#whew ok I need to take a lil break from writing now
ineffable-kelpie · 8 months
Form Shapes Nature
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1,338
Prompt: A twirling-you-around hug
Characters: Dog, Adam
The hellhound, newly-christened as “Dog,” was not used to seeing the world from this angle. Before his Naming, he had towered over most lesser creatures, and could knock a full-sized demon to the ground with one good leap. Now, he was so low to the ground that everything else looked twice as big, and his short legs had to move twice as fast to keep pace with his new master.
If his master wished Dog to take this small size, Dog was happy to obey. They didn’t quite understand the point of it, though. Surely it would be easier to subjugate all the peoples of Earth with a massive, intimidating beast by his side? Surely his new master would want Dog to be able to knock his enemies flat and rip out their throats, instead of jumping uselessly at their knees? Did dog really need to be so small that a solid kick could send him flying?
He was obviously missing something. His master had said he wanted a dog he could have “fun” with. Dog didn’t know what this “fun” was, or how it fit into his master’s plan for world domination. Maybe that would become clear in time.
His master reached a flat road and walked alongside it. Dog padded dutifully by his side, and his master’s lackeys followed behind him, talking about something in human language. “They’ve got to let me keep him,” said Dog’s master, in response to something. He looked down at Dog with an expression Dog hadn’t seen in Hell, baring his teeth without any aggression. “Look, he’s already bonded with me. And he’s really well-behaved. Aren’t you, boy?” he crouched down to ruffle the fur on Dog’s head. “You won’t pee on the carpets or dig up mum’s flowers, will you?”
If that was what his master wished, then no, Dog certainly wouldn’t. Once he learned what “carpets” were, he’d make sure to avoid peeing on them. And he’d be careful to only dig up other people’s flowers.
One of his master’s lackeys said something. Dog’s master turned to snap back, “He can too understand. Can’t you, boy?”
Dog barked in agreement, though it came out as more of a yip, now that his voice had lost its deep, intimidating growl. Of course he understood his master. They were bonded, and he needed to be able to understand the commands he was given. But when the other humans spoke, it just sounded like noise.
“See? He’s smart,” said Dog’s master. “Don’t listen to him,” he added in an aside to Dog. “He’s just jealous ‘cause I got the best birthday present ever. No one’s gonna send you away, don’t worry.”
The very idea of anyone separating Dog from his master was absurd. As if his master would let them.
The group followed the road down to a street lined with houses, surrounded by fenced yards. Dog’s master stopped at one of these and opened the gate. “Come on, boy,” he said to Dog, holding it open. “This is home now.”
Dog’s home had always been Hell. But then, now that he’d found his master, home was wherever his master happened to be. Dog yipped and trotted through the gate into a green, fenced-in space. The lackeys followed.
The door of the house opened and another human came out. A human much larger than Dog’s master. Dog stood at attention. Was this an enemy? A threat?
She made the same face Dog’s master had made earlier, showing teeth without aggression, and spoke to the four of them. Then her gaze landed on Dog, and she hid her teeth again. She spoke, and an uneasy tension came over the group. Ah, Dog understood. This was the human they thought might try to separate him from his master. Well, his master would soon put her in her place.
“This is Dog,” said Dog’s master, crouching down beside him to ruffle his fur. “I found him in the woods, and he followed me home. Can I keep him? Please? He doesn’t have a collar, and he’s really well-behaved.”
Dog tilted his head, confused. His master was…asking for permission? To keep what was already rightfully his? Was this also part of his plan to lay waste to the world, or did he have a different plan that Dog didn’t know about?
The big human looked uncertain. They looked thoughtful for a moment, then said something and went back inside. When the door closed behind her, the lackeys started talking in hushed voices.
“She didn’t say no,” said Dog’s master. “And if she didn’t, my dad definitely won’t.”
The lackeys didn’t seem to agree. Dog barked to silence them. Before his Naming, his bark had been like a thunderclap, sharp and deafening. Now, nobody paid him any mind. He tried barking more, in case that would help, but his master turned to him and said, “Quiet.” Dog let out an embarrassed whine and obeyed.
The big human re-emerged from the house a moment later with an even bigger human. This bigger human squatted down in front of Dog and offered a hand for him to sniff. He didn’t smell unfriendly. There were traces of something sweet on his fingers, which Dog licked off.
“His name’s Dog,” said his master. Dog looked up at him. “See, he already knows his name! Look at how friendly he is, he won’t be any trouble. And it is my birthday.”
The big human who was still standing by the door let out a sigh. The bigger human straightened up and turned to her. They talked in low voices for a moment. The big human shrugged, and the bigger human motioned to Adam, and then the big human nodded.
Dog’s master straightened, his face lighting up. “So I can keep him?”
The big human adopted a stern expression and said something else to Dog’s master. Then he nodded as well.
“Yesss!” Dog’s master ran forward and threw his arms around both big humans. They hugged him back. “Thank you, thank you! I promise he’ll be the best dog ever!”
Dog’s master’s excitement was so infectious that Dog could no longer stand still. He yipped and started running around the little yard, circling his master and the two big humans and jumping at their knees. He was too small to knock them over even a little bit, but that was for the best. His master seemed to care an awful lot about their opinions, so Dog would make sure to never hurt them.
“You hear that, boy?” Dog’s master let go of the other two humans and knelt down to his level. “I get to keep you, and you’ll be my dog, and we’ll go on the best adventures!”
With another yip, Dog jumped up at his master’s chest. To his surprise, his master caught him and lifted him high up in the air. That was a new experience. Dog had never been small enough to be lifted up like this. If it was anyone else, it would have been terrifying. Dog would have thrashed to get away before he could be hurt, even if it meant falling the now-considerable distance to the ground.
But it wasn’t just anyone, it was his master, which meant Dog was safe. The arms around him were there to support him, not hurt him. He stretched up to lick at his master’s face, and his master laughed and spun around until Dog felt dizzy. Dog buried his nose in his master’s chest. His tail flipped happily back and forth, and now that it was short and fuzzy, it couldn’t raise burning welts in his master’s skin. Which was lucky, because Dog couldn’t have made it stop moving if he wanted to.
So this was why his master had wanted a little dog. This was “fun.” Dog understood now. They didn’t have anything like this in Hell, so his master must be very wise to know about it. This was much, much more important than world domination.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Bakugou Turns Into A Dog - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, crack, lowkey pervy Katsuki, cursing, (writing not spell checked!)
Request: Bakugou’s been hit with a quirk that has given him the body of a dog. He’s still has his own human thoughts and voice but now..he’s a dog. Just how will he abuse his new power with f!Y/N
It was supposed to be a normal day! Well, as normal as it could get for UA. But of course, trouble just had to strike, and of course the ones at the center of it all was the infamous Bakusquad. More specifically, the man the group was named after.
“I-...I can’t believe that actually just h-happened!” A cheerful blonde cried out as tears fell from his face and laughter rang out from his voice.
“C’mon man, don’t be laughing at what just happened. This is serious,” Kirishima said with concern as he looked down in his arms.
“Are you serious? This has got to be the best thing that’s ever happen since we met Bakugou!” Kaminari replied with while once again dying of laughter.
“Oh yeah? With what quirk lil pupper?” Denki slickly replied while booping his nose. Bakugou’s been making fun of Denki for the longest, this was the perfect revenge. His dear friend has been turned into a dog! Not just any dog, and not the dog you would expect. He wasn’t a german shepherd or rottweiler. Katsuki Bakugou sits in Kirishima’s arms as a fluffy, blonde, angry pomeranian.
Luckily, kinda, the only thing that changed about Bakugou was his body. He could still speak and understand the human language and he could still think like one too, but now it’s all that in a fluffy, round, adorable body. Now, he was all bark and no bite......sorta.
“OW!” Kaminari yelped as Bakugou latched onto his finger and growled. Passerbys watched as the young group of teens watched their friend throw his hand around in pain with a tiny floof dangling on it. Kirishima went in to grab Bakugou and calm Kaminari down.
“Damn, you little rugrat,” The electric blonde started, “just wait till Y/N sees you, she’s gonna die.” Kaminari teased. Once those words left his mouth, Bakugou’s puppy eyes went wide.
‘Oh hell no!’
Kirishima saw how his friend was shaking in his arms and grew concerned so he asked, “hey man, are you alright there Bakubro?”
Bakugou was extremely nervous. He couldn’t let his longtime crush see him like this! Like a weak, soft, puffball! If you saw Bakugou like this, the second he’d turn back to his normal self, he’d dive out the nearest window anytime you were around.
The entire Bakusquad knew of Katsuki’s little (HUGE) crush, and the fact that one of them was now able to use that information against him mortified the lil guy now.
“Aww c’mon Denki, that’s not very nice,” Mina said as she pet Bakugou’s little head before he snapped at her hand. Thankfully, she dodged it.
“Yeah well Kacchan hasn’t been very nice either! Damn mutt nearly bit my finger off!” This received a growl from Bakugou, which was unsurprising pretty normal.
“At least the cops told us the quirk will ware off in two weeks.” Sero stated. Kirishima joined in.
“Yeah. Sheesh, I still can’t believe what happened. That random criminal really jumped outta nowhere.” The red head said.
“Tch, I still can’t believe someone could be stuck with a shitty ass quirk like that. Turning people into pets. Ridiculous.” The blonde dog said.
“Imagine what it’s like being on the receiving end of that quirk. Must be just as ridiculous.” Mina teased.
Bakugou jumped down from Kirishima’s arms before speaking. “Yeah! No shit Pinkie!” He said while standing on his hind legs and motioning towards his new body with his front paws as if he were human.
As the group made it to the front doors of the dormitory, Bakugou stopped them before entering.
“Listen up dumbasses! Nobody better say SHIT to Y/N. Just say I’m some random dog found on the street and you guys opted to take care of me till you found me a home. If she asks what happened to me, tell her I was forced onto a trip with my parents. Got that?!” Bakugou strictly spoke.
“Got it!” The group said in unison, but a certain blonde had a different plan in mind. As they entered through the doors, Kirishima hid Bakugou into the side of his jacket but it only made comical sense that you were the first person to greet them.
“Oh! Hey guys!” You said with your award winning smile as you walked towards the group. Before anyone could say anything else, Kaminari spoke up.
“Hey Y/N! You wanna guess what Kirishima has in his jacket?” Denki exclaimed.
“Oh, no I’m sure Y/N has better things to do!”
“Maybe she shouldn’t,”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,”
The 3 friends were throwing out excuse after excuse to keep you from seeing the little devil.
“Woah woah! Hey! You guys! Chill. If you don’t want me to see then I won’t force you. It’s fine.” You kindly said.
‘Whew’ the squad all thought
‘She is so awesome!’ Bakugou thought while in the jacket
“Oh c’mon guys, show her the puppy!” Kaminari said. Now that grabbed your attention.
“Wait? Puppy?! That’s what you guys are hiding. Awww no fair!! Can I please see it! Please please pleaseeee!!!” You begged. After your constant pleading and the squad’s constant denial, Bakugou thought he could just give in this one time. He knew that his friends would cover for him and say he’s just some random dog and you would drop it so he began to stick his snout out of the jacket. Kirishima took it as a sign to show him to you.
“Oh my goddd!!! It’s so cute!!! Boy or girl?” You kindly asked while petting Bakugou’s head, something the dog was enjoying a little too much.
“It’s a boy,” Kirishima said. “We found him on the street so even though we’re kinda busy we wanted to take care of him and heal him up till we can find him a new home.” Mina added on.
“Guyssss c’mon!! Tell her the best part! Tell her exactly who that dog is.” Kaminari begged. The Bakusquad including the dog looked towards Kaminari with a warning look, but Kaminari didn’t care. The ultimate revenge starts now.
“Y/N! That’s Bakugou!” Kaminari exclaimed. As everyone started denying it, you looked towards the dog and saw that it did resemble Bakugou a lot, but then again Bakugou did look like an angry pomeranian time and time again.
Before you chose to listen to one or the other, you weighed your options. Kirishima the chivalrous and honest, the manliest man, or Kaminari the jester himself? It’s was obvious who you were gonna listen to.
“Oh stop that Kaminari. Bakugou may look like a fiesty fluff ball from time to time but he’s not really a dog.” You said while petting the pupper’s chin. Everyone sighed in relief at your words.
“But that’s really-“ Kaminari was cut of with Sero wrapping his tape around his mouth.
“Hey if you guys need a healer, I could use my quirk to help out with that. It may not be a full on healing quirk but it should help the little guy. Plus, I don’t mind spending the next...?” Kirishima helped you out.
“Two weeks,” he said.
“Right, I don’t mind spending the next two weeks with the little cutie.” You said. The dog’s eyes went wide at that as a plan came into mind but the Bakusquad once again started denying, saying it was fine but you insisted since Mina just previously said they were all busy. Throughout the chaos a VERY human like sound came from the creature in Kirishima’s arms.
“Woof.” Bakugou said with such a casual demeanor. He said ‘woof’ in such a human like voice, it was absolutely absurd. As everyone looked down at the dog, the only thing that could be heard was Sero awkwardly giving out a cough to break the silence.
“Ok...well umm that may be a sign that he’s ok with me taking him!” You said with an excited smile. Kirishima looked at the dog and as Bakugou looked back up at him, his best friend knew that he should give you the dog.
“Ok Y/N, he’s all yours. But you’re right about one thing. Since he does look like Bakugou, we named him Blasty, so that’s what you should refer to him as,” he said while placing the dog in your arms. The pomeranian was excited as what appeared to be a small smile showed up in his face and he squirmed around in Y/N’s arms, cuddling up against her pillowy breast.
“Awesome! For the next two weeks, it’s me and you Blasty!” You said while carrying Bakugou in the air facing you and looking at him. He was too cute so you pulled him in for a hug and kiss on his little head. Everyone could see Bakugou had a smug look on his face.
“Alright guys! I better get to healing him!” You said as you ran off with the pupper still holding a smug look, this time directed at Kaminari.
“Looks like your plan backfired dude,” Sero said.
“And it looks like Bakugou is gonna be enjoying these next 2 weeks a little too much,” Mina said and the group shared a laugh. Well, except for Kaminari who was kinda irritated that his revenge failed, but happy for his friend nonetheless.
Once you got back to your room you placed Blasty on your bed and started to check him for places where he needed healing.
“Huh, looks like you’re not really injured Blasty. Oh well, that’s fine! Just means I can spend more time with you without having to worry!” You said while rubbing his head. Bakugou leaned into your hand with a small and then rolled onto his back for belly rubs. He was hoping you would pet him some more but you didn’t.
“I’m sorry Blasty, but you need a bath before you hang around anymore. Let’s go!” You picked him up and he was wide eyed and bushy tailed. A bath. Whatever. As long as he got your attention. You placed him in the tub but realized you would be getting your clothes dirty, so you changed into some pajamas you wore the night before that were sitting in your hamper in your bathroom. Basically, you changed right infront of Bakugou. He was staring at you as if you were a meal. As you undressed infront of him he saw you in your panties and bra, matching of course, and damn your body was the exact definition of perfect. He licked his lips as he stared until you put on a cami top and black booty shorts.
“Damn..” he whispered.
When you came back to Bakugou you went down to his level and began to scrub him. You reveled in your touch and soaked in the hot water. When you took him out to dry him off you looked at the time and noticed it was pretty late.
“Alright, I guess we should head to bed. I’ll put on a move and we can sleep. Here, let me go set up some pillows for you to sleep on.” You said as you grabbed your spare pillows and placed them on the floor for Blasty.
As you got into bed you felt a little movement on your mattress. Apparently Bakugou hadn’t appreciated being on the floor. He wanted to sleep next to his future girl. So when you turned over and looked at him, he gave you puppy eyes.
“Oh...why the hell do you have to be so damn cute,” you said as you picked him up and placed him on your bed. Bakugou cuddled up in your chest and took in your delicious scent. You both drifted off to sleep while Bakugou was just having happy thought.
‘This is gonna be the best 2 weeks of my life!’
Ohhh what a week. You thought taking care of Blasty would be fun and exciting and adorable but it was that and more. It was also kinda frustrating. The damn dog would “bark” and growl at everyone, especially guys who tried to talk to you, and would only eat human food. He refused dog treats and never wanted to approach other dogs. Hell, this dog didn’t even go outside to use the bathroom. He went into the actual bathroom! Oh and don’t even get Y/N started on the “barking.” That dog had the most clear and humane “woof” any dog’s ever had! Another thing! This dog’s behavior is a little outta line. When Y/N would shower, it would try to follow her in and just sit there. When she would change, it would lay on her bed smiling and staring at her. When she would sleep it would ONLY cuddle into her breast or booty and one time when she woke up in the middle of the night, Blasty was up too. Again. STARING. What is up with this dog?
“Ugh!” Y/N said as she face planted the table. Her lunch completely disregarded and the Bakusquad (minus Bakugou because apparently he had to go on a trip with his parents...or so you thought) watching as the blonde mutt poked around her head on the table.
“Having fun there Y/N?” Mina asked to which Y/N replied with a stare and a twitching eye.
“Blasty is INSANE!” You roared out. The Bakusquad and Blasty (aka Bakugou) watched on. “Don’t get me wrong, I love having the little guy around but he has some weird habits for a dog. He won’t eat like a dog, use the bathroom like a dog, interact with other dogs, and don’t get me started on the barks! I’ve never heard a dog say WOOF like a human,” you took a breather before continuing, “another thing, Blasty is a lowkey perv sometimes. Well if he were human at least, but he has perv tendencies. Like the staring whenever I’m a little underdressed or in the tub or SLEEPING.”
With that rant, Bakugou felt his ears fell and he backed up into a corner on the table. He was starting to feel insecure. Had his crush really thought of him as a pervy little thing? When you saw Blasty’s reaction, you noticed he might’ve understood what you said.
‘Can he....no there’s no way.’ You thought about the dog. Was there a possibility he could understand everything you just said?
“Oh Blasty, don’t be so dramatic. I’m just saying, for a dog, you’re a little weirdo, but it’s okay because for the time being, you’re my little weirdo. I still got love for you!” You said while holding him up in the air. Once again, the dog had a reaction to your words.
The squad was starting to notice the gears in your head turn and Kirishima quickly took him away for a little “walk.”
“Oh hey Y/N, why don’t you finish your food and I’ll take Baku- BLASTY! For a walk. Yeah, maybe he needs some outdoor exercise.
“Oh no Kiri it’s fine I-“
“THANKS!” The red head said as he dashed out the cafeteria with the little floof. Oh well, might as well enjoy your last few minutes of peace.
“What the HELL SHITTY HAIR!? She was all up on me back there! You didn’t have to drag me away!” Bakugou spoke as Kirishima held him from his armpits.
“Sorry man, but you were the one who said you didn’t want your cover blown and she was starting to figure it out. And c’mon Bakugou, she knows you better than someone who would go on a trip with his parents. Not only that but your looks are so obvious. What dog had red eyes and spikey blonde hair?!?” The red head explained. The blonde dog only crossed his arms in a very human like manner and turned to the side.
“We’ll be fine, the quirk will ware off in another week so get over it. Besides, there’s no way she’ll know! We have everyone that was there covering it up for me. It’s fine!” Bakugou replied.
His best friend sighed before saying “alright man, if that’s what you want,” and placed him down to head back to the cafeteria.
“Thank you! Jeez, now let’s get back to the cafeteria. I wanna have lunch with my Y/N.” Bakugou walked on all fours with his head held proudly.
“You may be a tiny dog, but that huge crush on her that you got going on is still going strong,” the red head said.
“You’re damn right, Shitty hair!”
As the boys walked, they didn’t know that from around the corner, Y/N heard everything.
‘Bakugou?! Quirk??? CRUSH?!!?’ Oh this was too good. With this new information, Y/N walked off with a smirk and a plan.
The next few days passed and like always, you work up with Blasty, oh you mean Bakugou, on your chest. You slightly smiled knowing this past 2 weeks, your crush had been coddling over you. You got even more excited knowing your feelings were mutual. You woke up and got ready for the day.
Now, the same thing happened as always. You got up and went to the bathroom to shower and Blasty would follow. He would watch you undress and step in the shower and step out and change. You would pick him up, hold him tight, kiss his forehead, and then be out the room. This time, your routine felt a little different knowing it was actually Bakugou staring at you this whole time.
Oh. He had seen you naked multiple times. You didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or flattered. Oh well, he kept on staring is he must’ve been enjoying the show, except this time, you actually gave him one. You slowly stripped outta your clothes and made slight and soft R-rated noises as the warm water hit your skin. You bent over as you put on your underwear and slowly got dressed. You couldn’t believe yourself. Serving these looks to a dog.
Bakugous cheeks would be so red under that fur, the way you moved this morning was everything. He didn’t even notice the drool slipping from his mouth. As you stood there in nothing but your panties and bra, you turned towards Bakugou. And idea came to your head.
“Hey Blasty! You wanna help me pick out a look today? We sure are lucky the school staff has an all day meeting! Free day for us!” You picked Bakugou up and held him against your nearly bare breast. Bakugou just had to rub himself in between your mounds a little, and you noticed this, and released a slight whine.
“Mm..hey Blasty, stop that.” You placed him down and dressed into a mini skirt and tube top. You matched with a pair of everyday causal heels and went out with Bakugou following along. He would walk directly under your side and look up. He enjoyed the view of your lace panties and the jiggle of your ass everytime you took a step. Man, was this a perfect Friday or what?
Well it would’ve been if it hadn’t been for a certain Icy-Hot. What Bakugou didn’t know, was that you texted Todoroki the previous night to help you with this little plan of yours.
“Hey L/N.” Todoroki greeted you with kid kind eyes and gentle smile.
“Todoroki, stop that. I told you that you’re one of the people who can call me Y/N.” You said.
“Well alright, then I insist you call me Shoto in return.” He said.
“Only seems fair!” You said with a giggle to which Todoroki stared at.
“You have such a beautiful smile.” He complimented. You blushed at his words, especially since Todoroki really wasn’t one for..umm..emotions.
“Thanks,” you bashfully said while stepping a little closer. As Bakugou watched this whole interaction go down from below, he couldn’t help but release a small growl. No way in hell is Half and Half taking his girl!
“Actually, there was a reason why I called you over.” Todoroki said before speaking again. This caught your attention and Bakugou’s. “I was wondering if your wanted to go in a date with me. Tonight. It could be really casual and we could even do a small movie night here in the common rooms. Just you and me. What do you say?” He asked. Bakugou was fuming.
“A date huh? Mm, I’m sorry Shoto, but I’ve actually kinda been waiting for Bakugou to get back.” You said which made Bakugou flip his head towards you.
“Bakugou?” Todoroki asked.
“Yeah. I’ve had a small crush on him for awhile, and I was hoping my first date would be with him.” You explained. The cartwheels Bakugou’s heart was doing in his tiny body was ridiculous.
‘She likes me back She likes me back She likes me back!!!!’ The dog thought to himself. His tail began wagging and his smile grew bigger than ever.
“Well I heard he’ll be gone until Saturday,” Todoroki started, “so how about just for tonight, I keep you company with a movie, maybe some chocolate, maybe some flowers, and see where the night goes?” He asked. Bakugou snarled at the two toned boy with his fangs until he heard your voice.
“Sure!” You said.
“Really?” Todoroki asked.
‘Really?!’ Bakugou thought.
“Really!” You said, “Bakugou will be gone for another week so I see no harm in hanging as friends!” You smiled once more.
“Great! This’ll be amazing Y/- OUCH” Bakugou had interrupted Todoroki by latching onto his leg and holding on with his life as Todoroki did everything he could to shake the blonde mutt off. You reached for “Blasty” before apologizing to Todoroki.
“I’m sorry, Shoto. He gets like this sometimes.” You explained.
“Ah..no worries. Uh, I’ll see you later tonight?” Todoroki asked you.
“Yeah, definitely. See you then!” You said as you walked off with a grumpy pomeranian in your arms.
‘On every level. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?’ Bakugou thought to himself as you carried him away.
You walked into your room to with Bakugou to freshen up a little for your date with Todoroki. A little sprits of perfume here, a dash of blush there, and a little tweak with your hair. Your outfit was cute enough for a friendly little date. As you turned to Bakugou, you saw his sad puppy face.
“Oh, don’t worry Blasty! I’ll be back in a few hours! I’ll see you soon, ok?” You said as you kissed his forehead and made your way to the common room. Just before the door shut, Bakugou slipped out with you. If he couldn’t be on this date with you, then he’d just have to ruin it for Todoroki.
As you finally came in contact with the handsome boy, he greeted you and spoke of your plans
“We’ll be watching a movie, but we gotta get some great snacks first.” He said.
“How about just some popcorn and candy, they’re already right here in the dorms. Come over here and help me prep!” You said pulling on his hand and dragging him to the kitchen. Bakugou didn’t take too kindly to this and quickly went to tear Todoroki’s jeans and bite his ankle.
“Ouch!” Todoroki screamed in pain.
“Are you alright?” You looked around and saw his lower leg had been damaged.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just a scratch.” He said reassuring your troubles.
“Well alright, if you say so.” You said and resumed your snack prep. But that was only the start of this horrible night. Throughout the date, Bakugou tortured the poor boy and did everything he could to ruin the little get together. He ate the popcorn and candy while your backs were turned, he chewed on the wires to the TV, stopping you guys from watching, and even peed on Todoroki’s leg while you guys just sat and talk. Although Todoroki saw this coming with Y/N’s plan, he had enough of torment from Bakugou. He decided to move into the final plan, right here right now.
“Y/N, you’re an amazing girl and any guy would be really really lucky to have you,” Bakugou watched this little speech from afar, growling at the two, “and I know you’re waiting for Bakugou, but since he’s not back yet, I kinda just wanna end this night with something special.” He said as he began to lean in, you had no intent on stopping him. Seeing this, Bakugou began to run towards the couple with every intent on stopping this kiss.
“HEYYY!!! Those lips are reserved for me!” Bakugou screamed and you both turned towards the little dog. Bakugou jumped into the air to leap onto Todoroki and at the strike of midnight, His body turned into a human again (fully clothed, don’t worry) and fell on Todoroki, making them both fall back.
“You stay away from my girl, icy-hot!” Bakugou said while on top of Todoroki, clinging to his shirt.
“She’s all yours, you angry pomeranian,” Todoroki said as he escaped and ran to his room. Bakugou only looked back at you with a fierce smirk. He walked up to you, grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss that you happily returned. He pulled away after a minute and began walking with you hand in hand.
“You’re mine now.” Bakugou said
“Whatever you say....Blasty.” You snickered.
Bakugou turned his head in shock. “You knew?” He asked.
“Of course I knew. I knew Blasty was you, I knew it was you whenever you stared at my naked body, I knew it was you whenever you cuddled into my chest, I knew it was you when I overheard you speaking like a human to Kirishima. It also helped that I just watched you transform back to your normal self. But me knowing it was you was the whole reason why I came up with this plan with Todoroki. It’s about time you made a move on me, Blasty.” You said with a teasing voice.
Embarrassed and frustrated at the fact he’d been caught, Bakugou let out an outburst.
“YOU FUCKING TEASE!” he screamed with his hands holding little explosions.
“Yeah, but now, I’m your tease. And it’s ok, because I know you like me. It’s easy to tell with that kiss and whole possessiveness. But that’s fine, because I really like you too Blasty.” You said with a smile as you wrapped your arms around his neck and Bakugou returned it with a smirk and a hug.
“Damn straight, Princess.” He said as he held onto you tight. “You’re mine.”
A/N: y’all this is not spellchecked bc after the week I’ve had, I just couldn’t. I’m sorry if this isn’t to your liking but I had to finish this so I sloppily wrote it down. I hope you enjoyed it at least! See you next time Bear Cubs💗🧸
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sugar-petals · 5 years
Your First Time With Yoongi
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warnings ⚠️ femdom!reader, bondage, slapping, masturbation, name-calling, cunnilingus, wow yoongi gets NASTY 
word count: 2.6k | hc
↳ ♡ NOTE › for anon who also inspired the ‘first kiss with yoongi’ post. look what you’ve done. writing this made me lose my cool. let’s dive right into it.
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you’ll probably be fooling around watching miscellaneous videos from your feed 
and sorting through some clothes for the upcoming friday dinner
at the cozy italian restaurant next door
when you see yoongi come home looking, maybe not concerned, but more lost in thought
it takes a day or more until you ask him about it
brooding yoongi always means he’s weighing the big decisions
that you already know
but how it could possibly be something sexual you didn’t expect at first
because the only thing he says is that your second monthiversary is coming up this sunday
you reply yoongi that’s such a funny term
he says yeah it just made him think
it takes another day until you realize that he’s been unobtrusive letting you read between the lines how you see fit
and make that decision vice versa
it is about time to bring the relationship to a next level
yoongi sees the way you look at him
the last few weeks were proof enough he was worth giving it a go. you both knew what you were in for
as of now, you did make out a little at hoseok’s last halloween party (yoongi was in such a cute ghost costume). and kissed a whole lot during your vacation in london all lovey-dovey. but you didn’t have a chat 
so you nudge him at breakfast. what about friday?
after going out, you’ll have a whole evening to talk things over at home. no stress no pressure
agreed says your boyfriend
friday comes, you get a nice spot at giorgio’s rooftop terrace restaurant
literally it’s perfect to set the tone, the night sky is clear
after splitting the bill on antipasti for you and chili pepper pizza for yoongi the mood is right for some intimate talk and there’s no wine needed
but not in front of giorgio’s other guests alright
you return home flirting
to sit in your tiny courtyard garden with the fairy lights on
as long as no mosquitoes show up you have a long and frank conversation with a lot of surprising turns...
monthiversary sex on sunday it is
three cheers on that!
yoongi is giddy all saturday long and takes ten minutes more in the bathroom than usual, and five more in the shower
as if he isn’t dapper and groomed already
sunday afternoon, you do feel your hands getting a little sweaty yourself
the time has come
this will be exciting
you both prepare the living room for the evening, equip the center table with everything needed, eat some light snacks and drink plenty of water beforehand
the sun sets boom a leonardo dicaprio dvd goes right into the player
you’re both comfy on the sofa, intertwined, it’s fucking cute
you feed yoongi some more pretzel sticks
he makes you laugh
and nuzzles into the nape of your neck cuz cat behavior
the atmosphere slowly changes when the movie does
with leo getting all frisky and sweaty on screen, yoongi’s hands also begin to fumble at your hips, your skirt
and eventually
with you just murmuring just enough hot ideas in his ears
slip down to spend their time caressing between your legs
yep yep
the party is getting started
his hands are only shaky until they find the right spot. 
a pianist is merely on edge until he hits his favorite key indeed. and yoongi is that pianist. 
you can tell by his movements how he considers you music. now let that sink in
you’re his favorite tune 
RIP panties. those huge bony fingers know how to soak them 
they have endurance, too
you already know that this will be a passionate night
leo goes through twenty character arcs on screen while yoongi is still flicking those tips
really. getting. into it. stimulating you with one, two, three fingers at once, curling, rubbing, stroking, dipping
miss clit says thank you
no finger cramps in sight with mister ‘miraculous’ min yoongi
meanwhile, poor leo falls victim to the pause button
you repeat the safeword to each other
(because second monthiversary ok)
and here we go
flustered yoongi sits up, you pulling that FG shirt off, him then leaning against the backrest of the couch with legs splayed laxly
you climbing on top face to face
hot hot hot
yoongi wants restraints, he said. restraints he gets. a dozen feet of loose hemp rope are waiting on the table already.
you bind his hands before the chest, mainly knotting the rope around the wrists with an extra simple tie that keeps it foolproof. 
you do have safety shears on the table also
it took some time to remember the knot but it was some interesting stuff to learn
and... we’re talking yoongi’s sexy hands
what won’t you do just to see them tied fuck yes 
a kiss follows
long, deep, and increasingly lewd
only interrupted by you taking off your top and panties. the skirt stays on although it’s getting a little shoved up
yoongi remains seated as he is, starstruck as hell cuz your body has him fucked up
in the meantime you turn around to press your ass right against yoongi’s crotch
with a some more audacity right there
not taking any chances beyond this point
the poor guy
steady ruts and gyrating are sure to fry his brain with you taking all the time in the world to rub your core all over his growing boner
the skirt only provides more friction to the whole game
“you’re so cruel, please, oh my god”
someone’s worried he blows his load way too early
well oops
“take it. lil’ sucker”
you gaze back over your shoulder. sweet, suffering yoongi has his eyes closed and bites right down on his lip. 
he looks more concentrated than when he produces something in the studio i’m telling you
with your every push and rub, the tent in his blue shorts gets more upright, the fabric even more tense
and his voice whinier
and your pussy much wetter 
that’ll be quite a bit of laundry tomorrow
with every new grind you realize
better have mercy and slip a condom on before he does cum in his pants 
regardless you decide that your new favorite hobby is to tease the living hell out of him
by just how stiff he really is you can tell there are in fact two people enjoying that
holy shit when you get his pants off there’s a sight to behold
honey boy loves the cruel girls
it’s no secret yoongi is a fan of all things technology but damn he really is a master with the electric razor those are some pube gardening skills on fire
and he smells so good
and that juicy dick
is just one of a kind
the lube that’s been waiting on the couch table... will have to keep waiting forever 
hallelujah you’re dripping
“that’s... not going to be a long ride, yoongi”
“i, i know”
(just how much of a han solo is he!)
“should we wait for a minute?”
“probably better”
the boy gets the best of you it seems 
oh, sweet horniness.
a two minute TLC break gets the racing pulse down and the suspense up
admittedly just cuddly stuff with yoongi doesn’t make it any better
he. really. smells. so. good.
sandalwood, jasmine, something herbal, whatever it is, that mix makes your mind implode
“yoongi. i want you.” 
so bad.
just seeing him with his big dark teddy eyes and bound hands is kind of a fucking lot to take in okay
not to mention his voice just getting that extra deep edge when he tells you he wants you too
the two minutes are so hard to bear, you just want to get going and ride him and hear all those slutty moans
and corrupt his every inch
as per friday evening you know yoongi doesn’t plan to fall short on the vocal department whatsoever and who can blame him. his raspy baritone is a surefire way to make your thighs tremble
and by virtue of profession, rappers aren’t known for staying silent when it comes to issues they’re passionate about aren’t they
rolling down the rubber you grabbed from the table is challenging enough because good heavens you’re touching him this way for the first time it’s just hard to believe and hard to the touch
his breath accelerates big time
you’re careful but also firm enough to ground him 
“ok, shall we?”
yoongi’s desperate hum in reply comes with two quick nods
slow, slow, slow, take it slow you say to yourself
but your wetness doesn’t lie. 
yoongi’s piano hands were like an open sesame to your walls
they went pop 
let’s get down to business bring that cock
you crave that filling BAD
when you align and slip him in with one not so steady hand cuz jesus christ you’re completely high-strung
those teddy eyes are on you like big brother 
because yoongi monitors hard for any discomfort you might have
he probably realizes that he’s not a desert-dry 9:50 PM tampon on the fifth period day when the backsides of your thighs cushion down on his loins
better than any conditioner out there 
he’s in
it stuffs you so well, you can’t help but moan out
yoongi’s hypervigilance still hasn’t entirely faded though
“is that okay, does it hurt? is it—”
“shush, bun. watch.” testing, you give yoongi a good first bounce, far up and down, that baywatch slow motion... mother of god, your labia have a sweet time stretching around him. “it’s very okay.”
“a-alright,” he says
oh god yeah
another bounce on that. it’s already an addictive feeling
that’s what yoongi meant by ‘seesaw’
you rest your hands on his shoulders — and they’re made for that, i mean they’re just that broad — and really feel into how he glides in so nicely
with a slick and noisy plunge
gotta make sure to really savor all of those facial expressions from him ‘cause they’re pretty damn intense you have to give him that. never did you even fathom how his eyebrows could just escalate like this
yoonaerys targaryen!
that cock’s too good
so sleek. and comfortable 
advantages of having a perky lil dick 
he fills out your walls so perfectly
this is getting so heated, watching his body become so twitchy, his tied hands
with all those red blotches at his neck. 
it doesn’t take many more movements, no matter how playful the edge
that you have to pull off and enter phase 2 of TLC breaks with yoongi’s dick resting against his stomach all sensitive
this time you french kiss 
that’s how you know yoongi is not just a sucker. he’s a sucker
obsessed with nibbling at your lips and guzzling your saliva like wtf that’s not a break yoongi that’s making your girlfriend cum like new year’s eve fireworks
are all daegu boys freaky like that what is in the groundwater there?
you have to stop his hungry mouth and take a long damn breath
why is yoongi such a sex bomb
though what’s not to love about it
seriously you can’t take it much longer and he sees that 
“you wanna use your fingers, babe?”
“if you allow me,” he licks his lips, which means adding fuel to the fire, he can’t help it.
“say please.”
you start to fiddle with the rope knots
yoonaerys targaryen soon has free hands
rope marks suit him so well, that shit just turns you on even more
time to switch it up then the final is around the corner
changing spots on the sofa, you recline, legs apart
yoongi slowly rubs you off with his flat palm to keep the pressure light
and not to overstrain his wrists too soon
then comes the infamous naughty tongue lowering down to your pelvis... nipping, swift and staccato. you have rightfully dreaded this moment because geez he hooks you on it 
next comes
the tip of his cock. i know right, good grief. guided by keen hands, rubbed against your clit, patting it, poking it, glazing it until it’s all coated all wet and pulsing like mad, what the fuck yoongi 
he makes you completely swollen
and repeat
it’s a triple t(h)reat technique adapted straight from the realms of fiery hell
palm, tongue, cock rubbing against you. palm, tongue, cock. palm, tongue, cock.
that demonic trick is guaranteed not to go on for very long 
point of no return says hiya, i’m here to mess you up girl
next turn his curling tongue comes to visit and dips between your labia
you can’t hold back anymore
and blow up in his face
whatever control there has been in your legs has now shut down entirely
yoongi has to deal with the full dose of slowly oozing jizz cuz boy he just buries his face even deeper once he sees the contractions starting
at this point he has solidified his sucker reputation
mister miraculous min just keeps eating and slurping while you cum your soul out. the pleasure is like a current taking over
making you curse
until you’re running of breath
with ‘point of no return’ handing the baton to ‘dizzy overstimulation’ you pull yoongi’s head out from between your thighs by the hair
yoongi kneels before you ruined
man... his face is dripping 
he even got cum in his lashes
“shit, yoongi!”
“please. punish, i want, i, please”
seldom that yoongi’s rapper mind says sorry i’m out like that
looking back it makes sense. who orders a flaming chili pepper pizza for date night but a grade a masochist 
cue friday evening protocol
you fumble off the very slippery condom and grip his cock by the base. hard.
with your other hand just in reach of his face
in comes a ringing slap to his right cheek
“a—ah, ah! more!”
slut yoongi is back in town and his cock really has to stay strong
because holy hell you jerk him off fast
getting greedy and erratic
yoongi cries out his orgasm with a whole white milky mess landing on his stomach, his thighs, your hand, your skirt, who knows he might have shot a constellation into the sky if it wasn’t for the ceiling
with the last drops gushing out, a giant fatigue pulls the plug on him
oh man
his hair goes in all directions. his face is slapped red, his wrists are marked, he came all over himself.
100% sex wreck 
you can barely keep yourself steady either
but you can at least reach for the soon-to-be-dirty-laundry towel on the table 
and clean up your salivating puffy teddy 
only to pull him close to you
two fucks covered in sweat all slack on the sofa, worn out
but happy
yoongi keeps on babbling and breathing hard 
seeking out closeness to your belly
you let him lie down his head on there
time to pull a blanket over the two of you right there once everything cools down
yoongi gazes up at you a bit cheeky even if he’s super tired
“kinda know what you’re thinking”
“that’s what a monthiversary has to be like”
“nothing to add”
“except: repeat tomorrow”
wrapping up the weekend all sloppy is a good luck charm for monday
“my bad. of course”
“you’re just amazing, you know that.”
“i was gonna say that to you”
safe to say that guy has your heart
“so... same time, same place, different movie?”
“sure babe i’m in”
while you both doze off, intertwined just as before  
you can’t help but think
man that was life-changing
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katewaliss · 4 years
1x1 plot list!
hello girls, gays and theys! my name is crissy, i’m 21, go by she/her pronouns and live in the PST timezone. i am celebrating bullshitting my way through my junior year with ( copious amounts of tequila but also ) make a list of 1x1 ideas / plot bunnies because i need something to do during this Borentine and what better way to spend it then making myself cry with ships! 
i primarily send really long keysmash head cannons through discord and the ims, but i am also down to do replies ( on tumblr or discord ) and ask memes are my most favorite. i am introverted af but very excited abt ships so i really like having rp partners who like want to stay up all night and write and scream with me, so if that sounds like u, come thru! 
if u like any of these please don’t hesitate to shoot me an im! 
also my discord is daddy devito#2918 ( & yes, i do hate myself  )
were starting with mermaids bc i love mermaids
i’ve always kind of wanted one based loosely on these pictures x, x, x. im thinking ponyo meets enchanted meets h20 little mermaid AF realness! like maybe hes this lil regular boy high school college student taking pictures and stuff and sees this girl wash up on the shore looking very confused. so he helps her and you know, shes a little hysterical and cant walk very well, takes her into his apartment puts a towel over here bc she like keeps talking abt how shes a mermaid and hes like oh my god shes crazy ahh. she keeps saying her dad is king of the ocean and hes like???? do u have a last name? and the police dont know anything abt her she has no file, no id, no finger print in the database? 
basically the mermaid is staying w the college student in his apartment and he like teaches her what the microwave and the tv is and its very soft  they fall in luv maybe drama he has a girl friend who sucks a lot who is angry abt mermaid girl idk maybe the government realizes and tries to steal her! fun THAT FIRST PIC? MAYBE HE SAVED HER WHEN HE WAS A KID ONCE FROM DROWNING!!! AHHH
alternatively i found these pictures were are in the same vein very aquamarine x, x, x, lifeguard off duty surfing and he gets stuck in a gnarly wave and almost drowns but this mermaid saves his life! and he comes to see her a lot on the beach and they hang out and fall in love he teaches her how to speak english shows her his phone!!! MAYBE THE GOVERNMENT IS ALSO POACHING HER WE LOVE DRAMA
ok last mermaid plot? BUT ITS A SIREN PLOT!!!!!!! these sirens/a siren wipes out this sailors entire ship with the sirens song they all get drowned/eaten .... but plot twist! this one sailor homie lives bc he is DEAF and therefore IMMUNE TO THE SIREN SONG!! so this siren keeps tryna sing at him and its not working and u know they fall in love good stuff MORE POACHES MORE PIRATES MORE GOVERNMENT TRYNA KILL THE AQUATIC AMERICAN BC I LOVE SUFFERING modern or maybe set back in the day???? spicy
anthour or a sculptor that writes a book w a main character or makes a statue and it comes to life and has no perception of human stuff and is like a big alien
also literally all of these plots can be made gay as the flyest bi i ENCOURAGE it!!!! i will play either character in any of them pls tell me which one u like if u like one
pls the clown clown valedictorian plot
ok speaking of giving the gays everything they want
damn i just want a cheesy wlw 1x1 plot where the first girl is a famous celebrity hella spoiled very purse dog paris hilton type and her fancy convertible sports car breaks down smack dab in a small ass hick nowheresville town and this flannel wearing mannerless tomboy mechanic comes to fix her car but rich girl is stuck in town a few days while they order the part she needs for her car bc it’s a small town they don’t have it and they get closer and the celebrity girl is humbled by the town and learns a lot abt the world and herself just ,, good times LISTEN!!!! zendaya and kristine froseth ???? SPICY
ok maybe a period piece lady knight / princess plot where she was personally assignment to the princess but maybe its a whole mulan thing where no one knows the night is a girl and is posing as a man bc women were allowed to be knights and the princess is betrothed to some loser prince once again ill play either
princess body guard plots always smack
ok princess protection program BUT GET THIS instead of that its my boy dmitri who is the heir to the russian throne or some made up european country but theres an assasination attempt so hes told he has to go into witness protection. and this dude or girls dad is head of cia/fbi and dmitri has to pose as a foreign exchange student at y/ns college and be shown around/baby sat by them. they hate eachother. probably bc dmitri is obnoxious and entitled and sleeps w everyone. he was a matthew daddario fc but not that necessary!
cheerleaders on opposite squads who got the sexual tension!!!!
plot based off hollywood the netflix limited series where its 1940s-1950s hollywood and maybe actors falling in love, an actor and a director? OR omg even better an actor falling in love with some sort of stage crew, lighting, camera person............SPICY! 
a beauty / makeup youtube influencer and a pranking rant gaming sort of youtuber and they have to collab and hate it points if its gay
that cliche plot where ur friends older brother is hot
ok kstew / naomi scott .....that is such.....a wave
i saw this gifset of margo robbie and michael b jordan talking abt how they are eachothers celebrity crush and it got my brain turning 
a very whimsical hopeless romantic artist who finds a muse in a no nonsense american college student studying law studying abroad
PERCY JACKSON BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE HUNGER GAMES BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
business man/prodigal son who falls in love with a stripper/escort
harry potter......next gen................please.............scorose............but like can i play ravenclaw soft boy nothing like draco scorpio BUT ALSO ALL THE HP i also really like ocs also BEAUXBATONS DRUMSTRANG ( if anyone wants to help me w a not hogwarts but other wizarding school rp let me know )
not to b cliche but uh....pastors son bad boy plot yes!
alternatively bad girl good boy/girl plot yes! ( can i pls play bad girl seulgi its Dire )
horror until dawn stuff
soul eater? death note? OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB BITCH!!!! ANIME!
the epically cliche popular person failing math and is gonna get kicked off cheer gets tutored by biggest loser in school and only agrees to tutor her in math if she teaches them how to be cool to impress crush (popular persons friend) and they do that, they start to bond, she gives nerd a makeover the whole school falls in love with them and the popular girls real jealous and wHEw
a disgruntled detective whos wife cheated on him with his partner and he drinks everyday (also could b a lady) throws himself into work and this waitress at the diner he works at who is the opposite of him and very sunshiney
OKAY HANNIBAL but like the hannibal is a lady!
superhero x villian plot! spicy maybe theyre exes! or they went to the same super power school? 
also every disney plot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think this will get added to but for now this is the gist HIT ME THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!
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xoruffitup · 5 years
Adam Driver on SNL: 1/25 Dress Rehearsal Recap
I’m having dejavu of the best kind. I’m sitting here on the bus on my way back from NYC in hungover euphoria and overjoyed disbelief at everything I just experienced, texting new friends and old, recounting everything in my head and smiling so hard. The September 2018 weekend of Adam’s last SNL show lives in my memory in unmatched infamy, so my excitement was off the charts to do it all again. And because this show was absolutely fucking INCREDIBLE, this weekend delivered in every way all over again!! Seriously, my face aches from how I can’t stop smiling aksnksj HELP :’)
My friends and I were in the Dress Rehearsal, so below the cut are retellings of ALLLL the skits including those cut from the Live show - and no small amount of helpless emotional flailing.
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I had an idea of what to expect after attending Adam’s 2018 show, but I nevertheless felt sky-high levels of anxiety when Sarah and we arrived at the NBC shop at 6:30. I knew rationally that our chances of getting into Dress were good with numbers #12 - 14, but every now and then there’s the occasional oddity of only a handful of Standby people getting in. Though even without any uncertainty in the equation, my entire being goes on Hyped/Anxious Overdrive anyway whenever I’m about to be in the same space as Adam sO really there’s nothing for it. :’)
They lined us up by numbers, I did a lot of emotional wobbling like “I can’t believe we’re here again together guys waaaah” (have I mentioned I met these girls at Adam’s last show? Full circle moment of the highest and most beautiful caliber and it had me hella verklempt), and thennnn - drumroll and hushed silence please - the main security guy comes up to the giant line and asks the first 20 people to come with him.
As they constantly remind you throughout this thoroughly nerve-wracking process, there is no guarantee you’ll actually get into the show until you’re physically in the seat. It’s a long, harrowing trip from the NBC store where the line gathers, up stairs, elevators, and through hallways to reach the studio, and you can still be cut even as far as the very last checkpoint if all seats fill up with the people ahead of you. So as you get closer, the excitement spikes higher and higher but so does the worry! We went through security, and then I clung to our new Standby line friend Catherine’s arm as they lined us up two-by-two on the first staircase, with Sarah and @reylonly right behind. I was likely extremely annoying as I couldn’t help being rambly and weird in my nerves and compulsively hugging my girls’ arms. @reylonly did her very best to calm my hot mess down, bless her.
About 45 minutes later (Maybe? I had no idea what time was, lbr) we reached the final point of the elevator and last hallway, and were held just outside the studio. THEN - the woman there instructed the next 4 to follow her in (thank GOD because we were terrified of being split up), WE WENT INTO THE STUDIO WHEW YAYAY OMFG WE WERE THERE!!! - but then oh no it happened so fast that she pointed @reylonly down to a single seat in the center and then the other 3 of us to seats towards the left side of the stage. They were all single seats, but thank GOSH they were all end seats of rows right next to each other. So Sarah was right in front of me and I could grab her shoulder (which I would do a lot in increasingly desperate excitement over the next 2 hours), and Catherine and I could reach across the aisle to cling to each other’s hands! @reylonly was on her own but in an incredible seat, and during commercial breaks we would lean forward to wave and blow kisses to each other and mime flailing or crying as one incredible sketch after another played out in front of us. I made sure to be friendly and talk to the people sitting next to me so they wouldn’t be too annoyed with me and Sarah always grabbing at each other, but LOL they probably thought I was at least a little insane. I mean, maybe for the moment alone when I saw a girl I’d made friends with in line but then lost track of in a seat not too far from me, and we started waving and dabbing at each other. Once we were seated there in the studio, all the anxiety gave way to surging excitement and I was practically bouncing in my seat, so overjoyed to be there and see my dear fandom friends there with me!
Michael Che warmed up the audience with some standup, the House band jammed, and Sarah and I momentarily got Extremely Excited when we saw them setting up the hell backdrop set for the cold open and thought at the time it was supposed to be Tattooine for a Star Wars skit, lolol. But then the actual show started, and with our Adam-eagle eyes Catherine reached out to whisper “there he is! In the blonde wig!” And, heart in my throat no matter how many times I see this man in person, I frantically squinted at all the people waiting just off to the side of the set until I saw that unmistakably Tol Broad back, and then he stepped onto the set and into the lighted camera’s view and I was cheering and clapping so hard for his first appearance that I couldn’t hear who he was supposed to be playing. xD I was just tapping Sarah’s shoulder in front of me, bouncing in my seat a little, and trying not to start levitating with the sheer force of my excitement and joy to be there.
OKAY from here I’ll break this up by skit! Anything that was different or missing from the Live show I put in bold font if you want to skip to that! Starting with...
Intro Monologue
So when he dropped the bomb of “I’m a husband and a FATHER” I clapped Sarah’s shoulder SO HARD, then he made he joke “I’ve made it very clear to my son that he’s second in everything” and I could not bELIEVE the wonder of what I was hearing omfg. I heard the words “my son” come out of his mouth with my own ears WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED, SURE AS HELL NOT ME????
Then he went into the audience to demonstrate how “approachable” he is and was so awk/weird/hilarious I was just losing it, then took his time meandering around the stage and making weird faces into the camera and I was just LOSING IT. And AKSKSJA after that he wandered over to another camera that was lower and kind of hummed as he lifted his shirt and put it over the camera so we got a full on belly button view for 2 unbelievable glorious seconds!! He looked up at the monitors as he was doing it and went “oh you can’t see anything” so that’s probably why he sadly didn’t flash his belly in the Live show.
“Cheer” with Adam as one of the team coaches
I’m going by the skit order in Dress, and this one was first after the monologue. Best part for me was the accent reminiscent of Clyde Logan. :3 But tbh, of the 6 skits they did for the Live show, I kind of wish this one had been swapped for the one performed last in Dress that was sO Wild and would have made fandom absolutely lose its shit aksnksal more to come on that.
Honestly, I cannot even properly describe my reaction when the Undercover Boss intro logo appeared on all the monitors oHMYLoRDDD. I nearly leapt out of my seat, like my heart nearly jumped clear out of my chest oh my fuck and I was legit holding onto Sarah so much I almost slid out of my seat - I just couldn’t believe it and I cheered SO LOUD. The entire audience erupted with this “HOLY SHIT” vibe outburst and I was SO happy to be there in that moment - knowing that our entire fandom was only hours away from this!! I honestly didn’t expect it at all - after they didn’t do one of these the second time Adam was on, I thought there was no chance. But IT HAPPENED AND IT WAS SO QUALITY HILARIOUS WE ARE SO BLESSED - THANK YOU TO RANDY’S LIL BEANIE AND VEST AND HIPSTER PANTS.
Pretty sure I like half curled up on myself laughing so hard my feet left the floor at OK BOOMER. And at the part with “will Rey take his hand?” I swear MY SOUL NEAR LEFT MY BODY I MEAN IS THIS THE REAL LIFE IS THIS JUST FANTASYYYY
..... Can someone come promise me we really didn’t just collectively hallucinate that??
SAG Awards Fashion Red Carpet
I’m not too disappointed this one was cut. Of all the amazing skits performed, I would have ranked this one lower. Adam and Kenan Thompson were fashion critics talking about celebs’ looks on the SAG red carpet. A minute in Adam says, “We should be paying more attention to the kids!” Kenan: *nervous laugh* “uh, should we??” Adam starts talking about/admiring the outfits for like Finn Wolfhard etc, with hilarious but bordering creepy descriptions like “masculine but not quite fully grown,” until Kenan is like “umm maybe we shouldn’t be talking about kids this much?”
They interview a girl who’s supposed to be Jojo Siwa and Adam’s like “you should know I think you’re beautiful. Kids need to hear more often that they’re beautiful.” Kenan panics, going “alRIGHT we’re gonna cut back to the studio now!” The skit ended with Adam: “I got a ticket to the Nickelodeon afterparty and I’m gonna swipe one of those kids in my pocket!”
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“Slow” Digital Short
HONESTLY, this competes with Undercover Boss for my favorite skit of the night. I can’t even tell you - I had literal tears running down my face I was laughing SO fucking hard during this entire thing. From the first moment we heard Adam’s deep-ass voice I absolutely and entirely lost my shit oh my GOD. We’d been so pumped for Adam in some kind of rap sketch when we saw the photos of him and Kenan filming the day before, but it was SO FUCKING GOOD. I will never ever in all my days not bust out laughing at “Bring that ass here” and “In a 65 hour lane going 2” aksnskns I’m on the bus struggling to fight back laughter just thinking about it SEND HELP!!!
It’s just brilliant. The turtle next to his expensive loafers. His cheesy sunglasses. That shot of his glorious bare arms. His deep voice “Baby” when they’re at the door and “But I brought ice cream” oh my god I love it so much BLESS YOU SNL BLESS YOU. I never in all my days thought I’d get Adam rapping but it’s every single thing I never knew I needed.
Del Taco Commercial / “Aw Man I’m All Outta Cash!”
ADAM’S SLEAZY LOOKING LONG WIG LMAO. This one was a wild and funny time once you got into it and just let it go. Once Kyle, Beck, and Adam were all yelling the line and Adam went “You don’t want to kill yourself, you just want a taco, Jesus” everyone was ROLLING. I think the only difference (is this even worth color coding lol) was that after Kyle took his pants off Adam kept slapping his thigh during Dress bahaha.
“Hot Dad” Adam dealing with a clogged toilet at a teenaged girls’ sleepover
Adam and Kate McKinnon comedy together YES PLEASE. This one was all the same as far as I can remember, but I will say that a woop/cheer rose from the people sitting near the set for this one at the line about Adam being a “hot Dad.” Yep sounds about right.
(Halsey’s first song, Weekend Update)
Medieval Renaissance Fair
You can’t have Adam host SNL without giving him some ridiculous character skit ala Oil Baron Parnassus. I absolutely loved how intense and deep he was for this kind of nonsense xD We can thank this skit for giving us footage of Adam yelling “Whore!” and spitting, lmao. Also.... I’ll just say in that outfit and wig he looked even Extra Big in comparison to everyone around him.
Courtroom Trial / Sinbad on Cameo
I’m also okay with this one being cut, but I was biased to enjoy the hell out of it live because the set was right in front of where I was sitting and I had such a perfect view of him. <3
Adam was supposed to be the defendant in a case where a female coworker claims he harassed her by sending “threatening” videos. Adam goes up on the stand and the prosecutor asks “are you familiar with these videos?” Cut over to Kenan Thompson, who’s pretending to be Sinbad on the app Cameo, making videos for the woman that are like “Hey you better give Mark a chance! Otherwise he might come after you!” Adam responds with disbelief: “I have no idea who this Sinbad person is and frankly, your honor, this is pissing me off.” Kenan acts a few more videos which keep getting funnier because he keeps eating things or being in crowded public places while filming them. But in the final video he references Adam’s character’s name so it’s clear he was the one requesting the videos. Adam gets all sad on the stand: “It doesn’t matter. No one likes me anyway!” It ends with Kenan as Sinbad crashing into the courtroom in person.
This was more Kenan’s skit as he really was hilarious, but someone had to explain to me afterwards who Sinbad is and how the Cameo app works so I didn’t quite ~get it while watching. BUT more importantly - Adam looked great despite the weird brown wig he had on. During the second of Kenan’s videos when the cameras were on Kenan instead, Adam’s face definitely started quivering with suppressed laughter until he visibly locked it down like NO FOCUS ADAM. Most of my attention stayed fixed on the buttons of his shirt because hOOo boy were they straining! Without me even saying anything, Catherine reached across the aisle for me immediately afterwards and whispered, “That shirt did /not/ fit well.” OH YES I NOTICED >:33
PBS Science Show
Another one which was performed right directly in front of us!! I already knew this was going to be a good one because Adam went right over to the skeleton mannequin when he came on set and started playing with it, like making the arm and wrist wiggle around. The biggest dork cutie you’ll ever see.
He was standing right under me, which meant once he started handling the balloon I got mighty distracted watching his MASSIVE hands around that tiny-looking balloon. >:)) Then I cracked up so hard when he got exasperated and threw something back against the window. WE GOT TO SEE HIM SMASH SOMETHING IN PERSON YESSSS
Ketchup bottles
Oh my GOD EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING ABOUT THIS ONE FROM START TO FINISH. The best part though might have been the prep beforehand. Someone carried the giant Ketchup and hot sauce bottles onto the set before the actors came on and we were like wtf? (For a minute I was triggered remembering Kanye coming on in his Perrier bottle during the 2018 show) But THEN Adam and Cecily Strong came on in big red shirts and people started lifting the giant plastic bottles over them and LOL we realized where this was going. They definitely struggled for a minute getting Adam’s bottle up over his head because of his height xD People in the audience were already laughing just watching this costume set up, and once Adam got the bottle on a WOOT cheer rose which I later learned was none other than @reylonly aka my hero. It was followed by someone yelling “THATS HOT”, which akndosjan made Adam laugh and raise his arms with a hilarious little shimmy in the bottle. He really seemed to be enjoying himself during the whole show, but during this ridiculous and incredibly hilarious skit especially so.
Game Night / Movie Quote Competition
OKAY this is the skit it’s a real tragedy didn’t make it on air! There were lines in this I couldn’t beLiEvE my ears were hearing, and if we ever get a recording I’m pretty sure the fandom would basically implode. 
Three couples are sitting around a living room having a game night. Adam is sitting with Kate McKinnon with his arm around her. After they finish playing Settlers of Catan, Heidi Gardner suggests they play a movie quote game where one of them says a line from a movie and the rest have to guess the movie. She is clearly very into it, and the others reluctantly agree. It quickly becomes clear that Adam is just as good at the game as she is, and they immediately start becoming competitive. They reach the point where they quote three lines from Captain Phillips in a row, trying to trick each other. As the game gets more heated, they exchange aggressive flirty banter such as:
Heidi: You really know your movie quotes, huh? Adam: Yeah I do. Heidi: And with some BDE over there. Adam: Yeah, I got that too.
AND !!!!!!!!!!
Heidi: You’re quite the movie flick daddy. Adam: I’m the world’s biggest flick daddy.
The game keeps escalating until Kate tries to calm Adam down and he brushes her off. Everyone else tries to tell Heidi to relax, and she responds “What?! I’m supposed to lie back and let (Kate’s character’s name)’s hot husband rail me??”
I WAS FLOATING ON THE CEILING BY THIS POINT, I literally couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing alsdfjsldafjlsdkfj!
It gets to the point where they’re both standing, shouting completely vague snippets of lines at each other while the other continues to guess correctly. Until finally Adam exclaims, “I got a good one!” He grabs her and fULL ON kisses her. 
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(Pictures from The Adam Driver Files twitter.)
Immediately afterwards she goes, “I know! That was the kiss from (Movie X - I can’t remember the exact title).” Adam: “HOW DID YOU KNOW?!” Heidi: “From how you moved your tongue!”
I’m still reeling from this one. Adam calling himself a daddy, talk of “getting railed” by him, and intense kissing?! Oh my lORDDDD. I’m still trying to keep it playing on a loop in my ears. I’m not sure if we as a fandom could collectively survive a full video of this, but GOD I hope we get the chance to test ourselves. RELEASE THE UNAIRED VIDEO, YOU NBC COWARDS!!!
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...Aaaaaaand that was a wrap! After 10 skits and nearly 2.5 hours, it literally felt like I had run a marathon at a full sprint. I was just trying to process everything I’d just witnessed, while trying to focus on committing every single thing to memory. I just couldn’t believe the range of amazing and hilarious things I’d just seen Adam doing: Play a talking ketchup bottle, call himself a daddy, awkwardly talk about feminine products clogging his toilet, yell “WHORE” then spit and swing a medieval mace around, rap hilariously, and yell about umami?? It was all almost TOO MUCH. 
For full-circle and emotional fulfillment reasons, I wore my Save Ben Solo shirt to the show just like I did at the 2018 show. I had debated beforehand whether it would be too bittersweet to wear it after TROS, but now I’m so glad I did. All these hilarious and zany skits were just what we all needed to continue the cycle of fandom excitement and positivity despite the last month. I’m so incredibly grateful to SNL for such great material for Adam to work with and us to laugh at, and for giving us the perfect reminder that there’s still so much to whole-heartedly appreciate and love. Most of all, Adam himself. <3
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42 notes · View notes
assim-eu-sou · 3 years
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Bia 2:17-18
- Not me watching last episode’s review just so I can see the BIlena scene again
- Bia like the LAST thing I would do is follow you
- Lmaooo they’re stuck
- Sir, I’m not sure you can take that kind of falsification back
- But he sure is trying… and I guess its worked >:(
- Guillermo knows he has to fight for Carmín so she’ll keep his secret
- A deadline… will that work with her plan?
- Chiara is TIRED
- Miss Celeste needs to take a lil break from Trish…
- her making drawings for him is so adorable <3
- Pietro makes points tbh
- The boys are caught in their trap lmaooo
- <3 Binuel Primer Amor Binuel Primer Amor Binuel Primer Amor… they sound so good :’)
- If they like the song so much. They should remember. That Manuel helped write it. And sang on it. >:(
- I know Alice isn’t buying that…
- Alex is rather eager to do a collaboration with Carmín
- LMAO Alex getting scolded by Mara
- I have to admit she sounds good
- Luan is slick, we have to agree
- Daisy very much does not want to be there but she will help arbitrate
- Come on…. how can one resist those puppy eyes…
- Another day… I appreciate Daisy for trying
- Ayyyyy Ana’s got moved
- Heart eyes heart eyes heart eyes from me to her
- I HAVE to laugh
- Anyway… her. Moving on.
- Bia’s face watching Chiara and Celeste hash it out lmaooooooo
- I love when the girls hang out
- Carmín is not. Enthusiastic about this. Whew praying for her
- Oi now what is Marcos gonna make Aillén do…
- Victor sure is righter than he knows
- ANA. Shameless. Absolutely shameless.
- Luan watches knowingly…
- This background music is so interesting.
- Luan is so tired of the pining in the residence
- Carmín sounds so tired :’(
- I really do feel sad for Carmín… I know she just wants to come out with the truth right this moment
- Ana, Ana, Ana…. don’t even try to lie after that. Luan is smarter than that.
- Luan is SOOOOO tired of being
- HAHAHA the way Ana was like nahhhhh you’re gonna tell me Pietro
- Lmaooo I love her reactions 
Alexxxxx leave him ALONE!
- Bia Urquiza… querida….. I may be an Ana lovebot but my Bia deserves my love too
- Now why is Antonio filming Victor…
- Ana <3 and Manuel moment
- Ana needs to stop asking about things that are gonna upset her… dang…
- Alex… if you knew… you wouldn’t be defending him
- Alex acting like what he DOES know about Antonio’s actions is just. A little mistake.
- Alright Daisy… I know where this is going.
- Binuel <3
- Lol Manuel is so bad at pretending they’re not together, ever the romantic
- Ahhhhhhhh Baby Mozart :’)
- Manuel… if you knew… you wouldn’t be defending him
- Carmín has had ENOUGH
- Just the kids singing together :)
- WHEW Pixie’s desktop is MESSY
- I enjoy Pixie and Daisy’s friendship
- Wooooooah Luan…. that’s definitely a big move
- Ugh I’m tired of Mara… I guess there always have to be antagonists though
- Binuel has t stop being so cute before they get themselves found out
- Ohhhhh boy… I’m sure that schema isn’t gonna work
- Eek Guillermo has spotted Carmín
- HA Carmín’s got him though
- Thiago and Soledad are kinda booking it though…
- Oh this is some SHAMELESS flirting
- Ok ok, let’s not drag this out
- HA not a speaker costume
- OH NO not Alex
- Chiara is enjoying this too much
- And Alex DEFINITELY is
- Uh oh….
- Yessss my babies all dancing together…. Or trying to
- Heart eyes heart eyes heart eyes (from me to Bia)
- Dirty, dirty…
- And he lied to Carmín saying he’d cut her out… smh… but what can we expect from him
3 notes · View notes
ourlittledinosaur · 6 years
My Two Year Old’s 1st Dentist Visit
New Post has been published on http://ourlittledinosaur.com/my-two-year-olds-1st-dentist-visit/
My Two Year Old’s 1st Dentist Visit
First Official Dentist Appointment
Well, today was a big day here for us in the Lil’ Dino household. All three of us, (Lil’ Dino, Lil’ Dino Daddy, and myself) had dentist appointments.
Now technically my son has been to the dentist twice before. Once to have his lip and tongue ties revised and once soon after his first birthday for what we thought was a tartar problem (it wasn’t…we just needed to brush his teeth. duh! *rolls eyes* Apparently, the rule is if one has teeth, brush them. Haha!).
Ever since we went to that pediatric dentist and started brushing his teeth, it’s been a daily battle to brush his teeth.
Picture this: our Lil’ Dino family is getting the little one ready for bed. “Ok, son. Let’s brush your teeth.”
“Noooooo!” Lil’ Dino exclaims as he runs wildly in the opposite direction adorned in naught but his adorable cloth diaper.
Dino Daddy and Dino Mommy smile wearily at one another as one of them holds the tooth brush and both follow in hot pursuit of the resistant toddler.
Dino Daddy wrestles him into his arms and onto the changing table and holds his arms while Dino Mommy smiles and sings happy teeth-brushing songs and tries to get Lil’ Dino to open his mouth.
“Say ahh,” Mommy prods.
Toddler then shuts mouth tightly with a most serious face.
“Please son, it’s time to brush your teeth,” Mommy assures. “Mommy will be very gentle.”
Toddler still refuses and begins (or continues) to squirm.
Mommy uses a freshly washed pinky to create an entry into toddler’s mouth followed by the tooth brush. Toddler seems to comply for a moment before quickly sucking off the strawberry flavored toothpaste, then closing his mouth tightly again.
Mommy wiggles the toothbrush into Toddler’s mouth and begins to scrub gently. Toddler whimpers. Both Daddy and Mommy feel terrible and pray he’ll still trust them when this is all over. Mommy keeps brushing softly and Toddler wails (which admittedly and horribly makes it easier to get the whole thing over with because now his mouth is at least open).
“It’s ok son,” we reassure. “We’re almost done.” “We’re doing this because we love you and we don’t want your teeth to fall out!”
Then it’s over. Whew! (Now were all ready for bed!)
End scene.
This has been every evening for nearly a year, with very few exceptions.
Needless to say, Lil’ Dino Daddy and I were skeptical about how this trip to the dentist would go. However, both of us felt it necessary since teeth-brushing is such a struggle and because Lil’ Dino chipped one of his teeth chomping a rock and we wanted our family dentist to check it. (*another eye roll and a big sigh* Boys will be boys?)
Scared Little Boy
So we arrive at the dentist and I fill out the “new patient” paperwork for my son which is kind of exciting.
Soon two dental hygienists arrive to take back my husband and my son (with me). One of them tells Lil’ Dino, “Can you believe your Daddy was your age when he started coming here?” Pretty neat, right? We really like our dentist.
So, my husband heads back with the hygienist who spoke and my son continues to play with legos and completely ignore that he’s being spoken to. (My son is actually very friendly and polite for a two year old. We had just woken him up from his nap and he was a little shy and moody.)
So, I illicit Lil’ Dino’s help in picking up the legos and then I pick him up and we walk back to whatever the dentist equivalent is to an exam room. We talk to the hygienist. Let’s call her Ms. Hattie. She’s so sweet and friendly.
She shows my son the “special cushion just for him” and I go to set him in it. He raises his legs into the air, refusing to sit, and clings to me as tight as he can. He was terrified! My son is typically fairly fearless. He has a wonderful sense of exploration that sometimes borders getting into mischief. He’s not really afraid of new people or new things.
We talk up the chair, as well as the movie he can watch while he sits in it. No go. In fact, I told my husband I’m pretty sure he suspected trickery once we offered the TV freely and he didn’t have to request it.
The more Ms. Hattie speaks to him – the more I try to convince him – the more his grip tightens around me and his head buries into me. Soon he begins to sob that panic sob I so rarely witness. It’s not only heartbreaking but I know it means he’s had enough. He’s scared.
I tell him, “Oh honey, it’s ok. You don’t have to do anything today.” I smile at Ms. Hattie and take my son into the lobby. As I carry my frightened son, I notice the warm colors of the lobby contrast greatly with the cool colors, bright lights, and shiny instruments of the exam room. He immediately relaxes but continues to cling to me. The sobbing stops.
I remind him he is safe. That no one will hurt him. Everything is ok.
It dawns on me, that although he was a baby and it had been a year since he’d had a bad experience at a different dentist’s office, he probably remembers it. At that time, and at the time of the lip and tongue tie revision at three weeks old, it was a forced situation. Both times he cried and was held down. It truly breaks my heart to write about it. Something triggered a panic response for him.
All this time we’d been brushing his teeth almost the same way because, well, we had to. We had to take care of his teeth. The only time he doesn’t mind his teeth being brushed is when he does it himself. Of course, he doesn’t do it very thoroughly which is why we have kept doing it for him.
Our story continues, and my son soon crawls off my lap to go back to the legos. I have told him that soon we will go back into the room, “but it will be to help Ms. Hattie clean Mommy’s teeth. Won’t that be fun?”
Ms. Hattie comes out and kindly hands me the paperwork I hadn’t quite finished. As I scribble down the requested information, she kneels down and asks if Lil’ Dino wants to play legos with her. He was so excited. He laughed and joined her in playing. They chat a while about colors and block sizes and how high they can stack them.
I complete the stack of papers and walk it up to the office assistant. I return to Ms. Hattie and Lil’ Dino and ask him if he wants to go see Daddy get his teeth cleaned. He agrees and we go to his exam room.
Let’s Watch Daddy…and Help Mommy
My husband’s dental hygienist was a hoot and also friendly. She was wearing specially designed glasses that had a light on them and commented first thing that she was a robot. My son loves robots, so we chatted about that for a bit and she showed him the tools that were cleaning Daddy’s teeth. “Daddy’s teeth are so shiny now,” she explained. His curiosity was sparked but he remained solemn.
We headed back to my exam room with Ms. Hattie, and I sat down on the special chair with my son on my lap. I pointed out the TV and the current scene playing in “Finding Nemo”. Ms. Hattie brought him a Lil’ Dino sized chair and he giggled and sat in it joyfully.
Becoming comfortable in this new environment, he exclaimed, “Daddy is?” and stole out of the room and down the hall to check on his Daddy. Thirty seconds later he was back with Daddy right behind him, and wanted up on my lap. I encouraged Lil’ Dino Daddy to stay and to let Lil’ Dino watch so he’d become more comfortable.
With Lil’ Dino on my lap, Ms. Hattie told us we were going for a ride, and I excitedly exclaimed “Whee!” as the chair moved back at a snails pace. Lil’ Dino giggled. Maybe this place wasn’t so bad after all.
I have to admit, as someone who has had a chipped tooth, braces, and headgear, and a retainer, I’ve had many experiences with people working inside my mouth. Nothing was more eventful than this simple cleaning I had today!
Lil’ Dino stayed on my lap the entire cleaning. He “helped” and bounced, and exclaimed, “Ah-uh-uh-uh!” as he did so. He smile and laughed and talked about “Mommy mouth” “Mommy teeth”. He watched and then wanted to touch the tools (but only did so with permission from Ms. Hattie which was impressive I thought). She handed him his first dental tool. He held the circular mirror up to his face and scrutinized it thoroughly. He grabbed the “sucky tube” that was in my mouth and tried to push it further into my mouth and down my throat. (Ok, that one wasn’t with permission.) “Touch it,” he said and then touched the green paste that was polishing my teeth.
What a Turn Around
He continued to watch in fascination, get excited, then lay on my tummy and hug me tightly. He even told me “tank tou, Mommy” a few times for getting to do something with my teeth. He was so distracting and truly very sweet. What a turnaround from the terrified little person thirty minutes previous in this very room. It was certainly the most fun dental cleaning I’ve ever had.
Ms. Hattie was able to get him to smile here and there and check out the chipped tooth. They use a really neat camera tool with a light on the end that goes in or near the mouth and he tolerated that a bit so she could get a good picture for the Doctor. Lil’ Dino was positioned just right that he could see the screen that showcased him as she took the pictures. He liked that too!
Ms. Hattie was even able to polish Lil’ Dino’s teeth with a toothbrush by letting him do it and rubbing his teeth with her blue-gloved hand where she wanted him to brush.
Lil’ Dino even let the Doctor look at his chipped tooth for about a nanosecond, but it was just long enough to know that everything was ok.
When it was all said and done, we all three were given a clean bill of dental health and Lil’ Dino left with a bright smile and a prize from the toy chest.
He said thank you and bye bye to everyone, including the doctor. He said a special goodbye to sweet Ms. Hattie and reached out to her to hold him. He really liked her. 🙂
Before we left, our favorite office assistant from the front desk came around to take Lil Dino’s picture with a big white camera that prints the photos instantly. His photo was placed on the “No Cavity Kids” board, of which I took a picture to send to his “Nama” and “Nana”.
When I showed my husband the picture of the picture I took, I warned him beforehand that if we weren’t his parents, we wouldn’t know this was a two year old. He saw the picture and agreed. He looked like an older child. A big kid. And for the moment, that suited him well, because he did a big, brave, big-kid thing today and overcame a fear that we didn’t realize he had.
Now that we know our son has a healthy mouth, we are going to take a couple weeks to change his teeth-brushing routine. We’re going to let him do it all by himself, with direction. We’re going to take our cue from Ms. Hattie and show him where to brush by rubbing his teeth. He’ll be standing like a big boy over the sink. Maybe Lil’ Dino Daddy will teach him to spit like a man. (Ew, what am I saying?)
Grandparent Pride
Upon receiving the picture I sent of our very own “No Cavity Kid”, my mother-in-law admitted that she is resisting the desire to go to the dentist’s office tomorrow just to talk to them about how cute her grandson is. “Grandparent pride is a real thing!” she explained proudly.
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ourlittledinosaur · 6 years
My Two Year Old’s 1st Dentist Visit
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My Two Year Old’s 1st Dentist Visit
First Official Dentist Appointment
Well, today was a big day here for us in the Lil’ Dino household. All three of us, (Lil’ Dino, Lil’ Dino Daddy, and myself) had dentist appointments.
Now technically my son has been to the dentist twice before. Once to have his lip and tongue ties revised and once soon after his first birthday for what we thought was a tartar problem (it wasn’t…we just needed to brush his teeth. duh! *rolls eyes* Apparently, the rule is if one has teeth, brush them. Haha!).
Ever since we went to that pediatric dentist and started brushing his teeth, it’s been a daily battle to brush his teeth.
Picture this: our Lil’ Dino family is getting the little one ready for bed. “Ok, son. Let’s brush your teeth.”
“Noooooo!” Lil’ Dino exclaims as he runs wildly in the opposite direction adorned in naught but his adorable cloth diaper.
Dino Daddy and Dino Mommy smile wearily at one another as one of them holds the tooth brush and both follow in hot pursuit of the resistant toddler.
Dino Daddy wrestles him into his arms and onto the changing table and holds his arms while Dino Mommy smiles and sings happy teeth-brushing songs and tries to get Lil’ Dino to open his mouth.
“Say ahh,” Mommy prods.
Toddler then shuts mouth tightly with a most serious face.
“Please son, it’s time to brush your teeth,” Mommy assures. “Mommy will be very gentle.”
Toddler still refuses and begins (or continues) to squirm.
Mommy uses a freshly washed pinky to create an entry into toddler’s mouth followed by the tooth brush. Toddler seems to comply for a moment before quickly sucking off the strawberry flavored toothpaste, then closing his mouth tightly again.
Mommy wiggles the toothbrush into Toddler’s mouth and begins to scrub gently. Toddler whimpers. Both Daddy and Mommy feel terrible and pray he’ll still trust them when this is all over. Mommy keeps brushing softly and Toddler wails (which admittedly and horribly makes it easier to get the whole thing over with because now his mouth is at least open).
“It’s ok son,” we reassure. “We’re almost done.” “We’re doing this because we love you and we don’t want your teeth to fall out!”
Then it’s over. Whew! (Now were all ready for bed!)
End scene.
This has been every evening for nearly a year, with very few exceptions.
Needless to say, Lil’ Dino Daddy and I were skeptical about how this trip to the dentist would go. However, both of us felt it necessary since teeth-brushing is such a struggle and because Lil’ Dino chipped one of his teeth chomping a rock and we wanted our family dentist to check it. (*another eye roll and a big sigh* Boys will be boys?)
Scared Little Boy
So we arrive at the dentist and I fill out the “new patient” paperwork for my son which is kind of exciting.
Soon two dental hygienists arrive to take back my husband and my son (with me). One of them tells Lil’ Dino, “Can you believe your Daddy was your age when he started coming here?” Pretty neat, right? We really like our dentist.
So, my husband heads back with the hygienist who spoke and my son continues to play with legos and completely ignore that he’s being spoken to. (My son is actually very friendly and polite for a two year old. We had just woken him up from his nap and he was a little shy and moody.)
So, I illicit Lil’ Dino’s help in picking up the legos and then I pick him up and we walk back to whatever the dentist equivalent is to an exam room. We talk to the hygienist. Let’s call her Ms. Hattie. She’s so sweet and friendly.
She shows my son the “special cushion just for him” and I go to set him in it. He raises his legs into the air, refusing to sit, and clings to me as tight as he can. He was terrified! My son is typically fairly fearless. He has a wonderful sense of exploration that sometimes borders getting into mischief. He’s not really afraid of new people or new things.
We talk up the chair, as well as the movie he can watch while he sits in it. No go. In fact, I told my husband I’m pretty sure he suspected trickery once we offered the TV freely and he didn’t have to request it.
The more Ms. Hattie speaks to him – the more I try to convince him – the more his grip tightens around me and his head buries into me. Soon he begins to sob that panic sob I so rarely witness. It’s not only heartbreaking but I know it means he’s had enough. He’s scared.
I tell him, “Oh honey, it’s ok. You don’t have to do anything today.” I smile at Ms. Hattie and take my son into the lobby. As I carry my frightened son, I notice the warm colors of the lobby contrast greatly with the cool colors, bright lights, and shiny instruments of the exam room. He immediately relaxes but continues to cling to me. The sobbing stops.
I remind him he is safe. That no one will hurt him. Everything is ok.
It dawns on me, that although he was a baby and it had been a year since he’d had a bad experience at a different dentist’s office, he probably remembers it. At that time, and at the time of the lip and tongue tie revision at three weeks old, it was a forced situation. Both times he cried and was held down. It truly breaks my heart to write about it. Something triggered a panic response for him.
All this time we’d been brushing his teeth almost the same way because, well, we had to. We had to take care of his teeth. The only time he doesn’t mind his teeth being brushed is when he does it himself. Of course, he doesn’t do it very thoroughly which is why we have kept doing it for him.
Our story continues, and my son soon crawls off my lap to go back to the legos. I have told him that soon we will go back into the room, “but it will be to help Ms. Hattie clean Mommy’s teeth. Won’t that be fun?”
Ms. Hattie comes out and kindly hands me the paperwork I hadn’t quite finished. As I scribble down the requested information, she kneels down and asks if Lil’ Dino wants to play legos with her. He was so excited. He laughed and joined her in playing. They chat a while about colors and block sizes and how high they can stack them.
I complete the stack of papers and walk it up to the office assistant. I return to Ms. Hattie and Lil’ Dino and ask him if he wants to go see Daddy get his teeth cleaned. He agrees and we go to his exam room.
Let’s Watch Daddy…and Help Mommy
My husband’s dental hygienist was a hoot and also friendly. She was wearing specially designed glasses that had a light on them and commented first thing that she was a robot. My son loves robots, so we chatted about that for a bit and she showed him the tools that were cleaning Daddy’s teeth. “Daddy’s teeth are so shiny now,” she explained. His curiosity was sparked but he remained solemn.
We headed back to my exam room with Ms. Hattie, and I sat down on the special chair with my son on my lap. I pointed out the TV and the current scene playing in “Finding Nemo”. Ms. Hattie brought him a Lil’ Dino sized chair and he giggled and sat in it joyfully.
Becoming comfortable in this new environment, he exclaimed, “Daddy is?” and stole out of the room and down the hall to check on his Daddy. Thirty seconds later he was back with Daddy right behind him, and wanted up on my lap. I encouraged Lil’ Dino Daddy to stay and to let Lil’ Dino watch so he’d become more comfortable.
With Lil’ Dino on my lap, Ms. Hattie told us we were going for a ride, and I excitedly exclaimed “Whee!” as the chair moved back at a snails pace. Lil’ Dino giggled. Maybe this place wasn’t so bad after all.
I have to admit, as someone who has had a chipped tooth, braces, and headgear, and a retainer, I’ve had many experiences with people working inside my mouth. Nothing was more eventful than this simple cleaning I had today!
Lil’ Dino stayed on my lap the entire cleaning. He “helped” and bounced, and exclaimed, “Ah-uh-uh-uh!” as he did so. He smile and laughed and talked about “Mommy mouth” “Mommy teeth”. He watched and then wanted to touch the tools (but only did so with permission from Ms. Hattie which was impressive I thought). She handed him his first dental tool. He held the circular mirror up to his face and scrutinized it thoroughly. He grabbed the “sucky tube” that was in my mouth and tried to push it further into my mouth and down my throat. (Ok, that one wasn’t with permission.) “Touch it,” he said and then touched the green paste that was polishing my teeth.
What a Turn Around
He continued to watch in fascination, get excited, then lay on my tummy and hug me tightly. He even told me “tank tou, Mommy” a few times for getting to do something with my teeth. He was so distracting and truly very sweet. What a turnaround from the terrified little person thirty minutes previous in this very room. It was certainly the most fun dental cleaning I’ve ever had.
Ms. Hattie was able to get him to smile here and there and check out the chipped tooth. They use a really neat camera tool with a light on the end that goes in or near the mouth and he tolerated that a bit so she could get a good picture for the Doctor. Lil’ Dino was positioned just right that he could see the screen that showcased him as she took the pictures. He liked that too!
Ms. Hattie was even able to polish Lil’ Dino’s teeth with a toothbrush by letting him do it and rubbing his teeth with her blue-gloved hand where she wanted him to brush.
Lil’ Dino even let the Doctor look at his chipped tooth for about a nanosecond, but it was just long enough to know that everything was ok.
When it was all said and done, we all three were given a clean bill of dental health and Lil’ Dino left with a bright smile and a prize from the toy chest.
He said thank you and bye bye to everyone, including the doctor. He said a special goodbye to sweet Ms. Hattie and reached out to her to hold him. He really liked her. 🙂
Before we left, our favorite office assistant from the front desk came around to take Lil Dino’s picture with a big white camera that prints the photos instantly. His photo was placed on the “No Cavity Kids” board, of which I took a picture to send to his “Nama” and “Nana”.
When I showed my husband the picture of the picture I took, I warned him beforehand that if we weren’t his parents, we wouldn’t know this was a two year old. He saw the picture and agreed. He looked like an older child. A big kid. And for the moment, that suited him well, because he did a big, brave, big-kid thing today and overcame a fear that we didn’t realize he had.
Now that we know our son has a healthy mouth, we are going to take a couple weeks to change his teeth-brushing routine. We’re going to let him do it all by himself, with direction. We’re going to take our cue from Ms. Hattie and show him where to brush by rubbing his teeth. He’ll be standing like a big boy over the sink. Maybe Lil’ Dino Daddy will teach him to spit like a man. (Ew, what am I saying?)
Grandparent Pride
Upon receiving the picture I sent of our very own “No Cavity Kid”, my mother-in-law admitted that she is resisting the desire to go to the dentist’s office tomorrow just to talk to them about how cute her grandson is. “Grandparent pride is a real thing!” she explained proudly.
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