#which i was worried about because hyperfocus can be a bitch like that sometimes
mochalottie · 5 months
Me throwing my dissertation into the submission folder literally two minutes ago:
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also me two seconds ago:
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yeah I'm gonna need a few hours to process the fact that I've handed in 10,000 words of academic writing...
(also @hella1975 we match now! :)
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bnha-scenarios · 4 years
☕️ Special Thanks ☕️ 
As always, thank you so much for the coffee! Your kindness are very much appreciated! ♡
Emilija | Regan | Nela Kovaříková | 1 Anon
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Onwards to the progress update.
I had. So. Many. Things. That I actually wanted to complete.
… Alas, work decided to be a bitch and swamp me with things to take care of. To put it simply, there were a lot of issues that caused a lot of overtime work even on weekends, so I had to step away from coding most of the time so I won’t burn myself out.
So yeah, I didn’t manage to complete a lot of features, though I did dabble on some stuff here and there. I’m not happy with the rather small progress either. But life happens, and there are just other things that are more important sometimes. So we just have to let it go and look forward to the next month!
I’d say that this month I was quite productive in terms of organization and planning instead of the actual coding. I have at least identified what I need to write for the ‘free activity’ time of the game, which makes about 30-40% of the gameplay itself. However, actually writing the scenes and executing it is a different effort altogether, which I have only started to embark on.
Still, it’s crazy to think that the development for the full game has been actively going for around three and a half months now. Whew. Knowing that I have a tendency to hyperfocus and then get tired of something after a short time frame, I’m going to at the very least give myself a pat on the back for still keeping this project up and running until now.
More details below ↓
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Added Route: Kirishima
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Let me preface this first with a declaration: I won’t be adding any more love interest after this. Please please please don’t make me do it 😅 Going through all the plans and re-setting up things to figure out how to add him in was such a painful experience…
But anyway. I will be adding this boy’s route to the full game, because a lot of people seem to want to have him in the game. He does seem like a fun character to write, so I thought I’ll give him a chance.
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Places, Schedules, and Hanging Out with the Boys
I think you would have noticed from the last two devlogs, but there are several activities you can do in-game. One of them is to visit a place of your choice at a certain time in a day.
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Some places can be unlocked when you reach a certain threshold in a specific stat, and there are others which will be unlocked when you reach a specific threshold in a character’s affection meter. Nai will message you whenever you manage to unlock a new place to visit, so keep a lookout for that!
But what happens when you visit a place?
Well, each character has their own schedules -- which you should be able to figure out either by coincidence or by talking to them at school when prompted to do so. Your Quirk will allow you to see the unlocked schedule of each of the characters, so my advice would be to check it out before deciding where to go! If you manage to come to a specific place at the correct time, you will bump into them. Normally, this will trigger a set of actions you can perform: Talk, Action, and Skinship.
Talking is a safe way to increase your love interest’s affection meter, especially in the first half of the game. More topics can be unlocked under some requirements. Generally, it doesn’t matter where you are, the topics you can talk about will be the same. There are topics which might trigger different reactions depending on how high your love interest’s affection is, so have fun finding them! However, be warned that most topics can be selected only once!
Action is another safe way to further increase your love interest’s affection meter. Unlike talking, different places have a different set of actions you could select from. More actions can also be unlocked under some requirements. Responses to this doesn’t exactly change based on the character’s current affection level, and it’s not limited to one time only.
Skinship is a riskier way to boost the affection meter: simply put, it’s a high gain with a high risk. Consider the character’s current affection level when you’re selecting from this list! He might not like it if you go touchy-feely when you’re not that close yet.
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On the other hand, when his affection is high enough, you’ll find that you can have a lot of fun choosing the various options here. So be smart, bide your time, and have fun ;)
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And that’s not all! Interaction is a two-way street, so depending on how your love interest views the main character, he will initiate Talk, Action, or even Skinship. There’s a lot of variations in here, and I hope you’ll have fun with this mechanic! I certainly am having fun while also pulling out my hair out of frustration designing this and trying to put the mechanism to control this into code…
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Progress-wise, I think at the very least the functions for controlling this specific mechanic have been 80% completed. The actual writing however, is another story. There are still hundreds that I still haven’t had the time to write yet, and most of them are not yet coded in. Those who have been coded in still don't have sprites and music, so really, I’ll just say that the writing progress for this part is less than 1% completed….
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On the left is the currently WIP full game project, with what I would say around 2-4% dialogue scripted in. And on the right side is the completed demo project.
…. Can you see how much effort the whole game is going to take me now? I did say to strap in and relax, cause this is going to be a long ride. And I wasn’t kidding lol
Although throughout the first week, the story will flow as your environment / characters around you teaches you on how the game works, I’m aware that the game mechanics might be hard to understand for casual players who aren’t too used to playing otome games (or games in general). Which is pretty much why I’m giving you a ‘helpline’ of some sort, in the form of another character.
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Why a character? Because I can and I want to. Shush 😆
If you’ve played the demo, chances are, you’ve encountered a name which you had no recollection of existing in the canon My Hero Academia universe. Well, you’re right. Like the player’s character, Nai (full name: Namae Nai / 名前 ない) doesn’t exactly exist in the canon universe, but she’s here to help you throughout the game. (She’s also there because if she wasn’t, 1-A class members becomes odd number in total and that just feels weird to me -- plus, the team exercise system in Heroics wouldn’t exactly make sense if the class has odd number of students)
For those of you who hate Original Characters with a passion (why tho), you don’t need to worry too much. She won’t be an intrusive character in the plot and will mainly not contact you unless she really has to (seriously, her full name literally means ‘no name’, so give her a break, ok?). And if, even then, you still hate her, well.... Too bad you won’t be able to enjoy the game, I guess.
For those of you who don't mind her existence: I hope you’ll take a liking to her dark sense of humor and appreciate her helping you get through the game!
Fixed some bugs regarding unlocking Special Moves from certain activities and games.
Played around and customized the ‘input name’ for a little bit, so it wouldn’t awkwardly sit on the bottom of the screen. I have 0 talent in designing UI though, so the background still stays as a black screen -- but at least it looks more prominent now.
Added a little sign to indicate which route the player has entered. I think it’s pretty cute! Hopefully you’ll like it.
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Those who follow me on Twitter would have seen this coming, but anyway, I’ll be using TMGS OSTs as the main character theme for the four love interests. Hush hush, okay?
Other than that, unfortunately I didn’t have time to do any assets gathering this month.
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Nothing much to say here. I think I managed to script around 50% of the events in the first day, but honestly I’m not completely satisfied with it so I might go back and tweak them a bit. Still a lot of scenes to be written!
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Plans for December
I'm not too sure whether there would be much progress for the next two months, since there are so many things happening and deadlines to be met at work, which is making me really unmotivated to do other side projects in my free time lately. I also feel like I haven't been taking care of my health enough ever since quarantine started, so I'm trying to get back into doing more exercises and looking for healthier food options, which also cuts into my free time and motivation I guess.
With that said, I'll still at least aim for getting some scripts coded in -- particularly for the events in day 1. Other than that, maybe hopefully some assets gathering for supporting Kirishima's newly added route, and finishing up the coding parts that I was unable to finish this month.
I'll see y'all again at the end of next month!
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literaphobe · 7 years
Uh? ADHD. You seem perfectly fit and fine to me tho... infact you're blessed with a great power of imagination and your writing is impeccable. Idk if you know this but you're so unique and stunningly talented here! >>Any basic bitch would be lucky to be like you!!!!!!!!!
See the thing about ADHD is that we seem “perfectly fit and fine” because it’s a mental disorder and not a physical one and also you’ve never observed me in real life so you can’t see my symptoms
Trust me tho you don’t want to see my symptoms I am a straight up weirdo especially since I stopped taking my meds bc I have no school and my pill makes me lose my appetite, besides I just hate my medicated self bc she’s so… mellow??? And keeps all her thoughts inside??? Which is… a normal thing to do. I just hate being that person
Anyway, most people with ADHD do have what you call an incredibly powerful imagination, it’s why Jake seems to solve cases like *that* because that’s exactly how we think!! We tend to get from A to E more often than we take the A B C D E thought process. It can be really problematic for me sometimes because I often second guess my instincts and then when I try to think through things the normal way I’m slow about it etc etc but y’all don’t need to know that lmao
When you say that I don’t seem to have ADHD because of my impeccable writing, thank you, but the thing about ADHD is that the second we dislike something, it’s the HARDEST thing in the world for us to do, and the second we like something, it’s as if no one is better than us at it. This is why hyperfocus is a thing, because people with ADHD can easily fixate on stuff they like and spend unhealthily long hours of time focusing on it like it’s Nothing. Think of ADHD as two opposite sides of a spectrum; we are either So Great, no one could be better than us at A, or Terrible, everyone else in the world is better than us at A, and yes, A can be the same thing sometimes.
It’s important to note that people with ADHD tend to be highly intelligent, it just manifests in different ways sometimes. Jake is highly intelligent, he just happens to be lacking in knowledge of certain areas; and it’s important to note that these areas are areas he tends not to care about, such as… math. Personal hygiene. But he knows everything there is to know about the things he does care about, such as Die Hard, and apparently, Skyfire Cycle. Sure, he be dumb sometimes, but that’s literally the deal with ADHD. You can be really cool and smart and impressive, but also you be dumb sometimes. Functionally. In a way that worries your family.
Also you didn’t say anything about reading but I feel it’s important to note that it can be Really Hard for people with ADHD to read!! Why you think he only read 15 books ever in his life in season one???? IT S H ARD, it’s not just that Jake didn’t care about reading it’s very hard— let me explain. It’s very simple really, because I tend to notice it about myself, but we zone out when we read. Like, sometimes our brain just forgets we’re reading and at some point we realize that none of the information in the past page went into our brain. So we have to read it again. Or, we read something like e.g. “Mary went to the store to get carrots.” A thing that tends to happen is that we’ll start thinking about the store, and then a fun anecdote or a fun potential situation will pop into our minds or we’ll think about a fun fact about carrots or the time we had carrot soup or– the list of distractions are endless and they don’t come from external forces, they come from within ourselves. Sometimes this issue can worsen or happen less depending on how focused we are, it’s often based on our interest in the material. So yes, sometimes out of sheer love, I force myself to reread the same chunk of words multiple times because I keep assuming that I forgot what I read, which may or may not be the case. Or, I wasn’t aware of the words’ meaning when I first read them but they stuck around in my head somewhere and Some How I know what they are now. It’s all very weird. But yes it’s safe to say that Jake Peralta started reading more because Amy reads a lot and he’s in painful love with her so he’s like I’m gonna read no matter what because I love her and also wow!! This book is cool!! Feels less hard to read now she has such great taste I love her
Yeah tl;dr ADHD is strange and it’s not so simple also I know many of Jake’s actions seem funny and they are but also it’s fucking ADHD y’all and I have never identified so strongly with someone and also I know I want a Jake Peralta but what I really need is an Amy Santiago and also what I want is an Amy Santiago bc she’s so hot holy shit anyway bye ADHD doesn’t make you any less of a person in fact my ADHD is part of why I’m unique and far from basic in the worst yet also best way possible the end
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mrfoox · 3 years
Hello I should probably be more Chill ™ and think more but I got no brain, sorry
#miranda talking shit#Hello im... ..... Yeah idk theres a lot to unfold really but#Rn? Like im.... Im a clingy bitch and i actually like to and want to hug and hold hands and shit but i worry too much about what others thik#Well i uh.... Yeah i... I am worrying again lmao thats the conclusion i guess#I touch Oliver too much i think and im like... I catch myself like ah... Uh... I shouldn't be touching your arm or something sorry#He doesnt seem to mind or like... Pull back or show signs that hes uncomfortable but I'm like.... Yeah#Not like im being super bad about it? I think ? Or well... Ive done some dumb shit i am impulsive but usually its not longer than a moment#I asked to borrow his hands today bc i didnt know how to explain a situation which someone had done with their hands#So i showed him and it wasnt longer than like 10-15 seconds to explain and all but im like.... Is this ..... Ok?#I guess its my problem to think too deeply about others. I can make up potential problems thats not a thing even or get so focused on a thig#I dont notice another one? Bc i hyperfocus ya know amd its like eh....#Im just a touchy person and tbh i have always been? But ive never been able to act on it because i always worry about making people#Uncomfortable. But if i didnt have that worry id be like.... Giving spontaneous hugs and farewell hugs and stuff ? Plus like just ... Toucin#But i always worry about people being uncomfortable or thinking im gross or something so im like.... Dont miranda#But since im too comfortable with oliver i catch myself too often actually touching him and im like... Miranda thats illegal#Im probably going to bring this up with him and apologize about it lmao ...#Problem with being liked by me on any level is i want to be clingy and invest love and time into you and its like.... I forget to hold that#Back sometimes and im like damn it all to hell...#I just realized now that i sat like... Super close to him today too because after i showed him the thing i just didnt sit back again and im#Panic ™ being both someone that says and do things without thinking#And someone that realize and analyze situations and interactions afterwards is not... A good combination#My brain is powered off when im in any social situation#It only goes on again when im alone and i go into panic like an idiot#Miranda talking shit#Oliver
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