#while also acknowledging that he is way cuter than the ice cream guy
verfound · 2 years
Tag 3 People You Want To Get To Know Better
I got tagged by @goldenlaurelleaveswrites & @blueberry-macaron...I think sometime in the past day. 😂 what is time
Currently Reading: ...I have two physical books that I've slowly been reading through for over a year now. I am ashamed to admit that. 😂 I refuse to even say what they are bc I'm 90% sure they were the same books I was reading the last time I got tagged with one of these. So we'll just say an assortment of fic? I haven't been reading as much lately due to health and time reasons.
Favourite colour:  I am absolute trash for color - the brighter the better - but if I have to pick a favorite, it's turquoise. I have a ridiculous amount of turquoise things. (Sometimes it's called aqua, sometimes teal, sometimes seaglass, but it's that lovely shade of shiny blue-green. 🖤)
Last Song: "If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead Yet?" - Mayday Parade. It's been a Week, and Week's usually find me blaring my All Time Low Pandora. This song came on this morning (MP is slowly taking over my ATL station 😂), and I'm desperately trying to ignore the Luka Wrote This Post-Truth vibes I'm getting. Valentine's is just around the corner, dammit!
Last Movie: ...mum was watching Wakanda Forever when I crawled in tonight. I saw just enough to find out a favorite dies when mum said "Well I guess doing two shows was too much for her." Does that count? 😂
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: ...right now my throat's so raw I just want soft and warm 😂 I had spicy soup for lunch to help with my sinuses? I love spicy, I like sweet (I'm a baker), but savory? It all depends Idk I like food I'm fat ok 😂
Currently working on: The Valentine's Epic I swore I wasn't gonna do but [Redacted] demanded with great prompts. And that's all I'm at liberty to say for twelve more days. 😝
Bonus: ...IT came to fix something at the school I was at today, and I'm ok admitting I'm just shallow enough to admit he was a cute nerd that left cat memes on the desk. That was actually the highlight of my day, even though I'm pretty sure no one else in the kitchen appreciated him. 😂
Tagging...have the usual suspects all been tagged? @chromemist @bloody-no-kissu @fenheart87 did you guys get hit yet? I know Quick & Mal have 😂
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little-astro-naut · 4 years
serendipity | namjoon
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serendipity n. the phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for In which you are a university student working at a vintage/book store, and Kim Namjoon is a tad clumsy.
pairing: kim namjoon/reader (gender not specified in fic!) genre: fluff!!! just a wholesome read in general word count: 1.9k warnings: none, unless you need a warning for namjoon being the cutest clumsy dork note: Happy New Year!
Taking a 2021 leap of faith by posting my first fic ever, and it's for the ever lovable Kim Namjoon of BTS. This has been sitting in my WIPs for so long, but I'm glad I finally got the guts to just sit down and finish it. This fic is just a short happy little thing that I wanted to welcome the new year with, so I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
May this year be much, much better for you all. Thank you for clicking on this tiny thing, and enjoy!
[crossposted to AO3]
The day begins like usual.
You wake up at around seven in the morning. It takes a few groans and some burrowing under the covers before you reluctantly leave the comfort of your bed to get ready for another day of school. Today is Thursday, you note. Just one more day after this until the sweet, sweet embrace of the weekend.
On Thursdays, your classes begin at nine in the morning and end at three in the afternoon, after which you walk a few blocks down the street from your university to your part-time job at the little vintage shop right across the convenience store.
It’s owned by a pleasant, middle-aged lady with a love for collecting antiques, trinkets, books, and other unique finds she’s stumbled upon in her numerous travels around the globe. She often drops by the store when she isn’t away on another trip, waltzing in through the front door, clad in her signature ensemble of an expensive silk headscarf, a flowing floral dress, a pair of vintage designer boots, and a pretty little purse that magically fits everything and then some.
She’s like a real-life Mary Poppins—that is, if Mary Poppins had the aesthetic of a suspiciously rich 50-something lady whom you can usually find day drinking at some obscure Spanish restaurant. You don’t really know where she gets the money to own all that she does and travel five times each month (A small vintage shop at a university area surely wouldn’t make that much money, right?), but you don’t need to know. The elusiveness is part of her charm.
You met her one day as you were intently reviewing every single item on the shelf to score some hardbound anniversary edition copies of your favorite classics for cheap. She had noticed you frequenting her store, and finally offered you a part-time position due to your sincere—albeit novice—appreciation for quietly valuable things, and you said yes on the spot. It meant extra money and a 20% discount to your favorite shop, after all.
The walk to the store is short—a five-minute stroll along pretty rows of old brick apartments and quaint ice cream parlors and small restaurants with cuisine ranging from Japanese to Mediterranean. Your usual brisk walk becomes a leisurely pace today, thanks to the rare early dismissal from your Contemporary Asian Art elective, your last class of the day.
Breathing in the fresh afternoon air and looking up, you take time to admire how green the trees are at this time of the year. It’s calming to watch the leaves sway gently with the breeze, giving way for sparse rays of the sun to illuminate patches of the ground like tiny twinkling stars. Your eyes absentmindedly scan the sidewalk for the bits of sunlight that pass through.
The day feels brighter and kinder when you’re not hurrying, you think to yourself.
The mellow tingle of the chimes interrupts your reverie, announcing your arrival to the shop.
“Hey!” Taehyung, your co-worker, greets you with a smile as he packs away a small stack of readings and notes in his messenger bag. “Got a big exam today so I may have to go a little sooner, is that okay?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. Good luck on that test!” You smile back, taking a seat behind the counter as you review the day’s transactions so far. “Wow, that’s a good number of purchases today—and it’s only three p.m.”
Taehyung swings his bag over his shoulder and ruffles his already messy black hair. “Right? Oh! Remember that really handsome guy I told you about? Broad shoulders, cute smile, even cuter laugh? The one from my English class?”
You give him an enthusiastic “YES?” in acknowledgment. Taehyung has not shut up about him all semester, but it took just one chance encounter on campus with “really handsome guy” to prove to you that “really handsome” was a gross understatement, and that if you were in his position, you’d never keep your mouth shut either.
“He came by this morning. Must’ve left his magical touch on the store.” Taehyung pauses, wiggling his fingers around to illustrate his point.
Taehyung’s silly action makes you snicker, but the gravity of his statement hits you all of a sudden, causing you to widen your eyes in response. “Wait. You mean I missed him!?” You frown in disappointment, and Taehyung gives you a sympathetic nod. “Damn. Well, at least he bestowed enough magic to help you survive that huge exam.”
“Not just survive it; I’m gonna ace it.” Taehyung winks. “And hey, I’m certain Mr. Eye Candy’s left enough magic in the store for you, too, out of his kindness.”
“When you finally get the guts to ask the guy out, tell him thank you!” You laugh and give each other one last wave before he skips to the exit, almost bumping into a customer who has just entered the store. They bow to each other in apology.
“Good afternoon! How may I help you?” You stand up from where you’re seated to make yourself available to the tall boy in a black cap and blue shirt. Funny, you haven’t even seen his face yet, but you already think the denim is a good look on him. Not a lot of people don’t look like a joke in denim shirts, but even fewer people are blessed with the ability to look amazing in them. The first customer of your shift, whoever he is, is one of those people.
He takes clumsy steps through the entrance, retreating the arms that pushed the door open back into his pockets. The cap on his head, however, is doing nothing to help you get a better glimpse of the boy who has kind of piqued your interest.
Then he topples over a whole stack of books on display up by the front of the store. Now you’re really interested.
As he picks up a couple of books from the floor, the “SALE” sign beside also falls with a muted thud when it hits a hardbound copy of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. He looks up from where he’s knelt on the ground, searching for someone to whom he can address more of his profuse apologies before standing up in shame, waiting for the cute person behind the counter to approach and also maybe but hopefully not reprimand him for his stupidity.
“Oh, shit,” you hear him whisper in panic. “I am so sorry about that. I’ll fix it.”
He tries, at least.
His eyes meet yours as he straightens up, as if to admit defeat against the on-sale books still on the floor. You’re chuckling, walking towards him and effectively pretending you are not the least bit fazed by the stranger’s slightly obscured puppy eyes and mild panic and how he towers over you while being as threatening as a lost child.
“Need some help?” you chuckle again—out of nervousness more than anything, if you’re being honest—and he reciprocates shyly.
“Sorry about this.” He gives you a sheepish smile as he adjusts his cap and scratches the back of his head. It’s quick, but it’s more than enough to give you a perfect glimpse of his handsome face: timid eyes, full cheeks, and a guilty smile boasting of a dimple on each side.
You lag for a moment upon the unobstructed sight of him, but almost immediately catch yourself. A brief clearing of the throat and you begin picking up the books sprawled on the floor between the both of you. He quickly bends down to try and be of assistance, picking up a few and checking to make sure he made no damages to any of the copies before returning them to the display rack.
You both reach for the dog-eared paperback edition of Milan Kundera’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being at the same time, and you could’ve sworn a sudden spark jolts you the moment your hands meet.
He’s the first to look up. The boy in the cap waits to meet your gaze as you blink to yourself a few times before deciding to check on said boy in front of you. Now it’s your turn to say sorry, and you’re not really even sure why. Just felt like speaking would help make this less nerve-wracking for you and your now pounding chest.
And then he snorts. It’s not even supposed to be a pleasant sound, but it tickles your ears and heart in a way that requires all of your willpower to keep yourself from melting into a puddle right then and there. He picks up the book, stands up straight, and looks at you—still smiling, still so attractive it honestly hurts. The softest of giggles leaves his lips, and you really, truly, die a little.
“Sorry, um…” He scratches his head. Maybe a cute habit of his? He has no real followup to that apology, so he pretends he didn’t say it and just continues with the next thought in his head.
“I’ve been looking for this for so long.” He lifts the copy of the Kundera novel in his hand.
Ah, the book. You almost misunderstand.
“I’ve wanted to own this in this particular cover, but for some odd reason, it wasn’t in any bookstore I’ve visited before.”
“Oh, well then, I’m glad you found what you were looking for here.” You smile shyly.
“This and more, really,” he whispers to himself, and you don’t quite catch it.
“That copy’s actually also our last of that novel. If you had come by on any other day it might have been gone already,” you explain, mentally patting yourself in the back for finishing your sentence without stuttering.
You fidget with your fingers, praying for a reason to continue speaking with the beautiful stranger and the courage to maintain eye contact the way he’s effortlessly doing.
“I’m glad I dropped by today, then.” He stares at you for a moment, hoping you catch just what he really means before his eyes turn into crescent moons when he scrunches his nose to give you a playful grin.
It seems that your prayers work. Without missing a beat, you find uncharacteristic confidence from within your nervous bones to respond, “I’m glad you did, too.”
“Maybe I should drop by again tomorrow,” he says, your answer giving him a boost of confidence. “And the next day, too, maybe?”
“We restock books on Fridays and Saturdays. I’m off then, so my friend Jimin will be the one to assist you if ever.” You smile, teasing.
“Hmm, how about Sunday?”
“We’re closed on Sundays.”
He purses his lips as he holds back another fit of giggles, shaking his head lightly. He has been nothing but a dork and a dumbass this whole time, and yet, luckily, it seems like it’s working. So he pushes it.
“How about I make it simpler by just asking you out right now? Since it’s your day off, how does tomorrow sound?”
You laugh at this, before coyly looking at him to say, “What makes you so sure I’ll say yes?”
“Just trying my luck, really.” He laughs, too.
“Today must be your lucky day, stranger.”
“Kim Namjoon,” he responds, perfect smile still there on his face. “My name’s Namjoon.”
“Well then, Namjoon, today’s your lucky day.”
And mine, too, you think to yourself. You hope Taehyung doesn’t forget to extend your gratitude to Mr. Eye Candy.
a/n: Thank you for reading! Feel free to drop by my ask for comments, suggestions, or just to say hi!! Constructive criticism is welcome, but please be kind! I'm very new to this so I would greatly appreciate kind feedback.
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