#when im not super broke af
yakumtsaki · 1 month
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Spice and Cyan are the last cousin-fuckers left standing and are proving impossible to break up. I'm inclined to blame the fact Sugar and June also had the hots for each other and passed these destructive genes on to these losers but whatever it is they're just annoyingly into each other.
Now I'm not gonna lie, I did almost waver cause I was like 'man you know what they're second cousins so at the end of the day truly who cares, maybe I should just let them stay together and create one Union super-bebe'.. and then I see this:
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In case you can't tell from this amazing screenshot they have ONE BOLT. ONE. ALL THIS DRAMA OVER ONE BOLT ARE YOU KIDDING ME
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-What is drama compared to someone you almost desire? -Oh baby, the mediocrity of my passion for you is too much to bear!
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-This lukewarm hot tub water is the perfect metaphor for our love.. -Exactly, it's the water of the womb and we all know that's where that sole bolt is even coming from!
UGH. Also man the difference between your noses is UNREAL, now I'm more worried about that if you procreate than the incest.
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-Hahahaha, as expected I'm the only one of this trash family that's in a non-disgusting relationship!
Felina no offense but you could afford to add some drama cause you've become boring af.
-People are sick of all this perverted nonsense! They want someone dignified and happily monogamous!
Ya idk sis, I mean look at Barth dislocating his entire spine as we speak:
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-You were??
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Bro I can't, the entire house hates Barth other than Meadow and her billion nice points and Spice who is his childhood bestie. Note that he and Sunset have that goddamn amour fou and are independently becoming un-enemies, which I'm NOT GONNA LET HAPPEN.
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-Ok Barth, let's get drunk and make some reckless and sexy decisions!
-Why do you keep cockblocking us? You know our kids would be hot!
-Ya right! Don't act like you haven't thought about it!
-You know we would produce a hot, psycho turbo-Union! A little Jojo or Jojette, untainted by non-Union DNA, one freakshow to rule them all!! Look into your heart, you know it to be true!!!
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WTF. Why are you here we've paid our bills!
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Oh great, now half these flops are in aspiration failure, that's just what the doctor ordered.
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-Can you harpies take this somewhere else, I'm trying to get high here!
OK NO. No one's killing anyone, we're NOT cursed, ok?
-We're broke, afflicted with a bills glitch, fires keep starting and half the house is in aspiration failure!
Well let's be real, the broke part is on you.
You idiots are averaging a D each semester because you're too busy fucking each other, beating each other up or both..
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..I mean freaking Jimmy is on academic probation, I have never gotten this before in all the years I've played this game, this is the worst college run of all time.
My point is the bar is in hell so let's just get out of this run alive, ok? Now you kids make nice!
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-Well, Failina, now that I'm looking at you up close I guess putting lipstick on a pig does work sometimes.
-For my next move, I'll shove my queen in your other eyehole.
See, now isn't this nice? And I think I figured out what caused the bills thing so everything should be fine now..
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Ok you know what I'm actually fine with that one, take it- Um do I hear hearts??
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-We've been friends for a long time-
You have?? Man I really need to pay more attention around here.
-Yes well you can't help being useless!
Very true! Well please, continue, let me just call someone over-
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Man I know, it's so terrible! Anyway-
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DOES HE?? Cyan you are one crazy bitch, I love it.
-I take after my mom! :D
Which one, they're both insane! :D
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-What's it take to get your number? What's it take to bring you home? Hurry up, it's time for supper, order up, I'm hot to go🎵
Alright well Chapell karaoke seals it, Kea, welcome to the family!
-You mean it this time right, you won't fuck me over again like when I was engaged to Sophito?
LOL I forgot about that but no I'm certain this one is gonna work out, unless crazy ass Cyan goes back to one of her cousins
I said start planning the wedding!
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Okay here's one. I really dont think I'm the asshole but my ex sure does.
AITA for refusing to buy my partner a jar of pickles?
So this story has like, a little background and some confounding factors i think but i really could go both ways on whether i was the asshole.
Ill start with both my ex (21nb) and i (23f) had severe mental health issues and were working on treatment when we were together. Theyd been in and out of inpatient stays throughout our three year relationship. Towards the Day of Pickles, i had my first inpatient stay where i got help i desperately needed to keep myself safe. This happened to be about a week after my 23rd birthday, but about two and a half weeks before their 21st birthday.
Anyway, at that time i had just gotten out of the hospital and started a new job at Joanns Fabrics (i outlived that retail fucker and im proud of it). I had been unemployed for the previous year and a half because of the pandemic and so the retail job was really my saving grace to have some sort of income to buy gas and groceries. My parents let me live rent free with them in their basement but i spent a LOT of time essentially squatting at my ex's dorm because my situation with my parents was not great.
Now my ex was also being financially abused by their mom so they had a monthly "allowance" of 200$ (of their own money they made at their on campus job) and no access to their bank statements. So i spent a lot of my own money on gas and groceries for both of us, and anything we wanted to do for fun, like visit the city. Without an income, this was SUPER stressful for me and i spiraled pretty hard with feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. Supporting two people, even minimal living expenses, on an income of exactly 0$ is the WORST.
Anyway, i got out of the hospital and pretty much immediately went back to picking up as many shifts as i could at work because id been on staff for all of two weeks before hospitalization. Knowing retail, i was probably on the precipice of losing hours or being fired altogether.
My ex wanted me to take time off to celebrate their 21st birthday (they didnt celebrate my birthday that year) and travel to see their family and drink etc. I got scheduled for an inconvenient time. I would have to miss their birthday if i didnt find someone to cover. I managed to switch shifts with another coworker who was nice enough to let me have her morning shift, so i was able to at least travel separately and be a little late to dinner.
The night of their birthday my ex wanted to get drunk and so we went to the liquor store. Now im generally pretty picky about alcohol but if i get anything special i always get enough to share. Mysteriously, no one ever offers to share the expense or pay me back. So with all of 150$ in my account, i purchased enough alcohol for myself and the rest of the party, and a bottle of (cheap af) liquor for myself. I was broke af until my next paycheck and was pretty much planning on giving up meals and staying at home because the commute to work was shorter and meant less gas.
My ex picked out a jar of boozy pickles and asked if i would get it for them for their birthday. I should note that with all the stress i was under i had found a birthday present for them but hadnt actually placed the order (was waiting to get paid). I also didnt lie to them about this and had told them that i hadnt gotten their birthday present yet. They were upset by this and told me they felt like i didnt care about them, to which i snapped and raised my voice a little.
I gave them a bit of a reality check. I told them in no uncertain terms that i was under a lot of stress, from nearly killing myself to being flat broke with little to no help from my family other than a conditional roof over my head, ordering their birthday present wasnt super high on my list of things to do and that i knew what i was going to get them and that i intended to order it as soon as i had the money to do so. After years of the sole attention being focused on keeping them alive, i needed some support and acting like i didnt care completely ignored EVERYTHING i did to keep us both afloat.They cried and played the victim as they tended to do and i was too stressed to do anything but be angry.
So when they asked for the pickles i told them no. I have NOTHING left in my bank account, and anything that was in my account was already allocated for something else.
They told me i was being selfish for buying myself alcohol on THEIR birthday, not even getting them a present, yelling at them, and then refusing to buy the one thing they asked for, especially after i refused to take off work the day before to hang out with them and their family. In front of our friends.
I told them that i was purchasing the alcohol for the whole party, that the present had slipped my mind, and that they were accusing me of not caring about them when i snapped. Then i walked out.
My bff went outside to help me cool down and i told him what was going on and how stressed i was and he said that he agreed with me, it was childish to expect me to pay for everything with no help from anyone and then act like im unreasonable for having to put limits on what i can purchase.
My ex ended up getting so pissed by all of this they broke up with me two days later, saying that their birthday was the final straw for them after I'd been so codependent and relying on them too much to survive.
I think its all ridiculous given all of the stress factors i was dealing with at the time. I feel like we're all entitled to the occasional emotional outburst/bouts of forgetfulness when we're stressed. But my ex seems to think im a selfish asshole. We've been no contact for the last two years so this isnt like a pressing concern or anything but it does make me roll my eyes occasionally.
So tumblr, aita?
(Btw im also much more financially stable now that I'm fully and properly medicated and away from them.)
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bloopitynoot · 9 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 11
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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I always place my bookmark at the end of the chapter when I start reading to indicate the number of pages I have in a session, and this chapter is comparatively so short! Only like 20ish pages!
Once again, Charlie has abandoned me, but I am back on my soy lattes with matcha to accompany this chapter. Oversharing but; I ran out of my ceremonial grade matcha (delicious af) and tried a local tea shops matcha (much cheaper, still delicious, but texture and colour are very different). The matcha is tasty but definitely not the same. My wallet is happy, my taste buds are forlorn.
Minor angst aside- Let's get into this chapter!
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Corpse?! Already! Starting this chapter off strong with maybe another death? I mean, Liu Qingge has 0 chance against Luo Binge, but still.
I will say MXTX is great at starting and ending chapters with anticipation. Like there is no filler chapter. She ends AND starts on action every time. It has made my one chapter a day read low key frustrating, but has definitely kept me engaged!
Wait. What corpse is Luo Binhe holding??? If it's Shen Qingqiu that is so fuckedp245
Double WAIT. What are they doing in the bed together :O OMG is he sleeping with the corpse?? p246
Im shaken. LOL It IS Shen Qingqiu's corpse. p247
Fucking SAME SQQ. Necrophilia is also not for me my guy "Too hardcore...Way too fucking hardcore! Even if his imagination had been as vast as the moon covered with craters, he had still never imagined that one day he would become a character in this kind of hardcore kink play". p247
SQQ I really don't think it can be called bullying to have the guy let go of your own corpse (that was being super desecrated) p248
okay but. question: did he sleep or SLEEP with the corpse? I need to know because I am overwhelmed at this revelation. Both are unhinged, but like one of them is significantly worse.
honestly, SQQ, I too want to know how that corpse is being preserved p248
LOL at Liu Qingge panicking about touching the corpse's flesh. Like sure, I get it, if that was my friend/sect sibling's body I would be horrified at the man handling p249
oh! His (SQQ) sword (and Luo Binghe's old sword??) is repaired!! that's rad! p250
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Oh gosh. Luo Binghe is Big Mad that they are snatching his corpse boyfriend p250
Thank god that SQQ was able to get Liu Qingge to to actually leave- this could have been awful. p251
aaaaaaaand what a time for SQQ to have a change of heart about Luo Binghe. He is SO soft for him. 10000% he is going to get himself killed -> again. p251
OMG he was so close to telling him his identity and the confession was disrupted vie him being kidnapped! p252
wait- who else broke in?? was it Shang Qinghua? p253 ofc MXTX loves to leave little cliff hangers.
Oh no, Luo Binghe did remember to activate the demon blood mites. poor SQQ. p254
meanwhile SQQ is basically dying (not actually but he sure feels like he is) and is having an entire mindmap thought journey about how Luo BInghe came to this level of infatuation with himp254
we now have SQQ questioning his worldview, his entire life, himself as an individual, every choice he has ever made, and a his own sexuality. poor babe. p255
oh shit. Wait- what's the cure for the blood mites?? Who is this guy??? p256
are you fucking kidding me. LOL omg. Another demon. I just went to my notes from yesterday and this applied, but make it 3 dimes. "Shen Qingqiu (probably): if I had a dime for every time I had demonic blood poisoning me I would have two, and that's not a lot, but fucked up it happened twice. LOL" at this point should I keep a dime count??
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omg! is he attacking him now from within the dream realm??? p258 so scary!
okay he is not attacking SQQ he is attacking HIMSELF. Luo Binghe is not okay. The level of unwell he is exhibiting is frankly, quite alarming. p259
all of this self harming because he lost his shizun's corpse omg
Well... at least luo binghe is apologizing for the water prison? p261
and here we have SQQ having a crisis about not wanting to be near Luo Binghe while he simultaneously cannot resist patting his head anyways p262
oh god. baby luo binghe intentionally kept all of the scars that Shen Qinqiu gave him. what the fuck I'm emotional. p263
Wel it's about time. SQQ finally figured out he fucked up treating Luo Binghe like a character and not a person. BUT, based on the last line of this chapter, I have a suspicion that 1. luo binghe is not himself (someone else impersonating him??) OR Luo Binghe knows exactly what the fuck he is dong.
I cannot with these cliffhangers!
I need to know who this other demon is and who is controlling this dream rn. I did take a look ahead at page count and the next couple chapters are very short AND end book 2, so I am not looking forward to likely more drama and another several cliffhangers.
pray 4 me.
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lexithwrites · 1 month
Ooooh OFbartylus
I feel they're fwb to rivals to lovers
Friends who decide to make some cash, have a falling out, create their seperate OFaccounts and then fall in love
okay this is super creative i love this! its 100% barty's idea to start one because they've been sleeping together for a while (neither are ready for a relationship—they are they just dont realise they wanna be with each other not other people) and barty sees how much people are making and they're both kinda broke and live together and need to pay rent and reg is like no way im not putting my ass on the internet and then he reads guidelines and that they can post pictures not just videos and he kinda gets into the idea—plus their electric bill comes through and its rough—so they post some pictures together with their faces blocked out and reg realises that, unfortunatley, their audience likes femboys so he reluctantly starts wearing those cropped hoodies and fishnets and then he starts enjoying it because it riles barty up—people love barty's tattoos and piercings and his dick print lmao—but when they get requests for videos regulus gets a bit nervous because he doesnt want to get found out but barty reassures him that he'll post a solo video of himself jerking it and it goes NUTS people love it and beg to see reg so he strokes barty for a video and they make the most money so far, which leads to barty jerking reg off, then fingering him, then they eventually fuck on camera and thats when shit kinda gets bad. they start having real life problems outside of OF and they dont film as much because of it, so reg makes one of his own accounts and people watch him there and barty is spiteful af and just starts posting crazy shit on their old one and its just this back and forth until barty, during a heated argument, says that he's gonna get some random girl or guy and fuck the shit out of them on camera and regulus cries because he loves barty and it would kill him to see him with someone else and barty breaks down too because he'd never touch anyone after reg, thats the love of his life, and they eventually make up and do a reunion video thats like 45 minutes long and they start dating <3
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evrytforourmoony · 9 days
hiiii how are youuu <3 lil question time: three fav marauders fics? tell me one LOVELY thing about each of them
(I just found your profile and I feel like you have good taste :) )
thanks for the compliment!!!! omg its mean so much to me when ppl tell me i have good tatse haHA
so top 3 marauders fic ever (i havent read much tho, im the type of person that gonna stick with one story and read it over and over and over and dont even bother to find another one):
1. last of the summer sun: love live laugh (or sth idk) superloonyluna i thanks the ao3 god everyday for letting me know abt this fic, the writing is absolutely PHENOMENAL, i want to dive into the story and be their friends. has the loveliest nicknames ever (lilybug, blue jay, hattie, goldilocks etc etc like shes so creative with nicknames what??), i could yap abt this fic for hours. super good and underatted af, pls check it out if u havent read it u gonna love it swear!!
2. tcoptp: do i have to say more!?!?!?!? one of the most loveliest fic ever omg again i want to dive into the story and be friend with them its not funny anymore. the most coming of age fic ever to exist, and wolfstar in cadence is DELISH and yeah i still have nightmares abt their breakup near christmas break (iykyk). btw im shitting my pants waiting for pt2, let mot cook but still im scared for my dear life
3. lessen my load: anything from moonymoment is so awesome, but this is my fav from her. the humour is unmatched (i laughed so hard looking at chapters titles, 'no being gay in peter's room tm' peak title ever), i was giggling so so hard reading this, lml wolfstar is so cute they make me wanna squeeze their head <3
honourable mention: nothing left (but some blood where the body fell), im currently reading this and the letter from reg to sirius in first chapter had me broke down and sobbed <3
again thanks thanks sm for the compliment!! hope u have a good day!!
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hannadoolsetnet · 7 months
i just wanna say how unbelievably excited i am for this WAD livestream today! i have been watching dan (and phil) since i was 12 or 13 and im 22 now so literally just about a decade 💀 im a proud hiatus survivor and i genuinely couldnt be prouder of dan (and phil but this isnt about him). daniel grew up in front of my eyes while i was growing up too and i know its super parasocial to feel this way but watching his journey really did help me through mine. i remember crying when he came out, when he went on his first tour alone, and when the gaming channel came back because they were BOTH ready this time. his entire channel has really been my comfort, always there when i need it. while im still growing and there are still some parts of myself im not quite ready to deal with, ive come so far and honestly dan and phil have both helped me through this journey more than i think any of the three of us realize. i know im very fortunate to be able to afford this ticket and be able to watch this, i absolutely recognize that. i remember begging my parents when him and phil came to the US for their first and second tours, and then i was broke af when dan came for WAD, i just knew i owed it to my inner teen to do this for myself since im able. okok done with the sappyness now, all of this to say i am really excited and i think theres a high likelyhood im gonna cry during this livestream. GO DAN!!!!
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valedy-x · 4 months
kasper in my personal style cause,,, cool dude :D
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some hcs i have include kasper having fashion sense and an actual motivation to dress nice/different every day. super cool dude that likes silly bracelets and chains and bright clothing. also its not super visible in the doodle, but he actually has longer hair tied back in a messy bun. and yes its been washed pre-infection kasper is a gamer but he was a decently clean rubber ducky gamer!!!!!
my explanation for his canon clothes is that infected does not give a shit about dressing up. hes the most laziest person youll ever meet and will have an allergic reaction to any kind of self care thing like shampoo or soap. yk when youre so sick that you dont give af about anything and all you want to do is rot in bed? thats infected. he doesnt care about dressing up like a cool person, eating regular foods and meals, etc. hes just on the gamer grind 24/7. dude doesnt even skateboard anymore wtfff,,,
so anyway infected wears that ew pink shirt and baggy pants like all the time. the rest of kaspers clothes are currently rotting in his closet 😞 also he chopped his hair shorter cause the back of his neck was constantly burning, so now it looks like he laid down and let a weedwhacker cut his hair.
oh and the scar on his face is from his first time attempting a back flip (when he was 8 or smthn). literally jumped back and crashed into his moms potted plant. yes dirt got up his nose and his thick skull broke the $100 pot but its a-okay kasper has a cool scar now. he likes to say he got into a fight and won (he has never won a fight in his life lmfao)
LAST HC CAUSE IM YAPPINg but likeeee,,, kasper liked long clothing. he didnt prefer shorts or tshirts. he got cold easily like if lampert turned on the AC kasper would freeze up and instantly die in an ice block. he loved big hoodies and ripped pants theyre so coolcore.
but when he got sick like an idiot and mlp transformed into infected, infected ditched the aesthetic for a dumb tshirt and pants. no jewelry, no long sleeves, switched the beanie for a ratty cap he found behind a dumpster. infected is the opposite of kasper and gets hot easily. he blasts the AC and likes to stick his head in the sub zero fridge to stop his forever migraine. 👍 also eats ice and chews on it like a weirdo.
thats all. deceases
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 8~
OHHH he's the junior preceptor?? what an interesting title!! i have no idea what it means!! is that like 'guoshi' from tian guan ci fu, perhaps?? a similar title, maybe?? WAIT THE OLD MAN IS BULLYING BIRBS??? UNACCEPTABLE. I WILL PECK OUT HIS EYES >:V oh so they're competing for Number One Temple now?? have they already decided on the top ten brothels and five-star inns of the jianghu?? are the temples the only thing left to be ranked?? lol yan wushi curled up on the other side of the table before he stands up looks so fecking funny, i wish i could take a screenshot, he's like a lil purple daruma 🤣 SHEN QIAO IS OUTRAGED!! yws: why do u care what those losers do?? btw u lost this game so u have to do my chores >:) shen qiao: i mean….i guess i'll do it :/ ilu announcer man whose job is to shout the guests' names jfc shen qiao u couldn't even be bothered to dress up?? put on a different jacket or something?? ok then i actually find the random 'normal looking' side character and bg characters to be a bit more pleasing to look at than the super-pretty main dudes lol. might just be personal taste tho 😅 UH-OH HE LOOKS FOREIGN. WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS ngl he's kind of hot tho Duan Wenyang is STYLISH AF. vaguely menacing, but TOGGED TO THE BRICKS, as they say!! (idk anyone who actually says this) dwy: OH CHIEF DISCIPLE?? u can be our witness!! sq: im blind :/ WHY DO FIGHTS ALWAYS BREAK OUT WHEN PPL ARE EATING owo who dis??? he's even MORE stylish!!! wow ;A; the old man splayed out over his divan like a TART, robes hanging open like a TART, his hair LOOSE and FREE like a TART honestly i have the most fun with the fight scenes and watching yan wushi menace random ppl for his own amusement OH SHIT ITS JGY'S BIG BRO i don't TRUST HIM, he wears a HAT and MISTREATS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS >:( yws: wow, ur such a creep. #cancelled BIG JGY U STOP HURTING THAT POOR INSTRUMENT!! is that a qin?? it makes such a pretty sound ;A; i want oneeeeee ;A; OOOOH PHOENIX POWERS!! YWS IS SUCH A BADASS OH MY GOOOODDDDD!!! HOLY SHIT!! GET EM OLD MAN, SHOW EM WHAT'S WHAT!!! WELL DONE!!! :DDD yeessssss MORE FIGHT SCENES!!! duan wenyang has got a whip and the li qingyu has got a really pretty sword!!! dwy: see y'all another time! :D poor shen qiao has to keep telling ppl that he's not the chief anymore, that can't be easy on him ;A; OH LOOK DWY IS BACK. i guess when he said 'another time' he meant 'in ten minutes' lol GET EM SHEN QIAO!! li qingyu thought shen qiao was a bad dude??? wtf??? WHO HAVE U BEEN LISTENING TO. WHO COULD CALL MY SWEET SHEN QIAO A BAD DUDE. HE'S LITERALLY SO INOFFENSIVE??? god the music SLAPS OH CRAP HE BROKE THE BAMBOO STICK----OOH NICE CATCH!!! lmao shen qiao immediately showing the other guy up after praising him for his good martial arts 🤣 HE'S SO POLITE. I LOVE SHEN QIAO lmaooo li qingyu seems quite nice as well, 'u can stay with us instead of the old man, if u like, we don't mind! :D' ASDFGHGFDS THIS KID WANTS TO PAINT SHEN QIAO 'bro ur like. SO HOT. LIKE A CELESTIAL BEING. WAY HOTTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. LET ME PAINT U PLS ;A;' i roast him, but as an artist i understand his pain 😔 sometimes u see someone so beautiful, u really can't help urself 😔 OH I SEE. duan wenyang and kehan dude and big jgy are all IN LEAGUE with each other!! innnnch restinggggg 👀👀 DON'T TRUST THE JGY SHAPED MAN, FELLAS. DON'T U SEE HIS HAT. DIDN'T U SEE WHAT HE DID TO THAT INSTRUMENT. IT'S A BAD IDEA ALL ROUND u know yan wushi barely evil laughed AT ALL during this episode. how disappointing 😔
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starjxsung · 2 months
hi hi darling! it’s so good to hear from you!! i’m so glad you’re okay after 5 hours in the sun and an almost missed flight (missing a flight is one of my biggest fears atm 🥲🥲🥲)
the merch is soooooo cool btw!! it sucks that you couldn’t get everything you wanted but the haul looked awesome so at least it was worth it!
and the jilix/jeongin pulls are so slay! i’m dying for mine to arrive but it’ll take a while bc i ordered the soundwave pobs 😪 im manifesting the jisung lip card for you!
and your outfit was soooo fire too!! you looked so good!! the boots are so so so cute!! but i cannot wear heels for the life of me bc im clumsy af😪
and for lolla, i hope your sis can go with you. but like im super srs, we should def meet up. and pls pls if you’re going alone, lmk if you need anything bc going new places alone as a woman is scary af and i don’t want u to die😭(my bf is going too but he’s an ✨honorary girly✨ -today he literally said that he was so excited to see skz perform charmer and he’ll scream so hard when they lift up their shirts- and we’ll be separating for a few shows). so yeah, don’t hesitate in hitting me up. i’ll die if you’re lonely @ lolla </3
i hope you’re so good! i send you so much love!!! thanks for the haul! i hope you have a great week!
I don’t know how I’m alive but I am indeed !!!! Just v v v sunburnt and my feet still hurt 🥲
I’m so excited to see your pulls !!!!! I’m saving the next ones I get in the mail to open with my friend at a coffee shop this Friday and I’m lowkey praying I pull kitty Felix bc if she does and I don’t, I don’t know how I’m going to act about it 😭😭 I’ll be so tempted to just snatch that shit up and leave LMAO manifesting all ur best pulls for u bestie !!!!
I’m so so happy w my merch haul I’m never taking off the jersey frfr I want to be buried in it 🙂‍↕️ also THANK UUUU I broke in my boots AT this show so they hurt like ten times more than they would’ve if I just bought them before 😭 but I didn’t fall or anything so that’s a win in my book 🫶
I will absolutely hit you up !!!! My older sis is coming with me but she’s not going to skz set bc she said she doesn’t want to be too close to the front (and I’m the complete opposite😭) so we’re just going to meet up when it’s finished and then get a ride home together. But let’s def coordinate to meet at least ONCE omg I need to give u the biggest hug ever I literally am going to cry being able to shower u in all the love u deserve 🫶🫶🫶🫶💓💖💖💕
I love you bby I hope you have the bestttt week !!! Final stretch before Lolla, we got this 🙂‍↕️🤞👼🫶‼️‼️
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cielospeaks · 1 year
seth acrylic stand!!!
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dont get me wrong im hyped af but why do they gotta be adding it when im super ultra broke?
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avo-kat · 2 years
this is my diary btw so im gonna write whatever
me rambling abt music i listened to
i used to love the metal band wintersun. ive basically listened to the album wintersun thru grade 9 and 10. because back then mp3 players had little space and mine only fit that one album. i listened to it daily for hours. for two years. yeah lol
i liked venom too i guess...
oh my fav emo band was the used. love love love. it really got me thru my worst teenage depression. i just listened to the album up and down for hours singing along whenever i was alone. so much sad
i listened to green day too, just that american idiot album. i was broke af as a teen and only had a handful of albums. my moms boss actually burned me a copy of american idiot! i was sooo happy that she did that. my mom used to clean ppls homes and i went with her a few times to help her and this lady had a really nice place and a big music ...anlage (lol) station? and she had green day and stuff and i told my mom how surprised i was that a middle aged lady was so cool. my mom told her next time and she burned me some cds :D so cool
my parents were usually v dismissive of me being goth and listening to metal music so this really meant a lot
in fact, my dad once said i was a psychopath and crazy and not right in the head! haha. now im grown up and dont call him. suck it, loser. thats what u got for abusing ur kid.
anyway, what else did i listen to? i had a last.fm account and listened to a lot of music but now i can barely recall. some japanese rock artists def. some handpicked metal songs that were popular that i got from youtube.
wait does my lastfm acct still exist lol
oh indeed! found it. well one of them. i had like two or three idk. lets see. theres scrobbles from 2007, 2008 and 2014 lol
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there we go!!!! lets see :D
wintersun - like i said. emilie autumn ooooh of course. still got her stuff on my phone. her songs were my main inspiration for my first ever OC.
then theres a few metal bands i remember liking but i wasnt like suuuper into them.
yes i like panic!at the disco. u may bully me.
some kpop. eisregen isnt that a racist? (i say, knowing full well a lot of metal band dudes were racist). only listened to like 3 songs of those.
kate nash, yeah, my girl! i think thats from later. all her songs are super, she first started with very tv britpop, but relatable. foundation is a perf song. and over time she released more songs but she did develop a lot musically, going a bit more rock at times. super awesome. i was at one of her concerts this year. amazing experience. i love her.
k.i.z. okay. yeah. thats a german hiphop band. their thing is satire, i guess. how should i explain it. meh. i dont listen to them anymore because i started feeling uncomfortable with how they do things. they do a lot of social commentary, but they also used a lot of slurs, in like, ironic ways. that was perf acceptable back then.
she!!!! my 8bit music era!!!! 8bit music is super cool. still have a lot of it on my phone but i dont listen to it much. it gets a bit boring over time
death cab for cutie... how could i forget. what sarah said is one of the bangers in my depression playlist.
janelle was a recent discovery.
theres some more kpop, some more metal down there. nirvana - of course. i binged them. i felt so much heartbreak when i "discovered" them and learned their background. i listened to them a lot lot.
theres daft punk, of course, some japanese artists, utada hikaru, dir en greys, mucc, gackt, malice mizer, ayumi hamasaki. all cool. yuna ito... whos that? ohh she was reira in nana. i listened to mika nakashima too!! that manga was really formative. oh she still makes music
oh damn instead of cleaning im sitting here talking abt myself
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delicteflowr · 5 years
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my biggest apologies for being super slow. We just moved this past weekend and been slowly trying to unpack, get situated as well as me going to work every evening / night and then my roommates and I also gathering things to put in our yard sale that we’re going to be hopefully having this upcoming weekend ( we’re broke af. we need the mon-mons. ). So a big thank you to everyone for being SOSOSOSOSO patient with me and everything. :> I’m just trying to settle down from the stress of things but my dms are always open for plots / chats and all that jazz. I’ll hopefully be getting to things tonight after my shift ( hopefully. if my body doesn’t demand I go to bed tbqh ). I hope everyone’s having a fantastic Monday!!
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Joseph Seed: graphically talking about how he killed his daughter
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owlways-and-forever · 5 years
Hey friends, I just want to do some real quick math with you all. I work at Starbucks currently, and I don’t make a ton of money. Myself and other baristas depend on tip money, especially in the next few weeks (our hours are about to get slashed for the post-holiday season). You might not think tips make much of a difference, but I’m here to tell you they do.
My store sees, on average, 1000 people per day. If each person who came in left a quarter, we would bring in $250 per day in tips. We schedule about 72 hours of labor each day. Assuming none of those hours are by managers (who are salaried and thus don’t get tips), that means that the tip rate is roughly $3.4/hour per person. I work about 30 hours a week right now. At that tip rate, that means I’d get almost $100 in tips each week. That is HUGE. That is like a game changing amount of money for me. Our average tip rate is $1/hour per person, less than a third.
Let me reiterate just to be clear - if every customer left a quarter in the tip jar, we could up to $130 in tips for the week.
Now let’s up the ante a second. If each customer left $1 in the tip jar, that’d be $1000/day, which comes out to $13.8/hour per person. At that rate I would more than double my paycheck. (Yes, that’s right, as a supervisor in the metro-New York area, I make less than $13/hour. Keep that in mind next time you yell at your barista.) For 30 hours of work a week, that comes out to $415/week in tips. Man, I can even tell you what I’d do if I had an extra 400 bucks each week. JK I do, I’d pay my student loans, but still. That’s like, life changing money.
Leaving coins or a dollar may not seem like much to you, but that’s exactly why you should do it. In all likelihood, you won’t miss it, but boy does it add up for us. It’s easy to think, well I won’t bother, cause what’s a couple of cents anyway, but like. It matters. It seriously matters to all of us. So please folks, tip your baristas, even if it’s just a quarter.
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March 7th, 2019
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Being an E-Girl makes Gundham extra mysterious today!
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celestrials · 6 years
So my stomach is in pain and as a veterinarian I can defs say for certain that I’m defs dying
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