#which is how I was eventually able to get into the dsmp
casinoroyale · 10 months
Hi everyone!! Theseus cquackity viceduo zombur revivebur here.
This blog has seen several hiatuses (my bad seriously my bad), and bouts of irregular posting. So I'm sure people who regularly check it have noticed that we (Fiona @quackbur and I) haven't been posting daily anymore and haven't for a bit now. So below the cut I'm gonna talk more about that, and our plans for this blog going forward
For starters, I love roleplaying on this blog so much, as does my cohost Fiona @quackbur. Fiona has done so, so much writing for this and I feel kind of bad for taking her credit over the past two or so years, so props to her for being such a good sport and for everything she's done. This blog wouldn't exist without the shared passion she had for it.
To get sappy, I love the friends I've made in bedrockverse, they remain some of my best and closest companions. I would not trade the times I've spent with them for the world. Beau, Holly & co, Met & Co, and Thunderbottles are some of the loveliest, most supportive, and insanely talented people I have ever had the pleasure of writing with and meeting.
This includes people who aren't part of the bedrockverse that I've written with!! Shoutout to Javi anonymous-jey casino-duckling, TGM the-g-m duckofthelaw, and AD anonymous-dentist therealnoodleman. It was so much fun bringing all the quackverses together, and I respect all of you so much as writers.
AND that also includes EVERYONE who has interacted with her!!!!!!!!!! Everyone who has sent asks (thank you so much, sorry we're terrible at replying), reblogged threads, commented, posted/liveblogged, DREW FAN ART (BLOWS OUR MINDS. THERE'S BEEN SO MUCH INCREDIBLE ART CREATED, WE CANNOT THANK ALL OF YOU ENOUGH), even just liked a thread, thank you. Seriously, it has meant a lot to us to be part of this community, and have so many people enjoy this blog. Insert Pitbull image happy you enjoyed.
So, going forward it would make us really happy if you all pictured casinoroyale as happy. He has songbird-sunrise, goofygoop, and a nation full of citizens that she loves. She babysits for tubbolul and latenightmining, and terrorizes rp!emduo not infrequently. All we really wanted was to bring c!quackity to a happy place and I feel we've done that. Of course he still has shit days, as a ptsd baddie, but the good days are more common. And if we never get to it (though I hope someday we do, maybe in the form of a collaborative one-shot or fic) know that casinoroyale and songbird-sunrise DO eventually get [REDACTED]. And one of them DOES get [REDACTED]. That was always the plan! Yay! [REDACTED]!
Not to say that we don't have more arcs planned for this blog, because we do! I just don't know when/if/how they'll ever get written, especially because a lot of my friends have moved on from their rp blogs as well. But I really do still feel happy with where he's at and happy with everything I've done. This is a project I'm really, really proud of and I will always look back on fondly.
None of this means that I'm not interested in c!Quackity or DSMP as a whole anymore, either. Actually that couldn't be further from the truth. But now I'd like to be able to focus on fics, and other forms of writing, which I've been doing more recently :D actually, you can read a short one shot I posted for exile's anniversary HERE
If you've made it this far into this long, sappy post, THANKS!!!!!! The TLDR; this blog is on an indefinite hiatus, and won't be returning to its formal glory, and that's okay. We had a really good run. Now, off we go to other things
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genevawrenn · 5 months
I am just going to put this at the top : this post is going to be a long vent about missing Technoblade, please scroll on if you do not wish to read.
We are coming up on two years without him.
We are also coming up on three years since I discovered his content.
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I thought I was at the point I could watch one of his videos tonight, as I used to often do when I am doing tasks or writing he was always the background noise I used. I remember calling into work when he streamed for the sheer sake of enjoying them while they happened the few times I caught them before...well. I think you know. He was the reason my passion for writing came back to life and I believed I could actually follow my lifelong dream of eventually publishing a story.
But I suppose the part I always forget about grief is the absence of the unique spirit that person brought to your life. I found his content and engaged with it instantly, developing one of the longest running fixations I have had in a good while. The sheer excitement I'd have getting the notification he went live for one of his rare streams.
I don't think it truly sunk in when he announced his diagnosis. I remember discussing it with the irl friend who got me into watching him and both of us laughed, saying he's strong enough to fight off anything.
A few months pass with his rare posts and there was always this tiny little bit of intuition I had where he never told us what severity of cancer it was. Like he was a very private guy, yes, but this seemed extra...odd.
Then I remember the way my heart sunk when 'so long nerds' popped into my notification bar. The dashing of my heart against the floor texting people as I tearfully listened to Technodad tell us the words his son Alex wished for us to hear.
Its been a long two years. Its been great ones, tbh. I found a new passion with QSMP and Hermitcraft after the finishing of DSMP [tho c!Techno will forever remain close to my heart]. I kept writing, with over half a million words in published fics on ao3 and several WIP including 3 original novels.
But the only one I ever wanted to thank for helping me find my creativity again I can't, and I never will be able to.
I miss Technoblade.
I will never stop missing him.
I wish he could have laughed with his friends for many years yet, being silently proud of their accomplishments while he messed with people on the QSMP. I wish he could have had another MCC with friends.
I wish his unique soul wasn't taken from us so soon, as we weren't done following our hero yet.
But the only thing I can do now is continue to speak his tales. The first book I properly publish, the gratitude page is going to be addressed to him. I will continue to tell others about his accomplishments and tell them to go watch his content on his Youtube channel [get him to 17 million!]! Buy some of his merch [when it comes back in stock]! Support his family & friends!
Though he would call us nerds for crying, I think its beautiful how many lives he touched and how many thousands mourned his passing. He was a light all corners of the MCYT sphere and beyond saw and respected, and not too many creators can claim such an honour.
I'll always be a Voice at my core. Even if I spend my time these days as a crow, a huevito, a ferret, a tubling, a doozer and many more, my heart will forever belong to Technoblade.
Please keep creating art and writing in his name. I love scrolling the fanart tags and adore every piece I come across with my favourite piglin in them. Please, please, please keep saying his name. Sing his legends. Make references, continue the jokes, hang out in one of his friends chats and support the people he loved.
Support those who are still here, even if your heart hurts.
It's only painful because we all loved him so much, which is a beautiful type of sorrow.
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arlo-rose · 4 months
Guys I’ve been so busy this weekend but it’s finally my turn to make a long sappy fable thank you post :D
I’m not always the best with words, and I said a lot of this in the fan appreciation video already, but I wanted to put it all here too.
I first started watching fable smp in (I think)November of 2021, cause I found Sherbert and Heyhay through DSMP tiktok compilations on youtube, and saw they both streamed. Fable is the first time I’ve actually been part of a fandom community, and it’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me. My whole experience with the community has been so incredible, everyone is so kind and creative and excited about the story being told. I met people through fable who are now some of my best friends on earth, and even got to meet up with one of them irl! I never imagined an online friend group was something I could have but those people, and the wider fable community, helped get me through some of the worst times mentally that I’ve had in my life. 
Fable as a story is so incredible, I can’t even put into words all of the specific pieces that make it so amazing, but all of the characters, relationships, stories, side plots, and just silly hanging out in character streams are something I love so much. I’m having a hard time writing this rn cause I don’t want to leave out anything important but I don’t know how to say any of it.
One of the biggest things fable smp has done for me is giving me something to fuel my art. Before fable started, I was just starting to experiment with digital art, but had a ton of art block and no motivation to draw much anymore. Fable gave me a constant source of ideas for my art, and the responses I got when I posted my art(for the first time ever) helped so much in keeping that motivation. Having fans and cast members tell my how much they loved my art was incredible, and it eventually gave me the confidence to open up art commissions, which I had never thought was something I’d be able to do. My art was actually how I met my now friends, we started talking because we all loved eachother’s art, and it’s so wonderful to have a bunch of artist friends I can ask for advice, show wips, and just hang out on call while drawing with. Whenever I draw I almost always have a fable vod playing, there are so many comfort vods that no matter how long I draw for, I’ll never run out. 
I know other people have said this, but I want to say it for me too, just because fable is over doesn’t mean I’m gonna shut up about it :D. I have so many art ideas I haven’t done yet, and so many thoughts and feelings about this story that aren’t going away anytime soon. I’m gonna keep brainrotting about these characters for as long as my brain allows me to, and even after that I’ll look back on this story and community so so fondly. This is a story and fandom that I think I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life, and I thank you all for that.
There is a lot of other things I could say right now, but words are hard and I’ve had a very, very long weekend, so I’m gonna stop it here. I love fable smp so much, and I can’t wait to see what stories you all tell next <3
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box-architecture · 3 months
Some dsmp fics I would write if it was my full-time job:
----A Sapnap/Techno fic, that explores Sapnap's feelings about BBH as his father becomes distant with him and becomes the head of the Egg cult, being invited to its banquet even. Sapnap angst where he gets to express how awful he feels about being constantly abandoned by the people he loves, over and over. Insecurity where he thinks something might be wrong with him, struggling to maintain a relationship with Karl when Karl doesn't even remember who he is half the time and calls him by a different name.
I think it should have Sapnap end up needing to take arms against the Eggpire and try to get his father back, and he ends up joining with Techno instead of the Techno/Quackity team-up. Techno and Sapnap should have a lot of moments that explore what it means to be a person, to have friends, and how much it hurts to be abandoned when you're a naturally devoted person. If apologies for any past lore between them need to happen, they happen. I think there should be a lot of parallels between Philza/Techno and Sapnap/Dream, but Dream isn't treated negatively in this scenario or shown to have Secretly Been A Bad Friend All Along, and there's actually potential for a reconciliation as Sapnap realizes that he and Dream stopped communicating the way they should have been, and a resolution to go back to the prison after he finishes with the Eggpire.
(which would eventually lead to him discovering the torture and abuse which would lead to him freeing Dream and-)
And this should end with Sapnap defeating the Egg with Techno, and freeing Bad, who's obviously not doing too great, and they hug, and Sapnap gets to say I missed you and Bad gets to say I'm sorry with something like reconciliation that could become more secure in the future (if the Dream stuff doesn't end up destroying it). Sapnap and Techno get to be close and protect each other in battle and Techno invites Sapnap to the arctic sometime, and Maybe Even. Feelings. Mayhaps. Maybe even the future promise of Sapnap joining the Syndicate when he goes to get Dream and realizes he can only go to one person he trusts more than anyone to have his back.
----A Wilbur/Michael McChill fic that explores Revivebur not entirely knowing what to do with himself post-revival, hearing the radio talking about Serenity, an interesting metaphor and concept for a man like Wilbur who has never known that kind of peace a day in his fucking life, and deciding that Yes He Would Definitely Go To This Country. And then he shows up the the Radio Station That Is,,,, Not A Country, or particularly serene. He's positively miffed but he's here now, and he is going to make himself McChill's problem now.
So now Wilbur is crashing on McChill's couch and no matter how much McChill tries to explain that Serenity Was A Metaphor, Wilbur isn't hearing it. And really, McChill did want to know about the true history of the DSMP and its stories, and look! He's got the original artifact in the form of a dead man who started it all. Yeah, he's pretty sure that every other word out of Wilbur's mouth is bullshit or a very deeply twisted truth, but this is his first real visitor, the only real answers to things he has. If the fanfic is from his POV, its an interesting, mysterious thing, the idea of Wilbur Soot.
But also I think that they could be a really interesting dynamic in the form of McChill being able to call bullshit on Wilbur's stories the way his CC called bullshit on the disc finale before it was revealed it was staged. I think that McChill would set some ground rules and force Wilbur to take a shower. Wilbur can play his guitar and McChill can snark that somethings out of key, and Wilbur can snark back, but their relationship will never explode or set anything on fire. Wilbur wants everything to be about him, needs to be the center focus, and he gets that to some degree by controlling the narrative of his past! But also McChill is someone who is unaffected by that past and has nothing to do with it. Wilbur can't pull on the past as a way to maneuver this relationship, so he's forced to just... be whatever he is in the present.
And I think Wilbur struggles a lot to figure out what he is in the present, but even if he bullshits and backslides, McChill is never going to enable his past behavior or be too traumatized to push back. If Wilbur is going to come all this way and steal his couch, McChill is going to tell him he needs to eat something other than sand. This isn't therapy, but it is Wilbur coming home to Philza with his very exasperated boyfriend and insisting that He Is So Good At Healing And Being Normal.
---- A Tina/Hannah fic that Explores their developing relationship and Hannah falling to the Egg. I want this Slow Burn from when they first meet on the SMP to maybe-possibly being very close to being romantically involved, that sort of deep tethering pull and dates-that-are-not-dates that could also have the fun background effect of letting us see how other characters we don't normally get a lot of focus on are doing in their day to day lives. It feels very light-hearted at first, almost slice of life-esque, tooth rotting fluff.
But as time goes on, clearly something is wrong on Hannah's end. The reds in her outfit have always been a lovely rosy shade, but lately they've become more dappled with crimson and mahogany. Its not something most people would notice, but Tina does. Tina notices every little shift in her behavior, the way her dearest friend withdraws more and more.
And Tina wants to help, of course, as she always does, but Hannah has realized both that she's being taken over by the Egg, and that the Egg wants to take Tina too, coaxing Hannah to try and infect her as well. Not acceptable. Hannah's goal is to attempt to keep Tina safe from whats happening at all costs. She'd leave a trail of blood behind her if it meant that she'd see Tina, whole and happy, on the other side.
Tina isn't really happy to be told "I'm doing this for you!" as the love of her life starts going a little ax-murder-y in a sacrificial cult. She thinks that taking away a bit of her agency, low-key. She doesn't want Hannah to destroy the world for her, she just wants Hannah, safe and happy and in her arms.
I want Tina to put on very cute, purple/pink armor and pick up a sword and maybe even join the Syndicate in taking down the Egg. I think Tina should go up against Hannah and the vines and the sacrificial cult and win after nearly losing, because Hannah has her hanging by a vine and insists that they could be Happy Like This, that Tina could be her beloved treasure, safe from the wars and conflicts of the SMP that she's seen through her hivemind connection- only for Tina to cut herself free and insist that she doesn't want to be safe. Not like this. If being safe means never being free, then she'd rather live a life full of danger. And she wants to live that life with Hannah as herself, not the facade the Egg insists she is.
I think, after the Egg is defeated, Tina is cradling her love very gently in her arms. I think they should kiss, blood still on their lips.
(I think they should get married, but its probably too soon for that.)
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Genloss x QSMP brainrot part 3 electric boogalee
part 2
(part 2 links part 1)
Every minecraft series referenced in QSMP is canon to the Genloss x QSMP universe, but with things like DSMP, that was a live action show that Wilbur, Philza, Bad, Foolish, Quackity, and Slime all originally acted for, but none of the deaths actually happened, and after the controversy-ladden shutdown of the DSMP, all of them eventually broke ties with Dream to go off on their own thing.
(for slime his thing was joining genloss and fucking dying)
Also yes technoblade did die of cancer in this universe. Phil and Niki left because they didn't feel comfortable continuing the series without one of the biggest stars.
2b2t is a 'no mans land' filled with some of the most dangerous and powerful individuals, both in terms of physical strength and magical strength. Almost every member of 2b2t has some sort of magical ability, otherwise they don't last long. Some magic users go to 2b2t because it's one of the only places that will allow them to legally use their abilities, be it:
Super strength,
Mind control, (which is how groups like the spawnmasons built that giant obsidian symbol.)
And FitMC does have these abilities, and made himself known as one of the main people interested in analyzing the history of the area. However recently, due to his absence, his control and influence on the players of 2b2t has wained, some believe him to have chickened out, others believe he's just been focused on new opportunities.
Yes, Ranboo was a hybrid during the events of Genloss, however Showfall Media found a way to surpress his powers, so he basically had the physical strength and speed of an average tall person.
also random shit-posty fact: Wilbur hasn't been able to get the white streak in his hair out, (he dyed it), so now he just kinda lives with it. Some of the QSMP members have asked him about it, and he just kinda responds with a "I just remember it being like this forever."
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k3yreviewer25 · 6 months
misc benson headcanons that i keep thinking about (very unorganized and messy, apologies):
one of his favorite foods is escargot
when i'd originally thought him up, he was an explorer, but i like giving that role to michael more, so benson's a detective / historian now. at one point when michael's a teenager he tells benson that he wants to explore the world and benson gets really upset cause he wanted the two of them to run a detective agency. it takes him a good while to get over this.
quackity was the one who helped teach benson how to fly. since ranboo isn't as close to phil in this au, and tubbo doesn't trust him with his kids in the slightest, so they went to quackity instead. even though he hasn't flown himself in ages, he still remembers how so he's the best teacher they have available.
i think i made a post about this before, but ranboo doesn't die in this au. he does get put in the prison by sam, but bc he doesn't live in the artic, techno doesn't see him get taken and isn't there to break him out. instead, tubbo threatens sam with the nuke to get his family back. they come to an agreement that tubbo and ranboo will be banned from the main dsmp server along with their kids.
benson does sneak into the mainland once he's able to fly on his own. he eventually gets caught and is grounded for a couple months.
tubbo calls him 'duckie'
when he's a kid he gets mad at michael once and tries to pull the 'you're adopted' card, only to get hit with the 'at least i wasn't an accident' card. neither of them are ever allowed to say that to each other again.
every summer, pretty much all the parents on the server +tommy are invited to foolish's summer home for a few weeks. when benson's around 10 or 11, all the older kids sneak out one night to look at a creeper that got stuck in a cave. benson blackmails his way into getting to go with them, then accidentally falls in with the creeper. one of foolish's kids (haven't decided which) jumps down after him and sacrifices one of their lives to keep him safe. summer vacation gets cut short that year.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
i remember when i watched dsmp there were a LOT of times that only one or two people would be on, so no one would have anyone to talk to/do stuff with, and the stream would end up pretty flat and/or nothing much would happen (and this would go on for months at a time, stream after stream). and then eventually people just seemed to stop streaming altogether because of this issue. and the actors solve that problem!! i really hope quackity studios adds some more after the egg event is over, as this first month has really proven that having actors really transforms how the story and all works (in a good way). aside from providing engagement, actors also have the potential for lore (ex. what cucurucho/osito bimbo has been doing) which is always really fun, as someone who enjoys the lore aspect of mcrp :D
sorry for the long rant/ask!
yeah!!!! one thing that really stuck with me was during one of michael’s streams, where he said something along the lines of how awkward it was to do live lore where he was just talking to chat and no one else. because the reality of it is that most ccs that get into mcrp aren’t really actors, not in the sense that they’re used to playing a character and essentially having repeated soliloquies. so for some people, it’s hard to get that foot in the door to get used to it.
not to beat the mianitian dead horse, but on the other hand, something that also stuck with me was a time where all of the mianite streamers were busy at some con or other event, and jordan was the only one active for the day. despite that, he was still able to create an engaging and entertaining stream because the actors were online alongside him. the stream unveiled more personal aspects of the characters and enabled the story to continue its pace despite every streamer but one being absent without it feeling awkward and empty. i also really hope quackity studios have learned from the egg event and continue with similar implementations of actors, because it’s shown to really work to enhance its medium!!
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dream-critical · 1 year
haiii :) okay so this is a bit off-topic for the present discourse but i just discovered this account and wanted to anon air some thoughts ive been having about This Fuckin Guy. its all probably been said before in some capacity, but yeah (tws for grooming, SA allusion) 
the way dream has taken advantage of his fame is genuinely so fascinating. re: dnf, rpf of internet creators is obviously not a new thing online (also wrt lack of boundaries between a fan community and creator) but i’ve never seen a creator encourage their own sexualization the way he has. i used to think it was hysterical the way he publicly liked fanart of himself which clearly played into his conceit of being hyper-masculinized beside a hyper-feminized george. but again, after the grooming allegations dropped, it was hard not to see this behaviour in an even more sinister light than just that he’s an egotist who’s making money off of marketing his own fetishization. like it reminded me that behind all that fanart and fanfic were mostly young girls (a fact which is very Focal in the discourse), so what are the chances that played into his “enjoyment” of it. 
desensitizing a victim to sexual contact is a major grooming tactic. putting it this way, he was basically cultivating a massive following of young (most underage) girls, “mass-groomed” to view him sexually and thereby predicate inappropriate sexual exchanges on an individual level as we saw him do on snapchat. with the way he’s infantilized by fans (but also by antis who, reasonably, call him out as a juvenile idiot) its easy to miss how this man’s career seems engineered to be a tremendous abuse of power against vulnerable young people. and its crazy because I feel like its on a level and in a medium which is heretofore unexplored; unbreached by law or comprehensive understandings of what “violence” and “abuse” can entail when it takes place in online communities such as this.  
needless to say, as an ex-dsmp fan, im still transfixed by the goings-on of the community. i wish outsiders didn’t so often discredit the situation as “mcyt cringe” or trivial discourse among teenage stans who “deserve it” for falling in with this shitty guy. i feel like we’re watching a massive group be Actively Victimized, but its getting caught up in vitriolic alliances on the discourse front. like gen q, is it more constructive to indict dnf fangirls as individual perverts, or to indict the man at the centre of the cult of personality which enabled this behaviour to set the stage for his abuse/manipulation/etc.? 
anyway. hope this qsmp situation finally fuckin shoots his career in the foot cause i’m getting tired of praying on his downfall. 
(and thanks for running this blog. it must be draining, hope you’re taking care of yourself :) )
im a veteran follower of dream discourse and i can honestly say every single time something big happens everyone think this will be the end of his career. surely this has got to be the breaking point.
but it never is. and maybe it never will be. for the exact reasons he is famous, his fanbase. like you said, though i wouldn’t say groom is necessarily the word, dream built his fanbase to be the way it is, loyal and unquestioning of him. as long as he has a substantial fanbase who will defend and follow him no matter what, it doesn’t matter what he does, there will never be a downfall because he’d repeatedly shot himself in the foot and then have his army of professional dick riders to heal it.
at this point, it would be more likely that dream eventually fade out. his fanbase will grow up, get older, more responsibilities, and eventually they’ll forget about him. and there won’t be a generation to follow them because dream’s content would start to become irrelevant to the soon-to-be teenagers who are his main demographics. in 1 to 2 years time, he’ll be a used to be big-shot mcytber who now averages 200k views per video and his content would have become so generalised that you wouldn’t be able to recognise him and neiltheminecraftgamer or some other mediocre typical gaming channel specifically targeting kids.
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dnalt-d2 · 4 months
QSMP has Ended, but What Do I Think, and What Will I Do?
(Probably my last long post for a while, so heyyyyyy)
So…QSMP is over
OR IS IT?????
(I don't know for sure and I don't think anyone else does right now either tbh I'll circle back to this)
So the day started 10 mins earlier than I fucking expected because no one said anything about a QSMP Info Stream, so I slept through that stuff about D.R.A.G.O.N. But I have since seen it and oh boy
I hurt about it
To start with, they listed Chayanne and Lullah as deceased, even though as far as we know, they're eternally asleep in Rose's Garden. Did the Feds just list them as deceased because they couldn't find them? Probably maybe idk what am I a cop??? I do know that Richas probably actually died and that fuckin sucks. RIP little dude. Your chaotic energy WILL be missed, sincerely
Now the rest of the surviving Eggs (possibly sans Dapper and Pomme for BBH/their own Lore reasons) to be left in cryogenic stasis. I will return to this point later
Everyone got loaded up into a plane to go somewhere, but crashed before arriving, leaving everyone to gather plane parts and survive numerous Code Monsters. RIP Etoiles, you and your badass sword/shield would've loved QSMP Horror
Also, since I didn't mention it, we got some strange occurences with some of the people. Fit got deported, RIP to him as well, and replaced with local Heterochromatic/Possibly Homophobic Catboy Madagio. Pac became PacOvo, or whatever they were calling him, I think I missed that part. And Mike is a straight-up zombie. Dude lost his eyes at one point, I saw it myself, it was fuckin wild. Also Max showed up. And I'm not sure he did much to explain that. I do know he seemed to trauma-bond with Bad about their mutual Nuke-related deaths. Wouldn't be the first thing they trauma-bonded about, I'm sure
So they managed to fix the plane, only to be told that the Codes are a product of a virus in long-forgotten plot-point SOFIA, and they needed to destroy her in order to destroy them and the Feds, much to Max's (and for some reason Quackity's) dismay. But they still basically ripped her apart and did the thing anyway, and they managed to essentially destroy the island. I think. Or they just escaped? I'm gonna be real, I'm not 100% sure on whatever happened there, it's been a hot minute and I'm tired
Either way, we were then met with a montage of numerous moments on the QSMP, and then an ominous Number 2, which has some…Interesting implications…
Now I've never been part of the DSMP fandom, but I still kinda feel like this has the same vibes of DSMP Season 2. And by that I mean that right now, I'm sure there are intentions to continue eventually, once things behind the scenes are sufficiently sorted out, much like how DSMP was initially intended to continue. That's likely why they left the surviving Eggs in a state that possibly leaves them open to continuation. However, I think we also all need to keep in mind that things could potentially not be sorted out
This doesn't mean don't be excited, I know I am. But I do think we need to keep our expectations in check, just in case we get a different announcement. There is always the possibility that things went too far in the wrong direction, and course-correction just isn't feasible
Once again, I wanna say just how happy I am to have been here for all this. I was there on the first day of QSMP, just by pure coincidence, and I have been here ever since, all the way to the end. I don't regret that in the slightest, and I am super glad to have seen the community it fostered here. I'm not quite social enough to have been able to make friends the way a lot of you have, but nevertheless, I am really happy to have been along for the ride. For me, I think it was that I kept seeing some of the same names in the feed, and in my notifications. That made me really happy, seeing all of you
So Thanks Quackity, Thanks Admins, Egg-Related or Not, Thanks QSMP Creators from all over the world, and of course, Thanks QSMPblr, for making this an incredible experience
Now as for this blog…
I'll admit I made this side-blog as primarily QSMP-related, while also hoping to talk about my other fandom interests sporadically, maybe do some fanart. But then suddenly people started following me???
Like actually wanting to hear what I have to say apparently???? And that blew my mind, but also made me too anxious to start posting other fandom stuff because "That's not what these guys are here for, what if they get annoyed, etc." Just that typical social anxiety fun stuff that lives in the void where my brain once was
But at this point, I'm probably gonna belay that entirely, and start finally ranting about other things here like I've been holding off on for a while. Might even just do an art dump of random stuff that I just made and never did anything with. So uh, if anyone who followed me doesn't wanna see that…Sorry. I just don't want this blog to die entirely, if I'm being honest
I do have a project I'm hoping to work on, and I might do some progress reports over here, but if not, and you're still curious, I also have my main blog [@dna-d2] that I would be on otherwise. Idk if I'm gonna go to posting there primarily, hard to say. But that's the thing about the future. You can think all you want about how it's gonna go, but in the end, it only takes a moment to decide what will actually happen. Did that actually mean anything?? Was it actually profound????? Or am I just tired and hungry at 3 in the morning?? YOU DECIDE, THAT'S THE MAGIC OF NONSENSE
So yeah
See you later
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faebriel · 1 year
and you caused it (a fic scrapbook)
fun fact: today is the two year anniversary of my very first dsmp fic, cause most of us are bitter over someone!
this fic means a lot to me. i'd never quite been able to stick with writing, fanfic or otherwise, as a hobby before writing it. i made a lot of wonderful friends both through the process of writing it and through people discovering it after it was posted, many of which i'm still close with even two years later!!! how wild is that!!!!! so to everyone who has left kind comments or tags, who has recommended my fic to other people, or has even just left a kudos or a hit, thank you very much. <3
for a while after writing bitter, i had a sequel in mind - but unfortunately trying to write it took a bit of a toll on me, and i ended up pretty burned out for a long time. eventually, i figured it just wasn't meant to be. aw ew i just realised the reference after i typed it. anyway, while i was never able to get the sequel just right, i do have various snippets and outlines that i made while i was trying to plan it. i've asked around a bit if anyone would be interested in seeing these notes, and i figured an anniversary was the perfect time to put them all together!
so, i'm posting a very deconstructed fic outline - and you caused it.
each chapter will be posted over the coming week, containing an outline of what-would-have-been and snippets of scenes/dialogue (plus a few snippets i have written over the last few weeks to fill out the experience a bit!). i'll make a compilation post at the end too.
while it's not the same experience as reading a full-fledged fic, i hope that anyone who was interested in what happened next after cause most of us are bitter will enjoy it. thank y'all <3
In which Niki has a terrible secret, Puffy just wants to move on, Tommy sneaks into casino parties and Wilbur learns to deal with anger being justified. Or - the one thing they don't warn you of, when dropping nuclear warheads on old friends, is fallout.
(rainduo-centric, with a particular focus on niki after her part in the nuclear murder plot was revealed; the epic highs and lows of trying to make amends for attempted murder; awkward roommates; and a whole lot of hurt to get through to the comfort.)
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pics for reasons!
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cyncerity · 2 years
How did cranboo Ctubbo get to dating in the store shifter au if one of them cannot understand the other? Very enthusiastic sign language and a lot of squinting?
alright first things first i wanna use this ask to specify that Ranboo and Tubbo are in a QPR!! If you don’t know what that is, it stands for Queer Platonic Relationship, cause I headcanon C!Tubbo is on the aro spectrum and I’m aro so i feel the need to project cause i never see QPRs being talked about lmao. So that’s being added to this au. Also slightly unrelated but in this au (and another dsmp character headcanon) Ranboo is ace 💖
ok back to the actual question so y’know how in the dsmp lore Tubbo married Ranboo cause he was rich and stuff? This. Ranboo isn’t rich or anything, he’s a teenager with a retail job, but hey, any money is rich by borrower standards. Not that Tommy doesn’t buy Tubbo stuff and he doesn’t steal Dream’s stuff (Dream hasn’t met him and Foolish lives next door with Puffy), but he took way more of a liking to Ranboo than he thought he would when he asked Tommy to take him to work with him and now he needs a viable excuse to keep clinging to him. And having an extra human to give him stuff was nice too. Tubbo really looked at this ridiculously tall anxious human and said “that one.”
So anyway, he kinda just…watched him for like, a month. Ranboo would constantly complain to Tommy that he felt like he was being watched, and Tommy would just unconvincingly laugh it off. Eventually tho, Tubbo messed up and ended up stuck on a few higher shelves in the kitchen’s backrooms before closing time. Tommy was talking to Wil and the other employees had gone home, so Ranboo was the only other person near Tubbo, and he just happened to slip and almost fall into the deep fryers that Ranboo was shutting down for the night.
Thankfully Ranboo caught him, but unthankfully Ranboo immediately hid Tubbo from Tommy cause why would he think they knew each other? It took some serious charades and a solid thirty minutes for Tubbo to communicate to Ranboo that, yes, Tommy knew him and he really needed to get back to Tommy cause they live together. Once Tubbo had been returned to a very frantic and panicked looking Tommy who was concerned that Tubbo had been abducted or killed while he wasn’t looking, Tommy ended up explaining this all better and Ranboo eventually put the pieces together that Tubbo was the weird presence of always being watched that he felt at work.
After that, he did his best to communicate with Tubbo, because it seemed like Tubbo really wanted to talk to him, but he couldn’t help that he couldn’t understand him! They tried charades, but they both sucked, so eventually it just turned into Ranboo having one sided conversations that Tubbo would nod or shake his head at. And Tubbo also started bringing him things. Like, little buttons or feathers or cool rocks and leaves, and Ranboo couldn’t say that the gesture didn’t mean something to him. It reminded him of a crow, and he told Tubbo that once, who accepted the comment with pride. But it was still frustrating that they couldn’t communicate. Eventually, he started to notice that even if Tommy would talk to Tubbo normally, sometimes they talked using BSL, which he didn’t even think Tubbo knew, considering Tubbo couldn’t even write (as in, he was completely illiterate and had never even been taught the alphabet cause that’s apparently unnecessary to borrowers) and was also, according to Tommy, probably dyslexic.
Ranboo sought Tommy out to teach him BSL in secret as a surprise to Tubbo. He learned a good bit of basics and almost ever curse word before he decided to start taking online lessons. And on the six month anniversary of meeting Tubbo, he was very happy to finally be able to communicate properly with him for the first time. Of course, his signing wasn’t perfect, and Tubbo’s hands occasionally messed up (Ranboo had thought that Tommy was weird for choosing “fuck” and every iteration of the word fuck to be the first words Ranboo learned, but he was starting to appreciate that now, given that Tubbo said it constantly, especially when he messed up bad enough or had to pause and restart a sentence)(Tommy may have been right about the dyslexic thing but it really wasn’t his business), but it was a start, and it was better than they’d ever had.
As it turned out, he and Tubbo had very similar senses of humor. They talked for hours and hours on end, now that they could, and Ranboo enjoyed every second of it. Tubbo also verbally spoke when he signed and, even if Ranboo couldn’t understand it, he could hear every bit of emotion and emphasis behind the words. He didn’t need to hear the words in order to pick up on Tubbo’s attitude in every conversation they had. Tubbo was a very good story teller, he learned, and his jokes always somehow landed, even if Ranboo couldn’t hear exactly how it was said. He also learned that to borrower ears (and to Tommy), Tubbo had a british accent, and he only learned this because Tubbo made fun of him for being American damn near constantly. Ranboo also learned that he didn’t need to sign, cause Tubbo could understand English just fine, but Ranboo decided that if his hands weren’t busy, there really wasn’t a harm to it. Besides, if Tubbo had to sign to be understood, Ranboo might as well keep practicing just to make sure he didn’t forget anything (or maybe he just didn’t want to make Tubbo feel alienated when they talked, but he could have that debate with himself).
All in all, though Ranboo hadn’t really been expecting it, he couldn’t say he was shocked when the little trinkets that Tubbo would bring shifted from small knick knacks into things like flowers (which Ranboo would usually tuck behind his ear for the rest of his shift) or shiny objects that he knew he’d find pretty or occasionally jewelry he must’ve stolen from the lost and found area, though Ranboo appreciated it nonetheless.
Tubbo came to him on the one year anniversary of their meeting with an actual jewelry box, which was odd, and he opened it to find an intricately woven purple and green braid with a minecraft bee charm and an enderman charm linked on it, a running joke between the two since Tubbo and Ranboo had frequently started having sleepovers at Ranboo’s house and Tubbo had fallen in love with the bees as soon as Ranboo had booted up minecraft, and they’d gotten into an argument about which mob was better. But he also knew what that braid meant. Of course he did, cause he was already wearing one. Purple, green, and red: that was the one on his left wrist. Tommy’s was on his right, and Tubbo wore his as an anklet. They’d made them together as soon as the three had become close friends, and as soon as the cultural significance had been explained to Ranboo. But this one was just for him and Tubbo. That implied that they were something more, and Ranboo knew it. He also found he was ok with it.
Tubbo hadn’t even needed to ask it out loud. He had just been staring the entire time, until Ranboo looped the braid behind his neck and tied it in place, shooting a smile at the borrower. Tubbo grinned like an idiot, before asking Ranboo if they’d be interested in going to the park sometime later that day, just to make it official. Ranboo smiled wider as he signed “it’s a date” and carried on with work for the rest of that day as Tubbo was busy trying to find Tommy and tell him that it all went well.
and yes Tommy was aware of all of this. He bought Tubbo the little minecraft charms cause he thought it was funny as hell and also on a more serious note he’d do anything to help his practically brother at this point. He’d been the one to actually convince him to give Ranboo the necklace, cause at that point Tommy was like 98% sure Ranboo would accept it. It also helped that Tommy knew Tubbo had liked Ranboo since the very fucking beginning, a fact that not even Ranboo knew. Needless to say, he was right there with Tubbo in his excitement when he went to Tommy after the fact, and he couldn’t have been happier for his two best friends.
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enderwalking · 2 years
ok here's my comprehensive post about it based on what we currently know and how i'm currently feeling.
about dream: even in the very best case scenario here, he's a massive idiot who has hugely violated the acceptable boundaries between creator and fan, and he has demonstrated repeated disrespect for his community with the way he has brushed things off in addressing them. and that's the BEST case scenario based on what he's readily admitted; i don't think i have to detail how vile the worst case is. i've stood in dream's corner through a lot of bullshit, and i don't even really consider myself to have been wrong in those instances, but again, even giving the most benefit of the doubt imaginable and assuming that all the more explicit allegations are entirely false, this is still not a guy i can continue to invest any sort of positive energy towards. like this is where i have to pump on the parasocial brakes and put a stop to things.
about the dsmp: i'm a lorehead, this much is obvious. i honestly don't know how my investment in the story that is so intrinsically tied to dream is going to continue. obviously, plans have been made, and speaking selfishly, i do want to see the characters i love round off their arcs. but this isn't like a movie or a show where you can clearly partition character vs creator. and well, it's not the first time that lore has been used in a blatant attempt to sweep serious issues under the rug; dreamxd and c!dteam lore has always been some of my favorite, and yet to this day i have not been able to look back at that stream without contempt. unfortunately, the promise of upcoming lore leaves the same sour taste. part of me hopes that tommy and ranboo and whoever else who was planning on rounding off their arcs just decide to drop their google docs and be done with it. i don't know. perhaps eventually i'll be able to reapproach the story and characters with a healthy separation in mind, but that time is definitely not going to be in the immediate future.
about other dsmp ccs in general: i think that it's too early yet to make any judgments on how other ccs in dream's circle are handling things. i'll definitely have to wait and see how things unfold before determining who else i feel the need to cut ties with. i highly doubt sapnap or george would ever speak up against dream or ever continue content creation without his involvement; that very much feels like a "if they go down they go down together" situation. as for others, well. again, selfishly speaking, i want to hold out hope for the ccs who have distinct enough communities that they could feasibly distance their content from dream. i am tentatively considering sbi and co? i guess safe? for the time being? but it's definitely like. idk, i will probably keep my distance and wait to see how things get handled.
about the future of this blog: i think it's been pretty obvious that this blog has become more heavily hermit/trafficlife focused as of late, so if nothing else i'll probably just lean into that more? though being completely honest, i made this sideblog in the first place because i was returning to tumblr after like a solid 3-4 years of inactivity, where i knew that i had long-standing mutualships with fervent dsmp antis and didn't want my every post to be judged lmao. i don't especially mind being cringe about other mcyts on main, which is why i was saying that i might transition more to posting over at @strifetxt in the future? i'm not certain about that though, i like the categorization i've established here, so who knows. i'm definitely not deactivating this blog; even if i do transition fully to main, i'd want to keep this blog as an archive.
regardless of anything, i don't regret the fun i had in this community, and i certainly could never regret getting to meet and spend time with all the amazing people i've come to know in my time here <3
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ctntduoarchive · 2 years
Hope you don’t mind me ranting a bit about this but a hunger games au is actually super interesting and fitting for dsmp :D
Like cWilbur as Katniss for the most part, yknow with the whole bow and arrow (although he’s like average at it) and the thing about your younger sibling having blonde hair and sticking out because of the hope they give other people… and also volunteering for their place when their name is picked because you couldn’t bear at the thought of a world without them
Phil too, also a strong source of hope in his day and forever jaded from the trauma of being the district’s only successor- tried his best but never could have been the father Wilbur needed. But when Wilbur volunteers he immediately kicks into the mindset of the games, it’s the best thing he ever succeeds in.
He develops a full on scheme to give Wilbur the best chances he’s got for the games, by purposefully coming down with a nasty illness that’s highly contagious and violent (they wouldn’t get far if he faked it) and with his status, is able to choose who takes his place as Wilbur and nikis mentor (oh yeah and niki, the bakers daughter, gets choosen too) in the rearrangement and immediately chooses Techno, one of the spare mentors from the district that specializes in training peacekeepers and an old friend of Phil’s. And like that’s just the first part of the plan
The overall plan is to finally get a foot in the door to undermining the capital, something Phils been waiting for years and years and so had techno. And Phil has no doubt that Wilbur can light that spark in others. However the key factor is making sure Wilbur plays the game right in winning over the people’s favor, which is kinda the crux of the first part, as he’s up against difficult competitors like Quackity and Schlatt in higher up districts.
Meanwhile, Tommy convinces Phil to be in on the entire plan, And him and Ranboo are actively working out ways to add fuel to that spark Wilbur starts (tubbo’s actually in a different district and is called into the games too, cause I love him too much to not traumatise him and then have my hurt/comfort cabinet duo moments)
Sorry this is super long but it just got me excited thinking all the ways things could connect in the Au and I just had to share it akdkfk
yes!!! this would be super fun!!!
i also had this personal hunger games au where ctommy becomes a tribute BUT his best friend (ctubbo) is taken to the capitol . because they make a massive scene at the reaping and the capitol ALWAYS are in it for the dramatics
who he gets stuck with in the hunger games i am yet to think about! thinking about someone like cranboo, who he finds annoying at first but eventually they become friends!
and then ctubbo is placed right next to the leader (president, emperor, i forgot what they called it) cschlatt! he learns the ins and outs of the capitol, also becoming close with cschlatt's fiancé (for show) cquackity .
MEANWHILE . cwilbur is stuck in district 12 but is desperate to get them back! so his stupid ass thinks about how to get to the capitol and somehow discovers the underground network that's planning a revolution (the one that's introduced in book 2 i think it is!)
so then by the end cwilbur and whoever else is running the revolution break ctommy and subsequently cranboo out of the arena, THEN go to the capitol to break in .
the three of them and whoever i decide would be important from the revolution, sneak around the capitol looking for ctubbo. they spot him one day on the big screen next to cschlatt and cquackity.
once they finally locate him irl, he insists on bringing cquackity with him, much to cwilbur's distrustful ass' dismay .
he then breaks out into an argument with ctubbo (and learns he knows how to fend for himself now! he's had massive character development!) and they alert all the guards
SOMEHOW they manage to all get out . thats as far as i've gotten
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I posted 9,347 times in 2022
That's 5,987 more posts than 2021!
26 posts created (0%)
9,321 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 392 of my posts in 2022
#stranger things spoilers - 46 posts
#reed’s rants - 40 posts
#the ducks quacked about something - 38 posts
#a question!! :o - 14 posts
#reed’s shennanigans - 12 posts
#danny phantom - 3 posts
#yes - 3 posts
#green - 3 posts
#black - 2 posts
#blue - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#the way dodie says ‘i can finally see you’re as fucked up as me’ vs wilbur’s ‘shout at the walls cause the walls don’t fucking love you’
My Top Posts in 2022:
Thinking about the way people say fuck. Like a gentle admittance. Like something tasting bitter. Something meant to punch. Something with reverence, like a prayer. Something with laugher still curling around it. Like a promise 
14 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
I’m tired of being the weird kid. I’m tired of being your oddity to ogle at in the circus. I just want to be equal to the rest of you when I’m talking to you for once. I want to belong when I’m in your company. But maybe that’s on me. Maybe I need to stop trying to fit myself in with the audience when I’m the one on stage.
14 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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See the full post
25 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
By the way if anyone wants the events of c!Tommy’s exile arc on the dsmp. I am making a Comprehensive list of everything that went down (specifically related to Tommy’s mentality and how it shifts from beginning to end, and the specifics of Dream’s abuse) so if anyone wants me to make it a public document for reference just hmu  (Edit: it is now public! Link in the notes :])
27 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*grabby hands* Danny Jason QPR gimme
AHA I wasn’t gonna write a fic but I also keep thinking about this every day so maybe I will lol. Premise of the story is they both have poisoned ectoplasm (no way they both have poisoned ectoplasm).
Danny (17) escapes the GIW who had captured him and were experimenting on him. One of the experiments was injecting him with a poison that feeds off ectoplasm (unknowingly). Danny escapes and runs around for a bit before settling in Gotham because he figures that the Bats won’t stand for a random group like the GIW coming into Gotham and being their destructive and unsubtle selves. He encounters Jason a couple times and they can Sense Eachother, usual dpxdc stuff. Eventually Danny saves Jason in a fight cause this is Ghost King AU and Jason is kinda Danny’s subject, and Danny obsession (which is again standard ‘protection’ vibes) extends to him because of that, so when Jason is about to get hurt, Danny is compelled to save him. N e ways Danny and Jason start interacting and hanging out more and eventually it progresses into a QPR. The poison in Danny’s system keeps getting worse until he caves and lets the Bats treat him - something he held out against for a long time b/c of his paranoia and trauma around medical stuff thanks to the GIW. He gets better n returns to Amity but visits Gotham frequently to see his partner and new friends.
I have a lot of other stuff bouncing around in my head too lol, Danny has very complicated feelings about not wanting Jason to get hurt and not wanting to hurt him, especially related to his poisoning, which I go feral over (It’s a two way street Jason feels the same way). Also have a whole subplot with Constantine and Danny and them confiscating books or things that tell how to summon Danny so the GIW can’t get their hands on kt. Tucker comes in near the end. I have lots of thoughts about how stressed Danny would be not being able to get back to the Ghost Zone to manage his responsibilities as it’s ruler. Also lots of thoughts on both Jason and Danny’s backstories (DC stands for disregard canon). I have a lot of thoughts about it all and about Jason and Danny maybe I should just write a fic. If u want me to elaborate on anything just send an ask I can talk about this all day lol!
Oh also I have Jason as 19 and Danny turns 18 in the fic (which definitely isn’t hard for him or for his friends and family back home who he hasn’t been able to contact)
102 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
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cloudtheangeloud · 1 year
If I were in Grimmijagger's Cursed Town AU
this is how I would be in The DSMP fanfic, Cursed Town AU
So a few months (let's say 3 or 4 months passed) after Wilbur and Jack turned into a Ghost and Cyborg respectively, I would get inquisitive about the dark forest and step into it's woods without warning. At first, everything was quiet as I looked at the twisted, creepy frees. I then stumbled upon 2 gravestones. one of them saying "Purpled" and the other "Ranboo" I got a little concerned about the forest but then I saw a shadow behind me that looked like an alien. I turned around. only to get sliced by it's tail but it's just a tiny scar on my arm as I narrowly dodged. I fell onto the ground and saw another monster which seemed to be an alu
upon seeing them. I began running while they were chasing after me, I was able to get out of the forest. after that, I looked at the 2 monsters, and due to the cut on my arm, they shifted into chained humans for a few seconds before shifting back to their monster forms. I don't want to see my mum mad at me about the cut on my hand but luckily, we live quite far from the forest so the effects would not be strong enough though I constantly see these 2 monsters haunting me for months, I have known their names during that time, Purpled & Ranboo.
In October 2021 (when the main AU mostly takes place) I decided to go back here after what happened to Eryn. Kristen, SPK, and Aimsey were also there as SPK had a cursed scratch on his arm. so we went into the woods and near the town. I can see Ranboo and Purpled amongst the other monsters as I tried to hide. Ranboo then feels pain (as Aimsey smashes his tombstone)
Suddenly, after Philza begins crying and Techno rebelling against Dream, most of everyone gets caught in chains, only my arm gets chained and I saw Purpled and Ranboo struggling with the chains. eventually the Karl-Sapnap-Quackity Chimera saved the day as Sapnap burnt the book Dream was holding (how did Sapnap become the true hero of this AU?)
when everyone is freed from the curse, I hang out with the ghosts of Purpled and Ranboo for a while and even hug both of them at the same time before the 2 go into the afterlife
I am friendly to their parents (who are very old but how is that impossible? for them to live very long) I kind of feel sorry for their sons. in the end of the AU, I step into the forest (which is no longer cursed) and looked at the ruins of the over 600-year-old town and takes notes for Wikipedia
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I posted 459 times in 2022
That's 139 more posts than 2021!
29 posts created (6%)
430 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 138 of my posts in 2022
#dream smp - 18 posts
#dsmp - 17 posts
#mcyt - 13 posts
#wilbur soot - 9 posts
#dsmp fanfic - 7 posts
#dream smp fic - 7 posts
#dream smp spoilers - 7 posts
#dsmp spoilers - 6 posts
#dsmp wilbur - 6 posts
#double life spoilers - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#tubbo did a whole speech in the beginning about how he tried to make snowchester a safer place for michael and failed so it makes sense
My Top Posts in 2022:
That Eryn lore was so good! We really haven't had a chance to see anyone's life before the smp, so seeing his parents and him growing up with Tommy was really nice! And then his home on the server being decorated to look like he's inside the nether and Bad following him around while he gets overwhelmed by the feeling of death on the server...
Mwah, 5 stars! Eryn promised a great lore stream and he delivered!
68 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
The lore stream today was so nice! I was expecting the other shoe to drop at any second because things seemed to be going a little *too* well, but presumably it's all leading to different lore in the future. The important thing is that Michael is back with his dads and Tubbo didn't die (despite having closure with the two people who killed him and refusing to put on armour which was very worrying).
Also Eret, Techno and Tubbo was a very fun combination! They had a good balance between lore and humour. All in all a good stream and another comfy vod for the future. :D
77 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
It's that time of year again: it's Tales bingo card time! S/o to my sister's addition of 'gay' and my very specific theory about how the episode's gonna end.
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124 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Summary of the Minecraft 1.20 Update (To be named at a later time)
7 new default skins
Hanging chain signs
Bamboo wood patterns
Mosaic wood blocks unique to bamboo wood
Bamboo rafts rather than boats
Usable bookshelves
Looks like up to 6 books can be stored on them
They remember which bookshelf you've taken from last so they have redstone capacities (e.g. hidden bookshelf doors)
Camels in the desert biome
Possible for two people to ride at once
Can jump over ravines and rivers, unlike horses
Too tall for two-block mobs to attack (though if you want to fight back one person can make the camel run while the other fights)
Snapshot available very soon!
*This is not the final summary of the update*
Unlike past updates where they have promised everything at Minecraft Live and haven't been able to deliver some aspects (i.e. fireflies), these are only the features that they are very confident about. There will likely be other features revealed before the final release and they will eventually come up with an overall theme.
For now the overall theme just seems to be enhancing the features that make Minecraft the game we all know and love.
I believe they will be talking about the update in more detail on 22nd October.
Mob vote: Sniffer won with over half of the votes
3.5 million people voted overall
Rascal came second, Tuff Golem came last
416 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I love them already. My new favourite pokemon-looking mob, the Sniffer. <3
(Also they apparently may come with new plants which would be very fun!)
556 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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