#whenever I ask her about a recipe it’s more so vibes of getting a recipe from Sharon at the house party
billybob598 · 1 year
Secret Recipe (Lucy Bronze x Reader)
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Another fic LFG!!!!!! This was requested by the anon who asked for a Lucy x Secret wife chef reader. Hope this is what you wanted! Got a Katie McCabe fic next. As always, any feedback good or bad welcomed! Enjoy!
Word Count: 1.3K (LFG!!!!)
For years now whenever Lucy came to camp she would have lots of packed lunches to fend off her hunger. The girls sometimes gave her a hard time about it, but for the most part, they don’t think too much about it most of the time. That is until one day Keira missed the served lunch due to a meeting. Keira was really starting to get hungry, but all the food was gone and they had training again soon so it’s not like she could make a quick sandwich or something. Then, Lucy became Keira’s saviour when she shoved a brown paper bag at her. At first, Keira was confused, but then it dawned on her that it was the same type of bag that Lucy always brought her packed lunches in. She gratefully grabbed the bag mumbling out a thanks before eagerly ripped open the bag. The team had never seen Keira so excited about food before. It was a mixture of her own hunger and curiosity as to what was in the bag that fueled Keira as she devoured the contents of the bag. In the bag, there was a container of what Lucy called burrito bowl. After each bite, Keira would let out a satisfied sound, a sound that had all the other girls giggling at her. She was too in love with the food to care. 
“If you were eating this right now, you’d be making these noises too,” she tries to defend herself as everyone keeps laughing. 
“Is it good?” Georgia asks.
“Unbelievably good,” Keria says, shovelling more food into her mouth.
“Wait, wait how is it really good? Lucy sucks at cooking,” Lucy goes to protest, but Millie keeps on talking, “Don’t even deny it Luce, there’s no way you could make something Keira likes that much.” 
For the rest of camp, Lucy gets bombarded with questions on how she’s getting these packed lunches. The team just cannot seem to figure it out.
“Maybe she buys them?”
“No, no they’re definitely not bought, she brings them in like plastic containers.”
“What if she gets her mum to make them?”
“Nope, her mum lives too far away for that.”
“What if she’s got like a deal with a mob boss, so they make her lunch in exchange for her to keep her mouth shut.”
Everyone really seems to like the last idea Rachael suggested. Lucy just rolls her eyes at their silliness. 
“Well, you’re all wrong. What if I actually do make them all by myself?” She remarks. Everyone makes disbelieving noises.
“There’s absolutely no way you can make food that good and that often,” Georgia says. Lucy did have to concede that one, it was a well-known fact that Lucy could make a decent meal every once and a while, but every day? No way. 
On the last night of camp, Lucy decides to Facetime you, she had told you about the incident, and you actually found it really hilarious. As she was telling you about their latest ideas you can’t help but let out a little snort,
“They think you have a deal with the mafia?” You say while trying to hold back your laughter.
“Yep, they’re so dumb. And also, do I really seem like someone involved with the mafia?” 
“I mean, you do kinda give off those vibes, love.” The look of betrayal on Lucy’s face has you in stitches. 
“You better stop laughing Y/N. I would hate for you to be offed by a mob boss,” she says with a grin. 
You guys continue to talk for a bit when you ask her about something that had been nagging you for a bit.
“Why don’t you just tell them about us?” The question was very out of the blue so, it caught Lucy off guard. 
“What do you mean?”
“Why don’t you just tell them that you’re married and that your wife makes your lunches and everything? Why keep it a secret anymore? They’re going to figure it out soon.” You weren’t mad at her, you were just curious as to why she never wanted to tell the team about you guys.
“I don’t know babe. It’s just easier. Plus, if I told them about you, they’d definitely want to meet you,” she sighs. 
“I’d love to meet them.”
“I’m not sure if you would, they can be very…overbearing,” Lucy warns you.
“Come on Luce. I spend like twelve hours a day overlooking a kitchen and dealing with other peoples’ problems as if I’m their mom. I’m sure I can handle twenty footballers,” you say confidently.
“Okay, then. How about I invite them over for dinner in a couple of days? I’m sure they’d love for you to cook for them,” Luce suggests. You nod happily, excited at the prospect of finally meeting all of Lucy’s friends. 
When Lucy invites the team over the next day she gets a lot of excited murmurs and questions on whether she was cooking or not. She’s seen the girls loud, but it was something else when she told them that her wife would be cooking. After announcing that, she very swiftly made her exit.
As the first Lionesses make their way inside you and Lucy’s house, they can’t believe all the pictures of you and her.
“This is her, right?” Lotte says as she points at a photo of you and Lucy on your wedding day.
“Yup, that’s Y/N,” Lucy says with a proud smile.
“She’s really pretty.” Everyone snickers at the glare Lucy gives to Lotte. “Is she in the kitchen?” Lucy nods and shows them the way. 
You look up when you hear loud voices carry into the kitchen. Wiping your hands off, you make your way around the island to meet everybody.
“This is Y/N, my wife,” Lucy introduces you. You hear a chorus of “Hi Y/N”s. You give them all a warm smile before they start banging out questions,
“So you guys are married?”
“How long have you been married?”
“Why didn’t we know about you sooner?”
“Are you actually a cook?”
“Do you own a restaurant?”
“What’s your favourite dish to make?”
So, you make all of Lucy’s lunches then?”
You are a bit surprised, but you compose yourself and answer all their questions,
“Yup, we’re married and have been for five years now. After we got married we just thought it easier to keep it on the down-low so we could focus on our careers. I am actually a chef, and I run Midsummer House which has two Michelin stars and is in Cambridge. At the restaurant we always make lots of fancy dishes, but sometimes I just like making pepperoni pizza. Yes, I make all of Lucy’s lunches for camp.”
As the night progresses, you can understand why Lucy likes going to national team camp so much, everyone is extremely kind to you and there is lots of banter and telling stories that you haven’t heard yet. You get a number of compliments on the food you had prepared for dinner. Rachael starts complaining about how it’s unfair that only Lucy gets your packed lunches. You laugh stating that something could be arranged for the team. This gets everyone very excited and makes it a little harder to get everyone out of the house after. All in all, it was a pretty successful first time meeting the Lionesses. As you clean up the dishes, you feel someone’s arms wrap around you from behind.
“Everything was delicious, love,” Lucy whispers into your ear.
“You liked it? It was a new recipe,” you reply, still washing some things.
“Mhm, it was very good,” you turn around in her arms and give her a kiss. She sighs into the kiss before pulling away and helping with the clean up.
The next camp, everyone is ecstatic when you show up to St. George’s Park with twenty-three packed lunches and a big smile.
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jongbross · 8 months
Hi, it’s boyfriends things with Exo😅🤍
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kim minseok:
cutest boyfriend out there
will take such good care of you 🥹
is literally a keeper
your family loves him, he just charms everyone around him
might be a bit difficult as sometimes he can't see why you're still with him
doesn't realize that you're the luckiest person for having HIM
kisses your nose a lot
holds your hand while walking on the street
listen to you vent and gives you the best advices
won't let you sleep in though, so good luck with that
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kim junmyeon:
the personification of a gentleman
pulls chairs for you, open doors, makes sure you're with your seatbelt on, doesn't let you walk on the side of the sidewalk that's closer to the street, etc
has the warmest hugs
can literally hug you for hours if you let him
secretly plans to pop out the question in the near future
buys you anything you want. anything.
respects your opinions SO MUCH, it's ridiculous
has the boyfie vibe somehow, so people don't hit on him anymore
chanyeol can see how much he changed because of you, how he's much more bubbly now
"you made him worse!!" (joking)
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zhang yixing:
nicest boyfriend out there
dude is just soooo chill, your friends adore him
shows you random stuff on your phone just so you can laugh about it together
hands you his jacket whenever you're cold, but scolds you for not taking one with you
calls you a lot whenever he's away
you'll have to take care of his cats, i'm sorry
does this thing where he kisses both your temples before kissing your lips when he has to say goodbye to you before traveling
passes out beside you on bed while you're talking about a nice recipe you saw on tiktok
doesn't bring up marriage if you don't
really, really hopes you do
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byun baekhyun:
i hate him, but congrats to you, i guess
ugh he's just so sweet
takes you out EVERYWHERE, like picks you up at your place
always has a smile on his face when he's around you
asks you about your day and listens to carefully
holds your hand while driving
charms your mom with helping her on the kitchen, it's like a scene straight out of a movie
sings 24/7, so your house is never silent anymore (your neighbors hate you though)
has a whole way of talking that's for you and for you only
you can't trick me baekhyun, i know you must have at least one (1) flaw
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kim jongdae:
sunshine boyfriend
let's you sleep in whenever you feel like it
clears some space on his wardrobe/drawers for your clothes and things
"jagi, can we cuddle?"
has so much fun playing with you, you're literally he's best friend
always places bets with you
lots of kisses on your cheek
randomly smiles to you because he knows it makes you happy to see him smile
likes to take you away for the weekend, just you and him
loyal af
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park chanyeol:
the "it's okay, i got it" boyfriend
personal uber driver, takes you everywhere if you let him
really, reaaally stubborn
can't sit still, is always looking for something to do with you
"did you see they opened a new bowling place downtown?"
purposely leaves his things at your place
his house is way bigger than yours but he doesn't care
plays guitar while you cook dinner
kisses you everytime you feed him
loves when you sleep on top of him
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do kyungsoo:
he's comfort embodied in a person
likes to have breakfast with you, it's like his favorite part of the day
bonds with your pet if you have one (and they love him)
saves new videos on youtube to watch it with you
is in charge of cooking, always
asks you to help him shave just because
gets excited whenever something good happens to you
is your number 01 supporter
loves when you cuddle closer to him in your sleep
shy forehead kisses whenever he can't find the words to express his feelings
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kim jongin:
cutest, most caring boyfriend
respects you more than anything in this world
listens to you so carefully whenever you have something to say
is willing to fix some of his bad habits for you
needs constant reassurance that you love him, just because he loves you so much and can't stand the thought of you falling out of love
laughs so hard at your jokes, and they're not even that funny
pays for every meal but lets you pay for his coffee so you won't feel bad
helps you choose your outfits
loves when you play with his hair
wanna have a baby with you so bad
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oh sehun:
gets offended whenever someone treats you badly
"why didn't you tell me?? i would've give them a piece of my mind"
smirks whenever he sees you wearing his clothes, he just loves it
calls you whenever he can't go see you
encourages you to go see your friends, especially when he can't be around
but let's be honest, he's attached to you by the hip
rolls his eyes whenever you baby him, but secretly loves it
stares at you dearly when you're talking to his hyungs or his family
lets you play with his fingers when you're bored or too shy to talk to people
dude is so in love it's actually sickening
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tinysharkzz · 4 months
Addison Montgomery - Agere Headcanons
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general headcanons about addison as your caregiver! i was thinking of this in the context of you both working together at seattle grace & as a couple (this is entirely sfw though ofc!) but i think it can also be read as platonic too!
my masterlist: here!
a/n: first ever hc post?? AND during exam season?? i know, it’s crazy, but i needed some comforting greys content and couldn’t find any so i made my own 🤘 enjoy!!
100% caregiver vibes - there’s a tiiiny bit of baby in there (she’s naturally just so cute i swear) but she has such motherly vibes that i know she’d make a great cg
As soon as you seem to be going through something and/or are in need of comfort, she is ready to be there for you in any ways she can
After everything she went through with the divorce with Derek, she understands the need for someone to just hold you and tell you that everything’ll work out in the end, as she never got that for herself; so all the more reason to provide that opportunity of a safe space which she never had, right? <3
She would absolutely SPOIL you - anything you wanted, she would get for you. When you first told her about how you regress, she asked for your favourite colours, animals, kiddo tv shows, and she would get bottles and pacis and anything you can think of with your favourite things on!!
A great listener of course - she knows all your stuffies’ names, your favourite kiddo foods, each step of your bedtime routine, even your favourite scented shampoo which makes a cool bubble bath too! :0
If you felt up to it, she would love playing dress-up with you: letting you give her a makeover, picking outfits for each other, turning the living room into a catwalk, you name it
This’ll go without saying but she’d baby you so much if you were sick, like with the flu or something, she would insist on staying home to make soup and cuddle you through the pain. As a doctor she naturally wants to take care of people’s ailments, but especially anything to do with you - she cares so much about you
As mentioned earlier she would wanna help you out in any ways she can, she automatically steps in to help whenever you’re feeling little - taking a bit longer to tie your shoelaces? She’s there! trying to read a confusing recipe on how to bake cookies? She’s weighing out the ingredients for you ^^
And this caring nature is also prevalent at the hospital (imagining you work together at seattle grace); you could be sat in an empty room for 2 minutes on your break and she’ll come in and use a few petnames on you to see how you react (her sneaky way of seeing whether you feel like regressing or not)
We all know she’s a neonatal surgeon - imagine you’re sat watching over the tiny bubs in the NICU together and she makes comments like “this little one has your cute lil smile!!” or “aww, you pout like that when you want cuddles tooooo”
Her favourite petname for you is ‘sweetie’. She is calling you that every other sentence I swear
She just has such motherly vibes overall! Like she’ll lay you across her lap and play with your hair, whispering about how she’s so proud of you for getting through the day, telling you a story about your stuffies
a/n: that’s all i can think of rn but if anyone has any greys requests specifically i am OBSESSED right now so i’d be very much down to think of those for whatever characters ^^
taglist (send an ask/dm to be added or removed! <3): @wilmaslittleflower @koithelittle
thank you for reading! have a nice day/night, don’t forget to drink water and take your meds 🫶
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Time to spread some good vibes in the fandom ✨ so what are five cute headcanons you have about BuckTommy or Tommy? 🥰 And if you want to, send an ask like this to someone else.
HI! Thank you for this! Always happy to spread the good vibes. 🥰
I had to mull for awhile - I've seen so many good ones going around, I wasn't sure what I could add. There might be some overlap, but here we go:
Buck and Tommy are very tactile with each other. Whenever they're together, they're usually touching each other in some way, even just little touches that they don't always realize they're doing. It's grounding for both of them.
I really like the idea of them adopting a whole gang of pets. I think they go in to the shelter planning to get *one* dog and walk out with like...two dogs and a cat. If I was writing a fic for it, there'd be the one dog that has been returned like, seven times in the last year because he's too rambunctious for people to handle. And then the other dog is super skittish and won't actually leave with anyone. Buck and Tommy manage to calm down the one dog and coax the other one out of her cage and to the surprise of the staff, the four of them have a great time playing out in the shelter yard. Watching the whole thing is this ancient, battle-scarred cat who has been at the shelter for years and barely tolerates the staff. She's not even listed as adoptable. When Buck and Tommy head out the front with the two dogs, the grisly cat beast follows them and won't be deterred. So, now they have a cat too.
I've seen it around in a few places, but I really love the idea of them leaving each other little love notes. Especially with how they might run into periods where their shifts don't line up well. I think texting is all well and good, but a little note is something they can take with them to work and have in their pocket throughout the day.
Buck is the 'follow the recipe and keep working at it until it's perfect' chef and Tommy is the 'let's throw together whatever the hell is in the fridge and see what happens' chef
Now that Buck is more settled in his life, I think he'd take up adventuring again (because it doesn't feel like running away anymore.) AND Tommy is all in on this, facilitating the adventures by taking them places by helicopter so they can make the most of any time off they have.
Thanks again, @spxcekya! This was fun! I've loved reading everyone else's headcanons too. Yay for spreading more BuckTommy love!
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scaly-freaks · 3 months
What do you think aegons fav thing abt amara is and vice versa?
This randomly made me think of how in the future modern fic I'm planning (well not planning, it doesn't have a plot, just vibes), he calls her macushla which stems from mo chuisle which means my heartbeat in Irish. It's sort of like when he said she was made of his rib in TGOWARL:
“It is the closest thing to my heart. When breastplates fail, the ribs are the only thing left. My final protection.” He runs the tip of his nose down the straight line of hers. Her breathing is ragged. “The Dothraki say blood of my blood. That is what you are to me. You are more my blood than my family has ever been.”
In an almost boring answer, that would suggest everything about her is his favourite...he could see her habits or her manner of speech on someone else, but it isn't the same. There's a specific code, a potion recipe mixed up with glitter and sparkles that created her and he's so in love with it, he'd know if even a small detail was out of place. And I do mean Amara and Aegon in any verse for this ask, not just specific to the medieval one.
But some of his extra sweet little favourite things about her are probably the way she belly laughs and sticks her tongue out like a little gremlin (which he also does btw, so it's like calls to like in that sense). He also likes how her eyes are huge but when she's laughing so hard, they turn into crescents because she almost closes them for some reason.
He also likes the way she smells and - this is specific to him and is kinda weird - especially when she hasn't showered for a bit and is kinda sweaty.
Also he'd never admit it but he loves that she doesn't just let him behave as he is, and forces him to be better. He's used to his family being all that's just Aegon being Aegon and rolling their eyes and looking past it, but that kind of hurts him because it's one way to make him feel unimportant. Amara smacking him around the head when he's being a complete twat is proof to him that she loves him and is invested in him (I will not make the troubling connection to his mommy issues at this time, since we know Alicent slapping him around is also a feature of his character...)
As for Amara...I have this headcanon that when people ask her what she sees in him, she very quickly clocks that whatever she says is going to be faced with scepticism. So she just shrugs and smiles and doesn't elaborate because that's less hurtful than listing all the things genuinely and having them still side eye her.
But in parallel to him, her favourite thing about him is his laugh. Absolutely loves that she can hear it through walls sometimes, and even in her head when he's nowhere around. That's how whipped she is, and sometimes it can be annoying because she'll be in a serious situation and all she has to do is picture Aegon giggling and her expression starts to twist.
She's always a little freaked out by how heavy and all-consuming his affections are, but she does still like it (sometimes she feels guilty for doubting it just because she knows he has emotional issues that aren't always rational, hence his love might not be the 'healthy' kind). She also likes his crow's feet, and the sweet little smiley lines around his mouth (everybody say thank you TGC). And she loves how his voice gets all quiet and serious when he's concentrating, and how seriously he'll take something if he decides he wants to. He pays a lot of attention to her even when it seems like he isn't, and his general knowledge of her is enough to startle Amara sometimes (you will never catch her running out of her favourite perfume because it gets topped up whenever it gets close to the bottom - just like he never lets their daughter's glitter shampoo run out)
Yes, I'm aware I listed more than one thing for each...they're my babies, I start yapping (!)
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Topsy Turvy Days in Octavinelle
Sebek would make a decent butler and this is the hill I will die on 😤
The Sea Witch, and her Spirit of Benevolence.
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Trey Clover...
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… was tasked with overseeing the Mostro Lounge in Azul and the twins’ absence. He’s the only one with sufficient experience in customer service (no thanks to his family bakery) and dealing with logistics/planning (he’s a vice dorm leader, after all)! Trey wasn’t jazzed about the idea (he’d rather not deal with the lofty expectations if he can help it), but after being hit with the puppy dog eyes and fake tears from Octavinelle, he reluctantly accepted the responsibility.
His fellow vice dorm leader, Jade, is so kind as to give him some friendly pointers before his departure. Trey listens and takes notes as best he can, but he’s slightly unnerved when Jade leans in with a whisper and informs him that it is lounge policy to “kindly remove” the customers that disturb the peace of the eating establishment. “You mean asking problematic people to leave, right?” Trey asks—but all he receives in response is a mysterious smile.
There’s a strangely charged atmosphere in Octavinelle as soon as Trey steps into it. The students present as polite and well-meaning enough, but they’re sizing him up in their minds. They’re all angling to see if he screws up so they can swoop in and usurp that power to get ahead with the real boss when he returns. Trey’s not ignorant of those kinds of thoughts collecting—he’ll just have to prove to them how wrong they are.
He’s sort of a pushover in general (which is precisely why Azul didn’t ask Trey to handle contract negotiations in addition to the lounge); whenever a customer complains, Trey is inclined to offer something as compensation: a percentage off the check, a free dessert, whatever will ease their upset. He isn’t super strict with his workers either; Octavinelle students take breaks liberally, knowing they can cheat the system and take advantage of Trey while he’s here. (That’s the Octavinelle way: opportunism.) “Geez, Trey! You’re way too nice,” Cater groans—though he knows that’s just Trey’s way of resolving issues and keeping their patrons and his workers happy. The happy smiles on the customers are proof of that!
When the rush hours hit, Trey rolls up his sleeves and heads into the kitchen to lend a helping hand. He can follow recipes well enough, but it’s in dessert making where he truly shines. Trey had honed his pastries through years and years of practice, so he’s able to multitask and churn out sweets like it’s nobody’s business! It’s pretty convenient for the lounge too, cuz Trey’s sweets are flying off the menu! (It’s not uncommon to have the desserts sold out midday.)
The complimentary after-meal mints also come with single use floss pick. (Temporary) management’s orders. (“What?” Trey asks when people give him weird looks. “You can’t walk around after eating with food still stuck in your teeth.”) Some customers feel watched by a hawk as they pop the mint and leave the floss pick unused (though Trey never confronts them; he’s not the type of guy to pick a fight).
Push his buttons too much, and his serious side comes out!! Trey doesn’t give off the same “cunning mob boss” vibes as Azul; his energy is more like that of a dad that’s “not mad, just deeply disappointed”. (It’s okay though 😂 Even if Trey himself and a firm, “Sir, this is a McDonalds drive thru the Mostro Lounge,” doesn’t intimidate rude people, a fierce Sebek and a legion of Caters on standby sure will.)
Mild-mannered as Trey is, there are rare instances where his true devious nature shows. When his incredible patience is worn thin, a smirk comes along his face and customers vanish into the VIP room… and leave looking shaken, led out by Trey, looking as polite as he usually does. “Thanks for visiting the Mostro Lounge! We hope to see you again,” he calls after them. (“Eh, what do you think he said to that customer?” the Octavinelle mobs whisper among themselves. “I thought he was a totally nice guy…”)
“Ahahaha... I don’t think I’m at all suited for managing a restaurant. If it’s just grabbing and bagging a pastry or two at the counter, then I’m your guy. You’d be surprised at how much more happens at the lounge. Just the other day, we had a guest I had to seat down and have a one-on-one talk with to avoid a fight from breaking out. I guess this is a glimpse of the hardships Azul, Riddle, and the other dorm leaders have to deal with on a daily basis, huh? I don’t envy them one bit.”
Cater Diamond...
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… is stoked to have landed this chance~ Octavinelle, being completely underwater, has so many cool sights for him to post in Magicam!! Just walking in the hallways opens up a vast, colorful expanse of the ocean to him—not to mention the beautiful, glittering jellyfish lights suspended over the lounge, and their classy uniforms! He’ll have to bring a portable charger with him to keep his phone alive for all the exciting pics ✨
He loves trying out his new fit. You’ll find several (and I do mean several) pics on his Magicam account of Cater posing in his Octavinelle suit in various states of put-togetherness and hairstyles. Here’s him in a low ponytail and the suspenders and dress shirt, and this one is with his hair down and his jacket fully buttoned… The scarf is looped around the wait and knotted like a belt here, then slung like a boa in the next. There’s a surprising amount of ways it can be worn, and Cater’s been experimenting with them all?
His unique magic is perfect for working at the lounge, especially when they’re short staffed! With Split Card, a handful of Caters can be running around taking and delivering orders, cleaning up tables, and/or booting out troublemakers. Usually Cater isn’t up for being the party pooper, but between Trey (who’s too forgiving) and Sebek (who’s too unforgiving), Cay-kun’s gotta be the moderator here!!
Cater’s general amicable nature makes him a hit with customers at the front of house and his peers in the break room. He’s observant and approachable, able to start and keep a conversation with most anyone. He has firsthand access to the latest gossip and information because of this direct contact with chatty customers and coworkers—which makes him formidable competition for Jade, Octavinelle’s usual information broker. Good thing Cater’s not too concerned with rivalries~
He’s also good at making recommendations based on individual preferences! Cater practically has the menu memorized front to back (on account of having visited the lounge so often himself to try their seasonal specialties), so he might as well utilize his knowledge to help customers decide what they want.
He’s chock-full of ideas for deals, themed menus, promotions, and limited time events to draw in customers! (If they want a music night, he could always call his Pop Music Club buddies in to do a gig!) Truthfully, Cater pitches these concepts because he personally knows what’s popular and this what will net him the most likes, but he frames it as “I think the customer base would like this 🎵” Some would call it clever manipulation and redirection, but Cater prefers to think of it as “mutually beneficial” for everyone, himself included!
Cater ups the Mostro Lounge’s social media game! Whenever Trey creates a new dessert, in swoops Cater to take an aesthetically pleasing, expertly shot photo to upload onto their Magicam page! Within an hour, thousands of likes have accumulated and there’s another influx of people clamoring for a taste of that beautiful item. (“Azul should hire you as his social media manager,” Trey jokes, handing over another batch of macarons to be served.)
Sometimes when Cater’s alone in the restroom washing up before service, he glimpses his reflection in the mirror and contemplates his circumstances. Here he is, helping the business be successful and mingling with so many people… and yet some small, fragmented part of him still fears it could all vanish in the blink of an eye. Cater sighs, replaces his hat, assumes a smile, and returns his nose to the grindstone—and the eternal song and dance he puts on for the public eye. “Showtime.”
“You know what? Working part-time at the Mostro Lounge isn’t half bad! Well… not with Trey in charge, anyway! Azul’d probably run Cay-kun ragged! But all that stuff aside, Octavinelle’s peak photogenic! It’s a whole new world down here, full of stuff and treasures you’d never find on land. Maybe it’s true what I’ve heard: that life is just better under the sea!”
Sebek Zigvolt...
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… had a hard time detaching from Diasomnia without making a fuss. He knows that Octavinelle will help him improve his skills as an attendant to better serve the young master, but it doesn’t make him any less emotional for his departure!! In the typical Sebek fashion though, he deflects!! No, Sebek insists, he’s just mad that Silver gets to spend time with Lilia, and that Malleus will be unsupervised in their absence! (They all gathered to see him off at the Mirror Chamber like parents helping an anxious kid to his first day of school.)
It was a hassle getting him fitted in his new uniform! Not a single student in Octavinelle comes close to how buff Sebek is, so the largest size of their uniform was still super tight on him and struggled to contain him in its seams. (Think of that one meme where a character’s chest is so broad/big that it causes the buttons to pop off, that’s basically Sebek.) Once the clothes are on properly, they had a whole other issue of trying to clamp down the hat over his wild hair—but hey, they were eventually successful!
Sebek gets on everyone’s bad side right off the bat, referring to his fellow Octavinelle students by a slew of unflattering adjectives. He even managed to piss Cater off by calling him “shallow”… which earns Sebek a lot of passive aggressive glares from his coworkers throughout his shifts (well, not that he cares). “You’re not doing yourself any favors, Sebek. It’s no good to make enemies with the people you’re working with,” Trey gently chides him—but though he vehemently disagrees, Sebek can’t being himself to snap back like he typically would.
IT’S JUST SO WEIRD FOR HIM TO BE AROUND TREY AT ALL. Trey reminds Sebek sooo much of his father that he doesn’t know how exactly to act with him. (There’s a certain degree of respect that must be conferred to one’s elders, even if they are a human and kind of weak and inscrutable…) For the most part, Sebek feels compelled to follow Trey’s orders, even if he doesn’t fully back him as an individual. Every time he has to actually talk to Trey though, hems about 50% more tsundere than usual to get his points across.
Sebek’s honestly less like a waiter and more like a bouncer. Built like a semi-truck with a scowl that strikes fear into those faint of heart and a voice that booms like thunder, his mere presence usually wards off any potential signs of trouble. (When it’s his turn to be at the front of house, you can hear him greeting customers all the way in the consultation rooms. If you judge by volume alone, most aren’t sure if he’s angry or if he’s happy.)
Unfortunately, his proud and somewhat gruff manner of speaking doesn’t exactly make him a people person, especially not when he marches over to drop a check on the table or to demand what they want when they summon him over. Oh, and if they start getting rude? Sebek’s instinct is to fire back, which only adds more fuel to the fire of the argument.
Where he shines is in technical abilities, far removed from his personality or choice of words. (Sebek can brew a mean cup of tea, which pairs well with all the sweets they’re selling!) When he’s commended for doing a good job, his whole face brightens and he gets this huge, dorky smile on his face. If you’re lucky, you may also catch a glimpse of his fangs! (“… How can someone so abrasive also have this surprisingly cute side to him?” the mob students wonder.)
On his breaks, Sebek, thinking the others to be inferior humans, refuses to sit with everyone else. He huddles at a table by his lonesome, shoveling plate after plate of food into his mouth. (It’s convenient to get rid of leftovers by just handing the extra food to Sebek.) One might feel pity for this poor, unfortunate soul—but on the contrary, Sebek feels as though he has a lot of progress to report back to Lilia . _ .
“Hmph, no other dormitory could even hope to come close to the glory and the majesty of Diasomnia!! There was never a doubt in my mind that this is the unquestioning truth!! I will cede that Octavinelle has been useful in some ways. It has provided me with an environment in which I can hone my service skills for the young master. Indeed, THE SERVICE INDUSTRY IS A BATTLEFIELD UNLIKE ANY I’VE TREADED BEFORE…!! Lilia-sama and Malleus-sama will surely be pleased with the results of my training!”
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mashihope · 3 months
❥ ZB1 and their Palia romances
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(This mini moodboard is made by me; I don’t own any of the pics.)
Oh my god!! Luna making a (quick) comeback!! Yeah, so rare. I've gotten way too into Palia, I'm not gonna lie. This random thought came into my brain while I was watching random videos, "who would they go for?" and it suddenly became a need to make this. I'm not gonna make any promises, as usual, I'm just trying to get myself in the creative mood after such a long time. I'm doing this for reasons that I will 99.9% not be able to fulfill once more. I apologize if I lack a lot compared to previous posts. Ignoring that, let's do this! Little disclaimer: I haven't gotten that far on the lore or the relationships on their own so these assumptions and descriptions of the characters could not be completely accurate!
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I found it really hard at first, not gonna lie.
I think he would find Tamala really attractive, given her whole witchy vibe (and overall attitude, I guess).
There's something about her that I feel matches Jiwoong really well.
It would be a kinda interesting pair, a vampire and a witch, who would have thought??
When asked he would simply say "age is nothing but a number" (obviously wouldn't apply out of the adult context!)
Matthew would tease him saying that they are an immortal couple after all.
Zhang Hao
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This one was way easier than other members.
Funny enough, he has his priorities straight.
Yeah, we're talking about zerostraightnone after all.
He simps for Hodari. (affectionatelly)
He's been found looking at fanart questionably often.
He goes "THIS MAN" while biting his lip whenever there's a flirty dialogue. He actually blushes sometimes.
He just can't help it lmao.
(The members do side eye him when that happens though)
Don't even mention the shirtless dialogue to him or he'll go crazy.
Aside from Hodari, come on, we're talking about the one and only ZHANG HAO.
He can get whoever he wants at his feet. (or vice versa, honestly)
And that someone is Hassian.
He just loves strong men *sigh*
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This one was hard too.
The reason? The recipe for this man keeps confusing me.
Too sweet or too spicy.
I can kinda see Kenyatta as one of his options.
Something about her rebellious nature, maybe.
I wouldn't say that it's a perfect match, but I think he would like such an open minded and free spirited woman by his side. (+ she can be kinda cute at times too!)
He would support her every decision, we love a supportive partner!
He would make Eshe love him, by the way. Not even her could resist to his charms!
To go with this, I feel he would also go for Nai'O, you know, to spice things up since (spoiler) they already had a thing going on ;)
That guy can also say the sweetest things sometimes so I think there would be a really great balance among the three :)
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We all know how much of a sweetie he is.
And who else is as sweet as him and could absolutely match his sunshine energy?
Best girl Tish!
I think they would be an instant and perfect match.
He would see her for the first time and go :0
"Oh my god you're so pretty 🥺💕" "Are you single? 🥺"
He would treat her as the prettiest and rarest flower, so "delicate and ethereal"
If not, he would try to flirt with Reth.
You know, the usual "no homo" at first. "He's just a friend"
But maaaan, "how gorgeous he looks, doesn't he?"
He finds himself giggling whenever he sees soup in a menu.
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This guy would fall for the sweet girl too.
Simp number 2?? Maybe?? More like simp then. (affectionately)
You can see him silently smiling at the screen while he's talking with her. Even when he sees her walking by.
Would never say anything weird about her, he's a soft and gentle man 😌
Dare I say... he's a "man in love"? Yes I do.
Going on a personal quest of picking up a lot of flowers just to gift them to her? Absolutely! Decorating a "special" room of his house (very cottagecore themed) so "she could someday feel at home"? You bet he will!
Other than that... Hey, hear me out.
He gives me the vibes that he may or may not be into older girls.
He has a certain charm on his own that the ladies wouldn't be able to resist.
I'm talking specifically of Subira. I know she's supposed to fall for the human anyway, but she would 100% find Taerae unusually charming and attractive.
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He would have a hard time admitting the real reasons behind this one.
Want a hint?
Young and rich.
Tall and handsome.
Passion for Fashion.
Who's that Paliamon?! ...It's Jel!
He finds that guy unexplainably familiar. "Have I seen you before??".
He'd be sooo confused at first, his brain can't process what's happening.
Gyuvin would finally be 100% convinced that 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓴𝔂 loves himself way too much (and would definitely tease him for it lmao). #selflove king
𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓴𝔂 would be a blushing mess the second he realizes why he's gotten so attached to Jel all of a sudden.
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He's the embodiment of "At first I was like mmm (Einar) as a joke. But bro... I don't think it's a joke anymore".
Being his usual goofy self, he would actually find it kinda funny when he finds about Einar being an option for romance in this game.
He would take a photo and send it to the group chat "lmao guys look at this".
𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓴𝔂 would joke saying that he "should totally date him".
Gyuvin would see it as a challenge and start working on that.
Yes, he's goofy and silly, but he's really sensitive and emotional as well.
He would slowly get closer to Einar, starting to find himself relating to the most random things or empathizing too much...
He's found a really good friend after all 🥺 he doesn't even find dating the fishing robot as weird as he used to.
But. He wouldn't hesitate flirting with Hassian if that means he gets to spend more precious time with Tau 🥺
(I can definitely see Tish being an option too).
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Our favorite nerd (affectionately).
The one who started all of this. But I'll forgive him because he's such a cutie pie.
He was the first one when I started to think about their different options.
I'm 101% sure he would LOVE Jina.
Other than just for her looks, you know what they say "smart is sexy"... Or something like that.
I feel like he's the type of person to fall for the brain first (which sounds kinda creepy and weird without context oopsie).
He would try his best to focus in and prioritize all of the quests that are related to her in any way.
There's also a chance he would kinda get jealous of Hekla, but it wouldn't go farther than a simple joke.
Assuming he actually loves to talk non-stop about "smart stuff" and throw around random facts he's learned, he would be all "smile and nod" (and blush) in real life if she wasn't a fictional character.
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Wasn't sure about adding him, but I found it really cute.
Once again, going for the popular option here, he would have a crush on Tish.
I can not see this any other way.
He's a shy baby but would try his absolute best to have a "clear" mind when it comes to choosing the best responses on dialogue.
You know, he wants to show that he can act like a rational adult too.
...would actually fail more often than not and ask the older hyungs for advice. He wants to do things right (he's taking this seriously).
He likes to see it as a "traning for real life". There's a lot to learn that can also be applied to non romantic relationships!
At the end of the day, he would try to sound "poetic" (or something like that) by saying that "with love, patience and communication all relationships can bloom".
The hyungs can't help but tease him because of how cute he is!
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hi I love oh be your writing can you do a Thirteen(from obey me) x reader oneshot please
okay before i start this i wanna say that i don't play the game and that i learned everything through osmosis. All of my obey me content will be based on vibes and vibes alone. Now that i've warned y'all, let's get to the oneshot
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The Sweetest(Thirteen x Reader)
notes: teeth rotting fluff, alexa play i kissed a girl from katy perry- jk it's gender neutral.
It was a beautiful sunday afternoon, and Thirteen was craving something sweet.
When things like this happened, she always knew where to go: to you. Whenever she came over, you were always hands in the dough, baking some delicious pastry
She would lean on the kitchen counter, chatting with you about everything and anything. Sometimes, you would even let her hel pyou out a little. It was a regular thing, and you both enjoyed it deeply.
But today, whatever you made, it wasn't sweet enough. Thirteen craved for something more, but she couldn't put her finger on what. And you were jsut as discouraged as her.
"If the cookies don't work, I could try a mille-feuille? It's generally so sweet I'm never able to finish it," you asked.
Thirteen took your hand in hers.
"No, you already did enough, thank you. I'm sure the craving will pass eventually."
She smiled brightly at you, but you remained unconvinced.
When she came back the next day, it hadn't gone away, or the day after, or the next day, or any time withing the following week. Whatever recipe you tried, it was never sweet enough.
Thirteen was almost about to give up, but you weren't about to let down your best friend. So, you let go of any recipe and designed from scratch a pastry so disgustingly sweet, even the most hardened sugar addict would puke it out immediately.
When you presented it to her, it looked like a half-cooked mush, but you did not let yourself waver. You just hoped she wouldn't hate it.
And so, she tasted it. She gagged, but was able to control it so you wouldn't notice. She was a sweet tooth, but this was WAY too much.
"It's... fine, she managed to get out.
-You don't like it, do you? You asked, saddened.
-No, no! It's just... peculiar, that's all.
-I knew it wouldn't work, I just had to try one last thing."
Thirteen hugged you, her arms squeezing you tightly.
"Thank you for trying anyways. You really are the sweetest."
Then, her eyes lit up as she parted from you and grabbed your shoulders.
"That's it! she cried
-What's it?
-You're the sweet thing I was craving for!
-Yes, you!"
She picked you up and spun you across the kitchen, your apron flowing with you. When you finally got the hang of what was going on, you laughed with her.
When she was finally done, she looked into your eyes and approached her face to yours.
"Mind if I have a taste, darling? she winked. Such sweetness shouldn't go to waste."
Blush spread through your cheeks as you nodded. You feel her soft lips meeting yours, the scent of her cherry chapstick filling your nostrils. You closed your eyes, indulging into the feeling.
After a few seconds, Thirteen broke the kiss and bumped her forehead with yours, caressing your cheek.
"Now that we've figured out what I was craving, do you want to get a snack, like muffins?" she asked, totally serious. You laugh hysterically, having to clutch your stomach because it hurt too much.
"Hey- why are you laughing?! There wasn't anything wrong with what I said, was it?!"
I hope you enjoyed!
Have a good day/night!
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tetskuro · 3 months
Bestest Greetingzz! Love to participate in ur matchup!!
she/her pronouns
Romantic relationship
haikyuu!male paring preferably
I’m an overall quiet person in social situations, due to some anxiety but I’m working in it! I’m trying really hard to just work on myself, on not taking things so seriously and accepting life as it is.
I’ve always been focused on being approachable and kind with everyone I meet, by smiling and offering help when I can!
With my close friends I get all goofy silly and vulnerable. I don’t have many friends in which I feel chemistry but the ones that I do I keep close to my heart!
I love being active (but right now I’ve been really on a slump so that’s making me feel a bit sad) running sports and sometimes dancing for fun!
I also love music, I could talk about music for days always looking for new things to listen to and still loyal to my favs!
I’ve also gotten into cooking new dishes mainly Japanese and I’m always eager to try new dishes!
I would love a partner who would be open minded to anything and everything, who wouldn’t make me doubt how much they care about me, who looks at life positively and they must make me laugh. I want to built each other up, help each other through our good and bad days!
I’m terrified of first dates in general so something causal like a picnic would be preferred but I’m open to do anything, as long as I’m can talk with them a lot!
Love language is physical touch and right now I’m very touch starved. I love domestic vibes, soft music playing while cooking or the sound of a storm outside as we are cuddling.
I’m latina so I have curly hair which is super hard to maintain! And I get jealous/insecure quite easily but i don’t show it because I don’t want to be toxic hehe.
Thank you so much!
Can’t wait!! ❤️❤️
your matchup is...
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osamu miya
⭑ osamu is generally a laidback person so he'd be pretty open minded about most things
⭑ acts of service are his love language so you'd know how much he cares for you through everything that he does
⭑ tbh i feel like osamu would prefer casual dates as well
⭑ would definitely enjoy picnic dates
⭑ he'd get really excited thinking of what food to bring and packing the picnic basket
⭑ osamu would feel so happy anytime he got to cook for you and you complimented his food
⭑ hearing affirmations of how delicious his food is makes him feel even more sure that he made the right decision to pursue his passion of opening a restaurant
⭑ he always looks forward to the dishes you make and is just really glad he has someone else who shares his love for food
⭑ hypes up your cooking by saying something like "yer food's so good if ya were to open yer own restaurant, you'd give me a run fer my money"
⭑ and he means every word of it
⭑ he'd be more than down to cook and try new recipes and cuisines as well
⭑ you both would make it a point to try at least one new dish each week and you'd take turns picking out what the new recipe would be
⭑ there'd be a lot of cute domestic moments with osamu
⭑ cooking dinners as you can hear the soft patter of rain on the roof is one of your guys' favorite way to spend time
⭑ he takes your song recs and plays them at onigiri miya
⭑ the customers (and osamu) enjoy the music a lot so he's back asking you for more recs lmao
⭑ osamu would definitely join you on your runs whenever you're feeling up for them
⭑ also assures you that the slump you're in isn't permanent and makes sure you ease back into doing the physical activities that you enjoy such as running, sports, and dancing
⭑ loves casual intimacy like you hugging him from behind while he's making food or him resting his chin on your head while you go shopping
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your matchup runner-up is sawamura daichi
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Hey mutual *wink*
Anywho so I’m a little hermit and I only read the same like 9 fics over and over again and I was re-reading What We Become and I was like what the hell happened to the Professor? Like did he try to figure out how to fix himself or did he embrace it? Like what happened to my boy Professor Membrane and also their MOM?!
(If you’d prefer to leave this to the audiences imagination and not answer then it’s chill)
Also I ADORED how you wrote that fic with vignettes :0
Have the bestest day, thank youuu!!
What We Become (link for reference; warning for new readers that it's a doozy). I gotta put that on ao3 eventually, huh? I think if I do though I'll split it into quarters. Thoughts for another time.
B r u h because tell me why I wasn’t already following you??? I was so confused when tumblr recommended me your blog and I was like, uh, yeah, I know, I follow them already??? But apparently not. I have rectified this crime post-haste.
Lmao because what a vibe, I do the exact same shit. I love burning through new stories but I also my precious handful. It’s such a comfort to have a story in your back pocket that you already know you like, ready and waiting for you whenever.
SO, Professor Membrane eventually learned to live and adapt. I think I touched on it briefly but he eventually is into the changes that the serum cause in his body. Not sleeping or eating as much is great, because it leaves more room for SCIENCE!™️ to happen.
I don’t think his relationship with Zim could ever return to what it was pre-serum. Membrane facing the reality that his own neglect led to a literal sci-fi monster creeping into his life—and that of his kids—long enough to for him to trust him so blindly is understandably traumatic. Zim could’ve killed him on purpose, on accident, on a whim, etc. A boy he treated like a son was actually a creature who deeply betrayed all of them, even if he didn’t mean to. That’s something you can maybe forgive, but never forget. So Membrane gets to live forever, yayay, and learns to adapt to his new body. But there’s a boundary between he and Zim that never really goes away completely.
There is however also a new bond, eventually, much longer down the line. As ill-executed as it was, Membrane would also eventually recognize that Zim acted out of love, not cruelty. He wanted his loved ones to live forever, and THEIR loved ones to live forever. Zim also does everything in his power to make the transition as comfortable for them as possible. Check-ups, vitals, the occasional medicinal or technological remedy to any and all hiccups that have or might happen. The effort is recognized.
Mama Membrane is actually not someone I thought about in the “yay everyone gets to live forever” category, but oooh what an interesting question.
If we recall, Zim traded the Tallest for a limited amount of serum. Three precious vials. But he bartered the serum, not the recipe. Three was all he got.
I like to think he considered Mama Membrane, but only got so much leeway with the Tallest. He was already asking for a lot. Something had to give. He had to prioritize.
It would be a hard pill for all of the Membranes to swallow that she wasn’t included in the bargain. It'd also be further complicated by the fact that even if they did have extra serums, they wouldn't be able to ask her consent. Given how disastrously sudden-immortality had on a mentally stable, highly rational man like Membrane, the reality of the situation would be simply that, vial or no vial, Dr. Mrs. Membrane wouldn't have been able to join them in immortality. It'd probably be incredibly painful, even with the rationalization that, immortality or no, they would've one day had to face her eventual passing anyways. It'd just emphasized how unfair her sickness was, and how much it'd robbed from all of them. Just super unfun and really shitty in general.
I think it might motivate them to start seeing her more, if and when she could tolerate it. Check in on her more frequently, and deal with their own traumas about what seeing her awoke inside them. Maybe everyone gets the therapy they need to face the living ghost they let the very real, unwell person their mother/wife was. Maybe immortality might make them better appreciate the finite, and be more willing to face hard things when they knew they only had so long to do so.
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spacerangersam · 2 years
Kitty hcs?:)
she doesn't remember much about her mother except for a few lines of a lullaby she used to sing, and whenever kitty's feeling especially down she'll hide away and sing it to herself
her sister would often tell the servants to not tend to kitty on threat of getting fired, so she had to learn early on to make do for herself, learning how to sew/fix up her own dresses, how to dress herself, do her own hair, how to care for herself if she got sick, how to cook etc
i've said this before, but while she has horse girl vibes i fully believe she wasn't one. they did have horses at the manor, but one stepped on her foot when she was a kid and she's hated them ever since
this is already kinda canon but she's obviously a pop girly, and especially loves early 2000s/90s pop ie britney spears, girls aloud, the sugababes-
on that note, the Walk This Way cover for Comic Relief would blow her mind
alison got her twilight to read at some point and of course she was a fan. i don't think she'd be on either team, instead she'd want all three of them to date. either that or she'd be on team alice...
this is also pretty much canon, but i like to believe kitty is significantly smarter/more emotionally intelligent that she appears, and is very much choosing to be happy
she and fanny bond over watching murder mysteries together - kitty watching for the murder, fanny for the mystery
she bothered thomas for like, a week after his death about his injury. she asked, more than once, if she could touch his bullet wound
much to her disappointment, he always said no :(
her favourite animals are hares
she does swear, but very very rarely, and only under her breath. she learnt it from one of the cooks who used would sneak her food and taught her a few simple recipes
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mercerislandbooks · 1 year
Cookbook Book Club: Pasta for All Seasons
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It is time for our next Cookbook Book Club! Please join us on May 25 at 6:30 PM here at Island Books for pasta, pasta, and more pasta. Michela Tartaglia of local Pike Place establishment Pasta Casalinga will be joining us as we share a variety of the pasta recipes from her debut cookbook, Pasta for All Seasons. This book is a nod to her Italian upbringing while simultaneously celebrating the local bounty of the Pacific Northwest.
Now, those of you who have had the good fortune of stumbling upon Pasta Casalinga tucked away in a corner of Pike Place Market know what a good time we're in for (if you haven't been so fortunate yet, it's just a 15 minute drive from Mercer Island; the trick is going before they sell out for the day). I found Pasta Casalinga when a friend from out of town and I had just returned from Bainbridge and bookstore hopping. We were starving and I had heard about a handmade pasta place hidden in the warren of shops. We found it after some wandering, chose from the seasonal offerings, and devoured some of the best pasta I've ever had. Since then, whenever I get the craving for seasonal, authentic, delicious pasta, I head to Pasta Casalinga. It is a place that embodies some of the best qualities of the Pacific Northwest. It is small, local, and fresh, with the pasta handmade daily in small batches and a seasonal rotating menu.
If you love pasta, supporting local businesses, and enjoy cooking (or just looking at gorgeous pictures of scrumptious food), then make sure you stop by to pick up a copy of Pasta for All Seasons before Cookbook Book Club. There are a variety of excellent recipes to choose from, all conveniently sorted by season. While Michela gives you a beginners guide to pasta in her book (how to make it and what types work best for which sauces), you can rest easy knowing that you don't need to handmake your own pasta; Michela reassures us that store-bought noodles are just as authentic as handmade. In fact, if you want to stay true to the Pasta Casalinga vibe, they also sell ready-made pasta noodles at Metropolitan Market. Michela will be signing books, and you can ask her any questions you have about her recipes or what it's like to run a shop in the iconic Pike Place Market. As a fan of Pasta Casalinga myself, I can't wait to try my hand at some of the amazing recipes in the book and see what everyone else cooks up. Hope to see you there!
— Becca
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teenytinyteaa · 2 years
I got a new 3d so i started playing etrian odyssey V again and uhhh
Here be ocs
Under cut is random info on the ocs and pic of the 3ds lol
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First off! Nevermore the warlock (he/him)
He has a raven looking skull on his head (because i thought it was funny)
He is very confident in his ability and is the leader of the team. He is extremely afraid of snakes.
Second across is Amani the masurao! (She/her sometimes buns/bunself
She is extremely powerful but very kind. Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll sorta vibe. She hums and sings to herself a lot. T-rex arms for the win. She has a hugee sweet tooth and will eat almost any lolly you give her.
Thirdly we have Namir (they/them) the rover and their goodest boy mame (pronounced mah-may)
They are mute. They communicate through sign language. They love a good dad joke and will be the first to make a corny joke given even the most dire of situations. They may or may not have made some deal with some sort of god or demon to allow mame to allow them to live as long as they live.
Even the team has never seen them with their bandana down. They will wait until everyone else is asleep or move to a secluded area to eat and drink. No one really knows why they wear the bandana around their face but with the ygdrasill being as dangerous as it is, most people dont dare to ask because they fear what they may see.
Next is Dreiax the botanist (he/they)
Dreiax and Lucian are siblings! Drei had a tendency to get sick a lot so when they were growing up, they learnt to make more and more food and drink with healing capabilities. They dont have traditional sort of magical skills. All their healing is medical related through medicinal plants and stuff. They love tea and are a stop and smell the roses kinda guy (and then promptly freaking out when they realise that is in fact not a rose and is in fact an enemy) they are very optimistic and are usually the last one standing in a battle due to them keeping back from the battle to make sure everyone is ok.
If you are sick, he is the type of person to have the perfect recipe to make you feel better.
His recipe book actually doubles as a sketchbook. He loves to sit on the lower levels of the ygdrasill and just sit there and draw.
(Drei is also the most fleshed out oc here, this version of him is more like an au version lol)
Last but certainly not least is Lucian the shaman (he/they)
Lucian is the older brother by a few years. He used his magic to try and heal drei whenever he got hurt since drei never really developed magic. Their parents travelled a lot to sell from town to town so they sorta raised themselves. When they were kids and drei was still learning to cook the accidentally spilt some hot water on Lucian and burnt his face. Due to his magic he was able to heal most of it but it never fully healed. Lucian almost blames himself for the accident, for not being more observant. He does not blame drei at all.
Their favorite pass time is stargazing. They love watching constilations at night and watching the world pass by. Because of this facination, his outfit is adorned with sun,moon and stat motifs.
When they perform their magic their horns, scar and the tips of their ears and fingers glow a cyan colour. Also their hair is not naturally blue its blonde like their sibling.
Despite dealing with cards for his magic. He is notoriously bad at card games.
And i think that's about it
Anyways cool minecraft 3ds go brr
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nouies · 8 months
helloooo, lou! 💙
i have seen how much hate the creators in this fandom get. and i have been feeling really anxious to post whatever i had in mind. but there is first time for everything, huh?! 🥶
it's so nice to change a whole recipe to match your friend's preferences. and cook for her. it's like not a lot of people do it anymore, respecting others' wishes and decisions. 🗣️
have you been to other concerts? 🧞‍♂️
actually, the miscommunication was my fault. i reread your last reply and realized that you said "rule out". i didn't know the meaning of this phrase until now, so i checked it out and now i know what you meant. but do people go hiking/biking/etc on dates? i would never... 🐳
english is not my first language as well, and a lot of times the language barrier leads to miscommunication. but your english is amazing and i think you are great with words. 🦋
louis is such an awesome person. his interests and visions are really wonderful. it's so good you both have so many things in common. 🌀
okay, i have a funny story. when 1d formed as a band, i was eleven years old. my classmates were obsessed with them. so i was like "i won't be like the other girls" and i was showing disinterest every time someone was talking about them (but at the same time i was secretly blasting more than this. the only reason i love that song that much, was because of niall and louis' solos). and i listened to their songs occasionally on the music tv channels (their singles). and for the time the band was still touring and making albums, i just didn't vibe with them, and even think about them. when zayn left the bad, i read it somewhere and that was all. but when the next year mind of mine came out, i fell in love with his voice. so, all in all, i would say zayn. i have been listening to his music for years and i just have really soft spot for him in my heart. 🫐
my questions for the day: what is your favorite tv series? can you share one fun fact about you? 🖌️
hope you have a lovely day,
- your secret valentine 🦕
p.s. don't let the last emoji betray your vison for me, because in fact i'm quite short.
hi valentine!! 💓
listen, don’t think of any of that yet. there are horrible ppl around but i still believe there are some good ones left. i understand feeling anxious, trust me that i always feel that way whenever i’m posting something new, but don’t let the haters win. their goal is to stop us from creating so if we do stop, they’ll win, and they don’t deserve to win. if you truly feel uncomfortable sharing anything, then it’s fine too. at the end of the day, creating something in the fandom is supposed to be fun and if you’re not having fun, then it loses its purpose.
anyway. yes, we’ve been best friends for almost 13 years so i just want her to be happy and comfortable. :) and she does the same for me, like every time i visit her house, she makes sure to buy me tacos from the stand i like.
last year i only went to see Aurora and to the fest where Niall performed, this year i’m going to see a mexican artist called Yuridia and in june i’m seeing Louis. 🤧 have you been to concerts lately or are you planning on going to one soon?
no worries!! tbh i sometimes use verbs that i’m not sure abt but i’m too lazy to google lol but it’s fine. idk if there are ppl who go hiking but i’ve seen ppl who go skating ???
omg you’re way younger than me lol 1d came out when i was starting uni lol but your story is very cute, and tbh it’s very understandable bc i feel like as teenagers we either want to fit in or we want to be unique. at the end, i’m happy that you found someone who resonated more with you. Zayn is a great artist and he seems like such a sweet soul, i want to squeeze his cheeks lol
my favourite tv series is mindhunter, and i’m still sad we got only two seasons of it :( i love jonathan groff so much. idk what could be a fun fact abt me… like, i’m just thinking abt facts but idk if they’re any fun 😭 had to ask for some help but you probably know how much i love fics, and i when i write for a fic fest, i read the rest of the fics (which i thought it was the norm but apparently it isn’t), so my fun fact is that i read every blff fic the day it was posted, maybe with the exception of the 100k one bc it took me three days but the rest of them i read them on each day they were published. and now my brain is fried hdjdhdjdhd
thank you, valentine! i hope your day is awesome as well. 🤗 (and i’m quite short as well so we’re twinning!) <3
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sweetmoonstorm · 1 year
Trying out this matchmaking thing cuz I'm curious!
Name: Aruna
Love language: Quality time and physical touch
Personality: Curious, can be somewhat nerdy, very kindhearted, will flirt back if flirted with
Sexuality: Pansexual
Aesthetic: general very light, Pastel blues and yellows, imagine a winter vibe mixed with summer. Also space, specifically the moon.
Appearance: image below!
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Fandom: Lego monkie kid!
Likes: singing, the moon, chang'e, baking, rain
Dislikes: loud thunder and lightning
Notes: She's blessed by chang'e, which gives her a few small powers. Mainly a nice singing voice, good vision at night, and a natural connection to spirits and the celestial realm! Also sorry if this is long 😅
It's alr!! Also sorry for taking a while on this--(and this is kinda long, so I hope you'll be alr with that! I got a lil excited on this one, and included how I think they'd meet an all, so yea-)
hope you don't mind me tagging you-
For this particular oc, I think MK and Macaque would be the best matches for her.
Here's why.
This match is a bit more based on personality, but Aruna and MK would be a lovely couple, both possibly getting into shenanigans at times.
Now this part may be a lil inaccurate, but I can see Aruna as seeing Tang as a good friend, or acquaintance at least.
Perhaps one day, Tang would show her Pigsy's noodles, or she's a regular. Either way, that would be how she meets MK, a worker at Pigsy's Noodles(and adoptive son of Pigsy).
From there on, MK and Aruna would go on to become great friends, always finding each other in curious and unique situations, unto which friendship would turn into something more.
MK would love love *love* how kind Aruna is, and would probably look forward to seeing her and bombarding her with hugs and affection.
Of course there could be an awkward moment as to where MK could be trying (and failing) to be flirty, using a... rather cheesy pick up line, and Aruna would just shoot a pick up line right back at him.
It wouldn't even have to be good to get this man flustered, because he'd be all *holy heck she flirted back?? Uhhh.*
You can get a general idea of what a scenario like that would be like-
And allow me to add if you will, I see that Aruna can be 'kinda nerdy?'
MK, even if not much of a fan of a certain topic, would certainly try to peek over her shoulder and take a look at what it is she's a nerd of. Books? The moon? Oh, *mythology*? This man's curiosity is easily piqued!
Plus, if Aruna ever mentioned how she likes the moon goddess, and was even blessed by her, oh honey Arunas got a storm coming-
MK will definitely tell her about how he met Chang'e and stuff, and what she's like if Aruna asks. Wait, Aruna was blessed by Chang'e? With a singing voice? Could he possibly have the amazing chance to hear Aruna's singing voice??
Would absolutely love Aruna, and bring her along with him on adventures and simplistic dates whenever he could.
The two would also find themselves in the kitchen at times, Aruna showing MK some recipes on how to bake, and MK showing Aruna a few recipes he got from Pigsy!
Oh, that would mean both Aruna and MK have some sort of connection to a god! More things in common for this curious and lively couple!
Aruna, someone visiting Pigsy's Noodles, who's been blessed by a goddess : What u doing?
MK, a worker at said shop, who's training under a god : What u doing?
MK + Aruna :
MK + Aruna : YAY!-
Now again, his feelings would be oriented towards Aruna's personality.
As a lover, Macaque wouldn't quite care about the looks or popularity of his s/o, as he'd just look for someone who wouldn't ever leave his side, and would always stay with him.
Seeing as Aruna has a good singing voice, meeting the 'Six-Eared Macaque' could go a couple of ways.
1 - Macaque one day hears Aruna's voice with his six ears, and gets interested in the voice, leading him to try and figure out where it's coming from, would eventually see Aruna, but fail in leaving the scene and crash land near/on her.
2 - (Again- this is mainly based around Aruna's singing voice, I get the feeling she may like theaters and such, I apologize if this is inaccurate) Aruna decides to go to Macaque's theatre, and over time Macaque has his interest piqued, and the two get to know each other some more-
3 - Anything else you think would fit your oc. :)
Now, onto the relationship.
Macaque would be more of a guy who uses his words to show his affections, but would eventually go on to trust Aruna more and allow her to bombard him with hugs(at times) due to how kind she'd be towards him despite how he can be.
The man would absolutely love to hear her singing voice, although he wouldn't admit that unless it costed something big-
Really though, the minute Macaque learns about Aruna's singing voice, he'll consider asking her to sing for him. And thinking she does, that's it.
Wrapped around Aruna finger.
That wouldn't be all though-
Macaque is someone who has.. a good amount of abandonment issues due to his past and what happened between him and Wukong.
So knowing that someone actually *wants* to be with him, to spend some quality time with him without a catch, or another reason, and only to be with *him*?
Nothing would ever be able to explain how happy and grateful Macaque would be.
Don't expect him to admit that though.
That isn't it either.
Now, Macaque isn't exactly a master chef.
He probably knows recipes mainly centering around plums, but not much else.
So, that could mean that occasionally, at a time when Aruna is baking, Macaque would sneak up on her, or be beside her, and either a, help her, or b, ask to taste test when she's done.
Plus, on a thundering day, Aruna and Macaque could stay together reading or doing another activity in somewhere cozy, both having the other to comfort them from the lightning and thunder going on.
And when the storm would end, stargazing, or taking a good look at the moon would be a rather nice date for the two.
All in all, Aruna and Macaque would be a sweet couple, with their differences and similarites.
A scenario below!
Aruna : Hello! What are you doing here?
Macaque, disguised as a regular monkey :
Aruna : Heh, it's kinda cold today, take this! *Hands over a small fresh baked bread.* Enjoy!
*Aruna leaves the scene.*
Macaque :
Macaque : *Shit.*
There's Aruna's top possible matches!
I hope this was at least decent, have a nice day :3
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Is2g I’m going to start writing fan fiction where the reader’s family emotionally neglected them and/or the reader just dodges questions about them
Cuz I swear it’s either the parents are completely in almost every word of abusive OR reader has a healthy relationship with her family
Which isn’t bad obviously but there’s nothing for the emotional neglected and having to raise yourself crowd so ;v;
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