#which isnt a bad thing! she does that by usually being nice
roughentumble · 10 months
sylph of mind triss. i will not elaborate.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Various HH characters x autistic!reader
Prize 1/5 for @coldsushisworld ! I hope you enjoy!
This post includes: charlie, vaggie, alastor, Lucifer, adam, and lute
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Honestly I can see Charlie herself being somewhere on the spectrum! So she can relate to you in some way when you're having some struggles. Shes so so accommodating when it comes to your needs, quite literally bending over backwards to make sure the hotel is a safe space for you. Theres likely a sensory room somewhere in the hotel, where you (or really anyone!) Can go to unwind and just vibe. Protective of you, as she is with everyone else she cares about. You.. may have to get her to cool it if things get a little too heated. Warm and smells like apple pie, and I dont know about you guys but that's possibly one of the most pleasing and calming combos
Very quick to shut things down if someone tries to get on your case for your needs for whatever reason, same goes for anyone who does it without intending to be harmful/doing it unknowingly. Shes your guard dog, and shes going to make sure you're safe mentally and physically. Likely stands trying to choose between different fidgets to pack for an outing trying to determine which one might come more in handy. Packs both. Actually she definitely has a pack somewhere for you that has a bunch of items to carry on you to help you out (water, headphones, ect ect). Despite that she does think you're capable and will step back if her worries cause her to overstep and make you feel bad. Vaggie does tend to have trouble gauging how much effort and feeling into things
In the nicest way possible, he does not care. Obviously he doesn't care in the "I dont care that you're ND and I'm not going to avoid doing things that trigger you", it's a "I dont care because it is what it is", and besides hes got manners! Sometimes the static ambience around him can be comforting, like white noise.. sometimes he hums or softly plays music if you need something to focus on during an overwhelming moment. However if it makes things worse it's getting cut the second you say something. You're the only person allowed into his radio tower, if you need an escape
As stated above I headcanon that Charlie is somewhere in the spectrum so he already has an idea of what to do to make things easier and more welcoming for you! Thankfully his home isnt too chaotic and he doesnt usually switch up his routine so if routines mean a lot for you Lucifer is your man! Puts his crafting skills to good use and makes you personalized fidget toys! He loves talking to you but if you need him to be quiet for a while he'll be understanding and work quietly on his ducks. Similarly to his daughter he doesnt let anyone try to make you feel bad for trying to tend to your needs. Though hes less of a pushover/holds his temper a little easier than charlie, but hes still quick to shut anything down
In the beginning he can be a little.... how does one say this nicely? Not the best.. hes not at all educated so you're probably going to have to sit him down and find a way to get him to listen. Hes a little misguided when it comes to helping you moving forward but there is a new added effort in there. Takes you away from environments that are too overwhelming for you, or tells everyone to shut the hell up.. which might make things worse thanks to his shouting. He's got the spirit but his methods are not the best. His wings are soft and as long as you dont pluck anything out, he let's you run your fingers through his feathers. Would get sucked into those sensory and/or asmr videos with you
I can see her being on the spectrum too tbh but I dont think shes aware, so anytime you try to bring up the possibility of her being ND she kind of just dismisses it. "Everyone does that," mindset. While she doesnt totally understand all of your habits and needs, she still does her best to make sure you're satisfied. She can be callous with others, often causing conflict to those who choose not to listen to an exterminator.. though to heavens citizens what status to exterminators have..? Shrugs. Shes a little.. tense? Harsh? No harsh sounds mean. Shes not used to being tender for someone else, so this is all a learning process for her.. its going to take a while before she grows accustomed to you autism or not.. but shes trying, because she does love you even if shes not used to these feelings!
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silliest-heartaches · 11 months
Ohh my god DRINKKK!! Dude I love them sooo muchhh. I just love imagining them being head over heels for each other yet constantly denying their feelings, because of how they view themselves, yet still finding comfort and solace with each other. They are so. YES. PERFECT. AUGH.
And I love how you use they/them for Ink and she/her for Dream!!
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GOD YEAH I LIKE THEM SO INCREDIBLY MUCH... tbh the main reason i started liking them was bc i was thinking abt them and how doomed yuri coded they were and. The worms Wormed in from there,,,,
I actually use he/they and she/they for ink and dream respectively but!!!!!! I love all hcs and interpretations of them for REAL. nonbinary people who are gay as fuck for real,, very inherrently queer ship regardless of how u see either of them i think...heart seeing them as t4t transmasc and transfem forever personally though so thats what i see em as hehe,, also in my head theyre both aroacespec (though the specifc kind varies from au to au though i do consistently see ink as ace and dream as demiaro :>>)
Im not sure how long these will be so...hcs under the cut lol
- okay well while in my mind while error is technically the First Entity ink sees that isnt just a normal entity, dream is like their First. Friend. you know. Like when error first saw him he was screaming and crying for the hills bc it was also his first time seeing another outcode so. that reaction BUT with dream she was more filled with gentle confusion... this is a bit after she unstoned in the apple incident but still was new to au hopping and naive to most danger so they became friends!!! Questionably so.
-to elaborate, when they first meet dream is still stuck on the ideals of toxic positivity and pushing through hardship no matter what... i think this is something they eventually grow out of and dream will eventually learn to see the need for balance eventually but one of their first disputes happens when ink is running low on ink and most of whats left are the Negative Emotions within him alongside the especially strong panic that he usually feels when they get like this... dream would try to comfort him and try to say that itll work out in the end no matter what and that they just need to push through and that itll be okay like normal comforting words because dream is an empath and can sense feelings right,,i feel like its comforting in some cases but when things get Really Bad and especially when the main reserves of feelings that ink has are Negative, they heavily override his normal sense of self and i imagine they get a lot more. Snappy.... theres also the additional hc thingy of ink also really overexaggerating his feelings and overplaying them a lot for the sake of trying to feel more intensely (doesnt work, just drains him faster and will never truly feel natural to him...personally think that ink feels a lot of disconnect from his feelings) which could be considerably offputting to dream (though before adding swap to the group she thought it wass normal because she had only seen the fake pretend nice joy of the village influenced by her aura and not Genuine Feelings)
I think eventually through the years they would learn a lot from eachother...like with ink learning to be more naturally charismatic and dream learning to see past toxic positivity and have his perception on emotions change for the better (ie in learning that having different emotions are okay, so long as there is a balance)
id do alot more hcs but tbh what it boils down to is: toxic codependent yuri. intensely up and down relationship where theres an insane amount of love and attachment but also a lack of self from the both of them because they are only able to see themselves as a Thing to the other. Also exes who turned out to be besties. Thry got together and broke up wayyy before blue (they casually tell him stories about it and for the parts that he does know about he is horrified for.) Oh and they share hobbies and do parallel play alot. dream is more music oriented and can play the cello and flute. ink can play the ukelele but hes more familiar with drawing and painting duh. Also they have a garden. they love growing flowers but their favourites are sunflowers. Also have writing sessions together. Also may/may not also have beautiful princess disorder. (The both of them)
im so sorry this is so incoherrent but erm. yeah im very normal abt them (half of this stuff comes from oc projection the other half is like. Mental illness while in the shower tbh)
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
Little!Jj & Caregiver!Hotchniss living together hcs
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tags : autistic!jj, mentions of her mother/childhood being bad, sensory issues
notes: I feel like I haven’t talked about them in agessssss so take this long ramble | tagging @blackbirdsaltzman for their reply <3
Their house is actually a decent size and has a pretty big backyard, they bought something away from the road so they’d have all the privacy they could need
This means Hotch definitely buys a blow up pool for Jj to splash around in and Emily to dip her feet in
Jj loves the water. Baths, pools, ponds, oceans, she’d spend hours upon hours in it all if she could
It leads to a lot of summer days in the backyard where Emily’s reapplying sunblock every fifteen minutes, she sets a timer, and Hotch is making sure that Jj & Em stay hydrated in the sun
But there are times where Jj’s sensory issues kick in and she doesn’t want anything to do with the heat
They keep the Ac pretty high in the house anyways but sometimes Emily will crank it if Jj’s really uncomfortable
When Jj’s home and doesn’t have to worry about being professional she loves to stim
She has quite a few vocal ones — humming, clicking her tongue, echoing things she hears on the Tv, popping her lips
They can get pretty loud at times but Emily and Hotch have become accustomed to it so they don’t mind
She also has some other stims — flapping her hands is a big one, spinning around and bouncing on her feet are also common
The one she does the most is rocking. It could be as they sit on the couch, when she’s standing, really any space that’ll allow her to move side to side or back and forth
When she’s regressed to a younger headspace Emily and Hotch will hold her on their hip and rock in place with her to calm her down
Overall she’s not a very fussy little, but there’s certain things that get tricky
She hates the taste of peppermint so Hotch bought a tube of kids toothpaste and she uses that, Emily is usually the one actually brushing her teeth
Brushing her teeth isn’t really the issue, it’s more the action of doing it. She struggles to get to all her teeth when she’s regressed
And when she’s big she’d rather just have Prentiss do it for her anyways. She also uses a kids toothbrush as the bristles are softer and are less likely to scratch her gums - which is sensory hell for Jj
Most food she eats is also kid food, she has a sensitive stomach anyways so plain food that her caregivers prepare is always preferred to anything bought
Hotch makes little bags of trail mix for Jj, it isnt a traditional trail mix by any means but it has the things Jj likes
Emily does most of the cooking in the house and will make a separate portion without all the seasoning for Jj, she also keeps premade meals in the freezer incase they try something new and Jj doesn’t like it
Both caregivers are very understanding when it comes to Jj’s issues with food and always have snacks on hand to accommodate
They buy kids plates, utensils and cups too
There are nice “adult” plates and silverware but it stays tucked in a cabinet with a child lock unless someone is coming over for dinner
Emily and Hotch get very protective about who comes over to the house, it’s a safe space for all three of them and is very obviously catered to their caregiver & little lifestyle so having someone random in the house is avoided at all costs
Of course the team is welcomed but Jj likes to clean up before they come over
She’ll go around and hide toys, pacifiers, bottles, etc. as she still gets insecure about her regression
Hotch and Emily both do their best to assure Jj that it’s okay and that the team knows but she insists on hiding her more “baby” items in fear of judgement
Jjs mother is not allowed at the house under any circumstances.
Hotch and Emily found out pretty quickly that her mother only ever causes Jj stress and upsets her, just the idea of her at the house is enough to send all three of them spiraling
Jj doesn’t talk much about her childhood in general but when she’s regressed she absolutely refuses
She’ll shutdown at even the mention of it
When she does get upset she gets very quiet and can go non-verbal, she’ll mostly communicate through humming/pointing and occasionally writing things down
Her ears get sensitive at times so there’s pairs of sound proof headphones scattered around the house
Emily and Hotch have bought all the types. From ear plugs to industrial headphones
Jj cycles through them all depending on how bad her sensory issues are
A lot of the time she’ll have ear plugs that block out background noise in, they aren’t noticeable and she’s still able to listen to the Tv or to Hotch & Emily talk
There are rare times where Jj doesn’t want to hear anything at all, that’s where the industrial headphones come in
It had started with Hotch & Emily noticing that Jj would plug her ears with her fingers and eventually grew to their extensive headphone collection
She likes to build forts and curl up in them with Hotch or Em
Most times it’s Hotch pulled down with her while they make Emily guess a password (spoiler alert she never gets it right)
Jj climbs into Emily & Hotchs bed in the morning almost every morning, assuming she didn’t sleep in-between them
She always brings at least one stuffie with her and makes sure Emily & Hotch both say good morning to it
There’s many pictures on Hotchs phone of Emily and Jj in these moments, curled up together, in the midst of laughing, Aaron loves the early morning time they all get together
Emily’s phone is filled with mid-day pictures from the places they go and activities they do, Hotch takes pictures of this too but not nearly as many as Prentiss
Technically Jj takes pictures too but most are blurry or of her and Emily making faces at Hotch while he’s turned around (he always knows)
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zelenbug · 4 months
more rayman headcanons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wrote a LOT here
some general descriptions of like 31 whole characters in my headcanon lore. at least those i had much of note to say about. so like, some pretty important characters are missing sorry
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rayman - hes cool and a doofus at the same time. hes also a little bit stupid. he values having friends so so much and has no clue what romance is because hes never felt any kind of romantic attraction. he was raised by his fairy mom (betilla has her exact r1 design btw.) and theyre still on good terms : ) favorite activities: inventing ridiculous fun new things to do with globox
globox - he is exactly like in rayman 3 aside from the odd parts in the first map of hoodlum headquarters. silly idiot with a big ego, plays himself up to be mega competent and awesome at everything despite also being a coward. loves his family and haveing fun and his friends. hes good at coming up with ridiculous stupid conclusions. he dislikes glutes (I MEAN THE BIRDS IT IS WHAT THE BIRDS IS CALLED) because they kept biting him and stealing his lunch when he was a kid. he is terrified of rabbids. hes a red wizard but hes bad at being one (due to being tall, bald, not red (anymore) and not much of a wizard (he knows like 2 spells (hes really good at making rain happen though!!!))). his parents dont like him very much for being too much of a silly idiot
uglette - basically globox 2 in a lot of ways. not a coward but is averse to adventuring so she doesnt do that (also isnt as arrogant). kicks your ass if you threaten her kids though. not as much of an active participant in various fun activities despite being fully supportive of it BUT DONT GET IT WRONG she is still also a silly idiot. she doesnt like math either but is surprisingly good at counting which is the only reason her and globox know how many kids they have (globox was barred from helping out with counting, hes so bad at it which is why they were miscounting as over 650 for a while, its really just 651). uglettes parents dont like her very much for unclear reasons (hwy do you think shes named that)
their kids - allowed to run everywhere and have as much fun as possible which includes them punting every other glade inhabitant they can get to like the ball. they are UNRESTRICTED MENACES. if confronted about it (usually by murfy) both globox and uglette would go "its good parenting". at worst they get told off like "hey dont be mean please". andre is one of the kids btw
murfy - he is exactly like in rayman 3. hes actually really good at different voices which is why hes really squeaky at times (he puts on an act and pretends to be nice when polokus is around, that includes making a stupid squeaky voice). has flirted with rayman who remains completely oblivious to this. attempted to date a lot of people otherwise, didnt go so well, one of them was a literal girl with great big eyes though (a mosquito). also he would rather pursue acting than whatever his job ended up being
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goth teensy - i wrote a post about him already. nice naive little man. his memory is awful for no reason. he doesnt remember how he got this watching over the dead door job either and he barely does it because he keeps getting distracted (and justifies it with "well how likely are the nightmares to get out anyways?")
raymesis - his one goal in life is to be raymans greatest rival and make sure everyone knows how bad rayman is (raymesis fails horribly at this. when he pretensd to be rayman literally everytone can tell that is not rayman). he is a giant cringefail loser. he wears cringy gamer shirts (like. over his hoodie) at home, which is a horrible dingy apartment. has several other embarrassing interests he doesnt even let glombrox know (who basically lives in his apartment due to constantly finding new ways of breaking in)
glombrox - claimed by raymesis to be his sidekick, actually just goes along with it because hes smart and can also kick raymesis in the back once his own plan goes awry. raymesis is both his favorite target to mess with and the closest thing he has to a friend. he smells horribly and hates baths, he loves beating up people for fun, he writes in cursive so fancy its legit unreadable. he was also an asshole as a kid (hes no longer allowed anywhere near his relatively normal family) and found more company with darktoons who only slightly influenced him. somehow everyone keeps thinking hes globox. he hates it. he can eat mold
teensy queen - honestly kudos to my friend for coming up with most of this because this is like really good. teensy queen is just kind of nuts and also a giant drama queen (lmao), like fake fainting with back of hand on her forehead. her targets of attraction consist exciuslvely of women and rayman. she has probably spoken with ghosts
andre - unfortunately for him, stuck at globoxs village permanently after being turned back into a black lum at some point (during rrr's events). globox and uglette and their kids literally all consider andy a family member, he hates it and he hates everyone here. he doesnt even try to escape anymore because SOMEONE will inexplicably get him back there (ie his siblings catching him in a bug net. they kick him around too btw). hes still trying to plot some evil plan that he hopes to execute eventually. hes terrified of rayman more than literally anyone else in the glade
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ales mansay - NOT the magician, just pretended to be him to try and get on the heroes' good side. ales is slightly taller than him actually. anyway ales likes mr dark very very much (this is not reciprocated whatsoever). hes really bad at magic for a teensy (his organ thing that works with magic just doesnt work right?) and he got bullied as a kid relentlessly for it, he was already mean but this just made him worse. hes the closest thing the glade can get to a techbro (if he makes all hte tech himself). was even more mean to goth teensy in particular (who was just trying to reach out and become friends maybe) when they were classmates
polokus - hes seen even by the other gods as a weird little silly man. he can shapeshift between pretty much any kind of look (he has to remain beige though) but the design in origins is his "true" form i guess. he created the glade and its inhabitants long long ago and set them loose, he created globoxs spcecies in his own image but thought itd be funny if they didnt have legs. when hes not vacationing god knows where (like himself) (anyway he went there during rayman 3) hes pretty easy to talk to and become best friends with. he is divorced (over teensies)
voodoo mama (NOT THE NYMPH this is literally not what the nymph is called ignore raywiki IM TALKING ABOUT mama hite) - God's Ex. she thinks hes too much of a silly idiot too. she literally only likes one teensy (romeo patti), thinks all the other ones are ugly as hell. nowadays (aside from hanging out in land of the livid dead briefly before getting kicked in the eyes. yknow. big mama.) lives at the sea of serendipity with red wizards, offering her weird concoctions and whatever else to people, usually they do some magic effect they want (ie how rayman recolored himself like globox for fun) but with Side Effects. all the red wizards are convinced shes just some tall lady thats really good at magic and not literally, like. another god. even though she doesnt bother to hide it that much. sorta acted like a better mom to globox than the one he actually had, it took him a long time to also learn she was, in fact, God's Ex
LIGHTNING ROUND,!? the (unique) BABYS!!! brainox is obviously the smart one, a polite little guy, he has albinism and thus doesnt like sunlight, looking at it OR being in it. so hes more nocturnal bimbette is just cutie pants (from fancy pants) basically. she is a huge brat. lacks eyelashes for some reason zikox (remember hes the yellow one this is a canon name from the dreamcast localization file) pursues rap sure he secretly really likes poetry. wouldnt let anyone know. oktette is obviously the other smart one but shes REALLY smug about it. she literally looks down on people shes the tallest of the babys. (actually theyd be like teenagers by now almost?) hardrox isnt mean but hes just annoyed all the time by everything. he has a cool rock band, his dad is the only other member (as you know globoxs rayman arena desc says he likes rock music) catastrox is confused about everything constantly he has a hard time understanding anything. actually one of the least chaotic kids. he also just didnt really understand robo pirates were bad because he didnt know morals yet (also bc he hatched with the pirates somehow)
flaming teensy is the cool old (not that old, hes in like his 40s equivalent) man. despite appearances (and whatever happened in mini) hes actually pretty nice. looks over the tricky treasure as a job. hes in a relationship with another teensy but hes from the cold part of gourmand land this time
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(i didnt intend to pick images of both magicians (i guess. you can see i refuse to call ales that) with no hats on. i just thought they were funny. this one is from an educational game btw)
the first king is the actual old. hes oldest teensy that has ever been alive, he refuses to die out of sheer stubbornness and just constantly complains about "kids these days". hes like cranky kong with less video game references
jano - one of the more minor gods, only one created by polokus (it was an accident). then he made a mess and now nightmares and the scary part of land of the livid dead exist. hes gotten more neutral over time, but not exactly nice and he doesnt regret making nightmares happen. nowadays he actually guards the way to land of the livid dead (cave of bad dreams is just a part of it), which is a somewhat different job from goth teensy
(side note r3 and origins land of the livid dead exist in the same "space", but the origins one is in a sort of pocket dimension. pocket dimensions have mostly been created by group efforts of powerful teensies for convenient travel purposes, ie the highways or the hall of doors, or some other purpose like the tower also in (r3) land of the livid dead. anyway nightmares reside in the origins land of the livid dead. and it wasnr created by teensies just to be clear, its that most of the other pocket dimensions were)
dark globox - nobody invited him to these races one time he just showed up. everyones scared of him, hes not even mean or evil he just throws people into walls for some reason. he speaks in BFGKBLFBDKFHMMDFKS but hes like, a sapient person with thoughts in SOME form? still the same species as globox but hes the most weird shaped one. everyone just called him that due to approximate similarities to the only other competitor who was also the same species (unless you count globette) anyway dark globox is literally the only person glombrox genuinely respects
tily - like a cat (full of mischief) that can fly. unstoppable, chaotic, bites people (mostly globox. for no reason). if caught in the act (for example, pushing fragile objects off tables for no reason) she acts like shes entirely innocent and hasnt done a single thing wrong or bad at all. which keeps working, every time. but she can be persuaded to stop for a little bit with some treats of candy (thats a difference from cats, cats cant taste anything sweet at all!). i dont know what her relation to ly is but theyre both cats in some way
the magician (the real one this time) - has always been a rayperson. hes a grown man but is shorter than most teensies for no reason. obviously great at magic but anything involving technology confuses him to no end. hes maybe just a bit mischievous at times, hes nice he just messes with people a little bit sometimes for fun. Ok so i can really only describe this best with an image also from an educational game
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red wizards arent like. one character but i could go into more detail on them. so they live mostly around sea of serendipity and mystical pique. at least the older ones are absolutely committed to being always serious and never having fun or being silly ever, and they hope to also teach the same values to god with their boring mantras. you can understand why globox didnt fit with the other red wizards like at all. ALSO red wizards gossip a LOT, htey end up knowing about everything remotely adjacent to them (but nothing outside of that, they had no idea there were robo pirates at all for example)
romeo patti - why did he decide to live in land of the livid dead?? anyway he kind of has the easiest job in the world because most of his patients are already ghosts and you cant do much about that. so he spends all his time smoking all kinds of stuff, thats kind of why hes the only teensy voodoo mama likes. hes also one of the tallest known teensies, its hard to tell because he also has the worst posture of all the known teensies
TOOK LONG ENOUGH TO GET TO MINIMUSES I GUESS? talking in plural because i think its mostly a set of teensies that steal the crown from one another. being The King is mostly meaningless but it makes them feel important and they get to shout commands at people. only one of them was brave enough to participate on some fun adventures with rayman and globox and goth teensy, he acts like the leader of the team which makes the other three go "?"
sir globrax - he keeps getting stuck in absolutely unreal situations. nobody knows how he does this. murfy for a time got assigned by polokus to watch over this poor chainmail wearing idiot and, while he wouldnt show it, murfy has never genuinely hated anyone more than this guy and his penchant for trapping himself in ways nobody on the planet can decipher. meanwhile his view on murfy is like. My assisant murfy who helps me when im in trouble : )
globteen and teensy ray together i guess - theyre like. friends but they mostly focus on being the number one biggest fan of whoever their respective favorite guy is. and they both run fanclubs but the globox fanclubs only members are globteen and globox. teensy ray will try and fight anyone who is mean to rayman, also hes one of the few teensies that isnt bald (he made himself not bald)
globteen is a funny little guy overall. his age is a mystery. most people find him kind of weird and a bit nuts so he doesnt have a lot of friends but he doesnt seem to mind that much. hes actually REALLY pale for a teensy for some reason, being a very light yellow color. its a bit hard to tell because he never goes out without his face painted blue (like globox). also he is literally this
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might do more of this if i come up with things to write about other characters
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kk0hii · 3 months
How did you get into School Zone and what got you hooked on it?
Back then in 2022/2021?? i think? I was searching for some yuri/ GL to read cus i want to read that stuff more and i rlly wants the one that r yk good and stuff
I saw school zone cover but i cant tell if its the yokoe and kei running to the together or yokoe and kei sitting tgt with bunch of other chairs and the keep out sign
Anyway i immediately got hooked cus it looks pretty nice and stuff
I read it and pretty much fall in love
Im sort of always a big fan on slice of life type of media (but im also someone who love some kind of have a depth goin on media or just serious stuff depends on my mood)
At first the school zone seems like some kind of a comedy slice of life manga EXCEPT that its yuri which is amazing cus even though ive seen yuri with slice of life before i havent seen yet the one that r like this
And school zone girls comedy is hella funny especially its amazingly like how it depict on how a teenage girls act
And one thing is im pretty sure school zone girls is made by a woman
Bcs i dont trust that much men to write such an amazing depiction of how a high school girls act ( they always fumble it or just idk it doesnt feel much like it)
And especially school zone girls isnt written to be sexualization or male centered
All of the girls in school zone genuinely have their own personality and also depht! Cus the more u read the manga the more u know about them! Its soo good i love it so much
Cus i also wish other media make a media like how school zone does it! And i wish there was more media thats more of a girls centered (girl being the mc or just more girls character with interesting personality)
Literally rn after rereading school zone for alot of times it got me lazy to start another media thats not girls centered (the girl being an mc or more girls character that feels like how girls are) because so many shows already have so much idk guys bein the mc or guys character being alot more
And especially the writing on the girls
School zone girls feels so prefect for me and thats why i keep om rereading it so many times
Oh and also i wont say its 100% perfect cus we got cough tsubaki being that
But even tho shes like that i think the execution is also not that bad
At first u thought shes that but the more u read and get into that serious chapter u become understand on how she works and stuff
Usually incest character always written as a WHY NOT and idk doesnt have more depht in it or just for stupid comedy purpose
Tsubaki just have more reason for it for me because of how we get to know her more
And i dont think the author (ningiyau) will make the incest thing happening anyway
Cus the more u read the more its more of
Tsubaki and hiiragi trying to meet people outside of each other (because back in middle school they pretty much isolate themselv from the world)
Difference is that tsubaki is more of TRYING to find friends to change
And hiiragi changing by unexpected event (utsugi)
And both of them still having this complicated sibling issues
(Especially tsubaki she got that attachment issues goin on and im interested in what will happen to her)
I think tsubaki and how it made her that way is already self explanatory in the manga
On top of that I rlly love her writing alot
Because at first or something she seems like those anime nice girl type of styff
Those anime girls whos always niceee especially to the mc or whatveer and usually male likers
But tsubaki is her own character
Shes anxious and stuff with people and also pessimistic with her situation(when theres seem to be no way out) ven though shes very talented with grades and sport
But she can also be optimistic when she sees the opportunity or solution to her situation
And she sees good stuff in people and she also easily influences(?) by others ( example yatsude trying to make some lie story about their club at firs shes like " ITS A LIE???" but then she started to get into it and excited "OMG NEW STORY WOW" And her with yokoe
Yokoe telling her which hand to pick and say stuff about i got expectation from u and she reactinf "wow expectation!!" And also reacting "huh!?" To her respond from picking the hand)
But yeah i rlly like tsubaki and all of the cast personality and ningiyau rlly do genuinely give so much depht in them
This yuri literally have so many characters with each of their oen personality and how so many dynamic could form from those characters and its just so refreshing to see!
(Also i loooove kaname and how shes written as i wanan get to know her more)
But anyway im pretty much rambling now but yeah i think what got me hooked is just of how funny and also fresh the characters are with their own personality (especially since theyr girls) and how ningiyau execute them and the story
I wish school zone isnt gonna be underrated anymore because this yuri deserves more recognition and loves (hopefully one day)
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
alright time to write an essay detailing whatever yaoi has done to my girl nancy wheeler. so like, even when it comes to yaoi shippers nancy has had stonathan, harringrove, AND steddie over four seasons with steddie already having massive popularity + the other shippers, wheras thankfully eleven only has to deal with byler shippers when it comes to the victimization. but not to diminish eleven any more because she has def gone through it in fandom, im going to get into nancy's stuff: you will notice all three ships she supposedly gets in the way of (ignoring jargyle because the shippers are chill in my experience) involve steve harrington, AKA the most popular character if i had to guess and the white boy of the month. see, they were dating at one point in s1 and s2. the breakup was messy. like he kinda was complicit in her slutshaming at one point and didnt let her grieve her dead best friend properly and she ambiguously (as in nobody can fucking decide when the break up was) cheated on him so yeah. messy. mutually. if not more on steve's side given he was a bit of an asshole in s1-2 but gets better. yadda yadda fast forward to harringrove in particular, AKA steve x the guy who attacked a black child and abused his younger sibling (and im not attacking anyone thats just. what happened). basically 90% of them try to convince people nancy is abusive for the two arguments that occurred and is a slut and privileged (never mind steve being probably the most well off member of the main cast + hes a white guy in the 80s) blah blah blah. also ironic they call her abusive OFTEN when billy (one half of harringrove) kinda like threatens his sister max and breaks her things and otherwise abuses her Often. but yeah. they hate her for breaking his heart. they hate her for getting in the wya of their ship possibly. they hate her in general. add that to the general fandom misogyny and suddenly a large number of people are writing essays about how much they hate her and how she's a piece of shit, actually. fast forward to s4 and steddie and a new problem arises: steddie shippers keep flooding her character and ship tags with primarily steddie. so now your options regarding her are mlm ships and mlm shippers shitting on her. also keep in mind there is now more content for half of that ship, a guy who shows up for an hour and dies in the same season, than nancy, a mc. and if you like nancy ships like jancy or ronance, too bad those tags are flooded as well. as in someone did analytics in august for ronance i think and at one point the majority of main pairings in the ronance ao3 tags itself was steddie. either way both ships usually end up as side ships or bait into a steddie centric fic or tumblr post. or nancy ends up third wheeling and getting them together. as a nice bonus (not really) recently steddie shippers have decided that they too hate nancy and have entire posts and common plots (i have seen tumblr ficlets/hc's and people discussing this as a common trope for steddie fics on ao3) about how nancy was a horrible person who damaged steve's self esteem and ability to be in a relationship or something from a break up, as if the relationship wasnt mutually harmful and compounded by nancy's whole dead best and possibly only friend thing. and whoops for ships like ronance that isnt allowed either because steve's friend isn't allowed to interact with his ex despite the fact that said friend literally said he was an ass in the s1-2 timeline. all of this making it impossible to find any positive content without it being interrupted for a character who, if i remember correctly, has almost as much screentime as eleven (and eleven at least has popular fan content and other ships that dont somehow loop around to byler/mike). and whats worse is that while canon doesnt have yaoi victimization it does have heteronormative bullshit in which she is forced into a love triangle with the same guys TWO TIMES. she literally cant win so let her win a poll maybe also sorry this is super fucking long <3
Whoooo Nancy
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freegiselle · 1 year
My wife hates my dressing. She put up with it for awhile but it scares her.
How did you tell your wife? Did she find out or did you tell her? Does she help you buy things?
I would love to chat with you if you would like. I have nobody to talk to about my dressing and desires. A friend would be nice.
Hi, sorry to hear about your wife. This is tough topic... I did tell her, very soon, few weeks after my first attempts. I had always wanted to try pantyhose and stockings, but I thought it wasnt for me, because of all the hair made it seem just uncompatible, ugly, it wasnt something for me. As soon as I gathered some courage waxed and my legs, something clicked, it wasnt just the nylons, I wanted more, to look pretty, and try everything! It felt so good looking at the mirror... and yet later I felt so bad, I was still in denial, it had to be just a kink or fetish. I guess it was the fact that I hated the possibility of being trans (still do in some degree) Wife and I had been by that time exploring not entirely heterosexual stuff, so I thought i should bring the issue. It wasnt well recieved. She, like myself, hates that i could be a transwoman. How could i blame her for felling the same as me, it was hard to admit we where being transphobes, and even harder to stop doing it. We love each other too much, there is too much at stake for us to not make efforts to understand and grow. We still have ups and downs, but we are stronger than ever. I cut the full dressing to just myself, with some exceptional ocassions, and her PJs which we share. Sometimes she buys me things, but not often, I have more than enough for what I need!! And I can always use her stuff. It isnt always easy to not be able to dress more femenine everytime I want to, but Im quite happy the way I look. I like my long hair, my cute nails, and the only thing I regret is not removing my body and facial hair sonner(because white hair cant be lasered out!!) Im sure people wonder when they see me, but Im mostly happy where I am right now without publicly transitioning and just being very, very androginous. The hormones are tempting, but Im not ready for that. Am I a transwoman, nonbinary, genderfluid or any other tag?? I really dont know, and honestly I dont care that much. I wish many diffrent things that are apparently not compatible, but then, sometimes they are!!
Regarding being friends, the more I can offer is being friendly, but usually Im too overwhelmed to answer most my dms
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roseworth · 1 year
What do you think Rose’s love language is?
violence blood killing maiming etc.
no but actually i thought about this and i think its absolutely words of affirmation (also im sorry for how much detail im about to go into but im taking a class rn where we talk about love styles/love languages a lot so i have a lot of thoughts about this)
for one thing she really cares about what other people think of her and ties her own personal value into what she can do for others, so i think the verbal reminder that other people care about her means a lot to her
also before i get into this i want to say for the record that love languages can also be platonic so the screenshots im about to use are Not all romantic ships (i know this is common knowledge but i just wanted to be very clear bc im about to use screenshots of like. lian and slade. and i dont want anyone thinking im saying it romantically)
anyways first things first in fresh hell (best rose book ever) she is hallucinating the team a lot and pretty much every time she hallucinates them theyre encouraging her or saying that they care about her. shes kinda using the words that she wishes other people would say to her to support herself while shes Alone and Struggling
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not to mention when it actually does happen not in a hallucination it clearly means a lot to her every time
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(ok in fairness the kyle one isnt really words of affirmation but i really like that moment so im posting it anyway)
also the less serious example is rose in nightwing #114 asking dick how she looks then glaring at him until he says she looks nice hfdkjasfhsdf the renegade arc is a comedy to me
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plus she also tends to feel most hurt when people are saying harmful things about her
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not to mention she tends to look for slade to say something positive about her and will get. um. very upset when he doesnt
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anyways i think that her love language stems from rose's mom because lili very clearly has no problem with outright talking about how much she loves rose <3
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now you might be thinking "lauren you dumb bitch. all youve done is make a compilation of people being nice to rose. relationships are a two way street and rose doesnt compliment people"
and to that i say... its complicated okay
i have two possible reasons for this. the first is that she is so fucking bad at expressing herself and she doesnt know how to be nice to people, and is terrified of showing others that she loves them
the other reason is that some people have different love languages for giving & receiving!!!! and i think that while rose's receiving love language is words of affirmation, her giving love language is acts of service
now usually these "acts of service" are either saving their life or beating the shit out of someone that hurts them but it COUNTS okay!!!
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and of course. the funniest "act of service" which is marrying hosun
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anyways i ran out of images but rose as deathstroke arc my beloved, i consider that another act of service because her father was dead and she knew what he would have wanted to be done (killing his last target) so she did it
also id like to think that her acts of service love language stems from wintergreen because of how he did so much to help her when they first met <3 <3 <3
i had more for all of these but tumblr only allowed 30 images per post <////3 how am i supposed to be publicly insane when theres a limit 😔
tldr: her receiving love language is words of affirmation and her giving love language is acts of service <3
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wulvert · 1 year
PAPERTEETH 54!! WOO!!!! U DID IT!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉
ALSO THE KELLYFICATION OF AVERY AT THE END??? WAIDQKDQLXE NICE CHEEKS IDIOT THE BLOODLUST IS COMING. u werent lying she rly is just so on the ground lookign pathetic.
okok heres werewolf biology questions which are. MUCH simpler and sillier and wont make u have 2 explode ur brain:
-do werewolves have to stick to the diets of wolves due to their curse? like. becoming carnivorous even in human form and being unable 2 eat chocolate.
-can werewolves sense? smell? other non-human creatures like vampires in their murderous rampage forms?
-can a werewolf transformation triggered by something other than a full moon be stopped halfway or is it like. as soon as u begin to show signs its already too late
-werewolves get no cool benefits in human form but do they still exhibit like. traits? hairiness, pointier teeth, lupine eyes, ability 2 growl (i would get cursed if it meant i could growl in human form tbh), etc stuff like that
-do animals tend 2 be more averse to werewolves cause they can. sense the dog in them??? idk
-this one is like. a more? spoilery question? so toss this one out if u cant answer for secret reasons: are any other members of trisha's family werewolves? (this is actually specifically about her sister but i wanted 2 phrase it to where u wouldnt be forced 2 like. technically reveal the answer even if u chose not 2 answer. idk if it worked)
nd finally. a silly: what's everyones favorite foods!!! paperteeth nd triptrack!! um. before avery and scarlet became. incapable of eating regular foods of course. tex and terry are also robots incapable of eating but u can pretend theyr not for this one if u wanna
while werewolves dont rly keep many wolfuy traits when human I think thrs probably an inclination 2wards a wolfier diet! can def still enjoy a vegetable tho.
Id think so! I do appreciate werewolves having a rly good nose in human form in other series but for this i think itd make it far too easy for her to have figured out scarlet by now- so my werewolves get nerfed there but yeah she can probably tell while she's a wolf- but her memory afterwards isnt the best- & she stays in the basement after absorbing moonlight so she shouldnt be running into any vampires anyway and if she did I think she'd have trouble saying someones non human for certain after she's turned back.
yeah! if fish were to get rly upset about something and start turning- but then the thing making her upset was resolved, she'd be able to reverse things if she was calming down- if she still turned from residual upsetness she probably wouldnt be a wolf for very long but the issue is the process of turning is rly painful, so that in of itself is usually distressing enough to push someone over. I think before i said being scared or angry can turn them- its more so like any negative emotion.
trisha has yellow eyes but since i elected not to give paperteeth characters eye colours u cant tell but she does. other than that no but again they get a little fluffier when a bit emotional- which can be ok, anything past getting furry is the bad part. . fangs r cute but my werewolves in human form have normal teeth bc they get a new set of wolf teeth every time they transform then they get a new set of human ones when they turn back- it sucks for them but they dont rly have to worry abt going to the dentist cuz their teeth r always fresh and new. actually unless they need braces, bc the braces and their progress probably gets completely obliterated every month. damn, rip. nothin stopping from humans growling as is so sure werewolves can also growl but like. no better than a normal person.
animals think trisha is gross and generally werewolves as a whole- but agnes is brave
no they rnt! werewolfness isnt passed genetically & fishy was the only one bitten in the incident.
good questiom ok i think tex pizza hes a basic little robot i think he'd appreciate its hold-ability via the crust, i do think he'd be vegan if he could eat food, i think he'd feel weird abt absorbing meat- like human ppl are made of meat and that'd psych him out.. idk where it is but i have this drawing . i dont know where it is i posted it somewhere. anyway . um red cheesecake bc he's right abt everything. terry does have a mouth. btw so he can taste things like tex can so he can also theorize abt this- i dont think he'd care abt meat like tex does and he'd want to eat something in one bite, like. a cake raspberries on it which most people would not consider that a one bite scenario but he is a big boy and i think he could do it. toad likes butter penne with nothing else on it & i think tara would like a avocado tomato basil etc sandwich. shae eats protein powder for breakfast
avery when alive. probably showed up at mcdonalds at like 3 am asking for chicken nugget meal pls after work a lot, otherwise i think she had a sweet tooth and made her own tiramisu :) scarlet instant ramen with added stuff in it like egg & vegetables and stuff bc its both easy and nice so its favourable 4 its convenience, but thts bc she has to make it. hm outside of that probably deep fried pizza like drenched in chippy sauce. she would also show up at 3 am to mcdonalds. kelly's favourite food probably is chicken nuggets even outside of a lethargic its 3 am and i just killed a man context so there is that. and trisha a5 wagyu grill seared rare steak obviously. i think context 4 favourite food is important though bc avery wouldnt willingly go to mcdonalds in any other context, its probably like how i feel abt mcdonalds 99p burger when im drunk and cold and ashamed to be alive but with more adrenaline hangover than actual hangover hangover. anyway
fishs dad- hopes and dreams.
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skinnymeanfaggot · 1 year
had such a galaxy brained moment talking with blue the other day and im gonna try and recapture it
javier is, a very very very morally grey person. he is nice and compassionate and so caring and kind. but he is SUCH a hypocrite with his morals. he has this whole thing with anim about how murder is bad and inexcusable but he got his mom killed. and his reasoning was "she was bad" and she was, but also, its subjective. javier is like "bad people deserve to die and good people do not" but then picks and chooses who is bad and who is good. anim by his definition, a killer, is bad, but he makes an exception for them because .... theyre hot and hes drawn to them and he loves them. which isnt a good excuse. he has such a complex about how much Better he is than zora and how he would Never Stoop So Low as if he didnt play a part in her becoming who she became. and hes really not much better than her at all.
and he loves selfishly. he "loves" selfishly because he doesnt LOVE most people, his relationships literally went "this person is showing interest in me, i need to bend over backwards to their every whim and be absolutely perfect and passive and never ever have an opinion or do anything wrong" and he does it "to make people happy" he thinks, and a part of him does, but a main reason he does it is the dopamine. he gets praised for being a good person and so helpful and kind and considerate. people say they love him and thats a reward he strives for because he didnt get that love as a child and hes trying to get it now. but he doesnt truly Love anyone before anim. and he realizes this because he starts trying to make them happy, and they dont give him anything. he gets no reward and that would usually turn him away, but he finds that he doesnt CARE if they reciprocate his feelings or if theyre nice back. he just wants them to be happy no matter WHAT and that is true love.
also..... he is a little. in DEVILTOWN au only he does fuck a patient (august) even though hes not "officially" a patient. august refuses to get help unless javier sleeps with him so javier does it to help him. but like. hes also getting 20 year old twink hole. again his intentions are like, mostly pure, but not fully. and then hes hypocritical with like "oh but thats bad, but im different because hes not officially my patient and its the only way" and blah blah.
all this to say like he is so flawed. hes a great person but hes so flawed. and i love it for him so much. firehazard isnt this edgy little morally grey twink and her perfect sunshine husband, its these two deeply flawed individuals who end up falling in love for the first time and helping each other grow as people. like. javier is so special he is my meowmeow and its objectively funny because his original character was just "mr galvez" who had no character design and his only traits were "jamie and kyras whore father". and now hes epic with big tits
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children-of-subcon · 2 years
just one more ask i promise i promise just one more. among us game with every revealed character you have in usau so far. how does everyone fare (whos the best/worst imposter, who gets killed first, whos the detective, who looks sus but isnt, etc)
Something wrong with me and it’s YOUR fault (/j)
Well. Uhhhhhh
Prince: As crewmate he is BOOKING it away from every single person he sees and mostly just focuses on tasks. He’s too scared/nice to really accuse anyone, so the rare time he DOES hard accuse someone it’s probably the truth. As imposter he is too scared to kill anyone and spends the entire time faking tasks, then his partner gets voted out and he tries to kill and like 5 people immediately walk in on him </3
Duke: As crewmate he is very tryhard detective he spends a lot of time on cams… usually his first answer is right however he does often overthink things and change it 😔 As imposter he also gets scared to kill but he’s definitely better than Prince. Good at coming up with lies for where he was/improv-ing but execution is hit or miss
Earl: They’re the wild card, will purposely stand on bodies as crewmate just to screw with everyone. They’re that one person that votes for themself every round unless there’s solid evidence of someone being the imposter. They won’t straight up troll though, they still do tasks and vote for the imposter if they know who they are. Actually pretty decent as imposter, will gaslight and sabotage a lot
Princess: Everyone always says she’s sus despite her only actually being imposter like once per 50 games. When she’s accusing someone or defending herself she goes in HARD. Also very easy to gaslight ^^ As imposter she’s pretty good, may throw her partner under the bus but would mostly win if everyone didn’t always automatically assume it was her u_u
Captor: As crewmate she will follow people around and probably ignore her tasks which can lead her to get voted out just for being annoying :( Also accuses random people for no reason just for fun :D As imposter she will go on a RAMPAGE and kill as many people as possible (probably targeting specific ones cough cough Prince cough cough)
Bow: As crewmate she speedruns her tasks and is the one that actually fixes the sabotages! She’s not a great detective though and usually just goes along with what everyone else votes. She is SCARILY good at imposter. Manages to get a lot of kills but is extremely good at lying. No one ever expects the catgirl…. if someone defends her though she’ll feel too bad to kill them, which can end up being her biggest tell.
TM: As crewmate he’s just vibing, he will take like 5 minutes on each task though. Stopped paying attention during the meeting and accidentally voted on someone who was hard cleared,,, Also will join Earl if he sees them standing on a body or call a meeting just to be like “Hi guys :D” As imposter he will hang out with his partner and get some double kills! In meetings he goes “hey guys why is my name red” and no one know if he’s /srs or /j
Muriel: Awful at everything. I’m sorry. She will get voted out just because, half of the rounds. She has extremely weird movement patterns due to not knowing what is going on at any given time (+ knife hands). As crewmate she’s like “why can’t I vent or sabotage” and as imposter she just goes on a killing spree of all the people she thinks are bad guys and can’t seem to understand that everyone’s NOT supposed to know she’s the imposter -w-
Uhhhhh is there anyone else….VoD and Porta ig aufrsdhjdhd but I don’t think they’d be any. Good. VoD doesn’t have hands and Porta can’t use vc so,,,,
tdlr Bowthreader op
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pilotheather · 4 months
k. finale time
ep 11 - dark water
preface this by me saying im doing dogshit right now so idk if im going to get through this ep in one go we'll see
again. kinda wish i saw these live. i bet the reveals in this finale were crazy. and again bugh... im thinking again about current who and sigh bc we're never gonna get that again are we. sorry i whined already. it was just nice to watch stuff with ppl even if youre, like, alone. now its just straight up alone. LOL.
like i dont even know what was happening at this time. do the reddit live reeaction threads exist from back then. did they know danny was abt to die right now. like was that leaked. im certain therre was missy speculation which speaking fo im excited to see her again. missy come home
like jesus fucking christ
why did it make the splunch.mp4 sound when she chucked it.
i think its funny. i still lowkey hate clara for season 7 and a lot of the... very irritating qualities written into her. but i am also kind of obsessed sometimes. i wish companions could be wretched cunts like this more often.
i keep thinking about how much i'd kill myself bass boosted if i did manage to actually off myself properly and there was still more. and if chris addison was the one there to tell me that.
hi missy
shes so funny shes so funny fo rhtis everything about missy is maybe the funniest fucking thing conceieved i need moffat desperately for this in retrospect this is such an insanely thing to do with the master but also shes just havbing fun
"My heart... Is maintained by the Doctor..." "Doctor... Who? 🤨" "... 🥺............... DOCTOR CHANG!!! 🤬"
i forgot how kinda dopey these cybermen looked
guys i miss the s10 finale
i need her so bad 👆
ep 12 - death in heaven
its funny i dont remember that much from this finale but comparatively i swear i rate it like. relatively highly as being pretty solid.
thats not saying jack shit so many of the finales are dog shit
"87. Ocd." help me.
i forget help why did you sedate him youre insane
the really dodgy fucking crowd outside saying the mos t obvious shit is making me giggle. also ilove this absolute bullshit scifi mumbo jumbo, even worse than usual, like i forgot they did it like this. like what the fuck are you talking about. the rain forming perfect metal suits around them. hang on does it have a name
you're lying to me (<- he would later find out they said this in the episode)
i wish they'd done something with the designs to make it look more organic and to make it look like it literally grew over the corpses. i get that that would be more expensive but it would be tight as fuck. i love it when the cybermen lean into horror more.
why did they make him the president. its so messy.
clara just yapping
also classic fucking moffat giving his special little girl the same birthdya as doctor who fuck off man.
isnt it crazy how missy and 12 are so toxic yuri
its bewildering to me how danny is somhehow the only one that did not hit that fat delete button like i guess ok fin hes one of the last few in there but help me. is there really no one else. i guess if you simulate them ALL feeling eerything they would all jsut delete in the end but still
Permission to squee!
"All of it is on you." GIRL HE DID NOTHING
danny you are such a little angel baby pookie pecan pie with sprinkles and cherries
this is so fucking rough man
imagine if this was 12 and clara goodbye. help me. that would have been so funny
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xxxg0ryygurlll13xxx · 5 months
something that has been bothering me a hell of a lot more than usual is ppl seem to never have time for me (sorry this is so incredibly long)
when i was a kid ofc ppl didnt either like for basketball games or band concerts my friends never went they said they never have time. but now on tuesday is my NAHS induction, i cant stress enough that this is only 15 mins, from 5-515. and no one can go....everyone ive invited except my parents are too busy, my best friend of 10 years, my bf, my only school friend, everyone. shes always busy tho and refuses to make time for anyone but herself even if she makes everyone else make time for her events, which i do go to. i think swingin 15 mins on a tuesday evening isnt that difficult. i mean my bf lives kinda far and my best friend has some kind of other event, and my school friend just never has time for anyone but herself. youd think id be used to ppl not going to my things (ive had many bday parties as a kid that turned out to just be me and maybe 2 other kids from school...) i wanna know why tho. why ppl never seem to make time for me. am i not important enough to just miss out on some studying? skip a school meeting? catch a ride from someone who lives closer? i mean it stings. it really does. to go to all of their events and important things and then when i have one important thing (most important thing thats happened to me in my 2 years so far of highschool) no one seems to make time for me. im grateful my parents are going ofc but still itd be nice to know other people like me as much. again i thought i was used to sort of being left out or forgotten about i mean it has happened my whole life but this this is so important and these people know that and they still wont go. i mean its 15 mins. FIFTEEN MINUTES OF THEIR TIME AND IVE GIVEN THEM HOURS AND HOURS. ive missed therapy appointment, dr appointments, family dinners, schoolwork for these people and they wont even give me 15 mins of their evening. i feel bad esentially being on my knees begging them to go so ive refused to ask again. i might ask my bf again and see if i can emphasize that its only 15 minutes. he doesnt have to stay for the whole art show which is till 7. he only has to sit in the auditorium for 15 mins and maybe hang out a bit in the lobby afterwards. thats all any of them have to do...maybe im the problem w this i mean the only common thread is me so maybe im just a shit person and unaware of it and thats why ppl never seem to want to hang out w me. i mean they know its so important to me but here they are not planning on going. it really burns to be the friend thats always forgotten about.
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actualbird · 2 years
nxx team and their organizational apps/methods of choice and how all of this will lead to mc possibly strangling the entire team (affectionate)
wc: 972
this was a joint effort between me and my girlfriend playing headcanon tennis via discord
mc: Notion and very prettily designed
mc strikes me as a very organized person, when it comes to work stuff, and Notion is a great app for people who like organizing things and also want a relatively easy UI to traverse. theres pages and embed functions and checklists and calendars, mc loves it ALL
and she loves that Notion also allows you to customize how everything looks!! so her Notion looks something like this
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having a nice Notion page helps her motivation to get things done. looking at tasks and information in a page thats Pretty can do wonders for the soul and brain <3
artem: Notion but it's absolute barren barebones
artem is also a very organized person so he enjoys Notion for the same reasons mc does.
however, he customizes 0 decorations. looks like this
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barebones, straight to the point. ive always seen artem as somebody who gets visually overwhelmed when a bunch going on in terms of design. and getting overwhelmed is the opposite of what he wants to happen when working, so he keeps it simple
also, hes shit at anything art related and making a Notion page is adjacent enough to that that even if he tried, he would fail horrendously
marius: Google Workplace but it's made by pax instead, Pax Workplace, pls imagine the image attached is pax themed instead
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marius Is somebody who appreciates aesthetics and is good at it, but if it's work, hes not gonna be putting effort to make that look nice, hes got his paintings and art for that!!! and since his work is Pax and NXX (which is Pax funded, i always forget that fact!) he shrugs and uses Pax's system
it's all there anyway, he doesnt have to waste time setting stuff up and time is a Finite Resource in his life and busy day to day schedules
the ony flaw of Pax Workplace isnt rlly inherent to the app itself, but to marius. cuz hes always tryna get everybody else on board in using it too in a joke-y salesman energy kind of way, and if he brings it up one more time, someones gonna SNAP
luke: just the notepad app that came with his laptop but used in the worst way possible
confession: this is how i organize stuff and im bestowing to luke not just cuz i love projecting on him but also cuz it's in character. in his personal story 3, mc mentioned that luke is such a messy person in his own space but manages to know where everything is anyway. it wouldnt be a stretch to assume this extends to a digital space too
so luke just uses the notepad app
and he keeps everything in only like 2 note files
one is called Work. the other is called Munchies. the first one is all his work notes, investigations, leads, contacts, everything. the second one is filled with all his usual takeout orders.
both of files started filled up with the thing that their name topic is, but then luke got a bit distracted and started forgetting to check which notepad he was putting shit in. so both note files ends up being like a LONG BLOCK TEXT PARAGRAPH of investigation theories and then followed by "manager’s choice large, garlic n cheese large if mc is coming over" and both files are SO GODDAMN LONG because hes been using em ever since he returned to stellis
oh and he added a 3rd new notepad that has nothing in it but the lyrics of the Agent P song from phineas and ferb but he edited it to be about peanut
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because thats totally important and needs its own file, duh
vyn: he just remembers it all
hah, noting things down? who do you think he is, some kind of idiot with a bad memory? aside from mentioning things in his daily audio recordings, he doesnt keep notes anywhere except in his mind. he does it quite well
but he'll never admit that he does this mostly as another odd avenue of superiority over other people. vyn can remember many dates and notes, whereas artem can only---
and thus: coordinating schedules and information for investigation purposes is hell
mc: okay so ive created a full system on notion. it's color coded, font formatted, easy navigation to sub-pages---
artem, a bit overwhelmed at all the nice visuals: why are there...so many colors....what is happening...
luke: oh ive got a lot of notes for this subpage!!! lemme just get---wait up, i knew i had this info somewhere, i must have just put it in the Munchies notepad---
artem, more confused: the what?
mc: oh god
luke: foooouuunnnddd ittttt //copy pastes his entire unformatted block of text into a subpage
mc: i am near tears, please
marius: why cant we just use pax workplace?
mc, calming herself: okay. okay.....we just need to schedule some meetings this week, okay?
marius, trying to redeem himself by helping: okay uh well when is everybody free this week?
luke: copy pasted all my free dates for the month!
artem: saturday, whole day after 2pm
mc: same
marius: nice okay, my calendar is also good on saturday and luke's got that too. vyn, where's your schedule?
vyn: in my mind
luke: ...
artem: ....
mc: .....
marius: ......okaaaaayyy so when are you free?
vyn, looking off into the distance pensively: when is anybody truly free?
and then by that point DAVIS has to interrupt the scene for a commercial break!
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. LO fans are like I can justify slavery, I love misogyny, Classism is cool, capitalism is tight, cheating and child abuse is a-ok, mass murder to "insignificant" people is okey-dokey, but I draw the LINE at incest! Like wait, back up a minute -
2. I haven't read LO past Ep 3 for obvious reasons but checked out the Ep 190 everyone was talking about and holy SHIT it's far worse than I could ever dream. The silly sweatdrop on Demeter when Eris brings up what she did looks like a COMEDIC scene. Eris gets stabbed at a lazy horizontal camera angle and then spends the entire time looking mildly weirded out. The stiff dialogue, stick figure poses, choppy transitions. Zeus's hilariously lopsided face when he speaks to Persephone. This is popular??
3. A really short and refreshing HxP WEBTOON I found some time ago that I'd like to recommend is called Awkward Hades. Not only is it pretty damn funny, but Persephone is snarky and cool-headed.
4. be nice to Disney's Hercules. at least it was fun and never said it was accurate, LO on the other hand is a pretentious slog that thinks it's better than all of the ancient poets combained and a feminist magnum opus :/
5. What I find so insulting about LO and "retellings" like it (and I love a happy HXP take! don't get me wrong!) is that they seem to think a woman's "happiness and empowerment" is via the ruin of a mother and daughter relationship and instead through marrying a man, which isn't exactly screaming "feminist' now is it. Why are so many of these "feminist" writers more concerned about the "redemption" of a literal king and do so via the ruin of the female relationship for his benefit?
6. What I find a bit funny is like ... what is Demeter supposed to do in these stories exactly? Because if she gives a damn about her daughter, she's considered "overbearing and abusive" (I'm begging HxP stans to never have kids) but let's say Demeter just doesn't care and never even checks up on her while Persephone is kidnapped, assaulted, etc, she'd then be deemed neglectful and abusive again! Like she can't win with these people no matter what she does.
7. Something that didn’t sit right with me was the reveal of Apollo being Zeus’ son. Beside being extremely obvious, I just didn’t understand why he did it at that moment. Like he doesn’t have persephone meaning he’s not powerful enough to defeat zeus. Now Zeus can connect the dots and see that Apollo wants to over throw him which he can take attention earlier ( which u can say he did by banishing persephone). Which makes me even wonder why he would do that? Am I like missing smth? It just feels kinda dumb which is honestly a problem I had with Apollo as an antagonist. To me The only thing making him a threat is because of what he did to persephone. I think RS wants for us to believe that hes some sort of master manipulator but he really isnt making him such a bad antagonist in my opinion and since I don’t personally care about the threat that PxH are facing Im honestly quite bored.
8. We deserve short kings, chubby kings, fat kings, lanky kings, androgynous kings, trans kings, bi kings, gay kings, kings of all shapes and sizes and creeds, and yet rachel only gives us the same bulky, cishet jokers :/
9. tbh big age gaps in fiction only really work when one is immortal/an immortal fantasy creature like a god and the other is mortal, but then the human is usually like 25+ and had a life well before them, so yeah the age gap is there but the maturity and experience gap really isnt, but in LO rachel purposely made sure they're not aligned in any way (age, power, experience, maturity, etc) that its like why would anyone not find it off putting?? he's always going to have power her no matter what??
10. the "wake up your sister" line can’t be eris though because she was kicked out of the house for trying to murder hera, so why would she still be living with them? it was probably going to be  if rachel even remembered to name them) eileithyia since he's in that group of canon zeus/hera kids along with hebe and ares (which eris usually isnt). if i had to guess if shes introduced itll be solely to help get persephone pregnant since she's a childbirth goddess and hades needs babies :/
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