#which is overedit
rillabrooke · 4 months
okay why did i ever stop writing on paper??
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writing-with-sophia · 10 months
Writing a novel: Step by step
Most writers aspire to publish at least one book in their lifetime, but writing a novel is not easy. From new writers to experienced writers who have published hundreds of books, everyone must follow a step-by-step process to create their work. These steps are based on the wisdom of famous writers, so while they may not be entirely definitive, they will certainly be helpful to you.
Step 1: Generate ideas
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Start by generating ideas for your novel. This can involve brainstorming, keeping a journal of potential story concepts, or drawing inspiration from real-life experiences, books, movies, or current events.
Once you get an idea, hone it.
Step 2: Create characters
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A novel cannot be successful without unique and charming characters. Create compelling and well-rounded characters for your novel. Develop their backgrounds, motivations, personalities, and relationships. Consider their strengths, flaws, and how they will evolve throughout the story.
Remember, the more realistic the characters, the better the novel will be.
Step 3: Build setting
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Establish the setting or world in which your novel takes place. Whether it's a real location or a fictional world, provide enough descriptive details to immerse readers and make the setting feel vivid and believable.
Step 4: Define plot and make an outline
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What is your story about? How will it unfold? How does it begin, develop, and conclude? What and how many scenes will be included? Make an depth and very depth outline, even going so far as to outline every chapter.
Step 5: Write
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Begin writing your first draft. Don't worry about perfection; the goal is to get the story down on paper. Embrace the creative process and let the ideas flow. Please remember, don't go back and make changes. Just write!
Step 6: Revise and edit
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Once the first draft is complete, take a break (for 3 days) before revising and editing. (This will keep you from overediting or not editing enough.) Then, read through your manuscript with a critical eye, focusing on plot holes, inconsistencies, pacing, character development, and overall storytelling. Revise and rewrite sections as needed.
Step 7: Get beta readers
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(You must) seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as beta readers, writing critique groups or your friends. Their input can provide valuable perspectives on areas that may need improvement. Consider their suggestions while maintaining your unique voice and vision for the story.
Step 8: Polish and refine
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Polish and refine your novel based on the feedback received. Pay attention to sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and overall prose. Ensure clarity and coherence in your writing.
Step 9: Publish
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You can research different publishing options, such as traditional publishing or self-publishing. Remember to evaluate the pros and cons of each approach and decide which is the best fit for your goals and circumstances.
That's all. I hope you success in publishing your novel!!
If you want to read more posts about writing, please click here and give me a follow!
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ichooseviolence · 1 year
If they make a Dunk & Egg show, I think it would be neat if it had a 1980's or 1990's flare and style to it. Everything from cinematography, costumes, settings, lighting, and decor. Practical effects??? I miss those, too. (And also, I want to bring the grainy aesthetic back..) D&E is such a unique story within ASoIaF, I think it would be neat if we got something different than HotD and GoT. I'm tired of the dim lighting and lack of flare, and imo, it wouldn't fit the story of D&E, which is an adventure and mostly optimistic.
The 80s: gives off a magical vibe, natural color palletes, beautifully flashy costumes. Editing was much better than it is today. There's too much overediting in films today (American films at least), and the end result is a choppy story. Jacki Chan once touched on this himself. The use of practical effects. Sometimes, practical effects are more magical than CGI.
Excalibur (1981)
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Dragonslayer (1981)
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The NeverEnding Story (1984)
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The 90s: *STUNNINGLY SOFT VISUALS*, the lighting is a little brighter, slightly less grainy than the 80s, excellent cinematography (wide shots are *chefs kiss*), there was a healthy mix of CGI and practical effects, the optimism in story-telling, has a romantic style to it.
Jurassic Park (1993)
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The Mummy (1999)
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I think I'd opt for a 90s film style for D&E. Soft, romantic, and adventurous with a certain irony in the humor.
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invidiatechdemo · 1 month
Here's is a video that splices together the conversation Vidar has with Odin in 'True Darkness' in Theater Mode with the one shown in 'To Face True Darkness' to prove a point : that it's very likely that these were
1. the same conversation, considering Vidar basically follows up Odin's mentioning of True Darkness from Section A in "True Darkness"
2. likely took place after Hoder perished and
3. Odin was the one who got the idea of summoning Kingdom Hearts in Vidar's head via him saying that's the only other possible way to theoretically expunge darkness/destroy darkness for good without killing the vessel of darkness. Also, literally gave out the unclear instructions involving seven lights.
I've left the transition between the two scenes clunky/ 'as-is' rather than overediting it to make it seem more seamless than it is so people can draw their own conclusions.
I also made this so even if you disagree with the conclusions I make in the annotated/commentary cut (which is linked in the description of this video) you can at least get to see the two pieces of Odin talking to Vidar alone in the same video.
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mistchievous · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Podficcers Apparently
Tagged by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels because she thinks she's funny. Spoiler alert, she is. <3
How many works do you have on ao3?
I have 111 atm which is such an amazing number. Look at the ones!
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write podfic for?
Mostly 9-1-1, but I've dabbled in Lone Star. I also have a podfic each for both One Piece and BG3. Before I got to 9-1-1, I mainly podficced for The Magnificent Seven: 2016.
Top 5 Podfics Fics by Kudos:
[Podfic] come on, come on (turn a little faster) - My One Piece podfic leads the way! It was written by @kenbunshokus. <3
[Podfic] Leading with the Left - I'm sure you're all SHOCKED to see this one on here. @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels killed us all with this masterpiece.
[Podfic] I Hate Accidents (Except When We Went From Friends to This) - @morganofthefairies gave us oblivious idiots, and I gave you all a podfic. <3
[Podfic] Love in the Time of TikTok - This one was written by @buckttommy, and the fact that it's so high is a testament to how fucking funny she can be.
[Podfic] To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals - It's @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels back to ruin our lives again.
Do you respond to comments?
I do! I fall behind sometimes, but I always catch up! 💃
What is the podfic fic you recorded wrote with the angstiest ending?
Pretty much everything I've ever podficced ends happily or with some sort of hopeful ending. I have to go with [Podfic] the nighttime fear (see it coming from the edge of the room) which was written by @extasiswings. It's a short introspective piece with no happy ending. I don't think there is another that ends unhappily for me to even consider, honestly.
What's the podfic fic you recorded wrote with the happiest ending?
LMAO! They're pretty much all end happily, as I just said.
Do you get hate on podfics fics?
No. Never.
Do you record write smut?
Oh yeah. I've recorded plenty. 😂
Craziest crossover?
I've only recorded one, and it wasn't crazy considering it was just a 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star crossover. It was [Podfic] These Are My Stompin' Grounds written by @benjaminrussell.
Have you ever had a podfic fic stolen?
Idek how this would be possible.
Have you ever had a podfic fic translated?
Why did Mads tag me in this game? NOT ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE ANSWERED, MADS.
Have you co-recorded co-written a podfic fic before?
I've had people guest star, and I've participated in one multivoice podfic.
All time favorite ship?
Are you fucking kidding me? How am I supposed to choose? Probably Buddie, even though that feels wrong because it's not even my current hyperfixation. I've never created as much for another ship though.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh, I'm gonna finish all my shit. Don't you worry.
What are your podficcing writing strengths?
Fuck. Idk? I think I have good pacing and emote really well. And my editing has improved tremendously over the years.
What are your podficcing writing weaknesses?
I'm hypercritical and tend to overedit at times. To the point that it sounds unnatural. I'll also just shove entire projects to the side if I don't meet my own standards, so there are quite a few things haunting me from the WIP folder atm.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've very rarely had to record in another language. Especially in the last few years. For my Mag7 podfics, there's a bit of Spanish and a small amount French, and they're kind of embarrassing for me to listen to. I've honestly considered taking them down, but I know there are people who enjoy them. So, I never do. There's a bit of Spanish in at least two of my early 9-1-1 podfics as well. I always try my best with it, but I only speak English, so I'm always super paranoid about fucking it up. I'll avoid recording entire fics just because there are other languages in them.
First fandom you podficced for wrote in?
The Magnificent Seven: 2016
Favorite podfic fic you've recorded written?
[Podfic] Carbon Date Me, Excavate Me written by @extasiswings and @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels is my fucking baby. I've listened to that fucking podfic so many times...
But my current favorite that I listen to regularly is [Podfic] nothing is safe written by @foxflowering which is my BG3 podfic. I have other BG3 projects in my WIP folder, but I'm so self-conscious about my ability to voice those characters that they're not coming out anytime soon. I was hyperfixated af on this ship for a while though and listened to this damn podfic on repeat. Also, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels guest starred in it, so it has a special place. <3
Tagging, with all the pressure because I refuse to suffer alone: @blackestglass @mayonnaisetoffees @brasscacti @rhea314
And then some writers, who this is actually meant for: @theyarnmaidstale @queerbuckleys @honestlydarkprincess @peridotglimmer @gayhoediaz
@homerforsure @princessfbi @sibylsleaves @rewritetheending @fleurdebeton
@hazel-athena @buckactuallys @kitkatpancakestack @buckttommy @kittykatthetacodemon
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juminies · 2 months
Hello from the plane (delayed takeoff 🫠)! Question for you: what are the things you notice first when reading others' writing?
Xoxo wishing you luck with overediting hell
Oh no 😵‍💫 Once I was on a flight where takeoff was delayed for almost four hours and it was hellish so here's to hoping yours is not that long (and safe travels too)!
Now, hmmm. I notice narrative voice a lot. Like, I think about it a lot. Particularly if I'm reading multiple things from one author, it's very fun to see how their storytelling subtly changes depending on which or whose POV they're writing from. Also (this may be a slight tangent but) as much as I like omniscient narrator fics I really love it when something is clearly from the perspective of a character who only knows so much. Unreliable narrators especially are so enjoyable to me in fanfiction because you get the fun of knowing the source material while also getting into the brain of the character and trying to piece together when or how things will fall into place for them. I like to go "wait, that's not true" and then have to sit back and anticipate them figuring it out for themselves.
Then I think that particularly lately I am very aware of the way writers describe things. I'm quite envious of people who can really get a mood across through the story's surroundings, and I'm trying to work on getting better with little pieces of world building. With the fic I'm working on right now passing time and changing settings are very important so I'm trying my hardest to direct attention to them without being super obviously like "look at this!" and observing how other people do that is helping, hopefully :')
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fireflystimeline · 5 months
In a strange twist of fate, my Mom retired on the day Covid lockdown began. She'd been working at our local library for 20 years, and though she was sad to leave, she was very much looking forward to retirement. It was fortunate that she didn't have to continue working during the pandemic, but it was also not exactly the best time to celebrate the opening of the next chapter of her life.
About a year later, we started working on clearing out our spare room. Which became known as our craft room. And eventually, my Mom began to engage more in the creativity she didn't have the time or energy for when she was working. I can't tell you how much joy it brings me to see her creativity come to life. But I noticed that perfectionism was sometimes getting in her way.
She's always admired me as a creative, and though I often hesitate to feel like I'm worthy of giving advice, I pulled this tidbit out of my head: it's more important to be interesting than perfect. And I really want to share this with creatives of all types. Believe me, I understand the desire to get everything 'perfect'. I, too, have an overly critical voice in my head. But...
Years ago, I mentioned on a Twitter writing tag that I fear overediting and want to keep my writing raw and emotional. And I got a baffled response saying they had *never* heard anyone say that before. Truthfully, wild and raw writing appeals to me more than the idea of a 'perfectly crafted' story, hitting all the recommended 'beats'. I don't want to downplay good plotting (or smart editing), but I prefer the focus to be on emotions and vulnerability and connection with the characters. Things that don't have to adhere to some pre-approved formula.
In the end, we all have things that try to hold us back from creating. But I believe each of us has a unique spark that is meant to be shared with the world. And if we're holding ourselves back with fears of not being perfect, we may never get to let our hearts and souls show their own raw beauty. And that, to me, is far worse than being seen as imperfect.
(Image from my Mom's creative scrapbook.)
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clusterduck28 · 1 year
Hot take: Most professionally-made video editing tutorials are garbage EXCEPT for the ones that are made by AMV creators.
It doesn't even matter which specific software you are learning about or what you are trying to do in it, you will always come across 2 distinct types of video tutorial about it (broadly speaking)
A: Top of the search results; presented by some middle-aged white guy; good lighting; professional studio setup; soy face on the thumbnail; throws around lots of meaningless hustle culture buzzwords; the most basic use case examples for the features described; might as well be reading off the user manual out loud; annoying sponsor integrations or paid course shilling; clearly not done paying off his film school debt; etc.
B: Harder to come across and way less views than type A; random anime girl on the thumbnail; no facecam; either mumbles into a shitty mic; uses text-to-speech or just puts up plain text on screen; straightforward and to the point; shows off super obscure hacky scripts and plugins he found on github that add vital QOL functionality that should've been there from the start; puts out the most impressively overedited AMVs and gameplay edits; free download links for cracked premium software on his tiny 100 member discord server as long as you post a screenshot of you being subscribed to his channel
Basically, if you're just starting out, the type A virgins cover the basics just fine. But once you get to an intermediate-to-advanced level the only videos that would actually show you something that you didn't already know are going to be made by the type B chads.
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All of my online and personal friends are into Kpop and I feel kinda stressed when they ask me to show them which idols I like. I always show them Platinum Era to get them off my back LOL but I don’t know how they would react if they saw my MM oshi and any recent songs because they’re all hyper fixated on overedited almost AI-like visuals and youth in kpop. It’s refreshing for me to support my oshi but would make me angry if they think she’s “ugly” or “old. “
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sarahlizziewrites · 9 months
Happy STS!
What does your first draft look like? What kind of revisions do you do for a second, third etc? Do you drafts change a lot or a little between each?
Hi Kate! Thanks for the ask and hope you have had a restful end to the year.
I think my first drafts are pretty clean? When I send stuff to alpha, they are largely free of grammar issues and typos, because I've been trained to copyedit for my work.
There's the odd placeholder name, of course:
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[ID: "The name of the place is APT AND CLEVER NAME distillery. It's in Bethnal Green," Kevin continued.]
And some gaps where I can't figure out how to connect two scenes, but it's mostly there. I think this is because I do bullet-pointed scene breakdowns and dialogue skeletons as part of my planning, which some people consider their first draft.
I'm a plantser, so draft 2 often ends up being the point where I fix pacing, sometimes tweaking the order of events and emotional beats to better serve the story as a whole. A couple scenes get removed or fundamentally changed, but it's usually when I add new scenes for flavour or depth.
Draft 3 is when things risk getting overedited, so it'll likely be a light touch. Characterisation, small bits of foreshadowing, etc. Incorporating beta feedback where it doesn't interfere too much.
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lady-of-snails · 1 year
Hi!! So I’ve recently got into mha (I’ve seen all of the show like twice and am also obsessed with your fics!!) and I am inspired to write again- I just haven’t written in literal years, do you have any tips for this day and age (esp in mha fandom? I really haven’t been in anime until this show)- also I don’t have like a beta or anything, and really haven’t kept up with the times so seeing stuff on Twitter and TikTok are foreign to me- but I was just wondering how you keep up with your work and stuff cause it’s super good!!
i don't have a beta either!! i don't know if this is the kind of tip you're looking for but i don't think you need to worry about stuff like beta readers or what's popular on tik tok/twitter/social media site of your choice - i sure don't! the most i get from the internet for my writing is the occasional fun prompt from tumblr or pinterest :)
other than that, my only advice is to just have fun and let loose! write whatever you would like to read and don't judge yourself too harshly or overedit or worry about hits/bookmarks/whatever because fanfic should be fun. my target audience is always myself above all😌 i also only write when inspiration strikes - which is why i haven't written a new fic in way too long 😭
good luck!! i'm really happy to hear that you're getting back into writing :)) and thank you for the kind words!! <3
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wabisabireiki · 1 year
Venus RX in Leo ♌️
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( What I thought she would look like)
This one is cruntchy, like a thousand little sharp rocks caught in your shoes, just cutting the shit our of your feet, and you're too busy just trying to survive running away from the actual lion energy that has been set free upon you, to undo you. Yeah, it's like that for some of us. The truth is you've probably been getting little heads up's to this cosmic moment for months now and every time you looked up the lion was just too far away to be worried about and in this day in age,
It's us and nothing but time now, till Sept. 3rd.
For me, I am still tip toeing around what the Venus RX in Leo means and am doing my best now to unravel the thread as the day has been full of dotting i's and crossing t's.
My transit falls in the first house- self, personality, appearance and ego. I think if I had been paying more attention my cycle to want to give more attention to creating and maintaining an alter ego would fall in the month of Leo szn.
Leo rules my first house. Of course the natal ruler of the 1st house is Aries, the pioneer of the zodiac. Aries is also my Midheaven. Which brings us to where my Venus lies as well, in Aries.
For this retrograde to happen in my first house indicates at the retrograde, the review in question is in the house of- my SELF.
With it in Leo, during Leo szn indicates to me I have nowhere to hide. It will be on blast. The Jump from Leo, my house ruler to Aries the Natal house ruler,* also my Midheaven ( the way I project my public self) in Aries, will help me to bridge the gap.
Aries here ( and anywhere) is headstrong, action oriented, does first, thinks later, asks for forgiveness not permission. Goes with gut feelings to jump into the doing, moving, tasking, next step. It feels where it wants to move and does not stop to postulate. If I keep following my hunch that the signs are the fem aspect of the planet- Mars is the masculine counterpart. God of War, strategy and domination. Viewing Aries as feminine reminds me of Athena, the great huntress. Who as all hunters do, must integrate with their instincts and immerse themselves in their environments as ripples in the water.
Leo shadow is egotistical, obsessed with appearance. And although it would select quality over quantity the ego here gets hijacked in the darkness. Authenticity is forsaken for perfection and performance.
Performance is all that matters in Leo's shadow.
Here I am being called to strip away the performance and DO, ACT, BE, without editing.
If I add the Venus in RX to this ,again my Venus in Aries indicates that action over the pattern on overthinking, overediting, overbearing tendency to restrain my expression because it is not perfect, will have to under go a transformation. Not surprising, but very uncomfortable.
There is yet still more threads here, as I've become aware of other aspects of Venus that just aren't to par in my life. Intimacy of all kinds, self expression of all kinds, a robust lust for life fizzling out. Narratives that bare review and revision are on the horizon.
And I know I am going to change again, again, again.
( Vs. What she actually looks like)
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surpriserose · 2 years
Very specific rant but like? Found a link to a youtube video about replika the ummmmm well "ai companion" but they advertise a very specific kind of "companion" if you know what i mean wink wink nudge nudge and i wanted to watch it because the goddamn ads have been everywhere and i kind of want to see like? More of the train wreck like of videos that show how awful the ai is compared to how amazing the users...think it is i guess. And i tried to watch um? Chad chads video and oh my god hater time but i cant fucking stand her editing theres sound effects for everything and so much just? Overediting i guess that it just becomes frustrating to listen to. So basically i was like okay another video thats gonna be specifically about how bad this shit is for mental health cool 😎 and i do what i um...normally do before i watch a video from a new channel because im insane and i check thwir other videos and who they follow on twitter for any red flags and this guy is like??? Well one hes been permabanned on Twitter which is a first for me and the videos WHEW BOY tons of bad shit (including a video about ummm howgarts lebacy) like no thank you im not taking any mental health related shit from a depp supporter explode
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joeyclaire · 3 months
If they each had youtube channels what would they be
au where they’re teens in modern day once more because the idea of their fortysomething selves having youtube accounts is very painful for me to imagine
theo: music review channel with so many gimmicks it’s impossible to tell what he’s being sincere about, or if he ever is (he’s not, youtube is all a joke to him). reviews things only based on personal taste rather than “what’s objectively good” which pisses off certain audience members beyond belief.
art: i physically cannot imagine him having a youtube channel ever. but he falls asleep to mommy asmr. i just thought i’d mention that
jimmy: react channel. nearly a content farm, posts several times a day. overedits his videos to DEATH, puts impact font everywhere
daniel: gaming channel, jimmy edits for him. briefly went viral on tiktok for a video where he plays drums along to a trending song in which he plugs his youtube channel in the comments and when everyone goes to his youtube channel there are no drumming videos in sight
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imgpanda · 7 months
Exposure Unleashed: The Steps to Submitting Photos to Getty Images
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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on submitting photos to Getty Images! Whether you're a seasoned photographer looking to expand your portfolio or a beginner eager to share your work with the world, this blog post will walk you through the process step by step. Getty Images is one of the largest and most prestigious stock photo agencies globally, making it an excellent platform for showcasing your talent and potentially earning money from your images. In this guide, we'll cover everything from understanding Getty Images' submission requirements to tips for increasing your chances of success. So, let's dive in!
Understanding Getty Images
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Understanding Getty Images Getty Images is a leading provider of high-quality, royalty-free images, videos, and music. Established in 1995, it has become one of the most prominent stock photography agencies globally, serving a diverse clientele ranging from media organizations to businesses and individual creatives. Key Features of Getty Images: - Extensive Collection: Getty Images boasts a vast library of millions of premium-quality visuals, covering diverse topics, genres, and styles. - Global Reach: With a presence in over 100 countries, Getty Images provides access to a worldwide network of contributors and customers. - License Flexibility: Users can choose from various licensing options, including royalty-free and rights-managed, depending on their specific needs and budget. - Editorial and Creative Content: The platform offers both editorial and creative content, catering to different purposes such as commercial projects, news articles, and social media posts. Submitting Photos to Getty Images: Before you can start submitting your photos to Getty Images, it's essential to understand their submission process and requirements: Submission Process Submission Requirements 1. Create an Account - High-quality images - Appropriate metadata - Model and property releases (if applicable) - Legal compliance (e.g., no copyrighted material) 2. Upload Your Photos - JPEG format - Minimum resolution of 4 megapixels - Relevant keywords and descriptions - Categorization of images into appropriate topics 3. Review and Approval - Compliance with Getty Images' content guidelines - Quality assessment by editors - Approval or rejection notification By adhering to these guidelines and providing high-quality content, you can maximize your chances of acceptance and exposure on Getty Images' platform.
Preparing Your Photos
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Before submitting your photos to Getty Images, it's crucial to ensure they meet the platform's standards for quality and relevance. Here are some key steps to prepare your photos effectively: - Quality Check: Review your photos to ensure they meet the highest standards of clarity, sharpness, and composition. Avoid any technical flaws such as blurriness, noise, or overexposure. - Resolution and Format: Make sure your photos are in the JPEG format, which is the preferred format for submission to Getty Images. Additionally, ensure they have a minimum resolution of 4 megapixels to ensure optimal viewing quality. - Editing and Enhancement: Use photo editing software to enhance your images if necessary. Adjust factors such as brightness, contrast, and color balance to improve overall visual appeal without compromising authenticity. - Metadata and Keywords: Provide accurate and descriptive metadata for each photo, including titles, descriptions, and relevant keywords. This information helps potential buyers discover your images through search functionality on the Getty Images platform. - Model and Property Releases: If your photos feature identifiable individuals or private property, ensure you have obtained the necessary model and property releases. This documentation is essential to protect both you and the subjects depicted in your images from legal issues. Common Mistakes to Avoid: - Overediting: Avoid excessive editing that alters the authenticity or integrity of your photos. Strive for a balance between enhancement and natural appearance. - Irrelevant Content: Ensure your photos are relevant to current trends, topics, or themes in demand on Getty Images. Avoid submitting generic or outdated images that may not attract buyers. - Copyright Violations: Respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights by avoiding the use of third-party content without proper authorization or licensing. Only submit original work or content for which you hold the necessary rights. By following these guidelines and paying attention to detail, you can effectively prepare your photos for submission to Getty Images, increasing your chances of acceptance and success on the platform.
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Once you have prepared your photos according to Getty Images' guidelines, it's time to submit them to the platform. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the submission process: - Create an Account: If you haven't already, sign up for a Getty Images contributor account. Provide the required information and agree to the terms and conditions of the platform. - Upload Your Photos: Access the submission portal within your contributor account and upload your prepared photos. Ensure each image meets the specified technical requirements, including format, resolution, and file size. - Add Metadata: For each photo, enter relevant metadata such as titles, descriptions, and keywords. This information helps potential buyers discover and understand the content of your images. - Categorize Your Images: Select appropriate categories and keywords to classify your photos accurately. This step ensures your images are displayed in relevant search results and reach the right audience. - Review and Submit: Before finalizing your submission, review each photo and its accompanying metadata for accuracy and completeness. Make any necessary adjustments or corrections before submitting your photos for review. - Wait for Approval: Once submitted, your photos will undergo a review process by Getty Images' editorial team. This process may take some time, so be patient and monitor the status of your submission through your contributor account. - Receive Notification: You will receive a notification via email or within your contributor account once your submission has been reviewed. If your photos are approved, they will be added to the Getty Images collection, making them available for licensing and sale. Tips for Successful Submission: - Focus on Quality: Prioritize quality over quantity when selecting and preparing your photos for submission. High-quality images are more likely to attract buyers and generate revenue. - Stay Consistent: Maintain consistency in style, theme, and subject matter across your portfolio to establish a cohesive brand identity and attract a loyal audience. - Stay Informed: Keep abreast of current trends, market demands, and Getty Images' content guidelines to ensure your submissions remain relevant and competitive. By following these steps and tips, you can effectively submit your photos to Getty Images and increase your chances of success as a contributor on the platform.
Tips for Successful Submission
Submitting photos to Getty Images can be a rewarding experience, but it requires careful consideration and attention to detail. Here are some valuable tips to enhance your chances of success: - Quality is Key: Prioritize quality over quantity when selecting and preparing your photos for submission. High-quality images with excellent composition, clarity, and visual appeal are more likely to attract buyers and generate revenue. - Follow Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with Getty Images' submission guidelines and requirements to ensure your photos meet the platform's standards. Pay attention to technical specifications, metadata requirements, and content guidelines to avoid rejection. - Research Market Demand: Conduct research to identify current trends, popular topics, and market demands within the stock photography industry. Tailor your submissions to meet these demands and capitalize on opportunities for increased visibility and sales. - Diversify Your Portfolio: Build a diverse portfolio that encompasses a range of subjects, styles, and themes to appeal to a broader audience. Experiment with different genres and techniques to showcase your versatility as a photographer. - Optimize Metadata: Invest time in optimizing the metadata for your photos, including titles, descriptions, and keywords. Use relevant and descriptive keywords to improve discoverability and ensure your images are easily found by potential buyers through search functionality. - Engage with the Community: Participate in the Getty Images contributor community by interacting with other contributors, sharing insights, and seeking feedback on your work. Networking and collaboration can help you learn and grow as a photographer while enhancing your visibility and reputation within the community. Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor the performance of your submitted photos, including views, downloads, and sales. Analyze trends and user behavior to identify opportunities for optimization and refinement in your future submissions. Stay Persistent: Success in stock photography requires persistence and dedication. Don't be discouraged by rejections or slow progress. Continue to refine your skills, expand your portfolio, and adapt to evolving market trends to achieve long-term success as a Getty Images contributor. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can enhance your chances of successful submission and maximize your potential for earning income through Getty Images' platform.
Here are some frequently asked questions about submitting photos to Getty Images: 1. Can I submit photos taken with a smartphone? Yes, Getty Images accepts photos taken with smartphones as long as they meet the platform's quality standards. Ensure your smartphone photos are of high resolution, clarity, and composition to increase their chances of acceptance. 2. Do I need to own professional camera equipment to submit photos? No, you don't necessarily need professional camera equipment to submit photos to Getty Images. While professional-grade cameras can produce high-quality images, modern smartphones and digital cameras are also capable of capturing stunning photographs suitable for submission. 3. How long does it take for my submitted photos to be reviewed? The review process for submitted photos varies depending on factors such as the volume of submissions and the current workload of Getty Images' editorial team. Typically, it may take several days to a few weeks for your photos to be reviewed and processed. 4. Can I submit photos that contain recognizable individuals or private property? Yes, you can submit photos containing recognizable individuals or private property, but you must obtain the necessary model and property releases. These releases are essential to ensure legal compliance and protect the rights of individuals and property owners depicted in your photos. 5. What types of photos are in high demand on Getty Images? Photos depicting diverse subjects, themes, and concepts are in high demand on Getty Images. Popular categories include lifestyle, travel, business, technology, nature, and conceptual imagery. Keep abreast of current trends and market demands to tailor your submissions accordingly. 6. How do I know if my submitted photos have been accepted? You will receive a notification via email or within your contributor account once your submitted photos have been reviewed. If your photos are approved, they will be added to the Getty Images collection, making them available for licensing and sale.
Submitting photos to Getty Images opens up exciting opportunities for photographers to showcase their work, reach a global audience, and potentially earn income through licensing and sales. By understanding the submission process, adhering to quality standards, and implementing effective strategies, photographers can maximize their success on the platform. Remember to focus on producing high-quality images, following submission guidelines, and staying informed about market trends and demands. Engage with the Getty Images community, monitor your performance, and persistently refine your approach to achieve long-term success as a contributor. Whether you're a professional photographer or an amateur enthusiast, Getty Images offers a platform to share your creativity and connect with buyers worldwide. Start your journey today and unleash the potential of exposure with Getty Images! Read the full article
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floppyhatwitch · 9 months
This is Part 2 of my 2023 new year's resolution recap. If you want to see part 1, click here.
And we're back! If you've read the first part, you're all caught up with the gist of everything, so I'll spare the extensive intro.
Long post coming up again, art under the cut :)
This is one of my favourites
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I saw some tips on how to make a sketchbook more fun that included working with the fact the drawings are within a book and so I decided to make a portal between two characters.
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How whimsical!
I reused the cutout bits to decorate the glossy front cover of the sketchbook too, which resulted in me having to glue it back on more times than I'd like to admit.
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The return of my son <3
I think the key features to really nail down when drawing bonnie are the upper jaw and the eye socket. Obviously not the be all and end all, but they really add to his signature style. I mention this only because my bootleg bonnie plush is widely different for both those features, which I find funnier than it has any right to be.
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This one was a joke about drink driving and getting pulled over, but it was probably the best anatomy lesson I had all year. I somehow managed to portray the likeness of my friend half decently while working with dramatic lighting. I mean, it's no like, groundbreaking work or anything, but it's one that I take great pride in.
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If I could do this one again (which I inevitably will because look at them) I would definitely make Jerma more like the creature he is and exaggerate his distinct features a little more.
Anyway the reason I put this up is because I accidentally titled it "Jerma and Hatsune Mike" because of autocorrect, which led to the creation of
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Miku's older and less famous sister. Although from what I've been told, her slices are the best in Queens, hands down.
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Quick Australian politics tangent. We recently had a referendum that proposed adding an advisory group for First Nations peoples into the constitution. It was like the tiniest step forward towards actually repairing the generational trauma and long-term effects of colonialist genocide by simply asking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people how they could be best assisted.
Despite being one of the easiest choices I've ever seen in my life, the referendum DIDN'T PASS. I was genuinely pissed when I found out so I tore up the bullshit misinformation flyers handed out by the opposition volunteers and made it into this. It's probably the most "teenager with too much angst and no actual action" thing ever, but it was how I felt at the time.
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After that whole debacle I went through a phase where I used a lot of imagery of revolutions to try and process the feelings I was experiencing on the matter.
I thought the foreshortening and perspective on this one kinda popped off. The decision to place the viewer at the level of the executed was intentional. It's one of the only angles anyone would have seen a guillotine this close up in practice.
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On Day 300 I saw the FNAF movie and wow was it different than what I expected. I drew my son looking on in horror as his character was assassinated in front of his eyes. Looking back, it might have been a little dramatic, but I'm just like that at the end of the day.
BONUS: If you wanna see my full review of the FNAF movie, you can read it here
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I really wanted to get some expressive posing and particle effects going so I took inspiration from that "THINK FAST CHUCKLENUTS" meme and tried to imagine what it would look like if it was an overedited comic strip.
I lobe scou tf2 :))))
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This was the day before my Media exam and holy hell was I nervous. If I'm remembering correctly, I was actually so anxiety-ridden that I was nauseous, which doesn't happen often. I channeled my borderline religious regard of the exams power into creating a monument to its supreme importance. That's me praying underneath it.
As you can tell, I was hoping so hard that I would do well on it, which makes the next one just even more satisfying.
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I legitimately felt like omni man afterwards, so I did a study of that scene where he crushes red rush's head. It's a bit rough around the edges but that final panel still gets me. I should watch the new season.
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Spidergwen Spidergwen Spidergwen Spidergwen Spidergwen
I'll know I'm a good artist the day that I make a couple pages as good as Miles does in atsv. Like that dude is talented as hell WHY CAN'T I DO THAT.
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Speaking of the dude. Spider-Man, Spider-Man and his pal Spider-Man. Technically spectacular spider-man, but I kinda messed up the head shape a bit so it's not as obvious. Whoopsieeeee
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I will always consider myself superior to fish because if I saw a mysterious hook in my environment I would simply disregard it. I will however, walk blindly into a situation that will inevitably lead to my downfall under the pretense that it will be beneficial for my future. No I don't see the irony in that, it's different I swear.
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FUN ANGEL FACT! While it is technically correct to refer to these as "biblically accurate angels", they aren't the only forms of them. These are specifically referred to as Ophanim, and they're like wheels? I don't know, my knowledge kind of falls off after that point, the way they're described reminds me of those eldritch horrors that make people insane from their incomprehensibility.
Anyway I adore theological imagery but steer far away from the actual implications of any of it. To quote one of my favourite tumblr posts of all time, "narratively christianity is pretty cool i think it should have been a jrpg instead of a religion though" - Roisheep
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This one came straight out of the brain tubes after I accidentally created an endless loop in my twine project and I got scared shitless that it was gonna brick my computer or something. In reality, it was the equivalent damage of refreshing a page a whole bunch of times, but I'm always jumpy when it comes to techy stuff.
One little detail I really like about this one is that the green light from the screen is actually reflected on the face and eyeballs! How fun!
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This is how I'm gonna die, if it has to happen. To dissipate into a swarm of butterflies and have your cloak float down to the ground is to have lived a fulfilling life. They gotta have some pink ones though, I like those ones.
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I saw a tiktokker who shades with a whole bunch of dots like some crazy kind of pointillism (if you know who I'm talking about PLEASE tell me, I can't find them) so I wanted to give it a crack.
It's nowhere near the same thing that they do, but I think it really sells the macabre and grotty nature of the cow skull and doesn't look half bad in the process. One day I'll do the cool stuff though.
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Still gotta learn how to render cloth folds.
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This was me dramatically kicking the door down when I realised I had a new idea for a video game to make. This is definitely a more accurate depiction of how inspiration feels for me than anything else.
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I knew from the moment I started studying metallic objects under light that I had to take a crack at the illest villain. Even just from recreating the album cover, I feel so much more knowledgeable in shading metal. You gotta get those hard transitions between highlights and shadows to sell the shine.
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Almost there! This was a tribute to all the PHENOMENAL art I find on here. Like HOLY HELL everybody is so talented. Sometimes it can be demotivating, but then I remember that I could be phenomenal if I keep up with the practice. And that is the BEST feeling.
Seriously though, if you're an artist on tumblr and you're reading this, without exception you are unbelievably amazing at what you do. I haven't seen a single piece that didn't absolutely rock.
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And that brings us to the last one!
I did a little caricature of all the different forms of art and expression I did throughout the year.
Clockwise from the green we have witch, punk, cyber, trans, goth, everyday, Rodney (character in my short film) and media versions of who I am. Isn't that cute?
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Decided to go back and do a rundown of all my pieces and make a little recap within a recap.
But that's the lot! 2023 was a super fun year and I attribute a majority of that to this project. If you're reading this and you have something you want to do, this is your sign to just do it! Forget about new years resolutions, start today. Right now. Doesn't matter what it is, if you start now and do it every day, you'll get it done. 5 minutes, an hour, 30 seconds, whatever. This is the best choice I've ever made and that's why I'm doing it again!
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A lot of the stuff I make is private or classified, but I'm gonna post all the publicly presentable stuff here, cause why not!
Anyway, that's all. Take care, stay hydrated, eat your greens, love you xx
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