#when in reality im just a little bit nervous sometimes
attempting to talk about something bad that happened to you but you're not good at talking about things and you havent said this specific thing out loud all that many times so instead you just skirt around the topic and inadvertently come across as a dickhead that wants to seem like you have a cool and mysterious tragic backstory
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1onescu · 3 months
can i request a shy ayanna crushing on a newer player? they could be like a transfer from iowa or something. im desperate for ayanna content!
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𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 - ayanna patterson
Ayanna's heart pounded in her chest as she glanced across the gym. Practice was in full swing, but she couldn’t help but steal quick looks at the new player, Y/N, who had recently transferred from Iowa. Y/N was effortlessly shooting three-pointers, each one a perfect arc that swished through the net.
Ayanna wasn't the shy type but something about Y/N that made her self-conscious. Maybe it was the way Y/N carried themselves with quiet confidence, or the friendly smile they gave everyone, including Ayanna.
“Patterson, focus!” Coach’s voice snapped Ayanna back to reality. She nodded, cheeks flushing, as she saw Y/N turn her head to her way. Ayanna returned to the drill, trying to concentrate. But Y/N was always in the back of her mind, a persistent, pleasant distraction.
After practice, Ayanna lingered by the water cooler, trying to muster the courage to talk to Y/N. She watched as Y/N chatted with a few of the other players, laughing at something one of them said. They seemed so comfortable, so at ease.
Just as Ayanna was about to slip away, Y/N approached her, a friendly grin lighting up their face. “Hey, Ayanna, right? You were amazing out there today. Your defensive skills are incredible.”
Ayanna’s heart raced. She wasn’t used to compliments, especially from someone she admired so much. “Thank you,” she stammered, looking down at her shoes. “You’re really good too. I mean, your shooting is…wow.”
Y/N laughed, a sound that made Ayanna’s heart flutter. “Thanks! I’m still getting used to everything here, but everyone’s been really welcoming.”
“Yeah, it’s a great team,” Ayanna managed, feeling her confidence grow just a bit. “If you ever need help with anything, or if you want to practice together sometime…”
“I’d like that,” Y/N interrupted, their smile growing. “How about tomorrow after practice?”
Ayanna nodded, unable to believe her luck. “Yeah, that sounds great.”
The next day, Ayanna was more nervous than she’d ever been before a game. She and Y/N stayed after practice, shooting hoops and running drills together. The gym was quiet, just the sound of bouncing balls and their occasional laughter filling the space.
As they took a break, sitting on the bleachers with water bottles in hand, Y/N turned to Ayanna. “So, what’s your story? How did you start playing basketball?”
Ayanna shrugged, feeling a bit shy but also excited to share. “My dad loved the game, so he got me into it when I was little. I fell in love with it right away. It’s kind of my escape, you know?”
“I get that,” Y/N said, nodding. “Basketball has always been my way of dealing with things too. Moving here was tough, but being on this team…it’s been a lifesaver.”
“I’m glad you’re here,” Ayanna blurted out, then blushed deeply. “I mean, it’s great having you on the team. You’re really good.”
Y/N smiled warmly, their eyes meeting Ayanna’s. “I’m glad I’m here too. And I’m really glad I’ve got a friend like you.”
Friend. The word made Ayanna’s heart ache just a bit, but she smiled back.
As they stood up to leave, Y/N gave Ayanna a quick, impulsive hug. “Thanks for today. I really needed it.”
Ayanna’s heart soared as she hugged Y/N back. “Anytime.”
Over the next few weeks, Ayanna and Y/N grew closer. They spent more time together, both on and off the court. Ayanna’s crush didn’t fade, but she was content just being near Y/N, enjoying their friendship and the easy camaraderie they shared.
One evening, after a particularly tough practice, they found themselves alone in the locker room. Y/N was unusually quiet, and Ayanna sensed something was bothering them.
“Hey, you okay?” Ayanna asked gently, sitting down next to Y/N on the bench.
Y/N sighed, looking down at their hands. “It’s just been a tough day. Even though i love it here and everyone is so nice. I’m still adjusting to everythinga bit i guess, and sometimes I feel like I don’t fit in.”
“You do fit in,” Ayanna said firmly. “You’re an amazing player and everyone likes you. I like you.”
Y/N looked up, a small smile playing on their lips. “You really think so?”
“I know so,” Ayanna replied, her voice soft but sincere. “You’re one of the best things that’s happened to this team.”
For a moment, there was silence. Then, Y/N reached out, taking Ayanna’s hand in theirs. “You start to get really important to me, Yanna.”
Ayanna’s breath caught in her throat. She looked into Y/N’s eyes, seeing the same nervous hope she felt reflected back at her. “Really?”
“Really,” Y/N said, squeezing her hand gently.
Ayanna smiled, her heart full. “I want to tell you something. But i don't want to ruin our friendship with this and i completely get it if you don't feel the same i-i just have to tell you this. I like you. A lot. Ever since i first laid my eyes on you i-”
Y/N leaned in, and closed the distance, their lips meeting in a soft, sweet kiss. It was a moment Ayanna had dreamed of, and it was even better than she’d imagined. The kiss was full of love and full of unspoken words. They were still holding eachoter's hands. They heard the door shot open, revealing a flabbergasted Paige. Yanna and Y/N both turned towards her.
"My bad. Just left my water bottle here." She apologized, walking towards her mentioned bottle. She turned towards us once more, winked and walked out.
Ayanna and Y/N looked at eachother giggling. Y/N looked at Ayanna and she couldn't resist, she had to give her a peck on the lips.
When they finally pulled away, both of them were smiling, their hearts racing. “I already mentioned this, but I’m glad you’re here,” Ayanna whispered again, this time with even more meaning.
“Me too,” Y/N replied, their hand still holding Ayanna’s. “Me too.”
And for the first time in a long while, they felt like everything was exactly where it was supposed to be.
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cinmngirlnfr · 7 months
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Edmund Pevensie x Reader
In my mind, Edmund Pevensie is a Dorky Nerd
Summary: Before the battle in miraz's castle, Edmund tries to convince Y/N to not go to the battle, but things took turn when he ends up conffesing his fellings.
Y/N was sharpening her sword. She looked around her "room", it was very generous to call it a room though. Let's just say that the fortress were Caspian had leaded them to, their base is you must, and where the stone table used to be (and it still is, just broken), was not particulary cozy. She had a discomfort look on her face, yes, she loved Narnia and she would do anything for her people, but is not like she found battles apealing.
She was on her way to put her armor on when someone busted through the door. It was Edmund, hyperventilating.
"Excuse you?" Y/N asked a bit annoyed, he could have at least knocked.
"Sorry" Edmund had a looked of concern on his face "Is it true?"
"What ever are you talking about?" Y/N asked.
"That you are going to the battle, is it true?" Edmund asked with a more stern tone.
"Yeah...?" Y/N was kinda confused, it was not her first battle, back when they lived in Narnia, The golden years, She would atend to any battle or figth there was, she was very skilled at it, and it shoudn't be surprising that she was going to this one.
"No you are not!" Said Edmund almost like in a childish tone.
"Why not?" Y/N asked annoyed, he was acting very strange.
"You just can't" Edmund looked nervous, like if he was holding something from her, and she hated liars, or in this case, not being told things that were directly related to her.
"Yes I can, and I will!" She started getting defensive, and her insecure thoughts started to appear. Was this because she was a girl? i wouldn't be the first time somebody understimated her because of her gender, all though she never expected that kind of behavior from her dearest friend, Edmund. Maybe, when they had came back to England, the boys from his school had contaminated him with misogynistic ideas.
"No, you will not!" Said Edmund, starting to raise his tone of voice, something he did when he felt frustrated, whitch often happened while he treated with Y/N, because it was very rare the ocation when she actually listened to him.
She rolled her eyes, and continued with her preparation for the battle, she always thought that Edmund was smart... Book smart, not life smart... She actually belived Edmund to be very Dorky when it came to real life problems, yes, he was wicked smart when it came to play chess or to solve a math problem, but not so smart in social/emotional matters... He just needed a little reality check sometimes. Most of the times Y/N would just ignore him when he was being ridiculous.
"Y/N, are you listening to me?!" His face was very flustered with frustration, she didn't answered. "Please! you must not go!"
"And why is that?" Y/N was just listening orders but not explanations. He just mumbled something to himself. "Why is that?" she spoke louder, more intimidating.
"You could get hurt..." He said in a shy demeanor. She coudn't help but chuckle.
"Getting hurt? Yeah, of course i could, is a damn battle! im not stupid" she said as if it wasn't a big deal, and it wasn't for her, she would die for her nation a thousand and one times if it was necessary.
"Well, you are acting very stupid rigth now!" she felt the urge to punch him.
"Me?! Me Stupid?!" She got closer to him "I'm a better figther than you and your brother together! I have to go to the battle, I'm not turning my back on Narnia for your bloody tantrum!" She didn't realized how close they were, their chests were almost touching, she was breathing heavealy and he was very flustered. Both of them were mad at each other, but for very different reasons.
"You could die!"
"So could you!"
"But I don't want you to!..." His voice cracked a little "I don't want to live without you..." He admitted shyly, and now her eyes full of fury were filled with confusion and tendernes, she had to admit that was kinda sweet.
"Im still going Edmund... " She tried to say in a softer demeanor, she now understood were he was coming from, she still thought it was stupid, but it also melted her heart.
"I know..." He cupped her cheeks with his hands, and then he leaned to give her a soft kiss on the lips, she was stuned to say the least, but she didn't felt any feeling of rejection, quite the opposite actually.
When they separated he looked at her in the eyes with love, but also a bit of shynes.
"...Wh-what?..." Scaped her lips in a gasp, she was very confused, She always belived Edmund to be very handsome... But she always thought he saw her as a sister, he never gave any sings of even felling atractted to her. But Y/N never noticed how much Edmund Liked her, since he had a very wierd way of express it, When he was mean or sassy, when he was clumsy or dorky in front of her, it was just how he flirted (No need to say that it was wierd way of showing love), But i mean, he never had to learn how to flirt, back in the golden years, when they lived on Narnia, Girls would just make lines to talk to him, he was handsome, he was a King, he didn't needed to flirt.
"I love you..." He said. "Sorry for realizing so late about it..." She tilted her head and smiled.
"You wove me?" She mocked him pouting and chuckling a little.
"Shut up!" He laughed. She smiled and grabbed him by the collar, she gave him a very heated kiss, that made him a little dizzy, but in the good way, a total contrast from the soft and tender kiss he had gave her. He kissed her as if he was afraid of breaking her, She was kissing him as if her intention was to break him.
When they separated she smirked from the dumb smile Edmund had On his face "I'm still going to the battle, Pevensie"
"Uh...huh" Was the only thing he managed to say.
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waters-and-the-wilde · 5 months
hehe scenario. jupeter coming out the other side of All That with a bit of 'wow you're just straight up a bit codependent but maybe that's actually the best-case scenario for you right now carry on fellas'
oh they've Had Their Talk in the aftermath, and, okay, it's agreed that they are Not Doing Romance because Nureyev needs Time To Grieve and it would be better to Take The Pressure Off Of Being In A Relationship and they will Reevaluate when Nureyev's had a chance to be a guy who doesn't have to worry about where his next meal is coming from. but also Like Hell is Juno just going to Leave Him Alone after all this. and the result is that they spend the Big Crash just. completely unhinged about each other. Nureyev's shot past 'feeling vulnerable around Juno scares the shit out of him' and well into 'raw nerves and gaping wounds and compound trauma and feeling vulnerable about literally anything and everything all the time and being around Juno is integral to not spiraling into the abandonment hell vortex'. meanwhile Juno's like 'holy shit Nureyev is letting me be there for him. this is already incredible progress'
u think they were insufferable on the Carte Blanche well. on the Carte Blanche Nureyev was still working on things like trusting Juno enough to let him back in at all and he Had An Image To Maintain and lots of Private Stuff to Deal With and Juno was still figuring out how not to be a prickly ass all the time and 'when is it appropriate to give your bf his space when your default mode is to Investigate Shit' and none of that is a going concern right now
'sometimes you gotta be a little bit mentally ill to handle the mental illness' they have so much separation anxiety and they are clipping their carabiners together. hooking pinky fingers and following each other when one needs to do something in the next room. where's Nureyev? sitting in Juno's lap again. his ass is experiencing 'nervous system doesn't know how to respond to the sudden removal of constant crushing dread and just goes fucking haywire at unpredictable intervals'. he gets random-ass panic attacks and there's only so much the breathing exercises and the grounding exercises and self-soothing techniques can do compared to 'Juno is here and he's fine and he's safe and he is more than happily providing prolonged physical contact' to get him to calm down on a physiological level
meanwhile Juno's like 'i chased this idiot across half the galaxy because he wouldn't ask for help and had to deal with him being all stone-faced and cold about it, do I look like i mind that he's clingy now? a lady does not need his personal space at this time. a lady is living for this. a lady is also maybe feeling clingy have u considered that'
everyone who isn't rita (idek who. melee? the other vivopolis refugees??) is assuming they are just getting a very bad grade in taking it slow and are barely humoring them about it. and neither bothers with denying the boyfriend allegations but it's not bc it's true it's they're just. too exhausted to get defensive about it
rita: and i mean they ain't actually smooching too loud in the kitchen or whatever
melee probably: he just came out of Juno's room wearing Juno's shirt
juno: he's a thief that's his shirt now
(12 hours earlier:)
nureyev: (shows up to juno's room at 3am) im sorry for waking you i had nightmares about [the bomb/the carte blanche raid/dokana capturing you] i just needed to see that you were alive and make sure im in the reality timeline and then i will go back to-
juno: get in loser we're watching bad cops
rita: hi mista' n do you want some of this blanket
nureyev: that's very kind but im afraid im
juno: yeah hold up he's like really sweaty im gonna get him a clean shirt
nureyev: you really don't need to-
juno: how are you even still standing up when you're shaking like that
nureyev: that is. an excellent question
juno: anyway welcome to the club i fired rita like an hour ago bc i had nightmares about her dying on the asteroid
rita: i had one where i was gettin chased by this big stompy plant monster with lotsa teeth and i had to distract it by throwing all my snacks behind me and then i was outta snacks and then i was up getting more snacks when mista' steel fired me
rita: you know i think only reason i ain't got separation anxiety about mista' steel is because we spent all that time in the ruby together while we were chasin' after you and that gets a gal over it real fast
juno: thanks rita :P
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fangirltothefullest · 7 months
Thoughts on the welcome home update because YES. Spoilers below the cut.
That sleep aid pill is called remderem which is almost "remember" but the d would be backwards, and its also almost "murder me" while missing the u. Is this anything? I don't know. Im always looking for names of things in args.
We have seen through two puppets eyes. First it was Wally and his discomfort and/or dissociation, and now it's Eddie's discomfort and/or dissociation. Which is fun because we've heard that Eddie would do crafts for the show and you'd just see his hands so that was a fun touch.
First iteration of the website we had mail letters (Eddie) giving us clues. Second iteration had bugs (Frank?) and active drawings (Wally?) giving us clues. Now we have symbols giving us clues and they remind me of stickers a little bit so possibly a connection to Sally? Who else would give the tiny pictures? Questions questions.
At the end of that commercial before his existential crisis, they say Eddie has been invited and they did his job for him so he could rest. Eddie does not seem happy about them doing his job for him instead of letting him do it himself. I am reminded of how clumsy with the mail he seems to be sometimes and how much work they make him do in the other audio clips. I wonder if he is feeling extremely overwhelmed but also unappreciated and that they can do all this work to help and choose not to most days? Sally insists it was easy to do and Eddie does not sound pleased.
One thing i can't stop thinking about and i have to go back and really re-watch the commercials closely, is Poppy. When they invite Eddie to the party they say everyone is there but there's no Poppy in the picture? And earlier they poured gravy on an ornament that, to me, looked very oddly shaped and almost like meat, and we hear Poppy, but we don't see her. So... a pea on a plate..... "P" on a plate? My brain could be misconstruing but did they eat Poppy and is that what he's actually seeing and is that why it's all red? I'd he seeing the reality beyond the mask? Is it more than a pea?
Eddie says "where?" In his crisis as a response to Frank calling his name. People are talking about this as if he doesn't know where he is. I agree this is a likely idea but what if he's asking where Poppy is? Do we ever actually see her in any of the videos or do we just hear her?
Wally has feelings a lot which is good to confirm he has feelings! Eddie also said he would be happy with an apple every single day and my he is an innocentbautism creature wally agenda is flourishing.
The amount if commercials has me fascinated because people used to do that for TV shows (still do but those earlier type ones welcome home is referencing is spot on) commercials for basically everything is accurate and what is funny is the accuracy of what each person is selling. Howdy with the cigarette commercial- he takes every opportunity to sell you something no matter what even if it's not good for you. Sleepy looking Wally selling you sleeping pills happy with the thought of the dream.
Wally being nervous about getting the holiday correct. Is it because he's never done it or ia Home going to hurt him?
Did home hurt Eddie because he was upset during the party? It sure fucking looks like it with home watching him so intensely. Does the chair have something to do with it?
Eddie's scribbled writing reminds me of the people trying to decipher the code on the safe.
On the secret pages it's signed "-W." But it talks as if it's a human person who watched the show and is working either the WHRP team. It also talks too grown up to be wally. Who is this?? Is it the same person from the terrified scribbles of the hidden page previously? It seems maybe so because of referencing needing the cleanup.
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
Everything I ever wanted
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Pairing- y/n and Theo raeken
Series- teen wolf
Warnings- kissing, obviously swearing😭, use of guns, pov fear of hights, talks of killing.
Summary- you get paired up with Theo, cleverly planned out by scott. And that wouldn’t be a problem if only Theo was an ugly toad. But he isn’t. And to add to the problems, you both get ambushed on your mission…
“Finally, y/n and Theo will to to the hospital” Scott explained pairing the pack up for equally difficult and unsafe jobs! “What- me and Theo are you serious?” i stuttered slumping even further in the chair, if it was even possible.
“you need to sort out your differences” Scott shrugged with no attention.
The pack split up in to there assigned groups leaving the house putting on there bravest faces for the mission ahead. The hunters were still out there lurking, just waiting to kill us all. “Scott wait- can we swap” I asked low, while awkwardly Liam waited for his pair outside the house.
“like I said, sort out your differences” “but...” “come on princess, the sooner it’s done- you get it” theo interrupted shrugging. Allowing Scott to escape with Liam. Leaving me with no choice.
“I’m not dying for you so stick to your self” my eyes scanned him harshly before I coldly turned on my heels.
Theo was everything I ever wanted in a guy he was hot, strong, protective, funny and a little bit broken which was okay for me. And I was having the hardest time hiding that... every time he calls me princess my knees go weak and when Theo gets close I get nervous so nervous my hands get sweaty. My acting skills weren’t the best and I didn’t know how long I could keep up the act of hating his guts.
Sometimes I felt bad for the way I ignored him, but i couldn’t get hurt. I couldn’t show my feelings and get knocked down.
As long as I could get through tonight with out one of us dying I would be fine. “Y/n!” “W-what” my eyes blinked bringing me back to reality. “you were day dreaming I called your name three times- not scared are you?” Theo’s eyes had that joking look in them when I looked up in to the mirror. “no...just keep your eyes on the road grandma” my sarcasm kicked in. No my defence kicked in, and my head met the window for the rest of the journey.
“We should start from the top down, then we can use hight against them bastards if they show” he looked over at me but I was spaced out yet again. “You sure your okay?” Theo questioned genuinely looking worried while he parked his ridiculously hot car in the parking lot. It felt weird. The car park was empty it was never empty, I pushed open the door stepping out in my boots and staring in to the darkness.
“y/n I’m talking to you” theo sighed coming around “im worried” my body leaned against the car while our eyes met in the middle “that’s okay you don’t need to be strong all the time” he exclaimed smirking a bit. All I wanted to do was grab his face and kiss him. but i couldn’t.
“Whatever I’m taking charge here” “what ever you want princess” theo trailed after me with his hand up in defence. “I’ve told you to stop calling me that! Multiple times” I hissed weakly reaching the doors of the hospital. Automatically they opened, welcoming us in to hell. “why’s it so quite” I whispered dropping to a stance while we walked around the lobby. “next floor” theo pointed out pulling at my hand silently. My eyes lingered on our linked hands but when Theo saw me staring he pulled quickly away.
The chimaera stopped between the lift and the stairs not sure where to go, scoffing and calling him an amateur I tip toed up the stairs.
Walking up like an amateur myself guns fired out of nowhere. My heart stopped and I froze in panic. Or shock?
Theo, who had already saw the whole thing coming spun me around a wall for cover my body slamming again the stone and his pressing into mine. I could feel his abs through the thin T-shirt while he stayed there for a second our eyes caught one another’s. mine still in shock but his beautiful green eyes showed relief. I couldn’t think what for thought.
“We have to get to that room” he whispered over the gun fire, seriously. I nodded taking his hand this time and bolting it through the gun fire around the next corner. For now we were safe. Ish.
We were stuck in a hospital room with the hunters just outside the door. “How many did you see” “too many to fight” theo told me quietly.
“I’m so so sorry” I whispered leaning my head on his chest. “what- why” theo answered confused with my confession. “I got you in to this, you were right we should have gone in from the top” i exhaled thinking about how we were going to get out of this mess.
Finally pulling away from me theo nodded for my help to barricade the door. We moved a bookcases and some tall metal thing I didn’t even know the names of. But when we were eventually done theo took my hand with both of his staring into my eyes.
“I don’t think this is your fault! and I’m going to do what ever it takes to make sure you get out of here alive” his voice was soft and his neck was bent down to my level so I knew he was being serious. “we both get out theo, or none of us do” I told him almost in tears. His eyes flicked to my lips and I took that as a hint to make them meet his. It was only for a few seconds. It was sweet not how I imagined kissing Theo raeken, but then again it was everything I’d ever wanted.
“What was that for?” He smiled rubbing my hand with his thumb. “Just being you Theo…”
The door slightly banged like people were barging in to it. “We can talk about this later” I gulped staring at the door. “Okay we need to get out of this room first” he deeply thought. I felt automatically cold when Theo dropped my hands to check the windows. They opened, wide. “I have a plan but I’m not sure you will like it” he pulled himself back in from looking down at the ground.
Theo’s expression looked like he was joking again like, he was finding it amusing or was going to make a joke about jumping? “I’m not jumping- this is not funny” “what- no there’s a pipe we’re going climb it to the top” “oh” i exhaled replying flatly. “You go first” theo stepped out the way “what so I can fall to my death” “no! Jeez, so if they get in your safe” theo rolled his eyes slightly annoyed. “Im- sorry” I sighed getting close to him again.
“This isn’t easy for me” I told him truthfully. “What isn’t easy y/n?” He asked holding my face softly. As I opened my mouth the guns started shooting at the door “no time for an explanation! Go and if I say break the pole you break it okay!”. I shook my head at him.
“Okay!” Theo asked again looking down at me. His eyes were glistening. “no” I told him firmly. He sighed but still helped me out the window and stupidly I looked down. “Holy fuck” I whispered.
“not scared of heights are you” Theo giggled. ignoring the comment I reached for the pole I wasn’t sure if it was sturdy so I shook first. It was fine. Briskly, I climbed up and Theo soon came behind me the window closed behind us like we had disappeared. Stupidly I hugged him letting my guard down again. I wanted it down now, sort of. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you y/n” he whispered kissing the top of my head.
“Why not? I’m awful to you sometimes- I ignore you, I’m blunt, I ran you into immediate danger, I…” and with that, theo kissed me again. Probably to shut me the fuck up but… It was still a kiss. “Because I really fucking like you! And I don’t care what you say to me I’m going to keep trying because I’ve never felt like this about anyone- I’m serious about you y/n” Theo confessed not pulling away from my body once.
“I’ve been trying to tell you I like you! but we keep getting disturbed” I blurted out unable to keep it in any longer. “I can’t act anymore Theo” I breathed out. “You don’t have to princess, I’m all yours” he told me rubbing my cheek. I half laughed and hugged him again. “That’s everything I ever wanted to hear” I whispered holding him tightly.
“But! We need to Scott, tell them that the hunters are here and we need backup”
“Backup?- I’m sure there all gonna be dead by the time the pack is here” a hit of excitement flashed in Theo’s eyes. Mine matched his and Theo took hold of my hand again. We ran to the door preparing for the fight, but this time it was different. I really had something to fight for now.
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artistic-intrxvert · 1 year
The rottmnt turtles ( hopefully not too much) with this preteen (like 12?) reader who’s just sneaking around and watching them “defeat crime” and writing it down, basically describing them as “cool” and just wanting to be friends with them. With drawings of them and the turtles. Also they try really REALLY hard to not get caught because they seriously do not want them to see their “notes”. Also 2012 tmnt honestly brings me to tears sometimes so I’m gonna give rottmnt a chance-
Hello there! YOU ARE MY FIRST ROTTMNT ASK AAA IM SO EXCITED :D i have a serious hyper fixation on this show and i need help hahah- I had a lot of fun doing this and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None! (Some swearing but i do that a lot so it's not really all that different lol)
Prompt: (PLATONIC!!)Rise!Donnie, Leo, Raph, and Mikey with a child!reader who admires them
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I feel like Donnie would be the first to notice, and at first he wouldn’t really care all that much
In fact I think he’d respect that, if one needs notes about something then one needs notes
Pretty cocky about it too, why wouldn’t one want to know about the glorious and most intelligent turtle Othello Von Ryan?
But at the same time he also is quite suspicious of you and makes sure to keep an eye out in case you try and tell anyone of the turtle brothers existence
Honestly takes too long debating whether or not to tell his brothers
One day they all spot you taking your notes, Donnie knew a little bit about it since he has his high grade tech (he has his goggles after all, he probably knows your writing down something)
Let’s say they tried to confront you, wondering why and how the heck you managed to get on the top of one of the buildings and if you were in any danger
Yeah let’s just say you got scared and fled the scene leaving your notes behind
Donnie was the one that took it, claiming he can read any hand writing and wanted to make sure it didn’t have any personal information that could be used against them
I’m reality, he was quite curious to see what you were writing down
Turns out, you were doodling the turtles and yourself all in a picture with the classic ✨sun in the corner✨ and at the top said “friends” but he could see that it was erased and rewritten a few different times, as if you were hesitating to write it
He flipped through the pages and were impressed with how much notes you got that were accurate considering the fact you've been watching from a distance
While one would find it creepy, he can’t really hold it against you, children have people they admire and look up to and it just so happens that he and his brothers are the ones you look up to
Definitely tried to return the notebook, successfully spotting you in your usual spot, searching for your beloved notes
He talks to you, asking about you and how he’s intrigued by your notes (he's very impressed but would never admit that out loud)
He asks if you would like to meet his brothers and maybe ask about some stuff to help your notes so that he can make sure you "have the right information"
He's still his cocky self, but I think he'd understand where your coming from
We don't don't about his obsession with atomic lass-
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When he saw you taking notes from a distance every time that he and his brothers went out to do patrolling, he'd notice you being around the first few times or so, assuming you lived around that area
But then he noticed that you always seemed to be wherever they were
At one point, it hit his skull that you were following them
Only difference is that if he somehow found out before Donnie (highly unlikely btw) he'd point it out almost immediately
He would just kinda be like, "is it just me, or does this kid seem to following us?"
The others would notice too and agree to try and see if you were following them
Upon being confronted you tried to explain something but we're too nervous and ran off, leaving your notebook behind
Donnie was about to snatch it when he did, claiming he was going to read it first before Donnie hogged it to himself
He flipped through the pages and saw the drawing you did
Honestly thought it was creepy at first but then realized that you just wanted to be friends and looked up to them
Leo is the greatest ninja the world has ever seen, so it would make sense why you would want to be friends with him and his sidekicks brothers IM SORRY I HAD TO QUOTE THE MOVIE AND I PROBABLY SHOULDN'T HAVE BUT I COULDN'T HELP IT-
I feel like at some point he'd confront you it would be the day after he found the notebook you left behind and he would give it back and ask you about what kind of hobbies you do and what inspired you to watch him and his brothers
I think that he would eventually start talking to you often and eventually invite you to the lair sometimes. You would basically be a really close to of his
I think overall he'd be very smug and cocky about it but would deep down be honored that you would choose them to be the ones you look up to
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Raph would probably be one of the ones that doesn't notice this until someone else points it out. I also think he could also be the one to see it first. It just depends
Raph would be so honored that you looked up to them, he'd notice you following them and would go out of his way to offer you a smile before they'd go back to the lair
One day you leave your notebook alone after an encounter and he notices you dropped it
He wouldn't go through it surprisingly
One of his brothers would get to it first and would go through it, meaning he'd had to try and get them to stop invading privacy
Once he gets a glance, however, he feels so touched at the drawing you did and the detailed notes you've written down
He may not be the best at understanding complicated notes, but he knew how much thought and accuracy went into writing them down
Raph would try his best to return the notebook to you the next time they went out to fight bad guys
When he does return it, he places his hand on your head and ruffles your hair (if you don't have very long hair [shaved or buzzed] or if you have no hair at all, he'd give you a head pat)
He'd encourage you to ask them anything if you had questions, but would lightly scold you about being out and about at night by yourself
As long as you were safe about it, you may have just found yourself a new friend AND a kind of parental figure
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LOVES. YOU. SO. MUCH. (Platonically, of course)
He wouldn't notice at all, it was definitely pointed out by one of his brothers
He'd be a little worries about you being alone in New York by yourself given how you look to be around 12 or so
He'd confront you after a few different times they'd notice you, advising you to not be out so late
You didn't listen like the little shit you are
Eventually, they all had noticed and tried to confront you about it since they were rather curious
The pressure of talking to the turtles you looked up to had to a little nervous and you took off before they could talk to you
You did, however leave your notebook behind
Mikey looked through the different notes and flipped until he saw the drawing
He thought it was the cutest thing ever! He loved drawing and art related things himself, so he was really excited to see that you liked to draw as well!
When he finally saw you again, he handed you the notebook and offered to lend you some art materials or to sometime draw with him
It would take time to get him to invite you to the lair, but it would eventually become a very frequent thing
Very flattered but also very excited about the drawing
Sorry that this was finished so late :( life has been annoying as hell and making me not have motivation or the time to write as much as i used to. Nonetheless, I am very slowly getting back into the swing of things. Hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night and remember to drink your water <3
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faces-ofvenus · 2 years
BABE here I am, since requests are open. Okay so um bear with me because I barely request, but I've been lately thinking about how a Modern Lucerys would be like with an extremely shy & awkward reader?
Like, she can barely make/maintain eye contact (and when she does make eye contact she lowers her gaze to the ground), is very quiet and awkward, stutters, blushes and giggles easily, but she clearly tries to approach him in small ways by gifting him small things like flowers or drawings?
also: you don't have to write this if you don't want to, angel! 💕
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Anything you ask me I will do 🥰😔, and yes I loved writing this, as much as I am outgoing, I would be all shy with this beautiful boy
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Perhaps you are each other's biggest stalkers, for all your friends (both his and yours) it is simply surreal the obvious passion that two people have for each other, but simply the shame, the shyness and a bit of insecurity prevent you from even exchanging a few words.
You and Lucerys obviously met at school when I say this is very, very young, you both sat on opposite sides, always apart, as if fate was trying not to bring you together, but your eyes and attention, always turned to each other.
You feel so ashamed to talk to him, it's just so hard, your nervousness, the butterflies in your stomach, sometimes even your head that seems to be more dizzy than normal, being in your circle of friendship an introverted person or not, everybody knows that you are very shy, and sometimes quite insecure about everything about yourself.
When your eyes would turn to him, your heart would beat fast, as if you had run a marathon or something, it was so obvious, but whenever your gaze would go to the side, and your eyes would cross, you would feel yourself choking on your own saliva, it was so obvious!? Did he notice? It was comical to see your disguise and embarrassment, like, yes yes, this wall is so interesting, the ceiling has never been so beautiful, or simply the way you looked at the opposite side.
Lucerys thought it was so adorable, he always believed that you weren't really looking at him, well, he was always looking at you, and the reactions were almost the same, but he didn't feel that interesting, to get attention, especially your attention.
Unlike basically his whole family, he wasn't coveted, he didn't feel so bad (sometimes he did) because the only person he wanted was just, the one who seemed to try to avoid him he doesn't blame you, ever, but it hurts, he just wants to be noticed, then eve of Valentine's Day, notes and chocolates, started arriving, chocolates, candies, letters, in his wallet, closet, he was so confused....
His heart fluttered at the possibility of it being you, even if in his head it was something stupid, but he felt Jace's mocking glance whenever he saw the candy decorated with hearts, yes maybe a little bird in love had come to him asking what his brother's favorite chocolate flavor was, with NO pretense whatsoever, to give it to him, oh little bird.
Whenever you saw him with some of his gifts, your smile grew in such spontaneous ways, yes your friends are talking to you, but why do you look like you're not listening, and you're looking at a certain Velaryon with the most psychopathic smile possible, when you came back to reality, nervous laughter came out of your lips, you were mad, when he turned to face you, you just grabbed your friend's arm, and quickly left the place.
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It was such a ridiculous idea, yes you know, just go talk to him, they said, but it just wasn't that easy, at the same time your body longed to show everything you felt for him, all the appreciation, all the feeling.
It started with letters, drawings, chocolates, and even FLOWERS, everything you would remember him by, seeing him receiving them from afar, the way he wore the loofah scarf you gave him, (yes you knew that Harry Potter is simply his favorite book, and maybe you are the only one who really paid attention to that) the way he ate your chocolates, and even the way his cheeks flushed when he saw your drawings (whether they were "pretty" or "not").
All this couldn't supply what you felt, but at the same time, it gave you a certain comfort, you knew that he would never look at you, you are? Most people simply never paid much attention to the shy girl in the room.
You looked around trying to find some sign of him, it was finally Valentine's Day, so it wasn't too strange, you're sticking a letter of declaration in a "random" locker at school, people were doing this all the time, wanting it or not, you wanted so badly for him to leave you something, the smallest thing if anything, lost in your thoughts you didn't even notice the reason for your mental discussion coming up.
Lucerys looked at you in pure shock, it seemed as if your eyes were deceiving him, you, s\nmaybe the most beautiful girl in school, were standing in front of his locker with a letter in your hand, yes you could only have got the locker wrong, but the possibility that it was for him disturbed him in such good ways, taking the courage it gave him he went to meet you in large, hurried steps, clearing his throat slightly to get your attention, he could feel himself combusting when your eyes met.
— aah... You...misplaced the locker, the letter... Oh I mean... Hi — FUCK, he didn't even know how to finish a sentence properly, at that moment he just wanted to bury himself, his flushed cheeks said it all.
You were so shocked that you couldn't even speak properly, your eyes had nowhere else to run, holding the letter close, you sighed loudly, you couldn't escape anymore.
— Ah...Hi...yeah, no it's not, I was wrong actually, this letter is for you...I hope...it doesn't mean just read it I don't know. — you handed it over and quickly upset you ran off wondering which nearby ground you could bury yourself in.
You didn't want to see his face, his reaction, this situation was simply so terrible, your conflicting feelings oscillated between elation and despair, in a way that you couldn't tell one from the other.
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The next day you honestly hardly wanted to go, to be more specific, you didn't want to step outside your house ever again, but you still forced yourself to go, since you had been sick for so long, missing was no longer an option, you had arrived earlier than you expected, maybe trying to avoid all possible acquaintances.
When you sat down in your class, you noticed a note with a heart in the middle, and a small box of chocolate on the side, you looked around anxiously, the room didn't seem so crowded, and he... It wasn't there, when you opened it you read it quickly, that declaration of love, of the purest adoration, that you never thought anyone would have for you, those words, and at the end one, you want to go out with me.
When you looked up Lucerys was looking at you hopefully, his whole face resembled that of a tomato, or something that looked like the purest of crimson, he was holding a small flower, his favorite flower.
— So... You want to, I don't know, go to the movies with me, or maybe a park, restaurant... whatever.
And clearly you knew answer.
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koipalm · 2 years
I love analyzing joker I'm of the belief that like when you have a silent protagonist like joker the story should like naturally guide to the right choice,
Persona 4 does a good job at this for example of this Yosuke is presented as Yu's best friend and by the end most players tend to agree that yeah they are best friends
Persona 5 does this too , like during the end we know not to accept fake Igor's deal ,
So idk when I start feeling a certain way in the story I think " why would joker feel like this"
Like getting nervous about maruki doing the au on joker , could translate to, joker is realizing how powerless he is without the other phantom thieves and that makes him worried
GODDDD GHHHFFF...... HHFDD...... YOU GUYS ARE ENABLING ME. SO SO BAD I FUCKING LOVE TALKING ABOUT JOKER (T_T) i fucking love love love love love joker as a silent protagonist i love his little jokes in his dialogue options i love his friendships with the phantom thieves i love how he can be an older brother to futaba but god. I WISH THERE WAS A BIT MORE OF THOSE LIKE. if not fourth wall breaking moments then like. more noticable ones? like the dialogue option of him going "this isnt trivial!" which is HUGE because joker does not do that kind of thing in his dialogue options i am so so sorry because i am so excited that i cannot think of any more of those little moments but like. GODDDD good point because sometimes i do wonder about the difference between joker and the player and how much is OUR emotions vs akiras.... its why im so interested in a deltarune-esque au and that throwaway line the voice actors did in "youre nothing without me"....
GAHHHHH HHHHGGHGHHG like the idea of akira finally understanding that theres something more controlling his actions and its not just yaldaboath... like the idea of choosing a dialogue option for akira and then him saying a SECRET FOURTH thing in rebellion... ghhhhh... rebelling not only against the adults and the system and god and reality but THE PLAYER.... ok ok my bad. my bad
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lumineescente · 1 year
seungjin drabble (again)
hii im doing a thing called slowtober (made by @/oeildesaturne on instagram, french speaking folks check it out!! although be aware of tw mental health and eds talks) and i'm posting on twitter a seungjin au per word
for the second word of this slowtober we got "black cat"
For this word it's a modern supernatural hyunjin cat shape shifter with his roommates werewolf felix and ghost jeongin greeting their new (human) roommate seungmin
AAAND it's not betaed.. plus it's just a little brainrot but i liked it so i'm sharing it here!! not to be too excited but it'd be great to write it entirely (one day)
AND if you enjoyed this challenge who is now over you can vote on this form for your favorite that I’ll be writing into a full fic on ao3! (“soumettre” is “submit” btw)
if you want to check all the drabbles you can go here
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Hyunjin opens one eye. His ears moving at the sound of his name being called but not wanting to move any other body parts. He has spent the morning sleeping peacefully in a very sunny spot in their garden and with fall beginning he knows he will not be able to do so for a few months.
"There you are," Felix says as he stands tall, in a respectable distance from Hyunjin.
Felix never really liked cats. Due to his special nature, he never gets close Hyunjin when he is turn into a cat.
"What?" He asks barely moving.
"Did you forget? Our new roommate is coming at any second and you're cat sunbathing."
There is no real bite in his words, he is barely really mad. But they did promise to Minho, who is giving his room to this new person, to make sure nothing weird happens. Which is funny and ironic because Minho has always been the one to play with the weird limit. But the latter would deny it if they were to tell him.
"Right, I totally did not forget, " he finally decides to lie while standing up and stretching his cat body making sure to wake up each and every muscle.
"Good, because I already had to convince Jeongin to make sure he stays hidden but he said he was curious about the new guy but..."
"There you are, Felix!" A voice says at the door of the garden.
Both of them freeze. When Hyunjin looks up he sees the young man Minho had introduced to them a few weeks ago. What is different from that day is that now he is wearing some sweatpants and casual hoodie, his hair is slightly dishevelled and he looks terrible cute. Hyunjin knows his cat ears perks up in joy. How could he have forgotten today was the day he was joining their household ? He is so stupid. And Seungmin is so stupidly cute.
"Oh! I didn't know we had a cat," Seungmin says cutely.
Hyunjin has always been a very tactile person, and the same as a cat, but when Seungmin squats down next to him and gently extends a hand to pet him, he dodges it. The surprise look on Seungmin's eyes makes him swoon.
"He does not like being touch?" Seungmin asks Felix.
Hyunjin almost answers for Felix but thankfully he remembers cat don't speak before he does something that definitely falls into the weird part.
"No he really is affectionate, he must be nervous," Felix smirks and Hyunjin sends him a glare.
The reality is that none of his roommate ever pet him considering, Felix is a werewolf and would rather die than touch a cat, Minho is too jealous of Hyunjin shapeshifting ability, and Jeongin.. well Jeongin could hardly touch anything. Plus maybe it was a bit weird. Well he had never overthink it. But now Seungmin, the very cute new roommate, the very new human cute roommate, wants to scratch his head without knowing it was actually a human being.
"So what's his name?"
Felix seems to think very hardly on it and Hyunjin knows he will come up with something. He meows adamantly. He barely meows because he is used to his roommates knowing he is a human first and always talks normally even as a cat. It sounds weird.
"Its not our cat," Felix ends up saying instead and Hyunjin ears move pleasantly, "he just comes here sometimes..."
"Oh okay."
Seungmin tries again to reach for Hyunjin's head and this time he can not do anything else but let him pet him. It does feel good. He ends up purring a bit and keeps his eyes half closed to not look at Felix's mocking face. It is enjoyable. He could definitely go for that again.
"Hyunjin's not home?" Seungmin asks.
Is Hyunjin insane to hear a bit of disappointment in his voice?
"I dont know where he went, he should come back any time soon."
Yeah! He would come back quicker if Felix could bring Seungmin inside and let him carefully go back to his room to turn into a human again. Instead of letting him pur happily while Seungmin scratches behind his neck. Fucking cat instinct. He sure will remember that whenever Felix needs help.
"Okay well I put most of my stuff in the kitchen, is it okay if you help me get them upstairs?"
"Sure, I just know Hyunjin will magically appear when he hears you need help."
Seungmin stops the petting and Hyunjin opens his eyes quickly enough to see a blush on his face. He wants to bites Felix leg.
"Really.." Seungmin laughs awkwardly, "then maybe you should go..."
He gets up and starts walking back to the inside.
"I hate you," Hyunjin whispers very quietly to Felix.
Like the traitor he is, Felix just winks and runs to follow Seungmin. Hyunjin wants to disappear.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Friskriel Week Day 4
Day 4: First Kiss
"How could you do something like this?"
Now some could consider this kind of question to be harsh, but the calmness of the voice chased away any thought of that happening. The vibrant yellow eyes looked over the state of the pale looking girl lying down on the mattres beside him. The lady sheepishly smiled and sorta sunk down deeper into the fluffy blankets surrounding her. Even if she didn't have awet towel on her forward or pale cheeks hed still be concerned about her, it was just a habit of his. He couldn't help it-
"I mean-...It was just a little rain-"
He scoffed. "A little? Frisk-" He gestered to the bed. "You got a fever and sound like a walrus drowning in quick sand. Thank goodness you had cold medicne." She gave off a nervous chuckle that ending in another round of coughing and him raising an eyebrow."My point proven."
"I-I...was only trying to help."
The guilt and puppy eyes she naturally gave off whenever she thought anyone was upset with her made him suck in a breif inhale of air. It was hard to be mad at her in general.....but the things she got herself into! He sometimes wondered how she could do these things but he guessed it came from her naturally caring personality. It was both a blessing and a curse.
"I-I really d-didnt mean to- *cough* get s-s-sick." She attempted to give off a bigger smile which ending in more coughing.
She would admit it now, it was kinda a dumb idea trying to bring in supplies while it was raining like crazy. She was only trying to help restock really low supplies, but no good deed goes unpunished down here I guess.
The goat monster sighed and reached up his hands to rub the end of his nose. "Well...hopefully you'll get better in no time."
"Yeah...Temmie offered to help with some things-" The small growl that came from the deer made her stop for a moment.
"Trust me when I say that i am quite capable of helping you much for efficiently than a fake-love struck pup. The last thing you need is him nagging you as you're trying to recover-"
He paused when he felt something grab his arm and when he looked down, the sight of a smiling human holding his arm with a gentle grip. He sorta froze at the gesture and slightly widened his eyes.
"I know...and-" Her hand slowly came up to cup the other side of his face. Still frozen as still as a statue, it was easy for her to lean him over from his sitting position on the bed side and gently placed a quick peck on his cheek."Thank you."
In an instant his cheeks blew up a bright pink across his face and after a few seconds his brain seemed to finally restart when he quickly leaned back up into a sit up position.
"Of Course." His voice came out in a strange sqeauky pitched voice. "If You Need anything, Im happy to help!"
"W-Well...Another b-blanket wouldn't hurt."
The speed at which he stood up and starting to the door wasn't surprising. "YeS! B-b-BE Back s-SHORTly!"
She sat there and watched as the flustered goat made his way out of the room and into the hallway outside. Waiting herself for a few moments before slowly laying back down into her bed, slowly reality caught up and as before she dipped down into the blankets but this time covering her whole face and making a small whine sound.
She really had it bad didnt she?
-10 minutes later-
Hesitant steps came down the hallway back down towards the bedroom. A blanket resting under one arm. The footsteps soon stopped in front of one door on the right and the boy paused. It took a moment before he was able to reach a hand up to knock on the door.
"Frisk?", a voice forced out almost a whisper. No one answered so he knocked again a bit louder. ...Still nothing. So he gently grabbed ahold of the door knob and turned. "Frisk? I-I brought the extra blanket you-"
The dark room made it hard to see but he could make out the sleeping figure over in the corner. Her chest rose and fell slowly in her sleep and a smile was present on her sleeping face. He hesitated for a moment, but decided it was best to keep his promise of getting her the extra blanket she asked for. So slowly stepping in, he gently closed the door behind him with a soft click-
He froze when she made a groaning noise but she didnt wake up, only buried her head halfway under the blanket. He sighed in releif before silently walking up to the bed, taking the blanket in both hands he flung it out. Then over the bed in the air. It gently floated down until it drapped over her sleeping form.
He stared down at the sleeping form of her for a moment, before gently smoothing the wrinkles out from the covers-
He froze. .....Slowly his eyes shifted up towards the bedframe. A pair of brown eyes blinked back up sloppily at him, wild brown bed head around her face.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh. I..Uh-" He quickly pulled himself away from the bed embarrassed and cleared his throat. "I-I-I was just delivering t-the blanket you wanted. *ahem* ....I-Im sorry if I woke you."
She blinked at him for a moment, before shifting her eyes down to her body. Indeed a new blanket was over her. .....She then looked back to him with a smile that made his heart skip a beat.
"It's ok. I don't mind."
"I- uh-....." God he could feel his cheeks growing more pink by the second. Her eyes and smiled always seemed to make him weak in the knees. Luckily he new exactly what to do- "W-Well I-I-Ill let you get back to sleep-"
He froze when something grabbed his hand. He soon found out what when Frisk, now slightly sitting up in bed pulled him back a little more.
"Um- Hey. W-Would you mind if we-..." Her eyes shifted to the side. Wait. Did she sound nervous? "Cu-.. Cuddle? Y-Yknow. J-Just as friends! I-Im s-still pretty cold from the rain and I thought- ..."
"Uuuuhh-" His eyes went back to them still holding hands.
" I-I mean. I-Its ok if y-you don't want to. " She let go of his hand-
"What?! NO NO!" She froze when he regrabbed her hand and looked back into his eyes. He seemed to freeze for a moment himself. "I-....I mean I d-don't mind it. I just...Im not sure if you would want to."
...She smiled. "Well I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't ok."
"Oh. W-Well...Who am I t-t-to deny a request from a friend?"
She smiled again, before shifting over to make room for another, patting the spot next to her. He hesitated for a moment but gulped down what worries he had left and slowly lifted the blankets, before climbing in. He sat there for a moment un sure, but his face lit up like a million christmas lights when he felt Frisk reassuringly huddle up against his side. He swallowed, hard, before allowing himself to lay back and lay a shaking arm around her. In response she shifted to lay into him more and sighed in comfort.
It looked like she wasn't the only one who had it bad. Frisk was getting more and more tired by the second but decided to be polite in her heavily sleeping state and sat back up making him look at her.
"Y-Yes- HMPH!!"
"Thank you."
Blurred by her sleep. Frisk mistakingly gave him a peck on the lips instead of the cheek but she didn't notice as she laid back down against him as he just sat there long ears and face jaw dropped and a bright pretty pink color.
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
Loved your latest chapter and Im so excited to see what happens under the mountain!
I was wondering if I could request a one-shot?(up to you how long and you can do it in your own time)something along the lines of:
Feyre( from either ACOWAR, ACOFAS or ACOSF) time travels back to ACOTAR, but instead of finding herself back in her human body i the spring court, she's still in her fae body and ends up trapped in velaris, having to explain to the rest of IC who she is and why she cant go free their highlord(add some mistrust from the IC)
🙈🙈Id its very similar to what youre doing rn with your other fic but, if you find the inspiration sometime could you please do this? Ive wanted to read a fic for ages were feyre rime travels and meets pre-acomaf inner circle who dont know/trust her, but Ive never found a fic like that
Thank youuu
Hi lovely anon! It makes me so happy you enjoyed my latest chapter! I’m supposed to be working on a project for uni, but I couldn’t resist gratifying my lovely friends (because you're anon and won't be notified I was getting sad at the idea of you checking my blog and not seeing me respond) <3 I’ll admit I’m a bit scatterbrained at the moment, so I hope it’s okay!
I was having trouble brainstorming a reason for Feyre getting sent back in time because I didn't want to borrow the reasoning from ACoFD. So I was vague and twisted the pre-existing rules around the Ouroboros, and ended up getting quite carried away with the story since I don’t like not giving things a happy ending (even though it’s a little cheesy, sorry)
Anyway, I hope this is what you were looking for! I know you wanted the angst of not being able to save Rhys but... I couldn't just leave my poor bat-boy behind, you know? ;)
Also if this didn't quite scratch that itch, I'm always happy to take more requests
Word count: 4,446
The Ouroboros.
It was a massive, round disc—as tall as Feyre was. Taller. And the metal around it had been fashioned after a massive serpent, the mirror held within its coils as it devoured its own tail.
Ending and beginning.
From across the room, Feyre could not see it. What lay within.
She forced herself to take a step forward. Another.
The mirror itself was black as night—yet… wholly clear.
She watched herself approach. Watched the arm she had upraised against the wind and snow, the pinched expression on her face. The exhaustion.
She stopped three feet away. She did not dare touch it.
It only showed Feyre herself. Nothing.
Feyre scanned the mirror for any signs of… something to push or touch with her magic. But there was only the devouring head of the serpent, its maw open wide, frost sparkling on its fangs.
Feyre stared and stared, but all she saw was herself. There was nothing else. Then—
Feyre woke with a gasp, sitting up in bed to shake away the cobwebs of sleep and the strange, foreboding feeling that felt draped around her shoulders like a weighted cape, pulling her down. It hadn’t been a particularly horrifying nightmare. In fact, it was perhaps of the tamer dreams she’d had in the last year.
Yet something about it clung to her, perhaps a lingering agitation that she’d yet to retrieve the mirror the Bone Carver had requested. That must be it.
The bed space beside her was cold. The sun peaking through the window was not high, it couldn’t be long past dawn. However worrisome her own dream, her mate’s must have been worse to draw him from sleep so early. Worse still for him to sneak away.
Feyre rose from the bed, reaching absently for Rhysand’s dressing robe to wrap around herself. She always loved to steal her mate’s clothes, to be wrapped in his scent.
With gentle steps, she made her way to the study, where she could only assume Rhys had sequestered himself in the lone hours of the night. She’d noticed the weary draw to his shoulders, the dark circles under his eyes. This war was weighing on him heavily, and he was nervous. Feyre wished he didn’t insist on shouldering the burden alone.
“Rhys?” Feyre called softly as she got to the study, knocking on the door before she cracked it open.
Peeking her head around the door, she was met with the sight of Rhysand’s abandoned study. The scattered papers and war maps that had become characteristic of his desk space were surprisingly missing. In fact, the whole space had been cleared away and there was a thick layer of dust on every surface as if no one had been in here in years.
Feyre frowned at the sight, and how different it had been just the day before. Where had all the dust come from? And more importantly, where was Rhys? Perhaps he’d taken a morning flight to clear his head.
Where are you, love? She called to him through the mating bond, but was met with silence.
“Who are you?”
The voice was cold and venomous. Feyre turned, coming face to face with Mor, whose face was twisted into a threatening scowl.
“Mor?” Feyre asked, confused by her friend’s cold demeanor. “What do you mean? Have you seen Rhys?”
Mor’s face turned deadly, a look Feyre had only ever seen from Mor in the Court of Nightmares. “Is that some kind of joke?” she snarled.
Then, before Feyre could process what was happening, Mor had gripped onto Feyre’s wrist and they were enveloped in darkness. They stepped into the House of Wind, into the dining room where Cassian and Azriel abruptly stood up.
“Mor?” Feyre questioned when the blonde didn’t release her steel grip. She looked to Cassian and Azriel quizzically. “Guys? What’s going on?”
Cassian crossed his arms, assessing Feyre with a hostility that put her on edge. “Who’s this, Mor?” he asked gruffly.
Feyre frowned as she watched Azriel reach for Truth-Teller.
“Is this a joke?” she asked, flitting her eyes to each of her friends. Where she sought that friendly warmth in each of their gazes she was met with hard stares, filled with distrust, ready for a brawl. She couldn’t make sense of it. Was this an act Rhys had put them up to?
“I found her in the townhouse,” Mor said. “I don’t know how she got in there. She was in Rhysand’s study.”
“And she’s wearing his dressing gown,” Azriel noted dryly. Cassian did a double glance, his eyes going wide, then narrowing with a rage Feyre had never seen from the male. Certainly never directed at her.
There was a whisper of shadow, then suddenly Azriel was behind her, Truth-Teller poised at her throat.
Feyre startled. “Azriel!” she said sharply. Even if it was a joke, Feyre couldn’t imagine Rhysand would sanction this kind of threat. And the energy in the room was off, the tension too thick. “Stand down.”
“And who are you,” he breathed in her ear, his voice coated in shadow and nightmare, “to command the Shadowsinger of the Night Court?”
“I’m your High Lady,” Feyre answered steadily, not letting Azriel’s shadows, nor cunning voice, shake her resolve. “Now, I don’t know what is going on with the three of you, or what strange joke you’re trying to pull, but you will listen to what I say. Put. Your. Knife. Down.”
“High Lady?” Cassian repeated with a snort of disbelief. “You’ve got balls, little girl.”
Truth-Teller danced across the skin of her neck, pressing lightly enough to intimidate without breaking skin. “Do you even know to whom you speak? You should be bowing before the acting Queen of the Night Court.”
Too stunned to properly resist, Azriel kicked his feet out to knock Feyre to her knees in front of Mor. His fingers slid into her hair, gripping it tightly to pull her head back as Truth-Teller resumed its threatening position at her throat.
“Breaking into the High Lord’s personal residence, impersonating a high position within the Night Court, lying to the Morrigan’s face,” Azriel listed, increasing the pressure of the blade with each transgression. “You throw our High Lord’s generosity and protection in his face, something we as his acting Court do not take lightly.”
“Acting court? Acting Queen?” Feyre repeated, feeling as if she’d woken to a different reality. “What are you talking about? Where’s Rhysand!?”
“We’re the ones asking the questions here,” Cassian growled.
Feyre looked to each of her friends, studying their faces. Beyond their militant expression, she could see their grief. Could smell it. She repeated, “where is Rhysand?”
She felt the snarl that rumbled through Azriel’s chest behind her, vibrating against her back. When the question was once again unanswered, Feyre abandoned all sense of patience.
Darkness exploded through the room. She heard Mor gasp as the walls of the House shook from the might of her power. Feyre folded into the shadows, winnowing out of Azriel’s grasp so she stood in the center of the three of them.
“Az, Cass, Mor, you are my friends and I do not want to hurt you. But I am also your High Lady and you will answer me this instant, where is Rhys? Where is my mate!?”
Siphons gleamed red and blue through the thick tendrils of night, illuminating the Illyrian males�� faces. Cassian’s jaw had fallen open, while Azriel was studying her through narrowed eyes, wisps of shadow surrounding him. Feyre wondered what they were whispering to him.
“Mate?” Cassian echoed, the first to break the heavy silence.
Mor took a cautious step forward, her countenance completely changed. Her pupils were blown wide, twin brown depths churning with sorrow and gentle astonishment. Azriel went rigid at Mor’s approach, but no one moved to stop her as she came face to face with Feyre.
“Where did you get this?” she whispered, taking Feyre’s left hand, eye fixed on her mating band. On the sapphire-star ring that once belonged to Rhysand’s mother.
All eyes befell the subject of Mor’s attention. Cassian swore softly in recognition.
“It’s my mating band,” Feyre answered measuredly, still puzzled that the inner circle, her family, didn’t seem to have any memory of it. Nor of her. “I won it from the Weaver, as was the task set by Rhysand’s mother. But you were all there for that. I don’t understand what’s going on. Where. Is. Rhys?”
“Under the Mountain,” Mor whispered, her voice soft and pained.
The darkness ebbed away like a receding tide. Feyre felt her heart sink as she tried to process this information. “He—What?”
“He’s been Under the Mountain for the last 50 years,” Mor said, firmer this time. “And if you were his so-called mate, you would know that.”
“No,” Feyre said, shaking her head vehemently. “No, that’s impossible. We got out. We—”
This was a nightmare. It had to be a nightmare, and she just hadn’t woken up from it.
“Amarantha’s dead,” Feyre insisted, mostly in an attempt to console the unparalleled grief and panic that were raging inside her. “She’s dead, and Rhys and I got out.”
The grim faces of her friends said otherwise. They stared at her, in unbearable mixtures of pity and horror.
“I think she’s having a mental break,” Cassian said, not unkindly. “Should we get a healer?”
“Let me show you,” Feyre said meekly, casting her magic out to tap on their mental shields.
They all tensed, clearly not aware they’d been in the presence of a daemati. Trained well by Rhys, they all cracked their shields just enough for Feyre to send her conjured memories through. She showed them going Under the Mountain as a human, winning the trials and being resurrected, falling in love with Rhys, and eventually becoming High Lady of the Night Court. In turn, the three of them pushed back their own memories, of the current state of the world. Of Rhysand sacrificing himself so that his Court and Velaris would be safe.
A sob broke out of Feyre. “How is this possible? How am I here?”
It was Azriel who immediately went for the jugular. “More importantly, if you’re here as a High Fae, how is Rhys going to get out? How do we stop Amarantha?”
Feyre fell to her knees, grief-stricken by this realization. She was no longer human. She couldn’t stride in as Tamlin’s human lover and undergo the trials. Feyre had her powers, but they were untested. Would she be able to take on the whole of Amarantha’s court?
“What do I do? How do I save him?” she whimpered, staring in mute horror at her mating band.
Mor tentatively reached forward, laying a comforting hand on Feyre’s shoulder. “Rhys sacrificed himself to keep the people he loves safe. He wouldn’t want you getting yourself killed trying to save him.”
“I have to try,” Feyre answered desperately. “Amarantha she’s…” Feyre couldn’t bring herself to say the word, rape. Not to his family, who wear his sacrifice for them like an open wound. “She’s doing unspeakable things to him. He’s suffering so much. I can’t leave him to that fate. I have to try.”
With renewed conviction, Feyre accepted Mor’s outstretched hand and picked herself to her feet. “Rhys said it himself once. Amarantha’s biggest weapon is that she keeps the High Lord’s power contained. She can’t access them herself. But I… I have access to all the High Lords’ powers. And that bitch has my mate. My wrath will be plenty to take her down.” She faced her friends, who watched her warily. “You have my word as your High Lady,” she swore to them. “The High Queen of Prythian is going to fall by the night’s end.”
Winter had not yet fallen in the Mortal Lands. Feyre wondered if across the world, there was a version of herself curled in a bed with her sisters, clinging to any shred of warmth and survival.
That version of Feyre was very different from the version who strode up the sloping hills of the Spring Court with Azriel by her side. Rhys would be furious that Feyre had allowed him to accompany her. Should anything go wrong, it would destroy her mate to know his family had been put in harm's way after everything he’d done to protect them. Which was why it was only Azriel who came with, the only compromise she could reach with his Inner Circle, who insisted on coming with.
Who better to sneak into the Mountain with than the very soldier who taught Feyre the art of stealth. He was the obvious choice, since Mor needed to stay to rule the Night Court and Cassian was too heavy-handed to handle such a delicate task.
Their footfall was silent. Feyre wrapped them in the shadow of Night as they winnowed through the cave network. Her heart hammered in her chest, panicked to be back in the source of so many nightmares.
But Rhysand was more important than her fear. For him, she would not falter.
With the Shadowsinger by her side, Feyre snuck through the winding tunnels until she came to a familiar passageway. They slid into a massive, dark bedroom, lit only by a few candles.
To attack Amarantha in the throne room would be too messy. Too many variables to contend with, should Amarantha have enough wit about her to use any faeries as a shield. Especially Rhysand.
After several hours of waiting, the lock on the door clicked and swung open. Darkness swirled around the room as Rhysand took in the sight of Feyre and Azriel on the bed.
Immediately, the door slammed shut.
“No,” he whispered, voice dripping with horror. “No.”
“Rhys—” Feyre started, but her mate wasn’t paying any attention to her. He was looking at Azriel as if his whole world had shattered.
“Leave,” he said, his voice cold and commanding. This was no happy reunion between brothers. This was Rhysand’s worst nightmare. “Leave this instant, you stupid fool. That is, if you’re lucky enough to have avoided detection when you passed under her wards.”
“I took down the wards,” Feyre said. They weren’t particularly strong, either. Amarantha had gotten lazy, perhaps thinking herself secure with the only spell-cleaver under her control. Or so she believed.
Rhys turned that quiet fury towards her. “And who are you?”
“Your mate,” Feyre answered steadily, tipping her chin up.
Rhysand laughed. A desperate, humorless sound. “Then you are just as foolish as my idiot brother. And you have both sealed your deaths by being here. Do you understand that?”
Feyre scratched along those familiar adamantite shields. Rhys’s eyes flickered in surprise, but otherwise he looked unruffled as he cracked a sliver open for her.
It would be unwise to underestimate me, mate.
I wouldn’t be going around boasting about such a thing, if what you claim is even true, came his icy response. And I wouldn’t count on a few party tricks to save you, either.
And what if I told you, she purred, that I possess the power of all seven High Lords?
That, at least, garnered a reaction from the stoic male. He narrowed his eyes in disbelief, studying Feyre carefully. His gaze caught on her hands, at the lace tattoos that flowed to her fingers. And the mating band she still wore.
Feyre watched those violet eyes go wide, the silver constellations dancing in astonishment at the sight of his mother’s ring.
Where did you get that?
It’s a long story, love, but you’re going to have to trust me. She lowered her mental shields completely. Have a look for yourself. I’m telling you no lies. I am your High Lady, and I am here to free my husband.
She felt those familiar talons wrap around her mind. A foolish thing to do, to give a daemati unrestricted access to her mind. And if it were anyone but Rhys, it would have been. But his touch was gentle, and he took only the information he needed.
“I don’t understand how this is possible,” he whispered, breaking the silence of the room. Azriel had been waiting patiently, but looked relieved to be included in the conversation once more. “And I hate that you’ve put yourselves in danger for this, but it could work.”
Rhys considered for a long moment, then he looked between Feyre and Azriel and said, “do it when she’s sleeping. That bitch has been playing dirty for 50 years, you might as well level the playing field to give yourselves the best chance. Let’s do it tonight. I’ll leave the door unlocked, wear her out, and signal you once she’s asleep. Her spell prevents me from harming her, but I’ll make sure she’s restrained. All you have to do is drive the ash dagger through her heart, but have your magic ready for damage control.”
Feyre and Azriel waited in Rhysand’s bedchambers for his signal. There was a revelry tonight, as there was every night Under the Mountain, and Rhys was expected to be in attendance. Afterwards, he’d join Amarantha in her bed and make sure she was, in his words, “thoroughly exhausted”.
It was torturous for Feyre. To know exactly what the implication in those words were, to have to use her mate’s body in such a way. She wanted to roar at the Mountain, at the Cauldron, at anything that would listen, but instead she was next to the quiet, brooding Shadowsinger, and lamented in silence.
She’d begged Rhys to reconsider, to perhaps help them stage a more physical encounter that didn’t rely on his own suffering. But he’d denied any plan but the one he’d proposed, insisting it would cause him more anguish to but Feyre and Azriel in harm's way.
So they waited the long, agonizing hours until she felt a delicate pull at her chest. She’s asleep, Rhys called. Be on your guard.
He sent her directions to Amarantha’s bedchambers. There were guards outside, but Feyre and Azriel winnowed past them, cloaked in night and shadow.
Amarantha’s bedchambers were huge. Feyre had never been inside them before, but she was unsurprised to see they provided any luxury a High Queen could wish for.
Atop a large bed of red, silken sheets, lay her mate and Amarantha, both stark naked. The smell of sex clung to the air, Rhysand and Amarantha’s scents intertwined. Feyre thought she might be sick.
Even more sickening was the sight before her, of Amarantha’s arms restrained to the headboard in cloth. A clever way for Rhys to restrain her under the guise of sex, but horrifying nonetheless, to see the proof of what they’d been up to. The female was fast asleep, so convinced of her authority that she could fall asleep tied-up and not feel vulnerable doing so. How satisfying, Feyre thought, that such arrogance would be her downfall.
Feyre warded the room, putting up a shield of darkness so that no sound would break through to alert the guards. Rhys watched their approach warily from where he perched beside Amarantha, so still Feyre was convinced he held his breath.
He wouldn’t risk moving to wake her up, which terrified Feyre. Should something go wrong, her mate would be susceptible to Amarantha’s wrath. Naked, vulnerable, and completely under her control. It was such a dangerous game they were playing.
The room was as quiet and still as the bewitching hours of the night, their footsteps silent as they picked across the room. Azriel held the ash dagger. If Rhys could not kill Amarantha, his brother wanted to do it on his behalf. Meanwhile, Feyre summoned tendrils of night that carefully wrapped around Amarantha’s legs, slithering up her body like a snake, ready to constrict and restrain.
The female stirred in her sleep, perhaps feeling the ghostlike touch of Feyre’s magic. But she did not wake. Not as Azriel raised the dagger over her chest, and not as he plunged it down.
Amarantha’s eyes shot open as the dagger pierced her chest. She let out a shriek of agony and ire, moving to claw at her attacker. She raged against the restraints, spewing obscenities until they died at her lips as the blade sunk into her heart.
Rhysand’s chest was heaving as he watched the female still, then slump. He looked from her dead body, to Azriel and Feyre.
Feyre’s heart sank as she watched her mate process that it was truly over. There wasn’t a trace of elation in his eyes at being liberated, but she understood why. Rhys would finally be returning home, but as a much different man than the one he had been. He’d survived, but not unscathed, and he’d need time to process this.
Feyre came to him, reached towards her mate with the hand that bore his mother’s ring. Rhys looked to it, then up to her. His eyes were clouded with sorrow, with a melancholy she could only hope to chip away at in time. But she could see stirring beneath it was a breath of hope, perhaps the first he’d allowed himself in a long time.
“Let’s go home, Rhys,” she said gently.
Slowly, Rhysand nodded, moving to grasp her hand. She felt him jolt at the touch and, as she glanced at him questioningly, she saw his lips part in wonder.
I suppose you weren’t lying about being my mate, he whispered, the words a sensual brush in her mind. Thank you for coming to rescue me, High Lady.
Feyre grasped onto Azriel, and together the three of them stepped into darkness.
Then, they were above the House of Wind, tumbling through the night sky. Feyre unfurled her wings before Rhys could move to catch them, worried that her mate would struggle after 50 years without flight.
Both males stared in astonishment at the sight. Rhysand’s eyes danced in awe as Feyre, albeit clumsily, carried them to the training ring on the roof.
Rhys snapped his own wings open as they landed. Feyre watched him tilt his head back in rapture as he felt the wind against his wings for the first time in decades. Then he opened his eyes, his expression shifting to reverence as he beheld the night sky.
“I was beginning to think I’d never see it again,” he whispered, his voice a heartbreaking blend of exaltation and disbelief. “And for this gift… for my salvation to be courtesy of my mate and of my brother… I’m a bit overwhelmed,” he admitted sheepishly.
Feyre hesitated. If this was the Rhysand from before, the one to which she was mated and married, she would come to comfort him. But this version of Rhys had only just been freed from enslavement, and she didn’t know what he needed.
As though sensing her hesitation, Rhys cast his eyes back to the sky. “I know they’re all waiting for me downstairs, but I’d like a little bit of time with the stars. Will you let them know, Az?”
Azriel nodded, though he seemed conflicted. His reunion with his brother was perhaps not as merry as the male had expected. But right now, she knew the Inner Circle would hardly deny Rhys anything. Perhaps for a long while yet. So Azriel headed downstairs to inform their friends, who were sure to be anxiously awaiting their arrival.
Rhysand regarded Feyre carefully once the two of them were alone. “Mate and High Lady,” he mused. “You seem to wear many hats.”
“You forgot ‘wife’,” Feyre said lightly.
“Yes, and ‘Salvation’, ‘Queen Killer’, ‘Most Beautiful Female in Prythian’, it seems there’s many things I could call you. Could we start with your name, perchance?”
Feyre was shocked. She’d assumed he’d taken such information out of her mind earlier, but it seems he’d been even more respectful than she’d expected.
“Feyre,” she answered. “My name is Feyre.”
He looked wonderstruck. “Feyre,” he repeated, testing the name on his lips. A gentle smile curled at the corners of his mouth, the first she’d seen from him yet. He extended his hand towards her. “Would you like to watch the stars with me, Feyre?”
It was an offer she couldn’t refuse. Her hand found his with all the casual grace of a dancer, as if it were a routine they’d been perfecting their whole lives. Their fingers interlocked and as one, they stared up at the dazzling night sky.
This reality wasn’t perfect, Feyre thought. This Rhys was different from her own, and he still had a lot of healing to do. But if she could be there for him, to help him in a ways she hadn’t before, then she would be grateful to the strange eddies of the Cauldron for bringing her here. For allowing her to end his torment early. For giving them this extra time.
She watched a shooting star dart across the sky and smiled as it passed. There was nothing she could wish for except that her mate find peace in all that he’d endured the last half century.
His deep, velvety voice cut through the silence. “Do you often wish on stars, Feyre?”
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. He was watching her with a heart-wrenching wistfulness.
“Only when I have a wish worthy of the stars.”
“And do you?”
Feyre looked to the northernmost star, which shined brightest in the sky. “I wished for a light in the darkness,” she told him. “I don’t think the stars would ever begrudge such a wish.”
Rhysand nodded solemnly. “It’s true that they would be begrudging themselves in doing so. But I see no need for you to wish for such a thing.”
Feyre looked to him. He was still watching her, but something in him had shifted. He was smiling at her gently, that lingering sadness already receding. “Why’s that?” she asked cautiously.
That gentle smile widened, showing off his brilliant teeth. “Why, Feyre, to find such a thing, all you’d need to do is look in a mirror.”
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huggybug · 2 years
Smut w/ Shay part 1~
your relationship with shay was weird. not necessarily complicated, not toxic, not really sexual, but not all that platonic either. you liked him and he liked you. you wanted each other. not just for sex, but you loved each other. you both knew about the other’s feelings, but neither of you acted on it.
i guess you guys just felt it wasn’t really right. him and the guys basically took you in as their little sister. like the rest, he was older than you. there was a bit of an age gap between the two of you. you were constantly with the guys, mainly hanging out at their place. they would always force you to come over when they threw parties or just to watch movies, play games, eat food, drink, talk, laugh, all the above with just a small group of you.
shay like the others, grew very protective of you. he would do anything to see you laugh…smile…he would do anything for you. you could surely say the same for him. he grew close to you, just like your other “brothers,” except the only difference was your thoughts and feelings for one another weren’t all that “brother and sister-like.”
it just didn’t feel right. he was older than you by six years. yea sure, you were legal age, but would it be okay? the age gap wasn’t the only reason you two kept your hands off each other. it just didn’t seem okay to act that way, considering how close you’ve become to the guys, his brother included. it would just be awkward. so, the sexual tension just kept building and building.
tonight was one of those nights when some of the boys on the hockey team, shay being one of them, invited you over just to chill. it wasn’t uncommon for you to sit in one of their rooms and talk with the just the two of you or a couple of you while the rest stayed downstairs playing video games, or doing whatever concerning ideas they came up with.
here you were, sitting in shay’s bedroom. shay was sitting on one side of the bed, his back and head resting against the headboard with one arm resting on a perched up knee, while the other one rested lazily on his other leg. you were sitting in the middle of the bed in a position most comfortable to you. ryder was sitting in the gaming chair across the room, while cole was sitting in the lovesac in the corner.
you guys were all talking like normal when the recurrent topic of teasing you about how innocent you were came up. you weren’t all that innocent, you just seemed like it. which they knew. which is why they would always target you. to embarrass you. what they didn’t know was how “not-so-innocent” you were. but shay knew. well, not exactly. obviously he didn’t know but…he knew.
you were the quiet one whom when people would notice you in a deep thought, they just assumed you were thinking about the homework you needed to finish, or maybe you were thinking about what you were going to write next, or maybe that upcoming test was really stressing you out. but in reality, you were just wanting someone to fuck you ruthlessly until you couldn’t remember your name, and his name became you whole vocabulary. he knew what you wanted. and you knew that he knew, which made you even more nervous around him, yet more needy for him.
-writing anon ❤️ sorry it took so long, family came over and i got distracted. also im sorry i have to send it in this way. sometimes i really hate technology
nothing like a good ol age gap to get me interested
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madtickler39 · 3 years
Welcome to Club T’s
One of my fan favorites from the old blog, enjoy:
One could look at Emily and assume her life was perfect A nice home, well off family that was well known in California.  Naturally blonde hair, a petite little figure and long legs all around a smile that could turn a man to stone. Going to movie premieres, sports events and mingling with LA bigwigs, Emily was never long without something to do. Oh dont get me wrong, Emily never complained. She loved her family, loved her friends, loved her job. She’d never complain for a second. But still something was missing.  That’s why Emily found herself where she was, in a taxi outside a new and mysterious club in downtown LA.  She stared at the door for a long time before the driver finally asked “Are you gettin out or what?” Emily came back to reality and paid the driver, and stepped out of her car as confidently as she could.  What she couldn't sell her blue dress and black heels could. She walked into the club like it was nobody’s business, and was an instant bombshell to the eligible young men at Club T’s.   What made her walk into this particular club that night? Well, to understand that, we have to go back a little bit.  Emily had a friend named Stephen, and one time not too long ago Stephen did something she couldn’t get out of her head.  He tickled her.  It wasn’t her first time being tickled, not by a longshot.  For some reason, the feeling she got when he finally stopped kept coming back to her head like a drug, needing to come forward again and refusing any lesser pleasure. She had no trouble finding a man to do anything she wanted, but for some reason this one request proved elusive to her charms.  After a brief search on the internet, she found out that club T’s was the place to find what she wanted.  It wasn’t easy to find out how to get in, the people she was here to see were very secretive.  The main club was just like any other club. The music was too loud, the drinks were too expensive and you couldn’t see or move anywhere.  After a few minutes of moving around she found the specific corner that housed the VIP section of the club, she said the codeword to the bouncer, and with a smirk he let her in.  It was the look a wolf gives a deer after a day without food, and it unsettled her. Inside, the VIP area was another world.  The clothes were different, the lights were a bit brighter, and you could hear yourself over the music.  The men were dressed in anything from suits to T-shirts while the girls were wearing some pretty revealing clothing, anything that exposed the belly, shorts, mini skirts and few of them wore heels.  They wore colored wristbands, green yellow and red.  Green was an open invitation, yellow required an ask, and red meant not to approach.  Emily had a yellow wristband, fastened around her ankle like the website advised. There was more seating space than at any normal club here, couches and chairs everywhere.  The dance floor had some people, but others were chasing each other around the floor, and in a couch by the corner a man had a captive girl in his lap.  Her hands were bound and her feet were in his lap.  As he grabbed the toe of her sock, her bound hands came up to her face to conceal her smile and she shook her head.  He grinned evilly and slowly pulled the sock off, revealing her bare foot. At the edges of the dance floor were a few suspended cages, each with a girl inside and a person outside sticking a feather duster in.  Emily asked the bartender “What’s all that about?”  A cute redhead in a black corset said “Those girls work here.  The customers pay to use the feather dusters for a time.  They can also pay to remove clothing or lower the cages.  It breaks the ice for the newcomers.  Speaking of, is this your first time?” “Why yes” said Emily looking around. “Is this actually for real?” The bartender, whose nametag read “Sam” said “It sure is.  I can lock you in that cage if you’re too nervous to get started on your own?”  Emily blushed, and suddenly a voice came from behind her that said smoothly “Sam, hasn’t your boss told you not to mess with the new talent? Or do I have to tickle you for your tips again?” Sam blushed now, and backed towards the liquor shelf nervously.  Emily asked the tall, suit clad stranger “What?”  He said “Oh you haven’t heard? If you find their service in any way lacking, you have to give them the oppurtunity to get their tips tickled back into them.  That’s why she wears a corset, her pits are her worst spot.”  She hissed “Damon!” So you weren't kidding on the website” Emily asked. “This really is a tickle club.” Damon said “Oh yes, but if you want to see come by when Sam brings my bottle of Dom.  She needs a good tickling to earn her tips back after that hiss…”  Sam gulped.  She’d done it now.  Damon slapped down a 20 and said “Whatever the lady likes is on me.” Sam fixed Emily a drink and grabbed a champagne bottle, but Emily hesitated as Sam left.  Sam looked over her shoulder and said “You comin? This is what you wanted right?”  Emily finished her liquid courage, and followed Sam to a door labelled “Barefoot Room”  Upon entering, Sam said “It’s quite literal, no shoes allowed inside.”  Sam quickly kicked off her pumps and went inside, and Emily removed her peep toed heels to join her. “You learn quickly Emily” Damon smiled as he smiled at Emilys little feet as she flexed her toes “Im just amazed” Emily replied blushing as she felt Damon's gaze on her toes “Theres nothing to feel scared about Emily" Damon smiled as he took a sip of his drink. “so tell me what brings you here”” Emily took a deep breath, and then she started “It all started when my friend Stephen tickled my feet a few months ago.  It felt...well I guess how a normal person feels being tickled.  Sure, the laughing was fun but when it was happening I just wanted him to stop after a few seconds...afterwards I couldn’t get it out of my head.  I tried forgetting it, distracting myself.  Anytime I was alone with my thoughts, I thought of that sensation and how badly I wanted it back.  So I found this place...and here I am.” “And here you are.” Damon said.  He saw Emily look down nervously and said “Emily, come sit by me.”  She came and sat down next to him hesitantly, and drew her feet behind her knees, where Damon couldn’t see them.  It was all she could do not to blush.  He asked her “Sam needs to be tickled if she wants her tips from me, where should she be tickled?” “Her underarms” Emily replied without hesitation.  Sam shut her eyes and raised her arms, beginning to breathe heavily.  She begged “Please be gentle.” Damon looked and raised an eyebrow “you answered that quickly for a newbie; I think we may have a little sadist here.  Sam, I think we should let your new friend here do the honors” Emily looked nervous again, and said “You want me to tickle her?”  Damon nodded silently and said “If you'd prefer I can tickle her.  The whole time you watch her suffer knowing that it's coming for you next…” She was up in an instant, and facing Sam directly.  Sam felt her breathe and winced, that gave Emily an inexplicable pleasure.  She pounced. Emily dug her nails into Sam’s underarms, and Damon smirked as she screamed.  Sam was able to hold her arms up for a few seconds, but within 15 seconds they came down reflexively.  Sam laughed like crazy but Emily wouldn't let up.  Sam tried to turn away, but Emily kept at it, and pulled Sam closer. The punishment became a wrestling match soon as the girls came to the ground, with Emily straddling her hips.  Emily leaned forward and pinned the poor bartender’s wrists over her head and blew on her underarms, which drove sam into a mad fit of giggles.  She begged “HEHEHEHE Stop teasing!” Emily couldn't tell you why she said this, but she shouted “This is club tease!”  Before she could sink her nails back into Sam’s smooth hollows, Emily burst out laughing “HAHAHAHAHA!” And lost her grip. Sam scrambled out from under her, and went to Damon, who was holding Emily’s ankle, with his other hand gently stroking her sole.  She giggled gently with each stroke of his hands.  He patted Sam on the butt and said “That’s enough sweetie.  Call me when you get off work.  For now I have some soft, pretty feet to break in.” This comment made Emily blush, and wiggle her baby blue toes.  As Sam walked out of the room and grabbed her shoes, Emily looked down, anticipating the tickling.  The tickling was slow, methodical.  He was really tickling her brain more than her sole.  Reminding her that he could do what he want, control her body against her will.  He could make her laugh whenever he pleased.  All it took was a foot and a finger.  He had the finger, and the foot may as well have been a plaything of his.  It was in his grasp and she wasn’t getting it out. Emily remained on all fours(or threes, not counting the foot that belonged to Damon at the moment), and giggled when Damon wanted her to, otherwise she just accepted the breaks and caught her breath.  Sometimes she would look back at Damon, nearly melting him with that forced smile.  Other times she looked away and tried to just take it. During a break, Damon rubbed her sole with his palm and commented “I see you took the website’s advice and got a pedicure.  How recently?”  Emily giggled “A couple hours ago hehehe.”  she heard Damon inhale deeply and felt his lips rub along her sole now. His lips tickled ever so slightly. She giggled “hehehehe are you smelling my foot?” She read many of the men here also had foot fetishes, but never expected to find herself here tonight… He replied “You used a vanilla scented lotion.  It’s my favorite.”   “EEP!” She squealed, something had pinched the ball of her foot, and one look back at Damon licking his lips told the whole story.  Could she really drive him so crazy with just her feet? This could add some fun to the tickling...but before she could finish that thought, her mind commanded her to laugh again. Emily fell flat on her belly as she felt a warm, wet sensation streak across her arch.  She turned her head to the side to release peals of laughter, and started pounding the carpet with her fist.  If Damon’s finger was mean, his tongue was just cruel.  Emily was at once suffering and feeling an indescribable ecstasy.  All she could do to cope was laugh, and between breaths beg “Hahahaha! Stahahahahap!” Emily got herself a momentary respite from Damon’s tongue, but only because he needed it to taunt her.  His fingers returned to gently stroking her arches as he taunted “Oh you don’t want this to stop.  If you did you’d pull your foot away.  Look.”  Emily flipped over and saw that his hand was open, only cupping her heel.  He tickled with all his fingers slowly, and she reflexively pulled back a few inches, then paused. Emily hesitated a few seconds, it tickled so bad but there was just nothing like it.  Her foot slowly slid back into his grip, and his hand closed around her ankle.  She gasped, what had she done? Damon taunted “See? I knew you liked it!” And he tickled her sole all over again with his fingers, making her laugh even louder, wondering why she gave her foot to him.  He lifted her foot up to his mouth, but there was resistance from her tight little dress.  Damon lowered her foot and said “Emily, your dress is lovely but if you want to have more fun, it may be best to change.” Emily blushed again and said “I don't have a change of clothes.”  Damon began stroking her instep and commented “Not to worry.  There is a private changing room in here with spare clothes, better for our activities.”  Damon helped her up, and opened a wall panel that led to a cozy changing room. Emily removed her dress and placed it on a hanger, then found a pair of little pink shorts and a white tshirt to put on.  The shirt was awfully short, and only came down to her ribs, leaving her midriff vulnerable.  The shorts were quite short, revealing her long tanned legs. She emerged a little sheepishly, but Damon gushed over her, making her blush for the umpteenth time tonight.  She came up to the couch where he sat and requested “Where do you want me?”  She felt his eyes combing every inch of exposed skin, searching for a spot to make her squeal.  She felt uneasy, but exhilarated. Damon grabbed her by the hand and sat her on the couch next to him.  He draped her legs over his...and once she breathed out he lobster clawed her knees.  Emily shrieked, breaking down in helpless laughter as she tried to sit up and reach his hands. After a few moments of squeezing her legs and knees, Damon began to gently scribble his fingertips all along her thighs and up towards her hips.  Emily’s laughter went up in pitch as Damon reached her hips and pinched, and he licked his lips looking at that bare midriff. Damon gave Emily a break to catch her breath, and breathing heavily she sighed “hehehe that was fun.”  Damon had an evil smirk on his face, she asked him “What is that look for?”  Damon said “I’m going to have that cute tummy of yours next.  But I’m going to give you a choice, my tongue or my hands?”  Emily’s eyes bugged out, and she couldn’t possibly choose between tortures for a moment.  She thought about her feet, and his tongue was much worse there.  She answered “Hands.” Damon smirked, had she chosen wrong? What was he playing at?  She didn’t have time to think any further as ten fingers began wiggling along her midriff, and her tummy exploded with ticklish sensations.  She let out a loud belly laugh, and cursed as her hands wanted nothing more than to seize his and make it stop.  Despite this desperate need, her mind would not allow them, making them twitch up and down her sides in a comical fashion.  The game changed utterly when Damon managed to wiggle a finger into her navel, making Emily scream like a banshee before breaking down in frantic laughter.  She tried to get him off of there, but her hands were swatted away by his free hand.  This was almost as bad as her toes, or that tongue! Maybe she should have let him use his tongue after all… After a minute or so of her navel being explored and prodded, Emily couldn’t take anymore.  Her begs became more desperate, and Damon heard it in her voice.  She cried loudly “Uncle! Hahahahahaha! Please! Mercy! Hahahaha!”  Damon stopped rather quickly, but Emily didn’t manage to stop giggling for another minute.  He rubbed her belly during this time, and at last she recovered.  She propped herself up on her elbows saying “That was wicked...I’ve never felt anything like it before.”  Damon smirked, and said “I bet not.” Before they could say anything else, a blonde woman and a brunette with golden brown hair came into the room dancing with each other, kicking their shoes off as they entered.  They plopped on the couch opposite Damon and Emily.  The blonde said “I told you if we danced Damon would get us a snack!”  Emily covered her face nervously as she blushed like a teenager, and would have curled into a ball had Damon not held her knees.  The brunette asked “Who’s the tickle toy?”  Damon said evenly “Girls, this is Emily.  Emily, that is Shay, and Blair.  Two tickle slaves of mine, who need to remember what happens when they don’t use their manners.” Damon continued “Emily is new, and I think she has had enough for one night.  Blair, why don’t you tie Shay’s arms over her head?”  They got to work, enjoying themselves and clearly under the influence a bit.  Emily asked “So what, just like that we’re done?”  Damon smirked and said “For tonight, after I do one quick thing.  If you want another session I’ll see to it that you can contact me.  Sit tight.”  Damon got up and tested Shay’s bonds, who was standing on her tiptoes in the middle of the room, suspended from a chain.  Damon produced two more cuffs and said “Your turn Blair.”  She giggled as she assumed position for her restraints. Once they were restrained Damon instructed Emily “Give me your sole” holding his hand out.  She placed an ankle in his hand, and he produced a pen.  He slowly and painstakingly wrote something on Emily’s sole, but she couldn’t tell.  All she could do was laugh and scream until he finished.  It felt like an eternity of that ball point pen stroking her arches, but it was bliss for her.  When he finally finished, he pecked each of her soles goodnight and she left for the evening.  She inspected her sole before putting her shoes back on, and it read Damon’s number and address.
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baubaes · 3 years
hi! is there a chance for Jemily with no22? some angst maybe? cheers🤗
Well hello to you to! And of course there is!
@thatonecurlygirl prompt list 22
“I can’t give you what you want.”
Ship: Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau
Word count: 5,4k
Genre: angst/hurt/fluff/very very light nsfw? i have no clue how to label this
Warnings: mentions of violence, death, injuries, classic criminal minds vibes :^)))
Summary: "Right now, Emily Prentiss was dead. She, however, was on a plane to Paris." aka JJ taking care of staked Emily, the blackbird flashback and events around it.
A/N: i thought of way too many scenarios when even though Emily and JJ are literally in love, it could never work out. here's one of them :^) i hope you'll enjoy it!! xx ana apparently i just can't imagine a scenario in which these characters could have a peaceful, quiet and happy life, im so sorry
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Emily felt drained.
She was all hurting, really bad, her head was killing her, not only from the beating she received those several days ago, but also the mere stress of all this.
It was pretty baffling for her to realize that she survived this whole ordeal.
She couldn’t say for how long she was out; it felt both like a blink of an eye and an eternity.
And she really thought that she died, when she eventually lost consciousness in Morgan’s arms. That still felt like ages ago.
It was all really confusing, but then again, she couldn’t spare too much of her strength to dwell on what actually happened. Emily just felt too weak to try to keep her eyes open for too long and that resulted in her reality being pretty much scattered.
When she woke up in a hospital room, she was dazed and overwhelmed. They’ve put her on some strong painkillers after the surgery and most of the time right then felt like a blur. She thought she heard some voices in her dream, maybe doctors, maybe… Was it JJ?
She heard bits and pieces of conversations, somebody commenting on her condition in a low voice, nervous footsteps circling around the room, the dimmed rhythmical sounds of all the equipment she was hooked to, some sort of buzzing and a one sided conversation that had to be a phone call.
Was it just some bizarre dream?
A way for her subconscious mind to cope with the anxiety surrounding the recent events?
Whether it was real or not, it let her stay in this state of slumber brought to her through an IV drip.
Despite all that, she felt really grateful. She wasn’t sure where to channel this gratitude though;
Her team for backing her up?
The doctors for patching her up in the OR?
God, for allowing her to continue her existence?
Then again, she wasn’t sure if the last one existed, nor that the almighty entity would waste its time on making sure little old her survives.
It was comforting though, that her last moments on this Earth managed not to be spent with Doyle, even if that was against her will, so in theory, she didn’t have much of control over this.
Memories of him were a combination of ones that she’s made as Emily Prentiss and ones that she’s made as Lauren Reynolds. As Emily, it consisted of all those moments when he threatened her and her team, he kidnapped her, tortured her, nearly killed her…
As Lauren she was able to saw his more… Humane side.
Lauren was his girlfriend. Lauren lived with him,
Lauren shared her joys and fears with him. Lauren loved him.
But that was Lauren.
She wasn’t real. An identity, that’s all that she was.
And even though Emily tried to convince herself that Lauren’s feelings were perfectly compartmentalized away from her own, deep down she knew she was lying to herself.
Was Doyle ever somebody she actually loved?
She definitely despised him, but it felt like now she was obligated to despise even her own self for ever having feelings for this monster. Positive ones anyway.
Right now, Emily Prentiss was dead.
She, however, was on a plane to Paris.
It was all coordinated by Hotchner and JJ.
Nobody else knew.
Her team, her friends, her loved ones were about to attend her funeral in a few days.
She imagined confused look on Spencer’s face, Garcia’s eyes filled with tears, Morgan frowning and looking away. Would Rossi be sad, or would he finally feel relieved to be ridded of her impulsiveness and comments on literally everything?
She imagined her mother, who obviously was not on it, throwing a pile of soil on the coffin. That would not hold her body inside. Would she cry? Would she stay composed even at a funeral of her only child? Well, again, it wasn’t real real, but she wouldn’t be able to realize that.
For some reason, she figured JJ would’ve taken it upon herself to feel guilty, despite knowing what was going on.
They both knew it was the only way to make it all work.
Emily worried about everyone, but there were two people she worried about the most. Spencer and Penelope.
They both were incredibly strong, but she couldn’t be sure how would they deal with this.
She worried, since Reid did not cope well with losing authorities. And even if he would never admit it to her face, she knew that he looked up to her.
The thought of that made her feel the bile appear on the back of her throat.
That kid has lost so many people already… And he internalized all that, it had to be weighing on him every single day. It felt cruel to add another person to that list.
She had to keep thinking about the bigger picture to even remotely be able to deal with all that.
Now Garcia was somebody that Emily truly loved.
It was hard to imagine her being sad over her „death”.
Not because of the probability of the blonde being sad,
rather the severity of her grieving, Emily would imagine.
Penelope was one of those people who were able to feel so much, maybe even too much sometimes.
And on a daily basis it was wonderful. That’s what’s made her such an incredible, empathetic human being, who, despite their job, was still able to not only - be cheerful, but to cheer others up as well.
When she thought of that, it felt as if her heart could break to million pieces.
It was strange, how in that moment she should still feel the pain;
They’ve stabilized her after the surgery, but there were still bruises on her face, stitches across her abdomen, burnt skin on her chest. And she did feel it, but it was blurred, far away.
The feeling that made her grasp reality to the point of hyperawareness was the emotional pain.
Somehow she was able to compare it to the pain of being staked.
She still wasn’t sure what was a proper emotional response in that situation.
It wasn’t in the manual, or in training, despite people having to go… Well, faking your own death was like going undercover, in a way.
Both at the Interpol and the FBI, nobody taught her how to feel, while pretending to be dead.
She knew how to make it happen technically, more or less. After all, Lauren had already died. Her old team, JTF-12, was able to pull that off those several years ago. Including her of course.
But that was Lauren. An identity, which, sure, she’s been tied to for quite some time, living as her, acting like her, becoming her in a way.
Still, just an identity.
Right now, there wasn’t a disguise, an identity to toss away, allowing her to come back to her regular life.
Right now her regular life was supposed to cease to exist.
Before, she thought about her goal and the fact, that she survived. She was grateful, in some way she felt obligated to take care of Declan and she wouldn't be able to do that, if she was actually dead, right?
Even though she knew that she had no right to feel attached to the boy as much as she did, she just couldn’t help it. The image of him as a toddler, walking around the room in Doyle’s house stuck in her head. She couldn’t shake it off. And even before Doyle found her, that image caused her to have problems with falling asleep from time to time.
Emily never seriously thought of herself becoming a mother, for that role to be the main purpose of her life. She was afraid of screwing her potential children up, because she knew that even if she meant well, it wouldn’t guarantee them turning out okay. And her line of work made it impossible to both realistically approach the idea of maternity - she didn’t have a partner and if she were to be a single mother - it would be impossible to keep up with the BAU - that job was just too demanding; but also she saw so many downright evil, just unimaginable things that people were capable of doing to one another. How could she ever be able to shield a child from that?
Suddenly, all these ridiculous, small things that she wouldn’t think twice about made her feel as if each and every part of her life was just slipping through her fingers, right there, right then.
That one window in her apartment, the one with the wide windowsill, she loved to sit on it and watch the sky. Sergio would curl up in her lap or right next to her, on the windowsill, quietly purring, when she would pet his black fur. It didn’t happen often, because most nights she'd come home so exhausted, all she could basically do was just pass out on her bed. And Sergio would sleep on a pillow right next to her, despite Emily's promises to herself that she will teach him to stop, because she'd wake up covered in his fur with a runny nose.
But when she had a chance to do that, it made her mind stop racing, at least for a few minutes. That barely ever happened anywhere else.
Now she realized that Sergio was alone in her apartment and she panicked. But just for a second, because then she remembered JJ in the hospital, telling her that Penelope took him in. Of course she did. He'd definitely be surrounded with love. She wished she could've just taken him with her though, since she's already been missing him. Silly little fur ball, making her fall in love with him gradually. Penelope wouldn't be able to resist his charm for sure, she thought to herself, smiling. Still, she felt really sad.
Emily realized that she’s left so many things behind.
She didn’t think of herself as someone intensively attached to material possessions, but all these had a sentimental value for her and that was the only thing that mattered.
The thoughts invading her head were random, coming to her without any particular sense or order, falling on her mind like an avalanche.
And she thought about that crumpled up picture, capturing her with her friends when she was a teenager, back in Rome.
A cross, that her mother gave her on her first communion. She wasn’t ever really wearing it, but she liked knowing that it was safely tucked away in one of the drawers in her closet. It brought her some strange kind of comfort.
A box with letters she’d exchange with her father when she was a kid, because even though they moved around together as a family, he still would have assignments all around the world. So he would leave for a single weekend, or for several months at a time. No matter how long or short was he leaving for, he’d always try and send her a postcard, hence the collection of them, both from huge cities in Europe and Asia and tiny places she’s never even heard of before in America or Australia.
Maybe she wasn’t going through this box ritually on some settled schedule, but every once in a while she would look at those tacky pictures of touristy little towns, as well as simple, beautiful pictures of great historical monuments or watercolored landscapes of picturesque countrysides. And they'd make the corners of her lips rise up just a tiny bit.
All that with a couple words reading simple greetings, scribbled in a hurry, in her dad’s small, not exactly neat handwriting, on the back of each and every one of them.
„Love you, Dad” summed up every single message.
And looking at those words made her feel warmth, both now and when she was a little girl. Her father wasn’t very talkative and he rarely told her he loved her unprompted. So she got used to reading these words, instead of hearing them from him.
She cherished these postcards and anytime she’d go through them, she noticed some kind of feeling spread throughout her body, that felt like pure joy, but also love and safety.
Kurt Vonnegut’s "Sirens of Titan".
Morgan lent it to her a few months ago.
The book was by her bed, bookmarked with some crumpled receipt for groceries she’d found at the bottom of her purse, when she'd had to suddenly break away from Rumfoord and Kazak on the jet.
She’s read it before, truth be told, (in Italian and back in the ’80s), but Morgan insisted that she just had to read the original version. And even though there was a stack of books she wanted to read going back at least two years sitting on her bedroom floor, dangerously leaning against the radiator, the day she brought it home, she placed the Sirens on the very top of her bedside table, instead of the stack.
She’d imagine Morgan would appreciate that gesture.
Morgan, her partner.
Morgan, who held her before she passed out.
Morgan, who always had her back.
And she tried to do the same for him in the field.
He’s saved her ass countless times.
Emily wished she could have had his back right now.
She realized with a paralyzing fear that it could last forever.
Doyle could lay low, undetected for years.
Would it keep Morgan up at night?
Would he blame himself, wondering?
If he'd gotten to her seconds earlier, if he had only ran faster, if he’d found her sooner, would it change anything?
Thinking about that made her fists clench suddenly.
If she had any fingernails left, they would surely dig into the skin of her palms very painfully right now.
Emily felt this overwhelming guilt filling her chest, making her throat feel as if it was closing, her teeth grit.
She felt like she couldn’t breathe, as if the jet’s cabin had become decompressed and she couldn't reach the oxygen mask.
"You’re doing okay?"
She heard the soft and calming voice of her only companion on this flight, naturally besides the pilot.
JJ was looking at her with those big, worried, blue eyes and even though Emily’s first instinct was to nod, as she did just that, she felt her eyes watering.
"I can't stand the thought of all of them grieving over a lie."
She mumbled out.
"Emily, you know that this is the only way. We’d never make them go through this, if there were any other options. They will understand."
JJ’s voice became more firm with the last sentence, she was obviously in a mind space reserved for dealing with crisis.
"I really thought that was it, you know?"
Emily asked, a little startled at the sound of her own voice.
She couldn’t recall the last time she’s held an actual conversation with another person, one that wouldn’t consist of barely understandable mumbling as a form of communication on her end.
"There came that point, where the pain went away, I guess I went into shock. I heard Morgan’s voice and I wanted to keep my eyes open like he told me to so bad, but I just couldn’t. I felt like I was slipping away and it felt so… Easy. I wasn’t scared at all. I… I knew you guys would take care of Declan, if I wasn’t around. And that all of you would be okay."
She said, trying to piece together everything that happened.
"And apparently I've coded in the ambulance? I had no idea, but some glimpses are coming back to me, slowly. But it was like I’d fallen asleep."
She added, her face reflecting her mind in a state of deep contemplation.
Her thoughts were interrupted by JJ’s voice.
"Thank God, you didn’t…"
Emily only now noticed that with every word that she spoke, JJ’s eyes became more and more glossy. She frowned.
"Hey, I’m here."
She leaned in and smiled faintly.
"Its gonna take way more than some branding and a little stake for you to get rid of me."
JJ laughed, wiping the tears away, before they had a chance to flow down her cheeks.
"Why would I ever want to get rid of you?"
Blonde asked, her voice now soft, her expression puzzled.
Emily felt something strange in her chest.
At first her brain assumed it had to be her burnt skin and damaged nerve endings, but no.
It felt nice, it wasn’t painful.
That warmth, spilling around her insides.
She didn’t have a witty comeback to her question. She wanted to think it was because of the meds making her hazy, but she wasn’t sure anymore. She just looked down at her chest and frowned again.
"The first thing I’m doing, when we get to Paris is having this removed."
She heard her own voice.
"How could a brand hurt more than getting staked?"
"Maybe it’s a psychosomatic itch you’re scratching? The brand left an emotional toll, Doyle established dominance over you by marking you as his, a stake… I mean you overcame death. The ultimate victory over your foe. Why suffer a pain you’re proud of?"
JJ wondered, actually trying to analyze all that. She looked at her, now amused.
"Or you could always get another tattoo."
Emily laughed at that. JJ continued.
"You know, something transformative? Like a… A phoenix. Or a blackbird."
"I love the song."
Emily said.
"But something tells me, I shouldn’t tread in your waters."
JJ looked at her with a questioning look.
"Come on, JJ. Something’s obviously different about you. You commandeered an Interpol jet. You’re profiling me."
JJ looked down and sighed. Emily continued.
"Why didn’t you say your transfer was a backstop?"
At that JJ’s expression turned to a confused one, indicating that what the other woman said was the truth.
"Oh, I know that look. The 'I can’t trust anyone, but myself' look. I invented it."
Emily added, trying to make it sound funny, but ultimately, it still came out serious, because it was true. JJ smiled at her slightly, but she looked sad.
"Do you ever feel like you’re in way over your head?" Emily nodded, wanting her to continue.
"I got assigned to an information hunt. Instead, I am chasing an unsub, who killed my informant."
"What would Hotch tell you to do?" Emily asked without hesitation. That’s how she found her way around during any investigation, ever since she joined the BAU.
"Focus on victimology, let behavior lead the way…"
JJ listed out loud.
"Exactly. Who did your unsub kill?"
"The one person I was getting through to."
Emily continued with her questions, seeing that they initiated JJ’s thought process.
"Because I was getting through to…" JJ said, frowning.
"I was getting through to her. What if she was about to expose her killer? Someone on the inside…"
Emily could tell that JJ needed somebody else to look at her situation and see it in from a different angle. JJ got really pensive, her eyes glued to some nonexistent point in space.
"It sounds like it's time for you to be the blackbird and flip the script." Emily said slowly.
"I guess it does." JJ said with a tiny smile, before getting up.
"Hey, why won’t you try and sleep at least a while? We won’t be landing for several hours, so…"
"Right. You should try and sleep too. I’ve been in a coma, so I caught some Zs, when you think about it. Medically induced ones, but still. You on the other hand must be exhausted."
Emily’s face was covered in grey, purple and yellow spots, but JJ’s face, even though not bruised, still indicated that she had a rough couple of days. She had bags under her eyes, her cheeks pale, instead of slightly flushed like they normally were, her face tired.
They both looked quite miserable.
JJ just smiled in response, but her eyes weren’t a part of that smile. Her eyes stayed sad.
She walked to another seat, so she could try and lie down.
Emily wanted to let JJ rest, because she suspected that by suggesting sleeping, she actually had an excuse to take a nap herself, even if it was supposed to last only few minutes. She deserved a good night sleep, Emily thought to herself, watching the blonde struggling to find a comfortable position. When she eventually succeeded, Prentiss leaned back in her own seat, looking out the window. Her chest was still burning, but she wouldn’t even flinch. Her eyes, almost independently from her will, landed on the other woman every couple of minutes. She watched JJ’s chest move rhythmically, until her breathing became really deep and really steady and she was without a doubt asleep.
She knows what’s happening,
Emily thought to herself.
And so does Hotchner.
Yet, they’re going to have to look at the rest being in pain and they’re going to have to pretend that they’re going through the same thing.
And when she thought about Hotch, it wasn’t that hard to imagine.
He would keep himself perfectly composed in pretty much any situation she ever saw him in.
He was able to calculate his next move without showing as much as a microexpression.
It could be a little unsettling sometimes, but then again when he was surrounded by his family, when he was with Jack, he would expose this softer and loving side of himself. Just a bit. It was quite the view.
Emily had no doubt that he was a good father. And a good man.
He really was great at planning, thinking ahead like no one else;
he had his way of smoothly dealing with issues that inevitably came up during their investigations.
All those things made him an incredible section chief.
Emily was certain that she could trust him with her life. And she did.
It would be hard for anyone to keep such a burdening secret from people you are constantly around.
Eventually, you could start believing the lie, but that also took dedication. It was even harder when you had to lie to people that were actually a part of your life, people that you were close to.
It’s one thing to be undercover and to keep a secret from people you’re trying to infiltrate. During such operations it felt justified to do that, choosing the lesser evil, the end justify the means and all that.
It’s a completely different thing to do that to your friends and family.
"The secret to getting away with lying is believing with all your heart. That goes for lying to yourself even more so than lying to another."
A quote by the author Elizabeth Bear, that she's memorized from reading her New Amsterdam series more than once. She was repeating it in her mind, not being able to stop.
She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in. She knew that they made the right call. Still, it was just devastating, thinking what they voluntarily sentenced themselves to.
She tried to calm herself down with proper breathing. It helped.
Emily finally decided to try to sleep. She thought that since she was still medicated, she’d pass out easily, but that didn’t happen.
Every time she closed her eyes, she saw faces of her team members. She felt like her chest was being crushed. Breathing didn't really help.
After what felt like forever of forcing herself to fall asleep without any luck, she opened her eyes and just kept them open. She focused her gaze on what was behind the window.
The clouds, barely visible in the navy skies.
She didn’t do it on purpose, but she realized that she started to dissociate.
And she let herself do it.
The numbness felt better than the stinging guilt.
She didn’t really register it, but tears left her eyes, falling on her lashes and cheeks, as her deep, dark eyes focused on the navy color in front of her, forty thousand feet above the ground.
She couldn’t tell how long it took, but only JJ’s turning in her sleep, simultaneously throwing a bag off the seat made Emily come back to reality. Blonde didn’t wake up. She looked really peaceful.
She thought about not seeing her for God knows how long. It stung, to a point of her gasping. Afraid, that maybe that could’ve woken her up, Emily wiped her tears away, but JJ’s eyes stayed closed. And these intrusive thoughts came back to roam inside her head.
Sure, JJ wouldn’t be with the BAU now, since she’s had that informant operation, but no doubt, she would still see them. They were a huge part of her life after all.
Emily watched her face, calm and soft, imaging it twisted in pain and grief, having to pretend one of their own was dead.
In her mind, JJ was one of the strongest people she knew. She was persistent, hardworking and incredibly professional, but she was also kind, nurturing and very loyal.
What she was doing for her at this very moment proved it perfectly.
She knew that JJ accepted her part in this plan on her own and if she were to start trying to talk her out of it (never mind that it was also too late for that at this point), she wouldn’t change her mind. To be fair, if they switched places, she would do the same for JJ, but still, she couldn’t stop worrying about the woman sleeping on a seat across from her.
Emily watched her friend and it brought her some sort of comfort, a feeling of safety.
She finally dozed off, trying not to think, but focused on JJ’s steady breathing instead.
"Emily, we’ll be landing in about an hour."
She heard, opening her eyes, and she saw JJ standing in front of her, one of her hands on her shoulder.
"I thought you’d like to change before the transfer."
Emily’s hand landed on top of hers, holding both of them on her shoulder.
"Oh, right. Thank you, I…" she looked down at their hands, trying to focus. "We’ll have to say goodbye soon, right?" she blurted out, looking back at her face.
JJ sighed and sat down right next to her, not taking her hand away, but instead, intertwining their fingers and resting both their hands in Emily’s lap.
"Well, it seems so."
She smiled, but her eyes were reddened, filling with tears once again.
Emily’s gaze was glued to their hands, watching JJ’s wrist and fingers, so delicate right now, but perfectly capable of throwing a good punch. Her eyes stopped at the ring on her finger; Henry’s birthstone. She felt that strange feeling again, that warmth spreading throughout her body.
"It’s not going to last forever. We will find Doyle."
JJ mumbled out and Emily held her breath.
"I know, but… I will miss you so much."
Emily said, before instinctually putting her arms around blonde’s waist, to which she responded with wrapping her arms around her neck. JJ tried to be gentle, because of Emily’s condition, but brunette only held her tighter.
They were so close right now, that she could hear the other woman’s heartbeat. It was slightly elevated.
JJ pulled back just a little, so she could look at her face.
"I will miss you as well." she whispered, their eyes laid on each other.
JJ said the next sentence so quietly, that Emily could barely hear it.
"You’re very special to me, you know that?"
Emily wouldn’t be able to logically explain why she did what she did next, but somehow her hands ended up on both sides of JJ’s face and she leaned in, placing her lips on blonde’s ones.
She wasn’t thinking, but as she kissed her, the other woman immediately kissed her back. Emily felt soft palms cupping her face, her eyes closed. That kiss was filled with so much pain and longing and some kind of desperation.
But it made her whole body fill up with that warmth.
Emily wasn’t even sure what that was, so she tried to be gentle. She ended up kissing JJ in a somewhat shy manner, yet the other agent was deepening the kiss with each second, making it more and more passionate. Emily felt her back hitting the wall and a moan left her throat, captured by the kiss. JJ reacted by slowing down, moving her fingers across her face, running them through her hair. Emily was still cupping JJ’s face, her skin felt so soft and warm under her fingers when she brushed them across her cheeks. Their tongues slowly swirling around one another, this time Emily caused JJ to gasp, as she bit her lower lip. She responded with kissing brunette even more eagerly, so Emily brushed her fingers along her neck, resting them on her shoulders. One of her hands was caressing the skin covering JJ’s collarbone. At that she sighed, barely audibly, but Emily caught it. Her fingers moved towards the skin covering her breastbone.
JJ suddenly pulled back and broke the kiss, leaving both of them breathing heavily, blood flowing through their cheeks and lips.
Emily placed her hands back on JJ’s shoulders, she didn’t mean to make her feel uncomfortable.
Finally, after what felt like forever, she broke the silence.
"JJ, I…" she didn’t even know what to say. It wasn’t right. She had a loving husband, a family. She didn’t mean to ruin it for her.
"We don’t have to talk about this." she said quickly and Emily felt strange. She took her hands off of her shoulders and leaned back, so there was space between them.
"I… Dont… Look, if we won’t see each other for…"
She started, but her voice broke, when she realized what expression showed up on JJ’s face.
Emily felt so many contradicting things in that moment, that she basically froze. JJ was looking away.
"You went through something traumatic, we all did. It’s only natural to crave human contact then. And it can present itself in many different ways. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s fine."
"JJ, it means… It means everything for me."
Emily choked out, placing her hand on top of blonde’s. JJ turned her hand, so she could squeeze Emily’s one between her fingers.
She smiled looking at their hands, but only for a fraction of a second. And then she took her hand away, only to look Emily straight in her eyes. She seemed sad, but also… Agitated.
"I can’t give you what you want, Emily." she said quickly, getting up.
"There’s too many reasons why. And… You have to leave."
JJ stated, sort of matter-of-factly.
Emily couldn’t really comprehend what just happened. But all of the pain, both physical and mental suddenly came back, not dimmed anymore.
This was… This wasn’t the time for this. Come on, Emily, it’s time to compartmentalize again. You used to be so good at this!
Well, before joining the team anyway.
"We’re landing in 15. You have to change, definitely cover up these bruises at least a bit." JJ continued talking, her voice morphing back to that task-oriented tone. She was taking clothes and makeup out of the bags, handing the items to her. "Hurry."
Emily felt like she couldn’t move, but she forced herself to get up and do what she needed to. They weren’t looking at each other and even though she wanted to scream, she kept perfectly quiet.
Compartmentalize. It’s not the time. It didn’t mean anything.
They landed and after JJ made sure that the right person was waiting outside to drive Emily to a safehouse, she stood in front of her and hugged her. Emily wasn’t really expecting that right now, since the atmosphere was so tense.
"I will miss you, no matter what." JJ whispered and even though Emily was so stunned from the pain and all around confused, she knew they couldn’t part without a proper goodbye.
"Thank you, for everything. Take care of them." Emily said and she embraced her tightly, one last time. Emily wanted to say that she’ll miss her like crazy, but it felt both like too much and not enough.
She didn’t want to let them turn this into a final goodbye.
"Of course. I will see you soon, okay?" JJ smiled and Emily smiled back. It wasn’t the best forced smile, but she just couldn’t do better in that moment.
"Goodbye, Jennifer." she said sounding way too official, taking a first step out.
"Goodbye, Emily."
Prentiss turned away and quickly made her way to the parked car.
She saw JJ’s face one last time through the tiny window.
The car left the landing strip and disappeared in the night.
„Goodbye, Emily.” she thought to herself, as she caught her own reflection in the side mirror.
„Goodbye, Emily.”
JJ whispered, placing a red rose on the coffin.
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Common Room- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
   Request:  Hey if you're taking requests I have this cute fluff thought about non Slytherin reader visiting Draco in the Slytherin common room for the first time and being absolutely mesmerized by all the creatures that swim by the windows in the Black Lake and Dray thinking it is something mundane but also thinking how his girlfriend is the most adorable person in the world while being captivated by those creatures
   Kody- Ooo this seems so wholesome. I love it! Also i love the nickname Dray for Draco, so i’ll add it in for ya! I added a bit of extra sweetness in it cause im    e x t r a 
   Warning: The fluff!
   House: Hufflepuff for all our softies!
   you were fidgeting with your sleeve of your yellow sweater. Waiting outside the Slytherin common room was slightly nerve wracking. Not that you were scared or anything. Okay just a little. You hear a clicking noise and turn to see the portrait open, revealing a very grim Draco Malfoy.
   but as soon as he saw you a smile graced his lips. “Y/n, your here. Lovely” he grabs your hand and pulls you into the hall, you take a couple steps and look around the room. So this was the Slytherin common room? It was empty at the moment, but you were too fascinated to care.
   your hand slowly lets go off his as you walk around looking at the dark interior. It was so much different from your common room. You run your hand along the wall. feeling it’s rough texture on the pads of your fingers “woah” you breathe by. Draco was standing behind you admiring your curiosity with an amused grin.
   you turn to look at him with a wide smile “this is so cool!” a small giggle leaves your throat. Draco chuckles at your excited grin and struts over to you. He wraps his arms loosely around your waist. “I’m happy your happy, love” you smile at his kind words and watches as his eyes close and leans into kiss you.
   you lean in as well, about to close your eyes when you see a window, looking outside it you see water! and a turtle! You pull away from Draco and rush over to the window, pressing your hands against the glass. The Slytherin boy opens his eyes and blinks a couple times “What the hell?”
   he turns and sees you poking at the glass, trying to get the sea turtles attention. He lets out a deep sigh, a small smile forming. You were just too cute. You watch the turtle swim away and wave “I forgot that the Slytherin common room was practically underwater. That’s so cool!” you squeak.
   Draco makes his way over and stands next to you. He shrugs his shoulders while looking at the water “Eh- i’m used to it” you chuckle and push his shoulder “Well i’m not and i find it amazing. All the fish and stuff” you smile brightly. He snickers and looks over at you “Fish and stuff huh?”
   you roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him “You know what i mean” you turn back to the window and watch as another turtle swims by. Draco takes the opportunity to grab your chin, your face flushes a light pink as he leans in. You smiled, leaning in as well.
   just as your lips were about to connect you spot a small mer-person well mer-child at the window on the other side of the room. You duck under Draco’s arm and slowly approach the glass. Draco leans into nothing and almost falls, he opens his eyes and sighed “Bloody hell Y/n”
   the mer-child looked just as curious as you were of it. You smile sweetly and wave slowly. It repeats your actions and you giggle. “Hi” you speak softly. The mer-child tilts it’s head before bubbles come out it’s mouth making you laugh. You watch as the mer-child turns around and spots what you think is it’s parent.
   it waves to you before swimming away. “Bye!” you exclaim even though it most likely couldn’t hear you.
   Draco watches you feeling his heart thump widely. ‘Damnit Y/n why are you so curious?’ he thought. In all honesty, throughout the months of dating and getting to know each other. He had never mustered up the courage to say the L word. He didn’t know how to express his feelings well.
   you were a lot of his first. HIs first date, girlfriend, kiss, and now love, but he didn’t know how to tell you that. It was just so hard because you could barely stand still for more then one minute and even if he did get the time as soon as he saw your bright curious E/C eyes, he was a nervous wreck.
   he snaps back into reality when he sees you walking over “Sorry, it was just so cool to see the mer-people and this room. It’s just so, different. Like the Hufflepuff room is yellow and bright, also kind of smells like cookies, but that’s because we bake a lot” you laugh nervously.
   he nods a small laugh coming from him. You did sometimes smell of sweets and baked goods. “and this place-” you start, walking into the middle of the room and spinning around “- is so dark and mysterious. Oh! and you get to see fish outside your windows! I love it!’ you laugh and throw your arms in the air.
   you stop spinning and turn to face Draco “Ooo. What’s your favorite fish you’ve seen outside the window!?” you ask excitedly.
   “I love you”
   Draco’s grey eyes widened like saucers. ‘I did not just say that!’ he felt his pulse quicken. He was terrified. What would you think of him? Was it too soon? Oh merlin, he couldn’t believe that he just blurted it out like that, like- like- a idiot. Oh no, he was just like Ron Weasley! ‘Can the world swallow me up now?!’
   you on the other hand had froze in place “That’s not a fish” you blurt out of nervous. He looks away from you and puts his face in his hands, crouching down “That is definitely not how i wanted to tell you” he groans in frustration. He stands up again and gives you sympathetic look. “I am so sorry Y/n”
   you look at his nervous state and found it quite, cute? People were right, Hufflepuffs definitely had Slytherins wrapped around their fingers. You gather up a bit of your courage and walk over to him. “Draco, it’s alright” you say and grab his much larger hand.
   he looks down at you, his eyebrows furrowed and his face scrunched up a bit. It made your heart tug a bit “I love you too” you say a smile forming on your face. You watch as Draco’s eyes light up and he leans down quickly and kisses you with the much needed passion. “Finally” he mutters.
   you laugh between kisses as you realize you had been dodging his kisses all afternoon. He pulls away, grabbing your face in his hands “Damn, you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to say that to you” he sighs and begins to kiss you again. You couldn’t help but giggle “I think i have some idea actually”
   “say it again” he says randomly and you laugh “say what-” “-say you love me again” he says quickly. Laughing again, you nod slowly and look him in his eyes. “I am in love with you Draco Malfoy” you say slowly, watching the boy in front of you melt into a pile of mush.
   you both heard the portrait open “Oh i guess i have to leave” you say and and start to let go of him, but he tightens his grip. He takes your hand and begins to lead you to the boys dorms “Draco where are we going!” you exclaim as he drags you along.
   “I’m not done hearing you say you love me so you’re going to say it all night long” he says in a tone that you couldn’t decipher. Your face flushes harshly
   “Draco, what does that mean!”
   Kody- lmao i hope you guys enjoy this one i liked writing it so much! Anyways, peace.
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