#wheres that one post about them having the cereal together being the equivalent to them getting wedding rings or smth
dizzybizz · 1 year
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the,,, the chocolate cereal
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years
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This isn’t something I should have edited together.
But here it is: all the messages I’ve received in the last month or so that are mean spirited and/or really hurt me (no matter how well intentioned they may have been).
After all my years of feeling invisible and like no one cares, I think I’m finally getting somewhere. I’m not just being insulted behind my back anymore.
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A Tweet: sometimes following the klk tag is good and nice and sometimes you get an essay on why ryuko and senketsu are in love
by the same blog, who is upset that this is not a popular ship
I’m more worth it than ever to be insulted straight to my face.
Transcript under the cut.
EDIT: I’ve explained my reasons for posting this collage here.
“You realize some of us don’t have Tumblr accounts, we’re coming over from what we heard in the Discord, right? Surprised the self-professed shirtfucker lore god didn’t think of that. Don’t trip over your massive brain since you ‘write stuff, at times’.”
“Ragyo’s bath scene was anti-fanservice. She’s disgusting, but it’s meant to turn the gross ass men off from her that would normally be pulled into that. As much as Ryuko and Satsuki are independent, strong lesbian women, so is Ragyo. She’s completely on the wrong side, morally, but geez Goop. Get it together with your points on her. I get that she’s not Senketsu but c’mon. Disappointed because I expected different.”
“senketsu raped ryuko in their first scene together. shipping them is gross.”
“If you have to outline the technical definition of ‘rape’ as it applies to a ship, it’s a bad ship. I thought you were better than this, Goop :(”
“on the fence about whether you have any fucking brain cells at all at this point”
“goops, you’re starting to stoop to the level of those that are bugging you. your last reply came off as super patronizing. i love you dude, but seeing you become as big headed as the haters is disappointing. get well soon.”
“’to quote steven universe’“
“no wonder your headcanons are so unpopular. This whole blog is a bad take
All of the women (except Sukuyo) are gay coded in that show, including the villains. It’s completely unrealistic to except them to cater to your clothesexual Kindergarten bullshit. You watched a different show than the rest of us.”
“You’re so butthurt about this Ragyou thing. Get over yourself. So what, your takes on her are shit. Talk about what you know you can write about successfully then.”
“Senketsu was made using pieces of Ryuko’s DNA. Shipping them borders on incest, it’s pretty fucked.”
“Some of us lesbians want diversity in our representation. We don’t want them all to be perfect, and we accept that we can have representation that isn’t moral just like every other sexuality. You can’t speak for everyone, especially as a non-lesbian, and declare Ragyo unfit for being a gay character. Go back to talking about the talking shirt.
your latest take really hurts me, goop. i started following you awhile ago because i love kill la kill. but as a lesbian and someone that loves ragyo (while not excusing her) your claim that she is ‘too evil’ to be representation for me and my people really turns me off of this blog.
Should’ve stuck with what you know. You obviously aren’t aware of the symbolism behind Ragyo and anything about her beyond her calling Senketsu ugly.”
“Goop, giving a Tumblr link on the topic of gene splicing is the equivalent of getting your degree from the back of a cereal box. I have to agree with the other anons on Senketsu/Ryuko.”
“I can assure you no one thinks you’re a man lmfao”
“That feel when senketsu will still inevitably die at the end of the series and ryuko moves on like she’s intended to, because girls can’t wear their sailor uniforms forever. And then she goes on a date with mako.”
“we don’t give a shit if you think ryumako is intended because it’s clear you and your writing are incredibly biased and angled to support your own ship. nice try.”
“usually i agree with many of your takes, but your recent ragyo one is Not That Good, goop”
Sent on October 17th, 2019, at 9:45:45 am: “You could play cringe bingo with this blog, omg. Tag yourself, I’m marginalized Senketsu”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019 at 6:12:00 am: “She shouts his name because she’s talking to him.”
Sent on September 27th, 2019, at 8:31:37 am: “🚂[train emoji] - the sexual assault theme when senketsu forces himself upon ryuko when they first meet. inb4 you come up with some headass explanation as to why it isn’t a sexual assault-geared scene lmfao”
Sent on September 21st, 2019, at 6:47:06 pm: “SENKETSU BEING OPPRESSED AND MARGINALIZED? how many people actually know he exists? not enough for him to be oppressed. comparing this to what the anons were talking about before, idk what you think oppression is.”
Sent on September 23rd, 2019, at 5:47:32 pm: “yeah right, and you have a degree in journalism and creative writing. fat chance on tumblr. at least find something published with actual citations if you want to use it as gospel. but then again, sloppy writing through some heavy ass shipper goggles, what a surprise.”
Sent on September 21st, 2019, at 6:40:42 pm: “comparing the attractiveness of a human versus a piece of sentient clothing? that’s beyond apples to oranges.”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019, at 3:31:08 am: “You tagged them as being the most canon a few posts ago, Goop. Maybe you should take a rest, some of these replies are getting convoluted.”
Sent on October 17th, 2019, at 4:57:52 pm: “AU where you have good takes”
Sent on October 14th, 2019, at 4:43:14 pm: “’Face me in klk IF’ cringe”
Sent on October 16th, 2019, at 1:28:30 pm: “ryuko is physical with senketsu because he’s her fucking shirt. this is getting hilarious, holy shit. they were right.”
Sent on October 29th, 2019, at 7:40:48 am: “You’ve been too busy sucking your own dick to post anything too embarrassing probably.”
Sent on October 14th, 2019, at 6:11:04 pm: “’Demonization of men’ we have gone full headass now, there’s now turning back.”
Sent on October 16th, 2019, at 2:37:06 pm: “Not everyone sends you comments because of the Ragyo issue, don’t lump everyone together. Some of us have just seen this all go downhill and feel like voicing that.”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019 at 3:35:13 am: “you’re not going to explain how senketsu’s supposed oppression is on par with human racism because there’s no evidence that it’s as overwhelming except in your mind, since you’re the only person who would ever try to say what senketsu experiences is on par with what marginalized humans go through.”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019, at 3:09:13 am: “Not to be that guy, but if you see Senketsu as a child and still ship him with Ryuko we have a huge problem.”
Sent on September 22nd, 2019, at 2:55:57 am: “Wait a minute, you just said Senketsu is a ‘literal child’, but also ship Ryuko with him and think they’re canon? That’s pretty pedophilic what the fuck”
Sent on October 16th, 2019, at 7:12:02 pm: “You ever wonder why we’re here?”
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16 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life
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Habits rule our lives and shape our days. Whether you're conscious of it or not everything from your emotional response to worry about how you dress within the morning may be a habit. We all have good ones and that we all have bad ones. Some are more known to us than others and that we all have a desire to develop new healthy habits from time to time.
It all starts with a goal. A goal to enhance a particular aspect of your life. Maybe you would like to reduce, eat healthier, make new friends, get more fresh air. Having a goal of wellbeing is usually the primary step we take before creating new healthy habits. Try these 7 Tips to assist you to achieve your goals.
For example, if you've got a goal to lose 10 lbs then you better believe you’re getting to need to create some healthy daily habits to assist you to get thereto goal. Of course, it's not all work, work, work. Creating healthy habits are often fun. Healthy habits can improve our lives and make us happier people.
If you've got been trying to find some new healthy habits to include in your life then this post is for you. Creating healthy habits may be a wonderful thanks to improving your health, your happiness, and your whole life. Carving a touch time for yourself out of your busy calendar to include a healthy habit is that the ultimate in self-care.
So what are you waiting for? Are you able to make the foremost of some time and incorporate some new healthy habits into your life? Let’s do this!
Healthy habits have the facility to dramatically improve our quality of life and our overall happiness. Try these 16 healthy habits and begin loving your life.
Drink a Glass of Water very first thing within the Morning This was a habit that I managed to ingrained into my daily routine this year and that I am so happy that I did. Often we feel hungry or crave caffeine very first thing within the morning, but actually, we are just dehydrated. beverage takes care of that issue and after my body gets its dose of H2O I can have my coffee and breakfast and sometimes don't desire a second cup of caffeine.
My digestion has improved, my dependence on caffeine has decreased and that I am ready to drink more water during the day. It’s a triple win.
Eat Breakfast It seems so odd that eating breakfast every morning can assist you to be healthier, but it's true. By eating a healthy breakfast your body has more energy all day long helping you burn more calories. to not mention it sets the tone for the day ahead. Prepare yourself an easy breakfast meal, like cereal or a smoothie and after a couple of weeks see the changes that begin to require place.
Connect with Nature Ahh, the good outdoors. Did you recognize that being in nature helps normalize our sleep patterns, increases vitamin D in our bodies and helps lower our stress hormones? Just to call a couple of. Being in nature for just 10 minutes each day can drastically improve our overall health. I get it, not everyone lives within the country or has quick access to nature. However creating healthy habits like gardening, or a weekly enter the park with friends could also be just what the doctor ordered.
Start a Gratitude Practice Write down a couple of belongings you are grateful for every day and watch as your inner talk and perspectives on the planet change to be more gracious and positive. Incorporating a gratitude practice into my life has changed my attitude toward the higher. Helping me to ascertain the great in a day which is usually harder to try to then you'll realize. The negativity of stories and social media can take its toll. But don’t forget there are tons of excellent in your life and therefore the world too.
Start the 30-day Gratitude Challenge to assist you to begin your habit off right. Or download the simplest You- Simple Living and Wellness Diary to assist you to embrace healthy self-reflection.
Stand up Regularly This is one of those healthy habits that I even have been trying to include in my life lately. If you're someone who sits for the bulk of your day then taking regular standing breaks, a minimum of once an hour can dramatically improve your health. Taking standing breaks helps decrease your chance of weight gain, decreases back pain, can lower your chance at bottom decease and even improve your mood.
Being a healthy well rounded and happy human is all about balance. So attempt to make a habit of standing during your dominantly sitting day.
Go to Bed at an equivalent Time Each Night Going to bed at an equivalent time each night no matter the day of the week may be a wonderful thanks to ensuring regular sleep habits. What you'll start to note is it takes you less time to nod off in the dark, you get a more solid sleep and other habits during your waking life are easier to develop also.
Take Regular Phone Breaks Many folks are within the terrible habit of checking our phones all the time. We check them within the middle of conversations, while bent dinner, or once we are close to attending sleep. For no reason aside from seeing them. Giving yourself designated times to see your phone may be a good way to interrupt this bad habit. But it's also an exquisite thanks to getting into the habit of living within the moment without your phone.
Incorporate Seeds into your Diet This is such an easy healthy habit that you simply can begin to include in your diet directly. Healthy seeds like flax, chia, and hemp seeds are very easy to include in the meals you already eat. Throw some in your morning yogurt, your smoothies or salads. These seeds help reduce blood glucose, are a superb source of protein and should even be ready to reduce your risk of cancer.
Cook Meals Regularly This has become one of my favorite healthy habits and has numerous health benefits for us. a number of those being portion control, controlling diet and helping you economize . an excellent habit to urge into is cooking a couple of staple meals for yourself during the week. At the very least attempt to cook the bulk of your meals reception to make sure a healthy diet.
Coming up with healthy meals reception is often difficult which is why I often order meals from Hello Fresh. they supply 3 easy to organize meals to your door hebdomadally. I highly recommend trying them out if you're trying to urge into the habit of cooking reception but feel overwhelmed by checking out recipes to undertake each night.
Get $40.00 Off your First Hello Fresh Box with my Discount Code. Read Daily Doctors and scientists agree that learning new things and keeping your mind sharp is vital to healthier brains in adulthood. the advantages of reading are numerous, and if you would like to stretch your brain muscles and learn something new making a habit of this easy hobby may be a good way to try to do just that. Set a goal for every day or year and see if you'll reach it. With the utilization of Goodreads, you'll track what your reading and stay motivated by setting yearly goals.
Reading also can be an exquisite thanks to assisting you to reach other goals in your life, by helping you learn the talents you would like to urge there.
Take Your Vitamins I know there's tons of conflicting information about vitamins out there but this is often a habit that I follow myself. confine mind I'm no doctor. However, I will be able to say this, taking vitamins may be a good way to stop a drag before it starts. Wouldn’t you rather look out of your body instead of trying to repair it once it's ill? Vitamins aren't the sole answer but taking a multivitamin daily no matter your age may be a wonderful thanks to optimizing your health.
Do your research or chat together with your doctor or nutritionist to ascertain if taking vitamins are some things that might work well for you.
Take Micro Vacations Planning large adventurous trips are some things I like to try to to. However, I can often only afford to try to do this once every 2 or 3 years. the matter thereupon is you would like breaks more often than that. that's where micro vacations are available. Taking an extended weekend regularly can drastically improve your overall mood, your relationships with others and your health. numerous people struggle to form time for self-care, family and themselves so making micro vacations one among your regular healthy habits may be a wonderful thanks to releasing a number of your valuable time.
Make Self Care a Priority It is often easy to urge into the bad habit of putting yourself last. once you don’t make yourself a priority you become drained, stressed and altogether empty. This makes being there for those you're keen on difficult. Starting some self-care habits may be a wonderful thanks to feeling relaxed, unwind and be the simplest version of you.
Something as simple a taking a category you're keen on, getting to the spa or getting a soothing bath may be a wonderful thanks to showing yourself the self-care you deserve. The reward may be a radiant, vibrant and happier you! What more could you want?
Practice Simplifying in how Minimalism and straightforward living are taking the interwebs by storm lately. It looks like numerous people are looking for a less materialistic lifestyle and are craving alternatives to clutter and materialism. this is often truly amazing and therefore the benefits of owning less impact on our surroundings and our lives in numerous positive ways.
To begin a more minimal lifestyle start with small habits, like buying less clothing, or using recyclable bags when getting groceries. But don’t stop there, still, push your boundaries until minimizing is more of a healthy habit than materialism currently is.
Check out my new ebook The Year of straightforward Living for all types of straightforward living tips and challenges.
Exercise an equivalent Time a day People who compute an equivalent time a day are much more likely to stay to the habit of understanding. it's going to be difficult to create that habit within the beginning, however, if you stick with it, understanding an equivalent time a day or week will eventually become a habit. Find what time works best for you and check out to optimize that.
10 Minutes of Meditation per Day I have been raving about the advantages of meditation ever since I started meditating myself 3 years ago. this easy healthy habit and practice have transformed everything about my life within the most amazing ways. I'm more mindful, content, aware, calm and have less anxiety than premeditation me. If there's one habit that you simply should incorporate into your daily routine it's meditation.
A common myth is that you simply got to meditate for hours to ascertain results, but that's simply not true. Consistent short periods of meditation will show you wonderful leads to building your mindfulness and improving your wellbeing.
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Chapter 1: On My Own Axis
August 20XX
Caiden is calling through Facetime...
I hit the accept button because there are only a handful of times when my best friend calls me first. It is a rare occurrence, but it's not really unusual. The call took a while to connect. After a few moments, my best friend's face popped on my screen. He looks to be hanging out at his roof deck-slash-balcony thing he renovated due to boredom. I don't what got into his head, but I'm not that handsy with carpenting tools and is too lazy to even start planning those kinds of projects. I can also see a bottle of beer in his hand.
"What's up? You don't really call me first unless..." was my greeting. He looked at me and shook his head. "I get it. You fought with her again," I chuckled.
"This is no laughing matter," he retorted in his annoyed voice.
"Oh, it actually is," I got back at him at a deadpan, disinterested voice. "Dude," a sarcastic laugh came from my mouth as I dropped my iPencil to concentrate on his image on the screen. "I told you that she's no good—yet here you are, still dealing with her bullshit. Do you know how many times you've complained this week about her picking a fight with you?" I asked him, pissed at his girlfriend more than him.
"I know. I know," he sighed as he sat up straight.
"You don't get to complain to me about that when you chose to put up with all this crap that I knew she will be throwing at you. I told you she will. I warned you," I chastised as I shook my head at him. I picked up my iPencil and continued with the sketch I was doing on my iPad.
"She has anxiety. You know that she's carrying the responsibility for her whole family. She's stressed," he reasoned.
I scoffed, "But that does not mean she has the right to pick fights with you. That does not give her a pass to be a toxic bitch," I rebuked. "I don't know what got in your head and you're staying, but you're obviously too good for her," I continued to scold him.
He sighed. "I don't want to talk about this anymore," an ugly, annoyed and sarcastic laugh came out at his remark and rolled my eyes at him, "What are you doing?" he asked.
I glared at his face on my laptop screen. He shrugged as he took a chug on his beer. I sighed and continued with my sketch. "I'm doing a sketch. Just to pass the time. I got a little writer's block," I admitted.
"What happened to that offer you got? Any progress?" he asked.
"I don't know. It was not final at the time they told me," I disclosed. "It needs to be finalized first, but my editor told me that I basically have it in the bag," I added.
"Will you take it?" he asked. That made me stop sketching. I stared at his figure on my laptop screen. "Will you take the offer, Andie?" he asked again.
"I think I will," I gave him a small smile. "I think I will take it," I said again, now with more resolve.
"Good. You deserve it. You are one of the most passionate and hard-working people I know. Regardless of what other people say," he gave me a reassuring smile. "I know you want to be your own planet. Don't let this opportunity slip from your hand," he added.
"Like, I would ever let such an opportunity go. I just wanna step away from all of what's here," a sarcastic laugh came out because of the irony. "Nonetheless, we're still our own planets, Cai. We're just a little out of axis, at the moment," I gave him a small forced smile. He saluted with his beer bottle as admittance.
Our conversation flowed from one topic to another after that, just like any other times we talk. Again, just like any other times we talk, we also avoid the most important topics that needed to be discussed. Because we know, that even if we don't address it, we know how much each other hurt. It's not that we don't want to face the pain, but because we respect the fact that we each cope in our own way. We also have this tacit understanding that we are acknowledging each other's pain by not pulling the subject up.
We ended the video call when his girlfriend called again, probably after calming down and realizing what a bitch she has been again. I reminded him to think again about their relationship and he ended the call annoyed that I kept insisting for him to break up with her, like usual. It's a vicious cycle we're in. That's how our calls usually end.
I stood up from my bed and put away my laptop and iPad to go sleep. I turned off the lights, pulled the duvet aside to slip under it. I pulled my favourite husky stuffy that I usually hug to get me to sleep. I also pulled my duvet up to my chin. I was about to close my eyes when a weight suddenly got on my bed. I saw Apollo, my dog, get on my bed and situate himself on the space beside me. I smiled and pet his head before I finally closed my eyes.
My alarm clock blared so loud in the morning, instantly waking me up. I also felt Apollo licking my face, telling me that I need to stand up. I pushed his face away with a giggle before opening my eyes and reaching for my phone. I turned the alarm off and unlocked it to check for messages and emails.
I sat up and started going over the notifications I received throughout the night. I got 2 messages from my dad reminding me to call my grandparents. I also have emails from my editor asking me about my progress. She also mentioned that my last article received quite a lot of hits. There are a few other emails thrown in the mix, but some of them are either irrelevant or spam, so I just ignored those for now.
I decided to reply to my messages in a bit and went on Instagram. I don't know why, but his stories are always on the first 5 icons available on top of my timeline. I tapped on his icon and his stories loaded immediately. He only posted a photo of the sunrise and tagged his photography account. The next one he posted is the video equivalent of the earlier photo. Now, the sun is a little higher in the sky making the scenery a little brighter.
I smiled at these. His photos always make me smile. They show his passion for his art, no matter how simple and mundane the subjects are. I posted a story of my own, taking a photo of my window as the sun shines through the curtains. I added a little 'Good Morning' greeting before hitting the 'Post' button. I went back on the timeline to watch other stories.
After watching a few more stories posted by other people, I stood up from my bed. I took my laptop from my table and started to head out of my room. Apollo stood up from the floor to walk right by my foot. He always follows me out of any room we both enter together. I petted his head before opening the door. I opened the sliding door to the balcony where he usually does his morning business as soon as I got to the kitchen.
I placed my laptop on the kitchen island that I also use as my dining table before heading to the fridge to see what I can eat. I felt lazy to cook and just took out the milk and a bottle of water. I went to the cubbies and took out a bowl before opening my pantry cabinet to get the cereal. I fixed myself a bowl of my favourite cereal before sitting on one of the barstools and opened my laptop. I first answered all the emails from my other clients before answering my editor's.
After about 30 minutes of firing emails to different recipients, I finished my bowl of cereal and stood up to get ready for a walk. I had to take Apollo out for his regular exercise. Thank goodness the dog park is just a block away, so I can also get a little exercise from the walk we had to take to and from there. I went back to my room to change into a tracksuit combo and to get Apollo's lead which I keep at the back of my door.
Apollo came back from the balcony, making me smile. He always knows when it's time to get his exercise. I picked up my phone from the counter along with the house keys before hooking the lead onto Apollo's collar. I closed the balcony door after checking if he really did do his business, which he did not. After checking if I forgot anything, I led Apollo to the door and out of my apartment.
I'm thankful that my apartment doesn't have restrictions when it comes to pets, or I wouldn't be able to have Apollo with me. Some of the apartments I looked at does not allow pets the size of Apollo forcing me to cross it off my list. The only downside to this apartment is that I have to drive to get anywhere else since it's a little outside the city.
I pressed on the elevator call button and wait for it to arrive. Apollo walks with me inside the elevator, always being the gentleman. I never trained him to do the things he does, but he does it anyway. I pressed the button for the ground floor and looked at the numbers diminished as we passed by the lower floors. We exit the elevators and our apartment building and started to head east to the dog park.
The walk to the park was uneventful. Apollo does not really pay attention to anything we passed by. He just walks with me as if nothing bothers him and that nothing can touch him. We reached the park and saw that there are fewer people and dogs today. I immediately unhook his lead once we enter the enclosure that keeps the dogs from running to the streets. I sat on a bench and just watch Apollo socialize with the dogs. A few of the big dogs are being rowdy, play fighting and pouncing on each other.
I was busy laughing at the Samoyed puppy who was bullying a Dachshund when my phone rang. I answered the call without looking at the caller ID. "Hello," I greeted.
"Is this Alejandra Marquez?" asked the female voice from the other side.
"Yes, I'm Alejandra Marquez. Why?" I asked after being washed with confusion. I took a peek at my screen and discovered that it's an unregistered number.
"Hi, Alejandra--" the voice instantly became perky.
"Andie. You can call me Andie," I cut her off.
"Okay. Andie," she confirmed. "I'm Palm and I'm calling from the office of Mr Atcharaporn of Peraya Studios. I just want to tell you that you had been selected for the position of the studio's Creative Director. How soon can you fly out to Bangkok?" she disclosed.
The news made me stand from my seat. My mouth was agape from shock. "W-What? I-Is this f-for real?" I confirmed with her.
"Yes. You were personally selected by Mr Atcharaporn and Mr Peraya, themselves. So, how soon can you fly out to Bangkok?" she confirmed.
I found myself placing my hand on top of my head as I try to contain my excitement. "Uhm... I don't know. Two weeks?" I answered, uncertain about how long I would need to arrange everything.
"Okay. I will be emailing the details of your job description and the brief for the projects that you will be handling within the next hour. Your accommodation will also be arranged by us, so I will send you the information for that within the next few days. If you come across any problem or delay, or if you have any questions, just shoot me an email and we can coordinate about the changes," she fired off as I continue to try and contain myself.
I sat on the bench again, now only at the edge of my seat. "Okay. S-Sure. I will," I confirmed.
"Alright. If you don't have any questions, that's it. We look forward to seeing you here," she bade before ending the call.
I absent-mindedly put the phone down from my ear, not truly believing what happened. I looked for Apollo and called for him. He immediately ran to me. I hugged him to myself as soon as he was in front of me. He was baffled but went with the bear hug I was giving him. I found myself smiling so wide, my face was almost split and torn.
I stood up and hooked the lead on Apollo's collar again and hurriedly headed for the gates to exit the park enclosure. He was amazing and just went with me, even though I can see that he's a little confused. The walk back to the apartment was shorter due to the hurried steps I was taking. I hurriedly opened the door and unhooked Apollo who instantly headed to his ceramic water fountain while I headed to the kitchen for my laptop.
I turned it on and accessed my email. Sitting at the top of the list of unopened messages is an email that contains the subject-line Details Regarding Internship with Peraya Studios. I guess the offer was real. I guess I just got my signal to start a new adventure. I guess I can now leave all the toxicity behind and be away from the negativity. I'm not lost anymore. I just found my own axis.
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markethei · 4 years
16 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life
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Habits rule our lives and shape our days. Whether you're conscious of it or not everything from your emotional response to worry about how you dress within the morning may be a habit. We all have good ones and that we all have bad ones. Some are more known to us than others and that we all have a desire to develop new healthy habits from time to time.
It all starts with a goal. A goal to enhance a particular aspect of your life. Maybe you would like to reduce, eat healthier, make new friends, get more fresh air. Having a goal of wellbeing is usually the primary step we take before creating new healthy habits. Try these 7 Tips to assist you to achieve your goals.
For example, if you've got a goal to lose 10 lbs then you better believe you’re getting to need to create some healthy daily habits to assist you to get thereto goal. Of course, it's not all work, work, work. Creating healthy habits are often fun. Healthy habits can improve our lives and make us happier people.
If you've got been trying to find some new healthy habits to include in your life then this post is for you. Creating healthy habits may be a wonderful thanks to improving your health, your happiness, and your whole life. Carving a touch time for yourself out of your busy calendar to include a healthy habit is that the ultimate in self-care.
So what are you waiting for? Are you able to make the foremost of some time and incorporate some new healthy habits into your life? Let’s do this!
Healthy habits have the facility to dramatically improve our quality of life and our overall happiness. Try these 16 healthy habits and begin loving your life.
Drink a Glass of Water very first thing within the Morning This was a habit that I managed to ingrained into my daily routine this year and that I am so happy that I did. Often we feel hungry or crave caffeine very first thing within the morning, but actually, we are just dehydrated. beverage takes care of that issue and after my body gets its dose of H2O I can have my coffee and breakfast and sometimes don’t desire a second cup of caffeine.
My digestion has improved, my dependence on caffeine has decreased and that I am ready to drink more water during the day. It’s a triple win.
Eat Breakfast It seems so odd that eating breakfast every morning can assist you to be healthier, but it's true. By eating a healthy breakfast your body has more energy all day long helping you burn more calories. to not mention it sets the tone for the day ahead. Prepare yourself an easy breakfast meal, like cereal or a smoothie, and after a couple of weeks see the changes that begin to require place.
Connect with Nature Ahh, the good outdoors. Did you recognize that being in nature helps normalize our sleep patterns, increases vitamin D in our bodies, and helps lower our stress hormones? Just to call a couple of. Being in nature for just 10 minutes each day can drastically improve our overall health. I get it, not everyone lives within the country or has quick access to nature. However creating healthy habits like gardening, or a weekly enter the park with friends could also be just what the doctor ordered.
Start a Gratitude Practice Write down a couple of belongings you are grateful for every day and watch as your inner talk and perspectives on the planet change to be more gracious and positive. Incorporating a gratitude practice into my life has changed my attitude toward the higher. Helping me to ascertain the great in a day which is usually harder to try to then you'll realize. The negativity of stories and social media can take its toll. But don’t forget there are tons of excellent in your life and therefore the world too.
Start the 30-day Gratitude Challenge to assist you to begin your habit off right. Or download the simplest You- Simple Living and Wellness Diary to assist you to embrace healthy self-reflection.
Stand up Regularly This is one of those healthy habits that I even have been trying to include in my life lately. If you're someone who sits for the bulk of your day then taking regular standing breaks, a minimum of once an hour can dramatically improve your health. Taking standing breaks helps decrease your chance of weight gain, decreases back pain, can lower your chance at bottom decease, and even improve your mood.
Being a healthy well rounded and happy human is all about balance. So attempt to make a habit of standing during your dominantly sitting day.
Go to Bed at an equivalent Time Each Night Going to bed at an equivalent time each night no matter the day of the week may be a wonderful thanks to ensuring regular sleep habits. What you'll start to note is it takes you less time to nod off in the dark, you get a more solid sleep and other habits during your waking life are easier to develop also.
Take Regular Phone Breaks Many folks are within the terrible habit of checking our phones all the time. We check them within the middle of conversations, while bent dinner, or once we are close to attending sleep. For no reason aside from seeing them. Giving yourself designated times to see your phone may be a good way to interrupt this bad habit. But it's also an exquisite thanks to getting into the habit of living within the moment without your phone.
Incorporate Seeds into your Diet This is such an easy healthy habit that you simply can begin to include in your diet directly. Healthy seeds like flax, chia, and hemp seeds are very easy to include in the meals you already eat. Throw some in your morning yogurt, your smoothies, or salads. These seeds help reduce blood glucose, are a superb source of protein, and should even be ready to reduce your risk of cancer.
Cook Meals Regularly This has become one of my favorite healthy habits and has numerous health benefits for us. a number of those being portion control, controlling diet, and helping you economize . an excellent habit to urge into is cooking a couple of staple meals for yourself during the week. At the very least attempt to cook the bulk of your meals reception to make sure a healthy diet.
Coming up with healthy meals reception is often difficult which is why I often order meals from Hello Fresh. they supply 3 easy to organize meals to your door hebdomadally. I highly recommend trying them out if you're trying to urge into the habit of cooking reception but feel overwhelmed by checking out recipes to undertake each night.
Get $40.00 Off your First Hello Fresh Box with my Discount Code. Read Daily Doctors and scientists agree that learning new things and keeping your mind sharp is vital to healthier brains in adulthood. the advantages of reading are numerous, and if you would like to stretch your brain muscles and learn something new making a habit of this easy hobby may be a good way to try to do just that. Set a goal for every day or year and see if you'll reach it. With the utilization of Goodreads, you'll track what your reading and stay motivated by setting yearly goals.
Reading also can be an exquisite thanks to assisting you to reach other goals in your life, by helping you learn the talents you would like to urge there.
Take Your Vitamins I know there's tons of conflicting information about vitamins out there but this is often a habit that I follow myself. confine mind I'm no doctor. However, I will be able to say this, taking vitamins may be a good way to stop a drag before it starts. Wouldn’t you rather look out of your body instead of trying to repair it once it's ill? Vitamins aren't the sole answer but taking a multivitamin daily no matter your age may be a wonderful thanks to optimizing your health.
Do your research or chat together with your doctor or nutritionist to ascertain if taking vitamins are some things that might work well for you.
Take Micro Vacations Planning large adventurous trips are some things I like to try to to. However, I can often only afford to try to do this once every 2 or 3 years. the matter thereupon is you would like breaks more often than that. that's where micro vacations are available. Taking an extended weekend regularly can drastically improve your overall mood, your relationships with others and your health. numerous people struggle to form time for self-care, family and themselves so making micro vacations one among your regular healthy habits may be a wonderful thanks to releasing a number of your valuable time.
Make Self Care a Priority It is often easy to urge into the bad habit of putting yourself last. once you don’t make yourself a priority you become drained, stressed, and altogether empty. This makes being there for those you're keen on difficult. Starting some self-care habits may be a wonderful thanks to feeling relaxed, unwind, and be the simplest version of you.
Something as simple a taking a category you're keen on, getting to the spa, or getting a soothing bath may be a wonderful thanks to showing yourself the self-care you deserve. The reward may be a radiant, vibrant, and happier you! What more could you want?
Practice Simplifying in how Minimalism and straightforward living are taking the interwebs by storm lately. It looks like numerous people are looking for a less materialistic lifestyle and are craving alternatives to clutter and materialism. this is often truly amazing and therefore the benefits of owning less impact on our surroundings and our lives in numerous positive ways.
To begin a more minimal lifestyle start with small habits, like buying less clothing, or using recyclable bags when getting groceries. But don’t stop there, still, push your boundaries until minimizing is more of a healthy habit than materialism currently is.
Check out my new ebook The Year of straightforward Living for all types of straightforward living tips and challenges.
Exercise an equivalent Time a day People who compute an equivalent time a day are much more likely to stay to the habit of understanding. it's going to be difficult to create that habit within the beginning, however, if you stick with it, understanding an equivalent time a day or week will eventually become a habit. Find what time works best for you and check out to optimize that.
10 Minutes of Meditation per Day I have been raving about the advantages of meditation ever since I started meditating myself 3 years ago. this easy healthy habit and practice have transformed everything about my life within the most amazing ways. I'm more mindful, content, aware, calm and have less anxiety than premeditation me. If there's one habit that you simply should incorporate into your daily routine it's meditation.
A common myth is that you simply got to meditate for hours to ascertain results, but that's simply not true. Consistent short periods of meditation will show you wonderful leads to building your mindfulness and improving your wellbeing.
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