#when it comes to jalex
neon-danger · 2 years
Kinda redundant but have you read any good Jalex lately? I’ve been looking everywhere but I’m at that point of scraping the bottom of the barrel and re reading stories I’ve already read
I’ve been on a sterek kick actually so I got nothin
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eatingdirtforfun · 5 months
Justin and Alex in their late twenties, stuck looking for max, hunting the demon that took him, stuck driving across the US togetherin their dad's old car, stuck with solving this mystery, stuck with eachother
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jackinalex · 2 years
I feel like you are spot on with the why Jack wasn’t best man thing because I have wondered that myself bc yeah Alex and Rian lived together for some years but him and Jack have always seemed so much closer and I never even thought about that until you said it and I’m convinced that’s the reason it makes so much sense. I can almost even picture a WCW moment but just with the roles reversed. Because in my opinion they would be the best couple they have so much chemistry
It was definitely hard not to think about wcw when I was answering that ask lol. Jack’s so obsessed with Alex that even if Jack wasn’t Alex’s best friend at the time, Alex was still Jack’s and that makes me 🥺🥺🥺 but the good news is that I think Jack’s back in the number one spot and has been for quite some time.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 10 months
Just before I go to bed, here are some very very quick and simple guidelines to coming up with functional ship names:
Don't use just straight up words, no matter how funny it seems. It's confusing and frustrating and makes it impossible to find content. If, for example, you have a ship with characters named Percy and Jason, "jercy" will always be easier to find than "person." This goes for the names of common things too; that food ship name is cute, but not helpful when you're searching for fanart instead of recipes.
Don't use spaces. Just don't. Seriously. It completely breaks searches, especially on sites like tumblr where precise searching is not actually possible. If you have a ship name like, as a completely random and made-up example, "dead on main", then searches will turn up any combination of those words in whatever order. Taking out the spaces and making it one long (and unique) word is easier for everyone.
If you have characters with common names, a silly but unique ship name will always be better than a basic one used by half a dozen other fandoms. "Jalex" is a great ship name until you leave your fandom-specific forums and realize that it's already being used to refer to a much more popular ship that drowns out any of your fandom's content.
We make fun of Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh ship names but they were the peak of naming conventions and we need to bring that shit back immediately. Please. I miss being able to find ship art.
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alltimefanfiction · 3 months
Mod Note - Future of the Microfic Challenge
Hello all!
Just a quick wee note to say I've drafted the Microfic Challenge post for July so it's ready to go because I'll be on holiday when the first of the month rolls around.
I also wanted to say that, come August, I will make that our first pairing- or character-specific challenge. I haven't quite decided which to do yet but I do know that Jalex will be banned because most of the entries are Jalex. I love that ship very much, it's near and dear to my heart, so no hard feelings about it, but I also love reading other ships and it's nice to see other pairings get the spotlight!
If the challenge was pairing-specific, that means a pairing would be chosen to go alongside the prompt. So, for example, it could be "road, 603 words, Zalex."
If the challenge was character-specific, that means the pairing would have to feature the chosen character, but the pairing (or if there was a pairing at all) is up to you. So, for example, it could be "road, 603 words, Matt Flyzik." The story could be based around Matt with no pairing, or he could be featured with any All Time Low band or crew member (or someone else entirely!) that you desire, as long as he's part of it.
Another possible option is sometimes having a month where the character is, say, Jack, but he must be paired with someone from a different band.
As always, non-slash pairings are also welcome.
I hope that all makes sense, I just want there to be an extra challenge with the prompt sometimes to keep it exciting and give us content for ships or characters that might not often get a look in.
All that said, if you want to give this post a wee reply once you've read it and let us know if you'd like a pre-selected pairing for August's challenge, or if you'd like to try the character-specific way first, that would be lovely. <3
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halojalex · 2 months
Lets hear that essay
oh man i kind of wasn’t expecting to get any replies to this LMAO bUt here we go. strap urselves in this is gonna be a long one
i won’t share the whole document i wrote bc it’s really long and i go off on a lot of tangents but here’s the general idea
for starters, i believe g&c is absolutely about jalex. we already know it's about a gay couple, so with this in mind, alex telling jack that it's about him is enough to at least consider what that means. granted, i know many believe that he was joking, but i've always thought his tone and general demeanour seemed far too sincere for him to be joking; we've seen how alex acts when he jokes around with jack, and this was different.
furthermore, it's also worth pointing out that jack and alex specifically wrote this one song on their own in a cabin (?) away from everyone else; i know this may not seem important on its own, but it's always worth keeping in mind. ie why would two friends go off to write a song about a queer relationship on their own?
adding onto this, there was that interview with kerrang where alex talked about wake up sunshine as a whole and how it’s about discovering yourself and coming to terms with who you are (i’m paraphrasing but that’s the general idea), so to have a song about a gay couple on an album that’s all about alex discovering who he is seems to me like he wrote it from personal experience.
secondly, i feel like it's important to note that, while jack and alex have always been closer than the average friendship, always bordering on acting like a couple, this closeness was especially apparent during the time that alex was separated from lisa and was living with/near jack. people have commented before on how 'dependent' they were on each other back then, so it's clear that the bond between them was especially strong at that time. of course, i'm sure many will say that it could've been bc alex needed jack's support/bc he was living close by so spent more time with him/whatever, however i feel like there's more to it than that, given all the other reasons. i think they were more than friends.
i'd also like to bring people's attention to one particular incident - that photo of them spooning on a beach. frankly, i've always been a little surprised that so many people have skipped over this without blinking, bc that photo to me has always seemed so intimate and domestic, i find it really hard to believe that many friends would casually sit like that.
and of course how can i forget to mention alex's bday post for jack in 2021? that caption haunts me. "what's there to say that isn't already tremendously obvious? you're a bright light in this weird world my dude. love you times a million" how does that not scream a bday post for a partner? "love you times a million"??? bye they ruin me. all of it just seems so,,, romantic?? idk but i feel like if my closest friend wrote something like that about me i'd find it just a little too much. but maybe that's just me. but also i've seen/heard people say that that caption sounded a lot like something they would write/have written for their partner so,,,,,,, make of that what you will.
ofc honourable mention of the time they went to a gay bar together and karaoke. i realise it’s only from word of mouth that we know that it was a gay bar, but it seems a well-enough-known fact that i feel like i should include it.
i’m sure there’s more i could say, it’s just hard to keep track of everything, especially without making this ten pages long. but another thing i believe is that jack has always had feelings for alex, long before they ever got together. granted, that on its own doesn’t necessarily mean that he and alex dated, however it’s important to note. one thing that sticks out to me with regard to this is how andie once made a post commenting on how jack never looked at her the way he looked at alex. this is interesting to me bc it just seemed like she was implying that she was competing with alex in a way. maybe it’s just me, but i can’t really see that post any other way than that tbh. i mean why else would she have said it? if jack didn’t have feelings for alex, then why would it matter how he looked at him?
furthermore the fact that jack wasn’t alex’s best man at his wedding fr keeps me up at night (i mean not literally but u get the idea). like everyone knows how close they are, alex has literally called jack his “best friend in the whole world” (brb while i cry over that), so why wouldn’t he choose jack, his closest friend, to be his best man at his wedding? i always feel like he did that intentionally to spare jack’s feelings. as if he’s always known that jack has feelings for him, and as such he knew he couldn’t put jack through that, as presumably the best man would have had to give a speech etc. just something else i think about a lot.
anyway, all of this was probably very confused, i hope it makes sense as i have a tendency to waffle sksjsksj but yeah, this is my general idea! lmk if anything doesn’t make sense djskdjsk
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zea9love · 25 days
Finally got to the dream helmet episode and all I can think of is this Jalex fanfic I read awhile ago when I first started shipping them 😝
Also Dean was a horrible boyfriend in that episode! I used to ship Alex x Dean more than Alex x Mason when I was little, but seeing them now as an adult… Yikes 😬 I hope that if Dean ever does come back in WBWP, he’s learned how to be a good boyfriend by now!
I get the whole “I’m nervous to be honest with you about my true feelings because I’ve never liked someone so much before” trope, but this is RIDICULOUS!
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blackbirdsaltzman · 2 years
this is responding to your recent post, a jalex fic about alex comforting jj after she has been shot (like the episode she did with Spencer) because their relationship isnt talked about enough 😭 this is such a basic ask but oh well
Oh my god, I love this so freaking much. I absolutely love Jalex and their dynamic. Alex being the older/wiser one who grounds JJ and also guides her, is top tier. I could talk about Jalex so much.
It’s Okay to Accept Help - Jennifer Jareau x Alex Blake
(TW: gunshots, wounds, hospitalization, cussing)
JJ winces as the doctor inspects the wound.
“You need surgery.” He states as Alex watches on.
“I’m fine,” JJ whines as the older woman glares at her.
“No, she isn’t. Do not listen to her, she doesn’t think about her health.” Alex cuts in.
“Jennifer, the bullet is lodged against your aorta and I’m surprised you are still conscious. I am taking you up to surgery.” The older man states sternly. JJ starts to respond but Alex cuts her a look.
“Jennifer don’t start. I will see you when you are out of surgery. I’m going to update Hotch.” She states as the nurses wheel Jennifer off. The team had been on a case in California chasing an unsub who was kidnapping teenage girls before killing them. They had cornered the unsub after he kidnapped a fifteen-year-old but JJ was caught in the crossfire of the taken down. The rest of the team was finishing up at the station before coming here. Alex waits for a while before the doctor comes out, the rest of the team had arrived.
“She’s in recovery. She’s stable and we removed the bullet and stopped the bleeding. She should make a full recovery but she needs to rest for the next few weeks.” The doctor states as the team nods.
“Can I see her?” Alex asks. The doctor nods leading her back into the ICU.
“She should be awake within a few hours.” Alex nods walking into the room.
“Jennifer stop it. You are supposed to be resting!” Alex states sternly as the blonde tries to get out of bed. The blonde has been home for three days.
“I’m tired of just laying here Alex! I feel useless!” JJ whines. Alex sighs softly laying the blonde back down.
“I know you do baby but you were short, very close to your heart. You need to rest and I need you to so I can have my blonde back.” She’s states as the blonde looks down.
“I know you don’t like feeling weak but it’s okay to accept help, love,” Alex adds.
“In that case? Can you get me some tea and maybe jello?” JJ whispers as Alex chuckles.
“I sure can love.” Alex smiles kissing the blonde’s head before heading out of the master. She quickly gets the blonde her stuff before curling up and pulling the blonde into her arms.
“Let’s watch some SVU.” She adds as JJ fights closing off her eyes and inhaling the older woman’s scent.
(This is super short but I hope you like it!)
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jamesbranwen · 2 years
Student/Teacher for the problematic troupes 💖
ah yes, the premier trope for people who did not receive enough external validation as children. it's great.
1. ships that fit it
the aforementioned twilestia and glimweaver are obvious choices, even shady magic teachers are still teachers 🫶.
krispollo is one of my favorite ships (and not just because it reminds me of feenie a lot). they have this really good back and forth with their power dynamics, and i love to think of them being attached to each other throughout everything that happens. like a back and forth predator and prey relationship, almost.
i also secretly liked clockrose a lot when i was younger, they have a really great dichotomy.
this is such a random deep cut but alexandra privet/blair willows from barbie princess charm school. there's so much lesbian tension there oh my god. excellent.
2. general opinion on it
i think i tend to like this trope more in original fiction, but it's really good. i like the forbidden aspect of it and wrestling with feelings. and the secretive nature when things do go through. plus it brings about a ton of cute interactions, teasingly commanding respect or acting super innocent when the other knows you're not. and i like to explore the idea of hierarchy and equality quite a lot.
3. ships that don't fit it but i would read
i think again this would be interesting for a lot of ships. one that comes to mind is Maxie/May? a super old ship I know lol. also so random but I think Jalex could be interesting, in some kind of AU. their chemistry knows no bounds haha.
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wakeup-awg · 2 years
Sold Out Wembley
--March 17th --
Sophie: It was the show in London for the boys and the release of the album which she knew meant a lot of press, a lot of over excited fans, and craziness. Sophie was excited for the boys and wouldn’t miss it for the world but because she knew that it would be crazy and a lot more over excitement they had left the kids with her parents over the last few final shows just for their safety and Sophie’s mental well-being. After dressing in one of her typical little black dresses she threw one of Alex’s jean jackets over her to cover her a little more. She brushed her hair through her red hair and slide on a pair of high heel booties before heading off in search for the boys knowing that they were probably half bouncing off the walls with excitement.
Alex: March 17th, it was finally the day the album came out and to say the boys were excited barely cut it. After interviews and press, they were no at the venue, blaring the new songs and jumping around in excitement. It was the middle of the day but did they have a drink or two yet to celebrate? Alex couldn't deny that, though they were far from drunk. They had to play a show that night after all, and it was to be livestreamed and available to rewatch for the next two years so they had to behave. Jack and him were currently jumping on the couch they had in their backstage room when Sophie entered and a grin spread on Alex's lips. "Hi! You made it!"
Sophie: Heading into the venue she ducked in with security they now had that came with Sophie whether she had the kids or it was just her and she slipped down the hallway. She could already hear the boys loud voices form their excitement. as she was ushered to the backstage room she walked in seeing Alex and jack on the couch. “You know between the pictures lately and you two always on the couch I’m starting to wonder if I am the other one in this jalex relationship.” She teased as she headed over and grabbed a water bottle fixing alexs jacket on her shoulder.
Alex: With the music blaring they really just dancing on the couch and Alex shook his head and laughed. "Oh but I don't wanna marry Jack," he said in an almost pout to which Jack gasped in fake surprise. Alex hopped off the couch to walk over to Sophie and he grinned cheekily as he reached up to take the colors of the jacket she was wearing. "Is that my jacket?" he asked amusedly.
Sophie: “Mhm I’m starting to think this is all a front.” She held up her hand wiggling the large diamond. “For you and Jack to secretly be in love together.” Of course she didn’t as he hopped down off the couch. “It might be, whatcha gonna do about it? Because I can just wear this.” She said slipping the jacket down her shoulders to show the tiny spaghetti straps that held up the barely there dress.
Alex: He playfully rolled his eyes. "You have no idea how many people are saxing that exactly," Alex laughed softly. "But it's so not true. I just want youuuu," He said with a little sing-sing voice as he reached up for the jacked before letting go and Sophie slipping it down so he could see the dress. "Hey I never said I'm gonna do anything about it. You put it back on so you don't get cold."
Sophie: “Oh no? I actually do know how many people are saying that you keep kissing every night they’re gonna bring back up either that I had babies for jack and you and are just hiding that were not really together or the one you really hate that all three of us are a couple and sleeping together and which babies look like you and which look like jack.” She pointed out. He was already trying to stop the jacket from coming off and she laughed. “I don’t know there’s gonna be a lot of people babe it might get warm that I take it off. But I’ll keep it on for now.”
Alex: He grimaced, shaking his head. "No no no, don't say that. I am not sleeping with Jack and neither are you!" He shook his head again once he was off the couch and getting closer to Sophie. He didn't care what song was playing, when he got closer to her, he grinned cheekily. "Nobody cares what people think.. I mean who cares baby?" he started singing those last few words. "I think I wanna marry you. Just say I dooooo.. Tell me right now, baby. Tell me right now baby, baby." he easily picked up the melody to Bruno Mars' Marry you and laughed when he finally reached Sophie and watched her take the jacket off. "No, no. You leave it on, babe."
Sophie: She knew he didn’t like the rumor that she had been a simply some surrogate for them because he worried it would hurt her but the one that really bothered him was the one that they were all sleeping together. That his kids could be someone else’s. When he started singing she laughed her head tossing back as she laughed at what song he was singing. Not realizing that one of the crew found this funny and was videotaping him singing the song as he held her hand that held the large diamond ring. “Mhm I will for now.” She murmured kissing his lips quickly. “Can’t promise for later.”
Alex: Alex wasn't really aware that when he had jumped off the couch and started towards Sophie, Lupe at turned to capture him singing to Sophie. "Just say I doooo," he continued, unbothered and grinning as Sophie threw her had back and laughed. He took her hand, the one with the ring on and lifted it to turn her around, then pull hee into him a bit, "It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do - Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you." he stopped singing and laughed, leaning in to kiss Sophie quickly.
Sophie: Alex continued singing and spun her around and caused her to giggle before being pulled into him. Her body leaned into his almost dancing with him a little bit as he sang. Scrunching her nose with a smile on her face, a soft blush on her cheeks before he pressed his lips to her. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," placing his hands on his chest. "Keeping singing that song to me and you're gonna get in trouble I may just take it as you're serious about me." she teased, though it was very obvious they were serious as she laughed and pecked his lips. "Alright, alright, crazies now let me in on the fun and give me a shot of whatever you have in here."
Alex: "You are not allowed to make any more babies right now!" Jack called, causing Alex to laugh before Sophie asked about a shot of what they were having and he slid his arm around her back and face the group more again. "Somebody get her a drink!" it wasn't much later when Lupe sent Alex the video of him singing to Sophie, just because he figured Alex would want to have that and it caused Alex to laugh softly as he watched it. He had sat down on the couch by now, Sophie was with him and he held his phone out for her so she could see. "We could post that as my pre show ritual right now," he chuckled.
Sophie: When Jack all but shouted they weren't allowed to make more babies she laughed loudly, "My IUD concurs with no more babies ... right now." she said. "As long Alex doesn't accidentally rip it out of me by accident." Which just made Rian groan, "I love doing that to him." she grinned. "Wait Alx could --." Rian cut him off, "DON'T YOU DARE ASK JACK." Causing her to laugh harder as Alex wrapped her arm around her and she was quickly offered a shot and she grabbed it and tossed it back easily. Watching the little video she thought it was really cute and sweet, "You could, you would drive the fans nuts." she told him.
Alex: Alex just laughed. They were loud and dramatic and it was all so very much them. They got Sophie a shot before sitting down with her and watching the video. Alex started to grin when Sophie said it would drive the fans nuts. "You know I love doing that," he said and actually went to post said video, placing his phone down after to not bother right now with all the comments. "So, have you talked to your parents? The kids are good?"
Sophie: “You do love doing that.” She said she just hoped the fans took it well. They had been wanting to know and pressing to find out officially if they were engaged. Had they gone and gotten married? When he put the phone down he knew it was to it deal with the comments till later in case someone or many upset him but for the most part he knew fans were chill and just got over excited. “The kids are good, having the time of their lives. Took them all out to breakfast yesterday morning and Willa ate all of the little syrup packet before it got on her waffle.” She shook her head. “But mum was able to take them out to the park, shopping and just everything was good.”
Alex: "Of course she did," Alex laughed softly. He was glad the kids were so good for Sophie's parents, not that he doubted they could handle them. But it gave them some time to just be on the road and have fun without constantly seeing how the little ones were. Alex never minded, but he also knew to enjoy moments where it was just Sophie and him, and the band and crew. "We're gonna have to do soundcheck soon, then do the soundcheck party with fans. You're gonna stick around for that, right?" He smiled, leaning back and looking at Sophie.
Sophie: "She really loves her food and apparently they were trying to cut up Noah's food and her plate was away from her to she wouldn't just grab it." Like she knew that Willa would, "so she took the syrup. Guess she was a mess." crinkling her nose. She knew that Alex never complained or minded having their children on the tour with them but she knew that he was enjoying this. It just being the boys and him again, and of course, Sophie was there too, but she tried to let these few days really be about the boys. "Yeah I can stick around I always love sound check." It was less chaos, more controlled chaos. "I'll probably hide somewhere in the back where I can't be seen when you go for the party though."
Alex: "Girl was hungry, can't nobody stop her from eating something," Alex chuckled at the image of that. "There's actually a great spot side stage where you can't really be seen by the audience but you're right there, I'll show you when we're out there," he said and then turned more to the group of people. "When are we supposed to go out? Are the others done with their soundcheck yet?"
Sophie: Still crinkling her nose, "Still no to just syrup." she said though they knew well enough to always feed her first. Nodding when he said there was a great spot for her side stage where she wouldn't get spotted by the audience she knew that was definitely a better place to be. Jack just shrugged, but Zack said, "Soon think they're wrapping up."
Alex: Alex started grinning when Zack said they were wrapping up. “What are we waiting for then, let’s crash that,” he chuckled, standing up and taking Sophie’s hand. “C’mon.” They were off to find the stage and ground floor. There was something about being out on the stage pre-show, or just walking around the floor area where people were gonna be standing. “Emmyn!” Alex called when Sophie and him walked into the standings are and Games We Play was just wrapping up their sound checks. So far the whole ground floor was still a mess of things, but it was getting somewhere. He opted to talk a few words with the band and when they headed off stage, Alex told the singer, Emmyn, to go to that spot side stage so he could show Sophie she couldn’t really be spotted from there. “See, I told you.”
Sophie: Sophie let out a squeak as he took her hand and was pulling her up to her feet. She tried to hurry along without stumbling in her heels, "Heels Alex, I'm in high heels." she said as he pulled her through the door. Heading into the floor she hung close with Annie who was there for Zack and chatted with her about this or that while Alex talked with the band and the boys. When he tugged on Sophie she looked and she couldn't really see him. "I mean if I move a little you might see me but that's not too big of a deal." Figuring it wasn't like people were there to see her but it gave her a place side stage to watch. "Is there room for Annie too? We both wanna not be spotted or at little spotted. Since at the end of the day today was all about the boys. "Go have fun." she said pecking his lips, not really noticing a few fans probably were able to filter inside outside and spot them. "Go practice how hot you're gonna look for all the fans." she grinned teasingly slapping is butt as Jack saw them and turned and slapped Alex's bottom too causing Sophie to cackle.
Alex: "Should've put on heels!" Alex laughed, but he slowed so Sophie could follow easier. Annie was around too, which gave Sophie someone to talk that wasn't busy working or preparing to do so. Of course Ricky was around too, but he was busy setting everything up and making sure it worked. Alex showed Sophie where she could stand and nodded. “Yeah, think Annie can fit in with you,” he told her and then turned to head up on stage, turning when she slapped his butt, causing Jack to do the same. “Hey! Leave my bum alone, will ya?” He got up on stage with the boys so they could do their actual sound check before doing the one with the fans around and they played a few songs, tried one of the new ones too and then headed off stage to the side when it was time to let the sound check party group into the venue. Dawn was out there talking to them once everyone was inside, explaining the rules and Alex and the boys lingered with Sophie and Annie before they were supposed to head back out there.
Sophie: "The heels make the outfit Alex." she whined in protest, her feet would probably hate her later. She watched as Ricky started getting things set up for the boys which meant it was time for them to sound check and they would have to go sneak into their spot before anyone spotted them. When Jack slapped him she was laughing so hard, "What you have a slappable ass." she teased grinning at him before poking her tongue out at him. They did a few songs before fans would be let in for their own little soundcheck party. After they headed off into the side she wrapped her arms around Alex wanting a few moments with him before he'd be off again. Her chin rested on his shoulder swaying slightly as she could hear rules get given out before someone touched both Alex and Sophie, "They can see you." Ricky pointed ushering them in a little more and tucking herself into Alex a bit. Once everything was announced they were given queues and timing and she let him go. "Go rock it babe."
Alex: When they had played a few songs, they were off to the side of the stage and Alex smiled when Sophie wrapped her arms around him. There wasn’t really any music, but they swayed softly and Alex leaned his head against hers, humming softly until Ricky ushered them back, pointing out that people had spotted them, so they stepped more to the side. When it was time to head out, Alex pulled back from Sophie, not before pecking her lips though and then they headed onto the stage. “Hi, hello. Thank you for coming here. We’re here to play a few songs, see if all works right now and then yeah, we’ll answer a few of your questions in between.” Alex greeted everyone and they did. They played ‘Sleepwalking’, answered a few questions, discussed a little before being asked to play one of their older songs, so they did and then when there were more questions, someone asked, “We saw you posted a backstage video earlier. Do you have your family with you right now?” Alex smiled at that. “Uh, yeah, kind of. The kids are at home,” he started and since people were filming, he figured why not give them a shoutout too, “so to the little ones at home, daddy loves you very much,” he said, grinning at the oohh’s and aww’s coming from the crowd. “But yeah, Sophie’s here with me,” he added and turned, looking towards the side where Sophie was mostly hidden away. “Hey, what’s up, homie? I have a little gig to play but you got any plans after this?”
Sophie: It wasn't like it was a big deal to be spotted, people knew that they were together, but she knew in the past Alex didn't travel with previous partners nearly as much as he did with Sophie and their little family. She pecked his lips and ushered back to enjoy the essentially pre-show. Sophie always loved seeing them interact with their fans, even after years they weren't hardened and didn't want to enjoy time with their fans. Her ears however perked up when a fan asked about his family. When Alex gave a little shoutout to the babies she pouted a little but in a good way, it was so adorable and she could see just how much he loved them. Which what more could she ask for? Seeing him turn to look at her she felt her eyes go big figuring he wasn't going to mention her but he continually liked to surprise her. When he asked her what was up the crowd made a loud almost screaming getting that she was literally right off stage. Crinkling up her nose she made a little face at him and did a little peace sign waving it slightly that could be read two different ways, in england meaning a curse word and of course just a little normal hand gesture as she waved at him laughing to go back to the crowd.
Alex: Of course usually they weren’t answering personal questions like that, but how could he not when given the opportunity to shout out to their kids and then Sophie the way he did? He laughed when he saw her making a face at him and shook his head. “For real, what are you doing later?” he asked again, only to tease before he fixed his beanie and turned back to the crowd, grinning still. “Alright, maybe we should play another song.” They did and soon finished soundcheck party too. They headed backstage when they were done, knowing there was time now before they had to go on stage for the actual gig and could hang out for a while, maybe get side stage to watch Games We Play and Lauran Hibberd do their thing.
Sophie: She could feel her cheeks heated when he did this, not that she was embarrassed but there was only a few times during shows that they had had any interaction in a way. When he asked for real she stuck her tongue out at him before grinning and slipping off his jacket and tossing it out as hard as she could into the middle or well semi middle of the stage causing all the fans to practically lose their shit over it. She winked knowing he was not expecting that move before he said they needed to get back to playing her head tossing back in a laugh.
Alex: Truth was Alex just loved to get Sophie a Little flustered every now and then and it was easy to do so when they were at one of his shows. He didn’t expect her to take off her jacket, or his jacket really, and when she threw it out he walked over to catch it and laughed. He caught a glimpse of her in that very little black dress she was wearing and it was him feeling a little flustered when he returned to his mic, slipping the jacket on before saying they should probably play another song. When they were done, Alex found Sophie backstage and walked up behind her. “Don’t want you getting cold,” he murmured as he placed the jacket back over her shoulders and let his hands rest there for a moment.
Sophie: She knew it was fun for him to get her a little flustered and this was her way of doing it back. Leaving her in the super thin tiny satin dress and heels. The fans however were loving it and going a little crazy. She was sure they read far more into that then it meant. When she felt Alex behind her she grinned before suddenly the jacket was being placed over her shoulders. "Mhm, I'm sure that's exactly it, not wanting me to get cold." she teased feeling his hands lingering there. "We have a little bit before you go on with them getting everything reset and the opening bands we heading back down into the room?"
Alex: “Yeah, I care about you, y’know?” He chuckled. “Don’t want you getting sick.” He walked around her to tug the front of the jean jacket together, covering her up more and grinning slightly. “Yeah, we go back to the backstage room to hang out. When the others go on stage, we can head side stage if you wanna watch them,” he offered with a shrug and then let go of her jacket to wrap his arm around her and start leading her down the hall.
Sophie: "I know you do babe, but something tells me it's more about the dress than the cold." she teased as he was already tugging it closed around her dress. Once they were ready they headed down into the hall and then into the room. "Think the fans got a good joy out of that." she teased, "They definitely took me throwing the jacket as you getting laid tonight, oh little do they know my ass is sleeping tonight." she teased as she grabbed another shot.
Alex: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s.. a pretty dress that you’re wearing. Could be a little longer, but you know,” he chuckled, leading her down the hall. “Oh, you’re just gonna sleep, no getting laid tonight?” he asked, raising a brow as they headed into the room where they could sit and hang out for a while.
Sophie: "And hide my legs? My legs look amazing." she scoffed as if asking it to be longer was asking far too much. "Mhm no getting laid tonight babe, standing all night in these heels and drinks and you celebrating the release of the album no way are you not going to be exhausted anyway." she teased. "I figured that's how we'd celebrate." Annie grinned causing Zack to pop his head up. "Hey!" which just made Rian groan, "Oh no there's two of them."
Alex: “Oh they do, but it’s cold.. and wet out and I’d like to be the one to see all of your legs and not have to share the view with thousands of people,” Alex said simply, a grin spread on his lips. When Annie said that’s how she thought they were gonna celebrate, Alex laughed but then turned to Sophie. “See Zack’s gonna get laid,” he complained, but then chuckled and let himself fall back onto the couch, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table in front of it. Rian groaned and Jack looked around and sighed. “God fucking damn it why am I not getting laid?” “Don’t worry Jack, you’ll find someone. And you, Ri, should just get your girlfriend here so you’d stop being so annoyed by us,” Alex teased, motioning for Sophie to come sit with him.
Sophie: "Oh stop it's not like they're seeing anything inappropriate, they're just legs." she said shaking her head. "Well Zack's a lucky man then." she quipped, "Do you really want the reason you're getting laid to be because Zack's getting laid because getting laid on his schedule might get a bit weird." she said, to which Zack nodded agreeing with her. "I mean you can get laid Jack just not with a fan!" she called out, "But there's hot girls in england, go to a bar, and wham bam thank you ma'am." she said as she moved over and hopped into Alex's lap which she was sure his first move would be to put his arm down as fast as he could on her legs with the dress rising up. "Yeah he's grumpy." she nodded.
Alex: “I think we’re far off from me just getting laid on Zack’s schedule,” Alex playfully rolled his eyes. Jack whined and Sophie told him he could still get laid, causing Alex to laugh. “Wham bam thank you ma’am?” he repeated, questioning look on his face as she jumped into his lap. He huffed a little from the impact but then wrapped his arms around her, mostly over her legs to cover them since the dress was riding up a bit from the movement.
Sophie: "I mean if you want to get laid because he's getting laid that's on Zack's schedule babe." she said which now Zack huffed to which Annie was laughing sitting in his lap. "It means easy done, he goes to a bar, chats up a girl, gets laid, goes home. Just don't get her pregnant." she retorted. He made a face, "Nevermind." Feeling his arms around her, "Comfy?" she grinned at him
Alex: Jack made a sound and looked like he had to consider that and gauge his chances, causing Alex to chuckle softly as Sophie almost fell into his lap. He immediate wrapped her up, covering what he could of her legs and tugging her back to rest with him. “Yeah, comfy,” he said with a nod, looking at Sophie who was just grinning at him. “Seriously, you can’t be wearing this dress and not expect me to try to get in your pants.. or the lack of them at least,” he murmured, more to her than anyone else in the room. “Tell me you’re at least wearing panties underneath this time?” he asked, voice quieted enough to just husk the question out for Sophie without anyone else standing a chance to hear.
Sophie: The risk of Jack fathering children wasn't even one he was willing to take the chance on. His arms were literally all over her attempting to cover her legs and she shook her head. "Will you relax I've worn dresses like this before, they're comfortable." she said. "Oh I know I didn't mean you wouldn't actually get laid but they don't need to know our bedroom activities." she teased her voice low with his. A soft giggle left her lips, "Yes baby, I am, wanna see?" she grinned almost wickedly as she glanced out to the hallway, and back to him. "Make sure you approve that I'm covered enough." she whispered.
Alex: “Yes and very revealing,” Alex murmured but he let out a breath and leaned back a little, relaxing slightly. “You realize they very likely know what we’re up to in the bedroom? I mean, this may be a surprise to you but we have three little ones very much giving away we’re sexually active. His hand moved to rest high up on her thigh, fingertips brushing against the hem of her dress and he groaned slightly when she asked if he wanted to see. “And where exactly do you want to go to let me see? I’m so not letting your dress right up enough to make it obvious right here.. And I don’t think there were any empty rooms anywhere close by. Except maybe the restrooms..”
Sophie: "Not that revealing, stop moving and it won't move around so much." she said shaking her head. "Yes I'm aware given I gave birth to all three of those children." she pointed out, "Just like I'm sure they all know on our birthdays we get laid but they don't need to know every single time you're planning on getting into me." she quipped. "there's abandoned hallways in the back I'm sure." she whispered, because she was not going into a bathroom that just... no. "I mean I think they're really worth seeing." she husked, shifting causing his hand to slide higher with no one really seeing. "We could say we want to facetime the kids and my parents."
Alex: “They don’t know every single time,” Alex argued, shaking his head a little bit. He kept still though when she told him to not move so much and he was fine until Sophie shifted to let his hand slide up a bit, almost so his fingers dipped under the hem of her dress. “Anyone could come around into an abandoned hallway,” he warned, biting his lower lip slightly. “Are you aware they’d wanna just facetime them with us?”
Sophie: "I know that." she rolled her eyes, "But the fans think you're getting some anyway now." she chuckled. "Not if we're careful, but it's okay you just have to trust that I'm wearing them." she shrugged, "Don't worry babe you can maybe see later." she said kissing his cheek, the bite of his lower lip showed too much apprehension and she wasn't going to force him to do anything as she turned her attention back on the group as she managed to reach over for another shot for herself and tossed it back easily, shifting up a little higher so his hand slid back down not wanting him to be uncomfortable.
Alex: “You’ve got some nerve,” Alex murmured. “Stop tempting me,” he chuckled softly but when she shifted to let his hand slide down again and reaching for another shot instead, he let out an inaudible sigh. They hung out for a while longer and eventually could hear the music starting when one of the other acts got on stage. “Do you wanna go side stage and watch some of it?” Alex asked Sophie, his hand rubbing up and down her slightly.
Sophie: "I'm not going to force you to do something you obviously don't want to do." she said softly, and while she had joked about it before she wasn't willing to push it either. When the music started she slipped off Alex's lap and nodded, "Yeah come on, we can go watch." she said moving to the mirror to fix her hair before following out behind everyone else with Alex.
Alex: They headed to the spot side stage where they had been before and Alex let Sophie stand in front of him so he could wrap his arms around her shoulders and watch with her, dancing along a little and singing the words to the songs he’d heard so many times already on this tour but didn’t get tired off. A few songs in, not that many more to go obviously, Alex nuzzled his face into Sophie’s neck and brought his lips close to her ear. “Come with me,” he husked, starting to step back so he could slip away from the rest of the group unnoticed, since they were all just busy watching the band play. He wandered down a hall and then took a turn and another until he found a spot he deemed secluded enough to stop and catch Sophie between the wall and him, not pressing her up against the wall but keeping her there. “Why do you always get so all in my head?” he murmured.
Sophie: When they got to the spot she slipped in front of him feeling his arms around her as she swayed to the music singing along. She was used to the songs by now. So she continued to dance along with Alex figuring that they were just having a good time. Hearing him ask her to come with him she furrowed her brows, confused as she went to ask him what was up but he slipped back almost silently gently pulling her with him. Taking her he tugged her down a hall and then turned down another and another until she was pretty sure they were lost in some weird middle section of the building no one knew about. When he stepped near her sudden and the wall behind her caught her back. "Huh?" she asked to his words, "I'm sorry I was just ... I didn't think you would mind being a little handsy before hand, but I shouldn't have done that." she said thinking he was genuinely upset with her.
Alex: He took her hand to lead her away, holding on tight as they followed down different hallways. Alex wasn’t sure whether they’d actually end up lost but eventually he stopped and turned to Sophie, catching her between the wall and him. The look on her face was surprised, and then worried and his eyes widened a little bit at the realization she probably thought he was mad or was just worried about being here with him, all by themselves. “What? No.. I don’t ever mind being a little handsy with you..” his expression soften. “But you literally said you didn’t want to have the boys always know when we’re getting it on or something, and there was no way we could’ve snuck away without anyone dropping a comment.” He reached up to cup her face and leaned in for a soft kiss.
Sophie: The look on his face she was excepting him to almost warn her not to do that to him on days when they had shows, at least not before the show. Though he seemed surprised by her words. "I mean the boys know we get it on quite frequently they've been in our house, they've definitely heard us." she said, "And my parents get all confused by this stuff we could have easily said it was too loud and snuck away I thought." she murmured. His hand cupped her face and she pressed her lips to his in a soft but brief kiss. "I just didn't want you to feel like I was forcing you to do something"
Alex: “You’re not forcing me to do anything.” He said, his eyes searching hers for a moment and then he let out a soft sigh. “I was still very much worried about anyone actually seeing what’s under your dress, I didn’t want to be worried about who’s gonna run into us while we were sneaking away,” he tried to explain, his thumb brushing over her lower lip. “But you’re all in my head, you have no idea how hard it is to not have my hands all over you all the time,” he murmured. “I can try but I can never say no to you,” he murmured, a soft chuckle leaving his lips before he leaned in for another kiss, this time letting it linger a little longer.
Sophie: "Do you think I would have really risked it if I though any of them were looking directly at my crotch, and if they were we've got bigger problems. They were wrapped up joking with each other they didn't notice babe." she murmured, "I think I know but it's why I wanted to sneak away. and you can say no to me, I want you to be honest with me." she said as he leaned in and captured her in a kiss a longer, heavier one, a soft moan from her lips as she pulled him into her causing her to lean back into the wall. They kissed for a few moments before she pulled back. "Want to check to make sure I'm wearing any underwear." She tilted her head to the left and right, still no one as she shifted her dress up to show the very lacy, sexy, hot red panties she was wearing underneath the dress.
Alex: He couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “It’s not about me thinking you’re not gonna accept a ‘no’ from me,” he told her. “It’s more about… it’s impossible to say no to you when you’re just.. you.” He leaned in for a heavier kiss now that caused Sophie to moan and pull him in and he easily stepped more into her, this time actually pressing her to the wall lightly before their kiss broke. He watched her glance around and then reach down to tug her dress up, his eyes falling down to see the red, lacy panties she was wearing and he groaned softly. “Sophie,” he murmured, his hand dropping down so his fingertips could brush over the lace, before he tugged her dress down again and swallowed. “Don’t let anyone but me see those.”
Sophie: A soft chuckle left her lips when he said it was the fact that she was her and he couldn’t say no to the fact it was her. Not so much the request. He pressed her up into the wall and they kissed before breaking apart. She saw him glance down and groan as he dragged his fingers over the red lace. “I figured it would make Mr. Modern Love a happy man.” She grinned as he tugged the dress down. “No one is going to see them but you babe I’m pretty sure no one would find us back here even if they came looking.” She murmured. “And you know they’re only for you to see.”
Alex: A grin spread on his lips at her comment and he glanced up at her quickly. "A very happy man." He tugged her dress down again but let his hands linger on her thighs, still keeping her against the wall as he sighed softly. "You're gonna get me all hyped up for you just before the show... That's gonna be livestreamed and recorded. If I mess up the lyrics, I'm gonna blame that on you," he chuckled softly.
Sophie: “If you blame it on me then they’ll know exactly what was going on back here so don’t mess it up.” She said before licking her lips. “Unless you want me to get you off before hand.” She murmured. “I’ve been told my mouth is a pretty amazing thing.” She said as she pulled him towards her, “and we wouldn’t want them to record you half hard the whole time, would be easier if you didn’t wear such fucking tight pants.” She said “it’s like you want them to know where everything is.” She giggled.
Alex: "I didn't say I was gonna tell them you're to blame," he chuckled softly but at her suggested he sucked on a breath. "Soph," he murmured, nodding in agreement to her mouth being pretty amazing, and maybe also to her suggestion too. "You know I look great in them though, the one time I went for baggier clothes you threatened to burn them," he reminded her. Licking his lips, he leaned one arm against the wall above her and the other found her face, holding it in place as he captured a brief kiss." Your mouth would have to be quick... "
Sophie: “Mmm you’ve been known to say things randomly so who knows what would come out of your mouth.” She pointed out. “I said no to the overalls not the baggy clothes. You wore no shirt with overalls it was awful.” She protested. “My mouth can be quick or I can get you close and you can come inside of me.” She said already going down to her knees and unbuttoning his pants and pulling down enough and wrapping her mouth around him and starting to Bob her head. He could choose his choice himself.
Alex: "It was such a look and you just hated the bagginess of it," Alex chuckled before stealing a kiss from her lips. When that broke, Sophie started sliding down and Alex licked his lips before biting down on his lower one. Of course he was always tempted to come inside of her, but the idea of that might get him even more distracted while on stage, he had no doubt Sophie would keep reminding him she'd have him inside of her.. Alex let out a long breath, almost moan when he felt Sophie's lips wrap around his length and starting to bob her head.
Sophie: “It was not a look and it wasn’t just the bagginess it was awful do you want me to go down on you or not?” She asked because them arguing over that awful outfit was not getting has intended result. Which he didn’t seem to protest because soon enough she was bobbing her head up and down his length almost expertly, every inch of her felt like it was sparking from the rush of needing to be quick, the risk of getting caught, and the fact that not far away fans were waiting for them to perform.
Alex: Alex laughed softly but then stopped arguing, her hands already tugging at his pants as she slid down. He leaned more onto his arm that was pressed to the wall already and there was a rush to this that brought a kind of excitement with it too. It was a maze of halls they had wandered down to here, but still anyone could show up looking for him, for them. His hips twitched a little more into her, without really meaning to and he moaned out Sophie's name under his breath, quiet but loud enough for her to hear.
Sophie: She felt him lean more against the wall and into her as she settled onto her legs a little more, her hand wrapping around the base of the shaft as she moved her mouth her tongue carsssing the underside of him her hand twisting the base. Feeling him twitch more forward she shifted her dress riding up some and she figured if he was looking down he’d at least get a good shot of her breasts and from the slightest hanging of the dress and the red underwear that showed now that she pulled her dress up more.
Alex: She worked so expertly on him, the touch of her hand an added sensation that caused Alex to let out another soft, pleasured sound. His head fell forward a bit, eyes taking her in the way she was kneeling down between the wall and him, almost trapped there but still giving him such a few. He knew they didn't have much time, not that he needed that with the way her tongue caressed the underside of his cock, her lips back and forth around him and the way she looked doing what she was doing. He could soon feel his muscles tensing a bit, that oh so familiar feeling when he got so close to his release. "Fuck, baby.." he cursed softly, once more taking her in and he could look right down onto her breasts, barely covered by the dress and he could tell the hem of the fabric was riding up her thighs and showing off her underwear.
Sophie: She loved the idea that he was so turned on by this the way she was moving her head and bobbing against him. Making sure he’d end up in a post orgasm bliss before going out on stage. Her tongue continued to lick and lap the soft noises she was making from the saliva that if anyone did come looking would know what was happening anyway. She pulled her dress up a little more pulling it to one side and exposing more of herself she knew half of getting Alex off was him enjoying her and she knew he enjoyed her body as she twisted her hand a little faster.
Alex: He could tell she was rearranging her dress to offer him more of a view and he groaned softly at that, taking her in as best as he good in his pleasure hazed state. He was leaning against the wall still, almost for support right now and his hips twitched again, stimulated by the quick pace she now twisted her hand with. His hand dropped to the back of her head just when he couldn't hold back and felt his release coming, fillijg Sophie's mouth as he reached his high and let out a dragged out moan. "Fuck, baby.."
Sophie: Suddenly his hand grasped the back of her head and she felt it the twitch before he started to fill her mouth with his release. The moan was music to her ears as she let him finish swallowing him down almost expertly before she pulled her mouth away and looked up at him licking her lips slowly. “Mmm yeah I’m taking you enjoyed that.” She giggled before helping to get his pants done back up.
Alex: He so easily came undone at her touch and from the look on her face she was as happy about that as he was every time he got to get her off, causing him to chuckle softly as he watched her take him in and swallowing so easily. He licked his lips and let out a raspy chuckle, taking a few breaths before he nodded, pushing himself off the wall a bit to get himself dressed again with her help before Sophie was back on her feet. "Definitely enjoyed that," Alex chuckled as he let his hands wander over her sides, caressing here and there while helping to fix her dress again. "Mmh, thank you for that," he smiled and leaned in for a kiss.
Sophie: After he was all tucked in and cleaned up she was helped back up and fixed her dress back into place. "We're going to say I was the first you ever did that with. and the best, how about that?" Even if she knew chances of that weren't the case, she didn't want to know. "You're welcome, you owe me some night for that." she said, "Go, get back I'll come back in a bit and say I was on the phone with my mum." she murmured pecking his lips.
Alex: Of course he took a moment to get the dress back into place, his head in a blissful state that made him feel less anxious about anyone randomly walking up on them now. "Get a blow job right before having to get on stage, middle of a hallway at the venue?" he asked with a grin, "First, and definitely best." He couldn't help kissing her again, finally taking his hands off of her and when he broke away, he laughed softly. "I will happily make it up to you." And he knew she knew he fully meant that. "Alright, alright." He chuckled and pecked her lips once more before he was off. He stopped by the room to grab a soda on his way back side stage where the band was just finishing up. Rian gave him a look and Alex shrugged, holding up his drink and when the drummer mouthed Sophie's name with a questioning look, Alex used his hand to show she was on the phone.
Sophie: “That’s what I like to hear.” She said as he kissed her again, now if it was true she wasn’t really sure. She did believe his definitely best because they were so wrapped up in each other. She waited a few minutes before she headed back and got her own water bottle definitely needing it before she headed back. “Willa is a bit cranky tonight.” She said still holding her phone she had grabbed in the room waving it. “She okay?” Annie asked, “Yeah she’s just cranky.”
Alex: "Obviously if she's had mostly syrup instead of her food, it's no wonder she's cranky now," Alex said, sipping his drink to hide the grin on his face. They all stepped back and away from the stage when the band and Lauran finished their set and Ricky was off to get all the technical stuff ready for them to get on stage soon.
Sophie: “I think it might have been all the sugar to be honest.” She said but she could keep a straight face. “Go Rock it baby.” She leaned up and kissed him hard to which they made kissy noises.
Alex: They had a little more time before it was time to head up on stage and as they lingered together, it was funny to Alex how they seemed to have pulled his off. He kissed Sophie back hard, a grin on his lips now before pulling away and they were off. The show was great and Alex felt like he was on a high, and not just from being up there performing. All of them were sweaty but pumped when they got off stage and Alex jumped a little in excitement before he found Sophie. "Oh that was awesome!" he called, not really caring how sweaty he was as he wrapped his arms around Sophie and pulled her into a kiss.
Sophie: She knew they’d pull it off if she took the lead. She was good to keep a straight face. The kiss was hard and the friends teased them but it made them believe it. The show went off great and she liked to believe she played a part in that. When he got off stage he was immediately there and wrapped his arms around her kissing her again and she laughed. “You were amazing babe.” She said against his lips knowing they were closer to the side where people could see them as she kissed him again and she didn’t really care.
Alex: Alex laughed, he didn't really care that people could see them, or witness them kissing. He was too excited, too hyped up to really bother. "That was so much fun! Now are you ready to party it up with us?" he chuckled.
Sophie: “And here I thought we had all the pre party fun.” She grinned before laughing. “So long as there’s somewhere to sit I’m happy to have some fun. My feet need to sit.” It had been the whole night in those heels which meant her feet needed a long break.
Alex: Alex laughed at her comment, and then a little more when she said she needed to sit. "Told you those heels were a bad idea," he teased, though they headed back to their room to sit and hang for a bit. Someone eventually suggested they go out to a pub and Alex raised a brow at Sophie. "You in or wanna head back..?"
Sophie: “I love my heels.” She said shaking her head. “It was standing and the crouching that did me in.” She pointed out. When someone mentioned a pun she nodded, “oh I’m definitely in babe.” She didn’t always get to go because of the kids or other things but because she had time she was definitely going.
Alex: A smirk spread on Alex's lips as Sophie said the crouching did it for her, but he didn't dare comment because he knew one of thr boys would hear. They all agreed on finding a pub to celebrate, despite the fact they had to be doing accoustic shows in the afternoon the day after and Alex found the jean jacket Sophie had been wearing to put on her shoulders again. "You warm enough while we head out?"
Sophie: Alex grabbed the jean jacket she had removed from being so warm and felt him tugging it back onto her and she licked her lips. "Yeah I should be fine." she nodded, "As long as we're not wandering around all night outside." Though honestly as long as it was close and had a place to sit she'd be happy.
Alex: "As far as I heard they're considering taxis to get us back into the city and then we're gonna find a place somewhere close to the hotel," he explained. Since they had shows in London and the drive out to the farm was an inconvenience, they had just settled for a hotel right in the center of London with the rest of the band and crew." So no wandering around much for you," he added with a smile.
Sophie: "That works for me." Because that meant sitting while they got into the city. As they filed out fans of course had come out to meet them and were yelling and screaming for them. Sliding over she took Annie's hand, "We actually have a quick stop we have to make, send us the address you end up at okay?" she said, once she had seen that Annie had gotten a text on her phone. "Go enjoy and dazzle the fans, we'll see you in a little bit okay?"
Alex: Once they were outside, Sophie slipped from his side and both him and Zack looked about the same amount of confused. "Wait what?" Alex questioned and Zack asked, "Where are you going?" but the girls were already off. "They said they'll meet us there, come on!" someone called and they headed into the cars and headed out. Still confused, Alex texted Sophie their location, since he hadn't really remembered to look at the name of the bar while Zack texted Annie that exact name." Okay, do you have any idea what the hell they're up to?" he asked to which Zack just shook his head.
Sophie: While Sophie knew she had had differences with Savannah and she doubted that was going to change, she was from England, Savannah was from the South they had very different personalities, she could see Rian was missing her. After getting Annie to text her they had booked her a ticket and flown her out and the flight had finally landed. With bad weather from New York her layover they hadn't been sure but somehow it had worked out and they had to slip away. She knew it would bug the fuck out of Alex to not know what they were up to, and probably equally Zack. After getting a cab they went to the airport and picked up the woman, and she exchanged pleasantries. "Aren't you cold?" Savannah asked, looking at her outfit. "Nope, I'm pretty used to this, lived in London my whole life and filmed Game of Thrones in colder." she shrugged, "We better get her back to the hotel and drop her bags off it's gonna take a bit and eventually they're gona start calling our phones." Sophie said helping her in and climbing back in which Annie agreed. "Thanks for asking me to come out, I didn't know if I should." the woman admitted, "Why shouldn't you? Rian is getting more grumpy honestly anything that'll make him less cranky." As they started back to the hotel.
Alex: Of course everyone got drinks once they were at the pub and while both Zack and Alex decided to wait, they only could say no to drinks for so long before they bailed and had a beer or two with the rest of the boys. It took time and when Sophie still hadn't come with Annie about an hour after they got to the pub, Alex tried calling her, Zack close by, ready to try calling Annie if Sophie didn't answer.
Sophie: They were almost back to the hotel and getting her stuff dropped off to the staff inside to get her suitcases up to the room when her phone started ringing. "Fucking dammit." she pulled out her phone and if she didn't answer, she knew Alex would panic but he couldn't keep a secret for the life of him, or well... he wasn't good when drinking. So she pressed ignore and told Annie not to answer the phone that Zack most definitely would be blowing up her phone and they had to go it'd take them easily another twenty minutes to finish everything up.
Alex: It was ringing only a few times before the call disconnected and Alex cursed. "The hell?" he asked, staring at his phone while Zack was already dialing Annie's number, only to get about the same reaction. Why wasn't Sophie answering her phone? That wasn't like her. "Where the hell are you?" Alex texted her, letting out a frustrated groan and Jack decided it was time to get his friends another drink in an attempt to calm them down.
Sophie: "Okay we gotta go." Sophie said, "Alex just texted and I can tell he is not a happy man to be ignored." she said causing Annie to chuckle, "Either is Zack." She said as they moved a little quicker and told the hotel to take it up to Rian's room and the number and proved who they were, though once they saw Sophie it really wasn't an issue. Calling for another cab they got back in and gave the location to the pub and were off. "Alright, we're here, you stay hidden ducked behind us." she murmured and Savannah seemed to listen as she ducked down behind Annie and Sophie thankfully she was taller than the girl and so was Annie as they walked in. "Sorry we're late." she said finding the boys walking towards them.
Alex: When Sophie didn't reply, Alex was about ready to get up and go, though Ricky was immediately there to hold him back, reasoning where he would go looking for her with no clue where she had been off to. If he was gone and she showed up moments later, what good would that be? Alex sighed and started to argue but he didn't get much further than off his chair and two steps closer towards the exit before he heard a familiar voice and spun around to see Sophie and Annie casually walking up to them. "Where the hell have you been? Why didn't you pick up your phone?"
Sophie: Alex was up off his seat and she was pretty sure he was getting ready to leave. Forever a bit of a hot head when he was worried. “Bad signal.” She said, why are you cursing at me? Again?” Since he had on the phone. “We had to go do something I told you we’d be here soon” Sophie reasoned. “We had to go pick something up. It was a surprise.”
Alex: His expression soften when Sophie asked him why he was cursing at her. "I was worried. You didn't answer your phone or replied back.." he said with a sigh. "What surprise?" Zack questioned and furrowed his brows and just when both Annie and Sophie stepped aside to reveal Savannah, both the men's eyes widened in surprise and sudden understanding. "Ohhh," Alex said and then turned to look for their drummer. "Rian!"
Sophie: “I had my reasons babe.” She said because she did and when they both stepped away and savannah popped out. “Surprise!” And they called for rian who was in the middle of having a drink and spotted his girlfriend who was absolutely in shock as he half ran over people to get to her. Sophie moved and settled in next to Alex and ordered herself a drink and crossed her legs. “You should trust me more.” She teased.
Alex: "That's not fair at all," he said but all was forgotten when they stepped aside to reveal Rian's girlfriend. Rian was there almost immediately, spilling some of his drink and falling over people to get to her. Alex sat back where he'd been sitting before and picked up the drink he had been ready to leave behind to look for Sophie. "Not when you don't answer your phone I don't," he said almost grumpily, but of course he trusted her.
Sophie: “What did you think I would be doing?” She asked leaning into him. “We wanted to surprise rian and you’re awful at keeping a straight face and if Zack knew and you didn’t you’d be all grumpy.” She said shaking her head as she took her drink and took a long sip. “I did a nice think just be happy you know it wasn’t easy.” She murmured since Alex was well aware she wasn’t exactly close to the woman. But she was trying.
Alex: His arm moved around her when she leaned into him and he couldn't help nuzzling his face into her neck briefly, as if he needed that to take her in. "What do you mean I can't keep a straight face?" He finished his drink and then arched a brow, a smile spreading on his lips. "I can tell you're trying. You did great, look how happy Rian is."
Sophie: “You can’t.” She said, “not with information you’re excited about and you would have been so excited for rian that you would have been grinning like and idiot.” She said before looking at rian “I know I just wanted him to be happy he seemed so grumpy the last few days in between.” So she hoped this would make up for it. “And now we know Zack and rian are getting laid tonight. Poor jack maybe I should find him someone to bring home.” She chuckled.
Alex: "Psh, that's not true. I could've totally kept that secret." He knew she was right, knew he would've had so much trouble keeping am actual straight face. "Oh no, you're not gonna play wing-woman for Jack tonight. Unless we're gonna do it together.. That could be fun."
Sophie: "Mhm." she said leaning in to press her lips to his and humming against them. "You so would have given it away." chuckling softly. "I mean you do know Jack better than me, though I think I would be better at picking out suitable women." she said, "though is it weird to know all the boys are getting laid and you're not?" she smirked.
Alex: He huffed a little but kissed her back anyway. "You didn't give me a chance to prove otherwise," he said with a shrug, but he couldn't be mad not when he knew she had a valid point. He looked at her and smirked. "They may get laid tonight but I already had you going down on me earlier." He nudged her and the looked around. "Alright, how we doing this?" he asked, leaning back a bit to look around to see who would be great to hook Jack up with.
Sophie: She huffed, "Actually you know what, the only one who loses in all of this is me." she pouted. "I help get others laid, introduced Zack to Annie, brought Savannah here, find someone for Jack and I get bubkiss." she bobbed up in her seat a little bit. "No more fun for you at the shows for that." she poked her tongue out at him. "Well okay, first is he more into blonde or brunette, or red heads?"
Alex: Alex laughed and then dropped his hand to rest high up on her thigh, squeezing it lightly. "Who said you weren't gonna have a great time tonight? Just because you're depriving me of getting lately, which.. Your own loss really... But doesn't mean I can't go down on you," he murmured, leaning in towards her a bit before reaching out with his free hand to pick up her drink and take a sip. "Jack? I'd say more blondes, but really doesn't matter to him that much. Could be colored her or not, hell he'd love it if she had rainbow colored hair," he chuckled.
Sophie: "Mmm well maybe you'll still get lucky but all of all time low getting laid on the same night feels very weird to me." she chuckled. "Okay so we're open to hair colors, are we open to body types or is he strictly she has to be hot in the typical conventional type of way, aka me." she gestured to herself. Which you know Sophie had friends of all shapes and sizes so she didn't particularly love this question but she knew for men to get off it sometimes mattered. Though if she was to pick one of the boys from ATL to be all about looks it wouldn't have been Jack in her mind.
Alex: "Hey I'm just saying, you complaining about not getting laid tonight but also telling me I won't is either you making your own bed or our relationship heading into a really bad direction and I would like to believe its actually pretty great sexually, so it's definitely the first,"he teased, giving her leg another gentle squeeze as he glanced around again. "Oh no, no. Actually I don't think Jack actually has a type. As long as she's, well, female and finds his jokes funny, we're probably good," he chuckled.
Sophie: "It is wonderful sexually if it wasn't I wouldn't have done what I did before." she pointed out, "Which was amazing if I do say so myself." she nodded, "Still now that I know Zack and Rian are getting laid isn't it a little weird. They're getting us back all the times we weren't quiet. The bastards." she muttered though more as a joke. "Okay so we're pretty base minimum female, like weird jokes, must love home alone, not serial killer... that seems pretty easy." she said eyeing around. "There's two pretty women by the bar, look which one is prettier? That one or that one?"
Alex: "Oh I know, was very amazing," he grinned. "Think you hyped me up just right now the show." He slid his hand up a little higher on her thigh, just to tease a little bit. "You're so gonna tease them all tomorrow aren't you?" He ordered them both more drinks and glanced over to where Sophie was talking about. "Uh, I feel like that's a trick question."
Sophie: "Are you saying you're going to need one before every show because.. that I am going to say keep dreaming, babe." she chuckled. "Unless I'm gonna get fucked before one of them, sorry, nope." she smacked her lips knowing only they could hear themselves. "Oh you betcha." she nodded. "Oh stop, I know you think I'm hotter.. you know what forget it. She's hotter." she slipped off her stool, being bisexual she could pick for herself as she slid up to the bar and rested her head on her hand and chatted up the girl, who knew who she was of course before inviting her back. "Everyone this is Jessie." she said bringing her back. "Jessie this is my fiance Alex, his best friends Zack and his girlfriend Annie, Rian and his girlfriend Savannah, that's Ricky, Lupe, and this is Jack." she said, "We were just talking while I got drinks and she's come to hang out." as she conveniently stuck her next to Jack to sit.
Alex: Alex laughed and shook his head. "Oh no, no. Every noe and then would work perfectly for me," he said and grinned at her. "Wait, hold up. So if you were to get laid before one of the shows then what, my chances of getting a blowjob are higher? That does not make sense because I'm really hoping to be the other part involved in the fucking," he chuckled. Before he could say more Sophie was off and Alex sat back, arching a brow as they talked and for a brief second something roared in him as if Sophie was flirting with the girl before they returned and Sophie introduced her, Jessie and made her sit by Jack's side.
Sophie: She gave a roll of her eyes, "And who else would be the other involved party in fucking me, of course it would be you." she said shaking her head. "I'm just saying me being laid every once in awhile before would up the other days being blowjobs sometimes." she said. Which made sense in her head. Once Jessie was sitting down by Jack they all talked and Jack and Jessie talked and she even laughed to his jokes. She knew they'd never see the woman again but hey, if they all had fun that's all that mattered. After awhile, "How about we head back to the hotel and have a few drinks, hang out before calling it a night." Sophie suggested, "Our room is huge." she said. "You can come to Jessie." she offered, Annie looking at her before obviously picking up what she was doing.
Alex: "Okay, but are we saying generally before I go do a show, or right before, like at the venue?" he asked, having an idea what her answer to that would be, but wanting to make sure. It was funny how quickly Jack and the girl started to talk and joke and they looked like they were having a great time. Alex arched a brow when Sophie suggested they head back to the hotel. "Way to be obvious," Alex murmured towards her but a grin formed on his lips because they seemed to be oblivious to that.
Sophie: "At the venue, it's hotter. The rush of it. Just have to not get caught by a billion people." she pointed out. "We would have taken the night back to our room, it would have been obvious if I dropped her off right in front of Jack's room." she said and it was true, Annie and her were just on the same wavelength. No one else seemed to notice as they got up and paid before leaving and taking multiple cabs to the hotel. Which in hindsight, with a random person, was probably dangerous, she could have told the whole world they were there, but they didn't have the babies with them. They ended up in their room for awhile and Rian and Savannah were being way too handsy even for Sophie's taste, "Alright you two, time to actually get a room." she said tossing Rian's jacket at him.
Alex: "Of course. The rush of it, no fun if it's not risky," he teased but he could understand the thrill of it. It was a bit of a hassle to get everyone back to the hotel, but funnily enough their room did give enough space for them all to hang out, drink and play whatever card game they found and decided to play. It was Rian and Savannah who were all over each other and Sophie eventually sent them off to a room, causing everyone else to laugh. Alex caught Annie and Zack hushing a few words and giving each other a look that told him they were gonna be heading off soon too and he chuckled amusedly. Wandering over to where Sophie was. "So, think your plan is gonna work or do we have to fiddle with their luck a little bit more?"
Sophie: “I think you know that’s part of it.” It didn’t always have to be a thrill but that was some of it sometimes. When rian and savannah were practically groping each other sophie sent them on their way and she knew it wouldn’t be long before Zack and Annie were doing the same. “I mean they’re off taking themselves I think it might just work, or he’ll at least maybe get a blowjob.” She grinned at him. After Zack and Annie disappeared she yawned, “okay guys you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here I’m tired so time to go back to your own rooms to keep the party going.” A few seemed to nod so she figured a few would do just that and it seemed like jack was inviting Jessie along as she waved everyone out leaving just Sophie and Alex as she pulled off her heels and groaned. “Oh my poor feet.”
Alex: Alex leaned back when Sophie so easily cleared out their room, something he was sure he couldn't have done. Jack was leading Jessie out along with them and he figured they'd just go from there and be on their own. Turning to Sophie, Alex laughed. "And you said they were part of the outfit," he teases softly. He had lost count of how many drjnks he had through the course of the night, but he for sure was feeling a little intoxicated.
Sophie: Once everyone had gone their own way she glanced at him. Feeling tipsy in her own way and shook her head, “they are part of the outfit just because my feet end up hurting doesn’t make them any less important to the outfit.” She said as she groaned softly stretching her legs before padding off to the bed and flopping into it not bothering to change because she was just as comfy as she was right now.
Alex: He didn't really bother to clean anything up or out things away, when Sophie headed for the bed he chuckled and followed, kicking off his shoes and almost stumbling forward as he pulled off his shirt while walking. "Are you gonna sleep in that?" Alex questioned, the words the tiniest bit slurred.
Sophie: “Maybe.” She said, “I just might be that lazy tonight that I don’t change out of my clothes.” She hummed softly closing her eyes. “Is it going to bother you if I do? I can just sleep in my underwear if that would make you feel better?” She offered eyes still closed.
Alex: Reaching the bed, Alex leanes forward and over her, resting both hands on either side of her. "No just want you to be comfortable," he murmured, chuckling softly. "Mmh are you drunk baby?" he asked, chuckling as he did crawl more over her.
Sophie: “I am comfortable.” She murmured though it wasn’t like she’d be less comfortable without the dress on. Just maybe a touch colder. “Drunk? Mmm no. I think you’re drunk though.” She said with a giggle as she felt more of his weight over her and she finally opened her bright eyes.
Alex: He laughed as she said he was drunk, and he couldn't help but grin stupidly as ge shrugged. "Maybe a little bit. I had a drink or twi when you kept me waiting," he slurred, not really over her but more on top of her with his wait on her slightly.
Sophie: “I kept you waiting for a good reason.” She pointed out. “And like I basically have gotten all of your best friends laid. Damn I’m the best fiancé ever. Introduced Annie to Zack, brought savannah out here despite still not feeling close to her, getting jack laid. You really should be grateful for how awesome I am.” She said giggling.
Alex: Alex laughed again as his arms gave away to his weight and he pressed into Sophie lightly. "Oh you are so swesome...so so awesome," he murmured, letting out a happy sigh. "I'm so lucky," he mumbled almost, mostly to himself but slurring that out loud enough for her to hear. "If only we were out if these clothes to be mire comfortable," Alex groaned as he shifted and rolled off of her onto hid back.
Sophie: “I mean so damn awesome.” She nodded. “What Partner gets their partners friends laid and without it being cheating. I deserve an award.” She said as if it was matter of fact. “Mmm then take your clothes off babe.” She said. Her own body shifting when he got off of her and she pulled the dress off leaving her in the red lace underwear and tossed the silk dress onto the ground and slipped under the blankets and groaned. “So cold now.”
Alex: Alex turned his head to watch her pull the dress off and he looked at her momentarily before her barely clothed body slid under the blankets. He huffed out, already not wearing a shirt but even un his hazed mind his pants were gonna be a struggle. He undid then and unzipped them before starting to push them down and shifting a bit to get them off eventually, huffing as he did and fell back into bed. As he slid under the covers and scooted close to Sophie, he grinned cheekily. "So damn awesome," he reoeated, "and so cold..fuck,"he muttered as he wrapped himself around her almost and felt her cool skin against his." Need to warm you up," he murmured.
Sophie: “This is why you shouldn’t wear such tight pants.” She said her eyes still closed but she could tell by his huffs and the way he moved and fell back onto the bed. When she felt him move close to her and wrap his arms around her. “Best fiancé ever?” She asked, “also you realize the girl jack is probably banging I totally introduced you as my fiancé earlier she could tell the world.” She hummed. “Mmm it’s cold still and the dress wasn’t the warmest but worth it.” She said as she pulled into his warm body. “You’re always so warm.”
Alex: "But they looks gooooood," Alex whined, struggling to pull them off and when he finally did, he slipped under the blankets to move closer to Sophie. "Best fiancé ever," he agreed as he wrapped himself around her in a mission to warm her up. "I was happy you clarified that and sat her next to Jack because for a moment it looked like you were flirting," Alex mumbled, apparently drunk him was a bit more open about being jealous, because for a split second there he totally had been. "I sung to the world that I wanna marry you," he then chuckled, nuzzling into her neck and humming softly. "So warm.. You're so cold."
Sophie: A giggle escaped her lips, “they do look so good on you but you’re the one to suffer when you get stuck in em. Some day you’re gonna get so stuck we’re gonna have to cut you out.” She murmured. “Mmm I mean I’m a woman of many talents and I may have flirted a little but I don’t think I needed to she was already a huge game of thrones fan. So either they’re having sex or playing video games.” She meant about jack and Jessie. “Why were you jealous? You think I really want anyone one else but you? I already have the best.” She hummed and nuzzled into him. “But you’ll warm me up.”
Alex: He huffed out when she asked him why he had been worried. "I don't like you flirting with anyone else," he admitted with a shrug. Not that he was actually worried she would rather wanna be with someone else, but still. Though her words did stroke his ego a little bit and he wrapped her up a little more. "mmh, yes. I can warm you up," he hummed and with his arms mostly around her, he squeezed playfully and then let his hand wander and caress here and there.
Sophie: “It was for a good cause jack deserved a little fun. Everyone else is getting it.” She said. “And it wasn’t real flirting.” Pointing that out. “Mmm you can warm me up and give me a massage if you keep doing that though keep it up and I may end up asking for a foot massage.” She giggled.
Alex: "I love how much you care about that, but don't tell him that if he ends up telling us they didn't end up hooking up," he chuckled against her where he was resting his head. Alex smiled at first, but then his hand brushed the lace bits of her panties and a grin spread across his lips, glancing at Sophie." A massage.? Oh no, I'm not giving you a foot massage, "he told her before slipping fully under the blankets, dipping down and sliding himself down Sophie's body, fully covered by the blankets.
Sophie: "Hey if he tells me they played video games all night and had the best night I'd be just as happy." Honestly as long as Jack had a good night that really was her plan, it wasn't like she could force them to have sex together, nor would she. She just didn't want him to feel lonely. "We're talking too much about sex while you're touching my underwear and now going under the blankets." she hummed, "Why are you going under the blankets if not for a foot massage?"
Alex: "Didn't you just try to get him laid?" he laughed softly before the mischievous grin spread on his lips and he started his decent down below the blankets. "So not going for your feet," he called with a boyish laugh and brought his hands to her waist to tickle briefly, then pinned her down to the mattress and started squeezing her lightly, kneeding into her skin and moving his hands down her sides, to her legs, spreading them a little so he could settle between.
Sophie: “I mean yes but I’ll settle for him having a good time in general.” When his hands tickled at her waist she giggled, “Alex stop.” She gasped not needing to be tickled before feeling him pin her down a gasp leaving her breath. Feeling his hands moving her legs apart she felt him settled his body between her legs and she whined softly nuzzling her head back into the pillow.
Alex: A grin was still curled onto Alex lips when he heard Sophie whining. "Mh?" he questioned, happily settling between her legs, fully under the blankets and he knew he was gonna get hot but he was okay with that. He brought his face down to press his lips to her hipbone, humming against her skin before leaving a trail of kisses.
Sophie: She did worry about him being under the blankets like that. Getting overly warm but for now she would wait before pulling it off and freezing herself. “Hmmm” she murmured as he started trailing kisses down her skin as she shifted. “That feels nice.” His lips warm on her skin.
Alex: Alex smiled at her words and he glanced up but really was just covered fully with the blankets so he couldn't see her. Instead of replying, he kept placing kisses, leaving a trail across her skin and his hands slid up her legs again to the hem of her panties, then over the lace fabric to tease her a little bit. He started to trail kisses down further, briefly considering removing the fabric fully, but then his hand just slid down to move it away, holding it out of the way before he let his face moved further between her legs.
Sophie: She sighed when he trailed across her skin with his lips. It felt so good but when she reached up she couldn’t find his hair because of the blanket. The blanket was posing multiple problems so she pushed the blanket down tossing it a little so it was off of his head and on his back more her fingers threading into his brunette hair as his face move more between her legs and she mewled softly.
Alex: He felt the warmth lifted from his head and knew Sophie must've wanted to see him.. Or feel the way she could be involved. He felt her hand in his hair, fingers threading through the strands and he smirked as he shifted himself so his face was between her legs. While his fingers held the fabric of her panties aside, he could easily close his lips around her clit and flick his tongue against it a few times before sucking lightly to tease.
Sophie: Her fingers gently tugged at his hair. This was definitely a better view then a blanket that was just bobbing up and down slightly as he moved. His tongue lapped over he clit and she groaned softly before his lips wrapped around her. She was already slightly wet probably still from earlier and their rush or possibly getting caught. “Fuck yes.” She breathed knowing he was going to tease her for a bit before anything else given she had gone down on him. And he did. She was just on the crest of her release when there was a banging knock at the door and the voice of jack calling for Alex. “Fucking Christ.” Sophie bit out because now that orgasm was long since ruined. “Alex!” He banged again.
Alex: He wasn't really sure they were actually gonna have sex, he would very much be happy to return the favor she had granted him earlier, but he'd also just see where the night would take them. He could feel Sophie's body reacting, her soft curses falling from her lips when suddenly there was a bang on the door. Alex barely paused, ready to ignore Jack but he banged again and again and so he pulled back and cursed. "What?!" he bellowed, clearly annoyed by his friend's timing.
Sophie: She wasn’t really planning on anything particular that night other than being in the bed with alex. She was happy to just get time with him. She groaned her body stiff and ridged now very obviously tense from almost coming and now that moment ruined. “Alex! Alex open the door!” Jack called banging again. “If you don’t open the door they’re going to call security on us.” She hissed, “And you really don’t want me to open that door right now.” She said as she pulled the blanket over her almost naked frame.
Alex: Alex cursed and groaned. "Shut the hell up Jack!" he called back as he crawled off of Sophie unhappily and out of bed. He waited till she was covered, adjusting his own boxer briefs a little bit as he made it to the door to unlock it. He barely opened it enough to glanced outside at Jack. "What the hell is wrong with you Jack? People are trying to sleep here," he hissed.
Sophie: She waited till he was off she and fixed herself covering herself a little better and fixing her underwear because it just felt awkward. Jack being jack didn’t think anything as he half busted through the door closing it behind him. “That girl we’re heading back to my room and she’s like hot right? Right. And I need something.” Sophie tossed her arms up and slid down more in the blankets since she was basically naked. “Jack we’re trying to sleep.” She cried out. “And I’m trying to get some I need a condom shit it’s been awhile so I said I’d stop here first since I knew the other guys would be busy so I came here.” Sitting up with the blanket around her, “excuse me /were the boring ones/“
Alex: Alex was ready to push him right back out of the room again when he burst in. "yes Jack, we know," Alex said and he was really trying but struggling to stay calm. "But we are busy and no, I do not have condoms, so good luck, pal." and that's where he started shoving Jack out of the room.
Sophie: “Oh come on you don’t have any in all the time you two have gone at it?”he asked and Sophie groaned sinking under the blankets. “How did we become the not spicy ones that wouldn’t be getting busy.” Well in fact they had been but jack was just not thinking about it given rian and savannah were just seeing each other and Annie had teased about tonight with Zack. “Seriously though she’s in my room where am I gonna go?” He whined and now Sophie was making a silent promise to never help jack get laid again.
Alex: "Jack, we have three kids. Those don't usually happen when you have condoms on you at all times. Which is why you need to go find one. Ask Ricky for God's sake, maybe he has any. Or go bother Rian or Zack because believe it or not I'm kind of /busy/here." Alex muttered, shoving Jack out." Even if I would love to help you, I can't, Jack. Just don't get the girl pregnant, alright?" he closed the door in Jack's face and locked it before returning to the bed. "Fucking hell."
Sophie: Sophie had to admit her plan had backfired on them a little bit. Well it had and hadn’t really. “You’re busy doing wha — oh.. oh!” He said loudly and she groaned from the other side of the room. “Do not get her pregnant!” She yelled out repeating his words. When Alex returned to the bed she tossed the blanket off of her. “We’re the boring ones? We’re the boring ones?! That’s what I got from that bloody fucking hell.” She sighed. “And that ruined that orgasm.” She pouted. “If I try and get him laid again, stop me.”
Alex: The realization hit Jack just when Alex closed the door in front of him and locked it. He came back to bed and climbed back in. "We're not boring, he's just stupid," he muttered. "So not boring. Not when you consider earlier today.. And I mean, we were busy just right now." He crawled over her and sighed softly. "Sorry, I should've just ignored him."
Sophie: “Trust me, I would not have been able to finish with him being the one calling Alex at the door.” She crinkled her nose at him. “I mean look I was right they took the bait and he’s getting laid but I swear to god if he gets her pregnant I am not adopting that child.” She said shaking her head. “We’re not boring.” She muttered pouting her lip.
Alex: "Could've screamed my name whenever he did for a cover up," he teased a little bit and chuckled, but then bit his lip looking at her. "We're not boring, baby. Far from it," Alex murmured as he leaned in to capture her lips in a kiss.
Sophie: "Yeah something tells me he still would have kept nodding, you think he would have put two and two together we're the worst ones to ask for condoms...we had three babies. Only one we actually tried for." she rolled her eyes. "I know we're not boring apparently all the blood from his brain was somewhere else." she muttered kissing his lips and humming. "Did that ruin our night together?"
Alex: "He didn't look like he could be thinking," Alex chuckled. He lowered himself a little more against her ans hummed. "Do you want to continue just what Jack interrupted?"
Sophie: “No I think he was thinking with a very different head.” She pointed out. “I mean I’m okay with continuing it is kind of frustrating to be close to release to have it ripped away and I mean I didn’t do that to you.” She said pouted out her lower lip at him.
Alex: Alex chuckled softly. "Well at least we know your plan worked then." He shifted to peel back the blankets and bring himself under them and over her again, shifting to settle between her legs again. "I'm sorry I had to stop just before that," he murmured, leaning in for another kiss and sucking on her lower lip slightly when he pulled back. He moved doen her body, caressing her pretty much almost naked thing until he was back to be able to lean his face down between her legs. This time, he started trailing kisses from her hipbone to the other and then down more and over the lace underwear she was still wearing.
Sophie: “Mhm. Remind me to never do that again. Or if I do come prepared with condoms apparently.” She muttered rolling her eyes. Really did Alex and Sophie scream the type to enjoy that? “It’s fine, I mean I’ll live if you don’t want to.” She didn’t want him to do it if he wasn’t in the mood any longer. When he started moving down her body again she sighed, “remind me to kill jack tomorrow.” She murmured her fingers sliding easily into his hair as his mouth trailed soft warm kisses against the band of the underwear.
Alex: "You really want me to stop you from being so nice to him?" he chuckled softly. Though when she said something about not having to, he playfully rolled his eyes. "Oh babe, I want to taste you." He made his descent back down her body, spreading her legs some to settle between as he trailed kisses again. His hand brushed down over the fabric now, sliding between her legs with the panties still in the way but he started rubbing gently anyway, teasing her a little bit.
Sophie: “After that.. yes.” Okay he knew the truth was no but a highly frustrated Sophie thought otherwise. “I think that can be arranged.” When he said he wanted to taste her. His hand brushing down and gently rubbing her through the red lace panties and she moaned out her back arching some. “Alex.” She whined her eyes closing as she tugged on his hair.
Alex: He shook his head a little bit, knowing that wasn't right but for now he wouldn't discuss that out with her. His hand rubbed a little longer, feeling the wetness easily through the panties before once more moving the fabric aside to leave her bare core accessible for his mouth to dip into, tongue dipping between wet lips a few time before finding her clit again, flicking and teasing lightly.
Sophie: “Alex.” She gasped feeling the cool air when he pulled the underwear to the side and it hitting the warm wetness that was still pooling from earlier and now between her legs. His tongue lapped at her clit again and again almost eagerly as her hips jerked up and dug her fingers in harder to his hair tugging.
Alex: He felt her body shifting, hips jerking up into him a bit and he hummed against her core, closing his lips around her clit briefly to suckle a little bit and then let his tongue lao against her again.
Sophie: Her fingers carefully tightened in his soft brown locks as she felt his lips wrap around he clit so easily and start to suckle the very sensitive nub. “Oh god yes!” She cried out when he suckled away his tongue dipping out every so often to lap at her before returning his mouth to sucking on her.
Alex: Alex eyes darted up and he almost smiled at how easy it was to get her back to feeling this way, and to taste her on his lips the way he did right now. He alternated between suckling gently and lapping up between her lips, flicking teasingly against the little nub before closing his mouth around her clit again, his hand still holding her panties out of the way he knew were slightly soaked already anyway.
Sophie: “Oh god Alex.” She whined feeling him alternate what he was doing with his mouth. The feel of his tongue flicking and caressing the nub causing friction before suckling on the nub strong and hard causing her hips to start grinding against him. “Oh fuck your mouth…” she gasped. “So good.” The words tightly whined.
Alex: Part of why it was fun to go down on her was Alex actually enjoyed tasting her and knowing he caused that. But mostly it was hearing and feeling her reaction, like when she started grinding her hips into him. He couldn't really tell her to come but he let his teeth graze against her clit before suckling some more and glancing up to catch the look and expression on her face.
Sophie: When his teeth hit her clit she gasped roughly tugging his hair before his suckled some more his eyes staring up at her watching her and she could feel it her body reacting and before she knew it that build up returned and she was on the tip before toppling over calling his name again and again as she came hard on his mouth.
Alex: Alex almost grinned to himself when he got her so close and then finally over that thin line of reaching her orgasm. He happily lapped her up, swallowing and teasing with a few more strokes of his tongue before he let go of her panties and started to slid up Sophie's body again. "Mmh you taste so good, baby."
Sophie: She felt him lap at her release almost too happily. The way he moved his mouth cleaning her up before he placed her underwear back so they were comfortably on her and she felt him slid up against her. “Mm yeah? You like how I taste in your mouth?” She hummed nuzzling into his body.
Alex: "Yes, very much," he murmured with a grin and settled his body on top of hers easily, pressing her into the mattress slightly. "I hope that made up for Jack barging in here," he murmured, feeling her nuzzle into his body. "And that you can sleep happy and sated now," he murmured. It was late and he didn't know whether they'd just be happy to go to sleep now, both of them had their fun that day after all.
Sophie: “Mmm don’t mention jack after giving me an orgasm.” She murmured still nuzzled agaisnt him. “But first these are coming off.” Reaching down and pulling them off and tossing them on the floor. “Cold and wet.” She crinkled her nose tucked under his body weight now that she wasn’t wiggling anymore to get the underwear. “Mm sleep happy yes. That sounds nice.”
Alex: He laughed softly. "Sorry." Shifting, he made room for her to wiggle off her panties, leaving her fully naked beneath him as he settled on top of her again. "Just happy, not sated?" he asked, a small grin on his lips as he nudged his nose against hers playfully. Truth was the day had been long and exciting, but also tiring and he'd be happy to lay with her and sleep now, all pressed up bare against him, though the only thing between them his own boxer briefs now.
Sophie: “Yes I’m happily sated.” She said as she shifted beneath his weight his body warming hers. “Today was kind of a great day it was wonderful to see you so happy.” She admitted to him. “I’m always going to be so happy to see you doing what you love the most in the world.” And she knew that. And she wanted to enjoy that together because she had landed another project and would be filming soon enough.
Alex: "Mmh, I'm still very happy," he murmured. His voice was a little raspy, he'd lost it at a show the other night since it had been so many shows recently, but he was doing okay. "I love having you right there with me," he added and nuzzled his face into her neck a little bit, shifting to be more of a blanket for her but not bothering to actually pull the blankets back over them because he knew he'd get too warm.
Sophie: “Good I’m glad you’re happy that’s all I want for you.” She murmured because it was true. She knew in Glasgow him struggling with his voice had thrown him and she never wanted to see him nervous or upset. “Whenever I can I will be.” She murmured, “as long as you want me at the shows.” Obviously if he wanted to travel him and the boys someday she would understand and there would come a time the kids would need that o be in school. But for now she was happy with it. When he covered her more with his body she knew it was to keep her warm without the blankets. “Mmm so we can sleep in tomorrow yes?”
Alex: Alex hummed softly, almost snuggling more into her to make sure they were both comfortable and Sophie was warm enough. "Yeah, don't think we have to be anywhere until 2pm or so," he murmured, barely lifting his head to speak. He was tired, and now that he closed his eyes he felt ready to doze off.
Sophie: “Mm good.” She said they had been so busy with so many things as of late that she was glad they could sleep in. They quickly fell asleep tangled in each other but somehow they were woken early in the morning to knocking on the door. Groaning she slipped out from under Alex, wrapped a sheet around her naked frame. “I swear to god.” She murmured yanking open the door open her hair a mess. “Yes?” Seeing savannah and rian there. “Oof you look rough.” And she glared, “well you try getting woken up by jack pounding on your door.” She said Not loving standing their mostly naked with just a sheet hoping Alex would come save her.
Alex: Alex was fast asleep soon and ready to sleep in. He stirred way too early when Sophie slipped out from under him and he shifted groaning and blinking his eyes open when he heard voices. He crawled out of bed, running his hand through the mess of hair on his head and headed for the door. "The hell do you want?" he questioned, voice cracking a little bit as he stood behind Sophie only then realizing he was still just wearing his boxer briefs and Sophie had nothing but a sheet around her, causing him to grumble and stand in front of her. "What do you want Rian we're trying to sleep."
Sophie: When Alex realized that she was in a sheet he moved to step in front of her and cover her a bit. “Wow you guys look like hell.” He muttered. “Miserable too.” Savannah mumbled and Sophie glared at her. “Just close the door I’m going back to bed.” She said after that comment and bringing her all the way to London for rian. Which she felt herself get a little emotional. “Just wanted to see if you wanted to get breakfast.” As she sniffled and crawled back into bed and pulled the blanket up fully over her tiny frame.
Alex: "Oh shut the hell up, really?" Alex muttered at their comments. "If you're as chappy as you are then maybe you got lucky and didn't have Jack knocking at your door.. Or you've had more coffee than me." He didn't want to be mad at them, but he knew this didn't help how Sophie felt about Rian's girlfriend. "Just go ahead and get some breakfast, if you wanna bring us back something, sure but we're gonna sleep until then," Alex said and soon closed the door so he could return back to bed. "Hey," he murmured, slipping bed into bed with Sophie.
Sophie: She curled up under the blankets. She tried to do something nice for Jack and it semi backfired on her. Did something nice for rian and she made a sarcastic comment. Feeling the bed shift she felt him slide into the bed and his soft hey but she didn’t come out from under the blankets being slightly stubborn she knew she was overly tired right now which was making her sensitive to everything and she didn’t want to be emotional.
Alex: He sighed softly when Sophie didn't answer and didn't come out so he shifted, reaching for the hem of the blanket to peel it back a little bit and look at her. "They wanted to be nice, but did horribly bad by waking us up," he said softly, lifting the blankets to slip under and curl up to her. "You wanna talk to me or just sleep?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in, almost on top of him.
Sophie: When he peeled back the blanket she was curled up in a small ball in her sheet she had been wearing. “I don’t know why I tried to be nice to her. We’re never gonna get along.” She murmured. “She didn’t need to make that comment.” She sighed before nuzzling into him. “Just sleep.” She felt him move her mostly on top of him and she snuggled into him. “I’m sorry I don’t want to seem like a bitch or I’m not trying.”
Alex: "I know, but Rian didn't have to make that comment either." Alex slid under the blankets with her and pulled her in and on top of him, letting him r snuggle into him and wrapping his arms around her. "You're not a bitch and nobody thinks that." He brought his hand up to let it tangle in her hair, tugging and teasing at it a little bit. "Let's sleep," he murmured.
Sophie: “He said we looked awful.” She said before sniffling again which she was definitely emotional and she was used to lately everyone saying she looked so old in photos as she curled into him and tucked her face away into his neck and nodded when he said let’s sleep.
Alex: "We literally just woke up," he chuckled softly, using his free hand to rub her back a little bit. "And your hair is as messy as mine," he let her know with a smile, once more threading his fingers through the strands of her hair. He would've sang her a lullaby, but he needed to rest his voice, make sure it didn't break on him again on these last two acoustic gigs. So he just rubbed her back gently, soothing her, and himself, back to sleep.
Sophie: She didn’t know why she was so emotional over this, but she was. “I’m sorry I don’t sinke why I’m so emotional.” She murmured. “No I’m not pregnant I’m just… tired I think.” She said sniffling slightly as he rubbed her back and after a little while managed to fall back asleep curled up against Alexs warm body.
Alex: "You have nothing to be sorry about," Alex murmured softly, and he meant that. He was glad when they both dozed back off, they needed the rest, though of course he got warm laying the way they did. He shifted eventually, so Sophie slid off to his side with only her head resting on his shoulder and her leg draped over his, the blanket mostly covering her and not him. When he eventually stirred, it was later in the day, but barely noon and his phone buzzed just moments later, announcing a text from Rian asking if they should bring them hot coffee too with their breakfast. Alex decided he could get that from them without disturbing Sophie so he agreed. Rian texted him when they were back at the hotel and Alex gently slid from the bed, slipping out of the room, not really bothering to put on more clothes and possibly disturb Sophie. He talked to Rian and Savannah briefly, thanking them for breakfast but also telling them it wasn't cool to say what they had earlier and that Sophie had really tried to just make everyone happy, which they agreed to. Alex hoped Sophie was still resting the way she needed to be as he slipped back into the room, carrying breakfast and coffees.
Sophie: When she fell asleep it was what her body needed. Between worrying about Alex and his voice and taking care of herself and just going, going, going she was a little worn down. Which made sense why she was so tired. She felt him shift her body but she didn’t really wake, her body staying in the slumber. Sometime later when the bed shifted she figured Alex was getting up to use the bathroom so she didn’t think much of it curled up into a ball tucked into the thick blankets and falling back to sleep. When the door clicked open she shifted huffing slightly as she flipped onto her belly and mumbled before dozing back off
Alex: Rian and Savannah got Alex his coffee in a regular to go cup but Sophie one of Rian's yetis to keep it warm, since Alex assumed Sophie needed some more sleep. He used the bathroom and the left the food and Sophie's drink aside, only sitting down to sip his coffee and letting Sophie sleep some more. She was worn out and he knew she really needed the rest
Sophie: Eventually she roused and shifted in the bed to turn and see Alex there sipping on his coffee. “Hi.” Her voice was raspy from sleep as she rubbed her eyes with her fists. “Sorry I really needed that sleep.” She murmured. “Did I miss anything?”
Alex: "Hi," Alex said with a smile before taking another sip of his coffee. "Don't be sorry. I'm glad you got this sleep," he murmured. "Not really, I haven't been up long. Rian and Savannah did stop by to bring some breakfast though. Are you feeling hungry? I've got coffee for you too it's still hot." He finished his cup and put the empty cup away before shifting to lay with Sophie and leaning in to pepper kisses over her face, on each cheek, her forehead, then her lips." How you feeling baby? "
Sophie: "Hi." she murmured soft watching him with his coffee. "I could do with some food in a little bit once I wake up." she nodded shifting to sit up, brushing her red hair over her face out of the way before sliding up and against the headboard and wrapping the sheet around her frame to cover herself. "I'm feeling better, I'm sorry I got so emotional." It didn't happen nearly as often but sometimes she still cracked. He peppered little kisses on her and she gave a soft giggle, "Thank you for being the best." she murmured because she knew not everyone did good with emotions."
Alex: "Don't apologize," he reminded her before peppering kisses on her and then smiling softly. "I'm glad you're feeling better. You needed the rest." Sitting up more he yawned a little. "You want some coffee though? Help wake you up enough to have breakfast.."
Sophie: "I know but I shouldn't have snapped the way I did." when she had said to just close the door on them because she had been angry and hurt. This was one of his best friends but he understood she had been exhausted. "Seems like you still need more rest. We still have time if you want to lay here for a bit." she offered.
Alex: "Mmh, no I'm good. No more sleep." He offered a smile and stretched a little bit. "I rather rest after these shows.. Get some hot drinks for my throat and do nothing for a day or two except be with you and the kids." Alex chuckled and shifted.
Sophie: "Mmm I would like that, does that mean we can kick all the boys and their girlfriends to the curb?" she muttered, "Oh but Annie given she's the nanny... I mean we could give her a few days off with Zack since we want to spend time with them anyway." she murmured. "Rest you up and make sure your throat doesn't get all stressed out."
Alex: Alex chuckled softly. "Kick them to the curb? We gotta be nice, babe. I already told them off," he murmured. "They can have some time off. We get the kids from your parents and drive out to the house, hide away there for a few days, what do you think?"
Sophie: She muttered under her breath, "Look I'm trying, I tried, I just don't think her and I are ever going to be besties." she said making a face. Like she didn't hate her but she obviously didn't fully trust her either but it wasn't like she was going out of her way to ruin rian's relationship. "By hide away for a few days you just mean, me, you and the kids?" she asked.
Alex: "I know and I don't expect you to be besties. I'm just saying I told her she was out of line." He chuckled and slid out of bed to get the food and the yeti mug. "Coffee?" he asked, holding it out for her before slipping back into bed again. "Yeah, just you, me and the kids. Sound good to you?"
Sophie: She knew that he never expected. "I wish it was easier though, with your best friend." she shrugged. "You know I appreciate you sticking up for me." she leaned over and kissed his lips softly. "Coffee." she nodded, when he confirmed just them and the kids she smiled. "I like the sound of that. Our little family unit."
Alex: "It's alright babe, sometimes it's complicated. It'll get easier." He smiled when she kissed him and then he got up briefly to get their breakfast. He handed Sophie the mug and sat back down with the food spread over their legs to dig into and access easily. "I gotta make sure I don't have any press stuff I gotta do right away, but I feel like we can do a few days just us before that whole press stuff starts for the album.."
Sophie: She gave a small smile because she hated any being the cause of any problems, or in the middle of any potential. He spread out all the food while she sipped on her coffee and let it warm her. "Just let me know if not I can stay with my parents while you do press and we can go afterwards before we have to go back to the states."
Alex: "I'll be there, babe. I want this... Just a few days with you and the kids, that sounds so nice." He hadn't seen them in a couple days even though they were close now, so he was happy to see them again
Sophie: "I know you do, it's not about you not wanting it but I know just like my job, we have schedules we have to do." She really did understand but she knew Alex would make it happen. "Willa is going to be so excited to see you, she always misses you." she hummed as she started eating the breakfast.
Alex: "I miss her too. All of them, really. It's been a couple days and I didn't think I could miss someone so much after just a few days.." Of course he missed Sophie too when they were apart but their kids were still a little different.
Sophie: "What happens when you start making babies." she chuckled softly. "You leave a literal part of you behind. I mean they're part your DNA part mine so you just miss them." It was an instant love and connection because it was your child. "Can't wait for some cuddles. Some walks out in the garden." she hummed happily as she took a bit of poached egg.
Alex: "That's just not fair. Tour's are gonna be a pain when they get older.." He dug more into the food to eat a few more bites. "You've gotten so many cuddles!" Alex argued with a grin.
Sophie: "Tour's aren't going to be a pain, maybe painful. Because once the kids are in school we'll have to stay put while you travel." she said knowing that was just part of the kids growing up that they had to enjoy while they were little enough. "Unless they're homeschooled." she shrugged. "I like cuddles!" she protested giggling.
Alex: "Very painful," Alex muttered. He knew she was right, the kids couldn't come along like they were right now, and obviously Sophie would stay with them. "But you already got so many cuddles," he teased with a grin as they finished their breakfast.
Sophie: "I know baby." she murmured, "I mean we could homeschool the, get a tutor to travel, life experience is just as important as classroom learning and we're gonna have to decide sooner or later, Willa is gonna be three." she pointed out. "I want more cuddles." she huffed, "Don't judge me by how many cuddles I want, I'm needy." she whined.
Alex: "I don't know. Don't make me choose that right now but I feel like I'd want them to go to school. It's where I met my best friends.. I wouldn't want to keep them homeschooled with the chance of them not meeting a lot of people their age." The food was gone soon and Alex made sure to put all remnants away before shifting to crawl over Sophie on all fours. "Just mx cuddles too or the kids cuddles mostly? "
Sophie: “We could do a hybrid, part time school part time home school.” She said with a shrug. “Willas gonna be three we’ll be thinking about preschool in the next year.” If that which just made her sad because she was growing up so fast. “Why can’t I have both cuddles?”
Alex: "How about," Alex started to suggest, "we leave that discussion to some other time in the near future." He knew it would get Sophie even more emotional, so he rather wanted to stay clear of that "Because right now I'm the only one here," he chuckled softly, bringing his hand up to cup her face and offer a smile.
Sophie: “Yeah that works just know we can’t avoid it forever.” Though she knew that was the next difficult conversation if they didn’t homeschool where would the kids go to school in the US and England. Something they definitely were not ready to talk about. He choked her face and she scrunched her nose a smile tugging to her lips and a blush rising to her cheeks. “Do I ever complain about cuddles with you?”
Alex: "I know," he murmured softly, and he knew it'd be a complicated discussion with potential of a fight, so he simply didn't want to have it right now. "You were very keen on getting cuddles with the kids.. But it's just me right now, didn't know if that'd be enough for now or you rather wanna go to you parents, see the little ones."
Sophie: His soft voice made her give a soft sad smile. She knew he was thinking the same thing. “I wish they didn’t have to grow up.” She murmured and she shook her head. The last thing they wanted to do was get her back on an emotional trip. “We can go back to my parents when you’re done with everything you need to do. I rather know you’ll have a few days then having you come and then leave and get them all upset.” Since it had been a few days and she knew Willa wouldn’t take well to Alex leaving again so shortly. “So I’m really happy with cuddles with you, you know.”
Alex: He brushed his thumb over her cheek and smiled softly, leaning in for a quick peck on the lips before shifting and resting more on her now, providing cuddles rather than hovering over. "Alright, alright. I'll tate this for now," he smiled. "Are you gonna come with me later?"
Sophie: “Oh you’ll take this for now?” She asked, “I see how it is.” She chuckled curled up into him as he settled more to rest agaisnt her. Her fingers moved to brush through his hair gently just playing with. The sheet draped over her naked body and then just splayed across the comfortable hotel bed. “Hmm later?”
Alex: "Yeah, for now I'm okay with that," he smiled as he settled into her and hummed when her hand came up to play with his hair. "Yeah, later. To the acoustic stuff. Are you gonna come with me?" He asked curiously because he knew she could also just be heading to her parents until he got there and then they'd be leaving together with the kids.
Sophie: “Just for now? Now forever?” She teased continuing to run her hand through his hair which was really relaxing for her. “Yeah that was the plan unless you didn’t want me to?” She had never really thought to ask if he wanted her their. “If not I can head back to my parents.”
Alex: "I'm pretty sure I already told you that I want forever with you. But I meant more like okay, no going back and forth to your parents and rather. Stay here right now." He hummed softly as he felt her fingers running through his hair. "Of course I want you there. Just making sure, y'know.."
Sophie: “You may have told me that once or twice but a girl can never be to sure.” She teased. Honestly some days it still hit her hard that Alex wanted all of this with her. The man she had known at the beginning had changed in so many ways and because he had wanted those changes not because she had forced it. “I’m happy to be there.” She hummed as she slipped down and nuzzled her body into his laying her head agaisnt his chest listening to his heart beat.
Alex: His head rest more against the pillow beside her as Sophie slid down, burying herself fully under him and he chuckled softly. "What are you doing?" he asked with a smile, but kept laying comfortably, though trying not to squish her too much.
Sophie: “Getting cozy.” She said as she wiggled into him and finally got herself completely comfortable where he wasn’t crushing her and sighed softly and closed her eyes. “Why did you want to do something else?”
Alex: "Oh no, I'm good," he laughed softly. "Just felt like you were trying to get inside my skin or something," he teased slightly. "We can just lay like this for a while as long as you promise me I'm not just crushing you right now.."
Sophie: “Inside your skin?” She scrunched her nose. “Why would I do that. If I wanted to be as close as possible I would just tell you to fuck me.” She shrugged as she settled back agaisnt him. “Mmm maybe a tiny bit crushing but nothing I can’t live with.” So she didn’t try and move.
Alex: "I don't know, you were just crawling under me," he laughed lightly and shook his head against the pillow. "It's like if I had a shirt on I'm pretty sure you would've squeezed into it with me." He sunk a little more into her as he relaxed. "How are you comfortable?" he chuckled.
Sophie: “I was trying to get comfortable and not be sitting up.” She said with a shrug. “Depends if you smelled or not if I’d crawl up into the shirt.” She grinned up at him. “I feel like my fiancé is finally saying I’m too clingy.” She murmured. “I’m comfortable but if you want to move a little bit that’s okay.”
Alex: "Not saying you're too clingy, just unsure what you're doing down there," he murmured. "And just worried I'll crush you." She had told him she was fine but that didn't just stop him from worrying.
Sophie: “Here.” She shifted and moved out from under him a bit, “now I’m not crawling into your skin but we’re still cuddling.” She said half her body well, slightly more than half now out from under Alex but laying at the same height as him as she pulled the sheet back over her. “Maybe we should put the tv on.”
Alex: He huffed a little when she slipped out from under him, so he was more so half draped over her. "I don't mind you crawling into my skin," he murmured. Arching a brow, he watched her pull the sheet back over her more. "Put the tv on so you don't have to talk to me?" he teased, thhough he was sure Sophie could tell his voice was actually getting a little raspier the more he talked.
Sophie: “Put the tv on so we can rest and your voice can rest.” She said, “actually. I should probably go make you a tea.” She said slipping more from him and off the bed and pulling a shirt of his over her naked frame to cover herself and moving over to the little area that had drinks. “Which would you prefer?” She asked as she started the electric kettle.
Alex: Alex groaned when she slipped out of bed, too quick for him to hold onto her and sighing at the loss of contact. He watched her put on one of his shirts and smiled as she stood there, starting some hot water for him and it was funny how moments like this made it so obvious how in awe of her he still was after three years and three kids. He could just never get enough of her. "Anything is fine as long as you're quick to come back to bed."
Sophie: “Can’t have just anything, you need something that’ll soothe your throat.” She said as she looked through the tea packets. “Hmm they only have English and Irish breakfast.” She murmured. “Maybe I should page down and ask for something like lavender or wait there’s some honey in here I could make that work.” More talking to herself.
Alex: He watched her quietly as she seemed to look through their options. "Soph," he said after a moment, trying to stop her from running out for more tea options. "Honey is fine. Please just come back to bed?"
Sophie: She poured honey into the teacup and steeped the tea bag for a few minutes before she returned to bed. “Here you go.” She said waiting for him to sit up and take it a bit before she shifted into the spot and curled on her side. “Drink that and rest your voice. Did you put something on tv?”
Alex: Alex really was just fine watching her move about, the thought of the tv long gone from his mind. He shifted when Sophie finally came back and he sat up taking the cup from her with a soft thank you, watching her curl back up beside him now. "No, I was... Just watched you," he admitted, then took a sip of the tea, grimacing a little at how hot it obviously still was.
Sophie: “Watching me? Make tea?” She chuckled, “not very exciting I’m afraid.” She said as she pulled a pillow under her head. “Careful. Just sip on it and then maybe some rest until you have to get up. Your throat will thank you later.” She knew his voice giving out earlier had nearly devastated him and she didn’t want him to go through that again.
Alex: "Mh, yes. Willing you back to bed but apparently I'm lacking the force and it didn't work," he joked with a smile as she looked like she was getting comfortable. "I've rested enough, babe. I don't wanna sleep anymore, I'll be okay." He carefully sipped on his tea some more, this time prepared for how hot it was and letting it soothe down his throat. "No idea what time it is or when I'm actually gonna have to go," he murmured with a shrug. He figured one of the crew or the boys would text him if he didn't show up anywhere on time.
Sophie: “You don’t have to sleep to rest, just laying here can be rest too.” She said , “And please as if the force would be strong enough against me.” She teased. “Well, I can go find your phone if you want?” She said as she looked like she was going to go and get up out of bed again.
Alex: "Oh no you won't," Alex sighed and shifted to put his tea down so he had his hands free and could pull Sophie back without spilling hot liquid on the bed or them. He pulled her closer, almost on top of him again and shook his head. "Why do you keep trying to get out of bed?" he murmured as he helped her shift, trying to situate her so she was in his lap.
Sophie: She was just about to put her feet on the floor when an arm was around Sophie and pulling her back and toward him. “I’m not trying to get out of bed I’m trying to just do things to help.” She said, as he helped shift her till she was sitting in his lap and she shifted almost fidgeting slightly. “You said you didn’t want to rest anymore so I wasn’t sure what you wanted me to do. And you should be resting your voice.”
Alex: He noticed her fidgeting, brought his hand to hers to take them as he looked at her. "Just sit with me, will you? Stay in bed with me." He leaned in to peck her lips softly. "I appreciate you wanting to help but I just wanna be with you." His hands slowly let go of hers so he could drop them to her legs, helping her shifting once more so she was actually straddling him. "I like talking to you but if you think that's too much.. You know you can shut me up."
Sophie: His lips pressed hers after asking her to stay in bed with him and she nodded. She felt his hands move and pull her one leg over to straddle him. Her hips settling down into his. “It’s not too much talking to you, I just don’t want your voice to be worn out.” She murmured. “I don’t want you to think I’m being too clingy.” She said her hands resting on his waist looking at him. “And I don’t know if kissing helps heal your voice or anything.” She pointed out.
Alex: Sophie shifted with him so she was straddling him, settling against him and he moved his arms around her slightly, gripping into the shirt a bit and chuckling. "You're not clingy, Soph." He really didn't think so. Besides.. He felt like he just wanted her close right now too. "Well there's only one way to find that out, right?"
Sophie: She nodded slowly when he said she wasn’t clingy listening to him. When he said there was only one way to find out she knew technically that was true as she shifted her hips dragging forward to settle her all the way forward on her as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips softly into his.
Alex: He hummed when he felt her dragging her hips into his slightly. They were both very mildly clothed and he loved that there was not so many layers between them when she leaned forward and he felt her lips on his, smiling softly as he kissed back. It was soft and slow, lips gliding together gently as Alex let his arms wrap a little more around her, one hand sliding up her back under her shirt to press against her skin and hold her close.
Sophie: Her body settled against his, her chest pressed against his. Arms wrapped haphazardly around his shoulders. Their lips glided together in a soft, slow, but passionate kiss. Feeling his arm slide back around her; his hand pressing her more into him so she shifted more into her knees pressed her body and hips fully into him pressing him back into the headboard.
Alex: He pulled her in more, fully caught up in the slow but passionate kiss, his hand pulling her more against him as she pressed him back against the headboard, leaning back against it with Sophie so close. His free hand moved from her hip to the small of her back, then down over her bum and to her thigh. This was far better than watching her run around the room trying to help him and his voice.
Sophie: He let her press him gently into the headboard to support him and he pulled her forward to keep her as close as possible while their kiss deepened, her mouth parting allowing his warm tongue entrance to her mouth. A soft noise rolling from her throat as his hand traced down over her bare bottom and gripping onto her thigh.
Alex: He smiled into the kiss, pulling her in more if that was even possible and moaned softly at the sound she let out. He wasn't really sure how long they were kissing for, hands gently caressing, feeling, touching parts of skin and beneath clothing, leaving him a little breathless when the kiss eventually broke.
Sophie: Her fingers pressed gently into his bare skin when he moaned. Like she was trying to grip as much onto alex as possible. After awhile of kissing they broke for air them breathing heavily; almost panting. Her head dipped down and peppered kisses from one shoulder down his chest and up to his other shoulder before kissing along to his neck and starting to kiss snd nibble at his skin.
Alex: Alex closed his eyes again when he felt her lips on his skin, trailing down, over, then up again and he continued to let his hand wander, caress over bare skin, grip gently here and there. He moaned softly at the way her kisses felt on him, in his skin.
Sophie: His hands moved against her skin, touching and gripping as her mouth continued to kiss and nip at his skin. She ran her tongue flat against his neck before her lips attached sucking lightly at the skin her nails dragging down his chest as she moaned agaisnt his skin.
Alex: He cursed softly when she moaned against his skin, sure her sucking had left at least a tiny mark that he really didn't care for. "Soph," he croaked out quiestly. "Don't stop.."
Sophie: She hadn’t meant to mark him. Her mouth just focused on the spot and he seemed to be enjoying it. At least that’s what she thought. When he said don’t stop she took it as not to stop what she said doing as her lips moved heavier agaisnt his skin teeth grazing the soft mark and sucking a little harder at his skin, her hand coming up to the back of his head and threading fingers through the back of his hair gripping into the soft locks as she moaned again this time a little breathier but louder.
Alex: Somewhere in the back of his mind Alex was mildly aware that he had shows to attend in not too far away, that they had just played Wembley the night before, he had called out Sophie and she had thrown her jacket at him giving the fans ideas for sure. They would /know/ he got laid, or at least made out with if they saw the mark Sophie was for sure leaving on his neck, but he didn't want her to stop. He shifted slightly beneath her, hips brushing hers and making it obvious the way she eas n top of him, touching him, was definitely turning him on.
Sophie: She knew that he had shows, she knew his fans were hyperviligent at spotting anything different about the boys but especially Alex. She pulled back seeing the soft bruise forming on his skin. It had been awhile since she had marked him as hers. Her mouth returned to his neck when he shifted beneath her, feeling as he moved his started hardening length between her legs which give her straddled on top of her with no underwear on herself was obvious. Though she was sure the small movements he made to adjust himself he could feel the dampening of his boxers from her starting to grow arousal.
Alex: He sighed softly when she pulled back and blinked his eyes open to see her looking at him, at his neck. "Soph.. I think you're either gonna have to get off of me or help me get these boxers off.." He swallowed hard, hoping intently she wasn't going to just stop and get off of him. "I want to make love to you." Of course he could've said that differently, but he meant it just like that.
Sophie: She knew him saying that and feeling him hard that he didn’t really want her to get off and stop. Though she knew she could sometimes read things wrong when she was in a more emotional mindset which had proven to be in the last twenty four hours. When he said he wanted to make love to her she knew he didn’t say that often, not because he didn’t but it just wasn’t something they always said to each other. Her hands traveled down to his boxers and she shifted herself up and back a tiny bit just to help him start to push them off letting his legs do the rest of the work as she crawled back up and settled her wet core against his hard length, her mouth capturing his as she moaned into his mouth nodding her head wanting the same thing.
Alex: He let go of her to let her shift, offer more room to take his boxers off, or at least help in doing so before he slid them down his legs further and then kicked them off. Sophie crawled back and settled back against him, causing him to groan softly before their lips met in another kiss. Alex let his hands wander up her legs, her thighs and then between them to adjust, so when she settled more against him, she could slide onto his length.
Sophie: She settled against him while they kissed as she felt his hands move up her legs, easily shifting her to adjust then so that when she moved just a little more she’d shift herself enough to slide onto his length. She pressed her lips to his, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she shifted herself a little bit enough to pull herself up and very slowly lower herself onto Alex, him sliding into her as her lips pulled away from his and a soft, breathy, most needy moan left her lips.
Alex: They shifted a little, giving them the chance to move so Sophie could slide onto his length and Alex moaned, feeling himself being buried inside of her. His hands settled back on her hips, gripping lightly and just taking a moment to enjoy the feeling, his head falling forward so he could kiss her neck a few times. "Move, baby," Alex murmured after a moment, encouraging her to shift her hips slowly.
Sophie: She felt her body take every inch of him bit by bit as he was buried inside of her. A soft tight noise slipping past her lips again. When his head fell forward to kiss he neck she grasped the back of his neck, fingers sliding up into his hair and tangling there. His voice encouraged her to move so she shifted her hips slowly, dragging them slowly to rock together with him buried inside of her.
Alex: It was slow when Sophie started moving, more focused on being this connected than trying to reach a high and Alex let his hands wander again once they were slowly rocking their hips together. "Mmh, yes," he let out quietly, hands exploring, grasping skin here and there, then sliding up her back again under her shirt.
Sophie: She wanted it to be slow at first. If Alex wanted to increase anything he would. But he had said he wanted to make love to her so she didn’t want to be too in control though she was on top. Feeling his hands slide under his shirt she was wearing she whimpered. “Undress me.” She breathed into his ear husking softly.
Alex: Alex smiled at her words, feeling her breath against his ear as he moved his hands to bring them to the hem of her shirt. He started to pull it up, letting her lift her arms so he could pull the fabric fully off, humming softly as they all so slowly moved together. "Much better," he murmured.
Sophie: She shifted enough when moved to the hem of the shirt and tugged it up and off of her leaving her fully bare now, wanting to be as bare as he was with him. She shifted her hips again slowly rocking them down into his hips as her hand came to grip his hair again, hissing softly as she rested her forehead against his.
Alex: Alex closed his eyes briefly as her forehead came to rest against his, hands finding her waist, then wandering more over her skin again. "I love you," he murmured after a moment, eyes locking on hers and then slowly leaning in for a kiss
Sophie: Her forehead rested against his as she shifted and rocked her hips gently against him. The sound of the worse bringing goosebumps to her skin that she was sure he could feel. "I love you too." she whispered, it feeling almost sacred that it needed to be whispered between them. Their eyes locked in the moment before he captured her lips and she felt her breath taken away in the kiss.
Alex: All their movements seemed slow, like they wanted to just soak then up, enjoy, drag out in a way. So was the kiss when Alex brought his hand up her back to pull her in more, their bodies pressing together slightly as they shifted. After a long moment, Alex broke the kiss and licked his lips. "Let me shift us," he suggested, hand brushing onto her back gently.
Sophie: They didn't often go at this pace. Often times they couldn't wait to get to that high together, wanting to feel and see each movement as quick as possible to be as close to each other as fast as possible. They got wrapped up in each other, and this was no different. When he broke the kiss she was almost panting, out of breath, and she nodded, her body pressing into his and stopping their movements as his hand brushed her back, "Okay." she breathed out.
Alex: Since they were going so slow, it wasn't as frustrating when she stopped moving to press more into his. Alex brought his arm tightly around her, starting to shift, pulling his legs up a bit so he could lift Sophie too, bringing her down against the bed and shifting himself on top of her.
Sophie: She felt his arms wrap tight around her to keep her against him and shifted, lifting her and him before rolling them a bit to bring her back to the bed and shifting down onto top of her, him pushing more inside of her when he did and she moaned out his name feeling the ripple of his bodies muscles in his back at her hand ran over it.
Alex: It took a bit of shifting and taking their time because Alex didn't want to lose contact but then he laid her down and got on top of her, sinking a little more into her as he settled between her legs, Sophie's hands on his back. "Mmh you feel so good, baby." He started to roll his hips into hers slightly and slowly, continuing their slow pace from just before.
Sophie: Her fingers trailed his back, feeling the way his muscles moved and shifted at his moved with her. There was something incredibly sexy to feel that. "Fuck." she whined out her head tipping back and pressing into the bed helping her arch her chest up and into him. "Yes, Alex." her words gasped as if trying to catch her breath as he pressed his hips into a steady rhythm against her.
Alex: He could feel her fingers dancing on his back, as if taking something in, but he wasn't sure what exactly. He let his head fall forward against her chest as he started a slow rhythm of rolling his hips into Sophie's. She was arching her back, and he loved feeling more od her against him. "So good, baby," he murmured, groaning softly.
Sophie: When his head fell agaisnt her chest she gripped his hair pressing his face more against the middle of her breasts. His hips rolled and she move hitching her leg over his hip pulling them closer and him deeper inside of her as she gasped. “Fucking babe. Yes.” She panted. “God don’t stop.” Her hips rolling up to meet his her body sliding against his with ease.
Alex: He peppered a few kisses against her skin when she pressed him more into it, lips grazing between her breasts. She easily found a way to slide against him and with him without really picking up the pace. "So good, babyby
Sophie: “God Alex.” She gasped as she felt his lips brushing between her breasts. “Yes. So fucking good, right there.” She wasn’t close but it felt so good when he moved at a certain angle as she pulled her leg up a little higher to his waist.
Alex: He smiled, placing a few kisses there before nuzzling more into the spot and focusing on their movements again. It was so slow but somehow everything they did wanted and needed to be this close together.
Sophie: Her nails dragged down his back. Not hard but enough to feel the nails bite into his skin, to feel her as he continued to settle into a movement that just felt right. It was slow but powerful as her body arched into his pushing them as close to as humanly possible.
Alex: He could feel her nails against his skin, dragging down his back lightly and he moaned softly against her skin, then started trailing kisses up to her neck, then all the way to her lips, capturing them in a kiss. He rolled his hips slowly, settling for a slow pace that still left him able to bury himself deep inside of her, her body arching to make that connection easier.
Sophie: His mouth trailed up her chest, over her neck before finding her mouth again. An automatic moan left her lips when his lips met hers as his hips rolled so easily into her own. A throat noise following almost gurgled and swallowed by his mouth into the kiss.
Alex: There were soft noises swallowed by the kiss, lips moving together as did their bodies. Alex left his hand caress up her side mindlessly, happy to just be feeling her skin. This was so different from other times they had sex, because he could feel that familiar pull starting to grow in hid stomach, but they weren't eager to get each other to reach that, but rather focused on each other and being connected.
Sophie: There was something about feeling Alex's hands all over her. The way they traveled up and down her skin. While he always touched her she was sure that it had to do with the face that it was more about the moment right now. She moaned his name but it was muffled by their kisses her nails digging in a little harder, her heel digging into his leg as she pressed her hips up grinding a little more into him.
Alex: Alex groaned softly when Sophie was grinding her hips a little more into his, he felt her heel against his leg and picked up a very slightly faster pace to get a little more friction. When he broke their kiss to catch from aur, his forehead pressed against hers. "Soph.." he let out, a smile curled onto his lips.
Sophie: His hips settled into a slightly faster pace as she ground her hips into his grinding when he pressed up into her each time. Adding to the feeling of the moment. Their foreheads rested against each other, both panting for air as she let her nails release from his skin and come and cup his face, "I'm so crazily in love with you." she breathed.
Alex: It was easy to settled without it feeling like they needed to add more to it. They just wanted to be together, be connected, feel each other. When Sophie's hand cupped his face, he smiled. "Yes," hr murmured softly in agreement, face leaning into her hand a little bit. "I love you too. So much"
Sophie: Her thumb brushed over his lips, her bright blue eyes holding his gaze as he said he loved her too, and she sucked in a soft breath. She could say it felt emotional, it wasn't like she didn't know it, she knew Alex loved her, he showed her and told her all the time just like she told him but in an intimate moment it was just intense. "So much." she breathed.
Alex: He lips twitched against her thumb as he smiled again, hearing her repeat his words and he nodded slowly. He knew they had so much love for each other and sometimes that still scared him a little bit, but mostly he was just happy and in awe knowing someone cared and loved so deeply about him. He parted his lips a little so her thumb accidentally slipped between his lips and he wrapped them around it with a little grin
Sophie: She knew Alex sometimes got freaked out by the whole love thing but not in a way she needed to worry about anymore. At least not like she used to, plus now they had three kids together. She knew he was in this, she knew how he felt about her. When he parted his lips and slipped her thumb between her lips she giggled, before softly moaning out is name as if to egg him on as she ground her hips a little harder into his.
Alex: Their movements changed a bit, not really going faster but rather hips meeting a little harder and it easily egged Alex on so he could feel the pleasure building up. He playfully sucked on her thumb before letting her take it out and captured her lips in a pecked kiss instead, moaning out her name softly.
Sophie: The slightly harder feeling of their movements caused her head to fall back, her mouth parting in pleasure as he easily continued the moment almost too willing as he sucked on her thumb for a few moments before releasing it. As he moaned out her name she gasped, her nails now digging back into his skin feeling the familiar beginning signs of bubbling warmth low in her belly.
Alex: Alex let his hands wander down Sophie's side, gripping here and there before he found her leg and held her thigh momentarily, as if trying to just get her to be closer to him as their movements where a little harder now, a little more egging them both on to find a release. "So close, baby," Alex husked out after a moment, burying his face in her neck again.
Sophie: His hand slipped down her slide till he found her thigh pressing it back slightly to settle into her as close as possible. It made her louder as she moaned our his name. He told her he was close and she nodded her head feeling that same feeling of being close. “Me too.” She breathed her throat catching into another moan as her body arched. “Right there.” Her voice tight. “Yes. Yes.” Giving warning she was about to find her release.
Alex: The funny thing was as slow as they were still moving, Alex could barely concentrate on pressing kisses to Sophie's neck. "Yes," he breathed out, a few moe movements of them and he couldn't hold back anymore. He paused when he did, buried deep inside of her as he filled her up, cursing softly under his breath. "Soph.." he moaned out her name.
Sophie: She felt his movements change a tiny bit, not much, but enough to know there was a change as she too felt the build up and the release of her orgasm wrapping tight around him as he pressed up hard into her filling her with his own release matching his moan with his own name. A soft “Alex” fluttering from her lips as she came down from the high.
Alex: He nuzzled his face in her neck, cursing softly as he felt her walls tightening around him, riding out his own orgasm as he felt her reaching hers too. It took a moment but then he settled for a very slow pace of moving his hips to guide then both through their highs and he lifted his head to look at Sophie with hooded eyes, leaning in for a kiss.
Sophie: His hips moved at a slow pace to move them through the highs of their orgasms. The pleasure still coursing through Sophie as she kneaded her hands into his skin. “Fuck.” She groaned out. “I love you so god damn much.” She said out of breath.
Alex: Their kiss didn't last very long and Alex let his forehead rest against her shoulder as he moved his hips slowly to guide them through. "I love you too baby.. Fuck, you're so good." He slowly started to stop moving, letting him rest agajnst her with his length still fully buried inside of her, and his head lifting to look at her.
Sophie: “Mm just remember that I’m so good.” She teased with a soft giggled as she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing and catching it slowly. He rested inside of her now and she felt him pull his head away and she blinked open her eyes to see him watching her. “Mm you’re staring it’s creepy.” She giggled taking her arm and draping it over her face as if hiding it.
Alex: "Oh I always remember," he chuckled softly, nuzzling into her a little bit before lifting his head to look at her, take her in. Alex laughed softly when she covered her face. "Creepy? Why can't I just look at you?"
Sophie: “You better.” She said with a soft chuckle. “You’re not looking you’re staring that’s a very big difference obviously.” She quipped as she kept her arm over her face as she took in a deep breath the feel of her body settling even more underneath his body.
Alex: "Psh, I'm not staring," Alex argued, shifting a little bit to bring his face closer to hers and nudging his nose against her arm. "I'd close my eyes abd kiss you instead but you're on the way," he chuckled lightly, humming as he rested comfortably against her, trying not to crush her beneath him
Sophie: “Creepy.” She teased a smirk tugging to her lips really just wanting to play with him. Feeling his nose nudge her arm. She shifted her arm a little higher to just cover her eyes and puckered her lips dramatically as if to prove a point.
Alex: When Sophie only lifted her arm enough to reveal her lips and puckered them out, Alex laughed, but he did lean in for a kiss. "If you rather I don't look at you anymore you can just tell me, yknow," he told her with a smirk and then just leaned in for another kiss.
Sophie: She felt his lips press hers quickly. “I don’t mind if you look at me just don’t stare at me like a creeper.” She teased as if there was much of a difference. “Don’t be Edward from Twilight watching Bella sleep.” She grinned not even sure if he’d get the reference fully. Though he had dated women so chances were he painfully did as his lips met hers
Alex: "How? How is there a difference when I’m looking at you like this?” He laughed and then scrunched up his nose at the twilight reference. “He was literally just in the room with her watching her, wasn’t he? Like at least I’m right here.. just looking at you while we’re.. well laying like this.” He huffed out a little before leaning in for a kiss, happily letting his lips glide against hers.
Sophie: When he huffed out she peeked our seeing his face scrunched up and giggled loudly almost too happy. Pulling her arm back she cupped his facile as his lips glided agaisnt his and hummed against his mouth for a brief few moments. When she broke the kiss she grinned. “We need a twilight movie marathon.”
Alex: “We’re so not having a Twilight marathon. Those movies are not good. I ever only had to sit through the first and I never even watched the others because they looked terrible,” he muttered, shifting the smallest bit to lay more comfortably on top of her. “Plus, didn’t we just agree that vampire guy is creepy as fuck?” He chuckled softly and lifted his head enough to look at Sophie now, brows raised a little.
Sophie: “We are so having a twilight movie marathon.” She nodded “which now that you’ve told me you’re absolutely sitting through the others because you just have to. Nope, it’s happening. I am already making plans for it in my head.” She said. “Plus i mean they have amazing sex like we do so you know we can at least say we have something in common. So deal with it.”
Alex: “Why, why would you make me watch those movies?” He groaned softly, though he knew he’d sit through them with her if she really wanted to watch them. And possibly just try to distract her from it.. “He’s a sparkling vampire, why would I want to have anything in common with him, mh?” He asked, arching his brow a little more. He could agree that they did have amazing sex though.
Sophie: “Because we should watch different things sometimes, even silly movies.” She pointed out. “Come on Cedric died and became a sparkly vampire.” She grinned. Seeing him arch a brow. “See having amazing sex in common isn’t the worst thing is it?” She pointed out. Shaking her head with a soft giggle.
Alex: “Yeah, not gonna agree that that’s how I’d want my heroic way to go,” Alex huffed and shook his head. “Died a hero, returned as a sparkling creep, not the best transformation, don’t you think?” He chuckled softly, bringing his hand up to let his fingers brush through strands of her hair, tangling in it lightly. He sighed contently and closed his eyes for a moment, just enjoying this quiet moment between them. “Plan is to get the kids later and return to the house, yeah?” he asked after a while. “Or do you wanna just pick them up and head right off to the states? So it’s just us on the farm for a couple days. You, me and the kids.. and all the animals obviously?”
Sophie: “Never said it was the best way to go but it could be an option.” She grinned chuckling softly. She knew he would hate it every step of the way but she still wasn’t going to resist it. “Mmm now that you mention it… do you think we could get a flight last minute? I would love to take the kids and head home and just have peace and quiet in our home with our kids and farm.” She loved London. She loved the London house she really did she was happy here but she wanted to spend those moments there too. Where she saw Alex so happy. Plus she knew in the distance future changes would have to be made. And she figured enjoy all they could everywhere they could.
Alex: He thought about it for a moment and then shrugged. “I think we could. Hold on,” he murmured and started to shift, letting out an unhappy sound when he slipped out of her so he was able to move and look around for his phone. A sigh left his lips when he caught a glimpse of it but then he did get up to grab it before crawling back into bed, covering then both up with the blankets while sitting back against the headboard. He saw a text from one of the boys reminding him they had to head out in a bit and he assumed none of them dared to disturb them just to let him know he needed to remember to head out with them. Letting that message sit for the moment, he started to look up flights and found one they could change onto that would be an overnight trip. “Mind if we fly all night? Might help with the kids since they should be sleeping..”
Sophie: She groaned when he moved a little faster than she expected and pulled out of her and she reach over covering herself with a sheet. When he found his phone he covered them up now with blankets and she snuggled up to him. “I don’t mind, no. And it would help if we time it right they’ll wake up as the day hits for them. Or we might need to keep them up a little bit during the flight to then have them wake up in the morning but it would adjust them a lot smoother.”
Alex: He regretted how quick he moved, but he was already on his way and figured he’d just grab his phone like he had intended to. Settling back into bed, he felt Sophie curling up to him and smiled. His focus was on his phone for a moment, looking through until he found the overnight flight and when Sophie agreed it could make things a little easier for them, he nodded. “Yeah, alright. Let me book this one then,” he murmured, working away on his phone to get that settled. When he was done, he put his phone down on the bed beside him and turned his head towards Sophie a little. “I gotta get ready in a bit. I should probably shower,” he chuckled softly.
Sophie: “Mm you should probably get going. Would you hate me horribly if I either met you there later?” She was a mess herself and wanted to get cleaned up and didn’t want him to run late. “I don’t feel like running into everyone right this second yet either.” She admitted. Which she knew he would never even force her to go if she didn’t feel up to it but it wasn’t that she wanted to go.
Alex: “I couldn’t hate you,” he murmured softly, a smile forming on his lips as he leaned over to peck her lips. “Take your time. If you rather rest a bit more and not come, or just come to the later one of the two.. that’s alright, you know that yeah?” He said as he crawled out of bed. “Whatever you’re feeling up to, babe.” He padded off into the bathroom where he started the water in the shower and used the toilet before heading into the hot stream that helped ease his muscles. He washed off and wrapped a towel around his waist when he was done, stepping out of the bathroom to find dry clothes to put on. He didn’t take long to get ready, drying his hair quickly and opting for a beanie to contain the mess of it. Alex leaned over the bed to peck Sophie’s lips and say goodbye and ‘see you soon’ before he left the hotel room to meat up with the boys.
Sophie: “Thanks baby.” She murmured. She knew she would show up but she appreciated that he didn’t make a big deal out of it. That she could come and go as she needed. A little while later after he pecked her lips to leave she laid in bed dozing off before she finally roused herself getting into the shower and taking a long hot break under the water. Almost scalding her skin to just ease the muscles. She decided to go for a more laid back look, a simple pair of jeans and tee shirt sans bra as she put on her boots and grabbed her things. By the time she was done she was only gonna to make the second set. getting there she made it to where the other girlfriends were, “where were you I was worried.” Annie said showing actual worry. “I was just tired. Alex said to come down when I was ready.” She said. “You didn’t want to see them perform?” Savannah asked. “No I did but I’ve seen a lot of their shows like this and pretty much all the tour dates if we didn’t have the babies.” She shrugged. “So I took a little me time.” Which she didn’t mind. “How’s it going?” She asked getting a glass of wine. “Great though not surprising” Annie said as Sophie leaned into the woman.
Alex: When Alex got there, he already realized it wasn’t super cold that day and maybe the combination of clothes, t-shirt, hoodie /and/ jean jacket topped off with the beanie was gonna be painfully warm. But he didn’t want to go back and disturb Sophie just to get changed, so he decided to just head on with the boys. Everyone seemed in a great mood and Alex chuckled when one of them mentioned the obvious hickey he had on his neck. “Got a little distracted,” he murmured with a shrug. They played the first acoustic set and about halfway through Alex had to pause and disappear to the side to get at least the hoodie off, leaving him in his shirt. He put the jean jacket on while getting back on the small stage, but didn’t bother to put it on more than one arm and letting it hang there as he got back into singing. They were just hanging between the first and second show when Sophie showed up. Alex spotted her as he went to grab a drink and smiled, walking over to greet her. “Hi. Feeling better?” he asked, pecking her lips before standing across from her since she was leaning against Annie a bit.
Sophie: She swayed to the music for awhile leaning against Annie who danced with it. There was no denying the two were super close but that was to be expected when the woman took care of their kids as a nanny professionally. In fact she wasn’t just a nanny she was family to them. When he came over and pecked her lips she chuckled. “Hi baby.” She murmured against hips lips before he pulled back. “Yeah I’ll admit I dozed off after you left which is why I took longer than I meant to and missed your first round.” Not that Alex would mind at all.
Alex: Alex chuckled softly when she explained. “Glad you could get some more rest.” He sipped on his tea, that he figured would ease his throat a little bit. He’d been so much better with his voice but he didn’t want to take any risks. “Alex!” Rian called, causing him to turn his head and he realized he had to head back since they were getting ready for that second set of acoustic songs so he was off again quickly to not keep everyone waiting. The gig went well and thankfully it wasn’t super late when they were done. The boys planned on possibly just grabbing a bite to eat before having to eventually pack, but Alex shook his head and held his hand out, reaching for Sophie’s. “Nah, we’re off. Gotta get the kids from Sophie’s parents,” he said, then glanced at Sophie. “Or are you starving and wanna stay?”
Sophie: She knew he was taking it easy, being careful with his voice but she'd be lying if she didn't say she worried with that. Him wearing himself down too fast. When they were done they hung around for a bit before Alex held his hand out for her and shook his head. Years ago, Alex wouldn't have been able to handle missing out on time with his friend but now he didn't mind sharing those times. "Alex hasn't seen the babies in days, Willa is probably losing it." she said when they look a little surprised. "I was thinking we'd pick something up." she murmured, "At the airport." Only for him to hear, "With the kids."
Alex: Truth was the last couple of days, Alex had come a long way when it came to setting his priorities and the fear of missing out if he left anywhere early. He knew it still surprised some of the people who’d known him for years, but maybe they figured it had to do with being a dad, rather than him actually working through some of these issues in therapy. Either way, Sophie explained why they were headed off and it was true, he hadn’t seen their little ones in days and he missed them. So he’d happily miss out on dinner with his friends to see them again. A smile tugged on his lips at Sophie’s words and he nodded. “Yeah, that works for me,” he murmured. They said their goodbyes and then were off to get the kids. It was hard to say goodbye to Sophie’s parents, but eventually they were all settled in a car and on the way to the airport. There, Alex had to carry Willa, she refused to let go of him.
Sophie: Sophie gave everyone hugs, including Savannah, though she was pretty sure the woman didn't like it, but hey at least Sophie could say she tried. Since she was 99% sure Rian was going to marry the girl she wasn't going to cause issues. For her she was just happy that Alex and her were at such a good point that they had balance. Spending time with friends, spending time with the kids, and making sure everyone got what they needed. Sophie, of course, had a harder time saying goodbye to her parents, she always did. London was her home, and she was sure Alex understood that in a way though Baltimore was her home too. When they got to the airport she took Avery and Noah walked as Willa clung to Alex giving him no chance to disappear. "Yeah she's gonna be loads of fun to get through security." she said. Thankfully they weren't traveling with much luggage other than what they needed for the kids they had so much at home and they could buy things at the airport as needed till they left.
Alex: The airport wasn’t too busy when they finally got there, since it was late. Noah was happily walking with them, curious to see where they were going and what was around them, other than Willa who was clinging to Alex like she hadn’t seen him in months when it had only been a couple days. “Let’s just get there and see how it goes,” Alex murmured as they dropped off the few bags they did have that needed to be dropped beforehand and then headed through security checks. Willa of course made a bit of a scene when she had to go down so they could walk through the body scans, but she calmed down the second Alex picked her up again and she pressed her face in his chest, whimpering softly, causing him to sigh. “It’s okay, princess. I promise I’m not leaving you again soon,” he murmured softly, shifting her onto one side so he could help Sophie with the other little ones and the bags they still had to bring along.
Sophie: She was thankful that traveling so late gave them a bit more privacy. Everyone there was tired, looking to get where they were going that no one cared Alex and Sophie were there. When they got to security Sophie wasn't wrong. Willa had a bit of a melt down over having to get taken off of Alex to go through the body scans, and at once point she swore an all out tantrum was about to happen when one of the people took her from Alex trying to help move things along. When Alex was quickly ushered through afterwards she saw Willa almost immediately in his arms as the woman then helped her with Noah and Avery through and then she stepped through taking Avery who was staring at her sister all confused. "You know I'm starting to get worried about how attached she is to both of us but especially you... maybe we really should consider some play dates." she said as she gathered the diaper bag and her own personal bag as Alex helped her scurry Noah along who was chewing on his hand. "Noah are you hungry?" she cooed, leaning over to brush her hand over Willa's back. "It's okay baby, we're not going anywhere, you don't need to get so upset." she murmured. "Maybe if we get her some food."
Alex: “Food is probably a good idea. Should help keep them awake a little longer too.” They settled for a spot with chairs and Alex made sure Sophie was set before trying to get Willa to sit, but she eventually just let him put her down but her hand gripped onto his and so he offered to take her to get them all something they could snack on. There’s be food on the plane ride too, but there needed to be something for the kids now. Willa was walking with him, starting to look around a bit more now that she felt secure they weren’t going to leave her and she even helped pick out what to get for all of them. They returned with a tray of food and Alex sat down, letting Willa settled on the chair beside him. “When we’re home, we can see about playdates. I don’t know if she’s missing hanging with other kids or if the tour has just been a little hard on them,” he murmured.
Sophie: "I figure it'll at least get us through takeoff. I know that once Avery nurses she's going to fall asleep so I'm going to hold off till we're up in the air and they dim the lights." Which she was sure that Alex would appreciate that anyway given he didn't want her exposed anyway but he would never expect her to put a cover up over their child's head while they were eating. "I think it's was just she missed you babe, not that touring was hard. She's adjusting and knows more time with daddy and mummy and less time with daddy and mummy." She was more aware than Noah and Avery, she could understand concepts. "So don't think that it's the touring it's just understanding that daddy sometimes goes bye bye, is hard for littles."
Alex: He knew Sophie was right. It was still kind of heartbreaking to see how hard it was on them. So he let Willa help pick out food and bring it back and while Sophie made sure Avery was still good, he helped get Noah and Willa eating. They thankfully didn’t have to spent hours at the airport before they could board their plane and the first class that Alex did get to give them more room helped to get the kids settled once they had boarded. He knew now that they had food they’d be out the second the lights would be dimmed and hopefully Avery would nurse and then sleep as well, making this a lot easier to adjust back to the different time zone. Once they were settled, Alex ended up trying to put Noah and Willa down to sleep but they both ended up curling into him when he laid down with him and that seemed the only way they could fall asleep so he just settled and fixed a pillow under his head.
Sophie: Once they ate some food they were soon meant to be boarding and were loading into first class. Alex smart enough to take the entire two rows for them so they'd have space for their stuff, the kids, and them. That way Alex could be on one side and Sophie on the other while they got the kids settled. The plan was to let the kids get settled on the one side but she figured that would take time and would need to let them fall asleep before he could slip away from them and come across the isle. Take off happened, lights dimmed, and she shifted to adjust her top and let Avery nurse who was so hungry by that point and just laid her own head up against the side of the plane while Alex curled up with the two little ones on his side knowing they were balancing as well as they could.
Alex: It took longer than Alex had expected for both Noah and Willa to fall asleep, and with the way the day had gone and how much of a hassle security and getting here had been, Alex closed his eyes and dozed off a little bit. When he stirred, both kids were fast asleep and he carefully got up, making sure they were tucked in securely before he crossed the isle to get to Sophie, “How’s she doing?” he asked, stifling a yawn and reaching out to caress Avery’s cheek. “Must’ve been hungry, wasn’t she?” his voice soft, so he wouldn’t disturb anyone.
Sophie: She continued to nurse her while Alex got the kids to sleep and he dozed off too for a tiny bit. She even switched sides with her because she had been so hungry as Alex finally stirred and came over, stroking her little chubby cheek that was more so suckling out of soothing and less hunger now. "She was starving." she said. "She's falling asleep now, can you grab a little rag I'm gonna drip when I take her off of me and don't want to make a mess." she said softly gesturing to the bag tucked in the seat in front of them. "So tired." she admitted. "She is going into her carseat and I'm using you as a pillow."
Alex: “Yeah,” he said with a nod and reached over, plucking out the rag that Sophie needed and gently taking Willa so Sophie could clean herself up. He held the little girl for a moment, looking down at her briefly and it hit him just how big she was getting, causing him to sigh softly as he settled the sleeping baby into her car seat. He tucked her in and then moved to sit with Sophie and shifted to lay down. “Pillow’s ready to be rested on,” he chuckled softly as he glanced at Sophie to see if she was ready to lay with him. They both needed sleep too. With the time difference, the kids would be up in the early morning hours once they landed, so it was gonna be a long day and they needed all the rest they could get.
Sophie: Sophie took the rag an switched the baby over to Alex seamlessly without waking her as she cleaned herself up and covered herself. When she heard him sigh she glanced up and saw him looking at Avery with this look on his face. "What was that sigh for?" she asked, "She's sleeping like a little angel." she murmured as he moved around and shifted to lay down and she shifted herself to lay down with him getting comfortable and tilted her head. "Don't tell me you're regretting three kids now because it's too late to put her back." she grinned, because she knew he would never so she didn't mind teasing. As she nestled her head against him she got herself comfortable and pulled a little complimentary thin blanket over them and hoped they'd sleep the whole flight.
Alex: "Mh?" He glanced up at Sophie's question and shook his head quickly. He settled Avery in her seat and tucked her in before moving to lay with Sophie, shifting a little until he was comfortable enough. “No, I don’t. I just.. can you believe how much she’s grown? I mean.. she’s crawling. She’s supposed to be just a little baby but she's crawling..” he sighed softly as he let Sophie settle against him, covering them with a thin blanket. “Let’s get some rest,” he murmured. “We’re gonna need all the sleep we can get.”
Sophie: "Alexander Gaskarth what is this I'm here, you miss the little baby stage?" she playfully gasped, "I mean... yeah, that happens. They grow up, she's gonna be a year old in July, Willa will be three, Noah will be two. They're not little babies anymore." Which was always hard to see if she was honest. "Mhm, sleep sounds good." she nodded. "Love you." she said before snuggling up and trying to doze off to sleep.
Alex: "Oh don’t say that," he sighed softly and pouted his lips out. It was crazy to think how much they were all growing and sometimes it left both of them a little emotional. It felt like it had just been yesterday that Avery was born, to see her growing so quickly made you feel like time was running way too fast. Alex let out another side and closed his eyes as they settled in together. “Love you too. Now get some sleep, babe. Good night,” he murmured, his arm wrapping around her slightly and squeezing her gently. It actually didn’t take long until he dozed off.
Sophie: She knew it was hard to hear, their babies were growing up. Sure, they were still babies, they needed them. They just weren't newborns anymore. They were all moving around in some form. Time went quick especially with both of their jobs. "Goodnight babe." she murmured before she did eventually doze off. She slept for most of the flight before she roused to soft little sobs and sat up seeing Noah crying, his little arms outstretched but being stuck in the seat. "Aw baby hold on." She got up so quick she was actually dizzy stumbling to get to him to unhook him and pick him up and almost stumbling back onto Alex who was asleep.
Alex: Alex was fast asleep when Sophie woke, but he stirred when she stumbled over him and then moments later back onto him, groaning softly as he turned a little more onto his side, barely blinking his eyes open. “What are you doing?” he murmured, feeling her shift beside him again and then waking a little more when he heard Noah’s soft little sobs. He lifted his head a bit and reached out to rub the little boys back. “Shh, it’s okay, we’re right here. Mommy’s got you,” he mumbled in an attempt to help soothe him.
Sophie: "Sorry I was dizzy I got up too fast." After all not having anything to eat since they had before the plane and standing up immediately had caused a little off balance. She managed to get back into her spot and nestle Noah between Alex and herself. "I think he got scared when he woke up and couldn't get up himself because of the belt." she murmured. "Willa and Avery are still asleep." she said laying back down. "Come on, come lay down with mummy and daddy." The little boy having little hiccupped sobs as he calmed down and he curled up between them. "yeah that was a little scary huh it's okay we've got you."
Alex: Alex blinked his eyes open a little bit to watch Sophie settle back beside him, tucking Noah between them who seemed to calm down slowly now that he was with them and could curl up. “Oh, yeah that’s scary,” he murmured, reaching for his little hand to hold as he curled up and closing his own eyes again once they were all settled again. “It’s okay, we got you. Now we can get a little more sleep,” he murmured quietly, brushing his thumb over the little boys fingers that had wrapped around his hand.
Sophie: "Very scary." she rubbed his little back as he curled up and sucked on his thumb. Lifting his head she noticed Willa was sprawled out more in the spot. "apparently willa is happy to have more room.' she chuckled as she curled up with them as Noah started to doze off safely between them. "You're just so great at being a dad." she murmured before closing her own eyes and dozing back off herself with her boys.
Alex: It was easy to settle back down, they were all still tired after all and while it took a moment, Noah calmed down and started to doze back off between them. Sophie’s words caused him to blink a little bit though, looking over at her, then at their son between them and he furrowed his brows slightly. “I’m just trying to do the best for them,” he murmured quietly. Though he actually did think Sophie was just so natural with them, if anyone was really great at being a parent it was probably her. The rest of the flight thankfully they got to sleep, or most of it anyway. Willa stirred just before they were going to land and Alex slipped from the made up bed to get to her, offering her something to drink and unbuckling her belt for a moment. Knowing they were going to land soon, they had to all buckle up, so he made sure to sit her up in a seat and show her how to buckle her belt, which seemed to be a fun game for her. “Soph,” he said once him and Willa were both buckled up. “Babe you need to wake up, we’re almost there.”
Sophie: "You do do what's best for them, every single day." she murmured, never wanting him to think that he didn't. Alex was an amazing father, from the moment the bouncing baby girl that was Willa came rushing into the world. She'd never let him think anything less than he was the best father they could have. They slept the rest of the flight before Alex was rousing her and she sat up a little disoriented, brushing her red hair from her face as she got Noah quickly buckled in and he fussed being woken up when he had been sleeping and making sure Avery was buckled in then herself. "I'm gonna need a nap when we get home." she already admitted out loud to Alex but the kids were doing really well as the plane touched down landing them back in the United States. They gathered their belongings and check through where they needed to with their passports and were off loading into a vehicle that was driving them to their house in less than an hour since landing. Once they pulled into the driveway she had to admit she felt relieved with three kids awake. They got up to the house with Alex's help and ushered inside, "Say hi house." she murmured. "Hi house!" Willa cheered all excited as Noah babbled "Hi, hi, hi." Again and again and they got inside.
Alex: Sleeping on planes was just never as good as sleeping in an actual bed at home, so Alex still felt a little exhausted when they stirred and woke, getting ready for landing. Even though Noah fussed a little upon being woken up, they were wide awake by the time they got through security checks and all that hassle. The drive took about an hour or so, but Alex was just glad he didn’t have to be driving and it was nice to get back to the farm when they finally arrived. He carried Avery’s seat in as Sophie got Noah and Willa to say hi to the house and he chuckled softly. It took a couple minutes to be stripped off their jackets and shoes and Noah and Willa were in the living room playing, Avery settled in her play pen just crawling around trying to see what her siblings were up to. “How are they so wide awake?” He murmured, watching them briefly before heading for the kitchen. “Do you wanna nap, babe or have some coffee with me?”
Sophie: She had to admit, traveling just the two of them with three kids was much harder than traveling three kids with all the boys, them, and Annie. Who bunch of different. Where they had a million more hands but she knew they could do it and they did even if they were exhausted. By the time they got them out of jackets and shoes and got them playing nicely with each other in the living room and Avery was crawling around in the passed down play pen from her siblings Sophie flopped on the couch. "I don't know I need a quarter of the energy they have." Though she knew they'd burn it out fast and in another hour or two they'd be exhausted and need to sleep. Especially from traveling. "I'll have some coffee. I figure they'll need to nap in the next hour or two I can nap then." she said.
Alex: He moved through the kitchen, figuring they’d need to stock up for the time they were here but he found all that he needed to make them each a cup of coffee and bring that back into the living room, smiling when he saw Sophie laying on the couch. He placed her coffee down by her side and then moved over to sit down himself. “I just wanna shower, then yeah a nap when they’re napping sounds about right,” he chuckled softly, sitting down on one of the living room chairs and leaning back comfortably, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. “We did it, you know? They were fussing just a little bit, I think the traveling wasn’t entirely bad,” he said after a long sip of coffee.
Sophie: When he came back over with a cup of coffee for both of them while the kids played she took a sip and enjoyed the warmth. It was still on the cold side in Baltimore. "Shower than nap, I think we can make that happen once these little knuckleheads decide they want to go down for a nap." She knew they were too excited right now to sleep but it wouldn't take too long either. "I know we did it, we traveled the two of us with three kids." which was pretty awesome. "So what are you saying, ready to go for kid number four?" she grinned over at him because no way was she actually ready but it was always fun to tease him.
Alex: He laughed and shook his head. “Hell no. These three exhaust me, can you imagine how terribly outnumbered by tiny humans we’d be if we’d had another one right now? No thank you. I’d like to actually be able to get some rest in my life and they’re just all ready to sleep through nights giving us enough time to actually sleep.” He sipped on his coffee and chuckled softly, looking over at the little ones playing and smiling when Noah brought him over a toy. “Oh thank you. But I think you should be playing with it, not me.” He handed the toy back and watched him toddle off with it, causing him to chuckle softly.
Sophie: She couldn't help the laugh that left her lips, "We're already outnumbered by tiny humans." she pointed out because they were. "You say that as if we got any more sleep while you were touring the few days without them." she rolled her eyes. When Noah brought him over a toy she chuckled, "i'm pretty sure he wanted you to play with him but at least he's content enough." as Noah toddled back off with his toy towards Willa. "Almost thought with all that sighing you were doing about Avery getting big you were gonna say yes to another one, you seemed all sad earlier."
Alex: “I mean… touring is different? When we’re just here.. or just the five of us, we get more sleep than we’d get with another one to care for,” he said with a shrug. Noah seemed content enough toddling back over to Willa and Alex shrugged. “I’ve got coffee, and honestly, if they can get along so well to play together, I’m not gonna get in the middle of that,” he chuckled softly. A grin spread on his lips and he laughed. “Ah, should’ve said yes just to see your face.” But then he shook his head a little. “But no. I’m so not ready for a fourth kid..”
Sophie: "They are getting along really well playing together." She figured having that time to play together at her parents helped. Instead of being so dependent on Alex and Sophie. "I mean I would have been shocked and then said no because I am not getting the IUD removed." she chuckled as she raised a brow, "You say that in a way that sounds like not ready for a fourth kid yet? Like there's going to be a fourth kid someday." she glanced at him. "Are you saying you're suddenly not opposed to the idea someday?" she had to admit if that was the case she was surprised.
Alex: He shifted in his seat and put his feet back down, shrugging his shoulders. “No. That’s not what I meant. I don’t know. I stand by I think we’re pretty good with the kids we have right now. But you know I don’t like to look so far ahead. I definitely don’t think I’m gonna want another kid in the next couple years but everything beyond that point just blurs, y’know? Who knows what’ll happen then.” He was absolutely certain about some things in his life, the face he wanted to still be making music years from now, the fact he wanted to watch their kids grow and hopefully by the time his mind just started to blur out the thoughts of what would happen, he’d be a married man with Sophie by his side.
Sophie: Sophie shifted to lean against him, "Relax, I'm not going to take anything you say as a promise even if you said I don't know maybe." she rolled her eyes. "I don't know what I want either, part of me does want more later on, you know, they've grown up so fast... but part of me wants to enjoy time with you as they're older." So even he could see that she wasn't set on anything for sure. "If it happened I would love them just as much but I'm not to the point I know what I 100% want at this point.' Sophie figured she was still young though in her mid twenties.
Alex: He hadn’t realized how he had started shifting until Sophie told him to relax, so he let out a breath and sank back into the couch again. “Well, it’s not something we have to talk about and figure out right now if neither of us wants it right now,” he murmured with a small shrug of his shoulders. He brought his cup up and finished his coffee, putting the empty cup down.
Sophie: She made a bit of a face, more stretching out her jaw lips curling in a surprised look. "Wow.. I didn't think you'd still be so uncomfortable..." she murmured. "Talking about the future." She knew that it wasn't perfect but the way his body tensed about something that was even just a potential hypothetical. "You're right, we don't." she nodded taking a sip of her coffee as Willa came over. "Mummy potty." Tugging at her hand knowing they were training her, and she knew her parents had been working on it with her a lot too. "Oh okay come on Willa." she said standing up to take her to the little training potty they had for her.
Alex: He sighed softly when she looked at him in surprise and he leaned back, closing his eyes for a moment. “I’m not.. it’s not that I’m uncomfortable.” He shifted a little bit again to face her more, biting on his the inside of his cheek. “I did so good not thinking too far ahead for so long that doing that still feels a little.. I don’t know, just off for me. But I know some things that I want now and I want you.. in it, my future I mean. I want it to be our future and ultimately I just want you happy so I’m thinking whatever you want, I want to give that to you to make you happy but then my head tells me how bad it would be if you end up wanting at least three more kids, you want a bit family, and I don’t and then that discussion,” he tried, because he didn’t want to say fight, “plays in my head – and I know it’s stupid but I can’t help it sometimes and then I’m thinking well if it’s so bad we’re gonna end up breaking up because you deserve someone who wants all that you want and I just.. it’s a bad spiral in my head and I was just trying not to go there,” he murmured, fumbling with his hands a little. When Willa came over, he smiled as she let Sophie know she needed to use the potty, they were trying to teach her and she was doing so good.
Sophie: "You're biting the inside of your cheek." she said, which she knew was usually one of his tells for being uncomfortable, nervous, anxious, not happy, or not telling how he felt at least. "I know you want me in your future, I don't question that or what you want with me." she didn't, she knew he loved her and wanted her. "You're not wrong, part of me wants a big family, I would have a million little ones but not because I want a million kids Alex, I want a million because they're /you're/ kids." she said, "That's the big piece, that I want that because I'm having /your/ babies, not some random guy who is just going to give me what I want because you think I want a billion babies." she shook her head. "The key part is you, it's always been you, it's always going to be you." she said softly. "But if you're already scared then I don't know if you can't talk to me about these things when I think we communicate a lot better than we use to." she licked her lips, she wasn't angry, her tone maybe a little more sad. "I'm sorry that I can't definitely say yet that I don't want more kids yet, I'm only twenty seven." she murmured "But doesn't mean that it'll be that way forever." she reasoned giving a small but sad smile. "I should take her, mum said she's been doing really good with the potty." she picked up willa swinging her up onto her hip. "anddddd up we go." she said as the little girl fell into a fit of giggles. She took her down the hall and a little while returned, "You're getting so good with the potty Willa, I think we can order takeout tonight daddy for her favorite when she's up from her nap to celebrate."
Alex: “No, Soph. I’m trying. I’m trying to tell you why I’m tensing up when this comes up, not because I’m scared of talking to you about it. If I was, we wouldn’t be having this discussion right now. “I’m just trying to explain that sometimes my head just goes all out and gets to me and then I end up overthinking.” He sighed softly. When Willa came over and Sophie said she better go with her he nodded and watched the two of them leave. When they returned, Willa looked all proud and Sophie told him how good she’d been doing. “You wanna order your favorite food later? Mmh, I think we can do that princess. We’re gonna celebrate.”
Sophie: "I can't help you stop from overthinking though if we don't talk about it. But it's okay, you're right, it's not something we have to talk about because it's not something either of us wants right now." Which was just supposed to be a funny little tease that turned out not so funny. Willa was all proud and she brushed her fingers through the little girls hair, "She's doing so well, even gets up and washes her hands all by herself." she murmured. "Okay but to order your favorite everyone needs to go down for a nap." she said, as she looked at the little girl. "Do you want to get Willa down for a nap and I'll take Noah and the baby, something tells me she'll go down easier for you and then we can take a nap before ordering dinner and some groceries."
Alex: "I know," Alex said quietly, glancing at his hands again before watching her walk off with Willa. When they returned, he smiled at how proud the little girl looked and he picked her up to throw her up a little and then hugged her to him, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "You wash your own hands too? You're doing so great, princess." he looked at Sophie and nodded at her suggestion. He didn't mind putting either of them to bed but now that he had Willa picked up, she leaned against his shoulder already and he knew he could put her to bed fairly easily.
Sophie: Sophie walked over picking Avery up out of the playpen who was starting to fall asleep herself and fighting it. Getting Noah she helped him up and held his hand and slowly helped him walk upstairs and to his room. She got Avery into her crib before lifting Noah up into his after changing him into comfortable clothes and tucking him in and then getting Avery and rocking her a little bit before putting her back in the crib and heading into the room and changing into some satin pajamas and crawling into their oversized bed and making herself comfortable.
Alex: He knew Sophie probably needed a moment longer to get two kids down, and Willa was already starting to rub her eyes as he carried her upstais. Once she was settled and fast asleep, he made sure the monitor was set up before heading for the bathroom in the master bedroom to hope in the shower real quick. He was just getting out and drying off when he heard Sophie in their bedroom. After drying off, he headed for the closet to put on something comfortable and then crawled into bed with Sophie.
Sophie: She took her time getting the kids down as she didn't want them to fuss or anything like that, they'd nap longer if they just fell asleep. She heard Alex in the shower and she knew he wanted to get cleaned up real quick so she didn't want to interrupt so she figured she'd shower up after she woke while they waited for dinner. When he crawled into bed she turned onto her side facing him and settled in. "The kids are all asleep, we should rest while we can but we should get at least a few hours they were exhausted."
Alex: He slid into bed closer to her and rested down on his side, much like Sophie, facing her. "Did they go down alright for you? Willa was easy, which is why I figured I'd shower real quick. I don't know what it is but it's always nice showering at your own place after being on tour.
Sophie: "Yeah, no problem actually, think they were tired after playing and traveling all day. I figure we'll do bathtime with them later and then I'll take a bath tonight when they go to bed." she murmured. "Because we have an amazing shower, I mean in both our houses we do but in this one particular it's wonderful." she said as she rolled a little more onto her belly but still faced Alex.
Alex: "It was a very long day for them. So let's hope they get some sleep for a few hours so we can rest too. I'm not looking forward to having to unpack, even if it's not that much stuff." He chuckled softly and shrugged. "Maybe, just feel like in general there's a difference to it being your own shower. But like the bath, that's pretty great at home too," he smiled.
Sophie: "It was especially they hadn't seen us in a few days we pick them up and they're on a plane. It's a lot, well it was a lot for all of us." she reasoned but especially little ones. "Yeah I'm not worrying about unpacking now that will get done later, much later." she said. "I think anytime you're in a place that's your home whether it's here or London, it's home it's always going to be better than after being in hotels for days." she nodded as she snuggled into the bed. "I missed this bed."
Alex: "Much later?“ Alex asked with a soft chuckle. He shifted to get more comfortable, smiling as he saw her snuggling more into bed. “It’s a very comfortable bed, isn’t it? Mmh, let’s get some rest,” he murmured, closing his eyes as he shifted comfortably to allow himself to start dozing off.
Sophie: "Yeah I'm not going to stress it right now. I'll get it unpacked but right now the bed feels too good." she said because it did. She much rather curl up in the bed than be unpacking though she knew that she'd have to eventually. She nodded and rolled a little more till she was flat on her stomach and turned her head to be comfortable and not long after started to doze off.
Alex: They both dozed off easily, exhausted from the day and their travels. When he eventually stirred, Alex glanced up to check the baby monitors, but found them all to be sleeping away happily. He shifted, scooting closer to Sophie and wrapping his arm around her, eyes closed as he nuzzled into her a little bit to lay comfortably with her, humming softly.
Sophie: She felt her body shifted as Alex wrapped his arm around her and nuzzled into her more after they must have been sleeping for a little while. "Mmm." she hummed when she heard him humming too. "Are the babies awake?" she asked her voice still raspy with sleep. "Don't want to move yet." she almost whined.
Alex: They were sleeping curled up so much that while it was nice to have space sometimes, it felt like his body was just now subconsciously looking for Sophie's, so he curled up and nuzzled into her a little bit, letting out a soft hum. "No, they're still asleep," he murmured, tugging her into him the smallest bit. "We don't have to move or get up yet.."
Sophie: She knew that Alex got warm easily and after everything downstairs, not that they were fighting or that Sophie was upset, she did want to give Alex some space without him feeling like she was all over him. Instead when he was ready he found his way to her and a small smile pulled at her lips. "Mm is it horrible for me to say good?" she let out a soft little tiny chuckle as she nuzzled back into his body. "Hi." she said softly nuzzling her nose against his.
Alex: "Oh no, I'm so glad they're still sleeping," he chuckled softly as he felt her nuzzling into him and smiled. He kept his eyes closed just to be more comfortable as they curled up together and his arm wrapped around her a little more as he felt her nose against his, blinking his eyes open slowly. "Mmh, hi," he murmured, stifling a yawn as he woke a little more.
Sophie: "Mm good I'm not a bad mum then." she laughed when he said that he was still glad they were sleeping. His arm wrapped around her a little more as she turned a little more into him. "Hi." she said again as he blinked his eyes open and met her bright blue ones and she gave a soft smile and rested her forehead now against his. "We should try and rest."
Alex: "You're never a bad mom," he murmured softly. They curled up together a little more and Alex smiled softly. "Aren't we resting right now?" he questioned, chuckling softly as he hand started to rub up and down her back gently. "We can just lay here.. or try to sleep more."
Sophie: "I know." she chuckled "I mean sure some of those first few months each of them were little little I thought I was but we all have that but we're both damn good parents." she said. "I mean we are but at the same time how can laying here also feel so exhausting. I think I am so tired from traveling." she admitted. "Everything is exhausting." she laughed.
Alex: “I think we’re doing pretty good, yeah,” he murmured softly with a smile. He hummed again and shrugged his shoulders a little bit. “You can sleep some more if you’d like,” he murmured softly, letting his hand mindlessly caress up her back as he closed his own eyes again. “It was a long day of traveling.”
Sophie: "We are doing an amazing job, three kids, living between two countries, doing two very public jobs, we're doing amazing babe." she said not wanting him to sell himself short. "You're doing amazing." she pointed out wanting him to really understand that. "I'm afraid I won't sleep tonight, I'm just tired I'll be okay." she murmured as she then yawned loudly and tried to stretch her body and felt her muscles tighten. "Ow, ow, ow."
Alex: He smiled softly at her comment and hummed, giving a little nod. Of course, if they were going to sleep all morning, chances were they’d be up all night but Alex had a feeling with how early it still was due to the time difference, they’d still be able to sleep later on. He shifted, letting her move in his arms before she suddenly seemed to be in pain and he looked at her, surprised and worried. “What? What did you do, why are you hurting?”
Sophie: All of her sweetness went as she felt the muscles constrict and she was "Ow, ow, ow." Which got progressively louder. "Fucking... ow!" she bit out, now starting to move against the bed. "Cramp, cramp in my leg, it hurts, oh god it hurts." she managed to throw the blanket off and you could see her slim leg muscle locked tight and she was sure it was from running around all day, being on a plane, probably not drinking enough water, "Freaking charlie horse." she muttered still feeling the tightness as she buried her head in Alex's chest.
Alex: He was confused, and a little helpless not knowing why she was in pain until she told him. He reached down, gently pressing his fingers against her leg where you could see the muscle tensing, hoping it’d help to relax the muscle if he massaged into it lightly. “You’re gonna need some water and you should have something to help your muscles,” he murmured softly as he felt her face buried in his chest.
Sophie: When he started to massage it she moaned out but obvious she was still having discomfort but that it was helping. Her head was buried against his chest, fingers bunching up into his shirt as she took a few deep breaths trying to breathe through it. "I'm trying so hard not to bite you right now because my first instinct is to bite something in this much pain, don't ask me why that is." she bit out, "God.. when is the last time I had anything to drink besides coffee?" she asked but honestly it had probably been awhile. Oops.
Alex: Alex couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “Well, thank you for not biting me?” He murmured, pressing his fingers a little more into her leg to ease out the tension while Sophie gripped into his shirt a little more. “I think the only other thing I saw you drink was one glass of wine at the show and really that’s just not enough water, babe.” He sighed softly, of course he wanted her to take care of herself. “I’ll get you some water,” he suggested. “Whenever you feel good enough to let me go do that.”
Sophie: "I make to promise that it still won't happen." she said whining as he continued to massage her leg which she did admit was making it feel better. "God that feels so good though." she said as he continued to do that. "Well wine isn't water so I haven't had any and I didn't drink anything on the plane so no wonder my legs ar cramping." she admitted. "If you move that hand I will bite you." she said not wanting him to stop.
Alex: “You’re gonna have to have more water, babe,” Alex murmured softly, continuing to massage into her leg, raising his eyebrows as she warned him about moving his hand away and he chuckled softly. “You’re gonna bite me?” He questioned, grinning slightly as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Today you’re gonna have to drink more… and I’m talking water.
Sophie: "I know but just give me a few more minutes." she said knowing that water was the only real long term fix to it. "Yeah and not in the fun sexy leave a hickey on you way." she said, "In the ow go fuck yourself sophie kind of way that will land you sleeping on the couch kind of way." she said her british accent awfully strong at the moment, which always happened when she was either upset or in pain. "Yes yes more water first, oh right there, like that, feels good don't stop."
Alex: “Oh you mean not like the one you left on my neck that everyone was teasing me about before you got to the show?” He smirked slightly, but he didn’t dare risk getting Sophie frustrated she was gonna bite him. He pressed his fingers in a little more, massaging against her muscle, though he couldn’t help laughing lightly at her words. “Yeah that can be ready just as wrong as you biting me,” he chuckled.
Sophie: "Hey you didn't seem to mind when I was sucking on your neck you didn't say stop and you could have used concealer before you left I would have helped you. Seems like somoene was eager to show it off." she said as if that was true. "Shhhh you're ruining the moment." she sighed feeling her muscle start to unlock and her body relax a little more into the bed now that she didn't feel like she was needing to scream in pain.
Alex: “I still don’t mind now, but people saw,” he chuckled. “Pretty sure people on the show saw too,” he murmured, obviously meaning the fans. “Ruining the moment? You’re the one moaning in my ear not to stop,” he teased, a grin spread on his lips as he continued to massage into her leg. “Feeling better?” he murmured after a moment.
Sophie: "I mean we have three kids, do they think I am the next virgin mary and just they magically appeared, they're gonna know we have sex." she pointed out, "I believe you pointed that out to me." she said managing a soft chuckle. "They are not moans of pleasure in that way." she said. "Yes feeling better." It was getting better and she relaxed more and more. "God that was awful."
Alex: “Oh no, pretty sure the way you tossed your jacket at me at the soundcheck the day before gave them a general idea what we would be getting up to,” he smirked, teasing lightly. “Just be aware that people might be talking online..” He slowly his fingers, letting his hand rest on her leg as he felt her relax more into the bed and him. “Mmh, sounded like you didn’t want me to stop though,” he smirked slightly. “You definitely need to drink more. Should I get you some water now?”
Sophie: "First of all, I stand by the three kids give away we're a very active couple." she murmured, "and you set me up for that so, that was going to happen." she chuckled. "They're always talking online. If they are talking about our sex life online then so be it, they're talking about it but we're enjoying it." Which was far better in her opinion. "I didn't because it hurt and it was helping, not because I was going to have an orgasm weirdo." she nudged him. "Yeah some water I could do that and then we can just curl back up again."
Alex: “I set you up for that? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just thought I’d give you a little shoutout,” he chuckled amusedly though when she nudged him he laughed. “I know, but it was funny like that.” He shifted a little, pressing a kiss to her lips before unwrapping himself from her and pushing himself up. “Be right back,” he murmured, slipping from the bed to get downstairs and returning a moment later with bottles of water. “Here you go, hopefully that’ll help so it won’t happen again. You gotta take care of yourself, baby,” he murmured softly.
Sophie: "You totally set me up for that." she laughed, "What am I doing later." she raised a brow at him. She felt him press his lips to her and he was off the bed and returned not long after with some bottles of water, a few of them actually and she chuckled. "If I drink that much I'll pee the bed, I'll be okay to just take a few sips." she said. "Ease the water into myself and hydrate myself." she said. "But I am gonna take care of myself babe, don't worry okay I'm good. Was just some leg cramps."
Alex: "Just a few sips is so not gonna stop you from cramping again," he reminded her, a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he put the bottles down and then moved around to get back on the bed. "You can always just drink a lot and use the bathroom instead of peeing in bed, y'know?" He asked, teasing sllightly as he crawled back into bed with her. "Do you wanna try to get some more sleep or just lay around? We could watch a movie, but I am so not going to watch Twilight with you."
Sophie: "I will keep sipping on it but I am not going to guzzle water either babe." she murmured. "If I'm asleep and you just had me drink a bunch of water bottles, then you know, pee the bed and I'm not about that life." she giggled. "I think we could lay here , if we doze back off that's okay if we don't we don't." she murmured. "You are but just not now. We need the right movie set up."
Alex: “Fine, but get hydrated, and stay hydrated, will you?” He chuckled softly, nuzzling into her again once he was back in bed. “The right movie set up?” He questioned but then shook his head. “Do you want me to put anything on for now though?”
Sophie: “I will baby. Will you please relax it was just a leg cramp it wasn’t anything serious.” She said knowing he wasn’t going to fully relax till she was drinking the water so she cracked open the water bottle and took a few sips. “Alright see few sips down and I’ll keep it here.” She said tucked agaisnt her belly. So she wouldn’t forget. “Yes when we can have a full movie night we’ll watch twilight and new moon and eclipse and then the next night both breaking dawns. We have to plan for this babe.” She grinned. “But anything works for now.”
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ao3userwalkingonfirex · 2 months
Where Clover Whitens Playlist Breakdown
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Part 5: "Neon Moon" - Brooks & Dunn + Kacey Musgraves
Under a cut because of spoilers if you’re waiting for the story to be finished before reading!
As I've said multiple times, I'm from the South, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I was raised on country music. Neon Moon was always my favorite Brooks & Dunn song and I'm a huge Kacey fan, so when she re-recorded it, I was ecstatic. I like that hers has synthesizers and it feels a little more pop than just country. Her voice is also soft and solemn. No matter the iteration, this song has always been in my writing rotation. Specifically for WCW, "Neon Moon" encapsulates the bachelor party chapter. The song may be about losing a lover and sitting on that fact in a bar with a neon sign. Sure, Jalex hadn't been in a relationship at that point, but Alex absolutely felt that he'd lost his "one and only," as the song says. He's also lonely and thinks his dreams of being with Jack are broken. I especially love these lines:
Jukebox plays on, drink by drink And the words of every sad song seem to say what I think And this hurt inside of me, ain't never gonna end
I mean. I can't get into Alex's head any more than that.
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Thank you for reading! Tune in tomorrow for the next song!
fic playlist • divider
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neon-danger · 1 year
I’m not picky I love a cute Jalex moment. Early morning in bed, watching a movie on the couch , bubble bath together just anything with them together
Domestic jalex my beloved
Jack lays in Alex’s lap during every single movie night. He’ll never admit it but Jack loves when Alex twirls his hair.
They’re usually watching bad 90s teen romcoms but sometimes Alex gets Jack to watch some horror film and then has to hold Jack the whole night so Jack “doesn’t get nightmares”
Jack always gets out of bed first. Alex sleeps past noon and usually wakes up to half a pot of cold coffee in the kitchen.
That doesn’t mean Alex doesn’t often keep Jack in bed with him some mornings. They can often be found sleeping until three pm for no particular reason.
There’s a reason for the postmates lyric in sleeping in
Alex always cooks, but Jack usually finds some way to help, even if he’s more of a hindrance.
They eat more takeout than they should, but they also use one of those meal sites that send the ingredients to their door twice a week.
They don’t often take baths together, but when they do, it’s not usually as romantic as they planned it to be.
Alex probably gets wine drunk and talks about space or something while Jack zones out and just watches him talk occasionally bringing up solar flares or whatever
There were bubbles, but usually not for long.
Alex asks the stupid existential questions after midnight, and Jack hits him with a pillow.
They start a home alone watch party tradition where they get all their friends together to drink and watch home alone twice a year (for Christmas and Christmas in July of course)
One time for Jack’s birthday they set up a projector in Rian’s backyard with lights and outdoor seating and all that
It got knocked into the pool.
They no longer are allowed to celebrate Jack’s birthday in Nashville
Unless they’re on tour and don’t have much of a choice, but even then it can’t be near Rian’s place of residence
It takes them 3 years to admit that they’re actually together even tho they’ve been basically a couple for far longer
Jack confesses first because Alex is convinced he’s actually just losing his mind
That confession marks the start of the three year “Just Dating” period before Zack is like “yeah that’s Alex’s boyfriend” to someone and they both have to come to terms with the fact that Yeah Actually Jack Is Alex’s Boyfriend
They foster dogs between tours because keeping them would be too complicated, but they both very much want to have a dog in the house
They are both awful and share their food with the dog because of course
Jack especially
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jackinalex · 6 months
I love how it seems that Alex is in Nashville for a writing session and it’s like Jack just tagged along for the ride and I love that for them
To be fair, Jack is technically part of the writing team now. Idk how much he does, but as someone who loves writing, I personally thrive when it comes to Jalex coming up with songs together. Even if Jack isn't actually contributing, he's there because he loves to be with Alex. :')
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danswank · 3 years
crash test live highlights | episode 14.
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alltimefanfiction · 11 months
I’ll take any suggestions you want to give me 🫶 I really appreciate it and I’ll give the Callakarth fics a chance I’m sure they are great and I’m dying to read new stuff even though Jalex has my heart
Honstly I'm just a big fan of any fic Vampire Vengence (author of Bandana Code) puts out. Neondanger (author of Star-Crossed) has some goodies for when I'm in the mood for some filthy smut. So If you havent had the chance to do a deep dive through all their fics then I'd reccomend them.
Bellawritess also is a great author. Their fics top out with an M rating so no smut, but they have a few of my fave fics.
You may have read Erode, but the same author put out the first part of a new fic Just To Seal My Fate this year (I think?) and I am very patiently waiting the second half.
Wolf In A Lamb's Skin
Count It Down
Lit A Match (With Your Nails On My Back)
Ask For It
Old Habits Die Hard
Those are probably my top five smut one-shots off the top of my head but you may have read those already so my advice (what I do) is just search our tags for a topic that interests you and work through what you haven't read or want to read again.
Bless you for giving the Callakarth a chance, I don't think you'll regret it. Jalex was obviously my absolute number one when I first entered the fanfiction side of this fandom (anyone recall my old URL?) but I can't tell you enough how much it will benefit you to branch into other ships because there's a lot of amazing stuff by great authors that isn't Jalex. And obviously there's nowhere near as much being written for the fandom now so looking at things that aren't Jalex just means you have more to read in the meantime.
Anyway, here's some oneshots I love of various pairings so you can dip your toes in:
As It Sank (I Thought Of You) - Jalex
Yer Old Grave - Zalex, Zack/John O'Callaghan
Anaphylaxis - Callakarth
Products/Reactants - Callakarth
Forget Me, Forget Me Not - Jalex
Save Your Heart - Merrikat
Tie Me In Ribbons - girl!Jalex
Ruined - Jack/Grieco, by the lovely mod Addyson
Wet Hot American Summer - Jalex
BJ Foe - Jalex, technically a series rather than a oneshot, and I'm sure you've probably read this or at least many other things by this author, but she is a classic!
In Which It's Valentine's Day and Gabe Buys Alex Roses - Gabex, and again, truly classic author so I'm sure you've read her stuff but there's a bunch that isn't Jalex that's really good
Black Permanent Marker - Alex/Ryan Ross
Keep Quiet, Nothing Comes As Easy As You + sequel Little Lover, You're In Trouble - Jalex (sequel is watersports)
The Boy Next Door - Jalex
And literally everything our former mod Emily has written is fucking amazing. Everything. I think it's all Jalex, or at least mostly. Same with everything by alex_g4skarth. Both authors make me cry with, like, everything even if it's not that sad and it's been that way for a decade!!! Don't know why.
Molli linked Erode above and that author is also excellent, I'm sure you've probably read their stuff from their Mibba (some of my old faves were deleted though).
Aaaaand I'm currently in the process of reading the newest (?) Jalex that we know of, A Very Festive Façade. I started it last night and only got a quarter of the way through it before I had to go to bed but I wanna give it a shoutout because Kalina is another person who still publishes in the fandom and we need that!!!
I mostly steered away from smut out of laziness, and also because there are so many faves that are SUPER popular (at least for Jalex).
If you start reading the Callakarth ones and enjoy them, please feel free to come to my inbox and be unhinged about it because I miss having fellow shippers to do that with.
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propertyofawg · 3 years
words: 1624
“Stop making excuses. I miss lover Jack. I fucking miss kissing you and feeling like I was worth something. I miss missing you when you weren’t with me every minute.”
skins-inspired jalex fic
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