#which she'll once again ball up and toss into the fire
spahhzy · 8 days
Jaune finished healing Nora as Ren held onto her hand gently small tears running down his face.
Brilliant gold covered her body as her aura healed up the damage and burns done to her at last. Finally, all her bad wounds were healed aside from the nasty burn scar that marred her face.
Jaune: It's done, Ren. She'll be fine, but keep an eye out for her. She needs rest, and she is gonna need you to be their for her.
Ren looked relieved as he gave his brother a hug, but not before screams echoed the skies.
Jaune said nothing as he rose up from his spot.
Jaune: Neo, do not follow me, stay here, and watch over everyone here.
Neo looked like she wanted to protest and go tagging along, but the look in Jaune's eyes told her this wasn't a request.
Ren: Jaune...what are you going to do?
Jaune: This has to end Ren... I have to stop her.
Ren: Then get team RWBY to help you!
Jaune: I'm the reason she is doing this...all this death and destruction is on me.
Ren: Jaune-
Jaune: Ren.
Ren knew that tone of voice.
Jaune: It's going to be okay.
Ren: No, Jaune... not for you, it won't be.
Jaune said nothing as he looked at his friends once more before running off to the scene of the destruction.
Cinder was having a blast, and it was thanks to her darling, her purpose, and reason to live! Her dear Rusted Knight~ Her Darling Jaune~
She looked up at the sign, which read 'Tunnel of love' and then looked at the carnage I'm front of her, the carnage she caused.
Cinder: Ah~ just like old times!
Screams echoed around her as she threw fireball after fireball at innocent people trying to escape her as she made her way into the attraction, still throwing fire ball after fireball.
Cinder: Excuse me!
Cinder: Sorry bout that!
Cinder: Coming through!
More and more screams echoed in the tunnel, but Cinder didn't care as she just continued her onslaught, knowing her Rusted Knight would soon be here. It's best to roll out the red burnt carpet for her darling after all.
Cinder: woop, my bad!
Cinder: Big pardon!
Cinder: Excuse me once again!
Jaune made his way to the entrance of the tunnel as small fires could be seen everywhere, but more importantly, he could see lifeless bodies floating above the water.
Jaune just looked at them before making his way to his fated enemy.
Cinder kept firing away with reckless abandon towards innocent bystanders, running up onto a small boat that a scared couple left Cinder was about to fire more shot out but was stopped when she found her footing lost as Jaune lifted the boat up from under her toppling her over.
Jaune seizing the moment ran over the boat just as Cinder prepped to throw a fireball. He used his shield to block it the action deflecting the fire but causing him to drop his shield, but that didn't deter Jaune as he ran a fist into Cinder chest causing her to croak out in pain, Cinder looked up to see Jaune rushing in and grabbing the hem of her black dress.
Jaune: NO MORE!
With great strength, he tossed Cinder at the cave wall, her body hitting it hard as she fell down. Not wanting to give her any breathing room, Jaune rushed forward as Cinder slowly got up, delivering a powerful knee to her face.
Jaune: All the people I murdered by letting you live!
Jaune delivered a thunderous uppercut, sending Cinder falling on her back, but the previous fall maiden just smiled sadistically at him, nursing her jaw before spitting out blood.
Cinder: I never kept count.
Jaune just grabbed her by the collar again and hoisted her up.
Jaune: I did.
Cinder: I know.
As she said that, a small glass blade manifested in her human hand as Jaune had to let her go when she swiped at him.
Cinder: And I love you for it!
Charging at him with the little blade, Cinder swiped at him once again to which Jaune was easily able to dodge and land a hit to the back of her head but the action resulted in Cinder able to get a another swip at him to which she did as Jaune felt a searing pain as Cinder fell into the water as Jaune held his right side that was bleeding badly.
Cinder got up slowly from the water giggling as she did, Jaune breathed heavily as his vision was getting blurry.
Cinder: Oh Jauney~, it's finally here, isn't it? The moment we both dreamed about.
Suddenly, Cinder pounced on him, causing her to be on top of him, Jaune held her right hand which had the blade a few inches from his face, while he felt her Grimm hand dig around his throat.
Cinder: Oh, Jaune hun... don't tell me you're going to fall asleep before we finish...my my you have gotten old haven't you?
Jaune just moved his own right arm and struck Cinder in the face before using his legs to flip her over, getting up quickly before Cinder could recover, Jaune grabbed Cinders neck before shoving her to a wall.
Cinder: Not quiet how I imagined it, but
Jaunes grip on Cinder neck tightened further.
Cinder: We can still end on a high note!
Jaune's eyes widened in horror as more pain came to him as he felt Cinder little blade stab him multiple times as Cinder began laughing like crazy but Jaune knew what had to be done and so while being stabbed, Jaune moved his hands roughly turning Cinders head to the side as a sickening crack could be heard.
Cinders back fell against the wall before sitting up right. Jaune had broken her neck all but paralyzing her from the neck down.
A cry of fear made Jaune look in the direction to see a pair of bystanders running away from them.
Cinder: Oh sweetie...your In trouble now~
Jaune just breathed in slowly, even snapping her neck she still talking. Jaune walked up to the now cripple Cinder.
Cinder: Go ahead, baby~ say this has never happened to you before.
Jaune: Shut up.
Cinder: Make me~
Jaune just stared at her.
Cinder: Come on...finish me.
But Jaune didn't move.
Cinder just sighed.
Cinder: It doesn't matter... I win, Jauney...I made you lose control!
Cinder just let out a small but mocking laughter.
Cinder: And they'll kill you for it!
Laughing once more before giving one more psychotic grin, she spoke.
Cinder: See you...in HELL.
Then Cinder, through sheer will power, snapped her own neck.
Killing her.
Jaune just watched as the body slumped over to the side as Jaune let out his breath.
It was over.
Finally over.
Jaune took this moment and sat next to the corpse, trying to regain his strength and wait for his aura to start healing up his wounds. Taking in the few minutes of time he had left, Jaune shut his eyes.
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idfendyr · 3 months
Sweet Nothings (2)
I know it's short but I was like, I need to post something. Sorry, but Eid is Eid, you must not work on eid. A cardinal rule. Love you.
A chubby hand came up and pulled on the cap on her head the second after Nesryn had put it on her.
She sighed, reaching up and gently pulling her hand away, earning her a little cry of protest. “It’s cold, sweetheart.” 
But Ayla did not care. She merely pulled on the cap again and tossed it aside. Sartaq, holding her in his arms as they made their way to dinner, merely chuckled at his daughter. 
He already knew no amount of effort and coaxing was going to make her wear it. He'd seen as much this morning when he'd taken her out while Nesryn had slept. The fact that she had slept through them getting ready in the morning had him glad they had come. He would gladly take over and look after Ayla if it meant his Nesryn got to relax. 
And also if it meant he could see the looks of curiosity and awe on his daughter's face. Maybe it was the change in environment or simply because she was in a new place, she was more focused on looking around or fussing over her coat. Which was good, it gave him the little time he needed this morning to take Kadara and then Salkhi out while Ej had taken her, who was more than happy to oblige. He didn’t think the babe even noticed, she looked at ease with Ej when he returned.
“I did tell you she doesn't enjoy being bundled up,” He told her, earning him a half-hearted glare. 
“But,” She said as she picked up the cap. “Nevermind. I suppose we could just sit her closer to the hearth fire?”
The worried frown on her face was adorable, but he wouldn't risk it by saying that. Instead, he placed his free on her back, gently guiding her to the dinner table. 
“The Hall is warm enough as is, my love. She'll be perfectly fine.”
But it did ease her worry, at least not all of it, which was understandable. Sartaq knew she just needed a little time when it came to things concerning their daughter. 
He only hoped her time away from Antica would ease her mind. He didn’t plan for them to leave until then. 
“What if she catches a cold?” she worried. 
He chuckled again, pushing her forward, “I’ll sit with her by the fire, love as long as you stop worrying so much. But just to tell you, there are other children here, Nes.”
“I’m aware, but still. What-”
She sighed. 
“See, she's perfectly fine,” he whispered to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind as he peeked over her shoulder to smile at the almost asleep babe in her arms. 
She paused to look up at him. “I worry, ok?”
He chuckled. “I'm aware. That's why I'm here to put your mind at ease.”
Ayla began to squirm in her arms. She gently rocked her and continued singing to her. This was her favorite part of her whole day. 
Just her and her daughter, her singing the babe lullabies and songs her mother had once sung to her. She thought about her mother more often now. It never failed to hurt, even after all these years. 
Sartaq gave a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving them to take care of something. He'd told her, but she was a little too distracted to pay attention. Though he likely knew that. 
Once Ayla was asleep, she gently set her down on her crib they had moved to the adjoining room. When she was sure her daughter wouldn't spontaneously snap her eyes wide open, she went to get ready for bed herself. 
As much as she had slept this morning, she still wasn't opposed to more sleep, especially knowing she could get away with it. Not to mention she wanted as much rest as she could given the last few months she had. 
She'd just thrown herself onto their bed when Sartaq returned, a letter in hand. 
“I think your friends up North want an excuse to meet her,” he said, handing her the letter. 
She read it, then glanced at her husband. They both knew it was for the peace ball Aelin her every year for their victory in the war. However, Aelin had a very Aelin way of conveying the message. 
“You know,” she started, setting the letter aside, “I wouldn't mind another little retreat later.” 
He smirked, making his way to her. She sat up at the end of the bed as he leaned down to brush his fingers through her hair, the other hand ever so lightly cupping her face. 
“One would think you're trying to run from your duties back at the palace, Nesryn,” he said, amusement coating his voice. 
“And you aren't trying to run from your family?” she fired back, wrapping her arms around his waist, and pulling him closer. 
He grinned, “Aren’t you?”
She shrugged, moving her hands, watching his breath hitch. “I never said no.”
He grabbed her arms, stopping her movements and she fought to hide her grin. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, trailing kisses as he went, leaving her near panting. “Let me know if you say no to this.”
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
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This is basically just a display of Lao Ma’s massive power and presence without her having to lift a finger. It’s not all that subtle and it’s not all that deep, and I fucking love it all the same. Especially when we cut to the fifth cap, this tableau, slightly skewed, with the feral dog on one side, feral Xena on the other, and Lao Ma the fulcrum between. The scale is already tipped toward the animal, and without intervention, that’s the side that will claim Xena. The animal is driven off however, the woman wins, and Xena is given yet another opportunity to become something better.
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