#when i was too nauseous to work due to all the painkillers i took last on an empty stomach last week
midnight-rice · 6 months
ok tumblr really *has* broken my speaking mannerisms, at work I found two cup lids that had melted together inseparably and muttered "this, too, is yuri" as if that's a normal thing to say on a sunday morning
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Wilbur Soot- MCC
Request: Can u make a part two of MCC when ur on ur period I would love to see Wilbur! Also love ur HC!
Warnings: female reader implied, periods and cramps mentioned 
~ I have been looking forward to this MCC since it was announced because I finally get to be in the same team as my boyfriend we have both won separately and the people we are teamed with are also really good so expectations are pretty high which has me nervous. I've been training extra hard as well to try and make my weaknesses less obvious so that the rest of my team won't have to carry me on certain games. All of this training however has made me super tired because I stayed up practicing and streaming last night which was kind of stupid of me but I can just drink a red bull or something to wake me up.
Wilbur has been super excited too because he has wanted to be on a team with me for a while and has been begging Scott to let it happen and he must have finally gave in. I love that he's excited to team with me and not have to be against me but I feel like there is more pressure because he really wants us to win together but its so hard to tell if that will happen. I would love to be quietly confident but there are some really strong teams although we do have George and Phil as well who are both pretty good (did I just make an elite team like imagine adding Dream as well) so we may have a good chance.
He pulled me up in the afternoon after I had been trying to catch up on my sleep to go on a walk before we will be stuck in our offices for ages. Wilbur has his office in an office building but I have mine at home because I like being able to just watch tv or get a snack when I'm working but its kind of good because it means there will be no echo from the both of us talking at the same time but we won't be able to celebrate together if we win.
On our walk my back started to really hurt as well as my stomach and immediately I knew what was up, I'm starting my period. I knew it was due but I was hoping it wouldn't be today because my performance will be even worse if my stomach hurts the whole time which I know it will. Wilbur could tell there was something wrong with me when I moved my hand over my stomach and walked quicker to get back home and sort everything out.
"You ok there?" He asked
"I'm good just cramps" I said
"Aww I'm sorry do you want to go home?" He asked
All I had to do was nod slightly and we were on our way home and Wilbur had an arm around my waist proving a bit of warmth to sooth my cramps a little bit. He has seen me doubled over with pain and sometimes get nauseous with how bad they can be so he knows that MCC tonight is going to be a struggle hence why I don't ever stream when I've got cramps because I will just curl up in a ball in pain if I do. We got home and when I had been to the bathroom Wilbur was waiting with painkillers and a heating pad to make it a bit better and he cuddled with me on the sofa until he had to leave to go to his office.
Once he was gone I needed a distraction so I started my stream to get a bit more practice in while just talking to my chat, they were concerned when I kept wincing after a wave of pain but I assured them everything was fine and I just wasn't feeling my best. Soon enough Wilbur joined the team vc and we interacted on stream for the first time in quite a while, the other joined soon as well and we headed into the main server for the start of the event. MCC is one of my favourite streams to do because everyone gets behind the whole team and cheers us on plus its a good chance to interact with new people, the viewers also love it each time which keeps me going even when its a game I don't like.
Half way through we were doing pretty good sitting comfortably in second place which is right where we wanted to be but next is ace race which is Wilbur's least favourite game and I'm not very good either plus with the new map we are all struggling. Getting into the game I was so nervous because I've been doing really well so far and have been sitting on 4th overall for the past 2 games and I would love to stay there but that probably won't happen. Phil is pretty good at ace race so I tried following him around but I quickly lost him and was going round with Wilbur instead both of us swearing when we couldn't make it through a particular part or our elytras were playing up.
"Fuck sake I hate this stupid jump pad" I said
"You bastard" Wilbur said
If anyone was hoping for a swear free stream then that went out the window very quickly, the combination of me, Wilbur and ace race is not a good one for no swearing. I can't even count how many times we both swore throughout but I imagine it was a lot although in the end it was worth it because I finished in 7th which is the best I ever did and Wilbur was 10th so we did really well. Coming out of ace race I went straight to the build with the leaderboard to see how I was doing and I'd moved up into 3rd in the overall so of course I took a million screenshots and got Wilbur to join some of them.
"You are doing so good I'm so proud of you" he said
"Thank you you're doing good too you're in 8th" I said
The last game soon came and finished and the nerves as we went into the hub to see our final placement were sky high especially because I did awful in survival games because my cramps started to get worse again and I just couldn't concentrate. We all loaded in and looked at the leaderboard and we were still in second, that means dodgebolt which I'm normally pretty good at but its just not going to happen today.
I'm so excited because we could actually win like Wilbur and I wanted but this is the hard part and with me not at my best I don't know how well it will go, people often target me too because I'm good at dodgebolt so I might get knocked out pretty easily. Wilbur was texting me during the break to see how I was doing and was reassuring me through discord that we could do this, he was also ready to come home right away and told me to stay streaming so we could celebrate together if we win and if not just to give the viewers a bit of content.
Dodgebolt got underway and we won the first game with a bit of ease so my confidence was rising as my cramps were getting worse. Game two started off badly when me and George got knocked out pretty quickly with Wilbur following not long after but Phil pulled through and won us the tournament.
"Well done everyone you all did really well" I said
"You did great too" Phil said
"Great job everyone but I'm gonna go home, y/n I'm coming for you" Wilbur said
With that he left the call and was on his way back while the rest of us celebrated and talked to friends on other teams or people who joined our vc to talk. It's been a while since I've won MCC so it was nice to feel that sense of achievement again and my chat are happy which is what I always want. I had a lot of Wilbur's viewers too as they joined to see him when he got back but honestly we share a lot of the same audience so it didn't feel bad only having this amount of viewers because of him because they are kind of my viewers too.
Eventually Wilbur got home and burst through the doors to my office arms wide open wrapping the round me and the back of my chair before giving me a chance to get up and let him sit down. I sat on lap and we talked to chat for a bit while he had his hands on my stomach slightly massaging it to help my cramps which was much appreciated. We celebrated our win together and promised to show off our coins when we get them before ending stream and climbing into bed.
When in bed I laid on top of Wilbur because it was comfy and he was warm while he rubbed up and down my back soothing me until I fell asleep while whispering cute things in my ears.
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writersrealmbts · 4 years
A Natural: Part 6
Description: Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader: You’re a single mom, and your son is your entire world. When you take him to get his first hybrid, his choice is pretty bewildering, until you realize that he was picking out a dad.
Posted: 03/11/2021
Tags: Taehyung, Hybrid Taehyung, Human Reader
Wordcount: 5,024
A/N: It has not been a year, I’m still sorry. It just takes however much time it takes. 
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“What do you mean, no?” You asked, leaning back into the chair, dumbfounded. “He was allowed to come in last time.”
“The laws changed,” The man answered carefully. “The hybrid laws.”
You gripped the arms of the chair. “What?”
He uneasily handed you a newspaper.
You scanned over it, anger boiling up in you. “What?”
He folded his hands together. “I’m not saying we agree with this, but we have to comply or we could find ourselves in legal trouble. It’s the same for your other friend.”
You froze, thinking of Seokjin, who was supposed to work today. “I need to warn him….” You scrambled for your phone, quickly dialing Seokjin’s number.
Yoongi answered, but you gave him a quick rundown and he said he would tell Jin.
After you did that, looking at the newspaper in your lap, you sighed. “This timing isn’t good.”
“I know. I’m very sorry. But I also need to talk to you about your son’s recovery.”
You froze, slowly returning your gaze to the man. “Okay.”
“We’ve noticed in his physical therapy that he gets disoriented very quickly when we’re working with the crutches. Any time he’s in a standing position. We want to run some tests to see if there’s a reason for it.”
You nodded slowly. “Alright.”
“We want to do another MRI,” he said carefully.
You shifted uncomfortably. “Oh.”
“I understand that you’re in a difficult situation, financially. But we don’t want to risk anything.”
You nodded. “We don’t. Whatever he needs. I’ll…I’ll figure it out. Do what you need to.”
He nodded as well. “I’ll get it scheduled and we’ll tell his physical therapy doctors to keep him still until we can figure out what’s been going on.”
“Thank you.”
“And…there’s still a certification program for hybrids….” He hinted carefully, pulling a pamphlet from his desk drawer and slipping it across the desk.
You took it and nodded. “Alright. Thank you.”
He dipped his head.
You exited the office, clutching the paper in your hand, and then went down to lean in the doorway of your baby’s room.
Theo was awake, talking quietly with Jimin over the homework Namjoon had dropped off. He looked tired, and not at all as happy as normal.
You went in, not interrupting as you climbed up to sit beside him carefully.
He leaned into your hold. “Mommy, everything hurts.”
You kissed his head, holding him as tightly as you dared without hurting him. “I know. Why don’t we work on your homework some other time?”
Jimin gathered it up when Theo only sighed and closed his eyes, leaning further into your arms. “Where’s…?”
You cut him off with a look, darting a glance at Theo.
But Theo was already asleep, so you took a deep breath. “The laws changed last night. Hybrids…their freedom. Gone. Long story. Warned Yoongi and Jin. I’ll tell Taehyung when I leave. For now I just told him to stay in the car. I can’t stay long because of it, though.”
Jimin nodded. “I’ve got the day off. I can stay with him. What else did the doctor say?”
“They want to do another MRI, he’s been getting disoriented when upright.”
He frowned. “I wondered. He was okay until the nurse and I helped him to the bathroom, then he seemed to be in a lot of pain.”
You sighed. “I might drop Taehyung off at home and come back.”
“Work?” He asked.
You sighed. “Audits. We’re not allowed at the office. That’s why Yoongi is home.”
“Audits?” His eyes widened. “That doesn’t sound good.”
“Well, it’s every section but mine and Yoongi’s so we’re the only ones with job security at the moment. If the company survives, that is.”
Jimin was quiet for a moment. “And if it doesn’t?”
“I’m going to have to find another way of paying these bills.” You smoothed Theo’s hair, studying the little frown on his face. He looked so frail to you. Sure, he was getting better. And he’d been in great spirits most of the time. He didn’t normally seem this frail. Maybe it was all in your head due to your conversation with the doctor.
“The nurse got permission to give him more painkiller before you went into the meeting with the doctor,” Jimin murmured, also looking at Theo.
You frowned. “He hasn’t had that very often. Only mild ones at night, to help him sleep better.”
Jimin nodded. “Thought so. Don’t like that.”
“Don’t like that at all,” You agreed, pressing another soft kiss to Theo’s forehead. “Stay close to him while I take Tae home?”
He nodded. “I’ll tell Theo you’ll be right back if he wakes up.”
“Thanks, Jimin. Everything quiet on your family front?”
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah. They’re quiet for now. The dna test shut them up pretty well. Haven’t heard a peep, especially since you shut that lawyer up.”
You nodded. “Let’s hope it stays that way for now.”
Jimin nodded as well. “He’s really out. Go. You’ll be back soon.”
“Right,” You agreed, reluctantly, carefully extricating yourself from your precious son and his hospital bed. “If the doctor comes by with paperwork for the MRI tell him I’ll be back shortly and tell him about this?”
“Of course. Go, y/n. The quicker you leave, the quicker you’ll be back. I’m going to call and check on Jin.”
You nodded and grabbed your purse, looking over your precious baby one more time before hurrying toward the stairs.
Taehyung was pouting and playing on the tablet that you had brought for yourself, but he perked up when he saw you.
“The laws changed last night,” You told him before you were even fully in the vehicle. “If you want to visit him at the hospital you’d have to become an aid-hybrid.”
He took the pamphlet, frowning. “But…I just want to see my pup. Why can’t I see him?”
“I wish I knew. I have to take you home, though, and then I need to come back because they want to do another MRI and I haven’t signed the paperwork for it yet. He’s having a bad day,” You murmured, sighing. “He had to have pain medicine. He hasn’t had pain medicine during the day in a while.”
Taehyung whimpered, leaning across the console to rest his forehead on your shoulder. “But I want to see him. I want to see him. I know I can’t, but I want to.”
“I know. We’ll figure it out.” You told him softly. “He’s alive. He’s alive, we’re together. And if we can ever get him fully healthy, he’ll come home and we’ll all be together there. And we’ll take him to school, and he’ll grow up, and be good. He’ll be so good.”
“Amazingly good, the best, he’ll be the best person in the world—I can smell it!”
You gave him a gentle smile and then started driving, because you needed to get back to the hospital before any sort of MRI took place. You wanted to be there if they found anything. Anything at all.
You had just pulled into the driveway, when your phone started ringing.
Taehyung had grabbed it while you put the car in park, but he handed it to you with wide eyes.
You snatched it. “Jimin?”
“They-they…he—” Jimin stuttered, then let out a sound while you were throwing the car into reverse and Taehyung was keeping lookout for you. “He just…started…and they…”
“Jimin, full sentences. What happened?” You demanded, racing back toward the hospital.
“He woke up, but he was crying, and he was in too much pain and I paged the nurse and then Theo was screaming because he was in pain, and he wet the bed and the nurse hit the emergency button and they rushed him to testing and—y/n….”
You barely got the car into park, letting Taehyung take care of the vehicle as you bolted to the stairs and took them two at a time.
Jimin met you in the hall, but he was still babbling more or less, absolutely terrified.
You dragged him down the hall to a nurse that seemed to be waiting for you.
“He had a spinal aneurysm that ruptured, he’s in surgery right now and we’re doing everything we can for him. We’ll let you know his condition as things progress.”
You nodded, wanting to snap out a response about not being informed last time, but too scared.
Hadn’t you already gotten too close to losing your baby once?
Jimin squeezed your hand tight and gently pulled you away. “Did you get Taehyung home?”
You shook your head. “We’d just pulled in when you called. He’s parking the car.”
“Okay. Yoongi’s on his way with Jin. Jin can drive Taehyung back to the house.”
“You called Yoongi?”
“I was on the phone with him when Theo woke up. He wanted to take Jin over to your house to be with Tae anyway. He said somebody sane should be here with us when he texted me later.”
“Well he’s not wrong,” You breathed, the feeling of being punched finally settling into your stomach and leaving you breathless. Your baby was in surgery. Again.
It was an age before Yoongi actually arrived, crouching in front of you. “Any news?”
“Ruptured spinal aneurysm. Surgery. Supposedly getting more updates,” You croaked out. You wished Taehyung was here to squeeze the life out of you, but you opted for crushing Jimin and Yoongi’s hands.
“Ok…ok…um…Jin is with Tae, we saw him in the parking lot. I told them to go back to your house, if that’s okay?”
You nodded. “They can’t come in. It’s best if they’re somewhere they can sit comfortably.”
“I almost texted Namjoon and Hoseok but then I figured they were at work and I didn’t want them being distracted for the rest of the day. Best to fill them in when we know more, right?” Yoongi kept talking in a calm tone that was doing wonders to stop your head from spinning. “Have you told Taehyung what you know so far?”
You shook your head.
“Alright, Jin has his phone if you want to call and talk to Taehyung.”
You nodded.
Yoongi pulled out his phone and dialed a number. “Hey, give the phone to Taehyung?”
You waited while Yoongi did, feeling nauseous.
“Hey, y/n wanted to talk to you,” Yoongi murmured, looking up and rubbing the back of your hand. “If she forgets, Theo is in surgery.”
You took the offered phone and got up, pacing away to find a place you could talk and break down without anyone around. “Tae?”
“Surgery?” Tae asked quietly.
“Um…ruptured…spinal aneurysm. They’re trying to fix him…but…they told me he was getting better. They told me….” You sat on the stairs and tried to breath.
“I know,” He whimpered. “I know. I wish I could be there. What can I do?”
“What can any of us do?” You asked in return. “Pray? Wish? Hope?”
“Hyung said we both needed to drink a glass of water,” Taehyung sniffled. “And I’ll do all of those things. Okay? We’re not giving up, not until we’re forced to. Both of us will go drink a big glass of water, try to calm down enough to not go crazy and rely on the others to help us through this.”
“Yeah…yeah, okay.”
“Call or text any new information?”
“I’ll give Yoongi that job since he’s the sane one.”
“That works. Y/n? You know that no matter what, you’ve still got me?”
You managed a bit of a smile. “I remember.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” You hung up and stumbled back to the other two, letting your head fall onto Jimin’s shoulder. “I’ve been told to drink lots of water.”
Yoongi nodded. “I’ll go get all of us some bottles of water. And some snacks. We don’t want to be able to see him and then have to leave because we’re hungry.”
“And can you text them the updates as we get them?”
“Of course. Leave it to me. Thank god we had the day off, huh?” Yoongi tried, attempting to lighten the mood a bit.
You managed to nod even if your face refused to acknowledge the twinge of amusement you felt.
Yoongi kissed the top of your head. “We’ve got you, y/n.”
Jimin nodded as he rested his head on top of yours.
Yoongi kissed Jimin’s head as well, then strolled off to the cafeteria.
A doctor was the one to come out and call for Theo’s family.
An uneasy feeling bloomed within you, but you followed him into the consultation room with Jimin in tow and Yoongi promising to be right outside.
“We’ve done everything we can to help him, but there was significant damage that could cause life-long problems—”
“He’ll live?” Jimin clarified.
The doctor nodded, smiling gently. “He’ll live, but he may be paralyzed or live with significant pain. There is a minimal chance of there being no paralysis.” He kept talking about conditions and things but you were stuck in what had already been said. The word paralyzed bouncing around and echoing in your mind and not leaving any room for anything else.
You knew Jimin was filling Yoongi in, but you just couldn’t focus.
Theo was out of it when he woke up, still drugged up, but you got him to take some ice chips, and then sung him to sleep.
Hoseok and Namjoon showed up a little earlier than you expected, even with their summer schedules, but they were there.
Almost everyone was there, but the one other person that mattered the most to you and Theo.
“This one wouldn’t reach the threshold,” Yoongi grumbled, then shook his head. “That’s it. I’ll make the ramps you need. Come on. Let’s go pick up the supplies.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, pushing the cart with supplies after him. The two of you were picking up everything you needed to make things accessible for Theo. You’d done extensive research, and talked to a couple different companies about making your house wheelchair friendly, but all of them were so exorbitantly expensive that after crunching the numbers with Yoongi and Namjoon’s help, it turned out cheaper to just do it yourself, and since Yoongi was also on paid leave for work with the audit continuing, he offered to help set up and install everything.
“I’m sure. I took a lot of woodshop and carpentry classes in high school. Ended up helping the teacher teach the class. And my dad taught me a lot of things as well. He had a construction company and during the summers I would help out on some of the sites for some cash.” Yoongi glanced at his watch. “The class finishes in forty minutes, then we can pick up Jin and Taehyung, head back to the house and get some work done before you have to go relieve Namjoon at the hospital. Even then, Hoseok said he could take the next shift because Theo said he wanted to do some school work.”
“I never thought I’d be grateful for extended paid vacation due to auditing that might put me out of a job,” You muttered, thinking about how crazy it would all be if you had been juggling work on top of all of the things going on.
Theo was paralyzed from the waist down, which meant he would be wheelchair bound, and which meant you had a lot of work to do in the house. You’d already rearranged his room to be more accessible for him, and you’d checked the height of the dining table with the chair and your neighbor, who actually installed tubs and showers for a living, basically gave you all of the bathroom things that would help Theo, and had them installed for you for free since you’d helped him figure out an accounting thing earlier that year that saved his company from hemorrhaging money. You’d found a sort of kitchen counter-like table that you had set up now that was at a good wheelchair height. But there were still things like ramps that needed to be put in and around the house, and things in his bedroom to help him get in and out of bed, and just…things to give him more independence as he got older. Yes, a lot of that would come in the form of physical therapy, but until then, you wanted to make your house as accessible as possible.
“Jin said the class was a joke. He’s been compiling more useful information from perusing the internet and different nursing books.” Yoongi grabbed different types and shapes of wood that made little sense to you, but you figured he knew what he was doing. “He’s practically written his own guide at this point and has been going through it with Taehyung. Jimin’s been helping them, too.”
“Have you heard about that town?” You asked.
He turned toward you and nodded slowly. “I have. Jin just about cried hearing that there was a town, or at least a company, that was trying to take care of the hybrids in it. These laws are ridiculous. No, they’re cruel. A death sentence. I’m glad someone found a way around it all.”
“What are you going to do if the company goes out of business?”
Yoongi sighed, leaning against the shelf. “I don’t know. Jimin’s mentioned maybe starting our own company, so that we could employ Jin, but none of us could come up with any ideas for the company.”
You nodded. “Well, if you do come up with one, let me know. I’m a good number cruncher.”
He chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind. Alright, I think we just need some paint and some sand and we’ll be ready.”
“Paint and sand? Sand paper?”
“Nah, just sand.”
You followed after him, bewildered, but unable to find the words to ask what the sand was for.
“See, when I’m finishing the ramps, I’ll mix some sand into the paint for the tops of the ramps, and that will provide more grip for the wheels and for anyone who might be walking up the ramp as well. Less chance to slip and fall, but also still saving you money.”
You nodded, still a little lost, but trusting him anyway.
Jin and Taehyung were waiting on the bench outside the building, both talking animatedly, when you and Yoongi picked them up.
“This class is a joke,” Jin huffed. “We take the test tomorrow and we’ve learned nothing.”
“Except that the teacher doesn’t have any personal hygiene,” Taehyung added. “Hyung’s going to go over things that he saw in a nursing book with me instead. And Jimin’s going to bring some more books from the library when he gets out of work. I found more information about what might need doing from an article about trained service dogs.”
“Well, Theo will still have some independence, you know. So he won’t need as much as a service dog might provide, at least, not as much as far as we know. I’m still apprehensive about the other, other, other shoe dropping,” You muttered, rubbing your temples. “And at least it should be easy for you to get certified, even if that means you learn more at home. It will allow you to go to Theo’s school and such so it serves its purpose.”
“Yeah. I just…I think it’s a shame that this is all they’re teaching hybrids who are supposed to be helping people. I think we could do better,” Taehyung had a pout in his voice.
You opened your mouth, and closed it, turning slightly to look at Yoongi.
He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, catching your look and nodding slightly.
That was definitely an idea.
“It couldn’t be that hard to teach us things like, how to lift an injured person, or how to help a blind person, or heck, what you need to know to help anyone. Why not teach hybrids sign language? I know it takes time to learn things like that, but come on! At least get us started, or connected to classes,” Jin ranted. “If a nurse can teach a parent how to lift their injured child to help them, why can’t hybrids be taught that? Most hybrids are stronger by nature! And we can provide more tangible companionship than dogs, who get twice the training we do! No, five times!”
“Did you want to attend the service dog training classes?” Yoongi asked, sounding serious.
That made Seokjin pause. “Wait, why?”
“Well, we could round out our company, and the world always needs more service animals and hybrids, plus then you’d have even more extensive training. Remember that abandoned building over on Fitzgerald road? It’s still in good condition and it’s probably big enough for multiple classes, and training. There’s probably more that we’ll have to look into, but getting certified might be a good first step.” Yoongi looked like he was already mentally crunching numbers.
You slowly started nodding. “Yeah. It would.”
Jin and Taehyung looked lost, but you weren’t really ready to expand as you started calculating an estimate of what it possibly could take to open a training center. Your savings would be shot when it came time to pay the medical bills in full.
Yoongi turned on music just as Taehyung started asking what the two of you had been talking about.
It appeared to be forgotten once at the house though.
By the end of the day, Yoongi had two ramps that were the perfect height and slope and fit over the steps beautifully. Only two more ramps were needed and he promised to have them done by the next day. Then the two of you were sitting with Jimin while the hybrids poured over a book Jimin had brought from the library.
“How much money would it cost to start up?” Jimin asked, looking at the list you and Yoongi had compiled after your research during lunch (you’d given Hoseok the go-ahead to take the next shift with Theo after a phone call with your baby that proved he was in good spirits and more than ready for some catch-up schoolwork).
You pushed the paper toward Jimin.
His eyes scanned it, then he leaned back with a “huh”.
“I can’t swing it with the medical bills,” You murmured, anxiously tapping the end of the pen on your hand.
“My parents want to pay for them. I say let them. And I can do this, like an investment,” Jimin said, shrugging. “Do it. I bet the shelters would love a way for more hybrids to be adopted, and it makes sense. We all still have our jobs, so it’s not like we’re going to risk too much right now. One of us will have to get certified, but I can do that since I’ve already taken some of the classes. And I bet we can work with some of the shelters. I think it’s feasible.”
Yoongi nodded. “I think so too, but Jimin, I can contribute to paying for it all.”
“Forget it, my parents settled their fortune on me after they got their heads out of their asses about Theo’s existence.” Jimin shrugged. “There was more to it than that, but after hours of arguing…let’s just say they’ll be quiet for now. I don’t promise there won’t be trouble in the future, but for now things should be okay. But back to business. Let’s start getting everything together, and working on whatever certifications we might need for this. If you guys want to contribute, you can do so in other ways, but for now it’s best if our money comes from a single source. You’re paying for the apartment right now, anyway, hyung. Think of it as the rent and groceries for the past four months.”
Yoongi was studying Jimin. “You caved and went to work with them, didn’t you? Is that where this job came from?”
“No, I negotiated and my job until I inherit is to manage updating our rental properties and everything that goes with them. It’s more basic than it sounds.” Jimin waved it away. “I’m happy with it, so I’m not complaining, and I can cover the start-up costs. I’ll probably want to work with all of you anyway, so we can just settle it with wages later. You guys do the brain-work, because it makes my head spin.”
“I don’t think I can let your parents pay for Theo. There are too many strings that could still be attached,” You said carefully.
“Look, I can’t explain everything right now, but the money they planned to use had been set aside for…my brother. Since my brother is dead, I convinced them it was only fair and right that his son inherit that. The eventual agreement was that it would be used to pay for his medical bills if he had any, and then college if he wanted to go. Otherwise he would inherit at thirty. There’s a lot more discussion they want to have. With a lawyer, and with you present, in regards to the money, but this was what we managed to come to for the time being. If you refuse, then I have to go back and argue with them for another three days. Please don’t make me argue with them for another three days.” Jimin flopped onto the table with a pout.
You weighed the options out, but kept staring at him. “The strings are attached to you, aren’t they?”
He sighed. “Why am I friends with people who are so suspicious? Yeah, sure. I mean, they made me promise that I would keep them updated on his health. Give them the highlights, like, “Oh, he won the school spelling be” or “he got straight A’s on his report card, again”. But I made them promise not to try and contact you or Theo except through me, and I have it in writing with several witnesses, including their lawyers and a lawyer friend of mine. Is that okay?”
You nodded slowly. “Okay. You can tell them they can pay his medical bills, only because our boss is an idiot that tried to embezzle and if he gets away with it me and Yoongi will be the first ones fired for reporting it.”
“Fair enough,” Jimin replied, smiling. “I’ll let them know. Now, any more objections?”
“I have an objection,” Taehyung huffed, folding his arms. “Don’t you think it’s a little rude to talk so secretively in front of other people?”
Seokjin looked nervous about Taehyung’s objection, fiddling with his flip phone.
Yoongi shrugged. “You two were reading, we were working.”
“Working?” Taehyung asked, coming over and plopping into the chair you pushed out for him.
Seokjin sat beside Jimin.
Yoongi started to talk, but the doorbell rang.
You paused, surprised, then hurried toward the door.
Namjoon held up the bags of food. “I brought dinner. Hoseok is on his way. The hospital had to do a security drill and wouldn’t let him back in because he went to the car to get his book while Theo was sleeping. He said he talked to Theo on the phone and Theo said it was okay for him to go. He still expects you later.”
You nodded. “Okay. Thanks for bringing food, I hadn’t even thought about it.”
“You aren’t going to close the door?”
“Hoseok’s pulling in, it’d be a little awkward,” You answered, glad when Jin came and took the bags from Namjoon because he looked about five seconds away from dropping all of the food onto the ground.
Hoseok hurried up to you. “I’m so—”
“Namjoon explained already. I’ll call Theo’s room and check on him, and I’ll head over as soon as we’re done eating. Come on, Yoongi was about to explain what our job-plan is for after we lose our current jobs.” You ushered him into the house and led the way back. “How’s your summer going so far?”
“I miss teaching already,” Hoseok complained.
After everyone had gotten a plate full of food, Yoongi went over the entire plan concisely. “If we can get this to work, then not only could you two work if you wanted, but we could also help other hybrids get adopted or help them get jobs when the laws change. Because there’s no way these laws are staying the same. It’s still going to be a process, but if we can get it to work….”
Namjoon nodded. “That would be cool. And I would totally be cool with teaching there too, especially in the summer.”
Hoseok nodded emphatically. “I mean, I wouldn’t want as crazy of a schedule as during the school year, but uh, income would be nice.”
“What, tutoring my baby so that he won’t be behind next school year isn’t enough for you?” You teased.
Hoseok rolled his eyes. “You’re paying me in edible food, remember?
“How did lessons go?” Taehyung asked, longing in his eyes.
Hoseok got quiet. “It…was slow. I can see his mind working, but he just can’t seem to find the answer even though I know he knows it and he knows that he knows it. I just think it will take a while for his brain to readjust. There’s a lot going on still, and he’s still getting it, it’s just taking him longer than it used to. He’ll get better at it as he gets physically stronger and things don’t tire him out as easily. He’s still a great speller. He spouts out words all the time.”
You nodded. “He’s been through a lot. He’s still bright and happy, and he’s…mentally active and able. That’s more than enough for me.”
Tae nodded, leaning to rest his head on your shoulder, gazing at nothing. Probably thinking about Theo.
You knew you were thinking about your son. You just wanted to bring him home.
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Taehyung Masterpost.  Masterlist.  
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hurt-spock · 4 years
Fic: Everything’s Not Lost 1/?
(Full Chapter One Version)
The first thing he was aware of was a slight acrid smell. And then the realisation that something was very wrong.
Spock's eyes opened quickly and he was aware of how dim the craft was. “Doctor?”
“Mm,” came a mumbled response. Spock unclipped his safety belt. The viewscreen had malfunctioned and instead of showing what was outside the craft, it was blank and black. There were some dim emergency power lights working but they weren't working well. Spock's Vulcan eyesight helped him see things more clearly. McCoy would not have that luxury. The craft had crashed and had ended up tilted on its left side. Spock clambered over to where McCoy was and roused the Doctor carefully.
Blue eyes met Spock's own and there was a moment's confusion before he recalled what had happened. “Dammit,” he muttered. “Are you okay?”
“I am. Yourself?”
“Maybe a little sore from the landing.” The huge bump across McCoy's brow bone said otherwise. “We crashed, right?”
“We crashed,” Spock confirmed. “The planet is habitable. We can leave the craft if you wish.”
“I suppose it's better than staying in here,” McCoy stated as he climbed out of his seat and followed Spock to the door. “At least I'll be able to see something.”  
Spock grabbed two of the survival kits and handed one to McCoy before attempting to open the door. When it didn't budge, he handed McCoy the other kit so his hands were free and he could dedicate all his strength to it. McCoy pulled out one of the flash-lights so he could see a little better and watched Spock strain so much he thought something might pop. But then he stopped straining and looked at the door. “It is not going to open,” Spock said.
“No shit,” McCoy replied. “So, we'll stay inside then.”
Spock nodded but did not look content.
“What's wrong?” McCoy asked. He knew Spock well enough by now to know that what Spock didn't say was just as important as what he did say.
“Life support will only last for approximately four hours.”
“Only four?”
“It may be slightly more or less. I can not be sure with all the equipment down.”
“So if we don't get out of here before then, we're dead?”
“Not exactly,” Spock replied.
“You've got a plan?” McCoy asked, hopefully.
The look on Spock's face made it clear he did not have a plan.  
“Aw, fucking shit!”
“There is a breach somewhere. We are taking in water and I estimate that it will take around two hours for the shuttle to be flooded.”
McCoy stared at Spock. “Are we on fire as well? Maybe some toxic fumes that'll kill us in twenty minutes?”
“Perhaps. But if they are, I can not detect them,” Spock dead-panned back.
“What can we do?”
“I can try and use the phaser to aide an escape, however, if we are completely submerged it will amount to making a larger hole. If we can not get out in time, we will die.”
“Can you tell if we're submerged?” McCoy asked.
Spock considered. “I could make a small hole at the top of the craft.”
“Yes, do that!” McCoy said.
Spock adjusted the phaser and took careful consideration of where to make the hole. It took a while for the beam to penetrate all the way through and when it did nothing but air came in.
“Well that's a relief,” McCoy said.
“Hm,” Spock said, distractedly. He continued with the phaser making the hole bigger when the beam vanished.
“Don't tell me it's run out of juice?”
Spock looked at McCoy and didn't say a word, handing the phaser to him. McCoy studied it, tried it himself before throwing the thing to the floor in frustration. “Goddammit, we're gonna die in here, aren't we?”
“We have more oxygen,” Spock said. “We just have to wait for rescue. The Captain will find us.” It didn't change the fact that they would still drown in the shuttle before they lacked oxygen.
Spock was using the most positivity his neutral tone could muster up. McCoy sighed and nodded in agreement. He sat back in one of the seats. Spock was taking stock of the situation, gathering data. He moved around the shuttle checking for anything they could use.
“Jim's not going to get to us in time,” McCoy stated.
Spock stopped what he was doing and looked to McCoy.
“We weren't due back onboard for six hours when we left the planet. I heard you tell Jim that.”
“True. However, Jim did say that if they completed their own tasks they would meet us. He is aware that the shuttle has limited speed. It would make sense for them to meet us, if they had the time.”
“It is all we have to hope for, Doctor. A small hope, but hope nonetheless.”
“Hm,” was all the response he gave. “You don't need the light, do you?”
“No,” Spock replied.
McCoy switched it off and closed his eyes. He didn't want to see the water rising.
McCoy hadn't been aware of how exhausted he had been until he woke. It took him a few moments to get some clarity and when he did, he wondered how much time they had left.
He had stretched his legs across to another seat so he was more comfortable and when he sat up, he was shocked at the water he plunged his legs in too. It was cold as well. “Spock?”
“Where are you?” McCoy asked. He had raised his legs back out of the water but it was only a matter of time before the water reached the seat.
“I am here,” Spock replied. He sounded as though he were at the back of the shuttle. McCoy fumbled for the flash-light and flicked it on before seeking out Spock.
The Vulcan was sat on top of two empty storage crates he had moved closer to the hole.
“Are you okay?” McCoy asked.
“I am,” Spock replied.
“What are you doing over there?”
“Attempting to escape,” Spock informed him. “Stay there, Doctor,” Spock said when McCoy looked to be coming over. “It will be best to stay dry as long as you can.”
“So, how are we escaping?” McCoy asked.
“The phaser made a hole. I have found a piece of the shuttle that we may be able to use to increase the size of the hole.”
“Can't we use it to open the door?” McCoy asked.
“I did attempt it. But the door will not open. I believe we crashed into a rock in some sort of body of water. A lake or river, I assume. I believe escape through the door is impossible. Once this hole is wide enough I should be able to increase it using the piece of the shuttle as a lever.”
“Spock, that's insane,” McCoy protested.
“Insane or not, it is the only chance we have to escape from here.”
McCoy turned the flash-light to the hole. It was a little larger than before but not by much, it was barely the size of a fist. Spock had donned some gloves and he watched in awe as Spock pulled at the metal exterior and increased the size of the hole. Not by much, but he did increase it. Spock was making slow progress. He was gathering all his strength with a complete stillness between attempts, not wasting energy with anything else other than freeing them.
McCoy could only watch the painfully slow process, watch as Spock used all of his strength and energy to slowly increase the gap. He forced himself to ignore the fact that the metal was tearing into Spock's skin and that green drops of blood dripped down into the ever-rising water. He said and did nothing when the water reached the seat, despite how cold it was.
When the hole was finally large enough for the metal lever, McCoy felt a surge of hope. “You're doing great,” he encouraged, wishing he could do more. “Why don't you let me try while you rest?” McCoy offered.
“No offense intended Doctor, but I do not believe you would be able to assist. However, if you have anything that would assist energy levels, I will gladly accept,”
McCoy grabbed his kit and rummaged through it. He had a few items in the kit that would suit Spock's biology but an energy booster wasn't something he would think to bring. Vulcan's had bags of stamina However, he did have an adrenaline boost fit for humans and  he hoped it would benefit him. While he continued to ready himself, he threw an energy bar Spock's way. “Okay, we'll try this,” McCoy said.
“I'll come to you,” Spock said.
“No. You're already using your energy to try and get us out of here. You don't need to waste extra energy trying to stay warm as well.” McCoy said and he plunged himself into the water and waded over to Spock. It was just about knee height, although the angle of the shuttle meant it was deeper in some areas than others. McCoy gave Spock two hypos. “The second one is for the pain I know you're in. When we get out of here, I'm checking those hands.” Spock nodded. “I know pain relief is not usually something you like but I've been working on this for months to try and get you something that doesn't make you nauseous. I'm pretty certain I got it right and this isn't the ideal way to test it but there's no way there are any adverse side effects. At the very worst, it won't be a great painkiller.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Spock said.
McCoy turned and started to make his way back to his seat. He hoped that Spock would get the energy he needed to get them out of here before the water got a lot higher, but looking at the hole when he'd been close to Spock showed him how little progress Spock had really made. McCoy was doubtful that Spock would be able to create a big enough hole for them to get through, but he wouldn't stop supporting his friend in his plight, he only wished he could do more. His wandering mind made him lose track of the awkward footing the shuttle's angle created and he took a misstep and slipped, submerging himself in the water. The water wasn't that deep, but the shock of slipping made his gasp in a breath of water. He struggled to right himself, thinking that if he didn't do so quickly enough Spock would be in after him and he gasped in oxygen as he righted himself, coughing and spluttering as he did so.
“What a clumsy arsehole I am,” he said eventually after he'd caught his breath and clambered back into his chair. The exertion hadn't done him much good and he could see Spock shooting concerned glances his way. He really was fine, if not a little embarrassed.
Whether it was McCoy's slip or the effects the hypos and food had, but Spock worked diligently on widening the hole. It was close to big enough for them to squeeze through when the water had reached just above McCoy's waist as he stood in the water. It looked tight but it might be enough. McCoy had watched Spock's arms tremble with the effort to widen the gap further and if there was a chance he might be able to get out without putting more pressure on Spock, he would do his best.
“Let me try,” McCoy insisted.
“I should go first, to ensure it is safe outside,” Spock said.
“Yeah, but if I get stuck, I don't think I could push you through,” McCoy joked.
Spock looked at the hole he'd created. “Let me just try to widen it a little further. I doubt either of us can fit through it easily,” he said. Spock's fatigued muscles trembled when he picked up the lever, let alone trying to prise the metal further apart. It seemed he made a little more progress.
“Okay, that's enough,” McCoy encouraged. “I'm sure I can fit through that.”
They moved the empty storage boxes Spock had sat on beneath the hole and McCoy clambered up. He had to twist his body into a certain angle to get through. It was bad luck that McCoy's calf caught against the side of the metal and cut his leg open, blood spurting from the wound. “Shit!” he exclaimed as he hauled himself out. “Pass me my bag,” he asked Spock, reaching back down into the hole, vaguely aware of the slight spatter of blood decorating Spock's face. He pulled his trouser leg up and saw the deep cut. It wasn't a big wound and he quickly wiped it down and bandaged it. He quickly looked around himself for signs of danger and saw no one and looked back down at Spock. “I'm okay,” he assured him. Spock nodded and started to pass the emergency kits out. McCoy carefully put them to one side, making sure they wouldn't fall into the water surrounding the crashed shuttle.
Spock barely had the strength left in his arms to haul himself out. He adopted the same shape as McCoy to squeeze through the hole, but once his arms were out, he struggled to pull his remaining bodyweight out. McCoy had to grab and haul him out as best he could. It didn't help that they were both soaked through and it carried extra weight, let alone them being cold as well.
It took Spock a moment to recover once they were free from the shuttle and McCoy noticed Spock's hand rub his midsection. He may have caught it climbing out of the craft, it wouldn't be surprising the way he'd had to do it.
The sky was a ghastly yellow tinge looking sick and ill but the unmistakable storm clouds ahead were somehow worse.
“Over there,” Spock said, point to a slight clearing up ahead where the trees gave some slight shelter.
McCoy nodded and they both clambered over the shuttle and through the shallow water and onto dry land, heading into the trees and the shelter it gave.
They both sat in the shallow shelter breathing heavily. They were soaked, cold, and exhausted.
“Now we can wait for rescue,” McCoy said.
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sickjoonie · 5 years
ooooh, did you ever continue the jk drabble? he said once that he cant eat late cause it makes him sick. maybe him waking up feeling pukey and awful in the middle of the night and doing that ’oh i dont need to move to the bathroom yet’ thing until he ends up spewing on himself by accident then asking yoongi for something to settle his belly when throwing up hasnt made him feel better? (blame bleucheeks for this one... i cant get it out of my head that yoongi has the meds cause of them)
jungkook felt like he was going to burst, to say the least.
they had returned from a meeting going over the details of their recent album. it had been incredibly successful, to say the least, and everyone was in high spirits.
being treated to a celebratory dinner full of meat and an assortment of dishes from kimchi stew to bibimbap while on an empty stomach was the recipe for disaster. yoongi and seokjin had worked hard on the meal, almost going overboard with how much they cooked. then again, with how deep jungkook’s and taehyung’s stomachs seemed to be, there was no such thing as going overboard. 
jungkook was weak to food and all self control went out the window once he had the first bite. by the time yoongi brought out some dessert, jungkook’s stomach was stuffed way past its limit.
he was so, so full and his jeans were way too tight by now. he stifled a loud burp, feeling his ears heat up with embarrassment. normally, he wasn’t bothered with burping after a meal. this time, he had overdone it, turning him shy around his hyungs.
it was getting late; surely he could manage to sneak off under the excuse of being exhausted.
he quickly excused himself to his room, not wanting anyone to catch onto the discomfort he was feeling.  he ignored any odd looks from his hyungs, wanting to get to the privacy of his room to deal with his overstuffed belly on his own.
once the door was shut, jungkook groaned and clutched his stomach.
“oh, fuck,” jungkook groaned, feeling how bloated his stomach was under his hands. he couldn’t remember the last time he had gone this overboard. his stomach gave a pained growl, displeased and ill-prepared to digest all of the food.
he unbuttoned his pants, relieving some of the pressure on his stomach, and changed into a pair of dirty sweatpants instead. he laid down on his bed, curling up around his stomach. he massaged it with one hand, desperately seeking relief. he burped quietly as a result from the added pressure from his hands.
along with the fullness came a wave of heavy sleepiness as his body began to work on digesting. he let it take over him, easily falling into the food coma and finding relief in the form of sleep.
he expected to sleep the food off, maybe wake up a bit bloated the next morning. the problem was his stomach got temperamental during the night due to acid reflux. he had learned to stay up a little while longer after dinner to give his stomach time to settle down and process everything he had eaten.
it had taken him months of waking up to a belly ache in the middle of the night before he had learned how to time his eating to his sleep schedule.
he had forgotten that, too dazed from overeating. 
jungkook woke up to his stomach growling and nausea swirling in his stomach. he sat up in an instant, whimpering as his stomach protested the movement. his tongue felt heavy in his mouth and his mind was still foggy with sleep.
his stomach never felt this nauseous before during the night, but then again, he didn’t normally eat so much.
he swallowed back the bile, forcing himself to breathe deeply, concentrating hard on keeping his stomach in place. he really didn’t want to throw up, instead telling himself that it was merely a bad case of indigestion.
he hiccuped wetly and swallowed again. he didn’t feel any better and was feeling more and more sick with each minute. jungkook ignored the symptoms, staring into the darkness of his room and practically panting from holding back his nausea.
just when he was considering moving to the bathroom, he lurched forward with a wet gag, followed by a heave that brought up a mouth full of sick onto his blankets. all control was lost, leaving him vomiting violently, coughing and choking for air in between the heaves.
it was far too long before his stomach settled down, returning to painful cramps and a simmering nausea that threatened to increase at any minute.
jungkook was now wide awake, blankets covered in puke and stomach still throwing a tantrum. it was painstakingly obvious that he couldn’t handle this on his own anymore.
jungkook shakily got up, moving away from the soiled blankets and grabbing his phone from his discarded pants. he held a hand on his belly, opening his contacts to find his hyung.
if there was anyone who knew how to settle his belly, it would be yoongi hyung. he had medication for anything and everything, from burns to indigestion to migraines. jungkook was sure he would have something for his belly.
it took three calls before yoongi finally picked up.
“kook you little shit,” yoongi’s sleepy voice echoed through the phone’s speakers.
“h-hyung,” jungkook rasped out, “i need some medicine.”
without any context, yoongi didn’t care. “find it yourself.” as far as he was concerned jungkook had merely woken him up for some standard painkillers.
jungkook sighed softly. “i also kind of, uh, puked.” he paused, hearing yoongi take a sharp breath. “all over my bed.”
that got yoongi’s attention. jungkook heard some shuffling, indicating that yoongi was getting up. “aish, kid. your tummy doesn’t know how to time things right, huh?” yoongi sighed. his voice took on a much softer tone, one that made jungkook want to curl up in his arms. “you’ll be alright, bun. hyung will be there in a second, okay? if you feel sick again, head to the bathroom.”
jungkook hummed quietly, then hung up. he rubbed his stomach slowly, whimpering as it seized up with another cramp. it seemed that vomiting had done nothing to help it settle down; he could still hear it gurgling and protesting all the food left in it.
he moved to sit in his desk chair, not wanting to return to his bedsheets but stomach feeling too sore to continue standing. he tried to settle his stomach, taking deep breaths while gently running his fingers over his stomach in circles. he coaxed up a few burps, though it did little to help.
the door opened to his room and the light was flicked on, revealing yoongi in the doorway, struggling to carry everything he had gathered for the maknae. he sighed, seeing the ruined sheets.
“come on, kookie. you can stay in my room.”
jungkook silently got up, trailing after yoongi like a lost puppy and following his hyung to his room. once there, yoongi instructed him to lay back on the bed, pillows already propped up. jungkook laid down and, to his surprise, found himself being tucked in by yoongi.
“poor kookie, your tummy is so temperamental at night,” yoongi cooed, softly ruffling up jungkook’s hair. he moved over to the stuff he had gathered. he returned to jungkook’s side with a heating pad, plugging it into the wall. “hyung will take care of you, don’t worry. your tummy will feel better in no time.”
jungkook didn’t say anything, too nauseous and embarrassed to speak. he should have stayed up and let his stomach instead of running off from his hyungs.
yoongi placed the heating pad on jungkook’s stomach, then kissed jungkook’s forehead. “i know you’re blaming yourself, bunny. these things happen, you can’t control your body.”
jungkook didn’t say anything, placing a hand on the heating pad. it was slowly warming up and would hopefully settle his stomach.
yoongi once again got up, this time bringing back a glass of water and a small pill. “do you think you can take this, bun?”
jungkook nodded, taking the pill from yoongi and placing it in his mouth. he swallowed it down with small sips of water, wincing at his stomach’s protest.
yoongi took the water glass from him, setting it on the nightstand. he sat down on the covers, hand once again returning to jungkook’s hair.
the maknae felt himself automatically relax as yoongi scratched his scalp, small tingles being spent down his spine.
after a while, yoongi was forced to get up. there was still a bed needing to be cleaned; nobody would want to clean it the next morning. “i’m gonna change your sheets, alright? i’ll be right back bun.”
jungkook gave a small nod, watching yoongi walk out of the room before letting his eyes slip close. he could feel occasional low glugs of digestion in his stomach, but it seemed that it was slowly settling down.
when yoongi returned twenty minutes later, jungkook immediately whined for the elder. now that he had medicine in his system and a heating pad, he needed the ultimate cure to all his woes: cuddles.
yoongi smiled fondly, recognizing the exaggerated pout on jungkook’s face. “what a baby,” he teased, climbing under the covers. 
jungkook instantly latched onto him, hiding his nose in his hyung’s sleep shirt. he felt yoongi’s laugh and the hand that landed on his back, pulling him closer.
“is hyung your new pillow?”
jungkook nodded. he felt the hand on his back begin to trace circles, making him sigh.
yoongi couldn’t help the warm feeling that enveloped his heart. “sleep well now, bunny. your pillow will always be here for you.”
jungkook didn’t doubt that for one second.
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truelovevoltage · 7 years
KBTBB: Taking care of you
“voltagemarveliceprincess said: Can you do a story where the mc from kbtbb is sick and her boyfriend takes care of her?”
“voltagemarveliceprincess said: No problem! Can you write the head cannon for eisuke, soryu, baba, and ota?”
Requested: Yes
For:  voltagemarveliceprincess
Smut: No
Eisuke Ichinomiya
After dating Eisuke for a long time, you knew how busy he was. You tried your best to keep up with his busy schedule because you didn’t want to bother him if something went wrong. Naturally, you didn’t abandon your job at the hotel as well. There was a meeting at the penthouse today, Eisuke said that were important for the company and he didn’t want to ruin anything.
Before Eisuke could even order that he needed coffee, you were one step ahead of him. “Don’t stay up too late.” You kissed his cheeks and headed off to bed, you expected Eisuke to say something predictable such as, “I’ll do what I want, you’re not the boss of me.” But nothing came, it just proves that he’s really concentrating on his pitch for the person coming tomorrow.
The following day came and you ate breakfast in the nearby cafe. You didn’t want to make any noise in the kitchen since Eisuke is doing some last minute touch-ups for his slideshow. You ate a lot in the cafe and regretted it later on due to the matter of running around getting In the middle of the meeting you started feeling nauseous. Before it came out, you excused yourself and ran to the bathroom. After you thought you finished throwing up, another round suddenly came after. Eisuke became worried because you were taking quite long in the washroom. “Y/N is everything all right?” He knocked on the door.
Standing on the ground you walked towards the door and answered Eisuke, “I’m fine. Now don’t worry about me and finish the meeting.” You pushed him out of your way. But you felt dizzy and leaned on him. Eisuke asked what’s wrong again but you told him to finish his meeting and you’ll be fine eventually.
Eisuke wrapped his meeting and took care of you. He found out that you had a slight fever from Luke and asked him how he should take care of you because let’s face it, he didn’t know what to do. “I know I’m new to this but I’ll take care of you. I’m willing to do anything just for you Y/N.” He said in an embarrassing tone.
Ota Kisaki
Ota took you to his studio. You didn’t question him about it but you were not expecting how many guests would show up today. “Ota, do you have a new piece that you wanted to show to them? Because there’s a lot of people in here.”
“No, there’s no new piece whatsoever. They’re here to offer me a new studio since this one is too small for my liking.” He grinned. You could see how happy he is. A new and bigger studio meant that he was growing as an artist. It also means that he already has new ideas for his upcoming exhibit, because, in your own opinion, the studio he has now is quite spacious.
It was quite peculiar to have these businessmen offer a deal with Ota. You thought that if he wanted a new and bigger studio he’d just go looking for one but every since you got involved with him, this sort of thing was a little predictable. They all offered their pitch to Ota, he brought you to the studio because he wanted your opinion on it as well.
Everyone’s pitch was unique in their own way, you wanted to hear more but a sudden migraine that appeared out of nowhere was not helping. You tried your best to conceal yourself from the pain you were getting. “Y/N what do you think?” You were unaware that Ota was talking to you and tried to get your attention for quite some time already. You snapped back into reality, “Uhm... Sorry, can you repeat your question?” He repeated his question but at that moment he knew something was not right.
“Can you please excuse us? I’d like to speak with my girlfriend alone.” The men nodded and left the room. You buried your face in your hands. In an instant, Ota knew what was wrong. “If you’re having a migraine, you could’ve just told me instead of hiding it from me.” He smiled. “If you’re thinking that I’m going to take the deal without you, you’re wrong. I have you now so every new adventure or a new chapter in my life, I want you to be there with me.”
You were happy to hear those from him. Yes, he can be a little bit hard to handle at times but seeing him act like this warms your heart. “I’ll take care of my little Koro until she gets better.” He winked. Of course, it won’t be the usual Ota if there was no teasing.
Baba Mitsunari
“Hey Pretty Lady, time to wake up,” Baba said in a gentle tone. Instead of waking up, you felt like you could sleep more hearing his voice. It was almost like a lullaby to you. Baba, on the other hand, scratched the back of his head and thought that waking you up in the morning was not effective.
However, that didn’t stop Baba from an attempt on waking you up today. Just for a time of change, Baba made breakfast just for you. He was extremely excited to see your face when you taste his cooking. In the end, he did succeed in trying to wake you up but that only resulted in getting a headache. But Baba’s angelic voice turned into an annoying sound to your ears.
Baba would poke your cheek and in the end, it was irritating you. Just before he pulled away from his finger you grabbed his arm, “Baba please stop and let me sleep just this once.” Baba was shocked due to how hot your hand is. “Y/N! You’re burning up!” He exclaimed. He started to panic for a few minutes until he finally came back to his senses and went back to the kitchen.
After Baba left, you drifted back to sleep. It was really helpful to get some rest. When you heard the door opened you opened your eyes and saw Baba carrying a tray. He apologized if he woke you up. “That’s alright Baba, I was getting hungry anyway.” You smiled weakly at him. “I’m not sure how this will taste but I made you food to help and hopefully it’ll bring down your temperature.” You contended with this moment with him.
Baba fed you until you finished your food. “Thank you, Baba it was delicious.” He kissed the crown of your head and said, “You’re welcome Y/N. I’ll always be here for you. Now I’ll go get some medicine then you can go back to sleep alright?” When he left the room just thought of how lucky you were to have him and that you were not alone anymore.
Soryu Oh
In the middle of the night, you suddenly got thirsty and went to the kitchen to get some water. But the moment that you stood up you felt like your head was going to split in half making you plopped right back down on the bed. The impact made Soryu stir awake. “Y/N? Why are you up so early?” He groggy asked.
You apologized to Soryu for waking him up. “I was going to grab some water when my head started to hurt.” You clutched your head hoping the stupid migraine to go away. You tried once again to get up to get some painkillers when Soryu stopped you. “I’ll go get some water and painkillers. You stay right here.” He kissed your temple and left your room.
The pain was quite annoying. It hurt so much that tears were sliding down your face. It might’ve been a little overboard having to cry over a migraine but it was out of your hand. It wasn’t that long before Soryu got back but he was panting hard. “Soryu? Did you run to the kitchen to grab water and then grabbed some painkillers?” You wiped your tears and face him.
Once Soryu regained his breathing pattern he answered you, “I did run to the kitchen and back here. Because I knew you’re in pain and I can only help but getting the painkillers quickly. In some way, it could relieve you from the pain you’re suffering from at the moment.” He handed the water and the painkiller to you. You gladly took it. “Now Y/N let’s go back to sleep and don’t worry about work tomorrow. I’ll tell Eisuke that you’re sick and you don’t have to worry because I will take care of you.” He kissed the crown of your head and you snuggled into his chest.
The following day Soryu took care of you like he promised. Even though he didn’t cook the food you ate in the morning he was the one who fed you. “Soryu, I can feed myself.” You muttered. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my girlfriend do it? Plus I told you that I was going to take care of you did I not?” Not wanting to argue with him any further, you decided to just go with the flow.
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juviatho · 8 years
( hospital visits | self-para ! )
    All that was audible was the sounds of distance chatter that was coming from outside the room and the annoying rhythmic beats of the heart monitor that was already driving her insane as she tried her best to open her eyes. It took a good minute or so for her to be able to fight the pain medication they’ve given her, exhaling loudly through her now parted lips eyes landing on the IV resting on her arm looking away almost instantly not wanting to pay too much attention to the needle in her arm. The petite brunette tried her best to sit up on the uncomfortable bed but with every movement that was made an obnoxious squeaking noise followed which didn’t fit well with the beeping of the heart monitor finally giving up and staying in the position, she had managed to get in. Hazel eyes glanced around the bland white room, though it was already a given especially with the faint smell of bleach in the air that she was in the hospital.             Her memory was blurry due to the painkillers they’d given her, yet the only thing she could make out was her father’s face and that’s all she really needed to place all the scattered puzzle pieces together. He had gotten bailed out of jail and wanted to finish what he started a month ago. The young girl knew it was just wishful thinking that she was able to stay living in her own happy and carefree world for too long without paying for her actions; she also knew her dad was one of the most powerful men in Greenville so it was no surprised that the jail couldn’t hold him for long.               After a few minutes of sitting in silence, the memory of the previous event rushed into her head, as she inhaled sharply. Her aunt had invited her over for dinner along with her cousins back in the mansion that they suddenly inhabited (not that she could blame them since it was a place that looked like it belonged in a fairy tale but if the walls could talk they’d tell them about all the nights Juvia spent crying praying for the pain to be over, or what rooms her father had laid a hand on her. If they knew that they wouldn’t even set foot in that place. ) Juvia didn't see any harm in going so she accepted the invitation as the petite brunette walked down the long driveway before even being able to reach the door all she could hear was the echo of angry screams that belonged to an all too familiar man. Fear and panic instantly arising inside the young girl turned on her heels and picked up her pace realizing what a bad idea it was to have even come but it was already too late as she locked eyes with her father as he stormed out of the mansion.               “There you are, you bitch!” he yelled as he practically sprints towards the brunette she could outrun him easily and go back to Nari's or even Jae's anywhere was better than here at the moment but for some reason, her legs stopped working as she found herself standing still. “You ruined my career; this is your entire fault!” he yelled as he finally reached her. Once again she let her father take out all his anger on her but he had a point, it was all her fault he lost everything he worked so hard on just because she was being a foolish girl. Juvia wouldn’t cry nor scream for help because she knew she deserved this, deep down she was scolding herself for that damn day back in January when she looked at the driver for help and now has to suffer the consequences of her actions. Time seemed to have slowed down as she felt her father's hand wrap around her throat, the faint screaming of her family getting closer and that was it. All she remembered was her father screaming his string of insults at her face as he didn't hold back as he continued to punch wherever he could on the young brunette as she laid still on the freezing snow that stung her exposed skin just praying silently for this to be over before blacking out due to the lack of oxygen.             At the sound of the jingling doorknob hazel hues slightly widen as she watched her aunt practically run towards her noticing the brunette was finally awake, “il mio tesoro!” she kneeled next to the bed taking Juvia’s hand in hers, “You’re awake! Thank goodness,” her aunt's voice sounding as if she had been crying, “I can’t believe your father went this far… if we would have known sooner about this we would have come and stopped him. But don’t worry you're safe now.” She knew her aunt’s words were meant to comfort her but all they did was make the petite girl feel nauseous and uneasy.  How could they say they didn’t know all of this was going on? It wasn’t exactly something she could hide all the bruises and scars that were more than noticeable whenever they came to visit, they knew exactly what her father was doing and just turned their heads until now. Juvia pulled her hand away from her aunt’s as she crossed her arms over her chest, “It’s fine, don’t worry about it, this isn’t anything new,” She responded idly. Her aunt furrowed her brows together as she looked at the petite girl, “it’s not fine, he could have killed you…” she muttered, her eyes watering up again but those words didn’t seem to faze Juvia in the slightest; she was all too used to it. The petite brunette just shrugged what else could she do? “After you’re released from here, we’re going to the airport right away and you’ll be staying with me.” the older women stated in a soft voice placing her hand on Juvia's shoulder. Now that had caught her attention as she turned slowly looking at her aunt in confusion, "What?" hoping she heard the older female wrong there was no way she was serious about taking Juvia back to Italy. "You can't be here anymore...it's too toxic and I'm worried about your mental health you know situations like this tend to cause a lot of mental illnesses and we just want to make sure you're okay." her voice was soft but yet seemed as if there was another reason as to why she wanted to take Juvia away. It was no secret that Juvia had her own problems starting with her anger problems along with her other health issues. "I'm nineteen; I can take care of myself." Her voice coming out more bitter than she intended, which received a loud exhale from the other woman. "You're still so young; you'll thank me later for this. I know it." Once again trying to reassure the brunette that Italy was a good idea though Juvia knew it wasn't. "No." Juvia protested. "What do you mean no? Your father got taken back to jail and I think this time he's going to stay there...you have no one here—" The woman instantly cut off by the younger girl. "What do you know what I have here or not? You've been in living away in Italy for all these years and you've not once cared about anything remotely related to me, so why now?" Juvia questioned clearly annoyed with other's word. Sure. Juvia wasn't exactly prom queen but the few friends she had were special to her and giving that up was too much to bare. "That's not true, Isabelle. You know that everyone cares about you back home...stop being so stubborn about this and just think about it, okay?" flashing a weak smile over at Juvia, before Juvia could reply the sound of her aunt's phone cut her off instantly receiving an apologetic look from the older female as she excused herself and picked up the call. Juvia wouldn't necessarily have called it ease dropping but the woman wasn't being as quiet as she thought she was as she began to speak. "Yeah, she's here with me—why?" she exhaled as if annoyed with the other person, "I'm trying to do that right now— she's being stubborn as always—look, she'll say yes no doubt about it—we're going to be rich again after that." and with that she hung up the phone and cleared her throat making her way back to the brunette who pretended to have been paying attention to her phone instead of the conversation. “So! Where were we?” “Who was that?” Juvia asked nonchalantly. it was funny really how everyone in her adoptive family thought of her as dumb even though Juvia was the only one to even get accepted to a college. “Oh no one just your uncle asking about something dumb.” she played it off in a honeyed voice. Juvia simply pulled a face and pressed her attention back to whatever she was last looking at. “It’s almost time for lunch, do you want something to eat?” she asked clearly wanting to start a conversation but the brunette could care. “I can’t eat anything here don’t worry about it.” she shrugged. The tension building up in the small closed room, as her aunt sucked her teeth before speaking.
“Alright, okay, I’ll find something else for you to eat,” she said dryly before looking back over at the brunette, “have you given thought to go to Italy with us?” she repeated a hint of hope in her voice. “I’m just confused on why exactly I have to go, there’s nothing for me there and I just can’t get up and leave the university,” Juvia stated hazel hues fixated on the woman next to her. “It’s because we just want the best for you.” That statement alone won a scoff from the young girl. “Cut the shit, I’m not fucking stupid so just tell me why the fuck I need to go back to Italy,” her voice louder than before and filled with irritation. “Fine, we’re not financially well back home but you can help us by marrying into one of the wealthiest families there...they have a son around your age and I think you guys would look cute together.” her voice sticky sweet. Juvia simply nodded her head as if she cared, how could after that family has put her through think that she’d help them in any way? She was hospitalized her father was trying to keep his end of the promise he made not so long ago, his words echoing in her mind. A sudden wave of sadness and anger rushing over her thinking back to everything he’s ever done to her. Every single little scar and bruise he left on her as if nothing and now his family needed her? “I don’t do marriage find someone else.” Juvia huffed out as she rolled her eyes. Just those words seemed to have triggered something in the older female as she glared over at Juvia; the hand that once meant to comfort her was now grabbing a fist full of the brunette’s hair yanking it closer towards the other.
“Your father was right about you, you’re just another ungrateful orphan,” she spat at the petite girl, which caused her to flinch slightly as she winced in pain but she couldn’t find her voice or her strength to push the other aside. “You’re going back to Italy with us whether you like it or not, I don’t give a damn about the pathetic life you have here. I should have told your father to leave you in that orphanage and root away.” Her words cutting like knives, her aunt being added to the list of people who hated her. Juvia wasn’t sure what she ever did make them hate her so much but she was surely going to give them a reason now as she nodded weakly feeling the stream of tears roll down her cheeks. 
“Yes, I understand I’m sorry,” Juvia spoke softly as her voice broke.  “Good, I knew I could count on you,” her aunt smiled bitterly as she let go of the other's hair before patting it down and brushing it with her fingers, “You’ll be a beautiful bride.” Hazel hues dropping down to her hands as she nodded in response, her aunt stood up and pecked a kiss on her forehead as she walked away as if nothing had ever happened. 
             An exasperated sigh left her parted lips as she rested her head back on the uncomfortable pillow once she heard the door close, another miserable day inside the bland hospital room. Juvia picked up her phone to see what time it was but she was simply greeted with a tear stained childlike girl looking back at her, bruises all over her face with a scar on her lower cheek it took her a few seconds to realize that person looking back at her was, in fact, herself as she lifted up her shaking fingers to touch the scar softly wincing at the stinging sensation not being able to stop the flow of tears that she held back. Inhaling sharply, her nose stuffy from her crying she finally unlocked her phone and looked at the date and time realizing she’d been in the hospital longer than she thought quietly doing the math in her head it had been exactly 49 hours and 34 minutes since she had last properly looked the night sky, her only comfort in times like this but instead, she was stuck inside an overly white room. Juvia had a million thoughts running through her mind at the moment how was she going to say goodbye to everyone she held dearly? No. She wasn’t going to. She had to think of a plan and no matter how long it took she was coming back to Greenville and wouldn’t have to deal with her adoptive family anymore.
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