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to this:
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Not because I was trying to improve my skill at rendering faces, but because he's my Short King and I love him, and I love drawing him, and I also love the idea that he gets to live to be an old grandpa.
And no, I did not use reference for this, I just fucking drew it because I wanted to, and pulled from my past experience drawing old men from back when I actually DID sit my ass down and trawl references and guides on how to add age to a face, because I wanted to learn how to draw my 70+ year old Mechwarrior better.
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xiuminsbby · 3 years
Friendly Love
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Request: no
Rating: M
Warnings: Swearing, unprotected sex
Summary: You and Minseok are very close friends. But Minseok is tired of you giving your heart to men who wont treat you right.
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“Maybe love just isn't for me,” You sighed. Minseok chuckled next to you.
“Most guys are losers, they don't know how to treat a woman. All they know are video games and sex. Not love.” He smiled slyly. He stared at the coffee he was holding, he knew it was too late in the day to have coffee, but hey, he needed it.
You had got your heart broken yet again, and you called him to your home for emotional support. He quickly came and drove you to his house. “My parents are getting upset with me for not finding someone. I'm 24, Minseok. I want to settle down, I really do.” You leaned back on the balcony chair and huffed out a sigh. You heard Minseok sign as well. He was 24 as well, he needed love too.
Minseok wanted to love you, he just didn't know how to say it. He was sick of you going after all these men who didn't know how to treat you. He leaned back as well and took a sip of his coffee. The sun was going down, it would be dark soon.
You both looked over at the sound of footsteps, a man was walking to his car from the convenience store in front of your house, “What about him?” You said in a hushed tone. “Do you think he would fuck me against the wall and love me the way I want to be loved at the same time?”
You and Minseok had known each other for years, meeting in your freshman year of college after you had needed someone to tutor you for Calculus. Minseok was in your class and you knew how smart and easy to talk to he was, so it wasn't a problem for you to ask him. You both went to the coffee shop to study, and started talking about more than just math. And that's when you both became best friends. You both complement each other's personalities perfectly, and he was happy about that.
Minseok was attracted to you, but he was dating someone at the time. And being a loyal boyfriend, he never made any moves on you. You were attracted to him as well, but respected him and his relationship, and besides, you were happy to find a good quality friend like him. Minseok didn't really seem like the type of guy that you wanted at the time anyways. You wanted someone to hold you close and make you scream, and he just wasn't that person then.
Minseok broke up with his girlfriend a couple months later, though he was loyal, she wasn't. You and Minseok got closer then, but still stayed in the friend's boundary. You both talked about everything, from school, family, relationships, all the way to sexual fantasies. He learned everything about you, and later realized that he could give you what you wanted. And that's what he wanted to do. He wanted to love you like you should be loved, and fuck you how you should be fucked. He was tired of you going out with guys from Tinder and getting your heart broke. He wanted you to realize that he was there.
“Wanna go back inside? It's getting dark.” He said. You nodded and got up. Once you sat down on the couch, you heard him in the kitchen ordering pizza. You loved him, you knew you did. Your friendship was like a relationship without the sex. If Minseok would get out of his own head and say that he wanted you, you’d drop everything for him.
Minseok put on a horror movie when the pizza got to his place. A girl was running from a man in a mask, and once she almost got out the door, he pulled her back in. You didn't like horror movies from the 80s, they were scarier and more gruesome than the ones they make now. You moved closer to MInseok, he felt the shift and looked back at you.
“Scared?” He smirked.
“I hate this movie.”
“Come here then.”
He pulled you closer to his side, you leaned your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. You both would cuddle all the time, this was nothing new, but you felt butterflies everytime.
“Why would you choose a movie that you knew would scare me, Min.” He smiled at your complaining. “Remember when we both promised each other that we would marry each other if we were not married by 40?” He asked.
You looked up at him with an eyebrow quirked. “Yeah?” Quite a random time to ask a random question, you thought.
He nodded and stayed quiet for a while. You looked at the TV and nudged back onto his chest. You both kept quiet for around 20 minutes of the movie before Minseok spoke up again.
“I don't want that anymore.” You quickly pushed yourself off him at that statement and threw a confused look at him.
“W-What?” You asked, he looked you straight in the eyes, “I don't what that anymore, Y/n.”
You waited for the joke that never came. You looked down at his arm that was still holding your waist. You could feel your emotions rising, “You don't need to be so harsh about it, Minseok.” You tried to get up but he quickly held you back down.
“No, Y/n, I mean I don't want to wait that long. I want you now, I’ve wanted you for a really long time.” A woman was screaming in the background. Minseok paused the movie.
“Min, what?”
Minseok pulled you over his lap, you were straddling him, with one leg on each side. This was a new position for you two. You felt yourself grow wet by the way he was looking at you, he was being serious. He was looking up at you, his eyes were dark. “Minseok,” you said softly.
Minseok started rubbing his hands down your hips, and then up to your waist, breasts, neck, all the way to your face. “Y/n.” His tone was confirmation that he wanted you just like you wanted him. “I will lose my god damn mind if you go on another date with a brainless guy who only wants you for sex.”
By this point, you were heavily turned on. Your thighs clenched around his legs. He cupped your face, pulling you down half way, he waited for you to make the move, you pulled yourself down more and felt his lips on yours. It was soft in the beginning, and then it became hard. He put his hands back on your waist, both of your tongues felt each other, reflecting the ways they had imagined feeling each other's bodies.
Minseok quickly pulled you up, keeping your legs wrapped around him as he walked you two to the bedroom.
He pulled off your shirt first, you lifted your arms to help him with the task. You never wore bras, too uncomfortable. He smiled at that, and started pulling your jeans off. All you wore now was your white panties. You pulled his shirt and pants off quickly, he pushed you back down on the bed and got on top of you.
Minseok smiled and you smiled back. He felt your hands run up and down his shirtless torso, feeling the goosebumps pop up while you did it.
Leaning down, he met your lips in a slow kiss. You lifted your hips and rubbed yourself on his clothes, hardening cock. “Minseok,” you pulled away from his lips, “I want you. Please.”
He said nothing, only kissing down your neck and down your chest until he got to your wet panties. Your head hit the pillow softly when he started pulling your panties down your legs. He kissed the inside on your thighs, gently sucking at some parts. He kissed your clit before licking a long stripe against you. You exhaled a quick breath, moaning when you felt him start to suck genty.
Your fingers were in his hair, gripping and pulling as he fucked you with his tongue. You shut your eyes tightly, throwing your head back when you felt your stomach tightening. “M-Fuck, Min. I'm gonna c-cum. Minseok, oh fuck.” His tongue went faster and you almost screamed.
Right before you felt yourself let go, he stopped.
You looked at him with a glare, “What the fuck?” He chucked and took his boxers off. “I’m sure your cum tastes amazing, but I want you to cum on my dick tonight.” He settled back on top of you before putting himself inside you. You whimpered while he groaned.
“Fuck, you feel good.”
“Min, please fuck me.” You sighed desperately.
He held himself up in his arms and rocked into you. All you felt was pure bliss, and hearing Minseok moan was making you go crazy. He starting going faster, fucking into you the way you needed him to. You knew you were going to cum soon, he knew too from the way you were squeezing him. He reached down and rubbed your clit, making you toss your head back and let out a desperate whine.
“Come on, baby. Cum for me.” His thrusts were harsh. You felt yourself cum, hard. You screamed his name, while he kept thrusting to make himself finish. You calmed down, but started to feel the overstimulation. Minseok threw his head back as he came, eyes rolling to the back of his head. His movements got slower until they completely stopped. He pulled out and rolled over next to you, pulling you to him.
You both stayed quiet for a moment before you decided to speak up.
“Is this the part where you ask me on a date?” You smiled at him, he chuckled.
“We’ve already been on several dates, love. We’re practically already dating,” He sent you a sweet smile and kissed your lips, pulling away slowly. “But, for you, I’ll still ask. Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Of course, Min.”
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I posted 2,127 times in 2021
378 posts created (18%)
1749 posts reblogged (82%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.6 posts.
I added 1,410 tags in 2021
#i need a humour tag - 530 posts
#tiger talks - 255 posts
#i need a cute tag - 167 posts
#venom - 114 posts
#symbrock - 75 posts
#mash - 58 posts
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#leverage - 54 posts
#batman - 53 posts
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Longest Tag: 127 characters
#which is why i spent a good chunk of my childhood with a flock of imprinted ducks and geese following me around the countryside
My Top Posts in 2021
I keep seeing whiny fanboys in youtube comments complaining that Let There Be Carnage turned their favourite badass supervillain into a gay housewife. So I thought I’d help them out by providing them with some examples of why their whining is dumb.
In the Venom comics the Venom Symbiote canonically:
Holds his Host’s hand while on dates
Compares his bonding with Eddie to a marriage which occurred in a church
Giggles when things tickle
Has sex with Eddie
Giggles at funny words (Heh. Haboob.)
Sacrifices himself to protect his baby, multiple times
Fights against brainwashing and mental enslavement when his baby and Host are in danger
Walks his human son to and from school, holding his hand the whole way
Grieves over the way his first babies became monsters
Shares his true name with his human son to help them feel more connected
Goes to a priest to ask for forgiveness about bad things he’s done in the past
Gets emotional about weddings
Repeatedly tries to use his scary appearance to keep people from getting hurt
Has been the victim of abuse, manipulation, torture, brainwashing, memory wiping, and rejection, but still wants to be a good egg who protects innocent people and keeps the world safe.
686 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 01:04:31 GMT
Okay, so there’s one positive about Venom possibly being absorbed into the MCU and that’s
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the fact that about half of the Avengers openly want to raw Eddie Brock.
1072 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 01:32:18 GMT
I love Dan so goddamned much, you have no idea. The poor guy gets punched in the face and his response is that those two idiots need couples counselling for their arguing. I'm so looking forward to him being the most supportive and wholesome person on the planet some more.
1158 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 19:41:03 GMT
I just laughed so hard I hurt myself thinking about Eddie writing Chuck Tingle-esque novels to make ends meet when he loses a job at another tabloid, and them becoming wildly successful and all his readers think they’re both hilarious and heart warming and they always ask him where he gets his ideas. In reality, they’re just based on whatever fucked up thing happened that week.
Pounded In The Butt By The Alien That Feeds On My Brain Juices
Absolutely Railed On Top Of The Empire State Building By A Winged Monster
Tormented Prostates Without Penetration, And Other Tales Of Body Sharing
Not Drilled Into A Mattress Because I Was A Dick And Forgot To Bring Home Chocolate Covered Peanuts And Insisted That The Alien Who Lives In My Spleen Should Eat The Red M&Ms Even Though He Claims They Taste Like Disappointment
My Humanoid Alien Husband Decided To Be A Dinosaur For A Night And You Know What It Kinda Worked For Me So We’re Trying It Again Only This Time I’ll Stretch First
1455 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 22:49:40 GMT
Remember folks, even if the movie drops the ball in terms of the pairing, you just have to remind yourself that currently in the comics, Eddie and Venom are living in a nice house in San Francisco with their two sons and consider themselves married.
1872 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 20:16:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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vespertineart · 3 years
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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'*ੈ✩‧₊˚'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'*ੈ✩‧₊˚'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'𝓫𝓪𝓭 𝔀𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱 𝓲𝓽'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'*ੈ✩‧₊˚'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'*ੈ✩‧₊˚'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'*ੈ✩‧₊˚
"𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕘𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕗."
Jotaro kujo x Fem! reader
Life moves so fast. Too fast, for your liking. Maybe it's because your childhood wasn't the nicest, so you have wallowed in the sadness it brought you too much that you weren't aware of time, or the fact that you were so wrapped up in one future, you thought your life depended on nothing but academic purpose. At least then. Or maybe it's because you never realized how much you've wanted to do in your life until three years ago. You're still young, though a young adult, and you shouldn't be worried about the consequences of things you never did. Though, maybe they would affect you later on.
It's always been overwhelmingly depressing when you realize you can't relate to that flurrery feeling every one of your classmates told you about when bungee jumping or simply touching a manta ray. Never have you had the chance to visit a very famous amusement park because of how expensive it was. All of that would make you the odd one out in any friend group, which is why you never bothered to start a close friendship with someone.
However, this year was different. Let aside the fact that you missed out on all your school year's material, you experienced something far more exciting than anyone's ever had. Your mind still finds itself boggled by the sudden event. One second you're with your classmate who you knew nothing about at the time, and the next he's in jail, and you're with his grandfather trying nag get him out.
You can't even bring yourself to comprehend how you even got a grip on the whole situation, how you managed to have yourself thrown into the formula, from going to Egypt and saving Miss Holly, to fighting Dio and even almost dying with Kakyoin and Avdol who are currently in different hospitals. It all still feels so surreal.
Unconsciously, as you reminisce, your fingers brush the large scar that lays unveiled on the surface of your forearm, reaching from your wrist to your cheek, a few scabs still blanketing random edges on it. Soon, your hands found themselves reaching your currently broken and cast ankle. Your crutches lay limp on your leg. Your skin is cold, and so is the wind hitting it. For May, this is probably the longest it has taken to become warm.
"Oi, yn." You're snapped out of your daze when a certain deep voice calls out to you, a coherent tinge of worry trailing at the end of the person's greeting.
The all-familiar, stinging scent of cologne immediately assures you of who this person is. You let out a sigh, dipping your head down, eyes closed, a delightful sense of relief washing over you.
"Hey, Jojo. Thanks," you greet as you take a weak hold of the beer can your companion bought you. After a while of shuffling, both of you got your backs comfortable on the strong walls of the school's roof, taking in the cool wind as it brushes through your hair. The sun is set, but there is still a bit of sunlight left, it mixes beautifully with the soft white streetlights and spots of yellow, red and blue in the far distance which homes and billboards emit. If you focus enough, you can see a light silhouette of hills.
Jojo. Jotaro kujo. You recite that name on your tongue every night, sometimes in fear you might forget it. Some of his admirers despise you for it. For having the advantage of calling out to him whenever you want and he'd answer you, and only you. Your classmates say you're extremely lucky, like you've won a million-dollar bet for being his first and closest female friend. He's never down to open up, but from your experience, he's desperate for any type of companionship. However, the so-called advantages were never what this was all about for you. If it was, you'd know barely anything about each other, and you're glad you could become more than just classmates after the whole Egypt thing. To you, his friendship depended and revolved more around trust and means of comfort than just mainly using him for safety and assumed attention. The fact that he's truly a hard to crack shell of a man—that you somehow managed to turn into ash the moment you told him to 'get the fuck out of the jail room, you look ridiculous' —never mattered to you more than how closer you wish to get to him. Focusing in front of you again you watch the colors of the clouds merge with the dark purple of the sky. The stars are already out, and a beautiful half-moon is shining brighter than ever. You pout, disappointed of the incoming inability to see it in full display due to the sky's current cloudy state.
"Old man called me yesterday." You turned your head to Jotaro, eyes immediately locking with his. Just the simple fact that both of you go out of your ways to fully focus on each other makes your relationship all the more mutual. Jotaro, especially, he's never felt as easy with anyone as he has with you, and kakyoin, too, but he'd never say it directly to any of you . At night, when he's lost in his thought, he finds himself thinking of you. How kind you are and how you never seem to see the bad in anything despite having a bad past. He'd never admit it let alone say it with his tongue but he tries to take advantage of that kindness, in a way to make sure nothing will happen to you. He can't afford to lose anyone else. He also doesn't know if the fact that he thinks of you is more embarrassing, or the fact that he secretly wants to let his walls down in front of you one day. The thought comforts him, but, as usual, he's too meek about it, since there were many times his 'kindness' would be misunderstood as romantic intent. Well, he's doubting that, anyways, specifically with you.
"hm?" you reply, taking a sip of the refreshing drink in your hand. Your fingers wrap around each other, holding the can in a tight and secure grip. You're prone to dropping your drinks now and then, so you found this to be the most practical way of 'protecting them'. Yes, you look stupid when you end up dropping them either way. You two always get a good laugh from it, so at least there isn't any embarrassment happening.
"He was wondering if you wanted to stay with us for a couple more weeks. Mom misses you already." Jotaro exhales, smoke filling the air around you and mixing with his musky cologne to create an unbearable scent you never wanted to forget. The mention of Mr. Joestar for the third time this month makes your eyes widen. It was all for the same reason too. You lived alone for a long time now, and you've gotten very used to the lonely and eerie feeling of your dark home at night. However, of course, after meeting the Joestars, Joseph couldn't possibly leave you without pampering you so much, especially after helping with saving his precious daughter. You were grateful. You always are for what he does for you, but just enough for him to make you basically live with him is something you can't quite afford. Not money-wise, it's just that you don't have anything to give them in return, and offering your life also meant living with them. The cycle goes on.
With a grunt, you twist your form to face Jotaro, your hands pushing hard on the floor to support your frail physique.
"Jojo...I really appreciate it, but I have things to do at my house. I need to clean it, take care of the food that's been in the fridge for almost a month now. Maybe another time, but I really don't want to trouble you guys like this. You've done way too much for me already," you excuse, trying your best to scoot closer to your friend. As a final task for the day, you set yourself up on your knees and wrap your arms around the much larger man, patting him on the back a couple of times before planting a heavy peck on his forehead. "And you can stop worrying about me so much now, Joot. I'm really fine, thanks to you." A warm smile graces your lips as you speak your soft words to Jotaro, seeing his panicked eyes slowly close as he scoffs, pushing you away and hiding his rose-tinted face with the shadow of his hat.
"I'm still walking you home."
As much as you want to, you can't complain with a broken ankle. Who knows what might happen if you're too slow with walking? Over his dead body will Jotaro Kujo let anyone lay a finger on you...
The slow crunching of pebble and dust under heavy boots and the repetitive melody of crickets in the grass is enough to get you woozy in the freezing weather of tonight. The wind started picking up a long while ago, and you fear it might get worse before you reach your home. Clouds are grey and dull as they sway in a quick pace in the blue-black sky. The vigorous rustling of trees makes your ears tingle. Your pores are open with sweat, the droplets slowly trickling down your face and quickly drying out. Your arms over your crutches, your stomach hurting from excessive contraction, your breath becomes heavy, and your chest begins to hurt. It's been well over 20 minutes since you guys have been walking, and you're starting to hate yourself for letting Jotaro deal with your snail-paced struggle on a day like this.
Without a word, you sigh, then slowly crouch down to reach the floor. However, from how your ankle is positioned, the momentum you pushed yourself down with was faster than you anticipated, and you gasp. Bracing yourself for impact, you let go of your crutches hastily, spreading your arms in front of you to prepare support. Your eyes close tightly and you clench your stomach, a second away from hitting the concrete before feeling a soft barrier holding you up. Slowly, you open your eyes again, to find none other than Jotaro, encasing you in his large, jacket-cushioned arms. Without a chance to react, you feel yourself getting pulled up, hoisted up a millimeter high and huddled in your friend's arms again only this time in a better position for him to be able to swing your legs over to the side.
"Good grief, woman. What the hell were you doing?!" At this position, you can clearly hear the growl in Jotaro's voice. Heck, his breath is right in your ear. Inevitably, you shiver, letting out a huff of air. You feel yourself blush out of embarrassment when he gives you a side eye and you prepare to find a good answer to his question.
"Sorry, I wanted to sit down a bit...I uh..wasnt expecting to...fall-"
"Whatever, just stop talking or you'll die. And you're freezing ," Jotaro interrupts, leaning down to grab your crutches, still holding onto you. His head rests on your shoulder as he bends down, his fingers curling with ease around the handles.
Still shocked from the sudden ordeal, you start shuffling in Jotaro's arms, earning a grunt from him.
"Stay still, yn, for fuck's sake!"
"I-I can still walk on my own, JoJo!"
Annoyingly, or rather, smugly, Jotaro ignores your comment, only dragging his disagreement further by hoisting you up further so your figure is tucked snuggly between his arms. This proves his previous comment of how cold you actually are, seeing as you immediately melt into his arms, eyes almost instantly closing as you sigh, taking in the comfortable warmth of the thick fabric of his clothes.
when you look back at him, you decide not to complain any more when he raises an eyebrow at you and lets out chuckle. You just stare at the fading stars, keeping the image of his rare smile in your head along your little journey.
As you space out, your eyes having no place to stay still as the clouds move endlessly, you shake your head, feeling the pain in the back of your head from how dizzy you've become. This world is too big for even eyes to bear. you let out a mall sigh, the incoming comfort quickly cut off as you gasp. A wet droplet found its way on your nose uninvited. You look at Jotaro, expecting to see his face dotted with a bit if sweat, but that wasn't the case. Another droplet, and a third, and soon you see one slip off from Jotaro's hat. Oh... Ooooh...
Oh shit.
You gasp once more, suddenly sitting up and causing Jotaro to retract his head with a grunt.
"What the hell?!"
"Jojo it's raining!"
"And..?! Jeez you overreact."
With a pout, you hit the top of your friend's head, earning a stutter from him.
"C-can you walk a bit faster..? I can't have you getting sick, " you complain, clutching onto the chain dangling from JoJo's collar as a way to nudge him into agreeing to your order.
"That's not happening, y/n just sit back down-" As if to mock him, the clouds let out a loud clap of thunder, The rain quickly picking up with the wind. As fast as this happened, you and Jotaro are now almost drenched in water. You cross your arms, looking up at Mcedgy with a smug expression on your face.
He sighs heavily, tugging the brim of his hat and letting out his famous
"Good grief..." before wrapping his jacket around you like a stolen package and trudging quickly. A few moments pass before he starts to run.
Surprisingly, your house isn't that far away anymore. You'd expect that from someone twice your height running. Currently, your friend is huffing, occasionally spitting excess water away from his mouth.
"We're here."
He stops running, just jogging his way around a building before setting you down on the floor, waiting until you regained balance to give you your crutches back. You hiss at how cold the air is, your body quickly shivering.
You quickly find your keys from your pocket before limping to your front door and opening it with a satisfying click, taking your single wet shoe off and stepping into your house, again, cringing because of how cold the floor has gotten. As you manage to trudge to pull a shawl you found hanging on a chair, you turn back to the door, facing Jotaro again.
"Thanks for walking me here JoJo. It was definitely a pain, I'm sorry," you apologize, a wide smile on your face, rubbing the back of your neck.
"It's fine," says Jojo, already lighting his third cigarette of the day and placing it between his lips.
There's a long silence between the two of you, the heavy sound of rain and occasional thunder being the only thing breaking it. Your breaths are heavy because of the weather, and you do nothing but stare at each other. It seems none of you want to turn away for some reason. both of you are worried for each other. It takes another while before any of you finally move, Jotaro shuffling off of the steps in front of your door and turning around with a small farewell.
You, knocked out of your trance, call out to him again, making him stop. Now in your garden, completely soaked, Jotaro turns his head to you. His cigarette is barely lit anymore.
"Umm...I just realized your house is too far away," you start, catching your friend's attention. He slowly walks back to you, shoving his hands in his pockets. He only hums in response.
"Uh...I just...don't want you walking all that way again, and further so why-"
"I'm not coming inside your house," Jotaro cuts you off, causing you to stutter and blink a couple of times. However, you've already made up your mind and there's no way you're turning back now.
"No, JoJo, you are, and I'm serious right now!," you protest, trying your best to sound strict as you walk to take a hold of Jotaro's arm with your free one and pulling him under the dry safety of your door. When he realized he stepped in with his shoes, he quickly retreats, pulling on his hat and looking away.
Jeez, you're so naïve. Little do you know, Jotaro is only concerned about causing you any harm. He'd rather shrivel up and die from hypothermia than have you affected by him. But...refusing is never an option with you at this point. If anything, he doubts you won't end up following him until he's already at his own house, still trying to nag him further. He grunts, shaking his head then looking back to you.
"Jesus, fine."
Your face quickly lights up with a smile, and you drag Jotaro inside your house —with a limp—and make him take his jacket off. As much as he somewhat doesn't want to be here, Jotaro sighs in relief, shuddering at the warmth of your home.
{2901 words}
This is just something to start writing here. I'm not sure how to feel about it but I hope you like it lol, you can imagine what happens next. this seems very random and messy, which it is but I promise I'll come back with better content lmfao.
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