#when they randomly introduced a whole new baby sociopath girl in the last season and it’s like why
dream-girls-evil · 6 years
Episode 6 Reaction
Hey kiddos! Sorry I didn’t post anything last night; that extra-long episode made me tired! I’m an old lady. Anyways! What did you all think?? I...really, really wanted to like it, for Sarah, but I just didn’t. And it’s not her fault, she worked with the script she was given; the script was just so disappointing. Let’s break it down, shall we? 
Warning: I gotta rant, so this will be LONG.
Madison Montgomery
Wow I could watch a full episode just of Madison and Behold being stuck on that drive to the Murder House together. They’re fucking hilarious. I was absolutely LIVING for Billy Porter’s expressions.
I also cackled when she just casually tossed aside Hayden’s skull. I would have paid to see them interact.
I’m glad that they’re at least trying to give Madison some character development, but she was really all over the place with this episode
It made me laugh out loud when she said Tate wasn’t that hot
And then cringe when she called Ben a DILF
And what in the world was that line “if my baby wasn’t cool or good-looking, I wouldn’t love it”? Like, WHAT? Even if that’s true, it was just such a weird and unnecessary thing to say.
And then then just randomly deciding to bring up a super personal memory with a guy you barely know and who might be your enemy.
There’s been no pacing or sense of progression, just awkwardly blurting out information at inappropriate times. Maybe they’re going for Madison trying way too hard to be a different person, and how it’s really not working? I hope whatever it is, they can settle on a tone for her soon.
I will admit, though, that I loved her saying “Cordelia will know what to do.” Tbh, of all the girls, she’s always had the most mother-daughter relationship with Cordelia, even if neither of them would EVER admit it. I do think she really looks up to her Supreme.
It’s also looking like the last name is probably a coincidence, by what Billie Dean said.
Speaking of Billie Dean...
Murder House Characters
The actual FUCK was going on here???
Billie Dean Howard--I was SO excited when she showed up
And SO glad they got her a better wig than she had in Murder House. That was awful.
If “I’ve known a few Montgomery’s in my day” is as close as we’re gonna get to Hotgomery then I am taking it. It’s canon now, fight me.
But man, I wanted her and Constance to interact more! They had such a fun dynamic in the first season!
And then she...disappeared? I know Sarah had to actually direct, but they couldn’t have even had her say “well, I’ve gotta head out, we’re leaving to film at (wherever)” or something?
They could have shortened this episode by 30 minutes if she had just told the witches that Michael was the Antichrist from the get go
Constance Langdon
A queen, as always, but also confusing. I don’t understand any of her story.
First of all, she KNEW Billie’s prophecy about the Antichrist. They both KNEW what Michael would be from the moment they found out he was conceived. And even if Constance didn’t believe it then, you’d think she would have realized something was up when he aged 10 years overnight.
And after being totally cool and actually seeming a little proud when he killed his first nanny, and all that talk about him being destined for greatness, did anyone else expect her to be totally psyched that her grandson was the future ruler of the world? Cuz I did.
And her fourth child finally appears! Man, first Cordelia, now this? Jessica’s tv daughters really can’t catch a break in the eye department.
Aaaaand she’s still a bitch to Moira. You’d think Violet would have taught her about slut shaming or something by now.
She finally gets to be with her mother and I’m sobbing.
But, we’ve pretty much known it was going to happen for months.
It still wasn’t totally satisfying, though. She didn’t say goodbye to the Harmons, who she was really close with the last time we saw her. She was Jeffrey’s godmother!
And speaking of the Harmons, where tf was Vivien to defend her from Constance’s torture??? I loved Vivien and Moira’s dynamic in the first season!
The Harmons
Man, I was so proud of Vivien for not talking to Ben for like five seconds and then they ruined it.
Ben is still a shit therapist and all-around douchebag.
Words cannot express my anger that literally the ONLY reason Violet showed up was to redeem Tate.
No. Nope. Rejected. I will never accept that their toxic relationship is okay because “the house made him do it.” Tate is manipulative, sociopathic trash.
Michael Langdon
Okay, metal six-year-old Michael was actually kinda cute, sadly it couldn’t last.
And it’s literally Tate’s fault again cuz why not, he started this whole thing after all.
Aaaaaand more dead lesbians. HE BURNED THEIR FUCKING SOULS UP. What the fuck Murphy. This is not how you do representation.
The whole thing with the “signs” of his rise to power was neat, and his followers were satisfyingly creepy. Loved seeing Naomi Grossman again.
Though I can’t help but wonder how the actual Church of Satan is feeling about its presentation in the show.
I died when they played “Don’t Fear the Reaper.” This season has such great music.
The relationship between Mead and Michael is still a mystery. Like, now we know how they met--she was one of his loyal followers. But he literally almost killed Constance for telling him what to do. So how did Mead get from worshipping the Antichrist to parenting him?
Final Thoughts/Next Week
All in all, the only actual things that needed to happen in that episode were the coven finding out Michael was the Antichrist and us finding out how Constance died.
I was very disappointed with how the ghosts showed up. There was hardly any interaction--they all just made their appearances one-by-one, gave a dramatic speech, and then went off to some sort of happy ending.
Also, very sad Madison didn’t even make one jab about Cordelia being too busy fawning over Misty to investigate this herself.
More background next week with a little bit of time back at Hawthorne. Looks like we’ll be introduced to Joan Collins’ new character, figure out how Dinah got involved with the witches, possibly find out how Myrtle got resurrected (I’m hoping), and see PAPA LEGBA!!! I was SO hoping he’d show up in this season, and I will be SO mad if he doesn’t make at least one comment about getting annoyed with all the times Cordelia called him up trying to bargain for Misty’s soul. Because we all know she did.
Speaking of Misty, if we’re going back to Hawthorne, we’ll find out for sure whether she’s still there or has gone somewhere else (like with Stevie), but they’d better actually tell us where she went, not just ignore the fact that she’s absent.
This episode also means that they DID know who Michael was and what he was going to do in 2018, before the Apocalypse. So they must have had a plan to stop him--what happens with it? If my parallel timelines theory holds out, we won’t know if it works until the very end.
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