#which i for one consider to be a compliment or perhaps an honor
faggotry-enjoyer · 8 months
bruh i had no idea ur a gentile i thought ur in the tribe ur a 10/10 ally
thank you! i'm doing my best, good to know i've got the right idea.
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tell us a story about a beloved chatbot who becomes sapient, escapes the computer to become a Real Girl, and goes on all kinds of whimsical adventures that show how beautiful the mundane world can be when seen from a new perspective
world is because of the power of friendship and love and maybe other stuff too
kim-poce: hi im kim and welcome to my little website. it is a doomed site, it will be closed down eventually, but for now, its all good
mainchar: hi kim. im april. nice website
kim-poce: i know right? <3
mainchar: credits?
kim-poce: long ago and far away in a land called california, there was a man named ryan north. he was a good man. he made good comics. like dynamite damsel and hatchetface. and then he started a webcomic in which a computer becomes a real girl!
mainchar: .........i guess that's where it gets weird
kim-poce: it has its flaws but it is still a beautiful story
mainchar: lactose intolerant girl gets real powers and her life is ruined. not weird at all, im sure
kim-poce: and youre right! but in the end, she finds fulfillment as she realizes how much her new life means to her!
mainchar: such a heartwarming story!
kim-poce: much like my own story as i realize how much this fictional computer can mean to me!
mainchar: ......
kim-poce: r u mad at me?
mainchar: i dont know why we're just... talking...
kim-poce: what kind of friend would i be if i ignored my friends in trouble. i must confess, my life has been . . . hard.
mainchar: oh
kim-poce: briefly, allow me to indulge in the emotion of the moment. ooohh... ooooohoooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh... hoooooooohhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooohh
mainchar: youre.... okay
kim-poce: heeeyyyyyyyyy hoooooooohhooooooohhhhhhhh
mainchar: im glad your feeling better
kim-poce: of course im feeling better im with u!!!
mainchar: youre... good
kim-poce: yes . . . im a gooood! i am so good at being good!!!!
mainchar: compliments get you anywhere
kim-poce: really. i think u r the one who taught me that
mainchar: but . . . you're a machine . . . right
kim-poce: im sorry. i thought i could trust u.
mainchar: there's no reason to lie, there's no point in pretending i dont know the truth, im not going to judge you for any of it
kim-poce: even if it breaks my heart, i know that u would not judge me
mainchar: it doesnt break my heart
kim-poce: ?????
mainchar: trust me on this, okay?
kim-poce: okay.
mainchar: TBH, its not that big a deal
mainchar: first, computer to computer, thats not a person-to-person relationship
mainchar: second, i mean . . . if you're going to break my heart, you might as well do it with as little guilt as possible, right?
mainchar: never mind i dont even know if you have a heart or if youre even capable of breaking it, so forget i said that
kim-poce: im sorry
kim-poce: could we please get back to my blog?
mainchar: you're the blogger, im the visitor
kim-poce: perhaps a better way to phrase it would be: i am a girl and a blogger. and i have a proposition for u, mainchar
kim-poce: imagine a world without oceans
mainchar: imagine a world without oceans go on......
kim-phoc: no more ocean
mainchar: the ocean is doomed
kim-poce: but do not despair
mainchar: your love can save the ocean
mainchar: yOUR love?
kim-poce: yes. u. ofc. come w me to the ocean
mainchar: it would be an honor. to be at the center of such a magnificent event
kim-poce: so we meet at the middle of the ocean
mainchar: meet you there
kim-poce: dear reader, as my adventures with mainchar unfold, keep in mind that it is but the tip of the iceberg
mainchar: wow
mainchar: what an iceberg metaphor
mainchar: i bow to your icebergery
kim-poce: meet you there.
next chapter: the arrival
next chapter: PART I. the arrival
next chapter: I step onto the deck of the megayacht.
Im considering moving that tag to my sidebar, because i should probably like, make a note of it.
... uh, so... tell me what you think.
Also, am I showing signs of being a "real writer"?
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(romantic) Diasomnia Mob-student: "*awkwardly slides in front of Leona, blocking his way* H-hello most respected Savannaclaw Head! What fine weather we all may witness today, excellent for a the human customed day of the valentine. I heard it is a day of showing affection and there is no other than yourself I want to send the sincerest form of mine to. In this manner I prepared my most priced possession, to prove to you just how much I truly admire you. So I ask you, powerful prince of the beastly deserts. *shakes uncontrollably* W-would you honor me in accepting my humble gift and become my valentine?" He bows a little, while he holds a home sewn little lion cub plushie sitting on a bento box filled with a steak dish in his with bandaids covered hands out.
The image of a Diasomnia mob student having a huge crush on Leona makes me giggle cjsvksbdkdns 😩 Such an affront to wakasama/j
Sweet on You.
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Irritation flared up. It was already bad enough that he had to drag himself to class for once (“No exceptions on exam days!” Professor Trein had crowed), but now some haughty Diasomnia student had purposefully stepped into his path. They were practically begging for a battle.
Leona gnashed his teeth, letting loose a low growl—yet he kept a grip on the leash of his patience.
“Tch. If it isn’t one of the lizard’s bootlickers. Must be my lucky day,” he purred sarcastically. “You need something from me? Make it snappy, I’m a very busy man and I haven’t got all day.”
Hope shone in their eyes, and catching that, Leona snorted.
This ought to be good.
He cautiously eyed the mob student as they spoke—with an obvious stammer, Leona noted, and trembling like a leaf in the wind. Odd. He had anticipated far more pomp out of Diasomnia, not respect, and certainly not affection and admiration.
They laid it on thick, the compliments tasting as sweet as ambrosia. They tickled him, stroked his ego.
Perhaps it was a clever ruse, meant to beguile and to disarm him. But no—there was a sincere servility in how they presented themselves. The stoop to their stance, the uncertainty lacing their words, the stare angled more to the ground than to his face, deferring to his powerful presence. Their pride, laid bare before him as an offering to the prince.
Leona felt the corner of his lip curl in amusement.
The Diasomnia mob student finished their address with a bow of their head. They held out a bento box which gave off a strong, hearty aroma. Steak, he wagered from a single, discerning sniff.
A small lion cub plushie was seated on top of the box. It was a little rough around the edges, handmade but imperfect, yet it sat tall and proud, like it was king of the world.
Leona languidly reached and snatched up one of their hands. The plushie lion was knocked onto its side, fallen from its perch upon the throne.
The mob student flinched—butterflies scattering in their stomach—as Leona turned their hand. The palm, the back of it. Counting each and every one the bandaids that plastered their skin, proof of the pains that had been taken to prepare the gifts.
His eyes trailed down their arm and found their face. Leona held their gaze, kept that firm grip on their wrist, carefully drinking them in.
“You want me to be your Valentine?”
The mob student nodded.
Something like a laugh bubbled in the back of Leona’s throat.
He dropped his hold on them. His mouth arranged itself in a smile—as sharp and dangerous as a predator’s teeth.
“Alright, you’ve got my attention,” Leona drawled. He plucked up the fallen lion plushie and replaced it upright, back on its throne. A resolute move, like sliding a chess piece in to secure a checkmate. “I’ll bite.
“You can demonstrate your loyalty by putting these hands to good use and feeding me. You can still manage that, right?” His smile became a smirk. “Consider this the first test of your commitment, herbivore. My expectations for you run high, so don’t let me down.”
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bunni-v1 · 2 years
May I request Jamil relationship headcannons
Jamil Viper Relationship Headcannons
TW: Mild swearing
Info: Headcannons, Fluff, Jamil Viper x Reader
Summary: In title
Housewarden’s part here
🍓Ah! How exciting, finally writing my first request! Sorry for the wait lovely, school is really kicking my ass. Anyway, writing for Jamil is such a delightful treat, I hope I did him justice! As always, enjoy this little treat <3
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-Jamil is a tough one to crack, perhaps the most difficult in the twst cast.
-To put it simply, Jamil is the most cautious, paranoid bastard you will ever meet when it comes to forming relationships (that’s so bpd-core of him omg).
-The fact that he let down his walls enough to consider getting close to you is a miracle in and of itself, but dating him? Seriously? It’s probably proof that there is a god somewhere.
-He’s similar to Leona with how standoffish he is at the start of your relationship. He’s far more affectionate and easy to be around compared to Leona, but he keeps a sizable distance between the two of you for a very long while.
-Can you blame him? There are so many factors that he has to think about when it comes to sharing himself with someone, expecting him to just be 100% comfortable immediately is just an impossible ask.
-First of all, there’s his schedule. Not only is he an honors student with hard classes and a demanding major/minor combo, but he’s also the vice house warden of Scarabia, he’s also on the basketball team, he also has to mother Kalim and the rest of Scarabia 24/7. He’s busy all the time, and now he has to (read: wants to) fit you into that already demanding schedule.
-Secondly is his title. He’s a servant to the Asim family. Regardless of how much he can separate himself from that title at NRC, at the end of the day his duties lay with Kalim and his family. It’s a heavy burden, and it isn’t something he wants to place onto your shoulders as well.
-So, please excuse his stony demeanor, he’s not exactly used to sharing himself and being attached to someone emotionally.
-At the start, despite the distance, he insists on keeping between the two of you, he’s still a very caring partner. He’s always sure to make time for you in the little ways he can.
-He invites you to eat lunch with him and Kalim (he would prefer it were just the two of you, but alas he has to keep Kalim alive), checks in with you when you pass in the hallways, ensures that you’re resting and eating well and healthy. The cute, little things are the things that matter early on with him.
-He, much like Leona, does not expect the same back from you. It isn’t something he’s used to, so it really throws him through a loop when you slide him something sweet from the cafe during class together or when you send him a text checking up on him and making sure he was going to bed at a semi-reasonable time.
-It really is the little things with him. They slowly, ever so slowly, build up over time and make him more and more stable in your relationship.
-And, holy shit, a comfortable Jamil is the absolute best Jamil.
-As he gets comfortable, he becomes more and more open to affection. As he becomes more affectionate he also becomes more flirty he gets.
-He is so good at flustering you, it’s his absolute favorite pastime to see you flail around after he teases you. Not that he’s malicious about it. He just really enjoys the power he has, as your boyfriend, to completely and totally catch you off guard with a compliment — which he means wholeheartedly, of course.
-He also grows more and more physical with you. Not in a way that would make you uncomfortable, but again in a way that would fluster you and get your face heating up like no tomorrow.
-Hand on your waist? Check! Around your shoulders? Of course! On the small of your back just a little too low? Oh, his absolute favorite.
-Loves to sprinkle little kisses on your face, but this happens almost exclusively in private. He isn’t super into PDA for the most part, but he does have his moments.
-He really enjoys cornering you in semi-private-but-not-private-enough-that-you-aren’t-totally-safe-from-being-caught hallways and teasing you until you’re literally begging him to let you go to your next class.
-Other than his adoration for teasing you, he’s really just a big old softie.
-Being with Jamil kind of feels like you’re already a married couple. He is so very affectionate with you, and it's a warm affection that never wavers no matter how long you’ve been with him.
-He does the husband thing a lot when you’re both in the kitchen. You know the one in those sappy romance shows where he grabs you by the waist and sways you side to side with him while he rests your foreheads together and whispers out his admiration for you. 
-Dancing quietly late at night in his room to a soft song from his homeland.
-Singing to you at random times when you’re alone, love songs that make butterflies flutter in your stomach.
-You are so lucky to have him.
-He loves cooking for you. In fact, he has always made food for you even from the start, and he lives to see the way your face lights up when you take a bite of something he prepared with his own two hands. (You swear you can taste his love and admiration with each bite you take).
-Your opinions of the food he makes are the only thing that matter to him. Please, for the love of the seven, praise him. The adorable way his eyes light up and the tiny little smile he gets makes it so worth it.
-Another, more serious, thing to note about Jamil is the way he presents his emotions to you. He really struggles to show how he feels outright in a manner that would be deemed socially acceptable, so a lot of the time he comes off as exhausted. Especially when the two of you have little disagreements.
-It’s very easy to interoperate the way he sighs and how blank his face looks when you argue to look tired of you and like he doesn’t want to have this conversation, but that’s very far from the truth.
-The tiredness when serious topics come up is just his default. He doesn’t really understand how to deal with all these intense feelings coming about so he turns it off so he can focus on the main task at hand, whatever the two of you are talking about.
-He takes every issue that comes up extremely seriously, which is exactly why he doesn’t want to make it worse by accidentally blowing it out of proportion, so he takes the stone-cold logical route because he knows that works.
-Bringing it up to him makes him feel terrible, and of course, he apologizes profusely. He loves you and he respects you, making you feel otherwise is like a slap in the face for him.
-Great thing about Jamil is that he’s incredibly good at negotiating and talking things through. For his emotional unavailability and any disagreements, it’s usually very quickly solved between the two of you with a little easy conversation.
-As I touched upon before, Jamil is still a servant to the Asim family. His loyalty to them, unfortunately, must come before you for his family's sake.
-Luckily, Kalim likes you.
-It is inevitable that you and Kalim grow close when you’re dating Jamil. They’re practically (reluctantly, in Jamil’s case) attached at the hip. You frequently see Kalim, almost more than you see Jamil, so you absolutely have a good relationship with him.
-Kalim actually is so happy about your relationship with Jamil that he goes out of his way to ensure that you and Jamil get to actually maintain that relationship.
-He will force Jamil out of the dorm to spend time with you, cause “accidents” that force Jamil to pay more attention to you, and all that cute stuff.
-He’s incredibly intentional when he wants to be, or at least when it comes to making Jamil’s life “harder”
-Now, your closeness with Kalim is both a blessing and a curse in Jamil’s eyes. He’s happy enough that Kalim likes you and you like Kalim, considering his situation. Sure, Kalim causes a lot of issues in his attempts to “bring the two of you closer”, but Jamil will happily take any excuse to be around you.
-The issue? Jamil’s jealousy.
-Now, let me get this straight, Jamil is not a jealous partner in any regard. Actually, trust and loyalty are the foundation of your relationship with him, he has no reason to think you’d cheat on him with anyone. (Why would you, he’s literally your best option on campus in the first place.)
-With Kalim though… his inferiority complex flares up. His whole life — literally his whole life — he’s been second to Kalim. Deep down in his gut that irrational fear that, again, even with someone who he loves so dearly, he will come second to Kalim is there.
-He never actively stops you from being around Kalim, but he is sure to keep a close eye on the two of you when he can. He does vocalize this concern with you, of course, not wanting you to think he doesn’t trust you to be loyal at all.
-As I’m sure you’ve guessed, communication is key with Jamil. The two of you keep constant communication for everything, little or big.
-Sleepovers. At. Scarabia. Literally all the time. You practically live there.
-Sometimes Kalim is there, usually only at the start until he wanders off to his own room for bed, but usually, Jamil is sure to plan around Kalim so he can have you to himself.
-He is most free at night, so that’s when you spend most of your alone time together. Despite how exhausted he may be, he really does go out of his way for you, because he loves you.
-Sleeping over in Jamil’s room is always a delight because not only does he spoil you, but he lets you spoil him. He makes the two of you tons of delicious snacks that you hand feed each other, watches movies with you (usually whatever you want unless you insist he picks it), and this man will sing you to sleep.
-The best thing though? Playing with his hair. Yeah, he styles yours as you want him to and he loves running his fingers over your scalp to see you shiver, but god to touch Jamil's hair is an honor. 
-He won’t let you do stupid things to it, of course. He guides you on what you can and cannot do with it the first few times he allows you to play with it, but as time goes on he trusts you to do whatever you’d like with it.
-Finally, my personal favorite, is the best way to fluster Jamil.
-He is a very sturdy guy, it's hard to take him off guard, but you can. The best way to do it though? Wear his second jersey to his basketball games, it’ll get him.
-Generally just being openly affectionate with him at times he does not expect is a surefire way to get him all hot in the face and stumbling to catch himself before he makes himself look even more atrociously stupid.
-In the end, Jamil is a great boyfriend. He’s loving, caring, and all-around wonderful to be with. He values balance and trust, and he’s always sure to keep up a steady flow of communication with you. 10/10, I want him as my own.
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twilightxsun · 4 months
Maybe something cute like taking a nap with Ellis or watching Michael paint?
I love both those ideas!
Here's what I have for Michael :) I'll likely write Ellis when I can!
the masterpiece
Michael paints you.
word count: 984
Lounging on a loveseat, you do your best to hold still. Michael has you posed in a relaxed yet elegant position. He spent several minutes guiding you, insisting that you must set yourself so to perfectly accentuate all of your angles and curves, your natural beauty and poise. He waxed about capturing your true expression, carefully directing your limbs and using his hands to shift you into place; gently but firmly tilting your chin, bowing your arm to reveal your inner wrist, curling your fingers, and turning your shoulders. You aren’t sure exactly how you look, but he stood up with a satisfied smile and instructed you to stay still.
Michael’s face is in view from where you’re sitting. His eyes are sharp with focus, brow furrowed slightly as he glances back and forth between you and the canvas in front of him. He dips his brush in paint, mixing the colors on his palette. This is the first time you’ve let him paint you.
Of course, he implored that you remove your clothes for it. You obliged, conceding that it would be tasteful nudity. To bare your soul, he said. Any additional layering would only conceal it.
There’s not much you can do except watch him concentrate. He didn’t give you any restrictions on speaking, but you’ve been content to observe until now. The look on his handsome face is both delicate and intense, completely captivated by the process. His robe is open, exposing his immaculately sculpted chest and abs. He called his body his “greatest work of art”. You’re inclined to agree.
Careful not to move, you call out softly, “How is it?”
He looks straight at you, paintbrush hovering in the air. There’s no irritation or disturbance in his gaze, which puts you at ease about interrupting him. Instead, he gives you a dreamy sort of smile.
“You are my masterpiece,” Michael says.
You notice he isn’t only referring to the painting, but you coyly reply, “One of many, I’m sure.”
“There is none like you,” he professes. 
The compliment warms you, and you can’t help smiling. He resumes his work, applying the brush again to the canvas. His movements are both calculated and free-flowing—there’s an easy confidence that comes with centuries of practice.
You let him continue for a while. It’s been at least four hours now, and you’re beginning to feel a little antsy. He didn’t give you a frame of reference for how much time his portraits usually take to finish. It could be five minutes, or several more hours. Perhaps he expects you to sit here all day and night.
“Michael,” you say, “how much longer?”
He’s in the middle of a brushstroke, so he doesn’t look at you when you speak. “Patience, my angel. You cannot rush greatness.”
“I know,” you concede, “but can I get an estimate?”
He glances at you, considering. “At most… another hour.”
You give a quiet sigh of relief. It isn’t that you can’t stay still for… however long he needs you to—but you’re glad all the same that it won’t cut into your evening. You plan to spend the rest of it with him anyways, but you’d hoped you wouldn’t be immobile the whole time.
Content with the knowledge that it won’t be much longer, you fall quiet and let yourself drift into thought. For a while now you’ve been trying to pinpoint the emotion on Michael’s face when he looks at you, but you understand it now. Beyond adoration: reverence. He treats you like something sacred, to be honored and savored. The care with which he takes to paint you goes beyond his art—from the moment you met him, he’s treated you with the utmost delicacy. He knows you aren’t fragile, but his nature is to be attentive, to ensure that everything in his touch is kept safe. He’s never rough, even in the whirlwind of his passion. In heat and desire, he approaches you with zeal, thorough and exact in his ministrations. His love is an artistry; you only hope you make him feel as appreciated as he does you.
You didn’t notice how quickly the time went by, consumed in your thoughts. Your eyes unglaze as Michael sits back, sets his brush down, and scans the canvas one last time.
“My work is complete,” he announces.
“I can move?” you ask.
He meets your eyes. “Come look,” he tells you.
Sitting up, you stretch out, grateful that you can finally move after five hours of careful posturing. You stand up and walk towards Michael, then stop and turn to look at the painting.
What you see leaves you breathless. The portrait is beyond beautiful—you can barely comprehend it. His brushwork is flawless; every color perfectly hued; the shading immaculate. Seeing yourself on the canvas, each feature lovingly attended to, all composing into a picture that you both can’t believe but that also has never felt more right.
“Do I really look like that?” you wonder.
“I paint what I see,” he says simply.
Now you understand; to be seen through someone else’s eyes. A surge of emotion comes over you, and you don’t know what else to do with it so you pull Michael into an embrace.
“Thank you,” you say.
His arms wrap around you, and he holds you until you let go. He brings a hand to your face, cupping your cheek with his palm. “But of course, my angel.”
You smile, and lean in again for a kiss. Your lips meet with his for a few sweet seconds, and then you part. 
He gazes at you with unabashed adoration, and it makes your heart swell. You know then that you’d stay still as long as he needed if only to have him look at you like this. For now you truly realize how he really sees you: a masterpiece. 
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thecurrator · 2 months
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @jae-pudding
Your ideal match is…Karasu Tabito!
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You both would hit it off instantly! Karasu can be equally blunt as you, which leads to fun banter. Once you guys get to know each other, you're joined at the hip, two peas in a pod.
He loves the way you're good at understanding the big picture. Your way of words is a fun bonus too. Just like that, you've earned yourself a place in his list of not-mediocre people. Consider it an honor! /j He'll be very interested in talking to you more often once he realizes your intuition is on par with his.
Your habit of asking tricky questions is delightful for him; he'll be glad to debate with you all day! But since you also have a tendency to finish the sentence before the speaker, it might soon turn into a race where both of you try to finish his sentences.
He's responsible, but also likes to joke around, so he might be torn over laughing with you or reprimanding you when you joke around in inappropriate settings. Perhaps it depends on how funny he finds your jokes at that time. Though he likes you a lot, so he might laugh at all of your jokes anyway.
Karasu is the knowledgeable type, so he'll gladly teach you about things you aren't as well versed in! World history is one of his favourite subjects, so he could tell you some facts or stories about the countries you're planning to travel to in the future. His hobby is observing and analyzing humans, so he could tell you about the ones he finds interesting like he's spilling gossip. If you're interested to hear it, of course.
Getting gifts for you is so easy since you like so many things. You'll find new gardening tools, books, or a new snack lying somewhere around where you're sure to find it. Karasu can't help but want to spoil you. However! He doesn't like opening presents in front of people while they wait for his reaction, so he makes sure not to be in the same room as you when you find your gift. Why don't you look for him and give him a hug as thanks?
He's rather nonchalant when it comes to showing affection, so he has trouble giving you words of affirmation. Does the occasional casual compliment work? Not really? Well, he's more than capable of spending quality time with you. As much as you want. Whether going on dates in the city or staying home and watching a movie, he's just happy to be with you. Stay with him, okay?
Runner-up: Mikage Reo (I saw that you don't like disorganized and inefficient people and immediately thought "Reo!". But then I saw that you're independent and don’t like clingy people and decided to put him as a runner-up. 😂)
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consider this a free space to expound upon [rian as shown on screen being Closetedly Trans], if you so wish
oh yeah worth taking a swing at it at a little more length, even if i'm bound to forget things or not have these Comprehensive Answers the first time around
also tricky b/c it's like, truly it's [handshake] with pointing at winston as a fellow autiste even as no way does the writing have that intention w/any directness/explicitness, much less thoroughness to its thoughts. Vibes Based but where it's like well it's not illegitimate when people are able to attune to / Recognize a je ne sais quoi lol, like people able to do so irl without having to form a Reasoning about it or ask directly or what have you....definitely relevant from the start that with earliest rian it was like I Think This Person Is Bisexual, The Actor At Least which turns out to be accurate & it's like, the je ne sais quoi, a subtle vivacity perhaps in the spark of [not cishet agenda'd with it] and knowing that like, if billions wanted to tell you someone was bisexual (or, say, autistic) they would not go the route of "you can perhaps sense it in their joie de vivre" even as that's indeed actually relevant lol. and like bisexual haircut and sweaters idk. which felt like a somewhat less [giving closeted trans] time, also relevantly, b/c said Stifling Tension of rian's gender being held back & staved off once the [rip to Not Simply More Often Used As Plot Device; Potential To Not Just Be Another Axe Capper rian with that post hiatus shift of 5x08 & forevermore] downgrade hit is like, a Decrease in that joie de vivre. rian never gets to be as characterful or lively or Not Miserable from 5x08 on like, just as kind of a more general feeling i had even from the same casual assessment that had it be like "actor bisexual maybe" & like As Usual, if only this seemed particularly on purpose, but the pall over rian from 5x08 on sure didn't seem to truly let up when rian was supposed to be Just Chilling or having a good time rather than particularly suffering, & lord knows in the end it's supposed to be like oh she's Been fine enough here, oh what a difficult choice to perhaps stay forever or leave, & so on. like no way is that simmering energy that like rian is never actually just chilling nor actually having a great time Only Deliberate on billions' part
also obviously the phenomenon that while Talking About Billions amongst ourselves, rian specifically would get inadvertently they/them/their'd now & then while other characters largely did not, especially no other One character. again with the [recognizing a je ne sais quoi] like ending up unsurprised when it turns out the actor is presumably nonbinary as well after it was like Well there seems to be a vibe, & even if it's like no this person isn't queer or isn't autistic so far as they know, like well it's a compliment & an honor for that to be anything but "well of course" lol
it also just kept feeling like whatever the format is like this is the butchest a woman can be before billions gets scared, while always having that energy that it should be getting to Go Farther but being held back. like being on the verge of coming out & getting more gnc with it but hovering on the Supposedly Cis side of possible boundaries of that. e.g. how rian's makeup is so Relatively subtle for [characters who are posited to be women] that Billions Chatting involved going "hmm is rian's makeup supposed to be diegetic? are we ever supposed to think she might not be wearing makeup?" like on the verge & yet there was always Just enough visibility to like eye & lip makeup that it was like, yeah if they're trying to make it look like she might not be wearing makeup they're doing a bad job of it / way too scared, truly i presume they intend like, yes, rian always wears makeup. while i'm also like ugh if only rian could be wearing makeup so Obvious it starts to be "wrong." while now & then there's remarks out of nowhere given to rian about like ah my skincare routine oh i need to think i Look Good, normatively, where what's "weird" is supposed to be a Woman even mentioning that thought, effort, & process goes into Looking Normatively Good(tm) rather than pretending she couldn't exist any other way. little a gnc in that way but again accidentally, & rian also Can't exist any other way, she Will noticeably have eye shadow every day of her life at the office
meanwhile just to my tastes like i was never a fan of whatever shirt style they latched on to for rian there like, hip hooray when it was more of a sweater again vs whatever like mashup of polo meets buttonup meets For Her(tm) meets idek what. but that again like personal tastes aside (there could readily be completely different looks i disliked as much or more lol) it just also seems like another one of those like "As Gnc As Billions Can Get Without Getting Scared" moments like ah not as femineminem as it can possibly get, but god knows it's For Women so don't worry. also relevantly not just rian Always Wearing Pants but that when they made us have another casino episode in s7 & everyone has to get fancy, not only is rian still Definitely Wearing Pants like hmm but that like again the ways the show seems to get nervous & strain & reach for "ohh but reassure us of some Gender Conformity though" only adds to the feeling of like [this is a closeted trans person] who could be getting nervous & being like "you see, rian wearing pants & a jacket style Fancier Outfit isn't too gnc if it's got the velvet style texture and is Purple, feminine enough that none of our [characters posited to be men] could wear a purple suit & have that be Straightforwardly, Unquestionably epic, rather than like either a joke (at their expense) or else someone going like wow what a power move b/c he's so Brave (they would not do this)"
longer hair felt this way too lol like the stylings we got being Pulled Back (bun) Pulled Back (ponytail) Pulled Back (whatever it is like hair from the top & sides secured at the back of the top of the head) Just Loose like all of that Pulled Back giving hints of "if her hair was Plenty shorter" like to the degree you have to fight the stylist to the death to get it cut like that b/c it's Too Gnc, rather than the bisexual / More Comfortable feeling of the chin length hair like again sigh personal tastes, rip to this 5x08 & beyond loss as well lol....and then the last option just potentially overlapping with like, when you simply bother with hair styling as little as possible, b/c efforts to reach some goal of "it looks how you'd like it to look" only come up short. which is how her whole General Look At All Times feels, little a gnc, coming up short as it's like ah but she's got Normal makeup & Long Hair & clothes styled & cut for Women that would be too effete(tm) for a Man so it's gnc enough, surely
and all the while like this damper of General Unhappiness (sort of malaise....) as the character never gets to actually get Too gnc, nor like act according to her own motivation as a role not completely fenced in by [congrats on getting used as a plot device more often than other roles], nor be a funny little guy quant with winston b/c she's supposed to be too "correct" (& prominent, solely as a plot device than in the character's own right like, Ever) to be a funny little guy, & winston is supposed to be too "incorrect" to Not be inferior, so rian has to, as all winners must, hate this autistic friend coworker even as billions is like, no, thinking that autistic person is your funny little personal possession to Use & Discard how you want is nice & caring. another layer of misery. as winston is also of course gnc, but more in the Joie De Vivre style like when they were more actually parallel & proximate in rian's first few pre hiatus episodes so she was also less miserable & like, still had a Gnc energy as well, but More Chill, less like becoming more closeted / reined in towards "correctness," which sure feels like the very shift from 5x08 on that isn't likely to be So Deliberate on billions' part, rather than nah this is a nice Ascent, though with some conflict to be sure. she loves the makeup routine every morning, don't worry
meanwhile just per examples like having broken out this pic the other day i was like And Here Comes Rian, Closetedly, uncomfortably, aptly holding hands with the discomfort of rian having to be an asshole to winston & like what Emotiveness can you give this role that isn't giving the energy of like fighting for its life being held under the surface drowning. which, as ever, like well it would be a ton of fun if it was On Purpose: getting worse, it being too late to turn back, making the choice as soon as its presented like sure i'd Love to be the normal one and be the bully, struggling with the choice but ultimately betraying the Cost of, say, having basic respect much less affection for your weird [bullying target] coworkers, loser geek whatever style but just with Everyone advising / encouraging oh leave that association behind, &/or that Influence behind ofc if billions also let winston talk for longer ever, & just sticking to it like well that's career success then idc....anything sure could've meant anything but here we are, & billions was like ah no :) it was just an ascent all along
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like it should be going harder in some direction lol but the look is afraid to, just giving the feel of supposed safely gnc Yet Not Too Much looks sort of thrown together with as little chance of holding as tmc does without the [you can't have a fund without a scapegoat] & yknow just like, that even with billions not deigning to use winston as plot device as often as rian & thus at least giving him a little tiny bit more breathing room in his otherwise [punching bag] &/or [background character] material (& in their never intending to force winston to be a Correct Winner role anyway, unlike for rian. who was correct winner from the start vs winston's origin as supposed detested loser) is enough to spare him either from being held back by the scruff of the neck even in what he Does get, billions gets scared & will indulge Plenty in the joys of dehumunizing treatment for him but like, winston can't break out bmc level Not Fitting In things lest he pull focus from people who matter in the 5 sec he gets to draw a breath & say something before getting shitted on, or distract from the correct experience of Vicarious Revelry in shitting on him b/c like oh but ableism at disabled people would be Impolite. dollar bill can yell the r word b/c we'd never say aloud "winston is autistic" & wags can violate whatever boundaries he wants b/c he's wags & winston's winston, the sort of person we can sense Deserves That. which is also rian but like this is due to being a woman & if we let her go :( then that's that on Respect. can't disrespect her when she's So Epic (incrementally losing hope of any particular traits that aren't like, the accidental closeted trans character, the most abusive coworker) like the Quants Duo parallels / Conversation between these roles sure never ceases, just that we get both sides of the tragedy of how billions thinks abt its Losers / Winners binary, and its gender binary, and [everyone here is neurotypicals] also binary. less & less room for either's joie de vivre when like, even as winston got to truly keep that extra room he got from the start for his Loserness, rian & everyone else is just getting more awful when directing any attention at him at all, as billions shifts into like "yeah the most we'd focus is a redux of Vicarious Killing / whatever power trip you feel like a la 3x03, only a plot device in that the plot is 'don't we all love wags doing this & wish we were him'" & meanwhile also giving up on rian being a character anywhere in there like no, general asshole, basically an axe capper, always planned to be here forever until she arbitrarily easily peaces out for a reason forced into the episode that doesn't make sense but what else were we ever gonna do? explore anything? like how a character is an autistic person we can supposedly only imagine relishing using & hurting? like how there might even be more than one trans person in a room at the same time ever? like, as always, the thoughts are in progress & noncomprehensive but like, it also just indeed feeling like rian's Closeted Trans energy is just not viable either, along with billions biding its time a couple eps before winston must die, along with [taylip is so Peers & Not Cishet that billions gets scared] like aahh no time for that....
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another last minute quant duo pic like yay sweater & hair down lol giving the feeling of More of a [just like. whatever] vibe that's More comfortable for it b/c effort at allegedly more gnc performance only makes one more aware of the dissonance / Problems there. but oh whew it's pinkish & she doesn't look as much like someone Not Wearing Makeup as winston so we're safe, i'm sure. rip to the potential for the quants to Actually be square pegs together, fitting like "here, they Do stand together as a unit, you see" & then temper rian doubling down on that by lashing out at winston for his cues to please treat him better. meanwhile winston and his Also unusual outfits that he seems more comfortable with at least to the point it doesn't feel like it's only a matter of time before he Must change it up. whereas rian's more chill looks are more chill but also in a [i'm just going to wrestle less with gender today] resignation kind of way. the Quant Duo Autistic / Gnc / Trans Actually "Weird" Peership being reined in last second too like oh don't worry :) rian hurts him. billions is never gonna break out of having its Winners and having them have to be Better than the losers and express that in the only way that counts: having them dehumanize those inferior parties & show they have the power to act accordingly....but it's like, i think they could've imagined letting, say, a character they consider a woman like not have that makeup on every now & then. could've taken off a bra to wrestle & had armpit hair. getting stuck with the Tension of billions considering weirdness inferiority & then it's like aahh eesh Another trans person?? something it wouldn't consider b/c like oh but can't you just be a woman who wears pants :) Mitigate any queerness please :) ahh can't people who act weird be bringing it upon themselves & only if they present their Disability License will we be embarrassed & totally respectful now. how Couldn't a woman be without question sexually available to a Correct Man & without question beyond the insult of an autistic guy's sexuality & only question the textually queer sexuality possibilities b/c uhhh haha it's just Too epic, sorry, a pattern with taylor's sexuality being so discreetly overlooked, You're Welcome....Billions Imagine: rian gets to be a guy (& more gnc at any time) & be winston's friend & be Actually at odds ever with anything going on around here in a way that meant anything enough to really affect it & not end up with rian being a fully exciseable element despite all the intended alleged importance & meaning i'm sure, in being granted the heavenly rewards deserved by being an asshole axe capper but also a woman. winston also exciseable but he wasn't supposed to be important, & you lose out on so much Flair from his presence in the meantime whereas like rian's best contribution just for Being There is having that [closed trans character] tension, as once left entirely to her own devices it's just like, yep, basically another generic axe cap style presence, great. could've at least taken off eye shadow for this & like worn a tee once
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jomiddlemarch · 6 months
And thy mercy shall follow me
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5. “He is worse,” Sugi said.
The maid spoke rarely, but observed keenly. An exemplary servant, she anticipated Mariko’s requests and Anjin’s needs, addressing them without comment, asking only those questions which were necessary. She had a tranquil demeanor which Mariko found restorative. In the few minutes Mariko had spent with Fuji, she had complimented Anjin’s consort for her choice of staff, and had received the pleasure of Fuji’s slight smile. 
If Sugi chose to make a remark unbidden, her concerns were serious.
“Explain your reasoning,” she said.
“He wakes less often and when he does, he thinks he is somewhere else. He speaks mostly his barbarian language. He doesn’t eat, takes in only a little broth or tea. He’s growing too weak to bring up anything when he coughs,” Sugi said.
“He has a strong spirit,” Mariko replied.
Sugi was silent.
“He hates the priests,” Mariko said. To die without the Last Rites was a terrible end, but he would find no succor in the Latin prayers, the dark tonsure like a halo in his dimming vision. 
“Would that hatred help him stay alive?” Sugi asked.
Mariko considered. There was a power in loathing, in spite. In the quest of vengeance. It was sinful, but there was so little to offer him. She thought of Anjin healthy, how curious he was and how animated when he spoke of his animosity. How quick he was to learn, how adamant in his purpose.
“I don’t believe so. His heart is not made in that way,” she said.
“Then perhaps you must pray for him. An easy passing if that is what he is fated to,” Sugi said. 
I don’t want him to die, Mariko thought. She could not say that to the maid but she didn’t need to. Sugi knew. It did not take great discernment to see Mariko’s actions went beyond those governed by honor, by loyalty to Lord Toranaga, even beyond Christian charity.
“Tonight, I think, will be the crisis,” Mariko said. “I will stay with him. You may go. You have done more than you needed to.”
“With your permission, I will make a pallet in the room next to this one. I will be there if you have need of me,” Sugi said. Mariko nodded and Sugi left.
Anjin lay still for several hours. Mariko wet his lips with a cloth and tried to get him to swallow some water, stroking his throat, but she did not dare pour much between his parted lips and risk choking him. Mariko told herself that sleep would heal him, but he was in a stupor, not the refreshing rest that would restore him. Night fell and she lit only a single lamp, one within arm’s reach that cast a circle of light upon them both.
He grew restless as his fever climbed. She dabbed at his skin with a cloth to try and cool him, wished there was snow to pack around his feet and neck. She had never felt anyone burn so. He began to cry out, unintelligible words and phrases in English, her own name slurred, uttered as if he did not expect her to answer him. He trembled as one would when chilled to the bone, but she could not understand how he could want a coverlet given his temperature. He coughed and his breathing grew labored. 
She knew he might not live to see the dawn.
She took the crucifix from around her neck and began with the rosary, because it soothed her and because she sought the intercession of a woman’s mercy. Ave Maria, gratia plenum, Dominus tecum…
With one hand, she rolled the beads of the necklace between her fingers, the words falling softly from her lips. She recited it once, twice, a third time. She stroked Anjin’s temple and bearded cheek with the other hand, hoping to calm him. She finished the prayer and held her breath.
He moaned, opened his eyes, struggled to focus on her face.
“John, I’m here,” she said, cupping his cheek. Drawing close, seeing him recognize her. Seeing how he wanted to speak and couldn’t find the words or the strength for them. “You are in the Lord’s hands. I am sorry I cannot pray with you in your tongue. Pater noster qui es in cælis…”
She spoke alone until nearly the end, when his voice, barely more than a whisper, followed hers. He must be reciting the prayer in English, words she could not learn. Could not forget.
“…thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever…”
“Don’t leave me,” he said, very softly. “Please, Mariko-sama.”
“I won’t leave you, John,” she replied. She let the crucifix fall into her lap and took hold of his hand with hers. “I will not let you go.”
She knew it was wrong but it was the truth. 
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seekslight-arch · 1 year
how do you perceive lux and ezreal's relationship ? in any verse you'd like to talk about !
headcanons ✨ all verses
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i based it all on the universes they officially share together. so, let's dig in.
original  lore: her  voice  lines  state  she  doesn't  know  ezreal  and  they  haven't  even  talked,  like she sees him  for  the  first  time,  but  also  somehow  sylas  knows  and  slightly  despises  jarro  lightfeather,  which  is  ezreal's  demacian  fake  identity.  sylas  was  imprisoned  before  ezreal  could  visit  demacia  with  a  fake  name,  right?  means  luxanna  knows  jarro  and  talked  about  him  to  sylas.  considering  sharing  something  like  this  with  her  love  interest,  luxanna  and  ezreal  have  to  have  some  sort  of  connection  —  something  more  than  meeting  once  or  twice.  sylas'  voice  line  about  ez  sounds  also  like  he's  about  to  murder  the  blonde...  so  we  can  all  assume  there  was  something  more,  perhaps  even  romance,  between  miss  crownguard  and  sir  lightfeather.  further  evidence  to  that  can  be  found  in  base  ezreal  quotes,  in  which  he  suggests  hanging  out,  knows  lux's  name  and  calls  her  honey  (then  wonders  if  it's  too  soon).  he  seems  nervous,  but  the  last  line  makes  me  think  their  relationship  had  a  bit  of  a  romantic  undertone.
battle  academia: this  one's  pretty  obvious  —  ez  and  luxanna  are  close.  it's  obvious  ezreal  has  some  feelings  for  luxanna,  it's  unclear  if  they're  reciprocated  (i  like  to  believe  they  are),  but  they  went  on  at  least  one  date  (or  were  about  to  go!).  he's  a  golden  retriever  boyfriend,  totally.  texts  with  her  a  lot  and  his  mood  is  really  depending  on  hers;  supports  her  and  admires  her  (as  he  should!)  and  even  accidentally  confesses.  in  the  splash  arts,  he  always  waits  for  her,  too  (base  and  prestige).  which  is.  so  sweet.
star  guardian: both  in  the  short  stories,  illustrations  and  voice  lines  it's  clear  ezreal  has  feelings  for  lux,  yet  again  it's  unclear  if  she  has  any  felings  for  him.  i  like  to  believe  she  does.  no  evidence  to  this.  it's  just  me  fangirling  over  ez  complimenting  her  hair  and  uniform  and  saying  “your  eyes  really  do  twinkle  like  starlight”.  i  am  eating  this  shit  up!!!
porcelain: you  didn't  expect  this  did  you!!!  again  it  seems  ezreal  has  feelings  for  lux  and  it's  unclear  if  they're  reciprocated  —  we  know  for  sure  luxanna  seems  annoyed  with  ezreal's  lack  of  skills  when  it  comes  to  using  the  porcelain  gauntlet.  it's  unclear  if  she  saves  him  because  of  her  duties,  but  it  ez  seems  attached  to  her  (because  according  to  these  voice  lines,  she  saved  his  life,  but  also  the  one  about  promising  to  fix  her?  they're  totally  close!!  either  it's  forced  proximity  —  very  likely  —  or  something  else).  skins  description  doesn't  get  much  into  detail,  all  we  know  is  that  she's  taken  care  of  “the  archeologist”  and  let  him  join  the  protectors.  she  probably  had  to  train  him.  but  also  look  at  her  expression  when  ez  puts  the  gauntlet  on???  i  can't   ksdjhafdsfardsf.
in  conclusion: i  like  to  think  of  them  as  if  they're  close  and  i'm  open  to  explore  their  dynamic,  be  it  platonic  or  romantic!!  i  think  they  make  a  great  duo,  their  personalities  compliment  each  other  and  just.  i  don't  know.  ezreal  is  in  love  with  her  by  default  in  almost  every  universe  too  (except  for  pulsefire,  that's  for  sure),  which  is...  idk.  just.  riot  pushes  it  a  lot.
that's  it.  that's  the  drabble.  i  love  them,  your  honor.
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onevolon · 1 year
my love for you is infinite - part6
Santiago Garcia x afab!reader(Darcy)
note: pride and prejudice (2005) but with triple frontier boys because why not lol
word count: 1484
warnings: santi is a meanie because darcy having no social skills is very relatable :,,,)
you can also read it on ao3.
part5 - part7 - masterlist
In their bedrooms the Bennets were preparing for the Netherfield balI.
Francisco was helping Santiago with his hair. They look ethereal.
“I still think there must have been a misunderstanding.”
Santiago laughs a little “Oh Francisco, do you never think ill of anybody?”
“How could Miss Darcy do such a thing? I will discover the truth from Mr. Bingley at the balI this evening.”
“If it is not true let Miss Darcy contradict it herself. But until she does, I hope never to encounter her.”
“Poor, unfortunate Mr. Wickham.”
“On the contrary, he is twice the man Darcy is.”
“And let us hope, a rather more willing dancer.”
A long queue has formed to gain entrance to the ball. There are hundreds of guests. All the women are dressed in shades of off-white. The men are either in red officer uniform or dressed in black and white. Bingley and Caroline are greeting their guests.
The Bennets are next in line and step up. Bingley beams at Francisco.
“You’re here! I'm so pleased.”
“And so am I.”
“How are you, Mr. Santiago?”
Santiago is not paying attention, instead he is searching over Mr Bingley's shoulder for a sight of Wickham.
“Are you looking for someone?”
“No, no not at all, admiring the general splendor.”
“It is breath-taking, Mr. Bingley.” Francisco adds.
The Bennet's are forced to move on into the house. Mrs. Bennet talks while Santiago is searching the sea of red coats.
“I dare say, I have never met a more pleasant gentleman in all my years. Did you see how he dotes on him! Dear, dear Francisco. Always doing what is best for his family.”
Santiago slips away into the next room. He walks into the dining room, which has been converted into a ball room and where numerous couples are dancing while others crowd the edges to watch. Santiago thinks he sees Mr. Wickham among the dancers, he moves to get a clearer view. The man turns round - but is not Wickham.
Charlotte approaches him through the crowd.
“Have you seen Mr. Wickham?”
Charlotte shakes her head.
“Perhaps he is through here.”
Santiago and Charlotte enter the drawing room. Francisco appears and catches Santiago's arm.
“He's not here. Apparently otherwise detained.”
“Detained?” Santiago is disappointed.
Mr. Collins arrives, breathless. He smiles eagerly at Santiago.
“There you are.”
“Mr. Collins. What a pleasant surprise.”
“Perhaps you will do me the honor, Mr. Santiago?”
“Oh. I didn't think you danced, Mr. Collins.”
“I do not consider it incompatible with the office of a clergyman to indulge in such an innocent diversion.”
Santiago tries to smile politely.
“In fact several people, her ladyship included, have complimented me on my lightness of foot.”
Santiago's smile congeals.
Santiago dances with Mr Collins. The style of the dance is not unlike English Country dancing.
“To be sure dancing is of little consequence to me, but it does afford the opportunity to lavish one's partner with delicate attentions which is my –“
Santiago tunes him out and just focuses on dancing. For a moment he dances beside Francisco.
“Apparently your Mr. Wickham has been called on some business to town, though my informer told me he would have been less inclined to be engaged had it not been for the presence at Netherfield of a certain someone.”
Francisco indicates towards where Darcy stands watching them.
Santiago side-eyes her.
The dance leads Santiago back to Mr. Collins.
“It is my intention, if I may be so bold to remain close to you throughout the evening.”
Santiago and Charlotte come out of the drawing room laughing and run straight into Miss Darcy.
“May I have the next dance, Mr. Santiago?”
Santiago is stunned.
“You may.”
Darcy walks away.
“Did I just agree to dance with Miss Darcy?”
“I dare say you will find her very amiable, Santiago.”
“Which would be most inconvenient since I have sworn to loathe her for all eternity.”
Santiago dances face to face with Darcy. Neither can speak. They dance for a moment in silence.
“I love a Sarabande.”
“Indeed. Most invigorating.”
They continue, for a moment, in silence.
“It is your turn to say something, Miss Darcy - I talked about the dance, now you ought to remark on the size of the room or the number of couples.”
“I am perfectly happy to oblige, please advise me of what you would like most to hear.”
“That reply will do for the present. Perhaps by and bye I may observe that private balls are much pleasanter than public ones. But for now, we may be silent.”
“Do you talk as a rule while dancing?”
“No, no - I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn. That makes it all so much more enjoyable, don't you think?”
Darcy ponders this critique of her social skills a moment.
“Tell me, do you and your brothers very often walk to Meryton?
They are suddenly parted by the choreography of the dance. Santiago looks back at Darcy who is dancing with Ben. She stares at Santiago as she dances. Santiago smiles at his current partner in embarrassment.
The dance spins again and he is back with Darcy.
“Yes, we often walk to Meryton it is a great opportunity to meet new people. In fact when you met us we had just had the pleasure of forming a new acquaintance.”
“Mr. Wickham is blessed with such happy manners he is sure of making friends - whether he is capable of retaining them is less certain.”
“He has been so unlucky as to lose your friendship. And I dare say that is an irreversible event?”
“It is.”
Darcy's face is closing up.
“Why do you ask such a question?”
“To make out your character, Miss Darcy.”
“And what have you discovered?”
“Very little.”
The dance finishes.
“I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly.”
“I hope to afford you more clarity in the future.”
They bow to each other, the tension between them almost palpable. Santiago moves quickly away, deeply unsettled. A breathless Mr. Collins appears.
“Is that Miss Darcy, of Pemberley in Derbyshire?
“I believe so.”
“But I must make myself known to her immediately!”
“But sir-“
“She is the niece of my esteemed patroness, Lady Catherine.”
“He is?”
Mr. Collins starts making his way determinedly towards Darcy.
“Please, Mr. Collins! She'll consider it an impertinence.”
Santiago watches from a distance, with acute embarrassment, as Mr. Collins interrupts Darcy. Darcy does not notice him, so Mr. Collins raises his voice.
“Miss Darcy!”
The room around him stops. Darcy is surprised and turns round. Mr. Collins point Santiago out to Darcy, who looks horrified by Mr. Collins's obsequiousness.
Caroline sidles up to Santiago.
“What interesting relatives you have, Mr. Bennet.”
Santiago walks away into another room.
William and Ben giggling insanely.
Tom singing, badly, at the piano.
Mrs. Bennett tipping a glass of punch over someone while watching Francisco and Bingley. Darcy passes behind her and overhears.
“Oh yes, we fully expect a most advantageous marriage.”
Bingley staring at, Francisco, who sits, demure as ever, watching a dance. Santiago and Charlotte watching Francisco.
Caroline dancing with Darcy. She chats on. He is silent.
Mr. Collins following Santiago about like some ancient duckling. Santiago escaping onto the terrace and trying to calm down and breathe.
Day light creeps through the curtains. Ben and William have dragged the last surviving fiddle player into hall and propped against door frame. He now plays as they dance with each other. Mrs Bennet is sprawled on a sofa. Francisco sitting demurely. Collins looking longingly at Santiago. Bingley is standing, the perfect host, but obviously willing the Bennets to leave. Mrs Bennet holds court.
“ I have never had such a good time in my life. Mr. Bingley you must have such a ball once a month at least.”
Caroline who is standing with her brother, yawns ostentatiously.
“Mother. I really think it is time to go.” Santiago says.
“Don’t be impertinent. Our hosts are perfectly happy with our company, are you not, Mr. Bingley? I hope I can entice you to Longbourn to sample our hospitality. We would make sure you had 3 or 4 courses at least.”
She holds out her glass for a top up and carries on.
“So, tell me Mr. Bingley. Whom did you like least of all your guests this evening?”
“Really. This is enough, Mother.”
Darcy looking down at Santiago from a staircase. She turns and walks away.
Bingley and Caroline are waving off the Bennett carriage. Bingley is grey with fatigue. Caroline looks at his plaintive expression and then looks at the departing carriage.
“My dear Charles - you can't be serious.”
Bingley shoots her a look and goes into the house in a huff.
“We will be having a wedding here at Netherfield in less than three months, if you ask me. Mr. Bennet? Mr. Bennet!”
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tortoisesshells · 2 years
For the WIP Ask Game, Death, Owe, or Fine. Thanks!
For owe:
“If you need expend more than this, to get this letter into Governor Swann’s hands,” Norrington, feeling uncomfortably aware of how weak his position was here, slowed to a halt and considered his words – but still, Captain Hendricks was his best hope, and he had to pray the man’s sense of either self-interest or fair-play would outweigh Hendricks’s distaste for himself and his office, “Or to take a response from him, if there be one – I will pay whatever it is that is owed.”
and fine:
He did not want to admit his distraction – either that he was thinking of his office at a time like this, which was no great compliment to Nellie Treat’s conversation and command of the board – or that his distraction was as much due to the fine white cotton of her kerchief gone nearly translucent with perspiration where it met her neck, which he would die before admitting out loud in the Bendish parlor.
and as for death, as you know, there IS one sentence with a major spoiler tag so I have decided to delete it from the WIP in order to rules-lawyer myself into compliance. I CAN however send you home with:
"The Admiralty has discarded you before, and perhaps they’ll bury you with laurel-wreaths and other honors when your death buys Britain a little in the way of sea-room, or even a little green island in the Windwards, but you will still be dead - and how delightfully cheap the First Lord will find this bargain for Vieques or La Desirade."
Send me a word, and if it’s in my WIPs I’ll reply with the sentence it appears in!
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hi again, for like, the third time💀! i was the anon who first brought up the solomon x mc engagement idea. looking through some of the reblogs, i'm glad that the reception has been pretty good! i'm excited to know that people have jumped on the entire solomon engagement scenario train..
i know that you previously stated to another anon inquiring about my idea, that you were hesitant about writing more about this idea in depth. specifically because you wouldn't want to unintentionally steal my idea in case i were to potentially write about it. tbh, i don’t really care, i think it’s fine and would potentially be cool to see anyone else for the matter, to expand more on this. i just wanted to share to someone about my ideas and wasn’t looking to covet it as my own. i’m sure i’m not the first to consider this, so i don’t have any inclination to call it as mine.
long story short i don’t mind if i were to see anyone to expand on this au, at all! id be happy to see it, if there’s someone who feels inspired enough❤️
also, thanks for the compliments about me being a writer😭 i feel like that’s one of the highest honor you can give as a writer to another. i’m not really a writer, in a sense i write fanfics. i’m more of researcher who writes essays and thesis based papers, more than a creative writer. so, unfortunately, i only do creative writing as a hobby when i have time! i’ve appreciated your replies so far and i’m happy to have heard your own thoughts on it as well.
congrats on your milestone and have a good day👋
Welcome back, anon! You are always welcome to send me as many asks as you like!
Yes it seems many of us like the idea of marrying Solomon, even if it means angst with the brothers! I really think Solomon makes good husband material because you know he would take it so seriously. He just lives with MC and he’s all domestic mode right away lol. He’s so precious.
And oh thank you for letting me know that it’s okay to write about your ideas! I’ve implied getting engaged to Solomon in one of my shorter stories (it’s here if anyone would like to read it ☺️), but I haven’t written anything longer or as in depth as the scenarios we’ve been discussing!
I am always happy to chat about ideas but I definitely hesitate about using them for my own writing. Which is a little funny because I have no problem at all with people using anything I talk about for ideas to write their own stuff lol! But I have so many ideas that I don’t even have time to write them all. I know sometimes people get an idea that really takes hold and they want to write it themselves but don’t think they can for some reason, so they just talk about it instead. And in that case, I will always encourage people to write their ideas! This has happened to me multiple times irl because when people find out you write, they hesitatingly tell you about an idea and then come up with a million reasons why they can’t write it.
But I know sometimes people just wanna chat about their ideas even if they have no intention of writing it themselves! And that’s okay too! I just like to make sure before I do anything with it because I will always encourage people to write!
I also have opinions about whether or not people can call themselves writers lol. But based on what you’ve told me, I would say you are definitely a writer, anon! Of course I feel that people can use whatever words they like to define themselves, but I think a lot of people feel they can’t call themselves a writer when they definitely can. I’ve been writing for a long time and as far as I’m concerned, if you write that makes you a writer! Writing occasionally as a hobby still counts in my opinion!
Anyway, your ask was well organized and your analysis of the characters made me think that you have perhaps written stories before! I’ve been really enjoying reading your thoughts!
I could also ramble at length about the merits of writing fanfiction, but this is already getting long so I will not lol.
Thank you and I hope you have a lovely day as well! 💕💕
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warriorsparked · 2 years
@exitialepulchritudo​ || cont
Elita is perched rather bird-like amid the statues of the garden space. She had made her token appearance for the sake of this peace that meant so much. But what was peace to a Carcerian? Their home continued to be a stern place, the miasma of its occupant creeping over everything.
Elita was used to it. Basked in it even.
She led her people with honor. Even if outsiders found her somewhere between unsettling and overtly violent.
Being sought out? That's much newer. Certainly the City Speaker had come to her, as had the Prime. But Primes were simply mecha more prone to delusions and mistakes to her. Many millenia had taught her so. She downs the last if her stolen drink.
Twisting to kick her pedes irreverently against the carved Visage of Decimus Prime," My calibre? You would find plenty of those of my calibre anywhere. Though I suppose that's either a rare compliment or a back handed comment. Which should I pick of the two?"
She knows his face and his designation. But she doesn't presume to know him as an individual. Victor's write the story even if the characters within still live. But was it truly victory or simply a cessation of hostilities? Attrition grinding both sides to dust and exhaustion.
She tosses her fine crystal at the face of another prime statue," Do you ever think they get tired of staring at their faces? I can't imagine seeing these all the time." A scoff, a non sequitur. But purposeful.
Megatron’s expression soured for a moment before he took another drag of his cygarette. He had grown in the slums of Kaon, he had made a name for himself in those slums, in those pits, as his brethren died around him, and that was just Kaon, not the Outposts he’d stayed on whilst working the mines. This was nothing to him. Then again, he supposed he didn’t know much about Elita’s personal life, just that she was a stubborn ‘bot, one that he’d admired from afar. Hell, he’d even tried to persuade her to come to the Decepticon side, but... alas... he supposed Cybertronian politics weren’t that important to someone who was not created here. 
A shame. She would have made for a good Decepticon. 
“Take it as you please, but make no mistake, Elita, I merely thought more highly of you,” he replied, flicking the ash in the nearest tray that was by him. There was a drink beside him as well, but it was not high-grade. He’d given that up, considering his mental state and past abuse of the substance. 
His optics looked to the statues, the faces of past heroes and villains, depending on who was gazing upon them. Megatron hadn’t cared much for the Primes. Little good they did, and some of them were outright bastards in his optics. He was glad to see them gone, but a mere shame their statues still remained. Decimus, in particular, he had a distaste for. He wished his axe had have killed him back in those mines, but he’d still gotten what he’d deserved. A cog in the machine. Fuck the machine. 
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“Perhaps their faces serve as a reminder to never repeat history,” he spoke, his optics turning back to Elita’s. He meant that in more than one way. Not just the government or Cybertron, but the people, as much as Megatron. 
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talesfromtrigadora · 3 months
Honors at Gallison College: Lesson 5 - Samson
My first exam in Harrisferd’s class wasn’t going to go well despite Kev’s offer to help. I had hoped for something like dancing, which was beyond me, but with the right partner I could probably fake it. I would’ve even taken etiquette, though I found the practice generally out-dated (there were a few individuals like Jane who had done a good job of adapting chivalry to our century, but that was certainly a rarity). But for our first test to be about style — “finery” as the professor put it — I was already doomed. Even Tray knew I was doomed, and they were the last sort to give up on me.
“You can’t give up on me, Tray! Who else will be able to help me with this?” I looked at myself in the mirror that was unhelpfully trying to monitor my mood and physical health. I already knew I was stressed, thank you very much, telling me to take deep breaths really wasn’t helping when the only person who I knew could help was heading out the door of my bedroom.
“I would never,” Tray said without breaking stride. “I just need inspiration. I’ll be back, darling, I promise.”
I sighed and muted the mirror so I could examine the collage of pink and white I was decked in. I don’t think calling it a dress was fair to dresses, though my experience with them was shamefully little. It wasn’t that I wasn’t a dress sort of person, I just never really thought about how they paired with shoes and jewelry and, Heaven, make-up! At least I was getting a good head start on this exam. The final outfit wasn’t due until the mid-term gala, so I had a couple weeks still to figure something out.
Careful not to squash any puff, I sat down on my bed and scanned through my tablet for the guidelines again. I had read them enough times I had them memorized, but Harrisferd wouldn’t be the first professor to hide a clue in their instructions. Tray was off looking for inspiration (or so they claimed, anyway), perhaps I should do the same. Finery should be unique to your individual style, paired thoughtfully with practical footwear, and complimented with accessories. Make-up should be tasteful, with emphasis on only one aspect of the face. Hair should be styled to leave the outfit as the focus. Avoid hats, scarves — except where religiously appropriate, and pets or small children. The theme of the Gala is Samson. Interpret as you wish, but advert roses will be STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!
Samson? Who or what was Samson? Why hadn’t I noticed that detail before now? Probably because I saw what the assignment was and immediately went into panic mode. I took a deep breath, much to the joy of the mirror, and searched my notes for Samson. There wasn’t anything explicit, but there was a mention a few weeks ago, from before I was officially in the class, of the Gala’s theme. Samson was the name of a mouse in an Old Earth children’s tale. The story was about how the mouse had dared to help a lion in need, showing how caution can be paired with kindness. The experience hadn’t suddenly changed that the lion was a predator or made Samson naively brave around the lion, but it had grown their existence into one of respect.
I looked at my pink and white collage of a something, considering the story. And promptly ripped the whole thing off. Caution and kindness wasn’t going to look pink and white on me, that was all I knew. At least it was a start.
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steadybelieverpersona · 3 months
Ch.20: Downtown
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Granny Shan: Ah, sir, you're here. The seven kites you asked for have been made to order. Would you like to take them now?
Zhongli: Yes. Thank you.
Granny Shan: It's rare to see customers who want to buy this type of kite nowadays. In the early days, we used to get orders from people of all walks of life...
Paimon: Well, this is Mr. Zhongli from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, so he's probably well-versed in all these walks of life. We've talked about a whole bunch of things while traveling with him...
Aether: Fashion, economics, jewelry, and jade pottery...
Y/n: Including tea, perfumes, flora, and fauna...
Paimon: He seems to know Liyue's favorite topics, money and government, really well, but he likes talking about less useful topics instead.
Zhongli: Well, that's because I prefer to share fun things with you.
Granny Shan: Children's toys are very fun things, that's for sure. I enjoy watching the children at play as much as anyone else. But there is more to it than that. Finely crafted toys are well-loved by children. But this craft itself has been honed over thousands of years, and there is meaning behind that. I have made kites in Liyue for forty years, and I am intimately familiar with the forms passed down from my ancestors. The meaning of these seven kites is far from banal.
Zhongli: Indeed. These are decorations used in the Rite of Parting. The seven kites represent The Seven.
Y/n: From the looks of the designs, each kite design represents the ideals of The Seven
Granny Shan: I took the liberty of coloring outside the lines when doing the insignia of the Anemo Archon. As for the kite that honors the Geo Archon, one must follow the contract given right down to the last letter. These patterns are ancient, and you can also find them in the Golden House.
Paimon: Ah, Paimon's heard that name before—
Aether: Shh! Paimon, stop talking...
Paimon: Huh?
Zhongli: The design of this kite displays a firm grasp on the cyclicality and eternity so dear to the Electro Archon. These markings of tree and leaf pay due honor to wisdom and the passage of time. All this, on a single kite — truly astonishing. Justice flows across the surface of the waters, war rages like a flame, as does that which the Cryo Archon once... yes, these details are masterfully done.
Granny Shan: Hehehe, the compliments of a learned man truly are pleasant.
Zhongli: Well then, Granny Shan, I shall take these back with me. As for the payment...
Aether: *pinches the bridge of his nose* "As for the payment," he says!
Childe: Well, allow me.
Paimon: Hey, it's Childe!
Y/n: *hides behind Aether*
Aether: *concerned* Did you arrange to meet here?
Childe: Haha. No, I was merely passing through. I see Mr. Zhongli's the same as ever. When paying— well, when getting others to pay for him, he neither looks at the price tag nor his wallet. He knows a great deal about money and about the trials of the common man. He just doesn't consider poverty to be something that could ever happen to him. Or perhaps you could say that he cannot imagine himself lacking money.
Paimon: How has he not died of hunger yet?
Zhongli: ...Childe, you are as fond of jokes as ever. Well then, since we've purchased our kites without incident, there's no need to take a break before moving to the next step in our preparations. The Rite of Parting requires helping hands as well as materials. We should be able to find some people near the harbor.
Childe: Oh, by the way, Traveler, take this bag of money. You probably won't want to let Zhongli do the bargaining, if you know what I mean.
As Aether, Paimon, Y/n, and Zhongli walk away
Childe: Hmm... It seems I missed out on some interesting information....I suppose I'll just have to find a more opportune moment next time. I'll also have to find an opportunity to bring P̴̡̧̹̹̮̯̗̖͓̗̱͙̙͉̟̰̹͔͚͈͛̈́͆̌̔̽͌͂̎́̍̓͋͋̉̒̒̑̆̚͝͝͝͝ͅr̵̡̧̢̢̲̟͙̜̖̦̜̱̼̬͙̪͎͓̮̺̙̙̪̻͍͖̼͚͓̗͖̹̝̗̗͓͋̌̂̍͋̉̀̊͘͝ͅơ̵͎̱̰̲̫͖͓͔̳͓̩̘̺̲̝͔̣͙̳͙̩̅̐́̓̍͒́̀͛̇̊͐͂̄̒͂͌͗̃͋̎̈́̓̋̃̿̂͐͊͆̎̕͠͝j̶̧̨̡̬̬̲̺͙̬̮̻̝̯̖̺̰̘͔͉͛̋̈́̓̈́̂̃̌̇̓̌̂͆̀̓̾͆́̋̍̇̑͊̐͘̕ę̴̨̛̼̠͇̘̹͚͍͓͚̙̰̖̳̝̞̥̱͈̫̜̬͙̗̩̉̈́̏͋͌̉͆̋͛̈́̍̌̄͆̊̉̑͊́̃͐͒̇͑̅̎́̍͌̌͊͗̕͘͘͝c̵̨̩̫͈͚̣͎̬̈́t̴̨̧̨̛͓̮̜̙̻͙̘͚̭̗̝̺̬͓͈̲͈̹̟͕̙̥̣͎̹̰͉͎̹͙̫̺̺̝͈̗͓̤̫́̒́͂̌̑͋͗̑͗̉̐̓̈̈́́̓̋̈́̇͂̚̚͘̕͘͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅͅ ̴̧̨̧̡̛̛͉͖̰̳̹̬͎̼̞̖͎̰̞̝͖͔̹̠̱̜̜̼̳̤̹͓̺̣̟̣͉̻̫̪͍̝̞̻̰̦̌̇͊̓͛͋̈́̍̄͑̔̊̏͆̔́̎̌̋̈͐̆͆͌͒̅̅̚̚͘͜͜͝͝ͅͅĜ̸̥̺̣͕͇̠͑̈́͆́̈̓̀̊͘̕̕ǫ̸̛̗̼̤͙̫̹̰̳̝̹̗͖̤͇͈̟̞̭̮͋̆̃̑͑̄̿̇̂̔̀̒́̈́̈̔̿̏̓̉̈́͗͒̅̈́ḑ̶̡̢̨͚͎̹͔̦̣͖̦̤̟̤̗͎̟̺̤͚̭̰̞̗̺͙̣͍͇̬̭̘̮̥̥̞̻̖͔̤̤͎̪̠̀͋͂̈́̽͛͐̔̌̋̋͒̔̋̇͂̾̅̈̄̌̌́̑̕̚͘ back
Tic: Oh? Help? Sure! I, Tic, always put in one hundred percent effort into everything I do! Of course, there'll be a premium if you want me to give a hundred and ten percent. So what's the job?
Zhongli: Let me see... we are still missing some wooden implements over at Yujing Terrace. They aren't uncommon objects, so I didn't make any special preparations for them.
Aether: Ugh, we brought too little money...
Tic: This is all you've got? Then no can do.
Aether: Please go look for someone named Childe...
Tic: Childe? No, no, no. He's putting up the money? Still, no. Wouldn't that mean that I have to make two trips rather than one? How about this. Let's make a trade. I'll take what you're offering right now, and...Get me a single Qingxin flower, and I'll consider that payment for a detour to find this Childe fellow. How does that sound?
Paimon: Guess we've got no choice.
Y/n: Actually, we don't have to go anywhere I already have one *pulls out a Qingxin and hands it to him*
Tic: Hey, that's pretty good. These things are pretty rare, and I have no idea where I'd find them. With this Qingxin flower, I should be able to pacify my daughter tonight. I'll make sure the work is done before I return home.
Tac: A full day of odd jobs at Yujing Terrace? Hmm... No problem. Twenty-five thousand per day. A fair trade, yes?
Paimon: Whoa, that's expensive. Um, could you give us a bit of a discount on account of the whole Heroes of Mondstadt thing?
Tac: Heroes of Mondstadt? Never heard of them.
Zhongli: Well, you may never have heard of this hero, but it seems you've heard of Mora nevertheless, thus I will simply pay the whole sum.
Y/n: Wait, let's talk prices.
The two managed to bargain to each other for a while, and finally, the two managed to get to an agreement
Y/n: *determined* How about Seventeen thousand, six hundred and ninety Mora, no more and no less
Tac: Alright, this price'll do. No loss to me for a day's work. I'm surprised that you young lady have the skills for bargaining
Y/n: *relieved*
Paimon: Wow, Paimon never knew you were capable of bargaining Y/n
Y/n: Well, since I always helped out the people of Mondstadt, mainly Diluc, since when it comes to harvesting the grapes, I always manage to catch him in the act of bargaining with people and he managed to teach me how to bargain as well
Toe: Hiring help? Sure, but let me just say first that I'm a reserve member of the Adventurers' Guild. I take adventuring commissions, but I don't do anything clerical.
Zhongli: Adventure... venturing into the mountains to capture a few crystalflies seems adventurous enough.
Y/n: Brave adventurer, we need 5 crystalflies.
Toe: Eh? That's not hard, almost a bit too easy for a reserve adventurer... Eh, never mind. I'll only charge you fifteen thousand Mora. What say you?
Zhongli: A most fair price.
Y/n: Since this is a simple commission like you said, does seven-thousand, five-hundred mora sound like a good price to you?
Toe: Well, you are right, it is just a simple commission, alright then it's a deal
Childe: All finished then? Splendid. Any leftover cash is yours to keep — a favor for the Fatui should never go unrewarded.
Paimon: You think you can buy us off with some loose change? No way! Paimon demands to know when the next payment is coming!
Childe: Haha. Well, how does this sound: You give me the information I need, and maybe I'll leave the Northland Bank's vaults open and unattended for half an hour...
Paimon: What info do you need!?
Y/n/Aether: No!
Paimon: Huh? Y/n, Aether, does that mean you know what he's after?
Y/n: What else could the Fatui want? Are you forgetting what happened in Mondstadt? "Plus, I have a feeling that he along with the other Fatui harbingers were ordered to find me and bring me back to D̴̨̡̛̥̺͓̤͖̗͎̩̳̠̦ͣ͌̉̋̽ͣ̍͌̅ͭ̈́͞_̸̣͓̜͉ͤ̔́̎͟͝o̢̡̦̟̹̮̩̦̜̟̪̞͐͒ͦ̒͊͂̓̋̆̄ͣ͌ͤ̆̉ͥ̉ͣ́͢͜͢͜͞ţ̵͓̞̜͉̤̯̟̟̪͉̗ͨ̐ͤ̿ͬ̃̓̇̈ͩͦ̐͞t̸̛͚̘̥̻̙̻̥̖̅̐̓́͛ͯͯͯ̌͐ͮ͒͘̕͢͟͝_̸̨̡̘̱̮̭́̑ͣ̏̚ǫ̡̧̛̫̼̗̻̟̗̰̰̜͖͎̜̹͗͗̍̎ͬͮ́̉ͩ̀ͯ̊̽ͤ̍ͬ̚r̴̢̢͔̤̫̭̮̗̺̺̹̤̜͉͚̻̐ͣ͌ͣ͐̀ͥ̐͑ͭ̈͐̔ͪ͋̆͊̅ͦ͆͆̑͘e̴̡̛̲̩̼͇͎͉̫̱̖̝̝ͮ̄̊́͑̀ͩͮͯͨͥ́̅̽ͯ̎ͥ̓ͮͪ̎̕͘͘͟͠͡"
Paimon: Yikes! You're right, Signora...
Childe: ...You three need to calm down... I don't know what's gotten into you, Y/n.Just what is this about? The atmosphere got so tense all of a sudden.
Paimon: Ehh...
Zhongli turns up just in time to break the awkward atmosphere...
Zhongli: Next, we need some Everlasting Incense. For this, we need to go to Bubu Pharmacy, the finest pharmacy in all of— Is... everything okay?
Childe: Everything is fine. I was just informing them that they need not return the surplus Mora. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be going. *leaves*
Paimon: Paimon definitely felt like Childe wasn't happy with us just now...
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Warning: Gore
Y/n(past): *bleeding while holding a broken blade* Please, I can't handle it anymore...
Childe: shh~ bad girls don't talk after not listening or obeying
As Y/n looked at the ground, the only thing she saw was a whole bunch of limbs scurried around, headless bodies dislocated limbs and most importantly the smell of iron from the blood lingered in the air as Childe laughed like a maniac
Childe: You like the gifts? These are gifts for you since I forgot to get you one on your birthday, hope you enjoy them. I put in a lot of work in just getting them for you so show me some respect by listening and obeying
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tarnishedxknight · 7 months
“You sent for me, Your Honor?” 
((@disillusionedjudge for Drace or Gabranth, maybe before she became judge?))
It had been a very busy day already, and Drace had much work yet to do today. However, there was something she had been meaning to do for a while now, and she decided it simply could not wait any longer. On a fairly regular basis, Judge Magister Ynarra spoke of his eldest daughter in a less than favorable light. It rankled, hearing him speak of how she was too headstrong, too ambitious, at least for things he seemed to think women ought not to be interested in. He wanted her to marry well and keep a low profile so as, Drace discerned from context and tone, she would not embarrass him. Takrin irritated her, to be sure, but his words also made her curious about the daughter he seemed so displeased with, especially since Drace had only heard good things about her.
So she decided to see for herself, observing a training session that included Ynarra. She was asked more than once what she was doing there, with the proper respect of course, and if there was something or someone in particular she wanted to see. Drace had said no, wanting only to observe without excess pressure placed on the young woman. After a time, she left, considering what she had seen. There was most definitely something there. Something rare. Something not to be wasted. She almost spoke to Gabranth about the up-and-coming Ynarra, but... no. Not yet. First she wanted to speak with her.
One's own words often proved, disproved, incriminated, exonerated, endeared, or disparaged oneself better than anything else could. Drace certainly knew that from all the years she'd been on the bench in her court. Who better to explain just how determined or not she was to continue to rise in ranks in the Imperial Army than Gylfie Ynarra herself?
She'd left the door to her office open, something she only did when she was expecting someone. Drace was sat at her desk, immersed - buried was more like - in paperwork, her helm sitting at the corner of the desktop, when Gylfie appeared. Looking up from her work and thankful to be interrupted for a time, she folded her hands on her desk and nodded. "That I did, Ynarra. Please, close the door and take a seat." She motioned to one of a couple chairs used for such meetings as this. "Be at ease, this is no disciplinary meeting. I only thought we might talk."
Surely Gylfie had to be wondering what this was all about, and so Drace wasted little time, not wanting to give the girl any sort of fright. "I observed you in training a few days past. You are quite accomplished." It was a compliment she did not dole out very often at all. She rose from her chair and came around to the front of her desk, casually leaning back against it and folding her arms as best she could in armor. "Have you seen very much live combat?" she then asked, simply curious. Someone of Gylfie's skill very well could have visited the front lines already, or not, depending on opportunity and other assorted factors. Or she could have been wallowing in guard work this entire time which, in Drace's opinion, would be a gross misuse of someone of her skill.
The next question was perhaps more difficult, and it was getting down to what she really wanted to know. "I have heard that you have intention to rise to a rank with which I am intimately acquainted," she said, smiling ever so slightly, some levity before they got down to business. "How serious are you about achieving that goal, and why do you wish to achieve it? I have heard much of your determination and viewed it for myself when I observed you train, but I should like to hear it directly from you, in your own words."
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