#which i don't but he never rly believed that anyway
kindacreepy-kindaugly · 6 months
feelin kinda guilty for bein scared
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
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care for my kagepro au inspired by phineas and ferb across the 2nd dimension where they hang out in a dark undisclosed location and they all have knives
this is extremely over the top and supposed to be funny btw. ayano's plot hole plan that makes no sense doesn't work but from another angle. she gets spit back from the daze in the same way it doesn't make sense for her to stay in there and she's still in THE AIR FROM JUMPING so erm she shatters a leg and maybe her spine too. fun times. she walks with a limp now
ayano in the daze's like. but i wanted this -> i deserved this -> im guilty i got what i wanted though -> i deserve punishment -> this IS punishment -> but i wanted this (restart) SO in this scenario where she survived she's still struggling with guilt because she DARED try to take the easy way out when she knew her siblings needed her. so now she's edgelord I must protect my siblings i dont deserve my cape (edgily puts scarf away) also the eyepatch is for extra edgelord vibes but i think it'd be cool if she can't control favoring because she's so all over the place so it's always active, and since she feels so much regret she can only project that one memory of her jumping to ppl. sad. so she covers it for the sake of everyone.
because of ayano's survival it's evident kenjirou is posessed so ayano+mekatrio move out immediately and are in actual hiding from him. that's why they're at undisclosed location. seto brings mary with them. so ayano's like ok, saeru wants all the snakes together, they're all gonna gather anyway it's better to have them all in one place and have eyes on them. so she starts the gathering process herself. in this saeru is extremely just Out There cartoonishly taking over the city style i told you this is based on phineas and ferb. i told you. btw the joke is that it's insanely over the top. i just find it episodic and joyful.
also ayano's cold to shintaro because she can't afford to have her feelings for him distract her, she has no right to normal teenage girl feelings like a CRUSH. but shintaro still believes kano as ayano saying IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT was the real ayano which matches with her new behaviour towards him so he's extremely pathetic about it. he's with her through her entire recovery and becomes her right hand man which the trio HAAATE bc ayano doesn't let them do anything but shintaro can always come<3 their missions go from buying groceries to saving haruka and takane from the evil lab to kidnapping hibiya and hiyori. shit like that.
they get hibiya and hiyori and it's their BIGGEST PRIORITY to protect them because they're saeru's next target and if they can avoid having all snakes out it's by making sure these 2 stay alive. erm they don't wanna be there though. it's dark in here and you're all weird as hell. momo is tasked with babysitting them. she's not happy about it.
momo never gets her money controlled, dropped out from school since day 1 and the fame got to her head so she's kinda awful. she's the only one allowed out of wherever the fuck they are because of work she's literally the one paying 4 everything. toxic yuri situation with kido who has one side of their head shaved. you know how it goes. also kido acts rly tough like they're out there killing thugs and goons but mostly they just make food
takane is the medic in the same way barbers used to be surgeons in the middle age which means everyone tries really hard not to get hurt so they don't have to go to her. also saeru's whole Experiments on haruka and takane thing is a lot more evil and ermmm she has one less leg and she's permanently connected to a reactor thing of sorts so she's also the team's tech! woohoo!! it's unknown whether she got opening eyes or not because she has no idea how to activate it which makes ayano rly frustrated. same goes for haruka who has not woken up since aug 15. which is the main reason takane started watching youtube tutorials on medicine. get you a girl who will take care of you if you're in a coma and there is no access to a hospital.
seto and mary wield weapons for one reason or another. kano is extremely guilty about shintaro's guilt but also hates him more than ever bc ayano won't trust him anymore and now shintaro's the one knowing everything. probably some doomed yaoi in there somewhere. this is my evil kagepro au
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deezbignutz · 3 months
I love Guy so much <3
So I'm gonna rant about him (and a little bit abt myself too) rn bc I have free will >:))) (And also probably autism and an unhealthy fixation but oh welp)
I've never had a crush for as long as I can remember and I still to this day don't have one, but I feel like the closest thing I gonna get to having one is Guy.
Cuz he's so friggin funny, and laughs a lot, and makes references to movies and Vines, and just all the fun shit I do and love seeing in a person.
Whenever I'm going something like drawing or some shit and don't wanna listen to music, I usually listen to Redacted cuz I love listening to people talk. And most of the time I go for Guy's bc he was one of my firsts playlists and he talks and I love listening to people talk and he isn't heavy on lore. (not saying I don't like the lore, I love that shit. the other half of the time I listen to Redacted 101 because worldbuilding is the shit)
I've even downloaded some of his videos to listen to them when I'm somewhere with no wifi and also it looks like I'm just listening to music, which is a plus 👍 (I've also almost memorised most of his audios from listening to them so much but you don't have to know that)
And Idk if I'm just dululu abt this, but I feel like he is the most "real" out of all the characters that isn't too boring. Like, if I were think of meeting one of the Redacted bois irl but not think of them as your lover/a character and not some generic dude, it would probably be Guy.
Cuz like, Lasko is a whiny stuttering bottom, which you don't really see out in the wild most of the time, David is some intimidating gruff dude that, from where I live anyways, don't rly exist, and Vincent is kinda just a nice person, if you think abt it. (Please don't take offence to any of these, I don't mean them in a bad way, just summing their characters up)
He's just a funny little guy (haha, see what I did there) and I live for funny shit. How I would kill to be Honey.
ALSO @slushiepizza's "Beautiful Eyes" got me dead. ABSOLUTELY DECEASED. It's short and sweet and I actually did a backflip it was so amazing. And no, I will not be reading "The Pursuit of Catharsis", at least not yet bc I refuse to believe there's a Guy/Honey fanfic floating around with hurt no comfort as one of the tags.
TL;DR, I love Guy and I am very lonely and I need a new hyperfixation.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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ca-suffit · 5 months
yeah anon I don't want to publish ur specific ask for the reasons u said, but thank u for reminding me of this post. this post from nalyra-dreaming was part of the affirmative action drama and I think a lot of what's in this post got lost out being talked about because of that. so let's talk about it. let's comb thru this so ppl can rly understand nalyra's racism and what they're defending when they want to defend her.
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first off, lol take ur own advice. but anyways. this way of speaking is crazy. this is why this whole group of besties put everyone off as time went on. that's why it's lol when ppl come to me saying nobody likes u, we prefer them. okay?? ur weird and u like being yelled at idk. these ppl read some dumb books and think they work on the show. they reference each other's fanon more than anything else. there's no discussions. they talk AT u. it's a bunch of ppl who want to be seen as smart and popular. that's it lol. "we've been trying to tell them" girl u don't work on the show stfu.
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this bitch is a whole bitch. u act like u have been victimized by a black fan because you had a disagreement. u play up "I tried to listen and I agree too! poor me, THEY don't want to hear anything else but what THEY want to hear :(" and THEN u have the fckn audacity to say shit like why aren't u all listening to BLACK MAN JACOB ANDERSON. why aren't u listening to black fans? why are u here making this post to act like a victim to "mean" black fans who just don't listen to facts and logic and jacob anderson himself. why are u here twisting this shit up to pretend u have empathy for black ppl by stepping over everyone here (who does not have to filter anything for show press) and saying "actually ur all wrong and stupid and ur the REAL racists because u take away jacob and bailey's own voices."
this is a real level of fucking evil racist shit and why I'm spelling this out rly slow rn so u all understand.
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"Louis is not chained to his coffin guys, he could have left, and a fight which shows off power discrepancies within the show story line is not automatically domestic abuse."
u jump thru so many hoops for lestat's defense it has made u dumb as fuck.
where was louis supposed to go? he's black, his family hates him, his husband is a demon spawn who stalks everyone down who tries to leave. who BEAT HIS ASS already at the *thought* that he'd even leave. that's not DV?? he could have left?? how are u like 50 years old and victim blaming like this and then saying u have authority over analyzing these books for the peasants here lol.
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the favorite go to line from this dumb group is "they're monsters" "they're vampires." anne rice was famous in the first place for using iwtv to humanize vampires. I think she used this type of "logic" over time too tho and that's prbly where this comes from. it's a bad excuse tho. we're talking about DV but u say it's not DV and then say "they're all murderers anyway so nothing matters." girl the redemption isn't about vampirism, it's about whiteness. u big fucking dummies who can't talk about race always want to pretend this is about lestat being a vampire and how we're too stupid to understand vampires and monsters. the horror of lestat rn is his whiteness. the horror is the power that gives him as he's the least capable of rational thought in that whole "family" unit. he's ignorant, controlling, and quick to anger. he never tries to fix his ignorance, he makes excuses for all his behavior because he CAN. because society allows him to do that! louis and claudia can't make any mistakes or be forgiven because black ppl are not given that same grace. u can call lestat a monster because on a white man that's still an attractive quality. ppl LUV white serial killers and abusers so much and hype them up like they're galaxy brain heroes. calling a black person a monster is just every day. with no benefit. that's the one u rly believe is the threat and then u shoot to kill.
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she's so dumb omfg. isolation doesn't mean put in an empty room. lestat wove himself into every aspect of louis' life so that louis could not exist without him. yes, on a level, louis was showing off his man, but u see how the "roots" take hold more and more over time. he's living in lestat's house, lestat is now the one driving the car. more and more lestat is telling them what they're doing and becoming critical of what louis will not give up. acting up v loudly when he doesn't get his way (he brings antoinette in when louis isn't "acting right" so he can torture louis at his job so he'll fix himself already, then he "allows" louis to see other people except now I'm gonna overreact about that too, now I've chased claudia off but btw did u know I've always had a big dick and u not being fun for me anymore is why all of this has ever happened??)
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again with the evilness of trying to prove ur shit point by saying "if u disagree with me then u hate black people (jacob anderson) even tho I'm speaking over all black ppl here with this post." ok lestat lol. u are always trying to excuse lestat's actions for being what they are by saying there's a book reason behind it or saying louis or whatever black or brown character is the REAL abuser. do u think abuse has to be intentional to count as abuse? do u rly think lestat's actions are justified when he could have easily explained any of it without doing all that? his response to louis' depression is to do everything I wrote above. u think that's not abuse? u think that's not isolation? "be my companion" but he didn't mean emotionally. u don't think that's maybe the arc lestat is going to have to go thru to be a better partner to louis? what do u think his arc is then, louis just made it all up and soon we won't have to care about race and lestat has been a cool guy this whole time just kidding?? anne rice rly gave u a smooth ass brain.
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I don't even know what this means. u all love to skip over points and just say "okay SWEETIE u just don't understand dark themes and monsters, u won't ever get it." okay U, SWEETIE, ur 50 years old, talk slow for me. I know u can do it. if u want authority then prove u know ur shit. a loud voice by itself doesn't do anything but yell. but this is all mama rice taught u tho. so here we are lol.
"everything is unreliable narration except for lestat who is always telling the truth because his egotistical crazy ass white woman author who wanted to be a white man so badly and wrote in his voice IRL to yell at ppl for real said he's telling the truth" u are all so crazy and racist and then u get big mad when ppl notice how crazy and racist u are lol. this gap between series airing has been annoying af but it's sure exposed ur asses because ur not smart like u think u are. when someone rly shows up and breaks down ur arguments to ur face and that is the sole reason I'm here, u all have nothing to say anymore. so fuck u lol enjoy this well earned fallout.
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i haven't rly thought of a name for my OC so i'm just gonna use the placeholder name jean for now [after Jean Vic. don't @ me on this]. he might not even end up french tho we'll see…… anyway he was a sailor (don't ask me for further details, it's blurry. it's Real blurry) and he just got back from a voyage but he was discharged from the navy.
what happened during the voyage was he got into a relationship with a higher ranking officer and they were close but was pursuing their relationship knowing that when they get to land they won't be able to continue it (not if the officer wanted to stay in his social circles) buuut it was kind of an open secret on the ship. then there was an Accident, in which the higher ranking officer died (yes i'm going down the dead lover cliche pathway--shhh it's for the plot later). so when the higher ups were looking into the death, they found out about their relationship, which is why the discharge from the navy [[listen. i think at this point france has decriminalized homosexuality but i have no clue what it's like in the navy. so i'm assuming it's the don't ask don't tell thing. so don't @ me on this. or do, i would Love to know if anyone knows]]
so heartbroken and out of a job jean found a job vacancy of being a stagehand at the opera house. his job would be way down below the stage or way up above stage, and the job requirements reminds him of finding his way on a ship, so he's doing just fine with this. he does his job well enough, keeps his head down, tries to be friendly when he can.
after a while of doing bits and pieces here and there and he's established himself, the new chief stagehand gives him the main job of maintaining the area on the mezzanine floor where joseph buquet was killed (i'm smooshing leroux canon and alw canon together here btw. canon is toy blocks for me to pick and choose) since a lot of stagehands avoid that place like a plague. it's not out of malice, it's just that they all realize that jean doesn't rly believe in superstitions or ghosts so they're all like why not? he's knows about the stories but since he doesn't believe in ghosts (and thinks that anything about phantom as an actual dude is an exaggeration of events to attract patrons) he's like eh, alright.
all this happens while jean suspects that he's definitely traumatized by the events that happened during his voyage, obviously. he knows of stories of what happens to people who's traumatized enough. at this point in time he's given in to talking out loud to his dead lover when he's alone, so this is how one day erik heard him through that trapdoor into his home (/torture chamber). when erik tries to scare him off by speaking to him in a disembodied voice, jean Naturally thought that his trauma has given him auditory hallucinations. he at first breaks down about this because he thought he was doing better mentally, but this is a sure sign he isn't doing that great actually.
erik, absolutely confused about this reaction, decides to show himself physically after some time, just to prove to jean that he's not Actually having auditory hallucinations. but jean first mistook him for a lost patron, and is like sir u can't be here without supervision?? and jean's worried he'd lose his job if someone catches a patron wandering down here with only jean watching him bc he sure as hell ain't qualified to give patrons a tour below stage. but erik would mysteriously disappear any time anyone comes close to them. cue a whole bunch of meetings like this bc erik's lonely and this man new to the opera thinks he's a patron and treats him like a normal man and he's been starved of company ever since christine left and the mob hunted him done and he stopped bothering the opera
so they get closer. jean's half worried that erik's a hallucination, since he disappears a lot and is never seen by anybody else but jean, but he seems so real……
they get to a point where erik tells jean of christine and they bond over having lost someone they loved. erik speaks longingly of his dreams of being married and having a wife to go on sunday walks with
at this time jean is a little (a Lot) in love with him and gets his heart shattered into pieces bc god damn it he wants a wife Of Course he'd want a Wife...........
and then somehow erik finds out that jean is in love with Someone and he asks about it (somehow feeling something like Rage and Something Else because jean? in love? WHO WOULD CAPTURE THIS MAN'S ATTENTION? WHO DARES? WHO DESERVES IT?) and jean is like its of no matter (because he thinks erik wouldn't reciprocate. he's not the exactly right gender)
then jean spends a long time thinking it over and realizes that even if erik doesn't return his feelings, erik seems like someone who would benefit from being told that in this world Someone does loves him, even if he [erik] doesn't love jean back. so he tells him and it takes a while to convince erik of it but then erik remembers that jean said his love for erik is "no matter" and goes batshit about it bc does this mean he doesn't matter to jean????
and jean tells erik that it does matter. it matters to him a lot. erik matters to him a lot. but he can't give erik what he wants, their relationship would not exactly be an open one. it would be some secret thing, at the very least half hidden from society. he won't impose that on erik when he knows erik wants his little walks in the park with his lover........ erik's showing the 404 error code.
anyways idk how it goes from here but they'll get together. i swear
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snapscube · 2 years
hihihi ok. so i’m in my last of us fixation mode and i’m being extra silly about it but i NEED to know what’s ur current opinion on the last of us hbo?? also i logged onto tumblr and saw a lot of rly good points defending joel’s final choice and i remember during the last of us pt1 playthrough u had differing opinions so i wonder if u think the show’s differences affect that at all? btw i LOVE ur stuff and cannot wait until u do last of us pt 2 wehehehehe!!! anyway besides all that i just want u to know that u are one of the things in my life that makes it easier to get up in the morning
I still feel exactly the same about the final events as I always have! The show didn't change it for me, and actually being able to remove myself from being in control of the situation in the game and actually just watch the events play out in show format solidified that further. The connection I have to Joel as a player when I play the game really helps me understand his perspective more and stomach the goal a bit more easily, but without that immediate intimacy it puts into perspective for me how kinda monstrous the whole thing is from every angle. Obviously I don't ever lose that sympathy for him, and I never stop understanding why, because the whole point of the conflict is that no one is in the right. Ultimately I think the damning thing for every single person involved is that they removed Ellie's agency from the equation, and I still stand by that. They all should have talked to her. They should have told her the truth. All she wants is for her immunity to matter, and I believe that they may have been surprised at the lengths she's willing to go in order to make a difference, whether it's ultimately the right call or not.
I don't know what arguments you've seen exactly in defense of Joel's choice, but personally I don't really agree with one I see a lot and I'd expect will pop up again now that the show is over, which is the whole "well who's to say a vaccine would have worked anyway?????" angle. I think, while reasonable from a meta standpoint, completely ignores the intended framing of the story in order to more conveniently justify a protagonist that the story through its entire runtime is trying to tell you is a little bit of a piece of shit. It's pretty clear and safe to assume that the ultimate intent here is that... yes, the vaccine WOULD have worked. Maybe not in the sweeping way they hoped, but Ellie's sacrifice absolutely would have done something. The whole moral dilemma of the situation really does not make any sense unless you give them that as fact imo.
So then, assuming that is true, you have to wrestle with the idea that Joel is willing to take down the entirety of humanity for Ellie. And not really for Ellie, because none of this is what Ellie wanted. The game AND the show QUITE LITERALLY SPELL OUT for us that Ellie really really really does not want to go back to Jackson without finishing what they started, regardless of the cost. Joel's reasons for saving Ellie, while understandable, are ultimately selfish and rooted in his own trauma and having just seen the light at the end of his grieving over Sarah. Again, incredibly sympathetic, but it's selfish. I know we like to joke as much, but Ellie IS NOT his daughter. They share a similar bond after everything they go through, but by the end of the game you can already feel Ellie pulling away from that notion because she's starting to realize Joel doesn't have the same commitment to the idea of her immunity being meaningful as she does, they're only a few miles away and he's already asking her to give up and go back to Jackson with him.
Then, of course, I think what ultimately damns Joel in my eyes on a poetic/storytelling level is his decision to lie to Ellie after it's all over. That's the nail in the coffin for me. It would be one thing if he said "they were going to kill you on that operating table without even telling you what was going on and I couldn't let them do that", but instead he lies to her to make sure she's still able to see him as the father he desperately wants to be again. It doesn't change anything. He tells her her worst fear has come to pass: her immunity, this unexplainable thing that has taken so many of her loved ones from her, is completely useless. Not only that, but now even more people are dead. Including Marlene, who's known her since birth. The only thing his lie changes is the fact that he's responsible for it all.
Anyway, part of what I love most about The Last of Us Part II is how it follows up on these threads and you may be pleased to know that I actually just started streaming the game last night after the HBO finale premiered cause I was so pumped up I couldn't wait any longer haha. So you'll be seeing VODs for that soon :)
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bfwonho · 29 days
AITA but i dont wanna use reddit
ok you know what here is the situation. my (only recently) 20 yr old friend (i met them four years ago when we both worked at mcd) lived with their strict, emotionally abusive, overprotective parents until recently. their parents would confiscate tech for yrs at a time, wouldn't let them get vaccinated (i had to help them do that), guilt and shame them, etc. also obviously homophobic and my friend is transfem nb and queer. theyre also the eldest sibling of quite a few and had to handle the pressure of that responsibility and their parents never wanted them to do normal things like getting a car and moving out. i was always there encouraging them even when we stopped working together bc i was like fuck this naive gullible homeschooled kid has no one and they remind me of my younger sibling and im gonna be there for them as much as i can. the only reason they even got a car eventually is cus i kept telling them to so they cld move out
cut back to barely a year ago, they're still so naive and gullible they've lent like 1k+ to ppl who won't pay them back, but they still have like 10-20k in savings and now their own car. they also get into digital art with my help and get into furry porn or whatever. im like ok i guess ur an adult now do what u want. and then theyre like "ive got an online partner from CANADA!!! (we r australian) don't freak out i know it's bad but he's 30." i'm like oh god. they've been together 3 months ish and my friend RLY wants to visit their fuckass boyfriend and i'm like please be careful, please wait at least a year, i know u wont wanna listen to how i rly feel about this but at least just take these precautions. i'm also like when you do meet irl he should come here ur barely 19 and he's 30 like it only makes sense. and theyre like "thank u i promise i will do that"
and then maybe 10 or 11 months into their relationship i find out my friend is in canada with their bf, and has been for like a month, and i only know this bc they're asking if i can pick them up from sydney airport. im like errr that's pretty far away but take the train and i'll pick you up from the station and they're like ok sure! and i ask a bit more about it and find out they believe their parents have been hacking into their laptop because why else would they be suspicious that this canadian guy is their boyfriend, i'm like actually no offense but it's really fucking obvious i don't think they did that... and they're like "yeah anyway my parents are no longer picking me up which is why i need a lift, i admitted i have a boyfriend and they're calling him a pedo (and i almost agree but i just smile and nod) and so i'm not going back and taking their bs anymore, i'm gonna sleep in my car if i have to" so i offer for them to stay at my place for a few weeks.
they go get their stuff from their place, i buy them a pizza cus they havent had dinner, i help them get their stuff inside, set up a temporary bed. they tell me they plan to be out within a few days, i tell them they can stay longer if they need to, but currently their only job is doordash and they should focus on getting a real job so they can find a place and i'm more than happy to help them find somewhere. theyre the type of person to say sorry for everything and not let themselves ever feel comfortable, so i make sure they know they can use the kitchen and bathroom and everything while they're here and to not feel like a huge burden, im gonna be charging them a tiny bit of rent anyway so yeah.
now tell me why it's been over a month, they've applied to only a few places, i specifically put in a good word with them at my job and told them to call back and ask about the application and they just haven't, they've just been doordashing and filling my entire fridge and cupboard with their food, i tell them to use the laundromat cus we don't have enough space for their washing too and they end up asking if they can use our washing machine anyway (i reluctantly say yes), they destroy all my kitchen sponges on washing this one shitty pan i have cus they have to cook an entire grand meal from scratch for breakfast lunch and dinner, they wash up but i'm the only person who cleans the floors and the bathroom so now i'm feeling cramped and stressed out...
i ask my mum about what to do, she says give them 2 weeks to move out, my mum is a guarantor on my lease so in the group chat i explain the situation and say they have 2 weeks, they NEVER RESPOND and start not coming home until late at night... i'm considering moving into another place with a friend atp so i'm like yo maybe you can get on this lease and THEN they respond and start showing up again... and today i called and updated mum on the situation and her partner got on the phone, me and my sibling only got this place cus he apparently called in a favour cus we were rly struggling to find any fucking housing, and so he says "tell him i mean THEMMM if theyre not out tomorrow i will forcibly remove them" and so my sibling makes sure to tell them this face to face so they cant avoid actually responding. i also find out today that this whole time they've been flat broke (to the point they had to borrow my money just to get petrol despite doordashing like 40 hours a week) because they HAVE BEEN HELPING. PAY. THEIR GROWN ASS. SHITTY FUCKING USELESS. PARTNERS. RENT. THIS GROWN ASS MAN NOT ONLY HAD THEM PAY TO GO SEE HIM AND SUCK HIM OFF AND COOK FOR HIM. NOT ONLY WAS LETTING THEM GO BACK TO AUSTRALIA AND JUST BE HOMELESS. BUT HE IS ACTIVELY TAKING THEIR FUCKING MONEY. despite all of this i am deep down INCREDIBLY GLAD that my mum's partner put his foot down to get them out of my house and i feel guilty about it despite risking eviction cus im breaking my lease agreement by having them here loooll
tldr my 20 yr old friend has been living in my house illegally for over a month bc they refuse to go back to their shitty parents, they are however broke and don't have a stable job and their 30 yr old boyfriend is leeching off of them, and now i'm essentially kicking them out of my place within 2 days because my own housing security is at risk
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panicatthecourtx · 4 months
hi wife anyways since ik u love to spew gimme more about tweeks parents so i can be sad
Wifey, why do u wanna be sad when u know my thoughts on them nfmsbcns.
Anyway, I definitely don't think he's got the best parents. Maybe not the worst, and I know my personal HCs are worse than sooooomme but even canon they aren't great and it makes me soooo sad.
One, they routinely ignore him in earlier seasons to the extent even he says "you guys never listen to me! I want out, I want out" which shows it's a COMMON occurrence that he feels neglected/ignored.
Two. Def abu$e, even if it's just emotional/verbal, given the fact Richard "jokes" about the slavery in the underpants gnomes episode. The kidnapping episode they literally tell tweek so many things that he is TERRIFIED to talk to literally everyone and then they hold a gun to his head in an effort to "teach him a lesson" or whatever ?? And then the meth use, that's clearly been ongoing for years I mean- they named their child tweek? 💀💀.
Three. Idk what you'd call it? H0mophobia or smth- manipulation ?? Idk- the amount of times in the show and the games Richard doesn't praise tweek for being gay- but rather "having a gay son is good for business!" Just makes me rly sad, especially in comparison with Craig's dad giving a speech and "I like gay Craig" where Tweek is just... a business boost.
Four. The new special just shows that drug addiction just runs in the family seeing as how u know, Helen(fanon name) is willing to steal and shoot people for ozempic. Tweek wasn't shown much but I still think that's a key to his home life ✨️✨️.
Canon, his parents aren't the worst but they aren't good and it's really sad and makes me sad when the only support system he has is Craig, and he even says that Craig's the one to make him believe in himself, so on. Obvi I love that for the creek but like yk... his parents should be someone he could go to, too.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
hi miss L, i have a spiritual/religious question and i don't know anyone else who could answer it.... since i was a kid i've been attracted to tarot, spirituality, mystical explanations of the worlds workings, astrology, all that good stuff. i never used to connect my spirituality to a single higher power, and i never had any issues with this. for a few years i've been wanting more than just a disturbingly accurate tarot spread and i feel compelled towards god. i'm not sure how to word it honestly! i keep getting messages all around me telling me the saint that watches over me, and that god is there too. so here's my issue.
whenever i reach out and pray or do any kind of ritual or reach out specifically to god or a saint, my life immediately starts going haywire. yesterday i set up a small shrine in my room for my dead kitty since i've been feeling better about her passing and i prayed a little. i asked for sign that i was going in the right direction, and hours after i prayed, our sink plumbing got clogged, my cat (living) ran out and had to be caught, my mom dropped a whole bowl of food, and i wasn't able to pick up groceries bc the bank cards wouldnt work. this never happens in my household, we've been joking that we're cursed. this happens everytime i try to reach out to god. the worst time was when my mom lost her job, dad crashed his car, and i kept having panic attacks out of the blue for a week. i freaked out and took everything i said back and bathed in salt water for hours hoping i could cleanse whatever happened to me. it worked and my life was back to normal the next day.
do you have any advice? i would love to put my trust in a higher power as i've never been religious before, but smthn is going wrong somehow.
thank you for reading, i love seeing you on the dash and your music is so soothing and nostalgic. much love!! <3 <3 <3 <3
so sweet, and caring, thankyou u//u...im sorry things have been difficult :< The following message does not in any way endorse the claim that i understand God, that God could ever be understood, or that any one of us should every try to understand the -inner workings- of God ! purely my feelings v v v
i relate to ur background cus i grew up w no religion, my parents didnt talk about any kind of woo-woo stuff, my dads dad was woo-woo AF and my dad haaaaated it so he rejected all of it so i was pree much just a blank slate. but for some reason i was just REALLY obsessed w magical thinking and the like. believed in god spirits nature deities angels demons magic aliens and i was totaly engrossed in ~my secret world~. i was kinda scared of religion tho i viewed it in a bad light since i was learning about it during the george bush post-9/11 era & for some reason my child self was rly interested in consuming critique of america , iraq war / westboro baptist church type stuff , from an outsider's perspective i saw religion as something american people used as justification for committing atrocities & crazy power trips , which, i mean.. anyways
it didnt help me trust God xD but many of my beliefs remained into my teens i just didnt have any outlet for them. so i got into astrology around 15/16, started learning more about tarot & occultish type things, crytstals, all those subjects intrigued me very much. but i felt the same way as you, like, something was still lacking from it, even when i got these super profound tarot readings, or read my birth chart a million times over looking for clues about ~wtf is this stupid life for~ , i never felt safe. never felt assured, never felt i could trust myself or my future. it was an odd period, early 20s. but then kinda same as u, as my knowledge on these topics expanded i started to notice the quality of Holiness a lot more. the more i learned about different religions the more i realized how connected it all was, and how religion connects to "the occult", and magic, light and dark, i find it very hard to put into words. i just started to find myself actually really earnestly believing in God in a way i never thought i could? Like reading the bible & being completely enthralled, i NEVER woulda thought. i started to feel way safer in the world even tho im still not "christian" technicaly. but i believe in jesus now and it makes me feel safe on a cellular level.
i believe the real jesus was wholly non judgemental and loved everyone no matter what, the thing that susses me out about Religious Institutions was always the judgement that can spawn from it. misses the point of everrything in my opinion.
its kinda wild actually cus when i used to be into like, trash reality tv ghost hunting shows, i remember there was one ep where this psychic was talking about how she always prays to jesus for protection before doing a reading or entering a haunted place. that really intrigued me cus i thought jesus and psychic automatically cancelled each other out. i think that moment rly opened up the rabbitehole and it was so mundane like wtf. still rememebr it tho!
sorry im really in a typing mood tonight.. So my next point was gonna be that, just because i started to really believe in god and jesus and really PRAY for protection & guidance, my life did not get easier xD like i would say the past 6 years have been nothing short of a shit show. my life was fucked before that too tho so its hard to compare, but still, its safe to say my shift in perspective actually brought a lot of chaos into mylife. the point of it, i feel, is that i had to dismantle it in order to truly Live in the frequency of trusting God. because this was new to me! i wanted to trust God, i put out the energy of seeking God, and God was like ok hold on tight..
So now i'm here all these years later like, oh yeah God is real and i love him and it's all real. it's CEMENTED into me lol. When i used to say i trust God it still felt like i was asking permission to be able to feel that way. but now i really really do. And messed up stuff will keep happening forever because there needs to be light & dark, there can't b one without the other. But now i have faith in a really personal way that i wld never attempt to transfer onto another like even by talking about these experiences & concepts i still feel like i don't want to prove anything. except that it's worth it to keep trying, i guess :]
and OK this is really just how i feel like take it with a grain of salt , but from what i've gathered, if you believe in energy entities & astral happenings & whatnot, well. it's my opinion that the invisible low frequency parasites that feed on many ppl's dread & fear, when they're attached to u and u begin to raise your vibration, they get very upset and throw a fit. like think of a demon being exorcised, u know, u imagine it having a total fit in a desperate fight for it's life. if ur appeasing the demon and letting it use you then of course it's going to keep things on an even keel, u kno?
taking a salt bath was a good thing to do tho like one of the best things <3 its also good to have crosses or your holy item of choice around the house, light white candles, organize clutter. pray a lot like every time u feel happy and safe or notice something beautiful say thanku to God.. talk to your angels and encourage them i pray a lot specifically to strengthen them, upgrade their armor n shih...i ask them to work for my loved ones, i try to be concentrated on them, visualize them around me all the time, visualize them standing guard outside every door. i feel this kinda stuff increases ur Holy EXP and over time your spiritual armor gets stronger, bad entities move on and things in life start really flow. the trust just has to b there first, and it will be, so long as u allow it <3
it just takes time, and like i said i dont want to prove anything or be The Convincer, but if u were already having feelings to go down this path i recommend not giving up and let God carry u through those tough situations instead of seeing them as an absence of God or God's Wrath. just keep praying cus it can't hurt right, even if it's just a way to occupy your mind with kind thoughts about your friends and family, there's no downside to prayer. its your own journey so u just gotta live it and feel it out ^^ but pls dont feel u are being punished by God or demons or anything else! So many "bad" things that happen end up being neutral or even "good" in the long run. We can never foresee the reasoning behind God's plan ~~~
yeah, this was a long one, wow...i drank a energy drink 12 hours ago i think it made me hyper.. well have a swell evening if ur reading this anon!! o also i liek to listen to psalms before bed to help me feel calm i feel like it helps bring in angels. i think i will do so now, thanks for the Q i hope things improve for u very soon. Good night anon < 3 3 3 PMD 9
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randomuser678 · 1 year
Things I'm obsessd with from Eltingville club:
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-Pete is obsessed with chicks covered in blood meanwhile him and his friends are often covered in blood but from actual fights with each other
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-Pete is apparently into the old sexy dracula movies and Josh takes note of that
-Bill's nightmare starts as basically a wet dream with sci fi babes (sci fi being Josh's thing) until it devolves into a dream of being drowned by a white liquid that comes out of Josh, pardon my Freudian dream analysis but I think something gay is happening
-Jerry who is the DM for this session has a princess with the same colors as his main ones and his friends remark how pretty she is.
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And later Jerry dates a girl who looks really similar to him, and once again the other guys comment how hot she is.
And idk if this is anything but they all call themselves Secretary of their respective interests, which 1-is cute and 2-why not president or whatever? Most ppl see secretaries as a feminine thing, specially misogynist toxic fans from the early 2000s. I really feel like they are exploring things with each other, they roleplay as secretaries and princesses, they rough house a lot, they say they hate each other but always stick together even for their detriment. It feels like they all have underlying feelings for the others and can't express them from under the 10 layers of nerd culture as a way to be at the top of a social hirarchy and need for superiority most of them equate to happiness.
Jerry is the only one that managed to get out of that loop bc he used his interest in the Tragic cards as a healthy tool for him to express something he likes among people who don't feel the need to claw unto eachother to see who knows more trivia or whatver, it's a genuine competitive game he is passionate about instead of a thing he has to know all about to feel superior to other fans. It rly shows a good distinction between healthy engagements with media (playing cards together) and u healthy ones (everything else)
And also I interpret some things as being closeted trans girls, Jerry roleplaying as the princess with his color palette, Pete liking chicks covered in blood when he gets converted in blood a lot, Bill denial on letting any woman on his team and claiming he never cosplayed bc he never flaunted his boobs which just makes it sound like he wants to live those thing, he is shaming others but also repressing himself through all of that.
Also the reason Josh lost the trivia off on the pilot was because he his first thought when asked about whose catchphrase something was his first thought was his friend Jerry. Which is just sweet, he has taken note that he has been doing the catchphrase almost as a vocal stim and now associates the sound with his boy friend.
I genuinely believe deapite everything despite their need to feel superior, their need to indulge on whatever and how horrible they are to each other, they actually care.
I genuinely believe that they love each other, they are just not in good spots to communicate that and use their personas and interests to hide that love and sincerity
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Anyways here's Pete defending homoeroticism good for him I guess
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insecateur · 1 year
i make fun of him for it bc it's funny but the way lysandre snaps when you defeat him for the last time is so meaningful to me. in the games he's shown not to emote that much, he's very stiff and though he does laugh (and probably smile) and gradually gets more agitated as time goes on in the HQ, the reactions we're shown directly are always very measured, what with how he's barely expressing surface level disappointment in his end of battle animations. even when he cries it's like... single manly tear shit. but then for the last encounter he's going all out, he throws his glasses in anger and shouts and screams and it's very good. to see his cold calculated appearance crack...
the dichotomy is very interesting to me bc he's fire-themed and he does go on tirades and it's easy to imagine that he might behave closer to that unhinged energy from the HQ in private when he's less reliant on this public persona but there's definitely a disconnect there. augustine praises him for his warmth and passion and he's obviously got that well-liked reputation as a benefactor but i do think his outward demeanor is supposed to come off as at least partially acted, not necessarily in a manipulative way (bc when he cracks it's obvious that he does believe in what he's saying, his methods notwithstanding) more in a "learned this was how to better appeal to others" way. which makes sense bc he is a business man
it does make the times when he behaves horrendously and says weird shit even fuckier tho. like when he's being rude af to diantha or admitting to his fascination with the ultimate weapon and how it ended the war etc. like does he realize how he comes off and doesn't care... does he not realize... is he up his own ass and convinced he's right anyway <- likely
one way to look at it that i think is fascinating is to see the way he behaves as like. symptomatic of him already having crossed the line separating the passionate benevolent entrepreneur wanting to better the world from the omnicidal stubborn asshole who throws a fit and chooses death rather than defeat, but bc we meet him when it's already "too late" as it were we don't have anything to compare it to. which makes it less poignant unfortunately tho i do think there's something to be said there (esp when considering what augustine + npcs have to say about him)
there was rly no way to show a gradual shift with the scope of a pokémon game tbh unless you did it in multiple parts i guess which they'd never do LOL, and it's pretty clear that he's already succumbed to despair before you even met him, but still...
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ravenoclock · 1 month
Spoilers for a fic called presque vu by bizzarestars
Shit’s getting deep yall I grabbed the tissues just in case.
*clears throat* okay so starting off sad with Lily’s parents dying right off the bat. Holy fuck. And the fact that she didn’t cry until after the funeral?? MY GIRL DJSKSKKSKA. I CANT RN. and Sirius being like ‘I wanna fuck Remus’ and Harry being like ‘nuh-uh’ and crying LMAO. Hilarious.
He lives anyway, in the end. They both do. Rats can survive in even the most dire of conditions, and all dogs were wild once. They both make it through, just not together. Rats and dogs rarely get along.
Foreshadowing comes in many forms.
"No," Sirius croaks. "I can't ever imagine grieving you."
I’m on my way to go dig a grave for myself who’s with me? Cuz why? Would? You? Do? That? To? Me? Why? What? What the fuck??? I’ve spent so long deluding myself into believing canon isn’t real and that the marauders grew old and grey and happy together and then I read fics like these because I think im strong enough but in reality I just created a dream I can shatter (catch my reference? No? Yes?) but id rather the delusion shatter than my sanity but at this point idk. BEAR WITH ME. I’ll get therapy dw.
Sirius is right there with him, as that saying goes. She's growing, too, one day at a time even as she digs her heels in for every inch. She's just as imprisoned as him, in her own way. A prison of her own body, her blood, her name. She's been a prisoner her whole life.
Dead. Why is this so amazing??? Like I feel it in the very depths of my soul I swear.
(This, too, is a prison. You feel that, don't you, deep down inside? One day soon, you'll be free from it, only for it to be replaced by another.)
The foreshadowing is crazy. Insane. Every other word for practically amazingly heart wrenchingly horrible.
What if Halloween just doesn’t exist. They’ll live happily ever after right? Right? RIGHT????????
For Peter, this is, as the saying goes, his final straw. The camel's back is not only broken, it's been cleaved in half, and the fear spills out over the sides like blood, leading only to the promise of more. He's been straddling the line between both sides for nearly a year now, giving only bits and pieces of information to the death eaters just to make sure they won't kill him in duels, never enough for the Order to even suspect a proper spy at all, but now he knows which side is losing for sure, after this side has suffered so much loss, so it's time he throws his lot in where he can stop being afraid. He wants to survive like a rat, and gets his wish.
Fucking coward. I hope he dies a painful dead. Oh wait, he does. (I actually don’t remember. Does he? Idk if he dies at all ngl.)
Out of everyone, Marlene's are the only dreams that come true.
God fucking damn. Can I cry now? Oh my god. Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god. Marlene ml. You will be missed.
I rly can’t. The first death out of the main group came and went. It doesn’t feel as heart wrenching as it does when I read Marlene’s death in The Hand That Feeds cuz it wasn’t in her perspective, and Sirius is awfully and unhealthily detached and it’s just so so fucking sad I can’t even.
She died. I cried.
Strapping in because Zar said so.
The fact that people think the spy is Sirius. Because of his last name. A name she can’t control. A name that came from a reputation they tried so hard to remove themselves from only for others to only see it. The name ‘Black’ and what it’s associated with. I hope they all fuck themselves.
Sirius shouldn't even know about it, nor should Remus, or Peter, or Augusta—but of course, they all find out because Frank and Alice trust the latter, while James and Lily trust the former three. One couple here has made a mistake. Hint: it's not the one with parents.
"Sirius isn't a fucking toy," James snaps.
Remus arches an eyebrow. "Then why do you treat him like one?"
Oh my lord. Oh my fucking lord.
It's funny. When the doubt creeps in, Remus will think about the question Sirius asked, and Sirius will think about the answer Remus gave, but neither will think about how Peter said nothing at all.
So…I don’t know what to say anymore. I can’t say anything. It’s so awful.
Mary ran. Dorcas died. Peter should die.
Whoever the spy is, Sirius thinks that day, they're smart, and they're brutal, and they're not doing this just out of fear. There's more to it than just that, more that Sirius can recognize in the mirror; a deep, dark pit that the worst crawls out of, unleashed on those who don't think it exists there. This is someone who may not have always been a monster, but knows how to become one, and maybe believes that's the only option they have. This is someone, despite how hard it is to fathom and how hard it is to accept, that Sirius knows.
Irony never misses a chance to take center-stage in the tragic play of their lives. Believe it or not, they're still in act one. They're on their way to act two, though, one cut from the cast of characters at a time.
Peter doesn’t deserve to cry for deaths he fucking caused. He doesn’t deserve Sirius comforting him. He doesn’t deserve any mercy at all.
Very close now, with Dorcas out. Take a wild guess at who's next.
Emmeline. Lily and James. Those are my guesses.
Sirius starting to doubt Remus kills me.
Sirius thinking Remus is Dumbledore’s spy…im pretty sure he wasn’t? Was he? Maybe he was but I only remember Peter being both. Like Peter was the double agent before turning to work for baldy voldy.
The fact that Sirius thinks it’s Remus. The fact that none of them suspect Peter not even once.
Them trying to convince their best friends that the other is the spy. Why. Peter wasn’t mentioned once. I actually want to puke.
Also Dorcas. Just. Dorcas :( And then Mary running tf away cuz she’s done. I wanna die. Wolfstar fighting and falling in love during A WAR. MY LOVES. THEY FONT DESERVE IT.
I read like chapters 13-21 in a haze. Here’s my thoughts (not in any order whatsoever):
- Azkaban is so shitty to the extent that there’s no words to describe how fucked it is and how dehumanizing it makes its prisoners feel, innocent or not
- The entire chapter where Sirius was described without any pronouns was GENIUS and so brilliant I loved it
- Sirius passing time as Padfoot but forgetting a lot because of Padfoot and Azkaban :(
- Sirius using the dementors as a way of sh :(
- Sirius not remembering who his first kiss was (JAMES) actually KILLED ME
- THE BUGS oh the FUCKING bugs thing destroys me. i cried, threw up, did the whole thing. cuz GOD I WANT SOMEONE TO UNDERSTAND ME LIKE THAT HOLY SHIT. I LOVE THEM.
- Sirius and Crookshanks are cool asf
- Remus being jealous of Kingsley low key had me giggling and twirling my hair cuz Sirius is so oblivious like ‘oh he’s funny, and we’re mates’ AGAHSHGAA
- also Remus being like ‘we’re just friends’ you and who buddy? Ain’t no one buying that. And Sirius glaring holes into his head is so AHAHAHAHH. And then Sirius holding it against him for the next few chapters is actually hilarious. He’s so petty. I love them.
- Sirius: ‘hello buddy, best mate, my best of all pals’
Remus: ‘I sense I’ve made a mistake somewhere’
ZAR WRUTING THAT IS SO FUNNY. I think i might’ve cried from laughter.
- Sirius being upset that she’s not allowed to be there on Remus’ full moons is so cute, and then Remus letting her take care of him after, always, is so so adorable.
- also the doubt that maybe Peter wasn’t the spy and he had a reasonable explanation for it is so heartbreaking I actually wanted to puke. I think i did puke.
- Sirius singing in Azkaban :((
- the cross words. WAXING MOON.
Thx for coming to my Ted Talk <3.
Btw I’m so sorry i haven’t been on tumblr recently. Been a bit busy.
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lookingforcactus · 9 months
Live action Yu Yu Hakusho liveblog (ep 2)
Okay listen. Whoever wrote and whoever is voicing the little kid Yusuke saves has never heard an actual six year old talk in their lives
Also forgot to say last ep but liked the move to age yusuke up a bit. Also Botan's digital file of Yusuke talking back at her is hilarious
Botan's voice (Eng dub) isn't quiiiite as expressive as would hit the mark for me compared to the anime but whatever she's adorable I forgive her
Also forgot to say last ep "Maybe it's better you're dead" BOTAN STOP ASDLKFJADS I love her your honor
Fights and vfx on Goki are actually kind of shockingly good, esp given how much I Did Not like him in the anime
VERY annoying and unfortunately typical that the darkest-skinned guy we've seen so far is. very specifically. the demon that eats children and that the anime makes uh iirc a lot more directly than I ever wanted to watch into a Certain Allegory
Interested that Reikai doesn't seem to know who Kurama actually is. Was that the case in the anime/manga?? I feel like no, they knew who he used to be from the initial briefing on the thieves but idk season 1 wasn't exactly my favorite to go back and rewatch literally ever
My favorite was 2 and 4. If you even care. lol
Kurama standing there during the fight like a creeper go
Actually fight with Goki is very epic. Again super creative and impressively believable way for Yusuke to survive and fight back against a guy with WAYYYY superior strength
Also wow is Yusuke underqualified for these fights rn lol. I mean we knew that but he's lucky he pulled that one out in the end. And esp lucky that Kurama won't want to fight, obv
Her wig is sadly Not as impressive as Botan's, and I'm not a fan of what looks like her contacts. Did they make her eyes green??? Bc her eyes being red is kind of narratively. you know. Relevant
Wait is that guy helping Yukina Hiei???!!! Human-form Hiei??!!!
Wait no of course not Hiei would've just killed everyone and gotten her out
(Listen we don't have any good shots of his face yet okay. That little sister line made me think!)
Interesting new jagan origin + (presumably?) moving up Yukina as Hiei's motivation. Makes sense given how everything about Hiei's first manga/anime appearance was ignored afterward lol when he was too popular to kill off
I hope they got rid of his original plan/motivation, anyway. I hated the mind control arc thing with him esp on Keiko. Dickhead
Well. Eyehead. Technically. But yknow
Pfft Kurama 100% staging that entire encounter and stalking ep meaning Yusuke thinks he's being sooo sneaky
Kurama's outfit is really pretty actually btw. I like it better than his anime outfit by a lot. The pink always clashed with his hair sooo bad
Also the pink in the preview images made me think/hope he was a girl (who actually got to fight in a shounen anime!!!!) and you have no idea how disappointed I was when I realized that wasn't true
Pfft Kurama using his demon powers to?? Pull a quickchange?? Amazing
His hair continues to not work nearly as well as in the anime but that was a lost battle from the beginning let's be real. At least it's better than Hiei's
(Which is so actively bad what was that shadow with his hair in the knife scene what)
Shiori benefits a lot from being played by like. an actually human person who also is older and has visibly aged. Gives her Character, makes her less of Just An Archetype
Momma's boy Kurama excellent as always. Meanwhile Yusuke's just flat out not replying to a single thing Shiori is literally saying to him lol
Wait does the quickchange imply that Kurama only uses that outfit on demon business. Bc in the show it's just his (ugly) school uniform but here it's clearly not. I really desperately want that to be his On Demon Business outfit in this show lol
Also makes the fact that he had Yusuke stalk him in that outfit funnier. then. boom. quickchange. Mom can't see the Demon Business Outfit
Hmm something about Kurama and his delivery isn't rly landing for me here. But to be fair he is being super Performative and Deliberate about all of this so that may be on purpose
I hope it's on purpose. Bc Kurama's great and I'd REALLY like to buy him/his lines as a character in this
He does successfully pull off "casually menacing" (you know, without murdering someone first) much more easily than his anime counterpart tho so that's cool
Meanwhile, Yusuke's face. Great face-acting there. Also great face
The scrapes on Yusuke's face really are v aesthetically arranged lol. but still look legit enough. I'm a fan
Okay I'm buying Kurama now. Excellent
"I've been deceiving that woman for many years" genuinely love that he put it that way. He's come to care about her so much but he's not trying to make himself sound better or lying to himself about the situation
It is killing me that he used the phrase "fertilized egg" in this explanation. It's killing me. It's also raising Fucking Questions. (But does at least give an explanation for how Kurama didn't like. Kill the original Shuichi's soul when he took the body.)
Oh the pattern on Kurama's outfit is roses!!! love it
Kurama: Sees Kuwabara following them
Kurama: ...Anyway.
The mirror of darkness looks like a fucking ipad. I can't take it seriously why does the mirror of darkness look like an ipad!!!
What's with the weird scifi aesthetics here and on the other artifacts? This is a fantasy show, fantasy aesthetics would fit better
The mirror-realm life-taking sequence is just. so much. lol it's so much once again I am unable to take it seriously!
Wait Shiori! You don't know there was magic saving you!! Don't take off your oxygen mask without a doctor's permission!!! Practice self-care!!!
Okay Kuwabara looks super different from his anime/manga self-from the front, but from the back he has the EXACT same silhouette as anime!Kuwabara, so much it's EERIE. I'm learning lots of things about what pompadours look like in real life-
hsb, ig???
HIEI HAS BLUE EYES?!!??!?!?!!!!
I mean at least they didn't only change Yukina's
But this is WEIRD
Also making the jagan not purple anymore, just an actual third eye, was the correct choice
Hmm I don't like how they translated Hiei's outfit as much as I do the others. (I like how they translated literally everyone else's outfits. This is so disappointing, esp since Hiei's aesthetics go off. There's too much white and too much detail in his outfits. Give me his cloak!!! Also changing the scarf into a turtleneck is highkey Not Working For Me
Anime!Hiei would literally never wear a turtleneck
Why is he wearing a turtleneck, he's a FIRE DEMON, it's not like he can get cold
The scarf is okay because it was clearly not primarily for keeping him warm
Give him the cloak I want the cloak!!
And he should be wearing all black underneath it! I mean I know he wears other color shirts under it in the dark tournament arc iirc. But live action won't have the control over the cloak for that lol
At least give him something all black (except the scarf or something similar) (NOT a turtleneck) with a similar silhouette to the cloak
And idk compared to the others I think his costume looks kinda cheap
OOF effects on the Toguros are NOT convincing. Oof. I admire their commitment to taking their physicalities literally but uh. They should've been less ambitious and focused more on translating the vibe. Imho
Okay! Time for episode 3!
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ca-suffit · 2 months
Is Lestat colorblind? I know that being colorblind is a myth and impossible in this society, but in this fiction can we say that vampirism transcends identities, whether it's gender, sexual or racial identies ? And Lestat only sees the world in two categories Mortals vs Immortals?
the fandom wants ppl to believe this, and so did anne rice, but no lol. he v much tf is *not.*
idk which version ur asking about so I'm gonna include something from the books, movie, and show.
like. on a level, yes, it could be argued that lestat sees things differently bcuz some part of him does. vampirism was forced onto him and gives him identity issues of his own, so a lot of his character is refusing to give in to his or anyone's negative thoughts about it all. he doesn't like to think about anything too long bcuz it might touch into feelings about a trauma, but this is why he ends up hurting a lot of ppl around him all the time. in the books, he's uncomfortable most of the time when his mother isn't presenting v feminine, despite his awareness of her dislike of it. so she dresses that way for him sometimes. in the show, we see how much lestat's refusal to acknowledge race beyond a fetish-y level of it (when it's not something working in his favor anyway, when he's asked to consider black perspectives on it instead) hurts louis and claudia, and he's aware of it too bcuz he's been told about it.
anne rice always talked about her vampires transcending all kinds of things, but the books are still full of racism, misogyny, classism, homophobia....prbly anything u could think of. I don't think she knew this but it's p obvious to everyone else. her vampires were not transcending anything lol. it's not written in a way that's meant to serve any real critical purpose either, it's just there bcuz it's a reflection of how she viewed the world herself (this is not an assumption, read her interviews and compare the texts).
anyway, lestat prbly doesn't have conscious awareness of any of this himself either but the way he talks across his adaptations shows he has awareness beyond "mortal and immortal." he is never speaking about ppl in only these terms most of the time. he gets rly specific and his actions are rly specific in response to that too. he is navigating the world as a white, european man first most of the time, not just "vampire."
examples under the cut
from memnoch the devil
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from prince lestat and the realms of atlantis
1 regarding the alien race they encounter
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2 lestat's fantasies about one of the women from this group
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amc iwtv
I can't post everything bcuz I'd hit the image limit so here's just a few from the first episode. his affair with a white woman in public at louis' business, his inviting only white soldiers back to the house when he's upset about jonah, his violence towards louis and bringing claudia back from the train are all other examples (and there's still a lot more!) of awareness of race and making decisions based on that, whether it's conscious or not.
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3 lestat thinking racism is an american problem
(loosely related but throwing it in bcuz a lot of ppl miss this)
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iwtv 1994
most ppl he's seen eating are women of color
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livingfictional · 2 months
hiii i love your rdr2 writing & matchups!! if your still accepting requests i'd like to make one (⌒▽⌒)
i don't use labels for gender & sexuality (aside from being asexual) but am pretty masculine and like all, regardless of gender, and my pronouns are he/him :3
about me, uhh,, im vegetarian, my favorite animal is the octopus, ive actually recently started playing rdr2 (after playing rdr1 quite a bit on my switch), my favorite characters so far is arthur of course but also javier (whenever i can find him?? i hardly see him in game </3), my dream job would be to be a paramedic if not for aforementioned chronic illness, i have a weird paradox of being somewhat strong (yayy muscles slowly growing from like half workouts and walking) while also being weak, and i cant rly do things for a long time lest i get a 200 bpm, but can still pick people up. im also punk!! better yet actually cripple punk :3
for hobbies, i enjoy reading, especially non fiction; classic lit, and danmei my friends have forced me into, video games as aforementioned (hades, gi, and ace attorney being other favs), i make art of many kinds but mainly physical sketches, i loovvvee music despite knowing absolutely nothing about it mechanically, i enjoy writing literally just fanfiction and some cringy poetry here and there, and i do tarot!!!
as for personality: with strangers i can range from actually rather confident to a bit shy but willing to talk (contributed by my goal of complimenting least one person each time i go out, its great!!), quite intuitive, can improv quite well in many scenarios, mainly w humor, friends would call me.. probably laid back with a big heart, also easy to talk to—thats actually something ive been told a few times. but i also have this lovely habit of bottling up my feelings to no end for a negative trait—and though thats been getting better, i can still never cry in front of ppl. i can also get irritable rather often because of adhd and anxiety </3. and ihave a potty mouth which i have to control around others,,
for likes: loud music/concerts but quiet rooms, cats, nu metal, uhh....what do i like... aforementioned video games, cold treats (though its not like i can eat/drink hot things..) plushies, trying new foods and going to restaurants!!! my idea of a fun time is an interesting restaurant/cafe. i also like matcha a lot, just odd foods in general, i also have chickens and they are an absolute blast to have long as they arent acting up (which i suppose would be relevant in the rdr world), and an odd love: yogurt/white chocolate covered pretzels. its delicious you gotta believe me
as for dislikes: rude people. not nice people. bigots. assholes. any variation or synonym of the type, also people who mistreat kids and dont know how tf kids brains work too—personal pet peeve. and people who dont like cats. always a red flag. but other than that not many things,, i consider myself open minded
woaw didnt mean to write an essay;,, augh anyways thank you for even reading my request, much love (*´ω`*) and no pressure to write anything relating to disability if ur not comfortable/confident/just dont want to!!
Maaaan, having chickens sounds so fun. They're so cute 🥹
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I match you up with... Charles!
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Charles, just like you, is quite open minded as well.
The kind of person to go for quiet walks with you, never rushes you. He likes to just stroll through the forests near Valentine with you, just talking about anything and everything.
Well, he doesn't talk that much, but he definitely listens.
On the subject of that, he's a great listener. Mutter something quietly about craving a certain food, he's on his way to get it, if possible. You saw a thing you liked in the store window? Let's go in and get it.
Charles just wants the best for you, trying to spoil you as much as he can.
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figula · 1 year
last night i was thinking how the NHS treated me whenever i was dim enough to ask for help for my madness + just getting like more and more angry remembering it lmfao
i actually think that severing myself from like the idea of "help" and "psychiatry" and "CBT" and "mental health" has been more beneficial to my QOL than literally anything the NHS ever did for me, so im at peace w/ it on the whole, however there were some real highlights:
me sitting sobbing my eyes out in a small room w/ two strangers begging them to Please Help, and receiving a letter a few weeks later saying i wasn't ill enough for any help + i was on my own
being diagnosed w/ BPD (a big regret i have - once i cann afford to spend £250 on a psych visit im going to try and get that scrubbed off my record bc at the time of diagnosis like ~8 years ago i was naive enough to think that a diagnosis that wasn't depression or anxiety would force the NHS into giving me "help". however, obviously, as you all know, a BPD diagnosis is the 2020s equivalent of Female Hysteria
i was offered a round of CBT (classic) but there was an 18m waiting list and in that 18m i was diagnosed w/ the BPD. so i had a conversation w/ them in which they were like "we can only do the anxiety/depression, if you talk about anything BPD-ish we'll terminate you"
went to the minor injuries unit after a particularly bad self-harm session + was not asked any questions about how i was doing mentally, they didnt check i was safe, they didnt ask me if i was gonna be ok at home lol, they just cleaned me / bandaged me / sent me home again (tbh idk what id rather they did tbh like. i dont want to be sectioned - i was just kind of astonished by the lack of pretence at caring how i was doing)
in the last-ditch effort i made to get some "help" i told my (beloved! none of this is his fault) GP that if he had anything going i'd be willing to give it a shot. he told me there was this local unit opening up for "personality disorders" and that given i was motivated + all that shit i would be a perfect fit for it. (at this time i was already leery of the BPD label but i was still thinking like: maybe it will actually open THIS door to "treatment") i said to him: i know for a fact they will not accept me. you're welcome to try, but i am 100% sure that they will find a reason to reject me as a patient. and he was like no no no! haha why wouldn't they :) i'll send them a personal email about you! and they'll take you on my reccommendation! and i was like lol ok roy. anyway yeah of course they didnt accept me - as i told him they wouldnt - and he was so shocked and upset during that conversation where he told me this - and i was just like totally unemotional like "i told you this would happen" and he was like just so shocked about it all (honestly idk why, as a doctor, he must see the carnage, but whatever) and just like "my god - you were right" (yeah no shit roy) and yeah that was just the moment i was like alright im never doing any of this shit again, never ever.
to be honest my suggestion to anyone in a similar situation is to read up on antipsychiatry lmfao (shout out to bananapeppers for forcing it into my eyeballs via tumblr) bc it really changed my mindset for the better. that's probably quite a bleak sentiment to end a post about psychiatry on but uh. i dont know what to say otherwise. i don't believe in "mental healthcare" anymore like i rly dont. im doing 100x better now that i refuse to talk to doctors about my madness. there is no moral to this post
ETA: from @bananapeppers herself: "for anyone reading this who may be interested, this is an England-based antipsychiatry organization that I recommend: Campaign for Psychiatric Abolition ( https://linktr.ee/cpabolition)"
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