#while i was typing this Whats up danger started playing on my school speakers
ghoodles · 1 year
A bunch of noir headcanons because im normal i promise
- Either really sensory avoidant or seeking, it depends on the day
- Either way he's still pretty affectionate, on the avoidant days its usually just words of affirmation but otherwise he's the type of person to like pat someone on the back or something (there's actual movie scenes in itsv that supports this)
- The strongest sense of justice you'll see. He sees an injustice and soon enough he's interfering
- He will find a way to get information out of you if you have it, he used to work for the press, and is a private eye, and he was damn good at BOTH
- The color of his webs depends on how long its been since his last revival. Darker usually means its been less time, and it usually lasts for like a month or two before it becomes white again
- Intrusive thoughts about violence that he's just slowly become desensitized to
- Used to be all bark no bite before he got his powers, would get his ass kicked a LOT, but now, i mean, he still gets his ass kicked sometimes, but he's more capable of holding his own
- He has fangs and claws, because, come on, he's literally been revived like multiple times by the spider-god, she's had to replace something
- Speaking on that, a lot of his blood is significantly darker than his natural color, because of the god having to replace it
- Actually figured out how to use futuristic technology pretty quickly
- In shattered dimensions, he definitely thought Madame Web's voice was the spider-god talking to him before he was like "hold on she doesnt sound like that, who the fuck are you?"
- Swears like a sailor, but doesnt like younger people doing it
- Probably screamed in agony at seeing all the colors for the first time, especially in brooklyn during the night, thats gotta cause so much eye strain, especially in a black and white world
- Actually could see color in his world, but they were pretty dull colors, almost monochrome, but not
- Most people cant see the difference though
- Has met Miguel before (shattered dimensions) and was absolutely just in shock by the change
- A god at cooking, shit at baking, he tried to make cookies and almost burnt down the house
- Sometimes just feels like a puppet for the spider-gods entertainment
- Religious trauma is strong with this man, i can tell
- Derealization episodes where it feels like he's just not there anymore
- Back to his blood being darker the more he loses it, he has a full on breakdown over it once he realizes it, because he percieves it as a sort of indicator that he isnt human anymore
- The most unintentionally father figure acting person you'll ever see, he doesnt realize how many people see him as a dad, and if he does he's just extremely confused
- Had his gun with him the entire time in ITSV, just didnt want to accidentally scare someone with it
- Has a pretty good relationship with the other spiders in Shattered dimensions, but ends up getting a little iffy about Miguel once he brings up the canon events
- He almost fought him after Miguel brought up his uncle Benjamin and all his other canon events (ive only read like two issues of the comics im SORRY)
- The most vibrant color he saw in his world was the color of his spider-sense; a red
- For this reason, he can point out red really quickly
- Increased senses, to the point where it can become a hindrance
- Constantly on alert, checks so many things to make sure that he's not being followed
- Despite being naturally weaker than all the spiders, he can punch clean through walls
- He'd be bruised and a bit scraped by it but otherwise he's perfectly fine
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fangirl-dot-com · 5 months
🚕Accidentally Kidnapping a Mafia Boss
*part of the reverse tropes series*
Pairing: MafiaBoss!Max Verstappen x UberDriver!Reader Genre: Crack/Humor/Fluff? Summary: Uber seemed like a brilliant plan to get money to buy a new car. However, a mistake has you picking up the wrong passenger. Pretty blue eyes turn dangerous when you notice the gun in his belt.
*this was actually so much fun to write! this is in no way dark whatsoever. it's super funny and the reader is pretty ditzy but it's all in good fun! hope you like it!*
You hummed to whatever tune was playing on your half-broken radio. Most of the lyrics came out as muffled voices, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Because like the radio, your car was almost dead. 
Key word being almost. 
You had bought the car at the beginning of your high school career and refused to give it up. But, your father had finally convinced you to buy a new one. However, buying a new car was expensive, hence why you were driving around town at 7 p.m. on a Friday night trying to find someone who needed an Uber. 
Your family had mentioned how dangerous it was to drive for the “taxi” company, but no one else was hiring at this time. 
“It’s an easy way to make bank,” you had told your very confused parents. 
Your hand came up and smacked the top of the dash, causing the radio to spam for a moment before finally, clear voices played out. However, your eyebrows furrowed once you could actually listen to the song. 
“This is not my playlist,” you muttered while trying to get your Bluetooth to come back on. Once your fingers reached the dials, your phone lit up with an Uber notification. 
You quickly put in the address and drove down the street. Your humming resumed, playlist reaching out through the speaker. You hadn’t even glanced at where the location was, or you would have realized that you were going in the wrong direction. 
When you were supposed to be going further into the town, you were headed for the city. The only place your parents refused to let you drive. 
It might have to do with the local mafia war that was going on. Something about track limits or whatnot. However, that was not going to stop you from getting paid that night. 
You finally came to a stop at the corner of what you thought to be Fifth and Main, like your phone said to stop at. The actual corner was Fourth and Main, but you couldn’t tell because half of the word “fourth” was smudged with some type of brown substance. 
Your shoulders raised in a shrug while your gaze landed back on your phone. At least you were supposed to be picking up a nice older looking lady. That’s what your Uber app said anyway. You leaned forward in the driver’s seat, making the entire car squeak. Before you knew it, your fingers had started to tap along to the song that was still playing. 
The sound of the door opening and slamming shut caught your attention. 
“Drive!” you heard from behind you. 
Your entire body turned in the seat as you looked to the back row of your car. 
That was not a nice looking old lady. 
The man that now resided on the back road had a mean glare as his eyebrows cocked. Sea blue eyes met your own as the man leaned forward and pointed out the window. 
“I said drive, let’s go!” the accented voice yelled.  
If you had taken a moment to actually look at the man, you would have noticed his roughed up suit, along with the bright red splatters along his white dress shirt. And on his belt line, a gun seemed to be tucked. 
But you hadn’t noticed. 
“Yes sir!” you cheerfully said, putting the car into drive. A loud boom sounded outside the car, but your radio had decided to turn up full blast, masking the sound. Your car squeaked as it started to move away from the corner and farther along the road. 
The man in the back seat seemed agitated, but slowly relaxed the farther away you got on the highway. He had leaned back against the window and rubbed his eyes. You wanted to keep glancing back at him, but you needed to drive. When you noticed that the Uber app had not updated with his next location, you gathered the courage to speak. However, he beat you to it. 
“Is this your first time?” 
You sheepishly grinned back at him. “Yes, sir. Sorry, is it that noticeable?” 
A grunt escaped his lips. 
“The damn Get Away Car sticker on the back is not very inconspicuous. You need to get rid of it.” 
“Oh! So you don’t like Taylor Swift that much?” 
The man glared at you through the rearview mirror, before he shut his eyes. His hand waved at you through the gap between the front seats. 
“Just don’t miss the exit.” 
“Sir, you’ll need to put in your location first.” 
His eyes shot open. “I guess this is your first day. How did you ever get through training?” 
You glanced back. “Training? It was all online?” 
A huff only answered as he reached for what you hoped was a phone in his pocket. 
“I’ll have to let Lando know that online training will not work.” 
You let out a nervous giggle, noting that there was no “Lando” in the Uber training video. But, once again, the money promised kept you going down the highway. You kept glancing at your phone, hoping that the guy would just put his address in. Now you were getting annoyed.
“Sir, I really need the address or I’ll have to make you get out.” 
A click near your ear made you freeze. 
“Who do you think you are? Giving orders to de Leeuw.” 
You had definitely picked up the wrong person. You wanted to start explaining yourself, but the gun near your head made the words die out in your throat. You could feel his breath on your ear as he spoke. This would be hot, if you weren’t scared to lose your life. 
“Now, you’re going to tell me who you are and why you don’t know where the right exit is. Are you working for Hamilton? Vettel? Alonso?” 
You were so caught up in not wanting to die that you missed the car in front of you slamming on your breaks. You were thankful for your fast reflexes as your foot pressed down on the left pedal, making your car lurch to a halt. A thump on the back of your seat had you reeling around to see what had happened to the blond man. 
You were surprised to see him now sprawled on the back seats, eyes closed and gun now on the floor. Your hands were shaking as you were now able to take a random exit. When you got to a random parking lot, your head hit the steering wheel. 
“I have de Leeuw in my back seat.” 
Your breathing started to grow ragged. 
“I have  de Leeuw in my back seat!” 
You were now panicking. 
Charles’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched Max’s tracker come to a stop in a parking lot. The Dutchman was supposed to come back right away after a swift deal with Gasly on the other side of town. But, Charles’s heart had dropped when the car, that Max was supposedly in, turned at an exit too soon. He took off his headset and rolled his chair over a bit. 
“Lando, who was picking Max up today after the deal? Was it Carlos?” 
The curly-haired Briton spun in his seat to look at his fellow mafia worker. 
“Uh, Carlos called in sick. I thought it was Oscar’s turn?” 
Something felt weird in Charles’s stomach. 
“No, Oscar is on that mission? Daniel was then after Oscar.” 
Lando’s eyes widened with fear. “Daniel is out of the country.” 
The Monegasque turned back to his computer screen. All vitals for Max were still good, but he had yet to leave the location. His finger pointed and pressed against the screen. 
“Then . . . who has Max?” 
Back in the parking lot, you had gotten out of the car and were currently rocking back and forth in the fetal position. 
“This is not happening. Why did this happen to me? I only needed some money. Why did I get stuck with a mafia boss. I want to live. I need to get back home to my plant and cat.” 
Last time you checked, de Leeuw was still out cold. You had taken the gun just in case he woke up in a panic and started to shoot at stuff. That would not end well for you. You grabbed your phone and pushed a button. 
“Yes? Hi? Hello, I am calling about what to do if I picked up the wrong passenger. Uh-huh. Yes. I didn’t have his address. Well, no. He’s unconscious. I can’t call the police, he probably owns them. What? Ok. No? The hospital is under the law as well? Yep. I can’t just take him back! No, wait. Don’t hang up. Uhg.” 
So much for customer service. 
You stuffed your phone back into your pocket. Your feet took you over to your car, and you opened the back seat. The blond man was still looked like he was asleep. Your face got closer to his. 
Hm. Up close he was quite handsome. The freckle on his lip really added bonus points. You were so engrossed with the small dot that you missed the twitch of his eyes under his eyelids. When you looked back up, your eyes met blue, which made you shriek and fall back on your butt. 
Max was a bit out of it when he was trying to wake up. What he wasn’t expecting was a face to be so close to his when his eyes finally opened. He would laugh if he had the strength as he watched you fall onto the concrete. His hand immediately went to his belt, but his heart dropped when he didn’t feel his gun. 
“Looking for this?” you asked, gun outstretched at the man in your back seat. Max’s eyes widened at the gun pointed to his head. It took all of his strength to put his hands up. 
“You don’t want to do this,” is the first calm thing that the man said to you. You, however, kept the gun pointed directly at him. 
“You’re right, I don’t. But I can’t have you freak out on me and shoot my face. Who would take care of my cat back home? My cousin Lan could, but he kills everything.” 
Max registered the slight hitch in your voice. While his hands were still up, he took a moment to look around the parking lot. In the depths of his mind, he was hoping that Lando or at least Charles were on their way to come get him. Yet, his heart rate rose as he saw a few familiar things surrounding him. 
He turned back to you. “Ok, you need to listen to me. We are in Rosberg territory right now. And he’s not going to like us on his property. So, you need to give me the gun and get back into the car.” 
Your eyes flickered around, and caught some movement to the left and then to the right. You slowly inched the gun down as you walked closer. When you were right in front of the Dutchman, you quickly handed him the gun as you rounded the car to the drivers seat. 
Max quickly reloaded the unloaded gun with a smirk on his face. You couldn’t have shot him if you tried. It took a bit for him to do it, but when the magazine fit back in the gun, he was wondering why you hadn’t taken off yet. 
“We have to go, now,” he said sternly. 
You turned around. “But I need to find a good get-away-song.” 
Max could count the pout on your lips as adorable, if it weren’t for the fact that Rosberg’s men were quickly making their way to the car. 
“You’re going to have to pick a good funeral song if you don’t hit the gas pedal.” 
The music blared out of the broken speaker as you finally put the car into drive. You heard metal hit metal and prayed that you still could trade your car out for another (even with a few bullet holes). 
Max had pressed himself up against the back seat, gun cocked and ready. 
“You better not shoot out my back window. I have to trade this car for a new one.” 
Max muttered, “You won’t trade anything if you’re dead.” 
“I heard that!” 
The mafia boss ignored you as he kept watch. When a few cars started to gain, that’s when he leaned back and aimed the gun, firing shots through your back windshield, shattering the glass. 
“Do you listen to anyone? Or is my voice just static in your brain?” you asked as you swerved onto the highway. When Max didn’t answer, you huffed. You steadily drove your car down the big roads as Max tried his best to keep the cars at bay. 
“How far am I driving?” 
Max grunted as he ducked from a bullet. “Just until exit 7. That’s my track.” 
You wanted to hit your head on the steering wheel once again. “You’re telling me that if I just kept driving, I wouldn’t be in this situation?” 
When he didn’t answer, you swerved a bit to knock him off balance. Your chuckles hit Max’s ear, pissing him off even more. 
“And to think, I was going to replace this utter junk if you made it out alive.” 
“We’re not done yet mister.” 
There was still a bit of road to go, and you were hoping that Max would try to shoot out one of their tyres, instead of trying to shoot at their drivers. He was about reload when he heard a clicking sound. Max really wanted to through himself out the door. 
“Is your blinker seriously on right now?” 
Your fully turned around to glare. 
You jerked the wheel as you got onto exit 7, making the cars behind slowly back away and continue on the highway. You wiggled in your seat as you did a little celebration. When some familiar houses came into sight, you gasped. 
“My cousin lives around here!” 
Max was out of breath as he was flabbergasted by your upbeat spirit. “Cousin?” 
“Yeah! He has this like high tech job and stuff. I come over to swim in the summer.” 
He had no words as you pulled up to a familiar house. You scrambled out the door and fell face flat on the asphalt. 
“Sweet mother, thank you, thank you.” 
You could kiss the ground, but that would be super unsanitary. When the garage creaked, you quickly got up and scrambled behind Max, who raised his gun out of instinct. However, he wanted to laugh when he saw his two best friends in full oversized gear. 
The two friends froze at the sight of their boss and, well, Lando’s cousin. 
“Y/n?” the Briton questioned, pulling the visor on the oversized helmet up. 
Your sprung in your place. 
Lando squinted at you. 
A nervous giggle escaped your lips. 
The curly-haired man rushed at you, making you dodge around Max. Which, that resulted in Lando chasing you around the yard. 
“You kidnapped my friend?” 
“Why are you friends with de Leeuw and apparently Il Predestinato? I’m telling Aunt Cisca!”
“Not if I tell your mum that you Ubered in the city!” 
Max and Charles watched as the two of you ran after each other, hurling insults and threats. The two jumped when they heard a loud creak behind them and then a crash. When they looked, your car was down to the ground, wheels askew. 
“My car! De Leeuw, you’re paying for that!”  
uber_y/n has posted
Tumblr media
uber_y/n new baby from my new baby 🖤
liked by bestie, land0, max_v, and 204 others
bestie um excuse me ma'am 🤨 what happened to bessie? 😭
uber_y/n someone (not saying any names [max] ) SHATTERED HER BACK WINDOW
max_v I hope you like bessie 2.0 schatje
uber_y/n I dooooooo(not)
max_v woman 🙄
land0 you just had to go for my cousin 😐😑😐
uber_y/n he was very charismatic, unlike you noRIZZ 🫵💀
sharl_lec pls, for the love of everything good in this world, quit uber
uber_y/n NOPE on my way to pick up someone named...lewis?
max_v oh no
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlmj @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicora @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-s2 @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
It’s a book Steve’s actually read.
Well, Nancy kinda mostly read it to him. Which really just makes the whole thing hurt a little bit more.
His speakers were crackling and he had turned the bass up high enough that the song was distorted, vibrating through his car.
It was embarrassing. Scream-singing to Kate Bush while sobbing into your steering wheel in the high school parking lot.
He’s just got a lot of feelings, and Nancy dumped in that alleyway, he can literally see it and Heathcliff, it’s me, I’m Cathy. I’ve come home, I’m so cold.
Which, it’s all just bullshit. Pardon the word.
Because, Catherine and Heathcliff don’t even fucking end up together. There’s something about family difference and he remembers Nancy saying socioeconomic like that word meant anything to him and Catherine winds up dead of bad brain-itis and Healthcliff is a dick so they never should’ve been together anyway.
But, whatever.
He’s feeling very much like Catherine right now. Standing on the moors with a broken heart.
Because fuck Heathcliff. And fuck Nancy.
Kate Bush is the only one he can trust anymore. 
Her and her red dress and Steve’s insides feel like that red fucking dress in a way he can’t explain and Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy. I've come home, I'm so cold. Let me in your window-
He just about jumped out of his skin when the passenger door opened.
One too-tan hand reached out to crank the volume down on the song, and a too-pink tongue slid across too-white teeth and
“Harrington, I’m obligated to tell you that you’re acting like a pussy.”
Y’know, he’s the top of Steve’s Fuck List. Right there with Nancy and Heathcliff, and everyone else who sucks shit and makes people feel bad.
“Can it, dickhead.”
To be fair, Steve was ugly crying to Kate Bush by himself in his car, but he’s allowed to be a pussy by himself in his car.
Hargrove just gave Steve a look that Steve’s pretty sure meant I’m resisting the urge to punch you in the face right now, but was undercut by that stupid fucking tongue of his lolling around like some kinda hyper-sexual golden retriever.
Meanwhile, Kate Bush was still singing and Steve was still Cathy on the moors.
“I’m fucking sad, or whatever. Let me be a pussy.”
“Oh, come on, Harrington. You really this cut up about some prissy little princess? She’s not even the best this town has and that is saying something.”
“Y’know, for a guy that’s constantly calling all the girls in town ugly, you sure do fuck a lot of ‘em.”
“At least I’m getting some. When was the last time the princess put out, eh? Or was she savin’ it for marriage? I could see her bein’ one of those types.”
He said those types like he wasn’t wearing a saint’s pendant around his neck. Like Steve didn’t see his family all sitting uncomfortably silent together in the diner after mass every single Sunday afternoon.
It was weird, seeing Billy in a nice shirt. All buttoned up properly with his hair looking all respectful. Especially since Steve was usually high off his ass and slurping down a strawberry milkshake with cheese fries like he’d die if he didn’t.
“I’m not gonna talk about my sex life with you, Hargrove.”
“Aw, why not, Harrington. Don’t wanna compare body counts? You embarrassed or something?” Billy was grinning that shitty sharp grin of his, still waggling his fucking tongue as he leaned closer to Steve. “You still a virgin, King Steve?”
The song ended. Steve rewound the tape. It started up again.
He needed Kate now more than ever.
“Of fucking course I’m not. I’m just not some gross asshole that goes around telling everyone who’ve I’ve fucked. It’s called being a decent guy.”
“It’s called being a prude. Now, c’mon. Tell me who’ve you fucked. Maybe we’re tunnel buddies.”
Steve wanted to throw up. Kate was on the moors again.
“You’re disgusting. Tunnel buddies. How gross can you even get?”
“I hope that’s a rhetorical question.”
“I don’t know what that means and you’re a shithead.”
Hargrove tossed his head back and laughed, showing off those teeth that looked like they could take a chunk out of Steve’s flesh if Billy got close enough to try.
You had a temper like my jealousy. Too hot, too greedy.
“Seriously, though.” Billy had stopped laughing. “What is this shit?”
“She’s Kate Bush and she speaks to my heart.”
Billy just stared at him.
Yeah, that was a pretty pussy thing to say.
“I just got fucking dumped, dude. Let me be sad about it,” Steve backpedaled.
And then Billy did something very unexpected.
Well, he did something very normal for his character, and then he did something unexpected.
He lit up a cigarette.
And then passed it to Steve.
Steve filled up his lungs with a thick drag of smoke. He held it for as long as he could.
Which was really long.
Swimmer’s lungs. And that.
He blew out the smoke. Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy. I've come home, I'm so cold. Let me in your window.
“Is this fucking song based on Wuthering Heights?”
“Yeah, you dumb dumb. It’s fucking called Wuthering Heights.”
“Okay, dumb dumb, I clearly don’t even know this song.”
“Maybe you’d be less of an ass if you did. Dumb dumb.”
Billy lit a cigarette for himself, letting the smoke trail out of his mouth like he was some kind of dragon.
Billy probably fancies himself a dragon. Thinks he’s this big scary creature that just goes around breathing fire and ransacking villages for their gold.
Ooh, it gets dark, it gets lonely on the other side from you. I pine a lot, I find the lot falls through without you.
Really, he’s probably like a dog of some kind.
“You’re staring at me.”
Yeah. Steve was staring at him. Watching him smoke while Kate Bush played loudly. The speakers still sounded like shit even though Billy had turned down the song considerably.
Steve didn’t know when he had stopped crying.
Probably right when Billy had let himself into his cave of self pity, but his face was still wet.
He wiped it off, not pointing out that Billy had been staring at him too.
“Why are you here so late? Practice ended like, an hour ago.”
Billy shrugged lamely. He kinda looked like a little kid.
Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy. I've come home, I'm so cold. Let me in your window. 
“Bored. Didn’t feel like being home.”
“So you came to sit in the break-up mobile with me. How nice.”
“Mostly I just wanted to make fun of you for listening to this garbage. I could hear it across the lot.”
And sure enough, Billy’s car was parked a good ways down from Steve, about as far away as their two cars could be from one another.
Steve doubts Billy heard Kate all this way, but what’s he gonna do, bring that up?
No. He’s rather sit in this weird silence that settled between them, feeling awkward about himself and his body and listen to Kate.
I'm coming home to wuthering, wuthering, Wuthering Heights
“She’s not worht it, y’know.”
Steve had to do a double take to make sure it was still Billy sitting in his passenger seat, and not some cheap imposter wearing a Billy-suit and saying almost nice things to Steve in a not-mean voice.
“What’d you say earlier? Plenty of bitches in the sea?” Steve would’ve laughed at that comment when Billy made it if they weren’t naked together.
There’s something things you don’t do while naked with another guy, and laughing just isn’t one of them.
Plus, he had been a little too focused on figuring out why Billy’s nudity had given him that same hot feeling that nearly seeing Rob Lowe’s dick in The Outsiders movie gave him last year.
“I mean, it’s true. Don’t sweat this break-up. She seemed like an uptight bitch anyway.”
Steve was still a little too sore, a little too fresh from the split to trash talk Nance like that.
“Whatever. Get high. Look at some porn. You’ll be fine.”
Ooh, let me have it. Let me grab your soul away.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Silence again.
Kate was back to the chorus.
The song was almost over.
“You could always go on the rebound. get her out of your mind with someone that’ll actually put out.”
Hargrove had barely even said it before he was yanking Steve forward, giving him no time to prepare as their mouthed smooshed together in something that was very very awkward, and very very sloppy.
Steve still had tears on his cheeks, and his cigarette was getting dangerously close to the filter, threatening to burn his fingers, and Kate was still singing, and Billy was kissing him, and dear God Steve’s at least a little bit gay.
Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy. I've come home, I'm so cold. Let me in your window. 
They drifted apart from one another just in time for Steve to rewind the song again.
“So, uh, yeah,” Billy said, and his cheeks were this wonderful shade of red, and Steve couldn’t stop thinking about Kate’s red dress and that fucking kiss and he was on the moors again, but this time he and Billy were making out in the grass and oh fuck, oh fuck-
“Yeah. Good.”
“Good?” Billy raised on of those dark eyebrows at him, his cheeks still burning.
“Good. Very good.”
Billy nodded a few times, sucking on his cigarette. Steve suddenly remembered he had dropped his on the floormates and tried to stamp it out before it got singed to bad.
“Okay then. Good.” Billy opened the passenger door, stepping out and flicking away his cigarette. He seemed to think for a moment, before turning around, leaning his upper body into Steve’s car.
Steve thought they were going to kiss again.
He was ready to go for it, ready to let his eyes close and maybe let it lead to more. He was Cathy and he was ready for some action.
But Billy just grinned again.
And skipped the song.
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pazumane-archive · 3 years
Closing Time - Asahi x Reader
Characters: Asahi Azumane, female reader, original female character, small Taichi cameo
Relationships: Asahi Azumane x Reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort if you squint, SFW but 16+ please
Warnings: Alcohol, general drunken shenanigans, emetophobia (mentions of vomit), bad language
WC: 6.4k
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! This is a totally self-indulgent bedtime-scenario-type story because there is simply not enough Asahi/Reader content out there and I adore him. It’s also my first time writing in 2nd person, so PLEASE feel free to send me any feedback, please just be kind :) I really don’t like to use y/n, so I only used it a couple times towards the end when I wasn’t sure what else to do lol
The preview begins with the bolded text below and fic continues after the cut :)
Reblogs appreciated! <3
You weren’t planning on getting this drunk. But by the time it got to be about 11:30, you didn’t know what else to do. You had put so much effort and energy into making yourself look nice just for your date not to show up. Your roommate was out of town, so instead of going home and pouting, you figured you might as well have some fun while you were out. But you’ve never been good at exercising restraint, and the fact that you were alone wasn’t doing you any favors. But by closing time had rolled around, you could hardly see straight. You needed help, so you call upon an old friend.
“Do you have anybody you can call for a ride?” Kawanishi asks.
Kawanishi’s the bartender at this izakaya, and over the course of the night, you spent most of the time talking his ear off. He’s nice enough, and held pleasant conversation for the last few hours. He says he used to be a volleyball player, and had even played on the same team as a one of the guys on the Japan National Team. You forget to ask him which school he attended, but he probably was tired of talking to your drunk ass anyway, so you don’t bother asking. “Yeah,” you say, digging in your purse for your phone. “Are you sure? I can call a cab for you if you need it,” he offers. “Nah,” you say, hiccupping between words. “I’ll call somebody. Thank you though.” “No problem,” he says. “Just try to make it quick.” You scroll through your phone, trying to figure out who to call. Your roommate’s out of town visiting her parents, so she’s a no-go. You could call Kokomi. Honestly, she would deserve the 2AM phone call for setting you up on this failed blind date in the first place. Ever since you moved to Tokyo last month, she was constantly trying to set you up with somebody, whether it was a friend, a coworker, or some rando that she had met on the train. Unfortunately, all of them were jerks. And this one was the biggest jerk of all. You silently curse yourself for going along with her antics again.
“He’s great, you’ll love him!” “You said that about the last three guys you tried to set me up with, Kokomi.” “Please!! You’ll never know if you don’t even give him a chance.”
Well, you gave him a chance. And it ended up with you all alone, drunk as hell in an unfamiliar part of the city. You dial Kokomi’s number, but it goes straight to voicemail. “Bitch,” you mutter. You unlock your phone again and look through to find somebody that might be able to take you home. You scroll back to the top of your contact list, and your eyes settle on another name. He lives just a few blocks away, and knowing him, he’s probably awake working on something anyway. You click on his contact and wait for him to answer.
The exhaustion’s starting to get to him. It’s the weekend and he can afford to stay up an extra couple of hours to finish this design, but the combination of fatigue and frustration are taking over. He sets down his pencil and moves towards his bed, until his cell starts to buzz. He glances over at the clock on the wall. 1:49 AM.
Who could possibly be calling at this hour?
Asahi picks up his phone, surprised to see your name on the screen. His heart skips a beat in his chest, both from excitement and nervousness. Aside from his teammates, you’re one of the only people he bothered to keep in contact with after high school. The two of you had even met up a few times since you moved to the city, but he never would have expected you to call at this hour unless… unless something is wrong. “Hey you, what’s up?” He says, choking back a yawn. “Hiiiii Asahiiii!  I tried to call Kokomi but she didn’t answer her phone… could you come pick me up?” Your voice is thick and your words are almost unintelligible as you speak. It’s obvious that you’re far from sober. “Where are you?” Asahi asks, failing to mask the anxiety in his voice. “Are you okay? Are you safe?” “M’fine,” you slur. “But I…” Suddenly the call drops. Asahi calls you back in a panic, his heart racing as he waited for you to answer. You could be in danger and he’d be powerless to help you. He doesn’t even know where you are. “Hello?” A man’s voice comes through the speaker. “Who are you? Where is she?” Asahi asks frantically. “Relax, man. I’m just the bartender,” he says. “Look, your friend’s next to me, but she’s on the verge of passing out. Can you come get her before she pukes all over my bar? She’s at Zoetrope. You know where that is?” “Of course, I’m on my way now! I’ll be there in ten minutes,” Asahi says, grabbing his apartment keys and putting on a pair of shoes. He’s out the door almost immediately.
Kawanishi presses your phone back into your hands. Your head is spinning so fast that you struggle to keep your eyes open. “Is he coming?” you ask. “Yeah, he’s on the way,” Kawanishi says. “He’ll be here soon. Now do me a favor, don’t get this drunk the next time you come into my izakaya or I’ll have to kick you out.” “You’re kicking me out???” “Only if you start throwing up,” he says under his breath. “I’m not going to throw up!” you exclaim, suddenly becoming very aware of the churning in your stomach. You grumble, slumping over the bar. You squeeze your eyes shut, the spinning in your head only getting worse with every breath you take. You feel like you’re going to die, and honestly, between the embarrassment of being stood up and the wave of nausea coming over you, you’re ready to welcome that death with open arms. “Hey!” Kawanishi says, smacking the bar next to your head. “Your friend’s going to be here soon, don’t fall asleep or I’ll throw you out on the street myself.” “I’m sorry, Kawanishi-san.” You sit up slowly and cradle your head in your hands once more, trying to make the world stop spinning.
Please get here soon, Asahi.
Asahi sprints down the street as fast as he can towards the izakaya. He’s sure that he looks suspicious running down the street alone at night, but he doesn’t care. You’re in trouble, and he’s the only person that can help you. He finally makes it to the bar and hastily pulls the door open. You’re dressed beautifully, and your makeup and hair are exquisitely done. Unfortunately, the way you’re slumped over the bar makes it obvious that something’s wrong. He’s not sure what happened, but whatever it was, it must have been rough. The bartender gently helps you out of your seat, and Asahi can’t help but think that he looks very familiar. You straighten up and as soon as you make eye contact with Asahi, you perk up. “Asahi-san!” you exclaim, rushing towards him and almost falling over. You crush him in an unexpectedly tight hug. “Long time no see, big guy!” “I saw you three days ago,” he says under his breath. You continue babbling unintelligibly, and Asahi looks up at the bartender. “Did she close out her tab?” Asahi asks. “I took care of it already,” the bartender replies. “Please just make sure she gets home okay. She’s had a rough night.” “Yeah, of course,” Asahi says. “Thanks for helping her out.” “No problem.” Asahi peels your arms off him and starts to nudge you towards the door. Just before the two of you leave, Asahi stops and turns back to the bartender. “Have we met before?” he asks. “I played for Shiratorizawa. Didn’t think I’d see you again, Karasuno Samurai.” Asahi frowns slightly. He hasn’t heard that nickname high school, and it’s weird hearing it again now. “Right,” he says. “Well, thanks again. Have a good night.” Asahi leads you out of the bar and down the sidewalk. You hold tightly to his arm, stumbling over yourself. He braces you against his side, and you take this opportunity to tease him a little bit. “Do you like my outfit, Asahi-san?” you ask, pressing into his side. “Yeah, it’s really nice!” he answers nervously, turning his head to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks. He’s not lying – you look beautiful, both your top and your skirt accentuating your curves in all the right places. But it would be wrong to say anything more than that while you’re in this state. That wouldn’t be fair to either of you. He brusquely clears his throat and keeps walking as soon as the light signals that you can cross. “I dressed up extra nice tonight, but it didn’t even fucking matter,” you grumble, your voice breaking slightly. Asahi either doesn’t hear you, or does hear you and decides not to say anything. “I’m soooo glad you’re here,” you say, drawing out your words even longer than you were a minute ago. “I’m sorry, this is super embarrassing! I should’ve figured this out on my own.” “It’s okay,” Asahi says. “How long have you been in Tokyo again?” “A month? I think?” “Exactly,” he says. “You probably don’t know your way around that much. I’d feel terrible if I wasn’t able to help you find your way home.” “Meh,” you say. “I’ve had the worst night of my fucking life, so maybe it would be better if I passed out in a ditch somewhere.” “Do you want to talk about it?” Asahi asks. “No,” you answer quickly. “Okay.” You start blathering again and Asahi has to practically drag you down the street behind him. The station just past his apartment has a train that can drop you right by your building. He can just take a cab back after he gets you home. He considers inviting you stay the night at his place since it’s right there, but he’s afraid of being weird, so he doesn’t say anything. The two of you come to a stop at the train station… which is closed. “I’m sorry,” Asahi says remorsefully. “I guess the train stopped running at midnight. I’ll call you a cab.” He goes to pull his phone out of his pocket, but you grab his hand before he can. “Can I stay at your place tonight?” you ask sheepishly. “I… my roommate is out of town. And I’m really not doing good right now. I just really don’t want to be alone.” Despite how out of it you’ve been since he picked you up, Asahi sees nothing but complete sincerity in your eyes. Tonight must have been really rough. “Are you sure?” he asks. “I’ll just sleep on the couch- or a futon if you have one!” you say, nodding. “Okay.” Asahi turns back towards his apartment and you follow closely behind him, not letting go of his hand the entire time.
Asahi helps you across the threshold of his apartment and sits you down on a chair by the door. “Asahi-san, you’re so handsome with your hair down like that,” you say, reaching up to twirl a finger in his long chestnut tresses. “And you’re loopy,” Asahi mutters, disentangling your fingers from his hair. Once again, he finds himself hiding a blush. He’s not used to being showered with compliments, and he knows you wouldn’t be saying this stuff if you were sober. He kicks off his shoes and kneels down in front of you, helping you take yours off. “How are you feeling?” he asks you. “Can I get you some water or a some–” “Why didn’t you ask me out when we were in high school?” you ask suddenly. “I think I made it pretty obvious that I had a crush on you. It’s all I could think about when you were holding my hand back there.” “I – I, uh,” Asahi stammers. You burst out laughing, startling Asahi. It’s that same boisterous laugh you’ve had for as long as he could remember knowing you. You were always self-conscious about it in high school, but your laugh has always been one of Asahi’s favorite things about you. Despite the fact that it’s at his expense, he’s glad to see your mood improve. Asahi considers your question for a moment. He really liked you too back then, and everyone knew it. Suga and Daichi constantly teased him for it.
So why hadn’t he asked you out back then?
Well, for a number of reasons. He spent so much of his third year focused on volleyball that he didn’t have the mental or emotional capacity for much else. He hadn’t even planned on going back to school after graduation until Nishinoya helped convince him to pursue his passions. He felt directionless, and he didn’t want to burden anybody else with his indecision. But most importantly, he was scared you’d reject him. Suga was right. He really was a coward. He’d dated a few people since high school graduation, but none of them made him feel the way you did, and they didn’t treat him as well as you would have. Which begs the question – why hasn’t he asked you out since you moved to Tokyo? He pushes the thought to the back of his mind. This isn’t the kind of conversation to be having when you aren’t even able to form a coherent sentence. Asahi’s thoughts are interrupted by your hand on his shoulder and a loud hiccup. “I should wash my face. Can I wash my face?” “Sure,” Asahi says, helping you stand up. You stumble forward, but he catches you easily and pulls you back to your feet. He quietly leads you to the bathroom and sits you down on the edge of the bathtub. “I’m sorry,” you say. “I’m a mess.” “No, you’re not. Hold on a second,” he says, opening the drawer under the sink. He pulls out a small package of makeup wipes and takes one out. He kneels in front of you and begins wiping the makeup off your face. “I know they’re not great for your skin,” he says. “But it’s better than nothing, right?” “Why do you even have those?” you ask between hiccups. “Do you wear makeup? I mean, it’s obviously fine if you do, but it doesn’t really seem like your thing.” “I don’t, but you never know when they’ll come in handy! I do work with a lot of makeup artists,” he says, somewhat defensively. You get the sense that he’s lying about something, but Asahi changes the subject before you can probe him any further. “So what were you doing there by yourself?” he asks. “It’s not safe to be alone so late at night.” Clearly this was the wrong thing to ask. All the negative emotions and thoughts you were having all even spring to the forefront of your mind, and you start to cry. Asahi starts apologizing profusely, but you wave him off. “It’s fine,” you sniffle, wiping a tear away from your cheek. “Kokomi was trying to set me up with one of her friends, but he never showed up.” Asahi sits back on his heels. Kokomi is another girl from Karasuno that ended up in Tokyo. She wasn’t in the same class as him, but he remembers how loud she always was in the hallways. Honestly, both of you were always loud, but you’ve always been much more considerate of others than Kokomi ever was. “Shit,” he mumbles. “That really sucks. I’m sorry.” “Yeah. It does suck.” Asahi grabs another wipe and asks you to close your eyes. You do as he says, and he lightly wipes off your eye makeup. He’s worked with enough models to recognize that you’re wearing false eyelashes, so he gently pulls those off too. You feel yourself start to wobble on the edge of the tub, so you grip his arm to steady yourself. “I’m sorry,” you whisper. “It’s okay,” he says. “You don’t need to keep apologizing to me.” “Do you think there’s something wrong with me?” you ask suddenly. “Wait, what?” “I just… this keeps happening to me. Everyone always says that it’s because they’re not the right person for me, but it’s starting to feel like there’s just something wrong with me instead,” you say, choking back a sob. “I know I just moved here, but I’m just so lonely. I hate feeling like I’m not good enough.” Asahi tenderly wipes a tear from your cheek and cups your face in both hands. “Hey, look at me. There is nothing wrong with you,” he says sincerely. “That guy is an idiot and a jerk. If he had any idea how extraordinary you are, he never would’ve done that to you.” You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes. You don’t feel like you deserve to be spoken to like this – with such genuine kindness and sincerity. Asahi makes you feel so good. So special. He always has. And he’s just so… tender, especially for somebody who looks as intimidating as he does. You wonder if those feelings from high school ever truly went away. You sit up straighter and try to smile at him, but your stomach flips unexpectedly and violently. “Asahi-san?” you ask, gripping his shoulder tightly. “Yeah?” he replies. “Toilet.” Asahi moves out of the way as fast as possible. You hunch over the rim and retch into the toilet bowl. Asahi quickly scoops up your hair and holds it behind your head as you throw up. “Please, just leave me,” you mutter. “I’m gonna fucking die here.” “I’m not going to leave you here and you’re not going to die,” Asahi says, gingerly picking up the last loose strands laying on your neck and holding them back with the rest of your hair. Your back tenses up again before you begin heaving once more. Asahi tucks his nose into the collar of his shirt, careful to make sure that he’s out of your field of vision. He wants to be there for you but he had a weak stomach himself and the sight and smell of somebody else’s vomit is something he knows he won’t be able to handle. You mumble weak apologies between hacks, but Asahi just ignores them and rubs your back gently. After what feels like an eternity, the churning in your stomach finally stops and you reach up towards the flush handle. The exhaustion in your body and heart finally begin to catch up with you, and your hand falls back to your side. “I got it. Do you think you’re done?” Asahi asks, coaxing you back up into a seated position. You nod, too tired to try to speak. Asahi quickly tugs his shirt back down from his face before you can see and closes the toilet lid. “I’m sorry,” you mumble. “Don’t be,” Asahi says, flushing the toilet. “I’m your friend. I want to help you. And I’ve already told you that you don’t need to apologize to me.” Asahi helps you sit on the top of the toilet and rises to his feet. “Don’t go anywhere,” he says, scurrying out of the room. Although your eyes are closed, you still feel your body swaying. More than anything, you just want to go to sleep. Asahi pads back into the room and presses a wooden cup into your hands. “Drink this,” he says, turning on the faucet. Even though drinking something is the last thing you want to be doing right now, you go ahead and lift the cup to your open mouth. Cold water passes your lips and washes away some of the disgusting taste in your mouth. It feels gross, but you force yourself to drink all of it. Asahi takes the cup from your hand and turns the faucet back off. You flinch at the feeling of a damp washcloth on your face. “It’s okay,” Asahi says gently, cradling your chin with his free hand and angling your face up. “Just cleaning you up a little.” You murmur in acknowledgement and Asahi continues to wipe your face down. You almost fall asleep sitting on his toilet, but he gently shakes you to keep you awake. “Stay with me for another minute,” he says softly. “You can go to sleep soon. You’re gonna be just fine. I promise.” His words and his voice are so sweet that you want to cry. A couple rogue tears drip from your eyes and onto his hands. “I’m sorry,” you say once more. Asahi sets the washcloth on the counter and starts to pull you to your feet. You struggle to stay on your feet, so instead, he carefully scoops you into his arms and carries you out the bathroom. You don’t care where you go, you just need to sleep. Asahi’s pretty certain you’re asleep by the time he deposits you on his mattress. Your chest rises and falls slowly as he pulls his duvet over you. He begins to make his way to the couch, but stops when he feels you grab his hand. “Please don’t go, Asahi-san,” you whisper. “Please.” You tug harder at his fingers and he knows he can’t refuse you. He ends up sitting on the edge of the bed holding your hand until you fall asleep.
As soon as your quiet snores permeate the silence, Asahi untangles his fingers from yours. He brushes a loose strand of hair out of your face and he can’t help but let his eyes linger on your sleeping face for just a moment. The moonlight trickling through the window illuminates your hair and casts a silvery glow on your skin. Despite the awful night you’ve had, you look absolutely radiant. He feels himself blushing again, but he takes some comfort in the fact that he doesn’t have to try and hide it this time. Not while you’re fast asleep in his bed. He’s far too scared to admit it, even to himself, but he’s fantasized about falling asleep next to you many times before. But in those fantasies you weren’t drunk and crying over another man. Asahi sighs, stands up, and moves over to the dresser as quietly as he can. After setting a few things out for you, he goes into the bathroom, gets ready for bed and heads to the couch for the night.
By the time you wake up in the morning, you feel like you’re going to die. You can’t remember what exactly happened the previous night. The last thing you remember clearly was talking to the bartender about high school volleyball, of all things. Your head’s pounding, and your stomach aches painfully, screaming at you to please eat something. You don’t open your eyes, fearing that it would somehow trigger another round of vomiting. Eventually, you force yourself into a seated position and open your eyes. The bedroom you’re in is small, but pretty well-decorated. It’s decently tidy. The only mess is a few crumpled up clothing designs discarded on the floor next to the trash bin.
Designs? Did that mean?
You’re at Asahi’s apartment. In his bed. Your eyes widen in panic.
  What happened last night?
You’re still wearing the clothes that you wore to the bar last night. And there’s no evidence of him ever being in bed with you. You reach over towards your phone, which has been graciously plugged in for you and set on the bedside table. That’s when you notice the note along with a sleeve of crackers and a glass of ginger ale.
Good morning!
There’s a set of clothes you can wear at the foot of the bed and a spare toothbrush in the bathroom. Feel free to take a shower if you want. Extra towels are underneath the sink. Please have something to eat and drink too. You’ll feel better if you do.
P.S. Please don’t feel bad. It’s okay.
You grab a few of the crackers from the bedside table and eat them, washing them down with the ginger ale.
Why does Asahi have to be so damn considerate? The whole situation is so embarrassing.
You contemplate just grabbing your phone and getting the hell out of his apartment, but you’re not going to pass up the opportunity to shower. You finish the last of the crackers, chug down the ginger ale, and grab the spare clothes at the end of the bed. You turn the doorknob as silently as you can and awkwardly creep down the hall towards the bathroom, stopping briefly to peek in the living room. Asahi’s fast asleep on the couch, clad only in pajama pants and a pair of fuzzy socks. His hair is down and messily splayed across the throw pillow he’s resting his head on. Quiet snores pass his lips. He looks cute. Your eyes trail from his face and down to his stomach. Despite quitting volleyball after high school, he seems to have mostly maintained his athletic form, except for a tiny little layer of pudge on his lower stomach. The corners of your lips twitch up into a smile, until that little voice in the back of your mind reminds you of your place.
Quit staring, you perv! You need to get out of here!
You hurriedly continue down the hallway and jump into the shower as soon as you get into the bathroom. You think that maybe if you clean up fast enough, you can get out of Asahi’s apartment before he wakes up. However, as soon as you step into the shower, all worries about rushing out disappear into the back of your mind. You bask in the hot water, the steam clearing your sinuses and relieving some of the pain in your head. You silently thank the gods that Asahi actually uses conditioner, and not just 3-in-1 like most of the other men you were previously…. acquainted with. Although, it makes sense to you that somebody with hair like Asahi’s would have a strict haircare routine. As you shower, fragmented memories of last night start to come back to you.
Being stood up at the bar. Calling Asahi for help. Puking your guts out in his bathroom. Him carrying you into his room and laying you down on his bed. Him staying by your side until you fell asleep. You wishing he would’ve crawled into bed with you and held you through the night… Wait, what was that last part?
As soon as you’re done rinsing the conditioner from your hair, you step out of the shower and swiftly towel off. You find the spare toothbrush Asahi mentioned, take it out of the packaging, and brush your teeth with his toothpaste. The dry, gross feeling in your mouth is quickly replaced with a minty fresh taste. You slip on the sweatpants and t-shirt that Asahi left for you and dry your hair. Thankfully, Asahi isn’t as huge as most people make him out to be, so while the clothes he left out are a bit big on you, you’re not drowning in them. You’ll just bring them back some other day. You start combing through your hair, and that’s when you hear it – the sound of somebody padding around in the apartment. Shit. Once the footsteps quiet down, you rush out of the bathroom and towards the front door. Asahi eyes you as you scoop up your shoes, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Good morning!” he says kindly. “How are you feeling?” “I’m so sorry Azumane-san, it won’t happen again!” you say as you throw open the door and rush into the hallway. “Hold on, wait up!” he says as you pull the door closed behind you. You run all the way to the stairs at the end of the hallway and go to call Kokomi for a ride home. That’s when you realize that your phone is still plugged into the wall in Asahi’s room. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You turn around and trudge back towards his apartment. Before you can even knock, the door opens slowly. Asahi stands there in just his pajama pants, holding your phone out to you. “You shouldn’t leave without your phone,” he says. You thank him and take your phone, a blush creeping up your cheeks. You try not to stare at his bare chest, already feeling like a creep for ogling him while he was sleeping. “Your clothes are still in the bathroom, too,” he says. “I can go get them for you. Or I can just wash them and give them back to you another time if you want to leave.” “No, that’s okay,” you say, covering your flushing cheeks with the collar of his shirt. “I’ll get them. Can I come in?” “Of course.” Asahi steps out of your way and you head straight for the bathroom, avoiding looking in his eyes. Asahi never gets angry, and you know he wouldn’t be mad at you over something like this, but a lingering sense of shame still washes over you. You scoop up your clothes and leave the bathroom. As soon as you cross the threshold into the living room, the smell of coffee and frying fish washes over you. Asahi stands in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. In the time that you were in the bathroom, he put on a Black Jackals sweatshirt and threw his hair into a loose bun. “Do you want a cup of coffee?” he asks, smiling at you and pouring his own cup. “It’ll help with the hangover.” You stand there and ponder his offer for a moment. Sensing your hesitancy, Asahi suddenly turns back to the stove and mumbles something that you can’t quite make out. “What did you say?” you ask. Asahi rubs the back of his neck, a nervous habit he’s had since you were kids. “I don’t mean to pressure you to stay or anything! I just thought it might help for you to have something more than crackers and ginger ale.” “You’ve done plenty to help me since last night,” you say. “But I’ll take that coffee if the offer is still on the table.” “It is!” Asahi says a little too enthusiastically for his own good. You can’t help but smirk as you take your seat at the kitchen table. Asahi pours you a cup of coffee and slides you a bowl of the rice and fish he made. You thank him quietly and start to eat. He slides into the chair across from you and eats his own breakfast, eyeing you carefully. “What?” you ask after catching him staring. “Since when have you ever called me Azumane-san?” he asks. “I don’t know,” you mumble into your coffee mug. “I didn’t think we reverted back from first name basis,” he says. “I thought we knew each other better than that.” “I don’t know,” you say, a devilish smile crossing your face. “Care to explain why you actually had those makeup wipes in your bathroom drawer? I doubt your makeup artists are coming over to your apartment.” Now it’s Asahi’s turn to blush again. “My ex-girlfriend left them here,” he says. “Felt like a waste to just throw them out.” “Ex-girlfriend?!” you exclaim suddenly, startling Asahi and causing him to drop the wipe on the floor. “I didn’t know you were seeing somebody!” “Yeah,” he says, throwing the wipe in the trash and grabbing a fresh one. “We broke up a while before you moved to the city. She left a bunch of her stuff here and refused to come pick it up. I think she was just too embarrassed to see me again. I got rid of most of it a while ago, but I kept some of the more… uh, utilitarian things.” “I’m sorry,” you say sincerely. “Why did you break up?” Asahi feels a slight pang in his chest. He met his last girlfriend through his job. She was nice enough, and things seemed like they were going okay until he showed up at her apartment to surprise her for their 6 month anniversary, only to find another man in her bed. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” you say. “It’s fine. She cheated on me with some other guy,” he says, his expression darkening. “I think they’re engaged now.” “Shit,” you say. “What a bitch.” “Woah, settle down, it’s okay –” “No, it’s not,” you say firmly. “You deserve someone way better than that. Somebody that treats you with the love and respect that you deserve.” Asahi knows you’re right, but he doesn’t really want to press it. That whole mess had done a number on his mental health, and he really doesn’t want to burden you with his emotional baggage. He adjusts his glasses again and forces a smile. “You know, you should really take your own advice,” he says. You try to think back on what you had said to him last night. The details are fuzzy, but you remember crying. A lot. Instead of answering him, you shovel down the last of the rice and fish. “Thank you for the meal,” you say. Asahi smiles and nods at you before beginning to clear the dishes away. You stand up and stop him, insisting that you clean up yourself. As you finish drying the bowls, your phone buzzes. You check it, only to see a handful of missed texts from Kokomi.
Ono Kokomi [8:32} Hey!! Sorry I missed your call. How was he?  (°◡°♡) [9:14] That good?  (^.~)☆ [9:18] Or that bad?! (;;;*_*) [9:57] HELLO?? (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ [10:32] ARE YOU ALIVE?!?!?!  〣( ºΔº )〣
You roll your eyes and quickly type out your response.
Y/N [10:33] Yeah, no thanks to you. (¬_¬;)
Ono Kokomi [10:34] Was it really that bad?
Y/N [10:34] He didn’t even show up. (╥_╥) [10:34] Azumane picked me up at 2 AM because I was too drunk to go home alone. I stayed the night at his place. [10:34] Speaking of which, can you come pick me up? Not really in a state to take the train and I think you owe me one.
Ono Kokomi [10:35] (��_⊙) [10:35] Spill. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Y/N [10:36] There’s nothing to spill. I threw up in his bathroom and he slept on the couch. Can you just answer my question please? (҂` ロ ´)凸
Ono Kokomi [10:36] Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m on my way, lovebird. ( ̄ε ̄@)
“Everything okay?” Asahi asks. “Yeah,” you say, slipping your phone back into your pocket. “Kokomi’s going to come pick me up.” “Are you sure? I can take you if you want,” he offers. “Yeah, she’s already on her way,” you say, setting the bowl down and turning to face him. “Besides, you’ve done more than enough for me already over the last twelve hours.” You silently pick up your things and walk towards the door. Asahi rises from his chair and awkwardly clears his throat. “Do you have all your stuff?” You nod and smile. Before you open the door, you approach him and wrap your arms around his waist. He shyly hugs you back, hoping you can’t hear the rapid pounding in his chest. “Thank you, Asahi,” you whisper. “You’re amazing.” You let go first and leave his apartment quietly. As soon as the door closes, Asahi walks back into the living room and flops down on the couch. He covers his face with his hands and groans. This morning was almost too much for him – seeing you in his clothes, eating breakfast together, you hugging him before you left. It was all so painfully domestic, and he wishes it didn’t have to end. If only he wasn’t such a coward, he would’ve asked you to stay longer. He doesn’t know how long he lays there until he finally decides to get moving for the day and finish that piece he was working on when you called last night. He checks his phone and sees your name pop up on the screen.
Y/N [11:00] I’m home. Thanks again for babysitting me last night. Whatever did I do to deserve you as my guardian angel? ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚ [11:00] Or was that Noya-san? I forget. (^ω~)
Azumane Asahi [11:01] Lol. You’re welcome. And that was what we called Noya in our club days, but I don’t mind you calling me that too (* ^ ω ^)
Y/N [11:03] Let me make it up to you. [11:04] Come over for dinner tomorrow night?
Asahi almost drops his phone on his face. His fingers fumble as he types his response. He waits a moment before sending it, rereading it ten times to make sure he doesn’t come across as desperate.
Azumane Asahi [11:07] I’d love to. Do you want me to bring anything?
Y/N [11:08] That’s not necessary. I owe you a nice dinner. [11:09] You still like tonkotsu ramen?
Azumane Asahi [11:10] I do!
Y/N [11:11] It’s a date! See you tomorrow! (☞°ヮ°)☞ ☜(°ヮ°☜)
“You said nothing happened last night,” Kokomi says, staring over your shoulder at your phone. “Nothing happened, Kokomi. Now leave me alone,” you snap, tossing one of your throw pillows at her. She deftly catches it and plops down on the couch next to you. “Please,” she says, swatting you with the pillow. “The only reason you two haven’t gotten together is because you’re the densest people on the planet. I bet he’s flopped down on his couch right now thinking about how he doesn’t even want to wait that long to see you.” “Shut up,” you grumble. Kokomi’s phone rings and she quickly checks it. “Anyway, I have to go meet Kaito,” she says. “Got to go. Let me know how your date goes!” She waves and practically skips out the front door. You lay down and start making a shopping list for ingredients for tonkatsu ramen. As soon as you’re done, you set your phone down and cross your arms over your face.
“I bet he’s flopped down on his couch right now thinking about how he doesn’t even want to wait that long to see you.” No, Kokomi. That’s me.
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yaomomvs · 4 years
Hellow! Love your drabbles 😳 I saw your reqs were open for Shouto-kun: so can I ask a Drabble in which the reader is crushing on Shoto but feels completely unworthy of him, notably because she's from a very lower condition, something people often remind her while telling how Momo and him would make the perfect couple, because they're both from higher condition.. While reader is admittedly a hard-working person but has always been bullied for her modest origins? If you feel inspired ;o thanks :3
if i was a rich girl, yeah gwen stefani said that too
pairing: shoto todoroki x reader
little bit of angst? fluff!
warnings: self issues?? curse words??? not a warning but bakugou is reader’s best friend. also memories are in italics
plot: you couldn’t help comparing yourself to yaomomo, and clearly, your classmates comments didn’t help at all
notes: aaaa tysm i can’t believe this is my first request hopefully i did justice you your amazing idea! sorry for the delay i was in my last week b4 holiday vacation, hope you enjoy!
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“i’m just sayin, todoroki and momo would definitely would look as an amazing couple wouldn’t they?”
it was kaminari’s words that were the final drop that broke the glass.
no, don’t misunderstand the situation, yaoyorozu was one of the sweetest, loveliest and most intelligent girls you’ve ever met.
but also one of the richest.
see, the thing is that you were not born in a “i have it all” family type of environment. you lived well, yes. but it’s for sure that your family did struggle way too many times in their way of spending money.
that’s why when you got into UA tears couldn’t stop falling through your face, you were finally able to do something about that. you always wanted to become the greatest hero, you thought that being able to rescue people from danger was the most selfless thing to do, you were familiar with that, so ever since you were little that was your goal. and besides that, you wanted to help you family so they wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.
also because of that your friendship with uraraka was a great one. you understood what was like to face little things that the others didn’t, and you suddenly became close that you almost considered her a sister.
she was the most important friend to you, well, along with other person.
your eyes started itching, currently at the common room table where you and your friends were having dinner.
kaminari was on the sofa among with bakugou and mina, but it was easy to hear them. so that comment took everyone’s attention, even shouto’s.
“i mean you are not wrong” asido agreed, excited they finally were talking about romance in that boring school. “can you imagine how rich the todomomo’s family would be?”
“todomomo?” todoroki asked visibly confused.
“a ship name! for you and yaoyorozu!” she answered
your eyes were a little bit red now, and the knot on your throat was growing more everytime you looked over to see shouto’s expression.
uraraka noticed this, so she gently placed her hand over yours. how could she handle the situation?
“she’s so fancy!” you overheared some girls in the cafeteria drooling over the way that momo seated.
“i can’t believe this is her whole house” jirou exclaimed cheerfully when you visited her to study form an exam.
“an intelligent girl is always a classy girl” you listened kirishima while he looked stunned the way yaoyorozu handled, not only professional but also gracefully, a mistaken order at the cafeteria.
you always admired the way she was because of her origin, not in a bad way but you were obviously impressed, and if you were honest with yourself, sometimes it made you feel small.
but until now you never thought about this new insecurity, one that came up with the fact that todoroki and momo would actually look great together.
you tried to take those thoughts away, but your dear classmates were not helping at all.
the rambling of momo being a super match to shouto was getting louder and louder every second to you.
“think about it!”
“so when is the first date happening uh todoroki” kaminari still teased.
“but” midoriya interrupted “you know uhm wouldn’t it matter the way todoroki-kun actually feels about momo”
you stared at him.
but you finally had it when you spotted a slight red tint on todoroki’s face.
he was blushing.
“uh..” todoroki’s face was absolutely fuzzy. what could he say?
“i have to go” you announced way more loud than you expected, with a broken voice only two people were able to decipher.
bakugou took over a glance to you, knowing well what was going to happen next, with a tired groan he yelled. “well done idiots”
you ran out of the common room and took the elevator to go you your room.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“be careful” a voice said over your shoulder while grabbing your back before you touched the ground.
you looked above just to find a pair of beautiful heterochromatic eyes. and also a half red and half white hair type of thing. you were embarrassed that being your first day at school you were already tripping with everything. but fortunately he catched you right before something disastrous happened.
“come on, on the first day? if you have something to tell me god do it right now!” you remembered saying yo the sky. “that was weird, i’m sorry, (l/n) (y/n), sorry for bothering you but thanks for saving me” you laughed.
“do you think god would take my complaints along with yours?” he asked serious, was that his way of making a joke? “todoroki shouto” you smiled.
“DON’T GIVE UP!” you remembered yelling from the bleachers at the sports festival “YOU OWE US!”
todorki heard you from above during his fight with bakugou. he saw you there, almost crying and although he did not understand why were you so invested on it, that gave him the extra strength to stand up to bakugou at least for a little more minutes.
“did you know that seahorses once they find their mate they keep it for life?” you randomly said one day while eating lunch with him. currently doing some extra work so you could be ar least on top 10 of your class “how romantic is that, right todoroki-kun?”
he glanced at you, confused but still admiring. you knew so many things that it was actually impressive to him. he didn’t know why but that day, his heart skipped a bit.
if i was a rich girl, na na na na na na na na na na na, see i’d have all the money in the world if i was a wealthy girl.
“if i was a rich girl”, yeah gwen stefani said that too you thought.
the song may seem stupid but your current mood made you put in on speaker.
if i was a rich girl i’d sure have a chance you thought too
“so i guess i do have a crush on him huh” you admitted to yourself.
“about time you made it, idiot” you heard bakugou say “was it hard playing dumb all this time? i mean it’s in your blood”
he was standing at your door arms crossed with that awfully big brother look on his face. you rolled your eyes.
“is it hard messing around being a dickhead? i mean it’s in your blood”
“well you shouldn’t be using that language in front of your lover boy” he said.
“what the fuck are you talking about-”
your body stopped working when he pulled out todoroki out of the wall letting him come out at sight.
the icyhot boy had his hands in his pockets giving that gorgeous look. you blushed, how could he do nothing and still look good?
“why are you feeling this way?” he abruptly asked.
“i’m not dumb, whenever she’s around you act so self conscious” he began “what’s worse is that i see you working so hard everyday but you are so blind that you don’t see what i see”
if anybody could hear the conversation, they would actually say that he was being rude, but you knew him he was just expressing his feelings, weird way tho.
“is it about the money? believe me, yaoyorozu is an incredible girl but you don’t have to compare yourself because how different she is to you in terms of money” your eyes were widened.
why was he talking so much all of a sudden?
“you don’t understand todo...”
“i know what it feels to mad, and seeing you this way it just does it to me over and over again. because everyone has their own opinion on perfect, but to me, you are that definition”
your heart froze at that last thing, his expression was so serious that if you weren’t listening carefully you would have thought that he was mad at you for any other reason. but that’s why you liked him so miches, deep down you understood shouto more than anyone else”
so you didn’t know any other answer that hug him in gratitude.
he was shocked, he never received some kind of display of pure love affection before.
but something in the way you did made him feel better. almost as if your hugs were some magical potion to the answer of everything he needed.
he felt so warm with you between his arms that he didn’t mind staying like this for a couple more minutes.
“wanna go out sometime?” your typical you started coming back again.
the confident and smart girl he learned to care about.
a soft smile crossed his face.
“anytime you want”
and so you thought, you did not have anything to worry about anymore.
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iluvyou-xoxo · 4 years
suna x reader
wc: 2.2k
you were completely in over your head. sure, you had the occasional blunt at a high school party or kickback, but never have you been to something like this.
your senior project about the film industry was just proven wrong as the girls next to you snorted a line off the kitchen countertop. in your suburban neighborhood, the parties portrayed in television or cinema were only that: something that directors and script writers created as they continued to fetishize the high school experience. your paper talked about how odd it was that films focused on the loss of innocence during those four years of hell and how extremely inaccurate the portrayal was.
but here you stand at your first college party since attending university for only about a month now. it was exactly as pictured in every movie that you once would have called “stupid as fuck", and now you wish you had paid more attention. 
everyone seemed to of had experience in these types of gatherings while you stood next to the sink with a red solo cup filled with only water. your roommate had dragged you to this frat house because she had to meet with her dealer and would much rather do it in a public setting. her smart decision was only your downfall as she had begged you to come too, yet ditched you fifteen minutes ago to go find him even though she said she'd be back in five.
a tall lean figure walked past you but it wasn't his perfect physique that got your attention, it was the strong scent of weed that clung to the cotton of his hoodie. once you looked up to see the ethereal face of rintarō suna, you immediately recognized him as your roommates plug and decided to ask him if he has seen your roommate that seemed to have gone m.i.a. while looking for the person only a foot away from you.
“excuse me,” you called out much louder than how you would usually speak, but the base of the speakers drowned out your voice. although suna had heard you, he didn't look around just in case you were trying to capture someone else's attention. when you timidly tapped the back of his arm with your index finger it was unmistakable you weren’t asking for anyone else.
he slowly turned around and looked down at you with a bored expression and a red flask in his left hand, “yeah?”
“i'm y/n, and I was wondering if you have seen himari; she's my roommate,” you quickly asked as you removed your hand from his soft hoodie that hid the hard muscle underneath.
“oh uh yeah...” suna said, unsure of what else to say.
“well, she said that she was supposed to meet with you quickly but it's been over fifteen minutes now and she hasn't responded to my texts.”
quickly he understood what you were asking, “we met up like ten minutes ago but right now I think she's hooking up with my friend aran.”
instead of responding, you looked down and a small frown pulled the edge of your lips in realization that the person that asked you to come for protection had left you even though she knew this was your college first party— hell, your first real party.
before you had the chance to decide on either waiting for himari to finish or to take your chances walking alone to your dorm room, suna lightly grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the kitchen. the two of you weaved through the bustling function until you reached the front yard that was littered with cups and bottles.
“aran said that he'd meet up with me as soon as they're done so we can just chill in my car ‘til then,” suna said slightly ahead of you with your hand still placed lightly in his as the two of you continued walking.
you were completely sober, yet his skin touching yours had your head spinning and all the danger signs that would have flashed in your head seemed of cut off when you were with him. although this was the first time you've ever conversed with suna, you had a slight crush on the middle blocker that you had seen in school games a few times.
the both of you approached a black car that flashed twice indicating that suna had opened the doors. to your dismay, he let go of your hand and walked to the driver's side as you made your way to the passengers. once inside he pulled out his phone to play some rap song that you had never heard of before and pulled up the middle console to reveal a mason jar with four pre-rolled blunts inside.
“you wanna smoke, doll?” the mysterious man asked.
“i don't have any money on me,” you responded quietly, shifting your gaze to the window next to you. a muffled chuckle interrupted your mile-a-minute thoughts and turned you to see suna show more expression than you had ever seen him hold before.
“baby, you don't need to pay if i offer it to you,” he explained with a light laugh at the end of his sentence. wow, his laugh is beautiful.
“oh, well okay then,” you reply timidly as you watch him take off the lid and reach over to pull a lighter out of the glove compartment.
he takes the first few hits, quickly putting your mind at ease in case it was laced or something, and then brings the joint to you. next, you take two pulls and pass it back, the cycle continuing until the car is filled with smoke and the blunt is near its end.
the silence between you two is comforting as there was no need for awkward conversation. it was just two people in a cloudy car, vibing to one of the many chill playlists that suna had. the weed had hit you full force and you suddenly started to chuckle while thinking about how happy you were that your annoying roommate ditched you, even though in any other circumstance you would be livid.
suna was just appreciating the calm that marijuana gave him until your laughter filled the car. his eyes that naturally hung low seemed to have deepened as he slowly looked over to you and poked your cheek with his pointer finger. “watcha’ laughin’ about?”
your smile didn't leave your face as you looked over to the most beautiful person you have ever laid your eyes upon. “oh nothing,” you said slyly as your smile seemed to only intensify.
“oh really?” he asked while slowly shifting towards you
“yep, really,” you said, but this time closed your eyes with a big smile still plastered to your face.
rather than saying anything else, suna only chuckled and placed a hand on your thigh while shifting in his seat so his head leaned back on the headrest. the small action made you're heart leap and eyes open again and you found suna with a calm look on his face with his eyes closed and head tilted slightly back.
his peaceful face made you realize that he has probably taken many people to his car for a smoke and called them endearing nicknames. rather than feeling dread, something you were sure to have experienced if you were sober, you came to terms that this would be your only chance to be close like this with him again. before you could even think twice about it, you reached over the middle console to grab his cheek and quickly brought his lips to yours.
either he had experienced this situation many times before or he had expected it, because he immediately kissed you back and not a single muscle tensed at the sudden move on your part. his lips slowly moved with yours and met your tongue with his own.
soon you got frustrated because even though you were making out he wasn't doing much else. you thought that by now he would understand that you wanted him to take you on the backseat, but he kept the pace slow and his hands stayed in safe places, one holding your mid-thigh and the other on the side of your neck.
you broke your lips from his and even though that pace had been slow, he somehow still managed to take your breath away. “suna, do you not want to touch me?” you asked with insecurity leaking into your tone unknowingly.
“baby, i don't fuck people unless they’re sober,” he said with a slight smile as he looked at you. although you completely understood where this was coming from, you couldn't help the frustrated whine that left your lips.
“then why did you offer to smoke if you knew we wouldn't do it afterward?” you looked down to his lap to he was definitely hard, but his face didn't give anything away.
“well i wasn't really looking to get in your pants just yet, but no need to worry babe, we can always pick up where we leave off,” next suna placed his hand on your cheek and began softly rubbing it.
three hard knocks on the driver's side window grabbed both of your attention. there stood a tall man with beautiful deep skin and you instantly recognized him as aran from the volleyball team.
suna rolled down the window and although most of the smoke had dissipated throughout your make-out session, the final bit remaining went out and drifted into the midnight sky.
“suna please tell me you're ready to go now. i can't keep stalling her forever,” aran said as he let out an exasperated sigh.
“where is she now?” suna asked with slight frustration.
“well, she was dancing with a few of her other friends so i decided to run out and see how you're doing out here. do you need more time?”
normally you would mind your business but now you seemed to let the thoughts you hold fall from your lips. “what are you guys talking about?”
“nothing baby, don't worry about it,” suna brushed you off quickly.
“c’mon suna, i can tell that this is going well since you’ve been in here for almost half an hour,” aran pressed. “i'm pretty sure you're going to have to tell her eventually anyway.”
“okay now i’m really confused” you replied.
suna stayed silent while glaring and aran, but aran only smiled at you while slightly shaking his head. “this boy has had me distracting your roommate while he tried to sneak in some alone time with you.”
the idea of suna, the most handsome boy in all of japan, creating a plan just to talk to you made you almost want to laugh at how farfetched it was. but shortly after glancing at suna to find him holding a slight blush on his cheeks and shooting his friend a glare, you understand that this was actually the truth.
there's an awkward silence between the three of you and aran was the first to break it. “well i'm gonna dip real quick, but i’m only stalling her for five more minutes so you better wrap this up.”
he quickly turns away and walks back into the party as suna rolls the window up again refusing to make eye contact with you.
“do you like me?” you cut quickly to the chase as your excitement can barely be contained.
suna has yet to meet your eyes but when he nods his head indicating yes you smile brightly at him and quickly place your hand upon his thigh to grab his attention. “you know, you should have just said ‘hi’ to me around campus or something; i like you too.”
when he looks up he holds a sheepish smile and is still dusted pink from embarrassment. “oh shut up and hand me your phone, we don't have much time and i need your number.”
wordlessly you hand your phone over once it's unlocked and on to your contact app.
“well your friend is waiting for you, aran should have already called an uber for you guys”
“well are you going to tell me how you knew id be coming tonight for this elaborate plan to seduce me?” you asked flirtatiously and in a teasing manner.
quickly, suna cupped your jaw and squeezed your cheeks together forming an adorable pout on your face, slowly making ‘tsk’ noises while swaying your head left to right.
“it's time for you to go now, sweetheart. i’m gonna text you later so we can plan a date and maybe ill let you know then.”
your eyes quickly light up at the word ‘date’ and you lightly nod with a smile forming on your face. as soon as he lets you go you lean forward to place a final kiss upon his lips and walk out of the car.
once you finally find himari, you get her into the awaiting uber, wave goodbye to aran, and tell the driver your address. the smile you hold doesn't seem to let up for the rest of the night and once you're tucked in bed at around three in the morning your smile only intensifies at the glow of your phone that holds two new text messages.
maybe: suna- hey, this is suna
maybe: suna- i have a game tomorrow and was wondering if you'd come..?
date: march 18th, 2021
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generalexcuse · 4 years
Alright. I am beating a dead horse here but taking time off of this show and fandom did not work. This will be the last time I ever say something about it but it’s upsetting to me so I need to vent. And to everyone saying “You are an adult man and this is fiction, why are you so obsessed? Weirdo. Learn to differentiate between fiction and reality.” I am going to address these notions as well as other problems I am having here. But really, Inuyasha was one of my first Anime, I have many dear memories and especially Rin was one of my all time favourite characters. Seeing her being mistreated like this upsets me. Ofc it does because if you watch something in formative years it’s not just fiction like a boring sitcom you watch now. Shows and characters are important to people and to simply dismiss it like that even if they would have been equally upset if it wouldnt have become canon, is infuriating. Really this is just therapeutic for me because even after weeks it’s still so baffling to me. Also please excuse the grammar and spelling mistakes. I am not a native speaker.
So the problem is obviously Sessrin and how it’s done because while I absolutely dont agree with this pairing, it would have been fine if it wasnt like it is. 
In the original show, Rin is an 8 yo child and her entire character reflects just that. She behaves like a child and depends on others. She has also been traumatized, doesnt speak at the beginning of the show and dies twice. Both times she is saved by or because of Sesshomaru. In many ways, while she has survival skills on her own, she depends on his presence alone to keep danger away. He also leaves her with trustworthy humans at the end but stays in her life as a protector. Now I like the original dynamic. It’s sweet, innocent and both characters grow because of it. Rin can work through her traumatic experiences, learns to trust others and Sesshomaru becomes a better person.  What happens afterwards only happens offscreen right until Rin gives birth to his children at the crippling old age of 15. 15. My lil sis is 16 now and couldnt consent to something like that. And she is mature af. It’s ridiculous. My blood boils just typing that shit out. And if you give me the ‘it’s legal in Japan’ excuse. In Germany a 14 yo can be with a 20 yo sexually. Still not okay in societies eyes and on tv it’s never shown as something positive. It’s even explicitly forbidden for authority figures like teachers or protectors to be with their protégé before the age of 18 because the chances of even unintentional grooming are too high. 
Now lets take a quick break and discuss how this kind of relationship usually plays out in other fictional pieces. A minor with an adult is something that is being portrayed at times and I dont have a problem with that. The problem is how it’s being done in Yashahime. And I dont mean the nonexisting character development but the fact that even in adult fiction this type of relationship isnt depicted positively. And this show is for young adults and teens that will exist way after all the discourse as the official sequel to Inuyasha. A cult anime. Meaning that in the future young people will watch it. Just like many still watch Inuyasha to this day. It’s on Netflix for fucks sake. Just to preface what comes next.   Some people say, “But cant you differentiate between reality and fiction?!?!?!” Adults can but younger people havent developed this ability to the same extent.   What happened to Rin was statutory r*pe in the USA, illegal even in Germany and should have been depicted as such unless the showrunners and fandom are okay with watching it without criticism or deconstruction. At best it was done with the intention to please the fanbase but really it’s neglectful to anyother part of the present and future audience. Not even most Animes do that. And I get that Sessriners arent into that shit in real life and an adult show could have gone this route because the viewers understand and add the criticism in their heads. Not ideal but whatever to me. But a YA show to go this route is so wrong on so many levels. The younger viewer who will watch this show in the following years might subconsciously internalize that this is acceptable under certain conditions when it’s not criticized properly on the show. That lowers their alertness when an adult actually starts to groom them. How dense do you have to be to assume that the lack of criticism on this YA show is a good thing?? Not everyone who will ever watch this show is an adult or capable of the same reasoning.
But another thing: for the same reason r*pe isnt depicted in a positive light, these types of relationships arent either. Because it’s not a positive thing and most people and showrunners dont want to see or create it as positive. Even in adult fiction, even in other anime, the media critizes and deconstructs what it’s showing because normally the showmakers dont approve but show it for realisitc or dramatic reasons. the same sessrin storyline would fit a fucking horror or thriller series. Just change the music and show it all. No showmakers in their right mind would go “Aye we got a r*pe scene coming up, lets put romantic music and have a pink filter over it.” “But it’s a different time and culture!” People will say and I agree but to have the audacity to assume that back then it was okay or that in todays Japan it’s okay, is fucked up. Think about it for a second. That’s so fucked up to think. Even if the society back then or in Japan thinks it’s okay, does it make it okay? 15 yo girls werent able to consent to adults and bear their children back then. They had to. They were raised with the expectations and they simply grew up thinking that it was the normal thing. But that doesnt make it right. That’s just societal grooming which did not prepare them in any way or allowed them the human dignity that they would have deserved. To now act like it’s all cool to just show the “positive” aspects or to twist it into something positive is so fucked up. Child Brides are a fucked up concept and to portray it as anything else is fucked up and also undermines the experience many girls still have to make. period.
I heard people say that it’s okay to portray it in this way because “Sesshomaru is not human!!!1″ and that’s correct. He is not. BUT, it’s not about being human but about maturity, consens, and independency. Him being a yokai makes it worse imo because there is an obvious power discrepancy. But in this particular fiction a good relationship could have been established (Kagome and Inuyasha for example) on those foundations but they did not because I can only assume they wanted Sesshomaru to smash and the show to pick up at a point where the other characters arent too old to be cool.
“What’s with Sango and Miroku, Kagome and Inuyasha?? It’s the same!” No it’s not. Rin was 8 at the beginning of the show. Kagome was 15 and Sango was 16-17 when they met their significant others. If you now tell me that you think 8 to be comparable to 15-17, I must ask you to get a reality check. Kagome’s and Sango’s relationships were slowburns starting when they already were able to have sexual and romantical feelings. Rin was a child. And Kagome did not kiss Inuyasha until they knew each other for a long ass period of time and bonded as friends and maybe more. Sesshomaru and Rin never were friends in the same way that Kagome and Inuyasha were because the maturity levels are way off. No adult is friends with a little child in the same way they are friends with their adult friends. And normally you dont grow into such a friendship but in the rare case you do, it’s not when she is 15 but maybe 20 or 25. 
Last but not least, Rin is not a character to the audience the same way Kagome or Sango are. Why? Because she was never shown as an adult or 3 Dimensional character to the audience. We know her as a child who wants to be with her trusted group. She is naive, but tough and doesnt have any motivation or drive on her own outside her group. Like every child she clung to the adults around her and her world outside of this group was nonexisting. Kagome wanted to be successful in school, Sango was a demon hunter and wanted to find her brother. Those are motivations and traits that dont circle around the love interest. Rin never had those because she was not developed to that point. Because she was a child and her entire existence was to develop Sesshomaru and to perhaps give the viewer a character to simply adore. What we see is of her: Mistreated child, -> Dead child -> Child being looked after and healing, -> Child not being homeless anymore -> ????? -> Teenager getting knocked up, pumping out main characters and then getting yeeted into a tree. 
This is not the way you treat a beloved character. There is no dignity to her character. “But she is fictional!!1″ Yes she is. But please show me a show that treats its child characters like this without criticizing it. 
I would have loved to see her grow as her own person. Go on her own adventures or learning a craft or developing meaningful bonds with other characters her age. Forming ideas that dont revolve around Sesshomaru alone. You know her being 3 Dimentional and not just there to pump out main characters. And if she then with 20 or 25 met Sesshomaru again and thought he was the hottest shit, I would have been fine with it. Not happy but fine. But in the little time we saw her as ‘not a child’, she still behaved the way she did before. 
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luvlyrv · 4 years
Just Vacation Girlfriends (Seulgi x Fem!Reader)
Genre: Fake dating, fluff
Summary: You and Seulgi enter a precarious fake dating situation, hijinks ensue. Except the hijinks aren't light-hearted, but rather deeply personal and intimate experiences. What are you and Seulgi really?
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Hi, it has literally been 5 months since I last wrote lol, I'm sorry. It's not like I hate writing it's just that there were other things I could and had to do. I apologize for taking so long to upload again, especially for the amount of feedback I got for my first post! 68 followers and 90 notes! I know it may seem like rookie numbers to some but I really want to thank you all. I'm having my winter break now so I should be able to post a lot during this short period. If I'm lucky I may be able to semi-consistently post during the school year as well ;). Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes/wtf moments I'm writing at 3AM and have slept for two hours total for the past 40 hrs, cut me some slack please.
Date: 12/24/20
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The chops of your knife against the cutting board were interrupted by your phone ringing. You stop making dinner as you look over your shoulder to your phone a couple inches away on the counter. Your eyebrow perked up as you read the caller ID, it was Seulgi. Of course, you immediately set your knife down to talk to her.
"Hey Seul, what's up?"
"Hi..." Seulgi began to yawn. "I just wanted to hear your voice today."
You can't help but to let out a small smile as you felt your face getting warmer. Luckily Seulgi wasn't actually there to tease you about it.
"Ah, well, here's my voice. Is it relaxing enough, your majesty?"
You can hear a faint and muffled sound of laughter from Seulgi before you hear her tired voice through the speaker again.
"Hm, well I guess that'll do. I'm actually calling to make sure you wanna come with us on vacation again."
"Of course I do, I've been going with you guys for years. I'll make sure it works with my schedule."
"Yeah, I know that and I'll send you the dates, it's just that..." Seulgi let out a long sigh, "there's some other things you need to know."
"And that would be?"
"Pretend to be my girlfriend."
"Please, Y/N. It'll just be for a week. I know it's a lot to ask but I need it."
You're speechless for a bit and deliberate on what to say next. Not wanting to worry your friend with your silence you ended up just saying, "Yeah, uh okay, I can work with that... why though?"
"You know how dating is like. Not a lot of time, not a lot of privacy. My parents understand this but they're still worried you know? They worry about how my future will be like if I'm spending basically over a decade just working. Something about it takes time to find the right man, settling, babies, blah blah blah. If you pretend to date me that'll ease their worries and I won't even have to worry about a scandal since it isn't real and only my parents would know anyways. Besides... we're close enough where we can pull this off convincingly, right?"
You take a second to think. It was a strange situation to be in, but as far as you knew you would only have to pretend for the week you would spend with her family. Her family wouldn't be seeing either of you after then, and maybe you could also fake breakup if things get sticky. With Seulgi's last statement... it was true that you've been really close with her and her entire family since you were both little. All it would take would be amping up the friendly touches and banter.
"Yeah, we are. Alright. I guess we should iron out the details about our fake relationship later though. You kind of sound like shit. Rest up if you can."
"Talk to you soon, Y/N."
With that, Seulgi ended the call and you were left with dinner still unprepared and a lot on your mind.
* *
The plan was to go to the airport and fly out to the island with Seulgi, where you could rehearse your story until you would meet up with the rest of her family and go about the vacation as normal. Except for the not so minor detail of you having to be Seulgi's girlfriend.
Seulgi sits by the window as you sit next to her. You try to get comfortable, but you really can't. There's a churning mixture of nervousness in your stomach. Even though it was all pretend, it was hard to imagine yourself trying to make it look real. Although you and Seulgi both felt like it would be easy to pull it off convincingly... there was something you couldn't quite place tugging at your heart-strings.
Your thoughts are interrupted as you hear her sweet voice.
"When did we start dating?"
"Uhm, ah, I know this! It was... er-"
"July 7th."
Seulgi begins to look at you. Her eyes are filled with both a pleading look and a disappointed look. She starts quizzing all the little, and very fake, details of your relationship. You answer them correctly for the most part and Seulgi's mood seemed to improve knowing you weren't completely hopeless. You're starting to get into the swing of things when all of a sudden Seulgi asks something completely unexpected.
"And what's our favorite position in bed?"
You felt your face immediately heat up as your eyes opened wide in shock.
"I- I mean, uh, what?"
"K-kidding of course." Seulgi says this with a smile, yet she seems to shake a little. Maybe she was also surprised with her sudden crude sense of humor. She begins to reach down and grab a small book from her bag. "I think we'll be good for now, just relax until we get there."
You just nod your head in response and slip in your earbuds.
* *
Although it wasn't like you have never spent a vacation with Seulgi, things felt weird.
First was the way her family treated you, especially her parents. The both of you walked into the beach house hand in hand. Her parents were completely unbothered. Later that day when eating dinner, Seulgi decided it was time to announce your relationship. As the conversation at the dinner table seemed to finally be dying down, she set down her fork and began to talk.
"Guys, listen up, I've been holding onto this news for some time now, but I really wanted to do it when everyone could see each other. What I've been wanting to say is... " It seemed to you, that maybe just for a little moment, Seulgi was trying to steel her nerves.
"Y/N and I are dating."
Silence. The two of you were met with utter silence. It wasn't the type of condemning and judging silence, but rather one of indifference. Everyone seemed completely unbothered with this news. The silence was thankfully quickly broken by Seulgi's mom.
"Well, I'm glad you guys have finally sorted your feelings. I'm sure you're both very happy now." Her mom said it with a small but warm smile. Everyone else seemed to nod in agreement. You couldn't help but to ask, "No big congratulations? What about the fact that we're both girls? "
Seulgi's brother laughed a little before talking.
"I mean... sorry. We can act a bit more excited if that's what you want. It really is something to be celebratory about... it's just that you don't usually clap for a fish when it swims, right? You know what I mean? It's just all a bit... expected and natural. As for the 'we're both girls' I don't care, and everyone else probably doesn't either."
To say the least, that was not the reaction that you and Seulgi expected. After dinner the two of you were stuck trying to think about what it all meant. You guys were also both stuck with the fact that you'd share one room and one bed for the rest of the week.
Again, it wasn't like you haven't done things like share a bed with Seulgi before. It was just that the relationship business was getting stuck in your head. Everything normal suddenly felt dangerous. Things like even looking in Seulgi's way felt like it took caution. That night, it was decided that there would be a pillow barrier between the two of you.
By the third night the pillows were all on the floor as the you hung onto each other for warmth, finding comfort in the contours of the other's body.
Things like this kept on happening. You would set up arbitrary rules to feel normal again and destroy them all within a blink of an eye. You just kept on acting on things without intending to.
For example, the other day Seulgi woke up early to cook breakfast. You couldn't help but to feel the absence of her body and warmth and followed her out to the kitchen soon after. Even though you were in a half-asleep state your feet found their way behind Seulgi and your arms snaked around her waist.
You burrowed your face into the crook of her neck. Taking in that familiar and oh-so-comforting scent that is Kang Seulgi. Since when did her scent make you feel at home? Since when did you feel so at ease with her? You had a sneaking suspicion that it has been this way for a very, very long time.
These thoughts didn't matter though, as your body began to move with hers to the soft music she had playing from her phone. She didn't try to resist your touch at all. Instead, it seemed that she melted under your touch, with you seeing her shoulders dropping and feeling her backing in further to your embrace. Before you knew it the serene moment ended when Seulgi finally finished cooking breakfast.
You would frequently hold hands whenever the family was around, yet even though you could spend your free time wherever with whoever, you were attached to Seulgi's hip and she to yours. You two would always end up doing something together, or perhaps you would do nothing, and instead just enjoyed the fact that the other was there while quietly still holding hands.
Holding her hand quickly became your best comfort. Her soft and warm hands seemed to fit perfectly with yours, fitting together just the way you'd want them to. Something about her hands electrified you every time.
The once seemingly distinct line between platonic feelings and romantic feelings began to get blurrier and blurrier with each passing second. This doubt and confusion culminated when going on one of the last outings planned for the vacation.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, during the outing a spontaneous couple's event was hosted. Your mouth began to dry up as the host looked at you and Seulgi, urging each other to kiss.
As far as everyone else knew, you've been dating for a decent amount of time now. Enough of an amount of time for them to assume you had kissed already. You looked into Seulgi's eyes in distress. You could feel the host boring his eyes into you. You could feel practically everyone's eyes staring in anticipation.
Seulgi drew her body closer and that was when you knew your fate was sealed.
* *
A couple hours later and you're back at the house now. Laying in the bed you've shared for the past few nights you finally look at her. She looks back at you with waiting eyes. Slowly you reach your hand up from under the blankets and softly laid it on her soft cheek. She responds by placing hers on top of yours.
Staring at the deep brown of her eyes, you take it all in. You feel heat radiating from her body. You watch her body rise and fall with a mix of a calm yet eager breath. The close proximity that the two of you share is something that was typical, yet so different in the moment. With bated breath you finally say the unspoken words. The words that should've been said long ago. The air and sound barely passes through your lips.
"I love you."
The two of you close in, giving the lightest kiss in the world. There was barely any pressure but you could feel her lips touching yours. Even though you've kissed already, this one meant so much more. Even if this was such a small and innocent kiss, it was the shyness of it all, the realization that it means something that made your heartbeat race.
Putting your foreheads together, Seulgi said with a quiet voice.
"It's been like this since forever, hasn't it?"
"Yeah. Let's keep it that way."
In the back of your head you wonder, was this to please her parents or was this to please her?
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rome5683 · 3 years
The Love Charade
Chapter Three: New Start
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His eyes were angry but also had another emotion, they were like green calming flames, demanding your submission. "We aren't friends."
She gulped. The hand on her arm made goosebumps grow on every inch of her skin. "We're not?"
The smirk on his pinkish lips, the ones his tongue grazed over lightly, gave unease to her core. "We are..."
His hand left her arm, and went up to her face as he gently grazed her bottom lip with his thumb. Then, he genuinely smiled, his demeanor changing but his eyes the same: mad with lust. "We are much more than friends..."
Suddenly, unease wasn't the only thing her 'core' felt.
Marinette's eyes opened fast, her ringtone bugging her head and she groaned. Picking up the phone, she spoke into it, with her voice still groggy, she muttered, "Hello?"
"Hey, I'm coming over to pick you up."
Her eyes almost popped out of her head at the recognition of his voice, "A-Adrien?"
"Oh my gosh, Adrien! Um, yeah! Sure! Right now?" She got up fast, going to her closet and looking through her mess of clothes for something to wear. "Wait, where are we going?"
"It's a surprise, but yeah, when else? Are you busy right now?" He nervously chuckled.
"Oh! For you? Never, heh. I mean, not just for you, I try to be early- Ah!" By her luck, Marinette's leg slipped on one of her pairs of smooth jeggings, and she fell on her butt. She groaned, hitting the exact spot where her tailbone was when she fell. "I just have the worst of luck."
From behind her, she heard Tikki and the other kwamis giggling at her misfortune. Adrien laughed wholeheartedly, her clumsiness making her seem cute even over the phone. "Are you okay? What happened?"
"Nothing, I just slipped." She got up, rubbing her sore bottom. "Um... What time do you think you'll be here?"
"How does five minutes sound?"
"WHAT? Five minutes?!" She shrieked, putting the phone on speaker as she looked into her closet quicker for her outfit for the day.
"Yeah, is that okay?" She felt his smirk from the other side of the phone, and blushed. How could she say no?
"I-It's okay. I'm almost ready anyways.."
"Alright, princess. I'll see you in a few." Marinette's neck and face flushed as she heard him chuckle and hang up. Princess, he called me princess. I mean, that's what Chat Noir used to call me, but it never really affected me until now. Ahh! If he does that again I'm gonna lose it.
Heart still pounding, Marinette shook her head and started to put a cute outfit together, but there was one thing Marinette had in the back of her mind, one thing that irked her. The boy in her dreams had black cat ears, and messy blonde hair. She wasn't dreaming about Adrien, no, she had been dreaming about Chat.
Marinette groaned aloud, looking at her shirts. "Tikki, I really think we should tell Adrien."
Tikki frowned to herself, and flew close to her ladybug. "Martinette, you know it's too dangerous. Especially if you're seen fraternizing with Chat Noir in civilian form, Hawkmoth might use you against him!"
Marinette looked at her kwami with pleading eyes, "But Tikki-"
"Marinette, there's a reason Master Fu trusted you to be the guardian. You don't put your feelings over your head, while Adrien, although sweet, can mix feelings and logic."
Marinette stepped in front of the mirror, patting down her skirt. Guilt seeped in the pit of her stomach. Maybe one day…
Adrien woke up, his hand flew to the alarm, disabling it, and getting up immediately to get ready. He thought of yesterday, when Marinette was on top of him, and so close. God, he really had to re-evaluate his morals, especially when the memory had caused something he wasn't prepared to deal with so early in the morning.
He slipped on a nice outfit, a standard black tee and black pants. He ruffled his hair slightly out of habit, wanting to show his wild side, his Chat Noir ego.
"Plagg, come on, we gotta go meet Marinette." The black feline-like kwami chuckled to himself as Adrien looked himself up and down in his mirror.
"Why Marinette? She your new girlfriend?" He nibbled on some Camembert, teasing him lightly. He knew Adrien's love for Ladybug was practically unbreakable since the first time he laid his eyes on her.
"Maybe, you never know."
Plagg spit out his cheese, choking, and looked at him in surprise. "What?" He sputtered, "B-But what about-"
Adrien petted the kwami behind his ears, laughing joyously. "Just teasing, Plagg. Calm down. Now I think I need to call her..." His voice trailed off as he reached for his phone.
Plagg looked at him in wonder. He wondered what would happen when he learned the girl of his dreams and his 'friend' were one in the same. Plagg scowled, and took another bite of his camembert.
He dialed Marinette's number and smiled. Knowing the girl, she was probably asleep. But calling ahead of time was preferable for someone who is always running late. "Hey, I'm coming over to pick you up."
He smiled, conversing with her. His conscience was muddled, yet his heart and body had a clear, different feeling to Marinette.
His heart stopped as soon as he saw her. His heart swelled, and so did hers the minute they really laid eyes upon one another. He knew it was just to explain what was going on but it felt like, well, it almost felt like a date.
Marinette smiled, her cheeks rosy with blush as his eyes practically devoured every inch of her body. She was so beautiful. Her dark navy blue hair, usually wrapped in her iconic ponytails, was now let down with the exception of the top half being held back with a small, white bow. Her usual attire was replaced with a casual dress, the top was white lace with flowers designed all around it while the bottom was an above the knee pink flowing skirt along with her light pink flats. Her smile though, it topped off the whole look. He felt himself flustered as well, he had felt over-dressed, but clearly was well appreciated by the glance her eyes did every now and then.
She bit her lip nervously, his messy hair, his black attire really showing his wild and flowing spirit. It was all so, so...attractive.
She shook her head, Adrien doesn't like me. He likes Ladybug. "Should we get going, Adrien?"
"O-Oh yeah. Right." He took her hand, his knees felt weak, but he disregarded them, and kissed the back of it. "Onward we shall go, m'lady."
"Falling for me already, M'lady? I need to talk to you." Chat Noir twisted his tail playfully, smirking up at the hanging superhero. Marinette, or Ladybug, shook her head and met him on the railing.
"It's got to wait, Dark Cupi- Uh, uh..." He pulled her close, shushing her and smiling blissfully. Her nerves wracked, surprised to hear what was so important.
"Shh. I swore to myself that I'd tell you as soon as I saw you..." Chat Noir, or Adrien disguised, had held a finger to her lips. Remembering that now sent butterflies across her abdomen.
"Ladybug... I... I- LOOK OUT!" His eyes flickered behind her quickly, turning them around and wincing as the arrow of hatred hit his back.
Ladybug gasped, "Chat Noir!" Still in his embrace, she felt herself tear up. 'No...'
Marinette remembered that day. His words of loathing that pained her... The kiss they shared, the kiss that brought him back to normal. The memory had hit her like a truck. My first kiss, it WAS with Adrien. Her eyes widened as soon as he had uttered those words, and she smiled. "Yes, we shall."
Adrien extended his arms, being charmingly silly and she laughed as she took it. "So, before we get into it… how about we get to know each other a bit?
"Oh? So like, what? Twenty questions?" She smiled, looking at the floor as they walked towards the park nearby.
"Precisely. I'll even start us off, if that's okay with you?"
"Okay, why not?"
Adrien and Marinette sat on a bench, and looked at her seriously. "Alright, Marinette. Answer this honestly…"
She chuckled, slightly nervous. "As honest as I can be."
"What's your favorite type of ice cream, Marinette?"
Marinette laughed and shook her head, the tension melting away. "Really? That's it? I thought-"
"That what? That I'd ask for your social security or something?" He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Well, to answer your question...I think they're all really good. But if I had to choose, it would be strawberry or red velvet. You?"
"Well, this cat enjoys himself some good strawberries. But I think my favorite has to be... mint chocolate chip. The freshness and chocolate is so good."
Marinette laughed, and then nodded in agreement. "Well, can't argue with that…"
"Alright, ask a question."
"Oh, my turn, okay…" Marinette looked up, pondering. "Ooh! I got one." She looked at him, smiling. "Night owl or early bird?"
"Oof, definitely night owl. But because of my busy modeling schedule and school, I wake up early all the time." Adrien shrugged, sighing. "My sleeping schedule is literally non-existent."
"Hah, amen to that. Akumas never stop, they are always causing a ruckus no matter what time it is."
Adrien laughed, "I guess you could say there ain't no rest for the wicked."
Marinette giggled, and subconsciously played with the ends of her hair. "Your turn."
Adrien smirked again, "Who's your favorite superhero?"
Marinette scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I think out of all of them, definitely Rena Rouge."
Adrien lightly and playfully shoved her, "Oh really? Does leather not do it for you?"
Smirking, she gave him a daring glance, "It actually does."
It had meant to be playful and teasing, but when Marinette uttered those words, they both just stayed silent. It was as if the playful tension had turned into something more. Marinette's brows furrowed, intensely staring into his beautiful green eyes with thoughts that swarmed inside her head, and conflictions burrowed in her heart. She was Ladybug. And as Ladybug, she had decided that no, leather did not do it for her. But now…I mean, this was Adrien we were talking about. But… it wasn't. He was so much more than that. He was her partner against crime, one of her best friends, and this whole time she had held him on top of a platform when all he had wanted was to be seen as someone normal. Someone free. Despite all that, Marinette couldn't bring herself to push her lips against his even though she desperately wanted to. This isn't right, she scolded herself. I can't just be with him because he's Adrien. I love part of him, but now...
Her eyes widened as she realized she had zoned out, and that Adrien and her were once again mere centimeters apart. She suddenly looked down, nervously chuckling as she evaded his gaze. "So, now that we got that part out of the way… shouldn't we talk about what we came here to talk about?"
Adrien recoiled, slightly moving away as he realized how close he had been, "O-Oh. Right. So, um, super powers…"
Marinette let out a dry laugh, "It’s like magic?"
Adrien took a deep breath, ready to really pour his soul out to her. It was weird that it was someone else rather than Plagg, but he was kind of happy about it nonetheless. "Well, part of it..."
She smiled softly, wanting to hear his side of the story. Adrien glanced at her, and smiled back. "It was the first day of school, and I had just gotten home from trying to attend it, and-"
"Wait, so your father didn't want you to go to school?" Marinette stopped, looking at him in confusion.
"Yeah, my father can be very… strict, I guess. He wanted me to do tutors and homeschooling, but I wanted to be like everyone else so I tried to. I was almost there too, but I saw an old man stumble without his cane, so I helped him up. But since I did that, Nathalie, my dad's assistant, and Gorilla, my bodyguard, blocked me from the school entrance."
Marinette gently placed a hand on his shoulder, "You helped out someone in need, like the hero you are, Adrien."
"Yeah. Anyway, I learned that the old man I helped was the one who gave me the miraculous I found in my bag. His name is Master Fu, and he was the last guardian of the miraculous."
Feigning obliviousness, Marinette tipped her head in confusion. "Miraculous?"
"They're basically pieces of jewelry. Like my ring," Adrien held his hand up, showing her the silver band, "it's what I use to transform into Chat Noir."
"Oh, like Ladybug and her earrings, right? And me as Multimouse with the necklace?"
Adrien nodded, "Yeah, and so basically, this specific miraculous is the power of destruction. I can use cataclysm, and m'lady, well, she is creation. She's basically the yin to my yang. I can't save Paris without her."
Marinette shifted uneasily, and sighed. "I promise I won't tell anyone, Adrien. You should just be more careful. I can't imagine what would've happened if it had been someone else, like Chloe Bourgeois…"
"Hey, Chloe isn't that bad."
"Oh yeah, it's not like she didn't tell the whole world she's Queen Bee or anything."
"Heh, yeah. I guess you're right." As Marinette looked at the ground, Adrien placed his hand on hers, which rested on her thigh. She looked down at his hand, and a slight blush crept on her cheeks. "I'm glad it was you, Marinette."
She smiled, looked up at him, and placed her hand on his cheek, "Me too."
"Get your tickets, right here at the fair!"
A man could hear the carnival manager from his cage, he frowned. They had just captured him yesterday, and they were in town for today. He saw the curtains open as he was on display for the world to see. His talent to breathe underwater had him believed to be a mermaid, so they had locked him in a large aquarium-like tub and basically imprisoned him. The kids tapped on the glass continuously, annoyingly, and then they ended up tipping him over.
He felt like he was suffocating. A fish without air, and as he grasped for something, anything as he writhed in pain, he ended up grabbing a piece of fork on the floor next to a plate of falafel, and then he felt something enter the tiny, plastic utensil.
"Hello, Triton. I am Hawk Moth, I'll help you get your revenge on all these townies and these wretched captors of yours."
"What's in it for you, Hawk Moth?" A butterfly shaped purple light shone on his face, the area around his eyes which shone with anger and hurt.
"Well, I'm glad you asked..."
Marinette and Adrien strolled down the street towards the ice cream parlor. "No well, I actually believe that there may be aliens out there."
"Oh come on, Adrien. Aliens, really?"
"Well, if there's a ring you put on so you can have a cat warped into your ring and then be turned into a leather-suited feline, I'm pretty sure there's another form of intelligent life out there."
Marinette chuckled, "You got me there, Chaton."
They looked over as people ran down the street, screaming for their lives in fear as water followed quickly behind. It wasn't enough for a tsunami, but enough to lightly flood the streets and cause panic.
"Run, you filthy humans! Run!"
Marinette's eyes widened, "Adrien.. you should go-"
Adrien shook his head, "You need to be safe first." He picked her up bridal-style, causing her to squeal as he ran down the street, looking for a place to change. She looked up at him, amidst all the chaos, and felt her cheeks burning up. Now is not the time, idiot.
"Adrien, there!" She pointed down an alley, and he ran into it quickly. He set her down gently, and smiled reassuringly.
"Don't worry, you'll be safe. Plagg-"
Marinette grabbed his hand softly, interrupting him. "Adrien, you can't worry about me right now! I'll be fine, just go save Paris-"
"Do you seriously think I would leave you?!" His voice was angry, but his eyes showed care. "Do you seriously think I would leave you in danger?"
She stayed speechless, and he pulled his hand from her grasp.
"Plagg, claws out!" His kwami screamed, awakening from his slumber and being dragged into his ring. Green magic flowed around him as he turned into his alter ego, Chat Noir.
As his transformation finished, Marinette felt her breath leave her chest. This was real. Adrien was Chat... The boy I love... "C-Chat Noir..."
He grabbed her close, and lifted her up by her thighs with one hand.
Marinette stammered, "C-Chat, I don't think-"
Chat Noir ignored her cries and used his bo staff to extend to the roof. Still carrying her in his grasp, he started to run. She buried her face in his neck without thinking, holding on for dear life. Yet, even in this dire situation, all she could think of was how her body was flush against his. Not the time, not the time, NOT THE TIME-
They finally reached his house, he sat her down on his bed and locked the door to his room. "Stay here, Mari." He went to the window, about to leave, when she spoke.
"Maybe I can help, maybe I can go with you." Maybe I could just show him.
"No. Absolutely not."
"I need you to be safe, You'll just distract me." He looked back, his eyes desperate, almost pleading. "Please."
Marinette nodded and smiled gently, "Okay... I'll stay here, I promise."
Chat stepped up to the window, hesitated for a second whilst glancing back to her, and ran out quickly.
Tikki flew out of her coin purse and looked at her confused, "You're not really going to stay here, right?"
"Marinette might. But certainly not Ladybug." She smirked, standing up and going into the restroom, locking it behind her. "Tikki, spots on!"
A bright pink light glowed throughout the bathroom as she turned into her alter-ego, then jumped out the window. Her yo-yo extended, and as she grappled from house to house and street to street, she helped the people in the streets from the water. It wasn't as bad as that one mermaid villain, but still, it was problematic. She ran from rooftop to rooftop, and finally found Chat fighting the akuma.
Chat grunted as he was hit by a strong burst of water which sent him flailing down the street. He groaned, standing up. "Where is-"
"Chat Noir!" Ladybug landed next to her partner. "I'm here. Are you okay?" She looked him up and down for injuries.
Chat raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off. "I'm fine. Though water isn't exactly my favorite, I can deal, M'lady."
Smirking, she shook her head. "That’s my kitty." She heard a shout and her eyes refocused on the akuma. "We need to come up with a plan. Where do you think the akuma is?"
"My bets on that shiny fork he keeps waving around." The akuma marched down the street and away from Ladybug and Chat, turning people who weren't hiding away into water minions with his trident.
"Let's find out. I think we just have to get you close enough and we could be done in a jiffy."
"In a hurry, m'lady?"
Ladybug flicked the bell on his chest playfully, "Well, as much as I love hanging out with my favorite kitty, I'd rather not fight an akuma-possessed person. Now, let's get this over with."
She walked toward the akuma as Chat Noir furrowed his eyebrows. They had always had teasing banter, but this seemed a little different. More flirtatious? He shook his head, and followed his lady into battle.
"Miraculous Ladybug!" She threw the broken trident in the air, and grinned as everything was brought back to normal. Ladybug smiled wide, and then pounded Chat Noir's fist. "Pound it!"
Chat Noir helped the man up, who was already struggling to breathe. He looked to his love, "I should get this guy to a hospital, he seems to be having a tough time breathing."
"Yeah. You probably have a better chance of not transforming back than me right now." Ladybug smiled, then went to hug him. "Be careful."
Chat Noir instinctively hugged her back although surprised at the action. "What was that for?"
Ladybug pulled back, "Just be careful, okay?"
"Always am, m'lady." With a small bow, Chat Noir was on his way.
Ladybug watched him leave, and sighed. "How am I falling for such a goof?" Hearing her earrings beep, her eyes widened. "Oh crap! I gotta get to Adrien's before I transform back!"
Swinging her yo-yo, she went on her way to Adrien's as fast as she could. "I can do it, I can do it, I- AGH!"
Ladybug screamed as a bird flew into her face, and she fell onto the street with a loud thud. "Jesus, why?" She stood up, groaning. "That hurt so much-"
Another beep rang in her ears and she squeaked as she ran behind the nearest ad tube (wtf are those things called?!) and transformed back without anyone seeing. "Phew, that was close."
Marinette shook her head, and decided to run back to Adrien's. If she couldn't make it through being Ladybug, she'd have to make it on foot.
Her flats hit the pavement lightly, the hard cement bruising her feet through the light material as she ran through the streets of Paris. She saw Adrien's house in the distance, and grinned. "Almost there- oop!"
Her arms and knees hit the pavement harshly, and she hissed in pain. "Damn it." She stood up, her clothes dirty and slightly torn. "Adrien will know I left…"
She disregarded her injuries, and ran (albeit slightly slower), to the Agreste mansion. She rang the bell quickly, trying to regain her breath as she waited for someone to answer. The camera pulled out not a minute later, "Who is this?"
Marinette put on a smile, "Hi, I'm a friend of Adrien's. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I came by to help him with a project we're working on.” Reluctantly, Nathalie made a disapproving sound. Marinette pleaded, "I'll be in and out, promise!"
The gate opened and the young teenager beamed. "Thank you!"
She ran in, making her way up the stairs, and went to open the door. "Finally-" It was locked. She groaned. "Seriously!"
She leaned on the door, sighing. Adrien might get upset at her, and now she would look terrible in front of her crush and-
The door opened, and Marinette made an incomprehensible noise as she fell backwards into Adrien's body. "Marinette? I thought I told you not to leave?" Adrien helped her up and looked at her confused.
Giggling shyly, Marinette's hand flew to the back of her neck. "It's kind of embarrassing, but I went exploring the mansion and I kind of got lost. And then I kind of fell, and then I realized I accidentally locked myself out and-"
Putting a hand on her shoulder, Adrien smiled. "It's okay to be curious, Marinette. I don't-"
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked her up and down. "You hurt yourself." Pulling her, he closed and locked the door to his room again, then led her to his restroom.
"Adrien, I'm fine. It happens all the time- ah!" He suddenly picked her up and placed her on the bathroom counter. He then leaned down and got the first aid kit under the sink.
"Just let me help you, okay Marinette?" He stood straight again, and soaked a cotton ball with alcohol. "You're always so clumsy…"
"Yeah, that's me, heh." She shrugged, used to it by now. Adrien grabbed her leg gently, and she bit her lip. Okay, this can't be happening right now.
He smiled at her, then gently pressed the wet cotton ball against her scraped knee. She hissed in pain, her hand flew to his shoulder instinctively, and she clenched her jaw. "Adrien, it stings." This wasn't exactly how I imagined groaning his name aloud to him, but beggars can't be choosers.
"Relax, Mari. It'll go away." She frowned, and her lip ended up bleeding a bit by the time he had finished putting bandages on her scrapes.
"Thank you, Adrien." She hopped off the counter, landing by his side. "Um, this is kind of awkward, but do you have any clothes I can borrow? Mine are kind of tattered, and I don't want my parents to-"
Adrien cut her off, and his lips formed a small smile as he spoke, "No problem. I'm pretty sure I have something you can borrow, let me just check... " He walked out of the bathroom, towards his dresser, grabbing his favorite hoodie and a random pair of joggers. He walked over to the bathroom and handed them to Marinette, "I think they'll fit you; if not, let me know, okay?"
"I'll give them back as soon as possible-"
"It's fine, Marinette. As a matter of fact, you could keep them if you want to."
Marinette blushed, "A-Are you sure? I mean, these are literally model clothes-"
"I'm sure." He smiled reassuringly, and closed the door for her as he exited out of the restroom.
She looked down at the clothes in her hands, and slightly blushed. I'm going to be wearing Adrien's clothes, and they smell just like him too… like when he cradled me close to his chest… Jesus, I need help. She took off her clothes, folded them, and put on Adrien's clothes. The hoodie was warm, and the joggers were straight up comfy, but both were baggy and tugged on Marinette's heartstrings. I'm at Adrien's house, wearing his clothes. God, I'm hopeless. She self-consciously looked in the mirror, grabbing lip-gloss from her purse and re-applying it. Tikki peeked out, "Are we leaving yet?"
Marinette squeaked, then responded in a hushed whisper, "You scared the crap out of me!"
"Sorry, but when are we leaving?"
Marinette pursed her lips, "I don't know just yet… I’ll let you know." She put her lip-gloss back in the purse, and snapped it shut. Opening the door, she grabbed her coin purse and clothes, setting them on the dresser. "Adrien?"
"Over here." She saw him just walk in with a tray of croissants in hand, and smiled. "Sorry, figured you'd want a snack."
"No, you're fine. Just- yeah." She awkwardly laughed, and sat on his bed. He sat beside her, and offered one. She took it, hungry after the day's events. "Your hoodie is nice, by the way."
He smiled, "Thanks, it's actually my favorite."
Marinette's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Wait, then, why'd you give it to me?"
"Why not?" Adrien quipped, smirking at her as he took another croissant from the tray between them. Their conversation was light and lasted hours, the topic going from the akuma, to video games, then to their homework, and more.
Marinette giggled, "Wait, so Chloe actually did that for you when you were little? I cannot imagine that from her..."
Adrien laughed, "Yeah, I know she's changed a lot. But I know how she truly is, and that's what matters."
She smiled softly, "Yeah, you're right. We may have our moments, but… I know how kind she can be, even if it isn't towards me."
"Hahah, I don't get it. You're the kindest person I know."
Her cheeks reddened, "I beg to differ."
"What do you mean?" Adrien set the tray on the floor, and looked at her quizzically.
"Well, clearly, you've never met you." Marinette's hand brushed against his that lay on the bed, and she looked down in surprise. Adrien looked down too, and enveloped her hand in his, hesitantly. Almost as if testing how it would feel, and his fingers then intertwined with hers, deciding as if it was worth it. His green eyes found hers, and their hearts hammered against their chests. Marinette subconsciously bit her lip, and instantly his eyes focused on them. Their faces seemed to drift closer ever so slowly, and Adrien rested his forehead against hers, releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding.
She didn't want to look up at him, she didn't want to look into those beautiful green eyes.
Because she knew…
His hand cradled her cheek, and his thumb grazed her bottom lip. "Look at me, princess."
She stayed quiet, and instead cuddled her face into the croon of his neck. Adrien sighed, "It's getting late, I think I should take you home."
"Wait...what time is it?" Marinette scrambled up awkwardly, grabbing her coin purse for her phone. She clicked her phone and groaned as she saw a couple of missed calls from her parents. "Yeah, if I start walking now, maybe I could-"
"Plagg, claws out!" Marinette gasped, turning around as she saw the boy of her dreams glow green as leather enveloped his body.
"Adrien, what are you doing?"
The blonde boy smirked at her, walking towards the open window, and stood out on the ledge. He looked back, and held out his hand. "Do you trust me?"
Marinette giggled, "Are you seriously quoting Aladdin right now?"
Adrien's smirk grew, "Do you trust me?"
She walked up, smirked and rolled her eyes, putting her hand in his. "With my life."
He laughed, suddenly picking her up by her waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. "Then hold on tight, Princess."
Her giggle rang loud, and he extended his baton, jumping from building to building. His jokes and her quips eased the tension from earlier away, making it disappear quickly. As he took her home, neither could explain to themselves what their hearts tugged for, neither could even understand what they felt. Almost in sync, their hearts swelled with something, something unconditional. Something indescribable. Something pure.
Do I still love Ladybug...? Adrien pondered as his chest became slightly breathless, his gaze on the raven-haired girl's smile, loving almost every second they spent together on the way to her home. Will I ever love Marinette? I'm looking too much into it... We're just friends... Right?
They landed on her balcony with a light thud, and she slowly untangled herself from him. "I guess this is goodnight, Chat Noir.”
He smiled, "I guess it is, princess. See you tomorrow?"
She bit her lip, then suddenly enveloped him in her arms. "Chat… Adrien…"
"Mari?" His hands laid at her waist, and his chest filled with warmth and anticipation.
Marinette looked up at him, she gulped at the anticipation in his green orbs and finally spoke:
"Adrien… kitty... I'm... I think I'm in love with you..."
What did ya think?
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pucksslut · 4 years
paring: suna rintarou x reader
summary: dragged to a college party by your good friend, you accidentally bump into a handsome stranger who you couldn’t help but become entranced by. college au! suna rintarou
wc: 3.2k
warnings: alcohol consumption/drug consumption, implied smut, drunk/high suna
authors note: so glad to get into writing again! i really enjoyed writing this fic and hope to get a part 2 out! i wrote in one of my friends as the reader’s friend, as she wrote a similar fic as well (i’ll link here). please feel free to request any fic or oneshot ideas and i hope to get more out soon!
“are you sure this is a good idea?” you ask, worry confidently slipping off of your tongue. Your sitting on a squeaky stool, gliding liner across your lips,
Your best friend, Lola, sitting beside you snickered, “when do we ever have good ideas? It’s not a good time without a little danger, am I right?”
It’d been forever since you were able to ease your mind and settle down, your friend encouraging you that a night out would be a mood-changer. Your mind had been beyond exhausted over the last few months, counting down the days before you could finally put it all away and be your true self again. That hope still is a dream away, as you still have what feels like years before you can finally sleep comfortably again.
“how’d you even get invited to this anyways?” you asked, sitting down your lip liner to pick up your hair straightener. You weren’t normally one to get done up for these types of things, but you haven’t gotten ready in forever. You’d convinced yourself that you just wanted to look nice for yourself, just this once.
“my dear, y/n. are you doubting me?” Lola giggled, giving your shoulder a playful nudge,
 “I’m glad to inform you that one of the hosts of said party, personally invited me. Can I get a round of applause,” you both broke out into laughter, your friend fake bowing while you clapped. It was nice to share these little moments sometimes.
“would’ve been nice to know earlier. Who is this said, “host”, you speak of?” you questioned, turning your body to face your friend. You had no idea she was friends with the boys on your school’s volleyball team, let alone close enough where she’d be invited to a party of theirs.
“y’know, just the one and only miya atsumu.” She smirked, giving you side-eyed wink. Your eyes widened, sitting down the scolding hair-straightener in your hands,
“no fucking way! You’re friends with miya atsumu? Doesn’t he fuck around with anything that carries a pair of tits?” you rhetorically asked, snorting midway through the sentence.
 You’d heard nothing but bad news about the miya twins, specifically miya atsumu. News got around quickly on campus, spreading even more like wildfire when it had something to do with the hotshot volleyball team. In all honesty, you could care less. 
You continuously questioned why every girl on campus had such a fascination with them. They all seemed like shallow asshole anyways, not giving a single shit about any of the girls in their path.
“excuse you! I’ve had the pleasure of fucking him once, maybe twice,” she cocked her head at you, 
“besides, don’t you want to party at least once? C’mon, these are the ragers everyone on campus talks about! You can’t leave me to go alone, babe!” she knew you were contemplating the idea in your head, meticulously running through every situation that could happen. But guilt-tripping you? Low-blow.
“you really have to make me feel like shit for backing out?” you rolled your eyes, an audible sigh escapes your mouth.
“so I take it as a yes?” she bats her eye lashes, sticking her pouting lip out as a typical over exaggeration.
 You both stepped out of your uber, thanking him and wishing him a good night. You could hear the music pounding from even outside the house. You made eye-contact with Lola,
“are we sure we don’t want to turn around?” you asked, worry evident in your eyes.
“don’t be a pussy, y/n. just for a few hours, promise?” she said, sticking out her pinky for you to hold onto. You began your walk up the concrete steps, red solo-cups and empty beer bottles littering the front yard of the house.
There were already groups of people lined on the porch, evidently drunk and hoping to just catch a breath of fresh air. Your friend swung opened the door first, allowing the noise to hit you face first. 
Your nose began to twinge at the strong scent of marijuana, the living room looking as if it was clouded. You both step your feet into the house, immediately overwhelmed by the blaring speakers and loud yells of voices coming from the kitchen. 
Before you could come to your senses, you felt your hand being pulled further in the house until you were surrounded by the commotion.
“Drink! Drink! Drink!” chants and words of encouragement thrown across the room as a face was participating in a keg-stand. Your friends eyes darted towards you, laughter began to exit her mouth. She pulled her hand away from you to watch the scene while you kept your balanced shoulder on the wall next to you. 
As quickly as it started, Miya Atsumu’s legs were dropped from the air, attempting to regain his balance as he hit the ground. The crown surrounding him began to applaud, causing a chuckle to escape from his lips,
“now, now! Yer all watching what I do best!” he laughs, Lola’s eyes lighting up at the sight of him. She’s already in too deep, you thought, a smile curving on your lips as you walk up to her,
“starstruck are we?” you whisper in her ear over the booming music, causing her to jump up slightly.
“what the fuck is wrong with you, sneaking up on me like that.” She laughs, her head turning back over to Atsumu, who is making fast conversation with the other guys around him, all wearing the same black and white jersey.
“I think you should go and talk to him, y’know, since you guys are so “buddy-buddy.”” You surround air quotes around your last statement, and begin to laugh even harder at your own snarky comments. Man, you really need to get out into the world more.
“why don’t we go together. I’ll introduce you!” she said, smirking confidently while grasping onto your hand once again.
 Before you could protest her request, she was quickly pulling you around the kitchen and towards the badly-lit living room. Atsumu darts his head towards the both of you, his lips curving into a small smirk, his hand sticking out into a small wave.
“so you were able to make it?” atsumu asks, the same hand which waved enveloping Lola’s hand in his own. She smiled at him, their conversation completely blanking from your head when you lock eyes with a golden-eyed boy. Your brain quickly entranced by his fox-like stare and unkempt black hair.
You’d never seen someone who looked like him, especially someone you were so taken aback by. His body was strung across a small armchair in the opposite direction from where you stood; the coffee table across from him overwhelmed with rolling papers, beer cans, and cheap bottles of whiskey.
“earth to y/n…hello?” Lola asked waving her hand in front of your face, your head quickly snapping over in her direction.
“yes?” you asked quickly, hoping she didn’t notice your tranced stare. What the hell, of course she noticed. Both her and atsumu began to giggle,
 “okay, what the fuck?” you stated, knowing damn well that you were being made fun of.
“nothin’, just wanted to introduce you to Atsumu here, but it seems like you found someone else.” She smirked at you, lightly hitting Atsumu on the shoulder, causing him to catch onto what your friend was trying to say.
“so yer into ol’ suna rin? Wouldn’t peg him as yer type, but I guess looks can be deceiving.” Atsumu joked, causing a laugh to escape your friends lips. Why does she feel such a need to impress this asshole?
“oh! Nice to meet you too! I’m l/n y/n!” you mocked, you have never been the type to put up with shitty attitudes, even if acting like an asshole was a center-piece of your personality.
“c’mon y/n, we don’t have to be rude. Why don’t you ask atsumu here to hook you up with him?” Lola asked, curling her body closer towards atsumu. The sight made you feel slightly uncomfortable, opting out for a drink instead,
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m going to grab a drink, want anything?” you truly didn’t want to stay, In all honesty, you’d rather go home and sulk in your bedroom than drink with a crowd you definitely didn’t fit into.
You questioned why you agreed to attend in the first place, or even if you agreed on your own accord anyways. You know she has your best interest at heart, explaining to you that you just needed a “break,” but she also knew that parties like this have never been your scene. 
Yes, she has known you long enough to know this fact, but she’s also known you long enough to understand that it’s way too soon to talk to men again, especially men like this.
“don’t be lame, y/n. if that’s what you want then so-be-it, but I know you’ll regret it.” She states, waving you off somewhere to grab a drink. 
You walked back over towards where you met up with atsumu moments ago, hoping for the bar to at least have a good option other than beer. As you reached the kitchen island, you were faced with a dilemma; tequila or vodka. 
Both being risky decisions, you outweighed the pros and cons in your head, of course overthinking things as little as your option of liquor for the night.
Ultimately deciding on a vodka cocktail, you spun around with your cup and headed back over towards your friend and atsumu. Unfortunately, you caught both sucking face in a dingy loveseat.
 Audibly making a sound of annoyance, you try and seek a place to sit. The dining room beside you being a faulty option as it was filled with drunken girls and boys who were higher than a kite, playing music as loud as they possibly could. You thought of sulking in the bathroom with your alcohol, but saw that option as poor, “party etiquette.”
“fuck!” you mumbled to yourself, frusturated at your friends lack of preparedness for her real plans during your night, and upset at the complete lack of your own social skills.
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of eyes were scanning your every back and forth movement while you frantically plotted your next move. Reverting back to the beginning of the night, you headed towards the front of the house, hoping to also catch a small breath of fresh air. Before you were even able to make it past the kitchen, a pair of large hands stopped you in your tracks.
“where ya’ heading, sweetheart?” a husky voice whispered into your ear, causing your arms to line with chills. 
His voice was smooth, and without even seeing his face, it struck a chord within your body. You turned your head around to face him, quickly realizing who you were looking at,
“cat got your tongue, hm? No need to be impolite, pretty girl.” His breath smelled heavily of marijuana, evident in his eyes as well. 
Much to your surprise, his smell was that of expensive cologne, overpowering the weed and alcohol branded into his mouth.
“well aren’t you bold?” you spat out, a smirk grazing atop your lips. His height compared to you is impressive, making you feel small underneath his hold.
“it’s hard to pass up an opportunity like this. You looked lost, and I’m just a kind-hearted bystander.” He joked, the grip on your shoulder loosened. You rose the drink you had in your hand onto your lips, pouring the cocktail down your throat. 
The man standing in front of you avoiding to break eye-contact with you. His face was beyond breathtaking to you, his eyes a sultry color of hazel, something you almost never see on the general population of those surrounding you.
Everything about him intrigued you, even though you had only seen him for the first time less than moments ago.
 Breaking you out of your trance, he turns on his heels making a beeline for the chair you first watched him in. taking this as a sign to follow, you gladly sway your hips behind him, a smirk lingering on your lips. He drunkenly throws his body on the armchair, patting the arms beside him,
“c’mere, pretty girl. No reason for you to stand around like a lost puppy.” His voice riveting through your brain, blocking out any other sounds around you. You were lost in this man, someone who you have yet to properly greet.
You initially thought your boldness was due to your drink, however, you still have yet to finish your first cup. The liquor wasn’t intoxicating, no, it was him. You guide your body over to him, carefully sitting on the arm of the chair, a silent prayer that your drink would stay in its’ cup.
“suna rintarou, by the way. But you sweetheart, can call me rin.” He states, rolling up a blunt on the table in front of him.
Everything he did was intricate, his lanky hands delicately rolling his paper, careful to keep it neat. You were impressed to say the least. 
You’d only smoked a handful of times, however, you were never able to achieve the feat of rolling your own blunt. You were never patient enough, nor were you sober in the first place.
“wanna hit?” he offered, finishing off the top of the blunt. You questioned whether you should smoke, having taken a break from that “lifestyle” for the time being. But how could you say no to that face?
“of course.” You smiled, gladly accepting the blunt from his hand. One hit turned into several before you were high off your ass, giggling in rintarou’s lap. 
You couldn’t recall how you got in the position, let alone what you were even laughing about in the first place. To say the least, this was the happiest you’d felt in a long time.
“rin! What the fuck?” your head snapped from the crook of suna’s neck to face a loud voice. A girl. You immediately felt uncomfortable, a once laughing fit now turned into you awkwardly sitting up from the position you were once in.
“fuck, what are you doing here?” he questioned, you being too embarrassed to even catch her name.
“really? I’m always invited to this shit! what whore have you seduced this week?” she rudely spat. Her voice was sharp, nearly snake-like as she came closer to the both of you.
“why the fuck should you care? Goddamnit, we broke up months ago,” suna calmly stated, “and she’s not a whore.” 
He continued to speak, opening his mouth like he had more to say. Rather than retorting, the girl in front of you began to laugh,
“I won’t be opening my door the next time you come back to me, and I promise, he always does.” She said, projecting her last statement towards you. 
It hurt, but you convinced yourself it shouldn’t. you only met this guy a few hours ago, why should his past relationships matter?
You couldn’t be jealous, and you had zero reason to be, right? As soon as she turned around to leave, you quickly sat up from the chair, readjusting the short skirt you’re wearing.
“y’know, I should probably go.” You mumbled, awkwardly turning to move somewhere, anywhere but here.
“y/n, c’mon. there’s no reason to leave. She’s nothing.” Suna stated, reaching up to grasp your wrist. You turned back around to face him, his lips outwardly pouting and eyes filled with lust. The sight made you giggle.
 Maybe it was the drugs, maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was just the pure attraction to the man that sat in front of you. Your body languidly fell against him, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck.
“you’re so beautiful. Did you know that?” he whispered into your neck, causing your stomach to almost fill immediately with butterflies.
All of his words had an effect on you, and it was something you’re unable to explain. He made you forget about anything, which could be considered a bad thing, but it was intoxicating.
 Instead of forming words to respond, you leaned upwards, pressing your lips onto his. The sudden touch came as a shock to suna, taking him a few seconds before he kissed back with vigor. His hand landed on your cheek, caressing the bits of hair shaping your face.
Suna deepened his movements, a rhythmic sequence between the both of you. His kiss ignited a fire in your stomach, something you couldn’t remember the last time you felt. His arms kept you in a hold as you straddled his hips. 
You couldn’t care less if anyone saw, the only thing that mattered in the moment were you and him.
His lips disconnect with yours, a desperate sign escaping your mouth.
“what do you think we take this somewhere else?” he whispers, taking a bite of your ear into his mouth. You could feel him beneath you, his hardened dick poking into your thigh. You squirmed in his hold,
“and what would we do there?” you asked, close enough to his face that his warm breath molded against yours. You began to grind against his lap, hoping to coax an answer out of him. The heat in your stomach began to grow more, your increasing arousal growing noticeable within your rigid breaths.
“desperate are we, pretty girl,” he said, his hands snaking along your thighs. 
“who says you could even take it?” his voice continues, these words causing a snap in your body.
“I want you so bad.” Your voice hinted with pure sex. Trying to think, you can’t remember the last time you felt this much attraction to single person, let alone someone who you’d just met.
Just as he moves to connect his lips with you once more, you hear a loud yell,
“we got cops!” someone yells from the room across from you.
You quickly hop off suna’s lap, scrambling to find your phone. You had no idea where your friend had disappeared to, trying to quickly find her contact name.
         “c’mon baby, we gotta go.” Suna says, grabbing onto your wrist. Your phone vanishes into your pocket,
         “fuck, I don’t know where my friend ran off to. I can’t leave without her,” you continued on, suna dragging you out from the backdoor,
         “she’s with atsumu right?” he quickly questions, only to receive a quick nod from you in response, “she’ll be fine, dudes’ a fucking pro at running from the twelve.”
         Along with his reassuring words, your gaze locked onto his. Despite the situation that you had fallen into, his expression was calm. 
He dragged your small form towards his black car parked on the opposite street, shoving you into the passenger seat.
         “wait, where the fuck are we going to go?” you frantically asked, forgetting you’d only met him a mere hour ago. He threw himself in the driver’s seat, revving up the ignition.
         “I dunno. you tell me, sweetheart.” He looked over at your sinking form, a wink directed towards you, releasing a laugh from your mouth.
         He began to drive, evading any of the oncoming sirens. Even the way he drove had you entranced. His right hand left the steering wheel, finding home on your thigh, outlining circles onto your skin.
“my house or yours?” he asked, eyes fixed on the road ahead of him.
Goddamn, were you in for a night.
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
Not the Type: 2/7
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Thanks again to the mods of the @captainswanmoviemarathon​ for putting this event together! Also thanks to @hookedonapirate​ for her beta skills. For my non-American readers, I hope I explained everything in this chapter, especially bust-throughs, adequately enough. I don't know that I've ever seen that aspect of cheerleading portrayed in a movie before (though I could be wrong). But if you search google images for bust-throughs, you'll see pictures of what I'm talking about.
Summary: Emma Swan first notices him in the stands at the Friday night football game. She can tell right away Killian Jones is not the football type. Then again, she’s not the cheerleader type either, but here she is with pom poms. Life hasn’t ever gone the way Emma planned. Lately, that’s actually been a good thing. Maybe Killian Jones is a good thing, too.
My loose Captain Swan AU of the movie Bring it On
Rated: T
Also on Ao3
Tagging: @snowbellewells​​​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​​​​ @kmomof4​​​​​ @let-it-raines​​​​ @teamhook​​​​​ @bethacaciakay​​​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​ @shireness-says​​​​​ @stahlop​​​​​ @scientificapricot​​​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​​​​ @thislassishooked​​​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​​ @kday426​​​​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​​​ @nikkiemms​​​​ @optomisticgirl​​​​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​​​ @carpedzem​​​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​​​​ @branlovestowrite​​​​ @superchocovian​​​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​​​​ @vvbooklady1256​​​​ @hollyethecurious​​​​​ @winterbaby89​​​​​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​​​​ @jennjenn615​​​​ @snidgetsafan​​ @spartanguard​​ @itsfabianadocarmo​​
At the next game, he wasn’t in the stands. Not that Emma was looking or anything. And she wasn’t disappointed. Nope, not at all.
“Earth to Emma!”
She jumped and turned to Ruby, who was squatting with her hands cupped in front of her. Ashley was across from the brunette, doing the same.
“We haven’t got all day,” Ruby grumbled.
“Sorry,” Emma told them hurriedly. She braced her hands on their shoulders as Ariel, her spotter, came behind her and grasped her waist. Emma jumped up into the girls’ cupped hands. They dipped with her, bending their knees together, then popped her up to chin level, with a light assist from Ariel. Behind them, another stunt group lifted Jasmine up above their heads. Down below, Mary Margaret and another girl pulled on the ropes to hoist the giant bust-through to an upright position. The bust-through they had spent hours making last Sunday afternoon, only for it to get obliterated in mere minutes. Making the bust-throughs for the game and the posters to hang around the school would take away from much needed practice time, so they came in on Sundays to do it instead. Emma had chafed at it initially - they all did, really - but the girls ended up having a blast every week. It still wasn’t fair that they were taken away from their athletic training to do 1950s crap for the boys, but oh well.
When the bust-through post was close enough, Emma grabbed it. Farther up, Jasmine held it as well. On the other side of the bust-through, the rest of the squad was doing the same. The stadium speakers suddenly thrummed with Queen’s “We Will Rock You,” and the fans surged to their feet. Below Emma, the football team thundered past with a feral yell before tearing through the yards of poster paper. Ariel braced her thighs and Emma tightened her core so she wouldn’t fall. Every damn time, she felt her life flash before her eyes. The only comfort came in her absolute trust that Ariel would catch her. She discarded the post, and behind her Ariel counted out loud, “1, 2, 3, hup!”
Ruby and Ashley bent their knees, then pushed through with their arms to pop Emma up into the air. She kept her core tight, her knees together, toes pointed, and her arms out in the shape of a “T” so the three girls could catch her neatly. It was a simple stunt, actually, and not as high or dangerous as most Emma was used to. They just didn’t usually do stunts on hard packed turf with twenty large high school boys rushing past.
Half the girls ran around as fast as possible to pick up all the bits of poster paper, while the other half hoisted up the pvc pipes they used for the posts and rolled up the ropes that held the bust-through. Those had to be reused every time.
Arms loaded with crumpled up poster paper that smelled of glue and tempera paint, Emma raced off the field as fast as she could before the opposing team came running out not caring if they bowled over a five foot five, ninety pound cheerleader.
She really hated football season.
The girls shoved the remains of the bust-through into the trash, then slid the pvc pipes and ropes underneath the bleachers to put in the cheer supply closet later. Then they lined up on the sidelines for the kickoff, their poms shaking in the air.
“Gooooooo Knights!”
Like every other game, the marching band followed the kick off with the school fight song, and Emma was busy high kicking when she saw him. Killian stood out like a sore thumb - the only one in the student section not chanting, “fight, fight, fight!” Instead, he was lounging back against the bleacher behind him, glancing around at his fellow students with a mocking expression upon his face. Emma felt her lips curl up into a smile - probably the first time she didn’t have to force one during this exhausting Rockette’s-style dance. Her legs burned as usual when the song finally ended, but it didn’t bother her quite as much when Killian caught her eye and winked. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop her smile from growing and spun away from him with a tilt to her chin.
“Push em back!” Mary Margaret, their captain, yelled. “Ready? Go!”
The girls all chanted together, going through the motions of the cheer. “Push em back, push em back, defense push em waaaaay back!” They went through it twice before efficiently moving into their stunt groups. Ruby and Ashley tossed Emma into the air this time, with Ariel giving her an extra boost. In the air, Emma twisted her body in a layout, the rush of it sending adrenaline through her veins. It only lasted a moment before her stunt group caught her in their arms, but Emma would never tire of the thrill that the brief moment of weightlessness brought her.
Emma popped out of the dismount with her arms above her head. “Go Knights!”
She never had to fake enthusiasm when she got to do a stunt like that. Her eyes caught Killian’s again. Both eyebrows arched, he managed a half bow from his seat in the stands, both arms outstretched dramatically. Emma shook her head with laughter, though his obvious admiration of her skills sent a thrill through her. Nevertheless, she rolled her eyes at him.
Just then, Emma heard the loud grunts and collisions of a particularly nasty tackle. The crowd gasped, and next to Emma, Mary Margaret dropped her pom poms.
“David!” she cried out, then her hands flew to her mouth.
Emma let out a cry too when she saw her brother lying motionless on the field. Instinctively, she reached for his girlfriend, and Mary Margaret threaded her arm through hers. The cheerleaders all took a knee, but Emma and Mary Margaret never let go of each other.
“Get up, get up,” Emma whispered.
David started moving his legs, and the girls let out a sigh of relief. He was able to get up without the aid of the coaches hovering over him, and the crowd cheered. He had a slight limp at first, but his leg must have just been stiff because his stride soon became normal. He took off his helmet and grinned and waved at the crowd. The cheerleaders stood again and waved their poms above their heads in celebration. Next to Emma, Mary Margaret was still shaking a little bit.
“He scared me to death,” she told Emma.
“I know,” Emma replied, and a shiver went down her spine as she thought about how bad it could have been. David was always pointing out that she and Mary Margaret could fall out of a stunt and break their necks just as easily as he could, but it felt different. Football injuries just felt way more common, and then there were all those retired pros with neurological problems. David said that playing at the college level was unlikely since Storybrooke High was just a double A team, and she was secretly glad. The less he smashed his brains in, the better.
David was the big brother she never knew she needed, accepting her, teasing her, and irritatingly trying to protect her from the moment her prickly thirteen year old self had arrived in his home.
He had also sat on the sidelines at how many gymnastics classes? Classes she had dreamed of taking since she watched Gabby Douglas win the Olympic gold medal on TV when she was eight years old. Then, when Emma was twelve, Simone Biles became her hero. A former foster kid winning Olympic gold? Emma didn’t think such a thing was possible, but Biles gave her hope. Then Ruth Nolan made that hope reality.
“Whatever your dreams are, Emma,” she had told her, “I’ll invest in them. It’s what a mother does.”
Emma was behind, of course. She’d had school friends as she grew up who taught her the basics on the playground - handstands, cartwheels, back walkovers. She’d even learned to do back handsprings in the backyard of one of her foster homes. Still, her goal to make the high school gymnastics team seemed almost impossible. Then she read about Misty Copeland, the star principal dancer for the American Ballet Theater who didn’t start dancing until . . . thirteen. Surely, if she could defy the common thought that girls had to start ballet at three or four to achieve greatness, then Emma could defy the same thought in gymnastics. And with the support of Ruth and David, she had. She’d made the gymnastics team as a freshman at Storybrooke High.
Then, after one amazing season on the team, they had received the devastating news: the state of Maine was cutting high school gymnastics completely. Ignorant politicians spun it, of course. There would still be a state meet each year where gymnasts would represent their schools in individual competition. It would just be privatized, the politicians explained, saving taxpayers thousands of dollars. Privatized was a fancy way of saying that only gymnasts in clubs at private gyms could compete. Clubs that cost an extravagant amount of money. Money that Ruth Nolan simply didn’t have.
And that was how Emma Swan ended up a cheerleader.
“You and Mary Margaret still wanna stay over at my house?” Ruby asked after the game as she slung her cheer bag over one shoulder.
“Of course we do,” Mary Margaret replied. “Right Emma?”
“Yeah sure,” Emma said vaguely as she pulled the rubber band out of her hair and shook out the loose waves. Cheer ponytails were so tight they gave her a headache. Of course, as a gymnast, she’d had to put her hair in an equally tight, equally hairsprayed bun. She rubbed at her scalp. Maybe she should chop her hair off like Mary Margaret. No, scratch that, she didn’t have the flawless skin and cherubic face to pull that off like MM did.
“Are you sure?” Ruby asked with a glint in her eyes. “Killian lives there now, you know.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “I’m familiar with what a foster brother is. Of course I know he lives with you.”
“Just wanted to be sure you could handle the sexual tension,” Ruby said, bumping Emma teasingly with her hip as they headed to the parking lot.
“For the last time, there is no sexual tension between me and Killian!”
“You did have cheer sex with him.”
“Mary Margaret! I thought you didn’t buy into that crap!”
“Did I just say that out loud?” MM’s face was crimson.
Ruby threw her head back and guffawed. “Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, Emma.”
“God, if you two don’t stop . . . I’ll . . . I’ll . . .”
“You’ll what?”
Emma grasped for a good threat. “Smother you with a pom pom!” she finally blurted out, waving the one she still grasped in her hand in Ruby’s face.
MM literally collapsed against the side of Ruby’s car in hysterics, and even Emma lost it. It wasn’t really that funny, but they were all simultaneously exhausted and electrified from the game. Once they calmed down, they tossed their stuff in Ruby’s trunk. There was only a pleasant chill to the air this early in the season, so Ruby put the top of her convertible down, and Emma leaned contentedly against the headrest as the wind rushed past. The football team had won tonight’s game, and there was a spirit of celebration in the air as Ruby drove through the parking lot and out onto the street in front of Storybrooke High. When kids and even adults noticed a red convertible with three cheerleaders in red and white, they raised their fists in the air and shouted, “Go knights!”
“You know, it would mean a lot more if they were cheering for our victory instead of someone else’s,” Ruby commented dryly as they cruised through Storybrook’s only light after it turned green.
Mary Margaret leaned between them from the backseat, which surprised Emma, since the brunette was usually all “safety first.”
“Well, that’s all gonna change come December 5th ladies when we-”
Ruby lifted one fist in the air as she joined Mary Margaret in her cry of, “TAKE STATE!!!”
“Now wait a second, slow down,” Emma cautioned. “We have to place at regionals first.”
Ruby rolled her eyes. “Please, Emma, Storybrooke has dominated regionals since we were all in kindergarten.”
“Well, if there’s one thing gymnastics has taught me, it’s to not get cocky, so don’t jinx it, okay?”
“We also need to have confidence,” Mary Margaret added, giving Emma’s shoulder a squeeze.
“Confidence, not pride. Now sit back and put on your damn seat belt.”
“Intense much, Emma?”
Ruby tilted her chin and practically howled at the moon. “Someone needs to. GET. LAID.”
Emma lunged over and clapped her hand over Ruby’s mouth before she could add anything further. “Don’t. Say it.”
“God, Emma, she’s driving!”
Ruby pinched Emma in the side with her free hand, sending the blonde jerking back to the passenger’s side. “Why Emma, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Killian Jones knew that Emma Swan was just down the hall from his bedroom - keenly aware of it. Just as he had been aware of her since the night he’d first seen her. He had been completely honest when he told her that it was her expression and not her body that had drawn him in. If he’d wanted to ogle enticing figures in short skirts, he would have just been staring at the entire squad since the game started. But it was Emma Swan’s clearly irritated, flashing green eyes that had managed to tear his gaze away from Tolkien. He wasn’t sure what she had against the marching band’s rendition of “Louie, Louie,” but the hatred clearly ran deep.
He clenched his jaw as laughter floated down the hall from Ruby’s room, and he adjusted the knobs on his guitar effects pedal to distract him. Granny had been abundantly clear that he was to stay far away from Ruby’s friends.
He was a little offended at Granny’s lecture, to be honest. As if he were a dog in heat unable to ignore the scent of females.
Killian strummed his electric, then adjusted the feedback again. Halfway through Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy,” he’d pushed thoughts of Emma Swan far away.
Until he glanced up in the middle of a frankly ridiculous, out of control guitar solo to find her standing there in his doorway, slack-jawed and staring. She was tantalizing in a teeny, tiny pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top, her blonde hair piled up on her head in a messy bun. He managed not to drop his guitar and flashed her a lopsided grin as he continued to play.
The girl in question jumped a foot in the air, clutching her hands that held a purple toothbrush to her chest. “Shit, Ruby!”
“What are you doing?” Killian’s foster sibling asked from the hallway.
“I, uh . . . went to brush my teeth.”
“Um, the bathroom is that way.”
“Right, right, I knew that,” Emma mumbled.
Killian winked at her before she scurried away, still strumming. So maybe he wasn’t the only one who felt the delicious tension between them. This was a pleasant turn of events . . .
Emma grumbled at herself under her breath as she squirted toothpaste onto her toothbrush. She couldn’t believe Killian had caught her staring - practically drooling - over him. The way he’d smirked at her as he continued to play left no question that he knew she was checking him out. She was pretty sure Ruby knew it, too. Yet in her defense, how was a girl supposed to ignore an attractive guy when he was playing the guitar?
Emma started to brush, a little too vigorously at first. She was irritated with herself, but she didn’t need to scrub her gums raw, so she slowed down. She almost jumped out of her skin when Killian came through the open bathroom door behind her, but she calmed herself before he noticed. He winked at her as he retrieved his toothbrush from the cup by the sink and got some toothpaste. Emma arched a brow at him as she continued to brush. Somehow, the idiot managed to smile at her charmingly even as he worked the toothbrush around his mouth. She rolled her eyes and looked at her reflection instead, but that didn’t work either. His gaze only found her reflection in the mirror, and he waggled his eyebrows at her. She almost choked on her toothpaste.
Then he spit, rinsed, and ran his hand across his mouth in exaggerated, satisfied fashion. “Ahh,” he said, then bowed to her and left.
Emma scowled at her own reflection in the mirror. Stupid attractive eyebrows. No one was supposed to look that good brushing his teeth. She finished brushing, rinsed, then headed back down the hall to Ruby’s room. Her friends stopped chatting the minute she walked in.
Ruby arched a brow. “Please, Emma. I caught you drooling over Killian when you were supposed to be brushing your teeth.”
Mary Margaret pointed an accusing finger. “And you’re smiling.”
Emma rolled her eyes as she tossed her toothbrush into her overnight bag. “So I’m smiling. So what?”
“So, you don’t normally walk around smiling. It’s not the natural resting state of your face.”
Emma laughed as she plopped down on Ruby’s bed with her friends and grabbed some potato chips. “The natural resting state of my face?”
“Yeah,” Ruby explained. “Take MM here. She naturally smiles. Just walks around smiling. You - not so much.”
“Okay, fine,” Emma muttered around a chip, “so I think he’s cute. Are you happy now?”
Emma lifted a hand the minute she saw Mary Margaret’s face. “I think he’s cute. That’s it. I’m not saying I like him or that I want to date him, just that objectively I can admit he’s cute.”
“Puppies are cute, Emma,” Mary Margaret pointed out, “that guy in there is not just cute.”
“How is he your foster brother anyway, Ruby?” Emma asked, hoping to steer the conversation somewhere else.
“Oh, that. Well, Granny knew his mom from way back. They used to come visit every summer when we were kids. Anyways, when Killian’s dad left, he asked if she’d take him.”
Emma blinked. “Wait, his dad just dumped him here? And where’s his mom?”
“She died of cancer a few years back.” Ruby shrugged. “And I don’t know, his dad wanted to go back to England or something. Killian gets pissed whenever I bring him up, so I’m not really sure. He has a brother too, but Liam’s in the Navy.”
Emma fell silent as she grabbed more chips. As she munched, she tried to imagine being sent to a new town, new school so your dad could . . . what? Live his own life with no responsibilities? It was pretty screwed up.
The sound of an electric guitar filled the apartment above Granny’s diner once again, and Ruby let out a huff of frustration as she stomped to her door.
“Kill, seriously? Can you stop with the guitar already?”
“I live here too,” Killian shouted back.
“Both of you shut up so I can sleep,” Granny yelled at them both.
Mary Margaret and Emma caught each other’s eye and burst out laughing. Ruby groaned then slammed the door shut.
“I’m serious, Emma. If he starts dating you, maybe he won’t be around here so much, driving me insane!”
“That’s not very romantic, Rubes,” MM scolded.
“And remember, Emma Swan doesn’t date.”
“Emma Swan needs to stop referring to herself in the third person.”
Emma didn’t have her poms anymore, so she threw a pillow at Ruby’s head instead.
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minsugapie · 4 years
Miscommunication 2/2 (Yoongi’s POV)
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pairing: Yoongi x reader
genre: fluff, trusfration, slight angst if you squint, one shot (part 2)
words: 3712
a/n: if you haven’t, please read part 1 because although this is in yoongi’s pov, only one scene overlaps!!
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
The first time Yoongi saw you, you were standing in line at Starbucks. You ended up ordering his favourite drink. While he was taken by you, you failed to notice him, having been completely immersed in the music you were listening to. He didn’t mind; however, because seeing you content forced an aura of calmness to wash over him. He watched from his table where he’d been working on a project as other people (men) stole glances at you. You were wearing tight pants, enough to show off your legs. He felt oddly protective, and wanted to give you his flannel to wrap around your waist. But before he could even finish imagining the impossible scenario inside his head, you were walking out the door with a small smile on your face after you took the first sip of your drink. Sighing deeply, he went back to his work, not entirely focused on what he was doing anymore. 
Since that day, Yoongi began to see you everywhere—on campus, at the mall, at his favourite restaurants, and even out with his friend Jimin. Jimin and Yoongi had known each other since first year when they shared a class, and Yoongi liked how loyal Jimin was as a friend. Although Yoongi had many friends, there was only a select few that he called his best friends. 
One afternoon, when Yoongi was waiting for Jimin to meet him for lunch, was the day he realized that Jimin actually knew who you were. He spotted the two of you walking together, Jimin’s arm around your shoulders protectively. You laughed at something he said before pushing him off of you and walking in the opposite direction. You looked back quickly, but only so that you could send him a quick wink and a wave goodbye. 
Jimin walked up to Yoongi, who was still watching you walk in the other direction. When Jimin reached him, he followed Yoongi’s line of vision, not entirely sure what he was watching since you were surrounded by people. 
“What are you looking at?” He asked Yoongi, waving a hand in front of his face. 
“Oh,” he blinked a few times before answering, “Uh, that girl that you were just walking with…are you two together?” Yoongi was nervous to ask him this question. You’d been taking up his every though, consuming his mind and body more than he’d like to admit. You were the inspiration for all of his latest music, and he didn’t even know who you were. Heck, he didn’t even know if you’d ever even noticed him before. He was never one to shy away from staring at you, and it frustrated him sometimes because GOD you were the most oblivious person he’d ever seen. If only you’d make eye contact with him just once, he’d have the courage to talk to you. 
“Who? Y/N? No, we’ve known each other since high school. She’d a good buddy…” Jimin explained, narrowing his eyes at Yoongi. “Why?”
Yoongi cleared his throat before straightening his back and starting the walk to the restaurant. “I’ve just been seeing her around. That’s all.” He tried to hide his interest, but he knew that he had a terrible poker face—but only when it came to women. He wasn’t entirely telling a lie, but he wasn’t giving the entire story either. 
“You’re lying.”
Yoongi looked down at his feet when he walked, wondering how he should respond. “Fine. I have been seeing her around, but I can’t get her out of my head. Every time I’ve seen her plays whenever I close my eyes. I have no escape.”
Jimin sighed, and Yoongi automatically wondered why. “She’s not really into guys.”
Yoongi paled, all hope vanishing from his body. “She likes women?”
Jimin smiled and released a small chuckle. “It’s not like that. She doesn’t have any desire to be with anyone, I guess. She doesn’t sleep around, and she doesn’t go on dates. She likes being alone. Besides, I’ve heard about the previous guys she’s taken a liking to, and they’re all opposite from you. I wouldn’t say you’re exactly her type, hyung.”
“Oh.” Yoongi’s hope returned, but only slightly because of what Jimin said. 
“What’s her type then?” 
Jimin couldn’t help but smile again. “What are you going to change for her?” He joked and nudged Yoongi in the arm. 
“No,” Yoongi groaned, “I just want to know if I even have an inkling of a chance.”
“I don’t want to give you hope, but I really don’t know for sure…”
Neither of the two of them said anything more until they say down at the table to order. 
“What about my birthday next week? What if you brought her?” Yoongi offered. He had to do something. There was no way that he was letting you slip between his fingers. He would regret it for the rest of his life. 
“I can try to convince her. She likes to party, I guess…” Jimin answered, taking sip of the water that the waitress brought to the table. 
Yoongi sighed again. Why did he have to be into somebody so aloof to dating culture?
• • • • • •
Yoongi’s birthday was tonight, and he was a ball of nerves. He had no idea how you were going to respond to him. Actually, he didn’t even know whether you’d even be there or not. Jimin said that you were still deciding. 
Yoongi’s best friend Hoseok was chilling on his couch watching some dancing videos on YouTube as Yoongi paced his apartment in anxious anticipation. 
“Dude, why are you stressin’?” Hobi asked, pausing his video to look at Yoongi. 
“Y/N may or may not be coming tonight.” Yoongi deadpanned, flopping onto the couch beside his friend. 
“Y/N? As in the only girl in your world for the last couple months? You invited her? You talked to her?!” Hobi’s interest piqued at the mention of her. He’d never seen his friend so invested in someone he hadn’t even met.
“No, apparently she’s Jimin’s good friend. I told him to invite her.” Yoongi revealed. He wondered then if he looked okay. Did he need a haircut. He was so stressed that he almost forgot to shave this morning. He was just glad that he hadn’t gotten a massive mountain on the top of his nose from stress. 
“Well, there we go! Now we just have to get her attention!”
“It might not be that easy,” Yoongi groaned, running his hands through his hair. 
“It’s your birthday tomorrow! Let’s have some confidence!” Hobi exclaimed, clapping his friend on the shoulder while hyping him up. 
“You’re right. I’m a handsome guy. I know how to talk to women…mostly…I can do it!”
• • • • • •
The party at the bar was in full swing, and Yoongi tried his best not to think of you. He didn’t want to dampen his mood and ruin the night if you never showed up. You knew that Hobi tried his hardest to make sure that she would introduce herself by telling everyone over the loud speakers who didn’t actually know him to introduce themselves.
He’d almost lost all hope of talking to you, when Hobi elbowed him harshly in the ribs as he was talking to a classmate. You were in front of him, in all your glory, with a smile on your face. In fact, he’s so struck that he couldn’t even say hello to you. Thankfully, you broke the ice. It kicked his malfunctioning brain back into circuit. He was actually able to flirt with you. And it must’ve been enough because, surprisingly, you hadn’t rejected him. Even Jimin seemed surprised. 
It was safe to say that Yoongi was mesmerized by you all night. He didn’t want you to leave his side, literally ever. Even when he could tell that the bartender, Jackson, harboured a major crush on you, he still never fell from his high. All your attention was on him, and he couldn’t have been any happier about it. And then the kiss happened. That kiss the two of you shared on the dance floor sent his emotions into overdrive. He craved more of you, wanting to feel every bit of your skin under his palms. He wanted your fingers laced through his hair. He wanted all of you to himself. He no longer wanted to be at this party with all these people that seemed less than important now that he’d met you. You were all-consuming. He could feel you almost dangerously taking hold of every molecule in his body. He wasn’t sure what to call it. Was it love at first sight? Was he clinging onto a version of you that he’d created in his mind? Or was it something a little darker, a little scarier?
When you’d agreed to spend the night at his place, he almost burst into flames right then and there. You had no idea how much you affected him, not only sexually, but just the way you made him feel when you were around. He’d only ever felt butterflies around people before, but just like that first time he saw you in Starbucks, you calmed him. Just one look into his eyes, and he felt like he could conquer the world. He felt like he was invincible, that nothing could touch him. 
Deep inside, he wondered what you were thinking, and if you felt about him even the slightest way that he felt about you. 
• • • • • •
The week following his birthday was bliss. You’d agreed to meet with him again and again, not having to reply his night together with you because you’d created new memories, new moments of ecstasy, together. 
The fourth time you’d visited his apartment about two weeks into seeing each other, he did some serious thinking. You’d spent hours together—not only having sex—but also talking and getting to know each other a little better. He realized that the version of you that he’d created in his head was exactly who you were. You were kind and helpful, smart and witty, and also hilarious as hell. He’d realized that the calmness that he felt every time you were together was proof that he’d really experienced love at first sight. Christ, he knew that it was crazy to believe in such a thing, and if you’d asked him if he believed in it before seeing you for the first time, he would have laughed in your face. But here he was, holding you in his arms while you peacefully slept. He ran his hands through your hair, looking at your face. He took in the way your eyelashes fanned out over the top of your cheekbones, the way the shape of your nose perfectly complimented your face, the way your lips fluttered with every short breath you took. 
He simply couldn’t look away. Was watching you sleep considered creepy? Either way, you were his, or more, he was yours. In a second, your eyes fluttered open, meeting his. He didn’t look away, and his heart swelled when you smiled at him in response. You pulled back, much to his dismay, to ask, “What time is it?”
Yoongi didn’t want to answer because whenever you did, you left him there all alone with only the memories of your time together. But he couldn’t ignore you, so he reached over you and tapped his phone. It was past curfew for you to get back to your dorm before they locked the doors on you.
“Yoongi!” You complained when he told you, throwing the covers over your head in frustration. 
“What’s the big deal? Just sleep here tonight and I’ll walk you to class tomorrow,” he suggested, wanting nothing more than for you to curl back into him and fall asleep once again. 
You peeked your nose out of the blanket in such a cute way that he almost lost it. “You’d let me stay here?” 
“Sure. Why not?” He said, grabbing your waist and pulling you back to his chest. You were wearing one of his shirts, and he really wished that you weren’t wearing one at all. But, he knew you felt more comfortable that way. 
“Okay,” you whispered, placing a small kiss on his cheek. His heart skipped a beat, and he was sure that you’d felt it. You didn’t comment, but you snuggled into him and quickly fell asleep again. 
He felt the need to ask fate why they’d let him be so lucky.
• • • • • •
Word had gotten around that Yoongi and you had been sleeping together. Yoongi couldn’t believe that you were his girlfriend. It was like you were perfect for each other. Not once had you fought. Well, obviously you debated on some topics, but nothing was ever in hatred or malice. He liked how stubborn you could be when defending what was right, and he loved that you weren’t ever afraid to be exactly who you were. 
The only thing that slightly bothered him was that he was now hyper aware of all the men’s attention that you successfully captures wherever you went. He would still see you places, and you wouldn’t notice him. You didn’t notice anyone else either, which was what really kept him sane. 
He wouldn’t ever say that he was jealous, because not once had he seen you express interest in anyone, so it was hard to label what he was feeling. Maybe it was a natural protectiveness that came when you were dating someone? 
He was hanging out with Hobi one night when he asked him, “What do you think of Y/N?”
Hobi coughed on the sip of his drink that he’d just taken. “What do you mean?”
Yoongi wasn’t asking him a loaded question, but he was just curious and couldn’t focus on the movie they were watching. “Do you think she’s hot?”
“Are you trying to torture yourself, hyung? I’m not going to answer that question.” Hobi replied, taking another sip of his drink, still trying to stop coughing. 
Yoongi obviously didn’t mean anything by it, but he’s curious about what his friends think. “It’s okay if you do. I just…don’t you think that she’s like a little too perfect?”
“I think that she’s perfect to you. Sure, she’s good looking, but from what you’ve told me, you’re just trying to rationalize why you like her so much. It’s okay to like her as much as you do. It was bound to happen. She could be your soulmate or whatever…” Hobi trailed off, looking out the window. Yoongi knew that Hobi believed that there was only one person that was made for everyone. 
But soulmate? He guessed he really liked the sound of that. “Is it too early to think that? It’s only been a month.”
“I think whatever you’re feeling is valid,” Hobi admitted before adding, “And honestly, I’m kinda jealous because I want to love somebody as much as you love her.”
He did love you, that much he was certain of. 
• • • • • •
Yoongi liked to study with you. Moreover, he liked to watch you study. You were cute when you concentrated, trying to take in all the information you could. He found your study habits interesting, and loved how excited you got when you explained to him something that you’d just learned. 
The place that you’d visit most often to study was a semi-popular bubble tea place a few blocks from his apartment. It was relatively quiet, so the two of you weren’t interrupted very often. 
Yoongi liked to always sit across from you, so he could brush his knees with yours and look at your face whenever he needed a study break (which was more often than he would’ve liked to admit). You looked particularly concentrated today, highlighting the passages in your book with your tongue sticking out. He wouldn’t stared at you for a while longer, but the flash of your phone getting a notification caught his attention. 
Normally, he went right back to work and didn’t care, but he clearly read the work Jackson. His interest was piqued. Why were you texting him? Slight insecurity flowed through him as he peeked back up at you. You still hadn’t noticed your phone buzzed. A second message came in not a minute later. 
He clearly read what they said, even if he was reading them upside down. 
[Hey, are we still on for our date tonight?]
[Btw I’m glad you finally agreed to this.]
Yoongi tried to stay calm, but it clearly stated that you were going on a date tonight—something that he was not okay with. Like at all.
Tapping your leg with one of his feet, he called your name. It took a second for you to register and take a headphone out of your ear. You hummed without even looking up at him. Oh, how he wished you would. He wanted to see what you were thinking, even though he always found you impossible to read. 
He wondered if you could read every thought that went through his head. He never tried to hide anything, but he knew that he wouldn’t have been able to even if he did. You, on the other hand, were impossible to read at the best of times. 
“You’re texting Jackson,” he deadpanned, pushing the phone closer to you. He gauged your face for a reaction. It paled, and for a brief millisecond he was able to see something readable. However, it left so quickly that he couldn’t decipher if. How frustrating! You had him like a puppet on strings, and he couldn’t even begin to know how you were feeling ever. 
“Yeah?” Was what you settled on responding. She said it like it wasn’t weird, like it was normal for people in monogamous relationships to be texting other people and setting up dates with them!
“Why?” He was still trying to stay at calm as possible. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding. He took off his headphone, giving you his complete attention. 
(Like you hadn’t had it before lol…)
“Because he likes me?” Was her answer. 
B-because he liKES HER? Yoongi was stunned by her words. Closing his eyes, he tried to find the words to respond. His mind was swirling with possibilities of her texting guys upon guys that weren’t her. It didn’t sound like her, but he wasn’t thinking straight and couldn’t rationalize properly. Finally, he managed, “Wait, are you dating other people?”
“Aren’t you?” She countered immediately, a mixed of worried and confused emotions on her face. Finally, he could read something that you were feeling. 
“What?” He almost spat…almost. He was getting extremely frustrated.
“Uhhh, what do you mean dating other people? We aren’t dating, Yoongi,” she concluded, crossing her hands and tilting her head. 
“We’re not?” The feeling was back. That one that he felt when he thought he didn’t stand a chance with you. He knew it was too good to be true, and he let Hobi talk him into believing that you were his soulmate!
Now he was getting mad. With a raised voice, he countered, “Hold on a second…how in hell are we not dating?” They did everything like a couple. The went on dates; they had sex; they texted; they talked about deeper things. 
“Because we didn’t ever talk about it! You never asked me to be your girlfriend, so I just assumed that you wanted it to be casual.” She scratched her head like she’d never been more confused. 
Yoongi couldn’t believe how much they’d not gotten straight. Clearly, the last thing he wanted was a casual relationship with you. He was all-in, and had been since he first saw you. He took a deep breath, trying not to raise his voice any longer, seeing as you were in public and in a recurring establishment. “Well, I definitely don’t want you taking other people, that’s for fuckin’ sure! I 100% haven’t seen anyone else since before my birthday. I’m sorry if that’s not what you want, but I want to be in a relationship with you.”
He hadn’t meant to swear at you, but he was trying to wrap his head around this conversation. You’d really wanted him to say the exact words, to ask to be your boyfriend. Looking back, he should have done it regardless, but instead he assumed like a dumbass. 
He bit his lip as he waited for your  response. You were fiddling with the pages of your textbook when he finally heard you whisper, “What’s what I want.”
Your small smile graced him, the absolute calm washing over him again. 
“Good. Now tell Jackson because if anyone is taking you on a date tonight, it’s going to be me.”
“Jackson who?” You said with a glint in your eye.
• • • • • •
Later, he guessed after your first official date of your confirmed relationship, Yoongi had to voice his insecurities. Unfortunately it had to be mid-makeout on his couch. Your were on his lap, doing everything right when thoughts of doubt crossed his mind. 
He pushed your shoulders back slightly, causing you to still.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, pushing his hair back from his face. He closed his eyes because he loved when you did that. You were so nurturing and always took care of him. 
“Did you ever hook up with anyone?” He was nervous, and he wished he didn’t care. It was entirely his fault if you did, but he needed to know. He was torturing himself; he knew it.
“I’m going to assume that you mean other than you since your birthday…”
Yoongi nodded quickly, lightly resting his hands on your hips. Although he was sitting, he felt as it he might fall over. 
You smiled and then ran a knuckle down his nose. “It’s only been you, Yoon,” you whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine. It was the closest he’d ever come to getting any sort of confusion of your actually liking him, and he would take it…for now. 
Closing the distance between the two of you again, he knew he would never get enough of you. It was like you were made just for him. 
Hobi was right. 
• • • • • •
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rainbowshawn · 5 years
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I couldn’t even tell you how many times I’ve re-written this one. It’s a long one though so hopefully that makes up for it!! Anyways I’m a sucker for Jealous!Shawn fics so naturally I had to write my own. 
Summary: Shawn is determined to remind you who you belong to after an old friend crosses the line.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, language, jealousy, and absolute filth. (Dom!Shawn)
Word count: 7.6k
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“Shawn, stop it”
You spot him rolling his eyes behind you in the mirror you were currently using to finish up your makeup. A smirk formed on his face as he watched you applying your highlighter.
“I didn’t do anything,”
“Uh-huh,” you drag, squinting your eyes at him.
A few of your old friends were in town and they had invited you to one of the new clubs in the city. It was an upscale venue and you had been absolutely dying to find an excuse to go. It also didn’t hurt that you had a dress collecting dust in your closet that was screaming to be worn. That little black dress had Shawn wrapped right around your finger and you knew it.
“Uh huuuh, that’s why you’ve been eye-fucking me back there for the past fifteen minutes,” you smirked coyly. He shifts from his spot on the bed and slowly makes his way over to you, his gaze growing more intense by the second.
“It’s not my fault you look this sexy, kitten,” he purrs, leaning down to graze your warm neck with his lips. “I think you’re trying to drive me crazy.”
You hum as you feel his lips pressing against your neck; your focus no longer on finishing your makeup. You roll your head back loving the feeling of his lips on your skin and his warm hands trailing up your stomach, getting dangerously close to your breasts. You reluctantly sit back up, shrugging off his affection in favor of getting back to your makeup.
“Don’t distract me, hornball,” you giggle, picking one of your brushes back up.
He sighs, sitting back on the bed as he licks his lips. You choose to ignore his boyish antics as you finish up your dark eyeshadow. He was already dressed and ready to go, only waiting on you so you two could head to the club.
“Who’s all gonna be there?” he inquires.
“Mmm, I think Kira, Lexi, Emmy, and Matt,” you say slowly, trying to apply your nude lipstick at the same time.
Shawn tenses at the mention of the last name. Matt was an old friend, nothing more, but he knows from stories you had told him that Matt used to have a crush on you. You had always insisted that it was nothing, just some stupid high school crush, and Shawn believes you. He really does. But he can’t stop his mind from going into defense mode, suddenly anxious about you being around someone who had wanted you for so long.
He knows it’s wrong and he trusts you. One-hundred percent. So he swallows the feeling and scolds himself internally for feeling this way. 
You eye yourself in the mirror, unaware of Shawn being lost in his thoughts behind you. Your skin is glowing and your eyeshadow makes your eye stand out than it already does. You snatch up your phone that was faintly playing music and snap a few selfies in the mirror. You had to admit it; this look had you feeling super confident. Your makeup came out just right and you took the opportunity to get some cute photos out of it.
“Hey, Bubba,” your voice snapped him out of his trance, “c’mere.”
His head snaps up and he blinks quickly, getting out of his head. You’re looking at him in the mirror, your phone still held up in your hand and he catches onto what you want. He smiles as he comes over to your vanity, crouching down to be level with you as you wrap your arm around his neck.
Your faces squish together and he can’t help the blush that appears on his face as you take a few photos. He smirks as you push your lips out in a flirty pose. He chuckles as he shifts to press a kiss to your cheek as you snap more photos.
“Mmm, my pretty girl,” he says lowly, his tone sounding deeper than normal.
You shivered as you looked back through the photos, smiling as you take a liking to the one of him kissing your face.
“We look so cute,” you smile, posting the photo on your story.
“Don’t we always?”
The bustle of the party was a bit disorienting when you first arrived. Shawn has his arm around wrapped protectively your waist as you take in the modern club. People brush by quickly as the music pumps through the busy room. You take a moment to scan the busy area for your friends until you stumble upon a familiar face.
You smile as you see the tall blonde take notice of your presence. He makes his way over to you in large strides, instantly grabbing you up into a strong hug, your laugh filling the crowded air.
“Y/N! God, it’s been yeeears!”
“I know! How have you been?” you say, beaming at him. His arms stay wrapped around you as you two speak. You’re so taken aback at your reunion that you don’t take any notice but Shawn sure does. His jaw clenches as he watches the exchange.
You go back and forth with Matt, catching up with each other briefly before Shawn clears his throat. Your attention shifts and you quickly separate from your old friend, laughing when you realize you never introduced the boys.
“Oh, duh, Matt, this is my boyfriend Shawn” you glance over at Shawn, grabbing onto his arm to introduce them.
“Nice to meet you man,” Shawn says, extending his hand out to Matt. He notices Matt’s eyes scaling your body before he snaps out of it and shakes his hand. Shawn makes sure to grip his hand extra hard, sending him a quiet signal of dominance.
“Yeah. Nice to meet you,” Matt mumbles out, still a bit distracted by your figure in your tight dress.
You remain oblivious to the exchange, smiling up at Shawn.
Some time passes and you end up in one of the large mahogany booths in the club with the group. Kira and Lexi were busy scanning the room for cute guys, hoping Toronto would be a jackpot for them. Emmy was talking to you about her trip to Iceland with her new executive boyfriend. You listen and chuckle. Still as pretentious as ever.
You’re seated between Shawn and Lexi, Matt, Kira, and Emmy directly across from you. The conversation shifts and the group starts talking about old times. You giggle at Emmy’s story of Lexi getting blackout drunk at a party you had all went to years ago, where she puked all over the guy she was trying to hook up with.
“Y/N, you remember when we used to skip school and go out to that creek? I’ll never forget when you slipped on the rocks and busted your ass,” Matt laughs out, “I had to carry you outta there and then somehow explain to your mom what we were doing down there.”
Shawn’s brows furrow as he wonders what you two were busy doing. He feels guilty for feeling uneasy about Matt. He’s never been the jealous type but he can’t seem to get past the looks he’s seen Matt giving you all night. He’s not stupid. He shifts in his seat and guides his hand onto your thigh, holding onto it protectively.
“How could I forget?” you laugh, hiding your face in your hands.
“I can’t count how many times I’ve had to take care of your clumsy ass,” he chuckles.
You quickly down the rest of your drink and interject before you can be further embarrassed in front of Shawn.
“On that note,” you interrupt, shooting matt a teasing glare, “Why are we just sitting here, guys? Let's go dance!”
You tug Shawn up, walking backward as you pull him towards the dance floor. You beam up at him, giggling as he takes in your figure, smiling at you. He knows he’s in for a long night.
You embrace the loud music and low lights as you feel the alcohol start to hit you. You dance to the top 10 hits blaring through the speakers, laughing the whole time. Shawn just watches you, a smile plastered on his face as he observes your drunken antics.
“You’re adorable,” he giggles at your dancing.
“Mmmm I know,” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing a kiss to his lips, “Now let loose a little, loverboy. Show me those moves.”
Shawn had just reluctantly left you to grab some more drinks at the bar. After a while of being apart from the group, you see Matt making his way back over to you through the packed crowd. He stumbles along to the loud beat pumping through the club and you cock your head, observing him. His eyes rake over you and you suddenly notice the look hungry look on his face. Once he reaches you, his hand settles onto your lower back and he pulls you into him as he speaks over the obnoxiously loud pop song.
“Can I get you a drink?” he shouts, “My treat.”
You notice his eyes mentally undressing you and you giggle, unsure of how to respond.
“I think I’m okay,” you say, wiggling in his tight grasp as he grinds into you, dancing to the song. Shawn sees the exchange from the bar and immediately starts walking back to you with jealousy pumping through his veins.
“Matt, seriously stop, you’re being weird,” you half chuckle, still confused by the situation. Matt just shushes you and moves his hands towards your hips.
Shawn immediately steps over towards you, hand snaking around your waist and brushing Matt’s hands off of your body.
“She’s good, man,” Shawn blurts out; his tone a bit stronger than normal. “Hands off.”
Your timid eyes shift over to him, noticing his jaw clenching. His cheekbones looked extra defined and his jawline somehow seemed sharper than usual. You bit your lip at his dominant demeanor, suddenly distracted from the tense situation playing out in front of you.
“Woah, man,” Matt defends, “I think I was talking to the Y/N, not you.”
Shawn’s arm grips your waist tighter, and you feel him stand up straighter next to you. You hear the slur of Matt’s words and piece together that he’s beyond drunk. He had never been a big drinker and you had only seen him drunk a handful of times in high school. You were surprised at his bold advances towards you.
“Don’t think it matters,” Shawn spits, standing up straighter and towering over the blonde. He shifts to step towards Matt, moving your body behind his, “That’s my girl.”
“Guys,” you move to press your palm into Shawn’s chest and step between them, hoping to deescalate the situation. You shoot matt a glare as you see him open his mouth back up to reply. “Knock it off.”
“Whatever, man,” Matt scoffs and backs up, rolling his eyes as he disappears back into the crowd.
“What the fuck?”
“He’s been practically eye-fucking you all night!” Shawn defends himself.
“Shawn,” you trail, placing your hands on the sides of his face. He turns his head to the side, avoiding your gaze.
You squint your eyes before laughing teasingly, “You’re so jealous.”
“Am not,” he grumbles.
You turn his face, making him look at you as you squint up at him.
“Whatever you say,” you trail. “But really. He’s just drunk. He’s just my friend.”
His arms wrap around your waist and pull you to his warm body. He presses his hips into your stomach and you have to hold back a groan as you feel him grind against you.
“I don’t care,” He cranes his head down to murmur into your ear, “You’re mine.”
You groan lightly at his words; the sound lost amongst the bustle of the loud room. His lips are suddenly pressed against your neck and he nips at the skin teasingly. His hands are settled on your hips and you feel his grip tighten as he pulls you closer.
His lips trail up from your shoulder to your ear where he whispers darkly,
“How about we get out of here, kitten? Need you. Want you to myself. That dress is driving me fucking crazy,”
The ride back to the apartment felt like an eternity as you wound through the busy streets of Toronto. You and Shawn were in the back of an uber, trying your best not to pounce on each other. The tension was tangible as his hand rested on your thigh; his fingers drawing light circles on your sensitive skin. You bit your lip and looked out the window trying to distract yourself from his teasing.
You roll your head and look at Shawn through your heavy lids. A small smile plays at your lips as you eye the beautiful man next to you. His features are relatively lost amongst the dark environment of the car, but the dim light trickling in from the window dances across his face. He’s shifted, meeting your gaze as you rub a hand up his arm that was in your lap. His lips look extra plump as he shoots you a smirk and it takes all your strength not to latch onto him right there.
“Like what you see, dear?” he asks, knowing full well, of course you do.
“Mmm,” you hum as you press a kiss to his lips; finding them to be too hard to resist. Your hand sneaks it’s way up to rest on top of his semi-hard bulge and Shawn bites at your lip in an attempt to keep quiet.
Luckily, you don’t have too much time to get any more lost in him as you pull up to the apartment the two of you share. He’s out in an instant, faster than you could blink, reaching a hand out to help you out of the low car.
Somebody’s eager.
He tugs you through the lobby quickly, occasionally stealing glances back at you while you trail behind him. You enter the elevator, pressing the button a few times in a faulty hope that it’ll go faster. He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you to him, pressing a kiss to your hair.
“When we get inside I want you to naked and kneeling on the bed,” he murmurs into your hair, “alright, princess?”
You bite your lip and nod your head. Your legs clench together at the nickname, the heat between your legs growing warmer. You know exactly what mood he was in tonight and you know he’s not playing any games. The doors finally open and you shift to dash out, feeling a slap connect with your ass. You look back to find Shawn grinning and biting his lip as he admires your figure from behind. You roll your eyes and continue on your way.
Once you two make it inside, you’re tugging your hair to the side, silently asking him to unzip your form-fitting dress. His hands dance up your sides and you feel his breath fanning against your neck as he slowly pulls the zipper down. You reach down to pull your sleek stilettos off but Shawn’s hand quickly grabs your arm.
“Keep the heels on.”
You raise your eyebrows but decide not to say anything, standing back up. You smirk as you turn around, making your way into your bedroom. You make quick work of your dress, pulling it off of your body, followed by your bra and panties. You discard them haphazardly on the floor.
You crawl onto the bed and sit back on your heels as you wait for him. Your breathing is quicker than normal, exciting anxiety coursing through your veins. You simultaneously love and hate the anticipation he’s forcing you to endure but you remind yourself that it would pay off in the end. He always left you satisfied.
After a few minutes of silently waiting, you finally see Shawn’s tall figure emerge into the dimly lit room. He’s still dressed in his tight slacks, fitting his toned legs perfectly, and his white button-up. His left hand is behind his back and you press your legs together tightly as you watch him approach you. He makes his way over until he’s stood right in front of you, gripping your jaw tightly, making you look up at him. His warm fingers press into your skin firmly, making heat pool between your legs.
“Gonna be a good girl for me?” he murmurs deeply.
“Yes,” you whimper.
“Yes what?” his grip on your face tightens and he furrows his brows at you.
“Yes, daddy.”
His tone is dark and seductive and it sends jolts through your chest. He reveals what he has hidden in his hand behind his back; silky red ribbon. Your eyes widen as your mouth drops open ever so slightly. He smirks at your expression, making his way around the bed silently and crawling up to kneel behind you. He firmly grabs your hands that are still placed politely in your lap and moves them to sit behind you. You feel the soft ribbon wrapping tightly around your wrists and sigh at the feeling of the smooth fabric rubbing against your skin.
You feel him finish off the knot off and press a kiss to your shoulder before he makes his way in front of you again. Your eyes trail up his figure as he watches you. You feel your core aching as you take notice of the outline of his hard cock in his tight slacks. You sigh and wiggle a bit on the bed, getting impatient for his next move.
“You look so pretty like this,” he murmurs while his eyes take you in. “Tied up and waiting for me.”
His fingers start unbuttoning his shirt as his eyes remain on yours. His gaze is unfaltering and intense; confidence dripping off of him. He shrugs the white material off his shoulders and reaches for the buckle of his belt. He tugs the band off of his hips and places it on the bed next to you. You hold back a groan as he slowly unbuttons his pants and tugs them down his legs, revealing his flushed member.
“Like what you see, princess?”
“Mhm,” you nod quickly, wanting him to get to it. He smirks at your response.
He steps closer to you, your face level with his cock. He’s rubbing himself in front of you as he smirks down at you, cockily. Your heartbeat is thumping in your ears as you drown in anticipation.
“Wanna see those pretty lips wrapped around me,” he whispers, pushing the tip to your slightly parted lips.
You press a kiss to his slit as you look up at him. His hand is still rubbing his member as you kitten lick the tip of his aching cock. Shawn’s other hand makes its way into your hair, resting on top of your head and tugging you forward gently. You take his hint and wrap your lips around his tip. You press your tongue to the underside of his warm cock and swirl it around. His brows are furrowed as he watches you suck on his sensitive tip.
His grip on your hair tightens, signaling that he wants more and who are you to deny that? You inch your mouth further down his length until he’s just about to your throat. You bob your head, sucking your cheeks in and moaning against him. His head is thrown back and beautiful sighs leave his lips.
“Come on babygirl, I know you can take more of me than that,” he suggests, gently pushing your head further down on him.
Your fists are clenched behind you as you focus on relaxing your throat. You feel his cock stretching your throat out and you stay there for a moment. He groans at the feeling of your tight throat gagging slightly around him. He pulls out for a moment, letting you catch your breath before he shoves himself back inside.
“Gonna let me fuck that pretty face?” he grunts as he starts to roll his hips. The sounds of your slight gags fill the room as he shoves his cock down your tight throat. His gaze is fixated on your eyes as you look up at him through your lashes. His cheeks are rosy and he groans at the sight of your eyes watering while drool drips down your mouth onto the bed. What a dirty sight.
He continues his thrusts for a few moments before he pulls you off of him quickly. You gasp, trying to catch your breath after his brutal treatment. You chuckle breathlessly, smirking up at him as you lick your lips. His thumb comes down to wipe at your wet chin, tugging your lip in the process.
“Such a good girl,” he trails, staring at your fucked face.
He comes back behind you, untying your wrists and rubbing at them gently to soothe them. He tosses the silk ties to the side, deciding he wants you to feel him tonight. All of him. He rubs your tight shoulders for a brief moment as he kisses your neck. You relax at the feeling of his warm lips dressing your neck in wet kisses.
“I want you to lay back for me,” he whispers in your ear, sending a chill down your spine, “spread your legs.”
You comply quickly after he shifts on the bed, standing up. You relax back into the mattress and bring your knees up a bit and spread your legs wide for him. You lick your lips and wiggle on the bed a little bit as you watch him walk to the end of the bed, eyeing you like you’re his pretty. You catch his eyes trailing up from your stilettos up to your center.
He’s crawling up the bed, eyes fixated on your wet core. His normally bright hazel eyes are clouded and lustful now. When you catch sight of his hungry eyes, you giggle at him. You feel a slight cockiness fill your head when you realize how weak he really is for you. His face doesn’t move but his eyes flick up to you, glaring at you, wondering what you find so funny. His dark eyes stay trained on yours, squinting a bit as he lowers himself onto his stomach and starts pressing kisses to your warm stomach. Your muscles contract at the feeling of his teasing kisses trailing down towards your center, dripping for him.
His warm lips trail across your stomach, hip to hip, and his breath fans lightly against your skin. You sigh and close your eyes as you feel him tease you.
“What do you want princess?” he inquires, knowing damn well what you want. You decide an attitude is far from what he wants though and conclude that if you just be good, he’ll give you exactly what you want.
“Your mouth, Shawn” you whimper, “please.”
“Mmm, what was that?”
“D-daddy,” you stutter, realizing your mistake, “I want your mouth, Daddy.”
You glance down at him and see him smirking up at you.
“Mmm, that’s right, dear.”
His teasing continues only for a moment before you feel his hands reach the fold of your knees, pushing your legs open even wider for him. He presses a few kisses to your aching clit before inching his tongue out to slide against you. You whimper and feel your stomach clench at the sensation.
His tongue is rubbing wet circles against your sensitive nub and you’re absolutely reeling. Your back arches as Shawn’s lips suck your clit up into his mouth and pop it out a few times before he returns to flicking at it with his tongue. Moans vibrate against you as he grunts at the feeling of your hands pulling at his wild curls. He can’t help but rut his hips slightly against the bed as he focuses on pleasing you with his mouth. Even though he was fully in control, his goal was only to please you.
“Love this pretty pussy,” he groans, detaching his mouth from your core to stare down at it in amazement, “all mine.”
You whine, “All yours.”
He’s quick to dive back in and you’re absolutely lost in the feeling of his mouth, completely unaware when his long fingers wedge themselves inside of you. Your whimpers have turned into full-fledged moans, choking out into the quiet air. Shawn’s digits curl up and thrust into your spongy spot as his mouth continues to work you. You’re tossing your head around as you wither at the pleasure, unable to keep your composure.
He feels you tightening around his fingers, silently signaling to him that your high is approaching and he pumps for a few more moments before pulling off of you completely. He watches in amazement as your core clenches around nothing.
“Mmm, babygirl, you’re throbbing,” Shawn mewls, his eyes divulging in the delicious sight.
You’re whimpering and trying to pull him back to you with your heels, aching for your stolen orgasm, but he’s got other plans for you. He sits back on his knees before he wraps his strong arms around your legs, tugging you closer to him. Your thighs are rested upon his as his hands rub your hips as you lay on your back.
“P-please daddy,” you plead, grabbing at your breasts, aching for the release he’s so torturously denying you.
His lips have crashed against you, all tongue and teeth, moving in time with yours.
“Please what, love?” his nose grazes the shell of your ear, nipping at your earlobe. You shiver at the contact. “What do you want?”
You grumble, rolling your neck and pouting, suddenly frustrated with his teasing, “You know what I want, now give it to me.”
“Mmm, now that’s no way to talk to Daddy, hm?” he says turning his head and squinting his eyes down at you. A hand snakes up to your neck, gripping just beneath your jaw and pressing into your skin. You moan out as a delicious pressure fills your head as he squeezes gently.
His grip on your throat tightens a bit and you feel him rut his hips into yours, creating a beautiful shock of friction.
“I thought you said you were gonna be good for me? Naughty girls don’t get what they want,” he whispers, darkly into your ear. You shudder at the feeling of his grip. “Lay on your stomach. Now.”
The proposition was a demand, not a request and you knew that. You flipped quickly on the bed, feeling him straddle your thighs. Shawn’s hands took purchase on your ass, pawing at you, firmly. He squeezed your cheeks in his hands and spread you open. A growl leaves his chest as he looks down at you.
“Love this ass,” he says, “Too bad I’m gonna have to spank it.”
Your breath hitches as you realize what he’s doing. A storm of butterflies has festered in your stomach as you anticipate the first smack. His large hand raises and slaps across your right side. You tense up, groaning into the blanket beneath you. You feel your wetness dripping onto the bed and you wiggle your ass for him, prompting him further.
“Mmm my dirty little girl likes to be spanked, doesn’t she?” he murmurs darkly, squeezing you in his hands.
“Fuckin’ love it, Daddy, keep going,” you beg.
“You’re not supposed to enjoy your punishment but since you look so damn sexy, I’ll let it pass.”
He alternates hands for the next few minutes, slapping your ass red. Each one hurts a bit more but you love the painful bite. You feel his rock hard length pressed against the back of your thighs as he continues your punishment, eventually coming to a stop after he’s satisfied. You sigh as you feel his weight leave your thighs.
His hands grab your ankles, just above your heels and yank you quickly so you’re flipped back onto your back. You giggle in surprise and he smiles down at you as he crawls up your body. Your smile sends electricity through his soul and he swears his knees go weak for a moment.
“Love that laugh, dear. You’re so fucking gorgeous," he whispers into your lips, pressing a deep kiss to them. You hum and rub your hands up his bare chest, feeling his light dusting of hair and eventually settling your arms around the back of his neck.
His body leans into yours, effectively pushing his length against your center. You whine a bit, suddenly impatient to feel him. He continues to rut his hips against you, effectively teasing you. You almost slip up and tell him to get to it, but you decide to bite the words behind your lips. After a few moments, his desire overpowers his wish to ease and he finally pulls away to sit back on his heels and slide his pink tip against you. He swirls it around your clit for a moment, wanting to hear you beg for him. You choke out a moan at the sensation and grab aimlessly at him.
“What do you want?” he mutters; his voice raspy and deeper than normal and suddenly very close to your ear, “Beg for it.”
“I want you to fuck me,” you whine, wiggling against him, “God, please fuck me, Daddy.”
“Mmm, you want me to fuck you, babygirl?”
“Fuck, yes. Please, please, please,” you pant as his tip moves faster against your clit.
You gasp as he slams into you without warning, bottoming out instantly. Your stomach clenches at the tight fit and your eyes widen. He gives you a fraction of a moment to adjust to his size before he starts rocking his hips into you. His pace isn’t slow, but it’s not particularly fast either. Shawn wants to make sure you feel it all tonight. He wants to make you feel good. He wants to remind you.
You sigh at the feeling of him slipping in and out of you and close your eyes. His hands are gripping your hips firmly, holding you in place as he slowly picks up his speed. The sound of his hips slapping against yours echoes off the walls and the groans leaving both of your mouths blend with it to create a sinful harmony.
“Such a good girl takin’ all of me.” his voice disrupts, “That’s my pretty girl,”
His hands leave your hips in favor of moving to your tits where he squeezes you tightly. Shawn’s hips don’t stop rutting into for a second as he smacks your chest, watching your tits bounce against his abrupt slap.
Sweat is gathering on his forehead and his flushed chest. His cheeks are rosy and his mouth is hanging open slightly as he moans into the air. Your eyes stay on his rosy cheeks and those damn lips. They were pink as ever and if he wasn’t fucking you so well you’d be attached to them right now.
His abs contract as he slams into you at a brutal pace. You’re whining mindlessly, not particularly making any sense. Your breathing is jagged and you roll your head around, drunk on the pleasure Shawn is providing.
“That tight little pussy is squeezing me so good,” his dark stare bores into your eyes, “I wanna fuck it all night.”
“Do it then, Daddy.” you say playfully, “Love the feeling of your cock filling me up.”
“Gonna make you come over and over on my cock, babygirl. Sound good?”
There’s no time to respond as he switches his angle slightly, making a high pitched yelp fall from your mouth as his tip hits your sensitive spot. You nod your head quickly, words failing to slip out of your mouth.
His hands slot under your knees and throw them over his shoulders. He grunts at the feeling of your stilettos scratching against his back.
“These heels are so fucking sexy. You’ve been driving me nuts all night, kitten.”
“Mmm that’s the goal,” you giggle, biting your lip while you arch your back.
Shawn throws his head back as he feels you clench around him, his adam’s apple protruding deliciously. You prop yourself up on your elbows and peak down at where the two of you meet. His length is glistening with your juices as he slides in and out of you with ease.
“Look how pretty that pussy looks, takin’ my cock,”
You whine at the sight of his hand reaching up to rub your clit quickly. The added friction was just what you needed to go hurdling towards your release. He lowers himself to dress your neck in hot kisses, dragging from your shoulder to your ear. Your senses are overcome with all of him. In this moment, he is everything.
“Gonna cum, babygirl? Cum on daddy’s cock, give it to me” he chants into your ear, encouraging your impending release.
You let go at the sound of his smooth voice praising you. His pace falters slightly as he feels you throbbing around him but he’s determined to hold out longer for you. He told you that you would cum multiple times tonight and he was always a man of his word.
Your eyes rolled back into your head as you embraced the euphoric feeling. Choked moans left your chest incessantly and Shawn could feel his cock throb at the sound. His thrusting eventually slows a bit after he helps you ride it out, and he pulls himself out of you, giving you a moment to collect yourself.
You’re lying on the bed, absolutely spent. Your breathing is slow and deep, trying to come back down to earth. You close your eyes for a moment but are interrupted by Shawn tapping your hip.
“Lay on your side. Now.”
You comply and quickly roll onto your side, still a bit lost in your bliss. One elbow props you up and you look behind your shoulder as Shawn slots himself next to you, spooning your body.
“Leg up,” he demands, cupping your thigh with his hand and propping it up. He grabs his member and swiftly slips in back inside of you. You whimper at the little pop it takes for him to slip in. He grunts and hisses once he’s slotted all the way inside of you, “Fuck, baby, you’re so tight I barely fit.”
“Mmm, you’re so thick, daddy.” you whimper as he begins his strokes again.
“This pussy is what dreams are made of, Jesus fucking Christ. Could die like this, babe.”
The angle he’s working you at is surprisingly heavenly. His body fits perfectly against yours and he feels so close. His thrusts aren’t quite as fast this way but they feel intensely intimate. You can feel his breath fanning across your shoulder as he slots his face in the crook of your neck. Warmth radiates off of his body, transferring to yours.
The world has fallen away and you’re completely relaxed against his strong body. His long fingers have made their way back to your clit again, swirling wildly. His sighs are close to your ear, sending shivers down your spine. His lips continue working against your neck and he nips at your earlobe.
“Love you so much, babygirl,” he whispers, “don’t forget it.”
You melt further into him, his sweet words sharply contrasting the filthy situation.
“I love you too, Shawn”
His nose nuzzles into your hair and you close your eyes, listening to the sounds falling from his lips. He’s trying so hard to hold out for you, wanting to prolong your pleasure. He shifts a tad, finding that spot again and quickly sends you over the edge.
You wiggle against him, your second orgasm hitting you like a tidal wave. The sound of your cries takes his breath away and he’s determined to hear it at least once more tonight. Pleasure pumps through your body for a few moments and he’s quick to get you on your knees the second you’re done. He shows absolutely no mercy as his tip rubs against your sensitive core, getting ready to slip in once again.
“Shawny, I’m so sensitive,” you whimper, pulling away from him slightly.
His hands grab your hips and roughly pull you back to him.
“You’re gonna give me another one, sweetheart. I gotta remind you who makes you feel this good.”
So that’s what this is about.
Fuck, he’s hot when he’s jealous.
A hand slaps across your ass and you flinch at the feeling, body jolting forward a bit. Shawn’s fingers slip down to rub against your over-stimulated nub and you go weak in the knees. You fall forward, face mashing against the mattress as his fingers spiral against you.
“Sound good, love? Gonna cum for daddy again?”
You nod quickly, your cheek pulling against the mattress you were laid out on. Another slap meets your skin and you groan.
“I need you to say it, baby.” he searches for your verbal consent.
“Yes, Shawn,” you whine, eager to feel him again, “Make me cum on your cock again, please.”
That’s all he needs to bury himself back inside of you. The position you were in made you feel a bit tighter and you winced for a moment as he started moving. Soon, the pain subsided and his pace picked back up to an unbelievable speed. Your jaw was slack as his hips collided with yours. His hands were situated on your waist and he was holding you as-if you would disappear at any moment. His composure was beginning to falter and his moans slowly turned into choked mewls.
You turned your head to attempt to look at him and the sight was beautiful. His head was thrown back, exposing all the valleys on his long neck. His adam’s apple protruded through his smooth skin and his lip was tucked under his straight teeth. His mouth falls open as he picks his head back up to look where the two of you meet. The sight of your wetness soaking him sends chills down his spine. He can’t believe how lucky he got with you.
He catches your eyes and smirks at you before he slaps your ass.
“Like that? Does my good girl like to get fucked from behind?”
“You feel so fucking good like this, daddy, fuuuuck” your voice bounces as his body collides with yours.
“You get so tight after you cum. You feel like fucking heaven.”
You start to meet his deep thrusts, tossing your hips back to meet his pace. He maintains his efforts for a few moments but eventually lets you take what you need of him. He’s absolutely beside himself as he watches you work him.
“Fuuuck, babygirl. That’s it, fuck yourself on my cock,” he growls, “you look so gorgeous like this.”
Shawn lets you go on like this for a bit before he snaps out of his daze. He’s determined to stay in control tonight. He’s determined to remind you who you belong to. Nobody could make you feel this good.
His hips double down, somehow rutting into you even faster than before. You fall silent for a few moments, unable to process how amazing he’s making you feel. Your legs are shaking slightly but his large hands hold you in place, firmly. His mind is consumed by you. Nothing could ever take you from him. No one. He knows he doesn’t have to prove himself, but God is it fun.
“Gonna cum again, baby? I can feel it,” he grumbles while his hands rub your hips and waist. Your words don’t seem to form as high whimpers tumble off of your lips.
“Who makes you feel this good?” he growls, thrusting harshly.
“You do, Shawn,”
“That’s right, only I can fuck you like this,” his dirty words fall out of his mouth like silk, “only me.”
“Only you, Shawny.”
Moans fill the air as you both reach your final highs of the night. Your center throbs around him, milking him for all he’s worth. His chest heaves as he empties himself inside of you. The sound of heavy breathing soaks into the air as you both come down from your explosive highs.
His hands rub across your back as he pulls himself out of you. You sigh at the loss, feeling your juices dripping out of you and down your legs. His fingers spread you apart and his hungry eyes divulge in the dirty sight. You giggle innocently as you push some of it out. It takes everything he has to stop himself from making you go for another round. He smacks your ass playfully and you lower yourself onto your stomach.
Shawn slips off of the bed and makes his way into the dimly lit bathroom for a moment. You bite your lip as you observe his naked figure walking back into the room. He notices your stare and giggles, “Eyes to yourself, pervert,”
“Mmm, rich coming from the man that just made me cum 3 times.” you wittily reply.
“Damn right I did,” he smiles cockily. “Lay on your back, open your legs.”
“Just can’t get enough of me can you?” you giggle, turning over for him. He rolls his eyes and crouches down onto the bed.
“Just wanna clean you up.”
He gently wipes up your mess, paying special attention to be careful with your sensitive core. You smile down at him as you observe his tender care. A kiss is pressed into your tummy before he moves to toss the cloth into the hamper. He stops at your dresser, snagging one of his big t-shirts for you along with a pair of panties and some boxers for himself.
He quickly slips into the black boxers, stumbling over to the bed. You’re still laid across it, spent after your session.
“Can you sit up for me, love?”
You comply and sit up, pressing your lips out and silently asking for a kiss. He smiles and delivers, giving you a soft peck.
“Arms up.”
You lift your arms and he slides the shirt down your arms and over your head, draping you in his favorite shirt. He has you lay back and he tugs a clean pair of panties on you and quickly plops himself on top of you.
His arms squeeze your waist as his head burrows into your neck. You hum at the feeling of his weight on top of you, providing you with a sense of comfort. He melts into your embrace as your small hands run up and down his back. He always gets so soft after the two of you finish; a stark contrast to his dominant demeanor in bed.
“Bubba?” you chirp quietly.
“Hmm,” he hums into your neck, suddenly sleepy.
“You okay?”
You frown a little, shifting under him to prop your head against the headboard. He stirs on top of you, avoiding your gaze by staying buried in your neck. Your hand slowly comes to a stop on his back as your mind became preoccupied.
“Are you still upset about Matt?”
He sighs.
“I don’t know, I guess.”
Your frown grows and your hand moves to continue rubbing his soft skin in a feeble attempt to comfort him.
“Yeah?” you inquire, prompting him. He hesitates, still buried in your neck. He feels like he could die of embarrassment if you look at him.
“It’s dumb.” he sighs, trying to avoid the topic.
“If it’s upsetting you, it isn’t dumb.”
His grip around your waist tightens.
“You’re just mine,” he starts. You wait a moment, seeing if he’ll explain further, “I don’t wanna share you.”
“You don’t have to, baby. I’m yours.” you reason, threading your fingers into his hair and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“I know, that’s why it’s dumb. I don’t want you to think I don’t trust you or anything. I just didn’t like seeing him touch you like that.”
You hum, resting your face on his head. His legs are tangled up with yours as he pecks your neck.
“He was just drunk. I’m sorry though, bubby. I didn’t think it would happen.”
His head pops up suddenly, his brows furrowed as he shoots you a confused look. Your eyebrows raise, confused by his sudden movement.
“You don’t have to be sorry for anything,” he blurts, concern lacing his soft voice. “I’m the jealous asshole boyfriend. I should be the sorry one.”
You giggle at his serious tone, smacking his bare shoulder lightly, “whatever,”
“Seriously! I shouldn’t be jealous. I trust you completely. I just got a weird vibe. I don’t know,” he trails off at the end, laying his head back down in your neck.
“I know you do. I love you more than anything and there’s nothing on this earth that could ever take me from you.”
He smiles against your skin, cheeks warming up immediately.
“I love you. Forever.” he murmurs, lifting his head to press a kiss to your lips.
“I love you too. Forever.”
The moment slows again, your bodies resting against the other. The conversation shifts, the two of you decided there was nothing to really talk about. You know he trusts you, and you know he’s not truly jealous. He just got a little territorial and you couldn’t blame him.
“So, what happened to that ribbon you used to tie my hands?” you giggle, switching the conversation.
His eyebrows raise at your question and he blushes, getting worried that you didn’t enjoy it. It wasn’t the first time you’d done anything like that but he still got a tinge of worry.
“Um, I just wanted to feel you,” he slowly states, “w-was it okay?”
“Mmm more than okay. So sexy,” you giggle, stroking his hair. “Just thought you’d use it again.”
“Maybe I will sometime,” he hums, dressing your neck with kisses.
His kisses trail your skin lazily, “Mine.”
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princessjungeun · 4 years
Content warning: violence, blood, fighting, bullying-ish? Talk of homelessness and family issues
The reader i wrote as a black, queer, female. If you don’t like that oh well, use your imagination then :)
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You didn’t necessarily choose the flighting life, it chose you. Growing up you didn’t have the picture perfect family that many had. To be honest you couldn’t even really say you had a family. That was until you met Matthew, known as BM.
Before meeting BM you were sleeping on benches, in hostels, or in a kind older woman’s house. One night you were approached by a young man in his late 20s. He offered you a place to stay, he’s pay for your school, and whatever else you needed. At the time you were only a young teenager, so going with him could be risky. But winter was coming and you knew you’d end up dead if you stayed on the streets.
Matthew knew you weren’t straight from the day he met you. He saw how broken you were from not having a family and he understood to a certain degree what that felt like. He knew if he left you on the streets, itd be dangerous for you. A young, black, queer, female didn’t belong on the streets.
BM kept his word and took care of you as if you were his younger sister. He was a trainer by day and fighter by night, competing in UFC fights every weekend. He told you constantly that you were going to learn to fight, but her never actually trained you.
You had a lot of past issues and traumas which contributed to some of the internal anger you had. Matthew often told you that if you tried fighting or even just swinging at his heavy bag, it’d help you feel better. But you always pushed the idea away not wanting to waste time on a coping mechanism you know probably wouldn’t work. He’d asked time and time again if there was anything he could do to help, but you always refused. The thing was you weren’t one to open up about yourself. Besides Matthew you didn’t know anyone really. Even in school, nobody talked to you other than your best friend, Hyunjin and your girlfriend Lia.
You and Hyunjin bonded over the fact that you two lived almost similar lives. He understood a lot of the things you went through and how you feel now.
Whereas Lia...she was different. Lia was the first person you ever met that made you feel something. Lia was the only person that could make you smile by doing absolutely nothing. You definitely don’t look like the type to be with someone like her but you’d go to any length to protect her. Even if it meant you got in trouble, you had nothing to lose anyways.
This was put to the rest one day in school while you and Lia were passing to classes together. You ended up getting in a fight and badly injuring another student.
When BM came to pick you up, he saw the male student you beat up being driven to a hospital. No charges were pressed as you were doing it in self defense, as you had many witnesses to help you defend your case.
You sat at the kitchen table as he yelled at you furiously. “What the fuck are you thinking Y/N?!” You looked down and said “leave it alone i’m not in trouble with the law, his parents aren’t pressing charges.” Matthew asked, anger laced in his voice “that doesn’t matter you could have killed him.” You responded bluntly “but i didn’t. Isn’t that right? Plus you don’t even know what happened!”
The two of you went back and forth for minutes before you were both calm enough to actually explain in detail what happened. “I was in the hallway with my....uh- Lia and this boy touched her ass. And then I told him he needed to apologize and he pushed me and told me to fuck off. Then I told him if he touched me again I’d beat his ass...and he pushed me to the floor and I told him again to apologize to Lia. But then he threw Lia to the ground then punched me in the face. So I started hitting him and I-I guess I lost control.”
Matthew sat in silence for a moment then he said “you’re gonna learn to control it. Come on, get up.” You asked “huh?” He repeated himself “I said get up.” You groaned then followed him outside to the garage. There, hanging from the ceiling was a heavy bag, and weights littered across the floor. Putting gloves on your hand he said “punch me.” Looking at him with wide eyes you said “wha-no I’m not going to-” He yelled “PUNCH ME GODDAMN IT!” You did as he said and full force threw a punch. He caught your hand in his, looking at your fist in his hand he smiled.
It was now that he decided that he was going to take a break from competing so he could train you. In the beginning he was afraid you’d get hurt, although he wasn’t your blood relative, he took care of you like one.
You trained before and after school with Matthew. Running mile after mile, throwing punch after punch, push up after push up. You never got a break unless you were seriously injured. Matthew showed no mercy, although you were like his baby sister, he needed you to be the best fighter in the circuit.
Nobody in school knew exactly what you were doing, but it was evident at the growing muscles in your legs and arms. Also the fact that you were constantly bringing meal prepped food Matthew made for you as your lunch.
You girlfriend grew suspicious of what you were building strength and muscle for, but she never asked. She told herself that if you wanted to share with her what was going on, you’d do it on your own time.
Eventually the day came for your first fight. Matthew woke you up in the morning and you both took a light jog in the morning. He didn’t want to overwork you before your big day.
Hours passed as you anxiously awaited your first fight. You were nervous but you tried to play it off, but Matthew could read you like a book. “You’ll do fine. I trained you well. Make me proud ok?” He hugged you and kissed your forehead, this was the first time he truly showed affection to you.
He helped you braid down your hair so it was out of your face. “Look at me.” He held your face in his hands as he applied a thin layer of Vaseline to your face. “It’ll help make the punches slide off...sounds weird but it works.” You let him grease up your face before saying a quick prayer that you’d be ok.
When you walked into the arena loud shouts filled the building. You did your best to not look terrified but it definitely didn’t work. Matthew removed your robe before telling you “it’s fine. Your opponent is a rookie like you, she hasn’t done this before ok? Relax and concentrate...and don’t kill her.” You nodded before doing a quick handshake with him and walking into the ring.
The overhead speaker filled the arena “For the first Rookie fight of the night We have Y/LN Y/N of Korea vs Pranpriya Manoban of Thailand!” You looked up at the girl in front of you, she was definitely at least 21 whereas you were still a minor, almost an adult. The two of you shook hands before starting.
Pranpriya put up a good fight, but you won fairly quickly. You ended up coming out with a busted lip to show for your victory while Pranpriya was knocked out on the floor. Matthew shouted wildly, incredibly proud of you. A smile creeped onto your face as the referee held your arm up, indicating that you won.
Fight after fight you won, gaining attention of not only Korean citizens, but internationally as well. You remained the youngest rookie in the circuit, as well as the youngest with the most wins.
You gained the name Ali after Muhammad Ali, although you weren’t a boxer, you had the passion, the strength, and humbleness of Ali.
People talked about you wherever you went. There were constantly cameras following you and Matthew. Lia is still your girlfriend as well. For a while she didn’t know you fought, as she didn’t keep up with UFC news. When she found out she refused to come to your fights. Even though you won almost everytime, she couldn’t bear seeing you get hit.
The only fight Lia agreed to attend was the first and only one you lost. Without a doubt you didn’t make it easy, but you didn’t tap out when you should have. The result was brutal. It was against a champion, Ha Sooyoung. She was a rookie like you but she was known to be violent, beating her opponents until they were just barely able to walk out the ring. Many asked why she was still allowed to fight, as many thought she was violating some type of rule. As it turns out she wasn’t. Sooyoung never once broke a rule.
Sooyoung not much older than you but she was far better at that time. She was known to be vicious and quite talkative in the ring. She’d say anywhere from one word, to a full lecture. Her words got to her opponents easily, making her lethal. At the time you weren’t worried about her, but you learned the hard way not to be so nonchalant. You started out winning but slowly your chance of victory faded.
Making sure to not stay in one place, you walked around the ring. You’d already gotten punched in the face so much your lip was busted, nose with dry blood, and a puffy eye. Out of the corner of your eye you saw your girlfriend watching you.
Sooyoung followed your gaze before smirking and going in for another jab. You fell to the ground and Sooyoung climbed on top of you. At this point your vision was practically gone, your ears ringing. You could hear Matthew shouting for you to fight back, but you couldn’t push Sooyoung off. You felt pain sear through your body punch after punch, kick after kick.
“She’s teasing you! Tap out Y/N! ITS FINE TAP OUT PLEASE!” You heard Matthew shout from the side of the ring. Although you didn’t know what to do, you knew for a fact you weren’t going to tap out, you’re not a quitter. You felt Sooyoung throw a punch, this time hitting your lower ribs. Wind knocked out of your chest and you gasped for air. You felt your body cry for help but you weren’t letting up.
As the last of your adrenaline flowed through your veins you went to punch Sooyoung in the head, but she grabbed your arm. She smirked once more before whispering “K.O.” Everything went black and you fell back against the ground.
Due to that loss you needed a break from fighting to heal. You suffered a concussion, three broken ribs, a broken nose, a broken jaw, ruptured apendex, 3 stitches in your lip and 8 over your eye. The healing process was beyond terrible for you, as all you wanted to do was train again. Your doctor told you that you were lucky, if she punched you at another angle you would have died.
Although you were grateful she didnt go through and do the complete worst, she did get you pretty good. Once you fully healed you weren’t able to forget that night. Solely because of the scar that ran down your eye. Matthew jokingly called you Scar, as your scar closely resembled the Lion King character’s.
You continued training as soon as you got clearance from your doctor. Once again you remained a champion against everyone, except Sooyoung. You’ve never fought her after that night, as much as you wanted to, there was still a fear that she’d do much worse than she already did.
Now you were weeks away from the World Champions. You could have gone last year if you hadn’t lost that fight. It was set that you were to fight the one opponent that you’ve never beaten, Ha Sooyoung.
“Baby.” You shook Lia’s leg and she looked up at you, “Hmmm?” You asked “I know you don’t like coming to my fights anymore...but worlds is in a few weeks and it’d mean a lot if you were there.” She responded “of course I’ll go see you at worlds, do you know who you’re fighting?” You nodded and carefully said “um...funny story.”
You stopped for a minute then decided to just rip off the bandaid. “Ha Sooyoung.” Lia froze in your embrace.
“Is that a good idea? I mean I’m not saying you’re a bad fighter...obviously you’re amazing but- She almost killed you Y/N.” She brought a hand up to your face and ran her fingers along the scar on your eye. Lia softly said “I don’t want to lose you.” You kissed her lips softly and said “it’s fine, this time I’ll win. I promise you will never lose me.”
Matthew flung the door to your room open, “What did I tell you about closing the door all the way?” You both in unison said “sorry it won’t happen again.” He nodded and said “Y/N come on we need to practice.” You nodded and stood up, kissing your girlfriend goodbye.
Finally the day of World Championships came. You didn’t feel the nerves hit until you were in the ring. Everyone around you was screaming your name, a few cheering for Sooyoung. She looked different this time. Her hair was short now, she looked bigger, stronger. But so were you.
Sooyoung got you pretty good the first round, your cheek starting to bruise from a punch she threw. Your leg already in slight pain from a kick and elbow jab.
She moved around you, eyeing to see if you’d look away. She made a move to kick your side, she missed. Your eyes locked with hers and she smirked “wheres your little girlfriend? Lia is it?” You ignored her but she continued talking “she’s pretty that one. Pretty eyes. Soft smile. That cute dimple, she’s cute don’t you think?”
Your opponent continued to taunt you, knowing from her first victory that Lia was your weak spot. You’d gotten quite a few punches and kicks in, but nothing that was putting you at an advantage.
Sooyoung walked up on you this time trying to knock you to the ground. Quickly you maneuvered around her, so now she was the one on the ground. The two of you went at it, dodging slaps, punches, and elbow jabs.
She ended up rolling over so now you were below her, your one arm underneath her leg. Sooyoung delivered a hard punch to your shoulder and she smiled when you winced in pain. She asked “this is what happened last time right? And your little girlfriend watched me damn near beat the life out of you? It’s a shame she’s going to have to see that again don’t you think?”
You felt her fist collide with your side, she without a doubt broke the same ribs she did before. Putting you in a headlock you felt panic rush through your body. Her voice laced with venom “when will you learn? You can’t beat me. I hope you told her you loved her.” Sooyoung swung again knocking you square in the cheek. As your eyes started to flutter shut, breath escaping too fast for more to come in, a familiar voice ripped through the arena “Y/N!”
Your eyes flew open at the sound of your girlfriend’s panicked screams. With all your strength you jammed your elbow into Sooyoungs side. She let go of you and with all your strength you rolled over, Sooyoung now beneath you. You could see the look of fear in her eye as your fists collided with her body. Seeing nothing but red you continued punching and slapping her, squeezing your thighs around her torso.
Blood spilled from her nose and ear, her lip busted, eye swollen shut. You jabbed her ribs again, letting your strength and anger take control of you. Even when she’s long been unconscious you were still hitting her. Two large referees pulled you off of her, tears stinging your eyes as you cried out of frustration.
The arena fell silent as you all waited to see if Sooyoung would get up, the countdown boomed through the speakers. “3! 2!-” As it was about to hit one Sooyoung’s eyes fluttered open and she staggered to get up. She limped over to you, looking even more angry than she was before.
Sooyoung wiped blood from her eye before saying “you thought it’d be that easy?” Without hesitation you stepped closer before roundhouse kicking her in the temple. She fell to the floor and this time she definitely wasn’t getting up without help. Screams of your name ripped through the arena and you looked at the referee who deemed you the winner.
Still in shock you didn’t really understand what was happening until you were handed the World Champions belt. You posed for the pictures that were to be taken, however you didn’t smile. It was evident that you were still confused.
When the gate to the ring opened you saw Lia and Matthew standing with proud smiles. You dropped the heavy belt into Matthew’s arms as soon as you could. Throwing yourself into Lia’s arms you sobbed heavily, thanking God you were able to walk out victorious.
The small girl under your embrace held you tight, with every passing second she held you closer. Finally she broke and she cried “I was so scared I was going to lose you”. You pulled away and wiped away her tears “I promised you I wasn’t going anywhere.” You held her face in your hands before kissing her again.
The referee shoved you back into the ring, this time Sooyoung was gone. The only traces remaining of the young Korean woman was her blood stained on the floor.
Balloons and confetti rained from the ceiling, people’s shouting your name filled the arena.
“Ladies and gentlemen. We now have our 2020 UFC World Champion! Y/N ‘ALI’ Y/L/N!” You held the championship belt over your non injured shoulder with a smile.
Once again you were the champion.
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bbyhaikyuu · 4 years
Captains as Older Brothers || Headcanons
Ushijima Wakatoshi || Kuroo Tetsurou || Oikawa Tooru || Sawamura Daichi || Bokuto Kotaro
Warnings: Just some swear words here and there. gn!reader.
I actually have two brothers, one older and one younger. So this one is probably influenced by my experiences
M.List || Requests
Ushijima Wakatoshi
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Everyone is surprised that you're his younger sibling?? I mean, you're a ball of sunshine and Wakatoshi is... Wakatoshi.
What they didn't know is that precisely because of your older brother, you were able to become the person you are today.
He was the one who kept you distracted while your parents fought. The one who shouldered everything just to let you have a normal childhood. And the one who demanded that both of you should always be together. He practically raised you in a way.
The type of brother who rarely bickers and just lets you win? He mature like that.
The dorm rooms for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years are separated but you visit each other frequently, be it for homework, movie nights, or just plain gossiping ya'know?
Tendou naturally became your brother too. The best one to talk about the manga and animes because all your brother does is read the advertisements on jump.
Occasionally treats you with food whenever you do good at exams.
Found out about the love letters you've been getting. Rejects them for you lmaoooo.
Probably because you've told him about the person you kinda like. You can't really tell your mom about these stuff because when you were a kid and told her about liking someone, you just got a long ass lecture.
Wingman Wakatoshi nii-san? Hell yeah. Although he can just threaten them and everything will work out.
Best head pats. It's a fact.
Originally was against the idea of letting you play volleyball. But after seeing how passionate you were he just went— ah, fuck it
You still were far from matching his strength in spiking, but it doesn't mean you're not good at it. (you're the best according to nii-san. Don't tell Goshiki)
Has the softest smile when you're around. His team is actually dumbstruck seeing him that way.
Practically has the whole volleyball team looking after you.
Kuroo Tetsurou
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The type of older brother that basically imparts all his knowledge unto you.
I have always been this kind
Yeah but loves to annoy the shit out of you. You're just lying on your bed? Mf will suffocate you with his body. But he can tell when you aren't really in the mood to play around anymore.
You and Kenma always occasionally make fun of him. Or give him the stink eye. Depends on what shit he said.
Oh yeah remember the way he taught Tsukki about blocking? He likes to be straightforward with his words and criticism.
Midnight drives and food trip. It's like a monthly bonding thing you guys have. Might also turn into a driving lesson.
Also drives for you when you go out with friends. Fetches you when it's already late at night because he doesn't trust public transport that much.
Usually let's you experience and learn some things on your own. But steps in once it feels like it's too dangerous or if he feels like you can't handle the aftermath.
He wants to be considered as the best older brother. Kinda regrets letting you meet the rest of his team. They all baby you and even Lev's older sister loves you.
Getting bullied? Try to hide it from him? No chance, he got eyes and ears everywhere. He's ready to throw hands. Even the rest of the volleyball team got their fists ready.
Brings you along whenever he comes over at Kenma's house because you and Kenma seem to get along more than him.
Might have tried to set you and Kenma up. He failed.
You and Kenma decided to ignore him for like a week. Profusely apologized after 3 days and swore he won't do it ever again.
Has a quote that goes "It's the older brother's job to annoy his younger sibling."
Honestly a good brother 11/10. Would bring a speaker and food into your room just to cheer you up. Makes fun of you after when he knows that you're over it.
Oikawa Tooru
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Either verbal or physical. This bitch won't back down.
You both lost count of how your mother threatened to handcuff you both on a pole for a whole day.
But don't be fooled. He brought out the best of his team. He can do that to you too.
Likes to give you shitty nicknames. One of his fangirls thought it would be a good idea to call you that and Oikawa overheard it. "Who do you think you are to use that nickname? " istg that girl ran away like lightning. Sonic could never.
Honestly you just fight everywhere. Iwaizumi either stops you both or joins you in bullying shittykawa.
You know that thing where you just stand in the doorway of his bedroom and like, stare at him for a good minute and leave without closing the door? Yeah he hates that.
Honestly when he's feeling down, he just goes to your room, flop down on your bed, and talk his heart out. He thinks you're just scrolling through your phone and not listening to his rambles, but thats not the case. You rarely give out advices because you know that he just wants to lift the burden off his shoulders when he talks about his thoughts.
You rarely play volleyball, but will play with him just to make him feel better.
Being Oikawa's sibling means you're crazy good even if you rarely play. People are confused.
100% helped you during your first heartbreak.
Will probably break down your door just because he wants to try a tiktok trend with you.
When the fight gets a little out of hand. Neither of you says sorry. Just pop your head into the bedroom and ask him if he wants to eat. That always solves the problem.
Never says it but he is extremely proud of his sibling. Secretly boasts about you to your teammates.
School heartthrobs. You don't really care though unlike your hoe of a brother.
Asks you to come along with him to do his practices. Never lets you go home alone
Tries really hard to be the best older brother. Of course you love him.
Sawamura Daichi
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Play fighting. A lot of play fighting. Either through volleyball or wrestling.
He knows he's stronger than you so he usually tries to match his strength with yours.
Will not hesitate to put you in a headlock if you keep being an ass.
Does a pretty good job of keeping you down. I mean, he is scary when he's mad. A look or a smile can make you shut up already.
Knows when something is bugging you. Will not hesitate to ask you about it so that he can help you resolve it as fast as possible.
The type to give you a piggy back ride if you still felt like shit.
Actually asked Chikara to make sure Tanaka and Noya limit their interaction with you because he knows that those two are up to no good. After quite some time and persuading, he finally trusts them enough to be around you.
Pranks. A lot of pranks. Daichi has boomer tendencies so he probably won't know about the latest trends. Sugawara is very supportive of your plans too.
One time you almost got hit by a stray ball. He ran faster than Hinata.
Doesn't say it but he gets jealous when you hug Asahi. Who couldn't resist hugging that teddy bear?
Will ruffle your hair whenever you did something great. You kinda got accustomed to it.
Actual fights never really happen? You retort once or twice but that's pretty much it.
Knows how to cook and bake. With you being his personal critique. He bakes your favorites every Sunday.
Knows when to bother you and when not to.
Older brother instincts is one of the best of the best.
Bokuto Koutarou
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A f f e c t i o n. Lots and lots of it.
Will hug you out of the blue. Or throw you out somewhere, depends on his mood. You don't mind though.
You are a perfect balance between Bokuto and Akaashi's personality. Like their love child.
You don't really have an emo mode though, just a really strong aura that can match your brother's. Akaashi was thankful because he didn't want to take care of two Bokutos. His system can't handle it.
Bokuto emo mode? Call him nii-chan along with some compliments, that'll do. That's why you're always needed when they have a game. And when you can't come, a quick call from you is usually the team's plan B.
Usually takes you to his practices if you have nothing else to do. Will probably or maybe already has taught you everything he knows.
Tried to smuggle you with him during his summer training camp. He got caught by Akaashi and got lectured by your mom.
Travelling is normal for him because of volleyball. Expect a lot of souvenirs and gifts. He spoiled you so much and he doesn't even realize it. You don't take it for granted though.
You fought once. That was it. He went on full emo mode. You never try to bicker with him again.
The type to send you snaps and tiktoks of the most random things. Even at three in the morning. Not that you're asleep (Don't tell mom.)
Will try to smuggle you again. You woke up to him trying to stuff you in a suitcase.
Will give you infinite amounts of piggy back rides despite your age.
Kuroo and Hinata knows about you because he just doesn't stop talking about his precious sibling.
Feeling down? Expect Bokuto to go into nii-chan mode. Will not hesitate to slap a bitch. Or take you to explore the city and buy you food and stuff. Remember the way of the ace T-shirt? Yeah, you have a matching one.
When he feels down, but not like his emo mode, he just usually plops down next to you and start talking. Feel free to give out advices, he'll always say that you're the smartest and the best.
A great older brother indeed. He doesn't even realize it.
Gif Sources : Ushijima, Kuroo, Oikawa, Daichi, Bokuto
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uwua3 · 4 years
hi! first off, congrats on the new blog!! i read that misumi piece and i really enjoyed it hehe,, if it's alright, may i request some domestic fluff with kazunari? mayb looking over old photo albums of each other from when they were kids and laughing and telling stories about what happened in the photos? thank you very much and i hope u have a nice day :D
hi!!! this made me so happy 🥺 thank you so much, i hope to keep this blog running for a long time! also, i saw your reblog of my jealousy hcs and i wanted to say thank you for your sweet comments!!! i go back to it whenever i need motivation, you inspire me to keep writing ♡ thank you! i hope to continue making you proud as a writer :D <3
summary: kazunari had to stop living in the past and make new memories outside of his yearbooks with you
author’s note: this is definitely a much happier piece than my others! this was refreshing to write and i treasure it dearly, it’s definitely much more on the humorous side! no angst today, folks!!! (ok just a little, but it’s barely noticeable!)
this is just a little look into a hoarder named kazunari and his sentimental, nostalgic personality ♡ i, myself, am a marie kondo supporter so i love decluttering! if you are a hoarder like kazunari, honestly go you! you keep those knick knacks that remind you of memories! do whatever makes you the happiest :D
word count: 2,151
music: make you mine – public, tongue tied – grouplove (this song is so Kazunari !!!)
🌻🎨 miyoshi kazunari
it was that time of year again
kazunari hated spring cleaning with a passion. so what if his art supplies were all over the dorms? he knew where everything was! uh, mostly...
(if you ignore his daily panicked house searches which kept everyone up way too late if he couldn’t locate a very specific paint shade for a big project he definitely procrastinated)
so, it took, so much bribery to get kazunari to even consider cleaning out his entire dorm room
(muku was a very Good Boy and already had his side of the room perfectly dusted and organized)
yes, you had to promise to pose as a model for one of his paintings one day (hopefully, not the type of class you were thinking) (kazunari’s suggestive wink didn’t help)
the thing about kazunari was he was somewhat of a, putting it politely, hoarder
as an extremely sentimental person, it would take the whole mankai company to even force him to throw something away
(“no! it has a special meaning to me! i remember what happened when i got this~” kazunari would whine, holding the useless item between his hands with no intentions to ever look at it again)
so the boys employed you to be kazunari’s rational judgement when cleaning that day
(“please actually make him do something.” sakyo looked like he was on the border of begging; kazunari’s abundance of random knick knacks and shopaholic addiction problem was becoming an issue that affected everyone)
rule #1 of cleaning kazunari’s storage room: don’t open anything because kazunari will become very sentimental and nothing will get gone
so therefore, as a team, you two tackled the rather spotless room. the interior was minimal and modern, just like kazunari liked it with pops of color here and there
(he had one blank white wall and you realized it was the backdrop he used to film all his social media posts [dancing tik toks, fashion #ootds on instagram, daily vlogs on his growing youtube channel])
at first, you were confused where all his stuff went until you opened a closet against his terrible and unconvincing distractions
without time to react, you found yourself buried in tens of books you couldn’t even fathom how it all fit
(“i’ve played way too much tetris.” kazunari would admit later on when asked about his immaculate stacking)
“you’ve got to be kidding me!” you groaned, pushing your head above the surface of book covers that have either never been opened or were way too old to even be functionable
“i’m sorry~ please, forgive me!” kazunari pleaded, immediately pulling you out of his own mess and using all his cuteness to make you roll your eyes fondly at your best friend
you almost started ranting at him about the dangers of taking up too much closet space with useless items before you realized:
wait! stop! he’s trying to get you to forget about throwing these books out! you thought suddenly, crossing your arms as you stared at the pile, trying to figure out how to approach the situation
“you cannot distract me. we are going through this mound and you will be getting rid of something today.” you ordered, seeing his shoulders drop in defeat as he nodded solemnly, but accepting his fate without any arguments. thank god for that
you two bent down and organized all the books into categories. popular photography instruction guides, creative advice columns, and all his past art textbooks kazunari couldn’t sell were put into a seperate group because luckily, they were relevant to his art school
things like old newspapers with funny comics were recycled (you refused to let kazunari read them in fear of invoking some form of nostalgia) (also because he had the whackiest sense of humor ever and would die laughing)
it was going well, until you reached the thickest photo books of them all (you had almost forgotten what you and kazunari’s school mascot was)
but unsurprisingly, kazunari had every single yearbook from each year of his education all the way until his last year in high school piled high to his chest
even he looked somewhat shocked from his mass accumulation from his teen years
“ah! i’m so old now~ look at all this! what else can i do except die?!” kazunari dramatically flopped onto his bed, tired of lifting so much weight. hey! his arms weren’t meant for exercise, he was a painter!
lifting his head to see you were distracted from alphabetically sorting the first section lovingly dubbed, “art shit”, kazunari mischeviously grinned as he leaned down to snatch a random yearbook
flipping to a random page, kazunari smiled as he realized it was the first time he ever met you back in elementary
kazunari sang your name as he sat upwards, having a shit–eating look on his face as he started swinging his legs back and forth
oh no, he was up to something no good, you knew it but humored him anyways
“yes, kazu?” you turned your line of sight to the most horrible picture possible: you with the ugliest haircut in the entire world with kazunari’s black hair taking up the entire photo as you two sheepishly smiled for the camera. it was not a proud moment
okay, maybe it wasn’t that bad, you just couldn’t help but shriek at the sight of your hair
“oh my god! you can’t just jumpscare me like that!” you laughed despite yourself. you knew you had to be serious and focused on decluttering, but one look at your past made you remember all the good times before so–called “adulthood”
“look at your hair!” you cackled, reaching up to playfully yank at his mullet as he yelped and lightly smacked your hand away. rubbing the back of his neck, kazunari huffed childishly and pouted like he was back in his youth
“come on! this was the pinnacle moment i realized, i should not be a hair dresser.” kazunari commented, making you remember how you just let a random 8–year–old boy waddle up to you with safety scissors and advertise his salon business like a professional
(yes, you bought into it right away. your teacher had a heart attack when she saw you with a majority of your hair on the floor and kazunari keeping small talk like an actual hair stylist)
thinking back after the haircut incident, you weren’t allowed to chat with the funny class clown anymore as you were forced to wear a hat every day
(it was either that or go completely bald to fix the job kazunari did to your head)
it wasn’t until you received a very creative and colorful apology letter with tons of sad faces drawn with waxy crayons that you snuck out to play with him on the swings in recess
“i can’t believe we became friends because i wanted free hair cuts for the rest of my life.” you added, staring at the picture with a sense of nostalgia. you kinda got where kazunari was coming from, memories were fun to look at every once and a while
at least, eleven years worth of memories after being inseperable from that moment forward
(maybe, you should’ve held onto it, you thought, not knowing that would be the first of many art pieces you would be gifted by him)
kazunari knew he won. excited, he dropped down to lay on his stomach as you leaned against the bed, watching as he thumbed through the pages with ease, leaning his head on yours comfortably
it was rare to find kazunari quiet, he must’ve been like this all the time when going through his stuff, you thought, at peace for once
lazily smiling, kazunari put his finger against your yearbook pictures as he reminisced on the past. something about everyone ever in your grade, how kazunari knew everyone and had a special memory with each person, no matter how big or small
“—and here, the teacher somehow caught a pic of us swinging wayyy too high for kids our age!” kazunari laughed, breaking your train of thought as you snickered at the absolute joy radiating from both your faces as you two competed to see who could reach the clouds
(kazu won. you fell off right after and had to get picked up from your parents after badly scraping your knee. it took another sorry letter and art of you two holding hands with a heart for your parents to forgive kazunari)
“let’s go back.” you interrupted him, making him sit up confused as you swung your keys out from your back pocket. it didn’t take any convincing for kazunari to nod right away and took the elementary yearbook into his arm
you two only had to exchange a secret look before formulating a plan to sneak out, leaving music on from kazunari’s speakers to act like kazunari was still cleaning
you two giggled amongst yourselves before clambering into your car, speeding off and laughing loudly from your successful getaway. the manager was none the wiser!
during the short car ride, you and kazunari played your favorite mixtape of all time
(“you kept this?!” kazunari yelled, giddily bouncing up and down from excitement when he discovered the mixtape stash)
he slipped the disc in as you two yelled along to childhood favorites with the windows rolled down, letting the entire neighborhood know the best duo were back in town
(seriously, there were so many you stashed away in your glove department. all labeled in sharpie with compelling titles connected to the inside jokes only you two found funny)
arriving at the destination, you two exited the vehicle to see the play pen was abandoned as the teaching staff went home for the day
the sun was setting and it felt like the playground was in another rift of time as you approached it, hearing the weak movement of the swings going back and forth on their own. you sat down, holding onto the chains. you hadn’t been back ever since you graduated. it hadn’t changed at all
kazunari opened the elementary yearbook back to the original page, pulling out his tripod and phone he always had on hand in his backpack as he set it up right across the swing set
“what are you doing?” you inquired, tilting your head as he fumbled around pressing different buttons and filters too complex for you to remember
looking up, kazunari grinned as he set a timer for 10 seconds before sprinting back to the swing next to you
“swing contest right now! i bet i could swing higher than you ever could!” kazunari challenged childishly, quickly kicking his legs for the momentum. you narrowed your eyes, refusing to lose as you two laughed over the sound of his phone taking a burst of photos
you realized what he was doing. he was re–creating your memories together
but you turned to look at him and your heart skipped a beat. you never remembered him looking this, different, in the purple lighting. for a flashing moment, you swore you saw the silhoutte of his black–haired, child self sit next to you before you blinked and saw him. kazunari was the same, just older now
you slowed down your swing by dragging your sneakers against the wood chipped ground. you grabbed both the swings’ chains to hold them together
you didn’t want to live in the past anymore. you wanted to grow up with him, too
“what—” kazunari started, matching your pace before being cut off by your lips against his, the phone going off for one last time
you pulled yourself in close enough just to smile. he smelled the exact same as he did when he discovered cologne for the first time. he never changed
you pulled away first even if he tried leaning forward for more, like he was waiting all these years just for that one moment. like he saw you in the same light, too
“i wanted to do that for years.” you confessed, watching as he took your hand carefully, like he was afraid you were going to leave. for once, he didn’t know what to do, which face to show
“me too...” kazunari agreed, seemingly speechless before straightening his back, like he was about to run away. the hair on your neck stood up, what was he about to do?
“i promise i won’t cut your hair anymore, unless?” kazunari winked dramatically, mimicking the shape of scissors with his fingers as he tried snipping at your hair
he laughed as you shoved him with all your might, hopping off the swing to chase him throughout the school parking lot
now this was a memory kazunari would never throw away, no matter what
(no one thought the two of you escaped until kazunari posted the pics on his instagram, both of you getting a scolding from sakyo this time)
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