duragan-realms · 2 years
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Whippo are large basal armored draconiformes that occupy niches similar to ground sloths on earth
They are usually adorned with horns and spikes plates as defense from the large predators they live with like gryphons, flying and flightless wyverns, centaurodiles, and dura
They are fairly aggressive animals that have poor eyesight and rely mostly on mana perception, hearing, and smell to detect predators and use their clawed hands to defend themselves
While doing this they stand on their hind legs and spread their arms wide similar to an anteater on earth but scaled up to sauropod sizes
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radiogreen · 2 years
til whales (and other cetaceans) are most closely related to hippos, both being a kind of even-toed ungulate in the suborder whippomorpha
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haloswrld · 8 months
i’m trying to edit this paper for submission and my baby brother is playing ninjago so loudly
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According to Jeffery David Whippo, School Choice Enhances Academic Results
The advantages of school choice are outlined by Jeffery David Whippo. He claims that the value of a neighborhood's homes is frequently impacted by the caliber of its educational system. He says every child is different, with their own needs, skills, and flaws. While some children learn best when presented visually, others absorb knowledge best when spoken aloud. As a result, selecting a school for your child ought to be a careful and deliberate choice.
Whippo adds that selecting a school of one's choosing enhances academic performance. Families with school-choice options can afford to send their children to school. Furthermore, granting pupils the ability to attend private schools with vouchers would raise academic achievement and performance. In addition, educational choice helps the impoverished and lessens racial segregation. Furthermore, as competition produces better outcomes, it raises the caliber of public education.
Students can leave neighborhoods where bullying, gang-related violence, or other forms of school violence are prevalent by using school choice alternatives. Furthermore, parents that use their school choice alternatives are quite happy with the school their child has selected.
According to Jeffery D Whippo, school choice is a desirable option that should be implemented more widely. With the help of these options, students—even the most impoverished ones—can do more than they could in public schools.
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Jeffery David Whippo Explains the Failure of Socialism
Jeffery David Whippo explains the drawbacks of socialism by pointing out that it results in sluggish economic growth, fewer competition and opportunity for entrepreneurs, and maybe lower personal motivation among people. Critics even go so far as to say that it has low feasibility, produces diminished prosperity, distorts or eliminates pricing signals, and has detrimental social and political ramifications.
Jeffery claims that the reason socialism fails is that it is incompatible with the core ideas of human behavior. One major flaw of socialism that has caused it to fail in many nations is that it is an incentive-blind system.
According to Jeffery D Whippo, incentives are either completely disregarded or play a very small part in socialism. Socialism is a theory at odds with human nature and bound to fail because it ignores incentives. In general, the idea that incentives are irrelevant is the foundation of socialism.
According to Whippo, the socialist countries are not implementing pure socialism, which is why socialism has failed rather than its shortcomings. Therefore, the only reason socialism fails is because it is flawed. The incapacity of socialism to function under an accounting system based on competition also contributed to its downfall. Rather than constantly reallocating resources to achieve better efficiency, socialism spirals toward failure and inefficiency.
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jefferywhippo · 7 months
According to Jeffery Whippo, School Choice is Important Since It Affects Students' Success
The importance of school choice alternatives is explained by Jeffery Whippo. In his opinion, the implementation of school choice alternatives has improved the general caliber of nearby schools. These days, school choice is all the rage since it allows parents to be more involved in their kids' education.
He claims that when choice is given, underperforming schools are held to a greater standard of accountability. In order to attract new students, failing schools are compelled to discover ways to enhance student performance. According to him, student safety is positively impacted by school choice. When selecting a school, parents often point to school safety as a major factor.
Furthermore, children from low-income families can attend higher-performing schools, which promote better educational outcomes, when choice is granted to them. Furthermore, even pupils who are very likely to fail can succeed when parents have control over where their children attend school.
According to Jeff Whippo, school choice is important because it will provide parents more control over their children's education and is essential to their success. School choice is intended to be advantageous to the student. Government should not impose its will on education; instead, it should be developed and modified in response to student needs.
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jeffwhippo · 9 months
Jeffery Whippo believes that organizational structures help businesses make sure that all of the tasks necessary for profitable operations get assigned to the right people.
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sigmaleph · 20 days
there is a clade called whippomorpha, where the 'whippo' bit is a portmanteau of whale and hippo. because it contains whales and hippos.
there is a different clade called hippomorpha, which does not contain hippos (it contains horses and horse relatives)
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bifriedrice · 1 year
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take these old whippos
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4d-hypermoth · 8 months
The best scientific name for an animal clade I've come across is without a doubt Whippomorpha.
Biologists needed a name for the group within Artiodactyla that includes the whales & dolphins + their closest relatives, the hippos.
Whale. Hippo. Whippo. Whippomorpha.
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r0sedevil · 3 years
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cruelandshameless · 4 years
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literally no one asked but i need everyone to see how fancy my dog looks in her pyjamas
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daddy-kaii · 8 years
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That flash filter
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jeffwhippous · 3 years
Jeffery David Whippo Explains that Effective Strategic Planning Brings Together Vision and Execution
Jeffery David Whippo shares his views on requisites for successful strategic planning. According to him, a strong strategic plan positions the organization for success and clearly defines it at every level. It is a common mistake that we see businesses is starting tactical initiative execution without first communicating and aligning on the goal.
Strategic planning process involves organization to perform steps that include building the foundation strategic vision and mission. It also includes committing to goals that drive overall health and developing a long-term plan to achieve the goals.
Jeffery D Whippo strongly believes that an effective strategy brings together vision and execution. These strategies are typically only shared within an organization and ideally built around an organization’s needs and market context. Moreover, these should map long-term plans to objectives and actionable steps, foster innovative thinking, as well as anticipate and mitigate potential pitfalls.
In order to execute strategy, an approach provides a methodology. It further guides an organization on how to execute the strategic plan. Apart from this, tactics are also used that are focused initiatives that allow organizations to execute a strategic plan. These are the key to execution and are the actions that you take to make it all happen.
According to Jeffery David Whippo, strategic planning involves the engagement of all levels of staff throughout the organization. The engagement generates additional input and helps build their commitment to the end plan.
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jefferydwhippoblogs · 3 years
Jeffery David Whippo Feels that Purpose of Environmental Scanning is to Provide Entrepreneur With a Roadmap to the Changes
Jeffery David Whippo explains the importance of environmental scanning within an organization. He believes that environment of the business is extremely changing and thus the organization needs to keep a close check at its environment via environmental scanning.
Environmental scanning meaning is the gathering of information from an organization's internal and external environment, and careful monitoring of these environments to identify future threats and opportunities. It is the analyses of all factors that may affect the future of the organization.
According to Whippo, there are various tasks that are accompanied by those in charge of environmental scanning. It systematically surveys and interprets relevant data to identify external opportunities and threats that could influence future decisions. He believes that environmental scanning is aimed at helping management determine the future direction of the organization.
Jeffery D Whippo feels that the purpose of this process is to provide the entrepreneur with a roadmap to the changes likely to happen in the future. This way they can adapt the business to overcome the threats and capitalize on the opportunities coming their way.
Adding more to the importance of environmental scanning, Whippo believes that environmental scanning will allow the firm to prepare for future threats and opportunities while at the same time eliminating their weaknesses and improving on their strengths.
Moreover, the planning of long-term objectives can only occur after proper analysis and environmental scanning. It will help the entrepreneur plan the necessary business strategy.
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Jeffery David Whippo Provides an American Perspective on Communist China
Jeffery David Whippo provides an American perspective on communist China. Most Americans harbor chilly feelings about China. They hardly ever discussed the Chinese people or the rich cultural heritage of their nation. Rather, they concentrated mostly on the Chinese government, its programs, and its economics. Americans no longer think China will support human rights or the US.
Furthermore, according to Jeffery D Whippo, Americans are becoming less and less sympathetic to China's perceived danger to the US. 60% of Americans hold a negative opinion of China, which is a record high since the Pew Research Center started posing the question in 2018. This is an increase from 47% in 2018. Sixty-four percent of Americans disapproved of China's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in October 2020. Nowadays, the vast majority of them view China as an adversary or rival. Even Canadians believe that China is a far greater threat to the US and Western civilization than Russia is.
When asked which nation poses the greatest threat to the United States, former Vice President Joe Biden said that China is the biggest rival and Russia the greatest menace. He asserts that China, under the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, is far more dangerous than Russia and not just a nation with which we compete.
According to Jeffery David Whippo, the Chinese Communist Party has taken a far more assertive, demanding, confrontational, and punitive stance in its foreign policy.
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