#which i will also say when we FINALLY got a lesbian kiss my roommates and i probably made our neighbors fucking hate us
bonestrouslingbones · 8 months
oh what the fuck. the last two episodes of the demons saying swears show were actually pretty fucking good
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kayandjayz · 3 months
I'm feeling very, very jittery and very, very chatty so I'm just gonna take some time to gush about my girlfriend because she's absolutely wonderful. click below if you want to hear a lesbian be sappy about her girlfriend because I'm just. So lucky.
So I've been lucky enough to be dating J for almost 2 years now.
We started dating on August 4, 2022. At this point, we'd been roommates for a year already. I'd known I had a crush on her since December, but had convinced myself that it was just a temporary thing. And also something that I needed to get over because at the time she was very anti-marriage due to personal reasons that I'm not going to get into.
We had been doing the whole long distance friendship thing that summer due to the fact that our hometowns are 4 hours apart. I had convinced myself that time away from her was going to make my little crush go away. If anything, it only made it worse. We were doing all kinds of phone calls and FaceTime calls. There were a couple of times that we had one day that lined up so one of us got up super early to make the 4 hour drive to the other's town just to spend the day together for the day and then make the 4 hour drive back that night.
None of this was helpful for my little crush. In fact, it made me convince myself that mayhaps she liked me back.
On one of my visits to her town, I had nearly convinced myself to confess my feelings to her. I made a joke about one of my friends joking about her being my girlfriend, something that had been a recurring joke for a while now with that friend. That friend is TBH the reason we got together, but we're not gonna talk about that.
She admitted that she had a crush on one of her friends from high school, crushing my little heart just a little bit.
However, she was still acting the same. We fell asleep on FaceTime. She got better and better at texting just so she could talk to me. No one else (even to this day) gets as good of a response time from her as I did/do. My friend finally convinced me to confess my feelings, so I wrote out a little thing and sent it to the "jury" to have it approved.
I sent it over text. Clearly it wasn't going to happen in person, so I sent it via text.
Still, nothing changed about our relationship. She said she needed time to consider her feelings. I gave her space. It started to feel like teasing. She eventually made another visit to my town. She didn't say anything about it.
A few days later, I was feeling hurt and frustrated. She still hadn't said anything about her feelings towards me, in either direction. She hadn't given me any indication whether there was something there or if I needed to drop it. I asked her to give me an answer one way or the other because I *really* needed to know.
We got on a call. There were a couple of times that I could tell she wanted to say something, but I wasn't going to force it. We fell asleep on that call. Neither of us had anything to do the next day, so we just stayed on the call. Around 1, she finally got the words out. "I think I like you too."
"Shall we make it official then?"
She blushed and did her adorable little smile that I just love so much and nodded. And just like that, it begins.
The next few weeks were a little awkward as we figured out how now being girlfriends changed our relationship. We moved back to our campus, both of us coming earlier than the crowd. Me for band camp, her for auditions. We both tiptoed around each other, nervous to make the move into physical intimacy.
We were watching a stupid Twilight knock-off when I finally got the courage to put my head on her shoulder, which ripped the bandaid off for our physical touch. We started cuddling with every movie night. Eventually, it got to a point that we admitted to each other that we had a hard time getting into bed after movie night because we didn't want to go to our separate beds, so we started sleeping in the same bed.
Eventually, we were playfully kissing each other's faces on the floor of the dorm room that we shared. She stops and says that she wants to kiss me for real. I tell her that I've been dropping hints that that's what I wanted all night long. We shared our first kiss.
I admitted to her that it was my first kiss ever. She asks me if she can kiss me again.
I don't remember how it came up, but I do remember that I was the first one to say I love you, some night curled up snuggling in bed together. She immediately said it back.
We spend our first Thanksgiving together, driving back and forth across the state to make sure that we hit everyone. I meet some of her family (I had met a lot of them on previous visits to her town) and she met the majority of mine. One of my grandma's brothers jokingly asked her to pray, causing her to have a minor freak out because she didn't know how my family would react if she said no.
Christmas break was hard. It was the first time that we had to spend a significant amount of time apart since we'd started dating. We didn't get to spend Christmas together, we didn't get to spend her birthday together.
Coming back to campus, I was a little worried that we would lose all of the progress in our relationship that we'd made before break, but we didn't. We immediately got to talking again, just like normal.
It was the most natural thing in the world.
We had some shenanigans throughout the rest of the semester, and supported each other through some really, really hard times (that was a *bad* semester for both of us). I joined her fraternity that she'd been pestering me about for years.
We start having bigger conversations. Getting married is now on the table. Not immediately, but it now becomes something that is on our minds. I start a google folder to start collecting ideas for it.
I spent the first few days of summer break that year in her town. We had more time to explore than we ever had before, so I really got to know the town a little bit better. We said goodbye, and it was hard. However, we already had lots of plans on the calendar that we could point to and say "hey, that's the next time I get to see you."
We spent our second pride together (first as a couple). She brought her friend who has kind of become our unofficial third wheel (if we are ever hanging out with only one of her friends, it is usually that one). My dad invited her on our San Francisco trip, so she tagged along for that. She ended up staying an extra day after she got back, so we got to explore the city that is closest to me more than we had ever gotten to before.
I had to move back to campus almost a month early, having gotten a job on campus that required me to be at the desk for that time before the school year started. I needed to be there for move-in and such.
We (by pure luck of my new boss being the nicest person ever) got to spend our first anniversary together in her town.
She moved back to campus for a wild ride. It was going to be her last semester on campus. She had her senior recital coming up, and mostly a lot of other lasts.
We were invited to attend a friend of hers' wedding. It was the first wedding either of us had gone to that our parents weren't at. She was an usher/the emcee for the reception, but it still meant that I got a crap ton of time around her that night. I think that put us both in our feels and we both start getting really mushy about the whole thing.
She has her senior recital on the bass trombone. It was over in a flash, but I could not be more proud of her. She did such an amazing job with it, and I could not imagine it going better. It was such a cool experience getting to watch her up there all in her element, doing the thing she loves most in the world. It is the biggest performance of her degree, and she absolutely NAILS it. We also get to hang out with one of my best friends from high school (who drove all the way to our college campus with her boyfriend {who I hadn't met anywhere that wasn't a funeral} just because she also wanted to support J in her recital).
For Thanksgiving break, we start packing up some of J's things. The stuff that she isn't going to need anymore. Anything that we can to make her big move our in December a little easier. We make more trips back and forth across the state to hit everyone. She gets to meet my family from out-of-state and hold a baby for the first time ever in her life.
The first few weeks of December are a mess. I'm trying to get my new major figured out while also staying on top of my incredibly demanding current major and prepping for juries. She is wrapping up loose ends as her time in college comes to an end.
We have the hardest goodbye we've ever had. Once all of her stuff was packed up and ready to head back to her hometown, there was no telling when we would see each other again. We were both going to be busy with work and stuff all of break, and she wouldn't be returning to campus in January.
By luck and luck alone, I had a three-day weekend leading up to New Year's. I texted her mom telling her that I was going to surprise her. By this point, we did have a visit day picked out for her to come visit at school, so I was able to hide my excitement of getting to come surprise her through being excited about that later day.
I knock on her door. She yells that she's not decent. I didn't want to let her know that it was me, so I knock again. She opens the door. Her jaw drops.
I get to officially meet her brother who lives out of the country and his girlfriend who is from the country that he lives in. I get to spend New Year's with them in person instead of via FaceTime in my room. Her friends come over. Her brother's friends come over. We all gather in the living room to watch the ball drop.
I get my first ever New Year's Kiss.
We say goodbye at the end of the weekend, easier knowing that the next time I get to see her is already all planned out. Still hard though.
I move back to campus and prep myself to start in a whole new major where I'm essentially a first year and I do not know *anyone*.
The first visit gets postponed for weather. She starts student teaching. That, too, gets interrupted a lot by the weather. Once the weather calmed down, she made her first visit back to campus and came to visit a meeting in our fraternity to say hello to all of our sisters.
I trudge through a lot of snow. Days that probably should have gotten cancelled due to being cold or icey. But really finding myself in it. Getting myself ready for my spring semester job that inspired me to change my major to begin with. The best job I will ever have.
We have more visits. We have more people pledge into our chapter.
Our spring break ends up lining up perfectly so we spend the entire time together.
We travel a few weeks later to watch the Sonic Symphony. I come to watch her conduct her first concert ever. The kids treat me like I'm a celebrity.
I finish the semester strong, stronger than I've ever had a semester in the history of college.
I get to watch the love of my life walk across the stage for her graduation. She graduates with having the honor of having the highest grades in our chapter. She also walks with the honor of the HIGHEST award that our school offers graduates. Only one person per department gets it. To get it, you have to have high grades and an amazing character. It is a medal that she gets to walk with.
She helps me finish packing up my car. We drive together to her town, which has now become our town as I now live with her.
We have set specific financial goals that we would like to accomplish before we start saving for a wedding. We have set a number to have saved to start wedding planning.
We spent our third pride together, living our absolute best lives.
This August, we will celebrate our 2nd anniversary with her helping me move in because I am now an RA at our college and need to be there early.
I cannot even begin to put words to how lucky I am to have her. She is my absolute world and I don't have a single clue in the world of what I'd do without her. She is my rock, my confident, my everything. She has been there for me when I needed her. She always knows how to make me smile. She makes the every day stuff *fun*. I love getting to run errands with her, plan out our breaks so that we can make sure to visit everyone. We work incredibly well together as a team and we are able to compliment each other incredibly well.
She inspires me to be a better person, because she deserves the absolute best and I want to be the absolute best for her.
She treats me like an absolute princess.
She is the gift that I have been so, so, *so* incredibly lucky to receive.
I love her so very, very much. I'm living in a massive fairytale. There is nothing I could want more than I want to have her by my side for my entire life. I cannot *wait* to get to be married to her and build our entire lives together.
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Das us, living our best lives ❤️❤️❤️
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untamedame · 2 years
“You’re skin is so cold…why?”
Because I don’t want you touching me Brom!
Mathilda wanted to recoil from his hand on her shoulder, but she kept still and tried to mirror Judy’s jubilant expression. Judy was offering to marry them and the situation had escalated so quickly that as Mathilda scrambled to think of a reason to say no that wouldn’t blow their cover she found her mind going completely empty.
Brom’s mind also seemed to be empty, but that was status quo. She never could understand Kat dating him. To be fair to Brom, which Mathilda hated to do, she couldn’t understand Kat dating anyone, or dating in general.
When they were tweens, Kat would coo and blush anytime a boy looked at her. And she loved to speculate about who might have a crush on Mathilda or who Mathilda may like.
“Don’t you think Cal is cute? He said the most romantic thing to me after Latin class yesterday. It was something about stars. I bet he would learn spells with you.”
The friendly versions of Mathilda’s deadpan glare were honed in response to such comments.
“I think Spike has a crush on you. Maybe he’ll ask you to the homecoming dance! We could go on a double date!”
Liking the same brand of eyeliner does not mean that he likes me.
Mathilda had given Kat a half hearted shrug at this idea. She didn’t mind going to parties or a dance, but she didn’t see why she needed a date to go with her. She supposed Spike might be a good companion for sitting in the bleachers and making snarky comments about The Babes, but the idea of him asking her to the dance didn’t exactly thrill her.
She would never understand Kat’s obsession with relationships. When they were young, Mathilda assumed that she just had better taste in men than Kat, that her friend was willing to settle for a doofus like Brom, but Mathilda needed someone of a higher caliber, someone… not from Sleepy Hollow. But she’d gone to college and come back and met plenty of men. The warmest feelings she felt towards any of them was indifference.
A few years ago, Kat finally accepted Mathilda’s disinterest in men, but her little nudges and innuendos never stopped.
“Are sure Verla is just your ‘assistant’? I’d understand if…”
“I’m not having an affair with the girl who crawled out of my tv.”
“…well I’m pretty sure Lucretia will be happy to hear that. You know she doesn’t stop by to ask about the fire extinguishers all the time, she’s just looking for an excuse to flirt with you.”
This conjecture earned another of Mathilda’s infamous glares, but this time she almost wished the effects were telepathic.
No Kat, Lucretia is not flirting with me. One of the first spells I cast was on myself and it was so people had the urge to keep their distance and respect my personal space.
The day she and Ichabod were looking at her high school year book, the memory of that spell came back to the surface. She’d been reminded to refresh it. Ichabod was nice enough and his quest to help his roommate was an interesting challenge, but Kat’s desire to spend extra time with him was bewildering. She was lonely in a way Mathilda didn’t feel. Mathilda wasn’t looking for someone special, she wasn’t looking at all.
“And now, by the power vested in me by Sleepy Hollow and the Internet, I now pronounce you man and wife.”
Judy must also be a witch. How else did she make this veil out of paper so quickly? No wonder I couldn’t think of an excuse. Mathilda side-eyed Judy as she finished the ceremony. She is very powerful.
“You may kiss the bride.”
Mathilda stared down Brom as he tried to lean in for a kiss. The idea was too repellent to contemplate. She wasn’t straight, she wasn’t a lesbian, she was a secret third thing that would shove a bouquet in a man’s face even if she still had to be legally married and got arrested for breaking and entering.
Judy sniffled, “I always cry at weddings.”
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fanficimagery · 4 years
They’re So Not Holograms.
Imagine being expelled from school so your uncle Ray offers to take you in and offers you a chance to start over. You accept and you're in for one heck of a story when you realize you're not the only occupant of the Molina garage.
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Words: 10K Warnings: This is my first work for JatP, so I apologize in advance for the OOCness of them all. I had no idea what was going to make the final edit, so yeah.. this is not my best work. Be warned that there's mention of an incident that involves a straight guy not taking no for an answer from a lesbian girl. I won't go into detail of that particular scene since it happened before Y/N shows up on the Molina's front doorstep, but it is mentioned which is why I'm warning you now.
Staring up at the large two story home you usually visit every summer and every spring break, you can't help but sigh and wish you were visiting rather than moving in. You love your uncle and your cousins, but you were forced to leave a lot behind in order for your parents to keep their jobs and their mostly in-tact reputations after your little incident.
The front door opens, the shortest and youngest of the bunch jogging straight for you. You drop your duffel bag and prep yourself for Carlos throwing his weight at you, and you catch him with a laugh as you spin from the momentum. "Carlos! Dang, little man, you're growing fast." Julie walks up soon after, shaking her head in amusement at the two of you as you settle her little brother back on the ground and then ruffle his hair. He swats at your hand before you give Julie your attention then. "Hey, superstar. How's it hanging?"
"Hey, Y/N," she muses, "was the drive okay?"
"Eh. I angry karaoke'd all the way here." You shrug. "So where's uncle Ray?"
"Upstairs trying to figure out how to divide Julie's room for the two of you," Carlos says.
Your smile falls and you look at Julie. "What? He's making us share?"
"Yeah. It's totally fine though," she says when she notices your expression.
"No way, Jules! I can't put you out like that. That's not fair."
"It's fine, Y/N. Really."
"Julie, we're both teenage girls. I love you, but you know our hormones will eventually make us clash."
"And on that note, I'm going back inside."
You grin at Carlos' hasty escape, but then quickly refocus on the situation at hand. "God Jules, I'm so sorry. I thought uncle Ray would put me in the spare room or on the living room couch or something."
"Well the spare room was originally the plan," she says, "but then we remembered all of mom's stuff was in there." You cringe, but she assures you it's okay. "And you're going to be here for a while. You are not sleeping on the couch."
You sigh and offer her a faint smile. "I'm sorry to be an even bigger pain in the butt, but I'm not staying in your room either."
"It's either my room or Carlos' room. I suggest you choose wisely, cousin."
"Y/N!" Your uncle Ray suddenly appears in the doorway, walking down the sidewalk towards you. "Carlos told me you had gotten in. How are you doing, mija?" He wraps you in a brief hug, kissing your forehead in greeting.
"Hey, uncle Ray. I'm doing good. How are you?"
"I'd be better if I knew where you were gonna sleep." He sighs. "Carlos also told me we have a bedroom dilemma as you refuse to share with Julie."
"I'm really sorry." You frown. "If I were only staying here for a few weeks, I'd be stoked to share with Julie. But it's not a couple of weeks, uncle Ray."
"I know and I'm sorry for trying to shove two teenage girls into one space." You smile sheepishly at him as he seems to understand your reasoning as well. "But the only other space I can think of is the studio garage out back." You seem to perk up a bit, attention solely focused on your uncle that you don't notice Julie's eyes widening. "Julie uses it to practice with her band, but there's a loft that we've recently cleaned out. There's a bathroom in there already, so all I'd need to do is drag a mattress up there. That is if you don't mind all the musical racket."
"Y-yeah. Of course! I don't mind at all." You say, feeling just an ounce of excitement of having your own space.
"What? No," Julie laughs nervously. "I'm sure Y/N doesn't want to live in our garage all on her own. Right?"
"What? Are you kidding me?" You huff. "It'd be like having my own mini apartment, only my favorite cousin in the entire world gets to visit everyday!"
Julie looks like she wants to object some more, which is surprising, but she eventually slumps and shakes her head. "Okay. Just as long as you're sure."
"Of course I'm sure."
"Then I'll go move stuff around. Give me your duffel bag," she holds her hand out for you to pick up your bag and hand it over, "and I'll take it out back. You go inside and help dad bring the mattress out."
"Sounds like a plan." Feeling better about your situation now, you quickly hand your cousin your duffel bag and then follow after your uncle Ray inside their home.
Julie sighs, shaking her head in amusement as she catches the pep in Y/N's step. As soon as the front door is shut, she quickly runs around the house, down the stone steps, and into the studio garage where the boys are chilling. They, however, jump up to their feet upon seeing Julie's hasty entrance.
"Okay so we have a problem."
"What? What is it? Did your not dad not take the ghost secret well?" Reggie asks, whining. "Aw man. I knew we should have waited. Does he hate us now? He hates me. Right?"
Julie's eyes, having widened at Reggie's rapid fire questions, blink owlishly at him. "One, slow down. And two, no I haven't told my dad. I can't seem to find the right time."
"Okay then," Luke drawls. "So what's the problem?"
"My cousin got expelled from her school so my dad offered to let her move in and she's going to be living in the loft. In here. With you guys."
Alex slowly leans atop the piano, clearly intrigued. "Whoa. What'd she do?"
Julie opens her mouth to answer, but then closes it and settles for a shrug. "I'm not sure. Dad wouldn't tell us when we asked. He just said there was an incident and if Y/N didn't move in with us, then her parents would have to relocate and she already had a rocky relationship with them so.." she says, smiling fondly. "She's better suited for our family anyway. She's more like a sister to me than a cousin."
Reggie raises his hand as if he needs to, to ask a simple question. "Is this cousin of yours hot?" Alex is immediate to reach over and smack his friend. "Ow! What?" He wonders as he rubs his arm. "I'm just asking what me and Luke are thinking."
"Hey, bro, do not bring me into this!" Luke quickly defends himself. He then glances at Julie, lips stretching into a small smile. "You gonna tell her about us?"
"I'm going to have to, aren't I? I can't exactly leave her in the dark while you three are lurking about. I don't want her to do something she doesn't want anyone else to see."
Reggie nods, smiling. "Like getting naked."
Alex moves to hit his friend again, but then realizes Reggie is right. If he were in Julie's cousin's shoes, he wouldn't want to strip while three ghosts watched on unknowingly. Instead he sighs and Julie nods in agreement. "Exactly. I'm going to tell her. I just- I'm not sure when. So until I do, you three need to be on your best behavior."
"Jules," Luke feigns being hurt as he clutches at his chest, "it's us you're talking about. When have we ever misbehaved?" Julie huffs, crosses her arms over her chest, and raises an eyebrow at Luke. His façade cracks as he laughs. "Fine. We'll be on our best behavior until you tell her about her roommates."
"Thank you." She rolls her eyes, but before she can say any more Carlos is jogging into the room.
"Okay so Y/N and dad are almost here. Tell your ghostly dude-bros to chillax and not scare her like Reggie did tía Victoria."
Reggie squawks. "You scare an adult one time and he never lets you forget it."
Julie chuckles at her ghostly friend while her brother glances around in hopes of seeing them. Ever since Julie freed them from Caleb Covington's curse and was able to finally touch them, they had the choice of turning visible whenever they felt like it. But for some reason, they were more comfortable as ghosts and only turned solid when they got the desire to eat food.
The garage door suddenly opens wide and Ray walks in, one end of the mattress settled on the back of his neck. Y/N is on the other end, struggling slightly with the mattress in her hands.
"I am not meant for physical activity."
Carlos giggles at his cousin's words, jogging over to help her. But when they get to the steep stairs, both Y/N and Carlos leave it up to Ray to figure out how he's going to get the mattress up into the loft. He does, eventually, and then Ray drags Carlos back towards the house with him to retrieve sheets, pillows, and a blanket.
"Oh my god. She is cute!" Reggie muses.
Alex chuckles, but Luke is caught staring at Y/N with awe etched into his features. Alex nudges Reggie and gestures to their friend, and Julie tries her best to fight off a grin. Oh to be able to tease him right about now on having a crush on Y/N as he did to her with Nick that one time while she was in school.
"Listen," Y/N says as she nears Julie. "I know this was tía Rose's place and I know how much it means to you." Julie smiles sadly as Y/N starts to walk around, eyeing the piano, drums, bass, and guitar appreciatively. The boys make sure to stay out of her way as they watch her every move. "I promise to keep my place nice and tidy, and to not mess with anything down here." She goes to touch the drum set, but thinks better of it and pulls her hand back as she smiles sheepishly.
Alex is quick to point it out. "I like her! She knows boundaries."
"Just say the word and I'll be out of your way when you're here with the band."
"It's no problem. Really," Julie assures you. "I, uh, I already called the boys to let them know. They're excited to meet you."
You pause and meet your cousin's eyes. "Really? I-I mean cool."
Julie's eyes narrow at your reaction and the way you can't seem to meet her eyes. "You think they're cute, don't you?"
You cave with a relieved sigh of her automatically knowing. "So cute." Alex rolls his eyes with an amused smile as Reggie and Luke high five, chuckling at their good fortune. "But boundaries! They are your bandmates and I won't interfere other than offering my friendship. Heck I won't even let it be known that I find them cute."
Julie chuckles, angling her head down as she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "It's a little too late for that."
"Hmm? What did you say?"
Her head snaps up. "Nothing! Nothing," her chuckles now sound a little nervous. "So, uh, is there anything else we need to get from your car?"
"Oh yeah! I have some stuff that needs to come in." As Julie joins her cousin's side, Y/N asks, "Is there any place I can set up my laptop and printer?"
"Of course. Come on. Let's get you set up. I'm sure you're ready to get some sleep."
"So ready," you groan. "I don't have much to unpack, but I want to settle in before I start school on Monday."
As the two girl cousins walk out of the studio, the three ghostly boys watch them leave.
"Oh yeah. She's definitely hot."
"Hey. Come on, dude." Luke softly swats at Reggie. "That's Julie's cousin you're talking about."
"What? I'm just stating facts," Reggie says. "And besides it's you we should be worried about." He steps towards Luke, reaching for his face. "I think I still see a bit of drool. You might wanna wipe that off."
Alex laughs as Luke rolls his eyes. "Whatever. We're ghosts anyway. It's not like anything can happen between us."
"Can't it?" Alex muses, shoving his hands deep into his front pockets. "I mean we can turn solid now. If you want something to happen, it can definitely happen." Reggie smirks as Luke takes a moment to process his friend's words. "And while you think on that, I'm gonna go see what Willie's up to. See you later!"
Alex poofs out of the room, leaving Reggie and Luke. Reggie laughs at his friend's sudden ghostly crisis, stepping closer to him and clasping his shoulder in hand. "Dude, we're ghosts. If something happens, it happens. Just don't get attached." And with that, Reggie poofs out too.
Luke hears Julie and her cousin's laughter ring out, the two girls already coming back. His eyes widen and he poofs out as well. The girl was cute, he will admit that, but he needed to get his head on straight before he became a pining ghost.
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You spend the weekend with Julie, surprising her best friend Flynn with your new living situation and then driving them around since neither of them had their driving permit. The girls had kept you busy at the beach and showing you their favorite food places. Sometimes you would catch your cousin mumbling to thin air, but Flynn was quick to distract you and you ended up forgetting Julie's weird behavior minutes later.
Monday morning rolls around and, after taking your time to get ready, you grab your backpack and exit the studio to head inside the house. Uncle Ray has cooked up a breakfast feast, and Julie and Carlos are just coming down the stairs as you're taking a seat at the table.
You smile through a yawn as a plate is placed in front of you. "Whoa. That was a big one," uncle Ray says. "Did you sleep well?"
"Sorry. And yeah," you say. "I love it out there, although it is a bit colder than I expected."
Julie freezes as Carlos snorts. "Sorry about that. It's just our resident ghosts. Ow!"
You frown as he glares at his sister, said sister laughing nervously as she glances between you and Carlos. "Don't listen to him. Ghosts? Pft. What ghosts?"
Ray chuckles as Carlos rolls his eyes, the young boy digging into his eggs and sausage as Julie quickly casts him a brief glare.
You glance between the siblings suspiciously, but don't give it much thought and start in on your own breakfast. "Well if you need a portable heater, we can get you one."
Carlos opens his mouth to retort, but upon seeing his sister's stare he thinks better about it. You fight off a smile, shaking your head at your uncle. "It's fine. I usually kick my blanket off in the middle of the night which is why I get cold when a gust of cool air hits me. I just need to learn not to kick off the blankets. I'll be fine."
"Alright. Well eat up, guys. I need to head into the office as soon as I drop you off."
Carlos nods, but you and Julie frown at him. She looks at you and you look at her, and then you look at your uncle. "Um, uncle Ray, did you forget I drive? I can take Carlos with Julie and I. We were going to pick up Flynn as well."
"Huh. I forgot you drove." You grin up at him. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. From what I saw, Carlos' school campus is on our way to the high school. It'll be fine."
Uncle Ray seems to sag with relief. "Thanks so much, mija. I can actually head in early today then." Carlos cheers about riding with his cousin instead of being dropped off by his dad. "Well if you're all set, I'll see you guys after school. We'll go out for burgers tonight."
This time it's your turn to cheer. "Yes!"
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The first day of school went about as expected. Everyone was drawn to you as the new girl and Flynn thrived under the attention, but you mostly kept to yourself unless Julie introduced you to someone. You met Nick and thought he was okay, and then hid your amusement when Flynn would tease Julie about him breaking up with his girlfriend Carrie for her.
Of course not everyone was a fan of your cousin and you met the one person who seemed to dislike her the most. You knew Carrie from previous summers, but she and Julie had a falling out and no one would mention why. Not even Flynn. So figuring it was none of your business, you let it go but ended up staring Carrie down when she tried to intimidate you. Needless to say, the junior had nothing on you and didn't seem keen to start anything with a senior after your feathers didn't ruffle as easily as she thought.
Julie had more homework than you, so while she focused inside the house at the kitchen table, you went to the studio and up into your loft. The second you plop down onto the bed, a cold gust of wind sweeps up your back. You shiver, frowning, but then move on with a shake of your head.
From your backpack you pull out your Algebra II and History textbooks. You immediately start working on history, reading the assigned passages and answering the questions that follow. It takes you half an hour to complete it and before you move on to Math you reach over and grab your laptop from the bedside table. However when you open it up, your laptop automatically comes to life and you're left frowning at the YouTube page it's been left on.
"What the.. this is weird," you mumble. You briefly glance at the top Rock songs from the last decade before exiting out of YouTube and bringing up iTunes, choosing your Math Blows playlist and closing your eyes in brief bliss as Queen starts to play.
But the moment Bohemian Rhapsody ends and Aerosmith's Dude (Looks Like a Lady) begins, you get started on Math. It takes you a little bit longer to complete the assignment than History took you, but by the time you're done Julie has yet to find you. So after putting everything back into your backpack and setting it aside, you roll across your bed and reach into a hard plastic tote that holds some of your belongings. You pull out your drawing tablet and a stack of stickers, and then head on downstairs to the couch.
Drawing caricatures was a hobby of yours and you just so happened to have a friend who would take your edits and turn them into stickers. For now you have about five stickers of each member of your cousin's band- caricature style- and the name of whatever instrument they played curved underneath their faces. Lately you've been working on a sticker that said 'Julie and the Phantoms', but you couldn't get the font or coloring quite right.
You've just settled on coloring Julie's name in a purple that transitions into blue from one end to the other when said girl walks in, sodas in hand. "Finally," she sighs. "I didn't think I'd ever finish that homework. What are you doing?" She then asks as she hands over a Coke.
"I'm just messing around," you tell her as you show her what's on the tablet. "There's a small stack of stickers for you and the boys right there."
Julie glances at the table where you've gestured to and she walks over to pick up the stickers. She sets her soda down and skims through each sticker, a smile blossoming. "Did you- did you make these?"
You shrug. "I drew them, but my friend printed them. As soon as I finish this one I'm working on right now, I'm gonna email it to him so he'll make them into stickers as well."
Your cousin is so in awe that she's not paying you any attention, but you catch her murmuring beneath her breath and nodding along as if she were agreeing with something being said. She eventually looks up, chuckling. "These are sick. The boys are going to love them."
You smile. "I hope so. If you want more, just let me know. They're pretty cheap to make so I don't mind getting them for you guys."
"Can I- can I make a suggestion to the one you're working on now?"
"Oh. Yeah! Of course. What'd you have in mind?"
"Under the band name or wherever you think is good, can you add the words 'tell your friends!'?" She asks. "It's just something silly Reggie says every time the band is introduced."
"Yeah." You glance down at the tablet, trying to figure out the best placement. But then you look up, brow furrowed in thought. "Is this something only Reggie says?"
"Uh yeah. I guess so," she says, shaking her head at something off to her side.
You grin. "I have an idea. Let me try something out and see if you like it. Give me like ten minutes."
Julie sets the stickers back down, picking up her soda and cracking it open. You crack open yours as well, taking a sip before getting down to work. You make the sticker you originally had a little bit smaller, adding in a caricature of a waving Reggie from the waist up peeking out from behind the font. You add a speech bubble, filling it in with the requested 'Tell your friends!'.
When Julie sees it she can't help but laugh. "That's perfect. I'm sure he's gonna be stoked."
"Speaking of, when do I get to meet these hot friends of yours?"
Julie groans and you laugh as you finish coloring and resizing the sticker before sending it off to your friend to print. Closing your tablet, you give her your full attention as she's now sitting next to you on the couch. "Soon," she promises.
"Alright. So what are we doing until your dad gets home? You gonna sing for me, Jules? Give me my own private concert?"
She laughs. "No way. Just watch the Youtube videos. I'm sure Carlos posted every performance."
"Oh he did. And believe me when I say I've watched them. Repeatedly. That guitarist of yours has got some arms that are just- mmm." Julie groans some more, hiding her face in a pillow, and you laugh. "What? I need to get it out of my system before I meet them."
Julie lets the pillow fall into her lap, a smile turning up the corners of her mouth. "All I'm gonna say is don't be surprised if they know what you've said. They kind of have a sixth sense about these things."
"It's all good." You laugh some more.
You go to ask her if she wants to torment her little brother with you, but you see her amusement slowly die and you keep yourself from saying anything. "Hey Y/N, can I ask you something? You totally don't have to answer, but I'm really curious about it."
"Oh. Uh, sure."
"What happened at your old school that ended with you being expelled?"
Your smile falls. "Uncle Ray didn't tell you?"
"Not really. He just said there was a disagreement and a.. protest?"
You snort. It takes you a moment to collect your thoughts, but when you do you end up telling her exactly what happened. "I had this friend back at my old school. She's gay, but only those close to her knew. What it boiled down to was that some asshole found out and outed her to our entire school. Then this boy took things too far by, in his words, giving her what she was missing out on and trying to turn her straight." You roll your eyes, not noticing Julie smiling sympathetically off to the side. "He shoved his tongue down her throat, she tried to push him off of her, but he wouldn't budge. So I beat the shit out of him."
Julie chokes on her own saliva. "W-what?" And then she laughs.
"Well I hit him across the back of the head with one of those hard plastic lunch trays. And then when that broke I used the heaviest textbook I could get my hands on and hit him a few more times."
"Oh my god," she grins. "You're such a badass."
You laugh at your cousin's look of awe. "There was like a week of back and forth between the school and that douchebag's parents, and it made everyone at school show their true colors. I was disgusted that the guy practically got off with a slap on the wrist for assaulting my friend, so I contacted a few friends to make some signs for a mini-protest in front of the school and it kind of got out of control. A few friends turned into thirty and I think there were even a few drag queens in there. They had signs and Pride flags and it- it got pretty scary for a second when a fight almost broke out."
"I repeat," Julie smirks, "you're a badass."
"I was expelled because my protest drew in adult strangers to where many minor children attend school, but the expulsion wouldn't have mattered anyway because I had a restraining order slapped against me by that douchebag's parents and would have had to leave anyway."
"Screw them," Julie says. "That's so messed up."
"It is, but it worked out in my favor. I got out of my parents house and now get to spend the rest of my last year of high school with you."
"And your 18th birthday. You can't forget that," she muses. "It's only a few months away."
Your nose wrinkles. "No parties."
"But it's New Year's! Of course we're having a party," she gushes. "Your birthday is a rare one. Instead of blowing out a candle at midnight, you get to make out with someone."
Laughing, you reach over to nudge her. "You're something else, Jules. I don't know how you have your dad fooled about being so sweet and innocent." She giggles, batting her eyelashes at you. "Now come on. Lets go torment Carlos. It's been about a year since I've sat on him and made him listen to Barbie Girl on a loop."
You stand up, Julie laughing as you offer her a hand and pull her up off the couch.
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By the end of your first week with the Molinas, you've settled into a routine that you're comfortable with. You had noticed Julie got a little squirrely whenever you mentioned the boys, so you dropped the subject of meeting them and figured it'd happen when the timing was right. Julie's tía Victoria was happy to have you around the family, she noticing a lightness around the house that she hadn't seen since her sister had passed.
Life with your cousins was going spectacularly well, so of course there had to be a bump in the road. And a major one at that.
You're sleeping when cold air suddenly seeps into your back, making you shiver and wake up briefly. You find your blanket and pull up over your shoulders, turning around in the process and.. rolling into something- er, someone solid. You're fully awake now.
"Ahh!" You scream.
The figure in bed with you jolts, screaming as well. "Ahh!"
"Who the hell are you?!" You move to punch at them, only for them to disappear right before your very eyes. You freeze as your heart drops into your stomach, your eyes blowing wide when he reappears at the foot of your bed. "What the- how did-"
Another figure pops in, grabbing the first by his ear. "Dude, not cool!"
Your sudden fear has you frozen and only capable of glancing between the two figures. Semi-slicked hair, leather jacket, flannel wrapped around his waist.. "R-Reggie?" You wonder aloud in confusion.
Both boys glance at you, the shaggy hair and killer arms in a cut off tee letting you know exactly who he was. You hold your blanket tighter to you, heart thumping wildly. Reggie grimaces in pain as he finally pulls free from Luke's hold. "Hiya. Sorry about waking you and all that. I totally should have asked before taking up the other side of your bed."
Luke shakes his head. "When Jules finds out she's going to kick your butt, man. We were supposed to ease her into the whole ghost business."
Another figure pops in, the blonde sighing and shaking his head in disappointment at his friends. Alex. "I woke Julie. She'll be down here soon." Then he glances at you, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry about all this. Reggie and Luke are idiots."
"Can you blame me?" Reggie whines. "Y/N's bed is really comfortable. And I actually thought she'd just roll through me. I didn't know I'd gone solid. It was unintentional."
"Um," you gulp. "H-how would you know my bed was comfortable?" Reggie freezes and then suddenly looks very interested in the ceiling, and your eyes narrow at him. You sit up a little straighter, staring at Luke, but he too averts his gaze when he notices you're staring at him.
Alex is the only one amused and he meets your gaze with a smile. "These two idiots like to nap in your bed when you're in school."
"WHAT!?" The two guilty ghosts poof out, making you flinch as you suddenly remember they're not exactly normal boys.
"I told them it was going to bite them in the butts. I guess they hadn't counted on it being so soon." You blink owlishly at him, unsure of what to say now. After all, HE'S A GHOST! Alex notices your stare and sighs. "Well if you'd like to get dressed or whatever, Julie should be here any second now. We'll explain things then."
Alex poofs out and you're left staring at nothing but air. Your heart is still wildly thumping and there are only three words running through your mind: what.. the.. fuck.
After what seems like several long minutes, but really it was only about a minute after the boys had left you alone, the studio door opens and a frantic Julie rushes in. At the sound of her panicked voice, you throw off your blanket and scramble down the stairs.
Julie stares at you in shock, still in her own pajamas, before her gaze falls towards your legs and then back up to your own gaze. "Uh, Y/N? You forgetting something?" You glance down, frowning and wondering what she's talking about. "Pants, loser. You forgot pants."
"Yeah? And you forgot to tell me that ghosts are real!" She sighs as you stare her down, but then you subtly glance around for a pair of pants or shorts or something. Black sweats hit your shoulder and you meet Alex's sheepish gaze. Hesitantly smiling at him, you quickly step into them and drag them up your legs. "If they've been in here this whole time it's nothing they haven't seen before."
Reggie giggles and Alex shakes his head at friend. Luke, however, can't seem to look in your direction and there's a telltale flush on his cheeks. Huh, that's odd.
"I'm really sorry," Julie says. "I was going to tell you, but it was never the right time."
"Jules, the right time would have been when uncle Ray gave me permission to sleep out here."
She frowns guiltily at you and you know you're not really upset with her. The adrenaline of bumping into someone in your bed was still rushing through your veins which is why you seem a bit cranky. "If it'll help we can explain everything now?"
"Might as well," you sigh. "I don't think I'll be able to fall back asleep." You shuffle over towards the couch, eyeing each boy on the way. Sitting down, you drag a pillow into your lap and hug it. "So.. what the hell is going on?"
Your cousin and the boys glance at one another, Reggie and Luke subtly shaking their heads. Alex rolls his eyes and steps forward to stand with Julie. It looked like they were going to be the ones to explain.
"Okay, so," Alex says. "Luke, Reggie, and I died twenty five years ago."
Immediately your hand raises and Alex falls silent. "Quick question. If you guys are supposedly ghosts, then why was I able to actually feel Reggie?"
"That part comes in later. Just please listen," Julie pleads.
You nod, gesturing for them to continue then. Alex flashes you a small smile. "So we died-"
"Death by hotdog," Reggie sadly muses.
Luke nods along. "I'll never look at another hotdog the same way again."
You can't help but snort, especially when Alex and Julie roll their eyes at the interruption. "Anyway, as I was saying," Alex says, raising his voice a little higher, "we died. We ended up in this dark room for what felt like an hour and then got spit out here in Julie's garage when she played one of our demo CD's."
"Only it wasn't an hour later," Julie says next. "It was twenty five years later." You shake your head in utter amazement. "At first I was the only one able to see them. Then when I had a performance at school and the boys performed behind me in solidarity, they could- they could be seen! The entire school could see them, but then as soon as the performance was over they poofed out."
"Hence the phantom part of the band name," you mumble.
"We let everyone believe we're holograms," Alex says. "Anyway, we used to be a band of four before we died. Sunset Curve. The only one to survive went on and skyrocketed to fame with songs that Luke wrote."
"He didn't!?" Your eyes widen. You glance at Luke to see him frowning. "What a dick thing to do."
The boys all snort, but a moment later Alex continues to tell their story. "We were pissed and ended up being introduced to this ghost who was supposed to help us get revenge on our ex-band mate. Only this ghost was old and powerful and wanted us to join his ghostly club house band."
"And when he noticed we weren't going to join him, he stamped us with a curse," Luke finally speaks up. "The longer we were away from his club, we got hit with these painful jolts. They started to become more frequent and would have eventually destroyed our souls."
"But our girl Julie," Reggie muses, "cried her big heart out and, we're not sure exactly how, was able to touch us. Her touch made us feel stronger, warmer, and it disappeared the stamps off our wrists."
"And now I have three ghostly brothers who can go corporeal whenever they feel like it," Julie says as she hooks her arm through Alex's. You grin at her. "I really am sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
You wave her off. "At least the truth came out before I was in a rush to go somewhere and whipped off my shirt. I'd have hated to traumatize the boys."
"Oh please traumatize me." The words are mumbled, but still heard by everyone. Every gaze darts to, surprisingly, Luke and his eyes widen as cheeks redden. "Did I- did I say that out loud?"
Reggie snorts. "You did."
"Well I- I didn't mean-" Luke rubs at the back of his neck, falling silent and then poofing out.
The second Luke is gone, everyone bursts into laughter. You laugh so much that tears gather in the corner of your eyes and Julie is hanging off of Alex's arm. Reggie is the first to recover and mentions going to check on his boy, and then it was just Alex with you and Julie.
You eventually stand up, intent on doing something now that you've had this big secret dropped into your lap, when Alex takes a step in your direction. He pauses and you quirk an eyebrow at him. "Can I just say thanks for being so cool about this? I mean you could have ran inside the house and alerted everyone like Julie first did-"
"Hey! Not cool." Said girl pouts, swatting Alex with the back of her hand.
"-but you didn't. Sure you freaked, but I would too if I woke up next to Reggie."
You chuckle softly. "You guys are just lucky I hate physical activity and loathe running." Alex grins at you. "Plus I guess your secret is pretty cool. I'm okay living with ghosts so long as no ghosts occupy my bed while I'm still in it."
"Noted. I'll be sure to let the boys know."
"Thanks." As soon as Alex poofs out, your chill façade drops. "Oh my god, Julie!" You hiss. "They're ghosts!"
Her smile falters. "Uh, yeah."
"They're ghosts who heard me talking about how cute they were and about Luke's arms!"
"Oh yeah." She chuckles. "Well if it's any consolation, Luke is clearly into you. He totally wants you to traumatize him with your boobs."
"It's not funny!"
She fights to contain her amusement. "It kind of is."
"Ugh. Julie," you groan. "This is so embarrassing."
"Relax. They'll probably poke fun for a few days before letting it slide. Just give them a chance, Y/N. They're really cool guys."
"God I hope you're right."
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Now that the secret is out, the boys are corporeal more often than not inside the studio. Reggie and Luke take pleasure in teasing you, the two of them bringing up stuff you said about them when they were invisible or drawing attention to Luke's arms or Luke somehow suddenly needing to change to his shirt while in your presence. You made promises to get him back- to which Alex couldn't wait for to see what you came up with- but you've yet to fulfill that promise because there were more pressing matters at hand.
You're more than okay with keeping their secret, but it's only a matter of time before uncle Ray catches them. They like interacting with you, Flynn, and Carlos so they're visible quite a lot, but anytime uncle Ray nears it's a race to clean up any evidence of their presence and then poof out. You manage to convince Julie to tell her dad with promises that you'd be by her side the entire time, so she does. It had seemed uncle Ray was moments away from asking if she needed to see her therapist again when Reggie poofed in, followed by the other two boys who slapped him upside the head for doing so. Needless to say, Ray was shocked to his core but accepted the boys after seeing them interact with his two children and yourself. However, it was agreed by all that tía Victoria could not know the secret.
One day you had gone shopping for a couple new outfits with the girls and figured it was now or never to get Luke back. Sure they had seen you in an overly large shirt and boy short underwear, but they'd never seen you in proper lingerie. And when Flynn and Julie had caught on, they helped you choose the most daring piece of underwear to stun the ghost boy from the 90's.
When you get back to the studio, Julie pokes her head in first since she was the only one capable of seeing them when they were invisible. "Alex, where's Luke and Reggie?"
"They mentioned going down to the beach. Why?"
You and Flynn stumble in then, giggling. "It's payback time, my favorite ghostie. Your boy is not gonna know what hit him."
Alex's eyes light up. "Yes. What did you have in mind?"
"Two words," Flynn says. "Victoria's Secret."
"Oh no. You're gonna kill him all over again."
You mockingly glare at him. "He caught me ogling his v-line, Alex! He deserves to see exactly what I'm working with and not be able to touch."
He grins. "Can I see what you chose?"
"Duh. I need you to choose which set is going to make him lose his mind."
Walking over towards Alex, you set the bags down and sit on the couch beside him. Julie and Flynn sit on the armrests, eagerly waiting for you to dig out your purchases. And when you do, Alex's eyes widen before he bursts into laughter.
There are three identical sets of bras, panties, and garter belts in the colors of black, navy blue, and emerald green. You giggle as Alex takes choosing seriously, he picking up an article in each color and holding it to your arm. He hums in thought.
"In my opinion the blue suits your skin tone best, but I'd still go with the green."
You take it, carefully cutting tags off. "And this is why I love you. You're the best."
"Mhm. So how do you plan to have him see you in this?"
"I actually have an interview with the people uncle Ray works with in two days. I might not be able to take pictures, but I am good with all the technology stuff," you say. "I can pretend the straps to the belt are aggravating me and walk out to ask for your help."
Alex giggles. "You're evil."
"He started it." You shrug. "And besides, lingerie is such a confidence booster. You guys have no idea," you chuckle.
And then two days later you finally put your plan into motion. Flynn was bummed she couldn't be there, but Julie managed to be in the studio for your surprise after having pulled Luke into an impromptu writing session. Reggie, after having been given permission to use your laptop whenever he wanted, was watching Youtube videos, and Alex was flipping through a magazine not too far from his friend where he constantly glanced at the bathroom door rather anxiously.
Not too long after you enter the bathroom in a rush, you having screeched about being behind schedule for your meeting on the way in there, you start making a racket and cursing just loud enough to be heard outside the door. Outside, Alex does his best to fight off a grin.
Inside the bathroom, you've slipped into the emerald green lingerie, black garter belt, and black stockings. Both bra and panties are lace, giving the illusion of being sheer, but your important bits are still covered which is why you're more than okay walking out in this particular set. You spritz some body spray over your cleavage and abdomen, grinning when you see yourself sparkling as you move, and then quickly clip your garter belt to the tops of your stockings. However, for the clips in the back, you purposely twist the straps when you clip them on.
You curse some more to make everyone outside believe you're having some sort of problem, groaning for good measure, and then crack open the bathroom door to stick your head out. "Hey Jules, can you give me a hand?" You ask, already knowing what she's going to say.
"Mmm," she mumbles distractedly, writing in her notebook.
Luke glances between you and Julie, Reggie has clearly paused his video to see what's going on, and Alex takes his cue. "I can help," he calls out as he tosses his magazine aside. "What do you need?"
You frown at your cousin when she purposely doesn't look at you before looking at Alex, inhaling deeply before you straighten up and open the door wider. Given his position, Reggie is the first to take notice of your outfit and whimpers. Audibly. Julie and Luke look up then, Julie hiding her smile and Luke's eyes widening as his jaw drops open in shock.
"I'll do it! I can help you," Reggie blurts, cheeks red. He gulps. "What exactly is it you need help with?"
Walking towards Alex, you mockingly glare at Reggie and then ruffle his hair on your way to his blonde friend. You stop in front of him, turning around and then glancing over your shoulder at him. "The garter belt," you say. "I keep getting the straps twisted."
"On it." You see a smile threatening to break free as he immediately takes hold of the clasps and rights the wrong, and you turn around so you don't lose it yourself.
Only when you face forward, you can't help but snort at Reggie's awestruck expression and the fact that Luke is faring no better. But Luke is the one who seems to know almost immediately what you're playing at and his eyes narrow when his gaze finally meets your own. However, before he can call you out on your act, there's a distinct snap!, a brief stinging pain on the back of your thigh, and you whirl around on Alex.
"I'm sorry," he laughs, immediately sitting back and out of range of your swatting swing. "I couldn't help myself."
You shake your head in amusement before making sure the strap isn't twisted anymore and then make your way back towards the bathroom. It's oddly quiet as you finish getting dressed behind the bathroom door, and then exit in a cream-colored blouse tucked inside a black pencil skirt. Julie wolf whistles when you exit and you wrinkle your nose at her as you head towards your heels to slip your feet into.
Once your heels are on and you run your fingers through your hair to give it a very stylish, mussed look, you can't help but meet Luke's gaze. When you notice his slackened expression, you wink and finally allow yourself to laugh.
Red rushes to his cheeks as he narrows his eyes at you. "You're the devil."
"And don't you forget it," you immediately retort. "Keep it up, Patterson. I won't play fair and I promise my next look will drive you to take a cold shower." Alex finally loses the battle with his laughter, as does Julie, and Luke frowns at you. "Now that I've pranced around half naked, it's time I get to my interview. Wish me luck?"
"Luck!" Julie immediately shouts. As soon as Y/N disappears, there's a telltale beep and Julie lowers her phone. She glances between Luke and Reggie, shaking her head and chuckling. "God you straight boys are so easily distracted. Flynn's going to be so mad she missed this."
Luke points to where Y/N disappeared, stammering over his words before he finally gets proper hold of his thoughts. "She doesn't play fair!"
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After what you would have called a successful interview, you went back to the studio where you found Luke all alone. You ended up calling a truce with him, but that ended up being a terrible decision on your part. Because interacting with a Luke who was as genuine as can be without the flirtatious behavior or teasing, well it turned out you found yourself liking the boy a little more than you should.
When Halloween came you found yourself dressing up alongside Flynn and Julie. Normally you'd have gone for something sexy, but after parading around half naked and knowing uncle Ray would not appreciate his underage daughter showing off too much skin, you settled for something that would make everyone laugh. You, Julie, and Flynn agreed to dress up as the boys, but you couldn't take their clothes until the day of. So when Halloween morning rolled around, Carlos and uncle Ray kept the boys busy while you and the girls raided their stash of clothes in the studio.
Julie took Alex's pink Champion hoodie and a snapback to shove down backwards atop her curls, Flynn wore Reggie's leather jacket atop a plain tee and wrapped a red flannel around her waist, and you took Luke's white Rush shirt with its cut off sleeves and a blue hoodie that also had it's sleeves cut off. You had giggled with each other when you all saw the final outcome and even took a few pictures to post to your personal Instagrams.
Then when the boys finally came in, it took them a moment to realize what they were seeing and it only clicked when you stepped forward and said, "Hey! We're Sunset Curve."
And then Flynn stepped forward, shooting finger guns at the boys. "Tell your friends."
Julie snorted and the boys burst into laughter, and then you took even more pictures with the boys- only when they were posted online you captioned them that you were the Phantoms from Julie and the Phantoms. Then when all was said and done, the six of you took Carlos trick-or-treating around the neighborhood while uncle Ray and tía Victoria cooked up a Halloween feast.
Thanksgiving and Christmas were emotional holidays for quite a few of you. The boys for obvious reasons- they being dead and not able to spend time with their loved ones- and you because while your parents could be more decent, you loved them all the same and wished the circumstances between you were different. But uncle Ray was understanding and made sure everyone had more than enough food and presents, and the night ended with everyone under the age of twenty falling asleep in the living room after admiring all their new belongings.
New Year's Eve rolls around and you're excited for two reasons- one being because of the fireworks that will no doubt go off at midnight and because at that exact same moment you'll be turning 18. Everyone expected you wanted a big party, but you surprised them all when you said all you wanted invited was everyone in the Molina household + studio, Flynn, and tía Victoria. You just wanted to have karaoke and a jam session, and some fireworks. You didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
The morning of New Year's Eve, you're woken up by Reggie bouncing on your mattress. But instead of being grouchy about it, you laugh and then yelp when Luke and Alex poof in to pop confetti poppers above you. You sit up, keeping the blanket across your lap as you shake your hair free of the shimmering mess.
"Happy birthday," Alex says, sitting down beside you and hugging you. "Ray said to be inside in twenty minutes. He's got a whole breakfast spread planned."
"Technically it's not my birthday yet, but thank you very much. I'll be inside as soon as possible."
Alex beams before Reggie takes his place, he leaning in and kissing your cheek with a loud smack. You giggle and accept his hug. "Happy birthday, my beautiful living friend. You don't look a day over 30."
You snort and then shove at his shoulder. "Shut up and get out. You don't get to be mean to the birthday girl."
"I thought it technically wasn't your birthday?" He winks at you. "Now hurry up. We can't eat until you do." And then with one last grin, Reggie poofs out.
Sighing happily, you stare up at Luke then. He grins as he readily lowers himself onto your mattress, laying on his stomach and keeping his expression directed at you. "Are you ready for tonight?"
"Am I ready to be a year older? Not really," you say. "But I am ready for some sparklers."
He chuckles. "Age is just a number, Y/N."
"Says the ghost who's forever 17," you mumble.
"Do you want me to find you a rancid hotdog? Because I will. Then the two of us will forever be 17."
"You're such an idiot." You can't stop grinning, especially when he mentions the way he died. It was terrible they died, but absolutely hilarious that it was death by hotdog for them. "I still don't understand how you didn't notice the weenie was bad. Rancid meat smells disgusting and you ate it!"
"In our defense we thought the smell was coming from the trash in the alley." You can only shake your head at him. "And we were still riding the rush of sound check inside the Orpheum."
"Your idiocy amazes me," you deadpan. "Now go on. I need to put on pants and brush my teeth. I'll meet you inside."
"Oh now you want to be all shy about walking around in your underwear." Luke playfully rolls his eyes. "Okay."
"You know what? I was being considerate so my near nudity didn't turn you into a stammering fool, but now I think I'll just do it." You grab your blanket to throw it off of you, but Luke quickly scrambles up and off your bed.
"Okay. Okay! I'll see you inside."
As soon as Luke poofs out, you grin to yourself like an idiot. The tension between the two of you was obvious from the beginning and it's still there even after you called a truce. You giddily get up and head on downstairs, making your way towards the bathroom to freshen up before heading inside. But as you're brushing your teeth, you realize you can't stop thinking about Luke. Which is kind of a bad thing. For you.
Everyone who has eyes can see the way Luke looks at you and the way you look at him, but given he's a ghost and you're very much alive you've agreed that nothing can happen between the two of you. Not just because of his ghostly status, but because of his status as Julie's bandmate- which is another problem they need a solution for but they won't worry about it until they have a record deal in their clutches. After then, they'll worry about revisiting the boys' family they had left behind when they died.
Quickly fixing your hair, you pull on a pair of leggings afterward and start making your way out of the studio. You sigh and come to the conclusion that for now you'd just enjoy the company of a cute ghost. You can totally get over the silly crush in no time.
          - - - - - - - - - -
As you're getting ready for the night, you're surprised there's a knock on the floor of the loft right before Luke's head pops up by the stairs. "Is it okay if I come on up?"
"Yeah. Of course," you say. You grab your boots before sitting on the edge of your mattress, slipping your feet inside of them and start lacing up. Luke stands off to the side, a little sheepishly, and you grin at him. "Something up? You're too quiet."
"Yeah. No, I'm good." He chuckles a little nervously and then finally moves to take a seat next to you. When he's seated, you nudge him with your shoulder to get him to lighten up. "I just- we got you a present and I've been nominated to hand it over."
"A present? From who?"
"Well it was originally from Ray, Jules, and Carlos," he says, "but when us ghosties wanted to get you something too, it kind of turned into a joint gift from all of us." Luke reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. You quirk an eyebrow at him as he hands the it over and immediately lift the lid. You coo at the silver charm bracelet inside and then lift it to examine the charms. "Ray, Julie, and Carlos had the laptop, dahlia, and lightning bolt charms already on there, but then we went back to the mall and had a microphone, a guitar, a bass, and drum sticks added to it."
"This is perfect. Help me put it on?"
You manage to unclasp the bracelet to slip it onto your right wrist and then Luke is scooting even closer to you so he can clasp it correctly. When he does, you twist your wrist back and forth so the charms jingle and fall correctly in place. Then you glance up at the same time Luke does, noses inches apart, and it's like both your breathing ceases.
Both your gazes seem to dart down to each other's lips and then you're jerking back while shakily inhaling. "You're trouble, Luke Patterson."
He smirks. "Fun trouble. You should try me sometime."
You can't believe the nerve of this ghost, so you roll your eyes, grin, and then climb to your feet. "Whatever you say, ghost boy. Now let's go. Tía Victoria was making me menudo for my birthday dinner."
Everyone at the Molina household is exactly who you wanted there and you get a kick out of watching the ghost boys attempt the menudo, watching the way they freeze when it's explained what exactly is in the menudo. Alex and Luke had slowly swallowed what was in their mouth before proclaiming they were full, but Reggie shrugged it off and kept on eating.
Outside uncle Ray grilled up some burgers and hotdogs for those who weren't fans of the menudo, and Julie had brought out bags of sparklers. You, Flynn, and Alex wasted no time in sparking some sparklers up while Reggie, Luke, and Carlos grabbed ahold of some small cannons to shoot off into the quickly darkening sky.
Many laughs are had, running amok in the streets with sparklers, and many pictures are taken. Your favorite, by far, had to have been when Carlos accidentally caught Reggie's flannel on fire and he stopped, dropped, and rolled in the street. You, Flynn, and Julie were never going to let him forget that terrified expression of his.
But then there's only five minutes to midnight, uncle Ray and Carlos are carrying several large firework boxes into the middle of the street and hurriedly untangling some wires, and a birthday sash is being draped over your head by Julie.
Seeing your uncle Ray and Carlos space out large boxes have drawn some of the neighbors to see what no doubt is going to a firework display, and you excitedly wait several feet away from the impending commotion.
Suddenly tía Victoria starts a countdown from twenty, Flynn hands out party horns, and everyone excitedly joins in.
You blow your party horn, laughing when you spot Reggie jumping on Alex and Luke's backs in excitement. Uncle Ray hits a button in hand and the first box shoots off it's first firework. The explosions of white, gold, pink, blue, purple, and green has everyone making happy remarks, and you watch on, not noticing everyone pairing off to watch the show (Alex and Reggie, tía Victoria and Carlos, and Julie and Flynn).
You're smiling up at an explosion of white crackles that chase each other across the sky when two arms wrap around your neck from behind and a body presses up close behind yours. You chuckle as your hands come up to grab onto a forearm and you briefly glance over your shoulder. It's Luke.
As you go back to watching your uncle put on a spectacular firework display, you feel warm breath fan across your ear. "Happy birthday, Y/N," Luke murmurs.
"Thank you." You smile brightly even though he can't see it and then glance over your shoulder once more, holding his gaze as your faces are literally an inch apart. "Happy New Year, Luke."
He beams at you and against your will your gaze darts to his lips. Your mind is whirling and you know everything about you and Luke is a bad idea, but you just can't help yourself. And apparently neither can he.
Luke is the one to close the distance, softly pressing his lips to yours. You smile against his lips, giggling some before adding a little bit more pressure so he doesn't think you're laughing at him. The entire situation is just a little bit hilarious to you.
After a few seconds you pull apart and the two of you end up laughing before you go back to watching the fireworks. Fortunately no one had been paying you any attention, so you and Luke can keep the kiss between the two of you.
You know for sure nothing can actually come out of whatever is going on between the two of you, but for now you're willing to take it one day at a time and come up with official rules later on the down the line.
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Use Only as Directed
John Egbert is a normal boy who takes his roommate's estrogen as a prank. John still didn't know why he was stealing these pills. They weren't prescribed to him, and they lived up to their name as death mints, but he felt almost compelled...and Rose hadn't noticed yet that she’d been losing her meds at twice the normal rate.
John jumped as someone softly knocked at the door.
“John, are you almost done? It's time for me to take my hormones!”
Shit, it was Rose. John quickly double checked that the bottles were sealed before faux-washing his hands and opening the door.
“Sorry about that, all yours!” John said, gesturing grandly to the bathroom.
“No need for theatrics,” Rose said, sliding past John towards the pill bottles on the counter. “I’ll be in and out like a thief in the night.” She picked the bottles up and shook them before frowning slightly. “It seems they run out faster each month, if only to make me interact with Mother Dearest.”
“What does your mom have to do with hormones?” John asked nervously, watching Rose pop back the spironolactone expertly.
“Oh, she doesn’t trust the ‘bargain basement chemists and seedy pharmacists’ of the world, so she synthesizes my doses herself. It’s cheaper, if a little overbearing.”
John nodded as he watched her stick the estradiol… under her tongue?
“Oh this?” Rose said, noticing his quizzical expression. “If you stick estrogen under your tongue, it dissolves into the bloodstream and provides more bioavailability. You should try it sometime.”
“Wuh-” John sputtered, unable to come up with a response.
“Just kidding, of course.” Rose smiled. “You’re a cis man and as such don’t need hormones, right?” She watched, seemingly satisfied, as John nodded.
John snuck out of the bathroom, little blue pills under his tongue, and headed towards the kitchen. “Oh hey Wose,” he said as he waved at his roommate, drinking a glass of Orange Juice.
“Hey Jown,” Rose said mindlessly, barely seeming to be paying attention. “I was just thinking about an assignment I’m having some problems with.”
John swallowed deeply and tried limbering his tongue up through sheer willpower. “Oh, which one?”
“Well, aside from the male assignment I was so ingloriously given-” She chuckled at her own joke and eyed John as if expecting him to laugh along. “The essay Professor Moon gave us on the Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Composition is frankly kicking my ass.”
John brightened up, spotting a chance to talk about something he actually knew something about. This was, in his eyes, a rarity, so he was happy to try and help Rose with the assignment.
A few minutes into the conversation Rose switched from rapt attention to concern, and when John stopped to ask why, Rose reached out to grab his glasses off his face.
“You’ve got a smudge, do you mind?” she asked.
John shook his head, but as Rose delicately removed the glasses they immediately fell out of her grasp and to the floor, cracking.
“Oh no!” John cried out, diving after the now ruined glasses. “My only pair!”
They worried over the glasses for a few minutes before Rose had an idea. “You’re nearsighted too, right?”
"Yeah I used to wear minus 3.3, now I just use contacts," Rose explained. "If your prescription is close to mine, I could lend you an old pair." 
"Oh… that's convenient..." John said, suppressing his suspicion that Rose wasn’t only trying to help. "Hopefully the frames aren't too girly." He forced out a chuckle. 
“Don’t worry about that John,” Rose said almost... mischievously? She began digging through a bag near her bedroom door. “Aha! These should fit you perfectly.” She smugly held out a pair of sky blue, delicate frames. “And they’re your color!”
“Ha, yeah, funny how that works out, huh?” John said, waiting for a returned laugh that never came. After an awkward moment, he accepted the glasses... and then tried them on. “These fit… surprisingly well actually.” He went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. “I’m surprised. Your face is so much smaller than mine!”
“It’s really not, John.” Rose stood behind John. “It’s all about hair and makeup.”
“Oh that’s interesting, but... your hair is so nice I could never…” He stopped as Rose began carding her hand through his hair. “What are you doing?”
“Just demonstrating, John my dear.” Rose calmlypulled out a brush and some mysterious spray. “Sit still and let me work my magic.”
John decided not to push the issue and let her primp and comb his hair until she was finally done, and he didn’t look half bad. Weirdly feminine in a way he didn’t want to examine, but honestly quite good in a way he didn’t want to interrogate.
“Hey John, can I borrow you for a minute?” Rose called, rousing John from reading a textbook far too closely.
He stretched and popped his back as he opened his door. “Sure, what do you need, Rose?”
He jumped back as she held her wrist up to his face just outside his door. “You’re the perfect skin tone match. Would you mind trying on some makeup for me?
“Uh, sure, I guess I already promised,” John said sheepishly. “Why don’t you try it on yourself though?”
“Well, I figured we could have some bonding time. You don’t see the macho type to run away from makeup.”
John shrugged in agreement, though he was actually feeling pretty excited to see Rose’s magic after the Hair Incident.
“And I really want to practice my eyeliner and it’s easier on someone else.”
“Can’t argue with that I guess…” John said, only now realizing he was already in the bathroom. “Uh… where do I sit?”
“You can just sit on the toilet, This shouldn’t take too long.” She patted the seat and, once he’d sat down, began to work.
Aside from a few chidings about watching his lip and not flinching and an accidental brush against a surprisingly sensitive chest, the entire thing went smoothly. Well, smoothly enough. Rose looming over him definitely conjured up some surprising feelings, though he guessed tall goth girls were popular for a reason.
“Aaaaaand we’re done!” Rose called out with triumph. “Now, take a look at the pretty good if I say so myself results!”
John tentatively stood up and turned to the vanity mirror. 
And he was flabbergasted.
There was a girl with a messy imitation of an expert coif, wearing stunning blue eyeliner that perfectly matched her glasses and her eyes both.
John had a lot of very mixed feelings right now. He was sure Rose was talking but he couldn’t repeat what she said if his life depended on it.
“I’ve gotta go Rose, I’ve got dinner in the oven!” he cried out as he rushed into his room and locked the door behind him.
Rose was sitting beside John on the couch. “John, I’ve got something to confess to you,” she said softly, laying her knitting down. “I think I might be a lesbian?”
“Oh.” John felt weirdly jealous and hurt and happy all at the same time. “That makes sense I guess.” Why was she telling him?
“Well, as I said, I think.” Rose licked her lips in something approaching but definitely not anticipation. “I was hoping, with your permission, to use you as something of an experiment.”
“Haha, sure, you gonna make out with me?” John laughed, though the laughter died out as Rose’s face remained serious. He hoped she couldn’t tell he was blushing, even under the blush he happened to be wearing.
“John, I’m serious. This is science.”
“S-sure, but I don’t know if-” John was cut off by Rose’s lips. He felt like he should be taking the lead but this was nice. It was also easily described as rote. He could tell Rose wasn’t really into it, and it made sense.
A few seconds later, Rose broke the kiss off and nodded. “That’s the control, now for the experiment.”
“The whah?” John wasn’t sure where this was going anymore.
“Well, I kissed a boy, and now I need to kiss a girl, and since there’s no girls around you’ll have to do!” Rose said this so matter of factly it was hard to argue. “Now pick a name. Joan?”
“June, but...” John shook his head, she was rapidly losing control of the situation. “Why would I pick a girl name?”
“Because, my dearest Junebug, for the purposes of this experiment, you are in fact a girl.” This was all the warning June got before Rose crashed into her, her blush from the nickname deepening as Rose kissed her in a way that easily eclipsed the previous kiss.
Rose’s tongue barely needed to brush June’s lips before her mouth was open, begging for more. Rose’s hands traced her hips, brushed her legs, and paused at her nipples before lightly massaging them-producing far more pleasure than they should, damn those hormones she was taking for absolutely no reason. After several minutes of heavy petting, Rose once again broke away, though this time looking far more disheveled.
“Well I think that settles it,June.”
June nodded exhaustedly.
“Wanna be my girlfriend?”
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youngerdrgrey · 3 years
relax (this is private, too) // a Mary/Ryan oneshot
about: In a post-2x13 world, Mary welcomes Sophie to the Bat Team, and Sophie derails the conversation with an observation.
“It’s a tale as old as time. ‘Straight’ girl meets somebody that she just has to know, wants to spend all her time with her, starts wearing her clothes….” Sophie and Mary both look down at the color-block jacket that Mary’s wearing — Ryan’s color-block jacket. But Mary couldn’t possibly have a crush on Ryan… could she? + read on ao3
notes: Surprise! Truly, none probably more surprised than me. One moment I'm saying that I probably won't write for a bit, and the next I'm writing this because we really didn't talk enough about Mary saying, "Okay, that's kind of sexy" over the hot shot moment. (As a note, yes, platonic, intimate friendships between women are important. At this moment, though, let's run the tape back with Mary who is very confused.)
“Sit, sit, sit.” Mary leads Sophie through the loft to the living room. “You must have questions.”
Sophie does sit — on the chair this time, which leaves the couch open for Mary. It’s a slightly different seating arrangement than they had yesterday. There’s definitely a lot less attitude and tension here, but then again, it is only Mary and Sophie right now. Unless Ryan’s patrol goes poorly, but it probably won’t. Besides, Mary had texted Ryan about wanting some one-on-one time to suss Sophie out. Sophie’s a great person, but she might need to come around to Ryan wearing the suit.
Mary uncorks the wine bottle on the coffee table and gives a generous pour into the two stemless glasses. It’s a rosè, which is the perfect drink for a casual conversation. It’s light, airy, and has absolutely no chance of worms or poison in the bottom.
Sophie eyes her glass a moment before picking it up anyway. “Honestly?” She chuckles. “I have less questions now.”
“Really?” Mary settles back into the couch. “Because I won’t judge you if you do. It’s a lot to take in.” Mary’d wanted to rip the suit right off of Ryan the first time that she saw Ryan in it. Granted, at the time, they’d still been trying to find Kate, and a stranger was wearing Mary’s sister’s secret vigilante costume.
Sophie swirls her glass. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m still processing the Ryan Wilder of it all, but… well, it all makes sense now.” She leans forward, her elbows finding the tops of her knees as she pitches towards Mary. “Before last week, I couldn’t understand why Ryan was suddenly everywhere. Sure, she worked at the bar, but then you were roommates out of nowhere. You went from zero to….” Sophie snorts into her wine glass.
Mary laughs too, but she doesn’t quite get why. It’s like they’re playing Never Have I Ever all over again. “Zero to what? I want in on the joke.”
Sophie shakes her head though. Her eyebrows pull together like she’s still puzzling something. Then she gives in, and her voice still has a hint of that humor as she finishes, “Zero to U-haul.” Mary chokes on the air in her lungs. Sophie raises her glass in a silent toast. “So, the Batwoman thing — makes a lot more sense than you suddenly having a girlfriend.”
Mary’s cheeks flush. Leave it to the lesbian to assume Mary’s hiding her sexuality. “A secret girlfriend is much more your speed.” Wait, is that rude? “Uh, no offense.”
Sophie takes a swig of wine. “None taken. You’re right. So, tell me more about working with Ryan.”
Mary smiles. This, she can do. She could talk about Ryan for hours. “She’s amazing. I mean, you know, you’ve seen her. She totally fills out the suit. Like it suits her and not the other way around. You’d think that it wouldn’t, but she really makes it her own.”
“Right, with the wig.”
“With everything!” Mary drinks some more. “She really gets this city, you know? Everything we’re doing with the Center is all Ryan’s idea. She came up with the plan, and she has these rules that we follow as the Bat Team! No killing, no working with Crows — again, no offense. Er, well,” Mary tilts her head to the side, “some offense. You guys have an awful track record at this point.”
Sophie takes another drink. “So you tell me.”
“But we also do team building exercises. It’s mostly us playing Taboo, and Luke getting really tired of us. Ryan’s so great. It’s like we don’t even have to say anything to know what the other is thinking. And even though she’s the boss, and she’s the leader, it’s like we’re really working side by side to make Gotham the place we always wanted it to be. The Center’s only the start. She has ideas about upgraded transitional shelters for people experiencing homelessness, and expanding the clinic if we get enough resources. She listened to my whole pitch about what we would need to do it, and asked questions, and— what?”
Sophie’s staring at Mary. Staring hard, but soft at the same time.
Mary swipes a hand across her cheek. “Is something on my face?”
Sophie shakes her head. “No, it’s nothing.” She drinks again, but her brows stay furrowed.
“Sophie, come on. Whatever it is, you can tell me.” Maybe hearing about all the good that Ryan wants is too much for Sophie right now. Mary can wait. It’s not like she’ll run out of good stuff to say.
“It’s the way you talk about her,” Sophie says finally. That softness is there again. A gentle touch in her voice. “Between that and your ‘kinda sexy’ comment yesterday… I don’t know, Mary, it just sounds like you have a crush.”
“A crush?” Mary repeats. “On Ryan?” She scoffs. “Hate to break it to you, Sophie, but I am straight. Like so straight. Like—”
Sophie puts her hands up in a silent casual defense. She drops them a moment later. “You don’t have to convince me. I believe you.”
“Thank you!” Mary flops back into the couch. Her head bounces just a bit on the top of it. Her curls smush, and she sinks down so that the thought can hopefully follow it out of her head.
She knows what sexy is. She can identify that something could be attractive without actually being attracted to said thing. There are all the different types of attraction. She ran a course on gender and sexuality for the doctors and volunteers at her clinic to make sure that everyone was on the same page in how to properly treat people that the medical field did not always regard with respect. She would know if she had a crush on Ryan.
Wouldn’t she?
Sophie sets her wine onto the coffee table. “It’s a tale as old as time. ‘Straight’ girl meets somebody that she just has to know, wants to spend all her time with her, starts wearing her clothes….” Sophie and Mary both look down at the color-block jacket that Mary’s wearing — Ryan’s color-block jacket.
“Okay, but we live together,” Mary reasons. Roommates borrow each other’s clothes. It’s not like she’s taking her crush’s jacket so that she has an excuse to see Ryan again. She can see Ryan whenever she wants. She does see Ryan whenever she wants. She can’t even count the number of times she’s come back from an awful shift, walked into Ryan’s room, and flopped down onto the bed beside her.
Her bed’s not softer than Mary’s. Mary obviously cared a lot more about her rest than Kate did, so Mary’s mattress is a dream. But Ryan’s room smells like a dialed down greenhouse. It smells alive and hopeful and earthy in a way that instantly calms Mary down. And when Mary’s having a really rough day, Ryan will put a pillow in her lap and run her hands through Mary’s hair until she stops seeing whatever gruesome wounds that she’s spent the last few hours dealing with. That’s not a crush. That’s… comfort. Intimacy. A deep, deep starvation for physical touch after a lifetime of parental neglect.
Friends can be affectionate. Friends can want to be close to each other.
She wants to be close to Luke. And to Sophie! She would love to curl up next to Sophie right now. Though, the more that Mary thinks about curling up with Sophie, the more she recognizes that it wouldn’t be the same as cozying up to Ryan. Ryan’s basically her same size. She’s got this warmth that radiates from her cheeks and her chest, and she hums songs and asks Mary to guess which song it is. Mary’s awful at this game, by the way. She usually ends up giving up, or drifting off to sleep while Ryan’s clearly picking songs that Mary — as someone who did not grow up in a Black household — did not grow up with.
(The one time Mary used that as a defense, Ryan had pointed out that Ryan didn’t grow up in a Black household either. Ryan grew up in a mismatch of cultures and identities in group homes before Mama Cora found her in high school. They’d made up for lost time with plenty of Miss Anita Baker and all the classics that Ryan had missed out on. The rest of Ryan’s cultural education came from other Black students and friends who’d either clowned her for not knowing a reference, or rushed to show her what their parents told them. It hadn’t been as simple as a natural osmosis for Ryan to feel at home with some of the cultural references around her.)
(Mary had whispered that it wasn’t easy for her either. Not with her mom working all the time and the rest of her Korean-American family out of reach. “There weren’t many Korean people in Gotham.” An understatement, but Ryan had leaned down and pressed a kiss to the crown of Mary’s head to comfort her. Sadness Mary hadn’t even known was still there had welled up. Liquified into tears that slipped onto Ryan’s pillow.)
(“It was—” Her breath had caught in her throat. The tears smeared her vision, which was fine, since all she could see from this angle were Ryan’s plants by the window anyway. “It was so lonely sometimes. And my dad…. With Kate… And Alice….” She couldn’t finish a single sentence. All the tears turned to sobs, and the sobs turned into this soul-clenching pressure in her chest.)
(Ryan had curled around Mary then. An arm found its way under Mary’s knees and softly tugged her into a tighter ball in Ryan’s lap. Ryan rocked them, whispered again and again, “It’s okay. Let it out. I got you. I’m here, Mary. I’m here.”)
Mary gulps now. “Ryan is….” She’s Mary’s roommate. Mary’s best friend. She’s the one who got Mary through losing Kate and who welcomed Mary onto the Bat Team. She’s the first person Mary calls whenever anything happens and literally the only person Mary could entrust The Hold Up to. She’s Batwoman, and…. And Mary has no idea what she would do without Ryan at this point. But it’s not like Mary wants to kiss Ryan. Just look at Ryan.
Look at Ryan in those ridiculous flannel shirts. She has twelve. Not including jackets. And she’s a woman, which is not Mary’s type. Mary hasn’t been super successful with her previous type, but they definitely have certain characteristics that Ryan does not. They don’t walk around in fluffy robes that they bought to spite their ex-girlfriends, or wake up super early after a late shift to use the workout bike that Mary still has never actually tried riding. They don’t make Mary sweet potato pancakes and encourage her to try out cooking on her off nights for stress relief. They don’t make her feel like home. They don’t…. Shit.
The lowest groan that Mary has ever done in her life grumbles out of her.
Sophie pops her lips. “There it is.”
Mary squeezes her eyes shut. “You’re not right. I don’t — I can’t — it’s Ryan.” She can’t fall for her best friend! She doesn’t have a backup bestie. “Besides!” Mary pops up to tell Sophie, “I have never once wanted to kiss her.”
Sophie raises an eyebrow in the smoothest, most silent way to ask, Are you sure?
(Mary got them breakfast the next morning. She couldn’t do the sweet potato pancakes, but she knew the right cafe to get Ryan’s favorite vegan chorizo burrito. She got back just as Ryan was finishing up a shower and called out, “Breakfast!”)
(Steam followed Ryan out of her bedroom. The tips of her hair dripped softly onto her shirt, just above her chest, and Mary couldn’t stop glancing down at it. Normally, she would’ve been able to, but that morning…. Ryan snatched up her burrito and flopped down onto the couch. On the first bite, Ryan let out a soft moan that somehow carried straight over to Mary. Maybe Mary made the wrong food choice? If the burrito was that good, and Mary could feel it, then she needed some of what Ryan was having.)
(“You’re brilliant,” Ryan said. Then she locked eyes with Mary and gestured with her burrito. “Anyone who would ever leave you behind is a dumbass. Full offense to the entire Hamilton-Kane family.” Ryan dug in for another bite, and Mary’s heart swelled in her chest. She couldn’t even smile with how full she felt. How warm and safe and loved. God, she loved Ryan. She really, really could spend the rest of her life like this.)
(Ryan’s face scrunched up. “Stop looking at me like that. I don’t care how hungry you look. I’m not sharing.”)
(Mary faked an outraged gasp. She wasn’t even hungry. Not anymore, not really. Still, she threw herself onto the couch beside Ryan. “I paid for it! Give me a bite!” Ryan squirmed away, and Mary had to cling to the curve of Ryan’s back to try and reach for the good. “Come on! Ryan!”)
(If Ryan was a guy, this is when Mary would’ve kissed him. Would’ve peppered his head and his cheeks and his nose with kisses until he turned just enough for her to kiss his full lips and suck his tongue into her mouth. To lose every bit of resistance in the soft brush of her hands, and the gentle curls of Ryan’s hair beneath her fingers. Ryan’s teeth nipping at her bottom lip, then her neck, then—)
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!” Mary sinks even deeper into the couch. Then shoots up at the reminder of the memory of wanting to kiss Ryan on this exact freaking couch. She turns her wide eyes to Sophie. “What am I going to do?”
Sophie clicks her tongue. “Nope, I want nothing to do with that. Whatever happens there is between you and Ryan.”
“But what if….” Mary loses her words in a squeak. What if she doesn’t know what she wants to happen? What if she doesn’t want anything to happen? What if she’ll be totally fine, going about her business, continuing her life where she gets to occasionally cuddle up with her best friend in their apartment? Maybe she doesn’t need anything more than that. She’s made it this far, and she didn’t even know she had any sort of feelings, or attraction. She can keep on going now. She can be normal.
Not normal meaning straight, just normal meaning Mary’s normal state. Which was straight. Is straight?
Mary groans. “I hate my life.”
Sophie reaches for the wine bottle and fills Mary’s glass up to the brim. “Look on the bright side — at least you know who she is. No secret identities, or clandestine rendezvous. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.”
“I am apparently into a lot of things I didn’t know,” Mary mumbles.
Sophie sighs. “It’s not that different, and for you, maybe it’s not different at all. Maybe….” Sophie glances around the loft. Mary follows her eyes as they bounce from the wine to the hallway to the silly bat wall decals that Ryan got from Party City and put near the TV. Sophie nods her head, as she finds her words. “Ryan loves Halloween.”
“Stick with me.” Sophie points to the bats, then the tiny plastic pumpkins from the checkout section of Target. “Ryan loves Halloween. She decorates the whole house around it because she loves it so much. But me, I grew up in a strict Christian household where Halloween was not what we did. We did Christmas. And you….”
Mary follows again. “We did a mix. Christmas and Hanukkah.”
Sophie winces. “Okay, a mix of holidays. You’re not strictly a one holiday kind of girl. And that’s fine.”
Mary glances back to the Halloween decorations. “So, in this metaphor—”
“It might be time to celebrate Halloween. Maybe you’ll love it. Maybe you’ll hate it. But it’s October now, so, get a costume, grab a pumpkin, and tell her how you feel.”
Okay. Mary can do that. Mary can totally do that. If she can handle Alice imploding her entire life in front of the whole world, then she can tell her roommate that she has a crush on her.
When she’s ready.
“Can we, uh, work our way up to Halloween? I feel like I’m still hearing fireworks.”
Sophie grins at her. “Of course. We’ll go at your speed. And if you have any questions?”
Mary picks back up her wine glass and knocks back nearly half of it. “I’ll ask you. Or Parker. She’s incredibly knowledgeable for a teenager.” She probably wouldn’t use such convoluted metaphors either. It’s a win-win really. Great, last time Mary saw Parker, they were watching the lesbian drama; now Mary will be a part of it. Ugh. "I'm never living this down, am I?"
"Oh, absolutely not. Hey, Mary?" Sophie waits until Mary's turned her steadily narrowing gaze to her. "Never have I ever had a crush on Batwoman."
Mary flips Sophie off.
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A list of all the films, series and web series that have been recommended as hidden must sees during isolation and beyond. 
Note: I have divided them into films with happy endings or not, series that haven’t finished so the exact ending is unknown I have put an asterisk (*) next to
Note 2: the descriptions are a mixture of my own and of the reviews I was sent by anons
She gets the girl
A Date For Mad Mary, 2016 (needs a date for a wedding, more about her complicated reconnecting with friends after prison but romance is cute)
Almost Adults, 2016 (centers around the broader themes of growing up and friendship but one of them is a giant gay. There is a happy ending for both the gay one and the straight one, gotta give the straights some food because they so rarely get fed)
Anne+, 2018* (Dutch webseries with fresh and new vibes with a great mid-twenties actress about mid-twenties gay lives. Everyone in it is LGBTQ+ yet nothing about it is LGBTQ+, it’s all just treated as natural and normal)
Bound, 1996 (you can't beat the lesbian noir classic which should one day be inducted into the lesbian hall of fame)
But I’m A Cheerleader, 1999 (camp and a lot of fun despite the very serious themes, starring Natasha Lyonne- one of the gayest straights out there)
Carmilla, 2014-16 (webseries based on the groundbreaking 19th century book. Some great chemistry and a lot of breaking of the fourth wall)
Carol, 2015 (Cate Blanchett movie based on the book The Price of Salt which caused issue when it was realised in 1952 because it gave its lovers a open ended happy ending)
Couple-Ish, 2015-16 (cute Canadian web series, bit on the nose but important gay, bi and enby rep)
Desert Hearts, 1985 (the looks, the emotions, the gorgeousness of them both, the chemistry, oh god it was so good. Vivian Bell deserves all the orgasms)
Elisa Y Marcela, 2019 (A Spanish film based on the true story of two women who got married with one of them pretending to be a man in 1901. A tearjerker but ultimately their love is stronger than the adversaries they face)
Entre Nous, 1983 (a French 1983 film which has Jews & Nazi's but doesn't end in complete horror. There are straights who think it’s a friendship but we know better)
Fingersmith, 2005 (BBC drama based on a book by Sarah Waters)
Fried Green Tomatoes, 1991 (based on a more obvious book, they’re sold as best friends but if you know you know)
Fucking Åmål, 1998 (one of the first films aimed at teenagers about two girls falling in love and getting together.)
Getrieben, 2018 (they're ex's and share a dog and then maybe they're not so ex anymore)
I Can't Think Straight, 2008 (cute romantic comedy adapted from a novel about a London-based Jordanian of Palestinian descent preparing for a wedding before events take a gay turn)
If These Walls Could Talk 2, 2000 (some happy and some sad endings in this film which portrays three generations of lesbian storylines from the same house)
Imagine Me and You, 2004 (not my fav but a classic and has Queen Cersei playing a wlw)
Kyss Mig, 2011 (heart eyes, a lovely film, does have maybe a bit too much man in it but he's gone when we get to the nitty gritty)
Our Love Story, 2016 (Korean, subtle nuanced relationship story)
Rosebud, 1996 (a channel 4 short with Julie Graham and questionable fashion choices. Who needs words when you can have such tantalising and vivid visuals? Teeny bit of man but it's fitting in the particular setting and its very fleeting, although admittedly nude)
Saving Face, 2004 (romantic comedy which had less of an impact that Imagine Me and You due to lesser known actors and probably partly to do with race- the main characters are Chinese-American. But it's a gorgeous movie that has a lot more than just rom com elements. The Half Of It is by the same director.
Sjukt Oklar, 2018* (very Swedish, very lesbian, very very funny)
Supervoksen, 2006 (Danish teenage coming of age type thing)
The Carmilla Movie, 2017 (based on the webseries but still accessible to those that haven’t watched it. Quite sweet and the actresses seem very comfortable with each other. Plus there is a great sex scene in it where the muscles on one of the girl’s back are especially sexy)
The World Unseen, 2007 (period film during South Africa's apartheid era with great chemistry)
The Handmaiden, 2016 (extremely nsfw but its got some incredibly powerful meaning to it especially the final sex scene with the bells. It's also incredibly shot and the sex scenes were done very sensitively on set with only women around and the director even in another room.)
Thelma, 2017 (a supernatural thriller about a girl starting college who suddenly starts getting seizures but they don’t know why and she has a female love interest)
Tipping The Velvet, 2002 (BBC series, also has a Victorian era strap on in it and Keeley Hawes, what's not to love?)
When Night is Falling, 1995 (An uptight and conservative woman, working as a literacy professor, finds herself attracted to a free-spirited, liberal woman who works at a local carnival. It’s got quite a lot of a boyfriend in it so its not for everyone.)
Yes or No, 2010 (literally a ‘and they were roommates’ movie as well as an enemies to lovers plot)
Zwischen Sommer Und Herbst, 2018 (coming of age elements, does have a man involved especially at the beginning, who happened to be the brother of one of the girls, but overall it was okay, no lesbians die and it doesn't end in abject misery)
She doesn’t get the girl but neither does the trope
Aimée and Jaguar, 1999 (based on a true story. Beautiful but painful, it’s a Jew falling for a German housewife in Nazi Germany, hence its sad as hell ending)
Bloomington, 2010 (coming of age, teacher student thing which walks that line relatively well without being too icky)
Freeheld, 2015 (an extremely powerful and important story to tell)
Gia, 1998 (Angelina Jolie gets it on with Elizabeth Mitchell in a moving film about model and lesbian Gia Carangi)
Kontrola, 2019* (a masterpiece of a mini web series with a great soundtrack, aesthetic and storyline. Season 2 may present a better future for them)
Mädchen in Uniform, 1931 (German cult classic almost entirely produced by women. Sexual awakening/teenage coming out of her shell stuff, there is also a 1958 redo which is okay. She doesn’t get the girl but it’s still a positive portrayal of sexuality where the object of desire isn't disgusted or weirded out by it)
My Summer of Love, 2004 (At first glance a coming of age movie, but has a lot of phycological elements too. Emily Blunt with a girl, not happy but no lesbians die)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire, 2019 (spell-bounding french film with amazing rawness and visuals. One of my best cinematographic experiences ever)
Reaching for the Moon, 2017 (the love story of the poet Elizabeth Bishop and the architect Soares in the 60s)
Snapshots, 2018 (sad ending but great chemistry with no closed mouthed straight girl kisses)
Summertime, 2015 (French lesbian movie- dare I say more? Sad but no deaths)
The Hunger, 1983 (a gothic cult classic, vampires, its got David Bowie, Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve in it)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post, 2018 (she doesn’t get the girl because there is no girl, but she does begin to find and accept herself. Based on a highly recommendable book by the same name)
Viola di Mare, 2009 (depressing as hell but beautiful to look and the couple have some good chemistry)
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A Taste for Something Younger  - Polly Grey Headcannon
Omg I love the Ada roommate headcanon! Could you do the same for Polly? Maybe with a woman a little older/same age as Ada (because we accept age gaps in this household) and her and Polly actually get together in the end? I'd die for that ( @vikingsxf​ )
this idea gave me a big gay hard on and honestly I'm so glad you had it; Polly doesn't get enough love. Ive gone for a younger (Ada age) reader because we definitely support a healthy age gap relationship and i just want to pretend its me who's with polly so. ALSO THIS IS A BIT SMUTTY JUST A LITTLE BIT BUT JUST A WARNING OKAY BABES 
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you and Ada had been friends since she started at the library
you both had a lot in common and she would tell you about her crazy relatives which always kept you entertained
obviously you had no clue that the Ada Throne you knew was actually thee Ada Shelby 
when you finally do meet her brother in one of his unannounced visits to her flat its a massive shock that your besties family are the notorious Shelby's 
she brings you out to meet the other brothers and John and Arthur both take a liking to you
when Finn tells Polly about Adas new friend from the city who is breaking hearts all over Birmingham she doesn't really have much to think 
i mean it wouldn't be the first time the shelby boys lost their heads over a girl (especially dumb and dumber) and it probably won't be the last
but when she gets the pleasure of meeting you she can't help but understand why the lads lost their heads
you're stunning, not just physically 
you're mind is almost too wise for your years
“you've got an old soul” 
“thank you, Mrs Gray”
“its Miss, and call me Pol”
you're around a lot
you help in the office with the other women and come for drinks when Tommys in a good mood and feels like having the gang out
Polly’s sass making an impression
you're really intimidated by her because she's just this all knowing mature lady who is also really stunning 
she invites you and ada over to have a girly evening 
you literally don't want to go
anxious as hell
i feel like Polly is one of those people that gives off this no bullshit vibe, so you're scared to even chat to her just incase you say the wrong thing
dressing to impress by buying a new outfit and feeling like a fool for it
its the first thing Polly notices when she sees you 
“you look ravishing don't you”
literally blushing all over
stumbling on your words
Ada has no clue whats going on and is so confused
maybe even a little jealous? why are you swooning over her auntie so much 
Ada gets a surprise phone call and has to leave and you are wanting to leave with her but Polly all nah stay 
this is the (best) WORST CASE SCENARIO PEOPLE 
in her HoUSE
getting drunk to hide the fear but then also getting loose lipped
chatting absolute beans with her and she can't stop laughing at you 
Because she loves that you're a bit scared of her but seeing a more bold side of you kinda turns her on
the drinking night becomes a weekly thing
you start to relax into Polly presence 
seeking comfort in your time in her home 
Ada doesn't even get an invite anymore
getting drunk together and her listening while you babble on about literally the most random topics ever
you get two whiskies in and start telling her all the facts you know about giraffes or the fall of the Berlin wall
and she just loves to sit and watch you 
insane tension 
a lot of staring 
touching but nothing that would cross the friendship line, flirting with it though 
her doing you makeup and telling you about the wild things she's done 
that almost so close you could kiss but without the kiss tension when she's in your face putting your lipstick on
she says you look good in red, which you don't believe but at this point she could tell you you looked good in a teletubbie costume and a bitch would be dressed head to toe as Lala
she sees you start to push your comfort zones and she loves it 
the new found confidence makes her horny as hell
Jealous Ada is more jealous when she sees you walking round in Polly’s shade of lipstick 
“she must really like you to let you borrow that” - but its LACED IN GAY ANGST BECAUSE WTF HOW DID HER AUNT STEAL YOU 
i feel like you make the first move 
which isn't something you or Polly expected
like you've both been drinking all night and for some reason you start doing vodka shots
and this is the good shit vodka were stalking russian standard pissed off your tits shit love
and you watch her neck those shots like she's getting paid by the hour
and you just 
walk stumble right on over there and fall into her lap 
grab that sexy face in both hands and give her the softest kiss she's ever had in her life
it feels like her first kiss ever
which is saying something because you betcha that womans had a lot of kisses
polly doesnt know how to respond she's SHOOK 
she doesn't even close her eyes she's like 
literally frozen in shock 
pulling straight back
suddenly all that drunk confidence is gone and you're hit with that crippling anxiety you get when you've done something wrong and been caught for it 
Polly grabbing a fist full of your hair and pulling you back down 
she's not even clumsy when she's drunk like you are this woman is EXPERIENCED
lip biting oh my christ 
not that pussyass nibbling but actual biting 
and tongue 
and i mean after that loves theres no going back really is there
finding your confidence again or maybe just horniness and drifting your hand under her skirt
your newfound confidence surprises her but she refuses to let you know that because hello she's Polly fucking Gray 
“dont start something you can't finish, little dove”
“do you want me to stop?”
“i didn't say that”
leaving her panting and sweating, lipstick smudged and clinging to the arms of the chair
i mean once it happens once its a common occurrence loves
not that either of you are complaining 
not just sex but dates in her living room by the fire
walks together arm and arm 
nobody really thinks to much of seeing her and you together, either assuming you're just one of the boys girlfriends or that you're her niece or something 
and they couldn't be more wrong but their ignorance is bliss
she loves how young you make her feel
and you love how much she takes care of you
i feel like maybe she's a little nervous of baring all to you; physically and mentally
her body is slightly more mature than yours, things aren't as new and shiny as yours may be; i feel like she’d take some reassurance maybe before she knew that you wouldn't just leave her for someone your own age
not that Polly is one to doubt her self worth but she feels like maybe she's just a phase for you 
you wouldn't want her any other way though; you love her body and lets be real we all do too 
she takes even longer to be open about her memories and past
i feel like she slowly but surely reveals more and more about her private life until she can finally trust you with the complete story 
the rest of the shelbys know better than to question Polly on her personal choices; but they are happy to see the carefree woman they remember from when they were young 
even salty Ada can see the happiness you bring out in her, although she doesn't want to admit it to herself
Polly buys lingerie for you all the time 
being bratty and flashing your bra strap to her in public places 
or grabbing her hand and running it under your dress until she can feel the lace of your underwear when you're both out in the Garrison 
she has this “wait until i get you home” look that you'll do anything to provoke 
she teases you until you beg for her to let you finish as punishment 
“you see what you get for being naughty, y/n?”
she likes it when you ride her face, because although Polly is still in control she likes to put you in a position of power
and she likes to be able to see all of you when you're close to the edge
angry sex, because lets be real Polly can be a snappy little bitch and when you both get angry what better way is there to solve the issue than rough lesbian sex 
she loves your smile 
and your giggle
it makes her feel like a teenager all over again 
nobody really understands how you put up with such a intimidating, dominating woman everyday but they don't see cuddly Polly who likes to be little spoon 
she does her very best to keep you out of the family business and always will because you're one of the only people on earth Polly couldn't live without 
you often joke about how Polly would just move in after you but she knows that after you there would be nobody else for her
“without you my little doll, i couldn't be me” 
lots of lap sitting 
hair stroking  
the sweetest kisses; she tastes of cherry and whisky
she says you're like pink gin, sweet tasting and extremely intoxicating 
Polly had given up on love until she found you, and now she's got you best believe she will spend the rest of time she has on earth making sure she keeps you 
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Fic Recs/Mandatory Reading for Reddie fans
Here is an incomplete list of some of my favorite Reddie fics on ao3, because i cannot get over the sheer talent of this fandom’s wonderful writers! A lot of these are the Greatest Hits that you’ll find on almost every fic list, but that’s why I consider them mandatory reading. like if you haven’t read some of these, what are you doing?
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg, rated M
the 27 years in between, but better because richie and eddie stay together. every time i think of this fic, i think of that lady gaga meme where she’s like “brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, etc” and maybe it’s bc this is one of the first reddie fics i ever read, but this one is always gonna be my favorite
broken record by spunknbite, rated E
the mother of all time loop fics. every reddie veteran gets chills at the phrase “the house on Neibolt was still standing”
literally everything by stitchy
like seriously just clear a few days bc you’re not gonna want to stop reading this author once you start. no other author has made me literally fucking cackle in one paragraph and sob in the next like this one, pls do yourself a favor and devour all their works like i did 
the night we met (take me back) by camerasparring, rated E
ch2 fix-it where eddie shows up at richie’s door alive and with no memory. great slow burn with a wonderfully conflicted richie, 10/10
let’s hear it for my baby! series by cloudings, rated E
OOOOOOOHHH boy! a modern teen!reddie grindr AU that’s both steamy AND sweet?? more like a fucking blessing amen hallelujah
a heart that laughter has made sweet by marjaani, rated E
another lovely teen!reddie fic that’s got it all! sweet, stupid boys, humor, a teeny bit of angst, and some 5-alarm fire smut with some top eddie, as a treat
keep talking. i’ll keep walking toward the sound of your voice. by theappleppielifestyle, rated T
angst with a happy ending is my favorite, and this one is just fantastic. so sweet, so sad! and stan is featured as eddie’s afterlife buddy and idk about y’all but i cannot get enough of stanley uris in my reddie fics. read this, then read all this author’s reddie fics, they’re all amazing
collateral by loosecannon, sheepknitssweater, rated E
a post-ch2 fic that i guess could be classified as fix-it, BUT with some very interesting twists. they beat the clown, everyone lives, but no one really gets the tropey happy ending. the WIP sequel is also incredible and i live for the updates.
the greater fool  series by mischiefmanager, mostly rated T with some E
this is a series i’ll reread a lot bc it’s so fucking good. follows young reddie into early adulthood, mostly a bunch of cute shit where they figure out themselves and their relationship. also contains the single best teen reddie fic in existence, he came in through the window, but reading the whole series is a must
brokeback derry and everything else by Amuly, rated E
27 years in between, richie and eddie reconnect in their 20s and meet back up in derry twice a year to remember and love each other before going back to their lives and forgetting. so much pain. there’s a lot of sweet stuff in there, but you can see shit’s gonna get complicated from miles away and the anticipation almost gave me stomach ulcers (in a good way). ultimate angst with a happy ending.
let me name the stars for you by playedwright, rated M
speaking of angst with a happy ending...Martian AU!!!!! this one fucked me up in the best way, i literally called my roommate at 2am to vent to her about my emotions after reading it. i go back and reread chapter 8 just to be overwhelmed by it, and it makes me cry every time. plus, there are awesome sequels/companion pieces in the series! read this, i beg you!
walk through fire for you by hyruling, rated T
unwind after all that angst with some cute, drunk, confused eddie being very upset when he finds out richie is engaged. richie only teases him a little before pointing out the matching ring on eddie’s finger. 
in the heat of the summer (you're so different from the rest) by kaboomslang, rated E
post-ch2 slow burn with tags that really say it all, including but not limited to: eddie moves to california and richie is a mess, Eddie Kaspbrak’s Hot Girl Summer, and cute middle aged man dates
pivotal moments by danfanciesphil, polypocket, rated E
high school reddie has a sort of fwb thing goin on, but emotions get in the way. featuring wonderful bevchie friendship, hella miscommunication, cute double dates, high eddie, and a happy ending
like a bullet in the back by jerry_duty, rated M
adult idiots in love! a personal favorite trope of mine! slow burn with a fair helping of angst but a really great ending. richie stays with eddie in new york while he’s there on business, and it takes these losers SO LONG to figure it out but the way they dance around it is very cute
no sense of living without aim [WIP] by liesmyth, rated E
richie and eddie meet on grindr in the 27 years between and hey, whadda ya know, they fall in love! i really love this fic but i’m pretty sure it’s been abandoned. i’ve had it open on my phone browser for like 3 months with no update but i still check it regularly bc i’m pathetic and this fic is just so good i’m DYING to know what happens next so read at ur own risk
a strange sense of familiarity [WIP] by Katranga, rated E
another “they meet and fall in love without remembering” fic, and even though it’s not complete yet, it gets regular updates. oh, also, i’m obsessed with it. they’re long distance fuck buddies who can’t admit they’re in love, and then they get hit with the childhood memories! and everyone lives! what’s not to love!  also PLEASE read kisses take like mint and every other reddie work by this author, they are all fantastic
adult friends by sudowoodo, rated T
AU where adult reddie meet at a first aid seminar for work (immediately fall in love), become friends, become best friends, and finally get to be happy. has some super repressed eddie and intensely pining richie, which is always fun, and genuinely made me laugh out loud. also please check out this author’s other reddie fics, there’s some super sweet kid reddie in there that really warms the heart
the mind's a funny fruit by joldiego, rated T
eddie wakes up barely alive in derry, has 0 memory, calls himself richie, and moves in with some lesbians. an absolute must read that ought to be on every reddie fic rec compilation. i read this a long time ago and just thinking about it makes me want to read it again.
now what i'm gonna say may sound indelicate [WIP] by IfItHollers, rated E
it took me entirely too long to find this fic since i joined the fandom, and it’s truly a fucking masterpiece. it’s almost at 200k now and still unfinished, and the slow burn is excruciating, but this is a legendary fic for a reason. eddie spends the first chunk of this fic in the hospital recovering from the massive chest wound, and then he and richie move the recovery to ben’s cabin in the woods. the author’s notes for each chapter are a story in themselves
signs of a new lifetime by swordfishtrombones, rated T
one of the sweetest, most romantic reddie fics i’ve ever read. a fresh take on a classic concept: post-ch2, they’re in love, they haven’t said/done anything about it yet, BUT!!! it’s not angsty! they are all cute and giggly like “you say it first!” “no, you say it first!” and it makes me fucking MELT
broadcasting tower by swordfishtrombones, rated E
back-to-back recs from the same author! bc i love these fics so much! sort of similar to the last one in that they both know what’s up and just haven’t said it, but this one’s got the angst! i didn’t know when i read it that it was the same author as the other fic, and i thought how funny, i found another reddie author that perfectly captures this pair in such a wonderfully romantic way! i also just noticed there’s a follow up to this so now i have to go read that immediately
eurydice; the original comeback kid by Vulcanodon, rated M
for the love of god please read this and the other work in this series. it’s a ch-2 fix-it with some intense action sequences and major pining, and it has haunted me since i first read it
love on the telephone by tempestbreak, rated E
okay this one is really just 30k of pure smut but it’s also so sweet and features a mini sexual awakening for eddie and some insecure richie with an emphasis on how much they love and trust each other. also it doesn’t hurt that the smut is fire, like does anyone else want that twink obliterated, or is it just me?
the boy who loves you by candlejill, rated E
eddie lives, richie confesses, things are chill and then they’re not. richie’s career flourishes, which is always nice to read and is what ultimately catalyzes eddie’s gay awakening and realization of his love for richie. it’s got some sad angsty parts and a very sweet ending, and it up there as one of my favorite reddie fics of all time
richie and eddie break up [WIP] by skeilig, rated M
a refreshing and realistic take on life ch-2 for the losers, because being in love at thirteen doesn’t mean you can fall into a perfect relationship at 40. i’ll admit, i’m hoping this will ultimately be a “richie and eddie get back together” fic, but it’s still a very good read (and often very funny in the second chapter) at the moment in the midst of their break up
september 1989 and everything else by pineapplecrushface, rated T
cute kid reddie figuring it out and making me smile. the follow up to this and the after derry series by this author are also personal favorites
go west by ssstrychnine, rated T
road trip fic! an absolute work of art slow burn with teen reddie in the 90s. it’s so beautifully written i just wish i could go back and read it for the first time again
the edification of eddie kaspbrak by tozier, rated M
character study with some incredible fucking prose, my lord it gorgeous. explores how eddie learns about love as he grows up, and it’s super fucking sad sometimes bc the poor boy doesn’t know how to have the things he wants and i just want to give him a hug, but it’s really a spectacular fic
circular motion by sinchronicity, rated M
soulmate!AU that follows book canon and even though it’s been a long time since i’ve read it and the details are fuzzy, i remember absolutely loving it and thinking it was incredible
tell me you know by RichiesToesHurt, rated E
college losers with some severely pining and jealous richie with a lovely ending 
predicament bondage [WIP] by dgalerab, rated E
i resisted reading this fic for so long, recently broke and binged all of it, and now i’m like frothing at the mouth for updates. richie’s a closeted actor/comedian who meets eddie, a professional Dom, when he needs help researching a role. they become friends, they develop crushes, richie realizes he’s a sub, and it’s just so much fun to read
there’s a lot more fics to rec so i might add on to this in the future, but in the meantime my biggest tip for for reading fanfiction that took me embarrassingly long to figure out: focus on the authors! if you read something you like, check out the rest of the work by that author bc odds are you’ll like that too. i mentioned it in a few specific works above, but check out the authors catalogues for these fics. if i included every work by these authors that i loved, this list would be miles long
feel free to add on any great stuff i missed, there’s sure to be tons of it!
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shesclearlya3 · 4 years
i loved you first. p.1
pairing: Xavier Plympton x Reader
word count: 2,205
warnings: au! in present time, language, but okay can you imagine (not dead) Xavier THRIVING in 2020
not entirely proof-read. *title inspired by joan’s song*
part 1 | part 2 |  part 3 | part 4 | epilogue
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When you met Xavier Plympton, your relationship had been strictly platonic. You expected it to remain that way, despite the fact he was funny, empathetic, good looking, and at times, a little dumb, endearingly so.
So when you started to fall for him, you continually brushed it off.
Oh, it's just a phase, you'd think to yourself as Xavier sheepishly wiped down the kitchen after using the Ninja blender and not securing the lid tightly enough. Or the time he and his friend, Chet, spent hours in your cramped living room arguing because they couldn't figure out how to set up the Roku Xavier bought instead of paying for cable. You watched in amusement, sipping your smoothie, wrapped in your blanket until they finally figured it out.
The little things Xavier would do for you also did not help. He'd make your coffee in the morning, or make dinner on nights you'd run late or grab food on the way home, ready to pig out and watch Netflix. The little things you never thought would make you fall for someone, did. 
When your first anniversary of living together passed, Xavier bought a box of Capri-Suns and put some balloons in the living room when you arrived home from work. Your feet were aching, and you were ready to take a hot shower and curl up in bed. Xavier's infectious smile made you forget all of the seemingly endless bad things that had happened to you that day. 
Still, you continued to hide your true feelings. Xavier never indicated he felt the same for you, and you were afraid of getting in too deep just to become disappointed. 
It was like watching a Hallmark movie enfold in front of you when your best friends, Montana and Brooke soon realized you had feelings for him. 
"You should tell him, y/n," Brooke said, her eyes bright, she was quite the romantic. 
"Yeah, it's unfortunate watching you pine over him," Montana said, shrugging at you when you glared at her. "What? All I'm saying is that it's sad, and you deserve to be happy," she said. Brooke nodded in agreement. 
"And if he doesn't like me back? I might lose him for good," you said, pushing that wicked thought away as fast as it came. "I don't want to lose him."
Brooke and Montana shared a look before changing the subject. You still caught the glimpses they threw you throughout the evening.
That was last weekend, and now that Friday was slowly approaching, you anxiously watched as the clock ticked to the time your shift ended. Xavier wanted everybody to go out and have a good time tonight, and he claimed he was bringing along a "special guest." You immediately assumed it was Brooke's boyfriend, Ray, who was away for work and was supposed to be home a day early to surprise her. 
You were... kind of correct.
Ray was there, but so was another woman.
Who Xavier introduced as his girlfriend. 
The initial shock at his words quickly manifested on your face. It was more horrifying when not only Brooke and Montana looked at you, but Chet and Ray as well. You hid your face with your hair as Xavier proudly introduced his friends to the redhead who was clinging to his waist. 
"-and my roommate, y/n," he gestured to you with a grin.
You slowly waved at her, ignoring the sinking feeling in your belly as she slowly sized you up and down before smiling and waving back. For a quick second, you felt judged. Until you realized you had also checked her out for the simple fact of wondering what she had that you didn't. 
"Guys, this is Chloe," Xavier grinned down at her, before pressing a kiss to her head. 
"How long have you two been together?" Ray asked, throwing his arm around Brooke, who slid her eyes from yours. 
"About a month, huh babe?" Chloe smiled. 
Your mouth dropped open, looking at the couple in front of you as if they grew two heads. You lived with him, and Xavier never told you about her?  
How could you not know?
You continued to remain silent as everybody congratulated Xavier on his newfound romance. A part of you was angry; Xavier was one of your closest friends, you told him everything, and he did the same. For the most part.  
Had she been to your apartment? When you weren't home? When you were asleep? 
You were also angry that you seemed to miss all the signs. Plus, your heart had just been shattered into a million pieces, and the night had barely begun. 
Xavier followed the boys to the bar, promising to pay for the first round. Chloe stayed behind, sitting down in the booth with a sigh. Montana took your hand, giving you a reassuring smile as your eyes blinked back tears. 
"Aww, are you two dating?" Chloe asked, her eyes trained on your hands. You could hear her excitement. "I've always wanted lesbian friends!"
Montana smirked, squeezing you tighter. You gave her an alarmed look, but like always, Montana came through. "Only for this one, babe," she said. "Plus, we kind of only just met you, so."
You released Montana's hand, excusing yourself to go to the bathroom while Chloe started taking selfies for her Snapchat. Brooke went to find the boys as you walked to the nearest safe haven, keeping your head down. 
You didn't realize that Montana had followed you until you went to lock the door. She gave you a sad smile as she let it click shut, before locking it. For a bathroom at a bar, it was nicely cleaned and smelt like peppermint. 
"I didn't know if you wanted to be alone..." she whispered. 
"N-No, it's fine," you said, ripping out some paper towels to dry your eyes with. "I appreciate the company."
"If I had known, I would have told you about her, Xavier kept her from me too." 
"I just feel so stupid," you sniffled, turning on the water to wipe your eyes with. "To think Xavier would remain single forever until I grew a pair to tell him." 
"It's not your fault!" Montana interjected. 
You nodded to appease her, but deep down, you were still thinking of the redhead in the other room who was dating the person you loved most.
The night went with you sitting in the booth, watching all your friends dance and grind on each other. 
Brooke had an early shift the next day and eventually joined you, swearing off alcohol for the rest of the night. She wrapped her arm around your shoulder, causing you to tear up a little. 
Chloe seemed friendly, and you hated that. You wanted to find an excuse to hate everything about her, but it was almost impossible. She had tried talking to you about Xavier, but he pulled her up and away, and you had to stare at the table, so you didn't see them practically fucking through their clothes. 
It was the worst when your closest friends didn't seem to notice something was up. Or they pretended not too. The boys were clueless, and you probably needed to be thankful for that. Chet wasn't always the best with dealing with "girl problems," and Ray was currently drunk off his ass. Xavier just danced with Chloe and occasionally came back to the table to suck down his drink. 
One AM slowly came around, and you gathered your things, checking your phone to see it was close to dying. 
"I think I'm gonna go home." you leaned over as Brooke looked up from her own. She smiled at you, pulling you into a hug, which you gratefully returned.
 "Text me when you get there!" she said, saying a final goodbye as you slipped out of the booth. You shrugged on your light jacket, dodging the dancing bodies, and made your way to the entrance when an all too familiar hand gripped your arm. 
"Hey! Where are you going, y/n?" Xavier asked, pressing your hand to his chest like he always has. He didn't seem to be drunk yet. "The night's still young, babe!"
You frowned at him, loving his touch, but you pulled your hand from him. "I'm not feeling well, I'm going home!" you called out over the music, refusing to meet his eyes.
"I haven't seen you all night!" he said, a pout on his face. You wanted to throw Chloe into his face, but you knew better. He deserved to hang out with who he wanted. To date, who he wanted.
"Oh, yeah, you've been busy," you said. "I gotta go, Xav," you pulled yourself from his grasp completely before slipping the hood over your head as you walked outside to your car. 
When you got home, you texted your girls like you promised and slipped into the shower. You blared your favorite songs, crying when you needed to and fuming when you didn't. 
You're so naive, thinking Xavier Plympton could love you.
Don't be so harsh, you then scolded yourself. But at the same time, those words hung heavily over your heart until you crawled into bed, falling fast asleep. 
The next few days were somewhat average. You went to work, came home, spent time with Montana or Brooke when Xavier wasn't back at his usual time. 
You hadn't seen or heard anything from Chloe since the night you met her. 
Almost a week after the bar, you were surprised to find Xavier lounged on the couch, wrapped up in blankets. His cheeks were rosy, and he looked tired. Oh no.
Xavier Plympton had a fever every few months, it seemed. You had always been his designated caretaker since you met him. A part of you hoped that some things could still be the same, even with him having a girlfriend.
He smiled at the sight of you until you heard rustling in the kitchen. You set your bag down in your usual spot, "Xavier, is it another fe-,"
"Xavier! Baby, your tea is ready," Chloe chirped as she came in from the kitchen. She didn't glance at you as she walked to Xavier, holding your designated mug in her hands. 
"What kind?" Xavier piped up, sitting up just a bit. You continued winding down, using your ears instead of your eyes.
You fought the urge to snicker aloud. Xavier's favorite tea was peppermint, especially when he was sick. You could almost imagine the disgust on his face.
"Oh, thanks, babe," he said lamely. Xavier sat up, gently blowing on the steaming mug in his hands. Chloe sat in the only available chair, watching him with rapt interest. You headed to your room, stripping from your work clothes, not realizing you were rushing just to run back out there. 
You're not going to spy on them!
YES, I AM! You snickered to yourself, slipping on your pajamas before brushing out the tangled knots in your hair. 
Xavier had laid back down when you came out, watching reruns of Judge Judy while Chloe typed on her phone. Her brows were furrowed as she concentrated, and even then, she looked gorgeous. You chewed on your lip as you crawled on the floor towards Xavier, who smiled at you when you sat in front of him.
"Hey," he rasped.
"Hey, you," you pressed a hand to his forehead, instantly feeling the heat radiating from his skin. "When did this start?" 
Xavier shrugged, "I woke up this morning and felt like shit, I've been here all day," 
"Are you monitoring your temperature?" you asked.
"Are you staying, hydrated?"
"Did you wash your sheets?"
Xavier gave you a guilty yet charming smile. "No, I have not."
You laughed a bit, removing your hand from his forehead. "I'll do it for you," you glanced at the teacup on the coffee table, seeing it was barely touched. Chloe didn't seem to be paying you much mind, so you asked him if he'd like more tea. He nodded, almost aggressively as you stood up, promising to make his favorite. 
The rest of the night went like this: Chloe hounded Xavier about a few outfit choices she was debating for an important meeting at her job. You made Xavier some soup, opting to reheat your leftovers from the night before. Xavier drank two cups of peppermint tea, then dozed off, leaving an awkward silence between you and Chloe. She seemed attached to her phone, but you didn't mind. 
You watched television, still sitting in the same spot on the floor as Xavier softly snored in your ear. It wasn't until you were dozing off yourself that Chloe left, pressing a kiss to Xavier's hot forehead before leaving. 
You had changed and washed his bedsheets, but you knew it was pointless trying to move him into bed. When Xavier was sick, he slept like he was dead. You turned off the television and gathered his dirty dishes to place them in the sink. 
No matter what became of you and Xavier, or Xavier and Chloe, you knew some things would just never change. One of them is you would always care for Xavier, no matter what. 
*if you want to be added to the taglist, you know the drill.*
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shananigans402 · 3 years
1-65 will do, please. Thanks fuck face :)
I knew exactly who this was and I was so tempted to not reply, but your punishment is having to read through all my answers and remember them forever or you fail the friend test. To everyone else, please do not click unless you want to be very bored, my answers are not interesting lol
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1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Nope
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? Assuming 5 is the most, 1. Maybe 2. 
3. The person you would never want to meet? The person who sent me this (jk I’m excited for our eventual meet up where we hit up a strip club first thing 🙏)
4. What is your favorite word? I answered with ‘conniption’ the other day and still have not found a word I like more.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? Already answered this, fruit tree! I also like palm trees, maple trees, and willow trees. I know that’s not the question, I’m just saying random shit now.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? It took me a long while to remember where I was this morning. I honestly don’t remember, I was rushing to get ready for an early morning meeting.
7. What shirt are you wearing? My Orlando Strong shirt 
8. What do you label yourself as? Lesbian
9. Bright room or dark room? Bright room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping? Possibly checking on a feverish little beeb who was going through it with her second dose of the vaccine.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? No idea. I like various ages for different reasons, but this age so far is not bad. 
12. Who told you they loved you last? Probably my sister 🤷‍♀️
13. Your worst enemy? The person who sent this ask.
14. What is your current desktop picture? The apple pic of Catalina island that changes based on time of day (yes it’s the default, don’t judge me)
15. Do you like someone? Lol yeah I hope so 😂
16. The last song you listened to? Pretty Girl by Hayley Kiyoko 
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? Definitely @raginage
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I feel like I can only attack Raginage so many times. Can I pick a fictional character? This week I was real mad at Dave in The Darkness. BaBe!​
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? Lol no one, you’re talking to a person who feels very uncomfortable with anyone doing anything nice for them.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) Not this again. Last time I said eyes? Still no pics, sorry
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? What would I look like? Do I get to design myself like a sim? I honestly don’t know what I’d do because I doubt the world needs another clueless white man walking around, so maybe just stay at home. 
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? Nope. And my last answer to this was awful. I do think I have a fantastic ability to annoy my friends but in a way that’s just amusing/endearing enough to make them still want to talk to me 😌
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Unique? Uhm well my two big fears are confined spaces and deep water so a submarine is like my worst nightmare.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. Oh this is going to sound so odd. To be clear, I’ve had better sandwiches, but my go-to is provolone, turkey, roast beef, and spicy brown mustard or whole grain mustard. Please don’t judge me.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? Travel budget for future trips to visit my buds and get into trouble and eat food. I know $100 won’t go far, but it’s something.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Well, after my last answer I want to visit my friends! But there are too many people to visit and I only have one ticket. So change of plans. I’m going on a solo trip to Greece. Or Argentina. Or Iceland. Or Bali. Damn, I’m indecisive. 
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? Rabble red blend. Just a solid red wine. Also because @viola-lloyds stole my answer the other day (Juneshine; to be fair I asked her this question but whatever) and I don’t want to copy her.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Oh I answered this one, something about respecting others. Yeah, a nice rule like that. Want to establish some healthy communication on this island.
29. What is your favorite expletive? It’s still fuck
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? But what about my PLANTS. Can they count as loved ones? Probably my laptop, I know that’s lame but like...I have a lot of stuff on here. Or the collection of cards I have that my granddad drew little drawings in, I want to get them all framed.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? To be honest, I don’t know if I’d change big life events in case it altered the trajectory of where I ended up. So idk maybe the ending of Bly, let’s give those lesbians have a happy ending!
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Italy! But wait, let’s get back to this sleeping with celebrities and super-powers bit...
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? Oh that’s a really tough question. I always wanted to meet my great-grandma Olga because she seemed like a really awesome lady. 
34. What was your last dream about? I can’t remember, this is bothering me because I wish I could! I’m sorry. My gf recently had a dream where I kissed a dude right in front of her. It made us both very uncomfy lol
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? I hate this question because I can only think of one thing.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? For surgery, yeah
37. Have you ever built a snowman? But of course!
38. What is the color of your socks? Not wearing any? I was wearing blue ones earlier. Jfc my answers are so boring.
39. What type of music do you like? Lots! I tend to listen to indie, classic rock, and some pop
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets!
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Chocolate or a variant (chocolate peanut butter, chocolate caramel)
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) LA Rams or Seattle Seahawks. I know they’re in the same division. It’s tough. (Please don’t ask me why these teams)
43. Do you have any scars? Yep, mostly from burning myself on ovens. I simply get too excited for my food.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? I...have graduated? 
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Well bestie recently said I have “lesbian hands” and I think that’s code for man hands so maybe that hahaha
46. Are you reliable? I try to be!
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? How many more times will I watch The Darkness before I learn my lesson? (Related: When does other bestie finally admit to her fetish?)
48. Do you hold grudges? Not typically, no
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? A dog and an otter? Can we domesticate otters? No, a horse and a large bird, create a pegasus and then free travel.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? Oh god. I don’t even know where to start today tbh. Damie and pokemon and cosycon and looming and feet and [redacted] and developing apps for VP. So many fantastic conversations. 
In real life, probably the time I was at a laundromat in Italy and this guy wandered in with a beer, sat next to me and my male roommate, assumed we were a couple, and proceeded to give us bizarre life advice. I wish I could remember more of it, but it was so odd.
51. Are you a good liar? Hmm I’m okay at it I think, that is, I can convince people I’m serious when I’m actually joking. But I don’t like actually lying if it’s not just teasing someone. 
52. How long could you go without talking? Probably a few days if I had to.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? The haircut I got before studying abroad! It was too short and I was so sad.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? For a birthday? No. For fun? Absolutely.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? Not well, no
56. What do you like on your toast? Butter and/or honey and/or jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? My beautiful depiction of a scene of chapter one of Private Dancer. 
58. What would be you dream car? An electric car of some sort. I don’t know enough about cars tbh
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. Nope but sometimes I’ll play music and dance and maybe softly sing.
60. Do you believe in aliens? Yep! Definitely 
61. Do you often read your horoscope? Almost never unless someone sends it to me.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? Already answered, A
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? Dinosaurs! 🦕
64. What do you think about babies? What do I think about them? They’re pretty cool. Just tiny little humans. 
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. I was very nice and let you correct your mistake and submit one after the fact:
In your opinion what is the best thing you can cook, like your speciality? My favorite thing to make is pasta, I started making my own sauce and I’d love to make pasta from scratch sometime.
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kleines1904 · 4 years
Imagine – Alex Morgan - Part red
My heart nearly broke all the bones to find its way out of my chest the first time I played for Portland. The Thorns were such a good and respected team in the US, it was always my dream to play in the NWSL, to play for them. Never would I’ve imagined that these years would be the best time of my life, especially the six months after my first season. Being the top scorer in the league opened a few opportunities, like playing in some European countries, but I decided against all of them.
 The reason for that?
 Pretty easy.
 Alex Morgan.
 I always believed that I wouldn’t fall in love with someone head over heels, that I’m independent, that I don’t need another person to be happy. Everything I needed was a ball, the cheering of the crowd in the background the second I stepped on the field, and my friends.
 I was so wrong.
 From the moment I met her I knew Alex would play an important role in my life. Being openly gay and supporting many foundations for LGBTQ+ soccer players made me one of the most popular players in the league. But the most important advantage: I didn’t need to hide who I was. Everybody in the team knew, it wasn’t weird at all (read: ‘Lesbians in the locker room? No problem’). When I got kicked out of my apartment, I had a few options, but Alex telling me she would love to have a roommate again shut out everything else. I can still remember the moment I told my friends back in Germany, everyone laughed at me for a whole minute before they realized I was serious about it.
 Alex being openly bisexual and single for a long time never bothered with hiding her beautiful, naked body at home. Sure, we did shower together a lot, ‘cause we were both playing for the Thorns, but walking around the apartment in nothing but a towel or even less was something different. I needed Christen to talk me into talking to Alex, and Tobin telling me she would do it otherwise, to actually girl up and tell the forward about my feelings for her.
 It took us five minutes to lay down on the couch and make out, I was never happier in my life. I never thought life could be this wonderful, that one could be this happy.
 I closed my easy smiling at all the memories. Biting my lip to stop a big smile spreading across my face I started playing with the tape around my left ring finger, realizing I’m not wearing my favorite ring. It was different every time I had to take it off, especially when I was playing for the German national team and Alex wasn’t by my side. When we didn’t start a game together with the Thorns, we always support each other from the bench or the stands.
 Today was different.
 It was the first match of the Women’s World Cup in France and while we had to play Alex and the team were busy preparing for their first match miles away. It certainly felt different without her, that’s why I was often caught playing with the ring around my finger (‘a promise ring’ Alex told me when she gave it to me on my birthday, I cried a little), my teammates really thought it was a good idea to record it and show it to the whole world on twitter. I will never hear the end of it from Tobin, Kelley and Christen…
 I took another deep breath when we got out on the field, knowing my teammates and my whole country needed me to be at my best tonight. While the national anthem was playing, I looked around the stadium. I didn’t sing, something I picked up from my good friend Megan Rapinoe, we both had our reasons for that. After the whistle blew to start the game I was in my zone. It wasn’t a surprise when I scored twice that game, always kissing my ring finger after a goal and thinking about the love of my life.
 “You did it! Semi-finales!” I laughed as I jumped in Alex’s arms.
 “You too,” Alex let me down slowly and kissed me on the lips before I could breathe in properly. Who needs to breathe when you can feel Alex Morgan’s lips on yours? “I’m so glad you’re here.”
 Behind her I saw Kelley shuffling around nervously, knowing she was anxious to finally walk over and get a hug too. Kelley, Christen and I knew each other from college, where we played together for years. Back then I was so inspired by the USWNT, if I had a say in it, I would play for them, unfortunately I’m not making the rules. Germany has a great team and I loved playing a big role within the team, but my heart always belonged to the NWSL and everything the USWNT stands for.
 “Come on in here.” I finally said when Kelley was about to bolt over and was only hold back by Allie who was shaking her head. Seconds later I was surrounded by my teammates and friends.
 “So, you have a few days off,” Alex began when everyone calmed down and Kelley was done teasing me about all the Instagram stories and twitter.
 “I do have a few days off, yeah.” I looked over at my girlfriend who wore the promise ring I gave to her, I smiled and tried not to blush when she gave me a kiss on check, despite us being in the hotel lobby where everyone could’ve seen it.
 “Okay so after we got some food, I need to show you something in my room.”
 “Is that so?” I stopped and whirled her around so I could look into her beautiful eyes, I saw her eyes shining with something and swallowed. “You have a room for yourself?”
 Alex tugged at my hand, and a few seconds later I followed her out of the hotel. We dropped each other’s hands automatically and started walking to the vegan place Alex claimed being the best in Europe. My head was still clouded with her having a room for herself, which was rare. I felt a bit guilty when I only answered short, but Alex seemed to know what was going on, because she kept smiling and smirking at me teasingly.
 Playing a World Cup game is always exciting, but I can tell you, having a half-dressed Alex Morgan sitting on your lap is much more thrilling. My hands wandered to her sports bra while she was trying to get my pants off in a hurry, I had to laugh and break the kiss to help her because her fingers were shaking so much.
 Two days later I had to say goodbye, gaining a few hugs from the team again, but everyone knew we would see each other shortly after, because two days later it was the semi-finale: USA against Germany. I loved and hated everything about it.
 I ran out on the field with my teammates, enjoying the cheering of the crowd while we started our warm ups. A few minutes later I heard the crowd going wild again, I automatically looked up at the USWNT coming out on the field. Luckily, I was too focused to let a goofy grin take over my face when I saw Alex. She was also focused, as everyone else, this was a big game for our respective countries.
 When we walked to the locker room, I saw Pinoe running my way. With a big smile I hugged her and ignored the ‘I love you, but we’re gonna beat you’. Moments later I locked eyes with Alex, who smiled. My body moved on its own, while we hugged each other I heard the crowd around us going wild again. Being wrapped up in her scent made me take a deep breath, I never wanted this to end.
 “Good luck babe.” I said and smiled at her when we broke the hug. “Just stay healthy okay?”
 “Yeah, you too. See you after.” Alex replied and touched my shoulder again before she headed off to her teammates.
 It was the 30th minute when I saw one of my teammates break through on the wing, I instinctively stayed a few yards behind the defenders. Seconds later the ball came my way, I stopped it and dribbled around Julie, before I was in a good position and shot the ball right by Alyssa into the net. My heart skipped a few beats when I heard our fans cheering, but after a few seconds I held up my hands, signaling I won’t be celebrating much. My teammates jumped on my back yelling at me how amazing the goal was, and yes, I was proud, I was excited for us going to the finale, but we still had to beat the best team in the world.
 Only ten minutes later Christen scored a goal, I had to physically stop myself from walking over and congratulating her, and stopping the tears forming in my eyes. She has been through so much last year and now she scored such an amazing goal. Slowly I leaned down and took a deep breath, this was going to be the most difficult game in my life, and I would do everything for us to win.
 “Shit are you okay?”
 I wanted to scoff, but put my foot on the ground and hissed when I felt the pain. Becky looked at me apologetically, Kelley was also on her knees by my side, same as a few of my teammates. It was a mistake by Sam, who tried to play the ball right by me, but I was wide awake and stole the ball before it could get to Christen. Minutes before I did something similar and nutmegged Tobin, if it wasn’t for the whole world watching she would deny it till her death, but the counterattack ended with me only hitting the post.
 This time I waited for my teammates to get into the box and tried to dribble around Becky, who obviously wasn’t having my shit today. Just when I was looking up, I felt a sharp pain in my ankle and then my body fell on the hard ground. I knew immediately something was wrong.
 My breath caught in my throat when our medical signaled to the bench that I couldn’t play anymore. Becky walked away after I nodded at her, but everyone knew I wasn’t okay. I made eye contact with Alex, who was hovering close by. I could see how worried she was, I gave her a nod, even if the pain in my ankle didn’t stop for a second.
 Watching the following 20 minutes from the bench was hard. I know we had the potential to maybe get to overtime, but realistically I know they were too good. When I saw Lindsay kicking the ball inside and Alex being a bit faster than her opponent, I know she would score. My heart sank into my stomach, I knew this would most likely be our last game, they wouldn’t give away a 2-1 lead.  
 “Wow, bold.” I heard someone mumbling beside me. When I looked at Alex, I saw her making the tea sipping celebration we talked so much about. I smiled, truly happy for her.
 When the final whistle blew, I slowly stood up and hobbled on the field. I had to comfort a few of my teammates, especially the ones who played their hearts out tonight for 90 minutes. After I limped to the circle in the middle of the field, I listened to our coach saying a few words. In this moment it all became real; we hadn’t made it to the finale. My whole body screamed at me, after the long tournament, the physically and emotionally exhausting game days, it seemed like it was all for nothing.
 The following minutes flew by, I could only breathe again when I saw Alex walking my way. She had that little smile on her face I loved so much. She was also still worried, because she looked at my ankle, which I still couldn’t put weight on, and up to my face again.
 “Congrats babe,” I mumbled when I put her into a long and emotional hug. We didn’t let go of each other for what seemed liked minutes. “I’m good, don’t worry. Your goal was so great.”
 “Thanks.” Alex buried her face into my neck, before she took a step back and looked down again. I rolled my eyes. “But, you can walk, right?”
 “I can.” A smile took over my face, her voice was rougher than usual, due to all the screaming on the field.
 “Thank god. Becky just tried-“
 “I know,” I interrupted. “don’t worry about it. You’re going to the final, and it’s your birthday- happy birthday by the way.”
 “This is the fifth time you’re congratulating me today.” Alex laughed a bit, she still had her arm around my waist while I was leaning on her, only partly because of my hurt ankle.
 “I don’t care.” Her eyes sparkled when I grinned at her. “And now go and celebrate with your team, prepare for the Netherlands.” I ignored Alex rolling her eyes about me being diplomatic again when she helped me stumble to the sideline. “You deserve it. I will call you tomorrow, okay?”
 “Okay babe.”
 Alex made sure that someone was near me to help me go to the locker room when Kelley and Tobin came over. We talked for a few minutes before we parted ways. I took one last look at the stadium and then at the team across from us.
 I knew they would make it.
 If someone would ask me what has been worse, my still injured ankle or sitting in the stands while your girlfriend and most of your best friends are playing a World Cup final, I wouldn’t know the answer. Every time the US was close to scoring a goal I stood up, at one point I couldn’t even feel the pain in my ankle anymore, I was too excited and too anxious.
 Alex had a few chances to score, but it took a defender trying to kick the ball away from her high in the air to start the game entirely. I worriedly watched as Alex still laid on the ground, even from this distance I knew she was hit. I could breathe again when Alex stood up and Pinoe scored, we were on our way.
 A few minutes later I frowned when the Netherlands had a few breakthroughs, luckily without scoring, Alyssa made sure of that. A counterattack lead by Rose brought Alex into a good position, she stopped and dribbled by the defender, before she took a shot. I jumped out of my seat when she scores, my hands held high, before I gave my ring a kiss. When I looked back down Alex formed a heart with her fingers and hold it my way, it was the first time a tear escaped my eyes since we lost in the semi-final.
 Everyone around me was smiling, laughing, having the time of their lives. Pam, Alex’s mum had her arm around me while we watched the players on the field getting their gold medals. I’m sure at least five different cameras caught the moment, but I didn’t care. Alex and I loved our privacy, we tried not to kiss and being overly romantic in public, just because we thought it was something between and for the both of us. It was even more surprising when she came running to the stands after the game and immediately pulled me in for a long and passionate kiss. At that moment I didn’t even care about the headlines in the morning, or the possible hateful comments, I was so proud of my girl that I could only grin, she deserved it. They deserved it.
 That smile dropped from my face when I stood in front of Pam’s car minutes later. I had to blink a few times and look at my phone again, but Alex really did just do that.
 “What are you looking at sweetie?” Pam asked, I jumped and locked my phone before she saw what her daughter just did in front of the whole world. The dancing, the champagne, Jesus Alex.
 “Nothing, just- they are celebrating.”
 “Sure they are.” Pam eyed me, before she helped me into the car. It was definitely inappropriate to have these kinds of thoughts while sitting in your girlfriends’ parent’s car, but, damn it Alex.
 During the drive to the party location I had to laugh too hard and too often at the different Instagram stories the USWNT posted, Pam literally took my phone away because she nearly drove us off the street due to my emotional outbursts. She ignored me pouting like a pro.
 The second the door busted open I knew we were in for a long night. I got a lot of videos and pictures from the girls celebrating, hence the motherly act from Pam to separate me and my phone, but it was so much better live. Kelley screamed into my ear when she hugged me, already wasted but still thoughtful to not step on my injured ankle. After she ran off to her girlfriend, I was pulled into a hug by Christen who gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
 “I’m so proud of you.”
 “And I’m proud of you.” She leaned into me while we watched Tobin who talked to her family. I literally couldn’t put into words how proud I was of my friends. Then I caught a glimpse of Alex who already had two wine glasses in her hands and bit my lip.
 “Is everyone really that wasted?”
 “Because of the nonstop drinking for two hours and the ignoring-concussions-thing going on?” Christen and I looked into Kelley’s direction, who was oblivious while she chugged down a beer. “Yeah.” She laughed while I pushed her softly in the direction of Tobin, who couldn’t stop glancing over at us. I could see how happy she was to have Christen by her side again.
 “Hey babe.” I whipped around to look at Alex, still with two glasses in der hands while I had hardly touched the beer her father gave me minutes ago.
 “Hey Champ.” I laid my arm around her and gave her a soft kiss, but this obviously wasn’t enough for both of us. Alex circled her arms around my waist and opened her mouth while we kissed, I couldn’t breathe for a moment. After a full minute of kissing her passionately I felt a tap against my shoulder and smiled while I took a step back. Alex pouted, but Tobin didn’t look that impressed while she pointed at all the cell phones around us.
 After I congratulated everyone on the team and staff, I sent Alex off to keep partying. She didn’t really want to leave my side; I couldn’t decide if it was for her being protective of me or her not being able to walk straight anymore (as if ever). She was seriously drunk.
 While everyone took pictures of the team dancing on the counter, I only had eyes for her. I felt a bit embarrassed when I caught myself being grateful for the USWNT winning the World Cup. I would’ve given everything for us to win, but I’m also glad that my best friends get to have these moments together. By the looks of a few of them, especially Alex, Julie, Kelley and Rose I knew they would be hangover tomorrow and the days after (read: please, drink water).
 I knew that a week, months or even years later we would look back at this tournament knowing it was one important milestone for so many things. But the most important one for me: My girl was world champion, again.
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
prompts & requests.
SO...I never meant to delay this for so long, I’m so sorry for this, but I’m excited to rejuvenate this page -- I’m quite bad with tumblr, but I just hit 350 followers and I figured I’d put in a second dime for trying to make this little account work. People seem to like my little writings (which surprises me tbh, but I appreciate the love) and I’ve gotten a lot of questions about requests, so here’s the masterpost of all that for here!
PLEASE NOTE: I don’t use Tumblr too regularly, I’m trying to be more active but because of life & stuff, I’m not always active to write. Plus, just because you request something, doesn’t mean I will automatically be able to give that! It takes time, inspiration, and often the ability to form a sentence, which weirdly I struggle with. Way too often.
ALSO! please feel free to check out the kofi link in my bio (can’t link it here bc tumblr doesn’t like links and this won’t show up at all) and buy me a coffee if you feel like it! please don’t if you can’t and i’m not trying to force, guilt or forcibly nudge anyone to do it, it’s just if you can and want to support me, that’d be real sweet. :)
WHO I WRITE FOR...most people look at this acc for tua writings, which i’ve got an abundance of! I’m quite fine with any requests of any characters, except for five (unless like it’s some aged up version of him; I don’t feel comfy writing about him and I just don’t care to). I also will write for a lot of other fandoms if you ask for them: those including marvel, stranger things (those of age, i’m not writing stories about minors), harry potter and a couple others. Just ask me, I’ll let you know if I write for the fandom & we can move from there, darling. :)
HOW TO REQUEST...I prefer not too many details in a request, just so I still feel inspired to write the piece. So, if you’re asking based on a prompt below, tell me the number(s), the character you’re looking for, and any details you feel necessary to add! Remember, nothing too specific, like don’t give me the entire plot but things like genre, atmosphere, details on the reader are okay. I usually write either genderless or female reader (I try to stick with the former to be accommodating) but you can ask for a specifically gender-neutral or female/male reader too. This also applies to fics you want garnered to a specific section of the LGBTQIA+ community (for example, if you wanted a lesbian reader with Vanya Hargreeves). I try not to add any details to appearance to the story so that everyone can enjoy the fic, but again you can ask for any specific and I will try my best to accomodate for you lovelies.
REQUEST EXAMPLE - “Can you write something with prompt number 3 and 17? Preferably with a gender-neutral reader, and with Allison Hargreeves? I’d like it to be a happy fic, please, and for the reader to not have any powers. Also, they’re a cat person! Thanks!”
Obviously, I know most people know what’s up and are respectful. But just in case you wanted an example, there you go. :)
(these were made by me and to my knowledge, they’re not used elsewhere, only some were taken off my last requests list. also, feel free to mix + match and ask for as many as you want)
Quote Based Prompts:
1. ‘I think I’m falling for you,’ clumsy character. 2. ‘C’mon, this is definitely safe!’ 3. ‘Do you believe in ghosts?’ + ‘Why, is there something you want to tell me?’ 4. ‘Shut up about your black coffee aesthetic and try my (insert here) drink.’ 5. ‘I’m only asking for a hug because I forgot my coat and you’re like a human furnace...don’t get any ideas.’ 6. ‘Just five more minutes.’ 7. ‘And you’re sure this isn’t illegal?’ 8. ‘Wanna go get married?’ 9. ‘I love you” “don’t lie to me’ 10. ‘I hate you’ + ‘no, you don’t.’ 11. ‘let’s dance to taylor swift and forget about reality for a moment, please.’ 12. ‘why don’t you trust me?’ 13. ‘promise me, we’ll make it out of this alive.’ 14. ‘we can’t just pushing each other away and expecting things are going to change.’ 15. ‘why are you helping me?’ 16. ‘tell me a secret.’ 17. ‘you can’t friend-zone me, we’re married!’ 18. ‘is this the end?’ 19. ‘I let you win.’ 20. ‘go away’ + ‘no, not until I know you’re okay’ 21. ‘we were supposed to be forever.’ 22. ‘nothing’s fair in love and war.’ 23. ‘I want to be here for the good and the bad.’ 24. ‘So...what happened this time?’ 25. ‘I just really wanted to see you.’ 26. ‘Uh, that’s the whole point?!’ 27. ‘You cut your hair?’ + ‘I just needed a change.’ 28. ‘I can’t lose you too, dammit!’ 29. ‘Don’t lie, you’re a hopeless romantic at heart.’ 30. ‘Can we keep it?!’ 31. ‘Why can’t this happen like it does in the movies?!’ 32. ‘Can you come with me? It’s just to get gum, but I don’t want to be alone.’ 33. ‘I made muffins!’ + ‘You can bake?!’ 34. ‘I can’t sleep.’ + ‘We can share.’ 35. ‘It used to be so simple...’ 36. ‘STOP SINGING THAT SONG OR-’ + ‘-or what?’ 37. ‘I just wanted to tell you...you look really nice tonight.’ 38. ‘Ooh, show me, show me!’ 39. ‘I really wish I could paint, because you’re the perfect muse right now.’ 40. ‘Where’d you learn how to do that?’ 41. ‘Hey, it’s okay...you’re safe now.’ 42. ‘Am I in heaven?’ + ‘Aw, you think I’m your idea of heaven?’ 43. ‘I’m not crying!’ + ‘Oh, so it’s normal for your eyes to leak like that?’ 44. ‘Why wouldn’t you tell me that sooner?!’ 45. ‘What do you think of kids?’ 46. ‘Do you think I’m a good person?’ 47. ‘Don’t look down.’ + ‘You’re only telling me that now?!’ 48. ‘It’s okay...it’s going to be okay...’ 49. ‘I didn’t think it would hurt so much to do this.’ 50. ‘Nerd.’ + ‘Loser.’ 51. ‘Wait, you actually came?’ 52. ‘You didn’t notice the one bed before?!’ + ‘It didn’t say on the website!’ 53. ‘I’m in the hospital, but don’t worry--’ + ‘Don’t worry?!’ 54. ‘Yeah, I was jealous. So what?’ 55. ‘Did you know you talk when you sleep?’ 56. ‘Of course I kept it. Why wouldn’t I?’ 57. ‘I can’t get you out of my head...’ 58. ‘I made you it because I love you, duh.’ 59. ‘I trust you.’ 60. ‘How am I supposed to trust you?!’ 61. ‘You have to start getting better excuses.’ 62. ‘I think they like you!’ 63. ‘I swear if you sing baby it’s cold outside ONE MORE TIME--’ 64. ‘You’re telling me you don’t know all the words to Promiscuous? Who are you?!’ 65. ‘I only went along with it for your sake, you know I hate (insert here).’ 66. ‘Hold my hand but only so we don’t get lost. I don’t need you getting any ideas about us.’ 67. ‘Loosen up, jackass, and give in to evil a little more!’ 68. ‘You didn’t respond to any of my texts, so I assumed you were either dying or crying. I brought answers to both situations.’ 69. ‘That’s it. I’m officially convinced that you’re actually three years old.’
Situation Based Prompts: 1. Person A refuses to dress for the cold and gets sick; Person B is stuck taking care of them afterwards. 2. Person A finds a stray and wants to take it home, but Person B isn’t so interested. 3. Coffee Shop AU; Person A shows up every Saturday to work, and Person B becomes infatuated with the mysterious person. 4. Person A wants to watch a scary movie. Person B accepts, too chicken to admit they’re terrified of horror movies. 5. Person A falls asleep, and Person B plays with their hair. 6. Person A and B wake up hungover and realise that they got married last night. 7. ‘Oh...you love them’, where Person A realises that their real feelings for Person B. 8. Person A is a Christmas enthusiast, but Person B hates the holiday season. 9. (School Based Prompt); Person A doesn’t know how to talk to Person B, and decides to pretend to need help in a subject they definitely don’t need help with. 10. Person A decides to confess their feelings to Person B through a series of anonymous gifts...only they aren’t who B suspects behind it all... 11. Person A and B have a Catwoman/Batman type relationship, dancing around one another and ignoring their obvious feelings. 12. Younger!Person A and B shared their first kiss with each other -- not because of feelings, JUST to get it over with. It never meant anything, right? 13. There’s only a little bit of time left for Person A...will they make it to B, in time? 14. (Flower Shop AU) Person A comes in every day to purchase the same single flower every time, and Person B has no clue why. 15. (Villain/Hero AU) Person A goes home to find B in their bed, bleeding and fast asleep. 16. Person A has a fear of driving. Person B finally asks why. 17. (School Based AU) Person A and B get paired together to complete a project worth a lot of their grade. The only problem? They hate each other. 18. (Coffee Shop AU) Person A comes in every day with a different name and sunglasses on, ordering the same thing every time. And Person B is obsessed. 19. Person A has a hard day at work. Person B doesn’t know what they should do to help. 20. Person A finally finds out about Person B’s big secret -- only, it doesn’t come from Person B. 21. Person A is the most oblivious person in the world. Person B is slowly losing their mind over it. 22. Everyone thinks that Person A and C are meant to be together, and it’s only A and B who really, really don’t see it. 23. And they were roommates (oh my god, they were roommates...) 24. Person A’s roommate’s boyfriend is over again, and they escape to Person B’s for peace of mind. 25. Person A finds a random bag and is determined to return it to the owner -- only, all the clues she has for who the person really is, is in the contents of the bag. 26. (Party Based Prompt) Person A and B really, really didn’t want to go to the party. But maybe meeting one another makes it worth it. 27. Person A and B go laser-tagging for some stress relief. 28. There’s a Halloween party and neither A or B knows who the other is going as. But the (insert costume) standing in the corner is looking rather suspicious... 29. (Apocalypse AU) Person A and B have been struggling for months alone, and finally reach something that gives them hope.  30. Person A and B both head to the roof for some escape. They definitely didn’t expect to see someone in their special place... 31. Person A works really late shifts downtown; Person B always makes sure they’re there to give them a ride, no matter how inconvenient it is. 32. Person A forgets about changing their emergency contact, and this backfires when they end up in the hospital... 33. (Soulmate AU) In a world where people don’t age past 21 until they meet their soulmate, Person A is surprised to learn that the partner they’ve been with for four years hasn’t aged a day -- but they have. 34. (Airport AU) Everything shuts down in a last-minute snowstorm, leaving two strangers stranded. 35. (School AU) Everyone ships Teacher A and B together, and scheme to finally set them up. 36. Person A and B ride the train together every day. 37. (Doctor AU) Person A has to take Person C to the doctors. Much to both surprise, Person A falls quickly for the Doctor who comes in (Person B) -- and Person C takes it upon themselves to let B know. 38. (Neighbours AU) Person A is tired of hearing Person B being so loud so late at night -- especially when they have to get up super early. They finally decide to confront them on it. 39. (Soulmate AU) Everyone has the same cuts, bruises and scars as their soulmate, which really freaks out Person A, who becomes determined to find their soulmate to make them stop getting hurt. 40. Person A and B are hiding their relationship from everyone. They’re not very good at it. 41. Person A finally trusts Person B to meet their (insert here); the last step in their relationship. 42. Person A sends their text to the LAST person they wanted to send it to: Person B. 43. (Delivery Person AU) Person A somehow always manages to be the one to sign for the office packages...does Person B have anything to do with it? (Also, why does A keep buying so much stuff?!) 44. (Arranged Marriage) Person A is being forced into a marriage to Person C neither they or Person B wants. But B might just have a plan out... 45. (Bodyguard AU) Person A always knew that Person C was rich, but never rich enough to need a legit bodyguard. But when C’s father’s company is threatened, they call in the big dogs -- and they’re cute, too. Aka...A makes a point to catch the attention of Person B at any time possible, much to their upset. 46. (University AU) Person A needs a model. Person B needs a way to occupy their afternoon. Thus, a deal is struck. 47. Person A is a private detective hired to work the case on a mysterious murder (that strangely, Person C doesn’t want getting out). Person B is C’s lead suspect, but A can’t help but feel like they’re not the real culprit... 48. Person A drags Person B along onto a roadtrip across the country to go visit their oddball grandparents. But things go south quickly. 49. Person A gets robbed, and has no one to call when they can’t shake the nightmares but Person B. 50. Person A can manipulate time, but only by an hour. Person B doesn’t know this, but gets suspicious when they see A do something very, very weird... (you can supply more details for this one) 51. (Neighbours AU) Person A and B have the thinnest walls ever, which would suck, but they both oddly have the exact same taste in music. It’s nice; if only they got to meet. 52. (Store AU) Person A and B get locked into their work’s freezer for the night. 53. (Coffee Shop AU) Person B has never met Person A; they always miss them by only a minute. They do, however, manage to sit at the exact same table every day and pick up the piece of art they leave for the next customer. 54. Person A has loved Person B their entire life. Too bad they’ll never get to tell them. 55. (Diner AU) Person A meets Person B at three in the morning when they stumble in soaked. They’re surprised, when they show up again...and again...at the exact same time. 56. (5+1) Five times Person A told Person B they loved them, and the one time Person B finally said it back. 57. (5+1) The five times Person A surprises Person B, and the one time Person B surprises A. 58. (5+1) The five times Person A broke Person B’s heart, and the one time they didn’t.  59. (5+1) The five times Person A saved Person B...and the one time Person B couldn’t save A. 60. (5+1) The five times A and B almost meet, and the first time they finally do. 61. (5+1) The five times Person A lies to Person B, and the one time they finally tell the truth. 62. Person B is like, super allergic to dogs. But Person A doesn’t need to know that. 63. Person A has no clue how to tell Person B how they feel. So, they make a playlist. 64. Person A and B accidentally switch luggage at the airport.
Happy requesting, darlings.
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sanktprongs · 4 years
Mist ~ Rubyjane
Looking through her window, she saw the clouds begin to form and cover up the sky. Sighing, she recovered the window with the curtain. She bit her lip, leaning against the wall. One of her least favorite things in the world was rain. It didn’t rain much in her city, but when it did, it made her sad. She couldn’t go anyway without an umbrella or some sort of protection. Her curls refused her the right to go out in the rain unprotected. She hated it when her curls became a frizzy mess.
“Jane! Did you see outside? It’s about to rain!” her roommate, Ruby Gillis, calls from the hallway. Jane looks up to Ruby standing in the hallway, her cheeks flushed. At that moment Jane had thought that Ruby had never looked more beautiful. Her blonde hair was as long as she was tall and pulled back into a ponytail. Growing up Ruby had loved anything pink and frilly and she had refused to let those loves go as she transformed into an adult. Her pink skirt reached the floor and her white long sleeve had ruffles at the end of them. Her face was bare except for a hint of mascara and a lot of blush, Ruby liked looking flush all the time. Jane loved that about her.
Well, Jane just loved her.
“I did,” Jane answers, staring down at her clothes, feeling rather plain all of a sudden. She had on brown pants with a white sweater. It was practical, like herself. Wow, clothes sure did say a lot about a person.
“Oh, Jane,” Ruby says, setting her bags down on the dining table and making her way over to her brunette best friend. She leans against the wall opposite and crosses her arms, staring at her. “What is it this time?”
“You know I don’t like the rain,” Jane says, rolling her eyes, which she regrets immediately. She never meant to make Ruby upset, but she did really hate the rain.
“Okay, well, we don’t have to spend our time watching the window,” Ruby smiles, taking one of Jane’s hands in hers and pulls her away from the wall. 
“What should we do instead?” Jane asks innocently, raising her eyebrows.
Jane Andrews had been in love with Ruby Gillis since the two were sixteen and Jane had figured out what being a lesbian meant. She knew the feelings she held for her best friend were not platonic, but she also knew they were unrequited. Ruby had had her fair share of flings with boys she met in college or her co-workers. Jane was always pleasant around them, she knew she could never have Ruby so she wanted to make sure the boy that did was right for her. So far, none of them were.
Jane and Ruby had gone to college together, they had been roommates, and now they lived in their own apartment together. It was a cute, little apartment next to the city and they struggled to get by sometimes, but they managed. Neither of them wanted to take any money from their families, but both of their families were very gracious so they only accepted when they really needed it. Ruby worked as an interior designer and loved every second of it. She was always redoing random parts of their apartment with things she had gotten from work and Jane would always sit and watch her. She watched the way she struggled but refused help. She watched the way her tongue stuck out when she was thinking really hard. And she watched the way her eyes lit up when she had finally gotten something perfect. To Jane, anything Ruby did was perfect.
Jane worked as a counselor for the nearby high school. Growing up she hated hearing about other people’s problems and avoided deep conversations as much as possible. That all changed when she took a class in college about humans and their emotions. Most of the class was spent talking in groups about how certain things made you feel and why you thought that way. Jane loved hearing what people had to say and their explanations. She loved it even more when people didn’t have an answer and she could chime in and try to explain why an emotion was the way it was. She kept taking class after class about humans and emotions and ended up with a degree in psychology. Who would’ve thought that one class could change her whole life’s direction?
“We could…” Ruby hesitates, biting the inside of her cheek. Jane knew that she was struggling to come up with an answer by her motions. Ruby knew that Jane was very good at reading people so she made her promise not to comment on anything Ruby was doing or feeling unless specifically asked. Jane followed the rules most of the time.
“Bake?” Jane finishes the sentence, throwing out a suggestion. She was not a great baker, and neither was Ruby, but the two really enjoyed baking together. They would never end up with a perfect creation, but it tasted good at least.
“Read my mind,” Ruby grins, pulling Jane into the tiny kitchen of theirs. Right now the kitchen was different shades of purple, one of Jane’s favorite colors. Months ago Ruby got some purple wallpaper and Jane jokingly suggested that she put it in the kitchen and redecorate it. Well, needless to say, Ruby did not think that it was a joke. Now they have a purple kitchen.
“What should we make today?”
“Brownies? Last time we made them we almost burnt the house down,” Ruby giggles, pulling a box of the brownie mix down. A smile appears on Jane’s face as she nods her head.
“Redemption time,” Jane says, grinning from ear to ear. Ruby hands her apron to her and Jane accepts it. “Can you tie it around my waist? My hands are busy.”
“Anything you say,” Ruby smiles, walking behind Jane. She leans her chin on Jane’s shoulder as she grabs the two pieces of fabric. She quickly ties them together but lets her chin linger for a tad bit longer. She wraps her arms around Jane’s waist and Jane can feel her face heating up. Thank goodness Ruby couldn’t see the look on her face.
“Alright, grab me the eggs,” Jane says, moving slightly so that Ruby’s hands fall off of her.
“Coming up lovebug,” Ruby giggles, her hair swishing back and forth as she walks over to the kitchen. Jane can feel her heart beating faster and faster by the second. How she wished she could turn around and kiss the girl she loved. Yet, the girl she loved wasn’t aware of the fact that Jane liked girls. She could never get the words out, believe her, she tried.
Ruby goes to hand her the eggs and their hands touch for a moment. Jane feels how soft her hands are and she smiles to herself before pulling away with the eggs in her hands. She grabs the mixing bowl and slowly starts to incorporate all the ingredients together. She notices Ruby isn’t doing much work and she turns to ask for help, but then she sees her.
Ruby is staring out the window, her chin resting on her hands. Her back is completely turned towards Jane, but she can tell that Ruby is smiling. Jane looks out of the window to see that it’s misting outside. Jane sets down her spoon and walks over to Ruby, placing her hands around her waist (which took a lot of courage).
“You want to go play out there, don’t you?” Jane asks, resting her chin on her shoulder like Ruby had done minutes before.
“I told you not to psychoanalyze me anymore,” Ruby mumbles, leaning her head against Jane’s. “But yes.”
It took everything out of Jane to not move. The mention of going out in the crying sky made her feel sick, but the way Ruby talked caused all gross emotions go away. Ruby and Jane locked eyes and Jane smiles, which is her way of saying yes.
Ruby’s entire face lit up and she kisses Jane’s cheek before quickly pulling away and disappearing into her bedroom to grab a raincoat.
Jane stands in the kitchen, all alone with her thoughts. Ruby just kissed her. Okay, she didn’t kiss her, but she kissed her cheek. She had just felt Ruby’s soft lips press against her skin, if only for a short amount of time. Jane places a hand to her cheek, closing her eyes to relive the short moment.
“Jane! Come on!”
Jane opens her eyes and sees Ruby standing by the door, her hand on the knob. She opens the door and rushes outside, leaving Jane to catch up with her. She does, but she forgot her raincoat so she stands outside, the small droplets continuously hitting her body. 
She watches Ruby dance around, noticing that her raincoat was not on her body. She glances to the railing and sees that she had left it there. She probably wanted to feel the rain on her skin.
“Jane! Miss sensible Jane, please come out and dance with me!” Ruby begs, extending her hands. Jane shakes her head, but then Ruby puffs out her bottom lip. The poor puppy look won Jane over and she gingerly walks out to the misting rain and grabs Ruby’s hands.
Ruby leads the two of them, gently grabbing Jane’s waist and twirling them in circles. As they waltz around their yard, the rain starts to become harder and splash bigger droplets onto them. Jane didn’t care though, she was dancing with the woman she loved, nothing could beat this.
But then, something did.
All of a sudden, Ruby stops dancing and stares at Jane. Jane stares at her back, not knowing what else to do. 
“I love you,” Ruby says quietly, bringing her attention to her shoes that were very damp.
“Rubes, I love you too,” Jane says back, tilting her head to the side. Why on earth would Ruby say that right now? That was a very random thing to-
Jane’s thoughts are interrupted by Ruby placing her lips onto Jane’s. Jane doesn’t think as she leans into the kiss, her hands cupping Ruby’s face.
Maybe she did love the rain.
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himikiyo · 4 years
beautiful birthday // himikiyo week day 5
Himikiyo Week Day 5: Date night + Lazy morning
"Good morning," Kiyo mumbled, managing to make grogginess sound elegant. Their eyes opened slowly, lashes fluttering and still smudged with last night's makeup.
It's a few days after Himiko's birthday, and until the party that evening, they have absolutely nowhere to be.
Read on AO3 or under the cut
Sunlight leaked through the gauzy curtains, making Himiko stir with a little whine of protest as she buried her face in the warmth of Kiyo's neck. The curtains were one of the rare splashes of pink in their room — frilly and speckled with a pale floral pattern that wouldn't look out of place in the room of someone much younger. They started off as a joke of sorts, a source of shared amusement between them. There weren't many options at the store when they went shopping their first year. Himiko was at one end of the aisle, looking at something she could no longer remember, when Korekiyo tapped her on the shoulder and showed her the curtains.
She really thought they were joking at first, her intimidating, goth roommate holding flowery pink curtains, but they weren't.
"Really, I'm serious," they said, seeming to frown behind their mask. "Maybe they're a little...out there, but I never would have been allowed to have anything like this in my room as a child. Isn't one of the good things about dorm life getting to be more independent and branch out a little?"
"Yeah, I guess so," she replied. "Sure, I don't mind them."
And so the curtains were theirs and remained so. Friends poked fun at them once in a while, but it was all good natured, and the two of them rarely had company in their dorm anyway. It felt nicer to keep that as a private place, somewhere safe to escape to. There was no shortage of others willing to offer their living spaces up for socializing. Neither of them always did much socializing either, for that matter. They had a small group of friends, but were just as happy to hang out with just each other.
An odd couple, their RA joked at first. It was just a turn of phrase back then, 'couple' in the sense of friends or roommates. Now though, they really were a couple, and it was the best thing that had ever happened to her.
"Good morning," Kiyo mumbled, managing to make grogginess sound elegant. Their eyes opened slowly, lashes fluttering and still smudged with last night's makeup. It was rare for them to be too tired or careless to skip taking it off before bed, and Himiko savored the imperfection of it. She smiled as she looked at their sleepy face, a stripe of sunlight cutting right across the bridge of their nose — the brightness was probably what woke them up. The sharp jut of their hipbone was digging into her own, but she didn't mind it. She was long since used to all their edges, the way every inch of them fit against her.
"Morning," she replied. "How'd you sleep? Good?"
She grinned, close enough to ghost kisses over their cheek. "I'd hope so with how early you passed out last night. Finishing that paper must've been tiring."
"Yes," Kiyo agreed, slow and measured, like that wasn't quite right. Sure enough, they had more to say. "But that wasn't the only reason. I also wanted to be fresh for your party today. And more importantly, I wanted you to be fresh. I knew you wouldn't go to sleep early if I was still awake."
It was impossible to hide her smile, not that she'd want to anyway.
"You know me too well," she admitted. "It'd be kinda scary sometimes if I didn't love you so much." Someone down the hall must have burned popcorn; she could smell it even through the closed door. Not bad enough to set the fire alarm off though, or it would already be blaring. So it was okay. Just the smell wasn't anywhere near enough to ruin this perfect morning.
"I love you more." Serious as always, they raised an eyebrow, as if daring her to disagree. In retaliation for that daring claim, she gently nudged them over onto their back and moved to drape herself on top of them, close enough to feel the rise and fall of their chest with each breath.
"Do not. I love you most." It was a childish argument of the sort they never tired of. Maybe verging on saccharine to outsiders, but what did that matter in private? They'd both been through more than enough sadness in their lives. It hardly seemed unreasonable to want to make each other as happy as they possibly could.
"Impossible." The slight, still-sleepy rasp to Kiyo's voice made her shiver pleasantly, something they noticed if the hand trailing along her spine was any indication. "You're awfully stubborn, Himi-chan."
"Maybe. You like me that way though."
"I do. Very much. If you're lucky, maybe I'll show you later."
"Later if I'm lucky, huh? Well, what are we doing now then instead?" She stifled a yawn, something that threatened to mix with a giggle in her throat. "Better hurry up and decide before I fall asleep again."
"Brunch?" they offered, still rubbing her back. "You'll have to help me pick out an outfit first." Ever the fashionable one. Most college students would be fine in sweatpants and a t-shirt for shambling to the dining hall on a weekend morning, but not Korekiyo. Any public outing required looking impeccable, and despite how lacking her own skills were in comparison, they always welcomed her input when she was in the mood to give it. She'd been there with them for lots of milestones, fashion-related and otherwise. Their skirts and dresses had sat unworn in their closet until she mentioned how pretty they looked in them, back before they were even dating.
"Of course, as long as you help me with mine too. Otherwise I might be tempted to just go in pajamas and embarrass you."
"You could never embarrass me by being yourself, my dear. But yes, I'll help you." Korekiyo punctuated that with an amused kiss, their words sweet but not sweet enough to try denying that some level of laziness was simply who she was.
Even with their encouragement, it was something of a battle to drag herself out of bed, as usual. But with no strict timetable on how quick they needed to get ready aside from their own hunger, she could manage, gently pushed along by the occasional cajoling from Kiyo as they got ready.
The world outside the covers was cold, as one would expect from early December. That helped guide her choices once it was time to stand in front of their closet, looking through the clothes hanging there. They got cold even more easily than her, so winter usually meant lots of layers, thick sweaters and jackets, all of which they made look amazing. Himiko’s hand ran over a soft, dark green cable knit, thinking for a moment before grabbing its hanger and pulling it out of the closet.
“How about this one?” she offered, glancing over her shoulder at them. “You wanted to try out that green eyeliner you got the other day, right? It’d match.”
“Yes, you’re right. I think that would be nice,” they said as they came up behind her.
It met their approval easily then, not that she expected anything different. Of course, the arms around her waist and the kisses on the back of her neck weren’t necessary for them to take the sweater from her, but Himiko certainly wasn’t complaining. They did birthday pampering well, treating her extra sweetly even now that the day itself had come and gone. And of course, she was careful to do the same each summer for theirs, just as they deserved.
“You keep distracting me,” she whined, clearly not serious about her complaints. “You’re the one who wants to go to the dining hall.”
“It’s not my fault it’s so easy.”
After the arms retreated from around her, she heard the soft rustling noises of clothing hitting the floor. Not exactly anything unfamiliar given how long they’d been dating, and the even longer amount of time spent living in such close proximity to each other. She rolled her eyes in amusement, not turning around.
“I’m not that easily distracted, you know.”
“I have no idea what you might be implying, Yumeno-san,” Korekiyo said, laying on the feigned seriousness and formality thick. She could envision their expression without so much as a glance. “That is, as the youth say, ‘kinda gay.’”
She just snorted, throwing their clean clothes over her shoulder at them.
“Says the second gayest person I know. Get dressed, you big lesbian. I want pancakes.”
When they finally did get to the dining hall, brunch was well worth the effort of getting out of bed and going out into the cold, late-morning air. They were able to snag their favorite table, tucked away in a corner by the windows. The sun streamed in just right, making the place look a little cheerier as they ate. The comfortable banter between them came and went throughout the meal, neither of them overly concerned about it. Chatter and silence were both equally comfortable.
Later, they’d be getting together with their eclectic group of friends for a belated birthday party. That would be fun too, she knew. Opening gifts, playing games, eating Kirumi’s amazing cooking, even watching the chaos from some of the more unpredictable ones among them. She was lucky to have so many people who cared about her.
It was all wonderful, and she was always careful to express her gratitude. But honestly, lazy mornings like this with Korekiyo were the best of all. They fit together so comfortably she could no longer imagine being without them, and she hoped she’d never have to.
She hadn’t told them, not wanting to spoil what was surely intended to be a surprise, but she knew about the ring box stashed in the back of a drawer.
Heart light, she reached over to steal a strawberry from their plate, giggling at their faked attempt to stop her. Being with them was the best birthday present of all.
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Glares like Burning
Baz can't stand her roommate - or rather, the fact that her roommate can't stand her.
or: both Baz and Simone are useless lesbians
Fill for COC2019 day 7 prompt: WLW.
“I hate her,” I said, narrowing my eyes at the aforementioned girl.  Niall, sitting beside me, snorted. Dev twisted in his seat in the least subtle display of people watching I had ever seen. If I hadn’t been busy glaring, I probably would’ve joined Niall in his laughter.
“Who?” Dev finally asked, seemingly having given up looking. 
“Who else?” Niall laughed, jostling me with his shoulder. I kept glaring.
“Simone Snow, that’s who,” I replied, taking pity on Dev before he twisted himself entirely into a pretzel.
“What did she do now?” Dev asked, and Niall groaned in reply.
“She’s existing, Dev, what do you think?” 
“I mean, maybe she’s existing in a particularly abrasive way just today?”
“She’s sitting there, and she’s letting Bunce braid her hair,” I said and abruptly realised that if I narrowed my eyes any more I’d have my eyes closed.
“...because they’re friends?” Niall droned, rolling his eyes at Dev. Had I been less used to them making a mockery of me, I might have been hurt by the laugh Dev let out.
“...we’re roommates and she never lets me braid her hair…” I muttered into my teacup, having finally looked away from Simone (mostly because she and Bunce left the dining room, really).
“I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but I do believe you have a tendency to tell her - loud and clear, at least once a day - that you hate her?” Niall said.
“I hate you too, you know that, right?” I grumbled. “How dare you make sense at me?”
“I’m just saying, if you stopped saying you hate her when you actually want to snog her, maybe things would work out better?” he said, all reasonably. I didn’t intend to respond, mostly because Dev was watching us like we were playing tennis, but that was a gravely erroneous statement and I just couldn’t let it stand.
“I don’t want to snog her. I want to hold her close and soothe her through all her troubles and issues.” With that said, I rose from my chair, pulling my blazer closed around me, before striding off. If it happened to be in vaguely the same direction that Simone disappeared in, well, that’s nothing but happenstance.
She was glaring at me again, I knew it. I could feel the glares like burning.
If she hadn’t been glaring like that for almost as long as we’d known each other, I would’ve thought she’d figured me out, actually. 
“Hey Penny, could you - braid my hair?” I said, studiously not looking at Baz or Penny, mostly because I knew what I’d see in both cases. From Baz, it would be the same hateful glare as always, and from Penny the almost pitying look. 
I did understand her pity, and I actually welcomed it now. In the beginning, after I’d confided in her, she’d been angry. 
“Pitch?! Simone! She’s - I don’t know what she is, but she’s surely nothing good!” Penny whisper-shouted, reaching out to shake me by my shoulders. 
“I know,” I moaned, scrubbing my hands over my face, letting her shake me bodily. “She’s evil, she’s plotting something, and quite probably also a vampire.”
“And! She hates you!”
“And she hates me, I know…” 
“What could you - how, what even.” It was the first time I’d heard Penny so upset that she was stuttering, having a difficult time getting the words out properly in the right order.
“The heart wants what the heart wants, Penny, and in this, I’ve got nothing to say about it.” I shrugged, more or less resigned to being in love with someone who’s hated me the entire time we’d known each other.
The pity was better than the rage, at least, even if it meant we both knew how pointless and hopeless my crush actually was. Well, I call it a crush, because that sounds a little less serious - the truth is that if Baz asked me now, I’d marry her tomorrow.
“‘Course I can,” she said, always game to play around with my hair. She’d managed to put it up in Leia buns once, and while it did look absolutely hilarious, it was a nice hairstyle to have. 
She’d gotten quite good at braiding hair - at least others’  hair. Her own she still used magic to braid. Mine she managed to fishtail no problem, which was evidenced by the fact that it held for the entire day.
It was when I was untangling the braid that evening that Baz came back to our room, with pretty much the same black glare she’d kept up the entire day. I studied her through the mirror of my vanity, keeping up the pretence of brushing my hair.
When Baz glanced at me I quickly looked away, unable to help the blush spreading across my face, once again cursing the fair skin my red hair came with.
She was brushing her hair at her vanity when I came back to our room, and it brought images of Bunce braiding her hair to mind. I couldn’t help glaring again, but I managed to not glare at her, for once. 
When I next glanced over at her, I was - shocked, to say the least, when she quickly, noticeably looked away, face turning a fetching shade of red.
I don’t know what came over me, what kind of daring Aunt Fiona had managed to remotely imbue me with, but I stalked over to her, spinning her and the stool she was sitting on around.
“What’s got you blushing like that, Snow?” I said, leaning over her, forcing her to lean back against the vanity. I was gratified to see the blush grow even more intense the closer I got.
“I, uh… we-well, I, eh -” Now, it might not be the accomplishment of the century, but I was still rather pleased I had reduced her to stuttering.
“Cat got your tongue, Snow?”
My enjoyment of the situation did turn rather quickly to surprise, however, when Simone, instead of saying something sassy back, launched herself at me. 
Our teeth clashed for a second before we both tilted our heads a little, and all of a sudden the kiss, already the best of my life, turned infinitely better. The way she moaned when I buried a hand in that long red hair of hers sent a tingle down my spine, and when she bit my lip I had a hell of a time not falling over.
When we broke the kiss, after what felt like an eternity, I was surprised to find myself kneeling on the stool, perched in her lap, her hands in a vice grip on my hips, the touch feeling like it should burn me but more a baptism by fire than anything. 
Closing my eyes and leaning my forehead against hers, I couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t that,” I finally said after a long time.
“Can’t lie, I didn’t exactly see that coming, either,” she said, one hand leaving my hips in favour of stroking up and down my back. “I don’t regret it, however. I - well, I do love you, Baz, even if that’s a bit sudden.”
I couldn’t help but kiss her again, absolutely not for the last time.
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