#when i was underweight everyone was complimenting me and telling me i should become a model
cashew-milkk · 2 years
so i still have an eating disorder…
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
tbh... we have absolutely FAILED ppl with ea/ting disor.ders so fucking unimaginably bad, especially the visibly underweight ones. and we are still failing them to this day by avoiding valuable education out of discomfort and demonization. its genuinely appalling sometimes, to see just how Dangerously ignorant ppl are about this shit. bros listen 2 me rn. you are not a doctor, and you are Not going cure an ed with your almost laughably ignorant and malicious ‘reverse psychology’ bit where you call someone an ugly skeleton knocking on deaths door whos body needs to be banned from instagram forever, because you’re just ‘so scared theyre gonna die’ or w/e so you can legit pretend they dont exist, holy fucking Shit dude. that shame-and-shun tactic is so unbelievably dangerous. like, if you knew Anything REAL abt these disorders or frankly any mental health issues and cared enough to apply that then you would understand how thats just... pure cruelty. im sorry to be blunt but yeah this isnt a joke, it needs to be said that you are easily going to KILL SOMEONE with that kind of unfiltered uneducated IGNORANCE. it is inexcusably selfish, harmful, and ableist behavior, we have to stop this already.
imo there’s a Lot to be said about the toxicity spiral thats become the pro recovery movement and how much it rejects and speaks over the people its Supposed to support, becoming more about ‘anti symptoms’ than pro anything, but if you are gonna understand Anything new today at least learn this;;; hating yourself at unhealthy is Never ever going to be the key to loving yourself at healthy. being ashamed of yourself FOR being unhealthy, will NOT make you healthier, it’ll make you worse every time. im not tryna be mean but honestly how the actual FUCK do yalls brains work, it is SO wildly damaging to let yourself perpetuate this type of mindset, and then still claim pro recovery or w/e like recovery doesnt have to start at unhealthy??? like itll just happen overnight??? like that’ll help??? like if ppl catch you displaying symptoms of the disorder you LITERALLY HAVE, you arent allowed to talk abt it in any form without intense open negativity towards it and yourself, so ppl know ur definitely totally against it tho and not enabling urself, bc if you dont talk abt ur shame and embarrassment for it that means you arent recovering and need a mob after you??? thats how you think people are gonna get better????
ffs dont try to viciously shame yourself out of bad habits and treat your disorders like taboo, respect and love yourself wholly, the good and the bad, if you want to form better habits!!! ppl NEED to be encouraged to love themselves at unhealthy if they ever want to improve. you are not going to accidentally make them worse by not constantly shaming all their ‘flaws’, they are not MADE of ‘flaws’. by showing support for the mentally ill, you are not fucking supporting their ‘symptoms’, you are a supporting THE FUCKING PERSON EXPERIENCING THEM. and you DESPERATELY NEED TO DO THAT!! there is MORE TO THEM than their symptoms! there are things to COMPLIMENT them on besides their body! its gotten to this point that like. ppl are actually Afraid of just being nice to ppl with eds. they dont even wanna treat them like Humans outside of their disorder, all they see is a disorder. everyone is just SO afraid of ‘enabling’ them by not being vocally against their symptoms that they avoid them like the plague and dont even try to build them up, which is what they fucking need more than anything dude!! 
ppl think refusing to ever let an underweight person feel pretty or love their body where they are at is what they need and will force them to recover, or they think giving them goals like ‘you’ll be so much happier with a bigger body’ and ‘keep going one day you wont look so sick’ is at all different than their own internal dialogue, when the Truth (that people need to fucking know by now!), is that shame with mental health is incredibly dangerous, eds are diverse but theyre most often rooted in starvation as a form of self harm from an unwavering self hatred and feeling of failure or lack of control, one they already have deeply ingrained and will usually feel at Any Size, which is why so many feel unsatisfied and keep going and going till they die. the answer to this problem isnt gonna be inflicting more fucking self hate or pressure. thats gasoline on a fire. you cannot just try and. UNO REVERSE CARD THE ~RULES~ OF THEIR FUCKING MENTAL DISORDER and expect RECOVERY... oh my god dude, please, id laugh out loud if this wasnt so malicious.
listen, if you wanna help, like actually Care about Helping the way you claim the root of your attitude is, you need to make that person feel like they can love themselves, not try to make them ‘realize’ how ‘bad’ they are and how uncomfortable and scared they make you and how Not Allowed their behavior is, bc 1. body dysmorphia is a delusion,,, denial is a common association with addictive/self destructive behaviors,,,, you are going about it wrong if thats the first thing you try to accomplish, and 2. whether you like it or not ‘bad’ is gonna be your first checkpoint! who would be motivated to get better when all you’re doing is giving them an already failing grade and pushing them back??? 
you’re all just... so paralyzed by ignorant fear every time you interact with someone with an ed bc you are so fucking detached from it as a concept, but you wont LEARN how to BEHAVE AROUND THESE PPL! LIKE! and then you claim you act this way ‘because you care'. ok then why do you feel like you dont have to listen or learn??? why dont you see these tactics as needlessly cruel when its explained??? bc oh you cant ‘’’’’trust’’’’ ppl with eds to tell You how to help Them, right??? they’re probably lying, you know better than them ofc. smhhh, every other mental illness community gets to speak for themselves to the ppl without their experiences and therefore the ability to hurt them, sure, but not the sneaky ed people, they created pr.0/a.na/, (the ONLY existing space for encouraging mentally ill ppl in self destructive behaviors, obviously), so they dont know what they need, they have to be Told by Normal people bc their irrational brains are Just Too Broken. (/s)............ like.............?? it is Sooo fuckin prejudiced and disgusting tbh. we gotta do better than this. 
eds are almost completely left out of communities for mental health these days. its seriously so disappointing. if you ACTUALLY ‘care’, then ok you need to swallow your pride and do better, you need to Listen and not let your personal discomforts (genuine triggers excluded!) with their appearance or behaviors get in the way of how humanized and committed your decent treatment of their disorder is. tbr, sometimes you arent just ‘concerned’ about a person, sometimes how you go about your feelings is rooted in your inner urge to validate your own discomforts with them, which means it might end up more about you than about them, which hurts them. i mean for the love of god, these ppl are not ‘irresponsible’ for existing around others with their ~unhealthy bodies~, they are not a walking trigger and cant be treated like one, they arent contagious, they will not benefit mentally from hearing you say you think they should be physically banned from posting selfies or w/e, that isolation WONT prevent eds from ~~~spreading~~~ and will severely harm the person in question, you are not making a heroic decision to try and bully them away to ‘save’ others from ever being around them or save them from being around an “enabling” (supportive recovery/not shameful) community. you are not ‘fixing’ them by making them hate their underweight bodies. you’re LITERALLY just ignorant and prejudiced and ableist, your ideas are actually Very harmful, you are not a savior, you are making it worse, plain and simple. Please just start doing better already, its kind of a life or death situation here
#tw eating disorder ment// /#long post// /#tldr;;; hey guess what guys. you know what you should do if you think you see a body check??#compliment em. just avoid the topic of their weight/size/etc or their disorder (even to encourage them to recover. dont start there)#literally pm them and tell them you like their hair. their clothes. their voice. their personality. their art. their username. ANYTHING#that HUMANIZES THEM AS A PERSON OUTSIDE THEIR DISORDER#and BUILDS FOUNDATIONS FOR SELF LOVE!!!!!#/UNCONDITIONAL/ SELF LOVE that reminds them their value lies in MORE THAN THEIR BODY TYPE#that is so unfathomably fuckign IMPORTANTTTTT YOU GUYYYYS DONT UNDERSTAND I#literally please at the very least if u arent comfy with that just stop . Insulting. underweight bodies. that is literally.#'''enabling''' their habits. u have to be literally impossibly ignorant to think that wont make them worse. so. fuck you#if you actually 'care' abt these suffering ppl the way you claim uhhh improve your behavior after hearing all the flaws with it pointed out#puhlease#?#instead of just. sticking the r3xies in the corner and saying 'it makes me uncomfy so if i cant see it it doesnt matter'#like why tf do ppl assume so much of this is about 'attention' or rather positive attention for self destruction#and therefor ANY ATTENTION AT ALL must be bad and shunning is the right answer. like????#bro just. put in literally an ounce of effort here and give them the right KIND of attention which is easy to figure out if ur educated.#godddddddduhh#yes im sorry but the mentally ill slowly dying ppl DO require your attention actually. if ppl are in danger 'for attention' its uh.#more important that you just. dont ignore that and figure out the most nuanced responses Later actually#yall just dont want the responsibility on you if you say the wrong thing and im sorry but to an extent thats just... kinda... selfish#they need ya buddy you dont have to be bffs with every single one of em but you could just like. treat em like a person at least shruugg#all im asking is that yall educate yourselves a little better and stop this horrible shit
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inkedstarlight · 4 years
Bittersweet: Chapter Four
Summary: In which Nesta and Elain are introduced to the Inner Circle. Note: Read it on AO3 here! Warnings: mention of eating disorder, weight loss Bittersweet Masterlist
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Nesta was staring at her reflection when Elain knocked on her bedroom door.
“Feyre’s here!”
“I’ll be right out,” she called back.
Nesta directed her gaze back to the mirror. She didn’t know what to make of what she saw.
Her face was jaunt, the shadows under her eyes resembling purple bruises. Her face had always been angular, but never so bony. Her thick golden hair now hung limply, greasy strands falling into her face. Nesta hadn’t showered in days, and her breath reeked thanks to a lack of nutrients. She was the color of a ghost, nearly blending into her surroundings with her tiny presence. Nesta was shrinking into herself little by little. Until nothing remained.
She had never been so underweight, not even when their mom forgot to cook most nights. At Nesta’s normal weight, her toned thighs touched each other. Rolls formed on her stomach when she bent over. She looked like a woman.
But as she stared at the mirror, Nesta looked like a girl.
It wasn’t intentional. Gods, she’d seen what that sort of thing did to people. Elain struggled with an eating disorder since she was thirteen.
Those couple years were brutal. Their dad was emotionally absent, their mother gone. Feyre was working every day. Nesta did as much as she could, but… there’s only so much she could do. Their family couldn’t afford a therapist or nutritionist. Elain didn’t want to get better.
Then, Elain passed out walking home from school. That’s when Nesta had enough. She couldn’t stand to watch her sister completely disappear right in front of her eyes. So, she talked to Elain’s guidance counselor, Alis, who was the only qualified person there. The other counselors did shit. All they cared about was academics and nothing more. Alis gave Nesta pamphlets for free group therapy. Nesta marched home and told Elain about it.
She refused for a month.
Nesta had never seen Elain so angry and hopeless during those few weeks. Angry at Nesta for getting into her business. Hopeless in the way that she didn’t particularly care what happened to her.
Then, one day, Elain found Nesta sobbing on the floor of their bedroom. When Elain took a step closer, Nesta snapped. She screamed. Gods, did she scream. She begged – begged – Elain to stop killing herself. Nesta was desperate, and she knew the only way Elain would agree to get help was if Nesta asked her to do it for her. And so Elain agreed.
It took a long time; recovery isn’t a linear process in the slightest. But with time, Elain healed. She healed until she was doing it for herself, not just for Nesta. And now… now, Elain cherished her body. She’d once told Nesta that the intrusive thoughts still surfaced, but they weren’t nearly as loud as they used to be.
Nesta’s sudden weight loss… it wasn’t the same. It was the depression that was gnawing at her very flesh, the guilt that was eating her away until it hit bone. She didn’t care to eat. She didn’t care to do anything.
Elain had been trying to get her to eat every day. Three meals a day. She had always been a fabulous cook, baking and cooking until the sun set. Nesta wished she could stomach Elain’s food, but she felt as if she would throw up if she consumed anything more than a piece of fruit.
Nesta sighed with resignation. Turning her back to the mirror, she walked out of her room to find Feyre and Elain lounging in the kitchen. Elain’s profile was backlit by the window above the sink, highlighting her light hair.
“What do you want?” Nesta asked as she approached them, taking a seat on the stool. She’d completely lost energy during the past few weeks, and any semblance of patience was easily lost on her.
Feyre ignored her brash tone. “How are classes going?”
“Fine.” She didn’t bother elaborating. There wasn’t much to tell anyway.
“You look thin,” Feyre commented, running her eyes over Nesta’s barely visible body.
“Are you here to criticize my appearance or can I retreat back into my room?”
“It was just an observation, Nesta,” Feyre told her. Then, she addressed both of them. “My friends and I are having a dinner party tomorrow night at my house. It’s a small tradition that we do every other week. Do you guys want to come?”
“Yes!” Elain jumped up excitedly. She gripped Feyre’s shoulders, the latter smiling widely. “I finally have a reason to dress up!”
Feyre unraveled herself from Elain’s grip and turned to Nesta. “Are you in?”
“I’m invited?” She couldn’t help but ask. Feyre hadn’t exactly gone out of her way to spend time with Nesta. It wasn’t like Feyre was cruel to her; they’d simply become strangers after years of no communication. Feyre had shown Elain around town, but that courtesy didn’t extend to Nesta.
Feyre blew out a breath of air and nodded. “I want to try to fix… this.” She gestured between them.
Nesta would have laughed if it weren’t for the nervousness in Feyre’s eyes. “I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think I’m ready to meet your friends quite yet.”
I know I'm not ready.
Nesta had been doing better since the semester started; that much was true. Even so, she rarely talked to anyone, save the obligatory conversations with professors as well as her T.A.’s. She only left the apartment for classes and never lingered on campus to study or socialize. Considering it was a challenge to talk with her peers, Nesta was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to make conversation with her estranged sister’s friends.
“It would mean so much to me if you met them, especially Rhysand.”
“I said another time.” Nesta’s voice was hard.
Feyre squeezed the bridge of her nose as she tried to reign in her temper. “Please, Nesta? It would be good to get out of the apartment.” She looked resigned, as if she knew Nesta would refuse. “You don’t even have to say anything. No one there will question your silence, I promise. They’re all easygoing.”
She wasn’t asking much of Nesta. In fact, Feyre was asking for the bare minimum. And as much as Nesta dreaded the idea of being surrounded by a group of complete strangers…
You need them as much as they need you. Her father’s words echoed in her head.
Nesta nodded. “Okay.”
And with that, the tether between them began to mend.
Feyre and Rhysand’s house lay at the edge of the city, the stars brighter without the light pollution of the city. Elain marveled at the mountainous backdrop as she and Nesta pulled up to their spacious home in Elain’s old Beetle. Nesta’s stomach twisted when she noticed several cars parked in the driveway. She should turn around and return home, she wasn’t ready for –
“Let’s go inside!” Elain sang as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She wore an off-the-shoulder pink dress, the pastel color complimenting her fair skin. The soft fabric fell just below her knees, a gentle breeze caressing the skirt of the dress. She was stunning. Nesta had told her as much when Elain emerged from her room.
Nesta, on the other hand, had chosen to wear ripped jeans and a black hoodie. How she and Elain were related, Nesta had no idea.
They strolled to the front door, Elain bouncing with each step. She’d gushed throughout the entire car ride about the stories Feyre had told her about Rhysand, which somehow led to Elain rambling for ten minutes about her dream wedding.
Gods, Nesta had never met a bigger hopeless romantic.
Sounds of laughter could be heard from inside as they stepped onto the front porch. Elain didn’t hesitate as she knocked three times.
Feyre answered the door just seconds later. Her golden hair tumbled to her shoulders, an easy smile on her face. Nesta had never seen her sister look so happy. She was glowing, and it wasn’t because of the warm lights behind her.
“You made it!” Feyre exclaimed happily, opening the door wider to let them inside. She noticed the dish in Elain’s hands as they walked past her. “You didn’t have to bring anything, El.”
Elain only scoffed as Feyre closed the door behind them. “Like you would have been able to stop me.”
Just as Feyre was about to address Nesta, a few people – her friends, Nesta presumed – entered the foyer.
“Everyone, these are my sisters, Elain and Nesta.” Feyre gestured to them as they stood awkwardly in the doorway. “Elain and Nesta, this is everyone.”
A tall, dark haired man approached them, sliding his hand onto Feyre’s lower back.
Nesta knew who it was before he spoke.
His violet eyes sparkled. “I’m Rhysand,” he reached in to shake their hands. “I’ve heard a lot about you both.”
Elain really wasn’t lying about his eyes.
 He directed a blindingly white smile at Elain to which she returned. But when his gaze slid to Nesta, his grin slipped slightly, eyes narrowing.
What the hell?
“Well, isn’t this lovely,” a seductive voice drawled. Nesta’s attention was grabbed by the tiny girl who’d spoken, her hair sleek and short. She was standing at the kitchen table with her arms crossed over her chest, staring at Rhysand, and a raised brow that seemed to say, Really?
“I’m Amren.” She flashed Elain and Nesta a wicked grin. “Excuse Rhys’s poor manners.”
Nesta liked her already.
“This is Azriel,” she pointed to the brooding man behind her. He nearly blended into the shadows, his presence calm and quiet. Nesta couldn’t help but notice the scarring on his hands. She instinctively pulled her sweater over her wrists.
The man – Azriel – gave them an awkward wave, his gaze hovering on Elain who returned his greeting with an equally awkward wave of her own.
“I’m Morrigan,” a raspy voice sounded from the kitchen counter. A woman sat at the breakfast bar with a wine glass in hand. Her lips were painted the same crimson color of the drink she held. “But you can call me Mor.”
Another woman stood behind her, hands playing with Mor’s blonde hair. Her skin was a dark hazelnut, waves of thick, black hair framing her face. She wore a bright smile. Together they were regal, the picture of beauty. “This is my girlfriend, Aurra.”
Aurra murmured a greeting, to which Elain reciprocated with a bubbly enthusiasm.
“There’s one more of us, Cassian, but he’s in the Marines. He’s stationed in Turkey right now,” Rhysand explained. He directed the statement towards Elain. He didn’t seem to care to acknowledge Nesta’s presence. “He’ll be back in December.”
“Oh, I completely forgot!” Feyre jumped in. She looked at both Nesta and Elain. “I meant to mention this to you guys when I visited you the other day. Cassian actually lives in the same apartment complex as y’all. I think his place is just a floor above you, so you guys will get the chance to meet each other. It’s hard, though, because he never knows when he’s going to be deployed.”
Nesta nodded absentmindedly, uninterested in these people’s lives. She doubted she would see them again, much less the friend who lived near them.
After the introductions, everyone got settled. Feyre gestured Nesta and Elain to follow her into the living room.
“Dinner isn’t ready quite yet,” she explained, sending a pointed glare where Rhysand stood. He lifted his hands up in surrender. “So, I figured we can just drink and chat until Rhys can cook us something edible.”
Mor snorted from the kitchen at Feyre’s jab. She grabbed Aurra’s hand and they waltzed to the armchair that sat next to the vast fireplace. Aurra pulled Mor onto her lap, Mor giggling as she took a sip of her wine.
Feyre offered them wine. Nesta took hers and followed everyone to the living room. Luckily, she found a seat that distanced her slightly. Feyre sat atop a stool, Rhysand behind her to keep an eye on dinner. Amren lounged on a plush floor cushion, leaving Elain and Azriel on the loveseat.
The conversation came easy. Rhysand and Mor fired question after question at Elain, to which she answered happily. Feyre kept her word; everyone respected Nesta’s space. She was faced only with the occasional, “More wine?” or “The bathroom is over there.” It gave Nesta the opportunity to sit back unbothered and listen to the conversation.
“So how do you all know each other?” Elain asked curiously, gesturing to Feyre’s friends.
Rhysand smiled with fond memories. “I lived across the street from Azriel as a kid. Cassian is my adopted brother, so we all grew up with each other. Mor over here is my cousin. We all went to the same university. Amren…” Rhysand got silent. A small, contemplative smile grew on his face. “I don’t really know how she joined us. I’m pretty sure she approached us and told us that we were now friends with her.”
Amren nodded to confirm as everyone laughed. Her smile resembled the Cheshire Cat.
“And Feyre darling,” Rhysand looked at his girlfriend lovingly. “She stumbled upon us in our sophomore year. That’s a story for another night though.”
Nesta couldn’t help but snort at his nickname for her. Feyre shot her a glare.
After dinner, which ended up being soup thanks to Rhysand’s lack of cooking skills, they all retreated back to the living area. Feyre popped open yet another bottle of wine to top everyone off, and Elain brought out the cupcakes she’d made.
As they were enjoying her sister’s dessert, which was droolworthy like every dish in the past, Elain and Azriel caught Nesta’s attention from the loveseat. She’d noticed they hadn’t spoken much beyond “Hello” and “How are you?” Nesta attributed that to Elain’s innately nervous nature, so she was surprised when she struck up a conversation with him.
“Do you go to school?” Elain asked Azriel timidly, taking a sip of wine.
His head dipped down, tufts of black hair falling into his eyes. “I, uh, work at an animal shelter.”
Elain gasped loudly. She clutched his leg and looked at him with wide eyes. “I love animals! I want to rescue a dog.” Elain began rambling about the bunnies who lived in her garden, the many strays she’d found on the street back in high school, the bird she tended to when she noticed his broken wing.
Nesta watched Azriel smile for the first time tonight. Where most men would cringe from Elain’s incessant chatter, he leaned forward with interest. Nesta could tell he was hanging on to every word that left Elain’s mouth.
As the night went on, Nesta watched the dynamic between everyone. Where Azriel was timid, Mor was booming. She was always laughing at something (usually her own joke), and she made her opinions known. Nesta respected that.
Amren, though? Amren was a creature of her own. She was snarky to her friends, but the love could easily be seen in her eyes. Nesta immediately took to her.
And Rhysand? Nesta was unnerved by how… domestic Feyre and her boyfriend were. They acted like they were a married couple, for gods’ sake. She got second hand commitment phobia just by looking at them.
When it was time for them to leave, Feyre’s friends demanded they join again next week. Elain promised they’d be back again with a giggle, and Nesta swore she saw the light in Azriel’s eyes flare.
So, once a week, the lot of them got together to hang out. Feyre and Rhysand hosted most dinners thanks to their spacious house but occasionally, Mor and Aurra offered their place which was equally gorgeous.
As the weeks passed, Nesta slowly became more comfortable with everyone – though Rhysand typically avoided her, and she did the same. Though she remained near silent during the nights, Nesta found herself looking forward to the dinner gatherings.
And perhaps, perhaps she could find a home here.
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fatass-verified · 6 years
Why I didn't stop, and won't stop.
You know what's bullshit? When I first got to 60 kg, my whole family told me to stop, and when I didn't, they kept lecturing me and making me eat more, but then I got to 56 kg and lied about being 60 kg, and everyone believed me. When I gained back till 62 kg, everyone was telling me how I should take care of my diet again and how I looked better when I was 60 kg, what they didn't know is that I was 56 kg. Now, every time I eat something other than lunch in front of my family I get scolded for eating too much, even if it's the only thing I've had all day, it's all because when I gained, it happened in a huge binge cycle, and I get where they're coming from, binging is not good for me, but I don't think you should scold someone just because they're known for binging. When I got to 55 kg, no one said anything, when relatives we haven't seen in a while pointed out my weightloss, my mom was quick to answer "no, it's just the clothes", even tho the clothes I had on made me look fatter, I never got to reply, I was never given the chance. When I was 54 kg, I said I'm back at 60 kg, no one said anything, but when I gained till 56 kg again, and said I gained 5 kg, everyone suddenly beame nutritionists and started telling me how I should ease it down on chocolate and eat less meals in a day, "only" three meals a day, even tho the only meals I had were snacks, but they didn't see that, they didn't see that my food was only my snacks, that I barely ever ate full on meals, in their eyes I was snacking, and I should stop, which means stop eating completely. You see what's bullshit? They tell you to stop but encourage you to continue, they tell you to stop but the second you eat they change their minds, they tell you you look good and shouldn't lose anymore, but when you do, they compliment you. Do you see it? Do you see the lies? Nobody told me I could model when I was actually 60 kg, a teacher told me I had the body of a model when I was 56 kg, then my grandma did too, no one knew I was 56 kg, no one knows I'm almost underweight, they still say I have "a nice body" and that I shouldn't lose weight because I'd "lose the curves that make the body look good", I did lose, nobody told be I looked better before, on the contrary, they told me I look so much better now. When I first wanted to lose weight, I said I wanted to become 52 kg, because my mother was 52 kg when she got married and we're almost the same height, back then I wanted to be 40 kg, but I never said that, everybody got mad at me and said I have a better body than my mother when I got to 60 kg, I'm 2 kg away from my mother back then, guess what they say? They still talk about how my mother had an amazing body, they never mention my body, I get it, my boobs are twice as big as my mother's, my hips are wide, of course I don't look like her, I have more volume, more curves, but didn't they tell me curves are nice? They never tell me I had a better body than my mom, I'm sure when I get to 45 kg, they will, and I know it, why? Because they always lied about my body, saying I look good, but every time I lose weight more people tell me I have a nice body, no one says anything about me losing my ass, or going from a D/DD to C cup, they always say curves are nice tho. I don't get how they think, but I know one thing, the more I lose, the better I look, the closer to my goal, the more compliments, they never want me to lose weight, but they always find my body nicer at a lower weight, they're confused, but I know what I want, and I won't stop until I make it
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RFA + minor trio... MC with anorexia? I'm sorry if this bothers you, you don't have to answer, I'm just going through a rough patch and it would help. Thank you.
***I am not bothered, although, I am very concerned about you anon, please make sure that you eat and if you are having trouble, there are many anonymous hotlines you can call for help. Take care of yourself please T_TAlso, reminder, it is always best to seek professional help, the RFA characters are just normal people at the ebd of the day though and I have to work with *their* personalities not necessarily what is best for you. They are not perfect, but they try really really hard. ~Let’s Connect! FFC***
Characterbreakdown: Good ending canon characters, Secret ending 02 Saeran, V from theoriginal routes with no operation, my version ofVanderwood as seen in my VanderwoodBackstory Fanfiction
His first indication that something was wrong was that you wouldn’t eat dinner with him
The one time you had eaten dinner with him, he’d questioned you time after time as to why you only picked at your food rather than truly eating. He’d noticed how you shrunk into yourself when he asked, but he wasn’t sure
As time went on, he saw how thin you were getting, the way you seemed to be so wispy and weak
Jumin immediately began researching all of your symptoms, at first coming to the conclusion you had cancer, thanks WebDoc, but upon actually confronting you, the truth came out
His face had a total change. “MC. You should have told me much sooner.”
He was somewhat business like, getting you the best of doctors and therapists, but whenever you were alone he was so gentle, offering you small portions of snacks that he even had made himself instead of calling for the cooks
Every step of the way, Jumin was there with a gentle or a tough love manner as needed, reminding you just how beautiful and loved you were, especially when healthy
With his own eating habits and sleeping schedule, it takes him a long time to notice that you were eating like a rabbit, very little and not nutritiously whatsoever, but what was he supposed to say that wouldn’t make him hypocritical?
He figured that you were just like he was, an irregular lifestyle that still kept you healthy, right up until he rolled over to pull you close and he felt just how thin you’d gotten
Seven recoiled from you, staring at you open mouthed for a while and you kept asking him what was wrong and what had gone wrong, but he played it off as everything was fine
The next morning, for some reason, Vanderwood was there cooking small snacks and marking them
Seven came up to you and pulled you into his arms, all pretense of joking gone as he told you that everything was okay, and you were both going to do better from here on out
He would tell you how amazing you looked with every pound you gained, making a nifty little scale that would count downwards the amount of pounds you needed to gain rather than showing a scale that went upwards so as to help your psyche handle it
You were both able to eat healthier, and the small meals with an actual schedule really helped Thanks to Vanderwood’s cooking.
She was constantly trying to offer you more food when you would just pick at your lunch at the cafe’
Jaehee, being the person she is, simply just let it be, thinking you must have just been one of those people who ate very little for lunch and more for breakfast and dinner
It became more concerning as you began to collapse during your shift from fatigue and general lack of energy
“MC, this is it. We’re going to see a doctor.” Not only was not being able to complete your shift inappropriate, but she was also really worried about her partner
Once it became apparent that you were anorexic and had become intensely underweight, cue momma Jaehee mode
It was almost like having your own personal assistant as she took charge of your needs and vetted the proper therapist/nutritionist for you
Even though it was an added expense: “It’s best to leave this to the professionals.”
She would reward you with Zen movie marathons when you made healthy choices, and who’s going to turn that down?
He notices almost immediately that you’re losing weight. Not that he’s constantly looking at you or anything
Zen continues to try to get you to be honest about why you were losing so much weight, but it wasn’t until he found the size 0 ‘Goal pants’ in your closet along with a number of women’s magazines all based on the ideal body type that he understood
Once he confronted you, you revealed that you felt inadequate next to him, even more so when people were criticizing your appearance online
Cue Zen taking cooking classes just so he could make you healthier meals, becoming your personal trainer to teach you how to properly work on your body, and praising you constantly, even more than he ever had before, my beautiful Babe~
This boy was making you food constantly for your dates, but you always seemed to not have much of an appetite, and it made him think you hated his cooking so he just tried harder!
It wasn’t long before he noticed the way his hoodie seemed to swallow you up when you’d wear it at his place, and…snuggling you seemed to not be as cozy anymore
As a vet medicine student, he confronted you and demanded you see a doctor because he was afraid you were ill. Your refusal and eventual breakdown that you were just anorexic made his violet eyes go wide
“But MC, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen…” His astonishment quickly turned to determination. “My precious girl won’t be allowed to suffer any longer!”
Along with his vet homework, Yoosung takes it upon himself to study how to help people with eating disorders and even goes to group meetings with you to make sure you’re comfortable and feel safe
Thanks to his loss of vision, he can’t see much of you to begin with, so he doesn’t notice the weight loss or really how little you eat until the two of you start to get physical with each other
It’s only all too apparent to him that you’re severely underweight, and he asks for Jumin’s help in getting you appointments with the best doctors in town
He knows all too well at this point that he can’t expect to heal your problems with love and pretty words, so he makes sure to enter a program for enablers as well so that he can be of most help to you
His insistence on checking your waist line all the time is somewhat unnerving at first, but you soon find it to be a comforting part of your relationship and sweet how he is checking on your progress
Expect many compliments once you’re at a healthy weight
It’s not like he was the proper weight when he got out of the hospital, but his wasn’t because of an eating disorder
He simply couldn’t understand why you would turn down food when he’d grown up being denied of food
Eventually, he couldn’t help but snap at you over it, causing a big mess of tears as you told him the truth
Saeran felt so horrible after the truth came out, wanting to lock himself up in his room for hurting you so badly, and he did there for a little while, which only made you eat less. It wasn’t until Seven came to check on you and found you passed out and impossible to wake that you were taken to the hospital
Your boyfriend just felt even worse now, but Seven was able to shake some sense into him that the reason it had gone so badly wasn’t because he had hurt you but was because you needed his support and him by your side, which helped to get him to break out of his own insecurity that you hated him for snapping at you
It was very touch and go, but the two of you learned to be more patient with each other through the entire ordeal
Your refusal to eat the portion he’d made for you was immediately met with irritation. “This is the right portion size for a woman of your age and height.”
He was smart enough to realize that once you mentioned eating less because ‘I’m so fat’, despite being quite small, that you had an eating disorder
Vanderwood started to make smaller meals more often during the day, tricking you at first into eating properly until you had a breakdown on the scale because you’d gained weight
After that, he simply disposed of the scale, convincing you that you had a problem and needed to see a doctor not long after
He worked tirelessly to make sure you were getting proper activity and meals, letting your doctor take care of the emotional aspects associated with your disorder
The way he saw it, you’d helped him through his problems, so to make you happy like you made him, he would do whatever it took
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iamvegorott · 7 years
A Small Glitch Chapter 4
We’re A Family
“The preschool will starting next week so we’ll need to start thinking of foods to pack for Annalise,” Dark said as he pushed the cart.
“Don’t they provide food there?” Anti asked as he walked alongside Dark.
“They do, but there is no way I’m trusting them to properly nourish Annalise,” Dark stated, stopping to take a look at the tomatoes.
“Tomaters,” Annalise said, kicking her legs out from the cart’s basket.
“Tomatoes.” Dark corrected as he picked out a few of them.
“They feed plenty of kids, I’m sure Ann will be fine,” Anti said as he rubbed the top of Annalise’s head, watching as Dark placed the tomatoes into a sheer plastic bag.
“She is currently underweight for a child of her age and size, she needs to gain some healthily. I will not let some undereducated human feed my child sugary sweets because they believe she’s not getting enough at home. Which she is.” Dark placed the bag into the cart.
“Your child?” Anti smiled a little.
“I forged hundreds of documents and signed both of our names on more sheets than I can count. She is my child.” Dark went back to the cart’s handle and went on.
“I’m glad to hear that you care for her.” Anti wrapped his arms around one of Dark’s.
“I haven’t been given much of a choice.” Dark sighed, rolling his eyes with a smile when Anti pecked his cheek.
“Ew.” Annalise giggled. She grabbed the book that was sitting next to her and she opened it up to the first page.
“Are we running low on coffee?” Anti asked as the entered the next aisle.
“I believe so.” Dark hummed as he continued walking, going to the bagged tea. He took one of the boxes off of the shelf and began reading the back. “This delicious infusion is bursting with summer fruit flavors; exotic, tangy pomegranate with sweet, velvety raspberries.” Dark read out loud, using a tone that made Annalise giggle. “Reading tea descriptions is an experience.” Dark chuckled as he tossed the box into the cart.
“Kitty!” Annalise said as she pointed to the picture in her book.
“That is a very adorable cat,” Dark said. “Now, what does the book say?”
“The cat says ‘meow’,” Annalise said the words slowly as she read.
“That was perfect.” Dark complimented.
“Meow!” Annalise clapped her hands.
“Cats also purr, did you know that?” Annalise nodded her head. “Anti can also purr.” Annalise gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. “Remind me to have him show you that. It’s a little trick he picked up from a...friend of his.” Dark chuckled, a little smirk forming on his lips.
“They didn’t have our normal kind, but I thought this sounded cool. I got a small one just in case.” Anti said when he reached the cart, holding a small bag of coffee beans.
“Purr?” Annalise asked.
“Did you tell her?” Anti placed a hand on his hip as he raised a brow towards Dark.
“The cat says ‘meow’.” Was Dark’s answer. Anti sighed and rolled his eyes before he cleared his throat. He stood next to Annalise and made a purring sound, stopped when Annalise started laughing loudly.
“You a kitty!” Annalise giggled.
“And Dark’s a dog,” Anti said with a wink at Dark.
“Puppy?” Annalise started to flip through her book. “The dog says ‘bark’.” She read, looking up at Dark with expecting eyes.
“Bark, bark.” Dark sighed.
“Yay!” Annalise cheered and went back to her book.
“Have you told the others yet?” Anti asked when they went back to their shopping.
“There still hasn’t been a proper-”
“Ann has been living in our home for over two weeks, how has there not been a ‘proper’ time?” Anti huffed.
“Host has been saying something about an offspring causing pain to us all, everyone’s thoughts have been elsewhere during the meetings.” Dark looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was near. “Wilford said that Mark may be having a child.” Dark let out an exhale through his nose when Anti started laughing. “This is serious.”
“I know, I know,” Anti said as he kept laughing. “Just, Mark? Mark out of all people having a kid? That’s ridiculous.”
“We have one.” Dark’s comment made Anti stop.
“Oh shit.” The pause between them was interrupted by Anti’s phone going off. “Glitchers.” He sang. Dark saw the large smirk that slowly crawled onto Anti’s face as he listened. He knew that meant Anti was getting a really fun job. “One moment.” Anti snapped his fingers and a holographic notepad appeared in his hand. “As you should know, this line is secured, no one can trace this call nor will there be any evidence of this call ever happening,” Anti stated. “Now, tell me everything that I need to know to get this done.”
“What he doing?” Annalise asked, tilting her head in confusion when Dark told her to ‘shush’.
“Alright. Everything will be taken care of.” Anti hung up his phone and tucked it back into his jeans pocket. He ripped off a page from the notepad, making it become a cloud of pixels before he folded the page. Annalise was distracted by the cloud to see Anti press the folded page against his wrist and it vanishing into his skin.
“It’s a good thing that Ann begins preschool next week, ‘cause I have a big hit.” Anti chuckled, his eyes flashing green for a moment before taking Dark’s arm. “And the payout is even bigger.”
Anti waited inside of the computer screen, unseen since it was black due to lack of activity. He was waiting for the perfect moment, the best time to strike. Two targets. One man and one woman. Both thirty years old. No children, no siblings, parents having died a few years ago. No other family besides themselves. They had friends, but they’d move on.
“I’m going to use the restroom.” The husband said as he got off of the bed.
“Okay, dear.” The wife didn’t even look up from her book.
Anti waited until he heard the click of the bathroom door before switching on the computer screen. The woman, Linda, turned her head when the light from the screen caught the corner of her eye. She shrugged and went back to her book. This was the time. Linda looked back at the computer when there was a soft laugh coming from it. Her voice got caught in her throat as a hand pushed through the screen. Linda hugged the book to her chest and started to crawl away from the computer as another arm joined the first one.
“Hello, Linda.” Anti greeted when his head emerged, one of his eyes a bright green. “You’ve been a bad, bad girl.” He giggled.
“Harold!” Linda screamed. Anti leaped out of the screen and landed on the woman.
“Mitch says that fucking him over was the worst mistake of your life,” Anti growled, summoning a knife out of thin air. “Goodbye, Linda.” He added before stabbing the woman in the throat, chuckled as she gargled, flailing her body in a last attempt to save her life, but it wasn’t long till she stopped.
“Linda!” Anti turned his head and saw that the man, Harold, was standing in the doorway.
“Hi, Harold.” Anti laughed and threw the knife, smirking when the man screamed as it stabbed the door next to his head. The man took off. He was a runner, that made it even better for Anti. “Don’t run, Harold,” Anti called as he got off of the bed, summoning another knife. “You’ll only die tired.” Anti launched himself out of the room and threw the knife, smiling when he caught the man’s sleeve, pinning it to the wall. Harold yelled as he yanked at his arm, seeing that Anti was slowly walking over to him. The man gave his arm one last tug, ripping the fabric of the shirt.
“Get away from me!” The man cried before taking off again.
“I can’t get paid if I do.” Anti shrugged before throwing another knife, hitting the back of Harold’s knee. The man screamed in pain as he fell.
“Why, why are you doing this?” Harold pleaded as he struggled to get up, limping away.
“Gotta pay the bills,” Anti said as two more knives appeared in his hands. “Plus this is fun as hell.” He added, twirling the knives.
“Whatever they’re paying you, I can double, no, triple it.” Harold offered.
“Sorry, pal.” Anti threw the knife and it went into the center of Harold’s stomach, making the man collapse into himself. “First comes first serve.” Anti aimed the knife at the man. “Goodbye, Harold.” He said before tossing the knife, smiling when he saw that it stabbed Harold between the eyes. “Perfect shot.” Anti’s giggle slowly became a full-fledged laugh. He held his head as he let his laughter tear through his body, his form glitching as he grew louder and louder, his voice distorting. Anti only stopped when a light bulb shattered, snapping him out of his trance. He shifted his body, loud pops coming from his body as he gathered himself. “Time to clean up,” Anti said before his eyes stopped glowing. The color traveled down his face, through neck and shoulder and down his arm. He held his hand out, palm up and a small green ball formed there. The ball rolled a little, a small tail came out of it and after it stopped moving, a blue iris formed with a large pupil. “Look at my little Sam.” Anti chuckled before pocketing it. He crouched down next to the body of Harold and pulled out the knives. “My little girl is gonna be home soon, I should do this the quick way.” He said to himself before straightening back up. “I wonder how much energy you’ve got in that body of yours.”
Anti held out his hands, his body losing color as clouds of bright green pixels came out of his hands, engulfing the corpse. The green slowly became red as it absorbed the body. The pixels began to grow and spread out, taking in all of the blood that was on the ground. They formed a trail that lead into the bedroom, taking care of that mess as well. Eventually, the pixels were done and they returned to Anti, entering him throughout his entire body. Anti was glowing a bright red for a moment before it slowly shifted to green and finally, he was back to his normal tone. The man groaned as the energy shifted through him, causing a shiver to travel down his spine. A curse escaped his lips and after popping one more time, he was back.
Anti made sure that everything was fine. Both bodies were gone, there was no blood, no sign that there had been anyone in this house besides Harold or Linda. Anti really loved his job. He went back into the bedroom, placing a hand on the computer screen before becoming pixels and going into it. He followed the link used on his employer’s phone, after making sure that he wasn’t looking at the screen, he jumped through.
“You fucking scared me.” The man cursed when Anti appeared behind him, unknowing to the fact of how Anti got there.
“It’s done.” Anti took out the eye and handed it to the man. A projection came out of the eye, showing the man a first-person view of the couple’s death.
“Damn, you are one fucked-up man.” The man commented as the recording ended. He dropped the eye, crushing it with his foot. The shattered pieces crawled along the floor and went under Anti’s foot. “I hope someone like you doesn’t have kids.” He added with a laugh as he handed Anti a briefcase.
“Yeah…” Was Anti’s response as the man walked away.
“I’ll call if I need anything else.” The man said.
“Yeah…” Anti repeated, taking out his phone and seeing the time. “Shit.” He muttered before becoming a puff of pixels.
“The bus is going to be here any moment,” Dark said when Anti appeared in the center of his office.
“At least I’m not late,” Anti said as he started to rub his body, making the leftover pixels go away and becoming Triston.
“How did the job go?” Dark asked as they stepped out of the room.
“Flawlessly.” Anti winked, opening the door and seeing that the bus was just pulling up. “I’ll tell you all of the detail when Ann is in bed.” He added as he opened the door and the two headed for the bus. “There’s my princess!” Anti greeted Annalise loudly as she skipped off of the bus and ran to him.
“Thank you,” Dark said to the bus driver as the man waved, closed the doors, and pulled away.
“You have to tell me everything that you did,” Anti said, carrying Annalise into the house.
“I’ll cut up some apples for us,” Dark said after shutting the front door.
“I like apples,” Annalise said to Anti as she was brought into the dining room.
“I like apples too.” Anti sat Annalise down and sat next to her. “Did you like your first day?”
“It was fun.” Annalise nodded her head while speaking. “The lady nice.”  
“I hope she was.” Anti looked up and saw Dark walking in, a plate of sliced up apples in his hand. “Ann said that the lady was nice.”
“Good. I’m not paying her to be mean to my child.” Dark sat down across from Anti.
“Apples!” Annalise cheered and took a slice, putting it into her mouth and chewing on it.
“If only you were as excited about vegetables.” Dark chuckled. “But you are getting much better already.”
“Viana’s coming back to visit on Thursday, hopefully, she thinks the same,” Anti said, helping Annalise remove her backpack.
“She’d have to be insane to think that we’re bad parents.” Dark chuckled.
Anti got lost in his thoughts after that comment. The man’s comment about hoping that he didn’t have kids rang in his head. Should someone like him be in charge of a child? He went through people’s electronics to find information to blackmail them with. He forged emails, changed timestamps, created false images. He killed people for money. He enjoyed killing people for money. What if he snapped, what if he hurt Annalise?
“Anti…” A touch on his hand brought Anti back to where he was. He saw that Dark was holding his hand.
“Sorry, zoned out.” Anti heard a shuffling and noticed that Annalise was digging into her backpack.
“Annalise said that she made a drawing today and is excited to show us.” Dark filled Anti in, concern in his eyes.
“What did you draw?” Anti asked, taking the paper that Annalise was holding out.
“Us.” Annalise stood in her chair and pointed at the title of the paper. “My family.” She added and, moving her hand to point at a small stick figure wearing a pink shirt. “That me.” Annalise moved her hand again and was now pointing at a stick figure that had green squares around it. “That you, daddy.” Anti tensed up when Annalise said that. He swallowed thickly as his entire body heated up with joy, he could feel that his eyes were getting wet.
“Are you going to cry?” Dark teased lightly as he walked over to Anti, standing behind him.
“No…” Anti said with a sniff. Annalise pointed at the other taller figure, red and blue surrounding it.
“That papa.”
“Okay, now I’m crying,” Anti admitted and hugged Annalise.
“It’s just a name,” Dark said, his voice cracking a little.
“Shut up and hug your family.” Anti smiled as Dark wrapped his arms around the two.
“Can I play with my dolls?” Annalise asked. Anti and Dark both released the little girl and they watched as she walked away.
“We’re a family.” Anti said as he looked at the picture again. “We’re a family.” He repeated as Dark put his hands on his shoulders and rubbed them.
“Who knew that a demon and a virus would have a child.” Dark chuckled, moving to the side and cupping Anti’s chin. “I love you, Anti.”
“I love you too, Dark.” Anti leaned into the kiss Dark pressed against his lips.
“You gross!” Annalise called from the doorway.
“You wanna know who else is gross?” Anti asked after they parted, standing up and holding his hands out. “The tickle-monster!” Annalise squeaked and took off. “I’m gonna get ya!” Anti said as he went after the little girl. Dark shook his head with a smile and he picked up the drawing.
“Who knew a demon could feel love?” He asked himself.
“Backup, I need backup!” Anti shouted from the other room. Dark rolled his eyes and sat the picture down. He took out his phone and sat it next to the picture before leaving the room.
“The Dark-osaurus is here!” Dark let out a fake ‘roar’.
None of them saw that the phone’s battery life suddenly started to drain, dying in a matter of seconds.
Tag List: @readeatfightlove13 @kenzie-110101
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somestorywriter · 7 years
So, a little background story
My dad always has complaints about my mom’s cooking. Always. A three-star restaurant is where “decent” begins. He’s always nagging that my mom buys food at the supermarket, instead of going all the way to the grocery and butcher, which costs way more. He says we can afford it, but he’s really bad with money. He’ll buy a €1000 watch and then come to me saying that he can’t contribute to my study expenses because of unexpected expenses.
Now, after years of pain, I have discovered I have food intolerances, like lactose, sugar, artificial sugars... Also greasy foods, and caffeine, and alcohol... And onions... And half of the vegetables... And fruits... And carbonated drinks...
Anyway, we were sitting at the dinner table, and things were already weird because my dad was saying something and my mom interrupted him and he was like “DON’T INTERRUPT ME” but then my brother asked my mom something and she started talking but then my dad completely talked over her and basically took over and she protested and he just ignored here, like hypocrite much??
But that’s still pretty normal, like that’s just a daily normal thing
But at the end of dinner, I brought up my food thing, and the first thing he says is “Yes, that means real food! Just tell what you need and we’ll go to the grocery and the butcher...”
And I was like what?? Is the first thing you do here trying to get benefit from this?
And I was like “Also no beef.”
And his face fell, and that’s when he started to nuance things, like “Well... It’s probably not that bad... I mean, it also has to do with what you eat before it, so it doesn’t have to be too big of a problem to eat certain things, you don’t have to be that careful”
Like, now it suddenly wasn’t too bad??
And I was trying to express how much I think it sucks because I can’t just grab a bite with a friend anymore, or at a party, I can’t have cake, or soda, or chips... And basically, everything becomes much more difficult. I also have to be careful that I don’t lose too much weight because of this, as I’m almost underweight already, that could be dangerous
But that wasn’t true somehow, that wasn’t important somehow. Back to the benefits.
Like I’m trying to express a concern of mine and all he does is invalidate it and go back to his own benefit?
And the worst part is, that my brother has selective eating disorder, and he gets a lot of shit for that. But for me, my dad suddenly wants to go out of the way to buy expensive stuff? That’s not fair??
Also, he wasn’t this “helpful” back when I was in suicidal crisis two years ago. He kept telling me to get out of therapy soon, that me being suicidal was better than me seeing therapists preventively, and during all those family sessions, he only talked about himself all the time. And if he talked about me, it was all about how we’re basically the same, so back to him. 
But now that my condition gives him a leverage to get things to go his way, now he’s all ears??
And these kinds of things happen quite often, like when I tried to talk about how my study’s really heavy and that I might have to delay it a year for the sake of my mental health, he sat me down, gave me a long speech about how rough he has it, because he had a surgery last year, so he’s been through a lot more than me, got up and left. Like... was there a point here? An advice? Or was this just an emotion-dump from his side that I was convenient for? Like... Why can’t I express things to him, but do I end up listening to all his problems? I’m not some feelings-dumpster that he can throw all his shit at and then leave me with it?
And I feel like I’m only useful if I can be bragged about. It’s all about showing off to the outside world. He’ll force a different study method on me, and then tell everyone how it was his help which made me succeed, and if I fail, then I’m simply not doing my best.
It makes me feel like I’m just an instrument, not really a person, and somehow, that hurts so much more.
I can’t explain it, but not mattering hurts so much more than being directly yelled at somehow
And I always feel bad talking about these things because it doesn’t seem so bad, and I always feel like I’m complaining, because hey, at least I’m not getting beaten, right? I should be grateful that things are not much worse. I should be grateful that I get to eat at all.
And half of the time I feel like I’m crazy or something because there’s nothing concrete I can point at. I can’t show a bruise or something, which makes it all feel unreal. Even my therapist is like, “Everyone in a family influences each other, so if you’re negative, that might make him negative as well. Try to compliment him or be kind. Make some changes.”
And I’m like “But if he’s mean and I reward him for that... why would he ever change?”
And then they look at me like I just said that I can fly.
And it’s mean because it makes it all my problem? It sounds a bit like, “If you don’t want him to call you fat, then lose weight”, but I can’t because I’m already almost underweight, and I’m not going to compromise my own health just so he’ll stop making comments, so how about telling him to stop calling his daughter fat? Wouldn’t that be a better idea? But apparently, not everyone thinks that way
Like, why is it my job to fix this? Why is it up to me to become perfect, just so he won’t have to stop being critical? That doesn’t make sense?? Why does he deserve the luxury of being mean when he wants to be?
And I know it messes me up. I dissociate. I can’t remember so much from between age 4 and yesterday (I guess). I lash out all over the place. I have huge problems with trusting people and letting anyone close, and I don’t want it to be that way. I really, really want to form healthy relationships, but I’m going to have to figure out how to, painfully slow.
This isn’t even like half of it but I have to stop now or I’ll be ranting for hours and hours.
Idk this is probably the least cohesive thing I’ve ever written and I feel guilty and whiny and complaining for putting it out here, but I feel like I might scream if I keep this shit inside any longer
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#191 358 questions
I don’t paint my nails. I shake my leg a lot. I used to like ‘The Office’, but now I can’t stand it. I actually watch Disney Channel sometimes. And like it. My laptop is a piece of crap and I wish I could get a new one. My favorite show is LOST. My favorite movies consist of LOTR, V for Vendetta, Across The Universe, etc. I need a new iPod. I spend WAY too much time online. I LOVE to read. I LOVE Green Tea. I have Hypothyroidism. I also have Asthma. My cell phone cover looks like a condom. I am mostly Polish. This dumb guy drives down my street every day blasting his bass. It’s really annoying. I love watching Law & Order: SVU. I know how to knit. And sew. I am currently in the process of writing a novel. I have been to 4 colleges. And have finally realized what I am going to major in. I am majoring in English. I hope to become a famous author. I take too many surveys a day. Waffles are way better than pancakes. I love reading outside, and wish I could do it every day. Johnny Depp is the best! I have a cat. I have a new car. I have more purses than I can count. I’m pro-choice. I’m totally for gay marriage. I’m straight. I fear I won’t find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I pee way too much. I am obsessed with The Beatles. I own a TON of Beatles paraphernalia. John Lennon is my favorite Beatle. My favorite color is Green. I watch Baseball. I watch Hockey. I hate Football & Golf. I love Yoga. I love the Wii & Wii Fit. I feel like I was born in the wrong time era. I wish I was alive in the 60s & 70s. I have arch pain. I stay up WAY too late. I always have to have chapstick with me. I am trying to lose weight. The only reality shows I can stand are ‘Jon & Kate Plus 8’ & ‘What Not To Wear’. I love lotion. I am kind of germaphobic. I carry hand sanitizer with me at all times. I hate public bathrooms. I’m a vegetarian. I get migraines all the time. I love to go bike riding. If I get married, I don’t know if I want kids or not. I have made a few surveys before. I’m pretty lonely. I always feel left out. I can spell well. I have to sleep in complete darkness. I suffer from insomnia. I am on Xanga 24/7. I am subscribed to a few magazines. I have lost a loved one to cancer. A certain type of cancer runs in my family. I always feel tired. I have more books and DVDs than I can count. I seem to always be sick. I like long surveys better than short ones. I’m a kid at heart. My room is really messy. I have more things in my room than I should be able to fit. I need more money. I need a second job. I have an older sister and a younger sister. I am on a ton of medications. I’ve had soooo many x-rays. I go through sooo many adapters for my laptop a year. I don’t know what my natural hair color is anymore. I’d rather be pale than be tan and get skin cancer. I love being pale anyways. My favorite bookstore is Borders. My favorite department store is Target. My favorite clothing store is Forever 21. I spend most of my time in Borders and/or Target. I am older than 18. School’s over for me for the summer. History fascinates me. Fantasy/Horror books are my favorite. There are a ton of movies I need to watch. I’m going to go read. Then I’m going to go to bed You’re a girl. You like that fact. Even when you have really bad cramps you think it’s better than being a guy   You think boys are SO confusing. You always say you hate someone then and up talking to them not long later. You forgive people who shouldn’t be forgiven. You have multiple best friends. You’re still close friends with one of your childhood friends. You have lost lots of friends. You are single. You are under 18. You are in high school. You hate/ hated high school. You hate guys that think they can get any girl. You tend to be attracted to players. You always choose looks over personality and you hate that about you. Your group of friends has changed a lot in the past year. You miss your ex. You cry every day. You over think way too much. You’re incredibly insecure. You feel like people are just being nice when they compliment you. You can’t ever believe that someone really loves you. You have a tumblr. You’re addicted to the Internet. You prefer twitter over Facebook. You think Facebook’s too judgmental. You hate guys who just want to have sex. You love indie rock. You love One Direction. You create scenarios in your head that will never ever happen. You look back at your past and are like, wtf was I thinking?! You know a lot of people named Alyssa. You’re nice to everyone no matter what. You like to meet new people and make new friends. Finding new songs you love is one of the best feelings. You wish the person you loved, loved you back. You try to make your ex jealous often. Someone broke your trust that you NEVER thought would. High school changed one of your best friends. Your parents are divorced. You have step-siblings. You live close to one of your best friends. You know a lot of people at your school. Looking good is important to you. You love fashion. You’re SUPER lazy. You don’t text that many people. You like to answer questions & take surveys. You have a cat. You have a dog. You hate when people complain a lot on Facebook. You have Facebook stalked a hot guy. You love your bed. You love sleep. You love food. You think you’re fat. You don’t think you’re pretty at all. You like to do/ say provocative things. You like to sing & dance even if you’re not good at it. You’re not good at any sports. You’re incredibly stubborn. You want to travel the world. You never seem to have any classes with your best friends in school. You have an ex that you absolutely hate. You are a virgin. You have had more than 5 relationships in the past. You want a really cute relationship. You like guys taller than you. You love when guys smell good. You think football players are hot. You’ve dreamed of being a cheerleader before. ^ & you’ve dreamt of dating a football player before. You get bored easily. You’re bored of this survey. You love music. You wear mismatch socks. You love plaid. You always have to keep your legs shaved. You like your nails painted. You love indie music. You’ve dyed your hair quite a bit. You’re afraid of dolls. You suffer from depression. You have a boyfriend. Your eyes are hazel. You have long eyelashes. You need braces. You suffer from an eating disorder. You play the piano. You’ve recovered from self-harming. You’re only energetic & hyper around people you know. But you’re super quiet & shy around people you don’t know. You have freckles. You have your ears pierced. You sleep in extremely late. You don’t go to bed until it’s light outside. You’re a grammar nazi. You’re terrified of spiders. You’ve been in a psych unit for depression. Your birthday is in December. Your favourite season is summer. You shower everyday. You wear make-up, but not a lot. You share a room with your brother & mom. -.- You’ve been homeless before. You have money problems. You’ve been pregnant before. But didn’t have the baby… The only friends you have live in different states. You do your own laundry. You watch Teen Mom. :’D You’re schizophrenic. You have a lot of clothes that you don’t wear. You cut up your own clothes to make them cuter. You put salt or ketchup on almost anything. You HATE raisins. You have a niece. You’re 15 years old. You love the color purple. You love alternative music. You’re currently in high school. You love your school. You’re attracted to coy boys. (: You’re sensitive. You cry easily. You’ve been so depressed, you couldn’t get outta bed. You’re always hungry, but can’t eat. You’ve attempted suicide. You’ve had your first kiss. You’ve been in love. You like to draw. You love to sing. You have 8 siblings. You’re the youngest on your mom’s side. You have a relative in the military. You have 2 tattoos. You’ve broken a bone. You aren’t flexible. You absolutely despise Nicki Minaj. You hate Lil Wayne, but like a couple of his songs. You’re a fan of Tech N9ne. You’re underweight. You put others before yourself. You’re a people pleaser. Satan himself temporarily takes over you when you’re on your period. When you’re nauseous, you become violent. You’re addicted to soda. You dress weirdly, but like it. You’re currently looking for a job. You’re always the one standing out. You’ve been severely bullied. You overcame your depression. You still get sad from time to time, though. You’ve been back stabbed by a girl who you thought was your best friend. You’ve been cheated more than once by just one guy. You’re easily forgiving, but you never forget what’s said & done. Your favourite movie is LOL. You enjoy romance movies. Also, chick flicks. You have short hair. You get car sick. I love Barry M nail paints. I sometimes think I eat too much. The person I have feelings for is younger than me. I can be quite stubborn sometimes. I’m always too shy to tell someone if I like them. I love those random conversations that make no sense. I’m legally old enough to drink … but I don’t go out drinking too often. I’m single. I’m more of an evening person than a morning person. I’ve read all of the Harry Potter books. I’m not very flirty. I spend a lot of time with my family. People always seem to text me when I have no credit to text back. Pasta is one of my favourite foods. I worry a lot about what other people think of me. My toenails are painted purple. One of my friends is pregnant. Chocolate always cheers me up when I’m feeling down. I tend to get embarrassed and blush easily. I’ve never been cheated on. I prefer Facebook messages to comments. I suffer from migraines. I hardly ever drink coffee. I feel insecure sometimes. I like prawn cocktail flavour crisps. I always make an effort to keep in touch with the people who matter to me. Mariah Carey is one of my favourite singers… …But I listen to all different types of music. I miss someone right now. I haven’t texted anyone in ages. People can be quite protective of me sometimes. I’ve never had unprotected sex. I find it hard to lie to the people I care about. I like the sensation of butterflies in the stomach. Talking on the phone makes me feel awkward. I’m easily amused. Most of my friends are in relationships. I usually keep my phone on silent. I love to sing. My best friend is pretty. I’m hungry. I hold back from saying what I think a lot of the time. I love Bourbon biscuits. Most people think I look younger than my actual age. I wish I was taller. My birthday is in April. I’ve never smoked. I don’t have casual sex. I think Leona Lewis is pretty. I don’t like to draw too much attention to myself. I haven’t bought any new CDs for ages. I prefer to wear my hair down. I hate guys who think they’re God’s gift to women. When I was younger, I used to love pop groups like Steps, S Club 7 and Atomic Kitten. I slept alone last night. I use conditioner every time I wash my hair. I was born in the 90’s. I have blue eyes. I don’t have a flat stomach … … But I’m not worried about my weight. My hair isn’t dyed. I was obsessed with Pokémon when I was a kid. I don’t like to bottle up my feelings … … But I sometimes struggle to talk about them because I’m not sure what to say. I sometimes miss the way things used to be. I’ve had singing lessons. I’m British. I hardly ever wear white … … Because I can’t seem to keep white things white, no matter how hard I try. I’m straight. One of my best friends is gay. My hair isn’t straightened. My friends think I have strange taste when it comes to guys. I will be staying at home tonight. I’m agnostic. I’m quite romantic. One of my friends is engaged. I sometimes feel like I take things for granted. :/ The last person I hugged was a family member. I like looking at old photos … … Even if I look bad in them, just for old times sake. I only dance when drunk. I’m a forgiving person. I listen to music by Evanescence. I listened to music by Paramore. I listened to music by 30 Seconds To Mars. I don’t have a problem with being single … … But sometimes I feel a little bit lonely. I can’t whistle. I dislike watching the news. I haven’t had sex recently … … And that doesn’t bother me. My favourite type of chocolate is Galaxy. I don’t wear shoes with high heels. I feel embarrassed when I see photos of myself as a child..
2 notes · View notes
silvershadow1398 · 5 years
Bold survey
358 questions
I don’t paint my nails. - but i do get them done I shake my leg a lot. I used to like ‘The Office’, but now I can’t stand it. I actually watch Disney Channel sometimes. And like it. My laptop is a piece of crap and I wish I could get a new one. My favorite show is LOST. My favorite movies consist of LOTR, V for Vendetta, Across The Universe, etc. I need a new iPod. I spend WAY too much time online. I LOVE to read. I LOVE Green Tea. I have Hypothyroidism. I also have Asthma. My cell phone cover looks like a condom. I am mostly Polish. This dumb guy drives down my street every day blasting his bass. It’s really annoying. I love watching Law & Order: SVU. I know how to knit. And sew. I am currently in the process of writing a novel. I have been to 4 colleges. And have finally realized what I am going to major in. I am majoring in English. I hope to become a famous author. I take too many surveys a day. - not daily but i take multiple in one sitting Waffles are way better than pancakes. I love reading outside, and wish I could do it every day. Johnny Depp is the best! I have a cat. I have a new car. I have more purses than I can count. I’m pro-choice. I’m totally for gay marriage. I’m straight. I fear I won’t find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I pee way too much. I am obsessed with The Beatles. I own a TON of Beatles paraphernalia. John Lennon is my favorite Beatle. My favorite color is Green. I watch Baseball. I watch Hockey. I hate Football & Golf. - not a fan of football, golf is ok I love Yoga. I love the Wii & Wii Fit. I feel like I was born in the wrong time era. I wish I was alive in the 60s & 70s. I have arch pain. I stay up WAY too late. I always have to have chapstick with me. I am trying to lose weight. The only reality shows I can stand are ‘Jon & Kate Plus 8’ & ‘What Not To Wear’. I love lotion. I am kind of germaphobic. I carry hand sanitizer with me at all times. I hate public bathrooms. I’m a vegetarian. I get migraines all the time. I love to go bike riding. If I get married, I don’t know if I want kids or not. - i don’t I have made a few surveys before. I’m pretty lonely. I always feel left out. I can spell well. I have to sleep in complete darkness. I suffer from insomnia. I am on Xanga 24/7. I am subscribed to a few magazines. I have lost a loved one to cancer. A certain type of cancer runs in my family. I always feel tired. I have more books and DVDs than I can count. I seem to always be sick. I like long surveys better than short ones. I’m a kid at heart. My room is really messy. I have more things in my room than I should be able to fit. I need more money. I need a second job. I have an older sister and a younger sister. I am on a ton of medications. I’ve had soooo many x-rays. I go through sooo many adapters for my laptop a year. I don’t know what my natural hair color is anymore. I’d rather be pale than be tan and get skin cancer. I love being pale anyways. My favorite bookstore is Borders. My favorite department store is Target. My favorite clothing store is Forever 21. I spend most of my time in Borders and/or Target. I am older than 18. School’s over for me for the summer. - not yet :( History fascinates me. Fantasy/Horror books are my favorite. There are a ton of movies I need to watch. I’m going to go read. Then I’m going to go to bed You’re a girl. You like that fact. Even when you have really bad cramps you think it’s better than being a guy   You think boys are SO confusing. You always say you hate someone then and up talking to them not long later. You forgive people who shouldn’t be forgiven. You have multiple best friends. You’re still close friends with one of your childhood friends. You have lost lots of friends. You are single. You are under 18. You are in high school. You hate/ hated high school. You hate guys that think they can get any girl. You tend to be attracted to players. You always choose looks over personality and you hate that about you. Your group of friends has changed a lot in the past year. - kind of??? You miss your ex. You cry every day. You over think way too much. You’re incredibly insecure. You feel like people are just being nice when they compliment you. You can’t ever believe that someone really loves you. You have a tumblr. - lol? You’re addicted to the Internet. You prefer twitter over Facebook. You think Facebook’s too judgmental. You hate guys who just want to have sex. You love indie rock. You love One Direction. You create scenarios in your head that will never ever happen. You look back at your past and are like, wtf was I thinking?! You know a lot of people named Alyssa. - i know one! You’re nice to everyone no matter what. - for the most part yeah You like to meet new people and make new friends. Finding new songs you love is one of the best feelings. You wish the person you loved, loved you back. You try to make your ex jealous often. Someone broke your trust that you NEVER thought would. High school changed one of your best friends. Your parents are divorced. You have step-siblings.  You live close to one of your best friends. You know a lot of people at your school. Looking good is important to you. You love fashion. You’re SUPER lazy. You don’t text that many people. You like to answer questions & take surveys. You have a cat. You have a dog. You hate when people complain a lot on Facebook. You have Facebook stalked a hot guy. You love your bed. You love sleep. You love food. You think you’re fat. You don’t think you’re pretty at all. You like to do/ say provocative things. You like to sing & dance even if you’re not good at it. You’re not good at any sports. - dance is a sport lol, but i suck at team sports You’re incredibly stubborn. You want to travel the world. You never seem to have any classes with your best friends in school. You have an ex that you absolutely hate. You are a virgin. You have had more than 5 relationships in the past. You want a really cute relationship. You like guys taller than you. You love when guys smell good. You think football players are hot. You’ve dreamed of being a cheerleader before. ^ & you’ve dreamt of dating a football player before. You get bored easily. You’re bored of this survey. You love music. You wear mismatch socks. You love plaid. You always have to keep your legs shaved. You like your nails painted. - toenails You love indie music. You’ve dyed your hair quite a bit. You’re afraid of dolls. You suffer from depression. - not diagnosed You have a boyfriend. Your eyes are hazel. You have long eyelashes. You need braces. You suffer from an eating disorder. You play the piano. You’ve recovered from self-harming. You’re only energetic & hyper around people you know. But you’re super quiet & shy around people you don’t know. You have freckles. You have your ears pierced. You sleep in extremely late. - i normally do but lately i haven’t!!! You don’t go to bed until it’s light outside. You’re a grammar nazi. You’re terrified of spiders. You’ve been in a psych unit for depression. Your birthday is in December. Your favourite season is summer. You shower everyday. You wear make-up, but not a lot. You share a room with your brother & mom. You’ve been homeless before. You have money problems. You’ve been pregnant before. But didn’t have the baby… The only friends you have live in different states. - most You do your own laundry. You watch Teen Mom. You’re schizophrenic. You have a lot of clothes that you don’t wear. You cut up your own clothes to make them cuter. You put salt or ketchup on almost anything. You HATE raisins. You have a niece. You’re 15 years old. You love the color purple. You love alternative music. You’re currently in high school. You love your school. You’re attracted to coy boys. You’re sensitive. You cry easily. You’ve been so depressed, you couldn’t get outta bed. You’re always hungry, but can’t eat. You’ve attempted suicide. You’ve had your first kiss. You’ve been in love. You like to draw. You love to sing. You have 8 siblings. You’re the youngest on your mom’s side. - i’m the only kid lol You have a relative in the military. You have 2 tattoos. You’ve broken a bone. - no but i have sprained!!! You aren’t flexible. - not on my left side You absolutely despise Nicki Minaj. You hate Lil Wayne, but like a couple of his songs. You’re a fan of Tech N9ne. You’re underweight. You put others before yourself. You’re a people pleaser. Satan himself temporarily takes over you when you’re on your period. When you’re nauseous, you become violent. You’re addicted to soda. You dress weirdly, but like it. You’re currently looking for a job. You’re always the one standing out. You’ve been severely bullied. You overcame your depression. You still get sad from time to time, though. You’ve been back stabbed by a girl who you thought was your best friend. You’ve been cheated more than once by just one guy. You’re easily forgiving, but you never forget what’s said & done. Your favourite movie is LOL. You enjoy romance movies. Also, chick flicks. You have short hair. You get car sick. I love Barry M nail paints. I sometimes think I eat too much. The person I have feelings for is younger than me. I can be quite stubborn sometimes. I’m always too shy to tell someone if I like them. I love those random conversations that make no sense. I’m legally old enough to drink … but I don’t go out drinking too often. I’m single. I’m more of an evening person than a morning person. I’ve read all of the Harry Potter books. I’m not very flirty. I spend a lot of time with my family. People always seem to text me when I have no credit to text back. Pasta is one of my favourite foods. I worry a lot about what other people think of me. My toenails are painted purple. One of my friends is pregnant. Chocolate always cheers me up when I’m feeling down. I tend to get embarrassed and blush easily. I’ve never been cheated on. I prefer Facebook messages to comments. I suffer from migraines. I hardly ever drink coffee. I feel insecure sometimes. I like prawn cocktail flavour crisps. I always make an effort to keep in touch with the people who matter to me. Mariah Carey is one of my favourite singers… …But I listen to all different types of music. I miss someone right now. I haven’t texted anyone in ages. People can be quite protective of me sometimes. I’ve never had unprotected sex. - i’ve never had any sex I find it hard to lie to the people I care about. I like the sensation of butterflies in the stomach. Talking on the phone makes me feel awkward. - depends on the person I’m easily amused. Most of my friends are in relationships. I usually keep my phone on silent. I love to sing. My best friend is pretty. - i don’t have a best friend I’m hungry. I hold back from saying what I think a lot of the time. I love Bourbon biscuits. Most people think I look younger than my actual age. I wish I was taller. My birthday is in April. I’ve never smoked. I don’t have casual sex. I think Leona Lewis is pretty. I don’t like to draw too much attention to myself. I haven’t bought any new CDs for ages. I prefer to wear my hair down. I hate guys who think they’re God’s gift to women. When I was younger, I used to love pop groups like Steps, S Club 7 and Atomic Kitten. I slept alone last night. - i sleep alone every night I use conditioner every time I wash my hair. I was born in the 90’s. I have blue eyes. I don’t have a flat stomach … … But I’m not worried about my weight. My hair isn’t dyed. I was obsessed with Pokémon when I was a kid. I don’t like to bottle up my feelings … … But I sometimes struggle to talk about them because I’m not sure what to say. I sometimes miss the way things used to be. I’ve had singing lessons. I’m British. I hardly ever wear white … … Because I can’t seem to keep white things white, no matter how hard I try. I’m straight. One of my best friends is gay. My hair isn’t straightened. - naturally straight My friends think I have strange taste when it comes to guys. - no one has ever told me that but i’m sure they’d think it I will be staying at home tonight. - at my college dorm :( I’m agnostic. I’m quite romantic. One of my friends is engaged. I sometimes feel like I take things for granted. The last person I hugged was a family member. I like looking at old photos … … Even if I look bad in them, just for old times sake. I only dance when drunk. I’m a forgiving person. I listen to music by Evanescence. I listened to music by Paramore. I listened to music by 30 Seconds To Mars. I don’t have a problem with being single … … But sometimes I feel a little bit lonely. I can’t whistle. - i can but not well I dislike watching the news. I haven’t had sex recently … - never … And that doesn’t bother me. My favourite type of chocolate is Galaxy. I don’t wear shoes with high heels. I feel embarrassed when I see photos of myself as a child..
0 notes
zolganif · 6 years
I don’t paint my nails. I shake my leg a lot. I used to like ‘The Office’, but now I can’t stand it. I actually watch Disney Channel sometimes. And like it. My laptop is a piece of crap and I wish I could get a new one. My favorite show is LOST. My favorite movies consist of LOTR, V for Vendetta, Across The Universe, etc. I need a new iPod. I spend WAY too much time online. I LOVE to read. I LOVE Green Tea. I have Hypothyroidism. I also have Asthma. My cell phone cover looks like a condom. I am mostly Polish. This dumb guy drives down my street every day blasting his bass. It’s really annoying. I love watching Law & Order: SVU. I know how to knit. And sew. I am currently in the process of writing a novel. I have been to 4 colleges. And have finally realized what I am going to major in. I am majoring in English. I hope to become a famous author. I take too many surveys a day. Waffles are way better than pancakes. I love reading outside, and wish I could do it every day. Johnny Depp is the best! I have a cat. I have a new car. I have more purses than I can count. I’m pro-choice. I’m totally for gay marriage. I’m straight. I fear I won’t find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I pee way too much. I am obsessed with The Beatles. I own a TON of Beatles paraphernalia. John Lennon is my favorite Beatle. My favorite color is Green. I watch Baseball. I watch Hockey. I hate Football & Golf. I love Yoga. I love the Wii & Wii Fit. I feel like I was born in the wrong time era. I wish I was alive in the 60s & 70s. I have arch pain. I stay up WAY too late. I always have to have chapstick with me. I am trying to lose weight. The only reality shows I can stand are ‘Jon & Kate Plus 8’ & ‘What Not To Wear’. I love lotion. I am kind of germaphobic. I carry hand sanitizer with me at all times. I hate public bathrooms. I’m a vegetarian. I get migraines all the time. I love to go bike riding. If I get married, I don’t know if I want kids or not. I have made a few surveys before. I’m pretty lonely. I always feel left out. I can spell well. I have to sleep in complete darkness. I suffer from insomnia. I am on Xanga 24/7. I am subscribed to a few magazines. I have lost a loved one to cancer. A certain type of cancer runs in my family. I always feel tired. I have more books and DVDs than I can count. I seem to always be sick. I like long surveys better than short ones. I’m a kid at heart. My room is really messy. I have more things in my room than I should be able to fit. I need more money. I need a second job. I have an older sister and a younger sister. I am on a ton of medications. I’ve had soooo many x-rays. I go through sooo many adapters for my laptop a year. I don’t know what my natural hair color is anymore. I’d rather be pale than be tan and get skin cancer. I love being pale anyways. My favorite bookstore is Borders. My favorite department store is Target. My favorite clothing store is Forever 21. I spend most of my time in Borders and/or Target. I am older than 18. School’s over for me for the summer. History fascinates me. Fantasy/Horror books are my favorite. There are a ton of movies I need to watch. I’m going to go read. Then I’m going to go to bed You’re a girl. You like that fact. Even when you have really bad cramps you think it’s better than being a guy   You think boys are SO confusing. You always say you hate someone then and up talking to them not long later. You forgive people who shouldn’t be forgiven. You have multiple best friends. You’re still close friends with one of your childhood friends. You have lost lots of friends. You are single. You are under 18. You are in high school. You hate/ hated high school. You hate guys that think they can get any girl. You tend to be attracted to players. You always choose looks over personality and you hate that about you. Your group of friends has changed a lot in the past year. You miss your ex. You cry every day. You over think way too much. You’re incredibly insecure. You feel like people are just being nice when they compliment you. You can’t ever believe that someone really loves you. You have a tumblr. You’re addicted to the Internet. You prefer twitter over Facebook. You think Facebook’s too judgmental. You hate guys who just want to have sex. You love indie rock. You love One Direction. You create scenarios in your head that will never ever happen. You look back at your past and are like, wtf was I thinking?! You know a lot of people named Alyssa. You’re nice to everyone no matter what. You like to meet new people and make new friends. Finding new songs you love is one of the best feelings. You wish the person you loved, loved you back. You try to make your ex jealous often. Someone broke your trust that you NEVER thought would. High school changed one of your best friends. Your parents are divorced. You have step-siblings. You live close to one of your best friends. You know a lot of people at your school. Looking good is important to you. You love fashion. You’re SUPER lazy. You don’t text that many people. You like to answer questions & take surveys. You have a cat. You have a dog. You hate when people complain a lot on Facebook. You have Facebook stalked a hot guy. You love your bed. You love sleep. You love food. You think you’re fat. You don’t think you’re pretty at all. You like to do/ say provocative things. You like to sing & dance even if you’re not good at it. You’re not good at any sports. You’re incredibly stubborn. You want to travel the world. You never seem to have any classes with your best friends in school. You have an ex that you absolutely hate. You are a virgin. You have had more than 5 relationships in the past. You want a really cute relationship. You like guys taller than you. You love when guys smell good. You think football players are hot. You’ve dreamed of being a cheerleader before. ^ & you’ve dreamt of dating a football player before. You get bored easily. You’re bored of this survey. You love music. You wear mismatch socks. You love plaid. You always have to keep your legs shaved. You like your nails painted. You love indie music. You’ve dyed your hair quite a bit. You’re afraid of dolls. You suffer from depression. You have a boyfriend. Your eyes are hazel. You have long eyelashes. You need braces. You suffer from an eating disorder. You play the piano. You’ve recovered from self-harming. You’re only energetic & hyper around people you know. But you’re super quiet & shy around people you don’t know. You have freckles. You have your ears pierced. You sleep in extremely late. You don’t go to bed until it’s light outside. You’re a grammar nazi. You’re terrified of spiders. You’ve been in a psych unit for depression. Your birthday is in December. Your favourite season is summer. You shower everyday. You wear make-up, but not a lot. You share a room with your brother & mom. -.- You’ve been homeless before. You have money problems. You’ve been pregnant before. But didn’t have the baby… The only friends you have live in different states. You do your own laundry. You watch Teen Mom. :’D You’re schizophrenic. You have a lot of clothes that you don’t wear. You cut up your own clothes to make them cuter. You put salt or ketchup on almost anything. You HATE raisins. You have a niece. You’re 15 years old. You love the color purple. You love alternative music. You’re currently in high school. You love your school. You’re attracted to coy boys. (: You’re sensitive. You cry easily. You’ve been so depressed, you couldn’t get outta bed. You’re always hungry, but can’t eat. You’ve attempted suicide. You’ve had your first kiss. You’ve been in love. You like to draw. You love to sing. You have 8 siblings. You’re the youngest on your mom’s side. You have a relative in the military. You have 2 tattoos. You’ve broken a bone. You aren’t flexible. You absolutely despise Nicki Minaj. You hate Lil Wayne, but like a couple of his songs. You’re a fan of Tech N9ne. You’re underweight. You put others before yourself. You’re a people pleaser. Satan himself temporarily takes over you when you’re on your period. When you’re nauseous, you become violent. You’re addicted to soda. You dress weirdly, but like it. You’re currently looking for a job. You’re always the one standing out. You’ve been severely bullied. You overcame your depression. You still get sad from time to time, though. You’ve been back stabbed by a girl who you thought was your best friend. You’ve been cheated more than once by just one guy. You’re easily forgiving, but you never forget what’s said & done. Your favourite movie is LOL. You enjoy romance movies. Also, chick flicks. You have short hair. You get car sick. I love Barry M nail paints. I sometimes think I eat too much. The person I have feelings for is younger than me. I can be quite stubborn sometimes. I’m always too shy to tell someone if I like them. I love those random conversations that make no sense. I’m legally old enough to drink … but I don’t go out drinking too often. I’m single. I’m more of an evening person than a morning person. I’ve read all of the Harry Potter books. I’m not very flirty. I spend a lot of time with my family. People always seem to text me when I have no credit to text back. Pasta is one of my favourite foods. I worry a lot about what other people think of me. My toenails are painted purple. One of my friends is pregnant. Chocolate always cheers me up when I’m feeling down. I tend to get embarrassed and blush easily. I’ve never been cheated on. I prefer Facebook messages to comments. I suffer from migraines. I hardly ever drink coffee. I feel insecure sometimes. I like prawn cocktail flavour crisps. I always make an effort to keep in touch with the people who matter to me. Mariah Carey is one of my favourite singers… …But I listen to all different types of music. I miss someone right now. I haven’t texted anyone in ages. People can be quite protective of me sometimes. I’ve never had unprotected sex. I find it hard to lie to the people I care about. I like the sensation of butterflies in the stomach. Talking on the phone makes me feel awkward. I’m easily amused. Most of my friends are in relationships. I usually keep my phone on silent. I love to sing. My best friend is pretty. I’m hungry. I hold back from saying what I think a lot of the time. I love Bourbon biscuits. Most people think I look younger than my actual age. I wish I was taller. My birthday is in April. I’ve never smoked. I don’t have casual sex. I think Leona Lewis is pretty. I don’t like to draw too much attention to myself. I haven’t bought any new CDs for ages. I prefer to wear my hair down. I hate guys who think they’re God’s gift to women. When I was younger, I used to love pop groups like Steps, S Club 7 and Atomic Kitten. I slept alone last night. I use conditioner every time I wash my hair. I was born in the 90’s. I have blue eyes. I don’t have a flat stomach … … But I’m not worried about my weight. My hair isn’t dyed. I was obsessed with Pokémon when I was a kid. I don’t like to bottle up my feelings … … But I sometimes struggle to talk about them because I’m not sure what to say. I sometimes miss the way things used to be. I’ve had singing lessons. I’m British. I hardly ever wear white … … Because I can’t seem to keep white things white, no matter how hard I try. I’m straight. One of my best friends is gay. My hair isn’t straightened. My friends think I have strange taste when it comes to guys. I will be staying at home tonight. I’m agnostic. I’m quite romantic. One of my friends is engaged. I sometimes feel like I take things for granted. :/ The last person I hugged was a family member. I like looking at old photos … … Even if I look bad in them, just for old times sake. I only dance when drunk. I’m a forgiving person. I listen to music by Evanescence. I listened to music by Paramore. I listened to music by 30 Seconds To Mars. I don’t have a problem with being single … … But sometimes I feel a little bit lonely. I can’t whistle. I dislike watching the news. I haven’t had sex recently … … And that doesn’t bother me. My favourite type of chocolate is Galaxy. I don’t wear shoes with high heels. I feel embarrassed when I see photos of myself as a child..
0 notes
cuddlebunny698-blog · 6 years
I don’t paint my nails.I shake my leg a lot.I used to like ‘The Office’, but now I can’t stand it.I actually watch Disney Channel sometimes. And like it. My laptop is a piece of crap and I wish I could get a new one. My favorite show is LOST. My favorite movies consist of LOTR, V for Vendetta, Across The Universe, etc. I need a new iPod. I spend WAY too much time online. I LOVE to read. I LOVE Green Tea. I have Hypothyroidism. I also have Asthma. My cell phone cover looks like a condom. I am mostly Polish. This dumb guy drives down my street every day blasting his bass. It’s really annoying. I love watching Law & Order: SVU. I know how to knit. And sew. I am currently in the process of writing a novel. I have been to 4 colleges. And have finally realized what I am going to major in. I am majoring in English. I hope to become a famous author. I take too many surveys a day. Waffles are way better than pancakes. I love reading outside, and wish I could do it every day. Johnny Depp is the best! I have a cat. I have a new car. I have more purses than I can count. I’m pro-choice. I’m totally for gay marriage. I’m straight. I fear I won’t find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I pee way too much. I am obsessed with The Beatles. I own a TON of Beatles paraphernalia. John Lennon is my favorite Beatle. My favorite color is Green. I watch Baseball. I watch Hockey. I hate Football & Golf. I love Yoga. I love the Wii & Wii Fit. I feel like I was born in the wrong time era. I wish I was alive in the 60s & 70s. I have arch pain. I stay up WAY too late. I always have to have chapstick with me. I am trying to lose weight. The only reality shows I can stand are ‘Jon & Kate Plus 8’ & ‘What Not To Wear’. I love lotion. I am kind of germaphobic. I carry hand sanitizer with me at all times. I hate public bathrooms. I’m a vegetarian. I get migraines all the time. I love to go bike riding. If I get married, I don’t know if I want kids or not. I have made a few surveys before. I’m pretty lonely. I always feel left out. I can spell well. I have to sleep in complete darkness. I suffer from insomnia. I am on Xanga 24/7. I am subscribed to a few magazines. I have lost a loved one to cancer. A certain type of cancer runs in my family. I always feel tired. I have more books and DVDs than I can count. I seem to always be sick. I like long surveys better than short ones. I’m a kid at heart. My room is really messy. I have more things in my room than I should be able to fit. I need more money. I need a second job. I have an older sister and a younger sister. I am on a ton of medications. I’ve had soooo many x-rays. I go through sooo many adapters for my laptop a year. I don’t know what my natural hair color is anymore. I’d rather be pale than be tan and get skin cancer. I love being pale anyways. My favorite bookstore is Borders. My favorite department store is Target. My favorite clothing store is Forever 21. I spend most of my time in Borders and/or Target. I am older than 18. School’s over for me for the summer. History fascinates me. Fantasy/Horror books are my favorite. There are a ton of movies I need to watch. I’m going to go read. Then I’m going to go to bed You’re a girl. You like that fact. Even when you have really bad cramps you think it’s better than being a guy   You think boys are SO confusing. You always say you hate someone then and up talking to them not long later. You forgive people who shouldn’t be forgiven. You have multiple best friends. You’re still close friends with one of your childhood friends. You have lost lots of friends. You are single. You are under 18. You are in high school. You hate/ hated high school. You hate guys that think they can get any girl. You tend to be attracted to players. You always choose looks over personality and you hate that about you. Your group of friends has changed a lot in the past year. You miss your ex. You cry every day. You over think way too much. You’re incredibly insecure. You feel like people are just being nice when they compliment you. You can’t ever believe that someone really loves you. You have a tumblr. You’re addicted to the Internet. You prefer twitter over Facebook. You think Facebook’s too judgmental. You hate guys who just want to have sex. You love indie rock. You love One Direction. You create scenarios in your head that will never ever happen. You look back at your past and are like, wtf was I thinking?! You know a lot of people named Alyssa. You’re nice to everyone no matter what. You like to meet new people and make new friends. Finding new songs you love is one of the best feelings. You wish the person you loved, loved you back. You try to make your ex jealous often. Someone broke your trust that you NEVER thought would. High school changed one of your best friends. Your parents are divorced. You have step-siblings. You live close to one of your best friends. You know a lot of people at your school. Looking good is important to you. You love fashion. You’re SUPER lazy. You don’t text that many people. You like to answer questions & take surveys. You have a cat. You have a dog. You hate when people complain a lot on Facebook. You have Facebook stalked a hot guy. You love your bed. You love sleep. You love food. You think you’re fat. You don’t think you’re pretty at all. You like to do/ say provocative things. You like to sing & dance even if you’re not good at it. You’re not good at any sports. You’re incredibly stubborn. You want to travel the world. You never seem to have any classes with your best friends in school. You have an ex that you absolutely hate. You are a virgin. You have had more than 5 relationships in the past. You want a really cute relationship. You like guys taller than you. You love when guys smell good. You think football players are hot. You’ve dreamed of being a cheerleader before. ^ & you’ve dreamt of dating a football player before. You get bored easily. You’re bored of this survey. You love music. You wear mismatch socks. You love plaid. You always have to keep your legs shaved. You like your nails painted. You love indie music. You’ve dyed your hair quite a bit. You’re afraid of dolls. You suffer from depression. You have a boyfriend. Your eyes are hazel. You have long eyelashes. You need braces. You suffer from an eating disorder. You play the piano. You’ve recovered from self-harming. You’re only energetic & hyper around people you know. But you’re super quiet & shy around people you don’t know. You have freckles. You have your ears pierced. You sleep in extremely late. You don’t go to bed until it’s light outside. You’re a grammar nazi. You’re terrified of spiders. You’ve been in a psych unit for depression. Your birthday is in December. Your favourite season is summer. You shower everyday. You wear make-up, but not a lot. You share a room with your brother & mom. -.- You’ve been homeless before. You have money problems. You’ve been pregnant before. But didn’t have the baby… The only friends you have live in different states. You do your own laundry. You watch Teen Mom. :’D You’re schizophrenic. You have a lot of clothes that you don’t wear. You cut up your own clothes to make them cuter. You put salt or ketchup on almost anything. You HATE raisins. You have a niece. You’re 15 years old. You love the color purple. You love alternative music. You’re currently in high school. You love your school. You’re attracted to coy boys. (: You’re sensitive. You cry easily. You’ve been so depressed, you couldn’t get outta bed. You’re always hungry, but can’t eat. You’ve attempted suicide. You’ve had your first kiss. You’ve been in love. You like to draw. You love to sing. You have 8 siblings. You’re the youngest on your mom’s side. You have a relative in the military. You have 2 tattoos. You’ve broken a bone. You aren’t flexible. You absolutely despise Nicki Minaj. You hate Lil Wayne, but like a couple of his songs. You’re a fan of Tech N9ne. You’re underweight. You put others before yourself. You’re a people pleaser. Satan himself temporarily takes over you when you’re on your period. When you’re nauseous, you become violent. You’re addicted to soda. You dress weirdly, but like it. You’re currently looking for a job. You’re always the one standing out. You’ve been severely bullied. You overcame your depression. You still get sad from time to time, though. You’ve been back stabbed by a girl who you thought was your best friend. You’ve been cheated more than once by just one guy. You’re easily forgiving, but you never forget what’s said & done. Your favourite movie is LOL.
You enjoy romance movies. Also, chick flicks. You have short hair.
You get car sick. I love Barry M nail paints. I sometimes think I eat too much. The person I have feelings for is younger than me. I can be quite stubborn sometimes. I’m always too shy to tell someone if I like them. I love those random conversations that make no sense. I’m legally old enough to drink … but I don’t go out drinking too often. I’m single. I’m more of an evening person than a morning person. I’ve read all of the Harry Potter books. I’m not very flirty. I spend a lot of time with my family. People always seem to text me when I have no credit to text back. Pasta is one of my favourite foods. I worry a lot about what other people think of me. My toenails are painted purple. One of my friends is pregnant. Chocolate always cheers me up when I’m feeling down. I tend to get embarrassed and blush easily. I’ve never been cheated on. I prefer Facebook messages to comments. I suffer from migraines. I hardly ever drink coffee. I feel insecure sometimes. I like prawn cocktail flavour crisps. I always make an effort to keep in touch with the people who matter to me. Mariah Carey is one of my favourite singers… …But I listen to all different types of music. I miss someone right now. I haven’t texted anyone in ages. People can be quite protective of me sometimes. I’ve never had unprotected sex. I find it hard to lie to the people I care about. I like the sensation of butterflies in the stomach. Talking on the phone makes me feel awkward. I’m easily amused. Most of my friends are in relationships. I usually keep my phone on silent. I love to sing. My best friend is pretty. I’m hungry. I hold back from saying what I think a lot of the time. I love Bourbon biscuits. Most people think I look younger than my actual age. I wish I was taller. My birthday is in April. I’ve never smoked. I don’t have casual sex. I think Leona Lewis is pretty. I don’t like to draw too much attention to myself. I haven’t bought any new CDs for ages. I prefer to wear my hair down. I hate guys who think they’re God’s gift to women. When I was younger, I used to love pop groups like Steps, S Club 7 and Atomic Kitten. I slept alone last night. I use conditioner every time I wash my hair. I was born in the 90’s. I have blue eyes. I don’t have a flat stomach … … But I’m not worried about my weight. My hair isn’t dyed. I was obsessed with Pokémon when I was a kid. I don’t like to bottle up my feelings … … But I sometimes struggle to talk about them because I’m not sure what to say. I sometimes miss the way things used to be. I’ve had singing lessons. I’m British. I hardly ever wear white … … Because I can’t seem to keep white things white, no matter how hard I try. I’m straight. One of my best friends is gay. My hair isn’t straightened. My friends think I have strange taste when it comes to guys. I will be staying at home tonight. I’m agnostic. I’m quite romantic. One of my friends is engaged. I sometimes feel like I take things for granted. :/ The last person I hugged was a family member. I like looking at old photos … … Even if I look bad in them, just for old times sake. I only dance when drunk. I’m a forgiving person. I listen to music by Evanescence. I listened to music by Paramore. I listened to music by 30 Seconds To Mars. I don’t have a problem with being single … … But sometimes I feel a little bit lonely. I can’t whistle. I dislike watching the news. I haven’t had sex recently … … And that doesn’t bother me. My favourite type of chocolate is Galaxy. I don’t wear shoes with high heels.I feel embarrassed when I see photos of myself as a child..
0 notes