#when i thought i was straight i was the guy's friend
warmilikeit · 1 day
Batfam x Camp half-blood (Neglected reader)
DC x Pjo
I got this idea from another Tumblr post and I'm pretty new so, ion know how to tag and stuff, pls tell me
"So... My mom just disappeared?" A little 6 year old (Name) asks Alfred about her mom
Alfred turned back like he was reminiscing "The Gala was for three nights, the first night she mesmerized all, the second night she befriended everyone, the third night she slept with your father"
"then she disappeared, then you were dropped on our little doorstep! We were skeptical at first then we DNA tested you, you're Bruce's kid so you are the Wayne Manor's baby! And you and your Daddy are one big happy family"
That was lie. That a big lie
You know Alfred was just trying to make you feel better
It wasn't working.
You feel like shit, they look so fucking happy, for years and years have passed, your 12 now for God sake
Every year a new family photo was taken and as the years pass more and more people are added to the photos
And the phrase "the more the merrier was always said to you" like they were trying to drill it into your head, but it seemed like every year, you were being pushed farther and farther back into the photos till you're barely noticeable
It sucks at home and it sucks at school, at home at least you only had Damian to worry about, he would torture and bully you, remind you of how unloved and unwanted you were here, but at school?
It was everyone.
It doesn't help how you're unable to focus that much either, always getting called by teachers when you're not paying attention, and then them ridiculing you
Also, with the fact that your entire family are vigilantes except you.
Except you, you tried, and you were good at it, the problem was, why did it seem like a lot of villains were after you
So you were stuck at the manor
"hello" a woman inside the Manor spoke
This shocked you, she looked too old to be another kid adopted by that... But you can't be too sure
"new kid?" You asked
She seemed taken aback, but then it was like a veil was lifted and she transformed into this ew
Wtf did she just turn into?
Suddenly she had this donkey leg and snake tongue and fire for hair, her eyes slit and she hissed at you
Then she attacked
With no weapon and no Alfred in hand, you ran
She ran after you and lit the hallways on fire in the process
You ran fast and far, to the outskirts of the mansion and straight into the garden, now when you thought your day could not get ANYMORE weirder, a voice calls out in the bushes
"I knew it! I knew you were a half-blood!I wasn't sure, but now I am!" You turn around and see a full ass tree transform into a beautiful lady
You're sure that Gotham Prep once talked about the side effects of drugs, and even if you haven't taken any drugs, you feel the side effects
"don't be scared, I'm a nymph! Me and my friends will help you run away from the empousa!" She grabbed me and threw me in the lake
A hand grabs you and pulls you further underwater, as much as you struggled, the hand kept pulling you and pulling you till your deep and then changed direction
Like you guys were heading somewhere, it felt like days, the hands alternating, first hands were blue and the lady whom the hands belonged too sounded worried, second hands were green, the lady was surprised
Third hand was light bluish purple, she expressed concern and kept pulling
The last hand was of human skin tone, pulling you up to shore
"Sir Chiron! There's a camper! The Naiads bought her here! Sir Chiron!"
He turns to look at you a bit worried, he looked from 13-14
He said "My name is Percy Jackson, and yours?"
Who do y'all think (Name)'s mom is?
Also the lack of Batfam dialogue is meant to represent their neglectful behavior, too bad their not gonna have a kid to return to
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kittykat-25 · 1 day
HOME- An S.Coups Fic
Pairing: Seungcheol x F. Reader
Genre: Comfort, Scoups savings the day
Synopsis: you've never had an issue with hiding your relationship with Seungcheol but he does when your ex gets a little too close.
A/N: this is basically the story from the SVT men’s POV. Straight from when they answer Y/n’s call.
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Jeonghan sipped his beer, listening to Mingyu tell Joshua the right way to sauté something, poor soul not noticing the evil gleam in Shuas eye. “So you’re telling me I can chop up anything and put it in a pan and it’s a sauté?” He said, voice cracking from hiding his laughter. “Hyunggg” Mingyu whined making Jeonghan smile more. As close as they all were it was rare they got to spend one night free together like this. “Cheol hurry up.” Joshua yelled as the baseball game started back up, none of them really watching. Cheols phone blasting his ringtone snapped Jeonghan out of his thoughts. A warm smile filled his face when y/n filled the screen. “Choi Seungcheols phone, the other love of his life speaking!” Jeonghan said to his best friend, Cheols girlfriend as he switched to speaker. “Hannie-“ her tone alone made all conversation stop. All eyes turned towards the phone, “y/n what’s wrong?” He asked gently. She was out with her friends from the states tonight, he knew she was excited to see them but she sounded almost broken on the phone. Everything he heard was muffled but he picked up enough of the conversation to be pissed. The other three men started at the phone in horror at what her supposed closest friend was saying to her. “Oh please, we both know you don’t actually have a boyfriend. You just want to make it seem like you have it together over here. When clearly you are losing it.“ y/n’s friend spat. “What the hell?” Mingyu said as him and Wonwoo moved closer to the phone. “Fuck you.” They heard you snip back. A small smile graced his face, you were fighting back. Something you rarely did when they met you. You had met them a month after moving here and quickly won over all of their hearts, becoming a sister to many of them. You and Cheol had been dating for the past 8 months and there was nothing their leader wouldn’t do for you.
He heard the long exhale from y/n, “y/n?” He asked gently. “Please come get me.” Y/n said into the phone. Her voice cracking. Joshua walked to the door “CHEOL” he yelled at their other friend. “What?!” He snappped back walking into the room. “Y/n, we need to go. Now.” Joshua said sliding his shoes on as Jeonghan kept you calm. Cheol grabbed the phone from Jeonghan, “Baby? What happened?” He asked, noticing just how pissed his friends were as he shut the car door. ““Her friends are dicks, did they tell you your ex was going to be here.” Jeonghan asked, as the car connected the call through the speakers. Jeonghan tried to control his anger, but looking in the mirror and seeing the same protective anger from his friends. He let out a deep breath, noticing the tight white knuckle grip Cheol had on the steering wheel as you spoke. The air in the car turned icy as the sentence came out of your mouth. “He won’t stop making comments and- touching me.” You add that last bit quieter, knowing your audience well. “Shit.” Mingyu whispered as Cheols grip got tighter on the wheel, the car speeding up. It was Wonwoo who spoke, his deep voice coming out harsher “he touched you?” Y/n sucked in a breath before apologizing, “I’m interrupting guys night, I’m so sorry.” Cheol blew out a breath, “Don’t you dare apologize for calling me when you need me baby.” His eyes fill with worry, before masking back into anger. “We’re five minutes away y/n. We’ll see you soon.” Jeonghan calls to you before he ends the call.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Cheol grounds out, “no you’re not.” Joshua says calmly from the backseat. “You know you can’t.” Cheol blew out an exasperated breath. “He touched her Shua.” Joshua patted Cheol shoulder, “I know but Y/N is perfectly capable of defending herself.” “She shouldn’t have to defend herself against her friends.” Wonwoo mumbled, clenching his fist. “Get her out safely. That’s all I care about.” Cheol said, the voice of their leader silencing them all. “What about cameras? Or publicity for this?” Mingyu asked quietly. “I don’t care, Pledis can handle it or I can but I won’t let the media keep me from getting my girl when she needs me. You can stay in the car if you’re that worried.” Cheol snapped. “Cheol calm down.” Jeonghan said calmly. “We all care about y/n, we all heard the crap spewed at her. We just want you to handle this with a clear head. That’s all.” The echos of agreement from the backseat gave Cheol some peace. They pulled up in front of the restaurant, Cheol had just opened the door when he saw y/n slam a knife into the table, seemingly into her exes hand. Although judging by the lack of screaming, you had missed. “That was hot.” Mingyu whispered, “never call my girlfriend hot again.” Cheol said as he strode over to you, Jeonghan hot on his heels.
Crossing the space in record time, Jeonghan knew there was no stopping Cheol as your ex raised his hand to hit you. His friend caught his wrist as Jeonghan stepped closer to you. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Cheol spat, shoving him away. Jeonghan watched your bitchy friends face light up then completely crash down as she processed who had come to your defense. “please take her to the car.” Cheol said quietly to Jeonghan. As he offered his hand to help his girlfriend up, y/n turned to walk with Jeonghan, his other friends faces a storm of rage. But y/n was smiling as she strode towards her friends. Jeonghan turned back towards the table, just as Cheol leaned down. “If you ever touch my girlfriend again, that knife will be buried somewhere else.” His voice icy, one of the friends flinched away. “She deserves so much better than any of you.” Jeonghan said looking directly at the other girl who had shrunk away before turning on his heel and following his friends out the door.
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A/N: soooo apparently I can’t stop with this story because I’m feeling an epilogue with the car ride home👀👀 if anyone would be interested in that!!
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mustainegf · 3 days
idea: dave has a crush on reader, but reader is kinda skittish and lowkey scared of him bc of his reputation as the big scary frontman of megadeth, so he tries to show reader that he's not a bad guy, lol (i hope i explained this properly)
Awww dude Dave is SUCH A SWEETHEART
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There was creativity in the air the minute I walked in, humming along with the electrical wires. It was like going into some kind of beast's lair. And right at its heart, Dave Mustaine.
I knew Dave for a while, at least I liked to think so. We met through mutual friends, had shared some laughs. But the truth was, I didn't know him, not the way the world did. To me, he was just Dave, a man with a reputation that preceded him, a reputation that quite frankly terrified me just a little bit.
The stories told of him painted a picture in my mind of, ferocity, anger, impatience. And while I was drawn to him, mesmerized even, I couldn't help that I was getting too close to something dangerous.
So when he asked me to join him in the studio, I actually hesitated. But his voice was gentle, and before I knew it, the words were tumbling out in agreement off my mouth.
Now, here I was, standing in the middle of a darkened studio, feeling out of place, and unsure of what to do with myself. Dave stood across the room, adjusting his guitar to his back while he looked different here, he was meant to be here.
Scattered along the room was a few producers, as well as the other guys, David, Nick, and Marty. I fidgeted from one foot to another, not sure if I should say something or just fade into silence.
Then, Dave turned around, flashing me a small, hesitant smile. "Hey, I was starting to think you wouldn’t come," he said in a softer than normal almost…gentle tone of voice.
"Yeah… well I’m here," I said, my voice coming out softer than I really meant. When silence fell, I had to fight the urge not to bolt out of the room. But before I could do anything brash, Dave strode over the room, thrusting a pair of headphones at me.
"Here," he said, "I want you to hear something."
I took the headphones from him, careful not to touch his fingers. There was an uncomfortable meld of stress as well as warmth between us.
I carefully put on the headphones, and he hit a button on the console. Instantly, my ears filled with guitar. It was a new track they were working on, and it was…beautiful. Heavy, yes, but there was a melody in it that never failed to accompany a Megadeth song.
I glanced over at him, and he was staring straight at me, like my reaction meant more to him than anything else in the world. "It's really good, Dave," I smiled, and I meant it. His face relaxed, and he almost looked relieved.
“You think so?" he asked, and for the first time sounded uncertain of himself, which came as a rather big surprise coming from someone like him. I nodded, and he smiled again, his freckled cheeks crinkling slightly.
“It’s called A Tout Le Monde.”
Through the day Dave continued to surprise me. He was reserved around me, almost… shy. It was like he knew I was nervous and had been trying to put me at my ease in whatever way he could.
He asked me what I thought of the music, he was genuinely interested in my opinions, and whenever he spoke, it was a quiet voice, never once raising it, even when the band started arguing over some riff or another.
Whenever he had to leave the room, he'd give me this reassuring look, like, "I'll be right back, okay?”
At one point, on a break, he turned to me and asked me if I wanted tea. Not coffee, tea. I don't know why, but that made me smile. He was just sweet in this unexpected way, a very shocking change to his reputation.
He got it for me himself and brought it to me carefully so as not to spill a single drop. I could feel his eyes on me as I took a sip.
“Good?" he asked nervously.
"It's perfect," I said, giving him a sweet nod.
The longer I sat, the less concerned I was about the terrifying ‘idea’ of Mustaine. He glances at me throughout the day, and the guys could very much tell.
As night came quickly, the band began to pack up. Dave stayed around me, and I felt like he wanted to say something. There was something in the air, that made me want to punch myself to see if maybe it would stop.
"Are you doing anything next week?" he suddenly asked, a little too casual, trying to play it cool but failing.
"I don't think so, why?" I returned, my heart starting to quiver.
"Well, uh," he started off, scratching the back of his neck in a boyish way, "the American Music Awards are next week, and I was wondering if you'd want to go with me… As my date."
My heart basically melted, he was so cute. His cheeks were pink and his hazel eyes flicked between my face and the carpet.
He is a man who can snarl to the world and earn a crowds respect, and here he is, nervous and blushing while waiting for my answer.
I paused, not because I didn't want to go, but this was a side of Dave I hadn't expected. Dave Mustaine was asking me out, and my heart softened at his gentleness.
"I'd love to," I said finally, the biggest smile spreading over my lips.
"Great," he said, beaming wide. "I promise, it’ll be a good time."
“I know it will be.”
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xetlynn · 1 day
Twilight Imagines- Benjamin
First Sight
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Requested by: @twilightlover2007
Summary: in where the Cullens are getting multiple covens together to help them convince the Volturi that Renesmee is not a danger Benjamin spots [Name] and is immediately enamored by her. Even with her two year old daughter. Also finding out they have similar abilities.
I sit in the living room with Bella and Edward as we watch Renesmee play with Athaliah. I cross my arms, holding myself. "How do you feel?" Edward asks me suddenly and I turn to him. "Read my mind." I roll my eyes, he scoffs out a laugh. "I'm asking so you can let it out."
He responds, I look back to the girls. "Yeah, we haven't talked much since you found out about her." Bella chimes into the conversation. I frown for a second.
"It's a weird situation, I don't really know how I feel." I tell them in all honesty. One second Renesmee was a newborn and seconds later she was months old and now she's physically 4 years old.
"I just wish we didn't have to deal with the Volturi. Once again." I hold my head in my hands. Last time we dealt with them was when I turned into a vampire, Athatliah was only 16 months old. They were worried that I would turn Athaliah.
We had to convince them I wouldn't go near her until I had control over my thirst and she wouldn't know anything about us until she was the age of turning or if anything I would fake my death and she'd never see us again. It's something I don't even want to consider. It's something I have 16 years until I have to truly think about. The Volturi believed us when Aro looked into Edward's mind along with mine. Also with the fact that my ability was strong, I would put up a fight. They didn't need any of their men dead.
"I wish that woman just talked to us before running straight to the Volturi. She's also going to get killed." I lift my head back up. Renesmee takes Athaliah over to us and they both smile. I pick up my daughter, placing her on my lap. Edward doing the same with his daughter.
"All right, lovely, it's time for a nap." I stand up. "I'll meet you guys outside." I tell my two best friends before walking upstairs. They have a crib that was originally for Renesmee in Edward's old room. I place Athaliah down. I could tell she was tired so when she started crying I knew it was only for a few minutes.
The first year of her life I cried almost every time she cried. I couldn't handle it. My mom was a huge help since Athaliah's dad left in the beginning of my pregnancy. His parents moved to a whole different state so he didn't have to be a father to our baby. I grieved the relationship in the beginning. I don't really care anymore.
Bella was the only friend I've had ever since giving birth. Other people judged right away. Not Bella. She sometimes would babysit for me if I had to work and no daycare. My mom would pay her as well. Edward then started to help with her. Then he bonded with Athaliah as well. They both became an aunt and uncle to my daughter. I am forever grateful for them.
When her cries stop I snap out of my thoughts. Quietly slipping out of the room. I go downstairs and join everyone outside. Bella and Edward showing the new vampires renesmee's gift. I look off into the distance to see Carlisle and Esme coming our way with three new people. They're from the Egyptian Coven, they drink human blood. I lock eyes with the younger looking man. His eyes were a dark red. They felt entrancing. I couldn't look away. That was until Rosalie comes up to me.
"Could you help me with something?" She asks in a quiet tone, I furrow my eyebrows but nod my head. Following after her. Feeling eyes watch me the entire time. The blonde leads me back into the house where Zafrina, Kachiri, and Senna were standing in our way. "These ladies are from the Amazon coven. They wanted to meet you." Rosalie speaks softly, I place a hand on my chest, confused on why they would want to speak to me. "They've heard of your ability." Emmett tells me, I let out a little 'oh' standing straighter.
"Zafrina likes meeting people similar to her. Having incredible gifts." Kachiri informs me. "What's your gift?" I tilt my head, intrigued. The quiet woman smiles slightly, staring at me. Focusing on something and then suddenly I'm not in the house anymore. I'm back outside. But not our outside. A different place. A place I've never seen before. It was gorgeous.
Then I'm back in the house and I stare at her with wide eyes. "That... was amazing." I tell her, utterly in shock. She grins back to me. "We'd like to see your ability." Kachiri says, I make a face, turning to Rosalie and Emmett who nod their heads for me to do it. "We'd uh, we would have to go outside." I lead the way outside, in front of the porch. The three from the Amazon Coven stand on the porch with Rosalie, Emmett was standing in the door frame.
I smile to them as the cloud above us gets darker than earlier. Their expressions are confused until I bring my arms in the air and it starts raining. It was sprinkling at first then thunder struck. I felt the others crowd around me. I then make it storm. Everyone getting soaked. And then suddenly it stops as I stop focusing on the sky. I take a deep breath. The others begin to clap.
"That's just a tiny bit of what she can do." Emmett roars out, I nod my head sheepishly. "How did you find that out?" One of the Denali sisters ask me. "When I turned, the pain caused a storm. The wind was strong. The weather was insane that night. Later on when I wasn't paying attention and every time I had a huge emotion, a storm began every time. It's a lot easier to control now." I smile as I then make it begin to snow. Renesmee runs up to me with a huge smile. I pick her up so she can play with the snowflakes.
"This is a powerful ability... The Volturi would have no chance against us." Garrett laughs beside Kate who has a tiny smirk on her face. "You could deflect my electricity and make it more powerful." She tells me, lifting one of her hands to show me the electricity coming out of it.
Then everyone begins to talk to one another about it. I place Renesmee down, she holds my hand though instead of running off. I listen outside of the others to see if Athaliah has woken up but her breathing is still slowed. I can tell she's about to wake up. Her naps aren't very long lately.
A person walks up to me, startling me. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." It was the younger looking man from the Egyptian Coven. I wave a hand. "It's alright, I was trying to make sure my daughter was still sleeping." I sigh out, looking down to my niece who was staring up at the man.
"Your daughter?" He asks, looking around. "Her name's Athaliah." I tell him, we begin to walk inside the house, Renesmee sticking by my side because I think she knows we're going to see my girl. "Beautiful name." He compliments, I quietly thank him. His looks are entrancing I can barely focus on what is being said.
It goes silent between us until Renesmee speaks up in a small sweet tone. "He can make tornados, smaller than yours though." I smile down at her. "Really?"
I've only created a tornado once and right as it formed we made it disappear. That was before Renesmee was born though. Of course Emmett told her about it though. "Our gifts are incredibly similar." He tells me. Before he can say anything else though I hear my daughter begin to stir. Her tiny whines sounding out to down here. "Oh, I have to go, I'll be back." I step up the first couple of steps. He stands there, I can tell her wishes to say something though.
Renesmee was already running to the bedroom though. "What's your name?" I ask him.
"Benjamin." He says. I smile. "Beautiful name." I then head up the stairs.
Renesmee is playing with Athaliah through the bars of the crib. I smile, heading over to them and picking up my daughter. "Let's go play downstairs." Renesmee says, taking my hand once again and dragging me back down. Benjamin was still standing there just as he was before I left.
I was glad to be honest. I was hoping he waited for me. "This is Athaliah, Athaliah, meet Benjamin." I bounce her on my hip, pointing to the beautiful man. She tiredly looks to him.
Then suddenly doing grabby hands at him for him to take her. I furrow my eyebrows. It usually takes her a minute to get used to new people. He sticks his hand out, letting her grab onto it. It wasn't enough though she lunges her body forward so he could take her out of my arms. I laugh. "Sorry, you don't have to-"
"I don't mind as long as you don't." He puts his hands out and I shrug my shoulders, handing her over to him. Renesmee watches, a little bit annoyed until Edward comes in and tells her to go with him somewhere. I watch as my daughter puts his face into her hands. I then wondered if that was a good idea looking at his eyes which were red. Meaning he eats humans.
I bit my lip. He looks over to me and I think he can sense my worry. He gives me a short smile and places Athaliah down. She walks back to me, hugging my legs. She's still waking up.
Later in the night Bella and I were getting the girls to sleep. Athaliah sprawled out, her arm going over Renesmee's torso. She's holding onto her hand. I look up to see Bella looking at someone. I trace where. It was Benjamin who was sitting beside Jacob. He was staring at me though. "He seems enamored by you." She whispers, careful not to wake the kids. I snort out a laugh. "Yeah, okay. He wants a single mom." I joke, rolling my eyes.
"I mean the whole time he's been here he's been staring at you. He keeps trying to talk with you and he's brought you up to us every chance he gets. Asking about your ability." She informs me and I give her a look. "Yeah, he's interested in my ability. Not me." I sit up straight, crossing my legs.
"You're so oblivious, [Name]." She comments, sitting up as well. We eventually get up listening to Vladimir and Stefan talk about how they despise the Volturi and why. They were characters, that was for sure.
I sit down by the fire, a log was already there but no one else was there. They all went to different areas of the woods. I stared at the flames wondering how tomorrow was going to go. Someone sat beside me but neither of us spoke. I didn't even move my head to see.
"[Name]." The person speaks up after moments of silence. I hum out in response. "I uh I've never been left this speechless before. I don't know what to say around you." It was Benjamin, I smile to myself before turning to face him. "I'm boring, I apologize." I say, now just observing his features and I wonder what he was like as a human. If he was always this perfect.
"No, you're not at all. You make me nervous. It's a feeling I don't think I've ever experienced." His eyes lock with mine and I badly want to look away. But I can't. I'm stuck in place. "When did you turn?" I slightly change the subject. "1815." My eyes widen to his answer. He begins to laugh at my reaction. "Sorry, that was rude." I rub my hands together, finally looking away due to embarrassment.
"I expected it, when did you turn?"
"Last year."
"A newborn practically and you're that in control of your ability?" He seemed to be surprised.
"I couldn't control my ability completely until maybe six years after turning." He then ignites fire from his pointer finger. "You control the elements?" I ask in amazement. "And you control the weather." He states.
"Our abilities are incredibly similar." I laugh, excited. Watching the flames on his finger tip before he closes his fist and it goes away.
For hours we talk about our abilities, about his life before turning. I do the same. Telling him a bit about Athaliah. It never felt like a bad subject bringing her up like it usually does with men.
He actually asks about her and that's where I feel he doesn't want to be with me but to be friends.
"Your daughter truly has your looks." We both look to my sleeping daughter who is still sprawled out. I smile. "Thank you. She's my everything." I tell him.
"I can tell."
"I'm interested in getting to know you more." Benjamin says, this time he cautiously takes my hand into his. Making sure I was okay with it before gripping a little tighter. "What do you want to know?" I nervously ask.
"No, I mean courting you. You being mine, me being yours." He explains, I scrunch my nose before saying. "it might be forward, I know this. But you, seeing you, talking to you today. It only makes me want to be yours more."
"What about Athaliah, she comes with, we're a package deal. I'm a single mother. She's human, you eat off... humans." I take my hand back, now giving him a serious expression. It feels crazy but I feel the same way. I feel so strongly for him and I can't lose it but I also have to put my child first.
"I'll love her as my own. I'll eat animals for you both. I'll learn." He assures me, I pause for a moment.
"This feels crazy." I laugh out. "But I'll give it a try. I'm interested in getting to know you more." Even though we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow I don't care. I deserve to be happy even for a little bit.
I almost deleted this whole thing after finishing it.
Heart was racing. Almost cried.
If you want to request anything lmk!
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rosetterer · 3 hours
i know i'm a handful (but that's why you got two hands)
And Evan… God, Evan was still wearing his uniform: a simple dark t-shirt tucked into his pants with a belt around his hips. His legs looked longer than they actually were, which Tommy hadn't thought possible, and his stomach… That was what he couldn't take his eyes off of. -- Tommy loves Buck's stomach and he just has to blow him about it.
Read here: i know i'm a handful (but that's why you got two hands) - rosetterer - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Or continue down here ;)
Tommy couldn’t believe he’d ever thought he was straight.
It had become a bit of a habit; him taking Evan to work and getting him from work whenever possible. Usually, Evan was already waiting for him by the time he pulled up to the firehouse, dressed up and with a bag over his shoulder.
Today, Evan was still standing by the firetruck, a rag in hand, and chatting up with his friends, while Gerrard looked bitterly on from the top of the firetruck, looking like some kind of a villain that had snuck its way to the firehouse.
And Evan… God, Evan was still wearing his uniform: a simple dark t-shirt tucked into his pants with a belt around his hips. His legs looked longer than they actually were, which Tommy hadn't thought possible, and his stomach… That was what he couldn't take his eyes off of.
Which was absolutely ridiculous. He’d seen his boyfriend shirtless many, many times. More times than he could count and he’d already told him a couple of times how much he loved the way he looked now that he was over that ketosis crap and back to eating carbs as much as he wanted to.
The belt was exaggerating what Tommy already loved and he had to clear his throat a couple of times before stepping forward to let himself be seen.
”Uh, are you guys keeping my boy overtime or what?” Tommy asked.
Evan's eyes were bright as he turned to look at him. He smiled, throwing the rag somewhere by the firetruck, and came to stand in front of Tommy, a sweet smile on his lips that Tommy wanted to, no, needed to kiss immediately.
Evan hummed happily as he did so.
”Hi,” he whispered.
”Hi,” Tommy said right back, trying his best to forget the fact that there were several pairs of eyes on them. He stroked his thumb over Evan’s hip, ”Do you think it’d be possible for you to come home wearing this?”
Evan tilted his head at him immediately and kept his voice low as he spoke, ”Yeah, you like it?”
”You have no idea.”
”Alright!” Gerrard’s voice broke through their private moment. ”Shift’s over.”
”Has been for ten minutes now,” Tommy mumbled, ignoring the older man. ”So… What’s the verdict on the uniform?”
”With him in control?” Evan asked, nodding toward Gerrard. ”I don’t think I can bring myself to feel sexy in this. All I’ll be able to think about is him and his stupid orders and believe it or not, babe, I really don’t want to think about that in our bedroom.”
”Hm,” Tommy hummed. ”Bet I could make you forget.”
Evan chuckled a little, heat rising to his cheeks, ”So that’s the mood you’re in today, huh? I guess we’ve got to do something about it.”
"Oh, you're not doing anything today," Tommy said, letting his palm run over Evan's stomach for just a split second. "But I'm going to do something when I get home. Or right here, if you don't go and take those clothes off this second."
”You’re ridiculous,” Evan mumbled, running his hand over his stomach the same way Tommy had just now.
Tommy made sure to look him up and down, ”And you’re hot as hell, Ev.”
He watched Buck gulp and take a slow step backward. He pointed in the direction of the lockers with his thumb while keeping eye contact with Tommy.
”I’ll uh… I’ll just get ready and we can uh… Go.”
Tommy gave him a simple nod and had to hold back a laugh when Evan almost fell over because of a bucket that had been left on the floor after cleaning the firetruck.
The moment they stepped into the house, Tommy had Evan pinned against the first wall to their right. He didn’t care that they often ended up making out like this, like a couple of teenagers, because it was making him feel truly alive and Evan’s lips were just too difficult to resist.
He stripped off Evan’s jacket, throwing it somewhere on the floor before doing the same to his own jacket. They pulled apart for one, breathy second as they got rid of their shoes and continued their way down the hallway, lips locked together.
Evan's hands came to rest on the hem of Tommy's shirt, tugging at it in the way that he often did to tell him he wanted him to take it off. Instead of allowing it, Tommy took hold of his hands and moved them away, causing a small whine to escape Evan.
"Not now, baby," Tommy told him as they came to stand by the couch. He looked down at Evan's dilated pupils and chuckled. "Down."
Before Evan had any time to react, Tommy pushed him on the couch. A punched sound escaped Evan as he flopped down, his head hitting the soft back of the couch. He blinked up at Tommy, all sprawled out now and while the shirt he was wearing right now (used to be Tommy’s shirt) wasn’t as slim fit on him as the shirt of his uniform had been, it still showed the outline of his stomach. His abdomen, where Tommy was planning on pressing his hand in just a moment, was a little soft and what surrounded that softness were the abdominal muscles that Evan was very proud of. Then there was his chest and his collarbones and his shoulders but if Tommy thought about it all too much, he might actually explode right here and now.
Tommy got down on his knees in front of him, hooking his arms under Evan’s legs and pulling him toward him. A shaky breath escaped him, and Tommy plucked at his t-shirt.
”Take it off.”
Evan nodded at him, his lips slightly parted now that he stared down at him and did as he was told. Tommy smiled at him, rubbing his thighs for a bit before starting to work on getting rid of the jeans that were hugging his legs just perfectly.
”Fucking love this,” he heard himself breathe out as he pressed his lips against that stomach and undid the button of Evan’s jeans.
Evan made a small sound at the feeling of his lips on his body and soon, Tommy felt a hand coming to rest on his shoulder. He hummed against the warm skin and undid the zipper on Evan’s jeans, before tugging them, along with his boxers, out of the way.
”So gorgeous,” he told Evan, nosing at his stomach as he moved his lips downward. Evan hissed at the feeling, making Tommy let out a dark chuckle. ”And sensitive.”
Bringing his other hand to his stomach, pressing down ever so gently so that Evan wouldn’t buck his hips, Tommy brought his lips to Evan’s cock, which must have been straining against his jeans the whole ride home with how nice and heavy and red it already was. He took him in his mouth, deciding that today wasn’t the day for teasing. They both needed this desperately and he wanted to hear every single little sound that Evan would give him.
A moan that sounded a lot like ’Oh my God’ escaped Evan’s lips and Tommy sucked him harder, quickly taking him as deep as he possibly could. He hooked his free arm under Evan’s knee and rubbed at the skin there, wanting to feel every inch of him.
If his mouth wasn’t so full, he would’ve told Evan how pretty he looked like this; cheeks flushed and calling out his name like he couldn’t get enough of it. How much he loved it when Evan held onto his shoulder like it was his only lifeline. How good he felt and tasted in his mouth.
”I’m not- I’m not,” Evan started mumbling soon after and Tommy hummed around him, causing him to cry out again. ”Not gonna l- last long if you keep- Fuck!”
Tommy pulled away from him and wiped away some of the spit that had dribbled down to his chin. He hushed Evan when he whined, trying his best to move his hips forward to get some kind of relief. Tommy kissed his hipbone once before wrapping his hand around Evan’s cock. As nice as it would have been to have him come down his throat while he cried out his name, Tommy had other plans for today.
Tommy looked up, finding that Evan’s eyes were the slightest bit watery. He stroked him in the way that he knew Evan loved: nice and tight until reaching the tip, where he made his grip just a little lighter, just a little more teasing.
”There you go, baby, so good,” Tommy told him. ”You can come whenever you want, I’ve got you.”
That seemed to do it for Evan, although Tommy liked to think that the way he tightened his hold on him and the way that he called him a good boy had something to do with the fact that with a wounded cry, Evan came all over his fist, and his stomach, just the way Tommy had wanted him to.
”So good for me, so fucking gorgeous,” Tommy whispered to him, keeping his grip on him tight until Evan squirmed away from the touch.
He stroked him once more, feather-light, and let his slowly softening cock rest against his abdomen. He wished he had his phone on him right now so that he could take a picture but sadly, it was lying on the floor in the pocket of his jacket.
”Good job, baby,” he whispered, moving up with a small groan from having been on his knees a little too long.
He brought his hands to Evan’s waist, loving the way he shivered at his touch. His head was still thrown back, his mouth just a little open and his eyes tightly closed, like he’d been frozen in time.
His eyes snapped open only when Tommy began to suck on his stomach, tasting the cum there and making sure to get every last drop of it so that it wouldn't go to waste. He heard Evan whisper something along the lines of 'holy shit' as he looked down at him, and soon, his hand was in his hair again.
Tommy pressed his lips right above his belly button and then moved to press a kiss on his sternum and allowed himself to sit in Evan’s lap, mindful of his cock, still a little interested in what was going on. He moved his lips to Evan’s neck, licking the light layer of sweat there, tasting the salt.
”God,” he heard Evan chuckle, breathless.
”I love you, sweetheart,” Tommy whispered into his neck, snuggling closer.
Evan breathed deeply against him, his body relaxing under him, ”I love you too.”
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schoenpepper · 1 day
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Intro: Ace would make for a very bad detective.
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, proofread by quillbot, very bad words, kind of crack???, not yuu, not in heartslabyul reader so pick a different dorm, bad suicide jokes
A/N: Woah I am aliveeee and kind of kicking-ish. Sorry these are so slow, I was busy...studying (grinding for kinich's weapon because the weapon banner is my mortal enemy). For @xphantasmagoriax on my Fate, Destiny, and a Shit Ton of Mushrooms event.
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“One. More. Word.”
“Trey senpai said he already has someone he likes—” smack! “Ow! ”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!”
Dear sevens help you when the time comes; you can no longer restrain yourself, and it ends with the murder of one Ace “Dumbass” Trappola. It’s okay because your second cousin’s girlfriend’s aunt is a great defense attorney, so if you make it look enough like an accident…
“I don’t like that look on your face.”
“Shut up!” you hit Ace’s shoulder one more time for good measure.
The redhead shrugs and, perhaps out of what twisted sense of sympathy he has left, your stupid best friend pats your head (or maybe this is just his way of emphasizing your height). “It’s okay doofus, there’s plenty of fish in the sea,” you smack his hand away with a grimace. He just doesn’t get it. Trey isn’t just some guy you saw one day and decided, ‘that one, I want that one right there’. No, Trey is someone that the universe has linked you with; he’s the person who fate itself wants to be with you forever.
Trey Clover is your soulmate.
Who apparently wants absolutely nothing to do with you.
The first meeting was so cliche it made you want to throw up, but in a sense, it was a meet cute.
Just kidding. It was a meet disastrous.
The stack of ungraded potionology quizzes in your hand (Ace’s on the topmost with at least half the answers that you can vaguely guess as incorrect), a large crowd of rowdy teenage boys littering the hallway—it’s fairly obvious you’re unlikely to pass through unscathed. But being the stubborn person you are, you trudge onwards with little to no fear. Surely when they see you coming through with Crewel’s stuff, they’d be polite enough to make way for you and—
Of course not. How dare you assume that NRC students have even a modicum of decency? You tumble on the floor like a ball, papers flying everywhere.
And you’re saved from the fate of picking up each and every one by hand.
Magic flows through the air like a breeze, tinged with the smell of puff pastry. The papers float before ever reaching the ground, flying single file into a neat stack as your savior holds out a hand to you. Straight, silky locks of hair like ceremonial-grade matcha, pretty honey eyes that looked just as sweet when they reflected your figure. The man looks positively delicious, that’s for sure. You take his hand, and he pulls you back up to your feet. “Thank you,” you murmur in a daze, “you’re hot as fuck.”
…Wait, what?
He was about to hand you the pile of papers when he doubles over in laughter from your blunt words. Heat creeps up your face with many legs, like a spider of shame shooting your cheeks with webbing. ‘Shame on you, Y/N, how thirsty must you be to just hit on a random guy?!’
‘But I didn’t even mean to say that!’
Your inner war is quelled when the handsome guy gives you the stack of quizzes.
“Thanks, I’m flattered,” he grins, one eyebrow raised and the other arched. “I must admit, it’s not too often I hear compliments as straightforward.”
“You mean shameless?” What? Why would you say that?
You cover your mouth with a start. Words seem to be against you today, and you’d be damned if you spill out the rest of your thoughts to this dude who seems to already see you as a laughingstock.
Anyway, that was the day you found out that Trey Clover, the vice housewarden of Heartslabyul, was your soulmate.
Soulmates aren’t ridiculously uncommon, but they’re quite difficult to find. After all, the only way you’ll know if someone is your soulmate is by talking to them and trying to lie or keep something to yourself. When you realize you’re physically incapable of anything but telling the truth, that’s your soulmate.
The problem!
That short encounter was clearly not enough for your upperclassman to realize that you’re his soulmate. And you’re a coward. Lacking audacity if you will. In Ace’s words—
“Damn, why don’t you just stop being such a fucking pussy?”
You glare at him, “Meow, bitch. Shut the fuck up.”
So two weeks with no contact at all, only helpless pining. Ace swears up and down that you’ve become a stalker with how much you’re staring at the guy, which is why you’ve never told him that you have, in fact, stalked Trey’s social media accounts. And eventually you’re led down the path of thinking:
You should, like, totally make a move. Totally. But to be super duper extra sure that you even can make a move, you make use of your resident dumbass (who also happens to be in Heartslabyul) to scope out the enemy (read: your future husband).
And the ginger returns unvictorious.
Okay, you’re caught up now. On to real time.
Real time, you’re sulking because why is your soulmate in love with someone already?! It’s just not fair. 1 out of 20 people never meet their soulmate, and 5 out of 30 don’t even realize they’d met their soulmate until it was too late!
You’re apparently in that five out of thirty statistic.
You could approach him. Tell him you’re his soulmate. Would he choose you over that person that he already likes? Is a soulmate worth half as much as you’re making it out to be? There’s a pang in your heart; it hurts because the person you’ve been waiting for your whole life didn’t wait for you at all.
Were you not worth waiting for?
“I mean, he likes someone,” Ace speaks up, “but he never said he was in a relationship. You could still confess.”
No no, you’re not a homewrecker yet. There’s still hope.
You’re done for. You’ll live a long and lonely life because Trey Clover found someone he likes, and it’s just not you.
Ace seems genuinely dumbfounded at the sudden waterworks, but you can’t stop the tears when the realization sinks in. Tomorrow, it’ll be Valentine's Day, and you’ll be spending the day crying into a tub of half-melted ice cream because the other half of your heart is out there, and he’s probably [redacted] some other [redacted]. “He will rue the day he rejected me,” you mumble as you wipe your tears away on Ace’s jacket sleeve.
“Ew, gross! Get away!”
Fast forward, and your plans are ruined because the school does not give a fuck about whether or not your future ‘forever’ just DUMPED you. A Tuesday is still a Tuesday, and a Tuesday means ✨physical education with Coach Vargas✨. You trudge on over to the field in your fugly PE uniform, hair looking like it got swept through by a hurricane and deep bags under reddened, swollen eyes. You expect a rowdy scene upon your arrival: a teasing Ace, a worried Deuce, a laughing Grim, and a Yuu who’s very likely to push you right back into bed. You get—
“Y/N. I like you.”
Oh Ursula, Queen of Hearts, Jafar, all of the seven, please, please just kill me where I stand.
The prayer doesn’t work. The ground does not open up and swallow you whole.
In the middle of the field is your matcha-haired school senior, holding a large bouquet of ruby-red roses with a shy smile. Behind him is a large group of Caters; one is holding up a camera; the rest are holding up placards that spell out ‘Y/N x Trey Forever’ and truly, you’ve never felt so suicidal in your life than in this moment of public execution. You try to smile through your tears of shame, and when you try to speak niceties, you’re very rudely reminded of the soulmate thing.
“Wow. I hate it. I like you, senpai, but I hate your confession so much I want to cry.”
Anyway, it turns out Ace forgot to ask who Trey liked. But at least you won’t die alone?
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whatiwannaread · 2 days
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take me back
Tom x reader
Warnings: toxic! relationship? (probably), trauma?, waaaay too much dialogue probably, drugs, sex and small town solitude are mentioned, not proof read (I'm lazy)
It's 3:00 am, you were peacefully sleeping, not expecting anything to happen until you were then suddenly woken up by loud banging on your front door downstairs.
You sit up, and hear Tom, your ex-boyfriend, speaking from the outside of your door. "Mm Baby, open the door, it's meee!" He slurs.
You sigh. This can't be real. Tom and you broke up 2 weeks ago and it's been hard but you were determined to get your act together and get over him. He seems to have other plans. You go downstairs, hesitant to open the door just yet.
"Schatzi, don't do this to me now, pleeease just let me innn!!"
Although you know you shouldn't, you open the door anyway. His eyes widen when he sees you "oh Schatzi, there you are!! Been missing you so much" Tom practically stumbles into your doorway, he holds onto the doorframe and then onto you for balance before stepping away a little to steady himself. He closes the door behind him. You cross your arms "Tom... how drunk are you?"
He exhales heavily "D-drunk? Nooo... not meee"
You keep a straight face "Don't lie. You drank. What do you want?"
Tom bites his lip, he hates being called out on his lie. He knows damn well that he drank, but he didn't want to admit it in front of you. "I- I had a few drinks, alright? Is that what you want to hear? But it's not like you care, anyway." He mutters. He then looks at you, his voice turning into a pleading tone once more. "Please, can we just talk?"
He looks miserable and you start to feel bad for him. you sigh "ok ok. Talk about it. What's so important?"
He takes a step closer to you, his eyes filled with desperation. "I.. I miss you. I miss us. I miss how we used to be.. I just.. I need you in my life, please, I need you back.. I-"
you roll your eyes a little "Tom, I don't think we should. What's really going on, huh? Trouble at home? In school? Or within that little drug-taking train station gang of yours?"
Tom's expression darkens at your question. He hates it when you bring up his "gang." He clenches his jaw "We're not a damn gang, alright? They're my friends. They understand me. And we're doing just fine, so stop talking about them." He speaks in a slightly more aggressive tone, but he soon calmes down, and he looks down at you, a hurt expression on his face. "Why did you even break up with me? I thought we were happy.."
You huff "happy? No, we weren't. And I don't trust your little friends, you know it! I can't deal with the stuff you guys do. I don't like it, I don't wanna get caught up in that. Why the hell are you even still hanging out with those people?? Tommy, I just don't understand..."
Tom's expression changes from hurt to frustration in a matter of seconds
"They get me, ok? You're just too good to get it! The guys get what it's like to have issues! And what do you mean we weren't happy? I was as happy as it gets! If only you would stop being so damn annoying about stuff like this"
God. He can't be serious. What an idiot he is! If only you could truly stop loving him...
"You know damn well I got my own issues, but that doesn't mean I'm out drinking and taking drugs every other day! You know my father left me and my mother is too damn busy taking care of her ever changing boyfriends. And then they drink our money. You think that's a sweet sweet life?? Get out Tom, I just don't get what you even want from me at this point! Go back to your friends!"
You hate talking about your family situation. Tom sees tears forming in your eyes, and he knows he went too far. He curses at himself inwardly for being such a jerk. But he's hurt too, by your words, and he's too stubborn to apologize. He swallows and he continues to speak in a harsh tone. "You know what, maybe I WILL go back to my friends! At least they care about me! They don't judge me! Maybe I'll just find some other girl too, someone who's actually worth my time..."
You take a deep breath to calm yourself down. Your voice is sharp and cold "yes. Please! Go back to the abandoned train station and pull at whatever they give you. And then ask Therese if she wants to do it again maybe! Maybe she'll be amazingly sweet this time"
[Therese is the secret 'whore' in our small town. She takes drugs and sleeps with usually young boys when they want to lose their virginity. Tom himself lost his virginity to Therese when he was only 13 and Therese was 17 and already infamous for doing it for little money. (Yes, horrible. But Therese is a victim too kinda)]
Tom's mouth agape in shock as his eyes widen. His heart feels like it just shattered into pieces. Seeing you so cold and harsh stung his heart like hell, and seeing you say those things about Therese made it even worse. He can't believe you'd stoop that low. He steps closer to you, his body trembling in anger and hurt.
"You dare bring up Therese?! That was a mistake, OKAY?! I was young and stupid! You're never gonna let that go, are you?!"
You glare at him "well you still hang out with her occasionally, dont you? If it was such a bad experience then how come you used to brag about stuff like that when we first met?? How you had sex at 13 with an older girl..... only to have it turn out you were talking about damn Therese out of all people!" You clench your jaw. You know you're going to far. But you wanna know why he keeps going back to the people who hurt him.
Tom's face turned red in anger and embarrassment. He couldn't believe you were humiliating him like this. He clenched his fists so tight that his knuckles turned white. He took a step closer to you, almost towering over you with his height.
"I- I-" He stuttered, but then he snapped, his expression turning into a sneer, and he yelled at you in a harsh, mocking tone.
"It was one time behind the damn train station, alright? Yes, it was behind the damn train station and it was stupid and so damn weird!!! Are you happy now?"
"The damn train station you guys hang out till this day!! Don't you get that?? When I agreed to be with you, you said you regret all that stuff. But you still go there and meet up with the same people and every time you're there, you're so god damn cold!! I don't understand you. You and I... that never worked" You look up at him
Tom stares down at you, his anger replaced with hurt and despair. He clenches his jaw, and he speaks in a more quiet tone.
"We hang out there because we have nowhere else to go, okay?! We always go there because there's nowhere else to hang out in this stupid town! And you know why we hang out there, because we can do what we want there, you know that!! We're allowed to drink, to smoke, to have a good time!"
You huff and look down "I know I know. Everything's just perfect over there and everybody is sooo nice and lovely"
You remember when you hung out there too for some weeks. But you didn't really smoke or drink, no nothing. You were scared in some way. You didn't want to be just like your mother. They called you Miss Virgin Pure back then and made fun of you a lot. That's how Tom knew you when you first spent some time together outside of school. But you always kinda hated that hangout. You never got why Tom keeps going back there!
Tom's expression softens a bit as he remembers how you were always the 'stuck up little prude' among his friends and how they teased and made fun of you for being hesitant to copy their lifestyle. He knew deep down you were so sweet, even if you acted so guarded and dismissive at times.
"I- you were always kinda different from us... you were special. You were... I don't know, better, you were beautiful. They only teased you so much because you were too perfect..."
Tom's heart twists and aches as he thinks about his words. He takes a step closer to you, his eyes full of sadness now.
"You know what? You're just... you are perfect. You're too good for me, I know that. But I can't help it... I need you, okay? I just... I can't stop thinking about you."
You sigh and cross your arms "Tom, make up your mind! You just told me I don't understand you, cause I don't know what it's like to have issues and now all of a sudden I'm so so perfect. What do you want? I didn't ask for you to come over! And I won't take you back tonight either!" You wonder what's going on with Tom, maybe he drank more than you thought...
Tom feels a pang of guilt as he remembers what he said to you. He was angry and hurt, and he said those things out of spite.
"I- I didn't mean that... I just... I'm so messed up, and I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want you back... I need you back. I need you in my life, okay?! I can't be without you."
"We broke up 2 weeks ago, Tom. You need to give it some time... you will get over me, come on" you mumble, you feel slightly bad but you're also still hurt.
Tom feels a pang in his heart as you say that he'll get over you. He steps even closer to you, his body mere inches away from yours now. He looks down at you with a pleading expression.
"I can't get over you... I've tried, I really have. But no matter what I do, you're always on my mind. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't think about anything else except you. You're all I think about, all the time... please, just give me another chance. I promise I'll be better, I'll do anything."
You sigh. Damn...what were you supposed to do?? You look away before you turn towards your room "I don't wanna talk no more. I'm so tired, Tom. Come on... let's get some sleep, ok?"
Tom feels a spark of hope in his heart as he sees you step towards your room. He follows after you, a small smile on his face. He's glad your letting him stay, even just for tonight.
"You're serious? I- I can sleep in your room?"
"Yeah... but just for tonight. I suppose it's too dangerous to drive back for you now anyway..." you bite your lip as you shake the pillow and the blanket up, just like you did when you two were still together. You get into bed and pull the blanket over yourself.
Tom's heart skips a beat as he watches you get into bed. It felt so familiar, bringing back all sorts of memories of when you were together. He can't help but smile, but he's also still feeling a pang of guilt.
"Yeah... it's really late, and I... I drank too much. I ... ugh... really can't drive back like this"
He slowly gets into bed beside you, trying not to get too close, but he's fighting the urge to just wrap his arms around you and pull you close.
You nod "mmm you gonna sleep in jeans?" You ask sleepily. Tom quickly unzips his pants and slowly slides them down, leaving him in just his boxers and t-shirt.
You smile as he pulls his jeans off. You move closer, the bed is rather small. U instinctively snuggle up to him "only tonight... let's say we didn't break up... but only for tonight" you whisper, not in your right mind as you grow more tired.
Tom's heart skips a beat as he feels you move closer, it feels like heaven.
"Yeah... just for tonight."
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you even closer. He buries his face in your hair, taking in your scent and savoring the feeling of your body against his.
Suddenly small tears start to run down your cheek. You sniffle softly. You seriously feel so lonely ever since you have broken up... but you feel like you two don't work out and that you have to let him go.
Tom feels your tears on his chest and it breaks his heart. He gently runs his hand up and down your back, trying to offer some comfort. He thinks he's the cause of your pain, and he hates himself for it.
"Hey.. hey... don't cry... please, don't cry... okay? we're together, right? Just for tonight, but still... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I messed up... I'm a jerk, I know I am... but I'll be better, I swear, I'll be better for you..."
You cry softly. It hurts so much. It's late and you are getting emotional. You feel like you got no one in this world. You only had him... but that's over now too. His voice calms you down a little "right... i love you Tommy. I love you. I need you. I don't trust anybody but you"
Tom swallows, his voice cracking with emotion.
"I love you too... I love you so much. I can't live without you. I need you, I need you so much... I'll do anything... I'll do whatever it takes to have you back... I promise I'll be better... I swear..."
You breath shakily "Tommy... I don't know. I'm so scared we will fight and break up again. Maybe we're better apart. But I'm so stupid and I miss you, I can't sleep without you... I feel empty and... ugh... I love you" you mumble
Tom feels his heart shatter at your words. The thought of being apart from you scared him so much. He wraps his arms even tighter around you, pulling you as close as possible.
"No... don't say that... I don't want to be apart from you. I can't... I can't be without you. I feel the same... I can't sleep without you either, I can't eat, I can't think about anything else except you. I'm empty without you too... we can make it work, I know we can. Just give me another chance, please..."
I sigh shakily as he pulls you closer. This feels good. Your resistance is crumbling "mmm you promise? The two of us against everything else, right? And you will try to distance yourself from that train station gang? Tommy please... then i'll take you back"
Tom's heart skips a beat when he hears you say you'll take him back. He knows he has to make this promise, no matter how hard it is.
"I promise... I promise I'll distance myself from the gang. I'll do whatever it takes... just please, take me back... I need you, okay? I love you so much..."
He buries his face in your hair, holding you tightly.
You smile softly "ok" you whisper "then we're back together. I love you Tom. You and I forever, hm?" Your heart feels like it's ten times lighter
Tom feels tears welling up in his eyes as relief washes over him.
"Yeah.. you and me forever, ... y/n and Tom forever. Oh god... I love you so much. You have no idea how much I've missed you. I swear I'll be a better boyfriend now, I promise... "
He hugs you tighter, feeling happier than he's been in weeks
You giggle softly "nooo you're the best boyfriend already. I love you sooo much" you relax in his arms and close your eyes, feeling veeery tired after all.
Tom smiles, holding you close and rubbing your back.
"No, I could be better... I messed up, and that's why we were apart. I won't mess up again, I swear... I love you too... you're everything to me."
He kisses the top of your head, feeling so happy to have you back in his arms. He can't help but smile even more as he feels how close you are to him, how your body fits perfectly against his
You yawn "I kinda wish we could have sex to celebrate but I'm soooo tired, Tom" you can't even keep your eyes open at all. The way he soothes you with his hand on your back makes you so so sleepy.
Tom feels his heart skip a beat at the mention of sex, but he quickly pushes that thought away. He can see how tired you are, and he doesn't want to push you to do anything. He keeps rubbing your back, trying to lull you to sleep.
"Shhh... it's okay, it's okay... you're tired, and you need to sleep. It's okay, there's always tomorrow. We can celebrate properly tomorrow, okay?"
You hum softly "mmmm yeah" you whisper sweetly. It's working, he's lulling you to sleep. Before you know it, you have fallen asleep in his embrace.
Tom continues to rub your back, feeling you relax and slowly fall asleep in his arms. A soft smile spreads across his face as he watches you sleeping so peacefully, your head resting on his chest. He holds you close, savoring the feeling of having you in his arms once again.
He whispers in a soft voice, so as not to wake you.
"Sleep well, schatzi... I love you, baby."
the End
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Harley Quinn, former bad guy, anti-hero and unemployed therapist chases after Nightwing (Dick Grayson) as he tries to get away from her while on patrol.
Nightwing: Stop chasing me!
Harley: Then have a chat with me!
Nightwing: How did you find me!
Harley: Babs told me.
Nightwing stops running causing Harley to halt her running as well. He puts his index finger up and presses his communication device.
Nightwing: Babs, what the heck?
Oracle: She begged me and I can't say no when she pinpoints my mental health issues! Just let her spend some time with you.
Nightwing looks down at Harley who has a big smile on her face. He runs the other direction as Poison Ivy walks over to the group while watching 'Little Shop of Horrors' on her phone.
Ivy: He caved yet?
Harley: Not now, babes. Follow me.
Harley chasses after Nightwing. Her girlfriend casually walked behind her.
Harley: Stop running! Why are you running?!
Nightwing: Because I don't want you touching me! I am not a piece of meat!
Harley: I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you were uncomfortable with the butt smacks!
Nightwing: I was very vocal about it!
Harley: Do you think that stems with some trauma in your past?
Nightwing: Stop therapizing me!
Ivy (pausing her movie): This is the smartest approach, Harley.
Harley: Ivy, not now!
Nightwing runs around Ivy and uses her as shield, then shoves her on Harley.
Nightwing: You chasing me doesn't prove your point.
Harley (pushing Ivy off of her): Let me make amends.
Nightwing(whining): NOOOO!
Harley: I made a full bill of health at Arkham. And I may not have the diploma, but I can be your-
Nightwing (in angry romani): Me sem bahtalo tumare progresosa, numaj te aven dur mandar!
Harley: What?
Nightwing stops at a fence and turns to Harley.
Nightwing: I said, "I am happy with your progress, but stay away from me for now!" It... It will take some time. Okay?
Nightwing jumps a fence and keeps running.
Nightwing (over his shoulder): Bye!
Ivy: See ya, kid.
Harley: But... Shit!
Harley tries to climb the fence, but Ivy, best friend and girlfriend uses a vine on her hip before she jumps the fence.
Ivy: Harley, don’t do that impulsive thought.
Harley: But they need a therapist. All of them, Jacey ran from me, now Nightwing? Why can’t I catch a break?
Ivy: If I may, it has something to do with working with the joker, who killed one of them, tortures the batfamily on an annual basis... oh and you won’t take a hint to give them space.
Harley glares at her girlfriend.
Harley: It was a rhetorical question!
Ivy (chuckling dryly): Aww, Harls, you know I don’t care about that. He did say it takes time, he's saying you have a chance, but at this moment of time, no. Remember I’m not dumb either. I worked more in science for botany over what you do, but I can see when someone doesn’t want to talk or want your therapy services.
Harley groans, bending back: You’re right, I’ll give 'em space. Plus you didn't say I slept with my professor.
Ivy: Please, you wouldn't degrade yourself like that... Get with a homicidal lunatic who thinks clown makeup is scary, but you are not the type who tries to get easy A’s in school.
Harley: Damn straight!
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wyndryga · 9 hours
welp. im rereading animorphs. its liveblogging time
first book observations:
its remarkable how well KAA fleshes out her main cast with just the observations of Jake. like the story is built around Jake being both incredibly introspective and observatory abt his friends and his own place in the world but also Just Some Guy
i think its also a really interesting look at setting up a fictional series. 60% of the aliens they romp with in the next 60 books are introduced in the first 7 or so chapters. everything gets fleshed out as the series goes on but you immediately know 'okay there's 4 main groups of aliens. they have lasers and mind control. you can shapeshift now, go forth'
jake having to be held back from trying to kill visser three with a metal pipe within thirty seconds of seeing the guy
you are a teenager walking home from the mall and psychically experience an aliens death from his perspective in real time. what do?
rachel swears like a sailor when given the opportunity
rachels ruthlessness is IMMEDIATELY established holy shit. opening action scene has jake and rachel realizing theyre the fastest runners, making themselves targets, and then when jake trips he tells her to keep running and she does. berenson family wild
oh okay that homeless dude totally died. i actually did not remember that At All
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hey jake. mr berenson. this is definitely a very straight way to talk about your friend you think is a guy
tobias' cat being named Dude, who is also his first morph: me when im totally not already pretending to be a guy on a regular basis
Totally Normal Boy develops a personality after shapeshifting into a cat for the first time. hello girl
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ah. this is why i am the way i am
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hey jake? what the fuck, dude
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jake the tumblr doggirls would love you (just turned into a dog talking about another dog)
i do love how kaa writes the kids as animals. very fast paced narrated thoughts, def had a huge impact on me as a writer
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"hmm i wonder why animorphs was such a hit with trans autistic furries"
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toranochi · 2 years
There's a girl I liked, I used to think that she liked me too but also "how could she like me if she's thin and fit and pretty and I'm like this" (aka fat, ugly, manly, weird). We're friends now but the more I know her the more I'm sure about how much importance she puts on weight and calories and all that shit so it's clearer she never liked me and It was all on my mind
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chessb0r3d · 9 months
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i cracked the code.
#believing dirk is the worst guy because its what dirk thinks of himself#ignoring daves bisexuality and think hes a gay man in denial even when he explained hes bisexual#believing john 'im not a homosexual' egbert is explicitly straight while he makes out with his mcconahey and cameron posters more#than he kissed women(literally only once)#believing that rose is an edgy psyhcotic little bitch when she was neglected. she speaks elegantly to cover that shes silly and a total ner#and how did people forget that rose also writes gay wizard fanfiction. reads Wikipedia. and her beautiful artstyle as a result of neglect#(and by neglect meaning having SO MUCH TIME to draw)#jake wasnt into dirk. he also told di that he didnt like how brobot getting touchy with him during strifes#but as part of the repression 4(prospit kids). he refused on changing the bot settings#what jane said about roxy being better when she was drunk. it was fucking sarcasm. its the least insane shit you could say to a best friend#all the kids have issues and of course people get mad over a girl being sarcastic.#when KARKAT said THE SAME THING to rose when she was drunk on the meteor nobody bats an eye#trolls are just grey humans that are bugs. he doesnt get an excuse for being an alien. humans were made from KARKATS BLOOD#jade isnt all silly girl and is so FULL OF HATE towards the trolls. she called karkat a fuckass (VERY FUNNY) to do her a favor#“jade would rather have punched karkat in the fact then had a pleasent conversation with him.”#“she viewed the trolls as rude mean and cruel. and even thought that nepeta was just making fun of her.#despite it being that nepeta just wanted to roleplay and have fun."#dred.loki#I HAVE YET TO ADD MORE. THESE ARE JUST NOTES#homestuck#chss
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moeblob · 17 days
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I love Chris so much you guys.
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soosoosoup · 5 months
Haaayy can you tell us more about your au where branch finds cooper's egg?
Hiiii!! Thanks for asking! And of course :)
lol turns out I had a lot more thought out. Fair warning, none of this is concrete, this was thought up a while ago and uhhhhh… writing is not my strong suit lol
In this au I had debated whether to make copper a little bit younger, I already hc him as the youngest of the snack pack so idk if its needed lol.
While in the beginning of making his bunker, branch (who’s maybe 7??) would travel farther out into the forest and gather supplies to build when he stumbles on what looks like an egg? Just in time too, ‘cause Coops pops out like in twt, does his little groove, & then proceeds to flop over to nap (being baby is tiring work).
Branch is just ??? cause like what?? Baby? Way out here in the woods?? Why does the baby have 4 legs??? Why is said baby all alone? And that last part makes b pause for a sec bc where’s his family? Did he lose them? Or is it even worse…was he left behind? (He might be projecting a lil).
Cooper and Branch proceed to live where other kids w/o families go. Caretakers try to care for cooper & he is not having it. After all, branch is the first person he’d ever seen, was the first person who’d carried him. He’s imprinted on branch and whole heartedly believes and he is his family. So if C needs to be taken care of B has to be there. It goes on long enough that the caretaker decides it'll just easier if branch helped take care of him; and who knows maybe he'll regain his color being around such a happy little goober.
At first, branch doesn’t realize how much he means to C and assumes his attachment will fade. After all why wouldn’t it when he’s being doted on by warm and cheerful trolls. But nope! Whenever the caretakers aren't taking cooper around the village, Cooper is always following Branch. Around the pod, and through the woods. Branch looks out for him, talks to him, teaches him what he can, and even plays games! I think the fact that branch has been a part of Coopers whole life gives him a sense of obligation perhaps like a big brother?. It's easy to be open to him.
All attempts to foster Cooper are unsuccessful. It's not that Cooper doesn't match the family, it's that he just doesn't want to live with them. Imagine a foster family having the time of their lives singing & playing around & when the time comes Cooper's like 'I had a lot of fun today! Time to go! what?? Stay here? be a part of your family? ...Nope :D
When the time comes that the bunker can feasibly house him, (preteen?) Branch packs up what little he owns, and prepares to leave that night. It's not like the anyone at the orphanage would chase after him. Well, except for one trolling.
It's been years, long enough that their bond is strong, they're brothers in all but name. At least unnamed on branch's side, he kind of refuses to acknowledge it.
Anyway- Branch waits until everyone falls asleep and sneaks out. He doesn't even make it out of the room lol. One foot out the door and a sleepy voice is asking him where he's going. Branch just says he's going to the bunker, that he'll see him soon, it won't be forever you see what im trying to parallel? and it's true. It's not like he's leaving to who knows where. Cooper just nods & yawns out a "bye, see you later". Love me a parallel
Branch lasts an hour or two in the bunker. He's on edge the whole time, racked w/ guilt. Has a little mental spiral until there is just one loud thought of 'what am i doing? there's someone waiting for me' and runs back.
In the joined room, Cooper fell asleep on branch's bed waiting for him. So making sure not to wake him, Branch rests coopers head on his lap. Leaning against the headboard Branch just stares at his vest left at the end of the bed & has a moment of clarity. Like oh, that's why i felt terrible, i left my little brother behind. (Keep in mind that no, he didn’t really do that, but he’s a kid and that whole ‘see you later’ really shook him so he’s making some jumps in logic)(there some projecting happening as well)
So yeah, gained a brother!! yay!!! Cooper beat you to that revelation yeeaarrrss ago lol.
One thing I like about branch being a big bro is this idea that the more he learns about what it means to be one, the less he can understand his brothers. And are they his brothers?? Over the years it’s not looking like it.
#asks#wow didn't think i had that much to say lol#i bet this premise had been thought about before#but it’s still nice to think about :)#make no mistake branch still pretty much lives in the bunker. He only stays in the pod when it’s relatively quiet enough.#there are a lot of bunker sleepovers whenever there’s an overnight party#he officially move out when he’s considered old enough to be coopers carer. Until then he studies up & prepares the bunker#branch has a blue hue to him. it happens gradually so no one really notices#imagine when branch carried bby coops back to the villlage C reaches up and puts his face in hair cause y’know he’s baby#and this baby has a long enough neck to reach#thinking Cooper is 17/18 during first trolls events??#branch is the tiniest bit more integrated into the village#he stays around the outskirts for cooper some days#coopers hangs out in the village if his friends are there. he also likes to join in on some singing and dancing as long it isn’t too loud#he's still part of the snack pack i think?#cooper would not like creek in this au.#lol cooper just straight up tells creek something like ‘wow you sure are full of yourself huh'#lol coopers blunt honesty would probs be more prevalent.#also important point that this all happens while B is a kid#he’s more receptive than if he was older; he hasn’t built thst high of walls around him#rn he’s more sad and scared rather than being at odds w/ the village#first time writing out a… plot summary?? au synopsis??#Thanks for asking!!! uh hopefully you guys liked the ramble :)#any of this can change tbh :) its all been brainstorms for now#idk what i would call this au if i did make it.#i am cringe but i am free#b&c au ??
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magical-oppas · 6 months
I was having a debate with my friends about how Charles kinda looks like a cute little mouse. They didnt see the vision so I had to bust out my artistic skills
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Let me introduce you to Charlie-Mouse
We then decided that he looked lonely so we decided to give him some mice friends.
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Here is Maxie-Mouse
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And this is Lala-Mouse
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Here we have Oscie-Mouse
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And finally, Chilli-Mouse
I should also probably mention that this was done while on a group discord call at like 3am. I hope you enjoy. I am open to criticism regarding my artistic skills.
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martinskiseyes · 19 days
#i dont think i will ever be able to tell if im bi or gay or or#shucks mannnn compulsory heterosexuality makes me immediately sick#and in the literal sense too#like i was at my friend's wedding and brought a guy (a friend of mine or acquaintance more like. i just thought he is a good fit for#wedding party. and he was)#but all my friends were immediately like. as soon as he went to the bathroom. they were going ' you should 100% date him'#'he is a good husband material' 'we could finally go on double dates🤠'#right after i felt so sick i thought i was gonna throw up#i mean it might be the alcohol kicking in but i just find it funny that i felt it after they said all that#two of my friends wanted to speak in private with me and were like 'is he..? are u considering him AT LEAST?'#i know they had no bad intentions. quite the opposite but years after years i still get sad (understatement tbh) abt it..#another part of me knows that this is my fault bc i should've just communicated that i am not comfortable about such comments and#that i (surprise surprise) might not be straight! and that this isnt any default sexuality#buuuuuut how do i tell them this when i honestly dont feel like telling them so that i am able to figure things out on my own terms. i mean#one of my friends kind of knows and i never ever said anything to confirm nor deny anything xjhstwfy why is it so hard#on the other hand. yesterday for the first time i kind of got the feeling that it doesnt matter and that either way i will find happiness#SOME DAY maybe and i dont have to say anything and i can just not take their ~advice seriously and go on about my life#mine
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lloydfrontera · 2 months
Im so curious
What about BK Moon gives you so much beef with him like the misogyny I understand but you talk about him like there's more
it's all the untapped potential. that's all it is. bk moon can be such a good writer at times and there's some genuinely interesting and fascinating ideas in his work, but man do they get buried under some of the most bizarre and tedious plots he can come up with.
he comes up with some amazing dynamics, concepts and characters and then does shit with them. he writes incredibly passionate and heart-wrenching relationships between his male protagonists and then shoves them into the most boring and/or underdeveloped straight romances possible. he describes utterly horrifying scenarios (affectionate) with such vivid detail you can almost see them play out perfectly in your head and then goes on and on about very boring topics with too much detail that you can skip without losing anything for it.
his novels could be so good... if only they were good. there's something there but you have to grab a shovel and dig them up by yourself because he's not gonna help you do it.
he's a good writer! but he could so much better. and that's what makes it so infuriating! because i see the potential, i see the seeds being planted, i see what could've been... and i can't do anything about it but make silly little posts about it! i wanna be his editor and beta-reader soooo bad.
but to be clear i don't have,, real beef with the man. like. i don't know him. i just read what he writes and sometimes stalk his fb but that's it. my feelings about him are completely based on what his writing and his novels tell me and nothing more. and i do like his writing! i genuinely do enjoy his style and the way he writes! some times more than others but nonetheless!
and also sometimes i just like being dramatic. sometimes i'm mildly annoyed by one of his writing decision and i say i'll stab a man. doesn't mean i actually hate his guts or anything aksjhdka
i will even admit that maybe if his novels were better i wouldn't be so into them as i am. take orv for example. i love it, i definitely binge-read it, cried my heart out and it remains one of my favorite webnovels of all time. but i didn't dedicate two years of my life to talk about it, y'know? it's so good i don't really have anything to add to the conversation. unlike with tged and cpsm where i have entirely too much to say about them.
i guess i just... mourn the wasted potential of his writing. and like with a lot of other authors i can't help but be bitter about the hetero/amatonormativity that seeps into it. if he were just a little bit more open to write his protagonists as anything else than straight or at least stopped adding romance for romance sake, his novels would stand out from many others even with his rather run-of-the-mill plots.
also i'm salty that he keeps catering to whiny dudebros with such fragile egos they can't handle an emotional scene without calling it cringe. when he could be catering to me instead <3 i, unlike them, do appreciate how he writes incredibly deep and passionate friendships between men willing to risk the whole world for one another <33
tldr: he gives me brain worms. and i'm mad about it. he needs a better editor and it should be me.
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