#while the pink trees were just starting to bud. weep
vetteldixon · 6 months
spring 🌸! from above 🏙️…
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and below 🥺
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meenah-chan · 3 years
Safe Haven ~Epilogue~
A Barbatos x GN! MC fanfic
1.98k words
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Trigger warning: None
Requested by: @romaissa Thank you for waiting for this. I apologize for the wait. This turns out the way as I imagined it to be, more or less. I felt so fluffy as I edited this for the last time. I hope you'll like this last part. Enjoy~~ 😚✨💖💖💖
Part 1 (Safe Haven) | Part 2 (Safe Haven ~Another Story~)
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A Barbatos x GN! MC fanfic
1.98k words
Genre: angst
Trigger warning: None
It was the same cliff… trees and breeze... The same dusk… But the voice calling them were not anymore...
… sensitive yet capable... One that withstand pain and hardship yet kept their gentleness.
Despite it being in the middle of the day, the sky enveloping the Devildom is dark. Very unlike that place. A place where the sun would shine so brightly even from the back of their mind. Not the human world where they grew up. Not the Celestial realm they visited once. It was only the Devildom whose light came from the moon and not the sun. Should the moon doesn’t exist in this kingdom, it’ll surely be pitch black.
Yet, in the dimness of the kingdom they’ve suddenly been to... Who would have thought I would meet my sun in such a place? A smile formed on their face as they delved deeper in their thoughts.
As they did so, a strong wind blew past them. It was strong, they didn’t notice someone approaching them.
“Oh!” a pat on their shoulder snapped them back from their deep thoughts.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” They flit their head behind and meet with the same, familiar eyes.
“Lord Diavolo... Nothing. And Queen Rose? Did something happen?” Their surprised demeanor was replaced with a confused one. Why wouldn’t it? Since unless some responsibility on the Kingdom required to, the royal couple is technically attached at the hip. Which is still pretty rare.
“Stop with those formalities. You’re making me sad.” As if he were not such a tall, well-built demon, Diavolo looks at them like a weeping dog.
“Alright, I’m just teasing you... So, what happened?”
“Rose got angry over one of my posts on Devilgram.” His pout becomes more obvious as he complains to them like a child.
“Oh, that picture.” Diavolo didn’t have to elaborate further for them to guess which one it is. It was a picture of Diavolo pecking the Queen on her cheek on their bed chamber.
“Even if I were her, I would be mad. You’re the rulers of Devildom after all. You can’t afford showing any vulnerability to your people.”
“But love is our strength!” He emphasized the last word with his hand gesture and furrowed brows.
Which only received a giggle from the human. “You sound like those princesses in the movie we watched yesterday.”
“Hey, I’m being serious… Since when did you take her side anyway?”
“I’m just speaking with reason.”
“You’re so harsh these days. Where is the angel I knew? Barbatos is rubbing on you a bit too much.”
“I won’t be if you were a bit more reasonable. And remember, Simeon can be scary too sometimes.”
Diavolo paused for a moment to think. “Right.” And let out a sigh. “Why can't I win a debate with you? I'm the King, you know.”
“Then be glad I'm an ally.”
“But Y/N...” Diavolo stared at them for a moment. “I noticed you're becoming more beautiful. More than ever.”
“...Where’s Queen Rose? She needs to know the king’s flirting with his ex—”
“Hey, I don't mean it! I mean, not that way! You're beautiful as a friend.”
“Beautiful more than ever as a friend, yes?”
“I mean it with pure intention! And Rose is the most beautiful! You know that!”
“Most beautiful. Favorite line, huh…” They sassily fiddled with their nails as they stared at it.
“Let's settle this here? I-I'll even grant you a wish.”
They glanced at him from their nails and stared at him. “Pfft— Hahaha!! I'm kidding, I’m kidding, pfft— hahaha! You should have seen your face, hahaha!”
“Are you messing with me again?” He frowned at them.
“I was but, hey. A wish from the King is rather enticing.”
Looking straight in their eyes, “Are you still mad because of our past?” he asked. As if he's been holding this question back for so long. In guilt of what they have been through because of him.
And with a smile, they replied “No.”
It was the truth.
They could never hold anything against Diavolo. They can never hate the man they fell in love with…
“Your face is just so hilarious I can't help it.” Rather, they wanted to see that expression one last time. That expression I adored way too much, as I fell beside the cliff.
“Since when did you become so fickle?” Yet despite his words, a sense of relief emanates from the Royal Demon.
He is now certain. He is finally free from the shackles he created himself. And they...
“Spare Barbatos some slack. Some regular day offs will do too and you’ll be absolved of your offense.” Without Diavolo being able to snap a last glance on their face, they turned their back to him and started walking. Despite it, a smile formed on his face.
“Consider it done...” He said as they wave as a response before disappearing from his sight.
I see you’re finally free from my curse... Diavolo chuckled as he left to return to his queen, ready to ask for another forgiveness.
“Y/N.” It was the same cliff. The same trees and breeze. The same dusk who witnessed everything. But the voice calling them were not the prince’s anymore.
“Barbatos, you’re early.”
“I apologize for always making you wait for me but,” worry was showing on his face as he looked at them. “...do you always wait here this early?”
“Don’t mind it. I love waiting for you.” Barbatos’ heart skipped a beat from their words, a tint of pink forming on both person’s ear tips.
“A-Ah, right. You didn’t tell me you'll plant some flowers here.” They touched the petals of the Forget-me-not flowers as if to avert the butler’s attention.
It was as healthy as the one they took care of or perhaps even healthier.
“Were they not to your liking?”
“No, I… love them.”
“Then I'd be glad if that were the case. I raised them with the thoughts of you after all.” Even though Barbatos’ remarks were always like that, they couldn’t help but feel bashful everytime.
“Seriously, how can you say some cheesy lines so smoothly?”
“Hmm? I don’t recall saying such things.” He lifted a knuckle under his chin while glancing upward as if in thoughts.
“This guy..!” All they could do is shut up and frown. They couldn’t remember a time where they actually won on Barbatos’ wordplays.
“Is there something that displeases my flower?” Barbatos moved towards them when the frown they wore turned into a sad smile when they glanced again at the blue flowers.
“Well...” they sighed, Barbatos now stepping in to caress their face. “I just remembered the poor flowers I destroyed that day. I cared for them for a long time only to die from my own hands.”
Barbatos brushed his thumb to their cheek, fondness reflected in his eyes. “But they didn’t.” It was still like a dream for him to be able to hold them freely as he wished.
“What do you mean? Of course they will. I pulled them all off the ground myself.”
“Would you believe me if I said this plant was your flower’s seedlings and roots?”
“Y-You mean..!?” The human’s eyes snapped back to the Forget-me-nots. That’s probably why the flowers have the exact same shade and size as back then.
“I thought it’ll be a great gift for you.” He let them go to squat and check the flowers closely.
It took a while as they observed and admired the lush flowers. It was a comfortable silence, as Barbatos watched his favorite bud.
“Hey Barbatos.” Finally satisfied from staring at it, they rose on their feet. “I had some silly idle thoughts a while ago.”
“What is it?” He asked. But unlike them, the demon butler’s eyes never left his favorite flower. He could spend another millenia just gazing at them, and still say it’s the best sight he's ever seen.
“Devildom is a dark place no matter how I try to think of it.” He watch their back across the nightfall. The way the cold breeze brush through their locks. Those subtle shivers they give off as chills bites at their sensitive yet capable arms. One that withstand pain and hardship yet kept their gentleness.
“Then how come of all places, I’ll meet my sun there?” He tread beside them, not minding their words.
Not even the fondness in Barbatos’ eyes yields. Not in the slightest.
He knew. It was Diavolo. It will always be his Young Master. “He was so bright. So dazzling yet I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Diavolo will always be my sun.” And he… He already accepted this fact a long time ago. Staying by their side, until they found their happiness, is more than enough for him.
So instead of reacting, he removed his coat and placed it over their shoulder.
“I won’t forget. I will cherish the memories he left, no matter how painful it is. After all, he and the memories,” but they were thinking differently from Barbatos. They spun on their feet, suddenly facing him, who was just a few inches away from them, “...they all led me to my moon.” Their eyes were glistening, with him reflected in it. It took his breath– his words away.
“Shining through my darkest nights. Cradling me with its gentle light. Brushing off the tears from my eyes. My precious moon, who helped me remember that there’s still happiness beyond my sorrow.” They reached for his face. “Nights were supposed to be cold, yet he brings warmth instead. And you know what’s the most amusing thing?”
“In Devildom, whether it is day or night, you can see the moon in its brightest.” He never wants to assume anything, yet the way their thumb runs across his cheek so tenderly… The hope he hid with all his might, surges out wanting to be freed.
“Oh, but there is just one problem with my moon. He was so selfless, he wouldn't take me to himself.” The hand next to his cheek moved and brushed to the tip of his nose.
“Pardon?” He thought he finally sealed it away so perfectly, so why… With just a single touch…?
“I don’t wanna be single forever yet he keeps on ignoring my signs...”
“Wait, you mean…” But his promise… his vow to them...
“I still can’t say I don’t have any more feelings with Diavolo but I swear, I mean it. That’s why I’m already taking this to my hands… Hey–!” The knot within Barbatos’ heart came undone, along with the stream of tears he’s holding back due to their dreamlike words.
“Barbatos. Hey, don’t cry.”
They tried scooping his face with both hands only to stop by his own.“I’m so happy.” He placed one of their hands on his chest. It was warm, with his heart practically drumming crazily fast.
He never knew it’s possible to feel happier than the day they allowed him by their side. Incomparably so. It was at that moment he felt so… alive.
“I thought it’ll be a great gift for you.”
“This is the greatest gift I’ve ever received in my life.” He pulled their other hand and placed a tender kiss on its palm.
“I wonder if I can surpass this next time.”
“Then how about a kiss? Can I kiss you?”
“You don’t have to ask,” They took another step towards him, “I love you, my Luna.”
“I love you more, my Flora.” Barbatos sewed the space between them and soon, two breaths became one. All the words dissolved between their lips. Yet, all the emotions bottled up within poured out.
Of loneliness. Of longing. Of elation. Of attachment and inclination. With a spice of passion and devotion. All swirling together, filling the gaps in their hearts.
They parted just to converge again, like how their threads of fate crossed, unraveled and intertwined together.
The coldness of the night now utterly nonexistent within their moment, as they were embraced by the vivid rays of moonlight.
Part 1 (Safe Haven) | Part 2 (Safe Haven ~Another Story~)
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seokjingiggles · 7 years
Just the Beginning
genre: fluff
member: seokjin
words: 1797
A peaceful picnic playdate with your husband and two children.
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w o w I’m in love with seokjin
Anticipate the other members x kids soon? teehee
I just wanted to say a quick thank you for 20 followers! Some may say that’s not a lot but it feels like a boatful to me! I made this account for my own enjoyment but I guess 20 of you joined the party! I promise to work harder and bring you meaningful stories for the boys! You guys are very sweet and it means a lot to me that someone likes my stuff. THANK YOU XOXOXOXOXOXO 💓💓💓💓
As always, pls enjoyyy ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )
Your morning started as sweet as ever. Sunlight was streaming through the blinds of your bedroom window. The ticklish willow tree outside swayed angelically in the summer breeze. A bird flew down on the windowsill and peered inside, reminding you that it was time to start the day. You were suddenly aware of your husband’s arm draped across your body. His head was nuzzled into your hair and you could feel the slow, warm breath of his sleeping figure. You smiled at the realization that this was your reality. You were living the best possible life imaginable, the kind you only saw in movies. You had a happy family of five, including your dashing husband, two precious fraternal twins, and a little one on the way. The twins were anticipating their upcoming fourth birthdays. Seokjin and you had prepared a special trip to Disneyland in a few weeks for them.
Ever since you met Seokjin, everything felt like a dream. You had never been exposed to this kind of love. The kind of love that made your heart swell and your cheeks grow pink. The kind of love that made you want to run and jump like a child in the middle of a field of wildflowers. Seokjin gave you the kind of love that made you appreciate the beauty in everything. He made you love yourself. And now, you had so much more to love. Your house, your friends, your marriage, your family...you had an endless supply of love for everything and everyone, and this was just the beginning.
You carefully shifted your body to face Seokjin. You quietly gasped at his charming beauty. Even after six years, it always caught you off-guard. You soaked in his divine features, from his feather-like eyelashes to his plump, rosy lips. You were in awe at how gracefully his chestnut bangs cascaded over his closed eyelids. Every day you were reminded of how much you focused on detail. Seokjin was a gift from the gods who deserved to be cherished and appreciated infinitely.
You stroked his cheek with the back of your hand. His skin was as soft as a rose petal. He stirred in his slumber and grinned, eyes still closed. His hand took your hand that rested on his cheek and he kissed it.
Seokjin opened his eyes and giggled.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, scooting closer to him.
“You are so cute,” he swooned as he draped a leg over you.
“I love you,” you gushed.
knock knock
“Mommy, may we come in? I’m hungry. Can Daddy make waffles?” Ji Hun, your son, and Soo Mi, your daughter, tiptoed into the bedroom.
This time, you giggled and cooed, “You guys are so cute.”
Seokjin got up from the bed and picked up Ji Hun. He kissed his son’s tiny nose and turned to face you.
Similarly, you held Soo Mi in your arms and brushed her hair with your fingers.
Your family shuffled to the kitchen. The twins sat at the dining table, babbling on about a silly TV show while you made cereal. Seokjin began cooking waffles. As you poured milk into two bowls, you began humming a tune from your childhood. Seokjin joined in and sang the words. He walked towards you and hugged you from behind. He smelled like pancake batter and syrup. You leaned your head back and kissed him on the lips.
“Ewwww! I can’t look!” Soo Mi exclaimed as she turned her head. Ji Hun squealed and covered his eyes.
Seokjin let go of you and set the plate of waffles on the table. He cut the fresh waffles into little pieces and added whipped cream and syrup in the center. He gave each child a plate and proceeded to ruffle Soo Mi’s hair.
The four of you sat at the dining table to eat breakfast. Ji Hun began talking about his dream from the previous night.
“Guess what I had a dream about?! We were at the park with all the yellow flowers! Mommy was pushing Soo Mi on the swings. Soo Mi looked like she was about to throw up,” Soo Mi scoffed and Ji Hun continued, “I was on Daddy’s shoulders and he was running around making airplane noises! I held onto him while he threw his arms out like a plane! It was the best dream ever!”
“You know what, kiddo? I had the same exact dream, except it was just Mommy and me. She had this beautiful lace dress and her skin was glowing in the sunset. She kept on laughing at a joke I made. Then, out of nowhere, I kneeled down and handed her a very shiny ring. I was really nervous. So nervous, in fact, that the ring slipped out of my fingers and almost shattered on the sidewalk! I picked it up and put the ring on Mommy’s finger. She started to cry and I did, too.”
Seokjin was obsessed with describing the moment he proposed.
“That wasn’t a dream, babe, that was a memory.”
“Wait...why was Mommy crying? Did she not like the ring?” Soo Mi questioned with concern.
“Well, a few months later, she told me she hated the ring. But, turns out she liked me...a lot.”
Soo Mi cried out in adoration. She enjoyed hearing about love stories and happy endings. Ji Hun just stared at his father in awe.
As you were picking up the empty plates from the table, you came up with an idea.
“Hey, let’s go to that park with the yellow flowers! I’ll prepare a basket of food and the kids can play on the playground!”
The twins shrieked excitedly. “YAY! WE’RE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN!”
Seokjin’s face lit up even more (as if humanly possible) and he added, “We can stay late and watch the sunset! But this time I’ll try not to cry...”
Soo Mi giggled and ran off to her room to get ready. Ji Hun and his father trailed behind. You leaned against the kitchen counter and followed them with your eyes. You couldn’t help but smile at the scene playing out in front of you. Soo Mi was asking Seokjin for his opinion on a yellow dress she picked out. “To match the flowers!” she squealed.
Your husband ushered the twins into the bathroom to freshen up. He sang the ABC’s along with them while they fooled around with the faucet water. You heard Seokjin gasp as Ji Hun flicked him with water. Soo Mi snickered and copied her brother.
They truly were your everything. You made a mental note to remember this moment forever.
The car ride to That Park with the Yellow Flowers was stuffed with Seokjin’s lousy dad jokes followed by several groans. He would look at you eagerly for a reaction and you would muster out a fake laugh. You had to admit, his jokes were hilariously terrible, but you couldn’t let him win the “funniest parent” status.
It was already lunchtime when you arrived at the park. You let the kids play while Seokjin helped you set up for the picnic. You placed the basket of food on the grass.
“I forgot the blanket! Be right back!” you said, jogging to the car.
When you came back, you found the most heartening scene take action. Ji Hun was laughing on Seokjin’s shoulders as your husband dashed in circles, arms outstretched, making airplane noises. Soo Mi was skipping towards the swing set. You ran after her and helped her into the swing. You gently pushed her as she pumped her legs to go higher. The shrieks of the kids, Seokjin’s squeaky laugh, and the stupid creak of the swing chains were enough to make you weep. Your emotions drowned you in galloping waves. You bawled and laughed at the same time, still pushing your daughter on the swing. The warm tears flowed down your cheeks and onto the brown mulch.
This moment was complete and utter joy. Your heart was thanking you for the fuel you were giving it. You were laughing so hard that your stomach began to hurt and you had to sit down on the ground to catch your breath. Soo Mi’s swing slowed to a stop and she trotted over to you. She squatted down and removed your hands from your eyes.
“Daddy! Mommy’s crying! ..Again!” With her short and chubby arms, Soo Mi attempted to wipe your tears away, but ended up spreading the wetness across your face. Regaining control of your emotions, you sniffled and pulled her into a hug. You cradled her as you kissed the top of her head, her eyes, her nose, and, finally, her cheeks. 
Seokjin approached you with Ji Hun in his arms. He crouched down to meet your eyes. He peered at you and smiled once he realized you were smiling, too. He helped you stand up and directed you to the picnic spot he finished assembling.
You ate Nutella sandwiches (at the request of your still-a-kid husband) and drank from juice boxes. Soo Mi crawled into her father’s lap and curled up. Seokjin pet her hair and began humming a melody. Ji Hun rested on the blanket with his head against your thigh as a pillow. You played with his stubby fingers until you could hear both children softly breathing in their slumber. Which dream would inspire your next family playdate?
You turned your head to observe the much-discussed yellow flowers. They were the color of saffron and honey. The delicate petals quivered in the warm breeze. So frail, so innocent, yet so heavenly. You pulled your gaze away from the blossoms.
Seokjin’s eyes were waiting to meet yours. He smiled broadly and his eyes turned into crescents. His ogle lingered as you blushed and looked down at your ring twinkling in the sunlight. This was the ring that started it all. The small piece of stone was so important to you. It signified the dawn of something new. Something you had to feed and water and tend to. Something you watched thrive and prosper. In the reflection of the jewel, you saw four yellow flowers swaying peacefully. A butterfly landed on a fifth flower and pushed the bud into view. Your lips widened into a sweet smile. The summer draft shifted in your direction and you could smell Seokjin’s distinct scent. It was the scent of a father, a lover, a best friend. You clung to your smile and deeply breathed in his aura.
He sighed at the enchanting sight in front of him. He held back tears of joy and nodded to himself.
This is mine. This is ours. Ours to keep and love forever, to cherish and nurture. And this is just the beginning.
Thank you for reading!
I’m accepting requests for anything :)
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