#when i first got into tf2 he was so annoying but just like all of these rat bastards hes grown on me
papil0nglegs · 1 month
Can I request tf2 mercs with a reader who honestly looks really sweet and nice, but they're actually really blunt and rude like every time they open their mouth it's just "YOU #### ILL ### YOUR ### UNTIL YOU ######!!!"
Sweet n’ Sour 🎀
Mercs x “nice”! Reader
A/n: MWAH I LOVE THIS IDEA SM. Rn I’m planning to make a fic of my own after this then I’ll be doing more requests afterwards so please be sure to suggests something I may do!!
Warnings: Harsh insults, Suggestive, Patronizing
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Somebody warn him before he does some stupid shit like asking you out
At first he saw you as some ditzy babe he can pull unlike how classy Ms Pauling was, so he didn’t go to spy for you
I mean he still would’ve gotten his ass handed to him if he went to spy
“Sup princess, was wondering if you’d let me pop a soda with you and maybe you’d let me pop something else” lip bite
“..can you pop that giant disgusting pimple on your forehead instead??”
he ran to his room and began to cry, spy had some questions
“…what did you do? What did you say to him?”
“Omfg, what are you his dad? Jesus it hasn’t even been a week here and I’m already so fuckin tired of these guys god it’s like middle school all over again”
You just rambled on how annoyed you were
Oh yeah, he did pop that pimple eventually
Scout (like the child he is) went to spy because he genuinely wanted to know what he did wrong, like seriously wanted to know
“And then she friggin’ told me I had a gross pimple on my face and none of it wasn’t my fault!! I mean-seriously do chics just decide to be bitchy whenever they want?”
“Scout. You went up to a woman, a real woman, patronized her, and what? You thought she was going to suddenly want to be your ‘babe’ as you call it?”
“…okay I see how she could’ve took it the wrong way, BUT”
Spy smacked the shit out of him lol
He was so scared of you even if you did fight alongside him, he was scared you were gonna chew him up again the way you did before.
At the same time it did get him pretty hard to see you out there, something about you yelling at enemies swearing to kill them and their families just got him going
“Uhh, I need to go take a dump or sumthin’ like dat”
He always thought about asking you out but the way you responded to his attempt at hooking up with you was enough to make hide his feelings
But you definitely weren’t one to hide yours, you quickly recognized that his dumbassery turned your laced panties into a slip n’ slide. So of course you went up to him asking to go out
“Hey Jeremy, I saw you out there bashing that heavy’s head in like it was nothing. You looked cute”
“Oh, y-yeah I mean pfft it’s what I do I mean it’s nothing special unless you think it’s sumthin’ special which I totally agree with you if you think it’s cool-“
“Shh- how about when we go back to the base I help you with some new techniques and you show me some of yours?”
Scout didn’t know if that was a metaphor for sex or if he was going to get his ass destroyed by you, but either way the answer was gonna be yes
When you first joined the team he never really expressed that he thought you wouldn’t be a good edition to the team
It only ever showed while on a mission, he’d almost never Uber you because he thought of you as weak
The first time he really interacted with you was in the battlefield he kept on using his syringe gun instead of healing the the team
You got so frustrated with him and just had to say something
“MEDIC PUT THE FUCKING GUN AWAY AND UBER HEAVY YOU FOUR-EYE BITCH” you screamed, slapping his gun way and shaking his collar
He blushed at the sight of you snapping at him, so unexpected yet so.. hot
“Oh, ja.. of course ♡”
The love in this man’s eyes compared to the hate in yours was astonishing, of course he immediately went to go do what you told him, all for you and only you
As soon as the match finished he couldn’t stop thinking about how much fury you had, he was definitely going to pocket you in the next match
It was so exciting to see you, so beautiful, yet so aggressive on the field
He’s always calming you whenever you get angry, basically this photo
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We all know Medic likes to be a bit messy himself with his bonesaw, you hate it when he gets messy around you
“Ugh!! Medic! You got blood on my skirt, do we need to get your ass another pair of glasses??”
“Now now, I itz nothing to worry about my love. I know my vway around a blood stain!”
“Okay,, but if this thing is still on here by then you’re buying me another.”
He enjoys watching you get ready in your pretty outfits and makeup. Medic is well maintenance but it doesn’t compare to how long it takes for you to get ready
You defending him is his fav thing ever, he never shows it a lot but he loves it when you cuss out mercs who think they aren’t getting enough healing
“Aww, y/n ☺️”
No but you guys are so cute, esp when he Ubering you
He’s always cheering you on as you tear the enemy team apart
“You’re doing well my perle!!”
As soon soldier saw you he was kinda annoyed in a way? He didn’t want to kick you out or anything but he did want you to prove yourself to him, he wasn’t just gonna let a wuss fight alongside him
He once tried to push you to your limit by making you do some exercise but nothing could’ve prepared him for how you were gonna respond
“Uh-uh I KNOW ur not talking to me bitch”
You continued to give him the death stare, but soldier just stood there
You guys made out hard, right there and then. He just couldn’t resist, we all know how he feels about strong ladies
After that the All-American Soldier we once knew turned into a loverboy, he lives and breathes to love you
But since soldier has the lowest IQ out of all of the mercs he tends to get you on your nerves a lot
“Soldier, sweetie!! Why are we dying so much what’s the biggie? 😚”
“..copy that”
He always straightens his back every time he’s in your presence, he always wants to show how tough he is and that he respects you
The team gets so overstimulated whenever you two are on the same mission, especially Spy. It always ends with him getting a headache
He’ll try to get you cute gifts, but sometimes what Soldier considers ‘cute’ can be um
“Is it another ear necklace? Soldier I told you to stop giving me those they’re gross..”
“sigh Finally, what is it?”
“..okay this is actually cute as fuck”
For the most part soldier means no harm, he just wants to love you. Even if it means giving you jewelry made out of the flesh of his enemies <33
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jevilowo · 3 months
How the mercs would play tf2
Scout is a Heavy main bc he likes the POWER. He tried playing as himself but kept dying bc of low health and got pissed. Constantly yelling for Medic. The 124hp disease is eternal.
Soldier only plays as himself because it's American. Keeps ragequitting. Can't figure out how to rocket jump in game. Has broken 79284654 keyboards in rage.
Pyro plays as themself mostly, but I can see them messing around as other classes on occasion. I think they'd get a kick out of playing Medic sometimes. Still, they're mostly themself and one of those players you think are friendlies bc they do mannrobics over and over but then they unleash fiery death upon you.
Demo would try to play himself but accidentally clicks on a different class and ends up being really good at that too despite being absolutely fucking hammered. Can't aim meelees for shit (just like me fr) but is alright with regular guns. Especially enjoys the wonders of w + m1ing people as Pyro.
Heavy plays himself obviously. Don't think he'd be into playing anyone else, except maybe as medic to pocket his sisters if they played (Zhanna is also a Heavy main btw). He'd be really bad at first but get good really fast. Always remembers to throw sandviches to the medics like (gigachad)
Engie would only play himself, but I think he'd get distracted thinking of ways to improve the game. Only plays in five minute bursts and spends the rest of his time building mods to improve The Experience. Pyro guards his buildings vigilantly between these bursts and they rarely crumble under their watchful gaze and neon sign of sapper destruction.
Medic plays himself mostly, but usually as a battle medic. Ze healing is not as rewarding and all that. I think he'd also be into the POWER (like Scout) of playing massive damage dealing classes (like Pyro, Heavy and Soldier) because again. Hurting.
Sniper would only play himself no exceptions. Slowly evolves into one of those 3000hr 4channer sniper mains and gets ridiculously competitive about the whole thing. Gets so caught up in headshotting he forgets he has a secondary weapon and meelee and dies easily to spies.
Spy abhors the game as a whole, especially playing himself, as it doesn't "accurately portray the intricacies of being a spy" or whatever. Plays occasionally to troll under an alt account but tell no one or he'll fuck your mother.
Miss Pauling would enjoy playing Demo I think, going off vibes alone, but she'd get a kick out of Scout on 2fort matches specifically because it's Efficient for Objective Completion.
Admin is, like Spy, beyond such frivolities. If she ever bothered I think she'd enjoy Sniper or Spy as she too spends a lot of time Staring.
Saxton Hale only plays on his own mode, and as Heavy when not as himself. Hes really fucking annoying about it.
Like I said, Zhanna's defo a Heavy main, but plays Soldier sometimes to bond with her husband. She's way better than him, obviously.
Merasmus hates Soldier and will ragequit any match with Soldiers in them which means he doesnt play often. When he does, however, he likes to be a Demoknight.
Scout's Ma plays Pyro. Like Ms Pauling, this is vibes alone, but she'd also play Spy and Scout sometimes as they are her boyfriend/son.
Grey Mann wouldn't play he'd just infest the game with more bots because he sucks like that.
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simp999 · 1 year
I saw that you were taking requests for tf2 and I was wondering if you could you the moment the tf2 mercs realise that they enjoy reader being around? Maybe it can be seen as platonic or romantic? Like theyre just hanging out with reader and suddenly theyre like hmm. I enjoy your presence
Thank you if advance!!
Yay my first request!! This is the exact kind of thing I like to write www thank you for swinging by, and I hope you enjoy!! I may have gotten a little carried away-
The Moment the Mercs Realise They Enjoy Being Around Reader
Total wc: 2.3k
Mercs included: All
Scout: (slight angst, whoops)
-Enjoyed being around you since you first joined as a merc buuut
-The moment he realised he wanted to be around you more was when you gave him comfort.
-Sure, he's used to getting up to shenanigans with you on and off the battlefield, but this was a different side of him that nobody really got to see. 
-And you accepted it without a problem.
-One night, when most of the mercs were playing cards or off doing their own thing, you noticed that Scout wasn't with the main crowd. Usually, he was chomping away on junk food and teasing the others when they lost a round of cards (even though he lost quite often.)
-You excuse yourself from the table, and go check on him.
-Before you get the chance to knock, you can barely hear soft sniffles coming from his room.
-You gently knock on his door, and wait a decent amount of time before carefully opening the door.
-It seemed he hadn't heard the knock, or maybe tuned it out, but his first reaction was to turn away from you and hide his face with his hands.
-It hurt to see him like this. We all have those days, but you hated to see him fighting this on his own.
-You wordlessly went and sat near him on his bed, but not too close to cause any discomfort.
-When he finally tilted his head towards you, you could make out his red face and puffy eyes. You wanted nothing more than to swaddle and hug him, but comfort comes first.
-You lean towards him with your arms semi-open, welcoming him into a hug if he so chose.
-Without a second to lose, he barreled into you and let his tears fall freely.
-You did nothing but rub gentle circles over his back and offer a few soothing words here and there, letting him get it all out.
-You would have expected him to start talking about everything, being the talkative boy he is, but he did nothing but let the tears run for a while.
-Once he finally calmed from sobs to sniffles, you gave him a small kiss on his hairline.
-"You're still special, alright? Doesn't matter what you may have gone through, people will still love you."
-But the part that got him was the fact that you asked no questions. You didn't force him to open up. You always wanted him to feel comfortable, which was.. rare, for him, to say the least.
-That's when Jeremy realised that he felt safe and comfortable around you.
-The first time Soldier realised he enjoyed you being around was when you wouldn't roll your eyes or complain like the others.
-Of course, his drills sometimes got out of hand, but you never groaned or sounded annoyed about it.
-Rather, you would still state your thoughts, but you wouldn't be an ass about it.
-Specifically, the first day that Soldier had overworked the mercs while you were around. You noticed that some of them were looking a little woozy, and Scout seemed like he was about to pass out.
-You spoke up to him before he started the next drill.
-"With all due respect, Soldier, we can't become stronger if half of us are ready to pass out. We can take a break to regain our strength then…"
-He had completely tuned you out after that.
-He's never heard that from anyone before.
-"With all due respect."
-There was no malice in your tone, either.
-Soldier would never admit it, but he might go easier on you than others, now.
-Not to mention the fact that you weren't afraid to stand up to him, even within the first few days of barely knowing him. He tends to seem intimidating at first glance.
-Also, this stays between us, but the phrase "with all due respect" can mean no respect at all. 
-but Solly doesn't have to know that :)
-Our favorite Firebug always enjoyed having you around, that's a given when new mercs join!
-But the moment that they realised they wanted to be near you more was when you didn't baby them.
-You still treated them with respect, which was rare from most.
-Of course, you would still draw with them and make pillow forts and do things that were seen as childish, and you seemed to enjoy it, too!
-But one day, they wanted to help Engineer in the workshop with a project that was a little more difficult than usual.
-Engineer knows as well as we all do how... chaotic Pyro can be. But he didn't even give them a chance to try.
-You were working on a mini project of your own in the workshop and happened to hear the conversation.
-Then, you quipped with an idea.
-"What if we watched over them? As long as they don't do anything unsafe, then there's no problem with giving it a shot."
-You then looked over at them and seemed to catch on to their awestruck expression- even with the mask on, and gave them a big smile.
-You guided them through their project, helping them out when needed or asking Engie if you needed tips for something.
-Even when they were about to do something unsafe, you carefully explained why it was a bad idea. Not in a condescending way, either. Just a quick -"Woah, hey! Wrong tool for the job, Py. Let's ask Engie for the right one."
-The moment Heavy realised he enjoyed having you around was when he noticed the others being a little less stupid around the base.
-Which sounds pretty odd to say, but he's often the voice of reason, always telling the others to "Get off the counter!" And "Stop setting everything on fire!", and the usual "Stop eating Heavy's sandviches!"
-They began to not listen when he spoke, and he's been struggling with keeping them in check when the base needed it most lately.
-If he reaaaally wanted to, he could shut the whole base up with a loud "ENOUGH!!" That would reverberate through the walls, but it would only be followed by a quick "Uh-huh, try and make me," from Scout
-But you
-Oh, you.
-You didn't need a loud voice to scare them.
-Or big muscles.
-All you needed was to be great at making them feel guilt. Like a gentle parent lecturing their kid on their miserable grades.
-You're never angry, no,no. 
-Just disappointed.
-Scout ate one of heavy's sandviches when you first got there, and the longest record of parental scolding was broken right then and there.
-Never happened again, though!
-Engineer first realised that he enjoyed your presence when you showed an open mind, and willingness to learn.
-He'd had too many people come up to him over the years claim to want to watch what he's working on, only to constantly tell him he's not doing it right or not using the proper tool for the job
-Seriously gonna question the man with 11 PhDs? Yeah, I wouldn't.
-But the worst is when he has to be paired up with other men on the same job that never listened to his ideas or thought process.
-When you came along to his workshop and asked him if you could watch over and learn from him, he was hesitant. It's not like he had performance anxiety, he was definetly confident in his skill. But he wasn't sure if he could keep it together if he has one more PhD-less person confidently tell him he's doing something wrong.
-But, he was pleasantly surprised by your questions and actions. You always asked before touching anything, and listened intently when he explained stuff. You even left a while in, only to come back with lunch for the both of you so you could continue talking about his project.
-Even the one time you did think he may have done something wrong, you asked him to explain why he did it that way instead of another. 
-The moment Demo realised that he loved having you around, was when you cared for him when nobody else did.
-Everyone else was so used to him coming back to base extremely drunk, barely able to walk on his own.
-The most they'd do anymore is give him some pain meds then let him fend for himself, which usually left him waking up sore from falling asleep on the floor.
-But when you came along,, oh boy.
-He may not have remembered much, if any, of the night before, but he does know that he woke up all comfortable in bed, next to a plushie that had not been there before.
-He also noticed a glass of water and pain meds on his bedside table, and on the floor beside his bed, a bucket incase he felt sick.
-He couldn't figure out who could have done this for him, since he never really hung out with you since you became a merc.
-A few quick introductions and that was about it.
-But when he sat around the table playing poker with the guys and one of them slips the fact that you had slung his arm around your shoulder while carrying him to his room, and that you were the one to tuck him in, he may have felt embarrassment as well as butterflies.
-Medic treated you as any other merc when you had first joined. Healing you if he could, and only really focusing on his own thing.
-But, when you started to hang around the base with the mercs to get more comfortable with everybody, that's when he noticed something.
-Your crude sense of humor.
-Sometimes even downright dark.
-It wasn't rare for you to crack a joke that had the others simply staring at you, some with a surprised look on their face, others seeming a little uncomfortable. Which is hard to do, coming from a team of killers.
-You didn't want anyone being uncomfortable around you though, so you toned it down.
-But, whenever you were with Medic, he would silently encourage it. He didn't really pay attention to the wide, almost creepy grins he'd give when you told an especially gory joke.
-They're not all bad, though! Some are just a little.. silly.
-The line that made Medic realise he enjoyed you little quips, was when Scout has given himself a paper cut.
-He immediately was frustrated with it, and had to announce it to the team right away. Without missing a beat, you immediately replied with; "Whoop, guess we gotta amputate."
-It was just so.. unexpected? He may have let out a small snort at that one.
-Sniper took a while. It's not like he's the first to go up to a new merc and ask to be friends, you know.
-Though, his moment of realisation came after you went out of your way to appreciate him, and slowly spend more time with him.
-You'd sit a comfortable distance away from him, and never forced small talk.
-You would always made sure to congratulate him on any especially nice shots,
-And eventually, you two had made it to the point of being almost comfortable enough for you to hang out in his Sniping nest.
-The reason I say almost, is because he still felt quite awkward having someone be in his space. He's just not used to it.
-But you weren't hovering over his shoulder, you simply had a book in your hand as you sat in the corner of his nest.
-His exact moment of realisation was when he caught himself info-dumping to you about animals. Especially dangerous ones.
-It was a simple question, really. You had run across an animal in your book and figured that Sniper's probably the guy to ask about if you wanted to know more about it.
-So, you quietly, as to not disturb his concentration, asked him about snakes.
-Usually his answers to most questions were single words, or a curt nod or shake of his head, but he had accidentally let himself slip as he taught you about what markings to watch out for and what snakes would be common in your area.
-When he finally did catch himself, he froze, and glanced over at you.
-You, who had nothing but wonder and curiosity in your eyes.
-Maybe he'll keep you around to keep him less bored.
-Look, Spy doesn't grow attached to anyone. 
-...Easily, that is. 
-But, he may silently gain some.. favoritism if you manage to get on his good side
-There's not much this man cares for. He wouldn't favor you any more if you bought him flowers, or wore expensive perfume.
-He'd honestly prefer it if people left him alone. 
-But there is one thing he cares about, and it doesn't even involve you interacting with Spy himself.
-That's right. Scout. Jeremy.
-The moment that Spy began to not feel more comfortable around you, but maybe feel soft- if we can even call it that- is when he caught wind of you watching over Scout.
-You often stole his Bonk cans right out of his hands, or nudged his sides when he hasn't eaten in a while. 
-You probably annoyed the hell out of Scout, but Spy could see that it was for the best. 
-It's almost as if you saw Jeremy as your own kid- just, with more of an annoying-sibling type vibe when it came to caring for him.
-It's exactly what Scout needed.
-Not that you'd notice it, because Spy's good at his job, but it sometimes seems like taking you down from behind isn't an option.
Thank you for making it to the end!! :D
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justgrey · 7 months
What if a teen reader ACCIDENTALLY came out to the TF2 mercenaries? "came out" meaning generally queer in sexuality. the teen would be worried and anxious afterward because they don't want the mercs to hate them for it. (this is based on myself as a girl-loving girl but it can be written for any gender)
you ask, you finally receive. Might start cutting requests down. idk, I feel like writing for some reason. Who knows how long that's gonna last, though.
also, REQUESTS ARE OPEN, just be aware that i might not get it out for a long, long time because motivation works weirdly😇
Mercs with a queer reader (PART 1)
Scout, Engineer, Medic
Warnings : fear of being rejected, swearing, a couple of hcs, medic is his own warning
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Being queer is hard. And being able to not tell anyone (if you're like me and wanna live comfortably) is hard too.
The way they find out is if you got really cosy with them, and I'm talking being invited to Engie's barbecues, Spy letting you smoke one of his fancy ass cigars, and Scout tossing balls to you and acting like an older brother towards you kind of cosy.
So, one day, you accidentally let it slip during a conversation at dinner, having gotten way too comfortable.
Everyone except Medic and Spy was there, choosing to skip to do "work" instead. Your words quieted the whole damn room.
Whatever you did next is up to you. Whether you took it on proudly and kept eating or walked off to your bedroom to cry, up to you.
Scout's unfamiliar with queer people. He didn't know any, and he wasn't taught anything about them.
He is especially unfamiliar with queer men. If you are a queer man, he'd be asking you all the time when he first finds out:
"How don't you find her hot? Or her? Do you find 'dat asshole, Spy hot? Is 'dat how dis works???"
Not with the intention of being slightly offensive, though. Just curious because he kind of struggles to wrap his head around the fact you're queer.
He always had a feeling that you weren't straight as a line, though. He hung around you a lot, even if you were annoyed by him, because he kind of wanted to finally be an older brother because he's always been the youngest.
So this is all a learning experience for him.
He'd definitely stay quiet for a little while, scaring you, before he randomly approaches you the next day.
"So... you like, what... in ta' ladies/dudes?"
(If you like girls, he'd definitely be the guy to say, "Holy shit, me too!" As a way to bond)
"That's cool... that's cool... wanna talk about it more, or do you wanna go play ball?"
"Play ball."
"Let's go play ball, 'den."
Nothing changes about your relationship. Although he does occasionally ask if someone is your type or not, wanting to learn more about you. But in the end, as long as you still wanna hang around with him, he'll be chill.
Unlike Scout, he is educated in queer people. He knows a couple, and he thinks they're pretty cool. Medic is also out to him because he's definitely gay (and trans because I like it that way)
Absolutely nothing changes with Engineer. He doesn't treat you any different or ask you any questions, just continues as normal, but encourages you to talk to him about things because he's definitely experienced it himself.
"You know, you could'a told me that earlier. I wouldn't have judged ya'. I've roamed around that area myself a little too."
He just likes to get out there and try random shit. He looks like a boring guy, but he's way deeper than the southern merc on the surface.
Just talk to him :(
He wasn't there when you accidentally came out. He was finishing up an experiment on some organs.
When someone does tell him about it, though, he can't care less because he's queer too.
He also transed his gender. It's not my problem, it's yours now.
Definitely did his own top surgery ngl. Madman. Also discovered how to extract testosterone from sources and synthetically make it. Officially, a pioneer in trans healthcare. Hit him up if you want sum.
He treats you normally because he really doesn't give a fuck. He basically comes out to you as well, though:
"So you don't care."
"What do you think Heavy and I do while we are working together... and the rest of you are eating?"
"Wait a minute... wait a... oh."
Definitely in love with his unofficial soul mate, the Heavy weapons guy.
I'm gonna do parts to this, actually. I'll make a part 2 and a part 3 another day that is even more random. I just need a break cause this is just a little bit lengthy. Ty got reading and sorry if it isn't exactly what you wanted 💀. I focused it a lot on the mercs instead of readers' anxiety.
Also, if you don't agree with my medic hcs, lol, fair enough 🥺
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
TF2 lol Blu scout crushing on Blu medic darling is cute, how'd you write a concept for him? Like Blu Scout is almost like Darling's assistant as they practice wrapping wounds, without hurting Scout, they're like son and parent, almost until Scout's feelings start turning into love, despite Darling seeing scout as their friend
Sure! Bringing back the BLU Scout from this short, say hello again to Jez (The name of BLU Scout in my fics so Red can stay Jeremy)
Yandere! BLU Scout with BLU Medic! Darling
Pairing: Platonic (Darling)/Romantic (Scout/Jez)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jez is a fan name I made, Platonic relationship turned romantic, Brief mentions of poor family life, Obsession, Slight stalking, Jealousy/Possessive behavior, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship, Mentioned/Implied kidnapping, Drugging, Manipulation.
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As BLU team's Medic you've always been kind, too kind at times.
The perfect counterpart to the RED team's Medic, Ludwig
Jeremy's counterpart is Jez, the BLU Scout.
You've noticed the two Scouts look eerily similar... but so do most of the counterparts.
Jez is reckless, not quite raised with self-care in mind.
But unlike Jeremy, he's kinder and not willing to hurt his darling for the most part.
Jez gets attached to you because you patch him up.
Not wanting the young merc to hurt himself... you even teach him how to wrap his own wounds.
Jez likes you for your caring personality and the fact you look after him.
You find out later during a conversation with him that it's because his father wasn't around for him all the time.
It was just him and his mother before he left for merc work.
When you offer to take Jez in as an assistant when not in battle, he's surprised.
Although... Jez quickly becomes eager to assist you around the medbay.
Jez sees you as a close friend at first.
You give him the care he yearns for and he learns some important life skills.
The bond between you is that of teacher and student, despite your ages being so similar.
Many on BLU team know how close you two are.
Although it gets annoying when in the heat of battle Jez refuses to leave your side, begging you to pocket him.
Jez loves to learn from you because it's an excuse to spend time with you.
You tell him what certain medicine does, like pain killers.
You also show him how to properly bandage wounds.
Jez looks up to you... he cares deeply about you.
A specific event has to happen to make him realize he loves you more than a friend.
Maybe you accidentally brush against him, causing his face to flare?
Maybe he sees you talk to someone else and he feels anger?
That or maybe a deep conversation makes him rethink things.
The point is something has to happen between you two for Jez to fall for you.
At first he's hesitant or even ashamed he feels this way.
Yet soon he wishes to pursue these feelings one way or another.
Jez still struggles with flirting and romance like Jeremy.
After all, Jez follows you like a lost puppy.
He tries to keep signs of his attraction subtle but others can tell.
Spy can tell that Jez looks at you like an idol.
Jez definitely pilfers through your medbay in search of something to keep or learn more about you.
He's embarrassed to ask Spy for help, but he just can't stop thinking about you.
He wants to be the best man for you!
Although... Spy sees how eager Jez is and tries to calm him down.
Something feels... wrong deep in Spy's gut.
"Okay... I want to tell 'em I love 'em. I want to know how to show dedication! Y'know... so they don't look at anyone else but me...."
"Are you sure you want to this, Scout? You may be making a mistake...."
"Mistake!? Never! I love 'em... nothing's gonna change that."
"And if they don't feel the same?"
"... they gotta. Why else would they take care of me? Why else would they show signs!?"
Jez does a lot more for you in his obsession.
He watches you when you aren't looking and is a very attentive assistant.
"Ah... I forgot something."
"Got it right here, sweetcheeks. Here!"
He loves the idea of it just being the two of you....
Jez may even be delusional, dedicated fully to the idea of being the only one for you.
He does everything he can to show you he loves you.
You see it as him being a friend... a close companion who you took in.
The moment Jez realizes his attempts at having you are fruitless... he tries other methods.
There's no longer any need to be subtle.
He confronts you alone, clinging to you in an attempt to make you feel what he feels for you.
He tries to brush against you, he spills private info to show he confides in you.
Jez prefers manipulation to get your attention.
He's still capable of violence but for the most part he just wants to use sabotage to earn your attention.
If you like someone else, he'll make up some rumor.
If you're oblivious or are attempting to reject him, he refuses to accept it.
He hates the idea of losing your attention!
Who's a better lover than him? Your assistant?
Teaching him medicines becomes dangerous as how he knows what drugs do what.
Expect either and injection or chloroform over your nose as Jez hushes you to sleep.
He doesn't like the idea of drugging you but will if he has to.
He promises to take care of you.
After all, you've taught him everything he needs to know yourself!
"I love you, baby... I promise I'll not only be the perfect assistant, but boyfriend too."
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what would the mercs' favourite shows/anime be? You might have done the 'shows' part before so im giving you the 'anime' option as a fresh twist ^w^ (No im not battling a double-hyperfixation of tf2 and jjba and seeking validation through mutuals why would you even think that-)
What Are The TF2 Mercs Favortie Animes?
Oh boy it's been a hot minute since I've watched an Anime, I used to be so feral for any anime 😭
Mutual appreciation comment!!! Thank you for your asks! I love seeing them pop up, you always have really good prompts 🫶🏻
Demo- Kakegurui
Did I ever mention that this man loves to gamble? Also, you cannot convince me that this man isn't super expressive when he does so. Literally is the anime. Loves how batshit insane it is. Loves getting whiplash from one episode to the next. Wasn't a fan of season two, but adores season one. Bindges, and re-bindges the show at least once a month. Just loves feeling insane when he watches an anime.
Engie- One Punch Man.
Saw Genos and immediately went "I could build that." And doesn't elaborate. He's not gonna lie, he may or may not have tried to follow Saitama's training routine once, but threw up when he got to the running part. Don't get me wrong this man isn't weak or anything but I genuinely don't think anyone on this team can run besides Scout. Loves watching OPM because he loves how unbothered Saitama is and wishes he could be like that, and also wishes he could be as strong.
Heavy- Your Lie In April
Loves the mix of a slice of life and melodrama. Doesn't care too much about how slow the show is. Just enjoys watching everything play out and being along for the ride. This man sobbed at the end. Couldn't believe it, well he could but he also couldn't? Even though it breaks him everytime he sees the ending, he still loves rewatching it.
Medic- Japanese Tales of The Macabre/Parasyte
HE. LOVES. JUNJI. ITO. It'd be so wrong not to think so. He has genuinely wondered about the logistics of Layers Of Terror... be afraid of this man if he gets a curious look in his eye over any episode of this anime. He likes the books more but also loves the anime. I added Parasyte too because this man is a sucker for all types of body horror and I think Parasyte should always be mentioned. Just lord help us after this man's mind starts working when watching his favorite body horror animes. You'll here a mix of screams from the poor characters and Yippees! From Medic as he watches the horror.
Scout- Death Note
I think this is everyone's starter anime, but it just happens to also be Scout's favorite. I can't tell if he'd think Light is a genius or insanely stupid. But that's not super important. Loves Ryuk! He'd want a death note just to have Ryuk hanging around the base. This man would be a menace if he had the death note honestly. He'd probably write his name down first just to label it, forgetting he'd die.
Sniper- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Man has never related to a fictional character so hard until now. Also wishes he could be perfectly average in the public eye and also has inhuman natural talents. It's not even funny how much I can imagine Sniper in this anime. He watched every season and loved them all (likes season one best though) and regularly rewatches the show when things get to stressful around him. It's his comfort show.
(Not that anyone asked but, I fucking love this anime, it's not even funny how much I love this anime I'm going feral.)
Spy- Black Butler
Can a fictional character have a kin? Well in my mind yes. Spy kins Sebastian so fucking hard. Picked up the trait of taking his gloves off like that. Definitely share the same annoyances, living with incompetent coworkers, an annoying child, a criminally insane friend or two, you know the normal stuff! Was severely disappointed by season two. Loved everything else though.
Soldier- Attack On Titan
I think he likes AOT because of all the Gore, blood, and fighting. I can imagine him kicking his legs and smiling all goofy while watching this. This man bindged the entire show, no doubt. Like the other mercs were genuinely worried about him. He's a mix of devastated and happy that the show hasn't ended permanently.
Pyro- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
The insane person loves insane anime, who would have guessed? No, but genuinely, you'd think they'd have a short attention span, wouldn't be able to understand what's going on, and lose interest. Nope! Absolutely love this anime. Has probably rewatched it a million times already. Has made Engie watch this with him and utterly confused the poor Texan. Feverishly waiting for part nine.
I hope you like this! I had to pull out my list of animes I've watched, and oh boy it made me realize how weird. Maybe? That my taste in anime is.
Also sorry its not super long or super indepth I was going off some very vague memories for a few of these!
I love you guys!
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tf2thoughtdump · 2 days
TF2 Thoughts of the Day! Making up for a missed day
Headcanon? Yes.
Character(s)? Sniper and Medic
Long or Short? Short.
You're free to use any thoughts of mine in any form of media you make.
I have two headcanons for today and to make up me missing yesterday. The brain wasn’t braining. Anyways, for all my Sniper and Medic fans such as myself, I have a small list of pet names they’d call their significant other. Enjoy.
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Medic -
Medic strikes me as the kind of guy to have a pet name at the end of literally almost all of his sentences
Mein kleines Herz (My little heart)
If you’re a nurse working with children: Kinderfrau
If you are just a literal nurse: Krankenpfleger(male) or Krankenschwester (female)
The three above all just mean “nurse”
Eure Majestät (your majesty, started as a joke but soon turned into an actual pet name)
Meine Taube (my dove)
Kleiner Vogel (little bird)
Mein süßer kleiner Liebling (my sweet, little darling. I feel like he only really uses this one if he’s really annoyed, picture him saying it in a bit of a condescending tone)
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Sniper -
Sniper’s a bit of a loner, so I doubt he has much experience with calling people pet names but the farther you two go in your relationship, a few pop up here and there
Sheila (You thought he was cheating on you first time he said it, turns out it’s just Australian slang for a woman)
Lil’ apricot
Ankle bitter
Duckie (Caught you off guard the first time he said it. When you asked where that came from you got a surprisingly… sweet answer? He had heard his adoptive parents call each other ‘duck’ and ‘duckie’ as a kid and it stuck.)
Princess, or prince
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Go crazy with whatever information this gave you.
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skylermadness · 7 days
Renewal of Strength (Saxton Hale TF/MC)
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(Original Date of Upload: May 29, 2024)
Original Description:
Story commission. So this was a rather fun story to write! I've been itching to do something on Saxton Hale for some time so being commissioned to do this was actually really fortunate for me! I do wish there were some things I could expand upon such as the voice changes and whatnot but since I was on an, albeit flexible, word limit I had to do a couple omissions of things. But I got to do some extremely good muscle growth and I'm rather proud of how I handled the MC segments! Admittedly I still feel I'm not all that up to speed on TF2 stuff but like, I think it worked out well either way. This story is based heavily off artwork drawn for Arti by moltingscales on FurAffinity. The artwork can be found here. This is also my first story I'm giving a full Adult rating to. I would mark it Mature but I'm going a step up just to be on the safe side. This is mainly because there is some overt masturbation that goes far beyond being just implied.
   “How long does it take to get a single vaccine for someone?”
   This was a question that was directed towards no one in particular. It was just one asked by a frustrated Arti as they sat on the bed in the hospital room they were currently in. This frustration was furthered by the fact they were shirtless, which had led to them becoming rather cold during their time waiting for someone. All they could really do was stare at the door in anticipation, especially since once they got whatever vaccination they were overdue on they could finally put their shirt back on and go home. Unfortunately for them another minute goes by without any indicator of anyone coming.
   “This is what I get for agreeing to random vaccine renewal requests-” Arti starts muttering to themselves, but is quickly cut off by the sound of the room’s door opening.
   A man wearing standard medical garb wordlessly walks into the room. His face is extremely obscured by both a medical mask and a pair of glasses that his eyes are somehow not visible through. The only two things Arti can really tell about this guy is he has neatly kept hair, and he might be relatively buff judging by how his clothes interact with his body. Although they try not to analyze the guy for too long. They do catch a glance of what might be an empty syringe in his hand though.
   “Hey,” Arti said, looking up at the doctor’s obscured face and awkwardly waving as he walked towards them. He didn't seem to get any kind of verbal greeting back however. They just watch as the doctor silently pulls out a chair from beneath a nearby desk and pushes it towards the bed the enby was sitting on.
   So this was going to be quick and to the point, Arti thought to themselves. Then again having doctor's make small talk with them as they’re getting jabbed with thin pieces of metal has always been rather annoying. But also they weren't going to deny the oddly creepy air of having a silent masked man walk towards you without saying anything during the ten or so seconds of being in the room.
   “So uh, this is just going to be a standard vaccination thing…?” Arti asked in an attempt to strike up a conversation and break the mildly eerie air.
   The doctor had taken a seat by this point. They could also tell his gaze was fixed on them for a second, but he just nodded once in response. Guess that puts small talk out of the question…
   Well, at least this'll be quick, Arti thought with a sigh.
   The next few seconds were when the weirdness amped up by a little bit. Arti watched as the doctor pulled out some kind of vial from the innards of his lab coat. The strangeness came from the fact that the vial had some kind of bright golden fluid within it. Then they had to watch as he poked the syringe into the vial to pull some of the fluid within it. They couldn't help but wonder what kind of vaccine this was supposed to even be.
   “Uhhh, so what vaccine is this for?” Arti asked, a mix of curiosity and worry in their voice. “I don't remember any of them looking like… that.”
   The doctor had brought their chair a bit closer to them and was readying the injection. “Tilt your head rightwards,” was his only statement. No answer to the question at all. Also he had a rather thick German accent. Oddly familiar too, but Arti was too focused on the presumed lack of proper medical protocol to dwell on that for long.
   “Oookay, don't answer my question then,” Arti mussitated before doing as they were asked. 
   For a couple seconds they felt the cold and gloved hand of the man on the side of their face, keeping their head still as the syringe inched closer to their neck. Then in one split second the needle broke into their skin, injected the weird gold fluid into their body, and then was quickly pulled away from the flesh of their neck. A low, golden glow remained in some of their neck veins for a few seconds before disappearing as the mysterious liquid dispersed into their bloodstream. A strange occurrence that Arti hadn't taken notice of as their head was unhanded by the masked man.
   Instead they just watched the man push their chair back to discard the syringe on the table nearby. He would then turn to face Arti, hands clasped over his legs. He seemed to just be watching the enby, if their scopaesthesia was any indicator anyway.
   “Aren't you supposed to put some kind of bandage on me or something?” Arti questioned, unconsciously touching the spot of injection with their hand. Crap, they shouldn't be doing that!
   Curiosity got the better of them though and they brought the hand up to the front of their face. They were surprised to find absolutely no traces of blood on their fingers whatsoever. They were also beginning to notice a strange feeling of warmth begin to enter their body as the seconds continued to pass.
   “Uhh, did someone finally turn the temperature up?” Arti nervously inquired. They would get no response from the doctor though. Just a wordless gaze through a pair of glasses they couldn't gaze back into.
   The heat still persisted, and strangely enough it seemed as though the feeling was a little bit isolated at the time. There was a fair bit in their neck at the point of injection, but it had also felt like it dispersed into various areas on the right side of their body. Although among these areas it was their right arm that had the most amount of the feeling of an increase in warmth.
   The truth behind this change in temperature, unbeknownst to Arti at the time, was all because of a certain change in their physicality. It was relatively minor at first as it manifested in what seemed to be a rapid fading of the scar tissue that stretched across their body. Bands of scarring that had been on their arms and the massive one on their chest, scars that have been on them for years, were dissipating into the enby’s skin to the point they might as well had never had scars in the first place. Subtlety would be lost in seconds though as another change manifested in their right arm and hand.
   What was starting to embed in their hand was a tangible alteration in its size. The width and length of it had both stretched out, the appendage getting wider and larger with each passing second. This had come with a pretty hefty meatiness getting added to it as it increased in thickness rather significantly. This was something that was further accentuated with how their fingers were affected. Getting longer in proportion, but also getting quite chunkier in size. This was coupled with a certain blunting in the ends of their fingers that gave each one a blockier appearance than it had prior. In general this meant their hand had transformed into a bulky mitt, the size of it now possessing an aura of intimidation to it by just existing. 
   The same could be said with Arti's now swelling arm. Muscle was rapidly adding itself to the enby’s fairly skinny limb, years of working out being placed in them in just seconds. Heat continued to course through their muscle tissue rapidly as this all occurred. In their forearms, their extensor muscles beefed up in strength as ridges formed in their skin to properly outline their budding musculature. Furthermore there was what seemed to be a layer of brown hairs sprouting across the back of their forearms as well. A fairly thick dusting of fuzz had been rapidly growing across the once bare region of skin.
   Their upper arms weren't left out of this swath of changes of course. At the same time as their lower arms were thickening, the musculature in their upper arms was enhancing substantially. Sweat beaded across their shoulders as their bicep burned, swelling and bulking as raw strength continuously became visible in their limb. The associated tricep was enlarging in conjunction as well, further increasing the amount of ridges that deepened within their skin. Heat spiraled within their right shoulder as their deltoids developed, broadening the region more and more as a certain roundness was being added to that half of their body.
   Combined, all these changes had made their right arm look so thick and powerful. The amount of raw beef that had been added to the once thin limb was impressive. And it seemed as if that hadn't been the only area of their body it would be contained in as while the changes slowed in their right arm the transformative effect would seem to spill over into their chest and torso. The temperature of their core steadily rises and sweat continues to formulate on their hot, hot body. This meant the intense warmth circulated within their chest and with that came more meat being added to their twinkish body.
   The amount of mass that was in their chest increased at a relatively steady pace. Second by second their pectorals swelled forwards, the previous flatness of the region being accreted and built up into a sturdy form. This form was one that was rectangular, yet round. Relatively meaty with a side of fat. That had been the appearance that was being taken on by their newly thickened pectoral muscles. And with the continuous passing of time it would seem as if their pecs would continue to inflate into hefty slabs of meat. Though their increasingly larger size may have been helped by the fact that Arti’s body was steadily broadening in its size and width. This would also be accompanied by the growth of hair beginning on their chest region.
   It was by this point that all the weird feelings Arti was experiencing had finally prompted them to investigate why they felt so warm or their chest had felt ridiculously itchy. Although once their gaze wandered to their chest their eyes widened in panic. “What the- why am I so large!?”
   Their eyes constantly shifted focus between looking at their chest and looking at the doctor that sat a few feet away. A part of them had been expecting some sort of answer, but of course they'd get nothing. Instead they're just forced to watch the swelling in their chest seemingly slow as the massive shelf they had developed finishes forming. They had also been granted the sight of watching as a thick bush of chest hair emerged atop their pecs. Starting off as a light dusting before rapidly thickening, the brown coloration became more prominent as the fluff got denser. All the while it seemed to be taking on some kind of shape as its amorphousness was quickly shifting into the appearance of…
   “Why is my chest hair in the… the shape of- urgh-”
   Their statement rapidly gets cut off as they feel a tingling in their throat. Although beforehand they could hear some kind of rapid alteration settling in their vocal cords. As if in mere moments their voice had gone from normal to quickly deepening in tone. 
   “Th-the hell…”
   The changes in their physicality would only continue to spread. Heat shot through their left arm as the muscles began to rapidly plump up in the once-unchanged limb. Their thin and impressive form being quickly consumed by the pure strength of an enhanced musculature. It wouldn't take very long for their left arm to swell to mirror their right one. Bulky biceps, thick triceps, hairy forearms, and another chunky hand that could knock the lights out of a person in an instant.
   Concurrent with that was a change in their abdomen. Their gut churned as what little fat was on it appeared to bubble. It quickly is proven that it isn't their fat that's bubbling however as yet again muscles rise from their once untoned form. Sculpting out of their abdomen was a series of rock hard abs. The fat in the area practically melted away as a six-pack chiseled itself into their form. This was accompanied by another surge of strength, a strange feeling of power continuing the cycle itself around the enby’s masculinizing form.
   “Ugh, why does this… feel kind of good…” Arti moaned as they felt more sweat bead off their warm skin. The sound of their changing voice continuously resonates in their ears. So deep and manly, and they could swear they were hearing the beginnings of an Australian accent settling into it. Perhaps that would explain the Australia-shaped patch of chest hair. 
   “…fuck, mate, that’s actually hot,” they remarked, a slow realization about the rather attractive nature of this transformation forming in this mind. “I-I shouldn't be enjoyin’ this though… this isn't normal-”
   More sweat forms on their forehead as they feel an odd pressure in their lower body. Could it be their legs finally bulking up? No, it was obviously not in that region. It was much more centralized. Much more intense. Arousing, even. So Arti’s gaze moved further downwards to the source of the feeling.
   The only thing Arti had been wearing was a pair of sweatpants. Legwear that had normally fitted the enby just fine, alongside being pretty loose and comfortable. That was a notion that was being contested real fast as a roundness steadily formed in the middle of what they were wearing. A straining coming from within the briefs they had beneath their pants. A bulge forming where one had not existed before in both garments. And what's worse is they could feel their thickening manhood rub up against their undergarments. All those nerves being stimulated all at once, an intense eroticism being added to their transformation in a way that hadn't existed prior. It somehow made them heat up even more.
   “Mmphf, no, can't-” they let out a deep moan. Speaking was already proving itself a mistake. Just hearing their voice was making more and more blood rush downwards at unfathomable speeds. The deep tone echoing in their ears as the Australian accent lined their speech.
   They couldn't stop themselves from bringing a hand down to their groin and squeezing it a little. To just further stimulate that intense feeling of arousal a little further. An action that should be pretty easy with how much meat they seemed to be packing now. One that seemed relatively large judging by that bulge they were sporting now.
   “Fuckin’…” was all they could utter as they rubbed their bulge more. The erotic intensity of their changes being further fueled to such a point that it replaced all their panic and concern. All of which caused a thought pattern that they needed to do this at least once just to end that feeling. So that's what they ended up starting to do.
   The transformation hadn't ended though. That act of submission was more of a sign that it had to continue more than anything else. Especially since the lower half of their body still had more that had to be done to it.
   This meant that the rest of their sweatpants were on the way to becoming just as strained as the crotch region, if not moreso. Another wave of muscle mass alteration washed over their legs and prompted a reaction in their thighs. Their hamstrings and quadriceps grew in tandem with each other, swelling with bulk at a relatively rapid pace. It wouldn't take very long before the crevices that outlined and defined their leg muscles indented in the material of their sweatpants. 
   All the while the comfortable, stretchiness of their legwear proved to be somewhat useful as despite the very tangible undersizing of it their shorts were still trying to contain their beefier legs. It would seem as though their sweatpants couldn't contain everything as they steadily rode up the crus of their legs, a mixture of height adding and their swelling calves prompting this to occur. This allowed some of their relatively sparse leg hair to become visible, and it was the same shade of brown that had been taken on by the hair that was on the rest of their body.
   The last part of their lower body that was consumed by this menagerie of concurrent changes had been Arti’s feet. They had actually still been wearing their shoes, which had resulted in a budding pressure in their footwear as their feet had begun to enlarge. Similar changes to their hands had occurred within their feet with them both stretching out in length and width while getting increasingly thicker. The appendages had pressed up against the sides of their shoes as a result, while the bridges pushed up against the top. They could feel the topline constrict against the wider diameter of their ankle while their heels dug into the back portion of each shoe. The toecap of what they had worn bulged with multiple mounds as each of their toes chunked up in size, and these mounds got larger as their toes continued to squeeze into the front end of their shoes. After a good few seconds though a rip would pierced the air as their footwear finally burst open to allow room for their larger feet to breathe.
   “Mmf, guh,” Arti’s transformed voice practically rumbles in their neck. Their mind continues to be filled with a certain erotic euphoria as they stimulate their bulge more and more. “Damn, feels… so good…”
   They were fully into it by this point. Heat continued to envelop their entire form, a weird mix of transformative warmth and the flames of arousal. Sweat continued to form and dribble itself down the enby’s forehead. Their deep and grizzled voice practically growls as they can feel themselves on the cusp of release.
   A pressure soon begins to wrack Arti’s skull, and they clench their jaw as they push through the oddly discomforting sensation. The aforementioned jaw quickly became affected by this pressure as it entered a process of reshaping itself. Their once rounded jawline quickly hardened, chiseling into a more rigid and angular form. This was accompanied by an alteration in their jaw’s bone structure, each end just slightly diffusing to grant their chin a cleft. Although the entirety of their skull’s structure seemed to shift as it widened and shifted to attain a more rectangular form.
   As this occurred there was a light itching that they started to feel above their upper lip. A sensation that was being caused by the sprouting of a few hairs in that region. Although a few quickly became a lot as more and more brown fuzz continued to poke out their skin. A sparse and stubbley appearance momentarily had been taken on before it thickened even more. Just so many hairs forming to create a dense bush of fluff above their lip, said bush seeming to take on an almost trapezoidal shape as the hairs grew in prominence. By the end of this formation Arti sported a rather thick mustache.
   That wasn't the only thing going on though. Concurrently there had been multiple aspects of their face that were in the process of shifting to fit their more rugged face. The shape of their nose heavily altered as it widened, rounded even to take on a thicker and more chunky appearance. Their eyebrows seemed to thicken a fair bit, thin lines sprouting more and more hair to turn them into thick bushes of brows. This would also come with some reshaping as a more diagonal angularity embedded within the form of their eyebrows. Perhaps the most extreme of the changes was just how weathered their face was becoming though, signs of aging rapidly setting in with the formation of wrinkling beneath their eyes and around their mouth. This all further enhanced the ruggedness of their facial features though.
   Another extreme change had settled in their hair. All while their faces changed, their hair was rapidly shearing itself. Clumps of fluff cutting themselves off from Arti's head before straight up disintegrating in mid-air. Meanwhile what hair did remain was extremely short, and its nigh-indigo coloration was instead being rapidly replaced by the on-set of brown. This would only continue throughout the entirety of their head. What was once long and fluffy hair was being lost at an extremely quick pace, more noticeable bits cutting away and disappearing from the front of their face and the back of their neck. Other bits that couldn't shear themselves were shortened instead. No matter what though it all led to the exact same result: a short, crew cut style that looks nothing like how their hair used to be.
   With the changes to their head and face settling it would seem as if Arti’s physical changes had come to an end. This had coincidentally come with an additional thing coming to an end as the pent-up sensation within them finally released, the overwhelming stimulation they were experiencing coming to a slow halt as they finally came to a climax. This came with the steady flush of all the heat within them as their body entered the refractory period.
   “Fuck, that was good…” they admitted. Their voice had seemed to settle into that hot Australian-accented deepness that it was obtaining this whole time. Although now that they were finished pleasuring themselves they were slowly coming back to their senses. “I… I have a feeling I shouldn't have done that-”
   Their deep breaths continued to escape them as they pushed themselves forward. Everything felt weird now and they could feel a headache emerging in their forehead. They couldn't help but clench their jaw in reaction, one of their massive hands being brought to the side of their head as they felt so many things rush into their brain.
   “Fuck, my… head-” they groaned out in confusion.
   It was like some kind of hurricane was storming around their psyche. As if the changes hadn't only been physical, but mental as well. Thoughts and memories that hadn't existed before were being implanted at an extremely rapid rate, rushing into their brain and practically overwriting every aspect of who they had once been. And all because that one moment of weakness was enough for their mental fortitude to absolutely collapse and allow for this to happen.
   They weren't unaware of any of this of course, but there was nothing they could really do about it. It was already a struggle to discern what was right and what was wrong about themselves at all by this point. Furthermore anything that was Arti was just being completely replaced with a whole new identity. Completely mundane memories being rapidly replaced with a life of over-the-top violence and animal combat. Their perception of themselves quickly warped into that of a strong, confident man with a constant itch to get into a fight. Something that was completely ingraining itself into his personality as that bloodthirsty boisterousness completely overpowered his former self.
   There had also been layers upon layers of additional strangeness. Was the world around him shifting? No, it couldn't have been. It had always looked like some lair of medical catastrophe. Although he could've sworn it was different. He could've sworn he was wearing something different as well. Although there was the shine of the metal on his belt, or the rugged appearance of his denim shorts, or the tough look of his boots, or even the sensation of his Akubra hat atop his head. All of this had an overwhelming air of familiarity that felt more correct. These were the only things he was fully willing to wear after all.
   “...the hell was I goin’ on about?” he asked himself, mental alterations seeming to force him to forget his concerns. Forget almost everything that had just happened. Purged the thoughts that he had been someone else, that he had become someone else. The only thing he could recall from the past few minutes was that feeling of intense eroticism that completely overwhelmed him for a bit. “That felt great!”
   The massive room that was the Medic’s medical office (slash experimentation chamber) loomed over the two men as Saxton Hale came back to his senses.
   “You seemed to have enjoyed that quite a fair bit!” The Medic commented as he finally took off his mask, alongside removing his glasses to disengage the protective lenses that had been over them. “I was anticipating a rather intense reaction to my advanced healing formula, but I had surprisingly not accounted for an enhanced sexual drive.”
   “Well it feels like that did a whole lot more than just heal me.”
   “Hm, potentially,” Medic put his glasses back on. “Now tell me, how do you feel? Any liquefied organs or the sensation that something's about to explode?”
   “I feel good!” Saxton responded, flexing both arms in a show of raw strength and power. “If anything I feel like I can finally get that tiger back for almost tearing out my heart!”
   “You probably could,” Medic said with a sly smile. “If the formula works properly you will be able to survive multiple incisions to your jugular veins!”
   “Whatever that means, it has the word ‘survive’ in it and I like it!” Saxton dumbly replies. It's honestly a surprise he heard anything the Medic said since he seems rather fixated on his massive muscles. Although he does take a second to glance towards Medic to say, “Thanks for this, doc!”
   The doctor smiles from the compliment. “Of course! Not often do I get the chance to test out my projects on the CEO of Mann Co.!” Medic then sits back in his seat, smile becoming more devilish.
   Not often is he able to succeed on such intense transformative effects from his creations either. He will definitely have to make sure to replicate this outcome again in the future…~
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the mercs dancing headcanons
🕺Group headcanons: they LOVE moshpits. come on. they get crazy on those. |🕺| Scout set up Just Dance one day and most of their initial reactions was negative because toxic masculinity, but they VERY quickly got into it and now it's a monthly contest. whoever wins holds the month's greatest dancer title (probably has a goofy ridiculous name that they take pride on having). |💃| they argue over music choice sometimes, but they can all agree on disco.
⚾Scout: this guy has a lot of energy. he dances at least once at every party/event with music. sometimes he dances to silence. he's the kinda goof to jam to random beats like the laundry or the microwave or someone's phone ringing. he dances pretty hip hop (my headcanons aren't very historically sensitive, but techhhnically hip hop is around the tf2 timeline) and knows a lot of different moves. he's very hype to watch. he has a big smile on his face while he dances but often makes chad faces and flexes because it gets to his head. if a hispanic song comes on he pretends to know how to salsa that shit up perfectly, but if you look past his annoying ego, he's not actually half bad at it. lots of footwork. dances to all music that has a beat fast enough to keep him engaged.
🦝Soldier: he? moves in a way that can be considered dancing?? LOL they aren't dance moves per se, but he does grin and "yayyy" and clap and bounce. he copies others' dance moves. he loves gimicky easy dances. he ALWAYS joins the others when they invent some gimicky dance move like "the grave digger": someone laying and two shoveling dirt on him. "car wash": one is a car and others are the spinning columns lol. likes "being told" what dance moves to do basically.
💣Demo: if sober, he mostly throws himself on the dancefloor if somebody else is already there. wait lol in what circumstance would Demo be sober at a party lol. if not he is more goofy and forward. the most creative with the gimmick dances. his dance moves aren't very precise he's mostly just moving with the flow, and having lots of fun. gets goofy a lot, jokes around a lot and makes everyone laugh. very fun guy to party with. he and Scout mostly make others feel more comfortable getting loose. usual drink in hand dancer. moves his pelvis a lot lol he has no shame with his crotch. folk music gets him HYPE. cheers and yells and rough houses. dances to a good 70% of the music. mostly dad music.
🩸Medic: omg he is just- so dorky in such an endearing way. my man moves like a quirky puppet. he dances both in feminine and masculine ways. your girlfriend can't do that /lh /j. it isn't extremely energetic. if particularly hype/drunk/celebratory tho, he VOGUES the house down boots, come on. drink in hand dancer. honestly he fantasizes about doing drag shows and one day that he has time he just might. omg he likes slow dancing! he dances to upbeat songs, or romantic songs with Heavy.
🐻Heavy: he dances more than you'd think. it's not the primary thing he does at a party but he does enjoy shaking it off a little. pretty chill dance moves, very much like a dad. there is a secret unwritten rule that Heavy must give foot to starting a Kazotsky Kick. if another merc wants to start it, they always look toward Heavy grinnning until he starts and they all follow. a Kazotsky Kick starting is always a hype event, same with a conga.
🎯Sniper: dances lankily. lmao. he NEVER danced when first meeting the group. EVER. he would anchor himself on the seat and no pushing or teasing from Scout move him. "i just don't. dance." took him a very long time to warm up, veeery slowly started moving more and more. it is rare to see, but when he does join he has a good time. doesn't last long either. he just prefers sitting and watching and chatting :) if he is under certain influences tho he has MUCH less shame and gets more creative. probably has a couple instances he danced in the forest or a campfire night in this way. he really likes the gimick dances he laughs a lot at them. dad rock and glam rock and funk. oh he exclusively dances to songs that match his energy very specifically. (autism)
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Sniper with a short s/o who's not necessarily a gremlin, but might as well be?? They can hide in tight places, spook folks by accident, and is constantly following Sniper around because s/o is comfortable with him? They don't care that he's awkward as all hell, and as soon as he gives them the okay s/o is using him as their personal pillow everywhere
Sorry lol just love him and have a nice day pleasee
"A perfect pair" Snipers x Reader
YESSSS I get to write for the stinky aussies! I need to get better distinctions for all the classes and not just sniper but here's the gist: red is more goofy and blu is more hard-core/intense.
TW: Suggestive
Lawrence (red)
- Let's be real, he let's you "scare" him and junk because he likes you. He's trained to know a hider. When you suddenly pop up behind him, he'll give a little shrug with his shoulders like you got him and says, "'ello, my little shadow. What am I doin' today?"
- He gives a little smile if you say something cheeky, "Nah, I don't think that was it." Before carrying on. He's so awkward but it's dreadfully endearing.
- He likes joking that you're compact. He reckons he could fit you in his pocket and sneak you places if you want!
- Will allow body as pillow usage sooner than one might think. He's not starved for physical affection or anything, but it's nice. Once he knows you're someone he can trust, he'll lean his weight on you jokingly to see if you fall over.
- Just know he doesn't have a lot of comfy fat for laying about! But he is an expert on good old-fashioned spooning. Not really, but he tries with those gangly limbs of his. You'll always feel secure with him, that's for certain.
- At some point or another, he's going to teach you self defense if you don't know any already- he says the two of you together are a one-two punch. They'll never see you coming.
Mick (blu)
- At very first he was annoyed before the dating happened because he doesn't like mucking about and having someone tail him. A little paranoid, you might say. Its how you survive, he says. Yet as he learns more about you and realizes it's because you feel comfortable with him, he let's up.
- once dating you'll get a quiet chuckle from him with your antics. Yet you can't seem to startle him, even when you try. He always knows where you are and, unlike Lawrence, makes sure you know it. But it's alright if you give the other lads a scare. He'd shoot them straight on if they had any complaints.
- It's a good thing, though. If you ever actually startled him, you'd end up with a bowie knife to the neck while he checks you out. Granted, he'd probably kiss you and congratulate you after, so pro's and con's.
- Will only allow you to use him as a pillow if he gets to pet your hair and crack wise about how you need him. He likes having the upper hand in a relationship dynamic. It's cute you want to lay on him. Like a little pet!
- If you ask him about fighting or self defense, he gets way too into it and has you using the ability to squeeze into tight spaces to your advantage. Sometimes, it's in the same space as him where every movement has you pressing closer together...
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leorawright · 2 years
TF2 mercs with a S/O who's like Shane from buzzfeed? Basically this
You got it! (Gonna be honest I had no idea who he was at first lol)
Mercs with s/o who's like Shane from buzzfeed
Scout always finds your jokes funny
If you ever want to go looking for ghosts Scout will happily come along with you
He'll also ignore the other mercs if they say you're immature because at least your not a killjoy
Soldier used to have a ghost phase and you've just reawoken it
Soldier will 'complain' when you call out to the ghosts but he really doesn't mind
He likes hanging out with you because you make him feel young and adventurous again
Demo loves all things supernatural so 'ghost hunting' with you is something he adores
He always finds you jokes funny and will call out to the ghosts randomly as well
Demo is glad you don't find his interests childish because he's always wanted to go ghost hunting but was told it was a waste of time
Pyro will always hide behind you if you randomly call out to any ghosts
They are scared but they also adore the attention you give them when they're scared
Pyro will always be starry eyed when they go ghost hunting with you
He'll just sigh when you call out to ghosts or make random jokes but you see his smile!
Heavy will often follow you around just for your safety but you'll normally be able to make him laugh
He enjoys the refreshing enthusiasm of your attitude especially about ghosts
Medic will gladly come ghost hunting with yoi for absolutely no reason
Some days you just want to abandon work you know?
Medic will happily call out to the ghosts and aks if he's annoying them yet
Sniper will mainly come with you on ghost adventures because he has nothing better to do
But he does find you jokes funny even if he doesn't always laugh
He also enjoys coming with you because it's a nice distraction from his normal job
Spy acts like he doesn't care but he does enjoy these little moments with you
Expect Spy to joke about sacrificing you first instead of him
Most adventures have some argument about who the ghost should kill first
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papil0nglegs · 25 days
Sweet n’ Sour 👛 (pt.2)
Tf2 x “nice”Reader
A/n: Here’s pt.1 if you don’t know what this fic is abt, ik I said I was going to do my own fic after the last one I made but I couldn’t think of anything sooo I’m just doing this. I might do a ‘tf2 x Snooki!Reader’ cuz I just started watching jersey shore and I love it (also you could tell I put my whole heart and ass into snipers section)
warnings: Slut shaming, Reader and Sniper banging, enemies to lovers, hatefuck (sorry this one’s wild)
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Pyro quickly took a liking to you because of your girly nature, he loved your style
He’s only ever been on your good side, painting nails reading magazines gossiping etc.
He’s such a girls man. No, not a ladies man, a girls man
“Holy fuck! Snooki got arrested”
“Mm mffmm mmm?”
*from jersey shore??
“Yes from jersey shore!!”
Of course you two are duos on the battlefield, skipping happily around the blu teams base as it burns down
Def owns one of those heart friendship necklaces
About him being a girls man, he always makes sure you look good on the battlefield
Loves picking out outfits with you and always carries around something he knows you’ll forget
“Shit! I forgot to put on lipgloss..”
“Mmm mmphm mm?”
*here, cherry bomb right?
“gasp Omg I love you so much 💕”
You and Pyro would have the loving best friend relationship, kissing each others cheek and shit
Doing makeup on mask>>>>
Imagine the fake lashes along w the blush 😭 he loves it
lol put big anime girl eyes on him pls
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“You’re fucking chewing right now P.”
“mmm mm!!!”
*thank you!!
He hated you when he first saw you omg. Sniper is introverted cuz he got bullied and school, so now he automatically thinks any girl with even a slightly feminine style is bitchy
To be fair you were.. to him
Srry but he got annoyed with you so fast, it started a hefty rivalry between you and snipes
“Where’s princess prissy?”
“Uhm I know you’re not talking about me, at least I actually go down there to fight unlike you in the sidelines.”
It’s always something with you guys istg
He has to admit (but won’t) , he loves watching you destroy the enemy team the way you do from afar. Blood and guts getting in your hair and pretty face. Whenever you catch him staring at you you always give him the finger, makes him chuckle despite how much he ‘hates’ you
Sometimes he has to leave more than piss in his jars
He still kept the enemy streak but it was just to hide his feelings
The mercs get so sick of your guys’s attitude, they practically begged Miss Pauling to send you and sniper off to a mission so they can get a break. She obliged
“Yeah I’m not working with him, sorry! I’d rather go back to juvie than go sleep in his musty van.”
“Bonzy, wouldn’t want to smell your bloody strong perfume all over me van ya whore.”
“I’d rather smell like strong perfume than someone who hangs around piss jars and has coffee breath!!”
Miss Pauling immediately understood why the mercs wanted you guys to go away. And so she forced you to stay in his ‘musty van’ for a week so that you both can go assassinate god knows who. Safe to say it wasn’t an easy trip.
“Ay, I’m gonna go hunt for dinner, you comin’?
“Why the fuck would I wanna go with you?? Bye.”
damn, you didn’t have to end him like that 😭
You felt something when this bitch came back with a 14ft alligator, dragging it by the tail back to the van. You bit your lip staring at him as he wiped the sweat from his forehead
You asked him to hook up, you tried to be subtle but it just turned out uneasy to say the least
“Hey I liked the way you um.. dragged that crocodile back there”
“Chuckle it was a alligator, Sheila”
“Of course you know the difference..”
You blushed, along with him, laughing awkwardly, biting your pink painted thumbnail while he scratched the back of his neck
Cut to you guys waking up naked in his bed all sweaty
Hate fucking or not, now instead of the mercs being annoyed of you hating each other too much, they hate how much you love each other
“Cmon guys not in the goddamn break room..”
“Sorry, I just love his black coffee breath”
“And I love the smell of the perfume I got ya”
“God I fucking hate it when you use Australian slang..”
You still did your thing in the break room
He has so much hate in his heart for you, and it shows
The difference between him and sniper is that he doesn’t like ANYTHING about you, especially the way you fight
Sure it surprised him when you showed off how you fought, but he didn’t take a liking to it
While trying to sneak up on an enemy sniper, you immediately bashed their head in with your pink hammer. He glared at you so hard
“What shitface?? Say something. I got impatient you were taking too long.”
This guy wants nothing to do with you, if you get assigned to a mission together he’ll have his way to sneak out of it.
In the expiration date short you wrote
Fuck you <3
On the paper he handed to everyone along with a drawing of a middle finger for the bucket thing he did
How did he know it was you? You made the hand look exactly like yours, acrylic nails and all.
You and scout started giggling like school girls
“..would anyone else like to insult me??”
soldier slowly raising his hand
Posting on your story in the middle of a battle is such a good way to mess with him, just doing the peace sign while he stays frustrated in the background
‘This old fuck really expects me to kill this big bitch alone 😹😹 Lol he fucking wishes, anyways I’m prob gonna get in trouble bcuz of this but IDRC 💜 #ellieandmasonhouse’
He wants to kill you so bad, sadly you’re one of the most useful mercs on the team. But if you weren’t he’d be so down to kill you
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kellanved-ammanas · 1 year
TF2 Drabbles: Demo/Spy - Piano
Summary: Demo and Spy both canonically know how to play piano...
Spy getting a piano installed in his room was the exact kind of fancy-schmancy thing he’d do to flex on everyone. The damn thing was going to being a massive pain in the ass to move when it came time to change bases again. But if Spy wanted to put up with that, that was his problem.
Getting in to see it had been surprisingly easy. The door’s lock was simple enough that even Demo could pick it with relative ease. Now that he was here though… he hesitated.
Sneaking into people’s room wasn’t something he normally like to do. Not only because it was rude but mostly because, in this line of work, it was dangerous. Angering or annoying folk who killed people for a living wasn’t a good idea. Spy was out on a mission though and shouldn’t be back until tomorrow so… with a shrug, Demo sat down.
He cracked his knuckles, pushed the cover up, and put his fingers on the keys. It had been a few years since he’d last had a chance to play, even longer since he’d learned. Did he even know how to anymore?
Spy had left some sheet music on the shelf. It’s title was in French but sheet music was sheet music; Demo could still read it well enough to know the notes and where to put his hands to play those notes.
He was rusty and the song was complicated, making it slow going, especially at first. After a while though he found a groove and settled into it even if he did occasionally flub a note here and there He’d never been a great pianist but it was fun and it sounded pleasant enough to his own ears to satisfy him.
If he took the time to practice he’d probably get better. Maybe he’d try to do that. Another leisure activity that wasn’t drinking would do him some good. Though that would mean sneaking into Spy’s room. How often was that…
“I didn’t know you could play.”
The piano made a discordant clang as Demo flinched, smashing the keys in the process. The voice had come from right behind him.
He tilted his head back to glare up at Spy, looking down at him. “Ain’t you supposed to be away on a contract?” There was no use trying to make excuses or anything of the sort; he’d been caught red-handed.
“I finished early so I returned early. Only to find you here in my room. I really need to install a better lock on my door one of these days. But I suppose of all people to sneak into my room in the middle of the night, you’re one of the less obnoxious ones. You aren’t very good at that by the way, you missed several notes during the five minutes or so I’ve been standing here listening.”
Demo huffed as he turned his attention back onto his piano. “I’m rusty, ‘kay? It’s been a while since I last played. And I guess now I’ve been caught I ain’t gonna get many more chances to practice neither.” Unless he got his own piano but he didn’t care enough to go through all the trouble that would entail. Maybe whenever he settled down somewhere more permanently he would consider it, assuming that ever even happened.
“No. You can practice here if you like. Though, I strongly prefer you ask for permission next time.”
Demo turned on the bench to look him up and down, make sure it was really him and not some weird alien trying to take his place. “Really?”
Spy shrugged, nonchalant. “Yes. As someone who appreciates the finer things in life, I don’t mind sharing them with like minded individuals. Just as long as you never come over drunk, you are welcome to borrow my piano occasionally.”
Knowing Spy there was a decent chance he had some kind of ulterior motive for making such an offer but Demo couldn’t discern it. Given that, perhaps he should decline. But well, even if Spy was a snob, his company could be enjoyable at times, and it was a pleasant idea so… “All righty then. Thanks.” He’d just be observant of Spy trying to gain anything from him for it.
“Very good. For now though, please leave so I can go to bed.”
“Aye, fair enough. ‘Night then.” Demo should probably head to bed himself anyway.
“Good night.”
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karovke · 1 year
i had very wild match yesterday in tf2 i almost went feral . how it went:
at the prematch i was friendly with medic from the other team, short but nice friendship
at the beginning of the match i went with random heavy (as usual) and the other medic from our team did the same (we had like 3 heavies)
some pyro spamming e like a toddler even when he had full hp so i started to get kinda frustrated
ignoring him, goes with heavy
after hes gone (changed class) i was just running around and healing everyone as well as the other medic
pyro still wanted the uber but i was like mehh hes too annoying
first n word from said pyro !
i was like. damn
i decided i wont even heal him from now tehee ❤️
and i kept my promise and ignored all his tantrum when he changed to soldier and still kept spamming e
without saying anything, the other medic wasn't healing him either, bless him
end of the match, we lost
start of new round, the other medic left and we get the new one who unfortunately was healing the rasist soldier
but not for long because a really good heavy joined and he went with him lol
another episode of soldier's tantrum with n words and calling us slaves
everyone ignoring him :)
the medic i was friends with dominated me :(
me and the other medic kept that one heavy alive because he was soooo and was giving me sandwiches <3
we kinda changed turns because all the team need healing apparently smh
the other medic dead so i went with the heavy and oh my god .
i got 11 killstreak and we both get achievements together
we got red oktoberfest together. this means marriage
he got killed and i knew i was fucked up
you know who ended my killstreak.
i went feral but i had to stay calm because of my bf who at this point probably regret showing me tf2
the rasist soldier changed to spy because no healer would give a fuck about him
but he still was salty to everyone
but we won and my killstreak was the longest <3
shout-out to that heavy whose nickname was something related to larva i think ?? i didn't have the time to thank him :(
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For your tf2 ocs, how do they get along with all the mercs and Miss Pauling? Like what kind of relationships do they have?
hehe oh boy :3 gonna go through this merc by merc- also i added the administrator and saxton hale for fun- under the cut cause this got LOONG with 3 ocs x 12 characters-
Chemist has a teasing/antagonistic relationship with him, since he's The Definition of a hippy despite being a merc. Whenever soldier calls someone a dirty hippy he's just like 'what, you mean like meeee?' and soldier starts yelling at chemist. it's fine they're friends its like a cat purposely annoying a dog
Soldier has conflicted feelings about the artist- mostly because they're pretty quiet and timid and are scared of guns when they first get the job customizing them so soldier thinks they're a coward(true). But artist is always very respectful of soldiers totally real military rank so they're alright- this continues as artist comes out of their shell and gets more assertive and into weapons
informat doesn't spend much time interacting with the team honestly- he's just a contact of spy's not someone working for the administrator. That said he find's soldier's recklessness and genuine nature a breath of fresh air. Soldier is trying to teach him to rocket jump- but joey isn't hooked up to respawn so doesn't want to take the chance
scout reminds chemist of his younger brother- despite the pair being the same age- so he wants to give advice to scout. Scout, for his part, usually sees the advice as complete nonsense and doesn't understand why "looking like you're dying of the flu" would help him pick up chicks
him and artist get along pretty well! they sometimes hang out just to draw together. Artist is more than happy to let scout do all the talking, though they're fully capable of cutting in with a good joke now and then
I imagine poor jer had a bit of a crush on the informat when they first met. I think scout is into competent people and joey is very competent at their job. i don't think it lasted too long, but its sort of awkward for scout now.
they smoke weed with chemist and sniper. best friend trio who hot box sniper's van
they make artist uneasy. They rely so much on facial expressions and even with how animated pyro is they have a hard time figuring out what they're feeling. It's an anxiety thing artist knows isn't fair to pin on pyro, but they can't really help it. They're working on it!
i dont imagine informat likes them. at least not at first. Pyro is a bit of an inverse of joey's specific Character Type that it's a sort of self recognition in the other kind of moment that joey isn't really equipped to handle. something about pyro wearing a physical mask but being so unabashedly themselves while joey wears metaphorical masks to the point they don't have any real clear sense of self left anymore
i dont have much to say for chemist honestly. they're like. chill. idk maybe chemist annoys dell into cooking for him when he gets the munchies
Dell was introduced to this poor wet cat on the verge of tears who was scared of power drills and was forced into a job painting guns and went dammit I cant NOT help them figure out their damn job and they've been inseparable ever since. I imagine them in the crushing stage with dell dropping hints that he likes them and Monty being an idiot like 'haha its perfectly normal for friends to want to make out with their friends what do you mean you think i have a crush on dell???'
Engie doesn't trust joey much at first. he doesn't like the whole information field or how they seem to be always putting up a front. But that distrust waves as Joey slowly lets walls break down
magic buddies! they hang out and talk about weird esoteric ideas about the universe and aliens and whatnot. good friends!
I dont really have much for the other two. I think he'd be good for building artists confidence and he'd probably get along well enough with joey but nothing specific jumps to mind
for some reason i feel like heavy would adopt an older brother persona with chemist and try to get him to grow up a bit? i have no reasoning for this decision other than the fact that I like big bro heavy
he and artist trade book recommendations. heavy appreichiates the chance to practice his english and his literature degree at the same time
i think Joey's disguised but probing questions would set off alarm bells for heavy that make him shut down the conversation. probably best the two keep their distance lest joey find out something about heavy's family that heavy would rather him not know.
annoyed at the gross hippy tendancies of chemist. chemist doesn't like that spy works for the Maaan, man.
indifferent to each other. Spy feels a bit bad for them after getting curious and digging into their past and why they got shoved into merc duty.
he's professional partners with the informat. they run on a series of favors promised back and forth. they both have deep respect for the other and sometimes go out drinking together
on the one hand kind of offput by the human experimentation- on the other medic knows how to get lsd directly into the brain soooo
artist has a weird facsination with medic's work, even if you wouldn't guess that on the surface. medic enjoys having someone who's willing to listen to his ramblings about super baboon hearts or whatever
informat looked up everything he could find on medic after their first meeting. joey is very, Very scared of medic and what he's capable of doing while giggling like a school girl
they like to drive into the desert and get stoned and look for ufos together. best friends!
you put two autistic people who are bad at starting conversations in a room together and see what happens. Absolutely nothing they never talk. Artist thinks sniper is scary cause they can't read his expressions and sniper is more than aware that artist is scared of him
Informat saw sniper wrestling a croc, got so horny he nearly passed out, and thought if they banged that would be it. oops turned out sniper's weird bluntness and outdoorsman nature have awoken long suppressed feelings in joey and he's fallen Actually in love and has no idea how to cope. somehow they start dating. sniper calls joey roo
Miss Pauling
is constantly trying to get pauling to calm down and take a break every now and then. it never works. pauling either appreciates the effort or finds it annoying depending how stressed she is
artist can't really get over the idea of her as their boss. they like pauling enough but its a very professional relationship
informat has deep respect for all the shit pauling goes through. shes incredibly good at her job, even if her job sometimes makes his job harder.
mark chemist down as scared AND horny!
god so scared. why are so many people constantly threatening them please they didn't even finish art school they didn't sign up for this!
knows far more than he should. Very invested in NOT finding out any more. Don't need to be on her radar.
Saxton hale
punching panthers is like, soo uncool man. think about mother nature!
looks up to his confiedence, also very put off by his confidence
Joey keeps a close on him for work. lots of people are interested in finding hale's weakness
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hound-tooth · 2 years
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mr. jane doe im so fucking sorry
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