#which is totally ridiculous bc SHE's my superior and SHE should be double checking MY work not the other way around
airenyah · 1 year
love it when you end up doing work that shouldn't be your responsibility but you know you don't have to say a word bc you know your bosses are kind hearted and are seeing this shit and are decidedly not ok with it
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five years
title: five years
pairing: bellamy blake x clarke griffin
setting: (current) clarke’s pov, somewhere between 6x10 and 6x11
prompt: time travel where the present bellarke comes across future bellarke and madness ensues
notes: ok so posted this and then it deleted itself when i went to add a tag which - first off all, rude - second, is hella annoying bc i didn’t actually save the doc i typed it in buttttt using my superior intellect (which is my nickname for google) i was able to recover the doc and i actually saved it this time but hopefully it doesn’t delete itself again.
 anyway, here it is:
Clarke, frankly, finds it quite hard to believe. I mean, it’s insane right? Sure, they’ve been through hell and back, and they’ve seen some weird shit in their time but… time travel? That’s too far, even for her. And yet, there she is, future her.
“Wait,” Bellamy, who had been sitting on a rock with his head in his hands the whole time, finally stands, “so you’re… us… from the future?”
Future Bellamy and Clarke sigh frustratedly.
“Yes,” she replies, “I know it’s confusing and weird and completely impossible but honestly the quicker you wrap your head around this, the better.”
“Ok,” Clarke scoffs, “no need to get bitchy.”
“Yeah,” both Bellamys agree at once.
“On second thought,” Clarke looks between the two, “I might need another minute to get my head around this too.”
“Come on,” Future Clarke insists, “I don’t how much time we have!”
“She’s right,” Future Bellamy stands next to her and slides his hand into hers, “we need to figure this out. Now.”
Clarke turns to them, “ok, but if you don’t know how this happened, then how can you know that it’s really that dangerous.”
The two time travellers exchange a look. Finally, Future Clarke speaks up, “there are certain things we know that we can’t tell you. All you need to know is that this is a time-sensitive issue and we need to figure out how to get ourselves back home.”
“Ok,” Bellamy walks forward, beginning to pace in that familiar way that means he’s brainstorming, “first of all: where is home for you guys? Second: when is home? Third… I still don’t understand what the fuck is going on.”
They exchange glances again, “home is the Eligius ship, five years from now.”
Clarke coughs, “I’m sorry, did you say the Eligius ship? Again? Mind giving some clarification as to how the fuck we ended up back on there?”
Future Bellamy runs his fingers through his hair, “listen, it’s like Clarke said – Future Clarke, sorry – we don’t know how much time we have before things start… going wrong.”
“Going wrong?” Bellamy’s brows furrow in confusion. Just as he says this, both Clarkes double over in pain. Clarke’s hit with a sharp stabbing pain in her gut, she feels like she’s going to throw up, or spontaneously combust, or both.
“The baby,” Future Clarke whispers as both Bellamys reach for their respective Clarkes.
“Wait,” both Clarke and Bellamy pause, “did you just say baby?”
Future Clarke nods weakly as both Clarkes sit down. And she just can’t help it, Clarke blurts out, “whose baby?”
Future Clarke doesn’t answer, simply looking between the two Bellamys.
Clarke and Bellamy’s eyes widen with shock. She looks up at the same time he looks down at her and their gazes meet and she doesn’t know what to do with this information. In the future, she’s going to be pregnant with Bellamy’s baby?
“Not if we don’t sort this out,” Future Clarke answers her thought. Clarke stares in horror, can you hear me? She nods.
“Why can’t I hear you?” Clarke begins to ask but she’s distracted by the Bellamys apparently locked in a furious head conversation.
“You can if you try hard enough,” Future Clarke assures her, stealing back her attention. Clarke strains her head and manages to pick up the faintest whisper. Soon, the whisper turns into a clear voice. Her voice. But not quite her.
I know he’s ridiculously hot in that Sanctum jacket but can you please stop staring at Bellamy and focus up?
Clarke rolls her eyes.
Oh, fuck off!
“Just saying,” Future Clarke murmurs.
Clarke opens her mouth to retort but both are assaulted with another bout of agony. “Fuck!” both Clarkes groan simultaneously.
Future Clarke turns to her Bellamy, “we need to get home, I don’t know what’s happening but it’s not good for Helene.”
Before Bellamy or Clarke can ask anymore questions, Octavia comes striding into the tent. “Hey guys, Gabriel and I ar- What the fuck?” she drops off, looking up to see the two sets of doppelgangers.
Clarke is about to explain but she realises she doesn’t really have an explanation for what’s happening right now, so she ends up babbling something like, “Octavia, this is me and Bellamy from five years in the future and future me is pregnant and we need to get them home but we don’t know how and also Bellamy’s the father.”
Octavia takes a few moments to clock this and then gives a small nod. “Ok,” she says slowly, “future you and Bellamy. Baby. Get home. Bellamy’s the father.” She stalls, only just realising the last thing she’d said, “Bellamy’s the father?”
“That’s what you’re dwelling on?” Future Bellamy asks incredulously. Clarke’s Bellamy just looks between the three of them looking more lost than Clarke thinks she’s ever seen him look.
Octavia brightens, “what about the anomaly?”
“Yes!” both Clarkes cry.
“That’s brilliant, O,” Future Bellamy smiles. Clark looks to her Bellamy who’s focusing real hard on a little spot in the corner of the floor, still, she can see the guilt hiding behind his outwardly neutral expression.
She reaches out to stroke his arm reassuringly, “come on. The anomaly will work.”
He nods, taking a moment to shove back the emotion that she can see threatening to spill out. “Yeah, it will.”
Totally not thinking about him like that at all
Shut up
I’m just sayin-
Shut. Up.
“You’re grumpy,” Future Clarke whispers as she walks past them.
Clarke doesn’t even deign it with a response. Why was she such a nag in the future? she wondered grumpily.
Heard that
Don’t care
“You coming, Octavia?” Bellamy asks tentatively.
She smiles sympathetically, “I don’t really think this is a journey for me. Gabriel’s out the front, though, he’ll tell you where to go but once you get to a certain point, the anomaly will start to call you itself. Promise you won’t go in there, though, ok? Just your future self.”
Bellamy nods solemnly, “I’ll see you later, Octavia. I promise.”
Clarke knows how hard this is for him, finding a way to forgive his sister whilst also not falling back into toxic patterns. It’s so hard but he’s so strong.
“Let’s go,” she whispers, taking his hand and walking out of the tent. Up ahead, she sees their future selves talking to a very confused looking Gabriel. He points North and Future Clarke and Bellamy look back to check on them.
“Right behind you,” Clarke assures them.
“You sure you know what you’re doing?” Gabriel pulls her aside.
“Nope, but what have we got to lose? Just our future.”
Gabriel gives a small laugh at that, shaking his head, “well, good luck.”
 After walking for about half an hour, the pain in Clarke’s gut is just getting progressively worse and she’s ready to just throw in the towel.
“Can we stop for just a minute?” she pants, bending over and bracing herself against a nearby tree. When she pulls her hand away, it comes back sticky and green. “What the hell is this stuff?”
“The anomaly,” Future Clarke whispers, “we must be close.”
Clarke nods, taking a deep inhale and standing up again, they have to keep moving. Bellamy reaches out to brush her arm.
“How you holding up?”
“Just fantastic,” she sighs. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t think babies are supposed to hurt this much unless you’re actually giving birth.”
“Gotta be honest,” he smiles softly, “I don’t know much about time travelling babies.”
She rolls her eyes, “neither. All I know is that they hurt like a bitch.”
He laughs and she grins up at him.
Kiss him
She shakes her head, averting her gaze and pressing forwards.
Butt out
Listen, I know the only reason you haven’t done it already is because you’re scared
You don’t know anything
She pressed on as if Clarke hadn’t said anything, but I can 100% tell you he wants to kiss you just as much as you want to kiss him – if not more, actually
You don’t know that for sure
Future Clarke rolls her eyes, wanna bet?
She turns to her Bellamy and tilts her head up, without even having to communicate, he leans down to meet her lips and leaves her with a soft but chaste kiss that looks it’s been done a thousand times before. Clarke and Bellamy shift uncomfortably.
“What’s up with them?” Future Bellamy whispers way too loudly.
His Clarke raises her eyebrows expectantly, waiting for him to bridge the gap by himself.
“Oh!” he gasps suddenly, “this is before… Oh! I understand now, this is why they’re being so weird.”
“We’re literally right here,” Clarke huffs.
“Kiss already!” her future self heckles. Clarke turns beet red, coughing. She’s so distracted by the crushing embarrassment she effectively thrust upon herself that she misplaces her foot and stumbles. Before she can hit the ground, two pairs of hands dart out to catch her. One pair quickly withdraws itself and she’s left standing in her Bellamy’s arms.
“Um,” she coughs again, making no attempt to move away from his grasp, “thanks.” She looks up again into those rich, brown eyes.
“No problem,” he whispers hoarsely. He opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by Future Bellamy whistling at them.
“Yoo hoo, lovebirds, we found it!”
Why is he calling us lovebirds? You two are literally the ones having a baby together, she grumbles.
Maybe you should ask your Bellamy, they are almost the same person after all
Clarke figures that’s the end of that conversation and rushes forwards to catch up to the other two, not needing to look back to know Bellamy is right behind her. They burst through a final row of trees into a clearing, ahead of them is a wall of Clarke can only describe as green light mist.
“This is it?” Clarke assumes it is because if it’s not the anomaly then what the fuck is it?
“This is it,” Future Bellamy confirms.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye then,” Clarke states with reluctance.
“I guess so,” the other her replies.
“It was really great to get to meet you – weird, but great,” Bellamy tells them, but he still sounds confused. Clarke doesn’t blame him, she feels the same way.
“I’m glad we got this opportunity,” Future Clarke concurs.
“Is it weird that I’m going to miss you guys?” Clarke asks.
“No, I feel the same.”
For some reason, Clarke feels herself holding back tears. Another sharp hit of pain in her gut cuts the goodbyes short, reminding them of the overwhelming time pressure.
She goes in to hug her other self, Future Clarke whispers in her ear, “remember what I said.” Clarke squeezes her back then pulls away, nodding.
Clarke stands back with Bellamy as the watch the couple who look so much like them, and yet so much different, walk hand-in-hand, disappearing amongst the green.
“How do we know if it worked?” Clarke whispers.
Bellamy grins and turns to face her, “we wait five years.”
Clarke laughs, “yeah. Five years.”
If Clarke has discovered anything from this experience, it’s that a lot can change in five years.
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