#while also being a total troublemaker
misc-obeyme · 1 year
just a thought, but have you ever considered solomon and mc ACTUALLY getting married, or maybe getting engaged if we were to soften the blow a bit for the rest of the crew??? bc w everything going on in nightbringer, solomon and mc getting closer, “””jokes””” about them being a married couple, and solomon deadass admitting he prefers to keep things as it is now without the brothers getting in his way😭😭😭i wouldn’t be surprised if solomon actually got on his knee and popped a ring, he gotta keep his pookie close🤞
now if solomon and mc were to ever become actually exclusive (instead of an openness within their relationship, unlike how mc has practically kissed each and every brother without making any statement about being official) how do you think that would that go over with the past versions of the cast? heck, to bring up the severity of this, what if solomon and mc finally getting thrown back into the present/future and that’s when everyone finds out about the engagement??
id like to think, depending on which timeline we’re going with, there’d be varied reactions but somewhat the same. i think past versions of the brothers would react….severely, especially when only they’re getting accustomed to being a demon. i mean, in the recent chap 22 (spoilers) mammon is slowly but surely growing into being the avatar of greed that he reacted very harshly when levi saved mc from falling. that alone, triggered mammon to turn into his demon form and threatened to fight everyone who laid a hand on mc💀the brothers couldn’t even handle him at the time. now, i’m a firm believer that a sensitive time such as that would only ensue in some crazy drama😭 it could only culminate in chaos. maybe who knows, the solomon hate train would start a millenial earlier.
but if we were to go with future/present brothers, it wouldn’t be anything drastic, physically at least. bc at least the brothers have fully grown into being demons and can control themselves. but that wouldn’t stop the pettiness that would transpire. they still care about mc, and to see mc obviously care and have this fondness over solomon that they all crave for, they wouldn’t lay a hand on him for mc’s sake. at least you can sleep well with that thought❤️ still, the hate for solomon would skyrocket to the heavens. they go from being distrustful and wary of solomon’s intentions to actually straight up being solomon’s main haters.
hmm hmm…i dunno. this could result in many varying scenarios. and at a time where mc goes missing from the present timeline and the brothers are most likely losing their minds without mc, only for them to come back and deliver the worst news……….low blow, really. but yk what would be the lowest blow? if mc was the one who proposed to solomon instead. anyways, not to sidetrack, but i like to think present lucifer would be in heavy denial for some time LMFAO the first time he’d hear about mc and solomon, luci is probably the type to just completely disregard it and—not act—truly believe that it’s not real, which this perception borders irrationally. with levi and especially mammon, they’re practically two beat up puppies. while levi would sulk and let his misery fester in the close quarters of his room, mammon would not hesitate to make his feelings of betrayal known out loud. the rest of the brothers would act on the same spectrum, utter heartbreak. even beel would sit mc down at times and have long conversations with them about their decision to be seriously romantically involved with a man like solomon.
i think it’d be devastating. they should be happy, but dont forget that they’re the avatars of the seven original sins.
ps: sorry for the long ramble😭 i’ve been thinking about this since replaying some of the chapters of nightbringer…so my characterization of the brothers might be off. and idk much about the side characters. i just don’t want to think about what barbatos would do.
You're good, anon! I will always encourage rambling in my ask box! I love hearing all your thoughts!
So okay, I've thought about marriage with all the characters a little bit, but I don't think I've actually seriously considered what everybody's reactions would be!
I do think Solomon has gotten more possessive and jealous in Nightbringer, but I also think this could be because he's expressing himself a little more freely than he did before. In the OG, I always felt like he was holding himself back because he genuinely believed that MC would never choose him. In Nightbringer, though, I think he's either finding it harder to do that because he lives with them now or he just doesn't want to keep backing off when he clearly loves MC so much. I could definitely see him asking MC to marry him if he thought it was a good time.
I also think the reactions would vary depending on timeline, as you said. And I fully agree with you - if it happened while they were in the past, as things are right now, it'd be absolute chaos. I don't think Solomon is dumb enough to do something like that. He seems pretty determined to get himself and MC back to their own time. And even if he really wants to marry MC, I think he wouldn't propose while they were in the past for the very reasons you list. The demons are not stable and it just isn't worth the risk.
Now, in the present/future timeline, I think things would be far safer for him to actually propose. The demons are more stable, MC isn't really dealing with anything that could change the course of their lives, all that stuff.
If we consider how it would go before MC was unceremoniously chucked into the past, I think that would be the most stable and least dangerous scenario. MC has been living with the brothers for a while, they haven't been exclusive with anyone, and they haven't made any promises to anyone about being exclusive. It's a little weird if we think of it in terms of the generic OM MC because that MC has definitely been involved with everybody at some point. But this would differ depending on different people's versions of MC. But going with the general MC, yeah, I think most of the brothers would be upset about it.
Like if MC is gonna marry someone, it should at least be one of their brothers, right?! I think all the brothers would be okay with it if MC married Lucifer, for instance. They'd be like annoyed it wasn't them, but also just... they get it, you know?
But Solomon? No way. Lucifer himself would lose his mind. Luci's dislike of Solomon might make him try to talk MC out of it. If Solomon asked for Luci's permission, he'd only make it worse. 'Cause Lucifer'd be like no, get out. And I agree, I think he'd be in denial about MC wanting to marry Solomon. I agree with your assessment of Levi and Mammon's reactions, too.
I think they'd all take it pretty hard, but in the end, I also think they'd come around to MC's decision.
Now if MC came back from the past and was all oh yeah I'm engaged to Solomon? Yeah, no that reaction would be INTENSE. I think MC should probably wait a while before telling them that. Let them get over the fact that MC just disappeared on them first.
And honestly, I think if MC proposed to Solomon instead, everything might go a little bit better. Because if Solomon is the one proposing, the brothers will see that as this shady sorcerer stole away our human and that's unacceptable. We can maybe talk MC out of this! We can maybe influence this choice if we complain enough!
But if MC is the one proposing, then they know that it was always MC's choice. They would see it less as Solomon influencing MC and more like MC came to the decision on their own. Just because they love Solomon. And while I think that would be more devastating for them and likely result in a lot of heartbreak, I think they'd be less likely to fight MC on it. Because in the end, they do want MC to be happy.
OH MAN I think past!Barbatos would not be pleased about such an arrangement! He hates Sol's guts right now, so I can't imagine that going well. Future/present Barbatos on the other hand... I think we'd be dealing with another heartbreak situation. He was just beginning to develop feelings for MC. So I think he would be sad, but also happy for them. Because that version of Barbatos loves MC and he cares about Solomon, too. And I think he'd want them to be happy. And I kinda think that's how it would go for the rest of the side characters, too. Diavolo and Simeon both don't strike me as the types that would like try to talk them out of it or cause any anguish for them over it. I think they'd be sad to lose MC, but happy that their friends are in love, you know?
The brothers are just too attached to MC to really go that route without trying to talk them out of it. And also we know they really don't trust Solomon. Present/future Asmo might be the only one who sides with MC, though probably pretty reluctantly and that only because he actually likes Solomon in a way none of the other brothers do.
Wow I feel like there is just so much angst potential with this scenario! But I love the idea of MC marrying Solomon, even it makes things difficult for the brothers lol.
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monicaeidolith · 2 months
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it's been 8 years and she's still down bad for her neighbor (who wouldn't)
and so there she is: Step 3 Athena! 🌙✨
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Step 1 & Step 2 here
(Infos about Athena in every steps except 4 below if you're interested)
(watch out it's long.)
Step 1 -
At 10, Athena is a very curious girl, somewhat nosey and a bit clumsy (main reason why she often has bandages). She likes puzzles, creepy stuff and drawing (but nothing that serious about that hobby yet). While she isn't very shy, she's still uneasy around people she doesn't know and moving to a new town isn't helping. She has trouble accepting changes, and this whole situation is a way too big change.
Athena is very close to her mom during step 1. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't really look like her that much and she's kind of bothered by that, especially because the person she obviously looks like, her "dad", isn't there. Not having a dad isn't really a huge problem for her, but Athena fears a little bit people's opinion on that subject: "Is it weird that I don't have a dad...?".
She's feeling sad and scared about moving out, as she has to get used to a completely different world (in her eyes). "At least I have my mom", she thinks. But if moving in Golden Grove was scary at first, meeting Qiu and Tamarack was a huge help for Athena to feel included.
She thinks Qiu, aka "Autumn", is funny but also a huge show-off, haha. She LOVES to tease Qiu. But Athena's also genuinely worried about Qiu sometimes, because that kid is a huge people-pleaser.
When it comes to Tamarack, man... Athena totally puts this girl on a pedestal. She thinks Tamarack is amazing and pretty. And should Tamarack say anything positive about Athena, you can be certain the latter will go crazy internally. At 10, Athena doesn't realize she actually has a huge crush on Tamarack yet, though.
Step 2 -
At 14, Athena became a sort of troublemaker, she barely cares about rules. She's not mean but she grew to be more blunt and direct than she was as a 10-year-old, this and her current appearance make her seem unapproachable. However she kept her soft side, a side that she ironically doesn't even keep that much hidden but that you still have to deserve. If at 10 she would often have bandages because of her clumsiness, at 14, it's mostly because she's reckless. Some things that remained are her love for puzzles, creepy stuff and drawing, in fact, she started to get interested in visual arts.
In fact, the tough side of her personality grew when her first group friends with Qiu and Tamarack slowly fell apart. She couldn't do anything to prevent that from happening, so she felt like she had to toughen up. But to be honest, she's becoming tired of being the sole link between them, she's barely trying to now. Maybe Qiu and Tamarack won't become friends again. She has to accept it... but maybe Athena still has troubles accepting changes, no matter how old she is, after all.
Despite all that, Athena still treats both of them nicely. She still teases Qiu whenever she can (watch out Athena, the teasing could backfire on you). Her worries about them are still present too, but for different reasons than in step 1. Even 4 years later, Athena still retrieve Qiu's lost papers because they would NOT do it themselves. No matter what, Autumn remains her dear friend and the feeling is mutual.
Tamarack, aka "Tam", is her best friend! ... and the girl she has a crush on, Athena realized it now. Athena doesn't know if Tam feels the same way or not, though. Athena still thinks Tamarack is the most amazing and most talented person out there, she wishes Tam could see it too. She's highly worried about Tamarack potentially leaving Golden Grove at any moment but she tries to hide it from Tamarack. "Tam probably has enough of people walking on eggshells with her", she thinks. Athena dislikes Tamarack's parents for not only never being there for their daughter but also for making her situation so uncertain, only for their own interests (in her eyes).
Another feeling started to grow: jealousy. Athena will feel jealous of anyone who seems a bit too close to Tamarack. Does she think she's no match for Tamarack? Yes. Does that stop her from being jealous? No. She knows she has no right to be, Tamarack is a wonderful girl, it's impossible not to like her, but she can't help it.
Athena grew to be even more bothered by her lack of resemblance with her mother. Some times before turning 14, she started to dye her hair cranberry, just like her mom's hair color (let's say Opal didn't really like to see that her daughter started dyeing her hair at her young age, reaction Athena didn't appreciate, all she wanted was to look like her mom, what's the problem?). Ironically, while Athena wishes so hard to look like her mom, her relationship with her became somewhat strained. As if resembling a completely unknown guy wasn't enough. Living his best life nowhere to be found, uh? Resentment is the word here. Never towards her mom, even if their relationship is not that good at this point, but towards this guy who gave her his physical traits she never wanted and started to despise.
At least she became used to live in Golden Grove.
Step 3 -
At 18, Athena is not the rough troublemaker that she was at 14 anymore. Now she's more like a silly prankster, seemingly always up to something more stupid than before, although she remains reckless and blunt (but less on purpose and more out of habit). Of course, her interest in visual arts remained intact. Her liking for creepy stuff turned into a huge love for horror and its aesthetic.
Her relationship with her mom is getting better than it was 4 years ago. Athena grew out of the resentment she had for her "dad" during step 2 and learned to accept she may not look that much like her mom, but that it doesn't cancel the fact she's Opal's daughter no matter how she looks. Plus "some bits of [Opal] did end up in [her]" after all, right?
Athena's relationship with Autumn is what you could describe as "siblings by hearts", Athena does consider them as the sibling she never had.
Athena and Tamarack are still officially "besties for life", but little do they know that they both ended up falling in love with each other, plain and simple.
Her jealousy and resentment did tone down, but when she thinks back to her 14-year-old self, she feels bad, so bad. For being jealous of Tamarack's friends, for being resentful of a random donor and basically making many things about herself. "Man, I was such a prick. And for what?".
If when she was 14, Athena felt like she was no match for Tamarack because she put Tam on a pedestal, at 18, she now thinks she's simply not good enough as a person for Tamarack. She kind of "accepted" that if Tamarack only wants to be friends, then it's fine, she cannot force Tam to love her back. It's silly to think someone like her could be extra-special in Tam's heart anyway (girl if you knew.), it's nice enough to be her best friend.
Between step 2 and 3, Athena managed to put a label on herself: she's lesbian.
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kumimi3 · 3 months
Hello can you do a big beal x child reader it’s kinda like the workers version but big Beal version of it
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₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ big deal !
♡‧₊˚ table of contents : sinu han, jake kim, samuel seo - fem!reader, reader is implied to be 12 yrs old, fluff, platonic | inbox request: this is short nd simple, thank u for makin’ me write this, da idea is cute muah muah !
Gentlemen at heart, and total romantics. They’re definitely the reason why you’re so sweet and kind growing up
With how well-raised you were, people often ask you who were your parents until they go pale once your finger points over to the group of delinquents wearings suits while looking so smug
You were theirs
Not in a possessive way, not in a “That noodle cup is mine” type of way, you were theirs as much as they were to you
You were theirs to provide for, to take care of, to love for 
At first, you were like a school project for big deal,  they thought it would be cool to babysit a 12 year old girl, back then it was all just for funsies
Now, after all their hardwork at raising you, they never want to let you go, you are big deal’s angel after all
₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ sinu han !
Treats you like his daughter despite himself being young, he gives fatherly vibes honestly. He’s so soft with you, he would always kneel down to your height because he doesn’t want your neck being cramped.
Has always given you trinkets whenever you would meet, he’s also the one who taught you many virtues and lessons because he wants you to grow up as a well-raised and compassionate person
Sinu’s heart melted when you once hid inside his long black coat, giggling at how cool it was to see so many praises written on the inside of his coat
His softest smile would always appear for you, he likes the fact he’s vulnerable around you because it’s been so long of him constantly putting up a wall
He wants you to have high standards, for all the years he’s been your father figure, he gave you the utmost special treatment
Why settle for less when you have already experienced more, right?
One time, you called him “dad” as an accident in front of the whole crew, and before you could apologize, you grew silent when you saw the tears falling down his eyes
The whole crew was shocked, until they could only smile warmly when Sinu stood up to hug you
“Yeah… I’m your dad.”
₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ jake kim !
teasing jerk, but a big teddy bear nonetheless. The moment he sees you, he’s quick to run up to you and begin pestering you
Would always carry you on his back or on his shoulders, uses the excuse that you’re too short to see anything so he’s doing you a favor, but he just wants to see you smile and hug him 
Let’s you get away with anything, when Sinu was around he was your partner in crime at hiding any evidence of your troublemaking, but when he became the crew head, you were like a criminal on the streets, causing trouble here and there
Playfights with him are always constant! 
With all the adults surrounding you, Jake was your closest brother figure, always engaging in your childishness of playing games and watching cartoons 
Both of you would always joke around, but he’s the one you talk to when it comes to serious topics, he isn’t all shy in telling you about the reality if this world, but he would always follow it up with a promise
”As harsh as the world may be, ya don’t have to worry, cuz you got me! Now don’t look so sad, you’re gonna look ugly when you grow up—Ouch!”
Jake would purposely say you are his “shorty little sister” to anyone who asks, despite the fact you two aren’t blood related
₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ samuel seo !
The type of big brother to insult you(affectionately) but kills anyone who does the same
You have made him attached to you to the point he stole you away from big deal to stay with him instead, saying he’ll provide for you and buy whatever toys and dresses you want, just so you can stay
The type of brother to whisper you jokes while remaining stoic, looking all calm and collected while you try to stop laughing in a serious situation
He’s a wreck to himself but he would never let you sway down the wrong path like him, he knew you came from a gangster kind of life, but he is still strict
He’d let you see a gang fight after school(courtesy of Eugene, he finds you cute actually), but he would never let you hold a cigarette 
For most nights, he’d let his “strict big brother” go and let you hang out with him at a small bar, he even finds it amusing when you insist on getting him a beer that he likes
Either way, once you begin falling asleep, he’d pat your head before settling down to your eyes, acting as a blindfold to hide you from the bustling lights of the district(he carried u home dont worry)
“I can’t believe I brought you here with me, now I got to take care of ya, like a child… What are you, my baby sister? Tch, guess I can’t complain.”
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7s3ven · 7 months
hii ! i love your writing so much so you know i had to request a luke imagine 💝
i’m thinking of a reader with a protective godly parent (your choice of which god), who is very selective on who they allow their child to date. luke has loved them for years, so one night he prays to their parent for approval. idk if you’ve watched gilmore girls, but I’m imagining the scene where dave tries to convince lane’s mom to allow her to date ! (if you haven’t seen the show, its a popular clip on tt that you could look up if u wanted)
i’m picturing fluff but could def make it angst too, so it’s whatever you want! also, i’m a fem reader, but i don’t mind gender neutral or anything like that
tysm ! ❤️
I LIKE ME BETTER. luke (pjo)
( master list )
IN WHICH… Luke is on a mission to prove himself to the father of the girl he loves. He’ll do anything for her hand, even if said god is asking him to do some particularly stupid stunts.
“I like me better when I’m with you.”
Warnings: drinking, smoking, and vaping mentioned
A/N: Guys… I love loser! Luke AND I KNOW YOU DO TOO. I feel like Dionysus would be the guy to put Luke through all this stuff just for his own amusement
Also, this is my little birthday gift for y’all 😽. Bc it’s my bday today 🙀
The first thing when you thought of a daughter of Dionysus’ was a troublemaker, one that rivalled the Stoll brothers. Maybe an alcoholic with bad habits engraved in her mind like her father.
Y/N was a total shock to the camp. How could such a sweet, kind, dazzling girl be the daughter of Dionysus? She didn’t have one mean or sarcastic bone in her body.
She was as bright as Apollo’s kids, as beautiful as the Aphrodite girls prancing around in mini skirts and small tops, and as friendly as the Demeter children who grew roses alongside her. So, it wasn’t a surprise that boys craned their heads to peek at her, something her father hated witnessing. Nobody, not one mere mortal or even a godly being, was good enough for his beloved daughter.
Dionysus held Y/N close. She reminded him of her mother, who died giving birth to her. He had already lost one important woman in his life. He wasn’t going to let history repeat itself again.
“Dad?” Y/N called out into her father’s room, wrinkling up her nose when she almost stumbled over a wine bottle rolling around. Her father was forbidden to consume alcohol but that didn’t stop him from tricking the younger campers into fetching him some.
After concluding that her father wasn’t in his quarters, Y/N took the bottle and wandered to find a bin. The trash cans were always moving around, which made it a mission to find one.
As Y/N passed by the Hermes cabin, she heard her name. She glanced over her shoulder, innocently staring at the pair of boys who were conversing outside. One was leaning against a wooden pillar while the other rested his arms against the railing of the porch.
One noticed Y/N and he nudged his friend, quickly changing their conversation topic.
Y/N recognised Luke Castellan. The Aphrodite girls loved to rave about him, about how handsome and talented he was. How they wished they could kiss him. How they wanted to be held in his arms.
He wasn’t bad looking in Y/N’s eyes, quite adorable actually. She watched as his lips curved into an amused smile as he looked at Chris and how his eyes crinkled slightly. Despite wanting to admire him, Y/N forcefully turned her head. She wasn’t allowed to date. That was one of her father’s golden rules.
She was allowed to drink, allowed to smoke, probably even allowed to go skinny-dipping in the dead of night. Her father was fine with anything as long as she wasn’t around any boys. Of course, she never did consume alcohol or take a much needed hit from a cigarette. She had seen other kids do it.
One of the Ares kids was constantly sneaking in and out of camp to buy new vapes. She had even witnessed Luke of all people, the esteemed golden boy, the role model, blow a cloud of smoke from his lips.
Y/N was always scared she was missing out but she valued her healthy lungs, which had played a part in her surviving a terrifying harpy while on her way to camp.
“She’s perfect.” Luke whispered to Chris.
“Too bad Mr D won’t let you near her.”
It was a known fact that nobody was allowed to date Y/N. She was the camp princess. The only demigod with a parents who cared enough about her to be actively involved in her life. Not even Annabeth had that kind of bond with Athena.
Luke hoped one day Dionysus would let him near Y/N. Until then, he was fine admiring her from afar because he knew no other guys could approach her either.
"You know, I heard Dionysus won't be at the campfire tonight... you could make a move." Chris nudged Luke, muttering quietly so nobody else heard him.
Luke had always been determined to be the first to sweep Y/N off her feet. This was his chance to fulfil that broad claim. He didn't know how he'd do it but when there's a will, there's a way.
All throughout the day, Luke kept close tabs on Y/N. When she was in the arena he was there too, polishing the spare swords. When she was in the garden, Luke happened to be amongst the tall grass too. And he gazed longingly at her from across the pavilion during lunch. She sat alone at her table, Dionysus nowhere in sight.
Luke's heart hammered in his chest as he slowly stood up. Chris slapped his back as a way of encouraging him but it only made his anxiety spike.
“Go get her, tiger.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Luke picked up the pace when he realized that a few other boys the same idea as his. “Hey, Y/N.” He got to her first.
She lifted her head, staring at him through her lashes. She smiled. “Hi, Luke.” She saw his eyes light up.
“You know my name?”
“I’ve been here longer than you. Plus, it’d help concerning if I didn’t know the name of the best swordsman.”
“I’m not that good.”
“You won in a 4 V 1 battle.” Y/N pointed out.
“Did I? I didn’t even notice.”
Y/N let out an amused laugh but she immediately cut herself off when she felt a heavy hand on her shoulder. Luke cleared his throat, standing upright.
“Good afternoon, Mr D.” He politely greeted the god.
“Scram, Castellan.” Mr D ordered, glowering at the teenager. Luke quickly nodded and speed-walked back to his table, where Chris was trying to muffle his laughter.
“He wasn’t even flirting with me, dad.” Y/N huffed and furrowed her eyebrows. Her eyes wandered to Luke, feeling a little sorry for him.
“Stop looking at him, Y/N.” Dionysus lightly scolded her. Y/N pouted and pushed the food on her plate around with her fork.
“I wish you would let me date. I’m the only girl who hasn’t kissed someone.” She muttered, huffing.
“I will not let you date a hooligan.”
“Daddy, Luke isn’t a hooligan. He’s sweet. He’s the best swordsman in three hundred years.”
“Which means he could easily hurt you.”
“He wakes up early to go for a run.”
“Wow, the perfect set-up to cheat.”
“He’s good with kids.”
“He’ll want his own kids with you soon.”
“That last one didn’t even make sense.”
“I know a man’s mind, Y/N. Luke Castellan is a dangerous boy.”
Y/N glanced at Luke and Dionysus followed her gaze. Luke was attempting to balance a spoon on his tongue while Chris cracked up.
“Dangerous, huh? I’m absolutely terrified.” Y/N sarcastically deadpanned.
“He’s acting innocent.”
Fathers always had a weird vendetta against the idea of their daughters dating. Dionysus was no different. If anything, he was worse. He was always popping up at the worst times, such as just now. He never let the attention of a boy linger on Y/N for too long, scared it would take her away from him. Perhaps he was doing it on purpose.
“It’s so unfair.” Y/N huffed as she plucked petals off a rose Silena had randomly given her. “He won’t let me date or go to the parties. I’m not even allowed to look at a boy!” Y/N groaned, leaning back in her foldable chair.
She was sitting with Silena in front of the quiet lake, watching as the wind rippled across the still water.
“Have you tried talking to him?” Silena suggested, sipping on a tall glass of whatever drink she had mixed.
“Nothing works! Someday he’ll have to let me date. He can’t stop me forever. I’m almost twenty now!”
Silena hummed before offering Y/N some pineapple juice.
“Any new gossip, though? Besides Mr D being a total cock block.”
“Well… there’s this one guy.” Y/N murmured, shyly flicking her straw around. Silena immediately sat up.
“Tell me everything!” She quickly demanded. “What’s his name? Is he cute? Can he fight?”
“He can’t fight… and he’s good-looking. He’s, uh,” Y/N diverted her gaze elsewhere, “Also a son… of Hermes.”
“Luke Castellan!” Silena exclaimed without hesitation. “I knew there was something going on when he approached her! Why haven’t you taken an interest in him before? You and him have been here for ages.”
“He had a middle part before.”
“Oh, I remember that!” Silena let out a quiet giggle as she relaxed again, kicking her feet in excitement. “Ask him out.”
“You’re forgetting one problem. My dad!”
Silena shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “Make Luke prove himself to Mr D. That worked with my dad!”
“Luke proved himself to your dad?”
“No, silly! It was another boy. But if Luke wants to be seen as worthy, he has to impress Mr D!”
“I guess.” Y/N mumbled as she slowly nodded her head.
“Great. Let’s get ready for the campfire. A new Ares boy arrived and I want to see Melo flirt with him. She flirts with everyone.”
Y/N poked a large marshmallow through the skewer before shoving it into the hot flames in front of her. Silena was talking but she was too spaced out to hear a word.
Y/N aimlessly hummed and occasionally nodded her head. “Yup.” She muttered, turning her marshmallow over and watching as the soft white treat turned crisp.
“Are you even listening? I said Luke is staring at you.”
That got Y/N’s attention. She quickly lifted her head, her gaze immediately searching for the brunette. She found him amongst the Hermes kids and a few of the Aphrodite girls loitered around him. He smiled at her for a split second before his eyes flickered to Y/N’s marshmallow.
He subtly pointed at it and Y/N huffed once she realized her marshmallow had caught fire and been burnt black. “That was my last one.” She threw the skewer into the fire, allowing the hot flames to swallow it up.
“Well, you did keep eating them.” Silena pointed out.
Y/N sent her a small glare. “You’re literally eating one of my marshmallows right now. You have a whole pile sitting on your skirt!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Silena was quick to shove the rest into her mouth. “Bye!” She exclaimed but her words were muffled by the marshmallows.
“You owe me!” Y/N called out after her.
“Is Silena stealing marshmallows again?” Luke chuckled as he came to a stop in front of Y/N. He shoved his hands into his pockets whilst Y/N nodded.
“She does this every time. She’s stealing from Annabeth now!” Y/N wildly gestured over at Silena who was sweetly convincing Annabeth to hand over a few marshmallows.
“She should be notorious for being the marshmallow thief.” Luke grinned. He sat down beside Y/N, their shoulders gently brushing.
“Sorry about my dad at lunch.” Y/N blurted out. “He can be a tad… overprotective. You know how he is.”
“Well, I did see him set somebody’s clothes on fire for winking at you.”
Y/N quietly sighed. “Yeah… poor Nick. May he rest in peace.”
Luke glanced over at Nick who was guarding his marshmallows with his life. “He isn’t dead, you know.”
“Yeah, but he looked like he died back then.”
A familiar presence appeared from behind the pair and Luke immediately stiffened while Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line.
“Castellan. What are you doing talking with my daughter?” Dionysus sounded friendly yet when he slung an arm around Luke’s shoulder, he could tell the god was holding back on strangling him.
“We’re just talking about Silena and her marshmallows, daddy.” Y/N quickly piped up, “It’s not a big deal.”
“Castellan, let’s have a chat, shall we?” Dionysus dragged Luke off before either of the teens could stop him.
“Mr D, before you say anything, please don’t set me on fire! And if you do, spare my pants! These were expensive and I even got them on sale!”
“Keep your pants on, kid.” Dionysus grunted, knowing Luke was fully prepared to unbutton his jeans in order to preserve them. “What business do you have with my daughter, hm?”
Luke visibly relaxed at the idea of his jeans surviving the convention. “If it isn’t too bold to say, Mr D… I like her. A lot. I have for… years now. But I’ve always respected your wish to distance her from boys. I’ll even pray to you. I’ll give you wine. I’ll pray to you with wine and vodka and butterscotch and, uh, more wine! And grapes! Big, red grapes! Just give me a chance!”
Dionysus held up a hand to stop Luke’s aimless rambling. “You want to have a shot with my daughter?” He asked. Luke frantically nodded. “Alright. Do as I say and maybe I’ll consider it.”
Luke thickly gulped. He didn’t like that mischievous look in Dionysus’ eyes but nevertheless, he agreed. “Thank you, Mr D!”
Luke was the first camper to wake up. He reached under his bed, pulling out a large bottle of vintage wine he had been saving for this very occasion.
“Good morning, Mr D!” He cheerfully exclaimed, clearly showed the god the label of the alcohol.
“It’s worse now that you’re here.” Dionysus grumbled, yet he held out his chalice for Luke to pour him a much needed drink. Once he had gulped it all down, he turned to face Luke again. “Alright, first task, get rid of some rogue hellhound. Chiron sent me to do it but you’re more than capable, right?”
Luke was in no position to disagree.
“It’s near camp so don’t get ya knickers in a twist.” Dionysus stood up, brushing the bread crumbs off his lamp. “See ya at soon, kid. Oh, and I’ll be taking that.” He grabbed the wine bottle without a care in the world, merrily whistling to him with a small skip in his step.
“Did I just see you talking to my dad?” Y/N raised an eyebrow. Seeing her dad get along with a camper was a rare sight.
“Somewhat.” Luke muttered. “Uh, good morning? You’re up early.”
“I went out for a morning jog.” Y/N smiled as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “So, hell hound catching, huh?”
“Yeah- Wait, what?” Luke’s gaze snapped to stare at Y/N in slightly shock. She stifled a small laugh.
“I heard your conversation. What’s the hell hound all about?”
Luke quietly sighed. “Don’t tell your dad I told you,” He leaned forward to whisper in Y/N’s ear, “But I convinced him to let me befriend you if I did a few things for him.”
Of course, being Y/N’s friend wasn’t Luke’s main priority but it was better than nothing.
“You better get to it, then. I’m getting lonely.” Y/N laughed as she playfully punched his shoulder. He chuckled alongside her.
“Yeah. I’ll see you soon.” He calmly brushed past Y/N, his smile faltering, “If I survive this.” He muttered to himself, his hands itching to grab a sword.
Finding the hellhound wasn’t hard. Luke spotted its raven black pelt amongst the bright green bushes. It stood out like a sore thumb. It was getting rid of it that would be the problem.
As soon as Luke carelessly stepped forward, a twig snapped under his foot, the hellhound growled. It loudly barked, baring its sharp teeth at the Hermes boy. He pointed his sword at the beast, narrowing his eyes.
“I swear, if you kill me, Hades better revive me so I can date Y/N.” Luke launched forward, tackling the large dog. It howled as his sword scratched its leg. “Nice dog!” Luke nervously chuckled. The hellhound barked again, kicking Luke with its powerful back legs.
“Easy now!” Luke wheezed, the air being knocked out of him from the repetitive blows.
Luke was supposed to be the best fighter at camp. He never dared picture himself rolling across the ground, practically body slamming a hellhound as mud stuck to his orange shirt.
“Just lie still so I can score a date with my long time crush!” Luke exclaimed as he scrambled to stand up. The hellhound paused in confusion, giving Luke enough time to turn it into fine dust.
“I’m never doing that again.” He muttered to himself as he stormed past the tall trees. Dionysus was standing beside the forest, drinking the wine as he seemed to be waiting for Luke. The god pulled down his sunglasses, bursting into rambunctious laughter when he saw Luke.
“What happened to you?! You look terrible, kid!” Dionysus cackled, throwing his head back in amusement.
“You spilled some wine.” Luke muttered, unamused. His usual perfect skin was now adorned with small cuts and bruises. His shirt was covered in dirt. And his hair what probably taken the brute of the attack. Twigs and leaves stuck out of his messy curled brown locks, which caused Dionysus to snicker.
“I told you it wasn’t gonna be easy, kid. You’ll hate tomorrow’s task even more.”
Luke hated every task.
Monday’s was the hellhound. Tuesday’s little chore was to clean the girl’s bathroom. He found out then how much long hair they lost. The Aphrodite girls always complained about their hair falling out. Well, Luke had found it down the drain.
Wednesday’s shenanigan was to steal Clarisse’s beloved spear. Luke wasn’t sure how he was alive after being caught by her. Thursday was surprisingly peaceful. All he had to do was sneak out of camp to buy Mr D more wine.
It was now Friday. Luke was wondering what Mr D had in store for him today. Breakfast whizzed by as usual. A few Aphrodite girls tried to catch his attention but he was focused on Mr D whispering something in Y/N’s ear.
Luke waited patiently throughout the day to be given an idiotic task. It was lunch time when Mr D approached him.
“You finish this one, kid, and you might have my blessing.”
These words made Luke’s eyes light up. “What is it?” He demanded.
“Follow the trail in the forest, jump across some trees, do a perfect dive into the lake from the highest cliff, and swim across the water towards camp. Easy peasy.”
Luke’s small smile wavered. “You’re… joking, right?”
The blank look on Mr D’s face told Luke he wasn’t. Luke sighed. “I’ll get my towel.”
The run through the forest wasn’t so bad. As soon as Luke gave Mr D his towel, he jogged into the thick vegetation. Mr D would be waiting at the finish line for him, if he ever made it. Climbing trees was not Luke’s forte.
His palms were sweaty as he peered down below, quickly gulping at how far down the ground seemed. “I didn’t know I was this stupid.” He muttered to himself before leaping onto a nearby thick branch. He repeated the action, always barely making it and wobbling.
Small beads of sweat trickled down Luke’s forehead as he hiked up the steep hill towards the cliff under the scorching sun. He could see the small figure of Mr D on the other side of the lake.
Luke was thankful he had taken diving lessons before. With a snippet of hesitation, he gracefully jumped. He hit the cold water, shivering. It felt like small needles poking his body. Luke emerged, panting and spitting out a mouthful of water.
He heard Mr D quietly clap. “Good job, kid.”
“What?!” Luke exclaimed, still too far away to hear the god’s voice.
“I said, good job! It was a decent dive!” Mr D cupped his hands over his mouth.
Luke emerged from the lake, drenched and cold and clutching his body as he searched for some warmth.
“Dad? What’s going on here?”
Both Luke and Mr D stiffened at the sound of Y/N’s voice. “Why was Luke in the lake?”
“Mr D.” Luke cut in, “I have something to say.”
“I’m busy, Castellan.”
“You’re literally standing in front of me. That’s all you’re doing.”
“Don’t let the sassy man apocalypse take you too, Castellan.”
“I have a crush on your daughter, sir. You probably already knew that. I know you have strict rules about dating and boys. But I promise to take good care of your daughter. I’ve only smoked once to try it, I don’t drink because I’m scared it’ll make me stupid, I’ve never gotten a ticket. I’m healthy, I take care of myself, I floss for ten minutes every night and that might seem extreme but cavities are no joke. I do well in activities here and I hardly ever play the video games my siblings do in case the theory of them turning you into a psycho is true. I don’t drink coffee. I hate soda because my stomach can’t handle the carbonation. I’ll willingly eat like a cow if you don’t want me eating meat. I don’t mind wearing a suit in the hot sun. I enjoy spending limited time with Y/N and I really, really, really like her.”
Mr D was silent. Luke subtly cleared his throat. “Uh… Mr D? Please don’t make me repeat that list again.”
Mr D broke into a pattern of snickers. “To tell you the truth, Castellan, I was going to let you date my daughter ages ago. She convinced me. It was just so fun making you do stupid things.”
Luke’s face dropped. “I did all that… for nothing… Clarisse almost killed me!”
Mr D, sensing Luke’s anger, merely rolled his eyes and quickly walked off in a drunken manner. “Have fun, you too.”
“Did you really fight a hellhound?” Y/N asked.
“Yes. It ruined my Hello Kitty socks!” Luke huffed. “But I’d do it again for you. What do you say, Y/N? Will you go out with me?” Luke clasped his hands together as a way of begging.
“I feel a little sorry for you, so okay.” She pulled him into a hug. “You know you’re going to have to prove yourself to my friends now.”
Luke stiffened. “No more hellhounds. Please.”
PJO TAG LIST (FULL) : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @jennapancake @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @justanotherkpopstanlol @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @jamesmackreideswife @2hiigh2cry @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303 @luvvfromme @y0urm0m12 @mochi-lover26 @annispamz
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razzlerdazzler · 1 year
hi! could i get some hcs or a fic for dating jack frost and being a guardian and the spirit of halloween? <33
Jack Frost Relationship Headcanons with Halloween spirit
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Hello, sorry it took so long for me to get this done, I hope you like it :)
Jack loves to help you out with your holiday
He loves how it spreads joy to the children, and as a bonus he gets to spend more time with you
You both love to watch your hard work get paid off as you watch the children celebrate Halloween
You both admire the decorations as you go by, and the costumes that the children wear
Whenever he's not helping you out with your holiday, you are usually with him as he spreads snow, ice, and joy all around the world
He likes PDA and loves to cuddle you
Whenever you two are out and about, you can guarantee that he is almost always touching you in some way
He likes to call you pet names like sweetheart, etc
He'd also call you nicknames that are related to your holiday like pumpkin
He loves to start snowball fights with you, causing you both to laugh and smile as you both hurl snowballs at each other
He loves making snowmen with you
He loves to tell you jokes and corny puns to try and make you laugh, he loves your laugh
He is a troublemaker, and sometimes he will try to get you to join him in causing some mischief to somebody (usually Bunnymund), but he will be totally content if you don't want to do it
Whenever you two are around the other guardians Toothiana loves to gush about how cute you two are while Bunnymund and Sandy tease you both about it. North just watches on like a proud father
He would love to introduce you to Jamie, Sophie, and their friends
He smiles and admires you as he watches you play with them
He tells you about his life before he died and became a spirit
He tells you about his little sister and about how much he misses her
You hug him and comfort him
You tell him how proud she would be of him if she saw him now
He loves you so much, and is so happy that you are by his side
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bones4thecats · 19 days
Hi it's me again if you could can you please do a twst ace x reader fluff but it could be totally up to you 🫶🏻
Future! Ace Trappola & S/O ; Fluff Quote
Character: Ace Trappola Requester: 🫶🏻Anon A/N: OMG THIS IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Bullying and self-image issues (don't worry, Mama Reader and Papa Ace are here to fix it) ⚠️
Disclaimer: Set in non-canon future and Ace + S/O have a daughter
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╚═════ Ace Trappola ═══════════════════════════╝
🪅 You smiled at Ace as he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, a familiar song playing on the radio as you both drove to pick up your daughter from her school
🪅 The song was playing relatively lightly, as if it was background music in a movie. Not enough to block out voices and sounds, but just enough to allow the silence to be nonexistent
🪅 Ace parked the car and stepped outside, you did the same and heard as he locked the doors and walked around to go inside beside you. He twirled the keys around his fingers before plopping them down inside your purse while you walked together
🪅 You were excited to see your baby girl. She had gone of a little trip with her dance class at her school and got to see some productions and learn about how everything worked behind the scenes, which was something she was really happy to get to do
🪅 Your husband chuckled as you gripped your purse's strap and walked inside, a little hop in your step as he held the door open for you to pass through
🪅 It was right after you walked inside that you were met by an associate of your daughter's school, specifically the Principal
"Ah, Principal Pip! What can we do for you?"
"May I speak to you both in my office. It's about Casi."
🪅 Glancing at your husband, you nervously nodded and followed after the older man. You knew your daughter was a troublemaker like her father, but she also knew when to be polite and understanding, so why would she in this much trouble?
🪅 Principal Pip sat down in his chair as he motioned for you two take seats across from him. He lifted some papers and straightened them out before adjusting his position in his chair and sighing
"What is your home life like Mr. and Mrs. Trappola?"
"I'm not sure why that's important to something our daughter did." Ace said.
🪅 Adjusting his glasses, he picked up a paper and handed it to Ace, making you furrow your eyebrows and look over what it said in messy handwriting
🪅 You knew this handwriting was Casi's. It was slightly messy like Ace's, but had a slight amount of class in it like yours did
"Do you know what that says?" Asked the Principal.
🪅 As you read the paper, Ace's eyes widened and his grip on the material sharpened, alerting you
"If you are assuming my daughter wrote this you're mistaken." He said sternly.
"Oh, I know Casi didn't write it."
"Then why are you showing us this hunk of shit?!" Ace asked, a slight yell in his voice.
"Ace." You said, holding his left hand in assurance.
🪅 Taking the now-crumpled paper out of Ace's right hand, you handed it back to the Principal, to which he nodded and thanked you before sitting back into his chair
"This paper was given to me by her dance teacher, Mrs. Marigold. She said she found it on the ground after Casi ran outside of the classroom crying."
"Someone gave her that?" You asked, shock being obvious.
"Who?" You asked.
🪅 Principal Pip sighed before running a hand through his hair and grabbing another paper from the small, segregated pile beside the larger ones
"It was given to Casi by this young girl," he said, handing you a photograph. "This is the new girl of the class. Her name's Amaryllis Hawthorn."
🪅 Looking down at the photo of the young girl, you were confused. She looked so sweet here, how could she do such a horrible thing to your daughter?
🪅 You handed the photo back to Pip as you sighed and nervously played with your fingers. This was supposed to be an amazing couple days for your daughter, not an experience that would gain self-image issues...
🪅 Ace bunched his fists and sighed, allowing his knuckles to pop under the pressure of his grip
"Where's Casi now?" He asked.
"She's just in that room on the left, two doors down the hall."
🪅 Nodding, you both stood up and headed for the room. The door opened with a light push, and you both saw your daughter sitting beside another associate, this one being the school nurse, Lacy Teagarden
🪅 Lacy stood up and pointed to you and your husband, telling Casi to go give you guys a hug. Casi stood and ran to you, wrapped her small arms around your neck and pulling you close so she could cry into your neck
"Hey, sweetheart. It's okay, Mama and Papa are here now." Ace assured, his arms wrapping around both of you as Lacy walked out of the room.
"Yes, baby?"
"Am I ugly?"
"No... you are the most beautiful and sweetest little girl that I have ever met in my life. Just because that Hawthorn girl said that in that note doesn't mean it's true."
"Of course."
🪅 Pecking Casi's nose, she giggled, tears slowly stopping being made while Ace reached up and began tickling her side as you stood up and watched as he picked his daughter up and twirled with her in his arms
🪅 You took out a tissue from your purse and began to clean up Casi's face from any tears. She just sniffled from the previous crying as you tossed the now-damp cloth in the nearby trash can
🪅 Ace saw you pull your hands up and adjust her skirt around her waist, fluffing it out slightly as you looked your daughter dead in the eyes as you spoke once again
"Don't let people discourage you. Just fluff out your tutu and dance away."
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sunflowergirl522 · 1 year
Fat Cat
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie feeds strays and your cat gets out.
Word Count: 2033
A/n: Not my best work but enjoy it anyway? Also the Eddie Taglist may or may not open up after this one.
Eddie Masterlist
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Eddie’s been feeding the strays around the trailer park for as long as he’s been living with his uncle. It started with one skinny kitten coming up to him on the porch while he was eating a hotdog. It let out the softest meow he’d ever heard and he didn’t even hesitate breaking a piece off and dropping it a few feet away from him. Over the years the amount of cats he was feeding grew and scraps of food and leftovers no one was gonna eat became cat food that Eddie went out of his way to get. 
Eddie was cleaning up the first time your cat trailed up to his trailer at night. It was one of Wayne's rules, if you’re gonna feed the whole neighborhood at least clean up at night so I don’t have to hear them when I’m trying to sleep. He happened to look up from where he was picking up the scattered pieces of cat food on the porch and came face to face with the fattest orange cat he’d ever seen. 
“Hello there. You look like you’ve already eaten five whole bowls.” The cat plopped down and just stared at him. “Oh alright, I guess a little more won’t kill you.”
“Oh my God!” You had rushed over as soon as you spotted Tigger scooping him up without even looking at the now wide eyed boy. “You’re such a fucking dick you know that?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Oh! Not you, sorry! I was talking to this fatass.” You finally looked away from the cat and met his eyes. “He recently learned that he can bust through the shitty screen door if it’s not locked. Were you about to give him food?” 
“Uh, I think so?” Eddie wasn’t completely sure what was happening exactly.
“I’m trying to keep him on a diet so hopefully he loses weight. I’m Y/n, just moved into the trailer over that way.” You motioned to a trailer behind you without looking before holding your hand out for him.
“Eddie.” He frantically brushed his hands off on his jeans before standing and taking your own. 
“This menace is Tigger and despite who he’s named after he’s the laziest piece of shit you’d ever see. Isn’t that right baby boy?” You brought his face up to yours as you cooed at the cat in your arms that was purring up a storm. “I’ll let you get back to what it was you were doing, bye Eddie see you around!” And with that you turned and hurried back to your trailer leaving Eddie to wish he’d said something, anything, else.
Since then Tigger has found his way over to Eddie’s trailer at least five more times, but most likely more because those are just times Eddie’s caught him when he’s getting home from work. He’s always quick to scoop the cat up before heading over to your place to drop him off. If you weren’t home he’d leave a note on your door saying he had Tigger and to come get him when you could. But when you were home you’d usher Eddie in and make him dinner as a reward for bringing your baby home. Usually it was some form of pasta but it was always one of the best meals Eddie’s had, and he made sure to tell you. 
“Listen all I’m saying is you’ve been in a suspiciously good mood lately and I don’t get why you’d hide a girlfriend from us.” Dustin says for what feels like the millionth time today but really is only the second, Mike asking earlier makes it three times total, as he follows Eddie to his trailer's door. 
“I’m not hiding a girlfriend. How many times do I have to tell you I don’t have one?” He groans as he fishes out his key to unlock it glancing over quickly to the porch. He does a double take when he recognizes the orange ball. 
“Hey there troublemaker!” He jumps from the stairs and steps to the porch tapping it to get the cat's attention. Tigger turns around at the sound and lets out a small sound while running to Eddie’s hand to be pet. “You get out again?”
“God fucking damnit!” Eddie can hear your yell from your trailer across the way thanks to the door being open and it being a quiet afternoon in the trailer park.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Eddie smiles as Tigger bumps his head into his hand knowing you’re about to make your way over.
“Are you gonna unlock the door anytime soon or what?” Dustin asks from where he’s been standing at the door.
“Eddie!” Your voice fills his ears before he can respond to Dustin and he turns his head to watch you come towards him, his smile bigger than Dustin’s ever seen. “Please tell me he came over here again.”
“Yep.” He moves out of the way to reveal the cat purring into his hand.
“Thank God! I really have to start locking the door so fatty stops coming over and eating all your food.”
“Don’t be mean.” Eddie snatches Tigger up before you can grab him, protectively holding him close to his chest. “He’s lost weight and deserves a little treat.” That was true, Tigger is now much smaller than he was when Eddie first saw him. Thanks to you taking him on walks, a feat you had to do with his treat bag in hand, and having him on the diet.
“You’re awful, oh my god!” You laugh through your words. “Stop spoiling him before he starts liking you more than he likes me.”
“What am I watching right now?” Dustin pulls the two of your attentions over to him. Eddie throws his head back suppressing a groan at the reminder that he was there at all. 
“Oh hello! I’m Y/n, and that’s my cat Tigger.” 
“I’m Dustin, Eddie’s best friend.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you Dustin.” You smile at the younger boy and Eddie clears his throat to bring your eyes back to him. 
“Has he been gone long?” He nods his head down at the cat in his arms. 
“I don’t know, probably not. I just got out of the shower and the door was cracked open so he must’ve escaped while I was in it.” You step closer to him so you can scratch Tigger behind his ears and Eddie’s heart picks up a bit at your closeness.  “Are you just getting home?”
“Yeah. I was unlocking the door when I spotted him.”
“Oh!” Your sudden exclamation has Eddie and Dustin both slightly jumping. “I finished your book! Let me take him home and I’ll come right back with it and you can give me the next one.” You take Tigger from his arms and hurry off to your trailer.
Eddie had let you borrow Fellowship of the Ring after you stopped by his trailer to talk to him after seeing him reading on the porch. You had noticed how the book looked like it’s been read more than once and Eddie mentioned it being his favorite series. You’re the one who asked to read it and he had shut the book and handed it to you right then and there. 
“So that’s what’s got you in such a good mood.” Dustin states as Eddie comes back up the steps to open the door. 
“Alright c'mon punk inside.” He holds the door open for his younger friend. 
“Why don’t you ask her out?”
“What makes you think I want to ask her out?” He desperately does but he’s not sure exactly how to. Being friends with a girl? That was always easy for him but going from friends to something else with girls? That was always something that was difficult for him but has become so much harder since the Vecna stuff last year seeing as people barely wanted to be seen around him if they weren’t before even after his name was cleared.
“The heart eyes you got the minute she came over and how it was like watching parents fussing over their child.” Eddie tinges pink at Dustin’s correct descriptions. 
“Just shut up and pick a movie. I gotta go find The Two Towers.”
Dustin’s looking through Eddie’s and Wayne’s limited pick of movies, wishing they had stopped by Family Video, when there’s a knock on the door. He knows that it has to be you and in that moment he comes up with a plan without thinking twice about it while he opens the door.
“Hi again!”
“Eddie wants to know if you wanna go on a date with him?”
“What?” Your eyes go wide and you step back a little bit as if the shock of hearing those words come out of Dustin's mouth was so strong that it forced you back. At the same time Eddie freezes in the kitchen, eyes basically bulging out of his head and his mouth agape. What he should do is grab Dustin by the back of his shirt and throw him back into the living room before trying to laugh it off but he can’t get himself to move, stuck in his spot book in hand and heart racing in his chest anxious for what Dustin might say next and how you’re going to react.
“He wants to take you out to dinner or something and then kiss you at your door. Maybe then introduce you to all his friends and move in together and have babies and-” Eddie rushes over and throws his hand over his friend's mouth who’s now on thin ice.
“Okay! That’s enough of that!” He awkwardly chuckles as he shoves Dustin off to the side. He peeks at you out of the corner of his eye before turning to look at you instead of glaring at Dustin when he sees the soft smile on your face.
“Here’s your book. I really really liked it and I can’t wait to read the next one.” Eddie takes your words as a signal that you’re just going to forget everything that was just said to you and he doesn’t know if he’s more disappointed or relieved that you’re not saying anything about it.
“Here.” He hands you the next book while taking the first one from you. “The first one’s my favorite but the rest are just as good.” 
“Hey Eddie?”
“Yeah Sweetheart?”
“There’s this movie coming out next week, The Princess Bride, you wanna maybe take me to see it? Then depending on how that goes we can kiss at my door and maybe you can introduce me to your friends.” Eddie’s mouth opens and closes a few times like a fish out of water as he tries to find the words too shocked to think of anything.
“Yeah, yes, I would love to take you out to see it!” He beams at you once he does find the right words and you return one of your own in response.
“Perfect then it’s a date! See you tomorrow probably.” After a quick finger gun and wave you’re hurrying back home to dance around in excitement with Tigger.
“Well, it looks like you should be thanking me.” Dustin says once Eddie steps back from the door and turns to him, arms crossing over his chest.
“What? But I totally just got you a date!” And yet Dustin’s realizing he may have taken it a little too far in the process of getting him said date.
“And I’ll give you a head start because of that. Starting…now.”
“Why don’t we just watch a movie and celebrate the accomplishment that just happened?”
“You’re wasting precious time.” And with that Dustin rushes out of the door Eddie hot on his heels.
“What happened to the head start?!”
“I lied!” With that he tackles Dustin to the ground, both boys laughing in the process of falling. “Thanks.” He punches his arm after a minute of them both just laying there on the ground and stands up offering a hand. “Now let’s go have that movie night you begged me for.” Dustin rolls his eyes following Eddie back inside.
Eddie Taglist(Closed): @sadbitchfangirl​ @notbeforelong​​ @munsonswhore86​​ @navs-bhat​ @emotionaldreamer​ ​​​​​ @fangirling-4-ever​  @gaysludge​ @audhd-dragonaut​ ​​ ​@eddiethesexy​ @mazerunnerrose​ @tvserie-s-world​ @midnightsgetawaycar  @goldylions  @spacedoutdaydreamer @mushroomelephant @saramelaniemoon @kaylshunter @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire @esoltis280 @spikedhe4rt @let-love-bleeds-red @siriuslysmoking @toobsessedsstuff @alana4610 @gretavanfleas @sparkletash @aactuaaltraash @spookyemorockbabe
Everything Taglist: @matchamunson @bubsonnobx @practicalghost @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr @kennedy-brooke
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paintedstories · 1 year
Y/n was tired of being stuck in the castle, Only being known as the king and queen’s daughter. She wanted to experience the world, So she snuck into the village and met hwang hyunjin, Local troublemaker and peasant. Kinda a jack and rose plot where they don’t like each other at first, but y/n keeps going into the village and they eventually fall for each other, Hyunjin sneaks into the castle during a party and they fuck each other in her room trying not to alert the guards. And also hyunjin being like a huge perv towards reader but in a charming way😭😭
pleaseeee I NEED THIS from ur beautiful mind🙏🏽💕💕
♥: Thank you for the request and kind words! 💋💌
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⚠: cussing ; weapons; almost caught up s3x ⚠: This is an AU meaning the SKZ band does not exist, and Hyun-Jin does not know any of the members. ⚠: Reader is a female 🚺 She/Her ⚠: Peasant Hwang Hyun-Jin x Royal reader ⚠: SMUT ⚠: Master list 📃 halter*= the design of the top of the dress(go search it up it'll help visualise better)
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"Fuck it, I'm done with all this bull-shit," the Daughter of the golden king said to herself, she hated being perfect in the peasant's eye, hated being the pretty image of her mother gold and father golden, hatred was a small word for the sentiment she felt for her family, whom wanted to marry her for money. Dreadful washer life to say the least.
While looking outside the beautiful floral decorated garden an idea came up to her beautiful head, which everyone thought was all but mischief, only innocence could be seen through her eyes, which was a good advantage in the big castle when she had to lie her way out.
And this is how she is in this situation, lying to her father about going to sleep faster than usual and pleading with him to let her leave before the royal dinner, is not like it was something special, just her, her mother, and her father.
Fortunately, he agreed, as she tried to contain the excitement in her eyes she got the front of the dress in her hands and rapidly walked to her room, chuckling slightly when her dad ordered her to walk like a lady.
Closing the door to her room and getting the gown that she had with her own "incapable" regal hands made so she will look like the other peasants. Putting her hair in a messy ponytail and getting the leather shoes she made so the fit will be a total success she looked in the elegant golden framed mirror to see herself, unrecognizable she thought with a smirk. Finally, she will see the world, finally!
Climbing from her beautifully decorated window full of drawings she made of flowers and happy couples who found love by destiny not by the force of family she smiled and jumped on the branch from the big old tree from her childhood that stayed in front of her window as a welcome to escape the prison her golden family called the perfect home and finally be free, for a little while sadly.
Looking down from the tree while making the dress shorter by folding it in a spiral mode and knotting it at the front she jumped on the next tree and the final one that had the branch thick enough to go and jump from the tip on the big stone made barrier that kept her away from the world for so long.
the click of her leather shoes was heart on the rounded stones from the so called unbreakable golden fence.
Her hopes were almost taken away when she saw how far the imperial village was, but seeing a horse-drawn carriage, fortunately, by a peasant and not one of the guards, she jumped on the dirt path and walked rapidly to the peasant while fixing her dress and asked the very kind old man if he could leave her in the center of the village.
the man smiled and gestured for her to go and sit next to him, the man looked kind had blue eyes and a crispy-looking beard, he was bald and had a sun hat that was made of dried hard leaves, the traditional, and in the carriage was dried grass.
They talked and she asked where he was from, she found out he lives in the out-gate of the village but he had work in the center, that's why he accepted to let her come with him.
She found out that he had a beautiful wife and unfortunately event of her miscarriage, but they still hoped and prayed to god to give them a child. She was happy that the first person she meet was so kind, and on the 30 minutes of her listening to the poor man talking about his life, she silently prayed for all the happiness to come to him, when they arrived she hugged him and left the man shocked and smiling as she waved to him and ran to the deeps of the center, where all the people where.
Then she saw a guy with long black hair and dirty white clothes steal from a lady that was paying attention to three singers in the middle, the angry girl ran after him screaming.
"Hey you coward come back, stop stealing!" she screamed after him and when he turned on his track to look at the screaming girl he got annoyed and angry, who was she to scream after him!?! he just glared at her and showed her the middle finger while he kept running, thinking he will lose her and eat the sweet he stole from that hag, little did he know that she was trained and she had the stamina of a soldier. when he thought he lost her he turned to look behind him while jogging and saw that she was still running after him.
"What THE FUCK! WOMAN, STOP FOLLOWING ME" he screamed while he continued to run and slowly start to gasp for air, realizing that he was going nowhere he jumped onto wooden casks, but when his foot touched the cask he flew on the floor, as they were empty and very old, meaning, very fragile.
She watched as he fell on his ass grunting and rubbing his back, she then rush walked to him and punched him in the face. "what was that for?!" he screamed while rubbing the part of his face where she punched him. "for being a coward thief and not getting a job like normal humans and living in poverty because you're lazy and a coward" she repeated the word coward to him twice because of the anger she felt, she hated cowards, and hated thief's even more!
"How can you live like this!" she screamed at him. He truly didn't know the answer himself, for a second you could see the pain in his eyes as he registers the harsh words of the girl.
"fuck off, you don't know anything... stupid woman" he pushed her off of him and then handed her a hand to get up and she, unfortunately, accepted, when she got up half a meter he let her hand go and she fell with a squeak, cute, he thought before shaking bis head and smirking while gesturing to her that now she could trust him by grabbing his hand but he did not grab it, instead she swatted his hand away with anger "fucking peasant" she muttered under her breath while getting up and leaving the boy dumbfounded.
she started walking away from him, mumbling to herself while patting the hem of her dress and sleeves.
but he wasn't having none of her stubborn attitude and with his long feet slowly walked to her, with a mischievous smirk.
"you're new here, never seen such a stubborn lady around here," he said while grabbing her by the waist. Swatting his hand away and walking further ahead without responding to him. He just shrugged his shoulders and walked ahead, feeling annoyed about the girl not being like the others.
Y/n decided to ignore the boy, as she said in her mind.
"he is not worth enough to deal with, I have to see other things than talk with a thief" and she continued her adventure through the village, for another 1 hour and a quarter when she came back to the castle fortunately with the same man as when she left, she found out he goes to the village every day. "perfect," she thought, she will sneak out and go with the man.
for the past three days, Y/n kept sneaking out, of course, her family thought it was weird how all of a sudden she was happy, but glad she was they did not disturb her with unanswerable questions.
as the day's passed of the beautiful girl sneaking out of the palace in the village, sometimes (quite often) meeting with the handsome boy, whose name was Hwang Hyun-Jin, she found out after an unfortunate encounter of him bumping into her the 100th time, she could confidently say, he became more and more annoying, she hated him and knew he hated her too, always pinching her waist or taking a bit of her hair and yanking it. He was the dear devil.
it was the 35th day of her sneaking out, keeping track of her sneakings was always good, of course very well hidden under a plank of wood of her floor.
the sneaking went as it always went, no one said, saw, or discovered anything, or she thought so.
but while being in the village, walking without any thought where, she started thinking about tomorrow's party, again needing to act as the perfect spoiled princess, glad could say she was that only royals would be, but as fast as she entered her thoughts a rather someone or a one rather annoying Hwang interrupted her thoughts. "Oh hello ~ There princess" he purred in her neck as he circled her, how did he know?! she thought scared but without showing an expression.
"Come on Princess, I've known from our first encounter, knew something was different with you," he said while sneaking his arm around her shoulder making her feel trapped. "and what if I am?!" she said annoyed. "nothing, nothing, just curious what a spoiled princess would want to do around here" rolling her eyes she swatted his hand away and went back to the man who she saw was going to his horse carriage and hoped in with a huff after of course greeting the old man.
Laughing slightly the man made the horses start walking and in no time she was at the back of the palace after he left she started climbing on her spot, but little did she know that a certain someone was watching her.
and as fast as that, the next day came and everyone was on alert to get ready, themself and the party.
and as the days always pass, the party came too, after the dinner, where she should have been, she could excuse herself in her room, as always, only the face, nothing more, only a pretty face.
Walking towards her room in the annoyingly long hall while huffing she finally arrived in her room and after closing the door and lighting a candle as it was getting dark she heard shuffling from her window when she turned to look around she almost screamed but the stranger slapped his hand accidentally too hard around her mouth while turning her around with her back to his chest.
"shh princess, we don't want anyone hearing us now do we?" he said, his breath tickling her neck sending shudders down her spine. "what, do you want?"
she manages to mutter after removing his hand from her mouth. "Oh, nothing sweetheart, I just, came here to get a taste from the mysterious girl" he smirked behind her while he kept holding the scared aroused girl in his strong grip, making her feel trapped.
He took her breath away when she was thrown into her bed by the man, and started kissing her hungrily, he told himself that if she wouldn't kiss him bake he would leave her, but she started kissing him and grabbing his hair.
When the girl started moaning, he knew he could continue.
Smirking into the kiss he motioned to her that he wanted her Halter, when she nodded he removed it and started kissing her chest making her whimper, slowly sliding down to grab the corset and untie it from behind her after making her stand in a sitting position and freeing her from the dress.
Seeing her naked body made him even more hungered by the girl. Kissing her softly on the lips then going down to her chest and tummy like a starved man, making you whimper and shakily call his name. "shh, sweetheart, don't let them hear you" he smirked while moving his hand down to your undergarments making your legs close. "no need to close your legs on me, I desire to see all of you, my dove" he said then slowly entered her making her whimper. " I love you my dove, every since- ngh fuck- I saw you" Her eyes widened, and cummed instantly after hearing him confess to her, he started pounding into her harder after feeling her clench on him and hearing her heavenly moans, few more thrusts and he got out cumming on her stomach while his eyes rolled to the back of his head and whimpered then let half of his weight fall on your body.
"mistress is everything alright, I heard a moan of pain."
"oh n-no Brunhilde I just stumbled my toe to the leg of the bed, haha you know how clumsy I get when I'm tired, no need to check on me, you can leave, and tell the others not to disturb me as I'm going to my much-needed slumber!* she said trying o sound normal. only if her maid knew what happened. fortunately the maid left, leaving the two alone.
"so mistress what are we?" he said with a smirk moving his face at the crock of her neck and kissing her while leaving a hickey at the back of her neck not visible when having her hair down.
"I don't know, my father would never let me marry you..." she said with sadness in her voice and eyes.
he hugged her back to his chest and kissed her naked shoulder while moving his left hand soothingly on her waist up to her underboob and down to her ass.
"lets run" he said with devotion in his voice.
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OH my god hi love!!
I'm sorry for responding so late but I loved the ask so much that I had to remake it 3 times haha.
If you liked it please reblog, it helps a lot ♥
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
honestly your dpxdc clone au gives me life, its adorable as all hell and im a sucker for found family but with that being said, its so freaking hysterical to me that Danny is going full feral liminal menace at Wes any time hes near and Wes himself is still 100% into it the freak (affectionate) and thats not even pointing out the paralles it could possible create since danny and dames gives massive parallels to dick and damian and dick does have a thing for redheads.
yeesSSSSS! I was planning on hoarding this to myself but i can't not reply. and i'll be able to find this again with the clone^2 tag so win WIN. i'm so glad you are as delighted by this as me. It's so hilarious to me that Danny just becomes a complete freak whenever he spots Wes, and I'm the one who wrote it into existence. Like- like i don't know how to explain my vision in words but like, its like Danny sees Wes and immediately goes 'what can I do to make his day worse'. And then he goes and does it.
(honorary read more because i talk a lot)
He's relatively normal around his friends too, which makes him going full-fledged unhinged around Wes even funnier to me. Like, Danny will spout weird shit sometimes to Sam and Tucker, but usually its prefaced with him talking about patrol or there would be context before he said anything. With Wes? Though?? he will just. say anything, completely unprompted. Slings an arm around his shoulder like they've been buddies since primary school and then spits out a weird new fun fact he learned about the bodily anatomy while researching his latest cold case. All vaguely-threatening but utterly insane things to say as way to start a conversation.
And sometimes its not even that, he'll walk up to Wes and ask him if he saw the latest daytime fight between Phantom and Skulker. And then he'll say "yeah i missed it myself but I saw clips of it being posted online" and then watch Wes mentally explode him with his mind. or he'll disparage Phantom for having such a young partner with him, "Can you believe he'd let a kid fight ghosts with him? I'd never let my brother ghosthunt with me if I was Phantom."
All of this with such a deceptive look on his face but the most delighted, shit-eating gleam in his eyes. Wes is chewing glass and he wants to yell that he does let his brother fight ghosts with him. Also you told him yourself that nothing would've stopped your demonic (Wes' words) little brother from joining you.
Damian gets in on the fuckery occasionally, but since he's not around often with Wes about, it doesn't happen nearly as often as it does between Wes and Danny. Sam and Tucker know he's screwing with him too, and both of them are a little wary about him being careless with his secret id. But he's been doing this since he was 14-ish and it hasn't backfired yet. So. They're not actively stopping him.
Danny walks back to his lunch table after terrorizing Wes and Tucker just asks him what he said, because Wes was about as red as a tomato when he walked away. Danny offhandedly sighs and innocently says he tried to have a conversation about Phantom with him. Wes didn't seem to like it all that much. Weird.
And yes, yes. Wes is totally into it and is slightly enraged about this fact, because not even he knows why he's into it. The freak (affectionate). Danny gives him this troublemaker smirk, and i did say smirk, and Wes doesn't know whether or not if he wants to smack him or kiss him. Or both. Like, yeah, pine, white boy, pine.
(And this is a dramatized image but I'm also highly entertained by the idea that Wes keeps getting routine dirty looks from various peers because they, too, have a crush on Fenton. Except Fenton doesn't talk to anyone else unless its his friends and sometimes Valerie, and Weston, the guy who keeps accusing him of being the local vigilante, is somehow routinely having conversations with him?? And BLOWING IT?? Like everyone else thinks he's fumbling so bad, and yet fenton keeps tALKING to him.)
And yes!! i'm always so pleased whenever someone brings up the parallels D+D have to Dick and Damian, because that was lowkey my intention when I was making the solo clone damian au. Although it was supposed to be more implied since I don't really know much about Damian and Dick other than they're very close and Dick was Damian's Batman for a year. And then of course the very smaller parallel (??) 'what if' between Bruce and Damian and D+D in clone^2 considering who they are both clones of.
And man this just makes me want to talk about when batfam meet D+D because I just want them to see D+D be so brotherly towards each other. Like I want them to see Bby Dames wearing his goofy fun fact shirts and stealing Danny's hoodies/flannels/etc and blatantly lying about it when Danny asks. Only for Danny to then throw him over his shoulder like Tadashi from BH3 and jump around.
And also. I do not know what Damian Wayne's (DW as I'll call him) stance on being called "Dami" is - the general consensus I've seen is that its usually used as a playful nickname in order to get a rise out of him, and he doesn't really like it.
But baby Dames being called that freely, and often, and its sometimes used to get a rise out of him but thats typically what nicknames do. Its used as easily as his full name is with the same amount of affection. And its like his main go-to nickname. "Dami" and "Dames" with the occasional "Bud/Buddy", "Squirt", "Little man", etc. Not once is he ever called 'demon-spawn'
(which i know is a fanon nickname but its a relatively popular nickname)
but yeah, uhhh. i think thats all of my thoughts on the matter. for now lmAO
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raythekiller · 1 year
I really wanna see (if u wanna write it) JTK, Toby, ej, masky and hoodie platonically with a new recruit that’s a child (around Sally’s age, maybe a bit younger, like around 8-9. sad backstory, blah blah blah) but instead of being like fanon Sally (sweet, joyous, innocent) they’re literally just a little shit. Like shenanigans, swearing, pranks and being immature? (Even though they all find the kid strangely endearing and funny) so basically the kid is just a COMPLETE troublemaker, but also have a kinda sweet and soft side like most kids.
🗒 ❛ Troublemaker Child Reader ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie
#Notes: this one was so funny to write lmaoo
pronouns used: they/them
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
I swear he tries to be nice at first. He'll look at them and go "Awe, hey there little g-" "You're ugly as shit." "..." Yeah, someone better get that kid away or they're getting stabbed. Legit just develops beef with the toddler so now they have kind of this rivalry going on. I'm talking full blown prank wars. Everybody is just looking at Jeff weird because you're a grown ass man? And they're a literal child? But the dispute doesn't slow down until one day the kid actually gets slightly hurt because of one of his pranks and starts crying, to which he'll genuinely feel bad and patch them up while apologizing. It's a cute bonding moment.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
Thinks that the kid is funny as hell. Doesn't mind it when they sass him, he'll just laugh and pat their head, but loves it when they do it to others. Just the reaction of sheer horror on their face at this 8 year old cussing them out makes his day every single time it happens. Will absolutely help them prank others or just cause trouble in general - they're officially partners in crime now. One night, they come up to him and ask him to check for monsters under the bed, to which he just smiles and ruffles their hair, checking every corner of the room that a "monster" could be hiding in and even offers to read them a bed time story. It's super cute, he's a surprisingly good big brother figure.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
Total dad figure. Tries to "reform" the kid and teach them proper manners and to stop messing with others, which barely even works. Scolds them when they misbehave, but nothing too serious, more of a "I'm not mad, just disappointed" kind of talk. Will also apologize to the people they mess with, almost like he's the one legally responsible for the toddler (which he's not). There was one time where he caught them drawing something on the walls with crayons and was about to give them a talking to again, until he noticed it was a drawing of him. He had to stop for a second cause he genuinely didn't know if he should be mad or flattered, but ends up hugging them anyway.
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Hates the little shit and asks Slenderman on a daily basis why he recruited them, to which he doesn't answer. Will just kind of drag the kid by the back of the collar whenever they're about to go cause some trouble, dragging them away. He's absolutely not happy about having to babysit, but he can't exactly go against the boss' orders. He doesn't warm up to them at all until they catch a cold someday and he's the one tasked to take care of them. Seeing them so vulnerable and weak made him genuinely feel bad, and he doesn't leave their side for a second until they're fully recovered, even sleeping by the side of their bed.
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Another one who finds them funny as shit. Will at most tell them to be careful about not hurting themselves while pranking other people, no actual scolding ever coming from him. I already mentioned that he's good with kids, he's just got that cool uncle vibe to him. He already likes the kid, imagine the one day he walks into his room to see them wearing his clothes, trying to pick up his guitar which was about their size, all because they "Wanna be cool like uncle Brian!"? He might actually cry.
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tsibeyantiger · 5 months
I had the inconvenience to read a post where it said that percabeth was a bad ship because they don't seem to LIKE each other and I'm like??????????? How can anybody not get THAT? Like seriously, think about it for just a minute.
Imagine you are Annabeth. Your family pretty much abandoned you. Your newfound sister died so you could make it out alive. When you were just seven years old. It is hard for you to trust anyone because you keep on losing who matters to you. And you know about the prophecy and that you won't leave camp until the kid from the prophecy shows up (if Chiron hasn't said that, I'm sure Annabeth was able to connect the dots). The kid who's gonna die when he turns 16 to save Olympus OR destroy it. So you're NOT supposed to like him, even though you know your pathes will cross. You expect him to be a son of Zeus, which would be fine. You can be his deputy in battle, just as your mom is Zeus', and when he dies, it's gonna be "Farewell, my lord, it was an honour to fight under your command". Not very delightful, but you are used to worse.
Then Percy shows up. And he is a son of POSEIDON. Not at all what you expected, yet it's your destiny to interact somehow with him. What if he turns out evil? What if you're the one who HELPS him destroy Olympus? Okay, no, no, no, stop. You are NOT SUPPOSED to like him AT ALL. But- he is kinda charming. Not the arrogant, wrath filled rowdy you'd expect. A troublemaker, yes, but he's trying to be nice to everyone, always roots for the underdogs, doesn't care about your parents' rivalry and is incredibly skilled yet totally unaware of it. You go on the quest. You safe the world. And you realise he is kind and brave and just and will never turn evil. This is the hero who will die while defending Olympus. And you're the fool who couldn't avoid falling in love with him.
Fast forward. Percy keeps on doing annoyingly cute and noble stuff you wish you never saw because it makes you like him even more. The photo. Tyson (you don't like him, but it IS wholesome that Percy chose to be his friend when no one else was). The moment he gave Clarisse the fleece. Then you get kidnapped and he travels across the whole country to save you, even lifts the sky for you. And then he says he chooses the prophecy and you give up all hope (you've spend hours and hours thinking whether you'd want Thalia to die or Percy, and you feel so guilty for it). He doesn't even know the full meaning, but you are just sure he'd make the same choice if he knew it means death, all to protect a little boy he hardly knows.
And you're like: Fuck this. Too late to run from your feelings. You're already in love. Your heart's gonna be broken anyways. So, you decide to try your luck. If you're gonna miss him for a lifetime, it shall be worth it. And THEN, suddenly, Rachel shows up. Like, this is no average teenage love triangle drama bullshit. OF COURSE, Annabeth explodes like a volcano. Any of us would.
Meanwhile, Percy doesn't know shit and is just hella confused. He doesn't know the content of the prophecy, doesn't know much about Greek mythology and whenever he does, he doesn't care. He just gets the impression that Annabeth hates him, yet somehow seeks his company. Percy has close to zero confidence, due to him also being often abandoned and ending up as a failure and an outsider, so it's probably the second part that's harder to understand, but he tries to make the best of it. He is kind and patient, offers Annabeth his friendship and ultimately, she accepts. Not for a second he'd imagine she might be in love with him, Because This Is Not How People Behave. From his perspective, Annabeth tends to act like a bitch out of nowhere, sometimes she pushes him away, sometimes she wants him to come closer. He accepts this somehow, but of course he gets frustrated sometimes. Who wouldn't?
But still he never even thinks about going low contact. He never questions their friendship, he always wants Annabeth as close as possible. And people say they don't LIKE each other? Please!
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
You know what would be Fun~☆? Hunter Tim AU!
What is he hunting? That BatCock. He a "no really guys, I'm super Manly and totally dominate" type a guy! TOTALLY gonna... gonna hunt Batman down and... something something Batman's cock in his mouth. Look, he doesn't have the BEST plan? But he's working on it!
He's TOTALLY gonna Sex The Batman, okay!?
All he has to do, is fight, overpower, then trap or restrain one of planet Earth's BEST combatants... who is also both bigger then him and built like a tank... and has years more experience...
.....okay, so, shut up maybe?
He's STILL GOT THIS! This is a GOOD idea! Not just his horny, horny, bad idea impulses talking! (It iiiiiiiis.)
So? There he is. Once again harrasing the Bruce. And? Maybe Bruce is off his game. It's been a LONG patrol. He's sore, he's tired, Selina is back to being... well, Catty. And once again, this relatively harmless minor vigilante is "hunting him". It doesn't even register as a threat.
Fuck it.
Will you leave him alone if you succeed? Huh? Congratulations. You've "hunted" me. Go home kid. The roof tops are no place for a twink in armor, I could snap you in half.
But? Tim is like? :O I did it? :D I DID IT!!!
And... okay that's kinda cute. But Bruce still feels like shit today so could we... whaaaat're you doing?
And Tim? Tim is GOING to fulfill his long time ambition of getting that bat pole down his throat, he's been practicing! (Interesting information go "oh~?")
Tim? Has barely any idea of what he should be doing. It feels amazing. But sloppy and "very eager virgin". It's... honestly it's exactly what Bruce needed right now. He finds himself grunting and whispering little instructions, bits of praise. That's it... right there... bit harder...
Tim gets distracted. Wrapped up in what he's doing.
But it's FINE. It's not like Batman can escape relatively basic restraints with the same ease most of us BREATHE of anything. No, no, he's DEFINITELY super trapped. At Tim's mercy. Tim totally has the upper hand here and is the dominate o-! *hands gently grab his head and take over*
He is not.
It's cute he thinks so, but he absolutely is not.
He wants Bruce's undivided attention? He certainly has it now. And he's not going to be escaping anytime soon. Because honestly? Bruce has really needed this. An uncomplicated outlet, someone hot and eager in his bed. And he? Is perfectly willing to drag this little troublemaker back and RUIN him.
The lil shit has been trying to "hunt" him for YEARS.
Been after his cock for YEARS, have you?
Then take it.
Tim will insist it all TOTALLY went according to plan. You know... when he can move again. Eventually regains something like coherence, on Bruce's bed, back in Wayne Manor. He TOTALLY sexed Batman. Seduced him! Yep, he was all dominate and "hey baby~ ;)" and Batman was like "oooh I can't resist his charms!"! *long sip of coffee while avoiding eye contact*
*is covered in hickeys and wearing Bruce's shirt*
Yep. That... that's TOTALLY what happened here. Tim seduced your Dad. He is the Father now. Very Manly. Shut up. *siiiiiiiiiiip* >.>
tim preening like a cat that got the canary, patting himself on the back because he thinks he has successfully seduced batman 😭
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
(spellchecking this was a nightmare; I got sent this a while back as a response to a topic I commented on, where I basically agreed there is an oversaturation issue of a specific nature form not friendly people making the community they clam to be supporting look bad in the process. I agree with them but what is your take?)
First off no hate intended but I sometimes forget form past experiences that Mod (s) form a specific blog get bit heated around the shipper issue. (Fujoshi is the proper term for this specific shipper type; but tumblr has issues with that term being used in its proper context. there is actually a darker reason why this became a term its a Idol culture rabbit hole to be saved for later.) As for the topic I genuinely believe that they can't really relate to this topic without proper context. A great deal of this is probably because they defend who they should not and I will do my best to explain this issue without calling anyone out. No hate intended, I like to see the best in people and encourage that to grow more as individuals. The fandom in question is pretty small but the issue is not. There are other fandoms that can relate thou this one is for a game genre. I can't fathom why people defend other users for this horrible behavior towards others just because they ship the only popular guy on guy ship in the fandom.
Lets start by providing context, there are two different types of user here the kind that just mind their business and enjoy their ship, these ones are not the issue, and (lets call them Troublemakers since tumblr hates the term. The term literally means "Filthy Girl" and more importantly I know why it means this but that is somewhat irrelevant here and not the topic.) Basically I really want to understand why no one is calling out their vile behavior because to me its just as bad to not hold them accountable for the bad things they do just because they throw around a trigger or two. I am not saying they can not better themselves, just that not frowning upon their actions does not help them.
Sorry for the long clarification I just wanted to make this clear before getting to the topic because this is about a specific set of individuals, not he group as a whole and I think some people forget that this is a thing with said group. The inconvenient truth is there is a good and bad way to handle it, ignoring the issue and praying it goes away is not a way to handle it.
NOW FOR THE STORY: Because it is a general issue we shall improvise with names, it also makes cleanup easer). In this Game story the ML (Author) and the FL (Gwen) are portrayed as having a deeper bond, the only other character (Lance) also has a deep bond but is a different relationship entirely and you can tell form the interactions hinted at the the deep lore.
During the course of the story Lance becomes cannon fodder for Author's development after he makes a bad deal; yet his tragedy is not a total loss for Lance as lore in this story says Lance IS able to warn Author of a plot form his father that would lead to Author being turned into a literal human puppet.
Here is where the Trublemakers come in, They have been drawing people into the fandom claiming that a offshoot of the story in question that is teased could be centered around Author and Lance as a couple to spite the writers of this series saying if Author were to get with anyone it would be Gwen.
They also mention that is not where they want Authors story to go. Basically developers were saying that the romantic openness is just that an openness to interpret the relationship as romantic and something they only put with Gwen and Author. They also clarify that Authors relationship with Lance before Author has to end him is a "Brothers in Arms" one thou they are very close as friends they are not romantic.
Lances story is meant to be a tragedy as you discover Lance was not in the best of health in the game he even says he "Made a deal with a devil and regrets it" and it is hinted that this deal has taken his freedom form him rendering Lance nothing more than a tool for the Antagonist to use against Author in the end. When Author makes the final blow Lance thanks him for finally freeing him form his terrible fate. This isn't to dog on the ship but in the end the issue is the Trublemakers are ruining the chances of this small fandom to grow by trying push that this is a canon Pairing when its a tragedy that was meant to grow the Protagonists resentment towards his father who is hinted as being the devil in question. Something that is meant to progress to the final confrontation where the protagonist is given a choice to side with his father (become the human puppet) or rebel against him which leads to his fathers tragic end after the epic final battle of this story. This series is NOT sunshine and rainbows it is classified as a Dark Fantasy hence why we using fantasy references. and Cannon fodder like Lance is common in this genre. The concern is that the Trublemakers are creating false expectations for incoming fans about the series; sadly Lance is not likely to come back, thou he was developed as a character who could, as it is made abundantly clear that Lance in the end found his freedom in his passing. The Bad actors are making light of the fact Lance sacrificed himself to Warn Author and is in some since disrespectful to the writers as well who are trying to not falsely advertise the games story or genre. Oh but it gets worse; in the fandoms they are literally intimidating and bothering fans that refuse to shill the ship going after people who just do not post the things and that could be any reason what so ever there. It could even be personal preference we are talking full on attack mode, hiding behind a gray face, trashing people behind their back to people they interact with exc. So enter my dilemma; am I really wrong for thinking this behavior is bad? I do not feel as if its right to consider my stance here flawed or worthy of scorn and hate. My concern is not the ship existing but the bad actors that are in it being coddled when they behave just as vile as the "Unicorns" in the Idol fanbase trying to force real people to bone to appease their single sex couple fetishes. (That is literally why its so bad I did say it was a Rabbit hole, thou the term Hole is a gorse understatement of how deep.)
Ahahaha. What the actual fuck is this?
Am I understanding you that most of this is a c&p of something you received? Okay, then, let's break it down.
Okay, big picture:
It is bad to pressure creators to make your ship canon.
It is bad to pressure other fans to ship your ship or harass them for not posting enough about it.
But as for this little essay, no, of course I don't agree with it: It's so full of red flags it has barely any room for anything but red flags.
'Fujoshi' has a ~darker reason~? What? The history is simple: 2chan bros used a rude but kind of funny pun for women who were "spoiled"—i.e. undatable—because they liked m/m content. Those women found the pun amusing and reclaimed it for themselves. The end.
It's just the 'fu' from 'tofu' and is a pun on a homonym, 婦女子, that refers to a married woman. It's "rotten" like food going bad, not like moral depravity (though I'm sure the 2chan bros do think it's morally depraved for women not to cater to them).
Right off the bat, this is a red flag because it's trying to hint at some dark depths here that just are not present and are not a big deal. It's trying to set up a tone that the author has Special Knowledge and we should just trust them. Sheesh.
I am not saying they can not better themselves
And here we dive straight into "I'm just trying to help you" bullshit. This is condescending and creepy.
The description of the canon is convoluted and pointless. Brothers in arms is the main driver of oldschool m/m ships. Yes, of fucking course people are going to ship this.
"Baww, the creators said they didn't mean it that way!" What the actual fuck is this? Who cares what the creators think? Why is this essay fellating the idea of canon compliance?
"The het subtext was intentional!!!" is not an argument that anybody should be making because there is literally no reason fans should care which subtext was intentional when it comes to whether they ship something.
Almost the entire description of the canon could have been cut out to just leave:
"They have been drawing people into the fandom claiming that a offshoot of the story in question that is teased could be centered around Author and Lance as a couple to spite the writers of this series saying if Author were to get with anyone it would be Gwen."
Now... I think the second half of that is a reach. Are they actually doing it out of spite? What's the evidence? Canon's plot is not evidence.
Tinhats are a plague everywhere, they aren't usually doing it out of spite, and they aren't all m/m shippers. It's far more likely that a bunch of dummies are seeing shippy potential and extrapolating to think it's intentional and leading somewhere. Sherlock fandom was full of this. Many fandoms are.
But regardless, the first half does make sense as a complaint. If I'm understanding the situation correctly, some fans are bringing in new fans with false promises of canon m/m.
in the end the issue is the Trublemakers are ruining the chances of this small fandom to grow by trying push that this is a canon Pairing when its a tragedy that
Okay, you've lost me. You've lost every fan with a single particle of sense.
Don't talk about fandoms like you're talking about the third quarter profits of a corporation. That's obnoxious nonsense.
Either your fandom will grow organically or, most likely, it will not. Some annoying m/m shippers aren't the real reason: the fact that most things don't get that popular is the real reason.
Why aren't the het shippers or the gen fans able to draw in more people? Maybe the m/m ship is more interesting. Maybe these other fans should make more of an effort if they really want to treat fandom as a job or religious evangelism.
And moreover, who says tragedy and ships are opposites? Even canon ships! Even canon ships where someone died!
Look, I believe you/the person you're c&ping that this particular canon is not gearing up for "Lance" to come back, but considering how many fujoshi are still creaming themselves over The Untamed or Scum Villain, I really do not think that one of the dudes falling off a cliff or even dying for real is much of an impediment.
This is Tumblr, dude. Have you not seen that "Your greatest enemy will rise from the grave and never leave you alone" story? Come the fuck on!
If the canon's creators wanted to bring Lance back and make this BL, they could. If they prefer not to, that's fine.
The issue is entitled fans demanding that their vision be the creators' vision. Full stop.
The minute you try to hand-wring about the m/m aspect of it, you sound like a homophobic and/or misogynist douchebag. It does not matter what specific thing the demanding fans are demanding. It only matters if they're harassing people.
their single sex couple fetishes
And now we have the mother of all red flags!
Having sexual fantasies is not a ~fetish~. Clowns who think it is are not to be trusted. Does this person (you?) think that, what, idol band RPF fandoms are where the concept or term 'fujoshi' comes from? I have bad news about the levels of bonkers stalker bullshit the band guy/female self shippers pull, not to mention the bullying by people who just like a group and don't want anyone to like them the "wrong" way.
The issue is not horny thoughts. The issue is bullying and harassment.
What I'm hearing here is "Wah, wah, waaaah. Other fans of the game I like keep inviting their friends, and they all ship a ship I don't like! Won't someone think of the (near) canon het!"
That shit was tired and old in the 1970s. It's worse now.
If you cannot describe the harassment without resorting to all of this anti-m/m nonsense, you're never going to convince anyone that there's a problem.
If the issue is "These tinhats say X is going to be canon, but the creators have said it's not", ditch the other shit and just say that part.
M/M fans have dealt with the likes of the Johnlock Conspiracy before. We also hate annoying tinhats who create false expectations and over-promise canon m/m.
Just say:
It sucks when people pretend a canon is BL after the creators have said they aren't going to include m/m.
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I’ve been binge reading your fics all day, and i’d love to request one!
So, we all know that Fred Weasley is always energetic, loud and a troublemaker, right? He’s totally golden retriever energy. Maybe he meets a girl the exact opposite of him- Quiet, Shy, maybe somewhat emo? Like a golden retriever boy x black cat girl trope? Id love to see your perspective on this! 🤍
Such a fun request! I hope you enjoy!!
Opposites Attract Pt. 1
Fred's POV
Fred stopped his loud, boisterous bouncing around and watched as Y/N sat down in her favorite spot under the big oak tree and pulled a book out to read. Of all the girls at Hogwarts, Y/N was the one that fascinated him the most. With her jet-black hair, all-black wardrobe, and her quiet manner, she was the exact opposite of every other girl he'd ever fancied. She was shy, reserved, and even though she had friends, she seemed to prefer being on her own most of the time.
"I wonder what she's reading." Fred strained, trying to make out the title.
George glanced up from the invention he was tinkering with. "Looks like a book to me."
"Don't be cheeky," Fred grumbled. "You know what I mean."
George grinned. "I see you're crushing hard on our little black cat girl."
"I am not crushing on her." Fred looked away to hide his faint blush.
"Ok." George shrugged.
"I'm not."
"Seriously, George, I'm not."
"Ok," George finished. "Now come help me with this."
Fred snuck one final, quick look at Y/N before turning his attention to his twin and their newest invention.
Y/N was nervous. She knew she was being watched by Fred Weasley. And she also knew he had taken an interest in her. At least, that's what her friends said anyway.
She wasn't sure how she felt about that. She'd never had a boyfriend before, and it would be nice to have one. But Fred Weasley? Mischief maker extraordinaire, the life of party, the center of attention everywhere he went. If she dated him, she'd get sucked into that, and the possibility terrified her.
Y/N had spent her life happily being a wallflower. Sure, her black-on-black style garnered a bit of attention from time to time. But it was usually only momentary. Once people realized she wasn't going to do anything interesting, they got bored and turned their focus elsewhere. That suited her just fine. She liked being the invisible one. The one everyone's eyes slipped over.
Daring a quick peak through her bangs, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw she was no longer being scrutinized. Good, she thought. Now, maybe she could relax and get some reading done before dinner. Putting the older Weasley twin promptly out of her mind, she turned her attention to her newest potions book.
Fred's POV
Fred stared at the back of Y/N's lovely head as she worked on an assignment in Potions. She excelled at the subject and was probably the only non-Slytherien student who didn't think Snape was horrible. "He's really not that bad." Fred had overheard her telling one of her friends.
Indeed, Snape did treat her differently than most of Hogwarts' students. While she didn't receive the preferential royal treatment reserved only for Slytherin, he never tormented her as he did everyone else. He generally just left her alone, occasionally praising her on her potions work.
Fred couldn't help but wonder what sort of spell she cast to achieve this unprecedented feat. Maybe when he asked her out to Hogsmede, she'd share her secret. He sighed, gazing at her lips as she turned to speak to her partner when someone slapped the back of his head.
"Ow!" Fred looked up to see Snape glaring down at him.
"Save your Don Juan scheming for after class, Weasley." Snape ordered, rolling his eyes.
Fred rubbed the back of his head, pointedly ignoring George's smirking, knowing look as he watched the professor stalk back to his desk. Once again, he wondered why Snape left Y/N out of the matter. If she'd been anyone else, he would've made a point to embarrass her, too. What was so special about Y/N?
Snape's POV
Snape had a soft spot for Y/N. Aside from her loner nature and her penchant for black, which reminded him of himself, she was one of the most brilliant students he'd ever taught, and that was not a term he threw around lightly.
A few days into her first year, Y/N approached him after class to discuss a particular potion in her textbook. She was shy and uncertain of herself, but her questions and insights broached ideas that went far beyond anything he taught in his most advanced classes. Snape was impressed in spite of himself.
Y/N didn't have much practical experience with mixing potions, obviously, being too young to practice magic outside of school. But, she was incredibly well-read on the subject, spending hours pouring over any potions book she could get her hands on.
Mid-way through her second year after she'd read every potions book in the library, Snape began letting her borrow books from his private collection. Every couple of weeks, like clockwork, she'd stop by after class to trade out another book and ask a litany of thoughtful questions.
Much to his surprise, Snape found himself looking forward to their little chats. It was lovely to have a student who wasn't a complete dolt for once. And whose mastery of potions made her a worthwhile conversationalist. However, if he were completely honest with himself, he mostly enjoyed them because it was like having a friend.
Fred's POV
Y/N was sitting in her usual spot reading. Fred smiled at her. She looked extra adorable today with the little fall leaf that had fluttered into her hair unnoticed.
"Hi!" Fred greeted, striding over to her.
"Umm, hi." Y/N looked up at him for the briefest of moments before her eyes darted away.
"Mind if I join you?" He was all but bouncing in place.
"I-uh-ok." Y/N stuttered.
He flopped down beside her with all the grace of a drunk walrus. "Beautiful fall day, yeah?"
"Yeah--" she mumbled, shrinking away from him.
Fred noticed. "Oh shit, sorry, am I coming on too strong?"
Y/N only blinked.
"I am, aren't I?"
Unsure how to respond, Y/N continued to say nothing.
"Dammit! George told me to tone it down," Fred rambled on. "But did I listen?" He shifted away from her so he was no longer up in her face.
Y/N swallowed, watching his every move. "C-can I help you with something?"
"As a matter of fact, you can," Fred smiled. "You see, I have this little problem. George and Lee both have girlfriends they're taking to Hogsmede on Saturday, and I don't, and I'd really prefer not to go alone. I'd love it if you accompanied me. What do you say?"
@princess-paramour @milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley
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tangyangie · 1 year
OML!!! I absolutely love your work for assassination classroom!!!!
I realllyyyy just wanna eat it up(if thats weird I'm sorry lol)
Can I ask for Future Karma with his kids it doesn't have to be long. Also ignore this if you want to <3
karma with his kids!!
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for one... he's totally raising them to be slight troublemakers. he laughed the first time he heard one of your kids curse. you were not pleased.
but, in general, he's a really great dad!! he has a good amount of restraint when it comes to letting them do things.
he's also a really good teacher, actually. if they're having trouble in school, have no fear—karma will step right in and make sure they ace every single assignment in sight. report cards are all A's.
if you have multiple children together, i can totally see him holding the smaller one on his shoulders while holding the older one's hand.
he takes them out for ice cream at least every week. you're concerned it will eventually make them sick, but he orders you one as well in hopes you forget about illnesses for now. (you do, eventually)
if it turns out that one of your kids are being bullied??? well.. let's say some kids may not be coming back to school. or their parents. (karma scared them off with literally a single glance)
he watches tv with them. sometimes he'll even let them watch rated r movies sometimes... with your okay, of course. he then falls asleep with them at the couch and you have to carefully carry the kids back upstairs.
(honestly, you don't mind it. it's actually the cutest thing ever seeing them all together like that)
he calls them cute little names.. like kiddo, pumpkin, and sometimes he calls them pickle. the last one always makes the kids laugh like crazy.
when it comes to romance.. he'd definitely prefer it be later in life, but if they like someone in middle school or high school, he'd encourage them to go for it.
back to when they're younger, though.. he's probably always carrying them and swinging them around (not too hard, though!!)
for example, he'd lift them up and then begin to spin, and he'd smile when he hears the giggles that come from the child. or, he'd toss them gently into the air. whatever it is, the kids enjoy it, so he keeps doing it.
he likes to pretend to be spies with them. gotta get the assassin in their bloodstreams somehow. he'd crouch and sneak up on your room as they follow you, and he'd jump and attack you with a kiss as your kids yell playfully and hug your legs.
overall, he's really good with kids. together, you guys are totally unstoppable.
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notes: this was so cute oh my god 🥹🥹 i'm going to cry
but thank you so much for the request and i hope you enjoyed it!!
also i do love eating my writing it's so delicious
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bianca-d1-angelo · 4 months
✧˚ · ˚ + ˚ · . ➳➳ INTRO ➳➳. · ˚ + ˚ · ˚✧
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Hello! I am Bianca Di Angelo! I am the daughter of Maria Di Angelo and the Greek deity Hades. I am also known as the deceased sister of the Ghost King, @the-ghostking-di-angelo! I am currently 12 years old and will forever remain 12 as I am dead. I was a Hunter of Artemis before I died, and would have been a current resident of Cabin 13 at Camp Half Blood. The Fates did not consider social media when writing the rules centuries ago, so this is a technical loophole I have decided to exploit since Elysium is a bit boring. OOC: Please send asks or tag me!! OC's are always allowed to interact <33
Nico - my younger brother! he's honestly just a sweet little kid. If I find anyone being mean or even remotely rude to him, I can easily show you the horrors the Underworld will have have in store for you :)) @hazel-the-jewel - my sister! she's so sweet and responsible and talented. im so proud of her! she's the praetor of New Rome and everything! Once again, if I hear a single comment about her, I will find you and make you wish you never opened your mouth :))
@will-shoelaces - Nico's boyfriend! Very nice kid and a gentleman. Nico really cares about him so I fully support him! He's also a healer and can glow! if you dare break his heart, I know where you live :) @frank-zhang-praetor Hazel's boyfriend! Very responsible and extremely kind. Hazel loves him a lot <3 But once again, if you dare break her heart, I know where you live :)
@lightning-boi-is-here - he's my brother's best friend! he's a good person and really friendly. Honestly reminds me of a golden retriever @forbiddensonoftheseagod - Son of Poseidon and a greek hero. He's really nice and extremely loyal. 10/10 quest mate!
@grover-the-can-eater - Satyr and Lord of the Wild! Apparently he's a protector so he might follow you and your brother around for a while in a totally not creepy or terrifying way.
@pinecone-face-thalia - Daughter of Zeus and Lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis! Very cool and a bit intimidating. Nice to talk to though!
@annabeth-w1se-g1rl - Daughter of Athena! Dating Percy and friends with my sister! She's very cool and I admire her leadership.
@p1per-mclean - Daughter of Aphrodite! Hazel's friend and Nico's friend. She's really nice though she seems like a troublemaker.
Shel! - Mortal! She's Piper's girlfriend. She's really sweet and easy to talk to.
@fireboy-supreme - Son of Hephaestus! Nico warned me not to trust him. He does look like he gets into a lot of trouble.
Reyna - my honorary sister! She's one of Nico's closest friends and joined the hunt! She has an aura that demands respect and is a very sophisticated and cool person
Rachel - Also a Mortal! She is also the Oracle! (I'm so sorry Rachel for that repeating prophecy my dad sent, I told him twice would be enough)
OOC: (Kinda Important So Please Read! )
Hi!!! Before I begin, this is a Percy Jackson RP account for my Bianca cuz Hera knows shes too underrated! We still have some slots open so if you want to join, DM me or @hazel-the-jewel or @frank-zhang-praetor
pictures from banner are not mine! (i did make it tho) pfp is by _kaminarty_ (yes, it is wednesday, but they dont have bianca and its supposed to match with the others in the rp group lol) GO LOOK AT THEIR ART!!! ITS AMAZING
I MISS TONS OF SOCIAL CUESS!!! I'm trying to work on it but if i ever overstep my boundaries or make you uncomfy, pleasee let me know <33 im just a bit oblivious sometimes
IM SEX REPULSED! totally cool, do your thing but please DNI if you're an NSFW blog!!
I am a minor! pls keep that in mind!
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