#whenever deeks goes on and on
ejzah · 21 days
A/N: A little fic set in season 12 while Deeks is laid off and the rest of his and Kensi’s life is kind of falling to pieces.
Sometimes You Just Can’t Fake It
“You know what would be great in here?” Kensi asks, waiting for either Callen or Sam to respond. It’s early afternoon on a Friday and so quiet she can hear every tap of finger on keyboard. When they say nothing, she answers for herself. “A taco bar. We could set it up in one of the storage rooms. No one would ever need to know, because no one ever goes in there except for Nell, and then we could have burritos whenever we want.”
“I think Deeks is rubbing off on you,” Sam comments with a gentle smile.
He’s not entirely wrong. The last few weeks have been rough, to put it mildly. She’s so used to Deeks being the cheerleader, the eternal optimist in their relationship and among the team. Her efforts to fill in the gaps, all seem to fall flat or come off as forced.
What Kensi wants to say more than anything, is this sucks. They were supposed to be buying their own house, starting a family, and instead the bar is beyond struggling, Deeks all but fired, and they’re months into trying to get pregnant.
“Why don’t you go home?” Callen suggests, not even bothering to check his watch. “Your paperwork’s done and I have it on good authority that the new boss is pretty lenient.”
Kensi allows a smile as she imagines Nell’s reaction to being called the boss. “Ok, thanks. I’m just going to give Deeks a call.”
“Tell him he owes me a game of pool,” Sam adds.
“I will.”
Deeks picks up after a few rings. “Kens, hi, what’s going on?”
“Hey, Callen said I could skip out early,” she explains, settling on the sofa set up beyond the bullpen. “I was thinking maybe I could pick you up and take you out to dinner. We’ve never gotten around to trying that New Mexican place with the couples margaritas.”
Her tone is decidedly flirtatious, but she doesn’t really care if someone overhears. With Deeks laid off, they’ve had even less time together, and she’s feeling the strain.
“That sounds amazing, baby,” Deeks sighs, and there’s a thread of exhaustion in his voice that never quite leaves these days. It’s different from the weariness that comes with a week of chasing after ad guys. “But there’s so much to do at the bar. Can I have a rain check.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” She’s pretty proud of how well she hides her disappointment.
“You could go without me though. I, uh, know how much you love your margaritas and a good taco.”
“It wouldn’t be the same,” Kensi admits. “We’ll go another time. I’ll see you in a little bit.”
“Kay. Love you,” he says, a little sad and distracted like he’s been for weeks.
“Love you,” she murmurs back. Clasping her phone between her palms, she leans forward, pressing her lips together to stave off a wave of tears.
She’s trying so hard, for the both of them. And it’s just not enough.
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Covert Affairs: Vostanik Sabatino x Reader (feat: G. Callen)
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @novamariestark @words-and-seeds @thiashazzywriting @whateversomethingbruh
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You’ve been with Sabatino almost two years when your relationship gets thrust into the spotlight. It’s a litany of stolen moments whenever he arrives back in LA. Whirlwind dinner dates and nights spent ruining you in the sheets of his hotel room. You hit your favourite brunch spots, ranking them with detailed notes you keep on your phone for the next time he’s in town. He gives you a tour of Hollywood, the places he used to haunt back in the day when he was playing with his band. You catch a couple of shows over pitchers of beer in a dive bar or two.
“Do you ever think about doing it again?” You ask him as you watch the band from a spot near the bar. Your back comes to rest against his chest, his arm looped around your waist, holding you close.
“Maybe one day, when I finally put down some roots.” He murmurs into your ear as he nuzzles the curve of your throat. “I miss making music.”
He fucks you in the bathroom of the bar, the pulse of the music vibrating through the walls as he goes down on you to a God-awful rendition of ‘Killer Queen’. Whenever you hear that song in the aftermath, you think of that night. His mouth on you, tongue thrust deep inside when you come for him just as Freddy hits the high note.
Sam’s away in Somalia when Nell and Eric identify a problem. Someone has been downloading classified data from the NCIS server and selling it on the black market. An investigation is opened into everyone who was working at a computer terminal during the download, and you happen to be one of them. You’d stayed late to catch up on the after-action reports after losing a bet to Callen at the shooting rage.
It’s ridiculous that a tickle in your nose just as you’re about to pull the trigger is the reason your whole life blows up.
Part of the investigation includes cloning the personal phones of the people under suspicion so they can deep dive into their lives. You make it relatively easy, leaving yours in the top drawer of your desk when you hit the gym with Kensi. Nobody really believes it’s you, you’ve been with them six years. You’ve shed blood, cried tears, saved their lives, fought their battles. For Nell and Eric, it’s simply a process of elimination, that is until they find a wealth of incriminating data.
Calls from multiple international sources they can’t verify.
An encrypted message app, hidden under the calculator icon.
A secret cache of files that are password protected.
It’s all high-level security, something you don’t need on your personal device, almost NSA level shit. Even with their tech savvy it would take hours to break into the phone and they don’t have that kind of time because you’ve just received a text from a burner cell telling you to meet at The Majestic Hotel, Room 216, later this evening.
You must be meeting the buyer.
They can’t take the risk of that information falling into the wrong hands, so it becomes an op with you as the target. It’s hastily put together, there’s no time to run prior surveillance because it’s going down just as they pull up to the hotel. They catch a glimpse of you stepping into the room before the door closes quietly behind you.
Callen, Deeks and Kensi take up residence just outside the door, allowing a few minutes for the exchange to take place before they use the keycard to gain entry.
When they burst into the room guns drawn, it’s not what anyone expected.
The first thing they see is Sabatino. He’s in a state of undress. His white button up shirt hangs open, revealing his bare chest including that messy scar etched into his flesh. There’s lipstick marks trailing down the hollow of his throat, staining his skin. It’s fire engine red, the shade you were wearing. He holds his hands up in a gesture of surrender, his body shielding you from what he perceives to be a threat.
For Callen it's an echo back to that day in Afghanistan, the one when Sabatino put himself between you and the bullet that would have ended your life.
When you step out from behind him, you’re in a similar state of disarray. Your lipstick is smeared across your mouth, your hands tugging the fabric of the black wrap dress around your body covering up the lingerie that you’re wearing.
You’re both arrested and taken to separate interrogation rooms in the Boatshed. You’re silent in the face of the accusation but Sabatino, he will not stop talking. He’s pissed on your behalf, that your team won’t give you the benefit of the doubt, that you’re being treated like a criminal. Him, he’s used to this shit, but you deserve better.
You don’t blame them for suspecting you, you know how it looks. You’d be doing the same thing in their shoes; in fact, you have.
They sweat you for a while, leave you spinning your wheels. It’s standard procedure in a case like this, let the suspect get in their own head, make them eager to talk. You know what’ll happen in that time, they’ll find evidence of your relationship with Sabatino. It’s not that that bothers you, it’s the intimate items you’d brought with you to the hotel room sitting in your overnight bag. The one that someone is now going to have to search through. It’s humiliating.
It's Callen that comes to interrogate you, you didn’t expect anything different, he is your superior after all. You know that your conversation is about to get a lot more personal because Callen has to consider the possibility that Sabatino’s been using you for intel, he wouldn’t be doing his due diligence if he didn’t.
“Your relationship with Sabatino, take me through it.”
So, you do, from that first kiss in the car to the last time he was in town. As you detail your relationship, things start to make sense to Callen, pieces he hasn’t put together until now. Sabatino’s reaction back in Afghanistan when you were taken, the fact he’d undertaken the prisoner walk instead of a member of your team. He had known that bullet was coming, that the Taliban couldn’t afford to let you go. He’d been prepared to die for you that day.
Callen thinks about earlier in the hotel room, Sabatino’s first instinct had been to get between you and whatever was coming through that door. He understands that urge, it’s reactive and primal, like a wolf protecting his mate.
There’s other things he’s noticed. Sabatino’s smile when you’re around, it brighter, more genuine. The look he gives you, there’s always a warmth in it despite the fact he’s being a smartass. The last time they’d arrested him, he’d been reserved but this time he’s irate and Callen knows that it comes from a place of love. That he’s infuriated on your behalf.
At the end of your story, you give him the passwords for your phone. Everything you need to prove the existence of your relationship resides on that device.
“See for yourself.” You tell him and he does.
Those files you’d encrypted?
The two of you eating ice cream on the boulevard, the sun setting in the background. Sabatino kissing your cheek as you smile into the camera at a bar in Hollywood. Him playing a guitar on the couch in your living room, a book of chords laid out in front of him. There’s more of them, documenting your relationship over the past two years. For anyone else these would be normal Instagram images but for someone who’s a covert agent they’re a death sentence.
The hidden chat app?
It’s full of voice notes filled with private, intimate things that no one else should ever be privy to.
When I look up at the sky tonight it reminds me of Afghanistan, the first night I spent with you.
You looked too beautiful to wake up this morning, I’m sorry I had to leave.
The sun’s just rising here, and all I can think about is how I wish I was waking up next to you.
The international calls?
Callen realises it’s Sabatino checking in, letting you know he’s still alive.
By all accounts he’s looking at a couple in love, one that’s been forced to keep their relationship a secret due the nature of Sabatino’s career. Callen’s worked for the CIA; he knows the risks. He also knows that this man would set the entire world on fire if anything happened to you.
“Come for a drink tonight.” Callen suggests when it’s all said and done. “I wanna get to know Sabatino a little better, you know, just in case he ends up joining the family.”
You roll your eyes as you stand in the main room of the Boatshed, gathering the few personal items that had been transported with you.
“Our very fucked up little family.” You retort.
“Neither less he’s important to you, so he’s important to us too.” Callen tells you.
You can hear the sincerity in voice. Callen doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean, not to you. You’ve been lied to too many times in the past before you’d transferred to LA. Your old partner back San Diego had been corrupt, it had been a severe blow to your psyche. You’d been transferred to LA because you were deemed a problem child. Callen got that, he’d understood it. He’d made you a deal.
“If you’re upfront with me, I’ll be upfront with you, it’s a two-way street.”  
That’s the way the two of you operated and it had worked consistently over the past six years.
“Even after all of this.” You say gesturing at the monitors that oversee the interrogation rooms.
You’re talking about the fact that you’ve spent two years hiding your life with a man, he has a kinda love/hate relationship with. Out of everyone you work with Callen has the most trust issues, this should be a problem for him, but the thing is, it’s not. He understands it on both levels. You’re protecting the man you love, and Sabatino, he’s protecting you too.
“Especially after all of this.” He says firmly before he places his palms on the surface of the wooden table and tilting his head up to meet your gaze. “Look I’m not going to pretend I understand what you see in the guy, but he cares about you, hell he almost died for you, and I can’t fault him for that. Trust me I want to, but I can’t.”
There’s an edge of humour to his voice because his interactions with Sabatino have always fluctuated between irritation and respect. The man is an excellent operative, and the problem is he knows it. You find yourself smiling despite yourself, your fingertips tapping lightly on the table.
“Alright.” You agree because this how you step into the light, how the two of you move forward into the future. “But the drinks are on you guys tonight.”
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princessofinterest · 7 years
That entire Deeks and Tahir phone conversation though
Aka that time Deeks verbally sparred with a warlord. And won.
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I want this to be a short request but how would crushing!companions react to sole who holds their hand whenever they get scared and it slowly turns into a habit for them to always hold onto his hand?
omg this is literally so cute, bye. 🥺💗 i hope you enjoy, anon.
to keep it short, i’ll just write their reactions to when sole holds their hand and i will put ‘companions react to sole holding their hand as a habit’ in a separate post! <3
it’s nothing new in his life— he’s experienced his fair share of people holding onto him during stressful and terrifying situations, so it’s something he’s used to. however, sole is an exception in this case. it’s been quite a while since he’s caught feelings for his companion, so it’s different in certain situations with them.
when they first get startled and hold his hand, he tenses up, his mind going completely blank as they wrap their fingers around his palm. though millions of people have done the same action to him in the past, this one feels different and he swears it makes him feel emotions he’s never truly felt before. before he can question what their intentions were, he noticed how they drew closer to him, eyes frantically scanning their surroundings and he realizes that there may have been an uncomfortable presence around.
so danse slowly takes a breath and squeezes their hand in return, looking down at them with red cheeks and a nervous expression. “you’re safe, don’t worry. if there appears to be any threat within our vacinity, i will neutralize it as best as i can.” when they look at him with a relieved smile, he feels his heart swell with emotions he’s never felt in his lifetime. he doesn’t dare to let go until sole feels safe enough to do so and even when they do, he fights the urge to take their hand in his once more.
instead, he impatiently waits for the next time he has the chance to hold their hand in his again, already excited though he refuses to admit it.
deacons not a very affection man nor has he received any affection from any other individual besides his late other half. To say this situation was terrifying for him was an understatement. he’s probably already dreading the fact that he has an unavoidable crush for his companion, not wanting to deal with that type of stress no longer.
the first time his crush rushes to hold his hand out of fear of their surroundings, he immediately pulls away out of habit and stares at them with a lump in his throat, words scrambled and refusing to leave his mouth for a moment. “i-, uh-“
with a mortified expression, sole waves it off with a flush on their face and an embarrassed tone, “shit i’m sorry. it’s just a habit, please don’t mind me.” they slowly distance themselves away from him and deacon quickly gets his act together, inwardly panicking that he may have hurt their feelings unintentionally. “no, it’s fine. i just- uh.” they tilt their head with a confused expression and instead of explaining himself, he lets out a soft apology and awkwardly goes on his way to save him the embarrassment. when he thinks about it later, he feels a pang of guilt hit him and realizes he may have been too harsh, so he tries to make an exception.
next time around, when sole does accidentally jump to grab his hand, it takes him a moment to calm himself down but does gather the courage to return the gesture. he would notice the surprised expression on soles face, and even though he’s internally losing it, he musters up the same shit eating smile he always has and cracks a joke; “charmer, i know it’s hard to stay away from me, but you could at least try.” when sole doesn’t respond and sends him a confused expression, he gives them a small smile and tugs their hand, “that’s okay though, i don’t mind. good ol’ deeks will scare the monsters away.”
when sole lets out a small chuckle, he feels himself grow agitated and immediately whips around to hide the blush on his face as he drags sole along with him. “we better get going if we wanna get outta this scary place. yknow, before you jump out of your shoes.”
he’s very to himself in most situations and values his personal space just as much as most people do in the commonwealth. he believes in a personal bubble and really enforces that idea, respecting his own personal space as well as others. however in this case, mac is probably just as scared as sole is, though he may be a lot better at hiding it.
when sole does grab his hand, he doesn’t give attention to it at first due to him being scared as well but when he does notice them showing signs of fear, he tries to reassure them, even though he’s flustered at the sudden contact. with a deep breath, he sucks in his negative emotions and decides to step up to bring comfort to them.
“hey, you okay?” when sole doesn’t respond, he just pulls them closer and squeezes their hand gently to grab their attention. when they do look at him, he smiles awkwardly, a inevitable blush dusting his cheeks. “earth to sole?”
when they explain their habit of doing so, he tries to lighten the mood by telling stories about his life in the capital wasteland and how he felt during his time at little lamplight, letting them know that he had similar fears and still continues to have them despite him experiencing the wasteland for years.
soon enough, their hands naturally find home in each other as they both continue exchanging similar experiences they’ve had, laughter filling the silence that sole feared just moments back.
hancocks a very touchy man and people do show him quite a lot of affection, so just like danse, he’s used to the constant attention others show him, only this time, the perspective is a little different. he enjoys it far more than other companions and doesn’t mind when they rush to hold his hand, though it catches him off guard.
for a moment, he processes the events occurring but once he does, he lets out a soft smile and a chuckles under his breath. he wants to let out a flirtatious comment or two, but fights the urge and instead, soothes their fear instead of embarrassing them.
“don’t worry, sunshine. you know i wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.” he’d rub his thumb against their knuckles and smiles when he sees the tenseness in their body melt away. “in fact..”
when he lets go of their hand, he sees the panic grow on their face and lets out a small chuckle. with a swift movement, he gently throws his arm over their shoulder and pulls them closer, rubbing their arm reassuringly.
“.. this might be a little more comforting. no matter what happens, i’ll always be ready to protect you this way. don’t you agree?” when they chuckle and nod at his suggestion, he pulls them closer to his body, whispering loud enough for them to hear.
“ ‘m always here for you, sunshine. you don’t ever have to be scared, especially with me around. don’t ever feel like you have to hide it from me.” sole lets out a small hum before leaning into his touch, trusting every word that left his mouth.
Nick Valentine:
nick is very understanding with a situation like this and doesn’t mind it one bit. though he does get a bit flustered, he tries to play out the scenario in a way where they won’t feel embarrassed about the events occurring. he’s aware that everyone has their fair share of fears, no matter how tough you play out to be.
“things can get pretty scary around here, i know.” when he smiles down at them, they feel a sense of ease and relax into his touch instead of having the urge to pull away. “waking up 200 years later in a completely different life will do that to you.”
sole would sigh and hold his hand tighter, their voice barely a whisper as their cheeks flush with embarrassment. “i wonder how you do it sometimes.”
nick lets out a small laugh at their reaction. “it wasn’t always like this, sweetheart. i was just as scared as you, maybe even worse.” sole looks at him with curiosity as he continues on, “theres always something new everyday but soon you’ll learn how to adapt to it.”
“you think so?”
“i know so.” his words are full of reassurance and comfort, allowing sole to let go of any negative feelings that filled their chest.
“good thing i have the best companion in the wasteland to guide me around this hellhole.” sole puts it out as a joke, but knows a part of it was the truth that she was wholeheartedly grateful for.
he proceeded to rub his thumb on their knuckles, feeling a sense of happiness in their comment, “i’ll do my best to meet your expectations, partner.”
poor boy. he’d be a blushing mess if sole were to ever do something as simple as this. if they were to dart to grab his hand, even out of fear, he’d stutter in confusion, obviously flustered at the idea of them latching onto him. “w-what are you d-doing?”
his body would immediately freeze upon contact, stopping in his tracks despite the possibility of getting attacked at any given moment. when he catches the terror in their expression, he’s reminded that the general has their weak points too. so instead of questioning their actions any further, he tries to reassure them despite his pounding heart.
“did you wanna turn around? we can always find another route. we could even send a team of minutemen to do this for us.” when sole shakes their hand and swallows the lump in their throat, preston lets out a soft sigh and smiles at them softly.
“just leaving the suggestion out there, general. say the word and we’ll turn right back around.” sole would shake their head, their stubbornness peeking through the look of fear twisting on their face. “it’s fine. i can’t be selfish and let it get to me.”
preston would feel his heart swell at their sacrifice and the determination that they held, despite the odds going against them. gently, he squeezed their hand and looked down at them, seeing the curious expression on their face. “if that’s the case, just know i’m confident that nothing will tear you down. i have your back every step of the way,” he pauses for a moment, rubbing the nape of his neck nervously with a dorky smile, “even if it mean- uh -holding my hand. i’d be more than happy to.”
after a few moments of silence, sole processed his words and smiled at him in response, returning the squeeze. “thank you, preston.”
sturges is aware he isn’t the strongest man in the commonwealth nor does he have the ability to protect sole in most situations. however, if he had a choice, he would do the best he could and he knows that sole is aware of his intentions. yet, when they yelp with fear and lunge to him, taking his hand in theirs, he realizes that maybe he isn’t as weak as he sought out to be.
“you holding up ‘lright, sweetheart?” when they notice their actions, their expression slowly twists into a terrified one and they attempt to retrieve their hand as quickly as they can. sturges doesn’t stop them from doing so and instead just laughs heartily and offers his hand to them despite their reaction.
“i’m fine with it, yknow. i wasn’t complainin’ or anything, just wanted to check if you’re okay.” sole hesitates for a moment, eyes flickering from his hand to his face before replying. “are you sure it’s okay? it just gave me a little scare, you don’t have to-“
before they could continue, he moves closer, taking their hand in his with a light blush on his cheeks and a reassuring smile plastered on his face. “it’s the least i can do for you.” his actions are more than enough to reassure sole and they nod, accepting his offer. “thank you, sturges.”
he doesn’t like crushes— gage is so used to the habit of a one night stand and constant hook ups that he absolutely forgets how loving someone feels like. as sole grips his hand in fear, he chokes up for a good second and immediately gets himself together, retreating his hand and glaring at them.
“the fuck you think you’re doing?” despite his tough demeanor, his voice becomes slightly shaky and a small tinge of pink dusts his cheek. this doesn’t go unnoticed at first, but sole knows they’re too distracted to point it out.
they would apologize with an embarrassed expression and he’d avert his eyes elsewhere before continuing on; “yer the damn overboss, some stupid shit like this shouldn’t scare you. you gotta be tougher than that if yer gonna survive in this world.”
he doesn’t realize the words that leave his mouth until his eyes fall on sole, who’s clearly embarrassed and overwhelmed with the situation and immediately feels a tinge of guilt. with a quiet groan, he slows down and averts his eyes elsewhere, waiting for them to pick up the pace. when sole lets out a confused hum, he forces the words to leave his mouth.
“hurry up and get in front of me, why don’t ya’? yer acting like i’d let the overboss get hurt on my watch.”
they would pause for a moment at his words but feel a sense of reassurance knowing that gage had their back, despite his attitude towards them. “okay.” sole would smile at him softly and he’d scoff, fighting the blush threatening to creep up on his face. this stupid love bullshit was doing nothing but holding him back.
“yeah, yeah. lets get a move on before i leave ya out here to get eaten.”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Awe Reg, my beloved! Eve, I adore your writing, you're amazing! Would you perchance be interested in writing some Regulus cuddles? Maybe after testimony, or whenever really, Sirius cuddling the life our of his baby bro or just a bunch of times various Lions snuggled him? I can just imagine Leo being like yup that's my new best friend and he is in sore need of a snuggle lol
Anything for you Deek! This is a prequel/ sequel to Testimony for anyone who isn't caught up <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove
TW discussion of past abuse by teammates and parents (physical and mental), PTSD (not explicit), physical remnants of past abuse (scars), dry heaving mention
No answer. Leo hesitated, letting his knuckles linger on the outside of the door for another few seconds before lowering them. The sounds of dry-heaving had stopped a few minutes prior, but he could hear Regulus’ harsh breathing even through the wood. He glanced back down the hall; Remus’ socked foot disappeared around the corner, and Sirius leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. Watching. Waiting. Sadder than Leo had ever seen him.
He sighed through his nose and knocked as lightly as he could. “Reg, it’s me. Please open the door.”
Regulus spit. Leo heard a rustle of clothes and unsteady footsteps before the bathroom door swung open at last and immediately wrapped his arms around Regulus’ narrow frame, squeezing his eyes shut at the shaking and shivering he could already feel under his touch. “Fuck,” Regulus said fervently as he clutched at the back of Leo’s shirt.
“Fuck.” It came out more choked that time—Leo kept holding him until the door shut behind them and guided Regulus to lean against the tub, though he kept their sides pressed together and let him collapse into his ribs. “Fuck, Leo, I don’t know if I can do this.”
“C’mon,” Leo repeated, remaining as solid as he could while Regulus pulled his knees up and trembled from head to toe.
“I’m so fucking scared,” came the whispered response several long moments later. Regulus buried his face in his knees and shook his head. “They’re gonna kill me for this.”
Leo was pretty sure his heart ripped in half at the broken terror in Regulus’ voice. His best friend was wry and sarcastic, a force to be reckoned with on or off the ice—this frightened boy looked like nothing more than…
A child. He paused. For the very first time in their friendship, Leo remembered just how young they both were. “They’re not gonna kill you,” he heard himself say. We’re children. We’re just kids. We shouldn’t have to do this. Leo cleared his throat, then rested the side of his head on top of Regulus’. “Reg, I need you to listen real close.”
“Okay,” he answered thickly.
“They don’t—” Leo faltered as tears burned his eyes. He upset and hurt and fucking furious that his best friend had to deal with the shitshow he was slogging through, so upset it burned inside. He held Regulus close and pressed their temples together. “They don’t get to hurt you anymore. I won’t let them.”
He didn’t need to see Regulus’ face in the depths of their sweatshirts to know he was crying. It was a funny thought, Regulus crying. He had always been untouchable, even though Leo knew the wall against his emotions had been 20 years in the making and was stronger than the Hoover Dam. It was fucking crushing to see him like that, huddled on the bathroom floor with his hoodie as a tissue.
“I won’t go in if you don’t want me to,” he promised. “I won’t listen. I’ll wait in the car and drive you home afterward, no questions asked.”
“Sirius is gonna be pissed,” Regulus mumbled.
Leo frowned. “He won’t be mad at you—”
“No.” A series of hitching breaths followed before he sat up a little more, though he kept himself tucked under Leo’s arm. “No, Sirius is going to be so pissed at the Snakes.”
“I hate to break it to you, but I think he’s always pissed at the Snakes,” Leo tried to joke. It fell flat and he internally winced. “But you’re right. He will be. If you don’t want to drive home with all that, I’ll be there.”
“It’s just—” Regulus raised his head and shuffled into a sitting position. His hands hung uselessly in front of him. His eyes were red-rimmed, face pale. He looked lost. He looked 20. “I don’t know how to say it. Any of it. I’m not good at this.”
“Good at what?”
His face twisted and he scrubbed angrily at his damp cheek. “Emotions.”
Leo tilted his head in thought, drawing his arm back until Regulus pulled it over his shoulders again. “Would thinking of it like a list help?”
Regulus slumped. “I tried. I tried thinking of it like it didn’t happen to me, but it did, and the media’s going to eat me alive for it.”
“Fuck the media,” Leo said firmly. Gray eyes flickered up to him. “Fuck the media, Reg, this is your life and nobody else’s. You’re doing this for you to make sure it doesn’t happen to any other players.”
Silence fell over them. Sirius and Remus were rummaging about in the house, their footsteps padding on the floor as if they were trying extra hard to be quiet. A deep hum of appreciation rumbled through Leo’s bones. “Can I tell you?”
He blinked. “Tell me what?”
“What I’m going to say.” Regulus swallowed hard, picking at his hoodie cuffs. His skin was blotchy and red in places—Leo wondered how many other people had been able to see The Regulus Black with anything less than perfect composure.
Then again, he wasn’t The Regulus Black to Leo. He was just Reg, his best friend. Just Reg, and there was nobody else Leo wanted him to be.
His gaze was sharp when they made eye contact. “Leo, can I practice with you?”
“Course you can.”
“It’s fucked up.” He saw his throat bob. “Leo, some of this is really fucked up.”
Next time we see the Snakes, I’m drawing first blood. He shifted to sit in front of Regulus and held his hands out, palms-up. “Shoot.”
The creasing worry on his face gave way to bewilderment. “What are you doing?”
“Hold my hands.”
“Because.” Regulus stared for a moment longer, then tentatively reached out and rested his palms over Leo’s. They were cold, per usual, but steadied somewhat when they made contact. “Ready?”
A nod answered, and then an almost challenging look bored into Leo’s face. “I was a member of the Slytherin Snakes organization for just under a year, and I was abused by my teammates. They disguised their abuse as hazing rituals meant to break my self-esteem, both physically and emotionally. I dreaded stepping foot in that locker room every day. I received more bruises from my coworkers than I did on the ice. I was pressured to cut contact with my older brother and threatened with more harm if I refused. You okay?”
Leo exhaled. Regulus’ voice was a clipped, perfect monotone, but that didn’t stop the words from driving right down into his soul. “Yep. Is it working?”
“I have no idea.” A faint tremor ran through Regulus’ hands, and Leo felt him tighten his grip. Hs words were clearly pre-rehearsed; the waver in his voice was not. “The older members of the team routinely targeted me and the other rookies and I—I tried to stay out of the way, but as soon as they turned their abuse to others I couldn’t just stand there and let it happen.”
He swallowed again; Leo watched his shoulders begin to shake. “Reg?” he asked gently.
“Some of the injuries on my hands and heels will scar for the rest of my life. I took the fall for my few friends whenever I thought I could get away with it, but—but—but there were so many where I c—”
Leo bit down on the inside of his lip as Regulus broke off, breathing hard as tears welled up once again. One hand ripped away from his own and slammed down on the tile floor.
“I couldn’t protect them,” Regulus finally forced out, hoarse and quiet. His mouth twisted in familiar frustration and he hit the floor again as a riot of emotions played out across every pointed angle of his face. The clinical tone vanished in an instant and the wide-eyed guilt flooded his features. “Shit, Leo, I couldn’t stand up for anyone.”
“You stood up for yourself—”
“No, I didn’t,” he sobbed, though no tears fell. “I didn’t, I just let them hurt me because it’s what I’ve done my whole fucking life and this time Sirius wasn’t there to take the hits.”
Leo’s heart skipped a beat. He thought back to Sirius in the hall, then the one and only time he had had the misfortune of seeing their parents in person. He thought about the ever-present wariness on Sirius’ face in early pictures of the team. He thought about Regulus’ suspicious looks to Dumo in those quiet, early days.
His silver eyes were bitter and angry and so ashamed Leo could taste it like blood on his teeth. “Don’t act like you didn’t know.”
“I…” Leo trailed off, then shook his head. “I knew they were strict. I thought maybe, but…”
“Sirius never told you where that scar on his lip came from, eh?” Something cruel curled on the corner of Regulus’ mouth and he looked away, swiping a hand under his nose. “I broke maman’s necklace and he said he did and dear old dad made him get four stitches. We had to lie to everyone and say he fell. And it was all my fault.”
Leo knew that defensive glare, the one like a cornered bobcat. It was the look Regulus got when he was boiling for a fight and trying to press every button so someone would snap at him first. Sirius’ anger was white-hot and quick. Regulus simply simmered until he couldn’t keep it down. “It’s not your fault,” Leo said, barely above a murmur.
Regulus’ eyes flashed and he yanked his other hand back. “I sat there for twelve years as Sirius got hurt for me because I was too much of a coward to stand up for myself against my own shitty parents. I sat there for another year as those fucking sadists took out their problems on me and the only people who treated me like a human being because I was scared. And then you come barreling into my life and try to tell me it’s not my fault?”
Leo shrugged one shoulder. “I’m your best friend. I can’t lie to you.”
“Well you just did, so how about you shut the fuck up and let me get through this so I don’t cry like a little bitch in front of a million cameras who have been waiting for me to fail since I could skate.”
A gentle knock made them both jump. “Reg?”
“Fuck off, Sirius!” Regulus shouted.
Leo folded his hands in his lap. “Look, if you want to yell at me—”
“I don’t want to yell—”
“How about you shut the fuck up for a second, ouais?” Regulus closed his mouth, apparently stunned into silence as Leo raised his eyebrows. “Your parents suck, and fuck the Snakes. They had no right to hurt you and no cause to do it because you didn’t do anything wrong. And as your goddamn best friend, I get to remind you that I’m on your side in this. I’m going to be there, for you, no matter what happens in that room. I get to care about you.”
Regulus’ bottom lip quavered even as defensive fury raged hot over his face. “I don’t know why you want to be around me, Leo. You’re…nice. People like you. I’m mean, and angry, and a wreck of a person who can’t pull himself together for an hour to stop other people from getting hurt.”
The wounded shreds of Leo’s heart pulsed with a bone-deep ache. “You’re not any of that.”
“How do you know?” Regulus bit out.
“Cause I know you.” Leo nudged his knee with one foot. “I like to think I know better than to have a mean, angry best friend. Gimme a little credit here. You’ve been through things nobody should have put you through, and now you’re going to go in there and kick some ass because it’s what you do best. Then we’re going for a drive, and then you can crush me at Smash Bros.”
Regulus sniffled, picking at the bathmat. “You do suck at Smash Bros,” he mumbled.
“It’s not your job to throw yourself in front of every bad thing that comes at other people, Reg.”
“Sirius did it.”
“Sirius has a hero complex and higher blood pressure than an eighty-year-old man.”
That startled a snort from him. “Yeah,” he half-laughed, glancing back up. “Yeah, he really does.”
“Alright, up we go.” Leo stood with a groan and held out a hand to hoist Regulus to his feet, then dragged him into a hug the second he was steady. Regulus didn’t hesitate before returning the embrace just as fiercely. “Are you gonna throw up again?”
“Not right now. Maybe later.”
Leo held him tight, burying his nose in the folds of Regulus’ hoodie. “Ready to head out?”
A few beats of silence passed before he felt a sigh by his ear. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“You only need to tell them what they need to know. And that’s up to you to decide.”
Regulus pulled away and clapped Leo hard on the shoulder, then splashed some cold water on his face with a grimace. “D’accord,” he said, bracing his hands on the sink. “D’accord, let’s kick ass.”
“Oh, you little fucker,” Leo snarled, leaning as far into Regulus as he could get.
“Ow!” A hand shoved him away by the forehead; when he finally regained his vision, his character was knocked out cold on the animated stage. “Ha!”
Leo swore under his breath and tossed the controlled onto the cushions, dragging their shared blanket tighter around himself with a grumpy noise. “I hate this game.”
“Cause you’re a loser,” Regulus singsonged with a grin as Leo hauled him down to ruffle his hair. Dark circles were stamped beneath his eyes and he had been even quieter than normal on the drive home, but slowly, life had come back to his guarded expression. It was a comforting sight.
The top of their pillow fort shifted. “What’s the password?” Leo called as he watched Regulus gleefully set up a new game.
“Is it ‘my little brother is a mole-person that eats more popcorn than the rest of the city combined’?” a dry voice asked.
“It’s actually ‘fuck the Snakes’, but ritual offerings of apology are always accepted,” Regulus answered, sticking his hand out of the fort.
“Oh, well in that case, fuck the Snakes.”
“And the offering?”
Sirius’ heavy sigh rolled over the entire Eastern seaboard. A moment later, Regulus pulled a fresh bowl of popcorn under the blanket with a devious gleam in his eye. “Have fun, children.”
“We will!” they chorused.
The TV beeped as they chose their characters, but Leo lowered his controller just before pressing ‘play’. He bit his lip, then bumped Regulus’ shoulder with his own. “Hey.”
“I’m proud of you.”
Regulus blinked twice, cheeks still full of popcorn, before a faint smile tugged at the one side of his mouth Leo could see. “Merci, mon ami.”
“Will you let me win this next round?”
“Mmm. No.”
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
You Can Count On Me
A/N: Chapter 2
18 years later...
She steps into the gym, immediately sensing something in the air shift. It’s not a bad shift more like a welcomed shift, almost the same feeling whenever she enters a room that he’s in. Taking a quick scan across the room, her eyes land on a familiar mop of golden blonde hair attached to a man who’s pounding away at a punching bag. 
Schooling her features, Kensi or “Tracy” strides over to a man that introduces himself as Janklow and begins talking about Danny, how she wanted to come to the place that her boyfriend talked so much about. 
Janklow drops his guard just enough, calling the rest of their teammates over to introduce her, including one Marty Deeks, only today his name isn’t Marty and he’s not her best friend. Today he’s Jason Wyler fighting for a spot on an MMA team full of Marines. 
The three agents along with the tech operator and psychologist continue to stare at the monitor displayed with men from the gym, trying to figure out each ones possible motive to kill Zuna. 
Callen’s brow furrows, his focus solely on the shaggy blonde. “What about Wyler?”
“He’s a bit sketchy.” She sends herself a mental high-five as she pictures her best friend’s reaction at her quip. “But he’s definitely not our guy.”
“He’ doesn’t fit in with the others. What makes you so sure its not him?” Sam questions, turning his attention to the brunette agent. 
She shrugs, trying to remain nonchalant. “It’s just a feeling.”
The team leader share a look with his partner. “Or maybe its his baby blues.”
“Or his fluffy hair.” The ex-Navy SEAL finishes. 
She huffs a laugh, shaking her head. “Listen, guys, I’m telling you, it’s not him.”
“Tell us, what makes you so sure.” Nate finally interjects, wondering what she saw in the blonde. 
She wasn’t sure if she was going to have to out her friend but now she knows she does, there’s no way around it because if she doesn’t her best friend could end up hurt so she takes a deep breath. “Because his name isn’t Jason Wyler, it’s Marty Deeks and he’s an LAPD Detective.”
Callen’s eyes widen in shock. “And you know this because...”
“I was with him when he got his promotion.”
All four men’s brows simultaneously furrow in confusion.
Knowing they’re not going to give up until she gives them a little more, she relents. “He’s my best friend, the person I trust most in the world. He’s not our guy.”
The confidence in which she says it must be enough for the leader because he just shares aa look with his partner before turning back to her, trust written in both their eyes. “Okay.”
Kensi’s just about to open Zuna’s laptop, when the doorknob starts to jiggle. Slowly reaching for the small of her back, where her weapon is secured, she watches as the door slowly opens and is caught off guard for the second time that day.
His cerulean blues widen in surprise when he meets her mismatched chocolate orbs for the second time that day. He really missed her, but that’s besides the point right now. “What the hell are you doing around here?”
“We’re investigating Zuna’s death. What are you doing here?”
“I’m undercover.”
“No shit.”
Before anything else can be said, Callen steps in from the kitchen, joining the two childhood friends. 
“Marty this is Special Agent G Callen. Callen this is Detective Marty Deeks.”
The team leader takes the detective’s offered hand in greeting. “So I hear you know Kensi.”
“Yeah, know might be a bit of an understatement.”
Callen watches in awe of his coworker exchanging a smile with the detective. He’s not certain, but something tells him that the two are fighting something that’s inevitable. “Well we don’t want to step in on your investigation but we do need to find out what happened to Zuna.”
“Can you tell us what you’re under for?”
Deeks shakes his head, knowing that someone from the gym could and most likely is watching them. “Not here. There’s been a couple guys coming in and out from the gym since I’ve been here. I can probably slip away in a few hours.”
“You got your cell on you?” Kensi questions her friend, already knowing the answer. 
“Just a burner.”
Callen nods in understanding. “Okay, give Kens your number and we’ll send you an address.” 
“Sure thing.” 
She nearly jumps out of her skin when there’s a knock at the window. He’s definitely gonna pay for that later. Rolling down the window, Kensi see’s the confusion on his face.
“A Wendy’s, really?”
“Well, I couldn’t very well send you the address to the boat shed on a burner.”
When the words hit his ears, realization spreads across his face like an excited puppy that just got a new toy. “No!”
“Get in before I leave you here.”
Not having to be told twice, Marty hightails it around the SUV and quickly jumps in the passenger seat, shaking with excitement. “Kens, are you serious?”
Shaking her head, she checks her rear view as she slowly backs out of the parking lot. “I don’t know what your fascination with the boat shed is.”
“Are you kidding? It’s a secret hidey hole on the water, what’s not exciting about it?”
“Oh right, the Aquaman fantasy.”
“Okay, Miss I wanna fall in love on a ship and have sex in an old jalopy.”
She feigns shock and a little bit of outrage. “Hey, I told you that in confidence.”
“Yeah, but it’s slowly becoming my fantasy too so technically it’s okay.” He wiggles his eyebrows at her playfully. “Besides its just us here.”
Something in his demeanor feels a little flirty to her. Is she going crazy? When he flashes her a smile, she feels an unfamiliar surge of excitement run through her body. What the hell is going on?
He notices a look cross her features that he’s never seen before. “What?”
“Nothing. It’s just...I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Kens.” Marty feels a sudden sense of contentment as he watches her look back to the road and sees the blush rise to her cheeks. There’s a fluttering in his chest that’s unfamiliar to him.  What the hell is happening?
Deeks caught the team up on his op and all that was involved. He explained how Danny hadn’t come home the previous night, something about meeting up with this new girl Tracy. That earned him a famous Kensi trying not to smile, smile, which to be honest is one of his favorite things.
It didn’t go unnoticed by the other two agents in the room at the change in their coworker when she was around the detective. She seemed happier, like she wasn’t carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. 
The rest of the case goes off without a hitch, NCIS gets their killer and LAPD gets their drug ring bust, but most importantly Marty gets to go home...to his own bed.
There’s a knock at his door, a smile spreading to his lips knowing exactly who it is. He unlocks the deadbolt, twisting the knob and pulls it open. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Agent Blye.”
Kensi steps around him and into his apartment, case of their favorite beer in her hand. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Shaggy Rogers.”
“Oh, touché.”
She sends him a smile over her shoulder and something washes over him. The spark in her mismatched orbs, is something he can’t quite describe. He shakes his head, trying to rid this unfamiliar feeling as she goes to the fridge, depositing the rest of the beer after taking two out. 
“Pizza should be here in 30 minutes.”
“You got-“
“Hawaiian, yeah, yeah, but only half.” She shivers with disgust at his preference for toppings as she hands him the bottle. 
“I would expect noting less.”
She squints her eyes, stepping up to him almost in a challenge. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Kensi Blye doesn’t eat any fruit unless its covered in chocolate.”
“I-I ate that apple that one time.”
“Only because your mom hadn’t gone to the store for groceries yet.”
She wants to retort but knows he’s right. So she steps around him, walking over to the couch, landing a soft punch to his shoulder on her way. “Just play the damn movie.”
“You’re the boss...KayKay.”
“I will kill you.”
“No, you won’t.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“You’re my best friend and the person I trust most in the world.”
“Clearly you’ve never seen Snapped.”
He shakes his head in disbelief, unable to stop the grin from appearing on his face. He missed this. He missed her and their banter. 
A sudden knock on the door draws him out of his trance. “I think maybe you should get it. I don’t really want to have my back turned to you right now.”
“Haha.” She steps over his legs, whacking him with his cat pillow as she heads for the door. When she pulls it open, the last person she’d ever think it would be is standing there, all four foot and nine inches of her. “Hetty?”
“Miss. Blye.”
“Come in.”
Kensi ushers her boss into the apartment, eyes wide as saucers as she locks on with his. 
Sending him a hint of a smile, Hetty takes a seat in the chair next to the couch. “Hello, Mr. Deeks.”
“Hello, Ms. Lange.”
“Please, call me Hetty.”
“What can I do for you, Hetty?”
“Actually its more what I can do for you.”
Kensi’s brow furrows along with Marty’s as the OSP manager hands the detective a manila folder.  
Opening it he’s a little caught off guard when he sees all his information spread out before him. Everything from his statement from when Donald Blye saved him and his mother all the way to his most recent case. “Wow, Kensi was right. You are a secret ninja lady.”
The brunette feels the heat rise to her cheeks, feeling the scrutiny of her boss’s gaze fall on her. 
Shaking her head, a tiny smile curls at the old woman’s lips. “It’s clear to me that you two work quite well together...even better than Mr. Callen and Mr. Hanna.”
“Tell us something we don’t already know.” Marty playfully nudges his best friend, trying to get a smile out of her but is unsuccessful. Instead her features are unreadable. What Hetty’s asking would be a huge deal...monumental. I mean working with his best friend, not going under by himself anymore, working with a team...with her. “Can I think about it?”
Kensi’s eyes find his, trying to figure out which way he’s leaning. She can tell he’s holding back because of her, he doesn’t want to over step. He deserves this, a team and people that will truly watch his back and selfishly she wants to be the one to do it and he do the same for her. 
He sees the hopefulness in her eyes and knows the same is mirrored in his own. Getting a nod of approval from his best friend, he turns to his new boss with a smile. “I’m in.”
After he signs the form, Hetty gladly takes the folder back from their new liaison before taking her leave. “Well then as I understand it, you have a major undercover you’re working on and when the time comes you’ll get pulled back in but in the mean time, you’ll be reporting to OSP.”
“Thanks, Hetty.”
“I’ll leave you to it.” She sends them each a smile, showing herself to the door. 
Once the door click shut, Kensi turns to her best friend and now partner...he’s her partner. She can’t help the Cheshire Cat like grin on her face. “We’re gonna be partners.”
Unable to stop himself, Marty closes the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her in hug that’s so familiar to them its like second nature. “We’re gonna be partners.”
The following Monday had Kensi leading her best friend, now partner into the OSP Headquarters. She couldn’t help the smile that was tugging at her lips as she watched the shaggy blonde in his awestruck wonder as she showed him around the building. 
Their first case together is a high profile missing persons case which results in Kensi being held captive but like always, her partner along with Sam and Callen has her back and they live to see another day. 
He’s waiting at the car for his partner when the buzzing from his phone draws his attention. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out the offending object and immediately rolls his eyes as he reads the caller ID. “Bates, what do ya got?”
As his Lieutenant fills him in on what’s going on, Marty’s brow furrows and his body deflates, his eyes catching those of his best friend as she walks towards him with a bright smile on her face. One thing he hates most is having to cancel plans with her.
“Alright, I’ll be there.”
She waits until he hangs up the phone, her eyes meeting his, already knowing that their plans to go to the music festival this weekend are trashed. 
“I’m not gonna make it in tomorrow. Bates just called me, undercover op we’ve been working on and I finally got my in.”
A sad smile crosses her face, she knows its not his fault. This is what they signed up for. “The sex-trafficking case?”
“When do you leave?”
Her reaction is something he can’t quite describe. He knows what he wants it to be, but he’s just not sure. One thing he knows for sure is that now is not the time to lay it all out on the table. “Kens-“
“You’ll be careful, yeah?”
She scolds herself for letting her emotions slip, he doesn’t need this right now. He needs to be focused on his mission, but if she can get a little more time with him, she’ll gladly take it. “Do you have time to grab something to eat before you leave?”
He throws his arm around her shoulders, placing a kiss to the top of her head as they turn to walk towards the pier. “Always have time for you.”
There’s something about this goodbye that shifts their entire relationship, what it may be, they’re not sure. One thing is certain though, their lives are even more intertwined than they thought.
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nuka-bolt · 4 years
Who are your favorite characters in FO4? And lay on me a headcanon for each of them! (Tumblr, omg, I'm not a robot)
Are you sure you’re not a robot? 😆
Jokes aside, Thank you! 🥰
Deacon - I’m gonna do two for Deeks because he is my absolute fave.
I think he tells the truth a little more often than people think he does, but he embellishes or says it in a way that makes it sound like he’s lying. That way no one can actually tell.
I think that he prefers long range combat (if at all) because he’s seen what he can do with his own two hands and is absolutely terrified he’ll do it again.
Whenever she goes out for a report she will keep an eye out for ties for Nick. She has a super good memory and knows which ones he already has. Nick acts exasperated but absolutely loves it. He has all the gimmicky ones she’s found in a small box by his desk
He actually has a decent singing voice. He’s no Magnolia but his voice is just perfect for lullabies. Duncan always falls asleep if he sings.
Bonus Glory
She, K-L-EO, and Fahrenheit are really good friends and hang out together in Goodneighbour when they’re all free.
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top five nell ncisla moments?
Unfortunately my memory of Nell is hazy but I like all her moments and when she's being a boss of a woman. Telling people off and messing with the team.
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One of the earliest ones I remember other than her talking over Eric was when she used the camera to help Sam mess with Deeks.
When she was taken and held hostage when the team was in that training arena. Kill House, I think. She disarmed the baddie.
Then there's the tender moments with Eric. When she's on the run with her sister. I enjoyed that Episode.
Whenever she goes undercover, in the high IQ place and when she goes undercover with Eric, in the woods, at the retreat.
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I don't like how back and forth Eric and her have been. That's just me, it's all over the place and it's like one writer is wanting one thing and then the next is doing another.
I really do love Nell and anytime her and Kensi have a moment/scene is 🙌
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Anywhoooo, hope that makes sense. I do enjoy doing these things.
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fanartshmanart · 4 years
Please I'm begging, tell me everything that you have thought about for Dad! Kent I'm in love with that piece of art
talking with @omg-whiskey has got me just constantly thinking about Kent and Whiskey starting a family, so here are all the cute headcanons about them and their son Raylan, in no particular order.
So I think that it takes him a while to realize he wants his own kids cuz first he’s Good Uncle Kent to all his friends kids, and then he settles down with Whiskey and nears his retirement and is like wait a minute I want kids 
He becomes a stay at home dad and is one of those parents that shows pictures of his kid to everyone he meets
his instagram switches from entirely pictures of kit and his cats to entirely pictures of his baby and kit is extremely jealous
- baby Raylan grabbing Kit’s fur in his lil hands and Kit just sits there and glares up at Kent like ‘how dare you do this to me’
Kent will treat his toddler’s meaningless babbles very seriously like an actual conversation 
As Raylan gets over Kent will yeet this kid around and throw him over his shoulder with endless energy and Raylan loves it 
I think Raylan would be one of those kids who’s pretty shy at first and will hide behind his dads’ legs when he first meeting people but as soon as he gets to know you he’s super energetic and chatty and has the biggest smile
his 2nd grade picture is kept in both of his dads’ wallets for years because it’s the cutest thing with hair that doesn’t quite stay down and three missing teeth but still a giant grin 
I think Raylan would be pretty athletic and play hockey but he loooves soccer
and so kent goes to every one of his games/practices with his lawn chair and sunglasses and goes home to complain to Whiskey about Rachel the soccer mom and Whiskey’s just like “that’s nice dear” 
Soccer Mom Kent
Raylan is just super interested in new things and wants to be in all the extracurriculars and sports teams and makes a lot of new friends from his dance classes 
but also picture Whiskey and Kent teaching him how to play hockey in his little baby skates >o< 
playing ministicks in the basement with his dads and Kent is extra dramatic whenever he lets Raylan score on him but also just sits there on the concrete for five minutes staring into space contemplating retirement when Raylan actually deeks around him for the first time when Kent is genuinely trying 
Kent is an embarrassing dad but they both love their kid so much and they’re all happy that’s it 
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So, the time is finally upon us, I present to you... the Fallout 4 Companions Dating Headcanon Mega Post, featuring at least 20 per romance-able companion, by yours truly.
Ft X6 because he needs more love
Cait: (Post Vault 95)
Once comfortable, lots of flirty banter and     teasing of the other person
Asking Sole’s opinion on certain things, a lot     of “Hey you think this’ll be any good?”
Confiding in her significant other, more so     than any other person
Lot’s of drinking together, often leading to     heated make out sessions
Cait gradually becoming more comfortable with     herself with Sole’s love and support
Gradually letting down her barriers and     letting Sole in more
Wandering around their repaired sanctuary     house in a baggy t-shirt and shorts, only around Sole. She dare not do it     unless only Sole is there.
Occasionally forgetting and eating Sole’s food     by mistake then feeling extremely guilty with Sole comforting her
Getting angry when she finds any hint of drugs     around the place, fearing Sole might be doing them behind her back.
On some nights snuggling right up to Sole and     holding them tight, especially in storms
Sometimes asking if Sole still loves her, just     for reassurance
collecting and modding weapons together
Sleeping sprawled out on the bed until late     morning because Sole doesn’t want to disturb her
Sleeping curled up in a ball waiting for Sole     to come to bed
Only truly sleeping well knowing Sole is near
Humming more frequently when around Sole,     losing herself in her personal piece of heaven
Getting extremely jealous of anyone showing to     or receiving Sole’s attention
Being very hesitant the first time she and     Sole had sex, in case they’re just using her again
With Sole she begins to enjoy making love and     develop a healthy sex life with her partner, both of them safe and     trusting of the other
Putting her entire heart and being into this     and hoping for the life of her it works out
Often small, lights little touches every now     and again just to remind herself and Sole
Has a piece of Sole’s clothing wrapped around     her wrist wraps to remind her of them
Cait will often run her hand through Sole’s     hair when in bed
Whenever they embrace both arms are wrapped     around Sole tightly, one of the rare times she lets down her defences
Curie: (Synth Body)
1.      Curie always checking in with Sole to make sure they’re healthy both mentally and physically
2.      Cute compliments between the two every day, both parties being red as a tato
3.      Curie becoming more used to and enjoying the small aspects of being in a relationship, the small physical gestures, the impromptu “I love you” and the surprise kiss or two
4.      Being the tiniest spoon when she and Sole snuggle in bed
5.      Always asking Sole about how life was before the war
6.      Always making sure Sole is eating healthily and is not falling ill
7.      Sole being able to hold her up, with Curies legs wrapped around their waist when they hug
8.      Curie always going a little quiet when Sole is off travelling, she is desperately hoping they come back okay
9.      Sole often bringing back a bouquet of fresh flowers and an array of specimens for Curie to admire and study
10. Sole always bringing back any science and medical related material they find on their adventures
11. Curie wanting to try the dates and couples activities she’s read about in magazines and books from before the war
12. Sometimes not being able to keep her eyes shut when she and Sole kiss, wanting to see her lover
13. Being extremely anxious the first time they made love, to the point of hyperventilating
14. Curie being open to most things in terms of the bedroom as long as they’re safe for both parties
15. Really sensual and intimate sex
16. Curie often being the sub under Sole’s command
17. Being like a church mouse and silent when she and Sole make love, should anyone be able to hear them
18. Light delicate touches on the other
19. Sleeping wrapped up in each other
20. Taking walks around sanctuary together, mainly at sunset so Sole can show her the natural beauty of the world she yearns to see
21. Curie propping herself up on her tip toes to be able to kiss her lover
22. Sole being Curie’s lab assistant when she needs them
Danse: (Post Blind Betrayal)
1.    Sole sneaking peaks at Danse while he works, either on his power armour or around the settlement
2.    Sole giving Danse a gentle pat on the ass whenever they walk past him
3.    Tight prolonged hugs when they can
4.    Danse hogs the blankets
5.    When out on adventures Danse insists on cooking rations
6.    Couples power armour
7.    A couple that trains hard together, plays hard together *wink wink*
8.    Takes up the entire bed but has Sole wrapped up in his arms
9.    During the winter Danse is the perfect sleeping partner
10. Always checks on Sole’s gear and kit to make sure it’ll keep his lover alive
11. Totally denies it but loves when Sole places their hand on his chest when the snuggle in bed
12. Danse slowly opening up to the others, with Sole’s help
13. Danse, the biggest of all spoons
14. Danse often waits until Sole falls asleep first, as if he was guarding them
15. Adopts Dogmeat like one of his own, often having him on the bed with he and Sole
16. Becomes a figure Shaun looks up to, but doubts if he is the right person for that
17. Often works himself into a panic thinking he’ll lose Sole, to which they quickly assure him they’re going nowhere
18. Goes hunting with Sole, often turning the trip into a mini holiday away together
19. Admits to Sole, behind closed doors that they’re the only thing keeping him alive
20. He’s they walked into his life and are now a huge part of his new life
1.      Deacon having trouble looking Sole in the eye but learning to overcome this anxiety with time
2.      Being more like best friends that happen to be romantic rather than a couple
3.      Couples disguises
4.      Cosplaying as each other to fool others
5.      Matching Death Bunny tattoos
6.      Loud snoring from Deacon
7.      Really giggly sex
8.      Sole wearing the glasses during sex
9.      Deacon getting Sole their own personal pair of sunglasses
10. “Sneaky Deeks” wink wink
11. Carpet matches the drapes
12. Really good role-play
13. Deacon, a master with both words and his tongue, if you know what I mean
14. “Are you lying again?” “No… maybe… a little… yes”
15. Mac N’ Cheese baby
16. Deacon sleeps face down sprawled out, pushing Sole almost off the bed
17. Wakes up in the middle of the night with random stuff to talk about to Sole
18. “Snuggle monster”
19. Deacon’s cum face makes Sole HOWL with laughter
20. When he and Sole are together, Deacon will often take his shades off to make the time he and Sole share, more intimate
1.      Sole procuring a better patch for Gage, one that doesn’t rub against his skin so harshly
2.      When they drink they drink together and alone, no one else may join them
3.      Sole slowly trying to integrate Gage into the group with the other companions
4.      Gage being very nervous when he and Sole are intimate, him not knowing what it’s really like to be loved by another
5.      Gage never really getting used to hearing the words “I love you”
6.      Gage getting jealous and somewhat suspicious of anyone hanging around with Sole for long periods of time
7.      Running Nuka World as a fierce duo
8.      Gage growing out his hair overtime as he becomes more comfortable, Sole can even run their fingers through it
9.      Spreading the reach of the Nuka World gangs wherever they go
10. Sometimes escaping to Far Harbour together to get away from the Commonwealth
11. Splitting everything 50/50
12. Gage being in sever denial that someone loves him like Sole
13. Over time slowly opening up and becoming more open with Sole
14. Finally feeling safe in Sole’s embrace
15. Finally feeling like they both belong somewhere
16. Gage gifting Sole their own personal Handmade Rifle
17. Decides to run away with Sole and leave Nuka World behind
18. Being very protective of Sole
19. At first kept space between each other when sleeping, over time getting closer and building trust
20. Tries to cook for Sole, surprisingly makes a mean Iguana bits
1.    Actually cuts down on the drugs, Sole means more to him
2.    Sole wears the frock coat as pjamas
3.    Like a spider monkey, clings to Sole at night under the covers
4.    Hancock is, to no surprise the small spoon
5.    Really big fan of oral
6.    Fahrenheit constantly snooping on them, sometimes catching them in the act
7.    Hancock suffers nightmares, Sole will often sit up and comfort him in the event
8.    Anyone dares look at Sole the wrong way, Hancock will fuck them up
9.    Overprotective smol hubby
10. Can’t cook but tries his best
11. Invites the rest of the gang for a Sleepover, only Curie turns up with some sugar bombs
12. A man who enjoys a good scotch, Sole being more of a bourbon person
13. Sole can give Hancock a piggy back
14. Roleplay…
15. Hancock gets turned on when Sole does the Shroud voice
16. Finally feels like he has something to stick around for
17. A couple that gets high together, stays together
18. More like best friends, but also lovers, the best of both worlds
19. Self declared mayor of Sole’s pants
20. Kinky… but romantic
1.      Plenty of hypothetical’s about the wedding that’ll come one day
2.    Sole wanting to meet Duncan
3.    Both partners honing their sharpshooting skills in friendly competition, the one who hits the least accurately buys the rounds
4.    Plenty of discussion over which calibre is best, which scopes, attachments, trigger groupings and every conceivable topic of firearms
5.    Running “little games” in order to get the most caps possible out of a job they take on
6.    Having a rule that one of them must always be able to get the other home on a night out at the Third Rail or Dugout Inn
7.    Mac often waking up to see Sole covering their head with a pillow because of his snoring
8.    Counting caps together
9.    Mac teaching Sole a thing or two about sharp shooting
10. Reading comics together
11. Going on the hunt for all editions of Grognak
12. Playing games on Sole’s Pipboy while Sole sleeps
13. Sole waking up with Mac sprawled all over them, the bed, the room and all furniture
14. Arguments about whether wood, bakerlite or ABS make the best rifle stocks
15. Slowly, overtime “liberating” all the goods from Hubris comics and transporting them to Sanctuary
16. Really loud sex
17. Mac is the sub
18. Kinky fuckers, really kinky
19. Argue often but have really good makeup sex
20. “I’m the best shot”, “No I’m the best shot” over and over
1.     Nick being the most, gentle gentleman possible
2.     Sole getting him a new trench coat to replace the old torn one
3.     Nicks eyes being like Sole’s personal night lights
4.     On cold nights Nick giving Sole his trench coat to keep them warm
5.     Late night coffee stints trying to crack capers together
6.     Talking through the issues of the pre-war era together late at night while the others sleep soundly
7.     The two sitting on top of the roof of the agency on summer nights with a whiskey and a pack of smokes
8.     Discussing high literature together
9.     Sole listening in awe of Nick’s hours of philosophical ramblings
10.  Solving mysteries like an apocalyptic, noir Scooby Doo
11.  For Christmas Sole gets Nick a 44. Revolver to replace his pipe revolver
12.  Nick always manages to leave a rose on Sole’s pillow
13.  Sole dressing Nick in the Silver Shroud costume whenever possible
14.  Nick will sometimes read to Shaun when he has trouble sleeping
15.  Nick is christened “Grandad” by Shaun
16.  The man knows his fine wine and whiskey
17.  Often gives Ellie the night off so he and Sole can be alone together
18.  Nick… can… cook, my god can he cook
19.  Tends to teach Shaun about literature, poetry, philosophy and morals of right and wrong
20.  The most charming man to walk the earth
Lots of cute dates to get some noodles
Midnight snacks with Sole on sugar bombs and     sweet rolls
Asking Sole to pick up any printing supplies     they find on their adventures
Light finger tip touches and eskimo kisses     when alone together
Pushing Sole out of the bed at night, on     accident of course, from spreading her limbs like a starfish
Running her hand along Sole’s chest while     cuddling together in bed
Religiously making sure the door is locked     when they’re alone together
Reading together
Always inquiring with Sole about life before     the war, the people, the places, the food and politics
Piper wearing Blue’s vault suit as pjamas
Sharing her stash of sweet roll and other     snacks with Sole
Wearing Sole’s clothes when she has a lay day
Swapping an item of clothing when they travel     apart, Sole often taking her press hat as a token
Sole and piper gathering reading material on     their travels wherever they can
Piper lightly snoring when in a deep sleep and     getting flustered about it with Sole, with Sole saying they actually think     it’s cute
Piper curled up like a ball in bed with Sole’s     arm wrapped around her, their hand often running through her hair
Piper asking Sole’s opinion on her newest     articles
Getting intensely jealous of Sole being around     Cait
Piper acting like a giant nerd around Sole     when alone together
Going the reddest red when Sole compliments     her even slightly
Tight, prolonged hugs and hand holding
1.    “Babe”
2.    Lazy Sundays at Sanctuary together
3.    Sole and Preston having their own small garden patch that they both tend to
4.    Preston having Sturges help him fix up Sole’s house as a surprise for his lover
5.    Both pairing up their boots in the corner of the room when they go to bed
6.    Sole gets to wear Preston’s hat during sex
7.    When Sole is around Preston’s laser musket is always… fully charged
8.    Preston is a really good cook
9.    For a present, Preston gave sole a little teddy bear wearing a little hat similar to his so Sole always has something to hold on to when they are apart
10. Total lightweights
11. Sole building a hand guard mod for Preston’s rifle to stop him burning his hand
12. During the winter, Preston gathers more blankets to keep he and Sole warm, as well as a small fireplace in the corner of the room
13. Spooning for days
14. Because of the gloves, Preston has really softs hands and a gentle, but firm touch
15. The two get the gang round and have a meal with them every so often
16. The man will not turn down a hug and is always ready to give one
17. Admits that down the line a child wouldn’t be ruled out
18. Sole is thrilled that Preston treat’s Shaun like his own son
19. Preston being the typical shy guy but a real sweetheart
20. Really gentle but firm hugs with a lil smooch
1.       Extremely protective of Sole
2.       Matching sunglasses and death stares
3.       When in private, X6 allows himself to smile in Sole’s company
4.       Takes Sole a good 10 minutes to take off, all of X6’s weapons when trying to get intimate
5.       Machine in the streets, animal in the sheets
6.       Sole is the only person that X6 wont strangle when asked about his feelings
7.       Training and sparring together
8.       Definitely the tall, dark and handsome lover
9.       X6 having a meltdown over the intelligence of some of the characters they come across while in the commonwealth
10.    When sleeping, sleeps perfectly straight on his back with his arms crossed like a mummy
11.    A game or two of “What’s under the trench-coat”
12.    Watching over Shaun like a hawk, as per Father’s wishes
13.    Over time Sole breaking down the tough persona and bringing X6 closer into the group
14.    Sole and X6 becoming the ultimate sarcastic duo
15.    Still believes MacCready is an idiot
16.    Sole has found X6 staying out late drinking with Cait and Gage, much to their surprise that he can hold his drink
17.    Reluctantly is the big spoon, but secretly is into it
18.    Sole has to remind him that when they hug, not to use a death grip on them
19.    Midnight feasts consisting of 86% snacky cakes
20.    Actually a really good kisser
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ejzah · 3 years
The last episode, “Divided We Fall”, got me thinking about how both Kensi and Deeks would react if the other died after adopting kids. I know, I’m horrible. Also, this was in part inspired by @anonkp’s latest episode review.
Kensi returns to work as soon as possible. She throws herself into life with everything she has, insisting to the team and her family that she’s fine. The kids are the only ones she lets her guard down around. She talks about Deeks constantly, sharing her favorite moments, telling them about how wonderful their father was.
The most obvious sign that she hasn’t moved on comes whenever someone suggests she goes on a date. Her refusal is adamant and immediate, usually ending in varying levels of anger. She cannot imagine being with anyone other than Deeks. And she can’t imagine that feeling ever changing.
Deeks takes a leave of absence and never returns to work. He throws himself into taking care of the children. His grief is more obvious intense the first few years, but eventually he comes to accept that it’s just the four of them. After a few months, he takes a job with a local family attorney-he will never work in a field related to law enforcement again. Every so often, Callen or Sam tries to set him up on a date, or a woman in the neighborhood will express interest. He kindly turns them down, explaining that he’s permanently taken.
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idristardis · 6 years
SLSRS For NCIS: Los Angeles - “Fool Me Twice” - 9x09
Hmmm. Feels a little weird to be doing one of these after the new season has started, but I am nothing if not stubbornly persistent and determined to see things through to the end once I start them.
This one may be a bit shorter, as I’m going to try to get through the episodes more quickly now that the new season’s rolling. Anyway - here goes!!
In the past couple of episodes, there have been anguished moments for Densi (pretty much all of their interactions in 9x07′s The Silo and some of their scenes relating most directly to Asakeem in 9x08′s This Is What We Do) and difficult Michelle-centric memories for Sam (largely confined to 9x08).
This week, it’s Callen’s relationships - past and present - that are in the spotlight (though Anna’s only presence is via a couple of name drops and the loaning of her clothes). That’s right. Joelle’s back.
Except it’s really Beth. Right. Beth’s back.
Exceeeeept, it’s really really Jane.
Callen’s ex, who turns out to have had her real identity completely scrubbed by the CIA more than 20 years ago (a move Callen seemed surprised by, and that he noted is rarely done) comes bursting back into his life after escaping from being bound and blindfolded in a dungeon-like room and tormented by a group of men who she thinks belong to the rogue CIA group she also once was in.
They later turn out to actually be part of a nefarious business syndicate that was simply working with dirty/compromised CIA agents who would protect the syndicate’s interests in the Middle East by providing both intel and muscle in difficult situations. They’re trying to convince her to go back in with them on their next op - if by “convince” you mean kidnap and torture.
It takes a good deal for Callen, and by extension the team, to believe that she’s telling the truth - but eventually they do, and the race is on to protect Jane/Beth/Joelle’s husband and son from the syndicate’s armed thugs. I’m going to gloss over recapping the specifics of the op because I want to focus more deeply on the relationship and character development “nuggets” sprinkled throughout the episode.
It’s pretty much a given that the team will succeed at getting the “innocents” - i.e. Mr. Joelle and the couple’s son - to safety anyhow. The details of how are not exactly important. Except for one - in order for them to be safe, they have to think that Joelle (or, as they knew her, Beth) died trying to put an end to the syndicate.
It was interestingly ambiguous as to whether Callen was the only one on the OSP team that knew she’d lived - Sam might be clued in, but we don’t see Callen tell him, and it was filmed/framed in such a way that I’m leaning towards him not knowing. Moseley might, but I’m not sure that Callen would have filled even her in (her new office may have transparent walls, but Callen likes to keep things opaque).
In S8 I had convinced myself for awhile that the show was going to do something super-interesting and dark and have Michelle be part of the rogue CIA group and have been long-conning Sam, whom she may (or may not) have come to truly love over time, and that her death would have been faked as part of a larger, long-term story arc. They didn’t end up doing it, and while I’m glad on the one hand that they didn’t make Michelle into a villain, on the other, I still would have very much preferred her alive even if it meant she’d turned out to be a rogue agent. The ending she got was very very much a Do Not Want for me.
This plot with Joelle/Beth/Jane sketched in how such a plot for dark!Michelle could have been done, if the show had decided to go that route. It’s just some interesting food for thought.
In fact, though it’s Callen’s ex-girlfriend that drives the plot action of the episode forward, Joelle’s past connection to the team also intertwines with Sam (and Michelle), given that they were the ones who first introduced her to Callen - and Joelle knew Michelle first, before either Sam or Callen had met her. It’s possibly what gives Joelle the chutzpah to bring up Michelle with Callen when they’re doing surveillance on Mr. Joelle and their son (i.e. when she makes the comment about “is that what you told Sam after Michelle died?”).
Callen looks appropriately pissed - but I cannot imagine the deep reserves of stoicism and patience it took for Sam to allow Callen to hide Joelle, even temporarily, on his boat - to let her into what has become his new home, and act like it didn’t ruffle him at all. That’s next level zen, right there. (Compare and contrast to Callen, who was crankier than usual for the entire episode, especially whenever Joelle brought up Michelle, Anna, or his now-demolished dining room table).
It’ll be interesting to see what - if anything - happens with Joelle/Jane/Beth, her family, and the syndicate in the coming episodes. I’m assuming that the unresolved nature of this arc is because something bigger is being set up for further along in the season, but we’ll see.
Side Note: Not a lot of Densi in this episode, but we did get a cute and funny little surveillance scene where Deeks attempts to interpret Kensi’s dreams and realizes that the spider she was dreaming about (and which, in her dream, she squished) symbolizes his mother. As Deeks often says....ouch.
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nogitsunelichen · 7 years
Derek with a manbun is perfect, but I'll tell you what's more perfect...Derek Hale with long flowing hair. Lydia enjoys playing with it sometimes, tucking flowers into the thick braids and huffs whenever Derek just lets it dry naturally into its wavy state. Also Stiles runs his fingers through Derek's hair whenever they cuddle, fiddling with it and thus finding out how much of a turn on it is for Derek to get his hair tugged. From now on, Stiles utilizes his new knowledge all the time ❤️
Stiles is weak, so very weak…because his boyfriend is growing out his hair and it is practically insta-boner material. Seriously, it is becoming an issue for many many reasons. 
Sometimes when Derek comes back from Lydia’s (also, new development but apparently she is a lot like Laura) he has braids in that are so beautifully crafted they look like they should be a popular aesthetic Tumblr post. It does not end there; because Lydia goes the extra mile and weaves flowers into them. Freakin’ flowers. So his part macho part teddy bear boyfriend is actually a flower child two to three days of the week. 
Stiles will not lie, it looks amazing with his thicker beard too. 
Then?! Then there are the buns. THE buns. Sometimes it is one sometimes two, but regardless it makes him melt on the inside. Derek looks so soft and cuddly whenever he wears them. However his favorite? His favorite look is when Deek just lets his luscious locks flow in the wind, framing his face, making him look like….Thor had a baby with a rugged mountain man. 
Like Stiles has been saying….insta-boner material, and he has a front row ticket. 
As of right now it’s early morning, the sun is filtering through their cream colored curtains and warming the duvet covering them. Stiles has his head propped up on one hand as the other is running itself through Derek’s untamed hair. Meanwhile, Derek is practically a cat in a sun, enjoying the attention to his hair.
“You’re ridiculous,” Stiles smirks. 
Derek looks up at him with lazy green eyes, a soft smile on his face, “shh…’s nice.” 
“It’s nice?” Stiles asks, tugging on the strands playfully.
Well he assumed it was playful, but Derek pulls his lower lip with his teeth and Stiles freezes instantly. Derek biting his lip is the universal sign for “that is hot” and “that is a turn on” and “please don’t stop” and basically anything in that spectrum. 
Stiles all but throws himself on top of Derek, legs on either side of his hips, effectively startling the guy. 
“You have a hair pulling kink don’t you?” Stiles asks, voice giddy and excited. 
Derek flushes, mouth parting, “…I wouldn’t say kink, but I like it. A lot.” 
“Hmm, really? So if I were to–,” Stiles tries, stopping to tug at the strands again, this time enough to Derek’s neck is exposed. He doesn’t continue his words, he just leans down, pressing soft kisses and bites along the man’s neck. 
Derek ends up gasping out a soft noise, holding Stiles closer.
“–we’re definitely exploring this,” Stiles grinned. 
My finger slipped. Oops. 
(P.S: unedited bc I’m lazy)
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typingtess · 7 years
NCIS: LOS ANGELES – "Uncaged" teaser/act one
For the record as we go into this two-part finale, I want Michelle Hanna to live – all the Hannas to live (I'm actually more worried about Aiden, who met Khaled and survived – that probably hasn't sat well in the last year in jail).  I want everyone coming out of this with "all their fingers and all their toes" as my Dad use to say whenever we survived doing something "dangerous".
Also, I want a cliffhanger like the one in "Descent" where our heroes are all in a terrible place and how they manage what is happening – will Deeks hold it together, will Sam and Deeks be found, will Kensi save Michelle - is key to the next season's premiere.  I don't want a cliffhanger like the one in "Deep Trouble" part one where our heroes are in a "will they survive" situation.  They're on the cover of the DVD's – they're surviving.
A man is walking a dog through a park.  He sees red graffiti on a lamp post.  Pulling his dog away, he realizes it's blood. He looks around for the injured person when he feels something wet hit the top of his head.  A badly beaten man is hanging by his feet.
Michelle and Sam Hanna are jogging and racing together.  They are having some class A banter.  Later in the morning, Michelle is making breakfast for Kam, who has a bio final.  It is a lovely family scene as Sam joins the two.  Hetty calls.  Sam asks if Michelle wants to work today.  Sidorov's money man is willing to talk but only to Michelle.  Sam gives Michelle a recap of the Sidorov case, including the fact that he killed Sidorov.
Sharov – not the guy from Russia but Sidorov's money guy – knows that Iran is buying nukes from Russia.  Iran is building a supply of nuclear matiral – when their nuke deal expires, Iran can start building right away.  When they leave the prison, Michelle tells Sam she'd like to go back into the field when Kam leaves for boarding school.  Callen calls about the dead body in the park.  He also pulls up.  The two drive to the dead body.
At the park, the dead body's ID is Tom Olsen.  He works near the park.  The graffiti says "The revenge has begun."  As Sam is saying Tom Olsen was like a brother (nice in-joke), Tom Olsen arrives.  He was robbed six weeks ago – took his camera, ID and passport.  Callen figures out that the death of Tom Olsen would draw Sam out, he realizes this is a trap.  Michelle is the target since she was used by Sharov.  This becomes sneak peek #1
Michelle goes for her gun safe.  Sam watches through security cameras in his home as Michelle is attacked by three men.  One hits her in the face.  Sam runs to Callen's car.  LAPD is on their way.
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#BackAwayFromTheHuman #BDBRW
Butch: {So we had another new recruit. I looked over the paperwork wondering how this had even arrived at the mansion in the first place. As far as I knew we weren’t taking in any new trainees right now. Maybe that had changed. Maybe we were always taking them in if they wanted to come play with the big boys. My brows furrowed. He worked at ZeroSum. Right under our noses. I wondered if I’d seen him before. Probably. I would have to see when I stood nose to nose with him. Surely he knew about the trainee program the entire time though. What caused him to apply now? I guess that would just have to be something that I found out for myself. I was off tonight anyway so I might as well go see what was doing. I was probably a tad overdressed, in my newly tailored suit, but that was just how I did things. Of course I was also still packing. No way in hell I was going anywhere without weapons. That shit was ingrained in me. I told Fritz not to bother and that I would go get this one myself. I double checked the address and hopped in the Escalade. For some reason I expected this guy to live in a crappier part of town, something like my junky apartment when I was still a cop. Well. He wasn’t glymera but he also wasn’t down on his luck either. Interesting… Wonder if he knew that someone was coming to get him tonight. We would just have to find out. I pounded my fist on the door and straightened my cuff link while I waited to see what kind of male popped his head out.}
(It had been a few days since I sent in the application to the trainee program, obeying the words of the Scribe Virgin so I would not have another freaky encounter. But in the meantime, I had this devilish dish of a female with me in my apartment. This chick had stamina, being able to keep up with me and all. There was not a place in my apartment that hadn't been graced by her beautiful naked body.  I had her in the shower; her full breasts pushed against the glass. One hand was digging into her hips as my other hand danced over the front of her sliding down her silky folds, rubbing her clit as my dick was buried deep in her core. The sounds we made, I am sure kept the neighbors horny as fuck, and I am convinced they'd be thanking me whenever we showed our faces to the outside world. I am not sure how I even heard the knock on the door, but none the less I did. It was more of a nagging bang, I tried to ignore it but they were relentless, and I could tell they were not going to leave anytime soon. I leaned into her ear growling out "stay put; it will only take a minute." I had a mind to answer the door naked, asking where the fuck was the fire. Okay, I was going to ask where the 911 emergency was but I grabbed a towel and wrapped it low around my hips, water dripping and my cock still somewhat hard. I swung open the door preparing to bark out my angered response when some fucking GQ big ass male stood there. What the fuck kind of Wheaties was this dude eating. "Yea, can I help you," I said shortly, hoping he was looking for the hooker that lived above me. I could send him there and get back to the female in my shower. )
Butch: {My brow arched so high I thought that it would blend right into my hairline.} You have got to be kidding me... {Even fresh from the shower I could smell the scent of sex on him. I wouldn't have been able to as a human. I half wished that I was still one at this point. I did recognize the male but only in passing. Not like I had long convos with the bouncers at ZeroSum. Clearly no one passed along the fact that someone would be visiting him. That or he didn't get the memo. The whole place smelled of sex so I was guessing the latter of the two.} You can either get your shit together or go back to your marathon session of getting your dick wet. {I stuck my hands in my pockets and leaned casually against the door frame.} I'll give ya a hint though. One of those two isn't going to help your training one damn bit.
( I know my jaw must have fallen to the floor, a fuckin brother here at my door. Why the fuck was I not notified. Well, here goes my first impression. "Well, yeah, I was not aware anyone was coming to get me. Come in if you'd like, I need to figure out how I am going to tell my company I am leaving." I didn't even check to see if he came in as I turned and made my way back to the bathroom. "I opened the shower door; the Steam carried the scent of her arousal hitting me square in the face my dick sprung to attention again. Fuck me; I'd be rubbing that one out once I settled wherever I was going to end up tonight. I didn't want to wipe the mind of this female. A part of me wanted to see her again; her fucking blood was like gold on my tongue and what was between her legs... the taste... I shook my head to gather my senses, explained to Zo, that I had to leave but would be in touch as soon as I could. Packing a bag to leave with the big ass brother at my door, I left Zo the keys to my place so she would have a safe place to live. I didn't want that worry laying heavy on my mind, leaving some cash to keep her I leaned down and kissed her before throwing the duffle over my shoulder and making my way back to the Brother. "Okay, what's on the agenda? The SV has left me in the dark about all this." I waited for direction from him as I walked towards him.)
Butch: {I stepped inside the condo and amused myself by poking around in his things while he was busy. I could hear him talking to someone but I couldn't make out what was being said. That part didn't really matter unless it became an issue later. I picked up his mail and shuffled through it while walking around the room. Mostly bills and junk mail, there really wasn't anything to tell me about the person. The decor wasn't saying much to me either, aside from the fact that it probably came with the place. I set the mail on the counter and poked my head in the fridge. Surprisingly it wasn't entirely full of leftover take out. This guy had some level of cooking ability. I made my way back to the center of the living room before he actually came out again. He didn't need to know that I was snooping. I was headed toward the door when the bomb hit. I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at the trainee like he had just grown another head. My mouth opened and then quickly closed when I remembered that we weren't entirely alone. I opened the door and yanked him outside by the front of his shirt. My mouth didn't open until the door was closed.} What the hell does the Scribe have to do with any of this?!
(I feel like this big ass brother just did a double take on my ass when what seemed like I could fly and the wind tousled my hair about and I looked down to see a handful of my shirt in this massive fucking hand. “Dude, is this how you greet all the new recruits?” I tried to fix my shirt and noticed I lost a button. That pissed me off, and the look of his duds I would say he could give me one of his shirts if that were my style, and It/Was/Not. We were nose to nose when he spoke about the Scribe. I gave a puzzled look. “You know, the Scribe Virgin. Duh, she didn’t give me any of the deets about all this.” I twirled my wrist, my hand making a circular motion in the air. “She just told me she had plans for me and I was to enter the training program, something about fulfilling destiny? Whatever the fuck that meant.” My mind went back to that night in the alley, that was some freaky deek shit that night, but it led to me needing to release a little something which in return brought that little filly back in my condo, shit, she made me hard as fuck just thinking about her. I sure as hell hope she is going to be ok. “So, is this like a prison? Do we get to come and go? When can I come back to my pad?” I snapped my fingers in his face which kinda looked as if he was constipated, or maybe just deep in thought, Nah we will go with constipation. “Hey man” waving my hand in front of him. “Talk to me, are you the one with all the answers or do I need to find another in charge?” Maybe I should speak slower so he would answer me.)
Butch: {I swatted the hand in front of my face, almost smacking the look off the other guy's face in the process.} I know who the Scribe Virgin is, asshole. {I wanted to shake him to see if something tumbled out that would tell me what the hell was going on here.} She doesn't exactly pay neighborly visits to random dumbasses. That's what has me wondering what's doing. {I narrowed my gaze and shifted my head from one side to the other, giving him a closer look.} Who the hell are you? {Vishous would know. That's who I needed to ask. Right now what I needed to do was bring the guy in. Exactly what I came here to do in the first frickin place. I let him go and took a step back, running my fingers through my hair.} Alright. Let's go. {I turned with a furrow still in my brow and headed toward the Escalade.} You aren't under lock and key. No one is forcing you to be a trainee. Well... I don't know... Maybe the Scribe kinda is... {I called back over my shoulder to him.} That's fucked up man. Just saying. When words like 'Destiny' come from her mouth... {Shaking my head. I definitely had to talk to Vishous. Maybe he had one of his visions that he didn't tell me about. Fucker needs to keep a dream journal is what he needs to do. I got in the SUV and waited for the other person to get situated before my mouth started running with the stuff that was tumbling through my head.} Who are your parents? Where do you come from?
( I looked in pure horror and then some when what I was thinking spilled out of my mouth. “Damn, these brothers are sensitive.” I quickly looked around acting as if I lost something trying to divert that I actually spoke those words out loud. What a fucking dipshit thing to do. “Well… I saw her one night after my shift at Zero Sum, so, I guess that means I am not a random dumbass.” I knew I should keep my mouth shut, I wasn’t making any friends this way, but fuck, how was I to know any of this shit. I kinda thought she might be a myth. I should be asking who the hell he was, damn, big ass fucker messing my shirt up and I believe he just called me a dumbass. “It is good to know we are not under lock and key, I left my female in my condo, and she is sorta lost at the moment. My parents?” I scratched at my beard; I was adopted, wonder if he meant the ones who raised me? “My parents are dead; they were killed in the lesser raids.” That was the only information I was going to give him right now; I was not entirely sure who my birth parents were. Maybe I needed another meeting with the Scribe, but that freaky ass glow about her was enough to scare the hair off a wookie. I was just going to keep a low profile, and hope for the best, pass the trainee program, maybe be a brother and get my female.)
Butch: {I glanced up at Dhark's place before pulling away.} You know... {I wasn't sure if he was ready for this part but it had to be tackled sooner rather than later.} You are going to have to walk away from her. She's a human. {If my nose was telling me right, which I knew it was.} You will have to wipe her. She can't know anything about us. {Of course I was being a hypocrite because I had been a human among vampires for a long time. The only thing that saved me? Vishous had a vision of me. That was all he needed to say and the rest of the Brotherhood shut the hell up about dragging along a human in the mix. I doubted that Dhark's female was going to have the same luxury. Though who knew, with the Scribe visiting this guy, I had no clue what was up. Parents killed in the raids. I filed that bit of info away for later when I had a talk with Vishous. He still wasn't telling me who they were.} Obviously, you're not a random dumbass. That was my point. Though I'm willing to reevaluate that based on your flapping mouth. {I cranked on the music and tore out of there like a man on a mission.}
(I gave him a long hard look, I wasn’t wiping shit from her mind, he can kiss my fucking ass, and once again my mumbles spilled from my lips. “Like hell, I will.” What the fuck was he, Clifford the big red dog? My anger was starting to boil over as he even spoke of her, not even saying her name I was ready to throw down with him. I would have to do my check-ins and keep my nose clean, so I could get back and check on her, I might have to hide her out somewhere else. I would have to feel this out soon. I didn’t trust this little information with him. All I knew he might want her himself. I felt a possessive growl build in my chest as he cranked up his jams. Fuck, he liked that old school shit, I needed some hard rock to get my blood going. I bet he took some form of Geritol as well, and what the fuck was up with his nose, somebody beat the hell out of him? I thought Vampires healed better than that. I side-eyed my condo one last time before sitting back trying to make it through this ride. I had to say this vehicle was tight. They sure traveled in style; I might have to get me one of these. Leaning my head back I had to come up with a plan to keep my female safe and away from the likes of him, I think he would wipe her mind without my knowledge. My work was cut out for me now; I wish I knew what the Scribe had up her sleeve, it would sure be beneficial to me now.)
Butch: {My brow arched upward.} They all think that, you know? Every last one of them fights it. {I couldn't blame him really.} Personally, I think it's a shitty rule too. Probably would have left me brain dead if they went through with it. {I pursed my lips, thinking back on how things went down with me. And also with Rhage, and Vishous, and my brother. And, and, and...} It never turns out well no matter what way you cut it. {I stopped at a red light and looked over at my passenger.} You can stop growling at me right fuckin now. I'm telling you the way things are. Consider it a frickin favor. That way you don't get blind sided when my roommate comes and wipes her himself.
(I just looked straight ahead as the jibberish flew from his lips. I didn’t care what everyone else thought, I’d go down fighting to the death if anyone laid a finger on her. “Death will come to anyone who dares to erase her.” Maybe this trainee program wasn’t for me. I would have to decide that soon. I tried to fight back the anger as my lips curled back, and my fangs elongated. Closing my eyes, I tried to steady the pounding of my heart, and my breathing became somewhat labored. Spitting out my words carefully, I spoke in a monotone voice. “I will quit growling when you stop talking nonsense to me. I didn’t ask for this; it was kind of forced upon me.” I ran my fingers through my disheveled hair, letting out the air that I didn’t even realize I was holding. I just needed to get through whatever initiation I had to go through and make it back to my condo.)
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ninexlivesxburned · 8 years
✩ disgusting :///
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Who is more likely to raise their voice? Laura yells at Deacon daily.Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither of them.Who actually keeps their word and leaves? They both would, but Deacon is more likely to do so.Who trashes the house? Laura!!! Do either of them get physical? Laura kicks his ass often enough. It’s almost always deserved. How often do they argue/disagree? Whenever Deacon does something exceptionally obnoxious or stupid, which is pretty damn often.Who is the first to apologize? Surprisingly? Deacon. Or neither of them. Usually the second one. 
Who is on top? Varies depending on what they’re in the mood for and where they are, but typically Deacon. Who is on the bottom? Laura, though not for lack of trying not to be.Who has the strangest desires? Deacon’s nasty.Any kinks? Role play, bondage… he has a thing for going down on her, but I’m not sure if it’s a kink.Who’s dominant in bed? Deacon, most of the time, but he’s willing to trade off sometimes. Is head ever in the equation? It’s always involved somehow.If so, who is better at performing it? Deeks.Ever had sex in public? Yes, if HQ counts as public.Who moans the most? Laura.Who leaves the most marks? It’s fairly even, if he’s in the mood to let her touch him.Who screams the loudest? Laura.Who is the more experienced of the two? I’m honestly not sure, but I’m gonna say probably Deacon.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Fuck.Rough or soft? Rough.How long do they usually last? Depends on where– ideally, up to an hour or so. Typically, though? Maybe about fifteen minutes.Is protection used? Nah. He doesn’t finish inside her ever. Does it ever get boring? Occasionally, and Deacon then goes outta his way to spice things up.Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? They’ve definitely fucked in many an alleyway, but one in Goodneighbor? Jesus.
Who likes to cuddle? They don’t cuddle.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Both of them, occasionally, but it’s usually Deacon.Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Deacon.How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? They don’t cuddle.Who gives the most kisses? Deacon.What is their favorite non-sexual activity? Railroad activities; but secretly? He likes when she allows him to try on various disguises to show her and ask for her opinion on. Laura gives good fashion advice, in his opinion.Where is their favorite place to cuddle? They don’t cuddle.Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Deacon.How often do they get time to themselves? Whenever they're traveling together alone, so reasonably often.
Who snores? Not Deacon, and I doubt she does either…Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Separately when possible, most of the time.If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Far apart, but they may occasionally brush against each other.Who talks in their sleep? Hmm.. Maybe Laura? Idk.What do they wear to bed? When he’s alone with Laura, Deacon will honestly sleep naked. Otherwise? Whatever he wore that day, probably. For Laura, I’m not sure. Probably about the same, if he has anything to say about it.Are either of your muses insomniacs? Deeks is. Not sure about Laura, but she’s welcome to stay up with him most of the night.Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? If available? Yes.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Side by side with very little exception.Who wakes up with bed hair? Laura, for obvious reasons. Who wakes up first? Deacon, probably.Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Deacon, if anyone does.What is their favorite sleeping position? Back to back. Or, more accurately? Butt to butt. Who hogs the sheets? Maybe Laura? Idk.Who has nightmares? BothWho has ridiculous dreams? Both. Or maybe it’s just Deacon.Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? I’m not sure this happens.Any routines/rituals before bed? Toothbrushing time probably.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Laura.
Who is the busiest? Loaded question, but probably Laura.Who stresses the most? Laura.
Who does the washing? Depends on who has the most laundry, so most of the time it falls to Deacon.Who does the cooking? Deacon likes to, but would be happy to share the “burden.” So both.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? N/AWho is messier? Laura, but just marginally.Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Deacon because he has too damn many. Laura would too but her’s get washed faster than his.Who takes the longest to shower? Laura, if they have them available. 
What’s their song? Great Balls of Fire, Jerry Lee LewisWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? Work, drink, and cry about how shitty everything is.Where did they first meet? Goodneighbor, outside Kill or Be Killed. She was likely not aware of this until later, when they met formally in Railroad HQ.How did they first meet? He was scoping her out as a potential ally.Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Deacon.Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? It’s about even.Any mental issues? Depression, PTSD, etc. Their favorite place? Wherever they can actually manage to be alone together, and not in danger.Do they have any fears for their future? Losing Shaun, losing each other, losing their friends, losing the fight against the Institute, dying before it’s all over… a lot of things.Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Deacon.Who’s the tallest? Deacon.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Either of them.Who wanders around in their underwear? Deacon.Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Deacon is more obnoxious, though sometimes (when she’s drunk, mostly) it can become a competition. What do they tease each other about? What don’t they tease each other about?Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Laura.Do they have mutual friends? Absolutely.Who crushed first? I’d say Laura, if you can even call it that.Any alcohol or substance related problems? She’s an alcoholic and he used to have some issues with chems.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Laura!!!Who swears the most? This is about even, honestly.
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