#when in reality its just. another normal kinda gross kinda weird kinda cool thing the body does
dammitradar · 1 year
Literally had a dream about internet censorship and about how in a world where sex, cursing and death are censored, you've got to memento motherfucking mori
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
Hey!! Sorry if I’m doing this wrong I am new to this kinda stuff but do u mind writing headcanons on how the p5 phantom thief boys would take care of the reader when they’re on their period? If not it’s fine!
꒰baby im yours !꒱
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p5 boys when their s/o is on their period headcannons !
character x afab!reader
includes joker, ryuji, yusuke, and akechi !
warnings : mentions of periods, obviously lol
a/n : its shark week for yours truly so i thought now is the best time to write this :D i wasnt sure what gendered reader you wanted, so i just decided to leave it as afab, hope thats alright :))
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maybe this is biased, but i feel out of everyone on this list hes the most prepared.
like, hes not overbearing but he knows just enough to spare you both any awkward conversations.
he doesnt have any feminine products in his bathroom since its technically shared with leblanc customers and he doesnt want to embarrass you or anyone else, but you know theres always a few of whatever you need in his school bag or his dresser!
hes a very calm person, which can be very relieving, especially when you accidentally bleed on something.
you both were hanging out one day after school, and when you got up off of his bed to go make some food, you noticed a red spot on the sheets.
you were internally freaking out, trying to figure out what to do knowing how some guys tend to find it gross, while ren literally just comments "dont worry about it, i needed motivation to do laundry anyways." and asks if you need anything.
you feel like youve just been given whiplash, no way thats it, hes so cool with it?
he even gives you a pair of his boxers and sweatpants since you bled through your clothes, and when you come out of the bathroom hes got a steaming hot cup of coffee and some chocolates on the counter all ready for you. <3
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confused, embarrassed, and a little bit (a lot) dramatic. he tries to act like its not a big deal, but in reality he doesnt really know anything about periods, and hes convinced youre secretly in a lot of pain. (which i mean, you could be depending on cramps… but you get what i mean.)
hes horribly uneducated on this topic, and definitely the worst person to be stuck with when you start. 
hes calling ann asking her to explain what to do with the reddest face youve ever seen. 🧍
ryuji definitely thought it was a little gross at first too, but once he understood it was just a normal thing your body did he felt more okay about it.
hes trying super hard to be a good boyfriend, but hes stuttering over his questions. barely able to ask you if he needs to get you anything.
i swear his eyes almost popped out of his head when you said all you wanted was for him to shut up and cuddle with you. 💀💀
he tries to be there for you as much as possible, but if you tend to get more angry, just note that hell try to stay away a bit. 
he has issues keeping his temper under control, even when it comes to you, and he doesnt want to start any unnecessary arguments.
at the end of the day, communication is key when it comes to you guys relationship, he just wants whats best for both of you!
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yusuke has probably never felt the touch of another human being before you so hes very… confused to say the least.
what do you mean youre bleeding? and its normal? this happens monthly? his mind is blown.
i dont see him being weird in the way he wants to use your period as inspiration for a painting, but weird in the way that hell track it.
maybe this just a personal thing who finds it weird when a guy wants to track when your on your cycle, but it seems right up yusukes alley 😭.
hes a little strange, and he just wants to help! but he also doesnt really know what hes doing, so his presence can be a bit overwhelming.
gets pouty when you end up snapping at him, but once you explain why hes a lot more aware of how much hes bothering you.
hes also willing to get you whatever you need, as long as youre buying.
one time you had asked him to get you pads/tampons, and he called you 30 minutes later saying that he didnt have any money…
however, unlike someone else on this list, hes not embarrassed about it. more so genuinely curious, as he loves learning about you and he thinks its important to know how your body works!
hell probably draw you something nice as well if it makes you feel better. :)
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oh boy, akechi sure is a character. and i think with him it depends.
usually though hes just a pretty average guy. hes not stupid, but he also isnt the best at understanding your emotions, or his own, for that matter.
youre in public, akechi talking to one of the tv hosts after hes finished appearing on a show, and you gently tug on his jacket to let him know you started your period, and need the restroom. 
hes conflicted, whats supposed to come first, you or his reputation? when it comes to him, he makes any simple situation way more complicated in his head.
he makes an eternal sacrifice to shoo away the people talking to him, and he quickly takes off his jacket to wrap it around your waist. you both find a bathroom nearby and he paitently waits for you outside.
when you walk out, he offers to pick up whatever you may need (including some food) and take you home.
at your front door, he kisses your cheek, but cant help but noticed the nervous expression on your face.
its only then when you mention that akechis jacket is, in fact, a light color, and is most definitely stained now with bright red blood. his face goes blank, and youre worried for a second he might be mad.
he only shrugs at that, same detective prince smile as always, and jokes that youre paying for his dry cleaning.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Fav boys thinking S/O reader has a kid bc they misunderstood a conversation with friends or on the phone but in reality they were talking about their pet
Bc i talk to my dog like he's a small child and care for him like one and its caused confusion
• he's just chillin
• youre in another room of the dorms
• You're within the ear shot
• and your phone rings
• he doesn't really think anything of it but he can't help but eavesdrop when youre on the phone
• nothing alarming until
• "How's my son?"
• and he freezes
• he feels himself pale but he keeps listening
• "I miss him so much, I didn't know it was going to be this hard to be away from him," you groan. "I just want to see him and boop his nose and coddle him."
• Jesus christ
• "he's getting chubby though, thats good, he was so tiny when he was born. So much loose skin-"
• Ngl his stomach kinda drops
• You have a kid??
• How did this happen- WHEN did it happen?
• It couldn't have-
• oh it very well could
• You disappeared for your 2nd year in UA- it could've happened then-
• and you didn't tell him.
• Not when he was your best friend and not when he was your boyfriend
• He feels betrayed- he feels gross-
• he has a right to at least KNOW of the child's existence- I mean he knew it wasn't his, but still.
• And so for the next days he's really weird.
• he tries to he normal with you, text when he can, hug you goodbye, just continue like things were
• but he just couldn't.
• And he dreads when you confront him about it- he knew you would, you've always been like that
• "You have a kid!" He snaps. "You left during second year, didn't tell anyone about it and then you came back- and you didn't tell me. I wouldn't have been mad! I wouldn't have pushed you away, I-"
"Katsuki what the FUCK are you talking about?"
"You. Have. A. Child."
"When you were on the phone with your mom?"
You paused for a moment. "Jesus Christ Kat, I was talking about my puppy. I got a dog while I was traveling ABROAD during my SECOND year, with my COUSIN. I helped deliver him because I was interning at a vet. He was the runt and they thought he was gonna die. So I stayed an extra two weeks and I brought him home."
He clenched his jaw. "God damn."
"Katsuki, I tell you everything. I wouldn't hide that from you. Besides," you made a face, "i'm too scared to have sex with you, because sex is scary. Why the fuck would I have it with anyone else?"
"I dunno." He mumbled.
• You take him to see your dog, obviously
• he isn't even entirely sure what you were doing
• all he knows is that you're cooing into the phone held against you ear
• "Hey baby, its me! You miss momma?"
• Momma.
• bro- he just kinda zones out.
• his mind immediately going to the fact that you might have a child- not might- you do
• I mean how else could you explain that?
• he didn't even stop to think WHEN you could've had a child. He just jumped right in.
• He wasn't mad- how could he be?
• it wasn't wrong for you to have a kid.
• maybe you should've told him but you could've been scared.
• afraid he might leave you
• he wouldn't leave you, God no.
• he loved you and it was going to stay to help you
• I mean, he doesn't want you to go through this alone.
• You guys are what, just barley 18? You already have a kid, thats gotta be tough.
• So he makes the decision, instead of being upset or hurt that you didn't tell him, he's just going to step in and see if you'd like help.
• He won't push to meet the kid, thats up to you. Introducing kids to partners before its really serious doesn't always go over too well.
• he plans what he's going to say in his head, goes over it twice and nids to himself.
• that all goes out the window when you sit on the couch again
• "You have a kid?" He blurts and mentally kicks himself afterwards.
"I'm sorry what?"
"It's okay, I'm not mad, really," he put his hands up, "It's hard to tell someone about it. You can trust me with stuff, even things like that. I won't use it against you or get mad- I'll even help out if you need. Sure its not mine but it really doesn't need to me-"
"Eiji, baby, shut the fuck up for a second."
He closes his mouth, stopping his ramble.
"What are you talking about?"
"On the phone, you were talking. To your kid right? You said 'it's momma,' and-"
"Babe I was talking to my dog. I haven't seen her in two months and she recognizes my voice over the phone. I talk to her most nights before bed. We just had to do it earlier today."
• He feels his face flush.
• Jesus christ.
• you're cackling.
• he doesn't think its that funny
• he profusely apologizes for thinking you had a kid, implying that you did /things/ with anither person
• Obviously you take him to meet your dog because what kind of mother would you be if you didn't?
• Dekus the kind of guy that would definitely take a few days to himself if he found that out.
• You've got a 50 50 chance of him staying
• He doesn't like it when people lie to begin with, it makes him feel weird
• So for him to find out you have a whole ass /child/ that he didn't know about?
• he's pissed. And sad. And confused. Because when the fuck did you have it??
• You'd think with all the analyzing he did, he'd be able to pick up maybe you were talking about a pet or something??
• Wrong. His emotions take over and he's just gone
• and once you get off the phone you're like?? Zuku? Baby where'd you go???
• 3 days.
• 3 Days he ignores your texts, calls, approaches before you get tired of it
• during those 3 days, well- day 3 more like, he goes to his friends
• like fuck i have a problem
• and theyre like ?????
• "So um- they have a kid."
"They what??????"
"Y/n has a kid. I heard them talking over the phone."
"Do you think maybe you mught've misunderstood? I mean when yould they even have had time to have one?"
"I don't know! But they didn't tell me! What am I supposed to do?"
"First off," todoroki begins, "what did they say that led you to believe they have a child?"
"Well, they were like, he's my son- not yours, and then they were like, he's growing out of his clothes, and but that his feet were still tiny-"
"Did they use a name?"
"Yeah, well, a nickname I guess, stubby? I think it was?"
"Midoryia that's their dog. They have a dog who likes to wear sweaters. Since he's a puppy " Todoroki sits up. "She refers to her dog as her son.
"I thought they only had a bird," he dropped his head to the table and whined.”They only told me about their bird,” 
"Good luck fixing that."
• He brings you flowers.
• and chocolate
• to your dorm
• and when you answer you look very displeased.
• you just kind of eye him, waiting for him to speak.
• "Angel," he begins, "I'm sorry. I- I jumped to a conclusion."
"And what conclusion was that."
"That you had a kid." He mumbled. "When you were talking about your dog."
"You dumb fuck, we haven't even had sex yet. Who else would I be with? When would I even have had time to make a human being?"
"I know. I'm sorry."
• He wants to meet the dog.
• You make him wait.
• You do show him pictures.
• He's high off his ass bro.
• fuckin zoinked
• you take a phone call in which you clearly mention dog features but he only seems to catch baby, princess, daughter, small toes, and chubby
• N he's like sweet you have a daughter,
• and then he forgets about it, too caught up with staring at something on the ceiling
• a bug he thinks
• and then he starts laughing because he thinks the word bug is funny lmao
• and when you get off the phone he leans his head against you
• and like 10 minutes later he remembers as he's kissing your neck
• "oh, so you have a daughter? How old is she?" He's so nonchalant too lmao
"Baby what?"
"You have a daughter, right? You were talking about her over the phone. She has small toes. How old is she?"
"Sero, you're gone," you smile, ruffling his hair.
"What? Did I do something? I don’t want to leave,” He frowns. 
"I’m not making you leave babe. I don't have a daughter. I have a puppy named bubbles, but I call her princess. She's a teacup."
"Oh that's so cute,"
• its just amazing that he wasn't conflicted by the possibility that you may have had a daughter
• maybe its because he's high
• maybe he just really doesn't fucking care
• either way he vibed with the idea
• and then was like oh cool can I see a picture of your dog then
• and then fell the fuck asleep when the high started to wear off
• boy what a day
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flywithmelp · 3 years
Since CNCO hasn’t really posted anything good in a while, it’s made me bored and i started to think about their problematic behaviors. So, this is a post about some of them because I have nothing better to do and I need to entertain myself like it’s a reality TV show. Just a few things I want to discuss. So, Let’s analyze them, ladies
Let’s talk about first the lack of content the whole last year. CNCO the first couple years of their career were worked like crazy under Ricky Martin’s management. Constantly touring, making albums, interviews, and not getting a lot of time with family as most bands are overworked. Once they got under Walter’s label, their work schedule wasn’t as bad but they also lost a lot of fans from it. As we all know their team sucks right now and although they were traveling, performing, doing their thing like they were suppose to, their team wasn’t promoting them/handling them like they should. Their team just doesn’t seem smart, and it seemed like they were doing all this hard work for almost nothing. I think once quarantine hit, they were just burned out. They had hit that point were they found an escape to hang out with their family and resume back to their normal lives and they took it. Joel went to California while the others were in Miami which made all content kinda weird for a lil while. Then the Black Lives Matter movement happened and all content stopped for a while which is understandable but they also should’ve taken that moment to educate themselves and find their voices. After that, it took a while for them to get back on track and them on MTV was cool but also random because their team did it so poorly. They released Beso but then all of a sudden announced a cover album, which at the time I hated but I understand now. But, anyways, It was all so confusing and messy and nothing is ever done right so we’re left with crumbs. I think once they start traveling again they’ll get back into the groove of things but right now they’re way too comfortable.
I wanna talk about Richard next. Richard unfortunately comes from his family who has a very traditional way of thinking that can be very damaging towards woman. I hear him make a few comments here and there but he doesn’t seem as bad as the rest of his family. Like, some of the comments Yashua has made are just gross. Also, he’s probably the one you’ll hear the most making comments that sound a bit like toxic masculinity/homophobia, which again is unfortunately how it is in a lot of Latino households. Another thing, is that he says the words ‘Chris Brown’ way too much. I do see growth in him though. I think one of the reasons he’s not as traditional as his family is because of his daughter, he loves that girl very much and learns from her everyday. He’s also the only one who had a voice during BLM, and actually used it with passion. I loved seeing him so passionate about that. He had to be corrected a few times during time but he took the corrections and learned from it and that it what I like to see, we’re making progress with this one.
Now, Joel, its no secret that i’m not the biggest fan of him. One of his biggest problems is that he CAN’T take correction and anytime anyone tries to call him out, he gets super defensive. Like with BLM, he had no reason to get all defensive and block fans that were trying to educate him. I really think he sees a lot of his fans as annoying little girls, and that’s why he gets all petty on twitter anytime anything happens. I assume it’s some kind of insecurity he has that makes him like that and i can’t imagine how annoying it is to have the fans constantly in his business but cmon there’s ways to be mature about it but he has never gone that route even though he’s super grown now. His friends are truly, problematic clout chasers & i don’t know how he doesn’t see that. And i’m so certain that those friends constantly talk shit to him about the other CNCO members which is what creates a barrier between him and the rest of the guys. But, as long as I’ve been a fan of them I’ve never liked Joel’s attitude, he kinda walks around with a holier than thou attitude and it’s not cute in the slightest. Not to mention the fact that he’s with Sam S right now. I reallllllyyy liked single Joel, he was laughing, playing around, hoeing around with the other boys and it was so amazing to see. I want THAT joel back pls can someone get him away from that girl.
Ok, Zabdiel. With him it’s just him being dumb, dumb. I don’t know how he was raised but I still feel like he needs to make smarter decisions. The main things he’s done is when he said the n word and also the durag, which are both damaging to black culture. I’m 100% sure he was not aware of the significance of the word when he said it seeing as though he didn’t even speak english, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be called out for it. I wanna hope that he’s learned since then. The durag was another one that was just like bro, what are you doing? It’s not fashion, friends. Again, I think he’s learned as after people started letting him know, he stopped wearing it. He seems to be good at learning his lesson, although, I wish he would actually apologize for some of these things.
Erick, this poor boy was thrown into this group at 14 years old, he was literally a child. He’s not super problematic but in that video of Zabdiel saying the n word, you can hear him say it as well. Probably not knowing what it meant either but still needs to apologize. Also, going to Mexico during a pandemic like damn, i know they get tested all the time but they literally went to a club full of people not wearing masks cmon now. He’s also admitted to being a cheater which is pretty shitty of him. Idk he just turned 20 so maybe he’ll start growing up soon.
Christopher, an unproblematic king. No actually he really just minds his own business and lives his damn life without bothering other people. But, he did do the whole go to a party full of people barely wearing a mask. That’s Florida for you. I wish he was a bit more vocal politically but none of them are anyways I just want them to be. Also, he’s just a big hoe which could be a problem but i feel like he’s always upfront about his intentions.
Fin. End of rant. Let’s discuss.
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d0ntw0rrybehappy · 3 years
i’m going insane lol
so i feel like the next step in working hard is to not even perceive the work i’m doing as tiring. (rereading this it’s making me lol.) it seems weird that i find a part time job at a restaurant this exhausting? and like i can’t pretend that i’m not tired, but i have to somehow take better care of myself and set the conditions to not be tired from it.
i’ve been thinking about baudrillard/barthes a lot still -- pleasantly surprised that their theories are interesting to apply to any- and everything. for example, they both go into how every statement can also be read as its opposite or negation. so, to quote baudrillard, saying “i am not afraid of communism” also implies that communism is something you should be afraid of.
i’ve been using this as a kind of paranoid way to gain insight into why people tell me that i am “strong” because i don’t really know what that means. (other things i am told i am often: sweet, intense). it’s like what they’re saying is, there’s some kind of context, a milieu of weak people i’m being compared to. or like they want to reassure me that i am strong, because i actually come across as how i feel: like a particularly lost, unstable, emotional, sensitive, and lonely person.
i can’t with restaurant work anymore. it. SUCKS. i want to fucking get out, i am like a rat scrabbling at the walls of a glass aquarium. all novelty has worn off, all misguided overtures of honest work or “people skills.” and i’m still stuck here, still holding my breath in the deep end until i can find the eject button. i am tired, my body aches. my body aches!!
i want to just grind my way out (here we are with barthes again -- well if you truly wanted to do that you’d just shut the fuck up and do it instead of writing about it), but here i am, eating another round of chocolate (i don’t smoke, i don’t have sex, i truly just eat), constantly fucking hungry. then like a bull mowing into a red flag i realize i have been grinding...in a completely useless direction. it is like my passion for learning about things gets scattered every which way and i just can’t start, every path is equally exciting and awful and the injunction to “choose” is not “clicking” in my “head.” it’s like my mind cracked open at some point in my teenage years (when i started smoking weed, when my child universe was decisively fractured by a friend) and now the crack is snowing fireworks and glitter and i shift in and out of unreality. 
reality is almost too painful to bear. nobody’s happy: you can find contentment by accepting your current lot, but “happiness" is really just contrast or relief from pain. it comes in and out. most people are too lazy or small-minded or too busy complaining to feel content, or their lives are just too twiggy, got too long in the wrong direction or are just too fucking hard. i guess i still am happy, and still love life, in a sort of ferocious and bloody and hungry way. 
love is bleak, though. i barely even know how to define it anymore. (culture defines a love which we yearn for; we experience “love” insofar as our real love fleetingly resembles this model, only to come up short -- baudrillard). re: love, to use my mom’s favorite school-of-hard-knocks memory device for the laws of thermodynamics -- a subject she took? -- you can’t win, you can’t break even, you can’t get outta the game (and death and taxes). you are going to get royally FUCKED by love just like everybody else, and you are STILL gonna play, you beautiful mortal fool. like the tarot cards lauren dealt me, putting away the three cards she’d used to describe my near future and then flipping through the entire deck, picture side up, without realizing that i was quietly watching it describe my whole entire life -- clinging at the edge of my seat to see some eventual combination that spelled good, strong, lasting love and seeing only struggle, happiness, struggle, pain, struggle, and finally ending, at my death, in a small statue made of gold. 
see also, other realities i hate to swallow: nearly all interpersonal problems are insurmountable and better left undealt with, and work basically sucks unless you are very lucky and very smart. 
work. let’s go back to that. i used to think my work would be respected off its merit; now i see the merit in literally fucking my way up. i wonder if i should even be an artist at all. artists are kinda like showponies or whores; they’re not actually important. the more honest and wonderful they are, the less important they probably are, like schoolteachers. they have an impact on an individual level. but on a societal level, you have no control as an artist. you just get played by bigger fish. better to find a way to have your hands on the gears; that way you have a shot at making a higher-order change to society. but alas, the (capitalist) system is totally out of everyone’s hands and will keep running as usual no matter what you do, still savage in equal amounts, i think. doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. but at this point i’d give a toe or finger to work for someplace like youtube. at least it’s reached critical mass where i could do something cool and make a difference with emerging media. 
that or i pander to whatever blathering brain-melting slop, drivel, they’re putting on tv for kids and adults. or manage to convince a smaller nonprofit that i am “good at talking to people from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds,” whatever the hell that fucking means. or maybe, ugh god, i’ll work for an ad agency? or do digital strategy? and um, i could say some shit about how capitalism is darwinism and money is a form of social control that works so well because it’s out of the hands of any individual person, and i should probably just stick with art and believe in it, and maybe like, apply for grants. but i want a job, a full-time job. i want stability and enough money that i don't feel guilty buying new underwear and i don't want to hustle to keep the tap running month-to-month and i want to spend the majority of my time doing something i find fulfilling. and soon enough i'll get that, and all my dreams will come true: i’m going to get married and become a fat mom taking my kids to piano practice and saying “the meeting went on forever today,” and i’ll have a husband who never cleans the house enough, and then we’ll get divorced and he’ll find someone 20 years younger and i’ll live out the rest of my years semi-happily alone and i don’t know how i will ever have time to make art again. or if i do i just hope it’s not hobby-like, second-rate.
i wish i could have (feel) the bare-faced honesty and love of sha’carri richardson hugging her grandmother after she worked her ass off for a race. instead everything is this weird simulation where i never feel like i love anybody enough or like i’m working hard enough. i can’t speak honestly except when i am writing about myself (strong, sweet, intense, narcissistic) or things i have noticed, as directed to my own imaginary friend. when i try to communicate irl (or, worst of all, “be real”) it’s all so overthought, overwrought, self-conscious. the only person who knows my real private self is the girl winking at me on my black lives matter poster. i hope she doesn’t mind being here in my room. ducky, the stuffed animal brandon gave me, was also supportive but i put him away because it seemed bad to tell future guys that my stuffed animal is “the child of divorce.” and now /you guys/ know me a little bit, because i took the time to pretend you were all my imaginary friend, my dearest pen pal who laughs at all my jokes and gets all my references, and stopped pretending i was anything besides what’s written here. 
and i think, like, a lot of people now live in this weird simulation? and are so confused about romantic and familial love to the point where everyone is getting off on family members fucking each other and can’t decide if it’s normal to think kids are hot? but i guess that was always some weird fucked-up demon side of human existence? another thing i’m supposed to accept. (also sorry trigger warning.) and another thing i took for granted as a child, that most people, if not everyone, is weird/gross/evil, but now that my mind is cracked this shocks me all over again and i seek some sort of explanation. it’s like i can’t find a real hunk of closeness anywhere. i’m close to my own family, but in my other relationships we’re either too distant or too close and i’m desperately searching for just some normal friends. and to be able to give a speech where i tell someone i really love them and for it to ring true. but i try to be grateful that i live in driving distance to the beach and there’s air conditioning and once i stop being a stupid baby there’s probably more friends and work and stuff out there for me. and then i’ll have some new problem.
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thattimdrakeguy · 5 years
Robin - the first miniseries - issue #2 (R.I.P Tom Lyle)
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This issue is really good at letting you know the bare bones basics of what Tim’s going through in this story.
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It may not go through all the details, but it gives you pretty much the main components of what you need to do.
A nice recap that’s always good for readers that didn’t pick up the first issue. It’s very easy, and simple at lowering any confusion.
Although there is probably still butt loads given how little they actually say, but it’s easy to pick up.
Robin’s getting beat up, this adult man who is obviously not Batman is helping him.
You can pick it up fast and continue from there.
They also give Tim’s narration, and I can’t help but read this in the most deadpan clinically exhausted tone reality can bring. It’s so deadpan and self-depreciating, but at the same time, it lets the reader know he has that boy scout thought process.
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You get a sense that the kid’s doing his best to be a superhero, but it always does a good job of letting you know that even he’s aware he’s not doing a good job.
Not feeling like he’s good enough is a constant theme of Tim’s character.
His narration also shows us, that Tim is a freaking idiot. That probably should’ve thought this out before nearly getting himself beat to death.
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Like he’s clever, good with computers and all that, but he’s still an idiot kid
People to be always over-value Tim’s intelligence, and while he obviously gets a lot smarter than this (often to the point of being out of character to be frank). Some people might make you think he’s a genius, like James Tynion IV, but honestly he’s no genius.
He doesn’t always make the best decisions.
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Though even when he’s five steps away from toppling over, he still does his best to do what he thinks is the best thing he can do. He’s doing his best to be a hero, even when he isn’t cut out for the job yet. He keeps on trying.
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His relationship with Clyde is also pretty sweet for as odd as it is. I mean, they did just meet after Clyde was gonna get killed, and Timmy jumped in to give the bad guys something else to hit.
But for what it is, it’s decently sweet.
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It’s more nice character building for Tim that shows how he is in Robin mode interacting with other people and victims of crime. He’s sweet, and always doing his best to do the right thing.
Like the little boy scout he is.
It’s easy to barely care for the villains of this miniseries though, because to be honest. They’re so generic that it’s a bit painful to read them sometimes. They feel like they’re out of a dollar bin Kung Fu movie from the 80s. I have no idea why this is who they decided to make Tim’s first villain this.
The name of the villain is even KING SNAKE, that’s such a cheesy Kung Fu movie villain name.
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Oh no, a serious, violent, psychopathic, gang leader.
What ever shall we do.
It’s something you can skip over honestly, because you pretty much know it’s going to be stuff you’ve seen before.
Basically, they go into operation ‘kill the pipsqueak’ (they don’t call it that, but that’s the idea), and that’s the threat they pose. Its very bare bones.
Though there’s a part of this that alarms me more than the main villain.
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Because this implies that the girl isn’t Tim’s age. The way she says he’s “almost a child” implies she’s notably older older than Tim given how she words herself, but maybe not, because Tim IS babyfaced. It is a joke people constantly think he’s 12 (and that’s at age 17, Tim’s 14 here. So who knows how he looks to people). So, how old is this girl?
Is she’s Tim’s age? Because I’m alarmed by this because she was vaguely flirting with him in the last issue. Is she his age and she doesn’t know? Cuz if she was his age and she knows, it’s weird for her to word it that way. She’d just say “around my age”, like how a normal person would.
Even then, she still notes how he’s super young like she doesn’t think they’re the same age, so that’s still super creepy.
That interaction alarms me a lot, but it’s not even close to the creepiest thing in this comic, but thankfully that’s in another issue.
I’m not looking forward to talking about it, but this is a review of this miniseries. So I’m going to.
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The next scene shows just how much of a stupid, sheltered, rich kid Tim is.
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Like this kid, just throws away this man’s clothes. This man is in his underwear when he wakes up. Tim took this man’s clothes off his body and threw it away.
This scene I just never liked though, because it’s very contrived.
Tim’s always been shown to be nice and respectful unless it’s to not so nice people. So why does he straight up throw the guys clothes out?
They don’t even play Tim to be creepy, or weird, or rude for this. So this wasn’t intended to make him out to be a disturbing gremlin child.
As far as I can tell, the gag is that Tim’s a sheltered rich kid, and a bit stupid sometimes, but if I woke up in my underwear with a kid talking about crime in front of me. I’d be a lot more alarmed.
Although maybe it’s just some crime movie trope I don’t know about. Girl’s in movies often wake up naked with no real concern. Which is a really gross trope.
I remember in Back to the Future Marty McFly woke up with no pants, but that WAS played as weird, because it WAS weird. You don’t take stranger’s clothes off. So this scene is just contrived.
The intention isn’t to make Tim’s character a weirdo. This wasn’t them trying to show him as creepy, because that’s simply not how it’s portrayed. It’s just a rich kid joke. So he isn’t as far as the series and how I’m concerned, and he doesn’t do anything like this ever again. So it’s just out of place, odd, and contrived.
Maybe this one of the many reason’s why people think Tim was gay. He backs away from being flirted with women, but he’ll take a man’s clothes off without a second thought.
Another creepy scene though, and a scene that’s not even meant to be creepy at that, which almost makes it worse to me. Like I sure hope this wasn’t the way they intended to make Tim come off as gay, because it’s a freaking creepy scene even if it’s kind of clearly not what they intended. 
Although, let me say, I’m 99% sure they honestly did not intend Tim to come off as gay in any way. Just a bad scene honestly. It’s written away from normal human logic, so it’s contrived, and they don’t even fully act like what just happened happened.
However due to the power of interpretation, if you think Tim’s gay, he’s gay.
If they wanted to show Tim being a sheltered rich kid, they should’ve done a better job writing it then this. If Tim’s gonna do it a weird thing, because he doesn’t know what he’s doing, then write it that way. Don’t just act like this wasn’t weird.
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Lady Shiva has her “come with me if you want to live” moment though, and so the action continues.
In general this issue has a lot more action.
The format of the miniseries is a lot more like a movie than how most comics try to squeeze in a lot of action every issue. There’s action in the first issue, but it’s mostly condensed down a lot. This finally goes into action movie territory.
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The bad guys are so corny. Like I can’t get over how much they look like cheesy 80s Kung Fu movie villains.
Tim deserves better than these bozos.
However they keep Tim’s character strong, by reaffirming he’s got no street smarts. Tim at this point is 100% only making this far by his book smarts. He’s naive, and stupid still.
They even got nice ‘show don’t tell’ moments, where Tim’s just freaking bad at this job still. Even though he is quick thinking and sort of clever.
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People say Tim has no character, but he has plenty of character. He just isn’t loud. He’s mostly soft spoken so maybe his personality isn’t obvious, but he has it plenty if anyone wanted to pay attention to him.
Enjoy some more dumb rich kid Tim.
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Like casually renting a farm house isn’t normal, Timothy.
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Up until this point, some people may still argue that Tim’s a Gary Stu, because while even though he fails, and isn’t skilled. People still like him, and he doesn’t do anything morally wrong, but that’s not true either.
Tim’s so focus on figuring stuff out that he becomes insensitive to Clyde.
Mostly cuz he’s a dumb, but smart (contradiction, but remember Tim’s book and computer smart, not socially smart or street smart. There’s a distinction. He’s still incredibly naive and unaware that what he did wasn’t right) kid that didn’t realize it, but still. He did something wrong, and it’s shown that he’s wrong for it.
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So the traits of his character are able to be shown more to stronger limits.
We know his strong points and his character flaws.
He’s got a heroic spirit, he’s computer smart, good at crime solving, he’s constantly trying to do the right thing, and he doesn’t give up.
but socially and street-wise he’s an idiot, and his sheltered childhood ended up with him being relatively insensitive without him being aware of it at first, and while it’s clear he isn’t insensitive out of malice, it’s still a character flaw, as it causes problems between the characters.
The final scene gives us some character growth, and if you wanna smack Timmy for being so insensitive to Clyde, well, in this training scene. Clyde smacks him for ya. (Even if it’s not for being insensitive)
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We even get to see how emotionally vulnerable Tim is compared to some other superheroes too.
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He cries when he’s angry unlike other superheroes who often enough get to look cool, tough, and masculine when they cry.
Here Tim looks like what lots of people would call a wimp.
As someone who cried a lot when they were mad, and even got bullied for that fact. I honestly just really appreciate, on a personal level, that they had Tim cry when he was mad. 
He’s got his butt kicked this whole entire time by pretty much every person he freaking met. So that’s a lot of emotion coming out of him that he’s been probably building up and internalizing inside of him with all his self-deprecation in his narration.
I kinda gotta question the morals of teaching Tim to fight with anger though.
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But it’s still a good moment because it shows were Clyde comes from. That’s were Clyde gets his motivation to fight from and do all of this. Clyde even tho this is his only appearance does get character in this. We learn about him a lot.
It makes me wish Clyde showed up again. Unless he did and I somehow didn’t realize it was him, because he’s a neat character in his own way. Could’ve got a nice noir crime drama out of him.
Along with that. They don’t even ignore the morals of fighting with anger, because that immediately gets brought up.
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So differences between these three weirdos come up when they become a trio.
I prefer the first issue just because it’s more of a character study, and didn’t have all the corniness.
This issue, while I focus on the bad stuff, because this is a review I’m gonna talk about it. It’s still a good issue. Just a good issue with bad scenes and crooked morals when it comes to the ambiguous age gap between Linx and Timmy that could end up making that whole interaction they had really creepy.
Tim’s character gets stronger, and the story gets filled out, even if the story is still bare bones at this point as far as the villains are concerned. It’s filled out in a way that means, there’s a threat, and there’s actual action and adventure to make it exciting.
So it’s not a perfect miniseries for anyone looking for story. It’s a miniseries that’s perfect for people that love and wanna learn about Timmy.
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