#which is funny because she's a terrible hunter -- good thing she isn't a farm cat
kris-mage-fics · 10 months
So we have a mouse in our apartment, which scared the living daylights out of me! Not because I'm scared of mice, but I just assumed we'd never see one in here. (We are on the third floor, and we've lived here for close to 13 years and have never seen one.) The landlord is going to bring over some poison but I'd really rather not use it. I don't know, maybe that's dumb, but it's just a little guy trying to live it's life and not be cold. I really don't like killing critters. Of course if we want to catch it that means we have to get something ourselves. Which is a pain when you live quite a few km from any stores that sell live traps and don't have a car. I'll have to talk to my partner and see what if he's up for a trip to the store or not, but he's at work right now.
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