#whether it's kpop or skating or marching band or baseball
morayofsunshine · 2 years
Okay but what if you care about Kpop not in a competitive way, but in a "Whoa they just had a guy backflip off the squad's arms" way.
It's like when I watch ice skating. I have no idea who these people are but that was a sick pirouette
Yeah, pretty much. I follow some skaters but I mostly watch ice skating to be amazed at what they do, and it's the same for Kpop!
I do have favorites in both and am happy when they do well, but I'm also super happy to see great performances from people that I don't really know much about.
So big mood, watching very skilled people pull off amazing feats of athletics and performance is fun, and I don't need to compare their entire scoring record to those of other professionals to enjoy the sport and/or art.
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