#when the original has the exact same problems people are hating the new one for akfhskfn
arikad0 · 1 year
do people not realize that the original lyrics for We Didn't Start the Fire are also all over the place and Billy Joel also rhymed extremely unrelated topics together or...???
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gravedangerahead · 9 months
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I don't know, buddy. I think this should make you rethink saying stuff like "I hate microlabels" in the first place? Not to put you on blast or anything, you're just the latest in a long line of people I've seen making arguments like these.
There's basically no genuine problem you can have with microlabels that does not simply apply to labels in general
I think it's important to be in community and solidarity with people independently of whether you have the exact same label, and to realize there are plenty of shared experiences across different queer identities.
Practically none of it is the exclusive realm of one particular identity and we don't need to be atomized. And it is, in fact, in our best political interest to stick together and fight together
Labels are a way of classifying and categorizing the infinitely diverse range of human experience. That can be helpful and that can cause problems. (I think there are criticisms of diagnostics that might apply, and some of our words actually originate in that realm.) It's important to remember that they are not material reality and they do not define your experiences, but are merely a culturally defined tool to help you understand them, that may be more or less useful given the situation
I'm always quick to tell people that labels are meant to be helpful and if trying to find one is stressing them out rather than helping, a label is simply not required. Those people might still feel like it's important to them to find the right words, and I'm not gonna pretend to know better than them
There are plenty of people who are perfectly happy being just queer, and not trying to figure out their identities any further than that. There are people going through intense anxiety while trying to figure out if they're lesbian or bi. Why do we need those intermediary labels then? Do they just atomize us? Are they unnecessary boxes? Or is that only a problem when it comes to those newfangled ones at the end of the acronym?
I think there are more people who feel like they have to figure out where exactly they fall in the big 4 identities than people who are distressed because they feel like they have to figure out a microlabel they fit in, tbqh. And there's plenty of separatist sentiment among them too
Plenty of people find meaning and expression in being butch or femme. Why shouldn't people choose a new word that they feel best defines their own unique gender identity? Why shouldn't somebody on the ace or aro spectrum try to figure out if other people have a similar experience with attraction as they do?
People having more words to describe their identities is not the problem. At all. If somebody has decided to use a microlabel and is happy with it, what exactly is the issue?
If you actually stand with every queer person, if you're in solidarity with every anti-oppression fight of any kind, the problem of political isolation and community dilution goes away.
If you treat all labels as tools that can be played with, experimented with and not gatekept, taken up and abandoned, changed, or simply ignored if you don't want or need one, the problem of emotional distress goes away.
Neither problem is exclusive to microlabels.
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rjalker · 12 days
i feel like people should be able to care about literature without woobified yaoi. like nothing against shipping but idk its a bit odd that seems to be some folks only motivation to engage with flatland
Yeah it's just flat out refusing to actually engage with the story at all, because they literally just want to do the Roving M/M Ship of Fandoms Past.
I would rather these people just make up completely original characters to play with if they're not going to think about any of the morals and lessons of Flatland at all. Most of the story is taken up by political commentary criticizing systems of oppression. These people don't want to engage with any of those ideas at all. Not even in regards to their "shape yaoi". They just want to do the exact same Roving M/M Ship as any other fandom and it's infuriating.
@walks-the-ages has made many posts about this, specifically about the absolute absurdity of the way many people reacted to the movie Nope.
This is why I dread the day a series that I literally will not even mention by name here to help forestall the disaster, ever gets a movie adaptation, because I just know that shipping-obsessed people with no critical thinking skills will bulldoze past all of the horror to just pretend it's all super happy and cutesy and shippy.
Shipping is fine as long as you don't let it get in the way of actually engaging with the story that is being told. And that seems to be what is happening with most of the new people in the Flatland tag. They do not care about any of the politics or what the book has to say, they just want their shitpost shape yaoi and don't care about anything else.
It is insulting. Because this is a book literally advocating for equal rights and decrying systems of oppression, but people are just erasing all of that and just want to make shitposts instead.
When they could be doing that about any other fandom out there whose original book is not so strongly political. There's no reason for them to do it about Flatland if they don't care about the politics.
It's public domain, so you *can* ignore all of the politics and make it only about shipping if you really want to. But why in the absolute hell would you want to do that?
Why would you want to take a story that so strongly advocates for equal rights for women, intersex people, disabled people, people of color, and more, and get rid of all of that, to make it into nothing but shitposts about rich cis white guys?
It's very clear that most of the new people are still basing all of their thoughts of this book on the 2007 film, which erased all of the politics to make it purely about absurdist humor.
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[ID: The “missing the point” meme, now with a picture of the original cover for the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions saying, “Racism, ableism, misogyny, and classism are bad.”, with the yellow A Sphere from the 2007 Flatland film staring at it in open-mouthed shock, exclaiming, “Wow!!! Shitpost shape yaoi!!!” while the point flies over his head. End ID.]
Ignoring the politics to make shitposts about shape yaoi is not actually a better reaction to this book than what Ladd Ehlinger, infamously racist and misogynistic conservative, did with the 2007 film when he erased all of the politics to make it purely about absurdist humor. Which is what shitposts are.
It would be great if people could actually think about that for a second and realize what the problem is with their behavior but I guess that's asking too much. It always is with the kind of people who don't care about a story at all, only how much shipping material they can get out of it.
This is one of the reasons I hate most fandoms. Most Fandom people do not actually care about the story they're supposedly in the fandom for, they just want to ship two white guys and ignore everything else, even when it means ignoring the actual female protagonist, even when it means whitewashing the protagonist and misgendering it and the guy they're shipping it with, even when it means they're woobifying, as you said earlier, a rich white guy who literally advocates for starving slaves to death while they are tortured in elementary schools.
It seems like these people do not actually give a shit about Flatland at all. They are only here to make shitposts about shape yaoi, even when it means they're woobifying the guy who's 100% pro slavery and pretending he's just a wet noodle silly guy who's never done anything wrong in his life.
Really, how do you read Flatland and come to the conclusion, "I love this misogynistic man?"
If you are glossing over all of the political themes of the book, and even the most basic characterization of the narrator as a raging bigot because it gets in the way of your shipping, that is in fact you being a bigot. If you take a story that is about fighting for equal rights for everyone and throw all of that away to focus solely on two white guys, that's just bigotry, plain and simple.
Especially when they're woobifying the guy who not only owns slaves, but thinks they should be starved to death to help reduce their numbers.
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elslittlestories · 3 months
The Bad Autistic Batch
I've had this in the back of my head for a while and finaly took the time to write it down. It's a mix of observtions and headcanons I guess? On how I feel like the 4 original members of the Bad Batch are all autistic af!
The obvious one. He said it himself, his brain doesn’t process thoughts and moments the way most people do.
He has a hard time identifying his feelings and therefore tends to push them away and rely on logic and rational thoughts, which always come easy and loud in his mind.
Very gifted, he’s too smart to care about social rules and never bothered to learn cues and small talk. He was created to solve problems, people shouldn’t expect anything else from him. He comes off as cold and obnoxious to most people, always speaks bluntly without thinking of the effect of his words on the person opposite him. Simply because it doesn’t occur naturally to him that some truth might need sugarcoating.
He’s a self-taught everything, with infinite curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He gets bored fast though and will skip from one subject to another as soon as he feels like he’s mastered it. He’ll get REALLY excited if you ask him questions about anything.
He doesn’t care about his looks, as long as it’s practical, he’s good with any outfits. Although, he’ll wear comfy clothes whenever he can. His hair is kept just long enough so that he can slick them back with gel and get them stuck with his goggles’ headband.
To self-sooth, he relies on his sound databank—he can listen to a record on a loop for hours—and mental games such as counting backward from 1 million with only prime numbers. Tapping on his datapad is probably also a sort of stimming.
Outside of his brothers, he has a hard time maintaining a relationship, may they be platonic or not. To start, he doesn’t really understand the concept of different types of relationships. He’s oblivious to most hints of interest and needs someone—Wrecker—to point it out. He’ll panic, be really awkward about it, overshare to hide his fluster…until he figures out what makes you tick and weaponizes it!
In case there were any doubt, he’s a neat freak. He NEEDS his stuff to be in the right place, as much as he needs routine and discipline to control his stress level. Even though his military training has taught him how to deal with the unexpected, he has a hard time dealing with change.
If given the choice, he’d only wear his blacks. The tightness of the fabric is comforting and he doesn’t have to think about assembling an outfit or whatever. He cuts his hair every week, the same exact way, from left to right, then the backside of his head.
He won’t eat new food unless his hunger is life threatening, not because of sensory issues but because his transit is a bigger drama queen than he is!
He’s the most emotionally immature of the squad and used to have the wildest mood swings. He became good at keeping a stern straight face once he realized people would use it as a way to arm him. He’s also the most stubborn: good luck trying to change his mind on anything.
On a general basis, he hates people. Especially the one that wants to touch him! The only person allowed to hug him is Wrecker, because there’s no stopping him anyway. He may go mute when overwhelmed, hence the number of fights he got himself into rather than have a talk. With time and around the right people, he might get better at dealing with his feelings, but for now it’s easier to just avoid people, since they’re the one causing said feelings.
Maintaining any sort of relationship is close to impossible outside of his brothers. It takes a very special person—like Echo—to get his affection and respect. Romantic feeling are out of his bucket list, he finds the concept of flirting ridiculous anyway. If you want to be with him, just say it! He’ll probably reject you, the man has some heavy attachment/abandonment issues to sort out first. Trust Omega to help with that, so maybe one day…
THE emotionally mature one of the squad! Feelings are always intense for him and he wears them on his face. He’ll cry for anything, but since he can break your spine with his bare hands, people usually don’t make fun of him out loud.
He has huge difficulties in learning practical stuff—he was the last to speak clearly and read—and won’t do anything good with verbal instructions if they go longer than 5 to 10 words. He’s good with his hands, though, and once Tech got him into the marvelous world of explosives, he became unstoppable. Even Tech will admit Wrecker is the expert in the matter.
Another thing he was quick to learn, thanks to his emotional awareness and Hunter’s help, was how to read people. If only to stop being played! It might also be the secret to their squad sticking together despite their differences and hot temper.
He’s very open about needing "autistic joy", such as eating his favorite snack, listening to a song on a loop and watching things blow up. It tends to make him look childish. His brothers are very protective over this and make sure nothing prevents Wrecker to enjoying his sweet nothings.
He loves to isolates for an hour or two, to watch his favorite holovids, but is otherwise very touchy feely. Hugs sooth him a lot when he’s stressed out. If he can’t get one, he’ll rely on singing his favorite tune or repeating a word in his head. He used to do it out loud when he was a kid but it drove his brothers mad so he internalized it.
He can handle a flirt, although he has a hard time catching a hint. It’s easier to notice someone’s interest on others than himself, probably because of his lack of self-esteem. He’d most likely be a very clingy partner.
AKA the king of masking. He may look as close to normal as a defective clone can be, in control of himself, but take a step into his mind and you’ll be surprised.
First of all, he has HUGE sensory issues, no doubt worsened by his genetic enhancement. He has learned to tough it out and ignore the strong reaction some textures or smell or sounds causes him to experience. But they tend to turn into stress. He’s constantly devoured by anxiety and fear—of anything from touching that one thing that will overstimulate him so much he won’t be able to function, to making a bad call that cause one of his brother’s death—and there’s no amount of spinning his knife that can sooth it.
He relies on rules and discipline to get a sense of control, even though one might argue his sense of both those concepts is not exactly by the book. It tends to help with tuning down his emotions as well. Just like every sensory input is loud to him, his feeling can be deafening and mastering them was mandatory to become the squad leader.
It was with that in mind that he became an expert in social behaviors. Mostly unconsciously, he studied everyone around him to learn how to hold himself and how to read the room. Despite him being naturally introverted, you’ll often find him chatting with the various captains his squad was assigned to work with. Told you, he’s a king of masking.
On the rare occasions he failed to contain his emotions—bursts of anger on the battlefield aside—it came out loud and violent. Took Wrecker to squeeze him in his arms for Hunter to calm down.
One thing he couldn’t learn this way is flirting. He can’t do it for his life, despite being the receiver of numerous attempts from various species. Maybe it’s because of his sensory issues, but the idea of sex is of no appeal to him and he has never felt something strong enough to be called romantic love. That stuff is just not for him, he feels contempt with his brothers and Omega.
Oh, and the bandana is just an excuse for no easy hair routine. Give him one reason to get out of his armor and blacks, and he’ll slip into floppy clothes in a heartbeat.
Last but not least, all four of them have a STRONG sens of justice—although sometime missplaced—and prefers staying home rather than being anywhere else, wherever home may be.
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lisa972kdlz · 8 months
Le cœur a sa mémoire :(Heart got his memory)
Another theoretical analysis about Underverse! More specifically about Error's character, his development, his personality and what might be going through his mind in the context of the series.
When you look at Error's behaviour in Underverse and compare it to his behaviour in the original comic, you quickly realise that it's not the same. And when you browse through the various versions of Error to be found in fandom, whether in fan fiction, comics or simple gags, it's this version of the Underverse that's found with varying degrees of nuance. In other words, a serious, grumpy, tsundere Error who hiss at the first person he meets. And... I'm really not a fan of this Error, because in my opinion it's less interesting and, above all, leads to received ideas that head straight for the cliché highway. Why do we have this skewed image of the character? Is it really inconsistent and unworthy of his integrity? Is this a bad thing, and does Underverse follow this line? Should we limit ourselves to saying that Underverse isn't canon so there's no reason to criticise constructively or even try to find connections?
Obviously not, because with a bit of imagination (and philosophy), there's (almost) always a way to put the pieces of the jigsaw together to give it concrete form! First of all, let's dissociate the Canon version of Error from its Fanon version.
In terms of personality, Error Canon is more like the Collector in The Owl House than the vampire-spider Miguel O'Hara in Spiderverse. An unhinged and paranoid Collector, but all the same. He's chatty, he smiles, and has no trouble talking to anyone, whether it's the creators who ask him questions, his prisoner Swap!Sans, or that strange visitor, the Sans that Fresh usually owns. It's a far cry from the grumpy, withdrawn character who refuses all human contact. In the comic, his reticence is often relatively controlled, and in any case, if he does do any harm, it very rarely comes back to the Gaster blasters. When Swap gives him a completely off-the-wall speech about friendship, yeah, he abandons him temporarily in the Anti-Void to teach him a lesson, but even in a panic he doesn't hurt or attack him. When he thinks he's being manipulated by Darkblitz8, he hangs her high into the air with his strings, but nothing more. Then he calms down straight away and quietly puts his hands back in his pockets and says, "What a nice lady, I love making new friends."
"Love. Making. New friends."
Yes, that's Error saying that, can you believe it? It's said as a joke, but OF COURSE he's sincere... And for a thousand and one reasons. What I mean is that, like every Sans else, he more has a tendency to hide his thoughts behind jokes or false humour than to reject or attack others. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's a tendency.
The only time he pulls out his blasters (outside of destroying AU's) is when he gets a surprise hug from behind and when FRESH shows up out of nowhere. So it's relatively legitimate (but only relatively because there's nothing legitimate about exterminating your neighbour Ú^Ù).
Nevertheless, the Fandom version and the original version have one thing in common: Error is completely anti-social, fearful of others, and hates himself viscerally without admitting it to himself. But the "Tsundere" version is highly caricatured, with temperaments that are sometimes the exact opposite of what Error is! He is portrayed as cold, distant, incapable of not shouting when something displeases him, and so on. But in reality he answers questions, accepts a handshake from a stranger and even describes it as "pleasurable", talks about his tastes, admits word for word that he likes having people to talk to, concedes to requests... The only sensitive subjects are his personal problems, which include Papyrus, Toriel and, of course, himself.
But he hates glitches, right? The AU's and all that, he hates them?
Yes, he hates them, but subconsciously he makes a dissociation between the mass of shapeless glitches and an individual. When he goes to destroy AUs, they're glitches. When he meets someone at random and starts to build a human relationship with them (Swap), he almost forgets that he's supposed to hate him.
Canon Error plays the villain, but in fact he's a frightened little beast in denial about his extreme loneliness and strong self-hatred. This also fits the fandom version, but in a kind of misunderstood inverse: not only does he lose all his glitched, unpredictable, paranoid and nightmarish side, but above all he also loses his cute and childlike side, naive, unaware of social references like the term "ship", with surprising tastes and a real desire to form bonds when he feels it's safe to do so. As a result, he loses that strange duality that creates a feeling of unease, a mixture of fear and attachment, because we sense that he has totally human emotions but is too deranged to be able to be a truly healthy friend with anyone... He can hardly even be described as a narcissistic pervert, because he has already shown real compassion and even if he blames people for his misfortune, he won't tell them directly or make them feel guilty about it; he's more likely to say it to himself. He's more direct when he's in "destroyer" mode, but it's still accusations about people's glitch state in a general sense, like a "hate you all". No, he's not even just an asshole, he's just.... Insane. We forget that he's insane.
Also, when he feels threatened, Error will automatically step into his villain role with sardonic laughter and striking retorts. The Fanon version, on the other hand, will spit in the person's face and express his anger. He's rational, hateful, sinister, a killjoy and stable in his tempestuous character. Of course, there are fanarts and gags where the cute side is brought out... But they're usually just gags, and in fanfiction and comics they're rarely shown and often anecdotal without much imagination...
OK, I've been talking about the Fanon version for a while now, but does Error in Underverse have this problem?
No ┐( ∵ )┌!
Firstly because in Underverse it's moderate, and he's presented in situations where it's understandable (the majority of his interactions are with Ink, his sworn foe so obviously he's going to be on the defensive), but also, we'll see later, because the series raises an important side of who Error has become over the course of time, and confronts him with an ultimatum, where his status quô goes is smashed to pieces.
I'm not in favour of Error being ultra-aggressive and cold in stories in general because I find it makes him interesting as a dead rat, but portraying him as more serious, intelligent and aware of the world around him isn't a bad choice. How can we explain it?
Well... He grew old, that's all.
The Error of Underverse, and by extension of the Fandom, is a character who has evolved, been revisited and experienced in many different ways. He's gone from the "guy who messes things up in the AU's" to the "Destroyer", his overall power too has increased as fans have seen his potential for danger, which may be a parallel to the fact that he's... simply trained and toughened up as he goes along? There's nothing to stop us imagining a future based on the Canon we've been left with. He simply accumulates memory. Even the fact that Ink and Error are enemies, it isn't canon, but... Well, it makes perfect sense, because by putting universes in danger, of course he had to face the protector at some point!
Error has visited AU's, encountered situations that have taught him lessons... He has grown in maturity. Fine, he still gets nought for emotional maturity, but he has grown anyway, which is normal and a good thing (because if the characters never evolved in an open world, we'd be a bit bored all the same).
That said, there's a rather annoying glitch that's going to mess things up a bit...
It's her again, Ma'am the Canon description ! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
In Canon, canonically, in real real real real.... Error is incapable of evolving. It's in his nature, quite simply. Because he's an "error".
According to Crayon Queen, the ending of Error's comic should have gone like this: Swap! Sans, as a result of being exposed to the Anti-Void, becomes an error in his own right, an erratic and unhinged being whose character and memory become dislocated and distorted. He retains his positive and heroic character, so it doesn't make him a villain, but he remains unpredictable and difficult to follow, and therefore dangerous. Error will feel horrible about this and will even be confronted with a deep guilt that will convince him to let him go. "Blueberror" will then be guided into the Omega Timeline by Core Frisk where he will go to live. And Error will find himself alone again in the Anti-Void, alone in this white nothingness, alone in the middle of All. As time goes by, he will forget all about the experience and return to the person he was before without questioning, for such is the destiny of errors. Corrupted things with no hope of salvation.
Yes, it's tragic, but that's the way it is! And Passive!Night is dead, get used to it!
(Never! QwQ)
(*Rubbing her hands) What if we tried to slip through the cracks and get round this restrictive element, all the while respecting the character and his universe?
Come on, let's get started?
We're off!
So why does Error lose his memory?
Because he's an error, all right. But is that all? Aren't there other remarkable factors that make him forget?
Already, exposure continues to the Anti-Void, where living leads to harmful consequences. To explain why, I had theorised that, being the opposite of the Void, it was the Core of the Multiverse, also known as the Great Whole, where codes intersect and aggreate. –I've done some research in the meantime and the Doodlesphere can't really be a Core, because it's Ink's 'private' dimension. It's an empty zone (perhaps an empty AU which is recognisable by its nature as a white or off-white nothingness without, however, corresponding to the properties of the Anti-Void) where the painter has grouped together some sort of links to access the AUs. It's a bit like a custom Doc document with thousands of URLs, but not a Heart.–
Exposed to the Anti-Void for too long, some of our codes end up merging with the dimension; we lose some, we receive some, until we become errors, a bit like a slow dissolution. Our memory is obviously affected. At the moment of transformation, but perhaps also as we continue to be exposed to it?
If you don't like this theory, there's also the fact that, well... It's a void. White. No wind, no heat or cold, no light, no shadow, no palpable matter. EVIDENTLY it causes an alteration in the brain and memory. If Error left the Anti-Void for somewhere less... Creepy, it's easy to imagine that his continual amnesia would be less severe.
And finally, the last and most important reason...
Error is alone and bored shitless.
Now let's going to do a bit of philosophy, because philosophy of the real world is science of fiction.
What is Memory (and owh shet I don't have fucking idea of the nuances of vocabulary in English philosophy–) ?
(Well in French "Souvenir" is meanging like memory and "Mémoire" the global uniting of the memories, I suppose there exists a term to make the nuance but I don't know enough about it so... Let's say that Souvenir = memory and Mémoire = Memory, okay?
Sorry ...TwT)
So, roughly speaking, it's the collection of our memories recorded by a stade of consciousness of a moment that was present but is now past. Not to be confused with storage medium: there's a lot of information recorded by the brain that we can't remember (in Error's case it's most certainly out of order too, at least in part).
The conditions for a memory are as follows: to fixate on an object, situation or person in order to take aware of it. Reflecting enables this to happen, because reflecting is about taking the initiative and interrupting the flow of thought in order to consider a specific idea; thinking that you've had that thought. It's like a computer: there are lots of images stored inside, but you won't have access to them, or only with difficulty, if you don't think about printing them out in physical format. In any case, to have a Memory, you need a trigger, something that connects you to reality and makes you say: I remember that.
And Error doesn't have that. There's nothing memorable about his life as an anomaly. He is alone, all the time, in a nothingness where nothing happens, where there is nothing beautiful. A memory is only a memory if we have a consciousness of a past and a present. But Anti-Void has no day, no night, no timetable, no real time. And the only time Error goes out is to kill masses of people he doesn't care about and doesn't even consider to be living beings. He doesn't care about the AU's he destroys. If we were to make a scrapbook of his holiday memories... It would be limited to sewing, sleep, Undernovela, destruction, conversation with imaginary people (his dolls or even us), Outertale, sewing, sleep.
He's alone and he FEELS alone. So lonely that he hears voices in his head, so lonely that he talks to his own dolls. He needs others. We can even assume, in the Canon at least, that he's an extrovert.
Yes, I just said Error was extroverted, and that's extremely weird 😅
But really, it's not so crazy. An extrovert is defined by the way the person resources themselves. Introverted, by being alone, extroverted, by seeing people. It's perfectly possible to be extroverted AND asocial and anti-anti-anti-antisocial. And there you boned a bit.
I'm not making any claims, what I can see is that Error has a certain ease in expressing himself and talking about himself (as long as it doesn't have to do with his problems) and that he's quite talkative. But then, maybe he's something else, intro or ambi, because in his condition of absolute solitude, ANYONE would have an immense need to be with other people.
Besides, don't you think that in his comic, the longer he lives with Swap, the more logical, stable and thoughtful he becomes? It's experience that accumulates. It's the Memory that works. Because with Swap, a friend at last, he can remember what's going on and realise how much time has passed. When he learns to knit with him, when he watches Undernovela with him, when he answers the creator's questions with him, and so on.
It's only after Swap has gone that Error closes in on himself again, letting the Anti-Void devour him once more.
To have a Memory, Error needs to get out of Anti-Void AND have a face, someone he can see fluently to remind him of his past experiences. And who fills that role perfectly in the Fandom, I'll give you three guesses?
This is arguably the strongest no-canon relationship in the Undertale Multiverse. His exchanges with Ink, whether it's a confrontation, a tempestuous dialogue or a bullshit funny, all these little interactions help to forge an emotional bond between the two nemeses.
Whether fans develop this into a rivalship, a bromance or a romance, who cares,
EVIDENTLY Ink is very important to him.
EVIDENTLY he sees him, in some twisted way, as a friend.
Because Ink's the ONLY stable, long-term human relationship he has. And the only way to keep that bond is to keep destroying over and over again to get the painter's attention, and maybe even other people's attention. And given that Error's incapable of being healthy with anyone, because he hates himself too much and is too afraid of other people, what better way to show his attachment than with an "I hate you"?
I'm going to use a really stupid reference here, but Error has a bit of a Dory memory. She forgets everything as she goes along, but from the moment she meets Marlin, she forgets less and less. All she has to do is look at his face and she remembers everything they've been through. And afraid he'll abandon her all alone again, because she doesn't want to forget again.
What if that's what Error was afraid of in Underverse, when Ink 'abandons' him to go and play with X-Gaster? What if he's afraid that if he loses him, all his progression he accomplished so far will go up in smoke?
Ink is Error's Memory. It's very ironic.
And the icing on the cake is that Ink has a lot in common with Error: faced with extreme loneliness in a white void, loss of Memory, ignorance of the conscious state of the beings around them... Ink expresses this suffering through a desire to protect, and Error through a desire to destroy (it's superbly explained in THIS comic you'll found just after validated by the creator, I recommend it!) Isn't he the perfect friend? The funny thing is that in Underverse, the roles are 'reversed'. Ink is prepared to destroy everything, while Error is prepared to do anything to save what attention he has left. OK, he destroys the AU's, but he doesn't care about the AU's, he cares about Ink. He had the chance all along to do it, but he waited until the ultimatum. Because his battles with the painter and his status as quô are vital to him. He was pushed to the limit to commit the irreparable.
If that, is not two lunatics walking on a beam, I don't know what is.
I'm extrapolating here, but imagine that the odd island in the middle of the sea had been requisitionee by Error to be his new den precisely because he'd had enough of the Anti-Void and the memory loss it was causing him? Perhaps, having had a truce with Ink, he no longer felt the need to protect himself from him by staying in the Anti-Void (since Ink has a great fear of white spaces, it makes a good lair) and he was able to move in later. After all, the only time we see him in the Anti-Void is when Ink kicked him back in the arse and in the 2nd Xtrascene when he's snoozing. It's as if he's been sleeping off his wine or something, as if he's gone back there in a fit of rage to forget everything again in frustration at seeing Ink having fun without him. Haven't you noticed that the dolls and the footstool he sits in only exist in his dream? And that when he wakes up, he's on the floor with nothing around him? Why didn't he sleep in his footstool? It's as if he's actually moved all his stuff, except his souls, since they're best kept in the Anti-Void by Ink. The footstool isn't on the island in Xtra scene 1, but it is in Comic the Truce, Error moved it. Maybe he really leaved the Anti-Void and is only using it as a repository for souls? All this just to... Stop being mad? Live a more or less normal life? Become aware of who he is and... Simply be?
Very capylotract but I love this theory xD
And I also think that Error doesn't just see Ink as a tool or a means. I think he really thinks the two of them have a special relationship. Because he's romantically inclined, which is suggested by his Sans past, his taste for Outertale and the fact that he watches a rosewater series with a ship where his alternative version and the alternative version of the woman he loved are in a misunderstood and forbidden relationship, because he's afraid but also wants to be loved deep down given that he's incapable of giving himself self-esteem, because he shows intense frustration when Ink doesn't show him that it's mutual...
And because RIVALSHIP! It would be a perfect match for the Joker/Batman relationship in the Lego Batman movie and I think it's HANDSOME!!!! (*shakes fan-girling head)
(I don't know if Jakei will go with what I have developed but whatever she does will still be super awesome, I wouldn't worry about it ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧!)
Error belongs to @loverofpiggies
Ink belongs to @comyet
Underverse belongs to @jakei95
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3-aem · 2 years
I also really wish i could move on. i really wish i could just be happy and reply to people happy and go back to feeling like myself. It's a new year but I'm still burdened. I feel desperate. But it's up to me to still deal with it. It's me who has to notice ppl have unfollowed or blocked. I have to constantly question if the low engagement is because ppl don't believe it's my work anymore. I have to work through the fact that ppl can tell u everyday they enjoy ur work and then one day turn on a dime without even a second thought, shame u and hate u for that same work. I have to be effectively told ur art style doesn't exist by artists I looked up to.
The fact is only a sliver of people saw my side of the story and without the dms i can never fully prove it either.
I look at years of work and go: it took one framed post to discredit all that. I want to shout fuck u I wasn't fucking doing anything to you. I finally found something that brought me joy, finally got to a place where i felt confident posting, and you had to take that away for what. For why. Seriously, tell me for fucking why.
I anger everytime i see work two artists have done that looks the exact same. I anger when i find other works that utilize the same post. I anger because selfishly i think none of them faced backlash so why did i.
And maybe this is all super self centered and loses my original thread and only makes the problem worse but fuck it i can say whatever i want it's my blog and if people in this slice of fandom are going to denounce me and ignore me then frankly as politely as possible, fuck them too. If I have to look at losing all my progress everyday, I get to have this much.
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magnorious · 1 year
Frozen is a Much Stranger Movie Than I Remember: A Retrospective
I feel like Frozen is one of those movies where there’s two camps: It’s indefensively bad because it was obnoxiously popular and there’s nothing good about it, or ignoring the haters because they’re haters and loving every piece of it (or camp three who don’t give a damn one way or another). The music was all over the internet ad nauseam, yes, but I see a different problem with Frozen:
Anna is our hero and this movie has no idea what to do with her, so it punishes her.
Frozen’s musical numbers do a lot of the legwork to make it seem like a better story than it is, and people have ripped apart Hans in the decade plus since its release. We all know he’s a terrible twist villain consistently at the top of “worst twist villains” lists. We all know Elsa was originally supposed to be the villain but “Let it Go” sent the writers into a panic spiral and they just couldn’t bear keeping her the bad guy. We know the parents are kinda shady? And the movie just ignores that.
But upon a rewatch because “Love is an Open Door” was stuck in my head… the premise for so much of this movie is so much weirder and nonsensical than I remember and in all the discourse I’ve seen over the years, it gets mostly ignored in favor of attacking the songs and Hans.
The prologue (after the ice cutters bit) where young Elsa and Anna are building the snowman and Elsa accidentally almost murders her sister, which leads to the rush to the rock trolls and the Worst Parenting Advice in a Disney movie.
Side note: Baby Elsa and Anna could be triplets with Vanellope von Schweetz, they have the exact same faces. And it’s the middle of the night when they’re supposed to be sleeping but Elsa sleeps with a headband on and their parents apparently also sleep in full royal regalia, complete with a tiara for Queen Whats-her-face?
Then you get the “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” montage where the parents die, Anna grows up, and Elsa sinks further into paranoid anxiety. All of this sets up Anna’s clueless naivete that leads her into insta-romancing Hans and ignoring all of the warning signs (that weren’t there but the movie punishes her anyway).
Anna and Elsa did not grow up as orphaned peasant girls living in the countryside. Anna is isolated from her sister, yes, but she lives in a castle filled with guards, maids, kitchen staff, and presumably has an army of tutors who educate her on booksmarts, how to ride her horse, how to be a proper court lady, and how to eventually lead the country Elsa abandons.
A regent of some kind is running Arendelle until Elsa’s of age to become queen, right? Where is he? Or she?
Where the f*ck are all these servants?
Did Ana not make a single friend with any of her maids’ daughters or sons? Does she not have a tutor or teacher she absolutely adores? How did this entire castle not have a single person to mentor this poor naive girl in how to have interpersonal relationships so their future queen doesn’t get manipulated into marriage by a gaslighter?
If I’m a citizen of Arendelle and Hans becomes my new king and he’s absolutely terrible in every way, and I hear the reason why is “well our immature queen (who we didn’t educate at all on politicking) got duped and bamboozled into marrying him with zero resistance or question,” I’m not going to be too happy with my government.
Anna is kept in the dark by Elsa and her entire invisible and inconsequential staff of servants and is punished by the narrative when she tries to reconnect with her sister, desperately wanting to rekindle their relationship. She literally had her memory wiped. Where’s all the intervening adults saying “uh, hey, Anna, Elsa doesn’t actually hate you, she’s just a danger to herself and everyone around her and we’re complicit in doing nothing to help her.”
Elsa makes it clear she wants nothing to do with her sister in her little ice castle, and Anna refuses to let her go. Then Elsa intentionally hurts her to make her leave and every other character basically says “I told you so,” as if this is her fault.
She’s punished further by the narrative when Hans, the guy who seems amazing to everyone, including the audience, randomly and inexplicably betrays her. Anna is not given the agency to figure this out for herself. She doesn’t beat Hans to it, realizing something doesn’t add up and have the epiphany that she “can’t marry a man she just met”.
Disney, you can still have a twist villain and let the heroes do their due diligence in discovering so, even seconds before they would have revealed themselves.
So Anna gets suckerpunched and Elsa has to go save her and we get the little Elsa redemption and Anna gets to punch Hans off the boat and still fall in love with a man she just met, Kristoff. Movie’s over, happy ending, roll credits.
Frozen sits at the cusp of that Disney era where they’re trying to be all cool and self-aware by insulting their own movies, and by proxy, the audience who loves said movies, with the whole “bashing the insta-romance,” in a serious case of lampshading.
The messages this movie I think tries to send are quite explicitly stated:
“Only true love can thaw a frozen heart” (which absolutely should have been Elsa’s frozen heart, not Anna’s)
“Some people are worth melting for”
“You can’t marry a man you just met”
The problem is that Frozen botches every single one.
Without any indication that Elsa is capable of being “saved” or even wanting to be “saved” Anna gives her life in the name of an apparently unrequited love. Anna might have not fully given up on her sister, but given the evidence presented to her, she really should have, for her own safety. Some people are not worth melting for, Anna, and your castle of thumb-twiddlers failed you on understanding that.
The writers realized that without Elsa as their villain, they needed something in her place, and that mutated into Hans, but they had a much better villain from the start: The parents.
The parents who are ashamed of their own daughter’s violent condition and instead of treating her and helping her, they force her to hide and smother her ice, rip away her sister, and make her feel compelled to isolate herself in her room for fear of hurting people.
The parents who left no instruction or contingency plan in the event of their untimely demise, no senior staffer to take over raising their daughters, no adult figure to help them both become effective leaders.
Anna is our hero and her story boils down to “young girl nearly dies in an innocent accident caused by sister, has her memory of the incident erased and her sister then inexplicably isolated from her, believing the sister to hate her for no reason. She grows up, apparently, with no friends and no mentors and when presented with the chance to finally reconnect with her estranged sibling, through no fault of her own, causes said sibling to erupt in a violent panic attack and flee the premises. Meanwhile, after a touch-starved and emotionally stunted childhood, she quickly falls for the apparent man of her dreams who’s perfect in every way, and she leaves him in charge while she chases after her equally victimized sister on a dangerous quest. The sister, predictably, hurts her again, everyone says “I told you so,” and the man who she thought was perfect is suddenly a completely different person who takes advantage of her naivete because… girls in love are dumb? She nearly dies hoping her now-abusive sister wants to save her and when she does, she’s immediately forgiven.”
I’m not going to talk about Frozen 2 here, because it treats Anna no better. This movie is just baffling in its messaging.
Without properly addressing the Terrible Parenting Advice, Frozen suggests Elsa’s parents did the right thing, or at least the best they could, in traumatizing and isolating their daughter and teaching her to hate herself and fear her powers.
Without any evidence of Hans’ true intentions, Anna is either a dumbass for not being clairvoyant or, what, she should learn to be skeptical of everyone she meets out of fear that they’ll become another Hans?
By making Elsa freeze Anna after finally liberating herself from her trauma shackles, all Elsa’s anxious fears about hurting the people she loves with her ice come true. Because the plot resolves with Elsa saving Anna, instead of the other way around, Elsa must hurt her sister before she can help her, and in 5 seconds she’s cured.
If I was going to rewrite Frozen, since Disney sure loves generational trauma now instead of actual villains, my Frozen would look something like this:
Our hero Anna and our villain Elsa are royal sisters. Keep the same first 30 mins or so, up to Elsa fleeing the castle. Anna, after being kept in the dark by her parents and servants for her whole life, must uncover why her sister has these powers and why her parents, whom she loved and adored, abused Elsa. Elsa becomes the victim she is, still gets her “Let it Go” moment, but instead of the “it” being just her shackles, it’s the abuse of her parents, and her coming to terms with understanding just what they did to her and how wrong they were.
Anna then gets to chase after her and you still get the oopsie where Elsa attacks her, but this time it’s a near-miss that still terrifies her and sends Anna away. The missing parental figure who should have raised her and Anna (but still had their own flaws, and could have done better), stays behind and starts to break through Elsa’s frozen heart and helps her understand that her condition does not control her, that she can still fix this, that she isn’t the villain her parents made her out to be. Elsa doesn’t want to listen, she’s convinced nothing can now be done. She is doomed, but returns home anyway to face the consequences of her actions at the ball.
Anna returns home and figures out that Hans is phony and means to betray her and she beats him to it, regaining her agency along the rest of the plot and maturing in her understanding of the complex and conflicting depth of the people in her life. And it’s Anna, not Elsa, who breaks the “frozen heart” of her sister, by still loving her unconditionally despite her ice, and it’s Anna’s love, not Elsa’s, that helps Elsa control her powers and learn to appreciate them.
And, she can still have Kristoff in the end, why not?
TL;DR, Frozen is the product of catchy musical numbers too expensive to cut because they’ve already been animated, dominating the storytelling process that results in a troubling, nonsensical plot with mixed and frankly disturbing messages. But hey, they sold some Elsa dolls and dresses and racked up billions of views on YouTube, didn’t they?
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the characterisation of ‘new’ Jill recently? I’ve been seeing a lot of people dislike her new character in DI & 3RE a lot.
I'll preface this by saying I have NO objection to her attitude and general bitchiness in Death Island. It makes PERFECT SENSE for everything her character has been through.
The problem I have with the "new Jill" from RE3 remake is that the series has built up a very defined, solid personification of who Jill Valentine is.
From 1 and its remake, to the original RE3, to Revelations, to RE5, and even the e-mail to Barry in Revelations 2; Jill has had the "calm, headstrong, compassionate" personality solidly in play. Jill Valentine is reserved, but not softspoken. She knows how and when to take the reins, she doesn't put up with anybody's crap - not even her partners, as seen when she would shoot down Chris, or Parker, or Josh depending on the situation.
RE3 remake tore all of that down and made her a snarky, complainitive jerk. DID she have reason to not like the UBCS? Absolutely. But the Jill they spent over a decade building upon would not have consistently acted the way she did. "I kNoW hOw A rAdIo WoRkS", for one example. That's not something I would ever imagine Jill saying.
However I will also say there were moments in the 3 remake that did her justice. Taking the gun from the dead cop and then apologizing to him, for instance. That was a peak Jill moment.
tl;dr I don't like her attitude in RE3 remake because it feels like they retroactively rewrote an established character. The same attitude works for Death Island, though; because it's been six years since her last appearance and she's gone through a lot emotionally since then.
I do think a lot of the hate towards new Jill is because a lot of older/male fans are mad that Julia Voth is no longer Jill’s face model and they thought she was hotter than current Jill (which is dumb af) but I have been seeing a lot of hate towards Jill’s characterisation too.
but what are ur thoughts?
i've actually answered this before, so i'll just copypasta
jill has always had a domineering personality, it’s just that it was always portrayed as more lowkey in the earlier games.
i always thought of jill as being the #1 big indicator that this series was made by a japanese team. she’s the exact kind of “rude and tells you to go fuck yourself in the most discreet, societally acceptable way possible” character archetype that you pretty much only see in japanese media because it’s such a cultural context-sensitive personality type.
so when the writing approach changed in the later part of the series so that the character writing/dialogue was written in english first and dubbed into japanese second, the english language team made her personality more recognizable to a western audience.
jill’s not ooc. dudebros are just too stupid to pick up on it when women tell them to fuck off unless we literally use the words “fuck off” – so the writing team eventually reached a point where they made sure that she said them.
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wc-confessions · 2 years
hi its the original cheetz animator anon again and SO SORRY for kicking off drama then dipping for days. however, this is gonna get LONG.
cheetz' entire work model screams offloading shit onto other people so they can produce as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Weekend maps (baby's first crunch culture), 200-part maps with 3 collabers on each one (literally 0 problem with collaboration and its very cool [even if its solely because of the insane crunch], but I'll get to why Im bringing it up), and TRAILERS for their maps to generate as much hype as possible for them. What these create is hundreds of videos about The New Cheeteh Z Map, thus boosting cheetz in the algorithm MASSIVELY.
To break it down, each of the 200 map part creators will post a video with the map title in it, pushing the topic out to as many people as possible. the trailer is there for the existing subs, making SURE they watch at the premiere and again putting the "X Cheeteh Z MAP" topic as smth that anyone who vaguely likes maps needs to watch Right Now. Premiere happens, everyone watches, maybe skims the part playlist, and subs to cheetz (or at least flags to yt that theyre interested in their vids). Because this happens every 3 weeks, it's a consistent stream of content running back to them. its the exact same content-farming dr**k did lmfaoo
The same thing happens to hype the animators for The Next Big Project in the server. I think it was hollyfawn that had a 10-day @/everyone spree with like? a scavenger hunt? to tease that the next project was coming, prepare to apply!!11! To add onto it, they literally dont even do the storyboarding themself. They recruit like 5 other people to do it and cheetz'll help out. This is why the visual language is as disjointed as it is, and no hate towards the board artists! Its just that everyone has different styles and cheetz isnt exactly there to unify it aside from some meaningless symbols (does anyone actually know what hawkstorm's wings mean. anyone?)
Now that we've dissected my perspective on cheetz' content creation style, I've done a wee bit of research on my end with the analytics of my vids.
DISCLAIMER: I am a smallish channel with a few hundred subs and I only upload once every couple months. in fact I'm in the process of divorcing myself from wc so its prolly gonna have a massive subdrop as soon as I upload original animations. I am also one person and have not corroborated my findings with any other animators. Part 2 of the disclaimer: Tigernoir was never finished. After the controversy and threats against the host+animators we agreed to call it off and unlist/priv/delete our parts.
The difference in analytics between my TN part and my other unrelated parts that have a fairly large amount of views within the same amount of time is Notable. This is based on the 4-day mark of each part being up (the numbers are accurate because these were recorded then, and not pulled up Now):
The unrelated part got 1.8k views by then, TN got 2.3k. the difference is the interactions though. By the 4-day mark, the unrelated part had 36k impressions, accessed thru the sidebar (a 5% watchrate), and TN had 10k impressions (23%), accessed mainly thru the playlist. TN had 4 comments by then, Unrelated had 12. Unrelated gained me 50 subs, TN gained 10.
Obviously 2 vids from one person can't be Concrete Evidence, so my theory for this is that people are just skimming through the playlist without actually Intending to watch the videos. With the algorithm, even though a smaller percentage clicked the video, the views clearly had their eye caught and chose to check it out. This meant the viewers were actually engaged with the content and chose to see what else the uploader had going. TN's part on the other hand was just kinda There and automatically watched, then likely skipped onto the next part when the process section began.
In all, the focus is not on the animator when it comes to a cheetz map from what I've noticed. It is quite literally All About Cheetz, and he doesnt do anything but PROMOTE that with their content creation style and how he interacted with the people that work for him. Downright disheartening, and this style becoming fairly mainstream + their fans mirroring it is a very large part why im packing my bags from the warriors animation scene. Once again, sorry abt the length! but that anon did drive me mildly berserk and I needed to delve a bit deeper into my stance.
all i can really say is that that sucks man. i'm glad you're trying to pursue something that makes you happy tho! i really hope you gain the traction you desire along your journey! ik all the animators on cheeteh z's maps are like super fantastic so like i can already imagine how good your content will be..
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Any submitted propaganda under the cut
Raycon - 10
God awful earbuds with 3 times the price of similar quality with the same script every god damn time at least allow creators to do something with it. Not an active scam product but they try so hard to market themselves like one and I don't understand.
1. It's been a while but at it's height, you couldn't get through a video without seeing someone shilling these subpar earbuds. 2. They're literally earbuds bought off of alieexpress with a fancy brand slapped over the top 3. They're garbage earbuds. DankPods did an excellent breakdown of why they're awful 4. Now everyone I know thinks Raycons are great despite them being as expensive or more so than actual established brands that work hard and take pride in their sound quality
I used them for a while actually but they just didn't work out for me so at this point I'm not going to start buying them again and I don't need to hear about it anymore
they’re everywhere. everyone i watch (which is a fairly diverse list) has a sponsorship. i also know zero people in my life who own them.
There are so much better earbuds that are also cheaper. Plus I don't wanna hear YouTubers awkwardly explain and show them being used, it's just dumb.
they wouldn't even stay in my ears plus the look like they go right up against your eardrums. red flags all around plus i hate wireless shit the battery lasts like two shakes at best
Cerebral - 1
Ok sorry this is gonna be an essay with some snark. So for some important background, at last report Cerebral is under investigation by both the DEA and DOJ for essentially being an online pill mill. This tech bro startup took advantage of a temporary measure meant to help patients keep their EXISTING prescriptions during the pandemic -- the usual rule is that controlled substances can only be prescribed after an in-person appointment, to avoid the exact kind of situation I'll describe, but of course when lockdowns made in-person appointments much harder then people who have been taking stimulants or w/e for years shouldn't be left hanging. But then, in comes the Cerebral tech bros who decide to build their new business off prescribing stimulants to NEW patients... to "95%" of new patients, to be exact, because one of them actually admitted "100% would be a pill mill". (Oh yes, 95% is much better, not just a malicious loophole at all /s) Basically, a patient would have a single 30-minute video appointment, take one quiz that's meant to be a SCREENING tool (not a diagnostic tool! if you get a high score that's an indication you need MORE testing to confirm a possible diagnosis!) and then immediately get prescribed stimulants with no physical exam (no EKG, heart rate, or blood pressure, just for starters that any RESPONSIBLE doctor would do) and no further questions asked.—
—That would have been bad enough, but the advertising and shilling. Oh god, the advertising and shilling. Cerebral put out ads deliberately overstretching "signs you may have ADHD" in such a way that would put Tiktok influencers to shame (and we'll fucking get to that.) Like one ad implying that overeating sweets, something that literally everyone does at one point or another, is a sign you should make an appointment with Cerebral to get that sweet sweet Addy! And as for the real treat, the actual sponsorships. They had a fucking AFFILIATE CODE PROGRAM. Tiktokers would be like "use my code to get $30 off your first month!" for PSYCHIATRY. Not only that, but for psychiatry prescribing stimulants which are addictive and can kill you if you're not being carefully monitored for heart problems. Tiktokers and ads would also describe this service as a "life hack" and emphasize how easy it is to get stimulants through this one neat trick! Medical ethics is dead and we killed it. It got to the point that major pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens started refusing to fill prescriptions originating from Cerebral, because if/when a pill mill gets busted, pharmacies that filled the prescriptions can also be held liable. Think of the opioid epidemic for examples of the situation they were trying to avoid. They noticed how suspicious it was that ALL THE SUDDEN there was a huge flood of prescriptions for addictive drugs, ALL originating from the same few healthcare providers (mostly Nurse Practitioners rather than Medical Doctors, because MDs were more likely to call out the ethical/legal violations, but even many of the NPs who worked for Cerebral described feeling pressured by the corporate higher-ups to increase prescriptions and discourage waiting or further testing) Once this all came to a head Cerebral tried damage control by no longer prescribing stimulants to new patients. I haven't heard any updates on the regulatory investigations since then. But you know what I haven't seen that's even more telling? Not one, not a SINGLE one of the content creators who shilled for this company EVER apologized. For all they know they could have contributed to getting someone killed, not to mention life-ruining addictions, all for that sweet corporate sponsorship cash. Even if you argue they might not have known better at the time (to which I say bullshit, it's your responsibility to at least google the company to see if there's any red flags, Cerebral had more than a communist parade) even AFTER all this started making national news, it was just dead silence and moving on to the next corporate sponsor. But hey, if you're struggling with Adderall addiction, I know just the thing to help! Sign up for BetterHelp using code "SHILL" to get $10 off- *dies*
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opinated-user · 1 year
Did lily just give her HP aliana oc a gardevoir for a Petronas? And also totally change the magic so it's sentient and never fades away so it can hang out with everyone?
Fanfic is self-indulgent by design, so it's fine that she does whatever she wants. The only issue I have is that LO always acts like her fics are first that aim to improve the original when they're not. All they are is super self-indulgent stories she writes for fun. Yet she dunks on other fics for the same thing. Or people who don't agree with how she writes certain things.
I'd respect her so much more if she just said 'Hey this is my fic, not a book and I do what want' rather then defend her choices as fine and pat herself on the back for fixing a story while simultaneously saying other fic writers are trash for just enjoying a trope she hates.
Side note I do find funny that she really only has like 3 stock characters she uses at nauseum and can't write anything else. But, yeah, she totally could get a book published.
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i admit this could be a cute idea. some people in the fandom always speculated that the Patronus of Harry had some form of own consciousness based on how they were portrayed in the third and fifth movies, so it's not a bad idea to take that concept further and turn it into "you can create your very own best friend". if you ever heard about the concept of tulpas, beings you can create within your own mind to be independent of you, LO's essentially doing just that with a physical form. LO could have created a entirely new spell just for that, but i don't really have an issue with this being her new interpretation of patronus. my problem is the "only some patronus can talk given their form" because... why? they're already beings made of light, why biology of all things would be the thing that impedes them communicate? i guess just because LO's characters have to have the most especial pokemon/patronus by default.
... the issue that i'm already seeing is that this is literally just the exact same thing she already did with the AI that rey created. it hasn't been that long and she's already recycling her own ideas again, blatantly so. does LO even realize that or she does not care? remember that AI robot that started as basically a toddler that alaina, not rey, had to teach her about everything until the AI develops a crush on alaina? the thing that we called out as being plain grooming? think about it: -both beings are entirely dependant on another character. if rey stops the servers or brent just undoes the spell, they both cease to exist. -they're both empty shells until their creator/wife's creator takes them under their wing. as a note, how come something can be an "empty shell", but their loyalty still has to be earned? that makes no sense. -they're essentially free servants, borderline slaves. they're both told that they have free will, that they're part of the family and they aren't under anyone's control... but there's really nothing showing that because neither of these characters has any personality beyond adoring brent/alaina and how useful they're for their respective "families." do they have any hobbies? do they enjoy doing anything outside of the people who made them? can they create art? do they have imagination? do they have preferences? do they dream about mechanical sheep? we don't know, and i frankly doubt that LO even thought about it because it's not about any of them becoming actual people, it's about alaina/brent having adoring servants that they don't even need to pay.
-they both have overtly formal speech patterns regarding the "family" as if they were their superior and, despite all the talk about them not being subservient and being on equal footing, nobody seems to mind? i just don't know how equal a relationship can be when one of the parties keeps using "my lady" and being so reverent. it's almost like LO want to replicate the relationship between Sylvannas and anevay, but she missed the part about that dynamic has a different tone when it comes to a creator and the creation.
-neither that AI or this patronus have an actual option to leave their creators, even if they wanted to. they're bound to them to continue living. because of that, no matter how much talk there's about "you're part of the family", there's always going to be a power dynamic at play here that, considering who's writing, is almost for certain going to be abused in some way in the future.
as a side note, that "she's opinionated" and "she's the first one to say she isn't an slave" (even though she is because there's no talk anywhere about her having any actual indepedence or actual rights) are entirely recycling what little of a personality G has on pokemadhouse. this is just G.
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madymoo-fandom · 2 years
My Opinions on Dragon Age Origins
Currently I have 700.2 hours on DA:O in just over 3 years of playing, and even tho no one asked or cares, I'm gonna ramble on about it.
This game is the best for role-playing playing purposes. The decisions you are forced to make in the game can be gutting, (especially if your playing an evil playthrough after you've already played and became close with your companions). I can honestly say their has been many times where I had the pause for 20 minutes and think very carefully about to do or say in sertain situations.
The characters are great and show actual growth throughout the progress on the game. Their backstories are well fleshed out and I enjoy talking to each and everyone, everytime I head to camp. In my opinion the romance options are great, but the romance itself is a bit lacking, probably to do with not wanting the romance to get in way of actual gameplay or just the tools they had at the time. I feel like ME1 and 2 had this problem too.
The combat in my opinion in this game in the worst out of them all. I get people really like the slow pace, strategy style but its just not for me and honestly I found it a bit repetitive, sometimes dreading replaying sertain parts like the Fade or the Deep Roads
Wardens Keeps
This DLC add a new quest, new abilities and items. The DLC was okay in my option, didn't add much to the game other than an extra thing to do. I play the quest, got my loot and moved on. Nothing really memorable to me.
Return to Ostagar
Its basically just a "look around and find cool stuff" kind of quest. You get new loot. I'll admit, King Cailan's armor looks pretty cool, but again, nothing memorable. It also adds the motivation behind Loghian's betyeal and the best part, a second change to recruit the Mabari, in case you forgot.
Feastday Gifts and Pranks
These two DLC's just give you a bunch of gifts for your companions and the love or hate you get from these gifts is excessive. I basically use it to jump start my companions relationships when wanting to get to their personal quests faster. Idk if you have to pay for this cause I got the Ultimate Edition, but I wouldn't pay for it separately.
The Stone Prisoner
Grade A companion DLC, it is fantastic. It adds our stunning Shale to the team and is truely a well written character. The quest to get Shale is a bit bland in my opinion but what she has to the game is more than worth it.
Great story driven DLC. The story can be a bit lacking a times and sometimes feels like "wow, this came out of nowhere", but i genuinely enjoy it and gave us expanding lore on the darkspawn. The characters aren't as well written as the vanilla game but still has good companions. Idk but I also feel as if the combat is better, even tho its almost the exact same. Maybe because we're not in the same area for as long fighting towards the same obstacle.
Darkspawn Chronicles, Leliana's Song, Witch Hunt
Honestly, have not played it these DLCs but I do look forward to playing them in the future when I get my pc back from the storage unit.
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canirove · 2 months
You say you don't copy others writing but an imagine for Pedri with that same premise was posted like a month ago so the math ain’t mathing
I wasn't going to reply because... Why bother? But I've woken up with enough patience today to explain things to you even if it'll be like talking to a wall.
First of all, link to that imagine? Accusing people without any proof (again)...
Second, this is fanfic, anon. Everything has been written already, and especially in a fandom like the football one. People writing about a player and the manager's daughter, the best friend's sister, players from teams that hate each other, girl who doesn't know he is famous... I don't know, I could write a whole ass paragraph with different concepts. And after all the noise there was when the Spanish press posted about Gavi and Princess Leonor, the one I wrote about it isn't original either
But one thing is writing about the same topic or have the same idea (many times anons send the same requests to different blogs and writers and no one accuses the other of copying), and another to write the same exact thing, copying plots, dialogues and everything. That is copying and where the problem is imo, not being inspired by the same thing or topic.
And if you can't see it, which you probably won't because you only have a problem with me for whatever the reason, only what I do bothers you, and want to annoy me and make me look bad when I'm minding my own business... Well 🤷🏼‍♀️
Anyway, have a nice Wednesday, and I don't know... Find a new hobby that isn't obsessing about what someone you don't know posts or does online. Have you tried crocheting? I highly recommend it 😚
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johanna-swann · 11 months
I've been discussing how we would rank the Star Wars Episodes with one of my friends, we watched a film critic's take on it too, I asked my brother and cousin about it and it seems like everyone has a different opinion. My friend really like the sequels, my brother prefers the prequels and my cousin stans the original trilogy.
Eventually I always come back to the conclusion that it's not about actual quality. All three Star Wars trilogies have their ups and downs, strengths and weaknesses. Which of the weaknesses you're happy to bear and which ones you can't stand is personal preference.
The original trilogy often gets more nostalgia points than it probably deserves. Yes, it's cinema history and I kinda love the low-key trashy vibe, the characters are pretty basic yet very iconic, but the pacing. Oh my. I don't mind a little slow burn (Andor did this brilliantly), but there are often spans when for 20 or 30 minutes nothing happens. Then again the important moments often come on so suddenly and happen so fast that it feels almost anticlimactic. And Episode VI? Everybody complained when the sequel trilogy came along and copied Episode IV, but Episode VI does the exact same thing and it's fine?
All in all iconic, loveable movies (especially Episode V), but they do have substantial weaknesses (especially Episode VI).
The prequels are often more appreciated by younger fans, hated on by og trilogy fans and they have a completely different vibe. Less space-magic fairytale, more political intrigue and tragedy. This trilogy has a very low low and a very high high.
Episode I wasn't super exciting, but kinda cute. I love that we meet Anakin so young, Darth Maul is pretty cool in this movie and Qui Gon and Obi Wan's relationship is really touching. Episode II was a dumpster fire. Everything it tried to do was done 10000 times better in Clone Wars. Episode III then was really great again and very emotional. Was Anakin's fall to the dark side a bit sudden, yes. Some of the dialogue is still very cringe worthy. But this is the movie that gives you the real classic tragedy stuff. You're rooting for Anakin, hoping he'll come through when you already know where his story ends.
The sequel trilogy is a tough one and is strongly disliked by all kinds of Star Wars fans, but sometimes I think people are too harsh and unforgiving with it. Episode VII isn't bad, quite good even, the visuals are great (compared to prequel cgi...), it introduces a bunch of new characters really well and those characters are so interesting. I love the main trio so much. It felt in parts very Disney and the plot was copy pasted from Episode IV, but as I said, that's basically what Episode VI did too. It was a solid start, then came the problems.
I didn't mind Finn going of with Rose in Episode VIII all that much. It wasn't really that important to the main plot, but it showed that while the galaxy suffers there's also war profeteers living their best life. Both Rose and Finn have never really known anything but war and suddenly they're confronted with this high society living in luxury at the cost of innocent lives. I also wasn't annoyed with Rey trying to save Ben yet, that came later. Poe's story on the other hand was complete nonsense. Leia's friend (I forgot her name) risked the entire rebellion because? She wanted to teach Poe a lesson about patience? And Luke would never, ever, not for a moment raise his lightsaber against a sleeping child. Again, the visuals were great. That last battle with the red and white landscape looked amazing. There are worse Star Wars movies.
Episode IX is where it completely fell apart. Somehow Palpatine returned. Rey is his granddaughter. After not only having killed his father, having tortured Rey and friends and having declared himself the new supreme leader of the galaxy, Rey is still trying to save Kylo? Kylo made his fucking choice. Several times actually. The last hour or so it felt like watching a pingpong match. "Oh, Palpatine returns, but Rey is on her way! Oh, he has a fleet. Don't worry, the rebels are coming! But there's too few of them! Nevermind, they got backup. But Rey is still losing against Palpatine! But what is that? Kylo Ren with a steel chair!" It was like a drawn out back-forth-back-forth which then climaxed in Kylo Ren kissing Rey back to life? I think the only way to enjoy this movie is to be a Kylo Ren fan. Which I am not. So yeah, I can't say anything good about Episode IX. Except the trio looked hot. Not even Episode II sucked this hard.
This rant got out of hand, but oh well. My point stands. All three trilogies have at least one rather strong movie and one not all that great, pretty bad actually movie. Og has pacing trouble, prequel has dialogue cringe, sequel lost the plot halfway through. At least my friend, brother, cousin, the film critic and I all agreed that Rogue One is an unexpected masterpiece and that the worst Star Wars movie of all was Solo.
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thimbil · 3 years
Having some thoughts about the references and inspirations used for the Bad Batch’s designs.
So Boba Fett is my absolute favorite character and Temeura Morrison was perfect casting. I went to see the 2008 TCW movie in theaters because I was so excited to see him again, even if he was animated. You can imagine my disappointment. Whoever was on screen was not Temeura Morrison. You could sort of see a resemblance if you squinted and didn’t think too hard about it. They replaced Temeura with Racially Ambiguous G.I. Joe. If I didn’t know better and someone told me the animated clones are space Italians from the moon of New Jersey I would buy it. One Million Brothers Pizzeria and Italian Bistro. Not that there’s something wrong with being space Italian, I just don’t think it’s the right choice for the Fetts. The design got slightly improved by season 7 but it still bugs the hell out of me.
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I did eventually get into the show later and (of course) got invested in the clones. Unfortunately, they were largely sidelined by the Jedi storylines. Out of the two new main characters created for TCW, Ahsoka definitely got more development and focus than Rex. When they announced The Bad Batch, I was excited to see a show specifically devoted to the clones… at least that’s what it said on the tin. We have all seen what lurks beneath those stylish helmets.
Jango Fett, you are NOT the father.
So who is?
Based on interviews with Filoni, it sounds like the Bad Batch was a George Lucas idea. And like all his ideas, it’s super derivative. The original trilogy directly lifted elements from sci fi serials, westerns, and samurai movies, more specifically Kurosawa films like The Hidden Fortress. For The Bad Batch character designs, the influence is obviously American action and adventure movies.
Now let’s get specific. Bad Batch, who’s your daddy?
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Sylvester Stallone as Rambo in First Blood 1982. That bandana has become an integral part of the iconic action hero look. You see a character wearing one and it’s a visual shorthand for either “this character is a tough guy” like Billy played by Sonny Landham in Predator 1987, or “this character thinks he is/wants to be a tough guy” like Brand played by Josh Brolin in The Goonies 1985 or Edward Frog played by Corey Feldman in The Lost Boys 1987.
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Hunter’s model is closest to the original clone base. If you look closely you will see the eyebrows are straighter with a much lower angle to the arch. His nose is also not the same shape as a standard clone like Rex, including a narrower bridge. It’s certainly not Temeura Morrison’s nose. Remember what I said about space Italians? It didn’t take much to push the existing clone design to resemble an specific Italian man instead of a specific Māori man. The 23&Me came back, and Hunter inherited more than the bandana from Sylvester.
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The long narrow nose, the sharp cheekbones, the scowl. That’s no clone, that’s just animated Clint Eastwood. Not even Young and Hot Clint Eastwood from Rawhide 1959-1965. With that hair, I’m talking Gran Torino 2008. The man of few words schtick and family friendly toothpick in lieu of cigar are pure Eastwood as The Man With No Name from Sergio Leone’s spaghetti westerns A Fist Full of Dollars 1964, For a Few Dollars More 1965, and The Good the Bad and the Ugly 1966.
In a way, this is full circle because the actor Jeremy Bulloch took inspiration from Clint Eastwood for his performance as Boba Fett in ESB.
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In an interview Filoni lists the Hulk as an (obvious) inspiration for Wrecker. Ever seen the old Hulk tv show from 1978? Well take a look at the actor who played him, Lou Ferrigno. Would you look at that. Even has his papa’s nose.
You could make the argument that Wrecker was influenced by The Rock, an appropriately buff ‘n bald Polynesian (Samoan, not Maori) man. But look at him next his Fast and Furious costar Vin Diesel and tell me which one resembles Wrecker’s character model more.
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Tech is a little trickier for me to place. If he has a more direct inspiration it must be something I haven’t seen. That said, his hairline is very Bruce Willis as John McClane in Die Hard 1988. His quippiness and large glasses remind me of Shane Black as Hawkins from Predator 1987. In terms of his face, he looks a but like the result of McClane and Hawkins deciding to settle down and start a family. Although, Tech’s biggest contributors are probably just everyone on TV Trope’s list for Smart People Wear Glasses.
And finally,
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Oh Echo. Considering he wasn’t created for the Bad Batch, he probably wasn’t based on a particular character or movie. But if I had to guess, his situation and appearance remind me a lot of Alex Murphy played by Peter Weller in Robocop 1987. However, Robocop explored the Man or Machine Identity Crisis with more nuance, depth, and dignity. Yikes.
The exact tropes and references used in The Bad Batch have been done successfully with characters who aren’t even human. Gizmo from Gremlins 2: The New Batch 1990 had a brief stint with the Rambo bandana. I could have picked any number of characters for Defining Feature Is Glasses but here is the most cursed version of Simon of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Suffer as I have. Marc Antony with his beloved Pussyfoot from Looney Tunes has the same tough guy with a soft center vibe as Wrecker and his Lula (also a kind of cat). Hell, in the same show we have Cad Bane sharing Cowboy Clint Eastwood with Crosshair. I actually think Bane makes a better Eastwood which is wild considering Crosshair has Eastwood’s entire face and Bane is blue.
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So we’ve established you don’t need your characters to look exactly like their inspirations to match their vibe. So why go through the trouble and cost of creating completely new character designs instead of recycling and altering assets they already had on hand? Just slap on a bandana, toothpick, goggles, and make Wrecker bigger than the others while he does a Hulk pose and you’re done. Based on the general reaction to Howzer it would have been a low effort slam dunk crowd pleaser.
But they didn’t do that.
So here’s the thing. I like the tropes used in The Bad Batch. I am a fan of action adventure movies from the 80s-90s, the sillier the better. I am part of the Bad Batch’s target audience. Considering what I know about Disney and Lucasfilm, I went in with low expectations. I genuinely don’t hate the idea of seeing references to these actors and media in The Bad Batch. I don’t think basing these characters on tropes was a bad idea. If anything it’s a solid starting point for building the characters.
The trouble is nothing got built on the foundation. The plot is directionless, the pacing is wacky, and the characters have nearly no emotional depth or defining character arcs. They just sort of exist without reacting much while the story happens around them. But I can excuse all of that. You don’t stay a fan of Star Wars as long as I have not being able to cherrypick and fill in the gaps. This show has a deeper issue that shouldn’t be ignored.
Why do the animated clones bear at best only a passing resemblance to their live action actor? In interviews, Filoni wouldn’t shut up but the technological advancements in the animation for season 7. So if they are updating things, why not try to make the clones a closer match to their source material? Why did they have to look like completely different people in The Bad Batch to be “unique”? Looking like Temeura Morrison would have no bearing on their special abilities and TCW proved you can have identical looking characters and still have them be distinct. In fact, that’s a powerful theme and the source of tragedy for the clones’ narrative overall.
Here’s Filoni’s early concept art of Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, and Hunter. (Interesting but irrelevant: Wrecker seems to have a cog tattoo similar to Jesse’s instead of a scar. Wouldn’t it have been funny if they kept that so when they met in season 7 one if them could say something like “Hey we’re twins!” That’s a little clone humor. Just for you guys 😘)
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None of these drawings look like the clones in TCW, much less Temeura Morrison. Let’s be generous. Maybe Filoni struggles with drawing a real person’s likeness, as many people do. But he had to hand this off to other artists down the line whose job specifically involves making a stylized character resemble their actor. Yet the final designs missed the mark almost as much as this initial concept. Starting to seem as if the clones looking more like Temeura Morrison was never even on the table. It wasn’t a lack of creativity, skill or technical limitations on the part of the creative team. I don’t think there is an innocent explanation. They went out of their way to make the final product exactly how we got it.
This goes beyond homage. They could have made the same pop culture references and character tropes without completely stripping Temeura Morrison from the role he originated. It was a very purposeful choice to replace him with more immediately familiar actors from established franchises and films. It wouldn’t shock me if Filoni, Lucas, and anyone else calling the shots didn’t even think hard or care enough about the decision to immediately recognize a problem. And I don’t think they believed anyone else would either. At least no one whose opinion they cared about. Those faces are comfortingly familiar and proven bankable. They are what we’re all used to seeing after all. They’re white.
Lack of imagination, bad intentions, or simple ignorance doesn’t really matter in the end. The result is the same. Call it what it is. They replaced a man of color with a bunch of white guys. That’s by the book garden variety run of the mill whitewashing. There’s no debate worth having about it. For a fanbase that loves to nitpick things like whether or not it’s in character for Han to shoot first or Jeans Guy in the Mandalorian, we sure are quick to find excuses for clones who look nothing like their template. Why is that? If you don’t see the problem, congratulations. Your ass is showing. Pull your jeans up.
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montanamiracle · 4 years
You want to know what it’s like writing an original character who is a female? 
This is the first ever piece of hate I’ve received and since then it’s only grown.
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This is what it’s like writing a female muse in a roleplay fandom, especially a female OC.  Everyday many of us are bombarded with anonymous hate calling our muses sluts and whores for wanting to ship something.  We’re told that’s all we want to write and shamed for it, and yet when we try to write something platonic, adventurous, or something aside from romance, we’re laughed at because our muses aren’t strong enough to do it.  
As female OC’s we do our best and try to find people who will love our muse as much as we do to little or no avail because there is always something new or better that comes up.  We never complain or say anything because we don’t want to be a bother.  We don’t want to show any emotion because it will only worsen the stigma around us.  
Female OC writers are ridiculed for coming up with a character we love and questioned why we’d even do so when no one wants to interact with us, and yet when a male character has a similar story or does a similar plot they’re applauded and cherished.  
As female OC’s we have to constantly keep our page looking up to date and spectacular.  Our icons need to be flashy and perfect, our writing small and bold, and our homepage more graphic than most people are capable.  If we do not do things no one will even look at us.  
It’s constantly worrying about saying the wrong thing, about not getting too excited if romance does come our muse’s way.  It’s about always having to triple check and wonder if we should reblog the NSFW meme then trying to gather enough courage to face the hate we know we’ll get.  It’s worrying constantly about whether or not you can get excited about anything because you don’t want to seem annoying.  It’s debating for hours to post a headcanon you were once really excited about, but you’re unsure if anyone actually cares.  It’s waiting weeks to receive one meme.  It’s watching people you admire never answer yours despite your mutual status.  
Day after day we log on and wonder how much we can express our muse.  It’s wondering if we should even say anything at all because we know how much the RP world hates female oc’s and we don’t want to give anyone else a reason to.  It’s watching your other female oc’s struggle with the exact same problem.  It’s every single day wondering if you should just give up on your muse that you worked so hard to create.
We give more than we receive, and we’ve had to learn how to be okay with that because let’s face it we know how to because it’s an issue in the real world too.
So here’s to our strong women in the RPC, muse and mun.  I see you all.  I support you all. 
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