#when i say cas coded i mean cas coded
genspiel · 10 months
auughhh so if you translate thelxie's morse code and caesar cipher it, he legitimately speaks french
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dcxdpdabbles · 10 months
DCXDP FIC IDEA: The Dauntless Matchmaker
Danny Fenton is short on cash. He has been short on cash almost all his adult life, but usually, he can pull through untill the last minute before breaking and asking his family for help.
It's a pain in a half trying to find a job that is flexible enough to accommodate his "Health" issues.
He needs time off to keep his agreement. See back when he was sixteen, he realized that the ghosts that had been bothering him were all trying to challenge him for his power.
At first he looked like easy prey- being new and all- but the more fights he won the more his reputation rose and that made the ghosts attack less frequently.
They just became harder since the big guns wanted a crack at him. Danny proposed that the fights be in neutral grounds- the ghost zone- since fights in Amity Park were ruining his haunt.
Haunt Rights were highly protected and respected in the Infinite Releams.
His adversaries agreed under the condition that Danny responded to the battles within two hours; otherwise, they would haunt him in the human world.
Ghost fighting in the Infinite Releams to keep the ghosts busy, and nowadays, only the strongest bothered him like a bi-weekly challenge from dead beings that don't understand scheduling.
It worked out.....until he couldn't explain why he was missing so often in the human world. With the help of some friendly ghosts, he was able to fake a diagnosis of some muscle disorder and has been living with the excuse that he would go MIA because of it. He missed a lot.
Often enough to have almost every job he's gotten to fire him.
This brings him to his current problem. Yes, Danny can argue that he has a disability but to do so would mean having someone look into it and realize it's not real.
So when Charlie from the Tea MadHouse tells him not to bother returning tomorrow after a four-day-long battle, he can only sigh and turn in his tea maker apron.
He might have to call his parents to ask for help on this month's rent. That's a bitter pill to swallow.
If only there was a job that he could do that had no problem with him taking multiple days off without notice.
"Pardon me. I need a moment of your time." a voice calls out. Danny twists around, turning his neck slightly downwards to meet the green-eyed stare of a young boy.
"I have a proposition for you. My elder brother requires a fake lover to fool our family butler into thinking that he has moved on from the heartbreak of his last disastrous relationship. Not that anyone could blame Dowd for ending things with Drake. In any case, seeing as I have witnessed your unemployment, I figured you would do well for the job."
Danny blinks "I'm sorry?"
The kid pulls out a wad of cash. Danny can practically hear the ca-ching sound surrounding the boy as he raises a brow.
He gapes as the youth slaps the cash into his hand without so much as a blink.
"Do we have an accord?" The boy asks while Danny slowly turns the money in his hand.
"Whatever you say, temporary in-law," He says after flipping through the bills only to realize it's a hundred-dollars. A quick count of how many he's been handed causes his eyes to almost pop out of thier socket.
It's more then enough for this month's rent-hell he has some left over for at least four months!
"Excellent, we are expected at dinner. If Drake acts surprised to see you merely tap the table six times, then four. He shall fall into line and build off our lie."
Danny scrambles after the kid, nodding to himself. "Six, then four. Got it. Ugh, does the dinner have a dress code?"
It sounds like it would since a young boy just gave out hundreds like it was nothing. Danny would feel bad showing up in an old pair of jeans and a faded t-shirt.
Maybe he has a formal shirt somewhere.
The boy's green eyes flickered to him, then his watch on his wrist. "An impressive observation. Pennyworth will not be impressed by a poorly dressed paramour. We have time to purchase a suit. Come along."
Danny has no idea how someone so small can walk so fast. He feels his breathing is coming in quick bursts, but the boy doesn't seem winded at all. He winces when the boy enters a well-known suit place that is very pricey. "Is this coming out of my pay?"
"No. This shall be covered by the company card," The strange child says, holding up a black card with a quick flick of his wrist. At the sight of it, two store attendants appear at their side, offering assistance. Danny has never seen such power.
"W-wait we have a company card?" He shutters, overwhelmed by the attendant pushing him into a changing room and a light blue suit in his arms.
"Yes. However, you have a limit on what can be spent with it. I shall review the details later regarding your medical, dental, and vision benefits."
"Of course. America's ridiculous health programs will mistreat no employee of mine simply due to lack of funds. " The boy scoffed, sounding offended by the very idea.
Danny doesn't care how long he needs to pretend to be this boy's boyfriend, and he'll sign a contract right now.
Damian waited for Fenton to finish trying on all the suits the personal sellers had pushed onto him. He personally thinks the light blue was the best but it doesn't hurt to try other options.
They need Fenton to look his best to woo Drake and get him to stop acting so pathetic.
Yes, Dowd had broken up with him for reasons Damian is unaware of, nor does he care enough to find them, but Drake has had plenty of people break up with him before and remain on good terms with him.
Just look at Brown.
Drake had also always bounced right back after the breakup, usually because he would get tied up in either work at Wayne Industries or Red Robin.
Yet, for some reason, unlike all the others, Dowd leaving has not only been messy it also threw Drake into a downwards spiral.
He has refused even to get dress- walking around in a bathrobe and fluffy slippers- eating ice cream and sobbing over photos of Dowd for hours on end. He taken a leave from Wayne Industries and mostly stayed on monitor duty as Red Robin.
At other times, he plays sad songs and watches romance movies with a dead look in his eyes. Usually there were crumbs of some unknown spicy chips all over his face too.
Really it was unseemly.
It's been four months of this, and Drake does not seem to be getting it together. Damian had researched online, and all of the articles indicate that he should have felt better by the third-month mark.
He would have left the fool well alone only Pennyworth is beginning to worry. And Damian refuses to let Pennyworth worry over something fixable.
His research showed that a "rebound" was highly recommended (if done correctly), in the healing process of a breakup. Drake refused to find one, so Damian assigned himself the task of finding one for him instead.
He considered Drake's past lovers' looks, interests, and personalities. Then creating a list of what was considered a good candidate he wandered around Gotham in search of someone who would be a perfect rebound.
His efforts led him to Tea MadHouse- a tea shop with a surprisingly good coffee menu- where Daniel Fenton worked. Over three weeks, Damian had watched him, categorizing the pros and cons that Drake would find within Fenton, and concluded that he would be perfect.
The fact Fenton has lost his job now only worked in his favor. He'll convince Drake that Fenton is a decoy for Pennyworth - since Drake was getting fed up with all the hovering- and he would never notice that the real target of this fake relationship would be Drake himself all along.
Fenton will woo him, sweep him off his feet, make him forget Dowd and ride off into the sunset with Drake none the wiser. It was full-proof.
Damian will make Drake rebound on Fenton, even if he has to throw the idiot at the other teen. He is getting awful tired of the concerned glances whenever Drake slumps his way into a room.
No other reason. He certainly didn't care about Drake that much nor did does he lay awake at night wondering how Drake is doing now that he does not have someone to hold him.
Drake doesn't sleep well alone.
"How do I look?" Fenton stepped out of the booth wearing the light blue suit. It made his eyes pop and framed his body well.
Yes, muscular. The body of a boxer. Drake will lose his mind over those biceps.
"Ravishing." He tells the nineteen-year-old. Damian barely bites back a smirk as Fenton flushed, painting a pretty picture. Drake enjoys talking his lovers up, and Fenton will do well to receive plenty of compliments. "Let us be off."
Drake won't know what hit him.
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dotthings · 6 months
You know who I feel sad for right now is Misha, because I think he wanted to be able to speak much much earlier than he was able to about Cas’s confession. We know he drafted an essay about Cas’s coming out…and then wound up not publishing it. Misha deserved to be able to talk about it in interviews the way Oliver Stark is able to about Buck. Misha mentioned it on zoom calls, briefly. And then it seems like he got yanked back by the PR machine and the nature of Cas’s confession wasn’t discussed on any SPN PR materials and for a time Misha was restricted on what he could say on CE Con stages.
At first, back then, for a few glorious days, I thought the stigma about queer Cas, about Destiel, had been lifted, finally, and then WB/CW brought the restrictions back down via PR. Oh you can have your confession scene, SPN, but corporate will control the narrative on how it’s spoken about or not.
We saw this thaw over time. (Anyone who claims otherwise or that Misha was always able to be open about it, is lying). Now Misha can speak openly about it and that shift began around the time when Chaos Machine really set up shop and changed a few con policies. So I’m happy for Misha that he can speak only about Cas being queer and what the confession means and Cas coming out, but he still has yet to be able to speak in depth about it in major PR. The openness about it comes out on con stage. At first it was non-CE Cons. Then finally he was more able to speak freely on CE Con stages.
Which leads me to another point, which is that, in fact, any of us who thought Cas was supposed to be in the series finale? We were right all along. The PR Misha filmed meant to mislead and misdirect about his last episode…PR misdirect to cover up so it could be a surprise, which makes sense and is sometimes how PR is run. Remember that the production shutdowns of the pandemic happened during the first days of filming 15.19. We found out eventually Dean and Cas were planned to be seen at the Roadhouse bar in Heaven together.
When they filmed 15.18 everyone thought Cas would at least cameo in 15.20. During the filming of 15.18 nobody directly involved knew how far Cas would be shoved out of the story, the actors didn’t know, the writer didn’t know, the director didn’t know, how far 15.20 would be stripped back, no one knew how reduced even mere mentions would be in 15.20.
I’ve talked about this before but a reminder how screwed the spn creatives who worked on 15.18 were, how screwed over the actors were.
You were right. If you thought that there was going to be at least some satisfaction and closure and Cas was going to have one more appearance before the end and it wouldn’t be able to be loud open canon, but something that implied mutual canon Destiel.
We were right. We were right all along.
Antis on twitter dot com can keep scratching and clawing and harassing and gaslighting and spewing phobic comments, denying what Jensen’s views are and dening that corporate censorship is real and that bi Dean is canonical via queer coding and queer Cas is now loud open canon and Destiel is mutual, via canon queer coding. Won’t change what happened here or that the intent was so, so much better and more than what 15.20 delivered, and the reason it fell apart was the production shutdown gave some parties high up too much time to think and then interfere and cut Cas out.
There is no more room to indulge media illiteracy and malicious denialism and trolling from antis.
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via-l0ve · 1 year
Hi lovely could I please request spn men being just friends with reader but also being head over heels for reader
Head-Over-Heels (SPN pref!) 🩷
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a/n: this is so cute <3 also sorry for being MIA school is already beating me LMFAOO
warnings: nothing!!
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dean is always doing the most
you’re cold? have his flannel
you’re too warm? wear one of his shirts! they’re baggy.
you want some attention? he’s listening to every word you say.
your back hurts? he’s on his way with lotion and his magic hands.
he just wants to treat you like the most important person in history
he’d listen to songs and they’d remind him of you
sammy is ALWAYS around you
he’s guarding you with his moose built body and is always next to you when you guys are out on the town or whatever
if you ever have a nightmare he’s up in an instant and starts holding you and listening to you :((
he always slips his clothes into your bag just to see you in them
whenever you want dinner/fast food he always goes out to get it bc he’s smitten
okay so cas is so cute
he just stares at you sometimes
just looking at you and studying you and not realizing how creepy it can be
he’s so cute
he tries to teach you anokian
(it dosent go well)
he smiles around you for real
he dosent have to fake stuff
Crowley is so “mean to everyone but you” coded
he always smiles at your dumbass jokes
he touches your shoulder and guides you through crowds
he listens to everything you say
all of your little rants and hyperfixations and everything
he listens to ALL of it
he gives you constant compliments
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scoobydoodean · 10 months
#okay wait do y'all think that she wasn't going to try and murder Dean?#Do you think he was going to get through to her?#convince her somehow to not try to stab him?#that she was telling the truth at all in that scene?#because she was totally going to try and kill Dean#like 100% that was going to happen#and if Sam hadn't shot her then Dean would have had to kill her and that would have been so much harder on Dean#like it was disturbing that Dean had a 3 day old monster child that wanted to kill him but who was then killed by her uncle Sam instead#and even more disturbing that they then never mention her again#but these are also the guys who left their half brother in Lucifer's cage and didn't lose any sleep over it so...#and I love Dean but killing Amy was an asshole move#and there's kinda a difference between killing an active imminent threat and killing someone in cold blood after the fact @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
I didn't want to clutter someone else's post but this was partially directed at me? I've talked about the whole "Emma vs Amy" debate quite a few times, but I'll share a few thoughts.
Amy is a present, unrepentant, fully cognizant, adult, serial murderer. She is not actually sorry about what she did in any way. She believes that slaughtering humans like cattle to feed them to her son was the morally correct action even if it wasn't the ethical action because it kept her son alive. She is not correct.
Emma is a brainwashed child who's been psychologically conditioned for a few days. She has never killed anyone and only wants to kill Dean because some women who abused her told her to.
Hunters like Sam and Dean primarily deal in punitive justice, not preventative justice—and what I mean by that is that Sam and Dean try not to kill people (with powers or without powers) who have never killed anyone.
While I think you're right to point out that a preventative justice component is in play, that is not primarily how Dean makes the decision to go after Amy, and the reason we know that is because Amy's son swears to kill Dean and Dean does nothing about it because the boy has done absolutely nothing wrong.
Dean's application of his personal code is consistent here. He kills Amy, who is a murderer who killed four people, but he does not intend to kill Emma or Amy's son—both of whom wanted to kill him—because neither has actually killed anyone and both may choose not to.
You say that Emma was going to kill Dean 100%, but you don't actually know that because we never got to see that future. You assume Amy would never have killed again, but when you add up "murderer who regrets absolutely nothing" and "child vulnerable to catching illnesses" you get "Mom who absolutely would kill again as necessary and who would feel zero remorse doing so just like the last time".
I don't personally think SPN gives us any reason to suspect that three days of psychological conditioning from a cult is too much to overcome. We have seen other characters overcome much more serious levels of psychological conditioning intended to make them killers. For example, Cas and Alex. I'm not saying Emma wasn't trying to pull the wool over Sam and Dean's eyes in the scene where Sam shot her, but I am saying that doesn't actually mean in any way that she couldn't be convinced to actually choose a different path.
Under the same litmus test with which you suggest Emma's condemnation, we'd also condemn season 2 Sam for his potential "future" crimes. We are killing monsters before they actually become those monsters... because of the dark path someone else intends for them to go down. Amy—again—is an active present unrepentant serial killer.
I think sometimes people misremember the scene where Sam kills Emma—recalling the scene as a scene where Emma lunges at Dean with the knife and Sam steps in just in time to save his life, or where Dean is unarmed and Emma has him at knife point. But that is not what happened. Emma quite literally brought a knife to a gun fight. Dean had a gun pointed at her, and if she was thinking straight at all, she would have left to avoid being killed if given the chance—especially when Sam arrived. And had she not, Sam could have shot her at that point—but Sam didn't wait to see what she'd do. He wanted her dead, because even if she ran, he didn't think they were equipped to deal with surprise attacks from Dean's Amazon child. That is the decision Sam made after a brief moment to consider, and it makes sense to me given the headspace he was in at the time and his assessment of Dean's headspace as well, but it does not make his decision consistent with his previous or future behavior regarding people who have been psychologically conditioned to kill.
My own frustrations are more with fandom, for a thought process that really really does not make sense to me, where Emma deserves to die but Amy deserved to live. I do not agree with that premise. I do not understand why so much of fandom has the perspective that a child who hadn't shed a drop of blood and who was acting in response to a cult's torture, who brought a knife to a gun fight and had already been driven into a corner where she had no choice but to surrender or run—doesn't deserve a chance to choose something else before she's barely lived and before she's heard a loving word in her entire life, but an adult with full cognizance of their actions who went through with killing four people and doesn't regret it should go on with their life and is "just a good mom doing what she had to" and killing that person is the bad thing. I don't understand that. I don't think Dean killing Amy was wrong at all in the "hunters kill supernatural murderers" show. The only thing Dean did wrong was lie about it and not take enough care to keep her son from seeing it happen.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
My MasterList of Stories
Master List part 2
~request are CLOSED
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Smut=❤️‍🔥 Fluff=💕 Angst=💔 Funny=💖 Horror=🫀
Dr. Lance Sweets:
Smut Alphabet❤️‍🔥
Caught in the act ❤️‍🔥
Dating Lance Sweets HC💕❤️‍🔥
Adventures in babysitting💕
You belong with me💕
Lance Sweets as a Dad headcanons💕
Dream Warriors💔🫀
Bones Halloween Special🫀💖
Code baby Part 1 💕
Let me take your pain away💕💔
Dr. Jack Hodgins:
Can't buy me love💔💕
Jack Hodgins Having a little sister💕
What's it gonna take to get you out of his lab?❤️‍🔥
Agent Seeley Booth:
Dating Seeley Booth Headcanons💕❤️‍🔥
Being Seeley Booth's Best friend HCs💕
Friends to Lovers Headcanons💕
The day we met💕
In the name of love💕
Agent James Aubrey:
Falling in love with James Aubrey after losing Lance 💔💕
Falling in love with James Aubrey after losing Lance Sweets part 2💕❤️‍🔥
Smut Alphabet❤️‍🔥
Unspoken desire❤️‍🔥
Dr. Wendell Bray:
Witchy Squintern HCs💕
Dr. Camille Saroyan:
who broke the coffee pot?💖
The Squinterns:
Adventures in babysitting💕
Being Hodgins sister and being a goth Squintern💕
Dr. Zack Addy:
I've got your back💕
Who's got him smiling like that?💕
❤️‍🩹Grey's Anatomy🩺
Dr. Derek Shephard:
Halloween special💖🫀
The Ballad of Jayne💔
Stuck in the middle💔💕
This is Why I Don't Go To The Gym💕
Baby on the brain💕
Dating Derek after he broke up with Meredith💕
Love at first sight💕
Dr. Mark Sloan:
November Rain💔
We are family💕
Christmas Special💖
Dr. Owen Hunt:
Trauma 101💖
Dr. Jackson Avery:
Love Story💔💕
Dr. Alex Karev:
Dr. Miranda Bailey:
Your my favorite💕
Dr. Nick Marsh:
Secrets out💕
🗡️Once upon a time🍎
August W. Booth:
Hidden secrets❤️‍🔥💕💔
Killian Jones:
Smut fic with Killan Jones❤️‍🔥
Prince James:
Cullen family:
Fire safty💖
Going to the zoo💖
Cats in the cradle💕
Being Carlisle and Esme's daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger. 💖💕
Emmett McCarthy Cullen:
Next to me series💖💔💕❤️‍🔥
Forever now💕
Being Emmett and Rose's daughter HCs💕
Carlisle Cullen:
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HC💕
Carlisle as your husband HCs💕
Jasper Whitlock Hale:
Jasper dating Bella's sister HCs💕
Edward Anthony Mason Cullen:
Dating Edward Cullen HCs💕
Crushing on Edward Cullen HCs💕
Rosalie Lillian Hale:
Being Emmett and Rose's daughter HCs💕
Eleazar Denali:
Glory of love series ❤️‍🔥💕💔💖
Dating Eleazar HCs❤️‍🔥💕
Voice of an Angel💔💕
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and dating Garrett HCs💕
Wolf pack:
Seth Clearwater:
Perfect 💕
The Volturi:
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger💕
Peter Venkman:
When unspoken rules are broken💔💕
Dr. Egon Spengler:
Hold on, I love you💔
Two Nerds falling in love headcanons💕
Ray stantz:
Dr. Jelousey❤️‍🔥
Something strange💕💔
🦁🐍Harry Potter🐦‍⬛🦡
Draco Malfoy:
Say Something💔
Dance the night away💕
Just keeping an eye out💕
The truth doesn't always hurt💔💕
George Weasley:
Welocm to Gryffindor💔💕
You belong with me - part 1💔💕
Fred Weasley:
Being a Potter twin and falling for Fred💕
Neville Longbottom:
Your Breaking My Heart💔
Weasley family:
Being adopted by the Weasleys💕
Gabriel "the Trickster":
Gardian Angel💕
Hyper girl💕
The Winchester and the Trickster💕
Love of a lifetime💔
Dean winchester:
Dating Dean Winchester Headcanons💕❤️‍🔥
Being in a love triangle with Dean and Cas💕💔
🎶Elvis Presley🎸
Austin!Elvis Presley:
Love me tender💔💕
Scott "Cyclops" Summers:
Dating Scott Summers💕❤️‍🔥
A not so White Wedding💕
Clint "Hawkeye" Barton:
Secrets out💖
Whatever it takes💔💕
Tony "Iron man" Stark:
All of me💔💕
Bucky "winter soldier" Barnes:
Treat you better💔💕
Howard Stark:
Time In A Bottle💕
Dr. Stephen Strange:
I won't say I'm in love💔💕
Ohana means family💕
Six avengers and a baby💔💕
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angelsdean · 6 months
hi yes sorry i am a huge emotional nerd rn thinking abt the "so this it? E.T. goes home" scene. like yea on the very surface level it's a 'ha ha alien cas' joke. but. like have you SEEN E.T.? have you seen when he goes home?! i still cry watching it to this day! it's a boy losing his best friend in the whole world, having to let him go. it's heartbreaking. and full of so much love. dean calling cas E.T., no doubt to his elliot, is just soooo !!! like this is pop culture boy. this is kid in the 80s boy. he's not just calling cas an alien, he's saying, in his very dean way, you're my very best friend in the whole world, and this is gonna hurt like hell and i'm going to miss you so much. and of course cas doesn't get the reference. and dean rolls his eyes fondly and maybe he knew all along cas wouldn't get so that's why he said it. AND the placement of this scene, in the bar as they're waiting for the cupid to show up where two men will be matched together in a surprising twist, AND after the symbolic bow firing on the TV when cas walked in to meet with dean (like i don't think this means anything cupid related. i don't think it means that they are soulmates or fated in-world, destiel is abt choice after all. i think it's just a fun little symbolic shot to sort of. romantic-code them). but anyway, there are just so many layers to this scene all imo saying something about what dean and cas mean to each other. they are best friends. they love each other. dean, as always, cannot stand the thought of him being gone.
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shallowseeker · 6 days
It took a lot for Dean to want revenge. Time and time again he turns away from revenge. Even in his reversal power/demon Dean arc, he does not reach for revenge per se.
At worst, he became a short-lived Rowena-esque figure, willing to kill Sam to have freedom. He rebels against all friends and family, almost like a test. Crowley verbally abuses him and betrays him, Sam hypocritically does terrible things but in the end loves him and lowers his blade to be willingly killed by him, and Cas too won’t raise a hand to him, only asking him to stop and not to murder the world.
In the end, it is Dean’s “human/angel” family that lower their blades to his rebellion, gently submitting as family must lovingly submit to each other. (This sense of family is why Dean entrusts the first blade to Cas, and it’s also how Dean tries to explain family ties re: Rowena to Crowley.)
But it was Chuck killing Jack that seemed to “break” Dean—kinda wild when you think about it. Jack also “broke” the best of Cas, twisting his “where you’ve been isn’t as important as where you’re going” into flirting with predestination.
Dean’s crisis/nervous breakdown was about Dean’s nihilism and the existential crisis, too, but it was also a lot about Jack. Jack’s death was so painful that Dean couldn’t even say his name; used “Bel” as code for having the conversation.
And when they got Jack back, they were so relieved, they just… went along with Billie’s plan. They wanted to “trust” Jack, so they trusted Billie.
It was odd behavior for both of them. They didn’t wanna rock the boat with each other or Jack, and they didn’t question. I still maintain I’d rather have seen them drop-drag fighting in the library rather than toasting each other.
But anyway, point being… I think, fandom tends to minimize how much Jack means to everyone, hyperfocusing on the “Jack is not family” of it all.
Dean was hurt. He wanted payback, he wanted poetic justice, for Chuck to be killed by his own grandson. Dean gave up the gun after Mary’s death, but the death of Jack was so painful, it had him buying into revenge. Dean has never wanted revenge.
Jack was family, and Dean saying that Jack wasn’t was a way to steel himself and deaden tremendously painful emotions. Rowena and Sam trade more in this kind of dissociation in order to carry out heinous missions, and I think it just feels odd for people to see it coming from Dean. Sundering Jack from family was a coping mechanism.
But truthfully, Jack’s death was the ultimate thing that “broke” Dean. And Cas.
Cas was raised that to care about something, it had to be cosmic mission—to be important. So he is constantly putting his loved ones on pedestals to justify his own caring/emotions. He’s “allowed” to care if it’s a mission.
Cas partially recovers in 15x18: “We don’t care about you because you’re part of some grand design.” But it’s too late; Jacks bomb was lit and detonated. So, Cas fights death on his behalf.
Dean was raised that to care about something, you lay down your life for it; it’s your mission to protect them. Jack is stronger than Dean, always has been, he defeated Michael when Dean was too weak to do it. This time, Dean told Sam they were going to, “get out of the way.” If family must be protected, then Jack “is not family.”
Dean too comes to his sense in 15x18: “Hey, hey, hey, we're not giving up on you, okay? (to Sam) Uh... magic. Magic. One of Rowena's spells. Come on, we've got to do something!” But it’s too late; Jacks bomb was lit and detonated. So, Dean fights death on his behalf.
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mybrainproblems · 4 months
can you expand on what you mean about 12x22 and berens? i’ve never really looked at the writer patterns before but i’m intrigued
so jensen did a solo panel at JIB 8 in 2017 and an earlier question prompted him to recount his experience having difficulty connecting with the mary & dean relationship in s12 and the character motivation behind it. (and i think he's correct in saying that fans picked up on him not gelling with it which actually works in some episodes but feels off in others.)
anyway! berens was on-set when they were filming 12x22 "who we are" and jensen told him "oh god i get it now!" with the "i hate you, i forgive you" speech (that dean's character arc was him needing to forgive mary) and berens had no idea what he was talking about.
hopefully this embedded correctly to start at the right time code, but if not, he starts talking about it at 19:45
which yes, there's the possibility that berens was just yanking jensen's chain* about not realizing the "i hate you, i forgive you" was the thesis of mary & dean's relationship arc in s12. but also i really am inclined to believe he didn't realize he'd tied up the whole arc bc berens has been such a chronic dean misunderstander over the years. like folks will talk about dean as the "angry man" in late seasons and... that's mostly berens, baby!**
and i know you didn't ask but this is why the confession falls so flat for me. it rings hollow bc this is the writer who has done more than anyone else in the last few seasons to make dean an un-likeable prick. i do like the confession as a radical act of self-love (that "having" doesn't matter and "being" is more important) but as cas confessing his love to dean? yeah, i just can't buy it given the other stuff berens wrote over the years and the narrative framing is just off. much like the finale, it's tragedy wearing an ill-fitting ballgown and looking in a fun house mirror.
so, in summary (x)
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* this is a bit unkind, but jensen is such a consummate pro that i would not be surprised if the "maybe he was yanking my chain" was a way to save face for berens since jensen has disagreed with him on his episodes before.
** i did not jive with 14x20 "moriah" until i re-watched it without the baggage of 14x18 before it (14x19 isn't great but does set up the "logic" of dean's actions in 14x20; never 5get that cas wanted to put jack in the cage... how is that different from a ma'lak box?). i think berens was just not a good fit for spn and especially not the direction they were going in during dabb era. i'm not a big fan of him in carver era either but he fit the vibes and direction way better.
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wrenwinchester · 3 months
I keep seeing stuff about Dean, and how he deserved better, or blamed himself for everything. And I have to keep myself from defending Sam because Dean isn’t the only one. (If you can’t tell I’m a very Dean-coded Samgirl, and I have to remind myself that most of the time the creators of the edit, or post know this and they’re just highlighting Dean’s experience. And I can appreciate that.) so this is my Sam appreciation/defense post because I have feelings.
Sam deserved everything and more, he wasn’t always the best brother, but neither was Dean, and the ways both brothers struggle are with things they superimpose on themselves because they don’t know how to handle their grief, or how to live without the other. Dean tries to fix it by taking his brother’s autonomy, Sam tries to respect Dean’s autonomy when he dies, or something happens, it’s why he didn’t just go call an ambulance like he wanted to in the finale (I know I usually say non-existent finale, but I’m making a point.) it’s why he didn’t look for Dean while he was in purgatory, he figured Dean was probably in heaven, and he couldn’t imagine a world where taking that away from him was good. (Also he was traumatized, and tired of losing people.)
He went through so much crap, and it’s so overlooked by the writers, directors, and a majority of the fandom. And as someone who was overlooked growing up (even now frankly, I mean my parents were doing steak dinners for our birthdays now since we’re all adults, and they did for both my brother’s previous birthdays and my birthday we did burgers and hotdogs with the whole family which was fine, but also still left me out. Anyway), because they hid what they were feeling and going through and hid it well, it’s so obvious to me when someone else is hurting and it just bothers me so much to see it ignored in the fandom. Claiming to be a Dean Stan and hating Sam is outrageous to me because Sam is someone Dean loves so much. How you can hate someone he loves just confuses me.
I see so much of myself in Sam, a tired, burnt out gifted kid who gave everything his all until it was taken away. Who had his hopes and dreams and interests shunned and criticized by the people who were supposed to encourage him, and when he finally got out of that situation, he got dragged back in. (I know it’s more complicated, but I’m focusing on specific aspects.)
Now you don’t have to like Sam, or even some or most of his choices, but to hate Sam in Dean’s name is wrong. Dean loved Sam more than anyone else (yes this includes Cas, it may have been different, but he still loved Sam more.)
Dean himself said it best, “that’s my job right. Look out for my pain in the ass little brother.” And “I had to look out for you. Thats my job.” And “that’s my job right. Show my little brother the ropes.”
No one loves Sam more than Dean, and the fact that someone could love Dean and hate Sam just doesn’t compute in my brain. And again I know that’s not usually what’s going through these creators’ minds, but it still irks me 😂
[post defending/appreciating dean]
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daftpatience · 10 months
Do you have any tips or advice for running an artists booth at a convention? I'm thinking about doing it eventually and been wanting to hear from people who have done it before :^)
yeah!!! lemme rattle off a few things off the top a my head also, pardon me 4 using amazon dot ca links for products that i mention. its just easy to find references that way (and often u can look up the brand and find their non-amazon store etc etc)
this got super long so im putting it under a cut!!
• join an artist alley group!! i'm in this artist alley discord and it is a fantastic place to get info about cons, table display ideas, manufacturer recommendations, etc. there are more than just this group out there and i think there are bigger ones but i personally really like this one ^u^ i make a ton of use of the display resources and manu recommendation channels!
• if you can afford it, be choosy about the events you apply to. there are a lot of cons out there that are fantastic, and a lot that aren't worth the trouble, and i don't necessarily mean small vs big cons. some of my fav events are smaller artist alleys local to me, and most of the artists i know avoid informa (fanexpo) like the plague. check out what other artists have to say about past events and keep an eye out for red flags: personally i find cons with really out of date/poorly advertised social medias and websites that have mismatched info are a warning sign of a mismanaged and not well attended event. • you don't need a lot of fancy display stuff to start, those sorts of things you can build up over time. im a fan of getting a ton of my display stuff from the dollar store >:)
when you're ready and need the space to display a good amount of art the main thing you wanna pick up is definitely something that gives your table some verticality, whether that's a pvc pipe style setup, pegboards, or modular cube shelving (we all used to use these big heavy grid ones until the plastic sheet covered ones came out and now we all use those. theyre cuter and lighter and fit better on a table and come in more colours yayay. im sure some people still like the grid ones since they fit gridwall accessories tho) there are lots of other ways to display stuff but these r what i am most familiar with. definitely helps to look at youtube and pinterest and discord groups for display ideas!!
another thing you will want to start is a tablecloth. not every con has their tables already covered! there are those plastic picnic ones at dollar stores, and you can thrift bedsheets/fabric too.
• depending on the type of display and art you do you'll need some way to attach signs/prints/charms/etc to your display. i just moved from blu-tack to magnets but i used to use sewing clips (back when i used the grid cubes) and before then masking tape. all of them are okay and cool! except blu-tack. don't make the same mistakes as me it adds like 40 whole minutes to teardown and it leaves gross oil on the prints after some time. evil
• if you don't have business cards you can make a sign with a qr code that links to you/your shop! there are lots of qr code makers online that u can even customize with images and colours and stuff. there will be people that wanna know how to find you again after a con!
• these days a lot of people don't bring cash to conventions and it's pretty vital to bring some sort of card reader or other digital payment method. most of us use square - they recently made it so that the phone app can accept tap! so you don't need to jump for the expensive physical readers. i've also got a paypal dot me qr code and my etransfer email (i think this is a canadian thing) on a lil sign on the table so people have lots of payment options. usually over 50% of my con income comes from non-cash sales!
• make sure to bring change!! we've forgotten in the past and done okay but it's always handy to be able to make change for people. you'll want a secure place to put cash as well, whether it's a locked moneybox that you keep out of sight or a place on your person (friend of mine uses a fanny pack!) you never wanna leave your table completely unattended but especially when it comes to the moneybox. if it's a multi day con this is an item you mustn't leave at your table overnight.
• keep count of your sales and expenses properly so that you can see how much you made at the end of the con. i really like spreadsheets but you can even just note it down in a book. here's a little example of one con for me:
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• you'll want to make a checklist of stock and display stuff to bring, but don't forget to make a list of minor stuff like phone chargers and scissors and tape and glue and pens and paper. multiple types of tape and paper if possible. they don't feel super important until you're stuck because you forgot to make a price sign and have to get by with a sharpie and a napkin. don't let that be you!! dollar store sticky note pads are super useful for this type of thing.
• plan out your prices and do as much prep (counting, sign making, display planning, packing/sorting) as you can beforehand so that the event doesn't feel too stressful. make sure your merchandise is stored in an easily accessible way for you behind the table so you aren't scrambling or rummaging too much when people are asking for stuff!
• similarly, whatever you can leave out for people to just pick/grab themselves, the more of it you're likely to sell. things like stickers and charms are good for this - people like to touch stuff! and it makes it so you don't need to go fishing for items for people as frequently. generally i don't do this with more expensive items just to be safe.
• if you sell prints, people are gonna ask for sleeves to keep them safe, especially at outdoor events. sometimes people ask for sleeves/bags even if they dont buy anything. they're a good idea to have on hand and you can find em for pretty cheap online and for a bit more expensive at dollar stores (i use OPP bags. if you dont wanna use plastic you can always get paper bags/envelopes/glassine bags instead)
• a cushion for the chair is a good idea. lots of conventions have really uncomfy chairs. some folks even bring camping chairs instead!
• pack snacks/lunch/water/drinks/have lunch plans. if you have a table buddy that is able to run out for food that's always nice. you might be sitting but it uses a lot of energy to interface all day!! you'll be exhausted and hungry and it's gonna be important to get enough fuel for your brain to function properly. i genuinely would recommend juice/soda/coffee/energy dink alongside water and food if you wanna live, especially if its a multi day con. get good sleep on days between!
• if you're excited to do trades with other artists during the con, the general etiquette is to wait until later in the day/near the end when the crowds are winding down! it's always okay to ask if someone's doing trades, and don't be upset or press them if they aren't interested or have certain stuff they don't want to trade.
• speaking of con etiquette, depending on the type of vert you are (intro/extro) and or how much customer service experience you have, interfacing can be nervewracking. my general rule is that if they stop to look, i say Hello and let them browse. if they seem interested in my table i try and do some small talk. stuff like How are you/How's the event been for ya/compliments on their outfit/cosplay/merch they have on like pins etc are good! kids and old folks love this. as tiring as it is to do some of my favourite parts of cons is talking to nice people that like my art!! all the folks that say nice things about my work are what keep me drawing ;w; i keep my sketchbook with me to jot down/doodle nice and funny encounters just cus it makes me happy to look back on XD
• when it's teardown time try to put stuff away as neatly as you can. you might be tired and just wanna toss all your stuff into whatever it is you brought it in but i promise future you (especially next-con you) will be so thankful that you put all your price signs into one baggie etc etc.
• speaking of bringing and putting away merch - you'll need a way to get it all from your home/car to your table and back. lots of people use dollies and other types of utility cart (i can guarantee there are a bunch of those grandma grocery ones at your local thrift store!!) - i personally use a big luggage bag and a collapsible wagon, but back in the day we used to CARRY bin after bin of stuff from the car and back in multiple trips which i would NOT reccomend lol. not every convention hall is easily accessible or close to parking so not having to lift stuff if you can avoid it is gonna be vital.
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dotthings · 5 months
"Open to interpretation" does not mean you get to tell Destiel shippers how to see the canon, Karen
After the spntwit drama this week I think it matters to emphasize again how hard the antidestiel hatedom was going against how Jensen rolls when it comes to interpretation.
antidestiels continue to behave as if they believe "open to interpretation" means they themselves can dictate to other fans how to see the canon, and they call Destiel shippers and Misha "disgusting" just for speaking our viewpoints of the canon.
Destiel shippers give our take on the text and antis go "well you can't because JENSEN SAID--"
They very obviously do not listen to what Jensen says. Here is Jensen at Dencon 2021, where he pretty much clears the runway for fans to interpret however we please and his praise and appreciation for those readings: “This is the great thing about the show and I think the relationships and some of these characters is that they’re open for interpretation. If you find identity in a character because of whatever reason, fantastic! Great! If that encourages you to be a better person, or to love someone a little harder, to forgive someone for something, fantastic. That’s—that’s I think that’s one of the beautiful things about what we do is that we get to encourage people on a variety of levels.” -Jensen Ackles, DenCon October 2021
(Antis: But you CAN'T, because JENSEN SAID--)
Antis are stuck in a loop of their own making.
This is not the first time Jensen has conveyed his support for fan interpretation.
Jibcon 2015:
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We also know from reports from a virtual m&g a short while after SPN ended that Jensen said he and Misha talked about the confession scene beforehand, and they "didn't want to over-define it" and "the artist isn't going to stand next to that piece of art and tell you what to see. You should be able to see, and it should be able to mean what it means to you and that's--that's the beautiful thing about art." (There is no video, this is pulled from fan reports, but as far as we know this is accurate reporting).
Antis: but you can't because Jensen SAID--
blah blah blah
Yes we can and it's not that we need Jensen's--or anyone's permission--however it's just so heinous how severely antidestiels stomp all over Jensen's respectfulness and protection of fan readings and his appreciation of that, and their lying about how he rolls. They are making very negative insinuations of him, yet somehow everyone else in fandom is the problem but them.
It doesn't add up.
"But you can't say Destiel is real and there was queer coding because JENSEN SAID--"
But Jensen said he's completely cool with how we see it.
He said so.
I have a permit. Jensen signed it. See?
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Get over it. Find a new hobby. Move along.
A further thing--note my highlighting on excerpts from an interview with Jensen Ackles about Big Sky concerning the Beau/Jenny relationship. (TV Insider, 1.18.2023)
The phrasing should sound familiar.
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Yes, that's right, he's used similar language to speak about Dean and Cas. And this is for a het ship.
"leave the audience wanting more" "we gave just a little bit" "but do we need to play it out in a graphic sex scene?" "a kiss wasn't necessarily needed" "let's tiptoe for now" "fired it up in a way that made it not so sexual...two humans really, truly connecting. It wasn't just like, oh, let's rip each other's clothes off."
Put that next to "I don’t think lust is involved with the romanticism" "there's some people that might try to sexualize that" "it was two sentient beings essentially" (Dencon 2021, Vancon 2022)
Isn't that interesting. (Also isn't it interesting he called it "romanticism"?)
Jensen also said something somewhere about how he would like to do a romantic comedy so long as it involves killing zombies. He doesn't hate romance. It's just that he likes genre and action stuff. He's not against, whether it's queer or straight romances.
He's also said he'd like to do a rom-com slash western playing opposite Misha Collins.
Not telling Destiel shippers what to do, but along with antidestiel misinformation spread, the Destiel lane is justly notorious for flinging accusations at him and I think it's relevant that he speaks about a het ship using similar language, and it's relevant how supportive he is of queer readings.
one last thing, this is old, from Jensen's time on Days of our Lives, but he wasn't against playing a queer character.
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leresq · 3 months
Recently rewatched GOTG Vol. 2 and took some notes
Rocket has no real reason for stealing the batteries other than he wanted to
Rocket can't read sarcasm unless it's explicitly shown to him. He also doesn't understand insults unless he knows what they mean. Autism coded...
Drax has to be more than strong, he's got to be superhuman at this point. He was flung around by the monster that would have killed a human instantly, survived the pressure changes of going through a jump point without exploding, and was hit around by trees like a pinball. Gamora and maybe Nebula are the only ones I can see surviving that. Speaking of which how does Quill survive being thrown around by the monster without breaking any bones?
When Gamora says "If you'd flown with what's in between your ears instead of what's in between your legs" she points to Rocket for the latter half of that statement implying he wasn't castrated by the High Evolutionary. 👀
It's implied Rocket doesn't completely understand depth and 3D space when saying Ego was a tiny man which makes sense for a raccoon but also not for the best pilot in the galaxy.
"You didn't know cuz you didn't wanna know cuz it made you rich." Is a hard ass line
I don't know much about Kurt Russell's history in acting but him as a villain is fantastic
Rocket grooms himself with his tongue!!! So kitty!!!!!!
The fact that Drax connects being an old woman to being wise means his not understanding metaphor isn't an inherent trait and it also means nobody before this point has been able to indirectly teach him what things mean.
Rocket's singing voice hunghhhh... He also runs quadrupedal by instinct
Despite having such tiny and probably fragile hands Rocket can still punch hard. The way he grabs things meant for normal hands with his little grippy paws is so adorable!!!
Drax wasn't lying when he said he was humble. Despite being a bit reckless he rarely brags about himself at all.
Even though family story time about impregnation probably is not a good idea Drax is probably the most sex positive member of the group.
Ego says he made pain receptors yet he doesn't react to anything as if it hurts at all.
Nebula never was a sadist. Thanos made her become violent because he hurt her every time she lost, so she got more and more angry. If she successfully enacted her plan of torturing Thanos I don't think she would have enjoyed it, she would be delivering a sense of justice in her eyes. She doesn't talk about that plan with fondness, she talks about it like it's a hard job that'll take a lot of willpower to complete. Who knows how many years of Thanos' abuse were quickly replaced by love and she barely resisted being healed.
When Peter successfully forms the celestial energy Ego doesn't look into his son's eyes with pride, he looks at the energy with greed. Great subtle acting.
I don't think Drax meant to insult Mantis by calling her ugly, that was just an unfortunate moment of unfiltered honesty. The fact that he quickly changes the meaning so it's some kind of compliment is impressive and adorable.
When Peter says he sees Eternity I think he sees the thing from Thor 4. Ego's plan is to reach Eternity and wish for the universe to be completely and totally his.
The contrast of the majesty Ego supposedly shows Peter and the horror of Ego's genocidal design found by Gamora and Nebula with music is perfect
The crabby puppy so cute he makes me wanna die 😍
Kraglin is so cute he's had such a hard life he just needs a warm shower and a talking Russian dog for a best friend.
The reason Mantis could put Ego to sleep when he didn't want to isn't because she's super powerful (even though she is) it's because she's part celestial and maybe Ego happened to miss a little bit of the connection to the light she has.
Life isn't about trying to make everything perfect or exactly the way you want it to, it's about diversity. That's what Ego doesn't understand.
My headcanon is that Yondu is the only one of his crew that actually cared about hygiene. He looks relatively clean compared to everybody else.
The last real goodbye Gamora and Nebula had was in Vol. 2
Baby Groot finally being nice to Drax is cute.
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novajeon · 2 years
Face 2 Face: Jungkook
⇿ Member - Jungkook
⇿ Genre - smut
⇿ Warnings - fingering, squirting, slight breast play, Jungkook has jokes, oral (female receiving.)
❐❦➫✘✝︎☯︎♋︎♡⚡︎☽☹︎➂❣︎✰ ❐❦➫✘✝︎☯︎♋︎♡⚡︎☽☹︎➂❣︎✰❐❦➫✘✝︎☯︎
“I’m bout to drop the pin to the location to my place.”
“📍” It was code for “I’m horny.” Only you and Jungkook knew it and were allowed to use it in emergency situations. So as you found yourself laying in your bed at 2 am, lonely, sad and horny you thought that now was the most appropriate time to send off that save me text. After about ten minutes of waiting you hear his car pull in your driveway. A small smile appears on your face as you hear him putting in the pin to open the door. He didn’t need to yell for you because he already knew where you were. You sat back and listened to his footsteps get closer until your door opened to reveal Jungkook behind it. “That kind of night huh?” He smirks as he removes his shirt. “I didn’t think you would mind.” You say shyly. You always felt bad when you texted the code word because Jungkook would always drop everything he was doing no matter what time it was. “I don’t.” He reassures you, climbing in bed next to you. “I wouldn’t have came if I did.” He says.
His hand finds it’s way to your leg rubbing up your thigh until his hand meets your panty less center beneath the loose t-shirt you had on. “You were prepared, yeah?” He teases. “Course I was… I always am when I hit your line,” was your response. The shit eating grin that appeared on Jungkooks face tells you he appreciated the fact that you actually took the time preparing for his arrival. “Lay back, baby girl,” he demands with a gentle push to your shoulder. Your body instantly relaxes into the mattress, hands instantly finding his hair and tangling into his curls like a web as soon as he dives his head towards your center. “Damn, baby, you’re soaked,” he says with surprise. You can’t help but smile as you look down at him. “I really hope you can swim,” you say with a wink. Jungkook smirks, pushing your legs upwards before pinning them down with the force of his veiny hands. “I’ll have you know I placed first on my schools swim team. If anybody can backstroke this shit it’s me!” He says proudly before diving in.
His tongue licking the first stripe up your clit from your dripping pussy. Jungkook could have swore he never saw your back arch as much as it did. “Don’t break your back, hunny that’s my job,” you could feel his smirk between your thighs which only turned you on more if that was humanly possible at this point. “Fuck you, Jeon,” you roll the eyes that were already in the back of your head. Jungkook never skips a beat. His fingertips were doing a mean job digging into the skin of you thighs as his tongue concentrated on the random shapes he was making on your clit. “Lift your shirt up,” he demands. Now, normally he would be the one removing any clothing off your body, but giving the fact he was tongue deep inside your pussy at this very second he needed some kind of assistance unless he wanted to stop for two fifths of a second… and you both know neither of you wanted that to happen!
Once your white t-shirt was lifted above your breast, your hands gripped both of them. You could say it was out of habit, but you knew Jungkook enjoyed it when you played with your boobs. “That’s right, baby girl, play with your titties for me,” as if the pleasure couldn’t have got more intense leave it up to you to change that by playing with your titties. “Fuck me, Kook it feels so good!” You moaned. Head moving side to side as you make a pitiful attempt in moving your legs. “Don’t fucking run away from me,” Jungkook says with gritted teeth as his grip around your thighs becomes tighter. He begins making slurping sounds as his lips wrap around your clit. The vibrations from his mouth making it harder and harder for you not to come undone. “Kook… so close,” you warn, lower lip bitten as you grip your breasts harder. Jungkook releases your right leg so he can enter two of his tattooed fingers inside of your dripping pussy. “God,” Jungkook groaned as you sucked his fingers inside without any hesitation. He scissors them in fastly as he watches your liquids coat his tatted digits.
“Oh, God, baby… fuck right there!” You yell. Your hands now on the side of you fisting the sheets as Jungkook finds himself hovering over you. “Gonna make a mess for me?” His words edging you along further as his fingers hit that certain spot inside you. “C-coming… I-I’m coming,” your legs come up to wrap around his waist, but Jungkook pins them back down as you squirt around his fingers. “Jesus fucking Christ…” he groans. His fingers stilled deep inside you as your juices gush out. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you cry, legs shaking profusely beneath him as your lay in the aftermath of the climax Jungkook brought to you. His wet fingers swipe up your clit before making their way to his mouth for a final “taste test.” After sucking off every digit like his life depended on it, Jungkook brought his hands to your hip bones massaging all the way down to your legs and up your thighs. He repeated that motion until the shaking was under control. “You ok, love?” He asked. You looked up at him and smiled softly.
“Flip me to the other side.”
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talzane · 2 years
The Fentons canonically screw up a *lot*, and it wouldn't be beyond the pale for them to catch Phantom, strap him down to the table, pull out their scalpels to cut him open, and then, when he goes intangible out of desperation, they can't cut him. They didn't have a way to operate on an intangible ghost.
"Turn back," Maddie demanded.
"Aw, come on, you're ruining it!" Jack whined, his goggled face contorted into a frown.
"I don't want to be vivisected."
"It's not a vivisection," Maddie chided, "It's a dissection. You're dead, so it's dissection."
"I still feel pain," Danny sang back at her, "So *I* get to decide."
"Ghosts don't feel pain."
"Yes, we do."
"No you don't."
"Do too."
"Do not!" Jack interjected, thoroughly caught by the elevated language of the debate.
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"ENOUGH!" Maddie screamed, "You're acting like a child!"
"I *am* a child! You're acting like a monster."
"Am not, I'm a scientist. I study ghosts, and if you'd just turn back, I'd study *you*."
"You mean torture."
"I mean study."
"No, you mean torture."
"I think I know what I mean better than you."
"Don't you have a portable ghost scanner?"
"Which tells you detailed information about the composition and power ranking of ghosts?"
"Don't you have larger, even more detailed scanners that can take a look at me and tell you what you want to know?"
"I suppose."
"So why do you want to cut me open?"
"To see how you work."
"And your state-of-the-art, specifically-designed-for-that equipment can't tell you that?"
"Well, I suppose it ca-an."
"So you just want to torture me."
"It's not torture, you can't feel pain."
"I think I know what I feel better than you."
"Don't throw my words back at me, young man!" Maddie slapped a hand over her mouth, what did she just say?
"Ha! I win! Let me go now."
Jack scowled, "Don't trick my wife like that!"
"That wasn't even a trick!"
"That's all you ghosts know how to do!"
"Do I know how to do math?"
Jack paused, "Yes?"
"Exactly, that's not a trick."
"What's twelve squared?"
"One hundred forty-four, what's the pass code to get me off the table?"
"Fudg-- Hey! That was a trick!"
Danny huffed, "Of course *that* didn't work. Can you let me go now?"
"Sure thing," Maddie piped up before slamming her hand on the release. The clamps holding Danny to the table collapsed back into the table, releasing Danny from their hold.
Danny sat up, confusion written in his face, "Thanks, but what was that for?"
"I guess we *don't* need to rip you open after all."
"That's great!" Danny beamed a smile at his mom, "See ya!" He zipped towards the ceiling.
"Remember, dinner's at seven!"
He crashed headfirst into the ceiling, and after a moment, he looked down to his mom "What?"
Maddie smirked at Phantom, "I was talking to Jack," she winked at Danny, and kissed Jack's cheek, "Dinner's at seven, sweetie."
Danny's mouth fell open before he backed up through the ceiling, "Oh no, I am in *so* much trouble."
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winter-leftovers · 1 year
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter eight: Return of the Trollhunter (8/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Alfred reveals a secret and Blinky cracks the code to fight Gunmar
Word count: 2503
Warnings: no
(Season 1 Episodes 14, 15)
Song?: Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
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“What about this one? Did it help?” Al got up from his spot on the floor and lifted his tail in excitement. Maybe this exercise was the one that would help Y/n recover her memory.
Y/n opened her right eye “No” she sighed, sitting up.
“Ugh!” Al sat back down.
“This is stupid” Y/n got up and started pacing along her room “Maybe…Maybe my memories are gone forever. Some people never…”
“No! Do not say that!” Al jumped onto the bed.
“Maybe we should accept the fact that I’m not getting them back. I tried everything I could: meditations, memory exercises, I’m doing sudokus for crying out loud” Y/n turned to Alfred, wiping away a tear “I don’t think it’s working” she stopped her rant when she realized her friend was quiet. Al was standing on top of the bed, his eyes wide open and head turned to the side.
“What is it?” Y/n put her hands on her hips
Al’s golden eyes were shining, his mouth half opened as if he was about to say something. He slowly lifted his left paw in the air but fell back down quickly.
“Alfred, are you ok?” She crouched down in-front of him.
He blinked a few times “I think it is working!”
“What are you talking about?” She frowned.
“You looked just like you did back then!!!” He stood on his back paws and put his front ones on her shoulders “Maybe it's coming back slower than what we expected but it’s coming!!”
“I don’t know what you mean” she was confused. Y/n discovered that her cat could talk but sometimes he wouldn’t make any sense.
“You moved exactly like you would do back when we lived in Ca…” Al put his front paws on his mouth.
“What? When we lived where?” Y/n stood up.
Al muffled an answer under his paws but Y/n couldn’t understand.
“I can’t understand you” she pointed to his mouth.
“I’m sorry. I should not have said that” he sat back.
Y/n sighed.
“It’s not fair” she said quietly, tears burning her eyes. The anger rose fast like a tsunami destroying everything in his way “It’s not fair” she shouted kicking the wall next to her door making a giant hole.
Al crouched.
“I’m tired of trying, Alfred!” Y/n sighed “and I know, I know you can’t tell me anything but I’m getting tired” she hugged herself, tears starting to fall and said “There always has been a hole in my chest and…and I always assumed that’s what happened when your parent left you in a highway” she chuckled and rolled her eyes “but then I found out that maybe, maybe, it’s not that, that there's more I was hopeful but it quickly vanished because I just can’t remember, you know?” She stopped her pacing once again and dropped herself to the floor “and I finally found someone to talk to about this emptiness that I can not talk with anyone else and it is not helping” Y/n dropped her head between her knees and started sobbing .
“Y/n, I’m so sorry” Al left the bed and sat next to her “I understand you completely. I wish I could give you back your memories and your magic but I can’t do it without hurting you” he rubbed his cheeks on her arm.
“My what?” Y/n lifted her head and cleaned her tears with her hand.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean magic magic. I meant magic” he moved his paws in the air.
“Magic? As in wizards and Merlin and stuff?” Her sadness was completely overturned by confusion.
“Whaaat? No. Who said anything about Mer..lin?” He started walking backwards.
Y/n saw him eyeing the half shut door but she was faster. Y/n closed the door before he could escape. She lifted him up and she got close to him, almost nose to nose
“Talk, cat”
Al looked to both sides, maybe looking for an escape, maybe because he couldn’t maintain her dear friend's stare.
“Alfred?” Y/n raised a brow.
“You are a wizard” He sighed.His whole body was relaxed. He had given up “You have magic”
“What’d you mean? Wouldn’t I have noticed that?”
“You wouldn’t know about it”
“Yeah, I know that’s…”
“Hear me up!” Al was serious. He was never serious.
“Sorry” Y/n put him on the floor and sat in front of him.
“When you don’t know about magic you don’t realize you have it until it’s too much to handle or someone else sees it in you, or at least in most cases. Your case is different”
“Why?” She lifted her knees to her chin.
“You already master magic”
“I don’t remember my extracurricular magic classes” she joked.
“Exactly. You did it before you found the Lakes” Al looked at her carefully.
“What? A master wizard at five? C’mon” she laughed but Alfred didn’t react.
“I’m saying the next thing just because you seem well right now but I can not say more” he paused.
Y/n was nervous. Alfred was always silly and funny but now, he seemed serious. If she didn’t know better he seemed to be about to announce to her that someone had died.
“You had a life before this one. This is not your first time growing up”
Y/n went lip. If the door wasn’t behind her she would have fallen to the floor.
“How? I…I don’t get it” She took her right hand to her chest.
“Neither do I” he looked down “One moment I was with adult you and then you disappeared and I found child you on a park”
Y/n nodded and petted his head, Alfred gladly accepted it.
“Did I have a family? Shouldn’t someone be looking for me?” Y/n close her eyes. Her head was turning. The fog had become too dense. It was impossible to look for a way out of the maze. But amongst the fog, in the darkness of her mind, a little crimson string lighted “Wait. How old am I? How many years had passed since the day I was born? On one of Blinky’s books says that wizards are immortal”
Alfred avoided her stare.
“So, I’m older than I look” she stood up.
“You look happy about it” Alfred stared at her as she took different little notebooks from all over her room.
“What if my dreams aren’t just dreams?” In the bottom of the drawer from her nightstand was a black notebook with this year written in silver ink, this one was bigger than the others. Y/n opened the last notebook seeing all the dreams she was able to write down the last couple of months.
“What do you mean?” Al sat down with her on the bed.
“Some people with amnesia remember through dreams, right? What if some parts of my dreams are made of real memories? "She moved through the pages looking for a specific page. “Like this one” she stopped. The page was half turned and heavily tear stained. It was a miracle it was still legible “My last night at college I had this sad dream. Well, not sad but I woke up feeling sad. It felt so…real. I was in a small cave in the middle of this…dark forest. I was sad, I don’t know why, but I was crying, my nose was stuffed and I was grabbing this stone with all my might and then, I felt the darkness start to swallow me, like I was waking up, but someone, a man, called for me bringing me back into the dream. He’s screaming my name. And when he saw me, he dropped on his knees and held me in his arms. I couldn’t see his face, the forest was so bright now but I wasn’t…scared. He said ‘It’s okay, Little Bird. We’ll find something you’ll like’ and I thought it was my brain tricking me trying to console me on the decisions I had made but when I woke up my face was all wet from crying and I had this in my hand” Y/n finished reciting the dream from memory, the notebook long forgotten on her legs and opened the drawer from her nightstand and pulled out a small flat black pebble that had a hole in it.
Al looked at the stone and Y/n back and forth.
“I didn’t think too much of it at the time but maybe…It means something?”
“Why did you choose this dream to talk about?” Al caressed the pebble with his paw.
Y/n cheeks went red “I dream a lot about this man” she smiled and put the pebble back on the drawer “I don’t know who he is but my mind seems to think he is important”
Al leaned on her legs and started purring.
“I’ll take that as I can’t say anything” she smiled and scratched his head. “So…magic..uh? How does that work?” Y/n smiled.
Alfred looked up, eyes wide open “No, I’m not a teacher” the cat shaked his head side to side.
“Oh, come on. You must know something. A party trick at least” Y/n wiggled her fingers.
“No, no, no. Merlin would kill me” Al absently looked into the distance.
“Wait, wait. The Merlin? I knew the Merlin?” Y/n stood up and lifted Al up with her.
“No…yes…something like that?” Al swung his tail rapidly.
“Something like that?”
“Yes! And besides I’m pretty sure magic is like ridding a bike”
“What do you mean?” She furrowed her brows.
“You already have your staff which means you already are a master wizard”
“So you are saying that… if I wanted to do magic I could?”
He nodded and jumped to the desk.
“Close you eyes and try to move something small”
Y/n looked around the room and took the pebble from the open drawer and placed it on the floor and sat in front of it. She closed her eyes.
“Now take a deep breath and focus on the image of the stone moving” Al explained.
Y/n took a deep breath. For a moment, everything was quiet. Silent. She couldn’t hear the birds chirping anymore. She felt like she was under water.
“Focus” the voice of the man in her dreams echoed through her head. Her brows furrowed and her hands lifted from her lap. Y/n felt a lighting run through her body, burning at her fingertips. The feeling became unbearable making her open her eyes meeting with the stone at her eyesight.
“I can’t believe it worked” Y/n said.
“Me either” Al looked at the stone gracefully returning to her place.
Y/n wanted go keep trying, play with her new found ability but a text from Toby stopped her.
“Hey Tobes! What is it about Blinky going ‘cry-cry’?” Y/n walked down the small stairs in Blinky’s library at Trollmarket stopping at the last step before Blinky walked over her. He seemed consumed in his rambling, walking up and down the library, to notice her. Y/n chuckled thinking this is how Al must have seen her moments ago.
“He’s been like that for awhile” Toby was sitting on the floor, building a tower with some books, next to him was a girl with a PapaSkull shirt.
“How long he been like this?” Jim enter followed by Aaarrrgghh.
“Looong time” said Toby.
“Maybe you should switch to decaf” Jim suggested
“Yeah, I don’t…” before Y/n could finish Blinky started to talk loudly:
“According to legend, only one scholar, the Dishonourable Bodus, uncovered a method of wounding Gunmar”
“The trollhunters just told me there wasn’t any way. How do you do it?” Jim complained.
“No one knows. Gunmar had Bodus and his students hunted down and dispatched in a most unpleasant manner” Blinky got closer to the table by the fireplace.
“Lovely” Y/n said to herself.
“But here, this book, The final Testament of Bodus. This is the last surviving copy of his work! This is the key!” Everyone joined Blinky to the table “And I’m going to burn it”
Everyone gasped.
“Long time” said Aaarrrgghh.
Blinky grabbed two rocks and hit them against each other quickly starting a fire.
“Blinky, no! What are you doing that book might tell us the…”Jim ran to stop the fire but Blinky stopped him.
“Bodus was being hunted! He knew he had to keep it secret” with his other arm, Blinky stoped Toby from throwing water at the book.
Aaarrrgghh tried to blow on but it didn’t help.
“Stop” Y/n threw a blanket on top of the book suffocating the fire.
Ignoring everyone’s complaints, Blinky pushed Toby and Claire to the side
“You don’t understand. Bodus hid the secret within the book. Watch!” He blew on the ashes revealing a message. “I am so glad that worked” Blinky whispered.
“What does it say?” Jim asked.
“In the darkest tide, when Daylight darest wane, the Myrddin Wylt obscured a Shadow’s bane” Blinky translated.
“What’s a Myrddin Wench” Toby asked .
“It’s another name for Merlin” Claire and Y/n said at the same time. They smiled at each other.
“Shouldn’t someone be taking a picture of this or something?” Claire got close to the table where the ashes were laying and took a picture with her phone.
Y/n took a couple of steps back letting Claire get closer. She closed her eyes and extended her hand to grab Toby’s shoulder, she felt dizzy and didn’t want to fall. Was this knowledge from her past leaking through the wall of her amnesia? Why remembering felt like getting kicked in the stomach after a violent rollercoaster.
“Three forces elemental thou must seek. In marshland, caverns deep and mountain’s peak. Where worthy perish, ye prevail in night and eclipse all who quarry with thy might” Blinky continued.
“Anyone else freaked out a little bit by this evil perish poem?” Toby grabbed Y/n arm back.
“Me” whispered Y/n only to Toby.
“No. It said we can prevail! We can win! He hid a Shadow’s bane” Said Jim.
“Gunmar’s bane?” Asked Aaarrrgghh
“It’s referencing a weapon of insurmountable power, forced by three forces unhallowed” Blinky grabbed three books from his library “Pff course! It must be the Triumbric Stones. Three sards of legend tied to Gunmar’s lifeblood, lost to the ages. If we seek out these stones…”
“We can kill Gunmar! Blinky, you madman! You did it!” Jim grabbed Blinky by the shoulders.
“We make the weapon and wham! Gunmar is done-mar” Toby let go of Y/n and joined Blinky and Jim.
“Indeed! The Triumbric Stones have been hidden for centuries, but if I can decipher this text, Master Jim, then you shall”
“Eclipse all who quarry with thy might” finished Claire and turned to Y/n that was leaning against a table.
She smiled when noticed the younger girl looking at her.
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A/n: early post because why not?
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