#while it was loading my result i thought 'i wouldn't get kirishima because i'm not even trying to go out of my comfort zone' :
dominaecaede · 6 years
Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter 6 results: 69% decided that Dabi is trustworthy
〘 twitter 〙
The following story will have themes such as blood, gore, situations that may cause anxiety and major character death. If you are sensitive to any of these, please do not proceed.
Chapter 7: Woe To The Clueless
Midoriya took in Uraraka's words. He can understand that she'd be paranoid about him. The guy was a former villain, after all. Still, he wanted to keep faith and remembered all he's helped them out with so far. He rested a hand on her shoulder and gave his friend a reassuring look.
"I see what you mean," Midoriya began. "But he's helped us so much, and I'd want to believe that there are still good people that exist in this situation. I decided to put my trust into him, you know?"
Uraraka nodded. She smiled, but something still felt off about him in her opinion. Still, she decided to trust Midoriya's word. "Yeah... Maybe you're right. I'm sorry."
"No, don't be sorry!" He chuckled. "Paranoia is healthy when you're in an apocalypse!"
The two chuckled and continued to walk, trailing behind as Dabi turned his head to each alleyway they passed. They came across one or two of those creatures but it was nothing he couldn't handle. It's been this long, yet they had no idea what they were.
"What do we even call these things?" Kirishima raised a brow, poking his foot at one of their bodies that Dabi shot down.
"Hell if I know," Bakugou muttered. "Who cares? They're just annoying demons."
"Akuma," Shouto spoke up. "That's what we'll call them."
The group looked at each other but didn't complain. It was probably easier to give them a nickname rather than leaving them, well, nameless. No one spoke after that as they kept walking until they reached an alley way covered in graffiti. Dabi looked down the path and his eyes blinked with observation.
"This way," he spoke while he walked.
They followed him down the path and found themselves traveling down cement steps into what seemed like an underground passage. Bakugou and Shouto looked at each other with confusion but didn't resist. Midoriya looked around, noticing that their path was growing darker and darker the deeper they walked. Their footsteps grew louder and echoed down the tunnel, and he sometimes felt like he stepped on something but didn't bother to look. The lack of light would soon end when they stopped at a metal door. It looked a little rusted but still hard to penetrate through.
"This is it," Dabi spoke up again.
Kirishima gripped the weapon he was still holding. When Dabi opened the door, the smell of rotting flesh greeted them like a blow of air. The group was gagging and coughing but they continued on, as Dabi shut the door. When everyone got ahold of themselves, they began trying to see where they were. It was pitch black in there.
"How are we supposed to see?" Shouto wheezed out. The smell was unbearable.
All of the sudden, Dabi hushed the group. Everyone halted and turned in the way they heard the man from.
"Do... Do you hear that?" Kirishima whispered.
The group didn't respond. There waa a clicking noise and it was getting louder. The group hovered together and gripped their weapons while Dabi walked as slowly as possible trying to find the light switch. A flashlight would've been much more useful, as Midoriya would think. He regrets putting it down back in the hospital room. The clicking noise seemed to be coming from multiple directions and what sounded like tiny rapid footsteps were circling around their proximity. It sounded like some sort of giant bug, and that kind of thought already sent shivers down Uraraka's spine.
"Found it!" Dabi breathed, although too loud for comfort.
When the light switch was turned on, the source of the clicking sound was brought to light (quite literally). It was an akuma but different. It was like it was mutated; it crawled on the floor and it's body appeared as if it were broken and forced together again, deformed until it was close to the appearance of a grasshopper. It's mouth was split open and beared its sharp teeth with it's hands deformed into the shape of claws. It was also bleeding from where it's eyes were supposed to be. It moved around on the floor fast like a cockroach, too. However, Midoriya was beginning to wonder why it's appearance looked so familiar. It made it's famous screeching noise and it made Uraraka cover her ears.
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"W-WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Bakugou screamed.
Shouto ran to the side and his behind what used to be a bar stool. "Shit! Our weapons are only good for up close combat! We'll get killed!"
"Here!" Dabi shouted and tossed them some guns. He was behind one of the tall safes located in front of a window not too far from the metal door. Shouto caught the handgun flying in his direction and checked to see if it was loaded. He clicked his tongue.
"Just five bullets?!" He shouted, the screeching getting louder. When it charged for Shouto, he immediately dodged it's attack and ran to another safe spot. "What am I gonna do if I run out?!"
"Shoot wisely, then!" Was all Dabi answered.
Midoriya looked at the Caliber .45 in his hand. He's never held a gun before, much less used one. There was never a reason to. He began thinking that maybe this would be like those shooting games him and Bakugou used to play when they were kids. He kept that in mind as he took a deep breath and peeked over his cover. He began shooting towards it's head, gritting his teeth and jolting with each bullet he shot. He knew he wasn't used to this, and he knew his shots were sloppy, but when he saw that his bullets were hitting it he felt a little proud. He ducked down again to catch his breath, trying to suppress the shivering caused by his fear. The akuma was clearly getting pissed. It's screeched again and charged at Dabi, who switched his simple revolver to a Glock 21. "Just how many guns did the villains have?!" Midoriya thought.
Bakugou was firing the same kind of gun Dabi had and, if he was honest with himself, trying to shake off the fear that was creeping up his spine. Uraraka was in the under the same cover as Bakugou, but she looked at the weapon she had with uncertainty. Bakugou noticed she wasn't firing and was quickly giving her glances.
"Why aren't you shooting, round face?!"
Uraraka showed him her weapon. "I-I don't know how to use this!"
Bakugou saw that Uraraka had a shotgun in her hand and his eyes lit up. He held out his hand. "Give that to me, use this," he prompted her to switch weapons. She nodded and took ahold of the Glock 21 and began firing to her best ability while giving small squeaks of discomfort.
The blonde took in that same memory as Midoriya and got a better hold on it. He began shooting at the akuma but couldn't help but jump back at how heavy the blows were. Instead of stopping, he only began chuckling. "Oh hell yeah, time to die you piece of shit!!"
Kirishima was handling a revolver as well but when he heard the gunshots of the shotgun Bakugou was using, he had an expression of disbelief. "A shotgun?! How the hell did you get a shotgun, Bakugou?!"
"No time to banter!" Shouto shouted. "It's almost dead! Keep firing!"
And near death, it was. The akuma didn't know which direction to face because it was being shot at from multiple angles. It's fast movements slowed down to a maximum and it began making pained noises. With one final shot to the head, it's split jaw began to close as it's body finally fell limp. Midoriya let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and put a hand to his chest.
"Is... Is it dead...?" Uraraka asked softly.
Bakugou slowly stood up and made his way to the body as if trying not to wake a baby. He kicked it at first, then fired a shot to it's torso. "Yep. It's dead."
Kirishima scoffed. "Okay, just because you get a cool weapon doesn't mean you can keep firing it."
Bakugou smirked. "Hah. Jealous?"
As the two spiked heads bickered, Midoriya approached the body slowly. He leaned down and began examining it. There was something about this akuma that was so familiar and he was trying to figure out why. And upon finding the answer, he let out a harsh gasp.
"That light blue hair...," Midoriya muttered. "This... This was Shigaraki Tomura..."
Uraraka furrowed her brows. "What? H-How?"
"Did no one tell you that these things were once people?" Dabi stepped in and turned the body's face with his foot to where he could see it. "Still... How he got mutated like this I'll never know..."
"H-Hold on...," The brunette stuttered. "Th-They were once people? We just killed someone?"
"Once people, round face," Bakugou replied. "And don't forget, he used to be the leader of this shithole. What goes around comes around."
Midoriya then began wondering where the rest of the villains were. He began looking around, and he soon found a trail of tried blood. He followed it and he found something so gruesome that it made him fall backwards. Shouto ran up to him and helped him up.
"What is it, Midoriya?"
The greenette didn't respond, only shakily pointed to the direction. Shouto followed his finger and gasped. Piles of bodies were found in the corner that weren't an akuma's at all. They were also headless, and some were missing limbs that were found in another location but only in bloody bones. Midoriya recognized the schoolgirl uniform on one of the bodies and immediately knew that it was the body of Himiko Toga. There were also flies around the bodies. It seems this was the source of the smell.
"Oh my god...," Uraraka shivered. "They weren't even turned. W-Was Tomura eating them or something...?"
"Wouldn't surprise me," Dabi answered. "Here."
The group turned around and they were all tossed some clothes. They were all black and camoflauge colored. Midoriya blinked and looked up at Dabi, who was putting some black boots on the counter.
"These were the clothes we used to infiltrate certain buildings for information," Dabi explained. "As you can see by the colors, we didn't exactly just walk in those buildings through the front door."
Shouto held up the jacket he was holding, which was leather but light. "I see."
When the group was finished changing, they didn't bother to keep their old uniforms. They left them on the ground and walked over back to Dabi, who was showing them a cabinet.
"Load up your ammo. Take what you can inside the bags and hurry up. I can't stand this stench."
As the group did so, Uraraka's discomfort of Dabi never faded. Still, she remembered Midoriya's words. She also took in the fact that he helped kill "Shigaraki" and gave them new equipment. She just can't shake off this feeling. The clothes given to her fit pretty well, to her surprise. The brunette came to the conclusion that these clothes must've belonged to Toga. Toga... Right. The sight of her mutilated body would haunt her dreams most likely forever. She shut her eyes tightly as she helped load the two duffle bags of weapons and they were all on their way.
The group began heading their way towards the pharmacy and felt much more confident now that they have a better chance of defending themselves. While some of the group carried the same firearms as they did in their fight, some were changed. Shouto was now carrying a sniper rifle along with some grenades loaded inside one of his pockets and his father's hunting knife in another. Midoriya was carrying two .45's instead of just one, and Uraraka was carrying a revolver. Of course Bakugou kept the shotgun -- it made him feel like a badass. Kirishima also kept his weapons but also had managed to carry a machete. He also tied his hair back since there was no use trying to keep his hair up.
When they arrived to the pharmacy, they found a note on the door. It read "We're at the abandoned police station down the block" signed Yaomomo. And so, they began making their way there. When they approached the area, Midoriya was relieved that everyone made it safely. He remembered this place being locked up as tight as a bank safe even before this happened. He knew the akuma didn't get in. They gave their classmates the duffle bags full of weapons and luckily there was enough for each to have something. Kirishima turned to face the group with a sad but confident face.
"I'm going to stay here," the redhead spoke up. The group blinked at him in question. "They need help here, and the more help they have, the better."
"To hell with that, shitty hair. The more help we have, the better. They're fine here!" Bakugou shouted.
However, Kirishima smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "The more we have in the group, the bigger target we'll have on our backs. Trust me bro, it's better if I stay here."
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"He's got a point," Dabi nodded.
Kirishima gave Bakugou a firm hug before releasing him. "You'll be fine!"
The blonde looked at him with a troubled expression before gritting his teeth and turning his back to walk. "Whatever."
The group bid him and the classmates farewell before beginning to make their way to Clearnox Industries. Shouto began rubbing the back of his neck. "Any idea where this place is?"
Midoriya tapped his chin. "The last time I recall, the building was on the far side of the city. Passed the city hall. I remember reading an article on Google about it online."
Shouto nodded. "And the city hall is passed the hill going towards UA..."
"I was really hoping not to look at that place again...," Uraraka sighed.
It seemed like such a far walk. Hours on their feet and shooting akuma dead along the way. Well, lesser akuma. After facing the mutated Shigaraki, the group was relieved to see a "normal" one. When they passed UA, a rush of sadness fell onto Midoriya. The vision of the broken windows, blood stains and burnt patches broke his heart. His dream of becoming a hero ceased to exist the moment all this occurred. Right there, in the beginning. Uraraka rubbed his back with sympathy and Midoriya smiled at her. She felt the same way.
They eventually passed city hall and more of the akuma seemed to cross their path. There were hoards of them, nearly impossible to shoot them all down, so they stayed close to the building across the street as to not attract their attention.
Then, what seemed like forever, they finally reached Clearnox. The building was so huge that it looked distant and untouchable. There was no electricity around the front yard, so no one knew what was to come. From all the videogames he's played, Bakugou knew the front door would be a trap. Laugh they might, but his memories of gaming saved him from that fight and dammit, he was proud of it.
"There has to be another way in," the blonde observed. "Bet your asses that there's an entrance in the back."
"Maybe...," Midoriya furrowed his brows. "But this building is so big. I'm not even sure there's such thing as a back door."
"No," Dabi spoke up from the side of the building. "But there's a trap door over here that might get us inside."
The group crept over and helped him lift up the rusted door, surprised that it wasn't locked. It led to a metal stairway going downwards. Shouto felt discomfort.
"Oh, I hate this," he muttered.
They followed the staircase down and got their weapons ready for precaution. The stairs eventually stopped at a hallway with a series of doors on either side of the walls. If they didn't know where they were right now, they'd think that they were inside a prison or something. Midoriya opened one of the doors and found nothing useful, his actions prompting the rest of the group to do the same. Shouto found a map of the building and Uraraka sighed in relief. At least they wouldn't get lost.
The doors to an elevator crossed their paths. Midoriya clicked his tongue as he looked at the map, realizing that they had no clue where their teachers were being held. He does get an idea but it would be risky checking.
"We could try checking the lab," he says as he keeps his eyes on the map. "The laboratory is in section E. The fifth floor."
Dabi nodded and punched the button to go to the lower level. When they got out of the elevator, they were greeted by more akuma lurking around. The group immediately gets to a cover and puts a hand over their mouth to not make any noise. They should've known this, but Bakugou hears something else. He hears talking. Two males, both sounding tired. He tried to listen and figure out what they were saying.
"What do you think they're gonna do to us?" One of them asked.
"I don't know..," the other replied. "They landed a pretty good blow on me. I just hope the students are okay..."
"....! That voice...!" Midoriya breathes and slowly looks up. He sees Aizawa and All Might bound, bleeding out and stuck in cages. "They're here!"
"We can't get them with all these akuma around, though...," Shouto clicked his tongue.
Bakugou grit his teeth. "Then we shoot them dead! There's no other way!"
"That's a stupid idea," Shouto snapped quietly. "You'll alert the other akuma on the floor. We have to do this quietly."
How should they approach this?
• shoot them all down?
• or move silently?
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