#where it would be quiet and he wouldn't shout and wouldn't be high or drunk or hungover and it was finally nice
melit0n · 5 months
"On sunny days I go out walking, I end up on a tree-lined street, I look up at the gaps of sunlight; I miss you more than anything."
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glowingbadger · 2 years
Guys I basically hate everything I'm making right now, drawing, writing, etc. and it's all taking a million years to make just to be disappointed with the results SO I'm taking an indulgent and stupid break to spit out my thoughts about the FE3H lads' vices of choice (in terms of what they may imbibe to take the edge off). Also I'm tired and doing this super off-the-cuff, so if I forget someone or my takes are shit or w/e... i dunno, mea culpa I guess.
big ol' TW for drug & alcohol use so skip this one if you don't vibe with booze and/or smoking of various types (nothing too hard tho lmao no one's shooting up or anything on this post). As a disclaimer since this whole post might make me seem super pro-drugs lmao: I am into having your vices and letting them help get you through the day to a healthy and controlled extent.
Also, I guess this is sort of modern au?? FE3H's setting is wildly anachronistic, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have things like modern cigarettes, or edibles as we know them. Just. Roll with it ig.
Honestly this was inspired by a guy I used to hook up with before I met my husband who smoked and because of him I briefly developed a pavlovian response where I'd become aroused by the scent of cigarettes so shout-out to you, Dan- hope you're doing good somewhere you dumb, handsome bastard
Linhardt- he's open to a lot, as a naturally curious type, but he's particularly fond of hookah. He finds the experience meditative and calming, and it's honestly best if someone keeps an eye out and makes sure he doesn't fall asleep with the coals still burning. But having a pipe in hand while reading on a quiet evening is just unmatched.
Hubert- obviously his canon vice is coffee, which he naturally takes black (at most, perhaps a splash of milk). That said, while he doesn't have an addictive streak, he will have a cigarette here and there when the stress is getting to him and he needs to stay focused. Other than that, he of course will partake in wine when it's expected of him at events, but he doesn't overly enjoy it.
Ferdinand- he enjoys wine both as a social experience, and as a true connoisseur; he's constantly scouting out which sellers have gotten ahold of something rare and exotic, and has no compunctions about paying a good deal of money for a valuable bottle. However, he dramatically overestimates his own alcohol tolerance.
Caspar- pretty much lives completely clean, unless food and over-exercise can be considered vices (which many would say they could). He tried Lin's hookah once and he coughed so much that he wrote off smoking across the board. Totally doesn't get things like "acquired tastes" when it comes to drinks, either- why bother with something you don't like right off the bat?
Dimitri- as a function of growing up at the height of society, he's of course expected to drink socially and know just enough about fine wines and liquors to serve appropriately high-quality drink to guests and dignitaries. However, he's a very dramatic and sad drunk, on the rare occasions he lets himself get that far. Frankly, he should probably just try weed.
Felix- he keeps his vices pretty under control, as lack of control makes him feel on-edge. Similar to Caspar, his 'vice' is more about drowning his anxieties in training and exercise. That said, he'll sometimes nurse a cigarette for a while, mostly to keep his mouth and hands busy- it's a fidgeting habit more than anything.
Sylvain- he's made a conscious effort to familiarize himself with and build a tolerance to just about anything that's consumed socially. Passing a joint, pouring a drink, taking shots, anything that adds to that socially-acceptable party vibes, he's ready to jump on-board. Left to his own preferences though, he likes a good whiskey, but like, the softer, smoother ones that go down easy.
Ashe- he doesn't look it, but having grown up in a rough situation and having to rub elbows with some unsavory types, he does have a respectable tolerance for most of your standard substances- though he's mostly only ever taken them to be "polite." But he knows his body and knows to keep alert.
Dedue- can appreciate coffee, but is potently aware of the disadvantages of caffeine addiction, so he keeps it moderate. He can also appreciate hookah, and similarly to Linhardt, finds it to be a soothing and calm activity that doesn't impair his judgement or cognition significantly.
Claude- pretty open minded overall, and is in support of indulging in moderate hedonism as long as it never puts you at a disadvantage. His preferred indulgence is weed, and in particular, he can really enjoy a well made edible. He's very picky about who he imbibes with, however- he doesn't trust just anyone while he may be in a slightly compromised state and more likely to say something he otherwise wouldn't.
Lorenz- he's as much a wine aficionado as any true noble would be, of course, and has memorized all the usual talking-points thereof. He considers it distasteful to become visibly inebriated, however. He also definitely owns a collection of elaborate and expensive tobacco pipes that have almost never been used.
Ignatz- he's fairly clean, and will nurse a single drink throughout an evening in social settings. He's heard that many famous artists have found inspiration in "broadening their minds," but he finds the loss of control intimidating. To be honest though, he also should probably try weed, this is a man with an anxiety disorder if I ever saw one.
Raphael- probably hasn't had many opportunities to get extremely experimental, but he does absolutely love a good beer or ale (or several beers or ales), preferably alongside a hearty meal or vast array of snacks. He considers it just part of enjoying a feast, a perfect accent to the food.
Jeralt- his love of booze is canon, of course, but he is generally open minded about such things and is willing to partake in whatever takes the edge off after a big job. He has decent tolerance, but has a habit of ignoring when he might be pushing a little too far, basically willfully ignoring his own limits.
Seteth- canonically, Nabateans have high alcohol tolerance (if Seteth's mention of it to Manuela is anything to go off of), so I imagine this extends to most foreign substances. That said, he does enjoy the earthy flavor of a well-worn tobacco pipe, and will sometimes unwind with it after a long work day.
Also on a personal note, modern au Seteth in a business suit smoking a cigarette makes horny brain go brrrrrrrrrr
Jeritza- he stays totally clean, as he deeply dislikes the sensation of losing control. He lives with the constant shadow of the thought that any lapse will trigger the Death Knight, and knows he can't risk such a thing outside of the battlefield.
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phantomenby · 2 years
The Cornerstore Tres
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The rest of the week passed by and Friday was upon you.
Surprisingly, for once, you had plans.
Your neighbor, Terri, and his friends had invited you out to see a concert on the boardwalk.
Though as much as you enjoyed music you doubted you would enjoy the swathes of drunks surrounding you, the small freezer at the front of the store was bare and the shelves usually stocked high with beer had been emptied hours ago.
It was nearing the end of May, and the weather was sunshiney bright. Days grew hotter and your boss had been talking about buying a new freezer to get some stock from a friend he knew in Mexico.
The beaches were still full when you went on your break at four pm. A sight of what was to come.
"Ten minutes then you can go!" Your one and only coworker, a stout man in his thirties called John, called out from the entrance where he had been brushing up outside.
You grinned, nodding and beginning to wipe down the front so he wouldn't complain to you.
Soon enough the time passed, and you were heading to the small restroom to change your shirt. You worked in jeans so they would be fine, having zero desire to impress anyone.
Looking at yourself in the mirror you huffed, your skin was too grey from being stuck inside, the colour of your eyes destroyed by the purple bruises beneath them. And your skin was bumpy and marred from poor eating and shit genes.
Well...not like you could do much about it now.
You left your shirt in your locker, not wanting to carry round something full of sweat and covered in penmarks.
The colourful button down helped brighten your mood a little.
It was past eight when you left the back, shouting a 'cya Tuesday' to John and prancing away.
Tonight would be fun, you could feel it.
There was a slight breeze, coming from the cliffs and bringing cool air with it. Your hair was already tousled, mussed, frizzy. It didn't make a difference to your appearance, not that you tried to care too much.
You were never known for being particularly gorgeous. There was simplicity in a lack of perfection that made life easier.
The walk was calm, not peaceful, nor quiet, but enough to prepare your mind for the night ahead.
Music could be heard from the store, and some new flashy lights had been put into place that must have been fairly expensive. Even as the everyday light of the boardwalk shone out, it was easy to distinguish the thin beams shooting up.
It was a rock band, of course. Something to nod your head to until it hurt and scream until your voice was just a whisper.
When you arrived you headed to the old hotdog stand where you could see the figures you were meeting. Dressed alot better than you but nothing fancy. This towns occupants rarely suited fancy, and those that did were usually on the opposite side of town this time of night.
"Hey! Over here bud!" Terri met you half way, slinging a toned arm over your shoulder.
His head bounced, and you winced at the glitter falling out of his coiled locks, just catching the stuff shimmering in the light.
"Hey, man..." idiot. Please try and sound normal for one night.
Terri didn't notice anything, not how tense you were or how deep your hands were buried into the pocket of your jeans. He just kept his arm around your shoulders, leading you through the crowd and asking about your day.
Not that you had anything particularly fun to tell him about.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Tremors
Let's get you out of the sun for a spell.
Please move your fat ass.
Well, when I'm your age I'll probably forget what I eat, too.
How many cows does it take to make a stampede? Is it like three or more? Is there a minimum speed?
You will have long blonde hair, big green eyes, nice full breasts that stand up and say hello, ass that won't quit. And legs, legs that go all the way up!
Yeah, well, I'm getting what I refer to scientifically as "weird vibes."
They're all the same; dead weight. Can't make a decision, can't walk because of their shoes, can't work because of their fingernails. Make my skin crawl!
Well, I'm a victim of circumstance.
Twenty years of looking for a woman exactly like Miss October 1968, and where'd it get me?
Down, honey, down.
The way you worry, you're gonna have a heart attack before you get to survive World War III.
Right. We plan ahead. That way we don't do anything right now.
The idea was; we were ripping you off.
Now, you know I'm good for it.
Are we too easy-going?
If we're gonna take the plunge we oughta have a better plan than that.
Stop it! Stop it, you horrid animal!
God almighty, my mama sure didn't raise me for this.
You're the one's gotta have a plan.
What keeps us doing jobs like this is you dragging your feet.
You gonna stand there in broad daylight and tell me you think I'm the reason we're still here?
I'll call that little bluff.
Forget it, man. It's not worth it.
We did it! We faced temptation and we did not bend!
Last chance, asshole.
Jeez, look at that guy.
You're full of shit.
He must've really been drunk this time.
You damn fool, you owe me on this one
Well, whatever the hell happened it's just one more goddamn good reason to haul ass out of this place.
Hey, where the hell's that asshole dog?
We got a killer on the loose!
He's cutting people's heads off!
I'd high-tail for town if I was you!
The phone is out!
We've gotta get the police up here.
Well, there's sure as hell nothing to stop us now.
Is some higher force at work here?
Are we asking too much of life?
You on a booze break or what?!
Where are the bullets? Don't we have any goddamn bullets?
Hey, I don't want spend the night out here!
What the hell you doing back already?
Unreal! Where'd you get it?
It's disgusting.
So, it's some kind of snake?
It's dead all right. Tore the damn thing in half.
There's gotta be more out there, a lot more.
Slick as snot and I'm not lying.
Look, we organize, we arm ourselves.
We go out, we find those damn snake things, we make 'em extinct.
Might be aliens. Who knows?
Why go looking for trouble?
Phone's out. Road's out. We're on our own.
I'm dead. Let's finish in the morning.
Just keep looking at that beautiful sky.
Damn that thing!
Well, what's wrong with it?
You sure this is where it was?
God, what a stink!
Something's got me!
Oh, God! Get me Out!! GET ME OUT!!
Somebody stop it!
You want the rifle or the Smith?
You stupid punk!
One of these days, [NAME], somebody's gonna kick your ass.
Come back with the Sheriff.
Come back with the National Guard.
That means we're gonna be out here, like, in the dark.
Oh, man, I hate this shit.
Ride like hell.
How could they bury an entire Plymouth station wagon?
They're under the goddamn ground!
There must be a million of them!
It's gaining on us!
We can do it, we can do it!
We killed the bastard!
Did you just notice something weird?
Think it smells like that 'cause it's dead?
I think they shoot right outta its mouth, hook you, and pull you right in.
Good thing we stopped it before it killed anybody else.
I'm lucky it didn't find me.
This is like, well, let's say it, it's probably the biggest zoological discovery of the century.
Just look at what we caught here!
This is one big mother!
Come on, nobody's ever seen one of these!
There are five more of these things!
Five more?
If you compare the different readings, there have to be five.
There's nothing like them in the fossil record, I'm sure.
I'd vote for outer space. No way those are local boys.
The government built them, a big surprise in the next war.
How the hell's it even know we're still here?
It can sense the slightest seismic vibration, hear every move we make.
I always wanted to be stuck on a desert island. But somehow I always imagined, you know, water.
You know, I hate to be crude, but I'm gonna have to take care of some business here.
I'll tell you, if you ever wanted proof God is a man, this is it.
Running's not a plan. Running is what you do when the plan fails.
You're not even trying to come up with a plan!
Think it's still following us?
You go north, I'll go south.
Well, I'm scared, but I'm not sorry.
All right, I'm about as subtle as a donkey's ass.
You think we're not even safe here in town?
I think we should all get the hell out while the getting's good.
You should have a theory at least.
This valley's just one long smorgasbord and if we don't haul ass outta here we're the next course.
You little ass wipe!
You knock that off or you're gonna be shitting that basketball!
Where are we going to go that's safer than right here?
I'm gonna kick his ass!
Man, you got a gun?!
Big as a house!
Remember, no noise. No vibration.
Get off your pogo stick!
Go back, for chrissake!
Come on! Outta your pants!
Just run! Run like screaming fuck!
This oughta hurt like hell.
So, is that one of your usual jobs, saving peoples' lives?
How long till they go away?
Shut it up! Shut the little bastard up!
Quiet! Quiet you hateful thing!
Chuck him out the door!
Son of a bitchin' lowlife, putrid, scum.
I got enough food here to last us for weeks.
Jesus! Shut it off!
Can't you shout a little quieter?
How the hell long it take you to change a tire?
They're coming after you! They're coming right now!
Big monsters under the ground, [NAME]!
Broke into the wrong goddamn rec room, didn't you, you BASTARD!
We killed that motherfucker!
Uh, be advised, however, there are four more, repeat, four more motherfuckers.
They got one! They killed one of the sons of bitches!
You're not getting any penetration, even with the elephant gun.
Never figured on having to shoot through dirt! Best goddamn bullet stop there is.
They can feel our vibrations, but they can't find us.
The bastards are up to something.
Oh, wow, man! No way! No fucking way, man!
They're gonna tear this whole town out from under us!
We'll come get everybody. Just hang on tight.
Since when the hell's every goddamn thing up to us?!
We don't have a hell of a lot of time here.
We need a helicopter is what we need, or a goddamn tank.
Jesus. It's slower than hell.
Couldn't we distract them somehow?
We need a decoy.
Hey, [NAME], you wanna make a buck?
We're gonna save our asses here!
Get real. I'm faster than you.
Damn. Guess I have to do it.
Watch your ass, shithead.
Don't worry about me, jerkoff.
You goddamn suicidal son of a bitch!
He'll never make it! They're gonna get him!
Goddamn good thinking!
Me next!
Get me off of here!
We got about three seconds!
God damn! Armored transport!
What do you think? Max firepower or...?
I'd go for penetration.
Give me a gun! I'll take one!
I wouldn't give you a gun if it was World War Three.
Underground goddamn monsters?!
Any sign of'em?
Maybe they're taking a dump.
What the hell are they doing? They're up to something.
I don't care what they're doing as long as they're doing it way over there.
They dug a trap! I can't believe this!
Hungry?! Eat this!!
Here they come! They're coming back!
They'll sure as hell get us if we stay here!
[NAME] do you have any more of those things?
Then, when the explosion happens, if it drives them away again, we all run like goddamn bastards!
What if it doesn't scare them? What if they don't run?
They're so sensitive to sound, they have to run! It hurts too much!
We're gonna run. Get ready.
They're too fast! You can't outrun them, no way!
It worked! There they go!
You asshole! There's no bullets in this gun!
Could we make it to the mountains?
What's the matter with you? What are you talking about?!
Those animals would have killed you!
You haven't seen what they can do.
They're not falling for it!
I'll make'em pay attention, goddamnit
We can't kill them all.
Use the fucking bomb!
This better be one great plan!
We could make some real money off this whole thing, get in People magazine.
Sell the movie rights.
You're really leaving, huh?
There's going to be major research up here.
And thanks for everything, you know, saving my life and stuff.
Civil? I'm civil.
You're not civil, you're glum.
We got the world by the tail with a downhill pull and all of a sudden you go glum on me.
Somebody paying you to do this?
She just practically asked you for a date.
God, my work is never done.
Fine, make the mistakes I did.
I think I'll just be playing this hand myself.
I'd goddamn worship her.
Can you fly, sucker?! CAN YOU FLY?!
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azurevi · 4 years
on land where we can touch the moon (2/?)
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A quick note- this is pretty messy. I'm planning as I write, so there'll be information scattered across the words, and it may be overwhelming...kinda. I have added a little note about what happened in this chapter in the end. This series is also up on ao3.
There is, naturally, a reason Azul was stuck with the name 'The Sea Merchant'.
It wasn't a bad name, and there was no hint of degradation in it. It just wasn't particularly suiting. Azul wasn't a merchant. He wasn't even a shopkeeper. He was just invested in a little magic, and this hobby of his got leaked out somehow. 
His magic was certainly something. It's A Deal allowed him to confiscate another person's valued quality in exchange for their wish. Anything could come to life as long as the deal was equal.
Only the drunk and people in desperate need of help ever went to him for help. After Azul had started mastering his magic, he reckoned that it hadn't been used to its full potential. If the person on the other side of the deal failed to meet the requirement, Azul could take even more from them without suffering any loss. 
And so he sugarcoated and exaggerated his words, put up the most professional smile he could manage. For a few weeks all was well. He'd gained himself a melodious voice, splendid flexibility and a ton of unique magics, but nothing great ever lasted. He was soon exposed as a scammer and his notoriety was whispered among the streets, passed on and on until every family warned their kids not to ever run into him. And Azul, with his fame and prosperity wilting under the gossip and points of fingers, was forced into giving up his success.
He had been in hiding ever since.
He could never understand how something as atrocious could happen to him. If it hadn't been for the sneers and isolation in the entirety of his childhood, he wouldn't have grown up hating everything and everyone around him that called him ugly, unwanted, repulsive. It should've justified his desire for revenge.
Instead, God decided that his suffering was not anywhere close to enough and kicked him down the cliff where he was crying for help.
That being said, Azul was grateful to have Jade and Leech sticking around after everything. The two of them were also unpopular among others, so they eventually got close as a tight-knitted trio.
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"No you didn't," Jade said firmly. 
"I did, Jade. I did," Azul sighed, "They were dying, Jade, I couldn't just let them die,"
"Well, you should've."
"Don't be so uptight. Azul was doing the right thing, wasn't he?" Floyd winked. "So. Were they good-looking?"
"The human. You must've saved them for a reason,"
Azul hated how Floyd's words implied that he would never do good unless there was something in it for him, but one could never lie in the face of truth. 
"I just didn't want to let them die. It was their birthday,"
"What does that have to do with everything?" Jade asked. "You went above the water. You saved a human. You were almost caught. You could've died up there, you know. How did you even manage to breathe?"
"I just… did." Azul said, twirling his tentacles in nervousness. Jade was entirely disapproving of his actions, while Floyd on the contrary seemed to be mildly intrigued. 
Everything still felt like a fever dream. All the fireworks and cheering and explosion were still vividly scorched into his mind as if they'd been put on repeat. The splendid colors, light giggles and- 
And those beautiful eyes of yours. The way your hair flowed in the night sky with ease, how you laughed like tomorrow was promised and your life had been planned out before you, a clear and untainted path to success. Azul couldn't decide on whether he was jealous or amazed.
"Well, you better hope they didn't really see you, or that they forgot about it. If the humans come down here to hunt us down-" Jade couldn't even bear to finish the imagination. He simply shook his head in dismay.
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"I swear I saw someone! I couldn't have just been washed ashore!"
"Apparently, you were," Jack said, stroding with large steps that had you panting to keep up. "Near-death experiences do things to our mind, your majesty,"
"That may be the case for others, but I'm sure I was conscious," you retorted. "I woke up to a pair of pale, azure eyes, then in a blink they were behind the rock. If it hadn't been for you-"
"I apologize for worrying about you, your majesty."
You bit your tongue. Fighting with Jack always ended with him being passive-aggressive and you stepping back reluctantly. Plus he was as stern as a rock. Almost nothing could move his belief.
Shouting and grunting could be heard from inside the medical room where Ace, Deuce and Grim were being tended to.
Jack flung open the door, and the three stumbled to get into the blankets and put on a excruciated expression.
"I see you're all healed up," Jack said. Ace hummed lowly and slapped his forehead with the back of his hand. 
"I'm at death's door, commander. It pains me to say this, but I might need to take more days off,"
Jack was quiet for a while, and you could almost see a drop of sweat sliding down Ace's forehead.
"And you, Deuce?" Jack challenged.
"I'm traumatized," 
"And Grim?"
You arched your brow, at which he shivered in fear. "I- I'm feeling fine already,"
"So it's just Ace and Deuce, right?" Jack said. Ace and Deuce nodded their heads so hard they could fall off.
"Alright. Your health is of utmost importance to us, so I'll contact the Raven Healer…"
"The what?!" Deuce's voice croaked.
"The Raven Healer. Surely you've heard of him. He's best known for being able to treat any diseases, both mentally and physically,"
You were sure there were sweats rolling down Ace's cheeks now. "But- but doesn't he heal by using bizzare mediciness…?"
"Oh yes. His magic is what makes him such an infallible doctor. You two seem to be in a lot of pain. I'm sure he'll free you of your suffering."
You turned sharply towards the door and stifled a laughter. 
"That's… not very necessary…" Deuce's voice faltered word by word. He was fully aware that he'd already lost. "You know what, commander? I think I can dive back into work right this instant!"
Jack smirked smugly. "Splendid. And you, Ace?"
The two of them stared at each other so intensely there seemed to be sparkles between them. Finally, Ace gave in. "I'll start work tomorrow,"
They didn't even wait for Jack to walk completely out of the door to whine. They looked fully healthy, even more energized than you.
"Anyways, did you find your saviour?"
You sighed. Ace and Deuce were still skeptical about your 'story', which you'd corrected to 'experience', but at least they were open-minded. 
"No clues. I've had guards patrolling about every two hours. Nothing has yet to happen,"
They eyed each other uneasily, then back at you with a worried face. Before they could make assumptions, you defended yourself. "No, I'm not sick. My head's not concussed,"
"Well," Grim scurried to your lap. "Perhaps your saviour doesn't wish to be found?"
That'd be unwanted. You would wish for anything but to create troubles for your lifesaver. Nonetheless, you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep without sending your gratitude. 
Alright, there might be a selfish motif. You were admittedly curious about those light, pensive eyes and silvery, gleaming hair under sunlight. All these unknown were like a gravity pool, pulling you deeper and deeper into the mystery.
"Well, you ought not to lose hope," Ace patted your shoulder casually, like you weren't the princette of the kingdom he was serving for. "Maybe you'll actually run into him. Fate has a weird habit for setting unexpected traps."
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It wasn't so much love as a tender curiosity, but the line segregating them was so flimsy that one's got to mix them up at some point.
Azul found himself in such a dilemma. He couldn't decide whether it was attraction or nosiness that he was feeling. Either way, it's got him hooked like a drug. Something beautiful had finally entered his life like light piercing through a thick fog of ink, and it was possessive. Azul had a feeling that it wouldn't go away until it had drained him of his mind.
The door to his room was thrown open and Azul had to hide the peeled petals and green stem in a jumble. He had been chanting 'they love me, they love me not' for the past hour. To his luck, Jade and Leech didn't seem to have noticed his haste expression. They were both panting when they swam inside.
"What's wrong?" Azul's first instinct was that something had gone south.
"There-" Floyd wheezed. "There's a sta-"
"There's a fallen statue in the Coral Maze," Jade finished the sentence. "People are fussing over it,"
"Okay," Azul eased back into his bed. He'd already lost interest at 'Coral Maze'. It was at the centre of where the majority of sea creatures inhabited. Nothing could make him go anywhere near civilization and its hubristic aesthetic again.
Or so he thought.
"No- you don't get it. It's a statue of a human that sank along with wreckages of a big ship, and it's made of gold,"
A statue made of gold.
He recalled it now. It was supposed to be your birthday present. The consternation of what followed the present revelation had been so intense that it'd washed the memory of the statue out.
"We just thought that it could be the statue you mentioned in your story, you know? It looked really grand…" Floyd sighed.
Azul wanted to get up and swim over right there, right then, but he knew he couldn't. What would others say to him the moment they saw the shadows of their tentacles crawling on their pure and oh-so royal ground? What accusations would they throw his way? How many children will be led away from him like he was some man-eating, brutal abomination?
Not to mention the unforgiving rage he'd evoked in trying to scam them in the past. Dishonesty was highly criticised in their high-class society. It was as if they were saints that had never done one thing wrong. Bet they'd never even stayed up past midnight.
"You ought to come take a look!" Floyd suggested. A casual, friendly proposal.
"No," Azul snapped. "No, no. I'm not going there,"
"They're planning to use the gold," Jade said. "You know how they are. They see one thing from the ground and start screeching in pain,"
They were going to use your statue. The statue that was perhaps the only thing that was related to you, the one way to never have to forget about you again in case that you never met again.
And to imagine the effect it'd add to his collections! A big gold statue in the centre of his grotto, accentuated by the sparkling of other jewelries. It'd be complete.
"I'll sit on it," Azul decided. He was not to act rashly, lest he walked one step wrong and brought upon himself misery and misfortune. If he really was to pay a visit, he would act in secret. Perhaps in the veil of the night. 
"Just don't act alone, okay?" Jade said. Azul nodded despite not paying any mind to him.
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In the dead of the night Azul decided to sneak out. Alone. It was a mistake, really. Azul couldn't stop thinking about your statue, and by the time he realized how absurd it was, he'd already gone to the Coral Maze.
There was nary a shadow except his own. Still, it was much lighter than where he lived even at night. The distorted image of the moon waved from above as Azul made his way through the many identical corals. Then he finally found your majestic statue standing solemnly in the centre. The only beauty in the water.
It was a sight for sore eyes. White, pure light reflected off the gold and created streams of gleams onto the ground. That someone would ever find it to be disgraceful was incomprehensible to Azul. Something like this deserved to be put on display in the museum for all to see.
There was no radiance on your face and no splendid colors in your eyes. It was merely a fraction of what you were. Nonetheless, it was enough for Azul.
"Who's roaming there?" an alerted voice asked. When Azul turned, he saw a silhouette looming from outside the Coral Maze, holding two anglerfishes in hands and waving them in the water.
Panic was the only thing Azul felt as he hid behind the statue, struggling to keep his tentacles out of sight. The light stayed right in front of him for a while before skimming away.
Azul grabbed the statue and swam, pushing his tentacles through the water as hard as he could. 
"Wait there- oh goodness!" 
There were several voices now, mumbling and inquiring. Then light was casted upon his flitting figure and there were bemused gasps before someone yelled, "Seize him!"
Azul was out of breath. He wished he excelled in fitness but instead he was stuck with incongruous tentacles that would never cooperate at the most needed times.
A hand grasped the end of his tentacle but slipped off. He kept the statue tight in his arms, as if his life depended on it. He could tell that they were near now, and was trying very hard not to imagine the gruesome outcomes.
Someone grabbed his tentacles. He faltered and was pulled back despite protests.
"Keep him in place!" another person yelled as the crowd moved to keep Azul fenced in.
Azul couldn't see anything. Everything was a poor mixture of shadow and distaste and sneers. He was probably going to die right there.
"I can't believe you have the guts to come back, Ashengrotto. After all the things you've done!" someone spoke up.
"Yeah! How shameless of you!”
"And he's stealing our properties now! Imagine how desperate he is,"
"You guys don't even want it!" Azul said.
Some guy lurched forward. Azul cowered backwards.
"It's disgusting, yes, but it's still gold." he said as if it was a completely just thing to do. "It landed on our ground, so it belongs to us. On the contrary, you don't have the rights to lay your filthy hands on it. What more do you want to steal from us?"
"I'm taking this because none of you understand the beauty of it!"
This evoked a negative reaction from the crowd, but words could never be taken back. Azul could feel his heart pounding like a prisoner hellbent on escaping. He had to escape. No more of this degrading gazes. No more of the points of fingers.
"Beauty?" the guy scoffed, and for a moment his face scrunched up and he was ready to spit out rage, but then it softened into a smug smirk. "I guess only ugly understands ugly, huh?"
Azul's head throbbed.
"It doesn't justify your actions, ink-blasting thief. Hand that piece of trash over right- uff!"
He was flung deep into the water until he disappeared into nothing but a black dot. People around Azul immediately made way as they fled in screams and wails. His tentacle was still tingling with the impact, but he couldn't quite feel it. Even if he did, he couldn't care less as he skyrocketed to the surface of the water. He blinked and blinked, but his eyes were still blurred by what would be mixed into the seawater eventually. 
He'd had enough. Heard enough, seen enough. If he'd spent one more second down there he would have suffocated to death.
The familiar freshness of air welcomed him the moment he broke through the water's persistence. The land wasn't far ahead. He swam towards it as if it was his sanctuary. 
There was a man sitting on the rock, face hidden under the hood. Azul considered retreating. He had no idea what would happen to him if he was spotted, but nothing better would happen if he were to go back. So he continued swimming and crawled onto the cool soft sand, only letting his head be seen by the man as he hid behind yet another rock where he placed the much valued statue.
He seemed to be asleep, chest heaving up and down at a steady pace. Just as Azul started sliding out, the man raised his head and looked straight at Azul.
They were a pair of humming, white circles, seemingly void of any sentiments. The man had a mask on that shielded his face except for his tightly shut lips. Two crows were staring right at him with the same uncanny manner.
"You've finally arrived," the man said.
Probably the humans had been searching for him. Azul decided to keep his mouth shut.
"I've been hearing your calls…" he tilted his head. "You can come out. I know what you are,"
Azul still hesitated. But he was much closer to the ocean than to the guy, so he slowly let his tentacles into light.
The man remained calm, not a bit taken back by the revelation.
"Well, I've been hearing your calls…" he resumed.
"I never called out to any humans,"
"Not literally. But you have been calling out a lot," he smiled amiably. "You have to know that it's especially hard for me to hear from creatures undersea, so if your wishes managed to reach me, it means you're pretty desperate,"
"I think you have the wrong person," Azul said and started retreating.
The guy sprang up and his crows curled up together beside him. "Wait- I should introduce myself first. I'm the Raven Healer,"
Azul pondered for a while. "That doesn't explain anything except for the crows,"
"You lots haven't heard of me?" he frowned so deep that his brows and eyes were a cluster. "You guys are really secluded,"
That was when Azul finally realized that he knew about them. About all the lives and creatures that inhabited the deep sea.
"And I mean no harm to your realm. My only target is you," he smiled again, this time at an ominous angle.
"Well, I'm quite famous in this realm. I heal people for a living, whether it be physical or emotional needs. Anything you need, I can grant you,"
That's not very different from Azul's magic. 
"Sometimes, when someone is really desperate for a change, their thoughts can be heard by my crows. And you, Azul Ashengrotto…" his smile dropped a bit and his eyes drooped. "is particularly distressed,"
"Alright. It was nice meeting you," Azul nodded respectfully. The man didn't seem to be harmful. If he fled right now, he could probably throw him off.
The Raven Healer stilled, then burst into piles of blatant laughter. "No, no. I've been looking for you, don't you get it? I'm here to grant your wish!"
I'm here to grant your wish. Like how Azul'd promoted his business as the Sea Merchant.
"I understand that you've been suffering quite a lot, and that you want a change. But nothing ever comes without a cost… I'm sure you can understand,"
The healer stood up, the material of his greatcoat fluttering in the wind. He made his way freely to Azul, who could only freeze up as he inspected the statue with great interest.
"The heir to the throne! I see why you're desperate now. They're a real catch," the healer then looked down at the outstretched tentacles without a word. Azul prayed in his mind that he would turn away from them.
"Well, here are my terms. I will grant you a pair of legs in exchange for your magic,"
Wait, what?
Azul was pretty sure the Raven Healer was just imitating him now. A great figure appearing out of the blue to answer your hopes. The catch was that the figure would always take away your most important thing. It was never a fair deal, Azul was aware.
"I don't think you need my magic," Azul breathed.
"Why, I do!" he exclaimed. "Collecting magic is a splendid hobby of mine! It is because of all these magic that I am such a renowned magician,"
He was obviously lying. His smile couldn't reach his eyes, and the orbs where his eyes were supposed to be were humming like a hazard label.
"I think I'll be just fine," Azul hurriedly brought the statue to his chest and started sliding away.
"...How are you going to survive?"
"What?" Azul swiveled, exhausted.
"Up here. With your…" the healer wiggled his fingers.
"I'll find a way,"
"No you won't," the healer protested. Azul looked up to the sky, took a deep breath and decided to entertain him. 
"Why so?"
"You're gonna cause ruckus. Chaos. People are not especially used to seeing half-man half-octopuses roaming their land," he said honestly. 
Despite knowing all this, Azul still considered his word rude. There was a thin line between blunt and disrespectful, and he'd just crossed it. 
"There won't be anyone dealing with you, will there?"
"...I suppose not-"
"Exactly! I am your only hope!" he exclaimed once again, throwing his hands up in the air like a dramatist. "Unless you want to go back?"
Azul glanced at the serene water. He knew that down there, the mermaids and mermen must be panicking over what'd just happened.
"You can't hold onto that statue forever. If you really wish to stay here-"
"I just came, Mr. Healer. I'm not going to stay,"
"Yet. Come on now," he groaned, as if he was the one exasperated. "I know you want it. You need it. So what are you waiting for? You're never going to see all the beauties in this world in this state!"
He was right. Agonizingly right. He couldn't just walk around as an octopus. It would be like a stain on a quaint painting. Moreover, now that he was here, he couldn't just give up the chance to find you again. It's not like the ocean would welcome him anyways.
As if hearing his thoughts, the Raven Healer reached his hand out, "Deal? Your magic for a pair of legs. It's a fantastic trade if you think about it,"
One second. Two second. Azul didn't wait until the third to act on it. The moment their skin touched, Azul felt a stream of warmth coursing through him, rushing to his throat, where he choked up a luminous blue orb. It was within the healer's fingers within seconds.
"And your legs," he rummaged inside his pocket. There seemed to be numerous tiny objects inside as he dug around. Finally, he pulled up a thumb-size bottle and handed it to Azul.
He downed the slimy liquid inside under the healer's encouraging nods, and almost gagged at the sensation. "Guh! What the hell is-"
His tentacles started glowing a bright yellow, bright enough to attract people in this dead of the night. They started to shrink until they completely disappeared, and a pair of human legs replaced them.
He couldn't believe his eyes as he stretched around and surveyed the changes on his body. It took him quite some time to adjust to it, but he was surprisingly good at it. The fabric of the pants that came with the gift fluttered against his 'flesh' like a mother's caress. He felt normal, for once. Not some ugly monster that preyed on innocent kids. Not a marginalized criminal. Not even a wicked fraud. He was just a human wanting to explore the world.
"Three days," the Raven Healer said.
"What?" Azul was too joyous to pay real mind.
"If you can't find the most beautiful thing after three days, you will dissolve into sea bubbles,"
Azul stilled as he comprehended his words, then he started to chant no in his mind. He'd fallen for his trap.
"You didn't mention it at all!" Azul yelled. "Refund! You're scamming me!"
"The pot's calling the kettle black now. How comical," the healer giggled. Azul's heart dropped to the bottom.
"Consider this your own medicine. It's not like you're completely at loss over here!"
"Wait!" Azul reached out to grasp his fainting figure, which had become an opaque vision. 
"We shall reunite in three days. Until then, enjoy."
All that was left was the crashing of the waves and songs of the crickets. Bathed in the glow of the moon, Azul finally came to the conclusion that he'd fucked up.
Life never stopped to give him a break. There were haste footsteps nearing from behind. Azul instinctively retracted his tentacles, but forgot about their absence and tripped instead.
"Yikes! That was a nasty fall. Are you okay?" 
Looking up, two formally looking men were standing above him, one with crimson hair and another navy. There was a sword attached to each of their sides.
"Yeah. I-I'm fine," Azul cleared his throat and stood up.
"Are you homeless?" The redhead asked and was immediately hit by his companion.
"You can't go around asking people whether they are homeless!" he scolded, then turned to Azul brightly. "You must be in search of shelter! Please follow us!"
"That isn't any better," 
"Shut up," the blue-haired snapped with the same polite smile. "Come on, Mr…?"
"A-Azul. Azul Ashengrotto,"
"Yes, Mr. Ashengrotto. We can't have you catching a cold out here,"
Despite his friendly facade, Azul could see underlying motives lurking beneath. But clueless that he was, he didn't have a choice but to follow suit towards the castle-like building in the far distance.
"Your majesty will be pleased to see you," the redhead murmured, but Azul couldn't quite catch that.
"What was that?" he asked.
"It's nothing," was all that he received. "Just that you'll surely love the place."
Conclusion : Azul had once gone around scamming others with his unique magic but was busted and had been further criticised since. The Raven Healer is obviously Crowley, and his magic will be further explained in next chapter.
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devinescribe · 3 years
Next Time, No Death, Yeah?
Chapter 10 of '100 Promises'
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Warnings: Swearing, weapons, violence, blood
You were somewhere in Tokyo. Where? You'd find out sooner or later.
Currently however, you were walking through an abandoned mall. Everything was abandoned, so it didn't make this one anymore special than the millions of buildings in Tokyo. There was broken glass under your shoes that crunched when you stepped on it. "That's fucking satisfying," you whispered. "You're weird," Last Boss said from besides you. "Ok, if anytime you talk it's an insult to me imma hit you," you said, glaring playfully at him. It was an empty threat, he noticed, seeing as your tone of voice was too light and playful to be a real threat. "I wouldn't test her patience. She can be a real bitch when she wants to," Niragi stated, walking in front if both of you. Last Boss saw your eyes narrow, like a cat about to pounce on its prey. You reached your hand out, and tugged on his hair. "I just said if you insult me I'll hit you," you laughed. "Ow. Fuck you," he cursed, rubbing his scalp as you laughed. You shrugged your shoulders walking faster, ready for anything to happen. 'What could go wrong?' You thought. 'All the militants must be pretty trust worthy if the have weapons.'
Well, that's what you thought when you first got there. Now, not so much. One of the militants had tried to escape, seeing as they got all they needed from the Beach. Hiding behind objects when the man had a gun seemed like the best idea. "Alright, so what do we do?" You questioned Niragi, who kept looking from the side of the cement wall you two were hiding behind. "Stop the guy, and try not to get shot," Niragi responded, a tone of sarcasm in his voice. You noticed, but really it was a solid plan. Not getting shot was the best outcome for both of you. "Sounds like a good plan to me, let's go!" You shouted. He found it amusing how only a few days into the borderlands, you had already adapted. There was so much change, and usually you didn't do well with change. But yet here you were. "He's going to run out of bullets. And he can't change them that fast. So, let's wait till he runs out, then we grab him and take the gun away," you suggested, pointing at a mirror that showed the reflection of the man. "His bullet case is strapped onto his belt... You damn genius," he said, petting the top of your head. You leaned into his touch, enjoying the feeling. You smiled, shrugging your shoulders. "You the left, I'll take the right," he instructed. "Oki doki, let's goooo I'm bored!" You exclaimed, loading up your pistol. He kneeled down, peeking out the side of where you were hiding. "On the count of three?"
You both ran at him, being concentrated on the gun. He tried to shoot, but he had already ran out. He reached to grab bullets, but you aimed your gun, shooting it at his arm. He dropped his gun, yelping in pain. Niragi kicked the gun away from him. "Nice shot (N/N)," he complimented, high fiving you. He turned his attention back to the man on the floor. Blood was passing through the hand that covered his wound, staining it crimson. "Damn, any last words? Regrets? You know, death to the traitors and all," Niragi asked, crouching down besides the man, pointing his gun at the man's chest. He gulped, and took a shaky sigh. ''Yeah. I only regret that a girl took me down," he said. Your eyes widened, and you grabbed the knife from its sheath on your waist. You bent down to his level, stabbing the knife into his stomach, and twisting it. He screamed in pain. "This girl knows how to murder and get away with it," you said. You let go of the knife stepping back. He immediately pulled the knife out, making both you and Niragi laugh. "Hey, dumbass. That makes more blood come out," Niragi snickered. The man tried making pressure on his stomach his shirt staining dark red. "Alright, I'm bored. Someone else can do that. I got his blood on me, I feel nasty," You said, grabbing Niragi's hand and pulling him along with you.
Once you entered a random store, you looked down. There was blood covering your hands, and your swimsuit. You cringed in disgust. "That was pretty fucking badass," Niragi said, walking around the store. You sighed, "I guess." It dawned on you that since you were a militant, you could wear actual clothes. "Wait, so on supply runs what do guys collect?" You asked. Niragi turned to face you. "Anything and everything that could be useful. And of course, we are allowed to bring back personal items if wanted," he answered. You smirked, grabbing some backpacks off of one of the shelves, giving one to Niragi. "These would be easier to carry things around in," you suggested. "Ok, well then you take the pink strawberry one," he said. You rolled your eyes, trading backpacks with him. "Suck up your fragile masculinity you stupid fuck~," you sang before laughing. He shook his head, following you around. It really was like you two never skipped a beat. Sure, your whole lives had gotten derailed, but being back together made most things ok. The longest you two had been without each other had been the two months you stayed with your grandmother. After that first summer without him, you always asked if he could go with you. Even though you had called each other every night, you couldn't go to sleep. It wasn't like he was with you every night, but knowing you'd see him the next day would always comfort you. You didn't know why, it just did. So every summer both of you would have two months of peace at your grandmother's house.
"Alright, that's two bags full for each of us. Let's see if we can fill a third?" He asked. You both put the bags in the car. The person who was guarding the cars thanked you both. She looked down at your hands, and back up at you. You gave her a friendly smile seeing her stare. You sort of forgot about your blood stained hands. She smiled nervously, waving you both away.
"What was her problem?" You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest as you both walked back. "Blood," he answered, pointing at your hands. "Oh... well, sounds like a her problem," you said nonchalantly. It was quiet. Something you hadn't taken the time to appreciate before. Living in the city, there was always something making noise, it was never quiet. But now, looking at the desolate city of Tokyo, you sighed happily. It reminded you of the quiet up at your grandmother's house when you were little.
"Hello? Earth to (Y/N), Earth to (Y/N)," Niragi teased, waving his hand in front of your face.  You shook your head snapping out of your daydream. "Sorry... spaced out. What else do we need to do?"
On the way back, people were more talkative and cheerful. They had done a lot, running through the empty streets to find things. You were quite excited to return back, as Chishiya had mentioned talking again when you got back.
"(Y/N), piece of advice. Don't go to the parties at the Beach... everyone's to drunk to notice anything, and no one stops anyone from doing anything. So be careful," Kuina said. You two had been talking for a while besides the pool, watching others splash each other with water. You nodded, looking around. "It also seems you've caught the attention of Chishiya. He seems to think you're quite smart. That's near impossible, good job girl," she complimented. You laughed, shaking your head. "This is the first time in months I've been... truly happy, I guess you could say," you said, looking down at blue water in the pool. "What do you mean by that?" She questioned. "Well, back in our world, I thought my best friend was dead, so... I wasn't in the best mental state," you answered. "Ew, sorry, I just made this conversation about me. Ick, I hate it," you shuddered, shaking your hands. "Please tell me something about you Kuina?"
"They seem to get along well. She keeps him in line, she could be very useful," Ann observed after hearing what happened at the supply run. "She's also quite the wildcard, if you ask me. Dangerous, but calculated. Seems like she'd be a methodical killer in a show or something," Last Boss commented. This drew some attention, as he never spoke about others that often. It was often short answers, but it seemed you'd peaked his interest.  "Well, it's no use just talking about their skills. Put them to the test!" Hatter suggested, a bit too cheerfully for everyone in the room. "Haven't they proven themselves already? She's pretty high up for a newcomer, and Niragi has been here for a while, he's a high rank as well," Ann questioned, turning to face Hatter. "They've proven themselves as individuals. But if we have a pair that is on the same level physically and mentally, who seem to find fun in the games, that trust each other..." Hatter started, trailing off. Ann caught on to what he was saying. "It's an advantage for us in the end... in using their connection, it makes them stronger players?" Ann said, suggesting her thoughts. Hatter smiled widely, "Bingo! The easier the games are to clear, the faster we can all leave!" Of course, Ann was a bit uneasy at the idea. You had both proven yourselves to be useful, even in the short time you'd been there. Niragi, while annoying to deal with at times, did have amazing abilities with guns. He was able to complete games without hesitation to hurt others to get his goal, and that's what made him such an asset to the Beach. People feared him. The more you fear a person or punishment, you are more likely to not do what lead to dealing with that person or consequence. You were already building quite the reputation. Although coming into the Beach with Niragi, you would expect people to avoid you. People backed away from you even more now, seeing as you were a militant, and a dangerous one at that. You two were equally as intelligent and dangerous, the only difference being you thought things out before rushing in. He was more impulsive. A do now, think later kind of person. You, however, you thought first, thinking of outcomes, and followed through.  It would be interesting to see how you two worked together.
Wow that took a while to write for no reason at all.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Eighty-Three [Pt. 1]
Part Eighty-Three [Pt. 2]
A/N: There's 2 parts to this chapter because the post was way long. Part Eighty-Four will be posted tomorrow night. I love yall and hope you enjoy, goodnight!!
Words: 5.7k
Warnings: Explicit language, drug abuse, violence, verbal abuse, domestic abuse, explicit sexual situations
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
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"The ambulance is on the way." I hear someone say over the noise of the running water and the blood throbbing in my ears from my mind racing. 
My heart feels like it's about to burst, my lungs feel flat, like they don't have the muscle to expand and let me catch my breath. 
Duff's t-shirt that I'm wearing is soaked with freezing cold water, Nikki's grayish-yellow skin now blue… 
We've been trying to get him to wake up. 
Slash is passed out, being knocked out by his girlfriend, Sally, once he realized what was happening and had a drunk meltdown. 
Me, Sally, Duff and Steven get Nikki from the cold shower and get him back in the living room floor, tearing at his shirt and the buttons fly off. 
"Holy shit." Steven says just under his breath as I go to start cpr but I'm stopping when my hands hit something like ice.
I quickly see what it is and I nearly fall back. 
It's my crucifix that I thought I had lost when I left it in Duff's hotel room a couple months ago…
"Nikki's getting home later than the rest of the guys." Karen informs me as I finish wiping down the kitchen counter. 
"Why?" I ask and she sighs. 
"He told me he missed the flight." 
"Of course he did." I mumble and she sighs. 
"Well, after that stunt he pulled, I'm surprised he's even getting to come home." She states and I furrow my brows. 
"What stunt?"
"Doc didn't tell you?" 
"...Nikki and the guys were on a bullet train and something riled Nikki up and he threw a bottle of Jack at a window and it busted and got all over the passengers, then when they got stopped and the cops got ahold of him, Tommy punched one of them so they'd take him, too." She explains. 
Am I surprised, no. Shocked, no. Disappointed, no. Annoyed? Yes. 
"They are so freaking embarrassing." I sneer to myself.
"Oh, the worst part is what he told the police chief, in Doc's words, 'if my balls were on your chin, where would my dick be?'" 
I widen my eyes, blinking slowly. 
"He said the man couldn't understand exactly what he said so the translator told him Nikki said he was very sorry and they got off." She adds.
"Of course they did." 
She just looks at me for a moment before letting out a soft breath. 
"Vivian, do you think...even the slightest chance you two can--"
"--If there was a chance, I would've gone to Japan with them." I tell her.
She's quiet. 
"I need to feed the dog." I say to her, dismissively, and as if on cue, Whisky is darting in here. "Hey, baby!" I pipe, excitedly, still feeling Karen's gaze on me before she steps out of the kitchen. "Mommy's trying not to kill Daddy." I tell him, pouring his food in his bowl. "She's really trying."
A couple hours later, I'm putting makeup on to go meet Duff when the phone starts ringing. 
"Hello?" I answer it in the bedroom, sitting on the bed. 
"Hey, beautiful, it's Robbin." I hear from the other side and I roll my eyes, chuckling. 
"Hey, beautiful, what's up?" I reply in the same tone. 
"Nothin'." He replies. "I was wondering if your daddy was home, yet?" He asks in reference to Nikki and I scoff. 
"My father is at home with my mother, probably praying or reading the Bible or secretly listening to The Cult records in the garage." I reply. 
"You know who I'm talking about, c'mon." He laughs. 
"No, Robbin, your boyfriend isn't home yet." I tell him. 
"Do you know when he will be?"
"Not too long from now, probably."
"Well, when he gets in, tell him to gimme a call." 
"I might not be here but I'll leave a note." 
"Where you going?" He asks. 
"With who?" 
"Why don't you ever come see me anymore? I haven't hung out with you in months." 
"Because I don't party and that's all you like to do at night." 
"Well, bring your ass with Sixx when he comes tonight."
"--Please, for me?" 
"I'll think about it, alright?" 
"Okay, just don't forget to get him to call me." He reminds me and I nod.
"I will."
"See you later...maybe." 
We hang up and I groan and fall back on the bed, looking at myself in the mirrored ceiling, before calling Duff to postpone our plans by a couple hours so I can go hangout with Nikki and Robbin.
Once I'm dressed, I fall back on the bed, waiting for Nikki to get in…
I turn over on my stomach and reach for the little radio clock on his side of the bed, my finger pulling the switch on. 
Dopey Christmas music filters through the room and I turn it back off, sighing. 
Whisky jumps up on the bed with me and I sit up so he doesn't lick my makeup off, giggling at his happy-go-lucky demeanor, but something's off in his eyes. 
"He'll be back tonight, baby." I promise, scratching at his chin. "I miss him, too, you know? I know that's hard to believe but I do." I admit to him and he blinks at me. "And if you tell anybody, I won't give you table scraps anymore." I add, the corners of my mouth tugging. 
I kiss his head, leaving a smudge of lipstick and I wince, forgetting I even had the stuff on. 
"Oops." I go to the bathroom and get a wet washcloth, srubbing it off his fur as best as a I can. 
That's when I hear the door open and slam, and I exhale, standing up, tossing the cloth aside and peeking my head out of the bedroom door to see if it's Karen or Nikki. 
"Hey," I say to him and he looks at me. 
He looks like absolute hell. 
"You can stop looking at me like that." He mumbles and I try to speak but can't find the words. 
"Sorry." I finally get it out and he goes to the bathroom and shuts the door. 
I hear the shower start and I thank God because he smells horrendous. 
I light a few scented candles while he's in there, trying to clear out the smell. 
Then I try to search his suitcase for drugs, to no avail. 
"I threw them out before I got to the airport." He says and I freeze up, sighing when he reaches past me and grabs the suitcase, tugging it to the floor before grabbing at my waist, making me turn around to face him. 
I just try to keep my expression neutral, not knowing if he's in a mood or not. 
"You smell better." I tell him to avoid an awkward silence as we're uncomfortably close. 
"Yeah, so do you." He replies and I roll my eyes, about to move out of his grasp. "Wait, wait, no, no, c'mere." He grabs at me tighter, holding me still, chuckling boyishly and I give a sharp breath. 
"You're high," I state, trying to nudge him away from me to give me some space. 
"Hey, I'm being nice." His expression shifts, eyes cutting at me, mouth snarling. 
"--No, when I'm pissed you get bitchy and when I'm in a good mood you get bitchy. You're just a fucking bitch. Always have been. Always will be." He snatches himself away, kicking the suitcase out of his way. 
"I'd rather be a bitch than a junkie." I reply as he goes to the bathroom and he's turning around in milliseconds. 
"Fuck you!" He shouts, grabbing my jaw, forcing my back down to the mattress, "fuck you, you condescending, manipulative, evil little witch!" He barks in my face and I keep myself as calm as I can, not wanting to make it worse. 
I shouldn't have even called him a junkie to begin with. 
I knew how he'd react. 
"Don't you ever call me that again, Vivian, do you fucking understand me?! I'm tired of it! I'm tired of your shit and your endless whining when I started shooting up because of you in the first fucking place and I keep shooting up just to escape from the reality that I'm fucking married to a twisted, sick, sneaky cunt like you!" 
My eyes water, a lump in my throat…
"Then divorce me." I let out weakly, my voice cracking. "If I'm so awful then just leave me, Nikki." 
He looks at me, tears in his own eyes, before he gets off of me and goes to the bathroom to finish getting ready. 
I thought couldn't do that. Even when I was miserable with her, I was in love with her. That's contradictory to how I acted and treated her but it wasn't necessarily an endless doting, constant lovey-dovey, in love, thing. It was a poisonous, constant merry-go-round and anytime I would try to get off she'd pull me on again without even realizing it. She'd wear a hot dress, or laugh, or smile, or do something for me, or just say 'Nikki', and fuck, I'd be on her again. The Duff thing wasn't even on my mind that night. I got home, saw she was there, went inside and saw her and it took everything in me not to fall to my fucking knees...only for her to call me a junkie. I shouldn't have grabbed her like that, but at that point I was tired of the going around and around, spinning, dizzy, exhausted from puking...she wouldn't leave me. So I was trying to scare her off. 
I realized after my overdose that there was no scaring her off. She was as sick as I was, she needed help like I did, and until we got it we would still be on the ride. That's when I filed for divorce. I thought of it as my final, "I love you," because I really did it for her, knowing she wouldn't file after I OD'd. We were torturing ourselves at that point. We both needed to just get away from one another. And we did.
"You coming or not, Vivian, c'mon!" I call into the house when the car gets here, rolling my eyes as she takes her sweet, precious time, deliberately, staring me in the eye as she slowly steps to the door, her brow raised, red lips keeping restraint from curling at the sight of me. 
When she walks past, I'm tempted to rear back and hit her ass as hard as my hand can muster, just to see her look at me with her unamused, pissy little look she gives me when I'm being an asshole. 
We get in the back of the limo and she sits as far away from me as possible. 
It's silent on the way to town, the light flittering, through the windows in the back cast light over her face every now and then...we'd be in the floor tearing at clothes by now if this was three years ago. 
How the hell did we go from not getting enough of each other to fucking despising each other? 
Again, like I've been doing all year, I remind myself it's because I fucked up with Vanity.
I hope she doesn't tell Vivian I called her in Japan...It's  like I really miss her or anything, I was just lonely and Vivian wasn't taking my calls. 
She was under Duff, the demon in my ear laughs out and I look at Vivian again, seeing her quickly look away from me as if she'd get caught for staring. 
I wonder what she's thinking about right now...I wonder if she really has been with Duff this whole I haven't been home. 
Not that I have room to bitch, I spent my whole time in Japan with my head in drugs--which might as well be a fucking mistress. 
I give her one last glance before clearing my throat and leaning my head back to rest my eyes for a moment. 
Soon, we stop, and the door flings open, Robbin, Slash, some chick, and Steven all pile in, Vivian scooting over so there's more room for everyone to sit. 
I go to the other window, letting Slash and the girl I'm assuming is with him get beside me. 
Vivian's between Robbin and Steven, and it's evident they've been having some fun before meeting us. 
"Sixx!" Robbin lets out, kicking the seat I'm in.
"King!" I reply, kicking his seat, and he chuckles. 
"How was Japan?" He asks, rubbing his nose. 
"I barely remember." I admit with a laugh and he joins me, nodding. 
"Nikki, this is Sally." Slash tells me next and I lean over him to see her. 
She's pretty hot. 
"Nice to meet you." She tells me.
She's Scottish...interesting. 
I hear Vivian giggle and I peek out the corner of my eye and see Robbin whispering something in her ear, and she elbows him, jokingly. 
"You are, just saying." He says to her and she rolls her eyes. "Just get more and more beautiful the longer I go without seeing you." He adds. 
"Shut up." She nudges him. 
"You are." He chuckles. 
"Sleepy is what I am." She states as Steven tells me something, and I try to hear him, but I'm too focused on what Robbin's going on about. 
"Here," he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a baggie of coke, grabbing his keys and getting some on the tip of it, holding it up to her nose. 
She wrinkles her nose and shoos him away. 
"No, no, no." She shakes her head. 
"No." She keeps her voice light but stern and he lowers it and looks at her with a smirk on his lips. 
Next thing I know, she's laughing out, "Robbin, stop," while King's dumping the dab of coke on the smooth skin of her tit that's pushed up slightly in her strapless dress. 
She squeals and laughs as he snorts it off, I guess because the scratch of his five o'clock shadow tickles or she just gets off on making me mad, then he starts quickly trailing little kisses up her cheek to her ear and she tries to put her ear to her shoulder, laughing more when his other hand tickles at her stomach…he's nearly got her laid out on the seat. 
My foot makes contact with his stomach and I'm nearly barking when I say, "sit your ass down, Robbin," sharply, making it clear I'm not bullshitting him.
"I was just playing, Sixx, damn." He sniffles, wiping his nose.  
"You don't 'play' like that." I throw at him. 
An intense silence falls over all of us and Vivian just brushes what's left of the coke off of her chest and straightens her dress before giving him a soft, reassuring smile. 
Great. Is she fucking him, too? 
When we get to the Cathouse, Vivian stays close to Steven and eventually Sally when the two of them warm up to each other. 
We make it up to V.I.P. and Viv makes a point to try to avoid sitting beside me. 
But I wait for her to sit and I'm sitting right beside her with a smug smirk while she glares at me. 
"What's wrong, baby?" I lean into her ear and ask over the loud music and she just shakes her head. 
I pat myself on the back when she eventually gets up, mumbling about the bathroom, and leaves us. 
After a few (several) lines of blow, I head to the bathroom to piss, deciding to stop by the women's restroom to see what the hell Vivian's doing. 
She probably snuck out of the window. 
I hear the very faint but distinct sound of Vivian crying, guilt stabbing at me. 
I think I took it too far earlier when I called her those shitty things. 
I just go to the men's bathroom and splash my face with water, the buzzing of coke beginning to numb my mind, thoughts of my imploding marriage, band, and life, being locked up and discarded into a black sea of, "it can wait." 
One thing is retrieved, though, thrown a life line and brought back from the depths. 
I look at myself in the mirror, staring myself down as if saying, "don't you fucking do it." 
Once the high kicks in, I can just feel Sikki scrape me from control, locking me away momentarily. 
Next thing I know, I'm standing in the women's bathroom, Vivian still sniffling in the stall...I don't think she knows I'm in here. 
"I got you this far, you fuck." The demon snarls in my ear.
I swallow and clear my throat, making Vivian go silent. 
"Viv, what the fuck's wrong, now?" I ask and she sighs, staying quiet. 
"Nothing, Nikki." She says and I scoff, rubbing my jaw. 
"It's clearly not 'nothing' because I heard you blubbering the past ten minutes." I point out and she opens the stall, door, looking me dead in the eye before pushing past me. 
"A lot on my mind, alright?" She mumbles, going to the sink and I lean against the stall, crossing my arms. 
"Like what?" 
"I don't wanna talk about it, Nikki." She tells me, trying to wipe the smeared mascara away. 
"Well, I can't read your mind, Vivian, so if you're upset with me about something th--"
Her head hangs low, a small sob coming from her throat, tears dropping into the sink, her hands white-knuckling the side of the porcelain…
"I'm upset with you about everything." She admits to me, sorrow lacing her words. 
I haven't seen her like this since Vanity aired our dirty laundry out. 
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you act like--" she cuts herself off, and I realize she's referring to me telling her I loved her while I was in Japan. 
"Where were you, Vivian?" I ask her out of nowhere, getting defensive. 
"Where was I?" She turns to look at me, wiping her tears, rolling her jaw. "Where were you?" She snaps at me. "Where have you been the last four years?" She asks me. 
"I'm not doing this shit here." I grumble, turning to go. 
"You asked me what was wrong, Nikki, and I'm telling you what's wrong because you asked--"
"--I also asked where you've been while I've been out of town, Vivian!" I turn on my heel, snarling. 
"I've been at home, Nikki!" She yells back. "I've been here, and I've been here for six years! Thinking you'd be right here with me but you're not! That's what's wrong! I've wasted six years of my life on someone who--" 
"--You wasted six years of your life?!" I laugh out humorlessly. "How the fuck do you think I feel? How many things I've missed out on because, 'oh, nah, my wife wouldn't like that'?!" I scream. 
"Must not have been too bad because you sure as hell weren't passing up the opportunity to have a year and half long affair with Vanity!" She wretches and it takes everything in me not to tell her I know about her little thing she has going with Duff. 
"Ya know what, I felt bad for calling you an evil bitch and a cunt earlier but fuck it, you are." I reach for the door and I feel something hit at my back, her heel hitting the floor by my boots. 
I turn at glare at her, her emerald eyes lined black, thick lashes blinking slowly, lips parted slightly as she takes in a heavy breath.
I take a step to her, then another and she steps back to the sink. 
When our lips meet, I'm putting her on the sink, wasting no time to get her dress pushed up her legs. 
"Wait, wait, wait," she gasps out, nudging me away while I unbuckle my belt. 
I catch my breath as she gets off the sink and turns around, looking at me in the mirror. 
I just lift her dress and bend her over, pulling her panties to the side before--
"God, you are so high." She grumbles, pulling me from my imagination, picking her heel up and shoving past me.
Damn her. 
I follow after her back to the guys, and within another hour, once she realizes she's just going to be babysitting us--since she's not fun enough to participate in the coke, pills, and booze--she stands up.
"I'm about to head home." She tells us, and the boys groan. 
"Oh, c'mon, Viv!" Steven complains as she leans down to hug him and tell him bye. 
"I'm tired, Stevie." She states, chuckling, wrapping her arms around Slash's neck from behind him, and he pats her hand. 
"See ya," he tells her. 
"Bye." She says. "It was nice to meet you." She says to Sally, next. 
"You, too." Sally replies. 
"C'mere, c'mere, c'mere!" Robbin calls over the music and she raises a brow and stand behind him, leaning over to see what he wants. 
He just grabs her hand and puts it over his heart. 
"You feel that?" He asks her. 
"Yeah, it feels like you're about to go into cardiac arrest." She comments. 
"It's because of you." He dopily replies and she rolls her eyes and pushes at his chest, shaking her head. 
"You're a mess." She tells him and he kisses the top of her hand. 
"Goodnight, Viv, it was good to see you again." He tells her. 
"It was good to see you, too." She replies, smiling, before pulling away. "Bye, Nikki." She says to me in passing. 
"Fuck you, too!" I call after her as she heads to the stairs. 
The next time I'd see her, she'd be trying to help Sally, Duff, and Steven resuscitate me, and eventually trying to throw herself from the balcony in an attempt to not be left behind while I moved on to where ever the hell we go when we die, begging me not to leave her. I didn't, thanks to adrenaline...but even if I did die, if I had anything to do with it, I still wouldn't have left her.
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blushing-starker · 4 years
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Listen. I know it's been done before. But @starkermoodboards and I were sighing dreamily at starker when I had a miniature epiphany. A lot of content revolves around Peter being mafia boss Tony's lover and not taking part in the illegal business, and I am here for it. It's an amazing concept that I appreciate wholeheartedly. I just decided to shift the dynamic and see how it played out.
The man who runs the sandwich shop can't pay up because his daughter had a rollerblading accident? No problem, Peter will leave her flowers, fill the hospital room with teddy bears and extend the due date. You missed the meeting because pay day came in from the day job and you blew it on beer and cocaine? The kid, usually seen smiling and laughing with nearly everyone, doesn't appear all that threatening. Barnes does. But then this beanpole from Queens decks you so hard two teeth go flying. Consider the due date changed. There are now twelve hours on the clock before Peter comes by to collect. Hiding makes it worse. Tony's enforcers, particularly Peter, Clint, Wade and Pietro, love when people run for cover. It helps keep them in shape and breaks the routine.
But then a new boss rolls into town, a so called Killian (Iron Man 3, I can't remember the name) that tries to steal Pepper and his customers. None leave Tony, of course. Those with small businesses, the little guys, appreciate how compassionate Iron Man is. Even the people that often see Peter's knuckles up close don't turn on him; the prices are  extremely fair and the Starks' always go through with the deals. So this peacock decides to challenge Tony for the throne. It's a political suicide, a new comer daring to impose upon such an honorable house. Not only that, Tony's been in Queens for decades and he's never once betrayed those that were loyal to him. The man had helped the city become a thriving community, often offering assistance to the people while the government's hands were tied. To challenge Tony was to challenge the principles of the entire system. Thing is, it was technically allowed.
The laws state that any person who believes they have fair reason to challenge another member may do so only if the ensuing fight is overseen by the council. There is no room for competitors to initiate wars based on faux insults. Tony couldn't take out Killian's safe house as retaliation for the challenge. Killian was unable to bomb the Stark headquarters to establish dominance. It was the mafia, not an anarchic society. There was order to these types of things.
Peter arrives early with the team, sweeping the area and making sure the ring hides no lethal secrets. He's been to plenty of these fights, but Tony hasn't been challenged in nearly two decades and the man almost never has to fight someone when there are bodyguards to be found everywhere. Nonetheless, the older enforcers can easily recall the last time Anthony Stark was in the ring and they assure the young man Killian will be out like a light after the boss steps in. They wait, silent and solemn, eyeing the competition for any threats or tricks. The men on the other side are from neighboring cities, names hazy but reputations sparkling. There will be no illusions today. Except from the jester with slicked back hair and a haughty attitude.
The insults rain down and they don't flinch. This behavior is inappropriate, for there is honor among thieves and devils. If one is to seriously fight, one keeps quiet and stays with their own. Most fights that occur between opposing families are mere squabbles, friendly rivalries that keep the atmosphere thrumming during boring weekends or holidays. Barnes has a hobby of coaching Steve in the ring after work and Natasha tends to employ her knife throwing skills against Clint's bow and arrow. They would fight members of the same family for fun, for fuck's sake. But no matter the cause or how drunk people were, insults were looked down upon.
It starts with their abilities as enforcers. Peter stares straight ahead at the wall, they all do. The Stark members were considered some of the fiercest fighters by the community, matched only by the legendary Black Panthers. The little boy criticising their skills does not know how in the wrong he is. But he's a quick learner. The tone shifts slowly, and shift it does. Ten minutes before Tony arrives, his rival begins claiming how incompetent and worthless he is. That makes every person grind their teeth simultaneously.
Whether or not you were a member of the Starks did not matter. It was clear Iron Man was an efficient leader ready to help the entire city evolve into something better. So when Killian leans towards Peter, boasting how he'd do a much better job of ruling, him, a nobody that can't even follow the protocols, the kid very nearly rips him a new one. But that is not allowed and a Stark enforcer does not break a law unless absolutely necessary. He would not bring dishonor upon his job, his fellow coworkers, his family; he would not tarnish the Stark name, let alone allow this weakling to get the better of him. Peter loves Tony and he'd let Bucky put a bullet in him if he ever harmed his boyfriend in any way. Not only had Tony saved his life, he'd shown Peter a better reality that let him thrive. He'd shown the young man how to love himself. Taught him he could be loved by another without anguish souring the relationship.
He was Tony Stark's right hand man, one of the best bodyguards in the mafia. Not just a powerful enforcer either. Peter was more than a Stark; he was the goddamn Spider and that meant something here. Before Stark dropped into his life like a fallen angel, Peter Parker ruled the ring. They considered Ben Parker's nephew a legend years ago, a warrior that could go head to head with the best without dying. Fighting against people like Black Widow and the Winter Soldier had earned him his reputation. Every knocked out tooth, jagged scar and black eye made it clear to all: he was a menace unwilling to break for anyone. Becoming Tony's lover and enforcer only resulted in more respect, but the community hadn't viewed Peter as strong for the first time when he exchanged kisses with the Iron Man. They realized the kid was strong the second he looked Bucky in the eye and grinned at the challenge.
(Peter guessed that's why they get along so great. Buck was a puppy. A lethal one that could rip your arm out, but still a puppy to him. The older of the two appreciated being seen as more than just a good fighter.)
Peter vows not to break. And then Killian is claiming he could breed Tony's bitch, show Peter how a real man fucks. The man gets so close he tastes the spit that comes flying two seconds later.
"Tony Stark is unworthy of his seat. And he sure as hell doesn't deserve such a pretty little thing like you."
It's sneered at him, Killian smirking at him wildly. The whole place changes, white tiles morphing into shades of red and Peter wants.
Barnes snarls at Tony's rival with eyes gone dark, Natasha lets out a hiss reminding him of rattlesnakes and the two russian speakers pounce at the same time. If Clint and Steve weren't so attuned to their family and strong as hell, Killian would be sliced ribbons decorating the floor. All in all, a fairly restrained reaction. Peter's proud of Nat and Bucky for not killing the man on the spot. Makes a mental note to get them new punching bags and cover Clint and Steve's shifts should they need the extra hours.
Killian doesn't move from his spot when the room becomes alive with furious shouts of indignation and Peter has to admit it's impressive. But this is a child, and children respond best to the monsters hiding in the closet, not the ones standing in the light. So Peter thinks about the audacity this creature has, insulting his lover, criticising decades of hard work and dedication, diminishing their relationship and in the process implying that his fellow enforcers were just pieces of meat to satisfy lust, inadequate at their jobs. For to attempt to dishonor or belittle one enforcer meant questioning everyone's competency. Not only that, this scum thought Peter was nothing but a whore. He hadn't fought enhanced assassins just so an arrogant dick would take one look at him and dismiss him as a threat.
Peter doesn't raise a hand or growl or yell or shoot him. He could, the council would see it as fair. After all, Killian had insulted all aspects of Peter's life. Doing any of that wouldn't lead to Killian being beaten, though. And Peter wants him to submit. So Peter smiles and the Spider comes out to play.
By the time Tony arrives, his baby has two buttons undone and a single strand of hair out of place from where he stands in the ring. He knows an enraged Peter when he sees it.
The crowd parts for him, bowing slightly and falling quiet. Only the bosses held in high esteem get such a treatment and it's been years since the community behaved in such a way towards him. The Stark heir was arrogant, but he'd always preferred that the people's respect be shown in a different way, one more subtle.
The bowing reminded him too much of his father's reign, the silence that would engulf him as a child and choke the air out of his lungs with the pressure of Howard Stark's legacy. No matter where they went, the roar of nothing followed. Besides, he was always trying to remind the community that they were all equals. Tony was only in his position because of the people that chose him, the people with the actual power.
So for them to actually bow as low as possible and simply cease conversing, knowing how much Tony abhors the sight, it tells him just how deeply Killian fucked up.
By the hate found in Barnes' face and Nat's curled fist, his rival must have hit a little too close to home. But the man was still alive, leaning against a marble column. Which meant Peter, his genius lover, had somehow initiated a course of action that would lead to satisfaction for all those here. The mafia was made up of untamed creatures. For a hundred people to agree not to rip an intruder's throat when the man had so obviously comitted a heinous act, Peter must have pulled out the big guns.
He settles next to Steve, but all his enforcers surround him anyway. In fact, every person in their side of the room shifts closer. It warms his heart. He'll let them break Killian when this is done, show his appreciation for their care and protection.
Well. If Peter actually leaves something to break.
A body slides out of the ring, ends up at his feet. It's a man the size of Thor, someone living two cities over. The tattoos on his right hand are what clue Tony in. Peter's played fair. The guy will need all his teeth replaced and that scar will definitely make a lovely crisscross pattern on his face. Bruce and Strange are already there, dragging him to a corner filled with more groaning bodies and hard working nurses disinfecting wounds. Each man will showcase those scars proudly. They went against the Spider and lived to tell the tale with proof right on their bodies.
He counts ten. Turns to find Peter staring at him, expressionless face morphing into the one he's most familiar again. A grin confirms his suspicion; his darling isn't even sporting a bloody lip. The grin he gives in return appears instinctively, pride overflowing and resulting in Tony Stark beaming at the Spider. It's both unsettling and a relief. The community was used to a happy Peter so the interaction helped remind them who the Spider was. That familiar sense of comfort vanished because Jesus, Tony Stark was beaming.
"Feeling merciful, sweetheart? Giving them a minute is twenty times longer than usual." His tone is light, not wanting to imply Peter has gotten slow or rusty. Sure, it's been a while since his boyfriend was in the ring, but you don't offend the Spider when he's already in a bad mood.
Steve and Bucky tense up, eyeing Peter in case they need to fight him out of the ring. If he gets even more pissed, Killian's men don't stand a chance. Tony could stomach murder. Peter couldn't. The enhanced soldiers prefer the possibility of bruised ribs to Peter with a heavy conscience.
His boyfriend doesn't twitch and Tony thanks whatever entity exists for giving Peter some self control.
"Figured it'd be best I don't get the suit too dirty. May is always complaining about getting the blood stains out. It hurts her hands so I'm trying to help out. If I take the jacket off, the shirt will stain faster."
God, Peter could really pull at his heartstrings without meaning to. He falls in love with him a little more.
The eleventh man tries to catch Peter and tackle him to the ground. The kid just slides to the right, drops down, sweeps the guy off his feet and knocks him out with two punches. It's the loveliest thing Tony's fucking seen and he's thankful Jarvis is taking pictures. He settles the sunglasses onto his lapel, happy to let the A.I immortalize this moment from that vantage point.
"I'm gonna guess what's going on and you'll stop me if I'm wrong, right?" Peter nods and Tony is ridiculously happy for the chance to do this in front of Killian.
He glances at Nat, sizes up Barnes, reads Peter's posture and Steve's facial cues and just knows.
His father used to hate when his only child pointed at things before analysing them. Found it too mundane, or some shit like that. Tony makes sure to point at Killian with both index fingers.
"You were disrespectful to my people. That's common with you. They shouldn't take anyone's insults, but they can and they did. The council probably thinks they were exemplary, hell, Fury probably thinks they were the textbook definition of good. But you kept pushing. Just poking at their buttons. Because it's Peter in the ring, you're little stunt turned personal. You insulted him, his family, me. If it had been one of the others members, Peter would have cut you a nice scar. But tradition is tradition. Even if he could have challenged you, which he could have, Peter would have stepped aside in that case. The recipient of the insult should have a role in the fight. You pissed him off before I got here. Thought he was weak. The last person to be that naive learned how ridiculous that assumption was when Peter beat their ass."
Peter had knocked Tony flat on his back when he'd made a comment about frail sheltered boys not knowing how to fight. He hadn't seen the kid fight before that; hadn't processed the fact that soft looking Peter Parker was the menacing Spider. That was two years ago. Not a single soul has thought Peter weak since then. Until now.
"The law states your men can take your place against your rival. Which is honorable if you're at a disadvantage. Broken bones, flu, life handing you shit right before the day of the fight. It isn't really put in practice, though, because the council knows how hard it is for everyone to synchronize their schedules for a second round if there are problems. They plan weeks ahead of time to ensure participants are in perfect condition. You seem to be just fine. Putting your men in danger by having them take your place against Peter just for the hell of it, just so you survive, sounds like what an idiot boss would do. If you had courage, you'd fight Peter. You'd fight me, but I doubt you're man enough."
The taunting does its work. Tony knows Peter can just knock him out before Killian even gets close. He could switch with his lover, but Peter needed to establish his reputation once again, make it impossible for any to doubt his abilities. By saying Killian is a coward, the Stark heir challenges his claim of being good enough for the throne. No mafia member would accept his reign if they knew Killian lacked bravery. Well. They already knew this, it just needed to be finalized so the council could have it all in record.
The man has just witnessed what happened when Peter wished for destruction and justice. He could get in the ring, be knocked out and none would laugh. The community would talk about it, but they never mocked the loser. Killian would be seen as an incompetent asshole that at least had courage. If he refused…
Every Stark enforcer/member grinned when the peacock snarled and entered the ring. Until a butterfly knife gleamed and slashed through wool, cotton and flesh.
It feels odd, being stabbed. You'd think the cold blade would send goosebumps everywhere, but Peter doesn't register the cold. Would he be cold if the blade was bigger? Or if Killian hadn't been holding the knife for an hour? He knows his reaction is ridiculous. Who the fuck was wondering about the temperature when they had a knife piercing their abdomen?
Although, it could be the shock. Yeah, he remembers Bruce's lessons on the effects of stabbing. Natasha had also reminded him of the shock, so at least that's a normal symptom. What isn't normal are his other ... responses to being stabbed.
"Are you gonna need this back?" is asked sweetly, nearly sickly so. The Spider has a thing for contrasting aesthetics . Being a little shit while a knife is rearranging his intestines does not sound common, but Peter takes pleasure in behaving oddly.
Killian gapes at him, mouth wide and eyes wider. He shakes his head, careful not to jostle Peter too much. Not like it matters much. There's a metal arm dragging him to safety, sliding over the ring's edge and onto a stretcher. Bucky is being as gentle as possible, he knows. It still feels horrible to move and have the knife shift in time with his breathing. Nat is there to rip open the suit, nails clearing the area around the intrusion and Doctor Strange appearing with antiseptic and everything Peter needs. He loves the Doctor.
And yes, definitely in shock. As he's being wheeled away to the med corner, there's a roar similar to that of a lion and Peter catches sight of Tony leaping at Killian. His clothes, jacket, vest, shirt and wife beater lay in a heap by Steve. Tony's expensive shoes are guarded by Sam. The shoemaker was a nice woman. She bought him a churro once. After that, his boyfriend would always buy his shoes at her store. Peter appreciated Tony helping out the little people. It was nice being what society thought was a bad guy while not actually being a bad guy. Like capitalist loving jerks like Brad. The room's spinning a bit and oh look, sparkly lights.
Afterwards, Jarvis shows him pictures of Killian, explains how the man landed in prison five days after the fight. The council had convened with their counterparts from five different cities. All had tales of Killian's horrible behavior. It wasn't hard to call in a few favors and dump him in jail. It was a bit hard to recognize him, though. Tony had gone berserk and no self respecting person was going into the ring to drag him off his rival.
Killian played dirty, so his boyfriend had first claim to fight while Peter was being treated. Steve and Bucky only hauled him away when five minutes had passed, not wanting their boss to have more blood on his hands.
Peter himself only remembers the dull sting of a needle meant to calm him, Nat's gentle cooing and Sam wiping away the sweat near a disheveled curl. Bruce and Strange had murmured assurances during all of it, careful to work on Peter away from Tony's eyes. If Iron Man thought he'd lose his lover, Killian would've been dead in two minutes.
He'd woken up a few hours later, Tony sitting by his side and sobbing. His boyfriend was sniffling as he wrapped Peter's hand in bandages. Apart from the new scar on his stomach, only his knuckles were slightly bruised. Even so, the mafia's most efficient leader was tenderly applying antibiotic cream to the tiny nicks, letting enough space between bandage and skin for the area to breathe. Tony had never once been violent with him, but Peter thinks this is the first time he's seen his boyfriend be so gentle.
The angle was odd and uncomfortable with him being unable to bend much at the waist. That didn't stop the legendary Spider from kissing Iron Man softly, barely there whispers filling the centimetres between them.
"I love you, Tony. And I'd do it all over again for you. I love you, I love you, I love you 3000.
Alright, here we go! My mind associated Killian's body with Yinsen's name and I've no idea why, but here's the correct version.
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
The Outsider (Nikki Sixx x Reader)
Chapter 1
It's your first night on the streets of LA. You have just arrived and you have nowhere to sleep. You meet Nikki at a bar and he offers to let you stay with him. You are the outsider.
Language, fluff, teensy bit of abuse
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You rub your sweaty hands on your pants. Your bag is hanging off of your shoulder. You tried to pack the bare minimum. Here lately you've had the habit of wearing the same two pairs of jeans, same three shirts, and the same pair of shoes every day. You think back to when you left your house.
It was deadly quiet. You almost hoped that one of your siblings would walk out of their rooms and convince you to stay. Or your parents to apologize for being twats. That didn't happen, though. You walked right out the front door, out into the humid night. Maybe you wanted them to care.
You hopped on the next train out of your shit hole hometown to LA. You thought it would be a brilliant idea. You've always wanted to go to The City Of Angels, and you could probably make some great memories. You could be accepted for the rock n roll chick you are.
However, once you arrived, you realized that there was just one teensy, tiny problem.
You have nowhere to stay.
"Fuck," You mumble to yourself, taking your last pack of cigarettes out of your pocket. You quickly light it. You take a drag, watching the smoke drift up into the night air.
You're seventeen years old, alone on the sunset strip.
What the hell have you gotten yourself into?
You walk down the side walk. The sound of bands playing inside the bars drift out to meet your ears. This is definitely where you belong. Just with other people. You have.to admit, you feel pretty vulnerable out here alone. And you're sure you look lost as hell.
You sigh to yourself. You finally decide to go into a bar called the Rainbow. What could be the harm with going in? It's not like you'll drink anything. In all honesty, you just wanted to get off of the street.
You walk into the bar. The inside looks a hell of a lot better than the outside. From the outside it looks run down. But, the Rainbow is notorious for rock bands to hang out here in their early days.
You glance around, seeing all the young people who are out to have a good night. You smile to yourself. You hope that one day you can be like them.
Right now, you need to focus on a place to sleep. Maybe one of the workers will let you sleep here for the night?
You scan over the waitresses and bartenders. They all look like hard asses. That's a no go. You don't want to bother the people having fun, so you decide to just go sit at the bar.
You place yourself down at the bar. You lace your hands together, keeping your eyes glued to the bar.
"What can I get you?" One of the bartenders asks. He's very tall with long black hair. His name tag reads Sebastian.
You almost order yourself a water, but you can't afford to spend what little money you have.
"Nothing. Thank you, though."
He smirks at you. "You're new here, aren't you?"
You laugh, tucking stray hairs behind your ear. "Is it that obvious?"
Sebastian nods, grinning at you. "Tell you what, I'll get you some water, on the house."
You breathe out, smiling as kindly as you can at him. "Thank you so much."
"It's no problem," He responds. "Just don't tell my boss."
And with that, he walked away. You sigh. At least you know one kind person around here.
"What's a pretty lady like you doing here by yourself?" A man slurs from behind you.
You ignore him. He's drunk. You feel your heartbeat pick up. You know you're scared, and for a good reason too. You have no way of knowing what this guy will do.
"Hey, you bitch!" The guy yells, turning you around on your stool. He backhands you, knocking you off the stool. "Don't fucking ignore me, you slut."
"I-I'm sorry!" You cry, holding your cheek.
He pulls his foot back to kick you in the ribs, but someone pulls him backwards.
"Get the fuck away from her, man! You know full well I'll beat the shit out of you!" A man with long, black hair shouts at your attacker.
This man is absolutely gorgeous.
The man runs out of the Rainbow, leaving you with the mystery man. He looks down at you, extending his hand.
You take it gratefully, letting him help haul you off of the floor. He grins at you as you finally get settled on your feet. He keeps his hands on your arms. You aren't bothered by his touch. In fact, you're comforted by it.
"You alright, there?" He asks.
You nod, still in shock at what just happened.
He frowns, inspecting your cheek. "The guy was wearing rings. He cut your cheek. Would you mind coming back to my place so that I can clean you up?"
You can tell when someone is lying. You know for a fact this man is not lying to you. He is perfectly genuine.
You nod, picking up your bag from the floor. You let him lead you out of the bar. You guys walk down the deserted strip, taking pleasure in each other's company.
"I'm Frank-I mean, Nikki."
You look up at him, confused. Did he just forget his name?
He laughs, scratching the back of his neck. "I just got my name changed yesterday. It used to be Frank Carlton Serafino Feranna Jr."
You laugh. "That's one hell of a name."
He looks at you like you just grew two heads. "I really thought you were mute for a minute."
You shake your head. "I was just in shock. That long ass name must've knocked me out of it."
He laughs. "It's Nikki Sixx, now."
"That fits you much better than Frank," You say, looking down at your feet. "I'm (Y/N)."
"That's a really pretty name," He says. "I promise I'm not flirting."
You bite down on your lip. "I wouldn't mind if you were." His eyes widen as you continue to walk down the side walk. "So where do you live, Nik?"
He points at the apartment building in front of us. "Right here."
He leads you up the stairs, and pushes open the apartment door.
"You didn't lock the door?" You ask, shock heavy in your voice.
"I lost my keys," He responds, shrugging. "There's nothing to steal in here anyways."
You nod, looking around at the small apartment.
Nikki grabs your wrist, wordlessly pulling you to what you can guess is the bathroom. You were correct. He takes you into the bathroom, his focus still on your cut up cheek.
He points at the counter. You take that as a "sit on the counter." So, you hop up onto the counter, waiting for Nikki to finish up whatever it is he's doing. He grabs a rag from the cabinet. He wets it and starts dabbing your cheek. You hiss in pain as the rag touches your skin.
"I'm sorry," He mumbles, his entire focus on your cheek.
You blush as you realize how close you two are. You know you just met, but there's something about him. You really like his personality, and his looks are just amazing. But, there's no way he could like you back. He probably doesn't even think of you as a friend. Just some random girl he saved from an abusive piece of shit.
"You new to town?" Nikki asks when he finishes.
You nod your head. "I just got into town about two hours ago."
"You have anywhere to stay?" He asks, resting his hands on either side of your thighs.
You shake your head. "I didn't exactly plan out my escape," You laugh.
"Escape?" Nikki asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
You nod, looking down at your jean clad thighs. "I ran away from home."
"You're not eighteen?" Nikki questions, surprised.
"I turn eighteen next month. I've already graduated high school, so."
He's quiet for a moment, taking in your information. Then, a smile grows on Nikki's lips.
"Well, you can stay here if you want," He says, shrugging.
"I don't want to bother you," You say.
"You won't be a bother. I'm lonely here, anyways. Believe it or not, I don't have any friends."
You smirk. You aren't surprised. After how he acted towards the guy in the bar, he probably has a reputation. The guy seemed to recognize Nikki, even if Nikki has no clue who the guy is.
"Neither do I," You say, grinning.
"So, will you stay?" He asks. You open your mouth to protest, but he cuts you off. "You can pay for half the rent if that'll make you feel better."
You nod. You have nowhere else to go, and it won't be like you're bumming off of him if you're helping pay the rent.
"Alright, I'll move in."
Tags: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Batter up!
In light of Opening day, and riding on the high of my teams win! I decided to do a litttle one shot. I used the Prompt sent from @annekebbphotography for Leo x Alicia "What if we get caught?" "Even better."
This is from the CGW(cordonians gone wild) AU. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. Read our other adventures HERE.
Pairings: cgw couples (Squad)
Warnings: Mature. Language and Sexual situations.
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“I can't believe you guys are really not going to sit in the suite with us.” Anitah sighed as they pulled up to the private entrance of the ball field. “ah no way. Its opening day, we got killer seats and we're playing the Braves. I wanna be down in the crowd for that. ” Alicia beamed, practically jumping out of her seat. “You're lucky we're even here Rhys. If it wasn't your turn to choose I wouldn't be caught dead here.” Genevieve rolled her eyes. Anitah and Pam both agreeing with her.
“Well, I say a day of drinking, eating delicious food and hot baseball butts is a win in my book.” Stef spoke up. “hell yeah!” Alicia slapped her five. “Well, I think it will be fun.” Liam grinned as he kissed Anitah on the cheek. “Free whiskey is what im here for. I'd rather be on the lake fishing.” Drake groaned. “Do they really have a donut burger here?” Leo asked “Yeah, new this year.” Alicia squeezed his leg. “That sounds disgusting.” Pam gagged. “Speak for yourself Pammy. Were so trying that right Maverick?” leo nodded in agreement. “Looks like this is our stop.”Rashad motioned to the window.
The climbed out of the limousine, Liam, Anitah. Drake,Pam, Genevieve and rashad all heading towards the elevator to reach the suite.  Leo, Alicia, Stef and Max made their way towards the back stairwell to their seats. Before the elevator door closed Anitah shouted “Enjoy the beating your teams gonna get.” she winked.  
“Don't get beat up in that Yankees jersey, Queenie.” Alicia smirked.
The four climbed the stairs before finding their seats. Front row, 1st base right behind the dugout. “Baby these are great seats.” Leo smirked as he sat down. “yeah Tigerlily. We can practically touch the players.” Maxwell danced in his seat. “Pretty sure touching is a no no, but, just watch out for a giant green belly in your face.”
“A what?” Stephanie whipped her head around “I don't know much about baseball, but i'm pretty sure giant green bellies are not apart of it.”
Alicia laughed. “I'm talking about the Phanatic. Giant sized Green, ah, mascot. Hes wild, he's crazy, hes spunky. He's just A Lot of fun.”
“So he's basically Maxwell in Alien form?”
Stef could practically feel the giant sized grin forming on her husbands face, behind her back. “No. We can not take him home.”
“But red, hear me out.”
Meanwhile up in the suite. A killer buffet of laid out before them seafoods, chicken, steak, sides and desserts.  As far as a fully stocked bar, all inclusive with their suite. The view of the park below them. Drake, Liam and Rashad sat against the window watching the game below them. Genevieve,  Anitah and Pam all refusing to watch, sipped on their cocktails chatting about anything but the game. “Oh look, what's that green thing down there?” Rashad pressed his face to the glass.
“The fanatic.” the ladies said in unison
“Is he riding a ATV?” Rashad pressed his face closer to the glass, leaving a smudge mark. “Hes dancing, so is everyone else. They look like they're having fun.”
Genevieve arched her brow “Rashad, do you want to go down there and stand behind enemy lines?”
“N, no. Of course not sweetheart.”
The ladies went about their conversation and Drake and Liam continued watching the game. Drake got up to get a refill of scotch “Ahhh where did Rashad go?”
Maxwell watched as the Phanatic speed out onto the field on this 4 wheeler. Pumping his hand in the air. He hopped off shaking his but and dancing.  “Oh. My. God. Hes.. he's my spirit animal.”
“Yeah he is. Just wait til he stands on the dugout,  then the real fun beings.” Alicia shouted. “Ok so, these burgers are weird, but kind of good.” Leo took a careful bite of the donut burger. “Itf amafing weo. Weally gud.” Max spoke with his mouth full of food.  “Maxie, you look like evie when she eats spaghetti. That's where she gets the wear it not eat it from.” Stephanie giggled as maxwell gave her a sloppy, full mouth grin.
“You know, citizens bank park was built so you could see the field from anywhere. We don't have to stay in out seats the whole time.” Alicia mentioned as Leo gave her a wicked grin. The four decided to get up stretching their legs. Leo grabbed Alicia pulling her down into a gated area. “Where are we going?” Alicia questioned.  
“someplace quiet.” Leo whispered as he led her through the tunnel.  Alicia's eyes reading staff only. And then another for locker room.
“Leo, I don't think were allowed down her. That's the team's locker room.” He smirked as he kept pulling her farther down the hall, and into the room pushing her against the wall. His hands exploring every inch of her body,  his lips capturing hers in a feverish kiss.
"Maybe we should find someplace else." She suggested. He shook his head "No. Here's fine." His lips finding hers again.
“What if we get caught?” She breathed out.
“Even better.” He smirked as his fingers worked to unbutton her shorts.
“Where the fuck did he get off to? How the hell are we supposed to find him here?” Genevieve seethed as her, pam, Anitah, Drake and Liam maneuvered through the crowds.
“Damn, I know we ate upstairs but, that barbecue smells good.” Drake sniffed the air as the smoke filled his senses.
“Yeah, I would like to try one of those cheesesteaks too.” Liam salivated.
“Ok, while you guys eat again, we will keep looking for Rashad.” they searched high and low, but no sign of Rashad. “Didn't Alicia say  they were seated on the 1st base side?” Pam questioned. “Yeah, by the dugout, why?” Anitah replied, frustrated. “Well, maybe one of them have seen him.”
The ladies sent Drake and Liam a text telling them where they would be. And made their way over. They peered over the railing trying to get a glimpse of one of their friends when wham.  Someone ran right into Anitah. “Ouch, what the fu.” she stopped immediately cocking her head to the side. “shit, sorry. Oh.” Anitha looked over at Alicia and Leo and the restricted sign on the gate they had just come out of. “What are you two up to?”
“nothing.” Alicia avoided eye contact, her disheveled clothing and hair told her all she needed to know. “Really guys? At the game?”
“What? It was on our kinky bucket list.” Leo chuckled as Alicia playfully slapped him.
“God, enough of this. Hey horny and hornier, you seen my husband?” Genevieve snapped.  
“Nope, but maybe Stef and Max have.” Leo told her.
The three went back and forth, trying to figure out a location he could be.
“Ah guys.” Anitah said. Trying to get there attention, they continued to talk.
“Guys.” Anitah said a little louder. Still not able to get their attention.  
“GUYS!” She shouted as they turned to look at her.
“Found Rashad.” She pointed down to the Phillies dugout. There was Maxwell and rashad dancing with the Phanatic. Both of their faces painted red with a large white P smack dab in the middle of their face. Rashad had his shirt off, as he shook his butt to the music.  Maxwell also shirtless but donned a long red white and blue Phillies cape, as he pop and locked along with the green furry mascot.
Genevieve's hand flew over her mouth.  The others laughed hysterically. Stephanie stood in the aisle recording the whole thing. Laughing hysterically.  “Looks like Rashad made a new friend.” Alicia giggled. “This is going on YouTube.” Anitah busted out laughing.
“How much did he have to drink?” Pam giggled. Genevieve shot Alicia a look. “Never again Alicia.”
Just then the Phillies won the game. The crowd cheered and Genevieve collected an inebriated Rashad. Drake and Liam ate themselves into a food coma, pam and Anitah having to help them to the Limo. Stephanie had to buy Two Phanatic stuffed animals.  One for Evie, the other for Max. Alicia and Leo were the last to head to the limo.
“Did you have a good opening day love?”
“The best ever. We had sex in the Phillies locker room, maxwell and Rashad got drunk and danced with the Phanatic.  Liam and Drake love philly food. But the best part.. The Phillies beat the Braves.” Leo leaned in kissing her cheek. “Let's go get some cheese steaks.” Alicia suggested as they headed towards the exit. “Genos or pats? He arched his brow.
“Both!” They answered simultaneously.
Happy opening day! Pay ball!
Tag: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw
@kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject
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machaaoo-blog · 6 years
Most likely to become an AO3 if it is as liked as I hope it to be.
Bad Lemons (Rated M) - Drugs, violence, language, etc.
It will have very touchy subjects that relate to very serious problems such as addiction and mental health -- if you can't handle it please don't read! (It'll come up in future chapters if I continue)
Description: Living it rough can really change a person, for better or worse. She became strong, bold and unbothered. Nothing could shake her back into a world full of untrue realities.
Fallin' Out
Chp 1 - Walk
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"Where is Mina?" She hated waiting, she hated the train station even more. It's loud and obnoxious, which regularly interrupts her sleeping schedule. She would usually settle for a nice bench in the park or even the sidewalks that lead through a deserted alleyway; sadly both were taken by others who had her current living situation or rats. She'd rather her chances living amongst the rodents, maybe even be blessed with their sickness for the rest of her sad life than go back to a broke home. Of course she had other ways or options to get out of this predicament, she's full filled them, yet she never got the pay she deserved. Her welfare officer had an utmost disdain for her existence. He had and would go to lengths to make her life harder, and therefore couldn't be trusted. Then again her worse enemy yet had to be the people who she lived with: a drunk for a step father and a whore of a step mother, not to mention her elder step brother who doesn't pay a lick of rent allong with his crack sniffing wife. The female laid her head back abit and let out a single, "Fuck." How could she get adopted into their family, where the hell was child protective services when you needed them?!
She rubbef her bruised up limbs and does her best not flinch, and doesn't even bother to spare a glance at her wounds. She doesn't have enough bandages for that mess. Placed her pink fingertips on her cheek which was a mix of green and purple. She paid it no mind though. Not that she ever cared too much, but she why stress the luxury of caring about your appearance? Initially, even as a child, she always presumed that what truly mattered more than anything else about a person is personality. Hypocritically, however, she couldn't care less about either. Right now all that seemed to be on her mind was getting through her problems, with or without help.
You could say this makes Uraraka Ochako a rebellious teen. But yet that's not the case. She'll go wherever as she pleases, but she evades at all costs in the name of self-preservation. Put yourself in her shoes. How can someone last a day with her mentally unstable home? Truthfully when she was adopted into it, everything was dandy, until they went into a debt things just seemed to get out of hand. So she left and decided to break free, they never look for her, so who cared?
Ochako glanced up the clock. Though her chance to escape this time would depend on Mina's miraculous connections and genius planning, her fate rested in her best friends hands.
With a sharp inhale she slaps a bandaid on quickly and smooths it out tightly on the bridge of her nose. Placing her hand on the edge of the sink she looks up at her reflection. Curvaceous, petite, ghostly pale skin with contrasting pink cheeks with cuts and bruises scattered all over. She rolled her eyes and became resolute. Opening the door, then spamming it closed, she made her way out the bathroom she walks towards the bench, but is immediately halted when she sees a guy sitting in it. Her eyes narrow. A tall guy at that. Broad-backed with weird sand-blonde hair, why is it so...spiky? She stuffs her hands into her pockets and sits opposite the bench on the far side of the station waiting for him to leave. She wants to dictate it as a personal problem, but if he's depressed...well then she supposes he won't he moving a muscle any time soon meaning won't be getting her bed back for a long time.
20 minutes had passed and it was already 8:30am and he finally left his seat when a certain green haired boy hoisted Sparky off his heavy ass. They were total opposites and Ochako choked on her spit when the blond suddenly bitch smacked the other boy while both boarded the train.
"Ochako, it's me~!" Mina shouted, waving her small pink hands side to side.
"A private school...U.A? Mina, I know you see me as some Fallen Angel who could possibly be saved but they would never let me step foot on their grounds." Ochako placed her hand on her chest and gave a sly smile, "Look at me, all bruised up because some punk wouldn't lend me a light and look at him now." She pointed at the park bench across from them, "Knocked his ass out straight and now I'm stuck with his lighter that doesn't even work."
"I'm just trying to help you and give you a better life, Ochako. As your only friend take my offer. You know there's nothing for you here and you also know you have allot of pent up pride- let it go, and just come with me to U.A."
Ochako tilted her head to the side, her expression softened by the smile of Mina, her best friend.
"Ochako." She states. The receptionist looks up at her through her glasses with a look that says a first name like that wouldn't even slightly cut it at such a high-class school. The woman does some typing, and looks at the computer with no change of expression. This school held some of the finest and wealthiest, Ochako was out of her eliminate.
"Come with me."
Ochako followed behind the lady, her eyes looking out the school widows once in awhile to spot preppy teens. Even amongst the worst schools she's attended the students stuck out and looked different, they dressed and did as they pleased. Though her past schools were practically full of fights and no learning, gosh how she missed those days where her small gang ran amuck, when she felt empowered and dominating. She let of a tsk, it still felt that way, but those people she once addressed as family were quick to turn their backs. Clearly everything here is different from what she is used to. Designer brand bags, diamond watches and shoes she couldn't touch with her commoner hands. These damned rich kids all looked alike, she couldn't tell any apart, they all owned the same type of fashion and don't get her started on all the goop plastered on the female students faces. "Yuck." She stuck her tongue out at the window before entering another room with the serious, quiet receptionist.
Katsuki growled. "Aren't you supposed to be helping out the teachers or some shit?" She laughs as he intercepts her lips and responds immediately in the most favorable way. He pushes her against kitchen table, and slowly presses onto her receiving a deep moan in the process. She looked up at him with a gaze full of lust and want. "Who cares, someone else is can take care if it for me." She whined, pulling out out a condom with a smirk.
Ochako stared at her I.D with a look of disgust. Mina on the other hand slapped her knee and held her stomach, laughing like her life depended on it. "You look so ugly! EWW!" Mina pointed at the picture, "You flenched and your eyes are barely open!" She cackled. Ochako slammed open the window and held her arm back, "To hell with that." But before she could launch her arm and send that I.D flying Mina grabbed her arm. "Calm down, we got things to do, We gotta get you to your room."
"Well then take me to my room, please."
"But wait we gotta capture this moment!" Mina pulled out her phone and jumped back, getting on her knees and began to tap, flashes going off blinding the poor Brunette who stood before her.
"M-Mina please, my eyes-" Ochako placed her hands out covering the camera which signaled to her friend to stop; which, she did. "I wish you wore something cuter though." Mina pouted as she went through her photos, "You always wear the same thing Ochako."
And she wasn't wrong, her wardrobe was small, she never owned anything more than a phew shirts, jeans and underwear. Why by hundreds of dollars of clothes when she just needed seven pairs to last her throughout the week.
"What's wrong with how I look?"
"Well," Mina coughed, as they began to walk, "For starters...."
Ochako had wore the basics: A red baseball cap, a grey top and loose jeans that bagged from her waist abit to reveal her boyish underwear. Don't even get Mina started on the belly button piercing and tattoo. (which is located on her right arm, a whole sleeve so she constantly wears long sleeves when needed.)
"Alright but Mina remember you wanted to get these body modifications with me? And remember what you did? You chickened out because of your dad." Ochako placed her hand on her school dorms door, "You can't criticize what I wear either because you know I'm poor as shit." She unlocked the door and Mina stood behind her, a constant sorry escaping the pinkettes mouth, she opens the door, and stops in her tracks.
The sweaty bodies laid on the kitchen table, the blonde held a tiny naked waist with one hand whilst tugging at her short blonde hair. Ochako rose an eyebrow at the scene, this timing was horrible because those two were at mid-climax.
"Ah, yes! Katsuki-"
The blondes head falls in between the crook of the males neck. Her feet had become weightless.
"Ochako? Can we go in alrea-" Mina stops as she makes her way to the entrance. Ochako held her arm out from keeping Mina from entering any further. It finally took a few seconds for the two sexually tensed weirdos to notice the presence of two others.
"W-what are you doing here? Mina?!"
"What do you mean, what am I doing here, Toga?!" She shouted and covered her face, seeing a half naked Bakugou made the poor pinkettes hurl.
"Who the hel-" Toga was cut off.
Ochako walked into the room, unphased to see a naked man and woman, she lived in the streets and has seen this and much worse multiple times. Everyone in the situation just seemed to watch. As Ochako picked up their clothes she walked back to the nearest window opening it,
"This is my place, so get out."
Ochako threw their belongings out the window, their clothes slowly fluttering onto the schools dorm field. Toga and Katsuki grimaced, Mina slammed her forehead on the door and as for Ochako... well, she took a seat on the couch and flipped on the TV and began to watch animal planet.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Two- Part Two
   Phina sits awkwardly in the back seat of Barb's car. Not wanting to be there at all. They drove towards Steve's house, the houses in the area becoming bigger and more separated. They were in the rich side of Hawkins, where people like the oh so lovely Harrington's lived.
   "Barb, pull over," Nancy suddenly says.
   "What?" Barb asks.
   "Pull over," Nancy repeats.
   Barb does what she's told and parks the car on the side of the road, "What are we doing here, his house it three blocks away."
   Phina sits forward so she's apart of the conversation, "Yeah, if I'm gonna be dragged here, I at least want to drive all the way there."
   "We can't park in the driveway," Nancy says.
   Phina rolls her eyes as Barb says, "are you serious?"
   "This is so stupid, I'm just gonna drop you off," Barb says.
   "Barb, come on. You promised that you'd go, you're coming, we're gonna have a great time," Nancy said.
   "He just wants to get in your pants," Barb exclaimed.
   "No he doesn't," Nancy smiled.
   "Yeah he does Nance," Phina piped in, "that's literally all he wants. Like, legitimately all he wants."
   "He invited you to his house, his parents are not home, come on you are not this stupid," Barb adds.
   "Tommy H and Carol are going to be there," Nancy tries to reason.
   "Tommy and Carol have been having sex since 7th grade," Barb says.
   "Yeah, it'll probably be like a big orgy, which I do not want to be a part or even a witness of," Phina agrees with Barb, adding in a little gag for emphasis.
   Nancy scoffs, "gross."
   "I'm serious," Barb says.
   "All right well, you guys can be like my guardians," Nancy smiles at them, starting to take her shirt off, "all right. Make sure I don't get drunk and do anything stupid."
   Nancy completely takes her shirt off and Barb looks at her, "is that a new bra?"
   Nancy looks at Barb, then Phina, before looking back down, "no."
   "Liar," Phina laughs, she knew for a fact it was, because Phina had been there when she bought it.
   "Shut up," Nancy laughs back and turns around to playfully hit her sister.
   The three girls stand at Steve's doorway and Nancy rings the bell. Barb shuffles nervously for a few seconds which causes Nancy to look at her.
   "Barb, chill."
   "I'm chill," Barb says quietly.
   "I'm not, I don't want to be here," Phina snorts.
   The doors open at that moment, and Steve looks at all of them, his eyes meeting Phina's. Her eyes were already lit with up like fire, and he didn't know why that made him want to squirm.
   "Hello ladies," he smirks, trying to put on his I don't care attitude.
   "Hello asshole," Phina smirks back before pushing past him and into his house.
   "Phina!" Nancy shrieks.
   "No no Nance. I probably deserved that," Steve laughs.
   "Damn straight," Phina mumbles.
   Steve leads the girls out to his backyard, which has a steaming pool in it. Phina quickly finds a chair and sits in it trying to avoid Tommy and Carol. Barb copies her, looking extremely uncomfortable. Tommy grabs Carol and pretends he was going to throw her into the pool. She lets out a high pitched scream.
   Tommy lifts her up and counts, "one, two three!"
   "You're such an asshole!" Carol shrieks at Tommy.
   Steve suddenly stands up with a beer, shotgunning the entire thing. Phina glared at the back of his head the whole time, silently calling him every nasty word she could think of. He pretends like he doesn't feel the heat of her gaze on him and smirks.
   He falls down into a lounging chair and Nancy smiles at him, "is that supposed to impress me?"
   "You're not," he asks, as cocky as ever.
   Nancy smiles, "you are a cliche, you do realize that?"
   "You are a cliche, with what. Your grades, and your band practice," he fires back, lightning a cigarette.
   Nancy laughs, "so not in band."
   "Ok, party girl, why don't you just show us how it's done then," he says, handing her the knife.
   Phina rolls her eyes as Nancy agrees. She knew her sister wanted to impress Steve, and that clouded any and all reason that she had. Her sister had only ever had a glass of champagne on New Years, if she thought she could keep up with Steve, and his little cronies, she was way out of her league.
   "You gotta make a little hole, right at the bottom," Steve said.
   "I got it," Nancy said, proud of herself.
   "Yeah, she's smart, you douche," Tommy laughed and crushed a beer can on his forehead, and throwing it at the ground.
And you're definitely not, Phina thought to herself in answer.
   Nancy made the hole and started to drink, Steve started chanting, "chug, chug, chug."
   Tommy and Carol joined in, their voice growing louder and louder, making Phina glare at them. She had been glaring a lot that night, she wouldn't be surprised if she got stuck like that.
   Nancy finished drinking and dropped the can, taking a bow. Phina, for the tenth time since she got here, rolled her eyes, again, she thought she'd get stuck like that. Steve saw her do this and got an idea, one that he surely thought would put her in her place.
   "What, think you can do better, red?"
   Phina glared at him, "I know I could."
   "Then do it," Steve challenged her, the tone of his voice striking her ego.
   Phina's eyes were an emerald fire, burning Steve as they searched his own eyes. Phina stood up quickly and grabbed the beer and knife, she'd done this before, multiple times actually, the first time being at a party she snuck away to a few summers ago. Her and Jonathan had gotten into a fight that night, so she wanted to take her anger out. She went to the party to get wasted and get in a fight, both of which she'd exceeded in doing.
   She made the hole in the can and started to drink, the bitter liquid sliding across her tongue. Everyone was silent as she drank, tension building in the air. She finished faster the both Nancy and Steve.
   Everyone was quiet as she threw the beer down, and bowed to Steve mockingly, a vicious smirk on her lips, "told you."
   Steve watched her closely, almost as if he was trying to read her. He couldn't, no, she surrounded her self in a shield of vicious confidence that irked Steve. Her ego matched his and they were a nuclear bomb just waiting to go off whenever they were near each other.
   Phina scowled at him, not liking the way he tried to see past her walls. She had spent years building them up, and she was not about to let some stupid jock get past them.
   Nancy then stepped in, trying to diffuse the tension in the air, "Barb do you want to try."
   "No, no I don't want to, thanks," Barb tried to say.
   Phina broke eye contact with Steve when she heard the uncomfortable tone in Barb's voice. Her eyes softened, the fire dying out.
   "Come on," Nancy said.
   "Nance, I didn't want to," Barb pleaded.
   Phina shook her head at Nancy, "she doesn't want to Nance, leave her alone."
   "Come on, its fun," Nancy ignored Phina, grabbing the knife from her sister's hand.
   "Nance," Barb pleaded again.
   Nancy bent over, grabbing a beer from and put the beer and knife in Barb's hand, "just give it a shot."
   Barb stood up reluctantly, "ok."
   Phina silently cursed Nancy and looked at Barb worriedly. Barb was definitely not the type of girl to do things like this, and Phina was angry at her sister for not caring about her best friends feelings.
   Barb put the knife to the beer, mumbling slightly. She pressed the knife down and it slid, cutting her thumb.
   "Are you ok," Nancy asked.
   Phina walked over to help, "Barb!"
   "I'm fine."
   "You're bleeding," Nancy said, trying to grab Barb's hand.
   "I'm fine," Barb said sternly, she turns towards Steve, "where's your bathroom?"
   He stands up and awkwardly gives her directions to the bathroom, Barb leaves and disappears into the house. It's quiet for a moment, before Tommy decides to push Carol into the pool. She starts yelling at him, but he dives in after her, silencing her with the giant splash of water.
   Steve pushes Nancy in and turns towards Phina. She scowls at him, which he answers with an infuriating smirk.
   "You push me in, I'll cut off all your hair," is all she says.
   "It'll grow back," he shrugs and hauls her over his shoulder, jumping into the pool.
   Phina's head comes out of the water and she gasps for air. She turns around to yell at Steve, but he tackles her back underwater. He holds her around her waist, keeping her below the water. Her skin grows hot beneath his touch, her anger like a fire in her veins. The heat radiating off of her was actually uncomfortably warm, unnatural. He loosens his arms, just enough for her to escape.
   Phina pushes him away and resurfaces, finding her sister laughing at her. Steve comes out up and she turns to him, absolutely livid.
   "I'm going to kill you," she shouts.
   "Come at me then red," he jokes, already pushing the feel of her warm skin beneath his hands from his mind.
   He goes over to Nancy, still smirking at Phina until he pulls Nancy into his arms. They turn away from Phina and she angerly gets out of the pool. No one chooses to care.
   "Nancy, I'm going home, don't worry I'll still cover for you," Phina says, even though Nancy doesn't even notice. She grabs a towel and Storms towards the gate, again, no one chooses to notice.
   Steve does notice though. He watches as she leaves through the back gate, glancing behind her one last time. Their eyes meet and she glares at him before walking through the gate and slamming it harshly.
   Steve winces a little. He was used to her anger, he had been a victim of it ever since their sixth grade year when Carol had gone a little to far while bullying Phina, but this was different. His heart actually stuttered slightly when she glared at him, feeling guilty for making her upset. Why? He had no clue, none whatsoever.
   Phina walks down the road, kicking a rock as she goes. She shivers as the cold sets in, her entire body shaking. She glances down at her tattoo and shakes her head, not here, she thinks to herself. Phina lets her eyes travel, looking for somewhere secure.
   Her eyes find an opening into the thick trees of the forest, where she knew a shortcut to her house was at, where she knew no one would see her. Once she'd walked far into the dense forest, she closed her eyes and focused.
   Jonathan walked back to his car, his camera hanging from his neck, as he looked back into the forest one last time, hoping to see Will, he saw a golden light shining deep in the heart of the forest. It shinned brightly for a few moments, before disappearing all together.
   Jonathan turned towards his car, and convinced himself it wasn't real.
   On the other side of her short cut, Phina emerged from the forest, completely dry.
-1921 words-
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 6 years
Untamed pt.2
Summery: Y/n works at Tom's Diner as a waitress, but what happens when one of her co workers saves her life.
A/n: Well I really have nothing to say but to enjoy this new chapter. It was really tough to write, but if there is any problems or concerns please, pretty please message me and i will do my best to fix it. BYE BYE BYE!!!
Warnings: Language 
Parings: Bucky x Y/n 
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"Y/n it is 8! You are going to be late!"
"I'm going!" My day off went over my head fast that the sandman never arrived at my house. Honestly, i just spent them staring at the wrapped Adam presents that I got for him for Christmas. I can't return them, can i?
"Y/n!" My brother yelled at me and his Bigfoot feet stomped upstairs. He blew open my door and began pulling me out.
"Come On! I'm going to be late!"
"Shut up! " I take my arm out of his grasp and kiss my mother goodbye.
"Edward! Kiss your mother goodbye!" She yells.
Ed runs and gives her a quick kiss and runs out. The both of us sigh with the fact that he's going to come home intoxicated or high. And the thing that troubled me is that my mom is going to attend to his needs. I finally lost my last nerve and was ready to explode.
"You are a piece of shit" I muttered as I got in the car. He turned to look at me with serious look.
"Almost every fucking night you go out to get high or drunk!" I disclosed without hesitation.
"That is my business, not yours."
"It is my business."
"It's not"
"It is. Mom has been taking care of you every time you come home from your night out. You don't even help her or say ‘i appreciate you taking care of me’.  You just come home shit faced Ed and she sacrificed another night for you " I felt the tears coming, and I hated it. I hate that I cry every time I get all emotional. I fucking despise it!
"Just take me to Tom's. I'm going to be late." He might be the oldest one but he acts like child. The conversation never proceeded, and I am glad it didn't. I wouldn't be able to control my mouth if it did. I love him, but he has made many mistakes, a bit more than me. Every one makes mistakes, but Maybe, that is our thing, we both make mistakes for a living.
We arrive and I open to get out when he grabbed me into a bone crushing hug. As my anger took a hike, I was going to hug him back he pushed me out, closed the door and speed off. Oh God, please help him.
I take a few breathers and walk into the Diner taking off my coat and beanie. The Diner was practically empty. Which I didn't mind, at all! Less people to communicate with.
"Hey girl" I felt a light slap on my butt. Rosie.
"Hey craziness" I began cleaning the tables.
"Why you mad again?" She questioned while fixing he lipstick.
"I'm not mad."
"Your face is screwed up like you're mad."
"I'm perturbed, not mad" I put the rag down and looked at her. And she looked at me. Then it became a little staring contest. Which I guess that I won?
"You still look mad" she broke the stare and continues fixing her lips.
"You wanna talk about it?" She put down her lipstick and took out her miniature hair spray. Where the fuck does she hide all of this?
"No. What's the point. I'm just going to become a crying mess like always and Tom is going to have to get all...Blagh and I don't want to deal with it today."
"All 'Blagh'?" She tried to hold back a laugh.
"You know what I mean!" I throw her the wet rag. That's when I notice that it began soaking her hair and face. I really didn't squeeze all of the water out, did i? I stealthily began to move to the back room to hide. A loud sigh and chuckle came out of her as she began looking for me. I try to hide in the spice closet which was next to the dish washer. Look, I'm a bit chunky so I can't hide in small places. Also, the lay out of the diner was peculiar. So...yeah.
"Where are you, you bitch?" She demanded.
"I just finished fixing my hair and lips! Then ya throw your filthy rag at me?" She got closer to the closet and I push myself farther away from the opening. My nerves are going silly, when Tom, ‘my savior’ called her. Thank you Tom! I wasn't going to get the end of it. I lean back and let the moment pass with a quiet laughter. Then my mind began to ramble on about Ed. No, no, no Y/n. You need to concentrate on work. And making Rosie go nuts with her hair. I laugh once more and slowly come out, when I get startled and scream. God it was the cleaning guy. I guess that I startled him that he jumped, but also winced. We both looked down and found a kitchen knife in his hand.
"Oh God!" I rush over and start to panic waving my hands in the air. He slowly takes out the knife and I began to lose it even more. I scramble to get the First Aid and bring him to the sink
"Come here" my voice quaked. I turn on the faucet and slowly take his hand under the water. I expected him to flinch but he didn't. I quickly glance at him and he gives me a small grin and it makes me calm down.
"I'm so sorry" I said while i was letting the water wipe away all of the blood. I slowly run my thumb over the wound to take away all of the dirt and a sticky substance was on his hands. It wasn't from here, it was like syrup or something.
"Luckily it wasn't a deep cut. You'll live, but if the bleeding doesn't stop ask Jim or Tom to take you to the hospital" God his hand is beautiful.
"Thank you" he whispers and it brought a small smile to my face.
"Anytime. I'm sorry again and I never caught your name. Tom Isn't really a good introduces." I asked while I drying his hand.
"Bucky. Bucky Barnes" he quickly said. I guess he doesn't like to talk. Keep it minimal Y/n. I grabbed the ointment and gently placed some on the wound. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
"Well Bucky, I was wondering what this syrup on your hands is?" I asked quietly. Could help yourself, huh? My nerves get to me and I become a chatter box or completely mute.
"Pine trees. I work where they sell pine trees for Christmas." I looked at him and he had the most angelic ocean blue eyes that I have ever seen. My face became heated and I looked for the bandage. Turning around looking for them like a lost child looking for its guardian. Where are they? I looked on the floor, sink, pocket and they just magically disappear. Where in the hell is it!? I just had it! This is so embarrassing, I just had it! After a few minutes of self-war his left hand came to view with the bandage. He seemed to read my mind or did he just hide them from me? I glanced at him and took them. That's when I notice his left hand had a glove on.
"What's with the glove?" I question and ended up regretting it. Shut up, pleeeeeeease. Why would you ask that!? Why? Why?! WHY?! look darlin he's cute and shit but-but- why?! Just w-
"I don't know, i just like it" he chuckled.
"You don't like them? The pine trees." He was now talking more which made me feel better.
"Oh I love them. You know you smell like a pine tree."
"You don't like the smell or?"
"I love the smell the most. I could just stick a star on your head by how heavenly you smell" YOU FUCKING CREEP. WHY? WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? He just chuckled as I tormented myself.
"Do you have one?" I nodded and finally finished wrapping the bandage.
"Why?" He softly touched the bandage.
"We got this stupid artificial tree. Which I completely HATE. I just wish i could throw the fake away and bring back the real one." I said while putting away the first aid.
"Well, all done. Just make sure to check on it." I rub my hands together.
" We should head back to work" he says. I nod and go find Rosie or Caroline.
Really Barnes?! We should head back to work?! You could have talked to her a bit more about- about- um- ab-about something. You just told her to piss off. I mentally battle myself and bang my hand on the counter making me hiss. 
“‘Bucky clean table 7!” Tom shouted. i grabbed the gray dish container and began heading out, when I see her talking to Rosie.
"Babe?" She hums.
"Why don't you go, give them a piece of your mind?"
"Me?" She had this annoyed look. I put the container on the next table and notice what Rosie was speaking of. Two guys at the cigarette machines kept of hitting and cursing at it, as it swallowed its change. I began cleaning as she came up and asked politely to quit hitting the machine.
"Is it your machine?" The taller one had a siut under his brown coat and short greasy hair. While the short one was bald and has some random jacket with a long sleeve shirt and jeans.
"As a matter of fact, it is. So would you please stop hitting it" her voice was stern as they kicked it one more.
"Is that so?" The short one said and she dangles the keys in front of her. She unlocks the door and pulls the lever to release the one that got stuck and hands it to them.
"This isn't the right one" the taller one says and began to hold in a laugh. I began to get angry.
"Which one?" Her jaw clenched.
"Marlboro" she takes out the package and hands it to them.
"Lights" she sighs and hands him another. I clenched my fist.
"Sorry, sweets menthol" her jaw clenched again and she takes the last package out and they gladly accept them. I feel and hear my arm began to shift and once more do Steve's exercise.
"Thanks" she closed the machine and gives Rosie the keys and the other packages.
"Bucky. What's a matter? Come on, I don't pay you to stand around." Tom clapped his hands infront of my face and I deep inside wanted to punch him. Hold it in Bucky. Just like Steve taught you. I close my eyes and began taking deep breaths.
When I open my eyes both of the guys are on the table next to me. Annoyed, I finish the table and move to the next.
"How may I help you?" Mary asked them.
"Yes. We would like Y/n to wait us" soon as I heard that I slammed my left hand on the table making a huge smack.
"Hey man, you okay over there?" I hear Jim ask. I nod my head and look at the table. Desultory I remove my hand and notice a dent in the table.
"What do you need?" Y/n mellifluous voice reeled me to her.
"How have you been Y/n" the short one asked untoward.
"Do I know you two?" She snapped.
"Don't you remember us? From Tiny Tess party? Halloween? You dressed up as a.....a....you know."
"An Superhero" she mumbled.
"Right a superhero. Well I am Shawn And this here is Howard" the short one introduced themselves.
"Well are you guys going to order or?" She asked impatiently.
"Just two burgers with a milkshake, darlin" he winked and she walked away. There eyes never left her and it bugged the hell out of me. So i followed their sight and they were looking at Y/n' s body. My hand clenched even more that I felt blood leak through.
"Bucky?" I turned to be faced with Y/n. My anger relaxed. How long have I been staring at them? I'm not blacking out again, am i?
"Your hand" she gently holds it and brings me to the nearest faucet. I take in all of her facial expressions, her peach scent, her big e/c eyes and her beautiful lips. She unwrapped the bandage and once again she gently holds it under the faucet.
"Be careful. It's not bleeding as much, so that's g-"
"Table three!" She huffed and looked at me.
"Duty calls. Rosie can you bandage him up. Please" Rosie comes and Y/n washes her hands to go get the food.
"Bunch of jerks, huh" Rosie says. I grunt and look back at Y/n as she takes the food to them.
"She's a tough cookie. She can handle it." She finished the bandage and continues refilling the salt shakers. I still kept my eye on her. Just to be safe.
"I'm going home" I told Rosie as I put on my coat and hat.
"Bye baby" Rosie dances over to me and I can't help but laugh.
"Come On girl. Sing with me before you leave" grabbing the bag out of my hands and began moving her hips.
"No" I laughed louder. Midi, Maxi& Efti- Bad bad boys began playing in the background.
"~Bad bad boys come with me, come with me~" she put her hands on my hips and violently moved them back and forth. Now I was crying because of my laughter. I swatted her hands away and grabbed my bag and left.
Looking at my watch it said 3 am. ~Ooohhh the haunting hour~ I laugh by myself. Ah man I'm so lame. I'm half ways my walk home when an old beat up car violently stops next to me. Frighten, i began to walk quicker. The car reverses and I finally see who it is. Those two jackasses from the diner. Fuck me.
Tags: @tnupsweetpie
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
Kill Them
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I stood looking out of my window down to the busy streets the horses pulling carts from the farms, the men and women rushing about the market trying to find food at a price they could afford, children playing knights and princess running around the cobblestone streets, how I wish to be down there with them but here I must stay in my high tower such is a price for a princess, Until I heard my door open and close and a hand with a sure grip latching to my waist and rough kisses began on my neck “Leave my chamber Jason” I tell him 
“why my dear?” he asked slyly
“Becuase I wish to be alone” I answer sternly trying my best to keep my strength as his grip on my tightened 
“one day...soon you will learn to accept me, once we are married” he said giving my cheek a kiss even as a tear escaped my eye and he left my room once again leaving me alone in my room I was so scared of him, I was to be married to him in just under a month Janson was royalty some relation to my mother ava pagie but how exactly i forget he had always been around and had been eyeing me since I was a child and had even tried to wed me before when I was much younger but my mother had refused then...but now, now I was being given to him as a gift my mother said I wept when I found out and I weep now He has already told me his plan for me that he will take my innocence on our first night together whether I take him willingly or not, I was so very scared soon enough I wiped my eyes and walked down to the kitchen to the few friends I have the kitchen boy’s I find them all so sweet to me, and I trust them all completely one night we all got very drunk on wine and I passed out but the boys took me to my room and put me to bed know one touched me I had known most of them for as long as I could really remember from days when their parents worked in the castle they would come and play with me in the maze and the empty rooms in the castle when I go through the doors to the kitchen I see Fry rolling some dough for a pie “good morning your highness” he said to me 
“morning” I smile “where are the others?” I ask
“Just setting up the tables outside for the feast this evening” He explained “aren't you excited?” he asked me  “I guess so” I shrug
“are you alright?” he asked me
“of course I'm fine” I smile just as the boys came in and they all looked happy to see me 
“y/n!” Minho yelled running to me and hugging me 
“we haven't seen you in forever” thomas smiled hugging me too soon enough they were all hugging me leaving me in a cocoon of hugs 
“we missed you” winston tells me 
“I know, I Missed you guys too, Just... lots been going on” I sigh as everyone goes there work 
“we heard, We’re so so sorry y/n” Chuck tells me still hugging onto my leg 
“It's okay Chuckie, I'm a princess it is my duty to my kingdom and my people” I explain with a sigh as Chuck runs off to his work and I sit on the table picking up a strawberry and nibbling at it
“but he’s related to you, and a bloody arsehole he’s already been married four times, It's bugging stupid, that's what it is” Newt yells as he cooks something in a huge pot 
“we all know your position Newt, down with the patriarchy and so on” Fry laughs making most of us all laugh
“shut up” Newt sighed 
“I Kinda Like newt’s ideas” I giggle making him blush 
“Maybe when I'm queen Newt can be my adviser” I giggle 
“really?” he asked 
“I will think about it certainly” I laugh hopping off the table to kiss his cheek making him glow bright red 
“awwwwww, you two are so cute” Winston laughs “too bad you can't choose your husband” he shrugs 
“yeah else I would be soon to be king” Minho laughs 
“No, you wouldn't” I laugh
“why not?” He sighs
“If It was up to me, I don't think I would ever get married” I sigh
“really?” they ask a bit disappointed
I stood in my room scared I was to be married In two day’s I was terrified as I heard my door open so I turn and I just see newt stood there with a little tray about to put it on my bed and I just smiled “I brought you tea” He said nervously 
“It’s alright newt, You just scared me is all” I shrug going over and sitting on my bed and letting him sit beside me
“the boys are worrying about you, you've been spending a lot of time up here” He says sounding worried
“yeah, I just.... I wish I didn't have to do this” I say starting to cry 
“hey, don’t cry” he said putting his hand under my chin and wiping my tears away “please don’t cry love” he said but I couldn't stop crying “Oh love” he sighed sadly before giving my cheek a little kiss 
“newt? what are you doing?” I ask him rather shocked as I had never been kissed on the lips before it shocked me and it felt so strange yet, I did want to do it again 
“Im sorry your highness, Im sorry” He said quickly getting up and trying to run to the door but I grabbed his hand 
“It’s quiet alright newt” I tell him bring him back to sit on the bed with me 
“Well alright, but don’t tell on me, janson would kill me if he found out about that” he said very nervous
“I wont” I giggle 
“you promise?” he asked 
“I promise” I giggle making him blush a little “As long as you don’t tell him I did this” I giggle grabbing his neck and kissing him he was shocked for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing back out lips moving against each other with such purpose and passion until I moved my tongue across his bottom lip and he opened his mouth more out tongues swirling around each other toying with each other until I began to suck lightly on his tongue causing him to moan lightly and he pushed me down onto the bed and we both pulled away looking at each other as we laid in my bed and he ran his hand across my face moving some hair out of my eyes “Y/n, I need to tell you something” he said 
“What is it?” I ask him
“I love you, I’ve always loved you” He blushed 
“I know newt, It was pretty obvious” I giggle “I love you too” I giggle and we went back to kissing until I pulled away “Newt, I don’t want to have my innocence taken my janson on my wedding night” I explain
“what are you saying?” He asked
“Newt, I want us to make you love” I smile 
“really?” he asks both very excited and very worried
“Yes” I smile 
“If it’s what you want y/n” He smirked moving back to kissing me and we slowly and sweetly took each others clothes off and leaving us naked under my bed sheets as we kept kissing slowly and sweetly “are you sure?” He asks and I just nod knowing Im going to be In pain no matter what and newt laid on top of me and slowly pushed into me and it didn’t  hurt anywhere near as much as I was told “Uhhhh y/n I love you so much” He moaned when he was fully pushed into me 
“I love you too newt” I smirk as he began to slowly thrusts into me and we keep sweetly kissing as we kept passionately making love and within a few moments and he came into me and we laid in my bed again giggling happily and often kissing and that sort time from that moment until the morning of my wedding day was the best time of my life.
I stood at the alter on my wedding day my tears running down my face as janson help my hand in a death like grip as I cried I looked over to the many staff on hand for my wedding and my eyes met newt’s I loved him so much and I was being married to another man and it made me cry even more I then saw him have to wipe a tear himself before returning to how he was before I mouthed “Im so sorry” to him and he simply mouthed back “I still love you, I always will”
“I now pronounce you man and wife” the priest announced happily and janson kissed my mouth the taste of his lips sick and harsh his grip tightening on my hand and dragging me away from everyone and up to my room kissing all over my neck and undoing my wedding dress 
“Please, dont do this” I beg
“I told you I would take you tonight, You should get excited about it” He smirked dragging me onto my bed and laying me down taking off my dress as I silently cried I let my body go limp from the pain of what he was doing to me until he came inside of me and he wondered off lighting up a smoke ....
after a few days of horrible treatment as janson’s wife and he steped out with ava onto the balcony 
“I am happy to announce I give up my throne to Janson and Y/n” she announced “as She is with child” she yelled and the city yelled happily in response 
“but its not his child!” a voice yelled from below I looked down and saw newt below the balcony
“How dare you servant boy” Janson yelled 
“I know the baby she has is not yours, Didn’t you think your little wife was a little lacking in innocence” Newt shouted and janson stared at me very evil
“IS THIS TRUE!” Janson screamed to me
“The child is newts” I answer 
“KILL THEM!” he screamed grabbing me and I kicked him in the nuts and jumped from the balcony going down the material banners down into the arms off newt 
“I missed you” I giggle
“I missed you too darling” he smirked giving me a deep passionate kiss and we ran off disappearing into the crowd and running off getting on a horse “come on I set up passage to the outer villages” He said getting on the horse with me and we went off to the gates... but we where too late the guards stood waiting for us “Oh bloody hell” he sighed
I stood in chains being tied to a stake along with newt
“Im sorry I got you into this darling” Newt told me sadly
“Its alright, Im happy I will be here with you” I told him
“Me too, I love you y/n” He told me holding my hand
“I love you too” I tell him as janson made them light the fire below us.
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